#or should i keep abandon all hope ye queue enter here
hey gang what if i changed my queue tag to "the devil made me queue it"
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rmg91 · 3 years
Zoe Week; Day 5-ROTT
So I know we got given a free day considered ROTT was...what it was but I decided to still go with the prompt and it turned into more of a small rewrite than just a ‘Let’s slip Zoe into this scene’. Zoe is everyone’s braincell and we know it.
Also I tried writing a fight scene....I donno how well it turned out lol
“He WHAT?!”
Zoe stared at the assembled guardians, the kids, that had gone up against the demigods bent on restarting the world with that crazy plan to strip them of their powers, only for it to fail. Yes, they were alive. Yes, they had Nari, in spirit, but the Arcane Order had her body, had Douxie, and that was not okay for her! That stupid, self-sacrificing idiot! Of course he'd do something like that! But all it would do would buy them time and just what was going to happen when those power hungry beings found out?! It wasn't going to be good, that was for sure and now Zoe had to hatch a plan to try and save her idiot before something bad happened.
Ignoring the overlapping explanations and assurances they'd come up with a plan, Zoe marched her way out of the ex-throne room and down to what was becoming her studio. Shuffling around the various tomes and grimoires, she searched for the one she was certain had the spell she needed to find him, growling to herself when she couldn't. This is what she got for not sorting through all these yet. Finally, just when she'd been about to say 'fuck it' and do it without the book, she dug up the dusty purple codex of scrying and grinned in victory. Oh, she was finding that idiot of hers and then she was going to give him a piece of her mind once he was safe.
Coming back upstairs, the pinked haired witch flipped through the book, looking for the magic circle that would allow her to find Douxie. Ignoring everyone's voices, she quickly read through the directions, reminding herself how it worked and set to etching runes in the air with her wand. The symbols of power fell to the floor in sparking pink power, forming the necessary element for her spell. “Nari.” She called, “I'm gonna need Archie for a moment.”
The little nature spirit, inhabiting her partners body, let his familiar go from her hold as she finished the magic circle, sending the tomb to rest on the floor outside it. Sitting in the center, Archie crawled into her lap in dragon form, already having a feeling on what she was going to try to do. Normally she could sense Douxie's power, they'd known each other for so after all it was easy, but between distance and most likely being blocked, she couldn't without help. It would be easier if their magic was bonded, tied together for the rest of eternity and the ultimate sign of trust and love between magic users but...they weren't. Not for lack of wanting to but their lives had been pretty hectic and dangerous and bonding their magic came with lots of consequences as well as benefits. If one of them died...it would be the worse kind of hell on the other. And as much as they loved each other they hadn't wanted to have the other suffer so. But maybe, after all this, they'd change that.
“Uh..what are you gonna do?” Toby asked, standing near as he watched the pulsing pink runes.
“I'm going to track Douxie using the bond between him and Archie.” She explained, holding the dragon-cat gently, one hand scratching between his ears, “It should, in theory, help me find where the Order is holding him.” Then they would retrieve him and she was going to kick his ass for putting himself in danger, again.
Everyone took that as the queue to be quiet, to let her work, and Zoe breathed in deeply, letting her magic seep out and take shape. The circle glowed as she let herself fall into a trance, focusing on Archie, who was relaxed in her lap, his own magic open to letting hers in. She found the bond, a shining string of magic that was warm, comforting, powerful, reaching out beyond their little space in search of their missing wizard. She followed it as it swirled, twisting and turning through the space between, searching, searching, searching until-There! It sung brightly, tightening like a perfectly tuned guitar string and humming with life and she knew in that moment just where to find him.
Opening her eyes, a pink glow encompassing them, she grinned sharply. The Order didn't know what was coming to them.
The group entered the abandoned train tunnel, sans one Trollhunter, looking for any sign of the Order or Douxie. Zoe knew she had been harsh when she told Jim he needed to stay behind but she was not going to take back what she said. He was injured and therefore a liability and she wasn't going to let him kill himself or any of his friends if things were to go pear shaped. But hopefully they wouldn't and they'd be able to rescue Douxie with minimal trouble.
Her blue eyes roamed over the various crates and scaffolding, sensing him near but unable to see him. But she just knew he was here. Even as the group spread out and looked around old, crumbling crates and rusty metal drums, confused as to why they couldn't find anyone, Zoe was reaching out with her magic, searching for her wayward husband. Frowning down at the tracks, something just wasn't sitting right with her, she tried her best to see and think like Douxie would. There had to be something here she was missing...
She blinked, a thought coming suddenly and could it really be that easy?
Trotting up a staircase to get higher ground, she looked down at the tracks, shaking her head lightly because for some eon's old beings, Skrael and Bellroc really couldn't be original? “Their hiding in plain sight!” She shouted to assembled guardians, flicking her wand out and rearranging the train tracks, “They've made a giant sigil with the tracks!” The tracks moved, soon lighting up and dispelling the room around them, revealing a much darker room and three beings in the center.
She wasn't sure if they were aware they weren't alone anymore but it looked as if the demigods of ice and fire were taunting who they thought were Nari. She, or rather Douxie, was hovering in the air, held aloft by his hands in glowing magic and maybe, possibly keeping quiet as to continuing fooling the gods. But then, as they were staring confusedly as the Genius Seals, wondering why they weren't opening, he opened his big fat mouth.
“Abracadabra, Buttsnacks.”
Zoe groaned, because why had he said that?! But before the Order could do more than threaten him, she raised her wand high and cried, “Hey! Hands off!” She then sent a bolt of pink lighting down, just barely hitting Skreal, and then it was on!
Everyone jumped into action, firing and fighting the two remaining members of the Order. Zoe jumped down, joining the fray, firing spells and shields as she made way to Nari's body. She was put to a stop though as the icy wizard floated in front of her, brandishing his staff. Oh, if he wanted a fight, he was getting a fight. Ignoring Douxie's strained call of her name, the hedge-witch ducked a swing of the staff, dodging to the right and not giving in to Skreal's taunting. Hedge-witch or not, didn't mean she wasn't powerful and she wasn't about to let these bastards win.
Zoe fired spell after spell, wildly missing the floating god as he chuckled darkly at her. But that was okay, all part of the plan because when he least expect it she smirked and performed a round-house kick, planting her foot below his belt with a cry of “Rule Number Three!!”
As Skrael crumpled, she turned back to Douxie in Nari's body, running closer and hoping she could break the spell keeping him in the air. Fire had started to burn everywhere, the old wood catching easily to the spells Bellroc fired off but she ignored all that as she examined the magic around Douxie's wrists. She shushed him as he tried to talk to her, needing to concentrate on what she was doing, hopefully she wouldn't need Claire's help. Then a dark chuckle came from behind her.
“You won't break him free.” She turned to glare at Bellroc, their ever fluctuating voice grating on her nerves, “That magic is too powerful for even a full fledged wizard, let alone a little hedge-witch.” She growled as they laughed at her. And maybe she wouldn't be able to break it herself but if she could break this beings concentration... A wicked grin came to her face, feral as she remembered the chaos she'd wrecked at Killahead, and she began drawing runes behind her back.
“You're right...Guess I'll just have to make you break it.”
And with a flash of pink, twenty more Zoe's surrounded the demigod.
Crying out, Bellroc began to blast away her clones, easily poofing them from existence, which was fine as it was only meant as a distraction. The real Zoe dodged behind him, thankful for the rest of the crew keeping Skrael busy as she charged her magic. She'd only have one shot at this and she hoped it worked. It had been a while since she last did this. Bringing her now brightly flashing hands together, she drew them apart, a glowing, sparking, pink arrow held between them.
“Foolish girl! This won't defeat me!!” Bellroc cried with rage, dispelling the last of her clones.
“It's not meant to!” She yelled back before firing the arrow, sending a million volts through the wizard and causing them to spasm. And it was enough, for the spell holding Douxie up sputtered and died, dropping him to the floor. Zoe dived for his staggering form as Bellroc cried out again, pushing him out of the way of a blast of fire. Of course now she needed a plan to get them out of there...
Just as the fire god was approaching, already up from her attack and ready to end her life, a black portal formed beneath her and Douxie and they dropped away.
Zoe groaned as she was dropped onto the floor of Camelot, rolling onto her back. That had been...something. She really needed to practice that attack again, it took far too much out of her but at least now Douxie was safe. And Nari. She heard the rest of the guardians tumble in, shouts from their assembled allies rising and still she laid there, catching her breath.
“Zoe! Zoe, are you alright?!” She looked up at Douxie's voice, finding Nari's face above her looking at her with concern and they were needed to change back because this was just getting too weird. She watched him sag with relief, most likely due to her opening her eyes and he sighed, “You were nuclear, Love.”
“You better switch back before you kiss me, Casperan.” Was her only response.
Chuckling breathlessly, he nodded and she watched him hold out his hand for Nari to take, the goddess now crouching on her other side. A flash of magic and she was then being pulled into Douxie's lap, the wizard now back in his body. She let him nuzzle his face into her neck, still recovering from the adrenaline and almost overuse of her magic as they sat there, friends and allies all around.
“Thank you, Zoe.” Nari said softly, sitting primly in front of her, “You risked so much.”
“It's fine, Nari,” Zoe said, smiling at the forest child, “There was no way I was letting them keep your body and Douxie's mind.” Let alone risk the possibility of them forcing the two back into their proper bodies. Then they really would have been in trouble.
“So what do you do now?” She heard Claire ask because now they were back at square one. Keep Nari out of the grasp.
“I donno,” Zoe sighed, “But the important thing is the Order doesn't have Nari anymore.”
“That's not all they don't have..” The nature goddess smirked shyly before holding up the Genius Seals.
Zoe's eyes widen as cries went up around her, Douxie laughing in surprise, before she grinned wide and shark like. Oh, things were about to get interesting.
How the rest of the movie would play out from here I have no idea but there’s some choice Zouxie protecting each other/Nari/Archie so...there’s that. I hope you all enjoyed!
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purplesurveys · 3 years
What is your age? 22, but there’s less than a month to go before I turn 23.
What annoys you? Literally every single person who still supports the government at this point. For context, we are back to square one and we’re under the exact same quarantine imposed in March 2020 because of the surge in cases. Nothing has changed and nothing has been done in the last 365 days while people are getting hungrier and poorer. I’m done feeling hopeful for this country and I cannot wait to abandon it forever.
Do you have any allergies? Apparently, grass. Can’t be exposed to it for too long otherwise the skin on my thighs turn red and occasionally even get rashes.
Do you know anyone named Billy? Kind of, but they’re girls with their name spelled as Billie.
When is your birthday? April 21st and spending it in quarantine once again this year...
Who is your best friend(s)? Angela and Andi.
What's your favorite candy? I like gummy bears and worms. As for sweets, I really like Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Butterfinger, Twix, and the Hershey’s Cookies and Creme bar.
When was the last time you cried? Maybe a day or two ago while watching a snippet from Caught in Providence.
Have you been out of the country? Yes.
Do you daydream? Not so much these days. I’ve been better at keeping my focus at work.
What's your favorite kind of dog? I love alllllll dogs, but I’d usually be wary of smaller dogs because 87% of the times I’ve met some, they’re aggressive or a bit moody. I don’t like stereotyping dogs as much as possible but because I’ve had direct experiences to back it up anyway, *shrug*
What day of the week is it? It’s a Sunday.
How do you like your eggs? Scrambled, poached, or an omelette with lots of fillings. Balut is also great.
Have you ever been in the emergency room? Only when I was born, I’m guessing.
What's the easiest thing ever to do? Idk, what comes easy to me might not be the same for others. But my answer would be to smile, regardless if it were genuine or otherwise.
Have you ever flown in a plane? Yeah, many times. The child-like excitement I get whenever I get on one will probably never go away, either.
Do you use fly swatters? No, my mom usually uses old shoebox covers or rolled-up scratch papers we have lying around to swat them.
Have you ever used a foghorn?: Only in video games lol, never in real life.
Have you pet a goat? I don’t think I have. I’ve pet lots of animals before but I don’t think a goat has been one of them yet.
Are you a giver or a taker? Giver, but I’ve been allowing myself to take more these days.
Do you like gummy candies? Love them.
How are you? We’ve entered summer weather now, so I feel hot and miserable. It’s also Sunday and I am stuck at home, which doesn’t make me the happiest camper.
What's your height? 5′1″ or a tiny tiny tiny bit taller than that.
What color is your hair? It’s black but on extremely rare occasions I’ll catch a single light brown strand when I play with my hair.
What's your favorite ice cream? Cookies and cream and chocolate chip cookie dough. My friend Leigh actually started her own ice cream shop recently and I bought her coffee crumble ice cream, and it is sooooooooo fuckinggggggggg good??????? It’s so rare to find coffee ice cream where I live period, so I’m fucking stoked to have a close friend who makes literally the best one and in generous servings too.
Have you ever ice skated? Many times as a kid. I was never formally trained, but it was something I wanted to try from watching other kids play in mall ice skating rinks; and when I did give it a shot, I ended up enjoying it. Luckily my mom was encouraging and actually frequently dropped me off at a rink so I can practice gliding and all for a few hours while she ran errands.
Have you cheated the IRS? That’s like an American tax thingy, right? We don’t have that here and my employer handles my TIN.
What's your favorite jelly bean? Not a big fan but if I had to have Jelly Belly, I obviously would want to get the pleasant-tasting ones.
Do you tell jokes? Yes.
Do you wear nice jewelry? Only on special occasions.
Do you want to kill anybody? I don’t want to kill anybody but I certainly wish a good number of public officials would finally die.
Do you want to have kids? Yes. I really wish I could still have a future with them. Thanks for the trauma, my real asshole of an ex.
Where did you have kindergarten? Somewhere.
Are you laidback? I doubt my friends would use this to describe me. I for sure lean more towards the uptight side of the spectrum.
Do you lie? Eh, occasionally.
When is the last time you sent a hand-written letter? I have no idea. Christmas 2019 maybe?
Ever talked in a microphone? Sure. Many times.
Do you still watch Disney Movies? I very rarely get in the mood for them if I’m by myself, but yes, I’d gladly sit down and watch should an opportunity come.
Do you like mangoes? No.
Do you have a nickname? 99% of people call me Robyn while my family calls me Byn, but there are a select few friends who’ve stayed long enough with me to catch other names I’ve gotten over the years, which have since become inside jokes/nicknames. There’s Reben and Rolayn, and literally just yesterday ‘Roby’ happened when I ordered food for lunch so that will probably catch on as well.
What’s your favorite number? 4.
Do you prefer night over day? Absolutely.
Are you an only child? No, I’m two siblings away from that status.
Do you wish this was over? I haven’t felt that way, no.
What is the closet orange object near you? An orange tumbler my Kuya gave me as a Christmas gift in 2019. There is also orange tape wrapped around the charger adaptor of my company laptop.
What one fear are you most paranoid about? Waking up in the middle of surgery and being unable to speak nor move.
Do you play any instruments? Nope.
Do you think you are pretty? Some days.
Are you quick to judge people? No, unless they are already blatantly showing their character like being rude towards service staff, tossing their trash to the ground, or cutting in queues. Whenever those things happen I give myself the space and freedom to guiltlessly judge.
What do you keep quiet about? How dysfunctional my family really is, and the things I really want to say about Gabie.
Do you have any quirks? Food-wise, I like peeling off the breading from fried chicken and placing them on the side of my plate so I can eat them last, because they’re my favorite part.
What’s a good reason to cry? Frustration. Crying can be really helpful in lessening stress.
Do you think you're always right? No.
Do you watch reality TV? Not religiously, but I love watching snippets of reality shows on Facebook because they’re all so embarrassing and it’s hilarious to watch hahahahah. Literally last night I was watching clips of Big Ed on 90 Day Fiance.
Are you a social person? More so now than I was years ago.
What states have you lived in? I lived in Manila briefly but it didn’t take long till we transferred to another city for a more peaceful life in the suburbs.
What is your favorite season? I wanna say winter because of what I’ve seen from it in movies and shows, but I’ve never actually experienced it before.
When did you last sleep in a tent? Sometime in March or April last year.
Do you like tomatoes? Mostly in diced form. Tomato sauce is fine but I don’t really like it in my pasta. Bloody Mary also tastes rather awful.
What time did you wake up? 8:30 AM.
Do you have an umbrella in your car? I think so, yeah. I finally placed one in there lmao.
Do listen to Usher? Eh, not really. 2000s R&B isn’t my thing, save for Beyoncé.
Describe the underwear your wearing? It’s light blue.
What’s the worst veggie? I never learned to like pechay. I’d still eat it, but only because I like cleaning up my entire plate.
Do you like movies with violence? Some. Like I hate action movies but I enjoyed A Clockwork Orange and Scream lol.
Where do you want to go on vacation? I recently bookmarked an Airbnb in Zambales and the accommodation is basically this super cute line of tipi-styled huts by the beach. I'd love to have a solo trip push through once this Covid mess subsides.
Ever been on a wave runner? No.
Where do you work? I work in a PR company.
Do you wish on stars? Just sometimes.
Have you ever had an x-ray? Only for mandatory medical exams.
Do you own a xylophone? I think I had a toy one as a kid, but it’s not with me anymore.
Have you watched the x-games? No, not interested.
What did you do yesterday? I stayed at home; ordered food for Angela as a surprise; debated if I should buy a pair of Air Maxes – and ultimately decided I’ve already spent too much this month to deserve a new pair of shows lol; and just settled to buy a new night lamp for my bedroom. I also watched the newest episode of 2 Days 1 Night and ate more of Leigh’s ice cream while doing work.
Do you like the color yellow? Only in mustard yellow. I also like the song Yellow, heh.
What year were you born?: 1998.
Do you believe in the zodiac? No.
Has your bank account been at zero? No. I remember when I was first opening my own account at the bank and the clerk told me to make sure I don’t go below P2,000, and my intensely by-the-book ass has been following the rule ever since, even though my dad has told me it’s absolutely fine to go below it so long as I have P2,000 back in the account after a month hahaha.
Ever been to the zoo? A few.
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littlemarvelfics · 5 years
Guard You: The Rescue (3/4)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: about 1.5k
Warnings: nothing
Square Filled: Rescue Mission for @star-spangled-bingo
A/N: We’re almost at the end! Don’t be afraid to drop me a line with your thoughts! 
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You opened your eyes slowly, your head pounding and an ache in your neck. You tried to raise your arms to rub the drowsiness from your eyes but the wouldn’t move for their position behind your back. You looked around the room, it was bare except the metal chair you were tied to and the lightbulb hanging above you. You were seemingly alone but you couldn’t be sure, the fuzziness in your head affecting your senses. You didn’t know how long you’d been gone but you could only hope Bucky had realized you were gone. 
Bucky woke up the next morning with a sinking feeling in his gut. He had left you alone the previous night, he knew he had made a mistake by kissing you. When you kissed him back, he was over the moon but when you pushed him away, reality came crashing down on him. You were clearly into Steve, why did he think kissing you was a good idea? He left you alone that night and most of the following morning, knowing you were upset with him. Bucky had just gotten word that the team would be back in a few hours so he went to your room to let you know and maybe even try to talk to you about the night before. 
Bucky walked up to your room and knocked on the door gently, saying your name quietly. When no answer came, he tried again with a little more force but there was still no answer. 
“FRIDAY?” he asked the air around him. 
“Yes, Sergeant Barnes?” the AI quickly answered. 
“Is Y/N in her room?” 
“Yes, she’s been in her room since she arrived back at 10:42pm last night,” FRIDAY confirmed.
Bucky turned his attention back to your door. 
“I know you’re mad, but I have to talk to you. Please just say something,” he said, leaning his ear against the door and waiting for any sound to come through. When nothing happened, he spoke to the AI again. 
“FRIDAY, unlock the door,” he demanded. 
When he heard the lock click, he opened the door slightly. 
“I’m coming in okay? I’m worried about you,” he said as he stepped through the threshold of your room. 
Bucky looked around and didn’t see you anywhere. He checked the bed, the bathroom, he even went so far as to check under the bed and in the closet. But you were nowhere to be found. 
“FRIDAY, you said she was in here,” Bucky said. 
“My reading indicated she is, she’s laying on her bed.” 
“I’m looking at her bed and she’s not there,” he grumbled to himself, knowing something was wrong. Bucky quickly took the elevator to the security room, asking FRIDAY to queue up the video from when you returned to your room last night. He watched the video closely. You had barely come into your room when someone came up behind you and drugged you with something, causing you to slump over quickly. You never even had a chance to use any of the moves Bucky had taught you earlier. 
“Shit, shit, shit,” Bucky mumbled to himself as he pulled out his phone, dialing Steve. 
“Hello?” he answered. 
“We have a problem, Y/N is gone,” Bucky said quickly. 
“WHAT? How the hell is she gone?!” Steve demanded. 
“Someone did an override of FRIDAY’s system. She didn’t send any break-in alerts and when I was in Y/N’s empty room, she was reading Y/N as in her bed.” 
“Dammit, we’ll be there in an hour Bucky. Start searching,” Steve said before hanging up. 
Bucky sighed and started with what he knew, searching for traces of anyone related to why you were at the compound in the first place. The team was back before Bucky had a chance to call with any updates. 
“You had one job Buck! To protect her. But you couldn’t do that?” Steve said as he stormed into the security room where Bucky had been working. “Maybe if you could have put whatever bullshit you have with her aside, you would have been able to do your job and I wouldn’t be the only cleaning up your messes!” 
