#nct short story
haesunshin · 3 months
unexpected confessions | JJH
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pairing: jaehyun x f!reader ft. bff karina
word count. 1.3k
genre. roommate!au, fluff, angst, romance.
summary. As you navigate college life, your feelings for your charismatic roommate, Jaehyun, become increasingly complex. Despite his charming demeanor, his reputation as a playboy casts doubt on your budding attraction. Caught between your growing affection and fear of heartbreak, you must confront your true emotions before it's too late. In this tale of love and self-discovery, unexpected confessions and unforeseen challenges test the boundaries of friendship and romance.
a/n. not proofread.. this is my first so i made it short since i'm not really good with long stories hehe. thought i'd make it about jaehyun since his my ult, hope you guys will like it!
likes and reposts are appreciated <3
You trudge through the bustling campus, your mind a whirlwind of exhaustion. The weight of your textbooks feels heavier than usual as you make your way back to your shared apartment, with your roommate Jaehyun, who you (secretly) have feelings for.
As you step through the door, a wave of nervous anticipation washes over you. Jaehyun is here, finally. You've been waiting all day to see him, to be near him. But being near him was always challenging for you. He somehow always managed to make you nervous and lose your composure. And today was no different as he meets you with his mischievous grin, leaning casually against the kitchen counter.
"Well, well, well, look who decided to grace us with their presence. Rough day at school, huh?" He winks playfully, teasing you as you drop your bag with a tired sigh.
"You know, they say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but I think my heart is already pretty fond of you, no matter how long you've been gone."
He was hoping to catch your attention and make you smile, which did work.
You force a small smile in response to Jaehyun's antics, but inside, your heart was racing with uncertainty. Feeling a blush creep up your cheeks, you manage a shy smile and a soft chuckle, unsure of how to respond to his playful remark.
"Uh, well, I, uh... Thanks, Jaehyun," you stammer, fidgeting with the strap of your bag. "It's nice to, um, be back." Your words come out in a timid whisper, betraying the fluttering of your heart at his flirtatious remarks.
His charm and charisma have always intimidated you, leaving you tongue-tied and awkward in his presence. You've never known how to respond to his advances, always fearing that you'll fall for his smooth words and captivating smile.
As you dial Karina's number, your heart pounds in your chest, the weight of your emotions threatening to overwhelm you. When she answers, you take a deep breath, your voice trembling slightly as you try to articulate the whirlwind of thoughts and feelings swirling inside you.
"Hey, Karina," you begin softly, your words hesitant at first. "I, um... I don't really know where to start. It's about Jaehyun..." You pause, trying to gather your thoughts as you struggle to put your feelings into words.
"He's just so... charismatic, you know? Every time he walks into the room, it's like everything else fades away. And his smile... it's like sunshine on a rainy day. But... but I'm scared, Karina. Scared of what it means to feel this way about him."
Your voice cracks with emotion as you continue, tears welling up in your eyes. "I don't know if I can trust him, Karina. He's so... charming, but he also has this reputation, you know? I'm afraid of getting hurt, of falling for someone who might not feel the same way about me."
On the other end of the line, Karina listens intently as you pour out your heart, confessing your feelings of insecurity and confusion.
"I hear you, Y/N," she says gently, "but sometimes, we have to take risks, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. If Jaehyun means that much to you, you owe it to yourself to at least try to talk to him about how you feel."
She continues, her tone encouraging. "You'll never know what could happen if you don't take that leap of faith. And who knows, maybe Jaehyun feels the same way about you but is just like you, too afraid to say anything. You won't know until you have that conversation with him."
Karina's words resonate with you, stirring a sense of courage and determination within you. Despite your fears and uncertainties, you know deep down that she's right. You owe it to yourself to be honest about your feelings and to confront Jaehyun about the growing connection between you.
With a sigh of gratitude, you say to Karina, "Thank you, Karina. I don't know what I would do without you. You always know how to find the right words to lift up my mood."
Karina smiles warmly from the other end of the line. "You're welcome, Y/N. I'm just glad I could help. Remember, I'm here for you, no matter what. Now go ahead and talk to Jaehyun. You've got this, I know you do."
After one final exchange of encouragement and thanks, you hang up with Karina. With a newfound sense of determination, you mentally prepare yourself to approach Jaehyun and open your heart to him, but you still couldn’t shake the fear that lies deep within you, the fear of being hurt by someone with a reputation like Jaehyun's. In fact, Jaehyun was known around campus as a bit of a player. People talked about how smooth he was, always flirting and charming everyone he met. He seemed to have a new girl every week, and it left some wondering if there was more to him than just his charming smile and confident attitude.
But fate has a cruel sense of timing, as you soon discover on that fateful evening. Exhausted and emotionally drained, you stumble upon a scene that shatters your heart into a million pieces. Jaehyun, your roommate, making out with another girl on your sofa.
As you catch sight of him with her, your heart sinks. You never wanted to see him like this, tangled up in someone else's arms. But before he can even explain, you turn and flee to your room, leaving him standing there, feeling like the biggest fool on the planet.
Tears blur your vision as you dial Karina's number, your voice trembling with heartache as you recount the painful sight you just witnessed.
"Karina…" You say in tears.
"Aw baby, what happened?"
How could you have been so foolish to fall for someone like Jaehyun, someone who clearly doesn't see you the same way?
The night drags on, filled with restless tossing and turning as Jaehyun agonizes over the thought of facing you in the morning. With a heavy heart and a determined resolve, he rises before dawn to prepare a heartfelt apology and a gesture of sincerity.
The next morning as you open the door, you find Jaehyun standing there with a contrite expression and a tray of breakfast in hand, your heart swells with a mixture of emotions.
"Hey," he begins, his voice softer than usual. "I, uh, I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I know what you saw must have looked bad, but I promise, it's not what it seemed."
You hesitate, unsure of how to respond. The hurt from yesterday still lingers, but there's a sincerity in Jaehyun's eyes that you can't ignore. "What happened?" you finally ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
Jaehyun takes a deep breath, his gaze never leaving yours. "I was drunk," he admits, his tone tinged with regret. "I didn't consent to what happened with that girl. She took advantage of me, and I'm sorry that you had to see that." "After seeing you on the doorstep, I realized what was going on and immediately separated myself from her but it was too late, you were already gone."
His words hit you like a punch to the gut, and for a moment, you're at a loss for words. But then, the floodgates open, and you find yourself confessing everything—the feelings you've been hiding, the pain of seeing him with someone else, the fear of being hurt.
"I'm sorry too," you whisper, tears welling in your eyes. "I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I just... I care about you, Jaehyun. More than I should."
Jaehyun's eyes widen in surprise, and then, slowly, a smile spreads across his face. "You do?" he asks, hope and disbelief mingling in his voice.
You nod, your heart pounding in your chest. "Yeah," you reply, a shy smile tugging at your lips. "A lot actually."
In that moment of vulnerability and honesty, the walls between you crumble away, leaving only the raw intensity of your emotions. And as your lips meet in a tentative kiss, you both know that this is just the beginning of something beautiful, something unexpected, something real.
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mrkerina · 22 days
Decent ; park jisung
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— (high school au) in which you’re insecure and he worries about you.
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Pairing — Park jisung (nct) x fem!reader
Word count — 1384
Content — You have never gotten validation all your life, life felt a little bleak but he managed to light it up even if for only a moment.
Author’s note — I decided that i’ll post for leisure, still love the feeling of just writing. I’m a sucker for words of affirmation btw.
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You look decent.
Your grades are decent.
Your skills are decent.
Decent. That is just what she was. Regardless of how much tireless effort she places in everything she does, all she ends up with is that one word - Decent.
It has never been anything more nor anything less. She felt suffocated by that word like she could never be recognised for being something more. It was as if she was just a figment of imagination in a sea of people. No one wanted someone who was just decent.
They would always go for exceptionally good people. The ones who stood out. Those that were way more skillful, talented or smart in everything they do.
It was just unfair.
Why is it that she was never anything more than decent to anyone? Why did she have to struggle so much just to try to be something better?
Perfection seemed unattainable. She felt as if she always fell short from everyone around her. She could study for days for a test but still score decently as compared to others who study the night before and still do better than her.
Maybe it was just her method of studying that was not suited for her, but to her - it felt like she just had something lacking in every aspect of her life.
Just like everything else in life, there are always two ends of the spectrum. In this case, Park Jisung was everything but decent. From his looks to the way he dances so flawlessly and smoothly, everything about him was exceptional.
No one is perfect, but he sure comes close to being perfect. You were envious of him. He had the reputation that everyone wanted, it felt like he had his entire life already laid out in front of him. It was easy to tell where he was headed towards, whether or not he would be successful in life. Everything just felt easy for him, while you had to constantly suffer from the pessimistic thoughts of not being able to make it far in life - ending up with a job that you absolutely hate to do.
From Jisung’s perspective though, it would be a lie if he said that his life was not easy. It did feel like he could have everything and anything he wanted, he didn’t feel like a complete failure. But that was exactly what kept him up at night - the fear of failing.
He constantly worked to make himself seem like a strong person, someone who was so accomplished and had everything set out in life. And he is successful at doing just that, in accomplishing everything he puts his mind to, everything except for you.
“Okay class, settle down, I will be giving back your test papers that you did two weeks ago,” the teacher’s voice roared through the class. “I would like to congratulate Park Jisung on getting full marks….again.” A round of applause sounded throughout the class as he smiled shyly at the attention as he went up to take his paper. His eyes skimmed the class and towards the girl in the corner who was just staring out of the window into space.
Unknowingly, the corners of his lip tilted down slightly and a slight wave of sadness washed through him.
As people walked to the front one by one to collect their papers, his eyes couldn’t help but drift towards you. When it reached your turn, you took the paper in anticipation but when you saw the score on the front page, your heart sank.
64%. That was the usual grade that you got and yet you still couldn’t help but feel disappointed over and over again. Your classmates were all squealing at their scores while you sat back at your seat silently. Another test that you studied hard for and yet still didn’t improve nor get a score that you wanted.
“For those who did well, good job. For those who didn’t do as well, go home and reflect, and do better next time. You are all dismissed.”
You sighed in defeat, looking through your mistakes as you stayed at your seat while everyone else in class ran out of the door. Your heart felt heavy, as you started to grip the paper progressively harder the more you stare at it.
Once it was only you left in class, it was as if it was the trigger as the tears started rolling down your face. One came after another until you were full-on sobbing. The pressure just felt too much for you, and the disappointment that came with it just further aggravated the emotions that you felt.
Your future felt bleak. How can you pursue something if you weren’t good at anything?
In this vulnerable moment, a boy happened to rush into the classroom. Seemingly in a rush to grab something but got alarmed when he saw the teary-eyed girl sitting in the corner. Jisung stopped in his tracks, grimacing when the door slammed behind him causing you to jump in surprise.
You didn’t expect anyone to come in, especially him.
You vigorously jumped into action, wiping away your tears and calming yourself down. Although it didn’t exactly work, you continued to hiccup and looked away from the boy who looked like a deer caught in headlights.
He let out an awkward cough. “Um..sorry…I forgot to grab something…” he trailed off. You simply nodded in response, still facing away from him, not wanting him to see you in this state. Jisung hesitated before asking “are you okay?”
“Yes,” you softly replied, your voice slightly choked up from the lump in your throat. “I’m fine.”
The boy walked to his desk to take his phone before walking back towards the door but paused midway. In his head he knew that maybe he should just leave her alone to sort out her feelings but he couldn’t simply shake away the tightening of his chest with every sob that she quietly let out in the midst of the silent classroom.
With a goal in mind, he turned back around and quietly took a seat opposite her. His palms started sweating as his brain spun sentences on what to say or do. After a few wordless moments, he finally spoke up. “Do you want to talk about it?” He questioned softly, not wanting to scare the girl. “Uh or if you’re uncomfortable I can actually leave…maybe i’m just being intrusive, if so i’m sorry,” he started rambling.
You looked up, slightly surprised at how close he was to you. “No, it’s okay. I’m not uncomfortable, I'm just upset about my test that’s all,” you said, mumbling the last part.
“64% is pretty good. Why are you sad? Cheer up okay, there is always a next time!” Jisung smiled trying to be optimistic but stopping when he watched the girl scoff.
“You can say that because you got full marks.”
“Huh what, no, of course not. I’m just saying it is pretty good considering half the class failed.”
You sighed, shoving your test paper in your bag before zipping it up. “It’s just a decent score, there is nothing good about it,” You muttered. “Nevermind, you can go, I’ll be fine. You’re right, it is just another test I did decently in. Whatever. I’ll just leave after I look better, you can go though, thanks for checking in on me.”
You looked back out the window, resting your chin on your palm, expecting him to leave. However, instead, Jisung grabbed a pen from your pencil case and took a post-it paper that he kept under his table before scribbling on it. He left it on the corner of your table before quietly turning around to leave.
