#obviously not based on facts just my thoughts of how their life could turn out!!!
bugsandboos · 28 days
i was thinking about when adrien and marinette inevitably get married in the future and have children. they will go into their marriage KNOWING that mari will eventually lose her memories as the guardian, which includes everything related to the miraculous—what can be categorized as ‘something to forget’? does she lose all memories of adrien, or just of her time with chat noir? how do her children fit into this equation? the guardianship raises many questions about what her life will look like as an adult.
that’s why i firmly believe that unless there is some external problem that forces her to stop being guardian, marinette will wait until everyone she cares about is gone to renounce her guardianship (will she live a long time like master fu?). i could never imagine her giving up the miraculous until both her children and adrien had passed—abandoning either sounds somewhat like a repeat of aspects of adrien’s childhood (adrien loses the person he cares about most, children lose their mom due to magic, etc). of course, if she had to renounce the guardianship early, adrien could love their children enough for the both of them (it’s not like she would be dead, either, just need to completely relearn the most important parts of her life)
this basically leads me to my point: marinette’s love for those she cares about will likely make her end up alone, and there’s no way to escape that fate.
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 7 months
Run Free
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art by me!
Price, Gaz, and Ghost visits the MacTavish Estate baring the news.
Word Count: 2.1k words Warning: Major character death, angst and comfort. Note : I wrote this fic a few days after I finished the campaign. I've always thought it weird why the 141 boys had Soap's ashes when I've always seen Soap as someone with a family and a had good relationship with them, especially since it's canon that Soap's cousin brought him to the SAS base several times as a kid. Here's my interpretation of that fact, on how Soap's urn ended up with the boys.
Price, Gaz, and Ghost wore their dress uniforms from head to toe, finding themselves in front of the MacTavish Estate in Glasgow. It was… big, to say the least. Soap’s family was known not only because a number of people from the family are serving in the British Royal Armed Forces, but also the fact that they are 7th generation furniture company - MacTavish Furnitures. Lots of members of the family are veterans turned businessmen, carpenters, or woodworkers. It is a common cycle of life for them.
As Ghost and Gaz stood, Price climbed the stairs and wore his beige beret, breathing deeply through his nose before letting the air out to prepare himself, lifting his hand to knock on the wooden door. The captain heard faint noises of multiple footsteps from multiple people and some voices of heavy Scottish accent from inside the house. He waited for a moment, until the door finally opened, but he found no one in front of him. 
“Who are ya?”
A little voice spoke from under him, prompting Price to look down. He found a little girl with blonde hair no taller than his knees. She’s absolutely drenched from head to toe in a blue swimming attire and had to bend her neck so high to see him. He bent down to his knees to match her height, before saying,
“Hello. I’m… My name is John.” 
“John? Like Uncle Johnny?” Her little voice said, face gleaming with happiness at the name.
“Yes. Like Uncle Johnny.” Price smiled, chuckling lightly. The girl grinned at his smiling face. “May I see your dad? Or mum?”
“Phoebe MacTavish! Get your wee feet here before I pick your legs off of that floo–! Oh, Hello there.” A new voice came from in front of him, revealing herself to be an old woman with dark brown hair, though with white strands and the same quizzical brow that reminded Price of Soap. She looked strong, nonetheless, wearing a green shirt and knitted vest with a towel hanging from one of her shoulders, obviously to dry the little girl after a session of swimming in their estate’s pool. 
Price stood back up, greeting the lady. “Mrs. MacTavish.” 
The old woman looked at his attire up and down, and Price swore that he saw the gears rotating inside her mind. She looked down at the girl and gave her the white towel, “Phoebe. Go inside and dry yourself. Find your Da, Aunt Rachel, and Uncle Hugh, too. Tell them to meet me at the front door, yeah?” The little girl nodded and ran inside, disappearing into the house as Price heard a faint yelling from the same child, calling for the stated family members. 
Now, the lady in front of him walked closer to the doorway, face to face with him. She’s undoubtedly no taller than 5’7”, a height that might have been receding as time went by, but you could spot a proud MacTavish wherever you see one. Price offered his hand for a handshake as she accepted. “Captain John Price from the 22 SAS Regiment.” 
“Joan MacTavish.” She replied. Price noticed the name as the name on Soap’s file as his guardian, with the relation being marked with ‘Aunt’. “What brings you here, Captain?” Her face looked neutral like it wasn’t the first time a soldier with a full dress uniform knocked on this wooden door. 
Just before Price could say what he wanted to say, a deep voice called to her. “Mum?” One woman and two men with a frame similar to him showed up from inside the house. One man was around Ghost’s age, one was around his age, while the woman in a bun looked older than him, though looking very vibrant and professional. All of them had the same thick eyebrows – Family traits, he supposed – and clearly looked like honourable but firm Scottish people. Upon seeing Price, though, their faces changed from confusion to realization. 
Price remembered that Soap was not the first MacTavish in the SAS. In fact, there was another member of the family, Oliver MacTavish, who died in the line of duty a decade ago. Price remembered the way Soap had told the story of Ollie, his cousin, bringing his little arse to the SAS base  - however unpermitted it was – and how Price had busted Soap multiple times for applying with a fake age. 
“Rachel MacTavish.” The eldest one spoke.
“Hugh MacTavish.” The elder man said, followed by the younger.
“Scott MacTavish. That was my daughter, Phobe.” They all shook hands with Price. 
He repeated his greeting, before Rachel started,
“I've seen the likes of you before. I recognize that beret even from a mile away." She said firmly. "Out with it."
The captain's breath hitched as he cleared his throat, preparing himself to deliver the news. And so, he began.
"On November 21st, our target had placed an active bomb inside the underwater tunnel that connects the UK and France. During our attempt to defuse the bomb, the target sneaked from behind our line of sight…"
The whole family's face changed, Joan's eyes looked glassy with tears seeming like she knew of the incoming words.
"And I regret to inform you… that Sergeant John MacTavish has died in the line of duty."
Ghost, without his mask and black face paint around his eyes, and Gaz with their dress uniforms and beret could only stand from the base of the stairs, watching and hearing as Joan's cry of anguish tear through the morning sky. 
"Oh Lord. Johnny. Johnny. My baby, Johnny." Joan repeated his name like a chanting to the sky. "Why must You take him so soon? Why must he join Ollie so soon?"
The whole family hugged their mother as she wailed, her knees looked like it was giving up. Gaz gritted his teeth to strengthen himself, not wanting to break down to cry himself. 
As the family cried, Price could only stand still, letting the news sink in for the family. His job as the leader of the team was done, at that point. He delivered the news to his family. 
"The bomb…Did he defuse it?" Hugh questioned in the middle of his sobs. 
"He–" Price swallowed, remembering the way Makarov had killed him. "We were both defusing the bomb, John guiding me along the way as he was the demolition expert."
"He protected me, Sir. Our target was about to shoot me, before John stopped him - and got killed instead. The target ran away, but me and Sergeant Garrick managed to defuse the bomb thanks to his prior guidance, saving thousands of lives underneath the 30-mile underwater tunnel." Price answered as Rachel looked up at his face, anger and denial filling her in an instant. 
She raised her hand in such a way that Price knew that she was about to slap him. Price still opened his eyes, fully welcoming the slap before her hand stopped. 
Rachel bit her lips so hard that it might bleed, lowering her arm.
"...Why does it have to be Johnny? Why do you get to live and he doesn't?" She barely whispered in a shaky voice, going back to wiping her face again. “Why Johnny…?”
And Price asked that question every single hour ever since his death. 
Why Soap, and not him?
The MacTavishes requested for Soap's body to be sent to Scotland, where they held a memorial at the MacTavish estate to which they promptly honoured. The number of family members participating was not that many, considering only the immediate family attended. Price, Soap, and Ghost joined them, and even escorted the family as they travelled to the crematorium.
After the whole procession finished – that took the entire day – the family finally had possession of the urn containing Soap's ashes, and they invited the three back to the estate, where they now sit inside the guest room and tea in front of them with Joan and Rachel, his urn placed on a table beside Joan.
That was the day they learned that Soap was actually the son of Joan's late husband's younger sister. Soap's mother – her sister-in-law, died when she birthed Soap, while Soap's father died during an accident in a factory before his own birth. 
Soap had been raised by his uncle's family since his infancy, growing up in the MacTavish house as a strong and firm Scott under the wing of the eldest brother, Oliver. 
"He's always wanted to be like Ollie, that wee kid," Rachel told them after holding a photo album containing photos of Soap when he was a baby in his late uncle's arms, a photo of him and his older cousins playing with mud, photos of his graduations from school, and photos of him passing the test to be a part of SAS along with his cousin, Oliver. "Said he didn't want to go to school. Just visit the army base every day. It's what he dreamed of."
Ghost, still in his dress uniform, felt the most vulnerable in that room - Without his mask, in front of Johnny's family. He also had been in agony for the past day, because he'd failed to cover Johnny's back. He had one job at that time, and he failed, catastrophically. He only sat there with his hands joined in his lap, not daring to look at the family in the eyes. 
"We're very thankful for John's service with us. He was the best there is." Gaz spoke, "John's memory will live with us."
"Thank you, Sergeant Garrick." Joan smiled as she looked up. "I heard you share the same quarters with him in the barracks. I hope he wasn't too much of a naughty boy."
The sergeant chuckled lightly at that, "Well. Soap wasn't someone who could stay away from mischief too long, but I assure you that he's an absolute joy and inspiration to be around." Hearing Joan's laughter cured a little part in Gaz, as the only thing he'd heard from her was the sound of her cry. He could at least pride himself in knowing that he could share Soap's merry nature.
As they share memories, Price finished his tea before he stood up from the sofa, followed by the other two. "Well. We must take our leave, Ma'am. Thank you for the tea."
"Anytime." Joan spoke as the soldiers started to leave the sofa, heading towards the main room and front door. 
"Which one of ya’s is ‘LT’?"
Rachel’s voice stopped the men in their tracks, particularly Ghost’s. All three men turned around, finding the woman holding Soap’s urn in her hands. Price saw how Ghost's face turned to that of a deer in a spotlight, so he put his hand behind Ghost’s back to lightly push him towards Rachel, but Ghost’s hesitancy was apparent in the way he slowly walked. 
“...That would be me, Ma’am.” Ghost’s deep voice rumbled softly as he looked down to Rachel’s height. The lady herself observed him up and down with a negative face that she could convince him that he was standing there naked. 
“Yer tryin’ so hard to make yourself look small for such a big man. It’s almost dreading.” She started, her hips shifting. “I’ve been the CEO of MacTavish Furnitures since my da’ passed away and Ollie decided to go to the army, and I read people like a book. For someone whom Johnny admired the most – and repeatedly spoke about – you don’t look like the LT I heard from him.” Ghost was starstruck at the statement. Soap, talking about him to his family? “I expected you to be cocky and exude pride in your steps, but all I’m seein’ is just a pathetic, sad bloke.” 
Ghost stood still at those comments. No one practically had ever roasted him this badly in front of his teammates. He wondered if he showed up in his other attire, she’d dare to say all this. But then again, if someone got to do it, he was glad that it came from an honourable woman of the MacTavish bloodline. 
What caught him off guard was her hands stretching towards him, holding Soap’s urn in front of his chest. Ghost looked down at the metal container, looking confused as he looked up again to face Rachel. He thought the MacTavishes were going to hold on to Soap’s urn, and they get to keep Soap’s dog tags. However, clearly, the current head of the family had other wishes.
“Take Johnny with ya. Being trapped inside this urn for eternity in this old house would be the last thing he wanted.” The woman started with a shaky voice, her eyes starting to brim with tears again. Seeing Soap’s character, Ghost could understand that completely. 
“He’s… the proudest he could ever be when he’s with ya’s." Rachel continued. 
"So I ask you, as our brother’s comrades, to hold on to Johnny – and free him.” 
Ghost’s eyes opened wide in surprise, still couldn’t fathom how fondly Soap must've talked about his teammates, especially him, to his family that they’d give him his ashes. Ghost lifted his hands to carefully receive the urn. 
After breathing deeply, Ghost stood straight, holding Soap firmly. 
“We will, Ma’am.”
The three of them walked towards the car parked just outside the MacTavish estate with Ghost holding Soap’s urn in his hands. They all took off their berets and entered the car, Price the designated driver, Gaz riding shotgun, while Ghost sat in the backseat. 
“So what do we do with him, Sir?” Gaz rotated his body to look at Soap’s urn on Ghost’s hands, same as Price.
Ghost contemplated in his mind, staring at the metal urn, before speaking, “Where’s Johnny’s place of birth?” 
Price answered immediately as he’s the one who took care of Soap’s documents. “Isle of Skye.” 
“Soap said there’s a beautiful cliff where he and his cousins used to go to play. Endless sea where the eyes could see.” Gaz added.
“Then that’s where we’re goin’.” Ghost spoke with finality. “And then we’ll let Johnny go.”
Price and Gaz nodded to each other. "Alright, Soap. Let's get you home." The captain started the car and stepped on the gas, beginning their journey towards the Isle of Skye.
I'm not okay. Thank you for reading! (T_T) reblogs and comments of your thoughts are much appreciated!
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elllisaaa · 7 months
no nut november - yang jeongin (6th to lose)
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-> pairing : jeongin x fem!reader
-> words count : 3.9k
-> genre : smut, sexfriends
-> warnings : teasing, dirty talk, praising, lingerie, unprotected sex, fingering (f. receiving), choking (f. receiving), creampie, little bit of angst (bc they are stupid (but cute)) + the way i'm depicting jeongin does not represent him, it's only a work of fiction
-> 18+ content bellow, minors dni
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated ! sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> masterlist | skz masterlist | no nut november
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Jeongin hadn’t seen you since they all agreed on the bet. Your whole relationship was based on sex, aka the thing he wasn’t allowed to do for a month. So, if he was seeing you just for that, there was no reason he'd start missing you, right ? 
Right ?
Well, not really since your absence had created a hole in his life. Usually, he would text with you throughout the day, talking casually, joking around, and sometimes, when you were a bit tipsy, you would call him and tell him about more serious things. But it was okay, it was what friends did. Except you weren’t supposed to be friends, simply fuck buddies, calling the other when they were in the mood. But it slowly slipped in the most comfortable friendship he ever had - with a little bonus. 
He shouldn't be missing you, since he was talking to you every day like he normally would. But he was missing your body, obviously. However, this was not what was scaring him. No. He was afraid because he started missing cuddling with you when you watched a movie, simply sleeping with you, admiring your cute, sleepy face when you woke up in the morning, making you breakfast as you hung around in his clothes, sometimes back hugging him. 
That wasn’t what he should have felt. But here he was, regretting all the life choices that led him to this, particularly calling you to tell you he wouldn’t come over for a month, because of the bet. You insisted on the fact that he could still hang out at yours if he wanted to, even if you weren’t doing anything sexual. But Jeongin had refused your offer, knowing he would be too tempted if he did. He didn’t see your smile drop at the other end of the call, nor the sour feeling creeping up your heart. 
So, he was part of the reason you were getting drunk tonight - well, he was the only reason, but too much to admit to yourself at once. You couldn’t bring yourself to accept the fact that he literally said that the only thing he wanted from you was sex. You knew that was how it all started, but it was more now. You were friends. Or at least you thought, since you apparently were just a toy in his eyes. You took another shot to stop your thoughts, wanting to only think of you tonight, not him and his stupidly attracting voice every time he said your name.
“- Isn’t that Jeongin right there ?”
You turned around so fast that your best friend almost choked on her drink, laughing at your eagerness. But you didn’t care as your eyes fell on his silhouette. A smile lightened his face as he laughed at a joke from one of his friends, and you couldn’t help staring at him. It’s been so long since you had last seen him, so long since you had last felt his touch and his lips on you. The way your heart jumped in your chest was only another proof of how much you were missing him. 
He must have felt that someone was watching him, because Jeongin turned around, his eyes diving in yours. Suddenly, it was like you couldn’t breathe anymore, as if the only source of oxygen was him and that you needed him close to you to survive. His gaze lingered on your lips, more than they should have, and when he came back to your eyes, lust was burning inside of you, lust was written all over his face. You swallowed with difficulty as you turned to your friend again, feeling like you could pass out every moment. 
“- You’re okay girl ?
- Yeah… He was just not supposed to be there tonight, that’s why I came.
- Well, you don’t have to talk to him. Wanna go dance ?”
You smiled at her, chugging the rest of your drink before following her to the other room from which loud music was coming out. Yes, Jeongin should not have been there. The friend who threw the party was the one who introduced you to each other, and he had promised you that Jeongin wasn’t coming, too busy with work lately. But he was there, and now, you couldn’t think about anything else. 
So you just tried to forget, just for a moment - drinking too much, until your head started to spin, dancing too much, until your feet hurt. You were unaware of how many times Jeongin looked at you, of how many times he wished he could come to you, take you away from this party and spend the next three days with you all alone. You were breathtaking, beautiful, and almost unreal from how gorgeous you were, making it impossible for him not to watch you dance. 
But you didn’t notice, already too wasted to care about anything else than not tripping over your own feet. You were drunk enough to feel lightheaded, but not to the point where you didn’t know what you did anymore. At least, you weren’t thinking about him too much. Only looking one or two times in his direction before your best friend slapped your arm, making you come back to reality. And finally, you reached the level of drunk where everything and anything could make you either laugh or tear up really quickly. 
It only took one person mentioning Jeongin, simply saying his name, for you to feel tears fill up your eyes almost immediately. You were missing him too much for your own good, you were missing him even if you knew the only thing he wanted from you was sex. It was too much for your intoxicated brain, and you felt the need to be alone. You excused yourself, heading quickly to the bathroom, hoping to cry for some time and that you would feel better after. 
“- Y/N ?” 