Steve expected Bucky to fight back but to his surprise, Bucky just nodded. 
“I know, I should have checked on her in person more instead of relying on FRIDAY. But I think I found where they’re keeping her,” he said, pointing to the monitor.  
Steve rushed over and listened to Bucky explain his reasoning, nodding along as he absorbed the information. Bucky had found everything he could, down to the number of guards they probably had on the place. 
“Alright, it’ll take us an hour to get there. I’m not taking any chances here, she’s a civilian and she’s our number one priority. Wheels up in 20,” he said, exiting the room without another glance at Bucky. 
Bucky put on his uniform mechanically, the guilt eating at him slowly. When Steve had stormed in yelling at him, he couldn’t even put up a fight. Steve was right, it was all his fault that you were gone. The idea that you weren’t safe was killing him. He knew his only redemption would be to get you back safe. 
Steve went through the plan one last time; Sam and Tony were on air support, taking out the surrounding guards quickly and quietly so the ground team consisting of Steve, Natasha, Bucky, and Wanda could get into the building and split up, searching the abandoned office building for you. 
Everyone nodded their understanding, the plan was simple and logical, nothing they hadn’t done before. But for the two super-soldiers, the stakes felt higher than ever before. Once everyone had settled in again for the flight, Steve pulled Bucky aside. 
“Why didn’t you check on her?” Steve asked. 
“I don’t know,” Bucky mumbled, attempting to end the conversation but Steve wasn’t giving up. 
“Yes, you do. What was going on? You’ve been all over her since she got here but when it mattered-” 
“I kissed her!” Bucky said, interrupting his friend’s speech. “I kissed her all right? And then we both panicked. She ran off to her room and asked to be left alone. I felt guilty so I did and that’s when they took her. So yes, this is entirely my fault. I get it. Can we drop it and focus on getting her back?” 
“You kissed her?” Steve questioned quietly. 
“Yeah, I did. But she clearly wasn’t into it, so can we drop it?” 
Steve nodded quickly and left Bucky alone, taking a seat next to Sam. 
Everything was going according to plan, the perimeter guards had been taken out and the ground team was doing their sweep. It didn’t take long for them to find the floor where they had you, it was the only heavily armed area. Bucky nodded at Natasha when she looked at him, signaling she was ready when he was. Bucky pulled his knife out of its sheath and charged at the same time Natasha did. He barely registered taking down the guards, his only focus was to get you out of there. Natasha called the other to the floor they were on before quietly and slowly entering the area where they could hear a man talking. 
The first thing Bucky saw was you, stripped of most of your clothes, tied to a chair with your head hanging forward limply. He saw the slight rise and fall of your chest, reassuring him that you weren’t dead. But based on the amount of blood pooling around you, he didn’t have long to get you out of there. The man holding you must have sensed the movement behind him, quickly crouching behind you, blocking any shot Bucky or Natasha could have taken. Bucky recognized his face instantly- Congressman Murray, the man you had turned in as a HYDRA operative. 
“Come any closer and I’ll kill her,” he said quickly. 
Bucky saw movement behind him, the flash of red, white and blue that he knew so well. Steve’s shield flew through the air, missing you but hitting the Congressman straight in the back. The force was enough to cause him to fall slightly, Steve moving in to restrain him before he could get back up. 
Bucky ran over to you quickly, taking his knife and cutting the binds that held you to the metal chair. Without anything supporting you, you fell limply forward into Bucky’s arms. 
“Bucky?” you mumbled. 
“Yeah, it’s me doll. Don’t worry, I’ve got you. I’m gonna get you outta here.” 
Out of the corner of his eye, Bucky could see Steve coming over and Natasha calling for an emergency evac.
“Bucky, ‘m sorry,” you slurred. “It all happened too fast.” 
“I know, it’s okay. Just stay with me.” 
“Tell Steve I’m sorry too,” you said quietly, not realizing he was right there. 
“You can tell him yourself when we get you fixed up,” Bucky said frantically. 
Bucky heard the boots of the paramedics running into the room. 
“They’re here, Y/N. You’re gonna be okay,” Bucky reaffirmed. 
There was no response from you, just deafening silence.
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justauthoring · 5 years
Corruption of Innocence (4/?)
Prompt: The Capital was cruel. The people there even more so. If this arrangement truly was meant to follow through, Jaime knew you would be corrupted by Kings Landing. But staring at you now, with bright doe eyes and a soft smile on your lips as you engaged in a conversation with your brother, hushed so as not to be disrespectful, Jaime knew he would put all his focus and strength into making sure that never happened.
A/N: I KNOW THIS IS SIMILAR TO @reader-imagines “VOW”, BUT I PROMISE THAT AFTER THIS PART IT WILL BE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Yes, I know I took inspiration, you don’t have to remind me. I am not copying, I simply used her series for inspiration. But after this part, nothing will be the same, not even remotely similar
Anyways, now that that’s done, lol, thank you all for your amazing support! After much thought and help from my mom, I finally know the direction I want to take this series and let me tell you, I’M HELLA EXCITED. Things are only going to get better from here, I assure you. So please, keep commenting, reblogging and liking, because it inspires me to write more and upload frequently.
Send me a little comment in the ask section or leave it below on what you thought of this chapter. As usual, I hope you all enjoyed!
AGAIN, remember if you’d like me to continue this series, just leave a little comment or an ask letting me know. I will NOT continue the series if no one wants me to.
Please don’t plagiarize my work - I spend a lot of my time writing, copying and pasting destroys that. If you want to repost my work. please ask first - but even then I might say no.
Pairing: Jaime x Stark!Reader
Based off of: Game of Thrones 01x07, 01x08 and 01x09
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With your father’s arrest, things only became more strained between you and Jaime.
It didn’t help that he’d dragged you along to his father’s fleet before taking you along with his own army to Riverrun, for reasons you still didn’t understand. You guessed, in ways, it was better then being stuck in the Capital with Cersei’s glares and the looming threat of guards following you every step you took.
You had to abandon both your sisters and your father, but you’d been okay with it. Because when you left things had been fine, maybe a little shaky. But you could only imagine the chaos that has ensued with your father’s arrest, leaving you wondering what would happen to you along the way. You wondered what was happening with your sisters now, if they were okay. If your father was okay... stuck in a cell that he had no reason being in.
You stayed in your tent almost ninety percent of the time. Jaime’s men didn’t like you, and they made that perfectly clear. Plus, it didn’t dwell well on you being the only woman in sight for miles. If you left the safety of your tent, you were either regarded with glares or lecherous smiles, both of which the implications behind them were easy enough for you to understand.
All you’d done was trade one cage for another. 
But, spending all day in your tent gave you lots of time to listen. The guards stationed outside of your tent never stopped chatting it seemed, and through them you’d learned a lot about why Jaime, Tywin and the Lannister army had all left the Capital. You knew that Jaime was using his somewhat smaller army than his father’s to defeat the Riverlords, which he’s managed to do. You know he’s trying to land siege on Riverrun currently as well.
However, you also knew that your brother, Robb Stark, has gathered your father’s men upon his arrest. It’s that thought that keeps you stable everyday. That stops you from wasting away in your small tent, lonelier then you’ve ever been before. You remembered when your days had been filled with friends and family and those you loved. And now your life was a sad reflection of it. You missed your family, and you hoped you’d be able to see them again soon.
Jaime and you rarely spoke. What little bit of trust you’d had for him had considerably lessened since his attack on your father, and now, with word of his arrest, you placed all the blame on Jaime. It wasn’t fair, you knew. While Jaime might have some place in it all, which you knew he did, he definitely wasn’t the only one to blame. His entire family should fall to blame, but you didn’t much care. He turned out to be the husband you’d feared him to be.
Even if by vow the two of you were family, you always came second in his eyes.
A whine pulls you from your thoughts. Your head tilts to the right, eyes falling on that of Antheia. The sight of her brings a small smile to your lips, her head coming to a rest on your thigh as she stares up at you with a pout. Without hesitation, your hand comes to rest on her head, scratching it lightly. 
“You’ll never leave me, right?” You question softly, the edges of your lips curled into a soft smile as your eyes crinkle with delight. Antheia let’s a small mewl out in response to your words, shuffling slightly on her paws as she pushes herself closer to you, her head tilting into your palm, clearly enjoying your attention. “Just like i’ll never leave you.”
When Jaime enters the tent, your back is turned to him.
You don’t notice his presence, or, if you do, you don’t make note of it. Jaime feels his feet slow as he takes a moment to glance down at you, shoulders falling. He can hear your soft whispers as you gesture down to your wolf beneath you, clearly lost in your own thoughts.
The sight is sad, Jaime realizes. The image of you, that is. He’s never seen someone look so lonely surrounded by thousands, and it’s clear that you don’t fit in. In the midst of a Lannister army, even with the same last name, it’s clear you’re a Stark. A wolf in a den of lions. Jaime hasn’t seen you smile in days, and he wonders if he ever will again.
With your father being arrested for treason, he figures not.
Jaime wonders if bringing you here had been a mistake. If he should’ve left you back at Kingslanding, within the safety of your chambers. But then he remembers that the Capital isn’t any safer for you then his camp is. You would still be a lone wolf in a den of lions there, and at least here he could keep an eye on you. There’s no telling what Cersei would do if he left you with her alone. And with your father being accused of treason, it was even more dangerous for a Stark now.
So, no, he hadn’t made a mistake. He knows that, but can’t help but wonder when he sees you, almost as if you live in your own cloud of darkness and despair.
Jaime can’t explain the feelings that run through him. He doesn’t know if what he feels for you is love or just pity. But he does know that he doesn’t ever want to see you in danger. He wants to protect you, keep you safe, that much he knows at least. And maybe it runs deeper, but Jaime’s thoughts still often return to that of his sister and he’s never felt more conflicted then he has these past few weeks. His thoughts are jumbled into a mess of confusion, and he wishes everything would just become clear.
It didn’t seem like that would happen anytime soon, so Jaime settled for keeping you as safe as he possibly could. For heeding to the vows he’d made to you on your wedding day and keeping you safe from the cruel dangers of the world.
Coughing slightly, to catch your attention, Jaime steps forward as if he hadn’t just been watching you. You instantly turn towards him, blinking at the sight of him. Jaime can feel your gaze follow his own as he crosses your shared tent, moving towards the table placed in the middle. He grabs his sword off the table, sliding it into it’s halter before finally, his gaze falls on you.
The empty look in your eyes is almost like a slap to his face. But he forces himself not to dwell on it longer than a second, straightening his back out, squaring his shoulders. You speak before he has the chance; “you’re back early,” you comment, setting your hands in your lap, crossing them. 
“Only for a moment,” Jaime nods, gesturing to his sword. “The guards will remain stationed outside the tent. I’ve given them orders to not let anyone but me inside or out.”
You raise a brow; “is something happening?”
Jaime pauses, pondering for a moment. He wonders if he should tell you that, yes, something is happening. That he was planning on slaughtering your brother and his men. This was war after all, and he had no intention of being merciless. But, it’s that thought that stops him from telling you the truth. It won’t do him any benefits to tell you the truth, when you’re already mistrusting of him.
Instead, Jaime shrugs. “Nothing of your concern.” It’s cold, he’s aware. The jerk back and widening of your eyes tells him of that fact. There’s a moment where Jaime feels guilty, wondering if he should’ve tried to be a little nicer. But, he also knows that if he had been, you would’ve pestered, wouldn’t have left it alone. Sometimes, being cold was the best thing he could do to help you.
When you don’t response, Jaime takes that as his queue to leave. However, just before he leaves the tent completely, your voice halts him.
“Because why should your wife be concerned.”
And for a moment, Jaime just stands there. Let’s your words sink in, pondering on whether he should reply. Ultimately, he decides against it and he takes another step forward, letting the flap of the tent flap shut in response behind him, leaving you all alone in the tent.
He only glances back at the tent, imagining you inside, sat there, alone, once more before walking off.
An hour or so after Jaime departure, it had been nothing but silent. Until it isn’t.
The first thump causes you to jump, your back straightening in alert as your head turns towards the exit of the tent. Antheia also becomes alert, poised before you protectively as you listen closely. You hear the sounds of metal clanging against metal, the sound of groaning and moaning, before another thump echoes. It almost sounds like a body hitting the floor.
Then, silence once again echoes.
Antheia lowly growls in response, and your eyes dart across the tent, looking for something to protect yourself with. The first thing your eyes land on is a candlestick and without hesitating, you jump to your feet, grabbing it off the table and holding it before yourself. You can hear faint footsteps, crunching against the dirt and grass of the ground. It’s only shuffles, the footsteps not really growing any nearer, but not distancing either.
For a moment, nothing happens. Then, there’s a definite footstep, and the edge of the tent flap curls up. You feel your breath get caught into your throat, your entire muscles seizing in panic as you inhale deeply, trying to mentally prepare yourself for whatever’s to come.
Then, a figure walks in, and your eyes widen when you realize who it is. Your candle stick thumbs to the ground, all sense of panic having left your body in seconds.
His eyes fall on you the second you speak, widening when he realizes it’s you. That’s it actually you, his sister, stood before him. A sense of relief floods his expression, and he almost relaxes as he if he’d done what he came here to do. Like finding you had been his only goal. His grip on his sword lessens and all but clatters to the ground, forgetting himself for a moment as a wide smile grows on his lips. Before you know it, Robb is before you, engulfing you in his arms and pulling you close.
You instantly return his embrace, a soft sob leaving your lips as you bury your head into the crook of his neck. It almost feels like a dream, being in your brother’s arms once more, you can hardly believe it. You feel the great need to never let go of Robb again. You’d thought you’d never see him again. Even if your father had told you otherwise at first, the fear had never truly left your mind. 
One day, father had said. And he’d been right. Because he Robb was, holding you close, just like he’d done when you were kids and you’d have a nightmare. Or when Theon would scare you, and Robb wouldn’t hesitate to jump in and protect you.
As Robb pulls back, you blink, a tear escaping past your defenses and rolling down your cheek as you let out a small laugh. Robb’s left hand moves to your cheek, cupping it as he smiles down at you, his grin just as bright and wide as your own. 
“I can’t believe it,” you whisper, still in shock. “I can’t believe you’re actually here.”
“I told you we’d see each other again.”
Jaime had been taken captive by your brother, a hefty prize in the battle to save your father and sisters.
You wonder, as you rode back to your brother’s camp, while you felt guilty. Why the thought of Jaime being a prisoner upset you so, even if you’d never say it outwardly. He was a Lannister after all, and not more than a few hours ago had you placed all the blame upon his shoulders. But now, with no certainty of what your brother planned to do with him, you felt guilty. You were worried for his safety and wellebeing. You... thought of his capture with disdain.
You don’t ponder on the thought, holding onto your brother tighter. You let your head rest against his back, staring out at the abyss of trees and grass and land before you. Until, Robb’s voice interrupts the silence, “Y/N, look.” You heed to his words, raising your head up off his back to stare past his shoulders. When your eyes land on your mother, the wave of disbelief floods through you once more.
You’re suddenly anxious to get off the horse, to reach your mother and run into her arms like you used to when you were a little girl. And even if you’re still across the field, you swear your eyes meet hers and you watch as she tries to hold back her own tears, immense relief flooding her entire body. She’d been scared, you realized in that moment, that Robb would not make it back but she hadn’t expected you to be with him. 
When you finally reach her, you all but jump off the back of Robb’s horse. Your hands gather your skirts, picking up the speed in your step as you rush over to your mother, a choked sob leaving her lips as she wraps her arms around your shoulders. You fall into her embrace easily, cuddling into her just like you had Robb, your eyes falling shut at the feeling of her hand on the back of your head, soothing you.
It had been so lonely these past few weeks. Sure, you’d had your father and sisters, but you’d barely been allowed to see them. And then you’d missed your mother and brother, terribly so. Yet, here you were, back in your mother’s arms and you couldn’t be more happier. More relieved. 
“My sweet, sweet girl,” your mother whispers, pulling back slightly to cup both of your cheeks. Her thumb works to wipe your tears away, smiling softly at the sight of you back in her grasp. “I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you too,” you whisper, your voice cracking as you lean into your mother once more.
You don’t notice it, too lost in your own thoughts. But as mother holds you close, her gaze rises, falling on Robb’s who hasn’t left your sides. She smiles at her eldest son, mouthing the words; “thank you.” It may not be all of her children, and there was still much more work to be done, but she at least had one of her daughters back. And she didn’t plan on letting you go anytime soon.
The moment is interrupted by the sounds of footsteps. You pull back from your mother’s grasp slightly, composing yourself when you notice Jaime, hands chained behind his back, being led over to where you and mother are stood with Robb. Your back straightens, as if remembering where you were, and you feel mother’s grip tighten on you slightly, holding you closer. You also don’t miss the way Robb steps in front of you, somewhat shielding you from view from Jaime who is unceremoniously dropped to the ground at your feet.
“By the time they knew what was happening, it had already happened,” Robb explains, glaring down at your husband. As Jaime picks himself up, eyes flickering to those around him, his eyes land on you. It’s the first time he’s seen you since he left you in that tent a few hours ago, and you inhale sharply as you meet his gaze, time slowing for a moment. However, his attention is pulled away the minute Robb presses the tip of his sword against Jaime’s chin, tilting his gaze towards him. 
“Lady Stark,” Jaime greets your mother, chuckling slightly. “I’d offer you my sword, but I seemed to have lost it.”
“It is not your sword that I want,” your mother growls. “Give me my daughters back. Give me my husband.”
Jaime’s eyes then land on you. “I believe you’ve already found one.”
Mother then pushes you behind her, you stumbling slightly in response as her voice turns colder, harsher. “All my daughters.”
Shrugging his shoulders, Jaime sighs; “I've lost them too, i’m afraid.”
“Kill him, Robb,” Theon suddenly speaks with force and you can’t help the gasp that leaves your lips. Instantly, your widen eyes fall on the back of your brothers head. “Send his head to his father. He cut down ten of our men. You saw him--”
Regrettably, Robb’s next words fill you with instant relief. “He’s more useful to us alive then dead.”
“Take him away and put him in irons,” Catelyn orders, her heavy gaze never leaving Jaime’s.
“We could end this war right now, boy,” Jaime offers as he’s brought up to his feet. “Save thousands of lives. You fight for the Starks, I fight for the Lannisters. Swords or lances, teeth, nails, choose your weapons and let’s end this, here and now.”
Lips parting, you swallow thickly.
“If we do it your way, Kingslayer,” Robb begins, “you’d win. We’re not doing it your way.”
“Come on, pretty man,” Greatjon growls, tugging Jaime away. You watch as he’s pulled away, biting your lip as laughter and cheering echoes on around you. Laughter and excitement you just can’t rejoice in. You’re happy, beyond happy, to be back with your mother and brother but as you watch Jaime be led away, you can’t help the empty feeling in your chest.
A empty feeling you thought would’ve gone now that you were with your family, but was still there, it the pit of your chest. And it was because of Jaime. Because Jaime’s safety was unsure and there was nothing, rightfully, you could do about it. 
Theon steps forward then, catching your attention. Robb can’t seem to mimic the smile on his face as he sighs. “I sent two thousand men to their grave today.”
“The bards will sing songs of their sacrifice,” Theon reminds.
“Aye,” Robb sighs, “but the dead won’t hear them.”
He turns to look at your mother, then you. As you meet his eyes, you nod softly, ignoring your own inner thoughts, encouraging him. That seems to give him the push he needs, stepping past Theon to face his army. “One victory does not make us conquerors. Did we free my father?” You frown at the mention of your father, shoulders falling as you envision the last time you’d spoken with him. “We saved my sister, yes,” you blink as Robb gestures to you, meeting his eyes briefly. “But what about the other two? Have we rescued them from the queen? Did we free the north from those who want us on our knees?
Pausing a moment, Robb let’s his eyes wander across his army. “This war is far from over.”
Part 5?
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smilingleoo · 5 years
Perfect Coincidence-JJK
Summary: _“I couldn’t hear you, the music was so fucking loud...”-he mumbled on your skin, fingertips taunting your bare tight-“That’s why I’m getting paid for, Jeon”
Warnings: angst, mentions of alcohol and SMUT
Author’s Note: Okay! First of all, I’m really sorry for not uploading; I’ve been really busy with school and exams. But I found some time to finish this one-shot, so I hope you like it! Secondly, this is my first time writing smut...so that’s all...
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“Why don’t you give it a try?”-Jimin asked, tossing the water bottle towards Jungkook’s way. His brown hair dripped from the hot shower he had taken after football practice in order to see if his headache would disappear ye it hadn’t, and Jimin’s constant reminders didn’t help either-“I don’t feel like going, ‘kay?”-Jungkook replied slightly annoyed while shuffling his caramel locks with a white towel he had packed inside his training bag-“Why do you want me to go anyways? You have Taehyung to party with and you’re actually pretty fucking sociable!”
“You know why I’m trying to convince you, Jungkook”-Jimin threatened, catching the returning water bottle and signalling him with it-“Don’t play dumb”. If Jungkook hadn’t been so tired and sore, he would have argued with his friend about his personal life and how he could solve his own problems alone. Yet he didn’t feel like getting into a verbal fight with the exotic-haired coloured athlete besides him, so he decided to just shrug the topic off and ask him another sort of question-“Is your girlfriend going?”
