#oz lying: i would never lie
hasgutz-archived · 2 years
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 @songsheir​​  asked:   ❛  are  you  lying  to  me ?  ❜
          The sudden question makes Oz blink,   before he’s frowning,   arms crossing over his chest in an overtly defensive manner.          ❛❛   I’m not lying.   ❜❜       He replies,   lips pressed into a thin line as his mind reels for an excuse.          ❛❛   I’m fine,  seriously.  I don’t see why I wouldn’t be.   ❜❜       Attempting to be dismissive,   he busies himself with stacking bags of cat food.
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           The truth is,   he had a horrible nightmare about his father the night before that rattled him so bad he’d been shaking all day...   But he doesn’t want to talk about it.   Doesn’t want to give in to the fact that he’s still haunted by the man after years of peace   ——   using the term lightly,   of course...   The guy might be gone,   but he lives on in Oz’s brain,   rotten memories swarming in his skull like flies over an old carcass.           ❛❛   I’m fine.   ❜❜       
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kitkatopinions · 7 months
I'm not going back through my posts to find this, but like three years ago I made a post that was like "when people say things about Ironwood that aren't true like 'he invaded Vale' I'm just gonna be like 'cool headcanon. My headcanon is-' and then insert some random headcanon." Well, nowadays, RWBY fans are making me want to do that again in response to every time they say something happened off screen.
"It's not that Yang and Blake 'don't talk about their problems,' they just talk about them off screen." Yeah cool headcanon. My headcanon is that Blake was actually closer friends with Neptune than with Weiss before the Fall of Beacon.
"Jaune isn't 'the only one who got to mourn Pyrrha,' obviously the others mourned, it just happened off screen." Uh-huh, cool headcanon. My headcanon is that Qrow and Raven are actually the children of Salem and they just don't realize it.
"You can't say that Ruby's message to the world in V8 didn't contain all the vital information, because some of the message just wasn't shown!" "Yang and Blake didn't keep secrets from the rest of their team by never telling them they told Robin everything, they told them offscreen!" "It's so stupid that people are saying Yang is a hypocrite for yelling at Oz about keeping secrets after she lied to Qrow about Raven, clearly she told the truth off screen!" "I can't believe that people are complaining that Weiss was never shown to deconstruct her anti-faunus beliefs or apologize and therefore her white-knighting for Blake feels performative. Clearly she unlearned that stuff off screen!" Cool headcanons, bro. I have this headcanon that when Ruby and Yang were kids, they started fighting over this toy yo-yo because they both thought the yo-yo belonged to them, and then one day Ruby was playing with the yo-yo and since she was mad that Yang kept saying it was HER yo-yo, Ruby clonked her on the head with the yo-yo and of course that dissolved into even more fighting, so Taiyang took the yo-yo from them. But then that only dissolved into even MORE fighting because they blamed each other for the loss of the yo-yo, and so Tai 'banned' all conversation of the yo-yo incident and even banned the word yo-yo and Yang and Ruby hold to that rule even as teenagers and will breakout into (now good natured) bickering about it if it comes up.
People sometimes think "if the RWBY writers did (insert thing they did here) it would be bad. Therefore they can't have done that, so what's the other explanation? I just must need to flex my imagination and fill in the blanks!" So then they see something like the show having Yang literally lie to Qrow's face and the show still four seasons later having not had that addressed despite the fact that Yang has been anti-lying to the point of angrily calling someone a bastard, and they're like "Well if Yang didn't tell the truth, she'd be a hypocrite. So she had to have told the truth and we just didn't see it, or else it would mean that the writers made a mistake. Why would someone say Yang has lied in the past when she clearly told the truth off screen!"
And it’s like.... Or... They got something wrong.... Or they made a mistake.
Some rwby fans will do this thing where they confuse 'I recognized the potential and imagined/headcanoned to fill in the holes left in this story to make it more enjoyable' with 'this story is great and actually DOESN'T HAVE HOLES.' It's like RT made a road that is full of holes in the concrete, and then when people are like 'wish this road wasn't full of holes,' other people come in like "um stop saying there are holes, clearly we're meant to pretend that the road is smooth and free of holes. How dare you call this bad construction and an incomplete road, the concrete is in the cement truck, duh. Why do you need your hand held?"
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Before someone comes in and is like "so nothing that happens off screen can ever be considered canon?" that's not it. If it's established in canon that it happened, then it's different.
Let's use Volume 9 as an example! There's a scene where Weiss summarizes events she's been told including Yang's prosthetic being stolen. Obviously Yang had to have told her about it. I wouldn't be here like 'Why is Weiss acting like Yang told her something that isn't on screen?' I did however complain that the writers skipped over that conversation, because it left the interaction feeling stale, pointless, and it limited my connection to the characters because it bypassed all emotion that wasn't 'being done' and cynicism. But they established that it happened in some way, so if someone says 'Yang told the others what happened to her off screen,' I'd say 'yeah, she did, that was made clear."
However, then there's a mistake that Eddy Rivas himself said was a mistake where they decided 'Ruby should find out that Jaune killed Penny off-screen' and then they never gave any indication that she knew at all. So not only did they bypass what should've been included as an emotional scene that humanizes Ruby and clues the audience further into her mental state while seeming more respectful of a well-loved character, but they also fully made it seem like that interaction just didn't actually happen. So in the actual show, there's no reason to believe that Ruby has been told that Jaune killed Penny, and most people kept waiting for it to happen and then the whole season ended and we were confused about it because as far as people who don't follow Eddy Rivas on twitter are concerned, there's no reason to believe that it happened at all. 'It happened off screen' doesn't actually mean anything when there's no reason to believe that except that some people really want it to have happened.
Again, RWBY isn't real, and author's notes dropped after the fact only tell us about intent and do not alter what's actually presented to us in the actual product. Stuff doesn't just 'happen off screen, but it's still happened' the way that a documentary might not include all the footage, but the events still happened.
This post is running long, but yeah. When stuff doesn't actually happen on screen and isn't referenced and doesn't make it into the show and plot, it's not only disappointing - because that stuff should make it into the plot (I can't believe that there are bees shippers that just do not care that crucial moments and conversations that lay conflict to rest between their one true pairing just 'happen off screen' according to them like I would be kicking down doors for my ships) - but also makes that stuff not canon.
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moistvonlipwig · 1 year
Cordelia's Black-And-White Thinking
A post by @kyliafanfiction got me thinking about this but I didn't want to derail her Xandelia post since these thoughts are purely Cordelia-related.
I think Cordelia is actually a very black-and-white thinker but a lot of people don't conceptualize her that way because fandom tends to equate 'black-and-white thinking' with 'thinking killing is always wrong'. I've talked before about how Cordelia is an extremely pragmatic person in a lot of ways who is very much willing to kill humans and to support Angel in killing humans, even in AtS S3 when certain fans claim she's too 'soft' and 'nice' (*eyeroll*). So some people may interpret that as her being a less black-and-white thinker than, say, Buffy, who has an ironclad rule about killing humans being always wrong.
However, I think that's a misunderstanding of what it means to be a black-and-white thinker. Black-and-white thinking is not about not being willing to compromise on general, widely-held principles; it is about not being willing to compromise on your own principles, and often extends to judging harshly those who betray those principles. By these standards, yes, Buffy is a black-and-white thinker, but so is Cordelia; it's just that 'don't kill humans' is not one of Cordelia's core principles. Her core principles, instead, are that Lying Is Bad and, consequently, Betrayal Is Bad.
Cordelia has always held that the truth is better than a lie even if the lie would be nicer. In Buffy, this tends to manifest as her being brutally honest to the point of tactlessness and sometimes outright cruelty (as she would say, "tact is just not saying true stuff"). In Angel, she grows out of some of her crueler instincts but retains the role as truth-teller of the group who says what the others don't want to hear and, importantly to this discussion, clashes with her friends when they choose a nice lie over the harsh truth. In S3, while she shrugs off the possibility of Angel killing Holtz with the equivalent of "whatevs, kill him, I hate that guy," Cordelia objects quite strongly to Angel's plan to lie to Connor about going to see Holtz. She ends up being right, largely because Connor is also a black-and-white thinker who is also triggered by lying, but no one ever said black-and-white thinking was mutually exclusive with being correct. And in early S4, even without her memories, amnesiac Cordelia would rather hang out with Connor who admitted that he tried to murder her than with the Fang Gang and their wacky dishonest hijinks.
