#papa bear is too far gone
zapreportsblog · 10 months
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queen of the ball
your ours
bonds beyond blood
a haunting resemblance
tangled in duty
im not easily impressed but when I am then im impressed
ending things
a nocturnal sojourn
installing fear into their hearts
protecting what’s theirs
target on my back
moments like these
forced to stay
as long as you’re okay
caius knows best
unexpected bonds
an unconventional union
the enchanting dance
the beginning of understanding
the hybrids protector
headcanon : you as the volturi mate with Cassie personality
bleeding me dry like a got damn vampire
baked goodness
she’s just too damn good
how would the volturi react to someone with the gifts similar to the scarlet witch
your end and your beginning
how the volturi would react to their mate who’s both repulsed and fears them for killing innocent people
different type of yandere the volturi can turn out to be
how yandere volturi would react to their human escaping
how they react to you kissing them on the lips unexpectedly
i need love and affection
damsel in distress
too far gone
i can handle my own
happy birthday
the end of the road
our other half
don’t mess with the guardian
a day to remember
tattoos and bar talks
getting through mama bear
home from war
my sweet boy
the non shifter
wedding singer
waking up
the cold never bothered me anyways
the past needs to stay in the past
a lifelong bond
not a people person
afraid of love
finding my voice
the storms rolling in
heed my warnings
getting through mama bear
forget me not
an unconventional union
true mates
my sweet boy
the mating pull
the non shifter
wedding singer
how they react to you getting a tongue ring
waking up
a blast from the past
little fairy girl
the cold never bothered me anyways
the past needs to stay in the past
fear of rejection
the hybrids protector
a lifelong bond
show some respect boy
not a people person
the witch hybrid and her companion
the witch hybrid and her companion 2
afraid of love
like a bear in hibernation
blood cravings
perfectly imperfect
the predators and their prey
shadowed hearts
the pairing
how’d he react to his gender neutral partner wearing his hoodies/shirts because they are oversized on them
whenever, wherever, however
the night we met
checking in on you
the non shifter
the past needs to stay in the past
a lifelong bond
the witch hybrid and her companion 
the witch hybrid and her companion 2
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mintspider · 8 months
Reiko pregnancy HC's
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As always, my writing is by an adult and 1000% meant for the enjoyment of other adults. Minors dni.
Very slight nsfw (if you squint) mostly just fuzzy feel good fictional mush and most likely ooc.
Congratulations! You're the lucky person to be knocked up with Reikos baby.  Let's explore what my (baby fever addled) mind stirred up for this topic, shall we?
The day you spilled the beans about your pregnancy is the most important day of his life. He avenged his family. He's won wars. He's tamed a dragon, hell, even being with you ranks up pretty high up there on the list but a baby? His baby! you've successfully given this man the only thing he's ever wanted since he was orphaned and that is biological family.
He might appear deadpaned but as he brings his hands to your face ever so gently, he gazed profoundly into your eye's with diamond ores, you know deep in your heart he's the happiest man alive. Proven when he lifts you in his big strong arms, spins you around and then crushes you into to his chest and kisses you breathless.
FYI. It's WAY too early but he built a crib the same week you made your announcement. In fact, Reiko will make most of the baby's furniture.
If you thought this man was handsy before be prepared for it to be ramped up to 1000%. You aren't even showing yet but he's finding every excuse to press his palm to your belly (and everywhere, for that matter)
He's going to try an fuck you as often as possible as your growing.
His hand pressed against your lower back when you both are out and about is now, you guessed it! Holding your belly. His need to protect (and show off) his person and child being his number one priority.
Got morning sickness? Reiko is right there with you holding your hair away from your face and rubbing your back and giving you soothing affirmations.
If he sees you struggling in any way, he's right there to help you. 
Back aching? Massage. Feet swollen? Massage.
You're rubbing your lower back and trying to stretch? Here's Reiko, pressed behind you with his calloused hands gently holding your baby bump up for support and ease the strain on your body.
Got cravings in the middle of the night for something that isn't in your shared home? Sit back and relax! Whether near or far, Papa Bear is dressed and on the mission to bring you back whatever his baby wants!
Because Reiko is high ranking you have access to the best healers in Outworld to oversee your birthing journey and He'll be at every single appointment. Asking questions, gaining knowledge and losing his mind with excitement as everything progresses along.
He does not care what you have. To him. You and the baby's health are all that matters.
He's going to try the breast milk. (I will not elaborate)
You've gone into labor! But no worries, Reiko, the ever disciplined soldier has everything under control! Everything you'll need is together (packed months ago tbh) and ready to go! He'll carry everything, even you.
Good luck keeping him out of the delivery room. There's no way you're going through that without him at your side! Offering words of encouragement, getting you what ever you need, even a hand to break if need be but he's with you to the end. And by the gods, was it worth it to see you become the fiercest warrior he's ever laid eyes on in your efforts to bring your infant into the world. He's SO. FUCKING. PROUD of you.
He's definitely going to let you sleep off your exhaustion. You slowly open your eyes in the softly lit room and the first thing you see is your love, Reiko, eyes closed and shirtless holding the tiny baby to his big chest as if it were made of glass, his fingers soothing soft circles against the infants back (they told him skin to skin contact from the father is just as important as the mother) the peace on his face makes your heart swell with pride as you gently place your hand on his thigh, stiring his eyes open to look at you, an honest smile forming on his mouth.
He heard the baby "hungry" fussing in the bassinet beside your shared bed that woke him but not you? He'll gently wake you,  letting you know the baby has to eat while easing you up enough for him to slide behind you to keep you propped up, then lean over, easily lifting the baby up to help you situate it against your breast, keeping it aloft and allowing you to doze against him while nourishing his pride and joy.
He is 1000% the type of dad to transport his baby on his chest/back in one of those infant wrap carriers. He doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks about it either. Proud equal parenting in this house. 👏👏👏
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goodday-goodmorn · 6 months
Not used to posting things so fast- But the brain worms have infected me and @auspicioustidings concepts give me life. Once again- another from them, i felt contractually obligated to write this because my auntie is in Vegas for her birthday right now.
The concept in question
Not the after effects of waking up- but rather the proposal itself. This one’s short cause i pumped it out real quick. Just a little dabble.
Ah Vegas. City of love. Wait no that was Paris- city of… sin? Well that sounded too much like a trashy YA romance novel for your tastes so- Vegas, City of…
Vegas: City!
God maybe you should lay off the M and M’s. Lavender and Bright cyan blue little things from the M and M factory are making you really taste the rainbow. Shit that was skittles catchphrase wasn’t it? Actually- did M and M’s even have a catchphrase other than the sexy brown M and M? Though that was less a phrase more a person. Er- candy. Chocolate.
Pah! You should have never gone to the M and M factory. Stupid little chocolate candy is making you think far more than you can handle right now.
Seriously it’s messing with your head. You’d better get rid of them.
You throw your M and M factory bag onto the floor, watching all the candies scatter the pavement in an explosion of color. That's why the pretty colors are so dangerous and not sold in the normal packs. They make people all loopy. Cause there’s no other reason you would be so outta sorts.
Except maybe the daiquiri you’d had. And the Manhattan. And those shots. And whatever that weird drink in a glowing lightbulb was.
Okay maybe it wasn’t the M and M’s.
Which means you just threw them out for nothing oh no! 20 dollars down the drain. And your M and M’s!
You whine mournfully over the loss, sinking to the ground dramatically and cradling one of the cyan shelled candies close.
“Is everything all… right?”
You barely register the voice- British and a bit rugged- before you are drunkenly rambling out-
“No- i thought my M and M’s were evil but they weren’t and i killed them for nothing!” You cry out, the words making you even more emotional, you pathetically sob, holding the cyan candy in your palms to your chest.
“Come back! Liveee please. Papa didn’t mean it i swear, i didn’t know what i was saying- you got me all tongue tied!”
Oh british man has a very nice voice, so smooth and gentle, more than you were expecting.
“It’s alright love. We can get you some more candies.”
You sniffle.
He smiles like some sort of teddy bear. Gentle and soft.
“Yes really. Just gotta get you back to wherever you’re stayin at first. It’s dangerous for a pretty girl to be on the street like this.”
You nod sollumly. “For the m and m’s yeah. Hard shells- but thin. Can’t be carrying em’ out in the cold. Poor little fellows can’t stand it.”
“Think you should be worrying about yourself first love.”
He really does look a teddy bear when he smiles. A very warm and cuddly teddy bear. Very warm. And you are oh so cold. Maybe…
“…maybe i’m and M and M.”
You mumble with a little frown, looking away from his oh so pretty eyes to instead stare at the cracked M and M in your hand.
He chuckles, it’s a nice sound.
“Com’re lovely. You’re shiverin.”
He held you up and you cling to him naturally. To your disappointment and utter display he is not as soft as a Teddy bear. Such false advertising. When you burry your head in his chest, while warm and soothing- it is firm with muscle. Hard just like his arms and co-
“Not exactly what i meant by that sweetheart.”
He’s pushing you away! Away from the warmth.
“No, I'm an M and M- gotta be warm or else I'll crack! Do you want me to die?”You whine out trying to stay close but he’s very strong, holding you firmly away from his toned chest.
(And raging boner. Not that you noticed it.)
“I know, I know- here. I’ll give you my coat.”
He wraps you up in his thick but soft coat and you relax immediately, snuggling into the fabric. With your eyes closed you hear the rumble of his chuckle.
“There’s a girl. Nice and warm now?”
You nod, making a drowsy and soft little “Yup.”
“Good. Now come’on. You know where's your hotel at?”
“Huh? We can’t go there! We gotta get more M and M’s first. Silly.”
“Right, course. Silly me.”
You giggle a bit hysterical. He agrees with you so easily, letting you link arms with him and walking you to the M and M factory. He’s so silly. With his cozy coat and koala-esc smile and pretty eyes and rumbly voice and-
“I think m’ in love with you.” You slur out, gazing at him with half lidded eyes.
“Shouldn’t say stuff like that sweetheart. Might give a guy ideas.”
Ah Ideas, you’ve got a lot of ideas. So many fun ones- but mostly one that you blurt out after he gently pushed your hand away when you tried to pay for your new M and M’s.
“I think I wanna kiss you.”
Price pauses as he tugs you outside the shop. Looks down at you, clinging to his arm, wrapped up in his coat; with the sweetest face and clearly wasted out of your mind. Price isn’t a good man. A good man would have called you a cab to get you back to your hotel. Would have asked if you had any friends to get you there. Would have gently told you to go to the stupid M and M factory another time.
He’s not a good man but even Price isn’t fucked up enough to take advantage of a pretty drunk girl. Even if his self control is wilting the more time he spends around the mess that is you.
He shakes his head with a little sigh, leaning down close to you and mumbling.
“S’ not a good idea to kiss strangers love.”
“So then marry me and we won’t be strangers.”
…Self control John. Self control.
“Will you marry me please?”
You plead with the teddy bear man, he’s just so cozy and pretty you can’t help it. You wanna kiss him soooo bad but he’s right you can’t kiss a stranger! But if he was your husband then it would be perfectly acceptable. And you are an ordained minister technically so it all works out!
Price looks at you, your pleading eyes, your softness, you wrapped up in his coat and clinging to his arm. Pretty little thing.
…He deserves to let his self control slip just this once right?
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star-going-supernova · 2 months
After Freddy and Gregory leave in the loading dock ending, they stop for the night while still in the van. Sometime during the night, a robber, thinking the van is abandoned, tries to rob it. And... well, do not mess with a papa bear.
I love a good excuse to write Outsider POV! Also, I have never tried to break into a car, so that’s your warning if our van thief is doing something wrong, lol. 
Beware of “Dog”
The sun hadn’t even risen yet, and Cole was currently trying to break into a van. 
Look. In his defense, it had to be abandoned. Why else would a van be haphazardly parked on the gravel shoulder of the road? And so far from anything resembling a town or city, too. So yeah, finders keepers and all that. 
Whether or not someone intended to come back for it wasn’t his problem. 
Frustrated, Cole growled around the flashlight in his mouth as he pulled his tools back again. If he couldn’t get the door unlocked on this next try, he’d resort to plan B, as in, Break The Window. He’d still get a pretty penny for the van, but it’d go for more if it was fully intact. 
