#ok this guy wants to meet up AND I GOT SHOCKED AT THE SUDDEN WANT TO MEET
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pascallatte · 1 year
Ay Pedritooo
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x actress!reader
Summary: Moments in which fans saw how good of a pair Pedro and Y/n is. 
Date: October 2013
Warnings: paparazzi cause they’re shit, age gap (still platonic, Are they though? 🤨), hitting
A/n: YAYYY new fic!! Posted this a little later than my usual time but at least I got to share this with you guys already. 😊
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P.s. Not really major sightings just those of my fave Pedrito and little ducky videos and the last one cause I like what he did despite hating paps.
Vid 1: A fan run-in while buying drinks at the airport. March 2013
The video began with the camera facing the fan, who seemed to be in a state of shock. She was seen gasping and standing stiff at whatever she was seeing.
“I’m not-“ she began gulping while covering her mouth in shock. “I’m not joking guys, I’m gonna fucking cry, Im gonna,” she tells the camera while looking at the same spot since the video started.
“Guys look, look, look, look, I cannot think of anything at the moment Oh my GOD,” she says as she flips the camera and the one and only Pedro Pascal was shown.
“Ask where they’re going, you might be on the same flight.” Her friend told her jokingly to calm her down.
“ Can I? Can I go there? Can-can I say hi?” She asked before hesitating and walking closer
Her friend nudges her and brings her phone up to record and capture her friend's sudden meet and greet. As the friend was seen walking towards Pedro, Y/n was slowly entering the camera and then stood next to Pedro before pointing at something from the variety of drinks in the freezer.
“Oh my gosh! oh my gosh, they’re together!! On a trip!! Ahh, Pedro’s here what do I do” the fan ranted as she debated whether to go up to them. Seeing her friend slowly panicking she tries to calm her down and warn her, telling her to lower her voice as they were a mere 5 ft away from them so whatever she was saying can be heard. And if luck wasn’t with them, it was evident, because Y/N was seen looking behind for a bit before pulling Pedro down to whisper something. Pedro was seen ever slowly nodding before looking towards the two girls and waving, making the girls release soft shrieks that can be heard in the video.
Gathering up her confidence, the fan walked closer and asked if she can take a picture with Pedro, to which he nodded with a small smile and moved them out of the way to let other people pass. She tries to hand her phone to her friend, but since she was the one recording and her other hand was carrying their bag she can’t.
A soft, ”I can take the picture for you guys,“ was heard before the camera pans to you who was already reaching for the camera with a smile.
ahh, y/n’s so sweet, and the way she told Pedro that a fan was walking up to him. girlllll! you be doing one for us Pedro girlies to imagine stuff.
In shock both girls can only nod and before they knew it a couple of pictures were already taken. The fan was seen facing Pedro to say something to him but she froze as her mind and body still can’t process that she was seeing her idol. 
Pedro who sees her state softly asks, “Hey, hey, are you ok? You want something to drink?”. The girl was only able to respond with a nod and shaking her head sideways to answer the second question. With that, the fan leaned closer in an attempt for a hug and to her surprise Pedro accepted immediately, to show his appreciation and to calm the starstruck fan down.
You were then seen on camera once more, but this time to return the phone to the friend who was recording before approaching the pair. You were seen trying to console the fan by telling her silly things and before you know it the fan got a hold of herself and was seen thanking Pedro and you.
Pedro was seen chatting with her for a bit more before you tapped him on the shoulder and told him something. Looking back at you he looks at his watch before mouthing the words “Wait for me,” before approaching both girls.
“Sorry, but it appears that our flight had started boarding and we really don’t want to be late, so if you could please excuse us it would be great. Also, F/n, thank you for your kind words earlier it’s deeply appreciated. Hoping we can cross paths somewhere again,” he said somewhat apologetically. The girls responded with short no’s and “it’s ok, we understand, hoping to see you soon too.”
The girls waved at the pair as they leave after checking their things out.
Vid 2: fans recorded a conversation between Pedro and y/n during their first trip to Amalfi Coast. July 2013
You were both sunbathing on one of the sun loungers placed near the shore on Amalfi Coast, you are seen laying on your stomach, in a bikini, reading a magazine while Pedro was sitting up, only in some beach shorts, trying to take look at the menu.
“Y/N!” Pedro screamed at your ear to grab your attention.
Jolting up, you hit him with your magazine and switched to lay on your back instead. “Ay Pedritoooooo, ¿qué quieres?” You asked him rather bothered that he interrupted your reading time.
Huffing, he looked at you through his sunglasses before handing you the menu. “I just wanted to ask you what drink you wanted from that stall over there,” he was seen pointing to the stall just a few feet away from them.
Turning to look, you squinted as it was too bright to see things clearly. Sighing, Pedro removes his sunglasses and calls out to you again.
“Hey ducky, look here,” he said to you and as you turned you were immediately greeted with a hand on your head and glasses fixed upon your nose. With a small smile, you lean up from where you were laying, to mess up his hair.
“Ahhhh, muchas gracias,” you said affectionately.
“ No hay problema, mi patito,” he said as he nudged you with the menu once again, and this time you took it and scanned the choices.
While waiting for you Pedro decided to lay on his own sun lounger, but not even a minute has passed since he’d lay down, and a lady was seen walking towards them carrying a tray filled with snacks. As soon as she nears them she immediately calls out to him.
“Mr Pascal? Am I right?” She asks
Confused, he sat up before looking towards their visitor.
“Yes, you’re right” He started out slowly and once it was confirmed it was him, the staff placed the tray down on the table near the chairs.
“Sorry but a friend of mine, who owns the stall at the very far end of the beach front is a really big fan of yours,” she said, rather ashamedly.
“But she’s too shy to approach you herself so she told me to tell you that she’s been a big fan of yours for years and she’s wishing that she can have the strength to come up to you soon,” she continued.
A little taken aback, he can only clear his throat before replying, “Oh thank you,.... for the support I mean.” He began nervously as he looked at you who was not paying attention to what was happening.
“Yes, thank you but you guys didn’t have to bring in the snacks, that’s a little too much from your end,” Pedro added while smiling up at the lady staff.
“No no, she insisted that I bring this to you for you to have a more relaxing day and she hopes that you’ve been enjoying your stay here.”
Pedro lets out a breathy laugh before replying with a small “thank you,” as he stands up and gives the lady a handshake.
Nodding the staff looks at him before saying a quick, “ Thank you for visiting our country Mr Pascal, hope you and the little lady have an enjoyable stay.” Then leaving all of a sudden.
It was seen that you perked up as soon as you were referred to as “the little lady”, so when the lady left you looked at Pedro, mouth agape.
“I’m a little what now?” You said confused.
Pedro began laughing at that and replied with a loud “Little Lady!! She called you a little lady HAHAHA”
“I mean she’s not wrong you are little, just not a lady.” he continued
Gasping loudly, you hit him again but this time with the menu, “If I’m not a lady then what am I??” You said with a small pout.
Laughing he pinched your pout, “ a duck, y/n, you are a little duck.”
You tried to look mad and offended but that didn’t last long because as soon as he cracked a small smile, both of you broke into a laughing mess.
Pedro was seen leaning down to rest his head on your stomach while being sat at the opposite sun lounger. You were still laughing when he did that so you opted on resting the menu on top of his head. That continued to be your position for a good minute and a half until you calmed down. You were seen ruffling his hair to make him look up at you before pointing to the menu in hand. 
excuse me! !Mr. Pedro Pascal, what in the heavens am I watching. The glasses, the Spanish conversation, the nicknames, the position they are in, don’t tell me this is just to fill in a person’s physical touch need cause ahhh I can’t talk right now. And y/n living every Pedro girlies dream right now!!!! Also, the staff calling y/n a little lady, when she didn't recognize her.
“I’ll probably just have my usual, thank you for asking me though,” you said to him.
“Okayyyyy, buutttt,” he paused as he moved closer, “to spice things up I'm going to get you something they recommend, how ’bout that?” He said teasingly.
A combined snort and giggle were heard from you before you pushed him away.
“Why’d you ask me to choose then??” You asked with your eyes peering up at him as he stood up.
“I don’t know just wanted to ask you in case you liked something different, but you didn’t so I’m gonna do it for you,” he said full of confidence.
Pretending to be annoyed you hit him once again before giving up, “fine, just make sure it tastes good alright?”
In feigned offence it was his turn to ruffle up your hair, “Of course!!! I know what you like remember, I’ll just choose something I think you’d like don’t worry.”
You were seen nodding in response before Pedro was seen putting on a shirt and then walking towards the stall.
From afar, it was seen that a few bystanders, surely fans, approached Pedro for some pictures and autographs.
Pedro is that one sibling that asks if you own the snacks in the cabinet only telling you that they ate them already, but Pedro’s not really giving sibling vibes if you guys get me. is it just me but I find it weird and a little creepy that someone was able to record this whole video and post it online without being spotted, like ever.
Vid 3: Pedro was caught by paps outside of a restaurant. September 2013
The flashing of camera lights are what greeted Pedro as soon as he stepped out of the restaurant. Putting on a smile, the politely waved while lengthening his steps for him to reach his car at a faster time. But that was deemed impossible as the paps blocked his only path towards it.
Softly sighing to hide his annoyance he looked at them saying, “good evening, if you might create a path for me to walk through it would be appreciated,” as he tried to make way for himself.
“Sorry guys but I don’t want to be late for this, I really have to go. Come back another time.” He said as he found a space he can pass through.
The majority of the paps let him pass but a couple of them continued to trail him towards his car, bombarding him with questions along the lines of “why are you in such a hurry?” “you just have to answer some questions for us.” “Pedro, Pedro, Look here!!”
I fucking hate paps, but this video is only here cause he looked good, he was kind enough to entertain them after he was bombarded, and that look on his face when the reporter asked about the beach trip video.
Sighing for the nth time that night, he stopped and told them that he would ask a few questions before having to leave. The paparazzi nodded enthusiastically at that and began asking him simultaneously.
“Pedro!! Here, is a question. Why is it that you’re alone for dinner tonight? You’re usually seen with a friend or family what’s up?” The man asked loudly
Looking at the man he shook his head before answering, “I’m assuming the friend you’re asking about is either Sarah or y/n and all I can say is that-uh, their both busy, as well as I am and me being alone doesn’t really mean anything.” 
“Here!! Look here,” the lady said with great effort. Looking to his left, he found the woman before nodding. “Pedro speaking of Y/n, have you heard of the rumours surrounding the both of you?”
And that caught his attention. It wasn’t that they were both inactive on the "World Wide Web", it’s just that they don’t really spend that much time searching themselves up just to find made-up stories and theories under their name.
Squinting his eyes he looked straight at her before asking “What rumors are you talking about?”
The paparazzi boomed at that question each of them answering the question on their own. Shushing the others he urged the woman to speak.
“ As I was saying, the rumours. The rumours that you guys are dating. It started after your trip to the Amalfi coast, a few months back. What can you say about that?”
With a knowing look on his face, Pedro can only shrug before moving on to another question. After entertaining a final question, he then ran to his car and drives away as soon as it started. Leaving the paparazzi with their own interpretations and theories on his answers and reactions.
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A/N: Last compilation, for now, will post individual stories in the following days. also sorry for my shit Spanish, my dad did tell me I don't count as Latina cause I can't speak it for my life. Oh also let me know if you guys want a background check on y/n, it will also help you guys understand some points that were and are to be stated. don't be shy to message!!🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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hs-is-loml · 2 years
Flashbacks of You. (c.f)
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Pairing: Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader, Conklin!Reader (Steven’s Twin)
Summary: flashback moments from you and conrad growing up. part three to the 'isn't the same without you' series!
isn't the same without you (part one), for you, always (part two), making you blush (part four)
Warnings: mainly fluff! little angst but comfort. mentions of cancer. first kiss...
a/n: SURPRISE FOR THE EARLY UPDATE!! you guys convinced me to do another so i thought the best thing for a third part would be flashbacks filled with very domestic fluffy moments of these two idiots who are together but are too pussy to make it official!
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Age 7
“Can I sign your cast?” Conrad asked from beside you.
“Can I sign yours?” you threw back.
“Duh, why do you think I asked to sign yours,” he laughed.
You ran inside to grab a sharpie tripping on your way to the door.
“Don’t break another arm,” you hear Conrad tease.
Age 10
Your favorite part of the year was coming back to Cousins and spending time with the one and only, Conrad Fisher. Being separated for most of the year was hard on both of you. Neither of you really seemed to care for others while you were beside each other. Susannah would always say she saw a future with you two.
You guys shared a bunk bed in Conrad’s room with you being on the bottom bunk because of your fear of falling off the edge of the top. Though it seems Conrad never really spent much time on the top bunk, he would end up squeezing next to you at night wanting to talk more before going to bed. As your guys trailed off your conversations, you also seemed to dose off and fall asleep next to each other. 
Even from a young age you always picked each other's side of an argument or situation. Others found this extremely annoying knowing it would always be a 2 versus 1 if you came to a confrontation with one of them. Especially Steven.
“Steven, give it back,” you whined as he dangled your headphone above your head due to his sudden growth spurt that you seemed to lack.
“No, this is too fun,” he snorted at you.
“Ok, I get it you’re tall now, but come on I just want them back before you end up breaking them,” you scoffed.
“Steven, give it back to her,” you hear from behind you as Steven hands back the headphones with a frown walking away.
Conrad always had your back and defended you in as many ways as he could. He loved the sense of being able to protect you from even the smallest things. The best part was everyone kind of listened to him with him being the oldest out of all of us. 
 “Thanks, Connie,” you said appreciatively looking up to meet his eyes. 
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Age 12
“You’ve always had the most gorgeous blue eyes, Con,” you confessed to him.
“What about them?” he asked confused.
“They’re so pretty, you know. Like as someone who has brown eyes, yours are much cooler.” you talked staring into his eyes to get a better look.
“Y/N, well you have a pretty smile,” he complimented you.
“You’re just saying that so you don’t seem rude.”
“When have I cared about being rude?”
“Actually, fair point.”
“How’s football going? Is your dad still pushing you to do it?” you asked.
“Yeah, he is, but it’s going great actually. The coach says I got some potential or something like that apparently.”
“It’s because you’re amazing, Conrad. Take pride in that.”
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Age 15
From a very young age, you both showed the potential to be something more when you guys grew older. It was a shock to the families to hear about other significant others as you grew older and matured. Though as bad as it sounds your friendship was never strained during them. 
Finding out Susannah had cancer was tough on everyone. Nobody could ever imagine a life without her. Conrad took it worse than everyone though he felt like he could’ve done something to prevent it in reality there was nothing he could do. The second you guys were alone when you came back to Cousins. He told you all his worries about Susannah. 
That was the best part of your guys’ friendship (relationship) is that you would always be able to confide in each other. No judgment would ever be made. 
"There's no shame in crying, Conrad. I promise. It’s just me," you spoke softly into his ear as he clutched onto your sides, burying his head into your neck. You held him as you played with the hairs on the back of his neck as he tried to hold in the tears but simply couldn’t.
“I can’t lose her, Y/N,” he muttered. 
“And you won’t. Susannah’s strong. She’s the strongest person I know, and she will get through this. You know your mom she’s a fighter.”
