#ngl i found the whole situation quite funny
locallygrowndaikon · 4 months
Theres more to the comic that i havent finished but i’m impatient and i wanna share this experience i had earlier today (technically yesterday since its 1am rn) now so merry christmas
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I chased this guy around as they ran away with the plush
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Look at how guilty they look (spoiler alert: they did not feel guilty at all 😔💀🗿)
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reanbowful · 1 year
“something on my face?”
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if you catch them staring at you
(donald, ben, jake, gerard, wolf, teddy, jimmy)
donald na / na baekjin
“Donald Na.”
Winning an award was more or less nothing short of an average Tuesday for Donald.
He walked over to the podium but almost stopped in his tracks when another name was called out.
“This year, we have two gold medalist due to both participants achieving the same perfect score.”
You walked over to the podium with confident steps, a bright smile plastered on your face.
Donald hadn’t realized that he had actually stopped in his tracks when you glanced back at him from the top of the podium.
Exchanging glances with the teacher in front of you, you gestured for him to come up.
One awkward moment later, the two of you received your awards. Donald not taking his eyes off of you for longer than he has to bow.
You turned towards him, clutching the award tight in your hand.
“Next time, only one of us will receive the award.”
“Well, if it’s not me it’s you right?”
As you left the school grounds, Donald smiled to himself. He might just found a new playmate.
ben park / park humin
Now we all know that Ben ain’t slick.
It will be at a school festival at your school that promotes free food if you can finish them in under 60 seconds.
Ben who saw the ad while walking back home was safe to say intrigued.
He would take Alex or Gerard to accompany him there.
He finished the entire pizza in one bite, 20 seconds no problem. Impressing everyone in the booth, including you.
“That was amazing! Did you like the pizza?”
Now here’s where he gets.. distracted. He just kind of gasped when you came up to him and loses his train of thoughts for a second.
“Pretty.. GOOD! P-pretty good! I like the pizza pretty good. Yea.. it was- uh it was good.”
Alex and Gerard are probably teasing him all the way back from your school. But it doesn’t matter though, since he gets to have your number (you were the person in charge of that booth).
jake ji / ji hakho
You guys are reading manga together in the empty school library after school.
Well you guys promised to do your homework but Jake got distracted while going through the racks of journals he should have been looking at. Instead he checked out the manga racks that just got stocked up.
So that’s how you ended up ditching your school works.
While you were getting to the interesting bit of the chapter you were reading, you let out a small giggle of excitement. Tucking a strand of your hair behind your ears to see the words more clearly.
Through the corner of his eyes, Jake’s eyes darted towards you. Not forgetting to cover half of his face with the manga tho.
He never noticed that you looked so.. cute?
He failed to notice that he has been staring at you, when you finally looked up at him, still chuckling from the passage you read.
“Huh? Why are you looking at me?”
I feel like he would probably dodge the question and make a joke out of the whole situation.
“Ah? Oh. I was just wondering what was so funny! HAHA!”
That was what he said.
Inside he’s probably like: dammitdammitdammitdammit
gerard jin / jin gayool
He’s probably my favorite out of this whole entire prompt.
You guys are hanging out at his house, him playing a guitar lazily while you play with your phone on his bed.
Throughout your relationship you guys have developed a comfort in just being in each other’s presence. Sharing the silence when no words are needed.
As he plays a tune, you bobbed your head along. He watched you with a bit of an amusement, matching your tapping feet to his guitar strum.
Eventually, he let out a small chuckle which makes you shift your gaze from your phone towards him.
You gave him a suspicious narrowed eyes which made both him and you chuckle even more.
“What are you scheming?”
Gerard is one of the most chill dude out there. He will probably be quite suave about it.
“Nothing- Sorry babe, I’m usually good at that.”
wolf keum / keum seongje
Ngl I’m sticking to my Wolf x second year reader agenda xixi
Anyways, the two of you are in your classroom where he agreed to meet you after class to talk about some school organisational stuff Wolf could hardly care about.
Why should he give a single shit towards whether or not Ganghak gets a better promotion? He could care less if the entire building went down in flames overnight.
So just know that he’s doing this for you. And that you’re SO damn lucky he likes you.
“I was thinking maybe we could do a two days bazaar. Since three is way too long. And for the stands I have a list of venues we can contact-“
See, he honestly isn’t even paying any attention to what you were saying. No, no he was staring at your lips.
Wolf might not be weak, but you really surprise him with how low he could go sometimes.
“-lf. Wolf.”
Your voice brought his attention back to your eyes where your brows had scrunched a bit and you were leaning more towards the table, exposing a bit of skin.
“Sorry, noona. I was just thinking about something.”
Well let’s just say it’s better you don’t know the image that’s playing in his head.
teddy jin / jin taeoh
Ah yes, the certified tsundere.
While walking home from school, you, Teddy and, Rowan came across a stray cat on top of a chair.
The thing is, it was sitting on the chair—like a human. (this is something I have seen with my own two eyes)
You found that interesting as hell so you took out your phone and started to snap a few pics.
The cat seems to take an interest in you and leaned it’s body forward. Pawing at your hand.
“Aww. Look at you, you’re so adorable!”
Entranced by the cat’s cute antics, Rowan would try to pet the feline without prior knowledge whatsoever on handling one.
Dude literally would smack his hand on the poor thing’s face.
Teddy grimaced. While you immediately take the cat into your arms before Rowan could seriously injure it.
“Why the hell are you so rough with him?! Are you a kid? Hmm it was uncomfortable wasn’t it, kitten? Yes it is? Bad Rowan bad!”
Giggling as you pretend to let the kitten hit Rowan, you scratched the bottom of the cat’s chin.
Teddy watched the way you handled the small kitten with such gentleness. Boy was whipped instantly.
I bet his type is definitely someone who cares a lot about animals.
Noticing his gaze on you, you turned. Scheming for a way to tease him. (he seems fun to tease ngl)
“Hm? Kitty, look at Teddy-oppa. He’s staring at youu~”
Man choked on his spit :)
“O-oppa?! Where did you even- Ugh. Forget it. And for your information I wasn’t staring at you! I was just spacing out goddammit!”
“But Teddy, she never said you were staring at her.”
RIP Rowan.
jimmy bae / bae jihoon
Jimmy is a very prideful individual, so don’t expect much from him. (or can you?)
To be honest you can kind of see this coming.
Jimmy had to service his broken phone’s lcd, Jack needed to pick up some toiletries, and you wanted to check out your favourite bakery’s new release menus.
It was mutual interest that got all three of you going to the same mall. So you went there together after school.
The three of you had an argument on where to go first as you all think that your stuff is the most important.
You argued that the bakery usually has a long line and you don’t want to miss out after coming so far for it.
Jack was cool with everything, but Jimmy is Jimmy.
Eventually, you decided to part ways after deciding that it’s pointless to waste your breath arguing with the personification of pride.
And just as you thought, there was a long long line in front of the bakery already. There’s just no way you’re gonna get those cakes now.
Begrudgingly you went back to find the boys when Jimmy showed up in front of you with a white paper bag.
“Didn’t I tell you to stop worrying already? Just follow my instructions and shit will work out for you.”
It was the bakery’s newest menus. Each and every single one of their newest flavours.
“You- You.. where did you get these..?”
He preordered those cakes for you babe. (bet you didn’t expect that!)
“Look, do you want it or not?”
Taking the paper bag from his hand, you hugged them to your chest as you squealed happily.
And Jimmy, he tried his best to suppress the smile that’s curling on his lips at the thought that he was the one making you that happy. (well it was the cakes but whatever he was the one that got them)
Well, once you face him back, that smile is gone. Replaced with a scowl instead.
“Alright shut your yapping. Let’s go find Jack.”
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mamamittens · 9 months
I feel like I need to apologize for my unhinged order.
On the lighter side one Demi to another how did you figure out you were Demi, and double demi at that?
No apologies necessary!
And it's actually quite a funny story!
Uuhhh, long story under the cut, ngl
See, I never thought about it. Growing up I had one crush on a boy who was my friend but there was an argument and we stopped being friend (about ghosts, actually, but that's not important). This was literally in like, first grade or whatever and those feelings never really went away but never grew beyond a crush either. You never forget your first I suppose.
Anyway! I had a date in highschool with this dude (super awkward lead up cause I didn't know how to tell him I thought about it and did want to go on a date so I just waited till he asked me again 😭) but nothing after that until college in my... first or second year.
During all of this, I literally never considered it. Never thought it was weird I didn't have boy band crushes or liked celebrities or my classmates. Never once experienced attraction after that puppy crush. I wasn't social so it never came up!
Then Kurt happened. And the Unfortunately Long Walk (also long story).
See, he sat down at my table during lunch one day and just kept doing it. We'd talk, chit chat a little, and over the course of two months this talking went from the cafeteria to the benches outside in the center of campus. Not once during this time did I consider he had a reason for doing that.
Not once.
And then, sometime as fall started to really set it, I realized he tended to like... look at me a lot. And lean towards me. Put his arm over my shoulder when we sat down next to each other. And that's when I wondered.
"Is he attracted to me???"
Now, I didn't want to assume and look super conceited by asking, but I did want to have an answer. Just in case. Not like last time where I accidentally left a dude hanging for weeks because I was too awkward to tell him my answer.
So, I sat down and thought about and realized something.
I had never felt any attraction before. To anyone. Sure, I had a puppy crush in first grade but that was it. Never felt the inclination towards it, either, despite voraciously reading romance novels in high school. I'd think fondly of those paperback novels but never about myself in that situation. Anytime it was me, the whole scene fell apart. That couldn't happen, oh no no, no!
(This I now understand is a mix of social anxiety and poor self-esteem issues that I'm still working on today tbh)
But mainly I realized that I'd never felt a need to have it before. Sure, a relationship sounded nice but... it was like buying a lamp. (yes, this is the analogy I've been using)
Sure, there are nice lamps. Lamps I think are really pretty or would brighten up my room perhaps! But I don't really need one, do I? I already have lights in my room! I'm capable of lighting my space on my own! (Yes, this metaphor covers romantic and sexual attraction) And Kurt, as nice as he is/was (not really, he was a Nice Guy TM as I'd find out in the Unfortunately Long Walk), I felt nothing towards him. Not even the barest desire to have him as a partner.
He could leave campus and never return and I wouldn't think twice about it--hardly what I'd want in a partner! Or want from a partner!
So, some google searching later, I found the term Asexual and found it fit quite nicely! Not exactly, but overall the term suited me at the time.
Skipping over the Unfortunately Long Walk to how I narrowed down asexual, I was considering the term a couple of years later. It was then I realized that it didn't quite fit.
While I'd never really been attracted to someone before (for real, no puppy crush), I know it's not a total lack of interest in sex. Libido and intrigue in smut clearly indicated otherwise. And since the only time I'd been romantically attracted to anyone it was my then closest friend as a very young child, I realized demiromantic suited me. And following this logic towards sexual attraction, I realized it was entirely possible that I was also demisexual since I'd simply never been attracted to anyone after puberty. It made sense.
I do have an interest in sex, just no... target, so to speak. Just like I have no target for romantic interest. (well, irl at least 😳)
I made a lot of jokes concerning being double demi with DD (jokes on me though, my bra wasn't the right size and it's... really not DD, be cheaper if it was tho)
Being older and (generally considered) wiser, I understand myself a lot better than I did back then.
So, if I were to be excruciatingly specific, I'm demi-panromantic and demi-pansexual, sex-positive with a preference towards men. (as of right now, on account of not really caring about my prospective partner's gender alongside being gender apathetic myself). It is, however, quicker to just say demisexual and demiromantic since experience has taught me that the 'demi' part is exceedingly hard to get past to start with. Mostly cause I'm very slow socially speaking. It's a real blind spot of mine.
As long as they can pin me down, they can dick me down (store bought is fine).
But only if they get past my socially awkward walls to romance me first--which apparently is very difficult!
I hope this explanation made sense!
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anissapierce · 1 year
Spiderverse spoilers underneath heed at ur own risk
Somehow despite being spoiled for the twist at the end .... I literally didnt understand that was a different universe until gwen said. I literally read a post abt how Rio's eye color was different Yesterday and i guess it fell to the wayside i just thought tht in the last ten minutes miles was gonna travel to a whole nother universe where he was gonna meet his alt self ...
Also despite spot mentioning tht miles spider was from earth 42 ... I forgot abt it so when miguel was acting like miles was so different i didnt get it bc like ...well ben was there n im just so comic brained tht i didn't consider tht ofc miles is different
Also so trippy to have it confirmed tht all spiders have to exist in their own universes n also follow the same trajectories that peters did ? Like super trippy to me as a comic book reader n also shit i dont think other heros even get touched upon in this movie so a lot of these spiders r totally alone n also soo bizarre to imagine Anya for example following Peters schtick like making w police chief death central to the universe according to miguel n all characters having a connection to a chief? Including Hobie? Literally melting my brain tbh. Kinda funny tht gwens death isnt a canon event
Also i didnt realize all the memes abt canon events were related to this movie i just thought it was sth someone on tktk was going idk..
Ganke wasnt just nerfed bc of the mcu he was nerfed for the narrative bc its important that miles is a lone wolf w nobody to help him making him further alienated which is good narrative wiss but like i kinda dislike it mostly bc well wht i love abt marvel is how its so community focused. Like even if his parents know they cant help in a way that comic ganke or also tiana n now misty can..idk i do like that the world it presents is obviously not saying that miguels pov is the right one and jess drew becoming a turncoat at the end to Help Gwen is nice. But idk it rubs me the wrong way w little in a way i cant quite articulate.
I do love that this movie had two Anyas... Classic Anya and a remixed one. Which ugh god is why this everyone being peter mixes throws me off like Hobie as a peter remix is so .... Like in my mind there's different types of spider variants theres 1. Peter remixes 2. Remixes of characters in peters life (cooper coen, gwen in these movies) 3. Entirely different entities divorced from peter (hobie, anya).
Also im so fascinated by the way cop shit is handled in this movie its kinda insane like its Schroeder's copaganda n depending on how you view it (n wht they choose to do next movie to thread that needle 👉😉) gwens speech abt how being a spider was being a cop refers to being a part of miguels paramilitary operation which she left ....
