#music techno alive
disease · 8 months
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lilly-onthevalley · 1 year
Why do you like Daft Punk so much?
First and foremost, I am a creature of habit. I don't change much, I trust what was there in the late 1990s and early 2000s and that for me was Daft Punk.
I grew up with listening to Thomas' records, seeing the blue skinned people in Interstella 5555 hundreds of times, looking at the exo-skeleton of Chucky in Technologic. It's my thing. Add onto the fact that I was taught in French during my first years, French nursery rhymes. Naturally I associate peak musical creation with the French. I love hearing the accent behind the vocals in Human After All, it feels right and normal to me.
Further more, onto more emotional aspects, I feel that even though Daft Punk were masked as Robots or anything other than properly figured human beings, they managed to create the most raw music which included the tenderest parts of humanity from an almost external point of view.
Listen to Something about Us, Instant Crush, Harder Better Faster Stronger, Television Rules The Nation, Veridis Quo or Fragments of time and tell me that those tracks don't appeal to a part of quintessential human life or reference to some of the most mundane factors and concerns we have today. It's amazing to me, or maybe I'm just out of my mind.
I can listen to Daft Punk everyday and not get bored because their music holds a universal truth to me and I'm also a junky for hard techno rave music, so it's a win win.
A little add on that might further help you in understanding my overwhelming bias for anything that came out of the palms of Thomas Bangalter is listening to tapes of him speaking from the past. Sure they're in deep french but there are very good subtitles and translations of both articles and interviews alike if you look hard enough. I agree with him on many topics and I find him so intelligent and wise beyond his years when it comes to music and its importance, impact and culture. His answers also stretch to philosophy, art and sound technology which is also quite interesting to listen to learn about!
You can probably tell I'm really passionate about this, I'll stop here :)
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vyoletz · 2 years
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the cure
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finex09 · 1 year
also this is off topic slightly but smth that i will always find funny is when ppl argue abt edm genres. like the chat for the livestream rn is full of ppl like "UUUGH WHY BASSPOD WHY NOT [insert house or techno stage i forgot their names]!!!!!" when last year everyone was complaining abt basspod NOT having a stream. lmao
please, no ones more pretentious for listening to one genre over the other, but. i do have to agree, i think i wouldve preferred another smaller stage simply bc of the artists tbh
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stevenvenn · 1 year
Orbital (f. Penelope Isles) - Are You Alive? (from Optical Delusion) New release from Orbital! Loving this track with Penelope Isles. Check it out!
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sp00ky-p00ky · 2 years
You pull me in, I don't resist
The time seems to fly, but the clock doesn't tick
I crash into you, we both feel the hit
We both feel the way that our chemicals mix
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bella-goths-wife · 3 months
So if Alastor made a deal with Vs pet before going missing for 7 years how would she be at the hotel?
What would have happened if alastor made a deal with Vs pet before leaving
Warnings: obsession, bad foreshadowing, violence?
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In all honestly, if alastor had ran into you again before disappearing he would have made a deal with you
You intrigued him in a way that he hadn’t felt in years, the familiarity he felt towards you almost made him nostalgic
But let’s say he did offer you a deal on the day you met
It would be something similar to your deal with vox, your soul in exchange for food, water, shelter and protection
He’d give you a small cottage away from the city and close to the cannibal colonies, somewhere where you could live without the worry of being hurt or killed
Your fridge would always be stocked with food every week and you had all the things you could need in the cottage with you
Now you expected there to be a huge workload after you found out what a prominent demon alastor was, but all you had to really do was be his assistant and help him with his broadcasts
You were his assistant for a few weeks before he disappeared and suddenly you were alone again
You were still taken care of in the essential ways, your always had food and water in your little cottage and Rosie checked up on the cottage once a week to make sure you were still alive and safe
But you were lonely, so you started to help out Rosie in the cannibal colony every now and again
And you continued like that for seven years, until alastor finally returned
Rosie had let you know about his return and warned you that he would call on you soon and not to ask him to many questions
It was whiplash for you, one minute you were making some tea in the kitchen and the next you were standing in the hotel lobby with a look of shock
Alastor introduced you to everyone and informed you that you’d be staying at the hotel with him to help Charlie with her vision
You were mainly there to help alastor and be his entertainment, but you did help nifty with chores and even cooked meals for everyone
Charlie was ecstatic to have a younger soul with them and claimed that you’d be perfect for redemption
Her girlfriend, vaggie, on the other hand was extremely cautious around you since you were associated with alastor
Husk knew of you from whispers from some of the other souls alastor owned
At first he pitied you since he knew what it was like to be leashed by alastor, and then he saw how much alastor favoured you and treated you much nicer than he treated any of his other souls
Husk couldn’t help but feel bitter of the fact that he was in a much worse situation than you, but he eventually grew to like you since he understood you were practically a kid compared to him and he wouldn’t wish his fate on anyone
You and angel wouldn’t be as close as you were if you were the Vs pet, but you’d both still be friends
Alastor wouldn’t be fond of sharing you with the rest of the hotel since you were there to be his entertainment, but when he made comments about it and gave you an unnecessary workload he got a very harsh scolding from Rosie
I believe that alastor would become like a mentor to you, almost fatherly but not too much
It’s canon that alastor would be a terrible father but a great mentor so I could see him teaching you how to use your power to its full extent and he’d like combining your powers together
I like to imagine that when you and alastor combine your abilities then it would start off as a 1920s jazz music sound and would contain techno beats when you join in
Your relationship with alastor would be almost parallel to yours and vox if you were the Vs pet
It would be less cruel and you’d be much happier, but there would still be a hint of obsession in the relationship
Alastor would definitely be somewhat possessive of you in a certain way, the same way a male deer is protective of its children
He’d like getting to know you and finding out what the connection was between you to
The Vs would absolutely despise you since you were associated with alastor and the first time they met you was through one of Vox and alastors fights
So overall I think you’d be much happier and safer with alastor but that doesn’t exclude you from still feeling like a pet
But at least with this path, you’d have a chance at redemption for you
That’s if alastor didn’t drag you back from the pearly gates by a leash
“And this little dear is my darling assistant” is the first thing you hear as your pulled from the shadows, you could recognise that voice anywhere.
One minute you were stood in your lovely kitchen and now your stood trying to take in what seems to be a hotel.
You try and hide your surprise as you turn to find your owners crazed grin staring down at you.
“What am I doing here alastor?” You question with a confused tone. You know you shouldn’t question him, Rosie had warned you against it, but you couldn’t help your curiosity “where have you been?”
Alastors eye twitches in what seems to be irritation as he stares down at you, you could see a cat demon behind alastor wince in what looked like fear before alastor wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
“Nevermind that, my little doe” alastor says with an over exaggerated laugh “I’ve brought you here because Charlie here has an idea to redeem demons, truly laughable I know but I’ve taken it upon myself to help her achieve this pipe dream”
Alastor laughed with radio static as a background before turning you to look at him once again.
“And I knew I wouldn’t be able to do it without my dearest little fawn” alastor said with a grin as his claws pinched your cheek in what could be seen as threatening or playful, you gave up guessing a long time ago “so from now on you’ll be staying here and helping me with this hotel, okay dear?”
You simply nodded at his question, knowing you had no grounds to refuse your owner. You had to play the loyal pet once again.
“Perfect” alastor said with pep in his tone as he let go of you and face you in the direction of the bar “now run along and get to know the others while I talk with Charlie about your rooming arrangements, I’ll call you back when I need you”
You nodded as you begin walking to the bar and you take a seat next to an extremely tall spider man who eyes you with curiosity. You’re in front of the cat demon from earlier who also regards you with intrigue.
“Hi” you say almost shyly as your ears remain pinned against your head, you hadn’t talked to someone other than Rosie or alastor since you made your deal and this entire experience was outside your comfort zone.
“Heya toots” the spider demon spoke unsurely as he looked down at you “where’s smiles been keepin’ you then?”
“Hm?” You make a questioning sound as your head tilts in a confused manner
“He means he’s not seen you around, no one has” the cat demon clarifies with a gruff tone “it’s weird for alastor not to cash in on a favour from his souls, angel here wants to know where alastors been keepin’ you”
“Oh” you say with a confused look “I don’t think he’s kept me hidden exactly”
“Well I only heard about you through whispers, but I assumed it was just rumours” husk responds gruffly “no one knew alastor had an assistant until a few days ago when he mentioned bringing you here”
“Didn’t think smiles had it in him” the spider, angel, comments before looking you up and down “your a bit young for him though, don’t ya think husk”
Husk nods cautiously as he takes in your appearance, you couldn’t have been been more than eighteen.
“It’s not like that” you assure with a mildly disturbed face at the thought of the insinuation
“Than what are you to smiles toots?” Angel asked curiously “because he certainly seemed fond of you”
You think for a moment on how to explain your connection with alastor before speaking cautiously
“Well, I’m his-“ you were about to answer but alastors call interrupted you.
“My dear” alastor called for you “don’t you think it’s time you and I set up for a broadcast”
You nod as you abandon the two demons to walk beside alastor on his way to his radio station, like a loyal mutt being called back into the house.