“Thank you for being here.”
“I'll always be by your side.”
“I love you,” he said as he pulled back a little to look into your eyes.
“And, I love you,” you responded as you laid a gentle kiss on his forehead, he blushed.
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Age 16 
“Happy birthday, Y/N!” you heard from around the room as you walked into your house. 
You looked around to see so many faces of the people you loved. You saw your parents, Steven, Belly, Taylor, a couple of your friends, and Steven’s, then you saw the Fishers standing to the side with bright smiles on their faces. Your eyes traveled to them one by one until you saw Conrad Fisher.
“Happy birthday, sweetheart!” Susannah spoke to you. 
“Hey, birthday girl,” Jeremiah said.
“Happy birthday, Y/N,” Adam added.
“Happy birthday, love,” Conrad finished.
You squealed at the sight of them. You ran to Conrad tackling him into a hug as you peppered kisses over his face.
“You’re here,” you said still in shock.
“Of course, I am,” he smirked. He let you go so you could greet the other people in the room and thank them. Everyone could see the love in his eyes as he watched you interact with everyone.
“Happy birthday, sis,” Steven laughed at your facial expression. He had just gotten back from a trip with your guys’ dad. You thought he would be gone for your shared birthday but everything was planned to surprise you. 
“I’m so glad, you made it in time.” you joked as you did a handshake you forced him to learn when you guys were seven. 
“How could I miss our birthday?” Steven claimed.
“Cause you said you would?” you mocked.
“Oh, shove you, dork. Go back to lover boy he might miss you,” he grinned as you shoved him with your shoulder as you walked to Conrad.
“Hey,” you greeted him as he turned his attention away from his brother to you.
“Hello to you too.”
“Come to the backyard with me?” you asked him.
“Yeah sure,” he answered.
“So how’s your birthday?” he asked as you two walked outside sitting under the shade.
“Better with you here,” you admitted.
“I missed you,” he confessed taking your hand in his. 
“I miss you too. Like all the time,” you replied giving his hand a squeeze. 
“It’s hard to sit here and be close to you and not want to kiss you,” he muttered under his breath hoping you wouldn’t notice but you did. 
“Then why don’t you?” you said as the words slipped out of your mouth. 
It felt like time stopped as he searched your face for any signs of hesitation, but there weren’t any. You had just turned sixteen but never had your first kiss yet. You were sure he knew that, but you hoped he didn’t notice your lack of experience. He leaned into you slightly like he was waiting for you to stop him, but you wanted this. You wanted him. You leaned more in until you felt his breath fan over your face. 
“Kiss me,” you whispered against his lips.
His lips pressed yours as his hand went to your waist. You responded immediately to the kiss putting your hand against his cheek. As he deepened the kiss his grip on your waist tighten as well. You let out a small gasp allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth. Both of you fought for dominance but ended up with him winning. You pulled back enough to take in some air allowing Conrad to catch his breath as well. 
Each looking back at the other's lips waiting for the next move. Conrad pulls you so you're straddled on top of him as he reconnects your lips. You smiled into the kiss wrapping your arms around his neck as his hands moved to your hips. You moved forward slightly to lean more into him and he let out a groan against your mouth. He stilled in the kiss firmly keeping your hips in place from moving any further. Your lips parted from each other but stayed in the same position.
“I have your gift. Do you want it now?” he said moving one of his hands to his pocket and taking out a small box and showing it to you.
“Sure,” you said flushed taking the box in your hand as you unwrapped your arms from his neck.
“I thought you’d like it since you’re like obsessed with like space and stuff. I got a matching ring to it too you see. It’s okay if you don’t like it though I can totally get you something else if you want,” he rambled as you took out a moon and star necklace that matched a signet ring that rested on his left pinky. 
“I love it, Con. Thank you,” you giggled pressing a light kiss on his lips. 
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lucy90712 · 8 months
Pablo Gavi- Teach me
A/n: I know Gavi didn’t play in the second leg against Man Utd but let’s just pretend he did
wc: 2.3k
Today has just been one of those days everything has just not gone my way. This morning the shower in my room at university didn't work and since I've dropped seemingly everything I've picked up and I just can't figure out how to start my next assignment. In hopes to clear my mind I decided to go for a walk as usually that helps me sort my head out and get myself back in a good mind set. My walk was really nice for a while until I got into the town which was heaving with people. Usually it's busy but today it was just manic which was making me more stressed than I was before I left.
Once I got a bit further I realised that I came out not too long before Manchester United play Barcelona in the europa league. Had I known the game was on I would never have come this way as usually I avoid going anywhere near the stadium on game days as it gets so busy but now I'm committed to going this way I will just have to deal with it. The last time I accidentally came near the stadium on a game day when I first moved here I found a back road that was a lot more quiet so I made my way through the crowds until I found the street. The street goes around the back of the stadium which is why it's so quiet but I like it as it gave me my chance to relax like I wanted.
While walking I took my phone out of my coat pocket to change the song playing in my ears as it wasn't one I was feeling at the moment. Just as I looked down at my phone it was like I walked into a wall and all of a sudden I nearly fell backwards and my phone went crashing to the floor. It was clear to me that to top my bad day off I'd just walked into someone. I almost didn't want to look up and see the person who was probably going to yell at me but I did anyway. When I did look up I nearly fell over again as my eyes were met with probably the most attractive guy I've ever met so I cursed myself even more. The guy bent down and picked up my phone handing it back to me so I could see that it was completely smashed but luckily it still worked.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going are you ok" I apologised
"I-it's ok" the guy replied with a very thick Spanish accent
"Are you ok?" He asked
"I'm fine but my phone not so much" I joked trying to make light of the situation
The guy laughed before signalling for someone else nearby to come over who he talked to in what I assume was Spanish while I just watched. I wasn't really sure if I was supposed to keep standing there but I did anyway as it's not like I understood what they were saying. To me it sounded like they were arguing but eventually they stopped talking and the other guy turned to face me.
"Hey I'm Ferran and this is Pablo he wants to invite you to watch the game later but he doesn't know how to say it" Ferran said
"It's nice to meet you both I'm y/n, I'd love to come to the game but only if it's no trouble I've already caused enough problems here today" I said
"It's not problem at all Pablo here would love to have you watch" Ferran said
"Then I'd love to" I replied
After agreeing to go to the game Pablo ran off and went to talk to someone else and when he came back he handed me a ticket to the game which when I glanced at seemed to be a vip ticket. He then managed to ask me to meet him after the game and Ferran told me just to show my ticket and give the security my name and they would let me in. With that they both ran off towards the stadium and I was left completely shocked and confused as to what just happened. It felt like a fever dream but it was definitely real life and now I had about an hour and a half before I was supposed to be going to a football game. Luckily that is enough time to go home and get changed and hopefully do some research on this game as I know very little about football.
Gavi's POV
Before any game I go through the same routine but tonight that routine has gone out the window. On the way into the stadium someone walked into me which usually would be a bit annoying but I would just move on but when I looked at who walked into me I saw the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. In that moment I decided that I couldn't just let her leave for me never to see her again so I invited her to the game or well Ferran did as I didn't know how to say it in English. The fact that I couldn't talk to her is exactly why my routine has changed as I need to learn as much English as possible before I see her after the game.
Most of the guys only speak Spanish but some have played over here and know some English so I begged them to teach me some English. Of course everyone laughed at me that all it took was a girl to finally make me learn English but eventually they agreed to help me after I told them she would be coming to the game later. To start with they were teaching me things that I won't be using later and I know not to use them as they were giggling as they taught me the words which means they are things that will either make me look like a weirdo or make her hate me. Once they had their fun they started to take things seriously and taught me basic sentences to use. it was hard to learn a language so quickly but I wrote some of them down on my phone just in case I forget. Even during warm up I kept practicing to make sure I don't make a fool of myself.
Instead of focusing on the game like I should be during warm up I also looked around the stadium to see if y/n had actually turned up. I mean I wouldn't blame her if she didn't show up as she clearly didn't know who I was so to her it was just some random guy inviting her to a game. As warm up went on I was starting to think she wouldn't show up when I couldn't see her but right before we went back down the tunnel I saw her walk in and start looking around. Knowing she actually came gave me even more motivation to win this game and impress her.
Your POV
I pretty much ran home to put on a nicer outfit before heading straight back out to go to the stadium. I have never been to a football match before mainly because I don't have much of an interest in the sport but when you get invited to a game by a very attractive guy you just have to go so that's exactly what I did. On my walk back to the stadium I tried looking up a bit about the game and I found out that it's the second leg of this game and that currently the score is  2-2 draw which means either team has a chance of making it. Living in Manchester I know a bit about the united team but I know next to nothing about Barcelona so I focused my search on them.
When looking at the Barcelona players I almost dropped my phone out of pure shock. Right in front of me listed as one of the players was Pablo and Ferran. When I googled him I only got more flustered as he is my age and has already played in the World Cup and won trophies for how talented he is. All of a sudden I felt really stupid that I'd just so casually spoken to such a famous footballer without having any clue who he was. As much as it's embarrassing I clearly didn't make an awful impression as he still invited me to watch the game so I need to put it behind me and just try not to make more of a fool of myself.
It took me forever to find the entrance I was supposed to go in once I made it to the stadium but eventually I found my way into the stadium but then I had to find my seat which involved a lot of walking back and forth but once I reached the right section it was easy to find my seat. As I sat down I noticed the players heading back in from the pitch from what I assume was their warm up. I didn't see Pablo but I knew he would have been out there as he was named in the starting line up. With the few minutes I had before the match started I spent my time trying to use google translate to learn a bit of Spanish as Pablo only speaks Spanish so I want to be able to talk to him after the game. Of course I know that everything might not be incredibly accurate but anything is better than nothing and I'm sure he will understand most of what I say.
Soon enough the game started and Barcelona got off to a great start by scoring a penalty putting them ahead overall. The first half ended with the same score but once the second half kicked off it only took a few minutes for Manchester United to score making things level again. From then the match was hard to watch as Barcelona were really struggling and eventually the inevitable happened Man Utd scored their second goal putting them ahead with about 15 minutes left. I really hoped that Barcelona could bring it back but they just couldn't get close enough and the game ended with Man Utd making it through to the next round and Barcelona being left disappointed. As much as I'd only been invested in this matched for a few hours I still felt awful for the whole team but especially Pablo as I could see the disappointment on his face from my seat.
I stayed sat in the stands for a few minutes deciding whether Pablo would even want to still see me after the game but in the end I just decided to go for it as if I don't I'm never going to see him again and if things go wrong then the same applies. Heading through the stadium and to the areas that most people will never see felt so wrong but I kept going until some security stopped me so I did what Ferran told me to do and they let me right through and even told me where to go. It felt so weird to be walking down the tunnel with loads of players standing around I just felt so out of place as I'm just a normal university student that has nothing to do with football whatsoever. I stood outside of the away teams locker room looking at my home until someone spoke to me which nearly made me jump out of my skin.
"Hey" Pablo said
"Hi I'm sorry you lost you played really well though" I said
"Thank you" he replied
He seemed to have learnt some English as he was able to ask me some questions as we got to know each other a bit while just stood in the hallway. I expected him to be quite full of himself as he's an attractive famous footballer but he was so down to earth and incredibly sweet that I kind of forgot who I was talking to. I was surprised after earlier that he was able to speak quite well on occasion we had a bit of trouble but google translate helped with that. At some point he had to head back to the hotel but before leaving he asked for my number and asked me if I would join him for breakfast in the morning before he leaves. Of course I agreed but once I was alone again I wondered how I managed to get myself into this situation.
"I can't believe you made everyone teach you English just so you could speak to me" I laughed
"Well what else was I supposed to do you were way too beautiful for me to just let you go I had to do something" Pablo defended himself
"It was worth it though wasn't it?" He asked
"Oh definitely I'll forever be grateful to your teammates for helping you talk to me because now I have the best husband in the world" I said
"And I have an even better wife" he said trying to make me blush and succeeding
So much has changed since the day we first met and honestly I'm not sure I know how it all happened but I'm incredibly grateful that it did. Since meeting Pablo my life has only gotten better everyday and now that we are married I couldn't be happier. The road to get here wasn't easy but we have gone through it all together and I hope we will continue to do so for the rest of our lives.
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kaylinlmao · 2 years
Fight PT 5 *Edited*
This was HIGHLY requested. Hope y'all like it! :) Collaboration with @heaartzforcupid
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I bolted and got to my car before the boys caught up. I drove home quickly, locking all the doors and windows. I was freaking the fuck out. I had to tell someone! But I promised that I wouldn't. What if they kill me next? And I'm no liar. I decided that I wouldn't tell anyone about what happened. I just didn't understand why they killed him. When I went to the hospital, the injuries weren't even that bad!
My mom and sister got home and I ate dinner with them. I think my sister realized that something was up because she kept looking at me weird. That night when I went to sleep, I could've sworn I heard my mom and sister talking about me.
The next morning, I begged and pleaded with my mom to let me stay home because I felt sick. She just wouldn't have it. "No. That's my final answer. If you still feel yucky tomorrow, then you don't have to go but today you have a quiz in English. Go get ready hun." I groaned loudly. "Fine!" I walked off, got ready for school, grabbed some breakfast, and drove to school, dreading seeing the boys. They were gonna be so mad that I bolted.
My first class I had with all the boys but only Robin showed up. He sat next to me right before the bell rang. He slipped me a note after the teacher started talking. The note said, "get your fucking ass to the bathroom after I go. Understood?" I was shaking. I'm just not gonna go. "No" I wrote back. "Y/N. I'm not fucking kidding. We'll be even madder if you don't come" I looked at him and nodded. What can I say? I don't want to die!
He raised his hand and asked if he could go to the bathroom. 5 minutes later, I did the same. I went to the 2nd floor bathroom where he said to meet him at. All the boys were in there when I got there. They all stood menacing around the room. "So Princesa, why'd you run?" Robin said. "I don't know." I said looking down at the ground. "You don't know? That's the fucking answer you're going with?" "What am I supposed to say? I ran because you guys are fucking murderers!" I yelled. All of a sudden Billy went into the biggest stall and Vance shoved me in there.
"Sit down, peach." He said. "Why should I?" "Fine, don't sit. We all love you very much but you're getting on our nerves." "YOUR NERVES? YOUR FUCKING NERVES?" He kissed me on the mouth and walked out while Bruce walked in. "Sweetheart, please don't tell anyone what you saw. Then we'll all have to leave you alone again." Bruce said, kissed me and walked out. Bruh. I'm bouta have a damn panic attack. I just got kissed by two goddamn boys in 2 minutes.
Then Finney came in. "Hey baby. Come here." He said, sitting on the floor and pulling me to sit between his legs. "I love you more than anything in the entire galaxy baby. I don't want to leave you." Kissed me, then left. What the hell. I'm starting to feel like a damn slut man. Robin came in, pulled me down to straddle his lap. "I love you so much, Hermosa. You won't tell anyone what you saw yesterday right. And you won't pull that stunt again. Understand?" I was still in a daze so I mumbled "Yes." "Good girl, Princesa." He said, kissing me then leaving. Last who came in was Vance. "Did you listen to them Dollface? We love you so much. We did it for you! And when you run away from us or call us murderers then it makes us so sad. Ok, doll? Lets make everyone happy." Kissed me then left.