Like her dad left the force w the implication of the system being rotten n not abt justice but like not abt justice bc in this specific instance its anti vigilante. Like it's not abt policing as an institution its abt this specific situation which like ring ding ding still copaganda bc it presents the gotham idea of 'well of the cop can b pro vigilante n help the vigilante n hes good to go. But him quiting bc thematically significant n mb the writers trying to pull shit abt the narrative being the only good cop is one who quits. Like its fascinating bc the movie is touching on abolitionist ideas 'i tried to good within the system' 'youre a good cop n trying to do the job so someone worse wont and i tried to do the same thing' but like not going all the way
Probably bc shareholders would nvr let an abolitionist movie get as much money as a studio film can go. Which is a shame
Ppl at the end were soooo annoyed tht it was a cliffhanger ngl found tht kinda funny bc thats sth i did rmbr
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kooksrae · 3 years
a collection of things that have made me feel a certain way
updated 23042024
not everything recommended here will suit everyone (smut/ violence/ toxic relationships) and if you do click into links please make sure you read the tws before continuing. 
Social Media AU! (text messages/ snapchat/ twitter/ insta typa vibes)
casual - @muniimyg (JJK × reader)
i have been religiously following this on one of my other tumblr accounts and it's finally completed and i'm so excited to share this with all of you!!
reading this made my insides very tingly and BUTTERFLY typa energy!
lowkey my new comfort fic!
there's some written parts here and there but it really just adds to the CONTENT and the SPICE of the whole situation
 Tiger Flower  - @v-hope (JJK × reader/ KTH × reader)
hella fluffy. makes my heart do the uwu. very much wholesome. something i stayed up till 6am reading
11/10 would stay up till 6 reading it again.
also the significance of tiger lilies is insanely aDORABLEEE 
my love for jjk has just grown a gazillion times more
Under A Shadow - @firebettercallnct (KTH × reader, slight JJK × reader)
a lil angst and a lil fluff. (as all good stories will have)
kinda wish it was longer idk. im a sucker for super long stories.
ALSO !! we get some side yoonmin action !!!!!!!!!!!
Stole your shirt - @firebettercallnct (JJK × reader)
one of my personal favs. super cute and also everyone’s on some kinda crack or sum shit idk.
p damn fluffy and when you reach the end you’ll j kind of wish you could go back to before u read it because u wna experience all the feelings agn.
ALSO!!!! we hv some namjin and yoonseok action !!!1!!
Rumour Has It - @bangtann-bangdamn (KTH × reader)
very much wholesome.
genuinely found it quite funny and it had me laughing at 2 in the morning
i dont rly hv much to say just pls go read it. 
everyone should read it once in their lives
Belong - @v-hope (KTH × reader)
something i chanced upon during my late night fanfic times and like let me tell you. a whole fucking new world. 
this was really a beautiful read. 11/10 obsessed with this. i literally spend my time rereading this.
teehee give this a read. all yall artist!taehyung fans are rly not gna regret it
Daylight - @maravillamin (MYG × reader)
will make you decide to legally change your name to y/n
ever wanted to be a single mom because you got a divorce with your useless husband? no? well now you wish you were.
literally dad!yoongi and mom!reader
also you have the cutest friends? like this is so cute. makes me want to birth children
touch of him - @herherteartear (JHS × reader) 
you are living the perfect girl life kinda thing and hoseok's the opposite of it all
this is serving polar opposites but not really kind of energy. 
also this is giving off "business only" family energy if you know what i mean.
Actual written things !!
 Monster - @btssmutgalore (JJK × reader)
currently deactivated so i've linked the fic from dee's ao3
this started so many years back and just a few days ago it finally became a completed fic!!!
i have an extremely soft spot for this jungkook.
personal favourite is chapter 18. like literally my heart expands a gazillion times just thinking about this
ngl i was here more for the plot than for the smut. truly chef's kiss
charred - @neonlights92 (JHS × reader)
this was genuinely quite intense. i dont really know what i was expecting out of this tbh. 
development of story plot was great! I enjoyed seeing how it unfolded bit by bit.
this was part of a collection of fics written about mafia!bts n this is my literal fav. i feel like it wasnt too cliche?? (take note of how i said i feel, bcs at this pt i dont even know what counts as cliche anymore) but hey to me this was good n refreshing n i liked it n now i want to share this with all of u
Beloved - @bang-tan-bitches (MYG × reader)
major yandere energy. lowkey disturbing but some part of me is just madly obsessed with this. 
also when you picture daechwita!yoongi it really just drives you craycray
i really dont know what else to say?! but do give this a read (only if you're comfortable)
this is definitely not going to be something that everyone is okay with reading so please check the warnings before proceeding!
love of my life - @latetaektalk  (MYG × reader)
okay this shit be painful af. this fucking broke me. idk have never been the same since. would still read it all over again.
this was about 7k words? so not the longest but it was long enough for something so sad :( 
in general really sad and emo. if you want to feel like the whole world is crashing on you pls give it a read.
the art of the rom-com - @gukyi (JJK × reader)
first of all wtf. made me feel single af. 
it’s our fav kind of enemies to lovers energy. slowburn. college au. yeah you get the gist. 
super fluffy but we love to see it. also mildly angsty but it’s all g we will get over it.
okay but also this was so longggg!!! what an experience. a solid 33k words. i nv thought i would reach the end of it but i did.
super solid read. i hope yall read it too.
blossom - @namfinessed (KTH × reader)
okay first off, yall alrdy know i love hella long fics. this was 38k+ words.
please only read this when you have the time istg i was staring on my tiny screen and really wanted to just fall asleep but also it was too intriguing to just sleep on.
yall rly be sleeping on this though. a very solid read.
i mean you really can’t go wrong with florist!taehyung energy amirite
bad influence: collection - @noteguk (JJK × reader)
so this is an ongoing one as well. 
truth is i havent finished reading whatever has been posted yet. BUT i do have a very good reason for it, which is that i’m not ready to be in a position where i realise i’m going to be done reading it.
frm wtv i’ve read this is some sexy ass story. 
honestly you could read it as individual parts i guess? but for the real feels pls read all the way from the first part. 
oh and it’s a hella hot badboy!jungkook so yes if you r into that you def should add this to your must read list.
easy - @itsamejin (JJK × reader)
okay so here’s the deal with this. collegeau! fuckboy energy. bets are made. yea you kinda get it.
It’s a very basic boy takes bet and ends up falling for the girl kinda thing but idk i really enjoyed the process of reading it. 
you get the good fluff and angst balance in this too so :>
Thoughts Of You Keep Me Awake At Night - @hollyhomburg (MYG × reader)
yoongi asking for cuddles i-
reason stated above should be reason enough for you to go read this
it’s a short 2.1K word situation here so you don’t have to spend a whole hour on it heheh
very nice experience if you’re reading this while it’s late at night and you are alone in bed and can’t seem to fall asleep.
Get You The Moon - @bymoonchild (KTH × reader)
enemies to lovers. do i really have to elaborate on this?
you get to see soft!taehyung and also like jock!taehyung all in one !!
i felt shy reading this. was super absorbed.
ooh and it’s smutty too! 
it’s relatively long (we’re talking 19.6k words besties) but wow the build up, the plot the everything is peak!!!
Paper Cranes - @aquaminwrites (KTH × reader)
we are talking best friends to lovers. some next level fluff. kim taehyung is completely to die for here. i kid you not.
made me wish someone would like me this much lol.
i felt the butterflies reading this. got some post reading depression after this,,,
18.3k words about how you n kth are like the best in the world?? so like go read?!!
anti-baby fever - @gashinabts (JJK × reader)
pls this was so funny and for WHAT!?
it genuinely made me laugh out loud at 2.32 in the morning. 
okay but it’s smutty so you gotta be able to like the spice to read this
it’s also short (4.5k)!! which is a blessing if you are planning to read smth real quick before going to bed!!
but i found myself relating to this though bcs i do not want to have babies unless it’s w bts :’) 
SIN CITY - @btssmutgalore (PJM × reader)
currently deactivated so i've linked the fic from dee's ao3
okAY YALL so this is the one thing that lives in my head rent free. istg there was a period a while back when i went on a social media cleanse or smth but i just had to go back onto tumblr to get updates on this
genuinely the one thing that keeps me going
it’s completed so u can experience all the emotions in one sitting if you are up for that. 
has my whole heart.
dear @btssmutgalore i love you for writing this. pls marry me.
and yes it is spicy my dears. very spicy.
you do get a decent amt of fluff n angst ish n smut so yes it covers all bases.
and you get sum dancing jimin :>
you won’t be able to control yourself istg pls go and read. 
Waking Up Next To The Sun - @houseofwhalien (JHS × reader)
this do be wholesome hours w bby jung hoseok
wholesome morning becomes spicy morning and then back to wholesome morning
okay and this is truly the duality of jung hoseok. like i can literally picture the man being exactly like this
is a short 1.8k of sunshine to bless yall !
Interrupted - @kimnjss (JHS × reader)
let me get yall with this. this is actual spice spice. we are talking extra chilli pepper flakes. 
i’m not usually one for something that is just full on spice but like i was feeling sum typa way when i read this. 
it’s idol!jhope in here who also turns out is your boyfriend. istg y/n do be the luckiest uGH.
it isn’t too long (4.3K words) so it works as a quick read to convince your brain to have some sexy hoseok dreams.
there was a bug - @kimnjss (KNJ × reader)
i felt frustrated reading this man. like the push and pull - istg my girl y/n and kimnamjoon really needa get their shit tgt. 
this was so dirty and for WHAT!! making me shy in bed when i’m all alone with my phone hngghh
has quite a bit of angst and fluff but it’s worth it. the 7k words are all worth it.
baby, my baby - @pjimims (JJK × reader)
okay this was something i read years ago but as i was scrolling through the things i liked i found it again! 
thought it was quite cute
i mean come on dad!jungkook is to die for
am kinda sad they aren't writing anymore fics tho :"(
Angel in the Darkness - @icyhobi (JJK × reader)
okay this made me go oop
i remember seeing like part 3 and i was like okay gna wait for it to be a completed fic before i start reading. and i finally got around to reading it yesterday.
mafia!jungkook is kinda my thing now i guess idk
also wth they all be so sneaky sneaky about everything
will make u go omg out loud
anyway i think i am going to hv I trust issues now (finish reading it and you'll know what i mean by this)
Meet The Parents - @btssaysstudy (KNJ × reader)
idk what it was about this that made me feel very warm but i liked it a lot
it's super short and wholesome
and idk it's nice to think that our dear kim namjoon would be like this 
cute read for when you're busy and need a short burst of fluff to get you through the day
Serving Bitterness - @guksthighs (KSJ × reader)
let me start off by saying this is like the first seokjin fic im recommending omg
this is a super short one (1.8k words) so it's something that you can probably squeeze in during the busy mornings. 
let me first start off by saying y/n is really not here to play lol
also you do gonna be experiencing some second hand embarrassment at the end of it though oof
but yes pls read it was kinda cute, kinda wish it was longer though 
do you want me (dead?) - @gukyi (JJK × reader)
this is a hogwarts au story!!!
dont you just love ravenclaw seeker mr jjk bcs im obsessed!!!!
v cute fic honestly
10/10 wld recommend
pls give it a read hehe
Exitus Acta Probat - @bang-tan-bitches (MYG × reader)
guys,,,, mafia!yoongi pls i am on my knees.
funnily enough i discovered this ages ago during one of my late night tumblr reads but then i lost it the next morning. was able to find it again a few days (?) ago!!
i really liked how yoongi pulled sneaky moves and basically lulled y/n into believing whatever he wanted her to believe to get what he wants
it's lowkey giving yandere(?) and something about yoongi in yandere-ish vibes really keeps me going on a daily basis
tbh my mind sometimes goes back to them and makes me wonder where they are now!!
(pls,,, if you ever want to write more for them,,, i am so ready for it!!)
The one that got away (literally no longer exist; but just going to keep it here)
the snow king - @bloomsuga (KTH × reader)
you got fanatsy stuff going on. you got hella angsty and fluffy all at the same time. besties i think we found the best ice prince! kim taehyung out there.
also we have some slight cutie jimin moments. ( a definite plus!)
oh yea and it gets smutty but in like the most beautiful way.
also this was a long read of 25k words. but it’s a an absolute beautiful creation. did not know that we could put 25k words altogether to make such a masterpiece.
lowkey wanted to cry bcs its way too good.
Willow - @breakiebunny (JJK × reader)
i am not going to ever recover from this.
the number of times i find my brain just drifting over to this work of art is not okay.
my whole heart is still out here hoping desperately that in some alternate universe where this is true that everything is nice and works out great
i felt kinda empty after finishing this ngl,,,
and this is a one-shot,,,
will always hold a piece of my heart
stood up - @parkdatjimin (MYG × reader)
okay everybody. pls. just read this pls.
like this was bloody long. fricking 26.7k words. but what a great use of 26.7k words.
it's like shakespeare rose from the dead and was like what if i dropped another hit!!! (okay not a hit,,, idk it's 2 in the morning i cant think)
for someone who has never even been in a relationship in her whole life i really FELT THIS like in my heart, in my soul typebeat
also working some meh food n beverage job is literally my life. laugh out loud. going to daydream about this when i'm at work tomorrow.
bitter sweet - @mikrksmos (JJK × reader)
once again ladies and gents, my fav typa thing; bf2l
my heart. so full of love. for bestfriend!jk
also wtheck jungkook with a lil sibling? heck yea sign me tf up!!
i think i was very much overwhelmed with the emotions that our dear jk felt bcs sometimes life do be like that
plot was p dang noice!!
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bre-meister · 3 years
I need some pre married/family angst
this is early relationship so pre-family and pre-married Cleon. I hope it’s angsty enough I kind of got distracted while writing to fight a huge ass hornet in my room ( I was super terrified ngl). This was such a journey for me to write that I don’t even have an official title for it like I normally try to do lol. This has also taught me that I need to work on angst that is not “person A and Person B fight”. Sorry for the rant here's the actual work:
Claire was mad. No, Claire was beyond mad. Claire Redfield was absolutely furious. Her rage was so blinding that she couldn’t even be bothered to apologize to the nice looking doorman as she barreled through the lobby of the apartment building of the object of said anger. She was sorry - felt the apology in her bones as soon as the smaller man began to cringe and cower slightly in her presence - but again, her anger prevented it from passing her lips.