“I think it’s time I show that pesky TV that radio still lives” alastor comments as he puts his hand on your shoulder and guides you “and with my perfect little assistant, I’m sure my broadcast will be as great as ever”
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okimnerdy · 5 months
Trolls Headcannons
(BROZONE Edition)
[Hi yes. Welcome to another fixation.]
•The brothers got out of the troll tree BEFORE it got caged in by the Bergens. They only heard about the outer trolls being hunted, but never thought it would make it to the main settlement. All of them believed that Branch and Grandma were still alive.
•The brothers knew of other genres of music, even dabbling into a few of them. JD and Clay enjoyed techno and funk. Bruce enjoyed classical. Floyd enjoyed rock. No one really fancied country music.
John Dory
°JD felt like the group had to be perfect and loved due to their parents. Their parents (before they got "chosen" or before leaving after the last kid was born) had a wish-wash way of parenting, only giving positive attention when the boys did something of merit.
°JD acted more like a parent than a brother, assigning roles he felt fit his brothers in order to give them a better foothold in their life and career in the group. He blamed himself if they didn't seem to succeed.
° JD hasn't truly showered in like 10 years. Man is a "water's clean" kind of guy, and was promptly held down by his brothers for a cleaning. Rhonda helped by essentially being a pressure washer.
°JD found Rhonda as a baby pill bug and didn't expect her to get so big. He felt a little bad decorating her once she was big enough to house him, fearing that he was hurting her.
°Bruce let go of his ripped image because of Brandi's cooking. This man fell in love with her food THEN her. He felt at ease with her, especially since she didn't know Brozone.
°Bruce grew his hair out for his little girl to play with since her brothers won't. He lets her put little braids and clips in from time to time, and he wears them proudly.
°Clay tried to go back for Branch during the escape, but got caught in a wave of escaping trolls. After seeing the collapsed tunnels, he believed that his family got out safely even though he never truly knew for nearly 20 years.
°Clay made it to other Troll settlements and became a CPA after leaving Brozone and before he attempted to go back.
°Clay bonded with Viva over the loss of family due to the split™. He would share all these stories about Branch and she would try to do the same for Poppy, even though she was barely a year old when they got separated.
°Clay's little admin hut actually is bigger on the inside. He dug out a little living space underneath to hold his bed, desk, and a small kitchenette. Its like his own little bunker.
°Floyd did a self-discovery journey through the other genres. He hung around the rock and country trolls the longest due to them being more land-based tribes, even though country trolls don't particularly like visitors.
°Floyd made a name for himself in the indie scene, eventually making his way to Mount Rageous where he had a new contract in the works. He had hoped this small push would bring his family back.
°Floyd suffers from muscle spasms and PTSD after his time in the bottle. Branch was kind enough to help develop a wheelchair and other mobility aids for him to use in the jungle gym called Pop Village.
°Floyd experiences fatigue easier. One of the brothers is always ready to be a pillow or a helping hand when he needs to rest. Poppy goes to him when she wants to know what else the village can do for others like him.
°Branch's muted color is due to his many years in the gray. He still feels the effects of the fight™ and grandma's capture, and personally blames himself from time to time. He leans on Poppy and his brothers who assure him that things are okay. No one really knows if he'll fully get back to his bright blue.
°Branch kept an item from each brother, even if they don't know it. They're buried somewhere in storage. He only wears Floyd's vest cause he missed him the most and held no animosity to him.
°Branch knows exactly how to deal with his nephews and niece when their energy gets too high because of Poppy. Sometimes, he'll ask her to help since she already teaches the younger trolls in the village.
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Bad batch Hc- Love Languages
So I have this theory that everyone's love language for giving and receiving aren't necessarily the same... Unless you're Hunter.
Giving: Acts Of Service
Hunter isn't always the best with words and sometimes can't be around other people with his hypersensitivity, but he can show his love for you by doing little things every now and then. He might do your assigned chore for the week that you really hate. He'd make sure to grab that favorite fruit of yours from Naboo after a mission there. He'd make sure to note the things that get on your nerves or stress you out, and actively try to avoid them. If you need the boys distracted so you can have some quiet time alone, he's your man.
Receiving: Acts of Service Just as I said he's not always down for physical touch or quality time. He's not really a big fan of gifts either, he's never sure what to do with them, and words are just words after all. But he's absolutely head over heels for you when he catches on to all the little things you do for him. His heart skips a beat when he comes back out of the 'fresher after a particularly messy mission and his gear has already been wiped down. He always chuckles to himself when he finds the ration bars you snuck into his pockets for when Wrecker won't stop complaining about being hungry. And when he finds you reading to Omega to get her to sleep...he swears right there he's going to marry you someday.
Giving: Quality Time
After the Citadel, Echo is not the man he used to be. His confidence with words were cut out of him at the Techno Union along with his limbs. However, he knows how to be quiet and listen. He did a lot of it at the Rishi base, and you couldn't grow up with Fives and not be good at sitting silently while someone talks. He's happy to just sit and watch you talk about your day or even rant about that one thing that grinds your gears about the others. He's also content to just sit in silence, reading or working as you do the same. He's not confident enough for some things, but by the Maker he knows he can show and listen like no other.
Receiving: Words of Affirmation/Physical Touch This man is about as touch starved and insecure about his body as you can get. When Tech said he was more machine than man percentage wise, he silently cried himself to sleep that night. He needs to hear daily how much you care, not only to reassure him you want him, but to ground him to the present. Even if it's just a "Hey, handsome" in passing, it's enough to make his stomach flutter and a little color come back to his cheeks. At first he'd be very skittish about physical touch. He'd worry that his limbs are uncomfortable or you'd feel differently once you physically felt all his prostheses. However, once you two got over that bump, it'd be what he craved most. He wouldn't care if it was barely brushing knuckles while standing next to him, or waking up in your arms in the morning. Stars, if you combined the word with physical touch...snuggly pep talks or praise in the bedroom...he's a goner.
Giving: Gifts
Tech understands that most of what he thinks to say isn't very romantic and while physical touch is nice, it's not always very practical. But Tech is very proud of his engineering skills and realizes how happy it makes those around him. The first time you complain about needing music he makes a note of supplies to scavenge for a radio. That man will never be over your face when he finally presents it to you. The shocked gasp, eyes alight, arms thrown around him in excitement as you squealed how much you loved it. If that had been his last day alive, he would've died a happy man. But now that he knows how you react, he takes every opportunity to present you with little trinkets and gifts. Need a new holster for your blaster? Give him a day. Looking bored while waiting for a new assignment from Cid? He'll grab a few spare bits and bobs from his pocket and make a spinning toy right at the bar.
Receiving: Quality Time While he lives to give you gifts, Tech doesn't need or want anything he can't or hasn't already made himself. Words of affirmation are kind of pointless...he knows that he's a good man and treats people fairly. What Tech really loves the most though, are the quiet moments together. Most of the time you aren't talking or even looking at each other, but having your calming presence in the room as he works is all he wants. If you're competent enough to hand him tools or assist him on projects, the man could kiss you right there. Nothing is more attractive to him than the sight of you wearing his goggles, working on the Marauder's engine beside him.
Giving: Physical Touch Even in all his goofy absentmindedness, Wrecker is entirely aware of how big he is. And despite his namesake and his love for explosives, he's the softest man in the galaxy. He can tell just by the way his enemies fear his size, it comforts those who are close to him. He would do anything to make you feel safe and protected. He loves sneaking an arm around during briefings, or a hug before leaving for a mission. Kisses on the top of your head are his personal way of apologizing for his antics while simultaneously pointing out how short you are compared to him. If you're ever frightened, he won't hesitate to wrap his whole body around you like armor and say, "Cyare, 'm never gonna let anything happen to you."
Receiving: Gifts
I mean there probably was a time before gifts were his favorite, but once he got Lula, (and I firmly believe she was a secret gift from Cross) that was it. He sometimes struggles to remember the little things so it always amazes him how much you remember. You always have a carton of Mantell mix ready after a mission. Every time you get the chance to help him pet some small fuzzy creature, he's so happy he could cry. He tends to prefer food and comfort items, but even if you bring him a rock and say, "It reminded me of you," he goes weak at the knees.
Giving: Physical Touch
Crosshair, as usual, doesn't operate the same way as his squad. The physical touch he gives isn't the same as Wrecker's or as Echo recieves. If he said how much he needs you aloud, it would make it true and in doing so, make him vulnerable. On the other hand, he can easily grab your ass or shove you against the wall for a kiss. His snark puts everyone off, he's painfully aware of that. But he's equally aware of his body and the sensations he can offer you. He knows exactly how to make you feel desired without uttering a word, and he loves to see you slowly faltering in your composure around him. His ego needs that stroke, and needs it often.
Receiving: Words of Affirmation/Quality Time Being the sassy asshole he is, Crosshair spends a lot of time alone and in silence. While he likes the silence and peace, he admits (only to himself) that it can be lonely. Having a partner who seeks out his presence but doesn't have to speak to or do anything with him to enjoy their time, it's all he's ever wanted in a relationship. However, what he never knew he wanted was the kind words you'd speak about him. All his life he'd been the asshole, the one everyone tells to shut-up and calls grumpy. The first time you tell him how good of a man he is, he has to physically turn away to keep his composure. No one had ever spoken that way to him or about him before. If he overheard you speaking kindly of him to someone else, he'd be strangely cuddly that night. He wouldn't try to take things further than kissing and tracing circles on your back while he holds you, and he wouldn't explain either. He just needs you to feel that same kindness in the only way he knows how to communicate it.
