#ok sorry had to answer that one u made good points
dwtdog · 30 days
i also think there was a power struggle in banter where karl wanted to be the leader which kind of happened with it was just him and sapnap because sapnap was shy. but when george came on then you have his big personality and sapnap got more outgoing with george there and they all got annoyed at someone else interrupting them and someone always got dogpiled on and it just didn’t work. plus them insisting it was in person and they made the bad choice to have it in NC where only one of the three of them live. idk just some not good decision making
poor sapnap 😭 it was cute to see how much more he opened up when george was added but yeah. yeahhhh
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daddyricsdoll · 6 months
Hate but I love you too ✭ Ollie Bearman
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Summary: From when he ignored you then nearly kissed your lips. Or never said sorry to begging for you. Oliver was a rollercoaster of emotions and it's safe to say- It took hate to love him.
Warnings: Unprotected sex.
Word count: 2.9k
A/N: Based off of a request. I'm sorry it took a while, quite a few things happened, but I enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoy reading this too! (did change a few things)
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“Hey Ollie” I smile at him as we walk toward our karts that sit only metres away from the other. “What do you want?” He turns his head toward me with furrowed brows. “Oh, I-um just came to say hi and good luck.” I try my best to keep a smile on my face as he grimaces. “Ok then, thanks I guess.” He mumbles under his breath before quickening his pace and rushing to his kart. 
It did hurt to watch him leave because of me, but it wasn’t the first time and it never made me stop from approaching him again. And just like the first time, it happened the next, he would always find a way out, but I found another in. I had questioned his actions and dislike toward me, but never got the answer, or maybe the one I was looking for at least. So after setting the goal of speaking to him every time we were in the same premises, I eventually lost it. Moving up into F4 and giving him a smile, then F3 and little glares. 
F3 was an interesting time, it was when we started to only focus on racing, relationships later, whether it was friendships or romantically, we could all agree we had some struggles. And then came the part I thought would be my happy ending, but U-turned straight out. 
But then came a experience for all of us drivers to experience what a lot of kids our age do. So then came a party with nearly all the drivers on the grid, hosted by a driver, so you could expect it to be on the spectrum toward chaotic. It happened to start light, small talk and grabbing another drink, before people loosened up and with that came party games. The truth or dare and spin the bottle. 
My hand lightly shook as I grabbed the bottle in hand, trying to estimate which person it would point toward. Hoping it would be the British boy that sat across from me, and this time he wouldn't walk away. 
Everyone's eyes stuck on the bottle and when it pointed in between two people I looked up to see it was Ollie and Jak. Everyone started shouting out their opinions of who it shall be before they all voted, and it was Ollie. I watched many emotions cross his face as we both leant forward and our lips inched closer to the other.
I stopped moving, waiting for him to make the next move, his lips were so close that I could feel his breath against my skin and I closed my eyes as I waited for him to close the gap. My lips curled into a smile as I was sure I would finally feel him. But instead of his lips ultimately against mine, I felt cold as I lost his presence and then his voice that refused to kiss me. “I can’t kiss her, we’re both rivals and it might ruin the race tomorrow.”
I don’t say anything, but sit back in the circle, at long last, accepting my defeat. I watched as some conflict arose, people telling Ollie it’s just a game and it doesn’t mean anything, but then he fought back claiming he wouldn’t kiss anyone in the circle, and then the game ended. 
I found somewhere to sit in sorrow but also bliss, at how close his lips came to mine, but then how he left. I was alone for a short while before Arthur Leclerc approached me. He wasn’t even part of F3 this year but said “I could never miss out on a party.” and then sat beside me while enlightening me with his jokes and bad english. From there me and Arthur became close, while the tension between me and Ollie grew. I secretly schemed ways in my head to get Ollie back, make him feel the way I felt, make him regret something or tempt him with something, make it come so close then take it from him. There was no denying I wanted that thing to be me, and that’s what held my plan back. 
The next year we both were signed into teams on the F2 grid, he had the opportunity to be with Prema racing and me with ART grand prix. 
After Jeddah, our rivalry started to grow realising we were the top two drivers fighting for the win each race, me getting the victory first and him second. Then came up Australia, a track we were all new to, but it didn’t mean we wouldn’t try as hard. 
I led the race with Ollie right behind me, fighting around corners and defending on straights. We had 3 more laps left as our tires started degrading drastically and our cars lost the power they had earlier in the race. Speeding down the main straight and reaching turn 1 Ollies tire clipped mine and we both spun into the gravel.
Furrowed brows under my helmet as I got out of my car that would’ve taken me to the top of the podium if it weren’t for Oliver Bearman. I put my steering wheel back in and smack the halo, needing something to take my anger out before walking away with clenched fists. Oliver stands still and stares at me as I aim to stride past him, but instead I land directly in front of him but don’t say a word. Our helmets would’ve touched if it weren’t for our heights and although my visor was still on I knew he understood the emotions that ran through me at that moment. We stayed like that for what felt like minutes until I walked away with a brush against his shoulder and hand. 
Every race after that there was a stronger battle between both of us, it was either me or him that won, and those few times we didn’t, the bottom two on the podium had our names on it. 
Just like last year, there was a party held, but this time we were in F2 and I wasn’t tailing after him. 
Me and Arthur walked in together dressed impeccably and proud. We had a good season together and maybe letting loose at this “party” might make this season better. 
Since everyone on the grid was here, it would be inevitable to see Oliver. Whether it’s a good or bad thing, I kind of do want to see him, especially since after that crash, I’ve never been better and he doesn’t enjoy being under me, so I’ll have a great time. 
It barely took 5 minutes until Arthur found Oliver and started a conversation, while I stood with Arthur people congratulated me on having dominance over the season so far and I just waited till Oliver would say it too. And to my surprise it didn’t take long. “Oh um, congratulations.” I hear him mumble under his breath. “Sorry I didn’t catch that, can you say that again?” I ask him, hiding my smirk with a confused look.
He gives me an annoyed smirk, knowing wholly what I was trying to do. “Congratulations.” He quickly says and watches a smile curl on my lips before walking away with one too. Me and Arthur somehow separate and I find another one of my favourite people on the grid–Juan. I immediately laughed as the first words he said were an enlightening joke, and we sat at the table and talked, it felt so short but apparently it wasn’t. 
I excused myself to the bathroom but not without a short interruption. “Nice boyfriend, since when?” The oh so recognisable accent drew me out of my stride. 
“Oh, Oliver? I never knew you had an interest in people's personal lives.” I sarcastically joked, but I gained no reaction from him. 
“I never knew you had an interest in people so low in the championship.”
“Unlike you Oliver, I actually know how to interact with people whether they are high or low in the championship because I know they won’t ruin my race even if we’re rivals.” I try to add some of his words from that night in F3 while taking a step closer toward him and most definitely getting in his personal space. He doesn’t attempt to move back into the wall that he already rests on, but instead looks down at me with concentrated eyes staring into mine. 
“How do you interact with people? Oh please show me. Is it actions before words?” I knew exactly what he was asking for so I step on my tippy toes to stand taller and he lifts his head to look straight forward at me, I move my face closer to his, just like he did that night. I feel the ghost of his hand along my hips as my parted lips hover over his. I breathe against his skin and feel him try to move closer to me just before I break away and walk back into the main room.
Losing my need for the bathroom I walk back with a smirk and see the same one of Arthur’s faces. We both found a seat next to each other and laughed as I told him what happened. Arthur couldn’t get over it and started making fun of Ollie from across the table. Sending him air kisses and chuckles. 
And just like I hoped this night did make the season more enjoyable. 
I walked out of the Prema garage as we were 15 minutes till lights out and me and Arthur had just spent the morning being stupid together. We still couldn’t get over last night and Arthur was just waiting to see Ollie again, which was definite thanks to them being teammates. But as Ollie walked in, I had to leave. I sent him a teasing smile and he looked away with his signature furrowed brows. 
We all got in our cars and lined up on the grid, me and Oliver sharing the front row. Once the lights went out Ollie kept the lead and I trailed behind him, keeping the gap close. Halfway through the race there was a yellow flag which lasted a few minutes before we were back to racing. The yellow flag closed the gap between both of us by a lot and now we were wheel to wheel.
I had the inside line so we both knew what was going to happen. But just like Australia, our cars collide and our race ends in seconds. I was most definitely filled with the same emotions as Australia but I knew hitting the halo wouldn’t ease them. I don’t dare to walk close or past Oliver so I take the long way around and stride straight to my driver's room. I don’t speak to anyone on the way there and slam the door once I arrive. 
It hadn’t even been a minute until I received an unexpected knock on my door. Everyone knew that when I was angry, it was best to leave me alone unless you were certain that you could make me feel better. So when I got up to answer the door I was surprised to see Oliver. Before I could say a word, he beat me to it. “I’m sorry.” I stood there confused trying to process the words he had just told me. “I-I hit something and I couldn’t control my car, I think you hit it too and then we both…” 
“And you think sorry will fix what just happened? For the second time!”
“No, I don’t think it will fix everything, but maybe if you accept the apology then things might change.”
“What happened? So you start talking to me, and now you learn manners! What happened to ignoring me and sending glares or not talking because I’d ruin your race or maybe you just never liked me!”
“A lot happened! And I don’t know how to explain it, but don’t act like I’m the only one that changed! What happened to the smiles you would give me before the race or when you would walk with me on the track?”
“You ignored it Oliver! You never showed an interest and you knew what you did that one night. You really hurt me Ollie.”
“Well then please, give me a chance to fix it. I regret everything I ever did or didn’t do.”
“And why do you want to fix it now Oliver?”
“I… I realised something. I realised that I really enjoyed when you would talk to me! And that the reason I ignored you before races was because you would infiltrate my mind during the race like you do every day and night! And I really wanted you- I still want you!”
“Fuck it.” I mutter under my breath as my hand grabs his and pulls it into my room and shutting the door right behind him. I had spent so long wondering what his lips would feel like, and now I know, they are the definition of paradise, my paradise. And his hands finally against my body did more than just touch my skin, they touched my mind and I tried to engrave the feeling into me. We broke the kiss and I looked into his eyes, irises being eaten by his pupils. Once my eyes landed on his neck, my lips did too. Placing hickeys all over his skin and moaning at the sound of his hushed groans. 
“Is this what you wanted, Oliver?” I ask him against his skin. I don’t get words as an answer but little whines instead. My hands go to the top of his racing suit and I start unzipping it, soon pulling it down his body. Ollie starts to help me, mirroring my actions and seconds later we both stood in just our fireproofs. I couldn’t bear to still see him in clothes so my hands pulled his top off and my hands travelled along his unclothed chest. 
“Come on Oliver, I’m not the one that has to fix this.” I mumble against his lips with a smirk. His hands then grip the back of my thighs and pull my body up against his. My legs wrap around his body like it’s not the first time and he lays me down on the small driver's bed. 
“Is it too hard to finish what you started?” He whispers against my skin as he pulls my pants down my legs and they land on the ground. I sit up and lean forward to slide his pants down his legs so he can help ease the need between my legs. And once his pants sit next to mine, I have to clench my thighs together for at least some friction. 
“Would you like to watch me finish what I started?” I ask and before I gain an answer I swap our positions, I replace my body on the bed with his and I stand in front of him. I barely give him any time to react as I crawl onto his lap. And then in seconds I lower onto his dick. Emitting a loud moan from his perfect lips, one that’s louder and longer than my own. 
“I guess I’ll take first place again, on your list of best people you’ve fucked.”
“Fuck, oh, you’re the only one on the list.” He somehow manages to grit through his teeth. His words do something to me, and I start to work harder, his hips also coming to meet mine. 
“Good, let’s keep it that way.” I occupy my lips with his and we capture each other’s moans. It didn’t take long until we were both moments away from coming, and it was like we had planned it together as we simultaneously came. I started riding both of our highs out until he grabbed my body again and flipped us over. 
My back hit the soft bed and his hands slid along my hips as he started ramming into me. My whole body moved and it was something I didn’t expect from Oliver, but luckily I now enjoy the unexpected. We both cursed under our breath and out loud as our second climax was inching closer. I clenched around his dick and traced the delicacy of his body as I let myself feel everything that he was giving to me.
His eyes that remind me of autumn glint down into mine before I have to shut my eyes as my back arches and I cum onto his dick for the second time. I wait for the disparate feeling of him releasing in me again and whine when it finally happens. 
He then lets out a long sigh and lays down onto me, body enveloping mine as he stays inside of me. “This was more than what I wanted.” He breathes out and then lays beside me, resulting in feeling the emptiness between my legs but oh so satisfied. 
“Have I fixed what was broken?” He asked me.
“Maybe, but this is the first step.” I turn toward him and smile before he smiles back. This was more than I hoped and certainly more than I expected. So to sum it up, Ollie is many things and emotions, maybe I had to go through the dislike to savour and realise how much the like is worth. So Oliver, you made me want to stab you, but heal your wounds. Drown you, but part the ocean so you can walk through. You made me hate you, but love you too.
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luckybunny555 · 8 months
Secret admirer
You receive a strange gift and find out the identity of your secret admirer.
