#or maybe he does and its just that bad that he cant physically stop himself
petrichoraline · 1 month
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I found this to be such a random comment until I realised it was Balgeum saying it and it suddenly felt so heavy
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krashoutluv · 5 months
Arkham Knight Relationship HCS !! <3
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( light nsfw, mostly SFW tho!! )
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literally my wife ( i made this pic idc abt creds i just wanna talk abt it)
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SFW !! <3
dying on this hill when i say basically any red hood would be soo yummy with a civilian or just someone who is extremely balanced.
im a red hood needs more fucking normalcy in his life TRUTHER.
relationship starts off slow, romantic and platonic, you need to be patient with him long enough for him to get over his mental dilemmas to feel ANY-TYPE of way towards you.
more then like 6 months lets be real yall
his way of bonding is quality time. ill die on this hill, especially at the start of the relationship. Nothing huge maybe just spending a couple extra minutes around you before leaving.
next is probably gift giving, esp with early relations, probably just gonna order you food or put fifty bucks on your countertop. you dont even notice until you realize you find a fifty around the last place he was standing. expect deliveries from R.H whenever he feels bad for something.
doesn't like being around for too long, feels like he's messing up something. ruining your day by keeping you up late (he was there for fifteen minutes), ruining your mood, (there was an awkward silence for like 30 seconds.)
not a overly conscious thought process though, he feels physically he isn’t supposed to be there. for whatever subconscious thing he picked up on, a awkward silence, or hes been there 15 minutes too long or something
well sometimes he'll mentally beat himself up.
he spirals a lot, needs someone to pull him out of that.
i think when he needs to be grounded, its not just comfort its making him feel alive in the present moment. he's never gonna truly forget about his traumas but maybe for just an hour or two; running around an arcade, walking around the city. just making him feel normal, yeah you BAGGED his ass quick.
he needs someone patient, really patient, someone whos very attentive and empathetic. (but not a complete push- over def needs someone to set him in line still)
i think if you move to quickly, he'll get super snappy and ghosting you,, ong put ur hands on him too early and he's left hooking you.
yeah you're waking up and the first thing your hearing is "Its been 12 years..."
second thing you hear is "you've been in a coma for.. 12 years."
third thing you're hearing is, " we think a bus hit you...”
obviously not touchy, even when he is settling down. hes just not sure how to .. or where to .. or why he wants too.
please his mental gymnastics get so crazy, just sit down with him and put on some silly ass movie so he stops
when he’s settled he cant pry himself off you though.
a lot of his expressions can definitely be told by his body language, naturally hes tense but theres certain habits he has when he's maybe thinking too much, or fustrated/irritated.
but he does all of the same for you, comfort, love, as much as he can he tries
Very attentive, has a mental list of 'shit you do when somethings wrong' or 'shit you like.'
doesn't consciously make any of these mental list, he just knows.
"didnt they say they liked this?" He pauses "shit ill just leave it at their window."
so he's like canonically smart as shit.
you have too much work from your boss or professor? hand it over its done in less then two hours.
literally buys you groceries and pays your bills (fucking lover boy.)
arkham knight finally figuring out how to ask for a hug (hes been dead silent for 5 minutes) (link) <— insta reel
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NSFW !! <3
AGAIN, not in a "my soft squishe potato always been scared of sex" way but in a ‘oh my god hes so unsocialized’ way.
yall ever see a big ass dog just..standing.. literally him (hes dissociating)
genuinely dont believe that when he was arkham/training to be, he was sexually or romantically involved with anyone. the last thing that was on his mind was actually pursuing a sexual or romantic relationship.
along with his trauma, he just wasn’t comfortable with any of that.
ghosted so many people..
couldn’t flirt for more then five minutes, just stopped feeling it or got uncomfortable .
not that he’s horribly awkward, but he’s noticeably a bit more quiet for first times.
ofc this man has watched porn n’ shit but hes smart enough to know thats not what its really like.
he’ll still figure it, what makes you tic, what you love, what makes you most comfortable.
kinda shitty at dirty talk, just makes him buffer.
he gets better at it tho, too damn good
gets so snarky and confident about it too uuhgrr
late relationships hes smirking and chatting your ears off cause you know hes gettin you turnt.
he has a love-hate relationship with his scars. 95% they remind him of his past, but 5% hes alright with them because they’ve shown what hes been through.
deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down, he knows hes fine as fuck. TRUST YALL.
again, super observant and attentive. really pays attention to what you enjoy.
I genuinely don’t believe hes into super hardcore/painful kinks or anything.
Sex for him is definitely a way of showing his trust and intimacy with someone!! Let him show you how much he loves you and how much he wants to make you feel good! Do the same to him !!
mmm tell him how good hes doing and hes a absolute mess!!
praise him! PRAISE HIM *im yelling from the hospital bed im strapped down on*
wouldn’t let you ride for awhile, but once he’s comfortable with it ,, he’s actually obsessed.
cant see him bottoming , just wouldn’t be comfortable with it
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my brain is getting messy so im stopping here! feedback and comments would be cool if you wanna drop some!
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
can i req jax x reader angst? o-(-( been brainrotting on this idea for so long now; jax goes a little overboard with his joke or prank and reader gets upset by it.. but he doesnt really approach reader to say sorry for a while because he doesnt really know how to? so it worsens the situation? thank uuu!!!!
Severed ties (jax x reader)
There will be NO!!!! Comfort here!!! I want pain!!
Written this as platonic !!
Not proof read and written on mobile!! Yahoo!!
Honestly I love writing angstier stuff, like
Idk I like exploring the topic and the feelings
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Jac in general does not seem like the type of person to apologize. It hurts his pride and ego, and really in his eyes everything he does is "all in good fun", or as a means to entertain... himself, mostly
What, is he supposed to apologize because his little joke made someone upset? That's his thought process, I think. Like unless there are huge consequences or he is actively trying to better himself I really don't think he would give a sincere apology, you know?
Like imma be so real here, I know I usually portray jax as a prankster but so far he's worse than that. He has pushed gangle at least twice (in the pilot, and in her tailer), he stepped on her mask and knowing him I wouldnt be surprised if it was on purpose. He just. Ripped zoobles arm off (like yeah sure it doesnt look like it hurts and it can be reattached, but its the idea that he just disrespects them like that), throwing a bowling ball at kinger, ect ect ect
Like I think I down play how mean jax can be
I think a lot of this is caused by the digital world; given that hes probably gotten way too comfortable with the fact you cant get severely injured in the digital world or hahe any long lasting physical damage, you know?
Anyways onto the actual request
I think it's less likely to happen if this is a romantic relationship because I think at that point in time you guys respect each other enough to not be goofy and communicate stuff. As well as this, this prompts jax to try to tone it down.. can also see this happening if you guys are close friends
So really this can only happen if you guys are only like. Normal level friends, because otherwise jax at least learns remorse and tries to be less. Uehdjcf.. you know?
Like I love jax as a character and I enjoy writing him but I'm realizing just how assholish he is based on the pilot
Honestly to be friends with jax you're going to have to be able to have some kind of tolerance to his more tame everyday stuff... imma be nice and assuming the stuff he does above isnt in his usual league of asshole-ness... or maybe it is? I dunno
But some prank he pulls goes too far, and he laughs at you. Probably takes to down play it if you're actually upset, trying to dismiss it as a good ol fashion joke
If he gives an apology it's a half assed one
This leads to you not talking to him as much anymore, if at all
In fact, you may even go as far as to avoiding him during IHAs
And you know what
At first he thinks you're just being sour over his little practical joke
But overtime as you continue to bold your ground he starts to... actually feel bad
And if he does ever sincerely apologize, its likely two late
That's also assuming you dont abstract before then
God can you imagine that, I mean what's worse? Never being able to apologize because the person is effectively dead, or apologizing and not being forgiven?
I think this would push jax to try to tone down his antics
Like he wont totally stop, but it will definitely go back to the light hearted fun I like to headcannon it being when he first joined the circus.. before it got all.. meaner..