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disease · 8 months
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anarchy-and-piglins · 8 months
Technoblade knew the gods were expecting his arrival from how the path opened up to welcome him. 
Trees bent away, vines with thorns burrowed into the soft ground at his approach. Techno hauled the bag with offerings up on his shoulder and carefully stepped forward.
He could feel the divinity that lingered in the air here like a physical thing, alive. It wound itself around him, before settling on his shoulders with unexpected weight. But whatever it found there must not be a bad thing. Because the path remained open and Techno found no resistance as he made his way up to the temple.
He was very aware of the fact that he was treading ground that had not seen human feet in centuries. After the gods retired, they were left alone. Nobody was dumb enough to bother a bunch of deities that had let it be known in no uncertain terms they were done quarreling in mortal affairs. Nobody, except the rulers of Techno's country. 
They had come up with the grand idea to send the reclusive gods some gifts. And that - hopefully - would soften them up enough to lend an ear to their desperate plea for more power against their enemies. A plea that Techno was chosen to deliver, picked from among the regiment of royal guards for this important task.
His boots made soft, ringing noises against the marble steps. As he walked the long anteway that led into the heart of the temple, it seemed deserted. Yet Techno swore he could hear the echoes of laughter and the light music of a guitar. He could feel the gaze of curious eyes on him. The youngest of these gods, the sons of the chosen. One with a domain of mischief and fire, the other ruling over music and transformation. 
Yeah, Techno was not an idiot. He had done his research.
At long last the hallway came upon the throne room. The ceiling was high enough that Techno could barely see it, only the tapestries of black silk and woven stars that gleamed from above him. The Goddess of Death looked down at him with a tepid smile. On her left, there was a chair for her husband, her angel. He lounged upon it much like a mortal would: with crossed legs and relaxed posture.
Both of them seemed pretty chill at first glance, but Techno knew how deceiving that could be. He would need to follow all codes of polite conduct if he didn't want to risk the wrath of a god who felt slighted.
So he took to one knee, the bag sliding off his shoulder onto the ground with a light thud from all the gold and precious gemstones inside. Treasures worth more than Techno could earn in a lifetime.
"Our Lady," he said, addressing the divine with the highest power. "I have come from the lands of Hypixel to humbly request you accept their gift."
A heavy silence hung over the room, Techno kept his eyes on the polished floor throughout it. 
"A gift?" Her voice was clear as crystal glass, sweet as spun sugar. "Well, don't be shy then. Come closer, dear."
Techno stood and felt himself move before conscious thought was put to the action. As if it was not fully by choice. He swallowed, glancing at the bag of trinkets forgotten behind him as he stepped closer to the throne before kneeling again.
The Goddess of Death inclined her chin, looking down at him. Her eyes were deep purple. Techno felt he could get lost in them.
Then she waved her hand and before Techno could blink, the angel stood before him. His large black wings were spread behind him, though the feathers only ruffled softly when fingers settled on his chin. His face was tilted up.
"What is your name?" The angel asked.
Techno wanted to tell them it was irrelevant. He was only an envoy, here to deliver a cargo and leave. His lips were moving before that thought could properly form.
"Technnoblade, sir."
The angel's smile spread into a wicked grin. "Oh no, none of those formalities, mate. Not if we're keeping you." He looked over his shoulder. "Love, you're seeing what I'm seeing, right?"
"I do believe so," Lady Death said. Then she sighed, amused. "My, how hypocritical of us. We did tell them we wanted nothing to do with them anymore."
"They fucking knew. But they tried anyway." A thumb pressed into Techno's cheek. He knew he should be scared, in the presence of such overwhelming power. Something in his brain refused to connect. Those purple eyes watched him, read him. They saw him.
"Well, we can't fault them when the gift they send us is this perfect." When the Goddess spoke, it was with such fondness in her voice.
Techno blinked, confused. The bag of offerings was not even a blip on their radar anymore.
"Indeed," her angel agreed. He finally let go, only to pull Techno up by the elbow instead. His fingers stayed there, curled around tightly. "I will let the mortals know that we accept their gift. And that we'll take very good care of him."
AKA: Dark SBI AU where Techno is an envoy sent to deliver a gift to the gods. Except the gods mistake him for the gift and decide they're quite happy to keep him.
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Halloween prompts no. 25
Nightwing came across some supernatural entities walking down the dark streets of Bludhaven. Upon confronting them he found out they were sloshed beyond belief and in a great mood. After chatting with them, they revealed they had just come from a party full of other supernatural beings and told him he should go too.
After getting the location from them he went on his way to investigate. If this party was harmful then he'd shut it down, if not, well. It had been a while since he cut loose.
Arriving at the location he found a bit more than just a party, but a full supernatural rave! It was hard to see past the darkness and the colorful lights shows, but everything was actually covered in a thick layer of ice. The walls, the floors, the cielings, heck, even the electronics, lights and discoballs were made of the stuff. It wasn't very cold to the touch and wasn't slick at all so he let it go for now.
The techno music began to wind down as a figure walked onto the stage in the back and people from the various dance floors and platforms cheered. Appearently the preformer had left for a bit on a break but was ready to start up again.
After greeting the crowd and hyping them up a bit he jumped straight into a new song called Monster Disco, a playful upbeat halloweenish tune that soon had Dick bopping to the beat. Nightwing did not expect for the spotlight to land on him or for him to be peer pressured into dancing by a bunch of excited mythical creatures, but superhero life is just like that.
Besides. He had a lot of moves to show off. His siblings didn't call him "Discowing" just for the old suit after all ;)
He knew he was being recorded even before the crowds parted to make a ring around him and the preformer. The kid looked around 14 or so, maybe younger and glowed with a soft white light. He looked ethereal and dick just wanted to ruffle his hair. He did so and got an indignant squad for his efforts and a challenge to a dance off. It was great and they wound up just dancing together in the end anyway.
Turns out the kids name was "Phantom", an obvious fake name but whatever, and his goal with the traveling party was for monsters and humans to have a good time without worrying about what society thinks of them. He confessed he was a type of undead and that he had a really hard time withing the first few years after his death, especially once he discovered he wasn't aging and couldn't pretend to be alive for much longer. This party was ment to bring joy to the people who came to it. Dick could understand that, he used to be in the circus after all. He spotted another camera on the icy cieling and waved at it.
He wondered what his family would say when they saw the video.
Nightwing was declared missing three days later.
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choerrypuffs · 2 years
fast times.
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pairing: co-worker!donghyuck x reader
genre: fluff, slight angst
word count: 7.6k
synopsis: throughout the snapshots of your life, lee donghyuck is always there. (or, you realize that you’re in love with the bane of your existence.)
author’s note: i started grad school and it’s literally eating me alive so i wanted to write something short and sweet to de-stress and then it ended up being almost 8k words 😭
warning(s): excessive drinking, family tension
playlist: fast times by sabrina carpenter ― the bottom by gracie abrams ―  stress by taeyeon ― ruin my life by zara larsson ― cruel summer by taylor swift 
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ST. PATRICK’S DAY 2022  sun’s up too soon like daylight savings, mixed emotions are congregating 
Liquid courage, as the poets say.
Well, don’t fact check that, but surely Wordsworth or Coleridge or whichever poet that Taylor Swift talks about in the lakes mentioned something about getting shitfaced during a St. Patrick’s Day office party.
Regardless, you’re going to pretend like they did because it’s a lot less romantic (lowercase r, not capital like the movement) if you’re just drunk off your ass at an office party without an artsy-fartsy literary reference to back you up.
You’re one too many shots of tequila deep, swaying to the shitty techno music that someone is blasting from their pretentious Spotify playlist while stumbling past the office cubicles, including yours and He Who Shall Not Be Named’s, on your wobbly trip to the bathroom.
Despite the copious amounts of alcohol in your system, the remaining coherent part of your brain is sounding the alarms that you’re probably going to throw up soon. You wish that part of your brain would just shut the hell up because you don’t want to think rationally right now.
You don’t want to think about He Who Shall Not Be Named and how he’s in love with your best friend. You don’t want to think about how his eyes found her the moment she walked into the office, how his gaze melted into a pool of honey, his head swiveling towards every direction she went like a stupid bobblehead. Not that you blame him; everyone is in love with Karina. It’s not his fault, but you’re mad at him anyways.
Ugh, see? You’re thinking about him again.
Anyways, you’re also grateful for that part of your brain because the poets definitely do not write about spewing chunks in front of your co-workers. You just want to hurl in peace and wallow in your misery with the porcelain toilet bowl by your side.
The poets probably wrote about that.
You finally make it to the hall where the bathrooms are, having steady yourself against the wall as you make your way down because walking in a straight line has become a luxury. However, you only get about five steps (at least you think it’s five, numbers are hard) when someone grabs your arm. You don’t even realize your legs are in the process of buckling until there’s a pair of hands supporting your waist to keep you upright.
