#no need to have big emotion. you become one with the immaculate vibe
scolek · 4 months
i already went insane about perfectly imperfect and artistic partisan like. last year or the year before. inevitably i will even have something to say about crossing heart, which i have listened to in full. once?
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hello 🧸 i really enjoy reading your alice in borderland writings and just wanted to say that your writing is ✨immaculate✨ hope you keep up the good work!also, i wanted to request something where the reader is this badass/genius at the beach and niragi and chishiya can’t help but be attracted to her and so they try to pursue her both. but even though she acts tough on the outside she does like them back and the rest is up to you if that’s alright~
Thank you so much! That just made my day. 😊 And of course, here you go! 
Two Peculiar Admirers | Shuntaro Chishiya, Suguru Niragi
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character(s): Chishiya, Niragi (Aguni, Kuina, OC)
Summary: You are a new member of The Beach with a harsh attitude and a strong personality. Chishiya and Niragi can’t help but be a little bit lovestruck.
Warnings: a lot of swearing, blood, stalking, violence, threatening
Word Count: 3.5k
*reader is female
Author’s Note: I planned to fit this all into one part but it got a bit too long and I still have more to write. I’m so sorry I left it at a cliffhanger but I promise I’ll upload Part 2 before you know it!
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It had all begun when Aguni had brought you back to The Beach.
You were a particularly strong woman, both on the inside and the outside. You didn’t hesitate in games to do what needed to be done to survive. And best of all, you were on your own. He thought you would be a perfect little guinea pig to add to the pile back at The Beach to help collect cards.
Aguni had found you at a heart’s game, a game of betrayal. He noticed you at registration, believing that you would be killed off within the first few minutes. But he got a great surprise to see that you gave up other player’s lives without hesitation. At least you knew how to survive in the Borderlands, no friends, no one to betray.
He followed you for a while after the game, trying to find the right moment to grab you and place the black bag over your head. You noticed him following you a few times, so you kept your guard up.
But eventually, he used his strength against you and knocked you out with a few hits to the head. Not enough to hurt you, but enough to make you black out.
He didn’t want to take any chances. After seeing your strength and skills conveyed at the hearts game, he didn’t want to risk becoming injured or even killed by you.
After being brought back, Aguni spoke highly of you in the meeting room, causing Hatter to move you to a higher number than most. You were annoyed if anything, you were doing completely fine by yourself. Why did these people have to drag you into their selfish and chaotic dynamic?
You were rather cold-hearted towards everyone, being upset about becoming a part of all this mess. You felt like a soldier in a meaningless war. You didn’t want to put all your energy into your games just to let one person leave this hell. Everyone seemed blinded by it, didn’t they realize they were believing empty promises?
On one of your first nights at The Beach, you had been sitting at a booth nearby the pool by yourself. You enjoyed watching people acting like drunken idiots, it was entertaining to you. Sipping your drink and laughing at people getting pushed into the water had become one of your favourite pastimes, since there didn’t seem to be much else to do other than drink or dance.
This was when Niragi first approached you.
A sudden arm slung around your shoulders like a snake. You whipped your head around harshly, receiving a fright from the action. A young man with several silver piercings in his face had decided he had the audacity to make himself comfortable right next to you. Well, technically it felt like he was sitting right on top of you he was that close.
You furrowed your eyebrows roughly at him but didn’t move, just staring at him with a surprised look on your face.
“Hey sweetheart, you’re looking awfully lonely,” he began, leaning his face much closer to yours. “Why don’t you come with me? I’m sitting over there with a few of my friends. I would love it if you could join us.”
You could tell this guy had never been rejected before, his ego was so large it oozed off his words like a bad smell. You put a hand against his chest and pushed him away from you. His eyes widened in surprise.
“Look sorry… whatever your name is. You’re being real fucking annoying right now,” you said, being straight forward with him. Although you would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t appreciate his confidence. But there was a fine line between confidence and arrogance, and this man seemed to be right in between the two.
He sat up and off you with a shocked look on his face. “Are you sure you want to be saying that to me?” he said in an annoyed tone. You watched as he cocked his pierced eyebrow upwards, being interested in how you would answer.
You gave a big sarcastic smile and giggled. “Yeah, you’re nothing special sweetheart. Thanks for ruining my peace and quiet.” You stood up out of your seat and his arm slid off your shoulder. He watched you in shock as you strutted away from the booth, making your way to the bar nearby. You didn’t want to argue with a man who just so obviously wanted to get into your pants. You weren’t going to give into anyone that easy.
Niragi let out a big breath and smirked as he checked you out from the booth. “Hopefully no one saw that.” He said to himself.
No girl had ever rejected him so harshly before. You didn’t know who he was? Did no one tell you?
Your harsh remark to his attempted flirting struck a chord within him. He felt his heartstrings pull tight in his chest. That attitude of yours really hit him.
I mean, who wouldn’t love to play a game of cat and mouse? Because the vibe you were giving off to Niragi gave him the idea that you would love to play a little chase game of emotions with him.
Chishiya’s meeting with you would have been rather bizarre. He met you at a game because you were assigned to the same group as him for one night.
During the drive on the way there, you kept glancing your eyes over to the mysterious figure. He sat quietly in his seat, hood over his head and earbuds in his ears. He wore all white, reminding you of a ghost.
The game was a four of clubs. Pretty easy for someone like you, or so you thought.
It was held in an apartment block that reached twelve levels high. The aim of the game was to find the safe zone to disengage the bomb within the time limit and without being ‘tagged’ by the tagger.
During the first five minutes of the game, you tried your hardest to remain alone, but a young man who didn’t have any idea what he was doing followed you around from registration. He seemed to be a new player, so after a while you decided to tolerate him. He could be used as a shield from the tagger if worse came to worse.
As you made your way around the levels, checking every door and looking around every corner, you heard rapid gunshots every now and then. It made your heart drop every time you heard it just below you or just above you.
At some point you watched as you saw the tagger take aim at someone who was on a different level. You watched as the young man ducked down to avoid being killed, bullet holes shredding into the wall next to him in the process.
You frowned. Why did the tagger attack him so far away? Every victim has been on the same floor as him when he kills them.
Then it hit you: he was trying to protect the door that the young man was attempting to open. That must have been the safe space.
You and the new player that remained with you made your way down a few levels to the door that the tagger had been shooting to. There had to be something there, he wouldn’t aim from that far if he didn’t want that door opened.
As you arrived, the tagger and the young man gone, you were about to open the door before you heard a voice call from further down the balcony.
The mysterious figure from the car was there, strutting along the path like he owned the place. You kept your hand on the door handle and looked at him to see what he had to say.
“Are you sure you want to open that?” he gloated, smiling slightly and stopping just next to you. You looked him up and down. He had a shorter stature than you expected.
“I was planning on it,” you remarked, jiggling the door handle in your grasp. It was unlocked, unlike all the other doors you had tried. This must have been the safe zone.
The figure tucked his hands into the pockets of his white hoodie and raised his eyebrows while scanning the door up and down. “Don’t you think it’s a bit strange that the tagger didn’t just stand in front of it?” he said.
You thought for a second. He had a point, but you didn’t have time to think logically at that moment. The game phone in your pocket beeped and announced that there was only five minutes remaining.
“Look I’ll just open it slowly. But we must hurry because we won’t know how long I could take to disengage the bomb,” you said matter-of-factly.
The man nodded and stood behind you so he could see what was through the door when you opened it. You breathed out heavily and slowly turned the door handle to peep inside.
The room blossomed with light as soon as you opened the door. It seemed normal enough, except there was another door on the other side of the room that led to a lit-up area.
“That must be the safe zone,” you breathed out, relieved. “Must be,” the figure repeated.
A sudden deafening sound filled the air behind you and you both whipped your head around to see the new player that had followed you lying on the ground with several holes in his chest. You felt blood splatter onto your face from the impact, shifting your eyes upwards just to see the tagger at the end of the hallway, quickly storming their way down towards you and the man.
“Shit!” you screamed. “No time to waste!”
You pulled open the door completely, and before Chishiya could even think quick enough, you grabbed him by the back of his hoodie and tugged him inside harshly.
He stumbled from the sudden movement and ended up falling on top of you from the force, managing to kick the door shut with his foot in the process.
You groaned underneath him. “Sorry,” you muttered. “You weren’t moving so I didn’t have a choice.”
He chuckled above you and pushed his arms against the ground to stand himself up and off you. “No worries, I could never be mad at someone for saving my life.”
You thought that both of those encounters with the strange young men would be your last, but apparently not.
You began being put in the same games as Chishiya more often, eventually forming a bond with him and always teaming up together during games. He introduced you to his friend Kuina, who you became rather close as time went on.
Although you still preferred your time alone greatly, there was always a certain someone who would disturb your peace and quiet.
Niragi would take any opportunity to annoy you, whether it be in the hallways when you’re on your way to bed where he would back you up against a wall and try to make you feel threatened, or whether it be out at the pool when you were by yourself. People would stare at you both as he sat with you and tried to make it seem like to the public that you were together, which was quite embarrassing.
He would never leave you alone, and at some points you began to believe that he was stalking you. He managed to find you everywhere, so it wouldn’t be an outrageous claim.
Chishiya however you found a lot more likeable.
He was subtle, kind of making sly comments about his attraction to you every now and then. You appreciated him trying to hide it more rather than being too open about it like Niragi. It made you more interested in the intelligent and mysterious man.
Chishiya at times though would come across as rather overprotective. That was the only thing you had a problem with, because out of all people he would know that you can handle yourself simply fine.
Sometimes in games together, he would do everything in his power to make sure you stay away from potential death. At times he would drag you around like a ragdoll just so you stay beside him. It became quite annoying, but you dealt with it anyway. You did not want to offend or upset him.
Niragi leant against the hallway wall just outside your bedroom door. He was waiting for you to get changed so he could take you down to the bar and have a few drinks with you. You did not know he was outside though, he kind of just saw you after you arrived back from your game and followed you.
As he fiddled with his rifle to kill time, he heard a small pitter-patter of feet just down the hall from him. He glanced upwards to see none other than Chishiya making his way up the carpet towards him.
Both exchanged confused looks, until Niragi’s mouth pulled up into a smirk and he ran his pierced tongue over his bottom lip slowly like a snake.
“What’s a blondy like you doing here?” he chuckled, pushing himself off the wall and slinging his rifle over his shoulder in its usual position.
Chishiya raised his eyebrows, conveying his usual confident expression on his face. “I could ask you the same thing,” he retorted, walking further towards Niragi.
Niragi chuckled deeply then spoke. “I’m waiting for someone.”
“Really? Giving them a fright before their execution. That’s quite low Niragi even for you.” Chishiya’s smile never left his face.
Niragi threw his head back and cackled. “No actually, quite the opposite really. I’m waiting to take her down to the pool.”
Chishiya widened his eyes in shock. “Her? Hm. I never took you as the romantic type,” he teased.
“I’m not. I’m more of the ‘follow you around until you pay attention to me’ type,” Niragi admitted. Chishiya let out a small laugh at his comment.
“Seems more like you.”
Chishiya walked further towards Niragi who remained close to your door. He watched in confusion as Chishiya reached his hand out towards the door handle to open it, but before he could, Niragi whipped his hand quickly over it to stop him.
“What are you doing?” Niragi said in a tense voice, so contrasting to the somewhat light-hearted one he had just a moment ago.
Chishiya pulled his hand back slowly and looked up into Niragi’s darkened eyes. “Going into this room? What else would I be doing?”
“But this is Y/N’s room,” Niragi argued, standing in front of the door so Chishiya couldn’t get inside.
Chishiya raised his eyebrows. “Yeah? So? I need to talk to her.”
Niragi leaned down closer to him with a frown painted on his face. “About what?”
Chishiya rolled his eyes. “None of your business you creep. Why are you standing in front of Y/N’s room like a guard dog anyway?”
“She’s the one I’m taking down to the bar.”
Chishiya’s heart dropped. There’s no way you’ve been with Niragi, you weren’t dumb enough to become involved with the psychotic militants.
“Wait no. She told me that she was going to spend some time with me and Kuina after the games.”
Silence filled the air between them. Neither of them knew what to say, but the rising tension between them became stronger each second.
“Does she know you’re here?” Chishiya asked out of the blue.
“Does she know you’re here?” Niragi fired back, avoiding his question.
Another awkward silence before Niragi spoke. “Look, you better not get involved with her more than you already have. She’s mine so you stay away from her,” he threatened Chishiya, walking towards him causing the shorter man to take a step back.
“Oh, you want me to stay away? You are standing outside her bedroom door with a rifle over your shoulder. Do you really think she’ll learn to like you?”
“At least she can trust me, you fucking manipulative snake.”
“She’d probably be terrified you’d put several bullets through her Niragi. Why don’t you think logically and leave her alone? It would save her the suffering of having to deal with you!”
“What? So, you can gaslight your way into her trust? At least I am straight forward Chishiya, you’d do nothing but lie and use her for your own personal gain like the fucking selfish brat you are!”
“No, at least I wouldn’t view her as nothing but a toy to play with. You know she doesn’t like you, so why the fuck do you keep trying?”
“Shut up!”
“No, I won’t! I am not going to let you weasel your way into her life and put her on display like some trophy to show off to everyone! Just leave her the fuck alone and stop following her around! It’s really fucking pathetic of you!”
Chishiya suddenly flew back into the wall behind him, creating a large bang that echoed down the halls. Niragi had kicked him square in the chest backwards. He let out a satisfied laugh.
“Look at you! You can’t even defend yourself! What makes you think that you could keep me away from Y/N?!”
Chishiya sat up from his position on the floor and let out a loud groan. His spine was screaming in pain, making him stumble before finally standing on his two feet.
Niragi didn’t even give him time to breath before he punched him across the jaw, making his head whip sideways and fall back against the wall. Niragi gripped one hand in his blonde hair roughly while another clutched the collar of his hoodie.
Chishiya yelped in pain, not being able to fight back. He didn’t bring any weapons to help himself, he did not expect to be in this situation when he left his room to come to yours.
Niragi leaned close to his face which was scrunched up in pain. “I dare you to try and keep me away. Because nothing comes between me and what I want, no matter what it is.” He spat harshly in his face, narrowly missing Chishiya’s eye.
He let loose of Chishiya’s white hair, causing him to fall to the carpeted ground. “I guess I’ll meet up with her another time, when there aren’t any rats around to trip on,” Niragi chuckled and turned to make his way down the hall towards the staircase at the end.
‘What wonderful timing Y/N would have if she came out just now,’ Chishiya thought to himself.
As if he had predicted the future, you busted out of your room harshly, almost tripping in the process. You locked eyes with Chishiya, who had blood pouring out his nose while seated against the wall opposite your door.
“Oh my god! Chishiya! The fuck happened to you?!” you exclaimed, rushing over and kneeling in front of him.  “I heard a loud bang outside and came out to see what it was. Was someone else here?”
Chishiya grabbed the hand that you offered to him to help him up. He groaned as you lifted him to a standing position, only for him to fall forwards onto you from sudden nausea that hit him. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders to keep him upright while he placed his chin on your collarbone.
“Just forget about it. I’m okay, just a little scratched up,” he tried to deflect your question. “I had a really rough game and I tripped over just then. Smacking my nose on the ground didn’t help much.” He was surprised with himself about how quick he covered up what happened. He felt quite embarrassed being beaten up by someone as dumb as Niragi, so he didn’t want to tell you.
You laughed a little bit, the happy sound warming Chishiya’s heart. “You’re such an idiot. How do you manage to survive all these games while being so clumsy?”
Chishiya smiled. The fact that you cared about him outweighed the throbbing pain of his developing bruise on his jaw. He brought a hand up to his nose and wiped along it, soaking up the small bit of blood in his sleeve.