Amber Freeman x GN!/Fem!Reader(no pronouns but for sapphics)
Warnings: creepy behavior, stalking, cursing, usual Ghostface behavior, a little bit of trust issues, being "attacked" but not harmed, mentions of murder and violence(no big description tho), a little suggestive in the end(as a treat ;) )
a/n: Part 2. No bad ending, again. I mentioned a song at some point and if you don't listen to it while reading ur not getting the whole experience, disappointing. also, this one's a bit scarier than part one(at least in my opinion). I'm sorry if ur not actually a scared little bitch like I am, but I made the readed very scared because yes. I didn't proof-read the end bc I used every single brain cell I have to finish this today. I might read it later but no promises.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Because you were texting Amber, you didn't worry about walking home alone. The sun was setting, but you were reaching the front door already.
I can't believe you fell for that
Mindy had a straight face when
she said that
I thought she just remembered
the movie better than me
I literally made you watch it a
hundread times
how could you not remember
also, lmk when you get home
what did u expect
I also closed my eyes a hundread
times bc I got scared
I'm already unlocking the door
ok good
told u you'd be safe with me
You felt a warm feeling in your chest, stupidly staring at her message. The smile on your face was an evident sign of how whipped you were for her. Stepping into your home, you lock the door again, not taking your eyes off your phone.
I'm throwing a party saturday
My parents will be out, they
got a wedding or smth
ur coming, right?
Your smile grew. "Mom?" you shouted, your voice echoing through the empty house. You finally looked away from your phone, scanning the space around you. The house seemed empty, which was unusual. By that time, your mom should be home. All you could hear was faint music, which your mom probably forgot to turn off before she left the house. You walked towards the kitchen, answering Amber's text.
ofc, I never miss ur parties
You've missed 3 of my parties
ok true, but it wasn't on purpose
I don't have plans this saturday
You find a note on the fridge, "Meeting w/ client @ 5pm". Right. That's where your mom was. You place your phone on the counter, opening the fridge and looking for something to eat. Your phone vibrates again, another notification from Amber
brb, I'm gonna shower
You read the text from afar, still standing in front of the refrigerator. Grabbing a few ingredients, you place them on the counter, turning off your phone screen. More attuned to your surroundings, you recognize the song playing in the background. "We Belong Together" by Ritchie Valens. You didn't remember where you heard it, though. It was just familiar. And nice to listen to while you cook.
Focused on preparing your food, you're startled by the doorbell. You look at the door with your heart already racing. It was a mundane situation, but does anything feel normal when there's a masked killer around?
Slowly, you approach the door. But instead of opening, you look through the window beside it. No one was there. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest, but you try to brush it off. "These fucking kids," you mutter to yourself, walking back to the kitchen.
I'm so stupid lol
Some dumb kid just ding-dong
ditched me and I got so scared
Not so long after, you hear the doorbell ring again. You try to convince yourself it's just a stupid prank. A terrible one to play when Ghostface is a threat, but kids are like that, right? This time, you quickly approach the door, determined to catch the person, opening it even though your hands are shaking.
Still, no one is there. But you find something. There's a box on the floor, with a pink bow on top and a note. "Sorry for scaring you :(". You hesitate, but take the box and lock the door again. You put it on the counter, unsure whether or not you should open it. Could it be from that admirer? Or was it from someone else? Before opening it, you decide to get a second opinion.
they left a box at my door
there's a note, "sorry for scaring
should I open it?
I think it's from that stalker, but
You wait a few seconds, but she doesn't read your texts. Maybe you should wait longer, but you're curious. It could be great, it could be horrible. Either way, you wanted to know. Maybe your mind was just being dramatic and this was actually a genuine apology gift. You shake the box, trying to make out what it could be, but it doesn't make a lot of noise. Must be something soft and light.
With your hands slightly trembling, you open it. It takes you a split second to understand it, but once you recognize it, you bring your hand to cover your mouth, your breath catching in your throat. Your favorite stuffed animal, one from your collection, with its head cut off. Beside it, another note. "Why didn't you write me back? >:("
Your head was filled with questions, "did they break into my house?", "how did they get it?", "are they still around?". Your phone rings, snapping you out of your momentary trance. It's Amber's number. She probably read your texts and her protective instinct kicked in. Your right hand was still covering your mouth as you reached for your phone. "Amber?"
"Hello, [name]," you don't recognize the voice. It wasn't Amber's, it was a male voice. And then it hits you: Amber's phone was cloned. By Ghostface. At that realization, you gasp, feeling your heart pounding as if it's trying to escape your chest. "Did you like my gift? And my sweet letters?"
You're too shocked to answer. Frozen in place, your only movements are involuntary. The trembling of your hands, the rise and fall of your chest, the accelerated breathing and heartbeats. An uncontrollable fear takes over you. Your eyes are glued to the torn out toy in front of you.
"Will you forgive me for loving you so much that I'm willing to protect you from everything… and everyone?" They speak again, and you slowly remove your hand from your face, supporting your weight against the counter, feeling weak in the knees.
An ounce of rationality is still left in you, despite the terrifying situation you find yourself in. "Where are you?" You ask with your voice shaking, a satisfying sound for Ghostface.
"Don't worry, I'm not inside... yet," the implied threat makes you shut your eyes instinctively, wishing that everything would disappear. But it isn't the brightest idea, so you open them again and look around, trying to stay alert. "Let's play a game, I'll give you three chances to guess who I am. You have to play by the rules. No calling for help, and don't close your curtains. I need to see if you're playing fair."
The last sentence sends a shiver down your spine. They could see you. Your gaze shifts to the window, terrified to see what you'd find. But hopefully, or not, you only saw the sky turning dark. "No..." Your voice shakes again, and you try to hold back your tears of desperation, "I know better than to play games with you."
"Oh, you don't want to play?" They sound displeased, which fills you with dread. "Let's skip forward then, I'll show you who I am," they say impatiently, "Open the front door."
By that time, the tears were falling to your cheeks. Your pants and gasps were audible through the phone, and it felt like your heartbeats were too. You couldn't move, and you obviously didn't want to let them in, but maybe the choice was merely an illusion. Your cries become more evident through the phone.
"Open the damn door, [name], or I'll get in myself and I won't be as nice as I would be," the caller threatened, and you are completely taken over by fear, filling every fiber of your body.
"Please, don't hurt me," you sob, begging for mercy as you turn around, facing the door a few steps ahead of you. You slowly walk towards it, continuing to plead.
"That's not my plan, sweetheart," Ghostface replies on the phone, "as long as you do what I say."
Your hands never trembled as much as they did once they touched the doorhandle. With a deep, shaky exhale, you open the door, facing the terrifying tall frame, covered in black and hidden behind the Ghostface mask. You let out a whimper as more tears fell to your cheeks. You gasp once your eyes meet the shiny blade in their hand.
In a startling, quick move, you were trapped against the wall, with the knife pressed to your neck, and you drop your phone on the floor. Instinctively, you scream, but the gloved hand covers your mouth before you can make a sound loud enough to be heard. They close the door with their feet, the loud noise making you jump in place. You shut your eyes, not wanting to face them.
The two of you were silent for a moment, the faint music filling the eerie atmosphere along with your sobs and loud breaths, followed by Ghostface's amused chuckle. They slowly removed the hand from your mouth, allowing you to breathe more easily, and you open your eyes, scanning the view in front of you. You didn't make a sound, and you tried your best to steady your breaths as much as you could before you had a heart attack.
"I told you I wouldn't hurt you if you behaved," they break the silence, and amidst the turmoil in your mind, you question their intentions and reasons. What made you different to them? Why hadn't they attacked you immediately, like they did with Tara and Vince?
Well, for one, all their love letters and gifts. Somehow, you had Ghostface in love with you, and you just realized that. Two people in one. And now, you could figure out who they actually were.
"Curious?" They ask, noticing the expression on your face, how you bit your lip, making it seem like the wheels in your mind were turning. "Go on, turn it off," the command, tapping on the voice modifier from the mask with their free hand. Your sobs had momentarily ceased, but your hands were still shaking when you hesitantly reached to press the button. You hear a low chuckle behind the mask, "recognize me now?"
It took you a moment to believe it. To make sense of it. Your eyes widened, and the look on your face was clearly of shock. Subconsciously, your lips part slightly in disbelief. How could it be her? "Amber?" you whisper, your voice faltering with hesitancy. You earn a mischevous giggle from the girl in front of you.
Her free hand reaches up, taking off her mask and throwing it on the floor, once again making you jump at the noise. There's a wicked smile imprinted on her face, staining her image in your mind. Noticing your furrowed brows, her expression changes slightly to one of pity, or remorse.
She pouts, her gaze meeting yours with a sympathetic look, "Aw, baby, I'm sorry I had to scare you," her tone changes to a sickingly sweet, an implied mocking of your position and reaction. "I just find it so cute, y'know?"
You weren't expecting that to be her motive. Deep down, it was starting to make you angry at her. But this feeling was buried by the sensation of the cold blade against your neck. And she still had a lot of explaining to do.
"Remember the first time I made you watch Stab?" She asks you, her voice laced with amusement, and a smile growing on her face. "I mean, it' wasn't even such a scary movie, but you were so terrified," she laughs, and even in that terrible moment, you love the sound.
Imperceptibly, she placed a hand on your hip, keeping you in place and maintaining her control. She looks at you with a sweet, satisfied expression. "It was so adorable. I loved how scared you got," she confessed with such a natural, charismatic demeanor, as if she hadn't planned a whole terrifying scene, just for you.
“You were clinging to me and you wanted me to protect you so bad. And I realized, I wanted that too.” With a wide smile, she chuckles mischievously. Her eyes observe you attentively, taking in every detail, every subtle movement. She loved to see your tear-stained cheeks and glossy eyes. It was terrible, and she knew that, but didn't you look impossibly beautiful in that moment? "That night," she continues, her face getting closer to yours as her eyes find your parted lips, "you begged me to let you stay over and to sleep with me. It was fucking cute, seriously," her eyes meet yours again as she lets out a low chuckle. Even though you hated that moment, how scared you were, you still found the genuity in everything she was saying.
"I could barely sleep, because it felt so good to hold you close, and I really felt like I was protecting you, y’know?" Her tone escalates with passion, emphasizing the sincerity in her words. "From what? Nothing. But it was nice.”
It was infuriating to hear everything. To go through all that terror, just because... she liked it? Why would she go so far to scare you?
“But with time you got over it and you didn’t need me anymore. And I still wanted that. I wanted you to need me to protect you," she continues her monologue, a classic after villain reveals. It was really starting to feel like you were in a stupid slasher movie that she likes so much. "I needed some threat, something dangerous to scare you."
You finally find the courage to cut her off, "That's why you did all of this?" Your tone gave away how irritated you were, although still fearful, "Because you wanted me to feel like... I was in a fucking horror movie?" Your voice becomes slightly bolder, in spite of the risk. You couldn't believe her.
She feigns being offended, then exhales with a quiet chuckle. "Sweetheart, the threats were already there," she responds, her grip tightening in response to her growing intensity. "Like that Vince guy. Gosh, he was a weird fucking creep. And you were scared of him, I know that, but he could actually hurt you. And I would never let that happen," she continues to explain her twisted motives. "It couldn’t be anyone else, because I never wanted you to get hurt. I wouldn’t trust anyone else."
At that mention, you recall his murder. You were with your friends at that bar the night he was killed. You were worried about your safety. He was into Liv, and you could very well be his next target. Amber had noticed the way you held her hand in that moment, tightly with worry, but the threat was real, and she wanted to protect you. Which is exactly what she did. What better way to keep you safe than to eliminate the threat? That's how her mind worked.
The slightest hint of understanding was appearing in your expression. A hint that Amber didn't miss, ever so attentive. "Do you get it now?" she asks genuinely, as if everything she did was right. "It had to be me. Because I would never hurt you. Because other people would," her tone is so sweet and caring, you forget she is the one holding the knife to your neck.
Actually, it doesn't matter. She might be holding it, but it means nothing. The girl in front you could've killed you long ago, yet she was confessing everything she did for you, without drawing a single drop of your blood. She might as well be holding the blade against her heart, because the girl is crazy for you, quite literally. If you got hurt, by any means, it would break her. From the moment she fell for you, protecting you was a necessary act to protect herself.
With that understanding, the clarity of your realization, your anger gradually faded. Her elaborate, sick and twisted web had the purpose of protecting you. She was poisoned with love. Could you blame her for her whole performance? (You totally could)
But you didn't. For the same reason you answered your stalker's letters, and opened the gift box. For the same reason you let Amber convince you to watch Stab a thousand times, despite hating horror movies. Yes, you have terrible taste for lovers. But you love the thrill. With her, you'd have security, protection, a little bit of action and lots of excitement. It was a twisted game, but you knew in the end it was safe to play. Because she was completely, head over heels in love with you.
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melloween-candie · 1 year
Spicy time [C.G]
Carl Gallagher x Fem Reader
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Requested // Request Rules
"Ok this might be out of timeline but at this point idc😭 could u do a Carl Gallagher x fem!reader and when there having a “spicy time😏” and then they get interrupted by Monica or frank?🤔"
A/n - I hope you like it! I wanted to give it more of the 'forbidden love' kind of feel, but not too much! I'm not the greatest at making lemons/smuts, but I really tried! 💕
Submitted by @nikkicloudie
Warning! Sexual themes, Bad language
Uncensored! MINORS LEAVE! 😤
Word count: I,430
Shameless Masterlist
Fandom Masterlists
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***Narrator's Pov***
You've known Carl for a very long time, and you'd hate to admit but your 'friendship' isn't really a 'friendship' anymore.