Secretly, she did take a little pride in the fact that, as she entered the elevator, a young-looking couple decided to “wait for the next one” instead of sharing with her. It gave her a little more time to stew in her anger - pulling from the depths of her soul, every time that she had said it was okay even when it wasn’t - before she came face to face with him.
“What the hell Leon!”
The door to his apartment opened with such force that if circumstances had been different, she would have been worried about possibly putting a hole in the wall. Alas, her attention was not on the wall, but instead on the man lying on the couch in front of her. Leon was clearly either drunk or hungover. Although considering what she’d heard from both her brother - half the reason she was here in the first place - there was a distinct possibility it could be both. Claire wasn’t sure that could actually happen, but if anyone could make it a thing it would most definitely be Leon S. Kennedy.
All that came out of his mouth was unintelligible garble mixed in with a few pained groans. Claire took pleasure in that for a moment and allowed it to further stoke the flames inside of her. She wasn’t exactly sure what she was about to do. She’d kind of just gone on autopilot after getting. Chris’s concerned texts. Apparently, Leon had been ghosting everyone over the last week. So, there she stood, upset and silent until Leon made the mistake of finally speaking real words.
Claire didn’t let him finish. She exploded,
“No! You don’t get to do that, you hear me? You don’t!”
Claire moved towards the couch and yanked off the blanket covering Leon with more force than was probably necessary. The blanket had apparently been completely wrapped around him and, in his current state, that was enough to cause him to tumble to the floor. He let out another grunt of pain as he landed but Claire didn’t care.
“Get your ass up.” Her voice had calmed, steadied to an even tone. Her anger no longer manifested itself in yelling, but instead as a low growl behind her words.
When he didn’t make any effort to move, she said it again,
“I’m not asking Leon. Get up.”
He finally did as told. Standing he slowly moved to the small kitchen behind the couch. There he found a glass that looked somewhat cleaned and began to fill it with water.
This wasn’t the first time that Claire had been there to pick up the pieces whenever Leon fell apart. Safe to say, those instances had never quite played out like this one and Leon was a little jarred and, admittedly, a little afraid of what the red-headed woman might do. 
They stared at each other as Claire gave Leon a moment to swallow the little bit of water that was left in his glass. When he sat it in the sink and she remained silent he let his impaired brain convince him that meant he should speak.
“What’s your problem? Chris piss in your Wheaties this morning?”
The look on her face caused concern. The laugh that followed chilled him to the core. Leon S. Kennedy had faced down and won so many B.O.Ws that he had lost count but at that moment as he looked across the room at a laughing Claire Redfield, he knew that he had quite possibly signed his death warrant. He also knew that if this truly were how he died, several people would help her cover it up, and frankly, he couldn’t blame them.
“My problem?” she continued to laugh, “What’s my problem?”
Leon was getting a little nervous. In yet another mistake, he even let out a few nerve filled chuckles himself.
“No, you don’t get to laugh! This isn’t funny,” and yet she was still laughing. 
Leon was not.
“Do you know why this isn’t funny? Because I don’t think you do.”
He couldn’t have answered even if he wanted to - Claire cut him off as soon as he opened his mouth to fumble through some bullshit excuse.
“You don’t. I know you don’t because if you did you would have had your ass at the restaurant last week, Leon!”
Leon felt his stomach drop. Oh no. He really had fucked up this time.
“Sherry’s birthday.” He felt more than heard the mumbled words slip past his lips.
“Ya, Sherry’s birthday,” Claire turned around to finally close the door and Leon took the opportunity to sit down in one of the few chairs at his tiny kitchen table.
“You know, I was okay with this when it was only me you were fucking over. I know I shouldn’t have been, but I was. I told myself over and over that it was fine, you needed this time, you needed me and I was more than happy to give it to you - everything. I give you everything! But it was okay because you were always there for me too. Most of the time at least. And I get it, Leon, hell I get it more than probably anyone else. What we went through was hell, no one should have to go through that once let alone as many times as you do. But I was there too, I have to deal with that shit too. Sherry has to deal with that shit. She was Twelve Leon.”
“I know -”
“Then where the fuck were you? This was all she wanted! All she asked for for her birthday was for all three of us to be there, together and you couldn’t even get your shit together enough to give that to her. No call, no text, not even a half-assed excuse just nothing. The hurt and disappointment on her face - I’ll never forget that Leon. And to top it off, I had to cover for you and as much as I love you,” she saw that way his whole body seized up at her words, “I’m tired. I refuse to do that anymore.”
“I’m sorry, Claire.”
Claire pulled at her hair which, for once, wasn’t in its usual ponytail.
“Stop! It’s always sorry with you. For once could you just stop!”
“Stop what? Tell me what I have to do to fix this.” He was desperate. He didn’t want to lose her or Sherry. The idea of that - of finally being completely and utterly alone - was almost too much to bear.
“For starters stop making promises if you know you can’t keep them. Stop overcommitting yourself. Stop overworking yourself because that’s always how you get this way in the first place. And stop looking like that.”
“Like what?” he was a little puzzled. He may have also been on the verge of tears but, if anyone asked later he would deny it vehemently.
“Like...like I just killed your puppy or - or like I’m taking away everything from you - it’s making it really hard to stay mad!”
In any other situation, he might have laughed at that but he had sobered up enough between when Claire had burst through his door and now. Now, he really did feel that Claire leaving here like this, Sherry being disappointed with him - that truly was as if everything were being taken away from him.
“I’m sorry. I - I don’t know how to make you believe that I am, but I truly am sorry. I would never hurt you, Claire. I would never hurt Sherry.” He was pleading at his point. He didn’t know what else to do.
“But you did. You hurt us Leon, and I’m not saying that I won’t forgive you, but it’s going to take some time. You fucked up and your usual ‘sorry’ isn’t going to fix it when we always end up in the same cycle again.” She sighed and as the air left her body she could feel all of her anger leaving as well only to be replaced with immense sadness and disappointment.
Claire turned and walked towards the door. A small clang echoed through the silent room and, although Leon couldn’t see from his spot in the kitchen, he knew that Claire had dropped her spare key on the table next to the door.
“Wait! Claire, please, don’t.”
“Don’t what Leon?” She didn’t turn around, she knew she wouldn’t be able to leave if she did. So, head down she gathered her strength and continued,
“Don’t leave? Give me a reason to stay then.”
“ I love you.” It came out in a soft whisper. 
Those three simple words - the first time he had ever said them to her in a non-platonic way. They made her heart soar and ache, both at the same time. She’d imagined this moment a lot but never like this. Never at the end of a fight that had been building for a long time. Never with her back to him, preparing to leave. Never with him sitting in his kitchen, a mess, crying in a way she’d never seen from him. Never like this. And, as much as she wanted to stay…
“ I love you too Leon. But that’s not what this is about. Call Sherry, she deserves to hear from you why you couldn’t do this one thing for her.”
With that, she left. With her, Leon felt a part of him leave as well.
The tears turned to outright sobs as he collapsed on his kitchen floor - dirty. The floor was dirty. He was dirty. He hadn’t cleaned or showered in a while but it was kind of fitting. His apartment was dirty, his clothes were dirty, his body was dirty but he was dirty in a way that was deeper than just the physical sense. 
He’d let them down. The only two people in this world that he still gave a damn about. The only two people he would try for.
Then why hadn’t he? Why hadn’t he pushed himself harder? In the same sense, why hadn’t he taken a break when he had pushed too hard. Why hadn’t he tried harder to stop her? Why hadn’t he?
There were too many questions. If he left himself to ponder them for too long he’d never get up from this dirty kitchen floor and he couldn’t afford to stay here forever. He had business to attend to, phone calls to make.
First, to his job. Claire was right, he needed to stop overworking himself and he’s acquired more than enough hours to take some time off. Then, to Sherry, because he owed her an apology in more than just words. He only hoped she would allow him to make it up to her.
He wanted to call Claire - show her he was trying, that she was right and he would do better. However, he knew that would probably only make things worse. She always gave him the time he needed, now it was time for him to do the same.
But before anything, he had to get up off the floor. The floor was dirty. He was dirty. Leon was tired of the blood and grime that seemed to fill almost all of his waking hours as D.S.O Agent Kennedy. He decided he wouldn’t let it follow him home anymore. So, Leon got up.
On his way to the bathroom he passed by the bowl he kept on his front table by the door. It was a housewarming gift from Claire who knew he was always misplacing his keys and yet never making an effort to get more organized. Always looking out for him, his Claire. 
Leon wouldn’t even let himself question if there even was a ‘his Claire’. Not that he owned her, no one could ever own Claire Redfield. But, looking at the two keys laying together in the bowl, Leon couldn’t help but think they were the same - a matching set. One complementing the other in a way that, while they were separate, they were still part of the same.
Yes, Leon Kennedy got up and as he looked at his dirty face in the mirror, he turned the faucet on because he was tired of being dirty. He was ready to get clean.
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gio-is-writing · 4 years
Bruno meeting his childhood friend before he became a mafioso? And she helped his dad and himself a lot back then? Maybe they meet again because he saved her from a few guys harassing her and they both recognize each other? And he's all protective of her now like how he was with his dad
REQUEST:  Bruno meeting his childhood friend before he became a mafioso? And she helped his dad and himself a lot back then? Maybe they meet again because he saved her from a few guys harassing her and they both recognize each other? And he's all protective of her now like how he was with his dad
ngl this is my best work i think heodbwisns I have a lot of Bruno request and i’m happy to comply. I hope you enjoy this one!!
Pairing: Bruno Bucciarati x Fem! Reader
Warning: mentions of drugs, reader being harassed but nothing graphic
Living by the coast was peaceful, the sound of waves under the warm sunlight every day. Evenings were peaceful and the sight of dawn was simply beautiful. Bruno sat on the old boats propped on sand while his father collected what they got from their boat and prepared everything to head home, Bruno looked up at the hill by the beach with few houses and spotting his right away. He was lost in thought wondering what his mom would do for dinner when he heard some shouting. Another boat arrived on the other side of the dock while a smiling girl standing on the very edge of said boat waved energetically at him. As soon as the concrete platform was close enough, she jumped right out and ran in his direction, Bruno jumping down from where he sat.
“Hey Bruno!” she hugged him briefly “How was your day? Good catch?”
“Hello (Y/N), it was pretty good today” he answered smiling “How about yours?”
“It was great, a lot of big fish!”
(Y/N) was an enthusiastic little girl, her father was also a fisherman and they lived a few houses away from where Bruno lived. They had grown close thanks to their fathers being well acquainted over the same business and having really similar schedules for work but not saying more than a few greetings or a little chat here and there. While Bruno was very similar to his father in the social sense, (Y/N) was a social butterfly who enchanted whoever met her. The young boy enjoyed her company and considered her a friend after meeting pretty often.
When his father gathered all their things, Bruno rushed to help him carry some things after saying his goodbyes to the girl. She answered with a happy ‘Ciao!’ and hurried to help her own father so they could also go home.
Days like this were the usual, Bruno liked to join his father and help with anything he could and return to his mother’s delicious dinner. This was an everyday routine he grew up to until the impossible occurred, his parents decided to divorce. He was so confused, why was this happening and why were they making him choose? But he knew his answer almost right away, he would stay with his father no matter what.
After his mom left he felt odd, he definitely felt her absence and missed her bed time stories but working with dad was what he liked the most. After a long day out, there was some knocking on their door and his dad answered just to call for him after. Standing by the door was (Y/N) with a brown box and a bright smile. He was surprised, now knowing what the girl was doing on his house at this hour.
“Hi, I bought you some cookies” “Me and my mammina made them for you”
“Thank you (Y/N)”
“It’s no problem, let me know if you like them!”
“We sure will”
And turning around she ran to her house, as Bruno and his father walked outside to see she got there safetely, her own parents were standing by her door and waved back at both males. Bruno’s dad waved and walked back inside once the little girl reached her house. Bruno smiled softly and followed him closing the door.
After dinner they decided they could taste some of the cookies (Y/N) brought for them, opening the box there were six chocolate chip cookies. Each grabbing one and biting into it they sighed at the same time, they were delicious! After that day, she would occasionally bring more cookies or some other treats she and her mother cooked that day. Some days they stayed outside talking or playing made up games until the sky was dark. Bruno really liked (Y/N), a lot.
After his dad made a little business for tourist visiting the area, they were more busy than ever. Bruno couldn’t say he didn’t like it, he thought that some tourist were funny and working was great, he still missed (Y/N) at times but he was so caught up in working that he sometimes forgot about everything else like anyone’s normal life.
But it seemed that fate didn’t want Bruno to have a normal life. If only those two men hadn’t found out of his dad little business, if only his father had refused that trip.
Standing along on the hospital corridor he was a nervous wreck, he couldn’t stop worrying for his father safety and tears ran freely down his cheeks without noticing. Until he heard a voice calling out for him. Lifting his eyes from the ground he saw a baby blue dress approaching, a worried expression on her face.
He broke in her tiny arms, crying his heart out. Her father was a few meters away talking with the nurses that held him back just moments before. He looked so scared but after he was notified of the accident (unfortunately when his daughter was with his) they both rushed to the hospital. (Y/N) couldn’t help but cry too, Bruno held her tightly as he sobbed all he was keeping from coming out. The girl was so moved, she couldn’t understand what had happend exactly but she knew that Bruno needed all her help to feel better.
“They wanted to kill him” he said angrily “All because of those stupid drugs!”
(Y/N) only heard about those things from her parents that strictly told her to stay away from people offering her stuff. Those were the things they carried and they were never good.
“I’m sorry Bruno”
A few minutes passed where he calmed down and told her everything he knew as best as possible and explain the whole situation (the best way a seven year old did to a six year old anyway) She was relieved to hear his dad was okay for the most part but he had to stay in the hospital. She hugged Bruno tightly again before whispering.
“I’ll be here for you”
As they passed Bruno stayed glued to his father bed just like he did before. He would stay day and night beside him in case anything was needed. They didn’t really knew that many people, living far into the suburbs offered that much but there was someone that visited every few days.
Just like before, (Y/N) visited often to bring food for Bruno. She had told her mother she was concerned for him since “he has no one that cooks delicious food for him” and complained that hospital’s food looked ‘yucky’ . Therefore her mother made her two lunch bags so she could go to the hospital and eat with Bruno. He really appreciated it since he too believed that hospital food was the worst.