Boredom does terrible things to someone and given that the consequences of losing your mind in this place are huge.. I can't help but understand jax a little, assuming my headcannon is correct
Though again he might just be an asshole
While your friendship may be dead and buried now, at least jax learned a lesson that actions do in fact have consequences
And hopefully it sticks
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emimii · 2 months
ooh can you share more abt your autistic alonzo hc... i also see him as autistic but i'd like to hear your specific thoughts :3
FELLOW AUTISM ALONZO ENJOYER!!!! YAHOOO thank u i love u anon /p <3
like i mentioned in the mistoffelees ramble post alonzo has trouble physically expressing emotions
his tone is flat and he doesnt really make facial expressions so people cant tell if hes being genuine or sarcastic
he tends to over explain himself a lot because of this, esp to older cats bcuz he probably has like a strong moral code to be nice to his elders and not disappoint them
he doesnt tend to over explain to misto and victoria though, cause they get him :3
he also technically doesnt have to overexplain to munku bcuz theyve been friends long enough for munkustrap to understand what hes tryna get across, but its a force of habit and munk doesnt stop him he just listens
theres a obvious change in alonzo’s masking level and general openness when hes with people hes comfortable with, like hes probably a lot more talkative with loved ones
the few times he does show emotions is during stressful or awkward situations and its probably like, not the appropriate reaction either
something bad will happen maybe he breaks his arm and his immediate reaction is to start laughing even though hes in boatloads of agony or something bad happens to someone else and he’ll smile but not cause hes happy ykwim cause hes panicking
hes also pretty ‘immediately forgetful’ where he’ll put something down and not even a moment later he forgets where he put it so he just spends 10 minutes frantically walking around the general area flipping things over to try and figure out where he left it
i definitely think hes got a big aversion to like “screechy” noises, like nails on a chalkboard, spoons scraping on plates, and things skidding across the floor, he also does not like loud noises to me which is unfortunate when your younger brother has lightning powers.
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mister-mickey · 7 months
Tim x Darry headconnons plz (like if they can get married or what is it like if they have an adopted child) SORRY TO ASK SO MUCH I just love this ship and its really my favorite one
Omg tarry is my favorite pairing, I have made these little ship headcanons as well (tarry hcs)
BUT onto these ones
They mostly bond over being both the leaders of their respective gangs and over taking care of their younger siblings ❤️
They are terrible with emotions, communication between them is like pulling teeth 😭
They also have a hard time with each others siblings. Darry CANT STAND curly and is scared of Angela. Tim gets along with both pony and soda but anytime he gets them into trouble darry gets mad at him.
He’s really rather not piss his beau off
They’ve known each other since they were kids (thanks to living in the same area) but were never friends. It was only really after Darry got more involved in greaser stuff that they got along lol
Tim can’t cook for shit. He tries but it sucks so bad. Darry keeps trying to help him but Tim is unhelpable.
Darry is aware that Tim can handle himself, but still gets protective when ppl talk about him. Tim gets mad every time (but also does the same thing)
And omg I’m all the way into this list realizing that I did not answer the other part of the question so I’ll do that now
So for marriage (not legal for homos in the 60s sadly, so I’m sure it’s just a celebration among friends and family) it probably takes them awhile. I can’t imagine either of them really wanting to settle straight away. Maybe they’re in their late twenties/early thirties
Tim probably moves into Darry’s house after pony and soda move out (and after angie and curly are well off enough to be alone)
Tim probably stops gang life in his twenties, just because he gets older and more mature (and not cool anymore) darry stops once the others stop.
For the wedding, again, family and friends. Probably in the form of a cookout at their house. They get rings but I don’t think either of them wear them (they don’t seem like jewellry wearers. They probably keep them on chains around their necks)
Pony officiates lol. Idk I just feel like he would. Soda cries the whole time (Steve has to physically pull him off of darry)
I imagine dally and curly pulling some sort of nonsense at the wedding to piss Tim off (yes I’m choosing to keep dally and Johnny alive)
Tim’s gang isn’t really his family, at this point in his life, he probably doesn’t even know them anymore. So it’s just curly and Angela at the wedding for him.
Darry ofc is the one that people came to see (mr star of the show)
As for a kid, I’d like to say they probably wouldn’t have one, at least not for a while. They both raised their little siblings, they aren’t eager to do it again.
BUT it’s also cute to imagine them having a baby (especially because of how tim is canonically good with babies)
Idk where they got it. Maybe it was left in their doorstep, idk. Fact is, they have a child
Tim wants to be the cool dad but darry has taken that spot without even trying.
Baby adores darry because he’s strong and can throw it in the air ❤️
Tim is jealous ofc. He’s way cooler than darry, the baby just isn’t smart enough to see that yet
Baby still loves him a lot though 🌸
They’re good dads. Not perfect ofc, but they love the baby and the baby loves them.
Now as for the baby’s one million uncles and one aunt.
Angela LOVES the baby. Like, darry is worried she will steal it. She’s always trying to get the baby to say her name (baby calls her “Ana”)
Twobit is next on people taht are obsessed with the baby. I’m sure he has his own kids (seems like the type tbh) but the baby is DARRYS kid. He can’t wait until it’s old enough to be a bad influence on
Dallas is not allowed near the baby because Tim refuses to put the baby down when he’s around (he thinks dally will somehow corrupt his >1 year old and make it dally jr)
Soda is the best uncle by far. He and Johnny are very soft with the baby. Soda is, however, guilty of dropping the baby. He is no longer allowed to hold the baby.
Johnny is scared to hold the baby, but once it’s walking he will play (very gently)
Steve, curly, and pony are the babies worst enemies. Baby fucking hates them so much and it breaks their hearts.
Baby bites steve any chance it gets. Hits him, grabs his nose (which everyone else thinks is adorable but Steve sees it for the attack that it is) Steve has no clue what he did but the baby is his #1 hater
Baby doesn’t like pony. Wont even look at him. Pony adores the baby and this rejection hurts.
Curly and the baby tussle quite often. Baby loves yanking his curls (getting its grubbing fingers tangled in, as someone with baby experience, ow ow ow) if the baby pulls his hair, he pulls the baby’s hair right back. They are sworn enemies.
He loves the baby ofc but keeps a careful distance.
Baby grows up to be an okay kid. Can’t do anything without darry or tim finding out since they both know EVERYONE.
Idk someone name the baby my brain is mush
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xodarling · 18 days
I don't know a thing about overwatch (other than how it advanced technology through its porn or something), but please rant more.
ok so like the entire existence of the game is fucking abhorrent theres so many things to complain about idek 😊 but like since i mainly play dva, widow, kiriko im gonna complain in their pov. so like for tank, roadhogs ENTIRE existence is just hair pulling worthy and if the hog is good good u NEED an ana and/or kiri but SOME 😊 support players REFUSE to switch to someone good and then go cry ab how theyre tank is ass especially since the tank i play is dva and shes a dive/brawl tank u physically cannot dive with a hog cuz he just hooks u AND he can HEAL HIMSELF WTF i hate hog sm i cant even. also mauga AUUUHHH hes so annoying not nearly as bad as his meta (traumatizing) if u have an ana or some tank buster but hes still kinda annoying but vv rarely. also just fucking hate the counter swaps like u cant play tank and not counter if the enemy does
SPEAKING OF COUNTER SWAP OMG as a widow, sombra and genji are the bane of my existence and venture i fucking hate venture. i hate genji cuz im ass 🤭 genji is like so useless hes SO bad rn i just hate him cuz im petty. venture boops SM and they are such an annoying counter to widow its so ass maybe id like them more if theyre voice and face were more fucking pleasing. and sombra… u dont play ow but the best way to explain sombra is if u dont have a kiriko or a brig she is satan himself. she can go INVISIBLE she can take away ur abilities and she’s jsut really ass
and playing support really opens ur eyes at how stupid some people can be. ive had tanks FLY to the other side of the map and then complain i didnt heal them. and dps who have like 2 kills and 9 deaths say im ass when im like 15-5. but like in general junkrat is fucking annoying too but hes easily counterable so its ok HOWEVER 🤯 moira is the easiest character in the game and she does sm and for what?? reapers also annoying, did i mention roadhog, zen’s discord orb is one of the WORST things in the game rn, cass’ nade is so WACK, orisa is kinda annoying but she got nerfed so not anymore, mercy mains who are one tricks are fucking insufferable as well, hanzo’s lucky ass shots piss me off 2, THE TURRETS OMG. torb and sym turrets are so ass, not THAT ass since theyre easy to destroy but still.
AND BAP OMG BAPTISTE, why can a support do so much damage and heal sm at the same time?? and he was damage boost and invulnerability in the same kit?? what was blizzard cooking?? he is so annoying 🙄🙄 anyway sombra, bap, and hog mains biting the curb 4k. I HATE THIS GAME but i love so many of the characters to just drop it😓 the characters are amazing the only reason i havent stopped
i just realized the length of this.😦 i have a lot of hatred in my heart for this game. but sometimes its so fun especially when the entire lobby is silly, plays healthy characters and is good
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sharp-tooths · 7 months
Ok ok hang on cause ive been thinking about something in tristamp and i havent seen anyone else talk about it so i wanna ramble about my source of brainrot-
Tristamp rant w/ spoilers under the cut w/ some minor trimax/98 tidbits
And i cant believe no ones talked about it yet? Or maybe i just havent seen it, but in trigun stampede when Vash is fighting Livio on the sandsteamer and Livio kicks Vash away before Wolfwood gets to him and ya know how vash doesnt immediately get back up?
