#piers marchant
sweetsmellosuccess · 1 month
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Love Lies Bleeding
Dir. Rose Glass
In Rose Glass’ version of the American Southwest, light pollution is non-existent. Instead, the inky blackness of the night sky is pockmarked perfectly with glittering points of distant stars and planets. It’s a beautiful, unspoiled tableau, standing in marked contrast to the all the griminess of the humans back on terra firma, their hopelessly complicated and messy interweavings casting a pall on those things within the Earth’s gravitational pull. 
It’s that sort of pull that draws feckless gym manager, Lou (Kristin Stewart), to vagabond bodybuilder Jackie (Katy O’Brian), new to the small New Mexico town more or less run by corrupt gun runner Lou Sr. (Ed Harris, sporting a low ring of long hair that makes him look like comic book store owner), who also happens to be Lou’s estranged father. 
Lou and Jackie bond very quickly  —  Lou’s pronounced queerness offering precious few options beyond the mewling propositions of fellow gym-worker Daisy (Anna Baryshnikov), whose teeth are rutted with yellow stains  — and very adroitly (the sex scenes between them are less about nudity and more about explicit context), just in time for other complications to set upon them. Jackie was in town only as a waystation for her eventual trip up to Vegas for a huge body-building competition, but she quickly gets pulled into Lou’s wobbly orbit, as her sister, Beth (Jena Malone), deals with the horrendous abuse heaped upon her by her husband, JJ (Dave Franco, with an applause worthy mullet). 
When JJ finally goes too far, and lands his wife in the hospital with facial injuries, Lou’s fury translates to Jackie’s now-steroid-addled sense of justice, which she goes to enact on JJ’s leering visage. Now embroiled in the aftermath of her vengeance, Lou and Jackie have to navigate the tricky pathways around, and eventually to Lou’s father’s mansion ensconced up in the hills. 
Glass, whose previous debut feature, Saint Maud, was a marvel of psychological complexity and restraint, has fully embraced the pulpy nature of the material (from a script penned by Glass and Weronika Tofilska), a kind of modern noir, set against a backdrop of queerness (reminiscent, ever so slightly, of the Warchowski’s Bound), and studded with some of Glass’s more enigmatic, lyric visual totems (close ups of giant insects, frequent cutaways to glowing red portraits of some of the principles haunting the drug-addled mind of Jackie). 
There is also a visceral component to Glass’s vision: In one early scene, a fully-clothed Lou, lying on her stomach on a ragged couch, masterbates, as her cat slips between her slightly raised feet to nosh on some microwaved leftovers still on their plastic tray; in another, Lou, who smokes like a Harry Dean Stanton character, uses the smoke in her lungs as a kind of wispy sexual prop. Everything feels grubby and vaguely soiled, the endless detritus  —  from plastic food trays, to empty glass Steroid vials, to the forlorn emotional longing of characters whose lives are little to no consequence to anyone else  —  of human existence crowded around the characters miens like loose particles of ore around a magnet. 
The problem is, grotty isn’t a personality: Too many of Glass’s characters, including Lou and Jackie, are flattened out stand-ins for noir tropes: Both have mysterious backgrounds of violence, but are never illuminated beyond the immediate needs of the plot, which holds precious few surprises, beyond Glass’s more adventurous flights of lyric fancy (a scene near the end plays out as fantasy-fulfillment in a way that is particularly jarring). In some ways, the character’s domiciles  —  Lou’s cluttered apartment, the sweat-soaked gym where they meet  — are more articulated than the characters themselves. 
As such, as much as Stewart and O’Brian lean into their roles, we really don’t know enough about them to be moved by their relationship, one way or the other. Without caring about them, the film loses a lot of steam, so that by the climactic showdown between Lou and her father, the stakes feel far too minimal to make an impact. Other than fulfilling the basic tenets of narrative closure, there isn’t a lot of flame to the film’s ubiquitous cigarette smoke. 
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
Swivel Guns
The swivel gun usually refers to a small gun usually less than 1 m long and have a bore diameter of up to 3.5 cm, mounted on a swivelling stand or fork that allows a very large radius of movement. And were mainly used in close combat to strafe the main deck and do great damage to the crew on it.
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A wrought iron Breech-Loading Swivel Gun, 16th/17th Century (x)
The earliest examples recovered from Spanish wrecks are from the early 15th century and were breech loading guns, as were the guns on the gun deck of the time. The common name for this weapon in Spanish-speaking countries was "Falcion, Pedrero" or simply "Pedrero". In Italian it would be called 'Peterara' or, as it was also known, 'Pezza di Brag a'. Perrier' would be the French name, with 'Sling' or 'Murtherer' in English. Later it became the Swivel Gun.  In the early 17th century, Europeans switched to the muzzle loading swivel gun, but in Asia the breechloader was still in use.
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Breech loading swivel guns, Sweden, 15th-16th century (x)
Bullets were not solid balls as in the heavier guns, but loaded with (also known as hail) coarse shot (chopped lead, iron or nails) or later with cartridges (shot wrapped in a paper cover).
In his 1644 Seaman's Dictionary, John Manwayring describes swivel guns, which he calls murderers:
"(These) Are small iron or Brass Peeces with Chambers: In Marchant-men they are most used at the Bulkheads of the fore-castle, half-deck, or steeridge; and they have a Pintell, which is put into a stock, and so they stand and are traversed, out of which they use Murdering-shot to scower the Decks, when men enter, but Iron Murderers are dangerous for them which discharge them, for they will scale extremely, and endanger their eyes much with them, I have known divers hurt with shooting them off. "
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Swivel gun, spanish, late 18th century (x)
Because of their relatively small size, swivel guns were very mobile and could be moved around the deck of a ship relatively easily (and much more easily than other types of guns). They could be mounted on vertical beams (piers) that were either part of the ship's structure or bolted tightly to it on either side, giving the gunner a reasonably stable platform from which to fire. Thanks to their mobility, they could be installed wherever they were most needed. While larger guns were useless if they were on the wrong side of the ship, swivel guns could be carried across the deck to face the enemy.
Because of their small size, swivel guns could be used on a wide range of ships, including those too small for larger guns, and they could also be used ashore. However, the number of swivel guns declined on warships in the 18th century, as they then had caronades that had the same effect as swivel guns at longer ranges. The Merchant ships maintained their high numbers in order to be able to defend themselves in the event of an attack. Swivel guns were not always smaller guns, there were also flintlock muskets with a swivel mechanism to use them like the guns.
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Western Europe, probably England or Spain, ca. late 18th to early 19th century (x)
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British East India Company Swivel Gun, c. 1779 (x)
Swivel guns were also used for peaceful purposes. They were used for signalling and saluting and were also used in whaling, where bow-mounted swivel guns were used to fire harpoons, and in bird shooting, where punt-mounted swivel guns were used to shoot down flocks of waterfowl.
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christophe76460 · 6 months
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FUYEZ L'ENFER, Par la sœur Séphorah Mushala de la Zambie ( Suite et fin)
J'ai vu quelque chose qui ressemblait à une cabane. Mais ce refuge était en flammes. Il y avait des hommes et des femmes à l'intérieur. Ils se promenaient. Le feu n'avait pas rempli toute la chambre où ils étaient ; mais était juste sur les murs et les gens n'étaient pas brûlés, mais ils sentaient juste la chaleur intense. J'ai aussi remarqué qu'ils traînaient leurs pieds et travaillaient en marchant dans la douleur. Ils étaient dans la crainte constante d'être brûlés vivant dans le bâtiment de l'incendie. Certains disaient :<< Appelez les pompiers ! Nous allons tous brûler ici.>> Ces personnes avaient également des verres à vin dans lesquels se trouvait une substance qu'ils pensaient être du vin. Cependant, j'ai remarqué qu'il y avait aussi des serpents à l'intérieur de ces verres. Les gens buvaient goulûment ce qu'ils pensaient être du vin, comme si une force magnétique tirait leurs verres vers leur bouche. Les serpents avaient des dents pointues dans leurs bouches et les mordaient à la gorge de ses gens et ils criaient horriblement. Cette substance qu'ils croyaient être du vin réapparaissait comme si on leur donnait continuellement. Ils ne pouvaient pas s'empêcher de boire. Ces personnes avaient également des yeux noirs semblables à ceux des fantômes, et les visages ensanglantés. J'ai particulièrement remarqué une femme, quand elle a bu, elle est tombée instantanément, sa gorge s'est éclatée ouvertement, et un liquide noir jaillissait. Le vin était en réalité de l'acide.
Jésus m'a dit ceci :<< Sais-tu pourquoi ces personnes sont dans un endroit exclu pour eux-même ? C'est parce qu'ils pensaient qu'ils connaissaient tout et qu'ils étaient bien informés sur les choses du monde. Ils aimaient être mis à part et pensais qu'ils étaient au-dessus de tout le monde ( Gal 6 :3; 1 Cor 8:2) en Enfer, Ils sont également mis à part. Ces personnes traitaient des autres comme des déchets, elles développaient la fierté ( 1 Pier 5:5) et méprisaient le moins privilègiés ( 1 Pier 2:17).>> Les gens en Enfer éprouvent également la solitude écrasante et profonde. Ils se souviennent aussi de leur vie terrestre, juste à quel point ils pouvaient faire le bonnes choses et non la vaine gloire.
Le Seigneur a dit à ceux qui ont les dons spirituels ceci :<< Le pouvoir que vous utilisez n'est pas le votre, mais le Mien ( 1 Cor 4:7) Ne pensez pas que vous êtes plus meilleure que les autres ( Col 3 :25) Et ne pensez pas aussi que vous connaissez tout ( 1 Cor 13:9; 2 Pier 3:18). Si vous faites cela, vous donnerez accès au diable ( Éphes 4 :27) Ne pensez pas que l'obéissance à Ma Parole ne vous concerne pas, parce que Je vous utilise. Ne pensez pas que Je vous donnerai plus de chance pour se repentir que quiconque ; non, c'est la tromperie du diable ( Colos 3:25). Ne faites pas également des messages pour vous obtenir juste une certaine attention ;( 1 Thés 2:6) sinon, vous irez en Enfer.>>
J'ai vu une réunion des démons. Les démons portaient tous une robe noire avec des capuches. Certains d'entre eux avaient des doigts munis des griffes osseuses. Ces démons étaient de toutes sortes. Ils parlaient, et l'un d'eux qui semblaient un être de haut rang a dit :<< Quel est la méthode la plus rapide et la plus efficace pour tromper les êtres humains ? Parce que, comme vous pouvez voir, Le Saint ( c'est à dire Jésus-Christ) est sur le point de revenir. Nous devons empêcher les chrétiens d'aller avec Lui. Nous devons le faire. Nous ne devons pas brûler tout seul, non ! >>
Cependant, ce démon était debout et a frappé sur la table. Ils ont tous commencé à donner des suggestions. Certains ont suggéré de devoir mettre en place les contenus de la télévision laïc et les chansons mondaines, une de meilleurs armes, afin que les humains imitent ceux qu'ils voient ou entendent. En particulier, ils doivent imiter les personnes célèbres ( Rom 12 :2; 1 Jean 1 :15-17). Ils ont également suggéré de faire de plus en plus des feuilletons attirants ou captivants, pour faire que les humains oublient Dieu, et pour les amener à vivre leur propre vie dans cela ( Rom 8 :9). Ils ont parlé de beaucoup de choses, y compris la confection des vêtements indécents qui semblent innocents, avec des fantaisies. ( 1 Pier 3:3; 1 Tim 2 :9)
Le démon dont le nom que le Seigneur m'a révélé est "Peruza" a demandé un livre à un autre démon qui venait de joindre la réunion, car il revenait directement de la terre. Le livre contenait beaucoup de noms. Ce sont des noms de ceux qui marchaient pour L'enfer a cause de la vie qu'ils menaient. ( Gal 6:7)
Peruza a commencé à parcourir ces noms. Les noms dont le son était insolent ou autoritaire appartenaient à ceux qui ont trouvé le Christ ou qui se sont repentis. Les démons étaient vraiment furieux. Peruza a dit :<< Qui a mis ces personnes particulière sur la liste de l'enfer ? >> Tous étaient terrifiés et serrés dans la peur mais sans donner aucune réponse. Ces noms ont été cependant rapidement triés par le diable qui marchait, en écoutant les cas échéants. Ainsi, les démons concernés ont été punis.