They all went to class while I sat on the bathroom floor in pure shock. They all loved me? They did it for me? Snap out of it Y/N. They're manipulating you. Just play along for now until you get a chance alone. But that wasn't gonna happen. Finney and I were in the first class together. Then as I was going to math, Finney passed me off to Griffin, who had the class with me. At lunch, they didn't let me leave their sight. I wanted to eat with Donna that day so they were pissing me off by not letting me. Next class I had was English with all of them. Last class was Spanish, which I had with Billy.
The next day went the same. I never realized it but every class I have has at least one of them in it. First class the next day was chemistry with Vance. Not that he was paying any attention. Then I had history with Robin. Then I had art with Finney and fucking psychology with Bruce! I never got a second alone unless I was at home. It was infuriating! I was so overwhelmed! And on top of that, everyone was calling me a slut and a murderer!
"Wasn't she just with Vance? Why is she with Robin now?" "What a slut whore." Bethany and her friends spoke to each other loudly. My face turned red as I stared at my desk. "Did you hear that she was the last one to see Moose?" "She must've murdered or kidnapped him!" "Y/N Y/L/N please come to the office for questioning. Y/N Y/L/N please come to the office for questioning." Huh?
Ooh. Another cliffhanger. A longer one because I fell asleep so I posted late. Let me know in the comments if you want PT 6! Love y'all! :) -Kaylin
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insanitybl00m · 3 months
Tales From Under The Wisteria Tree
Chapter 10 - Curious Daughter
“Apa, Apa.” Purple eyes met emerald ones.
“Yes Tallulah?”
“The sun is up but you and papa are still asleep. Also there’s a pretty horse.”
Missa sat up and noticed Cielo laying down.
“Hey Cielo.”
A niegh.
“How are you doing?”
White. What would white be? Absence?
“Are you talking to the horsey?”
“Sort of.”
“Cool! Hi horsey!”
“What are you doing here?”
Light purple. Pink. Hints of blue. Then sudden flashes of red.
“You uh… are concerned? There’s danger?”
Tallulah’s eyes widened.
A wave of light blue.
“Calm. No danger?”
A neigh.
“Ok so theres no danger but…”
“She thinks you could be in danger apa!”
Cielo seemed to agree with Tallulah. Missa looked at the little girl, she had taken off her bonnet and her curls were spilling out of the bun.
“I’m not in danger, Cielo.”
Cielo nodded towards Phil who was slowly blinking, squinting at the brightness. When Missa’s eyes met Phil's, his eyes lit up slightly. He moved just a tiny bit so Phil could see Cielo and Philza took that as an opportunity to wrap an arm around his waist and rest his head on his thigh.
“We’re fine Cielo.” Missa ran his hand through Phil’s hair.
Phil had no idea what was happening. He woke up and Missa was talking, and it was bright. Really bright. Missa moved when he noticed Phil was semi-conscious. And Phil laid on his lap, fully taking advantage of the excuse of sleep.
“Morning.” Phil murmured.
“We’re all safe, Cielo.”
“My apa is protected, Don’t worry, pretty horsey! I’ll protect him! I’m strong!”
“I’ve protected him…” Phil murmured and he felt Missa running a hand through his hair.
Cielo neighed and Phil stared at the unicorn. She was glaring at him.
“Tell ‘er I haven’t done anything wrong.”
“She can hear you.” She stared at him and Phil smirked at her. This was his Missa. Not Cielo’s. And Missa chose him and Tallulah.
Cielo neighed and then nudged Missa with her nose before leaving for the depths of the forest.
“Papa needs to wake up.” Tallulah said.
Missa looked down towards Phil. His blonde curls spilled out everywhere.
“He can sleep for a bit longer if you want me to braid your hair.”
“You’d do that! Really? Yes, please!” She sat down and let Missa twist her hair into two separate braids.
“Thank you apa! Now Papa Phil needs to wake up!” She shook Phil.
“I’m up, I’m up.” He stood up and stretched. “Eat breakfast and then we need to pack up the campsite.”
“Tia Niki packed food!” Tallulah raced to her bag and started pulling out bags of food.
“That’s great, me and Missa will pack up camp while you get breakfast ready.”
Tallulah busied herself with the food while Missa and Phil rolled up the bedrolls and essentially just cleaned up the area they had stayed in.
“Protein bread bites! Tia Niki says that all the travelers buy these! She says that they’re good because travelers can eat and walk!”
She gave a few to each of them and put the rest back in her bag.
“Tuck away your wings Tallulah.” Phil said as he pulled on his cloak.
“Boo.” She wrapped her shawl around her.
“All ready?” Missa asked.
“Should be.”
They made their way southwest along the trail.
“So apa, how did you meet Papa Phil?”
“Well, I was lost looking for directions and he was there. We talked and he joined me on my little adventure.”
Phil reached out and took Missa’s hand.
“Have you gone on a date?”
Phil started just making noises, there were no real words he was saying. Just pure shock.
So Missa responded. “Not officially, no.”
“Oh. Have you guys kissed though?”
Missa looked to Phil who was still just staring at Tallulah in shock.
“At least give her context.” Phil covered his face with his hands.
“Fine. I was dying because I got tricked by a kelpie and your dad saved me. Then he kissed me when I started coughing up water.”
“You kissed me back! You—“ Missa covered his mouth so Tallulah wouldn’t hear anything but muffled noise.
“He’s just trying to justify himself. Don’t listen to him Tallulah.” She was suppressing her giggles.
“Papa, don’t you know you’re supposed to take someone out on a date before you kiss them?”
Phil pulled Missa’s hand off his mouth.
“He kissed me more.”
“It doesn’t matter papa! You need to be polite!”
“He literally started making out with me! How—“
“Phil, she's six.” Missa said, quickly covering Tallulah's ears.
“She’s heard worse from her Tio Tubbo.”
Tallulah pulled Missa’s hands off her ears. “You kissed Apa Missa before taking him on a date. That’s not good. The stories say—“
“You know what Tallulah, I will take Missa out on a date. Is that good? We’ll go out on a date the next time we are in a village.” Tallulah grinned.
Wait— What did Phil say? He’d take Missa out on a date?
“Apa Missa you wanna go on a date with Papa right?”
“Yes, I’m just concerned about what we’re gonna do with you sweetheart.”
“I’ll be quiet, zip!”
“We‘ll figure out those details later.” Phil said.
A small pause between the constant stream of questions before Tallulah started again.
“So Apa! Is this your first date? Papa hasn’t been on dates in a longggg time! Since before I was born!”
Hey. That was only partially true. It hadn’t been that long… but Phil kept that to himself.
“Actually it will be, I was considered a weirdo back in my kingdom.”
“Why? You’re so cool!”
Phil’s thoughts echoed that of Tallulahs, why was Missa considered an outcast?
“Well, I don’t really know why but when I was younger I adopted a kid. He’s just a bit older than you. Everyone assumed I had a child outside of wedlock and shunned me for it. When in reality I was just taking in a changeling. Like you Tallulah.”
Missa was perfect. How was Phil so lucky? A human who was determined to help those around him. Despite all the consequences he went through.
“Oh. Well if you haven’t dated anybody then papa was your first kiss. I’m sorry for you.”
“Hey you little gremlin! What’s that supposed to mean huh? You don’t appreciate my goodnight kisses?”
But as Phil thought about it. Was he really Missa’s first kiss? What. His poor brain was going in circles. Mainly it was the small part of him that desperately needed to show off Missa as his that was yelling so loudly.
Missa was his?
He accepted the date without question.
He kissed Phil.
So Missa was his?
Humans weren’t that possessive. Missa was Missa. Phil could accept that.
“Apa is Papa Phil a good kisser, you’re the tie breaker.”
“I am not answering that.”
“C’mon Missa, admit it, I’m an amazing kisser.” Phil leaned over and kissed Missa’s cheek.
“Not you too.”
“Hey, I’m just trying to win an argument here, I’m clearly a good kisser other–”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence.” Phil felt a grin spread across his face.
“What sentence the one where I was talking about how you were so despe–”
“Tallulah, you’re right, he’s a terrible kisser.”
“Liar!” Phil and Tallulah said at once.
“Wh– oh. Tallulah you know that this was a silly lie right? I’m not trying to hurt you. I’m sorry.”
Oh. Missa was apologizing. For lying. Because he knew the smell would hurt Tallulah’s senses. Oh. Phil really needed to stop fawning over every small thing Missa did. But could you blame him when Missa was so considerate?
“It’s ok Apa! You just have bad opinions.”
“What? Just because I like your Papa?”
“No. Everyone likes papa. He’s the best.”
“Thank you Tallulah.” Phil said.
“How much farther, my feet hurt.” Tallulah complained.
“Not too much longer.”
“I can carry you for a bit if you want to rest your feet.” Missa offered.
“Yes please!” Missa picked her up and Phil grabbed her bag. Once Tallulah was comfortable with her head resting on Missa’s shoulder they continued down the path.
“Did she fall asleep?”
“I think so.” Missa whispered.
“The village isn’t too much further.”
Missa shifted Tallulah’s weight to his left arm and took Phil’s hand with his right.
“I’ve been to this village before, it’s not too far from the pixie fields but also farther south is Niki’s house.”
“So you know your way around then?”
“For the most part, there's an inn that way.” Phil pointed up a narrow road that seemed to lead to nowhere. Missa followed Phil and sure enough at the end of the road the sky seemed to open up and reveal an inn.
“Hello sirs. A room with two beds?” The innkeeper asked.
“That would be great, thank you.” Phil responded, pulling out his bag of coins.
“Your daughter is so cute, I hope you don’t mind me asking, how long have the two of you been married?”
“Oh uh–”
“Not too long.” Phil said.
“Well I wish you the best blessings then. Maybe you can ask for a blessing from the stars at the harvest festival tomorrow. Pray to the stars for safety and a great harvest for our crops.”
“Will do, thank you.”
“You’ll be in room eight. Here’s the keys.”
Phil took them, thanked the innkeeper and then they went to their room.
“We’ve been married for not too long huh?”
“Easier than explaining everything.” Phil set the bags down.
Missa carefully rested Tallulah on the bed.
“She’s going to have to wash her hair tomorrow anyway, we don’t have to worry about her hair.”
“Are we going to stay here for the festival?”
“Well I still have to take you out on that date.”
Missa’s face flushed red.
“You don’t have to.”
“No, I promised and I keep my promises. Besides, I'd love to go out on a date with you.” Phil sat down on the other bed and took his cloak off so that he could stretch out his wings.
“What is Tallulah going to do?”
“It’s a festival Missa, there’s going to be things for kids to do. We can just have fun and dance and do other festival things.”
“I’ve never actually enjoyed a festival, I was always just making sure nobody killed the king while he tormented the children.” Disgust dripped from Missa’s voice.
“I haven’t been to a good festival in years. So we’ll enjoy it together.” Missa smiled.
“That sounds nice.”
“Well we need rest then if we’re going to wrangle that one while she’s on a sugar high, she’s a menace.”
“You keep saying that but she’s been nothing but an angel.” Missa sat down and allowed Phil to pull him into a hug.
“She’s been a menace but you’re too good to admit that.” Phil kissed Missa. “How’s that for being a bad kisser?”
“You’re still hung up on that?”
“Well someone said that I wasn’t a good kisser and I would just like to prove them wrong.”
“You’re an idiot.” Missa whispered before giving in and kissing Phil again.
“No you’re an idiot.”
“You just hate admitting you’re wrong.”
“Even so, you keep proving me right.” Missa pulled Phil into another kiss. That way he couldn’t be annoying by saying anything else.
Phil melted into Missa’s arms as he was pulled into another kiss, this time it wasn’t out of desperation or just small kisses. It was just for them.
“You are a good kisser, ok.”
“I know I am.”
“Shut up, I’m going to sleep.” Missa rolled over.
“Missa, come back no—“
“I’m going to sleep.”
“I’m cold though.”
“And?” Missa rolled back over and faced a pouting Phil.
“I want cuddles.”
“You’re needy.” Missa said but he obliged and wrapped his arms around Phil. He rubbed his hands up and down his back, lightly touching the patches of feathers that spread from his shoulder blades.
“That feels nice.” Phil whispered.
“Hm? Want me to keep doing it?”
Phil nodded, pressing his face into Missa’s chest.
“Goodnight Querido.” Missa whispered as Phil’s breath slowed down until it remained steady. He kissed his head and—
“I know what that means…” Phil mumbled.
Missa smiled down at him, face still covered by blonde waves. “No you don’t sleepy-head.”
“Ok darling.”
“Goodnight Phil.”
“G’night Missa.”
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emmaiooo · 2 years
realization pt.2 ; freedom
Soooo my friends told me to write another part yay so here ya go!
After leaving the inazuma docks, you sat on the edge of the ship, looking at the beautiful purple sky. (IT'S PURPLE, U CAN'T TELL ME NO.”) “good evening y/n. How are you?” Kazuha said lightly. “Oh hi kazuha! Good evening to you too, I'm doing well.” you said, a bit startled by his sudden appearance behind you. “y/n, you can tell me everything. I know that divorce with kamisato ayato hurt you very much.” he said calmly, sitting beside you on the edge of the ship. “Fine..it's just, i feel bad. He looked very sad when I told him to sign the divorce papers. Maybe he still loved me..i don't know.” you looked at the water, sighing. “Well, if you stay with me and travel with me, maybe we will get a chance to go back to Inazuma to visit.” he said, smiling. You were kinda shocked by his words, was he making a move on you? “Haha, I'll think about it, kazuha. Thank you for the offer.” you smiled at him, that made you feel a bit better.
It was dinner time at the crux, beidou came in with big jugs of beer and the whole crew cheered. “Wooo! Captain Beidou got the beer!!” everyone cheered in the room except for you and kazuha, you guys tend to be the quiet ones. “y/n! Kazuha!” beidou shouted, “you want a cup? We have a lot of beer today.” She handed you one and a kazuha one. “Thank you captain beidou.” both of you said, taking the beer into your hands. “Uh-this looks like very strong wine..” you pointed to the cup. “Haha, look y/n are scared to drink!” The crew members laughed. “y/n don’t tell me that you never drank before!” beidou pat you on the back, it was very hard. You did drink sake in a meeting with ayato, but it was never much. “N-no all i drank was some light alcohol.” you said taking a sip from the cup. “It’s ok y/n, if it's too much for you, i can help you drink it.” kazuha offered. That made you blush. “Ah- its ok kazuha you don't have to-” “kazuha has a high alcohol tolerance you know?” beidou cut you off, “i trained him with many drinking contests!” beidou laughed walking away. You looked at kazuha, drinking his cup and turning around to smile at you. You gulped and drank the alcohol.
