#oi alien boy
deni-means-flor · 1 month
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There was going to be a costume contest in my office this past Friday and I was FUCKING READY to debut my Tenth Doctor cosplay (heh, remember when I won an actual Guinness World Record as Donna Noble? It was going to be like that but 2.0 and for an office gift card) but turns out I'M A DUMB FUCK AND I SPRAINED MY KNEE SEVERELY UNDER A TRAIN IN MY CITY ON MONDAY SO YEAH, I'M PISSED
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raz-writes-the-thing · 7 months
Devoid of Attention (Doctor Who Drabble)
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Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader / requests are open
Summary: The Doctor is oblivious as per usual
DW: @nyxiethesimp @quickslvxrr @midnight--raine @blueberry-sunshines @stevekempscocktails @go-bonkers-go-foolish @peytonpenguin37 (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
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Main Street in the London Central Business District in the eighteen hundreds was quite a sight to behold. Between the stunning architecture, the horrible smells, the carriages being pulled by gorgeous horses and the frilly clothes- oh, you were in heaven. Truly, you thought, nothing could get better than this. 
The Doctor had been explaining how he had a theory that the gargoyles found on the top of buildings in London were possibly real, flying stone aliens from some planet out yonder and that they may be responsible for a spate of disappearances along Main Street. It was interesting, but he was more talking to himself, really. 
You’d been listening, but had stepped away for just a moment when a paper boy had wandered by shouting about getting a copy of the latest release of the Times. It was a weird thing to collect, you understood, but who else could say they had a mint condition genuine London Times paper from… you checked the date- the twenty-fourth of November eighteen-eighty seven? Not very many, you would have thought. 
When you turned around, there was a dog sitting in the same spot you were just standing in a minute ago. You blinked, folding the paper under your arm and taking a couple steps towards him and the Doctor, who was having a rather lively conversation with the canine in question. 
“See nowaaah!- You’re a dog,” he said, sounding rather dumbfounded. “How- how did that happen?” He leaned forward and threw his glasses on to get a closer look at the pooch. You blinked again, not sure what to make of this situation before you. 
“Oh, but look at that transmogrification work,” he gasped, rubbing the dog’s ears and petting its head. “Oh, it’s gorgeous- you’re gorgeous! Undoing it might be a bit of work, but blimey- this is impressive!”
You weren’t sure how to approach this. Did you wait for him to notice? Did you break him out of his thoughts now? You weren’t sure. The only thing you were sure of was the fact that this was hilarious and also incredibly ridiculous.
The Doctor pulled his sonic out and scanned the dog, flicking the screwdriver back up to his ear to read the results. Hear the results? You weren’t really sure how it worked. 
“Hmm, that’s odd,” the Doctor said, and even from behind him you could see clear as day the expression on his face. That special expression with his mouth slightly ajar, eyebrows cast inwards and eyes darting off to the side as he tried to process the information he was receiving. “Sonic’s saying one hundred per cent dog. Not a sliver of human in there. Blimey, this might take a bit more effort than I thought.” 
You sighed, walking up behind him and whacking him over the head with the newspaper softly. 
“Oi,” the Doctor yelled, raising his hands to protect himself from this ruthless and unprovoked attack. “Wotchit!” 
The Doctor turned around to see you, hands on your hips and exasperated expression on your face. The irritation bled from his face in a second. 
“Ah, wait-” the Doctor looked to his left down at the rather mangy dog. “You’re not- oh, I see. I stopped paying attention again, didn’t I?” 
You snorted with laughter, not even caring how unattractive it sounded. 
“You think?!”
It did make for a good laugh, though. You’d never let him live this down. And every time you brought it up, the way his cheeks flushed and he grew just a touch embarrassed only made your bond stronger. 
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serxinns · 3 months
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Ok, so you know this post? Made by @lets-get-kraken-boys I wanted to make an image of another reason why readers went to the big 3 for comfort and help HEAR ME OUT
So imagine one day you weren't in a good mood and didn't wanna deal with your classmates today but their overbearing behavior towards you was just making it worse
"C'mon y/n just one more game!" Mina said while pulling your arm rather strong "Mina I said no please leave me alone I don't feel like it "But it'll be so much fun!" Hakagure said while pulling your arm you "I said NO" you yelled pulling away from hakagures grip harshly and walked away the 2 girls stood there in shock and hurt a bit are u ok? were you hurt!
"Y/n why aren't you coming to eat dinner with us is everything OK?" You groaned just wanting to be left alone and eat in your room but were interrupted by your class rep iida knocking on the door every second you didn't respond "Yes iida I'm fine I just wanted to eat alone" you said not wanting to sound annoyed to make iida leave "but all your friends are worried and want you to be there even Mina and hakagure said you were in a bad mood so-" "I'm fine iida you can go now I don't want to eat dinner with you, especially with all of you today goodbye"
Iida was shocked at your behavior and response you were usually the one who never gets angry or upset which made him more nervous than before he had to go in there and help you out! "No y/n there's Cleary something wrong! You can talk to me ill listen" Iida began banging on your door which made you more overwhelmed and pissed so without any hesitation "I DONT NEED HELP LEAVE ME ALONE YOURE MAKING IT WORSE" You threw a heavy book at the door which surprise Iida as he backed up, defeated he went slowly went back to the dinner table the class looked at him confused and ask how were you doing but he didn't answer just looked down
You just got back from the convenience store to get some snacks Lucky for you they got your favorite snack and brand all at a cheap price with a drink in hand but unfortunately for you, there were some of your classmates in the common room and it and even worse it was bakugo and his gang watching a movie you quietly tried to sneak pass with all your might trying not to make a sound, it was all going smoothly until bakugo saw your shadow figure "Oi! Fuckface!" You mentally cursed at yourself you just had to bump into the worst one and it was Bakugo
"what do you want im not really In the mood to deal with your Bullshit" At the moment you just keep walking ignoring him for the best but it wasn't the best option for Bakugo "Oi don't ignore me!" He was now off the couch "Bakubro that isn't very manly" Kirishima sternly said while but Bakugo scoff "Fuck off shifty hair, hey why aren't you joining us for a movie what are you scared?" He said teasingly like he was trying to taut you to make fun of you "Bakugo I'm not in the mood for your Bullshit today so please just leave me alone" You once again turned away and began to walk to your dorm until a strong handheld you and yanked you
"Ha!? What do you mean you're not in the mood jeez are ready to cry or something because of my comments why are you even trying to be a hero if your feelings get hurt so easily!?" Now he was pushing it, your hand was gripping the plastic bags Hard now shaking... tears threatening to swell up "Bakugo that's enough! You're making it worse it's okay sweetie" Mina said hugging you even tho you tried to push her off but she kept insisting trying to hold on to you to the point that didn't cause comfort but rather discomfort
"Aw, now you need an alien to hug you, wow you're really that weak I can already see the tears haha! If your gonna be a hero your gonna have to suck it u-" "SHUT UP"
You breathe heavily seeing your blonde classmate, butt on the floor, stunned holding his bloody nose but you weren't done you tackle him, pinned his arms down with your legs, and decided to punch him repeatedly "YOU THINK *thud* YOUR SO BETTER THEN ME *thud* ALWAYS TOSSING ME AROUND LIKE SOME DOLL *thud* MAKING COMMENTS ABOUT HOW I LOOK *thud* ABOUT HOW I FIGHT *thud* ABOUT...ANYTHING* bakugo face was already caked with blood and bruises and a black eye
Bakugo tried to pry you off telling you to stop but his face was so beaten up and his throat hurt from your punching it hurt for him to try, but you made her his arms were pinned, and all the anger, the frustration the memories the everything that happens to your life plus adrenaline was making you keep going
every single one of your classmates was screaming panicking and begging to stop Kirishima tried to pull you off telling you thats enough but you used your quirk making him crash to the wall a bit causing a dent and him having a bloody nose, everyone watched in horror, shocked some even amused the girls mostly hakagure, Mina, and momo cried and begged desperately for you to stop they didn't want you to get more house arrest days or worse expelled, Iida managed to get out of his shocked and pry you off of him
It should've made Bakugo angry at you and PISSED even cause the great Bakugo katsuki was getting beaten by an "extra" like you but it strangely made him giddy...? Was he more determined to be the big bad wolf or Was he enjoying you berating and beating the absolute shit out of him, proving to everyone how insecure and stupid he was for underestimating you?
When Iida Finally pried you off of Bakugo you stood up ready to say even more stuff to him but you froze in shock, fear, and confusion a passed-out blonde caked with blood and bruises all over his face red and purplish spots forming on his cheeks his nose oozing out blood like a waterfall but fortunately no teeth have been knocked out you looked at your work in horror you slowly raised your hand shuddering seeing that it was full of bruises and blood and your clothes covered in blood his blood
Every classmate was looking at you it wasn't in hate nor disgust but pity, worry, and scared as much as they were worried about Bakugo they were worried about you more, Iida slowly tried to come to you to talk to you or to at least comfort you "y/n... I" before he could speak you ran pushing past your classmates not caring if they fell, Iida stood there in disbelief while Kirishima and Denki carefully grabbed bakugo by the shoulder escorting him to recovery girl
while the rest of your classmates were still in shock they wanted to go find you!! they do if they all talked about it nicely and you behave and force Bakugo to apologize then everything is ok!! They banged on your dorm room but you weren't there they searched all around the school the bathrooms, the halls everywhere but you weren't there!! where could their darling be!?
You crouched down in an empty hallway and managed to get some of your snacks you held the snack in hand still bloodied, you slowly took a bite out of it while a big glob of tears was finally released you were crying now like a fool, like you didn't just beat the shit out of your classmate, just when you were about to take another bite and just mope alone 3 familiar voices made you lift your head they ran up to you worriedly when they saw your bloody clothes and knuckles
The big 3 crouching down to your level Neijire on one side rubbing your back Tamaki giving you a handkerchief to blow your nose and dry your eyes and Mirio couching down at your level rubbing your shoulders giving you a smile
" What's wrong lovebug why all the tears," Neijire said looking sympathetic
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oikharou · 1 year
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with oikawa tooru
note: f!reader, she/her pronouns | you are younger than Oikawa by one year but in the same grade as him
genre: fluff, crack
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19 years ago...
You and your friend attended a kids' volleyball tryout that's currently being held in Miyagi prefecture. With great interest in volleyball, you two decided to try out as well. As expected, many kids were also going for the tryout as they were scattered on the court.
A whistle was heard all over the room as the coach entered the room. "Welcome kids! It looks like a lot of children here are going to be volleyball pros when they grow up?" He asked, and a lot of kids answered 'yes'.
"Wonderful! Now, let me introduce myself. My name is Takahashi Sanji and this is Yumemite Hotaru, and we are your coaches. But before we start, let us do an attendance."
As the two coaches do an attendance, you heard two boys talking loudly about a certain alien cartoon that has been very popular lately. "Iwa-chan! Did you watch the latest episode yesterday?! The boss fight was so cool!" A certain dark brown hair boy said to 'Iwa-chan' while having visible sparkles around his aura.
"Of course I did. You're going to annoy me if I didn't." A boy with dark, spiked-up hair replied. "So mean, Iwa-chan!" The former said.
"Well he's cheery and an alien enthusiast..." You muttered and your friend giggled at your remark.
"L/n Y/n!" The coach called out for your name. "Here!" You replied.
"Oikawa Tooru!"
"Here coach!" The 'cheery' boy you described replied. 'Oh, so his name is Oikawa Tooru...' You thought.
"Iwaizumi Hajime!"
"Here!" The dark, spiked-up hair that made a snarky reply earlier to Oikawa replied.
'No wonder his nickname is like that...'
After the attendance, you were paired with 5 different girls as your friend is on the sidelines, waiting for their turn. You stretched for a good 5 minutes before the coach whistles. Your eyes immediately diverted to the boy named, Oikawa, whom you caught staring at you. You raised an eyebrow and he looked away. You just shrugged and prepared to receive once the ball was served from the other side of the net.
As expected, the ball went in your direction and you perfectly received it. Your posture was commended by the coaches as they write down something on their clipboard. As the ball went to the setter of your team, she sets it to another player and they managed to land in a perfect spike but it was received by the other team.
