sulanisun · 1 year
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anyway, the name’s dave.
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okaynoah · 2 years
i check my dash and be like "god this shit just hits" like i didn't specifically pick and choose the type of media i like and dissect them into different subclasses
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thegodcomplcx · 5 days
Please write that Amy’s choice essay
amy's choice is an elevenamy episode masquerading as an amyrory episode and in this essay i WILL be addressing that.
the whole concept of the episode is deeply interesting to me. this is one of the first instances of amy actually not really having a choice at all. at this point, halfway through season, we've decently established amy and the doctor's relationship, and the hints we've gotten of rory have been. uhm. crazy.
rory is introduced to us as amy's bumbling boyfriend, who, while well meaning, is ultimately not someone that is seriously compatible with amy. amy has experienced some childhood trauma (her parents were eaten by a fucking crack in spacetime and then the only guy she could sort of trust disappeared on her for 12 years. yeesh) that has stunted her emotional growth and leaves her in a state of sort of perpetual adolescence. rory is a band-aid to the solution. rory is representative of someone that amy could have wanted to be with if she didn't carry this trauma. but that's not what happened to her.
the major appearances that rory has had when we start amy's choice is the eleventh hour where amy does not want to admit they have a serious relationship (she calls them just friends still. idk if this is in general, or just in front of the doctor, but she does not want to be perceived as in a relationship with rory. lmao) and then at the end we see amy actively using the doctor to run away from her obligations to rory. then she cheats on him with the doctor in flesh and stone. and then they meet up again in vampires in venice where amy basically avoids making a choice by dragging rory into the tardis, even when rory himself expects that they will just go on a break or something. i would argue that this in and of itself is amy not choosing rory. she is not ready for marriage. she still wants to explore herself and who she could become if she doesn't settle down.
amy's choice starts off with amy and rory in domestic bliss with amy barefoot and pregnant. the show makes a deliberate choice to frame being a wife and mother as the only thing amy will be if she chooses this life. there are plenty of women who find enjoyment in being a mother and women who continue to have rich lives in addition to being a mother. but amy doesn't get this. being a wife is a cage to her. it will only trap her.
then, when they flash back into the tardis, the doctor describes this vision as a terrible nightmare and even hugs amy to reassure himself that that won't happen to her. (elevenamy crumbs. as we know, eleven and amy are one entity, so we can assume they have similar views on the matter). then we meet the dream lord who we know is the manifestation of a dark part of the doctor's subconscious. and he sets up this entire game of choosing. the fact that dream lord knows this is the sensitive spot to poke shows that the doctor is aware that amy has feelings for him that are actively stopping her from fully committing to rory. (and the dream lord knows about amy's sex dreams. which could mean nothing.)
amy and rory have a conversation in the fake tardis world where rory wants the leadworth life to be real and amy can't fathom ever "giving up all this" (traveling + the doctor). she also says she never wants to grow up. when she is blatantly asked by rory if she still wants to get married, she says "someday" which is another nonchoice! she wants to keep both these men in her back pocket and avoids doing anything that will lock her into a choice, lest she regrets it later.
the main part of the episode that people point to as "amy choosing rory" is when he dies in fake leadworth. when he turns to dust, amy demands that the doctor fix it, and when he can't, she says this must be the dream and insists on elevenamy joint suicide. what i find interesting about this is that amy has "chosen" rory in a way that still leads her back to the doctor. she says she can't exist in a world without rory, so the one where they're still traveling with the doctor must be the real world. i also think this is another example of amy being strong armed into a choice. rory is clearly very important to amy, but i don't think that means he's whats best for her, or that his values align with hers. amy not wanting rory dead does not fix their incompatibility.
amy insisting that the doctor fix it and saying "whats the point of you" when he can't is also deeply interesting to me. amy is so aware of the doctor's otherworldliness. she turns him into a god in many ways and i think she almost has to view him like that. he's never allowed to be flawed. he saved her when she was a kid and he came back for her and he took her to see the stars. amy literally views the doctor as a panacea. in any situation, the doctor has an obligation to save her. in this instance, it's stopping rory from dying, but in most of their relationship, the doctor is saving her from having to marry rory.
i don't think amy ever fully chooses rory. she's never put into a situation where rory explicitly (and without the threat of death) asks her to leave the doctor for him. (i think he doesn't ask this because he knows amy won't choose him.) rory comes along with her and the doctor because amy is not capable of making a choice.
(TATM is...interesting. once again amy is forced into a choice by the narrative; if the weeping angel wasn't there, amy would not have left the doctor on her own volition. i also think the narrative itself guilts her into choosing rory, but we can talk about TATM somewhere else. this is getting long.)
and if this whole episode is a metaphor for amy choosing between rory or the doctor, what does it mean that it's revealed that both the realities are false? that there was never a choice? it's about the lack of choice and agency that amy has. it never mattered what she actually wants, because she will not be allowed to make a choice. everything will happen around her, or the doctor and rory will make choices for her, but amy doesn't actually get to choose. this episode is ostensibly about her choosing rory or the doctor and she does choose the doctor. it ends the exact same way it started, with amy continuing to travel with the doctor (and rory on their heels), because amy doesn't get to choose. the plot moves along and takes her with it, not the other way around.
