#the outer worlds ADA
legally-a-bastard · 2 years
I'd love to hear more about your TOW captain! 👀 Can we get an introduction?
also sorry this took so long to answer I was in the middle of the woods for a bit. i am temporarily back from the woods rn but will be returning soon
This is Captain Arabella Hawthorne. She’s teeeeeeechnically a self-insert OC? but like all my OCs eventually do she kinda became her own entity
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And I surprisingly don’t have much of her lore fleshed out, but I’m hoping to change that(might do second runthrough of TOW..)
She typically prefers negotiating through problems first, but is absolutely not above threats and violence.
She’s trying to save the colony; so she’d like to kill as few people as possible along the way. Otherwise, how is she any better than the Board?
She fucking hates Mantisaurs. Bugs have absolutely no reason to be that big, and that bulletproof.
I don’t remember much about her character background/stats n stuff because I haven’t played TOW in a long time, but I might pop onto it and check later
The crew/companions are like a family to her(even ADA and Sam), and with the amount of bickering that’s always happening, they might as well all be. She does try to make time to hang out/talk with each of the companions whenever she gets the chance.
Felix and Max tried to explain tossball to her once, and the conversation only lasted all of four and a half minutes before she had to break up their 8th argument that week.
I HC that Nyoka’s a really good cook(and that my captain’s cooking…could definitely use some work), so I like to think that Nyoka sometimes teaches Arabella how to cook. I don’t care if a bunch of the shit in TOW is supposed to be technically inedible, I want Nyoka to teach my captain how to make a mean Raptidon steak 😤
She usually helps Parvati plan dates with Junlei, because as much of a sweetheart as she is, that girl cannot stop having anxiety about it to save her life. If there’s such a thing as a ‘disaster asexual’, that’s Parvati. Arabella also makes sure to intimidate the fuck out of anyone she sees being acephobic because we do NOT stand for that shit here on the Unreliable.
ADA often updates her on what’s changed/happened in the past 70 years, because Arabella is still pretty clueless on a lot of stuff.
Since Ellie’s a doctor(technically), i like to think that she knows like. Which consumables are most effective to use in the inhaler thing the Captain has, which ones are good substitutes for other things, and what’s best to use in certain situations, so she like. Explains that stuff to Arabella so that she doesn’t, like, die.
Building off of that, I think Nyoka knows what things/armors are best against certain damage types(and also what’s weakest against certain damage types), so sometimes she also helps explain stuff like that to Arabella too
She makes sure to tell SAM that they’re the best she knows at cleaning things, even though he always just responds with various cleaning-related slogans and jingles.
That’s all I can think of to tell you about my Captain for right now but thank you so so so much for sending this ask
And once again I’m so sorry I answered this so late
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w98pops · 1 month
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been playing outer worlds recently. same as i ever was
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macaritaville · 1 year
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my favorite Ada expression: 🤨
the outer worlds still hasn’t released its hold on my brain ❤️☺️
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nemhaine42 · 1 year
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08.02.23| The Outer Worlds Companions.
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sweetsweetpotato · 4 months
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※Vicar Max × Female Captain※ I drew this comic on 5,5,2022.I tried to translate, but couldn't complete. So only Japanese. Sorry. I love The Outer Worlds. I'm looking forward to the release of the sequel!
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gifsofhubris · 4 months
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fizzytoo · 10 months
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my gf, the ai in my spaceship <3
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captastra · 2 years
Chapters: 8/9 Fandom: The Outer Worlds (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Female Captain/Felix Millstone, The Captain/Felix Millstone Characters: The Captain (The Outer Worlds), Female Captain (The Outer Worlds), Sophia Akande, Felix Millstone, Vicar Max, Original Characters, Phineas Welles, Ellie Fenhill, Nyoka (The Outer Worlds), Parvati Holcomb Additional Tags: Darker AU, Interrogation, Kidnapped Captain, Character Death, Grief and Loss, Unreliable crew to the rescue, Angst, Blood and Injury, Violence, Hurt/Comfort Summary:
Rhea finally awakens, her memory muddled from the torture she experienced at Sophia's hands and weighed down by the reminder that nothing will be the same again. Meanwhile, Felix struggles with his own helplessness in face of their current trials, but finds, there is still one very important thing he can do.
I finally have chapter 8 up!! We are almost there with this story :)
Taglist: @ghosttownwhispers @olliesaurus-rex @confidentandgood @incognito-insomniac @lethal-justice @natesofrellis @roofgeese @seliviawanders @poetikat (let me know if you wish to be added or removed!)