Cordelia also reacts very negatively to betrayal, more so than other characters do. She doesn't forgive Xander for cheating on her until he buys her the prom dress she coveted, while Oz forgives Willow and even starts dating her again. She doesn't forgive Angel for firing the team and his various other S2 sins until he buys her clothes to make up for the ones he gave away, while Wesley and Gunn forgive him much more easily. She doesn't forgive Harmony for trying to kill her, while Wesley happily hires her in S5 and Angel preemptively forgives Harmony's final betrayal in "Not Fade Away". Her feelings on Wesley in late S3 are a little unclear (my kingdom for a scene between them during this time period!) but she does make it clear that she is at least uninterested in his feelings while Angel still needs her help, while Gunn and Fred are more open to the idea of reaching out to him. She doesn't forgive Wolfram & Hart for any of the things they've done to her and her friends and finds the Fang Gang's decision to join them baffling, while the Fang Gang, minus her influence, were willing to give them a chance.
In fact there is only one person who Cordelia never seems to judge for their betrayal of her and/or her friends and that's Connor. He is the only person that she never speaks negatively of after a betrayal. After he tries to kill her, after he tosses Angel in the ocean, after witnessing all of his actions in S4 including the murder of the virgin girl in "Inside Out", she still wants to see him in "You're Welcome" and appears to hold no grudge against him. In fact, in yet another moment that demonstrates her black-and-white view of honesty, she reacts quite harshly to the news of what Angel did to Connor with the mind-wipe, even though Connor himself comes to see it as a kindness. Why does Connor get her endless forgiveness? Well, because he's her son. Or surrogate son. However you want to put it. She loves him like a mother and plays a motherly role in his life. She may not necessarily have thought of herself as his mother in S3, but that's what she was. And even the most black-and-white thinkers can learn to see in shades of gray for their children.
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ozcarr · 7 months
oz can you tell me about your tabletop robot guy who is sometimes a regular guy sometime I'm so curious
Gingey you are so real for this because you FUCKING KNOW I’ll write an essay about him. But I will give you the (still extremely long) reader's digest version.
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His name is Aurelio and he's Wizard/Fighter in me and the homies' hiatus-ed Strixhaven (D&D magic college) game.
idk if you have familiarity with Eberron and the Warforged but basically there was this huge century-long, continental war, and things progressed to the extent the government was manufacturing soldiers to like. You know, fight and kill and die for them. Aurelio was built by a private contractor to be a battle mage and gained consciousness 2 days before a peace treaty was signed and all the Warforged were granted citizens' rights. So he was never dispatched and spent the following year and a half kind of just rotting away in a workshop, only 90% finished with only books and newspapers to learn about the world from.
A lot of the people in Ebberon do NOT like the warforged because they're relics of a really scary and dire war (and also they're like. Built to be soldiers, with all that entails.) Aurelio is really book-smart but has a lot of internalized guilt about being inherently dangerous and he also kind of lacks identity. And he's mesmerized by life and death and the human experiences — stuff like falling in love and growing old. He's determined that the only way he'll ever be happy is if he somehow becomes an organic lifeform, and decides that the best way to go about achieving that is through reincarnation (a spell that must be performed by a 9th level druid). Whether becoming a Regular Guy would ACTUALLY fix him or not... remains to be seen. What he wants and what I want for him are usually sorta at odds.
Anyway -- what better place to find a high-level mage than academia? So Aurelio gets really good at basic illusion spells and crafts a little persona based on his creator and his creator's two sons. Cause he doesn't wanna make people uncomfortable. And he thinks he’d be happier playing out this little fantasy.
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He steals some military academy records, and ships himself off to Wizard College... in hopes that he can live some facsimile of human (elf?) experience, secure the allyship of a druid, figure out what he wants to do with his life one he gets it, then self-destruct at the opportune time so that his new druid buddy can randomly generate him a new body.
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But he makes all these wonderful friends and has to keep them at arm's length because he's constantly lying to them, even though he's a terrible liar. Until he feels he can't do it anymore and finally tells them. But he's in too deep, he's married to his little lie (not to mention he faked his identity to the school), so he just keeps up with the disguise -- up until recent in-game events which caused his world to shatter a little bit.
He's super emotional (because he's basically brand new and every feeling is new and horrible), a little mischievous, cagey, lacks tact, and is constantly fucking up his interpersonal relationships. But he’s well-meaning and earnest. All he knows how to do is lie (illusion magic) and wreck shit (lighting-damage evocation magic). He wants to be a good, gentle person and a good friend but he's so self-involved that his actions usually backfire in some way.
That's the guy! He's a mess!
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swapauanon · 3 days
"Ozpin lied to Hazel about Salem's plans to trick him into sacrificing himself."
I find it amazing how people can say this and then get shocked when I ask them to tag their Ozpin bashing.
Besides, Hazel was murdering innocent people just to get back at Ozpin, over something his twin sister he constantly infantalizes chose to do.
Like, yes, Ozpin is a self-loathing wreck who blames himself for everything that's gone wrong, but in the end he didn't say ANYTHING about Salem he didn't believe was true.
Remember, what Salem said was: "Why redeem these humans when we can simply replace them with what they can never be?" meaning she was either plotting eugenics and genocide or had horrible grammar. Given that Salem's shown to be EXTREMELY careful and deliberate with her word choice, I'm going to assume it was the former, because it would be REALLY frustrating for the entire conflict of the show to be based on bad grammar.
But NO!!! We need Ozma to be an evil baby-stealing monster who tried to kidnap Salem's children because she wasn't religious enough! Even though, y'know, one of the first things Oz did after coming back to life was disobey Light by seeking out Salem.
But sure! It TOTALLY isn't bashing Ozpin to suggest he just tried to kidnap his daughter's from Salem, let's just ignore the ACTUAL grammatical structure behind Salem's words to make Oz look as evil as possible!
And besides, even if Ozpin DID lie to Hazel, SALEM WAS COMMITTING GENOCIDE IN ATLAS!!! She was siccing her Grimm on civilians at that point! And Hazel was complicit in it, and blaming Ozpin for his choices, claiming it was all in the honor of someone Salem had killed for trying to oppose the "Grimm eating children" party. But sure! Let's erase Hazel's misogyny in order to paint HIM as a poor, helpless victim of Ozpin's manipulations when he desecrated his sister's memory by helping the monster she died fighting destroy even more families!
"No more Gretchens, boy!" said the man who robbed a child of her mother JUST to "stick it to Ozpin", and has left countless Gretchens in his own wake.
Hazel even ADMITS that the only reason he's going after Ozpin is that he can't hurt Salem! So I don't think the show is going to be resolved by Team RWBY deciding "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!" when it comes to the whole "How do we deal with Salem?" thing, because every character who's done that has been treated as being IN THE WRONG with no exceptions!
And let's not ignore the fact that, y'know, Oz had just gone through an entire character arc about being more open and honest. Him lying to Hazel to get him to dance to his whims would, from a narrative standpoint, be like if Ilia had joined forces with Salem to get back at Atlas. It would have rendered all of his prior development a waste of time!
So, rather than Salem plotting against the gods, i just think she's learned she CAN'T hurt them and so is doing what so many people (such as Hazel) have chosen to do when coming face-to-face with her, lash out at the people she CAN hurt because she thinks fighting the Brothers is a fruitless endeavor. The show isn't going to close out on vindicating Salem's methods, and she's not a fucking "anti-hero" as I've seen some people unironically call her: She's an unrepentant villain who lashes out at people she believes have no chance of fighting back, because she can't hurt the people who actually wronged her. That is what makes her Ruby's evil counterpart: She gave up while Ruby is still looking for a new solution!
But sure, let's just ignore the structure of the narrative and paint Ozma as a baby-stealing monster who abused his wife for religious reasons and drove her to villainy. Even though, y'know, his rhetoric is completely antithetical to Light's idea of a perfect world and he went out of his way to disobey him at the first opportunity he had.
The narrative has laid out who Oz and Salem are countless times now: Oz is a flawed-yet-well-intentioned man who blames himself for all of the world's ills (regardless of how responsible for them he actually is), and Salem an unrepentant monster who lashes out at the world around her due to being unable to harm those who actually wronged her.
Trying to paint Ozpin as being just as bad as, if not WORSE than Salem ever was is disingenuous at best.
