#my dad was like ‘at least replace the ring with an actual wedding ring’ and my mom was like ‘no’
fattyfish · 1 year
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Find yourself someone who will propose to you with the onigiri rice ball ring, case and all (onigiring)
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rogerswifesblog · 1 year
Drabble request for Steve Rogers and reader:
Men in readers life (dad, grandpa, family friends etc) haven't worn wedding rings. They also didn't have very loving relationships with their wifes. So she thought it was normal. But her new husband Steve wears one. He wears it all the time. He has a silicon one for missions so his "real" one doesn't get broken. He's also very very loving to her and reader is kinda surprised by it? But she loves it
[ I had this in my drafts and since I have nothing to post rn, here you go, enjoy<3 I’m currently writing another Drabble for the special (finally 🤣)]
Thank you for the request! Its so so cute 🥺🥺
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You never really talked about your family- well at least not about the male part of your family. Not your father or grandfather, even their friends were the same as them and you just never liked thinking about them.
Seeing how they treated their women scared you of getting married but then you met Steve.
He was sweeter than you expected him to be but maybe that’s how the beginning of a relationship was supposed to be? Your mother told you that’s how her and your fathers relationship was. Very sweet and caring the first year but after that he became cold. She married him anyway- sometimes you thought you were the reason for that but she always told you they married out of love.
Even though they never spend time together or go on dates. He didn’t even wear his ring anymore.
You always waited for the moment when Steve would start to become just like your father: colder, distant and would stop caring about you.
It never happened. Not even after proposing and marriage. He treated you so differently from the way your father treated your mother.
Steve always made sure you were happy, cuddled you and showed off his wedding band proudly.
It was… weird. But also nice. You hoped it wouldn’t change. At least not so quickly.
And it didn’t. Even after two years he was still the same sweetheart he always was.
He was currently putting on his suit for an upcoming mission, also taking off his ring- and replacing it with a silicon ring that looked the same as his gold band.
Steve noticed you staring at the ring with furrowed eyebrows. He sighed quietly. „I’m sorry for taking it off but I don’t want to lose it- so I thought it would be better wearing something like this“ he held out his hand to you, showing you the ring.
It only made the grimace on your face harder and Steve felt his heart shatter. Had he insulted you? Oh God. He didn’t want to make you mad.
“Why don’t you just take it off? I know it’s uncomfortable, you don’t have to wear it” that’s something your father has always said, rings were uncomfortable, why should he wear something that was uncomfortable? “It’s okay if you want to stop wearing it. I won’t be mad, I know how it works” you said with a slightly sad smile on your face.
There, you said it. He’d stop the game and finally be just like any other man you’ve ever observed, cold, distant and - “What are you talking about?” His words made you look at him, a bit unsure.
Steve didn’t know how you thought about marriage- how the people in your life treated each other and their relationships. You never talked about stuff like this, always dismissed talking about your family- he actually hasn't even met them, even though he really wanted to. He wanted to ask your father for permission to marry you but you never really wanted to even talk about your family.
You sighed quietly, grabbing his hand you brushed with your thumb over the silicone ring. “You know what I mean, I… I know you’re probably fed up with wearing it all the time and you… don’t have to be so… so sweet. We’re already married. You’ve got me. I won’t leave you anymore, you can just be-" ''Sweetheart, what… why do you think I don’t like wearing the ring or being like I am? I love you. I want to treat you right- I'm not doing it to… to keep you. Even if you’d want to leave me, you could do that” he whispered gently, pulling you to sit down on the bed.
Slightly confused, you looked at your hands. “You’re just so different, Steve. Every marriage I saw was so much… colder. I don’t remember the last time I saw my dad give my mom a kiss- or even wear his ring” while you tried to explain everything, Steve gently put his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug.
Steve kissed your head gently, rubbing your back with his hands. You could feel the silicone ring against your back. “I want to be a good husband, I’ll never treat you badly, baby. I love you so so much.” Once again he kissed your head.
You looked up at the man, a small smile spreading over your lips. “I love you too, Steve. You promise you’ll always love me?” you asked quietly, making the blond chuckle quietly while he pulled you onto his lap. “I will always love you, you're my princess- my queen” Steve grinned into your hair, leaving many kisses behind.
Laughing you pulled Steve into a passionate kiss but his phone ringing interrupted you two, making him sigh. “I’m so sorry, but I should go. We’ll talk about it later, okay? We need to discuss it all, sweetheart. You deserve all the love I can give you” with that he laid you gently on the bed, standing up after and putting the rest of his suit on, finishing with strapping the shield on his back.
Before leaving the house he gave you a last kiss, once again telling you how much he loved you.
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commaclear · 11 months
I love that ask qaa did omg I can't believe I only just saw it
It reminded me of how my dad proposed to my mom with a plastic elephant ring, and he lost his original marriage band. My parents didn't want a ceremony so they just exchanged rings, and neither of them ever wear them. I believe my moms original is still in her jewelry box, and my dads replacement one is on his nightstand. I think they also lost the elephant ring. And yet, they still are very much in love. It's made me pretty anti-having a wedding, or at least a stupid expensive one, but I think it's pretty sweet that they didn't need to prove to each other they were in love.
Obviously it works differently for everyone, and some people enjoy having physical proof of their partner within a ceremony or ring, but. Yk.
Honestly this feels like a pretty random thing to drop into the inbox but I hope you enjoy anyway lmao
-Wilbur Semi Defender anon
I actually love this ask too wsda, it's giving me ideas
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peachoony · 3 years
chasing love - one
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Genre: mafia!au, smut, arranged marriage
Warnings: blood, kidnaping, basically violence, smut
Word count: 3.2k
Pairing: mafia leader!changkyun x fem!reader
A/N: yes another mafia lmaoo, but this will definitely have more parts. actually i had this au written for a very long time in my drafts so i thought i’d post it.
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You greeted all the new guests with a smile while looking for your parents, who were talking to other guests. You walked to them, hoping you wouldn’t get interrupted by some auntie telling you how much you’ve grown up, since the last time she saw you. By the time you reached them they were already bowing goodbye to the guest.
“Dad the priest has arrived and Uncle Minho is asking for you.” You informed him and he nodded, leaving you alone with your mother.
Well actually not really mother. Your parents had passed away in a car accident, before you could even start collecting any memories with them and your biological father‘s brother – your now father – adopted you and now you called them mom and dad. They were just like your actual family.
„You look beautiful, y/n.“ Your mother smiled and you smiled back while looking down on you. You were wearing a baby pink silk dress with some accessories and your hair was lying with wavy curls.
„Thank you mom, but so do you. Still looking all young,” you said making her chuckle and playfully hit your arm.
“Stop it, will you?” She rolled her eyes playfully. “Can you go to up to Mirae and help her a bit with the preparations, I’ll come get you two when it’s time.” She continued and you nodded, mumbling a ‘sure’ before walking up the stairs to the bride’s room.
You knocked twice before walking in with a big smile, but you were rather greeted with an empty room.
“Mirae?” You said and silence answered you.
You opened the bathroom door but nothing. Where is she? You walked further into the big room and your face fell into a deep frown, when you saw Mirae’s wedding dress on the bed. You immediately walked to the bed and your eyes found a folded paper next to it.
No. No she can’t do that. Not today.
With shaking hands you picked it up slowly opening it, scared of confirming your biggest nightmare.
Dear Mom and Dad,
I’m sorry I haven’t told you this before and It’s probably too late to fix anything, but I can’t marry Changkyun. I tried to force myself but the feelings aren’t there anymore. I fell in love with someone else and, before I could’ve done something that could’ve hurt him more I decided to leave all this behind. Don’t try to find me, I’m happy.
~ Jeon Mirae
You stood there for a while, slowly letting your arms fall next to you, grasping the letter tightly. It took you a moment to realise what just happened, but when it did it came crashing down on you like a tsunami. You blinked a couple of times, still unsure what to do as anxiety started taking over you.
You opened the door, running through the hallways trying to find your parents as you placed a hand against your forehead, but before you reached the stairs you ran into a bigger figure making you stumble back. You looked up, your eyes meeting the ones, you wanted to see the least right now.
“Y/n, I’m sorry I didn’t see you.” He apologized, his icy expression not leaving his face, as always.
You looked at him with widened eyes, still grasping onto that piece of paper. His eyes scanned your face and he tilted his face.
“Why are you crying?” He suddenly asked, making you sniff. You were crying?
“I…” you started still at a loss of words. “Is everything okay?” He asked, now frowning.
“Mirae…” you said, getting his attention now. “What’s with Mirae? Is she okay?” He was clearly confused on what’s going on.
You nervously looked around, going through a panic attack.
You’ve been walking on heels for years now, but suddenly you couldn’t even stand on them. You needed to sit down with your wobbling leg. How will you tell him that?
“Y/n what happened to Mirae,” he said again louder, stepping closer and you gulped, suddenly scared of him.
“Mirae, she...is not in her r-room,” you choked out, hands shaking when you held up the letter. Changkyun looked at the letter then back to you before grabbing it as his eyes slid from left to right.
Slowly the letter slipped from his hands and landed on his neatly polished shoes. He stared into nothing, before coming back to his senses. You expected him to at least show some emotions, but he just stood there with a clenched jaw. His eyes met yours and you both looked at each other for a solid minute.
“She did what?” Your father yelled out standing up, making the chair fall to the ground.
“We can’t cancel the wedding,” Changkyun’s father said, shaking his head. “What will the people say? They will look down on us.” He added.
“I’m so sorry Minho, If I had known she would do that…” he trailed off and your mother placed a hand on his shoulder.
Changkyun didn’t say anything, while sitting on the couch. His cold eyes looked into nothing with his hand rubbing his jaw.
You sat on the bed still looking at her million dollar wedding dress. Their voices faded and your eyes went back to the letter and you sighed silently. When your name fell, you looked up confused on why you were relevant in this conversation.
“Right, why can’t y/n marry him?” Changkyun’s father said.
“What?” You blurred out, instantly covering your mouth with your hand. “I mean...How can I do this? This is not my place,” you explained and your mother walked to you.
“Y/n right now is not the time, please do us that one favor. Everyone is outside waiting.” Your mother spoke up and you looked over to Changkyun, but he didn’t seem to care what was happening, blinking a couple of times you looked down. “People will look down on us y/n. What image will we bring across? They will take us a joke,” she added and you frowned, deeply in your thoughts.
“Y/n, you won’t regret this decision, I promise you that,” Chanwoo, Changkyun’s brother said this time.
You looked up into the mirror and here you were in a wedding dress, that wasn’t even yours, just like the place as Im Changkyun’s wife. Your heart pounded against your chest as your father walked with you to the hall. You liked Changkyun, maybe more than you were allowed to. You didn’t know when those feelings took over your heart, since it was pretty obvious that your families would form an alliance of the clan’s, but the moment Changkyun’s family asked for Mirae’s hand in marriage, your heart broke into millions of pieces. You were honestly still hoping somewhere deep in your heart that it would’ve been you. That it would’ve been you he fell in love with, but who were you fooling? Mirae was always the prettier one out of you two, always the one everyone liked more. She had all the friends and the lovers. How could you even think you can compete against her? Of course he would choose her, of course he would choose a pretty, outgoing and loveable wife. All these years you pushed your feelings aside and now that you’ve finally mastered hiding those feelings, you’re becoming his wife. You wanted him to be yours secretly for so long, but not like this. Not as a replacement of his actual love. Not as his last option.
“I’m so sorry,” your father spoke up, making you look at him. “You don’t deserve this y/n. You’re not supposed to clean after your sister's mistake,” he continued clearly ashamed.
You stayed silent, not sure what exactly to say. “If you don’t want this, tell me now. I will manage something.” He seemed disappointed in himself.
You shook your head squeezing his arm. “Accepting someone else's daughter and actually treating her like your own kid is not easy. Despite Mirae being your real daughter you always treated us fairly, always making sure I have everything she had. I never felt like an orphan, thanks to you dad.” You smiled as he looked at you with teary eyes.
“You’ve never let me down, now it’s my turn.” You added and he pulled you into a hug.
“You’re not an orphan and neither are you someone else's daughter,” he said after placing a kiss on your forehead. “You’re my daughter. And after today my only daughter.”
You sighed giving your best holding your tears back so you wouldn't ruin the make up as a smile spread over your face.
“I’ll make sure he treats you right, y/n.” Your father said and you nodded. “I know you will.”
If it wouldn’t be for Changkyun holding your hand, they would be shaking like crazy and when he slid in the ring you almost scoffed. This wasn’t supposed to be the finger the ring should be on, this shouldn’t be the hand he should be holding, this shouldn’t be your dress and this shouldn’t be your husband, but now it was.
You looked around the big room. You were in here once, because of your sister Mirae, but now you’re here as Changkyun’s wife. A sigh left your lips and you leaned back against the headboard, closing your eyes.
So this is your life now?
It was still hard to believe but it was best for you to get used to this, since you would only hurt yourself. Your eyes shot open at the sound of the door opening and you instantly sat up at the sight of Changkyun walking in.
He walked to his dresser, taking off his watch and tie without looking back at you.
“Changkyun,” you started clearing your throat as you stood up from the bed.
“I’m sorry all this happened and I know that I wasn’t supposed to be here today. This is not my place but it happened and I promise to not bother you at all.”
He turned around blankly staring at you and you gulped, clearly uncomfortable under his piercing gaze. You were about to speak up, but he suddenly walked into your direction making you stumble back, falling back on the bed.
“Is that all?” He asked and you shuddered at the harsch tone.
He grabbed your wrist, not as harsh as his tone, and pulled you with him to the door and the next thing you knew was him closing the door in front of your face. You stood there for a while, before you realized what just happened.
He threw out of his room.
You couldn’t believe you were standing in front of your husband's room, after he just kicked you out. Tears started gathering at the corner of your eyes and all you wanted to do was fall to your knees and cry. You knew that you wouldn’t get the love and affection from Changkyun as a husband, but if you knew that he would straight up throw you away like a piece of shit, you would’ve definitely reconsidered this marriage. You would’ve saved you from this hell. You couldn't spend the rest of your life like that, not with your own husband treating you like a complete stranger. The thought of living like that just brought more tears into your eyes. You wanted to go home, to your father. You wanted to go back to him. You don’t want this life.
“Y/n?” You suddenly heard someone call your name and you froze, scared to turn around and face whoever was standing there. You slowly turned around looking straight into Chanwoo's eyes.
“Do you need anything?” He asked confused as to why you were standing here in the hallway at almost midnight. You blinked a couple of times, panicking inside and thinking of a plausible answer.
“Uh no…thank you,” you stuttered. He nodded slowly looking to Changkyuns door then you. “Why are you not going in?” He asked with an raised eyebrow and you opened your mouth just to close it again, left with no answer.
“He kicked you out didn’t he?” He sighed and you looked away, clearly embarrassed at the fact that you got kicked out from your own husband.
“That jerk,” he mumbled and started taking steps towards the door, but you immediately grabbed his arm. “No please don’t say anything to him,” you said and he frowned.
“Y/n, he can’t do this. Let me talk some sense into him,” he said and you shook your head. “Chanwoo, please just...don’t.” Your begging made him sigh again and he took a step back.
“Why are you doing this?” he asked you after he walked you to the guest room.
You stayed silent not knowing the answer to his question either. Why were you doing this? Better said why was Changkyun doing this? Why does he hate you so much? Was it really your fault that your sister decided to run away? That you got talked into marrying him?
“He doesn’t deserve you,” he said, shaking his head. “I’m sorry you got into this situation.” His last words before he disappeared wishing you a good night.
You sat there for a while and before you knew the tears started running down your face.
You opened your eyes as you felt someone gently shake your shoulder. “Miss, good morning,” a woman smiled and you knew she was one of the workers here. You sat up and blinked the sleep away, before you realized you didn’t have the chance to change, still sitting here in your wedding dress.
“Breakfast is ready in 30 minutes. Please freshen up, I’ll bring you your clothes.” She informed you and you nodded still in the process of waking up.
When she left you sighed and fell back into the bed. You barely got any sleep, all you did was cry and miss your parents. What were they doing right now?
After recalling last night you stood up and walked to your, well Changkyun’s room and thank god he wasn’t there. You quickly got out of your dress straight to the shower and the moment the warm water hit your skin you closed your eyes. You felt your muscles relax, especially after yesterday where you slept in a dress in the most uncomfortable position. After a while you heard the door open and you remembered the worker telling you she will bring you your clothes.
“Place my clothes on the island next to the bathtub, please.” You said, but when you heard Changkyuns voice you almost jumped out of your own skin.
“I don’t have your clothes,” he said and you heard shuffling before he disappeared again and you thanked all the seven seas that your shower glass was dimmed due to the warm water. The moment the door closed you let out the breath you were holding in. Of course this would happen with your luck.
You slipped into your heels before walking down hesitantly, still ashamed of what happened back in the room. When you walked into the dining hall you saw an unfamiliar girl sitting next to Changkyun while pinching his cheeks.
“You’re so skinny gosh, what are you guys feeding my poor baby brother?” She said playfully and you remembered Mirae telling you he has a sister, but she lives in the states due to work which meant she was rarely even here. Her eyes landed on you and she smiled.
“Oh hey, aren’t you Mirae’s sister y/n?” She asked and you nodded slowly. “Uhm, yeah that’s me.” Why was she mentioning her name?
Her next words felt like a slap into your face. “Where is Mirae though?” She asked, still smiling and everyone fell silent. You didn’t dare to move looking away to Changkyun, but he clenched his jaw. Chanwoo slapped her arm and she frowned.
“I’m sorry y/n, she just arrived and we didn’t had the chance to tell her.” He explained and nodded to the seat next to Changkyun with a smile.
“Join us.”
“Didn’t tell me what?” She asked looking at her parents, but Chanwoo silently gave her a sign that he would explain everything once they were alone.
To say the least – the breakfast was awkward. Changkyun didn’t even finish his food before he excused himself for work and honestly you didn’t feel like eating at all, so you just had some fruit to not completely come off as rude.
The moment you walked upstairs you let out a sigh, happy that you had the most awkward moment behind you, but when you heard your name you looked up.
“I’m sorry for what I said in the dining hall. I didn’t know all of this happened, I was just assuming you were here to visit Mirae.” Kyuhyun's sister carefully took a step closer. “It was so insensitive of me to speak without thinking,” she scoffed and you shook your head.
“Oh no, don’t worry about that. You didn’t know, since you just arrived today. It’s fine,” you smiled at her and she took a deep breath. “Okay good, I was so scared that you might be upset.” She laughed. “Oh and I’m Gyuri.”
How weird is it that you were just now finding out your husband's sister's name. Mirae never really spoke much about her or the family at all. She was mainly focused on Changkyun, but here and there said something about his family. You knew his family too, exchanging a couple of words on galas and events, but more than the basics you weren’t that informed about them. Especially Changkyun, he was always a mystery to you, with his secretive persona. You were always curious on how Changkyun was with Mirae, since he didn’t seem to be a romantic and affectionate person, but she didn’t really give you any details.
After Gyuri offered you to always talk to her when you needed something, you thanked her and headed back to your room. You closed the door behind you and leaned against it, but before you had the chance to drown in your thoughts your phone on the dresser started ringing, showing up your fathers contact.
“Hey dad,” you said and for the first time after your wedding you smiled that genuine.
“Oh wow someone is extra happy,” he chuckled at the other side of the phone.
“I missed you dad.”
“I missed you too y/n,” he said and you could hear the car engine in the back.
“Are you going somewhere?” You asked leaned against the dresser. “Oh yeah I’m on the way to a meeting, so I thought I’ll just quickly have a talk with you.” He explained and you nodded. “I see, but don’t overwork,” you reminded him and he chuckled.
“Yeah yeah don’t worry. How is Changkyun?”
Your smile faded as you remembered everything that happened yesterday. “He is good,” you said, but he sighed. “That’s not what I mean, I’m going to see him in that meeting anyways. How is Changkyung treating you y/n?” He asked more specifically and you bit down on your lower lip. “Don’t worry dad he is good to me.”
Yeah you’re lying, but things will change and then it won’t be a lie...right?
> chasing love masterlist <
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Platonic Polyam Bench Trio Marriage AU
You guys asked, so here I am to deliver! Platonic Polyam Bench Trio marriage au where Tommy marries into Tubbo’s and Ranboo’s platonic marriage. (focus on Tommy lol)
NOTE; These are about the c!characters and not the irl people, and I'm writing this like a poly queerplatonic relationship okay? None of this is intended to be romantic or anything else and anything that is in this list is PLATONIC INTENTIONS ONLY
Edit; Now called the Bench Husbands Au
-It kinda all kicks off when about a week or so after Tommy gets out of Prison. (Note, nothing after the first stream after Tommy gets out is canon in this au, as well as some things before)
-Tubbo and Tommy finally have a small fight and argument, before talking, like really talking and Tubbo invite Tommy to come live with them in the mansion in snowchester once its done.
-Tommy doesn't really want to... but he’s tired and lonely and still scared to death and Tubbo promises he’s safe with them, plus if they lived together they could plan on how to kill Dream easier as well.
-Ranboo doesn't mind but after that he tries to go talk to tommy more, but Tommy isnt... the most receptive? Tommy is suffering still and is feeling very replaced and lonely, but doesn't excuse his kinda snippy behavior with Ranboo
-This finally comes to ahead when Ranboo snaps and calls him out, leading to another small fight, before Tommy apologizes and they also talk. This one is more in depth though and Tommy talks about what happened in exile, in the prison, and just general shitty stuff that's being going on. 
-Ranboo, in turn, talks to him about the voices and Dream’s voice and the sleepwalking and Tommy is very much more concerned about them then anyone else he told was, and validates the fear about it, and resolves to help Ranboo get rid of it somehow.
-After this, and both trying to convince the other they should tell Tubbo, that they both probably need to tell Tubbo. They want to keep him safe and not worry him, but... they both need help in different ways and they both love him enough to not do that to him.
-The night ends with lots of tears, Tubbo admitting his own traumas and tears and what he’s been not saying, and a promise to help each other.
-Its not a while after that actually Ranboo brings up the idea of adding Tommy to their marriage. He can tell the blond is struggling with feeling replaced and low-self esteem, and it would help him feel more equal and loved maybe? Tubbo thinks its a great idea and they go to ask Tommy.