“I don’t think so”-he declared, packing his sweated training uniform and zipping his backpack close-“I broke up with her yesterday. She cheated on me and didn’t even apologize”-his frustrated huff clearly portrayed his disappointment and Jungkook didn’t know what to do. Therefore, he pulled on his t-shirt and clutched his friend’s shoulder reassuringly-“Listen Gukk, I don’t want you to lose things because you still miss her, okay? She was your first love but she is older than you. She taught you how to be with a woman was, how it feels to be ambitious. But we are still in high school and being with your math teacher is not your best option...”
Jungkook’s heart cracked a little bit more with his friend's statement. Yet it was not because of the words he said but for the fact that he was right. He had slept with his teacher, had taken her to some dates and had fallen in love with her. However, she just seemed to be playing around for a while. She wouldn’t have stayed, not in a million years, with someone who was barely legal. And he had known it when he had touched her for the first time; he had known every condition of it. But list had taken over him and his sensitive heart couldn’t afford to go through the painful consequences.
“Come with me tonight”-Jimin continued, now grasping the door’s handle and gifting Jungkook the last pleading gaze-“Meet other girls, fuck with someone else for my sanity’s sale, god”-he chuckled before opening the door and shouting a shallow farewell.
Maybe he would think about it when he arrived home.
“I can’t believe you fucking convinced me to come”
Oh god, he regretted agreeing with Jimin so bad.
There he stood, tight black jeans hugging his toned legs and a white shirt he had used a thousand times before. This would have been a normal outfit for him yet the silver chain hanging on his chest and some more accessories Jimin had urged him to wear, made the look much fancier-“I will look for something to drink”-Jimin stated before walking past Jungkook and into the bursting house-“Don’t get lost!”
Some girls gathered outside the house’s entrance eyed Jimin’s figure before adverting their gazes to Jungkook, who just served his own eyes from them and concentrated on an interesting stone beside him. Why did he agree to do this anyways? He could have hit the gym or play video games in the safety of his own, precious room. It wasn’t that he was not sociable nor weird, he just didn’t feel like coming to this kind of parties; where people drunk alcohol until they had no neurons left and the music was too loud to even hear what people said.
But he needed to clear his mind from everything that had been happening recently. He had to throw _her _out of his head before it was extremely late. So he grabbed the last bit of courage he had left, puffed his chest slightly and entered the crowded area with a confident aura surrounding his body.
As soon as he stepped in, a horrendous scent slapped him. He had to squint his nose slightly so as not to gag, his stomach begging him to run outside. Yet he held firm and pushed himself past the obnoxious basketball team, who were throwing their stupid orange ball around, and into the large living room filled with dancing teenagers. Jung Hoseok, the dancing prodigy and current host, had an expensive mansion secluded from the city. His parents were barely home due to business trips or late meetings which demanded the loss of a night inside their place. Therefore, his house was the first place to throw a good party. Not to mention the fact that his kitchen or living was five times bigger than Jungkook’s humble dwelling.
“Big party, huh?”-Taehyung beamed from behind Jungkook, a full red cup in his right hand while his left arm was draped around a petite girl’s shoulder. She seemed a little shy and introverted, the tall guy’s presence wrapping a cute crimson blush on her round cheeks-“Oh, where are my manners? This is Jungkook”-Taehyng slurred, signalling the lost boy with a slow neck movement. Jungkook offered her a friendly grin before waving his hand. She nodded gratefully-“Jungkook, this is...this is...”
“-Sarah, nice t-to meet you”-she interrupted Jungkook’s clearly drunk friend and extended her delicate hand, which he took with ease. The booming music made the conversation quite uncomfortable so Jungkook decided to leave both of them alone and enter the spacious kitchen. The clear lightning invaded Jungkook’s retina like a fierce punch, obliging him to let out a frustrated groan and pull a hand above his eyes. Damn, why would they keep lights on?
Angrily, he stomped towards the bar, grabbed a cup of something he wasn’t quite sure if the colour was normal and ushered his legs out of the place. Unfortunately, he bumped into someone, dropping her nearly empty cup to the floor. Jungkook was already preparing himself for the sure-to-come slap but nothing touched him. Actually, he heard the most beautiful laugh he had ever witnessed in his short life-“I should be thanking you”-Jungkook couldn’t focus his sight in order to take in her features, for the annoying light had damaged his vision greatly-“That tasted like actual shit”
He chuckled and tried to ask the stranger her name. Yet he couldn’t because he heard how Hoseok called out for her and how a small ‘See you later’ left her mouth.
“I was just looking for a drink”-you taunted Hoseok, swaying your newly refilled cup in front of his bothersome expression. You knew he wasn’t actually mad at you but just jealous of your minimal interaction with Jeon Jungkook, the innocent football team captain that had every girl swaying for him.
But you were not those girls.
However, you were not blind either, having analyzed the athlete’s intriguing beauty more than once. Training hours, for example, where the most convenient situations in which you could stare at him without being tackled by an arrogant cheerleader or a mad psychopath. An advantage of playing field hockey was that most of the time, your schedules collided with the male ones; offering you a pleasing view of those sweaty men who seemed to be gods-or that’s what Jen, our coach and single forty-year-old mother, said.
Anyways, Jeon Jungkook was a handsome guy who was too oblivious to notice the girls formed a straight line behind him-“What? Little Hobi is scared that his best friend is going to abandon him for some boy?”-you playfully sang while pinching his right cheek. Hoseok chuckled and swerved his head out of your reach, pushing you up to your spot as DJ-“No, I’m worried that if you go for too long, someone will get up here and start playing with your toys”-he winked and nodded towards your precious equipment-“I don’t want to comfort you like the other time”
Remembering how you had suffered when your old mixer had been broken by some random guy at a private gathering, you swiftly grasped your headphones and began mixing the songs that had been requested.
Music was your passion.
Your mother was the one who introduced you to it. She was the most talented violinist you had the pleasure to hear. The delicate strokes she created with her refined bow were majestic, entrancing every single person in the audience. You remembered fondly how your father danced at the violin’s rhythm with you draped around his embrace. Unfortunately, your parents died during a business trip and you were left with your uncle and your obnoxious little cousins. Although you loved them, they didn’t even make an effort to understand your love for music, abolishing everything related to it from his house.
Actually, that’s how you met Hoseok. Because of your uncle’s intolerance, you sought another place to express yourself. Practice rooms were always occupied by band or orchestra students and although you knew how to play some instruments, you wanted to be by yourself. The only sector available was the dancing salons, which were barely used. You had gone to the booking reception and asked for the room but someone next to you seemed to have the same idea. Jung Hoseok had been the only student you had fought over a practice room. And you were glad you did because if you hadn’t, you would have never actually become best friends.
Your fingers skipped through the vibrating board, twirling and pressing buttons repeatedly. Your laptop showed the songs placed on a queue and the ones that were currently breaking through the large speakers at your sides. Instinctively, your body moved with the rhythm, head bopping and eyes fluttered shut. Everything was fine, you were having a great time and no one seemed to complain about your skills.
‘Just dance and feel, the night has just begun’
Jungkook washed his hands and turned off the bathroom’s lights before exciting the expensive room and emerging into the dim corridor. He heard a giggle from the door facing him and then a loud moan followed, unfaltering bumps accompanying the latter sound. Quickly, he drowned his palms into his pockets and made sure to place himself as far as possible from there.
At the middle of his journey, Jimin had altered his trajectory and had dragged him into the living room. Music had risen from the last time he had stepped inside the area and more people crowded the space. The same girls that had been gossiping at the house’s entrance were now swaying their hips while on top of Hoseok’s coffee table, boys admiring their figures from the cushion below. Colourful lights flashed everyone’s faces with ferocity as Jimin began dancing to the song’s steady rhythm.
Jungkook followed him right away.
“Look to your right”-his friend advised. Jungkook did so, watching how two boys flirted with each other before crashing their lips together-“What do you think?”
“That people’s sexuality is not of your business?”
“What? No!”-Jimin exclaimed-“I meant the DJ, Jungkook”
So he twirled his head once again, now aiming a little bit further into the jumping crowd. At the top of what it seemed to be wooden deck there, you stood, enjoying the music whereas a red plastic cup accompanied your hand´s movements. You were absolutely stunning. Large black headphones contrasted with your flawless mane, which cascaded down your happily relaxed features. Although he could not see your legs, your upper half was decorated with a strapless white top, accentuating your breasts and shoulders. Now Jungkook knew why Jimin had nudged him to direct his gaze towards your place. You were not only sexy but also incredibly smooth.
You introduced the following song by lowering the former´s one volume, leaving just the bass playing. Afterwards, you raised the volume at its maximum and dropped the actual beat, receiving a drowning round of excited scream-” She´s Y/N”-Jimin explained in Jungkook´s ear, making him advert his piercing stare from you-” Hoseok´s hot best friend”
Out of nowhere, Taehyung emerged from the aggressive mass besides Jungkook´s friend. He was clearly drunker than he had intended to be, tumbling past Jimin and finally plopping on Jungkook´s hard shoulder-” What are we discussing ´bout?”-he slurred lazily. Jimin thrust his neck sideways, signalling a secluded couch where their friend could rest for a while. Pushing Taehyung with no mercy, Jungkook managed to slump the nearly dead body over the inviting cushion. Jimin sat on the narrow table in front, sighing quietly before swinging his hand and motioning Jungkook to imitate him-” So?”-Taehyung was not giving up-” What were you talking ´bout?”
“Hoseok´s friend”-Jimin answered but the brunette seemed unconvinced, turning to Jungkook for a second opinion. The lost boy just nodded reassuringly, his gaze moving through the crowd and landing on top of you once again. God, now you had taken off your headsets; savage hair swaying with your whole body-“Her? Yeah, she’s hot...”-Taehyung agreed before bumping his head back down and extending his hands upwards-“Y/N L/N!”-he began to call for you, earning some weird looks-“Jimin and Jungkook are demanding your attention~!”
Jimin was the one who jumped on top of him and covered his mouth with his palm, spatting a ‘Are you stupid?’ to his face. Sighing with relief, Jungkook knew you were too far away to even hear what Taehyung had screamed. However, despite that fact, he didn’t take into account that Hoseok had been standing behind Jungkook during the entire scene-“I mean, he is not wrong”-Hoseok chuckled nonchalantly. Jimin’s face should have been recorded. Eyes widened, lips opened and hands still on top of Taehyung’s face, Jimin’s concern could be seen from miles away.
Jung Hoseok was not the scary type of man. In fact, he was extremely sociable and sweet, known throughout the campus for his charisma and dancing skills. But that did not abolish the fact that he was actually really protective over what he loved. His family, his dog, his girlfriend... his best friend; were practically untouchable. Therefore, it was no secret you were single yet no one dared to speak to you romantically-“W-We...”-Jimin gaped but no words left his mouth.
“We were talking about Y/N”-Jungkook spoke up, twirling his torso in order to face the man behind him. Hoseok seemed amused as if challenging him was not on his plans but Jungkook did not flatter, maintaining eye contact with Hoseok’s flaming stare-“Is there a problem?”
Maybe it was the alcohol talking for him but he was uttering things he would have never even dared to think. Now he was standing, facing Hoseok fully-“It depends on what you were saying”-he answered, thrusting his palms slightly forward sending Jungkook backwards-“What? She’s of your property now?”-the football captain retorted, biting down on his tongue before clenching his jaw strenuously.
Hoseok gazed the unpleasing audience around them, judging without fear their actions. He gulped but decided to stand for himself and, most importantly, you-“No”-he spat-“But no one should speak about a person like that”
“Oh, don’t be such hypocrite!”-Jungkook rolled his eyes, crossing his toned forearms over his puffed chest-“We both know you’re no saint, Hoseok”
Regret tumbled on Jungkook’s opponent’s features, images of his past experience hunting him down. Despite wearing a huge smile every day, Hoseok did have some deep secrets too; like the fact, he had harassed a girl during a party held after an important game. Maybe that was the reason why he was so overprotective with you...maybe he was just trying to keep you safe from people’s lack of willpower.
Everyone gasped with Jungkook’s statement and he caught how the music had lowered its volume abruptly, leaving a melodious hum floating with the tense air. His eyes darted your way but you were nowhere in sight. Because of his worry, Jungkook was unable to dodge Hoseok’s punch towards his stomach, which had him vending in a matter of seconds. Coughing, he gained some strength and swerved away from Hoseok’s exasperated reach. The red-haired threw one, two, even three fists but they all landed on spots besides Jungkook.
Hoseok was now stumbling, clearly exhausted. Jungkook took advantage of his state and struck a final kick into his abdomen, grabbing his shirt’s collar so as for him to face him entirely-“Don’t ever touch me again...”
“What’s happening?”
You emerged from the crowd, beautiful features drowned by concern. Now Jungkook could admire you fully, taking in your slender legs peeking through your tight black skirt, your feet covered with same-coloured heels. Despite being smaller than him, Jungkook felt intimidated by your confidence. As you moved forward to the scene, some people began whispering mischievously; trying to figure out what would happen.
Jungkook felt how his stomach bolted notoriously while you helped Hoseok up, resting his right arm around your shoulders. Finally, your gaze landed on his; embarrassment flashing through your iris. Everyone seemed to vanish, the only sound remaining being Jungkook’s labour breathing and drumming heartbeat. Mesmerizing eyes were still fixed upon him and Jungkook couldn’t help but wonder if you were just as amazed as he was with you.
But unbelievable moments were meant to be broken for you had a drunken man attached to your side and thousands of excited teenagers waiting for the party to start again-“I’m going to take Hoseok to his room!”-you announced smiling vaguely as if you were done with everyone and everything. Yet you managed to raise the music’s volume with a tiny remote control and leave the place without anyone noticing. Well, everyone but Jungkook.
“Jimin, take care of Taehyung”-Jungkook declared before disappearing followed by Jimin’s annoyed growl. You could be in danger, right? Being with a nearly-unconscious adolescent could lead to various scenarios, maybe Hoseok was not as innocent as everyone thought he was... and Jungkook knew that perfectly well.
With that thought in mind, his legs sped up through the narrow hallway which introduced him to Hoseok’s gigantic room. The door was cracked open, so you might have already entered the place. Pushing the piece of wood at its end, Jungkook stepped inside the room and relief washed over him. There you were, knelt besides Hoseok’s dreaming form on his bed. Jungkook was reluctant in whether he should have approached you or not but you were yet again faster than him, twirling your torso and gifting him a marvellous view of your profile.
God, he had seen you during practice. How your ponytail would flop from one side to another when you ran or how your determination would never leave your features although things were not going exactly as you had planned. He had always thought you were beautiful. However, when the moonlight shone across your blushed cheeks and your lips were slightly opened so as to breath properly, he pictured you as an actual goddess.
“I’m fine, Jungkook”-you whispered, standing up and walking towards him-“Go...enjoy the party”
Yet Jungkook didn’t move. Even though your warm grin ordered him to follow your indirect order, he didn’t want to change you for some kind of social-fucking-gathering-“Let’s go together then”-he proposed and you giggled shaking your head-“I have to take care of Hoseok”
And by the way, you looked towards your best friend, he knew there would be no excuse that would drag you out of the room. Therefore, Jungkook sighed closing the door and then proceeded to look for a comfortable place to lay himself on. Surveying the enormous expansion, he smirked to himself when he bumped into a blue cushion which was far from Hoseok’s bed but close enough to keep an eye on him-“What are you doing?”
You inquired from the threshold, arms crossed and eyebrows raised in amusement-“If you are not going downstairs with me...”-Jungkook answered while plopping himself down on the couch-“Then I don’t want to go”
“And why is that?”-you played along, discarding your complex heels away and moving tentatively from the door. Jungkook couldn’t help but admire how your tightly hugged hips swayed steadily as if music’s beats slept inside you. Soon enough your reached Jungkook’s comfortable position and decided to stay standing in front of him, staring how his tanned chest peaked through the collar of his opened shirt or how his worked tights looked exceptionally good with those jeans. Either one of them, you had to admit that maybe you were one of those girls who had been charmed by Jungkook’s handsomeness.
“Because there’s no other person who interests me down there more than you”-he dared to admit. Yes, you had lost all coherent thoughts. You crawled on top of his lap, sensing how his hands immediately groped your bottom earning a slight gasp from you-“And you? Why don’t you go downstairs?”-he whispered in your ear.
“I have to take care of Hoseok”-you said. Lips mocked each other, floating just above on another. His mint breath fanned your features and his large hands had rolled up your skirt, leaving your white lingerie exposed to anyone who entered the room-“Is that it?”-he repeated now caressing a finger to your already humid opening which was still covered by the lace cloth.
Your eyes fluttered shut in response to his minimal touch, bottom lip hiding submissively behind your teeth. Jungkook painted your face inside his mind rapidly, not wanting to forget how pleased you looked by his actions-“So? Are you really here just for Hoseok?”-he dared to move your underwear aside, gracing the skin beyond and marvelling with the amount of moisture lapping from it.
“No”-you moaned under your breath-“I-I...”-you couldn’t find the right words to express your desire, how much you wanted him to fuck you roughly on your best friend’s couch. So you grabbed his face and crashed your lips with his, tongue pouring impatiently out of your mouth and into his. Jungkook groaned wildly, sneaking his fingers away from your cunt and upwards to your fitting top. He was quick to dismiss that item too, which soon accompanied your long-forgotten heels.
Your rosy bud aroused due to the sudden touch of the room’s cold but Jungkook’s hands were already there to warm them up, squeezing both of your breasts as you moved down on him. He broke your make-out session by attacking your neck, licking his way downwards to the valley on your chest. He kissed your right mound and latched his swollen lips with your wanting nipple. You whimpered, clasping his chestnut locks desperately and pushing him even further into your exposed skin. He groaned and began playing with your neglected breast, freehand then moving to your ass and slapping it slightly.
“Fuck!”-you swore and he couldn’t be more pleased with it. With a loud pop, he lost himself with your sinful expression, giving you the right amount of time to free yourself from his grip and kneel on the floor, face in front of his clothed cock. Skillfully you unbuttoned his pants and discarded his underwear, leaving his length completely exposed. Liquidy precum glossed his large shaft and you had to admit that you were surprisingly intimidated by the sight of it-“What? Is my cock too big for you?”-he chuckled and you looked up, challenging eyes battling with determination itself.
You gently grasped the base of his cock with your left hand and lined his swollen crimson tip with your parted lips. He contained a breath as your tongue peaked out of its cavern and tasted the fluid covering his length, toying with it for a while before taking in the first part of it-“God!”-he screamed dumbly pulling your hair backwards to have a good look of your bobbing head and teary eyes. You thrust his cock even further into your mouth, gagging just when he reached the back of your throat. Slurping sounds and moans full of lust echoed through the shallow room while your clothed pussy creamed the expensive underwear that you had bought the other day. But you could not care less as you sucked harshly on Jungkook´s titanic shaft, provoking breathy whimpers and harsh tucks on your spontaneous ponytail. 
Jungkook was lost in utter pleasure, your hands-which now squeezed his balls with confidence-contributing to his blissful delight. He was cumming. He knew it and you surely knew it too. But he was not going to be the first one to fall. Jungkook took advantage of your vulnerability and yanked your head away from his virility by your loose ponytail, tending your back on top of the couch. Hurriedly he climbed on top of you and, although he would have killed to taste your juices right then and there, he knew both of you had minimal time to enjoy yourselves. He removed your last piece of clothing and centred his length on your pussy.
You moaned when his tip graced your sensitive entrance, tickling your clit when he began moving it upwards and then-tentatively slow-downwards-“Get on with it, Jeon!”-you begged and he chuckled darkly. He managed to sneak a hand down your stomach and placed his middle finger on top of your juicy slit. He slid it until it reached your sensitive nerve bound and you nearly screamed when he pressed it tenderly-“Hm? What do you want, baby?”-he growled, pushing his shaft a little bit further into you-“Ah!”-you moaned and clutched his broad shoulders-“Use your words...”-he mocked.
“Fuck me, please!”-
Without further do, he stumped his full size inside your needy cunt and groaned when your walls tightened around him. He was huge, stretching every inch of your vagina with every single thrust; going deep, deep, deep...-“Ah!”-you whimpered when his nimble fingers buried themselves in your creamy inner lips, caressing your clit as if it was the silkiest fabric he had ever touched-“Why don’t you moan a little louder?”-he asked, accentuating his last word by burying himself deep into your throbbing cunt and staying motionless for a whole minute.
“Please! Move, Jeon!”-you screamed while rolling your hips around his toned pelvic. You threw your head back, earning the right amount of contact in order to rub your sensitive bud over his hot sweaty skin. But he was cruel, planting his calloused palms on your hips maintaining you utterly still-“What?”-he smirked like the devil itself. Minutes ago he could barely make eye-contact with you, what had happened? You weren’t complaining though when he roughly slapped your right ass cheek, leaving the warmth emanating from your pussy before slamming himself back in again-“Aren’t you worried your best friend might wake up?”
Hoseok, fuck.
Jungkook chuckled as you snapped your head sideways, searching for any sudden movements from Hobi’s dormant self-“Because...”-he spoke again-“I wouldn’t mind him seeing you like this, begging just for me”-Fucking Jeon Jungkook on your best friend’s couch, inside his room while he’s slept literally a few steps away from you; wasn’t and had never been on your plans. However, when someone as him was now hungrily staring at your body and nearly touching your cervix with his titanic cock, you couldn’t-not even thought about-turning down his offer.
Therefore, you pushed his chest backwards on the couch and placed yourself hurriedly on top of him, swirling your hips tentatively to make your point clear-“I wouldn’t mind that either, Jeon”-He groaned and you took the lead, riding him mercilessly as you moaned while throwing your head upwards. It was a sinful melody; his growls, your uncontrollable whines, and the slurping sound bumping with the steady music. You were about to reach your climax. He wasn’t too far either.