“You still want to go see Kuina?” he asked you, pulling away from you and looking you in the eyes.
“Yeah of course!” you exclaimed excitedly. “I was thinking we go down to the pool for a while. We can sit in a corner somewhere and chat,” you suggested.
Chishiya nodded and held out his hand. “Shall we then?” he said teasingly.
You laughed and began walking while leaving him hanging. “Maybe one day I’ll hold your hand, but not today.”
Chishiya chuckled and jogged to catch up with you. As you walked side by side, he secretly hoped that Niragi wouldn’t be down at the pool, preparing to start trouble the moment he sees Chishiya with you.
Unfortunately, his luck wasn’t on his side that night.
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anna-scribbles · 3 years
Ok your art trademark/the things that say “this was drawn by anna-scribbles”:
1. The Babie™️ factor. This is extremely important. when u are drawing kids/teens you make them look like actual kids/teens in the most adorable way possible. It’s the first thing that stuck out to me about ur art when I started seeing your stuff and it’s what made you become a favorite shortly after. They are so precious I want to squeeze their cheeks!!!! And that is the correct way to draw all the ML kids please and thank you.
2. I’ve told you this before but I love love love the way you draw mouths/smiles. It feels so pure and genuine and Anna™️. Also just expressions in general you are crazy good at and I often find myself looking thru your art tag for examples when I’m struggling with that haha.
3. The big ole adorable eyes!! Especially with the eye shines 🥺
4. The floofiness of chat’s hair is immaculate I’m obsessed. And for ML artists I think that is somewhat of a signature for you haha
5. Good line economy 👌 like it just has the likes that need to be there idk lol even your sketchier stuff just looks clean and simple and wonderful. I think simplicity is an underrated/overlooked skill in art tbh!! i just feel like you have the right amount of detail to convey your message and vibes and the richness of the piece comes through the characters’ emotions rather than a lot of detail in the actual art of that makes sense.
as for the thing that I find most remarkable about your art, it’s the heart!! Every piece feels so full of love and care and thoughtfulness, whether it’s a silly piece or an angsty one. You can master technical skills to an impressive level and yet still lack substance in your art, if you know what I mean, but every one of your pieces, even the little doodles, feels so full. Idk I just think you have a lovely spark in the way you see the world and that comes through really clearly in your art. You’re just a really special creator 💜💜
the following screenshots from your animatic “obvious” may serve as depictions of my feelings about your art and also as examples of the points above. thank you for your time.
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1. listen i draw them babie simply because they are. they are young and silly and full of love. but seriously it means the world to me that this aspect stands out to you bc i rly try to make them look their age sjfndknf <3
3. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
4. again i simply try to communicate the truth. which is that chat’s hair is very extremely fluffy. i would never want to mislead the population
5. this is so sweet i’m gonna CRY 😭😭 this is something that i really just go off of Vibes with so the fact that it stands out/is meaningful to you is !!!!!??
maryssa i am 😭😭🤧🤧😭😭😭😭‼️‼️ this is such a huge compliment bc u have the most heart of pretty much anyone i know. you are such a talented artist and storyteller yourself and you have such an eye for detail that hearing you say things like this just makes me heart go !!!!!!!
ily 😭😭 everyone go follow @carpisuns and shower her with love immediately
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
did you watch lucifer season six and what are your thoughts pls and ty
Ahaha. Yes. Yes I did watch it. Then I cried for a literal hour and attempted to compose myself, only to start crying again when I lay down and kept on thinking about it. Then I had more feelings. Then I slept like the dead due to emotional trauma. Then I reblogged gifsets and had More feelings. Then @buffaluff and @flynnanimal watched it and also required emotional support due to drowning in their own tears. So, uh... we're all fine here now. How are you?
My main takeaway from the final season was the sheer amount of love for the characters, story, and fans that you could feel shining through all the episodes, and which made SUCH a refreshing change. I had feelings in my tags the other day about how a show about the devil was constantly goofy, hopeful, loving, and uplifting, rather than all the grimdark nonsense they could have easily done with it. (As I said, just imagine it as written by the GOT idiots?? NO THANK YOU.) The writing really loved everyone and wanted to give them a proper ending and emotional journey, and it wanted to show the fans that they weren't stupid for having invested six seasons of effort and emotion into this, and just... that is so much rarer than it should be? Compare all the movies and TV shows that treat their fans like the enemy, that want to outsmart them at all costs even if it means changing major plot elements, that ferociously guard spoilers and think that "shock value" means good writing, by throwing hackneyed cliche upon cliche and making everything Depressing, and just... Lucifer had its hiccups and slow points and missteps, of course, but I am SO glad they didn't do that. The entire show consisted of Lucifer slowly but steadily progressing toward being a better man, despite mistakes and setbacks and sometimes a little too much will-they-won't-they. (Season 3 was the only one where I got bored and skipped over the filler episodes with Pierce/Lucifer/Chloe in order to get to the end).
That is an essentially simple premise, but they stuck to it, and they didn't try to create more drama by randomly wrecking what they had already established. I wrote a fic all the way back in mid-season 2 (In Nomine Patris) that ended up predicting quite a few of the future characters who had not yet appeared on the show at that time, including Eve, Michael, and Azrael, and several plot points, including the very major one of Lucifer returning to hell for the sake of his daughter with Chloe. And while this might mean that I am just that good at guessing TV shows (I would like to think this....) it also means that the writers set expectations, followed through on those expectations, and didn't suddenly derail everything or turn it totally on its head just for the sake of cheap shocks. As we can all attest, they certainly caused PLENTY of drama, anguish, pain, and suffering, but they did it in a way that remained faithful to the overall premises of the story and the characters, and wanted to see them become the best versions of themselves. I cried my eyes out at the end and then thought, "hey, I might want to watch the whole series again," which, if you ask me, is the mark of doing your job right. There have been so few TV endings recently where I didn't immediately swear off the whole thing or have to pretend that canon didn't exist, so yeah.
As I said, it was just refreshing to watch something that had that essential deep generosity at its core, where the message is that everyone is worthy of love if they make the hard and painful effort to change and become better, and that even if earthly things feel small next to all this messy celestial drama, they still matter, and that you are loved no matter what. I loved that Amenadiel became God and Lucifer returned to hell as a choice in order to help all the trapped souls be able to work through their guilt and go to heaven. There were obviously certain echoes of The Good Place in that ending; I don't know if it was something they had planned all along or if the success of TGP, another series asking deep questions about life, death, morality, and human nature within the framework of a goofy heaven-and-hell sitcom, influenced it, but either way, it worked so well. Even if it tore my heart out and stomped on it on the ground, it was fitting and oh so lovely to see Lucifer, once the most selfish being in the entire universe, following in Linda's footsteps and becoming selflessly dedicated to helping other people. Just. Chef's kiss.
And of course, Deckerstar. The Hades and Persephone vibes were IMMACULATE this season, and while it did take Lucifer and Chloe the best part of four seasons to get together, they never significantly backslid, never had third-party issues or cheap cheating storylines once they were officially a couple, and Tom Ellis and Lauren German REALLY killed it this season in particular. It was never easy for them and sometimes the drama went on a little too long over the course of said six seasons, but the love story was beautiful and incredibly meaningful and always true to the fact that the actors and characters and writers (not to mention the fans) all loved it so much. They were so much the emotional heart of this, and when they went to hell together in episode 6x03 (where they turned into cartoons because wHAT even IS this show), Joe Henderson said in an interview that this was to give the fans a view into Lucifer and Chloe's future (after) lives post-6x10, and to offer them a basis to write fanfiction. I mean... the showrunner saying to the fans "here, we love you, have something to write fic about!" is likewise pretty shockingly rare. It's again an example of how this show always audaciously poked fun at itself, never took itself TOO seriously, and was always welcoming its fans and the people who loved it to do so, rather than making them feel stupid or taking joy in wrecking beloved characters or plots.
Obviously, I loved Rory, the badass lesbian half-angel goth Deckerstar child straight out of My Immortal (seriously, she was SO edgy, it was amazing), because of the fact that Lucifer's entire arc was always about feeling abandoned by his father and that he was going to have to face it for himself. Dorky Devil Dad Lucifer trying his absolute HARDEST to bond with his daughter was simultaneously hilarious, adorable, and heart-wrenching, and yet again, the Growth. We all remember when he could barely tolerate Trixie touching him, and now we're here. Also, any variation whatsoever of "this is just a brief moment of time that we must be apart, love is eternal and stronger than death and we will never really leave each other" as a line is guaranteed to make me bawl my eyes out. So that was fun.
I got a big kick out of Ghost Dan running around and trying to get everyone to see him, and had feelings about seeing him in heaven with Charlotte and his beloved Pudding Pops at the end. I had feelings about how they handled Ella finding out the truth (or rather demanding to know why nobody had told her) and of course, I obviously loved Maze and Eve and their goth/femme wedding and the fact that they got a good three-season romantic arc (indeed, I wanted more of them). My god, Trixie is SO BIG, she used to be a tiny little nugget. I love that Linda was the moral and emotional rock all along, from the first episode to the very last, and that Amenadiel was Deeply Vindicated when Charlie's wings appeared at his first birthday party. I love how Lucifer in s6 is absolute thousands of light years from Lucifer in s1. And as ever, Chloe was Perfect. I am happy that I spent six seasons with these characters and saw them become better, and that I was never made to feel like an idiot for trusting the writers to end everything in a beautiful and emotional way. Because, well. They did. Sure, maybe I could go back and pick at a plotline here or a detail there, but I don't terribly feel the need to do so? It might not have been perfect, but it was perfect, and I am so grateful that it existed.
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sumeshi-t · 4 years
Girl, this just a q. Hahaha what do you think's the love language of the HQ boys? You can name the obvious ones and wild guesses. Been thinking bout it for a day 🤣
Hi!! Sis i'm sorry this came out late, but i kinda did the receiving/showing love language too if that makes any sense. i hope you like it haha! i think i may have gone a little extra on the others (but that's bc ur special to me 👀)
(Do take these with a grain of salt, because ngl no one is strictly just one type of love language, you could be a perfect mix, 20% of each type haha! And these are all opinions anyway, based from what i've seen/watched/read.)
Haikyuu!! Love Languages
Words of Affirmation (Showing)
these boys show their love verbally. they let you know they love you with little unexpected notes or texts. they're usually good listeners who would always have something to say, and that something to say feels so right in that moment and usually makes sense 100% of the time.
sugawara koushi. we all know he has a way with his words. let's not forget that he is 'mr. refreshing' because of how good he is at communicating with his teammates. also the "negativity begone!" moment? asahi? when he made hinata realize stuff about kageyama when he was teaching him how to receive? yeah seems just about right to me.
probably hinata shoyou. but it's so adorable though because he's gonna be sooo shy about it! i mean the way he encouraged a lot of his peers–he has his awkward moments and blushy blushy times but this boy always knows what to say even if it seems stupidly simple–but that's how he is and that's why he's so lovable.
Words of Affirmation (Receiving)
these boys on the other hand, enjoy or prefer hearing verbal validation from their partner. they love it when you listen to what they have to say, or when you praise them and push them to be better with words. or when you appreciate the little things they don't usually do for others but makes exceptions for you.
definitely bokuto koutarou. and goshiki tsutomu. no explanations needed.
tanaka ryunosuke. call him senpai and he's yours maybe. i mean his mental strength do be high but he loves it when he's being praised.
oikawa tooru. i mean, maybe he doesn't enjoy it much when he's being ranted to but if you give him the privilege of listening fully as he lets out his deepest issues/insecurities? without judgment? he's good to go. always remind him of how good he actually is and acknowledge his hard work genuinely. always check up on him with little texts throughout the day or send him memes/quotes/photos and tell him "this reminds me of you" to cheer him up. push him towards greatness at the same time push him to rest. (got carried away with this one i'm sorry)
Physical Touch (Showing)
obviously the all-touch body language gang. prefer to convey their love and affection when they're with you physically. holding hands, hugs, not necessarily clingy but there's always a way or another that they're touching you even in the slightest of ways–can be a hand on your low back or even just fingers entwined loosely.
kageyama tobio. have you seen him hold and memorize the feel of a volleyball? practically the same thing with you. the amount of times his fingers have traced every line on your palm when you two were idling about somewhere–it happens all the time, it's become routine, it's made you volunteer your own hand too esp when you find him stressed.
nishinoya yuu. damn have you seen him just all over everyone? i mean, he isn't exactly clingy but in little background stuff, he's always touching someone? and doesn't he like touching the ball? kskisks
idk i'm just gonna say tendou satori too because... his fingers give me that vibe. and shit, i almost forgot about akaashi keiji. ma'am his little finger fiddling habit??? he'd love to fiddle with yours too. he's so gentle with how he holds your hand he thinks it's immaculate–he'd even ask permission first omg 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Physical Touch (Receiving)
basically they love being touched or having skin-skin/close contact initiated by you. they love it when you give little hugs or just idly resting your head on their shoulder or lap.
iwaizumi hajime. this cuteass hedgehog–i been simping for him for a week already 😭 i feel like he craves touch even though he doesn't explicitly say it. smooth your hand over his cheek or forehead you'd already see a difference that his brows relax, his lips part slightly for an exhale. when you make it a point through your touches that you're there, for him, even if it's just choosing to sit beside him during lunch is already 👌🏻
i think... miya atsumu. the opposite of iwa's tho. this boy is handsy-handsy. this might as well be his way of showing love too. run your hands over his muscles madame, or brush fingers through his hair if you feel that it looks out of place. a sucker for you clinging onto his bicep when walking. idk i just think that for new/early on in a serious relationship with him, he's gonna be big on showing you off to the world so physical stuff are important for him because he knows words can be faked or scripted sooo yeah
Receiving Gifts (Showing)
"it's the thought that counts" kinda dude. they give you little things they think you might want but moreso things that you need. it doesn't have to be any "thing", it could even be something as simple as a bottle of water or energy drink. they make you one of their top priorities in life.
miya osamu. bruh he's chef's kiss cooking. that's it. i feel like he's the one who's gonna be making bentos for you (or you two can do that together as bonding too!) but i feel he's the type to remember food you pointed out once or watched on youtube, and i tell you you're gonna see it wrapped nicely on your desk a few days later.
yamaguchi tadashi. i feel like he's the type to just pick something up from the convenience store on his way home from training, then next morning he's going to shyly give it to you. "i just thought you might need a new one," his cheeks are flushed and a bashful smile on his lips when you thank him gleefully!
kozume kenma. just because this boy is sugar daddy material. can easily buy something online that he saw you window shopping for on your phone. he does this not to show off his cash, but because your happiness comes first 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 he's not really that good at handling emotions he's so closed off so i think this is the way he finds and uses to show love to you.
Receiving Gifts (Receiving)
sounds redundant, but these boys fall for you harder when you remember them through little things you drop on them. can be from a well thought out gift to something so mundane like a single piece of candy. (but thoughtful gifts are better!)
daichi sawamura. he's not materialistic don't worry (ngl daichi's like, one of the most virtuous characters in haikyuu). but can we not forget that little charm michimiya gave him (the team)? i hc that he's the one who kept it, it's somewhere in his room on a shelf. i mean, anyone could keep that right? they could put it in the clubroom (even after they graduated) but he just decides to keep it. anyway, he's not going to expect you to give him extravagant gifts in particular–he just... enjoys seeing little things that you give him (it can be a pen or ink refills, a phone case, or anything at all) and he's bound to treasure it for a long while, and will always be grateful for you (because you're the greatest gift you've given him)
just a freaking guess but... bokuto koutarou. he's one of the more simple minded folks so if you remember to buy him a shirt he was eyeing or just basically bring him cute matching charms, he'd be sooo soft for you. big buff baby.