"I know! I know, but he said he wanted to do this tonight..."
"Girl, do you even know what you're saying right now? We're having this big test tomorrow for Mr. Bee's class! You gotta study without distraction, and besides, isn't he like your archnemesis?" Said Dom on the phone.
Dom may have been your best friend however, she doesn't know everything about you. All she thinks is that Carl is an asshole and that he's not good for you. However, she doesn't know the things you two do when no one's watching...
It started last summer- on a full moon. You were walking home from a convenience store only to stumble upon Carl Gallagher through your alleyway.
It was odd, to say the least. He was holding a bouquet of flowers. All drenched from the early night rain.
***Y/n's Pov***
He must have been out late all night...
"What are you doing out here?"
You didn't even need to say more to realize he was drunk. You didn't want to be a total dick, so you invited him into your bedroom. Of course, you had to sneak him in. You allowed him to dry up, and he told you everything he could. You tried your best to understand.
You didn't plan on keeping him in your room for the rest of the night, however, let's just say things got a little... messy.
[End of flashback]
"Y/n? Hello? Are you even listening?!"
"Huh?!" After that flashback, you couldn't help but blush. You never planned on giving him your 'flower.' However, you would have been lying to yourself if you said you didn't like it.
You two were enemies, and you still are, just not when no one's around...
"Look, Y/n, whatever this dude wants can't be good. I mean, seriously! He wants to get you alone? IN HIS OWN HOUSE!"
You blushed again... "Oh, come on, no, you're just trying to make him sound bad. I mean, seriously, who's to say we're gonna be alone besides, I'm only tutoring him."
"Well yeah! That's how they get you!"
You just smiled, giggling lightly, knowing that your friend actually cares about you.
Time skip!~
***Narrator's Pov***
It was late in the evening when you arrived at the Gallagher's household. You knocked on his door more than three times until he answered.
"WHA- oh. It's you. Sorry, I thought you were... someone else." Said Carl as he drops his bat.
"Uhhh... yeah, well, you asked me if I could tutor you today- remember?"
You were a little shaken at the thought that in a different universe, he might have bashed your head in without even realizing it was you...
You placed your stuff on the small table they had. "Ok, let's get started, shall we-!"
Carl smashed his lips on yours, pushing you back against the wall. His hands roamed all over your body. Your blush intensifies.
"Mmh-" You pushed him off slightly. "Ca-Carl?!"
You push him off your lips, only made him move to your neck.
He didn't even bother giving you a response as he picked you up. You wrapped your legs around him as he bites and licks your neck. Dragging you into his bedroom.
You tried to hold in your moans as so you could continue asking him why he was doing this. Earlier, when he kissed you, he didn't have that alcohol taste in his mouth, so you know he wasn't drunk this time.
He placed you down on the bed, his lips never leaving your skin. His hands found the opening to your shirt and slipped right in. Slowly he felt his way up your stomach all the way to your breast.
"Maah..." You gave a breathy moan as you cocked your head to the left. Giving him more room. He slowly makes his way up to your ear, making sure to kiss every part of your jaw.
The body temperature between you two started to get more heated as he started to grind on you. All you could do was moan cluelessly, questioning why he was doing this. After all, you only did it once.
He then pulls back to sit up. You could tell his crotch was bulging out of his pants as he took off his shirt.
"Carl, wait..." You were a blushing mess at this point. All spread out for him, messing up his sheets. "Why? Why are we doing this? I thought you hated me..."
He leaned in, locking both your arms over your head, as he whispered into your ear. "You ask too many questions." And before you could even say anything, he shoves his tongue into your mouth, passionately fighting for dominance. All you could do was moan.
Without even leaving your lips, he unties your pink preppy dress shirt revealing your perky pink laced bra.
"Tch..." Was all he could mutter out as he forced his hands on your back, making you arch as he unclipped your bra. With that, he forcefully removes your dress shirt altogether, along with your bra, making you entirely top-naked.
Instantly you covered up your breasts in embarrassment. His brow only knitted at the sight as he pulled his pants down, allowing his crotch more breathing room.
His breath was rough as he leans in. Starting off with your neck once again and slowly making his way toward your breasts. And once again, all you could do was moan as you lightly grab onto his hair making a complete mess out of it.
He left so many hickeys all over your neck and chest, but he couldn't take it anymore. He was done fondling your breast and sucking on your nipples. He wanted in.
He shoved off his underwear, revealing his erect cock. As he ripped off your skirt, revealing your matching underwear. He slowly touches up your thighs, guiding his cock to your pink undies. He slowly rubs the tip of his dick onto your covered entrance, smearing all the precum onto your once neatly cleaned underwear.
"Uhh... God dame it- Carl..." You blushed, muttering these words so only he could hear. "Stop teasing me"
He could only smirk at that as he slowly pulled your underwear off your legs, revealing to him your pretty little cunt. One thing's for sure, Carl was never the type to listen to anyone, and with that, he shoves his face onto your cunt. Eating you out. Instantly you arched your back giving off a big moan as he groans into your wet pussy. Then he grabs ahold of your thighs as he tries to dig his tongue deeper into your entrance.
They didn't call him the 'cleaner' back in middle school for nothing.
Then finally, that knot in your stomach was so close to untieing that you couldn't help but lean in closer to his face. Only for Carl to pull away. You whined at this. "Carlll... I was so close."
Yet again, he didn't respond as he just shoved his entire length into you catching you off guard as a huge wave of pleasure hits you causing you to make a huge moan.
"Ahhh..." Your eyes started watering. Your brain becomes more clouded as he pounds his entire length into you...
"More..." You moaned as Carl's only response was his harsh breathing.
And then suddenly, "BANG!" The door to the bedroom burst open.
"What in the world is causing all this racket?!" Frank yelled. He didn't even realize what was going on yet cause he was looking the other way. He seemed like he was looking for something.
You and Carl just looked at him... completely shocked and utterly embarrassed. You grabbed the blanket quickly, trying to cover yourself up whilst still in that position. Carl wouldn't let you leave even though you were trying to wiggle yourself away.
"FRANK, WHAT THE FUCK!" Carl yelled.
"What the-" Frank had his hands up as if he was being held at gunpoint. He then turned around to see the situation... "Oh, come on, Carl!" He said. "You act as if this was the first time I walked in on you."
Carl's face instantly morphed with anger. "THIS IS THE FIRST TIME YOU WALKED IN ON ME!"
"OKAY, Jezus, sorry." Frank had his head lying somewhat low as he slowly walked out. "At least Ian had the decency to lock the door..." He muttered.
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Omg, I can't believe I finished this within a day... I think this was the fastest Fanfic I ever made. LOL. Anyways I really hope this is what you were looking for. 😊
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creative-heart · 2 months
"My thoughts will echo your name"| Esteban Kukuriczka
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Chapter four: "No one has to know what we do."
Lucia’s notes: First off, I’m so sorry about last chapter, might have been a bit of a downer, but I trust me, it’s gonna get better soon. We’re back to the usual POV now. BTW the playlist “my hot girl revenge era” really exists on Spotify and it’s amazing.
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+18 ONLY: If you’re no interested in reading the smutty part, please stop reading at “Whatever you say babygirl”; you can go back to reading at the next cut.
Bejeweled- Taylor Swift
Wildest dreams- Taylor Swift
Could you love me when I hate myself- Lily McAlpine
Love in the dark- Adele
August- Taylor Swift
Starving- Hailee Steinfeld.
Ready for it- Taylor Swift
Content Warnings: Some not too heavy smut, mainly a makeout session; Social Drinking; mention to smoking.
Word Count: 2.4k
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Five days, five whole days had gone by since that night when Y/N had told Lucas to leave the apartment, not one single text or call to check how she was doing, much less him coming home and as much as the hazel eyed woman wanted to pretend like it didn’t hurt her, truth is she had been laying on the couch in her pj’s without moving, just watching Grey’s Anatomy for the fifth time. Y/N was curled up on the couch one evening when she heard the front door but she stayed in the way she was, not enough energy to move to see who it was, coming into her place. “Oh. My. God, babe….nuh, hell no, you need to get your shit together” she heard the voice of her best friend Gabriel coming in from the living room’s threshold as the tall guy made his way to her pulling the blanket off of her and turning the tv off she whined.
“Gabi, nooo. let me, I’m in the best part” Y/N protested pointing at the tv without looking at the arched brow on the black haired guy.
“You know Grey’s by heart, don’t know what this fucker did now, but I’m taking you out, you haven’t answered to my calls or texts in days, come on” as she reluctantly let her friend pick her up from the couch and walk her to the bathroom “also, you smell, and your hair is so greasy I can fry an egg on your head, you’re not this, come on, you take an all in all shower and I’ll make you something to eat, we’re going out tonight bitch” he smiled turning around and going straight to the kitchen after leaving Y/N to stare at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. As she took her image in, she rubbed her face and stepped into the shower letting the steaming water run through her body washing that week off her body, mind and soul; maybe Gabriel was right and going out would be good to her, after all, it was clear that Lucas wasn’t thinking about her, so why should she be sulking over that wanker.
Forty minutes later, she finished blowdrying and styling her hair, her staple beach waves adorning her strawberry blonde locks, she took her makeup bag out and looked at her friend who came into the room with a sandwich just as she said “Alexa, play my hot girl revenge era playlist” as …Ready for it? by Taylor Swift started playing through the speaker Gabriel handed her the plate. “This is my bad bitch bestie!” he smiled turning around to look at the outfit laid out on the bed “damn, red lace top, leather pants and jacket, you going out to eat! I love” Y/N chuckled as she ate her sandwich while doing her makeup. Once they were ready they ordered an Uber and headed out.
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“Ok, so…you know how I am obsessed with Andy from La sociedad de la nieve? well, I saw he will be at this club tonight, so, that’s where we’re going, I ain’t asking, just letting ya know mkay?” Y/N chuckled softly nodding knowing that if Andy was there, there was a chance that Esteban would be and she bit the inside of her lip, because why did the thought of kuku being there made her insides flutter and the heat rise in her whole body, she hadn’t told Gabriel about the whole Esteban thing tho, and she decided to keep it that way.
“I’m gonna get so drunk tonight” Y/N chuckled as they got out of the uber before making their way inside with the passes Gabriel had secured for them. As soon as the blonde set foot in the club, she headed to the bar to get herself a drink needing to keep her mind quiet only knowing that way to do it. Y/N rested against the bar looking out into the dancefloor as she downed her mojito, searching for her first victim, determined as she was to two things, get herself drunk, and secure a hot man to make her forget about the fact that the man she had loved for 5 years had all but forgotten about her in the last week. She knew she was the one who had told him to leave, but Y/N never thought he wouldn’t come back after that night, they might be in a horrible spot, but Lucas was still her boyfriend, and in some way she still loved him, or maybe it was just the comfort of knowing what it was like.
As soon as Esteban walked into the club with the guys later that night, he could see Y/N. She was up on a table dancing and immediately a mixture of feelings cursed through his blood. A perfect combination of lust, desire, rage at seeing how the other men around her gawked and touched her legs and protectiveness over the fact that she was clearly intoxicated, the cigarette hanging from her lips quite a sexy sight as she moved to the beat of the music. Without even hesitating about it, he made his way across the dancefloor swiftly, he didn’t give a flying fuck anymore about Lucas, if he wasn’t going to take care of her, he would. When he got up to the table where Y/N was he pushed the men aside and looked at her “Y/N can you please get down from that table?” he held his hand out for her. When Y/N heard that voice over the music she knew exactly who it belonged to, only Esteban’s voice could send a jolt of electricity down her spine straight to her center and she turned around to face him shaking her head moving down just so she was at his level.
“Now…why would I handsome? can’t you see how many gentleman are offering to get me drinks?” she smirked whispering in his ear biting her lower lip as she moved in front of her face stopping just mere inches away from his, staring down into his eyes and kuku swore she could see right into his soul, those Hazel orbs were so deep and entrancing. Before she could get away he picked Y/N up in his arms, his hands resting on the back of her thighs just below her ass cheeks and put her down from the table walking away. “Esteban put me down” the girl said in a tone she hoped to be firm and demanding but that much against her will came out breathy and whiny. Once they were far enough from that table and closer to the rest of the guys the brown eye guy let her down purposefully running his hands up Y/N’s sides which caused a new wave of electricty and goosebumps to course through the younger one’s body.
“Whatever you say babygirl” Esteban said looking straight into Y/N’s eyes his hands resting on the girl’s exposed waist. Her skin is as soft and warm as he had dreamt it would be. His eyes switching between the blonde girl’s eyes and lips as she spoke, not that he could hear what she was really saying all he was really thinking about was how much he wanted to kiss her right now, press her against his body and finally taste her lips. As Y/N kept complaining about what a killjoy he had been for taking her down from the table she found herself quite intoxicated, not only by the booze running thought her bloodstream but also by the taller guy’s perfume flooding her senses, she couldn’t think straight, his hands were still on her waist, her boobs pressed to his chest and she could see how dark his eyes were while looking at her.