Le nouveaux démons, plus fort que les précédents ont été ensuite affectés à faire que ces gens rétrogradent ; mais il y avait des anges musculaires et forts avec des épées qui les gardaient jour et nuit, et ces démons ne pouvaient pas réussir à les faire rétrograder ( Psaum 34:8) Bénis sois le Roi des rois !
Soudain, le Seigneur est devenu joyeux, comme s'il était rempli d'un nouvel espoir. Je me demandais qu'est-ce qui s'était passé, et qui a fait que tout d'un coup le Seigneur soit joyeux.
Le Seigneur a dit :<< Mon Coeur est rempli de joie, et Je m'en réjoui. Le Père s'est penché sur la terre, et il suscitera une Armée Puissante. Réjouis-toi avec Moi pour cette Bonne Nouvelle qui me donne envie de M'éclater.( Jacq 5 :7) >>
J'ai ri bruyamment avec le Seigneur et nous avons fait des cris joyeux et tous les démons nous regardaient avec des regards remplis de haine.
--- Dans une vision--- J'ai vu des gens qui abandonnaient de s'agenouiller devant des idoles et cherchaient vraiment Dieu en esprit et en vérité. Leurs yeux s'ouvraient et reconnaissaient le Seigneur Jésus Christ ; les femmes se sont débarrassées des leurs parures artificiels et de vêtements indécents et criaient à Dieu de tout leur cœur avec amertume et répentance. Les jeunes garçons d'environ 10 ans prêchaient la Parole et disaient aux gens de se détourner de leurs mauvaises voies. J'ai vu des jeunes qui abandonnaient leurs ambiances et s'enfermaient dans leur cellule de prière.
Le Seigneur a dit :<< Oui, Mon enfant, c'est tout cela qui rend Mon cœur plus heureux. Je leur susciterai une Armée Puissante. Va le dire par ton témoignage, et vous verrez les merveilles de Dieu. >>
J'ai aussi vu un grand ange avec un grand tamis dans ses mains. J'ai vu tout le monde sur ce tamis. Le Seigneur m'a dit :<< Mes enfants sont mélangés avec ceux du monde ; ils doivent être séparés ( Math 3:12) C'est ce que l'ange fait. Que la paix soit avec vous tous ! Je ne vous ai Jamais laissés ( Hébreux 13:5). Je suis avec vous tous les jours dans votre vie quotidienne. >>
Tous ceux qui liront ceci, s'il vous plaît, tenez compte des mises en garde du Seigneur pour les derniers temps, car vous avez seulement une chance ici sur terre ( Hébreux 9 :27). Le diable veux si désespérément votre âme, et il a relâché des démons pour vous trompez et vous faire tomber. Jésus m'a dit de vous dire qu'Il vous aime plus que vous ne pouvez l'imaginer ( Jean 3 :16; Jérémie 31 :3).
Que le Prince de Paix vous bénisse.
*** FIN. ***
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kimmyiewrites · 4 years
Case Closed ~ Chpt 7
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Mike stood at the bottom of the stairs leading up to Bex’s apartment. She hadn’t allowed him to follow her the entire way up since he needed to get another cab to go back to the brownstone the bureau put him in for his current assignment. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay? I don’t have to be back on capitol hill until tomorrow.”
Bex sighed as she laid her bag down by her door so she could unlock it. “Yes, Mike. I’ll be fine. I promise.” She looked down at him with the best reassuring smile she could muster. Truth be told, she wasn’t entirely sure how she was going to be. This was far from her first kidnapping while on assignment. It was a risk she took working with the mafia. She, however, had been kidnapped by the same man who killed her sister. Now that he was behind bars, she didn’t know how to feel but she knew she needed to call her parents. She needed to let them know that she was okay and that Hailey could finally rest in peace.
“Bex…” He trailed off, not really knowing what more he could say. He had been arguing this since they landed back in DC.
“I’m just going to call my parents and then take a shower until my hot water goes out then go to bed. I’ll come see you in the morning.” She opened her door, tossing her bag inside. “I really appreciate everything, Mike. I just need some time.”
He let out a sigh and nodded his head. “Okay, but if you need anything, call me, please.”
“I will. I promise. Good night, Mike.”
“Night, Bex.”
Once her apartment door was closed, Bex immediately tore off the scrubs and made her way into her bathroom. She stood under the spray of the hot water, letting it rinse off all the dirt and grime from the past few days. Soon the weight of everything grew to be too much and she placed a hand on the shower wall to brace herself. Tears mixed with the water running down her face as her sobs wracked her whole body making her appear to be shivering despite the hot water.
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He had remembered her sister. He even knew who she was. But he was going behind bars now. She had finally caught him. No one else would feel like this because of that killer. She could now do the same for others if the bureau allowed for her transfer. She didn’t want to be around serial killers all the time when her sister’s had still been out there. Now that he was behind bars she wouldn’t feel as much as a failure and be able to do what she set out to do when she first joined the FBI.
She took a few shaky breaths before pushing herself up from where she had been leaning against the wall so she could wash her hair. She took her time, only hurrying when she felt the water’s temperature change. Wrapping herself in a fluffy towel, she made her way into her bedroom and pulled on some sweat pants and her sister’s favorite band tee.
Padding her way into the kitchen, Bex made herself a cup of tea before calling her parents. She curled up under a blanket on her couch, mug held close to her chest to feel its warmth, and her phone nestled between her ear and shoulder as she waited for her parents to answer.
“Rebecca? Please tell me that’s really you.” Her mother sounded worried beyond comparison that Bex didn’t even roll her eyes at hearing her full name.
“Yeah, yeah mom, it’s me. I finally did it. I finally caught him.” She had thought she had cried herself out in the shower but her voice cracked at the end and tears pooled in her eyes. Hearing her mom cry made her cry even harder and the two Morris women cried it out together over the phone.
“Oh, honey. Your father and I were worried sick when we saw the news.” Her mother told her through sniffles before calling for her father.
“Hey, dad.” Bex said when he got a hold of the phone.
“I can’t tell ya how good it is to hear your voice. You’re okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
Bex shook her head despite him not being able to see her. “No, nothing I can’t handle anyway. Just some bumps and scrapes but I’ll be fine. I’m back home and I’ve got some really good friends here to help me out.”
“Good, because you know we’d come up there if you needed us.”
She sighed, laughing softly. “Yeah, I know but you don’t need to. I’m going to be hanging low for awhile anyway before I put in for my transfer out of organized crime. The guy who helped me out on my last case has a pretty bizarre case but it’s nothing too taxing so I figured I’d offer my assistance especially after he put it on hold to come help find me too.”
“Just don’t over do it, Bex.” Her father warned.
“I won’t, trust me. If anything this will just be good ol’ fashioned detective work to help him out since his cover can’t really leave a senator’s side. Plus the original agent that was supposed to be helping him out is being weird now.”
“Okay, sweetheart. Call us if you need us. Oh, and your mother wants to know when you’ll come home next?”
A small smile tugged at her lips. “I’ll make it down for Thanksgiving. Tell mom that I expect a pecan pie and her mac and cheese.”
She heard a bit of shuffling on the other end of the phone before her mother’s voice was once more in her ear. “You’re really going to make me wait until Thanksgiving? After you’ve put us through this?”
“If I come any sooner, I’m afraid you won’t ever let me leave. Besides, I don’t know when the trial will be yet so I don’t know when I can actually take off from work. Just because we caught him, doesn’t mean I can rest just yet.” She tried to explain. Her mother had never been keen on what Bex decided to do for a living.
Once more there was shuffling heard and her father’s voice came through the phone again. “Bex, you do what you need to do. Be careful and maybe we can give that facetiming thing a try again soon. We’d at least like to see your face before Thanksgiving.”
Bex smiled, her dad always swooped in and saved the day. “Yeah, we can most definitely do that. I’m gonna head to bed now though but I’ll be in touch, promise. I love you and give my love to mom.”
When the call ended, she tossed her phone beside her and let out a deep breath. Slowly but surely, she was feeling a little lighter. She stood from her blanket cocoon after she finished her tea and placed the mug in her sink. The weight of her exhaustion was now beginning to hit her. She crawled into bed, taking the picture of her and her sister from her nightstand with her. She held out the frame so she could see the picture it protected. She and her sister wrapped in each other’s arms, standing at the end of the pier as the sun set, grinning at the camera. Hailey was only 16 and Bex 19, spending their last day of summer vacation together before going back to school. It wasn’t the last day that Bex saw her sister before the tragedy, but it was the last picture they had taken together. “I did it, Hailes. He’s not going to hurt anyone else. You can rest easy now.” A lone tear fell against her cheek as she kissed the glass before returning the picture to its home.
“I can’t decide if I’m surprised to see you in my office Morris or not.” Director Marchant said as he walked into his office after grabbing a refill on his coffee. Bex sat with one leg crossed over the other as she waited for him to return, smiling at him as he sat down at his desk. “Shouldn’t you be taking some time off? I would be taking some time off after you not only accomplished what you did but after what you went through to do so.”
“I appreciate that director, but Agent Warren is still working on his case and since he’s helped me with my last two cases, I had to see if there was something I could do for him.” Bex told him, hoping that he would just give her the go ahead so she wouldn’t have to sneak about.
Marchant stared at Bex for a few moments, weighing his options. Onofrio and Blades seemed to have switched their stories about whether or not the head explosions were related to a terrorist attack. Congress was not quite on his hide yet but he could feel them inching closer and closer. Senator Wheatus changed to where he actually was doing his job now so Mike couldn’t investigate like he needed to. “Okay, fine. You’ll be brought on as Warren’s liaison but I need you to not get caught up in the politics. I need someone actually running an investigation.”
Bex gave a small salute, nodding her head. “You can count on me, director.”
“Good,” he stood just as his phone dinged to remind him of a meeting. “You can come with me to meet the other agents and they can fill you in on our side of the investigation before you go meet Warren.” He gave her a knowing look as he passed her. Of course, he knew that she would help Mike regardless of what he said. He knew after the Capello case that the two had formed a bond. If Bex hadn’t been so focused on catching her sister’s killer, he was sure that he would have seen a disappointed look like he saw on Mike’s when he had given them their latest assignments.
“Where is Onofrio?” Director Marchant asked as he and Bex sat down in Agent Blades office.
“He called to say he was running behind. Guess traffic’s bad. He didn’t give a whole lot of details.” Blades shrugged.
“Very well. Let’s go ahead and begin since I have a meeting right after this one.” Marchant nodded before motioning towards Bex. “This is Agent Morris. She has just returned from her latest case and she’ll be serving as Warren’s liaison since Onofrio seems to have forgotten about that part of his assignment. They’ve worked together before and took down the Capello family with ease.”
“I heard about that take down. Impressive. It’ll be good to have a new set of eyes on this. I know Warren’s been working with a hill staffer that’s involved but hasn’t gotten into any theories with her. She’s working with the daughter of the first head injury victims though, so I think if we could somehow get you connected so that Warren can keep his cover. We originally thought that it was a terrorist group but -”
“We still think it’s a terrorist group.” Anthony said as he entered the room. When he noticed Bex he looked her over, trying to figure out who she was. “I’m sorry, who are you?”
She certainly didn’t like the way he looked at her as if she was intruding. Before she could say anything Marchant introduced her and told him to sit down. “Continue, Blades.”
“As I was saying -”
“Is she really necessary, sir? We’ve been doing a good job without her.” Anthony interrupted once more.
“She’s here because I brought her here.” Marchant told the other agent, hoping that it was all that needed to be said.
“But she’s a woman. Has she even dealt with terrorist? No offense.” Anthony argued. Bex was a fresh face and that meant another hassle for the bugs.
