#mr. lancer pov
satoshy12 · 2 years
Eldritch Danny
Amity park has grown up with Danny but outside world didn't and the Oblivous Danny doesn't really help.
Mr Lancer:" Don't leave Danny alone you know how outsiders are to him."
10 min later.
All on the streets look at little Danny walking around. Eyes too bright, like the sky. Skin that seemed translucent. It was like an echo of something else, inhuman. And the people can't really and truly unfathomable what they are seeing on the Boy. He was not Handsome he had some kind of…supernatural allure to it
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asjjohnson · 1 year
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Part 9 of my poll adventure fic. Links: the beginning, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8.
"So, Mr..."—Lancer narrowed his eyes—"...Phantom."
"Fantom with an 'F', yes," Dan specified.
"Right." Lancer still sounded suspicious. He typed something on a computer for a few seconds. "Hmm... So your son is in his first year of high school... I think we have room for him here." Then Lancer glanced back at Dan. "If you don't mind my asking, how old are you?"
"Tw— ah, thirty-five."
Dan hadn't put much effort into this disguise. He mostly just changed his coloration to his old human colors.
He'd had to be more creative for his primary disguise. A fourteen-year-old persona couldn't look too much like Danny Fenton, so, no black hair or blue eyes.
Lancer mumbled under his breath, "I wish I'd had that much hair at thirty-five." He cleared his throat. "Do you have young Daniel's school records?"
"He prefers the name 'Dan'."
Lancer nodded. "That's perfectly fine. But I do need those records. As well as his birth certificate, your proof of address, and his vaccination record. ...If you can provide those?" Lancer picked up a piece of paper and slid it around for Dan to see. "You'll also need to fill out this form."
Dan blinked, mouth falling open just slightly.
He had not realized so much would be involved. How would he get a fake birth certificate? Could he just invent an address? Maybe pick a house and take it over?
Dan glanced at the form in front of him.
Phone number. How was he going to get a phone?
Oh well. There was a simple way to handle all of this.
Dan leaped into Lancer and overshadowed him.
"Oh, now I remember," Dan said through Lancer, "you've already shown me everything that's needed. And, well," Dan picked up the form and ripped it in half, "you don't really need this form after all." He dropped the pieces into a trashcan beside Lancer's desk. "What a coincidence that Danny Fenton has the exact same grades as your son up to the CAT. I'll just copy Danny Fenton's information into your son's file, and everything will be finished. Dan Fantom can start school on Monday. Have a nice day, Mr. Fantom."
Dan pulled out of Lancer.
Lancer blinked a few times. "Er... Ah, yes. I believe we're all set here. ...I think."
(This poll's mostly just about what's going through Dan's head and the tone of the next part.)
“Alert me when there’s an update” list:
@charlietheepic7, @chrysanthemum9484, @mymadmedleyw, @dp-marvel94, @aikoiya, @whydouwantmyname, @cinturon-cadena, @freakofyournature, @satanicrutialspecialist, @danphantom80, @kaezer
(if you want on the list, specifically ask to be alerted for updates in a tag or comment. Ask again if I forget to add you! If I can’t tag you, I’ll send a Message.)
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
I'll Carry Your Heart with Me (Until I Find You Again): Part 2
This time we switch to Danny's POV. 2.4k words long.
There's been a bit of a time skip and their friendship has only grown with time.
“Mr. Fenton!” and a smack on his desk caused Danny to jump. He hadn’t even realized he’d been staring out the window.
“Sorry, Mr. Lancer. Did you ask something?”
“Your grades may have improved over these last few months, but that does not give you leave to daydream in my class. I expect you to pay attention. Now, why don’t you explain what the repetition of ‘Brutus in an honorable man’ in Marc Antony’s soliloquy at Caesar’s funeral means.”
Jason had done such a good job reading that speech that Danny actually thought he could repeat it from memory. “Oh, it’s done sarcastically. To indicate he’s anything but.”
“Hmm. Very good. I hope you can keep up this new studious attitude of yours.”
Danny’s leg bounced as the rest of the class seemed to pass so slowly. As soon as he got home, he wanted to visit Jason again. His friend’s tutelage had helped not only his grades but also his fights. Who knew formal training could have such an affect? Well, he needed to pay him back.
It took all of Danny’s focus to not let his eyes drift out the window again, but he barely heard a word Mr. Lancer said as class dragged on.
And finally the bell rang, signaling the end of the day.