“Just text me if you ever need help in anything or uh just need someone to talk to okay?” He said before closing the door behind him.
You looked at the post-it after the door closed with a thud. Your heart warmed reading it, your lips stretching into a small smile. Hope bloomed in your chest, maybe everything will be okay.
You are never just decent to me.
You did well, I’m proud of you :)
It’ll get better.
Here is my number if you ever need it
— Jisung.
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itsbackwoodsbby · 6 months
please write more haechan smut 🙏
Response: did you really enjoy that haechan smut pookie? as i stated before, i am not a hyuck girl, so i hope that i am doing a good job in writing for him. anywho, i hope that you all enjoy this.
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Private Lovers
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Highschool Haechan! x Highschool Black Fem Reader!
(A/N: Can you believe we are actually using protection this time? I can’t either.)
Warning: Smut! Swearing! Arguing!
Summary: You and Hyuck have been together for a hot minute, like five months, but no one knows. It’s not because of school social groups or anything. You two hang with the same group of people. You two would just rather not have other people in your business. people can be rude and judgmental. But one day at school, this girl that you particularly disliked starts talking to Hyuck and you see how close they got. You didn't like it. Not one bit.
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You slowly walked out of Chemistry and headed to your locker. You hate your next class. You sigh as you replace your Chemistry textbook with your Calculus textbook. Your best friend, Gia, comes up to you. 
“Hey Y/N. Are you ready to see your grade on the Calculus test?” She asks you. “No, Gi. I’m not.” You sigh and lean on your locker. 
Gia, opposite from you, loves Calculus. She offers that every time you slightly pass your test could she tutor you, but you politely decline. You’re still an A student, so you don’t care about the class too much. However, you think this test probably fucked that A you had up. It was super hard, but instead of studying and getting Gia to help you, you want to hang out with your boyfriend, Hyuck, and do … dirty things. 
So when you walked into Calculus and saw your paper flipped over, you already knew the deal. You face palmed grabbed the paper and flipped it over. You damn near faint when you see that 54 in a circle with red ink. Luckily, Gia is there to catch you if you were to fall, but when she saw your grade she almost fell out too. 
“It’s okay, Y/N. We got a few more tests before the final.” Gia says, trying to cheer you up, but the feeling you had wasn’t so great and it was hard to shake off. “Hey, I’ll even tutor if you’re okay with it.” She says making you smile. “Yeah. I’m definitely taking that tutor session.”
You two laugh and you learn some new things in Calculus. You make sure you have your notes in order, so you can try to teach yourself as well as learn from Gia. After all that, you were extremely tired. Your hand was cramping trying to write all the notes in and to make matters worse, your Calculus teacher gave you HOMEWORK. As soon as the bell rings, you’re the first thing out the door. You put your Calculus book into your bookbag and head back to your locker to get your History book.
“Aw, look at Hyuck with Jasmine.” Gia says, “As much as I hate the girl, Hyuck and her look so cute together.” She adds in.
You look at them together. Jasmine was playing in Hyuck’s hair and playing with his adorable moles. He didn’t flinch. He didn’t tell her to move. He just let her do it like you weren’t his girlfriend. 
“No, they wouldn’t.” Your voice cracked as soon as that new attitude came in. “He would look better with someone.” You roll your eyes at the statement. She just laughs, “It’s just because you don’t like her. I don’t blame you though. I don’t like the hoe either. But you can’t deny the truth.” She smiles at them. 
Jasmine starts giggling at something Hyuck says and she touches his nose. You slam your locker close and head to your History class without saying goodbye to Gia. History was your favorite subject, but between failing your test and your boyfriend being that close with that ska-girl Jasmine, you honestly just wanted to go home. So when there were five minutes left in class. You excuse yourself to the bathroom. The teacher just tells you to take your stuff with you. You just rush out the door, go to your car and drive home. You usually would meet up with Hyuck, but he pissed you off so bad, you didn’t even reply to his text messages. 
As soon as you arrive home, you go into your room and start your Calculus homework. You put on your hype playlist and blast it. You honestly didn’t care if it was too loud, you just wanted to block out the world as you did your work. Your homework was pretty easy to follow with the notes, so you finished pretty quickly and looked at your phone. You had messages from Gia and Hyuck.
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You roll your eyes at Hyuck’s messages and reply back to Gia:
“hey, gia. i’m not upset at you for saying that. i’m so sorry i stormed off on you like that.”
You two text for a moment and then you tell her you’re about to shower and to give you a few minutes. You go shower, lotion up, and put on this. Your tummy growls and you start looking around for food in the fridge. There’s a fruit plate with a note from your mom.
“Hey Stinkabutt. I got your favorite fruits and there is some cheese if you want to feel like the boujee child of mine you are. I love you. I’ll be home in the morning. I have to work double. P.S. If you get hungry, just call me and I’ll bring you something to eat.” 
You smile. You don’t have to worry about your mom getting off tonight asking you about how your day was because you honestly don’t want to utter anything about today to anyone. Including your mom, who would completely flip out about the 54 on your test. So you decided to rest. You head to your room, eat your fruit plate, and drink some water.
Around four something, there’s a knock on the front door. You groan. “Who the fuck is the door?” You thought to yourself. Slowly trudging down the stairs, you eventually make it to the door. 
“Who is it?” You ask. “It’s me.” The voice says. You roll your eyes. The voice sounds too familiar for you not to know that it’s Hyuck on the other side of the door. “Why are you here?” You say coldly, as you open the door. “Because it’s four-thirty and my girlfriend still hasn’t talked to me. I texted you at two-fifty five.” You shrug, “And?” Hyuck is upset by your cold responses to him. “Y/N, can I at least come in?”
You look at him like he’s crazy. You didn’t want to talk to him let alone sit in the same room as him. You let him in anyway and the two of you sit on the couch. Just not talking. Or you just avoiding Hyuck’s question: “Are you mad at me?” The more he asked the question, the more your facial expressions were getting more intense.
Eventually, you just blow up, “Yes. Yes, Hyuck! I am mad at you. Because you want to be all up in other bitches faces and let them touch your face.” He looks at you confused, “Who was in my face today?” You look at him, “Jasmine.” Then he sits there and looks at you like you’re stupid. “You know I wouldn’t fuck with Jasmine. She likes everyone at the school.” He says. “I don’t know. You surely let the bitch touch your moles and touch your nose. She was ALL up on you and you didn’t move. You didn’t tell her to move. You didn’t say “Please do not touch your hair.” No, you just let the bitch do it.” He shakes his head, “You’re being childish.”
You look at Hyuck in disbelief. How are you being childish? This is seriously something to be mad about. Hyuck is too friendly and thinks every interaction with a girl is so innocent, so you just start being quiet to avoid getting mad at him even more. 
“Can you just please get out of my house?” You attempt to say in a calm voice. “I don’t even want to talk to you anymore.” You sigh and stand up to walk him out of your house. “No. We’re going to talk this shit out.” He looks at you and pulls you onto his lap and wraps his arms around your waist. He starts rocking you. It soothes you a bit.
“Now, Y/N tell me what’s wrong?” He asks you. “I told you, you were too close to Jasmine.” You close your eyes and sigh. “You didn’t even check on me after Calculus like you usually do. You were instantly in Jasmine's face as soon as it ended. And I failed my test. I made a 54. My grade dropped. Now, I have to really pay attention in that class.” Hyuck frowns, “Oh. I’m so sorry baby.” He says pecking your neck. “Then, Gia said that you and Jasmine would be a cute couple, but you’re already MY boyfriend.” You finally decompress into Hyuck’s body. “Today was just ass and tiring.”
Hyuck decided to make your day better, divide your legs apart, and start eating you out. His face was completely covered in your juices. You arch your lower half up on his face. “Yes, yes. Hyuck!” You moan out. He looks up at you and slides a finger up and down your clit before he puts it inside you. You down at him as he begins pumping faster, “You like that, baby girl?” He asks you. “Oou, yes! Yess, Hyuck.” You moan out. He adds another and starts sucking on your clit. You gasp throw your head back and look at the ceiling. He pulls your lower half up closer to his face and starts gripping your thighs. “Fuck! Fuck! Baby, I’m going to cum.” 
Hyuck smiles as he continues his job. You cum in his mouth and slowly lower your body back on the bed. You close your eyes and try to regain normal thoughts in your head. As you are coming down from your climax, Hyuck has been putting on a condom, and the whole time you didn’t know. He rubs your clit with his thumb, getting you even wetter. You bite your lips and smile. “What are you doing, Hyuck?” You ask him with your eyes still closed. “Just relax baby.” He smiles and kisses you.
As he’s kissing you, he gently slides his dick into your pussy making you moan into the kiss. He didn’t put all of it in you. Instead, he was giving you slow strokes inch by inch. With every inch, he speeds it up. You wrap your arms around him and kiss him again to keep from moaning too much, but he shakes his head, “Baby, let me hear my pretty little slut.” He says as he goes deeper inside of you. “Ouu shit! Fuck, baby.”
By the time it was fully in, your legs were shaking and you were clawing his back up with your nails. Tears were streaming down your face and you couldn’t form a full sentence because you’d lost all sense. “Mm, is my little slut okay?” He asks you with a cheeky smirk on his face. You moan, “Yess! Yess!” You grip deeper in his back. Hyuck begins to rub on your clit. You start clenching around him. The closer you get to your climax, the more your walls tighten around him. “Baby, baby, I’m coming again. I’m coming again.” Hyuck smirks at you, “Nah, I need my pretty slut to cum when I cum.” 
You look up at him and you start whining and begging for him to let you cum. “Please, Hyuck. Let me cum now. Please please.” You see that he loves hearing you begging, but he doesn’t care. He wants you to hold it until he cum. “Oouuu, fuck fuck fuck!” You moan out and cover your face as you start shaking intensely trying to hold it. He smiles, “You’re such a good girl, mamas.” He uncovers your face, “Don’t hide that pretty little face from me. You are so sexy, folding for this dick.” 
Hyuck bends down and kisses your neck. You begin to have an intense tingling sensation as he hits your spot one good time. “Hyuck, shit. Right there. Right there.” He hits it again slowly yet so hard. “Right there, baby?” He teases you. “Yes! Yes baby, right there.” You damn near cry out. He starts abusing that spot. “Mm, shit. Baby, do you forgive me for my actions today?” Hyuck groans in your ear. You refuse to answer him, so he gives long slow strokes that have a whole lot of power behind them, “I said do you forgive me for my actions today.” He repeats and wraps his hand around your neck. “Yes, Hyuck. Yes. I forgive you.” You whine out, loving every moment of this. He resumes abusing your spot. 
As you were clenching around him, you felt his member throbbing. “Mm, Y/N. Cum with me.” He groans in your ear. “Cum on my dick, baby girl.” His words sent a shiver down your spine. You start shaking intensely and scream a bit as you let go of your cum and he cums as well. 
He lays on top of you for a moment with his dick still in you. His nut was just as intense as yours. A few moments later, he pulls out and lays beside you, and looks at you. You look back at him and smile. He smiles at you.
“I know sex isn’t really a way to make up things, but I just wanted you to relax and get things off your mind. But I promise you don’t have to worry about me and any other that is not Y/N Y/L/N. Cause I’m so in love with you. I don’t want anyone else. Just you.” You smile and kiss his cheek. “And with a pussy like that, you definitely ain’t gotta worry about me leaving you.” He jokingly says. You playfully hit his arm. “Hyuck!” He laughs, “I’m joking but I’m for real.” 
The two of you take a shower, get dressed, and watch movies together. You call your mom and you get her to order you guys a pizza. One side had pineapples on it for Hyuck and a regular pepperoni pizza for you on the other side.
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thetypingpup · 11 months
i don’t know if you will be into this but one of those ejacualting straps with xiaojun 👀
it's the way i just saw a post about this earlier with a different idol and was instantly intrigued by the concept 😏
no bc he would look so fucking pretty getting his face fucked. just letting you hold both sides of his face while his lips stretch around the toy. he'd look like he's in fucking heaven, eyes slid shut in bliss, cheeks hollowed to suck on the strap, moaning every time the tip hits that stimulating spot in the back of his throat. just imagine him getting genuine pleasure from having his mouth fucked like this, desperately trying to stroke himself with a shaky hand the entire time. he loves every bit of it, the rough tug on his hair, the smoothness of the toy sliding over his tongue, the rough stimulation of the tip bumping against the back of his mouth and sliding down his throat oh he's here for all of it. the way you moan as if you're getting pleasure from this too only adds to the experience, makes him wanna bob his head and suck harder and faster just to please you more. and when you pull back right before you "cum" and start stroking the strap, oh he fucking lives for that moment of anticipation, looking up at you with glassy, faraway eyes and an open mouth, his tongue peeking out ever so slightly to catch the release. fuck imagine painting his pretty face with ropes of cum, the planes of his face being the perfect canvas for the stark white strands. fuck imagine if he had makeup on too, that pristine image of beauty completely defiled by such a lewd side. the whole thing is so fucking erotic to him he could easily cum at the sensation of the cum landing on his face, especially if the warmth seeps into his skin.
