#only those that intentionally hurt others are the ones that make excuses
axolotlclown · 3 months
A girl left vomiting into her hand and you're saying "I didn't know they had a bad night :("
Kids, please listen to me. They did not care about whether or not these girls had a good night. Any grown adult knows this. They did not care for their safety, and multiple girls got hurt. End of fucking story. No more discourse. We're done.
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mr-ribbit · 4 months
gonna rant again bc im seeing a lot of trans women on my dash having to carry the heavy lifting to argue for their basic respect and a lot of other queer people who want to ??? get mad about that apparently. for the record as usual: im tme, im not speaking for anyone besides myself and my perspectives, but I am trying to reach out to fellow tme people to level with y'all from inside the house.
i thought we all got past the 'calling people gendered terms when theyve asked you to stop' thing in like. 2012. i swear we were allllll on board with not calling women dude anymore, nerfing sir and ma'am, neutralizing collective terms for groups, and all of that was like, during the onceler era. that's how we got off-putting shit like folx into the mix - remember???? why are we here again.
to those who I've seen claiming that they REALLY genuinely don't want to offend anyone, and that theyre trying to understand the dude thing, and they don't want to be seen as transmisogynistic when they aren't: ok. let's talk about it. step one, stop sending that really loaded anon to a trans woman you don't know, and close that in-group hatepost with 100 replies from people name-dropping trans bloggers they don't like. try to open your mind and assume for the duration of this post that I am not cynically trying manipulate thousands of tumblr users into making Bro the next big swear word, but a fellow queer human being who thinks you're all being pretty intentionally obtuse about an upsetting trend in our community
to be clear: this post is about the issue of trans women being called bro, dude, man, etc., particularly in recent tumblr discourse about transmisogyny, and the backlash they face if they get upset about it. this is also maybe moreso about the shitty ass excuses I see tme people make for why they supposedly can't stop doing this.
so let's go through some of the things I've been seeing people say they don't understand, supposedly in earnest, about this issue
I'm not actually going to exhaust my list of reasons why dude/bro/man are not strictly neutral, but you should be pretty aware that all words have context. Dude might be seen as neutral in many contexts, sure, but 'woman who is frequently called a man by others' is a situation where the context adds extra meaning to your words, just like calling someone "sweetie" might be neutral in some cases, but if you've got the context of knowing that's your coworker who's half your age, it's a bit less neutral. If you're not capable of reading that context and being tasteful about when you say dude, then you need to at least be ready to respond gracefully when someone asks you to stop. This is the part I'd rather focus on.
I think you should consider broadening your perspective *beyond* your intention behind the word. people may already understand that you meant the word neutrally and therefore didn't have transmisogynistic intent, but that's not really the entire scope of what people are saying. if that's your only concern, you're just trying to clear your record, not actually listen to what they're saying.
there are lots of words people don't enjoy being called, and in most cases, when they say 'pls don't call me that', people respect that and move on. even if the word isn't a slur, if it hurts someone's feelings, we all as a society have agreed that it's pretty shitty to keep calling them that. if your friend asked you not to call them 'buddy' anymore because their dead grandparent called them that, or something equivalently personal, you'd probably respect that instead of telling them 'but I call everyone buddy!!' right? even if you didn't really understand why it bothered them so much?
there is a prominent tendency for trans women to be denied this privilege, and when they ask not to be called dude or bro, people don't seem to respect this request as much as they would in other situations. when I accidentally use a gendered word and someone tells me they don't like it, I try to respond with something like "my bad, I didn't mean it as misgendering but I can see you were still bothered by it, so I'll try not to keep saying it. sorry!" and most people are willing to accept that. when trans women ask people this favor, a lot of people get VERY defensive, and treat the request as inane or unfair, instead of just apologizing and moving on. this is why people are upset when this happens, and it's why people are calling your actions transmisogynistic
also like you might not be doing this, but a lot of people DO use dude and bro in an intentionally gendered way to make trans women uncomfortable. it's a power play bigots use to talk down to them or otherwise maliciously harass them. do you know what arguments they use to defend that behavior when called out on it? 'oh I call everyone that' 'dude is gender neutral calm down' 'dont overreact its just a word'. by acting like this, youre all just giving credence to those same arguments.
they can get as mad as they want!! also, are you sure they're 'mad'? or are they just expressing their feelings about a negative topic to you, and it makes you feel bad, so you have to make them out to be unreasonably emotional? how do you think they should have phrased 'dont call me that' to better spare *your* feelings?
also like, in most cases, these women do not knowww you. if your main response to someone saying you disrespected them is to say "I didnt mean it that way, I meant it in a friendly neutral way", well that's NOT YOUR FRIEND! she has no idea what your opinions are or what you think of her!!! she has no reason to assume you only upset her in a friendly way and not a bad unfriendly way! but she did get upset, and she did the one thing she can do which is *tell you what upset her* and your response is to say "well actually you shouldn't be upset at all"??????
and another thing:
it's not just the issue of using the word 'dude', it's because you're coming off extremely dismissive of women who have asked you to stop doing something that harms them, and because your argument is basically that they just shouldn't be so bothered by it. or that they're stupid, irrational, or otherwise crazy for telling you that it bothered them at all, just because you Technically used a gender neutral word according to Your Rules. be honest, does that seem fair? If people were calling you something that bothered you enough to ask them to stop, and they responded like this, how would it make you feel?
focusing solely on your intent and what the words mean when you use them is the same thing as saying "just get over it". no woman should need to Prove to you that 'dude' is gendered for you to care about what she's saying. the fact that you're asking people to do that sucks and makes you look bad, which is why people are arguing with you and calling you a misogynist.
especially those of you who are only doing this with trans women who are actively arguing with. you're wielding misgendering as a cudgel and we can all see it, grow up please.
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fairyhaos · 7 months
seventeen as wave to earth songs
requested by @haocovr !
notes: this was my excuse to finally drag my ass into listening to w2e haha
[this fic's spotify playlist]
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sunburn. the prominent drum beats and guitars make the song feel darker than some of their others. more grounded, more determined, more assured. nothing whimsical, but still fiercely and unconditionally loving all the same. there's also protection there- the idea of intentionally burning in the sun for people you love to live.
evening glow. it's a song about how one is perceived and receiving love unconditionally anyway, and it's something that, oddly, fits jeonghan. it's also a song that gives off vibes of tired love: not a love that feels exhausting, but of loving someone deeply even when you're at your most exhausted. being by their side no matter what.
peach eyes. gentlest gentleman song for the gentlest gentleman person in the entire world. it reminds me of cliche romantic moments: picnics by the river, serenading someone on the balcony, kissing under fireworks. the colour imagery of pastels and gentleness fits him so well, too. there's devotion, fondness, looking over at someone and realising you want to spend the rest of your life with them.
daisy. it's whimsical. it's romantic. it's almost painfully fluffily cheesy and hopelessly infatuated and adorable, just like junhui. it's eyes lighting up almost embarrassingly bright when you see your favourite person. it's giggling internally when you finally hold hands with them. it's junhui in a nutshell.
pueblo. it's chill. it's a chill song, don't-carish but also just at peace. it feels like the soundtrack to a vlog that he'd make, playing in the background as he walks down a bridge, hoodie hanging off one shoulder while the sun beats down on him, but he feels calm. honestly the song just makes me think of 231005 hoshi tbh.
love. the opening notes of this song are so, so lavender purple, and the lyrics are very silver. those of you who have read my wonwoo synaesthesia post know how important that is to me. but it's also so gentle, almost relaxed, in its message of love, like faces melting into smiles that lift up the lips almost of their own accord.
gold. the drums at the beginning with their syncopated beats is so delicious and basically sold this song as woozi-coded to me. but also the conviction and the determination and self-confidence is so present in this song. it makes me think of bronze coloured pedestals and nameless faces in a crowd but also immense sense of self-assuredness.
light. it reminds me of some watercolour-style animated movie with no dialogue, only music, and changing sceneries of watercolor people living in a watercolor world. it's whimsical, but not quite. it's dreamy, but only almost. nevertheless, it's romantic, devastatingly so, and promises care and affection like no other.
so real. can't explain this one tbh. it starts off so chill and minghao-esque, but it makes me think of mingyu too bc this man is so perceptive and very feeling and very very empathetic. and then the crescendo into a jazzy instrumental outro? it's so so mingyu in the busy-ness of it and the swirling colours and brightness and desire to be perceived but also to be perceived well.
calla. the elegance and the beauty and the hope and the natural imagery that this entire song and it's title evokes is so dk it actually hurts. the blues melodies with the accidentals add a yearning note to the song and it's all so complex and beautiful and reminds me of him. also the message of protection? of nurture? of growth? does that not make you think of him too?
wave. this feels like roadtrips, but peaceful roadtrips. like snapshots of someone rolling down the car window, trailing their hand through the air as they drive down a road by the sea. it's like a daisy petal love, soft and numerous and almost child-like, full of a love that's been long established and carries the promise of many, many more years of comfort together.
bad. the idea of gentle devotion in the lyrics. the idea that seeing one particular person instantly makes your entire day better. the idea of utter adoration and unconditional love. that's so so vernon actually, and the gentleness and unquestioning, inexplicable, "of course my day was good. i saw you" is so devastatingly him in ways i just cannot explain
surf. the chill, the groove, the lightness? it's jazzy, light like sunlight peeking through thin white curtains. it's a song that immediately makes you smile and feel almost coyly warm, almost like the comfort and security that comes with taking someone's hand and running away from other people's control: it's a giddy security, perhaps a bit tenuous, but makes you feel alive.
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request guidelines
reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @evasaysstuff @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @hanniehaee @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @amxlia-stars @all-american-fangirl
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bluxb3rry · 2 months
❝𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐭!❞↳෴੭˚ ༘♡·˚₊˚ˑ༄ؘ 💜
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Hwang Hyunjin x male reader! Howdy Hehe, im back because its night and im eepy. Soooo, this was gonna be 100% Fluff...um nope, its angst, because my playlist decided that...yeh It's already the second one of falling apart love one shot with Hyunjin? Damn, i need to make more happy things with this man Anyway see ya
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
You were perfect in his eyes
The most handsome man in the world, universe even.
Hyunjin loved seeing you smile, laugh, talk and cry because of a random scene in a movie. He loved the way your eyes shine when the sun hits in the perfect moment. He loved the way you always touched his hair in a slow and soft way when you both were cuddling.
His arms hugging your waist and your hands in his hair and back. Looking like lost pieces in a weird puzzle, loving the company in a moment of silence and love.
