#oh we didn't even actually GET to the bed-sharing bit in this yet did we. lmao
cartoonsaint · 9 months
back in 2020 i wrote a werewolf!David fic for Camp Camp and then got through about a quarter of its sequel before getting distracted. at this point it's unlikely i'm ever going to finish it but it sounds like there's at least one person out there who wants to read it, which makes this a good advertisement for leaving comments on seemingly abandoned works, doesn't it? anyways this is 7.8k, probably rated T, and i do not have the wherewithal (werewithal? hohoha) to reread rn so i can't offer any content warnings or fix any weird grammar or anything, but. here's it.
my semi-jokey working title for it was THERE'S ONLY ONE BED AND ALSO ONE OF US IS A WEREWOLF
Gwen wakes up.
She’s not sure what does it, because usually it takes the blaring of her alarm — as well as a few judicious smacks to the snooze button — for her to admit that the day is starting whether she wants it to or not and she had better drag herself out of bed if she doesn’t want the camp to burn down around her ears.
She’s long since come to terms with the fact that while she can effortlessly stay up late into the night reading fanfiction or binging television, even with a full eight hours under her belt the first thing she’s gonna want to do in the mornings is take a nap. Gwen just really, really isn’t a morning person.
By the grey light filtering through the windows, Gwen bets the sun hasn’t even properly risen yet. She’s not due to muddle her way through her morning routine for at least another hour, and in fact it’s so early that David’s still probably asleep.
That catches at something in her sleep-foggy brain. Had she had another dream about him, maybe? Something about… monsters? Statistically, and given the subject, it was probably a sex dream, but what…?
On a whim she turns over, intending to send her sleeping coworker a baleful glare for daring to have a presence in the confusing subconscious arena of her dreams — it’s not the first time, sure, but she uhhh.
That, uh… wolf.
Gwen stares at the sleeping beast in the room with her, suddenly wide awake, and does her best to regulate her breathing as she simultaneously curses David to hell. This is somehow his fault, she just knows it — leave it to Mr. Nurse-Back-to-Health-the-Wolf-That-Tried-to-Kill-Me to bring a wild animal into the cabin without telling her. Now she’s probably going to get eaten and leave behind all her unedited work and become famous for her talent posthumously instead of midhumously, or whatever, which is how she’d really, really prefer it.
Can wolves smell fear? She’s pretty sure they can, so she thinks happy, not-scared thoughts, like how happy she’ll feel when she throttles David for this. The animal is huge, taking up a sizable portion of her co-counselor’s bed, even though it’s curled up sleeping at the moment. The bed’s wool blanket and sheet are half-covering it, almost like it tried to burrow itself underneath them, and it has David’s stupid plush log between its front paws. It breathes in and out with great, calm gusts of breath, and Gwen thinks about how often wolves need to eat, how fetid its breath probably is, and the fact that she has virtually nothing with which to defend herself besides some trashy magazine she could maybe roll up and use to bonk its nose, like a poorly behaved mutt.
I’m freaking out a little, Gwen realizes, watching the tendrils of first light reach across the room. Knowing her luck, they’ll wake it up. Oh well. I had a good run. Well, an alright run. Well, I definitely had a run, anyway.
She practically holds her breath as the sun creeps in through the windows, sure that any moment might wake the beast and spell her doom. Maybe she’ll be able to miraculously pull David’s guitar out of nowhere and defend herself — but no, too quickly, the barest hint of sunlight touches the thing’s paw, and it gives a great twitch that has Gwen flinching — and then the wolf changes.
She’s not sure what she’s seeing at first. Its muzzle wrinkles as though in a snarl but then shrinks. The pointed ears on its head flatten back and disappear into its dark red fur, which itself seems to be absorbed back into its skin, leaving pale, pinkish flesh behind. Its paws stretch and lengthen into long, calloused, human fingers, and the whimper that comes out of its throat morphs mid-syllable into a distinct, familiar, and absolutely absurd “ouchie.” The figure left half-blanketed on the bed opens ocean green eyes over an upturned pink nose and effortlessly smiles at the new day.
The figure looks an awful lot like David sporting a week’s worth of facial hair.
The figure is David.
“Holy fuckin’ shit,” Gwen croaks, and David blinks his big green eyes over at Gwen, looking faintly puzzled.
“Gwen? What are you doing awake?” he whispers (only sounding a little raspy, the bastard).
Gwen’s mind is racing, frantically calling up memories from the past two days, belatedly recalling that last night she’d learned without a shadow of a doubt that David — bouncy, clumsy, sunshine-y David, her coworker of too many years and the least brood-over-his-loss-of-humanity guy she’s ever known, that David — was a bonafide werewolf.
He’s still looking at her, apparently wide-awake and ready to be properly concerned about his “CBFL!” despite the fact that no sane person should be awake at this hour. She tries to say something, something intelligent, so that he knows she’s fine and can stop turning the force of his way-too-bright eyes on her.
“Wurwuf,” her stupid mouth manages.
He looks confused, briefly, before a metaphorical lightbulb goes off so obviously that Gwen practically has to squint at its brightness. “Oh yeah! I change back when the sunlight hits me — it hurts, but I hope I wasn’t too loud. Did I wake you up?”
He looks so intensely unhappy at the possibility that Gwen finds herself shaking her head before she can properly process what he said, and he smiles warmly at her. Fortunately it’s not one of his overwhelming ones but instead the softer kind, the kind he wears when he’s had a long day or a camper pleasantly surprises him.
“I’m glad,” he says with one hundred percent honesty, and he sits straight up in bed like it’s easy to get his muscles to work in the morning. “I was a little worried! You should go back to sleep, Gwen. I know how hard you’ve been working, and I dumped a lot on you last night. I’ll take breakfast duty, okay?”
“Mm,” she says, and he gives her another smile — jesus it’s too fucking early for this — and daintily wraps a sheet around his body, heading to the bathroom. She watches him go, humming like it’s any other day, until he closes and latches the door behind him with a snk.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT, Gwen mentally screams, and bites her fist hard. David’s a werewolf. David is a werewolf. It’s a brand new day and her coworker (and, fine, friend) David is a WEREWOLF who literally transformed in front of her very eyes into a huge, potentially terrifying beast.
She’s going to have so much to write about.
Speaking of, she scrambles out of bed for her notebook and pen. She’d been limited by David’s inability to talk as a wolf, but through yes and no questions and some dubiously successful attempts at charades she’d ended up with a decent number of pages written out about his new condition. It’s a solid start on figuring out what they can expect and how this whole thing works.
Of course, like every normal person, Gwen herself went through a Weird Wolf Girl phase. Though it’s been considerably more than a decade since then, she’s sure she hasn’t forgotten that much about them — and besides, with all the supernatural shapeshifter romances she’s read in the years since then, she’s pretty confident she can fill in any gaps in her knowledge.
She starts drafting questions, both for David and the Quartermaster (who of course has a hook in this, that guy is so freaky). Like: David turns into a four-legged wolf every time moonlight touches him, but is there a way to control when the change happens? Could he stop the change partway through? Is his werewolfism unique, or is there a pack out there somewhere? And are there any single werewolves her age? If so, how would Gwen go about meeting them?
Quietly, Gwen lets out a high-pitched squeal — werewolves are real, and she knows one. It’s too bad it’s David, since that precludes any hot paranormal action on her end, and has precluded any action between them since their first week working together. But maybe he’ll meet some other, more masculine werewolves and he could introduce her?
“You’re getting ahead of yourself, Gwen,” she whispers. “Reel it in.”
She spends a brief moment in deep breathing, trying to meditate… and then shrugs it off to bounce excitedly on her bed. Even if this isn’t quite the way she’d imagined it, werewolves! This could be a major change in her life, the kind she’d hoped Graggle would be, the kind she’s been waiting for as long as she can remember.
And who knows — he might still be David, but being a werewolf might make him more interesting, too. She grabs her pillow and muffles a disbelieving, embarrassingly girly squee into it, grinning. She can’t wait to see how things change.
In retrospect, maybe Gwen should have expected to be disappointed.
The activity for that day is Rube Goldberg Machines (“Max really enjoyed this one last year, Gwen!!”) and even though, as always, Gwen had told him during last week’s activity-planning session that it was going to be a disaster (“David, it’s going to be a disaster.”), the day is just… regular.
Which isn’t to say it’s not a disaster, but it is a pretty regular one. Harrison and Preston team up against Erid and Nerris to create competing death machines, which results in David stepping into the middle of their feud and getting the crap beaten out of him by mechanically-operated cardboard. Max and his friends are suspiciously quiet in a way that Gwen would be more concerned about if she wasn’t so busy trying to prevent Nurf from incorporating Dolph and Space Kid as living pieces of his machine. Mr. Campbell shows up at some point with an intriguing but useless story about his time in a Russian ballet school and then disappears pretty much as soon as she asks him to help. The Quartermaster is there.
Gwen waits all day, anticipation thrumming through her veins, for David to do something different. Just… one thing that would indicate that he’s secretly a paranormal, shapeshifting, not-quite-human creature. Maybe some supernatural speed, or a snarl at being bashed over the head by their terrible campers. Hell, she’d accept a mysterious, darkly longing look towards the woods. Anything.
But David spends the whole day totally normal, with his usual mix of peppiness, anxiety, and the occasional oh-so-human shriek of pain.
It’s not like Gwen really believed (much less had her heart set on) all those books about the super capable, brooding werewolf leads, but… It’s not easy to reconcile the rugged, snarling, coverboy antiheroes with a twiggy, delicate David who’s too busy trying to put a positive spin on marble-powered rocket launchers to realize his bandana is on fire.
Needless to say, Gwen’s exhausted by the end of the day, and for all his talk David hurries the kids along to bed as well. She leans against a tree, watching him interact with the torturous little shits with near-endless patience even in the light of the rising moon. It’s impressive, given that David wears his heart on his sleeve (along with every other organ he has in his body), but right now his impression of not being twitchy as hell is nearly passable. Even if some of the kids notice, they won’t worry; besides the Problem Trio, none will suspect it’s anything to do with the supernatural.
Also, of course Max, Neil, and Nikki found out about it; Gwen is going to grill Max about that as soon as she gets the chance, and then she’s going to kill David for letting it slip so quickly.
...then again, it’s admittedly something of a miracle that the whole camp doesn’t already know; she might have to let this slide. You should still know better! she thinks loudly, glaring at the back of David’s head as he suffers Nikki using him as a climbing post. He glances back at the same moment, catches her look, and hurriedly starts trying to disentangle the wild kid from his hair.
Gwen winces, then sighs in frustration — she hadn’t actually meant for him to catch that. Great going, Gwen.
Despite the revelations of the past few days, David really does seem just the same: goofy muppet-long limbs, pointy elbows, big smiles papered over a mess of anxiety, enthusiasm, and bad ideas. He’s not even more muscular or anything — though to be fair, he’s always been stronger than he looks. With his wiry muscles, he’s capable of lifting way more than Gwen expects — but the fact remains that he’s always looked delicate.
He’s not, of course — though he cries more easily than most people, it’s usually an emotional rather than physical response. He bounces back from just about any injury, leaping into the next activity with all the grace of a newborn deer. Gwen can admit that it’s somewhat compelling; she can’t help admiring his determination to keep moving forward.
Finally disengaged from Nikki, David puts his hands on his hips, tilting them in the opposite direction of his head. The move puts him on an appealing slant that emphasizes how long and slim he is, the slope of his neck leading into the sharp cut of his shoulders, hidden slightly by his dumb bandana. He fiddles with it now, throwing an uncertain glance her way.
He’d said the freaky magic necklace wasn’t comfortable to wear, and she wonders exactly how: does it intensify things? Is it like holding in a sneeze? After working so closely with him for so long, she’s intimately familiar with his energy levels; it’s not been the kind of day that usually ends in mania or an anxiety attack, but he’s twitchier than usual anyway. Is that related?
Finally taking pity, Gwen steps in. She manages to convince Harrison that the woods aren’t going to come alive while he sleeps (a weird, newly emerged fear she’s keeping a close eye on) and bundles Space Kid in his favorite rocket blanket so that David can devote his attention to Nerris’s pleas to stay up later so they can fight the dark elves together (which honestly seems like the kind of bullshit she should read up on, because that doesn’t sound like the sort of thing an impressionable kid should be absorbing). Together, they get the kids down only twenty minutes past the scheduled time.
David is unmistakably anxious on the way to the Counselors Cabin. When he hesitantly asks, “Am I in trouble?” Gwen can’t help but sigh.
“No, David. I’m just thinking,” she admits. “We need to make sure none of the rest of the kids find out that you’re a werg— a, a werewolf.” She silently curses herself for stumbling over the word again. What’s wrong with her? “Why did you have to let Max know? You must have realized he’d find a way to take advantage of this.”
“We-e-ell…” David starts, avoiding eye contact in a way that compounds Gwen’s fatigue.
“I didn’t mean to!! He was just there and the moon was out and he broke the necklace and obviously if I had known I wouldn’t have put him in that situation, but the Quartermaster was being very coy about my being a werewolf so I had no idea what was coming —“
“Wait wait wait,” Gwen interrupts; David shrinks guiltily. “You didn’t know? You mean Max was there the first time you —?” She cuts herself off, brain whirring through his behavior since he got back from his disastrous trip in the woods a few weeks ago. She doesn’t like the conclusion she comes to.
Dreading his answer, she asks, “When was this?”
“Um.” David counts briefly on his fingers, lips pursed in thought. “A-about a week ago?”
“A week?!”
“A, a little less, actually,” he admits, cringing.
Gwen stops walking. “It’s been less than a week.”
Cautiously, he nods, his red hair flopping, and Gwen stares at him. It occurs to her suddenly that David has, hilariously, really been thrown to the wolves here: he doesn’t actually know anything about being a werewolf. His life has just changed, majorly and possibly permanently, and his only guide is the laconic and decidedly unhelpful Quartermaster… and Gwen herself.
“Right,” Gwen manages, and starts walking again. David follows, chattering nervously, but she barely hears him, thinking about what he’d said to her yesterday morning (practically forever ago): that he hadn't wanted to be a burden, but he needed her help.
Where is she even supposed to start?
She watches him throw his arms up to emphasize a point she hasn’t heard and catches sight of how long and delicate his fingers are, even with his summer camp callouses. They’re the same as ever, but somehow that makes Gwen feel like he’s even more fragile than usual, like if she even touched his shoulder he might shatter or maybe even bolt. But if she wants to figure this out properly, she needs more information… so she’s extra careful when she puts forth her next question.
“So you gonna let me watch tonight?” she asks, and then bites her tongue hard because that did not come out like she wanted it to, Gwen what is wrong with you.
Fortunately, the look David sends her is one of innocent surprise, rather than one assuming that she just propositioned him.
“Um, sure!!” he says, voice edging just past bubbly and into manic; he tugs at his bandana, revealing a flash of silver chain. Then, to her horror, a very noticeable flush starts to crawl up the back of his neck — shit, does he think she just propositioned him? “I-it’s just… well, I can’t really afford to ruin any more camp uniforms, s-so, um, I’d have to be —“
“Spit it out, David,” she advises, not completely dickishly.
“—naked, I’d have to be naked,” he blurts out, and pulls his bandana up around his cheeks to hide his embarrassment.
Gwen has to blink at him for a few seconds. Is he seriously that embarrassed about her catching an eyeful when they’ve lived in close quarters this long? And when he’s going to turn into a giant, fuckoff werewolf??
“David. I promise not to look at your dick,” she says, which to her amusement makes him squeak and turn as red as his hair. He flutters a nervous hand at her, glancing around like a camper could appear anywhere — which, to be fair, they could: Gwen has learned not to underestimate the little bastards.
She bumps her shoulder into his, because she’s too awkward to offer comfort in a normal way. “Are you seriously more freaked out about the naked thing than the werewolf thing?”
“It’s not… appropriate,” he hisses, still flushed and harried-looking. “You shouldn’t have to —“
“I don’t have to; I want to. To see you transform, I mean,” she corrects. “Into a wolf. Not to — yeah. But I do want to see the transforming shit again because it was seriously the coolest thing I have ever seen.”
As per usual, David opens the door to the Counselors Cabin and lets Gwen through first, which is why she sees the set-up, recognizes the intended purpose, and is already exhausted and dismayed by its outcome by the time David cheerfully flicks on the lightswitch.
“Oh,” he says, pleasantly surprised, as his action triggers the set of three marbles to start rolling down the halved cardboard tubes that have been taped together into an impressively complicated contraption. The blue marble hits and tips over a precariously balanced jug of water, the yellow one continues to pick up speed as its path steepens, and the mint-green one just barely nudges a piece of cheese into the grubby little hands-reach of a caged squirrel. “Wow,” David says, delighted, while Gwen traces the future paths of the machine and reaches the signs neatly taped to the wall above David’s bed.
“Ooo, great use of weighted pullies,” David says appreciatively, while a baby headache is born right behind Gwen’s eyes.
Next to Max’s note is one with Neil’s precise handwriting. “Sorry for getting carried away but I needed to test my abilities. Neil.”
The squirrel has tugged up the string tied to the key to its cage and is furiously trying to unlock its prison; another domino falls just as the scale overbalances. Gwen’s headache has learned to walk and is joyfully crashing into the walls of her brain.
Nikki’s note (which, for some reason, is dripping with an unknown reddish liquid) says, “it seemed like the best use of our time. also the squirrel needed to know who was boss.”
“That’s such a creative use of a windchime!” David says, proud as anything, as Gwen recognizes an open container of lighter fluid, realizes that the last note is written in Campbell’s chunky scrawl, and her headache throws a screaming teenage tantrum about how unfair its life is.
“Gwen, look at how they combined their machines here! Oh, I’m so proud, this is such great teamwork,” David coos and then the lighter fluid tips over, the bedspread catches fire, the squirrel frees itself to launch its horrible little rodent body across the room, and Gwen’s headache graduates summa cum laude with a full degree in Fuck You Gwenology.
Even if she hasn’t been through this exact scenario before, Gwen knows how this goes. David’s mattress will be reduced to kindling (an inevitability each summer; honestly, she’s a little proud of how long it lasted this year), David will shriek as the squirrel makes claw-contact with his face, and Gwen will calmly murder every person responsible for ensuring she has more work to do before she can goddamn relax. She’s already heading towards the fire extinguisher when David surprises her.
Instead of getting a faceful of furious-slash-terrified squirrel and screeching his fool head off, David whips a hand out faster than Gwen can follow and snags the thing out of the air. She hardly notices, though, distracted as she is by the sudden, ferocious snarl that transforms David’s face, revealing a set of gleaming, razor-sharp fangs that make him look a whole lot more… monstrous.
Oh, fuck, Gwen thinks, frozen to the spot.
The squirrel squeals, panicked, and David’s growling cuts off abruptly with a sharp little gasp. He loosens his grip enough that the animal can scramble out of his hands and out the swinging screen door, not even bothering to scold them on the way out. David automatically tracks its movements, his green eyes flashing and shoulders tense.
Thwack, goes the cabin door. Gwen stares at David, who himself stares at where the squirrel had disappeared, before a full-body shudder goes through him and he wraps his arms around his middle.
“S-sorry,” he says, voice small. Gwen blinks at that, still a bit dazed, but he keeps his eyes down. “I didn’t mean — I mean, I just —“ He hunches into himself, making himself even smaller.
Realization sparks in Gwen — he feels shitty about this, I should do something — and then David takes a sudden, deep breath, filling his lungs and straightening to his full height. His shoulders are still tense but he’s forced them down, like he’s relaxed, and when he smiles at her it’s practically normal.
But Gwen knows David, and she knows his smiles, and this one is bad: her eyes rove over his face, cataloguing the tension in his brow, the slight tremble of his upper lip, how few teeth he’s actually showing. “David,” she starts, uncertain what she’s going to say.
“It’s okay!” he assures her, voice bright and tight, flapping an insistent hand in dismissal. “I was just — that, um, startled me, is all. I didn’t mean to — to… is something burning?”
Gwen turns so fast she gives herself whiplash. “Oh fuck, the bed!!”
“O-oh — !”
These days she’s old hat at putting out fires, but the lighter fluid and the relatively extended burn time mean that even after Gwen empties a full fire extinguisher, it’s quite clear that the mattress isn’t the only thing sacrificed to the blaze.
“My bed,” David says weakly. The headboard has collapsed into the slats of the bed frame, which are themselves burned through, and its legs are heavily charred; it looks like it might fall apart in a stiff breeze, leaving behind just a pile of ashes. “W-well, we could —“
“The extra camper cots won’t hold an adult’s weight,” Gwen points out numbly. Do they still have — ?
“And Mr. Campbell took the last bedframe from storage when he moved in,” David notes, and Gwen adds another thing to her mental “Reasons to Kill Cameron Campbell” list. “Good thing I —“
“No, Max traded your sleeping bag to the Wood Scouts to get them to take Jermy back,” Gwen reminds him, pinching the bridge of her nose. Quartermaster probably has more supplies, but he’s left for the night to do… Quartermaster things, and Gwen doesn’t actually know how to contact him until the morning.
“Right,” David sighs. “But the hammock — ?”
“Could you even use it when you’ve got —“ she claws at the air, giving him a faux snarl, which immediately makes her feel like a huge, stupid asshole, but she perseveres — “you know, four legs?”
With each back and forth, David sinks down a little more — but at that last one he perks up a bit. “Oh! Gwen, I’ll be a wolf. I don't need a bed, I’ll just sleep outside!”
“David,” Gwen begins, already prepared to try to make him see reason, but then she actually catches sight of his expression and pauses, considering.
Because David isn’t looking at her. His eyes dart from the remains of his bed to her desk to the bathroom door to the open window, whereupon he flinches and looks anywhere else til he’s inevitably drawn back to it. His hands are clasped in front of him like he’s pleased, but Gwen can see them trembling. “Plus, I feel like — I think there’s something different in the air, and I just want to check it out, make sure everything’s okay. And Harrison was so nervous at bedtime — I should probably check on him. And the Quartermaster probably needs help setting things up, so…”
He wants to get away, Gwen realizes. His reaction to the squirrel was different than he’s used to and it scared him. He needs to process it alone.
“Fine,” Gwen blurts out, and David shuts his mouth, eyebrows dipping in confusion.
“Go. We don’t have to — You can show me the transformation another night. I’ll take care of the bed and any kids who come calling. If you need — some time, or some space, David, then go get it.” She has to mentally scream at herself to do it, but she raises a pretty convincingly casual hand to pat his shoulder. “I’ll take care of things here. You go do what you need, okay?”
He looks uncertain, but he does lean into her touch. Gwen fights to keep her face normal. “Gwen, are you sure? I don’t want to leave you alone with everything again…”
“It’s fine, David,” she says, and finds that she means it. He asked her for her help, and if this is what it takes, well. “Go. Run around, burn off some energy, do what you need. I’ll cover you.”
He bites his lip, incidentally flashing those sharp teeth. Gwen determinedly keeps her eyes on his. “If you’re sure it’s okay…”
“I am. Go do your thing, David.”
The tense worry on his face melts away, and when he smiles at her it’s easy. “Thanks, Gwen,” he says, and before she can react he wraps his arms around her in a firm hug.