Well I thought that was kinda weird, considering youve got a guy whos clearly not there mentally with two automatic guns willing to shoot anyone who gets close to him, theres no way vash wouldnt get right back up to continue trying to stop him, but maybe hes trying to give wolfwood his chance, right? But then why does he stay down when Livio aims the gun at himself? For someone who can react fast enough to shoot a bullet out of the air with perfect aim, and wants to save everyone, why didnt he get up to stop him?
So in each rewatch of the show, i would keep looking, and i realized. Its another one of those small details that isnt ever acknowledged or talked about, but if you watch, Livio kicks Vash in the left side of his chest, and when Vash sits back up, he has his hand up over that side of his chest
We still havent clearly seen whats going on on the left side of Vash's chest in tristamp, but since theres clearly at least a scar there, and in trimax/98 he has a metal grate, its easy to come to the conclusion that whatever happened to the left side of his chest was(is) bad, if livio kicking him kept vash down long enough to be unable to save him from killing himself
I know its one of those things you can easily look over, as that would seem like a normal human reaction to having your chest kicked hard enough to send you flying back several feet, but taking into account that Vash is a plant with supernatural healing, and in episode 10 he just basically walks off a gunshot to the gut AND in ep 12 when hes shot down with MULTIPLE bullet wounds he still gets back up fairly quickly (considering a human would most likely be down and out for the count with 4(?) bullets in em) so im wondering if maybe in tristamp theyre even paying attention to the old injuries vash got that were bad enough to Scar a Plant that can Heal himself, and/or maybe how the metal implants in his body could affect him??
Cause i did also notice that tristamp vash had less visible physical scarring, but more metal implants, and im thinkin maybe theyre leanin into the "healing powers" plants have, meaning that maybe plants dont scar as easily as humans, like when wolfwood drinks his vials and ends up 100% fine after being turned into swiss cheese with no scarring (a separate post about conrad being a plant scientist) which ALSO means that any scars Plants DO get, means that it was REALLY. REALLY BAD. Also a separate post about trimax vash possibly going through a litteral blender to end up with those scars as a plant.
Aanyways im done chewing on tristamp for rn im falling asleep
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whiteoutzz · 4 months
so this post... yeah i am having alot of fun. yeah nobody can stop me and once im done with the script i might just get to the longfic i have planned. yeah its fun
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[id: drawing of Arctic and Darkstalker standing in front of eachother; both of them have pointy shapes, with darkstalker's mane being much shorter and covering only the neck, while Arctic's covers the whole chest. Both of them have tufts on their foreheads and are looking at eachother angrily, Arctic bit more reserved while Darkstalker's anger is louder. Arctic has his wings pinned down while Darkstalker's are standing up. Arctic has blue string tied around his snout, while darkstalker has blue stitches around his mouth. Behind them there is a blue web on top of a purple background; but what covers most of it is a silhouette of Queen diamond, pure white with blue eyes, her wings spread out, iron crown with blue gems embedded in it. / end id]
(putting the story under the cut; cw for torture)
the general story is; before darkstalker kills arctic, he gets a vision clear enough it makes him stop. he sees his mother foeslayer, knowing she is alive. arctic still confessed but isn't physically harmed yet; clearsight confirms the vision but looks bit sad and confused, like she is hiding something from him, but can't tell why. darkstalker rips out bit of his scroll, but rest is confiscated so he can only cast few spells (breaking it would have similar effect; his spells would be very limited and small). he lets arctic go but follows him to the ice kingdom, enchanting himself to be invisible. he follows him for a while before getting distracted and eventually finds the tunnels; he frees foeslayer but almost as soon she is gone (and protected; he made sure to word the spell so she can't be taken back. he put it directly on her after all) and is caught by queen diamond. arctic is forced to marry snowflake again, and both of them are very miserable about it. its horrible. meanwhile darkstalker gets tortured in the caves. first diamond couldnt hurt him physically, but quickly she figured that one; he didnt make himself unable to feel pain, and two; he forgot to enchant his insides too. spell loopholes and all that she enchants him so his organs regenerate no matter how damaged, so he cant die trough that type of injury then stabs him through the mouth. she figures out more and more creative ways to hurt him later. one day she brings arctic, thinking that would be his final push, to kill his own son, but she is almost surprised how little arctic cares about darkstalker. he stabs him trough the mouth but inside arctic feels bit weird about it, especially seeing his son bleed blue. but he does not think about that. or tries to atleast.
but he tries to figure out a plan, especially that he was allowed to visit darkstalker after that, seeing that care wasnt there and he could be used as a tool of torture. but maybe he doesnt want his life to end like that. he offers darkstalker to make a plan to escape, but first he refuses. also maybe tries to talk with snowflake and while both still hate echother and snowflake is still rightfully angry for what arctic did to her, maybe they have shred of solidarity for once. and you know the whole thing with both of them already having partners and you know. things look bad but maybe darkstalker at some point will want out enough that he will agree to the plan, but for now; to be continued
(also "oooh why arctic now wants to escape even if he came back willingly?" sometimes u forget how bad things were until you experience them again)
(meanwhile in night kingdom there is a civil war happening, but i dont have details about it yet. but its fun)
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melto · 13 days
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i think there are a lot of ways to go about this esp with deciding to take a more kr or sentai route. i think the group aspect of paradox live is so important that it would make sense to take a more ranger team formation, and with like them all sharing like such a specific way of fighting that is unified but allows for a lot of flair still. and there would still be a way for those suits to still have such an extreme amount of swag while being ranger like and all. its also a lot easier for me to picture that many people in sentai uniforms than having to manifest so many rider suits and shit. extremely daunting of a thing, and well i do just think it fits better. trust me on this<3 however originally i was thinking that it would be more interesting for them to be more like metal/rider-esque suits for like trap reactions and the corrosion but i think actually if their suits are like the gobuster's it would be awesome.
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Like this being reflective of the corrosion worsening is awesome, and it would still like be something that exists physically on them. can see a really dramatic moment of bae transforming after hajun has been hiding it so well and after he's suited up he just starts like sparking out of control and his suit gets fucked before they even start the battle. Also i think allen would just look sick as FUCK with a broken helmet. everyone always does but i want my best friend allen to have a crazy moment like that.
they would be using like music as their main weapon and the illusions which i fear does put it in some hypmic territory but they obvi will have the craziest swag with it, and i dont think i would be full songs all the time. maybe its like flinging their illusions at enemies, creating weapons and one of them raps to make its power greater, to shield them, etcetc. im not fully sure how that would work. they transform by holding onto their phantometal really tight and then they get swallowed up by their own illusion or something. i think their phantometal would kinda just like manifest outside of them after they overcome the initial trap reaction/corrosion and they have a special affinity for it. it doesnt mean that they are like immune, they are just a bit stronger to it and have better control than a normal person would. dont worry about it too much lolol.
def Really big arc where an enemy makes it so allen loses his voice and he runs away like he can't be useful and is just a liability to the others because he can only do like normal guy kicks and stuff since he cant interaction properly with their illusions and he cant create his own bc his emotions are so out of wack nothing holds and they have to keep protecting him and he just gets his ass beat. power of love brings his voice back. of course it does. he can still write them lyrics he can still plan and they follow his lead so well. he's not a born leader but he's their special guy and they believe in him even when he doesnt believe in himself. yknow the drill.
i think in overall plot, it would be a little like how haruto is saving people from disrepair by like literally jumping into their minds to save them in wizard, but it would be saving people who are victims of the phantometal and also like ryusoulger with the negative emotions are creating the monsters. the monsters are created from the illusions and once they feed off the person enough the person starts having a like full trap reaction to fully take their life away. like they are having more mild versions of it, thats kinda just written off as more of a nightmare but that misery and corrosion stick with them and the monster is just like yummy! usually bae can stop it before it gets too fucking bad but sometimes they DO have to go inside a person to save them.
