#none of them are monsters destroying their mothers' lives
henrytanael19 · 8 months
Propatulus Aurora AU
In which Earth, the entire solar sytem and other planets is alive, a universe where the impossible is only an illusion, where monsters and gods are sometimes both and can be killed, living amongst their mortal kin, where the concept of Death is different for every planet or galaxy, but the solar system has a concept of death joined with the void, as inevitable as it is kind, the primordial darkness rejoicing of the life that dots it. And in which Humans are just vibing after being properly introduced to the Wider Galaxy Community, turning enemies into friends and the like. Also, Earth takes no shit from alien invaders and boots them out the moment they try to enter her atmosphere.
Except for the good ones, they can stay.
In this Au, Planets were vaguely sorted into three categories: Destroyer, Creator, and Protector. The likes of Primus, Eukaris, Devisiun, Petropia and numerous others were known as Creator-planets, due to being able to seed life from their own bodies. Whereas Unicron, Pyros, Appoplexia and the like were known as the Destroyer-planets, being known to destroy dead planets to make way for the new cycle. As the name suggested, Protector-planets were primarily concerned with the defense of their home system, protecting it both from Destroyers seeking to devour a still living planet and Creators from seeding other planets with parasites, but also has the fewest planets of the three, with Earth being counted among it alongside her siblings in the Solar System in the Milky Way. Arburia also counted as a Protector before it's destruction.
But for those lacking a Protector-planet to defend them, a Guardian and a Titan was the next best thing individual planets can have. Consisting of a planet's strongest children, they can be considered as gods in the view of others. E.g. Godzilla and Mothra of Earth are a textbook example of a Titan and Guardian pairing, despite the fact that Earth was a Protector-planet. Earth is their version of a cryptid to her fellow planets, appearing in other galaxies with no warnings.
Where humans have powers that is derived from their souls, some able to turn it tangible as their weapon of choice like a sword, or manifesting an entire armour made up of their soul or even performing them like the four elements. Due to this close connection with their own lifeforce they live somewhere in between the living and the spiritual world, otherwise called as the umbral, or fourth dimension. The denizens of the Umbral World consist of mythological or extinct creatures and primarily steeped in magic, invisible to the naked eye. And in honor of their mother-planet, they dedicated themselves to taking care of creatures trying to cause trouble in the mortal realm, whether by rehabilitation or execution, the primary group known for this is called the Titanslayers, led by June Darby and Cade Yeager.
All of this is done quietly in the shadows, considering almost none in the Wider Galaxy Community is aware of the Umbral Dimension. The Anur system are one of the few to also be able to interact with the Umbral Dimension, as well as the Null Dimension and Legerdomain by virtue of being attached to it.
Earth is steeped in magic, so humans have been able to mostly connect it seamlessly with technology and even science (E.g. Ben Tennyson being a World Shifter as well as a biologist in this AU). The primary examples are the Jaegers, metal machines operated by human pilots and the love child of science, technology and magic.
The Earth-Titans are also denizens of the Umbral Dimensions, so they are a visible example of creatures originating in the Umbral Dimension living in the Mortal Realm.
Also, Earth is as ancient as the other planets, consisting of those ages in trillions, but because she only settled into a planet after most planets already turned inactive in the case of the Creator-planets, the Galaxy widely believed she was only 4 billion years old, having only counted the years she was a planet rather than the active creature she was back then, having been the third to settle as a planet in their solar system.
Also, Earth's biodiversity came from the planets and creatures she has killed and eaten, once having been described as containing a black hole for a stomach, and with those biodiversity inherited by humans was born their nearly limitless ability to procreate with any sentient creature in the Galaxy. As long as they have the equivalent of a soul, they can carry a child of that alien species, double the effectiveness if they were just using their soul, as having just used it means their lifeforce is still closer to the surface of their physical body and made flexible enough to make procreation between two different species possible. (E.g. The Plumbers Kids/Amalgam Kids, Max McGrath, Kevin Levin, Others)
Hybrid children still aren't that common though, due to having to feed fragment bits of their own soul to sustain a half foreign onr. It can even prove taxing enough to require a third party stepping in just so both parent and offspring doesn't die.
Ancient creatures lurk in the background of the universe, taking the form of Suns, Black Holes and the like. Helios, the Sun of the Solar System, is one such example.
And as a bonus, this AU is primarily crack with eldritch horror, heartfelt feelings and interspecies romance mixed in.
In other words, welcome to the crackfest that is Propatulus Aurora, and enjoy your stay!
(PS. I'll be taking stuff from each canon and mashing them together to fit my perceptions and suits my purposes, and ignoring anything else that doesn't.)
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fandomworld9728 · 21 days
The weird thing in harem anime where everyone wants the dude for no reason...except in Lucifer's case, he is Temptation-incarnate, except he doesn't know it. The longer someone is in his presence, the more they want him.
(Requested by @suzaojou)
There are two ways I thought of to go with this.
Human AU
Fantasy AU
Couldn't make up my mind so I'm doing them both! ^-^ I will also be doing a story for both of these for this prompt.
Human AU:
Lucifer is the youngest among their siblings and comes from a well off, high society family
Is genderfluid and prefers to go by Luci since that's what everyone who is close to them usually calls them
Mostly presents as male and doesn't get upset up if someone accidently mixes up their pronouns. Only gets mad if someone does it on propose
Doesn't have a preference for one gender or the other with the people they date or sleep with
Best friends with Anthony (Angel Dust) and both get a kick out of playing around with their androgynous features
Lucifer & Anthony both have Heterochromia. Anthony's being light blue and amber. Lucifer's being light blue and red
Lucifer is 18 years old trying to raise their 2-year-old daughter as a single parent with the help of Anothy and the only two siblings who will talk to them
Main love interests:
Adam - Former childhood friend, oldest of the two, grew up on a farm, now a police officer
Cherri Bomb - Not her actual name, punk girl who loves to party, friends with Anthony, works at a waitressing job she hates
Anthony - Best friend, wants a polyamorous relationship, lives with them
Alastor - Guy they met in high school before they had to drop out to take care of Charlie, famous radio host who loves to pick and tease at them whenever he gets the chance
Fantasy AU:
Lucifer is the youngest among his siblings but is only their half sibling
Was the result of a night between a God and a Demon Lord
Lived out on his own in an old mansion with only a tutor and a small handful of servants that he saw more as family then employees
Left home to become an adventurer
Wears an eye patch over his left eye to hide his red, cursed, demon eye he inherited from his mother
Has no idea about his lineage or what he truly is
Has many different forms of magic and combat training but mainly sticks to a Bard/Druid/Healer class combination
Is considered the Sin of Pride in the demon realm and the heir to the Demon Lord's throne
The other six Sins vow to protect their future king at all costs
Is also the heir to the Heavenly Throne
His older siblings he had never met outside of being a newborn also vow to protect him leading to a lot of fighting between the two factions. Lucifer is none the wiser to any of this
Some of the cast:
Adam - One of Lucifer's childhood friends, has his own adventuring team, came from a commoner's background but was able to raise to the rank of a knight, human
Lilith - One of Lucifer's childhood friends & first love, on Adam's adventuring team, is a princess of a kingdom destroyed by war and seeking refuge in the kingdom they currently lived in, daughter of a human sorceress & a siren king
Eve - One of Lucifer's childhood friends & Adam's betrothed, on Adam's adventuring team, half elf daughter of the forest, orphaned at a young age
Angel/Anthony (Angel Dust) - Works at a brothel, has basic magic centered around charming and seduction, really good with weapons, half succubus, ends up joining Lucifer on his adventure
Sir Pentious - Snake demi-human, obsessed with human inventions & machines, saved by Lucifer & Angel and decides to join their group
Alastor - Deer demon/demi-human, wild shapes into a giant deer/wendigo like monster against his will during mating season, usually looks mostly human besides his deer features, stalks Lucifer and his group after an encounter in the cursed forest
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coraniaid · 10 months
School Hard is, in retrospect, one of the pivotal episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  
In this episode, Buffy is trapped in Sunnydale High School, forced to confront one of the most significant villains the show has yet introduced; one of the most iconic and memorable of the show’s seven seasons.  Somebody who, the first time he speaks to Buffy this episode, casually threatens to kill her and walks away without so much as a scratch.  Somebody who we’re meant to see as an altogether different proposition than his Season 1 predecessors.  Somebody whose attempts to destroy Buffy this time around are only foiled thanks to unexpected support from her mother, leaving him free to try again and again for the rest of the season. 
A villain who, unlike Luke and the Annointed One and all the other Season 1 monsters of the week, actually seems to be having fun while he does his best to ruin Buffy’s life and inflict misery and torture on the population of Sunnydale. Somebody who relishes in inflicting pretty cruelty.  Somebody who was originally intended to be killed off after only a few appearances, but who – thanks in no small part to his performance in episodes like this one – will instead continue to appear on the show for years to come.  A character it is impossible to imagine Buffy the Vampire Slayer without.
I am, of course, talking about Principal Snyder.
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(Also there are some new vampires in town this episode I guess but whatever.  This post isn’t about them.)
I didn’t talk about him much during my Season 1 rewatch, but I really enjoy Principal Snyder as an antagonist.  I think he might actually be one of my favorite minor characters.  He’s incredibly well realized from his first appearance in The Puppet Show: instantly this note perfect pastiche of a self-important petty little bully with just barely enough power to be really dangerous.  The show uses him as a contrast to the other adults in Buffy’s life (Giles, Joyce) to such good effect (especially at the beginning of Season 3).  And Armin Shimerman is fantastic in the role: you can see why the writers gave up on their initial idea of Sunnydale High having a whole string of different principals who got killed off every few episodes.