Jungkook’s hips met your movements halfway, creating a new sensation that you couldn’t actually describe. It was amazing. So much so, that when he growled and pushed his cock even further into you, creaming every inch of your vagina, you came undone. A large moan erupted from the back of your throat, freeing every bit of pleasure swimming inside you. It was the most wonderful orgasm you had ever experienced and Jungkook must have known it too, for his smirk was extremely huge and hands were already circling your exhausted frame-“That was...”
“Fuck”-he muttered, not believing any of what had happened. He had sex with Hoseok’s best friend, the most astonishing woman he could have laid his eyes on-“Yes”-you agreed, moving away from him so as to look for something warm to cover both of you. Soon enough, you found a large quilt that would provide a nice warmth.
“You know”-he spoke when you crawled beside him, tangling your arms around his chest while his hands cupped the sides of your hips-“I couldn’t hear you, the music was so fucking loud...”-he mumbled on your skin, fingertips taunting your bare tight-“That’s why I’m getting paid for, Jeon”
“Then maybe next time I will have to make you scream harder”
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njcklenjart · 5 years
Part 2 of the post-fbtcog fic I’ve been planning. The link to the first part is at the bottom, but this can be read separately!
It’s strange to enter his own home again. The lock still jams as usual, the hinges squeaking enough to be noticeable when Newt shoulders the door open, and nothing looks out of place since he left. Yet there’s a sense of wrongness he can’t quite place.
It makes him feel like an intruder, especially so after Paris; what was supposed to be a quick adventure has changed him inside out, opening his eyes to world where Leta is dead and Queenie has abandoned them. He’s different, done things he would never have considered days before. He’s chosen a side.
But, looking at Theseus and seeing his anguish, how could he not?
(“What about your brother?” Jacob had said.
Newt had glanced at the close door. “He’s writing to Mum, I suppose—to tell her about—Leta.” He grimaced, the thought slightly too real for him, and had turned away to gather his case.
A soft touch at his elbow and Tina was beside him.
“I’m fine,” he lies, focused on the stitching of his sleeve while he readies himself for the outside world and the people in it. “We better head off.”)
While Jacob’s already seen his home, Tina takes it in with rapt attention. Does she think it fits him? Did she expect more? Newt tries not to worry over her opinion too much or fixate on the way her eyes roam over each piece of furniture, but nonetheless does a small cleaning spell to fix the mess the nifflers caused during their escape.
“You can leave your coats at the door,” he says, stripping himself of his own. Best make a quick search of the house for escapees that took advantage of his absence, but there’s another thing to take care of first. “Jacob, if you would.”
His friend appears confused when he motions him closer, but his face changes exponentially at the sight of the baby nifflers, snoring peacefully, when Newt carefully takes them from his case. “There’s more of them!”
“Careful. They’ve been known to escape.” Jacob handles the little creatures with utmost care, careful not to wake them. “There should be a small cave filled with coins by the stairs. Make sure it’s locked.” Jacob nods, his soft murmuring floating after him as he leaves.
Tina hasn’t moved much from the front of the house. “It’s nice,” she says when she catches him looking.
Newt rubs the back of his neck, unsure of what to say. Behind her, the vase Jacob had broken upon his arrival looks brand new and it’s then he suddenly remembers. “I have something of yours. Queenie—” He winces and so does Tina. “She dropped a postcard. Yours, in fact.”
Tina’s expression turns tender when he hands it over.
“That’s how I knew you were in Paris,” Newt says quickly, stepping closer and turning his head to look at it again despite the writer being in front of him. “I recognized the way you, um, curl your y’s.”
Jacob screams and the moment dies, replaced by urgency as Newt and Tina hurry to the basement. There they find Bunty holding the Muggle at wandpoint. He’s clutching the nifflers like they’re pearls and it’s then that Newt realizes that the two never actually met. “What are you doing with them!” she demands.
Before Bunty can threaten him any further, her wand flies from her hands and straight into Tina’s. “Back away from from him. Now.”
Newt sees that they’re seconds away from a disaster. “It’s alright. She’s my assistant!” He quickly steps between them, prompting Tina to lower her wand. “Bunty, this is Jacob and Tina. They’re my guests.”
Bunty blinks up at him owlishly. “Guests?” she says. “You never have guests.”
Newt flushes and tries not to be embarrassed by the implications. “Yes, well, they’re in London for the time being—staying with my brother.”
“With your…” Bunty looks at him like he’s suddenly shooting fire out of his backside.
“It was a last minute arrangement.” Tina hands back her wand with a soft apology. She studies Bunty with a strange expression and Newt thinks they should move past the moment and hurry back to what they came to do.
He pulls Jacob past his assistant. If the nifflers wake up, who knows how long it will take to get them settled and there’s work to be done, he’s sure. “Over here Jacob.”
Bunty follows after him, hovering as they get the little thieves settled. “You said went to Paris. Did you find what you were looking for?”
Newt risks a quick glance at Tina. “I did.”
“A creature?”
“Yes. We’ll have to make space beside the swamps for a new habitat.”
That gets her excited. “What is it?”
“A zouwu,” Tina says offhandedly, peeking into a doorway that opens up to a field in the springtime. “You’ll need the cat toy.”
“She’s rather spirited and friendly.” Jacob makes a noise in disagreement, but Newt ignores him. The zouwu is a kind creature, merely mistreated. He turns to Tina, almost nervous at her opinion of the place. “Do you like it?”
He’s awarded a smile that has his heart quickening. “I love it.”
Newt doesn’t know what to say, happier than he should be over a simple comment, so he merely grins back at her. He spots Bunty closer than expected and he clears his throat and hopes that he wasn’t staring too long. “You can go home now, Bunty,” he says. “We’ll deal with the rest.”
“But I’ve only just started the rounds and the grindylows habitat still needs to be looked over for leeches. Not to mention the stables have to be cleaned.” She steps closer, hopeful. “A-And the kelpie’s better with two.”
Tina sidles up beside her, her sleeves already rolled up. “She knows more about your creatures than me and Jacob. Besides, you could use the help.”
“Alright,” Newt says to her elbow. “Jacob, would you like to help Bunty with feeding the Abraxans?”
“The Abrax-a-what?”
For some reason, Bunty appears disappointed (or, at least, Newt thinks she does), but she merely smiles when he looks at her. She shows Jacob where the feed is stored and hands him a jug of malt whiskey. The Muggle stares at it blankly for a moment. “Uh, I’m not really thirsty, but thanks.”
“It’s not for you. It’s for the Abraxans.”
“You give your horses whiskey?”
“These horses, yes. They can be a bit rough, so try not to get trampled.”
“What do you mean?” Jacob asks nervously, only for Bunty to head for the stables. “What does she mean? Newt?” He runs after her, leaving Newt and Tina alone.
Half a dozen doxies attach themselves to Newt’s shirt on his way to the shed, stubborning hanging on despite his gentle prodding, and Tina finds it particularly amusing. They bring down all the different feeds they’ll need for his creatures, as well as the eye medication for the mooncalves. Tina handles the jars of roaches and slugs without disgust while Newt juggles the mooncalves eye drops and the salve for the kelpie, and working together feels like it did in New York, efficient and comfortable.
In the middle of showing her how to correctly feed the diricawls and explaining that they’re not the most intelligent of species, Newt sees an invisible force pull at her trousers. When Tina takes notice as well a familiar figure reveals himself.
“Dougal,” she says quietly, her expression growing softer at the sight of the silver-haired primate. She extends a hand and Dougal does the same, stroking her offered wrist.
Newt shifts from one foot to another. “He remembers you.”
Dougal skitters forward, his golden eyes never leaving Tina’s. He reaches for her with his gangly arms like a child wanting to be picked up.
Tina looks at Newt for guidance and he nods encouragingly, taking the jar of crickets from her. “Demiguises give the best hugs.”
Very carefully, she reaches for the creature, hoisting him up onto her hip like it’s the most natural thing in the world. Dougal cooes and chitters, resting his chin on her shoulder, not inclined to separate anytime soon, and Tina strokes his fur almost reverently. Newt can see the moment she gives into the embrace, the tension in her shoulders and neck fading, and decides she likes her this way, relaxed and content.
He ushers her to his rudimentary desk, organizing the clutter to the best of his ability, and offers her his chair. Dougal makes a sound when she sits and Tina hugs him tighter. She meets Newt’s gaze from over the creature’s head, her eyes so expressive that New can’t help but crouch before her. Before he realizes it, he’s pried one of her hands away to grasp it between his own. “You can stay here as long as you like.”
“How are you always so kind? Even now?”
“I could ask you the same thing.”
“I’m not. Not like you.”
Newt may not be able to read people easy or understand their reasons, but he’s become accustomed to Tina, and so he knows she’s thinking of Queenie. He’s beginning to recognize her expressions and queues almost as well as Pickett’s and so he wills her to see the truth in his. “You are.”
He thinks she does because she gives his hand a squeeze.
There’s a loud crash and Newt turns to see Bunty standing not far off. She hurriedly picks up the pail off the ground, glancing between the two of them. “I’m sorry for, erm, interrupting your…” She blushes. “But your friend… he’s stuck in the water trough and Molly won’t let me through.”
“Newt!” Jacob yells, then shrieks at something. “Would you knock it off!”
Tina laughs, a small sound, one that only just reaches her eyes, and it’s like she’s finally coming alive. Newt stares and stays there a moment too long. This is more like the woman he remembers.
“Newt?” Bunty’s still there.
“Hm? Oh, yes, Jacob.” Newt snaps out of his headspace and jumps to his feet before anyone can comment. “Will you be alright by yourself?”
Tina nods, still holding his hand. “Dougal will keep me company.”
“I’ll be right back,” he promises. It seems like a silly thing, but he means it. It wouldn’t take much to adjust his workload to keep her within view, maybe entrust Bunty to take care of the beasts at the edge of his basement.
“I’ll be here,” she says and it’s like a promise of her own.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6| 7
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((Pathfinder: The Crimson Saber’s journey part 17 - What happens in Palanthas Stays in Palanthas.))
From the groups position past the tower, it took them only a short amount of time to reach the front gates of Palanthas, with the guards giving very little heed towards the unusual nature of the group, even to She Who Eats.
“So, where first?” Feyed questioned as he looked around, slightly in awe of the three large towers surrounding the circle shaped city.
“For information? The nearest tavern will do!” Zizi said with a slight laugh, having already located one near the entrance “Inn of the last hero? That'll do...”
“Oh, that also means we can get rooms too!” Kheevee called out with a slight grin, before Feyed turned to her “Actually, it's an inn, they won't have rooms.”
Kheevee tilted her head as she tried to work out the difference as the group entered, with Zizi leaning over the bar.  The bartender, a portly looking female human, glanced up at him “Just take a table and someone will be with you to take your order...”
Zizi shrugged before moving to the nearest vacant table, with the rest sitting down as well, as they observed their surroundings.  Although it was definitely busy, with the bar maidens being rushed off their feet, there was an odd sense of order to it, more higher class than the last ones they found themselves in for sure.
Finally, a bar maiden made her way over “So, what can I get for you?”
“A drink, and information!” Zizi called out.
“...What drink, and I don't sell information.”
“But you work here, surely you should know something!”
“Look, I hear so many stories and tales I can't be expected to keep track of them all now, can I?”
“CAN I GET A EMPTY MUG?” She who eats called out, before Kheevee quickly motioned for the same.
“...Why?  You know what?  Whatever...  Same drink for you two?” The maiden motioned to Feyed and Kiruto, who politely passed on the offer.  Shortly after, she returned with two empty cups, and one filled with mead for Zizi, who quickly drank it as She who eats conjured water into the empty cups for her and Kheevee.
“Okay, you all stay here, I'll go see if anyone here knows anything...” Zizi muttered as he got up, moving over to the table next to theirs to see a drunken dwarf “Excuse me, I'm after some information...”
“Information, I can pay for...”
“Fer wha?”
“Informati...” Zizi's words were cut off as the dwarf crashed into the table, drunken and out cold.  A slight scoff came from the nearby corner, which caught Zizi's ears as he turned to face a wizard in a black cloak, deep into a book.
“Something funny?”
“Hm?  No.” The wizard dismissed Zizi with an lack of interest, as the Minotaur walked over.
“Well maybe you have information?”
“I do, but not for your ears...”
“What?  Why?  Too good for me?”
“In a way, yes.  I doubt you would understand my information...”
“Why?  Is it because...”
“...You're a Minotaur?  Yes.”
Zizi grumbled as Feyed and Kheevee moved to him, with Feyed holding him back while Kheevee tried to peer at the book, noticing it was a spell book.
“Zizi, not now, he isn't worth it, plus the last thing we need is you in jail.”
Zizi huffed before bumping the table on purpose as he walked off.
“Oh, 'scuse me, I'm just a big dumb Minotaur!”
The wizard glared at Zizi as he exited the tavern, with the others following closely.
“So what now?” Kiruto questioned with a sigh.
“Now?  We get a map, and find somewhere else...” Zizi muttered as he looked around, before spying a seller nearby and purchasing a map.
“So, anything?” Kheevee called up with a brow raised.
“You could say that. We got two options here.  First is the palace itself, see our client.”
“And the second is the barracks, right?”
“Well, not quite, those are near the palace anyway...” Zizi knelt down as he showed the others the map, pointing towards the docks “This place has a Crimson Sabers chapter house.  We should check there first...”
With everyone in agreement, the group travelled north in the city towards the chapter house.  As they moved, children flocked around She who eats once more, only with a lot more curtsey and manners than the previous group.  With a slight delighted chirp, She who eats watched the kids closely with a smile until their parents called them back.
“Seems she enjoys polite kids...” Kiruto said with a slight chuckle, as Kheevee tilted her head “Well she does seem to enjoy talking to me too, so I guess so...”
Finally, the group arrived, only to be met with a shock.  The chapter house in front of them was not only locked, but abandoned.  Zizi tried his best to unlock the door normally, before breaking down the door without making much of a mess.
“Okay, everyone scout this place.  Let's see if we can work out why...”
As the group began to scour the place, a faint smell of blood reached She who eats, as she moved slowly upstairs before finding herself in the attic.  As she prepared for the worst, she found the source of the blood.  Several rats, with tell-tale signs of being hunted by cats.
“Find anything up there?” Zizi called up.
“NOTHING IMPORTANT!” She who eats responded as she made her way back down “ALSO, WHERE IS FOX?”
The group looked around to try and find Kiruto, as he walked in through the front door “While you were all looking, I asked around the docks.  Apparently it just...closed.  Like, everyone just got up and left.”
“...That would explain why the job passed on to us then...” Zizi answered with a sigh “So, palace it is then.  If we cut through the nearby market, we should get there faster...”
“MARKET?” She who eats questioned as something began to stir within her.
Minutes later, the group travelled towards the market, with the crew peering over the nearby goods.  However, She who eats paused as she stood in front of one particular stall.  Her eyes gazed over the animals for sale, as a memory came back.
The others stopped and turned to look towards the owlbear, as a young lad walked over to her “Y..you're not going to eat my stock, are you?”
“...From Palanthas?”
“What?  But...”
“...My father?  He stopped trading on this stall ages ago.  Got busted for selling illegal animals such as yourself.”
“Not now, no.  We only sell normal pets now...”
Kheevee squinted as she looked over the animals, spotting several toucans as they all began to cry out at her “...I still can't tell the difference between these and Ahyaba...”
“Okay, lets not get sidetracked...” Zizi called out as he began to move off, until a loud grumble filled the air.
“...That came from She who eats...” Kheevee motioned as she stepped back, looking up to the owlbear as her gaze moved over to the livestock for sale on the stall next to the lads.  Her eyes narrowed as she began to move towards the animals.
“Hey, HEY!  No!” Zizi called out as he moved to get between her and the livestock, before moving to grapple the owlbear as he realized she wasn't listening.  Kheevee gulped as she provided mage armour to herself, Kiruto, Zizi and Feyed as She who eats took a large bite out of Zizi's arm, before pinning him to the ground.
“She must be too hungry, her instincts are kicking in...” Feyed pondered as he moved to the livestock seller “Sell me your plumpest sheep!”
The man behind the counter nodded in a blind panic before handing Feyed a rope.  As he slowly tried to drag it towards She who eats however, the sheep made a last bid for freedom, breaking free from the rope and running for its life out of the market.
“I'll go get it, don't worr...ahh, it's gone...” Kheevee said with a defeated sigh.
Feyed moved to She who eats, trying to get through to her through words “Look, you aren't being yourself, snap out of this...”
She who eats slowly moved to take a second bite, before blinking and looking around “WHAT?  WHAT HAPPENED?”
Zizi, sensing the chance, pushed her off to one side as he stood up, slowly wrapping the wound up to stop any bleeding “Just...eat something and let's go.”
The owlbear looked to the others before looking downwards, slightly embarrassed as she reached into her bag.  Her claws grasped a few of the stray dogs she had caught as she began to eat them until sated, before joining the others as they moved to the palace.
As the group entered, they found themselves faced with a strict looking female elf behind a counter, with a long queue next to her “...Name, and reason for wanting to see the lord?”
“...My name is Zizi, and I'm with the Crimson Sabers.  We were asked to look for Lord Kyron's daughter...”
“Ah, the Annabelle situation.  I'll let him know you've....” she paused as she looked down to Kheevee, the curse affecting how she viewed the Kobold “...Why do I want to punch you in the face?”
“...Oh, I just got one of those faces I guess?” Kheevee quickly replied with a shrug as the group joined the queue.  An hour passed as the queue got shorter and shorter, until finally they were granted an audience.
As they entered, their gaze fell upon an old looking male atop a throne looking down at them “You took your time getting here...”
“Well, we have come from far away...” Zizi said with a slight huff “If the chapter here hadn't left, it would have been resolved faster...”
“Ah, yes, I heard it had closed.  I suppose you can use it while you stay.  Do you have any updates for me though of Annabelle?”
“Actually, we were hoping you could give us any information?” Zizi replied.
“...Aside from she left months ago, and could be anywhere now?”
“...So you have no information?”
“No, if I did, I would have provided it.  You should ask her friend...”
Kiruto stepped forward as he looked up “And who is she?”
“Her name is Vaeleus.”
“And where could we find her?”
“The pleasure district.”
Kheevee raised a brow in confusion as she looked around “My heart is hoping that means lots of fun stuff and food, but my brain is telling me...”
“It's best not to think about it, Kheevee...” Zizi said with a sigh, before looking back to the lord “Where abouts in there?”
“The Lusty Nymph.”
Zizi nodded as he looked to the others “Well, I guess we got a location and a name. Let's get going before night fall, just in case...”
The group quickly travelled towards the district, using the map as reference, until finally they arrived, to the surprising view in front of them.  While expecting something more seedy, what lay before the five turned out to be of a much higher class, with the streets filled with an alluring perfume.  Right at the end of the district stood a tall building emitting the scent, with a bold sign on the front.
The lusty nymph.
Kheevee's eyes widened as she looked up to Zizi “I don't know what this buildings for, but I like the smell.”
Zizi leaned down before scooping up Kheevee, placing her on his shoulder while She who eats quickly wildshaped into an owl to land on his other shoulder, before the group entered.  The large hall in front of them was bustling with all sorts of beings and activities, yet everything remained quite civil.
“I think I see Kender, but they don't see to be taking anything.  Must be those special kind...” Kiruto noted, as a tall female moved closer to the group.
“I don't recognise your faces, you must be new here.  How can I be of help?”
“We're looking for Vaeleus.”
“Ah, good timing, I don't think she's busy...” She noted as she motioned for the group to follow.  Zizi looked out the corner of his eyes to Kheevee “Don't go looking in any open doors here, okay?”
“Why?  What's going o...” She began before pausing as the group moved past several closed rooms, with a few of them clearly in use due to the loud noises.  Flashbacks of the previous ship journey flooded her mind as she shivered “Oh...”
Finally, they were ushered into a large room, to find an equally tall female elf waiting within.
“Ah, so you must be the customers.  So, how can I be of assistance?”
“We're here for information...” Zizi replied to her.
“Oh, well I'd be happy to help with some information about our services and...”
“...About Annabelle...”
Vaeleus's smile faded slightly, as she took a seat “Her father sent you, didn't he?”
“Yes, why?”
“All he seems to come here for nowadays, well that and a monthly special...”
“...Riiight.  So, do you have any?”
“I may.  She does pop by here when she usually runs away, sometimes works here too.”
“...Isn't she 16 or so?” Kiruto questioned.
“Oh, she is, but she never did anything like that.  We provide many different services here, from what you expect, to massages, to just a shoulder to cry on or a friendly face to talk to.”
“Oh, well that's good news then.  So is she here now?”
“No, she left this city months ago.”
“...Where did she go then?” Zizi questioned, as a smile began to form on Vaeleus's face.
“Tell you what.  I'll give you the information, on one condition.”
“And that is?”
“Sample our services...”
Zizi looked to the others before sighing, putting Kheevee down as She who eats moved off his shoulder “Fine, I'll take this one for the team...”
“No” Vaeleus called out as she motioned to the others “All of you.”
Kheevee gulped slightly as a voice called out to her from the side of the room where other patrons were mingling with other employees.  Her eyes moved to the source as she spotted a darker blue Kobold looking in her direction.
“So I heard you're looking for services?  I can assist with that for one so cute...”