Gwen tries not to freeze up or anything, but she’s so awkward — she ends up patting his shoulder again (like an idiot) until he finally loosens his warm grip and steps away to open the cabin door. He aims one last grateful smile at her; it practically lights up the whole room.
“I’ll see you tomorrow morning, Gwen. Thanks again.”
“Yee-up,” she says, and gives him a thumbs-up until the screendoor thwacks shut behind him.
She stands there for a long moment, listening to his footsteps fade away. Then, when she’s sure he’s gone, she numbly reaches for her pillow. She presses her face into it and takes a couple deep breaths.
Then she screams, because she has to clean up the remains of the burned bed and figure out how this werewolf thing works for David and make sure the camp keeps running and now she’s going to have to do all that with the awareness that David might be hot now.
He’s not allowed to be. Their whole thing works because he’s not her type. They have to work so closely together to make this damn place run, reading each others’ intentions and patching each other up and practically working on top of and underneath each other; Gwen can’t do that if she has to worry about her hormones acting up just because her stupid coworker actually has some monster-y traits to go with the fact that technically, now he’s a monster.“Fuck,” she says, and it scrapes at her throat but it feels good anyways, so she says it again as she tries not to think about sharp teeth in an innocent smile. “Fuck fuck fuck.”
Gwen wakes up.
She keeps her eyes shut for a few moments. Sleep waits for her, solemn and warm, but something in the outside world is just off enough that she doesn’t surrender to it quite yet. Sluggishly, consciousness comes online.
She has a body. Her body is wrapped in a warm blanket. She’s still cold. She scrunches her nose and pulls her limbs in tighter, which helps a little, but not as much as the sudden cut-off of cold air that accompanies the screendoor’s muffled thwack.
Is David seriously coming in and out of the cabin at this hour? That deserves a squinted glare at the very least. Gwen rolls over to offer the stink-eye to her erstwhile coworker for his early morning volume, only —
The windows show only dark grey outside. Rain splatters half-heartedly against the panes. The digital clock on David’s night table illuminates the digits 7:08, more than twenty minutes before her first phone alarm is due to go off. Though the light inside the cabin is limited, it’s enough for Gwen to make out the rough outline of an enormous animal standing just in the doorway. It looks directly at her; its reflective eyes are brilliant and strange.
Her heart skips a beat. Then its pace increases, along with her breathing, because what the fuck, it’s gonna eat her —
A quiet, pitiful whine escapes the beast. It sounds pathetically sad, like Missy when Gwen’s dad won’t share his hamburger, but besides that universal doggy plea, something else about it seems... familiar.
She switches on her lamp before she can doubt herself.
The scant golden light reveals an unnaturally large wolf, its four paws placed carefully on the doormat. It is covered in thick red fur, Gwen knows, but not one hair of that is visible beneath its coat of caked, dripping mud. Its big green eyes are pleading. 
“Christ, David,” she says hoarsely, and stumbles to her feet, already reaching for the box of garbage bags left out last night after she cleaned up the charred remains of his bed. She can cut one open and lay it down like a tarp; it’ll catch any mud he drips on the way to the bathroom so it won’t spread to the rest of the cabin. Where are her scissors?
She lurches about the cabin, trying to prep it for a muddy werewolf. Her brain is working, technically, running through where the spare towels are and what she’ll need, but it’s still too early for things to quite make sense. Werewolf? Sure, that’s logical, she can handle that. But shouldn't David have turned back by now?
“C’mon,” she says to him once she has a line of slit open trashbags laid out. David steps carefully along her path, his tail and ears down, and hops immediately into the tub without the need for her to explain. Pulling her hair back in a loose ponytail, Gwen locates an old, refillable slurpee cup, then squats on the bathmat and turns the water on.
It’s cold, as it always is first thing in the morning, but David doesn’t even react; his fur must be super thick. Still, she waits until it hits a reasonable temperature before plugging the bath and filling the mega slurpee cup. “Stay still, okay?” Placing a hand on his furry brow to prevent the water from getting in his eyes, she pours it over his head… which makes hardly any difference to the mud stuck fast to his fur.
Gwen rocks back onto her heels, frowning. “Think we’re gonna need more than water,” she tells David, who woofs so very softly in reply that even in her sleep-muzzy state she can’t help smirking a little. “Is that a yes?” His tail starts to wag, disturbing the already-clouded water filling the tub. “Yeah? You want some soap or shampoo or some shit, David?”
To her amusement, his tail wags even harder — he’s always so delighted by her solutions, even when they’re obvious, but somehow the tail-wagging hits different than his normal bouncy enthuthiasm. She idly wonders how far she can take this as she stands to examine their toiletries.
There’s not much left in his shampoo bottle, so Gwen grabs her body wash as well — it’s cheap and she has tons of it, so it’ll have to do. She kneels back down and softens her voice a little more, like she’s talking to a toddler or something, as she squeezes some shampoo into her palm. “You wanna get clean, David? Huh? Get all this crap off of you?”
He gives her a happy whine that is so very David, despite the species, that she can’t help the giggle that escapes her. 
His tail stills for a moment and he stares at her, ears pricked high, the expression on his muzzle so close to human surprise that she starts to feel self conscious. Then he starts wagging his tail so furiously that Gwen has to quickly splat her shampooed hand on his head. “Shut up,” she tells him, and starts to rub it into a lather.
Gwen doesn’t really touch people. Growing up she’d been used to living in cramped spaces — Dad’s tour bus chief among them — which meant that being able to spread out was always such a luxury. She quit touring once she hit high school, but by that time the damage had already been done: after so many years of enforced closeness, Gwen never really figured out how to initiate physical contact when she wanted it, without a lack of room causing the press of bodies on all sides. 
So she’s not good at touching people. David, on the other hand, is bad at not touching people. When Gwen awkwardly offered her hand to him during their first meeting, David went right in for an extended hug. He hasn’t gotten much better since; it’s taken years for her to train him to let go of her, dammit, and she’s given up on ever getting through a day without his hands fluttering around her shoulders, arms, back, casually and constantly touching her.
And though Gwen pretends not to notice or care, on the relatively rare occasions that she initiates contact, David always, always relaxes into her touch. It makes her feel… well, stupid, yes, but also warm and — damn him — kind of fond. Right now, it’s somehow even easier to slip into that feeling: he leans obviously into her hands as she works the shampoo and then body wash through his thick fur, the mud coming away under her fingers and slowly revealing more and more red fur.
It should be stranger, not least because he’s currently in the form of a predator that has terrified man for years. But Gwen keeps at it, soaping and scrubbing and rinsing, til her friend stands there on four paws, clean as can be.
...and, once she takes a step back to get a good view of him, looking a bit like an enormous drowned rat.
“Holy shit, you’re so skinny,” Gwen exclaims, leaning against the sink. She crosses her arms as she gets a good look at the wolf doing his best to pout in their tub. “All that fur almost made you look intimidating, but you’re all elbows, huh?”
David’s furry brow creases. He seems to think hard for a moment; feeling generous, Gwen waits him out. Finally, he sticks the very tip of his tongue out in an impressively snooty blep.
She snorts, snagging some ratty old towels, and drops back into the voice she uses for dogs and babies. “Well, does David wanna get dry now? Huh? Does Davey wanna let Gwen towel him off so he can be a big, scary fluffball again?”
When she turns back, his muzzle has contorted into one of offended realization. She can hear his voice so clearly in his scandalized expression: Wait, have you been making fun of me? That, plus the fact that his tongue is still out in a petite blep, has her pressing the towels to her face to muffle a laugh.
“David,” she starts, once she feels capable of facing him without making a fool of herself -- and then she startles at the spray of cool water against her skin, soaking into her pajamas, and the pafwappafwappafwap sound of a dog shaking itself dry. “David!” she snaps, horrified, and backs away, but the bathroom door is closed — she’s stuck — she holds up the towels, as if that will protect her. She’s going to kill him.
He woofs, sounding terribly pleased with himself, and Gwen blindly chucks the towels at him. By her ear, they splat against the tub -- she wipes at the water in her eyes, cursing. “I’m going to kill you,” she announces to the bathroom, fuming, and feels the rasp of something warm and wet on her free hand. She jerks away, blinking rapidly to clear her vision.
David stands beside her, fluffy and damp and way too smug, his green eyes sparkling in amusement. He’s big enough that his head hits her waist; if he stood on his back feet, he’d be tall enough to crowd her in, look down on her. As it is, he looks up at her, a distinctly… David look of affection on his face.
Gwen’s stomach swoops, but just a little, and that’s kind of embarrassing so she glowers at him. “Dick,” she mutters, yanking open the bathroom door and storming half-heartedly to her “dresser” (a shitty filing cabinet, because Campbell’s too cheap for real furniture). She can hear the click of his nails on the hardwood as she pulls out a camp shirt and a relatively clean sports bra. Her pajama shirt is soaked thanks to David’s sense of humor so she tugs it off and flings it into her laundry basket. “Shouldn’t you have changed back by now anyway?” she asks him. “It’s way past sun-up.”
She just buys whatever fits from the sales rack, so her sports bras are always wacky colors; this one is fuschia with vivid teal piping. She yanks it on over her head and makes sure her tits are facing the right way before realizing that David has gone totally silent.
She glances over her shoulder to find him staring at her with wide eyes, his tail frozen straight out in shock. When they make eye contact, his ears flatten against his skull and he seems at such a panicky loss for what to do that he actually yelps, which startles them both so much that they spend another precious second staring at each other in mutual what-the-fuck-do-we-do-ness before Gwem gets her shit together and throws her camp shirt at his face.
“I —! You were a dog! I forgot!” she snaps, face burning. Stupid. “Stay there!” 
It takes Gwen seconds to get another shirt on, but her inner voice is shouting rapidly the whole time. He’s a wolf but he’s a werewolf so he’s a person so you can’t change in front of him dumbass! Unless you’re trying to get it on in which case why would you think unsexily shoving your boobs into a sports bra would be the way to do it?! Plus even if he is a werewolf he’s still David who isn’t supposed to be hot! ...But maybe he is now?? Even if that is the case you know you can’t handle a fling with a coworker so quit thinking about it, especially cuz right now he’s still in the form of a dog!!
In her mind, Gwen shouts inarticulately back at the voices and smashes their heads in with David’s guitar. In real life, she zips up her shorts and hesitantly lifts the spare shirt off David’s face. He keeps his eyes screwed shut, his ears back and head down, everything about his posture saying I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry.
Gwen huffs out a breath — he gets so apologetic for the stupidest shit — and taps his forehead to get his attention. “David, it’s fine, it was my fault anyway. You can open your eyes.” 
A fine tremble goes through him, but he peeks one eye open and, seeing that she’s telling the truth, opens both eyes to focus entirely on her. Gwen feels like squirming — even in this form, his focus makes her a little nervous. “Well?” she blurts out. “Why aren’t you human again?”
He flicks an ear in mild irritation (is he conscious of that, she wonders) and pads over to the cabin door, pointing his muzzle towards the outside. Gwen follows, looking out: the camp is muddy and full of puddles, rain drizzling down from pale grey clouds that take up the whole sky. Her stomach sinks.
“You need sunlight to change back?” she asks; he confirms with a prim little nod. Gwen tugs her phone over by its cord (it’ll probably break at some point, but what the fuck ever) and checks the weather app for the hourly forecast in Sleepy Peak. She can’t help hissing at what she sees.
“It’s supposed to be cloudy for the next twenty-four hours,” she says, feeling a little numb. David’s ears sink in clear dismay that matches her own. “What the fuck are we going to do?”
It turns out David doesn’t even need to speak for them to reach a decision.
He suggests (through a series of wolf-sounds and some poor pantomime) that he stay inside all day, but Gwen knows that he couldn’t even make it an hour being cooped up inside with no camp activities to run. So as long as he can avoid the mud, she’s sentencing him to spend the rest of the day outdoors on the off-chance that any sunlight makes it through the thick cloud cover. 
Which means that she’s basically going to be running the camp alone today. Great.
Gwen rolls up a pair of his shorts and pins them onto a long-sleeve camp shirt so at least he’ll have clothing if he happens to change back. Obedient, David sits very still as she ties the bundle around his neck like a bandana. He looks up at her attentively when she smooths down the tree insignia so it lays flat against his red fur.
Despite the fact that he’s an enormous wolf, and despite the fact that he’s David, her brain says dog! and she has to resist the urge to pat his head. He almost looks cute.
“Okay,” she says, shrugging on her raincoat and opening the front door. “Quartermaster needs to get into storage to get you a new bed anyway, so I’ll do blanket forts for a bit and see how it goes. You — don’t get seen, don’t get too muddy, and come back as soon as you’re human again. Got it?”
David’s eyes turn determined. He lifts a paw to his nose in what Gwen assumes is his best “campe diem!!” and this time she really can’t help it — before she can stop herself, she’s running a hand down his fluffy head and scratching behind his ears. David leans into it, tail wagging, and by the time Gwen realizes what she’s done he’s already hopped out the door and trotted off into the woods.
Gwen is too awkward, too nervous, too weird — even after years of patching him up, she hardly ever touches David on purpose, but… that had been easy. His fur had been warm, his green eyes bright.
She stands there for a minute, blinking at her own hand, imagining she can still feel fur, dense and fine against her fingers. Then she shakes her head and gets going.
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tired-teacher-blog · 2 months
This was a request. And yes I know, my requests are currently closed, but when I received this one a few days ago, I had the urge to work on it, so here we are.
• When cuddling with your boyfriend Iida turns a bit steamy.
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_ "Honey, are you asleep already?" a familiar and soothing voice sounded from behind you to tickle your ear, as two strong arms pulled you flush against a hard surface.
_ "No, not yet." you responded through an uncontrollabe yawn and wiggled yourself deeper in the man's embrace.
You were lying though, and were on the verge of slumber had he not spoken, the movie you two had settled on earlier was over just moments ago, and the end credits rolled up announcing it was time to vacate the comfy sofa and go to bed instead, but it felt too cozy to move, wrapped in your boyfriend's arms this way was what you needed.
Sleep be damned.
_ "Tenya, don't you wanna watch something else?" you craned your neck wishing to catch a glimpse of the man holding you close, and you did, a cute grin adorning his lips as he gazed back at you.
_ "Do you have any idea what time it is right now? We both have work in the morning so we can't afford to stay up late." he nuzzled your cheek while whispering the words, kissing your warm skin again and again until you started giggling.
_ "Alright I know, then just a few more minutes?" you shifted in his hold until facing him.
Finally, a clear view of the dazzling man lying by your side.. soft dark blue hair falling around his face, a gentle gaze that was -for once- not hidden behind his thick glasses, a relaxed smile on those lips you craved to kiss, and most importantly, no sign of that stress he usually carries throughout the day due to the dangers of work, he was obviously enjoying the closeness you shared in this moment of peace.
_ "How can I say no to you?" he breathed out while swiftly moving to lay on top of you, "but if we're doing that, then I actually prefer this position."
You couldn't help the chuckle escaping your throat as you accepted him in your arms, he's heavy, almost knocking the air out of your lungs, but you didn't want him to move even an inch away.
He sighed contentedly while settling between your legs and nuzzling your neck like a kitten, his lips ghosting over your pulse and luring a tingle to run under your skin.
Your fingers played with his silky hair and scratched at the undercut as he slipped his warm hands under your shirt, caressing your sides and skimming across your belly while he playfully nibbled on your neck.
_ "What are you doing? Stop it tickles!" you thrashed and laughed uncontrollably but to no avail, he had you pinned underneath his massive weight and no way to flee.
He glanced up through his lashes with a smirk that you could sense ghosting over your skin, before kissing his way to your face.
_ "I'm simply showcasing my love for you, and kissing is a prime way of doing so." a response that only he could ever provide, one that you found exceptionally cute.
You cradled his face with a little squeeze on his cheeks, bringing his mouth to you for a deep kiss.
His lips moved slowly against yours, molding together perfectly in a rhythmic dance.. sweet, delicate and addictive, that's how it felt, and you soon found yourself needing more.
Your fingers traveled up to thread through his hair, pulling faintly when he playfully nibbled on your lip. The air was getting steamier each moment that passed, and a pleasant heat surged from your face to your neck and then your chest, until it settled in the pit of your tummy.
His hips moved shallowly and obviously absent-mindedly against you to relieve the growing bulge nudging your groin. You still wanted more though, just a little bit more of that delicious friction as you cursed the barrier of clothing between you and him, but this was fine too, if only he would thrust a little harder, a little faster, just a little..
_ "Oh no! I'm.. I'm so sorry! I'll be right back!" his sudden outburst startled you as he promptly broke the kiss to cry out the words, proceeding to untangle himself from you and run off God-knows-where-to.
_ "Tenya, what's happening? Why would you want to leave?" you were quick to wrap your legs around his waist and press him further against you, a move that coaxed a whimper to leave you both.
_ "I need to go to the bathroom, just give me a minute." his clenched jaw, flushed face and dark look in his eyes spoke differently though, and you knew that only a bit of persuasion would keep him in your presence.
_ "You don't need to go sweetie, just let me take care of this for you." and your hand was already sliding down his chest before slipping past the waistband of his sweatpants to palm his erection through the thin fabric of his boxers.
He couldn't utter another word after that, but the aroused groans leaving his throat announced your victory, as his restless hips chased after the warmth of your palm.
The plan was to go to bed early as he had suggested, but that was no longer an option, and you both knew it.
So what if you end up arriving a bit late to work? This is worth it.
Divider by : @/cafekitsune
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fkinavocado · 6 months
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in which your husband and Harry's wife dragged you both into a situation you didn't want to be in, but as it turns out, everything happens for a reason
Loved, heard, seen- Masterlist, Author’s Notes & Warnings / alternatively, read on wattpad
Part One (word count: 3.6k)
Harry sighed heavily while closing the door to the hotel room behind him. He leaned against it as he watched the young woman pace the room and look around, wondering how he was going to let her down easily.
This was a mistake. He never should have agreed to this.
“I can’t do this.” She suddenly turned to face him after staring at the bed for a long while as if lost in her own thoughts. 
Harry straightened up as a huge wave of relief washed over him and made to reply but she went on, agitated. “I’m sorry. I know this must be disappointing, but I just can’t go through with it. It’s got nothing to do with you, please don’t feel bad–”
Harry approached her and let out a light chuckle, “Please, no need to explain yourself. I feel exactly the same. I was struggling to find a way to break it to you myself.”
“Wait- really? You’re not just saying that?”
He placed his hand over his heart. “Swear to god. And don’t worry, it’s got nothing to do with you either… I just… Well, as corny as it sounds, I realized what a huge mistake this was. Agreeing to this. I love my wife. We don’t need this. I’m sure she must’ve freaked out by now, too.”
“Oh, thank god.” The woman clutched the neckline of her shirt and sighed in relief smilingly, the both of them chuckling at the realization they were on the same page about this. “I’m going to call him. I know it’s against the rules but like you said, I’m sure he’s backing out too by now.”
Harry was already dialling his wife’s number but his serene expression faded as soon as it went straight to voicemail. “Hm. She must’ve not turned her phone back on yet. She’ll call me back.”
“Same here.” Harry didn’t miss the slight tremble in her hands.
“Hey. It’s alright…”
But she kept trying her husband’s number again and again and soon she was panicking, pacing the room nervously. 
Harry tried his wife’s number again, too. Voicemail. He was trying to keep himself in check, and decided to distract himself by reassuring the young woman. “Hey. Let’s give it a moment. Let’s not jump to conclusions. Come, let’s just sit for a bit, we’re on edge.”
She nodded frantically and sat on the edge of the bed next to the man. She placed the phone in her lap and her forehead in her hands, resting her elbows on her knees and tried to breathe in deeply to calm herself. “Why did I ever agree to this? What if he’s actually going through with it?”
Harry placed his own phone next to him on the bed after he double checked it wasn’t on silent. He rubbed his face, squeezing his eyes shut. “I didn’t want to. She did. It was her idea.”
“Same here. He brought it up…”
“The whole way here I kept expecting her to freak out and tell me to turn the car around and go back home. That this was a mistake. That we don’t need this. But she never did. If anything, she was giddy. Felt sick the whole time. I tried to hide it from her and not be a spoilt sport because I had agreed to it, after all… I don’t think I spoke a word the whole ride here. She didn’t even notice.”
“I kept expecting him to burst into laughter and tell me he couldn’t believe I’d actually fallen for this. That he’d never do this to us, but is proud of me for being so open minded. Kind of like a stupid test I passed that was meant as a cruel joke initially but when I went with it he decided to test my limits. But it never came. When I realized we were getting closer I kept wanting to break down and beg for him to stop the car, turn around, but it’s like I was too stunned that this was actually happening to do something. I just froze and watched it all happen. I don’t even remember picking the note with your name out of that hat. I was too busy looking at all the women, wondering who was going to have a go at my man–”
Her voice cracked and she began sobbing and Harry hesitantly brought his hand to her back, rubbing it soothingly, trying to console her. She turned to bury her face in his side and he took her under his arm as his own eyes glazed over. He felt pathetic for wanting to cry over it just like she was. He’d agreed to this. It wasn’t like he’d found his wife cheating on him in their own bedroom. No, they’d sat down and discussed this, she made sure he was on board 100% over and over, they’d signed up for this and drove all the way up here. He hadn’t been forced into it. 
…Had he?
The woman pulled away suddenly and excused herself, “I need the bathroom. Think I’m gonna be sick.”
Harry stammered something indiscernible as he watched her rush to the ensuite. He couldn’t blame her. He’d felt like throwing up the whole way there. But now he felt different. He felt like punching a wall. Breaking something. And he was anything but a violent man.
He clutched the phone angrily, not even bringing it to his ear as he dialled the number again. He watched as it went straight to voicemail again and dropped it to the floor before he could throw it across the room and smash it against the nearest wall. He pressed the heels of his palms deep into his eye sockets, groaning in an effort to reign it in. 
He stood up and almost stepped on the phone before kicking it to the curb in his way to the minibar. His wife was clearly preoccupied and wasn’t going to be picking up, much less calling him anytime soon. He grabbed an upside down glass from a tray and emptied several mini bottles of vodka in it. By the time the woman reemerged from the ensuite he’d already downed it halfway to what now looked like a decent amount of vodka.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah. I’m okay, I stuck my face out the window there for some fresh air and managed to keep it down. Can I have some?”
“By all means. Choose your poison.”
“I don’t care. Make it strong.”
She plopped herself back on the edge of the bed and checked her phone again, and Harry rushed with her glass of vodka double before she could try and dial again. 
“Thank you.”
He watched her try to gulp it down before retching and he couldn’t help but chuckle. “Careful, else you’ll definitely end up throwing up.”
“Ugh. Maybe top it up with coke, is there any?”
“Yeah.” He took it back and poured a whole can of lime coke over it before placing the glass back in her trembling hand.
After him sitting back down next to her and both nursing their drinks for a while, she asked in a small voice, “What now? Do we just… wait here?”
“I kind of have to… I drove us here.”
“And I don’t know how to drive.” 
“... Another?”
“Yes, please.”
After raiding the minibar they were both sufficiently able to ease up a bit. She kicked her heels off and he rolled the sleeves of his cardigan to his elbows. He felt stuffy but didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable and remove it even if he did have a wifebeater underneath. She asked about his tattoos and they tried their best to make idle chit chat in an effort to pass the time. Eventually they both sat against the headboard trying to distract one another with different topics of conversation; the design of the hotel room, the quality of the bed linen, the stain on the carpet by the window, the view, the lack of proper parking space, the inconvenient location of the hotel, the bumpy drive to it, the reception lobby, the way everyone else looked- something neither had noticed, too busy with their inner turmoil. 