“Jesus, Y/N,” someone breathes in relief, exhaling loudly.
You’d recognize that condescending tone anywhere.
He Who Shall Not Be Named carefully leans you against the wall, one hand still on your waist while the other removes the bottle of Jack Daniels that you didn’t even know you were clinging onto from the nook of your arm. With one smooth motion, he tosses the bottle into the trashcan and doesn’t even flinch when the bottle very audibly shatters inside.
“I know you’re a loyal worshiper of mine, but just Y/N is fine,” you slur, not sounding nearly as cool as you’d hope, “though it’d be pretty fucking funny if you washed my feet.”
He huffs and pauses, like he’s debating on whether or not he should say what he wants to say next. And because he’s a piece of shit, he says it:
“For the record, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. Not the other way around.”
You groan, shoving him hard. He barely budges, so most of the force in your shove kicks back to you. Feeling yourself tip forward, you grab his shoulders out of instinct to avoid busting your head open against the hard tile. In the process, your forehead slams into his chest, and he lets out a soft grunt. His hands grip your elbows, fingertips warm against your even warmer skin.
“I hate you,” you sniffle, burying your face in his shirt. He smells exactly like a fluffy towel that just came out of the dryer. “You’re tactless and you never let me win and you have shitty taste in movies.”
“And you’re drunk,” he replies nonchalantly, “Why do you drink so much when you’re such a lightweight?”
“You don’t deserve Karina,” you continue angrily.
He actually laughs at that. “Okay, young lady. I’m going to drive you home now. Come on.”
You lift your head so fast that you nearly slam it into his jaw; luckily, he sees it coming and steps back before you can knock his teeth out.
“Don’t,” you hiss, poking his chest. “I don’t want you to drive me home. Don’t drive me home unless…”
He raises an eyebrow. “Unless what?”
“Pretty boys can never be trusted,” you hiccup.
“I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about, but let’s continue this discussion when you’ve sobered up,” he sighs, crossing his arms. “And when you are sober and realize that you don’t want to talk about this anymore, like I suspect you’ll do, I’ll even pretend like this conversation never happened because I am a gentleman.”
“Do you think I’m pretty?” you whisper blearily.
You’re wearing a green t-shirt that has “Kiss me, I’m Irish” plastered across the chest in big, bold white letters. You borrowed it from Karina when you realized you didn’t have any green in your closet. Of course, only Karina would look good in something like this, but you really didn’t want to be pinched the entire night. Someone had plastered four-leaf clover stickers all over your face, though you’re not sure how many of them are still on at this point. Your makeup should be intact since you haven’t been sweating, even if you probably have mascara residue under your eyes. You’ve certainly looked better, but this definitely isn’t the worst state you’ve been in.
It’s a stupid question though, really. No matter how pretty you are, he’s already chosen Karina.
When you glance back up at him, he looks like one of those cartoon characters that have two perfect red circles on their cheeks when they blush.
You haven’t seen him this flustered in a long time. He’s always had this smug, impenetrable mask of an expression that you want to punch off his face―like he’s constantly one step ahead of you in something.
You want to take out your phone and take a picture of his expression so badly.
Instead, you hunch over and throw up on his expensive shoes.
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VALENTINE’S DAY 2018 my feelings used to be serrated, but you speak in such a perfect cadence
Pretty boys should never be trusted.
That is your ultimate mantra in life.
Especially pretty boys that claim to be “nerdy.” The ones that smell nice and aren’t misogynistic but also like games and anime and know how to code. The ones that wear indie band t-shirts and actually enjoy the band but don't care if you wear the same t-shirt just because you like the aesthetic. The ones that wear rings on their fingers and metal-rimmed glasses on the tip of their noses.
The ones that other girls would claim were “written by women.”
It’s all a trap.
If anything, they’re worse than the obnoxious frat boy chads. At least those are straightforward about what they want. Nerdy pretty boys are professional manipulators, meticulously slicing your heart into thin little pieces to use as a garnish for their own ego.
So when the new intern swaggers into the office, hands tucked into the pockets of his designer slacks, your Pretty Boy senses start to tingle.
He’s wearing a crisp white button-up (not a band tee since he’s at work), and he’s got rings on his fingers and metal-rimmed glasses right on the tip of his nose. His hair is a little curly and falls into his eyes in that messy but charming look. He’s got a round face and pouty lips, looking just sweet enough to disarm someone.
After he walks in, the CEO of the company follows, and now everything makes sense.
“Everyone, this is my grandson, Donghyuck,” Mr. Lee explains, smiling warmly.
Nepo baby, you realize, fighting the urge to roll your eyes.
“I want you all to know he won’t be getting any special treatment,” Mr. Lee says firmly, “He will have to work his way from the bottom, just like everyone else.”
Right, that’s why you’re personally introducing him to us, you think wryly.
After receiving a load of ass kissing from the employees, Mr. Lee finally leaves, and your team leader points Donghyuck to the empty cubicle right next to yours. He strolls over with an ease as if he owns the building (he technically does) and takes a seat. He smiles at you, though it reads as more of a smirk than a good-natured smile.
“Hi, I’m Donghyuck.”
When he looks at you, he does so with his whole body. His lanky frame is completely angled towards you as he unabashedly drinks in your side profile with his mischievous, twinkly eyes. The way he stares at you with such intrigue makes you jittery, and you keep your line of sight glued to your computer screen, refusing to indulge him even through your peripheral.
He’s deploying his Pretty Boy tactics, you warn.
“I know,” you snap back. You don’t mean to come off that aggressively, but you just know he’s trouble. In an attempt to remedy your curt response, you softly tack on, “I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.”
“You don’t like me very much, do you?” Donghyuck asks, the quirked grin on his face growing.
You blink in surprise. You were not expecting him to say it so straightforwardly. “I…just met you.”
“You’re not answering the question.” He tilts his head, though he doesn’t seem particularly bothered by it. Rather, he probably already knows the answer.
You’re not sure what to say to that, and Donghyuck doesn’t try to continue the conversation either. Instead, he begins to unpack his stuff and set up his work space. When he turns on his personal laptop, you see League of Legends downloaded onto it.
Like the standard pretty boy, he starts hanging up an indie band poster, along with some anime ones you don’t recognize and―a Twilight poster.
Your eyes nearly pop out of your head when you see it. Men, even the pretty boys who are trying to make themselves as appealing to girls as possible, rarely ever admit to watching, much less enjoying, Twilight.
Okay, so maybe your Pretty Boy tingle got one thing wrong, but it doesn’t change the fact that he checks most of the Pretty Boy boxes―
“Are you Team Edward or Jacob?” Donghyuck asks, an amused smile tugging at his lips.
You have no one else to blame but yourself for snooping, but you still grow hot from your face to the tips of your ears and all the way down your neck.
“I’m Team Charlie,” you reply breezily, sounding pretty calm for someone who’s screaming on the inside.
His eyebrows slightly raise, and he just laughs quietly to himself.
You relish in that tiny victory.
As it turns out, Donghyuck is an extremely fast learner.
And despite being a nepo baby, he puts his money where his mouth is. He picks things up extremely quickly and utilizes everything he has learned efficiently. In fact, he’s doing so well that he’s starting to threaten your position as the office’s favorite intern.
And of course, on today of all days, you fuck up.
Another intern messed up the report, and you somehow overlooked it while you were checking. However, the responsibility falls on your shoulders because it was your job to make sure the report was correct. You get viciously chewed out by your team leader, and you’re guaranteed to have to work overtime to fix everything.
Ultimately, it is your mistake, and you’re not disputing that; you just know that you’re being made an example of so the office can look good in front of the CEO’s grandson.
So, while everyone is gathering their stuff to leave, you’re the only one still at your cubicle, fingers clicking away on the keyboard. Your eyelids are already starting to droop, despite the fact that you have at least a couple hours left of work. Giving yourself a couple of smacks on the cheeks, you try to shake away the brain fog and keep going.
You’re so immersed that you almost don’t notice Donghyuck set down a cup of coffee on your desk.
“I bought two for myself, but I think you need it more than me,” he admits, actually seeming a little sympathetic.
“Thanks,” you say, a little wary but still appreciative. You’re too tired to even question his motives.
He gives you a wave before leaving. Once he’s gone, you turn back to your computer and start to work again. You nearly forget about the coffee until you pause to take a big stretch, noticing it in your peripheral. Picking it up, you notice there’s a message scrawled on it.
happy valentine’s day! maybe i’ll grow on you :)
You smile, but only a little bit. Only because he’s a little cute.
When you finally take a sip, you nearly spit it all over your computer screen.
It’s so bitter that it sends a shudder throughout your whole body. You start to cough, feeling like even a single drop of that coffee getting in your system is going to make your short circuit. You’re not even sure if this poison could be considered black coffee. It might be actual black tar. Frantically digging through your drawers to find some candy or gum to offset the bitterness, you begin to curse Donghyuck in your head.
When you finally find a half-melted caramel cube and pop it into your mouth, it occurs to you that Donghyuck didn’t even have a cup of coffee in his hands even though he said he bought two.
“That asshole,” you whisper.
Cracking your knuckles and rolling your neck, you start to type again with a renewed vigor, thinking of all the ways you were going to make Donghyuck pay to power you through the rest of the night.
