#omegaverse recs
aethon-recs · 1 year
(Themed Rec List) 9 Omega Tom Riddle | Voldemort Fics
I recently damn near lost my mind after reading @cannibalinc's new Omega Tom Riddle fic, so it made me wonder how prevalent Omega Tom (or Voldemort) is in Tomarrymort... Pretty rare as it turns out! On AO3, the Alpha Tom Riddle (Alpha Voldemort) tag outpaces the Omega Tom Riddle (Omega Voldemort) tag by a factor of 7 to 1 for Tomarrymort fics 👀
Luckily, there’s been an amazing slate of Tomarrymort authors who’ve dipped their toes into this dynamic, so I was inspired to throw together an Omega Tom | Voldemort themed rec list.
The most interesting theme underlying many of these Omega Tom fics is how Tom manages to find ways to wield power in a world that denies him power, similar to how he overcomes his meagre circumstances in canon. Seeing Tom upend the typical power structures that we see in A/B/O dynamics and break the mould of "weak" Omega expectations results in a very authentic depiction of the manipulative and ruthless Tom (Voldemort) that we know and love 😊
Please mind all the tags and warnings on AO3 before reading — some of these fics contain quite dark subject matter, and this blog abides by the age-old fandom principle of don’t like; don’t read. As always, recs are in alphabetical order by title.
Tomarrymort Recs (Omega Tom Riddle | Voldemort)
A Matter of Perspective by lemonchase (E, 3k, WIP)
A PWP featuring a very practical Minister Riddle wanting to spend his heat with Auror Potter who is blessed with quite the generously-sized package. They have a very fun chemistry and banter, and seeing Harry sheepish about his god-given gifts is always a treat.
As It Begins by @duplicitywrites (T, 15k, WIP)
I never knew I needed an omegaverse Bridgerton AU in my life, but after reading this, I realized that I 1000% need an omegaverse Bridgerton AU in my life. It was fascinating to follow along as Tom so meticulously thinks through all the machinations and second-order effects of every ball and courting gift and social interaction — the Regency-era courtship-focused setting maps really well onto Tom's social climbing ambitions. Also, the side characters are such a delight as well, especially the handsome and charming Prince Cedric, who emerges as a viable candidate for Tom’s hand as he proposes a courtship with Tom (I’m now kind of obsessed with Prince Cedric after reading this), and there’s plenty of romantic tension, UST, and juicy gossip/drama to keep Tom and Harry occupied and us readers at the edge of our seats.
complete by @cindle-writes (E, 9k, complete)
I thought this was a clever play on the widespread trope of “Voldemort is definitely an Alpha / the assumed top in every circumstance” within the Tomarry ship. In this fic, Harry also (mistakenly) assumes Voldemort must be an Alpha — after all, that's what everyone had always said his whole life. As a result, he doesn’t bother to confirm before adopting Tom, which results in a loss of control that could prove disastrous for both of them.
Enamoured by @itsevanffs (E, 5k, WIP)
Newly presented Omega Tom takes babytrapping schemes to a whole new level in this fic. He is determined to have Harry as his Alpha, and there’s both a layer of Tom wanting to be with Harry to use him to his advantage, as well as a layer of Tom genuinely wanting Harry and craving his scent, his touch, his attentions — and oh, the pining in this fic was so very captivating, especially the last part where Tom comes undone surrounded by Harry’s scent.
Honeyguide by @cannibalinc (E, 7k, complete)
This was such a wild ride, and Tom’s inner voice is both so coldly rational and absolutely hilarious at the same time. Tom is hellbent on seducing Harry, regardless of anything that stands in the way. The rut scene was so intense — probably one of the most intense things I’ve read in all of fanfic — with Harry losing control and Tom facing the consequences of his actions and manipulations (in other words, of being a little shit). The rut was absolutely glorious in how it was depicted, with the snatches of action filtering in and out giving it a very dreamlike, unhinged quality. For Tom to be happy with the outcome of the rut and still want to be with Harry afterwards shows how resolute and strong his will is, which I thought was a very nice depiction of Tom that will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
pearl by @being-luminous (E, 3k, complete)
A lovely depiction of a Harry and Tom dynamic where they’re not quite together but have known each other for a long time, and it’s very sweet how they have an implicit trust in each other, for Tom to want to spend his heat with Harry. They both clearly care about each other, more than what they reveal in words, and it comes out in their comfortable familiarity with each other’s bodies and how they take care of each other’s needs, and I’m left with a smile on my face and a hopeful feeling about their future.
Prison Blues by @metalomagnetic (E, 48k, WIP)
My reaction to each chapter of Prison Blues published has been incoherent screaming—there is a LOT of knotting, there is a LOT of slick, and there is a LOT of Voldemort being an absolute menace and Harry having the biggest heart of gold in the world. Voldemort definitely wields his power as an Omega in this fic — he’s absolutely dripping in the power he holds over others — strutting about and driving all the Alphas around him crazy — it is QUITE the magnificent depiction of Voldemort at his sexiest. I literally have no words to describe how jaw-droppingly knock-out sexy these chapters were, but after each update, I was left in a stunned daze where I didn’t know what to do with myself for the next few hours aside from read and reread each chapter a few more times. And we even get a whole chapter dedicated to Voldemort’s backstory from the time he was at Hogwarts as a newly-presented omega! (Also, did we know there's only 1 fic on AO3 that uses the Omega Voldemort tag, and it’s this one!?? 👀 Omega Voldemort has so much untapped potential!)
Tantrums by @crowcrowcrowthing (E, 5k, complete)
Tom is a straight-up brat in this fic, and his chaotic, destructive tendencies are too funny to read about. Harry happens to be the only one that has a hope of reining Tom in, but Harry’s no perfect role model either, as an impulsive teenager that doesn’t have full control over his instincts. This is a rare example of a fic with beta/omega dynamics, and I thought it was an interesting take on how betas without any special A/B/O biology or instincts can, just as much, succumb to their instincts when confronted with alpha or (in this case) omega biology.
The Ethics of Want by @exarite (E, 10k, complete)
This was the first omegaverse I read in Tomarry, and it's pretty much the perfect beginner omegaverse fic, so if you're just dipping your toes into A/B/O — highly, highly recommend starting here. Tom is SO MANIPULATIVE and SO SCHEMING in this fic, and when he sets his sights on Harry, he is absolutely relentless until he gets his way, including some questionable (and hilarious) scent-marking tactics. There's just something Exarite’s prose that feels like drinking from a bubbly well of champagne — their fics are always so engaging and delightful to read, and the smut is so unbelievably hot, top top tier. Each time I reread this piece, it always feels fresh and just as much of a wild ride as the first time I read it.