“H-hey i want a-another cup!” you slurred at beidou, this was your 5th cup. “Ooo seems like y/n is drunk!” beidou laughed, about to give you another cup. Kazuha took the cup and put it on the table. “Oh?” Beidou looked confused but amused. “Y/n, you are drunk. We should get you sober first.” Kazuha took your arm and brought you up. “huh? wha-wait!” KAZUHA dragged you to his room. (Yes he did drag you. And yes. He did drag you to his room.) “y/n I told you, if you can’t handle it you can give me the drink.” Kazuha scolded and handed you a glass of water. “s-sorry kazuha I thought I could handle it…” you looked down at your feet, drinking the water, embarrassed. “Ugh y/n what am i going to do with you…” kazuha sighed. You don’t get it, why was he so angry because you drank a few cups of beer? “Why are u mad kazuha? I don’t get why you care so much about me…” you said silently. You were just about to look up at him when he pulled you in a kiss. He pulled back, “this is why. y/n i love you.” he said sincerely, looking you in the eye. You blushed, “i-oh-uhm..” you were speechless, you couldn’t think of anything to say, so instead you pulled kazuha into another kiss to try to explain your feelings. (let your imagination fly high)
The next day, you arrived at the Liyue docks. “This is as far as I can take you y/n, you know, the offer kazuha said to you is still up.” beidou said, dropping the anchor into the water. “Oh-uhm no it’s fine. Thank you Beidou for taking me here.” you said weakly, you still was in a hangover from all the alcohol you drunk. You thought of the kiss last night, thank god you didn’t forget the kiss..it was so important to you. You started to walk into the big city when a hand pulled you back. “y/n..don’t tell me you're going to leave me after that kiss. Do you even like me..?” he said looking deep into your eyes. He looked sad, something that you felt too much before. “I-i have to kazuha, to start a new free life.” you said, pushing away his hand on your arm. “y/n, being a wanderer is being free. You get to experience many more things than just living in a city.” Kazuha tried to persuade you. “Kazuha i-” “y/n, i love you. Please, I want to stay with you my whole life.” kazuha took your hand, “we can go explore everywhere and explore every corner of teyat.” you thought about this, you do like kazuha and being with him makes you feel free. “Ok..but won’t I drag you down because I'm visionless and powerless?” you thought about that time with ayato, how he gave you a package for you to protect. “No y/n, because unlike ayato, I will think everything thoroughly and protect you.” he said, kneeling down. (OOO LA LA) “please y/n.” he pleaded. “Ok fine..but you have to teach me some skills!” you took his hands and brought it up.
The next few weeks you and kazuha trained together in the plains of liyue. Kazuha taught you many things, things that ayato never did and never will. “Let’s stop for today y/n, we practiced enough.
You sat on a rock, waiting for kazuha to bring back some fruits. “y/n,” he sat next to you and gave you a fruit. “Isn’t the sunset pretty?” you said pointing to the orange sky. “Not as beautiful as you y/n.” he said wiping off some fruit on your face. (yes u can get fruit on your face.) Both of you sat there, holding hands looking at the sunset. “I love you kazuha.” you said quietly. “Me too.” he said in a whisper.
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kishigunpla · 1 year
Let's Read: A Requiem for Char: The Red Comet of My Youth - Chapter 2
by Shūichi Ikeda
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This post will be an overview of the second chapter, And Then I Met “Him”
Here’s a link to a summary of Chapter 1, covering Ikeda’s early acting career.
When we last left off, Ikeda had just auditioned for the role of Amuro Ray, though without much enthusiasm. He recalls wondering if Matsuura had asked him to try out for the role because he had the image of him in Jiro Monogatari in his mind. But regardless, Ikeda was much more interested in the drinking party afterward than anything about the audition.
While waiting for Matsuura to get ready to leave, Ikeda spotted some production materials on the reception room table. Though not particularly interested at first, he remembers flipping through the pages and being immediately drawn in by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko’s character art. And one in particular caught his eye -
Ikeda: Among them, my eyes were glued to the drawing of a certain character, a young officer wearing a mask. He had a different kind of elegance and demeanor than the other characters. When I looked at the illustrations of his facial expressions and standing poses, it inspired me to think, "I wonder if this guy would talk like this," or "I wonder if he would say something like this."
His name, Char Aznable.
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Inspired by what he had seen, Ikeda went back to Matsuura and asked if he could record some samples for Char. Though slightly shocked by Ikeda's sudden change of heart, Matsuura agreed.
At the pub later, after a few drinks Matsuura asked him if he'd like to play Char. Ikeda agreed, and Matsuura happily replied "Ok, it's decided!"
Ikeda: Even if I look back on it myself, I think, "It's like a drama," but this is the truth of how I met "him".
The truth, however, was much more complicated. Ikeda didn't know at the time, but another actor had already been lined up for the role. It took some pulling strings behind the scenes by both Matsuura and producer Yasuo Shibue to change things in time for production.
Ikeda: It's all in hindsight, but I always think that some coincidences have fatefully linked me and Char, and that it's the good fortune that I got from the talents and cooperation of various people. It was a truly blessed meeting for both me and Char.
When recording began, Ikeda recounts how immediately he knew Mobile Suit Gundam was something different, even just from the opening narration. His prejudice against robot anime was quickly disappearing.
Ikeda: The scene where Char appears on the TV screen for the first time is a cut where the camera rises from his feet toward Char's face, and the way he appeared was just wonderful and cool. "Who is this guy??" It’s full of charm that draws in the viewer.
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In the studio, each actor's mic was in a specific position. On the left side were those playing characters in the Federation, and the right side, Zeon. Ichirō Nagai, who played Dren, was always sitting next to him.
Ikeda was a fan of Nagai's previous dubbing work and excited to record with him. Just like Char benefited from having a solid military aide like Dren by his side, Ikeda was very grateful to have someone experienced like Nagai with him.
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Three months into dubbing, Ikeda already felt he had a pretty good understanding of Char and the direction he wanted to take the character. Neither Matsuura or Director Tomino seemed to have any objections, and Ikeda adds that since Char is such a beloved character even now, perhaps his direction really was the right one. 
Much of the focus of this chapter is specific instances from the anime that Ikeda feels highlights one of the strengths of the show as a whole - the drama created by contrasts in each character's personality and temperament, and how they interact with each other. 
One of the scenes he notes is Char in the bar listening to Gihren's speech in episode 12.
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A man approaches, but Char can see through him as a Zeon spy just by the "smell" (atmosphere) he gives off. It's a simple conversation, but Char is able to immediately turn the tables and gain the upper hand. In contrast to Gihren's speech, which is gradually gaining momentum, the two's calm bargaining gives a contrast to the drama.
Another is episode 44, when Lalah asks Char to wear his normal suit while in battle.
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Ikeda: To put it in vulgar terms, it's the same feeling as if your lover who lives with you is telling you, "It looks like it's going to rain today, so take an umbrella with you."
Ikeda: A good sense of warmth flows between the two of them. I tried to create an atmosphere that would make all the men in the world envy them, so I was allowed to play the role with a bit of a wet (softer) touch.
He also notes Char and Sayla's interactions towards the end of the show, specifically in the final episode where Char tells Sayla: "You’re an adult already (too)” (お前ももう大人だろ), the key point here being the “も”, or “too”.
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Ikeda: I performed this scene with the intention of expressing that both Artesia and I have grown up, whether we like it or not, and that each of us has our own path to take, and that we can no longer go back to the old days.
Regarding the end of the show itself, interestingly Ikeda expresses some reservations about how Char’s story continued in Zeta and Char's Counterattack. To him, Char’s own war ended the moment he got his final revenge on the Zabi family by shooting Kycilia.
Ikeda: Is Char Aznable the kind of man who would accept a beating from Kamille or start a war in pursuit of Lalah's shadow? He is not the kind of man who would sit back and let his own style be denied to him, but he's more mature and stubborn, isn't he?
Ikeda: In the final scene of the theatrical version of "Mobile Suit Gundam III Encounters in Space", he becomes a crew member of a space battleship and departs from the earth sphere. There could not be a better scene for Char to conclude his story.
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Finally, Ikeda talks about his interactions with Gundam fans at the time. 
As the popularity of the anime increased, larger and larger groups of fans would gather outside the studio. The crowds eventually got so bad that the hotel next door started complaining to them. Yet despite the number of people, Ikeda comments on how mature and well behaved these fans were, especially compared to something like idol fans.
Ikeda explains that he’s very careful about how he acts around fans, as he doesn’t want to ruin the image they have of “Char Aznable” as a character. For that reason, he is very particular about choosing public events to attend.
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Ikeda: My private life and Char's image are separate, but when I stand in front of my fans, I act with an awareness that I am Char. As a voice actor, this is the minimum courtesy for the fans, and I think it's a matter of pride as a voice actor. At the very least, I hope that the long-time fans who support Char, who I play, will also support my attitude.
That's all for Chapter 2. As before, I had to leave quite a bit out in this summary, but I hope you found it interesting to read!
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derpqueen22 · 9 months
Continuation of My fanfic
Ok ok I know I said that was the end buttt I couldn't help myself
We bought a little cottage on the side of the mountain. It’s good property, with quite   a bit of land and for a cheap price too. Jimmy picked up a hobby to plant flowers in every nook and cranny possible. Jimmy has made me promise to not hurt anyone ever again, at least, until the Red emeralds figure out I’ve killed their boss. I like to think that they’ve separated now that Ren’s gone. Jimmy and I are in a relationship now, and I’m thinking about proposing. I blushed at the thought of it. “Scott!” a voice called. “Help, I don’t know how to make food!” Chuckling, I ran towards the sound, to see Jimmy standing with a pan in his hand, its contents burnt. Taking the pan out of his hands I scraped the burnt things off it, “I think we’ll order takeout, it’s a bit late for me to cook now.” Jimmy’s face lightened. “Ok! But I’m ordering!” “Not If I can do it first.” I pulled out my phone, and saw a notification.  My eyes widened. Meet me at the HQ tonight.-Ren.
After checking that Jimmy was sound asleep, I walked out of bed, putting a dark cloak over my head. I get into the car and start driving on a road I never thought I would again. Upon arriving, I armed myself with a pistol in each hand, equipping it with silencers beforehand. If things get out of hand and I’ll have to start shooting, I would need to do it quietly. Preparing myself mentally, I took a deep breath, then headed towards the HQ. Walking cautiously, I looked for Ren, careful of any sudden attacks. Then I saw a dark swoosh of a cloak around the corner, I turned then saw myself head to head with my former boss. 
“How are you still alive?” I exclaimed, "You died, I saw you drop to the floor, your pulse-Your pulse was GONE, COMPLETELY GONE!” My voice cracked as my mind tried to comprehend what was happening. “I created a serum that can stop my pulse to a heartbeat per hour, I made you think I died, to let you leave me be. Then I used a wood block to stop your bullets from getting to me. I gotta say, That was a pretty good move you used on me. But, you can’t outsmart me.” 
“Huh. Like that marvel movie.”
“What Marvel movie?”
“Nevermind.” I raised my pistol. “I’m afraid I have to finish you off.” 
“Y’know, I thought you were smarter.” Ren muttered then he whistled.
“What?” I looked around in shock as a billion red dots appeared on me. I see at least 25 agents aiming their guns, the muzzles all pointing at me. Fingers on the trigger, ready to shoot. 
“Alright, here’s another deal. You surrender and you don’t have to die. You try to attack and I will call all of these people to pull the trigger. No one would know, no one would even notice you’re gone once I also get rid of your nice little boyfriend as well. What do you say?” Some of the lights flickered, and then I realised that, if these agents were under Ren’s control… “Do you guys really want to do this? To be controlled by a freak? A person that’s using you for his own greed? All you have to do is walk away, and leave, break your trackers and go away. People are dying in these missions!” Soon, the red spots started to fade, some pointing right on Ren’s little forehead. Ren’s smug smile started to disappear, “Now, now, let’s be civil about this! I’ll pay you extra, come on!” When he realised that no one was listening, his smile turned into a frown. “Well, I guess I’ll have to do it myself.” He pulled out his gun, then pulled the trigger. I rolled to the floor, dodging the shot. Suddenly I heard a round of bullets get shot towards me, I raised up a bit of debris, and deflected the shots. I got up and ran into the HQ, looking for somewhere to hide. Running into the vault, I find a rifle, and pick it up. I put the pistols neatly on the floor, putting the ammo in my backpack. I heard footsteps coming towards me, I brought my eye to the magnifier, ready to shoot. 
I don’t know why I awoke. But I felt a tingle on my neck as if I knew something was wrong. I turned around just to see Scott not in bed. The bedroom door was open and Scott’s favourite cloak was gone from the closet. I leaped out of bed and saw Scott’s phone on the nightstand, with a message still on the screen. It worried me. That absolute fool was heading towards someone who wanted to kill him and yet he’s charging head on. I had to help, no matter the circumstances. Somehow, somehow Ren survived that shot. We should’ve checked, we-we could’ve done SOMETHING that has prevented this. I got into a car and started driving to the coordinates that his boss left him. I armed myself with a gun and a tranquilliser before getting out. This is going to get messy.
“Where are you Scott? You can’t hide forever, I’ll find you eventually, come out and face me!” Ren’s booming voice echoed the hallways. The sound of his footsteps sounded bigger and bigger as he continued to try to find me. My heartbeat seemed to be 10x louder than it normally was. Soon enough, Ren entered the room, a gunshot was fired and I stood up, ready for a fight. Just to see Jimmy standing next to Ren’s dead body, his fingers trembling on the trigger. 
I ran towards Scott as he stood there in shock, his rifle clanking on to the floor as I embraced him. Tears ran down my face as I rested my head on Scott’s shoulders. He recovered and put his arms around me, we stood there for I don’t know how long. I just couldn’t get over the fact that I actually killed someone. I just avenged Tango and yet I just can’t shake the fact that I just commited murder. “Jimmy…I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before I left. I just didn’t want you to get in trouble again, I didn’t want you to die.” Scott’s voice cracked, his own eyes filled with tears. “But I’m glad that’s over now. We’re okay.” I pulled away from the hug. “I guess we have to dispose his body now.” I sniffled, before slapping Scott in the face. “Don’t do that again! You scared me half to death.” Scott rubbed his face, a smile emerged from his face, “Well, it depends if Ren comes back from the dead again.” 
“Don’t jinx it.” 
“Do I have to bury him?”
“We’ll have a funeral.”
“But it’ll cost too much!” Scott argued. 
“We can use the funds from the company to make one?”
“For once something smart comes out of your mouth.”
“Hey! I’m not an idiot here!” I said, as I elbowed him lightly. 
Scott chuckled, “Let us get on with it then.”
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lemmy0nade · 1 year
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Helping hand
Warnings: contains smut,innocent x experienced trope, friends with benefits?
Summary- your friend group is hanging out at your house when your friend pokes fun at you for never having good sex dabi takes it upon himself to change that
“Oh shut up!” You yell,laughing out at rin, a close friend of yours after she makes fun of the fact you dated your ex boyfriend.
You hear a few snickers between your friends,rin,dabi and Cody,all remembering your joke of an ex boyfriend .
“Nah cause you know damn well he’s the reason you never got good sex tho! Rin states in response
“Fr though that guy gave me the ick the second I met him.” Cody chimes in, dabi agreeing.
“Ya ya he was pretty bad” you laugh.
A few hours have passed, rin left your place a while ago, Cody now following.
“Aight see you guys soon!” Cody yells collecting himself to leave.
As soon as the door shut dabi looks over at you. “Never had good sex huh?” He states teasing you.
