#numerological codes
777 - Magic, Mystery, & The Unknown. Ancient Magic and The Connection To Source
777 is my all time favorite number and its a number that is connected to miracles.
777 adding up to 21 then adding those two together to make 3.
7+7+7= 21 2+1= 3
With the triple beauty being all about connecting to source, we must focus how this is all about connecting with YOU.
The ancient magic that is within you is waiting to be explored.
7 is connected to Moon and Neptune. It is also connected to the zodiac sign pisces.
When 777 adds to 21, and adding 2 and 1 to make 3, We know now to look into the inside scoop with this whimsical number.
3, connected to sagitarius/jupiter, is all about faith baby!
You're beliefs is whats going to take you to the treasure you've been waiting for.
When I take of 777 I think of the book The Alchemist. If you haven't read it I honestly recommend.
777 tells you the journey awaits ! And you must go when the spirit that is deep inside your vessel calls you to explore to hidden messages that your higher self wants you to see. This is a traveling number, so if you see this number a lot then its telling you to set your self free and go where the heart takes you.
It connects us back to the soul and the inner magic that is curating inside of us. It wants you to what its here to do, what its hear to see, what your soul wants to feel.
If you are interested in knowledge this one is for you.
The number 7 connects us to the hidden realms that contains the knowledge we need to move forward in our journeys.
Connection to Source/God is a big one here. When working with this number and getting the message you must meditate and focus on your connection with who you call on when you need that extra amount of faith.
Believe in the power of the universe and you will see the miracles unfold in your life. Also changing the way you see miracles may be best for many of you when you see 777.
777 allows the individual who sees this number to call upon the mysteries of the universe and connect it back to their world so they can become the magic it is they seek.
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hiddenparabletheory · 3 months
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butch-errant · 3 months
The extent to which it's delusions vs the extent to which it's me correctly interpreting a vague doesn't matter. What matters, functionally, is the manner in which I respond to things. The knowledge that this is a manner in which my shit presents itself will (hopefully) be enough to avoid in the future falling into uncritically confusing personal reality for Actual Reality. Especially when coupled with recognizing the ways in which this kind of delusional thinking has affected my other relationships
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hopeitzfreeapps · 6 months
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Dive into the world of #mobile #number #numerology with our app! Decode the #cosmicmessages your digits convey. Get ready to be amazed!
App Name "Advanced Numerology Calculator"
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harmonyhealinghub · 9 months
The Unveiling of Numerology: Unlocking the Secrets of Numbers
Shaina Tranquilino
August 29, 2023
Numerology, the ancient practice rooted in mathematics and symbolism, has captivated civilizations for centuries. This esoteric artform suggests that numbers hold a profound influence on our lives, providing insights into our personalities, relationships, and even our destinies. In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating world of numerology, delving into its origins, principles, and how it can be applied to enhance self-awareness and personal growth.
Origins of Numerology:
The origins of numerology can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and Greece. However, it was Pythagoras, the renowned Greek mathematician and philosopher who formalized the concept around 600 BCE. Pythagoras believed that numbers held mystical properties and that they were the building blocks of reality.
Principles of Numerology:
Numerologists believe that each number possesses unique vibrations or energies that can provide valuable insights into various aspects of life. These vibrations are associated with specific characteristics and qualities that shape an individual's personality traits and life experiences.
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The most common method used in numerology is reducing numbers to single digits through addition. For instance, if you were born on July 25th, 1990 (7/25/1990), you would add all the digits together like this: 7 + 2 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 33. Then continue reducing until you have a single digit: 3 + 3 = 6. In this case, your Life Path Number would be 6.
Meaningful Numbers in Numerology:
Different numbers hold distinct significance within numerology. Here are a few examples:
1 - Represents independence, leadership skills, and determination.
2 - Symbolizes diplomacy, cooperation, and harmony.
3 - Signifies creativity, self-expression, and communication.
4 - Represents stability, practicality, and hard work.
5 - Symbolizes adaptability, freedom, and change.
6 - Signifies love, compassion, and responsibility.
7 - Represents spirituality, intuition, and introspection.
8 - Symbolizes ambition, success, and material abundance.
