#ohhhh I’m simply going to die. die and pass away
sunnnfish · 1 year
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mrs-march-ahs · 3 years
Hi! I have a request~ The Evans reactions to losing in any sort of game. Can be board games or video games 😅
The Evans Losing At Games
Headcannons for all, imagines for some!
Cute idea, thank you! I didn’t write much for Jimmy, I’m sorry Jimmy I love you<3
-Clearly a teenage boy who lets emotions build up a lot -Definitely cheats if he’s had enough -If he keeps losing in the same part of the video game and rage quits, it takes him forever to get back into the game - “Ohhhh… I forgot that’s where I let off… fuck it” (quits) -Much better and calmer at playing cards, and generally prefers games were the two of you can talk and he doesn’t have to focus too much
You laid on your bed, scrolling aimlessly through social media, and occasionally glancing at Tate playing a video game he hasn’t played in a while. When you started talking about games, and you told him you had it, he nostalgically reminisced how much he used to play it when he was alive, so you set it up for him. Every few minutes, when a red screen would pop up, Tate would sigh, and with every passing death, his sighs got louder and angrier.
After only maybe half an hour of playing, Tate clearly couldn’t take it anymore, and threw the control towards the floor, before stomping over to shut the console and TV off. The sound made you flinch, and you had never seen Tate angry before. Nor his body language nor face showed his emotions, just his actions, and when he flopped by your side, he looked fine. If somebody had come in right now, they would just see two teenagers laying next to each other.
“Uhhh… you okay?”, you ask, before rolling over to face him. You poke at his chubby cheek as he stares up at the ceiling and tease him. “Sore loser”.
“Shut up, it’s your fault. You reminded me why I wasn’t allowed to play this game for very long”.
“Wanna play something else? Together? We could play Dragon Ball Z?”, you ask quietly, before going back to your childish sing-song teasing. “Be nice, and I’ll even let you win a few times!”
Tate looks over at you and huffs, before sitting up and getting the controllers, “Good thing you’re used to begging me for mercy”
-Least sore loser out of them all -Always up for a rematch -He’s pleasant even when he does win - “Want a rematch sugar? So you can have another shot at beating me?” - “Ah you were close, you’re getting good” - “You’re a good rival” - “If I lose, you can drag me to that Rom Com you wanted to see” - “If I win, we make more babies” -Pretends to be competitive when he’s playing with the kids - “I would say Team Girls vs Team Boys… but that’s not fair, the two of you don’t even stand a chance, right Tommy?” -If one of the kids beat him, he’d act super dramatically to give them as much satisfaction of winning -Laser tag is 34 years before Kit’s time, but if he played something like that, he’d try to let the kids win
You ran around the garden and chased a giggling Julia. Because of current financial issues, the power was out, but not wanting to worry the children to much, and not wanting them to ask too many questions, you and Kit decided to make the most of the sun and tire them out before it got dark. Kit, being the big kid he is, suggested playing a tag-like game Thomas invented, where you each get three pebbles each, and try to get each other out by throwing them. Gently. Unless you were throwing them at Kit.
Julia started slowing down when she reached the corner of the house, hoping to hide from you, but you were right behind her, making her turn around and burst out in giggles. When the 5-year-old laughed, the only thing you could see was the missing tooth she donated to the tooth fairy last night. Once you circled all around the house, you come back in view of the garden, and see Julia hiding behind Kit.
“That’s cheating!”, he exclaims, trying to run away from her and toss a pebble in her direction, only for her to do it faster. The second Julia’s tiny rock hits Kit’s tummy and bounced, he put his hands over his stomach and held it like a gun wound. He dropped to the floor dramatically, leaving the two little kids to die of laughter, and you walk over to him, Kit peeping open one eye slightly to see if you were watching him, and then stuck his tongue out to play dead. You picked up a stick from the floor and poked at his chest, making Kit chuckle but quickly hide it.
“Is it dead?”, you ask.
Thomas leans in closer to look at his dad on the floor, before Kit opens his eyes and pulls Tommy to the floor with him, rolling over to be on top of him.
“I win!”, Kit announces, before kissing his son on the cheek.
Franken Kyle
-He doesn’t particularly play complicated games, but he isn’t too patient and gets frustrated with himself pretty easily -If on one of his educational games, he messes something up too many times in a row, he’ll shut off the game and throw the tablet on the bed -He’ll avoid even looking at it -If he loses a tickle fight he’ll sit and whine, straddle you and then tickle you until you beg him to stop -Whines even if he loses at rock paper scissors -He likes colouring and drawing, and because it’s good for his motor skills, the two of you made a really simple game together -You drew out a long snake shape on a big piece of paper and drew lines in between for the spaces -Kyle carefully coloured them in with pencil and with a marker you wrote occasional things like ‘Go back two spaces’ or ‘Go forward three spaces’ -Sweet little Ky would roll the dice, and take his time, pushing his little figurine, which was something like a pencil sharpener or a bottle cap, and counted out the spaces -Got super excited if he won, but wouldn’t mind losing -He would insist the two of you keep playing, and you’re only allowed to stop and go to bed if you end on him winning -Sometimes he would try to let you win so that you could keep playing -Whine and pout if you had to stop playing, and how are you meant to say no to him? -You would have to promise you’ll play tomorrow -You’d be able to slowly make more and more complicated games, until eventually he’d be able to play things like checkers or Ludo
-Lowkey a sore loser -If there were loads of different people playing, he would be a lot more friendly -If he lost, he would still be super annoyed, but just wouldn’t show it -But if it was the two of you, he’d be super competitive -The type of person to flip the board game if he was losing -But he’d apologise straight away and pout if you didn’t want to play with him again - “C’mon let’s play again, I’ll be nice this time” - “Loser gets spanked” -Loves playing games like beer pong
-Unpleasant loser but also not a pleasant winner -Bitter compliments if you win at cards - “Well done darling, who would have thought with your high school education you were such a poker master” -Only willing to play the same 5 card games, because if you teach him a new board game he is not familiar with and he loses, he’ll claim it’s only because he’s new to the game -Absolutely infuriated if he loses at Monopoly, since he built a hotel after all -Don’t even bother trying to teach him how to play a video game -And of course - “Only amateurs keep score”
“What are you doing, dear?”, James said, fascinated at your little character wandering around a shop, on the screen in front of both of you.
“I’m trying to buy this plant, but I don’t have enough money, I want to see if I can sell anything I have”, you explain, pointing at your backpack filled with items that you can exchange for spare coins.
“Nonsense, darling, why don’t you simply stab the storekeeper and steal what you desire?”
“Because this is Animal Crossing, James, there isn’t a stab button”
-Kai likes playing video games or board games with literally anybody apart from you -He likes playing with Ozzy because he’s a kid so most of the time Kai can beat him easily -Definitely not the type of person to let the kid win, even if Ozzy is sobbing and Ally asks him to let Ozzy win once in a while - “Winning fairly will feel so much better for him” - “He won’t appreciate success if he doesn’t first taste failure” -Sometimes instead of story time with his troops he’ll play some board games -At first, everybody will keep letting Kai win out of fear -But eventually someone will win, and everybody else will be fearful for them, scared Kai will be angry - “Finally somebody capable, somebody strong, not scared to show their true capabilities” -But if you ask him to play a game with you, he probably won’t -If you eventually beg enough that he will agree to play a game with you, he’ll tell you he’s only playing one -If you win, he’ll be like, “Okay, are you happy now?” - “Finally it’s over” - “I let you win, are you happy?” -But if he wins, he’ll try to get you to play a few more games - “Are you giving up already?” - “Don’t be a sore loser, rise up to the challenge” - “I assumed you wanted to win, not just to play”
- (Kai loses) “See… you have to give a humiliated man a chance to redeem himself in his own ey-”
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amitlee · 3 years
Withered Laughter
Heeeey guys long time no see. I got this idea from @dreamteamfluffz for a fic about Wither skeletons but they tickle players instead of killing them. One thing I’m going to mention before getting into this is that I changed an idea in my dummy thicc head so that instead of tickling them until the pass out or straight up die they just tickle the player until they are weakened.
Summary: Tubbo and Ranboo are doing a speed running challenge, Tubbo is sent into the nether alone to get blaze rods and gets a surprise.
Warnings: Swearing and tickling. Also the nether and mobs in it.
“Tubbo. Portal. There. Go.” Ranboo pointed in the general direction while keeping up the bit of speed running talking instead of the actual game. He saw Tubbo look at him incredulously and decided he could spare one more word. “Please.”
Tubbo looked from the enderman to the portal “Yes. Me, you, go, let’s.” Tubbo walked over to the portal and got in, he paused and stepped out as he saw that his friend had not moved. “Ran? Whatcha doing?”
“Oh there you go, just break the bit. Break it right in half, bend it over your kne- ok I’m done. We can probably save time if we split up and get things from both worlds.” The tall boy explained after his playful rant.
Tubbo had never been too fond of the Nether, bad memories mixed and danger laced the uncharted terrains of the Underworld. Nonetheless, he was sure he could fend for himself long enough to get the items they needed. “You think so? I’ll do it but you have to promise that if I don’t come out in around 20 minutes to come help, ok? Do you remember last time when I got lost and had to trade my way back to the over world because of you mister? Who do you think I am, Jack Manifold?” Tubbo had never been able to keep a conversation very serious, one of the things Ranboo enjoyed about him most. He always managed to bring sunshine to every situation.
The pair agreed and went their separate ways.
Tubbo entered the Nether. Despite his distrust of the land, he could close his eyes and convince himself he was at the beach on a warm, sunny day. Perhaps there were children splashing around in the water or a family bonding over a picnic. He focused on these thoughts as he wrote down the coordinates of the portal and began the search for a fortress.
He was thankful for the golden boots he had forged before entering as he passed groups of peaceful piglins without having to break from his daydream. He continued his elaborate thoughts, he was walking in the sand -staying a safe distance from the water- he saw a life guard tower in the distance. He snapped out of his head and let himself see reality, it may have been upsetting if not for the nether fortress that was the life guard tower. He inwardly cheered and made his way into the fortress.
He was greeted by a chest with a saddle, nether warts, and a pair of golden leggings, but no blaze spawner. He started to make his way down the winding corridors while trying to remember what ways he had gone in case of emergency.
After 3 or so minutes of exploring without luck, he hit a dead end. “Damn” He spoke to himself and turned on his heals only to be met by a dark and boney figure looming over him. He shrieked and stumbled back a few paces, pulling out his sword. “Come at me, bitch.” Funny how he still attempted to keep his situations bright even when he was alone. Regardless, the Wither Skeleton didn’t seem affected by the presence of a weapon, be it Tubbos insults or his sword. It surged forward, gripping the boy firmly around the waist.
Tubbo began squirming immediately, he couldn’t believe he’d let himself get caught so easily, now he would have to respawn without his items and explain everything to Ranboo. He tried to turn around and swing as the wither skeleton but whipped around to face forward as he felt two hands squeeze his sides. No fucking way.
The hands continued to squeeze gently but firmly on the small boys sides, a metallic clang echoed as the sword fell to the ground. Tubbo wrapped his arms around himself much like a hug, what was meant for defense only seemed to trap his attackers hands in place. He resorted to confused giggles and continued squirming. He was enjoying the attention, however, with the combined weirdness of it being a mob doing the tickling and not knowing why it was happening in the first place, Tubbo was suspicious.
The smaller broke free of the Skeleton’s hold but panicked and backed himself into the corner while anticipation ate away at him, causing nervous giggle to flow like a river from his mouth. He turned to face the skeleton as he shrank into the corner with his hands up to block any moves. He successfully blocked the Skeleton’s first try by simply raising his hands, only to slam them back down when he felt kneading his stomach, what a dirty trick. He burst into laughter from such a weak spot being targeted.
“WAIHIHIHIT THIHihihis is strahahahange.” He calmed his wild laughter slightly and couldn’t help but melt. He’d always been soft for tickles, even though he was conflicted with the circumstances.
The kneading shifted down spots to his hips, rewarding his attacker with a squeak and higher pitch laughter. This spot was taken advantage of for a moment before the Wither Skeleton seemed to grow bored and try out other areas. Thighs were a mild spot but produced more squirming than other reactions, so they were ticked off the list.
The focus was soon back to his upper body as the Skeleton pinched from his hips up to his underarms and back down, watching for the best reaction. It was given as a spot on his lowest set of ribs were gently squeezed, the techniques varried from squeezing to vibrating the tips of their fingers into the small spots.
“NOHOHO! IT TIHI-TIHIHICKLES!” Tubbos face had a pink glow as he thought about how good he was being wrecked by this creature. He wasn’t sure what he should feel, but he was content as he enjoyed what was being dished out to him. He knew Ranboo would be entering the Nether soon to come search for him, so he wasn’t worried about being pushed over his limits.
A hand was shoved into his armpit while the other went to his tummy and began vibrating all 5 fingers. The hand in his armpit drilled it’s index finger. Tubbo slid his back down the wall, he was incapacitated by the wonderful sensations filling his system. The skeleton followed with no trouble, now leaning over the boy as he sat on the floor.
After a few minutes, tubbo’s laugh became more wheezy and breathless as he felt himself getting tired. Thankfully, his attacker seemed to notice his fatigue, it stopped both hands and let one go up to scritch and scratch at the Lee’s neck.
Tubbo leaned into the neck tickles and giggled freely, melting on the spot. These stopped shortly as well, leaving him laying on his side in the floor of the fortress as the Wither Skeleton walked back from wherever it had come from. Tubbo stayed in this position and tried to recover some strength.
That is how Ranboo found him, smiley and covered in charcoal smudges. “Tubbo! Are you alright? I got worried when you didn’t come back so I came over to get you, what’s all over you, man?” Ranboo knelt down by his friend and went to wipe a smudge from his neck.
Tubbo flinched before the hand even made contact, “Waihihit waihiht, Ranboo nohoho” He sat up and burried his face into the formality dressed teen’s shoulder as he hugged on to him.
Ranboo began to put the pieces together; Tubbo was giggly, flustered, cuddly, and lying on the floor seemingly tired. He must’ve seen one of the mods Ranboo had installed. Ranboo knew how Tubbo felt about the Nether, he decided to spice things up for the boy a little bit. He got a mod that makes some hostile mobs tickle you instead of doing actually damage, they are programmed to know when to stop and appearently leave behind flustered Tubbos.
“Ohhhh... I see. You must’ve met one of my friends, Mr. Wither Skeleton.” Ranboo teased and picked up Tubbo in his arms. “He got you good, didn’t he?” He chuckled and started walking back to the portal, timer completely forgotten about. “Alright Tubbs, you rest up and we’ll try this again later, okay? Sleep tight big man.” Ranboo rubbed the boy’s back to lull him to sleep.
In the end, they made it safely back to the Overworld, supplies or no supplies. Ranboo placed Tubbo in a small house he had made and let him curl up beside him to sleep: They both fell into a peaceful slumber next to each other.
Yaaaayy! I really like this! Thank you so much again, @dreamteamfluffz , for letting me use some of your guidelines!
About the prompts in my inbox, I have seen them and will get working on the soon. Sorry for the wait and leaving for a hot minute!
Love you guys and thank you so much for reading💕💕
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marlynnofmany · 4 years
Tumblr media
I’ve loved this creepy idea since I stumbled upon it ages ago.  There are many directions it could go.  Here’s one.  792 words.
(Thanks for the idea, @otherwindow​!)
“Wait, what are you doing?” Yvette asked.
The panic in her voice made Rosalind stop halfway to the cottage door. “Taking the scraps outside?” she said, unsure.
“Why?” Yvette demanded, hurrying over to yank the plate of chicken bones from her guest’s unresisting hands.