They tossed it to the other side of the net so the libero of your team received it perfectly before letting the ball go outside of the boundaries. It went to the setter again, 'Nice receive...' you thought. This time, she called for your name to spike to the other side of the court. You jumped and position your arm back before hitting the ball gracefully with your hands. You thought the other team will receive it but you were wrong. The ball touched the arm of the opponent but since it was a strong spike, she couldn't receive it perfectly.
The referee whistled, signifying that your team got a point. The kids from the sidelines, including Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and your friend, let out a loud "Wow!" and began to applaud for your flawless spike. Your teammates cheered, letting out praises and claps. "That was amazing, Y/n! Can you do it again?" The temporary captain of your team asked and you nodded. "Yes, of course! Thank you!"
Unbeknownst to you, Oikawa let out a loud gasp as his eyes twinkled at the sight of you. "Did you see that, Iwa-chan?! She hit the ball so perfectly! She's amazing!" Oikawa yelled and Iwaizumi just smacked him in the head. "Dummy! Don't shout!" "That hurts Iwa-chan!"
After the game with your team won the 2 matches, you approached your friend and they squealed, congratulating your excellent performance in volleyball. "Congrats! You were amazing, Y/n!" You just chuckled. "Thank you, F/n."
You felt someone tap on your shoulder and it was none other than Oikawa and his friend, Iwaizumi. "Hello, Y/n-chan!" He greeted you happily.
"Oh hello, Oikawa-san right?" He nodded. "You were amazing and your spikes were incredible!" He complimented, making you stunned and a little blush appeared on your cheeks as you received the praise. "Thank you, Oikawa-san."
"Ah, there's no need to put '-san'. We're friends now! By the way, this is my best friend, Iwaizumi! I call him Iwa-chan for short though." You and your friend nodded. "This is my friend, Y/f/n."
After a while, Oikawa suddenly went silent and looked down, the three of you noticing his sudden change of behavior. "Oikawa?" Iwaizumi called.
He then looked up, grabbed your hand (gently), and had sparkles in his eyes as he stared at you. "Please marry me, Y/n-chan!"
You and Iwaizumi were shocked as your friend just laughed behind you. "E-Eh?" You stuttered. Iwaizumi then bonked him in the end, making Oikawa let go of your hand and hold the painful spot on his head. "Ow, Iwa-chan!!"
"Stupid! Why the heck are you asking that kind of question to Y/n?! You weirdo!" Oikawa just whimpered in pain and you merely chuckled. "Thank you, Oikawa, but I have to refuse." You said with a smile on your face.
Oikawa immediately got heartbroken and stood up on his feet. He clenched his fist in front of you and a determined look was planted on his face. "I'm very heartbroken right now, Y/n-chan! But we'll get married in the future! I just know it!" He said with confidence, and you were sure that he was weird.
Aaand another smack landed on his head. "Do you even know what marriage is?! Oikawa, you dumbass!" You just smiled at their interactions before leaving the conversation (swiftly) to go to your friend.
12 years ago...
Now in 3rd year of high school at Aoba Johsai High School, you were about to graduate along with Oikawa and his friends. When he first heard that you also enrolled in Seijoh, he was thrilled more than anyone. Oikawa's love for you never died even if you rejected his proposal 3 times in childhood, junior high, and the 1st year of high school in Seijoh, his feelings for you only grew stronger. He knows the fact that he's popular with the ladies but that never fazed him. His heart is for you and only you.
As the principal called your name for graduating with top 1 in your class, Oikawa made sure to clap very loudly (because he wants to and possibly for you to notice him) than the rest of the class. The principal also gave you a certificate of recognition for being an outstanding student in Seijoh.
As you went down from the stage and return from your seat, Oikawa was called for being the Student-Athlete of the Year as his performance in volleyball is greatly known in the school and the Miyagi Prefecture. You smiled as he went to the stage to receive his medal but you rolled your eyes jokingly when he threw a wink in your direction. He just chuckled and will deal with your sassiness later.
When the graduation ceremony ended, you were instantly greeted by Y/f/n, who captured you in a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you! Look at you graduating top 1 in the class!" Y/f/n graduated a month early than you as they were studying at Shiratorizawa Academy. Your parents also greeted you with a hug and congratulated you. "There's our girl! Congrats sweetheart!"
You beamed a smile at them. "Thank you so much, you guys! Honestly, the finals had me all nervous because I was so worried that I'll fail!"
Your friend and your parents just chuckled. "Well, it IS the finals after all. Who wouldn't be nervous?" Your father commented and you giggled.
You felt arms wrap around your small figure and you instantly recognized the fresh male perfume. "Tooru-kun?"
"Congrats, Y/n-chan! You deserve for being the top 1 in class!" You turned around and he pulled away. You smiled at jim, "Thank you, Tooru-kun. You also deserve the award for being Student-Athlete of the Year. I believe it's all thanks to your hard work as one of the most famous setters in Japan."
Oikawa felt himself blush at the compliment. "Ah, t-thank you..." He said and rubbed his nape.
"Oh? Is he your boyfriend, sweetheart?" Your mother asked and you reddened at the word. "M-Mom?!"
"Hmm, he looks handsome and kind. I approve of it." Your father nodded in acknowledgment as his arms were crossed in front of him. "Dad?!" You cried out and felt yourself hot as a chili.
Oikawa was blushing as well but cleared his throat. "I will be if she will say yes to my proposal."
Your mother's eyes widened and one of your father's eyebrows were raised. "Proposal?" Your father repeated. "Oh no." Your friend commented.
"A-Ah nothing! He's just joking, Dad!" You then turned around and smacked Oikawa on the head. "Must you bring that up to my parents?!"
"That hurts, Y/n-chan..." He said as he held his head. "But!" He then stood up straight. "I must have the confidence to ask for your parents' blessing in the future so I'm practicing now!"
"Oikawa Tooru, you dumb-"
You were about to smack him again when your mother realized that it was THE Oikawa Tooru standing in front of you. "O-Oikawa? Is that really you? My, have you grown!" Oikawa chuckled. "Well, I'm all grown now, Auntie."
"Ah, I knew your face is familiar! I've seen you on the sports channel every time volleyball season is on and I must say, your sets are really unpredictable. You sure do know how to keep the team's aura and atmosphere high." Your father showered him in praise and Oikawa went bashful. "Thank you, uncle."
"Well, we'll be waiting in the car. Don't take too long now, Y/n!" Your mother said and you nodded. As they leave you and Oikawa alone, he nudged your shoulder. "Guess I'm on their good side now huh? Maybe they'll finally approve of my proposal to you. So," He then revealed a bouquet of roses behind his back. "Please marry me, Y/n-chan!"
You gasped and pinched him on the arm. "Shut it, crappykawa." He pouted. "But," You started as you accepted the roses from his hands. "thank you. I'll take you on the offer of a date though."
Oikawa's eyes went wide. "R-Really? You're not joking?" You smiled at him and gave him a peck on the cheek, leaving him dumbfounded. "This week, Friday. 7 pm. Don't stand me up, dummy." You said and walked away with the roses in your hands.
Oikawa clenched his fist in the air before letting a loud, "Yes!!" And he skips happily back to his friends, who were watching the whole scene unfold and smacked him on the back. Though you rejected his proposal for the 4th time, at least you accepted his offer on taking you out for a date.
4 years ago...
Now at 25, you and Oikawa have been dating for 8 years straight. Even though he had moved to Argentina to continue pursuing his volleyball career and studies there, not once, did your love for him fade even the slightest bit. Of course, it can get lonely most of the time due to the different time zones of the two countries but he made sure that he'll video call you two to three times per week.
He'd tell you all different stories about his life in Argentina but mostly about volleyball and how he is improving more than his high school self. He never fails to greet you exactly at midnight in the Japan time zone whenever it's your birthday or your anniversary. Of course, you do the same to him too.
Today is your 8th anniversary as a couple, but you knew that you would be celebrating it via video call again. You know the reason, but you've secretly been checking out some flights to fly over to Argentina just to surprise your boyfriend. You know that he's been busy for the past few days due to volleyball but he never used that as an excuse to not spend time with you.
"Happy 8th anniversary, mi amor." He greeted you with a smile at exactly midnight in the Japan time zone. You smiled back at him but not with your usual smile, "Happy 8th anniversary as well, amor."
He noticed your mood very quickly and offered you a sad smile. "I'm sorry if we're celebrating our anniversary via video call again baby. Ah, I don't know how many times I've apologized to you since I first moved to Argentina. You're probably sick of hearing it so many times."
You just chuckled. "It's okay love. I just hope that you're in my arms right now." He smiled at your wish, unbeknownst to you that he prepared a surprise for you.
Then you realized something, "Huh? How come it's dark there in Argentina? Isn't it like, noon there? Plus, why is it so quiet?" You bombarded him with questions and he just chuckled at you. You then heard a knock at your door. "Oh, someone just knocked on the door." You mumbled before standing on your two feet to walk towards the door. "I'm actually hiding from a certain person right now. Oh sh- I hear their footsteps. Shh, quiet baby." He hushed you and you had to stop laughing before giving him a nod. Suddenly, the call dropped, and you thought that the wifi where Oikawa is right now was bad so you let it be.
As you checked through the peephole, you noticed a large square present outside. You slowly opened the door and looked from left to right if there was anybody suspicious. You then walked to the box and it says, 'To: Mi amor, Y/n. From: Your beloved boyfriend <3'
You smiled at Oikawa's thoughtfulness but you were deeply confused as to why he needed to buy you so many things inside that big present box. You know that you can't carry the big damn box all by yourself so you decided to open it right then and there. As you removed the ribbons and opened the cover of the box, you were engulfed in a tight hug. You were about to scream when you caught a whiff of the strangely familiar perfume and you were shocked to see that it was no other than, Oikawa Tooru.
"Surprise baaaby!!!" He yelled and you were speechless as heck. "Did you like my surprise?! I bet you do because I'm the surprise!!"
Oikawa noticed you were so quiet and immediately felt a bit sad so he pulled away from the hug. "Are you okay, mi amor?"
You surprised him by engulfing him in a tight hug as well. You buried your head in his chest as a few tears fell from your eyes. "I miss you, I miss you so damn much." You whispered and he smiled at you before returning your hug. "I miss you more, Y/n. You have no idea that I thought of going home to Japan so many times just to see you and my family again." You looked up to see him staring at you with that genuine smile of his, and he took the opportunity to give you a sweet long kiss on the lips. Oh, how both of you missed kissing each other like this. The last time that you did, was when he left for Argentina, which was 8 years ago. The countless overthinking, small arguments on the phone, and the feeling of longing were too much to bare for the both of you, however, you two reassured each other that they are still the home that you want. The person that you want to spend time with for the rest of your lives.
As you both pulled away, he placed his forehead to yours and started at your eyes. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." You replied and moments later, you can feel him fidgeting a little. You pulled away with confusion planted on your face as you looked at him up and down. "Love? Are you alright?" You asked.
He sighed loudly. "Y/n, the feeling of being away from you hurts my heart so much and it tortures me every day when I was there. I know that I followed my dreams to become one of the best players in Argentina, but it still felt lonely without my number one cheerleader there beside me, to watch my games, to watch me play, and overall to see you cheering for me as I win many tournaments. I know you feel the same way so I'll ask you this,"
He then kneeled on one knee and revealed a red velvet box to you, which made you gasp as you recognized the luxurious brand. He opened the lid and there revealed an expensive-carat ring, that made you utterly speechless because it was the newest release ring. You looked at him and he was smiling at you as he tries his best not to shed tears. "Will you make me the happiest and luckiest man in the whole world and, please marry me, Y/n-chan?" He put an adorable look on his face and you chuckled at the nickname he used to call you in childhood and high school with your hands on your mouth as fresh tears of joy stream down your face. "Yes, of course, Tooru-kun." He giggled at the nickname and stand up on his feet before wearing the ring for you on your ring finger. The ring wasn't too large or too small for your finger, it was the perfect fit. It's as if Oikawa knows your ring size, well, he should though because he's your future husband and your boyfriend of 8 years.
The two of you hugged each other tightly as he kept whispering 'thank you' to you. Cheers erupted from the sides and you pulled away to see that it was Oikawa's high school friends, Iwaizumi, Hanamaki, and Matsukawa cheering. They rushed towards the two of you and gave you a group hug before pulling away. When they did, they ruffled Oikawa's hair and smacked his back. "Congrats man! We know that she'll say yes!" Said Matsukawa.