“What if they landed with eachother, like we did? Should I be worried?”
Harry didn’t mind the question. He was sufficiently buzzed to catch her attempt at a joke to further ease up the tension. “Then you’re in serious trouble.”
“Damn. Is she that much hotter than me?”
Harry shrugged, realizing he hadn’t even taken a proper look at her, in an objective manner. He scanned her from head to toe. He couldn’t imagine her husband had wanted to do this for lack of attraction. “I didn’t mean it as a comparison. But yeah… she’s gorgeous,” he sounded almost remorseful at the admission. “I’m not used to comparing her to anyone, honestly.”
“Yeah. I know what you mean.”
“Should I be worried?”
“He’s your opposite, I would say. Jet black hair. Deep, brown, eyes. He’s more bulky, too, he’s a bit of a gym rat.”
Harry gasped in mock offence. “Excuse me? I’m pretty ripped myself, you know. Not everyone pumps steroids, some of us really put in the work for these abs.”
She laughed, “He does not pump anything. He’s just a bigger build than you. Don’t worry, I can tell you’re fit.”
Harry unbuttoned his cardigan and pulled the wifebeater out of his trousers to prove a point, all the same. He patted his stomach and she raised her eyebrows appreciatively, “Oh… okay. Wasn’t expecting a six pack, I’ll admit.”
He covered himself back with a smug smile, it felt nice to be silly for a moment. After a beat, he asked “How about his build…elsewhere?”
She gasped, this time no trace of mockness, then cleared her throat. “He’s… Alright, I guess. He’s the only man I’ve been with, so I don’t really have a term of comparison. Please don’t flash me, though.”
Harry laughed a genuine laughter, “Don’t worry. Although it would be fairly accurate for a case study, I’m a shower, not a grower.” He cleared his throat too, turning a bit serious. “So, he’s the only one you’ve been with and he was just gonna throw that away…”
“I mean, he did throw it away… for all he knows we’re in here going at it,” and then, in a smaller voice, “just like he is.”
Harry kicked off his shoes as well, “Well, Felicity– my wife, that is… she’d been quite, uhm… promiscuous, before we met. In her own words. She’s got quite the body count. I would never judge a person by that, honestly, and I just assumed she hadn’t found the right person for her until we met. She assured me she was ready to settle down and that I was everything she could ask for in a partner. I did have my reservations, though… after being so casual about sex, I was a bit worried she wouldn’t be able to settle for just one man for the rest of her life, but her reassurances put me at ease, and we went through with the wedding. 3 years down the line, though… turns out I was right.”
“...That’s awful. I’m sorry.”
Harry shrugged. “Guess I should be thankful she didn’t cheat, at least. This feels like sort of a loophole, a way to go around it guilt-free. She made it sound like we needed it. Like it was old fashioned of me to believe in monogamy anymore, that it was just a social construct of patriarchy when most men cheat anyway, and that this was a healthy, modern way of approaching a functional relationship. She wanted us to open our marriage and when I told her that I didn’t want anyone else, she suggested swinging to… see how I feel about it, since I couldn’t imagine actively seeking anyone out; so this sounded like a way to test out the waters before we fully jumped into this. But what I couldn’t get across to her is that you can’t just trial run cheating.” He cleared his throat, “Sorry, that was a bit off handed. I understand the concept of an open relationship and why it might work for some, and that it’s not cheating if both partners are fully in agreement…”
“Yeah, you’re right. I understand why it works for some, too. I’m just… not one of those people. It’s not even jealousy, it's so much more than that… I got married thinking this is my person. That it’s us, and us alone. I didn’t even save myself for marriage or anything, it just so happened that I ended up marrying the first man I slept with. We’ve been together 7 years, highschool sweethearts and all that… He’d been with a few before me, and I was glad for it, thought it would help avoid this very issue. I wouldn’t have liked him feeling like he was missing out on experiencing that with other women and one day feel the need to satisfy that curiosity. So that’s why when he sprung this on me… I was shocked, honestly. Swinging? Really? Ugh, I’m sorry… it’s like you said. I’m not judging anyone, but it’s just not for me. I thought… I actually thought our sex life was good, you know? He led me to believe it was, at least… Guess I’m not as… experienced as other women.”
“I seriously doubt it’s got anything to do with that. And likewise, I thought our sex life was good too. More than good. I’m honestly all over her all the damn time. And I’m plenty experienced. She never gave me reason to believe I wasn’t satisfying her, ever. We’re very open about our kinks and curiosities and whatnot. There’s nothing she wanted to try out that I said no to, and that’s ‘cause I genuinely was always on the same page. Except for this. This I’m not ok with, and I tried explaining it to her but it felt like a losing battle if I were to just say no. If I don’t agree to this, what then? Cheating? Sneaking behind my back? At least she was honest with me telling me she wanted more… made me feel ungrateful for denying her this when she was so open about it. I talked myself into it because I was too scared of what she might do if I declined.”
“Ugh, that’s exactly it. That’s why I went for it, too… I kept telling myself most women don’t get to be asked what their take on this is. At least he was being honest with me… that I’m just not enough… I tried asking him to explore more of his fantasies, anything that he felt he could get from someone else, I wanted to be the one to give to him. But he kept telling me he just couldn’t let go and just do all the things he wanted to with me. Apparently he respects me too much.”
Harry snorted, “That’s rich.”
“Right? Like if he wanted to be rougher, degrade me a bit, try kinkier stuff.. he just had to say so. I always wanted that, anyway… but I’m too scared to ask him to do that. It’s very… vanilla. I don’t blame him for wanting more, but I can’t get myself to bring up what I wanna try in the bedroom.”
“Oh… okay. Why do you feel you can’t tell him? You respect him too much?”
She giggled, “It’s not that I can’t. It’s more that I won’t. I don’t want to. I want him to take the lead. I want him to…”
“Dominate you?”
Harry clicked his tongue, humming lowly. They were both quiet for a beat. “Felicity is the opposite. She’s the dominant one. It’s not that I mind… But I wouldn’t say I’m fully submissive… I’m more of a switch. I’d like it to be more of an even playing field, at the very least. Like, I like her taking charge, and I loved it at the beginning because I was used to always being the dominant one in the bedroom, and I was actually looking for someone to put me in my place for a change. But she never lets me take the reins. Whenever I try she just blows me off and makes me feel less than. And then she mistakes my apprehensiveness for submissiveness when I give up. It’s something… I haven’t really been able to communicate with her either. She should want me to dominate her, you know? Not be talked into it. So I kinda… suppressed that. But even so, I never thought to myself oh cool now I get to be a dom again with someone else. In fact, it didn’t even cross my mind until now.”
“Hm.” After a beat, she asked “What’s that like? Is it like… I dunno, actually. Porn? Or those Fifty Shades books?”
Harry snickered a bit but then took in her genuine curiosity. “I mean… I haven’t read those books, so I can’t speak about that, but from what I’ve seen in porn, it’s definitely not what I would describe as a healthy dynamic. Uhm, porn is catered more to the male gaze, to put it nicely.”
She laughed, “I’d say. But I don’t like the kind they advertise for women either. It’s just too…”
“I guess? Yeah…” she sighed profusely.
“You never see aftercare in dom/sub porn for instance. That’s so important. Like, they’re leaving out so much. And plenty of other things…”
Harry glanced at her when he thought he heard a faint snore and to his surprise, she had, in fact, fallen asleep. She couldn’t have been comfortable, but he didn’t dare try and move her or even drape a blanket over her mainly because they were sitting atop the duvet. He gently took the empty glass out of her hand so as to not accidentally turn in her sleep and break it, injuring herself. He left the nightstand lights on and tried to sleep too after retrieving his phone from the other side of the room where he’d kicked it.
No missed calls of course.
He tossed and turned for ages, mindful to keep to the edge of the bed and give his companion space and was certain he wouldn’t be able to catch a wink of sleep. He was surprised, to say the least, when he was shaken awake. 
“Uhm… I’m sorry, I’m so sorry to wake you–”
Harry rubbed his face and took in his surroundings. He looked at the young woman and took in her dishevelled appearance, it looked like she’d been crying.
“I’m sorry. I’m just… freaking out. I woke up and I can’t calm down… I wanna uber home, but I’m scared to ride alone, it’s 4 am. Could you please give me your number so I could share my ride location live with you? I didn’t wanna ask a friend, no one knows I’m here, doing this, I don’t wanna have to explain–”
“Hey, hey… hey. Calm down.” He tried soothing her. She was a mess. “I’ll drive you home. Don’t worry.”
“Oh, oh no. I couldn’t– Plus, you had a bit to drink…”
“I’m fine. I slept it off. Feels like I’m waking up from the dead, honestly. A drive would do me good, clear my mind a bit. I’ll just run to the bathroom and we can head out, alright?”
The woman nodded, fixing her clothes and looking for her shoes as he went to relieve himself. He looked a right mess. He tried not to dwell on it, running his fingers through his hair and splashing some water on his face, and when he emerged  from the ensuite she was ready to go.
“Thank you, thank you so much for doing this. Really…”
“It’s alright, I promise. Come on. Let’s get outta here.”
They made it to his car and she typed in her address into his gps. Harry kept stealing glances at her the whole way; in truth, he was worried about her. She seemed extremely shaken up, more so than originally. “Are you alright?”
“I just… it just hit me, when I woke up with you there, and it all came crashing down, the reality of it. My marriage is over…” her voice cracked and he reached his hand to her thigh, squeezing reassuringly.
“Hey… at least you know how you feel about this, and how he feels about this… If anything, cards are on the table now… Doesn’t have to be over if you really don’t want it to be. Do you?”
“I don’t know what I want… I don’t know if I can get over this… Do you?”
Harry felt his heart constrict at the realization that he did know. He’d been denied a lot in their relationship and this had really put things into perspective for him. Not only could he not dominate his wife sexually, something he would’ve never held against her- after all, he would never force that dynamic on her, he loved her and he’d been ready to bury that facet of his sexuality when he asked her to be his wife. So why couldn’t she let go of her need for more? He couldn’t even keep her to himself. He felt emasculated, worthless… and most of all, he didn’t feel loved, heard, seen.
He parked the car where the young woman instructed and after killing the engine he turned to her “I do. And I think you do, too.”
Part Two
A/N: 👀 so yeah, introducing swingrry. with all those WIPs somehow i felt the need for another one! this will have a part 2 and then that's it ahahah i'm trying to keep things shorter! hope you guys like it and are intrigued for what's to come ❤️ come talk to me abt it! thanks to the lovely @freedomfireflies for betaing ❤️
💕 like & reblog if you enjoyed this, lovelies, and most importantly, please come share your thoughts on it here 💌
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noosayog · 8 months
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[... and yet, it's you] - ft. oikawa toru
summary: there's a chinese song with the lyrics 【咸魚白菜也好好味】 which translates to "eating even dried salted fish and bok choi is good." with the meaning that i'm happy with anything as long as it's with you.
wc: 1.3k
for @shibaraki's komorebi collab! thank you for letting me participate, Monty!
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1. Sharing a bathroom
The shower is already running when you finally drag yourself out of bed. Your vision is still bleary as you methodically brush your teeth, content to let your mind slowly clear out its sleepy fog to the sound of Oikawa humming in the shower.
You're at the toilet when Oikawa says, "why do you always do that?"
"Do what," you respond.
"Like… let out a little bit of pee before you pee the rest of it out."
You laugh a bit. "You're gonna think it's stupid."
"Just tell me," he says, seriously curious now.
"Once when I was really little, I dreamt that I was peeing in the bathroom but then realized I was still in bed when I woke up to myself wetting the bed."
The shower stops so you can hear Oikawa chuckling. "That wasn't what I was expecting."
"Well, I don't know what you expected but I'm not risking anything. I was traumatized."
"As someone who shares a bed with you, I'm grateful for that."
2. Movie Dates
When you pick up Oikawa's facetime call, you immediately greet him with a "I'm watching a movie and I'm getting to the good part. What do you want?"
He scrunches his nose at you, whining. "Rude!"
"Well?" you prompt. "What do you want?"
"Is it so bad that I missed you and wanted to talk to you?"
You roll your eyes, but affectionately. "I'm putting you on mute."
Oikawa throws out a half-hearted protest but he'll count it as a win that you didn't hang up completely. You mute your side of the line and prop your phone on the tea table facing you, continuing to watch your movie. Oikawa's perfectly content just watching your facial expressions through the small screen and obediently stays quiet.
He mutes his line. too, putting on reruns of an older match but periodically looks over to check in on you. And every time he does, he can't help the grin that stretches on his face as he watches your expressions change scene to scene. Eventually, he keeps his attention glued on your face through the screen, watching your light chuckles and your mouth moving when you exclaim in disbelief over something stupid a character did. By the end of the movie, you’re swiping tears from your eyes and you finally notice that your boyfriend has been watching you.
"Oh my god, Toru," you unmute to say. "That was such a good movie. We have to watch it together next time."
Oikawa's smile widens, eyes crinkling affectionately. "Anything you want, babe."
3. Out Shopping 
On a rare Sunday that Oikawa actually takes off, the two of you head to the nearest major shopping mall to pick up some kitchen items. Oikawa keeps a tight grip around your hands as you ooh and ahh at all the colorful things in the mall; one distracted moment and he would lose you in the sea of people.
As you wander to aisles, you pass by the televisions where a rerun of an Olympic volleyball match is playing. Oikawa instinctively slows down to pay attention, taking mental notes of things he should try at tomorrow's practice.
His attention is pulled away when he feels you trying to pry your fingers out of his fists, only able to pull at his hand when his grip tightens.
"Toru," you say, "let go. I want to go see the bowls over there."
"Okay, let's go then," he agrees, tearing his attention away from the screens.
"No," you say, continuing to tug at your joined hands. "You can keep watching. I'll go look myself."
"What? Why? Let's just go together," he offers, but you tug your hand free.
"It's fine," you say, already walking towards the display that has your attention.
"Hey!" he protests, trying to follow your figure that has already blended into the crowds. Even with his towering height, he does his best to follow after you, locking in on the colorful sweater you decided to wear today.
Despite Oikawa having a significant edge over you in the height department, your little legs carry you surprisingly fast as you weave through people moving in every direction. The distance between the two of you grows larger until you finally stop to admire the collection of pottery on the shelves. He hastily closes the distance before you take off again. 
"Geez, for someone so short," he punctuates this statement with a heavy hand on your head, leaning heavily on it to dramatically catch his breath, "you sure walk fast."
You swat his hands away and reach up to the top shelf for the set of bowls you like.
He easily grabs them for you and puts them into the basket that he was sure wasn't in your hands when you were still by the TVs. He plucks the basket out of your grip and continues to tease you.
"It's always the short ones that walk like today's the last day of their lives," he laughs.
"Shut up, Toru," you fix him with a scathing glare and he holds his hands up in surrender.
You scoff, but take hold of his hand again, leading him to the next display you want to take a look at. He smiles contentedly now that your hands are joined again. And that's all he really wanted. 
4. Bedtime Routine 
You’re in bed, all tucked in when Oikawa finally joins you. He quietly prepares for bed and gently gets under the covers so as not to wake you. His arms reach over, ready to pull you in for a good night kiss but he doesn’t get the chance because one of your hands pops out from under the duvet to smack him in the forehead. 
“Ow! Why?!” he sputters. 
You scowl at him. “How many times do I have to tell you to shut the door when you come in!” 
“Okay, okay,” he rubs his forehead but obeys. The door shuts. “Happy?” 
You grunt. 
He chuckles a bit, charmed at your grumpiness. 
He tries again to pull you in, but this time, your hand reaches out to pinch the nearest part of his body. That happens to be his left pec. 
“Ouch! What now?” 
“Did you open the windows?” 
Without complaint, he climbs out of bed again to open the window, allowing a gust of cold night air to swallow the room. He sees your legs wiggle a bit from under the duvet and smiles inwardly. 
For the third time, he climbs in bed but stays a good distance away in case he forgot any other part of your night ritual. 
You turn around to face him, duvet pulled above your nose so he can only see your eyes. 
“Why are you so far?” 
“Are you done hurting me?” 
You scoff. “As if you even felt any of it.” 
“My forehead is red!” he exclaims. 
“Fine, stay on that side then.” 
Oikawa can’t help but laugh, shifting over to you and wrapping you up in a hug so tight, you let out a squeal when he squeezes. He doesn’t want to let go, so he keeps his arms tight around your torso and turns to lay on his back, pulling you so that your entire body is splayed over his. 
“Toru, I’ll squash you!” 
He ignores you and just nuzzles gently into neck. You sigh and shift so that you’re chest to chest with him, your head falling to the side so that your noses don’t collide. You’ll never tell him that you like the windows open every night so that the room is cool enough for you to bask in his warmth without overheating. 
Oikawa sighs, smoothing his palm over your back. “Good night, baby.” 
You murmur it back. 
Oikawa thinks this is it. This is the life - just being able to do your silly nighttime routine with you. Your warmth lulls him to sleep and he’s almost there when he feels you prop up, palms pushing hard enough on his chest that it forces an exhale out of his lungs. 
“Did you get me a glass of water? You know I get thirsty in the middle of the night.” 
He sighs, but obliges all the same.
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ur-dad-satan · 5 months
Double Trouble (shy!LevixF!MC)
4k words, 18+, MDNI please and thanks
Includes face sitting, tail fucking, oral, penetration, and grinding
There had always been something different about Leviathan when compared to his brothers. It wasn't something physical like his horrible posture, his tendency to shut himself in his room, or his obsession over anime and manga. It was something that MC couldn't put her finger on. At least not yet. It wasn't until this day that MC would find out what made Levi an outcast aside from the obvious.
Levi and I had been hanging out together all day in his room. We played game after game, watched a few anime episodes and now we were about to watch a movie. I ran and grabbed a fluffy blanket for us to share and prepared for the movie. 
"Ready?" I asked Levi before getting in his tub-bed with him causing a light dusting of pink to tint his cheeks.
"Yeah. Let's watch the movie now." Levi pressed play, and we started the movie. A bit into the movie, I started to get uncomfortable and wanted to readjust but I didn't want to catch Levi off guard and freak him out.
"Hey Levi, is it okay if I snuggle up with you? I'm kinda uncomfy like this." I asked turning to look at Levi. His eyes widened a bit in shock before his face started to burn. In a shy voice he stuttered out that it was okay, so I shimmied my way between Levi's legs and against his chest. I was still facing away from him, so I couldn't see his face, but I somehow knew that he was blushing and trying his best to not touch me. I chuckled softly and moved to put Levi's arms around me, so he was more comfortable.
"M-MC!? What are you doing? Why did you do that?!" Levi asked. I turned a bit and saw that he was definitely blushing and looking away to not make eye contact. 
"Getting comfortable. Is this okay?" I asked and snuggled closer to him.
"Ah. I guess this is okay..." Levi said sheepishly. As we watched the movie, I found myself readjusting a few times, and whenever I did, I could feel Levi's arms tightening around me. We were only halfway through the movie when I absentmindedly readjusted myself between Levi's legs when he let out a tiny gasp, squeezed me again, then put his face in my neck.
"Levi? Are you okay?" I asked suddenly losing all interest in the movie as Levi was way more important.
"U-uhm yeah. I-I'm fine. But could you please stop moving so much?" The purple haired demon asked in a muffled voice.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't realize I was moving a lot. I'll try to stay still." I really didn't mean to make him uncomfortable. We kept watching the movie for a bit longer before Levi was the one to start readjusting a bunch. 
"H-hey, MC? Can I... tell you something?" Levi asked talking over the movie.
"Yeah, anything. You know your secrets are safe with me." I said kindly. 
"W-well... you were moving a lot and... you were... you know, sitting between my legs and stuff. You uhm... you kinda..." Levi stuttered and trailed off. I turned around to face him, but as soon as he saw my face, his eyes grew wide as tomatoes, and he looked away quickly and once again, his face was flushed. My eyes scrunched in confusion, and I tilted my head a bit.
"What hap- Oh. I got you 'excited'. I'm sorry, Levi. I can leave so you can take care of... that if you want me to." I offered, tossed out my blanket, and started to get up to leave but he grabbed my wrist and became even redder.
"A-actually," Levi started. "Could you... stay?" he asked in a small voice. I felt bad because it was my fault that he got hard in the first place, but I couldn't say no to him. He was just... too cute when he couldn't make eye contact like this.
"Alright. I'll help you." I said and gently grabbed his chin to make him look at me. "But tell me if you need to take a break or if you get overwhelmed, okay, Levia-chan?" I finished speaking. His eyes grew wide for the third time, and he melted into my touch before nodding his head and allowing a goofy smile to slide onto his face.
"Thank you, MC." Levi said dreamily.
"May I kiss you?" I asked. He quickly nodded his head and let out a 'yes' before I gently brought his face to mine in a tender kiss. His shaking hands found the small of my back and my steady ones slipped to either side of Levi's face. We kissed for what seemed like a few minutes before Levi got the courage to pull me on top of his lap and put his tongue in my mouth. His tongue was rough and felt kind of scaly, but most surprisingly, it was two pronged like a snake's. I had heard people say that Levi was fork tongued, but I didn't know they meant it literally. I always assumed they meant that he was a dishonest person. I knew that didn't sound right. It wasn't long before Levi started to get needy and pull at my hips for a bit of friction for his erection. 
"MC..." he whined into the kiss. I pulled away and looked at Levi until he gained the confidence to look me in my eye.
"Use your words, Levia-Chan." I said and watched Levi's face contort in shock and arousal. His face was hot, and he could only sputter. I let out a tiny laugh and leaned in to kiss his neck. As soon as my lips touched his soft skin, Levi sucked in a shaky breath and almost instantly transformed into his demon form. My lips danced across the purple diamond shaped marks on his neck.
"P-please. MC, I-I need... friction. Pants are... too tight." Levi panted out. He seemed to be absent mindedly gripping my hips so I grinded down against his bulge, earning a small moan from the purple haired demon.
"My poor, precious boy." I started in a soft tone. "Let's get your clothes off. Would you like that?" I asked in between kisses. I felt him nod his head and moved to look at him once again. 
"Y-yes! Please, MC." His voice was thick with need. My hands worked their way to the hem of Levi's top, removing it in a swift instant. For a "shut in Otaku", he sure was fit.
"You're so pretty, Levi." I complemented. Every time his blush began to subside, I would stoke the flames of his cheeks. He looked away once more mumbling something about he's "not pretty" but appreciated it regardless. My hand found its way between us and I slowly started to palm his rather large bulge; he couldn't even try to hold back the soft whimpering moans that leaked from his delicious lips.
"Too... Too much c-clothes!" Levi moaned breathlessly. I kissed the top of his head in acknowledgement before I took my own shirt and shorts off leaving me in only my underwear and bra. My hands hovered over his pants buckle awaiting his full attention once more.
"May I take your pants off?" I asked. An embarrassed look spread across Levi's face before he nodded furiously. "Your words, darling." I reminded. I wanted Levi to tell me what he wanted. I wanted to hear his voice.