He’s such a well done comic character too: funny, but never slipping up and giving the impression of being in on the joke.  We’re only seven episodes in, and we’ve already gotten gems like “I can smell trouble – it’s like a sixth sense.” and  “What are you, ghouls?  There are no dead students here.  This week.”.  All delivered with this perfect growling sneer and no acknowledgement at all that what he’s saying is ridiculous.
He’s just fun, in a way that I really don’t think any of Buffy’s other non-supernatural antagonists are.  Yes, Buffy will continue to find the non-supernatural parts of her life hard after high school, but it’s all so impersonal after this.  Other than Maggie Walsh (who is really part of the supernatural world anyway, as head of the Initiative, so barely counts), none of the bad professors she has to deal with in college are recurring characters.  Neither is her bank manager, or her boss at the Doublemeat Palace, or Dawn’s security worker. (Okay, very technically her second manager at the DMP is recurring, but you know what I mean.) 
Of course, being a Slayer still causes Buffy problems in her day to day life, but for whatever reason – I don’t know if it was a deliberate choice or just a result of the later seasons becoming increasingly serialized and story-arc focused - the show becomes less and less concerned with showing us that everyday life.  (Is Parker the last recurring character of any importance who never finds out that Buffy is the Slayer?) And when Buffy goes back to work at the high school in Season 7, everything’s so tied up with her being the Slayer that we just don’t get the same juggling-two-lives thing anymore.
And ... well, I guess Buffy doesn't miss Snyder. I can hardly blame her. But I do.
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sawturn77 · 5 months
 𝕞𝕚𝕕𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟-𝕘𝕠𝕛𝕠 𝕤𝕒𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕦 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
chasing the pain,
1: he stayed the same.
i never wanted to be cursed.
in this wasteland of a planet, there’s a barrier between curses, the cursed, and humans. humans who were born without curse live in luxury. they live with very few worries, none of them involving large and horrifying creatures. the creatures that people like myself have to deal with. curses were born from humans and the negative emotions that they harbor. i wonder, would they still be upset over the littlest things if they knew that they were creating monsters? the monsters that we have to risk our life killing? life isn’t fair, sure, but shouldn’t it be? putting us through losses and sorrow and near-death situations everyday and not trying to break the source to end our suffering? being cursed was very different from being ‘normal’, and after that day, i understood why.
i never wanted to be cursed, but i was born cursed.
if you think about it, everyone is cursed in their own way, right?
my mother was cursed, too. plagued with cursed energy that would destroy her body the older she became. “i’ll be fine.” she told me. laid in a large hospital bed, her skin attached to tubes and monitors. my heart ached to see her like that. her shaky hands came to hold mine. they were cold, i thought. the warmth in her voice and eyes was similar to the warmth in her hands. gone. she was so skinny, so frail. her bones were nearly peaking out of her flesh. the mere thought of it made my eyes sting. “please,” i begged, lowering my head. i didn’t know what i was begging for. there was nothing to hope for, not a miracle, not a dream. she would’ve always turned out this way. no matter what i did. she was born cursed. “a month.” she spoke. “a month until we have to depart, my sweet child.” how could i let go of her? how could i ever give up so easily on her? “anything, i’ll do anything for you to stay.” “don’t make this hard, we still have time.” her lips curved into a smile, but i wasn’t comforted by it at all. not anymore. my vision became clouded, tears threatening to fall. before my mother could speak, a soft tune filled my ears. my phone was ringing. i didn’t care. what mattered was being with her. “answer it, dear. don’t worry about me.” hesitant, i nodded, taking my phone and walking into the hallway.
“hello?” “is this l/n?” “yes. what do you need?” “i hate to interrupt, but there’s a second grade cursed spirit near the hospital you’re at. i’ve sent backup in case you need more time with-“ “its fine, yaga. i’ll deal with it.” “are you sure?” “yes. i’ll be at jujutsu tech this afternoon for my official transfer.” “alright then.”
i hung up, letting of a sigh. once i entered the room again, she was already fast asleep. i leaned down, placing my lips on her wrinkled forehead. “i’ll be back soon, i promise.”
i hated the sound of distorted curses. the ones that could speak were better, in my opinion. instead of their being just one curse, there was multiple. they were near the hospital, i guess humans harbored negative emotions the most there. i stood on a light post, watching the cursed spirits squirm to find humans. pathetic, i thought. but at the same time, i felt bad. pulling out my sword and jumping down from the light post, i activated my technique. i felt disgusting, using the very thing that cursed me, robbed me of a normal life, and was now about to take my mother from me. a technique passed down from my mother and onto me. how lucky. my cursed technique, “poltergeist”, allowed me to become a ghost and do things similar to a ghost. becoming invisible, passing through wall, possessing people, etc. my family was full of pretenders. all of the sorcerers had techniques that pertained to illusion and mind tricks. i never hung around them much. one of the curses turned to where i had landed, but not the place that i was at the moment. the creature looked around, obviously confused. i drove my sword through its neck, dragging the blade throughout its body. purple blood was disturbing;i liked red blood a lot better. i watched as the corpse fell to the ground, quickly decaying. i moved on to my next target, and after half a minute, all the curses had been cleared out. all of them were much weaker than a second grade cursed spirit. maybe even weaker than a fourth grade. did yaga’s “back-up” already deal with it? i released my technique, watching as my body became visible again. a warm and chunky substance was on my face. wiping it off, i found my answer quicker than i was comfortable with.
a large cursed spirit appeared behind me. i hadn’t noticed it. before i could react, i was flung into a building, my back hitting the wall hard. blood spurts out if my mouth. i could tell by the force of that hit, that this was no regular second grade cursed spirit. first grade? i stand up, my body aching. reaching for my sword, i realized that i didn’t have it, and it was where i was before i got thrown. the curse approached me with a mighty attitude. it was similar to an oni, having a distorted face under his mask. i became invisible again, quickly maneuvering around the cursed spirit. i found my sword, taking a deep breath and readying my sword. making myself visible, i called out to the spirit.
“hey, big guy! over here!” i waved at him, the cocky smirk i had must’ve made him angry, poor fella. he charged at me, and i stood still, getting in a combat stance. my plan was to become invisible again, possess the spirit, and kill him while im in his body. but, it didn’t go as planned. i felt a large wave of cursed energy coming from my far right. it distracted me. was it three more cursed spirits as strong as the one in front of me? no, it was more like two people and a cursed spirit. before i knew it, the cursed spirit spawned a large saw out of nowhere. the saw came close, almost touching head. a large dragon came and swallowed it, nearly blowing me away. i stood shellshocked for a second before an hand came to my waist. on pure instinct, i held the tip of my sword to their throat.
“no way! it really is ghost girl!”
my hand started to shake at the voice. much to my dismay, it was the one and only gojo satoru. he was from a big-shot sorcerer family, but im sure you knew that. a totally spoiled and cocky bastard. i knew that, even though the last time i saw him was when we were six.
“it’s been awhile, ghost girl.” he smirked. i hated his cocky tone already. “i save you and this is the thanks i get? how mean.” the albino crossed his arms and pouted. i wasn’t stupid. gojo obviously didn’t have a curse manipulation technique, and that was one of the very few ways he could’ve gotten that curse to act on his command. “you didn’t save me.” i murmured bitterly, sheathing my katana. i watch his bright blue eyes trail my figure through his dark sunglasses. he lets out a chuckle. “you’ve gotten a lot bigger, y/n. and meaner.” he said the last part under his breath. “i remember when you were juuuust this big!” gojo pinched his fingers together in my face, inducing an annoyed groan from me. “shut up. it’s l/n to you.” “yikes, ghost girl. you know how many women would love to be in your place right now-“ a deep and raspy voice interrupted his sentence. “are you done flirting, satoru?” a tall man with dark hair and deep brown eyes said. how reserved, i though. why couldn’t gojo be more like his friend. “suguru! thanks for the help, buddy.” “you didn’t do anything..” “anyways!” gojo grabs my shoulders from behind and pushes me in front of his friend. “suguru, meet y/n l/n! the girl from the l/n clan that goes to kyoto jujutsu tech.” i soften my expression, waving politely. “it’s nice to meet you, l/n. im suguru geto.” he smiles, shaking my hand. the most composed jujutsu sorcerer i’ve ever met award had to go to him. everyone else was a jinga tower. the white haired man drapes his arms over my shoulders, leaning on me. my eyebrows furrow.
“h-hey! get off of me!” “carry me!!” “what the hell? no!” “wait, l/n, if you’re from kyoto, why are you here in shinagawa?” geto queried. “i..” i pause. “i was visiting someone-“ “y/n’s gonna transfer to tokyo! yippee!” he lifted me up like a kid, spinning me around like a maniac. “really. that’s nice. now, i wont have satoru bothering me all the time.” “what! you can have him, i dont want him!”
a new series🔥🔥 even though i js started the megumi one a few days ago. i, rlly excited abt this one. idk what i was on but i cooked with the first few paragraphs🔥also this is not proofread.
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jayktoralldaylong · 1 year
The story of Wei Wuxian from an outsider's perspective is actually kind of hilarious. (An outsider in the cultivation world).
Ah yes, he's an evil guy that sided with the very clan that massacred his home (that is not how that went 😅)
He even caused the death of his sister who raised him like she was her own flesh and blood (she kind of did that herself with the trying to save him....)
He also killed her husband (okay that was an accident and it wasn't even his fault)
We're all very grateful for the hero of the story Jiang Cheng who stepped up and started the siege that destroyed the monster once and for all (your hero cries himself to sleep every night but okay. Isn't it funny though that lots of kids grow up looking up to Jiang Cheng who actually hates his life - never meet your heroes kids).
Back to Wei Wuxian's evil, he killed 3000 cultivators (he didn't even kill that many people. You guys just made that up to make him sound worse than he is so that you'd feel good about killing him).
I think it's funny that him corrupting Lan Wangji is a story that never got passed around. Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen really kept Wangji's feelings very hush hush. Good for them, Wangji could mourn in peace.