His kisses would touch your skin, making you feel like little butterflies are resting in your skin, he would make a path to your lips, the feeling of love being obvious in every single kiss of his.
Hyujin loved hearing you talk, the random moments when he could be more than two hours with you, he would spend it listening to you. In a cafe, in the arcade or just in his house, he would listen to you. Hearing the most random story you could remember or maybe that one show that you loved watching. Did it end? Did you just start it? or maybe you just got bored of it?. Maybe you would talk about a new podcast you were listening, or about this book you started to read. He will take note of the name of it and maybe take a look, and maybe the conversation would be more long with his opinion in it.
Hyunjin loved hugging you in the late nights when he came back after practice, he was tired and the only thought in his mind was sleep till it was another year. But, that can wait, he needed to feel your warm, and smell that sweet perfume of yours. Or maybe, you already are sleeping, your phone in hand and the bed having a lonely and cold spot waiting for him. He would hug you, kiss you and sleep knowing that you are in his arms once again.
Hyunjin loved going out with you, maybe scared for all the crazy fans, knowing about his realtionship with a man, but after seeing you talking to him with a big smile in your face, he stopped caring after some time.
Hyunjin loved painting you, he did it intentionally at first, a little sketch in his notebook. He just realised after one of his teamates point it out, laughing at his red face. Then he just liked painting you, taking his time, rembering every single feature about you. That little mole you didn't like, your hair in the morning and you face all puffy. He would get distracted when painting your lips, thinking about kissing you just to feel the details a bit more.
Hyunjin loved you, thats why he hated when you both had a discussion. He was to tired, but it wasn't a excuse for telling you those mean things. He would always try and talk with you more calmly after, it worked most of the time, other times he would sleep on the cold couch, missing the warm your arms would give him.
Then in the morning, he would see you again, in the kitchen making breakfast. He didn't say anything because you didn't, he felt he had to be in silence.
He hated that day, the day you talked...your voice was as beautiful as always, your puffy face was still cute in his eyes, your lips as distracting as always, your eyes shining like always. But something new happened.
"i think...i don't love you anymore"
Your words hurt, for the first time.
He tried to talk about it, saying sorry for the words he had said before. But the truth is, your hugs started to be more short, your kisses had started to feel less long, the conversations shorter, the time was shorter and you stopped feeling love.
But Hyunjin stil loved you like the last person in earth
"...i think, i won't be able to love anyone like i loved you"
He said, remembering the lovely portraits in his studio, your face being his main muse
"i know...maybe i won't be able to do that either"
You looked at him, tears in your eyes, slowly falling in your cheeks.
"but im scared to hurt you...i don't want to hurt you Hyunjin"
But oh you were already killing him in one million different ways.
"if you say that...is because you already love someone else"
"i don't know! im confused...im scared, i really don't want to leave you"
"But...someone showed me love too...and im starting to accept it...."
"...i love you"
"im sorry..."
He bited his lip, trying not to cry, not now. Even if his heart broke, evein if the glass is in the floor hurting him, he wanted to walk and feel to blood just to heart it one more time.
"i love you"
You looked at him, and just hugged him
"I love you too....is just not the same anymore"
Hyunjin loved hearing you laugh, he loved talking to you, he loved you. But, he loved you being happy, and if thats with another man, then so be it. He looked at you one last time, and left.
He won't love someone else like he loved you.
Because you were his universe, but he was just another planet.
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
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mushroommanstan · 1 year
Creepy Tenko part 2
Part 1:
Part 3:
After your first encounter, you became quite popular around campus as the girl who finally stood up to creepy Tenko and lived. You got invitations to pretty much every frat, a lot of free drinks at the bar, and lots of gossip buddies to sit with at lunch. And while you did enjoy the attention, you felt kind of bad about what you did.
Yeah he said some pretty nasty things, but you were the one who invaded his personal space (and then some). God you hoped you hadn’t ruined your chances with him… you really did want to get to know him better. He seemed sweet.
Meanwhile, Tenko was spending the afternoon in his room, experimenting. Hmmm, how did you grab his shirt again? Like this? … no, it was tighter than that. Maybe like this? Oh yeah, that’s it! You gotta twist it! Mmmm, perfect.
And what was it that you said to him? Those eight words that made his heart beat faster and his legs quake. Oh yeah.
‘You do not talk to me like that.’
Fuck, just remembering the way you looked at him made him struggle to take off his pants already. Those 10 seconds of complete dominance over him were going to get him through a week of jack-off material.
Again and again the scene played out in his mind. Your intense eyes, your strong grip, your unyielding tone.
‘You do not talk to me like that.’
Mmmm yeah, that’s the stuff. He worked his gloved hand over his clothed dick. His underwear chafed along his dick but it was nothing compared to what his hand would do, so he ignored it.
He grabbed the lube and tissues from the bedside table, ready to make this the perfect night as over and over you scolded him in his mind.
‘You do not talk to me like that. You filthy slut.’
He pressed his eyes shut hard, working over himself faster and faster as a different scene played out in his mind.
He moved his unused hand, applying lube singlehandedly and dipping down into his boxers. This time from the back.
Oh no y/n, your fingers are circling his tender hole! Oh please, he’ll be a good boy! Oh god please don’t fill him up with your fingers!
He was completely lost in his fantasy, beginning to finger himself with a moan.
His imagination only got more and more intense as he moved quicker, your degrading words seemingly right in his ear.
His own hand was bullying his inner walls, while his other pinches his nutsack as he envisioned your perfect foot crushing them as you laughed. So good… so good!
His cum sprayed all over himself, dirtying the hoodie as the tissues beside him went utterly forgotten. He rode his orgasm for as long as he could, melting back into his bed as he came down from his high.
He never had felt anything like that. Usually when he did this he imagined things more… manly.
Oh but he liked this. He liked this way a lot more. And he liked using you in his fantasies. Just what the hell had you done to him?
There you were again. Same class, same desk.
Usually Tenko would at least pay attention in the beginning of class before oogling at the unobtainable girls, but today his attention was on you completely.
He knew he was probably overreacting about the encounter, after all you probably had forgotten all about it.
But… whenever people talked to him, they whether intentionally or unintentionally treated him like a monster. Shaky voice, careful wording, hollow compliments, bullshit excuses to leave, all their confidence melting away as they prayed to make it out alive. Come out of interacting with him alive.
That, or their fight/flight instincts chose fight, and they tried to hurt him before he hurt them. Whether it be verbal or physical, he’s had some brave people stand up to him for no apparent reason. He got used to the insults. He stopped fighting them and accepted them like a wise, crazy old man once said.
They also gave up trying to hurt him, as he had not only the reflexes and pain tolerance of a god, but the protection of the hero business. He didn’t actually kill anyone since… that day… but instead the aforementioned hero scholarship program got the aggressors expelled and silenced so there wouldn’t be any controversy when he graduated. The kids weren’t seen again and despite any actual evidence, rumors spread.
So really, he was so used to being treated as a monster that he accepted his role as one. And all of these past experiences are what made him so baffled at how you treated him. You touched, no, fearlessly pressed yourself against him, your cheek touching his dry and cracked one. You spoke to him with no hesitance or anger or anything. You maintained eye contact with him that wasn’t a test of who would look away first.
You weren’t scared of him, and that’s what drew him to you.
He had to know more, get to know why you’re comfortable around him. See if he could, as cheesy as it sounds… be your friend.
Ugh, even thinking that made him cringe. He didn’t want to be your friend, you were hot and he wanted to fuck you. That’s it.
Look out world, he doesn’t have any knowledge of flirting or social interaction in general, but by god is he gonna try.
He looked at you, eyes squinting as he calculated his next moves like a chess game. He spent all night planning out these next few hours. He can do this. He can talk to you like a regular person.
You were humming to yourself, scribbling notes on a sheet of paper as the lesson continued, and he made his move.
Reaching into his hoodie, resting on top of ‘Father’, was the same gameboy that sparked your first, uh, he’s gonna say ‘conversation’.
He whipped it out with confidence, intentionally pulling it out on his visible side. He turned his head and looked at you. No reaction.
You noticed in your peripheral vision the way his head rotated towards you dramatically. His face was one of deep concentration and determination, and despite his intense gaze as he scanned your lack of reaction, he said nothing.
He slowly turned his head back towards his gameboy, and lifted the screen with an audible snap. The instant it made a noise he whipped his head and upper body towards you, once again, very dramatically.
You had to stop yourself from giggling. What was this guy doing? The way he turned made it seem like time and time again you some how pulled the last straw but his face was one of observation. He didn’t have to say it, it was painfully obvious he wanted your attention.
His eyes squinted again at your lack of reaction, and he turned slowly towards his game. With the screen up, he powered it on, giving you a powerful side glance this time instead, and turned the volume up just a little, so that you could obviously hear it, but the rest of the class couldn’t.
You gave him no response on the outside, but on the inside you were giggling from how cute this was. You wanted to see what else he would do if you kept ignoring him.
He booted up the game, slightly disturbed by your silence compared to yesterday, when you practically fell into his lap. He would have to try harder. Time for the next step.
“HmMmMm, mAn tHiS gAmE is sO fUn.” He said, robotically and slightly louder than he meant to. His head snapped towards you again and you had to stifle a giggle.
He sighed theatrically. “Oh, bUt tHiS lEvElS sOoOo HaRd! I wIsH tHeRe wAs SoMeBoDy wHo cOuLd hElP mE wItH iT.”
He snapped his head to you again, and you slowly raised your own to give him time to face forward again and pretend he wasn’t paying attention to you.
Despite being profile to you, you could see his eyes frantically moving back and forth from the white-board to you.
You played along, leaning in slightly to see what level he’s on. You almost lost it, he’s still at the title screen.
Tenko fought a smile. Yes, the plan was working! Alright, time for the next step.
With a strained straight face, you look him in the eye and break the news to him.
“Uh, you gotta press ‘A’ to start the game dude.”
His face paled in realization, and he looked down to see that he had forgotten to select a level. Shit.
“Uhh yeah so I do… silly me” he said, voice getting quieter near the end and trailing off. Despite working so hard to get you to look at him he couldn’t look you in the eye, staring off into the ceiling as he hoped to god you were still looking at his game.
You pressed the button for him, your thumb covering his as you smushed it into the plastic. A high pitched beep comes from the game in perfect sync to his heart skipping a beat.
You touched him! Again! You touched his hand!!! Aka, the most dangerous place to touch! He could feel his face heat up already and he had to repress some very intense emotions before he did something he’d regret.