He shook his hands loose, flexing his stiff fingers. Before he could start again, he heard a quiet tink, the sound of something gently hitting glass. 
Cole looked up from his hunch over the door handle. 
With the flashlight’s beam reflecting off the window, it took him a moment to see past the glass. But when he did, he dropped his tools and stepped back, suddenly shaking. The flashlight slipped free from his slack jaw and flickered off when it hit the gravely ground. 
Two pinpricks of bright white light stared out at him from inside the van. They bobbed and followed him, watching. The faintest impression of a large, inhuman silhouette was just barely visible in the dark.
A deep growl cut through Cole’s startled panic. And then, if that wasn’t bad enough, it changed into a low, rumbling chuckle. The hair on the back of Cole’s neck rose. 
Abandoning his tools, Cole scrambled away from the van with a squeal that he wasn’t proud of. He practically knocked his dirt bike over in his haste to start it, and just as the engine spluttered to life, he heard the clunk of the door opening behind him. 
He didn’t stay to find out what sort of monster had made the van its home. He punched it, front tire briefly leaving the ground as he lurched forward, and a scream stayed caught in his throat for the first mile or two before he finally dared to look back to make sure he wasn’t being chased down. 
The road was empty behind him. 
When he fearfully returned the next afternoon with his friends, the van was gone.
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agere-fics · 1 month
Doctor Papa
dni: k!nk, anti-agere, agepl4y, or ddlg-esque blogs 🍄 this blog is a safe space for age regressors and age dreamers 🍄
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pairing: caregiver!papa!bruce banner x regressor!little!reader
characters: uncle thor, bruce banner, reader, mentions of: steve, bucky, sam, and tony stark.
summary: you have to get MRIs done but you're nervous. thank goodness, papa knows how to cheer you up.
word count: 1,751
content warnings: MRIs, hospital gown, reader is written like they're a child's height, no mention of a particular chronic illness, please tell me if i'm missing anything
author's note: tadaa!! all done! this is the most i've written for a one shot! very proud of myself. also, this is inspired by me having to get MRIs done recently ajfhs
Sometimes stuff we've done lots of times can still seem scary; which is annoying because who wants to feel anxious about the same exact thing over and over again?
You have to get these scans done by tomorrow. With every heart of your being, you wished that wasn't true but your previous scans were too old.
Luckily, your papa had a trick up his sleeve.
He told you to stay here, in this gigantic, empty, white walled room. It was utterly boring, there were no paintings or statues or anything. Not even toys! Well, okay, you had your Mr. Rainy Day Bear but still! At least there were floor to ceiling windows- OH, and a skylight, too. Those are always nice.
While you waited for Bruce to come back, you watched what went on outside. There was Tony using his latest invention to attempt to lift Uncle Thor’s hammer. Tony still had no idea that it couldn't possibly work! How silly of him.
Bucky, Sam, and Steve stood in a far apart triangle. They were tossing around the Captain America shield like a Frisbee, guffawing, and yelling things that were joyously incomprehensible. It looked like lots of fun! Definitely more fun than MRIs. Maybe, they would let you join in later.
The double doors of the empty room swung open and papa’s humongous green form entered.
“Okayyy, love bug, I've grabbed all the cardboard pieces from recycling that weren't gross.” He grimaced thinking about the black, moldy gunk that spoiled some previously useful parts. He shrunk back down to Bruce Banner size after dumping the cardboard into a large pile. “We should have enough for our little art project.”
“Art project?” You looked at him expectantly. Your eyes were actually lit up with stars of joy this time, instead of meteor shower anxiety.
The idea was to make a cardboard MRI machine. Having an art project to focus on would comfort and reassure you about the process you would go through tomorrow. If he could make it fun, your anxiety wouldn't be so bad.
“I’ve seen the machine before, papa, I can make the bestest one yet!” You hopped on your toes, giddy with tight, flapping fists.
“I grabbed your sticker books and some paint, too-”
Mission accomplished. Anxiety gone, replaced with magical cure Art Project™. Bruce smirked to himself.
You laid down on a tall, square cardboard piece. Bruce traced your form with a sharpie as you giggled. Once you had the correct length, you both began cutting a rectangular piece and put that piece on a metal cart with wheels.
Then, you cut out half circle pieces and hot glued them all together until it made one large 4D sphere with a hole in the middle like a donut.
At one point, the glue burned you but Papa Bruce fixed it right up and stopped the booboo pain with a cure-all kiss.
Your cardboard MRI machine may look done to outsiders but it wasn't even close. It was missing the most important part of all: the stickers! There were heart stickers, stickers with dolphins, rainbow stickers, puppy stickers, stickers that had Mr. Hulk and Papa on them, too! There were even stickers of Stevey, Bucky, Iron Man, and Uncle Thor! Papa said for your birthday he'd make stickers with you on them, too.
You also painted squiggles, polka dots, lines, circles, triangles, kitty cats, and zig zags. All of them in your most favoritest color.
“There!” You stood proudly, hands on your hips. “Now, it's very, very pretty, papa.”
Papa gave you a minute and then asked, “Are you ready to practice?”
You blinked and sighed. Defeat warping your mood. “Yeah...”
Papa spun away, put a doctor's coat on, and then turned back, holding a clipboard. “Alright, are you the caregiver for Mr. Rainy Day Bear?”
“Yeah, papa.” You lightened up a little bit.
“Papa? No, I'm Doctor Doctor. Who's papa?”
“You're papaaa!” You pointed at him.
“Okay, okay I'm Doctor Papa.” He repeated, “Are you the caregiver of Mr. Rainy Day Bear?”
You tilted your chin up and did a faux British accent. “Why, yes, sir. He's feeling very, very bad and needs a scan.”
“Ah, yes, I see that on his chart, Caregiver.” He flipped through the scribbled pages on the clipboard. “Let's have. Mr. Bear lay down on the table with his head on the pillow.” Bruce gestured with his hand.
You laid your stuffie down on the pretend bed, placing Mr. Bear’s head gently on the pillow. You patted his hand for good measure.
Doctor Papa put ear plugs into the bear's ears and placed cushy pink headphones on him. The headphones had cat ears on them. Papa raised his voice a little, “Mr. Rainy Day Bear, what kind of music do you like to listen to?”
“Doctor Papa, Mr. Bear is nonverbal.” you said matter of factly. You raised your pointer finger to the sky. “I’ll answer for him. He likes The Wiggles, Papa- I mean Doctor Papa.”
“Alrighty then, The Wiggles album coming right up.” Bruce pulled out his phone, scrolling until he found the right music. “Wiggles rave?”
You nodded, then kissed the tippity top of Rainy Day’s head. “You'll be okay, Mr. Bear.”
Bruce began to push the cardboard bed into the donut sphere. You took a big, big deep breath in.
That breath was immediately released back into the atmosphere. “PAPAAA!” You clutched your chest, laughing so hard your legs felt weak.
You were rolling on the floor, tears leaving your eyes. How silly of your papa!
“BRRRRRrrrrrr….” Papa rolled the cardboard bed out of the donut. “How are you feeling Mr. Bear?”
“Papa, he can't hear you!”
Bruce laughed. “Oh, yeah, right.” He removed the headphones and then the earplugs. “How is the fantastic Mr. Bear?”
You lifted Mr. Bear’s paws and had him sign to Bruce, ‘I am okay.’
“Perfect! Let's take a look at your scans here…” Papa turned around and scribbled quickly on the paper. When he faced you again, he showed you the scan. It was a poorly constructed scribble of Mr. Rainy Day Bear with a big, biiiiiiiig, heart right in the middle. “I knew it, Lots-Of-Love-itis.”
You unburied the British accent. “Quite good, sir. Well done, Mr. Bear.” You placed a hulk sticker on his paw and hugged him tightly.
Papa kneeled down and asked, “Do you want to practice with you this time?”
You gave it a thought, looking this way and that. “Hmmm, will you make the funny noises again?”
“Not right now, Papa!” You shouted with a smile.
“Oh, during the practice?” He waited for you to finish rolling your eyes. “Yeah, I can do that.”
“Okay…” You breathed in, out, in, and out slowly. “Let's practice, Doctor Papa.”
“Big day, lille venn.” Uncle Thor said as he helped tie the back of your hospital gown. He double knotted the strings behind your neck and then the ones by your hip. “There you are. All set.”
You frowned at that, looking at Thor with big, watery eyes. “Not all set.”
“It'll be okay.” His hands (placed on your shoulders) turned you to face him. “Remember your breathing?”
“Let's do it together.” He raised his left hand as you did the same. “Climb Yggdrasil, breathe in.”
You traced up your pointer finger.
“Let's sit at the very top, hold your breath.”
You paused at the tip of your finger.
“Slide down the Yggdrasil branches, breathe out.”
You traced down your pointer finger.
Uncle Thor had you repeat that four more times, until the tears dried and the anxiety flowed further away.
“Very good, great job. Let's go see Papa.” He held your hand as he walked you towards the scary room. Worse than the boring room from yesterday.
You turned the corner and there was Papa at the computer. “Hey there! The computer’s prepped and waiting for you, little one.”
You looked at Papa, then Uncle Thor, and then Papa again. “Okay… I'm ready.”
Papa led you to the metal bed. It was rectangular and thin. A sheet was laid out on it so you wouldn't get super cold. There was a thick pillow on the end that had your favorite kitty cat pillowcase on it, which made the corners of your lips turn upwards.
Papa pressed an arrow down bottom next to the donut sphere that brought the bed down to your level. He held your hand as you hopped on and then helped position you onto the center. He guided you through a big, deep breath so that your body was as comfortable on the table as can be instead of tense.
Next came pink headphones with cutesy kitty ears on them and plain boring ear plugs so that your hearing wasn't hurt from the loud noises. Papa already set up your favorite kind of music so when the headphones were placed on you, it was already playing. Bruce furrowed his brow in question, moving his thumb up and down. You replied with a thumbs up. You were ready.
Bruce handed you a panic button to hold just in case and laid a blanket over you to keep you warm. Papa kissed the top of your head and left the room.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath in and out.
‘It's okay. I'm okay.’
‘Woohoo, I'm doing awesome!’
‘This is boring, it's got to have been a bajillion minutes by now.’
After ten years (minutes), the machine stopped and Papa walked back into the room. He gave you a high five and bunches of praises that you only heard some of because of all the ear protectors. But you could tell by his facial expressions that he was so very proud of you.
He pressed the arrow down button again and the bed began moving to an easier height. You removed the headphones and earplugs yourself, you felt like such a big kid (in the best way)!
You stretched this way and that while making funny noises which made you abrupt into hearty giggles.
Bruce held your hand as you jumped down. Next thing you knew, he was hugging you tightly, picking you up, and spinning you around and around!
“I'm so very, very proud of you, bumble bee!”
You kissed his cheek. “Thank you, Papa!”
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wrathofrats · 3 months
Adding onto me and @divine-misfortunes delta lore bc we had a conversation that led to this fic and the entire thing destroyed me so I hope it destroys everyone else too
To understand this fic please see this and this, this fic acts as somewhat of a third installment. I’m so proud of this one honestly I’m loving this little series
Pebble visits delta after Terzo dies, omega confronts him afterwards.
Wc: 2k
Rating: teen
Warnings for: hurt no comfort, light descriptions of bodily damage/harm, major character death, implied upcoming character death, complex morality (no one is in the wrong or right), its angst yall and its sad.
Pebble twirls the key in his hands before putting it in the lock. He debates the entire time. Argues with himself through every click of the pins if he should be visiting delta again. He does this everytime, mulls the situation over in his mind until the idea feels like it’s been pureed into mush. Ultimately as the door handle turns, pebble always decides he has to.
Terzo died a couple months ago. Murdered in cold blood while the ghouls were left to fend for themselves as the church scrambled. None of them handled it well, the worst of it leading to pebble barely leaving him room for a month, let alone to make the visit to see delta.
Part of him hopes there won’t be anything there when he opens the door. Hopes that delta succumbed and his suffering is over for his own sake. He was locked in this room ages ago after an attack. Pebble tries not to blame delta for it, his own mind and body are trying to kill him, honestly he doesn’t think he knew any better. But it was for everyone’s safety, they didn’t want to risk it happening again. The other selfish half of him hopes for the worst so he won’t have to hear delta talk about their beloved papa.