“For the bone fairies,” she said simply.
“WHY would you — do you FEED the bone fairies back home?? How are you still alive?”
“What?” Rosalind asked in deepening confusion as Yvette dumped the bones into the fireplace. “If you don’t feed them, they start nosing around instead of cleaning the woods of carrion.”
“What?” Yvette echoed, turning from the fire. The two stared at each other for a moment.
“Do we have different types of bone fairies?” Rosalind asked.
“We must. What does your kind look like?”
“Reddish feathers,” Rosalind said, gesturing vaguely. “Like little birds if you don’t look too close. They even have beaks, though otherwise they’re humanoid with feathers. They crack open the bones of carcasses for the marrow, and they can carry really big ones on account of the magic. They drop them on rocks to split them open. We always leave bone scraps out at the end of the fence.”
Yvette was shaking her head, the empty plate forgotten in her hand. “Ours are a terror,” she said flatly. “Like huge bugs, with sawtooth arms and mouths to match. Greenish-gray. They’ll slice open anything that looks like it has tasty marrow in its bones.” She remembered the plate, and moved to place it in the sink. “You do not want to invite them closer.”
Rosalind’s eyes were wide. “I had no idea!”
“I’m glad this came up now,” Yvette said. She waved toward the table. “Welcome to my home! Let’s go over basic woodland safety so you don’t get us killed while you’re here.”
“Yes, let’s!”
* * * * *
Rosalind took the instructions to heart, staying out of dangerous areas and always bringing with her the small pack of essentials, which included a small bottle of bone fairy repellent.
Even so, she somehow didn’t expect to ever need it. A lifetime free of such nightmares made her feel on some deep level like this must be an exaggeration. She wouldn’t have said so out loud, of course. But she did stay out a little too late into dusk, on a search for firewood she didn’t have to cut.
Her eyes were on the ground, scanning for fallen branches. She didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, and if there was a faint buzzing sound in the air, it didn’t bother her survival instincts in the slightest.
Then she passed a dense patch of bushes, and she saw the bear.
The former bear. It was big, it was dead, and there was blood literally everywhere, even splattered on the trees. Its fur moved.
Ohhhh no no no no, Rosalind thought as she scrambled backwards. Hand-sized insectoids were emerging from that dense fur, spotting her and taking to the air. They may have been green-gray once. They were red now.
Rosalind broke and ran with buzzing loud around her. She fumbled with the pack at her hip, dropping things in the search for that tiny bottle. When she found it, she nearly lost it in a fern, but managed to clutch it tight. The cork was slippery under fingers covered in fear-sweat.
Yvette had said that the repellant could be wafted around if the bone fairies were still a ways away, or poured in a circle on the ground if an area needed to be protected. She hadn’t said what to do when under active pursuit, but Rosalind could figure that out herself.
She wrenched the cork out and dumped it on her head.
Her other hand was already rubbing it into her hair when the smell hit.
Lavender, rosemary, and SKUNK.
Rosalind coughed, her eyes nearly closing as she stumbled forward. She dropped the jar and moved to rub her eyes, but stopped just short. She kept running.
If this is how I die, she thought grimly, Somebody’s getting haunted.
But the buzzing faded slowly, left behind in the deepening shadows of the forest that could keep its darn firewood; they’d burn something else. Maybe Rosalind’s clothes.
She finally stumbled up to the cottage in one piece, with no firewood and many regrets. She didn’t even have to knock. Yvette smelled her coming.
“Undress over there,” she said from the doorway. “I’ll get a bucket of water, then grab every tomato in the garden. And a few scrub cloths I don’t need back. You don’t seem to be missing any bones, so I can only assume it was worth it.”
Rosalind coughed and followed Yvette’s pointed finger. “Worth it,” she agreed. “But barely.”
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imagine-loki · 3 years
What About Trust, Chapter 5
TITLE: What About Trust CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 5 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki owns a bookshop on Midgard. He had to do something there to try and avoid getting any attention. But he’s not fond of having customers, is rather grumpy and guarded. But then he meets a bright, bubbly and trusting young woman who doesn’t recognise him. To his dismay, he finds himself becoming rather fond of the mortal.  RATING: M
Cleo was outside Loki’s shop at exactly eleven am, Loki was just coming out the door when she arrived.
‘Ah, perfect timing.’ He said as he locked the door.
‘It’s very rare I am on time, so you best feel honoured that I actually managed it for a change.’ She smiled.
‘Well, I am very honoured.’ He chuckled.
They fell into step together and headed down the road. Loki had a place in mind that he thought she would like, if she hadn’t been there before that was.
It was down a quiet street, off the beaten track. But Cleo was in utter awe when she saw it, she couldn’t believe she had never been there before.
It wasn’t just a coffee shop, it sold some records too and had good music playing. It wasn’t overly busy, but had a few people in there.
‘Oh, wow!’ Cleo’s eyes were bright as she looked around. Then she saw what was for sale along with different types of tea or coffee… Fancy looking brownies that looked to die for.
Loki ordered them both coffee and also triple chocolate brownies with caramel. He motioned for her to go upstairs, when she did she almost died in excitement. It was nicely laid out, with some beautiful plants and a long window ledge seat. To the right just off the stairs there was a set of wooden swings that matched the place perfectly. The tables were all made to look like large vinyls.
‘My god, this place is freaking awesome.’ She squeaked excitedly as she took a seat at one of the vinyl tables, Loki swiftly joined her, pleased that she liked the place.
‘I had a feeling you’d like this one.’ He said rather smugly. ‘I’m surprised you of all people haven’t already been here before?’
Cleo laughed. ‘Yeah, I am too actually. I’ve not seen anything about it online before, and I’ve just never been down this way.’ She shrugged.
‘I don’t think they’re much into tech, quite old school and quirky. No online presence.’ Loki said as he started on his brownie, he couldn’t wait any longer.
‘Yeah, makes sense.’ Cleo smiled and started on hers too. ‘Ohhhh my god!’ She moaned and closed her eyes after her first bite. ‘Wow, now that, that is better than sex.’
Loki almost choked on his coffee, he looked over at her and laughed. ‘I am sure they will simply love that kind of review.’
Cleo giggled. ‘Yeah, maybe I will need to re-think that one.’
Loki found himself unable to stop smiling while he was with Cleo. There was just something about her that was really getting under his skin. She was a breath of fresh air to be around, so optimistic about life and bubbly. She was a delight to be around.
‘So, what do you think of the music I gave you?’ Cleo asked as she licked her fingers clean, an action that Loki tried very hard not to look at. His thoughts going elsewhere.
He cleared his throat and wiped his mouth with a napkin. ‘Well, you seem to have guessed my taste rather well. I enjoyed them all. And you’re right about lyrics, I really should listen to them more often instead of just taking in the outer layer.’
Cleo grinned brightly. ‘Some lyrics of songs are just a load of bull. But a lot are really meaningful and wonderful to listen to. The great thing about lyrics is you can interpret them in whatever way you want, they can have different meanings for different people.’
‘That’s a nice way to think of it.’ Loki nodded in agreement. ‘Though those so-called rappers are quite ridiculous, just on about sex and drugs.’
‘Oh no no, I know some do. But some of the best lyricists are rappers.’ Cleo said quickly.
Loki raised an eyebrow at her.
‘Seriously. I know some of them can be difficult to actually listen to, but I’ll look out some for you. Just give them a proper listen, you will be pleasantly surprised.’
‘Hmm, that you will have to convince me of.’
‘And I will most definitely prove you wrong.’ Cleo teased.
‘I am never proved wrong.’ Loki drawled and leaned back in his chair, folding his arms over his chest.
‘Oh yeah? Well, it’s a good thing I love a challenge, isn’t it?’
Loki chuckled at her determination. He would give her the benefit of the doubt, for now.
‘I know you said your brother lives here too, what about your parents?’ Loki enquired.
‘They live back home in Inverness. It was just my brother who decided he wanted to move down here too.’
‘Do you see your parents often?’
Cleo shrugged a little. ‘Not a lot, but sometimes I’ll go home and visit for a holiday. On occasion they come down here, but not often. What about you, are your parents around or do they stay in Norway with your brother?’ She asked.
‘No… I uhm. My parents have passed.’
‘Oh, I’m so sorry.’ Cleo said sadly.
‘No, don’t worry. It was a long time ago. Though they were my adoptive parents, they adopted me as a baby. I know my biological father died, I never found out about my mother.’
Cleo was warmed that he was opening up to her. That he was starting to let his guard down a little with her, which made her feel really happy.
‘Do you wish you knew her?’ She asked.
Loki pondered on that question for a moment. ‘No. My mother who raised me, she was a wonderful mother. I loved her very dearly, we were… close. I never saw eye to eye with my father in the same way. But I wouldn’t change her for the world.’ He said fondly.
‘That’s really sweet.’ Cleo smiled.
Loki nodded. He felt a little pang of hurt within him when he thought about Frigga. She would have loved Cleo, that much he knew.
‘So, do you… have a boyfriend, or a husband?’ Loki asked, slightly uncomfortable. But it was a question that had been eating away at him, he wanted to know.
‘Nope, definitely not married and no boyfriend. I think I scare guys off when they see my flat filled to the brim with books and records, they assume I’m old-fashioned and have my head in the clouds.’ She laughed.
‘Well, you may live with your head in the clouds but you are certainly not one to run away from.’ He winked at her.
She blushed a little bit at that and smiled. ‘How about you, do you have a special girl in your life?’
Loki shook his head. ‘No, not at the moment. As I’m sure you realised, I tend to keep myself to myself for the most part.’
‘Yeah, I did notice. Grumpy book shop owner always hidden away in his shop… with not the best reputation of being friendly, I saw a few reviews online.’ Cleo grinned.
‘Well, most mortals just come in and mess up my shop.’ He grumbled.
‘Mortals?’ Cleo burst out laughing at his choice of words.
Loki shrugged. ‘Hooligans, mortals, puny humans, whatever.’
‘You do have a funny way with words sometimes… But I guess that’s part of your rather alluring charm.’ She smirked.
After they left the coffee shop, Cleo couldn’t believe that three hours had passed. They had just talked and talked, not caring about time or anything else.
‘Wow, look at the time.’
‘Was I keeping you from something?’ Loki asked as he straightened his jacket.
‘If keeping me from something counts as just lazing around at home reading or listening to music, or binge watching the telly, then yes.’ She elbowed him playfully.
‘You mean you don’t do something productive on your days off?’ Loki chastised playfully.
‘Hell no. The only productive thing I normally do on my days off is watering my plants.’
‘You have a garden?’ Loki queried.
‘Oh yeah. A little plot outside the block of flats. I have a mini greenhouse, too. I love growing some vegetables and have some flowers.’
Loki couldn’t believe it. Not only was she a bookworm, enjoyed music, but she also enjoyed some gardening? How could a mortal be so perfect? It was sickening!
‘I am surprised you can keep them alive.’ He joked.
‘I am too, to be honest. With my scatterbrain sometimes. But I actually do a not too bad job.’ She said proudly, holding her head high.
‘That’s good to hear. For the plants’ sake.’
Cleo laughed. ‘Well, thank you for the coffee and brownie. I really enjoyed it.’
‘Thank you for the company.’ Loki winked at her.
‘I’ll see you soon, Luke.’ She smiled widely at him and patted his arm, then reluctantly headed off.
Loki watched her walking away, he didn’t take his eyes off of her until she had turned the corner. He leaned back against the wall, breathing in deep he looked up at the sky.
‘Why didn’t I just tell her my real name at the start?’ He grumbled at himself and pinched the bridge of his nose.
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middle-class-trash · 3 years
Rise of the Titans liveblog!!!
that intro made me unexpectedly emotional
So if Blinky is narrating, he can't die, right? Right????
BRO THE SUBWAY SCENE!!!! We're getting right fuckin into it!!!
Steve, my son!!!
I wish Toby wasn't a constant punchline 🙃 it just makes me not take his character seriously
Something about Douxie decking Skrael at the first opportunity is just so sexy of him
Jim is incredibly brave but it's really reckless to go hand-to-hand with a demigod without proper armor
My heart goes BUMBUMBUMBUM when Douxie looks out the traincar window
Sexy traincar tracks spell WHO
Oh my gosh the people stuck in the magic circle because they wouldnt get out of the way
So they were arrested that early?? Jeez
Nari's such a cutie
"None of us will be talking to you" *cut to Toby spilling every bean*
Something about Nari's voice coming out of Douxie's body is so deeply odd
Oh hey, Krel to the rescue
"And your mom."
Oh my gosh he's still broken from Wizards 😂
The Guardians are just dead set on pissing off local authorities huh
Stricklake supremacy 😌 they both look so good
Claire listening in 😭😭😭 she's so cute
......does that give them death flags? Fuck. Fuuuuck fuck fuck fuck. It totally does.
Your majesty!!
Oh yikes, here's that running gag everyone was talking about.. pregnant Steve
Oh hey, Eli's hot now. We been knew 😂
"Mazel tov!" HAHA
Poor Jim needing a bunch of support to walk 🥺 he's such a trooper
I will simply pass away if Blinky dies
I hope Douxie is okay, we haven't seen him in Nari's body and that makes me ✨nervous✨
Nari is so goddamn pretty
"Only your presence, not your commitment" is such a rapey saying
"Abra-cadabra, buttsnacks" I love that he still says that 🥺🥺 he loves his friends so much
"Do your worst" *cue both Douxie and Nari absolutely screaming in pain*
Krohnisfere? Alrighty then, that's the first mission
"I wouldn't be so sure of that" AWWW
They fixed the amulet???? DUUUUDE
"For the good of all..." 😭😭😭😭
"Or I could lock onto Nari and portal us there" *dead fucking silence*
I hate how Toby's used as a constant punchline.. a penny? Really?
Poor Nari 🥺 Douxie's in so much distress
Oh no, the new amulet isn't working?? Fuckk
That absolutely gorgeous screencap of pissed Aja
Part of me is glad Nari was forced to do this and wasn't actually a traitor
Ice titan awakening sequence? Ice titan awakening sequence.
Oh Nari. Oh sweetie
Oh my gosh she's fucking tied to her titan
Boiling water!!! Or underwater explosion, that works too. Much more dramatic but that's Bellroc's style
Oh wow Steve actually has a bump?? What the fuck???
Oooh, TrollDragons?
"We still don't have a trollhunter" Aja, honey, not helpful
"Does he even trust himself? AJA, HONEY, NOT HELPFUL
Barbara being proud of her son 😭😭
OOH fusing excalibur with the armor?
Aja is so full of confidence, it's a good look for her
Steve being preggo is..really fucking weird. When they said
Your honor, I love them
Ohhhh it's soft Jlaire time
He's always looking out for his mom 🥺
"I will always be here (head), and here (heart)" just fuck me up fam
"Only death will come to those who go looking for it" oh dear
"The troll with many eyes" how does Charlie know Blinky? 😂
AYYY this where the banner that I found first is from!!! it was so cool seeing my screenshot circulate when we were starved for content 😂😂 everyone was posting various rott icons and banners that they got hoping they'd find a new one
Oh dear.. government
Blinky dear they can't understand you
"Holy frijole" Claire I simply adore you
Troll slaves???
So is Zong-Shi this ugly ass pear-lookin ass
Aja chilling with Jim even though she has doubts is an interesting strategic choice
Douxie, AARRRGHHH, and Nomura? Talk about rarepare
If I havent said it yet, the animation is breathtaking
aaaaand here come those frozen wings
Nari cant be in control of herself, there's no way. She's still tied to the titan for Pete's sake
Please dont let this be a sacrifice
No on-screen death, so it's not real. No on-screen death, do it"# notbsmejelreal
"There's no revelation I can give you" is a great way of saying he's not relevant, genuinely
Oh wow this guy's freaky
Ohhhh so the green thing from the trailers and promo photos is the Krohnisfere
Archie to the rescue!!!