"Y-yes." Levi managed to squeak out. My hands slowly unbuttoned his pants. I tugged at them a bit but needed him to lift his hips. I readjusted myself so that my legs were on either side of his and leaned forward to kiss his neck and allowed my fingertips to squeeze his already exposed sides before I whispered in his ear.
"I need you to lift your hips for me, Darling." I said gently. Levi's breath audibly hitched in his throat. A shaky gasp erupted from his mouth, and he lifted his hips a bit. I pulled them down but let his underwear stay on. Not one, but two bulges awaited under the thin fabric for me. I wasn't surprised at Levi's double dicks, but I couldn't say the same at the sudden watering of my mouth. I leaned in to kiss Levi once more and gently used one of my hands to palm at one of the hard cocks. He moaned into my mouth, and I felt something long and scaly on my leg. I assumed it was Levi's tail and ignored it.
"I- MC, please take them off. I want..." His muffled voice trailed off into a moan and he grinded up against my hand. I let out a quiet giggle at how cute he is when he sounds so desperate. My nails tenderly ran up his neck and to his face causing him to lean into my touch; they went right back down, then down his side and stopped at the waistband of his underwear. I looked him right in the eye before speaking.
"Levi, are you sure you want me to take your underwear off?" I asked him seriously.
"Yes, I want you to take them off. I want... I want to make you feel good." Levi blushed. I kissed his forehead and hooked my fingers around the elastic waistband and gently pulled them down while Levi raised his hips once again. Realizing that he was completely exposed, his face burned, and he covered it with his hand. As I expected, Levi had two dicks. Both of them had scales on them and mimicked his tail with a gradient purple at the tip. Not even to mention the size of them.
"How did you want to make me feel good, Levi?" I asked. The purple haired demon finally looked at me once more and held my hips in place. A determined look replaced the embarrassed one on his face and he slid down till he was laying directly under my pussy.
"W-will you s... sit on m-my face? I w-want you to..." He trailed off in embarrassment. I didn't know he could be so forward; it was really hot.
"Are you sure, gorgeous?" I asked. I liked to make sure things like this are something that Levi actually wanted to do; not just something that he thinks I want him to do.
"Yes, ma'am." He said looking back up at me. He looked so fucking good blushing up at me from between my legs. I couldn't deny his request. I caressed his face before nodding and allowing Levi to move my slightly wet panties to the side. He lapped at and kissed my labia before dipping his tongue into my wet pussy. A soft moan bubbled up from my stomach and I absentmindedly grinded down against his mouth. Once again, I felt something scaly move up my thigh, and at this point, I knew for a fact that it was his tail. As his tongue moved in and out of my tight cunt, sounds of slurping, heavy breathing, and soft moans filled the room. As his tail snaked higher up my thigh, Levi moved his tongue from my wet pussy hole to my clit making me almost double over in pleasure.
"Fuck, let me, turn around. I wanna make you feel good too, Levia-chan." I panted between moans. He helped me readjust and I lowered myself back down on his mouth. I grinded against his mouth, then pumped one of his cocks before putting it in my mouth. I felt Levi shudder underneath me; using my hands, I stroked and pumped his other dick.
"Oh, my Diavolo! Your mouth feels so good!" The purple haired demon moaned against my pussy making it vibrate with every little sound he made. It wasn't long until Levi was bucking his hips up to get more stimulation, but I wasn't letting him off that easily. I pulled off of his dick with a pop and pulled away from Levi. I helped him sit back up and decided to tease him a bit. I straddled him in a way that my pussy was against his dick but couldn't go in. I captured his lips in a heated kiss once more. I allowed my hands to roam through his messy hair, down his neck, and finally down his chest before they made their way to his back. 
Levi gathered his courage and pulled me closer, grinding up against me earning moans from us both. He then undid my bra and felt up my breasts, pulling away from our kiss to place nervous kisses all across them. For the third time, I felt Levi's tail move up my thigh, but this time, with purpose. It didn't stop like the last two times, it moved all the way up to in between where our genitals met. He pushed me up higher on his body and rubbed his tail against my clothed pussy.
"MC, may I please f... fuck you with my t-tail?" Levi asked. As soon as he realized what he said, he turned bright red from ear to ear. He didn't break eye-contact though. That's how I knew that he meant what he had asked. I stroked his damp with sweat hair and gingerly stroked his face. He leaned into my touch and closed his eyes for a moment to savor this moment.
"Of course, you can, my precious boy." I said with a smile. "Take my underwear off." I told him. He nodded and his blush started to fade. He grasped the damp fabric and pulled them down and off of my body. My body was fully nude, and Levi looked at me with a hungry look in his eye. His hands gripped, squeezed, and kneaded my breasts while his long scaly tail wrapped around my upper thigh and rubbed against my pussy once more. The texture of his tail felt so good sliding between my wet pussy lips that I couldn't stop the moans from bubbling up out of my mouth. One of Levi's hands moved to play with my clit while his tail squeezed my thigh and continued to grind against my pussy making me wetter by the second.
"Does i-it feel good, M-MC?" Levi asked. His blush had returned ten-fold, and he retreated his hand from my chest. I rocked against his tail and let out another moan in pleasure before nodding my head yes. I felt Levi's tail unravel from my thigh and before I could say anything, I felt the tip of his tail penetrate me. I gasped and my eyes rolled back in my head. We both moaned out a little louder as his tail went deeper. It was unlike anything I've ever felt, and I loved it. His movements were slow and deliberate like he was thinking about every tiny detail and trying his best to make it pleasurable. I looked down and let out a moan to get him to look at me.
"Ahh, Levi! You feel so... fucking good!" I leaned in closer, and his tail went deeper, stretching me out. Our lips met in a messy, wet kiss in which Levi's tongue found its way in my mouth. When our lips parted, Levi was caught up in the heat of the moment and licked my lips then my cheek. I don't know why, but it turned me on even more than I already was. A symphony of our moans and pants were the only relevant sounds in our ears. Before long, Levi's tail was quickening in pace, and he started to look frustrated.
"MC, I need... Can I... May I..." He grunted in between pants. He was struggling to say what he wanted to say whether from being so needy or being so shy.
"Take your - ah, time and... use your words, Levia-chan." I moaned in encouragement. His eyes lit up at the name and he looked me right in my eye.
"Please MC. I want to feel you on my cock." He said with the most confidence he's had so far. I moaned out a yes and he pulled his tail out after a few more thrusts. I turned a bit in order to comfortably ride him and aligned one of his cocks with my pussy before looking into Levi's eyes for one more piece of confirmation that he wanted this. I opened my mouth to ask if he was sure, but he grabbed my hips and gently started pushing me down onto his purple tipped dick. A moan from the deepest depths of my soul replaced any semblance of words that attempted to come out. Levi let out a shuddered breath that turned into a low moan halfway through. I didn't need time to adjust to his size, and even if I did, I didn't want to wait. I started to grind against his hard cock and felt his other one rubbing against my pussy. I knew I was a slut, but I could not fit two inside.
"Holy shit, Levi! You're fucking a-amazing!" I complemented. He blushed and shakily mumbled out a 'thank you' before squeezing my hips with his hands and guiding me to a rhythm that he liked. Once he found it, he threw his head back and made me bounce on his hard, scaly cock harder. Moans leaked from both of our slightly swollen lips. We worked in unison to get the best of both worlds pleasure wise. He loved when I went up so far only his tip was in my cunt, then slammed back down so it would plunge right back. I liked that too, but I loved grinding right after my ass slammed back down against his thighs with a loud 'slap' noise. While I was riding, I started to stoke Levi's other cock making him moan even more. I allowed a bit of spit to roll down my tongue and onto Levi's dick before stroking it; he seemed to like that. This pattern kept going until I decided to switch cocks. The one being stroked was now in my pussy and the one that was in me was now in my hand.
It only took a few minutes for Levi to become a moaning, whimpering mess as my hand pumped one cock and my pussy bounced on the other. His moans turned breathy, and his cheeks heated up once more; I knew he was close to his orgasm, but I decided to wait until he said as much. I didn't have to wait long.
"MC," Levi moaned out. He gasped in pleasure before continuing. "I-I'm getting close." His head lulled back in bliss. I leaned in to kiss him on his soft, pretty lips. Then I kissed down his neck and chest. There, I started to kiss, lick, suck, and gently bite his skin to leave marks. Any marks or bruises to form would be hidden away from prying eyes. No one would know that Leviathan, leader of Hell's mighty navy, Avatar of Envy, and third eldest of the seven demon lords would be walking around marked by a "lowly" human just under a thin layer of fabric. The very thought of him being mine made me so much wetter. Every little movement I made garnered a reactive sound from the shy demon fucking me like he had fucked a thousand times before. He hit every single spot perfectly and knew just when to push, pull, grind, moan, and thrust to make this amazing. It felt like his cock was made for me.
"Tell me when you're close, Baby. I want to edge you." I said breathlessly. Levi's breath quickened and he nodded his head in response. The more I grinded and kissed his neck, the more the moans left his wet lips. Though taking linger than I thought, soon after I spoke, Levi's breath quickened once more.
"M-MC, I- I'm so close." He moaned out in desperation. I smirked and got off of his dick making him whimper from the loss of contact. I positioned myself between Leviathan's legs and let him catch his breath before playfully putting the head of one of his dicks in my mouth. His breath hitched again and one of his hands found the back of my neck.
"Ah ah ah, you can't touch my head, my hands or yourself. Those are the rules." I said and stopped touching him so he would get the message.
"S-sorry," The purple haired demon blushed. I kissed his knuckles and placed his hands on either side of the bathtub. Once situated, I decided to really tease him. I put the tips of both of his penises in my mouth and messily swirled my tongue around them. Saliva dripped down my hand and his hard cocks to his pleasure. I took one out and decided to focus on them one at a time so I can make him last longer and maximize his pleasure. With only one in my mouth, my head bobbed up and down, moaning, and trying not to gag. I surprised us both when I managed to get the entire thing down my throat so that I was nose to groin.
Almost involuntarily, Levi's tail found it's way back to my soaking wet pussy and pushed itself in going deeper than it had before. My head seemed to go slightly fuzzy as I moaned against his cock. Levi started to get a look on his face where I knew he was about to cum so I pulled off of him once more. His breath was hard but steady. The pace and vigor of his tail did not slow in any way though.
"Ffff-FUCK, LEVI!" I accidentally yelled; my own orgasm neared. Levi probably figured out that I wasn't going to let him cum until I came and he was going to make sure that it was soon. His scaly tail was relentless and I felt my orgasm getting closer and closer. I knew how much Levi loved when I moaned in his dick so I put one back in my mouth and started to stroke the other. My mind was fuzzier than ever as the pressure built in my stomach.
"I-I love you... SO much, MC." Levi moaned out and that was enough to send me over the edge. My eyes rolled back and my body shook as I came long and hard. My loud moans were only muffled but the scaly purple tipped dick in my mouth; the vibrations from the moans seemed to send shivers up Levi's back and he shuttered. When my orgasm was over, I decided it was time for Levi to cum as well.
"You ready to cum, baby?" I asked. He nodded his head rapidly only for it to slowly fall backwards when I put the tips of both of his dicks in my mouth once again. I got as much as I could in my mouth and used my hands on the rest until Levi was whimpering. "Cum for me, Levia-Chan." I said now just stroking them. And that's exactly what he did. His moans and whimpers mixed together in pleasure as he too shook and came all over his stomach and groin. It took him a minute it come down from the sensitivity, but once he did, I licked him clean.
His blush, a permanent red stain across his face as he watched me look up and him through innocent eyelashes, and lap up every bit of cum spilt.
"You're so- so... Amazing... I-I MEAN! Y-YOURE NOT BAD! F-FOR A NORMIE!" He stuttered about.
"I love you too, Levi." I kissed up his body and stopped at his lips lingering there longer than the rest to indulge in the sweet innocence of it. I then kissed his nose and forehead before cuddling up with him.
We sat there nude, not really paying attention to the movie that we missed most of, just cooling off. Eventually, we started to get cold and I grabbed my discarded fluffy blanket and covered us up. The movie ended up ending and we just shrugged and turned the screen off leaving us in only the dark ambient light of his fish tank.
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Neteyam x human reader
Chapter 2
(Tw: Smut, Rough, Size kink)
Link part 1 at the bottom! I think if these chapters keep going well im going to make it a 6 part story! I would love to share some more smut and actual plot with you!
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It was a few hours later that Kiri came hurdling through your bedroom door, "You won't believe what happened!" She yelled before planting herself on your freshly cleaned bed.
You sat up with interest placing your book down next to you, your face scrunching up at the movement. "Well you have to tell me now!" You exclaimed trying to match her enthousiasm.
She didn't seem to notice your struggle as she leaned toward you like she was sharing the greatest secret ever, her placing her blue hands on your shoulders "Neteyam. was. in. a. fight!" She laughed loudly at her own words, "He came home like two hours ago, all bruised up!"
Your heart jumped in your stomach, "What?" You mumbled. Apparently he had found an excuse.
"Yup! He came home like he hadn't been out all night, and Neytiri about threw a fit when he wouldn't tell her who did it!" Kiri smirked. "It was very rewarding to see him rebel against the parents, he's normally such a 'perfect son'."
Jup the perfect son who had said and done the most unholy things to you just the night before...
You shook your head, feeling guilty at the thought of Neteyam having to lie to his parents. You knew he strived to be a worthy succesor, you doubted this whole ordeal had been worth the hassle for him.
You let out a sigh, "What did Jake say? Was he very mad?" You asked softly.
Kiri rolled her eyes. "Well honestly he wasn't thrilled at first, but when he heard Neteyam had won the fight and he knew Neytiri wasn't watching he just gave him a pat on the back."
You let out a sigh of relief, "That's good"
"He always gets away with so much more than us," She complained. Dramatically draping herself over your pillows, raising her head to look at you.
"Oh yes i almost forgot to ask, tommorow the other Na'vi from the clan and us are going to the Hallelujah mountains! Did you want to come?" She asked excitedly.
You gave her a doubtfull look, you really didn't want to face Neteyam yet.
"Oh come on y/n pleassee! Neteyam probably won't even be allowed to attend!" Kiri pleaded, she had probably mistaken your curiosity about her brother as hostile... not whatever it actually was.
"Okay... fine" you finally murmured, honestly suprised you were able to resist her puppy dog eyes so long.
"Good! Lo'ak said he would pick you up after dropping of spider, you better be ready Y/n because the warriors are going to do a race on their ikrans again!" Kiri ranted, you somehow catching the whole thing.
"Wait wow, they allowed them to race again? After what happened last time?" You lifted your eyebrows in suprise, suprised Jake had been so lenient.
"Well he kind of has too! It's a holy ceremony, so however dangerous it is it's still in the name of Eywa!" Kiri shrugged.
"Now do you still want me to show you my new book?" You said to change the subject.
Kiri nodded excitedly and jumped to sit beside you.
You stood in front of the human lab in the dewy morning air, droplets of water still covering the plants around you. The sun still low in the sky, casting a warm light on the landscape.
It felt strange to look at your surroundings freely without the usual glass in front of your face, the new and improved mask Norm had made 'finally' fool proof. Now it just existed of an oxygen wire and a little machine clipped too your pants.
You had taken the rest of yesterday for yourself giving yourself a much needed relaxing bath. Honestly the aching muscles and other aching bits on your body still remained, not to mention the bruises and hickeys almost everywhere. You and Neteyam hadn't noticed instantly but you were sure he was covered as well.
A whistle pierced the air, startling you as Lo'ak's Ikran landed next to you, his mouth pulled into an inviting grin "Come on 'sky demon', we need to get to the others!" He yelled holding out a hand toward you, lifting you up to sit behind him.
Your dress thankfully covered any other hickeys and bruises as your legs were mostly unharmed. You had put on a blouse over it, the thin fabric covering your neck and arms nicely.
"You allright y/n? You seem off today." Lo'ak said softly, the boy was honestly too sweet sometimes. And he was indeed correct about you being quiet, you were normally much more talkative with him.
"Yup, still tired i guess" you just replied, hoping he wouldn't question you more.
"Hey i still wanted to ask you about Net...." he was interupted by a large amount of whoops and yells. The other Na'vi circling the two of you.
"Hey lovely sky demon! It's been a while since you joined us isn't it?" Mi,ak a younger na'vi waved at you with a smile, the jest more of a joke than a serious insult.
"Yup! Been a while! But here i am!" You yell at her, thankfull your lips didn't even come close to Lo'aks ears in this position.
The boy lands the ikran on a big ledge of one of the flying mountains, a large group allready gathered there. Spider and Kiri running up to the two of you.
"Y/n! There you are!" Kiri yelled with an excited Tuk hanging on her arm, "You better get off quick, they are going to start soon!" Spider yelled as he helped you off the large animal, carying you off and setting you on the ground.
Tuk held your hand tightly the moment you got off, dragging you along with her to the crowd"I'm so excited!," She yelled loudly.
Lo'ak waved at the other two as he quickly turned around and moved his ikran to the large group gathered on the edge of the mountain.
It was interesting how many different colour ikran there were, today they seemed almost peacefull. It had been strange to see the animals in a group not meant for war, a melancholy settling in your stomach at the sight.
The warriors were lining up at the edge of the platform, their bodies covered in war paint and more practical clothing than normal.
Confusion circled your stomach as you spotted another familiar Ikran in the midst of the chaos. "Oh my god, is that Neteyam?" You asked softly a flabbergasted expression on your face as you stared at the man.
"Yup! It totally is! NETEYAM!" Tuk screamed so loudly it almost blew your eardrums out. He swiveled around to look at her, his eyes instantly on your form.
He caught your eye, the two of you lost in the other for a second. He seemed so much older as he sat on the ikran, his riding visor set on his hairline and a thick leather piece clasped around his waist. His shoulders seemed broad, and his jawline seemed so strong. He looked like a true warrior.
Even from here you could see the scratches, bruises and hickeys across his body. You doubted another person would know what those were, you had never seen another Na'vi with any.
Jake, Neytiri and the other older Na'vi were stood next to him, Jake having switched his usual huge ikran with a normal sized one. Neteyam barely seemed any smaller than them from this distance.
It scared you how grown up he seemed to get, you knew you didn't belong in his future. Or at least the future his parents intended him to have.
Kiri gave you a sheepish smile as she leaned over, "Yeah, he suddenly insisted on coming this morning. I kind of forgot to tell you."
You opened your mouth to respond,...
"Allright! Today the riding Na'vi are racing their ikran to the Sljikla tree located on the other side of the halleluyah mountains." An older male you recognised as Heliruin yelled toward the remaining crowd of people stood in front of him, he had a fucked up knee from an ill placed bullet in the war. That was probably why he didn't compete.
"Now before you go there! You have to grab a marker from both of the other islands, he lifted up two pieces of red and yellow cloth "There are just enough for all of you, so if anyone grabs two your disqualified!"
"You are competing for the honor of victory and for a token dedicated to your win!" He finally yelled, the crowd roaring at the beaded sting he held in the air, a rare red gem hanging on the end.
"Now we wil start on three,
Chaos ensued as all the Ikran set off into the sky, the contestants all trying to slow down the others instantly. This meant pushing, kicking and throwing things at the other contestants. Which was the thing that caused a collision with a rock last year.
"Whooo you all got this!" Tuk yelled loudly, you only able to stare at your blue guy currently in the lead with your heart in your throat. He went impossibly fast in grabbing the markers, the others struggling to keep up. He moved like a warrior, his ikran following his lead like another limb.
You were pulled out of your thoughts as an ikran you recognised as Jake's tried to pull in front of Neteyam and cut him off. He seemed unfaced though so your heart calmed down a bit as he expertly moved across the mountains.
Finally Neteyam touched down on the ground in front of the tree, you just barely being able to see him place a palm on the tree. Jake wasn't far behind, touching the tree after him.
You looked around you at the crowd, the world seeming to slow down for a second. You noticed a few things all at once, Na'vi skin was beautifull in the sunlight, There were really a lot of beautifull women in the clan, and alot of them really liked your big blue guy.
You let out a shaky sigh, what had you done sleeping with him. You had really set yourself up for future heartache when he chose a Na'vi mate in the end.
Your friends all yelled loudly, you being more distracted by your thoughts.
It was another while before Neteyam, Jake and the rest arrived back at the ledge. You remained a bit behind the group, a bit too unsure of yourself to greet him first. It seemed Neteyam was first, afterwards Jake, after him Neytiri then two unknown riders and then Lo'ak.
The father and son jumped of the Ikran first, the other Na'vi coming over to congratulate him. Someone placing the token in his hand during. The other Sully kids gathered around their older brother, him strangely just looking around in the crowd in thought.
Neytiri who had also stepped of her Ikran looking at the young man in confusion. "You allright son?" She asked placing a hand on her grown son's shoulder.
"Yep I'm fine," He murmured obviously stil not listening as he looked around, growing more desperate by the second.
The other Na'vi seemed confused at his strange demeanor as well. You frowned in confusion, as he pushed a few other Na'vi out of his way.
Jake went to follow him, but was stopped by the crowd.
Neteyam's gaze hit yours in a flash, a relieved expression on his face as he finally looked into your eyes.. The world went quiet around you two as he walked toward you. Your heart beat reverberating through your body and your body relaxing as you looked at him.
He was on you in seconds, placing his hands on your waist and pulling you into an embrace. "I missed you, He murmured into your hair breathing in softly, "I won this for you" he muttered as he hesitatingly let you go of your hand to give you something.
The beaded string hit your palm softly, the red gem shining beautifully in the light. You stared at him and it with wide eyes, Neteyam just giving you a nervous smile.
"Well...wow... thank you so much. I love it." you finally settled on as you pulled his head down to give him a peck on the cheek. He blushed as well, his cheeks turning purple as a large smile spread on his cheeks. His hands softly stroking your waist.
"Let me put it in your hair, he muttered as he gathered a large strand of hair in his hands, expertly tying the bead into your hair. His hands carressing way more of your neck than neccesary during.
A warmth filled your stomach as you stared at his concentrated face.
The act was usually only reserved for mated people but he didn't seem to care, a satisfied smile appearing on his face as he stood back to behold his handiwork. The thin hair wrap blending in well with your hair, but standing out enough for people to notice.
Neither of you really acknowledged the crowd around you until it was a bit too late, a cough interrupting the two of you. Neteyam instantly moving in front of you at the interuption. Him calming down at the familiar face.
"Uhm bro, you might want to take this elsewhere" Lo'ak whispered as he gestured to Jake and Neytiri who were staring wide eyed at the two of you, a confused Norm quickly being called over by the Sully matriarch,
"Yup, he's right" You murmured as you saw a few other people in the crowd start staring too. Neteyam seemed annoyed he had to let you go, slowly pulling his hands of your waist.
Lo'ak grasped his brothers arm, "I'll distract them bro," He gave his brother a teasing look. "Then you might finally get over yourself and just kiss her." he let out a mocking laugh. "Allthough i doubt that"
Little did he know what they had done allready, you noticed Neteyam hide a smirk aswell.
The older of the two released a sigh at his brothers antics, but patted him on the back anyway before the boy left.
"lets go over there" Neteyam murmured as he pointed to a small alcove in the rock. You would be totally hidden from sight there, unless someone walked in that is.