-Tommy’s pretty uppity at first, he believes its just them pitying him and treating him like glass again, which he hates more then anything, but after they calm him down and explain they just want him to feel equal and that they both actually cared for him and wanted him to join in on their thing, he’s more contemplative. Ranboo nervously throws in a few other points, like how for legal reasons it could benefit him like it was for them, their allies had to leave him alone, plus Tubbo only started making his own hotel becuase he wanted Tommy to start interacting with him again, and-
-At this point Tommy just, interrupts and says yes, surprising them. They didn't exactly think he’d say no, but they thought it would be harder then that. He laughs at their expressions and says why not? Plus it stood to reason they’d want Tommy, everyone wanted Tommy.
-Ranboo and Tubbo exchange a look before bullying their now platonic fiancée. They agree to get married as soon as the Mansion is done, and till then Tommy can finish packing his stuff and a few other things he wanted to do.
-Also Tommy is totally not avoiding Michael because every pet he ever got close to has died and he doesn't want to get attached and risk Tubbo and Ranboo losing something they cared about because of him, no siree, why wouldn't you think that?
-Speaking of Michael!
-Its not all that strange to keep undead mobs like Zombie piglins as pets, in fact Zombie Piglins are the probably better undead mob to keep around due to their mostly passiveness if you want a pet and the fact they don't need much to eat and wont really be harmed if out leave them alone for long periods of time
-Though Tommy kinda thinks Tubbo and Ranboo’s insist on treating him like their child is weird, but he’s willing to let them have it, clearly it made them happy to play around
-Isn't until he finally moves in that he realizes that Michael is different then other zombie piglins and finds himself being pulled into the parent dynamic as well
-Though now that he thinks about it, something about Michael seems off… welp it's probably nothing :)
-When the mansion is done, he tears down the dirt shack and makes it a community garden and it becomes one of the only things that stays free of the red vines (who knew watering it with water from the holy land would make it untouchable? It's thanks to this garden later others figure out how to defeat the egg)
-They elect to not have a ceremony, not now at least but Tommy actually thinks a small wedding party would be fun at a later date. Ranboo doesn't mind much if they have one or not but Tubbo is actually very excited about planning it.
-Tommy wears his ring on a necklace most of the time, but occasionally wears it on his fingers, usually when he needs something to fiddle with.
-Ranboo wears his on his tail (the area right before to fluffy part) normally but also wears it on his finger sometimes when he feels like it. (If your version has horns, he also does that too) it just really depends on what he’s feeling and if he’s forgotten where he put it. He also like, never takes it off unless to move it around because he’s afraid to lose it.
-Tubbo wears his as an actual ring on his finger (though if he has horns, sometimes he puts it on one of em if he needs the ring to be off his hand.) Tubbo learned the hard way when building nukes or other machinery (since, if you can believe it, his husbands aren’t that comfortable with the nukes as he is) you can't wield or do high heat stuff while wearing metal and nearly lost his finger. He’s very lucky and he has a small scar from it.
-Each of them have their own rooms so they can have their own space and somewhere to go if they want time to themselves/store their stuff in, but there is a 4th room (directly across from Michaels) where they share and tend to curl up to sleep together. About 5 out of 7 days of the week, some combo of them are cuddling together at night, more if they're having a bad day or nightmares.
-There's multiple bathrooms in the mansion but there's one they all like the best and will fight over it/race to get into it first before the others and the other two will stalk off salty to use a different one
-They're all pretty tactile people but out of them, Tommy is the most tactile (once the fear of being hurt recess he practically attaches himself to the others) and Ranboo is the least (he won't seek out comfort and touch as much as the others unless he needs it, but is the best at telling when the other two need touch or need to be left alone) and Tubbo is in the middle of that.
-Tommy is the one that cooks most of the time, Ranboo is banned from it after The Incident and while Tubbo is okay at cooking, Tommy just knows more recipes and how to make things taste really good.
-Tommy picked up sewing from when he was a kid, even before he was found by Wilbur and adopted by Phil, it was useful to be able to patch the rags he called clothes, and just ended up continuing because his brothers and dad sucked at sewing. It then morphed into full tailoring because he found it relaxing and liked being able to make his own clothes. He can and will be insulted if anyone wears anything he deems ‘ugly’, especially his new husbands. He makes them clothes all the time, specially Michael.
-In fact he also cleans the most, he just gets bored and while he makes a mess, if the house gets to a certain point he gets really uncomfortable and overstimulated, so he cleans.
-DomesticInnit? In my au? More likely then you think!
-Gradually the whole ‘watching the prison’ and ‘planning to kill Dream’ starts to fade as he gets back into the groove of living again and therapy. He’s just… tired of Dream having a hold on everything Tommy does, he’s sick of it. So… he just tries to live these days one step at a time. (Healing arc baby! Dream can die mad UwU)
-Tommy dragged them both to Therapy with him after a while.
-Because of this he finds himself home a lot with Michael, especially if the other two are busy. They’ve pretty much decided that someone has to be home with Michael at all times, which is now 100% more doable with the 3 of them, and Puffy or Foolish babysit if there’s ever time they can't.
-Tommy is a lot less of a hovering helicopter parent then the others and was the one to finally convince them Michael cant live trapped in a room. Yes, they were all worried for his safety but… you can't raise a kid in a cell, even if it's a nice one. Tommy takes Michael out more
-Tommy started to sleep walking again once they moved in and he still gravitates towards water for some reason. Nothing more startling then waking up because you plunged into frigid below 0 temp water while sleepwalking. Ranboo also enderwalks/sleepwalks more as well and there've been some nights where Tubbo has had to track them both sleepily walking around and make sure they don't hurt themselves or drown or something. At least Ranboo is semi-aware when enderwalking and normally just does weird ender things, Tommy likes to apparently walk into oceans or climb the mansion and nearly fall off and wander hundreds of blocks away. Tubbo’s not salty at all, really.
-Sapnap, Quackity, and Karl are 100% salty the benchtrio got platonically married before they got married
-They fight about last names all the time despite none of them actally taking eachothers last name, and if they happen to pick and choose on which one they’re feeling based on mood, well they can do what they want!
-However its agreed Michael’s last name is hyphenated so he’s now ‘Michael Beloved-Underscore-Innit’
These are all I have for now, feel free to ask about it or use my ideas! <3
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moistmailman · 3 years
SCP AU part 2
*Jaune is pushed into a room with a bag over his face before the door shuts on him*
Jaune, slightly muffled: H-HEY! I SAID LET ME GO DAMNIT! *cautiously reaches for bag and touches it before ripping it off*
Jaune, immediately turning to the door and banging on it: I SWEAR TO GOD YOU GUYS BETTER LET ME OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW! WHAT KINDA FUCKED SOCIAL EXPERIMENT IS THIS?! *continue banging*
Pyrrha: I can hear you.
*Jaune squeaks loudly before getting in a karate stance while turning to see a tall redhead girl around his age with vivid green eyes sitting on a bed*
Jaune, internally: What the fuck?! How long has she been here?!
Pyrrha, awkwardly waving: Hello.
Jaune, awkwardly waving back: Uh..hi.
*an awkward silence fall on the two, with the blonde slightly blushing and the redhead staring at him with interest*
Jaune, internally: Holy shit, she’s pretty. My god, she absolutely stunning. She has got to be the prettiest girl I’ve seen in my li— Wait Wait, Jauney-Boy, you're getting side tracked. What the fuck is going on in here, and why did those guys put me in a room with a very hot girl with really long and smooth legs— GAH, HORMONES THERE ARE MORE IMPORTANT MATTERS TO ATTEND TO!
Pyrrha: *giggles while slightly blushing*
Jaune, terrified:......w-was I t-talking out loud?
Pyrrha: Hmm? Oh no. *smiles teasingly* Why? What were you thinking about?
Jaune, voice cracking: N-nothing. Nothing at— *clears throat* H-hey, I’m Jaune.
Pyrrha, smiling: Pyrrha, charmed.
Jaune, internally: Wow, even her name is pretty.
Pyrrha: *snickers cutely*
*Jaune looks around to see what she’s snickering at to see nothing*
Jaune, shrugging it off: So uhm....they tricked you with the social experiment, huh?
*Pyrrha thinks for a moment, before a coy smile gets plastered on her lips*
Pyrrha: Yeah, you can say something like that.
Jaune: Damn. Who the hell are these people, and you have any idea what they even want from us?
Pyrrha, shaking her head: Your guess is as good as mine.
Jaune, sighing: Great. Isn’t today just wonderful. Should’ve known that offer was too good to be true. *slide his back against the wall until he’s sitting* Teach me not to read documents people tell me to sign.
Cinder, sighing: Wow, great plan, Roman. We are learning things about her so fast.
Roman: This takes patience, Cinder.
Cinder, frustrated: The boy haven’t even said anything to her for the past 5 minutes! He’s just sitting his ass on the floor. The boy is socially handicapped!
Roman: That’s not my fault! You're the one who pick him!
Cinder: Well you were the one to make this stupid plan in the first place! How will the boy even ask her about her powers in the first place if he doesn't even know that he needs to ask?!
Roman: Geez, I don't know! How did I know about you being an only child?
Cinder: Be—
Roman: Because I asked you as a curious person who wants to know about my friend! Now believe it or but if I got under the assumption that you started reading my mind, you bet your ass I would ask you about it, especially if I was trapped in a small room with you!
Cinder: But why would SCP-312 answer the question if she knows what we're trying to—
Roman, urgently: Hush! Something's happening!
Jaune: *has been moving uncomfortably on the floor for the past 5 minutes*
Pyrrha, scooting in her bed: Hey, you wanna sit next to me? The floor looks pretty uncomfortable.
Jaune: Really? You're alright with that?
Pyrrha, smiling warmly: Of course. The bed's large enough. *Pat beside her* Here.
Jaune, slightly blushing: O-oh, Uh, sure then. Thanks.
*Jaune walks over to the bed before sitting down, his cheeks crimsoning*
Pyrrha: There, is that better?
Jaune: Y-yeah. T-thanks.
Pyrrha: Youre welcome:
*Once again the room fall to silence as the boy looks everywhere but at the very attractive girl he's shoulder to shoulder with*
Jaune, internally: God, what's wrong with me?! I just got kidnnapped yet I'm more worried about this super hot girl sitting next to me! I can barely form coherent sentences around her! Damn, my hands are all sweaty too! She's so close! I can feel her body warmth! Just calm down, Jauney. Calm down already. Take a deep breath, and try to strike up a conversation with her. This silence is deafening.
Jaune, taking a deep breath: So, what—
Pyrrha: *Facing Jaune with a warm smile*
Jaune, voice wavering: —y-y-your.......*turns away in embarrassment*
Jaune, internally: For god sake! I can’t get used to that smile! It’s like beautiful personified. God damnit. I need to keep a conversation going, at least until those guys come back! Okay think! What did mom tell me about talking to girls?
A memory starts playing inside Jaune’s head with his mother’s voice: Remember Sweetie, women love wedding rings, but they love babies more.
Jaune, internally:.....is...is that it?! Really?! That’s literally the only advice my mother has ever given more for girls. How the hell is baby propaganda supposed to help me in this situation?! What kinda— okay, calm down. I have another parent. What did dad tell me?
Another memory starts playing in Jaune’s head, this time with his father’s voice: Son, I have absolutely no idea how I managed to make your mother fall for me. I am not the man you should be asking. You’ll probably have a better shot asking the stars that question.
Jaune, internally:.........I’m going to die alone, aren’t I? My parents managed to make the opposite sex so completely alien to me, despite me having 7 sisters! What he actual fuck?! This is an absolute disaster! This can’t get any worst!
*Jaune then remembers one crucial detail of the predicament he’s in*
*Suddenly Jaune’s nerves instantly drop and a calm aura surrounds him, almost like it just completely disappeared and got replace with an warm and inviting energy*
Jaune, confused: Huh?
*The weight on Jaune’s hand then became evident, as he looked down and found Pyrrha’s hand gently lying on his, almost reassuringly*
Jaune, slightly blushing:.........
Pyrrha, in soothing tone: So, tell me about yourself.
Jaune, no longer feeling nervous for a reason he doesn’t know why:...........well, I just graduated from college.
Cinder, frantically: WRITE THAT DOEN, WRITE THAT DOWN!
Roman, equally as frantic: I AM! I AM!
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a-chlolix-blog · 2 years
Rabbit Huntress AU
Queen Azure/The Future Butterfly Wielder
Months after dealing with an akuma that forced Alix to reveal to Chloé that she was Bunnyx, the two start dating.
Of course this happiness wasn't going last, so here comes Gabriel!
The heroes do in fact get their Miraculous taken away by Hawkmoth (a Strike Back replacement, cause YIKES).
The only Miraculous that were safe were the Ladybug, the black cat, & the rabbit. Cause of their permanent Wielders.
Ladybug comes up with a plan of course and tells her allies about it.
When Alix tells Chloé the plan, she obviously wants to help out.
Alix: No.
Chloé: You guys need all the help you can get on this one!
Alix: But we don't have a Miraculous to give you!
Chloé: I know, but…
Alix: Like with everyone else in Paris, your support is all we need. *kisses her on the lips* Stay outta danger, okay?
Chloé: Okay…
When it comes to the night before that fight, Chloé takes the rabbit Miraculous from a sleeping Alix, becomes "Beau Bunny", and quickly looks for Hawkmoth through the Burrow.
Not only does she see where he's keeping the Miraculous, but she also finds out that he's Gabriel Agreste.
She forces herself to keep calm as she quickly exits and closes the Burrow, without waking Alix.
Chloé, putting the pocket watch back: I'm sorry, Ally-Bun. It had to be done. *kisses Alix on the cheek before leaving*
The next day the heroes were given quite the information set on Hawkmoth, that only someone who was close with the Agreste Family knew.
The heroes were shocked that Gabriel Agreste was Hawkmoth (Chat Noir obviously cries), but they need to get the job done.
Bunnyx already knows who sent them the in tell, but decided to deal with that after the battle.
After that long and painful battle, the heroes win and get the Miraculous back. The Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous included.
When figuring who to give the Butterfly Miraculous to, Bunnyx knew just who would be the right pick.
Bunnyx: I know you're the one who told us about Hawkmoth.
Chloé: How did you find out it was me?!
Bunnyx: There are cameras all over the Louvre. You're lucky I was able to get to the footage before my dad. You obviously used the rabbit Miraculous to get all this information.
Chloé: I just really wanted to help… I'm sorry. If you wanna break up with me, I'd understand.
Bunnyx: I actually I came here to offer you a different Miraculous. *pulls the Butterfly Miraculous out of her pocket*
Chloé: Are you sure about this?
Bunnyx: I already talked it over with LB and Chat. Welcome back to the team, Chloé.
Chloé: THANK YOU! *tackles Bunnyx to the floor and starts kissing her face*
After that Queen Azure became the newest member of Ladybug and Chat Noir's team of Super Heroes. She and the other heroes became permanent Wielders as well.
It took a while for people to get use to the Butterfly Miraculous being used for good, but Queen Azure grew on the people of Paris.
~Years into the Future~
Chloé and Alix are happily married and still super heroines.
Queen Azure akumatizes herself into upgraded versions of Hare Huntress & Queen Alice to help out with certain battles
She's even got an Akuma Form for Bunnyx as well; Hera Lièvre! Who is quite flirtatious with her.
Hera Lièvre: An absolute pleasure to be here my Queen~ *kisses Queen Azure's cheek*
Queen Azure, blushing: You should really be focusing on the battle Hera!
Of course she gets her back as Hare Huntress, just for fun.
Bunnyx, backed against a wall: Aren't you afraid of the other heroes seeing this?
Hare Huntress: Nope. *kisses her jaw and neck*
Chloé has a wedding ring with a diamond shaped like a rabbit & Alix's wedding had an amethyst shaped like a butterfly.
Those rings double as their go to items for akumatization.
The other members of the Miraculous Team often witness the two heroines being affectionate with each other.
Sabrina (Miss Hound) is the least fazed by it.
Queen Azure: Be careful, Bunny-Kins. I love you!
Bunnyx: Love you too, Queenie!
Miss Hound: And I love the idea of getting this over with, so I can go home!
Chloé is happily living her dream life with her dream girl.
Chloé and Alix are both living their absolute best lives together.
Let me know what you all think!
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dragonsareourfuture · 3 years
Matsuda/GN!Reader — Promise
Here’s a longer oneshot for a man who is often forgotten. Lovely Matsuda, you have a huge place in my heart.
This wasn’t an afternoon like any other.
No, shut up! It’s the same as any other day.
Something big was about to go down.
It’s not big, it’s normal! Normal sized, normal day!
Your heart was practically beating out of your chest, slamming against your rib cage so hard you swore it made your body sway a tad bit forward.
Everything is going to go fine, no disasters.
You stood in front of your mirror, combing out your hair. The bathroom was dead silent save for your short, uneasy breaths. You tried your best to draw them out to how you normally breathed, but you began to try so hard to breathe normally that you forgot how you normally breathed altogether.
Is this pace too slow? Am I not getting enough air? Is that why the room’s spinning or am I just panicking for no reason?
You weren’t panicking. You swear you weren’t. Maybe you were just breathing so fast and your heart was racing so much because you were dying! Yeah, that could be it! You almost preferred that possibility to what you were in store for later that evening — something set to occur around 6:00 pm sharp. Dinner. Doesn’t sound so bad right?
Wrong. You almost laughed at yourself bitterly for thinking so absurdly — doesn’t sound so bad? Maybe when you don’t have all the details. So, let’s rephrase that, shall we?
Dinner. With your boyfriend’s parents.
Ah, speak of the devil. You turned around at the sound of a light knock at the bathroom doorframe. Touta Matsuda, the adorable little puppy dog of a human, stood with his fist still curled and his knuckles against the doorframe. He asked you if you were nearly ready to head out, his dark eyebrows upturned with light creases denting his forehead.
You jolted. With a lightening fast grab at your phone you tore it from its spot on the counter and looked at the time — how was it already 5:40!? Hadn’t you started brushing your hair around 4:00? You didn’t even want to begin to think about the fact that you’d been standing at the mirror for forty whole minutes telling yourself you weren’t panicking. And the worst part — that reverse psychology didn’t even leave a mark! Your chest still felt tight and nothing felt right. Oh no... you’re thinking in rhyme.  You had to do something quick, before you started to speak in riddles like some kind of bridge troll.
“Hey, Teddy Bear?”
“What’s up? You don’t look too good...”
Even staring at yourself in the mirror for nearly an hour didn’t allow you to notice until Matsuda pointed it out. When you looked back at your reflection, you saw the truth in his statement. You looked very put together overall — clothes neat and without a single crease marring the fabric — but your face was paler than it had ever been before. Your eyes had sunken from lack of sleep, as you were tossing and turning for hours the previous night just thinking about your arrangement for that evening. You just looked scared.
“I’m gonna be completely honest with you,” you began, stepping closer to your boyfriend and weaving your arms around his waist. The soft fabric of his dress shirt calmed you enough to get the words out without choking on them. “I’m really, really nervous about tonight. They’re gonna hate me for this—“
“Hey, don’t say that! It’s no one’s fault that we‘ve both been too busy to formally meet my folks since we started dating. I mean, I am a cop after all, and this case hadn’t exactly been easy on me or anyone on my team.” Matsuda reasoned. It was always hard to argue with him when he had this whole “optimist” thing going on. He was just too cute and cheerful to claim anything he said was a lie.
You sighed, trying to fight back with more doubts, “But it’s been forever. They’re gonna think I’m avoiding them or something!”
“Nonsense! If anything they’ll be grateful for you taking care of me every night when I get home from work. I still don’t know how you do it. You’re too patient with me, babe! Not that I’m telling you to stop, of course! It’s— well, you know what I mean!”
Dammit, Matsu’s cuteness struck you down once more and, against your will, you were forced to give into his positivity. You let out a laugh, tightening your grip around his waist and resting your chin on his broad shoulder. “Yeah, I guess so.”
But he was forgetting one little thing. You had absolutely no idea what kind of people Matsuda’s parents were, so how they would react to something like this was beyond your comprehension. Though, you didn’t think terrible people could have produced someone so pure hearted and precious. Still, you had no idea how formal they were, if they cared whether you told them yet or not. If they were opposed to how you were going about this or if they would support you. And Matsuda, being the kind person he was, wanted to tell them the important news in person, so there was no avoiding this any longer.
“Listen, I...when we talked about marriage I didn’t agree to it despite my parents.” Matsuda hummed, taking hold of your lower back to pull you closer to him as a gesture of comfort. “They know you exist, at least! They know we’ve been dating for a while and they know you make me happy. So what would be the issue?”
You sighed, rolling your eyes and dropping your forehead onto his shoulder. Goddammit, he’s right.
You just had to make Teddy Bea— Uh, Matsuda’s parents like you! Then they’d support your relationship, and in turn your decision to get married. End of story. Well, you’d have to see them again, like at the wedding, but you’d cross that bridge once you got to it!
Yeah, okay. Maybe, with the comfort of your fiancé beside you (was is okay to call him that? You haven’t even bought an engagement ring yet...), just maybe, you could do this.
This shit’s gonna be easy, you told yourself. And, you know the funny thing? You actually started to believe it.
It was like all of the comforting words Matsuda blessed your ears with earlier actually had some effect and, now that you stood at his parent’s doorstep, the tight feeling in your chest had eased up. Your head stopped pounding with your own heartbeat drumming in your ears. You felt comfortable, even when Matsuda knocked on the door before taking ahold of your hand.
Soon enough, an older woman answered to the knocks. Her face, marred with smile lines, brightened at the sight of you two. She was on the shorter side, but by no means did she appear weak. Her hands held a strong grip on the door as she held it open, and such energy gave off a giddy and caring aura about her. She stepped aside and held a hand out, gesturing for you to come in with a cheerful call of “Hello there! Oh, come in, come in. Honey, they’re here!”
You allowed Matsuda to take the lead, guiding you inside behind him, connected by your hands still. With only a few steps, the slight bite of the chilly fall air outside had vanished in an instant only to be replaced by a warm and fuzzy atmosphere. It had the air of a home that was prepared for guests, which served to make your heart flutter at the idea that you were important enough to make people want to prepare their home for you.
A staircase occupied the farthest wall to the right, and beyond that led to a dining room. While candles dotted the table, plates were set up neatly in front of every chair for four people. The burning candles gave off the scent of a pine forest, filling your nostrils and effectively making you even more calm. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.