Quality Time (Showing)
these boys show their love for you by spending time with you–no distractions (to some, maybe no phone-using too!). not meant to sound restrictive or toxic in any way, but when they're with you, whether if it's a drive home or just lazing about the house, they'd appreciate it if you're attention is fixed on them.
ushijima wakatoshi and oikawa tooru. they're both hella busy with killing each other getting better, they're practically married to mikasa the volleyball. so they show their love for you by clearing out their schedule, or reserving just a day or two with only you. and if they do that, shower them with all your focus, love and attention. (esp oikawa if he comes to visit you from argentina). y'know the feeling of "the world stops and it was just us" kind of vibe. anyway the point is, they'll make time for you to make up for missed dates or calls. a lot of understanding needs to happen here, and if you respect their dreams and support them, sis ya got the 💍 coming
Quality Time (Receiving)
these boys on the other hand prefers alone time with you; maybe has something to do with not being so keen on PDA but if it does, only by a little bit. they don't say it but they love it when you share a bunch of small little moments together without interruption from nosy senpais/brothers/cousins.
tsukishima kei. this tol salty french fry... you don't even need to be talking, or touching each other. he likes the comfortable silence between you, and he loves spending time with you even if that's hard to see or realize. the only giveaway is that, only one of his ears is covered by his headset when he's with you doing homework; meaning he's ready to hear if there's anything you wanna say.
sakusa kiyoomi. bro just clean your room or the house for him and he's sold. i'm not kidding. he loves doing chores with you and going grocery shopping (especially in aisle 15 for the cleaning wares).
Acts of Service (Showing)
no they're not slaves for you, they show their love for you by doing stuff for you, from something so little that's hardly noticeable to even grander gestures–they're willing to go out of their way just to help you in anything and everything that you need. homework? chores? you don't even have to say anything and they'll pipe up with "i'll help".
aone takanobu. :( big, giant, softie. he'll do anything and everything for you. you'll notice stuff from the cupboard have been taken down, especially when you tell him you're gonna cook something and he knows what ingredients you'll be using. he's a man of very, very few words so please know that he loves you whenever he brings it upon himself to carry your stuff for you, and blocking away all negativity from your life.
akaashi keiji. bro you've seen him grab a glass of water for a choking kageyama. that's just the veeery tip of the mf iceberg! this boy is so well mannered that helping others just comes naturally for him–but with you he even does it a little more extra. will always bring water for you (esp if he knows how little you drink), will bring your fave snacks to you when finals are coming up, you'll notice that your work desk is a bit neater lately; he's just so pure and wholesome and you know if it's him, you're in good big hands.
Acts of Service (Receiving)
they become mush when you do stuff for them voluntarily. like no you didn't have to, but you did–it's you who did that for them–and they just fall in love with you all over again
yamaguchi tadashi. no i didn't say this just because his specialty was his serves. i just feel like his heart is gonna combust when he sees you doing something for him. omg imagine if you were the one who holds up a plastic bag of shimada mart and you're his reset point??? omg??? that's so soft??? like there's a lot of people there but all he sees now is you and just courage 100 worries 0
another motherflippin guess but yaku morisuke. not bc he'a good at receiving serves. he's like the mom of nekoma so he's used to being the one kinda telling people off and keeping the kids in line–he's got that responsibility on his tiny and firm shoulders. so if you decide to do stuff for him (or even the team) like bringing extra towels for everyone, making food (and a separate packed one for him), he's gonna be sooo proud of you and spite kuroo about it lolol
gen.taglist: @yams046
cheese cult: @akaashit-baeji @taeiliee @bubbleteaa @pineapplekween @ouikarwa @agaashi @boomboomjaz @akaashichigo @haikkeiji @annalyn-annalyn @mlkytobio @sosugasweet @cali-writes-sometimes @simping4ratsumu @shishinoya @ushiwakaa @kxgeyamasmilk @agaassi @hanibuni @cupofkenma @kawanisshi @milk-n-writings @thiccbokuto @shinsukestan @sufiawrites @wakaitoshi @skyguy-peach @fern-writes-ig @briswriting @kawaiikraykray @miyuswriting @raevaioli @hakueishirei @estherwritess @keiji-n @achoohq @badlywritten-hq @mochibeaa @oinkanna @chxrry-wxne @spudicide @airybby @asranomical @karmasuna
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EUROVISION 2021, personal favorites:
- Russia 🇷🇺
Manizha, Russian Woman: Absolute favorite. The sheer originality of the song! Her energy and the level of absolute badassery! She can sing, she can rap,and she's a bomb of energy. The way reggae and brass and hiphop and Slavic melodies overlap and it somehow works, the transitions between fun and "I'm bitter about the sexism and I'm mocking it unapologetically and making a stand" and the anthemic, emphatic and powerful message to Russian women; I was swelling with emotion while watching her. While to an American or a Westerner it may seem like performative feminism, I'm gonna remind you that in Russia and other Slavic countries that's very much not a thing and actually a very unpopular stand to make, and in Russia, The Balkans, and Eastern Europe in general, hundreds of women face domestic and sexual abuse on the daily, and those who do come forward rarely get support and are mostly dismissed. Let's not forget that Manizha got a huge backlash from the Russian government officials, and a big part of it was for her Tajik roots. The honesty of her message is real, and she's speaking from personal experience and the experience of women around her - nothing performative about her song, and you can tell from her delivery that the fire within her is true and she leaves her heart on the stage and pours it into the song. The staging and costumes are great as well, and symbolically well thougt-through. I would really like her to win, or at least get to the top 5. Most of all, I hope her message is heard and felt. 10000/10
- Italy 🇮🇹
Måneskin, Zitti e Buoni: definitely the closest thing to my actual music taste this year, so liking them off the bat wasn't a surprise. However, they're not just your regular Franz-Ferdinand-ish young alt rock band that wants to do rock "properly" - they have IT. The X factor, the Je ne sais quoi. I've been exposed to that particular genre, and I can confidently say that the song still manages to be refreshing and original (that bridge, those riffs!) The band has a great energy and no matter how much Damiano steals the show, they are still a unit and nobody is left in the shadows. They have the spirit of great rock bands of the previous century, and yet they don't try to copy anyone (khm,Greta Van Fleet, khm). Damiano's vocals are both powerful, seductive and provoking, and I'm still admiring the sheer amount of emotion he can pack into a single line and the nuance and yet rawness behind it. I'm not gonna state the obvious lol (the obvious being yes, I'm thirsty as well, he becomes yet another unattainable rockstar for me too,and yes they all look great) Anyway, great song, and maybe the clearest and most serious candidate for the number one spot, taking both the jury and the public into consideration. 10/10
- Iceland 🇮🇸
Daði Freyr and Gagnamagnið, 10 years:
What can I say about this masterpiece that hasn't already been said? A clear fan-favorite (hi, Valentina), but with the guns to back it up. The song is contagious, fun and campy, and unlike some other songs with said qualities, actually good from a musical perspective. Daði is incredibly charismatic and his sense of humor shines through, and even though he's the star of the show, the same can be said about the other band members. The synergy Måneskin has can be applied to Gagnamagnið as well, even though the energy is entirely different. They're serving us fun, sunshine, kitties rainbows sugar spice and everything nice, and manage to do it with zero cringe factor (plus those funky keytars). I'm one of those Eurovision fans that lament the golden age's (2004-2009) campiness (We'll never forget you, Verka), and Daði managed to bring it back, but modernised, polished and still sincere. I personally preferred the epic dad joke that slightly more commercial Think About Thing was (but that's one tough act to follow), but I'm always down for a husband adoring his wife and singing praises to their relationship. Since we're on tumblr, I feel obliged to use the term "cinnamon rolls" in describing Daði and the band. 9.5/10
- France 🇫🇷
Barbara Pravi, Voilà: She brought the theatrics, she brought the drama, and she brought the 101 in "that's how you perform". Her personality leaps through, and her voice is both beautiful and full of emotion and power. I'd hire her to star in a serious and artistic movie. Despite the fact that Voilà is from its melody to the singing style to the video to the vibe and the aesthetic hands down the most French thing I've seen since Amélie (do not come for that movie), it miraculously doesn't come across as a cliché, but rather an homage, and an individualistic one at that. It's not entirely my cup of tea, since I'm usually biased to songs that may come off as snobbish (I mean, the jury is going to lap it up), and are all about being proper and technical and oh how ~artistic~, but Barbara puts the soul into the immaculate. I'm not giving her the highest mark because I'm yet to see the performance, but I'm rooting for her. If she delivers the performance, we might have a clear winner. 9/10
- Ukraine 🇺🇦
Go_A, Shum: I'm a sucker for all things ethnic and mytological, so this was a no-brainer. I want that song played at every party. I want to go to the forest in the video and chant and summon the spring with flute and hard-bass. Kateryna Pavlenko has some unexplainable power over me, and her eyes are simply hypnotizing. The vocals are great, proper Slavic ethno right there (seriously, check out Slavic folklore and traditional music), and she has a subtle punk quality too(?). Ukraine came to save the spring and make us forget about the pandemic, and minus the Maruv fiasco (justice for her!), they always deliver and I expected nothing less. On the other hand, I loved the original version much more and couldn't help but be a bit disappointed with the revamp (yes, I know they had to), and while I personally love Shum, I think some other acts are more deserving of the higher placement. Go_A are not my winner, but definitely soon to be in my playlist. 8/10
- San Marino 🇸🇲
Adrenalina, Senhit ft. Flo Rida: You know that golden age of Eurovision I mentioned? THIS. I'm Serbian, so I can't resist a banger reminiscent of our horrible turbo-folk elements (and I say that endearingly,takes me back to 18th birthday parties (boy I'm glad that's over)). Let's just crown Senhit this year's Queen of Camp. The wild factor of Flo Rida...just?? Amazing. Can't wait to see how the performance goes (EDIT- it went great, I had a grin on my face the entire time and couldn't help but dance along). A certain refreshment after Serhat and Valentina Monetta endless loop. They didn't dial down the weird, but made it catchy af, and the vocal can rival any Balkan folk diva. While I think it's definitely the most entertaining entry this year, it's far from being the most original, and it's not really my genre of preference. Will vote for Senhit and root for her to qualify. 7.5/ 10
- Sweden 🇸🇪
Tusse, A million voices: As I mentioned before, I'm the first person that starts complaining about Sweden Superiority as soon as Eurovision season begins, and I'm with you all with being tired of Sweden qualifying just because they're Sweden and usually just bringing the same brand of MTV/Calvin Harris/American pop, or a successful and not-so-subtle imitation of the performances that did well the previous year,but listen: A million voices is a solid pop song and I'm going to die on that hill. It actually embodies the essence of pop - a catchy, pleasant melody sung by a good vocalist, with a short,sweet and uplifting message. It's not the same as previous years, it's not commercial, just good pop - good pop being something you immediately like and vibe to no matter how many common elements of the genre it checks. It relies on RnB rather than electronic sounds, auto tune or various DJ effects. Tusse is charming and charismatic af, and he's a 19yo kid doing an amazing job on a global stage. You don't have to like it, but there's no need to hate on it (ask Jendrik). Imo, Tusse deserved to qualify. Not winner material yet, but I wish him a fun time and a successful career. 7 5/10
- Switzerland 🇨🇭
G'jons Tears, Tout L'Univers: I saw the video first, and I HATED IT. It came across as a Duncan Lawrence-high-art wannabe, something technically perfect, but empty of soul or meaning, another soft boy with a sad falsetto, another jury-points bait. BUT. I changed my mind entirely after seeing him perform. Hands down, it was touching and epic. Reminding me of Hamlet aside, he DELIVERED, and made me love him, and actually enjoy the song. I still think the song is less original than Tusse's voices, but I enjoy the troubadour vibes of the pre-chours. G'jon is absolutely adorable, and I'm not gonna be mad if he wins. 8/10
shout-outs&honorable mentions:
- Serbia 🇷🇸 Yes, some national bias, but I'm proud of our girls. Ever Since we placed 2nd with Željko's Lane, we had that goddamn flute e v e r y year, and the same outdated scenography with a side of extra pathos (I'm sure that ruined Sanja's chances and her otherwise great performance back in 2016.) Finally something fun and actually representative of the music popular here. They looked flawless and the energy was off the charts. Go, Hurricane!
-Finland 🇫🇮 Yes, cheesy and corny and I cut my finger accidentally from watching the video on all the edge, but I'm biased because they're bringing emo and nu-metal back, and that's the music of my early adolescence (hello, Kaulitz brothers and Andy Biersack,hello Gerard Way and Linkin Park) Call me grandma lol
- Malta 🇲🇹 DESTINY CAN SIIIIIIIIING! I wasn't impressed with the song initially, but the performance blew my mind.
- Ireland 🇮🇪 A for effort, and so nice of her to try and give us something unique! While it wasn't good enough to qualify, it was super fun and she seems so nice. Also, we all know that she was out of breath an can sing much better than that. Still wasn't bad.
- Romania 🇷🇴, for being so young and brave enough to put on a show. The nerves got the better of her, but the song itself is good and no doubt she'll do well in the future
- Lithuania 🇱🇹, thanks for the memeries
- Croatia 🇭🇷, Not my cup of tea, but Albina gave a great performance
-Norway 🇳🇴, for embodying the spirit of Eurovision
- North Macedonia 🇲🇰, for the disco chest
- The UK 🇬🇧, for putting some effort
(Might edit later)
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vangoghmusings · 4 years
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a/n: hello! i’ve been wanting to do this for a while now since im a huge astrology nerd (so i know what im talking about teehee)  so this is male match-ups according to sign and compatibility. this isn’t my usual kind of writing so i hope you guys like it!! <3 if you don’t know your sign check here  
this took me so long oh my god i hope you guys like it 
taglist: @mixfi @lilacskyura @katsuhoee ​ @moonlightinsanity​ @anime-waifuuu @iiminibattlehero @leeeah-loooser​ @bby-chloe1999​ @verymuchbabey @h0wab0utw3d0ntd0that@unknownweeabo @cookednoodlez @helloshoutohere @star-mum​ @izuku-sakura​ @thegalxe
Katsuki Bakugou- April 20; Taurus
the absolute SHOCK in my face to learn he wasn’t an aries
it would be expected that katsuki is a fire sign, like cmon look at his quirk
but taurus is actually an earth sign 
taurus are typically seen as quite calm, but,, 
katsuki does seem like a true taurus in many ways
they can be stubborn and unwilling to compromise 
they are very realistic 
they are often great at cooking and love to shop 
i feel like katsuki isn’t a self indulgent shopper but would buy anything for his s/o 
taurus are really good at working with their hands ;) 
theyre soft romantic bbs and as much as katsuki hates being vulnerable he’d definetly be a softie with his s/o 
id match katsuki with a calm pisces
Izuku Midoria- July 15; Cancer
i am not shocked at ALL to see that the lil broccoli boy is a cancer
like cmon he’s so sensitive 
he is a cancer to the T
he’s loyal, emotional, imaginative 
he also carries the negative traits of many cancers
such as feeling insecure and having difficulty taking criticism 
i mean the kid breaks his bones to prove others wrong 
cancers love being with their friends and family 
and they love helping others
the career of a hero would be natural for cancers
cancers are such sweet babies and izuku fits right into that category 
i would match izuku with a chill taurus 
Tenya Iida- August 22; Leo 
i didn’t expect tenya to be a leo but im also not surprised 
leos are often seen as flashy and arrogant 
but they’re more than their stereotype
leos are passionate and natural born leaders
like cmon class rep! 