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Young Tintin Headcanons Because I Can and I'm a Sentimental Person
Also, Tintin's mother is blind. That's my own headcanon
Tintin learnt Braille through his mother reading him Braille books while he sat on her lap. She also taught him to write formally using Braille and it's because of her that he became such a good journalist.
He loved to make paper planes and kites out of everything: newspapers, discarded letters, anything he could get his hands on. He loved to study the way birds' wings curve to catch the air and spent hours reading about how planes fly.
Every day, after school, Tintin and his mother would go to the market, buy some fruit (strawberries, oranges, apples, whatever was available) and would eat them in the park. Even when it was raining, they would eat then splash in the puddles.
Tintin's mother was kind off eccentric, but in the appreciate-the-little-things eccentric. When it stormed, she would open the windows until rain began to puddle on the floor. She would also lie in the floor a lot, either on the grass or on the carpet becay se she liked the feel of the ground below her. Tintin learnt to do the same, noticing the minutia of life that was truly special that so often gets overlooked. He loves the clouds especially.
Tintin used to ask a lot of questions (and then follow up with "why?" 5 times.) His mother never grew bored of it and always answered to the best of her ability. When she didn't know something, they would go to the library and Tintin would read aloud to her what he found.
One of Tintin's friends went to America and bought back "The Wizard of Oz" soundtrack on a record for him. His favourite song was "Over the Rainbow", but it wasn't until after the war that generalised just how sad the song was.
Tintin's hair started off a really warm, golden blond that had a couple of copper streaks when the light hit it. As he got older, his hair got darker until it grew into a solid ginger hue.
Museums. Enough said. Entire days spent wandering around, exploring the artifacts and paintings. Art museums, Natura history, modern history, science, anything. If it was a museum, Tintin had been at least once.
Tintin grew to really appreciate music. He had piano lessons, but stopped due to money and a certain war and never picked it back up again, but he loved listening to music on the radio or gramaphone, either dancing or lying on the floor staring at the ceiling. He especially loved Debussy and other impressionist musicians.
One of the reasons Tintin is such a phenomenal writer is because he became accustomed to describing the world around him and the little things happening to his mother. Describing without relying of visual explanations was difficult, but he managed to convey that sunshine was like fresh bread.
He read many classics, such as Tolkien, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Beatrix Potter, A A Milne, Mary Poppins, A Little Prince, etc. He was a very well-educated boy, despite hating school because everyone there were bullies and also he got bored very quickly writing simple sentences over and over again.
His baby teeth were crooked: his front two teeth were larger that the rest and overlapped with the other teeth. His adult teeth do the same, but much more subtly. You only notice if you stare hard enough.
Freckles. So many. That is all. Freckles.
He loved to dance. Just waving his arms about, twirling around in the living room, moving his body in any way he could to music or even just because.
He was in the Belgian resistance (Dutch-Paris network, 20th convoy and le faux soir) but if I say any more this will become too long and you will all hate me
Remember how Haddock asked Tintin if he could fly the plane and Tintin replied with "I interviewed a pilot once?" It was more of an interrogation between a British RAF pilot who had been shot down and a determined 11 year old Belgian boy in a dark basement somewhere on Rue Franklin as the pilot waited for his escape to Switzerland. Tintin had a book on planes and pestered the pilot to teach him how to fly planes until they had regular meetups in a broken garble of French and English.
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walder-138 · 13 days
Hello darl!! From the edgy ask meme:
10, 13, 14 and 15 - for Oz please!! I'd love to get to know more about him!! <3
Hi Goose! I’m happy to hear from you again!
What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
One where Oz takes up Adler’s offer to help him hunt down Perseus. Perseus (organization) really fucked him up and during his time as an Army Ranger, so he’s got a personal vendetta against everyone involved with them.
Oz knew Adler beforehand as the Rangers and MACV-SOG worked together countless times, so the two are well-acquainted and they kept in touch after Oz’s… thing that resulted him in getting discharged.
That was all backstory, but the reason Oz didn’t get involved with the Safehouse people was because of Bell. When Adler said they were brainwashing a literal fucking PERSEUS agent he left almost immediately. No matter how hard Adler tried to convince him using the ‘greater good’ bullshit, Oz wasn’t taking the chance with a fucking Red. (In my AU, he was right)
Okay I got sidetracked, but I think it’d be cool to see how he’d interact with the others. Like if he didn’t know Bell was brainwashed like Mason and Woods didn’t. I’d imagine him and Hudson would have some choice words to throw in each other’s direction. Oz, Sims, Lazar, and Bell (if Oz didn’t know they were Russian) would be besties.
I could imagine since Oz’s dad was a Brit, he’d fuck around with Lazar by giving him the wrong definitions for British slang. (Since Lazar had a thing for Park)
He’d be like “Yeah bro you should tell her you’re going out for a shag and invite her to join you. It would get you two some time alone. Shag means cigarette dude trust me I swear to God I would never lie to you.” And whenever Lazar’d walk away to talk to her, Oz would break down and start laughing when he was out of earshot.
Also, depending on the Bell, I could imagine Oz showing them pictures of Jenny and telling them about her throughout the campaign. However, when Adler was eventually forced to tell Oz they were brainwashed, he’d probably try to kill Bell for that reason. Cause if they go marching straight back to Perseus, knows who Oz is AND that he has a daughter, Jenny would be a prime target due to both her disability and her father.
If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
It depends. If he knew I made him? He'd murder me. No hesitation, and there wouldn't be anything I could do about it. I know it's a cliche answer, but I am NOT lying when I say I've put dudebro through hell and back. It’d be on sight.
If Oz didn't know who I was? He wouldn't care enough to have any negative feelings towards me. I’d get along with him well enough so that he wouldn’t beat me unconscious if we met.
How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
After he left Vietnam, Oz wanted people to be intimidated by him. Growing up, and during the war, he learned the only way to get what he wants is through coercion and breaking noses. Oz didn’t really like talking to new people even before his wartime nostalgia, so if people were intimidated by him, they’d fuck off.
However, when Jenny came into his life, Oz changed. He didn’t want people to be intimidated by him (at least not all the time) cause he didn’t want their fear to run off on Jenny. His worst fear is for Jenny to see him the way he saw his father. (😔 spoiler alert: she will) So he starts acting softer, and he’d want to be seen more as a protector than an aggressor.
Jenny changed his life for the better.
Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
This might come off as a disappointment, but no 😭 I suck at finding faceclaims and none of them match how I imagined Oz to look cause THERE NOT UGLY ENOUGH 😭 THERES TOO MANY PRETTY BOYS AND NOT ENOUGH WRETCHED CREATURES FROM HELL. OZ IS NO MORE THAN A SOLID 6/10, AND THATS TOO NICE. ITS IMPOSSIBLE FOR SOMEONE MAMED OSWALD TO GET HIGHER THAN A 6/10. IM SORRY POOKIE 😭
Thank you again for the asks! I’ll get to your other one between now and the next 40 years!
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Bed of Roses pt. 2
[rockstar!eddie munson x fem!plus-sized reader]
pt. 2 White Mustang
warnings: arguing, mentions of cheating
minors dni*
do not post my work on other sites or take my original work. please do not translate my work. likes and reblogs are welcome*
wc: 2k
author’s note: I recommend listening to White Mustang by Lana Del Rey while reading
3 Years Ago
Eddie and I were in my bedroom. He just got back from his first tour. I was halfway propped up against my headboard and halfway lying on my pillows while Eddie laid his head in my lap. I was running my fingers through his hair taking out the little tangles while I stared out of my window looking at the heavy rain-filled clouds outside. For being so seemingly dark outside, the trees and houses seemed more vibrant than usual. I don’t remember how long we sat like that before Eddie fell asleep on me.
“Birdy,” Eddie said nudging my arm and pulling my attention from the window.
“Yeah, Eds?”
“Come here, please?” he said still half asleep.
“I am here,” I said as I pulled his hand up and placed a soft kiss on his knuckles.
He looked up at me with his soft sleepy eyes. His dark hair splayed out over my thighs. He looked angelic. So beautiful, just for me.
“Scoot over Eds.”
“No, I’m not letting go. Never,” he said with a cute pout and scrunched-up eyebrows.
“I want to lie down with you silly,” I said laughing.
He relented and let me scoot down next to him. I draped one of my arms over his waist pulling him closer. I looked him in the eyes. He looked back at me. He seems perfectly content. He leaned in to place a chaste kiss right on my lips then laid his head back on my chest and fell asleep.