Another set of footsteps was soon given a face — a tall, lanky man with the same messily styled and dark hair as your beloved boyfriend — presumably Matsuda’s father. This presumption was made into fact as the man glommed into Matsuda, patting his back and barely giving your boyfriend any air in his lungs to speak properly.
“Hey, mom! Hey, dad! I really missed you guys. Whatever you’re cooking smells amazing, too!”
You couldn’t say he was wrong. You couldn’t really place it with the pine scented candles mixing with the scent, but whatever it was, it was making your mouth water.
“O-oh, um, this is (Name). They’re that person I was talking to you guys about on the phone the other day,” The now suddenly bashful Matsuda introduced on your behalf.
“Hi there, it’s really nice to meet you both!” You greeted, shameful that you didn’t think to say something sooner.
“Oh, well aren’t you just the sweetest thing? Come this way, dear, don’t just stand around!”
“O-oh, alright—“
“So!” The boisterous man by Matsuda’s side called. He clapped his son on the shoulder, looking from him to you with a teasing quirk in his brow. “You’ve finally decided to come visit now, have you?”
“Oh, don’t give them a hard time!” Matsuda’s mother interjected, holding up a nearby dish towel with a threatening glower, no real malice behind it. Matsuda’s father held up his hands in mock surrender.
You smiled, forcing the corners of your lips upwards although you couldn’t force it to meet your eyes. you felt absolutely terrible. These people opened up their home to you, cooked for you, let you go out with their son, and yet you couldn’t tell them that you wanted to marry their son, and he wanted the same. Occasionally you shared a glance with Matsuda, who only stared back with eyes that said “not yet”. And you hated the fact that you felt overwhelming relief each time you received that look from him. The fact was — you didn’t want to tell them. If you did there would be no going back, no do-overs. But at the same time you wanted to get it off your chest more than anything in the world. You wanted their son’s hand in marriage. That’s not usually anything to sneeze at.
And yet, all you were doing was lying to their faces. Well, was it lying if all you were doing was keeping something from them? Was it just as wrong? Of fucking course it was. There’s no way out of this one, you’re a horrible person and that’s that. Shit.
Even as you all sat at your designated seats around the dinner table, not a peep left your mouth. As Matsuda’s mother began to dish out servings of her incredible-smelling cooking with the help of her husband, you only uttered words of thanks. You really couldn’t thank them enough, considering the bomb you were about to drop onto their lives.
You all ate peacefully with the light conversation making it’s way around the table. Matsuda and his parents were quite possibly the easiest people to talk to that you ever did meet. No joke had to be held back for fear of being judged, and a few of your little comments caused Matsuda’s father to choke on his food from laughter. You and Matsu’s mom took to ganging up on the men for their apparent shared habit of snoring like a monster at night, the both of them getting defensive with claims that they had no way to control that kind of thing. You and Matsu even shared a few stories from your albeit limited amount of time alone together, going to the park or visiting a museum. It was only when a lull in conversation caused a bout of silence to overtake the room did you look to Matsuda for some assistance in keeping up conversation, only to find him looking at you with determined eyes.
Oh. So it was time, was it? Alright, you could do this.
You breathed in deeply through your nose, clasping your partner’s hand under the table.
“Mom, dad? We uh...Well, we have something to tell you,” Matsu admitted, his voice starting out as nothing more than a whisper and gradually increasing in volume. You rubbed your thumb over the back of his hand.
“Oh? Good news or bad news?” His mother inquired, eyebrows creasing slightly with a tinge of worry which the playful tone in her voice failed to mask.
“I hope you think it’s good news! Uh, so, (Name) and I...well, it’s good to see that you guys seem to be getting along well! Can I just say that before I start? Yeah...so. Okay, um—“
“Son, you know you can tell us anything. Just say it, we won’t be angry with you.” Something in the older man’s tone told you he already somewhat caught on to the situation. He just wanted to hear it from his son first, which was understandable.
“We’re going to get married,” Matsuda blurted. The slight jitters you felt in his hand eased up immensely after he said it. His shoulders relaxed and his lips stretched with a smile. “We aren’t exactly sure when or where, we don’t even have the rings yet, but we’ve talked it through and...well, we’re doing it.”
Your gaze, which was fixed on your Teddy Bear throughout his entire explanation, absolutely adoring the loving glint in his eyes as he talked about your future together, shifted back to his parents. What you were met with did not exactly please you.
“...oh. Well, dear, I...”
“It’s not that we aren’t happy for you two, don’t get us wrong...”
It took you a while to completely comprehend what you were hearing.
“What...? You don’t want us to get married?” Matsuda chimed in before you could say anything, not that you were even sure that you could.
“We didn’t say that!” The older woman defended, inching up to sit on the edge of her seat. Ah, yes. Battle mode. “Far from it, actually. All we want is for you to be sure that you’re ready.”
Matsuda’s dad nodded, continuing with his wife’s sentiment, “You said yourself that you’ve been too busy to come see us, so how much of that time have you really had with each other?”
You couldn’t even argue against them. It was true, you and Matsuda haven’t really been able to spend a ton of time together lately. Perhaps marriage was what you both seemed to agree would act as a patch — something you thought would fix your issues as soon as you could call Matsuda your husband. But how much better off would you be after that?
“I...mom, dad...” Matsuda’s words faded, disintegrating into nothingness as his hope seemed to do along with it. He hung his head as his grip on your hand loosened but, before it could completely slip from you, you clasped it tightly.
“Thank you so much for your advice,” you said, marveling that you managed to keep your voice from wavering. “We’ll think it over.”
The burn of Matsuda’s eyes could practically be felt boring into you. You knew he was upset, you knew he was confused. But the very last thing you wanted to do was end the night on a bad note. You could try your best to save what was left of your first impression dinner and talk about this later. When you were alone.
“...yes, o-of course. Ah, would anyone like a second helping?”
  About an hour of stiff conversation and shifting glances later, you and Matsuda decided that perhaps it was time to leave.
He hugged his parents goodbye with noticeably less enthusiasm than he had when he’d first greeted them, and you took to simply waving and thanking them for the meal.
Once you were outside, a shiver ran down your spine. The temperature had dropped considerably, now with the moon in place of the sun overhead and clouds of fog taking to the air every time you exhaled.
“I’m...I’m sorry,” you heard from beside you. Your head swiveled to meet the eyes of your boyfriend only to find that his were directed towards the ground. “That didn’t go as I thought it would.”
Your mouth opened to answer, only to close again. It was easier to grab his hand, which was swinging limply at his side, at thread your fingers through his. So, that’s what you did.
Matsuda flinched, eyes shooting toward the point at which your hands were connected, staring at it with wide eyes. Once he was over his shock, he gave you a grin — a smile that turned his eyes into crescents and warmed his cheeks with a soft blush. That smile was what always told you that everything would be okay.
You stopped walking so suddenly that Matsuda nearly tripped trying to stop in time.
“What’s wrong? (N-name!?)”
Matsuda covered his mouth as he stared down at you, now kneeling on one knee in front of him. You never let go of his hand, but kept it clasped in yours. Your lips met his knuckles, thumb brushing over the spot that you kissed afterwards. 
This was not the end of the world. So you shouldn’t get married, so what? It’s not like that’s your main goal anyway. Marriage — your method of escape from actually facing your problems — would have to wait. Big deal. That just left more time to spend with your adorable Teddy Bear without the stress of a wedding hanging over your heads. Any breaks you two had in work could be used to get to know each other better, relearn those things about each other that might have slipped from your memories due to time apart.
“Touta, I love you. I love you too much to let this stupid disagreement do any damage to our relationship. I want us to become stronger because of this. We don’t need a legal binding to tell us that we belong together. So, this isn’t a proposal, but a promise — Whether we’re married or not, I will do my best to make you the happiest man alive and let you know each and every day how much I care for you. And, if we still want to, later on when we know we’re in a stable place, we can get married.”
A splash of water hit the ground in front of you. You blinked, expecting more to come in the form of a rain shower until you realized that water was the tears still rolling down Matsuda’s rosy cheeks. “Yeah, that—“ he sniffed, wiping his face with the sleeve of his jacket, “—that sounds good.”
“Just good?” You joked.
“A-amazing? I can’t really find the words right now...but I do want everything you just said. I’m just a little surprised that, what with how tonight was going with me consoling you, you’d end up doing the same for me by the end!” The ravenette scratched the back of his head, averting his eyes, “I d-don’t really feel like the one wearing the pants in this relationship right now!”
“Who said you were in the first place?” You muttered, rising to your feet and heading off toward your car.
“Wh-wh-what!? Hey, get back here!”
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Our First Defeat
Chapter 1: You’ve Cut Me to the Bone
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Uh, oh- guess what time it is? That’s right chicks, dicks, and everyone in betwix(t)....
It’s ‘another series that should’ve just been a straightforward one shot’ time!!!!
This is probably going to be at least a four parter, so buckle up buttercups.
Warnings: Smut, infidelity, oral, cum play, longing, ANGST, Lewis being a shitty husband to Katherine, run-on sentences, feels, probably OOC Nixy-poo, childhood f2l mention, mentions of prom sex so underage I guess(?), potty words, rich people parties, reader is tipsy when they boink but so is Nix and it’s pre-established desire so idk man
Special thanks to @sunsetmando​ for being my constant idea sounding board and cheerleader and to @liebgotttme​ and @mrsalwayswrite​ for their unfalteringly supportive praise despite my constant self-inflicted shit talking!
Title and chapter names will come from the first defeat by noah gundereson
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Say what you wanted to about Doris and Stan Nixon, but they sure threw one hell of a party.
 Waiters in sharp suits, sparkling crystal glasses filled with golden champagne, marble floors polished to a near reflective shine- nothing but the very best for the engagement party for Mrs. Nixon’s baby boy.
If your heart hadn’t already become calloused from heartbreak, you probably would burst into tears.
You’d known the Nixons all of your life, and with Nixon being a year and a half your senior and his younger sister being three years your junior, the three of you had little choice to become anything other than close. Even when Lewis had grown old enough to get sick of girls and their games of dress up and make-believe, you and he still managed to get along.
 You were both the oldest children in your families, and for a while you had also attended the same advanced reading course offered by your private elementary school’s librarian. Your shared love of books had bonded you nearly as much as your shared birth orders, and it wasn’t uncommon for your parents to find you both nose deep in one of your father’s large tomes of mythology.
 It surprised no one that the two of you became close as you got older. 
What did strike both of your families as odd was just how close you two stayed- especially when you both started attending your respective boy’s and girl’s boarding schools. You’d been each other’s penpals, school dance dates, and summer trip companions.
 After your Junior prom, you’d lost your virginities to each other after polishing off two bottles of lethally strong port wine. Nixon, sex-drunk and just plain old drunk-drunk, had insisted that he’d done ‘other things’ with girls- that he wasn’t really a virgin but he’d yet to actually do the act. 
As if he was worried that you’d make fun of him.
 As if you’d think less of him for it.
 Of course, things had changed once college came around.
He became busy with his studies, and you had thrown yourself into attaining your nursing credentials. He’d gotten a fair share of girlfriends and you’d had a few relationships of your own.
 When your families would get together for holidays and birthdays, the two of you would inevitably sneak off and fuck until one of you decided that someone was going to notice your absences.
 Then, after rejoining everyone else for an appropriately deemed amount of time, you’d rush off again to repeat the cycle. Sex with Lewis was everything you’d been told you shouldn't want- hard and desperate and just left of dirty but God did you love it. You loved the way your bodies fit together, the way his breath felt on your neck as he held onto you so tightly that you thought he might leave bruises. The way he kissed you as if he were drinking the air from your lungs, like he needed your lips in order to breathe, to live.
 More than anything, you loved the ease that existed between you two- the way you both helped the other redress and how he would take your face in his hands and call you sweet things as he gave you languid kisses before giving you a wicked grin and guiding you both back to the party.
 It wasn’t ideal, and more often than not you’d feel hollow again after a few days, but your trysts with Lew were the closest thing you had to a consistent relationship.
 When Pearl Harbor happened, you’d made the decision to enlist as a field nurse. Nixon had begun to attend an Officer’s school, so you’d already started to resign yourself to the fact that this fling of yours could never be anything more than just that, a fling. Apparently he had, too.
 You’d felt like you had been punched in the stomach when you heard about Katherine.
 He hadn’t even told you that he was seriously seeing someone, let alone considering marrying anyone.
It had hurt more than you wanted to admit.
How you managed to keep a straight face when his mother proudly told you and your mother about the engagement, you’ll never know.
 All you did know was that he’d made a choice, and it wasn’t you.
And you had to get over it.
 Even so, it had still taken both your mother and your father to convince you to come to this party tonight. Your brother and sister had been allowed to stay home- they were still considered too young to attend such frivolous events. 
Lucky bastards.
 But you’d let your mother dress you in a velvet gown of indigo-violet decorated with rhinestones across the bodice and sleeves, allowed your younger sister to braid your hair in a halo around your head (despite your mother’s plea for you to wear it in a more fashionable and mature style) and even gotten a grumble of a compliment from your sulking teenage brother and greeted the Nixon’s with the same amount of warmth you always had.
 If nothing else, finishing school had taught you well when it came to hiding your true feelings.
 Katherine was the most beautiful woman you’d ever seen, her hair shiny and her skin perfect and her body curvy and tight in all the right places. Her sky blue dress draped across her form perfectly, as if it had been made for her.
Her hands were graceful and delicate- the perfect canvas for the huge diamond ring Nix had bestowed upon her.
 To make matters worse? You liked her.
She was smart and well-spoken, with a habit of interrupting someone mid-sentence but that wasn’t enough to make you dislike her.
 “Lew’s sung your praises for years,” Katherine had smiled smally after you’d introduced yourself to her. “it’s wonderful to finally put a face to the name….”
“It’s all lies, most likely,” you assured with a grin, a sudden realization hitting you. “Speaking of Little Lew—”
Katherine rolls her eyes and offers a conspiratory whisper.
“Pretty sure he’s stress smoking somewhere upstairs. I’ve been trying to get him to quit—”
You snort at that. “Then you are far braver than most, and you have my respect.”
 You look over your shoulder, frowning as you took in the scene.
Turning back to Katherine, you give her a nod.
“I’ll hurry him along,” you murmur softly. “Drag him down by the ear if I’ve got to—”
“Consider my respect earned in kind, then.”
Sharing a smile, you politely excuse yourself and slip away up the stairs.
 You had a feeling that you knew exactly where Nix was hiding.
The formal library was dark wood and warm leather, with deep seats and cigar smoke stained books that sat on shelves so high that even the tallest man needed to utilize the built-in ladder to reach the top.
As children, you and Lewis had spent countless hours reading of far-away lands and exotic adventures, darting back and forth between whatever book you’d decided on and the grand globe by the window to trace your fingers over countries neither of you would probably ever actually visit.
This room held your sweetest memories, as well as some of your racier ones.
 Finding Lewis in here was only fitting.
 He looked unbearably handsome- sat on the windowsill with the wind fluttering his hair across his forehead while the moon lit up his profile and made him look like some exquisite marble statue.
The cigarette between his lips reminded you of all the times he’d smoke after fucking you, the way he’d exhale the smoke into your parted lips before kissing you so deeply your toes would curl.
 “I could get used to this,” he’d said, after one of your last trysts.
“What, smoking yourself to death in your dad’s library?”
He’d shot you a glare before attacking your neck with kisses that left you giggling from how they tickled your skin.
“No, Smartass,” Lewis said as he nudged your nose with his, a lazy smile clear on his face when he lifted his head away from you enough to meet your eyes. “This, with you. Not having to rush off before your mom comes looking for you. It’s nice….”
 That felt like a lifetime ago.
 “If you frown at the moon any longer,” you call out, smirking at the way he startles before realizing it’s just you. “You’re gonna get a wrinkle before all the wedding photos.”
 He shoots you a look, shaking his head before turning to stub out the cigarette in the silver ashtray.
“Not even gonna lull me into a false sense of security before giving me shit, huh?”
With a practiced ease, he gently slides the window back into place and locks it, fanning the lingering wafts of smoke from around his face before turning to fully face you.
 A familiar smile crosses his face that has you rolling your eyes.
“Well, I’ve gotta get all I can out of my system- now that you’ve gone and replaced me.”
 With another withering look, Lew comes up and kisses your cheek before wrapping an arm around your shoulders and another around your waist to lower you into a dipped hug.
 “Hey now,” he grumbles into the shell of your ear, his breath tickling your neck and causing you to shiver. “I think you’re underestimating your talents if you think anyone can fling smartass comments my way better than you- oh!”
 Twisting you back up so you’re both standing, he pushes the door to the library closed to get to the bookshelf behind it. 
 With curiosity, you watch him pull a book from the shelf and present it to you with a flourish.
“A gift for you, my lady.”
 Rolling your eyes, you take the book in your hands and peer at the cover.
 You recognize the title immediately as a Poirot mystery, a grin breaking across your lips as you realize it’s one of your favorites- a collection of short stories featuring the Belgian detective and Captain Hastings.
 As you open the book, you suck in a breath when you see the scrawl of Agatha Christie’s signature across the title page, and upon further inspection, you realize it’s a first edition.
 “Holy shit, Lew…” you whisper, running your fingertip across the indents in the paper her heavy-handed scrawl. “Where’d this come from? How’d you know….?”
 Looking up at Lewis again, you are slightly embarrassed by the amused expression on his face, deciding to look back down rather than acknowledge how clearly he was watching your reaction.
 “Well,” he begins, stepping behind you to squeeze your shoulders. “It came from a bookshop, believe it or not—”
 “And as for the how….Blanche told me in one of her letters.”
 That gives you pause again- the reminder that you and he hadn’t written anything to each other in quite some time.
 Clearing your throat, you set the book down on one of the desks and bring a hand up to rest over one of his. “That’s very…..thank you.”
 You feel him press a quick peck to the crown on your head, something you were fine with until you left the pressure of his lips lingering there.
 “I hope, uh…hoped you’d also take it as a sort of, er- peace offering, of sorts….”
 You feel your shoulders tense at that. The blood in your veins suddenly feels cold and dead.
You’d hoped he wouldn’t do anything like this- wouldn’t bring any of this up.
 “I’m sure I don't know what you’re talking about—”
“Yes you do.”
 Sucking in a sharp breath through your nose, you turn around to face him. 
 “There’s nothing to offer peace for,” it’s taking more effort than you like to keep your voice even. “What you do with your life is none of my business.”
 “It doesn’t change the fact that you should’ve heard about it from me,” he says quietly, and as his breath fans across your face you can pick up the sweet bite of whiskey beneath the smell of cigarette smoke. “That was….I should’ve been the one to tell you—”
 “I don’t see why you felt you had to.” You give him a tight smile, working hard to keep yourself from scowling. “It’s not like we made any promises to each other….which I thought was the whole appeal of me, if I’m being honest.”
 Lewis brings his hands up to brush against your jaw, the unexpectedly soft touch making you shudder before you can stop yourself
 “You’ve got to have known that I’ve been in love with you since we were kids, Y/N—”
 “Don’t say that,” you hiss under your breath, biting the insides of your lip and shaking your head. “That’s unfair, you can’t do this- it’s wildly unfair to Katherine, it’s not fair to me—”
 Lewis scoffed at that, a rueful smirk twisting his face as he let his eyes trail down your face.
 “‘Unfair’....what’s unfair is asking me to go down there and pretend like everything’s hunky-dory when you’re here, looking like everything I’ve ever wanted in my goddamned life and expecting me to act like I wasn’t wishing you were on my arm instead—”
 “Jesus Christ, Lewis, that’s enough—” you cross your arms across your chest as you step back out of his touch and turn to look at the wall of books. “What’s the matter with you? I’ve always known you could be an asshole, but this is cruel, even for you—”
 “How am I being an asshole?” he snaps, taking your shoulders and turning you back to face him, his frown deep and imploring. “Because I’m being honest? Huh? ‘Cause I’m telling you the truth—?”
 “Because you’re telling me the truth now!” you say venomously, letting your own face morph into a scowl. “Tonight, the fucking night where we’re all here to celebrate you and Katherine getting married! You can’t just expect me to not respect that—”
 “What if I told you I didn’t even want to marry her—?”
“Lower your voice!”
 You don’t realize how close you’ve gotten to each other until you accidentally scuff your toes against the side of his polished shoe, something that shocks you out of your anger like a cold splash of water.
 His cheeks are rosy with both drink and frustration, and you’re pretty sure that your face is flushed as well. Closing your eyes, you sigh and hang your head.
 “If you didn’t want this,” you say a bit more calmly. “Then why did you ask her in the first place?”
 You startle slightly at the feeling of him taking your hand, opening your eyes to watch him bring it to his clean-shaven cheek and hold it there. His eyes look tired, sad almost.
 “Because I’m being shipped out soon,” he sighs heavily, twisting his head enough to press a kiss to your palm as the air whooshes out of your lungs in a pained sigh. “Because it’s what’s expected of me.”
Meeting your hesitant gaze, he offers a sad little smile and a shrug.
“Because it couldn’t be you, I didn’t really care who it was—” 
 Quickly, you take back control of the hand he’s holding and put your fingertips gently over his lips, your throat feeling tight at the admission.
“Don’t,” you whisper shakily. “Don’t finish that sentence….”
 Taking your hand again, he moves it away from his mouth.
 “Why not?” he says back just as quietly, eyes scanning your face. “Am I being an asshole?”
 You shake your head, chest tightening as you take in his confession. “You’re breaking my heart all over again.”
 He nods, his jaw clenching as he studies you. “I keep doing that, don’t I?”
 When you don’t show any sign of amusement at his comment, he encourages you to wrap an arm around his neck as he pulls you into another borderline inappropriate embrace. A hug that was better suited for two lovers rather than two friends grieving a future that was entirely hypothetical.
 His lips press to the side of your throat, inhaling the smell of your skin deeply and slowly.
“I don’t mean to,” he whispers, splaying his large hand across the small of your back. “I really want you to know that.”
 You stay silent, focusing all of your energy into not crying.
 Even if he had asked you to marry him, you would’ve had to say no.
Married women were unwelcome in all branches of military nursing- and you had worked too hard to ever consider giving that dream up.
Not even for Lewis Nixon….although you probably would’ve thought about it harder.