tenya being a leo makes a lot of sense 
he’s generous and kind and always strives for the best 
they tend to be a bit dramatic, and tenya can be too 
being that leos are a fire sign they gravitate to self growth
this can be seen in tenya wanting to improve and challenging himself 
leos struggle facing harsh realities, similarly to tenya when he learned about what happened to tensei 
leos are known for their bravery and tenya fits right in
i would match tenya with a kind aquarius 
Shoto Todoroki- January 11; Capricorn 
i practically screamed when i realized shoto was a capricorn 
it just makes way too much sense 
they’re responsible, well-mannered, respectful !!!!
capricorns i just,, i love them, truly 
shoto is no exception 
they love family, things of quality, traditions 
and their dislikes vary from day to day
cause they’re iconic thats why 
however, capricorns aren’t always the nicest 
they tend to be condescending and can often come off as rude 
they’re incredibly unforgiving *ahem endeavor ahem* 
but, its because they just have naturally high standards 
it makes sense that he is an earth sign because he’s super grounded 
because saturn rules capricorn, the tend to seem cold and distant at times
but they are incredibly loyal friends and always strive for the best 
i would match shoto with a down to earth cancer
Mashiro Ojiro- May 28; Gemini 
i must admit, i was surprised to learn ojiro is a gemini
but if you really look at his character it makes a lot of sense 
gemini’s have a bad rep of being too faced
they’re actually one of my favorite signs!!
gemini’s are are gentle and affectionate 
and sweet bb ojiro is exactly that 
however they also tend to be quite anxious, another thing ojiro happens to be at times as well 
they’re very adaptable people
this can be seen throughout ojiro’s training and how much he learns and is willing to continue striving for 
gemini’s are very sociable and will talk to almost anyone 
like, he doesn’t see hagakure but they’re still good friends 
this is why i think ojiro would do great with a fire sign 
i would match ojiro with a cheerful sagittarius 
Denki Kaminari- June 29; Cancer 
alright cancer number two!! 
to be honest, denki doesn’t really give cancer vibes 
but, his personality traits align to much of what a cancer is 
tenacious and loyal 
and denki is definitely that 
however, cancers can be suspicious of others and their actions
and denki feels like the kind of guy to snoop on somebody 
but we gotta give denki some credit 
cancers strive to be there for their friends no matter what
denki shows this in the usj attack when he protects momo and jiro 
cancers tend to avoid conflict but even so, they search for conflict in those who pose bigger threats to them
similarly to when denki makes fun of bakugou even though he could totally blow him up 
denki is a chatty and flirty baby 
and cancers tend to be most compatible with earth signs 
buuut i think denki would be better suited with a fire sign 
i’d match denki with an outgoing aries 
Hanta Sero- July 28; Leo 
at first i was like hmmm no 
but then i used my brain and i was like actually yes 
leos are prideful and while sero doesn’t seem like the boastful kind, he does have a lot of pride in himself 
leos are very committed to their goals and sero’s actions show his dedication to becoming a hero 
leos are also so funny?? and sero is literally one of the funniest guys of 1A 
sero is one of the most sociable in the class and a total class clown 
leos are almost always seen with their friends and sero is no different 
sero’s vibes are just immaculate in my opinions 
so his s/o needs to match the energy 
i would match sero with a funny gemini 
Eijiro Kirishima- October 16; Libra
ok ok but seriously, of course kiri is a libra 
libras are diplomatic, fair, and strive for justice 
aka being MANLY is in the stars for bb kiri 
however, libras aren’t the most confident people 
they’re quite insecure and pity themselves a’lot 
which makes sense that its canon that it took kiri so long to accept his quirk 
have you ever wondered why kiri is so hot and cute and perfect?
im not even kidding
libras are known for being physically attractive 
i mean libra is literally ruled by venus
who else is venus?
long story short, kiri is the god of love 
libras hate being alone
why do you think he puts up with bakugou constantly calling him shitty hair and pushing him around? 
i considered putting kiri with a water sign but they’re kinda babies (no offense i love my water signs) 
but i don’t think he could handle a person who is constantly emotional like many water signs are 
i would match kiri with a kind-hearted sagittarius 
Hitoshi Shinso- July 1; Cancer 
jesus christ ANOTHER CANCER?? 
i cant even be upset cause it makes sense 
while i would’ve thought shinso was a calm scorpio or a relaxde picses 
he fits much better as a cancer 
as mentioned previously with deku and denki, cancers really do have a heart of gold and just want to help people 
cancers are also very manipulative people 
i mean, look at this mans quirk 
cancers are also moody and pessimistic 
characteristics that shinsou has but are seen more as stoic and quiet
but cancers are also sympathetic 
and bb shinsou is a softie i just know it 
cancers are guided by emotion
like deku, he is seen as passionate for his desire to be a hero, even though his quirk is seen to be one of evil 
shinsou needs to be with someone who’s willing to listen when he opens up (which cancers hate doing)
i would match shinsou with an understanding taurus
Tamaki Amajiki- March 1; Aries
youre telling me this man is an aries and bakugou isnt?? 
i need to collect my thoughts 
OK so tamaki is an aries 
and honestly its pretty accurate
most times aries are seen as passionate in a reckless and angry manner
but tamaki’s passion is displayed in his dedication to being a hero 
i mean he’s literally in the big 3 
aries tend to be moody, which is seen in tamaki’s shy actions 
but they’re also enthusiastic and courageous 
tamaki’s courage is shown in the mission to rescue eri 
aries are seen as intimidating and tamaki’s dark features are exactly that 
and while he is very shy, he needs someone to help bring him out of his shell delicately 
id match tamaki with a gentle libra 
Mirio Togata- July 15; Cancer 
whats up with mirio and deku sharing the same bday doe 
this is way too many cancers 
BUT mirio is such a cancer lets be real 
we’ve covered the basics of cancers
will do anything for others 
and most importantly brave
the sign of a cancer is a crab 
the crab symbolizes someone who doesn’t realize their great strength  
mirio is the personification of the strength of the crab 
and poor baby has gone through so much and deserves the world 
he’s so cheerful but he needs someone to be there for him when he’s at his most emotional moments 
i would match mirio with a tender capricorn 
Shota Aizawa- November 8; Scorpio 
i mean cmon 
ofc dadzawa is a scorpio 
he’s the image of a stereotypical scorpio 
dark features, dark clothing, serious and kinda rude 
but scorpios get a bad rep for being meanies (we should be watching out for virgos tho) (jk jk i love my virgos <3) 
but scorpios have some of the best characteristics 
their loyalty is beyond words 
they would literally lay down their life for a friend or the good of others 
scorpios are passionate and assertive, and this side of aizawa definitely comes out 
aizawa is so stoic he needs somebody to soften him up 
i would match aizawa with a cheery cancer 
Hizashi Yamada- July 7; Cancer
another f*cking cancer
not just because aizawa and him are married and he’s a cancer and it totally makes sense 
but hizashi is such a cancer oh my god 
he’s sensitive, and caring, and brave, and a literal pro hero 
which is a cancer living the dream 
cancers often have difficult childhoods and struggle immensely to find outlets 
this fits with the theory that as a child, hizashi was put up for adoption and/or muzzled as a child because of his powerful quirk 
cancers are ruled by the moon, which would make sense to why they are so emotional 
because the moon goes through phases, so do they
hizashi needs someone that would help him be strong outside of his hero work and for his own mentality 
i would match hizashi with (aizawa or) a charismatic virgo 
Toshinori Yagi- June 10; Gemini 
ofc all might is a gemini 
he literally has 2 forms
and geminis are literally two faced
it makes so much sense that the symbol of peace is a gemini 
he’s adaptable and a quick learner 
geminis are affectionate and you cant tell me toshi isn’t the biggest cuddler and softie in the world 
geminis are people pleasers and just want to make others happy 
and all might’s literal thing is smiling to comfort those in fear
toshi needs someone who is understanding of what he had gone through as a retired hero and the bearer of one for all 
i would match toshi with an inquisitive aquarius 
Keigo Takami- December 28; Capricorn 
ok but he is such a capricorn its not even funny 
he’s a cocky know-it-all kind of capricorn 
but he’s also a responsible and well mannered capricorn
capricorns are people who are willing to take on immense responsibilities 
and hawks is literally the no. 2 hero so of course he’s got a lot of responsibilities 
because he’s an earth sign, we wants to get the most out of what the world has to offer him 
including fame and money 
but hawk’s head strong and professional attitude is what comforts people and makes him such a great hero 
he needs someone who would match his energy well 
i would match keigo with a level-headed scorpio
Dabi- January 18; Aquarius 
i have a deep love for this sign 
dabi is an aquarius and it is so accurate 
aquarius love to fight for a cause
in dabi’s eyes, the league of villains is the best cause he can support
and he’s at the front lines
they’re considered humanitarians,,and dabi is in his own “special way” 
aquarius love a good conspiracy and mystery 
and dabi is a total mystery 
aquarius constantly have to be stimulated and doing something
otherwise their boredom can lead to reckless actions 
they are also anti all emotions 
this is why they seem so aloof, they don’t know how to confront their own feelings 
i’d pair dabi up with someone who is willing to listen to him and hopefully allow him to open up 
i would match dabi with a charming sagittarius 
Tomura Shigaraki- April 4; Aries
now this is a stereotypical aries��
aries is ruled by mars, which was named after aries 
like his literal goal is to destroy society,, 
aries love to be in leadership roles
they’re also short-tempered 
and aggressive 
how ever, his more “positive” traits such as determination and passion are also evident in his characteristics 
they’re competitive people and tomura definitely is one 
tomura would need to be with someone who is calm  
i would match tomura with a patient leo 
Kai Chisaki- Birthdate Unknown;NA 
so kai’s sign is unknown 
he still deserves a match up 
besides his stance in villainy
kai as actually very well mannered and polite 
but he doesn’t value human life and sees his as more important and pure than those who are “sick” 
a lot of his characteristics would lead me to believe he is an unevolved sociopathic capricorn 
outside of being a villain i would match kai with someone who was understanding and a good listener 
i would match kai with a sympathetic pisces 
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sweetsmellosuccess · 3 years
Sundance 2021: Day 1 & 2
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Films: 5
Best Film of the Day(s): Summer of Soul
Coda: It is mostly a truism that the festival tends to start things off on Thursday night with a genial offering, to whet the appetite, as it were, for the vastly more far-reaching, and oft-madcap rest of the program. Sian Heder’s sweetly realized light drama, about Ruby (Emilia Jones), a high school senior in Gloucester, MA, who works in the early morning non-school hours on her father’s fishing boat, and full-time as the only member of her family, including mom (Marlee Matlin), father (Troy Katsur), and brother (Daniel Durant) who isn’t deaf. Balancing out her workload, she joins the choir, in order to be able to spend time with her crush, Miles (Ferdia Walsh-Peelo), and turns out to have significant enough talent that her flinty music teacher (Eugenio Derbez), encourages her to apply to the prestigious music college in Boston of which he is an alum. Formulaic, to be certain, but moving nonetheless, with fine performances from the family  —  in keeping with the film’s own set-up, all but Jones actually deaf  —  and a strong sense of their relationships, especially between Ruby and her father. Heder’s screenplay also plays out the difficult dynamic between Ruby, and the rest of the hearing world, as the lone interpreter and defender of her family. As she puts it, they can’t hear themselves being laughed at, but she has no choice. It’s certainly glossy, but it’s also heartfelt, as in one pivotal scene, as Ruby performs a moving duet with Miles for the choir’s big show, Heder unexpectedly douses the sound for a few long moments, giving us a moving sense of what her parents get to experience during their daughter’s moment of artistic triumph.
Censor: As the title suggests, Prano Bailey-Bond’s discreet horror flick is about the idea of repression  —  what we want to cut away from the ugliness of the human experience. Set during the Thatcherite ‘80s, during an era where “video nasties” had become the topic du jour of cultural critics and political wankers, suggesting the sudden proliferation of demented, ultra-violent straight-to-video releases in the UK was somehow leading the country into sadistic nihilism, as opposed to their representing the result of Thatcher’s choking brand of right-wing oppression. Enid (Niamh Algar), a censor working for the government to render such films as Asunder, and Violent Coda properly palatable to the squirming masses, by excising excessive eye-gougings, brutal rapes, and disembowelments just enough to pass the board. She’s already living with her own past demons, a younger sister who disappeared in the woods under her watch years before, leaving her family shattered. Bailey-Bond shoots the film until the very end, as if underground, even while literally outside. Enid makes her way through the tube stations, and pedestrian tunnels, to her windowless office, and back again, with overhanging branches, overpasses, and canopies keeping her away from contact with the outside world. Creepy  —  but notably restrained in its own depictions of violence, save for the grainy, 4:3 imagery Enid has to make her way through at her job  —  Bailey-Bond’s film works well as a half-remembered bad dream from a similar tableau as Peter Strickland, but doesn’t quite have to chops, visually or in its surreal storytelling, to push it past those boundaries. It’s gripping enough, but doesn’t stick with you terribly long.
Summer of Soul (...Or When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised): In 1969, during the Summer of Love, when white hippies and counter-culturalists were grooving to Woodstock, and NASA had successfully landed whitey on the moon, an entirely different sort of cultural fusion was taking place in Mt. Morris Park in Harlem. A performer and concert promoter named Tony Lawerence conceived of the event, a big outdoor stage where for six consecutive weekends, people could flock to the free shows that featured Jazz, Afro-beat, blues, R ‘n B, gospel, Motown, and funk. More than 300,000 attended the concerts in total to watch legendary performers including B.B. King, Mahalia Jackson, Max Roach, Mavis Staples, Gladys Knight, Hugh Masekela, a 19-year-old Stevie Wonder, Sly and the Family Stone, and, in the sort of fierce performance that defined her live presence, Nina Simone, but even though the shows were meticulously filmed, the footage had never found an outlet, until now. Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson’s directorial debut doesn’t just present the artists’ performances (though it certainly could have), but adds insight from some of the surviving artists, and some of those in the crowd who witnessed them. He also works to put the shows into the cultural context of the time, when a rare mixture of political outrage, multicultural strength, and a dawning of the Black Pride movement created a fulcrum for Harlem, and Black people all over the world. Hippies got the press, and much of the mainstream media coverage, but Thompson makes a strong case as to how the same repressive forces that lead to the explosion of the counterculture movement amongst white college students and young people, also affected the rise of rebellion and tide-shifting in communities of color. Watching Jackson and Staples perform a riveting version of MLK’s favorite gospel song, “Take My Hand, Precious Lord,” in the wake of the black leader’s assassination, or Simone rip into “Backlash Blues” is to witness the shift of cultural winds, as they whipped across a steamy, jam-packed park in Upper Manhattan.
John and the Hole: The title is, on first blush, terrible, but as with several things in this confidently enigmatic coming-of-a-kind-of-age tale from Pascual Sisto, there’s more to it than that. What initially sounds dumpy becomes somewhat cannily constructed: It’s meant to evoke a kind of modern myth vibe, along the lines of “Jack and the Beanstalk.” As it turns out, the film’s refusal to explain itself becomes a significant strength. John (Charlie Shotwell), is a 13-year-old kid from a wealthy family outside of Boston. Skinny and stammering, he’s also difficult to read, either by his parents (Jennifer Ehle and Michael C. Hall), or his older sister (Taissa Farmiga). Which is why, when John’s family wake up one morning at the bottom of a deep, cement shaft  —  part of a bunker built in the woods near their house  —  after having been drugged, and dragged there by John, their reactions run from mildly surprised to mildly upset. John leaves them down there, occasionally stopping by the edge to drop down food, water, and jackets, while he lives on at the main house, zipping around town in the family’s Volvo SUV, and taking out cash when needed from his dad’s ATM card. At first, he finds it liberating  —  eating a mound of chicken nuggets, endless pizzas, and leaving the mess littered around the house, as he attempts to stave off suspicions  —  but, eventually, he gets lonely, and realizes he prefers their company to being on his own. There’s maliciousness implied in his actions  —  a frequent shot looking up at John from inside the pit keeps re-establishing the peculiar power dynamic in the family  —  but nothing happens, it appears, that can’t be taken back. Sisto shoots the film sumptuously, drawing out the beauty of their immaculate house in contrast to the mess it slowly becomes under John’s ambivalence (an idea neatly echoed with the rest of the family down in the bunker, who quickly become filthier and filthier until the mud and grime seems etched into their pores). What conclusions it may draw are difficult to ascertain, in keeping with the nature of the project, but there is the definite sense that the nuclear family, as rigid as the formation may seem, remains a useful tool for healthy emotional growth after all.