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ST. PATRICK’S DAY 2022  sun’s up too soon like daylight savings, mixed emotions are congregating
You’re not sure how He Who Shall Not Be Named manages to clean himself up and wrangle you into his car in such a short timespan, but he does it. Most of it is a blur to you, though you do recall him throwing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carrying you through the parking garage after you started trying to fistfight him.
Now, you’re leaning your head against the cool window, watching all the buildings whizz by, as he drives in silence. Well, not complete silence. Music is being softly played on the radio. It’s that stupid indie band he likes, and you hate that you know exactly what song it is. You remember it from last time.
I’ve only been in his car twice, including now, you think groggily to yourself.
He must really like this song.
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APRIL FOOLS 2019 three stories up here contemplating, but what the fuck is patience?
“Is this some sort of sick April Fools’ joke?” you demand.
“Come on, Y/N. Surely, you don’t think a prank of mine would be this lame,” Donghyuck retorts, offended.
The two of you are fighting again. At this point, it’s a daily occurrence in the office. In fact, Karina likes to say that the official work day doesn’t really start until you and Donghyuck start going at each other’s throats. You feel bad that everyone has to constantly deal with your bickering, but Donghyuck asks for it every time.
“You can’t just take someone else’s client,” you say through gritted teeth, wanting to smack that insufferable look right off his face.
“I didn’t take anything,” he corrects haughtily, “I was assigned your client, who is now my client. Take it up with the team leader.”
“The team leader would suck a fart out of your ass if you asked him to,” you hiss back.
He shrugs like you have a point.
“Fine,” you snap, grabbing your bag. “I’ll go talk to my client myself. I’ll get them to request to be transferred back to me.”
Before marching out, you grab the coffee on your desk and down it all in one go. It’s been sitting there for a couple hours, so it’s ice cold. The cold temperature in combination with the extreme bitterness is just the right mixture to light a fire in you.
Unfortunately, that fire is dimmed when you step foot outside and realize it’s thunderstorming heavily. The wind howls so piercingly that it almost hurts your ears, and the onslaught of rain is so strong that you can barely see the cars on the streets. You weigh your options: you have no car, there’s no way you can wait for a bus, and there sure as hell aren’t going to be any available taxis.
Just as you begrudgingly decide to do the walk of shame back into the office and wait out the storm, you hear a loud honk and see an obnoxiously red Ferrari pull up. The tinted window rolls down, and you find yourself staring at nepo baby Lee Donghyuck.
“Need a ride?” he shouts over the pouring rain.
“Not with you!” you holler back, turning to go back inside.
“Are you really going to wait it out?” he teases. “Their office closes in twenty minutes.”
You want to keep walking and ignore him, but your traitorous feet plant themselves on the concrete and refuse to let you take another step.
“Thanks for the new client, I guess!” he continues in a sing-song voice. A car behind him beeps, and you hear his window roll back up as he slowly starts to drive away.
“Damn it,” you mutter. Not giving yourself to think, you whirl around and dash out into the rain. Luckily, he decided to leave at a snail’s pace, so you have time to fling his car door open and slip inside.
Even though you were only in the rain for a few seconds, you’re soaked to the bone. Your pants make a squish noise when you settle yourself into his expensive leather seat. You want to make a joke about ruining his seats, but your teeth are chattering too hard for you to even speak.
Donghyuck reaches over and turns your seat warmer on before also blasting the heater. Your thin blouse has become see-through, and you awkwardly cross your arms over your chest, hoping he hasn’t noticed. Unfortunately, he has noticed, judging by the way he loudly clears his throat and reaches into the backseat to give you his hoodie.
“Thank you,” you say quietly, pulling it over your head before slipping your arms through. The sleeves are too long, so you roll them up to your wrists. His hoodie smells like fabric softener.
“No problem.” His voice cracks.
Neither of you say anything after that, only the sound of the rain pitter-pattering against his car filling in the silence. Eventually, he turns on the radio.
It’s a song you don’t recognize, but you deduce it’s from one of his indie bands when he starts humming along. You’re not even sure he’s aware that he’s doing it, though you don’t really mind. He’s not a bad singer, and you actually enjoy the song.
The two of you spend the remainder of the drive just listening to music, neither of you really feeling the need to speak. It’s a calm, comfortable silence―something that you never thought would be achievable between you and him. Rather, you wish you had more moments like this.
By the time you arrive at your client’s office, the rain has stopped. You assume he’s going to leave after dropping you off because it’s not raining anymore, and especially since the meeting ends up lasting way past the office’s closing, but you see his Ferrari still there when you come back out.
Walking over to him, you knock on the window.
“You didn’t have to wait up,” you say when he rolls it down, slightly touched.
“You have my hoodie,” Donghyuck states plainly.
Well, there goes the moment. You can always count on him to say something to piss you off.
“Right.” Rolling your eyes, you start to take off the hoodie in the street.
“I’m just kidding, Y/N,” he grins, “Come on.”
You let out a small huff, even though you’re smiling too, and you climb in. He turns the radio on again, and the two of you fall back into the ambiance. It occurs to you that Donghyuck’s car smells overwhelmingly like rain and leather and him. When you cross your arms, the scent of the fresh fabric softener from his hoodie wafts back up to you. You feel warm―the kind of warmth that blooms in the pit of your stomach and then melts throughout your body, like when you take a sip of hot chocolate on a cold day.
“How was it?” he finally asks after the song ends.
“Who do you think I am?” you scoff. “Of course I got them back.”
He smiles, and it makes you feel proud.
“You can tell the team leader to suck the fart out of my ass,” you retort.
This gets a laugh from him before he hesitantly adds, “I really didn’t want to take your client.”
You’ve never heard him sound so serious and so…vulnerable before. He says it with a slight desperation, like he doesn’t think you’ll believe him.
“I know.”
And much to your own surprise, you do know.
Now that’s a sick April Fools’ joke.
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ST. PATRICK’S DAY 2022 sun’s up too soon like daylight savings, mixed emotions are congregating 
“You don’t deserve Karina,” you mumble, coming in and out of sleep.
He Who Shall Not Be Named laughs again at that, though he sounds a lot more exhausted. “Why do you keep saying that?”
“Don’t think I didn’t see it,” you slur. “You were making those stupid moon eyes at her all night long. Looking like some lovesick puppy. Gross.”
He laughs for a second time, but there’s not a hint of humor in it.
What if it had been me, you want to ask him.
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NEW YEARS EVE 2019 tiptoeing past so many stages, but what the fuck is patience? 
You’re not sure what possessed Mr. Lee, probably the fact that his grandson works for the company, but he randomly announced one day that the entire office was getting an all expenses paid trip to a fancy ski resort as a New Years present. Needless to say, everyone was absolutely ecstatic.
But you should’ve known something was going to go wrong when Karina suggested that the two of you leave the bunny slope and move straight into the advanced slope, despite the fact that neither of you have ever skied in your lives until now.
You’d like to think that Karina’s sudden bravery was due to the adrenaline of being on such a luxurious trip. You’re going to blame your lack of judgment on the adrenaline rush as well because you actually agreed to it.
Of course, things derailed almost immediately and literally because the two of you ended up veering off the course due to your lack of steering abilities and somehow found yourselves in a random, remote wooded area off the edge of the slope. Karina also twisted her ankle after landing incorrectly, so there’s that too.
Oh, and there’s a snowstorm.
Well, it’s not really a snowstorm. It’s more of a flurry, but it’s terrifying nonetheless because of your current situation. Karina can barely move, and neither of you have any clue where you are nor do you have any sort of communication device since you left it all at the resort. It’s not like you can leave Karina by herself to get help either. You can really only hope that someone finds you before the frostbite starts settling.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” Karina sniffles, her nose redder than Rudolph’s.
You hug her tightly, both to comfort her and to keep the two of you as warm as possible. “Stop crying, you’re going to dehydrate yourself. You can apologize when we get out of here.”
She chokes back a sob.
You want to cry too, but you bite down on your lower lip and just cling onto Karina harder.
“Damn, and I was finally going to follow through with my New Year's resolution of fixing my sleep schedule,” you joke, voice trembling.
Karina laughs weakly at that too. “You say that every year.”
“I know,” you admit sheepishly, “but I really am going to this time. I need to make sure I’m in tip-top condition because there’s no way in hell I’m letting Lee Donghyuck get that promotion over me.”
That’s right, you tell yourself. I can’t die here. Not before that dumbass.
You’re not sure why you’re suddenly thinking about him again, but it makes you feel a lot less scared when you picture his dumb smirk and that sly glint in his eyes when he’s gearing up to say something to piss you off. He always knows which buttons to press on the exact wrong day to press them.
You kind of wish he was here now. He would probably be cracking stupid jokes and distracting you―
Blinking the snowflakes out of your eyes, you squint past the sheet of snow and tall trees, trying to make sure you aren’t hallucinating. You see a blurry figure running towards you and Karina, the beam of their flashlight peeking through the darkness. When did the sun start setting?
Speak of the pretty boy, and he shall come, you suppose, because Lee Donghyuck is suddenly kneeling in front of you.