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bucksangel · 6 months
milk and sugar
pairing: alpha!steve x alpha!bucky, alpha!steve x artist!omega!reader x alpha!bucky (poly) - omegaverse!au part two
word count: 5.1k
summary: “Are you nervous?” Steve asks, voice soft and caring. His hand settles on your arm, and Bucky appears beside you to place his hand on your back, as well as take one of your hands in his metal one. And despite your earlier anxiety, you mean it wholeheartedly when you say, “no.” or - it’s your first date with your alphas.
warnings: fluff fluff and more fluff, reader has insecurities, steve and bucky are adorable and caring, steve is very nervous bc he’s a romantic, like it’s almost unbearable how much of a pure puppy he is, bucky is extremely fond and a little teasing (bc of course he is), omegaverse, kissing, there are bits where it’s just steve and bucky
a/n: this fic doesn’t contain smut, however, due to the nature of my blog this is strictly 18+
milk and honey masterlist | main masterlist | tip jar
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‘Good morning, darling.’
That’s the text you received from Bucky at nine that morning - in the group chat he’d made with Steve and you. And while you normally sleep in on Sundays since your studio is closed, you’d woken up early - seven to be exact -  due to the anxiety you’ve been feeling ever since your art class ended yesterday.
Truthfully, you didn’t really sleep well anyway. Going on a date with not just one, but two Alphas at the same time has you on edge - though, not in a bad way. No, not at all. These are the good kinds of nerves, the exciting kind.
Well, okay, not all of your nerves are positive. Being naturally shy and reserved has caused you to overthink every single interaction you’ve had with the Alphas, both together and separately. And now that you’re going on this date, you can’t help the way your insecurities come creeping in faster and faster as it gets closer.
Because what if they decide they don’t like you after they actually get the chance to know you? What if they don’t even pay much attention to you and treat this as a date with just them since that must be what they’re more used to? What if you say or do something wrong and they get scared away?
Now, logically, you know those first two outcomes are absurd. Over the past few weeks, they’ve each shown extreme interest in getting to know you, they show how much care they have for you, and oh boy does that knowledge make your heart flutter. It makes you feel good, really good about yourself.
But that last point? Well, that is a big insecurity of yours. As a child, you weren’t that open and didn’t have many friends. And it was hard to make new ones when you would always stutter and trip over yourself, causing many of the kids you’d gone to school with to laugh at you. You were so shy, always the shortest kid in your class which made you an easy target for bullying, especially since you couldn’t hold a conversation well and you’d constantly accidentally bump into someone. It’s honestly a surprise that Tori had stuck around this long.
And, to be completely honest, you think you could deal with them maybe not finding you as interesting as they probably thought, maybe even them telling you that it just wouldn’t work out. Yes, it would hurt for a while, but you would deal with it. However, you absolutely could not live with the Alphas finding you annoying. Because this whole thing already feels like a fever dream, and if you were to fuck it up by doing or saying something embarrassing it would only serve as proof that you aren’t fit for Alphas like them.
It’s nine-fifteen when you respond with ‘good morning :)’
And not even a minute later, Steve texts back. ‘how are you feeling about today?’
Well, isn’t that a good question? Because you want nothing more than to go on this date, you want this to work out so badly that you feel like your heart might burst out of your chest. But, again, those fucking insecurities are messing with your mind.
It’s maybe a few minutes later when you reply with ‘Feeling okay, you guys?’
A bubble pops up at the bottom of the text thread, Bucky typing for a good thirty seconds before it disappears. And it stays like that for another full minute, your heart hammering in your chest as your anxieties are jumping to the worst possible outcome. What if they cancel? What if they-
Your phone screen comes to life when Steve calls you. He’s calling you. And for a moment you want to let it go to voicemail, you don’t want them to hear how nervous you are. But you also don’t want them to think you’re ignoring them, so you answer with a timid, “Hello?”
“Hi, honey,” Steve says calmly, his smooth voice doing a good job of soothing some of your worries.
“Hi!” You hear Bucky yell in the background, causing you to giggle.
“Hi, guys.”
You hear a thud in the background before Bucky yells “Put her on speaker, punk!” And then you can hear both of them clearly, Steve laughing as Bucky huffs in what you assume is a fake annoyance.
“So, uh, I’m just wondering. Um, where are we going today?” Mentally, you curse yourself for being so awkward, for tripping over your words while talking to the two most handsome Alphas you’ve ever met.
“That’s a surprise, honey,” Steve says, the smile on his face is evident in his tone. “Just wear something comfortable.”
“And warm!” Bucky adds, coming closer to the phone. “We don’t need you getting cold, okay?”
The hint of authority in his voice makes your heartbeat pick up speed and the care that’s so evident in just the way he speaks kind of makes you want to cry a little. When was the last time any potential partner showed even these small acts of concern for your well-being? Too long.
“Yes, sir,” You joke, having to bite your lip to keep your smile from widening even further when both Alphas laugh. Butterflies are swirling in your stomach, forming a tornado of anticipation and nerves for the day’s festivities.
“Alright,” Steve says with a hint of laughter. “We’ll let you go get ready and we’ll pick you up in two hours, okay?”
Two hours? That seems like too long yet not long enough. You’ve already showered, all you really need to do is find something to wear and then fix your hair - maybe throw on some mascara. But, still. Two hours seems like the perfect amount of time to have a full-on breakdown over this date. But at least that should also give you some time to recover from said breakdown.
“Yeah, that works!” Internally, you cringe at how eager you sound. Because even though you’re nervous beyond belief, and a tiny part of you wants to cancel the date out of fear of anything embarrassing happening, you don’t think you’d be able to live with yourself if you let these two slip through your fingers without giving it a fighting chance. 
“Great,” Bucky says, clearly smiling. “Just send us your address and we’ll be there.”
Once you bid your goodbyes to each other you make sure to send them your address before deciding to freak out over what to wear. Luckily for you, and as though the universe knows you need the help, your doorbell rings soon after. Confused as to who would be at your door this early, you make your way to the door, and when you open it you see Tori standing on the other side with a wide smile.
“Alright, girl,” She says happily, ignoring the incredulous look on your face as she pushes past you to walk into your apartment. “We have to get you ready, where are they taking you?”
“Hello to you too, Tori,” you say with a slight roll of your eyes as you close the door.
“Hey, babe!” Tori grabs your wrist and all but yanks you towards your room, not really caring about the fact that you’re nearly tripping over yourself in an effort to keep up. When you both get to your room she lets go of your arm and heads for your closet.
“So, where are you guys going?”