His voice calling your name made your tears fall out of your eyes, rolling on your cheeks slowly as he reached you, putting a hand on your shoulder. You turned around, having no way to escape anyway. Jeongin's eyes widened, full of worries, as soon as he noticed that you were crying. 
“- Are you okay ? Well, I suppose you’re not okay since you’re crying but is it bad bad or just bad ? Do you need anything ? Do you want water, or a hug, or something to eat ?”
Your tears blurred your vision as you cried more and more every time he said something, unable to say a coherent word or sentence anymore. 
“- Is it too much ? Do you want me to leave ?”
His hand left your shoulders, and you shivered, feeling empty and scared immediately. You needed him with you, the only thought in your mind being his warmth when he hugged you, and how comforting it was. And you needed just that right now. 
“- No, no ! Stay with me, please…”
Jeogin nobbed, putting one hand on the small of your back, bringing you to the bathroom and closing the door behind him. And then, as if he had known you for years, he opened his arms with a little smile. It was as if we knew exactly what to do to make the sadness go away. You wrapped your arms around his waist, and he did the same to you, feeling immediately safe when you pressed your head against his chest. You sighed loudly, relaxing in his hold. Maybe he was the one because of whom you were crying, but for some obscure reasons, he was also the only one capable of calming you that quickly.
“- Feeling better ?
- Yeah…”
His question came to break the silence after a moment, after running his fingers through your hair to soothe your pain away, after just listening to the muffled sounds of voices and music coming from afar. 
“- Do you want to talk about it ?”
You lifted your head from his chest, looking at him closely. He seemed genuinely worried for you, his eyes giving off so much gentleness it made your heart flutter. He shouldn’t have that effect on you. He shouldn’t make you feel that safe, so safe that you wanted to tell him all about what you were feeling right now. That you didn’t know what to do in your life because your studies didn’t interest you. That you were feeling empty most of the time. That being with people was your only way of avoiding your thoughts. That he was the only one who made you feel like you had a place to be in this world. 
“- I… I feel like I don’t know where I’m going lately. I feel so overwhelmed and stressed all the time, it’s like I can never really rest. I only feel peace when I’m with you.”
Jeongin's heart started beating faster, his eyes still fixed on yours. Your gaze was spilling out with so much tenderness and gentleness he felt like he could pass out. He tried to breathe normally, not letting his emotions take over him. He should only care about you right now, only focus on helping you get off your chest what you needed to feel better. 
“- W-With me ? 
- Hm… Everytime you hold me, I forget about everything… I like you so much Jeongin…”
He suddenly felt like he was crushed by a weight on his shoulders so heavy it made his legs weak. He gripped on your shoulders, pushing you off of him, feeling the need to get some space between you in order to get his brain to function again. You what ? He couldn’t believe it. You were drunk. Yeah, he saw you struggling to walk straight an hour before. He knew you were saying this only because alcohol was running down your veins, not because you actually meant it. However, he couldn’t help the warmth that was filling him up at your words. 
“- You shouldn’t say that to me, you’re tired and drunk. I’m gonna take you back to your place, okay ? We just have to walk for a few minutes and you’ll be comfy in your bed.
- I didn’t say this because I’m drunk. I… Shit, it’s so hard to say…”
You chuckled to yourself, sighing as you tried to gather enough strength to let the words out, the words you wanted to let out for weeks, months. The words you needed to let out, just to get over him. He said it straight to your face, that he only needed you, wanted you for your body. But you couldn’t help hope from creeping up in your heart as Jeongin looked more and more nervous as silence lingered.
“- I don’t think I can do this anymore.”
His eyes widen, his heart sinking down in his chest. What did you mean you couldn’t do this anymore ? You couldn’t see him anymore ? Why ? Why did you want that to stop ? He liked it so much when he knew that he could just call you, ask you to come over and watch movies and series for hours, cuddling with you and not even talking. It was his favourite way to spend his time. He didn’t want it to stop. 
“- At first, I thought that it could work, but now I realize that it was a mistake.”
Jeongin opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something but nothing came out, no words passing through the barrier of his lips. His eyes started to fill up with tears, as well as yours. It couldn’t be true. You couldn’t say that he was a mistake. He took a step toward you, still holding your shoulders, as if being close to you again would convince you that he was worth it. 
“- You… Are you serious ? Did I do something wrong ? Did I hurt you ? Please, tell me what I’ve done and I’ll fix it. Just talk to me, please.”
You felt on the edge of crying once again, trying to keep yourself together when all you wanted was to go back in time, when nothing was complicated, when Jeongin didn’t think it was his fault because it was all yours, when you didn’t have feelings for him. You messed up your relationship, not him. 
“- No, no, no ! You didn’t do anything ! You’re just… You’re just so easy to love. I didn’t mean to fall for you, but every time you stayed the night to make sure I was sleeping well. And all the times you came right away when I called you. It just made me want to keep you with me forever. You’re so perfect, it was impossible for me not to love you.”
Your sad smile made Jeongin’s heart crumble, a tear rolling on his cheek as he took your face in his hands, kindness pouring out from every one of his touches, of his looks. 
“- You do mean it right ? It’s just not just because you’re drunk ?”
You shook your head from left to right, a much more joyful smile spreading on his lips. 
“- Well, it better be because from now on, I’m not letting you go.”
Your own smile started to widen as his words made their way to your brain, struggling to believe what he had just said. 
“- You better not.
- I already love you too much for that.”
The way back to your place never seemed so long as all you wanted was to embrace Jeongin and kiss him until you couldn’t breathe anymore. Which you did as soon as you walked past the door of your apartment, pushing him against the nearest wall, finally crashing your lips onto his. He hummed happily when you did so, slipping his tongue in your mouth as he gripped your waist, pulling you even closer to him. You threw away your coat quickly, helping Jeongin to get rid of his jacket as well. You needed to touch him, needed to feel his skin on yours. 
“- Too much clothes. Take them off.”
He chuckled when you slipped your hands under the hem of his white shirt, scratching his abs lightly, just like you knew he liked it, just to get him to whine like you expected him to. 
“- Do it yourself if you want it that bad darling.”
You groaned at his teasing, only making him smirk as he laid against the wall, watching you with so much desire in his eyes as you started to undress yourself instead. Teasing had always been your thing, turning you on some more every time you played with each other patience. And you knew very well that Jeongin was obsessed with your body. So you put on a show for him, pushing the thin straps of your black dress slowly past your shoulders before you unzipped it just as slowly. You let the material slide down your body as it revealed an emerald green set of lingerie. 
“- You’re so beautiful… 
- Want to touch ?
- Yeah.
- Then take off your clothes.”
Your smirk was back, and Jeongin couldn’t help loving it, loving all the things you did to him. He felt his body burning up with a hunger for you, with a hunger to lick every nook and cranny of your skin. His teeth sunk in his bottom lip as he watched you caressing your body, hands roaming around, grabbing your tits over your bra and whining at the feeling. He wanted to tease a little more, but the fact that he hadn’t cum since almost a month, and that he had missed you so much led him to just give up and throw away his clothes quickly. 
“- Happy now ?”
You chuckled in the kiss he gave you as he picked you up from the floor easily, manhandling you to your room, where he let you down on the sheets, towering over you immediately. He resumed his kisses, this time on your neck. He always spent extra time there, licking, biting, marking, kissing. He loved to see you struggle to hide the hickeys he left on your skin, loved to pretend it meant that you belonged to him. But now, it was not pretending anymore. You were his. 
“- You’d look so good with my hands around your neck darling…”
You’ve never talked about that before, but the thought of his beautiful, veiny hands wrapping around your neck, keeping you from breathing normally, applying pressure against your throat while he was fucking you was definitely turning you on. You ran your hands through his hair, moaning when he sucked at your sensitive skin one more time.
“- Do it then.”
His head snapped up when your words reached his brain. You actually wanted him to choke you ? It was something out of his wet dreams about you, something he never wished you would want too. 
“- You’re serious ? 
- Yeah… Always wondered what it would feel like having those pretty fingers squeezing my throat…”
The look in your eyes was enough for Jeongin to spread your legs wide, helping you get rid of your underwear, the last pieces of clothing ending up somewhere in the room. His hands ran from your ankles to your thighs, never getting too close from your wet folds. The little noises coming out of your mouth as he was teasing you were music to his ears, but he wanted to hear you moan, wanted to hear you cry out his name. Jeongin finally pressed his digits on your clit, rubbing it lightly as you sighed in relief. 
“- What do you want, darling ? My fingers or my tongue ?
- Fingers, please.”
He joined your lips again as he pushed two of his fingers inside you, groaning in your mouth at how wet you were. He missed the feeling of your walls fluttering around him, missed the way you were digging your nails in his back when he was fucking you, missed your hands tugging at his hair while you two were kissing. And you missed his touch just as much. 
Jeongin started to thrust his fingers in and out of your pussy as his other hand traveled your body, from your hips to your breast, and finally, your neck. He wrapped his fingers carefully around it, applying little pressure, just to test the water, his other hand still working inside of your cunt. You whimpered at the feeling, your walls clenching around him. 
“- You’re okay ?
- Hm… Tighter, please.”
He gulped, fearing that he would hurt you. But the moment he squeezed your throat harder, your moans increased, your pussy pulsating on his fingers constantly, he knew he was doing it just right - and he also knew that he was now addicted to this. You couldn’t even say a word, the lack of air making you feel lightheaded and dizzy. Maybe you should have warned him, but your orgasm took you by surprise, your juices covering his hand as you fucked yourself on his fingers, letting go in the feeling of his hand wrapped up around your neck. 
“- Fuck Jeongin ! I need you… Please…
- But you just came…”
He let go of your neck immediately after you stopped grinding on his hand, caressing it gently as if he wanted the light red marks he left to go away. 
“- You’re so cute sometimes.”
He hitted your shoulder playfully as you smiled brightly.
“- I just don’t want to hurt you, idiot. 
- Just like I said, so cute…”
He shook his head before kissing you passionately, trying not to let you see how red his ears were. But you noticed it anyway, only making you want to stay in his arms forever. However, for now, you just needed him to touch you, to make you forget about all the time you wasted worrying about him sharing your feelings or not. You just needed your boyfriend. 
“- Jeongin… I really need you…
- I’m trying to find a condom baby, but someone keeps on distracting me.
- Don’t.
- What ?
- Don’t find a condom. I want you to fuck me raw, I want you to fill me up.”
Jeongin stayed still, one of his hands plunged inside the drawer of your nightstand while his eyes were fixed on you, wide open. He was dreaming, he could only be dreaming. But you hadn’t disappeared, nor seemed to be unserious. So he came back to you, nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck, your fingers tugging gently on his hair immediately and making him whimper. He tried to stay focused as he placed himself at your entrance, sliding his cock against your wet cunt. 
“- Gosh Y/N… You can’t tell me things like that so easily…
- Why not ? Don’t you like it ?
- Too much… I’m sorry baby, I don’t think I’m gonna last long.”
You pulled his hair to force him to look at you in the eyes, caressing his cheek softly.
“- I don’t care about that, we have all the time in the world. I just want to feel you in me.”
With that being said, Jeongin pushed past your folds, sliding right into you due to your wetness. The moans you both left out were certainly loud enough to wake up all your neighbors, but you couldn't care when he felt this good inside of you. You didn’t think that having the condom off would change the feeling so much, but you could now sense every curve of his dick thrusting into you, and it was driving you crazy.
“- S-Shit darling… You feel so good, so warm…”
You let out another moan, unable to do more when he pounded into you, hitting all the right places at once. You could feel that he was close by the way his cock was twitching inside of you, by the strength with which he was holding your legs up, by the increasing volume of his moans. But you could also tell that he was holding back, because his one and only goal was always to make you feel good. For once though, you wanted him to be lost in pleasure in front of your eyes, wanted to be the one making him fall apart. 
“- Go on baby, let go… I want your cum inside of me, I want it so bad.”
With one last loud moan, Jeongin collapsed over you, filling you up with his cum. You whimpered at the feeling of your walls being painted white. You’ve never felt so full before, never felt so entranced by seeing someone else's orgasm hitting them on. But watching Jeongin and running your fingers through his hair as he tried to get his breath back was one of the best ways to end your night. 
You almost thought that he had fallen asleep, until his hands started caressing the skin of your waist gently at first, then grabbing a handful of your skin just for the pleasure of hearing your little noises. You didn’t get the time to think before he let the kisses that were sprinkling the skin of your shoulders go down to your breast, your stomach, your pubis and the inside of your thighs. And only there, he looked back at your face, at your red cheeks and lust filled gaze.
“- What are you doing ?
- Making it up to you for being stupid… Plus, I always wondered which taste you’d have if I ate you out after filling you up with my cum.”
You moaned at his words and at his tongue licking you immediately after, Jeongin hiding his smudged smile between your thighs. Maybe that for once, you would stay for more than one night.
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my works.
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taglist : @bangchans-angel @its-hannjisung @3rachasninja @boi-bi-ahaha @supergoopjudgepsychic @jaiuneamesolitaiire @starsandrqindrops @iwannabangchan69 @b3tOxic @fawnpeaks @lxrii @channiesgoodgirl @imsotiredandalsonineteen @bbchangbinnie24 @chrishak @cscsi @stayconnecteed @miserya99 @puppy-minnie @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @linosssss @channiesbedbug @whosanaanyway @coastalmaine @soobywiththebooty (if your pseudo is crossed out, it's because i can't tag you and you'll have to change your settings)
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shogunish · 8 months
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pairing. true form! sukuna x f! reader
genre. some sort of romance (?)
contents. set in the heian period, true form sukuna, reader is a concubine, after sex + casual nudity, creampie, violence, blood, mediocre poetry that i wrote myself
summary. sukuna who neither loves nor hates anyone, finds himself attracted to the poetry you write so elegantly.
words. 2.4k
note. based on this random sukuna thought i had.
comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! <3
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you had no other choice but to bang your fist against wooden gates in the pouring rain, mud staining your once white robes and strands of hair sticking to your face like a second skin.
"please, let me in!"
what else were you supposed to do when a swarm of curses suddenly terrorized your village, eating your parents' flesh alive and feasting on their corpses once they had died of shock? you had barely made it out of your home, throwing stones at the winged cursed spirits in hopes of gaining some sort of distance, an advantage.
"i'll do anything! i swear!"
you banged your fist harder until splinters pierced your skin and jumped off the wood. but the pain of it wasn't greater than the anguish of losing your loved ones, your home – a place you could no longer return to, a graveyard for the living.
tears of despair ran down your cheeks and you sobbed. wings flapped in the distance. you didn't need to turn around to know that those cursed spirits had caught up to you in the matter of a few minutes. horror crawled up your spine, slinging itself around your neck like the burn of a noose.
"please! i'm begging!"
your heart had already given up when you sunk to your knees, your mind made peace with the fact that this was it. but before you even knew what happened, someone grabbed the collar of your robes, dragged you inside and tossed your body into a puddle of mud like..like you were nothing.
"huh..?" sitting on your knees, your head shot up and your eyes widened once they caught sight of your savior and downfall.
he looked like a beast. four arms and two faces with pink hair slicked back amd an aura that nearly suffocated you. a pair of his arms was crossed over his chest, red eyes glared at you, stared right through the essence of your soul.
ryomen sukuna.
your grandparents always told you stories about him, but you never believed that anyone, or rather anything, like that could exist. nothing but a scary fairytale meant to teach children not to misuse jujutsu or else he'd eat them in their sleep. but he was real. silently, you wished you had listened to grandma and grandpa.
sukuna didn't ask for it, but your trembling body was on autopilot when you lowered your forehead to the wet ground and squeezed your eyes shut.
"do you have any idea how loud you are?" his voice was deep, obviously annoyed by your obnoxious begs and pleads to let you in, to grant you shelter from a horde of lousy cursed spirits.
you dug your fingernails into the ground. "m-my apologies.." your voice died in your throat, hoarse from screaming and begging and trembling out of pure fear. "my village..it got slaughtered and i..i just.."
"did I ask for any of your excuses?" sukuna couldn't care less about your sob story you tried serving him in an attempt to keep your life.
you were about to apologize again when clawed hands grabbed your cheeks, jerked your head upwards and forced you to look at sukuna who appeared to be bored out of his mind. wide-eyed, you stared at him with mud, tears and blood on your face. truly disgusting did you look.
"you said you'd do anything?" sukuna questioned as he regarded your fear-stricken face that looked like it was about to cry again when you dumbly nodded your head.
despite that, he had to admit that your skin seemed well taken care of and the fabric of your robes was neither too shabby nor too expensive. you were neither a farmer nor a noble, but something..in-between.
you reminded him of a poem he once read.
"the ugly little duck that many would have slaughtered
grew into a beautiful swan with grace unknown and beauty unmatched."
a silly swing of mood was all it took for sukuna to change his mind. originally, he wanted to spill the blood of the person who disturbed his rest, but he decided to give you chance to grow into something beautiful, something even someone like him could admire like the poetry he liked to read.
"you'd make a fine concubine." a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.
was this..it?
you'd get to keep your life in exchange for pleasuring a mass murderer? you cringed at the thought and had half the mind to say that you'd rather be fed to the wolves than existing for a man's pleasure, but then..the images of your killed loved ones flashed before your eyes.
saying those words out loud would result in a painful, slow death. those cursed spirits would tear the flesh off your bones until you'd die of shock or blood loss.
you yielded. you did say you'd do anything.