“I mean I’ve ok sex I’ve just never completely enjoyed it I guess.” You say in response after realizing that you’ve never talked about that sort of thing with him
As close as you guys were it’s always been a tough subject for you, always to bashful to speak of. You’ve only had sex with the ex you were speaking of earlier, and it was pretty underwhelming.
He laughs at you, flustered you ask why
“What type of dumbass would give a girl like you an underwhelming time?” He questions
“What do you mean a girl like me?” You respond with
“Y/N, have you seen yourself?” He asks inching closer
Your eyes meeting with his blue orbs, suddenly feeling yourself clench around nothing. You subtlety rub your thighs together at the thought of him showing you a better time, your actions not going unnoticed by dabi
“What getting worked up already?”he teases
“W-what?! I didn’t-I don’t, I never said anything!! You say getting more flustered
“You don’t have to princess.” He says
Internally screaming at the nickname, you don’t even realize how close you’ve gotten to him.
All of a sudden feeling lips on yours, shocked at first but give in.
“Is this okay Y/N?” He asks pulling away
You nod, going back to the kiss. He prods his tongue into your mouth, fighting for dominance and succeeding.
He picks you up at presses you up against you living room wall
“Can I help you out?” He asks
“W-with what?” You ask shyly knowing exactly what he’s getting at
“Showing you how you should’ve been treated by him.” He blankly states
“Please..” you practically moan out
With that he lifts you up once again and brings you to your bedroom kissing the whole way there. Laying you down on your bed while taking off his shirt, you start squirming, rubbing you thighs together again in anticipation.
He shoves his knee in between you thighs
“I’m sorry did I give you permission to relieve yourself?” He asks like a genuine question.
“N-no I’m sorry, it just hurts…I need you.” You whine
“Oh really?You need me?” He asks
“Take this shit off and beg for it then.” You says pulling on you shirt
With that you hurry to take off your clothes, seeing them only as obstacles in your way to getting what you’ve wanted for so long.
“Please will you touch me know…?” You cry out to him
“The fuck did I tell you? BEG for it.”he says grabbing onto your hair towering above your needy body sprawled out on the bed.
“I-Im sorry I’m sorry I just wa-I need you so bad it hurts. So please pretty please fuck me, fuck me so good. I need you dabi.”
“Good girl” he says
With that he can’t contain himself anymore grabbing his length from his boxers. Looking down at your shocked face, he chuckles.
You find your face getting closer to his dick, observing every vein and curve. You hold onto in realizing its weight, length and girth.
“D-dabi..? Ho-how will that even BEGIN to fit in me? You ask genuinely
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you pretty girl.” He responds
He then opens up up legs,laying one down and the other on his shoulder
“Are you still okay with this princess?”
You nod
“You need to use your words, you need to tell me.”
“God-fuck yes just please I need you already!”
With that he lines up his tip,slamming in half of his dick.
“Auhghfhfuck fuck dabi!!” You scream
“Jesus Y/N your fucking tight, you relly weren’t treated right huh?”
“No but please please just use me!”
He slams the rest of himself in you starting at a slow pace moving in and out.hearing you repeatedly moan at each thrust, he picks up the pace.
He thrusts into your core hitting you g-spot, hearing you scream in response
He starts to continuously rut into the spot, moving one hand over to rub circles around your pussy and the other up to fondle you breast getting you to keep screaming for him.
“I’m gonna! Fuck I’m gonna cum, let me cum, I’ve been so good for you!” You plea
“Right behind you sweetheart, you can cum on my dick hun.” He says calmly smirking at what he’s done to you
“FU-AGuhhhsh I’m cumming!” You scream squirming under dabi
“Good girl, good fucking girl.” He groans feeling you cream on him
“Fuck im close- fuck taking my dick so well!” He pulls out cumming on your stomach and tits, giving you a kiss on the forehead as he leaves the room.
“Oh..he’s leaving.” You think to yourself, as a sense of guilt runs over your body after being fucked by one of your best friends.
Your thoughts being interrupted as he walks back into your room wearing his sweatpants, with a cup of water in hand and washcloth in the other.
You feel relieved that he’s still here, dabbing off your sensitive hole with a warm washcloth after putting the water on you bedside, after he finishes cleaning you up he grabs a pair of underwear and a shirt from your closet for you to wear.
“Thank you dabi” you say kissing him on the forehead after he sits down next to you, him smiling back at you, feelings of contentness replacing the guilt. Cuddling with dabi, your best friend, who just fucked your guts.
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joysmercer · 2 years
college peddie hcs? (also bc of you im starting to become obsessed with the idea of nina/amber meeting up again in America and falling in love <3)
haha love that <3
as far as headcanons, thank you so much for asking!!! i have a shit ton and this got super ridiculously long so under the cut :D
basic background stuff (details are in the end section):
they go to uni in the US. they don't go to the same school but they're fairly close to each other (≤1hr travel)
ok up until literally yesterday i figured they were on the east coast to be near eddie's mom but then i was like. what if they're in california instead. so idk lmfao but they both do go back to eddie's house for thanksgiving/winter/spring breaks and patricia also spends the breaks she has between summer classes over there as well. nina and amber are both in/near NJ/NY so they hang out during said breaks
piper gets a scholarship to berkelee so she's in the US too
kt's uni is also near-ish to theirs so they see her on long weekends and stuff occasionally, whereas Mick's on a sports team at UCLA (soccer?) and travels across the country with it so when he visits patricia she introduces him to eddie and they immediately hit it off
patricia's a psych major and eddie starts off in psych but switches to education at the end of his first year, but decides his third year to become a firefighter or paramedic
ok on to the fun stuff:
halfway through the summer after grad/before college, they get into a huge fight because they bump into a girl patricia thinks eddie's a little too friendly with while eddie thinks she's overreacting and he says something like "im tired of trying to convince you to trust me"
they almost break up for good but after 3 days of silent-treatment they instead actually have a conversation! and set some actual boundaries and expectations! i wont bore you with the details because they dont fight about this particular issue ever again so it doesn't matter
they have date nights every friday, sometimes in each other's college towns or somewhere halfway between them. obviously if one of them has an exam or something, they reschedule, but this is something they do their absolute best to maintain
patricia lives in a suite like the one in tslocg and her three room/suitemates are stereotypical mean sorority girls who judge her for no reason so she doesn't spend a lot of time there if she doesn't have to.
she made the mistake of mentioning she had a boyfriend to them during their first week (when they were still acting nice) and she has to deal with a lot of snarky comments behind her back about who would possibly want to date her…cue them hitting on eddie when they first meet not realizing who he is lfksjl
eddie's in a tiny triple with a super studious premed roommate and some guy who's on the school football team and almost never there, but all three of them do get on fairly well and occasionally have video game competitions that get so boisterous their RA has to come and tell them to shut up
(eddie absolutely spends the emergency $ his mom gave him for food in case he runs out of swipes on a tv that barely fits in the room)
eddie has a tiny wallet-sized pic of him and patricia at junior prom (which presumably took place after s2) on his desk and his roommates tease him endlessly about it (in a good-natured way)
no but seriously though
maybe depressing but i think patricia ends up with a very low self-esteem after graduation because of how little "help" she perceived herself as being to sibuna during the events of 3b/tor and so she kinda decides to become a "better" student in uni and be "good" at that (quotes because it's not true but that's how she feels about herself, if that makes sense). eddie's a little shocked by this sudden change considering she was never as intense as mara or fabian in high school, and makes sure she's taking breaks and not putting too much pressure on herself
due to her not-nice room situation, patricia's also quite lonely her first year. going from having all your friends literally next door to you to everyone you live with hating you and being stuck in new country is…a lot.
eddie's super worried but she closes herself off until she bursts into tears at some point over thanksgiving break when ms. miller asks something like "how are classes going" and it's just :(
but things get better second semester and its fine
eddie has this (financially not-smart but very cute) habit of randomly showing up at patricia's school to hang out/study/grab dinner in the middle of the week
valentine's day their first year is a friday, when they have a scheduled date anyway, but patricia decides to return the favor and surprise him a little earlier.
his (very single) roommates let her in while he's in class and she decorates it (aka buys a boquet of flowers and puts string lights up) and makes a lil pyramid of burgers and fries from in & out/shake shack bc she knows he hasn’t had breakfast
he comes back from his 10am math class and almost cries
they eat n walk to his next class together
neither of them are particularly into stereotypical valentine's day couples activities so instead he takes her to costco so they can eat their hearts out on samples
they then share a pizza on the beach or a park bench or something
it's such a fun day that they end up doing something similar all four years
she takes classes every summer (to avoid going home). eddie just chills at home the first summer but does random internships the other two because he was so bored. these are the only times they're truly "long distance" while undergraduates, but they still manage to see each other in-person
they both move out of the dorms after a year. eddie gets a 3 bed apartment with his roommates and 2 other guys (so none of them are in a triple anymore lol); patricia shares a 1-bed with a friend from her club soccer team.
facetime study dates become far more common as she joins a lab that takes up a ton of time and he starts his teaching practicum
honestly, they just spend a lot of time on facetime, keeping each other company as they walk to-and-from class or do homework or cook dinner (patricia's spotted a fire in eddie's kitchen before he has more than once)
they both go back to the uk the december of their third-year at sweet's/the williamson's insistances. amber organizes a reunion at a mansion her family owns and all the newly-minted and/or "almost" 21-year-olds (remember, most of them have spent the better part of the last two years in the US and, with the exception of Mick, aren't keen on breaking yet another law more than occasionally) get super drunk for the first time in a while. at some point eddie goes up to fabian and says something like "you were wrong, she is the one, she always has been" and patricia hears and it's cute idk idc
eddie accidentally gets 4 tickets to see waitress on broadway in september of their third year (like 2 weeks after opening) except it's a weekday matinee so he recruits piper (aka bribes her with a date with his rommate) to convince patricia to skip class to see it
(she didn't need convincing; she just wanted to see piper on a date with a football player alksfj)
anyway eddie’s obsessed and patricia’s like eh about it but sees his excitement and buys their cookbook and surprises him with a homemade pie every week for the next six months
anyway piper's never seen patricia's college campus so the three of them go tour around and piper texts joy right after like "how did they get even more annoying together since high school"
like they've never been mushy or into pda but at this point. they just make sense together. piper's a bit shocked tbh
ok that's all iv got for now but yeah!!
ok some details on the background things I wrote above. this might be boring to most of you which is why it's here but i adore this kind of thing so i'm writing it:
while they both apply to both UK and US unis, they both would prefer to go to the US so that's what they do. they don't go to the same one because a) admissions for patricia are already difficult being an intl student without the limitation of both of them getting into the same one, and b) frankly they both need/prefer different school environments so it wouldn't make much sense for them both to choose the same place.
i do think both of them have very good grades from their first two years of hs and sweet helps a little with their last two (as he should tbh) so I would put their unweighted GPAs around 3.7+? they both do fairly well on their SATs/ACTs too so while they certainly aren't shoe-ins to, like, ivy leagues or UC Berkeley or something, they do have some very good options when acceptances come in
(this would be a good time to mention that I'm assuming Frobisher Academy or Amun or whatever it's called is basically an American school following the IB curriculum plopped in liverpool because we never see these guys taking their GCSEs/A levels and they all appear to be in the same classes all throughout the show which wouldn't make sense if they were supposed to be in A-level classes in seasons 2 and 3. also that would just make nina/eddie/kt's school situation a hot mess. plus I'm American and while my school did AP, I'm more comfortable writing with the US school system lol)
that one line about patricia not wanting to become a guidance counselor has made me fall in love with psych major!patricia. i have no idea what career she ends up in tbh but psych is broad enough it doesnt rlly matter
she also takes a ton of summer classes so she doesn't have to go home and ends up being able to graduate in 3 years but stays an extra year to do a minor in business or food studies or something "because why not"
(at least at my college you have to have your minor declared by halfway through third-year and she misses the deadline by 2 days and begs and maybe threatens the counselor until she's admitted afklsj)
she ends up graduating summa cum laude and goes on to do grad school during which she moves across the country from where eddie is
eddie on the other hand maintains a solid 3.6 and is perfectly fine with that
@/yackers came up with the idea of Firefighter Eddie which I absolutely love and am adopting into my own hc but i think he decides to do that only after his pre-med roommate becomes an EMT in third-year. so until then he just kinda follows patricia into a psych major because he has no idea what he wants to do but switches to education his first year after he actually genuinely enjoys his intro bio class due to a truly phenomenal teacher and thinks it might be fun to do that (his mom's the one who tells his dad though). basically he changes his mind a ton of times during uni but really enjoys whatever it is he's doing at the moment lol
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princepipper · 3 months
So Gabe and Pip didn't kiss until they started dating, but what sort of things did they do that might have clued them in on liking each other? They were friends for a long time, surely something must have changed along the line that made them realize they had stronger feelings. 😉
AH... yeah they had their first kiss at some point after they got together ✨officially✨ which probably would mean like, 2-3 years into dating at least since it took forever for them to even process that they were a couple lol.
I guess what you're asking is, did they flirt or anything, or maybe more how they knew they wanted to date? l have a fic lined up for the story of how they started going out, and it's already roughly written, hehe.
But, if you want some thoughts, I can give 'em. Here...
I guess to make it easier I'll split things up between Pipper and Gabe.