Terzo used to make the visit with pebble. Deltas blind and unwavering obedience made Terzo happy, if not feeling ever guilty about what happened to him. He partially blames himself, thought delta has always insisted he shouldn’t.
Their eyes never meet. Terzo can’t stand to see the deathly color of his irises. The visits only last a couple minutes simply to make delta happy even if they end up making the other two wildly uncomfortable. Pebble winces whenever delta asks if he’s allowed to be let out yet, if omega found a solution. He doesn’t notice both of them sharing a knowing look, a solemn expression on their faces.
The sight of delta gets worse as time passes. The color in his eyes eternally fading into a soulless black, parts of his skin unnaturally stretched to cover the bone that juts out, pebble sometimes wonders if it’s even painful to him anymore. If the quintessence that shreds his humanity affects his ability to feel it eat at him or if it’s taken even that away from him also.
“You came back” delta beams, standing from his desk to greet pebble.
A small lamp illuminates the room in a warm yellow hue. It’s the only light he’s given besides the overhead fluorescent bulb that had been wired into the ceiling. There’s no windows for natural sunlight, only bright blinding white like he’s on some kind of display, or the old lamp pebble brought him. Dust particles float through the dingy light, pebble wonders the last time anything has been properly cleaned up there.
“Yeah, sorry, been hectic around the abbey” pebble mumbles into deltas shoulder.
“I thought you had gone and forgotten about me”
It’s a dry attempt at humor but the guilt makes pebbles stomach churn. He knows he hasn’t been back in a while, weeks, a month or more at most.
Pebble doesn’t mean to be away for so long. The weight of being the only ghoul who acts like delta is even still alive is almost too heavy to bear for him sometimes. He doesn’t think he’s even heard Delta's name spoken in months. The rest of the ghouls think he’s dangerous, or too far gone that he’s not worth the time. The burden to make up that energy falls onto pebble, eating him alive.
It’s always long stretches of weeks where he can’t bear to see him, or times where he should probably just bring a pillow and blanket up there since he practically lives in the room.
Neither feel good
“I could never forget about you sea glass” pebble finally says, stepping away from the embrace.
“Sea glass?” Delta gives him a confused look that makes pebbles chest ache.
“Yeah, just a nickname, do you like it?”
He really shouldn’t have expected him to remember, the small shred of hope that delta even remembered that pebble hasn’t seen him in a while soon fizzled out at the reality that delta doesn’t remember most things anymore.
“Its nice” he smiles. “Has papa fallen ill? He hasn’t come to see me in a while”
The question is innocent but it puts daggers in pebbles chest. It makes him feel sick to his stomach. He could avoid the question entirely and hope by the time the topic is changed he will have already forgotten about the passing thought, but he knows that delta will always come back to this question, even if he can avoid it for the time being.
He never told delta what happened. It would absolutely break the last bit of him that’s still in there and he doesn’t know if he can lose what he has left of his friend.
“He did a little bit ago, maybe you just forgot again” pebble mumbles to avoid the situation entirely. It’s always the debate to tell him old stories as if they happened yesterday, and praying he loses himself enough that Terzo would never come up again. He’s honestly not sure he will even remember if he decided to tell him. Doesn’t think either of them deserve the pain to speak of it. It’s not worth it if it will only be temporary.
It’s late when he returns to the ghoul wings. He walks alone in the dark and carries his jacket despite the cold. A static numb feeling from seeing his friend still in his decaying state combated by the wind that feels like needles poking into his skin.
The common room is warm and still lit when he walks in, the smell of artificial cheese making him cringe from his stomach still not being settled.
Omega stands to steer pebble into the kitchen before he can make a beeline for his room. A look of tired worry lighting up a bit when he sees pebble walk in after the long night. It’s bitter sweet, they may not be on good terms but omega still cares about him.
Pebble doesn’t want to admit that he’s starving when omega sets the bowl of Mac and cheese in front of him. Clearly not left from the dinner he missed, no, omega made it afterwards knowing pebble would be back and the steam coming from it only makes a knot form in his throat.
“Why do you keep doing this to yourself?” omega asks, sitting across from him.
He doesn’t know where to begin with that answer
His instinctual reaction is to get angry, shove the bowl away and spit something along the lines of “well no one else will fucking do anything for him” but the longer he sits with the bitter words they just die, too exhausted to want to fight like he usually would in this situation.
He doesn’t want to blame his mates for not putting themselves through what he does. The horrific scenario of watching your friend be ripped apart at the seams, slowly dying in front of you isn’t something he would wish on anyone. Another part of him just desperately wants someone else to care. Pebble doesn't like to think about it too much because the internal debate gnaws at his heart and makes him resent more than he wants to.
After more than a couple seconds pebble realizes he hasn’t answered omega who is staring at him concerned, and honestly he doesn’t know if he can choke out an excuse without tears.
“Pebble.. I’m worried about you”
“I don’t need to be worried about” pebble bites back, voice pitching as he wrinkles his nose in an attempt to stave off his crying.
“You can’t keep doing this to yourself” omega reasons. He sounds soft, as if trying to soothe the ghoul on the brink of a breakdown in front of him. Hoping the words will bring him back down.
“What else am I supposed to do? Leave him like the rest of you?!” Pebble nearly wails.
Omega expected that kind of answer. Pebbles said it to him more times than he can count. Blaming him for leaving delta and not helping him even after he’s insisted there’s nothing he can do beyond what he has, or blaming him for not visiting even though it makes him sick. He can never come up with an excuse that sounds reasonable to his conscience, no matter how much the words carve into him.
He also blames himself, and maybe a sick part of him just wants to hear pebble berate him to quell the ache in his bones that he’s done something terribly wrong, to hear it from someone else so it’s not just an absent thought he can ignore.
Honestly maybe that’s why he stayed up. He loves pebble, would do anything for the younger ghoul but a part of him feels like he needs to care for pebble to make up for the way everyone abandoned delta. He wants to prove himself, wants the acknowledgement from the ghoul that hates him most that he’s not actually evil.
Omega tries to respond rationally, all things considered.
“He’s not well pebble, what if he did something to you?”
“After what happened he’s not the one i'm worried about omega.” Pebble grits. Fork abandoned on the table, eyes low to dissipate the tears.
Some sick selfish part of pebble latches onto the thought. He almost wishes delta would hurt him so he would have an excuse to stop seeing him without the guilt eating him alive. A motif in his brain of hoping for the worst of his friend partially to end deltas suffering, partially to end his own.
Omega thinks the same in his own awful corner of his mind. Just one incident to prove he’s not a monster and that no one goes up there for a reason. For delta to hurt pebble enough to scare him and have him running back to ask omega to heal him and admit he was wrong.
It’s mostly to help his own guilt, and he knows that.
The words feel like a sticky residue in his mouth as omega tries to conjure a response.
“I didn’t do it pebble. You know that.” He focuses his gaze down, as if even he doesn’t believe the words he’s saying. He didn’t do it, he’s right about that. But it’s hard to not convince himself there was something he could’ve done.
“You dont do a lot of things don’t you?”
“That’s not-“
“I’m going to go to bed. Goodnight omega”
Pebble rushes out of the room without another bite. The tears flow freely down his face with a choked sob while his emotions all flood out at once. Omega doesn’t get up. He sits in the dingy yellow light of the kitchen and watches the dust particles float through it. He wonders when the last time the kitchen has been properly cleaned.
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whatever-fanfics · 7 months
Jin Grandet x reader
A/n: Their child catches them doing the dirty.
CW: fingering, nipple play, hand job, NSFW, Sexual intercourse. Minors DNI
You sigh softly, face contorted in pleasure as you felt your husbands fingers work their way through your folds squeezing and massaging your bud. He has you on your back, legs parted as he fingers you into lustful bliss. In your shared room nothing echoes louder than your moans of pure pleasure, as he alternates between sucking and teasing your nipple with his tongue. Your gaze shifts to his neglected length dripping with pre cum. Left twitching pathetically, you lock eye contact with him as you move your hand just enough to lightly caress the head with the tips of your finger.
You love how his breath falters, moaning around your nipple. Tearing a loud moan out of you.
His mouth pops off your perk nipple, red from the attention, it'll bruise before tomorrow. A whimper escapes your lips as he roughly withdraws his fingers from your core. "Be careful, they're just down the hall" he reminds you with a whisper. You know what he means, of course, your little one is sleeping right down the hall.
You nod, too far gone to really reply. Jin's mouth closes over yours locked in a heated kiss. Your eyes locked in each others gaze with nothing but lust present. You don't look away as he breathes in deeply ready to enter your aching core.
Your groans and moans mix as he enters you. You only break your gaze away once he starts to move more urgently, your breaths mix.
You arch you back as he drills his cock into you. You moans get louder and louder but your both are to engulfed by your pleasure.
"Jin!" you cry
Your orgasms immanent.
Your moans getting louder by the second "Ahhhh~"-"AHHHHH!!!"
Time stops as your both taken out of you pleasurable stupor by your 5 year old child. Charging into your room wooden sword in hand.
You could only watch in pure shock as they attacked their father.
Your matching faces of shock only unmatched as Jin raises his hand in self defense, though he remembers that he's still inside of you, he tries to use his other arm to balance himself so he doesn't move too much. A fruitless effort as he moves anyway.
"Mm-" you try not to make any noise but a noise escapes you none the less.
"GET OFF MY MOMMY!!!" they scream
You only break out of your shock when they start going for his head, raising one hand up to shield the sword and the other to cover Jin's head, as they did get two good strikes in.
"Hey, hey, hey~" you softly try too diffuse the situation
"What's all the fighting about, huh?'" Your husband asks, head a little hurt.
"I heard you" they fumed, their little face contorted with rage.
"Eh?" your face racked in astonishment and embarrassment.
"I heard you, you were hurting mommy" they fumed once more.
"A-Ah..." Jin's expression now matches your own. "Kiddo, I'm not hurting your mom, I'm-I'm just playing with her" your husband tries to assuage your child with a fib. "YOU LIAR" they shout, "I HEARD HER SCREAMING AND LOOK AT YOU, YOU'RE ON TOP OF HER" they gestured to your position. "Oh-oh" you truly were dumbfounded at the situation. "Papa, how could you do something like that, I'm really disappointed in you" you could only stare at your poor child who looked like they were ready to burst into tears.
"B-Baby" you get their attention, finally gathering your bearings. "Daddy wasn't hurting me" you try to keep your voice even. "Hm?" they question, face back from anger to pure child like confusion "he was massaging me" you say, as a matter of factly.
"Eh? Really" they ask again for reassurance. "Really" you and your husband say at the same time. "Baby, why are you here?" You enquire, "did we wake you up?" you ask, using your hand to caress their face, your heart swells as you feel their soft cheeks, the last of the baby fat not quite all gone.
"N-No" they answer, suddenly going shy. "Everything alright, any monsters in your room" Jin speaks up, always weary at the possibility of an intruder. "I sawm a lighter in ma room" they mutter out, face seeming more embarrassed than scared. "Hm" you wonder aloud, "it's okay you can tell us" you reassure softly, caressing their face once more.
They look at you two eyes soft and unguarded "I saw a spider in my room, it was bigger than my thumb" they say more accurately and show you their thumb for comparison.
You look at Jin, knowing you were not good with spiders in any sense. "Ready dad" you ask, he chuckles a bit before looking down and remembering the position you two were in. A sigh leaves his lips "Alright, can you be a little brave for mom and dad and wait in the hall for me" he pleads, eyes soft with adoration. "Mm-mm" they shake their head no. You both sigh this time, "Pretty please, our brave brave knight" you try your luck this time. They purse their lips in doubt, but ultimately agree to wait in the hall.
You exhale shakily as Jin's, now flaccid, cock pulls out of you.
You hear a chuckle escape his lips, "it's not funny" you exclaim as you smack his shoulder in mock anger. "It's a little funny" he defends himself as he reaches for his trousers. "But-uh I like the idea of being the only one to make you scream like that" he says as he bends down on top of you to give you a quick kiss. You laugh as he takes another, and another.