"That's my boy!" AWWE
"Claire nooo, no no no no YESSS, I'm free!!!" Blinky, never change 😂
Oh wow, they're already in contact with Bellroc's titan??
Different note, but the titan's designs are just different enough to make them interestun
VARVATOS??? Okay jk somehow it's gun robot lmfao
....if the bridge falls, can't Charlie just fly them across
LMAO he just saw his death?? That is what he wanted to see 🤷🏻‍♀️
It's too early to celebrate, there's no way Bellroc is down after just a few pinches
Oh dear... is Varvatos in danger?
Claire being the warrior of the group is incredible and sexy and hhnnngggg
Toby is a Hufflepuff. I will not be answering questions
Douxie's gonna be a flat mess!!!
God, plus Nomura and Stricklander
Oh my gosh this is the scene with Douxie trying to connect with Nari, it has to be
"I need to try again" AWWW HONEY
That shot of Mexico was incredibly stereotypical
He's trying to hold her hand???? AWWWW
Oh my gosh he's being choked 😳
The huggos 🥺🥺
Jim being frustrated is totally realistic
Wait wait wait waittt do they have the entire titan at their disposal?
"There's absolutely nothing all the way out here" cue a titan. Any of them.
And there it is.
White haired Claire? White haired Claire???
Oh dear it's like.. a little over halfway and there's so much left that could happen
OH THANK GOD!!! Steve doesn't need another paternal figure dying on him
Time for Skrael to fuck shit up 😬
I find it interesting how Bellroc and Skrael's titans are both bipedal but Nari's is on four legs, much more animalistic
At least Skrael's done????
We kinds knew Bellroc was the final boss but NOT LIKE THIS
No more running. GODDAMNIT
The three can no longer unite but Bellroc can still fcuk shit up
Oh shit, the explanation for why Arcadia's the center of everything!!
The only heartstone?? Really???? That's scary as shit, trolls could go instinct without a reliable hearthstone!!
Come on honey, you can do it!!
Aja, honey, I love you so much but now's not the time
Eli the midwife?? ...gross
Jim, my love, my baby boy!!!
The nine of them!!!
"Quiet desperation" is a great word for it
Are we coming on to the big final battle?
Ohnoohnoohno they all said the thing 😭😭😭 someone's gonna die. At least one more is gonna die.
"Some sort of stickum!" Bro 😂😂
I love how he calls them all Trollhunters 😭 throwback to the OG show where the three of them were all called that
Aja Terron supremacy
Oh it's weird.. it's very weird. Why did Steve have to be pregnant again
Oh dear, there's half an hour left.. this has to be the final battle
Varvatos shielding Claire and Krel 🥺
Fuck, man, people are getting thrown left and right
Oh here we fucking go, rematch
Jim's about to get royally fucked up
Anti-magic beacon??
Helloooo that's smart asf
This gives Mount Doom vibes
"Embrace your loved ones for the final time" FUCK MAN STOP IT
"I already was" DAMN RIGHT BUD
He was ready to just sacrifice himself like THAT
Jim being great at combat is just the best fucking thing
Oh fuck. OH FUCK.
"I'm powerless" "You get used to it" WE DONT HAVE TIME TO UNPACK ALL OF THAT
Is that....is that it?? Oh dear god, is that it????
I'm calling it now it's too early to be celebrating
Oh god the weird babies
"Itll be the two of us at the end" WHY DOES THAG SEEM LIKE JIM WILL GO OUT TIO
That was sad as fuck but in a narrative way I hope it's permanent
Oh dear, Jim's going back????
Oh shit
"I have cherished every moment with you" STOP IT HE'S HIS FATHER
"Dont give up on me" FUCK STOPPPP
"I would date you for a hundred lifetimes" IS REALLY BEING TESTED HUH
Fuck, man. FUCK, MAN.
Oh, Toby. Ohhhh Toby
Oh my fucking god
His smile at Steve 🥺
HE'S HAVING TOBY TAKE THE CANAL???? But wouldnt the amulet still call for Jim?????
"Nothing interesting ever happens in Arcadia" VERY FUCKING FUNNY
Destiny is a gift. Some go their entire lives living in an existence of quiet desperation, never learning the truth- that what feels as though a burden pushing down upon our shoulders is actually the sense of purpose that lifts us to greater heights. Never forget that fear is but the precursor to valor. That to strive and triumph in the face of fear is what it means to be a hero. Don't think. Become.
.......it actually called his name. I can't believe it actually called his name.
The fuck is that ending??? Let Jim REST
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secret-engima · 4 years
Alright, quick question before I finally go to bed - We’ve seen Bahamut’s Blessing, you gave us that WONDERFUL Leviathan’s Blessing. Any ideas you wanna share for the others? (Especially Ramuh? There’s no way you don’t have hcs for him) Because I totally have Ideas for Ifrit and Titan I’m willing to share (tomorrow though. For now - SLEEP).
Ohhhh hmmmmmmm.
Actually do have SEVERAL but they’re all disjointed?
But here we go:
Actually gonna start off with Titan because I’ve worked out a few things about that before for my Fem!Titus AU:
Titan is the one who gives his Blessing the least. His Blessing is ASTRONOMICALLY rare because while he kinda likes humanity, humanity rarely impresses him enough to bestow a Blessing and those lines he has Blessed tend to die out (THANKS A LOT IFRIT). But his power is Earth - it is the growing things and how they speak, in making them move and hearing their knowledge, it is in HEALING, in the ability of nature to reclaim and restore from grievous harm, it is in the stubborn strength of earth and of that which grows from it, to either stand unmoving or to steadily, unwaveringly devour the opposition until it is simply another part of forest, buried deep beneath victorious roots.
To speak less poetically: plant manipulation/communication, enhanced healing, and enhanced strength/durability.
Titan’s Blessed, back in pre-Solheim days, were always loners, the ones who preferred nature over other people because they had a higher chance of running into and impressing Titan, they were also by nature stubborn, kind, with deep hearts to protect and TOWERING rages once ticked off. Legends of giants and berserkers? Yeah, those ideas first came from stories of Titan’s Blessed. Unfortunately, his Blessed were never ones to ... breed so to speak. Many married and had a few children, but with war and natural disaster and the Berserker Rage side-effect the Blessing had, those family lines rarely lasted five generations before quietly dying out.
(save for one half-strand, tired and worn thin from strife that lasted in some form or other through Solheim and its fall to end in a woman with soft red hair and a Way with plants and healing, like light at her fingertips, who drew the eye of a proud Dragon Blessed soul and bore a son with her hair and his father’s eyes before finally passing away but that is a story for another time).
For Ifrit- Ifrit is Fire. And Fire is associated with a lot of things but in this I’ve chosen (as hinted in Leviathan’s speech with Gladio) Cunning, Ingenuity, and also, surprisingly, Purity. Titan’s Blessed were stubborn self-healers, but Ifrit’s were CUNNING, Cunning and clever and outspoken. Who saw what was wrong with the world and decided to Fix It with their own hands. It was Ifrit’s Blessed who first invented many things that would later become Solheim’s trademark technology, and it was from Ifrit’s Blessed that medicine was revolutionized.
Ifrit’s Blessed were not given unnatural strength or the ability to call blades from the air, they were given knowledge. Ifrit looked upon those who already had clever, curious minds and gave them the ability to FIND those answers, to hold fire in their hands and not burn as they carefully forged new tools and new ideas, to figure out what was wrong with people and then HEAL it, purge sickness from another’s body (but not their own) with fire’s Purity.
I’ve got ... a lot of nebulous HCs for Ifrit but chief among them is that Ifrit was the Astral of Fire and Purity. That it was because Ifrit was gone that the Starscourge was able to take root. Not only where the Astrals severely weakened by the time Starscourge made its appearance, but they were missing the member of their pantheon specifically meant to deal with stuff like this and that’s why the ball got dropped so hard (THANKS A LOT SOLHEIM).
Shiva’s Blessing - Ice powers are a given, obviously, but with it comes an inability to die from cold. Frostbite immunity baby. There’s also- how do I put this? Shiva’s Blessing is the one that grants not cunning, but trickery. The refractions on the snow that dazzle or play with the eyes, the whisper of snow powder forming a fog that hides many secrets, the bite that bleeds strength away. Shiva’s Blessed were not just children of ice and snow, but of illusion, delicate mirror images that tricked and confused the opponent, beautiful tapestries of history woven in the air, preserved in the memory of ice and lit by the refraction of sunlight through crystal. Her Blessing was the second rarest right behind Titan’s, and when Solheim burned, her children were among the first to wither and fall, and it took a great many years for her heart to heal enough from that pain to try interacting with humans again.
Ramuh: Best Boi™ of the Astrals, Astral of justice and wisdom and the Storm. Also occasionally considered the Astral of Cunning, even though that’s more Ifrit’s gig, and that’s probably because Ramuh, unlike the other Astrals, learned subtlety long before Shiva ever walked as Gentiana and takes care not to flaunt his power and presence save for the occasional righteous storm. There are so many things I could do as his Blessing and all of them are cool. But my favorite idea is Shapeshifting, the ability to adapt and weather any storm or trial, to hide in plain sight, to have the wisdom of what it is like to safely walk among the wild things that Ramuh so dearly loves. There are even legends that the Ulrics were once Coeurls, that Coeurls were creatures Blessed by Ramuh with the power of his storm and the wisdom of his mind. That through this wisdom they learned how to shed their fur and walk among the other Clans, but that overtime and through tragedy, they eventually forgot how to shift back, and that is why their teeth sometimes seem too sharp, their instincts too keen, their tempers so bright and hot, and the storm greeted with laughter and song rather than fear. That this is the reason they are so reckless, for the things that would surely kill a normal human mean nothing to the strength and ferocity of the storm touched black wildcats of Galahd, and that even now, locked in fragile human skin, their instincts still hum with that long-lost surety.
Also Ramuh’s Blessed can sense storms, use lightning magic (obviously), and unlike Bahamut’s Blessing, can manipulate OUTSIDE sources of lightning (read: electricity, lightning storms, etc etc). Ramuh’s Blessed are also granted something of a ... ability to understand the winds. To hear things on the winds that to normal ears, even keen animal ears has long since faded out from distance. The wind is what carries and guides the Storm after all, and the Storm-Children were ever able to look to the winds for guidance, just like their sister tribe of TideSingers.
So yea, those are my HCs on the Astrals and their Blessings, at least before Bahamut got all up in everyone’s business and forbid any Astral’s Blessing but his own (which the others obeyed more out of exhaustion and heartsickness than actual agreement, which is why in Gladio’s story and several of my time-travels various Astral’s blatantly yeet this rule).
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ericsonclan · 4 years
First Dates are the Hardest
Summary: Brody and Mitch go on their first date to a coffeeshop <3
Read on A03:
“I’m excited we’re doing this,” Brody said cheerily as she and Mitch made their way toward the coffee shop.
“Definitely. I’m glad for any chance to get some of Briarwood coffee,”
Brody felt her spirit deflate a little. She wished Mitch had said he was excited for their date. This was a date after all, wasn’t it? Asking a boy out to coffee wasn’t a thing a girl would simply do out of friendship, right? It meant something. Brody nervously pulled her sealskin tighter round her shoulders. She didn’t really need the warmth, rather she needed the assurance of knowing it was there. It wasn’t like she was planning to flee in selkie form mid-date or anything, but the fact that the option was there was comforting in itself.
As they approached the Briarwood Coffeeshop, they could see that the line was already long today, curling its way out of the shop and along the sidewalk.
“Ohhhh noo…” Brody groaned. “I didn’t know it would be this bad! I’m sorry! We can go somewhere else if you want. I know you don’t like waiting,”
“Nah, it’s fine,” Mitch said, his tone relaxed. “It’s always like this. Briarwood Coffee is worth the wait, believe me. Have you never been?”
Brody shook her head. “I haven’t seen much of the town yet. School and swim team take up most of my time, so if I’m not at Ericson, I’m usually at home, asleep in my tank,”
“You sleep in seal form?” Mitch asked in surprise.
“It’s the form I’m more used to. My dad wants me to stay in my human form for most of the day, but at night I get to do what I want,”
“Man, I envy you,” Mitch sighed. “I’d give anything to be able to change into some sort of sea creature that could descend thousands of feet under the sea and fuck off from all the shit life throws my way,”
“Well, it’s actually hundreds of feet, not thousands,” Brody corrected. “But yeah, it is peaceful down there. Everything so blue and serene… unless a shark attacked of course,”
“You’ve fought off shark attacks!” Mitch gaped at her in awe. “That’s fucking sick! I’ve never met anybody who’s done something as badass as that!”
Brody blushed at the praise. “Most of the time we end up running away, but we do have special maneuvers in case of emergency,”
“You’ve got to teach them to me! God, I can’t wait to sock a shark right in the mouth!” Mitch enthusiastically imitated the motion. “That’s where we should go next time, the pool!”
There’s going to be a next time? Brody felt herself growing warm at the thought. She was quickly pulled out of the moment though by the feeling of something tugging on her sealskin. Pulling away, she quickly realized it was one of the boys standing behind them who’d been doing it. He and his friend sneered at Brody as she quickly turned away from them. They seemed to be human boys, probably attending Delta High, the local school for their species. Brody glanced up at Mitch. He was distracted by the fact that the line was moving forward a couple feet. They were pretty close to the entrance now. Maybe if she just stayed quiet, then nothing else would happen. She and Mitch could find a seat in a quiet corner of the coffee shop and…
“Hey,” the boy reached forward, tugging on her sealskin again. “You’re one of those freaks from Ericson, right? What kind of a monster are you?”
“What’d you just say?” That had caught Mitch’s attention. He turned round to face the boys, his face glowering.
They didn’t seem to take the hint. “I think she’s a selkie,” the other boy commented, eyeing Brody up and down. “That sealskin’s like her wedding veil. If you take it, then she’s forced to stay with you and be your wife forever.
“That’s not-” Brody started.
Before she could finish, the first boy reached forward, grasping playfully at her sealskin.
Mitch grabbed his wrist and angrily flung it away. “You’d better back the fuck up if you don’t want to get obliterated,”
“Oh, yeah? The boy taunted. “You know just as well as I do that any altercation between the two of us will end in my favor. Monsters aren’t allowed to use any of their abilities to harm humans, and that includes your freakazoid muscles and horns. You can’t lay a finger on me,”
“But I can,” a voice boomed beside them. The four kids turned to see a massive man standing before them, his arms crossed and his eyebrows set in annoyance. His hair was pulled back in a short ponytail and he had a barista apron on.
“Who are you?” the first boy asked, looking nervous now that another human had gotten involved.
“Name’s Tripp. I’m the owner of this establishment and as the owner I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone I please. I believe you snot-nosed whelps have worn out your welcome at Briarwood. You get while the getting’s good, and if I ever see your sorry faces here again you’ll feel your asses hittin’ the pavement before you can call for your mommies,”
The boys looked shocked and more than a little intimidated by the speech.
“I won’t repeat myself!” Tripp bellowed.
That had them scurrying for the hills. The boys didn’t even dare to look behind them as they made a beeline across the street and as far away from Briarwood as possible.
“Thanks, Tripp,” Mitch offered his hand, taking the storeowner’s in a firm handshake.