For Pip:
moving to Thornville as a kid meant leaving behind any friends and relatives (other than her mom ofc) back in Canada, and so she literally knew nothing/no one and was very anxious because of it!
so when her and Gabe started to befriend each other, the combination of him being similar to her with interests and such as well as offering some relief since she now KNEW someone other than her mom was huge when it comes to her overall attachment to Gabriel
I've said it before, but her and Gabe just clicked, in a way that was unique since Gabe's not exactly the most approachable guy
So stemming from her attachment, Pip developed very strong feelings toward Gabe, nothing more than platonic affection at first. She always wanted to hang out, talk to him, listen and support him, and she was (and is) FIERCELY protective of him from bullies and rude people
But as for anything like a crush on Gabe... that likely would not have developed until she was a little older, maybe about 15? And even then at first she wouldn't recognize it as a crush, she wouldn't understand why all of a sudden she feels a fluttering in her stomach sometimes when he's with her, or why she feels stressed or anxious if he's showing excessive interest in someone else (idk if he ever would do that, but even as minor as his brief "relationship" that was with bitter lmao. gabe's like "i have a boyfriend!" and pip is just like "😦 ...really? cool😭")
and by the time she's 17 she understands it completely but also is NOT giving away her feelings, she hides it because she's too worried that gabe will be grossed out or something and it will ruin their friendship
this plays out in the fic i have planned about how they start dating. poor pip just wasn't ready to confess at all haha
Meanwhile, for Gabe:
Gabe's a little different than Pip, which shouldn't come as a big shock since he struggles to process his feelings normally
When he first meets Pip as a kid, and it states this in my writing, he didn't really care at all. It was the classic case of parents mingling and kids being forced to interact
Gabe literally had no opinion on the girl next door to him, and he didn't think for a second that she would ever have any impact on his life
but as the story goes, she starts talking to him at school over something like his drawings or whatever, and when it's apparent they share some common interests, he indulges and is ok to chat
in Gabe's mind, he wasn't opposed to pip being a friend, but he wasn't used to it at all. even as a kid he'd been a bit of an outcast, and so anyone being nice to him like that was very weird, and made him question their intentions
of course pip had nothing malicious up her sleeve, and honestly, Gabe figured that out pretty quickly- she was simple, but very kind, and she genuinely wanted to be around him. it was still weird but he allowed it and liked that he had made a real friend
when his mental health got bad, things shifted. gabe went to the hospital for a while, which was pretty lonely. his answers on one's blog say that his experience there was boring and that "there were lots of weirdos", which tells me he didn't talk to anyone
and like my previous posts say, pip was quick and persistent when it came to finding him again once he was home. gabe at that point was probably unstable and exhausted from it all, so it's a good thing in a way that his dad kept pip away at first!
once they do start to talk and hang out again, things aren't too bad. he's not the same, but he's also not that different... he's just a teenager dealing with a lot on his plate and so having to be pip's friend is harder for him to do
gabe doesn't ever doubt that they are in fact friends, though. there is the instance of him lashing out once in their youth where he very rudely tells her that she means nothing to him (which causes a small fight), but ultimately this was due to him battling his symptoms and stress, and pip forgave him quickly
once Gabe starts to mature and settles on the proper medications, he relents a little about his former behaviour and realizes he's really glad to have Pip around after everything!
unlike pip there was no grand realization of any deeper feelings, and also no denial- gabe knew that pip was important to him in a way no one else was. but he also didn't really feel the need to act on that, he didn't think it was that important to make a big deal out of it and ask her out
not until his 19th birthday, when he's finishing his first year of university does he start to consider that hey, my life is progressing pretty steadily and i don't know where it will take me. but i DO know i want pip to be there too.
and he decides that when she turns 18 the next year he will ask her to be his girlfriend
Ok, so then, that's about it for how they felt about each other. You mentioned flirting, and I'm sorry to say that neither of them is good at that sort of thing, and never attempted it. Pip sometimes teases Gabe after they're a couple, she likes pet names and joking about how she has the most handsome and smart boyfriend/husband ever, which always makes Gabe crack up.
But otherwise, they didn't know that the feeling was ever mutual, and I can't pinpoint any moments that made them think "Oh my god, I have a thing for them!" when they were younger. If anything Pip probably just got overthinking about something small like her hand holding his for a second or something he said that really wasn't meaningful but SOUNDED like it was. Idk. Either way, it worked out, they are a great dynamic. >:3
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janedoe-ing · 2 years
had a weird-@ss dream
i think this might be contributed by my previous story where i talked about having crushes and someone to love and shit. ok so here's how the dream went, so i was with auni, dayana and apat i think?? and we were at the mrt station or something (in the dream it looks like it), then we stopped for awhile to see where we wanted to go next, yet in a sudden, i felt somebody, like A GUY hugging me. i was so shocked and it turns out to be my abang angkat (he was my babysitter's son back then in jb) hugging me tightly like ??? \(〇_o)/
the way everybody there just somehow stunned like why are these people be hugging each other IN PUBLIC lmao and he was with his friends too?? like???? i was like, "eh abang ipan kat sini?" (ye nama dia irfan 💀) and he was like, "oh haah, abang otw pergi uni ni".
p/s: he is A LOT older than me, i think when he was in f4, i was 6-7 years old?? and he studied in U*TM
so i was so confused why he was taking the mrt and stuff because as far as i knew that he studied in U*TM for both his degree and masters (irl true fact) yet he said that he is going to taylors... which is basically where we're coincidentally going too... i think we were trying to see auni's room if i remember it correctly...
ok skip skip suddenly a new scenario, i was set up to get married (AT 19) with like a guy who i never knew who he was, and was basically introduced only by one word of his name. it sounds super malay i swear, and i was pissed as hell because everyone kept intruding into my life matters like it was nothing.. like who are you to set me up without my permission?
suddenly i got to know his face and stuff i think a few weeks before our marriage date?? like we have to meet 2-3 times and his face is super familiar. like i've seen him somewhere, and surprisingly he is a biracial kid, i think mixed with arab or idk wherever that is but yknow that region. told him he looked familiar, and it turns out he is the model in h&m that i used to see on the ads??
ok fast forward, a day or two before the date, suddenly i got to know that my dad doesn't know about anything of this, which ofc made me pissed off because i thought they (my mom) have discussed this together but i should have known better. it was impossible to not let him know bcs my dad is basically my wali?????? istg and i remember that we had to postpone the date a day late?? and i remember my family and friends are coming to the place for like a bachelorette party or something ITS SO WEIRD I SWEAR
till then, the rest is unclear since ive woken up a few times and tried to fall asleep again but it didnt work HAHHAAH but i do remember people spamming my ig dms congratulating me and shit but more of a 'eh-awal-gila-kau-kahwin' type of situation 💀
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mythos-writes · 2 years
Peaky Bloopers 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Peaky Blinders Cast x Reader (platonic)
Plot: Just more bloopers and funny moments :)
Word Count: 1038
Warning: Swearing, went overboard on the last one :)
Part 1 Peaky Blinders Masterlist
I do not give permission for anyone to repost/ post my stories, with or without credit. Reblogs, comments, etc. are more than welcomed, but please DO NOT copy and paste my stories that you may like onto another platform.
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The scene was supposed to have Florance run into the back room of the garrison, warning her older brothers about some news that had graced her, but (Y/N) couldn’t get the line out. 
“TOMMY!” Florence yells, barging through the door. The tone of their sister’s voice caught their attention. 
“Florance? What happened?” Tommy question. 
“Billy Kimber… he was trying to… fuuuuccckkk,” (Y/N) groans out, forgetting the end of the line. 
“Go back, do it again,” Paul jokes. She sends him a silly face before going back out. Joe went over and locked the door of the room. Paul and Cillian hid their laughs before the director yells action. (Y/N) went for the door, but just ran into the door. She tries to open it, realizing it’s locked.  
“You bloody fuckers,” she says from the other side of the door, causing them to laugh. She started to knock on the door. A crew member came to open the door, revealing a not too impressed (Y/N).
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Florence and Tommy were standing in front of Alfie’s desk. Alfie went to sit down in his chair when all of a sudden. 
*RRRRIIIPPPP* Tom looked between Cillian and (Y/N), both trying to not laugh. 
“You okay over there?” (Y/N) asked, holding in her giggles. 
“I think I just split my pants,” Tom says, causing (Y/N) to crumple to floor in fits of laughter. 
“Wait really?” one of the crew members asks. Tom stood up and turned around, and sure enough, the seam of the pants was completely ripped apart. This caused (Y/N) to laugh harder. 
“I think you broke (Y/N)” Cillian comments, trying to stifle his laughter. She calms down before trying to speak proper words. 
“I am so sorry, but that was so unexpected,” she says, some giggles still falling from her lips. 
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Florence, Arthur, John, and Tommy were getting out of the car, getting ready to meet with some business, but Florance didn’t get that far. 
“Um… I’m stuck,” (Y/N) calls out. The three turned around to see that her dress got caught in the car door. 
“(Y/N)...”  Joe says, not impressed. 
“Hey, listen, I didn’t do it on purpose. If I did the dress would have ripped,” she states. “Now, help me,” she states.
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(Y/N) decided she was going to ‘prank’ the cast with a little help from the makeup and costume departments. She wanted to dress up like Cillian and walk around the set, trying to find as many people as possible, then finishing off with Cillian. As she was getting her makeup done, Helen walked into the makeup trailer. 
“What is going on here?” she asks. 
“I’m turning into Cillian,” (Y/N) replies, getting a chuckle out from her friend. 
“Oh this will be good,” Helen says while sitting in one of the other chairs. 
“Ok, now let's finish getting you into the costume,” one of the artists said. (Y/N) finished putting on the suit before putting on the flat cap and looking into the mirror. She was shocked at what she said. She looked very similar to Cillian and it was almost scary. 
“You guys did an amazing job,” she replies, hugging the team that helped. “Helen, what do you think?” she turns to the woman in the chair. Helen opened her eyes and looked in her direction and gasped. 
“Oh my god. That looks amazing,” she replies.    
“I feel like I could play a good Thomas Shelby,” (Y/N) comments, still looking at herself. 
“Now the question is can you sound like Tommy?” Helen says with a smile. (Y/N) cleared her voice before reciting one of his lines. 
“Oh, I don’t pay for suits. My suits are on the house, or the house burns down,” she smiles seeing the shock come over their faces. It wasn't 100% the voice Cillian does, but it was passable that people would have a hard time differing the two.
“Have you been practicing that? Bloody hell (Y/N) that’s brilliant,” Helen says. 
“I did some voice acting before, so I had to do different voices all the time,” she says. “Now, if you excuse me, I have some friends to bother,” she says, fixing her hat before walking out of the trailer. She starts to walk around, messing with some people, them all enjoying her act. She sees Paul and Joe standing by one of the trailers and decided to put her plan into action. 
“Oh you two, don't you have better things to do?” she yells out in her ‘Tommy’ voice. The two jumped a little and turned to her. They were shocked at first, not recognizing her at all. 
“What shocked someone can play Tommy better than Cil?” she questions, dropping the deep voice. The two were shocked. 
“(Y/N)?!” They ask. She laughs at their reaction. 
“Bloody hell, if Cil ever loses his voice, you could just dub over the poor bastard,” Paul says, getting a closer look at her costume. The three get a quick picture together, wanting to remember this moment. 
“Thank you very much, now would you two know where Cil is?” she asks. 
“I think he is filming with Sophie and Harry,” Joe says. She nods before going to the sound stage. The two started to follow her, recording her. As they get closer, she had to stop herself from getting too giddy. She takes a deep breath before moving closer. 
“Oh, I am going to spin a coin for your gig, Cillian Murphy,” she yells, getting their attention. They were all confused, but Cillian was the most. Hearing his voice come out of someone who wasn’t himself. He sees Paul and Joe behind them, so he was even more confused. 
“What?” he asks. (Y/N) then takes off her hat, leaving the three shocked. (Y/N), Paul and Joe all start laughing at their reaction. 
“Bloody hell, this looks amazing,” Sophie says, getting closer to her. (Y/N) does a little spin before standing in a pose that reads ‘tada’. 
“Alright, so I get to go home and you finish filming for me, great,” Cillian jokes causing (Y/N) to roll her eyes. 
“You wish,” she giggles.
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vannybarber · 3 years
Eyes Forward
Summary: Let's face it, long haired Chris is irresistible. So you take your chances.
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Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: SMUT, oral (f to m), handjob, rimming (f to m), LONG HAIRED CHRIS, fluff 🥺 this gif can absorb me 🥵.
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Watching the two beautiful brown skinned goddesses grind and makeout on the screen, you couldn't help the puddle forming in your panties. This wasn't the first time you and your buddy Christopher have watched explict films together. In fact, it was one of you guys' favorites genres.
You and Chris had found a show called 'The Wire', which has a 9.3 rating on IMDB. A rating that high on such a stingy app had to be good. A sex scene between the two women had arrived, which threw you both off because of how unfiltered it was. But you weren't complaining. Neither was Chris.
He was fixated on the TV, watching the view before him, a boner visibly formed through his grey sweats. Trying to adjust himself, he fails as he gets distracted again by the close up of them.
Getting a sudden burst of bravery, you maneuver your left hand onto his bulge and rub it in a slow motion. He whips his head at you, puzzled, but somehow absentmindedly grinding himself onto your hand.
You put your index finger to your mouth and point back to the screen with a small smirk. He follows your silent orders without protest. It's not like he could form words at the moment anyway.
The scene gets more intense as the woman straddling Sonja, the actress, breasts show on the screen and she takes them both in her mouth. Chris sucks in a breath, which is quickly covered with a cough as you add pressure to his covered length. You let a giggle escape from your pressed lips.
You turn your body so your front is fully facing his right side and switch hands, laying your right one back on his pants and your left around his neck.
"Y/N..", he says through gritted teeth.
"Shh and keep your eyes foward." You nibble on his ear and squeeze him to affirm your instructions. Moving your lips down to his neck, planting long but soft kisses, he groans, thrusting himself up in your grip. Getting at his hints, you push your hand inside his pants and slowly smooth a soft but firm way down his shaft. It almost shocked you how long it took your fingertips to reach the head.
You look up at Chris and his eyes are slowly closing so you squeeze him in your hand. He shoots his eyes open and looks at you.
"Do not close your eyes. Keep them open and watch the TV" you command in a rather stern voice. "Don't they look amazing?" He nods his head in agreement.
"The one with the short hair has beautiful tits." You smile because he's absolutely right.
"Yes, she does. Look at the way she's sucking them." As you comment on the scene, you rub your hand up and down his cock as much as possible, but grow frustrated with the restriction of his clothes. "Take your pants off."
He moves to shove his jeans down and kicks his feet out the holes. Getting a better view, he is well endowed. You take both hands and stroke him. He can't help but watch, but the scene is over so you don't scold him.
"You like that baby?" You coax him, moving a little faster. You both make eye contact and he breathlessly lets out a 'yes'. You bit your lip and smile. Catching him off guard, you dip your head down and take him in your mouth.
He maneuvers his right hand onto your ass, giving it a squeeze. You moan around him, making him groan and thrust up into your mouth. Suddenly you pull back. He quickly gets worried.
"What's wrong?" You cup his cheek.
"Oh nothing. As much as I love you feeling on my ass, I want you to see me sucking your cock."
With that, you slide off the couch and on your knees in between his legs. He sighs, appeased and adjusting himself so he could get the perfect view.
"Hope you weren't worried there." You joke, smiling and winking at him. He grins, shaking his head. He's still rock solid and throbbing when you grab his cock again and sliding your mouth back on it.
After bobbing your head up and down for some time, you take him out and push his legs further out to drag your tounge from the very bottom, swirling around his tight hole. You let out a hot breath over it, resulting in him letting out a small whimper while you pump him faster.
You move back up, tongue still on him and lick up his wide shaft and take him back in your mouth, finishing him off. A few more seconds and you feel him twitch.
"Fuck, I'm 'bout to cum" he groans out. Warm shots of his seed score in your throat and slide down your tongue. Satisfied, you suck up and off him, making sure you collect every drop. You open your mouth, and show him the mess he made in you. He nods with approval.
You gulp down all the sweet content and smile at him. Getting off your knees, you strip from your clothes, pussy aching from the need to have him inside you. He watches as you remove everything, all your forbidden parts coming into view.
"Like whatcha see, Evans?" You smirk at him.
"Yeah, but I'd like it better if it was inside it." He doesn't have to say any more. You climb on his lap and pull his shirt over his head, ginger locks falling back into place.
"Ya know, I'm really loving this look. You should keep your hair like this." You comb your fingers through his silky hair, mesmerized with it.
"If it makes you do shit like this, I'm just might." He traces his fingers on your thighs and moves them up your hips and on your back, pushing you towards him. Your lips plant on his, moving in perfect motion, not missing one beat.
Mouths staying connected, you grab his cock and meet it with your entrance and sink down slowly to feel it stretch every wall. You suck in a breath and moan, fully seated on him. After getting comfortable, you pull away and start moving on him. Looking in his eyes, you search for his breaking point. The move that's gonna do it for him.