You pulled away you hand, but leaned over and rested your chin on his shoulder. You could feel his shudder as your nose blew cold air into his ear. It was like every time you inhaled he doubted this was real, and every time you exhaled the soft breeze snapped him back and assured him you were, in fact, here with him.
You could see the tips of his ears reddening as he panted, and you looked down to his lap where the gameboy was. You tried, but it was hard to ignore the large erection he was sporting. You couldn’t help your eyes from widening. I guess the myth about gamers is true after all.
Tenko was so distracted by your chest pressing into his upper-arm that it took him a second to remember why you were looking over his shoulder in the first place. He looked down to the screen, ready to show you his epic gamer skillz… and made an utterly terrifying discovery.
Oh shit… OH SHIT!!!
Alarm bells were ringing in his head and he shoved you off in a panic.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck he could swear he tucked himself into his waistband before class! Oh god that’s so embarrassing he hoped you didn’t notice… he uh… where’d you go?
Coming back to reality he looked around and met your gaze as you rubbed your where your ass hit the floor. You gave him that same look, the one he was terrified of, and yet yearned for.
He wasn’t embarrassed anymore. Now, he was filled with nothing but dread. It was bad enough he couldn’t control himself, now he had just shoved the girl of his dreams away. literally.
You watched as he deeply exhaled, this sigh being for real. He laid his head on the table, accepting defeat and mentally preparing your for your next move.
He watched you rise and sit back in your chair. He couldn’t see your face, but could only assume it was one of disgust and anger.
What would it be this time? Insults about his appearance? Shrieking and running out of the classroom? A punch to the back of the head that would undoubtedly be the last time you made contact with him? He didn’t care. You couldn’t hurt him more than he has been. Please just do it already.
He saw out of the corner of his eye your hand reaching towards him. Looks like you’re gonna do this the physical way. He tensed up, preparing for a slap, a punch, a kick, hell even a harsh pinch.
. . . . .
You were touching him! You were touching touching him! What in the ever loving god was happening?! He was now completely sure his medication was backfiring or something but your firm cupping of his clothed balls sent shivers down his spine a way no hallucination ever could.
Your groping hand was sending waves of pleasure through his body with each little squeeze. His entire body was tense and rigid, a survival instinct perhaps that told him not to move or you might stop for some reason. It was irrational, but it made enough sense in his boggled mind to keep him perfectly still as you had your way with him.
And throughout the mind numbing lust and the shock of ever being in a situation like this, there was still one question that forced its way to the front of his thoughts.
Why him? Why now? Why after he had just shoved you? Why after you saw how perverted he was? Just… why?
Whatever, he didn’t care. He’d find out later, but for now he’d be dammed if he didn’t do every thing he could to enjoy this while it lasted.
Shyly, he turned his head to you, determined to see what you looked like through all this. I mean, you were jerking him off above his clothes during class, the least he could do is look at you.
Then, as he gazed into your eyes, your intentions became clear.
He hoped he would see a soft, inviting smile or something. But instead, you wore a malicious, grinch-like grin that made his heart drop.
Your fingers turned to claws as you squeezed his nuts harshly, making him let out a small squeak.
“You know baby boy~” you began, letting him know what it was like to be on the other side of an intense glaring session. You could feel his hips jerk at the nickname, giggling.
“I was going to apologize to you today. I felt so bad about how things left off… thought I may have been too harsh on you.”
As you talked, you kneaded his junk harshly between your fingers, and despite the uncomfortable sensation, he couldn’t get himself to fight back. As much as he was ashamed to admit it… you hurting him like this felt so good. So right. Like he had finally found his place in the world.
Being your bitch.
He trembled as you continued. “But after seeing what a perverted bastard you are, shoving me away from you even though I only wanted to help you with your, ah, ‘difficult level.’” You taunted, free hand making finger quotes for the last two words.
You leaned into his shoulder once again, and whispered.
“I guess you left me no choice but to punish you.” He had to clasp a hand over his mouth before he let out an embarrassingly loud moan.
You continued harshly pushing your palm against his sack, trying to flatten it against his thigh as he panted deliciously.
This was supposed to feel like a punishment.
But damn if it didn’t feel like a reward
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drakaripykiros130ac · 7 months
“Exhausting, wasn’t it? Hiding beneath the cloak of your own righteousness? But now they see you as you are.”
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Alicent has spent many years putting on a gentle face before Viserys and the entire Court, managing to fool a lot of people…but of course, never Rhaenyra. And in this moment, she finally showed her true colors, for which I am glad.
Seeing green stans justifying her direct attack of the Crown Princess and the Heir to the Iron Throne is just… *sigh*
She was angry that her son had been “maimed” by a small child acting in self-defense and no consequences followed. And yet she, a grown woman, expected to intentionally harm the Heir to the Iron Throne and be allowed to get away with it. And she did get away with permanently scarring Rhaenyra (not at all surprising that TG stans forget that little detail). ‘Hypocrite’ should be Alicent’s middle name.
As much as she may have been upset at what happened to Aemond, Alicent didn’t waste the opportunity to further her own agenda in this moment. Aemond was not the only one hurt in this fight. Lucerys’ nose was broken, Baela and Rhaena were bleeding, Jacaerys was close to having his head bashed with a rock (Aemond could have killed him, had Lucerys not intervened). But of course, Alicent blew a kid fight out of proportion and used her son’s injury as an excuse to continue her vendetta against Rhaenyra and her children, a vendetta she had nourished for many years. Proof enough is how she directly accused Rhaenyra of taking her son’s eye, as if Rhaenyra had anything to do with it.
Duty? Sacrifice? Rhaenyra knows those too well. She suffered in the name of duty and sacrifice for years, but Alicent refuses to believe that other people can have the same amount of problems or even worse problems than her. She thinks that just because Rhaenyra had been defended by her own father for all these years (because of course, how dare he do that! And yet Alicent wouldn’t have minded having Otto back at Court so he could do the exact same thing for her), that means that she hasn’t sacrificed anything or hasn’t endured any hardships, when clearly she has.
Alicent wants justice, does she? I wonder…what would have happened if the roles had been reversed? If Aemond had been the one to take out Lucerys’ eye? Would she have gladly handed Aemond over so his eye could be removed as payment? I don’t think so. She would have gone with the same line: “He is your son, Viserys. Your blood.”
Lucerys is Viserys’ grandson. His blood, as well. And a child much younger than Aemond.
What would have happened if Aemond had bashed Jacaerys’ head with that rock and killed him? Would Alicent have preached justice for Rhaenyra’s son?
As proven many times, Alicent preaches honor, decency, duty, justice only when it suits her political agenda. When she is the one who finds herself in a terrible situation because of her own actions, those things don’t mean anything to her anymore. When the Faith’s ideologies make her look bad, she pretends like they don’t exist.
She is nothing but an insufferable, hypocritical, jealous and deceitful woman. The moment after that treasonous attack, Viserys should have sought to dissolve his marriage and permanently remove the Hightowers from Court. It would have done everyone a lot of good.
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ellaphnt · 1 month
Is it actually racist to relate to Toshiro as an autistic person? The argument seems to be that calling Toshiro autistic disregards the context of his culture, but I feel like the manga made it pretty clear he has issues even beyond his restrictive cultural norms. No one else he knows from his homeland act like he does, and I thought they made it pretty clear that he was an odd child even in the context of his culture. Maybe it is just a coincidence, but I feel like there's room to acknowledge the contexts of his cultural upbringing while also relating to an autistic reading of his behavior.
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Hi hi! I agree! Toshiro/Shuro’s behavior have roots in growing up Japanese, but his behavior has made him an odd one, even at home. I like to say he’s sort of an “outcast everywhere.” I think it’s definitely one reason he envies Laios, and also possibly one reason he is infatuated with Falin! I’ve written about Toshiro and Falin before (as many have!), about how he views her as 1) someone he wants to be like and therefore liked by, and 2) someone who might understand him. He doesn’t have a lot of those types of people in his life.
Not to mention the lack of confrontation. Hien, Benichidori, Maizuru, Tade, all don’t fear speaking their mind! They do it many times. Only Toshiro, hm. I find him relatable in many ways, and I’m sure Ryoko Kui did that intentionally. Was this made for a Japanese audience with commentary on their culture? Yes. Can non-Japanese audiences relate to it anyways? Yes. Can his behavior also be attributed to autism? Can it be an intersection between both his cultural upbringing and possibly learning to mask? HMMMMM either way, I’m really glad autistic POC fans have given their take on it. Tons of POC and non-POC have already spoken about just the cultural part. I’m glad to see commentary on both.
Hearing other POC fans analyze his character is amazing, but I was worried the “it’s just his cultural upbringing” angle would mean his nuance as a character will mainly stay in POC circles. POC relate to POC! (Not a blanket statement, I’ve seen POC who don’t like Toshiro and that’s fine. Not to mention the frequent inability to relate to each other) But if someone is not POC, namely white, and the faults of his character are ONLY attributed to being POC, why try to sympathize with him at all? Lowkey, that might be one of the reasons there was so much hate towards him last week. I’m not saying Toshiro must be any way palatable to a western audience, but hopefully you see my point.
Which is why I think, again, that Ryoko Kui made him relatable to a broader audience. Toshiro’s behavior stems from being Japanese but the fight is not JUST about that culture clash. It’s about anyone who find it hard to confront others and speak their mind. And thats why his character was picked up by autistic fans too! It’s a broader experience than people give it credit for.
You’re in good company of fans who also see themselves represented in either a cultural and/or autistic interpretation of his character! No it’s not racist. Reading autism into a character does not undermine their cultural upbringing. Autism does not flatten a character’s nuance that does have a lot to do with his cultural upbringing. On the contrary, it ADDS to it.
A character can be both. Think it makes them cooler tbh. They have their own things to work on still, they still have their flaws. They could even do something wrong and hurtful! (Shocking!) It doesn’t excuse anything, it just adds another layer to them.
And in the end, it’s just a reading into the media. A singular take, if you will.
I hope I covered everything you mentioned!
Ending it off, here’s some posts other POC have made about this topic because I cannot speak for the community!:
Post 1
Post 2
Post 3
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swallowerofdharma · 2 months
Yashiro’s Cruel God part two
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Intermission: romanticizing trauma or Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate.