“Nothing I can stand less than a bully,” Tripp said, shaking his head in disgust. “They were trying to get you to blow your top, but you didn’t. Came awful close though. You’ve got to watch that, Mitchell,”
“I know,” Mitch sullenly scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. Suddenly his eyes brightened. “Hey, I want you to meet somebody. Tripp, this is Brody,”
“Pleased to make your acquaintance,” Tripp said, his smile warm. His hand dwarfed Brody’s when he took it for a handshake. “Glad to see Mitchell making some friends at Ericson,”
“He calls me Mitchell ‘cuz I grew up next door to him,” Mitch explained. “He would let me hang out at his house when my mom and dad were late getting home from work,”
“Thank you for all your help, sir,” Brody managed, her voice weak.
“No need for any ‘sirs’ or ‘ma’ams’ here. Just call me Tripp. You know what?” Tripp said, taking Mitch’s shoulder and guiding the pair past the line and into the coffee shop, “As apologies for the altercation you two just went through, your orders are free today. Anything you want, on the house!”
“Thanks, Tripp!” Mitch grinned at Brody. “What do you want to try?”
“Oh, whatever you think is best,” Brody responded, her chin sinking underneath her sealskin. “You’re the expert,”
“Alright. You find a table and I’ll get the drinks,”
 Brody was able to find a table in the corner after all. She wasn’t alone for long before Mitch came back, arms loaded with drinks and all sorts of pastries courtesy of Tripp. He’d picked something sweet and frothy for Brody to try. He called it a frappucino. According to Mitch it was a good gateway into regular coffee. Brody wasn’t sure if she wanted any more coffee flavor than what the frappucino had, but she certainly did enjoy it. They talked and snacked for quite a while, neither of them really paying attention to the time as the afternoon passed. Eventually the colors of the sky began to take on an orange hue though, and Brody knew she had better head out before her father wondered where she was.
“Sorry to be the one to cut things short, but, um, I’ve gotta get home,” she managed, feeling guilty. She saw Mitch’s face fall a little at the news, but he quickly recovered, offering her a smile.
“OK. Sorry the date started off so whack, but it was fun in the end, right? I had fun at least. I hope you did too,”
“What’s wrong?”
“A date?”
“Shit, is this not a date?” Mitch’s eyes dropped in embarrassment. “I just figured that going to a coffee shop together was a bit more than normal friend stuff, but-”
“No, you’re right!” Brody exclaimed. “It is a date. Was a date. I had fun. A lot of fun,”
“Awesome!” Mitch’s face had lit up in excitement. “Does that mean you want to go out next week? We could go to the pool or visit the aquarium, or maybe go to the movies...”
“I’d love that!” Brody’s face was so hot she was sure it had turned completely pink. She wished she could hide away under her sealskin, but at the same time she didn’t want to break away from Mitch’s gaze.
“If.. if it’s not too much trouble, could I walk you home?” Mitch asked quietly.
“Umm…” Her father wouldn’t be happy at all to have a minotaur show up at his front door. “How about we walk part of the way together? That’d be nice, right?”
“I’d love that,” Mitch stood up from the table, offering her his hand. Brody thought she’d just about die when she took it.
They split up the trash between their free hands, dropping it off before moseying out of the coffee shop, giving Tripp a final farewell as they left. As they walked along the sidewalk together, fingers interlocked, Brody felt an abiding joy bubbling deep within her. This really had been a perfect date.
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One Big Oi! || Jack || Trial 0-3 || RE: Hibiki || ATTN: Shu Lan
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“Nice try, Copper-kun! I’m not letting anyone pat me down. I already stole the most valuable thing in this museum and I won’t be letting anyone take it back, ‘kay?”
The question was if she was bluffing or not. It was pretty difficult to take anything that came out of her mouth seriously. So… had she stolen something? Truly? It was a mystery now, wasn’t it? She giggled to herself, leaving the group to theorize what she could have possibly taken.
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“So! Here'a a crackpot theory! Did I say crackpot? I meant absolutely 100% legitimate theory I stand behind with every ounce of my being. I will die on this grave that this is truly what happened!” Jack tilted her head back and forth, letting her ponytail sway behind her. "The statue of the hydra sure did look realistic, did it not? It was also dedicated to three children in what I presume to be to honor their passing. A tomb, one might say...."
Her giggling increased as she hopped up from her stanchion seating, holding out her hands like claws as she approached Shu Lan, like an older sibling intent on giving their younger nightmares.
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“You saw the expression on the hydra, Liu, didn't you? You saw that narrow, realistic gaze it gave, right? Didn't you Liu? Didn't you?" She leaned in closer.
"What if.... you might be familiar with this, Liu, what if.... the ghosts of the children have possessed the hydra? What if the hydra simply shed its outer casing and.... LUNGED forward to sink its teeth into Amnesty-kun? RRRRAAAAHHHH!!!"
She held out her arms and form jaws with her hands, mimicking the action of closing and shutting them next to Shu Lan, with JUST enough space between herself and Hibiki that she could squiggle away if he tried to reach for her.
O-Oh boy. Ohhhh boy, she couldn’t even take herself seriously anymore. She burst out into rapid-fire cackling, kneeling on the ground and clutching at her stomach. Oh gosh, oh man, if she didn’t pull herself together she was going to cry and ruin her makeup. Catching her breath, Jack scooted backwards and wiped her eyes a bit.
“Really, though. The stabs on Amnesty-kun’s torso? Sure does look like fangs. And there certainly it only one hydra head remaining for us to look at. That’s quite the concurrence, is it not? The hydra is among us….”
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cinaminho · 5 years
Stray Mafia: A kid wants to date/marry their S/O
Stray Mafia: A Young child wants to date/marry their S/O
╰ Group: Straykids
╰ Genre: crack
╰ Warnings: Not in order, most are short, not as funny as I thought
Plot - No doubt in their mind, you're an amazing sight, so of course they know they're going to have to protect you and waver other suitors off and trust me, many have crossed your paths so they've dealt with many different cases and types of males wanting your attention. Granted, some were younger, but not to the point where you'd have to ask where on earth were their parents , until now or more so him asking.
------- ♡
Chan: When you two came home from a date slash meeting it didn't occur to you two that someone would be bold enough to enter it while neither of you nor his security was present. You both walked in cheerful, you didn't pay attention but Chan did, the lamp in your living room was on. He quickly shot a hand over your mouth making you stop talking and moving you raised your brows and momentarily stopped breathing. "Someone is here." He whispered, You took his hand away "how do you know?" , "all lights were off when-" Soon you both froze but Chan instinctively pushed you far behind him as his eyes targeted a.. Short figure.
You switched on the light switch near the door. A little boy stood in front of you both smiling. Chan groaned annoyed like he knew the child "what're you doing here?" He huffed, the boy looked smug "Well My uncle, your father, said you'd been set to marry a dashing young sunflower. I for one had to see for myself and I must say, Cousin, they're dashing indeed." The boy who looked no older than 11 or 12 spoke eyeing you.
"I'm- I'm sorry who are you?" You smiled "I'm Chan's Cousin, Louis." . "COUSIN?" You gasped before laughing "Let it go. Sweetheart go upstairs and prepare yourself a bath while I get rid- Show my little cousin out." Chan responded through a forced gritted smile.
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Minho: Tuh, lose you to a child? Never heard of it. He was a man of little to no mercy when it Came to you, children were included. When you came by HQ with Minho to greet you soon after of course you were happy. You were even happier seeing Hyunjin lead a line of kids into the combat room. You gave Minho a questioning look wanting an answer, "Many of our organization members have children and want them to be prepared for anything." He shrugged while you simply just stared at the cute children passing by until they all disappeared , you looked back at the male infront of you wondering why you both were still standing there.
He seemed to be in concentration you tried to embrace him but he held his hand to your chest keeping a distance between you , now, you were used to Minho's tricks but you still didn't know how he could keep a weapon on him and not have it noticed.
In one Swift move a gun was revealed from his Jacket sleeve and pointed in the opposite direction of you. You quickly jumped back peeking over Minho's shoulder behind his back. You squeaked when you noticed Minho had his Gun pointed at a boy acting quickly you pushed his hand away "Minho! That is a child!", "The guy is almost 18 . Practically a legal adult." He replied nonchalantly, you growled at your boyfriend stepping in front of him and facing the boy "I'm sorry Honey, he's a bit off. I'm Y/n and you are?" You reached out your hand to shake his but instead his lips collided with your knuckles "Eric , my name is Eric." You were shocked but didn't freak out.
"Yeah I'm glad you're acquainted, now, run along to class boy." Minho ordered Pushing you past Eric but ever so slightly bumping the younger male's shoulder.
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Woojin: He wouldn't be too bothered I mean you both had years on this boy so there wasn't really much to worry about when you had your first house gathering and a little boy pretty much stayed stuck to you.
Woojin watched from across the room as you seemed to not mind the little one's attention, "You seem to be very well mannered and such a gentlemen." You complimented the little boy but he just waved you off "how else am I supposed to treat my future wife?" You did a double take "Your future what? Who is your future wife?" The little boy laughed "You of course as long as you wait for me." You weren't sure how to handle that response you kind of just were at a loss for words.
You heard a sigh and felt a presence next to you "Well my apologies sprout but the ONLY male Y/n will be me so voice those bright ideas to someone who isn't soon to be a life long partner of mine." Woojin smiled.
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Hyunjin: Was excited when you dropped by to see the Training session he was in charge of for the kids. It was fun to see how quickly they caught on but also how calm Hyunjin was with them. You stood near the door as they all lined up. Hyunjin stood near you as he gave the little people combat drills to practice until he said stop "So what do you think?" He whispered to you still watching the children for slip ups, "I think they're fantastic." , "What about me?" He grinned "Eh. You're... Alright-ish." He glared at you playfully but before it could go any further a boy tapped his shoulder catching the both of your attention, "Uh yeah, what can I do for you?" Hyunjin turned his firm voice back on.
"Umm yes, I was wondering when you were going to stop flirting with My soulmate to-" , "Woah woah ..Woah. Your soulmate, when did that happen?" Hyunjin Chuckled "When I first layed eyes on them." The young male side dreamingly looking at you, you were about to die of laughter "You're cute oh wow." You chuckled. "Alright my boy back to practice." Hyunjin said turning the boy away "I like where the conversation is going." You intervened "I don't, so it won't go any further, buh bye child."
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Felix: Honestly wanted to fight the child but for some reason, you wouldn't allow that. You came home with a Bouquet of different coloured tulips , he sat in his favorite chair reading transcripts of some sort probably but he did notice you smiling with the plants in hand.
"A smiling Y/n is the best. Bought yourself flowers am I not being romantic enough these days?" You inhaled the flowers "These were giving to me." That comment made Felix look over his paper at you "An admirer?" He assumed , you grinned nervously "More or less..."
Felix sighed before standing up "Did he give a name, describe his or her facial features, what were they wearing?" You laughed lightly "Relax, though I'll admit , it's a he. He's around 13 or 14 he just said I deserved pretty flowers." Felix stood in front of you looking bored "..... Okay so, his name?" He pressed , "Felix you are not going to go harass a child." "Says who?"
"Says me or you'll have to buy me flowers every day this year."
"......i see no down side to that." He concluded walking toward the door with you hot on his trail "Felix you're not going to find this kid!" , "Don't underestimate me sweetlips." He chuckled. "Jesus take the wheel." You mumbled.
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Jisung: The little guy he was 'up against' as he claimed was just an adorable 9 year old who thought he knew who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, you. He'd be very rude towards the child who you had absolutely positively no feelings for but Convincing Jisung of that wasn't possible. When the young one approached you with a Real ring , you and Jisung both almost died right then and there. "Ohhhh my gosh."
You mumbled looking at the ring in the boy barely over 4'8 hands, "what uh, whatcha got there handsome." You giggled but were definitely panicking inwardly "My band of commitment to you." He said showing no signs of joking and that's when Jisung pushed you aside gently. "What do you mean commitment to them, don't you know they're betrothed to me?" He scoffed, "Yeah......so, They need a real man." The younger boy replied, you covered your mouth to stifle your laughs
"A real man that can't even reach the gas pedal I'm sure they'll pass , mini stack." It was now your turn to intervene so you stepped in between the two funny males "Alright well.. That's a beautiful ring and anyone would be lucky to have it, but I'm going to have to decline." You said nicely with Jisung sticking his tongue out at the boy from over your shoulder.
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Changbin: He came around just in time when a young male decided to try his dating luck with you at A dinner party held by Your father. He stood in front of you almost eye level and confident that you wouldn't say no even though you did once he asked to take you out.
"How old are you?" The boy smacked his lips "that shouldn't matter but since a relationship is based on trust and honesty, 15." You looked at the young one as if he had two faces "As i said before, you're so adorable but no." However, he wasn't giving up just yet. "One date?" , "You realize I'm engaged , right?" He just pursed his lips together "He doesn't have to know." , "But he does know." Changbin voiced from behind the boy startling him. The once confident young guy gulped slowly
"I was just joking around, y'know?" Changbin nodded before slapping the side of the boys head and sending him off you smiked to yourself, "So I have to watch out for obviously younger guys too now?" You sighed "It seems so." You grinned.
Changbin rolled his eyes so of course you had to reassure him gripping his shoulders loosely , "I love You so no kid will take me away." Those words brought the undeniably cute side of Changbin that only you could see out , "And I love you too." He responded.
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simplyshelbs16xoxo · 4 years
‘The Adventure of Philip Anderson’ Chapter 7: Did You Miss Me?
I've been struggling a lot with this chapter, cause I've been concerned with how it will be received. It has been beta-read, and my beta didn't find anything wrong, but I still feel as though something isn't quite right here. Maybe I'm dragging it out too long? I have no idea. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it!
FFN | Ao3 | Buy Me a Coffee?
Blackwood had been found on the street, his head bashed in from a fit of rage. Reporters were scouring the place, wanting to get a peek at the high profile victim, but they were forced to stand behind the police tape. This kind of exposure was exactly what Mycroft didn't want happening. But what can you do when the murderer left the victim on the sidewalk for anyone to find?
Philip Anderson was taking photos of the victim when a cab arrived on the scene. He paused to see who it was, surprised to find Sherlock and Molly arriving together. And—oh my God—Sherlock's hand was on the small of her back in a simple, affectionate gesture. Molly no longer looked as if she were falling to pieces. In fact, she almost looked…happy. Very happy.
The reporters went wild.
"Mister Holmes, how is this case connected to the previous victim?"
"Who's that woman you've arrived with?"
"Is that your girlfriend?"
"What is she doing at a crime scene?"
Sherlock and Molly ignored their incessant questions, focusing on the work before them. Greg and Anderson shared a knowing look as the two rattled off possibilities and factual evidence to one another. The way they moved around each other to observe different areas almost looked like a graceful dance.
"I thought you said they had a fight last night," Greg spoke in a low voice.
"They did," Anderson confirmed. "They must have worked it all out. If they arrived together, they must have spent the night together, and—ohhhh! Sherlolly is real!"
"We can hear you, you know," Sherlock remarked. Molly gave a short laugh. The reporters must have heard too, because the nickname spread like wildfire amongst them. They were beginning to get on Sherlock's last nerve. He was on the verge of snapping at them until Molly diverted his attention.
"Sherlock, look at this," she told him. Her gloved hand traced the letters crudely carved into his chest. "U.O Me…this wouldn't have any connection to Moriarty's I.O.U thing would it?"
A look of abhorrence crossed his face. "Why?" he muttered. "Why does everything seem to lead back to him." Though he was usually able to keep his emotions in check, Sherlock looked as if he were about to have an outburst. Instead of doing so, he began to walk away.
"Darling—" Molly reached out to him.
"Whoever this is, they're out for revenge," Sherlock informed them. "Everyone associated with me is in danger, and that includes you, Molly."