It’s raining today. It’s dismal and I am pleased about it. It reminds me of the book Frankenstein. I sit on my bed looking out of the window while Ozzy sleeps next to me. I quietly scoff as he moves his back leg in his sleep. I grab my mug off of my bedside table and look out the window. It reminds me of old times. I put my mug down and shut the curtain.
Dustin’s graduation is tomorrow. I have a bag packed for myself and Ozzy sitting in my backseat just in case. I know I shouldn’t run. It’s tiring, but I can’t help it. It hurts too much to see him and be around him. The phone rings. I get off my bed and walk over to the phone on my dresser.
“Hey, are you coming over today to help me decorate for Dustin’s party?”
“Yeah Steve, I’ll be there. Do you need me to pick anything up on the way over?”
“Let me look, real quick,” he says.
“Actually, can you pick up some cups and napkins?” he says urgently.
“Yeah, I will be there soon.”
I hang up the phone. I walk to my closet to get my rain jacket, but I accidentally wake up Ozzy when I toss it onto my bed. He pops up. The fur on the side of his face is still smashed like it was when it was pressed against the cover. He lies back down and watches me put on my black rain boots and jacket. When I walk down the stairs, I hear him plopping down the steps after me. I get to the door and grab my sunglasses and keys.
“No, you can’t go with me today, I’m sorry Oz.”
He barks in response and stands right by the door glaring at me. I laugh and pull the door shut. I walk onto the porch and put my hood on before I step into the light rain. I open the door and sit down on the cold leather. I start the engine and back out of the driveway then head to the store.
The cups and napkins sit in a paper bag on my passenger seat. When I pull up to Steve’s house that’s when I see that stupid fucking white Mustang in the driveway. The Yang to my Yin. I run my hand over the black racing stripe on the hood as I walk by. The black leather seats look dusty through the windows. A pack of cigarettes and that black scuffed-up Zippo sit on the dash. I should have known he would be here. I walk up to the front door. A few drops of water slide off my coat and hit the concrete making little dark spots. They fade away soon enough. After a few seconds, I sit the paper bag on one of the rocking chairs on the porch. I’m not in the mood to stick around.
I will call Steve when I get home and let him know I left the stuff on the porch. I sit back in my seat. I smell leather and rain. It’s a bittersweet feeling to think about the times that Eddie and I shared in the back of his van when he had it. Sweet laughs, while running his hands down my sides between slow wanting kisses. Sitting on his lap, I would run my hands through those dark curls. Staring into those deep dark eyes with the little wrinkles on the sides. I clear my throat, turn up the music and drive home.
Steve’s car sits in my driveway. That’s weird. He called me from his house inviting me over to come help him set up. That’s when I see the passenger window down with a pair of black boots propped up with a cloud of smoke creating a haze in the cab. Fuck. Why is he here? He knows I clearly don’t want to see him.
I put my bag on the ground so I grab my keys out of my pocket, but I hear a car door shut and quick steps coming up the drive. My chest is pounding, my hands are sweating, and I frantically reach to grab the keys just to drop them on the welcome mat. Before I can bend down to pick them up, Eddie swipes them in one hand. He takes a deep breath and steps to the other side unlocking the door. He picks up my tote bag and holds the door open for me.
He takes the time to shut the door, toe off his boots, put my keys and bag on the hook behind the door, and slip off his jacket to hang behind the door. I guess he doesn’t think about his next move as he walks over to me and helps me with my jacket. He realizes what he’s done once he hangs my jacket. He turns to me and clears his throat.
“Eddie, what’re you doing here,” I say sternly.
Plop, plop, plop. Ozzy comes down the stairs with welcoming yaps. He runs straight to Eddie, of course, he does. Eddie smiles and says a few words that make Ozzy turn his head to the side. Eddie slides behind me to take Ozzy into the kitchen. His hand feels warm as it crosses my back. Like it should be there. Like it used to be. I hear the back door open and then close. Eddie walks back into the living room.
“I just want to talk before Dustin’s graduation tomorrow, kay” he says.
“There is nothing to talk about,” I say walking into the living room and sitting on the couch.
“I just want to tell you what happened since I can never get you to stick around long enough to talk to me without running off,” he says between gritted teeth. He sits on the edge of the fireplace directly across from me.
“Are you seriously pulling this shit right now Eddie?” I yell at him.
“Just listen to me for five minutes. Can you do that Birdy? Huh?”
“Fuck you, Eddie,” I say standing up and trying to walk past him.
He grabs my wrist and pulls me back into his arms. He feels so warm, and I miss his touch. I grab his shirt in my hand. Hot angry tears roll down my cheeks. I can’t even bring myself to move. He runs his hand comfortingly up and down my back. He finally relents therefore leaving me standing exposed in front of him with red eyes.
“I’m sorry, Birdy,” he says sitting on the arm of the loveseat.
“No, Eddie, you don’t get to be sorry. I walked in on you with your dick down some girl’s throat,” I say boldly looking him straight in the eyes. A challenge.
“I know okay, I’m sorry Goddamit. I was just mad at you because you wouldn’t come to L.A. with me. I bought you a car and a fucking house, and you still refused to come with me. Why baby? I wanted to give you everything; I still do,” he says in a strained voice.
“I don’t know, okay, Eddie. But that doesn’t give you permission to cheat on me,” I whisper as my eyes become glossy again.
“Birdy, please” he whispers back as he pulls me into his chest.
I don’t know why I let him hug me and cry all over my shoulder. I want to tell him to leave. I want to tell him to stay. The words are dry dirt in my throat.
“Why’d you write it?” I ask as I back away from him. He hates it when I leave even when it's just his arms. He thinks he’ll lose me forever. Maybe he will. I don’t know. I can see the worry start to surface in his suffocating stare.
“I wrote it because I knew you would listen,” he says softly as someone would speak to a frightened animal. A wild animal.
“I can’t trust you right now,” I say as I start to back away.
One failed conversation later, I sit on the back patio as Ozzy runs around getting into every mud puddle he can see.
“Come inside, Oz. We need to get you into the bath, so you don’t get mud everywhere.”
I sit on my knees outside of the bathtub in my bathroom. Ozzy stands in the warm water looking a little better than a soaked rat all covered in bubbles. I giggle at his questionable appearance.
All dried up, Ozzy sits next to me in bed. He always sleeps with me. My little dragon according to Eddie. He would always play fight with Ozzy to save his princess from the tower. Eddie would win, and ask for a token of my affection. I would always give him a gentle kiss and thank him for being my gracious knight in shining armor. Even though his armor was his unruly hair, scary clothes, and charming smile. In return, I would get smothered in kisses all over my face and end up with his arms wrapped around me as he dosed off finding himself in dreamland.
I think of this until I make it to dreamland myself. I dream of driving in my car down the open highway. I look to my right and see Eddie holding Ozzy as he shouts the lyrics to some fast-paced Black Sabbath song. He reaches over to put his hand on my thigh. He leans over like he’s going to say something.
Then I wake up with a gasp. Ozzy has already run down the stairs and is barking his little head off. I jump out of bed and pull on my sweatshirt, well Eddie’s sweatshirt. I look over at the clock. 3:29 a.m. Who is at my door? I grab the knife I keep in my nightstand and hastily go down the stairs. I peek through the curtain and see someone sitting crisscrossed in front of my door. Of course. I pick Ozzy up and open the door. I look into the face of my visitor. He looks dazed and sleepy. His curls look more disheveled than usual. He shows off that stupid smile that I would do anything to keep around forever.
“Hi, Birdy. I missed uh you, I needed to come see you. I love you. You’re so pretty. Can I touch your hair?” Eddie says clearly drunk out of his mind.
Taglist: @daisyridleyyyy @chloe-6123 @ashlynnkennedy @tayhar811 @allaboutvalen
Note: The names that are crossed out would not let me tag them for some reason. Also, I am new to taglists so I will definitely screw things up for a while before I figure things out.
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wawamouse · 4 months
Oz Rewatch 3: S2E06: Strange Bedfellows
Happy Chinese New Year/Lunar New Year! Haha, Sister and I watched a movie and ate hotpot and then for “dessert”, watched Oz. There was a lot of action in this episode. In the words of Sister, “Two guys got dethroned, another guy learned that boys can love boys, and LL Cool J was there too for some reason”. I don't really have too much to say about this episode. All things considered, it's an fun watch! Well, "fun" probably isn't the right word to use, but I didn't feel that much frustration with anything that happens here. There were less short story beats this episode and more longer stories, which is nice when the stories are actually intriguing (GILES...).