The smug look he always dons is wiped clean from his face, instead, his eyes are wide like two saucers and his hands are trembling. You can feel how tightly he’s clutching your arms even through the thick material of your parka. His hair is damp against his forehead; whether it’s from snow or sweat or both, you’re not sure. His face is flushed, and his nose is red like Karina’s, but you want to reach out and boop it for some reason. You can see his labored breath come out in white puffs due to the temperature.
“I found them!” Donghyuck calls out, turning behind him. A couple of your other colleagues emerge from the trees, all holding flashlights. Then, he reverts his attention back to you. His face is all furrowed up, like he isn’t sure whether to be mad at you for being reckless or collapse with relief.
“Are you hurt?” he eventually asks, voice strained as he helps you to your feet. He brushes the snow out of your hair and lifts your ski goggles from your eyes, scanning your face.
“Karina twisted her ankle,” you reply numbly, unable to feel your lips.
He glances over at Karina, who’s being helped by your other co-workers, before looking at you again. “Are you hurt?”
You shake your head.
Donghyuck exhales loudly, and you watch his shoulders relax. Then he says, “What the hell were you thinking?”
You flinch at his sharp tone. He’s never raised his voice at you before. You’ve always been the one yelling at him.  
“You can’t even drive a car, so what on Earth possessed you to try and ski on the advanced slope?” he continues to reprimand you. “What’s the point in being this smart if you’re not going to use common sense―”
You burst into tears.
You cry for many reasons: the sheer terror you’d been trying to keep at bay finally catches up to you, you’re grateful to be alive, you’re upset that Donghyuck is scolding you, you’re happy that Donghyuck is scolding you, and most of all, you know he’s right. He’s right, and you’re glad he’s right. You’re glad that he’s standing in front of you.
“You’re such a dick,” you wail, “I can’t believe you’re yelling at me when I almost died. Why can’t you just comfort me like a normal human with empathy?”
Donghyuck grows quiet, and you see his expression soften. Sighing, he reaches over and swipes the tears from your face. When you sniffle, he takes his expensive cashmere scarf and wipes your nose with it. He doesn’t even blink at the snot on it as he cups your frozen cheeks with his gloved hands. Grinning evilly, he squishes your face together, a mush of tears, snot, and puffiness.
“I’ve never wanted you more,” he teases.
“I’m going to kill you,” you grumble, shoving his hands away. Though you do find solace in the fact that he’s making fun of you again.
Your colleagues call the two of you over for help, and you make your way to Karina, who’s still unable to get up.
“Hyuck, do you mind carrying her back to the resort?” One of them asks, their hands too full with Karina’s skis and their own emergency supplies that they brought.
Donghyuck hesitates for a moment, his eyes inadvertently flashing towards you, before he kneels down and turns his back to Karina as he prepares to give her a piggy-back ride.
“I’m heavy,” Karina warns as she carefully climbs on.
“Don’t worry, I do five pushups a week,” he replies breezily, and despite his joking, he stands to his feet without a problem.
She laughs at that, sounding like an angel descending from the heavens.
He adjusts her thighs in his arms slightly, pausing to ask, “That didn’t hurt your ankle, did it?”
She shakes her head, and he says something else that makes her laugh again.
It’s not that you’re jealous that he’s carrying Karina. After all, she’s injured, so it would be a bit obnoxious to be upset over something that isn’t anyone’s fault. And it’s not like you’re any more special to him than Karina.
No, this feeling isn’t jealousy. It’s…uncertainty.
You’re uncertain that he would do the same for you if you were in Karina’s position. Has he ever reassured you with such ease like he did with her? Has he ever treated you like you were made of glass? Has he ever spoken to you so tenderly like that?
You suddenly feel so cold.
When you get back to the resort, there’s an ambulance waiting to take you and Karina to the hospital for a checkup. You try to tell everyone that you don’t need to go to the hospital, but your colleagues, Karina, and the paramedics insist on you doing so.
“Your glove is torn.”
Before you can even register his words, Donghyuck is holding your hand and flipping your palm over. The fabric of your right glove is ripped, exposing the tip of your pointer finger. You must’ve scraped it against something in the middle of all the chaos because there’s some dried blood caked around your nail.
“You should go,” he says softly, giving your hand an encouraging squeeze before letting go.
Once Karina is properly settled on the gurney, you’re ushered into the ambulance after her. As the doors close behind you, you catch Donghyuck’s eyes one last time. You don’t get to see what his expression is because you look away almost immediately, focusing your gaze on your finger.
Now that the adrenaline has worn off, it does sting a little.
Once the hospital finally discharges you and Karina in the middle of the night, the two of you call an Uber back to the resort and clumsily stumble up to your room like two people that just came home after a long night of partying, completely exhausted.
You’re so busy fumbling with your room key and nearly miss the gift that someone has set in front of your door. Picking it up, you realize it’s one of those hot chocolate sets that come with a cute little mug and are wrapped in holographic plastic. There’s also a separate bag of marshmallows beside it.
You don’t really examine it that much, simply handing it off to Karina.
“Looks like you’ve got a secret admirer.”
Karina doesn’t notice the note tucked into the holographic plastic until she’s hobbling to the trashcan to throw it away.
happy new year! maybe i’ll grow on you :)
She turns to you to ask you about it, but you’re already tucked in bed fast asleep. Shrugging, she crumples the note up and tosses it away without another thought.
“Happy New Year,” she whispers to you before crawling in bed herself.
It’s a shame you didn’t get to see the fireworks.
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ST. PATRICK’S DAY 2022 sun’s up too soon like daylight savings, mixed emotions are congregating 
“I’m hungry,” you whine, jolting awake and hitting your head against the hard leather headrest on your seat.
“Probably because you emptied out the contents of your stomach onto my Air Jordans,” He Who Shall Not Be Named says wryly.  
You ignore him, getting distracted by the hot dog vendor that you drive by.
“I like hot dogs,” you say absentmindedly.
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HALLOWEEN 2021 picturing us in all these places, ahead of myself’s an understatement
You just wanted to get away from the crowd, really.
The party was getting a little stuffy, and it’s pretty easy to get overheated when you’re in a thick Teletubby onesie. You and Karina had the bright idea of dressing as the purple and red Teletubby, but neither of you considered just how hot it would get.
So, that’s why you’re wandering around the dim hallways of the office, munching on a handful of candy―only to end up hearing a conversation you shouldn’t have.
“You are my biggest failure.” That’s Mr. Lee’s voice, hushed but angry.
“More than my mom? I’m honored.” It’s Donghyuck this time. He laughs, a bitter and choked sound.
You nearly yelp when the sound of a loud slap echoes down the hallway. No one else talks after that, and you only hear the sound of footsteps walking away.
Actually, walking away sounds like an absolutely amazing idea, so you turn on your heel to make a quick escape―
And of course, on today of all days, you fuck up.
All of the candy that you had been clutching to your chest slips from your sweaty palms, clattering to the floor. Every single clatter makes you shrink further and further into yourself, and you have no choice but to step out from the corner you were hiding in.
In probably one of the most poorly-timed situations of all time, you have to face Donghyuck while dressed as the purple Teletubby, and he has to face you while dressed as a hot dog―right after you just involuntarily witnessed a glimpse of his strained familial relationships.
“Hi,” you greet awkwardly, gesturing to all the candy that just fell on the floor. “You, uh, want some candy?”
When he looks at you, all the words die in your throat. There’s a red mark on his cheek, and he looks like a little boy again. He stares at you like a deer in headlights, a mixture of horror, embarrassment, and frustration all over his face. He seems so lost and alone, and you don’t know what to do to help him.
“No thanks, Tinky Winky,” he finally replies. He gives you a half-smile, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.
“What?” You blink.
“You’re dressed as the purple Teletubby, and you don’t even know his name?” He raises an eyebrow as he sits down on the floor, leaning against the wall.
“I think it’s weirder that you do know his name,” you try to tease.
He doesn’t react to that, and you just stand there. Not wanting to leave him alone, you squat down and start to pick up the candy on the floor to keep yourself busy.
“You should go back to the party,” Donghyuck says quietly.
“It’s too hot,” you complain.
“Wanna watch Twilight?” you suddenly ask.
He stares at you for what seems like forever, his expression unreadable as he searches your face. After a bit longer, he just says, “Okay.”
You gather up the rest of the candy before taking a seat on the floor right next to him, brushing your shoulder against his. Pulling out your phone, you open the Netflix app and start to play Twilight.
You pretend you don’t feel him trembling, and you tell yourself he’s crying because he knows Bella will eventually choose Edward over Jacob. The two of you watch in complete silence; he doesn’t explain, and you don’t ask.
Instead, you push your hood off so you don’t poke him in the face with your triangle antenna and lean your head against his shoulder. Then, you lace your fingers through his and hold his hand without a word.
A hot dog and Tinky Winky the purple Teletubby watching Twilight, who would’ve thought?
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ST. PATRICK’S DAY 2022 sun’s up too soon like daylight savings, mixed emotions are congregating
“I hate you, Lee Donghyuck.”
He doesn’t say anything to that.
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CHRISTMAS 2021 outlines on bedsides, give me a second to forget i ever really meant it
It happened on the last day of work before Christmas break.