“I don’t know, they just said to dress warm and comfortable.” Your shoulders shrug, fingers nervously fiddling with each other. You’re not too sure what exactly to wear based on those being the only two requests. Sure, you have plenty of sweaters and jackets and scarves - it’s New York after all - but you don’t know what will impress the Alphas.
You want to impress them so badly. You don’t want them to regret asking you out, and while clothing choices aren’t a ‘make or break’ type of thing it’s still important to you that you look the best you possibly can. After all, anyone who’s seen Steve and Bucky in person would agree that they’re most definitely the two most handsome men to ever exist.
Something soft hitting you in the face knocks you out of your thoughts.
“Hey!” You yelp, looking at the ground to see the thing that hit you - your light brown sweater with a cute graphic of a pumpkin patch on the front. Seconds later, a pair of leggings hit your chest. “Tori!”
Tori simply laughs, then heads to your shoe rack next to the closet door.
“How do you know this will be good for the date?” You ask as you pick up the sweater to inspect it as though you haven’t worn it hundreds of times. But, again, today needs to go perfectly so any stains you might’ve missed would not go down well with you.
“I don’t,” She admits with a shrug of her shoulders. “But that sweater accentuates your boobs and the leggings make your ass look great.”
Your whole body goes hot, the implication of them looking at those parts of your body doesn’t make you shrink away like it normally would, though you can barely stop your insecurities about your body from throwing the items to the side and picking something else to prevent that from happening.
“I-I don’t know, Tori…” You sigh, going over to your bed and sitting down on the edge. “What if they don’t like it? I mean, they’re-”
“Stop it,” Tori says forcefully, walking over to stand in front of you. “You’re beautiful and kind and wonderful and they’re going to love you. And if they don’t, then that’s not your fault. As long as you give it your all, everything will be fine.”
Coming closer, she places her hands on your shoulders so she can shake you a little bit. “I love you, girl. You’re my best friend and I want to see you happy. And it seems like they make you happy, but you make them happy too. I’ve seen it in the way they look at you, how they talk to you. It’s going to be fine, babe. I promise.”
After a long pause where you think over her words, you decide that she’s right - at least about your feelings. You like them so fucking much, so it wouldn’t be fair to them or yourself if you didn’t try your best.
“Okay… Okay, then. Let’s get me ready.”
And with that, Tori smiles brightly, leaning down to squeeze you in a tight hug before releasing you.
It’s a few minutes before eleven when Bucky and Steve park out front of your apartment building. Steve is practically vibrating out of his skin, Bucky even had to convince his mate that he should drive to pick you up since Steve could barely keep his knees from bouncing.
“Baby,” Bucky says, shutting off the engine and twisting in his seat to face Steve. “It’s going to be okay. We’re going to just be ourselves and treat her like she deserves, there’s no way she’s going to not like us.”
Steve nods, though he doesn’t look super convinced. It’s clear from how he spent fifteen minutes this morning in the flower shop picking out the perfect bouquet for you that he really, really wants this to work. And even though he doesn’t show it, Bucky knows Steve would be heartbroken if it didn’t. His mate’s always been a softie, and there’s something about you that makes him feel different - better than any other omega ever could.
Bucky knows exactly how he feels. Because, although he’s not as outwardly anxious, he just knows that you’re perfect for them, and he wants to do everything he can to make you see that they can take care of you, they can protect and love you. Your smile and sweet giggle haunt his dreams, his nightmares have long been replaced with his memories of him and Steve - and now you. He can’t help but imagine what it would be like to wake up next to you and his Alpha, to cuddle with you two in your nest as you all trade kisses and talk about anything and everything.
“You’re sure?” Steve asks with a timid voice, fiddling with the flowers in his lap. “I - we really like her.”
Bucky sighs, then reaches over the console to place his hand on the back of his mate's neck in a comforting manner. And even though it’s uncomfortable, Bucky leans over and presses a soft kiss to Steve’s lips.
“I’m sure, Stevie.”
Steve sighs too, leaning forward to kiss Bucky again before pulling back.
“Okay, Buck.”
With that, they both share a small smile and then get out of the car. It’s about a minute-long elevator ride up to your floor, Bucky holding his mate’s free hand the entire way and sending him feelings of calmness through their bond. It works until they get to your front door because now Steve is practically fumbling with the flowers as he figures out the best way to hold them while Bucky knocks.
It’s about a minute later when the door swings open, but it’s not you. It’s Tori with a wide, knowing smirk on her face.
“Hello, boys,” She says, crossing her arms over her chest. “Those for her?” She nods towards the sunflowers and daisies Steve is holding.
“They are,” Bucky says with a smile of his own. Glancing at Steve to see him nod. “Is she ready?”
“Yes!” You say, quickly running up behind Tori to gently push her to the side and give her a side glare. You’re fiddling with your clothes, tugging at the bottom of the sweater in order to smooth out the fabric.
However, in the Alphas’ eyes, there’s no need for you to do so. Through their bond both of them feel the other go kind of dumb - you always look pretty but today’s outfit just hits them differently. Your eyeliner makes the color of your eyes pop, and the shiny lipgloss makes your lips nearly impossible to not kiss.
They don’t, though. Not yet. The last thing either of them wants to do is make you uncomfortable, especially with Tori standing behind you. So, instead, Bucky smiles and elbows Steve to get him out of his trance.
“Hello, honey,” Bucky says, his smile turning into a smirk when you fail to suppress a squeak.
“H-hi, guys,” You say nervously with a small smile. “Are those for me?” You ask when you notice the flowers in Steve’s hand.
“Oh, um, yes,” Steve stutters ever so slightly, reaching out to hand you the bouquet. “You once said you love Sunflowers.”
“You once said you love Sunflowers.”
Something about this gesture makes you want to tear up. Flowers may not be a big deal to some people, but they mean everything to you. Receiving gifts from partners has been rare for you, so the beauty of the petals and knowing that they’re for you just makes you preen a little bit.
“I do,” You say softly, almost like you can’t believe he remembered. “They’re beautiful, thank you. Really.”
“Just like you,” Steve blurts out before a redness covers his cheeks.
And you absolutely cannot be blamed for the embarrassing squeak you let out. You try being called beautiful by Steve fucking Rogers and not want to bury your face in his neck to inhale his scent.
“Th-thank you,” You say with a giggle, handing the flowers to Tori and giving her a grateful smile as she gives you a quick kiss on your cheek.
“You guys have fun,” She teases, waving you off with a smile. “Treat her well or you’ll have hell to pay.”
“Of course,” Bucky says with an assuring nod. “Wouldn’t treat her with anything but care.” He says this while looking at you though, the twinkle in his eyes making you want to bare your neck to him.