 “I sometimes wish we’d never kissed,” you say with emotion in your voice, letting him hold you even closer at your hushed admission. “I wish I didn’t care about you, then we wouldn’t have to be like this…”
 “I don’t,” he mumbled against your skin. “I wouldn’t take any of this back- even if I could.”
 You shake your head sadly as you bring your other arm around his shoulders to more fully embrace him.
“That’s because you’re a masochist almost as much as you are a sadist—”
 He groans at that, taking his face from your neck to press his cheek against yours.
“I knew getting you those Freud books was a mistake….”
 This time you allow yourself to sigh a laugh. “Only because they seem to hit the nail on the head when it comes to explaining why you are how you are.”
 “An asshole?”
 “Yeah, Lew.” you gently break free of his embrace and smooth your hands down the front of his tuxedo- straightening his bowtie on the way. “Now you’re getting it.”
 He looks as if he’s going to say something else, but you force a smile on your face and shake your head.
“C’mon, Mr. Nixon,” you say with a nod. “Your public awaits you. Best not keep them waiting.”
 “Y/N—” He calls as you turn on your heel and walk to open the door.
 “I’ll see you down there, Lewis.”
 With that admonishing reminder, you open the door and hurry to find the restroom in order to collect yourself.
Dinner was going to be hell.
Of course, Doris sat you beside where Lewis was seated in the middle of the table- Katherine on his left and you on his right.
 “Surrounded by his favorite girls,” Mrs. Nixon had cooed, standing behind Lewis’s chair and squeezing his shoulders excitedly. “What a lucky man you are….”
 They had only just served the soup and already you wanted to crawl out of your skin.
The only things that saved you were wine and the endless stream of one-sided conversation from Katherine’s young cousin Marcus, who sat to your right.
 He couldn’t have been more than sixteen- eyes wide and battle-hungry as he prattled on about the training courses he planned on enrolling in so that he could go to Japan and take revenge for the lives lost during Pearl Harbor. It served as a good distraction from the feeling of Lew’s eyes on your profile, silently begging you to turn and look at him.
 You didn’t give in.
 Marcus’s heart was in the right place, and it wasn’t his fault that you were trying to drown your distress in the sea of white wine you were creating inside of your belly. 
But you had the feeling that if you had to listen to any more talk of what his brother had told him about the Navy and how prestigious their ships were, you were going to smack your head against the table until you passed out.
 The only person who seemed to pick up on your distress was Lewis, and right now you were pretty committed to ignoring his attempts of conversation- hoping that by doing so you were strong-arming him into actually talking to Katherine, who was being so charming and well mannered that you felt like you were suffocating.
 As you brought your fourth glass of wine to your lips, Lew decided to speak rather than just look.
 “Think maybe you should slow down, Y/N?” Lewis says it quietly enough that only you and Katherine can hear him, and when you turn to face him you catch the sight of the other woman suppressing a chuckle into her glass of sparkling water. 
A drop of resentment stains your previously high regard for her- her slight amusement being amplified to condescension in your current bitter state.
 “Don’t worry ‘bout me, Little Lewie,” you say with a light slur in your voice- one that only those who truly knew you would be able to detect. 
As a child, you’d had a slight speech impediment that you’d grown out of with proper training and practice. It was only when you were overly tired or when you drank that it slipped back into your speech.
You could feel that now, its presence heavy on your tongue.
“Just gettin’ it outta my system while I’ve still got the chance……”
 When you're able to find his eyes with your own, you see the concern shining in them and suddenly feel like you want to cry. 
 You can’t help but think that this could’ve been yours- your engagement party, your future.
You’d say that the ring on Katherine’s finger could’ve been yours as well, but if you were being honest you found it too gaudy and flashy for your taste.
Lewis probably would’ve known that, too….would’ve chosen something significantly smaller and much more simple to present to you while down on one knee.
 But he’s not mine, should’ve stopped thinking of him as mine a long time ago.
 Without another word to him you slid your chair back from the table and stood, nodding appreciatively to the butler who instantly appeared to scoot the chair back into place.
Your mother, who was sitting closer to the door, gave you a worried look as you made to walk past her, silently asking if you were alright.
 With a smile that didn’t reach your eyes, you gently placed your hand on her shoulder in false reassurement that you were just fine. You mouth the word ‘bathroom’, as you passed her and exited the dining room.
 How you managed not to run up the staircase in search of somewhere you could let your mask of contentment fall away, you have no idea.
But you did. Your finishing school teachers would’ve been proud.
 Rushing through the library you knew better than the back of your hand, you quickly found the small, slightly hidden room behind a sculpture that held all the wealth of paper and writing supplies.
 The door barely shuts behind you before you suck in a shaking breath, face hot with tears you were refusing to shed. Each exhale sounds as if it’s being punched out of you, hands reaching out into the dark to feel for the wall so you can find the small footstool to sit upon.
 You were right, you couldn’t do this.
 It was too much, despite how desperately you’d tried to callous over the raw part of your heart that still ached for him. Resting your head in your hands, you try to slow your breathing, to muffle to sobs begging to be freed from your chest.
 The sound of the door clicking open has you shooting to your feet in surprise, the wine in your blood making itself known as you teeter slightly and you have to brace your hand against the wall to steady yourself.
The snap of the light being turned on makes you squint at the sudden brightness, the sight of Lewis breathing heavily as he leans against the door to close it behind him making your heart race even faster.
 “You shouldn’t-” you have to sniff quickly before finishing your admonishment. “You really shouldn’t be here, Lewis.” 
 He nods, his Adam's apple jumping in his throat as he swallows, eyes trailing up and down your body. “I know.”
Even as he says it, Lewis starts walking towards you. “I should go….”
 Your own breathing has become deep and heavy, lips parted to accommodate the sudden desperate need for more air in your lungs.
Mind having failed you, you search for the right words to send him away- to tell him that what’s about to happen is wrong and that you’re just making it harder on yourselves in the long run.
But all you can think as he reaches you, his hands coming up to hold your face with an unmistaken intention, is that you are going to explode if he doesn’t kiss you right now.
 Lucky for you, his thoughts seem to be similarly inclined.
 He kisses you so hard that you think your lips will bruise, his hands pulling your face so desperately close that his eyelashes tickle your cheeks as his eyes squeeze shut.
As you moan somewhere deep in your throat, Lewis opens his mouth to swallow the sound. His hair is soft in your hands, your fingers fisting and pulling at it until he makes a groan of his own.
 You allow yourself to rise up on your toes to make his head tilt back slightly, gasping into his lips when he suddenly uses his grip on your face to pull your mouth back from his.
He licks his bottom lip, whispering your name so you open your eyes and look at him with a heavy-lidded gaze.
 “I-I don’t want to go without one more….” he seems to be at a loss for words, which for Lewis Nixon is truly unusual. But you think you can read his frustrated silence.
Your eyes search his dark ones, uncurling your fists from his roots to bring your thumbs to his forehead and smooth the concerned furrow in his brow.
 “Okay,” you whisper, coming down off of your toes to brush your nose against his. “Then do it.”
 As if your words were a racing gun’s shot, Lewis hungrily kisses you again- backing you up against the wall and clutching at you with carnal desperation.
You lose yourself in his fervor, scratching your nails down the back of his neck just shy of leaving a mark and moving to loosen his bowtie.
 He catches your hands and pins them beside your head, squeezing them in a silent request to keep them there. You nod into the kiss, gasping for breath when he tears his mouth from yours and drops to his knees before you.
Looking down your body at him, you pant lewdly as you watch his hands disappear beneath the skirt of your dress and hurriedly pull your underpants down around your ankles. 
 The only patience he shows is in his careful assistance of helping your step out of them, but then he is immediately returning to his pilgrimage to the warm place between your thighs- bunching the deep violet-blue fabric in one fist while his other hand encourages your thigh up and over his shoulder.
He kisses you down there just as thoroughly as he had your mouth, licking the hot petals greedily to part the way to your clit before attacking it noisily and skillfully. Your head makes a dull sound as it lolls back to hit the wall, your hips surging forward at the gentle and unintentional scrape of his teeth against the soft flesh.
In an apologetic motion, the hand holding your dress beside your waist rubbing its thumb soothingly across your side. 
You allow one of your hands to drop from beside your head to rest over his, your sigh of forgiveness getting lost in a breathy keen of pleasure.
 “Shit,” you sigh, bowing your head forward to watch him look up at you from between your legs. “Jesus Christ, Lewis!”
 Rather than take his mouth from you to reply, he elects to moan into your sex, the vibration striking somewhere deep inside of you that has your thighs quaking. Your eyes drift closed as he continues to suckle on you, the sound of him inhaling sharply through his nose making you feel dizzy with heady desire.
It had been almost a year since he’d last gone down on you- only because that was the last time you were afforded enough time for such foreplay. 
 And he’d only gotten better at it.
 With careful yet distracted motions, he maneuvers the hand covering his so you are now holding your skirt up and out of the way for him. You open your eyes at the same moment you feel his fingers curl inside of you, an airy mewl slipping past your lips before you can stop it.
 “I’m gonna cum,” you mumble stupidly down at him, finally bringing your other hand down to fist in his hair again as you begin to see the white-hot orgasm creeping into the sides of your vision. “Too soon….I’m sorry, it’s too soon—!”
 His intentional humming around your bud paired with the cruelly perfect crook of his fingers sends your careening over the precipice of pleasure.
Your body shakes and your hips buck uncontrollably as he refuses to relent his near fervent milking of your orgasm.
 You keep expecting him to stop, to pull away from you and start to seek his own release. 
But he just doesn’t stop.
 “What’re you doing?” you ask brokenly, keening into another moan as he slips one more finger inside of you. “Get up here and—ohhh!”
 “Again, “ you hear him grunt into you with a near frantic tone. “Give me one more….”
 You’re absolutely lost as he ushers you into another orgasm, mouth feeling dry from the open mouth panting you’ve had to resort to in order to remain lucid.
 “I need you,” you whimper pathetically, your eyes open and unseeing as you gasp for breath in a vain attempt at cooling the fire burning in your body. “Please, I need you inside me….please, Lewis!”
 It feels like he’s only just unsealed his lips from your sex when suddenly his tongue is in your mouth and his hand is cupped around the back of your head, kissing you languidly as your thrumming ears pick up on the soft sounds of fabric being untucked and trousers being shoved open and down.
 Before you can manage to find the coordination to bring your hands down to help him free his cock, you feel him bringing the same thigh that had been over his shoulder up to hook around his hip.
 With a familiarity that aches in both your heart and your core, you wrap your arm around his shoulders and nod into the kiss, just as you had that first time in your dorm room after the night of your Junior prom.
After one more soft peck, Lewis sheaths himself fully inside of you.
 Your face twists at the abrupt fullness that stretches your sex to the sweet-stinging point that you ache for more often than you liked to admit, eyes flashing open in euphoric alarm as the man you’d loved since you were fifteen fucked into you with a punishing pace.
 Apparently, he was just as desperate for you as you had been for him.
 It’s now he who is making desperate noises that have to be muffled, his face buried into the slope where your shoulder meets your neck. 
At some point, he’s managed to undo the button at the top of the back of your dress, nosing the fabric around your collarbones open so he can latch his lips to the flesh at the curve of your shoulder- worrying at the skin with tongue, teeth, and lips.
 If you were in a teasing mood, you’d accuse him of having an oral fixation. 
Lewis would make another comment about how much he regretted giving you the books by Sigmund Freud. 
You’d try to offer some witty retort, only to be cut off by him pinching at your clit and biting at your lip.
 It was so easy, everything with him just felt so good and comfortable and warmly familiar.
 As if he can hear your thoughts, he presses his temple to yours so his lips are at your ear.
 “It should be you,” he nearly whines. “I’ve only ever wanted you—”
 The sob that bursts past your lips is so bitter and childish that even Lewis seems to notice through his haze, pulling his head back in time to catch sight of the tears rolling down your cheeks.
 “I’m sorry,” he grunts as he kisses the tears off of your skin. “I love you and I’m sorry.”
 Just as your first moan had been, your first deep sob is captured by his mouth. Your lips are salty and you can feel from his shaking lips that he’s struggling to keep his own upset at bay.
 The hand that was holding your thigh wraps around it to press a thumb against your clit, and you can’t stop the stream of babbling that follows the movement.
 You can’t shut up about how much you love him and how angry you are with him and how badly you wished things were different.
 “I know,” he mumbles to each admonishment and devotion you utter, his voice becoming tight as you intentionally squeeze down on him with everything that you’d got. “I know, I know, Please love me anyway, I know.”
 It’s the sound of Lewis coming undone that sends you into your second orgasm, holding on for dear life as he brokenly thrusts into you a few more times before yanking himself away to spill himself onto the wall beside you- bracing his arm there as you blindly reach down to stroke him as well.
 You both stand there, breathing as if you’d both just sprinted across the fields behind his house.
 Using the wall as a support, you turn to face him and press your forehead to his sweaty temple, the hand of the arm against the wall moving to rest atop your head as he shudders and stills in your hand.
“Good,” you breathlessly praise him as you gently release his cock. “So fucking good….”
 As you bring your hand to your mouth to suck it clean, Lewis curses lowly as his eyes follow the movement, like you’ve hurt him somehow.
Before you can reach your hand down to get more, Nix grabs your wrist and holds it in the air.
 “Don’t you dare,” he whooshes out with an exhale, turning his head to kiss you deeply enough that you know he can taste himself. “I’m gonna fucking cum again if you do shit like that…”
 You give him a small smile, pecking a quicker kiss on his lips.
“Didn’t think you’d be open to letting me lick it from you directly.”
 His wicked smile is lazy, wrapping his arm around your waist as you make to push yourself away and twisting your bodies so he’s now the one leaning against the wall with you pressed against him.
 ‘Not yet,” he pleads into the crook of your neck. “Please, not just yet.”
 And, because you’re a terrible and weak person, you stay.
 When his fingers start to undo the buttons holding your dress together in the back, you shake your head.
 “One more,” he murmurs as your dress starts to fall loose around your shoulders. “Just once more….”
 Despite knowing how much you’re going to hate yourself for doing so, you nod and lower your arms so your dress pools around your feet.
Taglist: @mrseasycompany​ @itswormtrain​ @mrsalwayswrite​ @happyveday​ @sunsetmando​ @ricksmorty​ @liebgotttme​
also let me know if you want to be added to le taglist bc i am a silly lily who will forget unless i’m constantly reminded
also also here’s the dress i used for reference bc what are outfits
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The gang on their wedding days
[Been meaning to post this one for a while — since I’m applying to get married today, now seems like the time.]
Jake steps into the room like a child wandering into his parents’ dinner party.  His bow tie is askew, seams of his jacket misaligned for all that it’s a custom-tailored tuxedo.  If the buttons of his shirt aren’t one hole off from their intended placement, they still manage to convey that impression from across the room.
Rachel feels a rush of affection for him, her first best friend.  The boy who’d run and fought and splashed through mud with her, back before adults started telling her to be careful of her dress and him to be careful of her.  Only he could show up to his own wedding looking like he’s ready to be expelled at any moment.  Only Jake.
And yes, she gets mushy at weddings.  Sue her.
Tom steps up next to Jake, far more elegant in an off-the-rack suit.  Some people actually got the fashionable genes in this family.
Rachel surges across the room.  Tom gets a quick hug, and then she turns all her attention on Jake.
“You only have to look nice for the next three hours,” she tells him briskly.
“Three.  Hours,” Jake repeats.
With expert motions she realigns his… everything, until at the very least the clothes are sitting the way the tailor intended.  She tries to finger-comb his hair, thankful for the heels that put her at an inch above his height, but it’s obvious that he has also been running his hands through it and the style is hopelessly deformed.
“You can survive anything for three hours,” Rachel says as she does all this.  “I’ve seen you do it.”
“But if I mess it up—”
“Then stop, go back, and do whatever it is over.  We’re not exactly on a time pressure, here.  Nobody’s gonna die if you trip at the altar or forget your lines.”
“Okay.”  He stuffs his hands in his pockets, deforming his jacket again.  “Okay.”
She can see him starting to relax as he glances around, shoulders coming down.  Cassie’s place isn’t quite like they remember — it’s been repaired since the war, the Wildlife Rehabilitation Clinic expanded to nearly five times its original size — but it still feels as close to home as any place does.
“Have a glass of water,” Rachel says.
“But what if I have to pee during the ceremony?”
She rolls her eyes.  “Babysit him,” she mouths at Tom.
Tom gives her a gesture in response that approximates What do you think I’ve BEEN doing?  Whether he means the last four hours or the last twenty-six years is, really, a moot point.
Rachel leaves him to it, and charges off to go check on the others.
Marco leans against a tent pole, trying to roll one of the rings across his fingers the way Vegas poker players do with chips.  So far it’s not going well.
“Canapé,” Ax is saying carefully.  He attempts to lean next to Marco, nearly going all the way over.  “Can-nap-peee?”
“Uh, no.”  Marco catches the ring as it makes its third or fourth bid for freedom, stuffing it back into his pocket.  “That…”  He tilts his champagne flute to point.  “…is a canopy.  Or a chuppah, I guess.  Canopee.  Canapay is the little pastry thing you’ve already filched in bulk, don’t think I didn’t notice.”
“Ah,” Ax says.  And then, “This temperature and rate of precipitation is within optimal survival parameters for humans, is it not?”
“Nuh-uh, Ax-Man, I will not be pulled in by your smooth small-talk skills.”
“Did you not wish to make conversation?”  Ax frowns.  And then he stuffs another canapé in his mouth.  “This is making conversation,” he adds through the mouthful.
Marco squints.  “Is it, though?”
“It is indeed.  Did you know that the rotating-wheel can opener was patented in 1870?”
Marco’s response to that one gets cut off when Rachel comes charging across the open tent space like a small freight train.  Tobias is balanced on her shoulder, flaring slightly as she runs.  She yanks the champagne flute out of his hand.  Marco makes a squeak of protest, but Rachel just sets it firmly on a bussing tray and turns back to glare at him.
“What did we agree?” she asks sternly.
Marco rolls his eyes.  “That I’d stay sober-ish for the toast, and not do anything too embarrassing.”
“You’re the best man.  You have one job, Marco.”
“Excuse you, the best man’s one job was that banger of a bachelor-slash-ette party we did Wednesday night.  Did you like the part where we all dived out of a helicopter and flew clear through the lower atmosphere to that rooftop bar?  Because—”
“So you got the drinking out of your system.  You promised.”
“Sober-ish, come on, it’s just one wine-spritzer-thing!”
Rachel turns away from him, looking Ax over.  “You realize you’re going to have to demorph and remorph at some point before the ceremony, right?” she asks.  “And that when you do, someone’s going to have to go through the whole kit and caboodle of getting you into that tux all over again?”
“Yes,” Ax says.  “Yes, I do.”
She stares at him.  He stares back, looking as innocent as it is possible to look while also chewing three jalapeño pastries at the same time.
«You should probably just listen to her,» Tobias suggests.  «By the way, where’s your date?  Not that I quake in fear for the wedding cake or anything, but, uh…»
“Menderash has been instructed not to eat anything on a human plate without seeking my opinion first,” Ax says, somewhat stiffly.
“Yeah,” Marco says.  “So far he’s only eaten two earthworms, a candle, some decorative sand, and part of Collette’s bouquet.  You two have nothing to worry about.”
“Part of Collette’s bouquet?” Rachel demands.  “We can’t send a bridesmaid up the aisle without—”
“Already replaced it, I am on top of this.”  Marco flips his hair back from his face.  “I am a flower master.”
«So where is Menderash now?» Tobias asks.
“Helping Cassie’s mom,” Marco explains.
«And Cassie’s mom is…?»
“Delivering a baby cow.”
Rachel makes a noise like she’s choking on air.  “Doesn’t Michelle have vet techs for that kind of thing?  She’s supposed to be getting ready, not, not…”
“It’s cool,” Marco says.  “She’s got her makeup on, her hair is done perfectly, she’s got an apron-thing to keep her dress nice and gloves over her nails, it was a breech birth so they needed a real doctor and Walter was busy supervising the caterers, she’s got Menderash and Steve helping her out—”
“She kidnapped Jake’s dad?” Rachel demands overtop the continuing babble.
“He said he had never delivered an offspring outside of his own species before, and expressed deep curiosity on the subject,” Ax offers.  “Menderash is a certified medic with andalite training, so they should be well-equipped to assist.”
Marco makes jazz hands in the air.  “It’s a free pre-dinner show!  Cow birth.  Better than icebreakers.”
There’s a very long pause.  Rather than dignify that with a response, Rachel turns and stalks away.
Marco watches her go, halfway awed at her ability to navigate an open yard so well while not only wearing six-inch heels and a multi-layer floor-length dress, but also balancing an enormous updo on top of her head and a red-tailed hawk on her left shoulder.
“Is it just me, or did Jake and Cassie make a monster when they asked her to be maid of honor?” Marco says.
«You wanna take over her responsibilities, then?»
Of course Tobias heard that.  Stupid hawk hearing.
“No thank you!” Marco yells after them.
Cassie, meanwhile, is currently picking her way across the open space under the tent, bunches of dress hiked up to above her knees.  This last is, of course, the source of Rachel’s consternation.
“Here.”  Rachel attempts to pull the wads of skirt out of Cassie’s hands and drop them back to the ground.  “You’re going to wrinkle it.”
Cassie stubbornly refuses to let go.  “You told me not to let it drag on the ground.  If I let it down, it’ll drag.”
“Cassie, Cassie.  That is a hand-tailored Christian Dior gown that I commissioned to be custom-fitted to your measurements.  There is no way that it is too long if you let it…”
Cassie drops the bunches of tulle.  The end of the skirt falls all the way down, where the bottom two inches rest, unmistakably, on the muddy ground.
Rachel somehow manages to wince with her entire body while also not moving at all.
«It’s a look,» Tobias suggests, by way of consolation.  «Kind of.»
“How…?”  Rachel peers closer at Cassie.  “Wait, where are your shoes?”
Cassie shrugs, embarrassed.  “Uh, inside somewhere.  I was having trouble balancing in them.”
“Well that’s why!”  Rachel’s emphatic gesture almost dislodges Tobias.  With years’ experience, he dodges her waving arm and retains his perch.  “The dress was tailored to fit you with shoes on.”
“They were getting stuck in the grass—”
“They’re kitten heels!”