"Yeah! We can tell that you two missed each other so much that you kissed for like what? 15 seconds? Surprised both of you didn't insert tongue." Hanamaki said, earning a punch from Oikawa while the both of you had a blush on your face. "Shut it!"
"Kinda surprised that Y/n didn't reject your proposal this time. She's been rejecting your proposal since childhood." Iwaizumi teased, erupting laughter from the two while Oikawa was offended. "Oh, my go- shut up, Iwa-chan! She accepted my proposal now so move on!" Oikawa whined.
You snickered. "Yeah, as if he had any rings to show me before." The three burst in laughter at your response, while Oikawa just whined even more. "Mi amor, even you?!"
What you didn't know is that Oikawa did have rings for you, paper rings. But he felt like he should just show it to you on your wedding day so he'll just have to wait.
After a few hours of celebrating, you were waiting for your fiancé as you kept staring in awe at your ring. When he came out of the bathroom, looking fresh and ready to go to bed, he saw you admiring the ring. He smiled and came to the bed before kissing you on your temple. "Do you love it?"
You hummed in response. "Yes love but..."
"But?" He repeated. "How much did it cost you?" Oikawa didn't say anything. "I know this is the newest released ring from the luxurious brand but I'm still curious."
He just giggled in response, which put together you raise your eyebrow at him. "Tooru?"
"You don't have to worry about the price baabyyy~" He singsongs as he cuddled you. "Oikawa Tooru! I swea-" "Shh baby."
Oikawa knows that he's rich and has a lot of money but he also knows that you don't like it when he spends more than millions for you buuuuut you're his future wife after all.
Present time...
Now at 29, you and Oikawa have been married for 4 years and currently have 2 twin children who are 3 years old. The two looked exactly like their father, inheriting his hair and hair color, skin, and smile while they inherited your eyes and nose. When they were 2, Oikawa remembers you saying that "I did not go through 9 months of torture just for them to come out looking like the replica version of their father" (jokingly).
Oikawa is waiting for you to come out of the room because you and your him have a date tonight. Iwaizumi, Hanamaki, and Matsukawa will be babysitting your children for the night while the two of you enjoy your alone time together so as Oikawa's most trusted friends, they volunteered to do it.
When you slowly come out of the room wearing the dress that he bought for you, Oikawa fell in love all over again. It's just like back in childhood when he saw you spike for the first time. He fell in love the moment you first played volleyball, and now he continuously fell in love all over again when you showed him your vulnerable side, when you smiled at him for the first time, when you two went on a date for the first time, when you finally accepted his proposal when you two kissed at the wedding altar as husband and wife and many more. Now, he feels like his childhood self again.
"What do you think?" You asked him, feeling a little shy under his starstruck gaze. "You look so beautiful, amor..." He whispered but loud enough for you to hear before extending a hand. A blush crept to your cheeks and you shyly but gladly took his hand.
A loud gasp was heard and you looked to the side to see that it was your twin boys, staring at you with their mouths agape. "Mom! You look so pretty!!" They said in unison and rushed towards you. You kneeled and gladly accepted their hugs. "Thank you my loves! You two look very cute with your blue pajamas as well!"
A knock was heard from the front door and you stood up on your own feet. "Well, that's your uncles. Let's greet them, shall we?" You said and they excitedly nodded before rushing ahead the two of you.
You noticed that your husband was very quiet so you diverted your attention to him and he was still staring at you in awe. "Penny for your thoughts, Mr. Oikawa?" You teased him and he snapped out of his trance. "It's nothing, Mrs. Oikawa." He said and grabbed your hands before putting it on his shoulders. "But I must say, you're very ravishing and charming tonight. I might not hold back from kissing you right now." He whispered and pucked his lips before lowering his head to kiss you, but you abruptly stopped him by putting a finger on his lips. He pouted, making you giggle. "Maybe later."
"Haahh," He placed his head on your shoulder. "Please marry me, Y/n-chan." He said and you laughed. "We're already married, dumbass."
"Oh.." Was all he said. "Then let's get married again."
You shook your head and lifted his head from your shoulder before placing a peck on his lips. "You're so cute, Mr. Oikawa Tooru."
"And you're such a tease but I still love you, Mrs. Oikawa Y/n."
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@oikharou — all rights reserved — no reposting, translating, plagiarizing and claiming any of my works as yours
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mikalame · 8 months
Give up sweetheart
taglist: @oppopotamus@adissonsss@saumspam@violentnewmarley
This is set in 2002, spending a sleepover at your house, you guys are playing card games while sorta practising. bare with me 😭
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"Okay, you kids have fun, call if you need anything" Your dad mutter off before closing the garage door after giving you guys some drinks and snacks for your sleepover/practise.
The 5 of you look at each other's eyes flicking over one another before Bill jumps up running to the makeshift table of cardboard boxes with the assortment of drinks and lollies.
"Oi, no fair!" Georg shouts jumping up as well grabbing a packet of some thing trying to protect it from Bills grabby little hands "I want those" he whinges and Georg shoves them under his shirt, getting more sulky as Georg sticks his tongue out.
While that squabble was going on the 3 others were rummaging through the packets and bottles. Licking pieces of food to 'claim' it. The other 2 see that there chances of food is very slim as crumbs of lollies fall to the ground, "Stop" they yell in sink, Gustav slowly turns around while ____ and tom continue to stuff their faces.
Bill and georg make eye contact with Gustav immadiatly laughing at the look on hia face, the chcolate smeard on the outside of his lips the chip crumbs adding to the texture aswell as the pringle can in his hand.
Wanting to see all the commotion ___ and Tom look behind them to see Georg and Bill on the floor along with gust av who looks like hes about to choke, his hand is hitting the floor while gasping for air.
"Fuck looks like hes choking hahaha" Georg says wiping tears that had gathered at his lashline, there was a pregnant pause before ____ shouted " HE IS CHOKING" you fall to the ground leaving the lollies behind. The boys drop aswell trying to lift him to sit him up "Omg hes gonna die!!" Tom yells panic eating pringles, "No your not gonna die.... just hold on..." you mutter before moving behind him and wrapping your arms around his stomache.
"____, not really the time of hugs" Georg questions, you roll your eyes as you thrust you arms agaist him effectivly popping the stuck peice of popcorn out of his throat hole. A few crackly coughs later and gustav is back to being a human skin colour and not one of an alien.
"Mabey we should calm down on the food" Bill mutters flicking the peice of popcorn into a corner where it will inveitably collect dust and mold over. "Yeah i just saw my life flash before my eyes" Gustav huffs clutching his imaginary pearls.
"Ummmm let me have a look" you hop over to the box of video games you have rummaging through, flicking through the collection before pulling out GTA "this one good" you say holding the game up. The synchronised agreement was enough for you to quit looking and close up the box, grabbing the extra controllers and plugging them up (pretend it works okay)
Time skip cause im to lazy
You and tom had decided to see who was the best driver in Gta making the rules as: No running over people, No cutting through an no distractions to the other player.
"Hey ____ remember the time you liked that guy a-" "SHUT UP TOM" you yell face getting redder "Your cheating tom" Stop cheating" we hear from the background as the 3 others chug on drinks to pass time.
"Not even cheating" Tom rolls his eyes "whatever, your just saying that cause your losing and your trying to distract me" you smirk feeling like you have just one up-ed him."I was only distracting you because you took a wrong turn and aren't going the right way" he chuckles.
"why didn't you tell me" you look over your shoulder at the boys who are mixing the different flavours together. You groan as you try and get back on track, you see Tom black character car in the distance before he speeds around the corner to the last stretch of the map.
You lean forward as your face drops to being serious, the background sounds quieten as the race begins to get more intense. Tom and you are neck and neck as he trys to bump you off the bridge but you drop back a little before ramming into the rear of the car and speeding off in front of him.
"What!, thats so cheating" he scoffs trying to get back into first place dodging all the NPC's that are just walking around. You see the fallen pole that you have marked as your end in the distance you decide to tease tom a little to rile him up some more.
"Tom you cant win im almost there you have no chance" you smirk continuing your rant about how you are so much better at this than him and how you going to get all the 'prize money' which is like $1.50 but still.
As the front of your car is 10 seconds away from crossing the line you mutter into his ear " Give up sweetheart" you giggle as you pull away you both watch as your car crosses over the line although you both have very different reactions to it.
You stand up cheering and hollering the others joining as you hold you $1.50 is the air as you start saying a speech thanking everybody that was in the room. Tom on the other hand was still sitting on the floor face scrunched up as he drops the controller before sulking by the food scattered by the table picking piece pf crumbs up, inspecting it then munching on it.
"Oh Tommie stop sulking, here you can have half of my winnings you know because im such a generous friend" you smile batting your eyelashes holding out the 50 cents. "Its fine" you groans stanching the money from you. Tom looks at you a devious glint in his eye "i was just going easy on you next time your dont gonna be so lucky 'sweetheart'.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 months
Class 1-A with reader who has Nobara Kugisaki's personality and powers.
-You were definitely an odd addition into UA, you had been accepted on recommendation for your quirk, being able to not only see but deal with curses.
-You were confident walking in, a smile on your lips, introducing yourself and many of your new classmates greeted you back warmly.
-One boy, with spiky blond hair just scoffed, sneering at you, “A country bumpkin? Someone like you can’t be a hero!” you ignored him, turning to another student, a girl who looked like a pink alien almost, “Did you hear something?”
-Everyone turned white in shock, looking between you and Bakugo, scared as he was quickly on his feet, his hands sparking, “Oi! Don’t you ignore me you damned-” Aizawa was quick to subdue the yelling boy, telling you to take your seat next to Momo, in the back and as you passed Bakugo, you smirked, looking down on him.
-The class had quickly, within a day, gotten used to most of your personality, you were polite when you wanted to be, but absolutely savage when you felt like you were being disrespected, mainly just to Bakugo.
-Mineta learned this lesson as well, but when you stepped on him, calling him trash beneath your feet, he and others, like Kaminari, were quickly blushing, finding your dominating personality rather attractive.
-Bakugo basically stayed away from you, not wanting to deal with you, mainly because he didn’t want to be threatened with detention again, and you were more cordial to him, at least addressing him politely, as long as he did the same.
-Your class was amazed with your quirk, being able to summon nails and hit them with your hammer, almost like a marksmen-type quirk, easily pinning others down as the nails would pin clothes leaving others unable to tear them.
-Many of the other students laughed when you told them that you used your abilities to exorcise curses, trying to tell you that curses weren’t real, which you glared at them for.
-They all believed you, including Mic and Aizawa, after a powerful curse attacked, trapping you and your class, along with two teachers inside, leaving All Might outside of the murky purple and black ball that seemed to ooze evil energy.
-You managed to hold the curse back, as the quirks of the others weren’t able to do anything and you glared as you got hit, protecting Ochaco from an attack, getting cursed, a black miasma covering your arm, spreading slowly upwards, which would kill you slowly from the inside out.
-You instantly smirked, not looking worried at all as you summoned a long nail, “Resonance!!” and you- HOLY SHIT YOU JUST STABBED THAT NAIL INTO YOUR OWN ARM?!?!?!!!!
-You didn’t look bothered, finding it amusing as the cursed being was instantly linked to you, and you would keep driving more and more nails into your arm to get him to break your curse.
-It only took a total of four nails for him to do that and he was weakened enough you threw another nail into his head, which looked like a rotting purple baby’s head, “Kanzashi~” and was instantly killed, the miasma falling away as the curse was exorcised.
-You turned to your class, sweating only slightly as the nails did hurt, to see all them staring at you with wide, scared eyes, seeing what you were willing to do to yourself as you smirked, a hand coming to your hip, “Told you they were real!”
-Nobody ever questioned you again and if others, like other students, were to say something along those lines that curses weren’t real, they were quick to defend you, even Bakugo, which did surprise you.
-This was definitely a good decision to come to UA- you had a lot of weird new friends, as well as lots of people who respected you and what you were able to do.
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byhimawari · 2 months
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“One Scoop for Two”
(a RivaMika drabble)
“Eren. You should try, too.”