(also dying in a fiery car crash w someone (on purpose) is the most romantic thing in the universe argue with the wall)
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 10 months
Hey, can we talk about how Weiss is the luckiest Member of RWBYJNPR?
Just real Quick?
Like no one should compare traumas, it's not a competition. But. like.
Weiss has suffered the least of them all? But was somehow also the worst of them in the beginning?
Because She had
Abusive father
absent, alcoholic mother
threat of being attacked because of her name
Has a scar over one eye, doesn't show signs of impairment
And then she got better as a person and personally suffered
Forced 'home' by evil father
getting kidnapped
getting stabbed with a spear
Home literally falls into the water
Watched her team fall into the void.
Ever After shenaningans?
That's it.
That's all her own personal suffering, and for a lot of that she had friends and family, like Klein or Winter, or RWBY! She even left WHitley alone when she was young, clinging to winter!
Compared to;
Mom presumed dead
Dad was depressed
uncle was alcoholic
Raised mostly by sister
entered into a combat school early (This one IS negative for her)
Jumped into and active cannon
hunted for her eyes
watched a friend die in front of her. Like. Four times, even if one was a mouse and the other was an illusion
Watched Yang Take a hit and Fall into the coid, assumed she was dead.
a friend that came back to life died to another friend
feels the weight of the world is on her shoulders
abandoned by mother
step mom presumed dead
father was horribly depressed
uncle was an alcolholic
had to raise sister
lost arm
abandoned by partner and sister.
Had to kill to survive
Self sacrificial tendencies.
Watched Sister she had raised attempt to Commit suicide
so yeah she's got abandonment issues
Is a minority, suffers from peoples racism.
Abusive, genocidal ex-boyfriend
Said Ex attempted to murder her and Yang, forcing them to kill him instead.
More Racism
Watched the woman she loved sacrifice herself.
His parents actively kept him from pursuing his dream
Criminally negligent, literally didn't know the basics of Hunting
Given Terrible romantic advice by dad
bullied, blackmailed, beat down on.
constantly belittled and denied by his crush (I don't blame weiss for saying no, but it still hurt him)
First person to believe in him Kissed him, Didn't believe in him, ran off to her death.
Suffered severe imposter syndrome and survivors guilt, along with depression and suicidal thoughts
never felt good enough
Nearly got Weiss killed because of Cinder
Took anger out on oscar, Regretted it
Nearly got his team killed because they agreed with his plan to steal an airship
Neo beat up his team! Stole the Relic of Knowledge!
Watched so many of his Friends fall into the Void
had to assist in a Friend's suicide
Family Sword (And therefore legacy) Broke
Lost in a Goddamn fairytale world for a decade or two, alone. on a beach. ALONE.
Drank poison because that's what the story said to do. Couldn't even fucking die right.
The Paper pleasers. Just everything with the paper pleasers
His friends, once reunited with him, thought he had gone insane (He kinda had lost it, but really who wouldn't have?) and They didn't believe him. That hurt.
Pyrrha and Penny Illusion by NeoCat
Damn Jaune really is the Spider-man of RWBY, isn't he. His story is fucking sorrowful.
Put on a pedestal above her Peers, very lonely
Object of affection focused on someone else
Given a nonchoice to protect people.
Fucking Died. Has remained dead. haunts the narrative.
parents died
lived on the road most of his life
His power is literally emotional repression
only had Nora
Lost his new family in the Void.
presumably never had a dad
abandoned by Mother
Lived on the road
only had Ren
That Shock-Force-Field thing in Atlas, left with permanent scarring.
Family Fell into the Void.
So, like. Can Weiss spread the wealth a little bit? In terms of luck?
The rest of them could probably really use it.
None of this is to say Weiss Hasn't Suffered, she really has suffered in her own ways.
But like.
Not as much as any one other individual in her group.
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jailforwriter · 11 months
Hey, good lookin'!
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Greetings and salutations, fellow word-arranger! I see that you also enjoy the art of reshuffling letters until they spell out cool stuff. That sounds like a pretty solid basis for a friendship, hmm...
This is a little nook for all things writing! It covers everything from tips and book reviews to the very backbone of society (memes, duh). The aim here is to build a nice community and foster friendships and support and all of that good stuff. Writing can be pretty lonely, so let's make it a little less so!
About me
Hey, I'm Alai. I'm a queer Venezuelan girly, mid-20's, looking to become more active in the writeblr community. Some of my other interests include philosophy, Greek mythology, all sciences (I have an Honors degree in Laboratory Medicine!) and everything to do with the Classics.
My focus is on fantasy and queer romance, but I'm open to all sorts of genres and do very much read other stuff on the reg. Also really into Sci-Fi, Thrillers, Horror and Literary Fiction.
