#my time and focus are all  limited so i'm here to put them towards the people who actively engage and reciprocate
austerulous · 1 year
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Annnd my follower clean-up is complete.
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cherryfennec · 3 months
So this was originally supposed to have a kickass artwork of the bros using the power- up and stuff but then I got sick and then I realised Im out of time and here we are so uh hieee everyone and welcome to my post-
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Happy MAR10 Day! For the occasion, let's go back to the (not discussed in a long time) Power-Up headcanons. This time I'll focus on the Ice Flower (most of the lore under cut like last time)!
This was surprisingly requested by some (3) people. I'm going to be honest, I barely remembered this one at first. I kinda know how it looks and generally what it does, which will have to be enough to base this entire thing on. With that being said, I did some thinking and here's what I've got:
General headcanons;
This one has difficulty surviving outside of it's original environment. If you want to keep a batch in the house your best bet is to use the fridge/freezer, otherwise it looses both it's blue look and the stored energy. See, the Ice Flower originally wasn't (and still technically isn't) it's own flower species. Let me elaborate:
Nowadays the conditions there are not as harsh, however a rather long time ago travelers heading towards places like the Snow Mountain needed to be both be specially trained and very well equipped to even attempt a climb. A heat source was a big must, and it so happens that it often consisted of Fire Flowers. They'd put some in their coats to keep warm, as well as store a few in the backpack just in case they needed to protect themselves from monsters. When setting camp during their journeys these hikers would use the Power-Ups energy to start fires and cook food. After the flowers were depleted of their energy and entered their hibernation stage (I talked about it in my Fire Flower post), they would be simply thrown away like trash. Waiting for them to recharge was often not beneficial, especially in conditions like this, so there was ultimately no point in keeping them. However like I mentioned before, Fire Flowers are very adaptable, which actually wasn't that known at the time. Instead of wilting, these stubborn plants would try gathering energy like the usual, but since it was very cold and direct sunlight was limited, they decided to collect something else. While not all flowers made it, a few managed to amass the eminating frost and turn it into a new kind of energy which proved to be enough for their survival. With time even their petal colour changed to blueish hues. And thus the Fire Flowers in the area became Ice Flowers and over the years started populating the mountains and snowfields.
The Ice Flower is a multiple use Power-Up in theory but more often than not you'll find yourself without a place to freeze it after using one. If it's not placed in a cold environment during it's hibernation it'll either die or, more uncommonly, simply revert back to being a Fire Flower after a long process.
Mario and Luigi specific headcanons;
While the idea of being able to freeze stuff sounded cool it wasn't very fun to learn.
In Marios case imagine: you're good at something, really, REALLY good at something. Okay great, now imagine being told that your knowledge doesn't matter because now you need to do the opposite of what you've learned. Back with the theme of "elements don't mix", Mario absolutely hated how much effort he needed to put into focusing the newfound energy to barely make a tiny projectile. Even before he got the Firebrand he had enough difficulty with it, so it only got worse from there. This was one of the rare times where learning the bare basics instead of mastering a Power-Up was enough for him.
Luigi didn't really mind. The main complications came more from the vague instructions he received during training rather than his own inability. Suprisingly or not the Thunderhand didn't make this one much of a pain either, I guess anomalies attract eachother. While he doesn't consider this Power-Up as a favourite he still finds it pretty fun that he can freeze and walk on water. Did you know, he used to be pretty good at skating in high school. If you didn't he'll make sure to bring it up at a given occasion. Back to ice powers, he definitely outdoes his brother on this one, even if not by much.
There's probably one more thing I should mention. Despite the contrary belief the Ice Flower does NOT increase ones tolerance to cold temperatures. To be frank it might even decrease it by lowering the bodys natural temperature, making the chances of frostbite higher. And so, they learned it the hard way.
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In conclusion, this is more of a situational Power-Up. It's neither easy to find or preserve which can be annoying but despite all this it's hard to deny that it's ultimately a useful tool.
Few bonus headcanons!
I don't know how much sense I conveyed through my broken wording and less than average writing skills but it's not that shabby if I say so myself. Just like last time some details might change in the future but for now that's the general idea that I have considering the Ice Flower. Once again thank you to whoever took the time to read this!
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anakin-pilled · 5 months
𝘨𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘰𝘶𝘴 - anakin skywalker x fem! reader (part one)
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pairing: anakin skywalker x fem! reader
wordcount: 4.8k
warnings: minimal uses of y/n (trying to avoid writing this as much as possible but sometimes u need to!), awkwardness, anakin needs a break, POV switching (im trying something new, but its still in 3rd POV), reader is a popstar (very loosely based of taylor swift), too many scenes (i'll limit it next chapter) rating: 18+ (my blog is 18+ only)
rating: 18+ (my blog is 18+ only)
taglist: lmk if u want to be added!
author's note: well, here it is!! my first anakin fanfic!! i was listening to gorgeous by taylor swift and it just reminded me of how much i hate beautiful men (hayden christensen) and the effect they have on me and then this feeling just spirialed and became a fanfic--and my first ever mini series! i'm aiming for four or five parts? enjoy!!! (proofread but if u see a mistake pls tell me). sorry if the first part is boring, i'm just trying to set the vibe and introduce the major plot elements! creds to saradika for the header!
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All Anakin Skywalker wanted was one, uninterrupted kriffing break. Yet, even that seemed like too much to ask from the Maker. With an annoyed sigh, Anakin quickly ended the call on his comlink and made his way out of his living quarters and towards the Jedi Council’s meeting room. “What do they want from me now?” Anakin thought to himself. 
It wasn’t unusual for Anakin to sport an attitude, but lately, his foul mood had been exacerbated in the last few months for several reasons. Anakin’s recent breakup with Padme laid heavy in his heart. As the war raged on and both of their duties called them away for weeks, even months, at a time, the young couple rarely had time to see each other. It was supposed to be a small break at first–Padme was working on an important bill that could change the tide of the war, so she wanted to focus all her energy on gaining support for the bill from fellow Senators and campaigning for its passage on the Senate floor. So, Padme suggested that she and Anakin take a quick pause on their relationship until she was finished with the bill. But even after the bill passed, Padme was too consumed by her senatorial duties to put her all into a relationship. Anakin was just as busy on the battlefields, traveling to distant systems, and ensuring that the Separatists did not win any more than they already had. However, he was still willing to put an effort into their relationship because he loved Padme more than life itself. Padme was Anakin’s first love, and they had already been through so much together. Didn’t that mean something? It was late one night when the couple retired to Padme’s apartment that she dropped the news. Anakin felt as if his whole world shattered. He begged on his knees to Padme, to give them another chance. She insisted it was for the best and that she would reach out to him in a few months when she felt ready. Anakin would be lying if he said a part of him was shocked. After all, Padme put her job as Senator above everything else. But still, it hurt knowing that the one person who he would abandon everything for, would not do the same for him. 
Aside from the breakup, Anakin was tired of the constant fighting, the rising death toll, and the never-ending chaos that always seemed to follow him. The 501st Clone Battalion’s most recent war campaign was brutal, and they lost a few men to Trandoshan separatists while in battle at a small, Outer Rim planet. Anyone could see that Anakin thrived in war. He was nicknamed the “Hero With No Fear” for a reason. But, the death of his men, or any man under Republic forces, always left his heart and mind unsettled. 
As Anakin reached the door to the Jedi Council, he quickly shook his head as if to ward away his dark thoughts. He really should meditate more. The door opened and Anakin was greeted with the sight of the Jedi Masters sitting in a circle, he noticed many of them appeared via holoprojectors. 
“Hello masters,” Anakin said with a bow. He looked around until he met eyes with Obi-Wan, who happened to be off-planet at the moment. Obi-Wan gave Anakin an uneasy smile which blared the alarms in Anakin’s head. Anakin was already in a defensive mode due to his rocky relationship with the council. 
It was Mace Windu who spoke first. “General Skywalker, we have called you here today to discuss an upcoming mission. It is to our understanding that you are currently on a break right now, however, you were specifically requested by the Chancellor for this task.” It must be an important mission if the Chancellor himself requested that Anakin carry it out. 
“There will be an upcoming charity event hosted in honor of the Republic to raise funds for the war effort. The event is being held in Corulag in ten rotations from now. While Corulag is part of the Republic, there have been recent Separatist activities within the planet and its system,” Master Windu continued.
“And what will I need to do while in Corulag?” Anakin asked with a slight edge in his voice. He really didn’t want to travel off-world.
“You will be the personal escort and bodyguard to the charity’s main event, singer (Y/N) (L/N). She will be performing a show as part of the charity and her presence is estimated to bring in a lot of credits for the war effort. While we don’t personally believe there will be a threat on her life, the Chancellor suspects that the Separatists may try to infiltrate the singer as a way to ruin the charity’s efforts.” 
Anakin felt his annoyance flare up again. He was being taken away from his well-deserved break time to babysit a singer? This was a job that even a Padawan could carry–Ahsoka could do it with her eyes closed. 
Even through the holoprojector, Obi-Wan could see the tale tell signs of his former student’s growing anger. He pitied the boy. Obi-Wan felt that Anakin deserved his break, especially after his most recent mission. However, it was not up to Obi-Wan alone to make these decisions. With the war prolonging itself more than necessary and the expenses rising every day, the Republic needed as many credits as it could get from its supporters. Obi-Wan quickly piqued up from the side to calm his friend, “Anakin, the Chancellor personally requested you as the singer is a family friend of his, and he trusts you. The Council will discuss giving you vacation time after completing your mission.” As vexed as Anakin might have been at first, he certainly didn’t want to disappoint the Chancellor. He had no choice but to accept the mission. Anakin silently nodded to the council. 
“Recieve more instructions tomorrow, you will. Rest for now,” said Yoda from his chair. 
And with that, the meeting was over. Anakin said his goodbyes with a bow and walked out.
After Anakin left the meeting, he headed towards the Jedi Archives to conduct some research on his new mission. He wasn’t interested in who the singer was, or what she did. Rather, he wanted to know what kind of person she was–was she a controversial celebrity, or did she stay in the lines? Anakin prayed he wasn’t dealing with some crazy, entitled celebrity who did whatever she wanted. That would make his mission harder than it needed to be. He had heard of the singer’s name in passing from Ahsoka, who kept up with recent trends via the HoloNet. As a General and a Jedi Knight, Anakin no longer had the same sense of freedom that he had as a Padawan, even though he had much less freedom than his other Padawan counterparts. “Perks of being the Chosen One, I suppose,” Anakin bitterly whispered to himself. 
Anakin filtered past the front desk of the Archives after giving Madame Jocasta a quick nod and small time. He wanted to be in and out so he could get food from the Temple’s cantina before retreating to his living quarters for the night. 
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“What do you mean they are assigning a Jedi Knight as my security detail?! I thought this was supposed to be a simple concert for a charity event, why are they assigning a Jedi if there is no imminent danger?!” you exclaimed to your manager, Gido Frisco, with a pointed look. 
When you agreed to perform at this charity event, you did so because you wanted to help raise credits for the Republic. Your management discouraged you from having any outspoken opinions on politics as it could lead to alienation from fans and tabloid backlash. But after your home planet became a recent victim to Separatist forces, you could no longer idly sit by and continue living as if the war didn’t affect you. When the charity’s organizers approached you to do this event, you happily agreed because all the credits earned were going to a meaningful cause. To the Republic. To democracy. 
The event was to consist of several performances by famous artists from throughout the Core Worlds, but you were the headlining event. Though you would humbly deny it, your popularity superseded everyone else set to perform. The media and your fans dubbed you “the Galaxy’s princess” due to your popularity as a singer across the Galactic Core. You hated that nickname. You were very far from a princess–you were just lucky enough to be born with an innate musical talent. Nonetheless, you were still treated as if you were royalty. 
“Look, I’m going to be blunt with you. There has been Separatist activity in and around Corulag, but we don’t predict that it will directly affect you. Think of the Jedi as an extra security personnel. They won’t let anybody or anything hurt you,” explained Gido. 
“Who is we?”
“We as in myself, and the Chancellor. He was quite worried for your safety when he heard of your acceptance to perform.” That made much more sense. The Chancellor, an old family friend of yours, often looked out for you throughout your years on Coruscant. You had no family on the planet as all your family lived on Bar’leth, only visiting you every few months. While you saw them as often as you could, the help and care they provided you was limited to messages on your holo tablet and calls via communicator. The Chancellor took it upon himself to help you whenever he could. You were extremely grateful for his help, but you couldn’t help but feel unnerved by the thought of having a Jedi accompany you. You knew Jedis were the peacekeepers of the galaxy. As the war started and worsened, the Jedi were thrust into a new, partial position. Where the Jedi went, trouble unfortunately followed. Would more trouble follow you if you were accompanied by a Jedi than if you were not? Only time would tell. 
“Very well. And when will I meet this Jedi?” 
“You will meet him tomorrow morning. Please do not stress the situation. We are merely taking precautions. Rest for tonight and we will talk more in the morning. Goodnight, princess.” And with that, Gido walked out of your apartment and you were left alone.
You walked outside and onto your balcony and observed the night sky. Your eyes followed the speeders flying through the air–a cacophony of honks and whizzes! reached your ears. You leaned upon the stone masonry of the balcony’s railing and rested your elbows on its surface. You then laid your cheek in your palm and closed your eyes as the lights of Corscuant reflected off your statue. You took into the slight breeze of the night and enjoyed this moment of serenity. Who knows what the next few rotations will bring? You could only hope you would suffer a nicer faith than your home planet. Your eyes opened, and you retreated into the lush interior of your apartment and began your nightly routine. 
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Holy kriff, this man is kriffing gorgeous! Those were the first words that popped into your head when you saw the Jedi knight walk into your living room. It was early in the morning. You thought he was only supposed to accompany you at the charity benefit, but your team thought it would be best if he accompanied you throughout the week as you prepared for the event and ran errands. 
As he walked closer to you, you felt your mouth run dry and a creeping heating sensation sprouted from the base of your neck to your cheeks. You could only hope he didn’t feel the heat radiating off your body. He was wearing dark-colored robes, with a maroon long-sleeve undershirt, and only one leather glove on his right arm. Was this a fashion statement of some kind? Gido spoke up before you could say anything. 
“Welcome, and thank you for being here Jedi. I can assure you that it means very much to us and I hope that you find yourself comfortable for the next few rotations. Our team will do its best to ensure you are properly accommodated. My name is Gido Frisco, and I am (Y/N)’s manager.” Gido reached out his hand for Anakin to shake. Anakin took his hand in a firm grip and replied.
“Thank you. My name is Anakin Skywalker, general of the 501st Legion. I will do my best to keep (Y/N) safe.”
Anakin. You had heard of him before–he was the Republic’s poster boy and a very successful leader. Though you knew of him, you had yet to put a face to the name until now. Instead of making eye contact with the man, you simply stared at the ground until Gido included you in the conversation. 
“And this is (Y/N),” Gido said. 
You then looked up at Anakin and made eye contact with the gorgeous man in front of you. Your eyes widened slightly as you took in the color of his eyes. They were a dazzling shade of blue that was highlighted by the scar running down the right side of his forehead to underneath his eye. 
There was an awkward moment of silence before you stuttered as you reintroduced your name to Anakin and shook his hand. Shit, he's strong, you thought as he shook your hand with a firm grasp. If there was one thing you were weak for, it was a strong man. A strong, beautiful man!
“Pleasure to meet you too. I’ll be at your service this week,” Anakin stated with a small smile. Kriff, even his voice was attractive! You could only stare at him and nod. You were truly at a loss for words. Wait, can he hear my thoughts right now? You thought to yourself. You heard the Jedi could use the Force to read minds, but you didn’t know if this was just a rumor. You hoped it was just a rumor or you'd find yourself burying yourself six feet under the ground out of embarrassment.
“Well, now that you two are acquainted, I’ll be taking Anakin so we can go over the security details. Stay here until then.” Gido then led Anakin out of the room and that was the last you saw of the Jedi until dinner time. 
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When Anakin woke up the next morning, he walked toward the Temple’s catina to grab a warm cup of caf and breakfast. The food was meager most days, but it beat having to live off the plain-tasting ration bars that he ate most of the time when he was on missions and campaigns. As Anakin walked through the tables to find a seat, he was greeted by the site of his former master sipping on a cup of tea and conversing with Ahsoka. 
“Ahh, Anakin. Nice to see you this morning. I am terribly sorry that you have been called upon for another mission. I do believe that your rest was well-deserved, but unfortunately, I had no power over this decision,” Obi-Wan stated as he continued to sip on his tea. 
“Thanks, Master. I can’t say I’m particularly excited about this, but hopefully, after this is done, I can properly enjoy my rest.”
“Master, you’re so lucky! I am so jealous of you right now. I wish I could join you, but Master Sinabu has requested that I assist him in a few lessons with the younglings,” Ashoka pipped in. “Hey, do you think you could get me an autograph?” She was excited. Ahsoka was no stranger to being in the company of high-profile people, but most of the time, it was limited to officials and members of the Senate. Boring! The thought of her master working with one of the most famous singers of this generation was honestly hilarious to her. A part of her wished it was her on this mission instead. The last time Anakin was on babysitting duty was when Ahsoka first joined Anakin as his Padawan was to rescue Jabba the Hutt’s son. Much like Anakin, Ahsoka believed this task could’ve been carried out by a Padawan, but as Obi-Wan explained to her, the Chancellor personally requested Anakin for this task. 
“Snips, I’m there to protect, not get autographs. Try practicing your mediation skills, and maybe I’ll get you an autograph,” Anakin said with a small smirk on his face. Much like him in his Padawan days, Ahsoka found meditating tedious and boring. He honestly should meditate more to set a better example, but Anakin’s teaching method was more of “Do as I say, not as I do.” 
“Oh come on Skyguy! You owe me this favor after I saved your butt back on Florrum. What would you have done if I wasn’t there to save you from all those assassin droids?” quipped Ashoka with a slight raise in her eyebrows. Damn, she got me there, thought Anakin to himself. But, he wasn’t going to let her have this win so easily. One might say that Anakin was acting immature for his age, but he and Ahsoka’s relationship thrived off witty remarks and friendly competition. Anakin’s relationship with Ahsoka was one of the most precious things in his life. 
“Except I won our last sparring battle. That makes us even, no?” Ahsoka’s smile quickly dropped, and she glared at her master. Anakin took a sip of his caf and continued, “Only kidding, Snips. I’ll try to get you that autograph. I might be too busy trying to keep this singer out of trouble.”
Obi-Wan observed his former student and Ahsoka with fondness. “Do not worry, young one. You will beat Anakin one day. A student is only as good as their teacher, and you have a good teacher. I would know–I taught him,” Obi-Wan joked with the two. “Anakin, I hope this mission goes smoothly. I know how badly your last assignment went.” Obi-Wan placed his hand on Anakin’s shoulder and squeezed it.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Though Anakin’s ego subsided since he lost his arm at the Battle of Geonosis, it didn’t mean he liked talking about his failures. The Separatists somehow acquired important Republic intel and managed to ruin Anakin’s battle strategy with a surprise attack. He and his men just barely made it out on time before a full Separatist takeover happened. Anakin’s appetite was ruined by the thought of it. 