When the door closes behind you, you step closer to the Alphas.
“Are you nervous?” Steve asks, voice soft and caring, though clearly a little anxious. His hand settles on your arm, and Bucky appears beside you to place his hand on your back, as well as take one of your hands in his metal one.
And despite your earlier anxiety, you mean it wholeheartedly when you say, “No.” How can you be nervous now when the feeling of the men’s warm hands on you and their clear concern for your wellbeing makes your heartbeat quicken in anticipation?
“Let’s go?” You ask, face growing warm in slight embarrassment for your enthusiasm.
“Let’s go,” Both Alphas say in unison. And then all of you are off to the truck - a very nicely kept, sleek black truck. Steve opens the back door for you before, to your surprise, sliding in next to you.
“We agreed he could sit in the back with you on the way there as long as I could sit next to you on our way back,” Bucky pipes up at your questioning glance.
Feelings of warmth fill your entire being, and you already know that today is going to be the most fun you’ve had in a while.
It’s about a thirty-five-minute drive before you finally arrive at a park - a beautiful stretch of the greenest grass you’ve ever seen with orange and red-leafed trees surrounding two sides of it. It’s big, but if you look close enough you can make out a trail off to the left. That half hour was, surprisingly to you, filled with pleasant conversation. Now, your previous interactions with the men proved that they were wonderful company, but you’re surprised that you’re not as nervous as you thought you’d be. Everything was moving smoothly, there wasn’t even a single moment of awkward silence.
“We’re here,” Bucky says, pulling into a free parking spot closest to the entrance of the trail. Steve opens the door as Bucky gets out as well and goes around to the back of the truck. And Steve, ever the gentleman, holds your hand as he helps you climb out of the backseat, only letting go when you begin smoothing out your clothes.
“Are we ready?” Bucky appears next to you holding a large blanket and a stereotypical wicker basket.
A small smile forms on your face, and your heartbeat increases ever so slightly. How are they so fucking sweet?
“Yes!” Immediately, your face goes hot, self-conscious of your enthusiasm. But the Alphas don’t seem to mind, in fact, Steve takes the blanket from under Bucky’s arm and tucks it under his own, then grabs your hand and intertwines your fingers together.
“Let’s go then,” Steve says, smiling softly down at you.
With that, the three of you head off to the trail, walking under colorful oak trees that flank both sides of the dirt path. A comfortable silence falls over all of you, only the sounds of birds chirping filling the air. You walk for a few minutes, the leaves crunching under your feet as you take in the beauty surrounding you, your eyes wide with wonder.
The environment is comforting, calm, puts you at ease in a way you don’t normally experience. It’s freeing to feel so content - so happy. It takes about five minutes before you come upon a set of wooden stairs leading down to the most beautiful lake you’ve ever seen. The water is nearly clear, the colorful trees reflecting over the surface, and even though it’s a clear day out, you can’t help but notice the golden hue filling the air. You don’t even notice you’ve stopped walking until Steve tugs on your hand.
“Do you like it?” He asks, almost nervous as he waits for your reaction.
“I…” You trail off, tears filling your eyes. This whole thing is just - just perfect. “I love it,” you say as you look at Steve, a wide smile spreading across your face. And you look at Bucky when you say, “It’s perfect.”
“It’s perfect.”
Bucky can’t help but let out a small sigh of relief. They’d both wracked their brains trying to figure out where to take you, what to do. They want to wow you, to show you that they can - and hopefully will get the chance to provide for you, they can make you happy. You’ll never go without, if you want something, they will figure out a way to get it.
“Good,” Steve says softly, smiling down at you before looking up at Bucky and nodding his head.
With that, the three of you make your way down the stairs, Steve holding on to your hand tightly to make sure you don’t fall, and Bucky places his free hand on your back. He can hear how your heartbeat speeds up when he does so and tries so hard not to puff out his chest when you glance up at him through your eyelashes coyly.
Once you’re down by the lake, the men lead you to a large oak tree merely ten or so feet from the edge. Steve is quick to unfold the blanket and spread it out under the tree - large enough to probably cover an entire California King bed. Bucky then places the basket down as his mate takes your hand and helps you sit near the edge of the blanket leaving enough space for the men to sit on either side of you.
The Alphas quickly open the basket and pull out containers of food, opening the lids and placing them in front of you. When they finally sit down - obviously with you in the middle - Bucky notices how wide your eyes are, how you seem transfixed on the array of fruits and sandwiches and cake. It’s when Bucky pulls out the jug of homemade lemonade that you choke back a cry.
“Honey?” Steve asks, turning his body to face you with a concerned look in his eyes.
“Are you alright? What’s wrong?” Bucky places a hand on your back, sweeping it around to hold your waist. And can you really blame him if his whole body goes hot when you lean into his side and turn your face so it’s halfway buried in his neck?
It takes a few seconds but you’re finally able to gather yourself and pull away.
“You guys are just… I can’t believe it.”
“What can’t you believe, sweetheart?” Steve scoots closer to you, placing his hand on your head to smooth out your hair, and unconsciously turns your head so he can look directly at you. “Tell us what’s going on in that pretty head of yours.”
You want to scream. You want to yell until your voice gives out. It’s nothing, in the grand scheme of things. Them preparing food - by hand - and bringing you to this beautiful spot might just be a normal thing for most people, but considering you’ve hardly ever been shown this much affection and thoughtfulness. Shaking your head, you look away, unable to withstand the Alpha's intense gaze.
“It’s nothing,” You mumble, fiddling with your fingers. “It’s stupid.”
“No, it’s not, honey,” Bucky says, giving your waist an affectionate squeeze. “If you’re upset, we want you to tell us.”
“I’m not! I promise!” You assure them, hesitantly reaching both of your hands out to place them on the Alpha’s legs. “I guess I just… I’ve just never been shown this much… care?” It’s phrased as a question, because you’re unsure if that was the right word to use, but it’s all you can think of at the moment.
“I know it may not seem like a lot,” You continue, taking a deep breath before looking up at Steve, and then Bucky. “But this means the world to me. You guys are just so sweet and thoughtful and I’m not really sure what to do, I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, let alone two people.”
Both of the men sigh, and you can almost taste the scent of disappointment wafting off of them. Suddenly your nerves spike, did you say something wrong?
You must have said that out loud because Bucky starts shaking his head. “No, no darling. You didn’t say anything wrong, I promise.”
“We’re just… I guess we’re disappointed that you consider this the height of romance because this is the bare minimum. You should be used to this, you should be loved and worshipped because that’s what you deserve, nothing less. And it’s not your fault, it’s every other person’s fault for not treating you like the perfect Omega you are.” Steve sounds upset, and your heartbeat increases to a degree that you’d think you were having a panic attack if it weren’t for how damn happy you are.