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wony1e · 1 month
bf!jeno x gn!reader, short story, fluff
wc: ~240
It was Friday night when you were waiting for Jeno. You got cold, so you decided to put on a hoodie you found on the couch. As you got warmer you fell asleep, tired from dance classes you had earlier. You took them so that you could dance next to Jeno in the future. When the clock hit midnight, Jeno finally came back from his meeting with his family. You started shuffling on the couch after the sound of Jeno opening doors woke you up. "Jeno?" you called out afterwards. "Yes baby, did I wake you up? Sorry love" he answered. You sat up as he walked into the room. "Is that my hoodie?" he asks. "Oh, you're right. I got cold and just wore the first thing I found" you admit, blushing slightly and immediately trying to take it off. "No, no, it's okay you can wear it" Jeno stopped you before you could do anything. "You look very cute in my hoodie. You should wear it more often from now on sunshine" he proposed while giving you his iconic eye smile. You smile back at him as you proceed to smuggle into his side. You consider yourself very lucky to have Jeno as your boyfriend. "I love you so much jeno", "I love you too y/n". And as you fall asleep, you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with him.
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kpopsexstories · 4 months
BREAK! My "Most Memorable Sexual Experiences of NCT" series will now take a break while I write the remaining stories
With Jaehyun's story that I posted yesterday (Feb 12, 2024), it's time for a break in the Most Memorable Sexual Experiences of NCT short story/smut series.
By break, I mean a posting break. I'll be spending this time writing the remaining six stories, meaning that for me it's the opposite of a break: Xiaojun, Taeil, Jeno, Jaemin, Winwin and Lucas are still to come 😊
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I have no idea how long this break will last...
...but the last one was for about a month and a half. I already have drafts for the above members, but a lot of work still remains.
While you wait, you can check out (and follow!) the blog to find all k-pop smut stories I've published, and request a story for my other on-going series, Quick Fix Dirty Kpop Imagines.
Can you believe that with just the 15 "Most Memorable Sexual Experiences" stories I've published so far, I've written the length of a full-length novel! That's pretty insane now that I look back on it. I'm having a lot of fun with this project! 😀
For more information on the "Most Memorable Sexual Experiences of NCT" series, check out the posting schedule.
Will the blog be silent during the break? No, because I have some other stuff coming that I think you'll love! 😍
I started this blog to write smut specifically for NCT, and I always knew I wanted to start with more realistic sex as in the "Most Memorable Sexual Experiences" series.
But if you've paid attention, you already know that I'm expanding my horizon. The Quick Fix Dirty Kpop Imagines series is already running, and I've got more "Quick Fix" stories coming while my main series is on break! This means both a different, wilder style and members of other k-pop groups.
In fact, starting this week I'll be posting TWO "Quick Fix" stories per week, at least for a few weeks – and for the first time on this blog, they are stories with non-NCT members!
BTS Namjoon is up next (tomorrow, Wednesday February 14, 2024), and on Saturday TXT Soobin makes an appearance.
NSFW K-pop Smut Series: "Quick Fix Dirty K-pop Imagines"
The "Quick Fix" series has significantly shorter stories that focus exclusively on the sex, and makes you the other character:
Short, sweet & to the point – no fluff or backstory, just sex!
Written with you as the other character; imagine yourself in the scenario (having sex with your bias!)
Slightly wilder sex than most stories in the "Most Memorable" series.
Mixed members & k-pop idols from various groups.
Requests open – visit the blog to request a story!
So, the blog won't be dead just because I need more time to finish the "Most Memorable Sexual Experiences of NCT" series.
And, once I'm ready with the stories for the six remaining NCT members, a new, longer NCT story will be posted every Monday again, for six weeks straight.
Beyond that, I'll let you in on a little secret: when the NCT series comes to an end, I'll be expanding the "Most Memorable Sexual Experiences" series to other groups.
What a great start to 2024 so far, huh? 😄 Thank you so much for reading and following!
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imnotjaesblog · 1 year
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To my First Love, my lilac this is my silent love letter to you- Mark Lee
Over 5k words.
Suggestive, Smut, Fluff & Slight Angst. Minors do not read!
I hope you enjoy my first short story here.
It was around eight when my father finally came out the basement. He had been there since he came home from work.
“How was work?” My mom asked him. My dad remained silent focusing on undoing his tie, taking it off he picked up his fork. “Fine” he chewed his food. Keeping his eyes on his plate. This was the first time he sat at the table with us in months. “Well that’s nice” my mother tried to save the conversation, but it only became more awkward. She placed down her fork and knife looking directly at my father who kept his eyes on his plate. “My boss was a real jerk today” she began, “He made me do so much more paperwork for a mess he created. I mean can you believe it?” She said frustrated. My father shrugged “That’s great” he said with a sigh like it was painful for him to care.
“Honey, are you even listening?” She asked him. She only knew the answer but couldn’t help herself. My father remained quiet only lasting about five more minutes at the table before he picked up his food and left for the basement. Small beats of silence passed before my mother spoke. “You can leave if you want to Y/n. You don’t have to stay” she said keeping her disappointed eyes on her plate. I decided to stay and finish my meal.
How did I get so lucky with you?” She asked. I shrugged “I guess I’m a miracle baby” she chuckled eating some of her dinners. “That you are” Laying awake in my bed as the rain poured outside my window I played with the hem of my blanket. I wonder what went wrong. Between my mother and father. They used to be so in love. My father always brought my mother her favorite flower every day when he came home from work. One lilac, just one. When they first met he was too poor to buy an entire boquete, so he brought her one flower for their first date. It became their thing. He still brings her a flower every day even though he could now afford hundreds of flowers, he still gave her one. She was his first love and he was hers. I wonder where it went wrong? Now the last flower he brought her was months ago. She tried to keep it alive but it had died.
As I lay awake I hear a tap on my window, looking up I see my boyfriend Mark. Shaking my head trying to keep my smile hidden I walk over to the window. Opening it I help Mark inside helping him remove his soaked, heavy jacket. “What are you doing here?” I ask as Mark takes off his sneakers placing them next to my desk. He shakes his head like a dog removing water from its fur. He looks up into my eyes. “I wanted to see you,” he said stepping closer to me and kissing my lips. I smiled into the kiss, kissing him back and placing my arms around his neck. Pulling him closer to me, walks us further into the room his hands sliding down from my breath to my waist. “Mhm, no bra?” He questioned going back to kissing me. Slightly pushing him off me I let him sit down at my desk.
I take my place right on his lap not caring about his wet jeans. Placing my legs over his he holds onto me so I don’t fall kissing me again. “I missed you,” he said. I chuckled looking deeply into his eyes. “You saw me a couple of hours ago” he shook his head holding onto my inner thigh. His hand traveled lower, I sucked in a breath. His fingers could feel the heat where I wanted him most. He pouted kissing my lips and holding onto me tightly. “It’s not enough. You know the summer is almost over. We don’t have much time together” he whispered against my neck leaving a trail of wet kisses. My smile slowly started to fade. Pushing him off lightly I looked into his brown eyes. I spent so much time making happy memories with Mark I’d forgotten that soon I’d have to let him go.
Once summer was over Mark was leaving off to college and so was I. He would be going to Stanford and I would be going to Harvard, all the way on the other side of the country. He and I had both assumed long distance wouldn’t work so we spent the time we had now together..“Let’s not talk about that now” I begin playing with his fingers that rested on my thigh. Lifting my face towards him I smile, “Let’s make good memories, eat good food and stay healthy so that you can visit me, okay?” I smiled. Mark smiled nodding his head and leaning in closer to me.
“Okay. Let’s take care of ourselves and enjoy this moment together” he leaned in and kissed me lifting me and holding me in his arms as he made his way to my bed. Laying me down he hovered over me. Leaning into my neck he kissed his way up to my lips. His fingers trailed along my stomach which was slightly exposed due to the thin layer of material of a tank top that once covered it. The tips of his fingers tickled causing me to chuckle. Mark chuckled as well laying his hand flat this time and kissing my lips. Lowering himself further down my body I leaned up on my elbows watching as he kissed down my stomach. Sneaking a glance at me I watched as he pulled my shorts down. I lifted my butt in the air so that he could easily pull down the shorts. Tossing them to the side he pulled my panties down as well.
Spreading my legs open for Mark I wasn’t even shy. I had done this for him so many times already that my mind and body weren’t cables of being shy around him. He’s seen me at my best and worst. Spreading my folds with his cool finger I moaned when he flicked his thumb over my clit. He smirked licking his lips at the sight of my dripping cunt. Leaning forward his wet tongue began to lick my clit as his fingers dance around my entrance. “Mark” I whined growing impatient. He chuckled leaning closer to me. “I’m sorry baby I’m just trying to make good memories”he flirted. “What kind of memories? Memories of eating me out?” I asked letting my elbows set me down on my back. He smiled, “That and I need something to think about when you’re away” I rolled my eyes smiling at the corny comment. I lightly kicked him with my foot. Mark leaned in sucking on my clit causing me to moan into my hand, still, the moan was loud. Mark removed one of his hands from my thigh holding it over my mouth. “Shh,” he said against my pussy immediately going back to sucking and playing with her. Once I finished I went to suck him off.
At first, he told me no that I didn’t have to, but agreeing to palm him through his jeans he was on board. Sucking off Mark was always enjoyable. I loved watching the way his face changed when I finally touched him or when I finally placed him in my mouth. The way his head fell back at the sight of me sucking him deep into my mouth. There was something so beautiful about watching a man completely crumble underneath me or above me. Watching Mark’s chest rise up and down made me think about riding him. He tapped my shoulder letting me know he was gonna cum. Pushing me off I licked my lips taking off my tank top. Pushing back into my bed I got on top of him. “Let me ride you” I whined. He quickly nodded taking off his shirt and placing me on top of his cock. He moved me up a bit to get a hold of his dick. However, the sensation felt too good.
Both of us let out a moan, my pussy jerking off his dick as his tip hit my clit. It was delicious. “Do it again” I said. He nodded gliding me against his cock and holding onto my waist. Silently moaning again I held over my mouth to not make a sound. Mark bit his lip gliding me over his cock again. “Go faster,” I said. Mark instantly started to move my hips faster. I moved with him jerking his cock as his tip hit my clit over and over.
“Fuck” he whispered watching my pussy slide off his dick. His mouth was a gape, his jaw slacked and his eyes trained on watching my pussy glide against his dick. I couldn’t help but watch either. My eyes wandered to his face. I nearly moaned out loud at the sight. As much as I wanted to fuck him right now, It felt too good to stop this. Why didn’t we try this before? Mark jerked me against him faster as he came all over his stomach. His abs puff in and out along with his chest. Sweat glistened on his forehead and body.
Looking up at me he watched my face as he continued to move my hips helping me finish too. Once I came all over his cock he moaned watching and helping to lift me off him. His dick glistened with both our juices in the moonlight. Grabbing a towel I wiped his stomach and he laid me down on my bed and wiped me clean.
The days flew by the end of summer was coming closer than I thought. Mark was such a good distraction from the world. He made every moment together so beautiful and so perfect. We spent days going on dates and whispering little nothings to each other at night wrapped in each other's arms. As much as I didn’t want to think about it, it was going to be hard to let him go. But I have to, both our futures depend on the decisions we make now. Mark considered rejecting Stanford at one point to follow me to Harvard. I told him he was out of his mind to reject his dream school and that he should focus on living a good life. I couldn’t stop him from following his dreams.
Mark had also told me he loved me the night he found out he had gotten accepted to Stanford, I told him I loved him back. A week later I got a letter from Stanford saying I was rejected, and a few more days later I had gotten my acceptance video from Harvard. Mark is my first love. I’ve never felt this way toward anyone before. Mark has only told me how much he loved me once. Other than that he doesn’t mention his feelings to me outside of saying ‘I love you’. Sometimes I wish he did, it’s nice to hear how the person you love feels about you even if you’ve heard the story thousands of times. I know I tell Mark the story the night I realized I loved him all the time because he always ask me to tell it. I don’t mind telling him the story, it makes me happy to know he cares just as much as I do about my feelings for him. As I lay awake at night again, I hear a tapping on my window. Smiling knowing exactly who it was I made my way over to the window. Opening it up I stepped aside for him to enter. However, he remains outside my window.