You break away "Jin don't make them wait in the hall" you chide softly. He nods and takes one last kiss before getting up and off the bed.
You watch as he hastily pulls on his trousers, only his trousers. "You're not putting your underwear on?" You ask a bit perplexed. "What's the point if they're comin' off as soon as I come back" he answers. It's your turn to laugh, "we'll see" you breathe out in a whisper, "hm?" he asks, "nothing, go" you wave him off and watch as he exits your room.
Jin exhales as he lays back down on the bed where his wife sleeps, trousers gone, replaced with sleeping pants.
It'd taken around 15 minutes to find the spider since it had moved from its original spot, and another 15 minutes to get their child back to sleep. He looks at your sleeping form, his gaze burning with soft adoration. He lays down and feels his heart swell as you turn on your side, leaving your hand on his heart. As he drifts off to sleep, only one thought is evident in his mind.
God he loves you...
A/n: Not sure yet but I might do some of the others, all... I'm not sure yet. If anyone wants more lmk.
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llondonfog · 10 months
Hi!! Feel free to ignore, but I was just thinking about kid silver being adorable AND Halloween because of the upcoming event...and this thought was born—
(This is so long I'm sorry 😭😭)
So, Silver gets de-aged (bear with me here lol)—maybe due to a potions mishap or a spell gone wrong, it doesn't matter which. It's during Halloween week, so everyone's kinda frazzled due to everything being set up, etc. Lilia gets called to deal with it while Crewel tries to figure out a counter-potion/spell wears off because nobody can get in touch with Malleus, and therefore goes to Diasomnia's vice to help take care of Silver (not knowing that they're father & son).
Silver spots Lilia and yells "Papa!" while running to hug Lilia—while Lilia tries to cover up what Silver said. Regardless, he still picks Silver up and cuddles him—he's a silly old man who loves his kid, who can blame him?
Anyway, kid Silver hijinks ensue: running off with the animals on campus, taking naps surrounded by deer, birds, squirrels, etc., calling Malleus "big brother" and Lilia "papa" while around other Diasomnia students (they wouldn't say anything, because Malleus looks so endeared by the little human and Lilia glares and hisses *unknowingly* at any of them who DARE to interrupt their family).
Silver sees Sebek and looks back at Lilia. He's like, "Why did you make him so tall?? Papa, change him back, please!" *cue puppy eyes* he genuinely thinks Lilia pranked him. As much as Sebek says that he dislikes Silver's behavior, he's actually the one to take him everywhere. "You shouldn't miss so much school, Silver! I won't let you besmirch Waka-sama's good name!"
OK, but back to Halloween—Silver dresses up as a knight, or a prince. Maybe a unicorn??? DRAGON?? Any of them are cute tbh. Anyway, they end up going to each dorm to trick or treat (on Halloween night ofc) and Silver charms everyone, because he's Silver. Then, you have Lilia behind him just being the creepiest little demon fae you've ever had the misfortune to see...
As they're going to one of the dorms to get more candy, Silver sees another kid pouting at the lack of candy said dorm has, and their meager amount. Silver, despite having only a few more pieces himself, gives the kid most of his, and gives the other kid a hug. "There, there, you can have some of mine."
Honestly, you can do whatever you want with this, but I'd love to see this written out more coherently, if you want lol
I've been thinking about this for a while, and I NEED more kid Silver being cute and adorable and pure!! He deserves to be cuddled by his family and to eat candy :D
oh my goodness, this whole entire prompt was adorable and thank you for practically writing the premise into my inbox!! i'm not sure this is coherent.....or cuddly....but my mood with lilia has been in a pretty introspective place for sometime so i do hope you find something to enjoy :')
(and i did end up keeping that paragraph after so many of you seemed to like it akaldjll what do i know about anything)
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for a fae as long-lived as he, the concept of time is an ephemeral thing. one does not count the years in a decade nor the decades in a century; a fae knows time by the erosion of a mountainside, by the loneliness of an abandoned settlement, or even by the chance meeting of a human wearing the face of another long since passed. 
silver fills his arms, helmet askew and heavy with satisfied slumber, and lilia feels the ache of every day that has gone by since he was last able to cradle his son so tenderly in his embrace. 
he may be the only fae that now minds his days by the sharpening of his son’s features, a change emerging far too quick and now, strangely, unwelcome.
beside him, serene, the heir apparent to the valley of thorns— looking most pleased himself in their resplendent costumes so artfully reminiscent of the admirable long, yet any dignified mysticism is rendered charmed by the plastic pumpkin bucket clutched in his crimson-tipped claws, brimming with brightly wrapped candy. the overflow is nearly double the amount given to the visiting children, even with silver eagerly dispensing his sugary treasures to any who asked, for no dorm had been able to resist his solemn request coupled with those adorably drowsy eyes and plastic sword when he had so politely asked for one piece more so that their prince might experience trick or treating for the first time. not wanting to be the dorm known for stiffing the fae heir on the most magic-blessed night of them all, both toddling knight and noble dragon walked away, tiny hand in careful claw, with a bounty piled high between them and matching smiles on their twin eager faces. 
lilia had been so torn over which to get a photo of first, cheeks aching from stifling his laughter; the vulnerable delight on malleus’ face as silver so kindly presented him with his share of candy, or sebek’s ill-disguised fussing as silver’s sword had slipped from its sheath to drag across the ground. 
what kindness to be able to share such precious memories with them once again.
what cruelty to remind him of what would disappear tomorrow morning, crewel’s antidote ready and waiting for them in the dorm. 
“...i can see why silver enjoyed such a night of festivity and why he spoke on those memories with you so fondly,” malleus’ reflective tone scatters his wandering thoughts, leaving him to pull his focus back to the present with no small amount of difficulty. “I wish i could have participated in the revelry, but i understand now why you might not have invited me, lilia. the presence of their prince would have dampened any carefree spirits, and i would not have wanted to spoil the fun.”
a wry smile tugs at his lips at malleus’ inaccurate assessment, crooked and out of place, and he can feel the prince’s gaze weighty upon him with surprise, brows furrowing and lips parting with the question on his tongue— 
there had been no such festivities, no happily shrieking village children for silver to scamper among, sharing in the night’s delights and trickery with all the innocence of youth. 
there had only been an old fool of a general, taking it upon himself to fumble through the recreation of a human spectacle, for no other reason than he could not bear the sight of the boy’s features even mildly unhappy. 
he might have wondered how far he could have fallen to find himself repeatedly affecting surprise as he opens the door time and time again to a giggling child, but he knows better now; he had always been steeped in a miserable, lonesome darkness, and to nurture the vulnerable child curled into his chest was to bask in an undeserving light. 
without consent, his arms tighten around the slumbering boy in his arms, and malleus is wise enough not to comment. 
“I do wonder if silver will be able to remember tonight’s events,” lilia comments lightly as they continue their walk to the dorm, seemingly apropos of nothing and unbothered by the watchful gaze of his young companion. 
and he wonders which is more selfish; to wish it so, to have his son’s head filled with such saccharine-sweet dreams of a proper halloween as only a sweet and darling boy like none other deserves— or to cling to the lonely truth of the past, in which a bruised and battered soldier finds a purpose too kind for his bloodied hands in protecting that high and clear laughter of his child, delighting over and over again in the simple fact of his father opening the door.
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leezlelatch · 1 year
Music Box
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You visit Terzo in the Veneration of the Relics. Terzo x F!Reader, angst, mentions of death, mourning, resurrection. Rated S for Sad. ~2200 words.
You have the music box made after hearing Cirice for the first time. It’s a simple square box, wooden and painted black. Anyone could mistake it for a jewelry box or random knick-knack you keep on your dresser. 
The twinkling tune has become so familiar to you, carrying comfort amongst its cogs and springs. Not so much a rumble that’s calling than a soft voice beckoning you forward. A yearning deep within your heart. 
When Papa Emeritus Terzo died, you put it away. Hid it between habits and clothes deep within a drawer, willing the little thing to disappear into oblivion, to merely stop existing. That gentle melody only serves as a reminder of the life that was halted too quickly before its crescendo. 
Three lives. 
The Veneration of the Relics makes little sense to you. What is a relic but an object? The former Papas on display as mere things to be ogled at when they were people. Powerful men that commanded the Ministry. Eloquent speakers and beautiful singers. Men with hopes and dreams and love for their congregation. A family gone in an instant and humiliated even now. You resent the line of people in the Ministry’s stained glass-lit halls as they wait to enter the chapel to see the new “exhibit” which will be featured at future Rituals as part of the VIP package. It makes you sick to your stomach.
When time draws closer for the Papas to be moved, carted off in trunks bearing their names, it seems like you are the only one left in the Ministry to have not visited the chapel. A gaggle of women and men are often seen crying over the body of the Third. A lone figure stands mournfully over the Second’s. There are flowers left on the top of the First’s glass casket which change every single day although no one sees the person responsible.
Your fellow Siblings of Sin find it to be quite odd, questioning why you won't pay your respects to at least the Third, but you wonder if it is paying respects or contributing to the spectacle? Is it so easy for them to look upon the corpse of a man who smiled and flirted and waltzed around these very halls less than a month ago?
On the night before the tour, you toss and turn in your bed, in the throes of a nightmare. Your mind is a jumble of thoughts, echoes of the past racing around your head. You hear his voice in your ear even now, you see Papa, you see Terzo, kneeling down on the stage, his hand held out to you, drawing you closer, closer, ever closer until you are lost in his gaze. No, no not lost, found. You are found. But he lets go, moving away, and although you call to him, he grows more distant, his image fading. Although you scream for him, he does not turn. Hands wrap around his elbows as he is forced to the ground, and Sister is there, Sister is laughing, and there is a blade, a terrible blade, and…
“NO!” You scream, bolting upright out of bed, your chest heaving. 
You clutch your chest as you shake with sobs, your face tilted toward the ceiling as tears stream down your cheeks, wails of immeasurable pain escaping your lips. 
“Terzo,” you whimper, gasping in a breath that breaks on another sob. “Terzo.” 
You pause on a cry, your breath hitching as your eyes search your darkened room for the source of the noise. You slowly unfurl your hands from the death grip on your night dress, and let them lie uselessly in your lap as you stare hollowly at the shadows. Your eyes feel heavy, and you sniffle, allowing your puffy lids to close for a moment, your sorrow far too great to bear. 
And then you hear it again.
Your eyes snap open and find your dresser, the wooden piece imposing in the dark, and you stare with a furrowed brow, sure you recognized that faint, twinkling tune. Your legs slide off the bed and you push the sheets away as in a fog, the floor cold against your bare feet. You move, pushing your toes into the hardwood, trying to ground yourself, your head throbbing from your tears. Shaking fingers move to wrap delicately around the handles of the top drawer, a breath escaping you, ears peeled for that sound. Because surely it couldn’t be. Your mind, lost in a haze of grief, is beginning to crack.
You pull it open with a jerk, and yet nothing jumps out at you. Your various clothing items lie in unmade heaps within the deep drawer, and you laugh humorlessly. You lick your lips and blink down at the contents of the drawer, moonlight filtering through the window framing your silhouette. You push away shirts and underwear, digging, your fingers searching, turning to desperation when you cannot find it for a moment, when you’re sure it has been taken from you just as Terzo - 
And then you find it. Fingertips graze across the cool top of the music box, a gasping breath pushing through your throat as you wrap firmer fingers around it to pull it out. You bring it close to your chest, stepping back a little from the dresser, somehow feeling like a piece of you has finally returned home. Why did you hide me? It whispers. You keep stepping backward until the back of your knees hits the bed and you drop heavily onto the mattress, the smallest noise echoing from the box as you jostle it - just that hint of a note. Cirice. Church. Meliora. The pursuit of something better.
You slowly look up from the music box, your breath coming heavier as your eyes stare toward your door while your heart lies in the chapel. Standing, and uncaring of your current state of undress, your cold fingers wrap around your doorknob, and you step into the hall. Faces of Papas past, clergy members of old watch you from portraits while you walk down the many halls, illumination of reds, greens, and purples caressing your cheeks from the stained glass windows. If anyone were to see you at this moment, they would see someone incredibly determined. Someone who has made a decision, no matter how much it may hurt. The last person to visit the Veneration of the Relics. 