"yes..i shall be your concubine as a sign of my gratitude."
those words sealed your fate.
sukuna called for someone named uraume, an androgynous-looking person clothed in monk robes and they took you inside where you were not only granted a bath but also a fresh pair of robes. they said they'd show you around the coming morning, that you would be to sleep in a room with the other concubines and that you had nothing to do but satisfy sukuna's sexual desires.
if you were to disobey, you would die.
just what had you gotten yourself into?
sukuna liked to believe that he didn't care about anyone. people, humans, were nothing but the dirt underneath his feet. maybe even the ants he'd squish if they were lucky enough. but even a curse such as himself found himself drawn to one of the arts humans gave birth to.
it was poetry.
those words would likely never reach sukuna's soul, but he liked the art of putting words together, to think about their meaning. after all, writing was the same as laying your soul bare – similar to showing your nude body to strangers like one of his many concubines.
in full bloom were the cherry blossoms, plum and vibrant. a spring breeze blew by and the engawa creaked underneath sukuna's bare feet. the pond's surface was disturbed by the occasional koi fish getting a little too close to the sun, the water rippled silently before coming to flawless stillness once more.
one more step and a glance towards the ground – what was this? sukuna bent down, picked up a piece of paper and upon turning it around, he was met with fine, onyx brush strokes and a neat handwriting. it was poetry.
sukuna shouldn't be as interested as he was, but maybe it was the good mood he had which allowed him to indulge himself in such silly thing.
"dreams are like bubbles.
fragile and transient, one touch and they cease to exist.
so why is it that i keep blowing bubbles,
hoping that the wind will be more gentle with them than my own fingertips?"
"if pain is time, then this must be eternity."
"his claws, so sharp and lethal and drenched in his arrogance's blood, almost feel as gentle as the breeze ringing in the spring."
and when sukuna raised his gaze, wanting to find a trace of the person who wrote these lines with such anguish, ruby irises found your form sitting underneath a tree. a little book was in your hands, black ink on the tips of your fingers as you dragged the brush across the paper. a faraway look in your eyes and glossy lips parted ever so slightly as you wrote down word for word.
who would've thought that a mere concubine, a woman whose purpose was to please sukuna in any way possible, was capable of creating such beauty? of executing such etiquette and carrying the brush with the sorrows of days gone by.
what else was going on in your mind, in that little soul of yours?
"sukuna. is everything alright?" uraume asked as they emerged from a sliding door. they had just come back from aiding the maids with a task that they needed help with and upon coming back, uraume immediately noticed the foreign expression on sukuna's face.
was this..awe..curiosity..or something entirely different? they couldn't tell.
sukuna crumpled the piece of paper in his fist. "yeah. no need to worry." he reassured his subordinate, but..those words were directed to himself as well.
soon after, sukuna requested you more often and kept you by his side for a little while before you'd pick up your kimono from the ground to go back to your own chambers to wash the sin off your body.
candles lit up sukuna's chamber, dipping the walls in hues of orange and yellow as the flame flickered. paintings as well as weapons made for war decorated the space – tools which still scared you, because what could a being such as sukuna do with these weapons? he could likely do worse than just murder you, you thought.
a sheen of sweat coated your nude body. your breasts rose and fell with each deep breath you took and sukuna's marks littered your skin. his bites on your neck, fingerprints on your thighs and the marks of his claws on your hips which were partly bloody. semen leaking from your entrance, you shivered.
"may i assume you're satisfied for the night, sukuna?" you looked up at him through your lashes, eyes still hazy from your orgasm.
sukuna's lower arm was wrapped around your shoulder and pulled you into his side. it was the most gentle touch you had ever received from him.
he hummed as if he was in thought. "..not quite."
immediately, you squirmed into a more upright position, eyes wide and shimmering even in the dim light. "i promise i can do better! if you let me just–" deft fingers attempted to raise the blanket from sukuna's lower half, but he stopped you, shaking his head.
"no, not that. rather.." he trailed off, watching the confusion grow in your eyes. "..i desire to know whether it's you who's lost a page of poetry?" sukuna's voice was deep, smooth like velvet, yet as dark as the abyss in his pupils. "the other concubines wouldn't even know how to write poetry, so..the only one left is you, [name]."
heat rose to your face. ashamed, you raise the blanket up to your collarbone as if it could hide the words sukuna had found. "..how did you..?"
"i found it when i stepped on it." sukuna was gentle when he cupped your chin with his clawed fingers and made you look at him. "consider me impressed."
surprise was written all over your face, lips parted, eyes wide and all that. you swore your heart was beating in your throat. did sukuna, the king of curses, just praise you?
he never praised anyone.
"..pardon..?" you breathed out. was this some kind of dream? a lucid dream? or maybe you were put under a spell? whichever it was..it felt pleasant.
"i'm not going to repeat myself." sukuna brushed a few strands of hair out of your face, tucking the strand behind your ear. "but i am going to keep you by my side. it appears that you're good for more than meets the eye."
that night, sukuna handed you a brush, ink and a piece of paper. he kept you by his side the entire night, wanting to hear the words you put to paper until you had fallen asleep with your head on his shoulder and his marks on your skin.
people said that love came all different shapes and forms: platonic love, familial love, erotic love, the love one held towards a pet and so on. if one were to ask sukuna what sort of affections he held towards you when you sat by his side, filling pages of poetry for him to read, he likely would remain silent.
because as arrogant as he was as the king of curses, as much as he didn't care about anyone but himself, he could not deny the fact that, in your company, he found peace amidst the violence that he caused himself.
sukuna liked the way you sat next to him with no fear, gentle eyes focused on that little notebook and a brush in your hand. silently would you sit next to the catastrophe that was sukuna, pouring your feelings onto paper that would one day fade and crumble like leaves in the wind. yes, even your tranquil self would one day fade into nothing like the ink on your papers.
"will you miss me when it's my turn to go?" you asked without looking at sukuna. a few cherry blossoms petals got tangled in your hair.
sukuna was gentle when he used one of his hands to pick the petal out of your hair. he should've said no without hesitating so long, because despite your appearance, you were awfully perceptive – that much sukuna had learned.
a smile graced your lips. seated next to sukuna on the engawa had become your favorite pastime even though he would use your body later on with no regard for your aching limbs.
"what? am I dear to you?" you teased the king of curses. within the last few months, you had become attuned to each other without meaning to.
"..if it is possible for a curse to love."
a sigh slipped sukuna's lips. he begrudgingly entertained your thoughts. "it seems that my treatment towards you has got to your head, [name]."
at that, you giggle into your notebook, eyes closed and the apples of your cheeks tinting a hue of red. "maybe a little bit. i was merely wondering if.."
sukuna was certain that he didn't love you, but rather the words you wrote. they flowed like water, written with grace unknown and beauty unmatched. each syllable was either fragile like a petal or sturdy like a warrior on horseback. it was funny how your poetry was a reflection of yourself.
when you sat next to sukuna, you were tender but when he'd order you into his chamber, you'd take and obey his orders like a samurai with nothing but moans on your lips.
"my affection has nothing to do with you." sukuna said after a pause.
"how sad." you mused, putting your brush down. "a being who has been living for so long and never experienced any sort of love. it must be lonely."
that day when you pressed a kiss to sukuna's cheek like a lover would, he wondered…if maybe you were attached to him instead.
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recuira · 9 months
after hours
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after hours : a live action buggy x fem!reader fanfiction
for some odd reason, you have no idea who he is. and he fucking loved that.
chapter one chapter two chapter three
chapter four | suede. stalking. silly.
his pov;
"Your wanted poster."
Those three words settled in my mind as I stared at the distraught girl in front of me, watching as she fumbled with her hands, a nervous exterior brushing over her. She seemed to be so horrified with the fact that I was once a pirate sought after by thousands- wanted dead or alive, though much preferred dead. Many still wanted me dead but due to my brilliant idea of hiding out here, the chance of anyone getting my bounty was thin. I, however, didn't see it being as much of a big deal as she deemed it so. The real issue I found was tucked away in one of the books within the nightstand which I was so fucking thankful she didn't find. I'd rather her not have been looking around but if she were to find one of the two? I was glad she found the poster.
I tossed another slice of apple into my mouth then set the knife down on the cutting board. I approached Y/N but instantly halted when I noticed how nervous and uneasy she was. "What's wrong?"
"H-How many people did you kill?" She asked, her voice shaking.
"Does that really matter?" I asked, waving my hands up in the air to hopefully exaggerate my point. "It was almost a year ago."
"That doesn't change the fact that it happened!"
"I know, I know." Despite her discomfort, I took a seat next to her anyway. She tightened her arms around herself, almost to make sure there was as much distance between us without her actually moving. Clenching my jaw, I patted my hands upon my thighs. "I know it's a terrible thing, and there's nothing I can do to change that. It's in the past and if I could go back and alter things, I would. Being a pirate was all I knew. My old friend was one, too. Then we separated onto different things and-"
"Did he kill people?"
"Lots of pirates kill people. It's part of the hype, ya know? It's very unlikely to raid another ship without there being any casualties. But I stopped because I got tired of it. I wanted something more."
"It's a pretty big bounty. I mean- come on, fifteen million berries?"
"Don't think about turning me in now," I chuckled, wanting to add a bit of lightheartedness to this unfortunate predicament.
"I'm not like that. I know I'm in need of money but-"
"I didn't mean it like that, Y/N, come on. Give me some slack."
"Well, why exactly did you stop? Did you lose the thrill of stealing from others? O-Or did you get bored of killing innocent people?"
I rolled my eyes, scoffing. "We've all done some shit we're ashamed of. We're humans. I did a lot of fucked up shit," I said as I pointed at myself. "But I changed that. I moved and let all that go. I left my crew, made someone else the captain, and abandoned ship. I left all of that shit behind and came here."
"But why?"
"If I say this, I'll probably make things worse but I don't want to lie anymore," I said as I laid back, folding my hands over my chest. I stared up at the ceiling. "You've obviously heard of the One Piece, right?"
"Of course."
"Well, I was one of those pirates absolutely obsessed with finding it. Fuck, I even dreamt about it. It was the only thing I truly desired in life. It was the only thing I thought about. Not riches, women, alcohol- just the One Piece. I was making somewhat decent progress but then I heard that a group of Straw Hats-" I grimaced at the thought. "-made off with the map which they stole from one of the Marine bases. I happened to track them down and I managed to steal the map from some kid named Monkey D. Luffy. But all good things must come to an end and I lost it. I was back to square one. And then I discovered his bounty was thirty million berries." I frowned then sat up, turning to face Y/N. "Can you believe that? Some newby pirate-wannabe received a bounty double my own! Seeing that brought me back to reality. So I dropped everything then came here."
"All because of him?"
I nodded my head. Just the thought of that kid irked me. There was no one, other than Shanks, who I despised more than my own self.
"So, yeah, I know what I did was fucked up. But there's a reason I'm here now. There's a reason I've given you so much. It's because I want to be a better person, maybe redeem myself for what I've done. And I can do that by helping you, by making your life a little less miserable."
"Do you pity me?" The girl asked, finally meeting my gaze.
"What?" I laughed, almost obnoxiously. "Of course not. If anything, I envy you."
"Me?" Y/N pointed at herself. "You envy me?"
"You have no bad conscience. You've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to make up for. You have a clean slate."
She shrugged, a small smile creeping onto her lips. "Thank you."
"So, uh, do you hate me now?" I asked, forcing a frown to mimic a pouting child. She giggled at this and shook her head. I sighed in relief, wiping 'sweat' from my forehead. "Thank god. I don't know what I'd do with myself if you hated me."
"I knew you were a pirate but it's still shocking to learn about your past. It'll take me a bit to get used to it but I don't hate you."
"So, we're good?" I extended my hand.
"We're good." She shook it.
I felt as if a huge relief was lifted off my shoulders. And as long as she stayed out of the nightstand, there would be no more issues. But if I hid the book, then I would be even more safe. I pondered the possibilities before I watched as she rose from the confines of the bed and approached the counter. My eyes trailed down. The backs of her thighs were exposed and the shorts clung to her ass so divinely. I bit my lip and crossed my leg over my lap.
"I appreciate everything you've done for me," She mumbled as she started to chew on an apple, then began to cut into an orange. "I do have a question for you, though."
"Go ahead, shoot." As soon as she turned around, my eyes met hers and I smiled.
"Are devil fruits real? Or is that just an old tale? I've never seen one up close and I heard they cost a fortune, even for just one alone."
"They're real," I said with a small laugh. "I would know, I've eaten one."
Y/N nearly jumped before she darted over toward me, her hands grabbing at my shoulders. She still had a slice of half-chewed apple in her mouth which made her struggle to properly speak. "WHAT? You- NO! You didn't?!" She let go of my arms and instead planted her hands on my chest, shoving me back. I collapsed back against the bed, laughing. "You ate one?!"
"Years ago, when I was fifteen."
"You're lying!"
"I'm not. It was a mistake actually."
"What happened?"
I chuckled and pushed myself back up. "Give me an orange and I'll tell you."
If my reflexes weren't so quick, the fruit would've hit me in the face with how quick she threw it. But I caught it and began to pick apart the peel. "Easy, next time," I smirked and took a bite from it. "Well, when I was younger and was a pirate-in-training, the crew I was in raided this ginormous ship and hit the motherload. Not only gold and jewels and anything you could think of, but there was also a devil fruit. I found out how much they were worth and tried to steal it but I was caught in a predicament and I tried to hide it in my mouth."
"I swallowed it whole."
She gasped, "And you're alive?"
"It doesn't kill you. It just takes your ability to swim when you're in the ocean, in salt water. It's like the sea turned its back on you."
"Did you get a power from it?"
I shrugged and winked at her, taking another bite. I licked the juices from my hand. "Guess."
"You can fly?"
"Ha! Nope."
"Read minds?"
"It's body-altering."
"Wait," The lovely maiden smirked, taking a seat on the bed. "Did it give you that red nose?" She snickered.
"Guess again," I said flatly, my expression turning cold as I stared at her. She gulped, clenching her jaw. I laughed and looked down at my lap, now using one hand to hold the orange. I continued to chew on it. But while she was distracted with her numerous attempts to guess what kind of body-altering power I had, I detached my left hand at the wrist. It floated behind the both of us and tapped on her right shoulder. Y/N jumped up, her head shooting to look at her side. Her eyes widened and her eyebrows furrowed together before she spotted my floating hand waving at her. She gasped and slapped it away. I broke out into a fit of laughter, my hand reconnecting to my wrist. "Impressive, huh?"
"You- what?" She was still flabbergasted.
"I ate the chop-chop fruit. It allows me to pretty much chop any part of my body. Like I can-" To avoid grossing her out, I chopped my left leg from my thigh instead of my head from my neck. She watched in amazement. I smiled at this. "I can disconnect anything from my body from my toes to my ears to my-"
"Even... ya know?"
I winked. "Oh, yeah. That, too."
"That's so cool. How come you haven't done it before around me?"
"I don't know. I just never found a reason to." Shrugging my shoulders, I allowed my leg to snap back. I continued to chew on the orange before finishing it and tossing the peel into a small bin to the left of the bedside table. Y/N finished hers as well. She wiped her hands down on her shirt.
"So, uh," I chewed on my bottom lip. "Do you think you and your mother will be okay?"
"Yeah. We fight all the time. Her drinking doesn't help."
I cringed. "Really?"
"Yeah, she's one of the reasons I hate it so much."
I pursed my lips and nodded my head. I knew I needed to cut back on it but it was something I've done for well over more than half my life. Though, I was destined to do it. Not only for myself, but for her, too. I'd do anything for Y/N. "So," I began, "what do you want to do today?"
"I need to go make up with my mother. That's a big to-do. I can't stand her ever being upset with me." The girl said as she stood up, slipping her shoes back onto her feet. "We can have dinner tonight if you want. Maybe you could meet her."
"Meet your mom?"
"Yeah, why not? She was wondering where all that money came from. She thought I stole it."
"Hell, I don't know. I'm not good with meeting new people."
"Will you, at least, consider it?"
"Sure," I smirked.
"Thank you." Y/N reached for the doorknob, giving it a strong and firm tug before it yanked open. A gush of cold wind washed over her, almost knocking her back. I tossed her my coat to which she whispered another 'thank you' then slipped it on. "I'll see you, Buggy."
"Bye," I murmured with a smile.
As soon as the door shut, I jumped down from the bed and pulled the drawer out from the nightstand, dropping it on the stone floor. I sorted through the numerous books and grabbed the novel I was so fucking thankful she didn't look through. As I opened the cover, the hollowed book had contents that almost spilled out. Papers among papers, among sketches fell out, wafting along the floor. Several notes about Y/N puddled on the floor. One, which was my favorite, was a letter I wrote to her- well, I refused to send it. If I sent it, any last fiber of my confidence would be crushed like a scrambled egg. My fingers lined the rigid edges as I unfolded it.
Messy paragraphs lined both the front and back of the page.
I smiled. How long ago did I write this? I haven't looked at it in so long. I usually added a sentence to it each time I saw Y/N, which is why it was so long. But I stopped pouring my thoughts and desires into it when I actually had the pleasure of speaking to her.
If she saw this, I would kill myself.
I'd purposely jump into the ocean with two anchors attached to my feet.
I looked over the first paragraph,
'I've never wanted something so badly in my life. To say I yearned for her would be a complete understatement. I longed for her, I yearned, I desired- In simple terms, I wanted her. I mean, how could I not? She was an angel. She was a siren. I would purposely listen to her enchanting song, allowing my boat to crash, just if it meant I could be graced by her presence, by her beauty. I was obsessed with her. If she found out my thoughts, my desires, she would never let herself be seen with me. I wouldn't blame her, though. I was obsessive. It was unhealthy, I knew that. But I didn't care. I wouldn't say I loved her because I didn't know what that felt like. I've never experienced it. But perhaps I did love her. I didn't know, I couldn't tell. All I knew was that she was the only treasure I wanted. Not the One Piece, no. Not even that could match up to her alluring person. If I had to travel every sea in order to find her, battle every sea snake in order to touch her, I would. I would in a heartbeat.'
I grimaced, cringing at what I was reading. Thank god, she didn't see this. I didn't even want to see this.
I tucked the papers back into the hollowed-out book, closing it. I slipped the other novels into the drawer then slid it into the nightstand. With the book of secrets, I needed to hide it somewhere she could never find it- where even I struggled to find it. I didn't want to throw it out for I would be completely discarding all of those moments we had together, although she couldn't reconcile them with me because at that time, I was nonexistent to her.