Suddenly, Anakin’s commlink beeped and he knew it was time to head out to the hangar and receive his instructions for the week. He said his farewells to Obi-Wan and Ahsoka before going to the hangar, where he was surprisingly greeted by the Chancellor. The older man smiled at Anakin and shook his hand.
“Anakin, my boy. I cannot express my gratitude to you for accepting this assignment. You see, I specifically asked for you because I knew that I could trust you with my dear family friend. I do hope that you take care of her well.” 
“Of course, Chancellor. She will be safe under my watch.” 
“Now, she shouldn’t give you any trouble. She is a well-mannered girl. However, I have just received secret Separatist intel and wanted to share it with you before I visit the council. According to the intel, Count Dooku has ordered intelligence to interfere with the benefit. Our report says that he is planning on hacking our broadcasting signal and threatening the talent for the whole galaxy to see. For what, I do not not know. While we do expect the benefit to raise many credits for the Republic, the show will also provide a boost in morale for the citizens of the Republic. I theorize that Count Dooku wishes to ruin the public’s perception of the Republic’s efficiency and control over the war and the talent are a way to do this,” explained Chancellor Palpatine.
Anakin furrowed his brows. “Seems like Count Dooku is running out of scare tactics. Chancellor, the Jedi will ensure that the benefit proceeds as expected and that no harm comes to anyone there.” 
The Chancellor smiled at Anakin’s words. “Thank you, my boy. Now I mustn’t take any more of your time. I will let you go now. You will receive more information on the Separatist intel later on.”
Anakin and the Chancellor shook hands once more before Anakin boarded his ship and plugged in the coordinates provided to him by the council. 
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Anakin’s first impression of you was that you were pretty. A delicate kind of pretty that Anakin had only seen in one other person before, Padme. But as quickly as the thought entered his conscious, he pushed it toward the back of his mind. What was he even thinking? He chalked up to him missing Padme. Yeah…Anakin just missed Padme and now that he was in the same familiar situation that he was in a few years ago when he first met Padme, familiar feelings are rising. After all, this wasn’t the first time Anakin had been sent on bodyguard duty for a well-known beautiful public figure. 
Your manager introduced himself to Anakin and then introduced you to him. Though he wasn’t excited about this mission, he couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit relieved that he would be staying in your luxurious apartment for the next few rotations until you traveled off-world. It wasn’t very often that the Jedi were afforded such accommodations. Anakin had spent his fair share of nights seeking refuge in strange, foreign biomes with only mere sticks and leaves as shelter. If he couldn’t sleep in the comfort of his private quarters at the Temple, he might as well enjoy the lavish high-rise Coruscanti apartment. 
Despite Anakin’s initial impression of you, your reaction toward him was…intriguing. Based on his research last night, Anakin couldn’t anything on the HoloNet that painted you in a bad light. Sure, there were the occasional tabloid articles that made outrageous claims about you, but all of those were overridden by the amount of good publicity you got. Charismatic, friendly, confident, a sweetheart–these were all words used to describe you by the various media outlets. But the person standing in front of Anakin seemed everything but that. 
Your nervous energy radiated off you and permeated Anakin’s senses through the force. You avoided eye contact with him until your manager forced you to properly look at Anakin and introduce yourself to him. You definitely didn’t seem as confident as the Holo Net made you out to be, but Anakin didn’t fault you for this. He’s sure you felt nervous in the presence of a Jedi because it implied that there was some danger lurking around. If there wasn’t, he wouldn’t have been assigned to his task. What did you know about the terrors of war and the cruel reality of death and destruction? You were just a rich celebrity located within the safe confines of the Galatic Core. Anakin felt a twinge of jealousy at this notion. He knew that he belonged with the Jedi, but Anakin couldn’t help but feel envy at the fact that you were simply an innocent civilian whose daily life was virtually unaffected by the war. You didn’t have to witness violent bloodshed, say goodbye to your comrades, and live life constantly on the move. Sometimes Anakin longed for his days on Tatooine when he lived with his mother and worked in Watto’s workshop. He was a poor slaveboy, but at least he had his mother, and life was relatively peaceful. Before Anakin could harp on these thoughts any longer, he caught a stray thought that didn’t belong to him. 
Kriff, even his voice was attractive! Anakin was sure the thought didn’t belong to Gido, so he could only assume that it belonged to the woman standing in front of him. Anakin internally smirked to himself. Could it be that Anakin made you nervous for reasons other than him being a Jedi? Perhaps…you found Anakin attractive. Anakin didn’t care if you found him attractive, but it did boost his ego a bit. It seems his split from Padme was affecting him more than he thought. Since when did trivial things like this matter? 
Anakin looked over you once more before following Gido to discuss the schedule and plan for the upcoming rotations. 
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Dinner was…awkward, to say the least. It was just you and Anakin eating in your dining room. Gido had some business he needed to attend to so he could not join you for dinner. Anakin insisted that he could eat somewhere else as he did not want to intrude, but you insisted that he eat with you. It was the polite thing to do. But after you insisted that Anakin sat with you, you realized that you had nothing to talk about. A singer and a Jedi Knight turned war general? What would you have in common? A pregnant silence enshrouded you both. Only the soft clinks of silverware could be heard. 
You sipped on your water every few bites to calm your nerves. This was so unlike you! Honestly, you were never one to shy away from anyone’s presence. A part of your job was selling a likable persona to the public–countless interviews, media appearances, meet and greets! You had done these all with grace and a smile. Yet you couldn’t find the proper words to say to the gorgeous man sitting right across from you. Geez, he must think I’m one of those stuck-up celebrities, you chided in your head. You were far from stuck up, but something about Anakin set your nerves on fire and made the social part of your brain feel like mush. Sweat started building up in your armpits as you thought about it. You had to do something to salvage your reputation and stop yourself from sweating through your outfit.
You cleared your throat and looked up from your dinner plate. “So, Anakin. How do you know the Chancellor? I hear you’re friends with him.”
“I’ve known the Chancellor since I was a little boy. We first met when I left my home planet after I was discovered by a Jedi named Qui-Gon Jinn. He was Naboo’s representative back then.”
“Oh, that's interesting. My family goes way back with the Chancellor too. My father and him studied at the same university on Naboo. Though my father was a few grades below the Chancellor, they became good friends,” you replied. 
Anakin nodded at your story before focusing his attention elsewhere. You internally deflated once you saw he did not seem to care about keeping a conversation. However, if you were going to spend the new few rotations together, you’d rather it not be more awkward than it already was. 
“Uhm, where are you from? You mentioned that you left your home planet. I’m not from Coruscant either! I am from Bar’leth.” 
“Tatooine,” Anakin answered curtly. The way Anakin said Tatooine almost made you think that he disliked his home planet. He didn’t say it with any fondness, or longing. 
“That’s in the Outer Rim, right? I’ve never been. How is it?” you questioned.
“Hot, lawless, and sandy.” Another short answer.
You got the impression that Anakin wasn’t exactly fond of his home planet, so you decided to change the subject of conversation. “You travel a lot as a Jedi. Which has been your favorite planet so far?”
Anakin was silent for a moment before, as if he were thinking deeply about it. In reality, Anakin knew his favorite planet. Naboo. He only paused for a moment because he was unsure if he wanted to reveal this information to you. Though it was seemingly an innocent question (and it was), Anakin felt it was a vulnerable question. Naboo is the planet he spent days frolicking in the lush, romantic meadows with Padme, falling deeper in love with her as the days passed. Naboo represented a part of Anakin that no longer existed–an Anakin that didn’t know the pain of losing a mother, losing a part of himself in the process. When his mother died, gone became the young boy with a golden aura and eyes full of hope. On Naboo, Anakin was still bright and naive with a laughter full of joy and excitement. That Anakin died the day he and Padme set out to find his mother on Tatooine. Anakin wished every day to the Maker that part of him could come back from the dead and replace who he currently was. To better days.
“Naboo. That’s my favorite planet,” answered Anakin. He decided to be truthful instead of responding with a random planet. Anakin didn’t know what compelled him, but he knew you were only being polite. 
“Naboo is beautiful. Though I mainly grew up in Bar’leth, I spent a lot of my childhood summers in Naboo. I don’t think there is any other planet with views as stunning as Naboo,” you revealed. 
You felt that there was nothing else to say. The remainder of the dinner was quiet. Though there wasn’t as much tension as before, it was still awkward. You finished your dinner as quickly as possible before retreating to your personal quarters for the evening. 
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To be continued!
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hugmekenobi · 25 days
S3: The Bad Batch (3)
Chapter Three: Shadows of Tantiss
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Gif by @theworstbatch
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Series Summary: Ever since Eriadu, Clone Force 99 had been a fractured squad. Months have passed but you're finally back with the Batch but Omega is still out there and you won't stop until you find her again.
Chapter Summary: Time is against Omega and Crosshair as they finally make the move to escape
Masterlist for S1 and S2
<Previous Chapter
Genre: Friends (idiots) to Lovers (we're in the lovers stage now)
Chapter Warnings: Canon-typical violence, mentions of food and the importance of self-care, the Force and meditation works how I say it can, reader is a bit more forceful in making Hunter look after himself lol, Hemlock and Palpatine, threatening insinuations, light angst, again my interpretations of headspaces, limited use of (y/n)
Word Count: 3.7K
Author's notes: The people have spoken (it was three people but people I greatly appreciate and it was enough) so here is the third chapter too! Very much sticking with the episode plot because the main focus is on Crosshair and Omega for this one but there's still an added moment in the beginning! Enjoy and I'm excited to start chapter four!
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“You picking up anything?” Wrecker asked your cross-legged form that was seated by the tree at the top of Pabu.
You heaved an annoyed sigh as you sat there. “Nope. I don’t know if it’s cause I’m out of practice or if she’s really somewhere I can’t reach or both, but I can’t get a read on her.” You then sensed Wrecker’s slight unease. “What’s up?”
“Well… um… Hunter’s talking about heading out immediately.”
“Mm-hmm.” You said, shielding your eyes from the sun as you opened them to look at him. “And that’s a problem because?”
“Come on, (Y/N), we can’t just drop the kids here and leave. That’s not fair to them. Plus, Shep offered us a break and- and I- I think it would be good if we got some actual food in our systems. Supplies haven’t exactly been easy to come by when you’re travelling as much as we are.”
You had to agree with him there. You got to your feet and followed his eyes and saw Hunter disengage from a conversation with Shep and stride back to the Marauder. “And what exactly do you want me to do here?”
“Just…” He breathed heavily. “I dunno. Talk to him? Try to get him to listen? He won’t hear us out but- but your relationship is different and- and it’s not just for me, okay. Do it for him. I know things are better but…” He trailed off. “But I’m still worried about him that’s all.”
His sensitivity to the situation never failed to strike a chord with you. You patted his arm. “We’re family, Wrecker. I’d do it just for you anyway.”
Wrecker let out a soft chuckle. “Yeah, I know.”
You walked away from him towards the ship and as you stepped aboard, you saw Hunter sitting back by the navicomputer with his sight fixed firmly on the datapad. “You know, the sector isn’t going to change if you don’t look at it every two minutes.”
“I’m just making sure we have it correct and ready to go. Can you get Wrecker?” Hunter asked without looking at you yet.
“About that…” You came to stand in front of him and placed your fingers under his chin to get him to face you. “What’s this about you wanting to just leave the cadets and take off? Shep’s offering us some decent food and we could rest up before we depart.”
“We don’t have time.” He maintained.
“No one’s talking about a five-course meal. It’s a quick sit down where you can put those clones at ease about this new situation that they’re in and you take a moment to just look after yourself.”
“I don’t need-”
“Hunter, when was the last time you had something to eat that wasn’t just rations?” You interrupted sternly. The mere fact that he couldn’t answer told you that it had been far too long. “Look, we don’t know what we’re going to face out there and we all need to be at full strength and ration bars can’t always cut it. It’s not just you involved in this either. Wrecker has been at it non-stop too and he deserves a moment of respite and something that isn’t a flavourless stick and so do you.
“Thirty minutes. That’s all I’m asking.”
As Hunter saw the determined look in your face, he heaved a sigh, but put the datapad down. He had never wanted his tunnel-vision with this search to negatively impact the rest of you but thanks to you, he realised now that if he had insisted on leaving immediately, then that’s exactly what he’d be doing.
Taking that as your answer, you took a hold of his hands and started to pull.
“Half an hour?” Hunter double checked as he let you tug him from the chair.
“Half an hour.” You confirmed with a nod. “Then we can get going again.”
Omega was already on her feet and waiting by the door when Emerie opened it.
“Good morning, Omega. Come along, there is much to do today.”
Omega followed Emerie through the usual route to the testing room but as she walked in and hopped up onto the examination table, she noticed there were more troopers patrolling and there was a new kind of tension in the air. “Something’s different.” She shared her observation aloud to Emerie. “Why are there so many troopers around?”
“I’m not certain.” Emerie replied.
“You don’t know?” Omega queried, not fully understanding how Emerie could be so content not knowing about what was going on around her.
“The doctor will inform me if it’s necessary.” Emerie prepared the blood drawing equipment and took the sample from Omega.
The door opened and they both turned to see Hemlock and Nala Se enter the lab.
“Emerie, a word?” Hemlock called over.
Emerie put the sample in the tray and walked over to him.
“An unexpected guest arriving shortly. Nala Se and I will be indisposed until he departs. Oversee the lab in her absence.”
“As you wish, Doctor. I will begin testing the latest samples.”
“That is unnecessary.” Nala Se interjected. “I will see to them when I return.” She had been doing her job in keeping Omega safe and having Emerie carry out the tests jeopardised all of it.
“Dr. Karr’s quite capable of handling such matters.” Hemlock ignored the Kaminoan’s objections and faced Emerie. “See it done.” His attentions were then commandeered when Scorch walked through the doors.
“Is everything in order?”
“Affirmative. The shuttle has left the orbital station and the coordinated were transmitted.”
Nala Se stepped away from Hemlock to walk over to Omega as she saw Emerie gather the samples and leave the lab. She pretended to examine the records on the screen as she quietly addressed the young girl, “Omega…  listen carefully. If Emerie tests your sample, you will be in danger. You must flee this facility before it is too late.”
“Wait. Is that why you’ve been destroying my sample?” Omega whispered back.
“Yes.” Nala Se replied. “Project-” But Hemlock’s voice interrupted her.
“Nala Se, come along. Our guest is arriving.”
“Go to the lab, retrieve my datapad and use it to escape. Sneak aboard a shuttle and flee.” Nala Se instructed before she left with Hemlock.
Omega made her way to the lab, her nerves growing as she saw the vast number of patrolling troopers, but she couldn’t second guess now, Nala Se made it clear she had to go, and she could make it work, she just needed the datapad and Crosshair.
She entered the lab and saw that Emerie had already placed all the samples, including hers into the centrifuge.
“Did you need something, Omega?” Emerie asked.
“I… Hemlock said there’s a guest arriving.” She released an awkward chuckle. “Who is it?”
“It’s best not to ask questions.” Emerie replied briskly. “See to your tasks for the day.” When Omega made no move to leave, she properly looked at her. “Are you feeling well? Forget your assignments and get some rest.”
“Okay.” Omega said lightly before she made her way over to Nala Se’s datapad but Emerie’s voice stopped her from taking it.
“Omega, I can handle things here. Go. I’ll check on you later.” Emerie insisted.
Double checking that Emerie’s attention was elsewhere again, Omega grabbed the datapad and ran out of the lab.
“We have quadrupled our objectives in record time.” Hemlock informed Emperor Palpatine as he led him to the vault. “The exotic matter facilities have expanded, providing alteration and testing of much larger assets.”
“I have need of such grand designs. However, that is not the reason why I am here today.”
“Of course. Project Necromancer.” With that, Hemlock activated the door to the vault.
Omega made her way to the detention level and covertly ran to the cell where her brother was lying on the cell cot. “Crosshair.” She whispered.
“What are you doing here?” Crosshair asked irritably.
“Escaping. And you’re coming with me.”
Crosshair reluctantly sat up and regarded the girl with scepticism. “You found a weak point?”
“Not exactly. I’m kinda improvising.”
“Is that some kind of a joke?”
“I’ll explain later. Just get the guards’ attention.”
Crosshair sighed, “That’s not a plan.”
Omega released a disgruntled scoff, and she did not want to entertain this argument, “Just distract him.” She insisted.
His longing for freedom trumped his displeasure at the fact that this kid seemed to lack any sort of proper strategic thinking. So, he got to his feet and walked towards the bars of his cell and addressed the two troopers standing down the corridor. “Guards!”
Omega waited round the corner and watched as one of them approached Crosshair’s door.
“Unlock this cell.” Crosshair demanded.
“What did you say?”
“I was giving you an order.”
The guard scoffed and called back to his partner, “This clone thinks he outranks us.”
“I do.” Crosshair replied simply as he saw the other guard coming to join. “And I’ll take your blaster too.”
“Oh yeah?” The trooper challenged with a mocking laugh. “How are you gonna do that?”
Whilst this was happening, Omega used the opening to place her datapad into the now unmanned centre console and programmed Crosshair’s cell door to unlock.
“You’ll see.” Crosshair didn’t have to wait long until his door opened, and he instantly overpowered the trooper. He stole his blaster and used his body as a shield from the oncoming stun blasts from the second stormtrooper whilst he fired his own stun blast in return and they both fell the ground.
“Nice work.” Omega praised as he put them back behind the cell door.
“Didn’t have much choice.” Crosshair griped as he picked up the second blaster.
“You’re out of the cell, aren’t you?” Omega countered smugly as she removed the datapad and caught the blaster he tossed to her before they both started running.
“Well? Start talking.” Crosshair said as he waited for her to get the next door open.
“I told you. We’re escaping.” Omega repeated.
“Why now? What’s changed?”
“Nala Se said I had to. And I wasn’t gonna leave without you.”
Crosshair let that sink in for a moment. It wasn’t a sentiment he was used to hearing or experiencing, and whilst he held responsibility for that, it was still strange to here coming from someone who had no true reason to have any loyalty to him.
“She told me to use her datapad to access the base and find a shuttle. We just need to get to a hangar.” Omega continued explaining as she finally got the door open.
They took cover behind the hallway’s centre console as a squadron of stormtrooper passed and they overheard part of their musings.
“We’re not supposed to be on patrol until midwatch.”
“Commander’s orders. All hands-on deck until the Emperor departs.”
“The Emperor’s here?” Crosshair hissed.
“What? I didn’t know.” Omega said defensively as she looked through the manifest of available shuttles.
Crosshair released another exasperated sigh. “Another reason why this was not the day to wing an escape.”
“Thanks for the reminder, but I think we’re past that point.” It was then that Omega noticed the tremor in his hand as he held the blaster. “Your hand’s getting worse, isn’t it?”
“I- It’s fine.” Crosshair said with a dismissive grunt as he willed it to stop shaking.