The chapel doors creek open, the noise loud in the quiet of the chapel. A hundred candles light the space, throwing frightening shadows on the wall which curl and beckon to you as you step across the threshold. The glass caskets put a chill through your heart as you see them there in a line before the altar under the watchful gaze of Lucifer Morningstar. One. Two. Three. 
The bells toll high above you, announcing the late hour, announcing your presence before the dead. You walk solemnly forward, the pews having been taken out to provide more space for the mourners, however you remain in the center, walking down the red carpeted aisle, your white nightgown brushing against your legs with every slow step. Your gaze rises to the stained glass which covers the entire back of the sacristy, Papa Emeritus Primo, Papa Emeritus Secondo, and Papa Emeritus Terzo gazing down at you as you approach their earthly bodies. 
Terzo’s casket is surrounded by flowers, wreaths, cards and favors. There are marks of lipstick, of kisses on the glass, and as you step up onto the dais, you cannot help the watery smile that pulls at your tear-stained face. For he was loved. Is loved. Although Papa found it so hard to believe it for himself. You swallow, a chill raising the hairs on the back of your neck as you peer beyond the glass into his resting face. He looks like he could be sleeping, your friend had said. And while his jaw is relaxed, his mouth slack, his eyes closed, you find his expression anything but peaceful. His paints are lined so carefully on his face, and yet your heart burns with the thought that his true identity is forever hidden behind the will of the Clergy. His eyelids look almost sealed together from the heaviness of the black paint, and your fingertips press against the glass so hard the pads turn white, desperately wishing you could wipe it all away. 
“Terzo,” your voice is lost in a crack, and you swallow heavily. You look around helplessly and laugh a little. “I don’t know what to say.” 
Your eyes focus on his hands, folded across his chest, the gold nails reflecting in the candlelight. You always wondered what his hands looked like, what they would feel like wrapped around your own. But that was the crux of it, right? You were never brave enough to approach him like the others did. Really, you didn’t feel like you had the right, or deserved to. He was…he is Papa Emeritus III. What right have you to the Devil’s chosen? 
Your eyes stray to the stone gaze of the Dark Lord, your heart full of doubt. Was this the Devil’s plan? Why allow…
You huff a small, mirthless laugh. 
Isn’t this the same argument you made with God?
Why? Why? Why?
Your eyes turn back to Terzo, unmoving in his eternal rest. 
“I don’t know you, Papa. I made up a story in my head that you were kind, and compassionate, that you cared for your congregation. That behind the mask was a man none of us have the privilege of truly knowing. That each time you flirted, or said something completely ridiculous, it was to hide who was really underneath. And despite the Ghost Project, despite the Papacy, despite the Clergy’s expectations, you wanted to be free. I made up all of that. Because that’s what I needed. I needed to take your hand…”
A tear slips down your cheek, falling onto the casket and sliding like a raindrop down the glass. You take in a shuddering breath, the hand not holding the music box squeezing into a fist. 
“I needed you to tell me that it was going to be okay. I needed you to tell me that I made the right decision. And now…”
You slam your fist onto the top of the glass.
“Now, I don’t know what to believe. Look at what they did to you! Look at what they did to your brothers. This is…this isn’t what I signed up for, this isn’t right! Terzo, this isn’t…”
Your shoulders shake as you cry your agony into the coolness of the chapel. The moonlight cuts through the stained glass and falls on Terzo’s quiet features. You blink through your tears and simply look at him for a while. You smile gently, clutching the music box to your chest for a moment before placing the little box on the top of the glass.
“I had this made after hearing Cirice for the first time. It brought me comfort. I…understand the whole manipulation aspect, believe me,” you laugh. “But…I would have followed you. I suppose I sound unwell. I just wish…I had the courage to thank you for making me feel like I belonged somewhere. For the first time in my life. I wish I could have saved you, Terzo. I’m so sorry for what they’ve done.”
You gently turn the key on the music box and the sweet tinkling of the music box plays over the man who inspired it. You press your forehead to the glass, closing your eyes tightly. 
“Please find peace, Papa. Please be somewhere good. Please be happy,” you whisper, a fervent prayer. 
Stepping back, you look at Papa Secondo and Papa Primo, a sad smile gracing your features.
“All of you.”
You leave the music box playing as you exit the chapel, taking the long walk back to your room to reflect. You remember the first time you came to the Ministry, how nervous you were to attend your first mass. The Papas had seemed so terribly imposing then, but you learned to look closer. Primo occasionally snoozed when he wasn’t giving a sermon. Sometimes you could catch the barest hint of a smile on Secondo’s face when he watched his younger brother preach. And Terzo, Terzo was always so loud and boisterous, arms in the air as if he were ready to draw the entire room into an embrace. His eyes would pass over the congregation, and sometimes, if you were lucky, fall on you. 
You re-enter your bedroom, and slowly slide under your sheets, just staring at the ceiling as you come to accept that those days in the sun were over. Whatever this new Ministry would be, you would face it, as you have with everything else, and hope…hope that you can feel that warmth again.
As your eyes grow heavy, and you allow yourself to fall into slumber, you hear it.
The music box.
Your eyes snap open and find the door to your room slightly ajar, and you realize you didn’t quite latch it when you returned. 
The music box gently plays, growing closer and closer to your door. You remain frozen on the bed, strangely not afraid. 
Strangely happy.
Perhaps those days aren’t over after all.
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the-laughing-lunatic · 2 months
I just have a simple request if you don't mind me asking. Can you do Heavy x Medic with a child reader (Their child, adopted or not, Medic does weird stuff) who is very sweet but also very strong like Heavy?
Basic storyline: One day their kid was in the forest and found a baby bear who was hurt so they tried to take care of the baby bear but Mama bear was closed so the kid tried to defend themselves and make sure they didn't hurt the mama bear to fix the baby bear like they've seen Medic do on people.
(Ofc! I kinda made this really long (wordcount: 1264), you can tell I'm not that great w/ oneshots :/ Thx for requesting!)
HeavyMedic & sweet child! reader
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was late at night. Far too late to be out in the forest at the young age of seven, but here you were, trailing behind your two dads as Medic rambled about his ideas for experiments once he found the herb that had the three of you out in the first place. Heavy and Medic didn’t want to leave you alone at the base so they wrapped you in your big fluffy coat and brought you along. You shivered. “P- papa?”
“Little Belka, is cold, yes, but your papas need to focus now. Can you stay quiet for little while?” Heavy responded.
“Okay…” You wanted to be good for them, so you kept your mouth shut and clutched your teddy bear close to your chest. 
Out of nowhere an owl swooped down and snatched your teddy bear out of your hands. You couldn’t just let it get away with that! But your papa said not to talk, and you didn’t want to distract them from their important grown-up work. 
You took a deep breath and ran after it, the brush scratching up your arms as you followed the owl. You ran till your legs were tired and the bird was gone from your vision. Only then did you get the sinking realization that you were lost, cold, and alone. 
You sat on a tree stump, curled into a ball and cried.
Medic and Heavy kept trekking through the forest. Medic smiled softly at a sleeping dove he saw in a tree. “Aw, taube, it’s you.” No response. “Taube?”
Medic turned around to see you were gone. “Belka? If this is joke, it is not funny. Come out now belka.” Yet again, no response. 
“Oh god, we’ve lost them.” Medic said, panicked. “Misha, what do we do? Oh god, how long have they been gone? They could be dead by now, what if they’re dead? I mean, are they even respawn compatible? We both are, and if the DNA processing worked how it should then they should be too. But I mean, no one else has ever done this so we don’t know if it works. Our taube could be eaten by wolves already I mean—”
Heavy placed his hands on Medic’s shoulders. “Ludwig. Calm. We will find them, it will be okay. 
Medic leaned into the touch, holding Heavy close. “I just don’t want to lose our baby…”
“We won't, I promise, our belka and will be safe and sound.” 
After a solid ten minutes of crying, you sniffled and wiped your tears. And then you heard a noise. At first you thought it was one of your papas, but it was more of a whine.
You stood up and walked towards the sound. There, laying behind a bush was a small bear cub, curled up and whining. “Oh, hey there little guy, what’s wrong?” It keened back, eyes wide. “I’m not gonna hurt you, I just want to help.”
Hesitantly, the cub rolled over to reveal a thorn stuck in its paw, the area around it swollen and red. It looked similar to bullet wounds you had seen before, so you grabbed a pair of tweezers from the first-aid kit you kept with you. 
As you pulled the thorn out carefully you felt a hot breath on your neck. You turned to see another bear, much bigger than the one you just helped, and its eyes were on you. It growled.
It had been who knows how long since Medic and Heavy learned of your disappearance, and they had been calling out for you for most of that time. 
Medic’s eyes caught a familiar piece of fabric in one of the lower branches of a nearby tree. He stepped closer, reaching up to grab your teddy bear coated in dirt and stuffing open in multiple slashes. “Misha…gott…”
“It will be okay Ludwig, our belka is strong,” Heavy said. He wasn’t sure if he was saying that for Medic or himself at that point. He gently took the teddy from Medic, holding it in his hand. So small, it looked much bigger when you were holding it. You were still so young, it’d be to soon. Heavy gave it a hug and put it in his bag. They had to find you.
You paled at the large bear towering over you. You knew you could try to fight back, but you didn’t want to. You settled for throwing a pebble at it. “Please leave, I don't want to hurt you.”
That didn’t seem to stop the bear, it stepped closer yet again. You gently tried to push it away. It didn’t work.
You whimpered and curled into a ball and closed your eyes as tight as you could, preparing for a bite or slash or any action that you very much didn’t want to feel. But…nothing happened. 
You felt the bear lick your hair and you felt yourself giggle slightly. It seemed because of the fuzzy coat he bear saw you as one of her own. It was comforting to be held close instead of feeling cold and alone just for a moment. You felt your eyelids droop and leaned into her. 
It had been hours. It was completely dark now, and both Medic and Heavy were completely exhausted. Heavy sighed and leaned against a tree. “Ludwig, it’s late, we might have to consider heading back…”
“What? Are you crazy? We need to find them, we can’t just leave.” 
“You are tired, you need sleep,” Heavy said, tracing the doctor’s eyebags with his hand. 
“Misha, I have gotten far less sleep for far less important reasons, I will be fine,” he said brushing away Heavy’s hand. “If you need rest you may head back to the base.”
“No, I will stay.” And so the two continued, scanning the beam of their flashlight through the forest, the long shadows of the trees stretching out before them in their search. Until the light caught on two bright, almost glowing, orbs. 
They stepped closer, seeing a large bear cuddling her cub…and their child! The two both let out an audible sigh of relief, Heavy stepping forwards to take their sleeping kid. She growled, pulling you closer.
Heavy kneeled down to eye level of the bear. “Thank you for keeping my belka safe, but this is my child. Please.”
The bear looked for a second before giving a small nod, loosen its grip on you so Heavy can take you in his arms. Heavy gave a nod of respect before walking back to Medic. 
You stirred at the sudden movement. “H- hm?” Your eyes opened, a smile appeared . “Papa!”
“You’re awake!” Medic exclaimed happily, reaching to Heavy’s bag to give you your teddy back. “It might need a wash and some stitching, but it’ll be okay. …we’re so sorry for losing you, taube.”
“It’s okay, I made a friend! Could I see them again?” you said, clutching your teddy to yourself as you were carried back to the best.
Medic laughed. “Ha! No, you’re never going outside again, we were scared to death.”
“Now, belka, he doesn’t mean never, he’s just exaggerating. You can go outside once you’re 18.” 
“Come on!”
Later that night, your teddy lay all stitched up on the night stand, moonlight spilling through the window as you laid between your two dads in bed. Having one warm body to cuddle you was great, but all wrapped in your loving papas arms you had to admit two was better.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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The Cove
AN: Please bear with me I literally haven't written fan fic in like 7 years but I cannot get this concept out of my mind.
Word Count: 1930
Dew enjoys being a fire ghoul, he does. But that doesn't mean he doesn't occasionally miss the water. When it starts to get to him Rain is there to help.
Dew keeps a small vial of water around his neck at all times.  It’s filled with water from a small saltwater cove in the woods behind the abbey. Terzo had the cove put in for Dew when he noticed how excited the ghoul was after a group trip to the beach. Technically water ghouls are connected to all water but Dew had always had an affinity for saltwater.