Y/N didn’t know if it was the alcohol or the fact that she couldn’t deny anymore how hot Kuku was but she grabbed his shirt in her fists to pull him down to her crushing her lips to his, her eyes fluttered closed and she felt the sigh escape from the eldest lips and she took the chance to deepen the kiss as they started fighting for dominance in the kiss. Esteban’s hands slowly moved around exploring Y/N’s body at the same time as he pulled her closer to him if that was even a possibility, the soft moans escaping the girl’s lips taking his chance to tug on her lip as he pushed her up against a nearby wall her hands wrapping around his neck holding him closer to her as his lips trailed down her jaw to her neck slowly kissing all over, each touch setting a fire on her skin that lingered after he had moved on to the next. When kuku placed a kiss onto the spot right under Y/N’s ear she moaned into his ear closing her eyes as she could feel the smirk on his face right before he bit down on it gently.
Before Y/N could even stop herself she pressed her center to his, eager to feel as much of him as she could without taking their clothes off, but as soon as kuku felt her doing that his hands went back to her hips and he pulled himself apart a bit biting his lip, their breathing heavy and irregular with desire and need. He looked at the girl and leaned in whispering in her ear “as much as this is turning me on, and no matter how much I wanna take you home and fuck you right now, you’re one, quite drunk, and two, still my friend’s girlfriend as far as I know, and no matter how much of a douchebag he may be, I won’t do that” kuku rested his forehead against hers closing his eyes and while Y/N wanted to hit him for cutting of the moment like that, the fact that he was so respectful made whatever she was feeling inside her at the moment for him, grow stronger and she nodded looking at every single one of his freckles.
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When Esteban pulled up outside of Y/N’s place he turned around to find her looking at him “wanna come in for a cup of coffee?” she smiled softly, her eyes still slanted from the alcohol pumping through her “I swear I won’t try to jump your bones…not that I don’t want to” she whispered the last part hopefully quiet enough to not be heard by the elder guy, but judging by his smirk, she hadn’t been successful “I just wanna thank you for bringing me home, plus I think you could use the caffeine”.
The brunette nodded getting out of the car with her and locking it before walking into her place as he looked around “so…Lucas isn’t here?” As soon as she had stepped foot into her home Y/N remembered the state of the place and hurriedly picked up around so that it wouldn’t look too messy shaking her head “no….truth is….he hasn’t been here for the past 5 days” she bit her lip hard as admitting it outloud made it all the more real. Once she had thrown everything out of sight she went to start the coffee pot and rested against the countertop looking at kuku, was that a slight smile she saw on his face?
“Have you two…broken up then?” He knew he shouldn’t be this happy over this possibility, a break up is always shitty but he couldn’t help but feel at least hopeful over the chance of things working out for him. He sat down on the kitchen island in front of Y/N.
“Well…not in so many words no, I mean, not officially, but we did have an argument, five days ago, I told him I didn’t wanna see his face around here that night and he left, hasn’t come back, texted or called since then.” She whispered the last part wrapping her arms around her own body and looked down to the floor to try and blink away those stupid tears that shouldn’t even be there in the first place. Kuku frowned seeing her upset and reached out pulling her to him gently making room for her to stand between his knees and hugged her tight kissing her head.
“Honestly….if he doesn’t see the kind of woman he has standing next to him he’s even dumber than I thought, it’s his loss, truly, if I were lucky enough to be in his place…” he mumbled cutting himself short when he realized what he was about to say when he saw Y/N look up at him with glossy eyes. He sighed  gently wiping her tears from her cheeks and took a deep breath before picking up where he left off, there was no use on denying what he felt now, even more so after seeing her cry, he only wanted to protect her and take care of her “If I were lucky enough to be in his place. I’d make sure to show you how important you are to me, I would do anything and everything in my power to help you achieve your dreams, you’re a wonderful person, gorgeous inside an out from what I’ve gotten to know you, and you deserve to have as your partner someone who sees how special you are and helps you shine on your own, who builds your light up, not someone who tries to dim you down.” Y/N kept looking at Esteban, not only could she look at him all night because he was the most gorgeous man she had ever seen, but hearing him say that, not only made her insides burn with desire, it made her heart swell with love.
That night, standing on that kitchen floor between Esteban’s knees, she understood two things, not only she didn’t love Lucas anymore and was determined to officially break things off with him as soon as possible, but she was also falling in love with the man in front of her, she was falling fast, she was falling hard, and she was falling deep in love with him and this was either gonna be the love story she was gonna tell her kids, or the break up that was gonna ruin her life. But either way, she was ready to find out.
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Lucia’s notes: I told you all it was gonna get better didn’t I? and you haven’t seen the half of it! If you wanna be tagged in coming posts, please coment below. Also, no comments or likes needed but they are much appreciated. I love hearing what you think!
Credit to @cafekitsune for the MDNI divider and the section divider, they're amazing!!! go follow her if you wanna find amazing resources!
Taglist: @madame-fear  @cyliarys-starlight @castawaycherry @luceracastro @espinasrubi @lastflowrr @koiibiito @candycanes19 @nperoconelcositoarriba @lxdyred @deepinsideyourbeing
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wutwutno1 · 10 months
Happy Vore Day! Have a fic!
Uzi is tiny in this BTW.
Uzi's heart beat loud and her lungs hurt. She could hear him coming closer. Her legs raced, but she knew that at her size she wasn't going to out run him.
Clank! ... Clank! ... Clank! ...
His footsteps echoed through the halls, each one getting louder as he drew near. Uzi ducked under a nearby desk. Maybe he wouldn't notice her and walk right past.
CLANK! ... CLANK! ... CLANK! ...
"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" His voice echoed through the halls. He was close, practically on top of her. Uzi heald her breath, her heartbeat loud in her ears. She could feel it thumping in her chest. Her mind raced. She calculated the most probable diety to pray to that he wouldn't find her.
Suddenly, the desk Uzi was hiding under lifted and she looked up to see him, and his toothy grin as he held the desk high above his head.
"Found you, Uzi!" N beamed, having won their game of hide and seek. He carefully put the desk down behind him. "You sure did buddy." Uzi smirked as N bent down to offer his hand, which she happily climbed on. "How did you find me so fast? I could swear I has you this time!" N cupped his hands under Uzi and brought her to his face before answering. "I dunno. Good intuition I guess! Also, i saw your legs from under the desk!" "Drats!" Uzi said, staring up at N's goofy face.
"Can I eat you now?" Uzi immediately got flustered at that. They had agreed that if N won he could eat her, and that may have played into Uzi choosing her hiding spot, but she didn't expect him to be so forward about it. "N," Uzi squealed, "don't be so forward about that!" N could only look down as me mumbled a sorry. "That being said," Uzi stood up on N's palms, "yes, you may eat me now."
N stood from his crouched position. "Really‽ Now‽ Oh, thank you, Uzi!" Uzi was barely able to smile before N shoved her into his mouth. Uzi's face met N's glowing yellow mechanical tongue. Her entire body instantly getting soaked in saliva, but none more so than her face.
"Pfttt! N! Not so rough!" N mumbled another apology, and Uzi hugged his tongue. She liked his tongue. It was warm and soft, it was like hugging a bed, but most importantly, it was N's tongue. Don't ask her why it being N's made it better, but it does.
Uzi felt the spongy surface shift under her as N began to position her for the trip. Uzi giggled and relaxed, letting N do his thing. He rotated her 180 degrees, pointing her feet at the back of his throat. Uzi could barely contain her excitement as her fingers fidgeted with each other. Finally, after what seemed like forever, N swallowed her down with a loud, "glp."
N felt the wiggling mass of Uzi slide down his throat, her sweet taste still lingering on his tongue. The tight tube pushed Uzi down and massaged her. She giggled the entire way. The narrow passageway opening into a slightly more open and cavernous space.
Uzi looked around the space. Yellow LEDs lined the groves and folds of N's stomach, bathing the grey flesh in a warm neon-yellow glow. N's heartbeat and breathing could be heard somewhere overhead. The walls pulsed and squeezed around Uzi, massaging her extra short form.
This was her safe space. The one place she felt she could go to without being disterbed by nosy fathers and prying eyes. She especially loved how it came with N's company. She felt safe inside him, and she cherished that. Plus, this technically counted as a kiss, but she wouldn't tell him that.
Her eyes adjusted to the barely lit atmosphere. She was about to settle in when her phone dinged with a message. She quickly pulled it out to see what it is.
Biscuitboi98: U ok in there?
Uzi rolled her eyes with a smile. Of course, N was worried about her. Uzi began to text back, the clicking filling the semi-silent void of N's belly.
DarkxWolf17: Of course! I know you'd never hurt me! :p
Biscuitboi98: Cool! :D
Uzi put her phone away and lied down. She took one last look at her little safe space, and closed her eyes for a short nap. Letting the soft gurgles, and heartbeat that filled her ears take her away to dreamland.
When Uzi awoke, she found herself tucked into a small dollhouse bed in her room. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She realized that although she was dry, her clothes weren't. "Goddamnit. Looks like I'll have to do another load of laundry. Uzi quickly changed outfits into something more comfortable and dry.
After changing she looked around her room and the disturbing lack of N. She sighed, feeling a little sad about not being able to speak to her friend after just being in his belly. She looked to her left and noticed a piece of paper on the wall. She realized it was a drawing from N, and a new one at that. She got closer to study it and see what it says.
"Thank you for the fun, Uzi!"
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fapper · 8 months
full story of what happened in office hours 2 days ago and how i accidentally rizzed up the TA who is also my crush
*note: FAAM stands for "fine ass asian man" who is like, an acquaintance of mine idk
okay mind you this happened only 2 days ago bruh. okay buckle up cuz i cant stop thinking abt it 😭 so me and FAAM went to this review session for our midterm that was wednessday (i got a 75% btw) anddd i only went bc my crush who is also the TA was going to be teaching. soooo i came into the room and mans was sitting in the front so he didnt notice me, but later on he got to the blackboard and started yk teaching shit, and i made sure i was consistently looking at him to see if he'll look at me anddd i think he did like 3 times. not that many tbh anyways after review session we had office hours in a differrent room, so me and FAAM immediately head to office hours, and they have this annoying queueing system and there were A LOTTT of ppl in offce hrs that night, the room was full and there were only 4 TA's, and i only had my eyes on one guy HAHAHA ok so i mind u office hrs was from 6 - 8pm. i couldnt get help from him and i was waiting and waiting and waiting and me and FAAM kept talking abt him while he was in the room omfg 😭 FAAM was like 'wait so its him?' and he proceeded to point to the wrong TA and i was like, bruh FUCK no ITS NOT HIM DUMBASS like i think our behavior was hella obvious in hindsight bc we were literally talking abt him in front of himmmm bro 😭 FAAM was like 'you should go talk to him' BRO STFU YOU KNOW IM NOT! and i was likeeee 'what do u think of 'eagle' for my nickname for him?' (cuz he had a really big hairdo and it reminded me of wings ok) and FAAM was laughing and we were just kikiing like 2 old bithces bruh.
okay so it was 7:50pm. and at this point i was waiting for my turn to get help so i was literally on TIKTOK bored as shittt 😭. and i feel my crush stand up from his seat and slowly walk to stand behind me... and i was thinking 'aint no way' and then he says 'y/n?' (OKAY FIRST OF ALL HOW DO U REMEMBER MY NAME) and i was surprised at first so i jumped a little and he said 'sorry! 😭' and FAAM immediately says 'do you need a seat?' to the TA cuz we were sitting together and the TA goes 'noo its fine hahaha' but i told FAAM to be a wingman so he was insisting on it and so FAAM moves to the next chair and my crush sits next to me to help me. ight so boom
so immediately i start asking him questions and he was explaining hit to me and i couldnt focus fr. FAAM and i kept making glances at each other and every time we looked at each other we smiled real hard meanwhile the TA probably noticed all that shit HELPPPP I JUST KNOW MY CRUSH NOTICED ALL THE EXCHANGED SMILES ME AND FAAM HAD LIKE U COULD JUST TELL WHAT WAS GOING ON OKKKK!!! at one point when FAAM and i made eye contact and smiled i literally stoppped typing whatever he said and lost my train of thought bc i was trying not to laugh sooo hard bruh. meanwhile the TA is witnessing all this shit happen in front of him rn bruh (the TA was sittin between us 😭) so i notice my crush was starting to struggle in answering the question/ explaining shit so he started looking into the distance to think, and every time he got quiet i would look at his face and just look at him reallll good lmfaoooo omfg i kept looking back at his face while sitting next to him bruh. and one time when i looked at him, he smiled and closed his eyes and looked down like DAMN ARE YOU FR HAVING THIS REACTION TO ME LOOKING AT U RN? OMGGG so immediately i was like. ight he wants me. andddd lo and behold. my crush gives up and puts his laptop on our table and says "okay so im just gonna show you the solution dont tell anyone haha" *nervous laugh* meanwhile everyone in the class heard him and they look at our direction 😭 so me and FAAM laugh at this and when i looked back at the TA his face was literally PINK broooo.... im not fucking kidding he was blushign or something. and so as i was taking a pic i jokingly said "bro is about to get fired" and he was like no its fine and laughed it off. also hes just generally a nice guy like i had CHATGPT open in one tab and i said 'ohhh sorry not me having chatgpt open rn' and i closed the tab and the TA noticed and laughed and i said 'women in stem' and he laughed and said 'no yeah exactly' (i made the same joke the last time in office hours with him, he said 'i believe you' when i hinted that the hw answer i had was NOT INDEED MINE LOL) so i guess u could say i have that joker rizz the way he supports me and laughs at my jokes bruh. anyways after that i was like. 'thank you! *makes thumbs up gesture with both my hands* and he stands up and says something bla bla and i say thank you again and he makes the same thumbs up gesture with both his hands and turns around to help the next person.
bruh moment
do yall think he wants me? it was definitely not his normal or usual behavior, *this is random but his voice is so nice* and i feel like i made it really obvious that i liked him by joking with FAAM.