He grasped your hand and pulled you toward it, Lo'ak starting to tell an heavily embelished 'war story' to distract the crowd. Effectively distracting the parents so you could slip away.
You were around the corner first, turning your body around to face him. "I'm not sure how were going to hide this anym..." you couldn't finish your sentence, his lips interupting you mid sentence as they covered yours in a sudden kiss. His tongue softly licking your lips as you opened up your mouth to let him slip his tongue in.
He groaned in your mouth, a hand grasping your ass automatically. You whined into his mouth, before he seperated from you for a second, leaving you hot and bothered.
"I'm really sorry, but this new oxygen mask, i just really neede..." He murmured guiltily, you interupting him this time as you jumped up in his arms wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down toward you.
He let out a low growl, when you pulled at one of his braids. His arms wrapped under your thighs as he lifted you up. You wrapping your legs around him ignoring the discomfort between your legs to harshly rub against him.
A deep growl reverberated from his mouth as Neteyam deepened the kiss pressing your back against the wall as he grinded against you this time. His bare chest rubbing against your clothed one, you really wishing you could press your naked one against him again.
"I would take you right here, but...." he let out a shaky sigh, "You really need to rest, we really pushed you hard for our first time" He mumbled into your ear.
"Do you remember? My cock pressed deep into you, stretching you out so well?" He breathed out the words, a distant look on his face as he was lost in thought. You startled as you felt a bulge start to form under his loincloth, it pressing increasingly hard at your now moist panties.
"Uhm...Neteyam?" You squeeked, your voice turning higher than you wanted. He startled from his thoughts accidentally grinding against you more.
You let out a moan, as his bulge pressed against your core. "Please tell me to stop, i can't hurt you." He sadly murmured in your ear softly as he rutted against you.
You shook your head "This is fine, we just.." you let out a wanting moan. "We just can't.... you can't put your cock in me." You struggled to keep your voice normal.
You felt your body becoming warmer every second, his rough loincloth rubbing your clothed clit every time he came into contact. You both started to move faster against eachother, him groaning harshly into your mouth.
Your throat failed you as you let out the most ungodly moan, just as his erection slipped out from his loincloth and slid across your clothed folds. It's head softly sitting between your moist thighs.
You stared at him with half lidded eyes, your body deciding for you as you automatically slid your thighs back and forth over his member. His groaning continuing harshly, you feeling him start to shake.
You felt his hand enter your panties for a second, his fingers just raking across your wet folds before he suddenly took it out. You whined at the sensitive feeling, looking wide eyed as he licked his fingers clean.
Your teeth grazed his bottom lip, as you placed your lips over his. His face dwarving yours, his mouth way bigger than your own. That didn't stop him when he ran his tongue through your mouth, put it back in his own before collecting your combination of saliva on his tongue and sticking it back in your mouth.
You moaned softly at the strange taste.
The remaining shame you had both felt was gone as you lost yourselves in eachother. It must have been an obscene sight as his cock was pressed between your thighs and you devoured eachother messily. Both of your moans and the sucking and smacking sounds echoeing in the cave.
Neteyam grasped your blouse, pulling it open too reveal your allready bruised neck. He worked his mouth over the supple flesh, sucking harshly.
"You know you are mine, and your rubbing me so good." He cooed as his blue hand stroked your cheek, "Wouldn't it just be riviting if one of our clan mates saw us here, they would walk in and they would see you covered in my spit. Grinding on my cock" he sighed softly.
"They would know your mine instantly," He closed his eyes in bliss his pace growing harder and faster.
His cock sliding harshly across your abused folds was mind numbing, your mind so far gone you could barely think.
"I'm all yours big guy," you whispered as you looked into his big golden eyes, his pupils dilating again as his movements became eratic whilst he neared his orgasm.
"And you own me." He murmured as he harshly pressed you against the wall one last time, you feeling his sticky seed spill between your legs.
He let out a shaky sigh as he enjoyed the aftereffects of his orgasm, it almost being hypnotising to see him release himself on your body.
He softly tucked his now softened member back in his loincloth, giving you a sudden shy smile.
"Now i really want to pleasure you aswell" Neteyam murmured, as he started to kiss down your body.
Footsteps echoed through the cave as someone neared their secret spot. You both looking at eachother with wide eyes.
You pulled down your dress over your now sticky thighs, ignoring the warm feeling of his cum in your underwear.
Neteyam wiped your and his mouth with his hand, quickly placing you on your feet, jumping away from you instantly.
The familiar face of two of your friends, Mi,ak and Siatam entered the cave the female Na'vi startling at the two of you stood inside the small space.
"Oh hello there you two! Were you having a private conversation again?" Mi,ak said with a raised eyebrow. Siatam smiled as well, "Guys you should really talk to other people and not just yourselves! You two are way too close friends" She teased with a smile.
The two of you were known for being close friends and sneaking of to talk with eachother a lot, to your friends this wasn't strange behaviour at all. You never knew your innocent escapades from before could mean so much more now.
Luckily they didn't seem to see the change.
"Oh wel no not at all private! Haha.. were were just talking about the competition!" You somehow came up with an excuse, Neteyam giving you an impressed smile at your quick thinking.
Mi,ak and Siatam smiled broadly "Now Neteyam i have to admit that this was impressive even for you! You bested your father like it was nothing!" Mi,ak complimented, placing a tentative hand on Neteyam's shoulder. "You are a very mighty warrior.
He brushed of her hand instantly, instead grasping your arm and tugging you with him.You smiled awkwardly, very uncomfortable with the situation.
Mi'ak didn't seem to notice his rejection, only strolling after the two of you as you excited the cave. Still raving about his riding skills.
You looked around the crowd quickly, no one really noticing the strange pair and their temporary dissapearance. Except when your eyes met cold ones on the other side of the crowd, you instantly recognising them as Neytiri's, you quickly distanced yourself from Neteyam, softly nudging him to Mi'ak. He stumbled a bit accidentally getting a bit too close to the other Na'vi who stroked a hand across his chest again before joining her other friends.
When Neteyam looked back at you in confusion you slightly nudged your head toward his father. Neteyam's nodding in understanding.
He gave you a soft look before strolling toward his other friends, glancing behind him to stare at you during.
You and Neteyam had spend that whole day and the two after stealing secret glances at eachother. Jake, Neytiri and now Norm were not taking their eyes of the two of you for one second, them basically locking the two of you up night and day.
They couldn't possibly know everything that had happened. But you were sure the hair wrap had been the final nail in the coffin.
They had began pushing you and Spider together again, them constantly teaming the two of you up for things.
You noticed they had done the same to Neteyam as the boy now only seemed to do two things, which was dully strolling behind Mi'ak as they got teamed up for something random or full on glaring at Spider.
You could honestly say you really missed him, life just seemed so empty without your best friend around. Although Kiri thankfully still managed to cheer you up slightly.
It was around the end of the third day that they finally dropped their constant surveilance on the two of you.
The Metkayina clan had decided to visit your tribe the following week, the tribe had aided a lot during the Na'vi vs the sky people war. You and the other kids had all fought with them, it was a time with a lot of tears and blood spilled and none of the others really enjoyed talking about it.
You had been the only human they had tolerated there, this only after you risked your life to save the little kids of the tribe who were almost killed by a stray soldier. Spider was almost thrown to the sharks after he tried to save Quaritch, so they probably still kind of loathed him for that.
Anyway, considering the preperations of the celebration, sleeping arrangements and sustenance the 'adults' had gone on a frantic rampage to get everything ready in time.
And this made it that when you had locked eyes across the camp, and when the parents looked away you both snuck of to the only place no one would be at that time.
One of the extra halls attached to the old human base had been a pool, which was basically a 'cleaner' lake. The other scientists made sure it was still functional, as they still used it for excerise often.
This was one of the places you didn't have to wear a mask, and so Neteyam had practically forced the two of you over here.
"Why exactly did you want to meet here again?" You murmured as you turned your head to look at the large alien behind you. He just shrugged avoiding the question before placing the oxygen tank down and taking a hefty puff through the mask.
You turned to look at the pool, the water seeming strangely blue because of the tiles at the bottom. It was actually quite a deep pool you could barely see the bottom on the deep end of the pool, luckily a sort of ramp style made it that the pool became way less deep on the other end.
A lot of the lights had stopped working over the years, as now only the lights in the pool still remained functional. You noticed the water gave the room a blue tint as the reflection of the soft ripples shone on you and Neteyam.
You startled out of your thoughts as your blue alien reached around you to unbutton your pants. You let out a squeek as his hands shamelessly explored your body. "You wear too much clothes." he whispered in your ear.
"No i don't, and you can't allways rip my clothes off" you teased, a blush rising on your cheeks.
"Hm, i wouldn't mind making you new ones" he murmured as his eyes scanned your legs, you squirming under his gaze. His gaze grew more intense as you kicked of your now unbuttoned pants slowly lifting up your tanktop.
He instantly laid his warm hand on your belly his palm almost covering it entirely. You shivered at the sudden touch. "You are so soft.." he murmured to himself. He grasped onto the little bit of fat on the underside of your stomach, "I want to feel this against me again soon."
You blushed bright red as you swatted as his hands, "Neteyam! You can't just suddenly say stuff like that" you murmured.
His yellow eyes seemed almost green in the blue light, a smile circling his lips. "You are mine, and you are beautifull and soft, and i have the right to tell you that," he spoke in english this time, his Na'vi accent still visible through the words. His warm hand stubbornly remaining on your stomach as he gave you an intense stare.
Neteyam was suprisingly possesive these days, and you honestly hadn't known your gentle friend had this dominance in him. Not to mention the sudden rebelious streak he was on, actively deceiving his parents to spend time with you.
His hands moved toward your hips, softly pulling your body toward his and bending down to look you in the eye. "You are so small," he mumbled as his breath hit your face.
He placed a little peck on your nose, before his warm mouth slowly covered yours. Him dominating the kiss instantly, softly running his larger tongue through your mouth. You let out a moan, him groaning in response.
His fingers tickled your stomach softly, you letting out a squeel at the familiar action. This something he had done since he figured out as you were kids what a fun reaction he got by doing it.
He and Lo'ak often did things like that when you were kids.
A sudden idea struck you as you pulled his hands of your hips, allowing yourself to quickly slip downward making an escape as you ducked out from under him.
"Y/n?" He asked confused as he looked around to see where you ran off too. His gaze caught on a ripple in the water, him walking over to the edge to look for you, unknowingly peering into the blue abyss.
You smirked as you slowly snuck up behind him ducking down and using one of his hunting skills he had taught you when you were both young teens. The skill now proving usefull as you steadied yourself and pushed out your hands, your big blue alien letting out a scream and spashing water everywhere as he stumbled into the pool.
You laughed loudly as his head popped out from under the waves, revealing an annoyed looking Neteyam with his braids now clung to his skin.
"Your going to pay for that!" He yelled loudly, a gleefull smile revealing he wasn't actually all that annoyed with you. The sight familiar to you as you imagined a younger Neteyam doing the same, his round face and tiny body now replaced with a strong jawline and broad shoulders.
You had played like this all the time when you were kids and it was kind of nice to kind of relive that now.
His gaze turned gentle as he swam to the edge, "What are you thinking about?" He murmured, leisurely crossing his arms over the edge and placing his chin down on top.
You let out a sigh, "I guess i was just reminicing a little." You sat down next to his arms, placing your feet in the water and dangling them slightly.
Neteyam nodded softly, keeping his gaze fixed on your face.
"Do you remember going to the lakes when we were kids?" You asked, softly caressing one of his now soaked braids.
A smile spread on his lips as he gained a distant look in his eyes, "I don't think i can ever forget all that joy and happiness, we might have been young but i still remember a lot from back then." His hand grasped yours giving it a little squeeze.
"I was just afraid that all that trauma from the war might have overshadowed that," you murmured softly, thinking back to all the loss and death you had all endured so young. "Some things are still a bit muddled sometimes,"
You thought back to the time that you had gone to save Spider from the sky people. You, Lo'ak and Neteyam sneaking into the poachers boat and somehow succeeding to retrieve the other boy. Only for one of their men to show up at the last second to shoot at them, he had actually managed to hit Neteyam if it wasn't for the fact you managed to push him in the water just in time.
The only problem being that you had not taken into account that the guy would switch to swinging his gun around when his bullets ran out.
Which was how you got your lights punched out before you were plunged into the water, the guy thinking you were dead. Neteyam had looked behind him to find you, only to find your lifeless form floating right next to him.
Que the most horrifying moment ever when he thought you were dead, still dragging your body right to the nearest shore. He had basically screamed at his brother that he had forced them to go rescue Spider. When he finally calmed down a bit they recruited Tsureya to stay with your body, as they couldn't find a pulse.
Neteyam had basically gone on a murder spree, murdering a LOT of people as revenge. You scaring Tsureya's socks off as you suddenly started moving again.
Needless to say, it was a pleasant suprise for your blue alien when he returned to find you very much concussed but still alive. He had basically been your nurse the entire time you got better. Staying beside you even when you insisted he rested himself.
That was when he had first started acting strange around you allready.
You felt Neteyam squeeze your hand, pulling you from your memories. "Your thinking about the war aren't you? You do that alot these days." He murmured softly giving you a meaningfull stare.
You shrugged, averting your gaze "Don't you do it too? Especially now things changed between us."
Neteyam let out a breath, "Yes, i do. But mostly at night... when you aren't with me" His grip on your hand tightened before he spoke again. "I have a lot of nightmares these days, about.. uhm.. about losing you."
You turned to him in suprise, "About what happened back at the ship?"
He flinched before nodding, avoiding your gaze as you tried to look him in the eyes.
You slid yourself over to him, him instantly making space for you to sit on the edge in front of him.
"Teyam?" You murmured as you grasped his chin toward you, "I'm here now." You placed a kiss on his nose before placing your forehead on his.
He 'innocently' smiled, "Say if i happen to have another one of those Nightmares, you wouldn't mind if i climb into bed with you right?" His warm hands slid over your legs before settling on your hips.
You knew he was joking, but you couldn't help but take what he said seriously. "I would never mind spending time with you Neteyam, whatever the time whatever the place." You gave him a soft smile.
The look on his face warmed your insides as he smiled the biggest you had ever seen him smile. He placed his hands under your arms, lifting you off the edge of the pool and in his arms.
You let out a squeek, not at all expecting the action.Your body suddenly flush against his musculair chest as you wrapped your arms around his neck. His hands sliding downward until he held you up by your thighs.
"So good" you heard him mutter as he drew you as close as you possibly could be, his yellow eyes gaining that primal tint you had seen only once before as he observed your form.
A familiar warmth grew between your legs, you struggling to keep your cool because of it. You really only wanted one thing, and you needed it right now. You needed that delicious fullness right now, you even slightly wanting the pain that came with it.
"Neteyam?" You asked softly as his eyes instantly flashed to yours, "Well uhm... ithinkimreadytohavesexwithyouagain" Your words were impossible to decipher, your big blue guy staring at you with concerned eyes.
"Are you allr..." he began before you cut him off, softly pressing a finger to his lips.
"I... think" you took a deep breath "I'm ready to uhm.. have sex with you.. again." You murmered as you covered your blush with your hands. "Roughly." You added, your mind straying toward the bruises and hard thrusting you had enjoyed the first time.
Neteyam let out a low growl, "Roughly?" He asked, releasing a shaky sigh as you nodded. "I need to hear you say it y/n," He murmured, grasping your face with your hand.
You let out a whine, "I want you to fill me so deeply i can barely breath,.ah... i want you to take control" you finally moaned out,
Your big blue alien stepped backwards a bit, suddenly loosing his footing.
A huge splash of water rippled the pool as Neteyam stumbled, effectively dunking you both under water, totally disorienting you as you went under.
You both reached the surface of the water at the same time, catching your breath. Neteyam instantly scanning around himself to find you. You letting out a loud laugh as his eyes hit yours, splashing him with a little wave of water.
The tension from before momentarily forgotten as you played in the water.
He gave you a comically insulted look, it quickly turning relieved as he saw your smile. "You little skang!" He yelled as he used his large arm to send you a wave, it washing over you instantly.
"Oh come on, this is not a fair fight!" You exclaimed loudly, teasingly kicking him in the shin.
He let out an exaterated whine before he threw his body toward you picking you up under your arms, him dropping you afterwards. You felt some water enter your nose as you went under, you sputtering slightly in suprise.
He lifted you up again, "Shouldn't have contended me, ma y/n." He murmured into your ear, it a reference to the play water fights you would have as children.
He placed his arms around you softly, you both taking a second to just bask in eachothers presence. His arms settled around you in a way you only saw and felt him.
After a short while you felt his breath turn uneven, "Teyam, you really need oxygen" You warned.
Neteyam hesitantly let you go but finally swam toward the other side of the pool lifting himself on the edge before taking a puff of oxygen from the tank.
He turned to look at you, "That was unexpected." he murmured with an humorous smile on his face. Him obviously meaning the tension and then the tumble you guys just took.
"Now this totally killed my mood here, welp guess we'll just go back to the rest." You shrugged, sarcastically turning away from him and starting to swim away.
"OH no you don't," Neteyam yelled jokingly but not that jokingly at the same time.
You laughed, "Well i suppose you'll have to catch me then!" You taunted him giving him a meaningfull look.
He smirked before he walked over to the edge of the water, peering down on your form a little ways ahead.,
You underestimate me little mate! I'll catch you faster than you think!" He exclaimed loudly as you heard a loud splash behind you, Neteyam giving chase.
You swam toward the shallow end of the pool as quickly as your limbs would allow, slowly making your way toward the ramp, the water now coming up to your waist as you waided through at record speed.
You felt him gain on you,
You slowly kept crawling upward the water splashing loudly as you practically threw yourself forward, adrenaline rushing through your body as you heard the sound of his large body getting closer and closer to your smaller form.
You noticed him reach out to grab you a little too late, you stumbling down on your stomach. You were about to sit up too crawl when you were held down by two large legs pinning you too the ground. His large member sitting right on your ass.
"Got you" Neteyam whispered in your ear as his hands pinned yours to the dry part of the ramp, only your bottom half still fully submerged.
"Well, claim your price then my love" You murmured softly as you jokingly shook your bottom at him. He let out an excited growl, rutting against your body roughly. You letting out a moan as you felt his cock slip down, just missing your clothed entrance as it landed between your folds.
He sat on his knees around your legs, your ass pushed upwards toward him. Neteyam letting out a frustrated sigh and simply tearing off your bra and underwear, you letting out a gasp at the sting of the clothes digging into your skin as they tore. He threw the shreds somewhere to his right before reaching his hand down and placing the head of his cock at your entrance.
You shivered at the sudden sensitivity of your folds. You whimpering as you tried to dig your nails into the tiled pool. You tried to catch your breath from your running, failing immensely.
He pushed in without warning, you dropping yourself on your stomach with a breathless groan as he filled you to the brim. His large member stretching you out instantly, it feeling like it set aflame every sensitive place in your body all at once.
You tried to catch your breath, gasping heavily as your body adjusted to the large intruder. The filled feeling foreign but familiar as you could feel the tip of his cock reach far into you.
He groaned in your ear "You can't run away from me my mate," his breath uneven as he set a sudden harsh pace, his cock pulling all the way out of you before slamming into you again.
You were slowly pushed forward as he thrusted into you, his hands settled on your waist to keep you still.
You whined under him, your cunt a tingling mess as you took him, you feeling him so deep in your body you could see stars. "Oh god, your so deep" You moaned out, not able to keep the words in.
You tried to push yourself up on your underarms, intending to scootch yourself forward a bit. Him sliding out of you a little as you moved away from him.
You were pulled back harshly, a deep voice whispering in your ear. "Stay here" Neteyam demanded as he pulled your arms behind you, your body angling backwards as he slammed into you again, you feeling your belly rub against the tile with every thrust. His pace became more irregulair, you unnable to calculate his next move and completely at his mercy.
This new position drove him right into your sweet spot, your orgasm approaching fast and your eyes growing hazy as your surroundings went blurry. You let out a highpitched moan, your body shaking terribly as your cunt squeezed his cock uncontrollably.
Neteyam let out a feral groan, pushing your body back down practically laying on you as he drove himself in and out of you. He was animalistic as he growled and hugged your body to his in a posessive embrace.
You had never felt him like this, but you couldn't help but like it as he dominated your body in every sense. It was like your mind grew empty for a second, the only thing in your mind the hot pleasure coursing through your veins and the satisfying feeling of fullness in your stomach.
And every time he growled and ground himself into you, you felt yourself floating farther from your body. Your entire being overtaken by him as you let out unfiltered moans. "Oh please, please, please" you heard your voice come out of your throst even when you didn't remember speaking them.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you really hoped no one would come anywhere near to the back of the human base. It a sure fact that they would hear the absolute massacre taking place. The huge alien rutting into you like a rabid animal, and you taking it like a bitch in heat.
He suddenly slowed down, his pace slower but his thrusts harsher than before as your body was harshly pushed into the tiles, your warm head settled on the cold surface as you let out incoherent words of satisfaction. You were scooted forwards like a rag doll as he moved you at his will. "Yes you are doing so well, my little mate. You are so damn tight." He murmured in your ear again, his warm breath tickling your neck.
You felt him swell up inside of you, your body tingling as Neteyam let out a hoarse moan, his seed spilling inside your womb and pumping it farther into you. The squelching obscene as it echoed through the dark pool.
You felt the knot in your stomach unravel suddenly but harshly as you let out a final moan, your legs shaking even harder than before and your body basically going limp on the tiles. Your brain too fucked out to even think.
The blue light of the pool faded away for a second as black spots covered your vision, a loud ringing filling your ears.
"Y/n, ...re .... allright?" You heard Neteyam ask you something, but your mind struggled to figure out what he had said.
You frowned in confusion as you felt Neteyam shake you a bit, "Y/n..please.. r...ond.." a panicked tone filtered in his words, you feeling his weight lift off of your limbs.
You curled your legs into your chest, placing your arms under yourself but letting out a whimper as you failed to sit up. Your heartbeat soared in your ears, it like a drum as it pounded in your head. His eyes widening as your eyes rolled upward, your vision fading.
"Y/N?" Neteyam's loud shout echoed through your mind. Your eyes shot open, revealing your big blue guy above you you as his palms softly hit your cheeks to keep you awake. "Teyam?" You murmured softly, a relieved look on his face as you acknowledged him.
You felt his arms slip around your body as he gently lifted you of the ground, you blinked.
When you opened your eyes again, you were cradled in Neteyam's arms. Your naked body flush against his. One of his arms holding you steady and the other one supporting your head. You weren't in the pool anymore, now sitting on the tile by your clothes. You stared around with dumbfounded eyes, "W..What happened?" You asked weakly.
Neteyam stared at you with worried eyes "You just didn't respond, i didn't know what to do." He mumbled softly as tears filled his eyes, slowly running down his cheeks. "I was just so worried, I'm so sorry." he murmured into your still damp hair.
You softly pushed your forehead against his, "It's not your fault," You let out a slow breath before sitting up in his arms.
"Why did you pass out? Did i push you too far?" He asked worriedly.
You shook your head, "No, no, not at all, i think i pushed myself too far... you did... amazing."
You leaned forward, softly kissing away his tears. A soft smile circling your lips afterwards, as you softly pressed the tip of your nose to the spots on his face.