It’s been a few years since the ceremony and the transition but part of him still yearns for his former element. When he’s alone he remembers the peacefulness of floating aimlessly in the sea and his fingers drift to the slight bumps where his gills once were. You wouldn’t notice them if you didn’t know to look but to Dew, they were a constant reminder. A reminder of being called into Sister Imperator’s office, of being told what was going to happen, of how they chanted and he screamed as they burned his element from his body, of the months after spent in bed trying to breathe through the smoke suddenly coursing through his veins. 
He’s still unsure of why it needed to happen. Why they couldn’t just summon another fire ghoul from the pit when Ifrit left. The clergy rarely explained themselves and certainly not to the ghouls. 
Don’t get him wrong, he does love his newfound warmth and the boost of energy he gets when Papa calls for pyrotechnics during rituals. He loves how his packmates fight to be next to him when it gets cold on the bus. But he can’t help but feel like he lost a bit of himself that night in the abbey.  So he wears his little reminder no matter where he is, he looks longingly out the bus window when they drive past the ocean, and when all else fails he leans on Rain. 
Lucifer knows he doesn’t deserve Rain. He was terrible to him when he arrived. Jealous of the new ghoul who got to commune with his element while Dew lay in bed feverish, dehydrated, and struggling to come to terms with his situation. It took months before Dew warmed up to him but Rain had never held it against him.  Rain is his rock when it all gets too much. 
They had been back from the last leg of the tour for a day. It was a rough one for Dew, he had tweaked his back during one of the first nights and the dull ache had persisted for the next few weeks. The weather had been bad enough that they had to cut down on the fire in the shows, so he wasn’t even getting to commune with his new element. And if that wasn’t enough to make him feel off, they had spent most of the tour driving up the coast, which meant he had spent far too much time curled in a ball and staring out the window at his beloved ocean. His packmates tried their best to lift his spirits but it only helped so much. 
Everyone had split up to recharge in their own way upon their return to the abbey. Rain had stopped Dew to check in but Dew had assured him that he was just tired and gone to bed. Rain wasn’t sure he believed him but went to soak in the lake and recoup. 
The air ghoulettes are curled up in the common room watching a movie when Rain walks in 12 hours later, hair still dripping with water. “Has anyone seen Dew?” 
 “Aether was looking for him earlier but I don’t think he found him. Did you check his room?” Cumulus responds when Cirrus shakes her head.  
Rain makes his way to the ghoul hallway and knocks on Dew’s door. When he doesn’t get an answer he knocks again “Dewdrop I'm coming in.” He opens the door to an empty room. The bed still perfectly untouched, Dew’s tour bag sitting on top of it unopened. Now he’s worried. 
Dew is sitting on the grass by the cove with his knees pressed against his chest and his hands clawing into the messy bun he’s had his hair in since the last ritual. His tail wrapped around himself. Tears still occasionally run silently down his cheeks. Fire ghouls normally can’t cry, their body temperature warm enough to evaporate the tears but it’s one of the few remaining traits of his old life. He only allows himself to cry here. At his cove. Nobody uses it these days, lying forgotten by the clergy. It’s still his favorite spot on the grounds. He doesn’t go in anymore, scared of what will happen when it doesn’t feel like it used to. But he comes and sits by its banks when he can. Rain is the only one who knows about it. 
Rain, who’s probably in the lake right now. The flow of the water recharging him. Relaxing as he uses his gills for the first time since tour. Dew misses that feeling. Sure the excitement of fire is great but he misses the serenity of his beloved cove. His tears start back up in earnest when he thinks about it. He’s sobbing with his head between his legs before he can try to calm himself. He’s too in his own head to see Rain making his way over. 
Rain picks up the pace when he sees Dew curled up. Diving onto his knees once he’s close enough. “Oh, Dewdrop. I’m sorry I didn’t realize it was this bad.” He hugs Dew into him as he sobs. He knows Dew is in no shape to speak like this so he just holds him for as long as he needs. 
“Rain…  I miss it. I miss it so bad.” Dew eventually whispers.
 “I know Dewdrop. I’m so sorry.” Rain wipes the tears off Dew’s face. 
“I just- I want-“ he stops himself. 
“What do you want, sweetheart?”
 Dew shifts uncomfortably “Forget it. It's dumb.”
“It’s not dumb if you want it.” 
Dew’s quiet for a minute and Rain can feel the smaller ghoul steadying his breathing. “I mean… I just wish I could be swimming. Like I used to.”  
“That’s not dumb. And you know you can still swim. What’s stopping you?” 
There’s another moment of silence before Dew quietly answers “It won’t be like it used to be” 
Rain puts his hand under Dew’s chin and turns him to look at him. “It won’t be. But that doesn’t mean it won’t still be nice.” Dew still looks hesitant. “Want to start by dipping your toes in? That could be nice.” Dew nods and begins wordlessly struggling with his boots. Rain kicks off his sandals and helps Dew where his hands are shaking too hard to untie his shoes. 
Dew lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding the second his toes hit the water. Rain watches as his brow relaxes and does his best to pretend he can’t hear the quiet purrs coming from next to him. They sit quietly for a while with their feet in the cove. Eventually, Rain can sense the tension returning. “Dewdrop” 
“Do you want to go further in?”
 “… I don’t know”
“I’ll go in with you.” He stands and pulls Dew up with him. “Do you want to go first or should I? I’ve never swum in this cove before.” 
Dew looks at his reflection in the water “You should it's a good cove” 
Rain takes his hand “I wouldn’t want to without you.”  Dew watches Rain’s reflection, thinking about how good it would be to be swimming together. 
“What if I don’t remember how to swim?” Rain can’t help but laugh at the ridiculous notion. 
“You’ll remember. I promise. It's in your blood. Come on.” 
Rain takes off his shirt and pulls off his shorts. Dew stares at his gills and freezes. Rain has seen him shirtless before, he knows about Dew’s closed gills but for some reason, he has never felt more vulnerable. “I can help you. If you want.” Dew nods and Rain unbuttons his shirt before helping him shimmy out of his jeans. The second he’s undressed Dews's hands shoot around his body to cover the spot where his gills were. “It's ok Dewdrop. You’re ok.” He reaches to unclasp the chain holding the vial around Dew’s neck. Dew grasps what has become his security blanket and after a moment slowly takes it off himself, hands shaking. He gently puts it on top of his clothes. Rain gently takes his hands in his, kissing them. He puts his forehead to Dew’s and starts breathing deliberately to help calm the anxious ghoul. When Dew’s breathing has steadied, Rain finally speaks. “Do you want to walk in together?” Dew nods again and Rain slowly leads them into the water. 
Dew grips Rain’s hand tightly as they walk in. By the time the water hits his knees, his face has erupted into the purest smile Rain has ever seen. A tear runs down his cheek and the taller ghoul wipes it with his thumb. 
“Welcome back Dewdrop” Rain kisses him on the cheek. Dew pauses and lets go of Rain’s hand to let his hair down. Rain takes a step back so he can fuss with his long locks. Once he’s sufficiently shaken out his bun Dew looks Rain in the eye, smiles, and dives in. Rain waits for just long enough to be pulled under by Dew, who has decided he’s not moving fast enough. 
It may have been a few years but the cove is still Dew’s domain.  Sure he can’t see as well underwater and he did momentarily forget he would have to go to the surface to breathe, but he knows these waters like the back of his hand. Rain follows him around as he gets reacquainted, allowing Dew to show him around the rocks, plants, and fish that live there. It’s the most excited Rain has seen him in a long time. They swim around like that, taking trips up for Dew to breathe until Rain notices Dew’s swimming begins to slow. He leads Dew towards the shallow bank of the cove and they lay there blanketed by the water. 
“It’s our day off and we decided to go to the aquarium and there was this lovely little cowfish who clearly wasn’t being cared for properly and it was really pissing me off. So I ran and bought a small tank from the gift shop and got Aether to cause a distraction and I rescued him. And then I snuck him out of the aquarium and onto the bus and kept him hidden from Papa in my bunk for the rest of the tour. And that’s how I met Bubbles! I’m so glad he’s still doing ok.” They had been laying there for an hour, Dew spread across Rain’s chest telling him stories of the different creatures he had in the cove. 
“Of course, he’s doing ok, you take such great care of him. Of all of them.” 
Dew lifts his head up just enough to look at the ghoul beneath him “I try, I come out as often as I can. I get worried about them when we’re on the road.” Dew yawns and lays back down. 
“You know you can go to sleep, Dewdrop. The cove and I will still be here when you wake up.” 
Dew considers protesting but snuggles into Rain and for the first time in years falls asleep to the gentle lull of the waves.
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peachymilkandcream · 3 months
Ready or Not|Part 1|Yandere Levi x Evelyn
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(A/N: I'm so psyched that we can start the next series! If you all thought it was over we're no where close! While this series is going to be shorter I guarantee it's going to be a freaking blast! Comment to be added to the taglist!)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, violence, mind breaking, misogyny, etc
Erwin found him two days later, when Levi refused to show for work or any of his responsibilities the Commander was forced to drag himself over there and soothe the child's temper tantrum. Probably had too much liquor and too little sex to keep his erratic personality under control.
He didn't have time for this. If he didn't need Levi so much he would've swept him out years ago. He was a good soldier, but he wasn't reliable. How could he continue to run a government with a soldier sabotaging the carefully made trust he'd established.
The house was empty, he swore if Levi went to a fucking bar again he'd really chew his ass this time. Maybe he'd threaten to take Evelyn and his child away until Levi learned how to juggle his responsibilities like an adult.
He was in the living room, the whole place torn to bits after yet another obvious tantrum. But something was off about this one, this time he didn't even acknowledge Erwin's presence, like he was deeply disturbed about something and didn't give a shit about anything else.
"Levi. What happened."
"She's gone Erwin, she's fucking gone!" He emphasized the last word by throwing his empty bottle against the brick fireplace.
"So she finally left you, didn't she?"
"She escaped, I don't know where the hell she went, but I'm going to find out. I'm going to find whoever helped her, and kill them. My son, that bitch took my son!" Levi wept, the first time Erwin had ever seen him so emotional, usually he stopped at nothing to conceal his emotions and appear weak. Poor bastard.
"I'm sure she hasn't gone far, we'll just have to look for her."
"I'll hunt her down to the ends of the earth!"
"Calm down Levi."
"Calm down, calm down!? How can you expect me to be so calm when my wife and child are missing!? They're all I have and you tell me to calm down!?"
Erwin rolled his eyes, the temper tantrums were almost ridiculous at this point. "I won't help you until you relax."
He wiped at his eyes. "Fine, I'm calm, I'm calm."
"Better. Now pull yourself together, and we'll solve this thing."
"Why the hell do you care?"
"I need you stable Levi, and I need your wife's good reputation to keep on top. If it means starting a nationwide manhunt for one woman and toddler then so be it."
The sea breeze suited Evelyn well, it had taken a lot of courage for her to get on that boat. The fear of the unknown had paralyzed her for too long, causing the ship's captain to ask her several times if she was actually coming aboard.
But she had. She'd stepped forward into her new future, a life of freedom. And while it had taken a small chunk of her funds to be taken so secretly across the sea it was worth it for this view. Sparkling blue as far as the eye could see. Her last trip by ship was overshadowed with the fear of the world ending, now she could actually enjoy these moments with her son.
Furlan, in the past years he had grown to look just like his father. And while Levi had always been a shitty husband, he was a stellar father, so much in fact that the boy seemed to already prefer him over his mother. The past few nights he'd taken to sobbing uncontrollably since he missed his dear Papa so fiercely. Hopefully he would grow out of it, she couldn't bear to think about a world where her child only desired to be loved and cared for by his abusive father. Perhaps since she was pregnant under such dire circumstances the child craved violence like his father.
The wind threatened to undo all her hard work of getting her hair to stay, but it seemed out here was the only way to get Furlan to stop crying. He held onto her dress firmly, watching the waves as they bounced up and down. This would be good for him, good for both of them. All three of them. Evelyn and her two children, both born and unborn would be able to find a life of peace and tranquility away from Levi.
A fresh start.