Most people looking at someone like Yashiro would feel deeply sorry and they would make a wish for him to find something or someone good in life. But when we start talking about healing we forget or we don’t know what trauma is. Manga can actually help us understand much better in what terms trauma really works: the word we use in several european languages comes from the Greek word for wound τραῦμα. I don’t have the same linguistics insights for the Japanese words - it would be great to have that insight if someone can provide it - but I have access to visual representations, because a number of mangaka associated traumatic events/memories with physical injuries, and the very severe ones with a lost limb, a lost eye. I have talked about this briefly here. The earliest in life or the most severe or prolonged or repeated traumatic events or experiences - the deeper the injury is registered, written in the brain. In the case of a lost limb, there isn’t much healing to do, that part of the body is forever changed, but there are other things to do: relearning how to do things in different ways according to the changes and forgetting about what you could do before or what other people can do with their limbs intact and fully functioning. Of course you can get a prosthetic, an aid, you work around the injured parts. But they ache, they give you phantom pain, they don’t grow back, and the healing is only possible in the parts that are left. Thinking about trauma like this is how we don’t romanticize it. I really think that Yoneda-san is intentionally making a point to show how difficult this process of adaptation is and also how common is for the people around Yashiro to not fully understand or care or know what can be done and what can’t be done. Only Yashiro knows himself that well, can properly determine his boundaries. First he went through a long phase of trial and error and he progressively learned to regulate his impulses quite successfully I must say, because we see that he was alone, lacking guidance, and he did end up naked in an alley, but at least he was sober and drug free. That is when Misumi came in and, although he had also his selfish motives and interests, he cared enough and offered Yashiro some guidance and most importantly conditions so that Yashiro needed to learn how to restrain himself and only indulge his sex drive more safely and more intentionally, setting new rules and adapting to a life full of other responsibilities and commitments. Remember that the premise here isn’t to assign blame or make moral judgments or excuses, but to understand how these characters grew, matured or changed or how they developed their expectations and interpretations of the world around them.
There were areas where Yashiro, as a full formed adult, still refused to be challenged, mostly because he had adapted and learned how to be self reliant, but unfortunately also because he interiorized an image of himself as someone unlovable, as a consequence of his parents’ behavior and later his unrequited feelings for Kageyama. Yashiro can absolutely find love. He fell in love twice, other people have fallen in love with him before, he doesn’t want to hurt others, he generally cares, he has gained much better social skills than those he had as a teenager, he is still an eccentric but not unreasonable or crazy. The problem is that he doesn’t know how to accept romantic love because he doesn’t recognize the feelings of being loved. The new experience is confusing, disorienting and scary, nauseating, because he lacks points of reference. He can’t go back to a foundation in love, an original self that is pure and secure and healthy, because his parents didn’t help him build it or deliberately destroyed and reshaped it with fear. Romanticism poses love as a good, natural, inevitable human thing, implies an ideal world where everyone has that pure healthy self and if pain and hardship are inevitable in life and each person is wounded, they must get to heal normally or simply by reaching back and restoring that pure and secure and healthy self as much as possible. If it was parental love/care and responsibility to offer the best condition for the self to be that way, then it will be the love/passion and commitment of a romantic partner to help healing the inevitability wounded self later in life.
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I don’t think it was pure coincidence that in the same chapter you have these two different scenes not far from each other. Doumeki has been left behind and he is reminiscing about the events that brought him to this point. I am still focusing on Yashiro now, so that I haven’t properly talked about Doumeki, who has his own wounds within him, but as I mentioned last time, Doumeki experienced betrayal, especially regarding his father, after he already had a foundation in a family with a sufficient amount of care. Even if his parents weren’t especially doting or his experience was so much at odds with his sister’s experience inside the same family, he still developed normally, if not very reserved or able to express himself only through controlled physical aggression at kendo practice. We see in this memory another element, Doumeki playing normally with other boys and having fun. When the chapter goes on showing Yashiro in a flashback, we see him spying on Kurobane’s nephew on Misumi’s order. But we also see him as this uncomfortable nineteen years old who is an outsider and feels like one when confronted with normal children playing normal games.
I’d really like to write a proper analysis of the confrontation between Yashiro and Doumeki in the car in chapter 32, because I think that conversation is a very good example of two people coming from completely different places and confronting each other without reaching a solution that would work for both of them, because of lack of understanding and the extreme difficulty to communicate. We see very well here how the dynamics older/younger and realist/romantic play out. Scenes like these, where they talk, get to know each other, they are there and they were frequent even.
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For now, I just want to underline another example of Yashiro looking at children with a foundation in love/safety from the outside and having to wrangle with that feeling of alienation. How can he take part in that same world as these people, how can he be part of the same world Doumeki lives in? Since he is going to meet Hirata and he doesn’t know what might happen there, his only choice is to leave Doumeki behind, but since he doesn’t obey anymore, Yashiro has to push him away and, if necessary, intentionally hurt him. Doumeki tries different strategies to stay, and Yashiro seems to relent on occasions, but when the time comes, he takes the gun and shoots.
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Again a long post, and I don’t know how much I have accomplished with this. Between phone calls and my cat giving me the stinky eye because I am two minutes late to feed her, although I had mentally prepared to tackle the part about Doumeki, I recon I am going to leave this part as it is and continue the analysis later. Hope you don’t mind, I am not great at planning things out. So this is again to be continued…
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1galaxia369 · 6 months
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Timeless read💜
Cancers! What's this I'm hearing about self doubt and procrastination? You know better than that. I'm getting that things happened in the past that hurt you and you're on guard with all your walls up. Is it the people around you that's putting doubt in your mind? Or maybe it's you that's not believing in your own magic. This isn't you, you are literal magic, don't get me wrong I understand that you are embarking on this new journey and you're probably the only one doing this and you feel alone. Being alone is okay, sometimes you have to go through periods of loneliness, especially when you have sensitive plans in your path. Your spirit guides lead you here for a reason, you need the time to rest. You need time away from all those people in your life, you don't need to be sacrificing any of your precious time for them. That needs to be poured into you! Your time is coming and you need to prepare your mind for it. Now that the universe put you in isolation it's time to do some inner purging. Time to face the music about all the things that are bothering you, you never say anything about it or express how they make you feel. Time to address them for yourself and get an understanding of why you allowed that to happen.
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At this time your soul is calling for some healing. The overall message I'm getting from you guys is healing. Only you can do this, all the people you helped are probably not going to be there to help you. They couldn't heal themselves,they needed you so you can't expect them to be of any help. Now you need to just take time out of your day to meditate, you don't have to have all the spiritual tools to do so, you can just sit quietly and think intentionally about things that are weighing on your mind. Get to the bottom of why specific things hurt you and crippled you from moving forward with your plans. It's time to heal and leave those patterns and old, damaging ways behind. If you are getting an opportunity to leave your environment (and you're sure you can sustain + take of yourself) you should do so. Your environment is apart of the reason why you can heal.
" You can't heal in the same environment that made you sick."
Now, I understand that financially things haven't been the greatest lately but, that is no excuse to not spend on yourself. You need to invest in changing your environment or making the one you are in right now more comfortable and breathable. There's always a way to improve something and make it better, you just have to stop worrying about other people and use that energy to figure out what you need in order for you to feel happier. I feel so much deprivation energy coming from you guys, people that always end up doing what makes the other person (people) happy and comfortable. That is just depriving you of your own happiness and comfort...this is self sabotage as small as it is. A lot of things that you think is small and insignificant have a big impact on you. You stop yourself from splurging and spoiling yourself then you turn around and spend that money helping other people that could do without, the universe takes care of all her kids, you don't have to help everyone, sometimes what is happening with them is supposed to happen. You stop people from evolving and learning when you constantly swoop in and save them. You don't have to do shit, 9/10 times these people don't show up for you. Practice some self service and a little selfishness. This energy is going to be very healing for you please do this for yourself.
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I see huge life-changing healing coming in for you, this is something that you been desiring. The feeling of finally being done with all the extra bullshit is ultimately healing. No more cries for help, and that heaviness? Lifted right off your back. It's time to breathe like you are alive and free (responsibility free). Once this happens everything will be falling in place for you. This will be happening fast, you won't have time to stop and overthink and sabotage it. This is divine intervention, your spirit guides been saving this for you but they wanted you to heal yourself and cut off those old patterns first. Now you can enjoy your abundance! You'll finally be out living life for once, your life was never meant to be used for the service of others, HELL NO! I see a lot of travelling and outings for you, whether it's international or just you going out often. Your overall energy is celebration. It's time to celebrate you finally choosing yourself!
I recommend a spiritual bath,whenever you are getting rid of old energy you need to physically/spiritually cleanse it. Add Pink salt, orange slices, star anise, cinnamon, frankincense, a tip of florida water/rue/palo santo cologne. (add whichever ones you can get you don’t have to use all of them).
Rose Quartz would be good also,hemtite,citrine adventurine or rainbow flourite. Smudging regularly is very beneficial. (palo santo,sweet grass,dragon's blood,cinnamon(sticks/incense),lavendar)
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foreverindreamlandd · 2 years
Locker Drama
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Pairing: Neighbor!Steve Harrington x Plus Size!Reader
WC: 2.3k
Summary: Your locker neighbor, Tommy, can't seem to stop being an asshole to you. Even though they're technically friends, Steve draws the line when it comes to picking on someone who is apparently extremely important to him.
Warnings: Bullying, body image, fatphobia, protective Steve, does not contain spoilers for the show Stranger Things. Unedited because I am a piece of human garbage :,)
Note: Okay....so this is going to be the first fic within the Neighbor!Steve Harrington x Plus Size!Reader world. It's going to be a very loosely-structured series, friends to lovers with no real timeline (next fic could be them married with ten kids....kidding but you get the gist lol....hopefully). I hope you enjoy it! :)
“All I’m saying is that when I grow up, I’m going to become Vice Principal of a school and tell any student athlete who thinks they have the right to skip finals and not do their homework to fuck off.”
You blanched at your best friend, shaking your head as you put your math books in your locker. “Robin, I’m pretty sure if you told a student to fuck off you would be fired on site.”
Robin groaned, head tilting up in frustration and leaning against the closed lockers beside yours.
“Fine,” she said. “I’ll just give them the detentions they deserve rather than just letting them off the hook for being the golden children of the school. Us band kids have more brains and talent than any of those boneheads and we get diddly squat.”
“At least we can find solace in the fact that we most likely won’t peak in high school.” You grabbed your supplies for science class. “Well, you might actually, if you end up working at one, Mrs. Vice Principal.”
Your lips quirked up into a smug grin as Robin groaned again, this time turning to lean her forehead on the locker.
“Okay, new plan,” she said. “How about-”
“Can you believe Mr. Cooper gave me an F on my paper?” You fought back a groan as the whiney voice of your locker neighbor approached. “I know I got every answer right because I was copying off of that redhead’s work!”