“Mark, what are you doing? It’s raining again tonight, come inside” I say moving my hand over my head to stop the raindrops from hitting my eyes. He sighs stepping inside but only remaining by the window. I walk further into my room assuming he’d follow but he doesn’t. “Why are you just standing there? You know you’re free to walk around my room” I said flopping in my bed. I pick up my remote. “Do you want to watch a movie? We can watch The Notebook” I wiggle my brows. Mark smiles for a moment but quickly brushes it away. Shaking his head he stands up straight and says.
“I want to break up” Looking away from my tv I look into his eyes.
“What?” I question.
“I want to. I want to break up” he says stuttering. He plays with his fingers his eyes avoiding mine. “Look the summer is almost over and you leave for college soon. We should rip the bandage off now before it hurts later on” I scoff sitting up on my bed and placing my remote down. “Is that really what you want?” I ask. He nods keeping his eyes away from mine.
I nod, “Okay” is all I say.
“I’m sorry” is all he says.
“Don’t be,” I begin. “Mark you know how I feel about love. I love it” I say. “Many things happen to a couple while in love. One of those things is to let the other go if it means they will be happy. I love you so much that if your leaving makes you happy then I will not stand in you’re way. If you think this will make you happy and months later you’ll come back hoping I’m available I want you to know that I will not be waiting for you,” I confess. “Love is not about waiting for the person to be ready. It’s about supporting them in the healthy decisions they choose that make them happy. If you are not happy with me then, I wish you happiness somewhere else” I say opening my window for him to leave.
I silently hoped he wouldn’t, that my profession of love would somehow make him stay. Make him realize this was a mistake. I wished he’d say something to me, anything at this point. All he did was stare at his fingers playing with his thumbs. I sighed growing impatient. I know he has a million things he wants to say, I just wished he’d say them. When the silence started to become unbearable I finally spoke.
“I think it’s best now if you go,” I say slightly annoyed. Mark nods stepping outside the window. Mark lets out a shakey breath his eye falling from mine. Climbing down the tree Mark was starting to regret his decision. The truth was he never wanted to break up. He wanted things to work out, he assumed this would just be easier for both of us. However he couldn’t voice how he felt, he never could. He always got too nervous to say how he felt. Afraid of judgment or something absurd. I would never judge Mark. I didn’t even judge him when he tried to play the flute for me months ago in an attempt to recreate a scene from a movie I loved. He was horrible but I still listened to every note he attempted to hit like it was the best song I had ever heard.
He climbed down the large tree disappearing into the night. I closed my window locking it. Throwing myself into bed I held back my tears picking up my remote I pressed play on the movie. My sadness was replaced with anger. He didn’t even fight for me. He just let me walk away. Holding my pillow I still couldn’t believe it. He didn’t fight at all all he said was
“I’m sorry” that was supposed to make me feel better I rolling my eyes and trying my best to focus on the movie.
Finally, the day had come and it was time to say goodbye. My mom rolled one of two of my suitcases into the trunk of her car. Placing it inside she took mine from my hands sliding the suitcase on top of the other. I put my carry-on inside the trunk, stepping aside so my mother could close the lid. Walking over to my friends I said goodbye sitting inside the car and letting my mom drive me to the airport.
“I'm gonna miss you," she beginning to drive down the neighborhood street. "But I'm also so proud of you. I know you're going to do great things in life, please don't make the same mistakes I did" She said looking over at me, giving me a small smile then turning back to the wheel. "Was dad a mistake?" I asked feeling the air in the car shift. She sighed shaking her head, "We were young when we had you, you know that," She smiled. "I think because we became parents so soon and my focus turned to you our romance died," She said.
“So it's my fault?" I said widening my eyes and slightly hurt. My mother quickly shook her head. "No of course not. What I mean is my life turned into your life and your father's as well. You became our lilac. You are the most important and best thing to happen to us I'm sure of that. What happens between me and your father is our relationship and has absolutely nothing to do with you. I just think he wished he didn't have to grow up so fast" She said truthfully. I nodded turning my head to look out the window and sighing to myself.
Small beats of silence passed before my mom spoke.”How's Mark doing?" she asked. I rolled my eyes lifting my head off my chin. "Mom I don't want to talk about him right now,” She nodded continuing to drive. "I know. I know. I just want to know how you're doing. How are you, honey?" My mom asked slightly worry in her tone.
I sighed placing my hoodie off my head. "I'm fine. This is for the better as he said. We’re gonna be living two completely different lives anyway,” "And that was easy for you, just to leave him," she said concerned for my feelings."I didn’t leave him he left me,” I said. "But are you happy? I know you love him and it's okay if it hurts" I huffed rolling my eyes. Why can't she just drop this? "It doesn’t matter what I feel right now mom. I just want to get to school and forget all about this” I lie. She shakes her head. She can read me like the back of her hand. She knows I’m lying but doesn’t press any further. “I’m surprised you didn’t get a boom box and stand outside his window” I chuckle at the idea, it’s how I asked him to prom.
Clearing my throat I washed away the memory turning on the radio. “Ohhh looks Y/n it’s you’re singing!” My mom said trying to lighten up the mood. She started dancing to the beat. I chuckled allowing her to be my distraction until we got to the airport. 1 year later"Y/n!" my friends called out to me from across campus. I jogged over to them holding onto my bookbag. Hugging each of them I smiled at their presents, they make college life just a little more simple. My friend
Emily placed her arm around me. "Since the semester is over we were wondering what you would be doing for the holiday" She leaned closer to my ear using her eyes to point to the boy in front of me. “Maybe you could be doing Jeno,” she said wiggling her eyebrows. I pushed her off pretending like I was going to hit her. “Stop it,” I say causing her to smirk. “I heard he’s gonna be staying out in Boston. I also heard he has a thing for you" She said sipping her iced coffee.
“The worst kept secret in the world," I said smiling sneaking a glance at the boy who was already looking my way. He quickly turned his head looking up at the sky. I turned away as well. Emily squealed beside me handing me a cup of coffee. “He’s totally into you,” she said. I rolled my eyes as the group started to walk away from where we were standing and down a path. Emily stood beside me linking her arm with mine. As we walked she stopped dead in her path. “What?” I asked concerned checking to see if there was a bug or maybe one of the many lovers I had to hide her from.
“You didn’t answer my question”
“I’m not doing Jeno”
She shook her head, “No the other one”
I tapped my chin thinking of another questioned she asked me. “Well earlier who asked me if Johnny was single”
“Oh yea I did, is he?” She ask holding my arm.
I nodded my head, “Yea but I think he has a thing for Sam” I said.
She frowned in defeat. “Damn. How about TY?”
I thought about it for a moment. “He should be. I haven’t seen him with anyone”
she nodded “Nice you should set me up with him” I chuckled.
I can’t even count how many guys I’ve set her up with this past year. It’s also how we met. Last year on the first day of class she saw me sit next to our now-friend Jamal. She was very attracted to Jamal and like the secret Cupid I am I helped her out. He ended up having a girlfriend that we didn’t know about, but in the end, we ended up getting a friendship out of it so that’s even better. She stopped again.
“What now?” I question. "What are you doing for the holidays? Going back home? Staying here?" She asked. I thought about it for a moment. My mom said it would be okay if I stood in Boston if I wanted to but I already stood out in Boston last year and went to see her during spring break. That was around the same time I saw Mark at the grocery store with his brother. Nothing was ever more awkward than his brother trying to make small talk between us. However, I know it would hurt her if I didn't show "I think I'm gonna go home. I haven't seen my family in a while" My friend nodded her head understanding. "I get it. We'll miss you" she said hugging me. I pushed her off,
“Wait" she raised a brow. "What?" she asked."Why don't you guys come with me? My mom will love the company" my friend smiled a bright smile. "Really? she would be okay with that?" She asked almost slipping her drink. I nodded, "She should be. I'll call her" I said. Making my way back to my friends I went to tell them the news but before I could speak my phone dinged.
217- 588-8662- How are you?
I immediately recognized the number.
“You okay?" my friend asked as I stared at my phone. Lifting my head I nodded. "I'm fine" shutting off my phone I caught up with my friends. Three days later. My mom opened the door with wide arms and a big smile for me and my friends. Wearing an apron and gloves she welcomed us all in. She hugged me and my friend group. "It's so nice to meet you all. Are you all hungry?" she asked. “Yes!" they responded in unison. She smiled seating everyone at the dining table.
I walked over joining my friends. Jeno helped me place everyone’s suitcase in different rooms in the house. He placed the guys downstairs in the basement and helped me carry the girl's suitcases to my bedroom. As we brought the last bag up I slipped. 
Jeno quick on his feet helped me up off the wooden step I fell on. “Are you okay?” He asked holding out his hand for me to take. I chuckled letting him help me up. “I’m fine” I respond. He pulls me up a little hard causing me to bump into his hard chest. Holding me close we both stare into each other eyes. Just as he was about to speak the doorbell rings. I pushed him off me and ran downstairs. My mom went to open the front door but I stopped her from opening it myself. Walking over to the door I opened it revealing, "Mark?" I said both our eyes widened. "What are you doing here?" I asked.
He cleared his throat. "Your mom invited me," he said keeping his eyes locked on mine. I couldn't believe it. Why would she invite him here knowing I was coming? As time went by I remained at the front door holding it open in surprise. My mom came to the door allowing Mark to step inside. "Go ahead and sit down make yourself comfortable," she said to him.
"Are you sure?" he asked, "I don't want things to be weird" he says politely.
“They already are," I say under my breath. My mom nudged me, "Stop it" she turned back to Mark, "It's not weird. Go sit down make yourself comfortable" Mark nodded walking inside and sitting down at the table."Mom why?" I asked.
She sighed. "He's going through a lot right now okay"
"So you invite him here to our house while I'm here! He's my ex! Why would you invite him? And what does that have to do with me!” I whisper yell. She huffs turning us around so we could face the front door. "Look I didn't want to air out his business but you need context. His dad lost his job so they can't afford tuition. He's going to a community college out here for now and he's been helping your dad in the basement with that old car" She sighed. "His parents are fighting a lot so sometimes I invite him over for dinner, I had already invited him for Christmas before I knew you were coming. Besides," she flicked my forehead.
“Ow!" I whined.
“You were supposed to come tomorrow," She said. I rubbed my forehead, "I'm sorry they changed our flight" I said. "Be nice" She whispered into my ear walking away. She sat back down at the table. I followed behind her making my way into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.
"Wow, this table hasn't been filled with people in years. I'm so happy Y/n invited you all for the holidays, truly. I hope you enjoy you're staying here" she said smiling I could hear the excitement in her voice watching everyone enjoy their meals. Maybe it's good Mark comes over for dinner when I'm not here, she can probably use the company. I sigh to myself sipping my water. I had no idea he dropped out of Standford.
Looking over at the dining table my eyes found Mark sitting next to Johnny. The two were talking to one another as more of my friends joined in. He fit in so well with our group, looking at him at the table felt right. Maybe he needed this, maybe he needed friends. Maybe I should be nicer to him, who knows what he's going through. Walking back to the table Jaemin spoke up, "If you keep cooking like this, I won't ever leave" he said to my mom who blushed. We all chuckled at his comment.
I sat back down at the table across from Mark, we awkwardly shared a glance before I turned to the rest of the table trying to figure out what part of the story Sam was telling. Throughout the story, I could see through the corner of my eye the glances Mark made toward me. Brushing them off I focused on the conversation."Woah I love your room," My friend Emily said walking inside and touching the lights that dangled on my wall. Jaemin walked over to my bed picking up a brown bear.
“Aww," he said holding it up. "Who is this?" he asked holding the bear. I walked over took it from his hands placing it on my bed. "It's my mom's. My dad gave it to her back in the 90s when they went to some amusement park. It was the only prize he won her. Well, he paid the guy to give it to him but my mom doesn't know that" We both chuckled at the short but cute story. Turning away I watched as Emily entered followed by our friend group, Mark stood by the door. As they walked inside my friends looked at my pictures and artwork on my wall. Jeno chuckled seeing a baby photo of me on my dresser. Walking over to him I blushed slightly embarrassed he found such a young photo of me, then again it was on my dresser where everyone could see so I can't be too shocked by the discovery.
"You look so young," he says holding the frame. "You look so cute," He said smiling at the photo. I smiled at him looking down at the photo. "You think I'm cute?" I flirted. He lifted his head looking into my eyes, "I do" he said his eyes looking into mine then turning to pick up another photo. My eyes traveled beyond the photo in his hands to the other side of the room.
I watched as my friend Sam placed her hand on Mark's shoulder. He jumped caught off guard by the closeness. She flipped her hair back and laughed at something he said. His chest erupted in small chuckles as the two flirted standing at the front of my door. "Why don't you come inside?" she asked. Such an innocent question, but for Sam it had a double meaning. Sam wasn't one to strive away from a casual hookup, but she had a type and was a lot pickier than Emily. The only thing Emily wanted was someone clean and attractive, age didn't matter unless they were under eighteen. She didn't need to get to know you or go out on a date, if you were down she was down.