Excited and curious for him to try the unfamiliar but delectable treat, Mikasa hands Eren an —what the Marleyans call — ice cream cone. After witnessing Connie’s and Sasha’s reaction, she  was quick to buy one for Eren and her to share, deep down hoping they’d also forget the task at hand for just a second out of their blood driven lives and actually bond. 
Eren takes and observes it, also curious, albeit not in the same way Mikasa and the others were, because unlike them, and Mikasa knew, his mind is at an unreachable place where sharing ice cream with her is, quite frankly, of no importance.  
“Ice cream?”
Mikasa blinks in surprise, caught off guard that he knew what it was called before she had the chance to tell him. “You knew?” 
Eren’s features grow somber, an immediate indication that her hope for bonding has now become a cold case. She can almost hear the needle drop at the bottom of her glass heart. 
“From the old man’s memory, that is.” 
Mikasa doesn’t pry about his visions, knowing if she even asked, Eren would be too vague or reluctant to share. Instead she just nods, as she always does, her shadow standing besides his but never quite touching a constant remnant of what she will always be.
Levi, after great effort, finally manages to yank Hange away from their foolery of chasing cars and yelling at inanimate objects. How troublesome it was for the ship to dock at the busiest port in Marley. It’s enough to keep eye on the brats, what more having to babysit the Commander? 
Speaking of brats, from a distance he sees the gloomy one standing with the reckless one, seemingly offering him ice cream with a faint glimmer of excitement in her eyes. Levi, against himself, because he’d rather blow their cover than admit that Ackerman looks rather appealing in her outfit, observes and sees the dejected slump of her shoulders as Eren just stares at now melting dessert in his hand. 
He sees them chat for a moment. Eren’s facial features appear deep in thought. So deep in thought, in fact, he hands Mikasa back the ice cream cone mindlessly and excuses himself, walking away completely unaware to the confused and surprised gaze that follows him.  
Normally he’d pay them no mind. He’s used to seeing Mikasa waste her valuable time and efforts on that kid. But there was something in the way her eyes glowered to the ground, a melancholic aura surrounding her like a dark cloud, that got under his skin, where his foot literally ached to kick something, someone, preferably the Titan boy himself, in order to ease the itch. And it’s when Levi sees Mikasa throw away the ice cream cone before walking away herself that he decides that he’ll definitely kick Eren’s ass. It only makes sense. 
What doesn’t make sense, however, is Levi suddenly finding himself ordering one of those damn cold, much-too-sweet contraptions for himself and then walking hastily through an alien town in search for the woman worth a hundred soldiers turn damsel in distress. Yet, there he is, playing knight in shining armor for reasons he will never admit aloud. 
Though his approach is everything but courteous and noble. 
“Oi, gloomy brat.”
He finally finds her, sitting lonesome on a bench, staring blankly at nothing as she so often does when in her sunken moods. Mikasa doesn’t move an inch. He expected as much. 
“Go away. I’m not in the mood.”
He expected that much, too. Even from behind, he knows exactly what sour face she’s making. But of course he doesn’t falter. He walks over to the bench and sits beside her. Levi notices her tense and he prepares himself. 
She swiftly turns her head, “I said I’m not in the—!” 
Levi shuts her up, softly pushing the tip of the ice cream against her mouth. Her eyes widen in shock, then it evolves into her piercing glare.  
“C-Captain! What was that for?” she wipes her mouth and nose with the back of her hand.
“You wanted ice cream, didn’t you?” Levi asked plainly, pulling the cone back slightly, “I saw you dispose the one you bought earlier without even tasting it. What a waste.”
There’s a pregnant pause between the two. Mikasa then just sighs and turns away to look back at nothingness.
“I got it for Eren,” she says quietly, as though embarrassed to even hear herself say it aloud.
Ah, just as he thought. Seems Levi has a knack for accurate observation.
“I take it the brat didn’t want any?” Levi scoffs irately as he leans back against the bench, “Tch. Even common courtesy the boy lacks.” 
“He’s just going through a lot,” she’s quick to defend.
Levi’s quicker to rebuttal, “And you’re not?” 
His words came out much sharper than he intended, like a paper cut to the tongue, and he realizes from the slight fall of her face that she felt the sting too. He sighs. Sometimes even he forgets that underneath her steel armor is still a delicate heart.
“Look, I understand he’s on edge, as we all are by just simply being here, but…” Levi starts but then his eyes drift to the tip of the ice cream, noticing it’s starting to melt. He twitches slightly, not wanting it to get on his skin or clothes. But still, he continues before his train of thought goes away, “That doesn’t justify him taking you for granted. He was wrong for that, just as he was all the other times.”
She turns back to look at him with eyes he has seen so many times before; defeated but stubborn. It’s the same eyes she always has when she’s with Yaeger. Levi sees right through her, not because she makes it obvious, but because he’s the exact same, loving from afar but standing so close. He understands.
“It’s just ice cream, Captain,” she attempts to dispute.
And because be understands, he’s determined to make sure she does too.
“Is it really, Mikasa?”
She doesn’t respond, her vanquish clear. Mikasa knows that it isn’t just ice cream. He knows that she knows. It’s supposed to be something that binds them, to create a fond memory, to close the gap.
Just like the one melting in his hand.
They were never just ice cream cones to begin with.
After some silence, Mikasa nods, acknowledging his point as the storm in her eyes slowly comes to a calm.
“Just don’t stop yourself from enjoying something just because someone else doesn’t want to enjoy it with you, you gloomy brat,” Levi quickly reiterates as to not make the silence between them awkward.
But then his attention shifts and his brow furrows uncomfortably when be sees the trail of ice cream start flowing slowly down, his skin surely to meet its sticky demise.
Without any notice, Mikasa leans towards the ice cream he holds and uses her lips to take a generous bite at the top, stopping it from melting onto his hand. She shivers at its coldness, having swallowed too fast. Something fluttered within Levi’s chest at the sight, like that of a butterfly floating to the rhythm of his rapid heart, and he doesn’t know if he likes it or not.
Levi clears his throat, trying to ground himself away from the corners of his mind.
“Next time, just enjoy it yourself or find someone else who does,” he says, “Like right now. You’re not bad company.”
Levi tenses, realizing the weight of the last bit he said, subtly confessing that he enjoys her company, thus implying that he could be that person she can always eat ice cream with, should she ever wish…should that chance ever come again.
“Thank you, Captain,” she says warmly, a rare soft smiles on her lips that he never thought he’d have honor of witnessing himself, “For…the ice cream.”
It’s chaste when he smiles back, but ever the skilled one, and really, he should’ve known better, Mikasa catches it before he has the chance to make away with it. There’s a gleam in her eyes that, wishful thinking as it may be, tells Levi that the chance, someday, will indeed come again.
“You must’ve been watching me closely for you to notice all these things, Captain.”
To that, he only chuckles, taking the risk of not denying it. Levi tilts the ice cream cone towards her mouth, keeping his hand there for her convenience.
“Shut up and eat your ice cream, brat. It’s melting.”
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quicktosimp · 6 months
Save an Ilu, Ride a Na'vi
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Kinkmas Day 05
Warnings: Sex on an Ilu, Fingering, Alien Genitala, Enemies to Lovers (Kinda), Aonung Sucks at Emotions, Aonung Redeems Himself, Anxious Reader, Panic Attacks
A/N: I have never written this before, and it was an amazing experience thank you @neteyamsyawntu 💕
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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“Come in, Forest Girl, you’re going to learn how to ride an ilu whether you like it or not,” Ao’nung’s gruff voice demanded.
I winced, and my ears folded back, knowing he was already angry today. We were separated into groups because of how volatile Aonung got with my brothers: those that Aonung could tolerate and those he couldn’t. As of right now, I am the only one in his group, this being due to the fact that I can’t tell him no. Confrontation makes me panic; I can’t even react. I just stay quiet and hope they go away. Back in Omatikaya, my brothers would stop anything from happening, and no one was stupid enough to mess with Kiri. But once we came to Awa'atlu, Aonung and his goons had it out for my family. We tried to keep the peace, but it ended in several fistfights, especially when Aonung realized that I wouldn’t fight back. This caused even more fights, and now, none of the boys are allowed around each other. To make it up to me, Aonung has to teach me how to ride an ilu. I think this is more of a punishment for me, but I couldn’t tell Tonowari that when he was already irritated at his son and my brothers.
It didn’t help when Dad tore my brothers a new one for getting into a fight while praising me for “keeping the peace,” which only infuriated them; Lo’ak tried to explain that I was scared of them only to be shut down by Dad. Neteyam attempted to get Dad to understand but wasn’t interested in listening to him either. Leaving me here, trapped with my tormenter until I learn to ride an ilu.
“Before eclipse, freak,” he snarled, stalking into the water, his tail swishing angrily.
I scurry after him now, wanting to make him any angrier. It always surprises me how warm the water is, not icy like the lakes and rivers back home. I easily wade into the water well past my waist as Aonung continues deeper, calling the ilu. The joyful creatures pop out of the water, swimming eagerly to Aonung as I stood back waiting. The ilu was already harnessed, ready to ride, as I stared at it nervously.
“Get on,” Aonung’s words were short as he held the ilu in place.
I timidly walked over onto the other side of the ilu, trying to put as much space between Aonung and I. I grabbed onto the harness and lifted myself on. I grasped onto the handle in front of me as my panic started to set in. Back home, I had never been able to complete my Iknimaya, too terrified of fighting the ikran, and even though I am not fighting an ilu, the same panic is there. My chest felt heavy, and breathing was becoming difficult. Each breath was short as my skin became clammy. I knew I had to make tsaheylu in order to learn to ride, but I couldn’t let go of the harness, my hands stuck in a shaky iron grip. 
“Oi, you need to make the bond,” Aonung reminded crossly.
I attempt to let go with one hand, only for nausea to crawl its way up my throat. I grip back on even tighter as a whimper tears from my throat. My vision became blurry. I'm not sure if it's from the lack of oxygen or from tears. Am I crying?
“What in Eywa’s name is wrong with you?” Aonung demanded.
I attempted to speak, but all that came out was choked-off breaths as my body trembled even harder.
“Oh fuck me,” I hear Aonung mutter under his breath.
The next thing I knew, his hands were on my waist; Aonung easily picked me up and held me close and away from the ilu.
“There, now calm down, and let's figure out how we can fix this,” I hear him mutter, his voice barely sounding over the waves in my head.
Once the ilu was long gone, I was able to start calming down. The fading adrenalin left me shaky and weak. As my vision cleared, I first noticed my grip on Aonung’s biceps, my nails digging in, creating crescents on his arm. I lessened my grip and let go, not wanting to hurt him. The second thing was that Aonung hadn’t let me go. The water here was just below my chin, yet he held onto me like I was well above my head. Almost protective?
“What in Eywa’s name was that about? You looked like the ilu was an akula,” Aonung asked, what sounded like concern.
“Bad experience,” I managed to mutter out; my throat still felt like there was a lump in it.
“Bad experience, my ass, it’s more than that, and I can’t teach you if you don’t tell me,” He snarked, but his arms were still firmly wrapped around my waist. 
I shakily sighed, “A couple of years ago, Lo’ak attempted his iknimaya, and to complete it, he must form tsaheylu with an ikran,” I swallowed the lump in my throat as tears came to my eyes, “It went fine in the beginning, but when he got on his ikran, it rolled him, sending Lo’ak off a cliff. It wasn’t good. I had to watch as my brother's broken body struggled to heal, as he couldn’t wake up,” Tears poured out of my eyes, and I couldn’t stop talking, “After Lo’ak healed, we could never talk about it, and then dad made Lo’ak do it again the following year, despite our Tsahìk saying he needed another year to heal fully. Lo’ak managed to do it, but it reopened several wounds, and he had to be taken off duty for months. I was the one who took care of him since the beginning of it all, but I can’t get the images of Lo’ak’s body at the bottom of the cliff.” I finished as sobs raked through me.
Warmth was pressed against my cheek; looking up, I noticed it was Aonung’s chest. His extensive tattoo was underneath my cheek. He was hugging me. 
“You are terrified of many creatures now; that is not your fault. This should have been explained to us before bringing you out here,” his large palm rubbed up and down my back soothingly; he paused before abruptly asking, “Is that why you were sleeping when your family arrived? You panicked like I just watched until you lost consciousness?” Aonung’s voice was panicked as he asked.