Tommy Hagan - whom you affectionately referred to as Freckles - strolled over to the locker next to yours, head turned in the other direction at his girlfriend Carol as she pressed her body against his.
Though she was tiny, it was enough force to knock Tommy back and bump into you.
He turned to sneer at you. “Watch it, Tubby.” 
Your heartbeat quickened as both rage and shame flooded through you. At least the nickname you had given Freckles was somewhat tame. Tommy gave you one look up and down at the beginning of the school year and immediately deemed you as Tubby.
The first time he said it, you had thought you were hallucinating. It had always been your biggest insecurity, ever since you had put on weight in middle school, and kept putting it on up until this point no matter how many miles you ran and how many diet programs your mom had you try. Still, most of your peers had the courtesy of not saying anything, just letting you exist as long as you kept quiet and didn’t cause any problems.
Not Tommy, though. He just liked to push people’s buttons, and although he was dumb as rocks, he had a knack for identifying the things that hurt you the most.
The nickname stung like salt to a wound, but you knew to keep your head down and stay quiet. You saw what happened when people tried to fight back with Tommy. It only made him want to ramp it up.
He relished in the attention.
Your dearest, hot-headed best friend did not understand that, though, so when she heard his crude remark she scoffed. “Excuse you, numbnuts. But you’re the one who crashed into her.”
You narrowed your eyes at Robin, silently telling her to stop as Carol mewled. “Watch out, baby, you’re upsetting the freaks.”
“Yeah, well, I’m upset that I have to be in such close proximity as them all day!” Tommy’s voice grew louder as he opened his locker, side intentionally bumping into you once more to make a point. “All I’m saying is that it would be nice to have a locker next to someone who took up so much space! I can barely move around here.”
Carol giggled as tears started to burn your eyes. You kept your face in your locker in an attempt to hide your large frame from the world.
Maybe if I stand still for long enough I’ll just blend in and no one will notice me.
With your locker door still open, Tommy was out of view, so you only heard the slam of his door and a small yelp from Carol.
“That’s enough, Tommy,” a familiar voice declared.
Tommy scoffed. “Come on, Harrington. Just airing my grievances.” You could hear the dumb smile on his face.
“No, you’re just being a dick.”
You allowed yourself one small, almost unnoticeable smile.
“Why your panties all up in a bunch, King Steve? Am I being mean to your girlfriend or something?”
Your smile dropped.
There was a few moments of silence, and you could only imagine the type of disgusted face Steve was making then. 
“Just shove off and get to class before another teacher flunks you and you can’t be on the team anymore,” Steve responded, the fight gone from his voice, switching to the charismatic popular guy that almost everyone knew and loved.
This Steve made you sick to your stomach.
Regardless of the disappointment you felt, Steve’s shift in demeanor was enough to distract Tommy. “Ms. Pine would never flunk me, especially now that her daughter is on the cheerleading team. Gotta make sure our team makes her look as good as possible, which means I get a free ride through history.”
You heard him mumble a let’s go, baby to Carol and then the hallway immediately became less tense.
You still couldn’t move, though, still horrified by the public humiliation.
“I’ll kill that asshole,” Robin muttered, crossing her arms.
“It’s fine,” you whispered, quickly wiping your tears. 
The familiar voice, now much softer and more sympathetic, was right behind you.
You closed your eyes for a second and willed the tears away before turning.
Steve Harrington stood in front of you, hands in his pockets and shoulders sagged, hair perfectly swooped to the side.
His lips were pressed into a thin line. “Sorry about that.” He shrugged. “Tommy’s an idiot.”
“He’s also a jerk, and still your best friend,” Robin cut in, glaring at Steve.
You watched him bite the inside of his cheek as his eyes flashed to Robin, running his fingers through his hair.
“It’s fine.” It seemed as if those were the only two words you were capable of saying.
“It’s not fine,” they both said at the same time, Robin with much more bite and Steve with a quiet assurance.
They both locked eyes in shock that they managed to agree on something, horror painting across their faces.
You couldn’t help but giggle at it.
Steve’s eyes went back to you, smile spreading across his face at the sound of your laugh.
“You sure you’re okay?” he asked, head tilting down a bit, making it so that his large, deep brown eyes stared into yours through his long lashes.
You fought the butterflies as they tried to swarm your stomach. 
“I’m fi- okay,” you said, switching words when Steve’s eyes narrowed.
He nodded. “I’ll deal with Tommy. Meet you after school?”
You nodded back. “Sounds good, Steve.” 
His smile grew ever so slightly when you said his name, and after making eye contact with Robin - who continued to glare at him - he walked down the hallway to his next class.
“You know I love you,” she said, shoulder leaning against the locker, “but I’ll never understand why you let that guy breathe the same air as you.”
You huffed. “It’s not like we’re besties, Robin.” Well, you used to be, but that was before Steve started high school and became an instant celebrity at Hawkins High. When Steve Harrington was just Stevie, and he was your favorite person in the entire world.
“He’s just my ride. As if I’d give up the BMW so I can ride the bus where the rest of the bullies dwell.”
She pursed her lips, still not buying it.
You sighed. “He’s a good person, Robin, I promise.”
At that, she scoffed, shaking her head and wrapped her arm around your neck to lead you to your next class.
“You’ve spent too much time in close proximity with Freckles, Y/n,” she muttered. “His idiot brain is starting to run off on you.”
“How the hell do you have a B in chemistry?” Steve asked, shaking his head as you both got out of the car. “Erikson is brutal. I barely managed to get a D.”
“Hate to break it to you Steve,” you said while swinging your backpack over your shoulder, “but some studies show that doing your work and paying attention in class helps you learn enough to get a good grade.”
He whined, steps falling in line with yours as you approached the school building. “I bet it’s all a hoax. You actually suck at school and have found some new top-secret method of cheating.”
You gasped, feigning offense. “How dare you try to unveil my master plan and risk destroying my reputation as the school nerd?”
Steve laughed, opening the door for you as you walked in. “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”
The two of you shared a small smile as you headed down the hallway. Your locker was closest to the entrance, so you prepared to break away and not see Steve until the end of school.
So it confused you when his stride continued to match yours, slowing as you both veered off to your locker.
Your eyes narrowed at him, slowly putting in your combination. “Listen Steve, I know you promised to keep things with Tommy handled, but I promise you don’t have to be my bodyguard anytime I’m at my locker.”
Steve’s head jerked back as he gave you a confused look, raising his hand to the lock of Tommy’s locker. “What do you mean? This is where all my stuff is.”
Your fingers began mindlessly turning your own lock, suddenly forgetting the combination as you stared at him wide eyed. “What…”
“I switched lockers,” he said with a casual shrug. You could see the corners of his lips twitch as he fought back a smile.
“You what?”
“What? It’s no big deal, Y/n. Tommy seemed to have such a big issue being here, whereas I think this is prime real estate.”
You bit your bottom lip, stomach turning to knots. “Steve…”
“It’s fine, Y/n. Besides, it makes sense that we’re neighbors in school and at home.” His face turned serious for a moment. “I told you I’d handle it. Now, you don’t have to worry.”
You scowled. “He’s still your friend, though. So he can come here and harass me anytime he wants-”
Steve shook his head. “Nope. Told him if he stepped foot anywhere near here that I’d have coach put him on the bench for the rest of the season.” He opened his locker, tossing his bag in and grabbing his books. His brows rose when he turned back to your still stunned expression. “Are you going to open your locker yet? Don’t want to be late for class and ruin that master plan of yours, Miss Cheaterpants.”
A bark of a laugh erupted from your chest and you lightly slapped Steve on the arm, pulling giggles from your new locker neighbor.
It brought an overwhelming sense of relief, having him by your side instead of Tommy. For months, you dreaded stopping here between classes, shielding yourself for another snide comment from Freckles.
Now, you didn’t need to worry. Steve was here, and though you weren’t the best friends you had been your whole lives, having him by your side made this spot finally feel like a safe space.
You turned your attention back to your lock, opening the door and grabbing books for your first class.
The worst part about Tommy’s complaints were that technically it was sometimes true. You did take up more space than others, meaning that your arm would inevitably wiggle around in his area as you moved.
And so, of course, the same thing would happen with Steve.
When your hip bumped against his, any sense of relief you had felt crumbled in seconds, the familiar feeling of shame the only thing left in its wake. 
Steve felt your body go rigid, and he rested a hand on your shoulder. “Hey,” he said, turning your body to face him. There was a tenderness in his face that you hadn’t seen in years. “The shit that he said yesterday, what I assume he’s been saying…it’s all bullshit, Y/n.”
You tried to shrug and force a smile, but Steve knew you better than that, and his hand squeezed your shoulder. “No, listen.” His eyes pierced yours, face leaning forward until it was inches from yours. “What he said was absolute bullshit, and he’s a complete idiot for not realizing how lucky he was to be so close to you all the time.”
His breath tickled your skin, causing you to blink a few times as you tried to identify the tone he was using as he said this. This was nothing like the Steve you grew up with, nor was it the voice of King Steve, ruler of Hawkins High.
This was something different, and it brought heat to your core.
He seemed to lose himself for a moment, leaning less than an inch closer and the movement was so overwhelming your breath hitched. That seemed to be enough to break the tension, and Steve swallowed, standing straight and grabbing his books.
“I should get going,” he murmured, using his free hand to run his fingers through his hair. He gave you a small smile. “See you next period?”
You blinked a few more times, bobbing your head up and down slowly.
Steve bit his bottom lip, staring at you for a few more seconds before closing his locker door and heading down the hallway.
Your gaze remained on the spot he had been standing at moments ago, a part of you wondering if you were dreaming.
Maybe the new locker situation wouldn’t be as easy as you thought….