Marchant was about to say something when Bex placed a hand on his back as she stood. “All the offense taken, Onofrio. I may not have dealt with terrorist but I have shared the same bed as some of the biggest mafia lords so I could get close enough to cut off their operations to keep America safe. I just got back from going under with a serial killer who has been close to the top of the most wanted list. I have dealt with domestic terrorism here so do not once undermine me because I’m a woman. I was willing to work along side you, to make sure I didn’t step on any toes because I have just returned from a case but you’ve just lost that privilege. I’m going to show you how a woman closes a case.”
She then turned to Blades, her expression turing from a death glare to an easy smile. “Would you be so kind to send me the case file. I’ll look over it soon.” When Blades nodded, she made her way to the door, turning to address the group. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some real investigating to do.” She gave Anthony a pointed glare before exiting, shutting the door a bit more forceful than needed but by no means, slamming the door shut. She only had to prove a point to one agent after all.
Both Blades and Marchant started laughing after Bex left. “Where did you find her?” Blades asked between his laughter.
“She’s not one of the bureau's best agents for no reason.” Marchant chuckled as he stood. “I’d take notes Onofrio. You just made the wrong woman upset. I won’t be surprised if this case isn’t finished in a week or two. Blades, I want you working closely with her. Let her know how your department operates. I want a report on my desk by the end of the day about updates.”
Blades looked over at Onofrio after Marchant left with a small smirk. “I’d get going if I were you or you’re really going to get chewed up and spit out. It seems like you messed with the wrong person and I cannot wait to see what she does to you.” He chuckled, dismissing Anthony.
Anthony slammed the door on his way out, frustrated and flustered. This Bex was a new variable in their plan that they didn’t know about. They needed to assess her and figure out if she needed to be converted or gotten rid of. They couldn’t have another Laurel on their case.
Bex stuck her head into Gareth’s office despite the intern’s protests but when she found him in a meeting with Red, she grimaced. “Oh, god, I’m sorry. I wanted to surprise you since I got back this morning. I’ll wait out here.” She motioned behind her but before she could leave, Red invited her inside.
“Nonsense, come on in. You came by just in time. Gareth just got back last night and boy did I miss him.” He gave Mike’s shoulder a squeeze before offering out his hand while still looking towards Mike. “I’m assuming this is Rebecca?”
“Yes, this is Rebecca.” Mike smiled at her as she shook hands with Red. “Did you even unpack your bags or did you come straight here?” He asked as they hugged.
“I’ll have to pick up my bag from the office but since I was this way, I figured I would see if I could steal you away for lunch?” Bex smiled as she looked between the two men for the answer.
“What is it that you do?” Red asked instead.
“I’m a curator for the Smithsonian.” Bex replied with ease. It was her go to cover story. She didn’t want Mike to potentially get made as an agent himself so she figured she would go with it.
Red nodded. “Keeping America educated, very good. Enjoy your lunch, buddy. I hope to see you around the office more, Rebecca.”
They shook hands once more before he went back to his office. When the door closed, Bex turned to Mike, an eyebrow raised trying so hard not to laugh. Mike snickered, not being able to hold it in, as he motioned for her to leave. The moment the pair stepped out into the hallway, they both began laughing. “That was something else.” Bex said in between her giggling.
“That was a calmer interaction than what I’ve seen. I’m just glad he didn’t ask you about the One Wayers.” He shook his head with a chuckle.
“That’s the extremist grassroots group, right?”
Mike nodded. “Yeah. I’ll probably have to look into them more after all of this. Did you really go into the office this morning?”
“Sure did. Marchant told me I could be your liaison.” She grinned over at him as they walked down the steps of the Capitol building.
“Thank god.” Mike laughed. “I haven’t been able to do anything since Red decided he actually wanted to be a senator. After we eat, I’ll see if I can introduce you to Laurel. There’s something I feel like she’s hiding from me when there’s talk of the head injuries but she won’t tell me so maybe you can try?”
“Yeah, of course. You can introduce me as an agent with her. I just didn’t want Red to get suspicious.”
“I was going to ask you about that.” He chuckled. “Thanks for that and sorry for the Rebecca thing. With him being so extreme now, I didn’t want him to try and do something because he thought Bex sounded weird.”
She laughed before giving him a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry about it. So explain to me from the beginning, what’s all happened. I had the pleasure of meeting Blades and Onofrio this morning and Blades is all for me joining while Onofrio’s lucky I didn’t punch him in the face.”
Mike chuckled, shaking his head slightly. He didn’t even want to know what Onofrio said to Bex to warrant such a response. After ordering their burgers, Mike and Bex sat on a bench, a larger order of fries sitting in between them. “So,” Mike launched into his explanation, “a meteor crashed in Russia and brought over here. The people on the ship transporting it came back completely different. One of the wives went to Laurel Healy because her brother was the one who signed off on it being brought here for testing. The government shut down and the scientist who was researching this meteor gets infected, head explodes in the ambulance which Laurel is also in. A couple more people have experienced this same fate or have changed completely. Laurel is working with the daughter of the scientist and some unknown but I feel like they’re working on a theory that I don’t know about. Laurel called me last night but when I called her back, she gave the excuse of a drunk dial so I don’t really know what that was all about.”
She nodded, humming thoughtfully as she chewed her latest bite of her burger. “Sounds to me I need to meet this Healy girl then. You think she’d open up to me?”
He gave a small shrug, popping a fry in his mouth when he saw the woman in question walking up behind Bex. “Only one way to find out.” He murmured as he smiled over at the brunette. “Laurel, hey. You feeling better?”
“Hey. Yeah, I am. I guess you’re back in town. Did you find your friend?” She slowed to a stop, trying to figure out who the woman sitting next to Mike was.
Mike chuckled and motioned towards Bex. “I did. Even got to bring her home. Laurel, this is Bex Morris. Bex, this is Laurel Healy.”
The two women shook hands, smiling. “Welcome home. Gareth was really worried so I’m glad to see that you don’t even look like you went missing.”
Bex laughed. “You didn’t see me last night.”
“So how do you two know each other?” Laurel really hoped that she didn’t sound jealous. She didn’t even know where she and Mike stood. She just knew that they had been dancing around each other and now here this friend of his was.
“We met in college. I decided to go the political route while she went the crime solving route. Now she yells at me when she has to deal with red tape and I ask for favors.” Mike answered with a chuckle.
“Like getting information on Anthony?” Laurel asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Actually that was all me. I had already pulled up his file to look into him since he’s now a partner of mine on my latest case. Gareth had mentioned him and after reading his file, I just grew worried and passed along the information. I’m sorry if I interfered in anyway.” Bex spoke up, trying to save face.
Laurel looked between the two, trying to figure out if what Bex said was the truth until it clicked. Bex was Anthony’s new partner. She had to warn her about the bugs somehow, so she wouldn’t get infected too. “Are you working with him on his current case?”
“Yeah, I am actually. I know you’re a major player in this case and he’s not exactly the most forthcoming on any information, so I’d love to talk sometime, hear your take on the events.” Bex smiled.
The other woman nodded. “That’d be great. I’m meeting a couple of my friends for lunch but stop by my office in a few and I’d be happy to tell you what I know.” Laurel then gave a small smile and wave before continuing on her way.
“Well, that went even better than I’d hoped.” Mike sighed, eating another fry.
Bex nodded, popping one in her mouth. “Mmhmm, now hopefully she’ll truly tell me everything.”
Once they finished their meal, the pair walked back towards the capitol building. “I don’t want you to think I’m not glad that you’ve been placed on this case but -”
“Have I really been cleared for it?” Bex finished Mike’s sentence with a small laugh. “Yeah, I truly have. I went for my eval before I even went to sit in the director’s office. I’m field ready but will have check ins periodically especially once the trial picks up since I’m so connected to the case. That wasn’t my first rodeo with an unsub. But thank you for checking.” She smiled over at him. “I even promise to follow the same rules I make you follow.” She chuckled, bumping his arm with her shoulder.
Mike chuckled and draped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side and placing a kiss to her temple. “Good because you’ve quickly become someone really important to me.”
Bex had looped an arm around his waist so she was nestled into his side despite the summer heat. A small blush tinted her cheeks as she looked at their feet coincidentally taking similar steps, their left feet stepped forward followed by their right. “Me too.” She agreed before she thought that it sounded odd. “I mean, you’ve quickly become someone really important to me too. I really don’t know if I could ever thank you enough for stopping things here to come help find me.”
“You did it for me once so how could I not?” He smiled down at her as he gave her shoulder a squeeze.
“Well, still, thank you. I truly appreciate it.” She smiled back up at him.
“Just don’t make a habit out of it.” He teased her resulting in them both laughing as she nudged him towards the stairs.
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blindrapture · 4 years
[three paragraphs from Finnegans Wake, book 1, chapter 3. pages 61 - 64. the chapter as a whole is one of my favourite things, and I have no fucking clue how to talk about any of it. this sequence is a, uh, “narrative block” which I frequently return to.] [bold has been added to emphasize a pattern.]
Be these meer marchant taylor’s fablings of a race referend with oddman rex? Is now all seenheard then forgotten? Can it was, one is fain in this leaden age of letters now to wit, that so diversified outrages (they have still to come!) were planned and partly carried out against so staunch a covenanter if it be true than any of those recorded ever took place for many, we trow, beyessed to and denayed of, are given to us by some who use the truth but sparingly and we, on this side ought to sorrow for their pricking pens on that account. The seventh city, Urovivla, his citadear of refuge, whither (would we believe the laimen and their counts), beyond the outraved gales of Atreeatic, changing clues with a baggermalster, the hejirite had fled, silentioussuemeant under night’s altosonority, shipalone, a raven of the wave, (be mercy, Mara! A he whence Rahoulas!) from the ostmen’s dirtby on the old vic, to forget in expiating manslaughter and, reberthing in remarriment out of dead seekness to devine previdence, (if you are looking for the bilder deep your ear on the movietone!) to league his lot, palm and patte, with a papishee. For mine qvinne I thee giftake and bind my hosenband I thee halter. The wastobe land, a lottuse land, a luctuous land, Emeraldilluim, the peasant pastured, in which by the fourth commandment with promise his days apostolic were to be long by the abundant mercy of Him Which Thundereth From On High, murmured, would rise against him with all which in them were, franchisables and inhabitands, astea as agora, helotsphilots, do him hurt, poor jink, ghostly following bodily, as were he made a curse for them, the corruptible lay quick, all saints of incorruption-of-an holy nation, the common or ereingarden castaway, in red resurrection to condemn so they might convince him, first pharoah, Humpheres Cheops Exarchas, of their proper sins. Business bred to speak with a stiff upper lip to all men and most occasions the Man we wot of took little short of fighting chances but for all that he or his or his care were subjected to the horrors of the premier terror of Errorland. (perorhaps!)
We seem to us (the real Us!) to be reading our Amenti in the sixth sealed chapter of the going forth by black. It was after the show at Wednesbury that one tall man, humping a suspicious parcel, when returning late amid a dense particular on his home way from the second house of the Boore and Burgess Christy Menestrels by the old spot, Roy’s Corner, had a barkiss revolver placed to his faced with the words: you’re shot, major: by an unknowable assailant (masked) against whom he had been jealous over, Lotta Crabtree or Pomona Evlyn. More than that Whenn the Waylayer (not a Lucalizod diocesan or even of the Glendalough see, but hailing fro’ the prow of Little Britain), mentioning in a bytheway that he, the crawsopper, had, in edition to Reade’s cutless centiblade, a loaded Hobson’s which left only twin alternatives as, viceversa, either he would surely shoot her, the aunt, by pistol, (she could be okaysure of that!) or, failing of such, bash in Patch’s blank face beyond recognition, pointedly asked with gaeilish gall wodkar blizzard’s business Thornton had with that Kane’s fender only to be answered by the aggravated assaulted that that that was the snaps for him, Midweeks, to sultry well go and find out if he was showery well able. But how transparingly nontrue, gentlewriter! His feet one is not a tall man, not at all, man. No such parson. No such fender. No such lumber. No such race. Was it supposedly in connection with a girls, Myramy Huey or Colores Archer, under Flaggy Bridge (for ann there is but one liv and hir newbridge is her old) or to explode his twelvechamber and force a shrievalty entrance that the heavybuilt Abelbody in a butcherblue blouse from One Life One Suit (a men’s wear store), with a most decisive bottle of single in his possession, seized after dark by the town guard at Haveyoucaught-emerod’s temperance gateway was there in a gate’s way.