Danny shoved his binder in his backpack and rushed out the door without even waiting for Sam and Tucker.
He was moving as fast as possible without actually running in the halls to switch things out in his locker. It was there Sam and Tucker caught up to him.
“What’s got you in such a rush today?” asked Sam.
Danny flushed. “I’m meeting Jason today. Taking him to Ghost Writer’s lair. He’ll love the library and Ghost Writer said it’d be okay so long as I don’t so much as touch a single piece of paper or even breathe too hard on anything.”
“Dude, how’d you get him to agree to that? Ghost Writer hates you!”
Not wanting to admit how long he’d spent groveling, Danny shrugged. “I apologized to him and emphasized how much Jason loved books and writing.”
“Woah, the Danny Fenton apologized to someone? Is the world ending?”
“Shut up, Sam. I’m not that bad.”
“You kinda are, dude,” commented Tucker.
“Pot, meet kettle.” Sam flicked the back of both their heads.
“Now that pick-on-Danny time is over, I need to go!”
Tucker grinned and said, “We want all the details on your date soon as you get back!”
“Yeah, yeah.” Danny waved them off as he half-jogged out of the building. He pulled out his phone to text Jazz.
Danny: Did you get mom and dad out of the house? Jazz: Yep. Jazz: They’re coming to the school for a parent-teacher conference Danny: Thanks! Danny: You’re a life saver! Jazz: Have fun on your date Danny: How many times do I have to tell you! Danny: Not. A. Date.
Running was too slow. Danny ducked out of sight of the road and let the coolness of his transformation wash over him before flying home. So much faster.
And sure enough, when he reached home, the GAV was nowhere to be seen. With a sigh of relief, he phased through the walls right to the lab and through the portal. Even in the ever changing realms, Danny knew the path to Jason’s lair by heart; it’s location shone like a beacon in his awareness.
Something must have been on his side, because he was approaching the island within a few minutes of passing through the portal. From his core, he sent out a greeting. A moment later, he got a return pulse from Jason followed by the ghost himself.
“Jay!” Danny trilled a greeting.
“Hey there, human-boy. Ready to have your ass kicked?” Jason grinned and tossed an ectoblast his way.
Danny laughed and blocked it with ice. “I’ve got a different idea, actually. What would you say to me introducing you to another ghost? I got permission to take you to his lair and you’ll absolutely love it. He may be a bigger book nerd than you.”
Jason hesitated and looked over his shoulder at his lair.
But Danny had anticipated that. Jay was still a young ghost and obviously hesitant to leave his lair. He gave a loud whistle. “Don’t worry so much, a friend of mine will be able to look after your lair for you.”
Before Jason could even ask what he meant, excited barking just barely preceded Cujo jumping onto Danny’s chest and licking his face.
Laughing, Danny asked in baby-talk. “Who’s a good boy, who’s a good boy!” Cujo barked at him.
He’d never introduced Jay to Cujo before and Jay was watching them with a raised eyebrow. “I didn’t know you had a dog.”
“Not my dog, he chose me. But he can protect your lair. Right, Cujo? You’ll protect Jason’s lair? And come get us if something happens you can’t fight off?” Cujo barked and rolled over to show off his belly and Danny rubbed it roughly.
Jay laughed. “No offense, but how good a guard dog is he? He seems too friendly.”
Danny looked up and let his grin turn a bit sharper before moving a bit away from Cujo. “Oh, he’s the best. Cujo, big!” he ordered.
Cujo’s happy yaps turned to menacing growls as he grew to his large form, drool dripping from sharpened teeth.
Jason’s mouth fell open and he stared. “Wow. How common is it for ghosts to be able to change shape like that?”
“No idea. Queen Dora can transform into a dragon. And Bernard can take any shape he wants. Spectra goes from a black shadow to a human-looking middle aged woman. Each is a bit different.”
“Every time I think I get used to this place… Are you sure my lair will be safe with him?”
Cujo transformed back into a puppy and ran to Jason barking, circling him once before licking his face, too.
“Here, I’ll prove it. Cujo! What do you do if someone comes close?”
Cujo’s barking got deep again as he grew in size.
“Good boy! And what do you do if someone attacks who you can’t fight off?”
Cujo shrunk down and ran to Jason and nipped at his clothing, trying to drag him towards the island.
Jason grinned. “You are a good boy, aren’t you? Keep it safe for me? We won’t be gone too long.” Though after saying that, he did look up at Danny as if to confirm.