Not having time to push the matter yet, Omega turned her focus back to the screen but what she saw was not good. “Uh oh.”
She took the datapad out. “All the shuttles have been grounded, except the Emperor’s. We’ll have to steal it.”
The sheer simplicity in which she said that had him realising that his brothers may have entertained one too many crazy ideas in his absence. “Impossible. It will be too well-guarded, even for me.”
Omega pondered through any possible alternatives in her head and then she came to the realisation with a gasp. “Wait. I know a shuttle we can use. It crash-landed outside the perimeter back when I first came here.”
“How does a crashed shuttle help us?”
“If the comms are still functioning, we can contact the others.”
He could concede that that part of this ill-conceived ‘plan’ wasn’t totally far-fetched. “And how do we get outside?”
“Follow me.”
“As you can see, the specimens are well-guarded to ensure they remain viable for testing. However, with more time, and additional resources, I am confident that we will have a successful M-count replication.” Hemlock revealed to the cloaked figure.
“There is nothing of greater importance to secure the future of this Empire. Whatever is needed to accomplish this goal, you will have it.”
“Thank you, Emperor.” Hemlock made to show him out, but he only turned to face him. His yellow eyes the only thing visible underneath the cloak as they regarded him with curiosity but also with a hint of disappointment.
Palpatine did not follow the scientist immediately. “I did here word, however, one such specimen escaped your grasp.” He commented. “One that perhaps could offer you more than those that are already under your… observations.”
Hemlock’s posture stiffened and he massaged the palm of his gloved hand. “It was an unfortunate error but one I am hoping to rectify.”
Palpatine only silently nodded before he started to walk out.
As they entered the kennels, they didn’t give the droid much time to react. A few blasts from their blasters and he was down.
“Now what?” Crosshair asked.
“We’ll use the kennel chute.” Omega said as she readied the controls. “It leads outside, but it’s protected by a timed ray shield. We’ll have to move fast or we’ll be trapped.”
Crosshair regarded the aggressive barking hounds uneasily. “Oh, I can hardly wait.”
“We can use Batcher’s empty kennel. Be ready.” She opened the chute, but the door whirred open.
Crosshair cocked his blaster towards the woman that walked in.
“Don’t!” Omega placed her hand on his arm to get him to lower it.
Crosshair didn’t listen, he kept his sights trained on her.
“You should go back to your room.” Emerie advised as she advanced towards them.
“You mean her cell.” Crosshair snapped.
“You’re not thinking clearly. Neither of you.” Emerie said. “But it’s not too late. Come with me and no one needs to know about this.”
“I can’t do that.” Omega responded firmly.
“I spent most of my life confined on Kamino. I won’t be trapped here too.” She looked imploringly at the older clone. “You’re a clone like us, Emerie. Help us.”
Crosshair could tell Omega’s words weren’t doing enough to convince her and he set his blaster to stun.
“Escape is not possible, Omega. This is for your own good.” She pressed the security alarm, but the stun shot hit her immediately afterwards.
The dreaded sound of the comms steady chirp told Crosshair he’d reacted a split second too late. “We have to go.”
Omega activated the first kennel door and the two of them ran down the chute.
Hemlock watched the Emperor’s shuttle depart with a growing sense of pride as the possibility of becoming the scientific minister felt closer than it ever had before.
Hemlock half turned his head to the sound of Scorch’s voice. “What is it?” He asked tightly.
“Omega and CT-9904 are missing.”
He turned around fully. “Missing?” He glanced over at Nala Se and though her face didn’t give much away, he was sure she was involved somehow.
“An alarm was just triggered in the lurca kennels.”
“Seal it off.” He ordered.
An alarm blared through the tunnel and the shields throughout the chut started to turn back on.
“The shield’s not supposed to be active yet.” Omega said in distress.
“They know we’re in here.” Crosshair realised before he increased his speed. “Move faster!”
Together, they both managed to dive out of the exit just as the last shield activated.
Crosshair peered into the dark forest ahead. “What direction is the crashed shuttle?”
“Not sure.” Omega replied.
“Oh, great.” Crosshair muttered impatiently before he looked up to the sound of a shuttle leaving the base. “We’ll follow the flight path.”
“I’m picking up something.” Omega said as she looked at the datapad whilst they both came to a stop. “I think it could be the ship. That way.” She pointed ahead but the cry of a vicious snarl grabbed both their attention.
“Oh, good. The killer hounds.” Crosshair said wryly.
They started their run again but with Omega being so focused on the screen, she tumbled over a tree root.
Crosshair picked up the loose datapad and helped the girl up to her feet.
“Thanks.” Omega said but then she heard a new kind of animal growl, and she peered past Crosshair to see a giant bear-like creature standing tall on two legs. “Crosshair.” She said nervously.
Crosshair pointed his blaster, but he knew by the sheer size of the creature that there wouldn’t be much he could do.
Suddenly, the hounds came running in and rather than come after them, they charged at the creature, and they gratefully took the opportunity to keep running to the downed shuttle.
They reached the shuttle and Omega got to work on powering it up whilst Crosshair kept watch.
Having been dismissed by Dr. Hemlock when she’d come too, Emerie made her way back to the lab to do as he instructed and monitor things there. The monotonous click of the centrifuge blended into the background as she worked.
“Anything?” Crosshair asked.
Omega hit the control panel in sheer frustration. “It’s not working!” She let out a defeated sigh. “Comms are completely dead.” She put the datapad into a supply pack she’d found, grabbed her blaster, and put the pack on her back and came out to join Crosshair.
“They’re coming.” Crosshair said as he heard the low sound of engines approaching and he signalled to Omega to take cover to the side of the shuttle.
“I’m sorry. I thought this would work.” Omega
He may have been doubtful in the beginning, but it was clear that what he originally thought was careless thinking was actually rooted in that out-of-the-box thinking that had gotten him and his brother’s their success during the war and time thereafter. She had done something just by finding a way outside. Now, he could bring in his own experience. “You got us this far. And we’re not done yet. Did they teach plan 72?”
“Mm-hmm. Tech had me memorize all the plans.”
Despite the situation, he couldn’t help the small but fond smile that graced his face upon hearing that. “Of course he did.”
The two of them got in position as the shuttle arrived.
He looked at his hand with anger and infuriation as his aim was off with the first shot and all he could do was retreat into the treeline whilst they fired back at him.
With Crosshair’s distraction giving the opening she needed, Omega made her way to one of the cables the troopers had used to descend. But before she could get up, a stormtrooper cocked his blaster.
“Stand down.”
She awkwardly turned and waved to the soldier. “Hello.”
“I said, stand down.” He repeated forcefully.
Omega watched with shock as a lurca hound came snarling out from a bush and took out the trooper and when he got to his feet and aimed at the hound, she got her own stun blast away. “Batcher?” The answering happy bark told her the answer. “Stay close.” With that, Batcher went to take care of the troopers and she hooked onto the cable and ascended.
With the hound Omega had befriended making her appearance, Crosshair was able to take out more guards than he thought he would’ve been able to.
If things had gone according to plan, he would be able to join Omega in the shuttle in a few minutes. He just needed to bide his time.
Sure enough, as he took out one other trooper, the shuttle started to move wildly out of position and as he took cover from an onslaught of blaster fire, the shuttle fired down on the remaining troopers, and he hastily made his way across the rocks to reach the opening ship doors.
Omega steadied the shuttle and came down the lift to provide Crosshair with cover fire as he came in board and headed up to the pilot’s chair.
Crosshair reached the seat and chucked the pilot out the hatch.
Hearing the doors getting ready to shut, Omega took cover and whistled for Batcher. “Batcher, come!”
When the dog was safely inside, Crosshair shut the doors and got the ship in the air.
Emerie had gotten so used to the monotonous drone of the centrifuge that it had become mere background noise. So much so that she almost missed the new rhythmic beeping that chimed as a new sample clicked into position. Emerie stood up and investigated the screen and the realisation with what she saw, stunned her.
The troopers had only been half the problem. Despite having escaped the ground assault, they were now trying to out fly V-wing shuttles and the bases’ laser cannons and one of them managed to hit the shuttle.
“They’re locking onto us!” Omega shouted as alarms blared throughout the shuttle. “I can’t shake them! Systems are failing.”
“I want that ship neutralized.” Hemlock insisted heatedly as he watched map in main control room.
 “Stop! Don’t shoot them down!” Emerie urged as she entered the room.
“What?” Hemlock snapped.
“The clone’s sample supported a positive M-count transfer with no degradation from the specimen.”
“CT-9904 was ruled out long ago.” Hemlock argued.
“Not him. It’s Omega.” Emerie revealed, showing him the results.
Hemlock studied the datapad and saw what she was talking about. “Call them off!” He directed Scorch.
“But, sir, they’re escaping.” Scorch tried to protest.
“Stand down!” Hemlock insisted. “We need her alive.”
Not looking to question the reason as to why they peeled off, Crosshair shouted to Omega. “Now!”
Omega launched the ship into hyperspace.
Hemlock watched the ship disappear off the map.
“They’ve jumped.” Scorch confirmed.
Hemlock released a short sigh. “A minor setback. I have the full resources of the Empire at my disposal. We will find her. And with her gone, she will lead us to someone else who will prove most useful to our endeavours.” With that, he exited the room.
Next Chapter>
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy, @andreaaxy, @dominoeffectsworld, @nightmonkeysstuff, @arctrooper69, @starwarsnerd111, @fuckoffthanos, @graciexmarvel, @tpwkcalli, @brujaporfavor, @flyingkangaroo, @ladytano420, @keep-calm-and-drink-caf, @yyourmotherr, @sunkissedclones, @xxeiraxx, @dragonrider9905, @skellymom, @lokigirlszendaya
65 notes · View notes
rainy-astrology · 10 months
ATEEZ San Birth Chart Analysis
Based on my opinion and observations. Not a professional astrologer. May change later.
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July 10th, 1999
Jinju, South Korea
10:08 AM
☀️♋️, 🌙♊️, ��️♍️
Sun in 11th shows a drive and ambition towards his future dreams and goals. San has always wanted to be a singer since he was young and has worked very hard to achieve his dream. He has improved his performance and vocal skills immensely over the years, often being the most eye catching member for many people who aren't ATINYs.
Mercury Leo in 11th shows a preference for like minded people. San seems to really enjoy the company of others - seems considerate of others feelings and cares to be on good terms with people. He has a natural charm and sweetness about him.
Moon in 9th also adds onto his ambitiousness - he truly seems to want to make a great influence on the world and be successful. Especially as a Virgo rising...I've never seen a lazy Virgo placement, they always work so hard for they want. He's very strongly opinionated, all of his beliefs come from the heart.
Saturn is also in 9th, which solidifies his strong beliefs/opnions. Saturn here puts a heavy focus on building future career and life. He makes sure to implement a sense of strictness and discipline into his routine.
Saturn trine ASC can make him appear serious and quiet. Physically, it can give people sharp features (Saturn and prominent bone structure), which San definitely has: sharp cheekbones and jaw, nose and eyes, prominent brow bones. Angular brow shapes suit him the best too (at least imo - it looks more cohesive with the rest of his features compared to straight brows). This is also likely why many people may find him intimidating at first or think he's older than his real age.
Mars Scorpio in 2nd is such a possessive and protective placement. It also creates an incredibly hardworking individual who always goes for whatever they want with no limit. San may be especially inclined to working hard towards his finances and can be particular about things he owns (iirc he has a black card but also won't bother to buy new things sometimes).
Jupiter in 8th...this could be about being good with finances, it is a priority for him (could obtain wealth from someone else maybe). This could also be about transformation of himself as 8th house is "death" and Jupiter is expansion. San seems to focus a lot on being authentic and true to himself, so it would not be too surprising if it is about him constantly trying to improve his character for the better. Maybe he has gone through a lot of life changing experiences or will be/is going through them.
Venus Leo in 12th is interesting, especially since Venus squares Moon and Pluto too. He's certainly loyal and devoted to those he loves (Leo's loyalty + Pluto's possessiveness). In 12th though, perhaps San is shy at first? Or at least very selective. It seems once he trusts/loves a person though, he really clings onto them (just look at the way he's glued to the other members and how he always says Yeosang is his. Venus square pluto behavior). Moon square Venus can add onto his attached and affectionate nature (though, many Leo venuses are just affectionate in general)
Uranus and Neptune in 5th makes for a creative and expressive individual. San clearly loves the arts and always expresses his passion in every performance. He may be a bit strange and unconventional, but I think that's just an artist thing in general
Pluto in 3rd explains his thoughtfulness so much! San is a little silly at times, but he seems to have a very deep side to him due to this placement. You can especially see it in the way he talks/writes in his letters to the members and fans - he writes in a way that pulls at heart strings (even I've gotten emotional at one of his letters and I'm not the type to get soft hearted so easily) and makes people reflect. It also explains his strong beliefs and opinions - he's such an advocate for authenticity. Pluto in 3rd folks have a very specific way of talking and thinking that makes them stand out.
Chiron in 3rd may make him feel insecure about the way he talks and thinks though - maybe San is going or has gone through a period of feeling misunderstood by others. A lot of Chiron in 3rd ppl do. Although he does like spending time with others, I think he may accidentally drive people away by oversharing and/or talking too much...He seems a bit intense and clingy, which may be overwhelming for others. Communication and self esteem is a struggle for many with this placement.
Being a Virgo rising, he may appear quiet and serious, observant and disciplined. Hard working with high standards. Pluto and Saturn aspect his ASC so it adds onto the natural stern energy he has.
North Node Leo in 11th is focused on building community, contributing to groups, and celebrating the individualities of others. I think he is doing a pretty good job at this as he's very encouraging and kind to others and is always advocating for people to simply be themselves.
Gemini MC can appear sociable, curious, and optimistic. San is a pretty positive person, I don't think I've seen him be negative to himself or others much...He always seem to be active on socials as he talks to ATINYs a lot. ATEEZ considered him one of the more talkative members in the group too.
Other Analysis:
MBTI | Enneagram
162 notes · View notes
1d1195 · 5 months
Neighbors Extra IV - Merry Christmas
Read Neighbors here
I wanted to write something for the holidays and they seemed like a worthy couple to do so. I will get back to Dolcezza over the next few days and I'm sorry my posting schedule is off now. I will get that back on track too.
Warnings: fluff, cuteness, Christmassy nonsense (maybe a little angst if you read it the right way)
This isn't super proofread. I'm not sure how my timeline is matching up with the rest of the story but this is their first Xmas together as a couple. Probably before the other Extras I've written but I'm not sure time is really relevant.
~3.1k words
Surely everyone in her life showered Rory with presents. He hoped that her family spoiled her just as much.
But he had a sneaking suspicion that wasn’t the case.
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“I hope Santa gets everything on my list,” Rory giggled. Harry watched as the wonderful woman helped Rory write out his list. She wrote out each item carefully, committing it to memory. He signed his name in his large six-year-old print. Once the list was decorated with stickers and glitter (and an extra drawing of the North Pole was slipped in the envelope), she stole a picture of it for her own use and memories. The three of them headed to the store to put the envelope in the North Pole mailbox and get some shopping done.
Harry smiled lazily. This was better than any Christmas he could imagine with his little family—and it had hardly started. He gazed longingly at the love of his life as she meandered down the aisles getting presents for her family, Harry’s family, coworkers, and anyone else she could think of before she would have to find a time to get all those items on Rory’s list. “Think y’ve been pretty good, lad,” Harry smiled. “Don’t you?”
He nodded. “I’ve eaten all my vegetables this year. Even the gross ones,” he wrinkled his nose distastefully. It was the same way she did it which made his heart flutter at the sight. Rory was so much like his mum it hurt in the best way.
Harry chuckled. “Mummy and I appreciate that. S’good for you,” he reminded him.
“Can you help me get Mumma a present?” Rory whispered. He wasn’t very good at it. She turned a bit toward the sound of his little voice ever so slightly. A smirk on her face that Harry didn’t miss. He ignored her attention so he could focus on Rory’s inquiry with hope that maybe the pair of them could surprise her.
As usual, she was very smart and did a lot of her Christmas shopping early in the season—almost as soon as the decorations for Halloween came down, she was out at the store buying gifts.
“Course, lad. What do y’want t’get her?”
“A racecar. So she can play with me,” he explained. It wasn’t a question in Rory’s mind. It was the most obvious choice of gift.
Harry chuckled. “I see. Do y’think Mummy has asked Santa for something else we could get her? Something a little more girly?”
By now she had rounded the corner to the next aisle. Harry and Rory had veered off to look at the racecars. “Mumma doesn’t get presents from Santa,” he shrugged heading to the section of toys that he deemed worthy of Mummy.
Harry frowned at how readily that came from Rory. “Oh? She on the naughty list?” He joked. But he would tease her about that later when they fell asleep. Right as they fell asleep.
Rory giggled. “Mumma isn’t naughty, Harry,” he rolled his eyes.
No. She wasn’t. She was the furthest thing from it. She was perfect. An angel. It was...the best thing that had ever happened to Harry—moving in across the street from someone so lovely. “Then how come she doesn’t get any gifts from Santa?” He was joking of course. Surely there would be a little white lie of how Santa left them at the North Pole or there was a promise of next year there would be double the amount for Mumma.
But he hadn’t anticipated Rory’s response. “Mumma said that she called Santa when I was born. She doesn’t want presents so I can have more. Mumma says that even his magic sleigh has a weight limit.”
Harry thought his heart might break. This was the third Christmas that Rory probably understood. His developmental psychology classes told him that age four is usually when kids start to get the gist of what Christmas is like for them. That meant for the time that they knew one another, she hadn’t gotten Christmas gifts from “Santa.”
It shouldn’t have been such a surprise to him. What else was she supposed to say to Rory? There wasn’t anyone to balance the gifts out so that she had something to open while Rory got new toys and clothes. Harry tried to think of what he got her over the last couple years. It wasn’t anything special because he couldn’t remember.
She was selfless, of course. Especially for Rory. It honestly made him fall more in love with her. Made him want to cry something awful as well. Harry wondered if she minded. Surely everyone in her life showered Rory with presents. He hoped that her family spoiled her just as much.
But he had a sneaking suspicion that wasn’t the case.
“Boys, are we ready to go get some hot chocolate and start decorating?” She called.
Rory quickly handed over the racecar he wanted to get her and pushed it behind Harry’s legs where he could reach to hide it from Mumma. The pair of them smiled like they had just stolen a cookie from the kitchen after she said no. She smirked and met Harry’s gaze with a twinkle in her eyes, herself. “Yes, Mumma,” Rory said hurried to her side. He turned and put a finger to his lips toward Harry. So, he would keep the present a secret. He winked at the little one and caught her gaze once more so he could wink at her too. With a shake of her head, she turned her attention forward toward the checkout.
Don’t forget to invite Gemma and your Mum, please.
Harry smiled at his message as he and Gemma walked the aisles of the beauty store. Harry wanted to get her everything her heart desired and more, but wanted to make sure it was right—that required reinforcements.
“Does she use a face roller?”
“A what?”
“Jesus Christ, Harry,” she sighed in exasperation. She threw one in the basket.