“Yeah, and they’re still heels.”  Cassie looks stuck somewhere between amusement and embarrassment.  “I don’t really do heels.  Sorry.”
“Hey Tobias?” Rachel says, as if to thin air.
«Nuh-uh, leave me out, I want no part in—»
“Remember me telling Cassie that we should really try the whole outfit on before the wedding?”
«Uh.  Yes?»
“Do you also remember Cassie agreeing to it, and then the day of, haring off to go try and save a bunch of vultures instead?  Remember how we tried to reschedule, and there was that ALF mission on the same day so she never showed?  Remember that?”
Cassie clears her throat loudly.  “I think it’s a very nice dress.  It’s fluffy and also comfortable, and look!”  She tucks her hands away.  “It has pockets.”
«Vultures are actually fundamental for waste disposal in ecosystems all over the world, and the poisons used on livestock—»
“Do you think you could at least wear the shoes long enough to go up the aisle?” Rachel asks.  “And maybe even for a few photos as well?”
 “Uh.  I’ll try.”  Cassie hikes her skirt back up (Rachel full-body winces again) and starts picking her way across the lawn back toward the house.
“There’s no way I’m going to be able to un-wrinkle it in time,” Rachel mutters.
«Yep.  So you’re just going to have to live with it.»
“I hate living with it.”
«Wanna go check on whatever monstrosity of a replacement bouquet Marco probably inflicted on Collette?»
“Fine, fine.”
Cassie walks up the aisle in a custom-tailored gown, an edelweiss and valerian flower crown, and slightly muddy Timberland work boots.  The sole on the boots is apparently tall enough that the skirt does, not, in fact, drag on the ground or get tangled in her feet.
«Somewhere out there,» Tobias comments, «Christian Dior is crying into an overpriced silk handkerchief and doesn’t even know why.»
Marco has never more deeply felt the utter unfairness of Tobias being able to use thought-speak while human, because they’re currently standing at the front of the aisle and he can’t even respond.
But Rachel should still count this one as a win.  The gown looks stunning on Cassie, lacy and princess-ruffled while also having the kind of practical cut that allows her freedom of movement.  And, Marco notes with a smirk, freedom to wear her morphing leotard underneath; the purple spandex is just visible peeking out from underneath the white silk neckline.  He’s got morphing clothes under his own tux — never leaves home without ‘em — so really, he can’t judge.
Plus, Michelle’s got her dress and just her dress on by now, and her locs are still tucked into their silver-beaded updo.  Really, the cow birth was just a momentary inconvenience.
“Hi,” Jake whispers, when Cassie reaches him.
She grabs his hand.  Then she stuffs her bouquet into one of his jacket pockets, and grabs his other hand.  “Hi,” she whispers back.
“This is pretty exciting, huh?”
Ax clears his throat delicately, and they stop talking.
“There is an Earth tradition,” Ax says to the entire assembly, “that the captain of any ship may perform a wedding ceremony at will.”
In the front row of seats, Michelle laces her fingers through Walter’s.
“Although there is no legal precedent for this custom,” Ax continues, “it is nevertheless possible to become ordained as a wedding officiant if one just completes the proper applications.”
One of Jake’s great-aunts mutters something loudly about the lack of rabbi.  Sarah leans over and kicks her in the ankle.  Rachel beams her approval.
“Therefore, I am here to make official through human custom that which has already been forged through affection and respect.”  Ax looks from Jake to Cassie and back.  “The bond between warriors who have fought and faced death together can be neither lessened nor improved upon by mere ceremony.  The honor shared between two such beings who have chosen to risk loving each other in spite of knowing the reality of loss is one that we recognize today.  We can recognize it, but not sanctify it beyond the sanctity of what these two humans have already shared.”
Rachel lets out an audible sniffle.  Marco does his best not to smirk at her.  It’s not that sappy a speech.
“I have been assured that the bond between two humans who like each other far exceeds the bond between those who merely enjoy each other’s company,” Ax says.
And now Marco has to fight the urge to bang his head against the nearest support pole.
“I have witnessed this myself.”  Ax stares around the room.  “I have witnessed compromise and forgiveness, compassion and challenge between these two.  I therefore believe it is correct and proper that this bond be formally recognized by the State of California.  Is there anything you would wish to add?” he says to Jake and Cassie.
Cassie leans up on tip-toe.  Jake bends to meet her.
She whispers her vows into his ear, not bothering to share with the rest of the gathering.  After a moment, tears on his face, he leans in and whispers back.
Recognizing his cue, Marco grabs the rings and passes them over.  They’re boring-looking, in his opinion, plain silicon bands without anything shiny.  But they’re also easy to morph, easy to shovel manure while wearing, easy to wear without catching on anything.  Very Cassie.  Very Jake.
Speaking of which, the Timberlands prove to be a good call.  When the time comes, Cassie stomps the shit out of that ceremonial glass.
In a slight break with tradition, Rachel and Tobias are actually the first ones to go back down the aisle.  Then Marco wheels Collette out, followed by Tom and Melissa, then Jake and Cassie go.  That way, Rachel’s got time to sprint back over to the main tent and check on the banquet.
Most of the tables are arranged correctly, the centerpieces in place and the cards arrayed.  Rachel does a mad sprint of the room, straightening decorations and confirming with the caterers that they got all the instructions about who needs what in their diet.  Between the number of kosher eaters on Jake’s side and the number of vegetarians on Cassie’s, Rachel made the call to go all the way to a fully vegan buffet.  That’s probably going to get some of the relatives complaining about kids these days and rabbit food, but there’s no pleasing everyone.
Rachel deftly switches a few of the placecards, thereby putting Jordan on point to deal with their great-aunt and grandmother who have both already overindulged at the open bar, muttering an apology as she does.  She puts Tobias to work making sure the bows on the backs of chairs are straight, and rushes up to the long table at the front to confirm that the armless chair meant to accommodate Cassie’s bulky skirt is in the correct place.
D.J. is here, playlist at the ready.  Dance floor is clear of grass.  Weather’s holding, but tent covers are on standby.
Slightly sweaty, she rushes back out with a chair under each arm just in time to catch the guests coming across the lawn.
“Everyone except the parents, head off to the cocktail hour!” she calls.  “Jake, Cassie, moms and dads, with me.”
While Marco’s date (a photographer named Dakota) sets up the camera, Rachel goes into a flurry of motion straightening bowties, adjusting hairdos, and touching up makeup.  Steve’s got a spot of cow blood on his forehead, she discovers to her horror, and by the time she’s done scrubbing that off Jake’s managed to get his tuxedo jacket misaligned again.  Finally she steps back, breathing hard, and nods to Dakota.
Everyone smiles.  The camera goes off.
“Okay.”  Rachel claps her hands loudly, because Jake and Cassie are looking ready to stand up and go join the reception.  “That’s one down, just twenty-three to go.”
Rather than tossing her whole bouquet all at once, Cassie picks it apart and gives a single flower to every single guest she can find.  When the bouquet itself runs out, she disassembles her flower crown and hands that out piece by piece until everyone’s got at least one blossom.  It just seems fairer that way, she says when Rachel asks.
Several of the traditions, Rachel reflects, seem to be lost on Jake and Cassie.  They cut the first piece of cake… and immediately hand it to Ax.  And then they cut the second piece, and the third piece, and keep right on cutting slices of cake and handing them out to people until Rachel has to step in and wrest the knife away.  She’s grateful that they refrain from any of the food-fighting nonsense, since both their wedding outfits are headed to a charity auction first thing tomorrow morning, but honestly.  They’re supposed to eat the first two slices, not drop half a tier of cake into the black hole of hungry andalite.
Cake served, Marco clinks a fork against a glass.  “Ladies, gentlemen, and proletariats!”
There’s a general murmur as people look around, trying to spot who’s speaking.
With a hand from Jake, Marco climbs bodily onto the banquet table.  “Everyone!” he shouts, and now they’re all looking at him.  At him, and at the champagne flute in his hand.  “Jake and Cassie!”
It gets a polite round of applause.
“Gotta start at the beginning, right?”  Marco looks around the room, grinning.  “So there I am, some snot-nosed three-year-old, minding my own business.  And this chubby, dorky-looking little white kid comes running up to me and is like…”  He leans in.  “‘You wanna be my best friend?’”
He grins at Jake, who is flushing bright red.
“I shit you not, that was his opening line.  ‘You wanna be my best friend?’  So I’m like…”  Marco pantomimes reeling back in shock.  “I dunno man, seems like a lot of commitment to make to a total stranger.  You want explore our options first, maybe get a prenup, see if we’re compatible?  I mean, for all I know five years from now you’re gonna find some younger, hotter best friend and then there I’ll be out on my ear with nothing to show for it.”
There’s a smattering of laughter throughout the room.  Marco visibly draws strength from it.
“But you know what?”  Marco leans down to look around, smiling like he’s got a secret.  “Little dork kept right on showing up to my house and letting me use his television and getting his mom to give me fluffer nutters, and next thing I know it turns out he really is my best friend.  I think he was onto something.
“Anyway, you think that one was bad…”  He raises his eyebrows.  “Couple years later, there we are in first grade, and this girl in teeny-tiny first-grader overalls comes into the room like…”  
Marco claps one hand over the top of his champagne flute and clamps the other under the base, and actually walks a few steps down the table with the determined air of a very small and klutzy version of Cassie.
“And her opening line is…”  Marco raises the flute to his mouth like it’s a microphone, dropping his voice.  “‘You wanna see my moth?’”
Again, there’s a smattering of laughter.  Cassie has a hand over her mouth, halfway doubled over in giggles at the memory.
“Now, us being minuscule and all, I’m like ninety-nine percent sure that there was no double entendre going on here,” Marco says.  “And I have to admit, no one has used that line on me since.  So I say ‘sure,’ because I’m like six years old and this seems like a reasonable question.  She lifts her hand up…”
Marco accompanies this with a pantomime of peering through his own fingers into his champagne.
He looks up.  “And it’s not even a freaking moth!” he cries out.  “Turns out, it’s just some little worm thing.  So I tell her.”  He puts on a snotty voice, mocking his younger self.  “‘That’s not a moth, that’s just some little worm thing.’”
There’s a pause.  Marco glances around the room.  “See if you can tell where this story’s going.”
Marco and Cassie glance at each other.  Cassie’s grinning smugly.
“She puts it in the classroom’s terrarium,” Marco drawls.  “It turns into a rock.  Two weeks later, rock cracks open and out pops a moth.”
The room cracks up again.
“So fast forward another few years, and she’s standing there holding this eight-eyed, venom-fanged thing.  And she’s all like ‘just touch the spider, Marco.  Don’t you want to be a spider, Marco?  Isn’t it cute and fuzzy?’  As if she is completely unaware that she’s holding a giant-ass eight-legged freak.”  Marco takes a sip for strength.  “And right then, I look at Jake.  And I’m thinking Jake, don’t ever let this girl go.  Because if she doesn’t even think wolf spiders are ugly, then she’s got no idea about you.  So here’s to Jake and Cassie.  Made for each other, because no one else will have ‘em.”
Jake pokes Marco in the ankle, but he’s laughing as he does it.
“All right,” Marco says, “brace yourselves, and someone get some more tissues for my second mama, because I’m about to get sappy.  I love you, Jean!” he calls.  “I know we all gotta cry it out sometimes.”
She laughs and flaps a dismissive hand at him, but she’s also misty-eyed already.
“Dudes, I gotta be honest.”  Marco is looking at Jake and Cassie.  “I didn’t think we’d get here.  I honestly did not believe, for a good long while there, that there were gonna be any weddings or graduations or driver’s licenses in any of our futures.  Just seemed like a good idea not to bet on any of us having any futures, you know?  Seemed like it might be the surest option.”
Cassie laces her fingers through Jake’s.  Silently, her mouth pressed into a line, she nods.
“So, uh.”  Marco sniffs, spinning back around and thrusting his champagne flute into the air.  “Here’s to me being wrong, yeah?”
“To Marco being wrong!” Jake echoes, and tosses back his glass.
“To Marco being wrong!” the entire room calls back.
Marco jumps back down, Cassie and Jake catching him as he lands.
After everyone but Menderash and Ax has finished eating, it’s Tom who becomes the next one to tink a fork against a glass for attention.
“In the spirit of full disclosure,” he tells the room, strolling slowly toward the head table.  “I promised my brother there wouldn’t be a horah.”  Tom stops, directly next to Cassie.  “But what he didn’t know is that I’d already made a promise to my new sister-in-law that there would be.  So what’s a guy to do?”
He snaps his fingers.
At this cue, several things happen at once.  The DJ switches to “Hava Nagila.”  Several people mob Jake at once.  Tom grabs Cassie and lifts her bodily over his head, carrying her chair and all to the middle of the dance floor.
With a squeak of laughter, Cassie grabs the top of Tom’s head for balance.  Jake is being hauled out next to her on a chair of his own, supported by Tobias and Menderash and Rachel and James.  Marco and Ax are herding the rest of the gathering, shoving people into a circle and linking arms together as they go.
“I hate you!” Jake calls over the sound of the music and his own fit of giggles.
“Gotta keep the in-laws happy!” Tom yells back, unrepentant.
“You sure you’ve got everything you need?” Rachel asks.
Cheyenne, the head caterer, gives her a double thumbs-up.  The staff are tipped and most are ready to go, having divvied up the several extra schaeffers’ worth of falafel and butternut squash puree and other entrees that Rachel’d set aside for them.  Melissa is set to take over tending bar from here, as planned, and she’s going to keep the groomsmen after for a few minutes for cleanup duty.
“Okay.”  Rachel glances around at where the last of the countertops are getting a quick once-over with disinfectant.  “Okay.  If anything comes up…”
“I have your number.”  Cheyenne smiles and nods.
Pushing back out of the room, Rachel heads for the gift table.  Everything looks like it’s in good order, but she wants to make sure it all gets packed up properly and that none of the cards get lost in the kerfuffle.  It’s mostly donation receipts, at Jake and Cassie’s request, but some of the traditionalists on both sides came with soup tureens or the like —
“Hey.”  Jake catches her by the arm.
Rachel turns to look at him.  “What’s wrong?  Is it the great-aunts?”
“Nothing’s wrong.  It’s all perfect.”  He’s smiling shyly.  “Thanks.”
“I need to check on the gifts,” Rachel says, because she’s a coward who doesn’t know how to do mushy conversations, especially not with Jake.
“The gifts are fine,” he says.  “It’s all fine.  Because you made it that way.  So… thanks.”
When he pulls her into a hug, Rachel can’t resist straightening his hair one last time even as she returns the embrace.  “You realize I do this for fun, right?” she asks, holding him at arm’s length and looking him in the eye.  “Like, I could’ve hired a wedding planner, but honestly why bother?”
He shrugs.  “Doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate everything.  All of it.  Without you, Cassie and I wouldn’t even…”
Then, because this is all getting too honest, Rachel links her arm through his and drags him onto the dance floor for, he’s about to realize, their middle school gym class’s favorite godawful square dance.
When she has do-si-doed Jake within an inch of his life, Rachel tosses him at Cassie.  She pivots around and gives Tobias a flourishing courtesy; he returns it with an equally ridiculous bow.
“It is marvelous, how well they have adapted their balance to compensate for their lack of legs,” Menderash comments to Ax.
“Very true.”  Ax leans next to him against the bar.  They are currently sharing a delicious beverage Melissa has made for them, simply by unscrewing the lid from a nearly-empty jar of olives and handing over the remaining liquid.
It is true, some of the dancers are more talented than others.  Michelle and Walter are synchronized with each other and the beat of the music, even if their choice of moves is not nearly as audacious as the spinning thing Marco and Dakota are doing.  The bride and groom, meanwhile, are looking at their own feet and keep bumping into each other as they move.  Between their relative unconcern with anyone but each other and the broad hem of Cassie’s dress, the other couples are giving them a wide berth.
“Do you wish to attempt such feats?” Ax asks, glancing at Menderash.
Menderash gives a full-body shudder.  He flaps one hand in an andalite gesture that, if translated to English, would approximate fuck that.
Ax grins, drinking more olive juice.
“Have you done such a thing?” Menderash asks.
“Never for very long,” Ax says.
Jake and Cassie have given up on dancing entirely, descending into a giggle fit in the middle of the dance floor as they both attempt to disentangle Jake’s cuff link from the lace of Cassie’s hem.  Rachel swirls by, briefly blocking their view.  She’s switched partners.  Dakota is doing their best to teach Tobias how to waltz while Marco and Rachel are now swing-dancing their way across the dance floor.
As both andalites watch in awe, Rachel spins Marco in a circle, swinging him out and then drawing him back close to her body.  Marco pirouettes, throwing his head back so that his hair flares around his face, and then throws himself backwards.  Rachel catches him neatly around the waist, dipping him nearly to the floor.  Marco braces on her shoulders and she flings him upward with her whole body so that she actually lifts him off the floor for a second before gracefully sweeping him back down.  They separate until just the tips of their fingers are touching, and then spin back together until Marco suddenly swoops under Rachel’s arm, coming up on the far side as she pivots around in time fro him to fall back against her.
Ax is reminded of the way they fight.  There’s something almost joyful in their ferocity on the battlefield.  There’s something almost frightening in their enthusiasm on the dancefloor.  Neither of them seems to know how to do anything by half measure.
One by one the other clusters of dancers have stopped to watch as well.  Jake and Cassie, now sitting hopelessly tangled up in each other, seem quite happy to have the spotlight stolen.
Rachel swoops an arm around Marco’s waist and slides into a back-and-forth tango step.  Within two beats he’s caught on, falling into the same rhythm as her.  When the tempo of the song changes he grabs her shoulder and nudges her into a circular waltz.  They’re unrehearsed, and inexpert, but moving with such force and communicating so rapidly that it doesn’t really matter.
“Yes,” Menderash says softly, “I very much do not wish to attempt to dance.”
Ax smiles at him over the rim of the olive jar.  It’s empty, and in the time it takes him to set it back on the bar and catch her eye, Melissa has replaced it with maraschino cherry liquid.
The song crescendos; Marco leans his full weight back as Rachel flings him into a long spiraling turn that ends with him sliding on his knees clear between her legs, popping up behind her just in time to brace as she tips backward into him.  She spins once, twice, four times, then swings him into a dip so low that his hair brushes the floor.
As the song ends they freeze like that, chests heaving, hair damp with sweat.
They both seem to become aware at once that the whole room’s watching them.  Marco opens his mouth to say something, when Rachel’s smile turns wicked.  That’s the only warning he gets before she opens her arms and lets him drop.  Marco squawks indignantly, throwing out both elbows to catch himself.  He gets ahold of Rachel’s arm and tries to yank her down as well, but ends up pulling himself to his feet as well.
The whole room breaks out into clapping.  Marco sweeps into a low bow.  Rachel visibly considers pushing him over again before deciding against it.  Instead she runs to try and rescue Cassie’s hand-sewn lace hem and Jake’s antique silver cufflinks from their respective owners’ incompetence.
“Hey Tobias?” Rachel says around a yawn.
Idly they watch as Tom waltzes Cassie’s grandmother around the dance floor.  She’s 4’11” to his 6’4”, so it’s pretty hilarious to witness.  But at least they’re not totally mismatched: each has a single sprig of valerian from Cassie’s bouquet tucked behind one ear.
She and Tobias are sitting on the ground at one corner of the dance floor.  Rachel’s got her shoes off to massage her aching ankles, and Tobias is perched back on her shoulder.  With clever motions of his beak he’s fishing the pins out of her hair one by one, dropping them into her hand as he slowly disassembles her updo.
“How do you feel about never, ever getting married?” Rachel asks.
Tobias drops another bobby pin into her hand.  «Best idea you’ve had all year.»
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thatasianstereotype · 4 years
Father, This Is Your Future Son-In-Law.
A short little side companion fic to my Adrien x Damian series. 
First: Fuck. I’m Gay. 
Second: Damn, You’re Looking Fine. 
Third: Shit. I Got To Deal With This Bitch (Again).
I’m still working on the fourth and final part of the series (it won’t be as long of a wait as Part 3). But I wanted to write how the Batfam reacted to their youngest suddenly getting a boyfriend while abroad. 
Creative liberties were taken. Also, this is a crack writing. 
The Demon Spawn who has gotten better at not attacking people at first sight but still just tolerates people. And his holier-than-thou attitude is still there with his love for throwing insults around like free candy. 
This is the kid that manages to snag a pure cinnamon roll sunshine as a boyfriend?
This angry grumpy child? 
Needless to say, the Batfam is in disbelief.
“What?” Bruce thought that the Teen Titans mission in Europe was done. “Why do you want to stay in Paris longer? Is something wrong?”
“No Father. I have simply found someone I wish to court. I will be spending time in Paris to see how best to present myself as an exceptional suitor that is all. Give my regards to Grayson that I will be missing Family Night but that I will make it up by introducing him to his future brother-in-law soon.” 
Bruce was too much in shock to answer when Damian hung up. 
“I think it’s cute that Dami is getting a boyfriend.” 
“Dick, you oblivious and naive child, you are completely missing the point.” 
Dick rolled his eyes. “Look, I’m pretty sure Damian isn’t actually going to marry someone right now.”
“He said ‘future brother-in-law’ inferring that this courtship he wants to initiate will end in a wedding.” 
“I think you are reading too much into this, B.” 
“And you are not reading enough. Have I taught you nothing at all?
“You taught me paranoia.” 
“I taught you to be prepared for every kind of situation.”
“Pretty sure the possibility of your 17-year-old son getting hitched in Paris can be ruled out.” 
“Where did I go wrong with you?” 
And Dick rolled his eyes once again at Bruce’s dramatic-ness. This. This is where Damian gets it from. 
Ever the peace keeper in this dysfunctional trainwreck of a family, Dick managed to stop Bruce from flying to Paris. But much to their frustrations (even Dick’s who wanted to know who captured his baby bro’s heart), Damian did not tell them the name of his potential boyfriend. 
All in all, Damian spent about two months and a half in Paris before coming back home to Gotham. And the Batfam could see a difference right away. 
Damian was happy. He smiled (it was a little one but it had Dick squealing in joy) more and he was more tolerate of his brothers and schoolmates. 
“We should’ve shipped him off to Paris earlier if he comes back like this.” 