I nod my head, not wanting to answer verbally.
“Well fuck that, that’s not going to happen again. I’m going to make a new plan, and the first part is you’re going to talk with my mom. She is experienced with these traumas and will teach you different techniques to work through them. She is also a great listener when she needs to be, and only when she says it’s good will I work with her and you to teach you how to ride an ilu,” Aonung explained firmly.
Confused, I looked up at him, “Why are you doing so much for me?” I asked, confused.
His face turned lavender as he looked away from me, “I’m your teacher; it’s my job,” And he left it at that.
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Many moons go by. I’ve worked with Ronal, and while I was too timid to say literally anything to her at first, she is now the first person I wish to talk to, well, besides Aonung. The months have brought us close, and after a while, we even started to court. Before that, I expected that he would apologize to my siblings, but instead, he did more. He apologized to my siblings and brought many gifts of jewelry, food, and weapons; he even explained everything to my dad, leaving him with no excuse to accept that my brothers weren't in the wrong. It seemed that everything was going well, even the ilu training. It started with simply being around them and progressed as I got more comfortable around them. Now, here I am about to do a joint ride with Aonung; he will make the bond with the ilu, and I will ride in front of him. Easing the pressure off of me. 
“Are you ready, Sumtsyìp?” Aonung asks me from atop the ilu, his hand reaching out for me.
I hesitantly grab his hand, and Aonung lifts me so I am sitting in front of him. I start to feel a bit of panic before I notice my ass firmly nestled next to his slit. I try to ignore it since we are here to ride the ilu, but thoughts keep coming into my head.
“You remember the breathing exercises I taught you?” Aonung asks.
“I remember,” I responded distractedly.
Aonung’s arm wraps around me firmly, “Alright, then, let’s go.”
With that, I took a deep breath, and we submerged. The lack of air panicked me at first, wanting to take another breath, but I was unable to. But it wasn’t long after that we emerged up top. I quickly took a breath before we dived again. This went on for a bit until, when I looked back, Awa'atlu was long in the past. I continued to take deep breaths as I examined my surroundings. Nothing but open sea could be seen. I pressed myself close to Aonung when I felt my chest start to become heavy.
“You did so good, Sumtsyìp. I am so proud of you!” Aonung exclaimed as he picked me up and turned me around. 
Now sitting chest to chest with Aonung, I can see the joy on his face as he litters my face with kisses. I can’t stop the giggles that flow from my lips. As Aonung kisses my face, I start to squirm from the ticklish sensations. Causing our slits to grind against each other, even with tewng in the way it sent pleasure radiating through our bodies.
“You can’t do that, Sumtsyìp,” Aonung gasped as he gripped onto my hips. 
I look up at him, my tail twitching playfully along his arm, “Why not?” I ask, tilting my head to the side and wrapping my legs around his waist.
His eyes dilate in response before he latches his lips onto mine, kissing me passionately. I moan into the kiss and lean in, wrapping my arms around his neck and tangling my fingers into his hair.
Aonung pulls away briefly, “Oh fuck, you’re going to be the death of me,” Before nipping my bottom lip, pulling on it before releasing it and licking the seam of my lips. 
I open my mouth for him, and his tongue slips in, coming to play with my own. Our tongues dance together as I grind my slit into his, becoming irritated by the feel of my tewng. Almost as if he could read my mind, one of Aonung’s hands travels down to my tail, uniting the straps starting there to free me from my tewng. Unable to leave it be, the moment Aonung’s fingers skimmed the base of my tail, he gabbed on and tugged. I arched into his touch as a moan was ripped from my lungs. My slit has started to open, and slick is leaking out of it. Aonung continued to play with my tail, pulling and caressing it as I continued to grind into him; each tug brought a sharp pleasure that I couldn’t ignore, and I needed more from Aonung. Backing away from his lips, a long string of saliva connects our mouths. 
“Please, Nung,” I beg, widening my cat-like eyes at him. 
Aonung rests his forehead on mine, staring into my eye as his fingers creep closer to my slit, “You have been such a good girl for me. You deserve a reward, don’t you, Sumtsyìp?” It may have been worded as a question, but it was a fact to him.
Slowly Aonung trails his finger up and down my slit, gathering the slick that has already escaped from me, gently urging me open for his fingers. Slowly, he sinks in one finger down to the knuckle. My inner tendrils wrapped around his finger, trying to draw it in more.
“You’re greedy today, aren’t you? Making yourself all wet for me, drawing me in, just to use my finger for your own pleasure. But that’s all I am here for, to serve you,” Aonung groans into my ear. 
I whimper at his words, my core throbbing in need as the heat travels through my body. As I went to reply, he slowly removed his finger, each of my inner tendrils fighting to stay wrapped around his digit, but slowly losing the battle and releasing, but continued to follow him until they could no longer reach him. When just the tip of Aonung’s finger was left inside, he pushed it back in, slowly fucking me with one finger as he did it over and over again, bringing me a slow-burning pleasure.
“Aonung! Please, stop teasing!” I pled with him, the slow pace maddening me.
A throaty chuckle vibrated Aonung’s chest, “Are you eager, Sumtsyìp? Does your greedy slit need more attention? Is one finger not enough for you? You’re lucky you’ve been so good. This behavior won’t be accepted any other time,” He says into my ear as he pushes in another finger.
The stretch was glorious as the two digits worked simultaneously. His fingers twisted and slicked inside me, spreading me further, and my inner tendrils followed his fingers, knowing that it would bring them more pleasure. I start to hump his fingers, needing more than this slow pace, and finally, his fingers curled inside me. I gasp as stars cross my vision, the pleasure shocking me from top to bottom, taking my breath away in response.
“Nung, Nung, Nung, Nung, Nung, Nung, Nung, Nung, Nung, Nung, Nung,” I chanted, the only thing that I could think of. 
“Such a good girl, saying my name like that. Now tell me, who makes you feel good?”
“Nung!” I responded.
Aonung’s fingers curled deeper this time, “Good girl, now tell me, who touces this slit?”
“Nung, Nung does,” I whine as the pleasure builds.
This time, he twisted his hand, pulling on my inner tendrils, and a squeal left my lips.
“Good girl, now, one more question. Who owns this slit?” Aonung hiss out.
My heels dig into Aonung’s back as I try to anchor myself, “You, Aonung! You own my slit!” I shouted into the open air.
The hand that was holding onto my hip moved to my tail, tugging on the base as he flexed and pulled his fingers inside me. The scream that felt my lips was feral and roar as my vision whited out. My toes flexed as wave after wave of pleasure rolled through me, and my fingers scratched at his shoulders, leaving marks that would last for days.
“Nung, Nung, Nung,” I chant as I continue to cum, his fingers never ceasing their work.
“Did so good, Sumtsyìp. You came on my fingers perfectly. Such a good girl for me,” Aonung whispered as he slowly started to remove his fingers once my orgasm finished. 
Despite my brain being fuzzy, I knew that Aonung didn’t cum. I slowly reach my hand down to his tewng, wanting to return the favor, only for Aonung to grab my hand and pull it away gently.
“No, Sumtsyìp, this was your reward. This was all about you. Next time you can help, Yawne,” Aonung explained softly.
I wanted to argue but found that I was too fucked out to do so. Instead, I relaxed into his hold as we started the much slower journey home, thinking of all the ways I could return the favor.
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yakuzacanons · 8 months
Yakuza Headcanons: Watching Spooky Movies
Oooooo it's the spooky season ain't it. Hello hello I rise from the grave to bring you some fresh headcanons for the season. For those with asks still in the inbox, I SEE em, just been busy with my horror movie marathon. Anyways, some headcanons below da cut to tide you over. Also welcome bouncing baby boy Ichiban to the gang!
Kiryu Kazuma
Isn't scared easily by much of anything so it's really easy to get him to watch horror movies. Mostly watches them because someone else is too scared to watch them alone. He's the person they can hide behind or who will tell them when a particularly horrifying scene is over.
Gore doesn't bother him as much as something or someone looking creepy or offputting will. Kiryu still won't get scared but he will get uncomfortable. Most of the time he just reacts by going "Ah... oh!"
Fond of the classics and will gravitate towards movies with a strong and likable protagonist. Likes The Evil Dead, Aliens, and Halloween. Directors don't matter much to him.
Majima Goro
He's a mixed bag. If a movie is well put together, then it can scare him pretty easily. He's most scared of ghost stories or paranormal things. Least afraid of slashers because he thinks he could just beat them all up.
Cannot stand jump scares. Sometimes he evens yells at his TV at home in irritation, saying things like "Oi, whaddya keep makin' loud noises for? Sheesh!"
Honestly, the weirder the movie the better. It might seem stereotypical for someone who looks and acts like Majima but he thinks the whole point of horror is to be interesting. Fond of Takashi Miike movies like Ichi the Killer, Audition, and Over Your Dead Body.
Akiyama Shun
Doesn't watch a lot of movies because he totally falls asleep during most of them. He'll at least give it a shot if you ask nicely though. Honestly more motivated by the fact you might cling to him during the scary parts than anything.
As much as Akiyama is a total ladies' man and romantic at heart, he always laughs whenever characters start being intimate during horror movies. He makes jokes out of it, saying things like "Babe, would you still love me if we were in a spooky movie?"
Movies with a good soundtrack actually help him stay awake. Jump scares annoy him though because if he falls asleep, the noise makes him panic. Fond of monster movies or movies about animals like Jaws, Shin Godzilla, and The Host.
Saejima Taiga
Genuinely not scared of a single darn thing. If you want to watch it, he's down to give it at least a try. He might nod off if he's tired or bored, but he tries his best not to. Horror comedy is okay with him too although he might not get all the jokes.
Most of the time he sits with his arms crossed, paying full attention. He's kind of funny in that he makes noises like "Heh" or "Hmph" when a character is caught off guard by something. Makes an occasionaly "Tsk" sound at jump scares. Otherwise he's not reactionary.
Particularly fond of slashers, probably because those usually have villains that are actually kind of his size. He enjoys the Friday the 13th series, particularly Jason X.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Type of guy to be like "Ooh let's watch this, I heard it's really scary" and then proceed to either get scared out of his wits or say something like "Wait, that's ALL?" at the end. Bases most of his movie choices off of other people's recommendations since he's usually too busy to randomly go see however many movies he wants to.
Doesn't really like horror that's super in your face. Gets more scared by the tension itself than anything. Always has movie snacks on hand.
Found footage is probably his most favorite type of horror. Likes The Blair Witch Project, Noroi, and REC. Fond of director Koji Shiraishi.
Ryuji Goda
Doesn't watch a lot of horror movies but like Saejima he's not scared of anything. He's also the type of guy to drop everything to spend time watching a movie with his partner. Gets a kick out of being a shield or protector during scary parts.
Likes movies with a lot of personality and campiness. Slow burns or psychological thrillers just put him to sleep. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad, as long as it's entertaining.
Didn't think he'd end up being much of a horror fan but he's quite partial to John Carpenter. Likes The Thing, They Live, and Christine.
Nishikiyama Akira
One of the bigger scaredy cats of the group. Won't suggest a horror movie but will totally act like he's not at all afraid if you ask to see one.
Honestly, the two of you end up just kind of holding onto each other during scary parts or pulling up the blanket almost over your eyes when a character is about to die. Violence doesn't necessarily bother him but excessive gore kind of annoys him.
Enjoys a good ghost story movie but only if you'll watch it with him. Anthologies are also good too since it offers so much at once. Likes Ju-On, Ringu, and Tales From The Crypt.
Mine Yoshitaka
Likes certain horror movies. Not scared of much but he does get noticably uncomfortable with torture movies like Saw or Hostel. He just finds it to be weird more than entertaining.
Fond of more classic monsters like vampires or werewolves. Mine's the type of guy to actually have a decent home theater setup, even if he doesn't get much time to use it, so he doesn't go to the movie theater much.
Has a soft spot for some of the really old classics in the 30's like Frankenstein or Nosferatu. His favorite horror movie is Interview With The Vampire.
Daigo Dojima
Probably the only one of the boys who actively enjoys slow burns and more psychological horror. He doesn't get opportunities to watch movies much but he does have an interest in the medium as a whole.