"Sherlock," she spoke low, but firmly. Taking hold of his arm, she walked him a few feet away, though some spectators, including Lestrade and Anderson, could still see them. Molly was talking him down from his frustration and panic. People continued to snap photos whilst Anderson and Greg looked on. And then Molly had his face in her hands, their foreheads leaning together. With bated breath, everyone watched as Sherlock pressed a kiss to her forehead.
"Well, I'll be damned," Greg remarked, not quite believing what he saw.
Anderson's eyes went wide, his jaw dropping. He wished he had popcorn. Wait…his hand dug through his inner jacket pocket and pulled out a small bag of caramel corn. "See? I told you! Did I not tell you?" he wore a very smug smile. "Operation Sherlolly is a success! Case closed!"
Greg pinched the bridge of his nose. He wondered if Anderson's obsession would die down now that the truth was out in the open. When he looked over at Philip, he had to do a double take. "Wait…where did you get popcorn?"
"Alright," Sherlock's baritone boomed as he walked toward Lestrade with Molly. "Here's what's going to happen. Don't answer anybody's questions. Molly will head to the hospital with you. No one else is to do the autopsy but her."
"And where exactly are you going?" Greg asked.
"It seems I should pay a visit to my brother—this is more serious than I anticipated."
Mycroft Holmes was getting impatient. The pressure to catch this high profile murderer was daunting. He pinched the bridge of his nose, waiting for news of any kind. Something must have been found—anything. But, then again, there was one connecting factor…
"Mister Holmes?" Anthea stuck her head through the door of his office.
His eyes lit up at the sight of her. "Yes, what is it? Has the murderer been caught?"
Anthea bit her lip. "Well…not yet, but there has been a different sort of development." She walked toward his desk, and handed him her mobile.
Mycroft knit his brows as he looked through the photos. "It seems my brother and Miss Hooper have worked things out then."
"Yes, sir, they're actually the top news story right now. 'Sherolly,' they're calling them," Anthea informed him.
"Cute," he replied dryly. "At least he'll no longer be lonely."
Feeling brave, Anthea met his eyes with hers. "You don't have to be lonely either…sir." She watched his face soften at her remark. With a warm smile, she turned to leave, finding Sherlock standing in the doorway. He had heard their exchange.
"Anthea," he greeted her with a nod, moving aside so she could leave. He then turned to Mycroft. "She has a point, you know."
Mycroft rolled his eyes, the iceman façade returning. "Spare me." A moment passed between them. "Sherlolly?"
"Anderson started it," Sherlock replied with a quirk of his lips.
"Yes, very amusing, brother mine," Mycroft remarked. "Now, what have you found on Blackwood's person?"
"Before I tell you, I need to know if there was a connection between the two victims." Sherlock was all business now. "Specifically, I need to know if they were involved with Moriarty in any way before his death."
Mycroft slowly leaned back in his chair in surprise. "They paid him to not hurt their families, and in return, they were to turn a blind eye to his crimes." He took a sip of his tea. "Naturally, I did not approve of such an arrangement, but I let it be. Eventually, the pair of them ignored his wishes and had two of his accomplices arrested after having their families hidden away in safe houses."
"'U O Me' was carved into Blackwood's flesh. I believe it was a message for me," Sherlock explained. "Whoever this is wants revenge—they want to avenge Moriarty even though he killed himself. I can't help but think of what Eurus spoke of."
"Moriarty's brother—the stationmaster," Mycroft realised.
"Colonel James Moriarty," Sherlock stated. "Their parents were obviously fond of the name." His eyes locked onto his brother's in a fit of urgency. "We need to increase the security detail on Molly. Even you and I are in danger."
"Brother mine, as much as I would prefer to, I simply can't give Miss Hooper any more protection than what she has. Someone has gone above my head to ensure government members have around the clock security, because they believe it to be a conspiracy against us," Mycroft explained. "It's out of my hands, Sherlock. You'll have to find another way."
Sherlock backed away in frustration. "She needs to be looked after when I'm not with her, it's—" He had an idea. "Or I can be with her most of the time. She could stay with me." Granted, it was convenient, but Sherlock found more reasons than just her protection to have her live with him. He simply wanted her there.
"You just got the girl, brother, don't drive her away so quickly," Mycroft quipped.
As Sherlock headed out the door, he replied, "Don't keep Anthea waiting—she may not wait around for you forever."
Mycroft Holmes was speechless for once.
After snapping off her gloves, Molly tossed them in the bin. She hadn't found anything more unusual from Blackwood's autopsy, but her gut feeling told her something bad was going to happen. Hopefully, Sherlock was having more luck on his end.
"Anything you need, Molly?" Anderson asked, poking his head in through the doors. "Greg and I are headed back to the station since there's been nothing new to report."
"Thank you," she told him.
Anderson stepped fully inside the morgue. "For what…exactly?"
"I know you meddled with our personal lives—mine and Sherlock's. Normally, I would have been opposed to it, but you helped us. Well, you helped me with each push," Molly explained. "So, thank you."
A sense of pride swelled up inside him. "It was nothing," he replied sheepishly.
"No, I think in this case, a thank you is well-deserved…even from me," Sherlock suddenly spoke.
This had Anderson speechless. He quickly left the room with a nod to them, unsure of what to do with himself. He had helped them get together. It was an honor to have done so.
Back in the morgue, Molly smirked, her eyes sparkling. "Sherlock Holmes thanking Philip Anderson without so much as a snide remark? Hell must have frozen over."
"Not quite," his tone was serious now. "Molly, we need to pack your things."
"What? Why?" she asked.
"Moriarty's brother is behind all this—he's taking revenge on those who ever did his brother wrong," Sherlock explained. "If I remember correctly, not only did you help with faking my death, but you broke up with him too."
"Why would that last one factor in? He was only using me to get close to you," Molly pointed out.
Sherlock sighed. "I have to assume he had a real interest in you, Molly. He did use you to get closer to me, but even after the meeting he wanted, he stayed with you until you broke things off."
"I sure know how pick 'em," Molly muttered.
"Now, hold on a minute," Sherlock protested.
"Not you, Sherlock," she laughed. "I couldn't have chosen anyone better to give my heart to."
He wasn't sure he agreed with that sentiment, but it warmed him to know she thought so.
"How do you feel about staying with me at Baker Street until we can catch Moriarty?" Sherlock asked. "If not, I'll stay with you. Either way, I need to be there to protect you. Mycroft is unable to improve the security detail you already have."
"I'd love to stay with you," Molly smiled. "Let me finish up here, and we'll go back to mine and pack my things."
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seijuurouxryuu · 5 years
red sweater and biceps
Title: red sweater and biceps Author: Shiro (TeitoxAkashi [AO3]/ seijuurouxryuu [tumblr]) Rating: T Pairing: Fon/ Reborn Event: @khrrarepairweek Prompts: Mutual Pining | Social Media AU  Tags/Warnings: No Archive Warning
Day 5: Rain Day
It all started with a post on the College Confession site.
(Or, Reborn and Fon being dumb gays)
espresso/ espresso or die: Reborn soft: Luce Later Alligator: Verde (CREDITS TO BLUE-SENPAI [OnceABlueMoon] FOR THE NAME) War God: Hibari Kyouya give me your bank PIN: I-Pin Lal my qUEEN: Colonello bitch what: Lal Mirch No Money No Talk: Mammon PLEASE LET ME GO: Sawada Tsunayoshi
It all started with a post on the College Confession site.
To the red sweater guy with awesome biceps in class S344, you’ve taken my breath away the moment you walk through the door. Have a nice day.
p/s: Please let me touch your biceps.
L1: Oh wow OP calm your thirst.
L2: OP youre valid.
L4: red sweater guy omg @Fon yoU HAvE aN AdmIRer!
L5: omg it is fon omg omgo mgom
L7: Finally it’s not another confession-to-Reborn post
Lnth: OP’s words are never truer.
And from that moment onwards, wherever Fon goes, people would stare at him and whispers, giggling as he walked pass them. It was fine at first but it had soon gotten very annoying, because while Fon was fine with crowds or stares, he was of a Hibari and all Hibari Hates. Crowds. And Noises.
Fon rubbed his temple, lips pursing. It was a rare moment for him to expose his feelings in public, but he was far too irritated. He folded his sleeves of his button down—not red thank you very much—up as he made himself comfortable on the plastic chair. Or, as comfortable as plastic chairs can get because it definitely wasn’t.
If he could, he would like to find the culprit to the prank—yes, it could only be a prank—and have a good talk with them. And probably a punch. In fact, he would probably punch Luce for showing him the post if it weren’t for the fact that Luce is Very Scary when provoked. He would rather stay ignorant to all that, thank you very much.
To be honest, it wasn’t as though he didn’t want to find the culprit. He tried by asking Mammon, but they simply ignored him even when he offered the Materialstm, saying that they still wanted to live and something else that was incoherent to Fon. He tried by approaching his older cousin Alaude who definitely knew who but was ignored and sent away as well, only with a contemplating look. What did that even mean?
Anyways, long story short, Fon tried for the whole two weeks, but ultimately failed to find out who it was. He sighed as he spun his ballpoint pen, waiting for the lecturer to come in. It was S344 again, and this time he had come early to scrutinize all his classmates—not all whom he knew well—to see if he can figure out who it was, since that was the only clue given.
Sitting at the highest level in the lecture hall—he can effort not listening to the teacher so it doesn’t matter—he scanned through the class and stared at all the students that had arrived early, mentally cancelling whoever that didn’t seem like the one.
‘Not here yet, I guess.’
Soon, the class started to fill up and Fon simply just gave up. One, there were too many students and all of them are still buzzing around who god-knows-what reason. Two, this one guy with cute, curly sideburn and abyss-like eyes arrived.
A small smile and a statement in the smooth, pleasing voice shook Fon down to the core. “I supposed that you’re trying to find who posted that post.”
Holy shit.
“I-I’m sorry, what?”
The chuckle he gave Fon definitely made his legs weak and Fon was so thankful that he was sitting instead of standing. “Do you mind if I sit here?”
“I—no, no. Definitely not. Go ahead.” Shit, Fon was turning stupid from how hot the other was.
“Thanks.” And he slid in, sitting beside Fon. “So how’s the progress? Found any suspect?”
Fon didn’t answer for a moment as he blinked a few times to digest the question. (‘Stupid, you aren’t supposed to be this dumb. Granted, he is too hot…’) Then he frowned a little. “You know me?”
A snort. “Of course. You’re currently the hottest topic at the moment. One would have to live 15 feet underground to not know who you are.”
Fon looked like he wanted to groan out loud but stopped himself because it would rather rude of him and that earned a look of sympathy. “Don’t worry. Things will quiet down after a while.”
“How sure are you?” Fon tilted his head. “Trust me.”
Fon raised an eyebrow at that but didn’t ask further. If the other doesn’t want to talk, then he would rather not talk. Plus, the lecturer had arrived. The two of them turned back to the class—or, well, they tried to. Fon was very distracted with his seat companion’s presence and the dying urge to turn around and stare at the beautiful pair of eyes. It was the first time he had noticed so much of a person and wanted to know so much more.
Also, he would die to keep talking with him just to hear his voice.
A click and Fon paled slightly.
Oh god, did he just get himself a crush?
Forget the confession. Forget finding the culprit.
Um, Fon, bby? Are you alright?
Oh dear, what happened?
I saw the Devil
And I want to punch them
In the face
With my mouth
Luce please kill me I don’t need this
Oh babe, come over. We’ll have a Talk
@everyone please come over to our usual spot to give moral support to our beloved bby fon
Later Alligator
Is Killer 3.5 needed?
War God
@Later Alligator yes
Later Alligator
My invention is not for you Hibari back off
War God
You can’t stop me
give me your bank PIN
Hibari-san no
Also @soft who do I need to kill for master?
No fighting. Anyone who brings weapons will be barred from entering the base.
War God
Bold of you to assume that I need my tonfa at all.
I’ll tell Tsuna that you are the one who burnt his manga
War God
I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.
War God
I know where you live.
and so do I. ANYWAYS! There’s no need to kill anyone! Just come and you’ll know!
The first time Reborn saw Fon was in S344. That day, he was sitting alone on the highest level because he liked looking down at everyone from higher ground. (Plus, it wasn’t as though he needed to listen to lectures; he was just attending because he had nothing better to do.) He was scrolling through the Confession site, snorting at idiotic posts, when Fon walked into class with a perfectly fitted red sweater that hugged his frame—especially his biceps—so beautifully. He was carrying a laptop bag and a few files, smiling at something on his phone as he climbed up the stairs.
Reborn was awestruck, eyes wide as he stared at the angel that gotten closer and closer. His heart had unknowingly started thumping louder as he took in the most perfect man he had ever saw like a lost, thirsty traveller who had not drank in days. Reborn had almost stopped breathing when Fon looked up to find an empty row.
Their eyes met.
And Fon smiled.
He was so dead.
(He had spent the whole period staring at Fon’s back, especially his exposed neck and arm, thanking god that he was sitting directly in front of him. It wasn’t until Fon left the room that he realized that he was actually drooling.)
Leon is the best @espresso . 57s
Have you ever seen someone so beautiful that you just want to die?
Lal my qUEEN
OmG GuYs haVE yoU seEn Reborn’s tweet?!
bitch what
Did he delete it?
Lal my qUEEN
@espresso or die WHY DID YOU DELETE IT GET OVER HERE fdhsaklfjdsAFJDSL
bitch what
What did he do again?
@espresso or die What did you do again?
Stop depriving us
I know you’re on rn
espresso or die
Lal my qUEEN
@espresso or die DUDE EXPLAIN
Fjflkds that’s IT!
No Money No Talk
Hundred and two, no less.
Lal my qUEEN
No Money No Talk
espresso or die
You’re dead to me, Viper.
No Money No Talk
It’s Mammon.
And you’re welcome.
fkldsajflkds omg
Are you okay Reborn? Are you sick? What temperature are you?
Do we need to call an ambulance? Or do we need to call for a priest?
espresso or die
Dead. You’re all dead to me.
Especially you, @Lal my qUEEN
I’m coming for you first.
Lal my qUEEN
espresso or die
You’re next
A/N= As you can see, its not fully complete. I didn't finish it because I couldn't make the plunny move + no motivation/inspiration. I might pick it up again when I do have the motivation to.
At least this is longer and written just for this event unlike the previous one...
[I apologize for any grammar, spelling, etc. etc. mistake]
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local-anon · 5 years
OC introduction
Will Barrett (rdr2)
Full Name: Will Barrett
Race: White
Class: Outlaw/ broke
Sexuality: Pan (but doesn't know it bc its the 1800s)
Age: 26
Physical Description
Gender: Male
Hair: Short, light brown
Height: 6’
Build: thicc but swole
Eyes: Hazel (depends on the day)
Scars: Scar round half his neck from nightfolk. Various gunshot grazes. once got stabbed in the hand during a drunken five finger fillet bet
Tattoos: Stick and poke sleeve on left arm.
Summary of their backstory.
An against the world attitude ever since he ran away from his parents' farm (too many kids they didn’t even notice) Worlds been throwing shit at him ever since. gains overconfidence because he somehow hasn't died yet 
“My best skill is surviving because I haven’t died yet so clearly I’m immortal” Takes it upon himself to make everyone smile once in his presence even if they respond by hardcore insulting him.
Do they have any mental illnesses?
Ptsd definitely. prolly adhd bc he forgets shit like a mother fucker, will start 15 chores and not finish any of them.
“Shit probably but who cares about that when people are shooting at you lmao”
How do they cope?
He doesn’t. To the frustration of himself and the rest of camp
Do they have any medical conditions?