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kylejsugarman · 8 months
Idk if you’ve answered this already but at what point in their relationship did Jesse tell Demi ab his past? How did that go over? How much does she know?
ive mentioned it some before but i haven't really gone super in depth!! as u all may know, i am very "and then everyone made it to alaska and everything ended up ok!! :)" minded, so i dont have a big dramatic revelation beat to my story and ultimately, jesse never tells demi that he's living under a completely new identity. however, he does tell her a Lot of other things, partially because he trusts her, partially because he feels guilty keeping things from her that might make her see him differently; he feels that she deserves to know how fucked up he is so she can escape him and avoid tying herself down to a mistake. jesse first tells her about his drug use after demi explains how her sister died, again out of that guilt and the expectation that she won't want to associate with a former(ish) addict, but demi saw firsthand how powerful addiction can be and isnt scared off. when it comes to his criminal history, it takes him a little longer to work up the nerve to disclose that stuff: he's afraid of both endangering her by letting her know what he's done and losing her. he drops a few things along the way, usually related to drug dealing and production since she was so understanding of that aspect of his past, but once they decide to get married, he feels that he owes it to her to be totally honest. the dark details of making and selling the drugs, being around violence and controlling figures. enacting violence himself. losing people. being sold into slavery. he leaves out specific identifying details (demi's never been a current events kind of person but he cant risk her connecting those dots) and places a lot of the blame on himself instead of trying to describe the people from his past who were pulling a lot of those strings. its basically an abridged version of the show's events, no names, no details in certain places (he doesnt even tell her which state he used to live in), and no forgiveness.
demi listens patiently the whole time, not asking many questions along the way. she tenses up when he touches on captivity, but otherwise her demeanor remains open and nonjudgmental. when it's over, she doesn't say anything, which is somehow worse than disgust. jesse is so wound up at this point that he flips out on her, insisting that this is her time to cut her losses. he's a criminal, a fucking murderer. he's evil. demi still doesnt react the way he wants and instead just waits until he's out of venom before reaching out to very gently smooth down his hair. petting the angry, upset dog instead of reflexively giving him away. "im sorry you've had to carry that around with you all this time," she says softly and that breaks him. because it Has been so hard carrying that around. demi asks a few more questions, clarifies a few more things, then tells him what she thinks. that she's seen how he acts now, how he treats people, how he treats himself. that she grew up with a father who sounds like the figures he alluded to in his story. that she is uncertain and insecure about a lot of things, but she's never been more sure that jesse is a good person and that she loves him irrespective of whatever came before. "im dangerous," he insists, a former fighting dog that would rather die than return to the ring. a hand on his own—"then why do i feel so safe with u?"
it's not perfect. there will always be things that jesse never shares with her and he will never totally forgive himself because as the one living person who knows the Extent of what went down, he feels that it's his responsibility to hold himself accountable for It for the rest of his life. demi's perception of him Does change, although not entirely in a negative way, and she is a little hurt that he expected her to bail so quickly and she can't lie and say that her mind doesn't occasionally drift to the fact that her husband has killed people. but at the end of the day, they're two broken people who were utterly convinced that their lives were over before they found each other. this is their second chance at life and they're never going to take that or each other for granted. whatever comes, they're going to face it together
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 3 months
this girl one time wanted to have sex with me and when i asked to use a condom she laughed it off and said it wasnt cool, and began to chip away at my boundary until i gave her what she wanted. she kept trying to get me to do things and i would say no, and she would continue asking anyway. in bed she said something like “you said you would” and that legitimately scared me, because it seemed like she was just blatantly lying to my face, or just forgot. then she called herself a succubus (A DEMON) and my gut screamed at me to be careful around her. sorry this may be TMI, but im anon so whatever, she said i could nut in her, which is the complete opposite of my original boundary. she was so sweet otherwise and communicated really good. except for when i texted her my concerns about being manipulated. she just became really defensive. im really happy im not “under her spell” anymore. i dont know what she was trying to do, but she could have hurt me really bad
its not tmi, its ok, you know me :p <3.. im sorry your boundaries were disrespected :( ill put my answer under read more cus its probly gona be long , this message had me contemplating some things..
IMO : sex is so tricky its been a struggle my whole life to understand how i feel about it & where my boundaries lie + allowing myself to express them so i understand the struggle u present here altho it's a different perspective.. some people use sex as a vehicle to gain power over others, by way of luring their partner into a state of vulnerability, i dont think that's something demonic necessarily i think it's usually more surface level than that. however
you do see a huge rise in the amount of ppl kind of, trying to personify the succubus nowadays? ppl have always wanted to be sexy but it's like different than the way ppl wanted to be sexy when i was younger. it got rly mainstream to have kind of a demon aesthetic if that makes sense? when i was younger this stuff was reserved for the relentlessly bullied & punished Goth and Emo kids.
but ok when i worked at spencers gifts in 2021/22 they had all these shirts of anime succubus girls getting choked and in bondage n shit, and these shirts were their best sellers they were outselling most the band tees and franchises like naruto.. and im telling youuu it was like, the youngest girls always buying these shirts, it made me so uncomfortable!! sometimes i would walk away and get my coworker to ring them up cus i was like nah im not selling a child that shit...but it really made me think like wow if i was in 7th grade and wore this shit to school it wou;dve been like wearing a giant KICK MY ASS!!!! target on my back but it's like, a popular thing rn.
and im not saying the bullying should return ofc, not the point. but it lead me down the string of thought wondering why this stuff is being pushed into the mainstream so heavily. sex sells i guess $$$ but yeah i think right now it's especially common to refer to yourself as a succubus if you're trying to feel a sense of power as a woman. because as a woman there are very few ways to gain power other than using sex. and many people want power! but i dont think most of them are demonic. just lost..
still its good u followed ur instinct to stay away from that girl because it is really cruel to manipulate someone in a moment where they've trusted you enough to be close to them like that.
yeah i think its rly rare for someone to be in some true demonic possession shit but i feel there can be dark things that linger *around* people who have weak spiritual armor and sort of, feast off their energy & create misfortunes around the person that generate bad energy for it to feed off of. but i dont think they have too much control over your actions like i would imagine for someone who's truly possessed. i feel a lot of ppl have these sort of ambient malignant attachments especially if they keep a lot of dark imagery & symbols around thinking it's just an aesthetic.
thas just my thoughts....really bored tonite so im typing a lot.... i love sex i think it can be so beautiful and restoring, it helps me feel so much happier in life to have good sex regularly i dont think sex or sexiness is evil. i just think its easy for ppl w bad intentions to turn it into this whole twisted ass mind game when it shld rly b so simple and natural and a loving connection that sets u free......be safe out there anon be discerning! protect you heart..<3
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art-of-firefly · 5 months
hi !! i hope ur doing well as well and that smth very nice happens very soon :> i will also send u many things too so hope that is ok !! and fee free to only do some
1 & 2 for takao !! 18 for midorima !! 13 for momoi !! 23 & 25 for akashi !!
Hi ! Thank you, i hope the same for you <3
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
The way he turns any potential bad situations or feelings into something beautiful and positive. It's something i truly admire about him. My main examples would be his attitude toward Midorima, Kuroko and Akashi.
When he learned the guy he wanted to beat was on his team he accepted it and changed his goal from becoming a better player to be recognized a worthy opponent to be recognized as a worthy ally instead.
When he faces Kuroko, his perfect mirror, and loses. Instead of feeling resentful, he aims to be even better the next time they face each other.
When he sees Akashi ability as a point guard, instead of being frightened or anxious like all the other point guard, he show pure awe and admiration. Jealousy is the kind of sneaky feeling that you can't help but feel sometimes, but it doesn't bring any positivity or drive to be better, it only makes you unhappy. But Takao never falls into this trap.
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Even when he sees Midorima and Akashi doing their special three-point play (the Sky Direct 3P Shot, the official name is so dorky i love it) during the Vorpal Swords match, he doesn't show jealousy, even though he himself thought he would be jealous to see it. Instead, he is happy.
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All of this speak a lot about who he is as a person. He truly has a good heart and he is the kind of person i genuinely aim to be more like
Sorry it was kind of long, but I love Takao a lot, he truly is amazing.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Well, I just realized that I technically answered that with the first question, so instead I'll give you my second favorite canon thing about him.
I love how accepting he is. Midorima is a difficult person to get along with, and as Takao himself said 'one has to be flexible to keep up with Midorima’s weird habits'. And yet, Takao immediately accepted him. Although at first he made fun of his obsession with horoscopes, it never came from a bad place, Takao just laugh at everything.
Plus, he doesn't just accept it, he actually finds it endearing. He is so precious and the world needs more people like him.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
His relationship with Takao, I honestly don't even think I need to elaborate on this, TakaMido is loved wholeheartedly by the fandom, whether platonically or romantically, and it's 100% deserved. There are probably a thousand essays on them and their dynamics, so I'll spare you my own awkward ramblings. But in short, their way of accepting each other, of pushing each other to be better and their dynamic, everything is perfect.
Who wouldn't want a partnership relationship like this? The way they support and trust each other is truly admirable.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
This one 🌸, for her hair color and the sad scene under cherry blossom trees with Kuroko when the team is falling apart. I also think she would use it a lot.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
It's really difficult to answer. I had to limit myself to only the pictures drawn by Fujimaki-sensei otherwise it would have been impossible. I think it's this one, because seeing him happy and surrounded by his friends makes me happy
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25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I honestly can't remember, it was almost 10 years ago now. But i know i liked him from the start.
And now, well, I've drawn him a hundred times in the last 6 months and done a whole countdown to his birthday, exhausting myself to the point of getting sick. He is on my mind 24/7. I spend an unhealthy amount of time talking about him on Twitter.
In short, I like him a lot. But since this post is already quite long and I have been asked several questions about him on this ask games, I will go into more detail in my other posts.
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borathae · 8 days
Chapter 23 LETS GOOO
bro get the fuck out lemme sleep zzzzzzzzz This man has no manners, none, nada.FR MY SLEEP BITCHES
one blood bag each and a cup of coffee. It is a peculiar combination, but if they like it then you won’t question it.😭😭
“Why are you asking me?” “Cause you’re the oldest here?” “And? Does this automatically make me the leader or something?” “Well…yeah?” Hoseok cocks an eyebrow up, “unless you want me to take over.” they really havent planned their boyband well
It’s after one of my grandmother’s recipes, WTF HE LIVED THAT LONG AND STILL RMEMBERS SHIT? my vampire ass would be a disappointment
“You’re adorable. A vampire with red ears, that’s a sight to see” fr TELL HIM SIS
This means he hasn’t returned home yet.  SHIT is he hurt or did he hurt someone else???
“Okay bro I was going through something?” Hoseok squeaks. “And ended up with a tummy ache”, Seokjin teases. so ur not safe from tummy ache even as a vampire great
perhaps it is because of the tension he is always walking around with, you’re sure this will develop muscle as well. STOP THE ATTACK tho he fully deserves it MY BLANKIE MY ZZZZZZZ
Is that your feel good face?” yeah -_- -ㅅ-
“Dead. Again. Congrats, you died four times already”, this made me laugh and extra pissed YOONGLES WHAT ARE U TRYING TO DO WARM HER UP TO BOILING OR WHAT??
ok she went berserk ... like a human would GOOD REMEMBER THOSE POINTS GO HARDER BABY U CAN DO IT
ok now WTF IS HIS PROBLEM AAAAAAAH ok we get it she fucked up, she went to talk to him and it escalated and neither knew consequences ok mr genius jjang jjang man boong boong
wtf hobi are u ok whats going on now shit
“Blood…uhm I just realised that this sounds very disgusting to a human”, he laughs awkwardly, “sorry.” its ok pookie, just took me off guard 💀💀
ok guys we are really in hobari's room and getting to see past his mask yall, slightly nervous idk what im expecting ahaha
that’s like my eight one. Those fuckers are amazing”, they dont have overdose issues?? wow nice wait how did hobi get tummy issues then??