For a moment, you’re unsure as to what to say, it’s just baffling to you that one person, let alone two, can make you feel this way, this joyous and carefree. But luckily Bucky speaks up so you don’t have to.
“And we’d love to have the chance to do that for you,” He says softly, picking up your hand to cradle it in his own so he can place a delicate kiss on your knuckles. And when you stare up into his eyes, you can’t help but gasp at how loving his gaze is. “Will you give us that chance?”
“Yes.” And this time, you’re not embarrassed by how quickly your answer was to come. How can you be when both men sigh in relief and lean into your body so they can wrap you in their arms? It’s warm and comforting, filling you with happiness and care for these men.
When they lean back you really can’t be blamed for the way your gaze finds Steve’s, then drops down to his lips momentarily. At this, you’re a little flustered, suddenly overcome with the want to feel how soft they are.
Steve seems to read your mind because he places his hand on the back of your neck and forces you to hold his gaze.
“Can I kiss you, honey?”
“Please,” You whine, staying in place as the Alpha leans down slowly. Your eyes close when he gets close enough that you can feel his breaths against your mouth. And for a moment, neither of you moves, and your nerves climb higher and higher as the seconds tick by.
You’re about to speak when he finally, finally kisses you. At first, it’s just a simple peck, a chaste kiss on your lips, and then he pulls back by merely a millimeter. It’s you who leans forward to press your lips together again, and you let him lead as you lose yourself in the kiss. Though, it’s over far too soon for your liking by a soft groan.
Pulling away, both you and Steve turn to look at Bucky, who is now sporting a sheepish grin.
“Sorry,” He mumbles with a flushed face. “I just… I love seeing you two together. I love us all being together and having the two people I care about more than anything sharing your feelings. I know it’s-”
“Sweet,” You interrupt him, turning your body so you can face him better and slip your hand out of his. Placing it on his cheek, you smile when he nuzzles into your palm and gives it a little kiss. “I think it’s sweet, Bucky.”
“Can I kiss you too?” He whispers hopefully, smiling when you nod. Unlike his mate, Bucky doesn’t waste any time capturing your lips in a soft but passionate kiss. It’s clear he’s trying to hold back, and something in you just can’t help but feel wanted, desired. This kiss lasts a little longer, and although you can feel Steve’s gaze on you, you’re not in the least bit self-conscious. You know they wouldn’t lie to you, so you find comfort in knowing that you can show affection to both men without either getting upset or jealous.
When you do finally pull away, you can’t help but lean into Bucky’s chest, reaching behind you to grab Steve’s hand.
“I really like you guys,” You mumble into the Alpha’s chest.
“We really like you too,” They say in unison, causing you to smile.
With that, everything seems to fall into place, the men divvy up the food - giving you most of it - and you all eat in comfortable silence, occasionally stealing glances at each other. Once the food is eaten, Bucky wraps his arm around your waist, causing you to look up at him.
“Come here,” He says with a smile, guiding you to sit sideways on his lap, facing Steve. And there is absolutely no way in hell you could contain the squeak forcing its way out of your mouth. “Is this okay?” He asks as Steve scoots closer to sit right next to Bucky, picking up your legs and resing them in his lap.
You’ve never nodded faster in your life. You’re nervous, sure, but the utter happiness you’re feeling far outweighs it. That happiness only grows when Bucky nods to his mate, and you watch as the other man picks up the container with the cake. Your eyes widen when Steve picks up a fork and takes a small bit out of one of the slices, carefully leading it up to your mouth where you automatically open it.
Slowly, he slides the fork out, allowing you to chew the cake with a pleased smile on his face. It goes on like this until the slice is completely gone, with Bucky pressing kisses to your temple occasionally and bathing you in his warmth. It makes you preen having these Alphas take care of you like this, providing for you.
You’re content to stay here forever, wrapped up in their light, and by the time you’re done eating completely, you feel your eyelids grow heavy, a yawn forcing your mouth wide open.
“I’m sorry,” You say remorsefully, a little embarrassed by how tired you’ve become now that your stomach is full and you’re comfortably resting against Bucky’s chest.
“Don’t be, honey,” Steve says, leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “You can nap if you want, we’ll be right here when you wake up.”
A smile spreads across your face, and you instinctively bury your head into Bucky’s chest and reach out so you can hold onto Steve’s hands. “Are you sure?” You ask, peeking an eye open so you can look up at the blonde Alpha.
He smiles as he nods, pressing another kiss on the top of your head. “Go to sleep, pretty girl.”
It doesn’t take long for you to float off into dreamland, and the last thing you hear is, “I told you she’s perfect for us.”