They are still like bae. they still are a music group (i dont think the phantometal would be used for performances in this universe. they are all just doing normal hiphop) they still slay but they also have to. fucking save people. they have to save all the others in paralive at some point. First being anne. i think it starts with hajun and allen being the only two really involved and they dont tell anne bc they both know they will be like Fuck idc if i cant transform im helping in some way but then anne falls victim and they are the first person they have to actually go inside to save and when anne comes out of that they are suddenly able to transform too. maybe that happens with all the performers but they dont work with bae as like a unified team or anything usually. they have their own shit to handle, but ofc they will lend a hand when necessary. iori is fully aware of all this shit even before bae gets started doing their thing. ofc he is. obviously. as is expected of him.
its such a strange place for them to be because it IS the phantometal that is being used to hurt all these people, but they use it to transform and to fight still. they have to! (very deep into this plot when 1nm8 come in they are portrayed as so antagonistic bc they come in so hot trying to take away the thing that is allowing them to save people and its soo frustrating)
also obviously they will. be effected by trap reactions and the corrosion, which i mentioned the latter in reference to suit degradation and stuff but i think if they are transformed for too long or use too many/too strong of illusions they get sent immediately into one even if they are still suited up, and it would like be on a scale of they are having a panic attack or they are uncontrollably lashing out. everyone would know bc it would kinda be like this
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and then they would just be kinda like. yknow got that evil glow or whatever. i dont think much would really have to change about what everyone is seeing when they have their trap reactions, but i do think to some extent that when they are like losing control and attacking people they are like aware but they cant do anything about it. allen lashing out and going after anne and hajun and hes screaming for it to stop but he cant make his body stop and then his vision starts to get kinda engulfed by flames type of shit.
i guess that stupid ugly ass guy with the tongue from the anime is like whos behind it. i hate him so fucking much i dont even want to think about it but he's kinda the perfect guy to just be inserted into this without much changed. he's still got chisei's metal. he's still got those illusions of buraikan. who would also be like. transformed in more monstrous of a way and be there antagonizing them and the "heads" of what they are going against. Absolutely fucking devastating when they detransform later on and its just them, legendary buraikan, who allen and everyone loves and it rocks their world and makes everything so much worse. its so demoralizing because fuck how are they supposed to create hiphop better than them in battle? they are always getting their asses kicked when those two show up and now they understand WHY they are never able to stand a chance. beautiful greying at 36 haruomi is doing shit on the down low. he can transform more in the fashion of bae. bc well. he's really him. Lol.
Anyways. these are my first thoughts about it...smiling! i think i'll end up revisiting this and adding more (: kicking my feet and giggling having sooo much fun thank you thank you!!!
also allen is obviously their red, anne is pink, hajun can be blue. or yellow. whos to say. They are obviously all so in love and so awesome transgender. bae throuple forever and ever baby!!! and of course, buraikan is having crazy gay sex, as they would in every universe always. Heart emoji.
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k-arb · 10 months
Dunked on: a collection of thoughts reguarding sans
I like how sans just cheats. Specifically at the end of the genocide route. When you get there, youre expecting a fight, be it from asgore, sans, or whoever. When it finally starts, youre braces for it to begin, you know the rules of the game, youre prepared with your highest healing items
And then sans goes first. You arent expecting it, it hasnt been like that the entire game, and youre not even familliar with the mvoes hes using. You know how the blue soul works, assuning you played pacifist beforehand, but noones ever been able to physically move your soul. And then theres the gaster blasters, more moves you know nothing about. Everything flies at you so quickly, you almost instantly die. And the whole time youre confused as to why youre taking heaps of damage with what looks like poison chipping away at your health.
Your invcibility frames are gone, mentally youre thinking "thats not fair". And it isnt. Sans doesnt let you go first because you dont deserve to be fought fairly. Youre a mass murderer with too much unchecked power, noone in their right mind is going to want to fight you fairly. So sans cheats
Immediately after the first attack, you may fight, but by checking you find out how sans cheeses the game. "The weakest enemy, can only do 1 ATK". 1 ATK sure, he can only deal 1 hp of damage, but with the absence of your i frames, now replaced by the KR meter, 1 hp adds up. And it adds up fast.
Now maybe after checking him, you decide to try out your new weapon. But you cant. Sans knows you'll kill him in one hit, so he does something no other monster has until this point. He dodges. He dodges your attacks, breaking the rules of how the game is supposes to work. Monsters dont dodge, theyve never been able to. Sans doesnt care. This isnt a fair fight, and he never intended for it to be one. Everything he does is to get you to give up and stop playing, because that means you cant hurt anyone else. And playing a game thats unfair sure as hell wont want to make you play anymore.
Sans's attacks are unlike any other in the game. He plays dirty. Sometimes theres a pattern to be followed, sometimes there isnt, and you have to think on your feet in order to not get killed. His attacks dont give you any breathing room to speak of, you have to jump through tight spaces, inch your way between bones, its always at 100 and wont ever not be.
Then the turning point happens. Something stressed in undertale is that your goal as the player is to see what happens. You kill almost everyone just to see what sans will say, or to see how things play out. Its always you wanting to see whats next. So when sans presents you with the option to spare him, some might give into that desire, and click the button. This is tied for sans's biggest act of cheating. He puts you in a box, shoves it full of bones, and gives you nowhere to run.
Youve been dunked on. Sans says so himself. In an attempt to get you to stop once more, he says that if you really are friends, you wont bother coming back. Hes a sore winner, and he tells you to never boot up the game again because youre just that bad.
Now once you come back, and decide not to spare him, his attacks get harder. The screen blacks out, youre unprepared for what happens next, and the gaster blasters ramp up in intensity. And to make matters worse, he gets more blatant with his cheating. He begins attacking you during your turn, in the text box, in your menus, not enough to kill, but just enough to chip your health down to 1. Reminding you that this isnt a fair fight. It never was, and it wont get any easier.
The fight keeps getting harder, you only learn how his very first attack works now instead of when you needed to, and the quick attacks get quicker. All the while, sans appears to be getting more and more tired. So he issues one last attack before his so-called special attack one thats a combination of almost all of his attacks so far, and if you manage to survive all of that, he just grabs you and throttles you around the room like youre nothing. It doesnt kill you, but it does rub salt in the wound.
Then, after youve made it to the end, sans tells you what his final move is going to be. Nothing. Aboslutely nothing. This is the biggest act of cheating sans displays. Its as if you were playing chess, and the opponent means to win by never moving. Sans is going to keep having his turn forever. It doesnt matter how long you stay there, hes not going to give up. It never becomes your turn. Sans has won by initiating a stalemate.
At least thats how it is before you decide to play along.
The only way to beat a cheater is to cheat back. You do something youve never been able to before. That being having your turn during sans's you push the text box to the side, and then down, and press the attack button. Sans, still keeping up his cheating streak, decides to dodge again. But at this point you dont care. Mid sentance, you issue your first and final blow. Sans falls, bleeds, and realizes hes lost. Then, he simply gets up, and walks off screen. If he cant beat you or cheat the system, the least he can do is take away the satisfaction of seeing you die.
So yeah, sans cheats. He cheats a whole bunch. And i like that. Its such a frustrating fight, and i feel it was at least partially designed to be. Story-wise it also makes sense because why would anyone plal fairly against you, a murderer?
Im not sure how to end this off, so i'll just reiterate that i really like how sans cheats against you, and i hope hes drinking ketchup in undertale heaven.
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puphoods · 6 months
can i ask who the first person cooper would have killed would be? Did the feeding them to zombies bit afterwards emerge naturally or did he start off with that intent? Also how does he define a "bad" person vs a "good" one? How does that differ from Cooper's view of good/bad people? Does dahlia have any like physical mementos of the orphans she took care of or would that be too painful for her?
the first people he killed were the zombies for the first few years (im not sure of the timeline yet... maybe 3 or 4 years? bc ive been thinking it takes place about 5 years after the initial outbreak) he never killed another living person... he never really sought out zombies to kill mainly just in self defense, esp as time went on. he views them as a force of nature more than anything, just following their instincts with no malicious thoughts or desires, but that also makes them something to be removed or put down if theyre putting people in danger. he feeds people to them bc of this but its a roundabout way to justify that he started doing it because he did not know how to dispose the bodies of the people he killed i dont have a reason properly ironed out tbh. um readmore
i actually havent thought much about who or why he started killing people in the first place. i considered making it his father at first but i decided against that (his father gets turned into a zombie and cooper kills him as it was his fathers request). i dont think it would have been anyone important to him- just another person who was taking advantage of other people bc there was nothing to stop them from doing so now, and i think it would have been something bad enough that it was putting peoples lives in active danger.