In the Earth: Shot in the summer of 2020, in response to the pandemic (director Ben Wheatley explained pre-screening that he wanted a film that “reflected the politics of the times”), the film is loaded with imagery of madness and obsession. Or, you know, what happens to the human mind when it’s forced to stay in place for months at a go. Set in the near future, when a different and even more deadly virus has devastated the planet, the story concerns a scientist named Martin (Joel Fry), who needs to head deep into a boreal forest to find a research lab headed by a former flame (Hayley Squires). He is aided by a guide, a forest ranger named Alma (Ellora Torchia), who takes him on the supposed two-day trek. En route, however, they run into trouble in the form of Zach (Reece Shearsmith), a crazy devotee of the forest gods, and what he believes are their ritualistic demands. Breaking free from him, they arrive at the research lab, only to find similar insanity. Wheatley’s film feels rushed in places, and is violently incoherent in others, but its sense of immediacy is acute. With its characters having plunged into bizarre cryptic conspiracy theories, having plunged deep into the Boreal heart of darkness, and the sense that reality has been splintered, it ends up being a pretty fair summation of current life and times. It might not hold up under much scrutiny years from now, but it could hardly be more of the moment in the meantime.
Sundance goes mostly virtual for this year’s edition, sparing filmgoers the altitude, long waits, standing lines, and panicked eating binges  —  but also, these things and more that make the festival so damn endearing. In any event, Sundance via living room is still a hell of a lot better than no Sundance. A daily report.
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comicteaparty · 5 years
November 13th-November 19th, 2019 Reader Favorites Archive
The archive for the Reader Favorites chat that occurred from November 13th, 2019 to November 19th, 2019.  The chat focused on the following question: 
When reading a new webcomic for the first time, what qualities are more likely to turn you into a long-term fan?
Definitely creativeness and how unique the overall concept is. If i think i can pretty much guess how the story is going to play out I'm less inclined to stick around and tune in every week (though i might queue up a bunch of chapters and binge it if i still like it enough). If a story keeps me on my toes and there's cliffhangers every chapter it makes me want to come back every week to find out what's going to happen next and that consistency makes me want to stay until the very end. Also i tend to read mostly romances so if i really like the ship that the comic is pushing i'm much more likely to keep reading it
For me, it's character development. While the art style or plot concept might draw me to read a comic initially, it is the characters that make me stay. If I feel like the characters have realistic enough motives or emotional journeys, I start to see them as real people. I cry with them, laugh with them, and mourn with them.
I need to get a good idea of the 'hook' in the first 20 or so pages. I really need to know if the comic itself knows what it wants to do before it's really started. It can be through set up or character intros or world building like Chirault http://chirault.sevensmith.net/, or even a good random encounter like in Ghost Junk http://ghostjunksickness.com/ to get me into the action really fast, or starting In Media Res like O Sarilho http://sarilho.net/en/ . I need to know the creator knows where the story is going in some capacity or I'm worried the comic will quickly stagger into a hiatus. Technical parts can still be a bit wonky as I know from experience most creators need some practice, but I still need an idea they're getting to (without having to read the about page)
Most comics I've read that kept me going always seem to have really well thought out starting points that continue all the way till the end.
I look at how the narrative treats lawful characters. I usually have a hard time relating to chaotics, regardless of how well they're written (I may come to care about a chaotic character, but I'm gonna need something else to keep me reading until that happens). If the narrative portrays lawfuls as interesting and worthy of attention, and gives them compelling arcs that let them shine, yeah, that's probably my jam! Related to above though not the same: I love it when slow, quiet moments are given importance and handled well. (Related since quiet and lawful overlap?) Not just downtime so people can catch their emotional breath before the next set of busy scenes... but important enough to be seen as the focus of their own, if not of the story! This should show quite clearly in my own comic if I'm doing my job right...
Sombulus (http://sombulus.com/) by @Delphina is a notable example of treating lawful characters with respect, even though the comic as a whole has this wacky chaotic fun vibe. When I was first making my way through the archive, I greatly enjoyed the first adventure with townspeople turning into literal walking fruits, bread, etc. But then the trio went to talk to Tenge, and I was relieved that the narrative didn't "side with" the chaotic, irresponsible (though still 100% lovable -- I love you too, Astyr!!) main character. The comic managed to portray Tenge as being uptight without feeling unfair to me, a lawful. That is SO rare to see! (Sombulus as a whole does a great job at treating characters from the entire lawful-chaotic spectrum with both fairness and fondness. It is one of my favorite things about the comic. )
(I saw I got pinged so I scrolled up to see what the question was, but I went too far and I thought you were saying Tenge was your favorite magical boy and I was dyiinnnggg @keii4ii )
(Tenge is totally my favorite magical boy too, now that you put it that way )
Thank you! And thanks for the compliment on the lawful/chaotic dichotomy. Balancing how those kinds of personalities work together and how they're both strong in their own ways is really fun for me, and I'm glad it's showing in Sombulus!
What can keep me reading depends on the comic. The hook can either be character interaction, the character's themselves, the setting, or the plot. With characters, how the they handle themselves and one another, how they think, how they talk, how they walk, how they DaNCe, how TheY LOVE! Lmao! But nah, I'm really big into character details, which individualizing characters to the extent that I like is rare in comics so I settle for standard stuff. As long as I can distinguish them, and they're interesting, I'm chill. Setting? A super fun thing for me, I love it when creators go batshit with their setting lore and world building. Of course even when the setting just pure aesthetic, when it comes to it being the hook for me as long as it's weird and crazy, something a little fantastical or cosmic I'm digging it! Plot. This is the one I least care about... as weird as that sounds. The story can be an insane mess as long as it's a fun and enjoyable mess, but when story does hook me it is usually an interesting, super intriguing take on a preused concept either with the use of visuals or writing. (Which every concept has been used, originality is technically dead) Some examples are: The Prometheite https://tapas.io/series/Prometheite - A sad Frankenstein story about a woman losing her partner to a fatal illness. Hookteeth https://tapas.io/series/Hookteeth - A lovecraftian/cosmic horror romance with merfolk. (Not much to say about this one, Lovecraftian stories in themselves are weird and awesome imo.) SUPERPOSE https://tapas.io/series/SUPERPOSE - A sci-fi comic heavy on character interaction, and looks to be something other than the usual in space, on a different planet, or a story where the sci-fi is just a setting. (To be honestly, I'm mostly into how the story is presented visually. It feels very theatrical.)
Sometimes I stick with a comic purely for the aesthetics, I'm a sucker for eye candy. LIke Seluda https://tapas.io/series/seluda - A normal-ass high school story, but the visual presentation is SOmething else! Very 60's-70's drug trip, the style of speech used by the MC is very surreal, if not a little long winded at times. I would chalk my interest in this comic up to characters and art, but mostly art.
Related: Astyr supplying the non-sequitur lines to keep that one machine going was also a favorite moment of mine. This is probably just me but I found it genuinely heartwarming to see him able to contribute simply by being his chaotic self, even without his magic. @Delphina
Honestly character design and a memorable interaction are easy hooks for me. I do like a good investment in world building however, it really helps for easy immersion and definitely makes it more enjoyable to read! The moment I see a creator indulge in some good backgrounds and lore, I'm pretty much sold! Phantomarine and o sarilho are really good examples of all those things http://www.phantomarine.com/ https://sarilho.net/en/
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I read a really wide variety of comics. I’m not sure I can pinpoint exactly what trait it is that hooks me, besides just ‘good writing’. I like comics that have believable, relatable characters, well thought-out plots, and good character development. I’m immediately turned away by heavy reliance on tropes, stale, cookie-cutter characters, or achingly slow progression. If it’s well written and well-paced, there’s a good chance I’ll stick around and keep reading. Also, a bit opposite of what Keiii was saying above- I love a good rogue. The better the chaotic character, the more likely I am to be drawn in. I love stories that explore the moral grey area, that have villains with good redemption arcs, and have heroes that are deeply flawed but grow and learn. If the hero is always 100% on the good side and the villain is always 100% on the bad side, I’m more likely to lose interest.(edited)
Ohh yes agreed on that
@Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios) I believe we may be looking at two sides of the same coin! I wouldn't be interested in reading about the Honorable and Immaculate Lawful Heroes Against The Forever Evil Baddies, either. Greyness -- or to describe it differently, "stories not picking a side" -- is something I like seeing as well, just through a more lawful lens. Back to the Sombulus example, it's one thing to portray a noble lawful hero. But Tenge was portrayed as being uptight, without making it feel like a jab at lawful readers. He has room for growth, but so does everyone else in the story. Reading Sombulus I feel like he can learn to become a happier person without becoming someone else. Lawful doesn't mean perfect nor boring, and that's something I really appreciate seeing.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
That’s very true! I like when lawful characters aren’t perfect, though I gravitate more towards chaos, lol.
(Tienar may not be my tippy top favorite Ashes character (not yet sure who my fave is!) but I am definitely partial to him and his lawfulness. )
i love chaotic lawful characters. one of my favorite characters was from a long dead webcomic called destress where the main character was lawful but also psycho. it was pretty fun to watch
I dont read a lot of comics but I love loveable rogue characters
Love me those chaotic stupid types too My comic's main char is one of them and it definitely makes for interesting interactions!
I like the dynamic my characters have. The leader of the group is smart and responsible, the second in command is smart and kind of lazy, and everyone else is completely chaotic, evil, or stupid
So the leader is herding cats
Glowbat (Aloe)
I think what really grabs my attention and chains it to the radiator usually is when there's a noticeable overarching thesis or themes to the comic that the creator is mulling over via the story. Usually as a result it really tightens up the whole story and seeing characters of all kinds representing different stances on the thesis and acting in ways directly reflecting that is neat.
^ Cohesiveness!!!!
Glowbat (Aloe)
I think it's interesting how most of us are drawn in with character development, even if the specific types of characters we enjoy are different.
^ Yeah, I fully admit that just because a character is well written/believable, doesn't guarantee I'll be invested in that character. I definitely have my types, as well as a horribly narrow and specific taste range
Glowbat (Aloe)
also the other thing that really draws me in is if you put a hot character with pointy shark teeth in I will read the entire comic always
I think my taste range is pretty broad with the characters I like, narrow af in regards to art styles
It's a horrible affliction really
@Glowbat (Aloe) lol, do you read Castle Swimmer?
Glowbat (Aloe)
Phin (Heirs of the Veil)
I think what hooks me, when I start reading new webcomics, is how diverse and interesting the cast is and I think I'm more likely to stay on a superficial level if not everyone is conventionally attrative. Other than that, strong character writing and strong motivations for the characters that are already there in the beginning.
Character development!
Things that keep me around are like... If I can read it, honestly. Like if i can follow whats happening consistently then i can get into it. Also! Depending on how it treats women, lgbt people and disabled people really makes or breaks my overall enjoyment. I like character driven stories most but I can enjoy other things and get into them, its nit very consistent for me
All about clarity and respect
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Oh, yeah, the author respecting their characters and / or groups of people is a big must for me.
So I agree with Deo 100% on that
Oh, and also how much they respect their readers and trust that i can follow things without holding my hand through it!
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
^^^that too! I am not a fan of over-explaining(edited)
I will say, the way female characters are portrayed does affect my overall enjoyment as well. For example, if a woman is so boring and placeholder (i.e. just there to help a man or be a romantic interest), as I like to call, suffering from "girl" syndrome, I really hate it. This is why I can't watch a lot of anime, because often the female characters don't matter.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Also, @keii4ii I think you may be the first person ever to say you like Tienar!
omg noooo Tienar I WILL ROOT FOR YOU, MY EAGLE
It's not that I agree with him a lot. I just really appreciate that he's there
But yeah, if a comic can't pass the simple Bechdel Test....
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Hahaha, well, he’s definitely There
Re: the balance of clarity vs not over-explaining, that can be tricky!!
I too don't like over-explaining, but what I find to be just clear enough may be unclear to some, or too confusing,
Yep :// so that one is really not on the author so much as just "if I dont know what's up or if I feel its dragging on i wont like it"
Jts not the kind of thing that you can do right for everyone
What my indicators for "is this respectful?" "Is this clear?" Etc are gonna be wayyyy different from other people's so its hard to say exactly what keep me reading
This is actually something I've been thinking about a lot. For Korean webcomics, the comment section generates a lot of engagement, and one result is that reading comprehension becomes a group activity. Particularly observant comments become highest voted, so even less observant readers can follow along by reading the comic and the highest voted comments. I feel that makes some stories more accessible than they would've been without that comment section culture.
I wish that were commonplace lol
Their comment section is active enough that one time, a reader asked for toilet paper (they were stuck in a public restroom stall at Incheon airport, and only had like 20 minutes before their flight) and they actually got TP in time
But yeah, it's not just the activity level that I'm envious of. It's the group effort reading comprehension
I value it as a reader (I am not the most observant), and want it as a creator
Yeah wow that sounds awesome and would also help me SO MUCH because I struggle a lot with following things...
Before reading the sentence to the end
Remembering, knowing what's going on or who is talking, picking up on subtle hints... Can't do that lol
I thought you were going to say "because I struggle a lot with public restrooms with no TP" sorrryyyyy
I usually just ask whoever is next to me if that happens
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I wish western audiences were that engaged. Usually the top voted comments I see are either puns (fair, because puns are awesome) or thirsty (less nice, but if it’s a thirsty pun I admit to laughing out loud sometimes)(edited)
Yeah same lee :/
I've been getting like .1% of my readers commenting and ive been like. Is my writing just not conducive to an interactive environment? This convo should probably move out of reader favorites. Creator babble it is! Lemme go over there w it
There was this thriller webcomic in which the MC was trying to assassinate 4 corrupt politicians for personal grudges. He already got three of them. The last one receives a large, round-shaped flower pot as a gift from his supporters. 3-4 weeks later (IRL I mean), it is revealed that the third target/victim was cut up into pieces, but they couldn't find his head. One reader pointed out "THE FLOWER POT!!!!!!" and I would not have been able to make that connection without that comment. I mean the flower pot thing was revealed the next update anyway, but it was nice to have that comment, and another highest voted comment even specificed "go to [this specific update] for the scene in which he receives the pot"
(The head was in the pot)
Thats so fun
Oh my God... It's brilliant
@Pakky221 Distress by Blankd, right? I loved reading that comic back in the day! It's sad that the comic got discontinued, but I have to say I'm enjoying the WIP work for the stuff the creator is working on now. Regarding the conversation about characters, I think I'm the niche person in the crowd. Unless the character themselves or the situation they're in is an obvious mouthpiece thing for someone venting their racism, sexism, homophobia, whatever political views, etc. I don't reeeeally care how characters are treated or used? I've always seen them as tools, even in childhood I was disillusioned about seeing them as real people, so it's hard for me to get emotionally invested in how the author treats them. I don't even care about my own characters outside of portraying their problems, personalities, and situations decently. Probably not a good mindset to have, and it'll probably dox me some points on the "good creator" scale, but it's just my thing I guess. Lol
Bland characters are a pain, though! If you can legit replace your character with a rock, and it would have the same impact or be a livelier option, then... that's kinda sad. (Unless your character has some kind of legit issues relating to appearing bland, or they're sort of the butt of a joke.)
