josaeul · 5 years
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josaeul · 5 years
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27 notes · View notes
josaeul · 5 years
Who? You | JK x Reader
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Summary: After months of a strange man breaking in your house to talk to your plants, you decide to return the favor of uncomfortableness he brought into your nights by staring at him through the window. Except that your plan backfired miserably and your life was flipped in one night by a strange, nymph-like man.
Word Count: 3620
Parring: JK x Reader
AU: Cryptid! Yandere! JK
Warnings: Lowkey graphic description of dead body and wounds, obsessive behavior, anxiety, and slight-mental breakdown.
A/N: Ooof,,, I haven’t been feeling well and my creativity has decided to give up on me but I managed to scrape the leftovers and pull this boy out. This isn’t what I’d normally publish but this is what my notes for oneshots/chapters look and I just… didn’t have it in me to finish it to a T but like… it’s readable and it doesn’t suck dick and I like it so like, progress??? I tried to not be too descriptive with either the house because I wanted you to imagine your house or one that you’d like so do that please thnx, and the dead body because it’d make many people uncomfortable. One way is gonna come, eventually but it’s gonna come after I finish this Hoseok one-shot thing I’ve been working on and putting off for months;;; I hope you enjoy this :D 
It was late at night when you suddenly were awoken by the same old muffled talking in your garden. It had been happening for months now, someone had taken their time to continuously break into your house and talk to your plants. You were certain of it, your housemates Sooyeon and Yuqi didn’t believe you, however, and whenever you tried to report about your un-welcomed intruder they’d brush you off as another crazy drunk who had too much time on their hands. You had truthfully grown frustrated at the way your claims were being taken, you were sure that maybe he even lived in your damn garden! But slowly this man had, once again, uninvitedly made his way into your heart.
In the beginning, just like anyone with an ounce and a half of common sense, you were scared out of your mind and immediately tried exposing the creep, yet every time you got to your garden or tried to take a picture of the man he would disappear like thin air. You knew it was a man, or at least you made an educated guess,  because you had actually taken a few pics and had caught sight of him a few times, but you never ever, ever had been able to talk or truly see him. You only knew he was a male, tall, lived in your garden, and talked to plants. A strange fellow, but at this point who are you to judge?
This time, however, you’ve decided to take a different approach and instead of trying to interact or actively tried to expose him, as you had previously done, you’d try to simply observe him. Unsettling and a highly dysfunctional plan? Yes, but you’re dealing with this man who’s been breaking into your garden and talking to your tulips and dandelions, [Name].
And so, the minute you heard the familiar ruffling of the leaves in your garden you tiptoed out of bed and creeped out onto your window-frame. Hands against the cold metal railing your eyes widen at the handsome boy that anxiously looked around himself. Maybe running down the stairs with a pan screaming about calling the police wasn’t a good way to get a look, who would have thought? Poor boy looked paranoid and you couldn’t help the seed of guilt that settled in the very pit of your stomach.
As you continued to peek you were able to notice that not only was he incredibly handsome, but he also seemed to carry a glowing air wherever he went with him, like a trail of golden dust that floated in the air that fell from the bottom of his toe to the very last hair, his cheeks shining a bright red just like his pointed ears, embarrassment and concern obvious in his eyes. His outfit consisted of a beautiful blouse made out of a silk-like material that hugged him loosely that was a deep, rich green, black ripped pants, and dark, heavy boots. The big bag he carried seemed to be made out of flowers and leaves, cherries and fruits. His skin shone brightly in contrast to his bright red hair and a soft bunny smile that painted itself on to his lips.
“Stunning…” You gasped, your mouth going into a soft “o” shape as a bright pink danced its way into your cheeks. You felt your heart pick up a bit as he seemed to wake up your sleeping garden, the way he laughed and brought in the birds from their nests, butterflies from the flowers that seemed to take a brighter, happier tint. The light in your garden dimly lit up and soon your garden, with the help of this fairy-like boy, had gained a life of its own. Sighing with content, he danced a bit in happiness before he sat himself in one of your old, rusty white summer chairs that came with the beautiful, wooden, old house that you lived in, he took his leaf bag and took out a book and camera-like device and a few little echo-friendly and handmade looking trinkets.
You saw as he picked it up and pointed its lens towards the window you were in, in shock you crouch down and freeze in place as a soft ringing was heard echo through the garden, and little bells soon followed and a deep chuckle was heard as the boy talked in a foreign language while laughing cutely, pointing at the frogs as he seemed to explain something to the owls who nodded as if they understood. You were lucky to peek out just in time to witness the cute little exchange, just what and who was this boy?