Said continues to help Schillinger with his case; Diane and McManus are deposed by Said, during which they both lie. Afterwards, Said steps off the case
Mini: Adebisi and Bellinger communicate through notes
Peter Schibetta recovers from his poisoning and tries to get revenge, failing notably
El Norte starts to waver under Miguel’s hesitance to go to war; El Cid arrives
Jiggy Walker arrives at Em City, spinning tall tales; having abandoned Schillinger, Said adopts his fourth project for season 2 (which also ends in failure lol)
Giles -_- (he gets some toothpaste, and we can finally say we’ve seen the last of him for a bit)
Cyril O’Reily is caught for the murder of Preston Nathan
Beecher realises he’s in love with Keller; they kiss; Beecher’s alcoholism relapses
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Sister: She’s been hanging out with the Sopranos too much! Me: ??? Sister: [shrugging] I saw a clip...
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Sister: And that’s your favorite? The guy who gets punched and wants to go to war with everyone and looks like the chihuahua from Lady and the Tramp? Me: 😭 He's funny...
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Sister: Shannon!!! [proceeds to talk for 5 minutes about how O'Reily doesn't deserve Shannon]
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Sister: Hmm… what would you change a swastika into? A cross with a little box around it? Me: Like a window?
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Sister: I’m surprised he’s such an educated guy and yet doesn’t know the ways of the Greek…? I thought lawyer people loved the Classics… Has he never read The Symposium?
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Me: Is that what you were thinking about?! Sister: I MEAN... I was thinking something a little more decorative… Maybe like a little windmill or something.
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Sister: EEEE! What did he say?! Me: He said it’s so cute. Sister: What did he say?! Me: He said it’s so cute.
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Sister: Hm. He shaved off his face-defining facial hair. Hm.
Stray Thoughts:
Sister (once again failing to realize a Schibetta is basically out of the picture): … Maybe Little Nino and Miguel work together now that they’ve both been dethroned?
Peter asking Burrano not to tell Nino about his rape is always so sad to me. It's interesting, though, that Nino's influence continues on for so long in the show. I seem to recall in later seasons when Pancamo is in the hospital, he also apologises to Nino in his delirium, presumably for failing to protect Peter in Oz.
It’s so disappointing that Jiggy Walker turns out to be lying lol… you want to see Devlin go down soooo bad, and then he doesn’t.
Giles time weirdness: they make it seem like Giles has been insane in solitary for years, but then it turns out he had the cell next to Augustus Hill’s in Unit B before Emerald City opened, which means Giles has been in Solitary for at most 3 years. Or maybe I'm misremembering something.
Dr Prestopnik is so funny. I wish we got more of him throughout the show.
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I really like the floating bunk bed set pieces from Hill's monologues this episode
They do an interesting "freeze frame" kind of thing with the crime flashbacks this episode where the actors freeze and the camera moves through the scene. I feel like this is new and that they don't really do it again in later episodes, but I'll have to pay attention in the future and see. There are also not really "crime flashbacks" in this episode so much as there are "crime intros".
Sister: They keep throwing moral lessons at Said like he’s in a children’s show…. This episode it was “Oh, don’t trust gossip without proof; you’ll get egg on your face!”, and before that, it was “sometimes you’re going to help someone and they’re still going to do drugs” and before that, “some battles you just can’t win; you gotta know the law to use the law”. And then before that it was “sometimes you just gotta take your blood pressure medication”....
Final Thoughts:
Sister: Oh NO… They (Beecher and Keller) still have to do their Liar Reveal scene!!! [rolls around in despair]
Me: Any thoughts on Miguel this episode? Sister: -_- Me: ...What could he have done to avoid this fate? Sister: [cackling] Well, the first mistake he made was that he didn’t have a plan. He should’ve given the other guys an outline for his criteria on what a worthy cause for going to war was, because his problem is basically that he isn’t really explaining why he won’t go to war, and that's hurting the other guy's (Chico's) feelings. So he needs to get a bullet point list or something to hand out and make sure they’re all on the same page. And then he needs to get a spray tan. Me: ??? Sister: Because that guy said he was too white.
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sunnydaleherald · 4 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, January 27th
WESLEY: Fascinating. A hart. CORDELIA: It's not a heart, it's a bambi. And we expect him to read this teeny tiny print? WESLEY: No not h-e-a-r-t, h-a-r-t. A male red deer or staggard. Often associated with rural mysticism. GUNN: Yeah, they all got animals on them. Probably just a bunch of demon bedtime stories.
~~Through the Looking Glass~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Long Winter's Nap by Rabid_X (Xander/Oz, E)
Comfort + Cuddles = 2 Happy Vampires by Kandiii (Spike/Drusilla, G)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Shadow Over Hellmouth, Chapter 102 by Tuxedo_Mark (Buffy/Tara, E)
Forever My Willow Tree, Chapter 7 by Eagleblaze (Willow/Tara, E)
Tomes of the Apocalypse: Conquest, Chapter 24 by v_o_x (Xander/Spike, M)
Xander the Teenage Witch: Something Wicked, Chapter 8 by v_o_x (Xander/Larry, T)
Buffy The Princess Consort, Chapter 3 by MattanzaMFedora (Buffy/She-Ra, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power crossover, M)
For The Dark, Chapter 5 by CharcoalTeeth (Buffy/Faith, E)
They Know Exactly What We're Here For, Chapter 5 by MadeInGold (Angel/Riley/Spike, E)
Back undead and little again, Chapter 3 by AnkiKind (Angel & Spike, M)
Straight to the Heart, Chapter 3 by QuillBard (Buffy/Faith, M)
Blasphemy, Chapter 2 by wickedrum (Robin Wood, Buffy/Spike, T)
The End of Destiny, Chapter 3 by ConstantCommentTea (Angel/Cordelia, T)
angels of small death, Chapter 1 by ohdearsansa (Buffy/Spike/Drusilla, E)
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The Undine and The Landman, Chapter 4 (complete!) by holetoledo (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Afterburn, Chapter 8 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
In Any Life, Chapter 3 by Spikelover4ever (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Lie to Me, Chapter 1 by In Mortal (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
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Rules of Engagement, Chapter 8 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
It's Easy Time, Until It's Not, Chapter 18 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, G)
Love Lives Here, Chaper 14 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Coming Through, Chapter 7 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Angel and Wolfram & Hart doodles by bethabw (worksafe)
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Fanvid: Giles and Buffy || Are You Bored Yet? by Lucy Whiskers
Fanvid: Buffy + Spike - Rodeo (lyrics not worksafe) by All Choseny
Fanvid: Angel&Wesley | Crawling Through The Window by 1SnoWhiteQueen1
Fanvid: Btvs Season Two Tribute by Faith Victoria
Artwork process video: BUFFY x LEIA - Buffy the Vampire Leia by Splintered Studios - The Art Of Stephen Quick (worksafe)
Video: Characters Who Kill God by Tale Foundry (Buffy part starts from around 11:05)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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ReWatch: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - S7, the end by kimannebb
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Video: Afterlife-Slayer Sunday by Jane Talks Buffy
Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 5 OVERTIME | TWASM by T Watches A Scary Movie
Podcast: Grave S6 E22 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast) by Lisa M. Lilly
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Fic recs: Best Part by spuffyduds and Girls’ Night Out by magista recced by February Fangfest
[Fandom Discussions]
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the reason faith didn’t come into btvs s7 earlier is because it would’ve made buffy summers way too gay by antlerslayer
Comics aside, what job do you guys genuinely think Buffy would go into? by corvidyus
Should Buffy have stayed in heaven? answered by medievalfantasist
“Pangs”: I’m always so conflicted about this episode by kat--writes
I think that Morticia and Gomez should adopt every Buffy character into the Addams family by musingsfromthelagoon
i HATE the part in Buffy when Buffy sees Giles in his wizard costume by musingsfromthelagoon
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The Scoobies and lying to themselves by garfan
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Restless by txtrigg
Willow question by Tsole96
Riley's Dorm by daydrunk_
Was the Buffy episode "Smashed" magic inspired by the recent hit comedy (at the time) Sabrina? by Tsole96
In seven seasons we had many hangouts and yet for me they never topped the library by Sink_Rude419
The computer class makes no sense by Tuxedo_Mark
Xander & Dawn (spoilers for comics) by Both-Artichoke5117
First time watch along with The Normies by __ButWhy__
Rewatching for the nth time... I have thoughts by Illustrious-Double33
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heinrix · 8 months
from the sentences starter: Maybe Oz/Gale + "do you remember when we first met?"
ohh this is very cute yesss
Sleep was easy for Oz, the act of staying asleep however had been challenging ever since he’d been yanked from his own reality and from his own demise at the hands of a monster he once called friend. The feel of slick, oozing mercury running down his throat, his nose, the corners of his eyes, filling his lungs and sinuses, cutting off any way for him to breathe; relinquished himself to that fate, one he aptly deserved for sins of a former self he’d sooner bury than confront. He fought back, because of course he did, his body wouldn’t let him go quietly; his body, a thing not his own, claimed by many and puppeteered by fewer. Though that feeling of complete and utter suffocation would never properly leave him as he tried to grasp his throat but his hands were stuck, sifting through endless roils of a silver tidal wave.