9 - Signifies humanitarianism, empathy, and completion.
Application of Numerology:
Numerology can be applied to various aspects of life. By calculating your Life Path Number or other significant numbers derived from your name or birthdate, you can gain insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and potential life paths. This knowledge can help you make informed decisions about career choices, relationships, personal growth endeavours, and even understanding compatibility with others.
Moreover, numerology can deepen our understanding of ourselves by shedding light on underlying patterns or challenges we may encounter throughout our lives. It provides a framework for self-reflection and personal development that allows us to tap into our full potential.
Numerology offers a unique lens through which we can view the world around us. By exploring the symbolism and vibrations associated with numbers in our lives, we open doors to deeper self-awareness and personal growth. While some may view numerology as purely mystical or speculative in nature, many have found value in its principles when used as a tool for introspection.
As Albert Einstein once said: "Pure mathematics is...the poetry of logical ideas." Numerology takes this concept further by infusing numbers with meaning beyond logic alone. So why not take a moment to explore the intriguing world of numerology? You might just uncover hidden truths about yourself along the way.
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unlikelynachopaper · 11 months
Cracking The Code: Sakshi Duggal Kumaria's Numerological Odyssey/ Swiftnlift Business Magazine
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From Numbers to Empowerment: Sakshi Duggal Kumaria's Journey of Unleashing the Hidden Potential Within" In a world filled with uncertainties, many individuals seek guidance and meaning in their lives. Sakshi Duggal Kumria, a renowned numerologist and astrologer, has dedicated her life to helping people navigate their personal and professional journeys through the sciences of numerology and astrology. Her path to success has been shaped by personal tragedies, intuitive abilities, and a deep desire to serve the underprivileged. With over two decades of experience, Sakshi has become a shining star in the realm of numerology, providing invaluable insights and support to countless individuals. Alongside her professional endeavors, Sakshi is an active member of the GLS Lioness Anaya Club, where she has made a significant impact through various social causes. This article delves into the remarkable life and achievements of Sakshi Duggal Kumria, highlighting her inspiring journey as a numerologist, astrologer, and philanthropist.
Early Life and Introduction to Numerology :
In the midst of Sakshi Duggal Kumria’s childhood, a storm of uncertainty swept through her young life, shrouding her world in shadows. At the age of 8, the loss of her beloved father left a void that seemed impossible to fill. Yet, amidst the grief and longing, a glimmer of hope emerged.
It was during this time of heartache that Sakshi’s mother, seeking solace and answers, delved into the realms of numerology and astrology. In her quest to make sense of their tragic loss, she uncovered the secrets and wisdom hidden within the intricate tapestry of numbers. Fascinated by the idea that numbers could hold profound significance and offer guidance, Sakshi’s young mind became enthralled with the mystical world of numerology.
As she grew, Sakshi found herself drawn to the enigmatic allure of numbers, a language that seemed to whisper secrets only she could decipher. Her intuitive nature, ever astute and perceptive, was a perfect match for the intricate puzzle of numerology. Like a painter with a palette of infinite possibilities, Sakshi used her intuition as her brush, effortlessly weaving together the threads of destiny and fortune.
In the depths of her soul, Sakshi felt an innate connection to the unseen forces that governed our lives. The rhythmic dance of numbers resonated within her, guiding her towards profound insights and revelations. It was as if the universe itself had chosen her as a conduit for its secrets, bestowing upon her a gift that few possessed.
With each passing day, Sakshi’s understanding of numerology deepened. She embarked on a lifelong journey of exploration and self-discovery, uncovering the profound influence that numbers held over our destinies. Guided by her intuition, she unraveled the intricate patterns hidden within the numerical fabric of existence, using her knowledge to bring clarity and solace to those who sought her counsel.
Sakshi Duggal Kumria’s childhood loss may have been a catalyst for her journey into the world of numerology, but it was her innate intuition and unwavering curiosity that propelled her forward. Through the lens of numbers, she found a language that transcended words, a language that spoke directly to the heart and soul. And with every calculation, every intricate analysis, Sakshi drew closer to unlocking the mysteries of life itself. Section 2: Professional Growth and Impact (300 words):
Over the past 20 years, Sakshi Duggal Kumria has established herself as a highly respected numerologist and astrologer. Through extensive research and personal experiences, she has honed her skills and developed a unique approach to her practice. As a life coach and guide, Sakshi has touched the lives of numerous individuals, helping them navigate challenging times and find their purpose.