Probably the only accurately bad thing Wei Wuxian did was practice demonic cultivation, and yes he did it for a great cause but I'm pretty sure it messes you up when you see the corpse of your old friend Lisa killing your neighbors. That's.....wow Lisa, I didn't know you had it in you.
Then out of nowhere, everything you've apparently heard is a lie. The evil demonic cultivator is a self sacrificial bisexual clown with good intentions. The hero is a kid that was forced to choose between what was black and white in a morally grey world and he chose what was accepted by the times, just to end up being wrong (and live with that curse for the rest of his life). None of that matters though because we (the cultivation world) have found someone new to bully and we don't really care about his crimes as much as we care about his prostitute mother. How dare he hold unto power for so long? He doesn't even have noble blood.
What? He did all the things we accused Wei Wuxian of doing..... Nevermind that. We wouldn't have blamed Wei Wuxian if he didn't do evil cultivation in the first place. Yes, let's ignore him. He and Jin Guangyao are birds of evil feathers.
Wei Wuxian: I literally risked it all to save your lives TWICE.
The Cultivation World: And we'll gossip more about Jin Guangyao than we gossip about you, so we're even now.
Wei Wuxian: This raggedy bit-
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manygeese · 1 month
I watched the Percy Jackson tv series and now it’s time for the brainrot
Loved the series but I want to talk about one thing and only one thing rn
Spoilers ahead
At the end of one episode (I think it was “We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium”), Hermes is in the elevator which is playing Arthur’s theme. He sings a little bit of the chorus (only the “New York City” part) and instead of the normal theme at the end credits, Arthur’s theme plays.
The end credits open with the line “Arthur, he does as he pleases” which is probably symbolic of Percy disobeying Annabeth and Grover’s suggestion of burying Medusa’s head and sending it to the Gods. Percy is doing as he pleases, he’s showing how he feels to the gods, he doesn’t really care what they think about him. The episode ended with Hermes delivering the head to Olympus so big connection between the song, Percy, and his relationship with the gods.
Then we get to “All of his life, his master’s toys”. Percy has only just entered the control of the gods, as he didn’t know his heritage until the beginning of the series. He’s only been “his master’s toys” for a couple of days by this episode, and while I think this line could be interpreted to be about Percy, I think this line is more about Annabeth.
Annabeth has been striving for her mother’s approval for forever. She’s been waiting for a quest sent by the gods so she can prove herself. She has been at the gods’ mercies since she came to camp. She has been their toy until Percy came along and gave her a chance. Percy doesn’t make her prove herself to be his friend, to have his approval, he approves from the start (even if he’s scared of her lol).
“Deep in his heart, he’s just, he’s just a boy
Living his life one day at a time
He’s showing himself a pretty good time”
These lines may reflect Percy’s attitude toward the quest. He goes from one monster to the next. Mrs. Dodds, the Minotaur, the furies, Medusa, etc etc. Basically living his new life one day at a time (that’s kind of how I felt reading the book).
But he’s not ready for this- none of them are. Annabeth’s not ready to face her mother’s judgement, Grover’s… well, he’s Grover, and he’s the living definition of panic attack at least in the books, and Percy is totally unprepared. He’s just a boy. They’re just preteens. They’re kids, and the gods are forcing them to be heroes.
Yet despite it all, they’re becoming friends, they’re even having a little fun, they’re making the best of it. They’re enjoying their seemingly limited time on earth before the gods destroy it. They’re just kids, they’re just living, they’re just trying to do the best that they can do (AND that’s a lyric in the chorus lol). This is how Percy sees it. These lines explain Percy’s point of view.
And finally, the last line I wanted to talk about, “Laughing about the way they want him to be.” This a mixture of the previous lines- he’s “showing himself a pretty good time”, he “does as he pleases”. And most importantly, he sees that he and the other demigods are their “master’s toys”, that heroism is a vicious cycle of serving and not getting recognized for all the work you’re doing. And what does Percy do? He laughs. He acts impertinent. He helps Annabeth and Grover break out of the cycle, and he goes around telling everybody who says “it’s just the way things are” that it shouldn’t HAVE to be that way.
P.S: Hermes only sings the “New York City” part of the chorus. The full line is “When you get caught between the moon and New York City” (this is where I go into dumbass analysis mode). This could be Hermes not acknowledging that demigods are stuck in a cycle that the gods have trapped them in (leaving out the “when you get CAUGHT”). This is silly
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aether-bun · 4 months
Hi there I was wondering if you could write some headcanons of the S/V Trio+carmin and kieran (and maybe the BB league if not then just the first two) meeting a gn or male reader who is poke-human hybrid(half incineroar) who was part of an experiment and was saved by their adopted mother
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Anomaly (noun):
"Something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified; something anomalous."
"The legend of the hybrids is a story that has lived in Paldea longer than most. In an age long past, there was once a fearsome group of monstrous creatures; monsters that bore the forms of Incineroar, that spoke the dialect of humankind. They terrorised villages and destroyed homes, and were hunted down to what was thought to be their extinction. Some say they can still hear the horrifying screams of these abominations in caves and cliff edges to this day, but none who explore these rumours have ever come back..."
Characters (in order): Nemona, Arven, Kieran
The reader is referred to with he/him pronouns, but is otherwise kept ambiguous in terms of everything but the fact that he is VERY tall. This is purely platonic!!
[author's note at the end!]
NEMONA is the first to meet you.
I think she would meet you in the beach area we find Korai/Miraidon
It was by complete accident, she was walking around and exploring when she suddenly heard what sounded like human voices echoing from off the ledge, so she investigated, worried that someone was hurt.
What she didn't expect was to see a group of people, with arms that faded into red paws, legs that did the same, tails that swished around, a fiery belt around their waists and two red and black ears coming out of short, thick red hair!
You locked eyes, and both of you were very nervous immediately. She had so many questions! But by the time she could get her brain back together to formulate any sort of a sentence, you and your pride took off into the caves.
She doesn't see you again for a few months - she almost thinks she dreamt the whole day up - until she's exploring those exact caves in search of some houndour to catch.
She's overencumbered, of course, because suddenly their houndoom appears and they're all surrounding her and her pokemon, and she knows she's definitely screwed up
Suddenly, there's a loud, earth-shaking roar, as you emerge with your pack at the cave's only other exit. The pack of hounds flinch at your intimidating forms and flee, and you make sure they stay gone before cautiously helping this human off of the ground.
She's stunned. The rambler can't form a thought. You tower over her, and your form fills her head with so many questions that she's afraid her head will explode, but again, you're gone before she can even get them out.
So, she starts staying around the cave when she knows it's safe. She finally has the courage and the power to stop her brain from frying when she sees you, so she wants to get to know you. You see her, of course, from afar, but you don't go near her. The humans can't know.
Until she finds you anyway, and she tries to introduce herself.
You're cautious. This woman is half your height, you could literally crush her, but she's holding out her hand to you and telling you her name, as if that idea isn't looming above her like a vice. It is. She's very scared.
"....[Y/N]." You caution, shaking her hand as she beams. "So you can talk!?" She asks, making you cringe from her volume. "Yes?" You say.
From there, you grow to be unlikely friends. She swears she won't tell anyone who you are! She swears she won't let anyone know she's seen you - it'll be your little secret!
Yeah. Guess how long that lasted. Now take that guess and halve it. It took three days for her to crack and spill to Arven. Penny overheard by pure accident, too, and Nemona made them swear to not tell anyone.
"Didn't you also swear that?!" Arven had demanded. Nemona immediately changed the subject.
Finding two more humans in your den was irritating, but Nemona made you feel like you couldn't stay mad at her. This, in turn, made you even more frustrated.
Nemona likes to feel your fur and insists you're so soft that she feels like she can go to sleep on you. You deny her that leisure as soon as you can.
She likes learning about how you and your pack live, coexisting with other pokemon. You tell her it's an oddly isolating life; stuck between pokemon and human with no way of ever fitting into either category. It's why you live in this cave. It's safer here.
"Isn't it...lonely?"
"...yes. it is. but it's necessary for our survival as a pack."
Nemona feels very sorry for you, but makes up for it by always sneaking off to hang with you as much as she can.
You find you like the insight these new humans have, so you don't mind their stay.
ARVEN is very intimidated when he meets you.
For a researcher, you would've thought Nemona's story about Pokehumans would be completely blasphemous to him.
You would be wrong.
He believed her instantly, without so much as a photo of proof. It was Penny who managed to get him to realise how off that sounded.
The three of them took to researching anything about these supposed hybrids that they could. Arven was the one to find the old folkstory. It scared him.
"Nemona, you can't go back there. Look at this! These things are obviously just trying to kill you!"
Nemona is VERY quick to jump to your defense. "Arven! He saved me from those houndour and houndoom I was trying to fight! He saw that I could've been hurt and he stepped in and saved me!"
Penny remarked the unusual behaviour.
Arven wasn't buying your charity act.
"Until I see proof that these things exist, let alone are docile, I'm not believing a word." He crossed his arms.
"Great, come meet them then!"
And thus, Nemona and Arven set off while Penny did more research into the beings.
When your new human friend arrives to your spot in the cave, you see she's dragging along with her a blond haired man. This sets you on edge, and unfortunately, you and your pack immediately rising to defend your home gives off a bad first impression.
Arven tries to pull Nemona away, to escape, to fight back, to hide, to do anything but stand there and try to reason with them Nemona please for the love of Arceus let's GO
Nemona apologises to you for accidentally spilling your secret and it takes quite a while for you to tell your pack to stand down. You come to face them, and Arven stares at you with unhidden horror. You huff. He flinches with a whimper.
"[Y/N], this is Arven. Arven, this is [Y/N]. He leads the pack." Nemona's voice is steady but it's easy to see she's nervous. You can basically smell the fear on them.