Kheevee raised her brows in shock, before turning to look to Zizi “Zizi, what's it called when you like girls more than guys?”
“Natural” Zizi replied with a slight smirk, as the blue Kobold whistled over to the crowd, a female blue Kobold emerging to stand next to him “I'm sure my sister can help you out then...”
Kheevee took a quick step back as Zizi called out to the two Kobolds “You do realize she's young still, right?”
The siblings circled Kheevee, noting her ear flaps “Ah, you're from that swamp tribe, we thought it was ear flap damage.  We apologise.  Still, we can provide a service for those underage.  My sister is very good at de-stress massages.”
Kheevee paused slightly before nodding “I guess that would be fine...” before waving to Zizi as she followed the female Kobold to a nearby room.
“Do you think she'll be fine?” Kiruto questioned Zizi as a female Kitsune caught his eye.  Zizi meanwhile spied a nearby female Minotaur and grinned “She can handle herself.”  As the two moved to private rooms with the two, Feyed looked to She who eats with a sigh “Looks like it's up to us to find information then...  I spotted one of those hookah lounges on the way in.  I'll partake in that, usually those partaking are looser lipped with information.”
She who eats nodded as she tilted her head towards a wizened old man nearby, an odd familiar aura coming from him.  After a moment of pondering, she called out to the man in an old druidic tongue, getting a quick reply from him as the two began to converse.
As time passed, with She who eats hardly even noticing due to being too engrossed in the conversation, Feyed eventually stumbled back towards her “So, I tried to get information, but most in there were already gone...”
“Passed out.”
The owl sighed deeply as two side doors opened, with a satisfied looking Zizi and Kiruto emerging from within the rooms.  After a quick catch up, the four looked around.
“No sign of Kheevee?” Kiruto questioned as Zizi sighed “I swear if she's got herself stabbed again...”
As if having heard her name, Kheevee emerged from the room with the female Kobold, with a large smile on her face.
“Tell me you didn't...”
“I had a head and shoulder massage, and then we had a friendly chat!  It's been so long since I've talked with another of my kind!”
“Oh, phew, that's goo...” Zizi started before being cut off by Kheevee “There were also several totem looking things in there, but I checked, they weren't keys, so we're good!”
Kiruto sharply looked to Zizi, who took a moment to register what the young Kobold meant, before doubling over with laughter.
“...Whats so funny?” Kheevee questioned to Kiruto, who shrugged “It's best not to ask.”
“Well, it seems you five had your fun, albeit in differing ways, but who am I to judge?” Vaeleus called out with a clap of her hands “A deal is a deal.  You want to know where Annabelle went to?  Last I heard, she was at Zaradene.”
Zizi raised a brow as he pulled out his world map, before sighing deeply “You ain't going to fucking believe this...  That's right near where we started in Sanctum.”
The group collectively groaned as Zizi put away his map “At least we know where to head to now.  I'm assuming a boat can take us there, so we should head to the docks.”
“Feel free to visit again anytime!” Vaeleus called out as the group turned to leave, all aside from Kheevee “I have one last question, miss Vaeleus.”
“And what is it, small one?”
“...Is the name Bladestorm familiar to you?”
“Oh, yes, he pops in every now and again...”
Kheevee's brows raised in shock as Zizi picked her up to carry her off “Best not to question that line any further, he's most likely watching us....”
Several minutes passed as the group made their way to the docks, with Zizi heading to the dock master to ask about a boat, only to return shortly “So, I got good news and bad news.”
“Whats the bad news?” Kiruto pondered, as Zizi quickly replied “The next boat that can take us there won't be for three days.”
“So we'll stop in the abandoned Crimson Sabers building for the time being.  What's the good news?”
“It's the pride of the waves!”
“I've heard that before...” Kheevee pondered before her eyes went wide with shock “Wait, isn't that...”
“Yeah, it's Analia's boat!”
“...I THOUGHT YOU SAID IT WAS GOOD NEWS!” Kheevee shouted up as she looked around in a blind panic.
“It is.  Don't you remember last time?”
“Too vividly...”
Feyed and She who eats exchanged looks before looking to Zizi “So I guess it's a case of finding something to pre-occupy ourselves with...”
The next three days went by quite quickly, with Kheevee making and selling traps, as well as the crystal jars.  Zizi and She who eats however had bigger plans, with the duo putting on a show in filling barrels with water and changing the liquid to wine, before selling them on for a high profit.  With the departure day approaching, She who eats spied a pair of magical gloves her size for sale, yet knowing she was a bit short, implored Bladestorm to aid her for a favour, to which he obliged.
Finally, the day approached, as the five found themselves at the docks awaiting the ship, with Zizi at the forefront grinning widely for all to see.
“Honestly at this point I'm not sure if that smile is for Analia or for being on a boat again...” Kiruto said with a slight chuckle as the Minotaur looked to the Kitsune “Can't it be for both?”
“Guys, we have incoming!” Kheevee shouted as she pointed out to the sea, motioning towards an incoming ship, which found itself docked only a few moments later.  Loud hoof stomps filled the air as the tall female Minotaur disembarked from the ship.
“So, word is I got some people wanting on my ship.  Who might I ask is...Oh, you lot...”
“Hii Analia” Zizi called out as Analia moved up to him, giving him a quick head butt as a greeting.  Several heads poked over the side of the ship from the sound as Kheevee sighed “Yep, it's going to be the same again...”
“Was it really that bad last time?” Feyed asked as he knelt down next to her.  “Let's just say its going to be the brothel again, only with less privacy...”
“So, Zaradene, huh? 10 days travel, that.  It's going to be pricey, especially since the Saber's haven't paid for this trip for you, but I can make you a deal.”
“And that is?” Kiruto pondered, his eyes moving to the faces above looking down at the five.
“This big one stays with me.  The rest of you can help out where needed, aside from the Kitsune and the Kobold.  The Kitsune I get the feeling will be busy, and I wouldn't ask one so small to do jobs.”
Kheevee shrugged as she boarded the ship, with the others following shortly afterwards, with Analia right next to Zizi “So who's the new guy?”
“Feyed?  Travelling monk teaming up with us for now.”
“What happened to the rat?”
“Died, buried, kind of her own fault.”
“She did seem the type...  At least it's just you four.”
“FIVE!” She who eats called out, as Analia quickly turned around, then looked to Zizi “Wait, that thing can talk?  I thought it was a pet or something!”
“She's a druid, and an owlbear.  It's complicated.”
“...You definitely owe me extra!”
The next ten days passed with little to no problems, with Zizi and Kiruto hardly being seen.  The crew initially were wary of She who eats, but eventually started to adjust, until three days in when her food storage ran out. Spotting a dolphin pod nearby, she began to use a mixture of her claws and magic to fish out the mammals, eating them there and then on the deck.
While the rest of the crew were shocked, Kheevee and Feyed were less so, with Kheevee pondering just how the 'large fish' tasted, and Feyed taking some of the bone to carve.
Finally, the ship arrived at it's destination, with the five saying their farewells to Analia.  Asking around town for information on Annabelle, the group was told of their next destination, and pointed to a caravan which could take them to where they needed to go: Solace.
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cafesandlatenights · 7 years
Chapter Two [Beyond the Sunrise, LMMxReader]
Summary: Your first date with Lin doesn’t go exactly as he planned it.
Word Count: 1,785
Warnings: Slow burn, as always.
Authors notes:  Sab - First dates a fun, right? We’re churning these guys out - it’s so amazing to get to work with Ren, we both hope you enjoy it! (And, as she says, please don’t kill us.) 
Ren - This chapter. Oh god there’s no words for it. I hope you guys like it and please don’t kill us *evil laughter is heard in the distance*
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“Hi, excuse me I-” You looked up for a second to find one of the visitors you had talked to just a few minutes ago. “I believe you handed me the wrong…”
The guy handed you one of the museum brochures, and you noticed the dates were off. Taking a deep breath, you opened the top drawer to find the right folder, handing one to him before apologizing. It was the third time you messed up that afternoon: First, you almost guided the group of students to the wrong exhibition, then a guest’s question went completely over your head, leaving them staring blankly at you as you attempted to collect your wits, and now this. You felt lucky that your boss was drowning in paperwork and not paying much attention to his employees.
The truth was: you were nervous. Ever since you and Lin started texting, things just clicked between you, everything was easy and he made you smile. A lot. With Stephen sitting in the next room during many of those slightly flirtatious conversations, however, you knew it had to come to a halt soon.
That was your plan today. Tell Lin you were in a heavily committed relationship, avoid telling him that Stephen paled in comparison to his wit and charm, and last but not least hope you could stay friends with him.  
You could almost feel the plan vanishing from your mind when Lin entered the museum. Wearing a button-up shirt similar to the one you saw him wearing at Hunter with a hoodie over it and a smile on his face. You couldn’t help but smile as well.
“So this is where you work!” He commented, resting his elbows on the front desk. “Hi.”
“Hey, you.” You greeted. “I can leave in… Seven minutes.”
“I don’t think I can wait that long.” You wished he would stop saying things like that. Things that made your skin tingle in an unfamiliar way as your hands fidgeted with a sudden urge to touch him.
“You’ve waited this long.” You tried to answer with the same lighthearted tone, but it came out a bit stiffer than you liked, “You can go look at dead white guys until I’m done.” You shoved a finger towards the nearest exhibit, something about George Washington.
“Fine, I’ll be back in-” He looked at his watch. “Six minutes and twenty two seconds.”
You rolled your eyes, trying to hold a smile as he almost skipped - skipped! - to the exhibit. The butterflies in your stomach were hard to ignore, but you tried your best. After helping out two older ladies find the Egypt section in the map and putting a sign in front of the desk signaling you’d be back shortly, you were free to go.
You found Lin rooted before an elegant portrait of the first president, the sheer size forcing him a few steps back just to take it all in. He was focused, not even noticing your presence until you tapped his shoulder.  
“Getting to know George?” you asked.
“I feel like he’s getting to know me,” He stepped back a few more feet, putting a great distance between him and the portrait, “No matter where I am in the room he’s looking at me.” He jerked to the right and still, the founding father was brooding at him, “He’s like the Mona Lisa.”
“An old male version.” You agreed. “Now that you pointed that out it’s a bit creepy, I don’t think I’ll ever enter this exhibit again.”
“Should we leave, then?” Lin asked, finally being able to take his eyes off the painting.
“Well, you did promise we’d get something to eat and I only have thirty minutes.” You glanced at your watch, “Maybe I can stretch it into forty.”
Lin took this as his queue to start the date, and suddenly his hand was in yours, tugging you towards the door. You thought he was charming before, but you were certainly unprepared for ‘date mode Lin’.
He definitely didn’t see it as a friendly lunch.
“Have you been to Shake Shack?” his voice was full of excitement as the both of you walked down the stairs of the museum. “Best. Fries. Ever.”
“I have not, but I’ve heard great things about it. Are we getting lunch there?”
“I thought we could maybe take it to go… We do have Central Park right here and I have the perfect lunch spot.” His smile was making it increasingly difficult to say no to him.
Shake Shack was right behind the museum, and the line didn’t take long. Before you knew it, your orders were ready and Lin wasn’t letting you pay for your part.
“I’m the one who asked you out, I came prepared.” He assured you, the words ‘asked you out’ sending a shiver down your spine. You took a deep breath before nodding, Lin handing his card to the cashier.
As you walked back to Central Park with your orders in brown paper bags and your drinks in hand, you were only half focused on what Lin was actually saying, the other half way too distracted by his eyes, smile and the fear of actually telling him that you didn’t think it was an actual date until he said so.
“I used to write on that bench!” He exclaimed, bustling over to the faded green two-seater, “Look.” He had carved his initials into the old wood.
“Is there a wooden surface in New York that doesn’t have your name on it?” You asked, sitting down and running your fingers through the three letters. “What does the other M stand for?”
“Oh, it stands for Manuel. Lin-Manuel Miranda.”
“Very latino, I like it.”
“I used to hate it, no one could say it right when I was in middle school so Lin-Manuel turned into Lin pretty quickly.” He took the seat next to you, recalling a time where he would spend hours curled up on that bench, eyes focused and hand scribbling half-coherent rhymes.
“Well, Lin-Manuel Miranda,” You took extra care to pronounce it in the same fashion he had, “You should keep the three names. It’s kind of baller. Like, James Earl Jones or Philip Seymour Hoffman.”
“Or Sarah-Jessica Parker.” He added, making you laugh.
“Yeah, or Sarah-Jessica Parker.” You placed the brown bag between the both of you, opening to peek at what you both ordered. “Do you wanna eat here? We need to find a spot before it gets cold.”
“And you’re probably starving,” he noticed.
“I didn’t want to admit it but… A little bit,” you smiled, Lin chuckling in response. He placed his bag next to yours, grabbing a few fries before taking the burger out of the bag.
Lin started to steer the conversation away from the food, towards more interesting topics. Childhood memories and past relationships and very first date things to talk about. He talked about his first kiss and awkward first dates from when he was twelve or thirteen, and as much as you wanted to be fully dedicated to his stories, the reminder in the back of your mind kept bothering you.
“I’m probably boring you so much, sometimes I get overexcited and you don’t look really interested and-”
“It’s not you.” You interrupted, placing your hand on his knee. You regretted the decision almost immediately when he raised his eyebrows in confusion. “Lin, I- I kinda have to tell you something.”
“Is this the whole ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ speech? Because this is only the first date, I haven’t pulled out all my moves yet.”
You shot him a sad smile, how would you even do that? It was like kicking a puppy!
“Okay, I’ll just rip the bandaid off because I don’t wanna be the person that starts anything with the wrong foot,” you felt the words just flying from your lips before you could filter them. “I have a boyfriend.”
“Oh. Wow, that is… Really awkward.” He replied, his hand scratching the back of his neck. You noticed him blushing and you bit your lip in regret.
“I really want us to be friends and-”
“[Y/N], c’mon, you don’t need to waste all your cliches on me,” he joked, trying to avoid the awkwardness that was already thickening the air.
“I mean it, Lin! I know I should’ve told you sooner, I-”
“Hey, it’s alright. We didn’t even specify that this was a date. Just, two acquaintances getting lunch together. That’s allowed, right?” He shrugged.
“I really do like you.” You assured him, “A lot, you’re smart and charming and-”
“-any girl would be lucky to have me?” He laughed lightly at the absurdity of it all. Every one liner he had heard in cheesy movies his sister made him watched all coming to fruition in a single conversation.
“I wasn’t gonna say that exactly, but that’s the gist.” You smiled. “Lin, that night at the diner you- You were amazing. And fun, and witty, and I wouldn’t have said yes to this… Lunch if I didn’t want you in my life. Just not… That way.”
“So I guess friends it is?” Lin asked, offering his hand for you to shake and making you roll your eyes before shaking his hand dramatically.
“Friends it is.”
“Your boyfriend knows how stupid lucky he is, right?” Lin retracted his hand and returned to the scraps of fries still left.
You hummed a response, knowing the true answer wasn’t one you should share with him in that moment. The awkwardness slowly faded as the both of you finished lunch and he walked you back to the museum.
“Thirty six minutes,” he stated, looking at his watch. “You still have four minutes to spare.”
“If we’re being technical, I’m actually late by six minutes.” He scoffed at the idea, it didn’t seem that the phrase ‘technical’ was in his vocabulary.
“So this is where we part?”
“Actually, I wanted to give you something.” You hustled over to your abandoned desk, ignoring the curious glances of your coworkers who just witnessed your date that wasn’t really a date. Searching through a few drawers, you finally found the slip of paper you were looking for. “Here.”
He laughed at the gift. A postcard with the same picture of George Washington he had been observing thirty minutes ago.
“So he can follow you wherever you go.”
“This is the perfect gift for the end of this not-date,” he commented. “See you around, then?”
“You always say that,” you smiled. “But yeah, see you around.”
This time, so different from the early morning in front of the diner, you knew he wouldn’t be leaving your life anytime soon.
tags:  @smileystumph - @justanotherhamiltrash - @always-blame-jefferson - @itsjaynebird - @angerybisexual - @l-nmanuel - @voldecrux - @phangirldil2022 - @jzzyjones - @isis278​ - @justanotherhamiltrash
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seattle-rpg-blog1 · 7 years
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araceli milagros giménez ponce is a resident.
           resident | columbia city | waitress at pizzuto’s | twenty-seven | female
trigger warnings (drug mention, cheating, abandonment, emotional abuse)
Araceli was always the sky of her father’s life — Not his sun, but his sky. Infinite, ever changing but always reminding him of home. His sky. His cielo. His everything. It is a shame, then, that Araceli’s mother never shared the same opinion or appreciation for their daughter. So much so, in fact, that after giving birth to the little girl, she decreeted she did not want her or any part of her to be involved in her life. You see, Catalina Ponce had her career all planned out — Television first, telenovelas after telenovelas of playing the antagonist until one day she would play the villain. And then movie deals would come. Organizations would want to work with her, she would have her own clothes line and design shoes for a famous creator, and in a bang launch her perfume when people would least expect it. And then more movies, more tv shows, more of the same. Her name would become a brand that people would want to buy. And an infant child had no part in her career — It would make her stuck in television shows for ever.
This was alright by Felipe. Though he had cared for Catalina, his childhood best friend and first love, he’d hoped fame would not be more important to her than family. Quickly proven wrong when she fell pregnant, he was happy living his own life with his daughter — One that Catalina would not have any part in. So he moved back to Mendoza, got a humble job in the family restaurant and taught his daughter the values of hard work from a young age. At ten, Araceli already made the cutest waitress in their little family restaurant. And yes, money was tight, but so long as his daughter had clothes on her back and friends at school, Felipe was doing his job alright. All was well.
“You can’t keep her from me! I am her mother!” Screams. And screams, and screams, and screams – A woman’s voice, foreign to Araceli’s ears and scaring her enough for her to take refuge on the other side of her small bedroom. And then a tall man in a suit swiftly entered, closed the door behind him softly — A swift contrast between the argument that went on two doors down, in the living room of the small apartment. She was thirteen. She should not have been scared and yet — And yet the man in the suit sensed her fears. “Araceli? I’m a friend of your mother’s.” His first words — the first words anyone had said to her ever since the strange woman (her mother?) had entered in the flat demanding Araceli be handed to her and threatening to go to court (and whatever this was about, Araceli knew her father could not afford court). “I don’t have a mother. What do you want?” “I know you’re angry. But your mother — Catalina — is here because she really needs your help. She wants the best for you too, of course, which is why you’d get paid for your work, and ——” “Paid?” A swallow, and Araceli suddenly tries standing up a little bit straighter, make herself appear more important and knowledgeable than her thirteen year old self actually was. Getting paid would be nice. It would help her dad keep the restaurant open.
Where life with Felipe had been humble, life with Catalina was filled with opulence, talk show interviews, and that big picture of her, her husband and two young children (and that life she’d led without Araceli) that was filling in the entrance of their house in Buenos Aires. She’d done it. Well — most of it, anyway. Thirteen years into her first child’s life and Araceli was an acclaimed actress who’d won awards for her performances both in the country and internationally (her latest movie, Lo que el tiempo nos dejó, had been critically praised by European and American media as ‘one of the best foreign films of the decade’). She’d started producing, too, putting her money to good use, and had released a make-up line which failed a couple of months afterwards (the demographic watching her shows was simply not that into buying make-up made by a celebrity). Some of her television shows had started exporting abroad, and she’d needed someone to play her daughter in the newest one, titled ‘Vecinos y enemigos’ and extremely loosely based on Romeo and Juliet.
It was just one telenovela after all, right? And then, Araceli would be back safe in Mendoza, where she belonged, using her money to help her father’s restaurant that would soon enough be hers, too. Except that the success of Vecinos y enemigos hit her hard — harder than she expected. Her mother’s friend (really, her manager, and now Araceli’s) had warned her about this, but nothing could truly prepare the teenager for this. She divided the medias (and, in turn, the country).
A lot of people loved her quirky character, praising Catalina for working with her family even on the small screen (they thought her cute, adorable, her relationship with her mother seemed ‘so genuine and trusting it showed in every scene’). There was nothing genuine or trusting in how Catalina saw and treated her daughter. But nobody needed to know that if Araceli wanted to get paid, so for the television interviews, she smiled and said ‘Well I missed my mother very much before this.’ It wasn’t technically a lie, but it was not true, either. She’d missed the idea of a mother, never Catalina.
The rest of the people thought her bland. She didn’t know how to act. And, obviously, what more could you expect from someone who’s mother got her the job? This kid wouldn’t go far. Had you seen how small she seemed, this couldn’t work great on camera. And ‘I don’t know. I really don’t like mean comments, but they’re not going to stop me from doing what I love.’ Everybody thought she meant acting. Araceli just wanted to go back home.
Yet telenovelas came and went. In the midst of it, her mother got full custody and decided it would be best to become her daughter’s agent — to keep it in the family. Araceli was a young, awkward teenager that other young, awkward teenagers easily related to — And with tv magic, she looked approachable enough that you wanted to be her friend but not enough that you thought you could actually be her friend. She was a hit, a success, a brand — Everything Catalina had hoped for herself. And then Catalina hit the motherload when Araceli was cast in ‘La Alma Frente Al Sol’.
@almafrentealsol: Quién de Alma o Rosario te va a robar el corazón en este nuevo capítulo ? Enterate hoy !