In her career, Sakshi has had the opportunity to meet and assist people from diverse backgrounds, acting as a beacon of hope and inspiration. She firmly believes that numerology and astrology can provide valuable insights into an individual’s life path and help them overcome obstacles. Sakshi’s own experiences and intuitive abilities have enabled her to connect deeply with her clients, offering them guidance and support on their journeys.
Swiftnlift Business Magazine, business magazine, business magazine in India, entrepreneurship magazine, Sakshi Duggal Kumaria's, Cracking The Code, Numerological, 5 Most Empowering Woman In Business 2023, Empowering women in business, Women leaders in business
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diarylk · 1 year
உலகை ஆளும் பிரபஞ்சத்தின் ரகசியம்
பிரபஞ்சத்தில் நிகழும் ஒவ்வோர��� அசைவும் ஏதேனும் ஒரு வகையில் 3 6 9 என்கிற எண்களை சார்ந்தே இயங்குகின்றன. ஆகையால் 3 6 9 என்கிற எண்களே உலகை ஆளும் எண்ணாக டெஸ்லா அறிவித்தார். “இயற்பியலின் தந்தை”, “இருபதாம் நூற்றாண்டின் கண்டுபிடிப்பாளர்”, என்றெல்லாம் போற்றப்பட்ட ஒரு மிகச் சிறந்த கண்டுபிடிப்பாளர், நிகோலா டெஸ்லா. ஏனோ, நாம் மற்ற கண்டுப்பிடிப்பாளர்களைக் கொண்டாடிய அளவு டெஸ்லாவைக் கொண்டாட மறந்துவிட்டோம். இன்று…
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cryptotheism · 5 months
How many languages do you speak?
You are always talking about alchemist that lived all around the world in very differente time periods. And you have mentioned several times that there's a ton of numerology hidden in their texts, counting syllables and letters of certain words and paragraphs. So one would assume you need to read them in the original language it was written, right?
That's a really good question! As with most really good questions, the answer is "kinda, it depends!"
So! Most alchemical texts are written in some form of coded language, but the nature of that code depends on the era and culture the text is being written in. Depending on how its written, modern scholars have a lot of different tools for cracking open alchemical esoterica.
Most ancient Greek/Byzantine texts are written in postclassical Greek. But, they're often written in dense philosophical prose. The reader needs to be familiar with the likes of Plato, Aristotle, and the early Neoplatonists, to make sense of them. Luckily for us, people have been studying postclassical Greek for nearly 2000 years. There are many excellent translations into English.
Late Egyptian alchemists wrote almost entirely in pictograph code. Not as in hieroglyphics, mind you. Egyptian alchemical recipes often made use of custom character sets and symbols that represented alchemical concepts. (One famous example, the Formula of the Crab, uses a complex diagram that looks like a centipede to represent a particular gold compound.) These are damn near impossible to read without expert help.
At the same time, Jewish and Syriac writers of the era could get by on the fact that not everyone could read Hebrew and Syriac lol. The language barrier itself acted as a sort of copyright system for protecting their ideas. Luckily for us, many of these texts were preserved and translated by medieval Arab scholars!
Speaking of Arabic, once you hit the Islamic Golden Age, the amount of alchemical literature increases by a factor of ten. Thing is, the Islamic Polymaths weren't all that interested in obscuring their work. The Islamic Golden Age was all about copying and translating older works, and compiling them into big textbook/dictionaries. They're not intentionally encoded, they're comparatively easy to read once you get a good translation. Thing is, you gotta know your Neoplatonism. Medieval Islamicate scholars love Neoplatonism.
Then we get the reintroduction of alchemy to Europe around the 10th century. What you get is about 400 years of monks painstakingly translating medieval Arabic into Latin. A lot of these texts are very well preserved, and have good translations into English.