Unlike Sam who liked guys like Mark. She liked to mess with them and tease them just to watch them fall apart. Sam was the kind of girl who got you in trouble, who you'd fall in love with and she'd break you're heart because she wasn't ready for love. It's why she always refuses Johnny. However I couldn't get mad at Sam for being so touchy with Mark, she didn't know he was my ex. I had enough trust to know that if she did she would have left him alone.
Mark's eyes made their way to mine. I quickly turned around facing Jeno again talking about the baby photo. Jeno continued to talk about how cute I looked as a baby and I answered his questions with one-word responses. I couldn't help but look back at Mark and Samantha. My face started to heat up and an annoyed feeling floated around in my stomach. Why was I so bothered? Mark and I broke up a year ago, I should be flirting with Jeno or even Jaemin. Why was my mind so occupied with Mark? Maybe it's because I haven't seen him in a while and all those feelings I hid away were slowly starting to rise.
Later that night."Okay Y/n," Emily said walking over to me and sitting down beside me on my rug. "Sam just went into the shower" I nodded my head confused. "Uh okay? Why are you telling me this?" She stared blankly at me like I was supposed to know why. She huffed after I didn't speak for a couple of seconds. “What's up with the Mark guy? You've been staring at him all night" she said crossing her arms over her chest. "Do you like him?" she raised her brow smirking. I scoffed, "I thought you wanted me with Jeno?" She rolled her eyes letting her arms fall. "I want you with whoever makes you happy. So who's the Mark guy?" she asked again.
I sighed telling her. "He's my ex. We broke up before we started school" I confessed. She leaned back nodding her head. "Now it makes sense, why he stood outside you're room," She said. "You still like him?" she asked. I widened my eyes shaking my head answering rather quickly, "No!" I said nervously. "I don't" she lightly kicked me with her foot. "Ow!" You do like him!" she said. "You better hurry up and get him" Why?" I asked. "Because Sam has been after him the whole night" I shrugged turning away. "So? he's my ex. Besides Jeno is right downstairs. I could go see him if I wanted to" I said trying to hide my irritation.
She rolled her eyes, "First off we both know you don't like him, and second of all If you go downstairs to see Jeno, you'll see Mark" I widened my eyes turning to face her again. "He's here?!" she nodded why does everyone know what's happening in this house except for me? "You're mom let him stay. The boys have taken a liking to him, so I'm sure they're hanging out" I got up off the rug putting on my slippers.
I walked towards my door grabbing the knob. "Where are you going?" Emily asked sarcastically already chuckling. "The basement" I responded my back still turned, opening the door. "You better hurry the water just turned off!" she shouted laughing as she heard me pick up my pace.
“That's my girl" she whispered to herself proud she was somehow able to convince me to go to the basement. I opened the basement door hearing laughter from the couch. Walking down the stairs all the boys turned their attention to me. "Hey Y/n," my friend Jamal said. "Do you want to join us?" I shook my head. "No, I need to speak to Mark," The two boys Oooed except for Mark and Jeno. Mark stood up walking over to me. We walked up the stairs leading him to the back door I stepped outside and he followed."Look if you want me to leave I will, you don't have to embarrass me-" he began to say. I shook my head.
“I'm not trying to embarrass you. I'm just curious as to why you're here" I said folding my arms over my chest. He sighed, " I don't want to talk about it right now," he said turning his head away and looking towards the ground. I sighed cold air leaving my lips, classic. We stood in silence for amount before Mark walked towards me. He took off his hoodie stepping closer to me. I stepped back, "What are you doing?" I asked. He handed me the hoodie exposing his arms. "It's freezing out here," He said holding his green hoodie out. "Put this on" I hesitantly took it from his hands deciding not to debate with him. Pulling the hoodie over my head we both stood again awkwardly.
Small beats of silence passed before Mark spoke again. “I think that Jeno guy likes you," Mark said to make conversation. I chuckled. "You and everyone else" I kicked my foot in the snow. He looked at me, and my eyes wandered every else but to his, watching the snow fall on the grass. Mark's eyes stood in the same spot they are now. "If you know he likes you then why not give him a chance?" he asked. Because I don't like him the way I like you I say in my head. Instead of saying the truth I shrug, "He's not my type," I say.
Mark steps closer tilting his head to the side his eyes never leaving me. "Oh, yea? What is your type" he says coming increasingly closer. I quickly glance at him slightly panicking with how close he was getting to me. I step back slowly tripping over my own feet. I reach out to the railing slightly turning my body away from him.
I shrug again, "I don't know, not him"Mark chuckles standing beside me. "Are you warm?" he says lower so only my ears can hear. I nod feeling his breath on my neck causing the little hairs to rise. "Are you cold?" I ask seeing him still in a t-shirt and jeans. He shakes his head, "I'm okay, I'm just making sure you are" he lied. I slowly start to turn my head looking into his eyes. Mark's lips are inches away from mine. He lets out a breath, I don't even watch the cold air fade away from his lips. He slowly starts to lean in and I don't turn away. Closing his eyes I close mine as well and let him kiss me. I place my hands behind his head and he places his hands around my waist deepening the kiss on my back porch. He holds me closer pressing his front against mine and kissing down my neck he uses his breath to warm up my skin sending shivers down my whole body.
Just as the kiss continues to get heated the back door swings open revealing Johnny and the rest of my friends. I quickly jump away from Mark fixing my hair and clothes. Emily comes out from behind Jamal and Sam follows behind her. "What are you guys doing out on the porch?" Johnny asks suspiciously.
"Just talking" I answer smoothing out my clothes and wiping my lips. Everyone seems to buy it including Johnny. Nodding his head he turns to the unlit fireplace. "Porch party?" he questioned. Everyone nods in agreement gathering chairs and beer as Emily walks over to set up the bonfire. Looking over at Mark my eyes meet his. He was already looking at me. Letting myself walk away to help Jaemin with the chairs I turn to see Sam glancing at the both of us and walking in Mark's direction.
I walked towards my bedroom door smelling my mom's bacon through the walls. "I should probably go thank him," I say taking the box off my nightstand and allowing Sam to place the locket back inside. Sam nods, "You should it's so pretty and while you're down there can you check if Mark is there, I have to talk to him" I look over at Emily who shakes her head. I look back at Sam, "Uh sure" she smiles standing up from my bed. "Great" she walks over to me and hugs me "Merry Christmas Y/n" then she makes her way to the bathroom. I look at Emily again who just shoes me away. I chuckle walking out my bedroom door.
On the way there I bump into Mark. "Oh sorry," we both say in unison. He's holding a towel in his hand and a toothbrush. "You can go first if you want," he said motioning towards the bathroom door. I shook my head. "It's okay I don't need it" There was a moment of silence. Why is every time we're alone together I act so weird like I can't form a clear sentence in my head. Deciding to escape this discomfort I chose to speak up. "Do you know where Jeno is?" I ask. Mark's large eyes meet mine. "He's helping your mom," he says. "Thank you," I say walking away however before I get far enough Mark clears his throat to stop me. "Merry Christmas Y/n," he says. "Merry Christmas Mark," I respond then turn and walk away. Walking outside I examined the front yard for Jeno.
Finally finding him helping my mom, move boxes into the basement. I start making my way over to them. "Hey Jeno," I wave him down. "Can I talk to you?" I ask. He nods smiling handing the heavy box over to Johnny who gladly takes it. He jogs over to me following me up the small hill. We start to walk further away to the opposite side of the front yard. “What's up?" he asks squinting his eyes from the sun. I sighed, This was gonna be hard. I didn't want to lose Jeno as a friend, he's a nice guy. I hope of lack of feelings for him isn't enough for him to end our friendship. "First off I want to say thank you for the necklace, it was really pretty," I say. Jeno nods putting his hands on his hips his sweater blowing in the morning breeze. He was still wearing his jogging outfit. His hair was stuck to his forehead and he let out deep breaths, probably tired from running and lifting all those boxes.
"I'm glad you liked it. Sam said you would" I nodded kicking a nearby pebble. "About that...I think it's pretty I do and I'm grateful for it, I just can't wear it" He crosses his arms over his chest. "How come?" He widens his eyes letting his arms fall "Is it too big?" he asks. I shake my head, "No I'm allergic to gold" He frowns letting his head all in disappointment. "I'm sorry I didn't know" I shake my head touching his arm. He lifts his head looking into my eyes. "It's okay," I smile. "Jeno I need to tell you something"
He stands up straight letting his arm relax under my touch. "Yea what's up?" he says. I sigh, I hope this goes well. "I like you, I do but not in the way you like me. I'm sorry if you feel like I led you on, but I think you should pursue someone who likes you the way you like me" I say hoping he doesn't get offended and walk away. Jeno nods his head understanding. "I get it. Thank you for being honest with me" he says, holding out his hand. I take his hand shaking it, we both look into each other's eyes and smile. "Thank you," I say. He nods, "Let's go back to the others, it's time to go" I nod walking with him to the car. Everyone had packed their things in my mom's trunk as well as the rental we had for our trip here. Johnny sat inside the rental car with Sam, Jaemin Jamal, and Jeno.
I sat next to my mom in the passenger seat as Emily sat in the back. Taking off to the airport my mom and Emily filled the car with conversation. Sam had blabbed to my mom about the necklace Jeno gave me. “I thought it was Jeno," she said surprised. "The boy with the blue hair right? I thought so too" My mom said. "It's very obvious he likes her," She said smirking. "And he's cute" she pointed out to Emily who just nodded her head. I shook my head, "He got me a gold necklace" I said. "He got you a gold necklace?" You're allergic," my mom said. I nodded "Yea, but he didn't know so I'm not mad. It was a little weird though. It felt like when you're boyfriend leaves a surprise for you so you can see it when you wake up" I say causing Emily to chuckle. "It was pretty tough, but not you're style," She said. I nodded, "Yea but at least he thought of me" My mom nodded agreeing with me. "It's always the thought that counts" I nodded turning away and looking towards the car window.
For the rest of the car ride, I remained looking out the window as Emily and my mom talked. My mind elsewhere only focusing on one person, Mark. A part of me wanted to turn around and talk to Mark and find out why. Why was he avoiding me so much? Why couldn't just tell me how he felt? It would make it so much easier to move on if he just opened up to me or maybe it would make me fall more in love with him. Maybe it's better if I never know. Maybe I should just go back to Boston and start a new life. No one takes me seriously anyway. "Y/N you're too nice, people will take advantage of you" or "Y/n love is stupid, it doesn't exist so stop forcing you're stupid narratives on us" Why do I have to have so many emotions? Why did I have to love and care for anything that lives? Why couldn't I just turn off my feelings like Sam or keep them hidden like Mark? Why did I have to be so weak all because I think love is special? Love is what brings people and creates families. Love is poured into everything, from art to lovers. Passion, hope, joy, and love why have I been deemed a fool for believing that everyone deserved love and romance? Everybody deserves somebody to love, everyone deserves a first love. That one big one you never forget, I will never forget Mark even if I have to let him go. Once we got to the airport we waited to board our flight.
Sam patted her jeans her eyes widening in fear. "My AirPods! I think I left them on the bench" She said. "You better go get them," Jamal said. Johnny nodded handing Jeno his bag. "I'll go with you" I shook my head, "It's okay I'll go, I want to use the bathroom," I said Johnny nodded taking his bag back. "Be back soon we leave in fifteen minutes" Jeno said. I nodded, "We should be back before then" I walked over to Sam as we walked off to find her AirPods. After ten minutes and a bathroom break, she found them underneath the bench. She sighed in relief "Thank you, Lord," she said placing them back in her bag. "Let's go we have three minutes left" I nodded following behind her.
"Wait!" I froze in my tracks. Sam stopped jogging off noticing I wasn't next to her. She squinted her eyes to see why I stopped. I turned around facing Mark who stood a couple of feet away from me. He walked towards me. I couldn't believe he was here right now. I couldn't move, my body was telling me to run up to Sam and catch my flight but my heart told me to stay right where I was. My heart wanted to hear him."Y/n..." he trailed. "You stopped," he said in slight disbelief that I didn't take off running. I couldn't my legs wouldn't let me. Sam walked over leaning closer to me "Y/n we only have two minutes left, we're gonna miss the flight" she said. I nodded slightly turning to her, "Just go ahead with put me I'll be there" She looked at me, and then Mark took off to the rest of the group.
“Whatever you have to say to me say it now. I have a plane to catch" I said crossing my arms over my chest and looking away from him. I hurt to treat him this way but I couldn't let him play with my heart anymore. I watched as he quickly scrambled around in his pockets pulling out a crumbled piece of looseleaf paper. Clearing his throat he spoke the words on the paper or at least tried to. “Y/n I want to start by saying that...that I um..." I tapped my foot eager for him to finish his sentence. Mark began sweating and speaking over his words. He huffed "Skrew this" I looked over at him as he ripped the paper up into pieces looking into my eyes. "Y/n you mean everything to me and I'm sorry," he said.