It takes an even longer while for Arven to calm down enough to look at you properly. Multiple visits, where you aren't alone together, and then he eventually realises you don't pose a threat unless he does, which, to be fair, in your eyes he never did.
(you're pretty sure you could blink and he'd disintegrate. you don't say this, for fear that the idea will have the same effect.)
Eventually, you warm up to him and his Mabostiff companion, and he warms up to you enough to be alone with you and the pack.
He sews up some of your clothes, noticing the wear and tear of them. Like most of your interactions, it takes a while for you to let him, but once you do, he acknowledges the trust you have in him and is very careful.
Before long, he becomes your medic too. He teaches you about these wonderful things called sandwiches that you have in these events deemed picnics, and in turn he notes your behaviours and temperaments.
It's a mutually beneficial relationship. You trust him and he trusts you. He becomes your second "friend".
[For this next segment, I am going to say that the preface is that Carmine and Kieran are looking into urban legends around Paldea and they come across the one about your pack. This next section is assuming Nemona, Arven and Penny either never found you, or found you later. Consider this the other path in the road if you will! :)]
KIERAN meets you in the plateaued mountains of Paldea, on a mission to prove you're real.
In hindsight, the circumstances could've been better.
He'd been injured on the mountains by a rogue Zigzagoon, and he was currently trying to call for help.
No, as in, he was yelling 'Help'. He's a kid without a phone, man.
You hear his cries and, against your better judgement, you command the pack to hide and look for the voice yourself.
Lo and behold, you find a small boy, no older than a kit, and he's bleeding around his leg. A Dipplin and a Grigar are looking on in concern for their trainer, and, though weakened, they jump to defend when they see you approach.
Alerted by the sounds of his pokemon amping to attack, he looks and he sees you, the terrifying hybrid creature he'd read about in tales of old.
In those tales, this was the part where he became a fatality.
He was paralysed with fear, the pain of his leg long forgotten as he stared up at you.
Death never came. Instead, you kneeled and spoke to the offensive Pokemon. Just like the stories, you spoke perfectly human. Your voice was gravelly and rough, but completely comprehensible.
"He needs assistance."
The Pokemon spoke back to you. You seemed to dislike their answer.
"I do not wish to hurt him. If you want that wound to get worse, then I'll leave. But if you want that kit to keep that leg of his, I can help."
Kieran's Pokemon looked back at his trembling form, before resigning to a nod. You turned your gaze to focus on the boy, who seemed to be on the verge of a heart attack.
"I can help you, young one."
He shook his head.
"Your leg. It is bleeding."
Hating the way his words failed him, he slowly nodded.
"If you do not let me help you, that will hurt more and it will get worse. You cannot get to a Pokemon Centre from here by yourself. Allow me to help you."
Grigar and Dipplin had returned to his side and offered their concerned support once again. Soothed very slightly by his Pokemon, Kieran swallowed the lump in his throat and slowly, he nodded.
You were careful with the kit. You took him first to your pack and used some natural resources to bandage the wound and stop the bleeding. You crafted a stilt to keep his leg from moving with some wooden crutches, and then you left him near the edge of the woods, near a centre, where his Pokemon could then aid him in getting him the rest of the way.
In that time, he'd asked you some questions.
"How long have you been out here?"
"And...you don't ever get seen?"
"We do. Most of your kind is violent first without thinking. That lack of trust almost made me not help you. But to go as low as those who cross that line would be to prove them right."
"So...you helped me to prove them wrong?"
"No, young one. I helped you because it's the right thing to do, and you are only small."
He was tended to quickly when he was seen by his own kind. Questions were thrown at him without even so much as the minute it took to sit him down. "Who bandaged this? Where did you learn to make these crutches? How did you get back down here without encountering any more trouble?"
He looked back at where he could faintly see your outline. You were watching him to make sure he was safe.
"...I just did." He said, refusing to elaborate.
With a nod, you disappeared into the woods, and the boy never saw you again. He didn't need to. He had all the proof he needed, and it'd stay with him for the rest of his life.
He could feel you watching him sometimes, when he was exploring the plateau with his sister. But he never really saw more than a flickering trail of embers or a rogue tail swishing as you undoubtedly left for your pack.
Your protection made him smile.
Okay so first and foremost, where are Penny and Carmine??
To be completely honest, I didn't know how to write either of them in this situation! I felt that Penny would be much like a diluted version of Arven, and that Carmine would be almost identical to Nemona, and maybe it's just my brain but I couldn't figure how to articulate that. So my sincerest apologies for that.
Otherwise, I hope that this was a nice little read! I liked the idea of trying to figure out how to hybrid an incineroar with a human, and I found a lot more trouble in it than I initially thought I would!
Thank you so much for this request, it was a real mind boggler to be honest, but incredibly fun nonetheless.
Send me your requests in my inbox! Otherwise, ciao for now ♡
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huevokinder24 · 1 year
Shadow and bone rant
Was shadow and bone S2 a good one? It was enjoyable. It was watchable. That's it.
For those of us who have read the books it was a huge mess.
Let's talk first about the grisha trilogy.
They joined book 2 and 3 (and crooked kingdom for some fucking reason, but I'll get to that later) and just rushed through the plot.
While I'm not the biggest fan of the trilogy and SOC is one of my favorite books ever, I still think the crows had no business being there. They just took too much screentime, something I usually wouldn't complain about but now I am. The sword subplot alone would have been okay. The rest? What the fuck was that??
Due to this, we didn't get to see the actual story of Sab. And don't get me wrong, I wasn't expecting a word by word adaptation, but this felt.... The characters weren't themselves.
Nikolai felt incredibly plain. He was just a nice guy. But where was his wit? His charm? His "my mother was an oyster, I'm the pearl". Where was his personality?
Also, he never loved Alina, and Alina didn't love him. Why would they push this narrative?
Everyone loves the darkling because he is charismatic and a master manipulator. This season he was just a dying guy. He didn't feel threatening. He didn't feel like the villain at all.
Zoya was completely sidelined for Alina. My girl had like 3 scenes and she didn't do much. In the book we saw rare moments of vulnerability, saw her friendship with Alina and genya grow. But she was still the cold bitch everyone loves because that's what makes Zoya Zoya.
They offed David just like that, and again, replaced him with Alina in the triumvirate. And I'm so mad about this. The triumvirate was made up of the three leaders that the orders chose to lead them during the war (except for genya). There are one of each order so the darkling's favoritism wouldn't repeat, so all the orders would stand on equal ground. Again, they were leaders. Political leaders. Now we have 2 summoners and a colporalki. What about the materialki? They lost their place in Nikolai's circle.
Also, the little reunion of Alina, genya and Zoya at the end was more like "uwu besties hanging out" than, "we have the responsibility to lead the orders and rebuild the country"
Mal just left. JUST LIKE THAT. we have a season full of Malina kissing and vowing they'll spend their lives together after they destroy the fold and kill the darkling, and the dude just leaves. Not just leaves, BECOMES STURMHOND. Do the writers know what sturmhond means to Nikolai? He would NEVER let any other person, least of all Mal take over the role.
And the twins left with him. The twins would never leave Nikolai.
Also Tolya, canonically ace, giving inej heart eyes????
And Alina. Where was her internal struggle? She kept her powers and is ready to become queen? And marry Nikolai??? She never wanted the crown. She never loved Nikolai. She only wanted to disappear into the sunset with mal and open an orphanage to help children like her. She literally told Nikolai that Zoya would make a better queen, hinting at zoyalai.
The whole point of Alina's character was that she was just a girl. She was just a girl turned saint, something she didn't want, with an enormous power she never asked for. She was just a girl who wanted a normal life but had to play the hero at 17. By the end of ruin and rising, she is exhausted, weary, drained. She faked her own death so people would leave her alone, so she could retire to the middle of nowhere with Mal and live a quiet life.
Now they're making her Nikolai's betrothed, future queen of Ravka, and... Evil? After she fought so hard to not become a monster like the darkling??
And where's the religion??? A huge part of the grishaverse revolves around religion, especially in the grisha trilogy. The manipulation of information and public image, twisting the narrative so it fits your goals, the zeal of the masses based on that exact narrative that those in power created.... There was none of that. Only inej called Alina "Sankta Alina" but they never showed what becoming Sankta was like for Alina.
This was just... Ugh. It was not BAD, but I'm so disappointed, especially for the crows, so part 2?
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peachymilkandcream · 2 months
Someone To Love|Part 6|Reiner Braun x Jealous Reader
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(A/N: So like I said this series is pretty short so I'm only doing seven parts to it, this was just a little blurb I thought would be fun. Note that even though this has been posted on Wednesdays, after it's over I'm going back to only doing two series a week, posted on Monday and Tuesday. The only reason I did this separately because it was something already promised, short, and mostly pre-written. Hope you enjoy and comment to be tagged in the finale!)
WARNINGS: implied nsfw, depression, attempted suicide, violence, general angst, slowburn, lowkey love triangle with a happy ending, not a warning but Reiner calls you nicknames instead of y/n (because I personally can't stand it)
Betrayal. Trust broken. Revenge.
It was nothing Reiner didn't deserve, but hell if it still felt like a punch to the gut.
He had come back to that cursed island with the determination to save the world in mind. He would save everyone, especially Evelyn. He would rescue her from hell and bring her back home safely. Reiner had failed her once before, letting Levi take her away, he couldn't screw it up again. This time he'd kill the bastard so she'd never have to look over her shoulder again. So she could feel a life of peace. He believed in all of this she was just a helpless victim.
And then The Rumbling shattered his faith in her. She was right about Evelyn. She was a traitor.
Reiner could barely look at either of them, the Ackermans, across the campfire acting like nothing had happened. Everyone else welcoming the monster into their presence, did no one know or care? Were they content to just allow such evil in their midst with no looks of disgust or hatred like his?