"You like that baby? You like when I bounce on your cock?" His eyes shift almost at your verbal attack. He slaps your ass in response but also a warning. You just grin. It's working.
"Gotdamn Y/N, you're so fucking tight." His face crunches up, head thrown to the cushion of the couch. You squeeze him as a thanks. Workouts pay off.
"A tight, wet pussy and a big ole cock, what'd you expect?" You kind of laugh as you move faster on him. You could feel him touching every spot inside you, that sharp ping of pleasure hitting you everytime you slide back up.
"Fuck, daddy you're gonna make me cum," you whine out, not being able to handle the feeling, like you asserted before. You flatten your palms on his shoulders and try to bounce as fast as you can, but the ecstasy is weakening your ability. Chris takes notice and quickly solves the issue.
Pushing you towards him, he adjusts your knees up a little closer to his hips and grips your ass and starts fucking into you. You wrap your arms around his broad shoulders and drop your head down beside his.
"Mmm Chris that feels so," you let out a whimper when he hits your spot 2 thrusts in a row, "so good."
"Mhm you thought you were the one in control, didn't you sweetheart?" The sound of your ass hitting his thighs accelerates your want to cum. You need it so bad.
"Shoving your hand down my pants, tryna seduce me, but who's the one getting her pretty little hole fucked??" At every word, a thrust gets harder and your mind goes even more blank.
You can't even form words, only adorable tiny noises and moans leaving your vocal box. He grips your waist roughly, not satisfied with your answer.
"You better fucking answer me or I'll stop right now and make you suck me off again and this sweet little pussy won't get to cum." He slaps your sore pussy and you inhale a single, but deadly breath.
"I am! I'm getting my little h-hole fucked," you scream. It was humiliating, but that's what made it more arousing. You tried to be in control, but failing effortlessly once he was deep inside you.
"Good baby. Daddy's fucking this hole way better than anyone else could, so it's only fair that it belong to me now, right?" He looks up at you and grabs your face to look him in the eyes. "This pussy is mine, yeah?"
At this point, fuck it.
"Yes, Daddy my hole belongs to you! All my holes are yours." You could feel that familiar pressure rising in the pit of your stomach as he fucks up in it. You grow excited, but more determined to make it last.
"I'm gonna cum," you moan as he lets your face go, but not breaking eye contact. "Make me cum, Daddy. I wanna cum all over your cock. I want it so bad. More than anything!"
"Just let go, baby. Let go for Daddy." His voice is soft and encouraging. You do as he says and let your orgasm take over your body. He could feel your hot cum spreading all over the head of his cock.
In retaliation, he shortly follows, filling your pussy to the brim, quite more than he ever has before.
"I feel so full." You sigh, content and fulfilled. A dopey smile is on your face and your body is limp. He rubs your back and plants kisses on the side of your face and on your shoulder blade.
"I'm gonna go give you a bath. Alright, bear?" He turns his head, waiting for you to look at him and give the 'ok'. You lift your head.
"Can we just stay here for a little bit longer please?" He kisses your nose and wraps his arms around you, securing you to him.
"Of course." You lie your head back down and close your eyes.
You could get used to this.
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I know I said I was gonna finish this a long time ago, but I got distracted per usual 😭 hope you guys liked it 🧡
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aetheternity · 3 years
How they simp ft the Aot boys
This is both Aot universe and Modern universe. I’ll separate them accordingly. 
(The charismatic simp): Jean  
•Aot verse:
☆ He's gonna become your friend as soon as he realizes he has a crush on you and he'll do everything in his power to stay by your side when that happens.
☆ He'll slide into the first available seat next to you in the mess hall and bring extra bread so that he can slide it onto your plate if you're extra hungry.
☆ If you spend a lot of time in the library he'll find a book similar to whatever he'd seen you reading before. (Of course he has to ask Armin what kind of books would be similar to your current choice.)
☆ And once he knows your favorite genre he'll head to the library late at night and grab a couple from that genre. Bookmarking his favorite pages so he can talk to you about it and you'll think he's super smart. (He's definitely fallen asleep with many books on his lap, chest and head since he started crushing on you.)
☆ If you have a hobby that's more interactive like sewing or flower picking he'll offer to carry your little basket or wear the thing you're currently stitching up so you can work better.
☆ And yes he did get caught wearing flowers in his hair by Eren. But it was because you'd smiled so fondly at him while sticking daisies in his brown hair. Giggling so cutely when they fell out. And he was gonna take that memory to his fucking grave regardless of what titan idiot had to say about it.
☆ And yes he did get caught wearing a skirt that you were fixing for Historia. By both Connie and Levi.
☆ Levi who went pale in the face and looked as though he was secretly praying for his own demise to come soon as he slowly closed the door and walked away.
☆ And Connie who laughed so hard he choked on his own spit and had to be helped to the infirmary because he was now coughing every time he breathed. So Karma ig 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
☆ He just has to touch you..
☆ Oh God he wants to. He's gonna find a way. Whether it's a little shoulder nudge when you're complimented during meetings by higher ups. Or pats on your back.
☆ If you confide in him about your lack of confidence before a mission he's gonna sit with you and talk you through your feelings.
☆ He does this thing where he leans into you when talking. Rests his hand on your lower back as his breath touches your ear. Whispers sweet compliments into your ear because you need that shit.
☆ And it's good enough to make your toes curl.
☆ Guides you by the wrist through thick crowds so you don't get overwhelmed or lost and sometimes you expect it so you reach out for him and the two of you end up holding hands instead.
☆ He's become your little nurse. Like of course he's worried when you get hurt but there's also the opportunity to fix you up. So silver linings 🙄.
☆ If you're allergic to anything he doesn't have it in his first aid kit. Sometimes you'll get like the smallest little bruise on your knee of some shit. And it's not even from training, you just happened to trip while cleaning the stables and now: thumb sized bruise. But he's like "I don't care, sit so I can clean it."
☆ "It could get infected!" He'll try to convince you but like no, no it couldn't come on now it wasn't even really bloody..
☆ If you just so happen to have extra chores he'll go out and bring you some water then offer to help. Or he'll just ask Levi if he can go help you.
☆ "Those boxes could be heavy." He'll tell the Captain. "We don't need anyone getting unnecessarily injured before the next mission." And of course Levi knows what he's doing and sends him to go help because he honestly doesn't wanna listen to this anymore.
☆ If you have back problems or even if you don't he wants to carry your bag. No you don't get a say in it. But you can go ahead and argue with him if you want to.
• "I just think it looks too heavy."
• "Jean, I'm ok I promise."
• "Ok how about this? Let me hold it for a couple minutes then I'll give it right back."
☆ Yeeeaah. You're not getting your shit back. He's gonna walk you all the way to your designated location and then put the bag down where you need to be for that time period. Even if it completely inconveniences him.
☆ And he won't tell you that he had a meeting that he's now over 12 minutes late to. You don't need to know it'd just worry you for no reason.
☆ He has adapted some sort of like sixth sense when it comes to you. Like sometimes he'll wake up in the middle of the night to pee and just so happens to walk past your bedroom door as you're reading a book on the floor or crying or something.
☆ And now he's sitting with you even though his organs are currently failing.
☆ He'll bring you a glass of water or tea or whatever you want. You want food? He'll find it. Want a book? He'll go get it.
☆ Sometimes he sits in bed with you and just lets you cuddle up to him or reads you a book as you lay on his chest listening to the unsteady beats of his heart. Unsteady cause ya know it's you laying on him. And yeah his face is becoming redder by the second but he can't stop staring at your sleeping face. Even if you snore louder than a titan stomping he doesn't give a single fuck.
☆ At some point everyone thinks you two are dating and they talk to you both as if this is the case but you're not! At least not until Jean finally explains that yes, he does have, "Feelings for you." Tells you exactly how long in fact because to him it's crucial.
☆ When he kisses you it's the type of kiss that makes you suck in air. He takes you by the shoulders, slowly looking for even the smallest bit of hesitation in your face and presses his lips to yours. When you pull away you're lightheaded, pupils blown as you look at him with stars in your eyes.
☆ "Oh.. wow." Is all you mutter.
☆ Good luck, you just fed his giant ego.
•Modern verse:
☆ Modern day Jean is more shy and reserved. He'll definitely try to become your friend but he probably has a lot less opportunities to get you alone.
☆ If you both work at the same place you're probably both confined to your own spaces and if you both go to the same school you might have separate classes.
☆ So here's what he's doing: finding anyway, shape or form to invite you out.
☆ He got an extra ticket to a concert. He'll just not tell Connie and invite you to come with him. Because you know.. you deserve a break after work right? There's a new restaurant opening near him? Cool he's already on the phone telling you their entire menu. (He might have memorized it before calling but he won't tell you he's reading off the menu.)
☆ Sometimes he might go to your desk and leave you something sweet or cute. Like candy or little desk ornaments but he's always too shy to write a note that has his name at the bottom so he settles for staying anonymous. His heart immediately grows three sizes when he sees you playing with the desk ornament he left or eating the candy while typing away at the computer.
☆ He'll look out your favorite band so he can find out when they'll come to the city where you guys live and buy the tickets. Maybe he stays up all night, what does it matter sleep is for the weak.
☆ Or he'll find out your favorite restaurant and go there when he knows you might be going so he can just happen to run into you. No obviously it's not creepy. 😑
☆ If he can't seem to connect with you plan b is to pimp out Sasha. He just has to connect with you! So he'll get Sasha to find out any useful information on you and report back or he'll ask Sasha to become close with your best friends.
☆ If not Sasha then Connie 🤷‍♀️
☆ Once he gets useful information that's when he steps in. Oh you have a presentation for school to work on? He's at your door at 10pm with snacks (that he knows you love thanks to Sasha), energy drinks, and information on the topic you're working on.
☆ I'm talking he brought papers full of information in case you need to beef up your slides. He also brought his own laptop so he can search up any information that seems incorrect. He'll listen to you as you talk about your project and give you feedback on your performance.
☆ This might take all night but he can't help his desire to help you. And of course he's not gonna tell you if he has his own homework to work on.
• "You think it's good? Really?" You'll ask as you close your laptop for the night.
• "You're gonna get an A. Especially since I helped so now it's guaranteed."
• He loves the way you snort and roll your eyes at him when he says this.
• "Thanks Jean, you're a life saver."
☆ If you hug him you might also need to help him up off the floor or bandage him up cause he's gonna hurt himself from the shock and excitement.
☆ If you have a work presentation or just in general need help with something you're doing for your boss. He'll dedicate as much time as he has open to helping you with that too.
☆ Need coffee before your presentation? He's running to the nearest shop. Don't really understand the project your boss gave you? He'll work you through it the whole night.
☆ If you happen to tell him on a Friday that something in your house needs fixing all of a sudden he's 'Fix it Jean' now he's telling you he can fix it tomorrow and the second he hangs up he's looking up how to fix a clogged valve or some shit.
☆ And Sasha and Connie are like, "Sir, what made you think you were a handy man??"
☆ He manages though. Brings like three books to your house and looks through all of them simultaneously. Thinks he messed everything up and is about two seconds away from crying on your floor like a toddler with a spilled juice box but he pulls through surprisingly. Has your shit fixed and gets a little kiss on the cheek.
☆ Which leads into him guiltily explaining the truth and telling you everything. From the trinkets to the tickets to now with this thing he nearly ruined in your apartment. But he's so relieved to see you're grateful for everything instead of annoyed like he'd been believing in his head.
☆ Now he gets a real kiss. And Modern day Jean is built different. He's so nervous to touch you like you're made of glass. But when he does he's got his hands on your sides, keeping you in place like you'll run. Your fingers delicately threading through his hair. Giving you the kind of kiss you don't wanna pull away from. You become so quickly attached to the taste of his lips and the subtle beats of hesitation still lingering on him.
☆ You wanna pull his tongue into your mouth. Keep him so close but he pushes you back. "I wanna take you on a date." He mutters with glassy eyes and bright cheeks.
☆ And obviously you say, "Yes."
(The informed simp): Armin
•Aot verse:
☆ As everyone has said a thousand times before. Armin is an informed simp. And within the first week of knowing he has a crush on you he has information on, your family life before you joined the Corp, your favorite food, your favorite color, your favorite flower, your hobbies etc etc.
☆ And every bit of that information is stored in his file cabinet like brain.
☆ When he found out your favorite color he wore it as often as possible in out of uniform situations. Even if it was just accenting the rest of his clothes he found a way to wear it somewhere.
☆ He skimmed through books that had information on attraction and started subtly complimenting you to make you notice him.
• "Hi, [Name] that jacket really brings out your eyes."
• "It's the same jacket everyone's wearing Armin.."
• "Oh.. yeah.."
☆ Sneaks references to things you like into conversation as often as possible. Because you know, right after a meeting is the best time to talk about how your favorite song is tied to the fact that your mom used to sing it to you to help you sleep?? 😃
☆ More power to him.. he's a little confused but he's got the spirit.
☆ He slipped flowers into your favorite books but it didn't really seem to matter because he was never there when you actually encountered the flowers. (But he did often see you talking about the plants with your friends and twirling them between your fingers) good enough.
☆ He found out ways to better help your digestion. You know because what's love if not healthy bowel movements.. cause like every other attempt made him look stupid so he looked through some books on foods to help keep your colon healthy. And he explained it over dinner..
☆ Safe to say the only one who thought this topic was at all interesting was Levi.
☆ He's absolutely bombing and he hates it. At this point you only give him shy little smiles and then just walk away. He knows you probably don't hate him but he hates that nothing is working for him.
☆ At some point Eren's talking to him solo and he explains that he knows about his crush on you. Following it up promptly with, "Why don't you just tell [Name] that everything you were doing wasn't to be weird, at this point coming clean is probably the only way you could still have a chance."
☆ And he hates it that Eren's right. But he marches right up to you when you have chores out in the stables because if he didn't he'd never say all the things rushing around in his brain.
• "Hi Armin." You greet with that smile.. that smile that makes his stomach tense and his heart want to burst.
• He breathes in before replying, "[Name], I.. like you.." You pause where you're getting water for the horses to see his sun kissed red cheeks. "Everything I've done is because I really like you.." He continues, letting out a shaky breath.
☆ A period of far too long goes by with neither of you saying a word and his blue eyes flicker up to you in concern. When you clap your hands together he nearly parts from his skin.
• "Oh! That explains the weird compliments and the stuff about my mom!" You sigh, slapping your head with a smile. "Oh thank God. Armin I like you too."
☆ More silence because 1. He didn't think you'd like him back and 2. Holy shit you like him back!! He's simultaneously having a party in his brain and melting into the floor.
☆ When he finally kisses you it's unsure. Makes you lean into him. Sweet but subtle like gentle breezes on a hot day. His mouth is closed and his arms cautiously wrap around your waist looking for any sign that you want to get out. But you don't. You just wanna keep pecking his cute little lips because he's so cute and everything he's done is so cute.
• "Finally." You guys turn to see Mikasa and Eren.
• "It's about time." Mikasa greets with a little smirk.
☆ And Armin is practically fainting trying desperately to explain that it wasn't what it looked like but his face continues to tell your little audience that yes. Yes it is what it looks like.