“I don’t know, Gem. I don’t think she has a skincare routine. She’s usually making sure Rory gets a bath and goes t’bed.”
Gemma didn’t like that response. “Then we’re going to get her a spa day too after this,” she explained. “And you need to make sure she takes some time to herself every night,” she said knowingly. Harry nodded. He didn’t care about how many stores they were going to. He wanted this to be the Christmas of her dreams and more. He would get her anything and everything. Cost wasn’t a problem. And he was going to make sure she spent an hour to herself every night for the rest of their lives. “Does she ever complain of dry skin? Or that she looks oily?”
“No...” he shrugged again. Maybe he wasn’t paying as close attention as he thought he was to her self-care.
“Does she ever do anything for herself, Harry? Or do you just let her do everything?”
“Gemma. She is a selfless person. S’impossible t’do anything for her,” he resented the idea that he wasn’t doing a good job as her boyfriend. But Gemma wasn’t wrong. It sounded like he was doing a bad job.
“Okay, okay, you’re right,” she nodded in agreement. “Mum is getting her all sorts of clothes for us to split up and give to her,” she tossed three different serums into the little basket. “She wears makeup, right?”
Harry never thought she needed it, but he couldn’t help but be hypnotized by the way she glided the various liquids and powders over her face each morning. She did it quickly—with a six-year-old everything had to be done quickly. But it was like watching an artist as she put stuff on her face and turned even more beautiful than she was without it.
“Yes,” he said confidently feeling like he finally was contributing to this whole escapade.
“Does her stuff look old? Has she ever said anything about getting new makeup?”
He thought about all the brushes and tubes she used each morning. Harry thought all of them looked on the older side. “What’s the one y’dot on y’face? Under y’eyes?”
“She said they discontinued the brand, so she keeps putting water in hers.”
“Jesus Christ, that’s sad,” Gemma remarked. “Alright, I’ll get her the kind I liked. She can always return it. Give me your phone.”
Harry handed it over immediately. Gemma examined the picture of the pair of them in his background. A selfie from the symphony. Harry felt himself warm at the sight of her even on his own screen that he looked at no less than thirty times a day. While Gemma did her best to match her skin tone, Harry simply admired how pretty she looked and how even just her picture made him feel an overwhelming amount of love for his little life.
“It’s hard to tell in pictures, but she’s tanner than I am; lucky bitch,” Gemma grumbled. Harry smirked.
“Do you want anything for Christmas?” He asked his sister.
Gemma snorted. “She’s already way ahead of you, Harry,” Gemma smiled. “You’re about a month too late.”
He chuckled shyly. “Sorry, Gem.”
“It’s okay. It’s... really nice you have someone so thoughtful. As thoughtful as you. Maybe even more so just because she does it so early. But... I wouldn’t want you to be with someone less thoughtful. So it’s nice.” Harry agreed fully and smiled even brighter knowing that his sister loved his choice in love as much as he did. “Alright. We’re meeting Mum for lunch and then we are going to the home goods store for stuff she might need around the house... what are you doing about her stocking?”
“Doesn’t some of this stuff go in there?”
“Yeah... but like... you could get her jewelry or something.”
Harry nodded. “Okay... I’ll do that on my own.”
“Harry,” Gemma smiled at her little brother—even though he was a good seven inches taller. “You’re doing great. This is...” she sighed happily. “She’s going to love it.”
Harry felt a sense of pride wash over him even though his cheeks warmed at the praise. He really hoped she would.
“Harry?” She whispered in the middle of the night. They had spent an hour setting up Rory’s new roller coaster track after she finished wrapping a few last-minute gifts and pulling the presents from various hiding places—the shed in the backyard, the back of her car, and of course across the street at Harry’s house that had hardly seen anything else Christmas related since he spent all his time with her and Rory.
“Jus’ getting some water, kitten. Go back t’sleep,” he leaned down to kiss her forehead. She didn’t need to be told twice. Her light snores started almost instantly, which boded well for Harry. All her presents were in the back of his car. The transfer had been done late in the day by Gemma while the three of them went to the Christmas Eve fair put on by the local high school. They drank more hot chocolate than Rory could dream about. She worried the sugar would keep him up and prevent them from putting the presents under the tree.
Harry found Rory at the top of the stairs. A ribbon and sign across the way telling Rory not to go down without Mumma and Harry. He was asleep on the floor. A pillow from his room and covered with the blanket she and Rory made one rainy afternoon in November. She helped cut all the little ends while he did his best to tie them together.
Harry smirked and lifted Rory from the floor to bring him back to his bed. “Harry?” Rory murmured.
“Hmm?” He hummed.
“Did Santa come?” He yawned.
“Santa won’t come if y’aren’t in y’bed, lad,” he reminded him.
“I wanted to ask him to give Mumma some of my presents,” he muttered sleepily.
Harry felt his heart warm. “I’ll go write him a note,” he placed Rory on his little mattress, tucked him in, kissed his forehead, and ruffled his hair. “Don’t get out of bed, till morning, Rory. Or Santa won’t come,” he reminded him.
But Rory was already asleep.
“Mumma!” Rory’s little voice gasped. Harry’s eyes fluttered open to meet her sleeping figure. Her lips parted as she breathed. Harry reached out and put a hand on her face.
“Hey, beautiful,” Harry whispered and inched forward to place a kiss on her forehead. “S’time t’get up,” he murmured. “Merry Christmas,” he leaned closer to kiss the shell of her ear as he spoke softly to her. Meanwhile, Harry could hear Rory bouncing up and down the little hallway between their rooms and the stairs chanting that it was Christmas and Santa came.
Her lashes fluttered as she woke up, meeting Harry’s beautiful green eyes. “Harry, Santa came!”
He winked at her as she rubbed her eye tiredly. “Yeah, lad?” He smiled at the excitement. “Y’didn’t go down, did you?”
“No way, Jose!”
Harry chuckled. “D’you want t’come give Mummy a Christmas hug?” He asked.
There was a shift in weight on the bed as Rory’s little body flung himself in between the pair of them. “Merry Christmas Mumma,” he giggled and snuggled up to her. She smiled, burying her face in his hair, and squeezing him to her.
“Merry Christmas, love bug,” she sighed sleepily but very content.
“Can we go downstairs?” He was trying to wriggle free.
“I have to brush my teeth and we’ll go right down,” she promised and threw the covers back. “Maybe you should give Harry a Christmas tickle,” she suggested as she left the bed and Rory took her word and tickled Harry well enough to make him squirm and giggle himself.
“You’ll pay for that,” he kissed the side of her face as she exited the bathroom so Harry could brush his teeth too.
Rory was now bouncing with excitement, and she smiled sitting back on the bed while they waited for Harry. “What do you think Santa brought you?” She asked.
“I hope he brought me the roller coaster,” he crossed his fingers on both hands to show her and she mimicked the gesture while Harry returned as quickly as possible.
“Alrighty, I think we can go down now,” she smiled.
Harry grinned and followed behind the two of them. Rory was squealing and laughing as he reached the bottom of the stairs before they did. He hurried to the rollercoaster set and sent the little cart flying down the track while she tilted her head at the pile of presents that seemed to increase in size by at least a half.
“Did you get him more?” She muttered under her breath.
“Mumma!” Rory shouted. “Harry wrote Santa a note for me last night! Santa brought you some presents this year.”
She seemed to freeze in place and Harry put a hand on her lower back. “C’mon, kitten. S’Christmas,” he kissed the top of her head and nudged her toward the sofa so she could sit.
“H-he did, huh?” She looked overwhelmed at the pile of neatly wrapped presents with her name on them. Most were labeled from Santa. A few from Harry and one from Rory—the racecar of course.
“We start with the stockings,” Rory explained to Harry grabbing the one with an H on it and handing it to him. It was filled with little trinkets and items that she painstakingly tied with ribbons and candies that he would undoubtedly end up sharing with Rory until their stomachs hurt.
“Oh...I had a chat with Santa last night,” he recalled sitting beside the poor thing that was struggling to make sense of all the items under their overly decorated tree. “Santa agreed that I could do Mummy’s stocking from now on,” he told Rory.
“Mumma, Harry knows Santa too!” The poor thing was having a meltdown on the inside of her mind. It was clear on her face as she tried to factor in the price of all the presents that were tied nicely with bows and ribbons. Rory handed off her stocking as well and was lucky she didn’t drop it immediately. Lucky that Harry was sitting right beside her to hold it while he placed his beside him. Rory sat himself on the floor with the stocking between his legs. “Can I start?”
She was mute it seemed as she examined all the little items poking out of the top of the oversize sock. “Go ahead, lad,” Harry encouraged and squeezed her thigh. “You too, kitten,” he murmured into her ear.
“You...” she whispered breathlessly, cleared her throat and Harry saw the well of tears filling her eyes. “Santa brought me a lot of stuff,” she murmured while Rory oohed and ahhed over the little things filling his stocking.
“He told me that y’never have t’sacrifice Christmas on behalf of Rory anymore. That was really nice of you t’do it the last few years. But...he wants you t’get whatever y’ever want,” he cupped her cheek while Rory ripped open his bag of M&Ms spilling tens of them across the floor with a little scattering that she ignored because Harry was gazing at her like she was the most special thing on the planet.
Harry really, truly believed she was.
“Yeah?” She smiled, but her eyes were so watery it made him melt.
“Very much so,” he leaned forward and swept his lips across hers briefly so as not to get Rory’s attention to their yucky kissing. “Merry Christmas, m’love.”
“Merry Christmas, Harry,” she leaned toward him, resting against his chest. His arm draped over her while they watched Rory stuff a mouthful of M&Ms between his lips. They continued watching him open each and every present that was selflessly ticked off his list.
“This is the best Christmas ever,” Rory smiled excitedly.
“I think so too, love bug,” she giggled at him.
“Absolutely,” Harry agreed.
“How about a picture, Rory?” She asked grabbing her phone out of the pocket of her leggings. “C’mere,” she handed her phone to Harry and opened her arms for Rory to hop into her embrace. Rory situated himself half on her lap and half on Harry’s. She squeezed closer to Harry while he hold the phone out for a selfie. Rory held his little jar of slime out for the picture and Harry grinned into the camera as she rested her hand on Harry’s leg around Rory’s little body as best she could. “Alright one more,” Harry smirked and leaned toward her to steal a kiss that caused Rory’s face to wrinkle in distaste forever savoring the perfect moment on film.
A Christmas for the history books, for certain.
At least their history books.
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @youdontcaredoyou @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals @angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams @summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use @perfectywrong @foreverxholland @lolyouallsuck @buckybarnessimpp @stylesfever @harrysxcarolina @haarrrys @lovrave @st-ev-ie @pandeebearstyles @toosarcastic03 @luvonstyles @tenaciousperfectionunknown
neighbors taglist: @claimingharrystigertattoo @mopeymousey @vmpellie
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aida-sparks · 5 months
Buddie fans are relentless (and it's a good thing)
Geez, I was not prepared for the rollercoaster of woe that comes from shipping a pair that is not canon (yet!).
I am not a new fan to the show, 9-1-1. I've loyally watched every week for years, cherished the members of the 118, cherished Buck and Eddie's special relationship. I just hadn't been involved in the fandom of it all up until recently. I was just a tv viewer. But being newer to interacting with the fandom, I admit that consuming social media about 911 and Buddie has thrown me for a bit of a loop. I keep seeing the same recycled tactics to argue why people who ship buddie are delusional and why buddie will "never happen". These arguments are off-putting and frankly quite poor. (I don't like to focus on the negative so this will be my only post dedicated to this.)
Argument One: "There's already a gay couple on the show." No kidding. The statement is problematic in and of itself; people don't go around limiting the number of straight couples on a show, do they? It's fantastic that we have a strong, integral gay couple in Hen and Karen, two beautiful and fabulous lesbians, that are vital to this show, but why can't there be more? One representation alone doesn't cover the spectrum of LGBTQ+ portrayals of different romantic dynamics.
Argument Two: "Why can't we have two guys be close without putting a romantic label on it? It's refreshing to see male friendship." Bro... Platonic male friendship is important (all friendship is). It's not all that uncommon, though. Male friendship is focused on a lot already in many shows. But two adult male friends discovering new aspects of their identify that shift their relationship with each other toward something romantic? That's the more refreshing take here; it's one that we don't get to see in media right now but should. Flip the script, 9-1-1.
Argument Three: "They weren't introduced as gay or bi-sexual. It would be too out of left field to go there now." Not true. The show has the creative freedom to explore this narrative and can do it plausibly. There is obviously a very large part of the 9-1-1 fandom that has already interpreted Buck and Eddie's story as having the potential to become romantic. The pair has many parallels to the other canon couples on the show. There are plenty of moments and scenes from prior seasons (post-tsunami with Christopher, the shooting, the Will, all of Eddie Diaz's fond gazes aimed at Buck, etc.) that can be referenced in future episodes via well-crafted montage/edit that will help shed light on any developing feelings from either or both Buck and Eddie. Besides, not allowing a relationship to evolve into something different just because it didn't start out that way? What kind of stunted outlook is that? We want a story about how individuals can question and explore their sexuality at any age. Heck, during the graveyard scene near the end of season 6, Buck and Eddie talked about how experiences have changed them. They're clearly still growing and changing as individuals. It is not a stretch for them to discover whatever they've been searching for this whole time is actually found in each other. ---- That's it from me on this. I'm going to try doing a better job of ignoring the negative talk out there. I hope all buddie fans stay positive too, and when they call us relentless, we take that as a good thing. I hope we all recognize and resect the other characters and ships of this wonderful, wonderful show of ours too! Most of all, I hope we respect each other.
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mintsv · 1 year
Fall in love, again - S.hanbin (ch 2)
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read chapter 1 here!
campus crush!hanbin x fem!reader
synopsis : you and hanbin had been best friends ever since elementary but as time went by, both of you started to grow apart. You were striving academically while he was focused on chasing his dreams. By the end of high school, you eventually lost contact. Months went by and you got a scholarship to a famous college, you swore you were gonna move on until a familiar face showed up in your campus, your first love, sung hanbin.
genre : romance ; college au ; angst ; fluff ; hurt/comfort
wc : 3k
warnings : slight injury ; mention of blood ; cursing / swearing
Days passed by, nor you or hanbin has made an effort to talk again. you missed him, and he missed you too. the more time passed by, the more you realize that you couldn't stop thinking about him. you lost your focus in lectures, forget to submit assignments, spend all night studying but forget it the next day. the straight A's you managed to obtain started to decrease day by day, so you had no other choice but to overwork yourself, pushing your limits further in order to not disappoint your peers. and it seemed to have worked, the more you pushed yourself, the less you thought about hanbin.
Little did you know, hanbin noticed your change in demeanor. even though he was surrounded by his friends, he couldn't help but think of you the same way you've been thinking of him. on times where the two of you were in the same lecture, he'd often glance at you typing away at your computer or rubbing your eyelids. he noticed the particular black underlines beneath your eyes. he noticed how clumsy you were nowadays, tripping over or dropping your books. he noticed how you bite on your nails and furrow your eyebrows when you can't solve an equation. he noticed them all.
he wanted nothing but to explain everything to you, to clear up the misunderstanding that's been going on for years, but something inside of him tells him it wasn't the right time. so he stuck to the one thing he was good at, admiring you from afar.
"y/n can you take these documents to professor lee? thank you!" one of your peers spoke from behind you, dropping a stack of heavy files on your arms and before you could retort back, he had already walked past you, slinging his arm on some random girl and walking away as you struggled to balance your books and the files you now had to deliver.
from the corner of your eye you could spot hanbin talking to his friends, you thought he didn't notice you but he felt your stare and unconsciously looked towards you. In a panic, you quickly averted your gaze but something had slipped in front of your feet making you trip on said object. the files you were once holding were now scattered on the floor, thankfully there weren't too many people around but still, your face flushed beet red out of embarrassment.
"oh god i'm so sorry!" a voice rang through your ears and suddenly there was a brunette kneeling in front of you, helping you pick up the files you dropped and standing up to offer you a hand.
you took his hand and stood up groaning from the pain. a sting was felt on your right knee and you sigh when you see a newly formed bruise, similar to the ones you used to get as a kid. the man in front of you also seemed to notice as he mumbled more apologies.
you finally looked up to the said man to see that it was one of the guys in hanbin's huge friend group, seok matthew.
"I'm so sorry, it's completely my fault i didn't see where the ball was going, please forgive me i'll do anything!" he bowed 90 degrees to you and put his hands together. you assumed he was a freshman like you from the way his overly polite attitude and you couldn't help but chuckle.
"it's okay, i was also at fault for not paying attention, just be more careful next time.. both of us that is." he looked back up, his eyes visibly relieved as he gave you a wide smile. he offered to help you carry the immensely heavy documents and gave you a band aid for the bruise on your knee.
you weren't sure, but from the corner of your eye you could see hanbin clenching his fists and his eyes held an emotion between sadness and anger, but you brushed it off as nothing as you continued your way to the professor lee's office with matthew.
you and matthew started hanging out more, he would accompany you when you were studying in the library, share you his lunch when you forget yours, and constantly follows you around. you didn't exactly mind his presence but everytime you looked at him you could only think of his friend, the thought of that made you feel guilty for matthew. he had done nothing wrong but you just can't seem to reciprocate his efforts to befriend you.
you were currently eating lunch and studying with your dorm mate in the dining hall. your head felt dizzier than usual, your eyes couldn't focus on the words written on your textbook, and to top it off there was still a stinging bruise on your right knee that you covered with some baggy jeans. suddenly, the chair in front of you creaked and you looked up to see matthew.
"hey, can i sit here?" he pointed at the seat across from you, smiling to you and your friend.
"umm, sure?" your friend responded as she continued to eat her food, paying him no attention as she was busy taking notes from your text book.
"y/n what's your next lecture?" matthew spoke as he put down his eating utensils, now gazing at you with a thin lipped smile.
"i think it's humanities and social science, why? are you also gonna be there?" you ask curiously as you put a spoonful of food in your mouth.
"oh what a shame.. mines art and culture, but i think my friend hanbin is also going to your lecture after this." you almost choked on your food only from mention of his name, gulping down your water to cover it up.
"that's great.. sorry matt but i think i should go now i have a lot of studying to do" you were lying, you were almost done revising the whole semester's lessons and the truth was you were planning to go to the bathroom or get some fresh air in hopes of easing up your head ache.
"wait, i'll walk you there since your hall is near mine." before you could take more steps, matthew appeared beside you with his usual bright smile.
you would feel even more guilty if you rejected him so you just nodded at him in response. While the both of you were walking, matthew constantly initiated small talk with you.
"how was your day?" you'd respond with a fine and ask him back.
"what were you studying before?" you showed him your textbook and he replied with an 'oh' while nodding.
you felt extremely bad for not reciprocating his bright energy like you usually could, but your feet were aching and the head ache got worse. you could barely think straight and you didn't want to hurt matthew's feelings so you used the last of your consciousness to look like you were enjoying his conversations.
but that was short-lived as he took notice of your obvious struggling.