@DanitheCarutor o: i don't have any way to follow the creator. the blankd tumblr has been inactive for so long but i agree. Bland characters are my least favorite. There's a lot of comics out there that have some pretty plain main characters that are realllllly hard to relate to.
Aah! Blankd's Twitter is still active, they're working on a game right now, and they've done a few -ahem- adult comics since stopping Distress. https://twitter.com/blankd_ec
Yeah, with bland characters I'd like to think the author is trying to make that type of Sue that anyone can put themselves in? But it ends up turning into the opposite because they're so dead on arrival that no one can relate.(edited)
kind of related to the idea of "i should have an idea of where the story is going at the start", but one other thing that keeps me reading is "the story gets there". like if the comic opens with an old man telling a young knight that she has to travel across the land and slay a dragon, cool! if i continue reading the comic for six months and they're still in the same conversation, i'm probably dropping it! like i get that comics update at different rates, but if you have like one page every two weeks you should probably make sure something interesting happens in the first 20 pages. and the sorts of comics i absolutely love are when, like, the stories actually move forward. like, if i can re-read a comic and feel nostalgia for the earlier scenes, that's how i really turn into a superfan.
Capitania do Azar
The group effort in this chat already pointed some very important points: that not all characters are conventionally attractive (tho I like that, it's not something that would make me stop reading if it were absent), well developed women and LGBT+ characters, and characters with strong motivations that are apparent, make sense in the context of the story and are known to us from the begining. That said, if the comic consistently treats me, as a reader, as if I were not very smart (by constantly overexplaining things, pointing again and again at the obvious, making me go through walls of text because world is more important than character and you need to read a bible to get through chapter 1), I'll probably not engage for too long. I gotta say that the visual style is also a very important factor. I am willing to look through what I consider to be minor issues (like small inconsistencies in drawing/scenario or characters being offmodel) for as long as it doesn't interfere with my immersion in the story. However, some visual styles are a big no-no for me, and I discover that I can't look past those and enjoy a story
Q @CecilieQMT making WAYFINDERS
This chat is very good - also for a first-time webcomic creator. As a reader, I'm almost a little ashamed to say that I'm very picky. Not because I don't like comics, because I LOVE COMICS, but becase I'm so goddamn busy all the time. Everything is constantly competing for attention, and for a comic to be able to hold that attention, it needs to be something extra special. For me, that's an engaging and developed visual style, a plot that gets going quickly, and a sense that the story has been planned. I love that so many different comics exist, I just can't read all of them and also be a creator.
As a reader, I'm almost a little ashamed to say that I'm very picky. Not because I don't like comics, because I LOVE COMICS, but because I'm so goddamn busy all the time.
I think that's an important sentiment all creators should remember. People are busy. And like, not even just comic creators. I'm talking about basically everyone. Which means good and bad things. Bad thing is that it makes creating a highly competitive market because people are going to be super picky just for lack of time to be un-picky. But the good thing is it means the people who do choose to read your comic are picking it out of all the other comics that they could read with their limited time. And that right there is pretty special.
@RebelVampire That really is a beautiful sentiment.
@Q @CecilieQMT making WAYFINDERS I am also very picky about comics, which is part of the reason I'm so picky about my own work. This is why if an artist doesn't seem professional enough for me, I don't want to waste my time reading the comic, because maybe the writing is unprofessional too. I know I'm missing out on a lot of good content, but as you said, I don't have the time to read a comic and be disappointed when I'm further into it.
I too am picky about stuff, and it's not even because of quality. My tastes are a far bigger factor. Just because I don't read something doesn't mean I think it's bad!!
That is also true
Tastes also play a huge role into why I read or don't read something, not just the "quality" of the art
I don’t think I’ve answered the question yet but I’ve been lurking. The first thing to grab me that might turn me into a long term fan is the art style. I don’t think the art is the most important factor but I need to be able to follow along, and if it’s not a style I’m interested in I probably won’t start it. The second thing is the writing in general. I like characters the most, more than world building. So interesting interactions are where I get the most enjoyment. The story could go almost anywhere but if I don’t like the main character I really won’t like the story. So the thing that will keep me going the most is a likeable main cast. And I don’t mean flawless, because that gets boring, but characters that I enjoy seeing fail, and then pick themselves back up again.
So I slept in it and realized when I was talking about plot for my answer, it was actually themes... because I didn't talk about anything relating to plot. Lol shows how professional I am. With pickiness, is it weird that I'm more picky now that I'm jobless than when I was working fulltime? When I was pulling 10-11 hour work days I was literally a drifter, so they never had anything for me to do. I would find anything I could get my hands on to make the time go by faster, so I read as many webcomics as I could. Now I have all day to catch up drawing pages, trying to find a new job, helping my mom with chores, and doing obligatory family bs. I also want to try making some kind of revenue off my drawings/comic, so I've been trying to get in the groove of doing more things. (Which is difficult because pages take almost all my drawing time.) It's hard to find the time to sit down and read a comic now since staying productive is mandatory. Uuuh Tl;dr: I can empathize with being picky due to lack of time.
Q @CecilieQMT making WAYFINDERS
THat's the creator struggle, right? In creating, so much time is spent creating, that it can be hard to find time to consume
Q @CecilieQMT making WAYFINDERS
Ooh, yay!
I think also as creators, we tend to have a hard time -if not an impossible one- seperating our work from what we read. I Know I tend to look at other things as a learning experience in some way, either thinking "how would i do this different?" Or "what about this can i apply to my work?" Which makes reading a different, more tiring experience
We may tend to* this might just be me i will admit
@Q @CecilieQMT making WAYFINDERS It is! Sometimes I get so focused on the creating aspect that I forget to do all the other important things like advertising, socializing, promoting other people. Like playing video games, reading comics is an absolute luxury time waster so I don't do it as often as I could anymore.
Aw man! I do that too, Deo! Although it's something I actually enjoy? Something about analyzing a piece of media, and applying what you would do with it is fun.
Oh I absolutely do enjoy it! But it takes more time and is draining for me
Definitely makes it harder to enjoy what we're reading
Aauh yeah, that's true. Analyzing does take a lot of brain power and energy.
Yeah :/ so to find a story i can really get immersed in is incredibly rare now...
I do this with books I read too(edited)
It's an awful habit
Over analyzing everything is something I've been doing literally since childhood, so I'm used to it. My brain never shuts off unless I'm drawing.
I find myself wanting to rewrite other people's stories
Don't be like me
I do it too and i think its just kind of how you think about things when you're a writer
Pff oh no, I've done that too. Not so much now, but in elementary school whenever I watched a show or movie I hated, I would rewrite it.
When you pick apart what you dont like or analyze what you do iy lets you apply those things to yiur own work. Its a valuable skill to have and i think its kind of automatic
Even my favorite authors of all time... I end up going back on a reread and wanting to change things that didn't work out so well
It's a really good skill that not enough people have... at least my coworkers are pretty lacking in the critical thinking department. They say it's healthy to question, analyze, and long to improve.
Some people are, and that's okay! Those are the people I hope are reading millennium ;)
Jk lol
Lmao! Yeah, it's okay to be a person of simplicity, as long as they don't tell me the hyper-realistic Lion King remake is better than the original.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I analyse every format of story I consume automatically . Comics, books, movies, etc. I find that it doesn’t take me away from immersion, but it DOES take away my emotional investment. I’m enjoying the story plenty, but I’m less likely to feel attached to a character or be sad when they die. It’s a very rare story these days that will actually give me feelings over the fate of the characters.
I can totally see that too though, esp with the crazy amount of works being produced, you def have to do some curating in a sense to see where you will make that emotional investment too
Aaah I get that with horror movies! Lol But in seriousness, I'm the same way for the most part. My immersion is perfectly intact (unless something stupid happens), but my care investment in characters does waver. Usually it's easier when the characters are really weird, and catch my eye, like the corpse man in Swiss Army Man. I got super invested for some reason when he learned how to walk, then when he died again because his friend wouldn't fart in front of him. But normally, nah I don't feel much, especially for death but my views on that are kinda skewed to begin with.(edited)
So I realize I'm really into surreal comedy, if a character can actually make me laugh I'm more invested in their wellbeing.
Analytical reading is great. Though I rarely find myself wanting to fix other people's stories. I have creative tunnel vision and genuinely have no desire to work on anything other than the OTP (One True Project)
Same goes to my own ideas really? I get ideas but auto-filter them out, as I have 0 desire to work on them.
You are blessed lol
Every five minutes, I'm sitting there trying to convince myself to work on ONLY ONE PROJECT AT A TIME.
"Oooh! That's a cool idea! I should E x P l O r E that!
I try to not analyze shows or comics unless I REALLY love them or I find them boring and want to be interested in them. For example: I’ll analyze the hell out of Full Metal Alchemist because I ADORE it, but the analysis stage came much later after finishing the comic. If I’m not engaged with a series then I’ll analyze what would make me more interested. I hardly ever try to rewrite other people’s stories
Yeah i dony try to rewrite its more of a "what about this didn't i like and how can i avoid doing that in my own work?"
ohhh yes agreed Deo
Oh yeah definitely. I will sometimes think about that, but usually it’s if something is really bugging me
Yeah I partly do it because people sometimes just don't take "idk i didnt really like it" for an answer and I gotta explain. Also its kinda like a puzzle and I like puzzles
Oh, on the topic of the question: one other thing that will hook me is whether or not the writing is exciting. For example, I mentioned being bored by some comics, but that doesn’t mean I’m looking for action all the time. What I’m looking for is for there to be something to latch on to. The most mundane story about laundry could be interesting to me if it’s written in a way that engages me.
A really good example of engaging writing in a mundane story is probably Sakana? https://www.sakana-comic.com/ The characters just. Work in a fish stall. But the story holds my interest even in the quiet moments because it’s crafted in a way that keeps developing the characters.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I can’t turn off my analysis mode. It just happens as I’m watching / reading in the background of my brain and there’s no control switch. Sometimes I wish there was so I don’t correctly predict the ending 1/4 of the way through and spoil it for myself. (I’m no longer allowed to make predictions along with my friends when we watch movies together).
My mom and sister are like that too so we all guess the ending and my dad gets lile >:( I Kno youre right and it's ruined now >:((
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
But agreeing with the above, I don’t want to fix another person’s story. I’m just always asking ‘What made this scene so effective?’ and ‘what made this part not so effective?’. I also map writing patterns, formulas, and file away ‘tells’ in my head as I go.
Me and my friends all like to talk during movies: making snarky comments or predictions. I’m just no longer allowed to do the latter because I will ruin the ending. XD
Yeah I can't go to theaters I've been shushed so much. But its so hard not to talk for me
that's a very important skill to have with analysing things to the point of deconstructing them in your own work and making more effective narratives too! it's good to be aware of the content that you consume and really understand what made the work speak/effect you the way it did. Honestly these conversations are much more enjoyable to have than just 'my fave character is that bc they are funny' and it ends there (no shade on simply enjoying things here tho! I def do the same) but yea! being aware to that degree is a good skill for writing
@Glowbat (Aloe) You should read my comc
I’m sorry I’m like this I’m just so focused on what I’m working on its the only thing in my whole brain right now.
You said you like stories with themes and my mind was like themes? my story has themes
Calm down man! XD Though I can relate to brain being 100% focused on your OTP (One True Project)
I love analyzing media. I get bored of reading or watching things really quickly if I feel like I’m starting to understand the central message. Or maybe bored isnt the right word- more like satiated? If the work is really cohesive and Ive gotten the overall message I feel like ive fully enjoyed the media and had a good time
Like analyzing it is enough and then reading is just bomus
I’m so sorry
it's okay to be really into your own work haha! love that passion to keep you going--!
also the OTP acronym is rly cute omg
One True Project I just realized you saidb that that is really cute
Like I said I stop reading if I feel like I have the gist of something(edited)
I think its cool that a lot of us are saying we analyze things all the way and were also making our own stuff like does working on making your own thing cause you to view the details of the construction of the story in a different way?
Like, does being analytical make us construct our stories differently than others? If so I wouldn't say it does for myself, but my visuals tend to get way overly detailed. To the point where important stuff tends to get drowned out, which is something I've been trying to work on. <_<'
It would definitely help with self-editing/ revisions, for one thing.
I don't think you need to be analytical every time you consume a story, but it helps to be able to turn analytical mode on?
yeah for me its kind of always on unfortunately. if not when im watching then definitely after having finished
Yeah, turning it off is near impossible. Ah thinking about it, I guess being overly-analytical kiiinda affects my story? (If that's what sssfrs meant) I remember some readers who've said they go back and forth to connect plot details, and the guy who does Webcomic Relief did a super small review where he went nuts analyzing everything. Even down to the reason behind my use of medium. Since I like analyzing I guess I subconsciously made a comic that can be analyzed, or something. Or maybe it's not actually that deep.
That makes sense, though. That we make comics that can be enjoyed the way we enjoy other stories.
I'm not much of a theorizer, so my comic isn't really optimized for theorizing. Though some people have still managed to come up with really cool theories!
Pff I think every piece of media has those theorizers, it's just fun to do for some no matter if they're analyzing some deep piece or Blues Clues. I imagine those types of fans are fun to watch as a creator whether your work is geared for analysis or not.
Oh uh, I forgot to mention. Let me know if I'm getting a little out there, or getting off topic too much. Socializing properly is still something I'm trying to work on, along with the etiquette.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Yeah, I can’t turn off analysis mode either. It’s always running in the background.
I was saying more the other way around, like having experienced the process of creating a story, you think more about the work that goes into it and how the various pieces all come together in a different way than someone who's only ever consumed media linearly would be used to seeing it.
It could go the other way around too though that's interesting, then it's like "what drives people to make stories"?
For me, there are three qualities that usually hook me in with a new comic. 1) An interesting premise. Not to say I think premises need to be unique, but it's more of a question is do I think it'll explore the premise in an interesting way. For an example, Maiden of the Machine https://maidenmachine.com/ It's not like steampunk is new or anything, but I really wound up liking the premise of it both being a romance and about high society politics with the steampunk setting. So, that drew me in a lot to keep reading. 2) A good balance of themes and story. I'm not a huge fan of comics that are more interested in exploring their themes over their story. I prefer stories where the narrative is the focus, and the theme feels like a natural consequence of the narrative. My example for this is actually the recent Week Long Bookclub comic Missing Pieces https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/missing-pieces/list?title_no=192867 I actually wasn't sure I was going to like it first, but I was super hooked once I started. There were lots of interesting themes to explore around death and revenge, but at the end, the story let me decide how to feel and focused on the narrative. 3) Theory-fodder stories. If there is lots of stuff to theorize about and that is easy to overanalyze based on the most miniscule of evidence, I'm pretty sold. This is the fact that really got me with Galebound http://www.galebound.com/ There were so many small hints and tidbits, both in the story and supplemental material, that I overread and overthought the heck out of this comic. I do wanna note, the things I look for and what hook me are arbitrary and based only on my personal preferences. There are a crap ton of objectively great webcomics out there that I have no interest in reading as a long term fan. Not cause they're bad, they just don't have things I'd personally enjoy reading in terms of being part of the comic's fandom.
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The Princess, pt. 7 (S.M.)
Tumblr media
Summary: The wedding ceremony begins.
Warnings: angsty fluff
Word count: 3155
A/N: One part left.
The Princess Masterlist
You stood in front of the mirror, carefully fixing your hair when a knock startled you.
„Come in.“ You called and in came Alex.
„Oh, wow! Wow!“ His mouth was open, eyes widened as he looked you up and down in awe.
„I'll take that as a compliment.“ You giggled, placing a hand over your chest absentmindedly.