La Alma Frente Al Sol was the biggest hit of Araceli’s career. She played Alma, young teenager with a (terribly researched and completely inaccurately depicted) case of memory loss who tried to figure out her life and who she wanted to be, trying to decipher truth from lies and family from opportunists. Alma was a singer, so obviously a singing career was added to the contract.
La Alma Frente Al Sol ran for two seasons, with complimentary album and world tour for each season, and exported to twenty-six countries, with a Mexican and Chilean remake under way. And, since Catalina had been credited as producer and owned the rights to the show, when news came about of a potential adaptation by ABC for the United States, her one demand was that her daughter would also star in the American version, shot in Los Angeles. And queue the singing career in English.
And, don’t get her wrong — Araceli loved acting. She loved singing. She loved performing in front of an audience. She did not love what her mother made her do, and how little control she had on her career as an artist. Whenever she brought this up, Araceli was quickly dismissed. Mother knows best. And her father seemed so far away in pretty Mendoza. They barely even talked anymore. (Well. They talked. But it was nothing like before. He felt miles and miles and miles away, and she worried if she ever stopped her career and stopped being able to send him money, he would be entirely disappointed in her. Araceli did not want to disappoint her dad. Not ever.)
@TeenVogue: All the secrets behind ‘Sunshine Soul’, the new tv show that has us all rave! Plus, interview with its young protagonist Araceli Giménez.
Her salvation — Her little pieces of sunshine in this life — came in two.
First, her mother relented and allowed her to study drama at UCLA and take singing lessons. It would set a good example to young girls to see their role model studying and being a good person.
Second, she was dating the most amazing, kindest guy — Who had dropped everything to follow her from Buenos Aires to Los Angeles. Cruz had starred with her in the telenovela for kids that Araceli had done before ‘La Alma Frente Al Sol’, and in a case of life imitates art, Araceli had fallen head-over-heels for him. He proposes when they are twenty years-old, and she swiftly gets married to him despite her mother’s recommendations.
She loves him. She loves him. She loves him.
He does not.
The truth is that Cruz has not had any auditions ever since their last job together, and being now married to an international star gives him the credibility he needs to start his own entertainment business. He stars asking more and more favors of her. She gets scared. They divorce. Her name gets dragged around the mud by TMZ, but the heartache is worst. Perhaps mother really does know best.
@TMZ: Araceli Gimenez caught cheating with a married man?! More likely than you think!
She graduates, gets a small role in her first blockbuster film and a starring role in a romantic comedy casting her yet again as the ‘approachable but not too much’ character. Her music career is doing fine, too. She’s just changed labels, trusting a younger and more dynamic producer to take care of her first real solo album. It’s a hit.
Also a hit? Her relationship with the producer. Mark Cartwright is tall, good looking, seven years her elder and makes her feel like she is the most important person in the world. He tells her he is about to divorce (he lies). She tells him she’ll support him (she tells the truth). Their relationship seems sweet, candid — Filled with emotions and care and being with him (entirely with him, in any sense of the term) feels more right than it ever did with Cruz.
And then, they’re caught at a restaurant. Tabloids splatter her face on the front page and call her a homewrecker. And she wants to leave, she really does — except that she finds out she is pregnant, and he divorces his wife to propose. She doesn’t want to forgive him (she wants the child, but is not sure she wants Mark) but her mother and her label affirm not doing so could be disastrous for her future project.
@catalinaponce: It’s a boy! Les deseo muchas felicidades a mi hijita mia y su nueva familia. @enews: Welcome to the world, Nicolás Cartwright! Araceli and Mark are glowing in straight-out-of-the-hospital pictures.
They get married.
@broadwaycom: Araceli Giménez announced to join the cast of Chicago!
She wants to move to New York. She really does. New York would be fun, and she would get to experience singing and acting in a way that will finally feel right to her. People want her in New York — And her mother tells her that this is only true because she is a money-making machine, and that a musical will not look great on her resume (especially not Chicago. Couldn’t she get Wicked? Catalina could have worked with Wicked).
For the first time in all her life, Araceli tells her mother that no matter what she says, her daughter is going to New York. Catalina disagrees. Mark disagrees. The producers of the new movie she is about to shoot disagree. Her label disagrees — her second album is about to be released, one Araceli was able to get more involved in through song writing, and they need her for the tour. Araceli divorces Mark and tries to prepare the best for disappointing everyone else.
And then scandals leaks in the tabloids.
@broadwaycom: Giménez backs out of Chicago deal. Find out more in this exclusive statement by the show’s producers. @enews: Whatever happened to Cielo? Argentina’s child star and USA’s latest sweetheart set for rehab? Read on to find out!
None of this is true — The rehab, the addiction, the fact she is a terrible role model or that her divorce with Mark was due to her own chronic infidelity. Lies. Lies. Lies. And everyone believes them as far as the media are concerned. Araceli is ruined. The producers of Chicago kindly give her the option to back out (a more respectful way of being fired). Catalina wants to send her away abroad, somewhere people won’t know her as much and where she can spend her days quietly before making a strong comeback. Araceli does not want any of that.
She wants to go home.
She can’t go home again.
@cielogimenez: Les desfraude demasiado ya, y durante hace demasiado tiempo. @cielogimenez: A todos los que me apoyarón, el más fuerte de los agradecimiento. Lo siento. No puedo más. @cielogimenez: I’m sorry. I lied. I can’t do this. Thank you all for the love and support. You are all the brightest stars there is.
She leaves her mother with a copy of her second album, highlighting one of the songs on the leaflet and writing ‘if you think this song is about you, it is’.
She and Nicolás move to Seattle. And she knows her life will catch up to her eventually — She just hopes for later, rather than sooner.
Seattle isn’t that far from Los Angeles, in hindsight. And maybe this was a poor choice. Maybe her mother will barge in at some point, or someone will recognize her and a media storm will explode, and she is not ready for this (not now, not yet, perhaps not ever). For all of her sociable and supportive nature, she has never been encouraged to face her own problems head-on. So she gets here and she panics. She panics and she gets new identity cards for her and her son — new name, new backstory, new curriculum vitae. Nico keeps his first name, but he becomes Nicolás Salgado, and Araceli starts going by Malena. A fake name, a fake story, a fake life, and a job as a waitress at Pizzuto’s obtained through all of that. Araceli Giménez was always a good actress, after all.
Araceli is not the person you’ve seen on your screens. Formerly lively and opinionated, her years in the entertainment industry have left her not quite sure of who she is or what her values are anymore. Confused would therefore be the first word coming to mind to anyone who truly knows Araceli. She finds it hard to think for herself — Finally in a way that would matter and have an impact on her life. She also finds it hard to be honest — So she puts on her bright smile and becomes the great neighbor, the perfect friend, the amazing role model, the girl that seems approachable but not approachable enough that you would ever feel like you could become her friend (no matter how much you might want to). It is a pattern hard for her to break, no matter how hard she tries.
But here is what Araceli does know about herself: She cares about her son (and potentially, this caring nature could extend to other people were she to learn how to trust them); her trust is not gained easily (even before, especially now); she finds humor is best when served sarcastic; she much prefer a smooth or acoustic song and lyrics that matter to a lot of what she used to sing (her last album is the exception to the rule); she is not afraid to work hard even though she is not quite sure what she wants to work in; she is avoidant at best when it comes to commitment; she is not Alma (no matter how much she wishes she could be); she is not the horrible person the tabloids paint her at either (maybe she is somewhere in the middle?); she is careful and dependable and responsible and really could use a good night out to let things go if she had any friends she trusted enough for that; she is a better mother than hers was; she hates cilantro.
a little more…
         ❝ the only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. ❞
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kirbsnplum · 3 years
kirbs neopets story he always wanted to finish.
VenomNeo beamed down at his new baby sister with pride. If only there mother was still around to see how much Neo had grown. Flame was only one day old and she already has goals and dreams older than himself. Neo remembers the first time Flame talked, she spoke of the great Magma Pool and how she dreams of being a Magma Aisha fighting along side her Pirate brother Neo, and her Relic sister Statues.
Having faced the hardships of life longer then any of his sibling Neo took it upon himself to assist Flame in her dream of becoming a Magma Aisha. He wished his siblings luck, leaving them with plenty of food and neopoints to keep them well fed and in shelter.
“Where are you going?” asked Peanut while following Neo out the door. “I'm going on a journey, please listen to everything Statues says, she is the leader of the house while I'm gone” Neo says in a rushed whisper. Why does he always follow me around? Neo thinks to himself. Neo gave Peanut a nod of goodbye, fear ran through him as he did this. Will he be ok? The others are self reliant but Peanut needs constant supervisionNeo quickly turned around fearing that Peanut could come into harm or worse. He quickly went back inside and found Statues. “I know that me leaving is one of the hardest things you've had to go through, but I need you to look after Peanuts, he can't take care of himself and I fear for him”. “Don't worry Neo, I'll be on constant lookout” said Statues. Neo laughed at this pun “I bet you will”. He gave Statues a hug goodbye, moss sticking to his fur as he pulled away from her.
Neo walked out the front door, knowing that this may be the last time he ever sees his family, as the journey he was about to embark on was one filled with danger and.... other Neopians. Ever since his crew abandoned him upon arriving at Tyrannia Neo has never been able to trust another, besides his family and himself.
He won't admit that that's the reason, maybe it's so he can keep his sadness of betrayal a secret, or maybe there’s something more.
Neo followed the cold hard path from his neohome leading to theVirtupets Space Station Recreation Deck. Is this really the best place I could have picked for them? Neo quickly shook this thought out of his head, he didn't have time to worry anymore, his sisters wish is too important. What if they find them and I'm not there? He stopped in the middle of the recreation deck, lowering his head to hide the pain showing on his face. He quickly regained his composure, as he did this he noticed some of the Grundos quickly looking away and whispering amongst themselves. They know something Neo quickly made his way towards the hangar, trying his best not to notice the constant pointing and staring.
He made his way up the elevator to the hangar. Once the elevator doors opened a giant figure could be seen blocking his way. "Please excuse me" Neo said as courteously as possible. The figure seemed to grow in size and without any explanation it let out a deep growl that startled Neo "I don't want any trouble, I'm just trying to get to Neopia, so please I ask you again to let me through". The giant creature moved slightly, leaving a gap for Neo to pass by. Without looking at the creature Neo took the hint and tried to rush past it, as he was trying to get around the creature it grabbed Neos shoulder. A rush of fear went through him, all the fur on his back and tail stood straight up. "I apologize for the inconvenience, I hope I didn't frighten you, I ate some odd space food today and it's upset my stomach" Said the figure letting out another deep growl. Neo turned to finally see the figure in the light, it was a large shadow Grarrl, dressed as gentlemanly as a Grarrl could, and the biggest smile he had ever seen.
The Grarrl tipped his top hat to Neo, “Greetings, I am Sir Wesley.” He let out another belch “My apologies again, I'm not used to this odd food the Grundos prepared for me”. Neo let out a grunt “Maybe you should have packed a lunch” he said grouchily, he was angry at himself for being scared. “Well.. yes , I shall have my butler prepare a lunch for me before each day, good thinking Sir. May I ask where your headed? You seem to be running from something.” Asked Wesley intrigued by the small Wocky standing before him.
Neo looked over at the rental ships There's a lot of people in the queue, might as well waste some time he thought to himself. “Well Wesley it's the age old tale of a brother trying to fulfil his little sisters dreams.” Neo said, still looking at the queue. Wesley eyes widened, he was reminded of his own sister, the smallest Grarrl in his family. How he missed her so. “Do tell me more, I never had any siblings myself. My parents felt I was the only one they would ever need.” said Wesley quickly wiping the tear that had formed below his eye. Neo turned back to look at Wesley, his only good eye staring deep into Wesleys. “Well if you stand in line over there, I'll tell you about it” Said Neo motioning to the rental ship queue. Wesley gave a hesitant nod and they began walking.
“So what do you want to know?” Said Neo as they came to a stop behind the lineup. “You can start by telling me why you seem so agitated, I bet if someone dropped a pin you would start brandishing your sword about.”Wesley said with a chuckle. Neo gave him a stern look, then turned his head to the hangar window, looking out at the stars flicking in the darkness of space. He then began his tale.
“C-c-captain N-neo S-s-s-ir?” asked Aladir, his body trembling as he knocked on the wooden door that let to the captains quarters. “WHAT IS IT?!” Boomed neo, the thick wooden door did nothing to stop the force of his voice. Aladir jumped “W-w-we have a-r-rived at T-T-Tyran-n-nia Captain N-neo Sir.” he said, inching away from the door. The door swung open, hitting Aladir to the ground. “Don't grovel boy. Up on your feet!” Said Neo as he walked through the doorway. “S-sorry S-sir” squeeked Aladir as he clumsily stood up. Neo made his was out onto the deck of his ship, The night is young, and the wealth is old He smiled at this thought. As he walked onto the deck he sensed something was wrong, the crew seemed too pleased to have reached land. They know only I profit from these journeys, why are they so happy? Neo brushed the thought away, he needed to address the crew, can't let them sense fear.
Neo walked deliberately slow and loud over to his stand. The crew fell silent, all heads turned to the Captain, all smiling. Neo got up on his stand, he looked out at the crew taken aback by what he saw. SMILING? WHY ARE THEY ALL GRINNING!?! This made him mad, this was his crew, they needed to fear him not like him. “Take those smirks off your faces before I slice them off.” He said sternly. The crew dropped there smirks, fear washing over there faces. Neo smiled, his crew knew his strength, they knew they had to obey. “We have arrived at Tyrannia and I plan to take everything these prehistoric Neopians have.” Proclaimed Neo “We all know the dangers we face, the lost Petpets, the lost crew. But what I WILL NOT tolerate is lost loot. Anyone found dropping, losing, hiding, or otherwise doing anything with the loot besides bringing it to me will be severely punished.” The entire crew let out a loud gulp.
Neo had his crew lower the bridge to the docks, he then lead them into town. The smell of dung was everywhere, entire houses were made of it. I was told these prehistoric Neopians had wealth but no smarts, but houses of dung? “Where is the loot you promised Aladir? You said that many traders had come from this land with Paint Brushes and Concert tickets.” He asked turning to Aladir. “T-this w-way Sir” Aladir said pointing to one of the nicer looking Dung residences. Neo followed him into the dung house, he had his two strongest men enter as well. “Make sure we are not disturbed.” Said Neo to the rest of his crew before closing the dung door.
“This is disgusting, I have dung on my paw, where is a towel immediately?” he said flailing his paw around in disgust. “Over here Sir” Said Aladar, as a grin stretched across his face. As Neo turned to look he heard a loud thud, pain went through Neos head.. then darkness.
Neo awoke, his head pounding as he lay on the ground, darkness surrounding him. Where am I? This thought echoed in his head, or did he say it? “HELLO!” He yelled, slowly raising his head. His yell echoed through the darkness, seeming to get louder the longer he listened. The echo kept growing, Neo covered his ears with his paws, the sound was deafening. STOP PLEASE I BEG YOU He cried out through his thoughts. The noise suddenly stopped, replaced with a quiet clicking noise. Neo searched through his pockets, finding the potion he was looking for he quickly drank the entire bottle in one gulp. A feeling of relaxation washed through him as the potion took effect, clearing his head from the pain. The clicking noise became more defined, the noise sent chills down Neos fur.
Neo raised himself up, wiping the dirt off his clothes. He turned his head toward where he thought the noise was coming from, it was too dark to be sure. He began making his was towards it, running his paws against the ground slowly, making sure not to trip on any rocks. He keeps walking through the darkness, the clicking leads him to a wall, then the sound stops. Neo runs his paw along the wall There has to be something here, a lever, a button, ANYTHING?! He begins banging against the hard rock wall “LET ME IN” He shouts, half pleading. He jumps as the clicking returns, but louder It's coming from the left now he follows the wall and the noise around a corner, a dim light could be seen in the distance. Neo runs as fast as he can, but the light seems to get farther and farther away. He begins to pant, forcing himself to run faster. CRACK Neo trips over small rock, banging his head against the hard ground.
Neo awakens, more pain, this time thorough his whole body. His pockets pants feel wet There go my potions he thinks to himself, fear growing at this realization. He opens his eye, blinded by the light that he see's. He blinks a few times forcing his eye to focus, he can see a torch on the wall in front of him. How did I get to the light? He rose to his feet, darting around to see who could have brought him further into the cave. He found nothing. He turned back to the torch and walked over to it, he reached up to pull it from its stand, as he did this the clicking came back, pointing him in a new direction. Neo followed the sound again, he seemed to walk for hours through a mixture of tunnels and soaked pathways. Finally he came to the end of the cave, a small rope could be seen hanging from a hole in the ceiling. He looked through the hole, seeing nothing but a black empty put above him. I need to get out of here, I hope this is the way his thoughts were the only thing keeping him company in this cold dark cave. He looked around for a place to put the torch, he couldn't climb the rope and hold a torch at the same time. But it looks dark up there Neo stood there for a second, thinking of what he could do. Thinking quickly he tossed the torch up the hole, he saw the cave above light up for a split second, before the torch fell back through hitting Neo in the head, and landing in a small puddle on the ground. SSSSSsss the fire hissed out, he was in complete darkness again.
“NEXT!” Wesley and Neo turned to look at the large Grundo receptionist. “Guess I'll tell you the rest later.” Said Neo as they moved up to the desk. “How can I help you today?” Said the receptionist to Wesley. “One rental for Neopia round trip” Neo Huffed. The receptionist tilted her head over the counter, peering down at Neo “I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. Are you with your parents young man?” Fire burned in Neos eye, he grabbed for his sword, Wesley grabbed Neos hand before you could reach it. “My son is going on a shopping trip to Neopia, I was letting him order the tickets so he can learn how to get around.” Wesley said in a smooth calm voice. “I understand Sir, it's just company Policy here at Virtupets Ship rentals that all minors be accompanied by a paying adult.” Neo let out a growl “Oh I wasn't aware, please a ship for two then.” Wesley says while holding Neo back. Wesley quickly pays and leads Neo to the rental ship. “Does that happen a lot?” He asked carefully. “All the time. I haven't gotten any respect since..” Neo lowered his head, he didn't want to admit what he had done. “Never mind, don't worry about it.”Neo said as the arrived at the ship.
Wesley and Neo boarded the ship, Neo began to feel guilty for not thanking Wesley for getting them on the ship, it was too late now. The ships interior smelled of fish neggs and dung. Memories of Tyrannia came flooding back, the fear of the cave, the darkness, the loneliness. “Well where are we headed?” Asked Wesley, a glimmer of curiosity in his eyes. “Moltara.” Said Neo, Wesley gave him a worried look “What's in Moltara?” he asked. “My sisters dream.” said Neo, lowering his head. Wesley nodded while turning to the command console, he pressed the big “AUTONAV” button to initiate on the automated navigation system “PLEASE SPECIFY DESTINATION” Boomed the loudspeakers. “Moltara” Said Wesley slow and defined. “DESTINATION SET TO: MOLTARA. PLEASE REMAIN SEATED FOR Please report time estimation error HAVE A NICE TRIP.” “Well that's just great, but I figure 14 hours just to get to the planet, sorry I couldn't afford a better ship for you.” Said Wesley, grinning at Neo. “Don't worry, I appreciate the generosity, though I have nothing to give you in return, I didn't even have money for the ship.” said Neo feeling more and more guilty.” “How did you expect to get to..” Wesley stopped himself, he wasn't sure if he wanted to know. “Well we have a long trip, how about you finish that story?” Neo looked up at Wesley, a small smirk growing on his face, he could finally get it off his chest. “Well the torch had just gone out....” Neo continued the tale.
Neo started to shiver, the cave was getting colder, but the clicking was still coming in from above him. He felt around for the rope, his right paw closed around it, he gave it a tug to make sure it was sturdy then began climbing. The rope felt wet and slimy, he slipped a few time as he tried to climb the long rope in complete darkness. Neo finally felt the ledge, he pulled himself up, almost losing his grip a few times. He pulled his last leg over and collapsed to the ground When was the last time I ate? I feel so weak The clicking was louder now that it had ever been, and it was coming from behind Neo. The fur on his back and tail stood straight up, this was the first time the noise had sounded terrifiying. Neo slowly turned around to face the noise, the darkness so thick you could cut it with a knife. He knew he wasn't alone, the clicking was getting closer, but Neo wasn't moving. The clicking stopped right in front of Neo, he could feel the breath of something, the smell made him sick to his stomach. GRAWWWLL!!!! The beast flung itself at Neo, somehow visible in this darkness, Neo quickly rolled out of the way. The beast wasn't quick enough and crashed into the wall, rocks began to fall from the force of the crash. Neo dodged falling boulders as light began to pour in from above, never removing his eye from the beast. It quickly turned around to face Neo, drool pouring from its open mouth, fangs glimmering from the sun above, there was now a giant hole in the ceiling.
Gotta think of something, come on Neo COME ON! He looked around for something he could take the beast with, he was without any weapon, probably thanks to his crew. The thought finally hit him They did this to meHe felt angry, betrayed, he needed to get out, for revenge. The beast spread its wings, roaring again at Neo. Neo looked at the hole in the ceiling, something was glimmering on the edge of the hole, Is it a weapon? Without debating he starting jumping up the rocks, making his way to the ceiling, the beast watching with increased anticipation. Neo made it about halfway up before the beast let out another roar and began flapping his wings, lifting off the ground. Neo looked down at the beast I can beat this thing he looked back at the glimmering object above, it was a sword, and it was Neos favourite colour, purple. Neo made it to the last rock, but the beast was there to meet him, he glanced at the sword it was still to far to reach, the beast roared at Neo and tried taking a bite, Neo jumped out of the way but too far, he swung himself around the grab onto the rock, he was dangling in front of the beast, and it was hungry. The beast took it's opportunity to grab Neo, he sunk his teeth into his back paw causing Neo to let go of the rock and let out a scream. The beast swung Neo back and forth, playing with his food before he ate it, for he was The Beast.