Hoseok stops laughing, fidgeting in his chair rather nervously. His smile stays on his face however, never reaching his eyes and looking like a mask he can’t seem to shake off. slightly scary with description, but its really funny u can pass off everyones questions with this smile, just answer the are u ok question properly and smile, or else u look like hobi right now haha
“I’m kinda sad that I didn’t die today.” oh that was slightly out of pocket half expected it but also didnt expect it
We have Yoongi, who fought god knows how many battles. Then Jungkook, a high ranking military dude. And Seokjin, who had the nerve to serve in both world wars just for fun. wow jin really said imma fight ww1 & 2 for shits and giggles
“Because I feel like an imposter”, he confesses, “I’m a vampire, that can’t even control minds, has never been faux killed before, has zero fighting experience and whose origin story is being killed by a blowjob. How pathetic can you be?” ur just simply a vampire, not all have to go through shit to be a vampire, its just they lived that long so the probability of going through shit is higher, u got lucky. its ok ur not a clown. youre a great friend for real
bro get the fuck out lemme sleep zzzzzzzzz This man has no manners, none, nada.FR MY SLEEP BITCHES
me actually I hate being woken up early :/
“Why are you asking me?” “Cause you’re the oldest here?” “And? Does this automatically make me the leader or something?” “Well…yeah?” Hoseok cocks an eyebrow up, “unless you want me to take over.” they really havent planned their boyband well
lmaooa they're so chaotic i fucking hate them (i love them with all my heart)
It’s after one of my grandmother’s recipes, WTF HE LIVED THAT LONG AND STILL RMEMBERS SHIT? my vampire ass would be a disappointment
LIKE HE IS SO <3 okay but in his defense, he writes down yummy recipes sooo
This means he hasn’t returned home yet.  SHIT is he hurt or did he hurt someone else???
“Okay bro I was going through something?” Hoseok squeaks. “And ended up with a tummy ache”, Seokjin teases. so ur not safe from tummy ache even as a vampire great
hahahah they're so chaotic dhfahs
Is that your feel good face?” yeah -_- -ㅅ-
i love him :D
“Dead. Again. Congrats, you died four times already”, this made me laugh and extra pissed YOONGLES WHAT ARE U TRYING TO DO WARM HER UP TO BOILING OR WHAT??
HAHHAHA he is so rude like I love him sm <3
ok guys we are really in hobari's room and getting to see past his mask yall, slightly nervous idk what im expecting ahaha
no but I actually love this scene a lot <3
that’s like my eight one. Those fuckers are amazing”, they dont have overdose issues?? wow nice wait how did hobi get tummy issues then??
overdose can't happen for vampires, it's more of a blinded by bloodlust where they can't control themselves anymore and go feral but he is very far away from that state
Hoseok stops laughing, fidgeting in his chair rather nervously. His smile stays on his face however, never reaching his eyes and looking like a mask he can’t seem to shake off. slightly scary with description, but its really funny u can pass off everyones questions with this smile, just answer the are u ok question properly and smile, or else u look like hobi right now haha
no but I'm actually so sad for him :( I hate that he thinks he needs to pretend to be happy :( like hobi :( you're allowed to be sad too :(
We have Yoongi, who fought god knows how many battles. Then Jungkook, a high ranking military dude. And Seokjin, who had the nerve to serve in both world wars just for fun. wow jin really said imma fight ww1 & 2 for shits and giggles
i feel like it was an honour thing for him where he was all like "i have a duty as a man" 😑
“Because I feel like an imposter”, he confesses, “I’m a vampire, that can’t even control minds, has never been faux killed before, has zero fighting experience and whose origin story is being killed by a blowjob. How pathetic can you be?” ur just simply a vampire, not all have to go through shit to be a vampire, its just they lived that long so the probability of going through shit is higher, u got lucky. its ok ur not a clown. youre a great friend for real
YES THANK YOU !!! i love this agenda!!!
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echantedtoon · 7 months
Demon Bride Ch53 Karaku Is Working On It
(WARNINGS!!: Karaku IS his own warning. Possibly some innuendos. Mentioning of Sakura's past actions. Yn LITERALLY snacks sense into Sekido when he calls Karaku stupid but he later redeems himself.)
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(Author's Note:  This chapters events spans about two months after Douma speaks to Yn about Sakura. The Hantengu's Bros Arc is slowly coming to a close. The quadruplets will be around for maybe one or two more chapters after this one.)
You know. You were expecting things to be a little bit different than before sure. But what you didn't expect really was that you would be woken up by... Nothing. No knocking. No voices. No Rui going to school. Just blissful slumber until you woke up on your own. The breakfast just left on your doorstep. They didn't even wake you up for it. Odd. But VERY much welcome. 
It was a WONDERFUL day.
You actually got to sleep in for a long time, eat breakfast at your own pace, got to be left alone, and treated yourself to a long, long hot bath and book reading session. No one bothered you other than another knock on the door that was just lunch being left on your doorstep and then again later today when Rui got home and was holding...his puppy??
"... Don't tell me you brought your puppy to school! You're not supposed to do that. What if she got lost while you weren't looking."
"I know. Sensai said the same thing when he saw her. But Arachnid will get so lonely without me! How can I abandon her?"
"Sekido assigned someone to look after her while you're at school. Leave Arachnid home from now on and play with her until you get back. Ok?"
He sighed. "Ok."
"Good. Now come eat dinner and then it's bedtime for you."
It was a good day. You didn't feel stressed anymore so you guessed Douma was right about you releasing all the pent-up stress out on Sakura. Which you still felt bad about but she did attack you first. Sigh...You'd think about this later. The next day however you DID have a visitor. Just a little while after Rui left for school. A knocking on your door had you opening it up only to discover Aizetsu on the other side, and he was...smiling?
"U-Um...I-I hope I'm not disturbing you."
"No. What's brought you here?"
"Um.." He suddenly looked embarrassed and rubbed his neck and you noticed that he had a book in his hands. "I-I was done with a b-book and wondered if you wanted to read it? A-And maybe spend time with..me.." He looked away embarrassed. "Reading other books...to-together."
You immediately smiled. "Of course I would!  Come on in!" 
The blue eyed demon smiled and came on in. The rest of the day was filled with you in Aizetsu's lap as you two read through the books. Three days later Aizetsu came back again with even more books. And it continued onwards like that with Aizetsu for a while. Apparently his brothers and himself all agreed on letting them all individually spend time with you in their own ways. Oh. That was nice. But I'm the middle of it all you had a knock on the door and answered it only to see Karaku there smiling and crossing his arms. 
"Karaku? What are you doing here?"
He smirked. "I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by.~ Also I thought of a math equation. You-" he pointed at you. "-plus me-" he then pointed at himself. "-equals dinner together.~"
"No." He froze as you shook your head. "Sorry. I already made arrangements to spend time with Aizetsu and ONLY Aizetsu for a few days. You'll have to check back when I'm not busy. Why don't you just spend time with your father and little brother? I'm sure they'll be much better company."
You then politely closed the door. A few days later you were expecting Aizetsu back only to jump when the door suddenly flew open and Urogi announced his presence. 
"Hey, Dove!!" He just allowed himself into your room. Happily chuckling noticing that you jumped. "I'm here for my turn with ya!"
"...OK!! NEW RULE!!" You scowled firmly standing up and pointing at him with a serious look that made Urogi pause. "If you EVER enter my room without knocking or asking again I will NEVER go out with you again. Privacy is basic decency. Understood?" He gulped and quickly nodded. "Good. Now what are you here for?"
He instantly smiled again. "It's my turn to spend some time with you! I was thinking we should go out again and hunt or fish!"
That immediately caught your attention. "Really?! Like REAL hunting and fishing REAL game!!" You smiled. "Real fish and rabbits and wild turkeys?!"
"And deer and ducks and whatever else you want, Princess.~ In the real wild forest!" He then flexed an arm up. "Not to brag but I have a really good catching streak!"
"When can we leave?!"
Urogi threw his head back and cackled. "Whenever you want, Pigeon.~"
And thus started the trend of the female servants nearly fainting it terror or screaming and running away or looking disgusted at you when you started going out with Urogi every few days and came back with a few things. The first day he took you out, you brought back a few ducks which you then gave to the shocked kitchen staff and you looked quite a mess. The female head of the dwell, Yoko, actually fainted into her husband's arms the next time he took you out and brought back an entire deer you brought down by tackling it with your newfound speed and strength. One good thing from your new demon body. Often when you came back you were dirty, and a mess and your kimonos were ruined. BUT GODS WERE YOU HAVING FUN AND FEELING ALIVE AFTER SO LONG!! After a particular trip back Karaku had ran into you while coming down the hallway with Urogi whom was carrying a boar that'd surely be made into delicious pork later. The green eyed demon had looked surprised seeing you both there but nearly burst out laughing at the sight of you covered in dirt and with a few leaves stuck to your hair. 
"Hahaha! Wow. You like you had fun! What happened?"
"I brought down a boar by tackling it to the ground." You jabbed a thumb at Urogi whom was easily lugging said wild game on his shoulder with an amused grin. "Feels good to get some workout in."
Urogi chuckled. "She's pretty fun to hunt with I'll tell you that much.~ Like a tigress on the prowl."
"That's great!" Karaku clapped his hands with a wide smile. "Then we can go do that when we go out!"
"Sorry. I can't." He immediately paused. "Urogi promised to teach me how to catch fish with my bare hands. But perhaps a different time. Excuse me. I need to go wash off."
You then stepped around him leaving him standing there and Urogi patted his shoulder with a genuine smile his way. "Be a little patient, Bro. Tell you what. I'll be sure to put in a good word for you with her."
"Thanks. ... Appreciate it."
However the next brother to greet you a week later after your last run in with Karaku wasn't Karaku himself, but an grumpy looking red eyed demon who knocked on your door expecting you to answer.
"Hmph. It's about time. I've been waiting long enough."
You brow rose at him. Already feeling a bit cranky from the loud knocking and attitude he gave you. "What do you want, Sekido?"
"I'm here to spend my amount of courting time with you of course! What else would I be here for?!" Your brow rose higher. "Now get ready. We're going out!"
You crossed your arms. "Uh huh. Y'know..To be honest I was expecting you to be Karaku again asking me for a date."
Sekido scoffed Rolling his red eyes. "That idiot is always doing things stupidly." Your eyes focused on him dangerous. "That's why he gets himself in so many stup-"
S M A C K!!
A MASSIVE slap sound echoed throughout the hallway and bounced off the walls in echoed slowly fading away. There was a stinging in your hand and in Sekido's left cheek as he suddenly found himself staring in the other hand, his head whiplashed to the side. For a long moment nobody spoke until Sekido slowly looked back to you absolutely stunned silent meeting your rage filled eyes.
"Your brothers are not stupid. I've heard you calling all of them everything from 'bumbling idiots' to 'stupid'....I do not tolerate that bullshit in my presence.And you're lucky I didn't strike you hard enough to break your neck for doing that. Aizetsu is a bit clumsy but good meaning. Urogi is easily forgetful but he's a good guy. Karaku...Heh. Karaku is a n asshole a lot of the time but he isn't stupid. He made some stupid mistakes and suffered from it but guess what. So did I. You better not speak of Zohakuten or your father that way either." Your hand harshly grabbed the door. "I won't be seen with a man who degrades his family in such a disgusting manner. I'd consider it an embarrassment. Until you can get your egotistical angry head out of your ass and get it then you can consider yourself banned from me entirely."
S L A M!!
AND the door was slammed in the stunned demon's face. Honestly you weren't really expecting Sekido to come back. Or for him to beg for forgiveness. But only a week later there was another knock on your door and you answered to the presence of Sekido to your surprise. But after a moment of silence you just frowned at him crossing your arms and waiting for him to speak. Red eyes stared intently at your frown. You didn't budge. Not even bothering to ask why he was there. Until his eyes slowly lowered by him bending at the knees. Your eyes didn't look away still making eye contact with him until he sat on his legs hands on his knees. After another few seconds of intense staring, he leaned over until his head bowed over silently. He was bowing at you silently.
"Nothing to say for yourself?" He remained silent. ...Honestly this was probably the closest thing to an actual admission to he was wrong that Sekido would be giving you. "....You know what you did was really bad and it could really hurt someone. As long as you don't do it again and treat me without demanding things from me, then I can just give you a warning this time. Next time I won't be so nice." A hand gently placed itself on  his head. "Now get up and raise your head. I want to go on a walk with you."
He looked up at you and your hand slowly removed itself from his face only for him to grab it and press his lips it it's palm with a small hum. "... You'll be my wife by the end of this year. I need your presence."
"We'll see. But for now let's go on that walk then we can get something to eat and this time I'll pay for it no matter what you say."
You were surprised when Sekido was mostly silent for most of the time you both were together. Mostly he let you talk and he listened to what you said. There was still plenty of hiccups when you both went out mostly on walks or Sekido would take you to a few quiet places such as the book store or a restaurant, and there sometimes was a few men who'd stare at you which earnt Sekido's wrath. You remembered one time you were getting a few ink stones as a gift for Kyogai at the book store when a hand grabbed your arm and you looked up at an unknown man smiling at you.
"Hey. You look lost. May I escort you to where you're going?~"
He was grabbed by the collar and YANKED away from you a second later by a VERY raged looking Sekido who snarled at him. "FUCK OFF!! THAT'S MY FIANCE YOU PERVERTED FUCK!!"
To his credit he didn't try to instantly pummel the guy but his arms were shaking badly as he watched the man instantly take off. Then he just wrapped his arms around you pulling you to himself. Making you raise an amused brow. 
"I didn't know you were so protective."
He scoffed as rested his head on yours pulling you against him."You smell like Aster flowers to my bumb- ...*ahem* To myself and my brothers. Your scent is unnaturally sweet to others as well. It's...very attracting like what draws bees to flowers." He paused as you patted his arms.