One day she held into his father hand while Bruno was sleeping on the sofa of the room. His father didn’t react to her touch but she knew he was hearing her.
“Don’t worry signor Bucciarati, Bruno is strong”
She recieved no verbal answer but she could swear she felt a tiny squeeze from his weak hand and that was enough answer.
Those visits continued until one day Bruno said it was ‘too dangerous’ for her. She didn’t quite understand but her visits reluctantly lessened after that plus starting school. Eventually years passed and she stopped visiting, maybe too caught up in school and things young girls did. Bruno grew up fast and made a decision that would change his life forever but thought was necessary.
Bruno made a name for himself in Passione, earning the trust of his higher ups and the people in town. Even after his father passing he found a safe haven in the organization, keeping peace in his territory and most importantly making sure drugs where non existent.
Walking around town was always calming for him, greeting a few business owners he collected protection money from and old ladies that recognized him. Sitting in one of tables outside a coffee shop he relaxed under the warm sun, the city was mostly calm on the daily.
“Leave me alone, please” said a female voice lowly, clearly scared.
“Come on cara, stare us a minute of your time”
“or a little taste”
“Per favore, don’t touch me”
Bruno was growing anxious and angry as the conversation continued. Turning his head to where the discussion was taking place he noticed the small frame of a young girl surrounded by three grown man that looked dirty at first glance and perverded eyes.
She took a few hurried steps before she was abruptly stopped and turned around by one of this men grabbing her arm. She yelped as her heels almost broke.
“You’ll do as we say missy so we avoid problems”
“I don’t-“
Another yelp as she was pulled into one of the others man chest. Bruno could barely make their faces but he had enough, if there was one thing he hated almost as much was harassment and that would not be tolerated in his territory.
Standing up and quickening his pace before that dirty hand on her back could go any lower he stood just a few feet away.
“I’ll appreciate you let go of her right this instant”
“why would I do that?”
As the girl turned her face to meet his in a look of pure distress, he was taken aback. Those eyes, he knew those (E/C) eyes too well. It had been too long since he last saw that beautiful shade and meeting them like this made his blood boil. He closed the distance in a second and firmly pulled her from the mans grip.
“If you ever lay another finger on her I’ll make sure you never see daylight again”
“ha! and who are you?” the tallest tried to fight back while the others two seemed to recognize the man before them.
“Bruno Bucciarati”
Realization hit and he paled in seconds, taking a few steps back he nodded and walked away with the other two. He stared at them until their figures disappeared so he could look back at the young woman beside him. Those sparkling eyes stared back at him in shock, wearing a baby blue dress just like when they were young. Bruno smiled down at her as he let go of her arm.
They stared at eachother for a whole minute before she almost threw herself at him in a big hug. Bruno smiled into her hair and hugged back tightly.
“Thank you for helping me”
“Is the least I could do, are you okay?”
“I’m good” she sighed with a small smile “You have a lot of explaining to do”
“Let’s talk it over a nice cup of tea”
Bruno explained everything he could to her, commenting on his father passing and current status everyone knew of. She listened closely with her full attention on him, she felt such relief of having him here with her, knowing he was okay after so long and losing all comunication. She then explained how her family moved to Rome but she came back after school since she missed the ‘tranquility of being beside the sea’
“I’m so happy you’re doing good Bruno”
“I’m glad we could meet again” his voice was above a whisper but she still heard and a smirk made an appearance on her features.
“Fate got us back together”
Silence wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable, it felt calming and relaxing just being on each other’s presence. She closed her eyes as she sipped from the cup and breathing in the warm air of the city.
“I can still cook those cookies you liked”
“Never leave my side again (Y/N)”
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httpbread · 4 years
May I please request a teru x reader scenario where reader is just hHh pining so hard and teru is ALSO pining but like reader runs off every time he tries to talk to them 😳😳 thanks if you decide to do this !
Pairing: Teru x reader
Words: 2452
ngl i was bit frazzled when i wrote this,, super sorry if it’s a bit choppy!!
“Please accept this gift, Minamoto-san!”
Turning around, the sight makes his heart stutter.
It’s (L/n)-chan again.
They’re bowing at an almost ninety-degree angle, delicate hands shaking a little as they hold out an even more delicately wrapped box.
He ignores the heat fighting to meet his cheeks as he carefully reaches forward, not wanting to spook them again.
“Ah, thank you-”
The second the gift met his hands they were already at least three yards back and away.
He caught a glimpse of those bright, sparkling (e/c) eyes, looking overjoyed at him, before they left his sight as they turned tail and ran, clearly as quick as their shoes could carry them.
His heart sings fondly, despite their hasty getaway.
(L/n)-chan was good at what they did.
Both gifts-wise and in the way that they managed to run away from him each and every time they made contact.
It truly was amazing how they managed to slip right between his fingers each and every time he reached out to them, he honestly couldn’t even find it in himself to be the slightest bit frustrated with them.
He looks down at the gift left in his hands.
He just wanted to return the favor…
It was only a few days later when he found something new sitting on his desk.
He was a little disappointed he hadn’t gotten to see their flustered face this time.
Though, the surprise he opened made up for it.
“Are those cat cookies?” A classmate uttered with a snort, “Did your mom run your lunch here or something?”
They’d made him lunch…?
That was a new one.
Not an unwelcome surprise either, his heart felt like it might overflow looking at all the clumsy cute animals they had made out of the food.
The obvious effort and care put into the lunch made Teru want to just melt, but he knew he had to keep it together.
First, though, he would eat the quality crafted lunch, and then continue to try and figure out a way to pin the runaway down.
“Okay, now I’m kind of jealous. Can’t I have a bite?”
Teru shook his head, smiling politely, “Sorry.”
He didn’t elaborate.
(L/n)-chan had made him this lunch.
Despite them having been giving him a barrage of various gifts and occasionally even bashfully complimenting him, when they were feeling really brave, for the longest time now, he still couldn’t seem to get over the bubbly feelings they created in his chest.
“What? Are you trying to tell me that chop job came from… well, not your mom?”
Teru hides his annoyance with another smile at the boy, “No. It didn’t, thank you.”
The boy doesn’t seem to catch the sharpness in it or the hint.
“What? Does the school prince have yet another secret admirer or something?”
He’s ready to just as kindly turn down this notion.
He really was going to.
(L/n)-chan wasn’t a secret admirer. They had been brave enough to hand-deliver most of their thoughtful gifts.
But did they have a secret admirer…?
Teru wondered if that was his way in.
They couldn’t cut him off and run for the hills if they didn’t see him, could they?
A genuine smile tugs at his lips.
“Wh- Just because I’m in love with him does NOT mean I have to talk to him,” they heatedly defend, making wild gestures with their hands, sure that one of them would dismiss this argument with their friend, “It’s insane you even talked me to giving him gifts in the first place, but this is where I draw the line!”
“I’ll take these feelings straight to my grave! You just watch me!” They pointedly pull their chair out, ready to sit down, “I refuse to bother Minamoto-san, I won’t even-”
They stopped at their friend’s curious, squinting eyes at them.
“What’s with that look? Stop that. I don’t-”
“Uh, (Y/n)-chan, what, uhm. What’s that?” She draws closer, much to their dismay, “You got snacks in there or something…?”
“Snacks in what or-”
Their eyes had followed their sneaky friend’s gaze, pausing on the abnormality.
A gift bag.
Sitting on their desk.
“Ah. No, I think someone mixed up desks. This is-”
“Look! Look!” She gasps, already being nosy again, “Check this out, (Y/n)-chan!”
“No! No sticking your nose in someone else’s gift! It’s rude! I-”
She shoved the tag in their face nonetheless.
(Y/n) blinks at it, trying to focus on it being so close to their eyes.
‘For: (L/n) (Y/n)’
(Y/n) was sure their name had never looked so fancy until that moment!
Immediately, curiosity lighting a sudden fire under them as they snatch the bag away, “My name, not yours.”
The girl groans dramatically as (Y/n) peers excitedly inside.
From what they can see, there are three things inside.
A box, a rose, and a letter.
They’re more than happy to shove their hand in and grab the first thing it touches.
Which happens to be the rose, they note in surprise when they pull it out.
“Oi! Be more careful, you could cut yourself, genius.”
However, as they inspect the rose, they quickly find that’s not true! There’s not a single thorn protruding from the stem- and oh gosh it smells so nice!
They gently set it on the desk, ignoring the fact it’s quickly plucked up by their friend for a squinty-eyed inspection.
They pull out the letter next.
‘Dear (Y/n)’
They have to look away, heart fluttering too much to continue.
This really was meant for them? Someone with this fancy of handwriting was actually giving them something?
They try to calm their excitement, trying to focus enough to read the card.
‘I hope this doesn’t creep you out or anything, but I’ve had a crush on you for months now.’
Them? Really?
‘But I haven’t been able to confess.’
To them? Was this person really sure?
(Y/n) almost pouts at the words. They wouldn’t consider themselves all that intimidating, either, in fact, they thought of themselves as quite welcoming!
‘So, please, instead, accept this gift as a small tribute of my affections.’ They couldn’t help the small smile etched on their lips, ‘You like (f/f), don’t you?’
(Y/n) had a funny feeling it wasn’t a question… and also what was in the box at the bottom of the bag.
However, they did know one thing for sure.
They fucking loved (f/f).
After that, it was a new gift every day.
Sometimes, they thought that they’d gotten lucky and slipped past their secret admirer…
Only to almost immediately find a gift when they turned around. Whether it was sitting on their desk, hidden in their locker, or even once outside the bathroom door after school, they’d always show up!
That last one had made them laugh a little, trying to imagine someone watching them go in so they could frantically shove a gift down and run off before they, of all people, came back out.
It was such a strange concept to them, someone too bashful to come up to them, resorting to anonymous affections.
It warmed their heart, that was for sure.
Though, they had their underlying concerns about the matter.
The stranger had been doing this for a month now, and they had no way to put a gentle stop to it.
After all, secret admirer or not, someone else still had their heart.
And as wonderful as it might seem to put down their love for the school prince and settle for this wonderful admirer of theirs…
They just couldn’t manage it.
So, today, when they found a pristine letter sitting on their desk, opportunity shone a light on them.
‘Please, meet me at the fountain in front of the school after classes let out. There’s something I should tell you.’
There was something (Y/n) should tell them first.
Their confidence shriveled up and died when they found themselves at the fountain alone.
Had their admirer chickened out?
Had the situation been different, with (Y/n) facing Minamoto-san, they probably would have done the same, so they couldn’t really blame this stranger.
Yeah, had they given Minamoto-san a letter like that they would’ve changed names and moved countries before he could even blink!
Yet, they could really admire their secret admirer’s bravery. (Y/n) never had the guts to even think about confessing to their crush…
Much less give him gifts so frequently… So boldly!
Man, maybe they should have thought about the whole secret admirer thing before he’d seen their face.
Though… they supposed it was much too late to be going back now, huh…?
Their wandering thoughts were interrupted by a sudden scuff.
The unmistakable sound of a shoe against concrete.
Instantly, panic flared in their chest, a fear that made their lips jump apart.
“I’m sorry!”
It’s quiet after their words are spoken.
This doesn’t help their building panic.
Not to mention embarrassment.
What if this wasn’t the right person?
What if it was just a bird or something?
What if-
There wasn’t any time for ‘what if’s!
They had to be strong, and they had to be firm! That’s what their friend had instructed them to do early when they had confided in her with their problem.
So, that’s what they’d do!
They’d stop this confession before it even started.
“Wh-What I meant to say,” they fiddled with their fingers, looking down at them as though they’d provide some safe haven, “Is that- uhm.”
They wince.
“I can’t… accept your feelings.”
Hastily, they look up, lifting a hand to nervously comb through their soft (h/c) locks.
“Don’t get me wrong, you’ve been very kind to me, and I honestly can’t thank you enough,” they keep their voice level now, feeling a little more confident with the fact they genuinely didn’t want to hurt their admirer, “Which is why I want to tell you that my heart already belongs to someone.”
They ignore that the words set their face aflame as they continue finally.
“I’m in love with Minamoto-san.”
Their heart pounds in their ears as they hang their head low, hoping to show their respect.
“I’m very sorry, I hope you can understand.”
If no one was there after all, this random bird would at least know of their condolences.
“Ah. I see.”
Definitely not a bird.
“Well, since you turned me down…”
They hastily whip around, horror nearly knocking them right off their feet, threatening to yank them to a painful concrete fate.
Wait- No! The concrete wears better! They’d take the concrete! Anything but this!
“May I at least accept your feelings…?”
Anything but the impossible gazing back at them.
Their brain couldn’t even begin to comprehend what their eyes were trying to shove at it.
Minamoto Teru standing across the fountain from them.
“M-M-M-My… what?”
Despite their tongue’s valiant struggle to keep their mouth shut, they force the words out regardless, however unintelligent.
“You said, and I quote-” there’s a wide, dazzling smile gracing his perfect face, “I’m in love with Minamoto-san.”
“Oh… Did I?” They scratch the back of their neck, “W-Well, I- uh, I- surely meant uhm…”
They short circuit for a moment.
Then stick a finger at him, rebutting, “Kou-kun. Yeah!”
They hastily look back up to meet his gaze, ignoring the fear coursing through their veins, praying for some divine intervention to make him believe their shitty lie.
“Really? Because last time I checked you’ve always called me Minamoto-san.”
This was NOT the divine intervention they asked for.
He takes a step forward.
They take a step back.
“Plus, I think Kou would mention if a cute upperclassman was showering him with gifts.”
Shit! He was right!
Dammit- they forgot- oh no, the gifts, he had all the evidence! He even had a statement directly from their lips!
Wait- did he say cute?
He said cute, right?
Like- that was definitely a thing he had just said, correct?
They looked up at him oddly, finding him right before them now.
“Got what?” They utter, too distracted with their thoughts to really process that it was Teru Minamoto standing there, his hands sitting on their shoulders.
Until he dropped a bomb like that on them.
The beautiful laugh that leaves his lips is both a blessing and a curse.
“Yes, you, (Y/n),” he tells them attentively, those bright blue eyes sparkling under the afternoon sun, “You’re not running away this time.”
Running away…?
He’d ruined their only plan before they had even thought about it!