tagging: @the-ginger-fairy-artist / @supernovatardis / @perdidosbucky-yyo / @wckedheart / @kandis-mom / @meteorshowercoffee / @wandaneedstherapy / @buckysbarne / @bigcreatorwombatdreamer / @p1ut0smoon / @venusfly11 / @buckybarnesmetalarmswife775 / @the-photo-hoe / @clownsbf / @matsumama / @fandoms-writings / @thornsnvultures / @sadboiabby / @lily-excal / @alright-i-guesss / @blondie-bluue / @loveforreading / @marvel-wifey-86 / @wheezy-stucky / @exposition-belongs-somewhere / @sweater-bee / @stuckysbike / @lovelylittleleigh / @buckyshbic / @starkblackwolf / @caitlink26 / @dreaming-potato / @emeraldfairy23 / @lethargicluv / @kinsssss / @perfectlyboring / @glistenuplove / @monicachic13 / @bbellen1411 / @akmenia / @shawnftjacob / @ladyravenclaw / @sadsadbabygirlrob / @hc-kerr / @iamfandomwasted / @sweetmoonlove0214 / @yesprettypleasesir / @duckies16 / @wizardofstories / @emerald-writes / @xonickibaby / @matchat3a / @hereticdance / @animegirlgeeky / @rippedpiece
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parmahamlarrie · 4 months
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Welcome back to another post for the directory of fic recs on my blog! If you would like a specific theme or trope, let me know! As always, these are all fics I have read and loved, not all the fics out there. You can find more Omegaverse fics here! **This post will be updated as I have more fics in this theme to recommend!**
Face Your Fears || @sadaveniren || 92.2k Omegaverse, Baker Harry, Famous/Non Famous, Misunderstandings, KidFic, Mpreg, Slowburn, Angst
Violent Delights || @ohpleaselarry || 76k Omegaverse, Alpha Harry, Omega Louis, Regency, Prince Louis, Prince Harry, Rapunzel-Esque
Seeing Blind || zedi || 46.7k Omegaverse, Rut Bar, Blind Louis, Alpha Louis, Omega Harry
picking up the pieces || @falsegoodnight || 37.6k Omegaverse, Childhood Friends to Enemies to Lovers, Fake Relationship, High School Reunions
Follow Your Arrow || @ladyaj-13 || 36.2k  Omegaverse, Pack Dynamics, Canon Divergent, Touch Deprivation
Sometimes You Just Know || @2tiedships2 || 33.8k  Omegaverse, Soulmates, Exes to Lovers, Nesting
Blush || @dip-lou-in-honey || 33.4k Historical AU, Omegaverse, Period Typical Sexism
Leave Your Mark On Me || @kingsofeverything || 32k  Omegaverse, Restaurant AU, Fake Bonds, Enemies to Friends to Lovers
An Alpha For Christmas || IceQueenRia || 28.1k Christmas, A/B/O, Fake Relationship, Neighbour AU
never been a fan of change, but we're still the same || @onlythebravest || 27.1k Omegaverse, Friends to Lovers, College AU, Hurt/Comfort, Drops, Nesting
only guilty of loving you || sweetrevenge || 22.1k Omegaverse, Scents, You’ve Got Mail AU
Pretty in Pink || lovelarry10 || 18.8k Omegaverse, Alpha Harry. Omega Louis, Feminine Harry, Friends to Lovers
Empty Nest || @littleroverlouis || 16.4k Omegaverse, Mpreg, Nesting, Established Relationship, Fluff
Prince Harry and the Expert in Motorcycle Maintenance || @juliusschmidt || 15.9k  Omegaverse, Crack, Royalty, Cinderella Story
balance between you and me || @beckydoesthings || 15.2k Omegaverse, Alpha Louis, Omega Harry, Businessmen, Courting Rituals
Smells Like Omega Spirit || @lululawrence || 11.7k Omegaverse, Misunderstandings, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Scene Neutralizers
Stumbling Into Your Arms ABO verse || @sunshineandthemoonlight || 11.3k - 2 parts Omegaverse, College AU, Train AU, Fluff
Enter the Rose Garden || @angelichl || 10.3k Omegaverse, Friends to Lovers, Soft Heat, Pining
14 Days of Valentine’s || @stylesthebrave || 9.3k  Omegaverse, Omega Harry, Alpha Louis, Established Relationship, Courting
a body wishes to be held & held || turnyourankle || 9.1k  Omegaverse, Coworkers to Lovers, Pining, Heat/Rut
The Coach Tommo Universe || @enchantedlandcoffee || 8.8k Omegaverse, Kid Fic, Fluff and Smut, Bakery Owner Harry
I’d Walk Through Fire For You (Just Let Me Adore You) || @neondiamond || 8.3k Omegaverse, Friends to Lovers, Firefighter Louis
There With Open Arms || @cupcakentea || 7.6k Omegaverse, Beta Louis, Omega Harry, Dropping
Dance With Your demons || @pocketsunshineharry || 6.7k Omegaverse, Established Relationship, Mild Hurt/Comfort
Almost Misheard || @tommokat || 6.5k Omegaverse, Friends to Lovers, Idiots to Lovers
Everything I need, I get from you || @lunarheslwt || 6.4k Omegaverse, Anxious Harry, Established Relationship, Valentine's Day
Something Blue & Someone New || @littleroverlouis || 6.1k Omegaverse, Alpha Louis, Omega Harry, Courting, Neighbor AU
Perfect, For Now || @parmahamlarrie || 4.9k Omegaverse, Neighbor AU, New Towns, Touch Starvation, Misunderstandings
Open Up Your Honey Pot || @polaroidlouis || 4.8k Omegaverse, Alpha Louis, Omega Harry, Frat Boy Louis, Service Top Louis
Feel the Heat Through Your Phone || @larry-hiatus || 4.3k Omegaverse, Established Relationship, Phone Sex, Heat
The Cat that Got the Cream || @suesheroll || 4.2k Omegaverse, Virgin Harry, Friends to Lovers
Wanna Make Your Body Numb || @letthemusicmoveyou28 || 3.8k Omegaverse, Dom/Sub, Club Owner Louis, Established Relationship
I need you right now, baby (won’t you come home?) || @non-binharry || 3.3k Omegaverse, Alpha Louis, Omega Harry, Heist, Humor
No (Birth) Control || @haztobegood || 2.8k Omegaverse, Omega Harry, Alpha Louis, Established Relationship, Fluff and Smut, Porn with Plot
and it was love at first blush || @bottomhaztoplou || 2.4k Omegaverse, Historical AU, Ballroom Dancing, Courtship, Courting Rituals
Simply the Nest (Better Than All The Rest) || @homosociallyyours || 2.2k Omegaverse, Strangers to Lovers, Alpha Harry, Omega Louis, Nesting
listen to me, butterfly || wherewestwood || 2.1k Omegaverse, Established Relationship, Canon, Nesting
I Trust You || @neondiamond || 1.8k  Established Relationship, Omegaverse, Ace Harry, Omega Harry, Alpha Louis
I’ve secretly always wanted to be yours (and for you to be mine) || @bottomhaztoplou || 1.6k Omegaverse, Alpha Louis, Omega Harry, Heat/Rut, Older Louis, High School AU
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zepskies · 6 months
Hey can you reccomend me your favorite dean x reader au series where dean isn’t a hunter ❤️
Ooh interesting!
So far I've only written one Dean AU: Smoke Eater. But off the top of my head, I have read a few...
Dean Winchester x Reader AU Stories:
(Many of these are on my SPN Fic Rec List.)
Hold On I'm Coming (firefighter!Dean) - @ravengirl94
Dust (Cowboy!Dean)
Dean Winchester Masterlist - @waynes-multiverse - She has a few Dean AUs to check out. I haven't read them all, but I love everything I've ever read of hers!
The Widow - @pink-sparkly-witch - She also has a firefighter!Dean story that I haven't gotten a chance to read yet: The One That Got Away.
The Guest House (Mechanic!Dean) - @deanwritings (In Progress)
Night Falls (FBI Agent!Dean)
Feral (Alpha!Dean/ABO) - @luci-in-trenchcoats - But she also has several other Dean AUs on her Dean Winchester Series Masterlist.
Carry On (Alpha!Dean/ABO) - @acreativelydifferentlove
You're Home (Alpha!Dean/ABO)
Iron Heart (Alpha!Dean/ABO) - @kittenofdoomage
Taste (Alpha!Dean/ABO)
Big Wide World (Alpha!Dean/ABO)
The Dangers of Hope (Endverse!Dean) - @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
I can add to this list as I'm able to read more stories! ❤️ This is now included on my SPN Masterlist for future reference.