"You felt so good, it was like i lost my mind. It was like something came over me." His eyes were still wild, no doubt still calming down from his orgasm.
"I had the same, you really are mine" You murmured in his ear,
Neteyam's eyes met your own again, his eyes soft and so filled with affection you could barely breathe. "I see you." He murmured softly, as he placed his hand on your cheek.
"I see you" you murmured, placing your arms around his warm chest as he did the same. You stayed in his embrace for a while as you both calmed down from your high both in the emotional and in the physical sense.
After a while you both got up, your body aching in so many places you would surely have to check in a mirror later. You slowly put on your clothes, your big blue guy keeping a close eye on you during.
"I really hurt you..." Neteyam murmured as he trailed his fingers over the allready forming bruises on your arms and legs
His fingers slowly brushed over to your neck, his hands tracing a few spots there. "I have marked you here as well." He did seemed pleased at 'that' thought, his stance instantly growing taller as he observed the love bites on your neck.
You finished dressing quite quickly, you both finally ready to sneak out the pool. "Shit" you cursed as you stared at the black nothingness.
Neteyam looked at you in confusion, "What is it?"
"Look outside"
You quickly grabbed his hand dragging him with you as you entered the dark hallway. Him just allowing himself to move with you as you peered around the narrow passages thankfully able to navigate in the dark.
"We have to move quickly here" you murmured as you stuck your head out into the main hall, quickly peering around to see if you saw any scientists wandering around thankfully seeing the corridor entirely empty.
You pulled him into the hallway, slowly crouching/crawling under the windows to the labs, you knowing that some of the human workers liked to work late.
You had no idea what time it was, but you sincerily hoped it wasn't past nine yet. Neytiri, Jake and Norm would trow a fit if they appeared past curfew again.
The pair of you slowly neared the avatar room where the big metal door leading outside was located, his big blue form sticking out like a sore thumb as they sneaked past the various hallways leading there.
You crouched beside the doorframe, peering into the room. It was silent in there safe for the occasional snore, you looking back at Neteyam to see if he heard anything. He gave you a silent nod, slowly moving in front of you this time as he grasped your smaller hand in his to guide you forward. You both sneaking past the giant tanks, one of them containing Kiri's mother..which was honestly quite weird.
You finally had the door in sight, Neteyam reaching forward to grab the handle as you both stood up. "Goodni...." you were interupted by his lips on your own as his large hand cupped your face. You gasped as his tongue entered your mouth, him groaning as your teeth grazed his lips.
You felt yourself get carried away, him apparently having the same problem as he harshly slammed your back against the wall. Your legs wrapped around his waist pulling him toward you as his hands roughly kneaded your behind.
"Okay... we... should.. really stop" You mumbled between kisses. Neteyam only letting out an dejected moan before unwillingly pulling away from you, softly setting you back down on your feet.
"I shall see you tommorow" He murmured giving you one last kiss and stepping out the door.
Your private moment being way less private than the both of you thought.
(Welp! That was part two! Again please let me know if you liked it! I think I will only do a part 3 if you guys want me to! Also let me know if i need to be more descriptive, I am sometimes not sure if i put enough.)
Link to part 3:
Link to part 1!:
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yuyu1024 · 5 months
Two friends with Benefit
Pairings: Yunho × y/n x Mingi
Genre/tags: arranged marriage, cheating
Warning: 🔞🔞🔞 poly, smut, cursing, pet names, jealousy, smut/angst, kink/fetish, fingering, unprotected sex [lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 1.3k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
Note: reposting all my stories one by one again as I deleted my acct by mistake. All of the stories I will be posting is all mine. (All of my fanfics/oneshots are also available wattpad @/shinestar1024)
It has been more than a year since you moved in to your new apartment. Work has been so hectic for you that going back from work and your house, with your parents, every damn day is too much to handle. Sleep is very important for you. If you can't sleep, you can't focus on work. And if you can focus o work, your boss will probably yell at you and shame you in front of everybody. Nobody wants that. You need this job. You need the paycheck and that money can't give you the space you need. Everything is so damn expensive these days.
And that's why, you are incredibly lucky that your two best friends from college offered their extra room for you.
Yunho and Mingi are both working at the same tech company that is in the area. Their work pays well thats why they can afford the nice and spacious apartment they have now.
The room they gave you was their gaming room. Its spacious enough for you and your needs so you can't complain about it. It's free! Actually everything is sort of free to you. They didn't asked you to pay or share besides your part of the rental. Which makes you question how much they earn by typing things in their computers.
But besides that, the two towers are not just your roommates. Besides being your bestfriends, these two have been your fuck bodies for awhile now. It started from a small bet while all three of you are tipsy and now it flourished to this amazing trio that you thought will never work but It did... and its still going.
"Babe!" Mingi is across the street from where you at, waving. He's smiling and jumping. He can't wait to cross the street. Yunho is standing beside him, laughing at him.
When the signal says Okay to cross, Mingi runs and immidiately hugs you. "Y/n, you're back!"
You've been away for a week because of a work thing and this has been the longest you three have been separated.
"Yeaaah, glad to be back. I miss my bed..." You pout
"Just the bed?" Yunho tugs the strand of hair that's been bothering you.
"Of course I missed you two! My roommate for the trip is a handful... she's so talkative and does not respect my personal space. I CAN'T!" you say, rolling your eyes.
"Guess you prefer us being noisy than her..." Mingi says
"Of course..." You wrap your hands around his arm and lean your head.
"You look tired... so let's get home and eat something good to make you feel better." Yunho takes your luggage and carries it for you.
"Thank, Yunho."
When you guys arrive at the apartment, the first thing you did is lay down on the huge as sofa that you call your second bed. This is is where you usually fall asleep after a night out or an extreme overtime at work.
"I miss this!" You hug the pillows like you've been gone for a year.
"Yah!" Yunho comes over and playfully pulls your leg so you get closer to him and slaps your butt "Don't be such a tease this... we should eat first... like proper food before we can play."
You giggle as you see how Yunho's eyes are gazing on you. "Did you missed me that much?"
"you have no idea." he crawls over you until he reaches you, close enough that both of you lips almost touchs.
You bit your lip gently, teasing him even more. "You can show me later..." you whisper
"Oh, you bet I will." Yunho leans more and finally kisses you. The kiss is soft and yet tender that it pulls you in wanting more.
"Seriously? No one is going to help me prepare dinner?" Mingi calls you guys out
Laughing, "Okay, okay! I will get up and help you!" Yunho plants a small kiss on your cheek before letting you go.
"You! Yunho! You're taking advantage of me being busy here in the kitchen...why did you start making out with y/n?"
"I'm sorry! I can't help it. I missed her." Yunho takes an apron and puts it in.
"I too, missed her. I've been dreaming about having sex with her for days now... but we need to cook first!" Mingi pouts
"Aww! Mingi!" You get up and walk towards the kitchen to hug your baby giant. "Don't pout... I am back... we can make your dreams come true."
Hearing that made Mingi happy. He can't hide the smile on his face. "I promise to make you feel good. To fill you up." He leans down to kiss you, placing his hand behind your neck.
You start to moan as he continues to kiss you, then suddenly you felt hands moving from behind you. "Maybe... we should just skip dinner or order in for later?" Yunho breathes as his hands skims over your breast.
"Ah! Yunho!" You cry, leaning your head back to his chest. He's fingers circling over your hard tips. "S-shit! That's so good!"
"Baby, you sound so heavenly." Mingi goes down on his knees, kissing your exposed stomach as she starts to unbutton your jeans.
"Your breast is so plump." Yunho kisses you hard as he massages your boobs. "It's perfect... that... it fits our hands..." he says in between kisses.
"Ahh!" You raise your hand to grab onto Yunho as you feel the cooling sensation down there. Mingi removed your pants so easily.
"I've been craving this for a week now." Mingi snarls as he puts his face between your legs. "I want to eat now... can I go ahead?" He asks Yunho
"Go ahead... I'll make her busy up here..." Yunho changes his position have more access to yout breast. "Tell us to stop okay? If it's too much..."
"I... will..uhhh..." you try to answer but your knees weakens as you felt Mingi's tongue lick you up. "G-God!"
Smirking, Yunho unclasps your bra, freeing your plumps breast. He grabs one to massage while the other one he starts to lick using his tongue.
"Fuck!" You grab onto the counter for support. These guys are really making up for the whole damn week you've been gone. They are sucking the life out of you.
"W-wait..." you tap both of them. They stop and looks at you. "Let me... breathe..."
"Are we being too much?" Yunho kisses the back of your hand. "Do you want us to continue this on bed?"
"I can't wait to go to bed. Just fuck me on the sofa." You pull both of them with you. "Sit."
The two of them follows. They both stare at you, as you strip the rest of your clothes in front of them.
"Damn." Mingi bites his lips as he watches you. "You're so sexy!"
"Am I?" After throwing away the last clothing, you get closer to Mingi, spread your legs and sat on his lap. "Since, you are the first one to talk... you can fuck me first."
"Yes!" Mingi lowers down his jogger bands along with his boxers. The tip of his cock shows and the sight already makes you wet. "Come to Daddy little kitten!"
He gently puts himself in your core. He's to long and thick that you can already feel the thightness.
"Baby," you cry as you look at Yunho, sitting beside you two, watching. "Fuck!" You gasp as Mingi begins thrusting. "Kiss me..." You ask Yunho
He takes his top off, lowers his pants and moves closer to kiss you as he strokes himself.
"Y/n!" Mingi cries as you start to move your hips together with him in rythm. "You're so... tight!" He growls. "S-so good!"
Yunho backs away from kissing you and then moves to the next person. "You're so noisy. Making me jealous that you're fucking her first." Yunho goes in and kisses Mingi.
The other boy is so naughty, that he bit Yunho's lip lightly. "Don't worry. I'll make it quick so you can fuck her next while I fuck you behind."
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pretty-toru · 2 years
back to where the sun is┆gojo satoru
୧ genre: mild angst, fluff ending
୧ wc: 1.1k
୧ synopsis: young megumi learns that gojo satoru is not him without you (and vice-versa).
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Megumi at the young age of nine somehow always knows when you and Satoru fought, even if you both tried to do it quietly and behind closed doors to keep him and Tsumiki from worrying. The two step-siblings would totter their way to the small argument going on inside your shared bedroom with Satoru, and with their little ears pressed against the closed door the brunette would whisper, "Are we going to be okay?" with a crestfallen look on her face and a heavy hand over her heart.
"We will be," Megumi tries to offer comfort. But even he’s afraid that when a serious conflict arises between you two the last thing you want is to resolve the issue and make-up, leaving your little found family behind because you've finally had enough of putting up with his mentor and never want to speak to him again. What aches him the most is that he's accepted you and Satoru as his guardians, yet he feels as though he shouldn't have gotten too comfortable in the off-chance that something happens and he doesn't have a place to call home anymore.
Megumi doesn't know how to help the situation when he finds you rummaging through the kitchen cabinets after midnight, tossing away Satoru's stash of sweets and snacks into a plastic bag because you're upset with him. You don't notice the young sorcerer creeping into the dim lighting until he voices his presence, "Is something wrong?" and you don't know how long he's been standing there.
"Oh! Megumi, you scared me." You momentarily turn your back toward him to wipe your tears away with your sleeves, a clipped smile on your face to give him any semblance of reassurance that there's nothing to be concerned about. "I'm, um, taking away Satoru's snacking privileges for a bit. I'm just worried about his blood sugar levels with the sweets he's been consuming lately s'all. You understand, don't you?"
Before the young boy could open his mouth, you heaved a heavy sigh and shook your head before placing the bag aside and approaching him. "Actually, no. I should be setting a good example for you and Tsumiki instead of making things worse." You knew that Megumi was smart enough to put two and two together so sugar coating wouldn't have done you any favors, so you had to be the bigger person because the children needed to see one of you apologize to each other when it's over to establish what a healthy relationship should look like.
"Did he do something wrong again? I know he's an idiot sometimes, but give him another chance, please." You didn't realize how much he would be affected by the nature of your and Satoru's relationship when you're not on good terms, and it's in the way his sullen eyes fall to the ground and the slight tremor in his voice. And you honestly feel for him given his circumstances and how he came to be your responsibility now.
"Oh no, sweetie. It's, um, actually my fault and I should probably go make things right with him before it's too late. He's only trying his best after all and I know that now. Don't worry, Satoru and I will be fine. Run along and get some sleep now, okay?" You offer him another smile, this time more warm and genuine, and you lean down to press a sweet kiss atop his head.
"Okay, you promise?"
"Yes, of course. It's a promise. Good night, Megumi."
"Good night."
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The next morning Megumi awakes to the golden canopy of sunbeams filtering through his window, a sweet scent of breakfast pancakes and strawberry sauce wafts under his nose and he tosses his comforter aside. As he peeks into the living room, he's relieved to see there's no sign of a make-shift bed that would indicate Satoru taking residence there for the night 一 a common occurrence that he observed over previous fights between you two.
When he peers into the kitchen with a white-haired man adorned in an apron hovering over the stove flipping a pancake, he notices a beautiful arrangement of flowers placed in a water-filled vase decorating the dining table that hadn't been there the night before. It appears that you really kept your promise to him and made up with each other, and despite emerging from his room with his usual broody attitude he looked somewhat happy and content.
"Heya, sport. What'cha smiling over there about, hm?" Satoru calls out to him when he sensed his pupil's gaze on him, his signature grin spreading across his features like he's right back to being himself as though the heartwrenching events from last night never happened. "Sleep well?"
Megumi nods and situates himself at the table next to Tsumiki with a plate and utensils already laid out for him, and Satoru strides over to plop two fresh and steaming pancakes onto his plate. Of course, the grown man gestures to the condiments on the table that he can help himself to as he returns back to his post. But not before crouching down to his level and relaying that a "little bird" told him about the intervention he made and that he doesn't need to worry since "It's just another lover's quarrel. You know how I like to spice things up from time to time."
"It really seems they've both forgiven each other. He's been in a good mood all morning," Tsumiki whispers to Megumi as he glances from his breakfast to you appearing in the kitchen and giving Satoru a good morning kiss. You both engage in small talk while being sweet on one another as you’d wrap your arms around your boyfriend watching him pour the last of the batter into the pan and he hand feeds you cubed honeydew for keeping him company.
It’s the same regular routine where you’d greet everyone good morning and make light chatter about today’s agenda and Satoru would seat himself beside you after setting both your plates down and enjoys his breakfast with the three of you. He's even making an effort of putting his shaman life on pause to spend quality time with you since you addressed how it always feels like his body is here but his mind's somewhere else, so whatever Ijichi's ringing him about first thing in the morning can wait until later.
Before Megumi goes to take another sweet bite, he guesses it was a smart decision to sneak back into the kitchen an hour after you've gone to your room to return the evidence of your late-night endeavors of throwing Satoru's most treasured snacks away back to their rightful places in the pantry. After all, he always hated the idea of you two separating if he could do something about it.
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glittter-vamp · 1 year
22 - Thong Song please and thank you 🙏 😂
Here you all go! I did my best to make it funny yet a bit scandalous lol
Based on the song Thong Song By Sisqo
Warnings: 18+ ONLY.MDNI! Sexual themes. Might or might not count as smut. Joe X Reader.
Word Count:1,829
"What do you think? These or these?" You ask your best friend as you hold up two different thongs. "Um...those aren't that cute." She says looking at your weird. "They're not for me." You say looking at the yellow thong. "Did I miss something and you dumped Joe for a girl?" She asks and you laugh. "These are for him." You say and she freezes. "Come again?" She asks. "He lost a bet." You say and she starts laughing. "On what!?" She asks. "We bet on some basketball game and his team lost." You say grabbing the yellow thong and leaving the red one you had also grabbed. "And what exactly is the punishment other than him having to wear that." she chuckles as you two head to the cashier in this lingerie store. "He has to wear it to a work party we're going to tomorrow night." Your smirk. "Oof, sucks to be him." She laughs. You two leave the mall and go your separate ways. You head over to your home that you shared with Joe, tired from the long shopping day you had with your best friend. 
Getting out of the car and grabbing all the shopping bags you make your way inside where you're instantly met with Joe fighting with someone. He was definitely playing one of his video games again. Deciding to leave him alone you make your way upstairs. You drop the bags on the bench that you had at the end of the bed and started putting stuff away. You bought way more than you had thought. "So you're just gonna come home and not say hello?" You hear Joe say as you hang up a new dress in the closet. "You seemed busy cussing someone out." You chuckle as he wraps his arms around you and gives you a kiss on your shoulder. "Ja'Marr made us lose the game again." He says making you laugh. "Nothing new I see." You say turning around and giving him a kiss. "Did you eat?" He asks. "We had lunch but I'm sure I'll get hungry again later." You say as Joe let's go of you and you walk back to the bags. "I'm surprised to see these many bags, I didn't get any notifications on my account the whole day." Joe says and you sigh. "How many times do I have to tell you that I can pay for things myself." You say grabbing another bag. "and that's cool but you do a lot of things for me, it'd make me feel better if you would treat yourself on my dime." Joe says. "You already pay for everything in this house Joseph, I can buy my own clothing and accessories." You chuckle shaking your head. 
"What's in here?" Joe smirks grabbing the bag from the lingerie boutique you had went earlier. "For you." You smirk. "Oh?" Joe smirks back but little did he know they were actually for him. He pulls out the yellow thong and he looks at them. "Not really your style but I'm sure they're going to look great on you." Joe says and you snort. "Someone I guess forgot about our bet the other day." You cross your arms smirking. Joe looks at you weird and then he freezes. "You were serious about that?" He asks. "Uh, yeah! Tomorrow is the perfect night to wear them too." You wink. "At your work party?! No way, nope." Absolutely not Joe says putting them back in the bag. "Hm... then I guess I can invite Sebastian instead." You shrug walking to put the skincare you had bought away in the bathroom. "Woah, Woah...Who said anything about taking your stupid coworker. Stop talking nonsense." Joe scoffs following you into the bathroom. "Then, keep your side of the bet!" You say and he sighs. "You're not going to let this go are you?" He asks. "Nope!" You smile at him through the mirror. 
"Are you ready? We have to go in 5 minutes to get there on time" You say slipping your heels on. It was the evening of the party and you were about ready to go. "I'm actually not feeling too well, kind of have a headache maybe you should go without me." Joe says from the bathroom and you chuckle. "Nice try Burrow, let's go." You say grabbing your clutch. The bathroom door slowly opens and Joe comes out with an uncomfortable face making you smile. "You look nice...turn around." You say and he sighs in defeat turning around and you feast your eyes on his perfect ass in his slacks. "You should of done this a long time ago, you're has has never looked better." You smirk giving his plump cheeks a nice smack. "Do not do that!" Joe say turning around immediately. "Why not? You do it to me all the time. Hope you have an icepack in the freezer because that ass is going to be sore tonight." You wink at him before making your way out the bed room. "What does that even mean? I don't like the sound of that at all." Joe says following you. 
You two make your way to the car and you decide to drive. As you drove Joe kept moving around in his seat and adjusting himself. "Babe, you're kind of distracting me here." You say stopping at a red light. "Well sorry! But my balls are quite literally hanging out and this shit is riding up a little too much in the back." He says making you laugh. "Welcome to my world." You smile. "Can't believe I'm doing this." He says clearly irritated at the situation. "You lost fair and square, you'll be alright." You smirk and you could feel him giving you a dirty look beside you.
It was later in the night now and you were mingling around talking to some coworkers at this party. It was retirement party for one of our supervisor and you were actually having a good time. Joe on the other hand...not so much. He kept leaving to the bathroom to readjust himself and he now believes that my coworkers assume he has the runs. "I'll be back." You tell your coworkers heading over to Joe who was getting a drink at the bar. "Hey there sweet cheeks."  You say to Joe grabbing a butt cheek which made him jump. "Don't do that, you work with these people." Joe mutters giving you a look. "Chill out grandpa, no one is even around or paying attention." You laugh. "Are you ready to leave yet? Between this bet and your co-workers thinking I have to poop every 10 minutes because of it. I think I did my time" He says as the bartender comes over with a water bottle for him. "Hmm...I think you've suffered enough." You say. You say your goodbyes to everyone and make your way home. This time Joe drove home and as he was driving an idea pops into your head. You had music playing from your phone and decided to queue a certain song. As you two drove in silence and the song you chose started playing, a smile played on your face. Joe quickly looks over to you hearing the familiar violin playing. "Here we go." He rolls his eyes making you laugh.
"He had dumps like a truck, truck, truck. Thighs like, what, what, what. Baby move your butt, butt, butt." You sang. "Can you please not!" Joe says trying not to laugh but you continue to sing anyway. "Let me see that thong, baby! That Th-thong, thong, thong! I like when that beat go, I like when that booty go!" You sing as if your life depended on it. "That's enough!" A very red Joe says turning off the radio. "You're such a party pooper! Boooo!" You say rolling your eyes. "I'm never ever doing this again." Joe shakes his head as he pulls into your neighborhood. "Never say never Joseph." You chuckle. He pulls up to the house and parks in the garage and he makes a straight bee line the bedroom and you follow him. Joe makes an abrupt stop right before entering the room which causes you to bump into his hard back. "Where do you think you're going?" He asks and you laugh. "You think you're going to wear a thong and I'm not going to at least see it on you?" You scoff. "That wasn't part of the bet, so...that's exactly what's going to happen" He says turning around and going into the room. "Okay, that's fine." You say and he eyes you suspiciously as you start to take your jewelry off and change. "What's your game here?" Joe asks not convinced that you would just let it go like that. "No game but now that I think of it it's been how long since we've had sex due to our schedules?" You ask Joe and he looks at you with an unamused face. "3 weeks." He mutters. "I was reading that for athletes it does them pretty good to refrain from sex when partaking in their sport...the season is coming up maybe it will do some good if you just only focused on football until February." You shrug. 
"You're threatening no sex because I won't let you see me in this stupid thing?" Joe asks. "I'm doing no such thing, I'm just thinking of you and ways to help you this season." You say grabbing your pajamas and going to the bathroom to wash your face and change. As you changed the bathroom door opens and Joe enters. "Some privacy please?" You say but he ignores you and walks on over to you. "If...I let you see me in this stupid thing. Promise me you won't go to your friends about it." Joe says and you smile. "Promise." You bite your lip. Joe gives you a nervous look before he undoes his pants an drops them. He couldn't even look you in the eye. You smile seeing the yellow thin piece of fabric fail miserably at covering his bits. "Now turn..." You smirk and he sighs before turning around and seeing just how his two perfect round cheeks just swallow the thong. "This is the best day of my life." You giggle and Joe turns his head gives you an annoyed look. "Okay, that's eno- woah woah...the night is just getting started. Give me a minute and I'll meet you on the bed." You smirk inching closer to him. "There's no way this is turning you on right now." Joe says and your hand slowly makes its way to one of his cheeks making him turn red. "Just do what I say Burrow." You say giving him a sweet kiss before snapping the thong on his ass cheek like he's done to you plenty of times, which made him flinch and whimper. This was going to be so fun, you thought to yourself.