i think he doesnt so much have a strict set of rules or a code he holds himself to to decide what is an unacceptable action to him, because its more that he no longer views humanity as good at all. so its kind of arbitrary or situational? hes not a rational man. one person for example stealing the last food someone has could be reason for him, while another person stealing other vital supplies such as medicine from someone or even someone else stealing a persons last food may be reason enough. its why he has such a bad reputation amongst people in nearby areas and why its so easy for the others to manipulate his actions to do what they want
dahlia is a very sentimental person but denies herself the comforts of things like that because there is something wrong with her. i think she did keep some things... gifts some of them gave her maybe. but she would not keep their things after what happened not because its too painful but because she thinks it would be.. i cant think of the word. she thinks because she failed she doesnt have the right. maybe she threw anything of theirs left away bc even if it was useful or could have been given to someone else etc. she didnt want anyone else to have them either
i think some ofthe gifts are pressed flowers ^-^ and a bracelet they wove from some string for her. small stuff like that
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rin-and-jade · 6 months
Hiii! I hope you had a great year or at least you had fun and felt that you're alive, safe and loved :) the holydays are coming and I cant shake the feeling that I must wish you a peaceful one :'D I hate holydays :')
So. I dont know if you can remember me. Im that person who's told you about all my struggles regarding studying and having issues with controlling my attention and how I couldn't manage to pass an exam bc of my dissociation/ time processing i think a year ago i've written you that message... (I managed to pass the second one and it was great actually) but I wanted to ask you something. If you have the knowledge and/ or experience of course. At first I must point out i've been diagnosed with bpd, I dont know if this is a trait of it or if its DID... but. im having trouble with identifying whether this kind of problem is among others with DID or if Im just strictly borderline (maybe its just denial) and so. is it something thats related to bordeline if im not seeing this personalities as being "present" as I am? Like, i cant say they have ever been there at least as always as long as I am most of the time. I feel like they are always just standing behind me looking after me but at the same time letting me doing all the work. Sure. there are times when some dude is taking over to do the physical chores or the dude whos taking over just to have fun and get drunk (she's here right now cuz im tipsy and tried to "have fun") or when im in nature the hippy one comes near just to show me how important it is just being alive and appreciating nature.... but I dont feel like they are some separeted beings from me. As I was saying, they let me do all the work. I happen sometimes to have emotional amnesia and doing things without having control but they arent here! Does it make sense? Sometimes they speak to me and try to make themselves understood but only in those moments when im not aware as though they're sneaky and trying to hide from me... I doesnt seem fair, thats all.. and im really trying to make peace with them and whenever the persecutor comes into action im telling him to go fuck himself and try to be a bully with somebody else not with the persons who suffered. I mean why doesnt he try to come when we actually need him? For example when somebody is mean to us and we need to stop let ourselves be the black sheep or even when we feel verbally atacked? So im trying to get reasonable with him at that part. But there arent any signs that they really exist... they are somewhere deep I cant acces anything. And im thinking. I must have a to much active imagination. I given my sorrows and anxieties names, personalities overall. I feel guilty bc I dont want to seem like a bad person just for trying to find out what is going on in my dissociated mind (i dissociate a lot. So much that i cant understand my current life).... I dont want to seem like i pretend that I am someone or more likely somebodies that I am not.
So to summerize this: is it something common to find yourself that you lack the life activity around you of your personalities? They are only coming when its something urgent like remembering stuff at work or something that puts us in danger for not being neurotypicals, or when we need to remember what we studyied, what our names is, or how old are we (dont even get me started we sometimes guess wrong :'). ) when we have stuff to do and I feel like shit and I cant handle. What do you think? Sorry for the long message Im only trying to figure this out. Maybe you'll have a clue what im talking about because im getting the feeling that im too drunk to write concise (also this is not my first language)
Im gonna sign with two initials so you'll know from now on if we ever have other questions to ask you with L. (shes always trying to help shes the flower power one) and E. (shes just plain bold and very brave at everything she does)
Again im wishing you a wonderful day/night and a peaceful holyday ( ・ω・)♡♡♡♤♤♤
Wait.. i KNOW you, it’s the brisk break method i ever told because sometimes focusing for too long depletes people’s energy faster and some other tips! Im so glad you actually passed because I’ve been sat here thinking if theres a change in your studies after seeing your ask being answered.
Would you pour me a glass too here as i say some stuffs,, also im having a great holiday, merry xmas.
I would admit that when we talk about alternate personalities between BPD and DID, its bit hard to actually discern which is which because it’s broad and everyone has it uniquely (aka will never be the same, thus cannot rule out easily) so.. hm. I have a way to explain and guide to your conclusion:
These two mental conditions fall into the same dissociative spectrum with different severity, thus why it may have similarities and could even overlap which will be harder to tell which belongs to what. That being said, the similarities with these two would be: some level of identity separation/disconnection, has normal and emotinal amnesia, automatic responses by dissociating to keep oneself from danger, and some inconsistencies with yourself.
The difference settles on the severity, how its triggered, and what related symptoms are commonly associated with the disorder.
As a bpd holder i can clearly tell apart which is from the disorder or not; you will have some sense of alternation, with this it won’t be as bad and you are aware that it’s part of you (which not always the case for did) + it doesn’t necessarily involve a shift in age, worldview or how you see yourself physically and more limited to states, percievings, and feelings. The critics are also in first-person for e.g. “this is so fricking stupid of me to say __ before, why did i do that???” That won’t apply to did.
Thats for one, though i want to keep it short so in general i want to say that bpd is from “idk which version of me is the actual me and i have a hard time finding and sticking to an authentic one” while did is “idk who i am and i thought i like this which turns out untrue after a few hours and i barely have got a sense of myself which makes me get stumped whenever i got asked something” kind of thing.
Things that are more bpd related: have struggles maintaining relations, mood swingy, fear of abandonment, emotional impermanence, anxious, very susceptible to amygdala hijacking
Things that are more did related: shifted sense of time, significant memory gaps, problems with memory consolidation and recall, frequent dissociation, feeling out of body, feeling not like yourself, inconsistent preferences
I cannot vouch if this is a yes or no about the question, coming from a system myself. So i hope you can do a bit more digging and use my insight to further help you, also feel free to contact me via DMs if it’s stull confusing. For now, i advice you to read more resources and take my words into account,
See you later!
- j
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
Ok after your whole “shintaro misogyny” “shinaya?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??????!,!,?,?,?,?,?,,,” rant (loved btw, Jin stop making ur female characters rely on male counterparts, stop making your male characters hate women or believe they are incapable challenge), how do you feel about Kanoshin. I know you have talked about it before but like, idk, talk about it again lol.
Kano “I can fix him” Shuuya? Or Kano “I can make him worse” Shuuya.
man. kanoshin. i dont think they're an i can fix him or i can make him worse duo. i dont think they are together FOR each other, they're together for their personal gratification if that makes sense??? at least that's how it starts. like they rly feed off of each other's worst coping mechanisms and validate themselves thru that. but through doing this obviously cant help to get to know each other and shintaro is pathetically laughing at kano's jokes and kano is pathetically kicking his feet and twirling his hair at shintaro groaning pathetically on the ground abt god knows what (NEVER forget this novel 7 moment)
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also its so funny how often in the novels shintaro just physically throws himself on the ground to start moaning and groaning whenever he gets embarrassed. he's such a fucking freak. like who the fuck does that
shintaro and kano in the seventh novel are so insanely gay it's SO fucking good. THE BIT WHERE SHINTARO SMILES AT KANO AND KANO'S LIKE HUH...THAT'S HOW HE USED TO SMILE AT AYANO... HE ALWAYS HAD THIS SPECIAL SMILE FOR HER, AND NOW HE'S SMILING JUST LIKE THAT TO ME... like GIRLLLL *EXPLODES THEM WITH MY MIND* there is seriously no heterosexual explanation for any of that. god the seventh novel is so so so good. all of them are so good i wonder why it's the least consumed kagepro media they're SUPERIOR. the novels my #1 forever i fucking love them.
anyways. im normal erm kanoshin hehehehehehehhehe i think they're both far too terrified and disgusted abt their feelings for each other to consider stuff like "i can fix him" or "i can make him worse" YOU GET WHAT IM SAYING??? on this subject specifically, shintaros self hatred comes from well everything bitch hates himself but if we're talking abt kanoshin. 1. its ayanos brother. even if we dont even look at shinaya ever being romantically involved in the first place, THIS IS WEIRD TO HIM. 2. internalized homophobia arc☝️☝️☝️🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍👍💯💯💯
the fic i drew fanart of a couple days ago is SO *EATS IT EATS IT EATS IT* or also a soulmate au that i havent read in aaaages and also never finished but in that one shintaro was already out as bi... sadly both are aus WHICH DOESNT make them bad, aus are awesome but the things I'd do for content like that set post str. please. *bite bite bite bite bite* srry i bring these fics up cuz hehehe internalized homophobia shintaro is so good
maybe kano would eventually set for i can make him worse but it's in an attempt of scaring shintaro away. he's like im gonna self sabotage so much to make sure he stays away from me but shintaro is STILL here looking pathetic and kano's like god DAMMIT. erm. yeah.
btw now for me being crazy (tw me using shintaro as a stress toy to make me laugh): i think post str shintaro is not AS BAD with being absolutely fucking insufferable abt his whole guys rule girls drool thing because my man's had a little time to grow (ignores shinaya chapter in the eighth novel so i don't go insane with anger). i think post str shintaro makes 1 sexist comment and the entire mekakushi dan just fucking freeze for a moment. and give him an intervention and force him to say im sorry women and ever since then is more mindful of his actions. sorry i have to be delusional and believe this or else I'd just fucking hate his ass. im sorry shinaya i love you but *burns novel 8 shinaya chapter*
shintaro's messy relationships post str is my favorite stress toy btw. relationship with ayano crumbles. starts WHATEVER THAT IS with kano. in the self hatred confusion and internalized homophobia and etc the situation causes him (situation being gf dumped me bc im selfish so i hate myself / i kissed a boy a couple times so i hate myself) he desperately turns to the next closest Female(?) Counterpart with the following thought process "Pfff well i am so straight and SO capable of holding a normal relationship and i can PROVE IT there is one person who is 1. girl enough 2. apparently okay with me being a selfish asshole and consuming all their energy with my bullshit". so the solution is obvious to shintaro. just date takane.