All his affection for Evelyn was a conflicted jumbled mess, she had been one of the masterminds behind the destruction of his home, helped cause the very thing threatening to destroy the world as they knew it.
But what part of it was her, and what part was someone else pulling the strings? Was she an innocent bystander or was that all more lies?
She had betrayed him, used him and led him to think her life in Marley was caused by her terror of Levi, and yet here she was, seemingly content by the whole thing. Was any of it real?
Reiner thought of Evelyn like an angel, untouchable and pure, he was determined to make this world better so that she had her rightful place as a queen to live in it. But now with the veil off her hands were just as filthy as everyone else's. Unwillingly or not, she had condemned the world to death, and he couldn't tell if she truly regretted it yet.
There had to be some other play at work, a threat, some hidden forced deal she had made to ensure the safety of her and her unborn child. He knew Evelyn, she was the kindest and most welcoming person to the Scouts that he knew. Most of the others saw her like a mother, but to him she was special. She never would have agreed to this willingly...
Words had been said, none of which Reiner didn't agree with. But as he stormed off reason kicked in and allowed him to think. As much as he wanted to he couldn't kill Levi just yet. He needed him to stop this madness. Only after could he even think about getting even, he had to use his head or they'd all be wiped out.
As he laid there, trying to find peace and sleep, surprisingly his thoughts went to his friend back home. She had been worried about him, told him to come home safely. No one else had ever done that. Even his own mother sent him off with pride, not fear. It was like his life mattered.
And if Evelyn was so willing to defend Levi at all costs, betraying his trust again and again. Could he ever make her see the danger she was in with him? Or was that all a lie too?
The sound of thunder filled the air, the skies in the distance darkening to a smoky black. There were in for one hell of a storm.
Those still in the market started to hurry home, fear of being drenched overcoming them. She was no exception, quickening her pace to ensure that the threatening water drops wouldn't seek to ruin what little food she could afford to buy.
However soon people started bumping into her, more of a hurry being made to run in the opposite direction of the clouds.
"Watch it-! It's just a storm, no need to kill me over it-" She huffed and kept walking, stopping when she smelled the scent of fire and smoke filling the air. "What's going on?"
Panic had set in, her people running to the gate that separated the outside world with their little community. It was like mass hysteria had taken over, something was going on, something horribly wrong.
She followed them until she made it to the clamoring crowd. "Someone please tell me what's going on!"
"Titans!" A man shrieked, terror in his eyes. "An army of Titans! They came from the sea, they're flattening everything and coming this way!"
"But the military will stop them, we have the strongest military in the world-! Surely a few Titans can't stop them."
"They fled, all of them fled or got crushed, there's nothing to stop them!"
Her basket of groceries dropped, soon crushed into paste as more panic filled the air. The realization hitting her.
The Island Devils had made good on their promise.
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via-the-cryptid · 8 months
Ive been thiking a little about some things:
1.- I dont remember if one of the Rules of Prismo's Wishroom was that you have to arrive on your own to get a wish or you could be invited, but even if thats the case they could still have Farmworld's Enchiridion (because here there is no backstabbing that ends with the book destroyed) to open a portal so Simon gets his wish the right way.
2.- Talking about Farmworld, I cant imagine how Finn, who has been living with a magical snow mom for a couple of months/years by now, would react to seeing a magical ice version of himself in Crossover.
3.- Continuing with Farmworld, we assume that both that and the regular timeline advance at the same time, so if they go into the multiversal adventure with Finn still being a Teenager, that would mean that Farmworld Finn would also be a Teenager when they arrive. But that could open another story, maybe they find him after his parents and brother died/left for some reason and he is on his own with normal Jake and Bartram, maybe when he meets his future wife AKA Huntress Wizard.
4.- If you think about it regular Marceline its indeed stronger than the Star we saw on canon because while the Star has the powers of all the Vampire Council, Marceline has that +VK pure vampire soul. Also idea, this Star was raised by The Empress instead of the VK, because she was the one who wanted to create an Empire on Stakes and in this AU maybe she trained Marceline to take down VK and get the throne. Also that opens the chance to have Betty saying "Empress! You're a bad Mother!"
answering in sections again:
1. I don’t think it’s ever specified if you have to arrive naturally or if you can be invited when it comes to making a wish — the only rule I remember (and there may be others that I forgot, so feel free to correct me if I’m wrong) is that you can only have one wish per person. as far as I know, Magic Simon should be able to make his wish when he’s first invited to the wish cube in order to explain the Snow Queen situation. however, if you do have to get there naturally and you can’t be invited if you’re making a wish, he’d probably just tell Finn, Jake, and Marceline what he was doing so they could help him collect the jewels and open the portal with their own enchiridion.
2. Finn would probably be very weirded out by Ice Finn, and it would also make him consider the whole Snow Queen situation even more. He sees this version of himself who’s absolutely destroyed by the crown, and then he turns around and sees his mom, who’s just… kinda senile and obsessed with her husband. I feel like that’s gotta mess him up, to know that the crown that made Betty obsess over Simon, also turned Finn into a monster in a different reality. if he talks to Snow Betty about it later, she’ll probably be able to explain the way the crown corrupts and what she was like at the start, as well as Ice Finn’s motivations for doing what he’s doing (because it’s not purely malicious, Ice Finn clearly talks about keeping everyone safe with his ice and trying to protect them), but that will be have to come later since they’re pretty busy avoiding the interdimensional cops when the two Finns meet.
3. you are right, and I actually didn’t consider that before, but I definitely should have. in that case, Farmworld Finn probably still has his wife (could be Huntress Wizard, Phoebe, or even Rosalinen from the Puhoy episode) and might have already had Jay, maybe? but probably none of the either children, and Jay would still be a baby, as would Little Destiny. I think Magic Simon and Snow Betty & co would probably still follow someone out to the crater, but in this case it’s more likely to be Farmworld Finn showing them that the crown is already destroyed, at which point they find the Jewel and decide to use it to find another version of the crown, and then Scarab shows up and they gotta book it real fast. Magic Simon may be way more powerful than he has any right to be, but nobody wants to risk him or anyone else getting put in one of those eggs if Scarab manages to hit them at the right moment. Farmworld Finn runs as soon as Scarab arrives, specifically because the Ooo gang told him to and because Magic Simon immediately started having a wizard showdown, and Farmworld Finn ain’t getting involved in wiz biz.
4. you’re RIGHT, she IS! and you’re also right about the Empress probably being the one to take a front role in raising her, because it seems like the VK is definitely following Empress’s plans here. Snow Betty would definitely yell at her and probably chuck a rock at her head, which I doubt would do anything but it would certainly make Snow Betty feel better. Marceline and the Star also get to have a showdown while Vampworld Bonnie watches and realises that maybe perhaps she has a bit of a crush on this alternate Marceline. just a small one. maybe actually a really big one. regardless, I think that VK is still the one with the crown and is ‘in charge’ of the empire, but he’s a little senile and it’s really Empress pulling the strings and mildly grooming the Star as her replacement if she or VK ever falls.
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casualwriters · 2 months
The Florist and the Monster Hunter - Wyll x gender neutral reader Tav
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Summary~ When Wyll was your childhood friend after years he shows back up to you the one person he loves.
Pairing ~ Wyll x gender neutral tav
Warnings ~ None
fluff/ childhood friends to lovers.
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You have always loved your home Baldur Gates was the place you were born and was raise you never wanted to leave but when you grew older and heard the rumors, pt made you disappointed, it felt just like yesterday you met him when you were only eleven years old.
But that was so long ago and that before Wyll left Baldur Gates with the rumors of him making a pact with the Devil,
you never thought the rumors were true you could never stomach that he would be so stupid to mess with the dark arts two months, became two years and everything was different.
Baudler Gates was being led by Gortash the man you despised the most and now he had Wyll farther under his hand.
Flowers were all over the place of the small building you had shared and lived with your mother your whole life, and the three siblings that were in and out all the time.
The Flora shop was under your hand now after your mother retired it was for you to take care of and you loved it that way.
Shapes and different colors of flowers were hanging up in pots and some were in neat places, that were stuck in the window, other herbs were laying on the long wooden table right next to the door.
The bell that signals a customer that was coming in looking up a smile spread over your face, the smile dropped when you saw Wyll. What the hell he was here and why at the flora shop standing frozen behind the desk, "Wyll"?
setting the bouquet of flowers that you were wrapping some of red ribbon around the stems, he had horns curved around his one pretty brown eye was black, and the iris was pure red what happened to him, you knew about the eye he lost in battle that was the time he was still writing to you and that was months before he left with no notice.
"Your still here how am I not Suprise " he said in a playful tone, like those two years were never real.
You never hold a grudge agent Wyll You knew he was always adventures spirt, and you were the complete opposite comfortable just to stay in your flower shop, not wanting to travel outside your little bubble. There he was you moved away from the desk where you were putting flower togethers walking to where he was still in front of the door.
You wanted to scream at him and be upset but deep down you wanted to huge him and thank any god or goddess who was listening. It never felt like you two were just friends, but something else and right now that what it felt like, if it was not him and someone saying that he was dead it would of destroy you.
Smiling has you walk toward him. His face turned surprised when your tiny frame wrapped around his waist, not caring about the dirt and the grime.
You were not mad everyone has their reasons just to leave but he came back and that all what matter. Grabbing his larger hand basically dragging him to the patio it was your favorite place to talk when you two were younger, Wyll looked around like he never left.
You grin leaning against the table flowers were right in the middle of the table. When Wyll told you everything about the group of people "Wait" You held up your hand and chuckling "You are friends with a vampire" You smirked "A Montser hunter be friend a monster" You teased and Wyll snicker "Okay laugh it up"
It felt so good to see him, but she wanted answer, right before he left the city the spend the night together it haunted you was this their fault you Shaked the memories away and moved your hands to reach over to grab Wyll bringing his hands to move them on the small table
Leaning your lips down and kissing the top of his hands he chuckled "You missed me uh." Wyll said rolling your eyes has you push your way out of the chair to come closer wrapping your arms around his neck your index finger went under his chin and tilted him up.