Then, around the late 14th century, European entrepreneurial alchemy kicks into high gear, and THIS is where we get all those fancy numerology encoded alchemical texts. Renaissance alchemists loved themselves some puzzles. This would be fine if they were all just writing in Latin, but the printing press meant they could write in any damn language they please. You get a lot of French, German, Dutch, Italian, and antiquated English alchemical texts, and they can be a bitch to read without help.
BUT the introduction of the printing press also gave us something useful: cheap picture books! Late renaissance alchemists loved writing in word games and coded metaphor, but they also loved including esoteric diagrams. And the thing about esoteric diagrams is --if you know your stuff-- you don't need to speak 15th century french to read a picture. Which isn't a replacement for reading the original translation, not even close, but the explicit purpose of these images was to prove to other alchemists that the author knows what they're talking about. So if you can read them, you can get a damn good sense as to what the text is about.
This was fun to write so I'm gonna plug my patreon if you wanna see me write more about alchemy.
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astrosky33 · 8 months
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Aquarius Venus’ got that wet wet. Aquarius’ symbol is the water bearer and Venus rules over the p*ssy
1st house/Aries Mars will f*ck you really passionately
Having an Aries Mercury can indicate having sexual humor or not being afraid/embarrassed to talk about sex
Jupiter in the 8th house can indicate having a big dick - ex: drake (he got leaked you can see for yourself on X). For a girl it may indicate a lot of inner labia/an outie vagina or a big clit
Scarlett Johansson said she enjoys having car sex which makes sense cuz she has Mars in the 3rd house. Mars represents lust and the 3rd house rules over cars
Jack Harlow said he only masturbates to girls he knows and doesn’t like p*rn which is because of his Moon opposite Mars aspect. This is very common among people with Moon-Mars aspects since the Moon rules over emotional connections and Mars rules over lust. They prefer having connection and comfort with someone over randos when they’re tryna get their sh*t on
Angelina Jolie admitted she has a blood k*nk and that she even used knives the first time she had sex. This makes sense because Mars represents blood/violence and her Mars is in primary rulership (Aries Mars) also at 10° which in numerology would equate to 1 (1+0=1) and is the number of violence/aggression
Asteroid Charmaine trine/sextile Mars can indicate being really good at flirting because of the natural charm you have - code: 10642 -> more about this asteroid
Kim Kardashian has Asteroid Tape in the 10th house and her leaked sex tape back in 2007 was a big reason their show got so much viewership. It’s also squaring Mars the planet of lust - code: 12158
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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moonkissedvisions · 3 months
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Pick an image tarot reading: Your natural gifts 🎀🍓🧁
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Important: 16+. This is a general tarot card reading. Take what resonates and leave the rest. Tarot readings are not meant to be a replacement for any professional advice. I use the Rider-Waite deck. Take a deep breath, think about the theme/question of the reading and pick an image. Let your intuition guide you and HAVE FUN!
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🎀 First picture
cards: 6 of Cups, King of Pentacles, 5 of Swords.
🎀 Multitalented
🎀 Inner child
🎀 Compassion
🎀 Playfulness
🎀 Creating a beautiful atmosphere
🎀 Cooking
🎀 Decorating
🎀 Jewelry
🎀 Retailer
🎀 Drawing
🎀 Painting
🎀 Collecting
🎀 Servicial
🎀 Money
🎀 Finances
🎀 Comedy
🎀 Working with kids
🎀 Poetry
🎀 Charity
🎀 Imagination
🎀 Instruments
🎀 Memory
🎀 Discipline
🎀 Self control
🎀 Material world
🎀 Counseling
🎀 Security
🎀 Self esteem
🎀 Humility
🎀 Crafting
🎀 Asking questions
🎀 History
🎀 Adaptation
🎀 Inspiring
🎀 Fashion
🎀 Philosophy
🎀 Speech
🎀 Abundance
🎀 Nourishing
🎀 Assertiveness
🎀 Therapy
additional notes: you may be childlike and/or have a baby face. you are forever young. you are outgoing. you like presents. you like learning about the past/your ancestors. you may have melancholic and nostalgic thoughts and emotions. you have a lot of energy. you are caring. you like a bit of destruction and mess (whatever that means for you). you may like wearing adornments. you may have an abundance mindset. people may feel comfortable and happy around you. you may have a hard time letting go of stuff. you may like self-care. Leave a 🎀 if you picked this reading!