Maybe I could follow my own idea and form my own message in a bottle. I never mentioned her name, nor my own. To an outsider's perspective, it was anonymous.
I shook my head and slipped the book back into the bedside table. She wouldn't be back anytime soon so I had enough time to properly execute a fool-proof plan.
But right now?
I needed to go get another coat.
her pov;
My mother and I resolved things, just like always. And when she caught wind of a pirate suddenly becoming very fond of me, she begged me to invite him over for dinner. I didn’t think that was the best of ideas. Going out to dinner? Sure! But to have him over? At our house? I cringed at the idea.
She fell ill months ago. Nothing too major, but ever since she’s gotten better, she despises leaving the house and even made me bring her bed downstairs so she could sleep next to the kitchen just in case she had a hankering for something to eat. It was ridiculous, I knew that. But I couldn’t just tell her no. She was my own mother. While I was old enough, I definitely wasn't going to willingly disobey her.
She persisted that I go and grab Buggy so we could have him over for dinner, while I insisted we all go out to eat. She hated the idea and told me that it was her house, her rules.
I grimaced at the thought.
Now, I was just outside Buggy's home, knocking on the stone door. I hoped he was home, though there was no possibility of me being able to ask him prior to my arrival. I knew he was busy. He was a very busy man. I was surprised he made time for me.
With another knock, another silence fell. I groaned and backed up.
My eyes trailing down, I stared at the doorknob and chewed on my bottom lip. He wouldn't care if I waited inside, right? We trusted each other. He knew where I lived and I knew where he lived. As far as I knew, he never crossed any of my boundaries and I definitely didn't cross any of his- well, except for maybe 'snooping' through his nightstand.
Without thinking too much more about it, I grabbed the rusted doorknob, gave it a firm twist, then shoved it open. I almost fell through the doorway.
I caught my balance and stepped inside, closing the door behind me. Without the lantern being lit, it was rather dark, but the bright blue sky helped to illuminate the small room. He must've not been home since I left.
I looked around, admiring everything.
As I took a seat on the edge of the bed, I noticed a piece of paper laying on the floor. It wasn't there before.
I raised an eyebrow and reached to grab it but before I could, the door flung open, a certain blue-haired pirate standing in the entrance. When he noticed me, he smirked. I gulped.
"So, we're breaking and entering, are we?" The man grinned as he took a few paces forward.
"I'm sorry," I murmured, scratching the back of my neck. "I came over to ask you about dinner but you weren't here so I figured I would wait."
"No worries, I'm only teasing."
"So?" I folded my arms, leaning forwards.
"So what?" Buggy questioned as he slipped his coat off. Since when did he get a new coat? And why? I was only borrowing the one he lent me. I didn't plan on keeping it. But I guess now it was okay if I did.
"Dinner? Are you available?"
"Hmm, it depends. What time?"
"I don't know, sometime tonight? Only for two hours or so. My mother wanted to meet you. I told her about you."
"What did you tell her?"
"That you've been a friend of mine for a few weeks now and you've been fortunate enough to treat me and help me out," I said with a smile. "She thought you were my boyfriend." I chuckled.
"Heh, that's rich," Buggy said as he turned around to close the door.
"So? Can you?"
"I guess so. Just don't leave me alone with her. I really don't want to be bombarded with questions." The man said as he folded the jacket over his arm then slung it on the countertop. "Did you tell her about my nose?"
I laughed, confused. "No? Why would I?"
"It's my defining feature. It's hard not to notice it when you see me."
"I didn't tell her. I didn't think it was important. I even forget it's there."
The clown burst out in laughter, his eyes closing as he clutched his stomach and nearly fell back with his fit of giggles. I pursed my lips. "What's so funny?" I asked as I crossed my arms.
"It's cute how you're trying to be nice to me. With a nose like mine, how can you forget it's there?" He replied while wiping a tear from his eye.
I felt flustered with the first part of his monologue but I ignored it and shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, I just do. It's not all I see whenever I look at you, ya know. It's not my main focus point when we speak. I look at your eyes, not your nose."
"And yet again, you prove to me that you're different than others."
I smiled. "Hope that's a good thing."
Buggy smirked, winking his left eye. "Of course it is."
The pirated approached me before he knelt down and picked up the piece of paper. He examined it for a moment then laughed to himself. "Grocery list," He explained as he shoved the paper into his pocket.
I paid no attention to the paper. It wasn't any of my business. "Speaking of groceries, want to go help me get food for dinner?"
"What's on the menu?"
"No idea, but let's just grab something so she won't be bitching later."
"Guess I'll be needing this again," The blue-haired man said as he reached to grab his jacket. He slipped his arms through and adjusted the collar. "We match now."
"Mine's more vintage than yours." I winked.
"Oh, so it's yours now?"
"No?" I gulped.
Buggy giggled. "It is. I got my own now so no worries about giving it back. Unless you'd like to trade from time to time."
"No, I like this one."
The man looked at me, an eyebrow cocked upward.
I paid his look no attention and instead looked down at the tattered suede coat I wore. I inhaled softly. It smelled like him.
A soft odor mixed with whiskey, coconut, and cinnamon. And while I hated the stench of alcohol, it worked for him.
I couldn't imagine him without it.
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mykinkyyandere · 1 year
I See You (Chapter 1)
Pairings: Yandere/Dark! Sully Family X f!Reader
Summary: You know that after the Sully brothers found you, your life will never be the same again. A part of you want to forget about your past and start a new life with this obsessed family, but your past is not very happy about it. No matter where you run, your past hunts you down, and you are not sure if your new protective family can protect you from it.
Warnings: Only this chapter's pairings and warnings, yandere, obsession, possession, kidnapping, jealousy, overprotective, small sized/shaped reader, major (18/21) teen reader/Neteyam/Lo'ak
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The pleasant sunlight reflected through the trees danced on Lo'ak's skin. When he smiled, you thought it made him even sincerer. Of course, it could also be due to the fact that he's been trying to approach you quite gently for the last half hour. Neteyam, on the other hand, remained in the shade and his serious face failed to give you warmth. He kept watching you and warning his brother from time to time.
Lo'ak tried to get your attention by waving the leaf in his hand. You were tiny. "Hey! Look what I have."
Neteyam rolled his eyes and hit Lo'ak's hand, causing him to drop it. "Stop it."
Yes, he's got your attention like he wanted but not with that big glowing leaf, with his tall blue body. You were obviously scared, he could tell based upon that shaky little body of yours.
"Hey-" Lo'ak protested him. Then he knelt down to be the same height as you, but of course he was still too tall. You looked into his big, sharp yellow eyes as if you were hypnotized. When he held out his hand to you, you leaned even more, like it was possible, into the tree behind you and made a timid sound.
Neteyam grabbed Lo'ak by the shoulder and warned him harshly. "What are you doing?"
He shook his brother's hand off his shoulder and turned his head to him with an annoyed expression. "And what are YOU doing, besides nothing?"
"I'm trying not to scare this human girl. We must wait for dad, he knows people better than us." But he still knelt down next to Lo'ak and tried to look less threatful. People could feel under pressure just because of their height.
"See, it wouldn't be bad if you listened to me sometimes." Lo'ak withdrew his smug gaze from him and turned it to you. You haven't said any word since they found you. When you tried to escape, they easily cut off your path and cornered you. You thought they were going to hurt you, kill you. But these two proved you wrong. They kept their curious gaze hovering over you and tried to communicate with you with various strange things, mostly the younger boy called Lo'ak did. Neteyam seemed like more cautious and quite.
"I'm Lo'ak. My name is Lo'ak." Maybe it was the tenth time he said his name. He was also using his hands so that you could understand him better. "Do you understand me?" He pointed himself, "Lo'ak."
"I don't think this is working. Look at her." He pointed with his head to your scared and confused face. "I guess she doesn't understand us."
"Or she can't talk." Lo'ak took a flower that he thought was beautiful and handed it to you.
"Perhaps both. She didn't try to talk to us either." Neteyam took his hand to his thoughtful face and tried to understand. "What is she doing here alone, it's very dangerous for her."
Lo'ak smiled when you timidly took the flower he handed to you. "Simple, she's lost. But we can take her with us. She'll be safe with us."
Neteyam didn't react to the idea of taking you with them. You thought he didn't want you and you were relieved by this possibility. "There must be others around. I'm sure she's with them, but why did they bring someone like... her?" This time he pointed your poor body which was clinged to a tree. Your small size aroused their curiosity, but while Lo'ak had fun with it, Neteyam was a little more... concerned. He made it clear that he certainly did not approve. "Look how small she is! Did they send her as bait?"
"Whatever the reason is, they're probably looking for her right now. Or... they left her for dead. What do you suggest?" You didn't hesitate this time when Lo'ak gave you another flower. He didn't need to hear his brother's consent. He rather asked him to make him say the obvious answer out loud.
"Of course we're taking her with us. Why do you think I asked dad to come here?"
You couldn't hide your nervousness when he mentioned that the possibilities of releasing you were unlikely from the very beginning. You dropped the flowers Lo'ak gave you and tried to run in the opposite direction. But before you could even take a real step, Neteyam easily grabbed you from where he was kneeling and put you in your place. "Okay, you definitely understand us."
When you tried to run away again, he grabbed you, and this time he didn't free you. As though it wasn't enough that your arm was stuck in his huge hand, Lo'ak also grabbed your other arm and together they forced you to sit down. You looked at them in despair.
"I think she didn't like the idea of coming with us." Lo'ak picked up the flowers you threw on the ground and wanted to give them to you again, but you struggled in despair and started crying.
"We won't hurt you. We want to protect you. See, dangerous place!" Neteyam assured you many times that they would not harm you, but you refused to listen to him and tried to get out of their hands as if your life depended on it. Your arms were hurting, and their rock-still grip hadn't loosened even for a moment. Their bright yellow eyes didn't help either. So intense, so alarming.
"I know how you feel. You feel like an outsider, just like me." When you finally got tired and stopped struggling, Lo'ak leaned to your face and tilted his head, trying to make eye contact. There was excitement in his eyes. "You think you don't belong, but- but believe me I've never felt I belonged either. We are the same."
It was hard to understand what this boy, who looked exactly like his brother, meant. Did he just really mean that he was as different as you? You had noticed his fingers and eyebrows were different, but you didn't think it was a big deal. People were different too, what was wrong with that? Or, was there discrimination among the Na'vi? Just like stupid people make fun of and humiliate those who are different from them.
"Bro, cut the nonsense." Neteyam shook his head and gave a deep breath. "Seriously, what the hell are you saying?"
"You could never understand. But she sees me. I know it." Lo'ak said, caressing your arm. He handed you the flowers again and waited for you to move your hand. Ignoring his brother's annoyed stare, he kept looking at you and smiled. "I know you see me."
When you looked at the flowers, you forgot for a while that they wanted to take you with them, or in other words, kidnap you. You didn't want to upset this excited boy who was waiting for you to take the flowers with the joy that he was finally not alone. A momentary warmth came over your heart. But only momentary.
"She is a human, we are Na'vi. Don't make this girl a victim for your own troubles." Neteyam freed you from his brother's hand and stood up. He hid you behind him. Lo'ak didn't take it as a defeat. He immediately got up and hissed at him. Neteyam didn't seem to be affected by this. When Lo'ak tried to hold you, he pushed him and hissed back in response.
"Just because you're the perfect little son, you think you have the right to claim her, don't you?" Lo'ak shouted, making you cling Neteyam's leg.
"You don't know what you're talking about. I'm responsible for this human girl now, just like I'm responsible for you. Listen to reason." He said calmly, as far as possible. He patted your head to soothe you. You were so overwhelmed by this arguing.
"What? You have everything I always long and you receive everything I always deserve. I won't let you to have her, too!" He came closer to take you but Neteyam put his forefinger up and pointed at his face. "Back off."
The tension between the two caused a strange silence. Lo'ak didn't back off and Neteyam didn't put his finger down. Nature also became silent, as if she felt this tension. You wondered if these two fiery brothers were going to fight. Maybe you could had the opportunity to run, but of course you were unlucky.
"What's going on here? Lo'ak?" Great, another nervous blue man. He was much, much taller and built. 'Their father', you thought. He looked directly at you. Your clinged form around Neteyam's leg made him smile. So it was you, the tiny, scared, helpless human girl his son was talking about. He probably wasn't prejudiced against you, since Neteyam said his father understands 'human' better. You saw his stern stare soften when he saw you. It was hard to guess how much he liked you. Because there was also a woman with him. A rather creepy Na'vi with a sharp and questioning gaze. You felt she wasn't pleased at all with your presence, and this made you cling even more tightly to the leg of the blue boy.
"I didn't do anything." Lo'ak muttered, bowing his head. It made him angry that their fight, which hadn't yet begun, had ended this way. "I wanted to give comfort to this girl."
"Sir, I overreacted to protect the girl. It's all my fault."
You jumped with the woman's sudden voice and gasped with fear. She came forward and approached you. There were different glints in her eyes. Hatred, fear, suspicion...
When Neteyam tried to separate you from his leg, you didn't want to leave. You felt like this woman's wild gaze was going to kill you right there. Unfortunately, Neteyam whispered that there was nothing to worry about and separated you from himself. You thought she was going to choke you. Maybe that's what she wanted, too. You didn't even realize that Neteyam, Lo'ak and their father were waiting to save you in case of a possible situation. Obviously, nature was also waiting. For some reason, she wanted you to live. Tiny creatures flew on you, flowers and wind almost danced around you, and even sounds that only Na'vi could hear were around. She closed her eyes and listened. She seemed peaceful, relaxed. Eywa said you were belong.
The mother bent down, opening one leg to the side, and fixed her curious eyes on your face. She was very close, and very tall. But she didn't look like she wanted to hurt you anymore. Her gaze turned to amazement, clearly she felt emotions that you couldn't make sense of. "You, come with us."
The woman straightened up without waiting for an answer or objection and walked from the direction she had come.
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zorobraun · 1 year
sexual tension with ghost that leads to sex (but he’s kinda toxic) part three
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“shit, y/n is throwing up in the bathroom! she said she’s feeling very sick.” soap exclaims a little too loud, wanting to make his lieutenant hear it. ghost’s eyes widen. “come again?” he stops cleaning his pistol to look at soap’s face, to make sure he heard it well. soap holds back a laugh as he sees the man’s concerned face. “YOU SON OF A BITCH!” soap bursts out laughing, pointing at ghost. “the two of you have been messing people’s sleep schedule for so long now, i hate you, man.” soap punches his friend.
“is she okay, though?” ghost scratches the back of his neck, still worried if this a joke or not. “yeah, i was just fucking with you.” soap chuckles, taking a sip of his beer. ghost sighs in relief. “fucking hell, do you want me dead or something? almost got me a heart attack here.” he chuckles, turning back to his gun. “shut up, you know damn well that you’d love to have a cute little baby, being a dad and all.” soap points out and ghost smiles, nodding.
“i’d love to, but not with her. she’s too much.” he answers, chuckling as he thinks of you. “what do you mean?” soap frowns, too invested in this conversation. ghost clicks his tongue, focused. “you know… she’s too good. i’d ruin her. besides, this life of mine is shit, i’d hate to put my child in the middle of this.” he says, feeling very empty for a second. it’s almost sad. “i think you already did. you know, ruin her. she probably caught feelings and you’re probably being cold towards her. i know you.” soap shakes his head, punching ghost’s healed arm.
“yeah, whatever. i think she knows i won’t settle down for her, or anyone else.” ghost shrugs, but his heart hurts a little. he clears his throat, putting the pistol on his waist. “thanks for the talk, johnny.” he smiles half heartedly. you, on the other hand, don’t feel thankful for this talk at all. you let out a disappointment sigh behind the closed door, outside the base. fuck you for catching feelings.
“hey, y/n. what are you doing here?” konig scares you out as you put a hand on your chest. you chuckle nervously. “don’t ever do this to me again.” you smile. “i was just… being nosy.” you simply says and he laughs, his hands on his waist. why have you just noticed how tall konig is? “well, i can’t blame you for that. i’m nosy too.” he shrugs, walking towards you.
“where’s konig?” you both hear ghost’s voice talking to someone, and before you could get inside, he appears behind konig. obviously, ghost’s eyes find yours, since you’re in front of the teammate he was looking for. he clears his throat and you look down, as if your shoes were much more interesting. “yes, sir?” konig turns his body to face ghost. “what are you doing? i thought i gave you an order. alejandro’s waiting for you.” he says in his usual demanding tone and you slowly open the door to get the fuck out.
“you stay.” ghost points at you and you freeze, nodding. “sorry, sir.” konig mumbles as he leaves without saying goodbye. ghost sighs tiredly, coming closer to you. “new friend, huh?” he pulls his balaclava up just enough to put a cigarette between his lips. he lights it up, you smile nervously. “he’s cute, isn’t he?” ghost locks his jaw, nodding. “the cutest ever.” he chuckles dryly. “how’s your throat, sweetness?” he mocks with a serious face, looking away to see if someone’s around. he looks at you again when he assures that no one’s near.
you roll your eyes. “good, besides the fact that i have a raspy voice now.” your fake and annoyed smile makes him chuckle. “well, i think it’s sexy.” he smirks, blowing the smoke away. “yeah?” you stare at his lips before thinking twice. he’s so attractive… goddamn, what are you even doing? it’s embarassing — the way you act like a horny virgin teenager around him. “i-i mean, whatever. fuck you.” you panick with red cheeks, shrugging. he laughs out loud.