You asked yourself this but you truly didn’t care, you were too enchanted by the boy to care. From his little smile to the gleeful tone he took when speaking to what you could only think of as an unknown tongue, the way his cheeks puffed out when his smile grew larger and the bunny-like look that filled in the creases of his face. The way he glowed on what would otherwise be a dark, silver tinted moonlit night, the way fireflies seemed to dance and sing around him giving him a bright, soft yellow glow, the way your garden seemed to have grown a life of its own as he sat in your old, rusty white summer chair. He wasn’t human, no doubt in your mind.
There was no way a man, or woman, could ever look similar to the way he did. The way his hair glowed red like the points of his ears, his eyes that looked like they held galaxies creasing like a smiling moon as he laughed a sweet wind. If you could, you would have filmed the moment in front of you if you could only peel your eyes away for one second but you couldn’t. You just couldn’t take your eyes off the Monet like scenery, you just couldn’t.
You smiled at the sight of seeing him eagerly take the developed picture out of the device only to be followed by a gasp and what felt like a million hushed whispers. Voices that seemed to come from all around your garden quickened and grew louder as the panic in the boy’s eyes settled.
“What, [Name]?” You heard that the boy ask you before he covered his mouth with his hands and turned to look at your window, “Oh, baby no, no…”
And odd feeling crept onto your stomach and chest, a feeling you could only describe as the odd sense of knowing the rollercoaster you were on was going to drop but having that small amount of naive hope that you were wrong. Yet you were sure he wouldn’t find you or willingly interact with you, he had shown himself wary of you for the past months, had he not? What would make tonight any different? But it seemed that the stars had aligned differently unknownst to you because soon you’re able to hear the sound of footsteps, metal, and a kick. A lock is thrown to the ground, a door torn down, and a man was now inside your house.
“Oh my god,” you whisper under your breath, “He’s inside my fucking house.
Panicking, you hurriedly crawl into your bed, afraid of alerting the man and your roommates, Yuqi and Sooyeon, you drag the covers up to the very top of your head and close your eyes shut tight. 
“Please, oh god,” you felt yourself tremble, “Let this man be nothing but a nightmare, please, oh please, let this be my imagination playing tricks and not a man in my house!”
The old wooden floor creaked under the man’s weight, his boots made of worn-out leather carried awful news, fears, and an unknown being with every step.
You began to fear for your life, greatly. Suddenly the gravity of what had been going on settles in and you shake and scold yourself, you should have insisted to the police, yet you didn’t and fantasized about the man who had broken into your house! You should have called them immediately after seeing the strange, red-haired man in your back garden. 
You regretted not calling the police so, so so much, “For fucks’ sake, [Name], you’re an idiot, aren’t you? Not caring for your life or of those around you!”
And you found yourself praying as his footsteps echoed around your old, worn down house in a frantic pace. Up, down, opening cabinets, doors, windows and more.
A gut feeling is suddenly stabbing at your sides as questions and insecurities start to rise, he was probably looking for your room was he not?
You feel a bunch of tears swell in your eyes and you can only just cry and debate on taking your phone and you slowly, oh so slowly because you didn’t trust your trembling hands, reach for your phone and make a grab for it from your bedside table. You begin to dial for the police with trembling fingers, you had to correct your shaky hands way too many times but just as you were about to hit call you heard the small creak of your old wooden door open.
Oh god, he knows your name and at that knowledge, you feel the hot, sticky tears roll down your cheeks bitterly. Oh my, did you fear this unknown man who was staring you down in your very own bed, room and house, oh should you have called for help when you had the time. You could only scold yourself now, however, and drown in the hatred of knowing that things could have been so, so different.
“Please, I beg you, don’t hurt me. I am so sorry but I swear I won’t tell a soul, just please take what you want and leave!”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“You’re here to hurt me, aren’t you?”
At this point, you’re clutching your phone so awfully close to your chest you feel the electro waves bouncing off and into your skin, you were nervous, anyone could tell that, and this man dared to look at you frozen in a state of something similar to wonder. “You’re scared, aren’t you?” He points out the obvious as he slowly walks to your side. You freeze and try to scoot farther and farther away from him but soon reach the edge of the bed, he smiled even wider as he saw your partially trapped form.
“Get away from me, please just leave,” You sobbed once more but he only looked at you smiling widely as he stood in front of your window and next to the very edge of your bed. But he didn’t listen, he stood there looming over your bed, a wide grin painted on his lips as big as a crescent moon. “Why should I?” He asked you loudly, “I… I’m already in your house, I don’t want to leave you.” He thought for a while before nodding to himself, “Yeah, yeah, I don’t want to leave your house.”