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🍓 Second picture
cards: The Devil, The Lovers, Wheel of Fortune.
🍓 You could be a 6 in numerology, since you got both 6 life path number cards (The Lovers VI, The Devil XV). 6 may be a significant number to you, or you embody 6 number codes and energy.
🍓 Strong sexual and personal magnetism
🍓 Attracting people
🍓 Sensuality
🍓 Dealing with taboo and dark themes
🍓 Loving
🍓 Generous
🍓 Business
🍓 Tempting
🍓 Unmasking the truth
🍓 Strong intuition
🍓 Designing
🍓 Passionate
🍓 Psychology
🍓 Making love
🍓 Holistic medicine
🍓 Dominance
🍓 Beauty
🍓 Decision-making
🍓 Devoted/devotion
🍓 Romance
🍓 Surrender
🍓 Acceptance
🍓 Wisdom
🍓 Good luck
🍓 Deep understanding
🍓 Manifesting
🍓 Communication
🍓 Effortless persona
🍓 Relationships
🍓 Good lover
🍓 Family oriented
🍓 Artistic
🍓 Beautiful
🍓 Considerate
🍓 Appreciative
🍓 Magic
🍓 Aware
🍓 Psychic
🍓 Occult/hidden
additional notes: you may be considered sexy or conventionally attractive. people are curious about you. people tell you their secrets. you go through a lot of changes in your life/identity. you may be multi-talented like the first pic people. you are considered an open-minded person but at the same time you may be a conventional/traditional or conservative person. you like having a healthy lifestyle. you may not like sharing many stuff about yourself and that could make you a mysterious person. you like witchy stuff/ are open about witchcraft. you may get obsessed easily. you may have a lot of secrets. you may have to deal with self-pity. Leave a 🍓 if you picked this reading!
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🧁 Third picture
cards: King of Swords, Strength, Justice.
🧁 Compassion
🧁 Determination
🧁 Integrity
🧁 Power of thoughts
🧁 Power of the unconscious
🧁 Focus
🧁 Respect for life, its cycles and the natural order
🧁 Caring
🧁 Harmonious
🧁 Patience
🧁 Control
🧁 Veterinary
🧁 Taming
🧁 Problem solving
🧁 Wildness
🧁 Royalty
🧁 Law
🧁 Sharpness
🧁 Command
🧁 Good balance of feminine and masculine energies. ☯️ There is an overall balance in you.
🧁 Judge
🧁 Popular
🧁 Honesty
🧁 Impartiality
🧁 Rationality
🧁 Incredible logic
🧁 Unbiased
🧁 Fatherly
🧁 Authority
🧁 Intelligent
🧁 Discernment
🧁 Writing
🧁 Sense of justice
🧁 Giving and gaining respect
🧁 Political/good at politics
🧁 Hierarchy
🧁 Leader
additional notes: you may be a control freak. you deal with emotions harmoniously but you could also seem cold or may dislike emotionality. you are deeply spiritual though. you may be or come across as judgemental to some people but you have a fair judgement. people come to you for advice and help because of your perspectives. you sense when things aren't right or something is unfair. you may love animals and nature. maybe you have a lot of pets or you fight for animal rights. you may be bookish. you like power/feeling powerful and strong and being in high positions. you may have a clean style or like neatness. Leave a 🧁 if you picked this reading!
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Thank you for reading my post! I hope you loved it.
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lilithgreye · 9 days
Hey babe,
What placements, aspects or degrees in your natal chart can indicate getting fame from your beauty?