"y/n are you okay? you're really pale and sweaty." he had stopped walking, going in front of you and holding onto your shoulders while one hand tried to check your temperature.
"no matt, i don't have a fever it's just a minor head ache it'll go away." before you could assure him with a smile, your body went limp and your eyes blacked out.
matthew who was standing in front of you thankfully caught you before you fell to the ground. he stood in panic, holding both of your shoulders and keeping you upright.
"y/n? hey are you okay? y/n!" he shook you a few times and seeing that you weren't responding he did the most logical thing he could think of, calling sung hanbin.
matthew sat you down on the floor with your back touching the wall, a few minutes passed after the 10 second phone call with him and hanbin and for a moment matthew thought his friend wouldn't even show up. but he was wrong, hanbin rushed out of his lecture room, the one you were also supposed to be in as he ran to the location matthew told him.
when he arrived, the first thing he saw was your limp body leaning on the wall. hanbin wasted no time and picked you up bridal style, he even forgot about the existence of his friend that called him there.
"hyung! I'll take her to the infirmary, just lead me there." matthew stopped his tracks, holding his wrist as his voice was stern.
"no it's fine i'll take her, just go to your next class matt." even though hanbin was slightly annoyed, he still smiled warmly to his friend.
"but i.. okay fine." matthew couldn't do much, he just accepted it and walked back to his class even though he was still worried about you.
the moment matthew started walking away, hanbin was already speeding across the campus heading to the infirmary. on his way there, he couldn't help the way his heart was beating abnormally fast. he was almost mad at himself for not taking action beforehand, why didn't he notice your symptoms earlier? could he have prevented this from happening? thoughts ran through his head as he was running hastily, his footsteps echoing the halls. People stared, but he simply didn't care.
upon arriving at the infirmary, hanbin gently laid you down on the beds and called a nurse to inspect you. a few moments later you fluttered your eyes, the light above you hitting your eyes making you squint. on your right you saw a figure of a man who seemed to be deep in thought, remembering the previous events, you called out to him.
"matthew?" you spoke in a low voice, squinting more to focus your eyes on the silhouette.
it was when you realized who it really was, you quickly averted your gaze. the boy seemingly sighed, bending down to be eye level with you before speaking.
"please look at me y/n." his voice was soft and gentle, as he was trying his best not to frighten you. you took notice and it made your heart almost melt.
but every muscle in you was rejecting the man's plea, his eyes were the reason you fell for him, his eyes were the reason why you were hurt when you realized you could never stare into them again. you feared that if you oblige, you might experience the same longing again, the same infatuation again, and of all the same hurt again.
carefully, hanbin placed the palm of his hand on top of yours, radiating a certain warmth that you missed so badly. the more he waited, the more his confidence faltered. you took notice of this from the way he gradually hung his head down more and more, now the both of you were staring at the floor in a tense atmosphere.
hanbin was about to retract his hand, but you've had enough of beating around the bush. you held him by the wrist before he could move one more inch, mustering up all the courage you never thought you had in you.
"explain." one simple word.
you didn't know where the confidence came from, maybe it was from seeing hanbin so defeated that it awoke something in you. you eyes finally met his, hoping the anxiety behind yours wasn't evident enough for him to see through.
the moment your eyes meet, the spark that was once lost in hanbin's eyes came back almost instantly. to you, his stare was deathly. accompanied by his endearing smile and whisker dimples, you were right, you definitely fell in love again.
his free hand reached yours as he put both of your hands inside his in a protecting manner. he caressed the back of your palm sweetly with his thumb before beginning to speak.
"first of all, i'm sorry. i'm sorry for everything." never once did he break eye contact with you, mumbling these words sincerely and you know he's going to mean everything he says.
"I'm going to be honest with you, 100%. during high school i messed up and i know that. i never meant to hurt you but i did and you don't know how many nights i spent thinking about it. no excuse could cover up my mistake but i'm going to tell you what really happened because you deserve to know."
"you know how my sister often has sport tournaments, one day fell when she was rock climbing so i had to check up on her. mom was too busy taking care of the cafe and dad was also severely ill at that time. one day, i received a call from mom telling me to go back home. at first, i thought i would just be staying for a few days but those days became weeks and those weeks became 3 years. areum fractured her right leg and someone had to take care of dad, i'm sorry if this feels too sudden for you, you don't have to forgive me but please just talk to me." you were stunned, but you had one last question.
"why didn't you reach out to me?" the question that kept you up at night, you hoped he'd continue to answer truthfully.
"because i was scared."
for the first time, he looked down at his lap. tears were starting to well up in your eyes, you were angry at his excuse but you held yourself back from lashing out and let him explain himself.
"i can't hold it anymore y/n, the truth is i like you, shit no i love you so so much. you don't know how nervous i was to tell you about my sudden leave, hell i could barely sleep at night. i was an asshole, the biggest jerk and i didn't deserve you. i thought it was impossible for you to like me back, so i left." a single tear slid down your cheeks, you were mad at him, so so mad but you couldn't do anything but let more tears fall down.
"fuck you." your fist hit his shoulder, he had his own pool of tears welling up but he continued let you hit his shoulder, chest, and arm as if he was accepting his punishment.
but you weren't that angry, you knew deep down that was what you would've done if you were in his position too. run away from your feelings, because that's what you also did.
you get off the bed and kneet down in front of him, the tears staining your cheeks with your nose becoming beet red. you were going to land another fist to his chest when his hand stopped you, pulling your wrist as you crashed into hanbin's chest and now sitting on his lap. he wasted no time but to embrace you, cradling your head with one of his palms as the other lays on the small of your back. you shut your eyes, breathing in his cologne as you bury yourself in the crook of his neck. hanbin had his head on top of yours, caressing your soft locks as he breathed in your scent.
you both stayed like that for a while, enjoying each other's embrace as the peaceful silence took over. slowly, you retracted your head from hanbin's neck and gazed into him before speaking.
"i hate you for the times you made me cry in my bed for nights on end, i hate you for leaving me behind so suddenly, i hate you for only explaining everything to me now. but i can't help but fall for you each and every time." you just finished crying but you feared if you continued further then you'd start crying into hanbin's chest again.
with your words, hanbin leaned closer until your noses were touching. his right hand coming up to cup your cheeks almost feather-like.
"may i?" you didn't verbally respond as you wasted no time to connect your lips with his.
the kiss was tender, soft, and compassionate as if your lips were molded together. those years of build up led to this, feeling a warmth erupt in your chest as you savored your first kiss. hanbin put his free hand on your waist, pulling you impossibly closer.
when you finally let go to catch some air, you stared into his eyes withholding all types of emotions but there was one particular emotion that stood out the most, love.
your eyes flicker to his face, seeing how he somehow became even more handsome. suddenly you understood all the hype about him, you smiled shyly feeling your face turn crimson red as you realize the position you were both in.
"oh uhm, sorry." hanbin muttered, his own face turning bright red as you got out of his lap.
"soo.. does that mean i'm your boyfriend now?" hanbin asked, biting his lip in anticipation while you were holding in a giggle.
"yeah.. i think." you answer timidly, as you were facing each other with a bigger distance this time.
you couldn't help the smile that crawled onto your face in response, hanbin's face copying yours. sitting on the ground of the infirmary, you two looked like a high school couple who just confessed their love to each other.
"oh, i have one more favor to ask!" hanbin chirped, looking a bit more serious this time.
"if you overwork yourself one more time, i'm breaking up with you." you knew he meant that in a playful way from the way he was holding in a smile.
"Yes sir, understood." you both erupt into a pit of giggles, enjoying each others company as minutes pass by.
you couldn't believe it, the campus heart throb was betrothed to you out of all people! it all felt unreal to you and hanbin felt the same way. the childhood best friend he'd been crushing on badly for years on end was finally his, suddenly he didn't care as much to become an idol because now his life revolved around you, the love of his life who made him fall in love over and over again.
chapter 2 - end
(yeouwch that took long to write im very sorry iv'e been really busy nowadays, i dont think this needs a chapter 3? tell me what you guys think tho!! AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT!! it was insane i woke up to so many likes i jumped out of joy. also i'm going to start accepting requests you can just ask me what to write but im still new to tumblr so i might be a lil bad. i think that's all, once again thank u so much the support means EVERYTHING to me ilyy byee)
people who wanted to be tagged :
@wtfhyuck @ilovechanhee i hope you guys like it :))
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lovecolibri · 10 days
SaL anon here bestie, ready with the gin to endure whatever nonsense Eddie's plot is devolving into this week. God I hope the focus on Henren or Bathena so I can walk away with some sense of satisfaction. I'm not even going to attempt to say something good might come out if it, since history isn't on our side this season wrt Eddie. Tim needs to lay off his Hitchcock obsession, he did Psycho on LS last season, is doing Vertigo now, and both plots were utter nonsense. At least I got a good laugh today looking at the stills from the Oliver and Lou interview. Somebody should have told Oliver to blink 3 times if he's there against his will, though the fact that he looks like he's actively leaning towards the nearest exit probably says it just as well.
Yeah, the sooner bucktommy ends the happier I'll be. The relationship itself is fine, on par with every other BS relationship Buck was in really, but the fandom around it is exhausting and the active attempts to erase any semblance of Eddie in Buck's life is just so, so dumb (and pointless, like Buck wouldn't be the same without Eddie in his life just as Eddie isn't the same without Buck). Anyway cheers friend, we're on the precipice of something that looks both exciting and annoying, let's hope the scales tip in our favor 🍷🍸🥃.
Well, as I'm sure you guessed by my late answer, I saw this and waved at you from post limit jail, due to the d20 finale last night. I wish Tumblr would have a pop up like, "hey, you have 5 posts left before you hit post limit today!" or something so I could prepare!
So, good news, the Bobby and Henren stuff was *chefs kiss* angsty and dramatic and pulled at my heartstrings! The Bobby montage as he's giving his Captain Dad advice and having Buck cook, and calling Hen "Mother Hen" (while looking at Buck and Eddie 👀👀👀), giving the prayer book to Eddie, giving tips to Ravi, calling out orders on scene, it was all so much! And GOD, them taking that poor little girl away, and Denny stepping between that man and his sister, I was in TEARS! The Bobby and Athena talk got me too, and then him seeing his dead dad?! Bobby is going THROUGH IT and I ate it up!
As for Eddie I- legitimately do not know what to say. The whole thing was a mess, Kim giving herself bangs?? to roleplay with a stranger?? was just SO WEIRD and off-putting. Sorry I guess I'm just a hater but I think Eddie getting stuck with actresses like GW and EG means that him having scenes with anyone else feels good? but I'm not falling all over myself about any magical chemistry 🤷🏻‍♀️I hate this storyline and I'm tired of the narrative that this was some great love Eddie is missing out on when season 2-3 gave us actual canon evidence that it isn't true, and it feels more like Tim wanted Devin back and thought he could get away with it now that the audience had some space and KR spent all last season pretending Shannon was some saint (when he killed Shannon off so quickly originally because he said the audience wasn't going to forgive her and he didn't want to waste screentime on that when grief tied in with anger and abandonment was a more interesting storyline for Eddie and Chris). I'm also VERY curious about where the "Eddie realizing he's been looking at the relationship with rose colored glasses and living in delusion about it" is because GIRL that wasn't it. Eddie crying about her being the great love of his life and how they could have had it all is NOT him taking off the rose colored glasses, no matter how pretty Ryan looks when he's crying.
ANYWAY. I was already not on board with this but the writers dragging Chris into it too just gives me the ick. And it might resolve fine, but GOD!! THE JOURNEY MATTERS!! It matters how the characters get places! And this is just...not just a mess but a completely unnecessary one. They could address Eddie's grief and delusions about his relationship with Shannon (and her relationship with Chris because don't think I didn't clock him bringing up her (shit ass guilt trip) letter but not that she abandoned her son and cut off all contact for years) without resorting to trashy soapy doppelganger nonsense and cheating drama. And it's WILD because Bobby's arc this season and his relationship with Athena, and Henren's storyline have been SO GOOD, and even though there were some pacing and tone issues, even the Madney stuff has been good (and Kenny always slays the dramatic arcs!). Buck has taken a mostly supportive backseat this season which, while I ADORE him, was needed after the mess KR made of his character and her apparent lack of interest in the majority of the other main characters and his personal storyline (the bi realization, being Eddie's partner for all the big emotional talks) is also fine, it just got hijacked by some absolutely bizarre shipping strangeness over a couple minutes of screentime. But GOD Eddie's shit has been such a weird mess! It wasn't enough to be stuck with the transphobe all season, we also had to add in this nonsense?! Thanks, I hate it. At least we might finally be allowed to let Shannon go?? I am literally begging at this point.
As for th b/t of it all, I have literally blocked it from my mind and out of my existence (the ONE perk of my tumblr app still not working and having to do most of my stuff in my phone browser means I haven't really seen my dash lately and I've been smart about staying out of the tag for once) because it's just not worth the headache the bad takes give me. I'm just...so tired. I was willing to watch it play out (felt very much like Ali as the first step post-Abby, something background setting up for more later *cries in s4 Buddie canon*) but go at this point I just need it to be over for EVERYONE'S sanity. Especially Oliver's because like, girl. Why do you look like you're trapped in that loft with MW again?! Why so haunted? Girl, are you okay?? Oliver?? And how he continues to just post Buddie/Ryan stuff?? Loud.
I'm just...tired. So tired. And I need a drink. Imma go find some absolutely filthy/funny/fun Buddie fic and drown myself in that because I have the unfortunate feeling it's gonna be a LONG fucking hiatus.
Cheers friend. I know I always say if we can survive RNM (with it's own doppelganger storyline) then we can survive anything but GOD it would be nice to not have it be so hard.
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24hlevi · 17 days
Can you do a fluff promt #24 on the second list with chishiya? I love that man sm so it would be nice!
thank you so much for requesting! 🫶
also it's literally 5 in the morning i just woke up im sorry if this is terrible
chishiya shuntaro (alice in borderland) x gn!reader
genre: fluff
summary: fluff prompt ("you're safe here with me. nobody's going to harm you ever again.") from my 2.5k event
warnings: language
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after waiting for chishiya outside of the king of diamonds, he appeared to be different. you couldn't pinpoint how exactly, but you were sure that something happened in that game that resulted in him being different towards you, as if he out of nowhere started caring about your opinions and life. the two of you walked in silence as you held the umbrella above both of you due to the rain that was progressively getting worse as time went on.
until he finally spoke.
"what do you think about the value of a human life?"
"what?" you question, turning your head to look over at him.
"i didn't realize it before but, i think of it differently now," he says, looking forward at the buildings.
"what do you mean?" you said, a confused look on your face.
"i mean-"
he was interrupted by a gunshot echoing throughout the city, and when he turned to look at you, you were suddenly on the ground, grasping your side. chishiya's eyes widened ever so slightly as he quickly looked around to see who had fired that shot, and his gaze turned dark when he spotted niragi down the road.
"shit," he cursed under his breath, crouching down beside you. "y/n, y/n, can you hear me?"
"yeah," you nodded, wincing in pain as you held the wound, your eyes closed with your head on the cement.
"i'm going to get you out of here, okay?" he says, a bit of nervousness in his voice you'd never heard before. "c'mon, i'm going to pick you up and we're going to run, alright?"
"okay," you answer, nodding your head again.
chishiya carefully scooped you into his arms, carrying you bridal style and hearing another shot fire. he quickly started running in no particular direction, knowing niragi would follow him, occasionally glancing down at you to make sure you were still alive.
he turned and went into a building, shutting the door behind him and glancing around to see what was in there. an office building. he went down the hall and opened the door to one of the offices, going to the corner and laying you down on the ground.
you had passed out by now, and the blood was seeping through your clothes onto the floor beneath you, and he knew he had to do something fast or else you wouldn't make it. he went through the whole building grabbing items and first aid supplies that would help, and when he returned, he sat in front of you and stared for a moment.
"this is going to sting," he says, putting some rubbing alcohol on a paper towel he found and pressing it onto your wound.
you awoke with a sharp gasp, sitting up and letting out a yelp before chishiya pushed you back down onto your back.
"lay down," he tells you. "i'm trying to make sure you don't die on me."
you laid back down without a response, trying not to think about the words he said to you. this was definitely different. in the whole year you had known this man, he comes out different because of a damned killing game. you don't know what happened in that venue, but you don't really want to know either. you sat in silence as he carefully fixed you up with the limited materials he had gathered in the building, occasionally looking over at him to see how he looked. his eyebrows were furrowed together slightly in focus of stitching the wound closed, and his eyes had a new look in them, one you couldn't quite figure out.
"there, all done," he suddenly speaks, knocking you out of your thoughts.
"thank you," you mutter, slowly sitting up to lean against the wall.
"don't thank me," chishiya shook his head.
leaning your head against the wall, you let out a long sigh. "how much longer do we have to be here?"
"supposedly there's only two more games left," he answered, sitting down next to you. "one is the king of spades, which i've heard is simply a man running around killing all of us."
"great," you mumble. "let's hope he doesn't find us here, then. otherwise i'm done for," you speak quietly.
"don't worry," chishiya shakes his head. "you're safe here with me. nobody's going to harm you ever again."
you look over at him in subtle shock at his words, and judging by his expression, he was shocked by his own words. "thank you," you say quietly.
"don't thank me," he repeats what he said earlier. "i've just come to realize the value of a human life, and you're the most important person in my life."
you almost couldn't believe the words coming from his mouth. was this really happening? did he mean what he was saying, or was he just talking to make you feel better? surely, it couldn't be that. he wouldn't say anything like that in that kind of way. "what are you trying to say?" you ask.
"i love you," he answered.
there it was. the words you had been hoping to hear from him since the day you found yourself in love with him. part of you didn't believe it was possible, knowing the way he was. but, you finally got something good out of this world.
"i love you too."
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idleorbitals · 9 months
sand, ray, and destruction
**let's get this straight I'm an apologist for no one they're all messed up...also I love the tableau of messed up characters we've got in this show and I'm actually an apologist for every single one of them**
let's start at the pool table. ray and sand's scenes together so far have had plenty of sexual and emotional tension, but very little narrative/dramatic tension. up until this scene, which is loaded from jump. ray walks in on guard. sand has put his walls firmly back where they were. their whole conversation is a sparring match, and not the kind we're used to from them. for once, sand is the one with an agenda, one that ray clearly senses and is wary of.
sand's big move in this scene is to expose top's dalliance with boston to ray. (insert moment of silence for the hilarity of ray recognizing his two latest frenemies via a few seconds of their sex moans. jfc this tape is getting around.) then sand makes more explicit the motivation he has been suggesting for himself the whole time: I just don't want a good guy like mew to get fooled by top. mew is lucky though, to have you by his side.