“I wasn’t going to run away,” they blatantly lie, looking away to try and calm their unhinged heart.
“Good, because I’m not letting you go.”
They note the gentle squeeze he gives the grip on their shoulders, a lightly placed threat.
A threat they couldn’t find themselves minding all that much.
They look up at him as he looks away, much to their surprise.
Wait, wait, wait.
Was he…
“Why do you always run away…?”
They were almost too busy ascending at his adorable face to realize his words.
Their response is simple.
He looks back down at them to raise a brow, “Why?”
They reach up to scratch their burning cheek.
Well, no point in beating around the bush now. They had literally told him of their feelings to his face.
“W-Well, I- uhm. I wasn’t actually ever planning on… y’know… confessing… to you…” their voice grows quieter with each awkward pause, absently poking their pointer fingers together repeatedly.
“And why not?” He asks as if there aren’t as many reasons not to as there are bugs in the wild.
“Wh- Because!” They hastily look up at him, frowning, not upset with him, but at the nightmare that had become their reality, “Y-You get confesses to a lot- and uhm, I didn’t want to bother you. So…”
The bar their lashes, trying to process when his forehead presses against theirs.
“So, you just never considered the possibility of me liking you back?”
They’re quiet, too fixated on his shining eyes to even speak.
“Because, (Y/n), I do,” he says softly, letting his words linger in the little space between them, “I’ve liked you for months now.”
“A-Are you sure?” They whisper, scarves to say the wrong thing and make him pull away.
A small smile finds his lips.
“Yes, (Y/n). I’m sure.”
“Like… really really sure? On a scale from one to ten-“
On a scale from one to ten, his lips were on theirs, shutting them right up.
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ssaalexblake · 4 years
confession: I wish I liked Nine more than I do. Christopher Eccleston is wonderful and I *do* love Nine, but I can't see him as best Doctor when he's *awful* to Mickey
Oh, my love of nine is tied up in childhood nostalgia... I do tend to find him less obnoxious than the ones that follow, though. Maybe because he actually is less obnoxious or maybe because it’s less annoying the first doctor you meet and gets steadily worse as time goes on? who knows. 
Honestly? I am usually here for the companions. The doctor is normally the one i’m putting up with. Like... My love for 13 is an outlier, ngl. 
Though in terms of Nine, I Do find it kind of ironically funny that Nine Hates men who don’t like??? Do a lot?? As in, not brave run into danger men willing to do the hero thing, the opposite of that.  Mickey and whatshit whose name i’ve already forgotten who was an archivist, they’re not malicious at all but also they’re not Brave and Strong either, and he seems to actively disdain it?
Which is interesting in a man whose most famous words, are, arguably ‘coward. any day’. And further interesting in someone who can’t hack watching death or violence and can’t stand those who commit it. I think the most interesting question there, actually, is; Does Nine hate them because they Wouldn’t be  capable of doing what He did to Gallifrey, or does he hate them because he’s jealous that they’re not and therefore hate Himself? 
I Think that’s what they were going for with the whole Mickey thing? Obviously you can’t divorce that from context in that ‘the doctor doesn’t meet a black man they like till Ryan in season Eleven’ and how awful That is, but he is merely dismissive of Mickey in that traditional Doctor way till he Actually meets him and he’s being a lot of a scaredy cat, which is when the open dislike and insults start. Then add that to Mickey being a person who, like Jackie, could contribute to Rose wanting to leave Him and stay behind, i am entirely unsurprised he’s openly antagonistic of him. 
I do love nine x rose, actually, because she always hits back with starling accuracy and it’s kind of moving in general as a story (and forgivable because Rose isn’t Trying to like... fix him. She’s aware he’s got issues but is more likely to weaponise them Against him when he’s being a jerk than try to help him with them, bless), but it’s actually a Great crash course on emotional manipulation men will use to control, this is relevant to the Mickey thing i promise, as Nine, in his quest to keep Rose around because he’s finally found something good in life again and isn’t willing to give it up,  does some really shitty stuff!!! He makes her choose between him and jackie in an emotionaly manipulative situation towards Rose, then leaving Jackie And Mickey left miserable and scared and is uncaring. In ‘Rose’ she calls him on losing his shit every time he isn’t the most significant man in her life (she’s being situational but like.. he Does act that way frequently) and his response is to make out that what she said the Worst thing and that she called him totally insignificant and therefore she should give back the tardis key, so more of the emotionally manipulative. 
(she responds to this by handing it back and calling him on his shit, Love that for her but still, she shouldn’t have been Put in that situation). 
But anyway, I genuinely think his hatred of Mickey is A) based on his trauma and him, you know, getting to the part in his development when he needs to respect being a coward and own it and B) Mickey is a danger to him in that he could cause him to lose Rose. And he sinks lower than just being a dick to Mickey to keep her around, as pointed out above, he will go Low to keep her with him and he Knows the draw of the tardis is incredible, but he’s also aware emotional ties will make her want to be around people other than him. And he has no interest in the people she cares about. And so... the poor treatment of Mickey And Jackie, actually, i don’t like how he treats her either in retrospect, and imo, all of this ties back to his trauma and... well, his trauma, which also caused his major attachment to Rose. So basically it’s all trauma. 
I mean, i still don’t Like that they did this with Mickey, because i sure as hell didn’t think any of that or have the narrative analysis ability to suss that out as a 12 year old, which is, really, a target audience for this show but that’s what i take from this Now??? In reality, i think the writing was shitty to Mickey And Jackie, like... The doctor has a problem and i don’t quite remember at this point if they ever like... Make up for this shitty treatment at a later date. I wish this was all written Better and with more sensitivity because i don’t necessarily think the above is Bad, just that they didn’t really do it in any kind of way that is socially aware. 
You didn’t actually ask anything here but i’ve had this open as i slowly watch and my brain continues to spin like a hamster wheel even when i actively Try not to think about something. So!! 
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majestical · 4 years
can you go into any detail about why never have i ever isn't good? i really wanted to watch it, but if it's trash i don't wanna bother. thank you!!
alright I sat on this for a few hours so I could finish the rest of the show and write this in the morning and now it is morning. also there are going to be quite a few spoilers in here so just...do what you will with that knowledge i guess. also, if you still want to watch the show, I’m not gonna stop you. I binged the entire season yesterday and I have final exams next week. warning: this is super long.
ngl I was planning on just deleting the post you’re referring to, because at that point I had only watched half the season but I already saw a lot of things I didn't like: an Indian character who seemed a little ashamed of her heritage, too many pr*yanka ch*pra references, some strange and unnecessary ableism (i mean, all ableism is unnecessary but this particularly so), bad stereotypical Indian accents, the main character thirsting over white/white passing boys (this is Mindy's show, can you expect anything different?), and a disgusting amount of fatphobia (there is one fat character who is Devi’s age and his only personality traits are eating and making a fool of himself). 
the show also conflates indian and hindu a few too many times, even though there is a self-aware quip about it. and there’s a joke thrown in about m*di that *i guess* is supposed to show that this family at the least knows who the prime minister of india is? but with india’s current political situation and the knowledge of the atrocities committed by m*di I really did not like that a reference to him was thrown in there. I suppose it is an example of how the desi diaspora (particularly upper-caste, upper middle class Indians) are quite disconnected from the homeland, but like...does Mindy not watch the news? m*di literally committed genocide.
there’s also a lot of antisemitism. Devi’s academic rival, Ben, is introduced like a walking Jewish stereotype: just check out this post because op says it better than I could. there’s also a joke where Devi says out loud that she wishes Ben was killed by N*zis. I honestly don’t even know how that made it into the show and none of the context surrounding the joke is funny.
okay on to my personal qualms with the show. I wasn’t a fan of either of the love interests. neither of them really respected Devi as much as I would have liked, and personally, I found it tiring to see women/girls of color chase after men/boys who can’t reciprocate in the same way. I didn’t love how paxton (the cool jock love interest) kept leading Devi on and would then act aloof and I honestly would have preferred if Devi and ben hadn’t kissed, because I just prefer their frenemy dynamic over some potential romantic one. i also just could not relate to Devi at all...I was just too repressed in high school to relate to anything Devi does. she’s also just super unlikeable in the first eight episodes, but she kind of grew on me in the last two. I saw a comparison made between Devi coping with her grief with hypersexuality and the coping mechanisms used by the main character on Fleabag, which kind of made sense to me, even though they are pretty different shows otherwise. and she does get some comeuppance for her actions towards the end. even then, devi never really confronts her trauma directly, especially her paralysis, and her actions are excused too many times for comfort.
a lot of the storyline depended on teen romcom cliches, and were sort of excused because the main characters are poc. i wish this trend didn’t happen so often, especially when it comes to mainstream stories of young women and girls of color. i was also surprised that this show doesn’t really give much screentime to other indian kids that Devi might interact with. that would have been a much more three-dimensional approach to a show like this, but i also think this had to be sacrificed to keep up with the teen romcom aspect of the show. i was also not a fan of the will-schuester-wannabe history teacher. 
BUT (if you have been reading this much I sincerely applaud you) there were a few things I did like about the show. I loved Devi’s friends and honestly if I had her friends in tenth grade I would never ditch them for some boy. when I was a high school sophomore, I was closeted, had a musical theatre obsession, and ate dosas for dinner so I felt like a mix of all three of the girls. in fact, I found eleanor’s and fabiola’s storyline to be a lot more compelling that Devi’s at times. i even really enjoyed ben’s arc (and loved the andy samberg narration in his episode, especially because he pronounced Devi’s name with the soft “dh” sound...absolutely wonderful!). i thought fabiola’s coming-out scene was sweet (even though it was very textbook) and i thought eleanor being dramatic was very funny. 
in my opinion, the last two episodes were the best. we really got to dig deeper into Devi’s relationship with her mother and it was eerily reminiscent of my own. she gets told that she has to move to india because family is there, so she naturally fights with her mom and storms off. that literally happened to me (minus the running away part...I actually did end up moving to India in the middle of high school), and other moments like those just hit close to home and made me want to finish the show. i personally didn’t relate to the whole “am I indian or not Indian enough” struggle until I started living in india, but my indian friends who did go to high school in america were all too sympathetic to this struggle. 
so overall, there are some bad things and some good things about this show. if you relate to the premise of the show at all, you may like it more than I did, but if you were raised in india (which is the demographic that most of the criticism is coming from) or generally enjoy good writing, you probably won’t like this as much. i do hope that this show helps pave the way for some representation that brings more nuance to indian-american identity, and different types of indian-american identities (working-class, immigrants who aren’t upper-caste, people who have been living in the states for several generations, LGBT people, indian muslims/christians/sikhs/etc) without unnecessarily bringing down other minorities. and once again, i am really happy that a girl named maitreyi ramakrishnan is getting famous and NOT anglicizing her name. 
i hope this response was good and if you do decide to watch, let me know how you like it!
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1358456 · 4 years
Review Response, Sep 27 - Oct 3, 2020
Now that I’m stable once more... weekly response time. I think there are at most 3 responses left.
Heart #007
1)  Hey! Really liked this story. One of your better fics imo. I saw your tumblr post today and I know it's really late but I'd like to thank you for providing me with plenty of entertainment and emotions over this summer. I hadn't found your page until this quarantine and Special Events was the first fanfic I've ever read. You really got me back into Pokespe after a few years of forgetting about it and ngl I teared up a bit after I saw your tumblr post. I just want to let you know that you've really left a mark on many people's lives with your writing even if it's just a fan-fiction and I don't think I'll forget these works for years to come.
Thank you. It means a lot to me to hear that :)
Tumblr media
Well, the last chapter is no longer tied for the absolute worst. It’s now second worst.
Destiny #031
1)  This is still Mel, I just got the genius idea to actually create an account since I use so much. Anyways, I just- wow. That is so depressing. I still can’t properly think about what happened to Y, because it’s just so much... but I’m glad she’s still the same. Sort of. Personality wise, I mean. After she’d resurrected I was afraid she was a completely different person, tainted. But this meeting with Blue made me realize that she’s still a kind girl, but come to think of it I’m not sure if that’s a good thing. She would suffer more that way, no? Or would it be worse to be a shell of the person you were? It’s a tough question. I don’t think I can answer it. As for X, I am not excitedly anticipating his meeting with Y. That’s a lot of angst right there. But I’m still hoping for a happy ending? Or at least as happy as an ending it can get. I’m sure it’s possible. Although, maybe you’ll pull another alternate ending and that’ll technically count as a “happy ending”, just that it’s not the true one, haha. Would X kill her on the spot? Would Y kill *him*? Will he still be brainwashed at that point? There are so many outcomes, so many possibilities. And I thought it was sweet, the moment with Blue and Dia. I can imagine them being great comrades. Especially since he was so physically affectionate towards her and that’s exactly what Blue needed. It’s also great that she’s made yet another connection! I can’t wait for her to be acquaintances with all her juniors! She won’t be so lonely then when she has so many friends and that’s all you can really hope for Blue :’). That and the possibility between her and Red (*wink, wink*). There were some mighty big hints in this chapter, will anything come of it? Perhaps Red is too dense for any of those things (how is it possible that a person can be so dense?). I’m more of a specialshipping person, but that ship is a mixed bag (they all are tbh), and this between Red and Blue is really sweet. Also, poor Surge lmao. Just wanted a cozy tent, but here comes three scary ass women and an unconscious squirt who kick him out into the cold. Life just isn’t fair for old Surge, is it. I sincerely hope you are doing well. Love, Mel
Hmm. Would X and Y get a happy ending? ... Maybe? Happy-ish?
Hehe. Red & Blue... Ohoho! More hints coming as the pairing shift fully transitions. ... Which of course, spells disaster for a certain blonde girl, but... ehn. Hehe.