"Well then let's go pay for the ink stones and get on our way. I wanna treat my big, strong fiance to some home cooked pork I caught just two weeks ago.~"
His face lit up red..but then he blinked. "Wait. Did you say you caught a wild pig?!"
From then on whenever you both went out Sekido would always have either an arm wrapped around your shoulders or waist, be holding your hand, or having you hang onto his arm. You noticed that less men looked at you then. The few that dared to look were usually scared away by Sekido sending a silent snarl they're way.  This time you didn't run into Karaku until much later after Sekido stopped visiting. But it still wasn't him who knocked on your door. When you answered the knocking one day when Rui was home, you were surprised to see none other than Zohakuten and Mr. Hantengu there. 
Zohakuten looked annoyed and had his arms crossed before huffing. "My father says in order to become proper in-laws we have to be better acquainted outside of my brothers. We're here to have lunch with you and talk."
Rui looked up annoyed from his book holding a sleeping Arachnid in his lap but you shot him a knowing glare. "Rui and I would be delighted to have you both over for lunch. Please come right in.'' You politely stepped aside with a smile that made the teenager pause. "I'll go ahead and get a servant to get some food for you all. I hope miso ramen is alright. Your father must be tired. Come sit down."
"...Hmph. I will give you one thing, despite your unladylike behavior at least you know how to treat your gu-AH!!"
Said teenager winced as a firm hand gripped his ear and yanked him harshly. "Forgive him. My son is still inexperienced. So inexperienced. He has a tendency to say things that I find insulting. Forgive him."
Rui snickered hiding his face behind the book he held when you shot him a glare. "Oh. It's alright. Children will be children. Come inside."
It was in the middle of lunch and Mr. Hantengu's ramblings of how a little Sekido used to be so shy and hide behind his legs when the door knocked and you answered it only to see Karaku again. He smiled wider and winked at you.
"Hey, Beautiful.~"
"Karaku. What a nice surprise. Are you looking for your father?," you politely greeted him making Zohakuten look over at you both curiously.
He shook his long black hair before smiling wider. "Nah. I figured I was overstepping on everyone's else's time with you so I waited til Sekido's turn was over with before coming back."
You blinked lightly surprised before nodding. "That's very considerate of you."
"So we'll go out then?!"
You shook your head. "I promised Rui I'd spend time with him today, and I'm having lunch with your family. I'm sorry but not going out today."
"Then maybe we can go out tomorrow? Or later this week! Whenever you want -" he paused as you calmly held up a hand to him.
"Karaku, Im not going to go out with you. Not yet. It's nothing against you, it's really not. But you still haven't proved to me that you're going to be taking this seriously or change how you treated me before. I'm still willing to give you a chance, but you have to show me you're willing to put in the work. Just asking me to go with you over and over isn't proving anything. I'm sorry, but until then please don't ask me again."
You left him just standing there blankly slowly closing the door in his face-
"And then she just shut the door in my face!," Karaku yelled out frustrated from where he just laid on the floor staring at the ceiling. 
His father hummed just a little aways from him carefully seeing up a hole in a pair of Zohakuten's pants. He always played so roughly during training. Good thing he learnt how to sew three hundred years ago. Zoha was just lazily watching one of his older brothers sulk on the ground boredly. 
"I TRIED LITERALLY EVERYTHING!!", Karaku yelled out frustrated throwing up his arms, "FLOWERS!! GIFTS!! FLIRTING!! ASKING!! I TRIED EVERYTHING SHORT OF JUST THROWING MYSELF AT HER FEET AND BEGGING HER!! WHY WOULD SHE BOTHER HELPING ME OUT IF SHE DOESN'T HAVE INTEREST?! WHY BOTHER TO GIVE ME A CHANCE THEN?!" His arms flopped back to the floor. "I just... don't get it, Dad. I've done everything right. Haven't I?"
"Perhaps that is your problem." Green eyes tilted upwards towards the shaky hand sewing demon. "You are doing what YOU THINK she'd like, but have you ever p-paused to consider that perhaps how you do things isn't what she wants?"
"But all girls like flowers and gifts. Aizetsu and Sekido gave her flowers and she loved them! She's always doing things with them... What's so different from me?"
The sewing was paused as the older demon sighed and looked at him. "My son. The way you act IS what she didn't like. It's true you may have stopped that behavior but she does not see you proving you did. Giving her material gifts does not reveal which intention is behind it."
Karaku blinked before turning from his back to lay on his stomach to look at him better. "Then... How do I prove to her that I AM trying?!"
"That I cannot say because I am not her. You will have to think hard about what she would accept for her to believe you."
"Think about what she made you all do whenever you made her angry before. What did she make you do in order to make her happy again?"
Karaku groaned laying his head in a hand. "*Sigh* She yelled at us and hit us with a giant stick and then she made us apologize to everyone she thought we wronged and then you made us apologize to her...for.." He slowly trailed off as his green eyes widened as a thought crossed over his mind. "Uh...Hey, Pops. Do you still have that random stack of papers around here?"
"Of course."
"Good, good. Um..I'm going to need them and for you to watch me write a lot of letters so I can have some witnesses. Lots ..and LOTS of letters."
You didn't see Karaku again for almost two weeks. You did see his brothers once or twice and Douma once when he popped back in annoyingly, but no Karaku which you supposed might be for the best if he really wasn't interested after all and left you alone. You should return that courting gift he gave you though. It wouldn't be right to keep it when he wasn't courting you after all... You'd give it to Aizetsu and have him give it back to Karaku. However you weren't expecting the frantic knocking on your door and you answering it to see the sight of a panting Karaku on the other side.
"Hey...I-....Hhhhhaaa." He leaned over one hand on the doorframe heaving for air. "Give...A-A minute."
You blinked. "Karaku?" He was a bit sweaty and wheezed like he ran a hundred miles uphill. "What happened to you? Is something wrong?" 
"I- ...got you....*GASP* T-This." A hand shakily held up a single tulip. "F-for...you.."
You blinked... slowly taking the flower before looking back at him. "Thank you? But that doesn't answer my question."
"I-I was...Oh gods.." He inhaled and leaned back up with a sigh. "I came as soon as I heard all my...letters were given out finally."
"Letters?" Your brow rose. "What are you talking about?"
"My letters to all my exes." This time both your brows skyrocketed up and he instantly held up his hands. "It's not what you think! Look. I know you think I'm...Well a womanizer and maybe I am, but I don't want anyone but YOU! Not Sakura or anyone else! So I did this!" His arms were thrown out. "I wrote apology letters to every single one of my exes with the exception of the bitch you battered. Took me a while and a lot of paper. Gods. So much paper. But I did it! I apologized for everything! So...please?"
You continued to stare at his pleading eyes before slowly looking down at the flower you held. Karaku...Apologized to all his ex lovers? ALL OF THEM?! You stared at the flower in shock before slowly turning into a thinking face ... Before looking back at him.
"Are you free today?"
Karaku felt himself go shocked for a moment before again his eyes lit up again and a giant grin spread out on his face. "YOU'RE SERIOUS?!" You nodded. "HOLY FUCK YES!!" 
You squealed as suddenly two arms wrapped around you suddenly and you found yourself twirled around a few times by strong arms before you were sat back down on your feet in front of a genuinely happy smiling Karaku. 
"You'll love this! You like cherry blossoms right?! What an I saying? Everyone loves those! You'll love this part of a mountain I know!" He grabbed your hand and started pulling you towards the door. "C'mon! Nakime will know what spot I mean when I tell her!"
You rose a brow but allowed him to excitedly pull you behind him and out of the Dwell. Long story short, he took a confusion route until he found that weird lady and kept bugging her until she sighed and just raised her instrument.
In an instant you both were teleported. One moment you were in the Infinity Castle and the next you stood somewhere windy. Karaku in front of you grabbing the sides of your head and stepping to make you face a different direction but not allowing you to look anywhere but him. It made you a bit red in the face from his close approximity. Huh. Those green eyes were pretty now that you thought about it.
"And look behind you." He let you go then and stepped back.
You blinked for a moment before looking around you and freezing at what you saw. Wind blew through trees as there was instantly a sweet perfumed scent in the air. The warm breeze scattered about hundreds of thousands of pink petals as they blew through the wind dislodged from countless and countless cherry blossom trees that swayed in the golden sunlight under the deep blue sky. Hundreds of pink petals hit your body and the wing blue your hair around. Slowly you caught one as it blew by before it was again reclaimed by the wind. Slowly you looked from the trees to see a decently sized stream close by which was FULL of petals carrying them away to places unknown. Slowly your eyes turned to Karaku again as he tilted his head smiling, arms crossed.
"Pretty beautiful huh?" He looked around himself before chuckling. "It's tradition to confess under these trees right?" He shrugged. "Thought it'd be appropriate for a courting session."
"Are you kidding me?" He paused but you lit up. "THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!" You held out your arms twirling and cascaded a flurry of petals around you. "I've never seen this many at once before! This place is absolutely beautiful!! How did you even find this place?"
"It's actually the spot my parents had their wedding." He shrugged. "You can say it's been in the family for a while." He then smirked and leaned over as you blinked. "So this is the part I confess to you. Well I already love you. So does that mean we can skip directly to the true love's kiss?~"
Instead of getting angry like he expected you actually rolled your eyes and smiled. "Yeah right. You couldn't get a kiss even if you caught one."
Karaku blinked... before a large and mischievous smirk graced his face and he chuckled lowly making you pause. "Oh really?~ Is that a challenge, Princess?~" 
He purr-growled in glee. You froze. "Karaku, NO!" He uncrossed his arms wiggling his eyes at you. "No! NO! I said no!" You took a step back. "Karaku I swear if you even think-"
You squealed out loudly as he suddenly jumped up holding his arms up and you ducked as he lunged to grab you. You dodged his lunge before running off towards a couple trees, your senses heightening as you heard him quickly follow. Despite how you SHOULD'VE been reacting to this your mouth broke out in a grin and you ran a little faster- Squealing again as you felt a hand almost snatch your shoulder. Eventually you ran around a tree and stopped turning around and facing Karaku who was on the other side of the tree. You both leaned back and forth. A wide smile on his face and a chorus of laughs escaping his mouth as he blocked your way this way and that.
"You can always just give up at let me catch you.~"
"Want a kiss? Gotta earn it!"
His pupils dilated and he gave a heightened growl of glee.  You made a break for it to the left back towards the stream and immediately you heard footsteps behind you- You squealed as two strong arms wrapped around your waist lifting you up and both of you tripped over yourselves-
You both just fell into the stream and immediately cold water seeped into your bones. Karaku was first to get up coughing a little and spitting out a few pink petals. A few pink petals cling to him from the water and he groaned reaching up to rub his face before opening his eyes. 
 His hands flew up to cover his face from water before his green eyes blinked as laughter filled his ears. And he froze. There you were smiling and laughing at him. Your hair a mess but sunlight glittering off of the droplets of  water making you skin look like it was made of diamonds. Your skin decorated with hundreds of pink petals matching her intoxicating scent. Cheeks a warm hue and lips a pretty color. You squealed again as strong arms wrapped around your body and turned you, pressing you against a very toned chest. For a brief second you saw emerald eyes and then the next thing a pair of lips clasped into yours. And for a moment nothing else happened before he pulled away as you looked shocked at him.
"Oh. Um..Shit. Sorry. Guessed I should've asked first huh?" You rose a brow. "Um I- DWAH!!"
He suddenly found himself clutching you as he was dipped. One hand holding his back and the other gripping his leg and he stared shocked until something punched his own mouth and he stared shocked as you kissed him before pulling away as he continued to stare dumbfounded.
"This was fun. Let's come back again two days from now and have a picnic together. After all you need time to court me without your brothers too."
"....If it's wrong for me to want a dominant woman in this relationship, then I Sekido's right about me being crazy."
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gamerbearmira · 11 months
Porcelain skin
As the day wore on the hardened skin only spread further. they wouldn't be able to hide it much longer.
Mirabel didn't know what scared her more, what was happening won't stop or telling abulia. 
After another it was lunch and they were both getting hungry. 
Stopping Mirabel brought out the lunches she'd packed for both of them. Antonio finished eating quickly and started playing with his new animal friends that had come to join them. This made her happy it was a good distraction for him.
  For the next few minutes Mirabel just sat there eating watch Antonio run around till he fell
Antonio was able to catch himself, for the most part all except for his knee that slammed into the ground.
Mirabel shot up rushing over with some of her mama's food in hand.
Dropping down next to him Mirabel rapidly start asking questions Antonio are you ok, does it hurt, what happened 
The next words that Antonio spoke made her stomach drop
"Mira Mirabel i can't move my leg!" Fear was evident in his voice flipping antonio over and taking a look revealed that his knee was completely fine the reason why was obvious and much worse
The hard glass-like skin had grown to completely cover the joint making the leg unmoveable. 
Inside Mirabel was terrified but she didn't let it show that would only make Antonio more scared. 