The main indications of fame from your beauty
— personally from what i’ve seen it’s mostly venusian, martian, and neptunian energy which also makes sense astrologically speaking
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the most common ones i’ve seen
• | aries/taurus/libra/pisces sun
• | sun in 1h/7h
• | aries/taurus/leo/libra/pisces ascendant
• | aries/taurus/libra/pisces midheaven
• | black moon lilith in 1h
• | lots of 1°/5°/9°/25° in chart (especially if it’s the sun/venus/neptune)
• | sun in 1h/2h/7h/12h
• | aries/taurus/libra/pisces midheaven
• | aries/taurus/libra/pisces ascendant
• | venus/mars/neptune in the 1h/5h/10h
• | aries/leo/pisces venus
• | chart ruler in aries/taurus/libra/pisces
• | chart ruler in 1h/10h/11h
• | mars/venus/neptune to sun
• | mars/venus/neptune to midheaven
• | mars/venus/neptune to ascendant
• | venus to neptune
• | venus to mars
— in my personal opinion i think the numerology degrees are more accurate but it’s up to personal interpretation
• | aries degrees (1°/13°/25°)
• | taurus degrees (2°/14°/26°)
• | libra degrees (7°/19°)
• | pisces degrees (12°/24°)
• | 1°/10° - according to numerology
• | 5°/14°/23° - according to numerology
• | 9°/18°/27° - according to numerology
• | black moon lilith in 1h/7h/10h
• | venus/mars/neptune dominant
• | aries/taurus/libra/pisces dominant
• | born under the goat/tiger/dragon vietnamese zodiac
• | born on a tuesday or friday
astrology behind this
• | sun = how we can gain fame
• | venus = beauty/attractiveness
• | mars = sex appeal (which most models have)
• | neptune = higher octave of venus/ethereal beauty
• | ascendant = what we’re known for in general
• | 2h = face (some astrologers disagree)
• | 7h = attractiveness
• | 10h = fame/what we’re known by the public for
• | 12h = ethereal beauty
• | lilith = related to sex appeal
honorable mentions
• | moon/pluto in the 1h/10h
• | sun/moon/uranus dominance
• | aphrodite asteroid in 10h/12h - code: 1388
• | poseidon asteroid in 10h/12h - code: 4341
• | leo/pisces aphrodite asteroid
• | leo/pisces poseidon asteroid
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- lilithgreye - plz don’t copy me word for word
navigation: asteroid tut // directory
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 4 months
114 intuitve number reading -
to wonder. escape. road island. enjoying the waters. secretive. angel guides watching over you. take sheep. new beginnings. dreams come true. dont tell a soul. heart chakra upgrades. mother is here!
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hiddenparabletheory · 3 months
What Is Hidden Parable Theory?
I have been getting a lot of questions about my theory. Here is a very short description of it. Check it out. It will blow your mind!
Many of you may be asking yourself “What exactly is Hidden Parable Theory?”. In this article, I will try to help clarify this question. So, what is Hidden Parable Theory? Hidden Parable Theory is a form of numerology that I modified using mathematical behavior based on the golden ratio. Why the golden ratio? Well, many scholars view the golden ratio as evidence of the existence of God or more specifically a Grand Creator of all things. So, it makes sense from a logical standpoint to use it as a way to interpret the Bible. Numerology then is the pathway of connecting numerical relationships that are found with the golden ratio and the Bible. Essentially, this is what makes up Hidden Parable Theory.
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Defined as straight numbers Hidden Parable Theory uses these symbolic representations of numbers found in nature to make connections with numbers in the Bible. Another way to think of it is these symbolic numbers are basically interpreted as universal numbers and are also found in other religions as well. So, locating these universal numbers in the Bible is how Hidden Parable Theory makes interpretations that are fundamentally based on elements found in nature. But it does not stop here.
The golden ratio is only one of many examples that exist in nature that support this concept of straight numbers. It is then by making connections with these other scientifically defined models in nature that a well-defined interpretation of the Bible can be made. Then it is by using these straight numbers found in the Bible and religious artifacts that codes to hidden parables are formulated.
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xxscarletxrosexx · 6 months
A Linguistic Analysis of the Spelling Names "Ania" and "Anya" (and the chapter and languages of Ostania)
This includes spoilers from Short Mission 11, or Chapter 90.1
It's not a secret that Anya's (Ania) name change was officialized along with Loid (Lloyd) and Yor (Yoru/Yolanda) in July 2019. I do recall that our loveable Forger family had different spellings in the early manga releases. Many believed that it was Endo-san's way to cover up the spelling mistake, but I believe that, whether or not the origin and/or intention was a mistake, it paved a beautiful opportunity for a deep dive into linguistics and character analysis on Anya Forger.
