#everyone justifying this
axolotlclown · 3 months
A girl left vomiting into her hand and you're saying "I didn't know they had a bad night :("
Kids, please listen to me. They did not care about whether or not these girls had a good night. Any grown adult knows this. They did not care for their safety, and multiple girls got hurt. End of fucking story. No more discourse. We're done.
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cakemagemaeve · 8 months
Reading Tumblr today I get the feeling that a lot of these people praising Hamas' horrific attack on Israeli civilians aren't really pro-Palestine so much as they're just looking for another reason to justify their hatred of Jews. You can believe that the Israeli government has committed unforgivable atrocities against innocent Palestinians without wishing rape and murder on innocent Israeli civilians in turn.
Also, speaking as a white American? We have absolutely ZERO room to talk when it comes to corrupt governments, genocide, ethnic cleansings, land theft, war crimes and basically every other kind of human rights violation there is. If you're a white American who thinks Israeli civilians deserve to die for the actions of their government, then you should have no objection to being murdered for the sins of your own government.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Why would you—That's not—I just wanted to ask for help, why did you have to go and make it awkward???
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canisalbus · 7 months
Hi!! I don't know if anyone has drawn this before (sorry if they have!! I couldn't find any evidence of it) but I have recently been plagued with the question of "what if Machete and Vasco were in Bluey?"
Well. Now we know.
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To my knowledge, the only Bluey dogs who wear clothes are the ones in uniforms. TECHNICALLY Machete's outfit could count, but I left it out because it's not typical of a main character. He must be naked 😔
#oh GEEZ they're so cute uaugh#no you're the first to make this crossover!#once someone told me that my dogs and Bluey could exist in the same universe#and even though I'm getting my Bluey lore from second hand sources I think that might be correct and feasible#so you know#take that and eat it with your breakfast#it's great how it's almost justified to let Machete keep his outfit but in the end he must be naked 😔#while everyone is on board with Vasco wearing only a smile#like yeah that tracks he doesn't seem to mind#I like how you managed to translate Vasco's gradients to a form that works with the art style#including the lighter chest/abdomen#also maybe this is an odd thing to say but I suddenly realized how monochrome they are#like their designs have very little contrast and are essentially just different hues of a same color#weird moment to notice that#thank you! this was so sweet#they're adorable#gift art#stafell#own characters#Machete#Vasco#I had sort of a rough day so this cheered me up a lot#cw needles#I had to go get blood tests done and this specific lab person had been really heavyhanded with me before so I asked her to be gentle#and she jabbed the needle into a nerve and I full on screamed in pain and sweated and shook and passed out for a couple of seconds#worst medical experience this far I never knew routine stuff like that could potentially hurt so immensely#I've never been scared of needles before and that has been sort of a point of pride for me#like at least I can do this one unpleasant thing effortlessly#but now I'm just terrified of that happening again#been feeling really weird/exhausted/nauseous all day and the arm still feels weak and tingly so I'm going to bed early tonight
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I think that Dr. Christina "I was an excellent soldier" Raynor needs to deal with some personal things before she's anyone's therapist, because she strong-armed more of Bucky's autonomy away from him than Zemo did within the series.
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royalarchivist · 2 months
I see you guys discovered the Tumblr Boop feature.
I can't possibly keep up with booping everyone back, so I hope you guys will accept this as a response instead! :'D
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dp x dc idea 40
Quick summary: Danny finds Ellie in the basement strapped to a table. They book it after destroying portal. Fentons think Danny’s possessed and chase. They capture Ellie again with GIW. Danny pretends to be an ambassador to the infinite realm. They don’t need to know he’s the king. Threatens war. Batfam are near. They intervene.
The fentons find out about Ellie. The whole halfa thing not the clone thing. They decide obviously a ghost possessed a dead child and was using their body. That’s why she could transform back and forth.
Que the metal table and straps.
Danny was very concerned when Ellie didn’t show up to there monthly meet up. He tried to text her and call her to no response. Being the good older brother he is he went hunting.
Not able to find her, Danny is ready to beg frostbite for the infamap. He promised not to take it again. But no one said anything about begging.