He jolted awake, gasping, coughing for air that had been sapped from his lungs. The environment around him was somewhat unrecognizable at first until he felt a hand grasp his shoulder, a concerned voice filling his ears before Oz jerked away from the touch. “Gods, don’t touch me, please.” He rasped, still attempting to catch his breath, eyes landing on a concerned Gale who hesitantly took his hand back.
“Bad dream, I take it?” He asked, never taking his eyes off Oz as the tiefling sat up within their shared sent, wiping sweat from his brow and finally evening out his breaths, though his heart still battered against his ribs like the insistent rhythm of a drum.
He merely shrugged, turning to look at Gale, a bit awkward as this had been the first one of Oz’s recurring nightmares he’d experienced. “Not really a nightmare if it’s just a memory your brain sets on a loop.” A sigh fell from him as he fell back down against their bedroll, his side slightly dampened by sweat.
“True events do make for the worst horror stories…” he trailed off a bit, possibly wondering if what he’d said was a tad insensitive but Oz chuckled softly, letting his arm fall outward toward the wizard and Gale perked up at the gesture, taking the invitation to lie down, resting his head in the crook of Oz’s shoulder, fingers dancing softly along his exposed chest. “You do know, if ever you desire to alleviate these specific demons, I’m all ears.”
“Perhaps later…thank you, though.” Oz felt his chest tighten at the offer; it had been a long time since he had spoken of anything that could make him seem vulnerable, aside from his confession around the particulars how he was indeed more of a magical artifact than a person. The gesture was achingly sweet but Oz was in no mood for revealing old scars that still felt fresh.
Passing a hand through Gale’s hair, relishing in the strands of gray here and there, Oz had never felt as content with another person before; perhaps it was his own lack of true relationship experience shining through but Gale saw him, for what he was and what he had done yet still he was lying in Oz’s arms, fighting by his side each day. Though the tiefling’s body didn’t harbor his soul, Gale saw him and stayed. But Oz supposed that revelation was mutual, with how Gale viewed his own past transgressions. Their meeting in this reality, in this time, in this most harrowing of events felt as if fate had touched them both; deserved or not, Oz would thank whatever higher power brought them together for the rest of his days.
“Do you remember when we first met?” Oz queried, looking down at Gale only to be met with adoring deep oak eyes and a soft grin.
“As I recall, the grandiose strength of my paladin savior yanked me from a fate of being stuck between realms.” Gale gesticulated fancifully with his left hand as he was wont to do. “Not only was he as altruistic as to save a misfortune wizard such as myself, but gods was he utterly stunning.” Oz couldn’t help the smile that made its way across his lips, rolling his eyes at Gale’s recollection. “Oh and it doesn’t stop there, no, no, no, he takes me into his fold of every growing companions and well, you know the rest, surely?”
“And the gallant paladin falls headfirst in love with that clumsy yet erudite wizard who fumbles with all his flirtations.” Oz spoke, attempting mirror Gale’s own cadence. The wizard feigns offense as he sits up, hand over his chest.
“My good ser, I didn’t fumble anything considering you’re in my tent and my bed.” Gale tried his damnedest not to crack, a laugh bristling within him as Oz shook his head and pulled the wizard back down, hand cupping his jaw before he pressed his lips to Gale’s, chaste and basking in the warmth of him. These night wouldn’t chase away memories seared to every crevice of Oz’s brain but they did help.
this was way longer than i anticipated :3 anyway, them!
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canceramorem · 2 years
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We really were trying to do the right things to get her reunited with her kids. I mean, for anyone to say different would be a lie. This is us after we took a parenting class offered up by the USO , and the Cumberland county D.S.S. office. Marie was the one that signed us up, and I didn't think twice. After all, its a package deal when it comes to getting into a relationship when there are kids involved. I had no problem with the fact that she had kids. I love kids, I wish I would have had a thousand kids. They are a gift from God.
'Carmen ' was the instructor for the classes, we were the only people there, so Carmen gave us more attention. It was awesome, I would do it again . It's too bad that Marie has not been recognized for even this small achievement. Best part is - pizzle and marie did classes voluntarily- We didn't have to attend these classes. Poor woman, she knew she was in for a battle with the lamest dude I have seen in my life.
This dude is so shiesty he uses kids and custody to have people file false police reports. Definitely not a southern Gentleman. More like a northern Douche-Fag-Fuck-Boy , straight outta St. Lawrence County New York , where the courts and judicial system is more corrupt than a backwoods, Mississippi Burning lynch mob . There's more fucking Rape-O's in that fucking place than anywhere I've seen in my life. And they are not in jail. It sucks so bad up there, it really does. Jeypizzle hates anywhere north of virginia- Hell- I don't even fuck with Virginia. It's a commonwealth- police type state. No sir, for Jeypizzle to go to the frozen, snitch-friendly, Rape-O infested wasteland call "the North Country" aka St Lawrence County New York, then you must have a 24- karat gold lined pussy or a lot of drugs. Because , Mr. pizzle told himself many years ago, that he would NEVER go as far north as Va. That's what Marie failed to tell Jason, was that he would be going up against a lying , scary ass fuck- boy that didn't know shit! Scared that a fucking black widow spider's gonna bite him- bwahhh hhaaaa.hhaa ! What the fuck! Dude, have you even thought about moving to Texas? Because Pizzle made up a new rule for pussy -ass fuck fags that think they are a real man . If you haven't lived in Texas for at least one year, then you ain't shit. Because it takes a fucking real man to live and work in Texas ,(pizzle lived there for six years) The NORTH COUNTRY, ha -fucking place reminds me of a homosexual county that's run by lying snitches don't help beautiful woman with anything. Fucking scared of spiders? You know what Jey Pizzle had for pets when he lived in Robstown, Texas? You're Godamn right, I had a few black widows in 20 oz. Plastic coke bottles , that were my pets. I would feed the Texas-sized VIUDA NEGRAS (black widows in Spanish) the big red ants that are also called BULL ANTS- (because they can take down a bull with there bites). Yeah it was cool as fuck feeding my babies them fucking red ants.
To think that fucking- do-what-you-do-duane, was so scared of the non aggressive black widow Spiders , that makes me fucking laugh so fucking hard. But to hear him tell it, he's a "real man" get the fuck out of here, dude you need to go kill yourself, for real. Lame-ass fuck- boy .
So yeah. The pen is mightier than the sword. I mean, we didn't want any shit . just to be happy and have fun raising kids some of the time, so they don't turn out like him- all lame as fuck and scared of shit. Maybe teach them how to surf, or speak Spanish, or even just play monopoly. Something different than being with their dickhead-daad-duane. We weren't trying to take his kids-they are her kids too! So this dude goes all out with the snitching.
That comes in a year , in 2019, when Marie is actually in the same county as her kids. We had gotten the parenting class done , and we were looking forward to parenthood. Nothing bad , just fucking trying, we really were....
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lunatriense · 2 years
I’m sorry but Ozpin’s pressured her?
Need I remind you that Pyrrha literally jumped at the chance when Oz and co we’re done explaining??? Oz is the one who gives her that look when he heard those words come out of her mouth because those are the same words he said as Ozma to the God of Light and asks her to take time and think it through.
Yes it probably would have been better to talk to her about it more because she couldn't talk to her friends about it, but he literally stopped her from making an impulsive, ill-considered decision.
But if he really did pressure her then he wouldn’t have given her that look and told her to take some time. He would have just accepted it and placed her in the pod and have that be the end of it, but no he didn’t. Because he literally was trying not to pressure her because he’s been pressured throughout all these centuries. He told Pyrrha as much as he could trust her with and let her make the decision on her own.