I scoffed, "That's it? We haven't seen or spoken to each other in over a year and all you have to say is that? I mean seriously you've been avoiding me since you kissed me and now you running to the airport to catch me just before I leave? What are you trying to pull here? I ask offended by his words. He wasn't being honest with me at all. It hurt that even now he wouldn't fight me. He sighed starting to walk away. I scoffed again shaking my head in disbelief. "You're unbelievable," I say walking away. I feel a hand around my arm turning me around. Mark had stopped once he heard me complain again about his lack of expression. His face had changed from defeat to frustration.
“I'm unbelievable? You're unbelievable! I don't know how to please you Y/n! It seems that everything I say or don't say is just another reason for you to walk away" I scoffed, "Oh so you're aware?" he gruffs, "See! See this is what I'm talking about. I'm doing my best to be perfect for you because I want to be with you. I care about you Y/n, you just make it so difficult to please you!" I rib my arm away from him stomping my foot on the ground. "I make it difficult? Mark all I've wanted you to do this whole time is open up to me. Talk to me! That's all I ever wanted and if you can't have a conversation with me if it's so "difficult" like you say then maybe we shouldn't be together" I said my chest heaving up and down. I was angry beyond the hills. How could he stand here and say that I was being difficult? I've made it easy for him. Always share and be honest with how I feel so he would feel comfortable talking to me. The tears that slipped out of my eyes began to burn my cheeks. I harshly wiped them away.
Mark sighed letting his head fall. "I was scared. Scared that I wasn't good enough for you. I mean look at you, you're so kind and open. Everywhere you go you make friends and people instantly like you. You're so good to me, you understand me and you see me. It makes me nervous and when you come close to me I sweat like a madman. I'm scared of losing you, I'm scared of you hating me, I'm scared you won't like me," He paused staring directly into my eyes. Shaking his head and taking my hands he began again." I don't care how it sounds you mean everything to me. After everything that's been happening in my life all my mind can wander to is you. Has Y/n eaten yet? Is she doing well? I hope she's taking care of herself. I hope she's finally found that love she is so desperately searching for" He said taking a moment to breathe. "Look Y/n I love you and I'm sorry I can't be the guy imagery guy you think about every night but I'm trying my best here" he pleaded.
“Mark..." I croaked feeling more tears form at the corner of my eyes. It felt like we were back in my bedroom fighting and loving like we always did. I didn't hear the people around us. I didn't hear nor notice my friends running over to get me and stop when they saw Mark. My attention only remained on Mark. The world stop moving for us at this moment. Time moved slowly as we poured our hearts out to each other and even though it was happening at an airport I was happy and grateful Mark was finally being honest with me. I think I should be honest with him."Ever since I was young and would hear about the stories between my mother and my father I dreamed of finding love like that. I wanted to be the girl whose lover ran home to her every night with a flower in his hand because he couldn't afford the bouquet. I wanted to be the girl who was loved regardless of the mistakes she made. I wanted to be loved for everything I have and for everything I gave. I wanted to be loved by someone who felt like a dream but still had flaws and imperfections because love isn't about being perfect and that's why I loved the idea of love so much. I envied my parent's relationship because up until this point my dad has loved my mother and my mother has loved my father. She still leaves small nothings for him under the tree and every day he leaves a lilac next to her nightstand and disappears into the basement. She just doesn't know because I take them. He figured she was throwing them away because they were always missing so he stopped and it's my fault" I cried. “Why are you telling me this?" Mark asked.
“Because he is her first love and you are mine" I confessed. "You are my lilac. You keep coming back into my life and I somehow make my way into yours. I think about you too every night and day. Is Mark okay? I hope he's studying well. I hope he's made a lot of friends" I confess more tears falling from my cheeks.
Mark wipes a few away with the pads of his fingers."Y/n I hate to break this up but we're gonna miss the flight," Emily says apologetically. Mark just looks into my eyes watching mine closely. I start to slip away from Mark's grasp letting his arms fall. As I start to turn away Mark grabs ahold of my arms pulling me into a kiss. He holds me close to him, holding the back of my head. Then he lets me go and I can't tell if this kiss is a goodbye or see you later.1 year later
"Y/N!!!" My friend shouted from the other side of our apartment. "What?" I asked as she walked into the room holding up crumbled wrapping paper. Her hair was a mess and she was sweating like a dog. I stood from my seat Emily stood up as well across from me. "What happened to you?" I asked. "Did you get into a fight with an elf?" Emily asked.
Sam huffed flopping on the couch letting the paper fall. "I've never wrapped a Christmas present before. I usually just place it in a pretty bag with pretty tissue paper then write on a pretty card" She whined annoyed with her lack of experience wrapping a gift. I walked over to her throwing away the useless paper. "Do you want help?" I asked she nodded. "Okay, I have to wrap Mark's gifts anyway so let's go," I said taking her hand. Emily followed us into Sam's room holding a pen and a pair of scissors.
"Who's the gift for anyway?" Emily asked.
"Johnny," Sam responded. Me and Emily both Oooed walking into her bedroom teasing Sam.
As we walk towards her room my phone rings, I smile at the contact.
"When are you gonna come visit me?" I ask Mark on the other side of my phone. He had recently moved to New York to work on becoming a writer. "I heard the weather is nice in Boston during this time" we both chuckle. "But I know my baby loves romance so why not Christmas in New York? You can't get any more romantic than that" I chuckle nodding my head.
“That is true, no one does Christmas like New York," I say. “I'll see what I can do," I say before hanging up the phone.
“Emily!" I shout from across the living room. "What?" she shouts back.
“I'm going to New York.." I waited until I spoke again. “Wanna come?"
Almost instantly I heard her footsteps running towards her bedroom door. Running into the living room holding onto her bag.
“Do I?" she questioned me like I was already supposed to know. I chuckled "Christmas in New York sounds good doesn't it?" I asked smiling. She picked up her phone
“I'm gonna call the whole gang" she said running off probably to back. I laughed shaking my head and walked to get my laptop.
On the plane to New York, I felt my phone buzz, picking it up I almost cried. Holding my hands to my mouth my dad's name appeared on my Lock Screen.
Dad- Merry Christmas
*Insert picture of Lilac*
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Another text that came in.
Mom- I finally got them.
She wrote.
Y/n- It's so pretty.
Mom- I know right? Also, you're dad fixed our old car, you know it's the car we went to all of our dates in. You were made in that car.
Y/n- Ew mom.
Mom- What it's true! Anyways he and Mark did a good job. Have a safe flight, I love you.
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Y/n- It does look good and Love you too.
I switched messages opening up mine and Mark's.
You- You told him?
Mark- Someone has to keep the romance alive.
“Merry Christmas," We all said in unison as we walked into Mark's small apartment. A small Christmas tree sat in the corner fully decorated with a star at the top. Candles were placed around the apartment as well as small decorations of snowflakes and elves. I walked over to Mark kissing his lips.
"Merry Christmas," He said against my lips.
“Merry Christmas" I responded kissing him again. We kissed for a while longer until Mark pushed off walking to the small desk next to the couch.
“I almost forgot," He said handing me a box. "Merry Christmas," he said. I opened the box and took out a silver key picking up the small note inside. My first love. We fell in love, despite our differences, and something rare and beautiful was created. I was awed.
“You copied that from the Notebook" He smiled taking me in his arms. “Someone has to keep the romance alive," He said kissing me again as the snow fell outside.
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Hope you enjoyed my first ever short story on here. This is also my first Nct short story so I hope you enjoyed. Thank you for reading. Stay safe!
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arulay · 2 years
Look At Me ~ Doyoung
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genre: smut, angst?, some fluff?
summary: Jaehyun is y/n’s boyfriend who doesn’t treat her right, when will she find the right one?
WARNINGS: y/n receives slight mistreatment from Jaehyun, explicit content !!!!!
(ps. i am not trying or wanting to romanticise a toxic relationship or scenarios like this,)
"Why don't you close that mouth of yours for me, hm?" Sounding pissed off already.
You pushed your lips together in an instant, not wanting another argument after he was done with you. Knowing exactly why he fucked you from behind was the hardest part,
He was imagining another girl.
Your front bashed into the sharp-edged counter, while Jaehyun rammed into you from behind. His hands clasped your hips roughly, and you knew it would leave more bruises from his un-kind touch. All you could do was claw at the cold marble counter he had you bent over.
"Jaehyun.." You heaved out "Stop.."
You couldn't take the pain anymore. He was silent for a couple seconds, before uttering,
"Take it like the slut you are"
All you could do was endure it, he never let you finish anyway.
He clasped his belt, and tucked back in his shirt while you ruffled your hair to look presentable.
"That was good, better than last time" He said breathlessly.
You nodded shyly, his hand twisting the bathroom door open. As soon as he left, you scoffed at his words. You left the bathroom soon after him, making sure you both didn't get caught.
You were round Jaehyun's friend's apartment. It was supposed to be a peaceful get together, until Jaehyun had to ruin it. He was always getting whatever he wanted, not caring if he left you with nothing at the end.
"Oh y/n!"
"It feels like i haven't seen you in years"
He hugged you lightly, letting go of you quickly after, knowing what Jaehyun was like.
"Doie, i saw you last week"
"I know but still-"
He was cut off but the sound of someone bellowing your name. You rolled your eyes, fed up of being around Jaehyun even more.
"That's my cue to leave, can we catch up later?"
“Sure thing love" He smiled sweetly.
You turned around, not wanting Doyoung to see you blush from what he called you.
"y/n!" Jaehyun called once again.
"I'm coming!"
A few days later, another big argument happened between you and Jaehyun, this time you knew the outcome.
"Let's end this"
"Why Jae?"
"Get out of my apartment, now!"
"Baby i didn't-"
And that was it, Jaehyun had finally had enough of you. Not to say you were as hurt as you could be, but you two did date for nearly 2 years. You knew your relationship was bad, but there was still some love present, even if other people couldn't see it.
But now, you were alone.
The only person you thought to call was the one you felt most comfortable around.
"Doyoung?" He picked up immediately.
"Are you alright love?"
You hesitated. "Can I come round?"
"Of course"
"Thankyou Doie"
"Anything for you"
Oh he would never know what he did to you.
"Come in, quickly, it's cold outside"
You removed your large coat as Doyoung pulled you into his arms, knowing you get cold extremely quick. He also noticed the lack of warm clothes that were on your body... not that he was looking... Although he didn't want to let go, he did, but when you pulled him back in for another hug, he was shocked. But he soon melted in your embrace.
"What's up?" He moved his head back, expecting you to do the same. But all he was met with, was you pushing your face further into his chest. You didn't want to end this moment.
"Did something happen between... you two?"
You knew exactly who he was talking about, so you nodded against him. He quickly realised the reluctancy of your answer, knowing he should change the topic. However, you were ready to rant about the man you just ended things with.
"He's an asshole" Your words were muffled as your head was still pressed against him.
"Well i knew that" He stroked your head, making sure you don't get too riled up.
You suddenly pushed your hands onto his chest, pushing yourself backwards to look the male in the eyes. He noticed how tears formed as you went on about what Jaehyun has said to you in the past. All Doyoung could do was listen and nod slowly to what you said. It was comforting. Someone finally listening to you.
You didn't know if it was you being worked up, or all your emotions finally being let out, but you wanted someone. In that moment, you wanted someone who actually cared for you. And there he was infront of you. It was the way he never broke eye-contact, the way his hands were careful, acting as if you were the most delicate thing on earth.
In a matter of seconds, your lips were on his.
You weren't sure if he was kissing you back, because you realised what you were doing a second after. You stepped back in slight shock from your own actions.
"Doyoung I- I'm so sorry" Your hand was over your mouth as you walked backwards, grabbing your coat to leave.
"Wait y/n" While you were fumbling all the over the place, realising you might of just ruined another relationship, you didn't hear Doyoung call out to you.
"y/n" He grabbed your wrist, making your coat drop.
"I have to get back"
"To who? Jaehyun? Didn't you just tell me how bad of a person he was?"
Your head lowered.
"y/n, i know how he treats you"
"you don't know anything"
You looked back up at him. He realised the tears that fell from your eyes.
"You deserve to feel good y/n, something real"
"And what could you do about it?", you sniffled.
You didn't expect Doyoung to respond as you brought your arm up to wipe your tear stained cheek. But he took a light hold of it, clasping his fingers around yours as he moved closer to your body. Usually this would make you feel trapped, but now you felt safer than ever.
His head moved closer to yours, his lips nearly touching your ear.