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the last bit of this is a dig, and it's one ray recognizes as such. look at his face here. he knows he's being played, even if sand's game isn't entirely clear to him yet. but he's still going to take the bait, because he's exactly as reactive as sand is betting on. actually, a whole lot more reactive than sand is betting on, I'd wager
so what are sand's motivations? revenge on top, sure. but I'd put money on ray being included in this particular hurt. if my read is right here, sand is still stinging from the other night, and is trying to distance himself from his feelings for ray in favor of a little light emotional demolition. sand's brand of destruction here is calculated, to a point. far less calculated than what we'll see from mew not long from now; far more calculated than what we'll see from ray.
ray, who, reliably, gets himself drunk, high, and furious at p'yo's and proceeds to lash out at everyone he has the words to hurt. ray's brand of destruction is violent and total, and bears more than a passing resemblance to self-harm.
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on a rewatch of these scenes sand comes out way less shiny and victim-coded to my eye than he did the first time through. it's ray that's doing the harm here, but look at sand's positioning: he's standing just behind ray for most of his breakdown, in frame or just out of it, intervening only to a limited extent. the only time he speaks up is to protect nick, and in return he gets an earful of humiliation and abuse from ray.
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sand is taking some punches here and is duly hurt, but more than anything else I read fear and guilt here as it dawns on him how far ray is going to take things.
outside we get one of the dreaded fight scenes we knew was coming, and like so many other scenes from the trailer it's changed by its context. can you stop thinking about mew and focus on me for once? you really can't see that I care about you? hits different when sand has just helped to facilitate one of the worst moments we've seen ray have so far. we see this dissonance on ray's face as he shoves sand and screams at him through tears. why would you poke your nose in my business? what are we to each other? aren't entirely rhetorical questions. ray isn't just venting his hurt toward a convenient vessel; he's feeling (not unreasonably!) manipulated and disoriented.
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whatever his role, sand doesn't deserve the things ray is saying and doing to him in this scene. but honestly, again sand is reading to me as less worried about his own feelings here than he is about the bomb whose fuse he just helped light getting behind the wheel stumbling drunk.
we leave sand breathing unsteadily as he pulls himself up from where ray's flung him to the ground and jumps onto his bike to pursue him. from the previews, it looks like they're both going to be guilting their way back into each other's good graces next week. our surprisingly nontoxic raysand is Over, friends. it's mess here on out ✨
(all ofts watch throughs)
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coconoct · 7 months
my whb progress
as of nov. 11, 2023
i feel like i should've done this when i finished chapter 4 like weeks ago but better late than never ig
general info
lvl: 31
status: f2p
when i started: launch (10/03 my timezone)
ver: erolabs
team setup
post-halloween event my team consists of 5 light chars, 1 some other element (usually either leraye, belial, or paimon)
before that though i did use marbas before minhyeok, though sadly i'll probably rarely use marbas or any of the healers in the future since the artifacts when they work properly heal faster :')
here's my team in action!
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here's everyone with their lvls and artifacts!
skill lvls: (normal attack-ultimate-passive)
mammon (cake): 4-4-4
mammon (selfie): 1-3-1
satan (selfie): 1-4-1
beelzebub (selfie): 1-3-1
leraye: 1-3
minhyeok: 1-3
secret club
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i mainly focus on mammon, so i'll just be showing those here. i'm 1 story away from completing mammon (cake)'s and 2 stories away from completing mammon (selfie)'s!
i do the absolute bare minimum for dailies and weeklies nowadays. since most of my chars are higher than lvl20 i've just been focusing on unholy board for most of the time i've been playing. as much as i wanna focus on skills i'm kinda held back by the game's very limited access to pies (you can only get them in shop + it's the rng boxes most of the time). hopefully there'll be more options to get pies that aren't purely dependent on rng in the future 😔🙏
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i also wish candies weren't rng either, or there is rng but also an option to exchange one type of candy for another. as shown above i have absolutely way too many candies for the other kings and almost none for mammon :'))) the grind truly never ends
overall thoughts / reflection
this section is just something for me to look back on when i do a progress post again in the future. i'll break this down into sections so i can stay consistent with laying out all my thoughts. also this won't be spoiler-free
i find it somewhat interesting? i can't really put in a bunch of input since we've only explored one of the many areas of hell. i set my game to have a male mc, and there's still a lot of issues with making pronouns consistent :'). i do have a few cgs missing despite completing all the chapters that are out currently but those missing ones might be for future chapters so idk (kinda bothers me a bit to see missing cgs despite completing everything). unholy board stories are also ok? it's pretty tedious to get through so many objectives for only a little bit of story and also all the h-scenes and devil's tango bits in unholy board stories are written like they were made for wattpad lol
tl;dr very tedious lol
addressing the elephant in the room, i'm aware there's still a lot of bugs. i won't be going too in-depth about them since they're only temporary and didn't make that much of a significance towards my overall gameplay so far (aside from the leather gloves not working, but that got fixed in the halloween patch).
i'm glad we have autoclear in resource stages but i wish we had autoclear in story stages as well (and in the future event stages too). it would also be nice if there was an autoplay feature, though that's more of a personal preference since a lot of games i play have that option and i don't get bored from doing everything manually.
the 6-7 stages in chapter 4 seemed a bit unnecessary? the story itself is rather short so i guess i can understand why they would wanna pan out as much playtime as possible, but at a certain point it does get really boring and demotivating to progress. it also sets a certain precedent for future chapters, if the battles in between each small bit of story keep slowly increasing how many stages will chapter 10 have? chapter 20? i honestly would've preferred 3 battles in between each story, or if you're gonna have 5 battles in between each story, have some of the story in those battles. aside from the tutorial, an example would be in chapter 3 right as the angels attacked the hospital and mammon took mc out with him to fight (3-73). those battles could've 1. gave a tutorial on how to use mammon and 2. talk about how strong he is like in the story right after those battles (3-79).
on a different note, i wish the "meta" wasn't so skewed towards all the l cards. as i progressed through the story i would look up guides on bilibili, only to find that most if not all the guides are heavily dependent on l cards (and levi which is the only king i don't have 💀💀), only non-l card would usually be leraye 💀. it also feels a bit unbalanced considering light and dark are usually the recommended element for every battle and can go against literally every element including their own. i wish there would be more opportunities for other elements and characters to shine and hold up well so that even if you don't have certain l cards, you can progress through the game just as well as those with the certain l cards
i briefly mentioned this while going through the materials i currently have but i wish a lot of them weren't so rng heavy. it really adds to making the game tedious especially when you have to level multiple devils of the same element. having a resource stage for candies and pies would be great. it would also be great to not make everything so expensive ㅠㅠ 116 gems for one (1) candy?? a multi of red keys costing almost 2k gems?? atp i just focus on leveling up rather than getting pulls
after the whole 'minhyeok needing yellow keys' situation i've just been hoarding keys and using gems on stuff like ap since i have nothing else to really use them for aside from pies. the gacha rates seem really,,,, sad, and the fact that the bloodshed cards banner is p2w only sucks, which kind of makes me worry for future cards being released. i got pretty lucky with getting both mammon's signature artifacts, as it's one of the requirements to progress through unholy board, but other than that i never really had the best of luck with any of my pulls. i got minhyeok at hard pity, and it took idek how long to get leraye, my conclusion is just that my luck sucks in this game lol
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adelha-mathilde · 19 days
Happy Birthday Asmodeus (Obey Me!) fic
summary: Asmodeus gets pampered for his birthday. Casual fluff stuff.
Asmodeus gave a heavy groan upon waking. Since his head was pounding like obon drums as the scent of ocean salt and lavender surrounded him. The sounds of waves sounding out in the distance as well as the sounds of birds singing close by. A chuckle also wafting out from next to the feather soft bed as Asmodeus groaned again. The woman sitting next to the bed soon leaning over him to press a cool cloth over his eyes for Asmodeus to sigh at the relief such brings from the hammering in his skull. The lady chiding him with loving warmth as she keeps dabbing the cloth over his face. "This is why I told you to count your cups, silly boy. Focus on breathing so the pain eases."
A sensation of gentle magic soon flowed over the pain so that Asmodeus might find relief from it. The demon sighing sweetly to ease back into the bed and hum a note of pure gratitude. His eyes soon opening to look to Adelha as she gazed down at him. His words soft and full of charm. "My hero... Saving me from my own foolishness during that wild birthday party. I'd kiss you if I had the strength to get up. But this feels too good to not bask in the moment."
Adelha gave him a smirk as she moved to gently tap him on the nose. Her words full of sugared affections. "Count this as your birthday gift from me, then. Honestly. Even you have limits, Asmodeus. Know your limits and abide by them. Else you'll have worse than a hangover next time." Asmodeus sighed to to towards Adelha and smile at her with that boyish charm that tended to sway many a mortal to his whims. But it only had Adelha tap him on the nose again before she speaks further. "Do not even bother trying to be suave and charismatic with me right now, sweetling. Not after Lucifer had to help me spirit you away to get you to finally rest. He's been texting all day to check in on you. I told him you will be treated to fresh air, sunshine, and a day of simple leisure. Once you woke up to greet the afternoon."
Asmodeus blinked to then roll his eyes and sigh. "The I really did go too far with that partying and fun. How uncouth of me. I'm so sorry, Margaret. I must have worried you and the others." Adelha leaned in to give Asmodeus a tender kiss. One that was sweet, warm, and chaste for Asmodeus to hum into the kiss with pure delight. Soon breaking the kiss for him to finally sit up with her assistance. So it is that Asmodeus gives Adelha a tender hu for her to hug him back. A feeling of abiding love and acceptance having the demon ease out of his charismatic act and into a more personable humility. The mask removed for just the two of them as Asmodeus rested his head on Adelha's shoulder. "Everyone kept telling me they'd been planning my birthday party for weeks. I knew that they expected me to be my jovial party hard self. With all of Devilgram watching the festivities. I knew on some level it wasn't a good idea to put up the act for so long. But I can't say no to one more toast. I can't disappoint them. They expect so much from me. It's so... Terrifying..."
Adelha effortlessly swept Asmodeus into her lap to hold him close and sigh. The bedsheet keeping him covered like a cloak as Adelha showered his face with kisses as his tears burned his eyes. Yet she simply gave him comfort and gentle patience to rub her nose to his. Words of soft love given against his skin. "I know my sweetling. But there is no stage for you to perform on here. There are no spectators or fans to demand anything of you. No cameras or fanfare to have you dance to the tune. There is only us and a vast island sanctuary to rest in." Asmodeus sniffled to let himself cry it out. A righteous purging of all the fears and faults to let them wash away with tears and the sounds of the tides. While Adelha kissed those tears away and rubbed her bare hands over his back and shoulders to coax those freeing tears from the Avatar of Lust.
A long moment is spent with Asmodeus crying and sobbing to let all his anxieties and fears fall away from his heart under the loving care of this dragon maiden. One who simply holds him close and comforts his spirit. Until his tears are spent for Adelha to dab at his eyes with the cloth. Her smile one of unconditional love and acceptance as she hums a warm note at him. "There we go. It's okay for you to take full breaths of air here, Asmodeus. I know all too well your performances for others feels like a too tight corset. So I will cut such off of your heart to let you breathe freely here. Your weakness is a precious and priceless treasure to me, sweetling. Such a sight of vulnerability is one I shall cherish for all my days and nights. Mine alone in this moment to hold as sacred."
Asmodeus sniffled to feel all those fears and that crushing weight float off and away from him. Leaving him feeling raw yet loved in a way he dearly appreciated. So he hugged Adelha to let her move them back into the fathered bed as the breeze gently wafted through the open windows. Carrying the scents of sun baked sands, ocean spray, and wildflowers. Adelha poured him a mug of fruit tea for Asmodeus to rest against the headboard and bask in the moment of serenity with someone he both trusted and treasured. Only for Lucifer to make his presence known by his sigh as he stood at the bedroom door. Yet Asmodeus simply smiled with his eyes red and both hands holding the mug with a slight tremble. The Avatar of Pride soon moving to sit on the bed with them and gently tuck a stray hair out of Asmo's eyes. The eldest brother simply tapping a finger to the mug of tea to place a spell over the tea and gift his brother some energy back. A silent yet obvious sign of love for Lucifer to smirk at them both. "The others will be expecting us to return home by next week. For now, it will be just the three of us and the puppies in Adelha's family sanctuary. This island in the Human World is a haven away from prying eyes. So we have a week to just savor the time together. Lord Diavolo hopes we enjoy the break to return with some fun stories to tell."
Adelha chuckled to sip at her own mug of tea as Asmodeus nodded to give Lucifer a real smile. One that was tired but grateful as he spoke. "This is the most thoughtful gift ever. But I do want for us to try hunting for clams to grill later on for dinner. But for now... This is perfect..."
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highfantasy-soul · 3 months
NATLA - Episode 1: Aang (1/4)
[Masterlist of my NATLA thoughts]
An explanation of what I'm doing here and my history with ATLA.
Of course, full spoilers ahead.
A word on the expositional dialogue:
That's always going to happen when you're being introduced to a fantasy world - it happened a lot in the cartoon, too. The viewer has no idea the political landscape, the rules of the world, magic system, governmental bodies, religion, how close or far the 'gods' are to mortals - and as shows usually don't have much world-building narration in them, dialogue is used to supplement that. I think people forget that and just automatically assume expositional dialogue is 'bad' when it's really not, we've just had the advice 'show don't tell' twisted and bastardized so terribly that we now have a visceral reaction to any 'telling' through dialogue even if it's totally normal storytelling.
Lets also not forget that a whole expositional monologue is given every 20 minutes in the animated version, so let's not pretend that being explicit about the narrative is something that needs to be avoided. You listened to Katara talk about Aang needing to learn all the elements and defeat the Fire Nation 61 times. I think the live-action can say it at least 3.
The show begins by showing some of the magic (bending) and clarifies this for new viewers with the dialogue "An earthbender!" from one of the fire-wielding men. This bit of dialogue is clarifying as it puts limits on the magic and lets new viewers know that that dude probably can only use earth magic - so the viewer isn't sitting there thinking 'why doesn't that dude throw some fire, too instead of just rocks?' or 'Why isn't he teleporting away?'
Also, it lets us know that having an earthbender there wasn't expected - the guard's tone lets us know that it's an unwelcome presence there.
The opening scene shows us a great look at the difference in bending styles - earth is slower, but more directly powerful - fire is quicker, but less forceful. Get hit with flying rocks, you're down and unlikely to get up - get hit with a firebolt, you'll get knocked, but there's not much blunt force trauma in it (fire/force damage vs bludgeoning damage in dnd terms)
Sozin explaining his plan fills 2 roles: characterization in that he likes to taunt his victims and he's overly confident, very sure of his importance and 'rightness'; and it lets the audience know what the political landscape of the world is like at the moment and how underhanded the Fire Nation is willing to be to win.
The redirection of focus from the Air Nomads to the Earth Kingdom is mirrored in the finale where the siege of the north drew eyes (we will assume other nations noticed an armada of Fire Nation ships sailing onto Water Tribe territory) while Ozai's real goal was to overtake Omashu - where the Fire Nation was keeping the Avatar's eyes on the north as well so he didn't rush off to help the Earth Kingdom.
The Earth bender asking Sozin 'why are you doing this?' also displays how such an act of war is inconceivable at this point in history - he genuinely has no idea why one might want to start a world war.
If you know the cartoon, or just real life, you know the reasons people have, so this dialogue might seem like its pushing for exposition, but it, in and of itself, is showing worldbuilding in the fact that while we might think 'yeah, obviously the Fire Nation is the bad guy bent on world domination', the people of the world at the time were wholly unprepared for such a war to begin.
Starting with the fire nation plan/attack was a strong choice to set the stakes immediately
Kids don't really care too much about stakes - they care about jokes and fun characters. If you want to make a story that appeals across the spectrum immediately, stakes are good things to start out with.
When you're gearing toward much younger viewers and the show is episodic - just coming on the channel randomly - it keeps kid's attention better when you start out with strong characters that are easy to grasp (see the animated version), but when you're addressing even a slightly older audience and it's in a format where you have specifically set out to watch this particular story, you start with the world and stakes, usually doing that through some minor or side characters (see Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings).
This also allows new watchers to have the shocking reveal of Aang having been in the iceberg for 100 years at the same time Aang is learning this. There's no clear time jump from the Fire Nation's attack and Katara waterbending - so the new viewers don't know that's happened and the extra stakes shock really lands - it's not an eminent attack by the firenation, the war has already been going on and the fire nation is winning.
The time jump is hinted at with the wrecked ship Katara practices in, Katara saying fire nation soldiers haven't been seen in years, and when Gran Gran says Aang is an airbender (while he's still asleep), Sokka claims they haven't been seen in years.
These are all hints that there's been a time jump, but how significant of a jump isn't revealed until later - it could have just been 20 years for all we know so far
For those who watched the animated show, all this set up might feel tedious, unnecessary, or like the show is hand-holding the audience, but that's because you already know the story. For those who have never seen the animated show, all this is necessary - as shown by all the new watchers who are praising the exposition as it's a huge world. By the end of episode 1 of the live action, those who watched the animated would have heard the exposition 3 times already - by the end of the season, they'd have heard it 20 times - so you got the luxury of a lot of exposition, let the newbies get some too.
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hugmekenobi · 1 year
The Bad Batch (3)
Chapter Three: Replacements
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GIF by @kamino-coruscant
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Series Summary: You joined the Batch 8 months ago and everything was going well. But then, Order 66 happened and the galaxy around you changed. Now, not only do you need to be careful given your new 'social status', but you also need to navigate your feelings towards a certain Sergeant.
Chapter Summary: You and Hunter finally talk things over but amidst all that, the ship crashes and you need to find your way off a desolate moon.
<Previous Chapter
Genre: Friends (idiots) to Lovers
Chapter Warnings: Use of (Y/N) (but I've limited it as much as I could), swearing, the Force works how I say it does, mild innuendo, brief injury mention, light angst, Hunter defence (a theme that will run throughout now).
Word Count (Ch 3): 7.6K
Rating: 18+
Author's notes: Okay so things are finally being talked out lol but despite the honesty mention, both of them continue to lie about their feelings but I allow that because they're both doing it and they're dumb haha. Also I'm sorry for not including Crosshair's section of the episode. It was a tough decision not to but I think with what my focus for this chapter was, it had to be done. Also a big thank you for the support this story as received to far! It means a lot!
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You sat down on the bunk you had once shared with Hunter; you weren’t really sure if that would still stand anymore, you didn’t really expect it to and finished tying off the bandage around your arm. You also quickly applied a light touch of bacta on your cheek and your eyes followed Hunter as he walked over to where Omega was sitting restlessly on the floor, examining a datapad as she leaned against Gonky who was also on his side.
Hunter walked up to Omega with the ration box. “Well, that doesn’t look comfortable, for either of you.”
“We’re fine.” Omega said lightly.
“Here. Chow time.” Hunter said, handing Omega a ration bar as she stood up.
“Ah! Finally!”
Hunter looked up to see Wrecker jumping down the stairs that led to the gun turret. He handed his eager brother a bar only to see him consume it at record pace.
“Hit me again.” Wrecker demanded keenly.
“Well, that’s all for now.” Hunter said, closing the box. “Rations are low.”
Wrecker groaned.
Omega looked down at her portion then back to Wrecker. “You can have mine.” She offered.