Destiny #032
1)  Haha, those alternate lines at the end were funny, but that didn’t do much to lift my mood. Dammit, I knew I would get this reunion and I was right. How could I have thought there was any chance of a happy ending? ‘Cause there is no way this is a happy ending despite it ending without X and Y murdering each other! I honestly don’t know what I expected. A tender moment between the two? Forgiveness and peaceful moving on? Wtf? There are too many bitter feelings, and there isn’t really a way that Y can move on peacefully with the whole deterioration thing. But anyways yeah, definitely not happy. I suppose the whole “live and be happy” can be taken as a good thing, but in all honesty we all know deep down that X won’t live that way. Who would be able to move on after *that*? He loved her! She blamed him (Justifiably, but in the end it truly wasn’t his fault. I mean she was being hypocritical “I will always go after you, but I’m blaming you, because you went after me.”? He was concerned? Can anyone help it? Even if in the past it was the cause of a bigger problem?). It’s just not plausible. There’s truly something noble and amazing in moving on and living, but there are some times that dying is sort of the right thing to do? I dunno how to explain it, and it’s honestly a rare occurrence. I don’t want to romanticize suicide or dying or anything, but it’s not a cowardly thing in certain circumstances. X wouldn’t be living if he stayed alive. Anyways, that’s all I can really say besides, hot fucking damn. When I read the similarity in this fight scene and the first one between X, Y, and the Mega Hunter, I couldn’t help but remember a happier time. Well, I use happier hesitantly, ‘cause it wasn’t exactly “happy” per se, but it was certainly a *better* situation than this one. Y was still underestimating her value to X, but it still wasn’t such a hopeless situation. If only the damn boy had confessed. Maybe things wouldn’t have gone so downhill.
“It’s just a flesh wound.”
Dying is sort of the right thing to do? Well, human emotions are absolutely irrelevant to being right or wrong, so dying just because a lot of sh*t is happening is by no means “right”. It’s times like this I really wish I was able to put in a lot of my thoughts into my writing and stories. But I’m not a professional writer by any means, so I can’t quite cram in specific themes into the plot and story without making it far too obvious.
Poor X and Y, eh? There was never quite a happy time for them. ... Well, not in this story, anyways. According to the Legacy spoiler post, they do get a very happy ending in the good ending. So... they get to be very happy together... in another story. Hahaha.
Well, there are now 11 Destiny chapters left for you, and 3 weeks left. Do you think it’s possible to finish before I disconnect my FF.net account? I would’ve really liked to see you move on to SA afterwards (you would probably like that story a lot more too), but I simply don’t have the time for that anymore...
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Survey #273
ew, wtf is this new /tagged formatting???? ugh.
What is something you dislike about the dating world? I haven't dated around enough to have first-hand experience, really. But from an outside view, people don't seem all that interested in serious commitment. Don't fwm if you aren't into the idea of working towards a whole lifetime together. What gives you confidence? Bitch nothing lmao. Have you ever dated someone with very different sexual tastes than you? No. What is the most meaningful gift you’ve ever given? Both Jason and Sara got a huge list of reasons I love them for certain relationship "milestones," both which really did take a long time because there were loads. I did it with each because I really did feel like it was a very personal, uplifting, and full-of-adoration gift, not just for the sake of recycling an idea because I had no others. I have a shitload of romantic ideas, ngl man. Do you feel as though someone ‘won’ in your last break up? Neither of us "won" or "lost," really. It was a mutual agreement that now just isn't the time for a relationship between us. Whatever happened to the first person you ever loved? Sometimes I'm scared to know. Do you still shop at the same stores you liked when you were a teenager? Yeah. Thankfully Hot Topic became more accessible to plus-size people. Is there anyone significantly older than you that you would date? No. I won't go over like... nine years. Even eight it pushing it. Please share your embarrassing and weird celeb crushes. Post pictures. What do you like about them? I don't have any "embarrassing" or "weird" ones. What is something your partner does that is unattractive to you? N/A What is something that would have made the show better/you would have liked to see happen on one of your favorite series? I honestly wish Weed in Ginga Densetsu Weed was more realistic and realized Hougen was worth killing himself. The lightning seemed cheap and anti-climactic. He had EVERY reason to kill him, and it sounds weird to consider killing as a form of growth, but I feel like it would've been. Maybe that's just a personal thing, believing killing is sometimes justified, but it actually annoyed me. Nevertheless, fucking fantastic show. How do you feel about celebrities that are silent about political or human rights issues? Do you think celebrities should use their platform to speak out? I have... mixed feelings. I think most of me says to use their prominence for good, to be a loud voice to look up to and bring greater attention to issues, but at the same time, some people just like/feel safer being non-political. When you were a kid, what child characters did you admire or relate to most? BINDI IRWIN!!!!!!!!!! I still follow and fucking adore her. Y'all she recently got married and she is just so beautiful and so happy and the Irwins are just genuinely angels on this earth. Tell me about a time that you were bored in a relationship (can be romantic or friendship). What was it about them/the situation that bored you? I've never been romantically bored, and not really with a friendship, either. Sure, I've been bored in another's presence, but it was never a consistent issue. Who’s your favorite Tiktoker? I have never even touched it. How high or low is the barrier to entry in your field or desired field? It's tough, but not that high. More than anything, photography depends on who you know to help get you out there, sadly. It's luck, too. There is most certainly skill involved, but yeah... building your brand up to stand out with only your own hands is ridiculously hard. But that's really any small business/self-employed position. Where would you look if you were looking for a job (e.g., indeed.com, company websites, asking a friend…)? I've pretty much always used Indeed, or I hear from family/friends. How much lower than your ideal salary would you take? What would the job have to entail for you to take a less than ideal wage? Hi, I live in America, where the government doesn't give a fuck if you can support yourself on minimum wage or not. :^) But anyway, this is a difficult question to answer with how little experience I have. I can say, however, that I will fucking not work to just barely scrape by with minimum wage. If I'm going to bust my ass, it's gonna be fucking worth it. Even if you were able to support yourself/your own family, would there ever be a situation in which you would choose to live in a shared house with another family or individual, be it your parents or a sibling’s family, or some other housemate? Sure, I wouldn't mind. Especially family. Do bridges make you nervous? To a degree. Are there any movies that you find so dumb, you find funny? Napoleon Dynamite, of course. How often do you vacation? Pretty much never ever. Do you think it’s cruel to leave a live fish to die in an ice box? I am genuinely concerned for you if you say no to this. Have you ever done anything sexual with someone of the same sex? Yes. Have you ever pawned anything off at a pawn shop? No. Do you have stomach abs? OH, HUNNY- Do you know anyone who is trying to physically impersonate a celebrity? No. Have you ever seen a shuttle launch? I mean, on TV, but even then I didn't seriously watch it. Are we having signs of the apocalypse? I don't believe in the "apocalypse." We're going to fall through natural methods. We're definitely heading deeper into destruction in some ways, though, by our own hands. I'm quite sure humans themselves will be the end of humanity. Would you rather see The Blue Man Group or Fear Factor live? BLUE MAN GROUP!!! They're dooooope. Do you have any exciting plans for this upcoming weekend? No. I'm staying in the goddamn house like we're fucking supposed to. What color of colored contacts would you like to have? To wear regularly? Sapphire blue. Ohhh, maybe one that, and the other icy blue. What’s on your bedside table? It's more a shelf than a table, so I have quite a bit. My medicine basket, fan, a drink, books, sketchbook, some other miscellaneous things. What’s on your bed? A bedsheet, comforter, two pillows, and me, ha ha. Your floor besides furniture? Nothing. Your dresser? All my meerkat stuffed animals, plus some others. The top shelf in your closet? Ha, good question. Are there any dead stuffed animals in your house? No. What’s the best prize you’ve won on an amusement park/carnival game? *shrug* Have you ever done anything sexual in a school? No, I was a good noodle. Have you ever been indoor skydiving? No. Would you have any interest in going on a cruise? Not really. What did you have for dinner last night? I made some hot wings. What's your ideal indoor temperature? High 60s, ig. It’s hard to really tell because my room is always the hottest in the house and I have a fan on me, so I don’t really feel the “normal” temperature most of the time. Does your kitchen have a theme? No. What's the grossest thing u have found in your food? Probably nothing worse than a hair or something, idk. Are you a flip flop lover? I am NOTORIOUS for wearing flipflops absolutely year-round. A little bit of snow on the ground? I’m wearing my gd flipflops because they’re just easy to slide on and I care about convenience probably too much lmao. What namebrand dishwashing liquid do u use? … Dawn, I think? I don’t really pay attention. Do you like ice cream sandwiches? UGH yesssssssssss hunty. Do you prefer hard or soft shell tacos? I hate tacos, but I’d definitely rather have a soft shell than hard. Ever worn a flower in your hair? Maybe as a kid? Name five random things in your kitchen? Nothing abnormal, really… no, wait. You know those sticky cylinder things that flies are attracted to and die a slow death for their brazen intrusion upon your property? We have one of those hanging up in there. Magnets and pictures on the fridge is considered pretty normal, right? Name four things in your fridge? Milk, apples, a bigass bag of pepperoni, and some cold water bottles because I strongly prefer cold water. Name two things in your meds cabinet? We’ve got a load… Different kinds of pain pills, things like Pepto, etc. Name six things in your family room? A couch, a reclining chair, the TV, Mom’s bed, loads of pictures on the walls, and uh… sidetables? Name three things in your bedroom? My snake, my bed, and my dresser. Name three things in your yard? A bird feeder that squirrels like to steal from, a random fucking dolphin statue thingy that deadass looks like a distorted dick (it’s been here since we got here, idfk), and two sheds. Name two things in your bathroom? Our bathroom is tiiiny, so very normal stuff. Y’know, a toilet and sink. What health problems do you have? A lot that I don’t feel like thinking through. Fave name brand of water? Essentia. Do you have a trampoline? Not since I was a teenager. The last time you were in the fridge, what were you looking for? Jam to make a pb&j. Do you like clowns? No opinion. Are you listening to anything at the moment? Surprisingly nothing, but Halocene’s cover of “My Immortal” is seeeeeriously jammed in my head. Do you twitch when your falling asleep? YES. They’re more like muscle spasms. Are your dishes in the dishwasher clean or dirty? We don’t have one; we have to wash by hand. Buuut that house we’re moving into has one! :’) When is the last time you were on a bicycle? Not since I was a teenager. I used to love love loooove to ride my bike after school. What have you eaten today? Special K cereal and aforementioned sandwich. Do you own a strapless bra? Fuckin Y I K E S that would not work w/ my size lmfao. Does the person you like know it? Ye. Did anything brighten up your day today? Our lawn FINALLY got mowed and the bushes trimmed. We had to tidy it up before we can move. It looked like a jungle, deadass serious. Do you ever wonder how other people see you? Only all the time. What is one good thing you're known for? I write well. How about one bad thing? I’m very dependent. When was the last time you sang an ENTIRE song? Wow, no clue. I rarely sing, never mind an entire song. What is one thing that is currently bothering you? Actually my stomach kinda hurts. What did you do today? Wander around the Internet looking for something to even mildly entertain me, play World of Warcraft for a very brief period since I’m going through a bored phase of it, read for a bit, showered… not a lot, but later today we’re celebrating my mom’s birthday early, actually. Do you consider yourself to be attractive? No. I think my dimples are kinda cute, but that’s it. Do you regret going out with the last person you did? Not at all. Do you realize it when you curse? It’s so normal in my vocabulary that generally, no. I’m very mindful around kids, though. I still remember the first time I said “fuck” in my mom’s presence without realizing it and she just like f r o z e. Have you ever been extremely tired but refused to go to sleep? Yeah, for various reasons. That is veeeeery rare nowadays, though, partially because I’m so fucking bored that I’m just happy to close the day. What's the longest amount of time you've been stuck in traffic? An hour or so is my guess while traveling. I don’t recall any specific instances. Best field trip experience? We went to the zoo!!!! It was the one and only time thus far that I’ve seen meerkats irl. What is the most amount of money you've spent on a meal before? I’ve never really been able to buy my own meal, never mind something expensive. What museums have you visited, if any? Just local ones centered around art or science, generally. What's your worst traveling experience? Idk. Sims 1, 2, or 3? Why? Never played. Not my kinda game. What area of math are you best at? Worst? lol I suck at them all. How do you feel when you meet someone with the same music taste as you? It’s exciting! Do you believe in luck? Why or why not? No, because I don’t believe in any “magical” influence over events that occur. Shit just happens, sometimes to good people, sometimes to bad people, and everything in-between. How often do you "half-ass" things (put little effort in)? IIII tend to do that a lot.. Do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people? Not really. Have you ever missed a meeting/event that was required/necessary? You could say so, but it turned out fine that I missed it anyway. What's something that makes you incredibly nervous? Talking to people I don’t know or being alone with a man. If you don't have glasses, how would you feel if you had to get them? N/A If you do have glasses, how would you feel if you didn't need them anymore? I’d be fuckin’ stoked, I could get my undereye dermal without it looking stupid. How many vegetarians do you know? I’m not sure. Have you ever considered going to art school? Does Photography count? I majored in that. Otherwise, no. Have you ever had problems falling asleep in class? No, I was always very attentive in class. Are your parents supportive of you? Very.
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kinsbin · 5 years
I’m Not Jealous
Title: I’m Not Jealous Word Count:  2155 Ship: Jenna/Julian [Canon/Self Insert]
Summary: Julian and Jenna visit Asra’s home, only to have him offer to let them spend the night. Jenna is thrilled but Julian, who sees the two getting along perhaps too well, cannot help but feel a bit jealous. Will he admit it, though? Of course not. 
Author’s Note: A writing comm for @aoi-hina! It was super fun to write and play around with. Julian is a lot of fun as a character ngl nyoho-Thanks again for commissioning me, I”m super happy to have written for this lovely couple <3
He wasn’t jealous.
Jealousy was an unkempt emotion brought about by feelings of inadequacy and discomfort in one’s relationship. Julian repeated the phrase over and over in his mind as he sat across from Jenna and Asra, watching them so easily interact with one another that it was almost infuriating. When his lover suggested that the stop by her old master’s magic shop for a few ingredients to a spell he didn’t quite understand, he had no qualms with it (he had a few qualms with it and was as dramatic as possible over them, but, she was not deterred) and helped to usher them over as fast as possible, hoping to get in and get out before the sun set and the night guard of the nation crowded the entrances of his favorite hangouts. He should have suspected otherwise, of course, for the moment Asra laid eyes on his ‘beloved apprentice’ (the words filled him with disdain) they just had to sit down for hours on end and chatter on about magic. Of things Julian didn’t quite understand while he sipped tea idly in the corner next to them. Asra, with his charming smile and wisdom on a subject Jenna found so fascinating that he couldn’t provide for her-
Okay, he admitted to himself with another sip of tea, maybe he was a little bit...disgruntled at it all.