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tiyoin · 1 year
goldilocks reader
1/31/23 -> 2:52 pm
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I’m your host, Tiyoin and welcome back to everyone’s favorite game show!
is it;
A. Missing child
B. You’re parents died in horrific accident
C. They abandoned you in the woods
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I mean it could really be any of those cause the reason changes with every joke 🤷🏻
You started living with the bears when they found you in their summer home, a cozy little log cabin on the banks of some lake somewhere in the Kingdom of Roses.
Bowls on the floor, chairs flipped over, with all the chaos they expected a large, scary beastman to be the culprit
Yet the bears were quite baffled, to find some scrawny 4 year old sleeping soundly in the youngest bear’s bed.
Like how did a 4 year old caused $3,000 in damages????
Of course, they decided it would be better if you stayed with them while the police investigated everything. The cuts, bruises and ticks that littered your body softened their little hearts like butter.
Not Koda though, oh no, he was the only one who saw past that quivering lip and bloodshot eyes act.
He was suspicious 🫵😳
Making some radical theories on how convenient it was that it was their cabin they were literally just about to use. How it was his bed, his toys, his clothes you had mainly tampered with… suspicious 👁️👁️
It was like you were… trying to replace him 🤨😮
“They're’ a disheveled orphan! Not some criminal mastermind!” Mama smacked him.
With the police investigation turning sour, they decided that it was time for their darling son to have a sibling (which saved mama bear the pains of childbirth. So it was killing two birds with one stone! 😝)
Though Koda was less than excited with getting the attention rudely snatched away from him by some bed stealing orphan.
Obviously, you were not a beast man :), and unfortunately for you, your new family were a bunch of…🐻🐻🐻
it did take a while for you to get used to the… larg furniture. Yes, as a child everyone was short, but even now, as a teenager you're still having to climb counters, use stepping stools to even reach the first shelf of the cabinet. (it wasn’t too bad, but it was higher than the regular households)
It was like a jungle gym- which mama bear really didn’t appreciate.
One time, she caught you hanging off the chandelier in the entry way???? How- How did you get up there???
(Papa had to act as abet to catch you)
They were Grizzly Bear Beastmen, one of the largest land beastmen there were. And as far as they were aware when house hunting, they didn't have a human child in their future plans
Sevens, the height difference is even worse. Since the bears in both the fairytale and movie are Grizzly’s. And as anyone who had a hyper fixation on a certain animal and knows a huge chunk of facts about them. Which, of course, mine were bears) Grizzly’s are the second largest bear species.
So your mom is 6’1, dad 6’6, brother 5’11 (middle school) while you're probably around 5’0-5’5?? … So it's always funny when your family tries to talk to you. At first they were used to just turning their head, maybe even tilting down to talk to each other.
But then you came in like a wrecking ball, causing monthly visits to the chiropractor
So they had a better idea, either picking you up or just texting / calling you. smart right 😼
They always had to watch where they were going, and it didn’t help that you were a quiet child. Like a rabbit who spotted a lazing bear, you were quiet, discreet, hopping to and from places as fast as you could, trying not to make much noise or cause too much trouble.
Though this got much better when you got older, now announcing your presence, or expertly weaving around them. You felt like a fairy in a world of giants. Or like you were exploring the tall red oaks of the forest. (Which you luckily went to over summer holiday!)
Also, lots of kudos to the bears for getting you the trauma therapy you deserve. 👏👏👏👏 (*stares at Crowley*)
Oh yeah, the bears, (legal last name) were filthy rich, owning chains of bake shops around Twisted Wonderland. They owned ‘Bears Bakery’’, a thriving family business in the baked goods industry full of pies, cakes, brownies and many more delicious sugar sweets. Although, everytime you asked about how they turned their small, humble bakery into what it is now…
“All you need to know is that it’s a family business my little cub” Mama bear would always coo, smothering you in affection as Koda smirked, shrugging at you in your peripheral vision.
This meant they could afford high quality, specially made furniture, vacations, special schooling, extra curriculums, and the luxurious clothes they lather you with, (Not matter how many times you tell them you don’t want that many clothes) oh yeah and the food bill…🧍🏻🧍🏻
Oh my. That’s another thing. They’re bear beastmen and professional pastry chefs. And if you thought they were only good at baking sweets, then you are horribly wrong. Your kitchen is a chef's wet dream. You had the best of the best in fresh produce, personally inspected eggs, the finest grade A meats, and a spice rack personally filled by some rich people because of some business deal.
So it’d be kinda hard not learned how to cook in a family full of cooks
Now for the moment you're all here- nrc!
You were utterly perplexed on why you were selected to attend. Like yeah, your father was an alumni, you went to prestigious private schools, have a rich influential family and are excelling in your hobbies. But like, you didn’t have a dick?? You were 100% positive you were gonna be accepted to Siren’s Cove, some cliffside girls school that overlooked the beautiful wasters of the Coral Sea
But I mean, this was better than nothing?
Your brother Koda was a grade older than you and was ‘so excited to show you the ropes!” (Mom made him)
And having that close ‘brother sister’ dynamic people already knew who you were. Koda was always groaning about his ‘demonic sibling’, how they were going to wreak havoc upon NRC.
Having Mr.Koda (Now 6’0 and currently 200 lbs)
Cause how did the Koda, all 6 feet 200 pound muscular (yet a little chubby cause mama bear is a baker) get a scratch from his sibling?? When asked how you looked after the fight Koda grumbled something about ‘not hitting you’ because of moral bullshit. (Ruggie caught the red tint on his cheeks as he looked away)
So expect some savanaclaw students to avoid you like the plague, or be strangely civil with you once you get into NRC.
Oh, you thought you’d be in Savanaclaw just because you were a beast man? oh no. no no no no no. No.
You’re in Heartsbyul! I think that’d be absolutely hilarious cause I mean. That already gives you an entry into the first year squad, and you get to fan the flames of your rivials to lovers relationship with a one Mr.Trey Clover.
Sighs dreamily 😻🫶
You definitely have a schitck about things being ‘just right.’ Sorry. It’s a given.
The classroom is either too hot, too cold, or just right. Sebek’s screaming is either too loud, too quiet (I dunno dawg) or just right, Riddle’s mad face is either too red, not red enough or just right. That guys is either too hot, too ugly or just dreamy enough so you don’t seem delusional.
Actually, wait, that's such a cute unique spell idea omg. “Just Right” where the conditions of something are just right. Like today’s weather, your outfit, conditions where you can land a nasty punch (Which explains Koda’s bruised and battered arms)
Speaking of hotties, if there’s someone who likes you- wish them well in hell cause there's no way Koda is letting you get a boyfriend. It’s even laughable that you think you’ll ever date.
You’ve tried complaining to mama and papa bear but they literally only encourage him. Telling him not to let any filthy boy near their darling cub
They’re just looking out for you sweets. cause if he doesn't have a trust fund or polished shoes, he ain’t worth it ✋🙄
My sevens do you have an appetite 😦 I mean, yeah. You come from a family of bear beastmen who own a massive baked goods enterprise. There’s no way in hell you're
1. Not at least a bit chubby
2. Muscular. Cause beating up Koda takes a lot of time and a lot of effort
That is all in my professional opinion (No I don’t own a mass baked good enterprise) but I do, however play sports and have a rather a slightly above average appetite and I’m shredded 🤭
And of course, you have gone rogue every once in a while, your poor tum tum grumbling in pain, tossing n’ turning in agony. :( so of course- you steal some food! May it be Riddle’s tart, someone’s lunch, and even free food Ruggie was about to snatch up, but unfortunately, you got to first.
I think Sebek's the one with the massive appetite? well, doesn’t matter cause y’all are having competitions. Not that you’re always a willing competitor. But with the way Sebek’s usually glaring at you across the table as you’re just trying to enjoy your food-
How are you supposed to let that disrespect slide??🤨🤨
You weren’t.
You’re the winner. every time. Usually you stop mid bite, shoot out of your chair and loudly whisper, ‘Malleus!’, which of course gets Sebek’s undivided attention and he immediately stands at attention looking like an idiot as you’re happily munching on your food.
I like the imagine a meter going down of labeled ‘Respect for Y/N’ everytime you pull that stunt
OH YEAH- you wrestle. You're already so good at it so why not actually wrestle? I can just imagine Epel helping you practice, already used to wrangling things in and all that junk (Deuce wants to help but he feels like that's not something a model student would do)
Speaking of Epel- definitely tries to get into business with you. I mean, if hes your families main apple supplier, than his family is set for life
So on more than one occasion you can see him trying to use a sales pitch on you
Besides that, there’s one more thing I’d like to mention
The bake off
dun dunnnn
Every unbirthday party (and birthday boy that requests it) you and Trey have bake off’s. whether it be baking cakes, macarons, tiramisu, you guys fight tooth and nail to create the best dessert for the birthday boy / Riddle to judge
Of course they’re put in metal dishes with lids over them, and brought out by dorm members so no one knows whose dish is whose until the winner is revealed
It’s pretty close every time
One time, a birthday boy got so stressed over which was better he had a nervous breakdown. I mean, they’re sweets practically made by professionals! Wdym they’re supposed to taste different when they both have that same, delicious texture that creamy tang-
So there’s been more ties than wins/loses
Of course, Azul Ashengrotto, the business deal hound has also approached you- numerous times.
He thought you’d be easier than your brother to cooperate with, making some kind of deal to personally improve the lounges pastries quality.. 😸
Does… Does he think you’re that dumb??? Does he think you don’t talk to your brother??? That you don’t know who he is???
Especially the twins, you’ve heard all about them from your brother- which made it all the more hilarious when you said ‘no’ to Azul.
I mean, it wasn’t your business to hand out, and yes, you could talk to your parents about it but that would go into legality issues.
Over all, too much work yawn 🥱
Azul : It would be most beneficial-
You : 🥱 sorry not interested 🥱
you give him brain aneurysms
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badassturtles235147 · 4 months
TMNT Splinter and Raphael Moment
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Like how Raphael has a bug phobia.
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Splinter has a cat phobia.
I like to think Splinter was always scared of cats for reasons...no one really knows and not just him developing the fear when he turned into a giant rat.
When Mikey brought home ice cream kitty, I imagine Splinter having a hard time.
Short story.
Splinter was on his way to the kitchen to grab himself a snack. His favorite. Cheesecals! He smiled as he went to open the freezer but just as he was about to reach for his favorite treat, different flavors of ice cream began to form, shaping itself into a cat that got Splinter's eyes to wide.
Ice Cream Kitty titled her out and gave a cute, "Meow" which caused Splinter to let out a startle scream and slam the freezer door shut. He panted, as his heart raced. 'I had forgotten about her.'
Splinter growled to himself, hating that he agreed to let Michelangelo keep his new ice cream beast of a friend but with her being a mutant, they could not just let her wander around now, can they? And by the time Donatello comes up with a cure, Michelangelo would grow far to attach to get rid of it and Splinter never had the spin to break his youngest's heart.
"Why did it have to be cat? Out of anything else in the world. Why did it have to be a cat?" He muttered to himself, still shaken until he sensed someone behind him and turned to see his youngest son, looking at him wide eyed with his mouth agape.
Judging by his expression, he had seen everything, and Splinter began to look absolutely flustered. "M-Michelangelo!" He cleared his throat and folded his hands behind his back, trying to regain his posture. "How long have you been standing there?"
"Papa..." Mikey breathed before his face turned into a smile. "You're scared of kitties!" If Splinter did not have fur his face would be red by now. "No!" He yelled too quickly, out of reflex and Mikey grinned. "This is awesome! I didn't think you were scared of anything."
Splinter glared at his son sternly. "I am not afraid, Michelangelo, I was just...I was getting a snack, and I just changed my mind. That is all."
"Suure~" Mikey stretched out teasingly, causing Splinter to scowl. "So, why are you scared of cats? Is it because you're a rat and your scared they'll eat you?"
"Michelangelo, I don't-"
"Or were you scared of cats before you mutated?" Mikey asked, sincerely curious. "Michelangelo-!"
"Oh! Wait till everyone else hears about this! They'll be so shocked!"
Before Splinter could respond, Mikey got slapped upside the head by Raph who just appeared out of nowhere. "You ain't going to tell anyone!"