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dreaminrainbows · 2 months
I'm trouble with you
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“Harry,” Louis says in a soft voice, ”in less than a year you'll probably move out and I need to know now, I need to know tonight if I'm going to lose you forever. I'm done guessing!” He says demanding, but soft, his voice low and almost trembling. Harry's whole body is shaking. All of the feelings he tried to bury with studying, alcohol and weed, or sex are coming to the surface now and he can't deal with that. Can't deal with Louis sounding like he is actually afraid Harry is not going to be in his life. Because if Louis is afraid of losing Harry it means that he cares and Harry cannot deal with Louis caring. Every single illusion he's built in his mind of painting Louis as the bad guy will crash down along with all his resolve and walls and he cannot (!) have that. or the friends to enemies to lovers aka idiots to lovers aka they just don't talk until they FINALLY do
Part of @omegaharryfest
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becomingfoxes · 8 months
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Happy Friday!! 💙🌼
Back again with another fic rec. I love everything by @lexirosewrites and don't make me pick a favorite because I can't but Bandaids is pretty high on the list! 🥰 It's so soft and sweet with lots of kid shenanigans and a touch of Lexi angst. 💙 I love it to bits!
Also, I'm currently working on binds of several of Lexi's fics. It'll be a bit before I can get much done with them because I've got to finish my steddie BB pieces but yeah!! I'm excited!! 😉
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Hi! Do you have any good abo ot8 skz fic recommendations? Thank you!
I have quite a few great skz!abo recs, but not a whole lot of ot8.
Here's a few I absolutely loved though and reread often!
And they called it puppy love by kyunteez
Throw me to the wolves by sunstorms
Skz omegaverse by 8bitskeleton
Terms and Conditions Apply by hwangism
Hoodie Season, Adopt don't shop by catsonthewindowsill
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ibrithir-was-here · 1 year
@softest-punk Ok! Here it is xD my best attempt at an 80’s Avon cover (not quite a bodice ripper but I hope it suffices—I would have done a bodice ripper but had to put Orpheus in there too the sweetie and he rather swerved that mood xD )
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I tried to incorporate as many visuals as you’d already posted. The suits, the earrings, the settee. And a bit of the Jane Austen cover!
And here’s the back cover with your synopsis:
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And the cover without the title and writing
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I tried to give it all a vintage/worn sort of feel, like it was a well loved paperback that had been read many times over, just as the actual fic has been :) Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story with all of us!!!
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multifandom--mess · 1 month
been reading so much hannigram omegaverse lately and y'all-
i've been missing out on some good shit like damn i am hooked now why didn't anyone tell me omg 😩
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steddieunderdogfics · 3 months
Boltedfruit's "Simple Biology" is another favorite steddie omegaverse fic of mine and it has the cutest premise of Steve and Eddie raising a flour sack baby together for heath class and falling in love over it.
Simple Biology by boltedfruit
Rating: Explicit
28,467 words, 8/8 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Eddie Munson, Omega Steve Harrington, Alternate Universe - College/University, flour bag baby, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating Rituals, Intersex Omegas, Vaginal Sex, Knotting, Light Angst, Fluff and Smut, Breeding Kink, Falling In Love, Scenting, Scent Kink, Scent Marking, more tags to be added with each chapter, growling/purring/trilling, Dominance, lightly - Freeform, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington Are Best Friends, also roommates, Steve Harrington-centric, Protective Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington Is a Mess, Period-Typical Sexism, Virgin Eddie Munson, Alpha/Omega
Steve's first real college assignment is to take care of a flour bag baby. With his class partner Eddie Munson, who happens to be an alpha. - Then Eddie snaps his jaw at the other alpha, the sound of teeth hitting teeth ringing between Steve’s ears. And from his vantage point, he swears he sees Eddie’s eyes flash red. The other alpha's hands slowly unwind from Eddie’s vest. Eddie bears down until the other cowers. It's subtle. A tilt of his head in deference. Eddie’s won. Steve’s mouth waters.
Thanks for the rec!
This rec is a part of Theme Weekend. The theme this weekend is omegaverse.
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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fandomlover1992 · 2 months
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Steve Harrington, the former disgraced Crown Prince of Loch Nora is on trial in the enemy Kingdom of Hawkins. It wasn't his fault. Really! He just trying to survive the winter. Something not easy for lone omegas, especially blind lone omegas.
Prince Eddie Munson vowed to protect his kingdom's Great Secret at all costs. But when a beautiful but oh so broken omega is dragged into the Great Hall for trial, he's finding it rather difficult to stay objective...and his instincts under control.