“i love your voice, raspy or not.” ghost points out, staring at your lips involuntarily. he puts the cigarette out. his thumb caresses your cheek. “if that makes you feel better.” he says in a low tone, holding back a smile, now brushing his thumb on your lips slowly. god, you hate him. you swallow hard when his hand leaves your face, standing still in front of him, too close for your comfort. his eye contact game is strong, so you look away to take a deep breath. “i should get back in.” you announce, pointing at the door.
ghost smirks, nodding. you hold back a laugh when you realize the both of you are waiting for a… kiss. he pulls you closer to kiss you, but konig appears out of nowhere, making him pull back and clear his throat, play pretending. “konig.” ghost greets him, annoyed. “lieutenant.” konig nods his head. “and y/n.” he chuckles, but he sounds suspicious. “hi again.” you smile, scratching the back of your neck. “i’ll talk to you guys later.” you wave at them, mostly looking at ghost. he knows how to read you well.
“y-yes, simon, right there!” you scream as you grab the fuck out of his desk, making him laugh against your pussy. you chuckle, but it breaks into a moan when he pushes a finger in while his tongue works on your clit. your fingers are intertwined with his hair locks, your legs shaking a bit. “s-slow down, please!” ghost pulls his head back for a second, to let the both of you breathe. he looks up at you and you almost pass out, he’s so pretty like this.
“you good, love?” simon caresses the thigh that’s on his shoulder, placing a wet kiss on the inner area. you just nod, your chest coming up and down. he comes back to your pussy again, this time his tongue is more controlled, his movements are slower. his sensual patience with your body only makes you closer to your orgasm. but then, he starts moving faster and you hold your breath for a second, not knowing how to handle the sudden change of pace.
you’re one second away from your orgasm when he slows down again, your high immediately fading away. you hate that he knows your body so well. you whimper in pain, making him smirk against you. “i’m feeling weird.” you announce with a certain difficulty due to how bad you want him to make you cum. “is that so?” he licks you slowly and you can’t hold back your moan. “do you want me to stop?” ghost looks at your fucked out face. “i think i need to pee. my bladder, it hurts a little.” you explain to him, but he never stops his ministrations on you, because he knows it better.
“then do it.” ghost sounds excited, even though he’s out of breath. you frown. “have you ever squirted before?” you shake your head and it makes him even more hard below you. “let go. do it for me.” he stops eating you out to place a kiss on your lower stomach, doing a trail of kisses until his lips touch yours. “but you’re doing it on my cock.” you do as you’re told. you don’t even have the time to think when he pushes himself inside you with a kiss below your ear, whispering not so sweet words that make you squirm under him.
the storm outside makes you sigh. you don’t really know how long you’ve been on ghost’s bed, laying beside him, just hearing his breathing. it’s not like you’re waiting for his aftercare or something, you’re just too immersed in your thoughts. “what’s on your mind?” he breakes the silence, staring at the ceiling. “nothing.” you lie, smiling half heartedly, avoiding eye contact. “i know you.” he adds, now turning his face to you. you sigh, licking your lips. you look at him.
“i think we should stop, you know, fucking every now and then.” you give in, fighting the urge to touch his face. he’s analyzing every inch of yours. “it’s all up to you, honestly. i’ll settle for whatever you decide.” ghost kisses your forehead and the world stops for a second. did he just kissed your forehead while saying he’ll settle for whatever you decide? you both widen your eyes at each other.
“did you just…?” you chuckle, pointing at him. “no, i didn’t. this interaction isn’t real.” ghost’s hand goes to your waist as he pulls you closer, giving you a quick kiss as he chuckles against your lips. “for real, though. i think we should stop seeing each other. i mean it, okay?” you say, this time more seriously and it almost breaks his heart.
“can i ask you why?” he’s staring at you as if he already knows, so you sigh tiredly. “no.” you smile, looking away. ���c’mon, y/n.” ghost chuckles. god, you feel like running away from his room. but fuck it. “because i’m falling for you and i can’t stand the idea that you would never love me back. i can’t keep having the most soul wrenching sex with you because my heart hurts everytime i remember that although i may not be yours, i can never be another’s. and you know what’s worse? you don’t want me to be yours, never did, never will. so why should i keep hurting myself this much?” a weight just got off your shoulders.
ghost is looking at you as if you were the most brave woman out there; expressing your feelings for him out loud like that. every woman he had gotten with, was scared of his reaction to feelings getting involved. as they should, because… “you don’t know what you’re talking about.” he says, unsure and cold, swallowing hard. you blink a few times, staring at him as if he’s your worst regret. you nod, getting out of his bed.
“you know what, simon?” you smile dryly as you’re putting on your clothes. “i’m the one to blame.” you chuckle, but you’re not actually finding it funny. he sighs, now getting out of his bed too. at least he’s not naked anymore. “i fucking cared for you too soon. i should’ve kept my disgust for you from the beggining. now i’m here, humiliating myself for someone who didn’t even care for me in the first place. i was just your safest option all along, someone who you could fuck anytime, anywhere.” you’re mad as you point at him, your watery eyes making him feel like shit.
“y/n, it’s not like this.” he comes closer and your palm goes on his chest, as a way to stop him there. he looks confused and almost desperate with your attitude. “it is like this. and we both know that.” you say firmly, looking into his painful eyes. he cups your hand on his chest, you swallow hard. you’ll have to get used to live without his warm touch. you pull your hand away from his, your eyes shedding a tear down your cheek.
“you’re overreacting…” ghost says the magical words and you’re done. you laugh out loud, shaking your head. “you’re right. night, simon.” you give up, walking towards the door. he closes his eyes, sighing. “wait, y/n.” you stop, still looking at the door in front of you. “i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to lead you on for so long when i knew what i felt.” you swallow hard as you both take some time to think, never looking at each other. he’s staring at the cold lifeless ground, just like him.
“with that being said, i can’t love you as you want me to.” simon finally says, mournful voice. the silence is so loud that he can almost hear your heart shattering onto the ground. he’s glad you’re not looking at him, because he’s tearing up. you look down, defeated, but not surprised at all; you could never change his mind all along. deep down, you’ve always knew it.
“before you leave, i just want you to know that you were never the problem. i am. and i…” he pauses, the overwhelming affection for you hitting him too hard. “i was full of happiness, when you were around.” he adds and you sob even more, nodding to yourself, since he can’t see it. if he was happy around you, why not give the two of you a chance? you press your lips together, not wanting to keep begging for him to love you.
“i quit.” you announce after a few minutes. you could never handle working with him again after this. simon closes his fist, swallowing hard. fuck him for losing you like this. “i understand.” he mumbles, his chest coming up and down from the despair of not seeing your ever again. he tries to control his breathing. “i didn’t know it was possible, but i hate you right now.” you mumble, hoping to make him feel bad but little do you know that he’s never been worse. “i know. i hate myself as well.” simon tries to smile but he’s just so fucking sad.
“have a good life or whatever. from now on, try to be happy, for christ’s sake.” your sad chuckle breaks into a sob and you never thought you were this emotional when it comes to him. he chuckles just like you. “please, love. just pick up your things and go.” simon tries to kick you out because he can’t stand your broken heart anymore, it’s making his own heart break as well. “shit, okay.” you dry your tears with the back of your hand. “goodbye, simon.” you open the door as you look over your shoulder, just to see him turning his back to face you at the same time. maybe you both needed to look at each other’s faces for one last time.
“goodbye, dumbass.” he gives you a sad half heartedly smile. you notice that his gaze is very upset, heavy, meaningless. he had to kill you but it killed him just the same. was he crying? it seems like he’s got a heart, after all. you hold back your tears when you realize the same stupid nickname from last night. you smile sadly as you close the door behind you, leaving him alone. this time, for good.
you could say that soap was right, simon ruined you. but you ruined him too.
“brother, what happened?” soap sounds concerned as he catches ghost off guard, smoking outside the base, under the rain. simon looks like shit, but his friend would never joke about it in such a delicate moment, as what it seems to be. “y/n happened.” he mocks, even though he sounds miserable. soap frowns, making ghost sigh and blow the smoke away. “i fucked up, man. but it’s whatever, she’s better off me, anyway.” ghost forces a sad smile.
“do you want a hug?” soap smiles half heartedly, stroking his lieutenant’s shoulder. ghost chuckles, shaking his head. he swallows hard when he feels the urge to cry. the urge to run back to you and say: “i love you, i love you, i love you. i miss you so much, i’ve never been in love before and it scares me, i’m so sorry for pushing you away when i knew what i truly felt. what i felt for you was everything i’ve ever wanted to feel since i met you. come back, love. come back to me. come back because i still search for you in everyone and everywhere. come back because my eyes are only satisfied when you’re the one standing in front of them. come back because you told me to be happy and i won’t be able to make it if you’re not near. just come back.”
but he can’t. it’s too late.
“i need to tell the team about it.” ghost says, putting the cigarette out. soap nods, opening the door. the two of them get back in, making the team stare at ghost. he clears his throat. his heart is heavy. “i’m here to announce that y/n is no longer a part of our team. she quit yesterday.” ghost says in his usual firm voice, but god knows he’s falling apart on the inside. the team looks very upset, but they nod with a sad smile, already knowing that simon was the reason she quit — his defeated aura said it all.
“she really liked you, you know…” alejandro breaks the silence, looking not at his lieutenant, but at his friend, simon riley. “i know.” simon nods with an upset smile, lighting up another cigarette. “that’s all, y’all can go back to work or whatever.” he smiles half heartedly. soap clears his throat. “um, lt…” he says, ghost looks at him, confused. “last week, i kinda invited her to my birthday party, at the bar, this weekend. she said she’ll be there. is this okay?” soap holds his breath when he notices ghost’s death stare.
he locks his jaw. “of course. i’m too old for drama, anyway.” simon mumbles, already regretting to have soap as his closest friend; he could never be absent at johnny’s birthday celebration. just like you would never not go, since you’re a people pleaser.
fucking awesome.
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mustainegf · 2 months
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SUMMARY: Kirk becomes obsessed in the dark allure of a certain groupie who is only interested in his fame. Despite his awareness that she's a perilous presence in his life, Kirk finds himself helplessly consumed by her magnetic and sinister charm. You can actually feel just how sorry he is, that he met Dirty Diana, because she's ruining his life. But she's like a drug and he can't escape, nor quit her.
READ FIRST: this story is obviously based off the song “Dirty Diana” by Michael Jackson. The song is about groupies sooo. I would suggest you listen to it while reading. I left dirty Diana nameless cause I know you guys like insert stuff!!
WARNINGS: smut, unprotected sex, oral female receiving, degradation, praise, public sex
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I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was gorgeous.
Dangerous. Viscous. I was obsessed.
Sure she was a groupie, but there was something about her that was just so alluring, so tempting.
She was everything I wasn't supposed to have. And yet I had to have her. She was young, maybe 23, but the way she looked at me made me think she was much older, maybe even more experienced than me.
She knew what she wanted. I could see it in her eyes, every time we locked gazes. She looked at me like she knew me, like we had been together before. It was maddening and exhilarating all at once.
She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, and no one could convince me otherwise.
I knew groupies well enough by now, they were attracted to your fame, your money, your status. I knew that all she was interested in, but that didn't cease my desire.
In fact, it made me want her more. So much more.
I needed her to prove to myself that she wasn't like the others, that she wasn't going to use me. If she was, then I wouldn't care.
I'd make her mine, even just for a night.
I Leaned against the bar top. Her face drifted through the crowd, various hues flashing over her face. I’d been watching her like this for an hour now.
She seemed harmless as she talked to those around her, laughed with them, drank with them. But she teased me with her gaze every once in a while. She watched me. I watched her.
Her gaze out of greed, mine of lust.
Her toxicity was addictive.
Her beauty lethal.
She was my poison, and I wanted to consume her.
Suddenly, she was no longer among the sea of people surrounding me. I scanned the area, searching for her. As if she sensed my search, a warm hand grazed my shoulder.
My breath caught in my throat. "Hey there, rockstar," she purred into my ear. I turned, meeting her gaze.
She looked poisonous, I begged that she'd inject me with her venom. Claim me as her own.
"Something on your mind Hammett? You've been staring," she jutted her lip out, pouting flirtatiously.
I swallowed thickly, trying to come up with the right words to say to her. "You put on a good show," I remarked, flicking my brows and taking a sip from my drink.
"Speak for yourself,"
she grinned, brushing her fingertips over my cheek before taking a seat next to me.
She set her glass down, peering back over at me.
"You've been following us around quite a bit, what's your deal, sweetheart?" I flirted back. As best I could anyways.
Her brows furrowed in confusion. "My deal?" she asked with a sultry laugh. "You put on a good show." She quoted me from earlier. She was good at this.
I wondered if this was how she lured men in. This whole groupie thing wasn't as innocent as some thought. The more she spoke to me, the more my mind grew fuzzy.
She was getting to me. And damn it, she knew it. I tried my hardest not to let her affect me. To keep my head straight. But she was too beautiful. Too dangerous. How could anyone resist?
She seemed to read my thoughts as she smiled knowingly, taking another gulp from her glass.
"Maybe you can put on a good show for me?" she suggested suggestively. The idea had my cock twitching.
I was so hard, I felt like I would burst if she kept talking like that. I adjusted my jeans quickly.
"Someone's eager," I smirked at her.
The club bustled in the background, yet somehow the only thing I could hear was the echo of her voice.
"Who says I'm interested in anything you could offer?" she challenged me. A sly smile appeared on my lips. "What makes you think I'm offering?" I countered.
She stared at me intently, letting her stare linger for a long moment before she took a swig of her alcohol. "You're love-sick," she said after swallowing, patting my cheek. My cheeks went hot at the contact.
"Get better soon, lover boy." She snickered, walking off with an extra sway to her hips.
I wanted nothing more than to call her back, pull her into the shadows, and have my way with her. I needed her. No, I craved her. Like a drug.
I bolted up from my seat while I still had eyes on her, quickly following the dangerous woman.
My senses were full of lust, desire, and insatiable need for her.
All I could think about was stripping her bare, claiming her body, tasting her mouth. It was all I ever wanted. I couldn't get her out of my head. All I wanted was her.
I eventually made my way close enough to tug at her arm, dragging her back the opposite direction.
Did I want to hook up in the club bathroom? No, not exactly. But it was either that, or to keep watching her. My need was spilling over.
I wanted to feel her skin. Taste her lips. Feel her hands on me. "Change your mind lover boy?" she giggled, but didn't fight me.
In fact, she seemed pleased with herself. I wasn't going to think twice about this. There was something different about her. Something dangerous. She was bad news, but the way she was looking at me...
"Call me that again and you won't be getting what you want." I snarled, my sharp gaze stabbing at her own, fighting for dominance.
I pulled her through crowds of people, people I couldn't care less for right now. Eventually, we were just outside the bathroom doors.
I shoved it open, bringing her down the tiny hall before we were finally alone. Nobody else was in here. Thank god. Even if it was packed, that still wouldn't stop me from fucking her.
I want to go too far.
Way too far. My need for her was overpowering, my heart racing.
She was the most intoxicating drug I had ever experienced. I turned to face her, pinning her to the wall. Her dark eyes were wide and dilated, showing me her interest. I needed to make this good.
My lips wasted no time in finding hers, working at her as I peeled her promiscuous shirt off of her figure.
I reached around, undoing her bra clasp with one hand, while my other roamed her lower half, popping the button of her shorts and sliding them down her hips.
She bit my lip in response, grinding against me.
God, I loved how much she liked me. She liked that I was in a metal band, and that was it. But that didn't matter right now. I used my thumbs to push her panties down until they pooled at her feet. She kicked them away, and then, I could feast on her.
I swiftly lifted her up, spinning her around to set her down on the sink counter.
I took a step back to admire her as she spread her legs for me. She was perfect. All I wanted was her.
The only way I knew how to handle this was to get my hands on her.
"Make some noise, don't want us getting caught," I instructed her, leaning my face in between her thighs.
She moaned. And I smiled. This would do nicely. I didn't hesitate, diving in for what I really wanted.
My tongue flicked against her clit, and she gasped, clutching onto the counter, moaning loudly.
I didn't even look up to see if anyone was coming. I didn't care. All I cared about was my taste buds dancing on her delicate flower. She gripped the counter tightly, whimpering louder than I expected.
I savored the taste of her, wanting to remember it later.
"Not so confident now are we?" I taunted, nipping at her slightly, earning a twitch.
"Come on, speak up, missy," I glared up at her.
I had my hands on her thighs, and I was working my tongue like a pro. "You have a voice, use it!" I growled.
"Fuck me like you mean it. She snapped back.
I pulled my face from in between her legs, watching her with a look that might as well have been lethal. "You'll take what I give you, groupie."
She had no idea who she was dealing with. I wasn't a man you toyed with. I stood from my crouched position, forcing her to straddle my hips while still sitting propped up on the counter.
I palmed myself, letting her feel just how hard she had made me. I grabbed her hips, flipping her around until she was facing the mirror behind her.
Her ass was on full display for me as she bent over the counter.
I couldn't help but grin. God, she was perfect.
Perfect. A little too perfect. I hurried to pull my jeans down, my boxers following. My dick finally sprang free of its confines, just begging, throbbing with the need to be inside her and her only. I wrapped my arms around her waist, not being gentle as I pushed my cock deep inside her.
"Kirk!" She cried out, her head flinging forward.
"That's right, say it," I grunted, still feeling her velvety walls coating every vein on my cock.
I toyed with her clit as I began thrusting into her, forcing obscene sounds from her lips.
"Say it," I ordered again, my hands tightening around her waist. She let out a harsh scream, making me groan.
I let go, pumping into her harder, deeper, more rough. I wanted to pound into her until she felt me in every bone of her body. She fell forward onto the counter, slamming against it.
Her back arched, her body trembling from my brutal fuck. "Yes, Kirk! Yes! More!" She cried, pushing back against me. I slammed my cock deep into her again. "There you go, there's the girl I knew out there," I snickered.
Her nails dug into my skin, leaving a mark. I knew where those nails went each time she was alone. I knew what they would feel like as they dragged over my sensitive flesh. I let out an angry growl.