When he goes to the basement he sees ellie. Thankfully before and vivisection or cutting began. She was just strapped down with a machine taking blood.
Que him freeing her. Destroying the record they had. Injecting her with a ecto-dejecto to get ectoplasma in her system to kick up the healing factor. He breaks the portal.
None of his rouges were out. They had a monthly agreement. No one was to interfere with his Ellie day. The box ghost tried it once. He had to deal with a feral Ellie. The rule is in place for there safety.
He knows he’ll be hearing the complaints for the rest of his afterlife. The fact jack and Maddie strapped what looks like a human down. Who knows what they’d do to his rouges. Those ones actively cause problems.
Danny and Ellie have a lovely road trip. Constantly running. Watching that back. Barley sleeping. One for the scrap book.
The end goal is to get to Gotham. Jazz goes to Gotham u. She’d hide them. She’d meet them if they had there phones. They got left behind in the panic. Getting to Jazz would be safe for them. She has a Fenton creep stick after all.
Upon getting to Gotham. They realize they both have no idea where the university is. So no idea how to get to jazz.
It’s late when they showed up. Like the middle of the night late. So they can’t even ask. Not to mention pay phones don’t really exist anymore. They didn’t have quarters regardless.
That’s when the Giw show up surrounding them. Jack and Maddie show up from nowhere grabbing Danny from behind. Yelling that he’s just possessed. He wouldn’t be helping the ghost girl if he wasn’t. He wouldn’t of destroyed there life’s work.
Danny. Thinking fast starts yelling at them asking if they really want a war. That he’s seen what they can do. It won’t even be a battle. They’d just close off access to the afterlifes. You have to travel through the realms to get to them. Leaving the dimension to suffer. No relief of death. Just pain and suffering.
Screaming how that she was the second in line for the throne. The princess.
Ellie just stares at him the whole time. Like wtf. She’s fought off a lot of the GIW agents. But they have blood bosoms that force her down.
Danny couldn’t get free from jack and Maddie. Going ghost would just force him to the ground as well.
Starts yelling how he hasn’t sided with his parents from the beginning. That he had tried to play ambassador. Freeing those taken. Making sure the realm didn’t fight back.
He lies about how he totally stopped the master of time itself from destroying the timeline. That pandora has not attacked because of him same as the mighty frostbite of the far frozen.
Basically he’s just spouting nonsense. Then threatens to summon frostbite. Frostbite taught him how after an incident where he very much hurt himself.
Just then people with grappling hooks show up. They end up detaining the GIW and jack and Maddie. Which is a good thing.
The bad thing was the bat furry wanted to ask questions.
Good thing the furries got rid of the blood blossoms.
Danny just gets through them. (They let him go to Ellie). The fight left Ellie injured. The blood blossoms had made the injured way word.
We’ll look like he was summoning frostbite.
Not to fight but because Ellie was hurt. The bat people barley reacted to the yeti appearing from a glowing green portal. But they did tense and take up new stances.
It’s quickly seen that frostbite is in fact a medic. Not a mighty warrior (from what they can tell).
They actually think Danny was actually the voice for the infinite realm. That was enough to get him dragged to space.
Who knows how’d they react if they knew he was the king. But hey the GIW got disbanded.
Now has a fic started. Feel free to steal this idea still!!!
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hoofpeet · 2 months
It feels like a lot of the ppl who are asking you to trigger tag the derealization stuff r probably the same people to ask for trigger tags on self harm scars. Like yeah mayb some ppl might be triggered by them but it's also a very real part of someone's body (+life) that they r always living with. And it's weird to ask someone to trigger tag that??? Like what a fucked up thing to say to someone? No you can't have your arms uncovered in your own space because it makes me upset to see that part of you/no you can't make a mild vent post on your own blog because it makes me upset to see that part of your life?? The unfollow/block button is right there goddam. Just walk out you can leave and all that. Anyway ur post really resonated with me and I'm so sorry for all the hate you got over it
YEAH people treating any kind of scarring as some sort of taboo subject is also really annoying to me.. Putting effort into any art starts to not feel worth it when people expect to like. Take everything they want from you while ignoring whatever they don't want to 'deal with'.... very very disheartening to be expected to be quiet about normal parts of my life while. also pouring all my time into making art for other's enjoyment . Like an internet jester
-neway ! Glad my post helped a little at least- it was nice to see others relate to it, so whatever weird discourse it sparked is worth dealing with if it comforted anyone 👍
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
ok i’m doing a reread of my hero academia (and trying to redraw at least one pose per chapter), and i’m just thinking. are there any fics where all might gets de-aged (either physically, or mentally AND physically) temporarily to junior high age during the ten months he’s training izuku?