You gawk at the opened box in your hands, a pair of fluffy white angora gloves wrapped in fancy wrapping paper staring back up at you. Even though there’s no receipt included, you already know that these gloves cost more than three month’s worth of rent for your apartment.
“Did you steal these? Is that why you’re giving them to me? So you can frame me for your crime?” you ask suspiciously.
“Please,” he rolls his eyes, “as if I’d let you take the credit for any one of my crimes.”
You carefully take the gloves out before tossing the box at him. Catching it deftly and handing it back to you, he pretends to wipe away a tear dramatically.
“I went through the trouble of remembering how your gloves were ripped during the ski trip, so I meticulously picked these out for you,” he whines. “And I can’t believe you’re now questioning my goodwill.”
That makes you pause.
Is he talking about those cheap gloves that you used only once for that disastrous ski trip and then threw out immediately afterwards? The gloves that you haven’t thought about once since then? The gloves that you had to rack your brain to recall when he started talking about them just moments before? You can’t believe he remembered something so random.
Why did he remember?
It’s a question that haunts you on the entire plane ride back to your hometown and follows you throughout all of your family dinners and even when you’re lying awake on your cramped childhood bed.
It’s a question that both baffles and angers you at the same time. You wish he didn’t remember, and you wish he never gave you those gloves in the first place. The company is always generous to their employees around the holidays, and you know that this isn’t anything special, but it makes you feel special. It makes you want to be special. To him.
He is just a pretty boy. A pretty boy that likes indie bands and wears rings on his fingers and metal-rimmed glasses on the tip of his nose. A pretty boy that likes League of Legends and Studio Ghibli and Twilight and that one Hallmark movie you once caught him watching in the break room. A pretty boy that drinks black coffee. A pretty boy that drives a red Ferrari. A pretty boy that gave you a ride in that red Ferrari when it was raining. A pretty boy that looked for you for an hour during a snowstorm. A pretty boy that dressed as a hot dog for Halloween. A pretty boy that gave you expensive gloves because he remembered.
When did he go from Pretty Boy to Donghyuck?
But he can’t be Donghyuck. He can’t just be Donghyuck to you. Because that would be too real, too unrestrained. Because Donghyuck makes Karina laugh, so he can’t make you laugh. There needs to be decorum, after all. If he’s just Donghyuck, then what happens after?
That’s right. He can’t be Donghyuck. From now on, you won’t say his name. You’ll only know him as He Who Shall Not Be Named.
It happens when your mom tells you to take the casserole out of the fridge.
You see it, that traitorous pack of hot dog sausages.
You think back to Halloween, and then―
Oh my God, I like him.
“What the fuck,” you groan loudly.
That gets you a couple of gasps from your elderly relatives and an asswhooping from your mom.
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ONE DAY AFTER ST. PATRICK’S DAY 2022 ― PRESENT fast times and fast nights, no time for rewrites
For the record, Donghyuck was not looking at Karina.
And if you’d stop avoiding him like the plague, he would be able to explain that to you.
He honestly applauds your ability to ignore the elephant in the room, considering that his cubicle is right next to yours. You’ve continuously managed to give yourself more work or conveniently slip away to the bathroom during any moment of down time. His patience is honestly starting to grow thin, but you wouldn’t be you if you didn’t wear it down to the wire.
Donghyuck finally manages to hunt you down in the same hallway where you threw up on his shoes. It’s hilariously ironic, and he would normally make a joke about it, but he’s in a bit of a time crunch. You look like a spooked cat, preparing to dart away the moment there’s an opening.
“Surely, someone as smart as you is aware that you can’t just avoid me forever.” He tilts his head.
“Well, if you move, we can find out if I can or not,” you reply, refusing to look at him and trying to walk past him.
“How’s your hangover?” he asks cheerfully, stepping to the side and blocking your way.
“Do you remember what happened last night?”
“No,” you say instantly. You’re such a terrible liar.
“You said you hated me,” he starts softly. He isn’t sure why he’s saying this. This isn’t what he wanted to talk about first. The order is getting jumbled in his head. “Do you?”
You suck in a wobbly breath. “No.”
It doesn’t hit him until after your answer how deathly afraid he was of you hating him. He has grown so desensitized to the word “hate,” yet it’s only when it comes to the person he cares about the most that the gravity of that word becomes so apparent.
“I like you, Y/N.”
This isn’t exactly the grand declaration of love that he was imagining; he was thinking more along the lines of The Notebook or any romcom from the early to mid-2000s, but it felt like the right time to just say it now.
Your reaction isn’t exactly what he had in mind either.
You’re gawking at him like he just grew another head. He isn’t sure why you’re so surprised; he hasn’t exactly been subtle about his crush on you.
“No, you don’t,” you say in an accusatory tone. Leave it up to you to even argue with him on his own feelings.
Now it’s his turn to gawk. “What?”
“You don’t like me,” you state firmly, but it sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself. “How could you like me?”
Donghyuck raises an eyebrow, and he starts listing off reasons with his fingers. “I start a fight with you every morning because I want to have an excuse to talk to you, I bring you coffee everyday, I drove you to my client’s office in the middle of a storm so you could take back said client, I nearly shat my pants when they said you were missing at the ski resort and also bought you hot chocolate and a huge bag of marshmallows for New Years, and you were the only one I gave a Christmas present to last year.”
“You bought the hot chocolate and marshmallows?” You blink in surprise.
“Is that all you got from what I just said?”
“But Karina―”
Oh, right. He wanted to say this first.
“I wasn’t looking at Karina,” Donghyuck finally confesses, “I was looking at you. It’s always been you.”
That’s right, it’s only ever been you.
The stupid green “Kiss me, I’m Irish” shirt. Your smeared lip gloss that he wanted to kiss right off. The sparkly stickers all over your cheeks that made you look absolutely adorable. The way you buried your face into his shirt. How you fit right into his arms. Even when you threw up all over his favorite pair of shoes, there was no place Donghyuck would rather be.
Do you think I’m pretty? you had asked him.
Yes, you’re pretty. You’re so pretty that he feels like his heart will stop every time he lays his eyes on you. You’re so pretty that he can’t even think about the seasons without thinking about you and how you’re so much more beautiful than autumn, winter, spring and summer and anything in between. There’s never been a moment when you weren’t stunningly, breathtakingly, and heart-stoppingly pretty in his eyes.
“But―But that doesn’t make any sense,” you sputter, “You can’t like me!”
“Why not?”
“Because you just can’t.”
“Do you like me?”
“Yes―no! Regardless, you can’t just suddenly decide you like me―” you begin to explain.
“I’ve always liked you,” he points out.
“We’ve spent four years hating each other, and now all of sudden, we like each other? It’s too abrupt―”
“Y/N.” Donghyuck reaches over and grasps your wrist, his warm fingers against your even warmer skin as his thumb traces circles against the back of your hand. “Will you go out with me?”
When he looks at you, you have the same expression on your face as when he first met you and caught you staring at his Twilight poster. Your eyes dart around nervously, your pulse pounding against his fingertips, and he knows he has his answer.
“Okay,” you breathe.
He sighs, coiling an arm around your waist and pulling your body flush against his. Leaning his forehead against yours, he whispers, “Now was that so fucking hard?”
He kisses you, and you taste like everything he’s ever dreamed of and more.
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dudefromwormhole · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel Headcanons:D
That I collected through the internet and now have and absolutely adore. Feel free to add yours:)
Warning for cannibalism and possible spoilers. Enjoy:)
1) Alastor rather eats meat of his possible victims than organs. He finds them edible, but just doesn’t like it.
2) Alastor never shares his food. And even when/if he is cooking something for others, he will cook the same food in the separate bowl just for himself.
3) Even if Alastor fell in love he would never(or really unlikely) realise that. Possibly because his own ego and beliefs.
4) Alastor sometimes fantasises about him being executed rather than his own original death. His favourites so far: hanging and electric chair.
5) Alastor would have a love/hate relationship with Will Wood’s music(yes.) just because he despises and underastimates all modern music.
6) Alastor has literal piles of old(and sometimes broken)radios.
7) Alastor hates discussing love and relationships, if they’re not about breaks up, while Rosie adores talking about them.
8) Sometimes Alastor cannot control his shadow. In terms of where it goes and what it does. So yeah, sometimes he walks around without shadow.
1) The stuff Rosie proposed to Charlie when they met was prepared by herself.
Also I think Rosie can cook anything(aside from bones perhaps). She knows a lot of recipes about how to cook organs, different types of seasonings, etc.
2) Rosie has Belgic roots. Or French. I feel like she speaks French and maybe Italian or something. I haven’t decided.
3) Rosie only likes to drink dry semi-sweet wine among the alcohol beverages.
4) If Rosie would ever open a fashion business, all her clothes would be with embroidery. She loves embroidery and is pretty good at making it.
The Vees
1) Vox has a love/hate relationship with an electro swing. He likes it, but also “hates” it just because Alastor also likes it. He also likes dubstep and techno genres.
2) Valentino’s afraid of tickling.
3) Val’s also absolutely cannot sleep with the lights turn on, because he’s a moth.
4) Vox was absolutely horrified when he got to Hell and realised that he’s a fucking TV. If there wasn’t a constant danger of getting killed, he would probably sit in the corner of some building in shock.