Not yet. "Oh, god." Her words broke me. I lost all control, falling onto the counter behind her. I fucked her hard, fast, and unapologetically. Our skin slapped together. Sweat dripped off of both our bodies.
We were a mess. Every surface of this bathroom was a mess. Everything. But I didn't care. All I could focus on was her moaning, crying, and screaming my name. It was music to my ears.
"Are you gonna cum already? You really are a slut huh?" I teased, making sure to graze her g spot a little longer.
I loved feeling her come undone under my touch. I felt powerful. Like nothing else mattered. If only that were true.
"God, Kirk!" She gasped. "Yes. I'm going to cum!"
"Good. You better not hold back with me. I'm tired of your cheap little tricks. Do it. Now." She came undone under me, bucking and shuddering around me. "Yes, yes, yes!"
Her words cut through me. I didn't think it was possible, but I got even harder.
I pumped faster, harder, letting the power of her muscular walls send me spiraling. "Yessss!" She screamed, wrenching my heart out.
I was seconds away from release. "On your knees, now!" I hurried her, pulling out and stroking myself.
She immediately spun around, her knees hurting the floor as her mouth fell open.
I set the tip of my length on her tongue allowing myself to finally cum.
I erupted, spilling my seed down her throat.
"Swallow it, You fucking slut." I barked out. The words barely left my lips before she was complying. She swallowed everything I gave her, and then some.
"Good girl," I cooed, grinning down at the helpless girl. Her snarky facade had been lifted, at least for now.
"Such a good little thing," I shook my head with a scoff, watching her swallow the last of me.
I admired her smeared beauty. Her makeup just slightly smudged, her hair rustled from the sex.
And her eyes, evil. I knew what I was getting into doing this.
She licked my sensitive tip a few times before standing up to meet my gaze.
She looked like she could eat me alive, stalk, haunt, possess me.
I'd be her victim. It didn't matter.
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m2ok · 1 year
Found Family
Simon “Ghost” Riley X M!reader
A/N: I accidentally deleted the ask for this fic 😭so (🐝) if you’re reading this I apologize I didn’t mean to delete it, but here you are my love 🫶
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You didn’t typically pick your husband up from his stationed base, most times he insisted on flying home, but today was different. Simon had been gone for so long this time that you just couldn’t stand waiting for him to get off the plane only to take another hour to get to your shared house.
You had told him the previous week that you would be coming for him, he of course insisted that it wasn’t necessary and that he could just fly like always, but you were firm in your decision. You made it very clear that you were going to come get him, no arguments.
While you were beyond giddy to grab your husband, and meet his team, Simon was feeling the exact opposite. No one knew he was married, and to a man no less, they had no idea he had a partner at all. It wasn’t necessarily a secret, but he was a private man and they understood that. Plus he was worried that if more people knew it would put you in danger, and he wouldn’t let that happen. He couldn’t.
He was also worried about what you thought of them, what they thought of you. He knew it was a superficial thought, you’d barely ever interact with them, but he couldn’t help it. You were the love of his life, and his team was like his family. He didn’t want there to be tension between any of you for some weird reason.
He didn’t have much time to think as he saw a car drive up the dirt road, your car. He didn’t tell the boys about your arrival, in fact he planned on just throwing his bags in the trunk and leaving. You, however, were not going to let that happen.
You parked the car before swinging the door open, a wide smile on your face as the team came out to see who this new person was. You could tell they were on edge, their faces hardened and all their arms crossed against their chest as they watched you.
Much to their surprise, Ghost walked right on over to you and put his hands on your waist.
“Did you have to come here? I told you I could’ve taken the plane like normal” he grumbled, his hands rubbing little circles on your hips as you tilted your head to look up at him.
“Obviously I had to come. For one I missed you” you placed your own hands on his waist, giving it a little squeeze
“And for two I wanted to finally meet your team! I think I’ve been kept a secret for long enough”
“They’re a bunch of bastards, ya got plenty of friends at home why do ya need more?”
You just put your hand on his masked face, pushing him away from you gently as you made your way over to the team.
Their once defensive stance turned to one of confusion, Soap staring at you with wide eyes while Price had a shit eating little smirk on his face. Gaz was glancing between you and Ghost, still trying to figuring out what was going on.
You were already bouncing on your toes as you stuck your hand out to greet them.
“hi! I’m y/n. You must be Captain Price” you said as the man slowly grabbed yours, giving it a quick shake before letting go.
“Yeah, kid, I am. Who are you?” He questioned, one eyebrow raised.
“Oh-right. Duh” you said with a little laugh.
“I’m Simons husband” you said simply, watching as their mouths dropped open, their jaws practically on the floor.
“Husband?” Soap asked, to which you responded with a nod.
“But how-? You’re so” he gestured to you vaguely
“And he’s so” he gave the masked man a scowl
“Yeah well it wasn’t easy, he thought I was a spy at first sent to ‘infiltrate the team and take it down from the inside’ you should’ve seen the way he-“
“That’s enough” Simon said, quickly interrupting you before you could continue the story and embarrass him even more.
You just laughed it off, moving on to shake Gaz’s hand
“Kyle, right?” You asked to which he gave a little nod
You then, finally turned to soap, giving him a little smile
“And you must be Mr.MacTavish, I’ve heard a lot about you” you said as he shook your hand
“Mostly good things, don’t worry”
“Mostly?” He asked. He liked you already, Simon could tell. He didn’t know if that was a good thing, or an awful one.
You just gave him a wink before dropping his hand “I’ve heard a lot about all of you, honestly. I won’t get into it though. Not with Mr.grumpy around at least” you gestured towards your husband.
“Alright alright you met them, can we get going now?” He asked, trying to gently tug you back towards the car. He wanted to go home, wanted to cuddle up with you and have all of your attention.
“Aww don’t take him away so soon!” Soap protested “we just met the lad! At least let us get him something to eat after he drove all that way”
Simon didn’t even get a chance to reply as Soap took your arm and nearly dragged you inside, the rest of the team following close behind and leaving Ghost alone.
With a shake of his head and a grumble he made his way into the base, headed towards the common room where he knew they’d most likely be.
He nearly walked in, stopping himself as he saw you surrounded by the boys. You were telling stories about him at home, how sweet he was when he wasn’t at work, and while he wanted to stop you he didn’t have it in him too.
Not with the way the team was laughing, or how widely you were smiling. He leaned against the doorway, arms over his chest as he just…watched. He had his own little smile under the mask, content in just watching the people he loved most bonding.
He supposed he should’ve introduced you sooner, the team seemed to love you already, and he couldn’t help but feel bad that he blocked you off from this for so long.
With a soft sigh he walked over, taking a spot next to you as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and just leaned his head back on the couch. He didn’t have to leave right away, he could give you a little longer to have fun.
Letting you meet the team was a big step for him, and you were grateful that he took it. It was the last part of his life you were let into, and it was scary for him. It was just another thing that could make you want to leave him, but here you were. Having the time of your life with his little family.
He loved you, with his entire heart and soul. This just proved that you loved him exactly the same.
As always, requests are open
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beegalactica · 5 months
Comparison is the thief of joy.
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In a world where it seems like everyone else is doing so much better than you, how do you stop comparing yourself to them? You know it's unhealthy and unhelpful but you just can't seem to help it. Don't worry, I've been there and I know exactly what it's like.
Why We Compare Ourselves
Whether we're comparing our appearance; from our eyes to our hair, to even the shape of our fingers; or the grades that we get; the outfits we wear; or the person we are; I believe comparison stems from our insecurities. We may feel like we're not enough in our own right, so we look for people we think are better than us to justify it.
For me over this past week, I've been comparing myself a lot, and that's fine. I can be this confident and self-assured person, but I I still have moments where I don't feel like that - it's just how life works.
My first point of comparison was with a grade that I got in class. I got the second highest and of course, the first thing that popped into my mind was not how good I did on my own, but what I didn't do that relegated me to second place. Reflection is great for improving and bettering yourself, but you know that it has crossed the point into harmful comparison when you start to think: "I'm better than this person at x, y and z so how could they do better than me here?" We often resort to mentally trying to put the other person down so we don't feel so alone 'below' them, but that perpetuates unnecessary negativity.
My second point of comparison had to do with my 'love life'. There is a guy that I like, but we didn't work out, and now the thought of him possibly getting with someone else made me feel so low. It felt like a rejection in the worst way. It felt like the world was saying to me that "I wasn't good enough", not that the timing wasn't right or that it just wasn't meant to be. Obviously, I spent a lot of my time looking at the girl, thinking about all the ways she was prettier than me, taller than me, skinnier than me, etc. I started trying to pull her down in my mind, thinking of all the flaws that she 'had', to hide the fact that I was just insecure that I wasn't enough on my own.
But I refuse to let these events take a toll on my mental health and turn me into a bitter, jealous person because I know that I'm better than that, and I know that you are too.
How To Stop Comparing Yourself
To be honest, I don't know if I can ever get to a point where nothing can faze me at all, because I am human at the end of the day. What I do know is ways to cope and stop myself from spiralling as a result:
Accept the situation - accept the fact that it is what it is. I believe that things happen in life to teach me a lesson or to show me how I can come out of it stronger, and the first step in that journey is to accept that it happened. If things are meant to work out in the end, they will.
Plan your next steps - what are you going to do to give yourself peace of mind? In my case, I'll just have to work harder but also learn to congratulate myself more for the things that I do. I will also have to take some time to figure out why I have these insecurities and work on ways to uplift myself.
Affirm, affirm, affirm - I believe positive affirmations are amazing because who knows you better than you? If I say that I am a smart, hardworking person who is perfect just the way they are, who dares to tell me that I'm not? If I say that I am enough, how can anyone prove that I'm not? Sometimes your biggest enemy can really be your self-concept, but you need to train it to face setbacks and use them to further prove that you are above it all based on the way you deal with it.
Don't act out - don't become a hateful person. It can be hard because we think that it is the only thing that will make us feel better, but it makes us the same as all those other people who seek to pull others down to uplift themselves. Don't let a temporary event change your character.
Comparison is inevitable because the way that our world works is rooted in competition - who is the best? who is the prettiest? who is the smartest? But if you can answer all of those questions saying that you are, then don't let little things get you down. Life is all about growing and evolving, but don't forget to take a moment to celebrate your strengths and remind yourself of just how amazing you are.
You are enough.
I am enough.
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ninjakk · 2 months
I'm the anon who's been reading ur SWaK fic! Thank you for answering the qi deviation question. it's making me see mdzs in a whole new light. I recently saw a post (askSythe on here) about the significance of the blood pool and how throwing bodies in there removes them from the reincarnation cycle and that's what the clans did to the Wen Remnants and JC is rumored to have led this siege and my heart HURTS. continuing this in next ask - 
Hey there anon 👋🏻
I'm glad you're enjoying my fic ☺️
As for the post you are referencing, I had not come across this until you mentioned it in your ask and have since went in search of it in order to reply. From what I can gather from the notes, it seems to have garnered a lot of controversy and subsequent backlash against the person who posted it originally.
I don't want to criticise other people's posts (especially when they have already received so much negativity from it), but with all due respect, I don't feel this was MXTXs intention with the blood pool. There's no mention of it in any version I have and I've also had my friend check the entire original novel for the phrase '永不超生', which is quoted in the original post, and we can't locate that in the Chinese text either. Regardless of that, I don't feel such a claim fits with the rest of the novel.
I could be completely wrong, as it's not something I've really thought about, nor do I have the cultural knowledge of the specific concept the original post is referring to. But, if the Wen remnants were forever barred from reincarnating due to their corpses being thrown into and essentially trapped in an apparent 'unbreakable prison' (which they managed to escape), why would WWX set an array around the blood pool to stop corpses escaping when he lived there back in his first life? 🤔 How were all the corpses able to crawl out and run amok the minute a rampaging WN broke the seal around the pool? It just doesn't make much sense to do that if the fierce corpses residing within are already trapped there.
There's also the fact WWX uses the blood pool as well. Which makes me question this theory even more so. It goes against WWX's character and ethics to stop souls from reincarnating, when his very cultivation method involves empathy and 'spending' resentment so the entities can move on. Granted, WWX used the blood pool to nurture corpses resentment so he was able to harness it and direct it where required - in this case, I think it's most likely to replenish those guarding the base of the burial mounds and keeping the Wen remnants safe. In theory, the corpses residing there would eventually use up their resentment and their souls would move on. Hence the need for a supply of new fierce corpses he can utilise - which he helps move on in turn. I really don't think WWX would do such a thing if the blood pool was anything other than a collection of water that held strong resentment due to being contaminated by the many corpses already present in its depths. If anything, it's a similar situation to when he found the sword in the Xuanwu of Slaughter's stomach, which had been practically marinating in all the resentment of the beast's past victims.
Obviously the Wen remnants were unable to move on after being mercilessly slaughtered, but that is simply because they were denied a proper burial and unjustly murdered in what was a most violent, unprovoked attack. Once the blood corpses had spent their lingering resentment, saving the very people who had killed them and the man who tried so hard to protect them, they finally moved on and turned to ash - which WN promptly collected to ensure they could finally be put to rest respectfully, as they should have been long ago. I see no indication that they would not move on because they were left in the blood pool specifically.
Of course, the way the cultivators involved in the siege not only murdered innocent people, but then treated their victims corpses with such disgusting disrespect is utterly appalling. Even though there is no evidence that the blood pool acted as a type of supernatural prison of sorts, it does not subtract from what the cultivators did. They still made sure the Wen remnants could not rest in peace by their heartless actions regardless.
As for JCs involvement in the siege, it's not actually a rumour that he led the siege, he most certainly, unequivocally did. It's actually outright stated a few times in the novel. Even when WN mentioned as such, WWX did not correct him on that specific accusation. Later still JGY also mentions JCs involvement, right in front of the man in question no less, with no argument to the contrary. Finally, MXTX has also spoken about JCs involvement in leading the siege and confirmed he had indeed formulated a plan based on WWX's weaknesses, as the text suggests. He was very much the driving force of the whole thing, despite knowing the Wen remnants consisted of innocent people who were either weak, old, or a toddler. He is responsible for many people being brutally murdered and shows no remorse for it either - which speaks volumes about his character.
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draconicsparkle · 3 months
So @snivyartjpeg shared their warmup doodles in the discord server of a kokolight vampire au. And I swear, as soon as I saw it, my brain instantly desired to make something based off of it. How could I not?
Not much to say on this honestly. I just wanted to write something fun based on the cute doodles! So enjoy!
Vampires existed. They lived and breathed in the same world as humans. That was an undeniable fact. Yakou knew this and accepted this.
But what he had not expected was for one of his own employees to be one.
His first clue had been a few bloody tissues left in the trash can. As far as he knew, no one had been having intense nosebleeds aside from possibly Desuhiko. But no clients had come to the agency and no… magazines were here. So the possibility of the disguise detective being the bleeder was minimal.
So at that point, he tried to subtly observe his employees a little more.
He instantly ruled Fubuki out as the one hiding their true status, as she couldn’t lie to save her life. Desuhiko was ruled out too, as he was not very good at convincing. So he surely wouldn’t have been able to talk someone into providing blood. And Yuma? Obviously not, as the small rookie detective couldn’t hurt a fly.
Which left two contenders. Halara and Vivia.
This was where the search got a little more difficult. Those two were incredibly guarded individuals, not letting much slip past their walls. They could keep secrets no problem, and their poker faces were solid.
But after some watching, Yakou thought he nailed it down.
Vivia Twilight.
It seemed obvious once he connected the dots. The man always appeared to be sleeping during the day, as vampires were typically nocturnal creatures. His skin was pale, like he didn’t have great blood circulation as vampires tended to suffer from. His ability to be incredibly stealthy when he needed to. And the constant insistence that he wanted to die someday. Perhaps a mindset he got from needing to drain people’s lifeblood to survive.
And in addition to figuring this out, he also discovered who Vivia must have been feeding off of. Yuma Kokohead.
The two of them had gotten close since they started working together. It was fairly common to see them next to each other, whether it be naps, talks, or eating regular food. So he was certainly easy to access as a food source. Yuma also was fairly agreeable and could be convinced easily. He always wore that navy blue scarf, concealing his neck and potentially hiding the bite marks.
It all fit in Yakou’s mind. Surely he had figured it out.
But he couldn’t put the thought to bed until he had concrete proof. So he devised a little scheme.
It had started with sending Halara, Fubuki and Desuhiko out to do some jobs. He also claimed that he had errands to run, so he gave instructions to the last two. “Stay here in the agency and keep watch over the place. If clients come in, entertain them until I return. Understood?”
Yuma nodded with a beaming smile. “We won’t let you down, Chief!” Vivia hummed his agreement from the fireplace.
“Okay then. I’ll be back in an hour,” he told them. Then he left the submarine.
To his credit, he did go do some errands to kill time. But he returned to the sub after half an hour. He knew that by giving them a time frame, they might try something while they believed themselves to be alone with no interruptions. So it was the best time to try and get his proof.
He carefully unlocked the hatch, descending into the hull and turning around. The lights had been turned off, but the sound of clothes rustling was audible. Vampires preferred darkness over light, so this was a good sign. But he needed more information. So he took some sneaky steps towards the room’s opening, until he was just barely hidden. Then he suddenly rounded the corner.
And what he found there had not been what he expected.
Oh, there was a vampire in his submarine alright, but the glowing red eyes and bloody fangs didn’t belong to who he had thought. Yuma’s eyes shone in the dark as they turned towards him while perched on Vivia’s lap. His tongue darted out to lap up a tiny trickle of blood that was dripping down his chin.
Meanwhile, Vivia had been sitting upright on the sofa, head tilted to the side and his neck exposed with several bite marks now on display with his coat off. The lazy detective opened his eyes upon feeling the vampire stop, then caught sight of the flabbergasted Yakou. “Oh, hey Chief,” he called out, acting as though nothing was wrong.