“You’ll wish we were staying longer when you see the place. Jazz knows where I am and can distract my parents for tonight. But I do have to get back and sleep and show my face at some point.”
“Got it.” Jason turned his back to Danny to look over his lair. “Then I think I’m good to go. Should I bring anything?”
“Nah, you’re fine just as you are. Now, come on! We don’t want to waste any time!”
Jason turned back to face him and as he did, his outfit transformed once more into his Robin uniform. His flaming hair matched the uniform perfectly. “Okay, I’m ready. Let’s go.”
Danny smirked. “Let’s see how well you can keep up.” Without waiting an instant more, he flew off. Not at his top speed, but still quite fast. He laughed as Jason cursed him and did his best to keep up.
The Zone must have been in a good mood today because it didn’t take them long to get to Ghost Writer’s lair. Danny paused before crossing the border and flared his aura to announce his and Jason’s approach. Jason copied the gesture a moment later.
Around them, the very air seemed to grow heavy. It felt like someone was looking right through them and examining their very souls. Next to him, Danny could sense Jason tense as he crouched into a defensive stance.
“Calm down, Jay. He’s just checking us out before letting us into his lair.” By the time he’d finished speaking, the heaviness lifted and a sense of Welcome washed over them. The door to the library swung open.
Without waiting for Jay to ask what was going on, Danny grabbed his hand and pulled him into the building where Ghost Writer was waiting just past the doorway.
“So you must be the young Jason that Danny”—his lip curled just a bit as he said Danny’s name and Danny tried not to flinch—“told me so much about. Welcome. I am Ghost Writer.”
Danny looked over to Jason to see what he thought. Jason was staring past Ghost Writer with his mouth wide open. His clothing had transformed back into his civvies and his hair was a burning white inferno on top of his head. Something must have penetrated his brain because he gave himself a little shake. His eyes met Danny’s briefly and Danny had to stifle a laugh at how wide and shocked they look.
But then he fixed his attention on Ghost Writer. “This is your lair? It is amazing! I’ve never seen anything like it. How’d you get so many books?”
Danny’s once-enemy smiled at the boy. The expression looked out of place on his face. “Every book ever written ends up in my domain.”
Somehow, Jason’s mouth managed to fall open even further. “Every book? How is that possible?”
“Yes, every book. I’ll give you a tour and explain. But first, the rules for all who enter my domain. You will treat every book with care—”
“Of course!” interrupted Jason who had gone back to staring at the high ceilings and walls covered in bookshelves.
“—the instant you damage a book is the last time you will be allowed to visit,” continued Ghost Writer as if he’d never been interrupted. “You may not remove any books from my domain. Danny is not allowed to touch a book. Nor to look at any too closely nor to breathe too hard near them.”
That finally caught Jason’s attention. “What? Why not?”
“He damaged a book.”
Danny looked down and rubbed the back of his neck, unable to meet Jason’s eyes. He wasn’t proud of his actions that day.
“What? Danny!” scolded Jason.
“Indeed. The only reason he is allowed back here is because he apologized profusely and begged for the chance to take you here. He indicated you have given him a new appreciation for literature which I wish to encourage to keep the rest of my collection safe. Now, follow me and I will show you how to find what you’re looking for.”
Danny tried to pay attention as Ghost Writer showed them around. He really did. But the tour took so long and they traveled through room after room after room. And these were only the books written in English!
Jason didn’t get bored, though. He continued to stare at the walls in wonder, every so often catching Danny’s eyes. Danny liked watching him. Far more interesting than learning which time period or geographical location the current shelves contained.
Finally, after what felt like ages to Danny, the returned to the first room.
“The two of you may stay for three hours. Depending on your behavior, future visits may be longer, shorter, or prohibited.”
“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. I’ll definitely make the most of it. Your domain is beyond amazing.” Without wasting any more time on pleasantries, Jason grabbed Danny’s hand and pulled him out of the first room through a doorway.
Once they were out of sight, Jason stopped and stared at Danny. He opened and closed his mouth before swallowing as if unsure what to say. They were still holding hands.
Danny laughed self-consciously. “So, do you like it?”
Jason continued to stare at him. “I…” he started. He shook his head, but his eyes were still wide in wonder. Jason bit his lip and then lunged forward. The hand that wasn’t holding his cradled the back of his head as Jason pressed their mouths together hard.