turns out hitting on your best friend who also happens to be ur other best friend's gf is not good for either one of these relationships. so his friendship with not only takane but also haruka crumbles too in response and its so awkward. takane bc 1. i dont feel this way abt you and I'd treat the situation sensibly if i didnt know you well enough to know you dont actually like me that way and ur just taking me for granted like youve been doing all this time which WAS pissing me off and on its way to eventually explode but THIS....??? and haruka 2. YOU JUST HIT ON MY GIRLFRIEND?? (shintaro would be like maaan why did you tell haruka. and harutaka are like *slam door on his face*) situation drives shintaro to possibly end up kissing kano again. 🤨
its so hilarious. to me at least. ITS FINE he will get over it and makeup with everyone but i like making him suffer 👍 this is what you get shintaro. What do you have to say to the women in the world. apologize. say im sorry women. say it. say it and I'll leave you alone. sorry i went a little crazy in the end
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mothman-clarice · 1 year
Some hurt/comfort/angst hcs to help soothe my depressed ass
WARNING: Detailed descriptions of self harm and panic attacks
Hannibal and clarice as we know have some serious ptsd
Although both of them have done a great job of coping with it there will always be dips with mental health
Sometimes these dips turn into nosedives
Basically they both self harm sometimes
Clarice does it very rarely but hannibal does it more often and his sh is more severe
Clarice will punch walls and bang her fist against her head or bite her hands and arms
Her sh always happens when she has a bad panic attack
Its loud and full of wails and sobs
Hannibal is much quieter with his sh and his ptsd attacks
When he gets flashbacks he becomes completely rigid and cold
When hes stressed or getting close to an episode he will have bad BFRBD (body focused repetitive behavior disorder) episodes
He will scratch at his shoulders and arms, pick at his hands and fingers until they bleed, even then he will continue picking at them
He will pick at every part of his body until it bleeds. He cant help it, it's a compulsion
He goes into a sort of trance, he becomes fixated on picking.
And if he gets stressed enough, hell start cutting
Hes completely silent when he does it. Maybe tears will silently fall down his cheeks but he doesnt sob or yell or even whimper. He doesn't seem to show any emotion
Inside though, hes screaming louder than the souls of hell
Thousands of wails and screams eating away at his mind
His eyes are vacant, empty voids of numbness and tears
Clarice has become very well acquainted with hannibal's sh attacks and she can immediately recognize when one is starting.
If she suspects hes having the start of an episode she will keep a close eye on him and not leave him alone.
Shell ask him if hes ok or if something is bothering him. Sometimes he feels ok enough to vent to her, sometimes he doesnt have the energy to respond
If he doesnt respond then she knows he really needs her help
Shell ask him if he needs a hug or some comfort and shell wait for him to respond in some way, even if she has to use yes or no questions
Shell only hug or comfort him with his consent, she knows he hates having his space invaded
If he doesnt want comfort she will nod and stay in the room with him as much as possible to make sure hes ok.
If he starts to sh she will try to find something to distract him, be it a favorite poem or playing a song for him
It's a long tedious process of gentle coaxing and comfort but the relief of seeing him get thru a ptsd attack without hurting himself is enough of a motivator. It's the little victories.
Now when clarice has episodes, it's a different story.
as I said she has violent and loud ptsd attacks
These episodes are extremely physically demanding and exhausting and often leave clarice very weak and battered
Therefore hannibal knows he needs to derail her episode as quickly as possible
He starts by trying to hug her tightly when he sees the first possible signs
He tries to restrict her arms and body so she cant hurt herself without hurting him too
At the same time he tries to talk her through her panic, using grounding techniques and calming phrases
He makes very good use of his charm and charisma
When hes pretty sure the worst of the episode is over he will loosen his grip to a normal hug and just rub her back
Hell hold her face to his chest and let her cry it out
This method tends to be very effective although sometimes, very very rarely he doesnt stop the episode early enough before shes already started banging her head against a wall
For situations like this he tries to stay away for his own safety and wait for a moment where it's safe for him to grab her and stop her
He has to be pretty rough with this but it's either that or he let's her abuse herself
Either way both of them try their absolute best to help each other in their worst moments
And both of them are equally eternally grateful for the others patience and compassion
It always ends with them both in an embrace, pressing soft kisses on each other's face and a silent but powerful expression of gratitude
I need therapy but I live in America so this is the best I can afford :))))
On a serious note I do have ptsd and BFRBD and the descriptions I give come from my personal experiences. Obviously though not everyone with one disorder will have the same experience.
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shoezuki · 3 years
piglin techno confusing the fuck out of ranboo hcs
i jus be doin some shit sometimes n then my brain is like ‘hey think a this’ and i been tryin to type this out but my internet is so bad rn i couldnt even Open a new post what the fuck. anywayss. this ran so long. so fucking long
started with ‘i wonder how piglins act’ and now technoblade is doin some shit, ranboo is so confused, and philza is a delighted bystander who is having the time of his life
technoblade is 100% piglin. many people think he’s part human to some degree but hes Completely and Utterly piglin
most assume as much since he doesnt begin to rot in the overworld. but short answer; he’s Built Different
long answer is a blessing of the bloodgod but shhhhhh
techno never corrects anyone or talks about being piglin or Anything. he just doesnt care what other people think and assume. the only one who Knows is phil
phil had first thought it was out of some sort of shame or desire to Hide it but. yeah. no. techno jus doesnt care. build; different
although more Notable piglin traits come to like if he’s close to people
piglins are both social and anti social. kinda. they can be hugely independent, do well without ‘proper’ socialization for a Long while. but they group together for Lifetimes. once piglins find a family or friends and expend Full trust to them. its all or nothing you Cant break them up
how tommy betrayed and turned his back on techno just. its like a physical pain. once he trusted and respected him, the mere Idea of betrayal was nowhere in question. it never occurred to him
philza is now the only person that techno consciously and subconsciously considers him a part of his ‘pack’ (i cant figure out a better term but that one doesnt Fit)
techno never realizes when he acts piglin traits out towards those he trusts. he never does so in company outside of what he considers family. philza notices though.
phil tends to study and research other races and cultures a lot. he’s been around a long while, has met many people of all different backgrounds. he likes knowing and understanding what he can. its just fun too.
it mostly started when he first met techno because he wanted to figure out what the FUCK techno was doing without asking and therefore embarrassing him
but phil knows techno well. and he knows piglins well enough. and he Knows techno doesnt ever seem to be self aware of his more inhuman habits
but Phil knows. and he Notices when techno starts to consider ranboo a part of the pack
First, it’s gifts.
surprisingly, its ranboo giving techno the axe first
he wasnt there to see it. but phil might as well have been present, considering how Horrifically in depth techno ‘ranted’ to him bout it
but techno reciprocates it and Then he really starts to notice more and more
first, it was giving the enchanted apple to ranboo. sure it Technically had been swiped by techno out from under ranboo but it was still Something. techno wasnt one to give up valuables easily
then techno starts ‘complaining’ about ranboos living area. and his eating habits. phil looks away when techno smuggles golden carrots into ranboo’s shack 
eventually technoblade is crafting ranboo a cloak to match their own and he’s freaking out about ranboo’s height and his dimensions and how much cloth he’ll need but he refuses to ask ranboo and phil is holding his head in his hands
(phil forces techno to gift him the cloak in person rather than stash it under his pillow and run like he’d planned. techno bitched about it but after ranboo practically lit up, burying himself in the cloak and thanking techno so hard his throat mustve hurt, techno was so practically purring the rest of the day)
after gifts, its noises. 
techno is seemingly silent. he doesnt speak up much, moves so quietly people tend to jump when he appears. 
in reality, he talks to himself constantly. either when alone or when in phil’s company. philza knows that aspect is the ‘voices’, and also just technoblade’s tendency to fill the silence and wonder his own thoughts aloud
but the snorts, squeels, grumbles, and other sounds he makes without realizing are some phil knows are piglin
its often guttural, a noise he makes in the back of his throat that rumbles and reverberates through his bones. 