Before he reached out to grab it, Hunter pushed Wrecker back a few steps. “Hey, Omega doesn’t even have a place to sleep. You wanna take her food too?”
Wrecker glanced past Hunter. Now he felt bad. “Oh. Uh… no, no thanks. You keep it.”
“Okay.” Omega said casually before sitting back down against the droid.
Wrecker let out another groan. “I guess I’m not used to having a kid around here.”
“Well, none of us are, but she’s not complaining.” Hunter pointed out.
You let out a soft sigh as you witnessed the scene just past you before turning away to start packing up the medical kit. You made sure to put everything back where it was, or you knew you’d never hear the end of it from Tech. You’d made the mistake once of just chucking things in in any old order which had not gone down well with the clone, and you’d spent the next 20 minutes getting lectured on the importance of the organisation of the medical supplies.
“The bandages go in the top right compartment.”
You looked up quickly to see Hunter standing opposite you. “Oh, um thanks.” You replied, knowing you were not successful in hiding your surprised tone.
“You didn’t get your portion.” Hunter said, holding the box out to you.
“Thank you.” You replied, taking the ration bar out and nibbling the top of it before putting your attention back on the med kit. You figured that’s all he’d come up to you for and you didn’t want to make him stay any longer than he wanted to.
He knew you well enough to tell that your demeanour right now was for his own benefit and was based off his own action towards you. Come on Hunter, time to settle this, he thought to himself. “That, uh, happen leaving the lot?” Hunter asked, hoping he didn’t sound as awkward as he felt.
You looked back at him. “Yeah, but it barely touched me, and I heal fairly quickly. You know, Jedi and all that.” You cursed yourself internally for bringing up the one topic that held a high degree of sensitivity right now.
“Hmm that’s pretty handy.” Hunter said, giving you a small smile.
You let out a quiet laugh. “Yeah, it is.” After a few moments of silence, you spoke again. “Well, I uh, better put this back in its proper place or who knows what Tech’ll do to me.” You kidded half-heartedly before you sealed the med kit box and stood up, putting your top layer back on as you did so.
“Hey.” Hunter said softly, grabbing your free hand as you moved to pass him.
You glanced down at his hand then looked back at him. “Everything okay?”
“Can we talk?”
You wanted cry out with relief as he said those words but restrained yourself to a simple nod of your head.
Hunter led you towards the cockpit. “Tech, can you give us the space?”
“I’m working on this scanner.” Tech protested.
“You can work on it back there.” Echo said, standing up and dragging Tech out of his seat, giving you a small smile as he did so.
“Hey, Tech, put this back for me, would you please?” You asked, holding the med kit out to him.
Tech nodded and reached out to grab it. “Is everything-”
“Yes, everything is back in place.” You said, exasperated, but shooting him a smile, nonetheless.
“Okay, I only say that because last time-”
“Out!” Echo said, directing Tech away from you and back down the body of the ship.
Hunter let go of your hand- he hadn’t even realised he’d kept a hold of it- and went to sit in the pilot’s chair.
You squeezed your hand into a tight fist before relaxing it again as you did your best to ignore the usual feeling of emptiness that filled your hand whenever he let it go. You sat down in the co-pilot’s seat, turning it to face him. “This isn’t about Tech getting the ship impounded right cause-”
“No, it’s not.”
“Okay, good.” That was not the issue you were too worried about fixing. You waited patiently for him to talk first.
“I just… I need you to explain again. I shouldn’t have acted the way I did but-”
“No, you were perfectly entitled to do that. I know I messed up.” You said quietly.
Hunter took a breath before speaking again. “So, why did you hide this?”
You heaved a sigh and ran a hand through your hair. “In the beginning, I was being nothing but selfish. I wish I had a real reason, but I don’t. I’d spent years supressing that part of myself after I left. I didn’t get involved with anything that might threaten that until you all showed up. I lost myself for a while and forgot what I’d been taught. I don’t know what was different about you guys, but something told me I had to help you. I thought it would be a one-time thing but then you offered me a place here and I found myself saying yes and it’s like I said, as time went on, I grew to care for yo- all of you, you know you guys were the closest thing to friends I’d had for a while.” You caught yourself quickly.
Hunter pushed away the upset he felt as he heard that word.
“And I thought by telling you what I really was, things would change, or you’d send me back but, as with any secret, the longer it went the more uncomfortable I felt and the harder it got to keep, and I knew it wasn’t fair to keep lying. Especially to you.” You added quietly, looking down at your hands in your lap. “If you can, and I understand if you can’t, believe it when I say that I really did plan to tell you after Kaller but with Order 66 and Crosshair and Tarkin, I couldn’t. I don’t want to ask this of you but please trust me on this. All the odd behaviour, the deflections and the whole not telling you was purely because I wanted to protect you but I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have lied at all. I’m just- I’m just really sorry.” You finished and looked back at him.
“It just felt like you didn’t trust me or the rest of us. We don’t hide things from each other, not when they’re that important.”
“I know.” You said sorrowfully. “I regret it and I’ll keep regretting it for the rest of my life.”
“Do you regret it because you got caught out?”
“No!” You replied, horrified that that was something he was thinking but then again you could see how it may look that way. “I regret it because I hurt you and the others. I hurt my team and I hurt my friends. Hell, I hurt my family. I’ll never forgive myself for that.”
Hunter sighed. He knew you felt awful about this and that you wouldn’t do something like this again. He didn’t like this anymore than you did and if the others could forgive you, then he could too. “You’ve not lied about anything else?”
You shook your head. “No. If you have any other questions, I’d be happy to answer them too. I’m done hiding from my past.”
“Then we’re good.”
“Really.” Hunter replied.
You couldn’t stop yourself; you lunged forward and hugged him. “Thank you.” You whispered.
Hunter was glad your head was over his shoulder because that meant you wouldn’t be able to see the combination of happiness and shock on his face at your actions. He returned your embrace, breaking it very reluctantly after a few moments. “I do have some questions though.”
You removed yourself from him, you couldn’t believe you’d just done that, and went back to your seat. “Go ahead.”
“Is it because you were a Jedi that you’ve always refused to use a blaster?” He wanted to give you a more light-hearted question since the one he really wanted to ask might be a bit much to launch into straight away.
You snorted. “Yeah. They’re just not very elegant. I did try them out for a while but at the end of the day, I prefer the feeling of a sword in my hand. Anything else?”
Alright, moment of truth. “Yeah, but this one you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”
“No, I meant what I said. I’ll answer whatever you want to ask.”
“Okay.” Hunter waited a moment before speaking again, he knew this would be a hard question for you to answer. “Why did you leave?”
You huffed out a sigh. Oh boy. “That’s a longer story.”
Meanwhile, further down the ship, Echo, Wrecker and Omega watched the interaction with relief.
“Do we think that’s them told each other now?” Wrecker asked.
“No, we’re not that lucky.” Echo replied. “I reckon they’ve just fixed the whole Jedi issue.”
“Told each other what?” Omega asked, looking away from the two of you to focus on Echo.
“They share a mutual attraction that neither party want to acknowledge or divulge to the other.” Tech answered, his attention never leaving his scanner.
“Huh?” Omega asked.
“Basically, they both have feelings of the romantic type for one another and despite our best efforts, they still deny it to us, and they won’t tell each other.” Echo explained.
“No matter how hard we try to get them to admit it.” Wrecker grumbled.
“Oohh.” Omega replied, turning back to look at you both. “We should do something.”
“Believe me kid, we’ve thought of everything. It’s gotta come from them at this point.” Echo said with a sigh. He just hoped it would be sooner rather than later.
“So yeah, that’s why I left. I couldn’t forget the way they’d treated her which led to a crisis of faith, so I left my lightsaber in my room and left the temple in the dead of night. I had thought about seeking her out, but she had her new path to follow and now I had mine, so I took the first shuttle off world. That began my life of planet hopping. I didn’t really fit in there to begin with to be honest. Too emotional with a tendency to talk back and sway from standard rules if you can believe it.” You said, shooting him a playful smile.
“Oh, I can.” Hunter agreed with a quiet chuckle. “That also explains why you disliked Tarkin so much.”
“Yeah.” You agreed with a laugh of your own. “I was really surprised that he didn’t recognise me.” You looked out into the blue hyperspace swirls.
“Well, I’m very grateful he didn’t.” Hunter said quietly.
You turned to face Hunter with a smile. “Me too.”
Hunter cleared his throat. “So… uh on Kaller. There was something else I wanted to mention. You and the padawan looked like-”
“We were having a conversation?” You completed for him.
“Well, that’s cause I kinda was.”
“But I didn’t hear anything?”
“It’s hard to explain but I basically reached into his Force Signature which allowed me to communicate with him without talking out loud and he was able to do the same to me. With Jedi, it’s pretty simple since everyone’s signature is pretty strong but emotional connection can make it even easier. It can be done with normal civilians too, like with Gerrera, though obviously it’s one-sided and it’s harder, emotional connection really helps out there.”
Hunter paused before he spoke again. “So, you and Saw Gerrera… emotionally connected at some point in your past?” He asked, hoping you couldn’t pick up on the hint of jealously he was feeling at that prospect.
“What? Gosh no!” You replied quickly, you would not let yourself analyse the slight change in his tone and what that could possibly mean. You wouldn’t ruin this rather important conversation with all that nonsense. “That was basically just luck. I wasn’t even sure it would work, let alone work that quickly. I helped him out when I was still with the Order, but no emotional connecting was done. Under normal circumstances, it would’ve taken me a lot longer to do that.” You hesitated for a moment before speaking again. “Can I show you how emotional connection actually helps?” You asked, moving to sit on your knees in front of him.
“What do you mean?” Hunter asked, refusing to let his mind wander to what else your current position meant to him.
You took his hands in yours. “Just quiet your mind as much as you can for me, please?” You also made sure to take that advice for yourself, the suggestions of your present position were not lost on you but thinking about that would be very counter-productive right now.
After a brief moment to steady your thoughts, you closed your eyes and reached out.
What met you didn’t really surprise you. Hunter’s Force Signature was a lot like him, a little rough along the edges but warm at the same time.
When you sensed that you had achieved a successful connection, you opened your eyes and looked at him as you spoke to him without uttering a single word. Hi there, Sergeant. You giggled as his eyes widened. I know, it’s a bit weird, especially since you can’t do the same thing back so this’ll be the only time, I’ll do it but yeah, apart from Gererra being the exception, if I wanted to do this with anyone else, it would take a long time.
“What about the others?” Hunter asked, his gaze focused intensely on you.
I could probably do it, but I know it’s a faster process with you.
You did not want to properly get into that, you still didn’t think your feelings were reciprocated so you did the next best thing. You instead played back the first conversation you had with him back on Devaron. You’re the one I connected to first, it’s just natural it would be this way. You provided as an explanation rather than admit anything else.
Hunter couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by it all, it wasn’t a bad feeling necessarily, but it only served to strengthen the feelings he had for you. All this proved was that you really were incredible, and he couldn’t imagine a time when you weren’t a part of his life but then he remembered what you said. You were his friend, nothing more, no matter how much he wished for that.
You felt his distress and assumed his enhanced senses weren’t too fond of what you were doing so you withdrew. “Sorry. I should’ve thought about your particular gift before doing that.” You said aloud.
“No, it’s not that.” Hunter said. “You can do that whenever; it doesn’t bother me.”
“What is it then?” You said softly, looking at him.
“It’s just… nothing, forget about it.” Hunter said, looking away from you. He couldn’t do this now, not like this.
“Hunter.” You murmured, placing a hand on his cheek so he had to face you. You lightly traced the outline of his tattoo with your fingertips.
Hunter closed his eyes and his breath shuddered slightly at the feeling of your hand on his face. To anyone else, this action would register as nothing more than a feather-light touch but to him it felt like so much more. He opened his eyes again to look at you. “You’re just pretty amazing.” Hunter breathed out, finding himself leaning down towards you.
You met his gaze, and you felt yourself moving up to meet him halfway.
Just as your lips were about to meet, the lights flickered and cut out, providing the most annoying but probably necessary interruption the two of you needed. You coughed and shuffled back on your knees awkwardly. You put that particular moment down to the whole speaking into his head thing. Anyone wouldn’t really think straight after that.
Hunter stifled his frustrated sigh and stood up out of the pilot’s seat, noticing the way everyone in the back of the ship had quickly turned their heads away and were now staring at random parts of the ship. Well, I should’ve known that would be the case, he thought to himself before addressing Echo. “Echo, the lights cut out again. I thought you fixed it.” He offered his hand to you to get you up and was pleased to see that despite what just happened you still took it.
“Yeah, add it to the list.” Echo replied grumpily, moving back to the cockpit with Tech, munching on his ration bar.
You and Hunter both moved out the way of Echo and Tech so they could sit back down.
“The ship got hit hard when we fled Saleucami. Several systems have been glitching ever since.” Echo explained. “Repairs would go faster if I had some help.” He said pointedly, shooting Tech a look.
“As soon as I finish building this scanner.” Tech said, soldering some parts of the device. “Testing the functionality of out inhibitor chips takes precedence.”
“But I thought you said they were defective?” You asked.
“A theory this test will be able to prove.” Tech said confidently.
“Huh, okay.” You said simply with a shrug of your shoulders, and you turned around to follow Hunter back down the ship.
“Besides, the ship-wide diagnostic report indicated no critical systems were compromised.” Tech informed.
Just as he said that the ship jolted violently and came crashing out of hyperspace.
The alarm started ringing and the red lights began to flash.
You lost your balance, and you suddenly felt the tight press of a body against yours.
In the slight commotion, it would seem that you had fallen into the wall, your back pressed against it while Hunter had ended up with his body pushed up against yours, his hands on either side of your head, his eyes looking directly into yours.
You blinked a few times to fully process what just happened and bring yourself back to the present moment of the ship hurtling towards a moon.
Hunter rather awkwardly pushed himself off the wall and away from you, trying and failing to forget the feeling of your body against his in that manner. He’d only ever felt it like that when the two of you had been asleep together but in the more recent times, those occasions had grown rarer, and they seemed a lot more innocent than whatever just happened there, even if it was purely accidental.
He quickly walked into the cockpit, and he heard you close behind him. “Getting thrown out of hyperspace. I’d say that’s pretty critical, Tech.”
“It’s not affecting life support.” Tech replied calmly, fiddling with some controls. “We’re fine.”
“Are you kidding me?” Hunter replied, exasperated.
“I don’t think life support will matter too much if we crash and burn.” You added, adjusting your footing slightly as another rumble ran through the ship.
“The power capacitor’s blown. We need to land immediately.” Echo said.
Omega was still back in the main body of the ship with Wrecker, trying to maintain her balance.
“Get ready for your first crash landing.” Wrecker said, lifting one of the over-the-shoulder restraints.
“Crash?” Omega said anxiously.
“Omega, strap in.” Hunter said, darting back down towards the young girl. “You too.” He directed, looking back towards you.
“Are you?” You asked, crossing your arms, and looking at him questioningly.
“No but that’s not the point. You-”
“No, I’m fine thanks. I’ll sit right here.” You sat in one the normal passenger seats, bracing your back against it to keep steady.
Hunter sighed and sat in the chair across from yours.
Omega quickly sat in on of the seats with the over- the- shoulder restraints and Wrecker lowered one down for her before going into one himself although the restraint proved to be a bit small for his larger frame.
“I can’t see anything.” Echo groaned, straining his eyes to try and see through the fog that filled the moon’s atmosphere.
“Hold on!” Hunter called back towards Omega and Wrecker.
Omega grunted with the impact on her shoulders as the ship continued to be unsteady. She lifted her feet when Gonky slid down the hallway.
Wrecker wasn’t having the best time of it either. A particularly strong heave of the ship had the side of his head being smacked off the one of the metal hand bars of the restraints.
The alarm blaring grew louder and more insistent, but you saw the fog had cleared which allowed Tech to level out the ship as best he could before it crashed to the ground. You held on to the sides of your seat to stop yourself from falling out of it as your body lurched with the impact.
Once the ship had come to a complete stop, you stood up and helped the Gonk droid to his feet. You looked over at Hunter when he stood up. “You good?”
Hunter nodded before addressing the back of the ship. “Everybody alright?”
You glanced down to where Omega and Wrecker were. She seemed a little bit dazed but otherwise okay. Wrecker was the one who looked the most affected out of all of you. He was taking breaths in short, sharp pants. You only hoped you had the parts needed to fix the ship and get off this place.
“The storm’s getting worse. It’s knocking out our comms.” You said irritably as you stared at the controls.
“I suspect one of our capacitors sustained damage during our firefight with the regs. We won’t be able to take off without replacing it. Inventory analysis indicates we have one spare onboard.” Tech explained to the group, looking up from his datapad.
“Is it in here?” Omega asked, grunting as she dragged a box out and placed it on the ground.
A hush descended in the ship as you turned your seat to see what Omega was talking about and why everyone had gone so quiet. Oh, that was why, you thought gloomily.
“What?” Omega asked, wondering why everyone was suddenly staring at her.
“That’s Crosshair’s weapon kit.” Hunter said, the guilt and painful reminder of all that went down on Kamino coming back to haunt him.
Wrecker groaned. “Fine. I’ll say it. I kinda miss him.”
“He shot you, remember?” Echo reminded him.
“Ha! I sure do. That hurt!” Wrecker said with a laugh.
“It’s worth noting that the possibility that Crosshair’s actions were influenced by the inhibitor chip.” Tech said to Hunter.
“It can do that?” You asked, getting out of your seat, directing your question towards Omega.
“That’s what it was designed to do.” Omega confirmed.
“So, it wasn’t Crosshair’s fault?” Wrecker asked.
“Well-” Tech began.
“Look, debating this won’t fix the ship.” Hunter interrupted. He almost didn’t want to know the answer. The slightest chance that Crosshair had done what he did willingly was the only thing keeping his inner turmoil at bay and now there was a chance he wasn’t in complete control of himself? And they’d left him behind? That was something he wouldn’t be able to get past easily. “Right now, we need to find that capacitor and get off this rock.” He said before walking away.
You followed him to the cockpit. “It’s not your fault you know.”
“I’d love to hear how it isn’t.” He replied dejectedly, hanging his head as he held on to the back of the pilot’s chair.
You sighed deeply. “You made a judgement call. Even if he wasn’t of sound mind, we were still under fire.”
“Exactly, there’s now a chance he didn’t really know what he was doing, and I left him behind. I can’t-”
“Even if he wasn’t himself, we were taking fire, Hunter. And it wasn’t just from Crosshair. We would’ve died if we didn’t get out when we did. If Crosshair isn’t in control of his own mind, then we’ll get him back. I know you; when the moment is right, you won’t leave him behind.” You said, laying a hand on his shoulder, turning him to face you but he still refused to look at you. “Hey, look at me.” You put your hand on his cheek, angling his face towards you. “You’re a good sergeant. Those guys back there would follow you through anything, as would I.”
Hunter gave a half-hearted smile. He only hoped your image was him proved to be accurate because despite your words, that element of doubt still resided within him. “Thanks. Go help Echo and Tech with the repairs, would you?”