"You have no idea how i can make you feel y/n"
He didn't look at your reaction as his lips were already on your neck, sucking lightly. Light enough so he wouldn't hurt you. He soon made his way to your chest. You helped him by pulling your top off your body, taking off your bra with it.
"Fuck, y/n" He breathed again your bare skin. He attached his mouth to your nipple, circling his tongue around it. Watching every face you made.
You sucked in your breath as he finally decided to pull of your underwear.
He kneeled down, his face level with where you wanted him. His hand pushed your thigh up.
He playfully licked you up and down, sucking on certain parts which made your legs quiver. You tugged at his hair, his low groans make it harder to keep your own moans in.
You were so used to not making noises, that you bit your lip harder than you ever have before. But Doyoung was urging to get something out of you. He stood back up as you frowned at the, now, loss of feeling.
"Why are you so quiet love?, Does it not feel good?"
He cocked his head to the side, his tone showing that he was genuinely concerned. You were honestly nervous to answer.
"I sound weird"
"I'm sure you don't y/n"
"I do" You insisted.
"Well why don't you let me be the judge of that, hm?"
His hand moved to your chin, moving your head up to look at him. But your eyes couldn't stay on his.
"Look at me y/n"
You failed to do so.
You gave in, as your eyes finally stared into his, and it only took him a moment to place his lips on yours. Your mouths moved at a quickening pace, each kiss getting messier and the moment getting hotter. Doyoung pulled his top off and over his head, giving you a few seconds to admire his body. Your hands impulsively placed themselves onto his hard chest, tracing your fingertips down and along his stomach.
He smirked as he watched you become fascinated, your hands now making their way to the top of his belt. You looked up at him, showing you wanted to remove it. He nodded back, and your hands worked on unclasping it. You started to become impatient after you threw his belt to the ground. So you undid his button, and pulled down the zip.
Before you could pull his trousers down, his hands stopped yours.
"Didn't you want to go slow?" He cocked his brow.
"All i want is you Doyoung"
"And that's exactly what you're going to get"
You pulled his dick out from his boxers, teasingly sliding your fingertip up and down his slit.
He groaned as your hand slowly worked on him.
"C'mon Doie, i've waited long enough"
"You've waited too long for this y/n, -"
He pulled one of your legs up to his side, make you lean back slightly against the wall. He lined himself up, ready.
"- now i'm going to give you exactly what you want"
The feeling was euphoric as he pushed into you. You both let your mouths hang from the immense amount of pleasure you felt. You finally let out a moan, your head falling onto his shoulder.
"I knew you would sound fucking amazing y/n". Once he said that, you wouldn't shut up. You didn't care if anyone heard you.
Doyoung took his time with you. You whined as he went excruciatingly slow. His hands grasped your hips, helping you grind on him.
"Just like that y/n, your doing so good for me"
You loved the way he appreciated you, and every little thing you did.
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mxrkies · 5 months
Hidden Feelings
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Synopsis of the story: Donghyuck and mark are each other's bestest of friends and nothing can really break the friendship.
I mean, give them a benefit of a doubt. A school writer and a basketball player being friends is ultimately weird but the chemistry is too strong to be friends (well, for donghyuck)
Unfortunately, mark likes Kim chaewon, the most popular sweet cheerleader a person could ever meet but will donghyuck keep writing their story?
Chapter One: A text message can change everything
Warnings: none actually
Word count: idk
You guys are childhood friends since middle school, knowing every single thing about each other. You guys are basically siblings from two different mothers and fathers
Donghyuck thoughts are interrupted when mark barges in his room, "There's something called knocking on the door, sir." Donghyuck doesn't even look at him but his gaze is just on his phone
"Do I care?" Mark rolls his eyes and jumps on donghyucks bed and his phone falls out of donghyucks hands and mark catches it, "This should make you give me a little attention."
"What is it, mork?" The tanned male asked, arms crossed across your chest
"Justin Bieber just released a new song!" Marks smile was something the younger one never seen before
"All that ruckus you caused just to tell me that he released a new song?" Donghyuck asks, rolling his eyes
"There's more to it. Jaehyun is holding a party and he's playing that song at his party!" Mark exclaimed
"You probably gonna go there for her, right?" The tanned male asks, knowing marks true intentions
"How did you know?" Mark asked, shocked
"I'm your best friend since childhood, I know how you do things." Donghyuck smiles
Mark liked this girl since middle school, kim chaewon. She was a dreamy girl, sweet, caring and every other thing you want in a girl
"Have you confessed yet?"
"No but I need your help to confess."
"I can try and ask her about you if you want, she's my friend" She was, a friend since high school till college
"Oh, thank you!" Mark smiled
Donghyuck smiled back. His heart ached to the brim, he doesn't know the tanned male truly feels about him but he tries to brush it off
After that, donghyuck went up to chaewon and asked "Hey, wanna tour the basketball court?"
"Uh, I mean.....sure. Seems fun!" Chaewon willingly volunteered
He leads her to the basketball field and introduces her to the players of marks team. "I think I already know them." Chaewon giggled, he saw how mark was looking at her
"And this is mark lee, my friend. He will introduce you around to the things" Donghyuck pats marks shoulder and leaves
He goes back to his room and just watches them from his window when he heard a voice, "Going through it, huh?"
"Yeah, am I creepy?" Donghyuck asks
"From his perspective, yes you are." Joy giggled
"I mean, he likes chaewon and I like him. How would I tell him if he likes someone else?" Donghyuck hides his face in his hands
"I don't know but the time will come." Joy sat next to him
"He's whipped for her, a simp." Donghyuck laughed a little
"For you."
"No, for chaewon."
"Just let your mind rest and go to the party and meet some people." A voice spoke
"It's not as easy as you think it is, chenle." Donghyuck looked at him
"Just try. Get your mind off of it." Chenle sat on the floor in front of him. "I got a little surprise for you."
Donghyuck ended up going to the party that night. He was going to find mark when his arm got tugged, he turns and see the one he's been looking for
Mark freaking lee
"She approached you yet?" The tanned male asks, curious
"Not every conversation that we have must be about her, donghyuck" Mark spoke
Donghyuck realizes that he shouldn't have brought that topic up. "I asked if she's single and she's not. She's dating this apparently cute guy named jisung" Mark licks his lips
"I hope he's nice to her." Donghyuck rubs his arm
Marks eyes drifted off donghyuck, he wonders what he's looking at when someone bumped into donghyuck. "Oh, I'm so sorry-- donghyuck?" A voice that he immediately know spoke
He turns around and sees his best friend since pre-school, sunwoo. Donghyuck throws himself at him, his arms draped around his neck
His hands immediately go to donghyucks waist, pulling him even closer. "Oh I missed you! How did the stay go?" Donghyuck asks, smiling
"It went amazing. I wanna take you with next time, my mom would love to see you again." Sunwoo smiled at the tanned male
A nudge from mark immediately made donghyuck pull himself off of sunwoo and bid him goodbye. "What was that about?" Mark asked, genuinely curious with a hint of jealousy
"Oh just a friend since pre-school. Sunwoo, to be exact. Please don't pull fights and start boxing him." Donghyuck stood before mark
A couch was there and donghyuck laid on his stomach, legs bent making his butt on display
Mark was humming a song only you two knew and donghyuck started shaking his butt. "Mark, look!" Once donghyuck saw that he was looking, he teasingly shook his butt
"You look like you're zoning out, my man" Donghyuck teased, mark immediately went on his phone
"It's so big that you are zoning out" Donghyuck teasingly says, wiggling his butt again
"Stop!" Mark giggled, hitting donghyucks shoulder to make himstop. "And it's not that big"
Donghyuck gasps dramatically, "So you're saying my butt is small?"
"I mean, it is--"
"How rude! Being rude is not a way to get a partner"
"Unless it's a kink--"
"Get your mind out of the gutter, you pervert!" Donghyuck smacked the back of marks head, earning a whine from him
"You started it!" Mark whined, rubbing the area where he hit him
"Hey mark, wanna play basketball?" Jaehyun asked, invading donghyucks space that he didn't really care about
"Sure." Mark nodded
"Wanna add your writer of the good headlines as well?" Jaehyun asked, smirking
The matches and the wins are all to fast for donghyucks liking. Arms, fingers tired, wrist sore from all that writing. Life is hard as a school writer
Mark suddenly comes up to donghyuck, faces inches apart. He comes even closer until his face almost lands on his shoulder, grabbing something
"Just getting water." Mark drank the water like there was no tomorrow, which donghyuck found attractive
Mark winked at the tanned male before leaving to finish the game. Donghyuck sat down on the bench, thinking about what just happened
He may look like as if he doesn't care about what just happened meanwhile his heart is doing summer saults
Donghyuck immediately grabbed his glasses and left his apartment. Mark is probably drunk with his friends in the club
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry ma'am" Donghyuck apologized, pushing his clear glasses back up with his index finger
"It's okay. Just finish your project over here and also study for the next test" Mrs Kim was always the nicest teacher to donghyuck. His ups and downs, he shared with her
She was like a mother to him. Whenever he had a relationship crisis, he would go to her. Whenever he had struggles, he would go to her
She knew everything about donghyuck, just took a little of trust for her to know that much
When Mrs Kim finally left the class with only donghyuck inside, he heard something. "PSST!"
Donghyuck perked his head up, looking around when he saw mark. "What are you doing? I have to study and prepare my project"
"Oh, sorry" Mark came into the empty and sat next to donghyuck. Mark analyzes and just knows something is up
"Dude, are you okay?" Mark asked, trying to see donghyucks face more
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just......uh, preparing for school stuff" Donghyuck tried to ignore mark
"Okay, if you say so" And with that, mark leaves
Donghyuck went to his apartment and slept. A buzz from his phone woke him up the next day
He saw it was from mark. He responded and it became into a normal short conversation
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But donghyuck typed something but didnt send it but was on the verge to
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....but, should he?
Authors note: sorry if it's rushed I'm too damn excited for this story. This is the first the first chapter of the story 'Hidden Feelings'
If there are any grammatical errors, please tell me. Also, this story was originally for a mark x reader but I felt that the vibe was mostly fitting markhyuck so I changed it into them
Stay tuned for the next chapter
Also, if you want me to post something that you like, please request it and I'll answer
Taglist: @yeppietennie (i love her, i had to add her. shes so sweet and funny 🤭🫶) @promise-you-doie (becuz they supported me with my story just a little, i had to add. pls tell me if i should remove your name here if you are a bit in comfortable (pls check out their stories as well)
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crooked-haven · 1 year
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Soulmates? | Na Jaemin Oneshot
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➭ Pairing: Na Jaemin x (F) Reader
➭ Genre: Fluff, Small bits of Angst
➭ Warnings/Tags: Sad at the start, Happy Ending, Cursing (maybe?), Not proof read, Tiny heartache, super fluffy and cheesy, a lot of pov changes, boyfriend Jaemin.
➭ Disclaimer: All members of NCT are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are purely coincidental. Also this is my story so please don’t steal!
➭ By: Serendipity_Haven (Taexxgukkie & Crooked-haven)
Word count: 1k
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-Author's POV-
Jaemin and y/n had been dating for four years. They had met in high-school, and had been inseparable ever since. They had been through a lot together, but they had always managed to come out on top. They had even been planning on getting married, but something had happened that changed everything.
Jaemin had started to feel like something was off in their relationship. He didn't know what it was, but he just didn't feel the same way about y/n anymore. He tried to ignore it at first, thinking that it was just a phase, but the feeling only grew stronger as time passed by. He slowly realized that sparking gut feeling when he looked in her eyes was no longer there.
One day, out of the blue, Jaemin decided that he needed to talk to y/n about how he was feeling. He asked her to come over to his apartment, well the apartment that they practically shared, and when she arrived, he was going to sit her down and explain to her that he needed to end their relationship.
-Jaemin's POV-
I grabbed her hands tightly, and stared deeply into her eyes. I can already see her smile fade, and her skin go pale. My heart is beating faster with every passing second that goes by until suddenly she stands up with a worried look on her face. "Jaemin is everything ok?" She sat down to the right of me, I gulped hard and looked down, avoiding her gaze. I love her, I know I do, but I am no longer in love with her.
I also know I'm not happy with this relationship anymore, and I can not go on with this. I look back up to her eyes, now her eyebrows are knitted together with a worried expression. As if she knows what's coming next. I go to mutter out some words, but at first nothing seems to come out. Not even a sound. I take a deep and a long sigh, closing my eyes for a little, just wondering if I am making the right decision or if I am throwing everything good in my life away.
Something suddenly sparks in my mind, and I don't know if it was real confidence or if my brain somehow turned off my heart, but I managed to utter the words I once couldn't bare to think. "I think it's best if we end this relationship, and move on from each other." I sounded cold, and I almost felt sick. Nothing was said. It was a cold silence for almost 5 whole minutes before she stood up, slowly taking off the promise ring I gifted to her just 2 years ago, and set it before me on the transparent coffee table. She spoke in a nearly inaudible tone.