5) Velvete uses Vox as powerbank.
6) Valentino’s eyesight got worse especially after he realised that he can use Vox’s head when he’s asleep, so now he kinda watches whatever he wants on his head when he’s bored.
7) And also Val and Velvete play the console using Vox(ye, the comic:))
8) In earlier days Vox was absolutely disgusted by someone touching his screen(in first days(look up #4) himself included), but as the time went and also the upgrade, change in themes, he kinda suppressed this disgust.
9) Velvete likes strawberry in chocolate.
10) Vox can draw decently, he just usually doesn’t have time and much imagination to do so.
11) Also Vox has a bad habit of tearing paper to keep his hands busy. By that I mean any paper. So yeah. There were some accidents.
Residents of the Hotel
1) Residents of the Hotel bump into Nifty at least two time per day.
2) Sir Pentious hates stairs.
3) One of the reasons why Husk hates his form is because he cant stop throwing off hairballs.
4) Angel can keep important secrets.
5) Nifty and Charlie both likes those bright and colourful plasters.
6) Vaggie is allergic to citruses(lightly but still).
7) Cherri makes her coffee with energy drinks. Tastes awful, but at least she’s full of energy to kick someone’s ass.
8) Husk knows a lot of card games and also taught the Eggbois how to play couple of them so they’d stop bothering him so much.
9) When he was alive, Husk used to travel and move from one country to another quite often.
10) Sir Pentious when he has a shower, always takes his Eggbois with himself.
11) The reason why Sir Pentious’ ship was covered with plasters was because his Eggbois thought they would actually heal it.
12) Lucifer will never admit that process of making ducks stopped bringing him as much happiness as it used to. But after seven years of just making them, trying to keep his mind off his problems, it just became a routine.
13) One of the reasons why Lilith decided to “disappear” was because at night Lucifer constantly stepped on his ducks and then screamed and cried and apologised to them, making it harder to sleep.
14) Charlie used to make little theatre shows with her toys when she was younger.
15) When Vaggie and Charlie’s relationship got a little more established, they had a whole trip through rings of Hell.
16) Lucifer has a handmade duck copy of every person that he met. He made the most absurd one for Alastor, of course
17) Angel is scared of swallowing bubblegum, because he genuinely believes that his gut will glue together if he does so.
18) Vaggie can’t stand sleeping covered.
Other Overlords
1) Zestial is a tea nerd. I think he would actually do those Chinese ceremonies and stuff. It’s like… the more he appreciates you, the more effort he would put into tea x)
2) Carmilla was(and maybe is?) a big fan of ballet and took classes when she was alive.
1) Adam would love Beetlejuice. In any form, cartoon one, film, musical… He would be a fan.
2) Adam hates waking up at the morning and tells to “fuck off I’m a Gods fucking son” to anyone who tries to wake him up.
3) Adam hates tomatoes and will absolutely roast anyone who eats them when he’s near. Except for Lute.
4) When Heavens court plans to set up a party they usually don’t plan to invite Sera and St Peter.
5) Mimzy is the one who talks about her previous life more than anyone else, each time adding almost unrealistic details.
6) Adam calls his Exterminators group "tits" for because they are woman and there's a bird like that.
6)(this one is to Hell in general) I like to think that you don't die in Hell in a way that when you recieve a deadly wound your body just kinda... gets more regeneration, so you still feel pain untill the wound is healed, but you don't die. So when Exterminators stab sinners with angelic weapons, process of regeneration stops, which gives them opportunity to die.
7) Though Vox created his own special kind of dying for himself. When his screen gets badly damaged, he changes it, so same goes with his body. I think he has a folder somewhere with his personality.
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salted-caramel-tea · 11 months
i live how involved techno dad was in the making in the uieud music video and the fact that he was involved in the video itself and that he’s happy with the outcome and that his son was represented well and how supportive he is of dreams musical endeavours and creating this to help themselves and other people process the loss of not only technoblade but through personal loss as well this was never exploitative it was never profiting off grief it’s a tribute to the people we lost and loving them and not letting us lose ourselves in grief and maintaining their memories in happiness and living life to the fullest because what you do here counts you have to live and be happy and love and mourn and continue to build relationships with the people around you i love that people are working to keep technos memory alive that technodad has adopted a community across the world and is building relationships with technos friends and everyone is supporting each other and keeping each other afloat throigh processing their grief and they’re showing that you’re ALLOWED to have fun even when you’re still grieving because it doesn’t mean you love the person you lost any less you’re living they way they want you to and keeping the memory of them happy and alive in your mind and smiling when you think about them idk i just . it’s a nice tribute to techno
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starrystormwritings · 9 months
DSMP Master List <3
DSMP Master List <3
Requests: Open but slow
Master List <;3 Request List
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✨ - one of my favourites 
💕 - fluff 
💦 - angst
🔆 - series 
🌸 - romantic
🌻 - platonic 
🥀 - not already in the relationship
🌵 - pre-established relationship
🎶 - music inspired
💚💛💜❤️💙🖤🩷🤍🧡🔷 - Taylor Swift inspired (eras)
Wilbur Soot x Reader:
Sister Innit 🔆🌸🥀 -Tommy’s older sister wants to start streaming so he gets Dream to add her to the SMP. He wasn’t expecting Wilbur to like her so much though
Sister Innit Part Two 🔆🌸🥀-You and Wilbur meet for your date, but Tommy's being Tommy
Cold Hands And Warm Smiles  💕🌸🌵-Your heating breaks when Wilbur's not home so you have to suffer through the cold until he comes back
Taunt 🌸🥀🎶-George drags you to a party, forcing a friend to babysit you as he goes off to have some fun
Weapon (Minecraft au) 💦🌸🌵-Wilbur's back, and he's seeking back what was his
Dream x Reader:
Affection ✨💕🌸🌵-You’re tired and just want cuddles but your boyfriends too busy streaming
Loyalties (Minecraft au) ✨💦🔆🌸🌵-Your family (the sleepy bois inc) had always been there for you. But so had dream. So when you lost the both of them you had a tough decision to make, where your loyalties actually lie. Over half of this is made up of flash backs which will be in italics. Also this is set in game
Loyalties Part Two (Minecraft au) ✨💦🔆🌸🌵-Dream's left you with a tough decision, love or family. Although other events might lead you to make a sharp change in decisions and let the foundations you've built burn
White Dress, Red Stain (Minecraft au) 💦🌸🌵-Sam asks you on a date, what could go wrong?
George x Reader:
Love Or Host 💕🌸🥀-You were convinced to join 'Georgenotfounds' love or host, will it work out?
Pillow Talk  💕🌸🌵-Sleepy conversations in bed
SapNap x Reader:
Your New Boyfriend 🌸🥀🌵🎶 -You finally excepted that Nick probably didn't like you back, so you got a boyfriend. Although Nick seems to think he's a bit of an ass
Clingy ✨💕🌸🌵-You and Nick haven't had much time to spend together lately and he isn't happy about it
Traitor (Minecraft au)💦🌸🌵-Your loyal to Dream, you always have been. But when Sapnap chooses the side of L'manburg your forced into choosing who to betray
Karl Jacobs x Reader:
Surprise Betrayal 💕🌸🌵 -Jimmy was doing another hide and seek challenge, Karl and Chandler are the only two people left. Little did Karl know that his girlfriend was being brought in as a last minute seeker
Festive 💕🌸🌵-Karl’s favourite Christmas song starts playing
Challenge ✨💕🌸🥀-Jimmy, Chris, and Chandler come up with a plan to set Karl up with his new crush
Photograph  ✨💕🌸🌵🎶 -Lazy evenings that you wish could last forever
Quackity x Reader:
Dancing Flame 💕🌸🌵-Alex's friends are throwing a beach party and you tag along
TechnoBlade x Reader:
Flustered ✨💕🌸🌵-Techno wakes you up while streaming so you get back at him by trying to fluster him
Tired (Minecraft au) ✨💦🌸🌵-Techno plans to blow up L'manburg again. Only this time your loyalty's got in the between his political agenda and his feelings
Royal Pain (Minecraft and royalty au) 💦🔆🌸🥀-Wilbur wants King Dream gone, and Techno is the most able person to do it. But will his relationship with the Princess get in the way?
Royal Pain Part Two (Minecraft and royalty au) ✨🔆🌸🥀-Your not dead, why? In what sick twist of fate has left you sat alone waiting for the answers your never going to get from Dream. You need to find Technoblade and the truth, now
Fundy x Reader:
Forget 💕🌸🌵-Fundy got distracted by coding and completely forgot about how you were over his house
Tommy Innit ( all platonic ):
Stay Alive (Minecraft au) 💦🌻🎶 -It's over for him, you knew it, Sam knew it, Dream knew it. But if Tommy could just stay alive everything would be okay
J’Schlatt x Reader:
Best Of Wife’s And Best Of Women (Minecraft au)  💦🌸🌵🎶-Sleepless nights are taking a toll on the presidents wife
All Too Well  (Minecraft au) ✨💦🌸🌵🎶❤️-A sudden change to what you believed to be the perfect relationship
Ted Nivison x Reader:-
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