His lips were hot, far hotter than a human’s, but before Danny could react even enough to close his eyes, Jason was pulling away. Danny tightened his grip on his hand to keep him from retreating entirely.
In fact, he took a step closer until scant inches separated them. Moving much more slowly than Jason had, he leaned forward and brushed their lips together softly. Jason twitched, but didn’t pull away, so Danny did it again. Only this time, he didn’t pull away.
Jason’s hand once more found their way to the back of his head. Danny closed his eyes as his lips parted slightly. Jay’s tongue probed, and Danny met it with his own. Deep in his chest, his core pulsed out a message affection, happiness.
Jason replied in kind. Thank you, amazing, disbelief, affection. Kissing a ghost was nothing like kissing a human. The waves of emotion made the connection so much deeper in one way. And even physically, Jason’s mouth was so much warmer than a human’s due to his fire core.
And they didn’t need to stop to breathe. That was fantastic.
However, there time here was limited, so with a pulse of disappointment, Danny pulled away. “We are definitely going to be doing that some more,” Danny said, though he sent out a non-verbal question of you want?, “But you’ve less than three hours here. Make the most of it.”
Jason’s responding pulse of yes, more made Danny grin. Verbally, he added, “Danny… This is… I… Thank you.”
“Of course.” Danny laughed as if it had been easy to set up. “Now go have fun, book nerd.”
Jason tweaked his nose, leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on the lips, and rushed to the nearest bookshelf to see what he could find.
Danny crossed his legs and floated in a sitting position as he watched Jason take down two books and open them both as he examined what was written. “Danny! He has earlier drafts of Bleak House! This is so crazy. I wonder how much Dickens changed from his initial draft to the final printing?”
“Well, looks like now you can find out.”
“I can find out. Holy shit.” Jason sent out another wave of Thank you, affection.
The sentiment warmed Danny up just as much as their physical touch.
Tag list:
@echoednonny, @britcision
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lollystocks · 8 months
Casper High is Very Normal, Thanks
Ectoberhaunt 2023 Day 5: Haunt
Summary: Casper High has a new pupil, who is decidedly Not Okay with Whatever This Place Has Going On.
A short Outsider POV on Creepy!Amity
Words: 482
CW: mild horror
Casper Blair High School is so completely, totally, absolutely fucking haunted.
I’ve been attending this school for two (2) goddamned days and until yesterday I didn’t even believe in the supernatural. If someone told me my new school would be haunted I’d roll my eyes and chalk them up to being some new age hippy who thinks that too much iron in your diet misaligns your chakras and that chemtrails are spying on you.
But two days of classes is enough to make it painfully obvious that ghosts are real and they’re haunting my new school, and yet no one wants to acknowledge that fact.
Which is WILD to me, cos like, why is no one talking about it? Has the whole school decided to live under some delusion that “the building is just old” and “the people are quirky”?
Except that is definitely not the case because people won’t even provide excuses, it’s like everyone just goes deaf when I mention it.
“Hey New Guy, know where you’re going for physics?”
“Sure, the Northern temporary block coated with the inescapable feeling of deep unease? Or is it the block above the cafeteria where the black mold spells ‘RUN’?”
“Ahaha, it’s above the cafeteria. Don’t piss off Mr Schaffer!”
Or during English.
“Hey Mr Lancer, your dry erase marker seems to be floating ominously?”
“Ah yes, thank you young man, don’t want to lose another…” as the guy plucks it from the air like nothing’s wrong.
It’s mostly evasion, but one conversation today unsettled me more than the school itself, somehow.
There are these three kids, right, in my year. Your classic tight-friends-who-don’t-really-register-on-the-social-heriarchy-cos-they-keep-to-themselves kinda deal. Neither popular nor unpopular, they just are, right. They all give off major haunted mojo (but then again, half the kids here do.)
My locker is by theirs. And I’m a friendly guy, so as they’re talking about the upcoming Hallowe’en dance, I perk up with a “Hey, is it worth going to, or is it the kinda thing everyone ditches to go drink in the woods?”
The dark-skinned kid laughed and turned to me. “Yeah, that’s about it - people come to the dance for the first bit, but then everyone gets in their trucks and takes the booze to Craven Point.”
The girl chimed in, sharing a look with her friends, “Yeah, and believe me, you don’t want to stay beyond the first hour my guy.”
“Ah yes, because of The Horrors, right?” I asked, with a grin. It was mostly a joke. I think.