“Wha-? But… I thought… Yuma’s the vampire?!” he managed to exclaim, running a hand through his frazzled hair.
“Uh… sorry? I wasn’t really sure… how to tell you,” the rookie said with an embarrassed tone. “But it’s okay! Vivia helps me with my blood urges, so there’s nothing to fear!”
Yakou rubbed his temples, trying to not get overly upset that his theory had been the complete opposite. “It’s fine, it’s fine. If you got it under control, then I see no reason to worry.” He sighed, then reached for the light switch. “Turning on the lights now. Close your eyes.”
He waited until the red glow vanished from the room, then flipped the switch. He grabbed the grocery bag that he had left near the hatch and entered the room again, ready to discuss things with his employees.
But when he returned, Yuma had somehow vanished from sight. Only Vivia was in the room, busy with tying a dark bandage around his collection of bite marks. “Uh… where’s Yuma?” he asked, very confused on where the rookie had disappeared to.
Vivia smiled. “He gets sleepy after a meal. And… he insists on resting with me.”
Yakou was about to insist on a better explanation when he noticed a new shade of lilac on the taller detective’s hair. Walking closer revealed something quite endearing.
A small purple vampire bat with Yuma’s signature hair antenna was nestled into the green hair. He let out a yawn, then snapped his jaws closed and snuggled deeper into the locks. That, Yakou would admit, was adorable.
“I see. Well, I’ll leave you two to rest, I guess. I’ll try to be quiet,” he told them, then finishing the journey to the kitchen to put the groceries away. He did try to keep his promise, and worked as silently as possible.
Once everything was put away, he peeked into the lobby again. Vivia had retreated to the fireplace, the tiny bat still in his hair. Both looked dead to the world.
That was good, he supposed. Better to let them get some relaxation time while they could before the next big job. And the sight was enough to heal his wounded pride as a detective.
He turned his eyes away from the pair, settling down in his chair and opening the newspaper. Time to get back to business.
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artist-issues · 2 months
Hi, I wanted to say first off I love your analysis on films and storytelling! Second, I'm curious on what your thoughts are on the movie Moana?
Thank you!
I like Moana. I think it’s a really fun movie and it’s enjoyable to watch over and over again. The main character wants something relatable, she’s flawed, and she’s believable. The visuals are probably what keep people coming back, because Disney flexed so hard with animating the water and the sand and the glowing monsters.
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I will say, there are some pacing moments I think aren’t great, some filler stuff in the movie that I don’t think add anything to it. Like, for example, Pua. Pua doesn’t add anything to the movie. You could take him out and lose nothing. Also, the entire scene with the Kakamora.
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They are appealing and the giant-boat thing is interesting, but that whole sequence doesn’t really tell us anything about the characters or the world or the story that we don’t already know. It’s just an action sequence. In it, you learn: Moana is capable and committed to keeping the Heart safe, Maui is capable but a show-off, and there are monsters that are drawn to the heart. You already knew all that stuff without that scene. See what I mean?
But that doesn’t mean the movie is bad. It’s just not airtight, and that’s okay, because it still gets it’s point across.
I think the Main Idea of the movie is: “Who you truly are is a combination of where you’ve been and where you choose to go next.” Something like that.
Moana has to pick who she’s going to be and what she’s going to do from the first moment we see her.
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She’s already a character “born with” some traits that the other characters don’t have: she likes to explore and she’s not as afraid of the ocean and it’s dangers as everyone else. You could say she “inherits” those traits from “where she’s been;” her tribe and their Voyager Heritage.
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So while Moana is figuring out how “where she comes from/where she’s been” applies to “who she’ll choose to be now,” you have other characters doing the same. Her grandmother is an example of “getting to make that choice regardless of what your community is doing; you don’t have to be a product of your environment.” Meanwhile, her mom is just a “product of her environment.” And her dad had the same fearlessness Moana has, once, but after something bad happened in his past (where he’s been) he lets that bad thing inform who he chooses to be for the rest of his life: the chief that won’t take chances.
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Then meanwhile, Maui is letting his origins define who he chooses to be. He has to be a hero, and earn everybody’s love, because he came into the world Unloved. Ironically, the gods and the ocean helped him. But their love isn’t enough for him.
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See, just like Moana’s dad, Maui has a choice. He can look at the parts of his past that are good, (the ocean chose me/I’m descended from voyagers) and choose to move forward based on that, OR, he can look at the parts of his past that are bad (my own parents thought I was worthless/being a voyager killed my best friend) and choose to move forward based on that. And how you move forward, combined with where you’ve been, is what the movie says your “identity” is.
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I mean, think about Tamatoa, obviously. His song describes how he didn’t always used to be a living-legend monster. But now he finds his identity in the literal treasure he piles on top of himself, like trophies of conquest. Then think about Te Fiti. She’s stolen from, and misused, and lets that fact of her history turn her into a monster. A monster who can’t be calmed down enough to be transformed until Moana reminds her of “who she is.”
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And by the end of it, Moana ultimately decides who she’s going to be, based on the things that are true about her. Is she a powerful goddess or demigod, like Maui? No. Is she a good-enough navigator to get past Te Ka on her own? No. Is she bulletproof because the Ocean chose her? No. Does she want to be chief of her island and stay there forever? No. All of those things are true. But, what’s also true is that she wants to do something to help save the world, she does love her island at the same time as she loves the sea, and she’s willing and able to keep trying even after she fails. So she’s going to act on those things that are also true.
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Same thing with Maui. He’s made mistakes and he’s ruined things, including his own reputation, and he’s finding his identity in his powers, which get jeopardized. But by willingly sacrificing those things, he re-defines what his identity is. “Maui” is not a hero who has the power to do anything for mortals, and deserves their adoration. “Maui” is a good guy who’s going to keep trying to be self-sacrificial even after he makes mistakes.
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There’s other elements in it too, that I think deserve analysis. I mean, the movie is saying you have inherent worth. You have an identity, objectively, regardless of what you choose for yourself. Hei Hei is funny but he’s a prime example of what the movie is saying about that. He’s a stupid rooster who seems completely useless, but by the end he shows that he was worth taking along.
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Also, when Moana calms Te Ka, she does say “who you truly are.” And all the problems with her village stem from the fact that they don’t know, or have repressed, a part of their history and cultural identity. Her dad is ignoring something that is true about himself: he has Voyager in his nature. So the idea in the movie is that you can choose the right identity, one that lines up with “who you truly are, whether you like it or not,” or you can choose the wrong identity. What puzzles me is how “the gods” and “the ocean” fit into all of that.
I don’t love that Moana insists that the gods “don’t make you Maui. You do.” Truth of the matter is, Maui would be dead if not for the gods—never mind his powers. So in one sense, he would not have anything he has without them, including his life. Additionally, Moana would not be Moana without the ocean. She wouldn’t have the Heart of Te Fiti. She wouldn’t have found Maui in the first place, because she sucked at navigating. She wouldn’t have made it to Te Fiti if not for supernatural help. So what Moana should have said, to be accurate, is, “The gods made you Maui, and you can choose to agree with them or live a lie.”
Of course, the movie doesn’t set Moana herself up like that. She’s not dependent on the gods or the ocean for her very existence, like Maui was. But you see what I’m saying. There’s this tension between what you can choose, and who gets to decide what’s right to choose. Tamatoa probably wasn’t right to choose to be a grandma-eating, mortal-killing monster, but that’s what he chose to identify as. Te Fiti definitely wasn’t right to choose to try and melt everyone who came near her; she’s supposed to be a goddess of life, not death. That’s her “right” identity.
But Moana? Of course the most satisfying choice for her was “be the hero and keep on trying.” But the movie does set up the grandmother’s ghost, there to lead her home in case she wants to give up. And it sets that up as if it would be an okay-thing to do. Not necessarily the wrong thing—even though, if she had chosen to give up and go home, she would essentially be exactly like her father. So why is it hinted that the Chief was wrong to want to burn the voyager boats, hide from the rest of the world, and act on fear…but if Moana wants to give up, that’s okay? Because she tried? The Chief tried to be brave and be like Moana, too, and someone died because of it.
So I think some of that portion of the narrative is sloppily handled. It’s not smart to have both ideas in your movie: “You are meant for something” AND “you can choose who you want to be, and whatever you choose is what you’re meant for.” If not for Moana herself, that last part, in bold, wouldn’t be in there presenting a problem. But that scene where the Grandmother is willing to let her choose the wrong identity, yet it’s not portrayed as the “wrong” identity, messes it up.
The idea presented by all the other characters (Maui, Grandma, Te Fiti) is, “you have an identity and worth that is assigned to you by something bigger than yourself. You can either agree with it, or suppress it, live a lie, and try to find identity/worth in something else.” But Moana’s grandmother, gently allowing her to give up and acting like that’s okay, sort of ruins it.
But I’ll dive into that more another day, if you’re interested.
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mrsfrankadler · 2 years
Puppy Love
chris evans x neighbour!reader
Warnings: fluffy fluffy 🤗
Summary: Who could you possibly run into at 5am in the park?
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Today started out like any other Sunday. I rolled out of bed at 5am thanks to my alarm and dragged my feet to my bathroom to the end of the hall. I lazily climbed out of bed and sloppily made my way to the shower so that I could quickly wash my body and take Dawn on this walk.
I quickly threw on some grey leggings, a plain hoodie, some sneakers and my coat, because it’s not like I was gonna run into anyone I knew. And plus, I couldn’t be bothered to put any thought or effort into the way I was dressed this morning. After all, it was like 5am.
“Dawnn,” I called out through the house, “C’mon, puppy, lets go for a walk!”
This caused her to immediately run through the house to where I was standing on the landing and start barking and jumping up at me.
“Alright, pup, calm down.” I laughed, crouched down and struggling to attach the leash to her collar whilst she was moving around like this. “Let’s go!”
The walk to the park was calm. Quiet. Maybe it was because Dawn had finally relaxed or maybe it was the fact that it was coming up 6 in the morning. Either way, a nice, quiet walk was much needed after waking up as early as I did.
When we reached the park, I was kinda shocked to see that there was other people at the park already. It’s usually empty at this time, hence the reason I come out so early but I guess it won’t really matter anymore.
The point of us coming out when there’s no one around is based on the fact that Dawn is crazy hyper, like uncontrollably hyper. When she sees other animals — especially small animals — she starts barking and jumping around and it’s super hard to get a hold of her, so I already had a feeling something was going to happen today.
Usually when I take Dawn on her walk, we just play catch for a little while and then walk back home, but when I threw the first ball another dog brought it back.
“What the hell?” I whispered under my breath, kneeling down about to check his collar when another ran to try an tackle me. This one was Dawn.
“Dawn!” I pushed her off of me, and turned to look at this other dog. It definitely wasn’t a stray since it looked well groomed and was sat down calmly in front of me, but the owner was nowhere to be seen.
“What’s your name, bud?” I checked his collar, “Dodger, huh? Like Oliver & Company right?” I laughed to myself, obviously this dog wasn’t going to respond to question. I continued petting him until I heard distant yelling.
“Hey! Hey, that’s my dog!” I turned my head in the direction of where the voice was coming from to see a man in sweats and a patriots hoodie running towards me. This caused both my dog and the lost dog to both start barking and running around eachother. It was pretty cute.
When the man finally reached me, I noticed how tall he really was up close. He had to be a little over 6ft. Of course he instantly knelt down to be reunited with his dog.
“Oh my god! You scared the life outta me, Dodge. Ya can’t just run off like that.” he said with a thick Boston accent, petting the dog as it licked all over his face — this had to have been the cutest thing I had ever seen.
“Hey, thanks for catching my dog,” The man rose back up to his feet to look me in the eyes, I quickly noticed how pretty and blue his eyes which caused blood to rush to my face.
“Oh, uh, no problem!” I spluttered out, “He practically ran to us, so.” I shrugged.
“I’m Y/N, by the way.” I held my shaky hand out for him to shake and he took it in his. I almost immediately noticed how large his hands were. They were huge.
“I’m Chris,” he replied, with a friendly smile, “It’s nice to meet you.” He tightened his grip on my hand a little before letting go and sliding his hand back into his sweatpants pocket.
The sound of loud barking caught my attention as I turned to the two dogs behind me who were now, running circles around each other and play-fighting.
“Awh, look!” I laughed, turning back to Chris, who was already looking at me before I turned. “They seem to getting along well.”
“Yeah.” He turned to smile at me, “Y’know, I wouldn’t wanna just pull them away from each other, so, you wanna go sit down?” He gestured to a nearby bench across the park, making my whole body freeze.
“Uh, sure.” I shrugged, what was the worst that could happen. We went and sat on the bench whilst the two of our dogs played around and just made conversation for a while.
It didn’t take me long to totally forget that I was talking to a super famous actor. Talking to him was like talking to an old friend, I just felt so comfortable around him. It didn’t take me long to realise that he was quite a genuinely funny guy, but eventually he had to go. I wasn’t really sure why, but I was kinda upset that we were parting ways now. Even though we’d just met, I was starting to really like him.
I was beginning to hook Dawn back up to her leash when he stopped me.
“Hey, wait,”
I turned back to look at him — a little quicker than i’d like to have thought — to listen to what he had to say.
“Could I maybe get your number?” He tilted his head slightly and I felt all the blood rush to my face. “I just would really like to see you again.” He smiled a crooked smile, it was really fucking cute.
“Sure.” I smiled back, handing him my phone whilst taking his into my hand so that I could type in my number.
“I’ll see you around, then.” He waved before putting his dog back on the leash and walking off.
The whole time I was walking Dawn back home, I couldn’t wipe this stupid smile off of my face.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
A/N: i’m so fucking bad at endings lmfao. but i really love the dodger meet-cute, it melts my heart everytime lol 🥰
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quigonswife8 · 1 year
Feelings revealed: Peter Hale x reader
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Peter overhears that you admit you love him
Okay so my crush on this man started when I was like 13-14 has only gotten stronger 'cause of the movie, so thought i'd write something about him.
Warnings: the pack being mean to Peter behind his back, swearing.
Peter deserved better. There, I said it. I know he’s done stuff and is viewed as ‘evil’ but I genuinely don’t think he is. Probably gonna get hate for that but I believe he isn’t, and he did become a good person.
Also Peter is a bit ooc but meh
When did you fall for Peter? That's the question that you ask yourself everyday. When did you fall for him?
Was it when he had healed you for the first time, despite making it clear he didn't like you, at the time.
Was it when he had protected you when Hunter's were trying to kill you?
Or was it when he'd saved your life the first time out of many.
The room is full of quiet chatter and glances when you enter.
"Did we start the meeting already?"
You pause, and tilt your head.
Though it's clearly not. So they're hiding something...but why?
Scott begins, standing up. He leans back against the table, trying to form words. If you could hear his heart right now.
As one of the only non-wolves in the groups you aren't able to hear people's hearts so you can't tell when they're lying. It's hard most- a lot of the time- but it honestly doesn't bother you.
"It's Peter."
Lydia finishes his sentence, one hand on her hip.
"...we need to talk to you about him..."
A nervous look flicks onto your features. Why would they need to talk to you about him? Has something happened to him? He would have told you, you practically talk everyday. It's obviously not good, based on how they looked when you'd entered.
"What...about him?"
It's Derek, who answers you next. His arms crossed, as they usually are. He looks troubled...but for who? For himself, for Peter?
"..we need you to cut contact with him..."
There it is. There's the catch to this conversation. Of course you were stupid for thinking it would have been something different.
"It's dangerous for you to be his friend..."
Rolling your eyes, you scoff.
"...it's also dangerous to be in beacon hills, but none of us have left."
good point
Scott remarks.
"If you were friends with anyone else, that would be fine, but it's..."
"Peter Hale.". Stiles adds in, pointing his finger. "...and we haven't had the best history with him."
They have always had a problem with Peter.
Even when he's helped. Yes he’s done stuff in the past, and yes understandable they don’t trust him, but that was the past. He's changed. Why can't they at least give him a chance? ‘Cause everything he’s done has mainly been for his family
"...yeah..." you reply, pointing at each of them. "Yours. Your history with him, not mine"
Beginning to grow frustrated as every second passes.
"...I'm not going to just cut contact with him because you tell me to-"
"But he's evil.". Stiles raises an eyebrow, trying to point out the facts when they're not true.
"He's not evil...he’s done some things but he’s not evil.”
Closing a fist to fight back from punching something, you avert your eyes away from Stiles. Avert from everyone. They're your family, and families fight. The other's share glances trying to find a way to make what they want to happen, happen.
Next, Derek steps forward again.
"Please, (y/n). Just..."
now, as you stare at him, a flicker of anger shows in your eyes.
"...I'm not going to, and if that's all you wanted me here for, then i'm leaving..."
a beat. a beat of silence follows, solidifying your point.
"Fine, i'm leaving..."
Turning on your heel you begin to leave, ignoring the looks. Before yoou can disapper, though, Stiles says something else.
"..Why do you care about Peter so much?"
Theres so many reasons why, but the main reason is what you admit. What you hadn't been meaning to, but now with your emotions everywhere you can't help to.
Walking over to the door, you stop. Not looking back, only looking forward.
"...because I love him."
Pushing the door open, leaving them exchanging surprised glances.
The door closes behind you. Running a hand over your face, like before, you walk through the hallway. Coming around the corner a few seconds later, walking straight into something- correction- someone- when you do.
It's not anyone from back there, it's actually who you hadn't been meaning to run into quite so soon. Without even looking up at the person you just know.
looking up, eyes meeting his. He looks...surprised, which means..
"You heard me...?"
He nods, but his expression is different. Different than it usually is. He's not wearing a smirk, or wanting to say something like a joke, his expression is one of surprise- of confusion- but mostly happiness.
Why? because he never thought you would feel this way, and, judging by your heart, you weren't lying.
So he begins to say something, but you catch him off guard by leaning your head against his chest.