Its finished, I'm over Neo felt the darkness coming over him, he began to feel sleepy even thought the pain was so great. Memories of his parents flashed through his head, his new baby sister Statues just being born, he remembers his parents talking about having more, but Neo knew they shouldn't they were much too old and sickly to care for them for much longer. “Neo honey, you're going to be late for work.” “Five more minutes mom I'm tired.” said Neo throwing the covers over his face. His mother pulled the blanket to the floor “You get your tail out of bed mister, or I'll send your father in here.” Said Neos mother sternly. Neo opened his eyes, the sun was blinding, but there was his mother, smiling sweetly at him. “I'm up, I'm up.” He said raising himself out of his bed. “I'm off to work now too honey, so I hope you have a great day and I'll see you tonight.” She hugged him while she said this, Neo basked in the warmth of the hug, the security it brought him, the love he felt. His mother let go, but Neo didn't want to, he tried reaching for he but she was already gone, his room was empty. He quickly looked around for where she could be, but his room had changed, it felt dark now. The sheets scattered around the floor, cobwebs could be seen in each corner of the room. Bars now adorned his bedroom window. This wasn't real.
Neo opened his eye, the sun was again blinding, he was dangling, he looked to see what from and met the eyes of the beast. It was flown to the top of the cave and perched there to enjoy Neo as its dinner. Neo became enraged, he was not a meal, he was Neo, he had a family, he had dreams. He needed that sword. He looked at the rim of the whole, the blade was still there, shimmering. He was closer to it now, he could see the design, and something was written on it, he couldn't make it out. The beast seeing that Neo was awake began shaking Neo again, hoping it could get all the fun out of him as possible. With each swing Neo was becoming more and more faint, his eyes began to dim, but then he noticed something, with each swing from the beast he would get closer to the blade. He received renewed strength by this realization, dropping his paws to give him more reach, he times it perfectly. One last swing from the beast and Neo had the blade in his had, he saw the word on it clearly now, he smiled and let our a roar, swinging himself against the beast, he plunges the blade deep within its chest. The Beast drops Neo causing him to let go of the sword, he falls to the ground landing on his damaged leg. Hes to determined to feel the pain. The beast screeches, flapping its wings to try and escape, the blade still stuck inside its chest.
The blade starts radiating dark purple beams of light, the beams forcing there way into the beast causing bright purple veins to appear all over it. The beast let out one last cry of defeat before exploding in a purple cloud of smoke and ash. The blade came crashing to the ground, still glowing. Neo limped over to the sword, wiping the ash from his eye with every step. He bent down to look at the blade, it seemed to be calling out for him, the Word was glowing more than the rest of the sword, he stared at this word. It was so familiar to him, it was the first thing he ever heard Why does it bare my name? He thought, looking down at the glowing VENOMNEO that was written on the sword. Take me... take me... he heard the voice in his head, was it the sword? He slowly reached down to pick up the hilt of the blade in his paw, beams of the same dark purple light shot out of the blade at his touch, they focused on Neo driving themselves into him. The force of the beams raised Neo into the air, he felt the beams coursing through his veins NO! He thought, fearing that he would meet the same fate as the beast. As quickly as the beams began they ended, slowly lowering Neo to the ground. You are me, I am you, we are one.
Neo stopped talking, taking a look at Wesley. Was my story that boring? He thought as he watched the Grarrl sleep. “I ENJOYED THE STORY” Boomed the ships loudspeakers. “Thanks I guess” Said Neo, unsure if the ship had real feelings or not. “Any chance you know how much time is left?” “There is currently Please report time estimation error Hours left” “Ya.. thanks for the info.” Said Neo with a slight laugh. Neo rest his head against the ships window, Maybe I could take a nap his eye slowly began to close, he started drifting off into a dream. He was in his bed again, the same thing happened, his mom woke him up, pulled off the covers, but as she goes in for the hug Neo stops her. “Who are you?” He asks her. His mom gives him a puzzled look. “Are you feeling ok hon.” Neo interupted her “My mother.. you.. you're not my mother.” Her eyes begin to turn a deep purple “I am you.” She says in a deep tone. His mother reaches her hand out towards Neo, he feels the blade in his hand and slashes at her. He sees his the figure fall, it continues falling straight through the floor. Neo falls to his knees, the soft feeling of the carpet calms him.
BZZZT BZZZT BZZZZT Neo awoke to a loud buzzing sounds coming from the ships speakers. He looks around for an off switch, instead he sees Wesley frantically pressing random buttons on the command console. “What happened?” He asked Wesley while wiping the sleep from his eye. “Well.. I'm not sure but... but I think we've crashed.” Wesley replied, giving Neo a worried look. “Crashed? What could we have crashed into were in outer space.” Neo said walking towards the console. He glanced up at the display but it was too high up for him to see. BANG! BANG! BANG! CREEEEEK! They both whipped there heads towards the source of the noise, it seemed to be coming from the door of the ship.
0 notes
knights-of-itania · 5 years
The Beacons Are Lit
...in continuation:
In the morning, the team discovered that Virux Tuggled, the gnome who had been sleeping - and probably stealthily drinking the alcohol - in Derm's wagon since the adventuring competition, had finally finished with his epic bender and woken up.  Somewhat confused as to what was going on, Virux was informed over breakfast as to the events of the last few weeks, including the trip to Crossroads that he completely missed.  As it turned out, as long as he had the opportunity to promote Tuggled Firearms to new people, Virux was amenable to following along.  So most of the group gathered and headed off to the guardhouse to check on their prisoner, and the state of their bounty - the Lady Yvresse, who was still having breakfast at another inn, was left to follow at her convenience.
The guardhouse was very quiet in comparison to their previous visit, with only a skeleton crew working, but they were directed towards the office of the department of Bounty Hunters in short order. In the office was a single gnome with very large, thick glasses sitting at a desk in front of an enormous card catalogue.  The gnome seemed completely oblivious to the small crowd that had entered, so Rokath knocked politely on the doorframe right as Ki'itshka let out one of her typical bird-like screeches, making the gnome jump about a foot in the air.
"No birds!" he squeaked, looking around wide-eyed. He quickly recovered, stopping and squinting at Ki'itshka. "Oh, a sentient bird.  That's even worse."
"Tell me about it," Peregrine muttered as Stefanee stepped forward, hoping to get down to business.
"Hello, we're here to check on the bounty for Galeth Littlefoot?  Is it posted yet?"
"That name is very familiar," the gnome said, and started searching through various piles and papers on his desk before ducking down behind it and emerging with a crumpled piece of paper that had obviously just been pulled out of a waste-paper basket. "Ah yes!  I was told it was already claimed." He peered at them overtop his glasses.
"By who?" Peregrine asked.
"I don't know, the night watch said something about -"
"Yes that would be us," Rokath and Stefanee were quick to correct the gnome.
"Oh!  So, they mean he's been recovered, but the bounty hasn't been claimed," the gnome drawled.
"Yes, exactly," Stefanee confirmed.
"No, this is mine," the gnome informed Peregrine as he tried to stealthily take the bounty paper out of the gnome's hands.
"Then where's ours?" Peregrine asked ingenuously.
"This is mine," the gnome repeated patiently, then pointed to the side. "And then I have a pad over there that I write on that says yes, you have a valid bounty, and you can take that.  OK?"
"Ok, we'll take that then."
"Perfect, thank you very much," Stefanee cut in, before Peregrine could sass the gnome some more.  The gnome crumpled the paper again, tossing it back into the waste-paper basket, then fetched the pad of paper he'd pointed to before.  He took his time writing it, double-checking everything, holding it two inches in front of his nose to read it over again before slowly ripping it off the pad of paper.  Looking around at the assembled group dubiously, he held it out to the only other gnome in the room, who was quite distracted with his hangover, and required a nudge to start paying attention and actually take the paper.
"He didn't even help!" Peregrine protested.
"Who do we take this to, then?" Stefanee interjected as the gnome started to frown at Peregrine again.
"That would be down to the holding cells," the gnome told her.
"Directions, if you wouldn't mind?" Rokath requested.
"Follow the signs!" the gnome told them, looking insulted. "Everything's signed! Read signs! Nobody reads signs!  YOU SHOULD ALL READ THE SIGNS!" The gnome ranted over Rokath's attempts to both thank him and apologize, clearly upset about the subject, and the group quickly left him to his rant.
The signs led them down into the depths of the headquarters, where the walls were painted a bright yellow and the torches had been replaced with dancing lights, making the hungover members of the group even more unhappy.  Two guards waited at the entrance to the holding cells proper, barring entrance and wanting to know their business in the cells.
"We're here to pick up Galeth Littlefoot?" Stefanee supplied as Virux showed the bounty claim.
"Ah yes," the guard said, glancing back into the cells. "You're not allowed to take him unless you have a pair of masterwork manacles.  Actually, two pairs.  He's already slipped out of...all the others..." There was a pause amongst the group as they exchanged glances, confirming that none of them had the required item.
"There is the time-honoured 'bludgeon him unconscious and stick him in a sack' method," Monty proposed.
"We are not allowed to release a prisoner to people who indicate that they will engage in acts of physical violence against him?" the guard said worriedly, not certain if they were serious or not.
"Are we allowed to use force in preventing escape, should he free himself?" Monty querried.
"Yes, of course." The guard nodded definitively.
"Excellent!" Monty beamed.
"What are the chances that we could purchase the manacles he is currently in?" Rokath asked the guard.
"No, those are department issued, can't have 'em," the guard declared.  Rokath sighed.
"Well, I have 50 foot of rope, what if we -" Peregrine started.
"He bit the last person that tried to use rope," the guard interrupted.
"He bit them?" Peregrine goggled.
"So, we need manacles, and a gag," Stefanee said firmly.  After some further debate, they recalled that the one missing member of the group had the required manacles, and Rokath set off to fetch Yvresse.  As it turned out, she posessed only one pair of manacles, so they stopped at a blacksmiths along the way to purchase a second pair before hurrying back to the guard headquarters.
Once back at the holding cells, the guards were satisfied with the provided manacles, leading Yvresse and Rokath to Galeth's cell, transferring the prisoner into their manacles and custody. Galeth was less than happy about this prospect of course, insulting them or resisting the entire way as much as he could - especially once he discovered that Peregrine was, in fact, a distant cousin, and they had attended a few family picnics together.  However, his far more personalized insults towards Peregrine only endeared him to the others.
So they loaded up into the wagon and onto their mounts and headed out.  The road between Crossroads and Argona had, if anything, gotten busier while they were in Crossroads, with the majority of the traffic heading west towards Argona.  Their curiosity at this phenomena peaked when, after five days on the road, they passed a large oncoming caravan of 16 wagons, guarded by the Silver Flash Mercenary Company, a gnomish group known for their extreme skill and patience throughout the Gnomian Parliament.  The caravan seemed to be in a rush, with the guards politely but firmly pushing the other travelers off to the side as they passed.  Virux found himself unable to resist the oddity, and hopped off the wagon, attempting to find out what the Silver Flash Company was guarding and where they were going.   He had little luck, and resorted to trying to sell some of his family's firearms instead, which he had marginally more success with, thanks to Monty arriving and helping.  Shortly after that, however, the caravan finished passing them, and they continued in their separate directions.
Arriving back at Argona, they discovered that the city had enforced the same heavy scrutiny of travelers that Crossroads had - there were double the normal guards at the gates, and a queue of people waiting to get in, all questioned thoroughly by the guards as to their business and how long they were planning to stay in Argona.  The group joined the queue, but were only about halfway down it when they were spotted by none other than Captain Barethin, who was watching from the top of the gatehouse.  Making an elegant leap down, Barethin started moving the traffic off to the side until he reached Derm's wagon and the various riders accompanying it.
"Come on, I need you inside," he said curtly.
"Ah, you're here to escort us with our bounty?" Yvresse asked proudly.
"Uh - oh, yeah, whatever, we can deal with that - I need you for something else," Barethin said, clearly distracted and long past the worries they'd left him with two weeks before.  He escorted the group inside personally, leaving his men to continue with business.  Galeth was quickly dealt with as he lead them to his office, which they found to be much messier than their last visit, with breakfast still sitting half-eaten on the desk. Barethin went over to his desk, shuffling some papers about, but didn't sit down, giving them a moment to breath before he looked up at them and got down to business.
"So.  What have you heard about the situation in Thereshelm?"
"What situation in Thereshelm?" Stefanee asked in surprise.
"Where's Thereshelm?" Ki'itshka asked quietly of her companions.
"North," Stefanee replied easily.
"I don't bother keep track of the politics of the tallfolk," Yvresse informed Barethin - though her comment was mostly missed, as Virux had decided to help himself to the Captain's abandoned breakfast, and Barethin had spotted him.  Far from being upset, however, Barethin simply frowned, like he'd forgotten it was even there, then resumed eating it as well, and he and Virux proceeded to finish it off during the rest of the meeting.
"Just as well - most of what we're getting is rumours at this point," Barethin said around a piece of bacon. " What we do know is that King Lucian has requested aid from foreign powers.  Iad has already responded, and we've sent out one caravan, with another one ready to go. We're a little short on trustworthy mercenaries to guard it, however, considering we're sending very valuable materials."
"Aid of what nature?" Yvresse inquired curiously.
"Who's he fighting?" Stefanee asked.
"Relief aid.  He's not fighting anything," Barethin said with a small frown.
"Oh my," Stefanee murmured.
"As I said, we're mostly getting rumours, and many of them are more than a little ridiculous," Barethin continued. "We do know that the government has authorized aid, so we've been sending it.  If you want to hear any of those rumours, ask -"
"Earthquake?" Monty interrupted thoughtfully.
"Well, that's one of the rumours," Barethin said wryly.
"Wasgij breaking out of prison?" Monty tried, and Barethin arched an eyebrow, lips quirking up into a smile.
"Spellshine Tower falling over, Dean Blackfyre going berserk, kobolds rising up out of the sewers and eating people - anything you can think of that would cause a King to ask for aid."
"And you need us to escort a caravan?" Rokath inquired.
"Yes.  It's getting a few last wagons together - it's not going to be as big as the first one," Barethin replied.
"Good, we crossed it on our way back and I think we'd be spread too thin trying to guard that," Rokath commented.
"Yes, fortunately the Silver Flash were in town, so we could hire them on short notice," Barethin said wryly.
"What would we be guarding, where would we be going?" Stefanee asked curiously.
"It's going to Sarn, and it's food and supplies for the city guard there," Barethin said, then frowned minutely down at the papers on his desk. "They have requested specifically no magical weapons, but the best forged ones available, so there's masterwork weapons and platemail and the like going along."
"They need armor as relief?" Stefanee asked, bewildered.
"They need armor and weapons, yes," Barethin said flatly.
"As relief?"
"As relief," Barethin confirmed.
"And we have no information about what they'd be fightin' with this?" Stefanee asked in confusion.
"I'm assuming my higher-ups do, but I have not been given this information, no," Barethin said with a shrug.
"They specifically requested non-magical arms?" Monty asked. "That's disturbing."
"Yes.  It is," Barethin agreed. "So, compensation - I'm not expecting you to do this for free.  A standard retainer of 500 gold pieces per person for mercenary work of this type, and of course you have to see it all the way to Sarn.  You receive payment upon confirmation of delivery by the captain of the guard over there.  The caravan will be ready to go hopefully by tomorrow morning, so you have the afternoon to wash off the road dirt and have a good meal and warm bed.  This will be a rush, so we will be asking you and the wagons to push it.  Be prepared for a march."
"Very well," Rokath agreed.  They ironed out a few last details, then Barethin shooed them off to the lobby to wait for their bank note for Galeth's bounty.  They speculated amongst themselves as they waited as to the cause of the trouble on Thereshelm, as well as comparing who they all knew in that area that they could get into contact with.  Eventually, a young page came running up, and after a moment of wide-eyed staring at the motley group, held the paper out to the oddest of the lot.
"Your feathers are pretty!" he told Ki'itshka brightly, then darted off again, leaving the confused tengu with the bank note. The others exchanged looks, realizing that of all of them, Ki'itshka was least likely to actually know what to do with a bank note.  They made some rudimentary efforts to get her to give it to them, mostly foiled by their own competing efforts, but Ki'itshka stubbornly decided to keep it.  She couldn't really understand what was on the note, so she looked to Yvresse and held it up.
"Teach me," she requested.
"Excellent, come with me, I shall introduce you to the world of finance," Yvresse said brightly.  Despite feeling like she'd just made a horrible mistake, Ki'itshka gamely followed the halfling noble off through Argona to the bank, the rest of the group trailing behind, waiting to get their share of the bounty.  Yvresse rambled the entire way about her rudimentary knowledge of financials and investments, and Rokath's attempt to simplify only resulted in Ki'itshka declaring the entire banking system to be stupid.
The bank itself was a branch of the Togan Dwarven Bank, and built like a mountain fortress in the middle of the city. Private guards watched over it, wearing mountain plate and looking more like statues than living creatures. Inside was large and grandiose, with the counters boosted up to be a sufficient height even to Rokath.  Here Ki'itshka had to leave the group behind, with only one person allowed to approach the teller's window at a time.  The others waited patiently as Ki'itshka was offered the choice of what form of currency to receive the bounty in.  She decided on amber, and the teller went off to fetch it for her.  With her prize in claw, Ki'itshka returned to the others, happier than they'd ever seen her, not deterred at all by the fact that they then had to split the amber amongst the group.
After that, they separated to tend to their own business before their departure.  Rokath took Captain Barethin's advice, finding an Inn to relax at until tomorrow, while Ki'itshka made a quick stop by the market to purchase a couple of donkeys before finding a convenient roof to perch on and watch the city below.  Virux went off to the market sector for some shopping, while Stefanee and Derm made their way to a temple of Aladra, inquiring of their fellow worshippers what news they'd heard out of Thereshelm.  The priests seemed to know little for certain, however, and were reluctant to spread rumours.
Monty found his way to the city gates, trying to find someone who had come from Thereshelm, or Sarn itself, to get some first-hand information.  Sadly, such a person was not to be found, and he resorted to questioning those that had merely heard things, gleaning some additional details that Barethin had not known - or perhaps, had not shared.  Somehow or another, it seemed that authority in Sarn had completely broken down, and the city guard had been overwhelmed.  Citizens were fleeing or being escorted out of the city, and supposedly King Lucian had issued an edict guaranteeing the return of any property left behind, so long as proof of ownership could be provided.  What was required for proof, and if this edict actually existed, was a hot debate that Monty found himself dragged into for much of the rest of the afternoon, until he was able to extricate himself and return to his inn for some food, drink, and much-needed sleep.
The remaining two members of the group found themselves separately heading to the same place: the local post office, to send some letters.  Both ignored the other, and eventually Peregrine left Yvresse there to finish with her letter as he headed off to find something to eat.  Once Yvresse finished, she set out in search of a local guide to hidden places in the region, wanting to resolve some personal business before departing.  Unfortunately, the noble Lady had little experience with finding such characters, and was forced to return to Peregrine and barter for his services in finding a shifty character for her to speak to.  After a false start or two, Peregrine managed to find someone suitable, and Yvresse paid him for his discretion as he went on his way back to an inn for the night.
Left on her own with her new friend character, in a bar of some ill-repair and even more ill-repute, Yvresse hesitated for several moments, getting her words in order before speaking.
"Some time ago there was a cave found outside the city, where certain individuals have been known to store goods. In said cave were located a number of unclaimed items, including a weapon of some distinction.  The weapon was given to a fence in the city, and sold to a halfling merchant.  I'm looking for someone who knows of this cave, and am willing to pay handsomely for their guidance and for them to promptly forget about it afterwards," she finally said, growing in confidence as she spoke.  Her companion at the table gave her a hard once-over before replying.
"Alright, but I'll need some more details," he said reluctantly. "I don't just know off-hand where mysterious things were found.  I'll need to track down the merchant, then the fence, then who found it, which will involve a fair investment in time, bribery, and skullduggery.  It'll probably take me a few weeks to find what you're looking for, and I'd need a retainer.  Say, expenses, plus 100 gold?"  Yvresse thought for a moment, judging that while he certainly seemed to know what he was talking about, he was also overselling his services slightly.
"Very well," she decided in the end, presenting the requested sum.  This made her companion even more wary, and he eyed the coins as if they might bite.
"Yeah....y'know, when a noble walks in talking like a guard and starts offering me a deal that good, and doesn't even try and haggle?  Not sure I wanna take this job," he said, shaking his head. "Last thing I want is to get caught up in noble politics, specially right about now.  Those of us that have been in this business long enough know when change is coming, and let me tell you, right now the air is rank with it."
"Change is tumultuous and expensive," Yvresse said after a moment's pause. "What I am looking for will not involve you politically, but it will benefit you financially.  I'm sure someone of your skill would have no problem pulling this off - you carry yourself as one that knows how to locate things with some discretion.  If I have misjudged you, then my deepest apologies, as I believed I was dealing with someone who was interested in some lucrative and non-risky business opportunities." As she spoke, Yvresse added another 10 gold to the pile on the table. Her companion reached out, touching the coins lightly, frowning.