“I have this thing where my neck scar will suddenly start burning to the point of my legs collapsing but that’s probably nothing”
Is medicine/ treatment available for them?
Honestly it’s probably psychosomatic and in 1899 he isn't going to bother with it.
How much do they care about their outer appearance?
11/10 He will bathe twice a week and is always doing laundry. miss Grimshaw appreciates him the most because he washes clothes the best.
What’s their “beauty routine”?
Beard is in perfect condition, has added pomade and stimulant to make sure of it. Makes his own soap.
What do they fear the most?
Spiders, it's a hindrance when it comes to checking out caves and abandoned places.
Their biggest flaw?
“My existence?” His self-esteem, not knowing when to shut up.
Do they recognize it as a flaw?
He recognizes his entire being as a flaw so idk
What’s their zodiac sign or which one do you think they relate to the most?
Doesn't know his birthday exactly but I predict he’s a Libra Scorpio cusp with cancer rising and Leo moon. he has a Leo venus. Sagittarius Mars
What Harry Potter house would they be in?
“I’m a Gryffindor” he's a Hufflepuff
What natural alignment are they? (ex. Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil)
Neutral good. He really just wants to live good and let people live good.
Do they have any hobbies? What are they?
He loves gardening and is crushed every time the camp moves because he has to start all over again.
Do they have a favorite holiday? How do they celebrate it?
He once visited new york in the summer and saw fireworks on the 4th or july he was in love. It's his favorite holiday but he will light off fireworks whenever he gets his hands on them. “That's why I loved that mayors party”
What’s their favorite season?
Spring, seed sowing season lol
Do they have a temper or are they level headed?
He is mostly level headed unless you completely got him fucked up (insult his partner, his family, THREATEN his family?) he will shoot you after telling you all the ways you fucked up
Do they express their emotions freely or hide their true feelings?
Both?? He hides behind half truths most of the time. But very blunt if he doesnt like you.
Are they a leader or a follower?
He’s a good team player but not necessarily a follower. Will question you if you give weird not good orders (dutch almost dropped him twice)
How do they come off to others?
Blunt and overconfident, charming in his way that even if you’re mad you won't be for long.
What first impression do they usually make?
You either want to punch him or hug him.
Do they prefer to travel alone or with company?
He likes traveling with people he trusts, and he prefers it to being alone. He will banter with himself if left alone for too long. (Camp has gotten concerned for his mental status a few times)
Would you describe them as selfless or selfish?
He cares more about his family than he does about himself. But would steal candy from a kid bc he wants it.
What do they find most attractive in others?
He just really loves peoples personalities and if ur nice and treat him and his family well he will find you attractive (also he rlly likes muscles on people)
Do they flirt often?
Yes, aggressively, too much, in a dumb way
Do they fall in love easily?
“No” Yes
What’s their love life like?
“Amazing” Awful, at least it was until he joined the gang
Do they prefer to solve things diplomatically or using violence?
It really depends on the situation, he wants the least amount of innocent casualties. keyword innocent
What is their combat style?
“I have a shotgun for sticky situations, but my favorite are these metal knuckles i got from an old blacksmith friend, theyre bladed”
Do they sneak?
When the situation calls for it
What weapon(s) do they always carry with them?
Sawed off shotgun, Sighted rifles, bow & arrow (Charles made him one after a week of pestering)
Their most prized possession?
An old native American ring he was given after this old white drunk dude after sobbing about all the atrocities he's seen and passing out after handing him the ring saying he can't stand the weight anymore. Will dragged his passed out person into his tent and saved the ring as a reminder to try to help out everyone when he can
Favorite armor/ outfit?
Redshirt, black paisley vest, duster jacket over top.
How’s their aim?
“Its the fuckin best” It’s alright, not perfect all the time but still pretty good
Do their hands shake while aiming a bow?
It used to but Charles taught him how to keep steady
Their thoughts on killing to survive?
He does it because he has to but he’d really like it if people would just stop shooting at them
Does it take a toll on them?
Only when they were innocent and were just caught in the crossfire
Or do they shake it off rather easily?
“Fuck O’Driscolls
Thoughts on death if any? (ex. Fear it, accept it)
Is only afraid he’ll die in a stupid way
Do they scavenge for their supplies or simply buy them?
He’s good at looting houses and won't let things go to waste. Once stole an entire houses blankets because the girls were complaining about the chill drafting into their tents
Are they the type to get distracted and go off to an unknown nearby location or do they stay on track?
Ohhhh myyy goddddd. He was once riding from Valentine to Rhodes and stopped at every single herb he saw, even in the distance and was late bu a few hours than he meant to be back to camp.
How do they sleep?
“What is sleep?” He doesn’t, has to be dragged to bed or will pass out on his horse.
Are they picky about where and how or can they sleep basically anywhere?
Yes, he can’t sleep on the bare ground.
Are they a picky eater?
Not really just needs seasoning
Do they know how to cook?
Surprisingly yes, he taught Pearson how to use the sun to bake.
What’s their favorite beverage?
Rum, it gets him fucked up fast and tastes sweet.
Do they drink alcohol?
Anything they like to collect? (ex. Unique weapons)
He collects pressed flowers after Mary-Beth taught him how to do it. Arthur bought him a penny dreadful just for the purpose of pressing flowers because he got tired of Will sneaking off with his journal to do it.
Are they good at disarming traps or do they constantly miss them?
He nearly lost a leg to a bear trap.
3 notes · View notes
alwaysaglader · 6 years
Forever Be My Always
 Y/N's P.O.V 
I sat on the floor of my room leaning against the door with a note book in my hand as a paper came under the door. A wide grin spread across my face as I picked it up and unfolded it carefully.
Everyday a boy would leave me sweet admirer notes about his feelings for me but he was so shy he wouldn't let me see him or even know who he was even though I really hoped he did cause little did he know that I have fallen in love with him too. I was in truly, madly, deeply in love with my mystery boy. 
Good morning, my darling angel. I hope you slept well. I know I can't see you but I bet you look gorgeous, as you always do.
You truly are my reason for looking forward to everything. My next day, my next day off, my meals, breaks...everything!! I am so much in love with you. I don't know what I'd do without you in my life.
I held his letter close to my heart for a few minutes letting my spinning thoughts calm down a little before taking a paper out of my book and writing my letter.
There are over million words but for some reason none of them can describe the way you make me feel. You never fail to amaze me. 
To the world you might just be one person but to me you are the world. 
I pushed the note through the gap in the bottom of the door and got up to get ready to go to work and see the runners off. 
I am a runner too, but for the last couple of weeks I have been experiencing terrible nightmares. Minho had to drag me out of the maze couple of days ago as I passed out due to my lack of sleep so Alby said it might be better for me to work in the gardens for a while.
I placed the letter he gave me in a box when I saw another note slipped in.  
You just made my day, beautiful. Like you always do. Everyday single day.
I wish I could explain your eyes, and how the sound of your voice gives me butterflies. How your smile makes my heart skip a beat and how every time I'm with you, I feel so complete. 
Newt's P.O.V
I stood in the kitchen talking with Minho who was gobbling up his breakfast in a hurry when I saw Y/N come into the kitchen, her lips curled into a dreamy smile.
I took a moment to glance at her from afar before quickly bending my head pretending as if I was eating. For some reason I felt too shy to even look up at her. [Y/N] looked so beautiful, I just couldn't make myself to look.
I was so in love with her. So much that I find myself stunned by her, that I can't even talk to her. I trip and stutter and become a flustered mess whenever she is around.
The entirety of my relationship with Y/N was sweet glances and soft touches. But for me, even the gentlest graze of her hand on mine was annihilating.
From the moment I met her, I felt such a deep connection to her. There was something so sweet and deep in her soul that I fell in love with. I felt like I have always been waiting for her. Like I always knew her. 
I could have fallen in love with her with my eyes closed.
She walked over to the table and greeted Minho who mumbled something in response with a mouthful. Then she stood next to me making my heart try to jump out of my chest. I bit my lip and fiddled nervously with my fingers.
''Hi.'' She smiled, finally triggering to look up into her beautiful pair of eyes.
''Hello'' I whispered, feeling my cheeks burning.
"Am I going to be working with you today ?" she asked sweetly, with her angelical voice that got me swooning over her.
"Ye—yeah" I stammered. "Alby said it's better you take a week off from running and help out in the gardens" I rambled at lightening speed.
Y/N let out a small chuckle “Newt, could you please repeat that a bit slower? I didn’t quite catch it”. "O-oh..." I couldn't seem to form any words anymore, her eyes were electrifying me. Captivating me in a way I couldn’t explain. 
"Week. off. from. running. Gardens. might. clear. your. mind" Minho stepped in thankfully. "Min not that slow" she giggled "But thanks".
"No problem she-bean" he laughed wiping his mouth and standing up ready to go. "Why are you up so early anyways ?"
"Couldn't sleep" she mumbled softly. "Thought Newt could also use an early helping hand". 
"Ohhhh yes he could" Minho smirked in my direction and I said a death glare for him to zip it. "Well I shall leave you two to your work" he winked standing up. 
"Be careful Min" Y/N patted his shoulder sadly. "Don't worry she-bean. Gonna come back to ya" he hugged her tightly. 
Y/N was like a little sister to Minho, and they have also always been running partners. This was the first time she wasn’t running with him and I could only imagine how scared she was knowing the horrors of the maze just as much as I do. I was terrified about Minho too even though I didn’t show it. I had to stay strong for Y/N. Even though when I heard Y/N was to be a runner for the first time I chased Minho around the Glade like a Griever and Alby locked me up in the slammer until Minho swore to me he would bring her back safely everyday.
“Don’t die of boredom in the gardens while I am gone alright ?” Minho laughed trying to lighten the mood. “I won’t” she giggled “I’ve got Newt”.
After the runners set off, me and Y/N started slowly walking towards the gardens. She would often smile at me while we walked, what got my heart missing a pulse or two. 
I led her to the part of the gardens where we will be working today, it was more secluded than the rest and I also made sure less gardeners were assigned here so Y/N could work in peace and hopefully clear her mind too.
It was a beautiful day. Since it was quite early, me and Y/N were the only ones up and working, digging holes and tying vines and other Track-hoe stuff. 
Watching Y/N was breath-taking, even the mildest of her movement puts me in a whirlpool of thoughts. 
She intoxicated me. It was just as though she were making me love her by some invisible force. 
I couldn’t focus on anything else anymore - my surroundings vanished, evaporating. It was just me and her. 
My eyes would look at her from the corners, as if I didn’t want her to catch me staring at her. But she did and smiled sweetly back at me every time, making a full-blown smile appear on my face. 
Whenever she smiles, I smile. I just can’t help myself. And how can I ? When she is every bit of my happiness. She always will be, no matter what we become or even what we are right now. No matter how distant we become. She will always be my happiness. My one and only love. 
I wanted Y/N. Just simply her. All her flaws, mistakes, smiles, giggles, jokes, sarcasm. Everything. I just want her. I want to love her, each and every piece. I want her imperfections as much as I want her for her. I'm always going to want her, I'm always going to be here loving her with everything. 
The boys took a break and headed for lunch but me and Y/N were still here. I had to do my daily check-up rounds after lunch so I had to finish my work in the gardens before so Y/N offered to stay back and finish off her work completely too which got us some more time alone. 
We worked with lots of smiles and giggles which cheered me up so much. It made my heart warm and butterflies tickle the walls of my stomach. My armour, that I wear to get through every day, fell off.
"All done" Y/N dusted her hands together and picked up the last of the tools on the floor. "That's bloody great Y/N" I exclaimed happily. It was her first day yet she caught on quite quick and even finished before me. I was so proud of her I just wanted to hug her but as usual being the scared, red-faced, rambling shank I am, I did not.
"Y-Y-You can go-go ahead for lunch. I'll catch up" I gestured to the boys gathering up in the kitchen. "I'll wait for you" she smiled taking a seat cross-legged on the floor "do you want any help ?”. I shook my head with a big goofy smile plastered on my face. 
The way I love her is relentless. It breaks my concentration when I'm busy and drifts my mind away to thoughts of her when I'm in the middle of conversations.
And that is exactly what happened. I was so caught up in her sitting there and pulling out the grass that I absent-mindedly tied my finger to the vine pole instead. Real tight.
I mumbled and grumbled under my breath trying to pull away but it wasn't working. "Newt are you alright ?" Y/N's voice startled me making me yelp and jump. “Oh I-I-I-tied--tied my--" I cleared my throat, my cheeks burning brightly, causing them to redden even more than it already was.
"Here, let me help you out.” Y/N chuckled touching my hand tenderly, sending a million shivers down my spine. She was standing so close to me it was taking everything in my will not to touch her and kiss her, something I’ve spent sleepless nights and daydreams thinking about. And right now, I could feel myself unintentionally leaning in closer. 
"Newt I need your help---what are you doing ?" Alby stood behind us with a big smirk on his face making me pull back quickly. "My hand is stuck" I said immediately, before he could make an embarrassing comment. "How did that happen ?" he smirked even more coming to stand beside me.
"Bugger off Alby" I shooed him away with my free hand. “Your sure lucky everybody is at lunch. You look like your about to pee your pants” he whispered smugly to my ear.
“What do you want ?” I tried to ask firmly but it clearly wasn’t working as I couldn’t even hold down my smile for a mere second which made Alby burst with laughter. “I have some important work for you to do. Now”.
"But I'm not done here" I complained. "I'll finish it up" Y/N piped in still struggling to untie the rope "You go on”.
"No no no, Y/N, I don't want you doing this alone" I argued but after lots and lots of protesting Y/N finally made me agree. "But please eat first" I begged. She smiled warmly and nodded “I will”. 
"Y/N please eat. He will come back to check in a few seconds. He might even feed you if you haven't eaten" Alby shouted while walking away, knowing my extremely overprotective nature over her.
She giggled as I tried to kick him away this time but I regretted it immediately because all my weight fell on my bad leg making me lose balance when the rope came out. And while tumbling over I grabbed Y/N and we both fell onto the floor with a loud thump.
I groaned and opened my eyes to see Y/N laid half on top of me, her cheeks crimson red as mine. A shy smile rested on her lips, as she gently brushed away strands of hair backwards to wipe it out of my face. “Are you ok?”.
I nodded and nervously moved my arms to wrap it around her, shivering like crazy. Y/N giggled shyly when she understood what was happening. She slowly moved closer and cuddled up to me, which made me all fuzzy and warm inside. I tightened my grip pulling her closer than possible and nuzzled my face into the crook of her neck. 
The smell of her hair was more pleasant than the scent of a thousand roses, I dream to plunge into its warmth and to spend eternity in her arms.
"Newtie" Y/N giggled, "I'm sweaty and muddy". I hummed and pulled her closer in response to which she lifted her head shyly and looked down again, which was one of the most adorable things I've ever seen in life. 
I always find something else to love about her every single day. The way she smiles, her cute sneeze, even the way she blinks. I could watch her for a single minute and find a million things to love about her.  
Loving her is like breathing. I just can’t stop. 
Y/N's P.O.V
I finished my lunch and made my way back to the gardens ready to finish off the last of my work. Or Newt’s. I grabbed a rope and walked over to the vine poles, to see a beautiful flower with a note attached to it. My heart fluttered in adoration, as I quickly untangled and unfolded it.
If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever.
I grinned by myself and looked around and around to see if anyone was there, but as usual, no one.
Time skip to evening
"Hey she-bean" I turned around to see an exhausted Minho behind me. "One day in the gardens, you look bored out of your mind ".
"I am not shank" I laughed, walking into his open arms for a bear hug  "Had a good day. Almost done. Meet you at dinner?" .