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bearcina · 1 year
2023 Year of the OTP: January, Mission Fic!
How To Solve a Murder
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An ADA/Female Captain piece set during the "Murder on Eridanos" DLC!
Rated E, due to the nature of the game
Spoilers for Murder on Eridanos!!
"Will I be allowed access to the evidence, Captain?" ADA asked with a smirk. Her imagination had been running wild with the few pieces she had received. "I admit, I have been very curious to know the details." She propped herself up on an elbow and pulled the fluffy black blanket across her chest.
Ophelia sighed, and her cold heart cracked a little… That was her blanket, from her hammock back on Earth. ADA looked delightful in her new bed with it, laid out like a goddess.
"ADA, why don't you come down to the Penthouse with me? I mean, I've been on the Eridanos case for two weeks now, and you've just been here on the ship." Ophelia anxiously offered the android nestled in her favorite blanket. Her eyebrow twitched, watching the cocky AI leisurely stretch and roll over to face her.
ADA hummed noncommittally at her captain. She didn't like leaving the ship, but was intrigued by the murder her captain was investigating. Alas, the captain had not wanted to share any details on the ship, and would not speak of it over a transmission.
"Will I be allowed access to the evidence, Captain?" ADA asked with a smirk. Her imagination had been running wild with the few pieces she had received. "I admit, I have been very curious to know the details." She propped herself up on an elbow and pulled the fluffy black blanket across her chest.
Ophelia sighed, and her cold heart cracked a little… That was her blanket, from her hammock back on Earth. ADA looked delightful in her new bed with it, laid out like a goddess.
"I could use your insight on this one, it's not adding up right." Ophelia confessed, blushing. She wasn't quite smart enough to do it her favorite way, the way she had always done it, alone.
ADA hummed again, and shut her bright eyes for a moment. Her curiosity clawed at her motherboard, telling her to give in and sate her desire. A plasma weapon. Missing guns. A dead celebrity…
She opened her eyes again, and sat up, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed automatically.
"I will go." ADA declared, and smiled. "But only if you tell me all the details."
Ophelia nodded, her smile widening.
"Great! Just put this on and we'll be on our way. You'll need to look elegant to accompany me to the top." Ophelia said. She reached into her bag and procured a clean vest-suit, and deposited it into ADA's lap.
Black pants, black shirt, blood red vest.
ADA looked up at her quizzically. She delicately unfolded the clothes after a while, and found them to be almost the correct size, just a little loose.
"Captain... Where did you... Procure... This outfit?" ADA asked slowly, looking it over for stains. Hoping there was no blood.
"Ah... I stole it… One of the ladies that had come with Odeon was an ex-nav android reprogrammed to act. But ah, she didn't keep a good eye on her wardrobe. She had suitcases and suitcases of costumes and clothes, so I helped myself." Ophelia shamefully babbled. "I don't think one outfit will get missed too bad." She fished around in her bag again, and pulled out a matching bow for the outfit.
ADA nodded after a moment of processing. She didn't have any qualms with wearing stolen clothes, only ones taken off bodies. The vest was shiny, soft silk-ish fabric, the shirt and pants both synthetic-cotton. It was Byzantine quality, and seemed to be hand-tailored.
"You'll need to look nice, and you'll need to blend in." Ophelia nervously started to away from side to side, a cold sweat breaking out on her neck. "Which means, I'll need you to act like my partner, so I can get you around without questions." She stammered and looked away.
ADA still hasn't said anything, the gears turning in her head.
She just had to dress nice and pretend.
"I can comply with that, captain. I will pack a bag and join you in the cockpit soon." ADA said, and shooed off the captain to prepare.
ADA emerged from the captains quarters in her new outfit, her hair styled, and bow tied.
"Captain, I am ready to leave." She said, and put her hands on her hips. Ophelia perked up, and quickly started to fluster.
"Let's not waste any time, then." Ophelia replied.
ADA looked gorgeous under the Eridanos light as they meandered from the ship to the hotel, the silk-ish fabric shimmered and highlighted all her curves.
Ophelia didn't feel special standing there with her android in the Grand Colonial hotel lobby. In fact, she thought ADA was the star of the room when they glided into the room.
The captain had to stop and make pleasant chit-chat with many others in the lobby, getting pulled aside and distracted at every unguarded opportunity. She talked to bellhops, the front desk staff, made a detour to check in on the kitchens, glided up the steps and to other rooms…. It was like she had to check on everything before going to the elevator.
ADA was getting impatient the longer she had to walk arm-in-arm with the captain-turned-inspector.