Particularly loves anything with spectacular cinematography. Good directing, lighting, or costumes really impress him. Kind of interested in some of the technical aspects as well. Also probably the only of the boys to ever look something up on IMDb.
Especially fond of movies by Kiyoshi Kurosawa. His favorite horror films are Kwaidan, Cure, and Pulse.
Tatsuo Shinada
The biggest scaredy cat of all of the boys. Will attempt to watch a spooky movie with you at least once just for the sake of trying but will honestly just close his eyes if he feels overwhelmed. You HAVE to hold his hand though.
Probably the only one of the boys who actually gets squeamish easily. Gore and blood make him uncomfortable, although he has SOME tolerance in general. He'd just rather watch something that's not super heavy on bloodshed.
Horror films with a particular visual style, especially super colorful ones, make it a lot easier for him as he can actually see what's happening and he feels less worried. Movies like House or Suspiria are good for him. Also likes super over the top movies like The Lost Boys or Killer Klowns From Outer Space as they're so hilarious to him that he forgets to be scared.
Kasuga Ichiban
Somewhat easily scared. He gets more shocked or surprised than scared, honestly. The movie HAS to be interesting to some degree or he will just conk out and there will be no waking him. Doesn't mind jump scares since they help keep him awake at least even if the movie's bad.
Having said that, he does enjoy taking the time to see a movie that's genuinely just really good and talking about it with you afterward. Movies with really good effects tend to impress him a lot. It's also more visually memorable.
Tends to like movies where the main character has special powers. Partial to zombie movies since a lot tends to happen and involves multiple characters. He likes 28 Days Later, The Dead Zone, and Carrie.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
Love your work, really encapsulates the various companions.
Love to see how the companions should react to a companion who either collects a bunch of prewar stuff or just gives them a bunch of little goofy gifts all the time.
Romanced or not, either is fine I think this works well for all of the companions.
(because some of us show effection like crows and give our friends and loved ones little stupid things that make us think of them.)
This was one of the first requests I got, which means it's been a while, so thank you for your patience 💕
Anyway more of my X6-88 is a grumpy, prickly little asshole propaganda
Companions and an Old World antiques collector/magpie person
Cait; always owned only what she could have on her person, so someone who just...has shit, seemingly because they found it shiny, is alien. Even more so once they start trying to share. That's when she freaked out. People don't give Cait shit unless they're looking for something in exchange. If ever convinced that no, this is a present with no strings attached, Cait is even more weirded out. Over time, will come to understand that this, like, a peace offering thing. Oh, alright, it's like cats bringing you mice. Got it. Might start returning the favor, so long as they're okay with small-scale stuff she can easily find.
Codsworth; Panic. Feels an obligation to take very good care of whatever they give him. Will make meticulous spaces for the gifts. Ends up basically playing Barbie with it all. Puts it on pillows, always dusts them, carefully arranges them in ways that he thinks would make the items happiest. Gets nervous if other people even look at their trinkets, or the gifts they've given him. It doesn't help that everything is an antique.
Curie; One of the companions who's doing the same thing. She's curious, she wants to see all there is of the world. Sometimes that means hoarding little baubles. Loves round and shiny things. Their collecting doesn't faze her, nor does the gifting; it's how many things they find. Curie has trinkets, but they...they have a treasure trove. Where are they finding this stuff? Legally, she hopes?
Danse; Doesn't mean to, but ends up treating them as, like...a bloodhound for historical items. Go, boy, go find a pre-historic flipphone from the 2000s! Danse himself is a tip-tappy puppy when bygone technology is involved. Getting presents though...different story. Unless it's tech, something for him to use, he's uncomfortable. Not extremely, like in any other situation where someone expresses affection towards him, but enough he recoils and blinks the first time.
Deacon; Whatever they give him is now a prop for the one-man comedy show that is Deacon Railroadagent. A magnifying glass, and he becomes Nick for awhile. A newspaper, he's complaining about election results and how the taxes are gonna go up. A stuffed animal—Oi, 'e's jus'a l'i'le stree' urch'n, mista, spar'a gohl' coin fah suppah? How could you enable him like this. How could you.
Gage; If you're not pawning it, why bother? Gage thinks like Cait, less is better, easier, not a waste of time and space. Sure, sometimes they scrap shit for parts, but not always. Sometimes they just put it around, decor or whatever. If given anything, 98% chance he is turning around and selling it. If he likes them, will slip it into their bag or personal living space. If very close, he'll keep the damn thing, just...don't ask where it is. Somewhere? Wherever it is, he didn't make caps off it. That's good enough, right...?
Hancock; Will keep precise inventory of their collections and point out if they do or don't have something, when they stumble on a potential new item. Has a surprisingly good idea for authenticity, the goods, as it were. You will never get swindled, buying an antique with Hancock. Sixth sense. It's weird. Why do you know what this one baseball pitcher's favored pen for autographs was? Keeps every present he's ever been given, will make a separate pile for the stuff they give him.
MacCready; Soul. Mates. Always trading shit. Always going off on their own for a certain item they know the other would love, only to run into each other at the exact same item. If they share a home, the only thing keeping it from being a thriftstore is the stickers. Mac is a magpie. He's a collector. He likes having things. Used to satisfy this interest with Hancock as a bro's night, but now. It's like watching penguins throw the same shiny rock at each other over and over.
Nick; doesn't mean to, but flirts hard-core. Got a thing for antiques, huh? You know vintage finery when you see it, don't you? Those hands of yours really know how to handle Old World treasures, don't they? Nick. Nick. Please. He doesn't notice. Will need to be told, hey, you sound really horny. Horrified. He's made those jokes to every mechanic that gave him a tune-up. People who had their hands inside him. This includes Danse.
Piper; Just let her read the newspapers they find, and she's a happy camper. Also not a collector kind of person, but a present is a present. Honestly, though, also on the side of "just sell it." Unless it's historically important, especially sentimental, or useful, the extra caps would be more practical. She's never going to say that, hell no, and she'll find them little trinkets to add to their collection, but internally, wonders if it's a coping mechanism or something.
Preston; Is uncapable of having things after Quincy, always paranoid about needing to be on the move again. Feels lingering dread around magpie types, now, privately considers them Chekov's Gun. Now, Preston understands this mostly irrational and pushes it down whenever he gets a little twitchy about it. Will even enjoy talking about their collection, especially if there's historical shit. But there's always a tiny little goblin voice whispering "this poor bastard"
X6-88; Why are you hoarding garbage? Are you making your own scrap yard? Wait, this is all to keep? All of it? Oh. So, why are you hoarding garbage? Just to have? So it is a scrap yard. It's a neverending cascade of increasingly judgemental questioning. Like when children get curious and are unintentionally Satan's Water Torture. Will try to aid them in their collection by giving them things he thinks they'd like, but is...literal garbage. Gets magnificently indignant if they decline. TRASH IS TRASH. WHATS WRONG WITH THIS TRASH?!
This situation would have even the most incompassionate Institute scientists consider that synths could be people with free will. Because they sure as shit didn't make him like this.
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whoficky · 14 days
Until Morning
Rating: T
Pairing: 10th Doctor X Rose Tyler
Work Summary: As a weary Doctor, Martha Jones and Jack Harkness prepare to take on the Master, they find their hideout isn't as secure as they thought.
In a burst of blue light, a dimension hopping Rose Tyler finally finds the Doctor, but time is still not on their side.
What if you only had one night to spend with the love of your life?
Chapter summary: Rose and Martha have a chat and they all enjoy a hot meal.
Chapter 4
“I got Chinese,” Martha said as the Doctor and Rose approached, “It was the closest place.  And I used cash, so he can’t trace us.”
“Brilliant,” the Doctor beamed, showing almost no trace of the emotion from minutes before.  Rose wished for his composure and tried to surreptitiously wipe the moisture from her eyes.  
“Sounds lovely,” she said when she could trust her voice.  
Despite everything, her mouth did water at the savory smells coming from the takeaway boxes.  It had been…God, who knew how long since she’d had a hot meal.  Four or five days at least.  She had grown accustomed to living on protein bars and bad coffee.
“Here, let me help,” she offered Martha, reluctantly dropping the Doctor’s hand to sort through the large takeout order, “And Doctor, can you let Jack know dinner’s on?”
“Oi, and what am I, your errand boy?” he mocked great affront, clearly trying to pull a grin out of her.
She rolled her eyes at him but gave him that smile, “If you were, it’d make up for all those times I ended up disguised as the help or,” she shuddered theatrically, “the lunch lady.”
“You too then?” Martha asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh yeah all the time!” Rose lamented. 
“Is that your thing with all of us then, Doctor? Swoop in, promising adventures and excitement, and next thing you know, it’s months of being a servant in 1913 or working in a shop while you figure out how to get the TARDIS back!?” Martha stared him down with her hands on her hips.
“Right, I’ll get Jack,” the Doctor said, turning on his heel to fetch the Time Agent.
The two women laughed at his hasty retreat.    
Rose considered Martha thoughtfully.  She had been somewhat wary of her at first, worried things would be messy between them like it had been when she’d first met Sara Jane.  But Rose was older now, and Martha didn’t seem the sort to get catty.  She was happy they seemed to have skipped right to the part where they could laugh together.  At the Doctor’s expense, of course.  
When they finally caught their breath, Rose asked, “You said you’ve been traveling together for a year now?  I hope it wasn’t all drudgery.”
“Oh no, it’s been brilliant, really,” Martha assured her, “Present predicament notwithstanding.”
“Yeah, it seems like I popped in during the middle of one hell of a crisis,” Rose sobered.
Martha was quiet for a second before she shared, “The Master…he’s got my family.”
“Oh God, I’m so sorry Martha,” Rose said, putting a hand on the other woman’s arm.  After a moment she added, “The Doctor’ll sort it, you know.  They’ll be ok.”
Martha studied her for a moment, “You have so much faith in him.”
“I do.”
Martha sighed, “Yeah, me too.  It’s just…it’s hard.”
Rose didn’t know what to say, so she just nodded.  She thought about the times her Mum had gotten wrapped up in some alien plot or other.  Rose had always been wracked with guild and worry.  If the Master was as bad as the Doctor said, well she didn’t blame Martha one bit for the catch in her voice.  Rose gave the other woman a moment as they finished arranging the takeout in silence.
“Anyway,” Martha said, seeming to want to change the subject from her own worries, “I’m glad you’re here.  This has been awful for the Doctor too.  I mean, of course it is.  Losing the TARDIS on top of everything - “
“What!?” Rose said in alarm.  She knew the Doctor didn’t have access to the time ship by the TARDIS’ conspicuous absence, but with what Martha said, the separation sounded more…permanent.  Visions of a despondent Doctor staring out the window of their cramped quarters on Krop Tor flashed through her mind.        
“Yeah, the Master took it,” Martha confirmed Rose’s worry, “We only got back here from the end of the universe with Jack’s vortex manipulator.”
“How dare he,” Rose growled and for a second her vision was tinged golden.  She was briefly filled with a protective rage that made her want to set out immediately to liberate the ship.  The mad Time Lord had no right to her!  
At Martha’s alarmed look, Rose took a breath and blinked the golden haze out of her eyes. 
“Blimey, Rose.  I wouldn’t want to get on your bad side,” Martha chuckled nervously.
“Sorry,” Rose said, “It’s just…It’s so wrong for the Doctor to be without the TARDIS.  They’re such a pair, you know?  And who knows what the Master’s doing to her.”
“Her?” Martha asked.
“Yeah, the TARDIS.  Didn’t the Doctor tell you? She’s sentient.” 
“Yeah, but I guess I didn’t really take him seriously.  I thought ‘Old Girl’ was just, I don’t know, like sailors naming their ships after women they fancied.”
Rose hummed, “I thought that too, at first…” her mind wandered to hazy memories of the Gamestation.
She snapped out of it when Martha spoke again.  “Well, like you said.  The Doctor’ll sort it,” now it was Martha’s turn to offer reassurance. 
 After glancing over Rose’s shoulder she added, “Here, grab a plate.  I don’t know about Jack, but the Doctor can be a right pig sometimes.  No idea how he stays so thin.  Better load up before they get here.”
Rose laughed and took the plate from Martha, happy to set aside her anxiety for the TARDIS…For the moment, at least.  She had so much to worry about, and she knew it could overwhelm her if she let it.  She’d rather focus on what was in front of her for the limited time she had left in her home universe.  