“Yeah, no problem.” You complied. You caressed your thumb across his cheekbone. “I mean it you, know. Until you want rid of me, I’m not going anywhere.” You said, removing your hand and you walked away from him, grabbing an oxygen mask as you went to join Tech and Echo outside.
May that day never come. Hunter thought as he watched you go, the feeling of your hand remaining on his cheek.
Tech lifted the panel and took out the damaged capacitor.
“Careful. Those capacitors hold a massive charge.” Echo warned as he stood on Tech’s right, holding his flashlight up to help Tech see what he was doing.
You joined on Tech’s left-hand side, shining your light too.
“I am well aware.” Tech responded, placing the new one in. “I just need to secure it.”
You turned your head slightly as you heard the sound of faint snarling and you felt goosebumps on your skin. “What was that?”
“I’m a little busy as the moment.” Tech replied.
You walked a few paces away from the others, shining your light ahead of you.
“Get back here.” Echo called after you.
You waved your hand behind you. “Shush. Keep your light with Tech.” You hissed back.
As you walked, you shone your torch to your left as you heard some rustling, but you couldn’t see anything. You kept walking forward, taking slow, quiet steps, fanning your flashlight right and left but you were coming up empty.
Pausing, you closed your eyes and reach out into the Force, trying to feel for any unusual or threatening signatures but you couldn’t sense anything. You let out a frustrated sigh and turned your light towards the ship and then something caught your eye. “Echo, Tech, look at this.” You called back to them.
Tech just finished securing the capacitor and he joined Echo to make their way towards you.
You shone your light back on the fresh, long, and jagged claw marks that now decorated the ship.
“Ah. Well, those weren’t there when we landed.” Tech observed.
No wonder you hadn’t sensed anything strongly. You’d never quite managed the whole force connecting to animals thing, it had been one of the things you’d still been practicing before you’d left but after you had gone, you’d ceased all training of that manner. You berated yourself for that now. You were so preoccupied with your own thoughts; you hadn’t noticed that Tech and Echo had made their way back to the ship entrance.
“You coming back in?” Echo asked, looking back at you.
“Give me a minute.”
Echo looked at Tech, who simply shrugged, and they both made their way back onto the ship.
You took a deep breath. “Come on, you can do this.” You whispered you yourself as you closed your eyes, and reached out again, really focusing in on the nature around you.
“The capacitor’s in place, but other systems are now failing.” Tech said, taking off his mask as he walked towards Hunter.
Echo removed his own mask before speaking to Hunter. “Something’s causing damage to the exterior hull.”
“You wanna narrow that down?” Hunter asked. “And where’s (Y/N)?”
“The capacitor is gone!” You shouted, quickly removing your own mask as you ran on board. You hadn’t seen it happen, but you had gotten a read on a signature that had gone very close to the panel where the capacitor was.
“I just placed it myself. It can’t be-” Tech stopped as the entire ship just powered down.
Each of your heads followed the faint sound of banging that moved across the top of the ship. “I told you.” You whispered. “Something’s taken it.”
Omega looked out the ship window to suddenly see an animal with luminous green charges flowing through its body, dart across it. “Look!”
“What is it?” You asked as you all ran towards the cockpit.
“Some kind of creature, about this big.” Omega said quickly, holding her arms wide apart. “With a long tail. It ran off with the part.”
Echo stepped forward and reactivated the control to get a view of the ship. “They’re right. The capacitor’s gone. And that was our last one.”
“Did you see this creature take it?” Wrecker asked, turning to look at you.
“No but I had a feeling.” You replied.
“A feeling?” Wrecker repeated, staring at you.
“A Jedi feeling, Wrecker. I didn’t know what though. I didn’t get very far with connecting to animals and it really doesn’t help when I have no idea what I should be connecting to.”
“The creature is most likely an Ordo Moon Dragon.” Tech informed. “A species that feeds off raw energy. It was probably drawn to the capacitor’s electric charge.”
“Well, that would’ve been good to know beforehand, Tech.” You said with a sigh before you noticed that Wrecker had walked away from you all, groaning slightly as he held the side of his head. You guessed it was an injury from the rather rough landing.
“You two get those other systems online.” Hunter ordered Tech and Echo. “Wrecker, stay here. We will go after the dragon and get our part back.” Hunter said nodding to you.
“I’m fine. I-” Wrecker protested before breaking off with a moan.
“You’re staying.” Hunter reiterated.
“I’ll go with you both.” Omega said eagerly, jumping off her seat.
“No, that thing could be dangerous.” Hunter said, double checking his vibroblade before putting it back in its cover.
“I’m a part of this squad now too, right?” Omega asked.
Hunter glanced up at you.
You finished putting your weapons on and nodded at him. We can watch her. It’ll be fine. Plus, she’s right and she’ll need to learn how to handle herself at some point. I know I’d rather it be at a time where we can comfortably watch her.
Hunter turned back to face the young girl. “Alright, kid. Just stay close.”
Omega put her oxygen mask on and dashed for the door.
You hummed out a laugh as you watched her enthusiastically run to the door then you saw how the others were looking at each other- their faces filled with a combination of scepticism and bewilderment. You smirked at Hunter and nudged his shoulder. “Come on, it’ll be fun. Of all the missions we’ve had, this one is one of the easier ones.” You both put on your masks and followed her out.
The three of you moved speedily along the moon’s rocky terrain. The wind howled softly, and you felt the breeze through your hair. You were taking up the rear, with Omega in the middle and Hunter in front.
Hunter paused and knelt down to the ground.
You and Omega came on either side of him and watched as he ran his fingers through some of the dirt and studied it as it trickled through his fingers.
“What are you doing?” Omega asked in a hushed tone.
“Tracking.” Hunter replied, standing upright.
“Can’t you track the creature? You know, with your Jedi powers?” Omega asked, angling her head past Hunter’s legs to look at you.
“I could if I knew how to properly. Fact is, I don’t and even if I did, it would probably take a lot longer than this. A strong bond is required to connect with an animal, and I have no ground to even begin to establish one with this thing.” You answered, standing up and brushing some of the dust off your trouser legs.
You left out the fact that you quite enjoyed watching Hunter track, it sent a warm tingle down your spine every time, the only exception to that had been Kaller due to the rather serious extenuating circumstances.
“Let’s keep going.” Hunter said.
The three of you moved on, your movements more cautious now as you reached a section with more rocks, providing more cover for anything that might want to jump out at you.
“Could I learn to track like you?” Omega whispered.
“Well, it’s an enhanced skill.” Hunter replied. “Wrecker and Tech, we each have one.”
“And Crosshair.” Omega added.
You looked over her head to gauge Hunter’s reaction but the most he gave was a quick glance back at the young girl. You couldn’t get a read, the only way you could would be to dip into his signature but this task was more important right now.
“You shouldn’t be angry at him. He can’t help it.” Omega continued.
Hunter stopped and sighed. “I’m angry at myself. We don’t leave our own behind.”
Your heart went out to him. You knew that no matter how this situation turned out, that regret would always stick with him.
“Then we’ll find a way to get him back…somehow.” Omega said, coming up on Hunter’s right.
“That’s what I said.” You stated, coming to squeeze his left hand reassuringly. “See, it’s not just me that knows it.”
Hunter nodded at you before moving ahead once more.
You lightly nudged Omega in front of you again and fell in line behind her.
The three of you slowly began an uphill climb and crouched behind a rock. A few metres in front of you with its lights blinking, lay the power capacitor.
“See it?” Hunter asked, shining his torch light on it.
“Yeah.” You replied quietly.
“Wait here.” Hunter ordered, sensing that Omega had stood up. “Both of you.”
“You gotta be kidding me.” You objected.
Hunter just tilted his head towards Omega. He needed you to stay for her.
You got the message and let out a frustrated sigh. “Just be careful.”
Hunter gave you a nod and moved out from behind the rock to head towards the capacitor.
You moved closer to Omega and you both watched him closely as he went. You closed your eyes and reached out into the Force around you, looking to see if that familiar signature you’d felt by the panel on the ship was anywhere near you both or Hunter.
Then you felt it, it was right by the rock that was behind the capacitor. You snapped your eyes open and went to warn Hunter, but you were a second too late. The creature had jumped out and attacked him.
You and Omega dashed out and ran towards it, but it had grabbed the part and ran off.
“It’s getting away!” Omega shouted.
That wasn’t your concern right now. You turned away from the direction the creature had headed off in to see Hunter gasping, clutching at his throat.
Panic swept through you. “Hunter, your mask!” You grabbed him as he collapsed to the ground.
You scanned the area around you quickly to find his mask. You spotted it and called on the Force to send it to you. As soon as it landed in your hand, you reattached it. “Hunter, wake up! Wake up!” You said desperately but to no avail.
You checked for a pulse and hung your head in relief when you found one, but he would be out for a while and medical help would not go amiss plus you still needed to get the capacitor back. You spoke into your comm. “Echo, Wrecker, Tech, come in! We need help!” You got no response back.
You heard a snarl and looked up to see the dragon disappear with the capacitor down into a tunnel. You were torn, you couldn’t leave Hunter and Omega couldn’t be left on her own, but you needed that back.
“I’ll go.” Omega said bravely.
“No, Omega. Not by yourself. You could get hurt.” You said, taking your eyes off Hunter to look at her.
“We can’t leave Hunter alone here either. You can stay with him. I’ll be careful. If I’m going to be on this squad, I need to learn how to handle myself.” Omega replied.
You went to disagree with her but hesitated. You couldn’t bring yourself to leave him and if Omega felt like she could, then maybe it could work. “You sure about this?”
Omega nodded firmly.
You sighed. “Okay, take his blaster, torch, and his comm. If at any point, you’re unsure of what to do or there’s a sign of trouble, you tell me. Understand?” You said seriously.
“I understand.” Omega answered, picking up Hunter’s flashlight, blaster, and comm. “Okay, Omega. You can do this.” She said to herself, taking a calming breath.
“Be careful and any trouble, you use that comm and don’t use that blaster unless you absolutely have to.” You told her. She was young, she didn’t need her first instinct to be to kill. “You better go.”
Omega nodded and set off towards the tunnel.
You watched her enter it and then readjusted yourself, so you were supporting Hunter’s body, his head positioned in your lap. Come on Hunter, wake up, you thought nervously.
You gently straightened your back, keeping Hunter’s head cradled in your hands as you did so. Right after you did this, you saw his eyes flicker open. “Hunter?”
Hunter groaned and then his eyes focused on you, your head positioned just above his. His appeared to be in your lap. He sat up and held his head then let out a few panicked breaths as he remembered what happened. He tapped his mask, just to confirm that it was really there.
You moved around and kneeled in front of his. “Easy. It’s okay. I reattached it after it fell. You’ve been unconscious though.” You explained. “You scared the shit out of me. Next time you tell me to wait, I’m just going to ignore you because clearly that doesn’t work out well for you.” You said, adding a touch of humour to your tone.
“I’m okay.” Hunter reassured you, laying a hand on your shoulder.
“Just… don’t do scare me like that again. I don’t know what I’d do if-” You stopped yourself from continuing.
Before Hunter could ask about what you were going to say, he suddenly remembered about Omega, she wasn’t here. “Where’s Omega?” He asked urgently.
“Umm… she’s gone after the part.” You replied awkwardly.
“What?” Hunter said, standing up abruptly and which led him to notice his blaster, comm and torch were all now missing. “You let her go on her own?”
“Not enthusiastically but it was either I leave you unconscious and her with you, not knowing if there was anything else out here that could hurt you guys, or I stay with you and let her go after it. It wasn’t like I was left with the best choices. I told her to contact me if she was in trouble.” You explained, standing up too.
“Did you even try to contact the others for help?”
You glared at him. “Yes Hunter, believe it or not I’m not a complete idiot, my first thought was not to send her after an Ordo Moon Dragon by herself. The others didn’t reply.” You replied coolly.
Hunter sighed. “I’m sorry, that wasn’t fair. It’s just…she’s a kid. She could get herself hurt.”
“She’s not helpless, Hunter and she volunteered. She’s not much younger than what I was when I was being sent on missions. Plus, you and your brothers were put in training when you were young.” You said defensively.
“But she’s not exactly trained either or blessed with your particular skill set.”
You opened your mouth to protest but stopped when you realised that you’d lost sight of that. You may have understood the emotional assignment of taking in a child better than the others, but you’d let your own experience cloud your judgement here. You’d looked at Omega and seen a determined young girl, wanting to do all she could to help which is what you’d been like at her age and that was all you saw. You forgot that she’d been on Kamino her whole life and hadn’t been trained in any way. “You’re right. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have let her go. I just didn’t want to leave you and I forgot her experience has been completely different from mine and yours.”
“It’s okay. We can go find her now.” Hunter said.
“She’s in there.” You pointed up to the tunnel she’d gone into.
“Lead the way.” Hunter directed and followed you as you both ran up to the tunnel entrance.
“Omega!” You both yelled down the tunnel.
“I’m coming!” Omega called back.
You exhaled deeply in relief as you saw her crawl her way to the top.
Hunter picked her up out of the tunnel and set her gently down on her feet. “Are you okay?” He asked, scanning her body for injuries.
“Omega, I’m sorry, I never should’ve let you go on your own.” You said, bending down in front of her to give her a quick hug.
“It’s alright. I’m fine. I completed the mission.” Omega said to you over your shoulder. She pulled away and handed Hunter back his blaster at Hunter. “Don’t worry, didn’t have to use it.” She added, looking back at you.
You nodded back at her before you got to your feet to stand next to Hunter.
“I got the part.” Omega said, holding the capacitor up to Hunter.  
Hunter took it from her.
“Good work Omega.” You said. “Now we can finally get off this rock.”
Hunter walked into the cockpit. “Tech, get us outta here.”
“Gladly.” Tech replied, powering up the engines. “Systems are up and running.” He said as the ship left the moon’s atmosphere.
“Yeah, took you long enough.” Wrecker grumbled, coming into the cockpit.
“And where have you been?” Echo asked, turning in his seat.
Wrecker ignored him and kneeled in front of the passenger seat where Omega was sitting. “Hey, kid. Come with me.” He said, holding his hand out to her. “Cover your eyes.” He instructed with a light chuckle.
Omega did as he said and took his hand despite it being about twice the size of hers.
“I’m not missing this.” You said happily, following Wrecker out of the cockpit and back to the gun tower. You were very curious as to what Wrecker had planned.
Hunter also left the cockpit to see what Wrecker had been doing.
“Okay. Open ‘em.” Wrecker said, stepping away from Omega. “Check it out!” He said with a chuckle, showing Omega the now new and improved gun turret.
Omega walked up the ladder, pulled back the curtain and smiled at what greeted her. Wrecker had transformed the space with new, warm glowing lights and had padded it out for extra comfort. He’d also included his Lula. She couldn’t believe it.
“It’s your own room.” Wrecker explained. “Well, what do you think? I thought this place could feel more like a home.”
“It’s perfect!” Omega said joyfully. “Thank you, Wrecker!”
You chuckled as Wrecker took the praise rather bashfully.
“Oh, uh, it was nothing.” Wrecker replied.
“I never had my own room before.” Omega said, sitting down and holding Lula to her chest.
“Well, you’re a part of this squad now too.” Hunter said, stepping past you.
You noticed that Tech and Echo had now come to see what was going on too.
Omega looked at him then back around her room. She was really starting to feel that now.
The rest of you left her to it and walked back to the cockpit. “That was really sweet of you, Wrecker. And she’s right. That’s a pretty perfect set up.” You said smiling at him. “Hey, how come I never got anything like that?” You asked, nudging Hunter playfully.
“Are you unhappy with your current arrangement?” Hunter lightly teased back whilst also hoping the answer would be no.
You pretended to ponder before answering. “Hmm I guess I can manage.” You replied light-heartedly, giving him a warm smile.
Wrecker, Tech, and Echo just looked at one other, the look saying the same thing- when will they just wake up and admit what they feel for one another? If it’s so clear to us, why is it not to them?
Next Chapter>
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theextendedzodiacas · 3 months
Would it be weird to ask how you pick images for your moodboards?
not at all! here is my process:
-color-coding: obviously, at least some images in the board must be the blood color of the sign caste
-lunar sway "mood": prospit signs are lighter/happier, derse signs are darker/angstier. very rarely derse/prospit color coding will creep in
-visual reference to the aspect of the sign: this is a little more abstract, but: sky/birds/lungs for breath, clockwork for time, frogs or space for . space . bones/graves for doom, empty space or fog for void, angels for hope, lightning/shattered glass/broken objects for rage, blood or blood-like imagery for blood (or images of holding hands, physical connection to other people), brains/webs/computers for mind, plants for life, hearts for heart, and "light" (sun, gold things, northern lights, reflections, celestial phenomena) as well as dice or books for light. sometimes color-coded woth the aspect color
-relevant additional themes: here i look for images with text relevant to the request, animals, fashion, pictures of couples for relationship boards (if necessary), any image which could give the "feel" of my understandings of each class or internal state meant to be reflected in the board, or images pertaining to a specific aesthetic vibe/theme like whimsigoth or what have you
-texture images: these support the color-coding, provide associative transitions from one image to the next, and generally serve to make the disparate elements of a given request cohere into an aesthetically unified whole.
then, of course, arrangement. once i have selected the images, i spend time laying them out in a way that is pleasing to the eye and draws the focus to other images in the board. this means flipping images so that their focus points "inward" or "outward," shifting them around so that images that are cut off in certain areas are on the edges or corners, and occasionally editing the images to, again, assert color-coding in cases where the additional themes leave little room to affirm a given unique sign. many requests are so heavy with additional themes that the only reference i can devote to the sign itself is color-coding, with maybe one or two visual nods to the aspect.
i prioritize photographs over drawings and graphics---if my board includes a pride flag, it's a photograph of a physical flag, meaning that i have to get creative for labels which do not have photos of physical flags. i also never include a graphic of the sign itself, to devote more space to the symbolism of the board i'm working on. i do not use anime screencaps or images from cartoons, though i do use movie stills.
i know for most people, moodboards are just "a vibe." some people don't seem to understand that while yes, i am working towards the depiction of an emotional vibe, i am doing so using a specific visual language in a limited amount of space, and straight up . . . it's extremely difficult to find usable photos of non-physical, temporally bounded things like ambivalence towards a relationship or nuanced inner feelings. ("unusable photos" being things like shutterstock images of "couples quarreling" or "woman thinking over salad".) if a requester wants an abstract state represented visually, it's helpful if they provide their own symbols for the theme they're trying to actualize . . . but if every single one of the nine images is dictated to me in the form of symbol-themes, it's like . . . where is the room for the actual sign in all this, and why are you coming to me if your vision is strong enough for you to just make your own board? (i do put a decent amount of time and effort into each board and rely on a large stockpile of saved photos, but . . . even just starting out, it did not take me long to make a decent board.)
i use pixlr to arrange and edit my moodboards and gather my images from tumblr, google images, unsplash, pexels, and when i was starting out i did use pinterest (but i don't have an account lol)
i hope this was understandable & enlightening!
-mod 8ean
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