I know ya’ll love Pyrrha and naturally so because she’s a wonderful character but she made that choice in her own. Yes that choice was hastened due to the attack on Beacon but she still also made that choice of her own volition, and she also made the choice to fight Cinder all on her own even though she knew she’d lose, she still had to try. She could have run away with Jaune but she didn’t.
Her death is the result of Cinder and of Pyrrha’s own choice. Oz didn’t pressure her into doing anything he let her chose because he knows that choices are important even if they aren’t always easy to make.
I’m sorry but Oz isn’t the bad guy or manipulator ya’ll think he is. He’s a liar, he’s made mistakes but all that lying and mistakes means that he’s human because at his core he’s still a good person.
As Oscar said “oz really wants to help” He still loves humanity and genuinely wants to save them.
Explaining? They never explained. He told a girl he knew had a hero/martyr complex that she could save the world but it might cost her her life, of course she was going to say yes. And as far as hastening the choice because of the Beacon attack, he demanded an answer by the end of the tournament before that! He only ever was going to give her a few days, during which she was already under enormous stress.
'He told her as much as he could trust her with' my ass; he told her a tiny bit and left out the most important part, about how all of this is futile. The same part he left out with Ironwood, Qrow, everyone — the part that would lead good people who are willing to dedicated their lives to protecting the world not to do what he says. I wonder why that might be? When you lie to people with a specific goal of getting them to do something you want that, if they knew the truth, they likely wouldn't do? Oh, right, that's manipulation.
Did Pyrrha make the choice to fight Cinder on her own? Yes, despite it being entirely out of character for her given the fact that she'd always sought backup for very difficult opponents before. MKEK wanted Jaune angst so they decided to fridge her and had her do something monumentally stupid. Did she know she would lose and still had to try? As of v6 retconning the whole thing I guess, which is an absolutely disgusting twisting of things.
Look, I get it, you like Ozpin. Fine, cool, enjoy him. You think he's a good guy. Great! I have friends who do too; if you follow the rwde crowd around here, you've probably seen quite a few of their takes on him in fact. I don't, and the way he's manipulated Pyrrha is only a small part of why. I have many, many reasons to hate the bastard.
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r0bilargreenleaf · 1 year
WIP Jennifer Steel - Agent of the F.S.I.A. excerpt
The two women sat across from each other in the Agency cafeteria. Isadora pulled her long, thick black hair up and swiftly braided it, revealing her multiple ear piercings. She was wearing a navy Dickies jumpsuit. Jennifer was wearing a black Metallica t-shirt and cream-colored Capri’s. Both women had 24 oz. coffees in front of them. Jennifer watched as the other woman finished her braid, then twisted it up into a bun.
“Ah, that’s much better,” Isadora said. “Rob insists I leave it down. Says it’s more attractive that way.”
Jennifer grimaced. She didn’t want to talk about the man. He’d lied to her too many times to ever trust him again. The only reason she was here was she didn’t feel like fighting the much bigger woman. ‘Rob wouldn’t be happy we were fighting either,’ she mused. Then, ‘Why the hell do I care what he wants? He’s a lying piece of shit.’ She lifted her cup to her lips and took a long swallow of the hot liquid. The pain in her throat helped to distract from the pain in her heart.
“I know what you’re going through, Ms. Steel. Three hundred years ago, Rob told me of his mixed heritage. It threw me for a loop as well.”
“No, that isn’t it, Isadora. I’m not bothered by the fact that he is only part human. I’m bothered by the fact that he lied to me. How can I trust him?”
“Well, that depends. Why did he lie to you?”
“To cover up insecurities and make himself out to be bigger? I don’t know.”
The Amazon warrior smiled at the smaller woman across from her. She knew what the other woman was going through: she’d felt the same way when she learned Rob’s secret. Back then, though, it was called weakness, not insecurity. However, Isadora knew that she’d had time with him that Jennifer never would. The humans of this world didn’t live as long as the humans of their home world. “The truth, Ms. Steel, is Robilar wanted to protect you, that’s why he lied to you. And I’ll let you in on a little secret: he came clean because he loves you.”
“Yeah, ri- Wait, what?! You’ve got to be kidding!” Jennifer’s eyes widened and her jaw slackened. She slumped back in her chair, as she tried to catch her breath. This revelation had her head spinning. Her chest felt tight as she tried to argue against it in her mind. ‘If he really loved me, he wouldn’t have lied in the first place.’ That train of thought warred with, ‘Why would Isadora lie? What would she get out of it?’  This internal argument continued as her heart began to race and her hands started to tingle. Shivers skittered over her arms and her wrists began to feel a little numb. Shortly, she began to feel dizzy and nauseous. As she lowered her head to the table, she realized, ‘Damn it, not another Panic Attack!’
The other woman rose from her seat. “Ms. Steel? Jennifer? What’s wrong?” There was no response. Isadora hurriedly circled the table and felt for Jennifer’s pulse. She found it thready and racing. The Amazon slapped the intercom button on the wall. “Code Aqua! We need a med team to the cafeteria on the double. Jennifer Steel is-”
“I’m okay,” the woman in question said weakly. “I just don’t feel good.”
0 notes
zacs-of-rwby · 2 years
"I love every minute spent with you."
Dialogue Prompt (from @novelbear) - Qrow Branwen x Ozpin
“A mission? Really?” Qrow raised an eyebrow. “That timing’s just a little convenient, wouldn’t you say?”
“I wouldn’t call anytime I have to send you away ‘convenient,’” Oz countered.
“That’s cute. But you don’t have to pretend. I know you just want me gone for a while.”
Oz tensed up, the grip he held on the top of the Long Memory tightening. The ironic thing was, he wasn’t lying. He really did have a mission for Qrow, and the timing really was a coincidence. Now he just had to convince his partner that he was telling the truth.
“Come on, Oz,” Qrow shook his head. “I knew this was gonna happen. That you were gonna get tired of me, of my semblance, of us.”
“Darling, please don’t say that. I love every minute spent with you. This has nothing to do with what’s going on.”
“Don’t lie to me, Oz. I’m not an idiot.”
Oz sighed, hanging his head in defeat. All of the strange incidents that were plaguing them as of late were becoming tiresome. Dangerous weather, an airship almost crashing, fires starting, pipes breaking, it was all too much. The pattern was visible. Qrow’s semblance had a tendency to hit in waves, and this was a rather intense one. A reprieve from the misfortune wouldn’t be the worst thing on Remnant.
Oz took a deep breath and said, “I know that, love. And your semblance hasn’t been very kind to us these past few weeks. But I would never blame you for that.”
Qrow scoffed, averting his gaze.
“I promise you, this assignment is real. I need your help. I trust you with this. Curse and all.”
The statement rested, heavy on Qrow’s shoulders. He narrowed his eyes, challenging his partner to back down. Oz stood his ground.
Qrow’s gaze softened as he let out a sigh. “Alright, fine. What do you need?”
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maxburnett · 3 years
Epilogue to Summer Heat, Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers
-(fem!reader x Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers)
Summary: A glimpse of the months following Steve leaving Reader for Peggy. This is a part 2/sequel/epilogue of this fic for @syntheticavenger's 5K Follower Challenge
Warnings: This is mild! Mostly Fluff with slight Angst. There's a hint at Bucky eating out his very pregnant girlfriend if you squint. Bucky is soft. Steve is an idiot. Bucky really loves reader. (I stuck at these I apologize. Contains very minor Loki spoilers. I wrote this in like a hour on my phone so I apologize for any typos etc)
Please reblog/share and comment. I love to read your reviews!
Word Count: 2,060
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It had been nearly 5 months since you had found out that you were pregnant. You and Bucky were letting everything fall into place as you were getting ready for the birth of your baby. He had talked you into finding out the sex when it was born, despite you wanting to hurry up and find out. You closed your eyes as you sat on the couch, your legs propped onto a pillow as you rubbed your stomach as your baby kicked.
"He's good," he says with a smile. "God, you're so beautiful," he says, and you chuckle.
"I'm a whale, Buck," you say and throw a blueberry at him, which he catches with his mouth. "There's nothing beautiful about me," you snort, and he glares at you.
"I'm a whale, Buck," you say and throw a blueberry at him, which he catches with his mouth. "There's nothing beautiful about me," you snort, and he glares at you.