itd sound terrifying to anyone, but after years of techno trilling deep when phil enters a room, when he returns from some sort of journey, when he says hello or makes his presence known in anyway, phil realized its more like a greeting. excitement to see him. it became something sweet
long story short ranboo nearly jumped so high his head went through the ceiling when he’d first walked into the home, said hello, and some gruff purr sounded from the techno’s chest
theyd both jumped so hard, stared at each other as if they were trying to figure out what was wrong with the other 
phil was physically pained as he held back his laughter to the point he was crying. that changed the subject to him quickly
it didnt happen again for a while, but phil didnt say anything and just watched. it was too entertaining
techno would make his small squeals between breaths when he remembered something, muttered to himself, snorted and huffed even as ranboo was around
ranboo got used to it. he stopped jumping or even looking confused when techno trilled some sort of deep purr when ranboo would join them for dinner
lastly, techno was tactile
or, as tactile as he could be. techno wasnt touchy even on a great day. he was selective, reserved, would lean into phil or loop an arm over his shoulders but would never say anything about it
phil didnt question it and would just pat techno on the arm without saying a word
but. sometimes. when phil would be gone for a long time, techno would rest the entire weight of his head on phil’s shoulder, practically encapturing him, rumbling and grumbling so harsh it shook phil’s whole body
phil still wasnt certain on this one. he couldnt find much in the way of what it meant. piglin’s tended to stay with their own, and they never reunited after long periods of time because they never would dare to separate for long
 he was kind of guessing here, but the way techno would drop his shoulders and practically melt made phil think he was just missing him and wanted to confirm phil’s presence. 
it wasnt like he complained. it was sweet
ranboo had been gone a while. he was vague on why, or where. phil had a suspicion or two but ranboo kept a lot of secrets
neither techno or phil pried too far, but phil could tell it was disconcerting to techno. he was tense and kept himself almost deathly busy for two weeks
(piglin rarely if ever kept secrets from one another, phil had read once. omitting a few things here and there, maybe. but lying or deception was out of the question)
phil hadn’t been there when ranboo returned. he’d been gathering firewood after techno was insistent they completely top up all of ranboo’s stores
he’d heard the muffled growls techno made as he walked towards ranboos shack, before even seeing him. 
when phil found them techno had ranboo nearly completely obscured in his cape, and definitely he’d have been out of sight if he was any shorter. 
techno’s head was lofted heavy in the crook of ranboo’s neck, forcing ranboo to hunch with arms wrapped tight around ranboo. his arms were pinned. 
ranboo caught his eyes, looking so scattered and tired and confused and maybe even terrified. he might have spoken or maybe he just mouthed ‘help me’ but the gruff purr-like sound techno made was too loud to hear him anyways
philza shoved his fist in his mouth to keep from laughing
later that night ranboo asked phil if techno was going to kill him. phil wanted to scream
even later then, techno had admitted to phil that, yeah, okay, maybe ranboo was growing on him. phil had never felt so violent
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S/o that asks for affection unconsciously when they wake up without even noticing (nsfw?), how would the Bucci gang + josuke + young joseph+ giorno react? :>
So I don’t age up characters for NSFW, so I’ll just do fluff for Narancia, Josuke, Fugo, Giorno and Trish, but I will add some Adult Characters with NSFW for your troubles. :) I’ll add a cut for the NSFW as well so anyone can read before the cut, but only 18+ after please!
Warnings: Language
Bucciarati (Fluff):
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-He’s surprised when you hug him from behind when just standing around, or when you slip your hand in his just sitting, or stand behind him while he’s sitting and scratch his back (BLEASE DO THIS FOR HIM he will on god love you forever) 
-So when you two decide to move in, he’s also surprised to find that this carries over into sleeping. 
-He’ll wake up with you literally splayed out on top of him, And he blushes so hard. He’ll try to gently push you off of him back onto the bed, because surely you can’t be comfortable like that.
-Will immediately stop when you tighten your grip and stir, instead allowing his hands to rest on your back.
-He’s honestly not used to it but he will indulge you because god you’re so warm, and so soft and so beautiful in his arms. 
-You’ll notice when you’re awake that he’ll start to return your touches, leaning into your back scratches, squeezing your hand when you slip yours into his, Place his hands over your arms when you hug him from behind. 
-Will never say why, though. It’s his secret. 
Abbacchio (Fluff):
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-You may not notice, but god, does he.
-He Panic. You’re half awake, and you just reach out and pull yourself closer to him, nuzzling your face into his chest, Your breath evening out. 
-Oh god what does he do with his hands are you even comfortable there’s no way you’re comfortable jesus what the hell
-He opts to push you away, but you tighten your hold, babbling something out in your sleep about being warm. 
-(He do be warm tho ngl) 
-It takes everything, and I mean, E v e r y t h i n g in him to give in and rest his arms around you, but once he does, and you snuggle even closer? God he’s in love. You’re literally the most precious thing to him. 
-When you’re awake tho he will absolutely push you off the bed without remorse. (Expect a top of the head kiss from him though he’s soft.) 
Mista (Fluff):
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-He’s laying awake, tracing his finger along the wall, making damn sure the sex pistols don’t wake you. 
-In his distraction, you reach out, grasping his arm and hugging it. 
-(Arcana reference but Julian laugh) Oh ho ho!
-He takes note that you’re still asleep, and pulls you on top of him, securing his arms around you so that you don’t slip off. 
-Instead of tracing the wall, he will now be trailing his fingers up and down your arms and back, and through your hair. 
-His heart is melting you’re so god damn cute. He’ll tighten his grip, just gazing down at you with nothing but adoration in his eyes. 
-He will tease the everloving shit out of you when you wake up. Like he will not stfu about it. 
-He will also be a million times more physically affectionate with you during the day lol it’s sickening
-He is NOT stinky JFC
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-Whaaaaat are you doing?
-Oh, you’re asleep.
-He’ll stiffen up, but oh no you’re sleeping he cant just...push you away... he’s not heartless....
-He is confused to say the least, and a lil bit uncomfy, but he trusts you. 
-Watches as your features relax as your face presses into the crook of his neck and your arm tightens around his middle. Oh fuck you’re cute
-you’ve won him over. 
-He’ll wrap an arm around your waist, (So you don’t fall dsjdsjdsj) and let you be close to him. He enjoys it too, if he’s being honest. You’re so cute. 
-When you wake up, he’s much kinder and softer towards you. He’ll make any excuse to gently bump knees while you’re sitting or to brush his hand against yours while reaching for something. 
-Only because you asked for it tho
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-Nani in tarnation is goin on?
-He’s completely taken by surprise. You’re asleep? And you want him? To hold you? ???? ?????? *Windows start up sounds* 
-He literally doesn’t know what to do He’s so soft and so confused with his negative brain cells (I do hate him but I will admit he does have a big heart he is a sweetie) 
-He will, a little too eagerly, hug you back. His tenacity may or may not wake you up. (It does. Sorry.) 
-You wake up to a surprise hug though so win win?
-The more you subconsciously ask, the more he gives, until you two are literally glued together. (Social distancing whomst? We don’t know her.) 
-Expect sloppy kisses everywhere. On the other hand, funnily enough, you will have to initiate the hugging. He’s so scared. What if he hugs you too tight? What if he wakes you up again? What if he suffocates you? What if you don’t like his hugs
-Hug him jfc he needs reassurance that you want to be held. 
-Sleepy morning hugs where you two are just breathing in sync and there’s not a care in the world are his favorite
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-He is a light sleeper. I know I’ve said this before, but he is a very, very, very light sleeper. 
-So when you reach out and grasp at any piece of him you can reach, trying to close the gap between you (It’s a cold winter morning, come on) 
-He’ll startle awake and look over at you to check and see if you’re okay. 
-Oh, you are okay. Oh, you just want held? Alright. He’s up for that. Oh. You’re asleep? He’ll have to be especially careful to not wake you. 
-He will pull you close and rub circles into your back, pressing his cheek against the top of your head. He might even fall back asleep. If you stir, it’s not for long. His warmth and soothing movements lull you back to sleep in the safety of his arms. 
-When you’re awake, he’ll definitely be more affectionate, pressing tiny flowers into your hands, brushing your hair back, k i s s i n g y o u r k n u c k l e s (Im so fucking soft) 
-But seriously imagine Giorno getting down on one knee, taking your hand, and brushing his lips against your knuckles while looking up at you with literally nothing but love and affection in his eyes im going to cry
-Anything he does will have you a blushing mess
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-Who tf is waking her up? 
-oh, it’s you
-Oh, you’re hugging her
-OH, You’re still asleep.
-O H, you’re fucking cute!
-She’ll study you for a minute, before reaching up to lightly cup your cheek in her hand, careful not to wake you up. Her fingers will flutter over your face, tracing your features. She absolutely adores how precious you look snuggled up against her. 
-When you wake up, expect to have your hand held all day. Trish is the queen of hand holding. She will also take your face in her hands and kiss the corners of your lips, and rest her head on your shoulder when you two are sitting next to each other.  
