#outer worlds sam
nemhaine42 · 1 year
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08.02.23| The Outer Worlds Companions.
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vanteguccir · 4 months
vante's navigation ♡
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you are welcome here, honey ♡
ع˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ 🕊.⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹
– about me: letícia; 20; pisces; brazilian
– here's my work: masterlist
– wattpad: I'm used to translate some works from English to Portuguese, but I also love to read many fanfics in English as well and I always add them to my reading lists, so feel free to follow me there!
– disclaimer: I'm starting to post my work here, so be patient and gentle. I really love to write, but I adore talking as well, so feel free to send requests or anything at all, I'll answer you all for sure ♡
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– status: CLOSED
– rules: please, respect it!
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the-outer-memes · 9 months
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Why yes I have been playing Starfield how could you tell
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starfables · 6 months
outer worlds doodles aaaa! i never post enough of these
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hawthorne after spending 30 minutes on gorgon
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anubis + hawthorne (ft. S.A.M)
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idc if everyone in game is technically the same height. this is the dynamic. (also i can't imagine anyone in halcyon is over 6'0. malnutrition is going crazy over there)
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sercj · 26 days
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goddesstiera · 1 year
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gifsofhubris · 1 month
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"Mmm... Alright. I got nothing goin on."
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driftwoodskeleton · 1 year
uhhh hey, Outer Worlds mutuals! or non mutuals too lol. do y'all have any screen caps of the companions that you really like?
maybe they look extra dashing or a little silly or maybe you just like them and wanted another photo?
any chance you could send them my way?
its for secret reasons that will likely not be revealed for a year minimum knowing me lol :')
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jackalgirl · 2 years
Max: I've always been fascinated by the golden ratio. Felix: You what?  Isn't that the thing that's a kink about p-- Max: <pinching the bridge of his nose> RATIO, Felix. The golden ratio.
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legally-a-bastard · 2 years
I'd love to hear more about your TOW captain! 👀 Can we get an introduction?
also sorry this took so long to answer I was in the middle of the woods for a bit. i am temporarily back from the woods rn but will be returning soon
This is Captain Arabella Hawthorne. She’s teeeeeeechnically a self-insert OC? but like all my OCs eventually do she kinda became her own entity
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And I surprisingly don’t have much of her lore fleshed out, but I’m hoping to change that(might do second runthrough of TOW..)
She typically prefers negotiating through problems first, but is absolutely not above threats and violence.
She’s trying to save the colony; so she’d like to kill as few people as possible along the way. Otherwise, how is she any better than the Board?
She fucking hates Mantisaurs. Bugs have absolutely no reason to be that big, and that bulletproof.
I don’t remember much about her character background/stats n stuff because I haven’t played TOW in a long time, but I might pop onto it and check later
The crew/companions are like a family to her(even ADA and Sam), and with the amount of bickering that’s always happening, they might as well all be. She does try to make time to hang out/talk with each of the companions whenever she gets the chance.
Felix and Max tried to explain tossball to her once, and the conversation only lasted all of four and a half minutes before she had to break up their 8th argument that week.
I HC that Nyoka’s a really good cook(and that my captain’s cooking…could definitely use some work), so I like to think that Nyoka sometimes teaches Arabella how to cook. I don’t care if a bunch of the shit in TOW is supposed to be technically inedible, I want Nyoka to teach my captain how to make a mean Raptidon steak 😤
She usually helps Parvati plan dates with Junlei, because as much of a sweetheart as she is, that girl cannot stop having anxiety about it to save her life. If there’s such a thing as a ‘disaster asexual’, that’s Parvati. Arabella also makes sure to intimidate the fuck out of anyone she sees being acephobic because we do NOT stand for that shit here on the Unreliable.
ADA often updates her on what’s changed/happened in the past 70 years, because Arabella is still pretty clueless on a lot of stuff.
Since Ellie’s a doctor(technically), i like to think that she knows like. Which consumables are most effective to use in the inhaler thing the Captain has, which ones are good substitutes for other things, and what’s best to use in certain situations, so she like. Explains that stuff to Arabella so that she doesn’t, like, die.
Building off of that, I think Nyoka knows what things/armors are best against certain damage types(and also what’s weakest against certain damage types), so sometimes she also helps explain stuff like that to Arabella too
She makes sure to tell SAM that they’re the best she knows at cleaning things, even though he always just responds with various cleaning-related slogans and jingles.
That’s all I can think of to tell you about my Captain for right now but thank you so so so much for sending this ask
And once again I’m so sorry I answered this so late
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OK BUT UR SO RIGHT ABT VICAR MAX THO that scene was so so good
FOR REAL..... the emotional catharsis of it all... his and mine, personally.
it is blow after blow of Things That Hurt Me Specifically. like how can i be normal about this scene that is totally made up exclusively of things i am insane about...: drugs. religion. parents. physical manifestations of self hatred. etc.
like i'm going to throw up. honest g-d. it's stellar.