At this point you were terrified, you had no idea who this man was and so you could only hope this was a messed up dream, you were sobbing big, fat tears rolling down your cheeks and hitting your bed, “No, leave, I don’t know you, I don’t know you!”
“Shh, shh, don’t scream,” he ran to your side and- oh my god was his skin cold- slapped his hand on your lips to shut you up. This was real, he was real. Oh my god, you should have called the police. His face was painfully close to yours allowing you to meet him eye-to-eye and scan the boy’s face. His face was hauntingly pretty, red lips now turned into a scowl, eyes big and doe-like framed by dark eyebrows, red hair that was parted down the middle framing his face beautifully and sweet-smelling too, you could only look him over and let out a scared and muffled, “Who are you?”
He looked over your face before caressing your cheeks curiously, “Jeongguk.” He slowly uncovered your mouth, his bigger frame was now fully on top of you by the time you feel your dulled lips again. You knew not to scream, you knew not to do anything harsh, but damn you were scared and it took everything in you not to jump and run away, not as you could anyway since Jeongguk seemed to be made of mostly muscles. You scold yourself for not being like the strong characters in the books that fight back but it wasn’t that easy, no, having someone like this man on top of you was horrifying, you felt like you couldn’t even breathe.
“Wh-What do you want?” You asked him softly, your brain didn’t know what to do, your heart was beating so fast your ribs began aching, your hands sweating, you hated it. “What do I want?” He thought for a while, his tongue seemed to sweep from one cheek to another poking at the skin, his eyes searched your room and then your face, “ What do I want? I don’t know, I think I want… you.” He smiled wider than before as he saw the confusion and fear in your eyes, “I-I’ve been watching you, not gonna lie, you’re not much but I think… it’s your eyes, yeah, I like them. Anyway, you’re not really a private person, I know you stay awake reading dumb things on your phone, I know you tend poorly to your garden, that you’re scared of horses and clowns, you hate bugs and you’re allergic to ants-” “What the fuck? Jeongguk stop, I don’t know you, you don’t know me just leave me alone and I won’t tell anyone, I won’t even call the police just go away.” 
But he didn’t stop, no, he continued for hours. Every time you’d doze off he’d scream at you and his voice got louder, pinch you, tug at your hair, you laid there scared and confused about what to do. And so you could only lay there hoping, wishing he’s just shut up and leave. Suddenly it was seven am the time you knew Soyeon would come and wake you up for school but he didn’t seem to mind and continued to hover above you painfully close. Your head was aching and your throat was sore, your wrists hurt and your body felt like shit but you couldn’t give in, no, Soyeon was gonna come and fix this.
“If you know my schedule-” “Don’t question me!” Your eyes widened at his tone, before you sighed, “I’m talking damn it, what’s so hard for you to understand of being quiet?” You looked over at your clock, only five minutes before Soyeon had to arrive any minute till she’d be the one to have balls and call the police and get this weirdo out of your damn house. “Fine,” You felt yourself get thrown off your bed, your legs were numb after such a long time laying in your bed, “Go look for Soyeon.”
You didn’t need to be told twice, you didn’t even question how he knew you were thinking of the blonde-haired girl, before you were running out of your room and into Yuqi’s but her bed was empty and she was nowhere to be found, ignoring the painful feeling of numbness and dullness that slowed your body down. “Yuqi?” You shouted as you began searching over her room, the closet, her bathroom, you tried opening Soyeon’s door but it didn’t budge. You ran around the first floor of your house, your phone had been dropped and you couldn’t find it nor the other phones that should be in the house, so now all you could do was open all the doors you could get open and hope to find one of the girls, but they were nowhere to be found, you considered making a run for it, you really did, but whenever the thought passed through the back of your eyes and into your brain Jeongguk would appear behind you smiling and you’d take off to look for your friends, or at least a phone, but to no luck. “Soyeon, Yuqi?” 
“What if you looked downstairs?” Jeongguk asked smiling, he had appeared behind you casually out of thin air causing you to trip over yourself and scrape your arms on the old wooden floor. “What the fuck do you want, Jeongguk?” 
“I told you, I want you,” he answered bored, his face was painted with the cold and blue rays of sunshine, “You’re so bland, so boring, you’re interesting, I want to know more about you but you never seem to want to be kind and do things in a civil manner, what the heck did you think you were doing calling the police?” He asked as he approached your shaking form in the ground before grabbing your chin, “I think I like you, I really do, you’re so weak, so damn… useless, you’re fun.”
“Fuck you, how do you even know me?” You sob confused, what was he getting at?
“Do you really want to know sweetheart?” He asked teasingly, “Now, I think your friends are waiting for you in the kitchen, you have twenty seconds to find them and run.”