Fifthly, how parasoliloquisingly truetoned on his first time of hearing the wretch’s statement that, muttering Irish, he had had had o’gloriously a’lot too much hanguest or hoshoe fine to drink in the House of Blazes, the Parrot in Hell, the Orange Tree, the Glibt, the Sun, the Holy Lamb and, lapse not leashed, in Ramitdown’s ship hotel since the morning moment he could dixtinguish a white thread from a black till the engine of the laws declosed unto Murray and was only falling fillthefluthered up against the gatestone pier which, with the cow’s bonnet a’top o’it, he falsetook for a cattlepillar with purest peaceablest intentions. Yet how lamely hobbles the hoy of his then pseudojocax axplanation how, according to his own story, he vas a process server and was merely trying to open zozimus a bottlop stoub by mortially hammering his magnum bonum (the curter the club the sorer the savage) against the bludgey gate for the boots about the swan, Maurice Behan, who hastily into his shoes with nothing his hald barra tinnteack and came down with homp, shtemp and jumphet to the tiltyard from the wastes a’sleep in his obi ohny overclothes or choker, attracted by the norse of guns playing Delandy is cartager on the raglar rock to Dulyn, said war’ prised safe in bed as he dreamed that he’d wealthes in mormon halls when wokenp by a fourth loud snore out of his land of byelo while hickstrey’s maws was grazing in the moonlight by hearing hammering on the pandywhank scale emanating from the blind pig and anything like it (oonagh!oonagh!) in the whole history of the Mullingcan Inn he never. This battering babel allower the door and sideposts, he always said, was not in the very remotest like the belzey babble of a bottle of boose which would not rouse him out o’ slumber deep but reminded him loads more of the martiallawsey marses of foreign musikants’ instrumongs or the overthrewer to the third last days of Pompery, if anything. And that after this most nooningless knockturn the young reine came down desperate and the old liffopotamus started ploring all over the plains, as mud as she cud be, ruinating all the bouchers’ schurts and the backers’ wischandtugs so that be the chandeleure of the Rejaneyjailey they were all night wasching the walters of, the weltering walters off. Whyte.
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vue-du-ciel · 5 years
Yunmeng Duo Days - Jour 1
Prompt: Childhood (Lotus Pier - Shijie - Kites)
Mots: 2 181
Des nuages grisâtres parsemaient le ciel au dessus du Lotus Pier, et un vent déjà froid faisait claquer les vêtements des disciples dans leur dos. Soudain, une ombre masqua le soleil déjà automnal. Un grand oeil rond brillant, des écailles d’un rouge ardent: un dragon survolait le champ d’entraînement de toute sa taille, menaçant, prêt à…
Une flèche transperça le cerf-volant avec un bruit sec et des cris de joie et d’admiration s’élevèrent:
-En plein dans le mille!
-Bravo, Gongzhi!
Jiang Cheng bomba le torse et laissa échapper un petit soupir supérieur et satisfait:
-Hmpf! C’est un vrai jeu d’enfant pour moi.
Il adorait utiliser cette expression même s’il venait seulement de fêter ses sept ans: ça lui donnait un air plus mature et il trouvait ça génial. C’était comme ressembler à son père, se rapprocher un peu plus de l’adulte qu’il voulait devenir, et vite. Il voulait impressionner sa secte, sa mère, son père,… Il le voulait encore plus depuis l’année précédente. Depuis qu’il était arrivé dans sa vie.
Jiang Cheng se tourna vers le jeune garçon à ses côtés, son frère, ami et rival depuis un an. Wei Wuxian lui rendit son regard et lui sourit franchement:
-Excellent tir, Jiang Cheng.
-Je sais oui, merci.
Une lueur malicieuse éclaira le regard de Wei Wuxian:
-Ce serait dommage que quelqu’un fasse mieux que toi. 
-Qu-?! Wei Wuxian! Tu veux mourir?!
Le garçon éclata de rire et Jiang Cheng lui-même dut retenir un sourire comme il le menaçait de son arc tout en le poursuivant joyeusement. Il savait que sa mère détestait Wei Wuxian, qu’elle détestait les voir jouer ensemble, mais il ne pouvait pas détester son frère. Et ce même s’il représentait une menace affective pour lui. Jiang Cheng ne put s’empêcher de jeter un regard vers la petite estrade au fond du terrain d’entraînement, vers son père qui avait à peine esquissé un mouvement de la tête pour le féliciter de son tir. 
Jiang Cheng avait toujours eu l’impression qu’il n’intéressait pas son père. Oh, il savait qu’il n’était pas haï, non, mais ses tentatives d’attirer l’attention de Jiang Fengmian avaient toujours été récompensées par une indifférence polie. Non, Jiang Cheng n’intéressait pas son père, n’était pas assez bien pour lui malgré tous ses efforts pour lui plaire. Il en avait souffert, bien sûr, mais il s’était dit qu’en continuant de s’améliorer, il finirait par être digne de l’attention (ou même mieux, de sa fierté!) de son père.
Puis, Wei Wuxian était entré dans sa vie. Et au fond de lui, Jiang Cheng avait compris qu’il n’aurait plus jamais aucune chance de s’attirer les bonnes grâces de son père. C’était bien simple, Wei Wuxian l’avait battu sur toute la ligne dès les premières minutes passées au Lotus Pier. Jiang Fengmian avait soulevé et serré Wei Wuxian dans ses bras sans une hésitation, alors que la plus grande démonstration d’affection que lui avait reçue depuis sa naissance relevait d’une main effleurant à peine le haut de sa tête. Ce jour-là, quand il avait vu cette lueur pleine d’amour et de tendresse dans les yeux de son père, Jiang Cheng avait compris qu’il avait perdu. Qu’il n’aurait plus jamais une seule chance d’attirer l’attention de son père maintenant que Wei Wuxian était là.
Pourtant, malgré un début difficile, malgré les remarques de sa mère et l’attitude clairement orientée de son père, Jiang Cheng appréciait Wei Wuxian. Les deux garçons s’entendaient bien, se taquinaient, se chamaillaient, s’encourageaient l’un l’autre à toujours donner le meilleur d’eux-mêmes,…
Ils étaient devenus frères. 
Pendant un moment, Jiang Cheng avait joué le rôle du grand frère qui guide son cadet: après tout, il avait des années d’avance (en cultivation et en vie en société), il pouvait au moins aider le nouveau venu tout en montrant à son père qu’il était digne de sa confiance. Oui, aider Wei Wuxian avait d’abord été un moyen d’attirer l’attention de Jiang Fengmian, mais ça ne l’avait pas été pendant bien longtemps.
Wei Wuxian était devenu un vrai ami, un confident, une moitié d’âme presque. Mais un rival malgré tout… Oui, après tout, il n’avait pas à se servir de son frère, pas maintenant qu’ils s’entendaient réellement si bien. Alors, Jiang Cheng avait cru que sa maitrise des bases de cultivation, d’étiquette et même au tir à l’arc et à l’épée l’avantageraient et suffiraient à attirer l’attention de son père.
Ce fut tout l’inverse.
Jiang Fengmian avait passé des heures à guider les mouvements de Wei Wuxian, des heures à l’encourager, des heures à le féliciter,… Et pendant ce temps, Jiang Cheng restait en retrait, la gorge et les poings serrés, exilé dans l’ombre des bâtiments, spectateur d’une scène qu’il rêvait de vivre mais dont il ne pouvait s’approcher.
Quand il eut terminé de joyeusement rigoler avec son frère, Wei Wuxian s’arrêta, un sourire ravi sur les lèvres. Il ajusta sa position, plissa les yeux et banda son arc avec une aisance impressionnante pour quelqu’un qui n’apprenait que depuis un an, puis, il inspira lentement. La flèche partit si vite que certains faillirent la manquer, et comme elle s’élevait dans le ciel en une parabole parfaite, Jiang Cheng écarquilla les yeux: pas possible… Cet orgueilleux visait le plus haut cerf-volant, celui que même les disciples plus âgés peinaient à atteindre! Il allait se ridiculiser! Il allait…
La flèche transperça le cerf-volant avec un bruit net.
Pendant une folle seconde, le silence tomba sur le terrain d’entraînement. Puis des exclamations ravies et admiratives s’élevèrent. Jiang Cheng réalisa qu’il avait retenu son souffle quand un soupir à la fois impressionné, admiratif et douloureux, presque blessé, lui échappa. C’était un tir magnifique, d’une netteté et d’une précision incroyables. Une pointe d’envie et de jalousie emplie d’injustice vint rivaliser avec la joie et la fierté dans son coeur. Et comme tous les disciples entouraient Wei Wuxian, un mouvement attira son attention, et Jiang Cheng écarquilla les yeux, le souffle soudain coupé, comme si on l’avait frappé.
Jiang Fengmian était debout.
Son père s’était levé et applaudissait, un large sourire sur les lèvres:
-Bravo, A-Xian! Magnifique tir!
Jiang Cheng eut l’impression que son coeur s’était arrêté. Sa gorge était si serrée qu’elle lui faisait mal. Bouche-bée, les bras ballants, il observait son père féliciter Wei Wuxian… Alors qu’il lui avait à peine accordé un regard, à lui qui était son propre fils, à lui qui faisait tout pour lui plaire… 
Sa vue devint floue et il se détourna rageusement en serrant les poings si fort que ses articulations blanchirent. Jiang Cheng s’éloigna d’un pas vif, sans un regard en arrière. Il ne regarda même pas où atterrit son arc quand il le jeta violemment sur le sol. Il ne se retourna pas quand Wei Wuxian l’appela. Il alla un peu plus vite, les dents serrées et le coeur battant si fort qu’il avait l’impression qu’il allait exploser.
Il traversa le Lotus Pier, d’abord en marchant d’un pas raide, puis en courant, la gorge serrée et les yeux brulants de larmes qu’il refusait de laisser couler. Il était envahi par une vague d’émotions qui menaçait de le noyer. Colère, douleur, jalousie, fierté, injustice, haine, incompréhension, amour, envie, rancoeur, déception, peine,… C’était trop, c’était trop pour un enfant si jeune, trop trop. Il arrachait rageusement des pétales de lotus depuis un ponton caché, le souffle court à cause de sa gorge serrée, quand une voix douce le fit sursauter:
-A-Cheng, est-ce que tout va bien? 
Jiang Cheng renifla rageusement tout en frottant son nez avec sa manche:
-Ca va. Je veux être seul.
Il n’avait pu empêcher son ton d’être agressif, même si sa soeur n’y était pour rien et que cela la chagrinerait sûrement. Mais il devait absolument être seul: personne ne pourrait être là quand les premières larmes couleraient. Mais Jiang Yanli ne recula pas. Au contraire, elle se rapprocha, s’accroupit à ses côtés et lui ôta doucement le lotus meurtri des mains:
-A-Cheng, j’ai vu ce qu’il s’était passé. (Elle lui prit doucement la main, son visage toujours si doux et souriant marqué par la peine de voir son cadet souffrir) Est-ce que tu veux que…
-Je veux que tu me laisses tranquille! (S’écria-t-il en se dégageant violemment) Je veux juste être seul!
Jiang Cheng croisa les bras sur ses genoux et y enfouit son visage. Jiang Yanli ne répondit pas, mais elle ne bougea pas non plus. Elle attendit quelques minutes, puis, comme elle l’avait pensé, la voix de son frère s’éleva, rendue rauque par le chagrin et étouffé par ses manches:
-Je le déteste, je les déteste. 
-Qui ça?
-Wei Wuxian, père, je les déteste tous. 
Jiang Yanli poussa un petit soupir et elle posa la main sur l’épaule de son frère:
-Tu ne peux pas en vouloir à A-Xian, il n’est pas responsable.