"Sure thing she-bean” he lifted me up a little making me squeal. “And where is Newt?" he asked looking around confusingly. "Oh Alby had some important work for him so I offered to help him out here" I smiled.  "Oh..I've gotta talk to him. I'll catch you later alright ?" he asked to which I gave him a thumbs-up.
I finished off my work and went back to my room to get a change of clothes for a shower to see yet another note slip under my door. I wiped my dirty hands on my pants and unfolded the note, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. 
I keep thinking of how much I love talking to you, how good you look when you smile; how much I love your laugh. I day dream about you off and on, replaying our conversations; laughing at funny things you said or did. I've memorised your face and the way you look at me. I catch myself smiling again at what I imagined. I wonder what will happen the next time we're together and even though neither of us know what the future holds, I know one thing for sure, you are the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with.
I sighed happily, my heart swelling with every beat. I loved the way he touched me without using his hands. My goofy smile couldn’t be held down as I grabbed a piece of paper hurriedly and sat down to write my letter. 
You are the sweetest guy I’ve ever known in my life. Even if you are tired from work, you always make time for me. Not a day goes by that you failed on making me smile. I just want you to know how very much I care and that you are always in my thoughts and in my heart. 
I wondered who could this possibly have been ? I have been working in the gardens all day, with Newt and a couple of others but with Newt all day with Alby there was no way he was going to be free until tonight and the other Track-Hoes talked a bit, but often, those boys were in a hurry; doing this job, that job, doing the lifting, and everything.
I slipped the note under the door and heard shuffling of feet going way, once again leaving me to hold him in my heart while I wait for the day I can hold him in my arms.
Minho's P.O.V
I was exhausted from running all day, but yet my excitement to hear about how it went with Newt was much greater so I ran like crazy to Newt's room and busted in making him yelp and fall off his chair scattering papers everywhere.
"Minho!!" he yelled when he saw it was me "what the bloody hell?!".  I extended my hand to help him up "Sorry”. 
"Soooo how did it go?" I asked dying to hear about it and laugh quite a lot too. He didn't answer. He just continued picking the papers with red face and a huge dreamy smile stuck on his face.
"Newt spill the beans!!" I shook him repeatedly making him drop the pile off his hands again. He faced me and for the first time in my life I saw something in Newt's eyes I have never seen before. Pure happiness. 
"Minho...” he murmured softly and looked at me with his eyes filled with tears “I love her so much. More than I can bloody ever say”. I smiled widely and gestured him to continue. I wanted to know more. Or everything. Newt was extremely shy when it comes to start talking about Y/N, but once he does, there is no stopping him. Conversations about Y/N with him are infinite. 
“When I'm with her, I am different. In a good way" he said starting to walk around the room with me following him right behind so I wouldn't miss a single word. "I smile more. I don't have to pretend everything is ok. With her I can drop the fake smile and put on a real one. I don't feel sad or hurt or alone”.
With my legs already wobbly from running, I pushed him to sit on the bed then I plopped on it and shushed him so I could catch my breath for a minute. “Alright go on”. 
“Minho, I can't--I don't even know.. “ he exclaimed throwing his hands in the air. “She's healing me..” he sniffled “I've never been at peace with my self but with her...I feel safe. I love her Minho. I love her so bloody much--”.
"Then tell her" I patted his shoulder firmly cutting him off. "I can't" he sobbed and it broke my heart to see him like this. "Then write it in a letter" I said grabbing his notepad and hitting him on the head with it. He was too sad even to hit me back. "You've been writing to her everyday. For a year" I handed him a pen. "But what if she doesn't like me ?" he mumbled and a tear trickled over his cheek. I frowned and wiped it away.
"Newt I swear to god, that girl will love you in any shape with any past" I looked directly into his eye to make sure he believes me. "I know you have good looks even though it ain't incredibly good as mine" I smirked teasingly and he rolled his eyes with a small smile. "But I can surely tell you that the she-bean's got a kind heart. She will love you for who you are. I've read all the letters".
"You read my letters ?!" he exclaimed. "Big picture here Newt" I changed the subject quickly. “Just think about it”. He let out a loud sigh and nodded.
"But when you do tell her, could you please tell me, I want to watch” I laughed making him laugh a little too. “Now let’s go for diner. I’m starving. And I will take a shower later” I said when he lifted his forefinger ready to say “You stink. Take a shower now”. 
"Oh and I also gave her a hug” he jumped happily like a little child while leaving the room. ”Oh that’s great” I Iaughed and ruffled his hair “please tell me you didn’t squeeze the life out of her".
Newt's P.O.V
I was up all night writing Y/N a letter, trying to tell her all my feelings but it was next to impossible to do that. It was so hard for me to put into words because I could feel it in an unexplainable way.   
I could feel the love that filled my entire body. It made my toes curl and the kind of love that circulates through my veins. I could feel myself blush from having all types of emotions running rampant against my skin. The kind of love that makes me want to scream all my worries and fears out so they have no way of finding their way back in. A kind that takes my breath away just by the simplest thought of her. My darling Y/N. 
My mind was drowning with possibilities of us all night that I overslept, way past the time I was supposed to wake up and give my letter to Y/N before she left the room to see the runners off.
I jumped out of bed and scrambled my table for the correct letter I finally wrote the entire night. I picked it up and carefully placed it in my pocket and sneaked out into the hallway which was thankfully empty. It was still dawn so no one else was up and all the runners must be crowded in the kitchen. 
I quickly sneaked near Y/N's room but her door was left wide open. I looked around many times before I went inside and placed the letter on her bed and turned around to leave which was the instant she came into the room. I got so freaked out, my heart jumped and my stomach bursted from the butterflies and I crumpled the paper and put it in my mouth.
"Hey Newt" Y/N said curiously, walking in and shutting the door "What--are you doing here ?". I should have run but instead being the proper shank I am, I opened my mouth to answer. No words came out and she saw the paper. It took a moment, and her eyes widened, her mouth hung open, and she froze.
"Newt” she said in a whisper slowly stepping forward “Spit it out". I shook my head and moved back. "Newt please that's my letter" she whimpered "Spit it out. Please”. I shook my head again and broke into a run around the room with Y/N right behind me. And holy shuck she was fast. "Newt!!" Y/N screamed and tackled me to the ground before I even reached the door. "OUT!OUT!OUT!" she shook me repeatedly until I choked it to the floor.
She quickly grabbed the note from the tip of the paper regardless that it was covered in my saliva. She slowly unfolded it and sat on the floor completely curled into a small ball leaning onto the wall. I quietly sat myself next to her as she started reading it.
My darling,
I am yours.
With every inch of flesh and bone in my body; and every ounce of love instilled in me, I belong to you.
With every subtle thought that slips through my mind, and every void space in my empty soul, I belong to you.
My heart is yours; yours to keep, yours to love, yours to hold.
Because I am yours and only yours.
“Last part is missing” she sniffled, breaking my heart into a million pieces. I seem to have eaten the end of my letter while panicking. Taking a deep breath, I scooted closer before I spoke my next words. “Even if I’m not yours. You will always be mine. My one and only” I whispered and watched her beautiful pair of eyes, full of tears, lock with mine. “You read it ?”.
“No,” I whispered and looked away back down at my sweaty fingers. I felt like I was about to pass out before I got the next few words out of my mouth. “ I wrote it”. 
A long, uncomfortable silence filled the room, which became thicker and thicker till the point it made me too afraid to even breathe. I sat curled up into a ball, with my knees against my chest, trying to hold back the tears threatening to stream down my face. 
I felt Y/N slowly shuffle closer to me. She kept her small hands on my knees and pushed them open, placing her body between them and cuddled into my chest pressing a kiss right to the place where my heart is located.
A wave of warmth consumed me completely numbing my senses before I wrapped my arms around her body, burying myself deeper into her arms, letting the warm tears trickle down my face. 
For a good ten minutes we stayed in silence. The feeling of being curled up in her arms with our fingers interwined and the soft feel of her breath on my neck can never be put to words. I can however, definitely say, that it is where I belong and it is these arms that I feel at home.
I gently ran my hand over her skin, feeling the shape of her bones, it was comforting to know that she was right under my fingertips. All I wanted to do was kiss every inch of her, each and every part she keeps hidden away and wrap her in a blanket and tell she’d be safe forever. 
Y/N stirred a little after a moment and slowly lifted her face off my chest with a smile tugged at the corner of her lips. Our faces were so close I could feel my blood burning inside me. I bought my trembling hands to her face and wiped all her tears with the gentlest movements. 
Y/N leaned into my touch, nuzzling her cheek into my hand but her eyes were scanning all over the room like she was searching for something. She then moved away from me a little and grabbed a piece of paper lying on the floor along with a pen which must have fallen during the chase. 
I watched her while she bit her pink lips and wrote something and then handed it to me with a soft kiss on my hand which made a warm feeling spread through my heart. I slowly unfolded the note, shaking like a leaf. 
I love you too Newtie. I’m always going to love you. I’m going to love you in your weakest moments to your strongest ones. I’m going to love you when you’re happy and I’m going to still love you the most when you’re sad. I’m always going to be here loving you. For I am yours. Only yours. My darling, always.
My breath hitched in my throat, preventing me from breathing for just a few seconds to let her words sink in. Was I asleep or awake, or somewhere in between? I can’t believe what she just said to me. I was in shock and awe.
I folded the note and placed it in my pocket and slowly lifted my face. As soon as our eyes met, she smiled, her eyes sparkling brighter than the sun, the moon and the stars. I was going blind.
“I love you so bloody much too Y/N” I whispered, and laced our hands, brushing my fingers over hers. "I love you. Nothing and nobody. Not even time can change that. My heart is, and always will be yours. In a thousand lifetimes, in a hundred ways, you will forever be my always” I breathed, looking deep into her eyes making sure she understood every word I meant. “For I am yours, only yours, my love”. 
[Y/N] smiled and looked down while blushing and I couldn’t hold myself anymore. I wanted her. I wanted us. I want it all. With her. Only her. My Y/N. 
I lifted up her head by lifting her chin up with two fingers and slowly inched forward,my breath brushing over her cheek and lips making her adorably shy. I cupped her face with both my hands and pressed my lips gently on hers and let my own eyelids flutter close.  
Kissing her felt like everything I’ve been dreaming. Tingles began to spread through my body, the fire inside me brightened, flames tickling everywhere making me lose myself completely. 
After a few minutes of kissing silently and affectionately, slowly and very softly did I part from her, letting our lips disconnect.
The instant I drew back from her lips and looked into her perfect eyes I knew I would follow her to the ends of the earth.
Y/N’s P.O.V
I got up in the morning to be on my bed, tucked in nice and well. I rolled over to find a note on the corner of my pillow along with a pretty flower tied to it. I grinned foolishly by myself as I sat up and opened it.
I could watch a million sunrises and still never see one quite as beautiful as your eyes slowly opening in the morning.
Meet me at the clearing in the woods, sweetheart. Got a little suprise for you.
Love, your-not-so-secret-admirer-anymore
I squealed in excitement as I ran for a shower and put on some fresh clothes and raced to the woods. As soon as I reached the clearing I looked around to catch another letter pinned to a tree.
I took it out and unfolded it, my thoughts spinning wilding in my head. 
I'm in love with you and your entire being.
Your hands and the way they fit in mine.
Your eyes and the way they smile at mine.
Your lips and the way they fit with mine.
Everything about you.
And it's all mine.
I giggled to myself with flushed cheeks when a muffled groan was heard behind me. I turned around to see Newt holding two plates of breakfast on either hand and a bunch of flowers in his mouth. I giggled and walked over to him, taking the bunch of flowers and kissed his cheek “Are they for me?”. All he did was gawk and nod with a red face. “Thank you” I pressed a kiss on his nose and then nuzzled it with my own, making him break into a toothy grin.
Newt walked a little and crouched placing the plates on the floor and then smiled back at me and his face lit up the sun. I took a flower out of the bunch and tucked it behind his ear “You look beautiful” I teased and he chuckled, blushing even more. “Nothing is beautiful as you” he said shyly, causing me to look down while blushing, my cheeks burning up. 
I felt my face being lifted by his big, tender hands and a kiss being placed on my lips, ever so gently. Fire lived within his kiss, he had a way of melting every part of me. My hands collared around his neck and his wrapped around my waist pulling me closer than possible. 
Once we pulled apart, we rested our foreheads together, and I looked into his beautiful big brown orbs filled with love. Pure love. But I could still feel his body trembling in mine. “Are you cold?” I asked confused. He shook his head. “Why are you shivering ?” I asked softly, kissing his forehead. 
“I’m scared” he confessed silently. “I-I-- don’t want to mess up. I want everything to be perfect for you” he held my hands and kissed my knuckles lovingly “My princess” .
“Oh Newt” I cooed and cupped his face with both my hands and left a few kisses all over his face “you don’t have to be. No matter what happens, everything is always perfect with you by side. My darling, that’s all I need".
“I will always be by your side” he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek soundly, nuzzling his nose to the crook of my neck “Always my love”. 
“Now what did you have planned for today ?” I asked, lacing our fingers and pulling him under a big shady tree. Slowly his confidence kicked in as he started to walk along with me.
“I want to talk about anything and everything. I want to know about your dreams and every little silly wish you think it can never be real.I want all the details that you don’t even get to notice about your day. You can go on and on for hours, I don’t mind” he smiled widely as we sat down. 
I leant against the tree and he cuddled into me, making himself comfortable.  Wrapping my arms protectively around him, I pulled him closer until there was no space left between our bodies. He melted into me, completely at ease. 
I never asked to fall in love, but he took my heart and gave me his. Something I didn’t expect. Now I can’t think of my life without him in it. 
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C:R ~VE~ Chapter 40
It’s about 13,000 km from Argentina to the Arctic, which means that we’ll be on this blimp for over four days.
When Cardia told me this, I felt my stomach sink so far it could’ve hit my spine.
She responds by giving me one of her brilliant smiles and helping me stand up.
“Come on,” she says. “You can’t see the land anymore.”
Shame swells through me as I cling to Cardia’s side and hobble towards the promenade windows.
“Not bad, nooooot bad...” Nemo beams as I hesitantly look out the window. “The last time you faced a view like this, you had to be carried!”
Barbicane looks at Nemo and runs a hand through his hair. “Still don’t know how you managed that one.”
Nemo pouts. “Ohhhh, ye engineer of little faaaaaaaaaaaaith! I was spurred on by a magnificent loooove power!”
Ned quickly walks over and lifts one of Nemo’s arms. “Love power can’t fix skinny-ass arms.” 
“Ohhh... that is truuuue...”
A wide smile cuts Nemo’s face as he uses his free hand to point a pistol against the harpooner’s nose. “But love power aaaaalso can’t fix a hole in the face, Mr. Land.”
“Woah woah woah!” Barbicane waves his hands and walks over, slapping Ned’s hand away from Nemo’s arm and Nemo’s gun away from Ned’s face. “Ned, hands to yourself. Nemo, where the hell were you even hiding that?!”
“Impeeeey Barbicane, a word to the wiiiise... you should have at least one gun and one bomb on your person at all times.”
“AT LEAST?!” Barbicane’s face goes pale as he begins patting down his friend.
Nemo just stands there, slumped and smiling as Barbicane begins removing several explosives from Nemo’s coat pockets.
To be honest, I’m only half-listening as all of this is going on. My eyes are captured by the sea stretching out beneath the ship from horizon to horizon. It’s a rough sea topped with white froth, its churning mesmerizing me and making me forget where I am. No matter where you view it from, the ocean is the same expanse.
It makes me relax, just a bit.