Thank you for reading! :)
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bunnieshoneys · 3 months
coanda effect chapter seventeen... my heart exploded like a supernova and my body turned into a sorry pile of particles charged with agony and grief, WHY must you hurt me so beautifully??
in all seriousness though, your writing has given me very serious brain rot (including a new hyperfixation, it seems). i salute your creativity when it comes to the narrative format, the way you craft your narration incorporating all those different forms of media coverage is genuinely ingenious!!! and your use of the unreliable narrator?? HELLO???
i need you to know that the metaphor about keeping your hands on/off the steering wheel while crashing hasn't escaped my mind ever since i read it in the chapter yesterday, it's such a great way to describe the difference between getou and gojo's coping mechanisms!! so please excuse the rant i'm about to go onto,, getou keeps on grasping for the steering wheel even when things go sideways as it inspires a false sense of control in him, something he so desperately seeks after literally a lifetime of being left at the mercy of sponsors/team principals and depending on someone else's judgement of him and his skills and their willingness to support him, while in reality he's driven forward by outside forces and inertia, something he cannot control anymore, so his reluctance to let go harms him only more. but it simultaneously means that he's the one in the driver's seat, and by steering this or that way he defines his (and his passengers', aka the people closest to him in his life) future. now, gojo is the one who's been taught to take his hands off the wheel when the car is about to crash, and at the moment he feels like it's spun out of the track and keeps spinning without ever meeting the barriers, and — i feel like i'm about to deliver the most insane take ever — if the vehicle this metaphor puts him in is supposed to stand for his relationship with getou, and gojo feels helplessly out of control, and getou, like i said, is the one driving it, then it represents how by taking that chance away from gojo, getou also takes control from him, because you cannot really have any say in the matter you aren't fully aware of, can you? by trying to keep himself safe, by securing his position in the driver's seat and by extension his agency over his own life and the direction which it takes, getou ends up denying gojo the chance to be there for him, to try and work things out together, to try and make staying together work for them. while he's spent his entire career in this sport desperately grasping for control, getou hates being exposed to vulnerability so much that he, consciously or not, denies gojo the comfort of being able to support your loved one when they're hurt and struggling, and also rejects gojo's own vulnerability. and it only results in more hurt... but at the same time it's gojo who allowed the control to slip through his fingers, who let go of the steering wheel, not intentionally, of course, but by distancing himself from the source of his traumatic experience and indulging in his own horribly unhealthy coping mechanisms. ultimately, both getou and gojo are terrible at properly communicating with each other, they're both in the car, co-piloting the disaster they're about to find themselves in. and the fact that the impact of the crash never comes for gojo as him and getou don't fall out with a bang, loudly and ugly, with words spoken in raised voices and accusations of hurt thrown at each other, they just drift apart slowly until there's an uncrossable chasm of miscommunication between them... and the fact that they're still incapable of giving voice to what troubles them, to realise that they're not alright... the fact they lost control yet never hit the barriers because the real crash is still ahead of them... CAN YOU TELL IT'S DRIVING ME INSANE??
aghhh i'm sorry for such a lengthy ask, forgive me if it's just a far-fetched weird gibberish, and please take this as a testament of my overspilling love for your amazing beautiful beautiful writing and characterisation of those beloved idiots, THANK YOU
holy fucking shit. who let you cook. turn off anon RIGHT NOW i need to know who you are.
very long response under the cut with spoilers for chp17
in all seriousness, this is basically the metaphor. idk if ur an f1 fan, but ALL drivers are told, in certain crashes, to take their hands off the wheel, because it can snap when the tyres move, causing injury. most recent example is daniel ricciardo bracing on the wheel in 2023 in his first race back (i cant remember which race that was for the life of me, lol), and breaking his wrist.
there are other reasons for not taking your hands off the wheel ; being frozen, not reacting quickly enough, but some drivers brace with their hands on the wheel as a default.
the false sense of control getou feels is definitely there. he, alone, knows he controls his narrative. hes worked hard against all odds to get here and ultimately this is his dream, his career, his friendship. but there are higher powers at work, both in terms of the sport he participates in and the breakdown of the key relationships in his life. he seperates all aspects of his personal life from his driving so he can focus on the track. but when these factors become something bigger, like his growing grief and his loss of satoru, they become much too big to control and push aside. hence, hands on the wheel, into the wall, he’s more damaged, but he took control and pushed himself into the worst possible outcome, because then it would be over.
satoru is the opposite. his career wasnt his to choose: his dad put him in karting young, all over the world, he was always a prodigy, and since hes been 8, people had been calling him a champion in waiting. sure, he loves racing, but it wasnt his dream. it was just what he fell into. he braces with his hands away from the wheel because hes scared of it hurting. he doesnt want to lose things. he knows hes spinning, he knows hes out of control, and he knows hes going to crash, but at least he’ll walk away with bruises rather than broken bones. the problem with that is that his peers (suguru, shoko, nanami, arguably haibara) are in control and he isn’t. hes scrabbling trying to save his relationships by exercising zero control over them and not making any of his needs clear because hes been taught that he needs to be independent and be someone for others to lean on. and suguru and shoko especially want him to lean on them for support.
that being said, suguru hit the barriers in 2014. he climbed out and walked away. satoru hasnt crashed yet. but hes been thinking he doesnt have to crash, and now the looming inevitability of that confrontation/argument/crash is dawning on him. up until this point, theyve both been unable to be truly vulnerable with each other, and in getous absence, shoko and gojo have built — something. a relationship where they talk, definitely. they lean on each other. they operate in a weird way, but its there.
satoru needs to realise the crash is inevitable, and that things are going to have to hurt to get better. suguru is standing on the sidelines watching and he needs to realise that he can go and pull him out of the car, that they can do this together.
THAT ALL BEING SAID. HOLY SHIT ANON. YOU COOKED. this is an incredible analysis, and its fucking spot on. that metaphor is one of my favourites :)
much luv
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mylight-png · 7 months
This is going to be a little different from my usual posts, but here I go anyways.
It is rare, especially now, for online content to make me really and truly happy. But today I saw something that both made me really happy and also made me think.
I was scrolling through TikTok and came across multiple videos of the same kind. A woman wearing a hijab was finding other Muslim women and was helping them try on a hijab for the first time. These videos brought me so much joy. The hijabi woman's gestures were so kind and loving, she seemed almost like an older sister to the other women. The care with which she helped them put on the hijab was so sweet. And then there was the reaction of the women to wearing a hijab for the first time. There were before and after shots, and every single time, the "after" photos of them in the hijab were so happy. It was so pure to see women finding joy in dressing in a way that brought them comfortable.
But even more interestingly, it was a joy I recognized. The sisterly and caring gestures of the more experienced hijabi were familiar too.
The joy I saw in the "after" photos was reminiscent of my emotions when I first intentionally dressed tznuis (Jewish modesty). It was recent, and I felt so comfortable and safe in the clothes I was wearing, and I recognized that comfort in the faces of the women in the videos.
The sweet and caring gestures of the experienced hijabi reminded me a bit of my interactions with rebbetzins and other older religious women in various communities. They're always so sweet and kind (in my experience of course), and I noticed that they frequently try to connect through touch. You know, putting a hand on my shoulder or elbow. Hugs, of course. Using those gestures to make people feel heard and listened to.
And that made me think. We are so much more similar than the media gives us credit for. In fact, it reminded me of an interaction I had with a classmate just last week.
In one of my classes, we were talking about cultural traditions, and we were supposed to pair up and discuss family traditions we have. I mentioned that I love celebrating New Year's because my family doesn't celebrate Christmas, but due to them coming to the US from ex-USSR countries, they brought over similar yet secular and unique traditions for New Year's.
The girl I ended up pairing up with mentioned that she also didn't celebrate Christmas, because she was Muslim, and then she started talking about what her family does for Ramadan.
We ended up having a really nice discussion, connecting over having to fast for holidays, being surrounded by a majority Christian world, and other things we had in common.
And at the very beginning of the year, a Jewish friend of mine and I were complaining to each other about how lame it was that there were only two cheese pizzas at the event, and the rest were all pepperoni (and therefore not kosher), which led into a discussion of accommodating dietary restrictions. We unintentionally ended up sitting next to a few Muslim girls who heard our conversation and joined in, and we had the fun experience of bonding over the pork-obsessed world we all live in.
So yeah. We're actually not as different as the media and politicians make us look.
This is why, as much as I try to advocate about antisemitism, I still try to call out Islamaphobia in my day-to-day life.
There really isn't an excuse for hating an entire group. No excuse for awful and slanderous generalizations, which I've seen made about both us and Muslims. Just as antisemitism shouldn't have any place in these discussions, neither does Islamaphobia.
In fact, I think it would be amazing if we could set aside our differences and unite on this issue.
I know we may feel adversely towards each other in regards to the Israel-Hamas war and our views on it. And I'm not going to force anyone to agree/disagree on all the same things about it. Both sides are hurt. Both sides are accusing each other of genocide, and neither one (majority, I know extremist views exist on both sides, that's not who I am talking about here) actually hates all of the other side to the point of wanting to kill each other.
Yes, we disagree. Yes, our disagreement right now is serious and valid. But there is something we can, I hope, agree upon, and that's the fact that neither side of what's happening should employ Islamaphobic/Antisemitic rhetoric.
So here's a summary of what I'm trying to say:
We aren't as different as we are portrayed to be. We aren't "natural enemies" or whatever people think. We are all human, and we should all be united in the fact that generalized hate has no place on either side.
Both Antisemitism and Islamaphobia are rising right now. We may not see eye to eye on everything, but we are all human, and we should all do our part in dealing with that rise in hate. Not contribute to it.
Even though I am trying to speak against hate and division right now, I am certain that I'm probably going to receive at least a few hateful or negative responses to this. But you know what?
I don't really care anymore. Those hateful people are not anyone I could ever change or convince. So I'm going to try and remind myself to pick my battles and not waste energy on pointless arguments. Hateful responses to this post will be blocked and deleted.
However, Muslims of Tumblr, if I did say anything culturally problematic or inaccurate (for example, if the term "hijabi" or "experienced" in regards to being a hijabi is somehow a problem) (or like if comparing wearing a hijab at all to tznuis clothing is an issue) please let me know so I can fix it! I tried to not be culturally insensitive but I don't really know all that much so please do let me know!
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jahayla-parker · 9 months
Symmetrical Healing: Kaz Brekker × Sister!Reader
Part 4
Description and Warnings: view miniseries navigation Previous Parts Here
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Y/n stood silently beside Tolya as everyone continued their side conversations about their hallucinations from earlier. She didn’t want to talk about hers. At least not with people who wouldn’t understand. Sure, Tolya seemed a bit shaken still and Kaz had seemed shaken during the brief period of time y/n had seen him in the toxin-induced state prior to her passing out. But, as always, Kaz was back to his stoic self.
Even as y/n listened carefully to Inej and Kaz’s whispered conversation a few feet away, she could see that Kaz had come out of it fine. Y/n couldn’t say the same for herself. Not only was the hallucination itself painful, but even now as her mind was cleared of the toxin, she found herself reeling in the despair of the emotions it had induced.