„Oh, it most definitely is. Holy shit! You're really breathtaking!“ He exclaimed and you turned to the mirror, putting your hands on your hips and twisting side to side a little to make sure everything was in place. The heavy fabric of the wedding dress weighed you down like an armor was placed upon you, but the silky lacy combination was truly outstanding. You hair was lifted into a messy bun with a braid on the back of it ingrained with blue/purple flowers that made you feel a little more like you. You refused the veil, but accepted the crown as it was a must for the ceremony due to your title. The crown itself was made to be more of a headband...a really tall one at that. It had numerous tiny sapphires encased into the platinum with diamonds in between them and a large sapphire at the top to represent your birth-stone, your favorite color and to act as something blue for good luck. All in all it was a pleasing look with minimum makeup and a gentle pink lipstick to round it all out. The dress itself, although beautiful, was not to your liking or personal style. You considered white to be boring and always wanted a vintage, yellowish dress with a more Juliet vibe, but this had to do.
Alex stood behind you, still a little starstruck, opening and closing his mouth a few times before finally speaking. You smiled fondly at the young man who grew on you so fast.
„Did you need something, Alex?“ You questioned, your smile fading a little and he noticed. Alex cleared his throat and nodded.
„There was a problem. Your father, Prince Charles, will not make it in time for the ceremony.“ He gave you a look of pity, something you never saw before. No one pitied the entitled princess, because in their eyes, you had everything. Little did they know how miserable you truly were.
„Is that all?“ You raised your eyebrows, lips set in a straight line. The mask you usually throw on in front of the camera was back on to prevent anymore of emotional break downs. The one with Shawn had you on the ropes as it is.
„Prince Harry asked to speak to you.“ Alex pursed his lips, frowning a little. You nod in response.
„Send him in.“
Alex walked out the room and about a minute later, your brother walked in.
„You're stunning, sister.“ Harry said making you turn to him. You eyed his fancy get up with a cocked eyebrow, biting your lower lip.
„Why are you here, Harry?“ Crossing your arms over your chest, you leaned back on the wall behind you for support.
„Dad isn't coming.“ He responded and you shrugged.
„I know.“ You licked your lips and waited for him to continue.
„I was wondering if I could walk you down the aisle?“ Harry's eyes were locked on you, waiting for any kind of response. You looked at him, completely emotionless, but on the inside your brain was on fire with thoughts and memories of you and Harry when you were younger.
„Why did you leave?“ You questioned and a look of confusion passed through his eyes.
„What do you mean?“ He obviously had no idea what you were talking about.
„When I was a kid...you were my best friend. We told each other everything, got into so much trouble together, had so much fun, even tho’ you were way older than me. It made me feel like I belonged in this family. I felt loved...safe. One day you just stopped. I thought I did something..I never understood why my brother seemed to enjoy parties more than spending time with me. Why did you abandon me?“ Your voice cracked at the end and you cackled at how stupid you sounded. Emotional pain has a biological purpose, to teach, to educate us away from unhealthy patterns and relationships. Yet, you always seem to come back for more. You cannot give up on your family as easily as they've given up on you.
„I didn't mean to. I just had so many obligations, grandma and her expectations were becoming too much, so I ran. I ran and I'm sorry that I didn't think about you in the process. I'm sorry I've caused you pain. It hurts me to know that. I don't want you to suffer.“ He took a step closer. Then another. And another until he was standing in front of you, reaching out to take your hand in his.
„Harry..what did you bargain for Meghan? Who did you sell your soul to?“ You looked at him warily, concern written in every line of your beautiful face.
„I know you never stop thinking about our family and I appreciate all that. Sometimes, sister, you have to take care of yourself. I will always love you, no matter what path you choose.“ He kissed the back of your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze of reassurance.
„What are you talking about?“ It was your time to be confused now.
„This kingdom and media love you. Smile and wave to the camera.“ Harry winked and pulled you away from the wall and back on your feet that already hurt from the bloody heals. If it were up to you, those would be some cute sandals or comforts, but you had an image to uphold and pain seemed to be a big part of that image, both physical and emotional.
„Where are we going?“ You inquired and walked along him.
„It's time for the ceremony to begin.“ Harry sighed and gave you a quick kiss on the temple.
„Oh.“ Those were the only two syllables you said until you got to the big door that were separating you from the rest of the world. You held onto your brother's arm tighter, fear paralyzing you, taking over. Your fight or flight system was itching to come out, but you needed to be brave. Things were turning out perfectly, you just needed to think about who and why you were doing this for. Shawn. Think of Shawn.
The door swung open, a small creak heard, but the music playing covered it up. Everyone stood up and turned back to see you. Every step you took seemed heavier and heavier, the path before you too long to walk. Your eyes were set on the center of the room at the bottom, where Robert waited with a cheshire grin and you barely held back an eye roll.
Step one: Shawn's blushing face when you first met made its way to your mind.
Step two: Shawn's warm smile invaded your thoughts.
Step three: Shawn's kind, brown hues haunted you every time you closed your eyes.
Step four: Shawn's lips were almost tangible at this horrible time.
Every step felt like chains were pulling at your ankles, your heartbeat so fast you were surprised it hadn't tired and given up. Shawn's words rock your mind, leaving it moving in foreign ways, ways you have become unaccustomed to. He's an echo, but one with the power to tear down walls you have built high and deep for so long. So though you need him, want him, love him... most likely you will have to walk away. In this world emotions this strong are considered suspicious and you have more priorities to think about than the health of your heart and mind. However, there is something clawing at the back of your mind, reminding you of who you are and what you have always wanted. It was trying to fight its way to the surface and show you what you once had planned if an arranged marriage ever came up.
Harry came to a sudden stop and that's when you realized you were already at the altar. Robert took your hand in his and helped you up a few stairs. You turned to him, avoiding to look back in fear of seeing Shawn. Behind Robert, stood Alex, behind you Philip. Neither of the men wanted to leave your side until it was all over and you were so thankful for their presence as it brought you some comfort.
Words spoken were registered as more of a mumble than something coherent and you were distracted with an inner war that raged within. Flashes of the cameras were going off all the time, blinding you a little to what was going on. You clutched at Shawn's necklace absentmindedly, forgetting you even had it for the ceremony as something borrowed. Against better judgement you turned back, your eyes gliding over the crowd. There was no smile upon your lips, no trace of happiness whatsoever. You wondered if everyone could see how trapped you felt right now. It felt like you were in a cage, deep in the wide blue ocean, surrounded by sharks prepared to eat you alive if you dared to step outside.
„I do believe a moment in heaven is worth an eternity in hell. I believe that a small amount of pure bliss is worth any kind of punishment, whether it be torture or death. Either way, I'd take it any day just for a moment with you.“
Shawn's words made your bottom lip quiver as you searched for his silhouette among the guests. Your eyes stopped short at a figure in the distance, standing at the door you came through once the ceremony began. You knew it was him. Shawn was there, looking at you with so much pain in his eyes that you were sure you too had on display for the world to see. You locked eyes with him, feeling as if the world around you disappeared and you two were the only ones there. His suit was immaculate, his hair on point and it almost made you smile when you imagined him walking down the aisle to marry you as if he were the bride today.
„Princess?“ Someone called you and a flash seemed to temporarily blind you, leaving you a little disoriented and lost.
„Yeah?“ You asked, blinking a few times trying to see straight again. You looked back to see Shawn leaning on the door, his arms crossed over his chest and some of the guests seemed to have noticed where your wandering gaze kept going to, better yet, to who.
„Do you take this man to be your husband?“ They repeated the question, but your mind couldn't comprehend what was happening. You kept looking back from Shawn, to your brother Harry and all the photographs being taken at the moment didn't help you at all.
„This kingdom and media love you. Smile and wave to the camera.“
Suddenly, what Harry said made sense.
„I won't let them do that to me. I want to find someone to love who would love me back unconditionally. Arranged marriage is out of the question, brother.“ You stated and Harry chuckled.
„I doubt that would go over well with the media. They love you so much, they'd hate to see you in a loveless marriage.“ Harry nudged you before throwing a few strands of grass your way.
„You think I'd be safe if I disobeyed grandma? People who do that tend to disappear.“ You grunted, looking down, picking at the grass nervously.
„I think you know how to protect yourself and those you love. You're brave, sister. A hell of a lot smarter than me...I'm sure you'll figure something out. It would probably take a big sacrifice, but I'd stand by you no matter what.“ Harry kissed your temple and you smiled.
Your eyes widened as that memory hit you with full force. That's what's been clawing at your mind this whole time. It was like a repressed memory of a plan you once created in hopes of never having to use it. Harry gave you his blessing, Shawn a promise. You turned to look at the handsome Canadian, but his back was turned to you, however, he wasn't moving. It was like he was debating whether or not he should stay...just waiting to hear your answer and run if it collided with what he wanted.
„Princess?“ That annoying voice called for your attention and your openly rolled your eyes at them.
„Alex. Get me that mic.“ You whispered and Robert narrowed his eyes at you. Alex was quick to do as he was told and you turned swiftly toward the crowd.
„Hello everyone. Thank you for coming here today to watch this wedding take place. Before this whole thing goes down, I need to say a few things. You see...I fell in love.“ The crowd awed and you shook your head lightly with a smile, your eyes set on Shawn who seemed to be frozen by your actions. His back was still turned to you, but you took a deep breath and continued.
„Yeah. Aw...However, I didn't fall in love with this guy.“ You pointed to Robert with a chuckle. The crowd gasped and the photographers went crazy.
„You see, all of this is an arranged nightmare forced upon me by the Queen herself. Yes...ooooh. What a scandal, am I right?“ You placed a hand on your hip and watched Shawn turn back to you, a little confused about where you were going with this. The room was constantly going from loud talking and gasping to dead silence whenever you opened your mouth.
„I have no way to back this up, but the Queen isn't an innocent old lady you all seem to think she is. Haven't you noticed how every time someone disagreed with her in the past seemed to vanish? Because I did! Lady D. was one of those people, my mother too. I was made to believe that I would be one of them as well. Not only me tho', they used the man I love as leverage. She said it would be a shame to find ourselves in an accident at such a young age. Naturally, I caved. I held my tongue back, kept up the pretenses. That was the only threat I cared about. I cared about his safety more than anything.“ You took a small pause to take in a few deep breaths. Shawn moved a few steps closer, getting almost halfway to you.
„I pushed you away because I was scared of what she'll do to you. I'm so sorry for hurting you. You asked me to run away with you and I would have, but where would we run? Neither one of us can go undiscovered, unless we moved onto a deserted island.“ The room filled with laughter as they all turned to the aisle, watching Shawn stop in the middle of it. They were aware who you were talking to and who this was meant for. Some had tears in their eyes, other's were still trying to understand what was happening. Shawn seemed to be in shock and to be honest, so did you.
„However, you said you'd endure anything for a moment with me, right? You'd endure hell for a moment in paradise? If that's the case and you know the stakes now, do you stand by that offer?“ You questioned, your chest shaking on the inside in anticipation of his answer. Shawn stared at you with his lips slightly parted, before they spread into a wide smile.
„Death would be a gift in comparison to a life without you.“ His voice filled the room. He was confident, his smile radiating and the fear of him saying no was gone. Guests were now openly cheering, Robert sat on the step next to you, aware of the way things were turning out.
„In that case“ you turned to the minister with a smirk, „My answer is NO.“ You pulled off the engagement ring that had caused you so much trouble in the past few weeks and threw it in Robert's lap. You saw he was feeling down, but you knew it wasn't because he was madly in love...sure, he seemed to like you, but it felt like he liked your title a lot more.
„Oh, yeah. Also, I was told I'd be disowned, so..“ You pulled off the crown from your head, messing up your hair a little bit. „If that's the case than I want to give this back. This title is worth nothing if I can't be with the one I love.“ You spoke before flinging the crown into Meghan’s lap with a smile and a wink.
You picked up the front of the dress with one hand, Philip taking your hand to help you down the stairs. You turned back to the man with a fond smile and a short nod before running to Shawn as fast as you could in those awfully painful heels. He spread his arms and grabbed you once you got close enough. Twirling you around a few times, Shawn had set you on the ground and smashed his lips on yours in one move. Pulling back a little too soon for his liking which was evident by a small groan coming from his lips, you took his hand and started running out of the room completely. You knew it would be smart to leave the kingdom as soon as possible just in case. This whole thing was meant to serve as a shield for you and Shawn because if anything were to happen to either one, the Queen would go down and she wasn't crazy enough to risk that. At least you hoped so.
„Now what?“ Shawn questioned as you two found yourself in front of the castle.
„Over here!“ You hear Alex's voice and run toward it, pulling Shawn with you.
„Alex!“ You giggled once you realized he had a car on standby the entire time.
„Had a feeling we might need this!“ He exclaimed and you kissed Shawn before jumping into the car.
„You'll get into so much trouble!“ You worried about him, but he waved it off.
„My job is to protect the Princess. I'm doing that.“ Alex shrugged and you leaned forward.
„I'm not a Princess anymore.“ You stated and the two men laughed.
„What?“ You asked, confused with their reaction.
„You'll always be the Princess.“ Shawn leaned in, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. You smiled into the kiss, pulling away slightly.
„As long as I'm your Princess.“ You whispered and he blushed like he always did whenever you two were so close. He brushed away a few loose strands of your hair before leaning in to whisper in your ear.
Tags:  @accalialionheart  @handwrittenvocals
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themusicenthusiast · 6 years
Thursday, April 12th, 2018 – William Clark Green Kicks Off Lava Cantina’s Red Dirt Thursday Concert Series with a Monumental Performance
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Photos by Jordan Buford Photography It was a Thursday night of firsts, including my first visit to Lava Cantina in The Colony. Open for about a year now, it’s one of the latest restaurant/music venue concepts to open in the suburbs of the Dallas area, and it has been attracting a ton of talent to the sizable stage of the outdoor patio area that the place boasts. From high profile names to various up and comers, Lava Cantina has hosted a variety of talent spanning just about every genre imaginable. Upon arriving, it was easy to see why it has become such a hotspot for live performances. Aside from the fact that it’s more convenient to get to for people living in the suburbs, beating having to make that drive to Dallas. The patio is spacious and thanks to the structure it seemed totally secluded from the major highway that it’s adjacent to. It felt like its own little world; and while it can accommodate a significant number of patrons, there was something about the layout of it all that, in terms of the concert experience, allowed it to still feel intimate and personal. More along the lines of what one would expect from a club show. It was just a neat vibe back there; and another first lined up for this night was the start of Lava Cantina’s brand-new concert series, Red Dirt Thursday. Every Thursday night will see a different regional favorite of either the Red Dirt or Texas country variety taking the stage, and they had tapped Texas’ own William Clark Green to kick off the event. It was also Green’s first time to perform in The Colony, and judging by the way things went, it surely won’t be the last.
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Texas country music fans turned out in droves, a strong gathering of people showing up early for the opening act, Ross Cooper, though they really began to file in after his set was finished; concertgoers wasting no time in staking out a good spot in front of the stage for Green and his band. The later it got the less room there was to move around as everyone packed in fairly tightly, eagerly awaiting Green and company to hit the stage. Some fanfare then erupted when the lights finally dimmed at 8:32, everyone knowing that could only mean one thing. The four instrumentalists of the band stepped out from the shadows, Green, acoustic guitar in hand, bringing up the rear and earning the loudest response, the quintet then getting to work, setting things in motion with their take on Pat Green’s “Wrapped”. Found on the recently released tribute record to that icon of Texas country music, their version of that classic honors the original while also offering a little more of a kick to it, making it an excellent fit for an opening song, and indeed, it was fun and spirited as they knocked it out. Green found time to slip in a “How are you doing?!” amidst the lyrics, quickly addressing the spectators as they got their 80-minute long onslaught underway; he and lead guitarist Josh Serrato jamming in the final moments, each of them grinning ear to ear as they slipped into their comfort zone: being on a stage with attentive eyes focused on everything they were doing.