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parmahamlarrie · 5 months
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Welcome back to another post for the directory of fic recs on my blog! As Omegaverse fics are one I adore, this will be our first multiparter! If you would like a specific theme or trope, let me know! As always, these are all fics I have read and loved, and think you should read too. **This post will be updated as I have read more fics in this theme to recommend!**
Pretty Please (With Sugar on Top) || @angelichl || 113.6k A/B/O, Sugar baby Harry, Omega Harry, Alpha Louis, Soulmate AU
Make It Up As We Go Along || @lululawrence || 52.2k  A/B/O, Poly, Movie Adaptation, KidFic, OT5
Truebonds || @jacaranda-bloom || 39.6k A/B/O, Truebonds, Omega Louis, Alpha Harry, Farmer Louis, Scenting
Quiet People Have the Loudest Minds || @2tiedships2 || 38k A/B/O, Strangers to Lovers, Mute Louis
voicemail sings a wreck || @falsegoodnight || 37k  A/B/O, College AU, American AU, Enemies to Lovers, Frat AU
Too Young To Know || @2tiedships2 || 35.4k   A/B/O, Exes to Lovers, Lou has a boyfriend, Fluff and Angst
dream about a summer night || @onlythebravest || 33.6k A/B/O, Friends to Lovers, Summer Camp AU
Short and Sweet || 5ft9 || 29.6k   A/B/O, Strangers to Lovers, Tattoo Artist H, Super Soft Lou
Introduction to Dynamics || @juliusschmidt || 29.1k  A/B/O, Omega Louis, Presenting, Coming of Age, Uni AU, Strangers to Friends to Lovers
two sugars || @sun-lt || 21.6k A/B/O, Mental Health, Nesting, Strangers to Lovers
taken by lust’s strange inhumanity || @larrydoinglaundry || 20.6k A/B/O, Alpha Louis, Omega Harry, College AU, Frat Brother Louis, Intersex Omega, Virgin Harry
how do I stay tender || jessicamcqueen || 16.8k A/B/O, Alpha Harry, Omega Louis, Neighbors, Touch Deprivation, Nesting
love so soft, you ain’t had nothing softer Series || @neondiamond || 15.4k  A/B/O, Alpha Louis, Omega Harry, Fluff/Smut
A Fateful Snow || @parmahamlarrie || 13k A/B/O, Christmas, Christmas Tree Farm, Small Business Owners, Fluff
Come In and Change My Life || @lightwoodsmagic || 12.1k A/B/O, Famous/Non-Famous, Mpreg, Strangers to Friends to Lovers
hit me with your sweet love (kill me with a kiss) || @bottomhaztoplou || 11.5k A/B/O, Alpha Louis, Omega Harry, Courting, Fluff, Valentine’s Day
resolutions and lovers in the kitchen || orphan_account || 10.8k A/B/O, Heat, Established Relationship, Fluff and Smut
Cut me up, kiss me harder || @lunarheslwt || 9.4k A/B/O, Alpha Harry, Omega Louis, Enemies to Lovers, Spin the Bottle
Find Me in the Kitchen || @neondiamond || 9.2k A/B/O, Cooking Lessons, Fluff
All I Needed || @fallinglikethis || 9.1k Harry Potter AU, A/B/O, Alpha Louis, Omega Louis
my heart's against your chest, your lips pressed to my neck (I'm in love now) || @bottomhaztoplou || 8.8k A/B/O, College AU, Courting, Friends to Lovers, Roommates
Can We Start Believing || @fearlesslysweetcreature || 8.1k A/B/O, Nesting, Friends to Lovers
young hearts on the chase || @polaroidlouis || 7.4k A/B/O, Courting, Alpha Louis, Omega Harry, Soft Harry
they found the evidence and they found your fingerprints (all on me) || angelsueavenue || 6.6k A/B/O, Alpha Louis, Omega Harry, College AU, Pining, Jealousy, Scenting, Friends to Lovers, Parties, Winter
when we get intimate || rainblou || 6.5k A/B/O, College AU, Ace Harry, Nesting
Lost in your Paradise || @sadaveniren || 6.3k A/B/O, Public Sex, Unplanned Pregnancy
just the two of us (we can make it if we try) || @starryhaze28 || 5.9k  A/B/O, Pregnant Harry, Omega Drop, Established Relationship
Get Nesting & Soft Knots || @pocketsunshineharry || 5.7k A/B/O, Youtuber Louis, Knitter Harry, Nesting, Touch Depri
breathe into your well || turnyourankle || 4.7k A/B/O, Rut Bar, Heat/Rut, PwP
Mr. Tomlinson || @canonlarry || 4.2k A/B/O, CEO Louis
Spring Fever || @kingsofeverything || 4k A/B/O, Mpreg, Unplanned Pregnancy
take you with me every time I go away || starryhaze || 3.6k A/B/O, Established Relationship, Anxious Harry, Portable Nest
my lap is the best place for you to be || @bottomhaztoplou || 2.9k A/B/O, Historical, Intersex Omegas, Pregnant Harry, Established Relationship
The Scarf || @homosociallyyours || 2.6k A/B/O, Nesting, Getting Together
this love is ours || wherewestwood || 2.5k A/B/O, Established Relationship, Chirping
‘cause I built a home for you || angelsueavenue || 2.3k A/B/O, Mpreg, Fluff, Nesting
Baby, Don’t Apologize || @neondiamond || 1.8k A/B/O, Established Relationship, Alpha Louis, Omega Harry, Asexual Harry
Sigh Softly || aalexandravictoriaa || >1k A/B/O, Established Relationship, Nesting
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anothersigh · 3 months
I saw a Sterek post about mating season and Derek having big balls, and it reminded me an old tweet of mine. Thought to share here too
Been thinking this ridiculous Sterek Omegaverse idea.
You know how omega produce slick when they're in heat? What about something similar with alphas.
When they are close to their rut, male alpha start to produce a heavy amount of cum to ensure the breeding of their partner. So their balls get big and heavy, full of cum to the point sometimes it hurts. Imagen they can't go out because there no clothes for it and also the pain.
And Derek, as an alpha werewolf, he has it worse. Those big breeding balls, full of cum to keep stuffed a beautiful omega.
He always suffered his rut. Because never find a correct partner. Or they wanted something from him or never felt right. Also his balls get bigger that mostly other alphas, even after his rut. So has to stay in his house for days. His body aching for a mate.
Until he finds Stiles.
And @sinqueen69 wrote a fic about it too. Especially with God!Derek, love that trope❤️‍🔥
The wolf god
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tackytigerfic · 3 months
do you have any recs on Alpha/Alpha H/D fics? i would love some recs! thank youuuu
Hi Anon,
I'm really sorry, I don't really know any fics like this - is this an omegaverse thing? It's not really a trope I'm familiar with, I'm afraid, so I haven't read many along those lines.
I've read quite a few werewolf fics - The One You Feed by @sweet-s0rr0w and In the lining of your skin by @maesterchill are recent favourites - but I haven't come across a heavy focus on a/b/o dynamics in this fandom for some reason. Hopefully other people can offer some recs if they see this?
A few I liked that had an omegaverse slant are:
Embers by @shiftylinguini (i remember absolutely loving this one, it features such a fantastic kiss scene)
This Is How by @bixgirl1 (gorgeous, immersive short fic)
in heat by @bonesliketambourines (very fresh and super hot take on the trope)
And I've recently been really enjoying this WIP by @hoko-onchi-writes, a delish royalty AU which features bratty prince Draco and his beefy alpha bodyguard Harry: To Hold You in the Earth's Unholy Din
Would be grateful if anyone who's into this trope can offer Anon some recs?
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becomingfoxes · 10 months
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So incredibly in love with @lexirosewrites fic Bandaids for the Heart. It's been so heartwarming and I had to make a little art for it.
I really struggled with this one with the colors and background but I think I love how it turned out 🥰
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nezmar13 · 6 months
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One more little fanart dedicated to the masterful Hedwig221b and her Sterek fanfic "Untouchable." I personally have a deep love for A/B/O aus, but the thing I loved the most about this story was the fact it was predominantly written from other characters´ points of view. This scene was for instance Issac´ pov of seeing Derek and Stiles in deep embrace before Stiles´s dorm room and I really loved the idea of them being so deeply lost in one another, Derek´s leather jacket wrapped around Stiles´s shoulders and pulling Stiles as closely as possible, peppering his face and neck with kisses. No care in the world for anything or anyone else.
Truly well written and fully recommended, so go and enjoy to the link down below
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