Whereas y/n heard Kaz casually say something about how he realized “there are those who drown us, and those who pull us out”. The way he was looking at Inej as he said the last part made y/n realize The Wraith was the one who pulled Kaz from whatever he’d seen. She suspected it had something to do with the night of Jordie’s death, but unlike her hallucination, it was no longer bothering him. Another example of how Kaz was stronger than y/n. Y/n tried not to debate if the comment about “those who drown us” could be about herself as well as obviously referencing the night with their late brother.
“What about you?” Inej asked, pulling y/n from her thoughts. She watched y/n carefully, seeing how her question had unintentionally startled the girl. “What did you see in your hallucination?” Inej clarified with a soft smile.
“Oh,” y/n mumbled, clearing her dry throat. “Uh, I don’t recall…really,” she shrugged, glancing away from Inej and Kaz as he stood beside her staring at y/n in obvious doubt over her claim. “Anyways… umm…” y/n rambled, trying to come up with an excuse to leave. “I think I saw a shadow over there,” she lied, pointing to a random spot in the distance, “I should go make sure it’s nothing more than a wild animal”.
Y/n could hear Inej quietly ask Kaz if he wanted her to follow y/n. She silently prayed to whatever Saints Inej believed in for Kaz to say no. She loved Inej, but y/n didn’t want to talk to her about this. Y/n didn’t want to couldn’t cry in front of the others; she needed to be strong. She let out a whispered sigh of relief when she heard her brothers gravely voice tell Inej no.
Crying to herself, y/n knelt down beside the tree she’d pointed at earlier. She was using the trunk as a shield against the others seeing her crumpled and shaking frame. Her body was trembling as it was wracked with sobs and despair. No matter what she did, y/n couldn’t get Jordie out of her mind.
Y/n was so in her own headspace that she didn’t hear Kaz as he approached. He noticed that even as he intentionally pushed his cane into the dried autumn leaves harder than normal as to not alarm her when he suddenly appeared by her side, she didn’t move. It hurt him to see his sister in such a state. Kaz could see her shaking and the way she was gasping frequently as she began to panic.
Kaz didn’t know what to do. He was usually on the other edge of this and even then, he tried not to think about the way y/n would help him as he hated that he needed help in the first place. But, as he stood beside his distraught sister, Kaz wished he’d learned how to deal with these things.
Kaz moved to stand before y/n, intentionally positioning his feet and cane where she could see them without having to move her head at all. He watched as y/n slowly lifted her gaze upwards, the tears flowing from her eyes worsening the pain in his chest. Kaz noticed her mouth was moving faintly and focused intensely, only minutely making out her mumbled “sorry”. Before he could even form a response, he realized y/n was repeating “sorry,” as if it was some mantra.
Kaz ignored the resistance in his bad leg as he lowered himself to the ground. He took a deep breath and began whispering y/n’s name. Kaz didn’t know how best to help y/n as it had been a long time since he’d seen her like this. And back then, he’d been far too young and inexperienced in these issues to know how to help. But, Kaz hoped that by calling her name he’d be able to move her attention away from whatever had her in such a panic and switch it to him instead.
It took several minutes of Kaz’s rough voice repeating her name for y/n to realize what was going on. When y/n connected Kaz’s voice to his actual physical presence beside her, things worsened. She looked over and up at her brother, locking her eyes with his concerned ones for a split second. That was all it took for her brief moment of composure to crumble away as even more intense sobs took over her.
Y/n clutched the fabric covering her chest as she tried to breathe. She dropped her head back to her chest and closed her eyes. Y/n couldn’t believe Kaz had followed her and was now having to see her like this. She knew he’d want an explanation and she didn’t want to give him the real one.
When y/n had looked up at him, Kaz could see the pain and guilt in her eyes. He hadn’t been able to comment on it before she had slipped back into an even deeper panicked state. Kaz moved infinitesimally closer, leaving only a thin break of air between his leg and y/N’s. He then focused on his breathing, being sure to breathe loudly so she could pick it up and unconsciously copy him.
Y/n took a deep breath as her trembling finally died out. She could tell it was Kaz that had brought her out of her misery, she could still hear his loud breathing from beside her. But, y/n couldn’t face him; metaphorically or literally. Instead, once she had regained her composure, she simply stared at the empty field ahead of them.
Kaz’s breathing slowly shifted back into his normal volume and pacing. “You lied,” he commented, staring in the same direction as y/n.
“Not now, Kaz,” y/n replied. Her tone meant it sounded like a plea, which it kind of was. She couldn’t deal with his scolding right now. Y/n already knew she’d let him down and risked people seeing the siblings had a weakness -therefore risking Kaz’s life in the process-, she didn’t need him to say it.
Kaz shook his head. He sighed as he continued to gaze at the sparse field. “You lied about your hallucination,” Kaz clarified. “You do remember it”. It wasn’t a question, it was a statement.
Y/n remained silent. She didn’t know what to say. He clearly knew it was a lie, she’d sensed he picked up on that the moment the words left her lips. So why respond now?
Kaz slowly turned his head to y/n. “Right?” He asked. He didn’t need an answer, he knew y/n had lied. But, Kaz hoped the inquiry would get her to answer in some manner.
Y/n nodded stiffly. She looked at Kaz from the corner of her eyes. His presence helped her not feel so alone, but she just wished the circumstances were different. Y/n unconsciously began lightly scratching at her arms.
Kaz noticed the behavior immediately. He’d learned years ago that she’d developed that habit after the incident that had changed the siblings so drastically. Kaz suspected it was somehow a soothing action for y/n. But, he didn’t like the way her skin would redden and sometimes bleed from the behavior.
Kaz didn’t feel it was his place to correct y/n’s coping mechanisms, but he didn’t want her to feel it was her only device for calming down. He especially didn’t want her to feel so overwhelmed around him that she felt she had to do it right now. So, after Kaz double checked that his gloves were on properly, he reached over and rested his hand on y/N’s. He stifled a sigh of relief as he watched her scratching stop as he had wanted it to.
Y/n flinched slightly when Kaz’s gloves hand rested on her bare one, and she felt his fingers tense at the contact as well. But, she then felt them both relax upon realizing it was only each other. Y/n smiled minimally at Kaz in acknowledgment of why he’d done such a thing.
“What was it?” Kaz inquired. He removed his hand from y/n, resting it on his leg now. Yet, his eyes never left his sister as he awaited her answer.
Y/n shook her head again. She tucked her arms under her legs as to not keep trying to scratch them.
“Y/n,” Kaz sighed. “You need to tell me.”
Y/n frowned to herself. “Why?” She wondered aloud. “It’ll just make it even more true,” y/n argued.
Kaz squinted over at y/n. “Precisely why I need to know then, no?” He pointed out.
Y/n sighed loudly. After a few moments of silence as she stared at the barren land around them, she decided to answer. “I… I saw Jor-“ y/n cut herself off, remembering they weren’t to say his name aloud (Kaz said it was a risk for people to know about their past/family). “I saw him,” she corrected vaguely.
Y/n saw the way Kaz tensed beside her. She nodded slowly. “Yeah,” y/n murmured sadly.
Kaz clenched his eyes closed briefly in painful sympathy. He didn’t know what to say, he knew nothing he could say would take away the pain she was feeling from seeing a flashback of their late brother.
“He uh…” y/n mumbled, unsure how to start the story. “The Uhh…” she amended, remembering it hadn’t truly been Jordie and she needed to truly remember and accept that. “The hallucination of him…,” she said as she settled on a way to describe who she was referring to. “Uuhhh… kept pointing out my failures,” y/n explained with a sigh.
Kaz stiffened. He was sincerely hoping y/n’s hallucination was something he could shut down easily. However, it seems that it was essentially the same thing he’d been dealing with in his own head. Kaz began to panic about not knowing what to do to help his sister but when he heard y/n’s muffled sniffles, it brought him back to the current moment. “What failures?” He questioned, deciding maybe he could tackle the problem by removing her sense of failure as a whole.
“The night…” y/n answered, glancing bashfully at her brother. “That night”. She swallows thickly, looking away from Kaz as her mind replayed what Kaz had told her happened while she was still being held in the makeshift clinic. “I wasn’t with you guys…” y/n reminded him, still frustrated with herself for not being where Kaz and Jordie needed her that night.
“I know,” Kaz stated. “I was there.”
Y/n took a shaky breath as she tried to keep her calm. But seeing the pain in Kaz’s eyes at the recollection of that moment, made that impossible for her. “And I wasn’t!” Y/n screamed. “Fuck,” she whimpered, “Kaz you- you were are all alone-“.
Kaz nodded his head in agreement. “I needed to be,” was all he said.
“No, you didn’t!” Y/n argued loudly. “You needed family,” she replied, “you needed me!”. Y/n shook her head in frustration, “and I wasn’t there because-“.
Kaz whipped his head toward y/n. “I needed you to live!” He shouted, effectively cutting her off. “You weren’t there because you were doing what I needed!” Kaz defended. “Okay?!” “Do not apologize for that!” He ordered, his eyes ablaze.
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twistingfogg · 11 months
jonmartin isn't toxic you guys just have unrealistic standards
(explaining my opinions on jonmartin)
I swear to God some people have a very warped perception of healthy relationships. a good relationship is not always sunshine and rainbows agreeing on everything and never hurting eachothers feelings. if that is what you want or think is healthy, PLEASE reevaluate. in a REAL relationships there will be ups and downs. there will be fights and arguments and moments where someone gets hurt. while yes, an excess of those things without making proper repairs CAN be toxic. That is just not the case for Jon and Martin. they fight a ton and definitely hurt each other, but you really gotta keep in mind this is literally THE END OF THE WORLD, and neither of them were sure they would live. while that doesn't excuse being a dick- 99% of the time when one of them hurt the other, it wasn't because they were intentionally trying to be mean it's because they are in SURVIVAL MODE and get this when they hurt each other. they made up. they apologized and talked about it, which is something that toxic relationships lack. not to mention the ability to respect and set boundaries in this relationship is WELL above average ESPECIALLY for a couple that has only been together for a couple of month ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY because they are in an apocalypse. Even with Martin being a people pleaser with low self-esteem and Jon being overprotective and stubborn, they managed to be respectful of eachotherslimits. which is the most important thing in a relationship - besides a basic level of caring for each other (which is very obviously there).
sincerely a person who has been in toxic situations and had extensive therapy regarding healthy relationship building
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mysteryshoptls · 11 months
SSR Rook Hunt Dorm Uniform Personal Story: Part 3
"The true culprit... is you!"
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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Rook: This is a tragic case of profound devotion.
Rook: The true culprit is… You!