"Ok Jaemin, I wish you the best of luck, but just know, I love you and always will." And with that, she left.
-Author's POV-
y/n was shocked and confused. She didn't understand what had happened, and she had practically begged Jaemin to tell her what was going on. He tried to explain how he was feeling, but he couldn't find the right words. He just knew that something had changed, and he couldn't pretend that everything was okay anymore. So instead of trying to continuously dig it out of him, she decided to say what she thought was the simplest way of getting out of that situation fast, before she started breaking.
The following months were difficult for both Jaemin and y/n. They tried to stay away from each other as much as possible, but they always seemed to run into each other in their shared college campus or at social events, such as parties or friends of friends hang outs. Every time they saw each other, it was like a knife in the heart, possibly thousands of knives. They both missed each other terribly, but they knew that they couldn't go back to the way things were before.
As time passed, Jaemin started to feel like he had made the right decision. He had started to feel like himself again, and he realized that he had been unhappy for a long time. He knew that it was painful for y/n, but he hoped that she would eventually understand that they were better off apart. That they didn't need each other to survive. He hoped that she had already moved on from him, so that she wasn't in so much pain.
Y/n, on the other hand, was indeed struggling to move on. She still loved Jaemin, and she couldn't imagine life without him. She tried to date other people, but nothing felt right. She missed the way that Jaemin looked at her and warmly smiled at her for no reason, the way that he made her laugh until she saw stars, and the way that he held her when she was upset or down. She missed his love.
A couple years passed, and Jaemin and y/n had both graduated from college. They had both moved on with their lives, but they still thought about each other from time to time. They had both grown and changed since their breakup, but they never forgot the love that they had shared. Jaemin also slowly realized that the spark he had in his gut never actually went out during that time, it was his own stress that simply covered it up.
One day, Jaemin ended up bumping into y/n at the supermarket, of all places. They talked about how much they both accomplished in the short years that they weren't in contact, and this time Jaemin followed his heart rather than his overthinking brain. They agreed to meet at a coffee shop in the city of Seoul, and when they saw each other, it was like no time had passed at all. They hugged each other tightly, and Jaemin felt a rush of emotions that he hadn't felt in a long time.
y/n started to speak, and she told Jaemin that she had realized something over the past few years. She had realized that she still loved him, and that she wanted to try to make things work between them again. Jaemin was surprised, but he was also happy. He had missed y/n more than he wanted to admit, and he knew that he still loved her too.
-Your POV-
I smiled brightly at the now pink headed man sitting in front of me. He has definitely matured. The last time I saw him he had a pretty shade of blue hair, all fluffy. I took a short sip of my coffee and handed him my phone to put his contact in, he too handed me his. I gasped lightly when I noticed his wallpaper, still the same goofy selfie we took years ago even before our relationship.
We exchanged phones back, and stood up before hugging each other warmly. I missed his fresh cherry like scent. He grabbed my hand and gave a warm smile while speaking. "Should we go on a proper date now?" I blushed, he has the same affect on me and my heart after all this time. "Yes of course." I spoke slowly, almost as if I was scared of the time going by too fast. We paid, and walked out, and with that, I was finally convinced that fate is real.
We both said at the same time, startling each other, but in the end laughing it off.
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Wow that was a longer one, well anyways I hope you liked it and if you did don't forget to leave a comment and ♥️. It is really appreciated!
I actually loved this story-line, and I put so much time and effort into it, I may continue it, but until next time~
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aswho1estuff · 11 months
Alexa play ⏯️:
Jasmine Sullivan & Ari Lennox -
On it !
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" I~"
He's got the prettiest big brown eyes that I want to jump in and his lips those lips i mean..just so intricate the shape, the lines, the space it takes up on his face gosh.
"I want to sit on it"
"hey, you alright friend?" Worried big brown eyes belonging to Jungwoo bore into me. " -Yeah I'm alright uhh, where's your sister" I ask examining the room instead of the shared eye contact.
"she had an emergency at the office" replies picking up the remote "oh did she need my help, why didn't she call me ?" I ask rushing through my purse "shes got it under control some ones gotta watch the final episode, so it's me and you tonight" Jungwoo states grabbing my hands pulling me forward.
"that's such bullshit" I yell throwing the pillow "what would you have done?" Jungwoo asks turning to me "nothing, like the song says I need more than a text message, you gone have to pull off something impressive".
"curves got you driving reckless, take this water and-" I continue singing getting up "yea" "huh?" I reply to Jungwoo heading to the kitchen "-no yea i mean definitely he wasn't showing enough interest, how do you think one should show interest to you ?" Jungwoo asks following me.
"I think it's in the acts you do but mainly I feel like it's letting it be known verbally, physically, and emotionally" I nod opening the fridge agreeing with myself that was a great answer.
"so.. if I hugged you from behind like this and whispered in your ear those words would that qualify?" Jungwoo replies leaning into my ear "yeah that was a great demonstration, now show me where the ice cream at" I tell Jungwoo trying to calm my nerves.
Jungwoo pov:
"I like you" I reply kissing by her ear " Jungwoo I'm gone tell your sister on you" she says pushing out of my arms laughing "I told her I liked you i don't know why she didn't take it serious, I guess the same reason your not" I tell her closing her in by the counter.
"can I show you how serious I am?"
"want to sit on it but show me why you deserve it"
[Im thinking about turning this into a mini series wth songs but idk yet]
Thank you for your time !
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stories-all · 8 months
Chiara X
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Chiara X stood on the edge of the cliff, her long black hair whipping in the wind. She stared down at the crashing waves below, her heart pounding in her chest. She had been running for days, ever since the soldiers had come for her.
A science fiction story about a character named Chiara
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itsbackwoodsbby · 3 months
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Symbols: angst: ✺| fluffy: ☁︎| smut: ✿|
Not all of my work is 18+. But the work that is 18+, MDNI! Please and thank you.
Enhypen, BTS, Blackpink, TXT, NCT, EXO, and more groups. Solo Artists and Rappers. I will also do dancers, like Bada, Chocol, Vata, Kamel, Austin Pak, whoever you want because I take requests.
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𓆩♡𓆪 Haechan
☁︎|✿ Birthday Sex- It’s your birthday bitchhh!!! Happy Birthday! In this, you will see how Hyuck celebrate your birthday. ✿ Private Lovers- You and Hyuck have been together for a hot minute, like five months, but no one knows. It’s not because of school social groups or anything. You two hang with the same group of people. You two would just rather not have other people in your business. people can be rude and judgmental. But one day at school, this girl that you particularly disliked starts talking to Hyuck and you see how close they got. You didn't like it. Not one bit.
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dejunectar · 2 years
Sorry Would Go A Long Way | Lucas
[PART 4]
[read part 3]
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«« genre »» breakup/betrayal
«« pairings »» lucas, jaemin x reader(y/n)
«« warnings »» shit ton of angst, arguing
«« summary »» the day following jaemin's homecoming party.
«« song/inspiration »» Sorry Would Go a Long Way by Tori Kelly
Silence filled the air as you breathed and opened the door to your house. Once in, you gently put your keys and phone on the kitchen counter.
You could feel your heavy heart beat against your chest as you made your way up the stairs to your bedroom. Though the memories of last night were blissful, reality had become too big to hide from.
You passed pictures of you and Lucas, once in love and happy. It deeply saddened you. Regret ran through your body, but you didn't let it stop you from opening the bedroom door.
There Lucas lay, in the sheets you once slept with him in. He was sleeping peacefully with his hair tousled and his arms stretched across both sides of the bed. His lips were parted as he snored lightly.
"Lu," you spoke softly before gently running a hand down his back, "wake up."
In mere seconds, his eyelids peeled open, and a look of realization painted his face. "Baby? Oh my God—"
You quickly took a step back as he reached for you. Your eyes suddenly found the wooden panels beneath you more intriguing than the oncoming sufferable conversation.
"We need to break up, Yukhei."
Silence followed your words, and he sat up upon hearing them. "Y/N, listen, I know I messed up, and I shouldn't have kissed her! I was drunk, and I wasn't thinking and—"
"I slept with Jaemin." Your eyes looked up to his own finally. Heartbreak and hurt immediately clouded his eyes; you felt your heart start to crack.
"You... why?"
It was your turn to start fumbling for words. Your throat tightened up, tears welling in your eyes.
"I didn't even wanna go to the party! And I went to look for you, and you just had her all over you, and I couldn't!"
"So you go and sleep with your ex?! How is that even remotely close to the same thing!" You watched as Lucas' body tensed up with every word.
"It's not, Yukhei, it's not! That's why we need to break up," you hiccuped as tears began to spill, "You don't deserve to be cheated on after you've been so good to me!" You reached for his shaking fists, but he snatched them away, walking around the bed.
"How could you? Have the past 5 months meant nothing to you?" he nearly shouted.
In general, this question made you seriously contemplate it all. You stood quietly for too long, making Lucas scoff at your silence. "I should've known this would happen. Ten said to be careful about Jaemin being back in town. Fuck this," he spat out, grabbing his shirt and shoes off of the ground.
You began to sob quietly as you watched him pack a few items he had at your place.
"I'm so sorry, Luc—"
"Don't fucking say my name." He refused to look in your eyes as he shoved his shoes onto his feet.
Though your hands trembled, you walked to him and grabbed the bag out of his hands. He huffed, snatching away from you again.
"Y/N, let me go."
"No, I just need–!"
"I don't care what the fuck you need; get away from me!" he yelled, voice shaking.
You began to break down before him, still holding onto his clenched fists. "Please, I just- I need one last thing, please!" you cried, trying to look into his eyes. It was selfish. You'd broken his heart, and now you were asking for requests.
A tear finally escaped his eye as he gave in and looked down at you.
"I love you, Y/N. Why did you have to sleep with him? Was I not good enough?" he whimpered, dropping his bag.
You shook your head and pulled him closer to you, searching his eyes for an opening. "I was hurt, and I wanted you to hurt too. I'm so sorry, Xuxi. I thought it was all behind me because he wasn't here! And y'know, now he is, and I just don't know how to stop going back to him. It's not an excuse, and you're right to hate me for it, but please," you swallowed hard and cupped his face in your hands, "please don't think you aren't good enough. You're so good, and I just fuck things up. It's what I do. I'm so sorry."
He breathed heavily into your hand and nodded before taking your hand away from his face.
"I'm not the victim in this either. I still kissed her, and if this is the end then I need to be honest." His words made your heart sink.
"After you left the party, I took her upstairs and—"
You shook your head, "Lucas, you don't-”
"She sucked me off. I came on her, and I almost had sex with her. I almost did, and I really wanted to. She told me she could give me things you couldn't, and I almost jumped at the opportunity." His face turned hard, and his eyes were emotionless.
Why was he saying this? Why was he telling you these things?
"I'm sorry." He looked down at you again; the hurt returned to his eyes this time. "Do you see how meaningless your apology seems now?"
Finally, he picked up his bag and pushed past you to walk out of the bedroom. Tears streamed down your face rapidly as your chest caved in with heartbreak. You had no one to blame but yourself for how things turned out.
After hearing the front door slam shut, you broke out into an uncontrollable sob. You clawed at your chest as you cradled yourself on the cold wooden floor. What else could you do? You cheated on someone you could've had a great future with for a night of pleasure with Jaemin, someone you had an unhealthy pattern with for years. You made your own bed, and now you had to sleep in it.
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wony1e · 1 month
idol!bf!jaemin x gn!reader, short story, college au
wc: ~300
"Jaemin what should I wear?" you ask as you're getting ready to go to college. "Wear that grey turtleneck with those elegant black pants. I think it would look great" he says, his voice coming from your phone. Right now while you're choosing clothes to wear Jaemin is finishing his work, and soon he will come to your apartment to drive you to your classes. "I need to go shopping" you say picking up the clothes Jaemin mentioned. "Shopping? For clothes?" he asks confused. You already own a lot of different clothes since being a fashion student you had to look good even when going to college. "Yes, for clothes" you answer trying to get dressed at the same time. "We don't have any matching ones, and that needs to change. We need to buy at least a few outfits so that next time we go out with the boys everybody will know you're mine" you argue. "Baby you know I would love to but it will have to wait. We have a tour coming up soon so I can't go shopping for now. But we can do it after I come back, okay?" Jaemin says. You actually forgot about the tour, now a little ashamed of yourself. "Sorry, I forgot about it. It's no problem to go later I would just love to have matching outfits". Just as you finish, you hear Jaemin get into his car. "We can talk more when I get to you, so wait a few minutes princess" he responds before saying goodbye, as he has to hang up and focus on the driving. You're a bit disappointed, but you need to get ready now, so you decide to worry about it later. You know you can always talk it out with Jaemin.
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