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thefisherqueen · 6 months
I'm reading Letters from Watson's The three Garridebs as a bedtime story tonight. First things first - what even is this title?? *some research later* Oh, Garridebs is a last name, apparently. Wouldn't have guessed that. Yet another story title I will never be able to remember
It may have been a comedy, or it may have been a tragedy. It cost one man his reason, it cost me a blood-letting, and it cost yet another man the penalties of the law. I'm intrigued. They surely didn't still do blood-letting in the early 20th century? Or does this mean that Watson gets wounded in this case
I remember the date very well, for it was in the same month that Holmes refused a knighthood for services which may perhaps some day be described. I'm having a bit of trouble telling apart when Holmes wants attention and when he does not. He seems to thrive upon Watson's attention, and to immensely enjoy the attention he receives by acting Dramatic(TM), yet public praise or fame is to be avoided?
I only refer to the matter in passing, for in my position of partner and confidant I am obliged to be particularly careful to avoid any indiscretion. Partner, confidant, collegue, companion, intimate friend. In other words, 'you are so important to me'
Holmes had spent several days in bed, as was his habit from time to time It's been years since I spent an entire day in bed. I wonder if that means that I'm doing better, or if I'm just not allowing myself enough time to rest and recover from Life
"Have you ever heard the name of Garrideb?" I admitted that I had not. Same, Watson, same
"Why do you say that, Mr. Holmes?" I seemed to read sudden suspicion in those expressive eyes. "Your whole outfit is English." Mr. Garrideb forced a laugh. "I've read of your tricks, Mr. Holmes, but I never thought I would be the subject of them." Oh my. This man does not like to be deduced. I have a feeling he's going to be difficult
"Why did he ever drag you into it at all?" asked our visitor, with a sudden outflame of anger. "What in thunder had you to do with it? Here was a bit of professional business between two gentlemen, and one of them must needs call in a detective! Ah, here we have our trouble. I hope Holmes politely yet ruthlessly will tell him to shut it and keep his calm
"And now, sir, since you are here, we had best have a clear account from your own lips. My friend here knows nothing of the details." Mr. Garrideb surveyed me with not too friendly a gaze. "Need he know?" he asked. Not even an actual king could pry these two apart, sir, you better not even try. They come Together
He made his money in real estate, and afterwards in the wheat pit at Chicago wheat pit: a market or exchange where wheat stocks are bought and sold (merriam-webster dictionairy)
one day I had a visit from the old man, and he was tickled to death to meet another man with his own name 'tickled to death' is one of the many amazing expressions I'm going to incorportate into my vocabulairy
I told him I was a busy man and could not spend my life hiking round the world in search of Garridebs. 'None the less,' said he, 'that is just what you will do if things pan out as I planned them.' I thought he was joking, but there was a powerful lot of meaning in the words, as I was soon to discover. "For he died within a year of saying them, and he left a will behind him. It was the queerest will that has ever been filed in the State of Kansas. His property was divided into three parts, and I was to have one on condition that I found two Garridebs who would share the remainder. I... wow. That is some typical rich guy bullshit. I wonder if a third one exists at all?
"I am wondering, Watson—just wondering!" "At what?" Holmes took his pipe from his lips. "I was wondering, Watson, what on earth could be the object of this man in telling us such a rigmarole of lies. I nearly asked him so—for there are times when a brutal frontal attack is the best policy—but I judged it better to let him think he had fooled us. Well. That does changes things. I'm joining Holmes now in wondering what that unpleasant american is up to
It was twilight of a lovely spring evening, and even Little Ryder Street, one of the smaller offshoots from the Edgware Road, within a stone-cast of old Tyburn Tree of evil memory, looked golden and wonderful in the slanting rays of the setting sun. I think I read about this place. An execution site, if I remember it correctly. *googles* Yes, it was a gallows. From marble-arch.londen:
It is impossible to know exactly what form the original took as there are so few written reports. In fact, during their first hundred years from 1177 to 1273, only eight single executions were deemed interesting enough to make note of.
But we do know that in 1571 a permanent triangular frame was erected – a mammoth structure that could, and sometimes did, hang up to 24 people at a time. The Tyburn Tree was of such renown it is even mentioned in Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour’s Lost: “Thou mak’st the triumviry, the corner-cap of society, The shape of Love’s Tyburn, that hangs up simplicity.”
Many met their end here. Records from the 1570s alone report that 704 felons were sentenced to be hanged there throughout the decade, for crimes ranging from murder to stealing cattle. Finally taken down in 1759 (presumably due to wear and tear), the structure was eventually replaced by a gallows that could be easily erected and dismantled each time. A gruesome early iteration of the London ‘pop-up’.
The last execution upon the tree was that of robber John Austin in 1783. The new place of execution became Newgate Prison. Today, a circular plaque embedded into the pavement on a traffic island at the entry to Edgware Road marks the spot of the Tyburn Tree
The house had a common stair, and there were a number of names painted in the hall some indicating offices and some private chambers. It was not a collection of residential flats, but rather the abode of Bohemian bachelors. Didn't bohemian bachelors have some queer connotations? Sometimes I read so much I get it all confused. Damn, if I'm distracted by research all the time I'm not going to finish this letter before bedtime. Still going to do that *10 minutes later* I can't find much at the moment, save the definition in the Urban dictionairy, which I'm def not going to type here. Anyone who knows more?
The room was as curious as its occupant. It looked like a small museum. It was both broad and deep, with cupboards and cabinets all round, crowded with specimens, geological and anatomical. Cases of butterflies and moths flanked each side of the entrance. A large table in the centre was littered with all sorts of debris, while the tall brass tube of a powerful microscope bristled up amongst them. As I glanced round I was surprised at the universality of the man's interests. Holmes will love this place
But you are a Britisher with solid references, and he is bound to take notice of what you say. I would go with you if you wished, but I have a very busy day to-morrow, and I could always follow you if you are in any trouble." The American fellow is unavailable for the very thing he claims to have come to England for? Sounds like an elaborate ploy to get this mr. Nathan out of the way for a while. Little clue as to why yet. I assume he wants something that the man has?
“I wish I could look over your collection, Mr. Garrideb,” said he. “In my profession all sorts of odd knowledge comes useful, and this room of yours is a storehouse of it.” Our client shone with pleasure and his eyes gleamed from behind his big glasses. “I had always heard, sir, that you were a very intelligent man,” said he. “I could take you round now if you have the time.” “Unfortunately, I have not. But these specimens are so well labelled and classified that they hardly need your personal explanation. If I should be able to look in to-morrow, I presume that there would be no objection to my glancing over them?” Holmes def has his suspicions and is not leaving the collection unguarded. Excited to learn how this will turn out
By the way, who is your house-agent?” Our client was amazed at the sudden question. “Holloway and Steele, in the Edgware Road. But why?” I should go to sleep. I was convinced this was the adress of the American, but instead Watson just mentioned that street as he and Holmes walked past
“This is a more serious matter than I had expected, Watson,” said he. “It is fair to tell you so, though I know it will only be an additional reason to you for running your head into danger. I should know my Watson by now. Holmes has finally accepted that Watson would never let him go into danger alone. This is so cute
I have identified Mr. John Garrideb, Counsellor at Law. He is none other than ‘Killer’ Evans, of sinister and murderous reputation.” “I fear I am none the wiser.” “Ah, it is not part of your profession to carry about a portable Newgate Calendar in your memory. Plot twist! Also, how funny it is of Holmes to acknowledge that it is not really Normal to memorize entire lists of prisoners
I'll give you an hour for a siesta, Watson, and then I think it will be time for our Ryder Street adventure.” Since when does Watson get to have siesta's? I'm jealous
So these two are stuck behind a cupboard instead of a curtain this time. Fun times!
Then my friend's wiry arms were round me, and he was leading me to a chair. “You're not hurt, Watson? For God's sake, say that you are not hurt!” It was worth a wound—it was worth many wounds—to know the depth of loyalty and love which lay behind that cold mask. The clear, hard eyes were dimmed for a moment, and the firm lips were shaking. For the one and only time I caught a glimpse of a great heart as well as of a great brain. All my years of humble but single-minded service culminated in that moment of revelation. “It's nothing, Holmes. It's a mere scratch.” He had ripped up my trousers with his pocket-knife. “You are right,” he cried with an immense sigh of relief. “It is quite superficial.” His face set like flint as he glared at our prisoner, who was sitting up with a dazed face. “By the Lord, it is as well for you. If you had killed Watson, you would not have got out of this room alive. Ok not so fun times. Although Watson seems 100% fine with it. I've seen this scene quoted several times already, but didn't know it was from this case. This is some quality hurt/comfort. It has blood, desperation, removed clothing, and an excellent threat as the cherry on top. Brilliant
those bundles on the table are two thousand of Prescott's notes worth a hundred each and fit to pass anywhere. Help yourselves, gentlemen. Call it a deal and let me beat it.” Holmes laughed. “We don't do things like that, Mr. Evans. There is no bolt-hole for you in this country. Loving the implication that US is lawless territory
Well this was a fun case. Such a complicated ploy to get one old man out of his house, and some great Holmes/Watson interaction. I really need some sleep now
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animehideout · 4 months
Quick question, may I request? If not, just ignore this<3
💙Random recommended song💙
I already mentioned this in my latest post but anyway, I did an optional homework and got the best grade and in the beginning I felt lowly about my work but after getting the grade I felt so much better about it and myself too.
The problem is that lately I started to get into writing again but can't find the time suddenly. Aaaaand I wanted to kind of celebrate this (I mean that the teacher seemed to like my poem) even tho it isn't a big deal but feels like it and oh God I feel like a lil child :')
Sooo may I request a Magumi x reader fluff, where the reader and Megumi are just chilling together when the reader get a notification saying she got a good grade and they get so emotional that they try to hold back tears, but Megumi senses the sudden change and ask if they are alright? The reader trying the brush it off that "Oh it's nothing special or worth mentioning, just got the best grade on the optional homework we got. Can't believe the teacher liked my poem..." 'Poem-?' Megumi thinks as he heard the last words. He maybe didn't even have a clue that the reader was into poetry and/or that they wrote any, so by hearing this he wanted to read it, but overthinking a bit, he decided on not asking them, even though maybe he should have. But it's late, he waited till they fell asleep and then quietly got up from bed to go and look for their exercise book and read it. After he read it, he puts the book on the reader's desk or somewhere else, not minding to put it back to it's actual place because he plans on telling them his opinion, how much they likes it as well and je would be interested in seeing more of their work. Maybeeee the reader confesses that they've been into poetry for a time now and shows Megumi all of the poems they've written while telling Meg' why they like some of their poems and why they have a few problems with some, then there's Megumi reading them with intrest. Maybe Megumi having a soft spot for poetry IDK BUT NOW I JUST REALIZED THAT BY WRITING THIS REQUEST I COULD HAVE EASILY JUST WRITE THE FANFIC ALREADY TT My bad :')
Anyway, catching up with your lates Gojo posts soon!
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Huggie :3🎀
Megumi Fushiguro X Poet /Artistic Reader
Synopsis: Megumi discovers his partner's talent in writing poems.
a/n: Thank you @megan016 for this request, also CONGRATS for getting the best grade, you did great sweetheart and I'm proud of you 💗. Also I can't wait to read more of your poems and the translated ver. Keep it up. I hope you like this little oneshot tho♡.
Check @megan016 poem here ( I liked it and I had to share it, you are so talented 💌 )
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As the soft glow of the TV illuminated the room, you sat in your boyfriend's arms, Megumi. Engrossed in the movie that was displayed in front of you. The atmosphere was light, filled with soft hums as Megumi played with your hair. The rainy weather outside, added to the coziness.
Suddenly, you phone chimed with a notification. Curious, you picked it up, unlocking it to reveal a message from your school,
{ Dear Y/N, Congratulations, your poem received the best grade. We appreciate your hard work. }.
Your eyes scanned the words, a wave of joy and surprise washed over you even though it was an optional homework the fact that your poem that came from your creativity, that each line you wrote carried within it a deeper feeling and meaning got a proper appreciation from your teacher was able to bring you to happy tears.
Your heart swelled with happiness while clutching your phone tightly, Megumi sensed how your body tensed between his arms.
"Love, is everything okay?" he asked.
Realizing that you haven't told him yet about your passion for poetry, you tried to hide your excitement and brush it off,
"Oh, y-yes I'm fine! it's nothing, just my poem got the best grade in class! Can't believe my teacher actually liked it hehe.." you chuckled awkwardly, trying to act normal as if you weren't holding back your tears from how delighted and proud you were.
"Poem?!" Thought Megumi to himself "I didn't know she's into poetry"
"But yeah– it's nothing special, not a big deal tho, it was just an optional homework" you added bringing him back to reality
"Oh.. I see you did great love congrats" said Megumi kissing the top of your head.
He senses how you were avoiding talking about your poem, so he respected it and just congratulated you he was completely oblivious to the whirlwind of emotions you were suppressing he thought you really wasn't that excited. Deep down, Megumi couldn't brush away the curiosity that grew inside of him, he was interested in reading books, poems and articles so having a partner that happened to write poems excited him to the core.
As the night proceeded, you dozed off beside him. Closing your eyelids, swimming in Dreamland. Sleeping nice and sound, feeling protected with the warm presence of Megumi. He watched you as you slept next to him, smiling to himself as your whole hand cutely held his index finger. Your hand size difference has always brought a smile on his face.
Suddenly, his eyes widened when he remembered about the poem, his eyes scanned the room and finally fell on your exercise book that was innocently put on your desk. Too intrigued by the unexpected revelation of your poetic talent, he couldn't resist the urge to delve into your world of words.
Trying to not disturb your beauty slumber he tiptoed to your desk, gently opening the book , carefully flipping the pages until he found your poem of 14 stanzas.
He was too excited to read it, to read between the lines and analyze the deeper meaning it held. Line after line, he found himself utterly captivated by the beauty of your expressions, the smart choice of words, adjectives and the Poetic elegance that adorned your stanzas. It left him completely speechless, realizing that the love of his life is indeed talented and creative.
"And she said it's not a big deal??" he muttered to himself as his eyes shifted back on your sleeping figure.
He wanted to flip the pages to read more of your writings, to check your other copy books but he resisted that urge, respecting your privacy and deciding to wait till morning to ask you properly about your passion for poetry.
He laid down next to you, eager for tomorrow to discuss with you what now happened to be a mutual passion; while you were interested in writing poems, Megumi was interested in reading, them showing that both of you complete each other.
His arms pulled you closer to his body holding you,
"I'm proud of you my love" he said before dozing off.
As the morning light filtered through the curtains, your eyelids fluttered into consciousness. Megumi was already awake, laying on his back, one arm behind his head as his eyes were fixated on the ceiling. As he felt you shifting beside him his gaze turned to you, greeting you with a warm smile.
"Hey sleepyhead, want to tell me about those poems of yours? I had no idea you're poetic genius!!" he exclaimed softly,
You were still half awake, taken by surprise you quickly got into a sitting position,
"You read them??" you asked.
"Not all of them!! only that one in your exercise book! Now I know why it got the best grade" he said enthusiastically.
It was rare for you to see Megumi full of energy early in the morning, so you couldn't help but smile from how much he was interested in your poems. Encouraged by his genuine reaction you started to open up, confessing that you've been into poetry for a while now.
"So? want to show me the rest?" he asked.
Without saying anything, you jumped out of bed. The cold floor touching your bare feet sent shivers down your spine. You quickly grabbed your notebooks and ran back to bed, getting under the warm blanket next to Megumi again, you got closer to him.
"Here they are" you said with a smile.
Anticipating his reactions every time he read one of your poems, the way he read the lines you wrote with passion and care warmed your heart, as if what you write was meant for him to read. The curious expressions drawn on his face whenever he tried to guess the real meaning of your words made you giggle.
After reading most of your poems he engulfed you into a big hug,
"Those poems are amazing Y/n!! I can't wait for more from you. So tell me what inspires you the most? what is your motivation?" he asked too immersed to know more.
A blush painted your cheeks and with a shy smile you answered "Y-you! You do inspire some verses"
"Guess I'm a muse now" he teased playfully trying to hide the fact that he got shy as well.
"Exactly" you giggled.
"What are the difficulties you face while writing though?"
"Most of the time me trying to channel my feelings into words, sometimes certain feelings that I want to write about can't be described by simple words so that's quite a challenge and it takes a lot of effort or sometimes I struggle with motivation even though I do have a lot of accumulated ideas that are waiting to be written" you explained.
You spent the morning cuddled up in your soft bed, sharing ideas and soft random kisses every now and then, exchanging soft touches. Sitting between Megumi's legs as he held your notebooks and continued to loudly read the rest of your poems.
"I love this one Y/n !! Wait is it about us??"
Megumi was too happy to be in that specific moment with you; the moment that definitely inspired you to write another poem that will carry those feelings between both of you forever.
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writings-ofthe-heart · 9 months
This came to me in a dream 😮 abt to watch tmnt :3 posting this b4 hand, thanks for reading!
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x reader
TW ; Angst, mention of character death, COD MWII spoilers (yes it's true) umm idk
WC ; A little over 1k
Side notes ; Not beta read we die like men, Idk if i did his character right, but i need to get good because of how popular he is 😞 anyways hope you (cry) enjoy!
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A knock on the door. Who could be doing that at four in the morning? Sleepy eyes blink open and you step out of your burrow of a bed.
"Coming!" You shout out, a small hope blooming in your stomach. Maybe it's finally the day, he promised he would come back. It's been a few months since he left, telling you,
"Now, don't worry love, it'll be an easy mission, slow and steady wins the race right?" Simon told you how his next mission might take a while, and you'll be apart longer then you've ever been. He wouldn't send letters , or messages. You knew how dangerous his military work was but you didn't know how many men wanted Ghost dead and buried. For that reason, it was like he never existed to you. Yet, traces remained, a specialty brand of tea always dormant in your cupboard, shirts too big for you hanging in the closet. You wore them often, making sure not to use all of them if not just to keep their scent as a reminder. A reminder you wouldn't dare to forget.
An older man, clad in military camo, sighed at your door as you opened it.
"Hello ma'am, sorry to bother you at such an early hour." He began, you shook your head, his body language and tone dampening the spark in your chest. It felt like flowers were blooming in your throat, making you unable to speak. You clear your throat.
"No, no, not a bother at all. Would you like to come in?" Best thing you could do was to be polite.
He nodded, walking into the house and taking his boots off. "I'm John Price, captain of the team your boyfriend, I assume was part of." He, now known as John, introduced himself as you beckened him to sit down at the table.
"Oh, yes, we're engaged, actually."
He seemed a bit astounded by that, chuckling. "I'll be damned."
"Is that unusual for him?" You sounded unsure, hands shaking the slightest bit as you poured water into the kettle. You set it to boil.
"Well, in our perspective, yes it was unusual."
The 'was' stabbed you, leaving you with no air. You quickly went to sit across from him, eyebrows furrowed.
"Why are you here, John?"
A darkness set behind his eyes, he took a deep breath. "Ma'am, I came to share some news." He seemed uncomfortable within your line of sight, your eyes burning into him. It felt like cold water being poured over your head.
"Don't.." You whispered, your heart squeezing.
"He's gone." The silence was deafening, John's low voice filling the air, "I'm sorry ma'am, Simon is dead."
You felt confused for a second, a second of denial, a second of bliss. Because Simon wouldn't do that. He promised you, promised that he would come back before your wedding day. He promised you would choose the cake, choose the theme, the colors you loved... together.
You stood up harshly, John didn't even flinch.
"No." A breathless whisper. Your heart began to split into fragments, the more he let it sink in, the more you wanted to rip your hair out, the more you wanted to throw your chair at John.
"He's not dead, John, he's not! He promised, oh God, he promised me.." Then the sobs came and you crumbled to your knees. Loud wails filled the room and you were sure the neighbours would be complaining later. You covered your mouth to mufflw your noises, hands raking down your face in disbelief.
You screamed, ragged breaths coming short and quick, continuing to cry your heart out.
John never knew what to do when he let a team members family know their loved one had died. After almost an hour of howling for Simon, your sobs had turned to weeps. The older man offered words of comfort, and in the background the kettle squealed.
"He was a good man. One of the best soldiers I knew."
You were too tired to respond, blankly looking at the ground. The kettles noise didn't faze you, so John stood. Striding to the kitchen, he shut it off and poured the water into the mugs already there. The teabags were also set in the mugs as well, he dipped one in and out before sipping it. He brought the cups to the table. John had to lift you and set you down on the chair. Your mind was reeling but, at the same time eerily empty. You couldn't think about anything but the words that left the captains lips earlier.
He's gone. That sentence repeated, again and again. He's gone. Simon Riley, your fiance, the man you loved for more than 5 years, is gone.
"He's.. he's gone." You whispered to yourself, sipping the tea. It was his favorite. Your heart clenched again, the urge to throw up strong. The mug was pushed away. John nodded.
"I'm... sorry."
You couldn't think, you could barely process his words.
"How'd it happen?" Your voice cracked, it was hoarse and raw from screaming.
"Burned. Shot and burned." Price simply replied and it made you ache. Had he no sympathy? The thought of Simon being burnt to a crisp, no longer recognizable made your pain heighten.
Did he think of you? When he felt the fire coursing through him, did he think of your smile? Your planned wedding, talks of adopting, growing old. You were eager, he was pessimistic.
But the truth is, he wanted it just as much as you did. When he was shoved into the pit, bleeding out, he thought of you. He thought of how wonderful it will be to have children, to finally say his vows. He thought how you would react when he finally came home, too delirious from bleeding to realize what was really happening.
He loved you, sometimes it was hard to tell. His guard always up, walls built of steel. But he did, that moment before his body succumbed to his injuries, he thought of how much he loved you and he didn't regret a single thing.
[reblogs are appreciated! (srsly i adore them)]
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hils79 · 8 months
Hils Watches Moonlight Chicken - Ep 5
I forgot this drama is only 8 episodes long so I'm over halfway through now. Wild. I'll be finished in a couple of days. Feels so quick after a 40 episode cdrama
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So we're seeing what Alan and Wen were like before they broke up. I'm starting to have a theory about how this is going to end...
Also, it's weird seeing Mix kiss someone who isn't Earth. I've only seen the two of them together in dramas
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Damn that fight scene was brutal but holy shit First and Mix are good actors. I was so focused on what was happening I forgot about the food that's in front of me
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Thank god for Gong, who is apparently the only sensible person in this drama
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Okay, here's my theory now that we're under the read more tag. I'm worried that the plot of this movie (two people who fall in love but don't end up together because of other factors) is what is going to happen to Jim and Wen. GMM typically doesn't make bittersweet BL dramas but this one is bit more mature than the others. I am bracing myself just in case this movie is foreshadowing.
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That's about the highest level of praise you can get from a teenage boy
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It's always Engineering or Architecture
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Wen's just had a 'oh my kind of step-nephew is in love with a boy' moment. He looks so fond.
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They don't live in a small town or anything. I don't think it's unreasonable for Jim to ask for someone who didn't show up at his restaurant and yell at him to deal with his loan application.
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Yes, let's have a very thinly veiled conversation in which Wen is compared to a pen
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It's just occurred to me that I've seen First play a high school student (The Eclipse), a college student (Not Me) and now a bank manager who I assume is meant to be in his late 20s or early 30s. All of these dramas were filmed in the last 2 years. That's some range!
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Come on dude, don't be a total dick. You had better send off his loan application and not just toss it in the bin.