-Si, il l’est! Il fait tout pour se faire remarquer par tout le monde! (Un hoquet le coupa un instant puis il reprit, la voix remplie de sanglots bravement contenus) Il fait tout mieux que moi, A-Jie, ce n’est pas juste… 
-Oh, A-Cheng…
Un bras glissa sur ses épaules, et comme il était doucement enlacé par sa soeur, Jiang Cheng sentit qu’une première larme brûlait sa joue:
-A-Xian et toi êtes très proches, c’est normal d’être un peu jaloux de son frère de temps en temps. Mais tu ne dois pas lui en vouloir de faire des progrès. Tu sais qu’il t’a observé toute l’année et qu’il s’entraînait tous les soirs pour devenir fort comme toi?
Léger silence, brisé par un soupir tremblant:
-C’est vrai?
-Oui. (Elle caressa doucement ses cheveux) Tu es son modèle, il veut seulement te ressembler et te rendre fier de lui.
La culpabilité lui noua le coeur et il secoua la tête, refusant d’accepter, de réaliser qu’il était injuste envers son frère:
-C’est faux, il veut juste me voler ma place et me voler père!
-C’est ta colère et ta peine qui parlent, A-Cheng: tu sais que ce n’est pas vrai.
Il le savait. Il le savait mais voir son père féliciter ce garçon qui faisait déjà presque tout mieux que lui lui avait fait tellement mal. Tellement mal. Mais il savait qu’il n’avait pas le droit d’en vouloir à Wei Wuxian. Il n’était pas responsable de l’indifférence de son père. Jiang Cheng se mordit la lèvre sans parvenir à retenir ses larmes qui coulèrent en lourds sanglots sans parvenir à soulager son coeur oppressé de sentiments contradictoires:
-Il a tout ce que j’aimerais avoir. Il est tellement mieux que moi, ce n’est pas juste, A-Jie. Je suis si fier de lui, mais j’ai si mal. (Il hoqueta, les épaules secouées de sanglots) Je ne sais pas quoi faire.
-Et si tu commençais par en parler à A-Xian?
-Hors de question! Il se moquerait de moi!
-C’est faux.
Jiang Cheng sursauta et dégagea son visage de la robe de sa soeur pour se retrouver nez-à-nez avec Wei Wuxian. Et contrairement à ce qu’il craignait, aucun sourire moqueur et satisfait n’étirait ses lèvres, aucun rire supérieur ne résonnait dans l’air. À vrai dire, son frère avait l’air penaud, triste même. Mais Jiang Cheng eut soudain tellement honte d’être vu ainsi, dans une telle position de faiblesse, qu’il aboya pus agressivement qu’il ne l’aurait voulu:
-Qu’est-ce que tu veux?!
-Je voulais voir si tu allais bien, et je voulais m’excuser. (Wei Wuxian chercha son regard, le soutint sans ciller) Je n’essaye pas d’être meilleur que toi ni d’attirer l’attention d’oncle Jiang: je voulais juste te montrer mes progrès. Je voulais que tu voies que je ne te ferai jamais honte. Je suis désolé si ça t’a blessé, ce n’était pas mon intention. Je ne voulais pas te rendre triste.
Jiang Cheng sentit un mélange de culpabilité, de honte et d’émotion lui nouer la gorge, un savant mélange qu’il ne parvenait pas à maîtriser. Alors, il se détourna en grommelant pour masquer son regard hésitant, plein de douleur et de soulagement flatté:
-Je suis pas triste.
Jiang Yanli lui offrit un sourire encourageant et il sentit qu’il ne pouvait plus résister. Alors, comme de grosses larmes incontrôlables roulaient sur ses joues, il enlaça Wei Wuxian, l’invitant à le rejoindre dans les bras de sa soeur en soufflant, la voix étouffée par le tissu:
-Je suis fier de toi, idiot.
Wei Wuxian poussa un soupir soulagé et lui rendit son étreinte, avec force et émotion, mais il ne dit rien de plus, conscient du fait que Jiang Cheng en avait déjà beaucoup fait. Rassurée, Jiang Yanli laissa échapper un soupir satisfait, et quand l’émotion de ses frères fut passée, elle les prit chacun par la main:
-Venez, tous les deux: un peu de soupe vous fera du bien.
Les deux garçons acquiescèrent, et même si le coeur de Jiang Cheng était encore un peu serré, il avait pourtant l’impression qu’une partie du poids qui lui écrasait les épaules s’était envolé.
Si vous avez apprécié ce texte, n’hésitez pas à faire un tour sur https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13396627/1/  :) À demain pour la suite!
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J4. Bangkok
9H au ptit dej. 9H30 on décolle. Epaule Ok. Hanche Ok. Taxi meter au prix réel. Ca y est on est dedans, la ville est à nous et la journée que nous nous apprêtons à passer est à l’exact opposé de celle d’hier. Dépaysement, contrastes au pluriel. Nous avons commencé par attraper un long boat à Chang Pier et avons glissé à toute blinde vers le marché flottant de Taling Chan. Les canaux de Bankok Noi ressemblent à ceux de Miami (les maisons de luxe et les yachts en moins.. Miami en mode Alita ..avec un peu d’imagination). Le marché est ouvert seulement le samedi et plutôt fréquenté par des locaux. Un bon plan, à taille humaine, où le touriste n’est pas chassé allée après allée, où les stands sentent plus bons les uns que les autres .. On a gouté les pancakes coco (trop trop bon #Dorian ancien coco rejecter maintenant coco Lover ) et on a bougé. Débarquement  à Wat Aron. Il fait chaud, chaud, chaud ..3 bouteilles d’eau finies en ½ heure. Ferry pour traverser la rivière (20 bhat à 4. Optimisation). Pause smoothy Mango  façon cocktail. Préparé avec précision par un bar tender très « professionnel » le long de la rivière. On s’est régalé, on a continué. Etape Wat Pho. Robe de jambes pour les filles puis budhha couché. Un poil Kitch mais impressionnant et tellement doré. Bouteilles d’eau (X4) et retour en marchant à l’hotel. Pause piscine. Tours des Blogs pour trouver le bon point de chute pour diner. Habits du soir obligatoires (on a mis des baskets et des robes) . Direction les buildings et là : choc culturel. Bienvenue au sommet du Banyan Tree (59eme étage + 3 à pied) pour boire un verre au rooftop bar « the moon bar ». Quand on est arrivé en haut, la vue était à couper le souffle et le bar construit en passerelles de verre à 360 autour de la ville. On se serait cru dans Mission Impossible. Jamais je n’ai eu une émotion si forte en haut d’un building. Même à New york. Un décor ( les photos sont loin de la réalité). Les enfants étaient fous. Nous aussi. On est resté mangé (Le restaurant s’appelle le Vertigo). Le prix d’un resto à Paris (7000 bht pour nous 4) pour ici c’est du super luxe mais un diner sur le toit de Bangkok .. ca valait le coup. Retour à Khao San Road. Courage, une nuit dans le vacarme des enceintes et on quitte la ville.
Eratum : Dorian dit qu’il a toujours aimé le coco ( « c’est le jus de coco que j’aime pas »)
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weirdesplinder · 5 years
Romance ispirati a favole classiche
Nuova sfida accettata volvate dei romance storici ispirati a fiabe famose, ebbene eccoli.
Partiamo col dire che la strafamosa autrice romance Eloisa James (che forse non sapete io non amo particolarmente, non chiedetemi perchè, ma io e la cara Eloisa la pensiamo molto diversamente su molte cose trame comprese, mentre ho le stesse idee di Amanda Quick, da cui potrei essere stata separata alla nascita) ha addirittura scritto una intera serie di romance ispirati alla favole più classiche e conosciute tipo Cenerentola, Raperonzolo, La pricipessa sul pisello ecc...
La serie Fairy tales di Eloisa James, è stata pubblicata in italiano da i Romanzi Mondadori, ed è composta dai libri:
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Link: https://amzn.to/2M1qVgJ
Kate, figlia di primo letto del defunto lord Daltry, è costretta dalla matrigna ad assumere l’identità della sorellastra Victoria. A causa di un contrattempo, infatti, costei non può recarsi al castello di Pomeroy per essere presentata al principe Gabriel, zio del fidanzato, e ottenere la sua approvazione alle nozze. Tra piccole gaffe e acute conversazioni, Kate stuzzica l’attenzione dell’algido Gabriel, che affascinato si ritroverà a corteggiare lei invece della nobile ereditiera che dovrebbe sposare. Nonostante la forte attrazione che provano l’uno per l’altra, entrambi sanno che purtroppo non potrà esservi lieto fine per loro, a meno che…
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Denti bianchi come perle, voce da usignolo, un viso talmente perfetto da far piangere d'invidia gli angeli. Così le fiabe descrivono le loro protagoniste. Ma esistono davvero donne tanto incantevoli? Esistono: Linnet Berry Thrynne è una di queste rarissime creature che brillano più del sole. Ma, si sa, troppa bellezza genera invidia, cattiveria, pettegolezzi, e Linnet si ritrova additata come una donna di facili costumi. Tutta colpa della corte serrata del principe Augustus Frederick del Sussex che ne ha compromesso la reputazione. E così Linnet, "la Bella", si trova costretta a un matrimonio riparatore con un fidanzato scelto per lei dal padre: Piers Yelverton, conte di Marchant. Medico geniale ma dalla fama terrificante, soprannominato "la Bestia" per la sua durezza, Piers vive recluso nel selvaggio Galles e si dice sia del tutto insensibile al fascino femminile. Ma Linnet non si lascia intimidire e giura che riuscirà a domare la Bestia. Non sa di correre un grave pericolo: quello di innamorarsi di un uomo che non la potrà amare…
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Link: https://amzn.to/3quU2HZ
Tarquin, duca di Oakley, deve scegliere una sposa degna del proprio titolo, e lady Georgiana Lytton è una candidata eccellente. Ma a catturare la sua attenzione e infiammarlo di desiderio è invece la sorella gemella Olivia, passionale e volitiva. E per entrambi è impossibile resistere all’attrazione che si scatena. Mentre Quin e Olivia sono in balia dei sentimenti, la duchessa madre insiste comunque nella ricerca della moglie ideale per il figlio, e solo superando una serie di prove potrà essere fatta la scelta. A designare la consorte perfetta, saranno infine un segreto e un materasso…
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Link: https://amzn.to/35SHItr
Theodora Saxby non osa credere che il bellissimo James Ryburn, inseparabile amico d’infanzia ed erede di un ducato, voglia sposare proprio lei. Può davvero tramutarsi in amore l’amicizia che li lega? Theodora vuole disperatamente sperarci, ma trascorsi pochi giorni dal matrimonio scopre che James l’ha sposata solo per la sua dote. Cacciato il marito da casa, passa sette lunghi anni a ricostruire la fortuna perduta e ad accrescere la fiducia in se stessa, diventando una donna ricca di fascino e di stile. Fino al giorno in cui, dal mare dove ha vissuto come corsaro, James torna a reclamare ciò che gli spetta di diritto. Compresa la donna che ritiene sua…
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Link: https://amzn.to/2LywOCd
Pur di riaverla, lui avrebbe scalato una torre…
Il giovane Gowan, duca di Kinross, vuole una sposa che completi la propria vita ordinata, e nel momento in cui vede Edie, bella e riservata, se ne innamora. Vittima della febbre alta proprio al ballo del suo debutto, Edie è invece tutt’altro che docile e obbediente, e quando suo padre accetta la proposta del duca si sente in trappola. Trascorsa una notte di nozze disastrosa, prova a fingere di essere la moglie perfetta che il marito desidera, ma la realtà viene ben presto a galla e, dopo ripetute incomprensioni, lei lo respinge del tutto. Però Gowan non potrà permetterlo, né a lei né a se stesso…
Altri romanzi di altri autrici ispirati a favole famose sono:
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Coco Wild, donna tanto splendida quanto inarrivabile per qualsiasi uomo. Coco Wild, che molto, troppo tempo fa ha deciso di innalzare una barriera tra il proprio cuore e ogni tipo di sentimento. Coco Wild, la cortigiana diventata la più inespugnabile delle fortezze amorose di Londra. Fino al ritorno di James Stoker, avventuriero in terre lontane, esploratore di misteri esotici, appena nominato cavaliere. Il loro è un incontro scritto nel libro del destino e Coco e James sono costretti a mettere tutto in discussione. In modo che un bacio, un unico bacio, possa risvegliare il cuore dopo il lungo letargo in attesa del puro amore.