Tim was still staring at Damian like he was an alien. The demon spawn still insulted him every other day but hasn’t threatened to kill him at all since he came back. No ripping out his intestines to feed to the vultures or throwing him off a building for the rats to feast on. It was nice. Although a little part of him felt slightly unnerving. He doesn’t have any contingency plans involving a Nice!Damian. 
Dick shook his head fondly at his little brother, taking away his coffee full of too much caffeine and replacing it with decaf. He has truly ascended to motherhood. “Well, I think it’s nice that Little D found love.”
“In the city of love. Is no one paying attention to that part?” Jason munched on one of Alfred’s cookies. “Cause I think that’s hilarious. I thought Baby Bat would’ve choked on all the happiness and bright clean air there.”
Dick whacked his arm. “Stop being mean to Dami.”
“But Dickie. It’s how I show affection.” 
Adrien Agreste was the son of the supervillain Hawk Moth that have terrorizing Paris for the last 3 years. Batman was not at all pleased to hear that the Parisian heroes called for help and the Justice League turned them away. People have paid for that. Dearly. 
“So his mom’s dead and his dad’s a criminal?” Jason looked over Bruce’s shoulder at the BatComputer. “Kid’ll fit right in with our family. Demon sure knows how to pick them.”
“Hnn.” Bruce grunted. 
“I mean with you dating Selina, a notorious thief and doing the thing with Talia, a very dangerously lethal assassin, it’s no wonder where your son got his taste from.” 
“Jason.” Bruce grunted in a warning tone. 
“I mean when I’m right, I’m right.”
“Ok.” Tim started off tonight’s Family Meeting (excluding Damian), the topic being one certain ex-assassin’s love interest. “Looking further into the Agreste kid shows he clearly did not take after his villainous dad. He is one of Paris’ teenage models and have a huge fanbase dedicated to how pure and sweet he is. He is a literal walking ray of sunshine.” 
“How the fuck did that sunshine child tame our literal feral demon brother?” Jason said. Always the VIP asking the important questions here.
Tim actually had an answer for that. He pulled out several charts and data on his laptop and showed it to the others. “Looking further into Adrien, I have found evidence that he is the cat-themed superhero Chat Noir. Being a loveable and touch-starved kitten appealed to the demon brat’s almost non-existent affections.” 
“Timmy, Dami is capable of love.” Dick said in a disappointed voice. 
“I said almost non-existent, didn’t I?” Tim waved the Mom’s disappointment away. “But you guys have got to see this.” 
He pulled up a video of Chat Noir and Ladybug on the big screen. They watched him using his signature move: cataclysm. No one spoke for a few minutes as they processed the sheer destructive powers of the hero.
“You know what.” Jason broke the silence. “I have no more questions. I can kind of see how Agreste is the demon’s type.” 
What baby assassin wouldn’t be turned on by the literal godly destructive powers the baby kitten held in his hands? 
Dick, the only one wanting to keep things semi-PG here, smacked the back of his head. 
“Baby brother.” Cass greeted. She is back home from her Hong Kong trip and heard all about the famous Adrien Agreste. She thought it was adorable and that Adrien and Damian made a cute couple. 
“Hello, Cassandra.” 
She peered down at the list he was currently making. She gestured towards it with a confused look. 
“I am compiling a list of tasks that needs to be done before my Chaton and new sister-in-law come to Gotham. Only the best for them after all. 
Her eyes lit up. “New sister?”
“Yes. My mon amour’s sister will be our new one.” He pulled out a picture of her on his phone for Cass to see. “Her name is Marinette and she will be a fine addition to the family.” 
“Baby sister.” Cass said happily. She was always up for new family members. 
“Yes. I imagine you two will get along the best.” 
But she couldn’t help but notice that with all the preparations he is making, even if it is for his boyfriend and new sister, is a bit —how would Steph say it?— overkill. 
Her coal black eyes were sharp as she observed his body language. “You very serious on this. Why?” 
He can never hide anything from his sister. “I wish for them to have a good impression of our family so that their family will not be disincline to reject my proposal for marriage.”
“Marriage?” She was still quite unfamiliar with some words in English. 
“It means that you will be getting another brother too.” 
“We will wed.” 
Dick hasn’t even finished his cereal yet. He looked over at Damian’s serious expression. “Did you even ask him yet?” 
“I will present myself as an extraordinary suitor that he will be more inclined to say yes when I ask.” 
“At least you’re treating your man right.”
Damian took offense. “Why wouldn’t I treat my mon amour with anything but the upmost respect and love?”
“I didn’t mean it like that, Little D. I’m just glad you’re in a good relationship and from what I can see, Adrien adores you very much.”
Damian smiled. “I adore my Chaton a great deal as well. Would you like to come with me to pick out a ring?
Dick could just hear Bruce’s voice in his head saying he shouldn’t be encouraging this. But come on, this was his baby brother who grew up learning how to hurt people finding a precious loving relationship for himself and he will be damned if he doesn’t support this. 
“Of course. I’ll be honored to help.”
His baby brother brightened before he launched into a rant. 
“I’m having trouble finding the perfect gem to complement his eyes. They are a certain shade of forest green you see. And many jewelry stores do me a great disservice by not having that certain shade or having utterly appalling quality for what my Chaton deserves.” 
@iglowinggemma28 @iz-bell-saiah @nach0ava @roselynfey @mochinek0 @wannajointhecrabcult
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thecoffeenebula · 3 years
New job - Part one
It took a while but I wrote the rest of new job. While I was doing so I thought it would be fun to make different parts of it. Again thank you so much for liking the preview. I hope you enjoy the story as well :)
My writing might not be that good as I wrote most of it at night. Haven’t done a proper check up on my grammar (etc) yet. I was too excited about posting it sooo yeah...  I promise I will update the story if/when needed :) 
The part of the preview will still be in here, I rewrote a couple of parts of it so you might want to take a look at it again. 
Marcus Moreno x Reader
warnings: none
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 It's First day at your new job. You have been working so hard to get a position at mission control. Finally that day came. You finally got that promotion. Happy and proud to be there you walked into the office.
Everything seemed so new and strange. Everyone around you seemed very busy with whatever they were doing. Nobody seemed to notice you, except for Ms. Granada.
“Ah there you are.” She walked alongside you.
“I have a very important job for you. Our satellite sensors have gone down. We need someone who can redirect remaining power to those sensors so we can use the satellites again”
“Yes, Ma’am”
She directed you toward a computer, with a big smile.
“Welcome to the team and if you would like something to drink, the kitchen is right there.” she pointed down the hallway. You weren't quite sure to which room she was pointing but you would figure it out.
“Thank you” Ms. Granada left you to it. You started up the programm and started to decipher the codes in front of you.
You granduated from MIT with a degree in electrical engineering and computer science. Getting the sensors back up again shouldn't be that big of a problem but It was. The satellite didn't seem to respond. It puzzled you. That moment made you realise it would be a long day. If this wasn't going to work out one of the Heroics would have to go up there and fix it.
During the day you thought it would be nice to get acquainted with your colleagues. From what you have seen, your colleague’s seemed nice. They only didn't  seem that social.
You tried starting up a conversation with the women next to you but she just gave you a nasty glare.
After all the troubles the satellite gave you,  you decided you needed a cup of coffee.
One of the other workers at mission control was a step ahead. Marcus Moreno, who just got himself a cup of coffee bumped into you. Spilling his coffee all over you.
You jumped away out of reflexes. “Shit”
“I didn’t mean to… I am so sorry….” Marcus stood there in shock.
“It’s okay. Really”
He was looking all around to see if he could find a towel or some paper.
He studied you. He never saw you before. So you must me the new girl that Ms. Granada told him about.
“You must be the new girl?” He asked smiling at you.
You looked at him, realizing he was cute. It made you blush.
“Yes. That is me. Great start of the first day, am I right?”
You stared at your soaking wet, coffee stained blouse and laughed.
“I am so sorry” Marcus repeated. He felt so guilty. He didn’t mean to ruin your day. He pouted at the sight of the stain.
“Don’t worry. I’ll just go freshen up in the bathroom”
“I really didn’t mean to ruin your first day” he said. He hesitated for a moment “how can I make this up to you?”
“You don’t have to. It could happen to anybody.” You said. Focused on the stain on your shirt.
Marcus smiled. He thought you were charming and adorable and you seemed like you needed a friend.
“What if I want to make it up? Couldn’t hurt to make some friends around here”
You smiled at him. You did need a friend, as no one else seemed to want to have a conversation with you.
“Okay. Seems fair. Not like anyone else reached out to me today.” You both looked around to all the faces staring at their computers. Marcus’ smile grew wider. This happened to him as well the first day in the office. He thought he would be welcomed, mostly because he was part of the heroes. No one looked up when he first arrived at his desk. It took a while to get a conversation out of them. It was all too recognizable for him. He was glad he reached out to you. He definitely wanted to give you a better experience than he had and besides all that, you were cute.
“Don’t mind them. They are practically computers. They don’t concern themselves with socializing as long as they can do their job.”
“ah” you nod your head as you let a little smile appear creating dimples. It made you look more beautifu. It brightened up Marcus' day. Marcus realized what he could do. He put his hand his pocket pulling out a piece of paper that looked like some sort of business card. He handed it to you.
“This is my number. Whenever you feel like it, just give me a call.”
You gave him another one of your bright smiles as you took the piece of paper from him. You felt your cheeks go red. Mostly because you were embarrassed by the stains. Which were made by the nicest and most handsome coworker around.
“I sure will. Maybe we could go out for coffee. You know. Seems perfect for the situation” you said pointing at your clothes.
Marcus laughed “Coffee it is”
 ------- -------- -------- --------
Marcus came home from his long day of work. He was smiling from ear to ear.
“Hello, Missy. How was your day?” He gave her a kiss on the head. Missy noticed the mood change in her dad. She hadn’t seen him this happy in quite a long time.
“you’re in a good mood”
“Am I not allowed to be happy?”
“I didn’t say that but you usually are not like this”
Marcus just chuckled at his daughter's observant comment.
"No, usually I am as miserable as you" he teased.
Missy sticked out her tongue, schronching her nose. It was adorable when she did so. It reminded Marcus of his wife. Missy looked like her, a lot. Especially when she made those faces. The thought of her captured him in a moment of sadness. He missed her so much. He was still even wearing his wedding ring. He hadn't dared to take it off. It didn't feel right. At least not yet. Marcus got so caught up in his daydream that Missy had to snap him out of it.
Marcus turned his head toward her still absent, lost in thought.
"Why are you so happy? Did you meet someone? Are they from work? What is her name? Is she pretty?" Marcus chuckled at Missy's never ending questions
"Missy…. Missy.. please, sweetie. I just had a good day at work. Yes I met a new colleague but it is nothing like that, she is a friend"
Missy started smiling as bright as the sun. She hadn't seen her father this happy in quite a long time. Of course she didn't want anyone to replace her mother but no one could and her father deserved love. Even she knew that it would be what her mother would have wanted. This women he met, this could be his match.
"So, you did meet someone!" Her excitement couldn't be concealed.
Marcus tried to avoid the topic at all cost.
"What are we going to eat? I am starving and I am in the mood for some pizza" he said with a forced smile.
"Don't avoid the topic. Tell me about her. I want to know if she is right for you"
Marcus shook his head. "My little guardian angel" he said as he planted another kiss on her head. "I have better plan. I order some Pizza and you go make your homework in the meantime"
"only if you tell me about your work 'friend'"
"Missy" Marcus gave her a serious warning look.
Missy sighed "alright ,alright"
She stood up from the kitchen chair and walked to her room. Marcus started dialing the number so he could order the pizza.
"Hello, I would like to place a order for a…" Marcus couldn't even finish his sentence before Missy's head appeared around the corner shouting "with extra cheese!".
Marcus gave her a thumbs up. "I would like to order a pizza with extra cheese, please"
Within the hour the pizza was delivered. They ate their pizza in front of their TV watching a movie they both agreed watching. Even though it was their favourite movie to watch they both were somewhere is with their thoughts. Missy daydreaming about Marcus and this mystery women. She wondered how she could open up her dad.
And well Marcus was thinking about you…. Still smiling at your meeting earlier that they. You were cute and pretty, even with a coffee stain on your shirt. He liked you but he wasn't ready yet to get into a relationship. At least he thought he wasn't. It all felt too soon after what happened with his wife. He didn't think that love would come back to him… that he was capable of loving again. No, it felt wrong. It would be like cheating he thought. A friendship with you seemed innocent enough for the time being. He'll see where it will go from there.
He just couldn't think of romance just yet. The good thing about this situation was that Missy was excited about something again. It hurt his heart to see his little girl unhappy.
---------- ----------- ------------
That Friday
Marcus was fidigting with his wedding ring, he hadn’t dared to take it off.
He was actually quite nervous.
You texted him that night, the same day he gave you the number.
Missy fell asleep on the couch while they were watching the movie. Missy should've gone to bed earlier because it was a school night but they had a cheat day from time to time where she could stay up later. Marcus lifted Missy up from the couch and carried her toward her bed, tucking her in. Marcus felt the muscles in his back tighten up as he did so. He wasn’t as young as he used to be, carrying her wasn’t as good of an idea than he thought it would be. He watched her sleep for a while. She looked so peaceful and she was smiling. He wondered what she was dreaming about. He thought it would be best to leave her be. He gave her a kiss on the head and left the room.
He let out a big sigh as he returned to the living room, seeing the mess in front of him that he still had to clean up. He remembered a time when he didn't just have to do this on his own. Having his wife help him clean up at night before they went to bed. He really missed that time.
As he returned the dirty dishes to the kitchen he noticed his phone light up that was lying on the kitchen table. Instead of keeping up with his chores he decided to see who was sending him messages. It was an unknown number. Part of him was hoping it was you. He opened his phone and clicked on the messages. He was right. It was you. He smiled. He sat himself down at the table reading your text messages and responding to them. He texted with you for hours until he realized the time. It was almost 2 am in the morning. He looked at the dirty dishes in the kitchen sink. He decided he would do them in the morning. Just that moment when he looked down at his phone again he noticed you asked if he wanted to go out and grab coffee this Friday. He mentioned it was his day off in one of his texts. So it was yours. Marcus agreed to meet up with you. There was a great coffee place around the corner of where he lived. He knew it would be a great place to meet up.
He brought Missy to school that morning and went straight up to the coffee shop. He was early so you weren't there yet. He decided to grab a table to wait for you.
@mrschiltoncat​ here is part one of new job. I hope you like it :)
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dekuscrybaby · 4 years
nights of disapproval
pairing: todoroki shouto x reader 
request: yes; hi could i ask for an imagine of todoroki introducing his girlfriend to his dad for the first time and endeavor doesn’t approve but todoroki defends her to him
word count: 3.5k+ words
warnings: like one curse word, implications of sex (i mention children like twice), slight angst, fluff fluff fluff
summary: shouto wants you and his siblings to finally meet and the chance finally arises over a nice dinner. except endeavor ends up being there as well and he isn’t too fond of you.
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it’s been nine months. nine beautiful months that you would never trade for anything else in the world.
nine months of genuine happiness. nine months of wholesome laughs and giggles, of innocent touches, of not so innocent touches. nine months of pure bliss. 
nine months of being the lucky girl that owned todoroki’s once cold and closed-off heart.
it took you a while to break down the walls that securely locked away shouto’s heart. you were kinda the flynn ryder to his rapunzel, his heart being rapunzel who was being locked away by the childhood trauma that he developed through all his father put him through.
you didn’t blame him though. if you were placed in a similar situation, you probably would’ve never had the guts to socialize with any person, but you were lucky that you weren’t in that situation. lucky to be placed as a sort of comforter for the youngest todoroki.
you were lucky that todoroki found you worthy. worthy enough to love. worthy enough for him to bring down his walls. worthy enough to confide in you all he’s been through and all he’s going through.
the relationship you two had was one neither of you had ever experienced before, which was probably due to the fact that you were both still pretty inexperienced but that didn’t make your current experience anything less than euphoric.
you loved him with every fiber of your being and he returned the same passion, perhaps even more than you. he feels as if no one has ever loved him as much as you loved him. there was absolutely nobody in the world that did so much for him, out of sheer adoration for him as an individual.
yes, he loved the majority of his family and they loved him back but the love they displayed towards each other was nothing in comparison to the love you and him shared.
the eight most important letters in your relationship were spoken “early” and there wasn’t anything wrong with that. you two just fell for each other hard and quick. contrary to what everyone believed, you guys weren’t the couple to fall fast and end fast.
nine months into a relationship as high schoolers and you were both completely sure this relationship would be the only one you’d be in for the rest of your life.
you both wanted to stay together until your guys’ last breath. you both wanted to stay together long enough to reach your final date as boyfriend and girlfriend. long enough for you to share the same last name. long enough for you to have children of your own, children who’d be perfect mixtures of each other. children who’d symbolize the love you hold for each other.
todoroki had never been so sure of anything besides his need to marry you and have you for the rest of his life. sure he was still really young and marriage should not be in his plans just yet, but he couldn’t help it. he found you so early in his life that he wanted to ensure you’d stay for the rest of it.
it took him a lot of thinking to not impulsively buy you an engagement ring. he couldn’t help himself really, but as much as he wanted to take his father’s credit card and buy you a ring now, he decided to do the second-best thing: introduce you to his family. 
well, it was actually fuyumi’s idea for you to come over to the house for dinner, but the detail isn’t all that important. what was important was that todoroki would finally have the chance to let his family meet the person who allowed him to live a normal life, or at least, the most normal life a hero course student could live.
after that, he’d hope it all goes smoothly enough for him to at least buy you a promise ring. a promise ring he’ll be sure to replace with an actual engagement ring as soon as graduation, which would then be replaced with a wedding band and last name identical to his.
todoroki found himself too deep into his thoughts that he didn’t hear your soft voice calling after him. 
“shou, does this look good or should i try on another one?” you turned back to look at him after glancing over what was probably your fifth outfit today.
feeling your gaze upon his figure was the only thing that made him break his concentration. he looked up at you and raked his eyes up and down your figure, smiling softly at what he saw.
it was a somewhat basic yet cute outfit. light blue jeans, paired with a white flowy shirt, and a pair of booties. nothing flashy nor too simple, but to him, you looked absolutely perfect. 
“it looks great,” he offered with a warm smile, which caused you to blush a bit, still not getting over his soft behavior with you.
“that’s what you said about the past three outfits too.”
“yeah, but i can’t help that you look amazing in everything. besides, i think you’re worrying a little too much about this whole meeting thing. it’s just a simple dinner that’s only meant to introduce you to my family,” he chuckled softly.
you pouted slightly before replying, “it’s still a pretty big deal, this is your family we’re talking about, shou. i have to make a good impression on them or else they won’t let us be together.”
“love, it’s just my family. i’m sure they’ll love you and it’s even better when you remember that you’re dating me and not my family. what they think isn’t as important as what i think,” todoroki spoke softly, while walking towards you, arms sneaking around your waist to pull you closer.
“i’m still nervous, your family loves you so much and i want them to be able to count on me when it comes to you,” you sighed quietly while wrapping your arms around his neck.
shouto placed a gentle kiss on your forehead and smiled, “are you trying to say you don’t love me as much as my family?”
you giggled and shook your head, snuggling closer into his chest as you mumbled back a reply, “no, i do. or at least i think i do, i’m just saying that i want to be able to properly weave my way in. i kinda want them to feel as if i’m part of the family.”
“they’ll consider you part of it after tonight, i promise. plus, you’re not that far away from having todoroki as a last name as well, so you’re really not far off from being part of the family.”
you could only blush and swat at his chest in response, the idea of sharing a last name with him being too much for you to handle. yet, it was something you were definitely looking forward to.
“you can talk about changing my last name once there’s a ring on my finger,” you said, rolling your eyes playfully while pulling away from his embrace.
“what makes you think i don’t have the ring in my pocket right now?” todoroki teasingly raises an eyebrow at you.
“the fact that we’re still too young to get married.”
“time’s only an illusion, love.”
“sure, but your philosophical thinking won’t stop us from being late to dinner if you don’t shut up and let me finish getting ready.” todoroki playfully scoffed at your teasing
“here i am trying to propose to the love of my life while the night’s still young, and you just bully me. some wife you’ll make,” he huffs out before fixing his hair a little. 
“for your information, i’ll make a great wife that you can propose to a few years from now. the only proposal i’ll be taking is your sister’s invitation to dinner with the rest of your family.” you snickered, making your way back to the bathroom to apply finishing touches to your appearance before leaving for the todoroki household.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧ “are you sure this looks okay? i’m starting to think my outfit is way too casual,” you chewed on your bottom lip nervously.
“y/n, you’re acting as if i’m wearing anything out of the ordinary. you’re dressed perfectly fine, stop worrying so much.” shouto chuckled softly as he gave your hand a reassuring squeeze.
you could only sigh quietly and nod your head slightly, trying to get rid of all the nervous jitters that were coursing through your veins. i mean it’s just a small and casual family dinner, nothing to be too worried about right? 
except, this could literally make or break your relationship with todoroki. what if his siblings hate you? what if they think you’re too underdressed? what if they hate you so much they tell shouto to break up with you? what if they’re so insistent on it that he actually does? “y/n/n, it’s just a simple dinner with my brother and sister. they’re incredibly nice, i’ll even go as far to say they’re the nicest people you’ll meet. hell of a lot nicer than when you first met me, that’s for sure.”
you giggled quietly as you both walked up to the entrance of your boyfriend’s childhood home, “you were a pain in the ass when we first met, but that makes me feel strangely better about this.”
“well i’m glad that my unfortunate past brings you a sense of comfort,” shouto teased her lightly just as his knuckles rapped against the door.
“if anything, you should blame your asshole of a dad for his extreme la-” your sentence meant to insult your boyfriend’s father was cut short as soon as you caught a glimpse of fiery red hair and literal flames for facial hair. “shouto, what are you doing here?” endeavor exclaimed, a wide grin on his face as he began to think his son stopped by to visit him. 
“i’m not here to see you if that’s what you’re assuming,” the youngest son of endeavor almost snarled as he tightened his hold on you. “i’m here to have dinner with my brother and sister.”
“seeing as i’m here, we can enjoy a nice family dinner! it has been too long of a time since we all sat together and ate as a family,” the pro-hero voiced enthusiastically before he turned to meet your gaze. “and who might this be? a classmate? friend?”