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They certainly did their part to make sure they were deserving of everyone’s attention, vim and vigor already abounding from them. And it would only increase from there. “Thanks for being here…” Green commented as he greeted everyone, stating that he wanted everyone to have a good time and enjoy “not being at work”. They tore through the meaty set list that they had planned, sizzling riffs or some striking beats courtesy of Logan Bowers bridging one song into the next, the fact that they seldom relented building a sense of urgency. Green’s most recent studio album, 2015’s Ringling Road, received the bulk of the attention this night, a couple tracks from it coming right after, including the song that pulls back the curtain on the life of a full-time musician, “Next Big Thing”. Avid fans and supporters, the audience demonstrated their adoration of Green and his music during that twangy country tune that is spliced with a hefty dose of blistering and gritty rock ‘n’ roll. As the first chorus approached the end, the singer stepped away from the microphone, pointing at the crowd as he continued mouthing along, the patrons picking up the slack, collectively shouting, “…Everybody’s saying I’m the next big thing.”
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That was just the first of many sing along moments during the night, Green and his band striving to make everyone feel like they were a crucial component to what was going on, and that led to a terrific rapport. Promising a new album was in the works and they were working on getting it out to everyone “as soon as possible”, they treated everyone to a couple cuts that will be found on it, one of which was “Hebert Island”. An up-tempo track, it oozed a fun and carefree vibe, something that was perpetuated by the lyrics as it focused on just enjoying life. The awesome backing vocals made it stand out all the more, Serrato and fellow guitarist Steven Marcus as well as bassist Steven Buehler all chiming in, further cultivating that fun vibe.
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Plenty of fan favorites followed -- much to everyone’s delight -- “Dead or in Jail” being a definite highlight of the night. Most everyone could be seen or even heard singing along with the roaring number that pushed the musicians’ dynamics to new heights; Serrato and Marcus both being able to cut loose and wail on their axes. “This place is bad ass!” Green remarked a bit later, appearing truly taken by the setup that Lava Cantina had going on. Bantering with the crowd some more he extended another thank you to them for coming out, especially since they surely had work the following day. “I don’t envy you,” he quipped, chuckling as he said it. “Rose Queen” was another electrifying track, and it provided a thorough look at the musical prowess that the five of them possessed, particularly as the let loose during the jam outro. Green was still all smiles as he strummed his acoustic, all of them converging at the front of the stage and savoring the moment as they packed it with as much gusto as they could possibly muster.
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The back half of the performance was filled with hits of Green’s and ones that are near and dear to him. “She Likes the Beatles” was one of the former, another where the spectators were encouraged to let their voices be heard; while the singer sent out “Old Fashioned” to his grandfather, prefacing it by briefly reflecting on the state of the world. “Still Think About You” was another special one to Green, who shared the anecdote of how it came together. He also confessed that he hasn’t been too good with technology over the past five years or so, mentioning he had recently just checked out Spotify and browsed around on it. He noted that that song was one of their most played on there, pleasantly surprised by that fact. Largely acoustic, it may have been the lull of the show in a way, though there wasn’t a song any more emotional than it either, the lyrics cutting to the bone as the pain and heartbreak over a breakup manifested itself in Green’s voice. It was stunning and absolutely magnificent.
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The night ultimately came to a close with a trip to “Ringling Road”. A co-write between Green and Ross Cooper, he welcomed Cooper back out to the stage to help out on one of the most unique songs that has been written; a twisted circus/sideshow vibe with a touch of country permeating “Ringling Road”, the riveting number bringing the performance to a thrilling finish.
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But no one budged. No one was ready for the show to be over, chants of “One more song!” slowly growing as the patrons began to demand an encore. Green and company were happy to oblige, getting all hands on deck for a rendition of “Whiskey Bent and Hell Bound” by Hank Williams Jr. That included Cooper, the two vocalists each being charged with handling a verse. That lone encore summarized the entire show. They executed it splendidly, though it was all about having fun and enjoying oneself. The musicians exemplified that, just relishing sharing a stage together and performing their music for people and getting said people to let loose and live in the moment that was playing out before them. That had been their goal all night long, and they succeed at it.
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That was truly the most spectacular thing about, chiefly, Green, but also Serrato, Bowers, Marcus and Buehler: the way they finessed the audience. Going back to that rapport, it was something special and genuine, Green constantly expressing his gratitude to everyone for supporting him in any capacity, let alone being in attendance for this Thursday night show. At one point he outright acknowledged that if it weren’t for people choosing to listen to him he wouldn’t have a job, seemingly a silent promise that he would never take it for granted nor betray that sacred relationship. Not every artist is capable of establishing that kind of connection, and it’s something that needs to be appreciated. Honestly, that was the most compelling aspect of their performance, even more so than the natural talent and searing passion they all demonstrated every second of their time on stage. That was a crucial factor as well, though, allowing the performance to be absolutely enthralling.
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As performers they were in immaculate shape, possessing the quality of showmanship that could only be derived from a rigorous touring schedule that allows one to hone -- and I dare say perfect -- their craft. Green and his band mates let the music do the talking. It didn’t need to be any other way. They gave it the necessary flare so that it would connect and resonate on as deep a level as possible with the fans, but other than that, the music spoke for itself. All of it was well-crafted songs that either told stories or were deep and personal, capturing a moment in time. (And often all of that together.) What more could anyone want from music?
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Wielding a versatile voice that fit all types of Texas country, Red Dirt and even Americana music, William Clark Green is a definite force to be reckoned with. Being twangy when necessary or even utilizing a Southern drawl, he can pull off being pristine and forceful just as easily. It’s an impressive range that he commands, not only making him distinct but allowing each song to have a subtle difference while still unmistakably being his. The show he and his band gave The Colony this night was one for the books. Incredible in every respect, they left the audience in awe, even those who knew what to expect; and what a way to begin this new Red Dirt Thursday concert series. The other acts to come – and Lava Cantina has some great ones lined up – will have their work cut out for them, even if they’re unaware of the bar that was set this night.
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A Texas country music legend in the making, if you want to see a concert that is nothing but a good time from start to finish, you’ll be hard pressed to find one any better than what William Clark Green has to offer. William Clark Green’s next North Texas gig will be on May 26th at Billy Bob’s Texas, with a show at The Backyard Bar Stage and Grill in Waco also planned for June 1st. Other upcoming shows include a performance at Cotton Fest in Lubbock, TX on April 21st; White Oak Music Hall in Houston, TX on April 27th; and John T. Floore Country Store in Helotes, TX on June 9th. Aside from the plethora of Texas dates currently on the books, he’ll also be hitting Columbia, MO, Chicago, IL, and Nashville, TN in May. A complete list of William Clark Green’s upcoming shows can be found HERE; and head over to iTUNES or GOOGLE PLAY to check out his live album, Live at Gruene Hall, or any of his studio releases. Set List: 1) “Wrapped” (Pat Green Cover) 2) “Sympathy” 3) “Next Big Thing” 4) “Hebert Island” 5) “It's About Time” 6) “Dead or in Jail” 7) “Hanging Around” (with a snippet of “I Won't Back Down” by Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers) 8) “Creek Don’t Rise” 9) “Rose Queen” 10) “Hit You Where it Hurts” 11) “She Likes the Beatles” (preceded by The Beatles’ “With A Little Help From My Friends” and The Rolling Stones’ “Start Me Up”) 12) “Sticks and Stones” 13) “Old Fashioned” 14) “Still Think About You” 15) “Wishing Well” 16) “Ringling Road” Encore 17) “Whiskey Bent and Hell Bound” (Hank Williams Jr. cover)
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tinymixtapes · 7 years
Column: Favorite Rap Mixtapes of June 2017
With a daunting cascade of releases spewing from the likes of DatPiff, LiveMixtapes, Bandcamp, and SoundCloud, it can be difficult to keep up with the overbearing yet increasingly vital mixtape game. In this column, we aim to immerse ourselves in this hyper-prolific world and share our favorite releases each month. The focus will primarily be on rap mixtapes — loosely defined here as free (or sometimes free-to-stream) digital releases — but we’ll keep things loose enough to branch out if/when we feel it necessary. (Check out last month’s installment here.) --- T.E.C. & Maine Musik - Spider Nation [stream] At some point during my third listen to Spider Nation, I realized that two rappers featured on it had since died. BTY YoungN and Zoe Realla are just two of too many killed this year in Baton Rouge, a troubled city for which a burgeoning rap scene has become a source of national attention. Along with the city’s fastest-rising star YoungBoy Never Broke Again (age 17), T.E.C. & Maine Musik (both 23) have made the most of the spotlight, collecting millions of views across their catalog of music videos (Baton Rouge’s primary method of music distribution). To ignore their music is to bury your head in the sand; while unkind to the gun-shy, Spider Nation is a direct transmission of an experience into which millions are born. –Corrigan B --- Adamn Killa - I Am Adamn [stream/download] Adamn Killa is the type of rapper who does one thing, and will do it proudly ‘til death — the ineffable aura encircling his flow lilts in how it refuses to make a case for its drooping metrics: yawning hooks trail off and form concentric rings around a self-image of solitude as Adamn constantly repeats his own name (“Please don’t ask me who I am, it’s on my face” he warbles on “Too Late”) and pens dirge after ballad about how bad his haters smell. I Am Adamn is the rising Chicagoan’s first proper album, bringing a hi-fidelity touch to the sparkling, gauzy production lane that 2016’s slept-on Back 2 Ballin tape codified. Adamn is nothing new for the eponymous rapper, but it is the best document thus far of what he does: immaculately mastered beats from Ryan Hemsworth, Shlohmo, UV Boi, and Dolan Beats form a silky continuum for Adamn’s cobwebby shittalking meditations to spread out, comfortably anesthetized in their sleepy half-articulation. –Nick Henderson --- 5G - LOR5TH [stream] Falling timbrally between OPN’s Replica and Tommy Wright III’s cassette discography, LOR5TH is a hypnagogic patchwork of trashed samples, off-kilter rhythms, and spoken-word chants that feel so aggressive they’re dreamy. Think of Deafheaven’s approach to blast-beats and tremelo-picked riffage ― the black-metal outfit’s arrangements are densely packed enough to fold in on themselves, creating blank space. Or perhaps they just melt in one’s mind like candy and good barbecue do on the tongue. However the San Fransico quartet manipulate their musical state of matter, Philly’s 5G and his all-star line up of beatmakers are equally capable of doing just that ― creating a liquid stream of harsh vibes that collect in the brain like warm pool water trapped in one’s inner ear. LOR5TH’s two Spaceghostpurrp-produced cuts are its best offerings, each adding grisly meat to 5G’s calculated, skeletal delivery. –Jude Noel --- Mozzy & Gunplay - Dreadlocks & Headshots [stream] The first time many of us saw Gunplay he was in Columbia, on the set of a Rick Ross video shoot, extolling the purity of the country’s cocaine and sniffing it on camera. But what if that purportedly candid WorldStar video was itself a staged video shoot, the Medellin cityscape actually the wall of a Hollywood sound stage? Gunplay’s brand is that of the wild card, the dreadlocked, tattooed man on coke with the machine gun. This being established, Gunplay could’ve rested on his WorldStar laurels… but then he would’ve been Stitches. Instead, he outshined the Boss every chance he got and built a rep as one of the most consistent mixtape pumpers of his time. That is, until it all stopped, leaving a vacuum where the rapper’s left nostril once resided. What happened? Who’s Mozzy? Whatever. Entertainment is spectacle, but if Gunplay was a mere provocateur, he wouldn’t have been missed. He was. Here’s hoping he’s back for good. –Samuel DIamond --- Chief Keef - Thot Breaker [stream/download] I don’t know what surprised me more while listening to Thot Breaker — that Chief Keef is still producing his own tracks, or that they all sound amazing. In terms of his entire musical craft, Keith Cozart has entered a new era, swapping the Chief Sosa mask with that of Chief Turbo. Every song is the kind of distracted love song he’s so good at making, blending what sound like true expressions of his emotions with crass and imaginative storytelling. “She told me that she loved me /And then I closed the curtains,” sings Turbo on “Couple of Coats,” practicing the latter and sort of expressing whatever of a romantic ethos he, one of rap’s ultimate cynics, has. The all auto-tuned delivery sounds somewhere between that of Almighty So, a kind of critical touchstone, and the in-your-face vocal style of more recent mixtapes. Turbo’s grown-up beats, though, are the main attraction. “Drank Head” reminds me of listening to Kingdom circa “Bank Head” (no pun consciously intended). If you “thought that you had Turbo in your palm,” like he speculates on “Alone (Intro),” he has 12 more tracks on deck to show you how wrong you were. –Will Neibergall --- Slim Jesus - The Most Hated [stream] He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool (Proverbs 10:18). Slim Jesus is a celestial entity that feeds off the hatred of others and is willing to intercede in the physical world in order to sow his feast of discontent. The Ohioan emcee’s controversial single-cum-video “Drill Time” wormed its way into meme status in the summer of 2015, largely thanks to the dubious authenticity of its white, pubescent mastermind, and partly on the strength of its deliciously sinister production and eyebrow-raising use of simile. It was the sort of track that one could take great pleasure in despising ― obnoxious enough to grab your initial attention, but catchy and stupidly clever enough to keep you bobbing your head, eventually joining in Jesus’ sneering, deliberate flow as he threatens to “take you out like a fucking date,” or catch you at the “wrong place at the wrong time.” To bump “Drill Time” is to ride the fence between pleasure and pain, toying with the idea of jumping toward either side. Nobody is more acutely aware of the unifying-yet-polarizing effect of Slim Jesus’ music than Slim himself ― his first-ever mixtape, The Most Hated, released nearly two years after the dust of “Drill Time” settled, is dedicated to those that have rebuked him in the past. The tape’s unlikely to garner any new detractors (or even do 5-digit numbers on Spotify), but I find it doubtful that doing so was in Slim Jesus’ plan. It’s instead the harvest of a patient farmer, gorging on his bumper crop of animosity. –Jude Noel --- Hus Kingpin & Big Ghost Ltd. - Cocaine Beach [stream] This shit splendid god namsayin?! Hus Kingpin got more jewels than Rabbi Yehodavich and the Hasidim boyz namsayin?! Just crazy, stupendous, ultra-violet, super-shine glow packs for the babies and all that. Toys, toolies, and King Tut hats out the archives, ya dig? Archaeology-type hieroglyph linguistics for you to see something, say something with your third eye and all that, love. But back up off me before you get touched, alright lord? Nah you good there, hibernate on it. Plus, Big Ghost jet-skiing on the wave-o like Spring Break forever kid. No splash neither, you feel me sunspot? Like the god incorporated his self in the tidal structure, Yao Ming? Noam Chomsky? –Samuel Diamond --- Starlito - Attention Tithes & Taxes 2: Gentrifried [stream] I’d almost forgotten that mixtapes used to feature other peoples’ beats. Then again, it’s easy enough to believe that Starlito is in short supply. He’s one of the hardest-working rappers in the business — this marks his fourth mixtape of 2017, yet is a mere aperitif for a proper album, Hot Chicken, coming next week. Nashville incarnate, Starlito has ruled his town for over a decade, enjoying a sort of localized dominance seemingly unique to southern rappers. Since a stint on the path to stardom in the mid-2000’s, Starlito has matured right along with his music, a sort of constant against which the rest of the rap game’s ebbs and flows may be measured. Lito has an excess of thoughts that need sharing, and he takes the opportunity to go on the record about topics that might not make the album, including his spat with Post Malone and the incarceration of his longtime collaborator Kevin Gates. –Corrigan B http://j.mp/2s9L45i
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