With her support She got him on his feet problem was that with only one leg Antonio was forced to jump around well holding on to her kind like how people with crunch moved well at least that's what she'd read no one ever need crutches in the encanto
Lucky for theme a solution quickly protected itself parce Antonio new jaguar friend crochet down indicating for Antonio to get on his back 
Lifting Antonio up Mirabel succeed in getting him on parce back
Packing up there lunch Mirabel could only think of what she was going to do
quickly coming a decision she desired to tell abulala what was happening after dinner tonight 
If it was just herself she could handle what was going on but she wouldn't risk Antonio.
no matter what happened to her she would make sure Antonio was safe. 
Hi there couple of things first I'm back from vacation seconds I thought I would send in something I have been working on hope you like it 
Also if you have any tips to improve my writing and lengthen my chapter that would be greatly appreciated
Sorry one more thing that picture you made gave my an idea may I use it don't worry I will give you credit also I may not use it just thought I'd ask I didn't want to steal your work
Ok one. AMAZING❗❗ Love it so far. As for tips ummmm, I would say? Maybe add some more dialogue, or even descriptions when you don't want talking. AND AND. Something I do a lot: explore characters point of views. You know, write it from their eyes, that's what I do; it explores what they're thinking and it helps add more length <33
ALSO I AM SO SORY FOR NOT SEEING THIS SOONER. I don't get notified of submissions, and I often answer asks from my notifications board, so I often don't see things like this u til I actually go to the inbox itself. Sorry <333
And yes❗❗ You can use my art, I don't mind as long as you credit me. Even if you don't end up using, I don't mind.
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lostinalem · 15 days
I’m too shy to dm but I Am asking you about your fallout OCs, as your bio said ^__^
HELLO I AM GOIGN TO KISE YOU THABK U FOR ASKING ‼️‼️‼️‼️ sorry it took me so long to respond (I had to figure out how to draw them all... phew) and there are sooooo many more BUT these are the ones I actually care about rn (cause all I've been playing is fnv) ok now buckle up because it's a lot 💀
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Andy (she/her) is my favvvvvv fallout oc. she's one of four player characters from the fallout dnd campaign I'm in !! I've posted about her like once maybe twice before but she's the loml cringefail rodeo girl and I would do ANYTHING for her. she cannot do social interactions to save her life and I swear all the odds are rigged against her it's so funny. the coolest thing though is she made her own GIANT Giddyup Buttercup to ride!! she grew up in a little rodeo-centered town in Oregon so that was kind of her thing to like. fit in. cause she never really had any friends, so she's like "well, if i can't be liked, then I'll make myself useful" but it didn't really work so when she was old enough she left to hopefully be helpful in other places instead :3 (which is where the campaign comes in in Washington but I can yap about that some other time)
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I also lovvveeee Sal (any pronouns) he's an ichthyologist who grew up in southeastern Alaska. while he was out fishing though, he came across a seemingly abandoned cruise ship and decided to board, only to find there were quite a few inhabitants (ghouls, humans, ferals) already! they end up staying and making their home there for a few years, expanding their fish research and setting up trade with their hometown, but everything changed when they found the platinum chip in an old boot they fished up :0 at first, nobody really knew what it was, but this wasn't Sal's first time dealing with pre-war tech and word spread pretty quickly, so soon enough she had her answer LOL and that's what brought her to the Mojave as "the courier" !
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Suzette (they/them) is a vault dweller, chronic overthinker, easy to anger, polyglot that doesn't actually like to talk that much, and also "the courier." something in me makes it impossible to make a normal oc they just have to be quirky as hell man 😭😭 not that I'm gonna stop of course. anyway I'm not a religious guy so I'm not the best when it comes to the Bible, but I based their vault off of the Tower of Babel. basically every level of the vault houses a different culture and language! they're all strictly separated though, and Vault-Tec manipulates from the shadows like always, distorting communication, fabricating languages, subliminal messages too or something idk but the point is that they don't work together. the little polyglot over here tho wanted to change that, but they were ostracized for their efforts, eventually leading to them getting kicked out :( out in the wasteland, they then started courier work because they saw it as an opportunity to use their linguistic skills for good, travelling the wasteland, connecting different cultures, learning more languages, yadda yadda they've got terrible fashion btw 2000's inspiration just for the fun of it :)
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okkkk soooo Esme (she/her) is Benny's bride :3 she grew up in Goodsprings (idk her relationship to the others specifically) but she always had dreams for a bigger life, something more exciting and glamorous, so she moved closer to the Strip in her mid 20's. she spent a few years on there, getting a job somewhere idk I really haven't thought her through all that much but the point is that she bumps into Benny and falls madly in love. to win his affection, she gets her hands on the platinum chip somehow and uses it as leverage to get him to marry her. they're promptly married in Goodsprings, but while the newlyweds are alone, he kills her and flees the scene with the chip. when she recovers, she's still confusingly in love with Benny, leading her to return to the Strip and find Benny again and get caught up in all the politics idk I think it's fun
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... they r supposed to be identical twins except I cannot draw the same person twice for the LIFE of me so just imagine ok hehe Red (right, he/him) is technically the courier, BUT he was disabled in the Divide, so now Beck (left, also he/him) usually carries out his deliveries for him. most people wouldn't be able to really tell them apart, so it's not a problem—until Benny shoots Beck in the head. now, Red is usually very friendly and outgoing, but when the "death" of his brother reaches him, he changes. the need for revenge consumes him. Beck, on the other hand, wakes up with NO memory of his past. in fact, due to the delivery note on him, he thinks *he's* Red. unfortunately, everyone else also thinks they're the same person and it gets really confusing and really silly. and also really sad.
If u read all this, hi :3 which one do u think is the coolest?
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silversupremacy · 1 year
Small tutorial on how you design your critters?? You're a inspiration to me I must learn- And, if you want, tutorial on how you draw limbs?
God ok so that's sooo broad that I'm gonna try to sum it up but if you have additional questions feel free to ask I love answering stuff!
So first tutorial on limbs I did in the past here!
This is specifically furry hind legs. And additionally here's my tutorial on paws
If you want a more detailed tutorial, or an arm/front leg tutorial, or specific materials/more species let me know!
OK AN D now how I design object-creatures
I'm assuming you meant object creatures and not just all my creatures, cause I design a lot of little guys.
So I usually have four-ish things I go for in a design depending on the chara-
First is just taking x thing from the object they are and just accenting it. For example, Pepper's tail and ears are Peppercorn plant.
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And OJ has that straw tail
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So these features aren't really there because they're based on an animal. They're just there cause "orange juice drink, oh maybe they would have a straw tail"
Two, using canon in my design, either through the character's personality, or something taken from the canon.
For example, Baseball in s2 has to tape his pickaxe to his leg to use it. So logically, he wouldn't have little hands to hold the pickaxe with, so that's why I went with hooves! Then from there, I had the idea that he could use his tail to deliver powerful kicks with his legs by leaning back on it (like a kangaroo)
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Another example is Fan, he's shown to be able to glide in canon so a lot of people go with bird vibes for him!
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Though alternatively, you could also be inspired by the Gliding Snake, the Draco Lizards, or Sugar Gliders! There's a whole bunch of gliding creatures.
And more of a personality thing would be how I give Nickel a little spade tail cause he's a little rat bastard (affectionate). He also has nimble little rat hands cause he's more crafty and sneaky.
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Third thing, Including Spec Bio stuff and just neat concepts
This is kinda crossed with the "what would fit this object" thing. But notice that I gave Apple an apple blossom tail. Well then, I developed this idea that maybe the flower would release scents to convey how she feels. Like she might subconsciously release a scent her partner (cough cough marshmallow) finds pleasant in order to relax them. I got this idea from the theory that cats communicate a lot through scent, and it's kinda theorized that cats might release a scent around their human that makes them wanna be friends (with mixed results).
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And here for example, Lifering is basically made for ocean life. The idea is that he has a heavy layer of blubber in the winter to keep him warm, and the only difference people would notice is that his 'nose' hole would be smaller. He also has ears that he can use to communicate using them as 'flags' and a tail that he can use to light up in morse code. So basically he's perfect for ocean rescue.
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Fourth thing, it just looks cool so why not do it. Clover didn't have a ton of traits go into her design beyond the Clover Flower tail, but she's just kinda nice to look at. Ultimately 99% of her body shape is just cause it's a good design.
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And additionally, a lot of my creatures are made from just my vague and rough knowledge of creatures. I have just read a lot of animal facts in my life and kinda just recall a lot of what I've read and seen.
So just having wide knowledge of animals on earth helps a lot! Another part of me making an object-creature is just going "what animal do they remind me of"
Oh and a misc note abt my creatures, I have very few rules but one of them I try to keep to is that they have three toes and four fingers (three fingers one thumb). Some leg only objects have four toes technically (three fingers one thumb) But the idea is connected to how animal life on earth is built roughly the same. Like how bats have five fingers, they just stretched out looong into wings. And cats have five fingers on their front paws but only four on their back, But there's evidence of ancestors having those five toes Im p sure.
It's a similar thing abt how we can find specific bones in birds similar to our own arm and leg bones. Just considering what the path of evolution of these objects is neat.
But since objects reproduce via. magic exclusively in my verse, I kinda just do whatever! It's the reason why traits kinda got jumbled up (ex. mammal with reptile traits) cause the use of magic kinda just scrambled things.
Uhm hope this helps??? let me know if you have more questions ig????
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curlyangelsblog · 2 years
✿ Shigaraki Tomura x Chubby nurse reader Pt. 4 ✿
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(A/N: this is going to be the las part for now… I either plan on making headcanons and little scenarios about you guy’s relationship and/ or make a another part)
TW: cursing, fire, passing out, good ending ;)
You guy’s walk was longer than both of you expected. Shigaraki has never talk to someone this long without wanting to strangle them he didn’t open up about anything particular you guys just talk about your interests. He found out that your also into Anime and video games.
“So your just a big nerd” he said with a huff and grin on his face.
“Oh and your not, you look like you have a body pillow of your waifu” you responded with a loud laugh.
He just tsk at you.
*Damn she really has some balls talking to japans Number 1. Wanted villain like that*
“Oh come on I was just joking” you bumped into him playfully and that sweet, sweet smile on your face.
Suddenly your phone buzzed, you picked it up and it was the hospital you had a concerned look on your face.
“Ok, I’ll be right there”
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry I have to go there has been a huge accident apparently a fire caused it I have to go right to the scene they need people”
You said your goodbyes and you made your way to the scene.
As soon as Shigaraki heard fire he knew dabi had to do something with it. The first time in his life he was worried for someone. The feeling that is building up in his stomach is one that he has never felt before. He put his phone out and started soaking dabi calling him wanting to know where he set the fire so he could make sure your ok.
But dabi wasn’t answering. The league wasn’t far so he ran there to find out more information. He stormed trough the door and started yelling at kurogiri.
“Calm down w-“
Kurogiri has never seen Shigaraki like this he was concerned for him but gave him the information that he needed.Shigaraki grabbed his hand mask ( I don’t know what to call it but y’all know what I mean his lil hand on his face) and made his way out the door.
The scene was brutal so many injured people. A lot of volunteers started to help so you slowly started to get the situation under control. The hero’s finally showed up and got the fire under control at least that’s what you thought. Until the fire started to spread to the Forrest. The police started to get the everyone away from the fire. You were still helping someone but noticed the hero’s weren’t doing anything. You finished quickly and went up to one of the hero’s and ask them why nobody is doing anything there could be people in the forrest. And sadly your suspicion where right you could hear someone yell for help. But nobody was doing anything they just sunk their head acting like they didn’t hear it. But suddenly you black out and just started running you couldn’t control your legs you ran straight into the fire. At the same moment Shigaraki arrived at the scene and saw u run into the Forrest. His eyes went wide and fear was clouding his mind.
“What the fuck is she doing”
He made his way into the forrest from the other side so nobody could see him and where the fire wasn’t to bad.
*oh god its getting really bad at moments like this I wished I had a quirk*
You walk deeper into the Forrest until could see a child stuck under a three branch. You ran up to him and got the tree branch off of him but in the same moment a tree collapsed, you pushed him out the way and after that everything went black. The tree had collapsed on you.
The kid started run and shout for help for you on his way out he saw Shigaraki he held onto him and pleaded him to help this women that saved him. The kid explains to him that a tree has collapsed onto you. Shigaraki ran straight to where the kid was pointing at. He was calling for your name. And you started to gain consciousness. You called out to him in a weak voice but he could hear you.
“Oh shit are you ok!?!!”
“Pls..get… me..out”
Shigaraki stood up and went out of your sight. Suddenly you could feel the weight of the tree lift off of you. You looked up and saw the tree turned into Ash…
What happend did Shigaraki do that nevermind that didn’t matter now what Mattered was getting out of here. U tried to sit up and Shigaraki tried to help you get up.
Until you suddenly grabbed onto his hand.
But it was already to late he closed his eyes and was ready for you to fall to the ground and turn into ash the only person he has ever cared about die because of him his biggest nightmare. But suddenly he heard you talk.
“It’s fine I think I can stand”
Shigaraki thought he was dreaming… you were ok. He could swear you said you didn’t have a quirk but then why in the fuck where you ok. He got torn out of his thoughts as you collapsed onto him.
He picked you up bridal style. And started walking out of the Forrest thank god you weren’t hurt to badly.
“Don’t *cough cough* I’m to heavy”
“You calling me weak Mrs let me run into a burning Forrest”
You looked up at him with a small smile.
“I mean you already knew I was naive”
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