“nice to meet you, sir. i’m y/n l/n,” you offered a shaky hand to greet him in the most polite way. you made sure to exclude your title as shouto’s girlfriend as you didn’t want to do something that might end up making your boyfriend uncomfortable. you figured that you’d let him introduce you as his girlfriend when he felt the timing was appropriate. 
with a much colder expression, enji took your much smaller hand and shook it, the grip on the handshake a lot more firm than you would have expected. still, you were somewhat glad there wasn’t any form of disgust with your presence in his home so you took it as a small victory.
“enji todoroki, please come in,” the older man spoke with a gruff voice, not wanting to pick a fight with his son, he let you both in and walked to the living room.
“c’mon, we can go greet my sister and brother before we sit down to eat.” shouto voiced with a soft tone, contrasting the rough one of his father. 
with a small smile and nod from you, todoroki led you to the kitchen of his home where a slightly older girl and boy were moving around, adding final touches to what you assumed was you guys’ dinner. 
“hey, we’re home.” a smile spread on shouto’s face as his siblings quickly turned to look at him with equally bright smiles.
“shouto!” the girl, who you now knew to be his sister, exclaimed before her and her brother rushed over to embrace the dual-colored haired boy. 
shouto was the one who broke the heartwarming reunion to turn back to look at you before introducing you, “this is y/n l/n, my girlfriend.”
you waved at them with a shy smile, “please just call me y/n. it is very nice to meet you, todoroki-san, and thank you for inviting me to dinner.”
“it’s only fair that you call me fuyumi if i get to call you y/n,” fuyumi laughed quietly before gesturing to shouto’s brother. “this is natsuo and we’re really glad we finally get to meet you, shouto talks about you non-stop, all good things of course.”
you glanced at the said boy and noticed how a rosy color took home and his usually pale cheeks before laughing softly, “well that’s good to hear. shouto speaks highly of you guys as well.”
wanting to avoid any more embarrassment from the two girls, shouto spoke up, “uh do you want us to help you with dinner?”
“oh yes! would you two mind setting the table? i’m just about ready to take everything out, but i need the table to be set beforehand and natsuo’s barely any help.” she rolled her eyes jokingly.
natsuo feigned his offense as he passed the silverware to shouto, “i am plenty of help! you’re just very picky and refuse to acknowledge how great of a brother i am”
“yeah right,” she mumbled, causing everyone to laugh.
after being handed everything, you and shouto went into the dining room to do as fuyumi asked of you. 
“i thought you said your dad wasn’t going to be joining us today?”
“he wasn’t supposed to, i guess his plans changed,” he shrugged before you guys finished up the task.
about ten minutes later, the table was set and everyone was sitting around the table. after expressing your gratitude for the meal, everyone began to eat and ensure small conversations.
“so, y/n, you and shouto are in the same class right?” fuyumi glanced up at you, a warm smile still framing her face.
you nodded before responding, “yeah we are. it’s really nice being in the same class as him, it gives us more time to spend together. everyone in the class is fun to be around but something about shouto being there makes it even better.”
“so you’re in the hero course?” endeavor spoke to you for the second time the entire evening.
“yes sir, as i just mentioned class 1-a. i’ve always wanted to become a hero and i’m glad to know u.a. found me worthy enough to be enrolled there.”
“interesting,” he grumbled before continuing to eat.
ignoring his father’s lack of enthusiasm, natsuo turned to look at you “so that’s where you and shouto met right?”
you turned to look at shouto before laughing softly, “actually, i first met him at our entrance exams.”
“you did?” fuyumi inquired.
“mhm, shouto was just too emo and in his head to remember correctly, but we met at the entrance exams and that’s where i first grew my little crush on him.” you smiled as you reminisced on the memory.
“you know, i think i might remember some loser staring at me with a lovestruck expression,” shouto teased you before you playfully shoved him and told him to shut up. 
“you know i love you, y/n, you and your dumb lovestruck expressions,” he laughed as he placed a small kiss on the top of your head.
the four-letter word quickly caused endeavor to snap his head up towards the both of you, “love?”
fuyumi, quickly noticing her father’s annoyance, attempted to dissolve any conflicts from arising, “father-“
regardless she was cut off, “how long have you guys been dating?”
“nine months, sir, it happened a little after the sports festival,” you replied, anxiety slowly seeping into your veins once again at the thought of his disapproval.
“nine months, and what is your quirk?”
“m-my quirk? it’s nothing too grand, it’s called (insert quirk name).” you began to chew on your lip.
“shouto, i don’t really think that’s suited for your quirk style. in fact, i don’t believe y/n’s general personality to be suited for you. she’ll be the reason why you won’t be on track for becoming a pro.”
“father, i think yo-“ fuyumi attempted to intervene a second time.
“quiet, fuyumi. as for you,” he added as he began to glare at you. “do you honestly believe you’re good enough for my son? do you not believe that you’re distracting him from becoming the number one hero in this country?”
“i-“ you stammered quietly.
enji took this at a chance to continue bashing you, “seeing as you have no backbone, i’ll make it simple and answer for you. you are not good enough for my son and you are a huge distraction for him and his goals. so i suggest-“
“enough, father.” shouto growled, his hand quickly resting against your thigh as a way to comfort you.
despite his warm touch, you couldn’t find much ease in it. you knew shouto was only trying to keep you from being upset, but one look at his face had you more worried about him than you were about yourself.
“y/n is good enough for me, in fact, she might even be too good for me. her quirk is not at all important in determining our relationship’s worth and i don’t care about how it plays an influence in our potential children’s quirks.” he paused as an ice-cold glare continued to replace the warm eyes you were so used to seeing. even with an expression as cold as the one he currently wore, you along with his siblings could see a fiery passion in them. a passion that you recognized to be his strong love for you.
“she is not distracting me from my goals because she shares the same one, and it is not becoming the number one hero, it’s becoming a respectable one. i don’t really give a damn if you approve or disapprove of my relationship with her because i am the one in love with her, not you. frankly, this dinner wasn’t even meant as an opportunity for you to meet her. tonight was meant for my siblings and girlfriend to meet each other, but thanks to you, it’s been ruined.”
letting out an aggravated sigh, he stood up from the dinner table and took a hold of your hand, prompting you to do the same. once he had the opportunity to properly hold your hand, he offered you a gentle squeeze before turning to acknowledge his older siblings, who couldn’t help but smile at the sight of his brother finally finding someone he cared for so greatly.
“fuyumi, natsuo, thank you for letting us come by and eat for a bit. i’m sorry things turned out this way. hopefully, we’re able to do this in a much more suitable environment. we’ll be leaving now, good night.” he expresses in a lighter tone before walking out of the house with you. 
you were still in shock of the entire altercation that you didn’t even feel that you and shouto had stopped walking after a while. you didn’t even feel his hands rubbing up and down your arms until you felt a gaze upon your features. when you finally snapped out of your thoughts, you saw the concern written all over your boyfriend’s face. 
“are you okay?” he spoke in the softest tone you’ve heard all night.
“y-yeah, just in shock i guess,” you stuttered.
“i’m sorry about my father, i really thought he’d at least attempt to be civil with this whole thing. i’m sorry that he ruined our night.” he sighed quietly as he continued to rub one of your arms, gently.
you smiled softly and shook your head, “your father did not ruin our night. if i’m being honest, it was a lovely night despite what happened with your father. your sister and brother are amazing people that i’m overjoyed to have met. if anything, i’m thankful that you stood up for me. i’m thankful you stood up for our entire relationship.” 
shouto mirrored your smile and leaned in to kiss your forehead. “you know i love you with my entire being, y/n. i’d do anything for you and standing up against my father is something i usually do anyway.”
“thank you, shouto. i love you too, so so much. let’s hurry up and go home, i’m in the mood for a movie and cuddles.” you beamed.
“of course, my love.” shouto chuckled before beginning your walk back to the u.a. dorms.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧ 
“so, potential children, huh?” you quipped at him as you were swinging your intertwined hands together.
“we won’t be having any children since you basically rejected my potential proposal earlier today,” todoroki smirked as he heard you whine.
“i’m only teasing. we’ll see about our potential children when you accept my real proposal sometime in the future.”
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missorgana · 3 years
only waiting for this moment
pairing: loki/mobius
fandom: marvel cinematic universe
rating: general
word count: 4272
warning: swearing, implied character death
summary: Loki is not looking forward to sitting next to a stranger on the way to faer older brother's wedding. But said stranger proves to be good company, after all. (meet-cute, human au, single dad mobius)
(yet after loki’s ended i still obsess about lokius my god..... anyway! i’ve been working on this silly au for way too long so finally it’s out there! is it stupid yes. most likely. but it’s based on this cute fanart so let me live! also loki goes by fae pronouns because :’)))) enjoy! ❤️)
read on ao3
Why does Loki find faerself on a stuffy plane to Venice in the summer heat with several suits and a ring in faer luggage, you may ask?
Because of faer stupid older brother, of course.
Now, don’t mistake fae, fae’s happy for Thor getting married. Seriously!
Faer brother is one romantic bastard, and fae’s seen his looks and smiles around Bruce, fiancee and future husband in about three days, it’s like he would be lost without him. It’s quite endearing, in an overbearingly annoying way. Loki’ll let him know it’s annoying, plenty.
But of course, fae agreed to be the ringbearer, it’s the least fae could do, and fae loves that big fool just as much as he loves faer, even though fae’ll never willingly admit that to anyone other than faerself.
Fae just doesn’t understand  why  they had to make everyone travel out to Venice to celebrate the wedding, when they could’ve just saved the trip for their honeymoon, but nooo, the ceremony had to be at “the most romantic location in the world”, as Thor dubbed it.
Absolutely ridiculous, but what can you do?
Fae’ll just have to strap faerself in for the nine hour long plane ride,  dear god , hope the food isn’t completely horrendous and that their movie selection is decent.
The last part seems to be true, but alas, Loki’s bound to have trouble, considering fae’s found faerself in questionable situations many, many times before. Often Thor’s fault. Often fae’s own fault. Siblings you annoy the shit out of and siblings you would die for, simultaneously, of course.
However, Thor and Bruce arrived in Venice the previous day for arrangement, Jane and Brunnhilde are only leaving tonight because of Brunn’s schedule, and since Sif left earlier today, Loki’s alone. This fae doesn’t mind at all, appreciating peace and quiet, especially with an older brother as enthusiastic and energetic as Thor.
He’s not always annoying, he’s rather comforting, in that way. But times like this, fae could use a little break.
Until the passenger for the seat next to fae arrives, that is.
The person that comes into faers line of view is apologising profusely to a flight attendant for blocking their way, then nearly drops their bag in the face of a passenger in front of them, until they greet fae with decidedly  way too much vigour.
They look to be a typical tourist, grey hair and moustache and a goofy smile and a pale blue button-up with fucking flamingos on it. Lord, have mercy. But it really would be fine, absolutely fine, if the person next to fae would have the decency to leave fae alone. Which they didn’t.
It’s clear to fae that they’re the sort of person to spark up a conversation with strangers, and Loki isn’t really in the mood. Rather, fae wants to plug in faers music and hopefully sleep through most of the flight.
“Hey there, buddy!” faers new companion says cheerfully, strapping themself in, apparently not noticing one earbud already in faer ear, “Going to Venice too, huh?”
Loki feels the well-known urge to roll faers eyes. But suck it up, you know… try to be polite, fae tells faerself. “Sure am.”
The passenger nods, satisfied with the short answer it seems. This is why fae is quick to plug the other headphone in before they can get the chance to change their mind. Maybe it isn’t a big deal, they’ll get the hint, surely.
But boy, fae is soon going to discover how wrong fae is. This is going to be a long trip indeed.
It’s about one hour after take-off that the trouble starts, more or less. Loki managed to nod off to sleep in an instant, thank the heavens, because… flying. Not great. Sleeping’s become fae’s number one strategy, if fae absolutely  has to get on a plane, that is.
Fae made sure to give faers older brother shit for this trip due to that very reason, but Thor’s apologetic eyes and the convoluted three other ways of transport he desperately planned to specifically get fae out of that plane was too endearing, and also too much trouble. Fae loves him for it. Fae also hates carrying luggage, so this is definitely the least tiring option.
Soon enough, however, Loki’s stirred from faers slumber by the tinny voice of the pilot over the speakers, and faers new companion tapping the armrest. 
On and on and on. Oh my god, they’re tapping their foot, too.
It’s fine, it’s  fine , fae almost feels bad, but fae’s also antsy and groggy which is in no way a good combination.
Regardless, Loki figures fae might as well shake it off, for now. One hour down, eight left to go.
The tapping, combined with the sickening heat sneaks up on fae way, way too quick now. Fae nears the point of airing a snappy comment towards the person next to fae, which could potentially start an argument but  who cares .
Perhaps luckily faers stream of thought is interrupted by the flight attendant from earlier, blonde ponytail and a slightly strained smile, rolling along a cart of coffee and soft drinks. Or rather, interrupted by their companion calling out for the attendant.
“Oh, excuse me? My apologies,” they say once they have the blonde’s attention, “My buddy here, they were asleep earlier. Didn’t know what you’d like to drink, heh.”
The last part obviously aimed at yours truly, Loki finds faerself furrowing faer brows. That’s… thoughtful. Fae could’ve surely asked for something faerself. Alright. Anyway.
The attendant nods, seeming to hesitate whether they should start listing all the drinks. Loki puts faer hand up in confirmation, “I’d appreciate some black tea, if that’s possible?”
“Of course,” they reply, hilariously chipper. Faer companion winks, which isn’t really a wink because they don’t seem to know  how .
And now, that is what fae expects to be the end of a talk, once more, as fae thanks the blonde and sends them on their way. In fact, fae would grab faers earbuds again, immediately, if the person next to fae didn’t nod in faers direction and tapped the seat twice.
“Sorry to put you on the spot, there,” they say.
Loki tries to keep faer huff in, but to no avail. “Don’t worry about it.”
And faers companion flashes another one of the goofy smiles, such a suburban parent thing. They can’t be more than ten years older than fae, twenty years at the most. The grey hair suits them, Loki decides.
“Oh and how silly of me!” they nearly gasp, “I forgot to ask for your pronouns. I’m terribly sorry.”
Jot fae down as pleasantly surprised.
Fae’ll admit, faer is a little too quick to make assumptions. And given the generational gap, Loki had faer expectations at the very bottom, sadly.
Maybe this person isn’t too bad. Now, at least, whatever. They better be quiet soon, though, because fae’s not sure fae will last a nine hour plane ride with polite small talk, the thought alone is enough to get on faer nerves.
“That’s alright,” fae replies, and if fae returns the smile for just two seconds, it’s not like anyone else will notice, “I go by fae/faer. And you?”
Faers companion’s smile widens by about three sizes, which should be impossible, logistically. “Lovely! He/him for me. Argh, I’ll quit bothering you now, I fear that announcement woke you.”
Loki nods. It did. And he did. Whatever.
“What can you do,” fae sighs, trying to make it significantly less noticeable. “Thanks for the, uh, the tea.”
This man is a lot more pleasant than fae had feared, could definitely have and have had worse company. He’s frustratingly nice, actually. The annoyance will be bearable though, Loki concludes.
And so faer companion waves his hand dismissively, before picking up the magazine from his lap, “No bother. Name’s Mobius, by the way.”
Mobius will soon prove to be interesting company, well, besides the horrendous clumsiness from earlier, which is just more than consistent.
The man has stumbled over Loki’s legs both times he went to the bathroom, dropped the lunch tray from the blonde attendant straight on the floor and had to get it replaced, and, of bloody course, couldn’t figure out the small television without fae’s help.  It’s fine .
It’s not nearly as angering as faers brother at his most oblivious and annoying, but fae  needs to sleep again at some point. Soon.
Loki would be lying, though, if fae claimed the sheepish smile from faer companion wasn’t just a tiny bit endearing.
Fae can imagine Thor wiggling his brows if he saw fae, now.
This Mobius is just so overbearingly polite and ridiculous, it strangely doesn’t bother Loki all that much. Fae’s not going soft for a complete stranger, though. How dare you even suggest such a thing? 
And when fae attempts to fall asleep for the second time, for real, Mobius starts rummaging for  something  on his side and tapping his feet obnoxiously loud and adjusting the air conditioning when it was already perfect,  thank you very much , Loki’s just about to put faer rule of politeness to hell and let the man know what fae thinks until-
Fae stops in faer tracks for a second.
Mobius is humming. Another reason to be annoyed, perhaps, only detail is that Loki instantly recognizes the melody, not from faer own playlist, but a place a bit further away in faer memory.
That’s  Blackbird. No doubt about it.
Who is fae kidding, logistically, there’s probably only a tiny fraction of the human population that  doesn’t  know The Beatles. Regardless, it strikes Loki as… nostalgic.
Faer mother used to sing that song, in particular. It was her favorite, fae recalls. She even sung it to fae and Thor when they were very young. Long before she got sick. And… okay.
Loki shakes faer head at faerself.  Not now .
But that memory’s been distant for a while, so it’s rather almost relieving to unlock it now, the revelation that it still exists, still tangible if fae digs it up from faer recollection. 
You see, Thor talks about their mother a lot. He can deal with emotion, you know, unlike faerself, hence why faer older brother is the best shoulder to cry on. But don’t tell him fae said that.
For some reason, the words slip out of fae’s mouth before fae can stop them, “I love that song.”
The man next to fae seems to startle for a moment, but quickly collects himself. “Hm?”
“My apologies, uh… you were humming.  Blackbird. ”
Mobius’ eyes widen, like he’s had the biggest revelation of his life, “Ah! Me too. Gave that one to my daughter, actually- she collects vinyl records, and that was her first.”
Loki finds faerself chuckling, fondly, in a way that seems uncharacteristic, even to faerself. Reminds fae of faer mother, again.
“My mother used to sing me that,” fae decides to tell, since the man has already shared some information from his life, might as well return the favor, “When my brother and I were little, growing up.”
And Mobius puts the crossword page of magazine he was occupying himself with before down, already engaged in the short conversation, that… is a little endearing, fae’ll admit it. “It’s a classic. Are you traveling with them? If you don’t mind me asking, of course.”
Loki waves a hand, “You could say that, hah. My brother’s getting married tomorrow.”
This news only excites the grey haired man more, by several degrees. He’s grinning, at this point, and almost jumping in his seat, as if he’s been waiting for something,  anything  to celebrate. “Oh my, congratulations!”
Fae nods, simply, shortly. Hopefully it still conveys that fae is very much excited for the big day. Loki feels bad that fae doesn't quite express this that much, not… bursting with energy as many would, but that doesn’t mean fae’s not happy!
“Got stuck on ringbearer duty,” fae jokes, grimacing for good measure. Wait, fae’s joking with a stranger right now? What the fuck?
“Of course,” Mobius replies, getting the sarcasm, thank heavens. And when Loki asks the same question, he laughs, “Not nearly as exciting here, I’m afraid. My ex-husband and I split up a year ago, and I haven’t exactly had any vacation since then, so… flying solo.”
This is something that could make Loki flinch, almost.
First of all, embarrassing to ask something personal and the reveal of something  that  personal and that just makes fae feel all kinds of rude. Second of all, ex-  husband , huh. Wait, wait, wait. That’s not shocking, fae means… it’s not like fae starts to think about the fact that the man next to fae is single or anything. What?
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“No, no, don’t apologise. Peaceful divorce, no worries there.” This talk is… nice. Another sort of peaceful silence falls upon them and it isn’t even uncomfortable, Loki thinks. Fucking weird.
And fae guesses that  maybe  Mobius is attractive, his face is soft and smile annoyingly contagious and his hands are rugged, wonder what he works with- no,  no , stop. Brain, shut it. Shut it down immediately.
Thor would be having a real field day if he could see fae, right now.
“One day, you’ll find someone to melt your heart, trust me!” he had assured fae - once again, older brother, such a romantic, they couldn’t be more opposite. Perhaps that’s why they get along so well.
And so their talk progresses, and it’s really not that dull small talk to fill the void as Loki expected. Most shocking thing all day, of the year, even, fae might just like this man’s company. 
Turns out this Mobius has an extraordinary interest in watersports, particular jet skis, knows way too many facts about that, too. He’s also a history teacher, and likes pineapple on pizza, which is nearly unforgivable, but he also shows Loki tons of vacation pictures of him on said jetskis, and him with his daughter, and his dog, so fae will look past it.
Pity this is a chance encounter, in… six and a half hours, they’ll be on the ground and fae probably won’t ever see the man with the silver hair and moustache and horrendous flamingo shirt ever again. 
Perhaps it’s for the best.
Good news! Loki finally managed to fall asleep again, fae was due for that, only to be awakened once more by shaking and tumbling.
Until now, fae’s been talking more and more with the man next to fae and noticing little things about Mobius which fae doesn’t want to consider too much why fae is noticing or why fae is finding him adorable and attractive and way too funny for his own good. Right.
Is Loki turning into faer brother, right? God forbid.
But the grey haired man’s jokes are good, fae swears. And he’s so goddamn polite and has apologised to fae for the smallest things,  even going to the bathroom , so many times that fae’s lost count. Now, normally, a stranger next to fae being this unable to sit still or be quiet, but… at this point, Loki’s struggling to be mad about anything.
Mobius’ voice, even, is strangely soothing, huh. It goes even softer and almost to the point of a whisper when he talks about his daughter, which may or may not make fae’s heart warm. Just a bit. Listen. Listen.
He just sounds so caring, right?
Besides that, his hands. And eyes. Everything about him just exudes warmth, for some reason. Strangely enough, it makes Loki want to hold the man’s hand. Nuh uh, not happening.
Maybe that’s why fae somehow found it easier to fall asleep again, about halfway through the flight. A sense of safety, somehow. That is, until fae’s now awake once again, the seat feels like it’s moving, most passengers back seated and strapped in, the plastic cup of water on Mobius’ tray table looking awfully disturbed and fragile.
Shit.  This is not good. Not good at all.
Granted this is probably just turbulence, right? Right. Most flight crashes begin with turbulence, though, don’t they? 
Oh god. Why is fae’s companion so fucking calm right now? This is bullshit.
Loki feels like ripping faer seatbelt off and screaming at whoever is responsible for this, but no one is and fae’s legs feel frozen and hands are shaking way,  way  too much.
When the sky turned grey when they were younger, when they were home alone as their mother was in the hospital and their father was… God knows where, Thor used to comfort fae. Loki’s always been scared of lightning. Fae’s older brother loves it, fascinated by it for some stupid reason, but Thor also knows when fae needs him without even saying anything.