Most of my work is novel-centric, but I also love reading short stories and poetry and cannot resist a good out context quote lol.
Lover of all things character-driven and morally ambiguous, pyrrhic victories, interpersonal drama, tragic losers doomed by the narrative, and the liberal use of Catholic Guilt™️ as literary garnish.
I'm an only child who once heard that sharing is caring, so please hit me with your best WIP and let's chat about it! We can even hold each other (accountable so we can get it DONE).
The Paradox of Nonchoice (Adult Fantasy/Romance)
Summary: Nahia is an angel who, after years of studying human culture and behavior in the heavenly realm of Zion, is finally sent to Earth on her first assignment: to grant the deepest desire of the first person she meets. With the support of her mentor and sisters, along with a promise to reunite with her mother should she succeed, the stage is set for God's newest angel to carry out His word. However, when Nahia learns that her ward – a disillusioned handywoman by the name of Rory – wants something she isn't altogether prepared to give, the indentured angel must decide whose orders to follow: if God's, or her heart's. Note: there's a TON more to this plot, I promise!! But unfortunately, any particulars I may give would constitute an absolutely gargantuan spoiler lol. Tropes: soulmates, forced proximity (kinda if you squint), co-workers to lovers (squint a bit more just trust me lmao), absolutely rancid sibling dynamics, mommy issues, daddy issues, crisis of faith, Everything Is A Lie Nothing Is Sacred, loser women cringefailing, "ah, you're one of them queers", The Catholic Church. TWs: religious trauma, suicide, violence, blood, slight body horror, France (mentioned).
Will be looking for betas and feedback very soon, so please stay tuned! Updates to come on this blog. If anyone's at all interested, any sort of engagement would be very welcomed and appreciated :)
Happy writing!
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speedlimit15 · 7 months
Not gonna say it doesn’t track thematically/narratively though like. I could not expand further but the whole series IS kinda about the nonchoices and violence of occupation
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feather-is-a-bad-car · 6 months
ibwas not reblogging anything so my mutuals who know my timezone would think im asleep but i saw ishamel art i had nonchoice i had ti use my beautiful daughter the reblog button and reveal my hand
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silvercrane14 · 1 year
if manly picks to tell them joe's the sage i swear to god im gonna do something violent
if it makes you feel better. its a nonchoice. if you dont say it Keiji says it
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Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! Have a safe and happy holiday, I hope you are able to celebrate with people you love. If not my DM’s are always open.
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agbcordonia · 5 years
This or That
I saw @lizzybeth1986 do this and figured, why not?
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it!
honey and lemon or milk and sugar // musicals or plays // lemonade or iced tea // strawberries or raspberries // winter or summer // beaches or forests // diners or cafés // unicorns or dragons // gemstones or crystals // hummingbirds or owls // fireworks or sparklers // brunch or happy hour // sweet or sour // Rome or Amsterdam // classic or modern art // sushi or ramen // sun or moon// polka dots or stripes // macarons or croissants // glitter or matte // Degas or Seurat // aquariums or planetariums // road trip or camping trip // coloring books or watercolor // fairy lights or candles
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sulanisun · 10 months
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my take on mrs. afton (stills under the cut)
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okaynoah · 2 years
hey y'all, sorry for disappearing again for like a couple months 😭 (i'm gonna do it again, soon, probably 😈).
i plan to revamp my entire layout soon enough so please don't be surprised if an unfamiliar acc user or @ started popping up on your dash 💔
i still want to continue shitposting and pouring my heart out over fictional pixelated characters, so dw about that! 🥳
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impertfectedchoices · 6 years
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So um, I wasn’t reaaaaally prepped for this, but I’m just seeing... wow. I’m gonna make an actual post addressing my gratitude and rambling about how much I love you guys when I get off work
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travelless · 6 years
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wyvernscales · 3 years
Playing the Legacy DLC after Inquisition is so funny primarily because siding with Larius or Janeka is a nonchoice. Corypheus is the big bad of Inquisition regardless of what you do despite the apparent importance in the moment. But it’s also funny because Janeka’s whole plan is the exact same as Clarel’s plan. Get Corypheus to end the Blight somehow. This is also the same plan that the Architect proposes to the Wardens in Awakening and The Calling. 
The Dragon Age storyline is a circle.
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amber-angel · 3 years
Ok but think about how even Dirk/Bart's choices turn out to be nonchoices, how little their free will actually seems to matter in context of the universe, like in season 2 when Dirk was tired of being pushed around, he tried to actively avoid solving the case, he made deliberate decisions that should have prevented it from being solved, but it didn't end up mattering, everything that he did just led him to clues anyway.
And Bart tried to hold on to Ken after he'd done what he was meant to do. She tried to go against the universe's instructions, and so instead of letting Ken leave peacefully, he was ripped away and thrown into a situation in which he would become the bad guy. The ultimate separation, and eventually, when she comes face to face with him, Bart realizes that the universe is telling her to kill him
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