"This is my dearest ADA, but don't worry about her… I had something to ask you…" Ophelia would say as she grabbed the attention of the people in her path.
ADA didn't understand what the captain was doing. She had not mentioned a word of her plans, just linked their arms with a wink and was off.
The android had started to daydream, losing interest in the idle chatter around her. However, she was called back by an unexpected question.
Ophelia had nudged her side subtly, and went for the throat.
"So, where were you the night Miss Bellamy died?" Ophelia asked, surprising the android. The bellhop sputtered and stuttered for a few minutes before spilling his story on the night. ADA couldn't believe her occular processors, Ophelia had to only twitch a few muscles to make the suspect spill.
The inspector nodded after a few moments, smiled, and pulled ADA away from the stunned bellhop to board the elevator at last.
"Penthouse, please."
"Alright ADA, why don't you go ahead and set your stuff down while I scrounge up a bite for me to eat." Ophelia said, ushering her android down the short hall and into the main room. "You can go set your stuff in the bedchambers off to the right there." She pointed to the open door behind the mini-bar. ADA nodded and shuffled off to unpack her meagre bag.
Ophelia uncorked a bottle of Spectrum Brown and poured herself a shot, tossed it back, and started digging under the bar for a quick meal. All she had was a bunch of purpleberry lunches, a few slices of bred, and a single nanner. She had to find something better than crackers, nuts, sad fruit and an even saddder slice of squished bred. She still ate it all like it was the last thing she'd ever eat.
Once she stuffed her mouth at the bar, Ophelia tapped on the bedroom door and called out, "Alright, let me show you the evidence and my ideas board."
ADA opened the door after a moment, and nodded in agreement.
"I am eager to see it, captain." She was very eager.
Ophelia led her across the suite to her drawing board, and gestured vaguely at it all.
"This is what I've got." She declared, "Plasma weapon, missing gun, a tampered automech, and poisoned food... All stuff from inside the hotel, but I found endless footprints and clues outside, fresh enough I could follow." Ophelia pulled photos from her breast pocket and pinned them up in the web.
ADA hummed and started inspecting the photos and notes.
"I've already grilled the suspects and examined the Burbage unit, and I retrieved the security footage for the kitchens, if you think you'll need to see it." Ophelia paced back and forth in front of her mess. She then sat on the table to get a full view again. The gears were turning in her head, but she wasn't getting anywherem.
The night was young, she still had time to decide.
"ADA!" Ophelia yelled, bursting out of the elevator, "There's been more murders! The constable, and Doctor Blossom were both hunted down while I was out!"
ADA staggered out from the bedchamber, eyes dim and full of sleep. It was midnight. She blinked at her captain in a daze.
Ophelia dashed to the makeshift office faster than ADA could process.
"I've got to solve this!" Ophelia yelped, grabbing her hair. "It's not adding up!"
ADA slowly padded her way to the captains side and yawned.
"Captain, I have a few ideas..."
Ophelia frowned as she jabbed the buttons to call Ludovico. Something was still nagging her, but everything had been airtight.
The Prophet tried to kill Helen with poison.
Woolrich poisoned her meal.
Woolrich made Burbage 3001 fatally shoot Helen while she was down.
It still made no sense.
"Lou, I've got your murderer..." She greeted. Right to the point.
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mediocre-life-span · 2 years
I'm making some tow posters to decorate my wall :D!
ADA is definitely not sentient right? Right?
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towconfessions · 2 years
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I love SAM and ADA, and want them to have their happy weird little robot relationship but I also really love PAM and want SAM/PAM to be a thing. SAM, you little cleaning bot cassanova!
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w98pops · 1 month
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"Please be informed that this vessel has no crew for you to murder" is my new favorite videogame line
Thanks cowboy EDI from the 60's or whoever you are supposed to be
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filiasyth · 2 years
Courtenay Taylor lives in my head rent free.
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Okay so I've been playing outer worlds for several days now and I just got max to join my crew. I get on my ship and excited to have something to say to him but before I can find him ADA gives an announcement that there is only one bathroom; I thought that was odd since I knew that but I don't worry and instead head up the ladders to the kitchen and find that Nyoka is yelling at a closed bathroom door about how they were in there for too long and that they needed to see a doctor if they were still using the toilet. I realize then that Max is almost definitely in there. I open the door and lo and behold, Maximillian Desoto himself is in there PLAYING with the sink!
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ADA: You've acted like the crew’s parent for years.
The Unplanned Variable: More like their slightly older, much wiser sibling.
ADA: Whatever you need to tell yourself.
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