He grabs your arm and pulls up before pushing you towards the stairs and shoving you downstairs, “If I find you, you’re mine. Now go~”
You trip over your own feet as you tumble down the flight of stairs, just what was Jeongguk and how did he know you? Why was he here, had he been waiting for the moment you slipped up and didn’t threaten him to come in?
You arrive at the bottom of the stairs and turn to run towards the living room when you hear Jeongguk begin his countdown, “Twenty!”
“Shit,” you mumble as you bolt over to your living room, no sign of Yuqi nor Soyeon, you squint towards the dining room and you swear you saw a hand coming from the farthest seat, you bolt over there naively ignoring the wet feeling between your toes. A sense of unknown dread filled your stomach as you reached over to pull the chair. “Eighteen!”
Yuqi’s limp body collapsed from the chair. A thick, deep gash rested on her neck, her eyes wide opened and her mouth parted, dried drool rested on her chin. 
“No, no, Yuqi,” You mumbled as you backed away slowly before tripping on a potted plant and falling down on the floor, you look down in horror at yourself, your pajamas covered in blood from the floor and oh my, the floor is covered in blood and so are the walls.
It takes everything inside you to not vomit your stomach out, before you’re standing up again and stumbling down into the kitchen, “Soyeon! Yuqi- she’s, oh my, Yuqi’s dead! Soyeon, please help! There’s a man, he-he killed Yuqi! I swear, he- I told you, he’s the man, the man from the garden, I- Not you too…” You slur the words as you open the door and soon you feel your knees hit the floor.
“Oh Soyeon… not you too,” you sob helplessly as you crawl over the blonde’s mangled body, “Yuqi, Soyeon, no.”
“Good gods, [Name],” you heard the boyish voice come from behind you, “I expected more of a show, a few more tears, a scream or two… Not this, but I guess you look charming.” He looked down at you, his large frame towering over you as he read your face.
“Why.” You looked at him, your neck hurt like hell as you stretched it so you could look him in the eyes, “Why, how, Jeongguk, why?”
“I told you, you interest me,” he repeated as he crouched down beside you, “You’re so common you’re unique, why try and stand out, right? I don’t know why I like you this much, I’m not gonna lie, I’m taking a pretty shot by doing this, but it feels right, you know?” He asks you as he pulls you close by your neck, he rests his chin on top of your head before taking a large sniff, “You smell so nice, [Name], I’ve always wondered if you smelled this nice.”
You were trapped by his larger frame as he stood up and decided to carry you, he led you outside where his bag and lense laid. The garden looked exactly like it did from above, you thought bitterly but you couldn’t bring yourself to get excited, “Where are you gonna go now?” You managed to slur out, your head hurt from processing what had happened, you didn’t even know what exactly had happened, this could either be a very bad and messed up dream or reality.
“You tell me,” he looked down at you, “Would you rather come home with me, to a place you’ve never been to before or have me kill you and take your body with me? Or maybe stay and get blamed for their deaths? I’m trying to be nice and let you decide, even if I don’t really mind I’d rather you stay alive. But just so you know, even if you don’t come with me now I’m gonna find you, I’m gonna look for you until I get bored or you’re mine. So, which one do you choose?” 
Your eyes fluttered shut as you struggled to stay conscious, you mutter your choice and you hear Jeongguk sigh before you finally pass out, exhausted, tired, hungry and thirsty, you hoped this was a dream and nothing more.
“If that’s what you want, baby if that’s what you want.”
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josaeul · 5 years
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467 notes · View notes
josaeul · 5 years
 a collection of short stories, from me, to you. 