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lovaboy · 11 months
outer worlds is very fun but if EYE can’t romance anyone then neither can my companions. i’ll help parvati with junlei but so help me god i’m cockblocking the rest of you. we suffer together
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Hello 98 followers and anyone else!
If anyone would like me to write a fic based on characters from my bio please let me know. Total list of people/ shows/ books I would write for include:
The Never King (books by Nikki St Crowe)
A Court or Thorns and Roses (books by Sarah J. Maas)
The Vampire Diaries/ The Originals/ Legacies
TopGun Maverick
The Avengers (Including Loki 💚)
Jurassic World 🦕 🦖
Outer Range (Rhett Abbott 😍)
Tom Cruise (Mission impossible / IWTV / The Mummy)
I will write smut, and a little NSFW which will have warnings. I would love to experiment with some of these and I am always happy to include names instead of Y/N!
Thank you everyone!
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askseriousrainbow · 1 year
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Alrighty, here are games 90 to 81 on my list! If you haven't read part one yet, the link's under this sentence now! Here we go!
Link to part 1. Link to part 3. Link to part 4. Link to part 5. Link to part 6. Link to part 7. Link to part 8. Link to part 9. Link to part 10.
90. Saints Row IV
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I love the Saints Row series, and Saints Row IV is my favorite of the Steelport games, because of the ridiculousness of it all and meta aspects. I do love meta when it's done right. Also, the flight mechanics just flow perfectly. The gameplay is fantastic, as well.
89. Serious Sam 2
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Damn, I love Serious Sam, obviously, and Sam's third adventure (though second game since The First Encounter and The Second Encounter are part of the same game, that's how I reference it) is wacky, insane, and just a blast. You don't have to care about the story, because the game doesn't care about the story, it's just silly. It's not my favorite favorite, but it's still good.
88. Prison Architect
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Ah, the building genre, one of my favorites. Prison Architect takes the familiar formula and applies it to prison building. You really need to keep track of your inmates and guards, and make sure no one dies. The story mode isn't too bad either, it helps you learn the mechanics of the game.
87. Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
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Shantae, Shantae, Shantae. I love me some Shantae, and Half-Genie Hero is great. This is the best game to start with if you've never played the franchise. It's not a true metroidvania, but that helps players acclimatize to the style of gameplay.
86. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
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Ah, Bloodlines. It's an underrated cult classic that's been fixed up by its unofficial patch, and it's a great RPG that has wonderful characters and multiple endings. The voice work is great too, getting some real talent like Grey DeLisle and John DiMaggio. Definitely get this if you're into RPGs.
85. Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards
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Sierra adventure games are just good, for the most part, and the first Leisure Suit Larry is a fine, if short, game. The remakes aren't too bad either, so go with any version.
84. Theme Park
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Ah, Peter Molyneux. One of those creators you have to wonder if they had any talent at all nowadays because of their lies. But in the Bullfrog days, he could actually pull his games off, and Theme Park proved that, especially with the code being written by Demis Hassabis. It's a hardcore management sim with a whimsical coat of paint, and one you shouldn't miss.
83. The Outer Worlds
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One of Obsidian's better RPGs, The Outer Worlds takes the Fallout formula, transplants it into space instead of Post-Apocalypsia, and makes a great RPG. While it was partially Epic-delayed (I played it on Game Pass first.), it's still a fun adventure.
82. Blood
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I live, again. One of the holy trilogy of Build Engine titles, Blood is as great as Duke or Shadow Warrior, and has its own personality, with Caleb being more “evil” than Duke or Lo Wang. It's basically a Villain Protagonist against an even eviler group, to use TV Tropes language.
81. Hotline Miami
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“Do you like hurting other people?” It's a question asked a lot in Hotline Miami. Sure, you feel exhilarated while taking on each level, but you have to walk back through your carnage with a drone of dread. Add the mind-screw of the story and you have one unique game.
Part 3 will be up tomorrow! :D
Link to part 1. Link to part 3. Link to part 4. Link to part 5. Link to part 6. Link to part 7. Link to part 8. Link to part 9. Link to part 10.
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towconfessions · 2 years
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We're combining a handful of anon messages for this one...
I am not a fan of robotic or ai companions. No offense to ada or sam, but neither of them pique my interest the same way the human companions do.
I wish SAM had character, instead of being just a slogan-spouting, occasionally funny machine. One of the six companion slots, filled by someone who probably isn't even sapient.
I don't care for SAM
SAM is the worst companion
I wish SAM had an actual companion quest
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cait-toons · 2 years
Pam and Sam 🤖❤️
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