•Modern verse:
☆ Modern day Armin is equipped with an advantage.
☆ Fucking social media.
☆ He went to your page and found out your birthday, your family's last name, how many friends you have in real life. Shit if he dug around long enough he could've probably found your heritage portfolio and your social security. (Social media's a little dangerous sometimes..)
☆ So when he becomes your friend and gets your cell number (Another thing he could've probably dug up online.) He sends you things you might love at any and all times of the day. He spends every free second he has, from lunch time to the last hour he has before he really has to go to sleep researching shit you might like so he can send it to you.
☆ And modern day Armin is so sexy in how he manages to get you into a ton of situations featuring him, your cute little blond simp. Modern day Armin needs to write romance anime 😭
☆ He heard you like aquariums not only did he send you a website to get those tickets way cheaper but he also invited himself (telling you that he was already going). And planned to take you around the city to get your favorite food and any other activities where he could drop his extensive knowledge on marine life. Oh you love astronomy? No problem he was just about to go to the planetarium this weekend, you should definitely go along so he can take you to the planet's light show and stare at you instead of the stars.
☆ Oh your favorite movie is coming out? He had no idea.. he just happened to have an extra ticket to see it the day it comes out. Not only is it now free of charge to you for that but he's also already brought a bunch of your favorite snacks to line his backpack with. Even if your favorite snacks are from a different country he got them express shipped so they'd be there sooner.
☆ He also has weather apps on his phone and laptop so that he'll know if the weather changes even the smallest fraction so that he can take you anywhere else if needed.
☆ Yes he definitely has spent a shit ton of money on you but every time he takes you somewhere your face lights up so beautifully that he'd repeatedly slam his credit card on the table to buy you a plane ticket if you even hinted at wanting it.
☆ In this beautiful opposite world you definitely confessed to him. (You better for his pain and suffering.)
☆ He could've jumped for joy knowing his plans worked perfectly but he simply takes a deep breath, eyes full of contentment as he mumbles, "I feel the same way."
☆ When he kisses you it's with his thumbs lightly rubbing the small of your back. Chewing gum spit out only fifteen minutes ago so his breath was still perfectly fresh. Adding just enough tongue to make you arch and gasp into his mouth. And yeah, he read up on how to do that too. And now that you're his, he's gonna need two jobs cause he came to spoil. No you don't get a say in it.
(The interested simp): Eren
•Aot verse:
☆ Yeah I know this one's weird but let me explain. Eren's simping capabilities are so simple they can be so easily described as, interested.
☆ He legit figured out he had a crush on you and then about 15 minutes later he'd found out everything you'd wanna be if you lived to see the end of the war.
☆ It's so obvious he's simping hard, I mean man's was enamored by you talking about your parents workshop back home. 🙄 You know what I don't even think he was actually interested he was probably playing it up but lowkey disassociated
☆ He definitely gets made fun of for it on the daily too but unlike Jean he kinda shrugs it off.
☆ He's not gonna scavenge the earth for information on you. He's gonna let you tell him and he wants you to tell him. Tell him literally everything about yourself and you will cause he'll know if you don't.
☆ Sometimes he plays little games with you to try to figure out some kind of information about you on like a long ride back from a mission or something. It helps him ease the tension in his brain and gives him something new about you. Win-win
☆ He beat the fucking system by just getting you to talk about you and dropping things you both have in common into conversation. He really did better than Armin!
☆ If you have trouble during training he'll talk you through what you're doing wrong and help you work through your issues. If that leads to some touching well then that's just how things will go 🤷‍♀️
☆ The second he has your favorite color in his mind he's buying you a piece of jewelry with the same stone color. Yes this is him marking you as his and no you probably won't realize but the second you put it on in his eyes you belong to him. And now you can never take it off. 😃
☆ He has a little notebook (not for writing journal entries or anything.) It's just sometimes he forgets certain things you tell him and you pretend to pout when he asks for the information again so he writes it down in the notebook so he can read it and remember it again.
☆ There have definitely been instances on more than one occasion where the two of you would stay up all night talking. Sneak into the other person's room. Sitting on the floor together or side by side on the bed. Those are definitely the best nights because you get to show off your Eren trivia and prove you've retained just as much information on him as he has about you.
☆ Another scenario has presented itself in which you're the one who ends up confessing. Eren would come close cheeks flush with pink and whisper, the ghost of his lips on yours, "I think it's kinda obvious how I feel." When he kisses you it's with both hands cupping your cheeks. So hot against your face. Thumbs curving delicately over your skin. He's leaning into your lips over and over again. Recapturing them every time he pulls back but he also loves making you work for it a little, smirking when you have to strech to capture his lips again. Taking every bit of oxygen from your body. You kinda hold onto him with slightly shaky arms when he's finished. But honestly he's only finished for now cause he'll never get enough of your lips now that he's had a taste.
•Modern verse:
☆ Modern day Eren talked to you before he realized he was attracted to you and you haven't gotten rid of him since the day he realized he wanted you.
☆ He sees you walking to your next class or to the copy machine and he trots his way over to match your pace.
☆ When he's not with you, he's texting you nonsensical stuff he thinks you'll find funny. And when he is with you he's listening to every word you say with the dopiest grin adorning his features.
☆ Sometimes when you're talking he'll unsubtly lick his lips to see if he can make your eyes follow his tongue or he'll lean in closer, kinda crowding you a little if you're both standing. Speaking of crowding he pulls you into him by your hips if you just happen to be standing in the way and someone needs to get past you two.
☆ You'll never understand how much harder he falls for you when you look up at him through your pretty lashes. Hands slightly on his chest.
☆ He loves annoying you. Doing little shit like poking you with the eraser on his pencil or snatching your books from you when you're writing while he's talking. Cause he just thinks you should be staring into his eyes while he talks in the same way he does with you.
☆When he brings you dinner he always brings himself something to eat as well and he'll plop down next to you and ask you for details about your day. Smiling fondly at you when you complain about minor inconveniences.
☆ He loves your fingers so much. If he's not staring into your eyes he's looking at the way your thumb drags over your dripping boba/coffee. The way your fingers click perfectly over every key on your laptop. Every now and then he'll reach out for your hands massaging the knuckles because he just wants to touch them so bad. Bonus points if you smile at him while he does it.
☆ Not gonna lie it could definitely go either way with a confession. But it's probably more likely going to be on you unless he just so happens to accidentally confess while sleepy or drunk.
☆ When he kisses you, he cups your chin pulling you close, angling his tongue so it slides right up against your teeth. He softly hums into your mouth and you can tell he's at least a little nervous but his touch is so perfect. His thumb sliding over the edge of your lips as he sucks your tongue into his mouth. You're more than a little ashamed at the whine you let out when he pulls away. But the way he's blushing makes you feel at least a little bit better.
(The Childish simp): Connie
•Aot verse:
☆ Let's be honest, he doesn't know what he's doing. You know, cause you're his first crush.
☆ He's going to work extra hard to drop even the most random jokes and then look directly at you hoping you laugh. Just laugh cause if you don't he might repeat the joke again and that'd be uncomfortable for everyone.
☆ And when you crack a joke he's out here guffawing like it's the best thing he's ever heard. Like he'll legit pause all conversation with his loud ass laughing and everyone in the room is just like: 😒
☆ If he gives you gifts they're normally things he thinks are cool or awesome but every now and then he'll pick a flower and just randomly stuff it in your hair and when you look at him confused smile adorning your face he'll say, "It fits your face." And then awkwardly gesture at you. All you can really say is thank you.
☆ He practically crashes into the seat next to you at meetings. Jean dead ass started pretending to race him for the seat next to you and one time he tipped the chair over and fell on top of it, Levi made him reenter the room properly after he'd managed to stand up.
☆ He sometimes does that I'm not touching you thing to get your attention or taps your shoulder then looks away as you turn to look at him. He'll poke your shoulder a couple times until he's successful in keeping your eyes on him then he'll hover his finger over your head or shoulder until you roll your eyes.
• "Connie.."
• "I'm not even touching you!" He'll laugh
☆ He does nice things for you but they never really work out well for him. One time he got you a glass of water because he thought you looked thirsty and he placed it in front of you when you weren't looking. You turned from where you were talking with Historia and your elbow tipped over the cup spilling its contents all over your lap and meeting notes. He felt so so bad.
☆ One time you tripped during training and got a huge scratch on your leg and Levi stepped in to care for you. He asked Connie to go get the alcohol and in his excitement he ran back and tripped spilling the entire bottle all over the floor. Eren had to go run to the closest store and get more.
☆ At some point in time he walks into your room and sloppily pours his feelings out to you as you sit on your bed staring at him in confusion. His face is like beet red and he's breathing like he just ran a marathon. But you laugh and tell him you think he's adorable. You think he's gonna hug you when he pulls you in under your arms but he just holds your back super tight with both hands and swings you around till you can't stop giggling. His kiss is sweet a little sloppy cause it's his first but he's eager and cute as he pulls you into his chest. Probably bites your lip in a playful way and you can't help but lean into him.
•Modern verse:
☆ Modern day Connie is probably annoying the fuck out of you. He sends you memes all day! Put your phone on silent all you want you'll just come back to 40+ messages. And he likes to call you when he's not busy which means you're forever regretting giving him your number.
☆ He'll deadass go to the bathroom and face time you in the stall talkin bout some, "What're you doing right now?" And you're like, "Mfer what are you doing right now!"
☆ He takes any given opportunity to flirt with you and he's so goofy you won't realize he genuinely means everything he says,
• "I really hate your last name." He randomly says
• "What'd my last name do to you?"
• He shrugs, "I think you should change it."
• "To what?" You scoff
• "Springer 😘"
☆ And he calls you for the stupidest shit when he's at home:
• "Connie, what's wrong? You called me like four times in a row."
• "Which animals do you think would be the bitchest if they spoke human?"
• "Bye Connie 😑"
• "No wait!"
• "What?"
• "Send nudes."
☆ Loves to lay on you when you're sitting. Like he'll deadass drop his whole weight onto your back while you're sitting in your desk chair trying to work. He's just looking for a way to touch you and doesn't know how to express that.
☆ Yes he does have you in his phone as something crass and no he's not willing to change it. Most likely some shit like fat ass with a heart or Mommy/Daddy as a personal joke.
☆ And yeah you find him super annoying until this one night when he's texting you pics of his old family dog back home and he tells you everything about the dog's life from when he was a puppy to the day he passed and he shows you pics of him kissing the little pups head and holding him and things like that. The last video he sent was him crying while holding a framed photo after the dog's passing during Christmas time. And it's the first time you've ever been provoked to hug Connie instead of choke him.
☆ When the time finally comes for Connie to tell you his feelings you're in a good place to accept them and tell him you like him back. And that's when he pulls you in around the neck and gives you a surprisingly natural kiss. His mouth is parted slightly, hands gripping the back of your shirt a little as he keeps you close. He allows you to take the lead. Forehead warm where it's pressed against his. You both can't help but stay like that for awhile.
(The lowkey simp): Levi
•Aot verse:
☆ Rule number 1 you cannot know he is simping. He'll take it to his grave but if you're not oblivious you'll probably catch on.
☆ When he disassociates during a meeting his eyes get darker in the middle and he just rests his chin on his palm and stares at you. Doesn't matter that the meeting has been going on for more than an hour and he has yet to blink. He doesn't even know he's doing it. When he comes back down to earth he just blinks normally and looks away. And if no one tells him he'll honestly continue to do it. Sometimes in different positions, he's laying back in his chair head forward but his eyes are on you a couple seats down on the other side of the table.
☆ He picks up items whenever he goes into town. And I mean every. single. time. For you and he makes sure it's something you'll love and while you're out training he'll stuff it in a box and place it on your bed.
☆ He writes you anonymous notes with little inspirational words on them in places only you'll find them. But it's inspirational in Levi terms so it's shit like, "Stay alive for tomorrow." And "Don't look down because the sun is up."
☆ When he needs a break from work he just closes his eyes and thinks about you. Sometimes he does it just because he secretly loves that warm floating sensation he gets.
☆ Like Eren he'll trot up beside you whenever he can. But he won't say a word unless you say something first.
• "Hi Captain." You greet when he pops into your peripheral vision.
• Genuinely can not help how soft his eyes are when he looks at you, "Hello." He replies
☆ He'll find some reason to complain about the way his entire squad cleans their rooms so that he can also have an excuse to say he'll reclean them so that he has an excuse to make a bee line for your room first and be trapped in your scent. Taking your sheets off the bed and holding them to his chest, sweeping, getting that extra elbow grease on the windows so they're more spotless than even his standards.
☆ And of course because he doesn't want you to know he's simping hard for you he has to deal with you paying him the same amount of attention as the other higher ups which he hates with a burning passion. Like why don't you like him more? He does way more for you on a level that you can see. You should be more affectionate towards him. You talk to him everyday.
☆ I don't think I need to tell you Levi's shy so you'll be confessing. And you start by telling him you know the notes are from him because while Levi's intelligent he's also stupid. Like who the fuck else has access to your uniform clothes and would care enough to go in your drawers just to leave a piece of paper with the words, "Life is never so shitty that you can't at least better yourself."
☆ He kinda just lowers his head as pink soaks his entire face. And you lift his chin up to press a slow chaste kiss on his lips. He doesn't touch you. He can't bring himself to but he manages to kiss back. His irises so bright when you pull away. "Thank you Captain." You tell him before you leave. He's definitely genuinely worried his heart is getting ready to explode as he stares at the closed door.
•Modern verse
☆ Modern day Levi is a fucking mess. He doesn't know shit about having a crush and he knows it's you really early into meeting you but he's like, why them. He managed to spend his entire existence avoiding romance and yet here you are. He doesn't even know what he wants from you so sometimes he comes off a little more aggressive when he's talking to you.
☆ He stares directly into your soul when you're sitting across from him for any reason. You had to have had a crush on him first because he genuinely doesn't know what to do with himself.
☆ If you invite him somewhere he scoffs immediately following it up with a, "I'll be there."
☆ He rereads your messages whenever he's bored. And if you send him good morning texts he'll be thinking, morning beautiful angel. The one time you sent him a good morning text with a heart he analyzed it so long that he never replied back to you.
☆ The second he figured out how to use personalized ringtones he made yours something soft and sweet. Most likely with violins or maybe with a harp.
☆ A couple times while he was bored during a meeting or class he wrote your initials in cursive in his notebook. One time he wrote it on the front of his notebook by accident and had to throw that one away. Which honestly made him sad because he really liked how it looked.
☆ When you confess to him it's by accident and the way his face lights up is actually the most precious thing you've ever seen. He comes back down to earth slow and admits that he "feels the same." Under his breath of course but you heard and that's what counts.
☆ When you kiss him you instantly notice how small his lips actually are 🥺🥺 like you've stared at them before when he was eating and stuff but his lips are cute and so small. And he's so hesitant to kiss back. But then he does and you can kinda feel the tension leave him a little. His arms a little shaky as he supports himself. It probably looks like two middle schoolers kissing for the first time honestly. Right down to the sitting on the edge of the bed thing. But Levi's lips are so warm and he's such a naturally good kisser that you indulge for as long as you can.
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