"Ow! Raph, what was that for?!" Mikey pouted but Raph just glared at him. "Shut it and get lost, and don't you dare mention this again or else, I'll tell Renet you still sleep with a teddy bear because you're too scared of the dark!"
Mikey gasped and quickly dashed out of the kitchen. Once he was gone, Splinter let out a breath of relief. "Thank you, my son."
"Eh, don't mention it," Raph brushed off as he went to the freezer to open the door, which caused Splinter to jump back. Raph paused to look at him and smiled. "You really are scared, aren't ya?"
Splinter frightened eyes turned to a glare as a defensive growl was threatening his throat, but he froze when Raph went into the freezer and grabbed a cheesecal from Ice Cream Kitty. He gave her a couple pats on the head before closing the door and handing the frozen treat to his father. "Here you go."
Splinter slowly took the cheesecal and smiled, letting out an embarrassed chuckle. "Thank you, Raphael." Splinter sighed to himself. "I can not believe, after all these years, I still allow myself to be frightened by a small animal."
"Join the club, Pops," Raph joked. "I am scared of things much smaller."
"Ah, yes, your bug phobia." Splinter nodded, remembering the times he has heard Raph scream and gotten tease by his brothers because of his fear of bugs. "I never did discover what awoke that fear."
"Do you want to tell me what awoke yours?"
Splinter thought about it, remembering how he became afraid of cats in the first place and immediately shook his head since it was quit an embarrassing story. "No."
"Then we're on the same page," Raph said as he began to walk away but stopped briefly to look back at him. "You don't gotta worry about me telling anyone and I'll make sure Mikey does not spill the beans either."
Splinter smiled. "I appreciate it, my son. Perhaps one day, I can help you through your phobia."
Raph snorted. "I think you gotta worry about working through yours first before you go hungry. I won't always be around to get your cheesecals for you."
Splinter sighed, knowing that was true. "Hai..."
Raph chuckled. "Don't worry, you'll get through it. Just remember she is not a normal cat; she is not a cat at all, she is...ice cream." Raph shrugged and then went off to watch TV with his brothers.
Splinter frowned, looking at the freezer from the corner of his eye. He slowly raises his hand to open it to a small crack but before he could open it wider, he heard another, "Meow!" and quickly shut the door again.
"Perhaps another time..."
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russellsppttemplates · 11 months
Pierre's pregnant wife cuddling him on the plane and falling asleep on him bc he's super soft and comfy in those hoodies and he being all protective of her meanwhile, shushing everyone speaking too loud bc she's a bit under the weather and needs rest. Total papa bear mode🥹I love everything u write.
Tw: pregnancy
The race had gone well for Pierre, the results having picked up throughout the season as the development of the car started coming together with the whole situation, so naturally everyone on the plane was excited. You decided to travel with some of the team since you were all going to the same place anyway, sitting next to Pierre while he had his hand on your bump, "has he been good today?", he asked, "yes, it was alright, quite good even. I was able to have the soup they had, also some bread and some sort of a sweet pastry", you recalled, "and I did not feel nauseous once!", you smiled, snuggling into his chest, "but you're still tired, I see", Pierre said as he held you close to him, "if the weekends were tiring before, imagine when you have a little one to take care of too", you giggled, finally finding a good position as you closed your eyes, the way Pierre's fingers were combing through your hair making you even sleepier as your replies got shorter until he heard your soft snores.
"Hey, Anna, could you get me one of those blankets, please? And my hoodie as well if you can", Pierre asked one of the media team's manager, seeing as she got up and walked near where he had those things, "there you go", she smiled, "thanks", he said as he adjusted the blanket as best as he could around you, Anna giving him a hand as he couldn't really move much of his arm that was around you, "thank you, she has been very tired, I don't even know if it was a good idea for her to come to a GP so far", he wondered out loud, "I think she loved it still, she was always talking to everyone, only difference was that she would carry a chair around with her so she could sit, and I honestly think it is an amazingly clever strategy, I think I might adopt it".
The results were good, so naturally, everyone was excited and speaking a little louder than usual, and while Pierre enjoyed and appreciated that they were having a good time, he just about stretched his neck enough to talk to them, "guys,can you keep it a bit quieter, please? Y/N is asleep and she has been having trouble resting, so if you could just lower your voice a little, please, I don't want her to wake up so soon", he asked gently, everyone nodding and apologising, while you snuggled further, making Pierre kiss the top of your head, "sleep tight, mes amours".
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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thiagowrites · 11 months
Warnings: Papa Price is real, Male!Reader, Platonic Price x Reader, wife(not described in any way) x Male!reader, Reader has a Daughter, describtion of death, ptsd and survivor guilt. Not directly mentioned that Price is Readers Father
Summary: Johns Son, a soldier, is haunted by the memories of his fallen comrade and must come to terms with his survivor's guilt in order to move on.
A/n: this is fully inspiored by "No Time To Die" from Billie Eilish, had this idea while learning the song on the Piano💀
I should've known
I'd leave alone
Just goes to show
That the blood you bleed
Is just the blood you owe
The soldier tossed and turned in his sleep, his face contorted in pain. He was reliving the horrors of war, the death and destruction that he had seen firsthand.
In his dreams, he heard the screams of his fallen comrades, felt the heat of the explosions, and smelled the acrid smoke of the battlefield. He was trapped in a nightmare that he couldn't escape.
August 14th 2021;
The soldier stood on the battlefield, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that he might not make it out alive, but he had a mission to complete. He had to protect his country and his fellow soldiers at all costs.
As he looked around at the chaos and destruction, he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. He knew that he was up against a formidable enemy, one that was determined to destroy everything he held dear.
But he had no time to think about that now. He had to focus on the task at hand. He had to fight with all his might, to give it everything he had.
As he charged forward, gunfire ringing in his ears, he thought about all the people he loved back home. His family, his friends, his girlfriend, his soon to be born child. He wondered if he would ever see them again.
But he had no time to dwell on those thoughts. He had to keep moving, keep fighting. He had to be strong, for himself, for his comrades and everything he loved.
As the battle raged on, he felt his strength waning. He was exhausted, both physically and mentally. He wondered how much longer he could hold on.
But then he heard a voice, calling out to him. It was one of his fellow soldiers, one he has grown quite close with, wounded and in need of help.
We were a pair
But I saw you there
Too much to bear
You were my life
But life is far away from fair
The soldier's heart was pounding in his chest as he rushed to the side of his wounded comrade. He could see the pain etched on the other man's face, and he knew that time was running out.
Was I stupid to love you?
With trembling hands, he reached for his first aid kit, pulling out bandages and antiseptic. He worked quickly, his fingers moving with practiced ease as he tried to staunch the bleeding.
Was I reckless to help?
But it was no use. The wound was too severe, too deep. The soldier could feel his comrade slipping away, and he knew that he had to act fast.
Desperately, he searched through his kit, looking for something, anything that could save the other man's life. But he found nothing that could help.
The wounded soldier's breathing became shallow and labored. The other soldier could see the light fading from his comrade's eyes, and he knew that he was losing him.
With tears in his eyes, the soldier leaned down and whispered in his comrade's ear, telling him that he was not alone, that he would always be with him. He held the other man's hand, trying to give him comfort in his final moments.
Was it obvious to everybody else
That I'd fallen for a lie?
You were never on my side
Fool me once, fool me twice
Are you death or paradise?
Now you'll never see me cry
And then the wounded soldier's hand went limp, and his breathing stopped. The other soldier knew that he was gone.
There's just no time to die
He sat there for a long time, holding his comrade's hand, unable to move. He felt a deep sense of loss and grief, of anger and frustration. Why couldn't he save him? Why did he have to die?
I let it burn
You're no longer my concern
Faces from my past return
Another lesson yet to learn
In the end, the soldier knew that he had done everything he could. He had fought with honor, and he had tried to save his comrade's life. But sometimes, even the best efforts are not enough. Sometimes, death comes for us all.
With that he felt a renewed sense of purpose. He knew that he had to keep fighting, to keep pushing forward. He had no time to die, not yet.
That I'd fallen for a lie
You were never on my side
Fool me once, fool me twice
Are you death or paradise?
Now you'll never see me cry
There's just no time to die
And so he fought on, with everything he had. He would not give up, he would not surrender. He would do whatever it took to protect his country and his fellow soldiers.
No time to die
No time to die
For he was a soldier, and this was his duty. And he would not rest until the battle was won.
Fool me once, fool me twice
Are you death or paradise?
Now you'll never see me cry
When he finally woke up, he was drenched in sweat, his heart racing. He sat up in bed, gasping for breath, trying to shake off the memories that haunted him.
But they wouldn't go away. The soldier was plagued by flashbacks, by the constant feeling of being on edge, of being in danger. He had nightmares every night, and he couldn't escape the guilt that he felt for surviving when so many of his comrades had died.
He felt like he had let them down, like he should have done more to save them. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was somehow responsible for their deaths, that he could have done something to prevent them from happening.
The soldier tried to push these thoughts aside, to focus on the present, to live his life as best he could. But the memories and the guilt were always there, lurking in the back of his mind, waiting to surface at any moment.
He knew that he needed help, that he couldn't go on like this forever. But he was afraid to ask for it, afraid of being seen as weak, of being a burden on others.
In the end, the soldier knew that he had to face his demons head-on, that he had to confront his PTSD and survivor guilt if he ever wanted to find peace. And so he took the first step, reaching out for help, and hoping that it would be enough. So he went to the person he knew best.
The soldier sat across from his father, his hands shaking, his eyes downcast. He had come to talk to him about the nightmares, the flashbacks, the guilt that he felt every day.
His father, a Soldier himself, knew all too well what his son was going through. He had seen the same horrors of war, had felt the same pain and loss.
"I don't know how to deal with it, Dad," the soldier said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I can't shake the feeling that I should have done more, that I could have saved them."
His father reached across the table and took his son's hand. "I know how you feel, son," he said. "I've been there. But you have to remember that you did everything you could. You fought for your country, for your brothers and sisters in arms. You did your duty, and you did it well."
The soldier shook his head. "But it wasn't enough," he said. "I couldn't save them. And now I'm the one who's left behind, who has to live with the guilt."
His father squeezed his hand. "You're not alone, son," he said. "You have your family, your friends, your fellow veterans. We're all here for you, to help you through this."
The soldier looked up at his father, tears in his eyes. "I don't know if I can do it," he said. "I don't know if I can face the memories, the nightmares, the guilt. It's too much."
His father leaned forward. "You can do it, son," he said. "You're strong, you're brave, you're a fighter. You've been through hell and back, and you've come out the other side. You can do this, too."
The soldier took a deep breath, nodding slowly. "Okay," he said. "Okay, I'll try."
His father smiled, patting his hand. "That's all I can ask," he said. "Just remember, you're not alone. We're all in this together."
May 25th 2023;
The soldier sat on the couch, his eyes bright and alert, his breathing steady. His daughter played with her toys on the floor beside him, while his wife sat next to him, her hand resting on his knee.
He had come home from the war a changed man, haunted by the memories of what he had seen and done. But with the help of his wife, his therapist, and his own determination, he had slowly begun to heal.
He still had bad days, of course. Days when the memories came flooding back, when he felt overwhelmed by the weight of what he had experienced. But those days were becoming fewer and farther between.
"Hey, honey," his wife said, giving his knee a gentle squeeze. "How was your day?"
He smiled, feeling a warmth spread through him. "It was good," he said. "I had a session with my therapist this morning, and we talked about some really helpful coping strategies."
His daughter crawled onto his lap, snuggling against him. "Daddy, can we play a game?" she asked.
He grinned, kissing her forehead. "Of course," he said. "What do you want to play?"
She thought for a moment, then grinned. "Hide and seek!" she said.
He laughed, feeling a lightness in his chest. "Okay," he said. "You go hide, and I'll come find you."
As she scampered off to hide, he turned to his wife, taking her hand. "Thank you," he said. "For everything. For sticking with me, for helping me through all of this."
She smiled, leaning in to kiss him. "I love you," she said. "And I'm so proud of you."
He felt a warmth spread through him, a sense of peace and contentment that he hadn't felt in a long time. He had a family who loved him, who would stand by him no matter what.
And as he went off to find his daughter, he knew that he was going to be okay.
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