"Alright, I'll see what I can find," he said at last. "But I'm giving this two weeks, and if I catch even a whiff of trouble, you're on your own, and I'm taking this."
"It seems we have a business arrangement," Yvresse said with a smile.
"Good, I'll meet you here in two weeks," he grunted, and swept up his payment, taking his leave of the noble.  Yvresse finished her drink, then headed off to a much better inn for the night.
In the morning, the halflings gathered over breakfast, plotting the route they wanted to take with the caravan to get to Sarn in the shortest amount of time, while passing through familiar and non-dangerous territory.  The route was shared with and agreed upon by the others as they headed to the headquarters of the guard the next morning, ready to gather their caravan and head out.
"Excellent, I hope you're all prepared!" Captain Barethin greeted them. "The wagons are ready to go.   I have four of them for you." He lead them around to the back courtyard where the wagons were waiting, introducing them to the drivers. With nothing left to prepare at this point, the group mounted up and headed out, distributing themselves between the wagons.  They were less than a day outside Argona when Ki'itshka broke off, taking her two donkies with them, telling the rest that she'd catch up.
On her own, Ki'itshka made her way along the familiar path from two weeks ago, heading to the now-abandoned bandit camp where they'd first encountered Galeth.  To her great delight, the dire weasels they'd encountered there last time were still present, and seemed to be making themselves a comfortable den.  A quick casting of speak with animals and she approached, offering her two newly purchased donkies to the weasels as a gesture of friendship.  They accepted gleefully, and Ki'itshka left them to it, happy that her friends were doing well as she headed off to rejoin the others.
To be continued...
0 notes
myvmk · 7 years
Disney Around The World
Updated November 1st, 2017
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There's a whole new world of exploration this month as we soar into the various Disney Parks everywhere. It's Disney Around the World month on MyVMK! We have lots of exciting things that are sure to thrill your adventurous spirit. So come along with us and discover the magic of each of the different Disney Parks from around the globe. Please note that all releases will happen on the 1st, 8th, the 15th and the 22nd of every month at 12am EST. This will be the schedule until further notice.
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MyVMK is now playable for our Mac users! A work around for Mac users has been made into a downloadable client. We have also made MyVMK Pal the official downloadable client of MyVMK. This is not the new client for MyVMK but is a temporary addition. Find out how to download the Mac client by clicking here!
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This week in the "it's a small world" Imports, straight out of the Scream Floor itself, we have the Monsters Inc Hard Hat. And now... flown in from Japan just for you, we have the It's A Small World - Japan Boy, It's A Small World - Japan Girl and the amazing Disney Bear Duffy Pin! Last but not least, straight from our very own Toontown, we have the Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin Brick Wall 1, Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin Brick Wall 2 and Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin Dip Bucket!
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  Come try your luck for this week's Host prize, a Tron Power Run Lightcycle Couch and the Consolation prize, a Lucky Cat - Duchess. Stay in line after the event for a special queue prize, a Casey Jr. Ride Car Red Couch.
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  Join the MyVMK Staff for an impromptu game of Hide and Seek! All throughout the month, the staff will be hosting Hide and Seek games and hiding in public rooms only. Games will be announced as an in-game announcement and on our Twitter (@MyVMK) 15 minutes before the game begins. To win, you must walk up to a staff member that is hidden and say the following statement exactly: "I found you (StaffMemberName)!". Make sure to use the correct prefix (VMK_/HOST_/GA_). If you win, you will have the chance to choose one of the three exclusive pins seen above. You are allowed to win only two times per hide and seek event. The staff will not hide in rooms where players are already sitting. Do not "camp out"! This will ensure everyone has a fair chance at finding the staff members. Good luck out there, seekers!
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The world is full of such wonderful Disney Treasure's. Grab a boat heading over to "it's a small world" Trades for the opportunity to obtain some of the most precious pins that we have found for everyone! We do not accept Free, NPC, or 1 Credit Pins!
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Pull this month's exclusive pins from the Sword in the Stone! For a chance to win, ride the rides in the Fantasyland Courtyard and you will have a chance at getting a Sword in the Stone pin! You can use this pin to have a chance at pulling the sword from the stone, and if you succeed, you will win one of these pins as a prize or some credits!
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Avast there mateys! Sail on over to the Pirates Treasure room for a chance to plunder some great loot! Collect them all or ye will be caught in Davey Jones Locker! Available all month!
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The votes are in and we are really proud to anounce our 2017 Haunted House Compeition Winners!!
Best Overall Winner! Thorn
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As dusk approaches, Master Gracy has invited all 999 Happy Haunts to materialize for your arrival! We'd like to open our doors to all of you as we welcome you to your own, personal Swinging Wake.
Best Overall Runner-Up! harleyquinn
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Welcome to Red Queen's castle, where she keeps the remains of her victims once they lose their heads. Don't upset the queen or you'll end up here like the rest of them!
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Once the sun sets down the kids all run to the streets in hope of getting buckets full of candy. Will they get treats or tricked?
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Dare to enter? A cool shudder trickles down your spine. The grounds have been inhabited by the spirits of the deceased. Would you make it out alive or become one of them?
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Many people choose to not set foot upon 29 Neibolt Street. It may look abandoned, but Pennywise the Clown is watching you from inside. Missing children float within the sewers of the house. Turn away now, or you'll float too.
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Ghostly Lane only appears for 1 night each year in this small town. No one knows how it gets there or who lives in these spooky estates. Do you dare knock on 1 of these doors for a treat?? Don't get tricked!
Best Theme Winner! Joela
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In this town lies a mansion no human has ever seen. The ghosts that haunt it scare the trick-or-treaters away, in hope that they will be able to stay. "Everybody make a scene!" they chant. "This is our town of halloween!"
Best Theme Runner-Up! Ern
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Cut off from the outside world, you wander along a path that leads you to a seemingly abandoned mansion. Along side this giant is an old cemetary. You see a fresh grave... WAIT! Is that your name carved into it?!
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It was all fun and games until your ball rolled into the yard of the mansion across the street. Your parents had warned you about this place. You and your friends venture in but what could lurk beyond the steel gates?
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Mansion of Lost and Found: Dare enter the mansion if you choose to seek ghosts and other creatures that creep. If you do, best be aware that you are in for a scare. Entering would put your life at risk, but it's nothing next Halloween can't fix.
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Climb up on the hay wagon and get ready for a heart pounding ride thru the spookiest property in MyVMK. Your journey will take you through the old cemetary and past the scary entrance to the most haunted house around these parts.
Most Creative Winner! MagicAvinash
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You unfortunate soul! You have entered the ruins of what used to be the manor of a very powerful wizard. What remains is a magic orb that wields infinite power. All who have tried to capture it have been unsuccessful. Do you have what it takes?
Most Creative Runner-Up! Ken
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Step into the Creature's haunted lagoon lair and feel the power of radiation take hold. Be careful where you step... you wouldn't want to end up as the Creature's lunch!
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Welcome to Grimsly Manor. You are just in time for our Spooktacular Ball. All of our ghosts have been dying to meet you. Costumes are required.
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Hansel and Gretel trek across the haunted forest in search of the infamous candy cottage. As they finally approach they realize all is not what it appears to be. Evil lurks behind these sweet walls. They proceed with caution! >:)
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Welcome to the Vampire Manor. You are one of our guests of honor. Or should I say meal of honor. The hedge maze is the only way of escape... But no one has ever seem to make it through. Some are still trying while others died inside those walls...
These are the Prizes for the 2017 Haunted House Competition
Winner Prize: Haunted House Comp Winner Pin Two Magic - Dancing Inferno Soulless Mickey Witch Hat Purple Room Pin - Halloween Refreshment Corner
Runner-Up Prize: Haunted House Comp Runner-Up Pin One Magic - Dancing Inferno Soulless Mickey Witch Hat Orange Room Pin - Halloween Refreshment Corner
Participation Prize: Haunted House Comp Participation Pin Mickey Witch Hat Green Room Pin - Halloween Refreshment Corner
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Go and check out the Design a Pumpkin Contest 2017 on our official forums and enter for a chance to win an awesome forums exclusive medal and an forums exclusive in-game prize! You can find out more be clicking here! Good luck everyone!
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  Create a Great Guest Room! Get Recognized!
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Player created Guest or Game Rooms demonstrate originality in concept and design. Our judges are looking for creativity, so try using traditional items in different and unique ways. Rooms are judged randomly by MyVMK Staff every month and selected from player rooms.
November Best Guest Room
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Join Jinx in “Duskmoor”! Welcome to Duskmoor; an eerie town inhabited by ghosts, ghouls, and the living of the dead. The creatures and spirits haunt anyone who dares enter it... beware!! Congratulations!
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The Best Guest Room Winner receives: - 10,000 credits - A Castle Suite Guest Room Pin - plus furniture! - Best Guest Room Award Pin - Plus! A party in Club 33!
    Create a Great Game Room! Get Recognized!
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Create a game room and play with friends and others, and a MyVMK staff member may notice your idea! Game rooms that get the nod offer a new game idea or a new twist on an old favorite. In all rooms we look for room owners who welcome everyone with a smile and show a willingness to answer questions about their room.
November Best Game Room
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Check out “Gates of Valhalla” by Question. The Nordic Gods and Goddesses eagerly request you play them their favorite tune. In return, they agree to let you through the Gates of Valhalla. Match the song they play and the doors will open for you. They will give you two tries, don't mess it up! Congratulations!
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The Best Game Room Winner receives: - 10,000 credits - A Castle Suite Guest Room Pin - plus furniture! - Best Game Room Award Pin - Plus! A party in Club 33!
This could be you! Find out the details on entering for Best Guest Room and Best Game Room by clicking here!
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Ever wanted to know more about your favorite staff member? Now you can! Every month we will be interviewing a different member of the MyVMK Staff. Here is the most recent interview!
This lady is as lovely as they come. Say hello to this months staff of the month, GA_Lady!
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What is your favorite thing to do around the Kingdom?
I love sitting in public rooms and listening to the background music! It's very nostalgic for me. :)
What is the best item for building your rooms?
Definitely the Lady and the Tramp tables and candles ;)
What has been your favorite HOST event thus far?
I love any maze! Guessing games are always fun.
What is your favorite mini-game in MyVMK?
Jungle Cruise
What is your favorite type of Guest Room?
I love trade rooms. There are always something special about getting that one item you've wanted forever. <3</p>
Favorite MyVMK memory?
My favorite MyVMK memory has to be playing Pirates with my friends. I've met some really great people throughout the years, including my significant other whom I now live with.
What is your favorite Public Room in the Kingdom?
I love the Halloween overlays on Main Street, however my favorite every day room is definitely the Elephant Bathing Pool.
What is your favorite theme on VMK?
Halloween months!!
What is your favorite Disney park?
I've never been to either (I know...so sad), so I don't really have an opinion. I definitely want to visit Disneyland first though.
Who is your favorite Disney Character?
Tiana from Princess and the Frog
Is there any advice you would give to players?
Don't ever give up on yourself! Keep trying and keep practicing at whatever you do and you can be whatever you want to be. Don't let anyone get you down
0 notes
myvmk · 7 years
Halloween Month
Updated October 31st, 2017
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When the crypt doors creek and the little bats fly. The witches are brewing and the spiders pass you by. A chill on the neck and ghosts all around. The air stands still and there is no sound. Grim Grinning GHOSTs come out to trick or treat. It's Halloween month on MyVMK! We have lots of creepy things to come your way. So relax and sit back, there's not a moment to delay. Keep checking the newsletter to hear what we have to say! Please note that all releases will happen Saturday at 12am EST. This will be the schedule until further notice.
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MyVMK is now playable on for our Mac users! A work around for Mac users has been made into a downloadable client. We have also made MyVMK Pal the official downloadable client of MyVMK. This is not the new client for MyVMK but is a temporary addition. Find out how to download the Mac client by clicking here!
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This week in the Golden Horseshoe Mercantile we have some amazing happy haunting treats in store for you! This week we have Halloween Ghost Bag, Halloween Witch Bag, Halloween Cat Bag, Gravity Falls - Candy Bowl Skull, Black Flame Candle, Black Fence, Winifred Top, Winifred Skirt, Sarah Top, Sarah Skirt, Mary Top, and Mary Skirt! Available all month!
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Available all month in the Golden Horseshoe Mercantile some things that have been dying to return!
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  Come try your luck for this week's Host prize, a Hocus Pocus Gate and the Consolation prize, a Broomstick Chair. Stay in line after the event for a special queue prize, a Evil Candy Chair Red.
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  Join the MyVMK Staff for an impromptu game of Hide and Seek! Today the staff will be hosting two Hide and Seek games and hiding in public rooms only. Games will be announced as an in-game announcement and on our Twitter (@MyVMK) 15 minutes before the game begins. To win, you must walk up to a staff member that is hidden and say the following statement exactly: "Trick or treat (StaffMemberName)!". Make sure to use the correct prefix (BOO_/GHOST_/EEK_). If you win, you will have the chance to choose one of the three exclusive pins seen above. You are allowed to win only two times per hide and seek event. The staff will not hide in rooms where players are already sitting. Do not "camp out"! This will ensure everyone has a fair chance at finding the staff members. Good luck out there, seekers!
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The Evil Queen has cooked up her best batch of apples yet. Creep on over to Trick-or-Trades for a chance to get some of the sweetest treats that she has to offer in our Halloween Candy Shop! We do not accept Free, NPC, or 1 Credit Pins!
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Pull this month's exclusive pins from the Sword in the Stone! For a chance to win, ride the rides in the Fantasyland Courtyard and you will have a chance at getting a Sword in the Stone pin! You can use this pin to have a chance at pulling the sword from the stone, and if you succeed, you will win one of these pins as a prize or some credits!
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Avast there mateys! Sail on over to the Pirates Treasure room for a chance to plunder some great loot! Collect them all or ye will be sent to Davey Jones Locker! Available all month!
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The votes are in and we are really proud to anounce our 2017 Haunted House Compeition Winners!!
Best Overall Winner! Thorn
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As dusk approaches, Master Gracy has invited all 999 Happy Haunts to materialize for your arrival! We'd like to open our doors to all of you as we welcome you to your own, personal Swinging Wake.
Best Overall Runner-Up! harleyquinn
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Welcome to Red Queen's castle, where she keeps the remains of her victims once they lose their heads. Don't upset the queen or you'll end up here like the rest of them!
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Once the sun sets down the kids all run to the streets in hope of getting buckets full of candy. Will they get treats or tricked?
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Dare to enter? A cool shudder trickles down your spine. The grounds have been inhabited by the spirits of the deceased. Would you make it out alive or become one of them?
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Many people choose to not set foot upon 29 Neibolt Street. It may look abandoned, but Pennywise the Clown is watching you from inside. Missing children float within the sewers of the house. Turn away now, or you'll float too.
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Ghostly Lane only appears for 1 night each year in this small town. No one knows how it gets there or who lives in these spooky estates. Do you dare knock on 1 of these doors for a treat?? Don't get tricked!
Best Theme Winner! Joela
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In this town lies a mansion no human has ever seen. The ghosts that haunt it scare the trick-or-treaters away, in hope that they will be able to stay. "Everybody make a scene!" they chant. "This is our town of halloween!"
Best Theme Runner-Up! Ern
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Cut off from the outside world, you wander along a path that leads you to a seemingly abandoned mansion. Along side this giant is an old cemetary. You see a fresh grave... WAIT! Is that your name carved into it?!
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It was all fun and games until your ball rolled into the yard of the mansion across the street. Your parents had warned you about this place. You and your friends venture in but what could lurk beyond the steel gates?
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Mansion of Lost and Found: Dare enter the mansion if you choose to seek ghosts and other creatures that creep. If you do, best be aware that you are in for a scare. Entering would put your life at risk, but it's nothing next Halloween can't fix.
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Climb up on the hay wagon and get ready for a heart pounding ride thru the spookiest property in MyVMK. Your journey will take you through the old cemetary and past the scary entrance to the most haunted house around these parts.
Most Creative Winner! MagicAvinash
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You unfortunate soul! You have entered the ruins of what used to be the manor of a very powerful wizard. What remains is a magic orb that wields infinite power. All who have tried to capture it have been unsuccessful. Do you have what it takes?
Most Creative Runner-Up! Ken
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Step into the Creature's haunted lagoon lair and feel the power of radiation take hold. Be careful where you step... you wouldn't want to end up as the Creature's lunch!
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Welcome to Grimsly Manor. You are just in time for our Spooktacular Ball. All of our ghosts have been dying to meet you. Costumes are required.
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Hansel and Gretel trek across the haunted forest in search of the infamous candy cottage. As they finally approach they realize all is not what it appears to be. Evil lurks behind these sweet walls. They proceed with caution! >:)
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Welcome to the Vampire Manor. You are one of our guests of honor. Or should I say meal of honor. The hedge maze is the only way of escape... But no one has ever seem to make it through. Some are still trying while others died inside those walls...
These are the Prizes for the 2017 Haunted House Competition
Winner Prize: Haunted House Comp Winner Pin Two Magic - Dancing Inferno Soulless Mickey Witch Hat Purple Room Pin - Halloween Refreshment Corner
Runner-Up Prize: Haunted House Comp Runner-Up Pin One Magic - Dancing Inferno Soulless Mickey Witch Hat Orange Room Pin - Halloween Refreshment Corner
Participation Prize: Haunted House Comp Participation Pin Mickey Witch Hat Green Room Pin - Halloween Refreshment Corner
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Go and check out the Design a Pumpkin Contest 2017 on our official forums and enter for a chance to win an awesome forums exclusive medal and an forums exclusive in-game prize! You can find out more be clicking here! Good luck everyone!
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  Create a Great Guest Room! Get Recognized!
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Player created Guest or Game Rooms demonstrate originality in concept and design. Our judges are looking for creativity, so try using traditional items in different and unique ways. Rooms are judged randomly by MyVMK Staff every month and selected from player rooms.
October Best Guest Room
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Join Enchanted in “Fantasyland Hangout With Rides”! Where ppl can talk 2 friends or take a ride on 1 of the 3 rides in Fantasyland. Mad Hatter Tea Cup Ride / If you want More of a ride try The Pan Ride/ Or try the Alice Ride, But Watchout for the Sneaky Rabbit Pink Hugs VMK<3<3<3 Congratulations!</p>
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The Best Guest Room Winner receives: - 10,000 credits - A Castle Suite Guest Room Pin - plus furniture! - Best Guest Room Award Pin - Plus! A party in Club 33!
    Create a Great Game Room! Get Recognized!
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Create a game room and play with friends and others, and a MyVMK staff member may notice your idea! Game rooms that get the nod offer a new game idea or a new twist on an old favorite. In all rooms we look for room owners who welcome everyone with a smile and show a willingness to answer questions about their room.
October Best Game Room
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Check out “Shadows in the Mansion” by Ebenezer. The La Bouff mansion is under attack from the evil spirits of the shadow man! When I say Go two players will spin the gens in the middle. The number spun will activate traps for the spirits. Left player needs a 1, 2 & 3 to win, Right player needs 4, 5 & 6! Congratulations!
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The Best Game Room Winner receives: - 10,000 credits - A Castle Suite Guest Room Pin - plus furniture! - Best Game Room Award Pin - Plus! A party in Club 33!
This could be you! Find out the details on entering for Best Guest Room and Best Game Room by clicking here!
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Ever wanted to know more about your favorite staff member? Now you can! Every month we will be interviewing a different member of the MyVMK Staff. Here is the most recent interview!
She's not a glitch.. She just has pixlexia okay? Start your engines for this month's Staff member of the Month VMK_Schweetz!
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What is your favorite thing to do around the Kingdom?
My favorite thing to do is walk down the middle of Main Street both during the holidays to see the beautiful decorations and just normally. It makes me feel like I am actually there!
What is the best item for building your rooms?
This is tricky. Am I allowed to say glitched pixels? I use those a lot. I keep like, one-hundred of them in my inventory at all times so I don't run out, and I do run out of them rather quickly.
What has been your favorite game to host thus far?
Oh gosh. I think my favorite would have to be Dreams Month. It was so much fun when all the HOSTs and Moderators went around spreading joy to the MyVMK Community while somehow in the process bringing us all together.
What is your favorite mini-game in MyVMK?
Haunted Mansion. Who doesn't like catching some ghosts while pretending to be a ghost buster?
What is your favorite type of Guest Room?
The Beauty and the Beast Ballroom! It's so pretty and the music that plays when you enter it is just so perfect! <3</p>
Favorite MyVMK memory?
The first time I met Amy! It was during dreams month. She literally trolled me in front of some people in the Esplanade. It was absolutely hilarious and I will never forget it. I still laugh at it now!
What is your favorite Public Room in the Kingdom?
This is a tough question because I have so many. Sci-Fi Dine-In, Castle Forecourt, Fantasyland In The Sky; it's just so hard to choose!
What is your favorite theme on VMK?
Anything Christmas related. I just love Christmas so much. It's the time of the year that brings family and friends together and I think that's a magical thing.
What is your favorite Disney park?
The Magic Kingdom! It's so magical just walking around the park and seeing all of Walt Disney's creations.
Who is your favorite Disney Character?
I have like, three. That would be Lucky from 101 Dalmatians, Stitch from Lilo and Stitch, and Vanellope Von Schweetz for obvious reasons! Lucky was my first ever favorite Disney character and will always have a special place in my heart.
Is there any advice you would give to players?
Be respectful to others and treat people the way you would want to be treated. You never know what could be happening in another person's life behind that screen.
0 notes