You were always something more than friends and you both conformed how much you both missed and love each other.
"Just a little but you owe me for just abandoning me" Leaning down kissing his lips you could feel the giant smile on his face, his large hands went to your waist deepening the kiss has you almost fall on his lips,
He snickered and nodded his hand trying to not hit you with his horns he kissed your lips for the last time "Well let's go somewhere, just you and me " He says.
You were glad so thankful he did not just forget about you. Nodding your head and putting your hand out "Always" you say and left the flower shop glad you had one of the most important person back in your life.
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nagirambles · 8 months
Hi rambles I was wondering what WIPS are you working on ? If you don’t wanna answer this no worries !
Oh damn this question. I have quite a few ideas stuffed in my drafts that I couldn't churn out if my life depended on it but here's a quick once-over of the vague stuff in my drafts that are too bits and pieces to become a coherent piece on ao3
#Regarding Chef Lucy - where Lucy aspires to be a chef, rather than a writer. She's a little unhinged when it comes to rare recipes, bushfire cooking, and figuring out how dragon slayers eating elements work. It's based on an old anon ask I answered that continued to a chain.
Thanks for Tuning In! - a radio-format fic where Levy runs Fairy Tail's official B-cube account (that's an Eden's Zero thing, but we're still in FT don't get it wrong) and guild shenanigans ensue in snippets, chaotic live-streamer style.
If an Insert story was written like a Manhwa - someone (implied to be a sage-old jaded warrior from another fantasy dimension) gets transmigrated into Cana Alberona shortly after her mother died, and they have a body-sharing situation as Cana makes her way to Fairy Tail. Thus far we have met very pre-canon Jura and have been adopted by a local trading group that love her fortune-telling luck.
Luck be in the Air Tonight (One Piece x Fairy Tail) - set post-tartaros. Instead of staying in Crocus as a journalist, Lucy sets out to an alternate dimension to seek out Aquarius’ key. She follows the Strawhats on this journey as their Chronicler.
Through Hardships to the Stars - a dark guild that dabbled in human experimentation created eight pseudo-etherios 'human weapons' meant to imitate the demons of Zeref's book but never succeeded. After that guild was destroyed, those children were spread out between guilds around Fiore to 'rehabilitate' them into human society. Lucy joins Fairy Tail, only to learn belatedly that Levy Mcgarden is one of those children. The public sees them as monsters unsafe to wander the world without a leash. This story was mainly made because I wanted to give less-used characters a chance to shine. (None of the eight children are dragon slayers.)
So there we go! That's them all. If anyone's interested I can continue rambling about them ig
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steelcladbutterfly · 1 year
Yandere Cecaelia: Brishon
This is one of my more enjoyable pieces to write, but it always felt a little janky whenever I reread it. Regardless, hopefully it is good enough for you to read as well.
A cecaelia is a mythical creature kind of like a mermaid, but with the bottom half of an octopus instead of a fish tail. Think Ursula from the little mermaid. 
Cecaelia’s name is Brishon. 
Once upon a time, legends say that in the midst of a storm that nearly ended the world as many know it, a monster was born into the world. The mother had been stated to have messed around with the darker forces of the world, including consorting with witchcraft and horrible beasts that all the world over were frightened of. 
None of this has ever been truly proven, but the child she bore into the world was proof enough to string her up and cast the baby into the sea to fend for itself. It was said the baby was born with tentacles sprouting from its lower half and when it let loose its first scream, lightning struck the ground around the cliffside cottage it was born into and thunder shook the air for miles around. 
The woman who gave birth to the frightful creature was also a widower and was said to have killed her previous husband for experiments and sold many parts of the body to the black underbelly of the world. Thus, when she became pregnant rumors circulated that she cast a spell on herself or did the carnal deed with the monsters she consorted with. 
When the baby was first revealed to the world and many looked upon it with horrorstruck eyes, the rumors were immediately dispelled and were put in solid stone as facts. Thus, they killed the mother and tossed the baby. 
It was said that the storm had reached its peak not when the baby was born, but when the woman was executed. Many believe that it was the baby watching its mother die that caused what happened next. 
Not many in that village survived, but those that did said that the moment the woman’s eyes lost their light, a huge wave engulfed nearly the entire town and the baby’s body stretched and contorted until it towered above the town. It was said to have let loose a frightful screech and appeared to control the waves themselves to swallow the town whole. 
And when everything was said and done, the few remaining drenched and blood streaked survivors grabbed the now normal sized monster baby and threw it into the sea below. 
Nobody is sure if the baby survived, but it has been proven that something lurks beneath the ocean’s depths. Wherever rain has fallen for more than a week, the storm will pick up and unless a sacrifice is given to the sea, a monster will pull itself from the waters below and destroy any seaside village it has laid its wrathful gaze upon. 
Nobody knows what happens to the sacrifices except they are never seen again. Some say the monster eats them, still others say it seeks to have its way with the hapless victims, but the one least regarded is the one with some shred of truth. 
If such a monster lives hated and feared, perhaps it seeks at least one being that will stay by its side for companionship. Of course, others argue, it is a heartless monster, so why would it ever seek any form of a friend when it could just as easily tear them to shreds. 
The only thing agreed upon in even the most outlandish of claims is that it has a cruel streak that can never be sated.
A girl’s scream rang out as the mob pushed and pulled the frightened young woman through the rain soaked streets of a seaside town. Tears fell from her eyes as she sobbed and pleaded, but the mob ignored her pleas with cruel ears blocking out her cries of innocence. On a nearby cliffside overlooking the choppy seas below, a pole was affixed into the ground and the woman was led up, tied to it, and left to scream after the mob as it left. Her sobs were ripped away and tossed around by the unforgiving wind before filtering to the watery depths below to reach a different kind of cruel ears. 
The woman paused in her shouts when the ground at the edge of the cliff groaned and crumbled under the weight of what appeared to be a large tentacle. Her eyes widened and she slowly shook her head, wishing that her fate could have been different as more tentacles slithered their way up the cliffside before a large hand grabbed the side and hefted the body onto the rock. 
As she let shaky breaths in and out of her heaving lungs, she looked up and up to finally reach the cruel eyes of the monster feared by all who lived by the sea. Dark green strands of hair partially covered the light blue-green skin and cruel sky blue eyes, but the (e/c) eyes of the woman still managed to lock with his own orbs even with her own (h/l) (h/c) hair plastered to her skin and obscuring part of her vision. 
For a moment all was silent as they took each other in. The monster noted the slight confusion and hurt, but also the overwhelming fear in the woman’s (e/c) depths, as well as the many bruises and welts and scars that covered the (s/t) skin that wasn’t covered by the rain soaked, knee length white dress that was plastered to her skin by the driving rain.  Meanwhile, the woman took in the overwhelming cruelty in the monster’s eyes, but also noted a deep sadness that couldn’t be completely covered by the scar that arched through his right eye or the malice contained within. 
The woman also noted long faded scars that spoke of abuse and cruelty of someone’s lashing out towards that which they couldn’t understand. She only knew this from experience and looked up at him with newly saddened eyes that caused his own to widen with a dawning understanding. 
Finding a similar suffering soul was not what he expected, but as he took in the abused woman, his eyes narrowed and he turned his wrathful gaze, alight with madness and cruelty known only to those long sufferers who finally caved into violence, onto the town below. Knowing such madness, as it happened to her long deceased brother, the woman cried desperately out to the cruel, yet abused monster and pleaded with him to spare the village. 
The monster noted what she said, and was filed with confusion over the fact that she could even think about letting her abusers go free, and called out with a booming voice. 
“You wish to spare such filth from a fate they deserve, girl,” the monster questioned, “They deserve this and much more. I would hope that they would suffer in the afterlife as well for their misdeeds.” 
But the woman never wanted anyone to end up like her brother, for her heart held only kindness and patience for even the worst of souls. So she pleaded again. 
“Even if they did such cruel things, surely everyone deserves a second chance? Please, spare their lives!” 
Shocked and slightly angered by the woman’s trust in fickle, horrible humans, he looked at her for a long moment longer, before flicking a tentacle. The sea quickly responded and the entire town was swept away by the fast moving waters. The woman screamed out in horror, reaching out to the destroyed town as if to try to turn back time and rescue what wasn’t there anymore. She was lifted from the pole that tied her to the ground and taken into one of the monsters large hands. 
She still screamed and reached out to what wasn’t there as the hand curled up and she was enclosed in darkness. The monster tilted his head as the woman squirmed and attempted to escape his clutches, before diving back into the sea to take his prize back to his home in the part of the waters known to many sailors as having eternal rain. 
A thick fog enshrouded the entire area, hiding a large cluster of rocks that jutted out into the sea. In the center was a place most easily accessible by diving below and through the rocky terrain rather than attempt to clamber over and around the rocks that were tightly pressed together near the top of the water, allowing only small fish to squeeze through the upper waters. The only place to get in and out of the rocks easily from above sea level was a hidden tunnel that went all the way to the inside of the enclosed off space.
It was that place where the monster and, soon, a woman lived. 
When I was born my mother died after giving birth. The village was filled with whispers of how a child actually lived past birth when the mother died. It had never happened before and yet there I was, an abomination to everyone’s eyes simply for being alive and healthy. There was a tension that surrounded my father and brother when I was around. 
Even from a young age I could tell that something was wrong. But the day that tension finally overwhelmed the unspoken peace came on my seventh birthday. My father flew into a rage and punched me, his wedding ring that he never took off cutting my cheek and turning into my first scar. 