His presence alone helped, and he’d only hug fae when fae asked. What the fuck is Loki supposed to do now?
Fae is not about to cry in a damned airplane full of strangers because of turbulence. Absolutely not happening. But fae’s throat is almost closed up, now, Loki can’t do  anything , even if fae wanted to.
It’s sort of like the world’s cracking and swallowing fae up. No, fae doesn’t really give a shit if fae sounds overdramatic right now, because fae’s freaking out, almost to the point of the tears stinging like needles behind Loki’s eyes, and if the tight feeling in faer chest is any indication, this is bad. No. No, no, no.
Thing is, Loki doesn’t quite realise how long the shaking’s been despite the pilot reminding them all to remain calm, or how long fae’s been stuck without being able to breathe, until a hand comes to rest on faer upper arm.
Fae can’t even turn faer head, but notices the touch immediately. Then, a whisper of unintelligible words meets fae, Loki doesn’t understand, so fae swallows thickly and gets a, “I beg your pardon?” out through clenched teeth.
“Is there anything I can do?” The question comes clearer now. Loki frowns, faer hands shaking even more than before.
“To help. I know it’s scary,” Mobius says. He sounds eerily calm, but also as a fog of assurance and stability, distracting fae even if it’s just for a second or two.”
Loki sniffs, shakes faer head at faerself, “This is childish.”
“Fear isn’t childish, darling,” the man says, and when fae finally finds some way to look at him, a bearable way through the held in tears and the voice in faer head nagging fae to suck it and not be such a fucking coward, Mobius smiles, “If you want me to leave you alone, I will.”
So Loki considers this. That is, after all, what fae wants about 95% of the time.
However, embarrassingly enough, fae sort of has come to prefer the attention of faer companion. Fae hates him a little bit for it.
“Do you mind if I hold your hand?” Loki asks then, surprising faerself, and Mobius perhaps, but maybe he’s just hiding it. The request for affection sounds strange in faer mouth. “I just need a moment.”
And will you look at that, the grey haired man has already grabbed faer hand before replying. Softly, simply a hand moving down from faer arm and resting on faer knuckles. Loki decides to latch onto his hand, because screw it. Mobius doesn’t remove it.
“Not at all,” he replies.
This is, by all measurements, very uncommon.
Loki’s holding a complete stranger’s hand, a stranger who offered comfort and fae asked for comfort, a stranger who apparently could see past faer gritted teeth and realise just how scared fae was. 
The turbulence feels like it’s never going to end. Mobius doesn’t say anything, or hum anything, or tap his foot like he did before. Just looks at his little screen and suddenly taps his thumb one time on the back of Loki’s hand, and while fae still can’t breathe, fae does nod to the man offering one of his earbuds to him.
The Beatles, typical.
When Loki counts the minutes of each song, it helps. Fae focuses on the strumming of the guitar and the warmth of the man’s hand in his until fae’s own has stopped shaking completely, and not long after the plane stops, too. 
They’ve passed. The glowing seat belt sign is turned off. A two digit number of passengers rush for the bathrooms. The baby four rows down has stopped crying.
Loki sniffs once, breathes out like faer life depends on it, before realising and extracting faer hand from Mobius’. Fae held onto it for way longer than necessary. The grey haired man just smiles again, however, snaps his fingers and offers fae a piece of gum. “You did great.”
Fae accepts. Why does Mobius feel… safe, somehow? They’ve known each other for seven hours now, goddamnit.
Whatever. Maybe fae can catch sleep for the rest of the trip.
But then, fae only now realises what the man next to fae said earlier, or rather, what he called.
Darling . That’s a nickname. A nickname by a divorced dad who enjoys The Beatles and wears printed shirts and is passionate about jet skis and holds Loki’s hand when fae’s nervous. Alright, then.
To Loki’s and probably everyone’s surprise, those nine hours have suddenly passed surprisingly fast.
Soon enough, they’re preparing for landing and fae’s not feeling like the world’s crashing down and Mobius is chatting again, which fae doesn’t mind at all anymore. Damn that man.
But here they are, on the ground, and faer companion is grabbing his luggage and gestures for Loki to go first, such a gentleman, and he’s smiling so stupidly all the goddamn time, it’s exhausting. Almost.
In fact, Loki’s caught up with Mobius and his chatting and his gestures and faer own thoughts and smile fae can’t hide until a text pops into faer phone, from Thor. Over half of it is emojis, faer older brother is ridiculous, but fae reassures him fae has safely arrived, now fae just has to get to the hotel.
The rehearsal dinner is early in the morning, so fae better get unpacked.
Brunnhilde sends a group of selfies with Jane, too, because you know, couples. Loki being the only single person in their friend group at this point is in no way surprising, and it’s not like fae was eager to bring a date to the wedding, either.
Except… well.
Fae is tragically still staring at Mobius just a little too long when they pick up their suitcases, the conversation dwelled to a comfortable silence already.
The grey haired man must be talking on the phone with his daughter, if the, “I love you,” is any indicator, then he tells a puns that is just so bad fae can hear her laugh from the speaker. He also freaks out about his lost sunglasses until Loki nicely ( very  nicely) points them out on the top of his head.
Okay. Loki’s about to do the stupidest thing in faer life. Here goes nothing.
“Mobius,” fae says as they exit the airport out into the street, fellow tourists bustling alongside them, “I have an… unusual preposition, if that’s alright. If you’re not in a rush?”
Loki finds the nerves bottling up in faerself, for some reason. Fae picks at faer black nail polish before the man turns back to fae with a raised brow and smile perfectly intact.
“I’m all ears,” he grins. Fae may feel a little like floating.
Fae also takes a deep breath before continuing, “Remember my brother’s wedding tomorrow?” It’s more a rhetorical question, but Mobius nods in certainty.
“Well, Thor- my brother, offered me a plus one, of course,” Loki starts out, trying to word it in a way that doesn’t sound absolutely absurd, “I don’t have one, uh… a date. And well, I was wondering if you’d like to come with me.”
The grey haired man raises both his eyebrows now, seeming deep in thought.
Was that weird? It was weird. Can fae even save this, oh god, “I mean, you’re probably busy. Gosh, my apologies, that was stupid-”
“Loki,” Mobius interrupts, a hand on faer upper arm once again, grin turning even bigger and warmer if not just a tiny bit curious. He adjusts the sunglasses on his nose before continuing, “That was far from stupid, I assure you. I will say I’m probably not a good choice for that.”
Loki almost wants to scream. “What do you mean?”
Faer companion has this habit of laughing at himself. Loki still can’t decide if it’s most endearing or annoying.
“I’m just an old fool,” Mobius tells fae. That’s rather infuriating, definitely false, but fae can’t bring faerself to interrupt, everything about the man just signalling softness and familiarity and like an embrace of some kind that fae hasn’t even experienced, “Can’t imagine why someone as… stunning as yourself would want me around, is all.”
Loki softens faer irrational irritation several degrees. The compliment might even cause a blush to rise in faer cheeks, but you take that to your grave.
Fae likes this Mobius, that’s absolutely certain. An old fool, faer ass. Consider that faer new plan, to get to know faer new companion way more than this. Hopefully soon. Hopefully for more than just this vacation, maybe. One can dream.
“Excuse my bluntness,” Loki answers, already reaching out for the man’s hand the same way he did to fae mere hours ago. This is new, and yet, like coming back home. “But I don’t think I’d want anyone else.”
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arts-and-drafts · 4 years
Unexpected Delivery
(This is the start of the Big Brother AU! I made it in fic form since my hand was out of commission at the time!)
Cleo hummed absently as she finished up the last of the DNA samples for the cloning tubes. It was routine by now; she was nearly halfway done cloning the other hermits for her zoo, the growing duplicates catatonic in their seperate tubes.
Cleo thought there was nothing wrong with her quote "questionable" science, but the other hermits seemed uncomfortable whenever she casually brought it up. Which was fine! She was sure they wouldn't mind that she didn't tell them they were being cloned this time. She'd take great care of them! It'd be a great feature of the zoo.
Cleo poured the last sample into an empty tube, having already confirmed the cells were reproducing as expected. She gave a soft smile as the tube filled with the liquid she liked to call "human fertilizer", which would help the clones grow to their correct proportions in the span of a few weeks.
Cleo removed her protective lab gear, carelessly throwing her gloves on the ground. She wasn't alive, there was no danger of hazardous disposal. And her lab was entirely Joe-proof, so not even he could mess this up. There was nothing left to do now but wait.
Cleo started in stunned panic at the last tube. Oh no. No no no.
Instead of a recognizable hermit taking shape by now, it was a small, bean shaped fetus. Something was very very wrong.
The other clones were nearly finished, already clearly resembling Cleo's friends. But instead of a nearly fully grown adult, there was a developing BABY in the last tube.
Cleo was terrified. She had no idea what could've gone wrong. She swabbed each hermits individual bases EXACTLY so this had no chance of happening. What was she going to do?! It was too small to even see any definitive traits of who the parents could be, but even if there was, what was Cleo going to do? Just walk up to them and hand them their accidental test tube baby, sorry and good luck?
Cleo paused her panicked fidgeting. That could actually work. She did just successfully create a scientific breakthrough, accidental or not. Surely that was something no-one could be mad at. All things considered she should be very proud of herself, actually. How hard could taking care of a kid be anyway? Cleo found it relatively easy; that's why she was a teacher before she died, after all. She loved the little buggers.
Surely it would be fine. Everything would be just fine.
Cleo sat in front of the cloning tube, now an artificial womb. The soft green light from the tube shone on Cleo's thoughtful face, her eyes focused on the small little creation growing in front of her.
What a miraculous turn of events.
Mumbo was awoken in the dead of night by something banging on the door to his hobbit hole.
He blearily looked around the bedroom, unsuccessfully trying to blink away the sleep from his eyes. He saw the light from his son's charging cord gently pulsing in the corner of the room, Grumbot still soundly resting in sleep mode. Rain battered the glass ceiling of the two-room house, the trees along the coast lashing in the monsoon-like winds.
The banging at the door came again, and Grian stirred at Mumbo's side. "Whazzit." Grian mumbled without opening his eyes. Mumbo listened intently at the knocks.
"Zombie." Mumbo realized, Grian groaning in annoyance in response. "You geddit." Grian stated, waving a hand vaguely towards the direction of the door. Mumbo sighed exaggeratedly, resigning himself. "It's raining," he complained, but was met with pointedly fake snores from his husband.
Mumbo shook his head with a small smile, pulling back the blanket to swing his legs over the side of the bed. He yawned and stretched as he stood up, shaking out his hands before grabbing his netherite sword from the bedside chest. Zombies weren't terribly dangerous, but Mumbo doubted he could take one on without serious damage if he was sleepy.
He swung open the door to his hobbit hole, sword poised to strike, but stopped suddenly as he recognized Cleo's face staring back at him, sopping wet and holding a mess of blankets. "I guess I was right," Mumbo stammered with a small laugh, not knowing what else to say. "There was a zombie at my door."
"Very funny." Cleo scoffed, wrinkling her nose to signify no harm done. "What--it's the middle of the night, what are you doing here?" Mumbo asked, sheathing his sword and yawning again.
Cleo opened her mouth, but was instantly cut off by a massive thunderclap. The mess of blankets she was holding suddenly came to life, squirming and bawling its lungs out.
Mumbo stared as Cleo frantically shushed the thing in her arms, gently rocking it back and forth. "Is that a baby?!" Mumbo gasped. "I would love to come in, if you don't mind." Cleo said dryly, purposely ignoring his question.
"O-Oh, of course--get out of this weather, goodness--" Mumbo stuttered, moving aside.
"Hold this." Cleo said distractedly, shoving the screaming bundle of soaked blankets into Mumbo's arms after he shut the door to the raging storm. Cleo shook off the water like a dog, spraying Mumbo and his nice furniture with a shower of droplets. "Ack--Cleo, come on!" Mumbo complained over the wailing of the creature in his arms.
"It's fiiine." Cleo responded, wringing out her hair over the doormat. "You can't just say 'it's fine' whenever you do something," Mumbo muttered, knowing he was fighting a losing battle. He turned his attention to the bundle in his arms as Cleo peeled off her soaked striped socks.
Mumbo pulled back the top covering of the screaming heap, revealing what he'd recognized from the beginning; a small human baby, very clearly newborn.
"Is that a baby?" Mumbo looked up to see Grian, out of bed and staring at the poor thing in Mumbo's arms. "Hi Cleo. Oh hi Grian! I'm doing great, thanks for asking!" Cleo flipped her hair back from her face and glared at Grian, the avian sticking his tongue out at her in return.
"Here--can you get new blankets, Gri? These are soaked." Mumbo asked, unconsciously slipping into Dad Mode. He freed the still crying baby from the soaking bundle, unceremoniously dumping the blankets on the floor.
Cleo moved to sit her wet butt on Mumbo's nice couch as he tried to quiet the baby. "Where--where did it come from? Why the middle of the night?" Mumbo stammered, wordlessly handing the child over to Grian, who had returned with clean warm blankets. The baby was dressed in a plain leather tunic, something Grian quickly replaced for an old nightshirt of Grumbot's. It was still too big, but at least it was dry.
Cleo took a breath, clasping her hands together on her knees. Mumbo and Grian sat on the couch across from her, the baby finally quieting from ear-splitting wails to snuffled fussing. "Please explain, Cleo. Who's is it?" Mumbo pleaded, moving a hand through his hair.
"Well, ah, it came from my lab." Cleo began nervously. "Yes, I have a lab." She interjected at Mumbo's surprised look. "And uh. Well, it's yours."
Grian snapped his head up from the baby, having the same shocked-slash-confused look as Mumbo. "Wh--what? Sorry?" Mumbo stammered. "We're both boys." Grian stated stupidly. "Men. We're men." He corrected, going red.
Cleo rolled her eyes. "It's not a traditional baby, dummies. It's a test tube baby. A--an accidental one." Cleo wrung her hands awkwardly at Mumbo and Grian's faces.
"How do you make an accidental test tube baby, Cleo?!" Mumbo exclaimed. He wasn't mad, just--well, extremely confused. "Why were you making a test tube baby in the first place?!" Grian continued. Cleo held her hands up in surrender. "I--okay--I'm making a hermit zoo exhibit! And I'm cloning you! For the zoo! And uh--well, THAT happened." Cleo explained, gesturing at the small being in Grian's lap. "I individually swabbed your bases, so--I'm not really sure how it happened?" Cleo stuttered.
Mumbo stared. "Cleo. We're married. We live together." Mumbo said, holding up his hand to display the ring Grian had made him.
Cleo stared back. "Oh. Well, that would make sense." She rubbed the back of her neck self consciously. "Cleo, you came to the wedding!" Grian stated incredulously. "You were my groomsmaid!!" Cleo winced. "Right. That's right. I remember now." She said apologetically.
"I--anyways. That baby is a perfect mix of your DNA, so--I mean, technically speaking, I managed to create life without the use of traditional means, so you should be not mad, you should be impressed, really." Cleo rambled.
Mumbo opened his mouth and then closed it again. His redstone brain was truly very impressed, actually, but his parent brain took over. "So you just--gave us a baby? We have a baby now, that's it?" He asked, his voice pitching.
Grian gasped quietly next to Mumbo, pulling his attention from an increasingly nervous Cleo. Grian was staring at the baby, who had finally quieted into idle murmuring. "He has your eyes, Mumby." Grian whispered, his voice catching. Mumbo leaned over, startled to see the same shade of red as his staring back at him. "Oh," Mumbo breathed, a strange feeling coming over him.
Grian held out his finger to the baby and was immediately grasped by the tiny thing's button-sized hand, letting out a coo of endearment and peeking the smallest of smiles. The baby was a naked newborn, hardly a day old, but Mumbo was instantly struck by how much the little smile reminded him of Grian.
Mumbo finally looked away from the baby to Cleo, who brandished a smug grin. Mumbo huffed in annoyance he couldn't bring himself to feel.
"Well...he needs a name." Mumbo reluctantly stated, silently accepting the new member to the family that Cleo had brought them. Cleo grinned wider, undoubtedly coming to the same conclusion that he had.
"Jrum--wait." Grian bit on a laugh. "We can't call him Jrumbot, Grian." Mumbo corrected dryly over Cleo and Grian's giggling. "Okay, how about Junior, then?"
Mumbo wrinkled his nose. "That sounds patronizing. And cliche." He disagreed. Grian hummed in thought while their unnamed son sucked on his finger.
"Okay, how about Juni? That's got a nice ring to it," Grian suggested. Mumbo smiled. "You're just saying that because you can't think of another name than Junior." He teased, letting out a laugh when Grian shoved him in response.
"I like Juni." Cleo piped up, visibly more relaxed after knowing they wouldn't be mad at her.
Mumbo looked down at their new son again, his bright red eyes now curiously swiveling around to everything he could see. He was so young, so small and fragile, and yet Mumbo could already see so much life in him.
"Yeah." Mumbo said, swallowing a sudden lump in his throat. "I like Juni too."
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incomingalbatross · 3 years
Chuck (& Casey) fic doc + Chuck divergence aus?
Thank you for asking!
These are both “compilation of ideas” docs rather than fic docs, so I’m actually not sure what’s in them without looking... Let’s see!
“Chuck (& Casey) fic doc” is the first one I started when I got back into Chuck...a couple months ago? whenever that was. It’s the basic list of Chuck fic ideas and notes (mostly revolving around Casey in some way, hence the name) that aren’t big enough to get their own document or easily categorizable into a sub-list. Highlights include:
Ideas for three or four S4 episode tags, focusing on Casey’s arc in that season of “realizing he’s important to other people and accepting Burbank as home.” (My “First Night Back” oneshot would be the first of these, actually.)
Chuck having a big party on his 36th birthday with all his family, and then at some point dropping the revelation on the rest of them that it’s the tenth anniversary of him receiving the first Intersect. Just because that has potential for a lot “then vs now” retrospection on the part of all the characters.
Orion being alive. I’m SET on this idea, in my head if nowhere else.
A lot of different ideas that are basically all iterations of “exploring how much the team’s relationships have grown over the course of the show” (some bullet points just being things I like--instance, any fic that highlights Casey having rubbed off on/been a role model for Chuck and Morgan)
A whole separate list of SG-1 crossover concepts that started from the headcanon of Adam Baldwin’s minor role in SG-1 actually being Casey. These include:
1) Casey getting to introduce his team to the SGC and watch Chuck and Morgan’s nerd brains explode
2) A rogue Goa’uld tries to take Chuck as a host and Casey has to stop it, preferably without revealing the SGC’s existence
3) The reveal that Shaw’s actually been a Goa’uld host since he died in Paris
4) Them finding Bryce in cold storage again, but this time it’s Ancient stasis or something (because the Ring has links to the NID and/or the Goa’uld in this version).
The two universes mesh surprisingly well, honestly! Also, I’d love to just do the character interactions. I’d love to see Casey hanging out with SG-1 as old comrades, and they’d all love Chuck, obviously. Really, it holds a lot of the same appeal as an SG-1/Leverage crossover.
“Chuck divergence aus” is exactly what it says on the tin--a list of different potential canon-divergence points that I think would make fun AU fics. More detail under the cut, because A) this is getting long and B) by the nature of these concepts, there are a lot of spoilers here.
Anything revolving around the end of "First Date" (first ep of S2, where Casey almost assassinates Chuck). Maybe Chuck sees Casey and they talk it out and THEN Sarah comes in, leading to a S2 where Chuck and Casey are deliberately collaborating to keep Chuck alive. Maybe Sarah comes in after Casey's reveal but before he commits himself, so all Chuck knows is that Casey was/is going to kill him and he has to deal with THAT. Maybe the Cipher works fine, and Sarah comes for their date, and Casey hides until something breaks and he sends the two of them on the run instead.
Ellie sees Bryce in the yogurt shop in S2 (something she ALMOST DID in canon) and gets VERY upset because A) he's alive? and B) he is STEALING CHUCK'S GIRL. AGAIN. and then C) does this mean he's Sarah's ex??? How does that happen??? And basically they have to tell her at least 60% of the truth and also she absolutely tears into Bryce Larkin. (I just want Bryce to get yelled at properly.)
S2 AU where Sarah gets fired for being emotionally compromised and doesn’t come back by the end of the episode, so she’s replaced by a meaner agent and Chuck doesn’t find his dad like he did in canon. This could very easily cross the line into excessive emotional whump, but it would be interesting to explore what happens when things are REALLY bad for Chuck and there’s no serendipitous solution to his problems.
A couple different ideas on how things could have gone differently at the end of S2 when the team is divided, and other ways that could have been resolved.
"Chuck vs the Ring" goes without Ellie's wedding being disrupted and everyone goes about their lives. Chuck and Casey are texting buddies now because Chuck can't help himself. Eventually they maybe get pulled back into fighting the Ring? Because it's hard to imagine Chuck NOT being a hero… maybe he and Sarah have to go rescue Casey from something. Bryce is there to be annoying and have his own wrongness about everything rubbed in his face.
Casey doesn't get thrown out a window in that one S4 ep because either Chuck or Sarah just says "nope" to the whole idea (maybe there isn't a platform, maybe Chuck snaps, maybe Sarah isn't willing to risk it). Probably ends with Volkoff firing Sarah? But everyone gets out alive and that's the vital thing. Also there’s a group hug.
Casey gets Intersected with the GRETAs in that one S4 plot! Everything goes worse because now he's actually a mission-oriented robot without the capacity to be affected by other people's feelings…but he breaks through it enough to help Chuck defuse the bomb and then turn in an anti-GRETA report to the higher-ups. Then he gets DE-Intersected and is…very very upset. As are his partners once they have the full picture.
They tranq Intersect!Morgan in S5 and lock him in Castle like three terrible decisions earlier than in canon, and then call in Ellie. I just need a world where Morgan didn't dump Alex via text, really.
Chuck gets the Trojan Horse Intersect, as Decker planned. I don't know what would happen, but I know it would be very very bad and I would like to see it.
No one gets the Trojan Horse Intersect because Casey and Sarah go "NOPE we don't need this, put the Intersect down Chuck" and store them away. I don’t know how much this would change S5′s larger plot in the end, but I’d like to see Chuck’s team tell him they’d rather have him without the Intersect, and maybe get it through his thick skull that he can contribute to the team just as well either way.
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