The pale guy’s face dropped, as did my left kidney by the feel of it. “Not a joke dude. Word to the wise, ‘cos you’re New - do not go around saying shit like that, kay?”
And with that, The Trio closed their lockers and left in lock-step.
The Presence in my locker left out a low, wet chuckle.
Lovely. Just great.
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constellaj · 2 years
essay about how a lot of the characterizations in Danny phantom seem really shallow or harsh bc it's a fictional medium that's telling its story thru an allegorical exaggeration in a world where stereotypes about being a high schooler are true and it's not meant to be like, a comment on any one characters moral backbone. the reason mr lancer is mean sometimes is bc in Danny's pov within the episode he is an obstacle to overcome and therefore he has to be Like That to provide tension to the narrative -- but it isn't an explicit representation of his fictional character, just an allegorical "right now Danny feels very misunderstood and unsupported by school faculty". the reason dash baxter is so goddamn over the top is bc he's fulfilling a stereotype and telling the audience "this kid is getting bullied". Jack and Maddie can seem needlessly callous or uncaring bc their role isn't normally about their own character, but about illustrating how Danny feels about his relationship with his parents. comedie del arte or whatever . it's a children's cartoon with a target audience of like ten year olds that's utilizing exaggeration to make sure the beats they're hitting are clear, please god approach it as a work of narrative instead of a bunch of characters t-posing in a room, stan dash Baxter + kwan huang or whatever, goodnight I love you
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watery-melon-baller · 10 months
for any of y'all Danny phantom fans that haven't been scared away by all my toh posting Aru posted a new chapter! go read it now (also idk why the formatting is weird sorry)
These Things Take Time (57809 words) by watery_melon_baller Chapters: 15/? Fandom: Danny Phantom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Danny Fenton & Tucker Foley & Sam Manson, Danny Fenton & Tucker Foley, Tucker Foley & Sam Manson, Danny Fenton & Sam Manson Characters: Tucker Foley, Danny Fenton, Sam Manson, Maddie Fenton, Jack Fenton, Jazz Fenton, Mr. Lancer (Danny Phantom) Additional Tags: Ghosts, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Gets less angsty as it grows, The Ghost Portal, The portal accident, Fentonworks, POV Tucker Foley, at least for now, SAM AND TUCKER ARE GOOD FRIENDS, Friendship, Fear, I'm a touchstarved gay so the characters are too, Poor Danny is having a terrible time, So are Tucker and Sam, I take Tucker's fear of hospitals and run with it, Giving Danny trauma hours, An absolutely bizzare frankenstein of angst and fluff, It's the mood whiplash :), Ace Danny, Blob ghosts, Blanket Permission, You should read the first part of the series if you're starting, because at this point it's just the first chapter Series: Part 2 of Terrifying Ghost Form AU Summary: He saw the ghost sitting on the bed, right in the place Danny had been. A choked scream issued from Sam, who had leapt back in the opposite direction from Tucker. The ghost looked around, its eyes moving to Sam, and then Tucker. When its terrifying green gaze met Tucker’s, his mind screamed Danger, Danger, RUN. It was all Tucker could do to stay still. If he ran now, the monster might lash out. “It’s me!”, the ghost cried, little green-glowing droplets beginning to well up in its wrong, oh so wrong glowing eyes. (AU in which Danny's ghost form is incredibly creepy, off-putting, and fear-inducing to everyone despite the fact that it looks exactly the same as in the show, and it's literally impossible to recognize him in it.)
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months
faces for voices
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/fxFoQrc by ziazippy5379 August Lancer got home on a Friday night, ready for the weekend. And got a lot more than he expected from his voice call from his friend. Words: 3383, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types, Green Arrow - All Media Types, DCU Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Multi Characters: Mr. Lancer (Danny Phantom), Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen Relationships: Mr. Lancer (Danny Phantom)/Oliver Queen/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Online Friendship, Online Relationship, Online Romance, Getting Together, Old Friends, Love Confessions, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Please save me from my own brain, POV Mr. Lancer (Danny Phantom), POV Multiple, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, I gave Mr. Lancer the first name August, becuase I can, Identity Reveal read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/fxFoQrc
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blobghost · 6 months
Hiiii how this is your trucie! Was wondering a few things:
How do you feel about badger cereal? I can steer clear from Vlad if you want, but you only mentioned pomp pep (which I would not be writing anyway).
Do you only want something silly/cracky as a gift, or are you open to more serious fics too?