My brother fought for me as best as he could, enough so that many began to regard him as a monster or devil child as well. After that day, my father fell into the clutches of alcohol and the empty promises of pleasure houses. Whenever he had the chance, he would try to attack me. It only ever worked when my brother wasn’t around. 
But, one day, he tried to go too far and my brother came home to find him trying to undress me. On that day, I lost my father. A few days later, my brother was executed and I was made an outcast. The townspeople called me a witch and I was barely able to survive on the scraps I could scrounge up. 
I thought that my life would never change. Until the day the rain began to fall and never stopped, at least for me. Then, the people tracked me down and subdued me, forcing me into a dress, and dragging me through the streets as a sacrifice. 
I thought I was going to die that day. 
They probably thought so too. 
Then he showed up and killed them. He spared my life, but took me from my home and across the ocean to a place where the rain never seemed to let up. 
He introduced himself as Brishon, talking of how he named himself and laughing at the irony of it meaning born in rain. I couldn’t help but laugh at that. It eased some of the tension of the first week I had spent in silence around him. I introduced myself to him and every single time I hear him call my name, I can’t help but think back to the few loved ones in my life who called it out in a similar manner. 
The call shattered your daydreams and you blinked, clearing your eyes from the haze that had overtaken them when you first settled down to your inner musings. You lazily took in the saltwater lagoon, shaded slate grey from the clouds almost always covering the sky above. You drifted over the sandy shores, the jungle reaching all the way to the very edges of the land, before brushing over the sharp rocks that seemed to tower over everything but the being right before you. 
You streched and righted yourself, tucking your legs beneath you, before smiling up at Brishon. He relaxed as you acknowledged him, but his eyes still held the cruel gleam to them that always suggested he had attacked a town before coming back from his outing. As he settled himself on the large flat rock you were currently residing on, you pouted up at him. You hated violence and even if he was now a friend, Brishon still had a natural affinity for it that you feared he too readily accepted. 
As he finished heaving his form up and wrapped his tentacles in a loop around where you sat, he finally looked down and noticed your pout and disapproving look. His eyes glinted with slight bloodlust as he thought about what he had been doing before coming back, but it faded to amusement. 
“Oh, come on (Y/n). These bastards really did deserve it.” 
Your pout only grew more pronounced and you huffed before turning away from him. A momentary pause, before he sighed and a shuffling sound filled your ears. His index finger and thumb hovered into view, with a large bag, at least to you, held between his fingers. You carefully reached out and wrapped your slim arms around it as best as you could. When he was sure you had a firm hold on it, he let go and you lowered the bag. 
Opening it, your lips twitched into a happy smile when the shiny covers of books were revealed to the light. A few glossy apples tumbled out as you pulled the books out, but you only truly forgave him when you pulled out a package and opened it to reveal the cakes you always said you liked were neatly lined up in it. 
Turning around, you beamed up at him happily and gestured for him to bend down. His lips quirking into a smile this time, he leaned down. Reaching up on the tips of your toes, you placed a feather light kiss on his cheek. You nuzzled your head against him, whispering out your thanks, and his eyes fluttered shut, letting out a relieved and tranquil sigh as you did so. You figured it was from lack of a maternal figure or any parental figure and form of love growing up - at least you had had your brother - but he loved when you showed him any form of love or appreciation. Sometimes even just calling out to him or resting your hand on one of his fingers or face was enough to completely cool his temper. 
When you finished thanking him, you grabbed his face as best as you could and looked at him sternly. He stared at you for a few moments, before letting out another sigh that ruffled your clothes and whipped your hair around and closed his eyes. He held out his hand and you pushed everything back into the bag before clambering into his hand. When you were situated, he lifted it up and began to bring you to the top of the rocks that closed in the lagoon. 
“I didn’t completely destroy it. I mostly just destroyed the red light district and part of their port. I made sure to leave most of it intact, but some of those people just pissed me off.” 
You sighed, but knew that he held back for your sake, so you decided to just let it go with a sympathetic pat to the palm of the hand holding you. At first, when he had brought you here he had been terrified of touching you even after holding you in his hand for a few hours to get here. It still amazed you how fast he could travel through water, but you guessed his control over it aided him greatly in that endeavor. He may have been the first to initiate conversation after bringing you here, but it wasn’t until you marched straight over to him and clambered up onto one of his tentacles as he lightly protested and loudly began spouting random facts about yourself and many, many horrible puns that the unspoken tension between you two was finally, completely, ruptured. 
One of those many facts was the reason why for the past few years he had taken to carrying you to the top before bringing you back down to your house that you and him had built for you to rest comfortably for the night. While it still rained for most of the day, one of the only times it would ever clear was at sunup and sundown. You had talked of your love of the beautiful sunrises and sunsets of your home village and out in the middle of the sea it was even more beautiful. 
You gave him a friend, someone who understood at least a small portion of the hurt that ached inside of him, while he gave you a safe place to stay and nearly anything you could want for as long as you stayed by his side. You jokingly said that the only way you would ever leave was if someone forcibly took you, but the way he reacted was a little alarming, despite the fact that he was basically a violent child in a large and monstrous body. He had panicked and shook and vaguely reminded you of the way your brother had girlishly screamed and jumped on a chair when a large rat entered the house. You watched this almost the exact way you did your brother that day; with a deadpan look on your face, with an air of humor and bemusement surrounding you. 
Only instead of removing a rat as your brother shrieked in the background about how unsanitary it was, you were comforting a being nearly ten times your size as he freaked out about you being taken when he had no problem destroying any other threat that got in his way. 
All too soon, it was night and Brishon dived down into the water for his night time escapade. Sleepy, you turned in for bed, not noticing that the ever present sound of rain tapping on the roof wasn’t there. 
You blinked awake when a crash sounded from somewhere at the front of your house. You almost dismissed it, but you realized the sound actually came from inside your house and Brishon couldn’t exactly fit. You bolted up at the same time your bedroom door was slammed open and you locked eyes with a tall, muscled, darkly skinned man. A moment of silence stretched out before you started to scream at the stranger who showed up and he began to scream back upon realizing you were in the room. A moment of useless blubbering and frantic pointing began, before you both ran out of breath. 
Then, you were both left heaving as cursing and the sound of thumping boots reached your ears. The man began to freak out and called out in a much deeper voice than the one he screamed with. 
“It’s alright captain! There is someone here, but let me calm her first.” 
You let out a quiet snort at that as he seemed just as frightened, or at least as startled, as you, but he shot you a look and listened for a sound of confirmation. When he received it, he carefully slid into the room and shut the door. You noted that it was still dark out but it seemed the sky was slowly lightening, which meant that Brishon was either back and completely conked out or, and more likely judging by the clear skies, he was still out. You hesitantly glanced at the man who was cautiously sitting in a nearby chair, before speaking. 
“Brishon will be back soon. I suggest you get out of here before he shows up. And before you ask why you should leave, he is extremely large, can control the water, and is not afraid of using violence to take out threats.” 
As you spoke, you carefully reached behind you and began scribbling down a note just in case what you feared would happen, happened. Just as the man opened his mouth to speak, the door was kicked open and another equally large man sauntered in. But he didn’t seem as nice as the first man seemed to be. When he laid eyes on you, curled up on the top of your bed, his eyes lit up, and he quickly walked over to you, grabbing your face and inspecting you. 
“Oi, Charles,” he exclaimed to the first, “Why didn’t you tell me the lady was this cute? I might just steal her for myself.” 
As he said this, he picked you up and placed you over his shoulder and began to exit. He kept a tight grip on you even as you squirmed, but part of your squirming was to quickly snatch a large apple you had painted gold in boredom and some twine. The other man, newly dubbed Charles, hastily followed behind, eyes catching onto what you were doing, but not saying anything as you desperately hushed him. His eyes lit up with understanding and he snatched the note, twine, and apple from your hands and put the note around the core of the apple. As you were carried out of your house, he threw it where it would easily catch the light before talking to the man whose broad shoulder you were over. 
“I’m sorry Xavier, but I didn’t want her to freak out when you grabbed her.” 
“I told you Charles, call me captain. It is my title after all. And besides, if I don’t like the wench, I can always drop her off at whatever town we pillage next before taking off.” 
You shivered, not liking the way Xavier talked, or the fact that his thumb was caressing your thigh. You could only hope he didn’t plan on doing it when he got back to wherever it was he was taking you so that Brishon would have enough time to save you. 
The first fact that alerted him that something was wrong was the fact that the skies were clear. The second thing was that he passed under a ship that, while not necessarily was leaving his home, was headed away from it which at the very least indicated that it had passed by it. The third thing was the fact that (Y/n), his sweet, little, friendly, and loyal (Y/n), who was always on time even when she was sleepy, wasn’t there to greet him. The last, and worst, was the note tied to the apple he had watched her paint gold yesterday. 
It told him all he needed to know and as the sky got cloudy, the air grew foggy, and the sea became choppy, he dived back down, growing back up to his full size from the relatively human size he was before to read the note, and sped off with nothing but murder on his mind for the pitiful pirates who stole what he loved most in this horrible, wretched world he was forced to live in. 
Soon, he came upon his target. The ship was rocked to and fro, at the mercy of his anger. He rose up, engulfing the ship in a dark shadow as the sky darkened further and lightning struck and thunder boomed giving his wrath a roar and a light he couldn’t convey in anything other than the primal, nature-driven screech that the storm was. 
He spared the ship at first if only to make certain of where (Y/n) was. Once he was sure, from the water he controlled seeping in and giving a full search, he picked up and tore the ship apart, not giving a damn as he was enraged to find she had been pressed against a bed by a lust-driven pirate. Swiftly, he picked her out and wrapped a tentacle around her, pulling her up and out of the ship and onto his shoulder. Once he was reassured by her small hands swiftly grabbing hold of a few of his wet locks of hair, he focused on tearing to shreds all those who thought they could steal his love from him. 