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Okay, that's interesting given my comment above. Why DID Jim go to Alan's bank? Is he hoping to get turned down?
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It's like he was reading my liveblog and is now answering all of my comments :D
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Gong is my new favourite. He's so done with all Wen and Alan's nonsense
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He is so right and he should say it
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Well, let's see. We were having a nice romantic Christmas moment, then your ex-boyfriend who you still live with and share a bed with showed up. He yelled at you, then he yelled me, then he yelled you some more and shoved you over. Oh, yeah, and this dude is also in charge of whether I can borrow the money I need to save my business.
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Okay, if this was closer to the end I'd be more worried that they were going to go with the bittersweet movie ending but given that there's another 3 episodes after this one maybe it'll be okay?
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Alan really does like talking in metaphors. Wen was a pen, now Jim is chicken
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I was saying today I am enjoying that for the most part characters in this actually use their words instead of just leaping to conclusions and making assumptions. Not always, but way more than most dramas. I'm glad Wen and Alan have finally had the mature conversation that they needed to have for both of them to move on
I still think Alan is going to end up with Gaipa but given that they haven't even met yet that may just be wishful thinking.
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A good progressive boy
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Bold of you to assume you can just move in with Jim
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wordsandrobots · 3 months
I was sorting through a few things today and realised I never actually shared the sketches I did from when I was trying to work out what grown-up Shino looked like for To Catch a Falling Star. Mostly because they are not great. But hey, let's call this back-matter for the fic!
[EDIT: OH RIGHT THAT WAS WHY I DIDN'T POST IT. Tumblr objecting to his having nipples. Right, OK, I guess we're censoring that and not the actual signs of massive injury. Cool.]
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Things to note:
The scars I explicitly stated in the text are: scarring up his neck but not extending to his head, a large burn on his left flank , an oval-shaped burn around his whisker (yes, exactly the shape you're thinking), and a strip of replaced skin taking up most of his right thigh. The rest are generally covered by 'there's a fuck-ton of them'.
(I mentioned this in the fic notes but the reason there are no scars on his face is because his helmet sealed shut right before Flauros depressurised, protecting his head from all but superficial damage. This saved his life but didn't do much for the rest of him, which was injured by the explosions and the normal-suit attempting to self-repair damage.)
Shino starts out in the fic with his head shaved but when he grows his hair back, he's (at least initially) somewhat shaggier than he was as a teenager.
He is also considerably less hench than he used to be. He's still roughly the same dimensions, but not nearly as defined and is even a bit gaunt-looking in certain lights. Traumatic everything injuries will do that to a person.
His new ear-studs are all gold; unlike Kudelia's, there is no jewel.
When I was originally thinking about the prosthetic connector, you can seen that my ideas tended a bit more Trigun-esque than is perhaps warranted. That's because I hadn't yet seen this picture of Argi Mirage's arm from the manga:
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The cap on the end should therefore probably be a lot smaller and flow more cleanly into the flesh, ala a whisker, and so the outline should more resemble a real-life residual limb.
His prosthetic should also be closer to the above than I drew it -- or rather, closer to Derma's, since they're made by the same person:
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I imagine there being a greater amount of plastic and otherwise non-metal sections than Moon Steel shows with Argi. Certainly, from the shot above, it seems Derma's hand is inside a flexible glove instead of just being nakedly robotic (which makes sense, he works with children whereas Argi mainly hits people for a living).
Oh, yes, for those who haven't read the fic: Shino's prosthetic having five digits is *very much* significant and plot-relevant. Actually, thinking it through now, that would explain why (per my descriptions) Shino's fingers have exposed metal parts over a softer bed of tactile sensors: to better protect them given that they're more vulnerable to damage than standard three-finger manipulators.
Anyway, there we have it. Character redesign thoughts! I should probably have another go at drawing him at some point, though I would need to get back into the swing of sketching first. Maybe when I'm done writing! (On top of everything else I plan to do when the last fic in the series is finished . . .)
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Spring Day Picnic with Spencer Reid.
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You plan a lovely picnic in the park with Spencer, but the weather has other plans.
Fluff and some kissing. Mentions of sex, but no sex happens.
this takes place in season 3.
It was a beautiful April morning and Spencer had just come home from a four-day case.
He comes in the door and puts his suitcase down, looking around your shared apartment for you. He follows the sound of people's voices to the bedroom, slowly opens the door and sees you lying in bed, totally covered with the blankets up to your chin. You have on your favorite TV 
show the one thing that can bring you comfort while you're amazing boyfriend is away on yet another life-threatening case.
He can see that you have his pillows laid out beside you underneath the covers. in an attempt To make it feel as though Spencer is lying next to you.
He stands there and looks at you for a few minutes before walking closer to the bed and placing his lips on your forehead to wake you up and let you know that he is there.
When he removes his lips from your forehead, he looks at you and smiles. He's so happy to see you. You start stirring a little bit before you finally wake up and see Spencer's face.
"spencer?" You asked groggily, not sure if it's really him since you have had dreams like this before where he came home and when he woke up he was not there.
"yes sweetie it's me, i'm home, i missed you so much" He told you before leaving a soft kiss on your lips.
"Spencer" you shrieked as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss you again. Something that he didn't fight in the least. He loved kissing you. It's one of the best feelings in the world to him.
"Did you miss me sweetie?" He asked with a smirk on his face, knowing that you definitely did miss him. You miss him every time he leaves and count down until he gets back.
Spencer does check in on you as often as he can and gives you updates on the case so that you can look forward to him coming back home. Last night he did tell you that he came up with a good lead, but you didn't know that he would be returning home in the morning. You're so glad that he has.
You slid up in the bed and Spencer can now see that you're wearing one of his button up shirts, something that helps you feel closer to him When he is away on a case.
"Wearing one of my shirts I see" he said as he pointed to the pink fabric on your body.
Yes, it helps me feel closer to you. That and putting your pillows next to me in bed here.
"Well I have good news for you. You're not going to have to use my shirts or my pillows because I'm going to be home for the next week. I decided that I have been working for too long and not paying attention to my beautiful girlfriend".
"You actually took time off. Spencer Reid is taking a vacation. Oh my gosh, Am I dreaming? Are you sure I'm not dreaming?" You gasped and put your hand on your chest.
This overdramatic reaction makes Spencer chuckle. "Yes I am taking some time off, so you can take my clothes off now and let me have my shirt back".
"Did you just come home wake me up and ask me to take my clothes off? I must say this is a very nice way to welcome you back home."
"I didn't mean it like that and you know it. I need to go take a shower and then you can decide what you want to do with me for the next week and keep your mind out of the gutter Pretty girl."
"That's going to be really hard because you know how much I love you." you giggled.
"I know you do, and I know how dirty that beautiful little mind of yours can get. But you know if I get into bed with you that's what's going to happen the whole week and we won't get anything else done." He tells you with a chuckle grabbing a set of pajamas from his top dresser draw and heading into the bathroom to take a shower.
"Doesn't sound like such a bad way to spend a week to me but Ok I understand" You tell him, knowing that you will end up in bed with him anyway before the week is out. Likely before the day is even out.
You get up and take off Spencer's shirt and put on a Gray pair of shorts and top of the cute little pajama set that you know Spencer loves. The shirt has a smiling face on it that says you make me happy.
You make your way into the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee Before going over to the Cabinet and getting a loaf of bread and taking out two slices and two mugs ones that have been given to you by Penelope.
They are black mugs that say Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Reid on them in yellow. Even though the two of you aren't married, Penelope and the rest of the team know that it will happen one day.
The coffee gets done at the same time that you hear the shower go off. A few minutes later, Spencer comes into the kitchen wearing his pair of grey pajamas. He looks at you and looks down to his own pajamas and says "we are so much alike." Before coming up behind you and 
wrapping his arms around your waist and placing his chin on your shoulder and whispering in your ear. "I miss mornings like this. Being in the kitchen together, making breakfast, enjoying you. I really miss this." he told you wish a dreamy sigh.
You lean back slightly so that you can feel him more. "I miss mornings like this too spence"
When you pour the coffee into the mug Spencer let's go and takes it from your hand. "So what are we going to do for the next week?" He asked you before taking a sip. "Ouch, it's hot" he said.
"Spencer you just saw me pour into the mug. My gosh you have no patience when it comes to your caffeine fix do you? It's just one of the many reasons I love you" you told him before kissing him on the lips.
"You're right I have no patience when it comes to my coffee." He tells you before blowing on the coffee and going in for another sip.
"As far as what are we going to do this week, I think I would like to do something with you that I've never done with anyone else and I know for sure you've never done it."  You tell him as you put two slices of bread in the toaster and push the lever down to begin toasting the bread.
Spencer finishes taking the sip of his coffee and looks up at you and says "Now what did I tell you about having a dirty mind my dear?" He chuckled before putting the mug down and walking over to you. "What did you have in mind?"
"Spencer I'm trying to not have a dirty mind with you, but it is so hard anyway It isn't a dirty thing that I want to do with you. I want to go have a picnic in the park"
Spencer groans at the idea.
You don't want to have a picnic in the park with me?. I thought you said that we could do anything that I wanted. And you know you're not going to do what I really wanted to do, so I thought a picnic in the park would be nice." You pouted leaning against the counter.
"It's not that I don't want to have a picnic in the park with you. I don't want to have a picnic in the park with anyone. The grass, the germs. I mean dogs pee on that grass. I'm just saying." he tells you.
That last part made you laugh so hard that you thought you were going to fall on the floor.
"Dog pee? Really Spencer? That's the reason why you don't want to have a picnic in the park with me? Wow. Just when I think I can't love you anymore, you give me a sweet response like that and I just. I can't be mad at you. Since I really can't say that you're wrong about it. So OK no park picnic then". You tell him before turning and walking to the refrigerator to get a jar of Raspberry jam to put on the toast.
"You really want to do this, don't you?" He asked. You, putting down his mug and coming over to you.
You take the jam out of the refrigerator and put it on the counter next to the fridge. "Yes I really do, but I have to admit that whole dog pee thing is a bit of a turnoff." you laugh.
"how about this? We can get a really thick blanket and avoid any wet patches of grass". Spencer offers.
"Really?! You would do that for me?" You said so cheerfully that he couldn't possibly deny you this Simple for most other people thing that you really want.
"Yes I will do this for you. And because I love you, I won't mention the other thing that dogs do in the park. That's much easier for you to spot before laying down our picnic blanket." He tells you before wrapping his arms around your waist and giving you a kiss.
"thank you for that honey" you tell him.
You take the hot toast out of the toaster and place it on two black plates and put on the Raspberry jam before sitting down on the couch with Spencer and eating your toast and drinking your coffee.
"I'm going to have to go to the store before we do our picnic, though. I don't really have that much food in the house right now. I don't really eat too much whenever you're gone. I worry too much".
"Sweetie I told you, you need to eat". He says, upset since he now knows that you don't take care of yourself when he's away.
"I am going to eat today and for the next week, let's say that" You tell him before bopping him on the tip of his cute little nose.
You both go to the grocery store and get some things for your picnic. Some Turkey for some sandwiches, some Swiss cheese, lettuce, tomatoes and a jar of mayo, as well as some nice soft rolls.
You both go back home and you make the sandwiches and add a couple of bags of potato chips, Small snack sized bags. As well as two small bottles of pink lemonade.
You go into the hall closet and take out a small basket. Another gift from Penelope. You always love a Penelope gift because you know that you will always be using it.
It's a small Wicker basket and you put a kitchen towel inside before putting your sandwiches and chips and lemonade inside of the basket.
As you are doing this, Spencer's in the bedroom closet getting out a nice thick blanket. One is thick enough that he might actually feel safe sitting in the park grass. It is a thick Gray blanket with snowflakes on it, but it'll do the job.
You then go and get all dressed up in your nice light pink sun dress and your light pink sandals, all ready to go out on a date with your handsome boyfriend. Who is wearing black pants and a black sweater over a Gray shirt.
Just as you were about to walk out the door, you hear Spencer behind you say "honey did you hear that?" as he points up to the roof.
"No, I didn't hear anything What was it?" You ask him with your head tilted to the side, not really sure what he's talking about.
"Hold on let me check" he tells you as he walks over to the window looking out it. "Oh no, that's what I thought".
"What is it?" You ask walking over to him to see what he's looking at.
"Sweetie I'm so sorry, but it's raining Look" he tells you, pointing out the big window. You look out and hang your head. "
I all I wanted was a picnic with you. Was that too much to ask for? It was supposed to be a bright, sunny day".
"Well we may not be able to go to the park, but we could still have a perfectly wonderful picnic here in our living room, I know it's not how you wanted it to be, but we could still eat together".
"You're right Spencer. It's really all that matters is that I'm getting to spend the day with you. It really doesn't matter where it's happening yet. I'm just happy to have you here and know that you're safe"
Spencer moved the coffee table and laid out the Gray blanket that was to be your picnic blanket. He then took everything out of the picnic basket and put it on the blanket. It wasn't how you planned it, but it was still a perfect day because it was with Spencer.
The two of you sat on the floor together, eating your sandwiches and chips while sipping on your lemonade as the sound of the rain fell outside. It was still a perfect day for the two of you.
Since really all that mattered to either one of you was that you got to spend time together, that was the most important thing. You had a better day than you could have ever planned, spending the day inside with Spencer, watching TV, making dinner, and taking a bath together. 
The day ended with the two of you in bed is Spencer read to you and you fell asleep. It was truly a perfect Day.
Thank you for reading. I hope that you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. It was an idea that came to me when I couldn't sleep one night and I was very happy to write it.
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monstaxdirtywonk · 10 months
Heaven is a place in hell with you pt. 9
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Member: San as Hades X Persephone reader
Genre: Fluff, suggestive and some angst in this chapter (not with reader though)
Plot: Loosely based on the OG myth but I still made some changes.
Hades woke earlier than you did since his godly nature didn't need much sleep in the first place. What he did need was cuddles, which was the reason why he'd laze around with you in bed, refusing to 'wake up'. You were still asleep, on his chest, your hand in a grip, which you'd tighten from time to time as a reflex. Your hair were messy, falling over your eyes, and making his naked skin slightly itch a bit. But he couldn't wake you up yet, he'd rather stay in this peaceful state for some more. How tiny and cute you looked in his arms, trusting him even in an unconscious state.
"Stop staring you're being a creep". You opened one eye to judge him first thing in the morning.
"Sorry, can't control it" He laughed and tighten his arms around you.
"I don't want to escape your grasp but I'm feeling a bit cold. Can you let me go for a minute so that I can wear my night dress?"
"I mean...I can warm you up in a different way" He smirked in an all knowing cocky way that made you pissed off and turned on at the same time.
"I...well...about that..."
"What is it? You didn't like it?" He asked worried.
"No, quite the opossite actually" you smiled timidly.
"It's just, I feel a bit sore, down there"
Here is that smirk again, but this time it only pissed you off.
"OH...well that's to be expected with me".
"You're way too proud for the pain you bought me"
"I'm not...but it's hot. Don't worry about it thought. I can assure you that you'll grow used to it."
You leaned down to kiss him and then took the opportunity to stand up and get your night dress.
But when you turned around San's eyes only undressed you further.
"You're staring....again"
"More like admiring but okay"
You laughed at that and came back into his arms.
"It was great last night by the way. I was nervous at first but you made me feel comfortable and I was able to enjoy it".
"I did notice that you were a bit nervous at first but it's only natural because it was a totally new experience. Being so intimate with someone can feel overwhelming at first but once you grow used to it, it's such a special thing to share with someone".
You nodded.
"I'm very happy I got to experience it with you".
Hades looked at you lovingly and went for a quick but passionate kiss.
"I'm just as happy to be your first, my love".
You hide your face in the crook of his neck before speaking.
"Isn't it like super late? We are lazing around all day long".
"Probably yes. But I can get the luxury of skipping my duties for a day once in a while. Thanatos can cover me for once".
"You're the one covering him the most it seems like".
"That's true. So now it's my turn".
All of a sudden, you hear steps hurrying near the door and a loud and familiar voice speaks up.
"You're getting down and dirty for an awfully long time. If Hades was a human I'd be worried for his heart endurance by now".
"Speaking of the devil" you said underneath your breath which made Hades laugh.
"Shhh if we won't say anything maybe he'll grow bored and leave".
"I think if we won't say anything he's gonna open the door and check on us and I don't want him to see me dressed like that".
"You know him better than I do and that's scary"
"What can I say? I'm good with humans".
"You're even better with Gods" He smirked.
"You're so flirty. You seemed totally serious when I first met you".
"I only keep that side for you".
You pouted at that and he kissed the pout away.
"We are leaving. Stay right there, don't come in".
Thanatos scoffed and you heard steps that became more distant which suggested that he left.
A couple of weeks have passed by since you arrived in the underworld. If you counted accurately, about 2 months to be exact, but it was hard to be certain with how frozen in time this place seemed like.
Life with Hades was everything you'd ever wish for, domestic, sweet and tender but passionate and intimate at the same time. But you did miss your old home and felt guilty over leaving Artemis like that, on your own will, on top of that. You wanted to catch up with her, make up if she'd be willing for that too.
But you knew that what you did is unforgivable in her eyes and there was no way she'd ever talk to you again, let alone accept your relationship with Hades.
You were laying down on the bed, staring at the ceiling, lost in your thoughts when Hades entered the bedroom to find you like that.
He moved closer and laid down himself, before clearing his voice.
"I've noticed that you are a bit distant lately and your attention seems to be elsewhere. Is that right?"
You turned around to see his sparkling eyes that were expecting an answer.
"Yes. I've been thinking about Artemis. I wish I could meet her again because I miss her but I don't think she even wants to see me again".
Hades sighed heavily because he knew you weren't wrong. But at the same time, he didn't want you to feel helpless like that either.
"I just feel like I betrayed her and that kills me. I'm being an ungrateful child".
"Sweetheart, that's not true. You can't betray yourself in the process of keeping others satisfied. Your own wants should be your priority and just because someone showed you kindness and care, they shouldn't dictate the rest of your life either."
You were already tearing up, which broke his heart.
"Come here" He said and opened his arms for you to hug him.
"I will talk to her. If you're okay with that. It was a business between you two but now I'm involved as well in this and I think I'd be seen as more of an equal as a fellow God".
"You'll do this for me?" You asked all doe eyed.
"I'd do anything for you'".
"Thank you, my love".
The sun was particularly warm today, amidst summer, it was to be expected.
Hades already knew the places he'd probably find Artemis, which he haven't seen in years, but she wasn't one appreciative of change. Just like him. She kept her routine for years and years and she wasn't gonna change it now. The place she'd usually stay was a part of the forest that was relatively secluded, away from the eyes of humans and gods that wanted to be all noisy and in her business. She'd rest there for a bit and then go hunting. Even if she wasn't there at that moment, she'd make a stop for a break, especially given how warm this day was, so they'd have a chat.
After 20 minutes or so, Hades knew he was approaching the destination but wanted to make sure that Artemis would be on her own. If nymphs were with her, they'd be asking questions about who that man was and what she wanted to tell her and he had none of that. He hide behind a tree and slowly looked, sighing when he saw Artemis, on her own, drinking some water, to rehydrate herself.
He quickly left his spot and approached the beautiful goddess which didn't seem pleased to see him. She didn't say anything but it was clear from her expression that she didn't want to see him in the slightest.
"Well, long time no see".
"Yes. It's been a while" he answered.
"What do you want?"
"A bit blunt, aren't you?"
"That's how I've always been. Although I have to admit, I might be even colder when it comes to you".
"I know why you're mad at me. You can be all passive aggressive I don't mind, but just consider seeing her at least".
"Why would I do such a thing? If anything she is the one I blame the most. She was my loyal companion and had a sacred duty. I blame you for seducing her like that, but you're no more than a siren that captured her attention, when she very well could deny your advances".
Hades didn't really like the way he was painted by Artemis. But his main focus right now wasn't to save his reputation. He couldn't care any less about that.
"You can't avoid seeing her forever. Also, she isn't supposed to accept the fate you placed upon her, just because you found her when she was little. She had no choice, this wasn't the life that she wanted."
Artemis shook her head, annoyed already by the back and forth.
"Of course you'd say all that and support her decision. You gain something out of it after all. You already slept with her, right?"
Hades felt his fists clenching, if it wasn't for you, he'd be long gone after such an insulting implication.
"What does that have to do with you seeing her?"
"It's not exactly connected but it does confirm my worst fears. All men are the same after all when it comes to controlling their lust, right?"
Hades knew how Artemis was regarding sex. In such a patriarchal world, she kept herself independent by distancing herself from men. Meeting the wrong men -and many God's were of that kind- made her hostile and suspicious of them. But at the same time, she didn't have to generalize like that and accuse him of being a selfless lover blinded by lust. She knew that he wasn't like that, no such rumors existed about him. But she was in denial, how could you want a different life than the one she set you up for?
"Maybe. Although I bet Orion was different".
Artemis' head snapped fast and she looked at him surprised. Hades knew he was playing a dangerous game but sometimes you gotta do an eye for an eye.
"Don't mention him". She replied sternly but he had none of that.
"A man having such an effect on you? Maybe not all of us are that bad after all. Even if you try to deny it, I know how much you loved him. Even if it's been so long you'd be unable to forget the intense feelings you held for that special someone. Your love wasn't meant to blossom and I feel sympathy for you. But wouldn't it be nice for your dearest child to experience all that you've missed? You might not know me well but at least you know I'm not like most gods."
Artemis used to be close with one man, a human to be specific. Orion was an exceptional huntsman, and they started hunting together, sharing the same passion. She fell for him, but didn't tell anyone, because how could such a chaste goddess fall for someone? Her brother Apollo caught up on that and he took a drastic measure by sending Scorpio, to kill him. She grieved for her lost love and made him a constellation in the night sky to immortalize his memory. But it's been so long, she almost forgot about that. Only for Hades to remind her so vividly.
It was true that Hades had much more dignity than most gods did. Many of them like to abuse their power and take advantage of women. Especially human ones which are seen as inferior. The double standards were evident even among gods, a goddess having many lovers would be considered a lustful siren, but gods weren't subjected to such names. Hades wasn't known for a womanizer behavior, he kept mostly to himself, similar to Artemis.
But she was still skeptical and that was written all over her face.
"Do you think if I could control it, I'd get with a fellow goddess' follower? Why would I do such a thing and bring unnecessary tension between us? Especially since we didn't have any pre existing conflict to begin with."
"Then why, out of all the women in this world, you had to come for my favorite child?" She looked at him, hurt and no longer pretending to be the stoic woman she's known for.
"First of all it was her choice....I didn't take her away from you, she chose to stay with me. Also, I love her. I love her more than anything and if being with her would make all God's turn against me, then so be it."
Artemis was left speechless after that confession. She did have the tendency to be selfish, but which God wasn't selfish? Maybe she took it to a whole new level when it came to you though.
"I know how much you love her. She's told me so much about her childhood and how much she loves and appreciates you. I'm sure you share the same sentiment too. I'm not expecting you to accept her with open arms after our talk, I just ask you to consider seeing her again. Because she does miss you a lot."
Artemis' face became softer. She really liked the fact that you thought of her in such a fond way.
Hades decided that it was about time to leave and let Artemis take her decision on her own, but that wouldn't take long.
"Bring her to me tomorrow" she shouted, making him smile.
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