-UNA SPOSA PER IL PRINCIPE, Teresa Medeiros (un mix tra  cenerntola, brutto anatroccolo e sette spose per sette fratelli)
Non è facile per un uomo solo occuparsi di dodici figlioli, così, per la terza volta, Lord Bannor decide di sposarsi. La prescelta dovrà essere una donna robusta e di buon senso, ma non bella: Bannor non vuole più saperne delle lusinghe dell’amore. E quando si accorge che la moglie che il maggiordomo gli ha trovato è in realtà una fanciulla giovane e sensuale, Bannor ha un solo pensiero: liberarsene! Ma il cuore, si sa, segue strade che la ragione non conosce. E non è così facile prendersene gioco...
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Louise Vandermeer, bellissima, brillante e viziata ereditiera americana, acconsente alle nozze con Charles d’Harcourt, nobile francese che non ha mai incontrato né visto. Ma sul transatlantico che la porterà fra le braccia del promesso sposo, Louise viene corteggiata e sedotta da un misterioso pascià, celato dalle ombre della notte. Il dilemma è ora nel suo cuore: potrà Louise sposare un altro uomo?
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-BATTICUORE, Amanda Quick (la bella e la bestia)
Link: https://amzn.to/3bLOxRj
Non ci sono dubbi: Harriet ha bisogno di un uomo. Qualcuno di forte e intelligente che la aiuti a difendersi dai banditi che usano le sue grotte per nascondere il loro bottino. E si rivolge a Gideon Westbrook, visconte di Saint Justin, che tutti chiamano "il mostro di Blackthorne Hall" per il suo aspetto minaccioso e il suo scandaloso passato. Ma Harriet non trova nulla di minaccioso nel suo sguardo: solo il dolore di un'antica ferita che chiede di essere guarita. E il fuoco di un'ardente passione che chiede di essere corrisposta...
Link: https://amzn.to/2LYvlVu
Jessica Trent prima ha tentato e quindi ha avvinto Sebastian Ballister, marchese di Dain, in un bacio appassionato. E ora spetta a lui salvarle la reputazione. Mai Jessica avrebbe immaginato di desiderare quell’uomo arrogante e immorale. I suoi intenti erano ben altri. Eppure il fuoco dello scandalo è nulla al confronto dell’ardore della loro passione...
- COME D’INCANTO,  Elizabeth Hoyt (la bella e la besta)
Helen Fitzwilliam non può accettare un rifiuto. Sir Alistair Munroe non la vorrebbe come governante, ma lei ha disperatamente bisogno di un tetto per sé e per i suoi due bambini. Così, che lo voglia o no, il tenebroso e solitario Alistair alla fine si piega e la assume. Helen lavora con grande dedizione e l’antico castello in rovina si trasforma giorno dopo giorno in una vera casa: le sue amorevoli cure riescono anche a mitigare i danni che la guerra ha inflitto all’animo e al corpo di Alistair. È un desiderio che pensava sopito per sempre, quello che lui sente risvegliarsi. Ma un segreto nel passato di Helen minaccia di distruggere anche le vite di chi le sta più a cuore.
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Future Plot: Here Comes the Next Gen (Reboot) - Chapter 1 (Part 2)
(( Camille belongs to @inklingleesquidly
Celeste and Willow belong to @alpinesquid
Nebula belongs to @myzzy and @agenttwo / @nyanamo
Agent 7 and Telemachus (Neo-Agent 3) belong to me
Nova (mentioned) belongs to @tentamissile-rush / @splat-tendency and @marchant-girls / @eiden-squid ))
Camille noticed Celeste and her friend about to approach her and Nebula. She has kind of expected Celeste and her friend to be around Arowana Mall. She also noticed the unknown Inkling boy in the Hero suit replica that arrived through a super-jump. This Inkling, she has no idea who he is or what he’s doing here.
Celeste’s friend is your usual squid, wearing the freshest fashion of her choice. She’s an inkling that’s 3 inches shorter than Celeste with light brown skin, light green eyes, and purple ink-hair with dark purple spots. Her ink-hair is tied back into a braided ponytail similar to Camille’s, but this tail is shorter. She wore a white sailor suit, a straw boater hat, and blue lo-tops.
Camille was familiar with Celeste’s friend. Her name is Willow.
The unknown inkling was light-skinned with long, ashy green ink-hair, green star eyes, and a familiar mole on his left cheek. Camille has seen the inkling’s suit before, and it was mostly from a few inklings from Inkopolis; it was something called a “hero jacket replica”. He was also armed with this circular shield with a blue swirl on it.
This one, Camille isn’t familiar with.
Celeste just gasps in amazement as she saw the unknown inkling land. She recognizes the attire and ran up to him with her friend following. Celeste and Willow were just two steps away from where Camille and Nebula were sitting.
The inkling in the hero jacket replica jumped off the beach rocks and landed in the sand. He approached Camille and friends. Celeste was the first to run up to him with Willow following her.
“Where did you get the jacket?” Celeste awed. “I really like it!”
The inkling didn’t respond. He gave this neutral stare, raising an eyebrow in confusion.
“Uhm, forgive Celeste, she really likes these things,” Willow explained.
The inkling then spoke, “It’s alright. I get that a lot whenever I wear this.” He adjusted the collar of his jacket. “I heard my dad was in Inkopolis. I decided to check the city out.”
“Do you have a name?” Willow politely asked.
“You may call me Neo-Agent 3,” the inkling boy replied.
It was obvious to Celeste that Neo-Agent 3 won’t give out his real name. She knows it would blow his cover. She has her hand out, offering Neo-Agent 3 a handshake, looking eagerly nervous.
“M-my name’s Celeste,” she began, “I think you already know because Willow mentioned my name to you.” She gave a little giggle. “It’s so good to meet an agent in-person.”
Neo-Agent 3 nods and shakes Celeste's hand. Celeste actually decided to bring Neo-Agent 3 to Camille and Nebula, much to Camille’s lack of interest. Nebula found it a bit sudden for Celeste to introduce someone new, but she went along with this event.
“Hello there, my name is Neo-Agent 3.” Neo-Agent 3 began.
“If there another name we can call you?” Camille asked, not liking the Agent name.
“Telemachus.” Neo-Agent 3 then narrows his eyes at Camille and Nebula. “You two look familiar. Have we met?”
“If you recognize us as the Neo-Squid Sisters, yes, we are them. We’re just not in our outfits.” Camille leans back a bit. “The name is Camille, and this is my cousin, Nebula.”
“Cousins, just like the original Squid Sisters.” Telemachus gave a slight smile, though his eyes were a slight glare. “They were Callie and Marie.”
“Those are our moms’ names,” Nebula pointed out, “Marie is my mom, and Callie is my cousin’s mom.”
“Coincidence,” Telemachus replied, “You know a friend of mine in Alexandria district had most of your songs, mostly your music, Nebula. He always boasts about how he’ll win your heart one day.”
“Your friend really said that?” Nebula wasn’t that surprised, thinking it’s just another big fan.
“Yeah really.” Telemachus flips his long ink hair. “He’s a musician too. One time he tried to send you a letter, requesting a duet.”
“I…. never got the letter.” Nebula was a bit surprised that she has a fan this devoted to her.
“Wow, Nebby, I guess you’re the one in the Neo-Squid Sisters that attracts all the weirdoes.” Camille gets a slight glare of embarrassment from Nebula. Camille chuckles. “And I don’t think there’s a chance that your friend will get her.”
Telemachus folds arms. “Figures; is there a something in the way of my friend’s love for Nebula?”
“There’s our friend, Emerald.” Camille pondered a bit. “I can tell that she has a crush on Nebula.”
“Camille!” Nebula is already blushing, covering her face.
“Nothing to be embarrassed about,” Celeste assured, “Many of us have a secret crush.”
“Yeah, many of us do,” Willow agreed.
“Does that include you, Camille?” Telemachus wondered.
“Pfft. Please, I not gonna slow down for lovey-dovey stuff.” Camille sticks her tongue at the idea. “Besides, who needs love.”
Telemachus smiled. “I guess this will be the start of a new friendship.”
“We just met,” Camille commented, “But I guess it is… for now.”
When the sun was setting, Willow had to leave early along with Nebula. They had things to do with their parents. Camille, Telemachus, and Celeste still had time at the beach near Arowana Mall.
They all hung out at a pier, watching the sunset.
Telemachus had a lot to say about the Agency to Celeste. Camille was uninterested, and she was mostly pretending to listen and be amazed by the stories he told. But inside, Camille found Telemachus boring.
“And that how the supercomputer and I got along and cooperated.” Telemachus showed his shield. “This shield here is what houses Xenia. Currently, she’s back in Alexandria district, getting updated by a friend of mine.”
“Will she get along with us if you bring her next time?” Celeste wondered.
“She gets a bit shy, but she’ll get used to new faces.” Telemachus looked at Camille. “You seems quiet.”
“Oh, me? Oh no, I was listening to every word,” Camille replied with a smile.
Telemachus sighs and continues watching the sunset. “I can tell you weren’t listening. It’s alright.” Telemachus sighed in disappointment. “You’re not like others, I guess.”
Camille rolls her eyes.
Telemachus did realize he was talking a bit too much about his profession and himself. He should be talking about Camille and her friends, so he decided to do just that.
“I hear you’re called the Fasted Squid Alive,” Telemachus respected, “how did you get that name?”
Now there was a topic Camille is willing to talk about. “I race a lot. I’ve been racing ever since I was young. I outran every squid on my go-kart, and...”
Telemachus looked at her with a wink and a smile. Camille looked away.
“And I did win most of the race tournaments,” Camille continued, “And no other race was able to challenge my speed, even Nova always ends up second.”
“Nova?” Telemachus raised an eyebrow.
“He’s a friend and rival of mine,” Camille explained.
“And I’ve seen her out race everyone at that raceway.” Celeste has seen one of the races before. “And she hopes to one day be known far and wide as a Racecar Champion in history.”
“Oh please, Celeste.” Camille expects to get that title already.
Celeste and Camille laugh a bit and then sigh.
“And how about you, Celeste, why do you like the Agency so much?” Telemachus wondered.
“Because one day I want to join their ranks… if they have ranks.” Celeste scratched the back of her head. “It’s my dream to become an agent.” She gave a grin.
Telemachus knew Celeste has a lot to learn. He nods. “I’m sure you’ll be able to join some day. But enough about the agency for now, what do you usually do for a hobby?”
“Soccer….. or football.” Celeste shook her head. “Or whatever they call it nowadays. I play really well in the sports. There are sometimes I can end up with scrapes on my knees and a few aches, but that won’t stop me from playing.”
“Then you’re a trooper,” Telemachus declared, “Then again, watch your health, but still you’re a trooper.”
The sun is now sinking into the horizon.
“Camille, Celeste, I’m glad to end this beginning of our friendship on a good note.” Telemachus adjusted his ink hair.
“You can say that,” Camille smirked.
“Yup.” Celeste stretches her arms a bit.
This kind of friendship might as well be established.
Camille, Nebula, and Celeste were back in school, meeting in Agent 7’s Biology class. He was lecturing to them an introduction to Biology, starting with defining science, refreshing the memory of last science class, and giving a brief lecture on the chemistry.
“And make sure these are in your notes. Some will be crucial to your first test,” Agent 7 reminded.
Camille was doodling while taking her notes; she was using an erasable pen instead of a pencil. Nebula noticed her doodles but didn’t say anything.  Yes, they were mean in nature, but they didn’t seem that offensive to Agent 7.
Minutes later, Agent 7 standing over Camille, arms folded.  He finally noticed the doodles. Camille knew she was busted.
Agent 7 took a closer look at the notes along with the doodles. His reaction was unexpected: he sighed and smiled, commenting, “I get that a lot from my trainees back in Alexandria District, these doodles are far better than what my trainees say about me.” He walked away from Camille.