“What do you think, Julian?”
Julian startled from his momentary thought lapse, focusing back in on the reality of the situation only to find Jenna and Asra watching him curiously. Whatever they had said had gone in one ear and out the other, his mind preoccupied with multiple ways he could somehow either appease Jenna with his own insatiable charms or find a way to absorb all of Asra’s talent in one way or another. Then again, both he and Asra’s talent in one body would be far too much talent for a single being and he would, without a doubt, explode. Yeah, that was it, he convinced himself softly in his head, totally how it worked.
“Julian, you’re spacing out again,” Jenna sat forward from her seat and waved a hand in front of his eyes, eyebrows quirking as she watched him gather up his focus again to her, “Did you even hear what I had said?”
“Huh? Of course I did! You insult me, thinking I haven’t been hanging on every single word that has been coming out of both of your mouths,” His speech was drawled and sarcastic as he placed a cup down in front of him with a smirk, a hand going up so that he might rest his chin on his palm and tilt his gaze over to Asra with a quirk of his eyebrow, “I don’t understand your magician speak and I, frankly, don’t plan to.”
“It wasn’t even magician speak,” Asra retorted softly, half to himself as he took some effort to hold back the roll of his eyes he desperately wanted to make in response to Julian’s less than cultured retort, “I just asked if you both wanted to stay the night and head out tomorrow morning rather than risk running into the guard this late in the evening.”
There was a sense of moderate embarrassment that made itself known to the other two by the way Julian’s face flushed red with surprise. It darkened his pale cheeks a deliciously crimson color, one that he tried hard to hide by tilting his head to the side and clearing his throat, awkwardly trying to play it off as something else while only increasing the obviousness of the movements as a whole. Asra suppressed the urge to smile at Julian’s attitude, his knowledge of the man and his experiences with him giving clear tell to just what he was so upset about. Violet irises flickered curiously to Jenna, wondering if she too would catch on around Julian’s attitude. Her face, however, remained the same as it always felt to be. Patient and thoughtful, always attentive to the needs of who she was focused on, and Asra couldn’t help but admire it enough to keep his mouth shut...for the time being.
She would figure it out, he was sure, and he could poke a bit of fun at them both later because of it.
“Oh,” Julian’s tone was fillipant as he delivered his retort, “I couldn’t imagine troubling you in this matter.”
“Nonsense,” Asra’s voice was chipper in its rebuttal, “If it was trouble, I wouldn’t have offered. Besides, having Jenna back has been pleasant, I wouldn’t mind keeping her a bit more.”
“Asra!” Jenna laughed, nudging at the other man’s shoulders with her own. This mere touch sent a fire of annoyance blossoming through Julian’s veins, burning up his arms and into the precipice of his heart. His single visible eye glared down at Asra, past Jenna’s line of sight so that he could easily attempt communication with the other through his heated looks of disapproval. Asra only smiled back innocently, his mind craving to let Julian know that he had nothing to worry about, but, his heart having too much fun with the gentle teasing to truly be willing to perform it. Julian’s eyebrow twitched.
“He’s right, Julian,” Jenna suggested with a gentle smile, “It’ll be safer to do this. We’ll be okay, I’m sure of it. Just one night, alright?”
Julian inhaled sharply, trying to find it in him to say no. Trying to find a good excuse. Jenna’s bright eyes and sweet smile, however, blew him back. It knocked the wind out of him with every bright twinkle in her eyes as she awaited his answer, her thumbs twiddling impatiently together as she did so. The breath he had been holding was released into the air around him, his hands dropping as he could only find it in himself to offer the girl across from him a careful, loving gaze.
“If that’s what you wish, dearest, then I’d be happy to.”
“Wonderful!” Asra hummed as he gathered up the group’s now empty tea cups, “I’ll put dinner together.”
“Oh, may I help?” Jenna called back, already standing from her seat to assist the other man. Julian bit back a groan and rubbed his temples with one hand. It was going to be a long and PAINFUL sort of night.
Hours, and far too many shared stories between Jenna and Asra, later and the night was finally over. Julian and Jenna settled next to one another in the spare bedroom that was once her own sleeping area. Sleep had, once again, chosen to evade the good doctor’s grasp. This time it wasn’t due to the impending nightmares (though that may have also been a part of it) but rather the overwhelming annoyance towards the man who was hosting them and the woman at his side. Perhaps it was a bit unfair to be so upset over the situation, yet, Julian had to consider himself as an unfair man for that reason.
His thoughts were interrupted when he felt a hand slide over his chest, bringing him into a cuddle he was surprised to be apart of, but when with by wrapping an arm, in return, over one of Jenna’s shoulders.
“You were tense tonight.” Was all she hummed with gentle observation, a smile playing on her lips, “Any reason why?”
“Oh? So now you’re concerned about me?” Julian quipped back with a signature sneer of his own, “I’m flattered to be noticed.”
Jenna quirked an eyebrow, sitting up slightly so that she could stare at Julian intently for a long moment, as if trying to understand his reasoning behind the snarky words that seemed to flow like sewage from between his perfect, thin lips. Julian averted his gaze, feeling small under her scrutiny but never backing off as his cheeks burned a unique shade of maroon. “You were with us the whole night,” Jenna murmured with a tilt of her head, “You were part of our conversations.”
“Barely.” Julian huffed.
A knowing look settled in her eyes. Julian saw her smile grow from the corner of his own and felt a flush of shock form in the pit of his body as she reached out and gently brushed his hair away from his face, her fingers hot compared to his otherwise cold skin. Instinctually he leaned into the touch, sighing with slight edge still in his voice as she devolved into poking at the corner of his cheek.
“You were JEALOUS of me spending time with Asra, weren’t you?”
“Jealous?!” Julian guffawed at her side, arms reaching out to wrap around her waist and bring her closer to him so that he could be surrounded by her. Jenna eeeped as their faces met, noses touching while Julian gave off the softest of smirks, enhanced by the filtration of the moonlight through their shared quarters. “Silly little magician,” He cooed, “I don’t get jealous.”
“You seemed pretty jealous then,” Jenna challenged with a smile, trying to hide her own blush warming her face as Julian kept her close.
“Can you blame me,” He defended while leaning into her neck, resting his forehead on her shoulder and allowing his breath to ghost across her collar bone, “Seeing you talk so familiarly and openly with another man...Taking your precious time to be with him and not me. I can’t help but feel a little left out, you know.”
“So you admit that you WERE jealous.”
Julian blanched at the realization that he had been caught, his eyes averting  awkwardly while Jenna felt herself laugh without truly meaning it, covering her mouth for a moment to control the giggles while Julian pouted at her like a dog who was refused his favorite treat. “Just what’s so funny?”
“Nothing!” She insisted while reaching out to pet his face, cupping a cheek in her hand and bringing him in for a soft kiss, “Nothing, my love, It’s just...you’re hilarious to think that I’d love anyone as much as I love you.”
“I’ve seen the way he looks at you,” Julian mumbled in response, holding her closer and finding his lips on her cheek, kissing a trail until it reached her neck, where he kissed solidly against the tender flesh and made her keen softly in surprise, “He wants to do just what I do to you. Kiss you like this, hold you like this...I don’t blame him, of course, you are a beautiful treasure beyond anything in Vesuvia, but he seems to forget just who you are with.”
He kissed her neck again, pressing his lips more firmly against the skin and biting down firmly. Jenna whined, arms frantically clinging to Julian’s back while he held her close, making sure she couldn’t get away as he kissed at her neck and ran his tongue along the bite he had just neatly formed on her skin. He pulled away, satisfied with the purple and red mark slowly blooming across the expanse of flesh he had been holding on to, and moved to admire the redness of Jenna’s face as she reached out to lightly smack him in the chest.
“Wh-what was that for!?” She demanded vehemently, “You could have warned me?!”
“And ruin the surprise?” Julian laughed in response, hiding a grin at the way her fists only softly seemed to come down on his body, “And here I thought you wanted me to be more spontaneous!”
“No, I promise, it was LESS SPONTANEOUS. Anymore spontaneity from you and we’re going to end up falling back in the damn canals with the blood eels.”
Julian couldn’t stop the laugh, so genuine and soft, that Jenna’s heart skipped a beat as she was held close to him. The noise was so rare, yet, so beautiful that she had committed it to memory the first time she had heard it. Now, the second time, it warmed her stomach more than the finest of teas could ever do. Julian kissed her again, long and deep and with more emotion she had ever felt, pulling away only to speak:
“It’s just...a reminder. Of who you are with. For Asra and for me.” He admitted with a gentle blush, “I love you...and I don’t want anyone else to think that I do not.”
“Oh Julian,” Jenna sighed as she hugged him, “No one could ever deny just how much you love me...and how much I love you.”
Julian couldn’t reply. There were no words. Instead he let the tension from his shoulders relax, taking her into his arms and shutting his eyes, following the pattern of her breathing until both of them had faded into something of an easy sleep, the sound of citylife distant in the quiet of Asra’s home.
Perhaps jealousy was common in him, but, Julian felt comforted knowing she was his now...and she always would be.
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kalloway · 5 years
Is it okay if I read some of the dialogue you've put into your crossover idea. The Camarilla, Anarchs and Sabbat are going to be confused on what's going on.
Oh for sure - I wouldn’t doubt it’d cause quite a bit of chaos tbh!
And sure Anon - just know it’s nothing special - mostly just ideas I had on how I could possibly introduce Magdalene into the mix tbh 😅
I’ll provide a bit of context/commentary, cuz I do literally write *just* dialogue lmao (fair warning: it’s p lengthy):
“What you’re asking me to do is an utmost crime, Sorcerer. I refuse.”
“Even if it means becoming more powerful? Heightening your Clan’s position?”
“I don’t care about that. First and foremost, I’m loyal to the Camarilla, and Diablerie is a capital crime - irreversible.”
“Your kind is already doomed to the Netherrealm. Why bother upholding such a masquerade?”
“Because I don’t see myself as a monster, and I don’t forget where I came from.”
(This is an isolated idea between Magdalene and possibly Shang Tsung, after the latter finds out about the concept of Diablerie - possibly from the Sabbat, but also possibly previous knowledge from the Moroi?)
“If what you’re suggesting is true, then we’ll need to take this to HQ. Can you be present tomorrow morning to meet?”
“That’s not possible. I’m a night person - I only conduct business after sundown.”
(Whispers to the other) “…telling you - vampire.”
“Very well. Tomorrow evening then?”
“Sure. But let’s keep it brief, alright? I can’t stay away for too long.”
(Just a goofy bit where one of the Kombat Kids (as I’ve heard Cassie, Jaqui, Takeda, and Kung Jin referred to), or maybe just another soldier in general, is super convinced she’s a ‘classic’ vampire, but no one else is buying it)
“Woah, woah! There’s not supposed to be civilians here!”
“What are you doing here?”
(Magdalene): “Investigating.” (She glances at their uniforms) “What’re the Special Forces doing in a dump like this?”
“Investigating. You really shouldn’t be here-“
“My superior begs to differ. This matter is of the utmost importance, and he’s sent me to look into it on his behalf. I’m not leaving.”
“Do you know anything about this incident then?”
“…not much. Probably about as much as you do: It’s a strange series of events leading up to this by some unknown and unseen party.”
“I’d call this a bit more than strange.”
“Whatever you call it, it’s a problem - obviously for the both of us. The sooner we find out what happened, the better.”
“You’re going to help us?”
“And you’re going to help me. If we’re after the same answers, why not make this whole situation mutually beneficial?”
“Well, we don’t really know anything about you. Plus, this is SF business, we can’t really release much information. Classified, you know.”
“My name is Magdalene Brandeis. You don’t know me or my superiors, but we’re on the same side for the moment.”
“‘For the moment’?”
“I have no say in their choices. Kinda what happens when you join in at a bad time.”
(i’m not really sure how I wanna write Mags, so she kinda jumps between super formal and more casual here - it’s her encountering the Kombat Kids while investigating an extremely suspicious incident that resulted in a lot of strange deaths in the building/area - definitely Sabbat work. Imo they grow much bolder after the turn of events leading to the news of new realms.)
“Hey Cass, I did some looking into that woman we were with at the scene of that incident, and got something really weird.”
“What do you mean ‘weird’? The whole thing was way outta wack.”
“Yeah but this is… weirder. I did a search on the name she gave and eventually got a match on a Missing Person’s report from over in Santa Monica, but… That Magdalene woman’s been missing for well over a decade now.”
“What? No way… what do you think it means?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know if I should bring it up to General Blade or not regarding the incident. She didn’t seem like she was involved in it at all.”
“She definitely seemed like she didn’t want to be seen there… like she was keeping a low profile. Maybe she was involved?”
“But she gave us that insight on those other incidents that match this one.”
“Probably ‘cause she knows about them. How would we know if she was involved? But it fits the alibi.”
“What do you mean?”
“Think about it Cass - a woman that’s been missing and presumed dead for over ten years, suddenly shows up at the scene of one of the most horrific crimes in recent history, then starts talking about other similar instances we’d missed going back a few years? She’s definitely in on it.”
“But we have no evidence she’s an enemy-“
“And nothing to prove she’s an ally either, besides her word. Can you trust someone like that?”
“…I’m not sure.”
“I say we report it anyway. At worst, it’s a bad hunch, but at best we possibly nab the person responsible - or one of their lackeys, anyway.”
(I wanted a bit that touched on Mags’ prior involvement in VTMB, so this is just a small call-back to that)
“How did you get in here?”
“Through the front door, actually. I have information you might be interested in, General.”
“And why would we trust someone who waltzes into a military facility like they own the damn place?”
“Because if my superiors found out where I was and what I was going to say, I’d be dead ten times over by now.”
“…who’s your superior?”
“Let’s call them a Council, for simplicity’s sake. They keep a tight leash on their kind, but I’m not… exactly a normal case. Now do you want to hear what I have to say or not? I don’t have all night.”
“Why come at night?”
“It’s quiet at night. I prefer it.”
“Hm. So long as it’s relevant, we could use any help we could get.”
“What causes these incidents - these murders - isn’t like you or I, but something much more primal.”
“An animal?”
“A beast with a superiority complex, honestly.”
“And you think we’d believe that?”
“What else have you encountered could do something like that?”