izuku, only a third of the way through the American Dream plan: all might? all might please tell me you remember me. i’m supposed to be training as your successor.
toshinori, looking age 14 and totally ignorant: you’re my what??
izuku: OH NO
toshinori: hahaha, just joking, young midoriya! :D i remember you perfectly. just as i unfortunately remember this quirkless body of mine--oops.
izuku: q-quirkless??? you were quirkless?!?
bonus points
Toshinori is resigned to asking Gran Torino to assume guardianship rights.
He asks Izuku how Aldera is, gets a vague answer, and then schemes to infiltrate Izuku’s very class. Very confidently, he announces he is Quirkless at the very first day. Results vary.
Gran Torino reviews the American Dream plan. He looks at Toshinori and Toshinori looks anywhere else. In the spirit of teamwork and Quirkless camaraderie, Gran Torino makes Toshinori follow an even harsher plan to match Izuku’s stress level.
izuku, seeing toshinori doubled over and retching: ??!?!?!?
gran torino: doesn’t that make you feel better?
izuku: NO
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djarinvettel · 21 days
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this being one the best spoilers tags on imdb i have ever seen
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himehomu · 7 months
“Homura callously destroys everything and everyone else because she's selfish and she only loves madoka” right that's why, when she rewrote the entire universe, she not only made it to where Madoka would be surrounded by her friends and her family, but she also gave Sayaka a second chance with not only Kyoko, but with Hitomi and Kyoske as well. That's why she gave Nagisa and Mami a life together. Because she's callous and selfish and she doesn't care about anyone but Madoka. That's why she took on the brunt of immortality for Madoka to be human again, even if it's temporary, choosing to suffer alone whilst everyone else has a second chance at a life. Go fuck yourself. I'm so tired of seeing ppl minimize Homura's love for Madoka and her friends by writing off her actions as “oh she's just a selfish evil edgelord who destroys everything and everyone who isn't madoka bc she doesn't care about anything else bc selfishness vs selflessness themes!!” like you do know that you can point out Homura's selfishness and Madoka's selflessness without blatantly lying and trying to rewrite canon to fit your narrative, right?
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toubledrouble · 2 months
You know what we should bring back?
Older christianity. I mean the anti government, anti military, community based christianity. The one that cared the most about peace, equality, mercy, kindness, and radical love. The one with shared property. The one that didn't conform to society but instead existed mostly outside of it. The one where noone considered one sin worse than another because in the end, we are all sinners trying our best to be better.
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royalarchivist · 18 days
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Although this looks very similar to the original QSMP announcement video, this video QSMP Global just posted has a different (glitched) ending. Is this meant to be a soft reboot...?
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day 126
like if u think she did nothing wrong
rb if u would take her 2 the mall for boba
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thetwistedbeauty · 10 months
Daily reminder that we’ve only seen two evil people in the CoN. So why do so many people slander the people in Hewn city when we’ve only seen Kier and HEARD of Lord Thanatos…but Morrigan and everyone else in the Inner Circle hates them so we have to hate them as well? The same men and women who are continuously being abused but Rhysand can’t do anything because?? What is Rhysand the High Lord of? It’s not the Illryian war camps and it’s not Hewn city so it’s Velaris and he doesn’t tithe people from Velaris but how would he have money then? How much you wanna bet that the war camps and Hewn city pay those tithes because they’re apparently so evil and deserve to suffer and Rhysand can’t do anything to help the men and women because well we don’t know because JUST KNOW it’s for a good reason.
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idlesuperstar · 2 months
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My. Sounds like a love story.
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