Barbicane takes a step back from the impressive pile of weaponry on the floor. Other than the aforementioned bombs (shrapnel, tear, and sleeping) and pistols, there are knives, box cutters, syringes, and vials of god-only-knows what. There’s even a small crossbow that looks like a prototype of some kind or another.
Nemo glances down at the pile, mumbling to himself as he counts everything up.
“Hmmm~ very thorough, Impeeey... but you’ve missed a few...” Nemo slowly lifts his goggles up and gives Barbicane a wink. “Care to look a little clooooser~?”
Barbicane shudders. “I think I’ll leave the ultra-invasive search to Polly-chan, thanks! Just lay off on the whole aggressive bit, won’t you? That goes for you, too, Ned... Ned?”
Ned Land is staring at Nemo’s face, his jaw slack and eyes wide.
“Oh,” Cardia smiles sympathetically. “I guess that was his first time seeing it.”
“Hrm?” Nemo peers from Cardia to Ned. “Seeing what?”
“In... Incredible...” Ned can barely form words. “I never... woulda believed it...”
Nemo tilts his head and sighs when he notices that Ned’s staring at his face. He rolls his eyes before putting his goggles back in place and muttering with a click of his tongue: “Paaaatheeeetic.”
The door finally clicks open after a few hours and we’re allowed to explore. The three men stick together like schoolyard chums, excitedly poring over every gear and wire that they come across. Cardia is kind enough to stay by me, teaching me the ins and outs of airship flight in a language I can understand.
But at night, Nemo always comes back to me without fail. He takes me to one of the viewing decks and we spend a long time talking about aerial navigation. He looks so happy, I can’t help but feel guilty whenever I cling to his arm at the ship’s movement.
... It doesn’t look like he minds too much, though, even when he has to steady me as we go back to our cabin. In fact, he looks downright gleeful...
I always try to stay up as long as I can, but the basic need for sleep eventually wins out over my fear, and I let myself be relaxed by Nemo’s excited humming and murmuring as he strokes my hair.
He’s always gone when I wake up, but I’m used to it by now. When it comes to airships, I don’t think the man ever sleeps!
My mood has improved considerably by the time the fourth day comes. It’s funny, most people would be afraid to be so far away from land and all terrestrial assistance, but I feel much better above the water. I know it sounds backwards, but I’m not questioning it. It’s nice not to feel nauseated for once.
“Say, have you noticed?” Cardia takes a step closer to me as we walk along one of the interior hallways of the airship. “The crew members have changed their uniforms.”
I take a closer look at the men walking past us. Cardia’s right, they’ve changed from plain jumpsuits into long white coats with fur-trimmed collars. They would blend perfectly into the snow, but they’re bright aliens against the metal of the ship. The eeriest piece of their uniform, though, are the circular masks they wear. With solid black eyes and flat, narrow beaks I can’t help but think of owls.
Cardia and I instinctively move closer to each other, even though the crew doesn’t even look our way.
When I look over at Cardia, her lips are drawn thin in worry.
She jumps in surprise before giving me a smile. “Sorry about that.”
“What’s wrong?” I ask.
Cardia shakes her head and looks around. “Being on an airship like this, surrounded by men in masks... I guess it just reminds me a bit of Twilight.”
I can’t imagine what it must have been like for her, or what support I could possibly give, so I simply reach over and squeeze her hand.
Somewhere in the background, I register what sounds like... a stampede?
“Oh, don’t worry about me,” Cardia shakes her head before patting my hand. “Really.”
The noise is getting louder, and by the time I realize what it is, Nemo has already bounded in and thrown his arms around both Cardia and myself.
“Noooooooooo no no! That simply woooooooooon’t do!” he rubs his cheek against the wide-eyed Cardia’s. “This airship flies...”
Cardia gurgles helplessly as Nemo pulls her tighter against him and gives an enthusiastic thumbs up. “... On the wiiiiiiiiiiiiiind of friiiiiiieeeeendshiiiiiiiiiip!! So you’ll never, ever, eeeeeeeeeeever have to feel loneeeeeeeely!”
Nemo pulls away and puts his hands on Cardia’s shoulders-- she’s been yanked around so much by this point that she looks more like a rag doll than anything.
“The one similaaaarity between this place and Twilight Heaaaadquarters... is that in both places... your beloved, darling big brother is aaaaalways there to proteeeeect you!” Nemo beams.
Cardia slowly looks up at him and speaks in a deadpan expression. “Didn’t my ‘beloved, darling big brother’ perform experiments on me all the time back then...?”
Nemo ignores Cardia and yanks down the front of her cap playfully before turning to me. “And how are you handling things, myyyy deaaaar~? This cool beauty of an airship is quite smoooooth, isn’t she?”
I smile up at him. “You’re in a good mood, Nemo.”
“I’m in my eeeeeeeelement!” Nemo throws his arms into the air triumphantly. “At last, at last, at laaaaaaaaaaast I am back in the sky where I belong!! The sky is my home, much like the sea is yours!”
Before I realize it, he’s grabbed my hands and has spun me around like we’re on a playground. I’m not expecting it, and laughter bursts out of me before I can stop myself.
“Mmmnnnn~” Nemo puts his cheek on my hands and looks at me pleadingly. “Come to the bridge with me, woooon’t you?
“The bridge?”
Nemo nods.
“The bridge, where... this thing is piloted?”
Nemo’s still nodding.
“Where there’s... very big windows for maximum visibility and gauges showing exactly how high up in the air we are and... how fast we’re going... and...”
My sentence dies on my dry tongue as Nemo nods so hard that I’m afraid his goggles will fall off.
But before the chill can set into my body, Nemo wraps his thin arms around me and cradles me to his chest. He’s so warm and his excitement is so... it’s strange to say it, but it’s so... pure. His love for these ships is unsullied by the hate and bitterness that seeps into so many of his fancies.
He looks so happy.
“... All right, I’ll go with you.” I rest my cheek against his shoulder and sigh, trying to release the fear burrowing inside of me.
Nemo squeezes me tight and happily sways from one foot to the other while humming delightedly. “My cute, brave professooooooor--! I love you--!!” He releases me enough so that we can walk side by side, his arm wrapped around my waist so I couldn’t leave even if I wanted to.
“Oh, Cardia--!” I turn around to look at her.
“You two go on ahead,” she smiles sympathetically at me. “I think I’ll pass this time.”
I worriedly look at her as Nemo draws me away, and she replies with a friendly wave.
If I die from sheer terror, I’m blaming her.
It seems strange, given the situation we’re in, but it’s nice walking with him. I can pretend that we’re just a normal couple taking an afternoon stroll instead of flying thousands of feet in the air straight into the clutches of our enemy.
I thread my arm around his waist so we’re mirroring each other, and he responds by giving my head an affectionate kiss.
When we pass the large windows, I try my best to stare at the floor and concentrate on the sound of our boots hitting metal. It works surprisingly well. Soon the hallway opens up into a gargantuan space that, judging from Nemo’s happy dance, can only be the bridge. I’m surprised by how many of the mechanisms I recognize thanks to Cardia’s lessons, so I know exactly which screens NOT to look at. I really, really don’t want to know how high we are.
“Oh-hooooo!” Nemo scrambles back over to me and watches me examine the ballonet gauges. “I’m not too surprised you ‘dove’ over here, my little submarineeeer~!”
I give him a smile. “Cardia said that this would interest me, since it’s so similar to the ballast tanks of the Harper.”
“Airships and submarines do have to control their buoyancy in similar manners... hmm... I must say myyyyy sisteeeeer does have a good head for engineeeeeering... if oooonly I had gotten hold of her sooner, I miiiiight have steered her along the same scientific path as senseeeeeeiii...”
Nemo sniffs sadly, so I pat a hand on his arm to distract him. “Don’t you think she’d look cute in a white lab coat?”
Nemo quickly looks over at me, and I can see his eyes shining behind his goggles. “Mmm--! She’d look so preeeeecious, an angel of science just like Impeeeeey Barbicane says!”
I’m pretty sure Barbicane has never called Cardia an angel “of science” specifically, but Nemo looks so happy about his ‘little sister’ that I won’t correct him.
“Hmm, but he isn’t the ooooonly one with an angel of science...” Nemo thumps my nose with the tip of his finger. “I bet you looked lovely in your white coat back at your univeeeersity...”
I look back at the ballonet gauges, smiling rather coquettishly as Nemo leans in and runs his lips over my earlobe. “Peeeersonally... I think black would suit you better.... fwee hee hee... we’d maaaatch...”
Nemo can barely take my earlobe between his teeth before we hear someone clear their throat.
“Pardon the interruption, Nemo-kun.”
My happy, teasing expression is drained immediately when I heard those words-- that voice.
I pull myself away from Nemo to look at him, at that man standing there with a warm smile, like an old friend dropping in for tea.
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undertale-rho · 5 years
Underearth: Book 1 - Chapter 23
The inside of the laboratory was dark. The only light that Frisk could see was from a massive monitor screen that appeared to be displaying... him? Frisk continued further inside, hoping to find the exit before something found him. Clinging to the right wall, he crept further and further into the lab. A bit further in, he heard a door open, causing him to freeze in place. A second later and the lights turned on. Right in front of him was a large yellow lizard, about Frisk's size. It wore a white lab-coat, a bra, panties, and glasses. After turning on the lights, they went to observing whatever was on a clipboard in their left hand before looking up and spotting Frisk.
"Oh. My god." she said, dropping the clipboard on the ground. "I didn't expect you to show up so soon! I haven't showered, I'm barely dressed, it's all messy, and..." she turned around and stayed silent for a moment before turning her head back to face Frisk. "Ummm... H-h-hiya!" she turned around fully, the lab-coat now fully buttoned up. "I'm Dr. Alphys. I'm Asgore's Royal Scientist! B-b-but, ahhhh, I'm not one of the 'bad guys'!" She stuttered as she spoke, tripping over words all awkwardly. "Actually, since you stepped out of the Citadel, I've, um... been 'observing' your journey through my console. Your fights... Your friendships... Everything!"
Frisk looked back at the large monitor he saw as he walked in, still displaying a live image of him.
"I was originally going to stop you, but... Watching someone on a screen really makes you root for them. S-so, ahhh, now I want to help you! Using my knowledge, I can easily guide you through the Hotlands! I know a way right to Asgore's palace, no problem!"
She stopped for a moment, crouching down a bit to pick up the clipboard.
"Well, actually, umm, there's just a tiny issue."
"What is it?" Frisk responded.
"A long time ago, I made a robot named Mettaton. Originally, I built them to be an entertainment robot. Uh, you know, like a robotic TV star or something. Anyway, recently I decided to make them more useful. You know, just some small practical adjustments. Like, um..."
She began tripping over her words again.
"Like what?" Frisk questioned, a bit annoyed.
"Anti... anti-Human combat features?"
Frisk couldn't believe it. It's as though everything down here has a side purpose of slaughtering Humans. And that self-rightious 'Undyne' called me a murderer.
"Of c-course, when I saw you coming, I immediately decided... I have to remove those features! Unfortunately, I may have made a teensy mistake while doing so, and, um... Now he's an unstoppable killing machine with a thirst for Human blood?" She then gave out an awkward laugh before getting back on track. "But, ummm, hopefully we won't run into him!"
Just as she finished saying that, there was a loud banging sound.
"D-did you hear something?"
Another banging sound.
I swear, if that's this 'Mettaton', I'm gonna be pissed.
Another few banging sounds.
"Oh no." Alphys said before a large explosion happened and all the lights went out.
"OHHHH YES!" Frisk heard a new, unfamiliar voice. "WELCOME, BEAUTIES..." A spotlight turned on to reveal a rectangular metal box on a singular wheel, four dials on the bottom, an array of massive pixels on the top-mid, and two arms sprouting out the sides. "TO TODAY'S QUIZ SHOW!!!"
Music began playing as lesser spotlights came down, covering the lab in colored lights.
As Mettaton began clapping, confetti fell from the ceiling onto Frisk. "NEVER PLAYED BEFORE, GORGEOUS? NO PROBLEM! IT'S SIMPLE! THERE'S ONLY ONE RULE. ANSWER CORRECTLY... OR YOU DIE!!!"
While Frisk had never been on a game show before, he wasn't particularly in the mood at the current time.
"LET'S START WITH AN EASY ONE!!" Mettaton began. #1: What's the prize for answering correctly? A: Money B: Mercy C: New car D: More questions
It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that D was the blatantly correct choice.
"D" Frisk said confidently.
#2: What's the king's full name? A: Lord Fluffybuns B: Fuzzy Pushover C: Asgore Dreemurr D: Dr. Friendship
Frisk remembered that Undyne called him Asgore Dreemurr, which sounded like the most correct out of all the options anyway.
#3: What are robots made of? A: Hopes & Dreams B: Metal & Magic C: Snips & Snails D: Sugar & Spice
He knew that Metal was involved, but he wasn't sure if Humans used magic in their robotic creations.
#4: Two trains, Train A and Train B, simultaneously depart Station A and Station B. Station A and Station B are 252.5 miles apart from each other. Train A is moving at 124.7mph towards Station B, and Train B is moving at 253.5mph towards Station A. If both trains departed at 10:00AM and it is now 10:08, how much longer until both trains pass each other? A: 31.054 minutes B: 16.232 minutes C: 32.049 minutes D: 32.058 minutes
Easy? You call this easy? I can't even remember half of what was said!!
Oh yeah, like 30 seconds is enough time to figure out a physics question!
"TIME'S UP!" Mettaton shouted as a bolt of lightning extended from his finger and hit Frisk straight in the chest, sending him flying into the wall behind him.
Frisk fell to the ground, coughing up blood and, in another second, vomiting onto the floor. His chest burned, but, like all forms of attacks he'd encountered so far, not a single mark was found.
Frisk looked up at Mettaton, his vision all blurry.
#9: In the dating simulation video game 'Mew Mew Kissy Cutie', what is Mew Mew's favorite food?
Before Mettaton could finish reading the question, Alphys interupted him and started shouting the answer. After a minute, Mettaton stepped back in and began scolding her.
#?: Who does Dr. Alphys have a crush on? A: Undyne B: Asgore C: You, the Human D: You don't know
Frisk, fighting through the headache that now plagued him, thought back. Undyne spoke of Alphys, though this could simply be idle speculation, and perhaps just one-sided if that were the case. Asgore was an unknown variable. He himself was out of the question for him. The most correct answer would be D. But, whatever it may be, perhaps curiosity, Frisk chose a different answer.
As soon as Frisk had said that, Alphys turned as red as a lobster while Mettaton spoke down to her.
I did?
Mettaton rolled back away from Alphys towards Frisk.
And with that, Mettaton blasted off through the roof of the lab, heading further into the mountain, no doubt.
A silence rung over the lab for a few minutes before Alphys finally spoke up.
"Well that was certainly something."
Frisk began walking towards the exit of the lab.
"Wait, wait!" Alphys called out to Frisk. "Let me give you my ph-phone number! Th-then... m-maybe... If you need help, I could..."
As she spoke, Frisk pulled out his phone. When Alphys saw it, she was shocked.
"Wh... where'd you get that phone!? It's ANCIENT! It doesn't even have texting. W-wait a second, please!"
She then grabbed the phone out of his hand and ran off up a conveyer belt. He then heard a load of mechanical sounds coming from the floor above before Alphys finally came back.
"Here," She said, handing Frisk back his phone "I upgraded it for you! It can do texting, items, it's got a key chain... I even signed you up for the Underground's #1 social network! Now we're officially friends!"
Great, just what I've always wanted. To be friends with *those* kinds of people.
Alphys then gave out a very awkward laugh before going silent for about a minute before saying something about a bathroom and running off.
With Alphys finally out of the way, Frisk continued out of the lab.
A Whole New World : Quiz Show
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