Park Jimin
3AM - Park Jimin one shot / Park Jimin x Reader /  725
Cold Coffee - Park Jimin one shot / Park Jimin x Reader / 826
Under the Same Sun - Park Jimin one shot / Park Jimin x Reader / 786 (requested)
Lovesick - Park Jimin one shot / Park Jimin x Reader / 994
Early Hours - Park Jimin one shot / Park Jimin x Reader / 717
Closer - Park Jimin one shot / Park Jimin x Reader /  1,037
Cold Snap - Park Jimin one shot / Park Jimin x Reader / 874
Solace - Park Jimin one shot / Park Jimin x Reader / 981
Kim Seokjin
Cocoon - Kim Seokjin one shot / Kim Seokjin x Reader / 494
Movie Night - Kim Seokjin one shot / Kim Seokjin x Reader / 820
Maybe - Kim Seokjin one shot / Kim Seokjin x Reader / 559
You - Kim Seokjin one shot / Kim Seokjin x Reader / 906
Sober - Kim Seokjin one shot / Kim Seokjin x Reader / 835
Kim Taehyung
Homesick - Kim Taehyung one shot / Kim Taehyung x Reader / 693
Coffee Morning - Kim Taehyung one shot / Kim Taehyung x Reader / 570
Colours - Kim Taehyung one shot / Kim Taehyung x Reader / 935
Sundays - Kim Taehyung one shot / Kim Taehyung x Reader / 733
Writer’s Block - Kim Taehyung one shot / Kim Taehyung x Reader / 814 (requested)
Lover - Kim Taehyung one shot / Kim Taehyung x Reader / 1023
Jung Hoseok
Delicate - Jung Hoseok one shot / Jung Hoseok x Reader / 939
Moonlight - Jung Hoseok one shot / Jung Hoseok x Reader / 751
Jeon Jungkook
Lovedrunk - Jeon Jungkook one shot / Jeon Jungkook x Reader / 1,024
Expectations - Jeon Jungkook one shot / Jeon Jungkook x Reader / 721
Encore -  (1) / 1,142 // (2) /  838 -  Jeon Jungkook x Reader 
Min Yoongi
Sixteen - Min Yoongi one shot / Min Yoongi x Reader /  591
Loveless - Min Yoongi one shot / Min Yoongi x Reader / 1,082
Alone - Min Yoongi one shot / Min Yoongi x Reader /  1,284
Jaded (1) // (2) - Min Yoongi x Reader / 815
Kim Namjoon
Midnight - Kim Namjoon one shot / Kim Namjoon x Reader / 563
Home - Kim Namjoon one shot / Kim Namjoon x Reader /  765
Craving - Kim Namjoon one shot / Kim Namjoon x Reader / 945
788 notes · View notes
josaeul · 5 years
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where is the map of the soul to open the future?
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josaeul · 5 years
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★ ## messy match icons of LOONAGIRLS :DD
— like or reblog if your save please ^_^ ♡
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josaeul · 5 years
you got through everything you thought you weren’t strong enough for
22K notes · View notes
josaeul · 5 years
I want to be unafraid. I want to be full of light and love and kindness. I want to go on adventures and rejoice in the beauty of living.
92K notes · View notes
josaeul · 5 years
What do the rooms of the boys looks like in CL?
— Scarlet
Kino (Scarlet)
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Shu Sakamaki (Scarlet)
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Reiji Sakamaki (Scarlet)
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Yuma Mukami (Scarlet)
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— Violet
Carla Tsukinami (Violet)
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Laito Sakamaki (Violet)
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Kou Mukami (Violet)
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Azusa Mukami (Violet)
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Subaru Sakamaki (Violet)
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— Orange
Ruki Mukami (Orange)
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Ayato Sakamaki (Orange)
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Kanato Sakamaki (Orange)
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Shin Tsukinami (Orange)
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780 notes · View notes
josaeul · 5 years
i made an aesthetic generator now you can discover urself
436K notes · View notes
josaeul · 5 years
Jungkook is 99% muscle and 110% cute baby bunny
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josaeul · 5 years
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happy 1 year anniversary loona!! i love you💖💖
#happy one year orbiting around the loonaverse!#you can ignore this but i feel like i need to say this;#tw// self harm & suicide#i started stanning loona a little after egoistic came out#but really got into it when yyxy debuted#before i had listened to sitr and it was a fucking bop and kl#after yyxy debuted loona became an ult for me#i was lucky to be part of the fandom when loona finally debuted#i remember when the mv for hi high came out#it was winter here and i had woken up with my ig and tl filled with screenshots and messages for loona#i listened to it non stop when it came out#and favorite oh my god it was freezing that morning when we were lining up for assembly#but damn was loona all i talked about#it was freezing and we had a picture so we couldn't use anything over kneehigh lenght#but there i was bouncing on the grass waiting to go inside for an hour long assembly ranting to my friends about hi high and how much of a#bop it was#lat year when i attempted my phone blaring loona and i just thought to myslef#*myself#how id never listen to loona that id never see my family#i didnt continue with what i was doing#when i first cut myself sonatine became a confort song to me#loona lowkey saved my life and im so grateful#when i left my old school loona songs and realises were all i had#many of my friends cut me off because i left#loona for a while was everything i had#my parents gave me two loona albums for my birthday and i cried so hard when i pulled chuu and gowon#im so happy to be an orbit#happy 1 year with loona
1K notes · View notes
josaeul · 5 years
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188 notes · View notes
josaeul · 5 years
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774 notes · View notes
josaeul · 5 years
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Floof on a poof
282 notes · View notes
josaeul · 5 years
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17K notes · View notes