Camille rolls her eyes. She erased the doodles and actually focuses on taking notes. At least she didn’t end up in detention, she thought.
Agent 7 then continued his lecture. He didn’t even say Camille will be in detention. “As I was saying, the scientific method is going to be very important in all of our experiments, and one day each of you will be making their own biology experiment for the finals.”
The bell rings and everyone in the biology class leaves. Agent 7 stops Camille.
“One moment, Camille, there’s something I want to talk to you about.” Agent 7 had her waiting at her desk. “There’s something I want to offer.”
“Pass.” Camille wasn’t interested, but Agent 7 kept her in the class.
Agent 7 took out a late pass and signed it just in case with Camille’s name on it. It was just in case.
“Just hear me out, Camille. I’ll make it worth your while,” Agent 7 convinced.
“The only thing worth my while from you is not seeing your face in the halls, goodbye.” Camille headed toward the door.
“Can’t you at least spare sometime after school to come back to this class to hear me offer?” Agent 7’s talk with Camille was urgent.
Camille stopped. She sighed and turned to look at Agent 7. “Afterschool, I promise.”
When the last school bell rings, Agent 7 was back in the biology class. Camille did return as promised, but she had a look on her face that said she would like to be somewhere else. Agent 7 acknowledged this and started.
“Here is my offer: I want you to join this special program in Alexandria District on Winter Break. It will be worth your while as it includes things from the automotive tech class.” Agent 7 was aware she didn’t get that class.
Camille seemed interested, but she doesn’t seem convinced enough. “’Doesn’t mean I’ll join. What’s the catch?”
“There is some training in addition to the class you want.” Agent 7 confessed.
“What training?” Camille narrowed her eyes, stepping closer.
“It’s just some special training meant for kids like you,” Agent 7 answered, “I assure you that if you do this, it will help you with the career you want.”
Camille was almost convinced, but she still isn’t sure about this “training” that came with it. Then again, she didn’t see it as a problem as long as she gets into that automotive tech class. She decided to take that chance with caution.
“I’ll consider it,” Camille replied before leaving the class.
As Agent 7 watches her leave he sighed. “Just like them.”
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diarynz · 5 years
Live rugby updates: England v Italy, 2019 Rugby World Cup warm-up
New Post has been published on https://diary.nz/live-rugby-updates-england-v-italy-2019-rugby-world-cup-warm-up/
Live rugby updates: England v Italy, 2019 Rugby World Cup warm-up
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Follow live updates as England take on Italy in a Rugby World Cup warm-up match.
England head coach Eddie Jones has named his team to face Italy in their World Cup warm-up match at St James’ Park in Newcastle on Friday.
Jones has selected from outside his World Cup squad by naming Joe Marchant at outside centre.
Marchant has been omitted from the 31-man squad bound for Japan on September 8 but slots into the midfield alongside Piers Francis with captain Owen Farrell starting the final warm-up fixture at fly-half.
Two further players not picked for Japan 2019 are present on the bench in lock Charlie Ewels and flanker Matt Kvesic.
Ruaridh McConnochie finally makes his debut on the right wing after two aborted attempts in the double header against Wales due to hip and hamstring injuries.
The Bath sevens specialist forms a rapid back three alongside Anthony Watson, who makes his fourth appearance at full-back, and Leicester flyer Jonny May.
Henry Slade has lost his battle with a knee injury and so misses the last opportunity to get some game time before the World Cup and Ben Youngs is given another run at scrum-half.
Jones has largely stuck to his tried and tested up-front, including a fourth successive start for star number eight Billy Vunipola.
Mark Wilson, a Newcastle stalwart who will spend next season at Sale, makes his first start of the summer at openside flanker and Tom Curry is given another run at six.
Jones said: “We have gone with a mix and match selection policy to develop our adaptability and the team’s ability to cope with any situation.”
– Daily Telegraph UK
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Joe Marchant to start for England against Italy despite not being in World Cup squad
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/joe-marchant-to-start-for-england-against-italy-despite-not-being-in-world-cup-squad/
Joe Marchant to start for England against Italy despite not being in World Cup squad
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By Chris Jones
BBC rugby union correspondent
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The inclusion of Marchant (centre) raises questions over the fitness of Jonathan Joseph
Rugby World Cup warm-up: England v Italy Venue:St James’ Park, NewcastleDate:Friday 6 SeptemberKick-off:19:45 BST Coverage:Live on BBC Radio 5 Live with highlights on BBC Two at 23:05 BST
Harlequins centre Joe Marchant will start England’s final warm-up match against Italy on Friday despite not being part of the World Cup squad.
Marchant is alongside Piers Francis in the midfield in what is described as a “mix and match selection strategy”.
Ruaridh McConnochie will finally make his debut on the wing and joins Jonny May and Anthony Watson in the back three.
Billy Vunipola makes his fourth start of the campaign at number eight.
“We have gone with a mix and match selection policy to develop our adaptability and the team’s ability to cope with any situation,” explained head coach Eddie Jones.
Friday’s match in Newcastle will be the first England Test match to be staged at St James’ Park.
Jones’ side then fly out to Japan on Sunday before their tournament opener against Tonga on 22 September.
“We are playing at an iconic football ground and we know the area is an important one for rugby in the northern part of England,” Jones added.
“We are looking forward to seeing and playing in front of the fans.”
Marchant made his England debut as a replacement against Wales last month before also coming on against Ireland a fortnight ago.
His inclusion raises questions over the fitness of Jonathan Joseph, after the Bath man pulled out of the Ireland game with unspecified muscle soreness.
Fellow centre Henry Slade is also missing, and has not played a minute of rugby since picking up a knee injury in camp last month.
Meanwhile Vunipola’s inclusion in the back-row for the fourth consecutive match appears a gamble by Jones.
However assistant coach Neal Hatley said on Thursday the England management had no concerns about Vunipola’s workload.
“One of the key things with Billy is to keep him playing,” Hatley said.
Captain Owen Farrell starts at fly-half for the first time in the warm-up schedule, while Anthony Watson plays at full-back for the first time since March 2018.
“We have had a solid training week in Treviso with hot conditions so we are looking forward to testing ourselves against Italy on Friday night,” Jones added.
“Then we hop on the plane and are ready to go to Japan.”
England:Watson; McConnochie, Marchant, Francis, May; Farrell (c), Youngs; Marler, George, Cole, Launchbury, Lawes, Curry, Wilson, B Vunipola.
Replacements:Cowan-Dickie, Genge, Sinckler, Ewels, Kvesic, Heinz, Ford, Cokanasiga.
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sweetsmellosuccess · 2 months
The second half of Denis Villeneuve's epic adaptation of Frank Herbert's sprawling novel is not without its flaws, but before we get to them, there is call to sing its praises, at least on one specific topic. After a years-long slog of superhero movies with substandard CGI cementing the films as money-grubbing afterthoughts -- like an old, regifted candle wrapped poorly -- Villeneuve's majestic film is a revelation of special effects and cinematography that adds an enormous gravitas and beauty to the proceedings.
It doesn't seem as if it should be so difficult, in this day and technological age, for a high-rolling studio to put the time and effort into its CGI creations such that it enhances and doesn't detract from the picture, and in that sordid process, reveal the chintzy apparatus it's trying to peddle to viewers. Yet, time and again, with big, would-be tentpole blockbusters boasting enormous production budgets, the effects feel flat and unconvincing.
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torentialtribute · 5 years
England make surprise pick of Joe Marchant for Italy clash as Ruardih McConnochie makes debut
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15 Anthony Watson (Bath Rugby, 35 caps), 14 Ruaridh McConnochie (Bath Rugby, uncapped) , 13 Joe Marchant (Harlequins, 2 caps), 12 Francis Piers (Northampton Saints, 7 caps), 11 Jonny May (Leicester Tigers, 46 caps), 10 Owen Farrell (Saracens, 72 caps) C, 9 Ben Youngs (Leicester Tigers ), 88 caps), 1 Joe Marler (Harlequins, 61 caps), 2 Jamie George (Saracens, 39 caps), 3 Dan Cole (Leicester Tigers, 88 caps), 4 Joe Launchbury (Wasps, 60 caps), 5 Courtney Lawes (Northampton Saints, 74 caps), 6 Tom Curry (Sale Sharks, 12 caps), 7 Mark Wilson (Newcastle Falcons / Sale Sharks, 14 caps), 8 Billy Vunipola (Saracens, 44 caps)
Finishers 16 Luke Cowan-Dickie (Exeter Chiefs, 14 caps), 17 Ellis Genge (Leicester Tigers, 11 caps), 18 Kyle Sinckler (Harlequins, 24 caps), 19 Charlie Ewels (Bath Rugby, 11 caps),20 Matt Kvesic (Exeter Chiefs, 3 caps), 21 Willi Heinz (Gloucester Rugby, 3 caps), 22 George Ford (Leicester Tigers, 58 caps), 23 Joe Cokanasiga (Bath Rugby, 7 caps)
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christophe76460 · 6 months
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FUYEZ L'ENFER, Par la sœur Séphorah Mushala de la Zambie ( Suite et fin)
J'ai vu quelque chose qui ressemblait à une cabane. Mais ce refuge était en flammes. Il y avait des hommes et des femmes à l'intérieur. Ils se promenaient. Le feu n'avait pas rempli toute la chambre où ils étaient ; mais était juste sur les murs et les gens n'étaient pas brûlés, mais ils sentaient juste la chaleur intense. J'ai aussi remarqué qu'ils traînaient leurs pieds et travaillaient en marchant dans la douleur. Ils étaient dans la crainte constante d'être brûlés vivant dans le bâtiment de l'incendie. Certains disaient :<< Appelez les pompiers ! Nous allons tous brûler ici.>> Ces personnes avaient également des verres à vin dans lesquels se trouvait une substance qu'ils pensaient être du vin. Cependant, j'ai remarqué qu'il y avait aussi des serpents à l'intérieur de ces verres. Les gens buvaient goulûment ce qu'ils pensaient être du vin, comme si une force magnétique tirait leurs verres vers leur bouche. Les serpents avaient des dents pointues dans leurs bouches et les mordaient à la gorge de ses gens et ils criaient horriblement. Cette substance qu'ils croyaient être du vin réapparaissait comme si on leur donnait continuellement. Ils ne pouvaient pas s'empêcher de boire. Ces personnes avaient également des yeux noirs semblables à ceux des fant��mes, et les visages ensanglantés. J'ai particulièrement remarqué une femme, quand elle a bu, elle est tombée instantanément, sa gorge s'est éclatée ouvertement, et un liquide noir jaillissait. Le vin était en réalité de l'acide.
Jésus m'a dit ceci :<< Sais-tu pourquoi ces personnes sont dans un endroit exclu pour eux-même ? C'est parce qu'ils pensaient qu'ils connaissaient tout et qu'ils étaient bien informés sur les choses du monde. Ils aimaient être mis à part et pensais qu'ils étaient au-dessus de tout le monde ( Gal 6 :3; 1 Cor 8:2) en Enfer, Ils sont également mis à part. Ces personnes traitaient des autres comme des déchets, elles développaient la fierté ( 1 Pier 5:5) et méprisaient le moins privilègiés ( 1 Pier 2:17).>> Les gens en Enfer éprouvent également la solitude écrasante et profonde. Ils se souviennent aussi de leur vie terrestre, juste à quel point ils pouvaient faire le bonnes choses et non la vaine gloire.