“I heard that,” the Doctor said, sliding up to Rose and wrapping an arm around her waist.  He kissed her temple and tried to wrestle the plate away from her.     
“Oi, get your own!” she laughed, elbowing him in the side. 
The Doctor mock pouted but accepted a different plate from Martha.  Jack snagged one too and they set about loading their paper plates with food.
The Doctor and she settled in on a single overturned crate and Jack and Martha each picked a seat of their own.  Rose hummed happily after taking her first bite of the sweet crispy chicken, “Oh, this is brilliant!” she sighed.
“It is really good,” Martha agreed, “I’ll have to remember this place if we ever get out of this mess.  I think it’s a chain? Wonder if they deliver to my flat...Or well, wherever I end up after all this.”
For a while they were silent as they ate.  It seemed Rose hadn’t been the only one who had skipped a few meals lately.  She leaned against the Doctor and occasionally stole a bite off of his plate like she used to when they’d traveled together.  As before, he didn’t even bat an eye.  
“Oh, I got farther into the Master’s database and sniffed around some news sites,” Jack said eventually.
“And?” the Doctor asked.
“Don’t know what he’s planning, but he’s called a massive press conference for tomorrow morning.  Supposed to be introducing an alien race to Earth or something.  The American President will be there, and boy is he pissed.  Probably thinks he should be the one in charge.”
“Typical,” Martha snorted.
“The Master’s meeting Airfare One at the airport at dawn.  Looks like his next move isn’t until then at the earliest.  So…we have some time.” 
 “How long until the cannon is charged?” the Doctor asked her softly.
Rose pulled it out of her pocket to check, “About four and a half, maybe five hours.”
“That’s how long we have then,” the Doctor said resting his hand on her knee.  She looked up to meet his eyes. 
“Until morning,” she said.
“Until morning,” he agreed.
It wasn’t nearly enough time.    
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intheticklecloset · 4 months
Barista's Choice Coffee Shot
Fire Force
Arthur and Shinra
Arthur never woke up before Shinra, so when he crawled out of his bottom bunk one morning and found himself staring at a bare foot directly in front of his face, he fell back in surprise, blinking at the thing as if it were an alien creature.
“Oi, devil,” he grumbled, swiping a finger down the arch of the foot in annoyance, “get your foot out of my face.”
Nothing. No yelp, no jerking the limb out of the way. No reaction whatsoever.
Shinra was still asleep?
Intrigued, Arthur stood up, turning to glance at his bunkmate’s body on the top mattress. Sure enough, the devil was out like a light.
It took him only a moment to remember that this was his friend’s day off, but still, the incredible urge to mess with him was too strong to ignore. He smirked and gently grasped the ankle dangling over the edge of the top bunk, scribbling his fingers into the sole.
He wondered how long it would take Shinra’s body to wake him up, but the answer was not long at all, as within the first half a minute the dark-haired boy was giggling tiredly, still unaware of the predicament he was in.
“Whahahahat—” Shinra tried to tug his foot away, but Arthur tightened his grip, deciding at the last minute to duck down out of sight and keep him guessing. “Hehehehey – whahahahat’s going on? It tihihihihihickles!”
Arthur grinned. Oh, this was just too much fun.
Once it was clear that Shinra was definitely awake, the blonde decided to go for the kill and scribble under his toes. Sure enough, he heard a loud screech from above him followed by more determined tugging at his ankle.
“Arthur? Who is this Arthur you speak of?” the blonde chuckled, still hiding below Shinra’s bunk. “I’m the tickle king, come to punish you for your misdeeds, devil!”
Shinra shouted some jumble of words that he probably hoped to convey that he knew it was his friend messing with him and that he’d pay later, but all Arthur heard were desperate shrieks in the midst of helpless laughter, and he smirked with satisfaction.
The devil deserved to wake up happy on his day off, after all.
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julymarte · 1 month
Text post cause I'm gonna dive into mermay with a silly/not so silly brainstorming about ✨the fish✨ of course, as the other time this is not a fanfiction or anything it's just me taking notes of events I might draw in a scattered way that I can understand when drawing, it's not a narration of events
Today's prompt was.... Will Pravaal ever talk with his mother again? Would his mom ever send someone looking for him? Etc etc more under the cut
Context for those who might be new:
Pravaal the pink merman boy you can't have missed from my blog is the eldest (illegitimate)son of a high noble woman descending from a mildly discriminated minority (abyssals) and they don't have a good relationship. Pravaal's mother used to care for him for his very first years until her family started pressuring her to mend the mistake she made and reclaim the respect from her family...nobles of abyssal descent are obsessed with being seen well and accepted by pure blood high nobility so a child had outside a marriage with a man from another land that never came back...well, wasn't the best for her situation and instead of clinging to her son she distanced herself giving priority to her status. While his mother married a pure blood noble and had more children with him he was always mistreated,insulted, alienated until he had enough and ran away from home (not before stealing a bunch of precious stuff in retaliation including his signature earring) he was around 12 when he escaped...
Tumblr media
Time setting: 2 years before the story circa
Scene: It's night (like night night) in the Silver Capital pravaal is about to exit the twin moons after a nice party night when he finds 4 men with light armor and the sea emblem pointing spears at him
P* startled but trying to keep the cool*: my my~ what do we have here? Did the hag finally decide to look for her lost child?
???: ugh where are your manners? This squalid place sure had left it's influence on you..and look at you what are you wearing?! That's highly improper..tch but what else could I have expected? Of course you would have joined that entourage of criminals like your father
P * genuinely surprised but his mood darkening*: to think you left your pretty perfect mansion to come find me after 10 years... What do I owe the honor of your presence,mother? * He'd do an over exaggerated bow with the hand twirls*
Narissa *annoyed but keeping an air of superiority*: I'm obviously not here for you, but for something you've taken from me *points at his earring* I want that back and if you won't be an obedient boy my guards will take it by force
P *snickering and looking at the guards as someone who would easily take them down*: you even threaten me?! For this earring? If it really mattered that much to you why wait all this time?
N* takes a moment to reply pondering if she should tell him or not*: I need it to complete the set, I will be wearing it at an important ceremony, my daughter has finally been matched with a pure blood high noble for marriage it's an important occasion for my family, it's my crest after all... It matters more to me than to you right?...so now... Hand it over and you won't get hurt
P: my sister is...? She's not even an adult yet and you already sold her out like that?!
N: it's for the greater good of the family, that is none of your business! You never were part of it, you only caused me problems and it's disappointing to see you just keep doing so.... Guards !
Guards:yes ma'am!
N: I want that earring at all costs I don't care if you have to wound him or worse
???: oi! oi! oi! What's with the commotion outside!? I was trying to entertain a small crowd there but if you keep going like this they will all come making bets here *the scruffy but charming man puts a hand on Pravaal's shoulder who recoils annoyed and mildly disgusted*
P: by the ancients if things couldn't get any worse...*grows increasingly irritated by the situation* go back there old man this doesn't concern you
Arvad: sheesh! What a bitter family reunion we have here...I just wanted to land you a hand boy don't give me the cold shoulder like that, ah and you Marissa are just as beautiful as the last time I sa-
Narissa: *she snaps, it runs in the family*YOU!!!! YOU ARE THE SOURCE OF ALL MY MISFORTUNE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH YOU RUINED MY LIFE!? STARTING WITH* points at pravaal who looks at her coldly*..THAT!? AND ITS NARISSA! you pathetic man don't even remember my name *looks at him disgusted to which in response he just averts the gaze and spaces out*
P* raises his hands and turns around leaving* that's it I'm done I am NOT gonna get involved in this, no way I'm gonna stand here as you argue over how your life was ruined-
N: DO YOU THINK I HAVE FORGOTTEN?! GUARDS!! * Arvad jumps on the side startled by her loud yelling, the guards rush towards pravaal who summons his whip sword and whips it on the ground making them take a step back, serious look on his face he starts to take a few strps towards his mother*
P: I'm not gonna give it to you, you don't really need it do you? This is not an old family heirloom you could have commissioned a copy, I bet you probably already have one, not to mention why boasting the family crest when you aim to be part of another more prestigious house?...*snaps his sword again to keep the guards at bay who are simply pointing their sticks at him unsure of what to do, his mother stares at him coldly but starts sweating* the red moon district is a small place and people talk, especially at the twin moons *Arvad nods nervously sensing the tension* and I would have known if there were a bunch of sea guards buzzing around the capital but no you paid someone to sell my exact location... Why? * She grows a bit uneasy as he uses the earring to appear as his 12yo self and steps closer* Don't Tell me you DID actually come for me~ Aww maybe you still do have a heart deep deep down, did you miss me? Or do I still haunt your dreams?*flashes her a smirk to challenge her to reply to which he freezes in silence for a while,guards looking each other in confusion and Arvad taking the moment to sneak back to his small audience with a new story, noticing him pravaal..still as a baby boi sighs*
N: fine! Keep the earring...I- I'm here cause of my daughter, she was wondering if you still were alive and I wanted to- to check, for her..no way in the pits of the abyss I'll let her taint her reputation before her marriage by setting foot on land!
P:... Wouldn't these guys have been enough? And why lie about the jewels?!...*sighs and releases the illusion turning back to his normal self* listen, whatever,I don't care ,as you see I am still alive that's it...but now don't ever show your face around here again...he ruined your life, I ruined it too by existing I guess, but you ruined mine as well and it's not less important than your pretty sorry story* she twitches a little hearing that, she tries to maintain a superiority look but she's more akin to a dog with it's leg between it's legs now* but.. you are right, my my where are my manners?! * Does the mocking fancy bow again* farewell mother, may I never see you again~
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exuberantocean · 6 months
While I love 14, I hope we don't see him too soon or too often. It's 15's show now.
That said, whenever shits going down in earth, I want to see Donna and/or Rose call the 15th Doctor to come sort it out.
"Oi spaceman! We have these three eyed purple aliens and I had to lock skinny boy in the cellar to keep him from fighting them in the streets. Get here now!"
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hoshi-y · 2 years
HIII!! I always wanted to make this request but I didn’t know if they watched or read the manga so hear me out…how about Mitsuba, Kou, Hanako, and Akane (Hopefully that’s not too much-) with a s/o that is like Princess Syalis? ^^ (I can honestly see the apparitions being scared of them and the Mokkes help them steal stuff idk why I can strangely see it)
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Follow My Orders
Genre : Fluff
Characters : Aoi Akane, Mitsuba Sousuke, Minamoto Kou, Hanako-kun
TW : None
A/N : Aww this is so cute, I even imagine the mokkes help us escape cleaning too
I hope you enjoy 💗
I'm gonna use their old banners for awhile, I am unmotivated to make them rn
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You're a handful..
He didn't have any problems with you when you joined the school
You were very quiet and kept to yourself
And... you were mostly asleep...
Not like he wanted to talk to you
Nah, He thinks your sleeping face and cute snoring captured his heart
it clenched him
So he would sometimes wait for you to wake up
which you don't...
You were only awake when he was doing something or he had stacks of work to do
and it frustrated him
But he liked you so
He followed this pattern of yours and quickly finished all his work so he could talk to you
And for the first time, he actually caught you awake
He cleared his throat to get your attention as you were sewing little clothes for the Mokke which he found absolutely adorable
You stopped what you were doing and slowly looked up at him, Akane froze at how pretty your eyes were, given that you would sleep most of the time he rarely saw how your eyes looked like
Its like he took a screenshot in real life, the image of your face burned into his brain
Neither of you said anything first, you just kind of stared at him as he stared back at you, when you were about to go back to what you were working on he spoke up
"Ah my apologies, what are you still doing here, It's after-school already" Akane didn't want her to go, but it was per school regulation, all students who don't have a club were to go home immediately.
"Can't I stay a little longer?" Your pouting face and sleepy voice shot an arrow right thru Akane's heart as he fell on his knees and bowed his head
"STAY AS MUCH AS YOU WANT MY GODDESS!" You smiled as you pat his head which made him explode and run off somewhere probably to grab something to proclaim his love already
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O-oi! You're supposed to be my prisoner!!
You just wanted some good sleep
like everywhere you go, someone or something just has to ruin it
and right now it was happening something ruined it
or someone?... they look alien..