They were dead before they even hit the water, but he saved the first one, who thought he could take (Y/n) for himself for last. Grabbing him and squeezing all the while, he gently lifted (Y/n) into his other hand, before swimming off back to the lagoon, leaving only the wreckage of the ship and mutilated bodies for the sharks drawn by the smell of blood to find. 
You had been stuck in the brig of the ship for several hours before Charles, with a saddened look on his face came to fetch you. He led you through the ship, past other leering pirates, before knocking on a door and pushing you inside before closing it and walking away. You shivered slightly, when Xavier greeted you from the bed he was sitting on. He gestured for you to come over and, hesitantly, you walked over as the pistol by his side was still close enough to threaten you. 
As you stepped closer, you realized that the ship was rocking way more than it had even minutes earlier when Charles was guiding you through the ship and could only hope that it meant help was coming soon as you were tugged onto Xavier when you were within arms reach of him, before he turned you both over. As he looked down at you, you whimpered at the lust shining through his gaze. He leaned down, but before he could do anything, the ship was suddenly lifted up and split open and a familiar tentacle wrapped around your waist before pulling you out into the storm raging just outside. 
You were lifted up onto a large shoulder, your hands finding purchase in his rain-slicked hair and holding on tight. But, instead of heading back, he began to kill each and every single member of the crew before they could even hit the water. He grabbed only one, Xavier, before he gently lifted you into his other hand and headed back to the lagoon. 
There, you were placed on the beach in front of your house and looked on in horror as Xavier was placed next to you, already sporting numerous bruises and broken bones, before Brishon lifted himself up and suddenly shifted into a more human sized body. You were held in place by shock, because he had never told you he could do that before, and horror, as he began to kill Xavier in the cruelest, most drawn out way he could. 
By the end of it, you were covered in blood splatters and silently crying. You just kept staring at the corpse, not realizing Brishon had moved until you felt warm arms wrap around your upper body, tentacles already curled around your legs to prevent you from moving, and a pair of lips crashed into your own. Despite now being mostly human sized, Brishon still towered over you by nearly two and a half feet. You struggled to the best of your abilities, but on top of him already holding onto you tightly and him being much stronger than you, you were also weak from the shock of watching someone die right in front of your eyes, even if the man had tried to have his way with you only a short time ago. 
Brishon kissed you ferociously, leaving you no time to snap your jaw shut before his tongue had already dived deep into your mouth. He explored every corner of your mouth, tasting you and claiming it as his own. A few tears escaped your tightly screwed up eyes, but they opened a sliver when he pulled away with a nip from his sharp teeth to your bottom lip. 
As you stared at him, heaving for breath, you flinched from the intensity in his eyes. It wasn’t quite the lust of the now deceased Xavier, but it was just as bad from the messed up mix of love, adoration, anger, and lust swirling around in the blue depths. He kissed you again, but kept it chaste, before trailing his lips down to your neck, leaving a flurry of kisses and bite marks in his wake. 
While he was marking your neck, you didn’t notice he had been moving until you were on your back on your mattress with Brishon staring down at you intently. As you stared up at him, a few tears leaking from your red-rimmed eyes, he pulled away slightly, before falling onto the mattress by your side and pulling you further into his embrace. The last thing he said to you before he passed out, still holding your trembling form in his arms still made you equally terrified and sympathetic to this day. 
“I don’t want to force you into anything you don’t want, but I had to at least mark you in some way otherwise I would have sunk to the lows of the bastard currently rotting outside. I’m sorry (Y/n), but I really do love you and I have been alone for so long, so I will spend all my time trying to convince you to love me back.”
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fairy-verse · 1 year
If a firstborn dies. Does that mean that their child can take over duties If they would want to try?
For a brief period. You see, the faerlings of the firstborn do not inherit their father/mother’s seasonal powers. The firstborn is essentially the personification of their season, and seeing as their Souls are immortal and will always be returned should their vessel be destroyed, then they truly do not need any replacements.
Ink has fathered and mothered many, many faerlings/children together with many different races, be it fairy, elf, human, or monster. These children will of course inherit traits from him, but none of his spring powers. However, a faerling born from the passion of two firstborns will become another matter. See, if we take Lumin as an example, then he could certainly be placed as a temporary substitute for either Nightmare or Ink; should either lose their mortal body. He may have a chance to take over their duties, but it will be chaotic and difficult, and the strain is so great, that unless they return quickly, then he could run the risk of succumbing to the stress and dying in the process; shall he continue to try and control either season.
No, none could ever truly replace any of the firstborn, but none will ever have to worry about replacing them either, for as long as the Island’s magic stays strong, then the firstborn will live on, until the end of days.
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loudcyclop · 7 months
IT'S OC TIME BABES LET'S GO (more under the pictures)
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The name's just Ba because she obeys to the Upturned rule of two letters names. Remember when Mr.Sob talks about a person falling in the sewers thirty years ago ? Yeah that's it. That's Ba. And yeah, she's clinically insane.
- It's sort of a secret NPC that lives in the vents and sewers, and will sell you "special" furnitures to throw at monsters. She will also try to give you advices, but none of it's words make actual sense.
- Is the one writing stupid stuff on the walls.
- It's an absolute survivalist, she knows how to get around in the hotel unnoticed. Knows everything about shelter building and supplies managing.
- It was actually a extremely good fighter before becoming crazy. She fought every monster in that hotel at least once with it's bare hands, and defeated most of them (except pj man and Mr.Ballin). Lost her marbles after having to decapitate a mannequin with her teeth. Now it's just terrified of everything and everyone.
- If you ask it about it's death, she will tell you a different story every. single. time. It's because she forgor :[ (it's a very complicated story about a rivalry which went too far, but to make it short she ate an explosive bat)
- Was actually there when Mr.Sob bought the hotel and was a good friend of Ik. He thinks that it was changed into a monster like all the others, but if she ever was to meet him again she wouldn't recognize him.
- Spent two years inside the Mother Slug after being swallowed by her
- Thinks that Mr.Ballin is some sort of hell deity sent here to destroy everything
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pastriibunz · 6 months
Final Performance - Kai’s Perspective
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Paring: None
Warnings: major spoilers for TKWDLM, depressive thoughts, [possible] suicidal ideation
Summary: Let It Out from Kai’s perspective.
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I didn’t deserve this.
I don’t even know how I made it this far.
I don’t know how I haven’t died yet.
Practically everyone else has.
The three I met in that alley. (I think their names were Bob, Charlie, and Terry?)
The cops.
This entire town.
Uncle Mac.
And yet, I’m still here. 
With Paul and Emma.
I love them a lot.
They’re now family to me.
But I don’t deserve them.
I never did.
I’m horrible. I’m sick. I’m a monster.
I’m everything everyone thought I was.
I couldn’t even save one town.
How do I deserve to call myself a hero?
It’s not over yet.
The meteor.
If we can destroy it, this is all over.
I have to. I have to. I have to. 
Maybe then all my sins can be forgiven.
Paul wants to go alone?
I can’t let him.
He is worth it. He matters. His life has meaning. He deserves to live out his happily ever after. He doesn’t deserve to die.
I do.
I’m not letting him die. Not like that. Not if I can help it.
He agreed. Good.
I can at least save two.
Why is it so hard to say goodbye? 
Why does my chest hurt and my heart feel heavy?
I don’t want to leave him.
I don’t want to leave her.
But I have to.
I know what I have to do.
Goodbye, Paul.
Goodbye, Emma.
No. They deserve more than that.
Goodbye, Dad.
Goodbye, Mom.
I hope you two live the life you deserve, one free of turmoil.
I take my spot, center stage. It’s funny, dreading the thing I once loved.
And then, my fellow cast members the infected people enter.
Are they really people? 
It’s sickening, watching whatever it is take control of these once living people and use their bodies as it’s own little puppets, acting out its little story, spreading its message to those who’ll hear.
It whispers to me the promise of acceptance, murmurs of the praise I so desperately crave, mutters of the validation I have been missing, mumbles filled with sweet nothings and promises of the intimacy and love I seek.
It’s tempting.
It’s oh so tempting to give into its words, to allow it to scoop me up in its arms, to warm me with its loving embrace, to finally feel like I belong for once in my life.
To feel loved.
I want to be loved.
I want that more than anything.
And its promising me that.
But it’s lies.
It just wants me to be apart of it.
It doesn’t love me.
I am not loved.
I know that.
But maybe I am.
It tells me we’ll be family.
And I realize I already have one.
I am loved.
I am cared for.
I am accepted.
I don’t deserve any of it, but I am.
My father has done so much for me.
My mother has done so much for me.
My friends have done so much for me.
Paul has done so much for me.
Emma has done so much for me.
I don’t deserve this.
I love them dearly.
It says they don’t, for allowing me to die like this.
But it has to be done.
Someone has to die for everyone to be happy.
Besides, I want to die, right?
Isn’t that what I want?
I want to die.
I just could never find an out.
So I’d rather it be me.
I never really mattered that much, anyway.
It wants me to sing. I don’t want to.
It’s forcing me to sing. I don’t want to.
It’s making me throw my heart out onto a sliver platter, displaying the contents for the world to see. I don’t want to.
Is it torturing me? Forcing me to watch as it kills me from the inside out? Forcing me to watch my walls crumble, my integrity crash to the ground, and the mask of happiness I had carefully crafted for 8 years crack and break?
It wants me to preform.
Preform for my final time alive.
Something personal, something grand, something flashy, something explosive for my final performance.
I’ll give it exactly what it wants.
I want to die anyway.
It wants to stop me.
I won’t let it.
I want to die.
I wanted to die.
But I found something worth living for.
I found somebody worth living for.
Two somebodies, actually.
And they’re worth dying for.
My life never mattered.
But theirs do.
Let them live.
God, help me out.
I’ll let it out.
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