First, I'd like to address my thoughts on "ANIA" as the spelling. Here are a few of my impressions on this:
"ANIA" could be perceived as her original spelling because wherever she came from used this spelling.
"ANIA" could just be her limitation as a child when it came to spelling her name.
"ANIA" could be an acronym from her lab that probably served the purpose of her existence.
"ANIA" could be the name of her mother/creator. And she was subjected to share the same name of her creator for "sourcing" purposes.
"ANIA" when applied to numerology number, reinforced her code name which is 007 (which is super meta to me, but probably is a coincidence because we all know 007 was Endo's way of referencing James Bond). S/O to @momentocollector for sharing this!
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Second, I'd like to address "ANIA" as an identity for our precious baby girl.
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"Ania" is the chosen spelling. This could possibly mean that this is her real name and how it should be spelled (You, as the owner of your name have every right to decide what your name should be, spelled, or pronounced after all).
"Ania" could possibly be an influence of either her mother-tongue language's spelling.
"Ania" could possibly be due to her limitation of spelling. (I don't think she is aware of how her name should be spelled.)
Recall that Yor carved out Anya's name as "Ania" and didn't question it. This could be a reflection of Yor's own lack of familiarity of Ostanian orthography since she is academically limited, and she would have listened to how Anya would have wanted her name to be spelled. Furthermore, this tells me that Yor's absence of questioning reflects that she accepts her daughter no matter who she is, be it "Ania" or "Anya".
Third, I'd like to address "ANYA" as her name's spelling.
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"A-N-Y-A" is the spelling that her papa gave her, which tells her that she can now be on the same playing field as her parents. Their names and titles are all "masks" in this masquerade that they call "Forger". So, to little Anya, it means that she finally belongs with someone. Anya has essentially found "her home".
We also know that Franky did do a lot of paperwork and found that "Anya" is the spelling that was written down on her adoption papers. This reinforces that "Anya" is the standard Ostanian orthography of her name.
I perceive Loid as a person replicating the "average Ostanian" (since this is a deep cover mission after all), so to also tell her that her name is spelled a certain way reinforces that she has a new identity as an "Ostanian child". (I find this quite ironically poetic because it's a "fake man" giving a "fake name" to his "fake daughter").
I also see that when Anya's eyes light up, it could also mean that this new identity in her spelling change meant she was finally liberated from her days as a lab experiment and living in an orphanage.
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Fourth, I'd like to address spelling etymology.
Since I'm not a Japanese linguist expert, I found @connoisseursdecomfort post to be quite educational when it came to Japanese spelling.
What we learn from the above post is that "Ania" is an acceptable name spelling in "Old Japanese". But as time progressed, the spelling changed to "Anya" which is the modern-day spelling of this name (this may tie into Anya's character lore).
We can track "i" becomes "y" in the evolution of the alphabet from Phoenician (c. 1000 BC) to Archaeic Greek (c. 750 BC). S/O to @rachellysebrook for this link. (Again, what this reinforces is Anya's background with an unidentified mother country/mother tongue language).
Another thing is that Yor Forger did not react to the spelling of "Ania". It could possibly be that she recognized Anya's limitation, given that her daughter already had poor scores since her admission.
We also learned that Yor, a real Ostanian, seems to be limited with Ostanian orthography which is most likely due to her dropping out of school to take care of Yuri (fake Ostanian /j). From her interaction with Anya, off-screen, it appears that Yor seems indifferent to spelling standards of names (Which is nice! She is subtly against society's norm and I love her for that). Had she been aware of the spelling, she would have been the one to ask instead of Loid. (But again, it must be Loid because it's poetic and has a much more meaningful interaction between "Loid" and "Anya").
Fifth, I'd like to address the name's (possible) impact on character purpose in the story.