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Film Club Member B/Epel: Eh…
Film Club Member C/D: No way…
Film Club Member A: …
Film Club Member B: There's no way he's the culprit, Rook-senpai! He's one of the costume designers, and a member of the film club!
Film Club Member A: …That's right. You saw it too, did you not? That horrifyingly offensive smear of "Inadequate beauty"!!
Rook: Why yes, I saw it. That is the reason everything seemed out of place.
Rook: Those Savanaclaw students disavowed all aspects of "beauty," not just a facet of it.
Rook: And yet, did I truly believe that they would use such a nebulous word like "inadequate"?
Rook: Once that thought crossed my mind, I carefully inspected the claw-torn costume… And I concluded that you were at fault.
Film Club Member A: Why… did you think it was me?
Rook: Because of the claw marks that sliced through the costume. They were intentionally cut in the shape of claw slashes by scissors.
Rook: After examining the remains, I was able to conclude that the culprit's height and dominant hand matches yours.
Rook: However, I have more evidence.
Rook: This swatch that I am holding right now is from the destroyed costume… Why don't you take a look at the lining here?
Epel: The lining? What's wrong with it?
Rook: The stitching here is sloppy.
Rook: Even if this were a costume that would only appear once on screen, and regardless of whether or not this part would be visible on camera...
Rook: From the fabric's material to its stitching, he will always strive to have the utmost perfect quality for his costumes. That is who Vil is.
Rook: He would never allow for such half-hearted stitching.
Epel: Umm, so basically, someone cut up one of the film club's costumes. But it wasn't a real costume, it was a fake…?
Epel: M-My head's starting to hurt.
Rook: I believe that as they were on the brink of committing this crime, they could not bring themself to damage Vil's costume, so they swapped it with a fake.
Rook: The key point here is that, even though it was a fake, it was replicated perfectly, down to Vil's measurements.
Rook: There are only two people on campus who have memorized Vil's measurements to heart.
Rook: The first is me. And the other is…
Epel: The… costume designer in charge of making the measurements?
Film Club Member A: Urk…
Rook: I would ask you refrain from trying to evade me with your excused any further. Could you tell me why you did this?
Film Club Member A: Th-That is… Because I was jealous!
Film Club Member A: Jealous of how Rook-senpai and Epel-kun were so close and friendly with Vil-san!
Epel: Eh!? F-Friendly? But all he does it scold me…
Film Club Member A: That's enough! I've been working so hard in this film club trying to research what my most admired Vil-san likes so that he'll take a liking to me too!
Film Club Member A: …And yet! I haven't gotten any closer to him ever since joining this club!
Film Club Member A: That's why I tried to get the two of you to fight someone from a different dorm…
Film Club Member A: I tried to make it so Vil-san would kick both of you out of the film club.
Epel: You… What kinda crazed git are ya?
Film Club Member A: …I also apologize for all the troubles I caused the other club members. I'll take responsibility and quit the club.
Rook: You'll quit? Non!! You can't do that, Mr. Costume Designer!
Everybody: Eh!?
Film Club Member A: Wh-Why…?
Rook: This incident was concocted out of love for Vil, and it unraveled due to love. Also…
Rook: There is no way anyone would be able to create an almost perfect replica of a costume like you did if they had such lukewarm feelings.
Rook: The needle and thread that dance between your fingertips is truly the most beautiful.
Rook: I think even Vil would be displeased to lose your talent if you left the film club. Your continued contributions to the club will be your penance.
Film Club Member B: He's right, it's just as Rook-senpai says. You're the best costume designer here, and it's be bad if we lost you.
Film Club Member B: Come on, let's go back to the club room. We can fix up the costume before Vil-senpai gets back from work!
Film Club Member A: ! A-Alright!!
Rook: Wonderful! And with that, it seems the case has been solved.
Epel: Rook-san! That was amazing. Your observational skills are astounding, being able to tell something was fake just from its stitching.
Rook: Ah, yes. You see, that was a lie!
Rook: Nowadays, no one sews by hand, but instead, uses machines. There's no way for us to tell just by looking, right? I simply tricked them to confess.
Epel: Eh… Eeehh!? Then, how did you know it was fake?
Rook: Fufufu, the truth is much simpler. ―It was its smell.
Rook: The fake costume had none of Vil's rich and sublime scent at all, so I knew right away.
Epel: Huh!? That kind of examination method is… a little weird, I think.
Rook: Understand me, Epel-kun. The reason why I trust in the information I gather from my sense of smell, is because it is a key tool while hunting.
Rook: Certain smells can identify certain people, like we saw in this case, and it can also tell me where someone has been.
Rook: For example… Sniff, sniff. Today, your lunch was―
Epel: Ack!? P-Please don't!
Rook: Hahahah! I kid. I don't think even my senses would be able to discern that much.
Epel: Man, earlier I thought he was so cool, like a detective… But I think he's actually just a weirdo.
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(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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dear-wormwoods · 1 year
Okay, I have 2 questions for you: 1) What do you think about people who say that if Cartman became abusive with Heidi it was Kyle just because he openly suggests that he would use Troll Trace to reveal Cartman's bigoted past and send the information to Heidi and because he only helped Heidi because he was in love ( honestly it's just make my blood boil) and 2) What do you think about Kitty Monk's video " Are Cartman and Kyle the same person? "
Ps. I'm happy that I'm not the only one who adore Kyle and thinks Rabbi Cartman was and awful person.
I’ll be honest anon, I kept putting off answering this because I wanted to actually watch the video you mentioned so I could properly give you thoughts on it but I truly do not have the time or energy to watch it. I’m assuming the whole video is about making Kyle’s actions out to be more terrible while downplaying Cartman’s so as to put them on ‘even ground’ and I’m simply not here for that kind of content. If I’m wrong, please let me know!
To answer the question the title poses: no, they are not the same person. At all.
Kyle has a conscience, which sets him apart from Cartman for obvious reasons. He feels bad when he does something wrong. He worries about how his actions affect other people. He even worries about and feels bad for Cartman, despite being the one person who really should get a free pass to not give a shit about him. He’s a dick in the same way a lot of kids are dicks, and that really isn’t comparable to Cartman’s behavior and total lack of remorse.
I imagine people who follow the ‘same person’ line of thinking would say things like “well Kyle laughed at Cartman getting HIV so Cartman was just teaching him a lesson, just like how Kyle tried teaching Cartman a lesson by making him ginger” or “Kyle blew up Toronto so he’s probably killed more people than Cartman ever did with Cthulhu.”
To those points I would say - Cartman’s reaction to Kyle laughing was disproportionate and to suggest otherwise or downplay the seriousness of intentionally giving someone HIV as ‘payback’ is ridiculous. Kyle was laughing at the irony of the person who constantly jokes about him getting AIDS being the one to end up getting it, and he clearly knew he was wrong to laugh about it which was why he excused himself so he wouldn’t do it in front of Cartman. It was a gut reaction that he knew was socially unacceptable. Cartman was completely out of line in his response by doing something which, as far as he knew at the time, would cause permanent damage to Kyle. The difference between that and the ginger thing is twofold: Kyle wasn’t really reacting to Cartman’s bigotry on behalf of himself, he was trying to come to the defense of actual Ginger kids who were now being bullied by other kids because of what Cartman was saying. He wanted to show Cartman what it was like to be on the other side of things for once. Kyle wasn’t motivated by selfishness or revenge. The other difference is that dying Cartman’s hair etc wasn’t permanent. He did not forever alter Cartman’s body or intentionally make him sick, he and the other kids made surface level, temporary changes. This is not equivalent to giving someone HIV - obviously.
The other thing… well, I’ll preface this by saying I don’t think that the Canada thing was handled well by the show. It did not really deal with the aftermath and how it weighed on Kyle’s conscience other than the two second scene where Ike tells him to stop being a victim. But I also understand that it’s difficult to like, reconcile that kind of devastation for a character who is so overcome by guilt that he wants to die over toilet papering someone’s house. Here’s the thing though, Kyle isn’t directly responsible for what happened. He feels responsible and it makes sense why he does, because it was his own emotional outburst that ultimately ‘swayed’ Garrison, but I truly don’t think he meant for that to happen. He was speaking from a place of hurt and trauma, after not feeling heard by his friends and supposedly safe adults, and finally, the wrong person listened to him. Garrison already had a vendetta against Canadians - he was itching to do something drastic. Ultimately it’s HIS fault. Compare this to Cartman using Cthulhu to knowingly and intentionally destroy San Francisco, who knows how many synagogues, etc… it’s not the same. Cartman knows what he’s doing, and he doesn’t care about how it impacts others. Kyle cares about the natural consequences of his actions, even the indirect ones.
I’m not sure if those points were even in the video but those are what came to my head. Ultimately, Kyle’s conscience will never allow him to be ‘the same person’ as Cartman. Suggesting that they’re on the same level is, I think, fundamentally misunderstanding both the characters and their relationship with each other.
As for Heidi, I’ve never heard anyone say it’s Kyle’s fault Cartman became abusive, but I’m not surprised it’s been said. Some people will just say anything to villainize Kyle and make Cartman more sympathetic. It sounds like something Cartman himself would say, or any other abuser - “oh, I only hurt you because of x y and z”. It’s removing accountability from Cartman, which is… insane to me. Maybe Kyle’s threat put pressure on Cartman, but it didn’t CAUSE him to become abusive. He was always going to become abusive. It’s just who he is. That’s like saying Butters caused Cartman to become abusive by laughing at Heidi’s jokes. Or saying it’s Heidi’s fault for expecting Cartman to put effort into their relationship and talk to her more. It’s gross. Cartman is responsible for his OWN jealousy and paranoia and whatever else contributed to the way his relationship with Heidi played out. Saying otherwise goes against one of the messages of the whole season - Cartman deflecting and placing blame on everyone else and victimizing himself was an abuse tactic in itself. Heidi saw herself going down that same road and chose to break the cycle and take responsibility for herself. People need to hold Cartman responsible for his own decisions, words, and actions.
When it comes to Kyle’s relationship to Heidi, I don’t even think he liked her let alone loved her. I think he helped her because he felt bad for her, could see that Cartman was abusing her, and knew how it felt to be on the receiving end of Cartman’s abuse. He didn’t even think he liked her at all until the girls told him he did, and it was easier for him to go along with that than to grapple with the complicated dynamic he has with Cartman. I do not think Kyle’s intention to help Heidi was selfish at all. It wasn’t about taking away Cartman’s girlfriend and making her like him instead. It was about helping someone he could tell was suffering.
Sorry this took so long to respond to! I’d be interested to know what points that video made but I’ll probably never watch it.
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