“I could name a few things…”
“I believe it’s the work of the Sabbat.”
“…the what?”
“The Sabbat. I’ve been informed you’ve heard the term before-“
“Yeah, and it’s strictly SF information only. How’d you hear about it?”
“Everyone knows about it, where I come from. They’re a persistent problem that’s grown wildly out of hand, in recent nights. Do you know what the Sabbat are?”
“We deduce they’re a gang going around murdering innocent people with no rhyme or reason as to why they’re doing it.”
“Hmmm… not bad, not bad. But there IS a reason, and the rhyme may be… disturbing to you.”
“If you know what’s causing the murders and taking our attention away from other more stressing concerns, then by law you’re obligated to inform us.”
“The Sabbat, in essence, strive to be everything you are not: Inhuman. They reject the basic code we all as a society follow, for the most part. They’re arrogant, have no regard for life, and see themselves as higher beings than you. The Sabbat are dangerous, and we’ve been trying to keep them in check for years. Ever since we all found out about the other realms after that incident years ago, we’ve been unable to get a handle on them.”
“…so you’re saying you’ve let them get out of hand?”
“No. The Sabbat are like cockroaches - you can’t seem to ever get rid of them entirely. They’ve never been this persistent or problematic since Los Angeles.”
“What happened in Los Angeles?”
“…nothing worth noting, to you.”
“All I’m here to do, is inform you that these are not people. They are not reasonable, and they will kill every single person - human or not - that gets in their way.”
“So what are they, exactly, if they’re not human?”
(I’m not sure I really like this idea, but it was involving Magdalene going out of the way to try and p much stop these guys (Special Forces) from just waltzing to their dooms while also investigating the Sabbat instances. I liked the idea of them being aware of the name, but not aware of what they are. I never decided how to finish that up though, hence the dead-end here)
“The fact that we may very well be able to ascertain our own origins is an interesting premise, don’t you think? Poetic, even. We’ve spent so long in the dark, only to realize it was only *this* realm that held us back.”
(I typed this up after Beckett was mentioned in a previous ask - idk if it’s something he would say, but it’s a line of dialogue I kind of like so 🤷‍♀️)
Aaand that’s all I got, for now Anon! 
Sorry it’s not much - it takes me a long time to sorta piece ideas together or some up with a *coherent* plot of any sort 😂 (it’s why my in-progress fanfic is taking… so long….)
i’m juggling so many AU ideas rn, it’s not even funny. Idk how you writer types ever stay organized or on top of ur fics in reasonable order… I just wing it every time and hope for the best, ngl ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
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spiltpencilsink · 4 years
Rebecca for the ask thing
Thanks for the ask! ^^
Some notes, this story happens at around 2034 so keep that in mind when I describe.
Full Name: Rebecca Alma Zaragoza.
Gender and sexuality: Identifies as a woman but really doesn't care you could call them Sir and they would reply too, bisexual.
Ethnicity: Mexican/american, 2nd generation.
Birthplace and birthdate: (Sometown I still need to name), Nevada. October 27th, 2002.
Guilty pleasures: 
• Spends more in berry pastries and ice cream than she should.
• Keeps lots of plushies from when she was a kid, a highlight would be Mr. Smiles, a white shark plushie, he is quite patched up at this point.
• Not from her playlist, but she canonically plays music while in the battlefield (Ichiro is the one that provides the playlist).
• A part of her still dreams of getting to play Clara in the Nutcracker, even if she no longer practices ballet in any school.
Phobias: she has a huge fear of her eyes getting anymore damaged than they already are (she is near-sighted and is missing her left eye). She could have a slight case of myxophobia/blennophobia (fear of slimy stuff), but it's not very strong. Quite late in the story she develops a fear of the sound of glass/porcelain breaking.
What would they be famous for: in this sci-fae universe? Probably for helping save the world a couple of times, also her scientific studies, she is into that quantum physics/alternate universe stuff. 
In the mundane AU I eventually ended up making, she's a moderately famous ballerina.
What would they get arrested for: breaking into private property because harassing ghosts is not considered a crime, going over the speed limit, AH! And there's that whole Guardian of the Galaxy style Arc where she goes to space with her alien gf, so add theft and crashing a spaceship, twice (lack of depth perception and a 3-d driving plane is not a good mix).
Oc you ship them with: Phinidea her alien gf/ex (depends of the point in the story) and Nick, a demon of light who picked that name to sound more casual, their real name is kinda unpronounceable (they had an arc with Rebecca that I found very cute and now I kinda ship them now).
Oc most likely to murder them: Mary (first arc antagonist), Dylan (late arc antagonist). It's funny really, Rebecca has come at odds with lots of supernatural beings but the people that want her dead the most are humans.
Favorite movie/book genre: Sci-fi, ironic thing, most of her plot is urban fantasy.
Least favorite movie/book cliché: "Very well trained character, that is most of the time, a woman, ends up being set in second place to a less experienced character, that's often just a random farmboy that for Plot TM reasons has somehow mastered whatever skill she has years training for but in a single week".
Talents/powers: being a warlock for the gods of Death has its perks:
• She's kind of a medium. Can talk, see, hear and touch ghosts. And yes, she has fist fought several of them before.
• Electrokinesis! She can control electricity to some extent, but the ability is a bit, energy draining, if ya get me.
Now, onto the talents:
• Above average sword-fighting skills.
• Average shooting skills.
• Above average ballet skills.
Why someone may love them: behind a cold and harsh exterior, Rebecca is a very caring person, capable of being surprisingly gentle and patient; she likes to motivate people to (this will sound cheesy) follow their dreams and be their best possible selves; perhaps you'll like her curiosity and her passion for learning, how she approaches new knowledge with a wide, hopeful eye; or maybe her drive and determination, that helps her pull through awful situations; dare I say, maybe there's something charming in her hypocritical need to keep a facade of control and composure when she is the work, even if she's probably the worst mess of them all.
Why someone may hate them: for starters, the self righteousness, that one goes hard, Miss believes she can't do nothing wrong until her fuck up blows up in her face and by that point you probably have been affected too; she totally thinks she's hot shit, but note it, she is SO hot she doesn't need to say it, no, she just stands there with the resting bitch face in a "I dare you to impress me" kinda way; a huge hypocrite; acts indignant if you ever allow your emotions to get the best of you; thinks she is somehow better for forcing herself to fit to the standard people place on her and that if you don't you do the same you are weak; she is incredibly judgemental and it's more noticeable than she thinks; did I mention inconsiderate?
How they change: oh, this is my favorite part. When the story begins, Rebecca views herself as someone with huge potential, and she pretty much accepts and takes on every possible expectation that's placed upon her, going higher and higher to please the people she see's "above her" (parents and superiors); but as time goes on she realizes how much this mentality is only making her miserable, she strains herself to be what others want her to be, but her successes are not recognized, to the point she stops recognizing them herself, and only seeing your failures is well, a somewhat harmful mentality. 
But, with the help of  the support net of other characters that she, albeit, unaware, built herself, she comes to the conclusion "Hey, maybe I don't have to be what this asshole who doesn't respect me is demanding from me". And from then on starts her arc to be more accepting with others, and herself; but also to learn to stand up for herself when she needs to.
Why you love them: first off, mean women rights. But now for real, I really like her arc of learning to accept yourself and stand up to those who push you down. Also her arc regarding leadership is funny, because she pretty much asked to be made a leader and once in that position she goes "Ok, actually I suck at this, I want out", she gets out but not after like 30 years and that leaves a mark on her psyche. She genuinely enjoys learning and researching.
Also, she is a warlock of the Gods of Death, sorta retired monster hunter and a ballerina, which, ngl sounds kinda badass to me.
Now, I am aware this can sound a bit tangled, since I haven't really talked about my writing here before. But if anyone here wants to learn more, my ask box and DMs are right there.
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hannahxgryffindor · 7 years
Distant (Draco x Reader) Part 1
Part 2 Writer notes: As I was writing this I realised it’s way longer than I expected it to be, but that’s okay, I think this one’s pretty good, ngl ;) Warnings: None, I think? Genre: Fluff  Summary: You and Draco are best friends, though you’ve always had feelings for him. After Snape moves you away from your usual spot next to Draco in class, in fear of him, a Slytherin, becoming too good of friends with you, a Gryffindor (or if it’s not Slytherin, feel free to change it to Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff). You took this as a warning from Snape and started to distance yourself, doubting he’d ever want to be with you anyway. Things changed, but in the end Draco confronts you as to why you’ve been ignoring him. Word count: 1,329
It was early morning, and heading towards your second class of the day, you scanned the corridors for a particular tall, light haired figure; Draco. You and Draco were best friends, which seemed unlikely as you were in Gryffindor, but you always enjoyed his company, his wit, charm, not forgetting how funny he could be. And him? He liked the fact that, although he was a Slytherin, you could look past his house, reputation and over-dramatic tendencies and except him for the person he was. He never thought a sweet girl like you would even give him the time of day.
You would never admit it to anyone but you greatly admired Draco, so much that any other person would say you were in love with him, but no one else knew, so perhaps you weren’t… but you were. As approaching the classroom doors, and assuming you were still quite early as you were the one of the first one’s there, you found him. He was facing the opposite direction to you, staring at the bottom of the wall in front of him. 
“Draco…” you called out quietly, as not to startle him. He was knocked out of his state of daydream by the sound of your voice and then cleared his throat. “Oh…” He said, and rubbed his right eye with the palm of his hand, “Sorry.” He chuckled lightly, “I was half asleep for a minute there… you alright?” You let out a small laugh while you answered, being more concerned about him. “I’m fine, why are you so tired?” He stared at the light grip you had on your books, holding them up to your chest. You waited for his reply, following his eyes.
“Nothing, I just…” he paused “couldn’t sleep.” He was clearly out of sorts. “Hm, I can tell. Perhaps we can find something for that then. Maybe we could look a bit later for-” You stopped, startled, as you were interrupted by the loud, piercing squeak of Snape unbolting his classroom door and swinging it open.
He stepped out quickly and looked around the few students standing outside, only using his eyes, keeping his chin up. “Enter.” He instructed, slowly breaking up the two syllables and barely moving his lips apart before turning swiftly to walk to his desk.
You were inaudible as you giggled through a sigh and then looked towards Draco. He smiled back at you, almost like he was admiring how you found humour even in the most tense of situations. You were both still amused by Snape’s usual odd behaviour. Whist walking in you squeezed his arm, reassuring him that you’d continue your conversation after class. He gave you a wink, assuring you of the same.
You suddenly went shy, and smiling to yourself, you made your way to the desk at the front of the class that you shared with Draco. Yet, you were interrupted again by Snape.
“Miss Y/l/n, place yourself next to Miss Granger. That will remain your usual seat for the rest of term.” He stood in front of you. “Professor-” You started your sentence questionably toned, but he interrupted you again for the third time.
“The matter is not up for debate.” He said in the same tone. You looked to Draco as you swallowed a small gulp of air. His eyes were widened, as if he was warning you to do as Snape said, after all he was the only one who knew more of what he was capable of. “Now, Miss Y/l/n.” Snape said, more sternly, as if he was commenting on the moment of silence you and Draco had just spent staring at each other.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to sit next to Hermione, in fact you two were quite good friends, but you and Draco always sat next to each other in Snape’s class. Although you weren’t really allowed to talk, you would help each other with work by pointing at sections of the book, shaking or nodding your heads to confirm the information, and passing notes. It was some of the only quality time you had together.
You huffed, dragged your books off the table, and planted yourself next to Hermione’s seat. Draco had watched you move from the place you stood behind your normal seat to the one the next row on the right and 3 behind. You didn’t notice this, and he was stood behind his seat for a few more seconds looking at you, until he also realised Snape had his eye on him, and he sat down.
Hermione hadn’t turned up yet, but you expected her to be okay with the changes, no one had the seat next to her anyway. You looked up after opening your book and found Snape focused on you from the front of the room, his expression blank. “Y/n?” Hearing Hermione’s voice from behind, you turned to break the far too long moment of eye contact you shared with the Professor. “Hermione-” “Has Snape moved you?” She was puzzled, and glanced at him for a second. “Yes,” You continued as she took her seat next to you, “and not that I don’t want to sit next to you but… I don’t really understand why.” Looking back up again, he moved his eyes from you to look around the room as more students came in. It seemed as though he was looking for something. “Yes, it does seem odd. Normally when Professor Snape picks a seating plan he sticks to it.” Hermione added, and you shared a look, clearly both suspicious. 
Nearly everyone had arrived to lesson, and Professor Snape waited to start as he watched the last group of students walk in. Then he announced something quite loudly. “Miss Virago, please take the seat next to Mr Malfoy.”
‘Who?’ You thought. You’d never really seen her, and by the look on his face, neither had Draco as he turned to look at her. She did as she was instructed. You looked to see her walk from behind you. Her tie was green and silver; a Slytherin, and her face quite preen. “Who is that?” You whispered to Hermione, sounding hurt. “I don’t know, but she’s rather pretty, isn’t she?” You also thought this, and replied sadly “Yes, I suppose she is.” Hermione saw how you were gazing at the two of them, the dark-eyed girl now giving Draco a polite smile, and then realised why your tone was so blue. “I mean, for a Slytherin.” She added. You gave her a sad smile, trying to thank her for her efforts to cheer you up. It was obvious that she now knew how you felt towards Draco but you didn’t mind. Hermione wasn’t the sort to tell anyone of this.
You looked back and didn’t take your eyes from Draco and the girl for a few seconds until Snape walked towards your desk, which you didn’t notice until he very quietly spoke. “Miss Y/l/n, suppose you and Mr Malfoy not waste time being demonstrative towards one another you might presumably get some respectable work done.” He was staring down at you. Hermione had her head down, pretending to read as she listened in on Snape’s remark. You narrowed your eyes in on him, but trying to intimidate the most intimidating teacher in the whole school was no use. He turned and walked back to the front of the class. Draco watched the whole encounter. Hermione passed you a small note under the table, so as not to be noticed by Snape. It read:
‘If you’d like to sit with us for dinner, you can. And you can talk to me about anything, if you’d like.’
You mouthed a ‘thank you’ to her and she nodded. When class was over you left with Hermione. Not saying anything to Draco. Not even glancing at Professor Snape for a second. You just got up and left.
Thanks for reading! Message me and let me know if you liked it.
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