You went from asking Yashiro and Kou where to sleep
But ended up being sucked inside the mirror
the last thing you heard and saw was a very panicked Yashiro and Kou
And a very scared Hanako
And now you're here, in a.. what did they call it a boundary?
"Hey! Were you even listening to a word I said?" Ah they were speaking? Actually.. you couldn't tell if they were a guy or a girl with very boyish clothes.. Though their hair was pink so maybe—
"So you weren't listening, Good these hands dragged in a sleepyhead you even slept on the wya here!" The pink haired... person said in frustration, you cleared your throat to get their attention which it did "I have a question.. Are you a girl or a boy?"
He calmed down and introduced himself
He said his name was Mitsuba, and he was lost here
well thats all you heard cause you were really really sleepy at the moment
One thing led to another, Hanakos doppelganger showed up
And he put you to sleep
and you were very happy
While you were napping, you heard commotion around you and the ground shaking, It annoyed you so you opened your eyes to see Mitsuba infront of you blocking rocks from falling on you
"Ow ow... Are you alright?.." He asked
"Why did you wake me up..."
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Stealing isn't good..
Kou has always been really helpful and fun to be with!
So you decided to use up ypur saved up energy to make him something, like cookies
Chocolate chip cookoes with a marshmallow on top mhm
But the only problem was
you didn't have ingredients
but you heard the other section was gonna use the home economics room to make goods so you can just 'borrow' right?
But you couldn't do it all by yourself so you bargained with the mokkes with a bag of candy to get the things you needed
Halfway of getting the ingredients Kou caught you with your schemes
You hung your head low and also the mokke, Kou was walking around the halfway when a group of mokkes you sent out to find flour bumped into him making the mokkes freak out cause what they were carrying was a surprise for him, what happened? well the flour flew and landed on his head
and teared open
Kou sighed as he threw the wipes into the trash bin "Stealing isn't okay [F/N], and asking the Mokkes to steal for you aswell isn't great" He slightly lectured you
"I'm sorry.. You were just really fun to be with that's why I borrowed all these stuff to make you cookies.."
Kou sighed as he smiled, he can't stay mad at you "If ya wanted to make cookies you should've called me, you suck at baking"
That comment hit you straight in the chest as you pouted "Well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise.."
Well, If you did successfully gather all the ingredients, the Home Economics room would be in ruins, so glad you didn't
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D-don't word it out like that..
A scene of a very flushed hanako hiding his face with his hat, and you standing clueless and confused
What happened here exactly?
Well, your back was aching that's what was happening
No one here had very strong looking hands
except for a certain toilet boy
He had long, slender, and strong looking hands
perfect to help with your aching back
But you couldn't ask him yo massage you it was embarrassing!
Like him massaging you wasn't embarrassing enough...
You peaked inside the bathroom to spot your victim playing cards on the windowsill, Hanako felt your presence and turned his head to see you
"My~ What brings you here so early hm? Couldn't wait to see me?~" Hanako flpated over to you as you eyed his hands, He followed your gaze and looked at his hands "Why whats wrong? Do you want to hold them? Oh my [F/N] you are very bol—"
"I need you to touch me."
He choked back as he swatted his hands with a big blush on his face "W-W-WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?!?" Hanako trembled, if he tried to touch you he'd get a beating from his assistant
He's here thinking that what you meant was a rather.. Sexual request, and your out here looking for something to massage you.
You took a step forward, He took a step back.
Forward, back forward back forward, until Hanako hit his bacm on the wall and you stood infront of him "Just touch me here—"
"I-I MAY BE A P-P-PERVERT BUT THAT'S A NO" He formed his arms into an 'x' as you stood their your face slowly turning into a sad one, He freaked out as he thought about it and agreed
"F-fine.. um... w-where do you want me to t-touch.. you..." His voice getting quieter and quieter
You pointed at the book you were holding as he deadpanned "Here, it aches in this area." Hanako covered his face trying to get the dirty thoughts out of his head, god you were just asking for a massage
Hanako sat you down and started massaging your back still blushing "If you wanted a massage you could've said so... I got the wrong Idea.." He mumbled the last part
You leaned onto his chest as he looked down you fell asleep, He sighed as he patted your head "What am I gonna do with you, [F/N]?" Hanako smiles at your sleeping face turn into a smile
Not only were you sleeping peacefully as your aching back was fixed, you found yourself a new pillow.
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In Our Favor
Part 199
“Oi! Aporal!” Scotty yelled, trying to break up the fight after he and McCoy had stood there a moment in surprise.
McCoy heard others yelling and footsteps hurrying closer as others on the sidewalk stopped to watch the tall man and the blue alien hit each other. Aporal ducked low and got his arms around the man’s waist, his face pressed against his side.
A twist and the tall man freed himself, before throwing another set of blows down at Aporal.
“Hey! Enough!” McCoy shouted. “Aporal stop!” He moved forward to try to get between the two fighters, but reeled back as a fist connected with his cheek.
“Len!” “Your highness!”
McCoy’s hand came up to hold his face as a noise came from the crowd of onlookers. He heard a murmur of surprise and his name in the crowd. Three people circled him protectively; Scotty with wide, scared eyes, Greene from his flight classes and another person with her that McCoy assumed could only be another of the security team.
He heard Greene tell the other guard to break things up, and she pushed him firmly through the gathered crowd to a calm doorway. Scotty clung tightly to McCoy’s hand that wasn’t holding his face.
“Your highness,” Greene got out. She gently pulled his hand away and examined his face.
“Are ye ok?” Scotty asked. McCoy heard the fear in his husband’s voice.
“I’ll get it checked out right away,” McCoy soothed Scotty, remembering the last time he had been injured. He had been a stubborn ass then, and Scotty had brought the boarding school’s nurse to their room to check on him.
Scotty’s hand came up to gently touch the spot and McCoy flinched, it was already tender.
“Greene!” called the other guard.
“Stay here,” she told McCoy and Scotty with authority and moved to join the other guard at the still fighting pair.
“Oh love,” Scotty whispered, closing in tight to McCoy’s side.
“I’ll be fine,” McCoy promised. “What the hell was Aporal thinking?”
A pair of loud shouts had both boys looking back towards the corner where Aporal and the tall man had now been separated. McCoy noticed a dark uniform standing between the pair of fighters, now each held back by one of the security team.
“Oh no,” Scotty mumbled.
“Come on,” McCoy said and pulled Scotty back to the group. Greene fixed an unhappy look on him, but said nothing as the pair moved next to Aporal’s side.
“He started it!” the other man said loudly, trying to lunge forward at Aporal again, but Greene held him back tightly.
An alien curse left Aporal’s lips before he switched back. “You bumped into me,” he said in a cold voice. “Let me go,” he said to the guard holding him. Aporal looked over at McCoy and Scotty, and surprise crossed his face.
“Did I do that Prince?” he asked, sounding chagrined.
“I’m not sure,” McCoy said honestly.
“Prince?” the tall man scoffed.
“Prince Leonard from Georgiares?” the dark uniformed police officer asked.
McCoy sighed. “Yes.”
“Do you want to press charges?” the officer asked.
“No,” said McCoy.
“Yes!” said both Aporal and the other man.
Aporal laughed and glared at the other man. “You want to take on Georgiares and Andoria? You are stupid.”
“I want it dropped and forgotten,” McCoy said, putting all his royal authority into his voice. “Greene let him go.”
“Yes sir.” She released her hold on Aporal’s attacker.
The man straightened himself up, glared again at all of them and stalked off. Aporal pulled his arms against the other guard, who looked at McCoy. The prince nodded, and brought his hand up to his cheek again as it throbbed. Aporal rubbed the knuckles of one hand with the other.
“I guess we’re good here,” the police officer said, looking at McCoy questioningly. “Let’s not have anymore brawling on the streets.” He began to walk off again.
“I’m sorry to blow our cover sir,” Greene said quietly to McCoy.
He waved it away with his free hand. “Wasn’t your fault.”
“What was that lad?” Scotty asked Aporal. The Andorian just shrugged.
“Let’s go,” McCoy said and began to walk.
“That’s the wrong way Prince,” Aporal said, frowning.
“No,” McCoy said shortly. “We’re going back to campus to the clinic and get checked out.”
“I’m fine.”
McCoy stopped and turned back to Aporal, getting close to him. “No. We’re going,” he said firmly. “Unless you want to be dragged there.” He raised an eyebrow as he indicated the security pair behind Aporal.
“Fine,” Aporal said with an exaggerated voice and an eye roll.
McCoy turned back and began to walk again. He caught Scotty’s hand and squeezed it as reassuringly as he could.
Part 200
The walk back to the academy and the infirmary seemed endless to Scotty. The whole time he held Leonard's hand tightly and he could feel his husband trying to calm him down, but it didn't help.
Scotty's gaze slid to Aporal and he clenched his jaw angrily at the sight of his friend. Why hadn't Aporal just let it go? Why had he let himself get into a fight? The Scotsman would certainly have a serious talk with him later.
When they reached the nurses' station, two staff members immediately attended to the two injured patients.
Scotty waited impatiently for the results of the examinations – instructed to wait outside the treatment rooms – and he was surprised when he felt a hand on his shoulder. His gaze slid to the side and he saw Greene.
"Are you all right, sir?" the young woman asked anxiously and Scotty nodded slowly.
"Aye, everything... everything's okay. I'm uninjured," he explained and the lady nodded understandingly.
"I'm sure the prince will be treated quickly. The wound didn't look too serious at first glance." It was obvious that Greene was trying to cheer Scotty up and he was very grateful for it.
When the door to Leonard's treatment room opened, Scotty's heart leapt and he quickly bridged the short distance between them and grasped his husband's hands. Leonard gave him a smile.
"It's all right, leannan. I got a painkiller and some medical equipment did the rest."
Scotty examined the cheek critically, but realized that Leonard was obviously telling the truth and not exaggerating.
He was just about to say something back when the second door opened and Aporal came out. He looked annoyed.
"Yeah, sure. I'll take the painkillers and the rest will heal by itself," he said loudly, waving his hand dismissively. Apparently he had dismissed himself.
He looked at Leonard as he caught sight of him and Scotty.
"You okay, Prince?"
Leonard nodded, but Scotty just couldn't contain his anger this time. He glared at Aporal.
"What was that all about, huh? Why'd ye have to start a fight?"
Aporal raised an eyebrow, surprised by Scotty's behavior.
"I didn't start it. The guy provoked me."
"But things got out of hand because of ye! Why didn't ye just let it go?" Scotty felt the hot anger in his stomach boiling even more.
Aporal only shrugged his shoulders.
"Come on, Scottish boy, nothing happened."
That was enough.
"Nothing happened?! Len was hurt! The police were there! Do ye know what that means? How many articles will follow?"
"Scotty," Leonard tried to intervene gently, but Scotty wouldn't calm down.
"Wounds heal. All that matters is winning the fight. I learned that often enough while I was–" the Andorian began, but the Scotsman wouldn't let him finish.
"But ye're not there anymore, Aporal! Ye're safe on a Federation planet! Ye don't have to settle disagreements with your fists here! Why can't ye understand that?"
The moment Scotty saw the hard expression on Aporal's face, he almost instantly regretted his words. Emotions had simply taken over. He hadn't been able to control himself.
Aporal nodded slowly before turning and leaving the room without another word.
"Aporal, wait!" Leonard tried to call after him, but the Andorian ignored him.
Scotty simply stayed put and looked after Aporal. He would sort things out. But only after he had calmed down.
When they got into their room, their PADDs were already blinking. Scotty felt a big lump in his throat as he stepped over and tried to pick it up, but Leonard grabbed his hand to stop him. He slowly shook his head.
Scotty held back a sob as tears slowly started to blur his vision. He didn't want to cry. He didn't want to break down. He didn't –
But once Leonard's arms were wrapped around him, he couldn't hold it in any longer. Tears started to stream down his face and he whimpered against his husband's shoulder.
"Shh, it's okay. We're fine. Everything's okay," Leonard's soothing voice reached his ear, but Scotty only shook his head, unable to believe a word he was saying.
"Everyone will know about it. They'll write mean articles. And even worse, the security team's cover is blown. I-I-I–"
Leonard was about to answer something when suddenly his PADD rang.
And even though Scotty didn't know who it was, he knew that it had to be an important call.
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