"Anya" means mother in Hungarian (S/O to @httplovecraft1890. This inspired my thoughts on "Ania" as a name in the lab). Could this possibly be an inspiration or coincidence? It could be a stretch, but perhaps Anya's purpose in the lab is that she's a "mother weapon" for war.
"Ania" means "gracious" and "merciful" according to Google. Which makes me think that the lab scientists went with this name because it would represent her purpose as a weapon of war. Perhaps Ania becomes the "truth serum" and could be seen as the "angel of death" because she knows the war captor's thoughts and inevitably they are executed (a possible headcanon).
Sixth, I'd like to discuss the factors of the mysterious "unidentified language".
Anya did use "oui" in the anime when Loid had adopted her. This automatically made me think her possible origins could be French, but it could also take another step back in the language family: Romance. What makes this work is that we treat "Classical Language" as a dead language based on what we read/saw in the manga/anime like Latin. Anya has an innate potential to be bi-/multilingual.
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Bonus: Seventh, I'd like to talk about the languages in this anime (This is a bit of a ramble but since we're talking about linguistics, I thought why not)...
Based on the dialogues spoken in the anime, we can confirm that English exclamatory (Oh my God, Goddammit, Shit, Wow, Elegant, etc.) and the Japanese language are the main components of the Ostanian language. This is reinforced by many characters who have used English expressions (Loid, Yuri, Yor, Anya, Damian, Henderson, etc.)
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What does bug me is whether or not "oui", a French exclamatory, should be categorized as part of the Ostanian language or if that should be categorized for Anya's hidden lore. The reason is that when Loid/Twilight heard Anya say "oui" in front of him, he did not question it. (Perhaps he was too tired to process this, or he excused it as something Anya could have seen on TV and is merely mimicking. I really don't think Twilight would be the type to excuse this realization had he not had the aforementioned state of mind). I'm leaning more towards the latter as this is from Anya's mother tongue language.
In conclusion (or tldr;): "Ania" may be her real name, but "Anya" is her new identity as part of the Forgers.
If you read everything, thank you for your time! The linguist in me is so happy that Endo-san is steeping his foot into linguistic territory. As short as this chapter was, it said A LOT to me linguistically and provided more details to the scraps of lore that we know of Anya but it also tells us a bit more about Yor, Loid/Twilight, and Ostania.
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k-martins · 6 months
Itafushi Nation, I have something for you.
In numerology (the language of numeral codes), the number 143 means "I love you" and is often used by couples on communication apps or social networks.
Well, guess what chapter number Megumi and Yuji meet after Shibuya and we have the famous phrase "So start by saving me Itadori"?
Yes that's right.
143. 😏
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toeridiaorbust · 1 year
My Thoughts of Ais’s Ending
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{Note: Images screenshotted from the Alchemist Origin}
[Image ID: Ais: “Scared you off, yet? That’d be the third bad impression I’ve made on you today.”]
In terms of giving ‘bad impressions’ to strangers, this is an altogether familiar feeling.
My family’s heritage is a bit of Eastern Asian [Chinese] and Southeast Asian [Vietnamese]. I vividly recall times of my mother pinching really, really hard on the back of my shoulder—the shoulder nearest to her reach—when I wasn’t behaving 'right'
Next: the three bad impressions in one day bit.
[More under the cut/possible spoiler territory]
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[Image ID: Ais: “. . . Because three bad impressions are enough for one day.”]
Several already have noted that Ais is an Oni, and therefore Japanese coded.
Looking into Japanese numerology really quick, [quoted from Wikipedia here] there’s the following to consider: "yon (4) and nana (7) are preferred to shi and shichi. It is purported that this is because shi is also the reading of the word death (死), which makes it an unlucky reading (see tetraphobia) . . .”
If Ais made a FOURTH bad impression to MC, it’d possibly be catastrophic.
This could imply Ais is highly superstitious, or at the very least, picks and chooses about certain things to be superstitious about.
That’s primarily the only thing that stood out to me . . . and honestly, Lyra [my Alchemist for Touchstarved] may recognize some of the superstitions/traditions Ais mentions/surrounds himself in. I don’t know yet for sure.
Two years, is all. Two. Years. Lol.
If you read this far, thank you very much!
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