-She’ll have this smug look on her face the whole time too dsjdsjdsjdsjds 
-Will absolutely do the disgusting feeding each other thing. “Babe, try this!” *Proceeds to hold forkful of food in front of your mouth. “Oh, that looks good, can I have some?” *Lets you do the same* 
-It’s revolting and I love it. 
Joseph (Fluff):
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-He’s already awake. He’s got to get up early and train (Viva reverie reference: “With these tall hat guys for a looooong time!”)  But oops, you just so happened to burrow against him, and your arm seems to have found its way across his stomach. What a predicament, you’re still asleep! He can’t wake you!
-He decides that he just doesn’t have the heart to move you, and wraps his arms around you to pull you even closer. What if you get cold? He’s warm, you’ll be warm next to him!
-He will hold you against him until you wake up, no matter how late it makes him. Punishments be damned. You’re way too cute and this opportunity is way too good to pass up. 
-In all honesty though he’s elated that you want him to hold you. This carries over into you being awake. He’ll be hanging off of you. Hell, He’ll carry you around if you give the okay. He will absolutely kneel so he can carry you around on his shoulders. 
-He’s very handsy, so rip to your personal space. You asked for it, after all. You wanna sit in that chair over there? Aww, that’s too bad. He’s your chair now. 
-Are you complaining tho? He’s got some thicc thighs, you’ll be pretty comfy. 
-Psst his hands are gonna be like twice your size compare hand sizes he will love it
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-He’s already cuddly bb
-But if on the rarest of rare occasions he either 1.) wakes up before you or 2.) Isnt already holding you, and you press closer to him in your sleep, just maybe ball his shirt up in your fists as you clutch at him, yearning for the affection you’re too scared to ask for when you’re awake
-Oh god he cry
-He cry so hard
-He is the (Parker James’ Steven Voice) CEO of bear hugs. Especially if someone as adorable as you is cuddling up against him.
-He will pull you up against him and bury his face in your hair, maybe even falling back asleep himself. (good luck getting out of his embrace when he’s asleep lol There’s no chance.) 
-it is always a nice surprise to wake up cocooned in his arms, his entire body wrapped around you. 
-When you’re both awake, He’ll do lots of little things for you. Absentmindedly rub your back and shoulders, sling an arm around your shoulders, link pinkies, hold hands, forehead kisses
-He will lift you up and spin you around and kiss you but shh don’t tell anyone
-He is
-so GOD damn soft I love him 
18+ ONLY
-He’s in the midst of registering being awake, getting prepared for the day, when he notices that you’re uh
-he can’t help his erection when he sees you bury your face in his neck and grind your hips against him. You’re still asleep, what could you possibly be dreaming about? 
-Oh god if he hears you whimper his name it’s all over for you. 
-Shakes your shoulder, peering into your sleep-gripped eyes and smiles nervously. 
-”Tesoro, would you mind if I made love to you before I left for work?” 
-Your lips on his are answer enough. He’ll thrust into you at a slow, sensual speed, showering you in praises, leaving soft kisses all over your body. Never marking, but always making sure the feeling of his mouth lingers on your skin. 
-He will speak only in italian during this time, so unless you know italian, don’t count on understanding anything he says. (You’ll have a pretty good Idea of what he means tho 👀)
-He will absolutely make sure you won’t be getting out of bed for the rest of the day. He definitely has a way of making your body melt under his touch. He’s never rough. He’s so, so gentle with you, and you’d be surprised how quickly he can have you cumming because of it. 
-If you ask nicely, he’ll stay in bed with you for a little longer afterwards, pressing kisses into your hair and telling you how much he cherishes you
-”You don’t have to be afraid, dolcezza. My arms are always open for you. You’ll find in them nothing but home.” 
-Did you just grab his tiddies?
-He’s in the middle of telling you off when he sees that you’re asleep, mumbling about how you want him to take you, grinding against him. 
-Something feral awakens in him at the sight of you, unknowingly begging for him, and he grabs your wrists, flipping you fast, waking you, and leaning over you, his breath hot against your ear. 
-”Dolcezza, Is it okay if I fuck you?” 
-The answer is yesssssssss
-Oh bby he is R o u g h. He’ll use his stand to hold your arms above your head and push your legs up so far that your thighs will be pressed against your chest, and he will pound into you with a speed and force that’s almost inhuman
-He will kiss you hard, and long, so that when he pulls away, you’re gasping for air, your lips bruised, your eyes rolled into the back of your head. 
-Any qualms he has about being this close to you are out the door. You’ll have deep handprints in your legs from where he was holding them, and the darker the bruise he leaves with his mouth, the happier he is. He doesn’t care where he leaves them, either. Expect some on your chin, your neck, your chest, anywhere he can reach, honestly. But if your lips are bruised, that’s what satisfies him the most. 
-You’ll definitely cum more than once, and once he cums, it’s hard, and he’ll pull you flush against him, breathing heavily, burying his face in your shoulder. Tell him it’s okay, because once he’s come down from his high, his fear that he hurt you is overwhelming. He loves you, after all. Reassure him. Hold him close, and don’t let go. 
-(Once again Julian laugh) Oh ho ho! 
-He’s gonna watch for a minute, but wake you up if the pressure becomes too much for him. He’ll give you a moment to wake up, and then ask you to fuck. 
-(Yes yes yes) 
-He’s like a mix of Abbacchio and Bucciarati. Rough and kinky, but will literally shower you in praise and affection. 
-He likes tugging your hair while taking you from behind (If you have hair. If not, his hands will grip your waist, or reach around to rub your clit/stroke your cock depending. 
-He will kiss down your back while leaning over you, making sure to leave little marks that’ll last, but not long 
-Definitely makes you cum before he does, but if he can, really enjoys cumming together. To him, it adds to the intimacy of the moment. 
-”Oh, Bombolone, do you need me so much that You want me even in your dreams? I’ll wake you each time, I need you more than you know. You are so perfect. You are so wonderful, and adorable, and I love you so much.” 
-He will literally not shut the fuck up during sex but it’s okay because it’s all sweet and loving. 
-Oh jesus christ stroke his ego why dontcha
-if you’ve discussed it beforehand, and you’re into Somnophilia, he’ll fuck you right there. But if not, He’ll take the time to wake you, his ears burning red. 
-”Oi, babe, You were holding onto me kinda tight and grinding your hips against my leg. If you want me that bad, say something.”  
-He will destroy you. Something about seeing you want him when you’re not even aware of what you’re doing? OOF. 
-He also has a bad case of not shutting the fuck up during sex. 
-The best remedy to this is to just pull him down into a kiss while he’s snapping his hips against yours. Hold it for as long as possible. It’ll make his heart happy if you’re bold enough to initiate a kiss as well. 
-He cums before you but will help you cum as well, whether it be eating you out/blowjob or fingering you/handjob. (If you’re AMAB then he’ll let you return the favor tbh) 
-Will shamelessly ask you for a blowjob. If you indulge him, he’s on cloud nine, His hands weaved into your hair, watching your every move as your mouth closes around his cock and your tongue swirls around him. It takes all of his self control not to throat fuck you. 
-Once you’ve reached your limit, he’ll help you into the shower and massage wherever’s sore, washing you off with a gentleness that’s a stark contrast to his movements prior. 
-When did you end up in his sleeping bag? 
-He’s awake before you or Johnny, and he notices you’ve burrowed yourself close to him. You’re also
-Nyo-ho. Oh are you also. 
-He’ll shake your shoulder, and once you’re awake, he’ll flash his grill and lean in, whispering in your ear
-”D’you wanna fuck me that bad that you’re doing it in your sleep, doll?” 
-Who cares if johnny’s sleeping right over there, with your consent, he’s inside of you faster than anything. He’ll give you a moment to adjust to him, and then start off slow, massaging your hips and thighs, whispering how amazing you are. 
-He goes slow, but makes sure he’s down to his full length with every thrust, pressing his lips into the corners of your mouth, then crashing them directly against your lips, not letting you come up for air until your legs are trembling around him. 
-He won’t change things up until he hears a “Please” 
-That’s his favorite word. If you groan out a “Please, Gyro,” And your voice cracks, oh, are you in for a t r e a t. 
-He’ll make you see stars, but shh, don’t get too loud, doll. Johnny’s asleep. If you’re being too loud, he’ll cover your mouth with his hand. 
-Please hold onto him. Wrap your arms and legs around him while he fucks you. He loves it so much. 
-Once you’ve cum, he tumbles not long after, blurting out something in italian that you can only hope to understand if you don’t speak it. (Hint: It’s praises for you and your body.) 
-Once he’s done, he falls back down next to you, pulling you close and pressing his lips to your forehead, deciding that It can be a later start than usual today. Besides, you look so cute curled up against him like that, doll. 
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