"...i'm sorry, Peter. You didn't deserve to hear what they said..."
Snapping out of his initial shock, he slowly wraps an arm around you, letting you get more comfortable in his hold.
"It's okay, sweetheart. I'm used to it..."
"You shouldn't have to be Pete."
and, you're right, but you're the only one who thinks that. Peter sighs.
"...do you want to get out of here…?”
Pulling away from Peter, you look up at him.
They'd probably try and convince you, again, but you can't listen to them right now.
"...let's go..."
He presses a soft kiss to your head, lingering a moment. Then the two of you leave. When you get into his car, you're on the road soon enough.
Head resting against the window, you look out at the road trying to forget what had just happened. Before you reach where he's staying, Peter glances over at you. Heart-beat slowed back down, to a more even rate.
"...I...love you too, you know."
He notices how your heart-rate picks up, but then falls back to normal. Smitten: that's what you are. You're smitten with him. You look over at Peter with a smile, with such love in your eyes. Never has he made you feel the way anyone else, not that you're complaining,
After a moment you look out the window again, but this time you're unable to stop smiling.
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spidey-d00d · 2 years
Always Been Her (Rooster x Reader)
Rooster x Reader
Summary: In which, Bradley left you hurting more than ever, along with your best friend, Phoenix.
Word Count: 4k TW: ANGST, heartbreak, cheating, Phoenix being the bad guy (IM SORRY I LOVE HER SM), Jake being the best best friend, this is literally just self-projection, based off of a true story! unedited work because since when do I ever edit my work
A/N: Hi! Sorry this one took me a little while, I've been absolutely exhausted lately and it's only going to get worse lol. Anyways, this is literally based off of my life, just altered a little bit to fit the characters and everything, so yeah that's fun. So that's enough from me, enjoy the angst lol. I am working on getting requests done so if you sent one in, I promise I saw it and I they are a WIP I just need a little time to get them done!
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You had never hurt like this before. You didn’t know how it could happen to you, not after everything you guys had been through. How could someone who promised that he would never hurt you, basically rip your heart out and stomp on it a thousand times over. 
You weren’t sure what hurt more, the fact that he did it to you, or the fact that your best friend also betrayed you, and hurt you too. Phoenix was everything to you, she had always been there for you and then some, as you were for her, but she turned around and was the accomplice to the crime on your heart. 
The feeling of betrayal, hurt, anger, emptiness, everything had washed over your body constantly, like you couldn’t come up for a breath of fresh air in ages. It was a constant state of pain all over your mind, body and soul, and you couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel anymore. 
You had sworn to yourself after your last relationship, you would never give anyone the power to hurt you like that again. And you didn’t this time, no, you did so much worse. You gave them more. You allowed Bradley to come into your life, burrow into your heart, make himself comfortable and like he belonged there. You were convinced that he was the one, the one you were going to marry. You remember laying on your stomach, kicking your feet up in the air while writing letters to him when he was on deployment, talking about the future for you guys, writing down every dream and detail you could think of, because he was the man you were going to spend the rest of your life with. Until he decided that you weren’t enough for him anymore, but Phoenix was. 
While you were at home, writing him letters, he was out in the world on deployment, sharing his every waking moment with the one girl he told you not to worry about. 
You knew about the past the two aviators had, they had a small fling but Phoenix had shot Bradley down more times than he could count, so he said he was over it and settled for friends. So much for that. 
There was always a nagging feeling in the back of your mind about the two of them, but you wracked it up to the fact that you were just over thinking. Phoenix was your best friend, and Bradley was her friend and your boyfriend, so you guys had spent a lot of time together. 
There wasn’t a thing that you wouldn’t do for either of them. Putting yourself in uncomfortable and vulnerable positions to make sure that either of them were okay. You would walk through fire if either of them had asked, that's just how much you had loved them, but they obviously didn’t reciprocate it back. 
It started before he had even left. He was staying out later, saying that they just needed him on base for longer. Leaving your shared bedroom to go sit in the living room on the phone at night when he thought you were asleep. You wanted to believe it was work, but when he wouldn’t even look you in the eye when he talked to you anymore, if he talked to you at that point, you started to think otherwise. 
You had asked him multiple times if it was something you did. If he was mad at you. 
“Please Bradley, just tell me what’s wrong. What did I do?” You pleaded with him in the middle of your kitchen. 
He wouldn’t even pull up his eyes in the slightest to look at yours, looking anywhere but where you needed him to the most. 
“Nothing baby, I promise.” He replied, giving you a broken promise. 
“That’s why you won’t even look at me anymore?” You basically cried in front of him. It was tearing you apart, knowing that you were slowly losing him but you couldn’t know why. 
“I do look at you,” Bradley shot back, finally looking you in the eyes now that you had said something, but you knew from the first time that you had questioned him on it, that it would last this conversation that would soon be over, and then it was right back to square one, “Don’t overthink baby, I love you.” He told you, making you hear what you wanted to. 
Stupid little naieve you, believed him. You wanted to believe him, he never gave you a reason to not. You wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and listen to his words so you did, but that didn’t stop you from calling up your best friend in search of some advice. 
“Phe, he won’t even look at me, how am I supposed to fix things if I don’t know what's wrong.” You cried into the phone to your friend who you shared everything with. 
It felt a little weird at first, talking about your relationship with the girl that your now boyfriend had chased for a couple of months, but she assured you that she never felt that way for him, that she didn’t mind helping you talk through your relationship. You took her at her word and let it all out. 
“I know y/n, but you just need to keep trying to talk to him. He loves you, and I’m sure he is just going through some stuff right now. Work hasn’t been the easiest so maybe he is just taking it hard.” You heard her speak into the phone, you could sense the shrug in her shoulders. 
What you didn’t realize, is that while you were sitting there, beating yourself up and asking for advice from Phoenix, they were going behind your back. 
The late nights and the night phone calls Bradley was having, was all due to Natasha. She was the one occupying your boyfriends time, instead of you. 
You were being replaced and you didn’t realize until it was too late. 
While you were trying to fix your relationship, save it from perishing and burning you to the ground with it, they were having the time of their lives, falling into love just like they said they wouldn’t. 
You were nursing a broken heart and they were living their lives like nothing had ever happened. 
The worst part, having to find out days after. 
Bradley and Natasha were called onto a last minute deployment, leaving for two weeks. You had just gotten into a big fight with Bradley the night that he left, Natasha consoling you and making sure you were okay. Offering her shoulder to cry on, you accepted it until she had to leave too. 
It was basically radio silence from then on, barley getting one word answers every 4 hours from Bradley when usually he was on top of his phone, never letting your message stay on delivered for more than an hour. 
You kept telling yourself that he was busy, he was working, but in your head you knew it wasn’t true. It was so painful to know that you were losing the love of your life and there was nothing you could do but sit back and watch. 
It was now 3 days before he was supposed to come home. It was still quiet on his end, but you were hoping that you guys could talk when he walked back into those doors. That the time apart made him realize that he was wrong, and you were just overthinking. None of the rumors you were hearing from around you were true. That he was in love with Natasha now. That they were dating. That you and him had broken up already, but you weren’t made aware. 
That was until, of course, the text message had rollen through at a crisp 12:30 am. Of course you weren’t sleeping, you couldn’t. Since he had left, you barely slept, ate, or talked. It was all too much for you to do, it was too painful. Every time you fell asleep, you would dream about all of the good things that happened in your relationship. Talking was too tiring. Eating made you nauseous. There was no winning in this situation, and the text message just made it all worse. 
‘We need to take a break’  
The words flashing across your screen made your heart stop. It fell so far into your chest you could feel it in your toes. You mind stopped buzzing and there was nothing. No thoughts, no noise, it was just pure silence. Your ears started ringing, hands shaking, breath running ragged. Your body was shutting down over 6 words. 
To anyone, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. A break is a break. But to you, it was the end of the world. Your mind flashed back to the conversation you and Bradley had early into your relationship. 
‘A break is just a break up with extra steps. There is no coming back from it ever.’ He had told you. You had agreed, a break is just an easy way to let someone down, but to break their heart even more. That is exactly what he was doing. 
You started shaking so hard when crying that you hurt all over. What had you done to make you deserve this? Were you that bad of a girlfriend? Was it something you said, or did? Why was this happening to you?
He gave you no answers. No one did. No one knew what was going on anymore. 
You never connected the dots between Natasha and Bradley until she had forgotten to take you off of her close friend's story and posted a bunch of stuff about how much she had loved Bradley, pictures of them together, of them kissing and holding hands. That’s when everything that had ever happened started making sense. 
You didn’t have the strength to answer him right away, but all you could muster to reply was, ‘if that makes you happy then okay’ 
He told you he loved you and that he was sorry, but you knew it was a lie. How could he be so okay with lying to you still, right through his teeth. He didn’t love you, because if he did, he would’ve at least had the decency to tell you in the beginning that he was losing feelings. It would’ve hurt a whole lot less, though still hurting. Being lied to and cheated on is the worst pain of all, especially when you are staying back in your life to try and fix something that had no bother being fixed. 
Bradley didn’t want you to fix your relationship, he had already checked out a long time ago, just forgot to tell you. 
You thought you knew pain, true pain, and knew it a long time ago, but it would never amount to the kind of pain you are feeling now. 
If he had the respect to just tell you, to just say before he got involved with Natasha, that he didn’t want to be with you anymore, it would’ve been a whole lot better than it is now. 
Not only are you feeling the pain of losing the person you thought you were going to marry, but your best friend. The person you literally ran to, to talk about the problems in your relationship. The person who had given you advice to try and fix it, even though she knew the reason you and Bradley were failing, and she was that reason. 
Natasha sat right in front of you, pretending to be your best friend and the shoulder you cried on, while she was going behind your back and being the main cause of your pain. How could someone do that? 
Then have the audacity to spread rumors around your friend group, that you had learned to love since you were connected to them through Natasha and Bradley, and tell them that you were crazy and a liar. 
None of them had believed her though. The group of aviators that you had first met when Bradley had gotten called back to Top Gun and you followed him like a lost puppy, had dropped contact with the two, but continued to talk to you. 
You felt bad for a minute, for taking their friends away from them, before you realzied that they had ruined your life. They had given you so much pain and grief to last a lifetime, so no, you didn’t feel bad that the team had chosen you over them. 
The team knew better than to take the two outliers side, they didn’t agree with what they did and they knew how much pain it put you through. 
Bob and Hangman had stayed with you for a few days after you and Bradley had officially broken up and it was made known. You couldn’t leave your couch for that time, everything, even blinking, was too daunting of a task for you to do, but the men had made sure that you stayed as healthy as you could. Making sure you at least drank water and tried to keep something down. Made sure you showered and brushed your teeth, and most importantly, made sure you knew you weren’t alone. 
You couldn’t thank them enough after you broke out of your funk. You started putting yourself together, slowly but surely. You had blocked the two backstabbers on everything you could think of, and deleted every picture and video you could find, just to make sure you didn’t get a glimpse of them. It was too much to see that. 
You picked yourself up off of the floor, physically and metaphorically, obviously with the help of the team who weren’t associated with them anymore, and found ways to make yourself feel better/ 
You were finally going to be okay. Yeah, some days were going to be worse than others, and you were going to have to eventually face them, but for now, for the moment, you were able to breathe. 
Bradley crossed your mind here and there, small things reminding you of the time you had with him. Same with Natasha, little things that you had made inside jokes about had always popped into your mind, and it used to set you off into a spiral, but now, you were able to breathe through it. You were able to work through everything and find a way to make peace with everything.
You were growing and you realized it. You were strong, and you were brave, and you would be okay. You would always be okay. 
The day that you had to see him in person inevitably came. You were doing so well avoiding the interaction all together, but it was Naval Ball, Jake had invited you to go with him. It wasn’t more than friends though, he just wanted you to get out of the house more, make some new friends. Everyone knew it was because he wanted an excuse to leave early, and if he brought you, then you could be his excuse. 
You didn’t mind though, seeing everyone again would be nice and getting free booze was a plus. All you had to do was plaster on a fake smile around Bradley for the few seconds you had to interact, and then Jake would whisk you away and it would be over. Pushed to the back of your mind while you enjoyed the rest of your night. 
Though you wished it to work that way, your life never made it that easy. 
When it came time to come face to face with the man who broke you into pieces not a couple months ago, your body went numb. You couldn’t breathe very well, but you managed to put on a fake smile and struggle internally without drawing attention to yourself. 
“Y/n” He nodded at you. 
You stared blankly at him, how did he seem so fine in your presence. While you were sweating and wishing you were anywhere else besides here, basically hyperventilating, he was treating this like he had seen you every day for the past couple months. Like nothing ever happened between you. 
“Rooster” You nodded back. You knew it would sting him, you never called him by his call sign during your relationship. 
‘That’s for work, and I don’t work with you, so you are Bradley to me. Or baby.’ You had told him once, and stood by it. You never called him Bradshaw, or Rooster, just Bradley, B, or any pet name you had chosen that day. 
If it affected him, he didn’t let it show, just returning a tight lipped smile before excusing himself. You followed him with your eyes, he made it across the room to stand next to Natasha. That was another reason you were losing your breath. 
You watched as he said a couple of words to her, she tried to get a secret glance your way without being caught, but staring at them from across the room, you met with her eyes as soon as they turned in your direction. 
You didn’t hesitate to turn around and bust out of the room, rushing down the quiet hallway. Not sure why you even agreed to come here knowing Bradley was going to be here, all you wanted to do was go home. 
The feeling that had come and gone when you were first going through everything had come flooding back through your system. It was like you had made no progress at all. It hurt too much. To see him so happy and unaffected. How could he? 
He could’ve at least pretended to be heartbroken, for your sake. To make you feel less weak, but you knew that was stupid thinking. 
Bradley and Natasha were happy. They were in love, and as much as you wished they would hurt a fraction of how you did, that their relationship would fall apart in shambles, worse than yours and Bradley’s did, you couldn’t help but be happy that he was happy. 
That’s all you wanted for him since you met the man. As long as he was happy, then you would find a way to be okay. If being happy meant not being with you, then you were going to have to find a way to cope, because that’s all you had wished and prayed for since you could remember. 
You had tried to prove to yourself, at least that’s what you had convinced yourself but everyone knew it was for show, for him, that you were going to act unaffected. Pretend to laugh effortlessly at something the Hangman had said. Place a friendly hand on Fanboy’s shoulder and try not glance over that ROoster while you did it. Yu knew he would be watching, you fel this eyes on you all night. 
Although Bradley was there with Natasha, it didn’t stop him for letting his eyes bore into you the entire night. You had glanced in his direction without rewalizing it, it was just an unbroken habit from the months you had spent with him, and every single time without fail, you had made eye contact with him. He never looked away first though, you always broke the moment and found the ceiling tiles fairly interesting. 
The game that you guys had been playing all night had been mentally exhausting. You felt like the months of building yourself up were slowly slipping away and you couldn’t let it happen. You had worked entirely way too hard on yourself to try and get into the comfortable position you were with yourself, so you finally were that excuse for Jake, tugging on his arm as a cue to start wrapping it up. You wanted to go home early, and he never argued it. 
Not only did Jake want to go home, he was just waiting for your signal, but you needed to go before something else happened. It wasn’t that simple though. WHile walking out the doors, you had realized you guys left in such a hurry you forgot your small bag inside. Jake had offered to go grab it for you,w hich left you outside the doors by yourself. It was quiet enough, letting you chill out for a few minutes while waiting, but that was greatly interrupted by the door opening up. 
You perked up, thinking it was Jake who was just that quick, but instead you were met with the same face that had haunted your mind this entire time. You just turned around and went to walk away, opting to meet Jake at the car instead, but you were cut off, making you stop in your tracks. 
“Y/N Please just hold up.” He had said, which if you were in your right mind, you wouldn’ve kept walking. He didn’t deserve the time of day, not after what had happened, not after what he did, but your body stopped anyways, against all of your mind and hearts wishes. You never turned around though, just standing there as he talked to your back. 
“I-I’m sorry, for everything, I never met to hurt you.”Bradley explained and immediately you body buzzed with anger. Whipping around you let out every single word you had imagined saying to his face since the day everything happened. 
“You never meant to hurt me? Seriously?” Your voice was laced with venom, anger taking over every single feature of your face, “All you did was tear me apart and stomp on every single piece. You fucking tortured me while you were off play family and house with my best fucking friend Bradshaw.” You threw your hands up in the air, “The one person you told me not to worry about, you left me for.” 
“If maybe you had the small amount of respect for me as I had for you, then you would’ve told me you didn’t want to be with me anymore, but instead you went behind my back and made me feel like shit. I was losing my mind for weeks because I thought I did something wrong.” You sighed, the anger leaving your body faster than you thought it would’ve, but now your body was being consumed by anxiety and wanting to be wrapped in your fluffiest blanket. 
“I lost myself trying to fix us, and you didn’t have a care in the world, because you don’t care about anyone but yourself, Rooster.” You spit out, “So please, don’t ever speak to me or about me again.” You concluded as you saw Jake making his way towards the two of you. 
He didn’t even say a word while wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you away from the situation, looking behind you guys to give Bradley a look, but you weren’t bothered to find out what it was. You kept your head down the entire car ride home, silently. 
You wished tonight could’ve gone different. You wished that you and Bradley could’ve been civil enough to get through the night, and you thought you were past everything, but turns out you weren’t. For the record though, he had the time to process and move on, all you were left with was unanswered questions and heartbreak.  Loving Bradley Bradshaw was the worst thing you had ever had the displeasure of experiencing and it consumed you entirely, in both the mind-numbing loving kind of way, and mind-numbing pain kind of way, but surprisingly, you caught yourself thinking about how you would do it all over again if it meant experiencing the kind of love you gave. Even if you weren’t able to experience that kind of love being given to you, you knew that you were capable of giving it, and that was enough to keep you at peace with it. 
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