Le Seigneur a dit à ceux qui ont les dons spirituels ceci :<< Le pouvoir que vous utilisez n'est pas le votre, mais le Mien ( 1 Cor 4:7) Ne pensez pas que vous êtes plus meilleure que les autres ( Col 3 :25) Et ne pensez pas aussi que vous connaissez tout ( 1 Cor 13:9; 2 Pier 3:18). Si vous faites cela, vous donnerez accès au diable ( Éphes 4 :27) Ne pensez pas que l'obéissance à Ma Parole ne vous concerne pas, parce que Je vous utilise. Ne pensez pas que Je vous donnerai plus de chance pour se repentir que quiconque ; non, c'est la tromperie du diable ( Colos 3:25). Ne faites pas également des messages pour vous obtenir juste une certaine attention ;( 1 Thés 2:6) sinon, vous irez en Enfer.>>
J'ai vu une réunion des démons. Les démons portaient tous une robe noire avec des capuches. Certains d'entre eux avaient des doigts munis des griffes osseuses. Ces démons étaient de toutes sortes. Ils parlaient, et l'un d'eux qui semblaient un être de haut rang a dit :<< Quel est la méthode la plus rapide et la plus efficace pour tromper les êtres humains ? Parce que, comme vous pouvez voir, Le Saint ( c'est à dire Jésus-Christ) est sur le point de revenir. Nous devons empêcher les chrétiens d'aller avec Lui. Nous devons le faire. Nous ne devons pas brûler tout seul, non ! >>
Cependant, ce démon était debout et a frappé sur la table. Ils ont tous commencé à donner des suggestions. Certains ont suggéré de devoir mettre en place les contenus de la télévision laïc et les chansons mondaines, une de meilleurs armes, afin que les humains imitent ceux qu'ils voient ou entendent. En particulier, ils doivent imiter les personnes célèbres ( Rom 12 :2; 1 Jean 1 :15-17). Ils ont également suggéré de faire de plus en plus des feuilletons attirants ou captivants, pour faire que les humains oublient Dieu, et pour les amener à vivre leur propre vie dans cela ( Rom 8 :9). Ils ont parlé de beaucoup de choses, y compris la confection des vêtements indécents qui semblent innocents, avec des fantaisies. ( 1 Pier 3:3; 1 Tim 2 :9)
Le démon dont le nom que le Seigneur m'a révélé est "Peruza" a demandé un livre à un autre démon qui venait de joindre la réunion, car il revenait directement de la terre. Le livre contenait beaucoup de noms. Ce sont des noms de ceux qui marchaient pour L'enfer a cause de la vie qu'ils menaient. ( Gal 6:7)
Peruza a commencé à parcourir ces noms. Les noms dont le son était insolent ou autoritaire appartenaient à ceux qui ont trouvé le Christ ou qui se sont repentis. Les démons étaient vraiment furieux. Peruza a dit :<< Qui a mis ces personnes particulière sur la liste de l'enfer ? >> Tous étaient terrifiés et serrés dans la peur mais sans donner aucune réponse. Ces noms ont été cependant rapidement triés par le diable qui marchait, en écoutant les cas échéants. Ainsi, les démons concernés ont été punis.
Le nouveaux démons, plus fort que les précédents ont été ensuite affectés à faire que ces gens rétrogradent ; mais il y avait des anges musculaires et forts avec des épées qui les gardaient jour et nuit, et ces démons ne pouvaient pas réussir à les faire rétrograder ( Psaum 34:8) Bénis sois le Roi des rois !
Soudain, le Seigneur est devenu joyeux, comme s'il était rempli d'un nouvel espoir. Je me demandais qu'est-ce qui s'était passé, et qui a fait que tout d'un coup le Seigneur soit joyeux.
Le Seigneur a dit :<< Mon Coeur est rempli de joie, et Je m'en réjoui. Le Père s'est penché sur la terre, et il suscitera une Armée Puissante. Réjouis-toi avec Moi pour cette Bonne Nouvelle qui me donne envie de M'éclater.( Jacq 5 :7) >>
J'ai ri bruyamment avec le Seigneur et nous avons fait des cris joyeux et tous les démons nous regardaient avec des regards remplis de haine.
--- Dans une vision--- J'ai vu des gens qui abandonnaient de s'agenouiller devant des idoles et cherchaient vraiment Dieu en esprit et en vérité. Leurs yeux s'ouvraient et reconnaissaient le Seigneur Jésus Christ ; les femmes se sont débarrassées des leurs parures artificiels et de vêtements indécents et criaient à Dieu de tout leur cœur avec amertume et répentance. Les jeunes garçons d'environ 10 ans prêchaient la Parole et disaient aux gens de se détourner de leurs mauvaises voies. J'ai vu des jeunes qui abandonnaient leurs ambiances et s'enfermaient dans leur cellule de prière.
Le Seigneur a dit :<< Oui, Mon enfant, c'est tout cela qui rend Mon cœur plus heureux. Je leur susciterai une Armée Puissante. Va le dire par ton témoignage, et vous verrez les merveilles de Dieu. >>
J'ai aussi vu un grand ange avec un grand tamis dans ses mains. J'ai vu tout le monde sur ce tamis. Le Seigneur m'a dit :<< Mes enfants sont mélangés avec ceux du monde ; ils doivent être séparés ( Math 3:12) C'est ce que l'ange fait. Que la paix soit avec vous tous ! Je ne vous ai Jamais laissés ( Hébreux 13:5). Je suis avec vous tous les jours dans votre vie quotidienne. >>
Tous ceux qui liront ceci, s'il vous plaît, tenez compte des mises en garde du Seigneur pour les derniers temps, car vous avez seulement une chance ici sur terre ( Hébreux 9 :27). Le diable veux si désespérément votre âme, et il a relâché des démons pour vous trompez et vous faire tomber. Jésus m'a dit de vous dire qu'Il vous aime plus que vous ne pouvez l'imaginer ( Jean 3 :16; Jérémie 31 :3).
Que le Prince de Paix vous bénisse.
*** FIN. ***
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seerbeen · 5 years
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England will be primed to win World Cup: Jones LONDON: England head coach Eddie Jones said four warm-up matches ahead of the Rugby World Cup will allow his side to fine-tune their game to the extent they will be ready to win the trophy for a second time.The 59-year-old Australian -- who was on the receiving end when as head coach of Australia when England won the Webb Ellis trophy in Sydney in 2003 -- was speaking after naming a 33-player squad for the first of those games against Six Nations Grand Slam winners Wales at Twickenham on Sunday.The squad includes four uncapped players with Jack Singleton and Lewis Ludlam joining the forwards and New Zealand-born scrum-half Willi Heinz and former England and Britain Sevens star Ruaridh McConnochie in the backs.Jones has released back to their clubs experienced full-back Mike Brown, British and Irish Lions centre Ben Te´o, uncapped backrow forward Alex Dombrandt, and scrum-half Ben Spencer, who was pivotal to Saracens winning the European Champions Cup and English Premiership double last term.Exeter Chiefs outstanding wing Jack Nowell will continue his rehabilitation on an ankle injury -- which he suffered in the 37-34 Premiership final defeat by Saracens on June 1."We have worked hard (at a training camp in Treviso, Italy) and now move into a four-game preparation phase where the development of the team tactically is paramount," said Jones in a RFU statement."We are grateful for the strong opposition to test our game fitness."By the time we fly out on the 8th of September we will be ready to win the Rugby World Cup."We are not there yet but we have four games to get ready."Jones, who guided England to two Six Nations titles including the 2016 Grand Slam since he took over after they exited the 2015 World Cup in the pool stage, said there was still hope for those players omitted from this squad to make the plane for Japan."Players excluded from being involved in this camp are naturally disappointed but may get another opportunity so they must be ready," he said.England play a return match against Wales on August 17 in Cardiff followed by games against Ireland (August 24), and Italy (September 6) prior to departure for Japan.Once there England will begin their World Cup campaign against Tonga in Sapporo (September 22) before playing the United States in Kobe (September 26), 2015 semi-finalists Argentina in Tokyo (October 5) and round off their pool matches against old foes France in Yokohama (October 12).Squad:Forwards: Dan Cole (Leicester Tigers) Luke Cowan-Dickie (Exeter Chiefs) Tom Curry (Sale Sharks) Charlie Ewels (Bath) Ellis Genge (Leicester Tigers) Jamie George (Saracens) Maro Itoje (Saracens) George Kruis (Saracens) Joe Launchbury (Wasps) Courtney Lawes (Northampton Saints) Lewis Ludlam (Northampton Saints) Joe Marler (Harlequins) Kyle Sinckler (Harlequins) Jack Singleton (Saracens) Sam Underhill (Bath) Billy Vunipola (Saracens) Mako Vunipola (Saracens) Harry Williams (Exeter Chiefs) Mark Wilson (Newcastle Falcons/Sale Sharks)Backs: Joe Cokanasiga (Bath) Elliot Daly (Saracens) Owen Farrell (Saracens) George Ford (Leicester Tigers) Piers Francis (Northampton Saints) Willi Heinz (Gloucester) Jonathan Joseph (Bath) Joe Marchant (Harlequins) Jonny May (Leicester Tigers) Ruaridh McConnochie (Bath) Henry Slade (Exeter Chiefs) Manu Tuilagi (Leicester Tigers) Anthony Watson (Bath) Ben Youngs (Leicester Tigers)
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newsexplored · 7 years
England v Argentina: Eddie Jones challenges uncapped stars to stake a claim
New Post has been published on https://newsexplored.co.uk/england-v-argentina-eddie-jones-challenges-uncapped-stars-to-stake-a-claim/
England v Argentina: Eddie Jones challenges uncapped stars to stake a claim
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Half of the squad though will be made of uncapped players who the England coach has challenged to steal the jerseys of those who have vacated them for a higher calling.
For the likes of Dylan Hartley, Joe Launchbury and George Ford, the two-Test trip in the shadow of the Lions cannot help but feel like a consolation prize.
But if there is a risk of a double hangover after England’s 18-match unbeaten run came to an end in Ireland last time out, the eager young pups billeted to join them for the first time should clear it.
“They’re all keen to tour,” said Jones after announcing his squad yesterday.
Eddie Jones has challenged his uncapped stars to stake a claim for the first team
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Dylan Hartley will be among those on the trip to Argentina
“If they’re not keen to tour they won’t play for England again, it’s as simple as that. You miss out on a Lions tour and you get to go on an England tour, so it’s not a bad second prize.
“We’re looking forward to going down to Argentina. It’s a new squad – half of them don’t even know where Dublin is – so it’s like starting from day one.
“We have focused particularly on youth because we want to find players who are going to be better than the 16 players who are going on the Lions tour. If I can develop three or four of these guys to be better than the Lions guys, it has been an enormously successful tour.”
In fast-tracking the likes of Sale’s cross-code wing Denny Solomona, Ospreys’ Bath-bound flanker Sam Underhill and Piers Francis, the English-born Blues stand-off, who will swap Auckland for Northampton next season, Jones is dangling an immediate carrot.
England rugby's 18-game winning streak Fri, March 24, 2017
Express Sport recaps England rugby's record-equalling 18-game unbeaten run
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England won every match they played 2016, and eventually went 18 games unbeaten
In raiding the England Under-20s squad for Ben and Tom Curry, from Sale, Saracens second row Nick Isiekwe and London Irish’s wing Joe Cokanasiga, he has an eye on slightly further down the track.
“What I want these young guys to do is not wait for the senior players to ask them to do things. I want them to come into the squad and push the envelope,” said Jones, whose old Australian mucker Glen Ella will temporarily rejoin the squad as backs coach.
“I’m looking forward to working with the Curry twins because I want to find out if I can tell the difference between the two of them. I only had to watch them play once and I could see they have got something about them.
“I want them to come in and raise the intensity of training. I want them to be the new energy in the team. The only thing the senior players ought to ask of them is to tone it down. And find them a steak restaurant at night. Apart from that I want them to get on with it.”
Wasps hooker Tommy Taylor and Harlequins wing Marland Yarde are surprise exclusions, while Jack Clifford and Sam Jones miss out through injury. They may be back one day. The absence of Danny Cipriani and the unfortunate Christian Wade almost certainly spells the end of their England careers.
England squad
Forwards: Will Collier, Luke Cowan-Dickie, Ben Curry, Tom Curry, Charlie Ewels, Ellis Genge, Dylan Hartley (captain), James Haskell, Paul Hill, Nathan Hughes, Nick Isiekwe, Joe Launchbury, Matt Mullan, Chris Robshaw, Sam Underhill, Harry Williams, Tom Wood.
Backs: Mike Brown, Danny Care, Joe Cokanasiga, Nathan Earle, George Ford, Piers Francis, Sam James, Alex Lozowski, Harry Mallinder, Joe Marchant, Jack Maunder, Jonny May, Henry Slade, Denny Solomona.
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