"Baby, how many times do I have to tell you that you're beautiful?" He asks, and you sigh. You just feel so fat and unattractive, but Bucky still stares at you the same way he did before he made the first move and kissed you all those months ago.
"I don't deserve you, Buck," you smile and move, so you are sitting beside him. "I honestly don't deserve everything you've done for the baby and me-" he cuts you off as he wraps an arm around you and pulls you gently into him, kissing your lips with a softness that made you get goosebumps every time.
"Our baby," he says into your lips.
"Our baby," you whisper back and smile as he stands up and takes your empty bowl to the sink, and comes back to lean down to kiss your chin where you had some chocolate. His lips move up to his, and you run your hands into his hair pulling him closer as he gently devours your lips with his own.
"Need to taste you," he says in a rough tone before pulling away. His hands reach down, taking both of yours. He helps you off of the couch and walks you back to the bedroom.
~ 2 Months Later~
You woke up one morning hearing the birds chirping outside of your window and smiled as Bucky came in, bringing you some toast with avocados and eggs on it. You eat the toast as he leans and kisses your stomach, softly singing his favorite song with his head gently lying on your huge tummy.
You giggle as you listen to him singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" as you close your eyes and remember your first kiss during "The Wizard of Oz" all of those months ago. You play with his hair, looking down at him, wondering how you got so lucky to have a guy like Bucky. Your eyes close for a moment. You can't help but think of Steve. You hate that he left you, you hate that he chose to be with another woman; but why couldn't you hate him?
If he had known you were pregnant, you know he would've stayed. Wouldn't he?
"Hey doll, you okay?" You heard Bucky ask, and you looked down at him. You smile as you nod your head down at him. You take a deep breath.
"I was just thinking about Steve ... not necessarily the bad stuff. I just ..." you couldn't find the words. "He just would have been a good father," you say softly.
"You're right," he smiles and looks up at you. "He was a good man," he whispers and closes his eyes. "I just ... wish he would've handled all of this differently. He should've talked to you," he said, his fingers gently moving over your tummy. You smile. His singing was always something that could calm the baby's kicking down.
When he moves to lay down beside you, pulling you as close as he could as he rested his head on your shoulder and his hand on your stomach. He closed his eyes for a moment and bit at his lip.
"At the funeral, he asked me if I liked you," Bucky whispered. He'd never talked to you about this before. "He said he saw something about the way we looked at each other. He wanted to know if I had feelings for you,"
You bit your lip as you listened to Bucky, and you placed your hand over his.
"I didn't lie to him. I told him the truth. I'm sorry if me telling him that caused him to leave," he said, and you place your finger over his lips.
"Bucky, even if I do miss him sometimes ... even if I do still love him. There's nothing like the love I have for you," you whisper and run your fingers through his hair. "This baby was made with Steve ... and even tho we told each other 'I Love You,' It is fate that you and I go through this with our baby."
Bucky looked up at you, his blue eyes beginning to tear up, and you smile as you run your fingers gently into his hair before you wiped at his face with your fingers.
"I love you so much," you say down to him.
"I love you," he says back as he kisses your stomach and looks up at you with his head resting against your tummy again.
"Let's get married," he says, and you look down at him about to say something. He smiles up at you. "I know it's not an ideal proposal," he chuckles. "But I don't want to wait, and I don't even have a ring ... but I can get one. I just want to marry you, and I want to grow old with you and our baby,"
"Let's get married," you say back with a smile. "We can just do it in the courthouse... I don't need anything but you, Buck. Maybe we can get Sam to come," you say, and he smiles as he pulls away and moves his dog tags from his neck to yours.
"Let's get married," he says again and kisses your lips.
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Steve had promised Peggy that he would stop by the grocery store he walked out of the store with his paper bags and looked around as things began to freeze in time. He looked around strangely as everything began to move in slow motion. Holographic doors began to show around him, and three guards came out with guns and walked towards him.
One of them stepped towards him and looked down at something in their hand.
"Steve Rogers, on behalf of the Time Variance Authority. I hereby arrest you for crimes against the sacred timeline."
Before he had a chance to speak, he was zapped away with the strange people and was put on trial. He honestly thought this was some kind of joke. How had he messed with the timeline?
"You must be Captain America," a voice said from behind him. He was holding a file and stood to walk towards him. "I'm Mobius," he said.
"Why am I here?"
"You messed up the Timeline by going back in time to be with Peggy Carter," Mobius replied. "We figured we would give you the chance to fix things. Follow me," he said, and Steve sighed, following after the man.
He stopped at an area, and Steve turned towards a vast place with darkness, but soon the darkness lit up. He saw you and Bucky in front of him.
He saw how the two of you had fallen in love, and something inside him twitched as he saw how you looked at Bucky. It was a way she never looked at him before. Then he watched the night she had called him asking him to pick something up for her, and he gasped.
"I wouldn't have left if I had known," Steve finally spoke.
Mobius looked over at the blonde and shook his head. Then looked back at the screen.
"You need to make a decision. But know one thing, them falling in love was always supposed to happen. It would have happened if you would've stayed," he said, causing Steve to look at the screen. "We normally don't do this, but we will give you time to figure out what you want. You can stay here ... you can let them live their lives. Or you can finally man up and admit that going back into time to be with a woman you only kissed once was a stupid thing to do,"
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Bucky smiled as he kissed your head as your 6-week old baby girl, Isabella Rose rested on your chest. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, and you didn't look any better.
"I still can't believe she's here," he smiled, looking down at the sleeping baby. "Here, let me take her. I want you to get some sleep," he said as he softly took her and stood up from the bed and walked her to her nursery, and laid her down.
"Hey sweet pea," Bucky says as he winds up the mobile and Isabella glances up at him and he swore she smiled before looking at the mobile. "All of this is new to me. But I promise I'm going to take care of you and mommy. It's going to be the three of us to the end of the line," he whispered and looked up at the mobile where he and you had hung Steve's dog tags that he had left behind. "Your daddy would love you so much. I miss him and I know mommy misses him too. You have his eyes and his hair. But hopefully, you aren't as hardheaded," he smiles and runs his fingers through her blond hair. "Go to sleep sweet pea,"
He came back into the bedroom and smirked, seeing you were already asleep, and he laid beside you and wrapped an arm around you.
He woke up a few hours later; Isabella was crying. He headed into the room and picked her up, comforting her with a smile.
"Daddy's here," he said as she wrapped her hand around his ring finger, and he smiled seeing her little fingers close to his wedding band. "Daddy's always gonna be here," he said, rocking her softly. He heard a knock on the door and carried Isabella carefully towards the door and opened it slowly.
Steve stood behind the door. He had a hand on the back of his neck as he looked out at his best friend holding his daughter just as you walked into the room.
"Buck, who's at the door?" You ask before you freeze as Bucky moves to the side, and Steve is standing there looking from you to Bucky and down at the little blonde-haired girl in Bucky's arms.
"Bucky, turn around," you say, and he backs away from you and turns his back, and holds Isabella close.
"How dare you!" You say as you slap Steve once and then again. "You left!" You say, and he reaches his hands out to grab ahold of yours. It's when he sees the rings on your finger.
"Y/N. I'm sorry. If I would've known, I wouldn't have left," he says, and you feel the tears building in your eyes.
"But you left Steve ... you left. You said you loved me, and you left," you shook your head. "I loved you, and you left," you said as you began to hit his chest before collapsing into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," he said as he held you close against his chest. "I came back ... I came back," he said against your head. "I know you and Bucky are together ... but I have to be here for her," he said, and you look up at him and feel his fingers wiping your eyes.
"Can I hold her?" Steve asks, his voice slightly cracking.
"Yes," you whisper and have him sit down on the couch as you motion for Bucky to take Isabella over to Steve. He hands Isabella over carefully, and she looks up at the strange man and wiggles a little in his arms as tears roll from Steve's blue eyes down his cheeks.
"I'm sorry I left you, little Angel, but daddy's never leaving you again," Steve said as he leaned and kissed her head and took in the smell of his daughter for the very first time.
@syntheticavenger @bitchassbucky @belladonnabarnes @stcrrynightsinneverlcnd @onceuponabarnes @fairyevans @balenciagabucky @honeysucklesteve @faeryloki @fuckandfluff @bibbidibobbidibucky @buckyblues @bloomingbucky @buckyssimp @mickey-henry @fluffycutecevans @midnightf @fallinforevans @buckys-blue-eyes @lokiscollar
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