Would you be okay with my using a prompt in a sequel to a fic, or would you prefer something totally original (there is no wrong answer here)?
Do you have favorite characters? A favorite POV? A favorite genre or trope you’d enjoy seeing?
Do you have any prompts that you wanted to include but weren’t able to at the time? I like giving people the option if they thought of a number six they couldn’t put on the form.
That’s all I can think of for right now, please be as detailed as you want with your answers :)
Hi Truce anon!
I am chill with Vlad in general, so badger cereal is fine by me! I think he is a good character to blame stuff on just because he's so smart but also so dumb. He's also a really good foil to Danny so I really have no problems with Vlad so long as it isn't pomp pep.
I am totally open to serious stuff! I put silly/cracky stuff in my truce prompts as those tend to be easier to come up with one-shots or something funny to sketch and dont add stress to an already stressful holiday time. But if you want to do anything serious, I'm totally open to it! I remember adding an identity reveal prompt with a note of preferring funny reason but if you want to turn that serious, or any of them, please feel free to! I don't really have any issue with gore or dissection if the ideas turn that way.
You are totally welcome to use a prompt for a sequel or something!
So obviously I love the trio but other fav characters are: Clockwork, Frostbite, Mr. Lancer, Cujo, Valerie, and Wes. I prefer third person POV but don't have preference of how that translates into a fic (like who the fic follows or if it changes pov between characters). You don't need to include any them (not sure if these count as genres or tropes but here they are anyways) but I love Identity Reveals, Ghost King/Ancient of Space Danny, Danny actually being super smart when he isnt sleep deprived and dealing with constant ghost attacks (or when he stops to think for a single second).
I didn't have any extra prompt ideas. I will add that I am open to crossover stuff as there wasnt a place to mark that. But that's just a side note if you wanted to do a crossover with something.
I hope this helps, Truce anon! I'm pretty open with what I like, so rest assured I will LOVE whatever you come up with 💚💚
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phantomphangphucker · 4 years
Ectober Day 5: Colour- Weeping Flesh And Bone Chap.2: Just Don’t Tell Me What You See
A man’s strength is tested when faced with their worst nightmare. For a teacher that strength is measured by how far they’ll go to help the young. But sometimes the help the young need is too much to ask of anyone. “I need a hero to save me now”
He’s left unsurprised that sleep simply refuses to come that night, staring up at his ceiling and books didn’t help any. Daniel was involved in something dangerous, something that he felt he simply couldn’t get out of or away from. Samantha and Tucker could and did, at Daniel’s expense. And Daniel wasn’t getting help because he was terrified of others getting involved and hurt. And Samantha and Tucker had been getting hurt because of whatever Daniel had gotten himself involved in. So it wasn’t even like the boy’s fears were unfounded. Quite the opposite it seemed. And... Daniel wanted them to have their futures, to live life well. Felt that no one could do that if they stuck around him.
Lancer just can’t ignore him or forget though, and he shouldn’t really. Actively didn’t want to, even if he was scared and sad for Daniel. So he gets up and grabs his wool coat, he wasn’t going to sleep tonight and a walk always helped. At the very least it might give him some direction to go with Daniel. Something he can do for him or to get the boy to open up even slightly. Before he graduates and falls out of Lancer’s reach. And maybe quell the worry that Daniel spent his nights wandering around town drinking or getting hurt.
Walking out the door and heading down the sidewalk at random; regardless of Daniel's promise’, behind his eyelids Lancer could still see the imagined image of the boy laying on a metal examination table. Or laying in a pool of blood or alcohol.
And Lancer.... Lancer wasn’t prepared for that mental image to practically smack him in the face in real life. Turning his head only to see the boy at the end of an alley, bent over with one hand to the wall and clearly holding himself up. While the other was wrapped around his stomach, red dripping thickly from there to the ground. Ground that was also coated in bright glowing green. The fact that ectoplasm was never involved in his nightmares over Daniel wasn’t actually comforting though.
“Daniel”, Lancer hates how breathless he sounds. And how he jumps a little at Daniel’s head snapping towards him, barely catching green eyes turn blue. Ghosts had been plaguing Amity for three years now, he knew what eyes like that meant. But... a ghost couldn’t overshadow a badly hurt body. That was a fact.
The two stare at each other for a while, neither moving, while Lancer comes to the only conclusion he thinks is remotely logical. Eyes like that mean ghost, they always do. And the ectoplasm looked as unfortunately fresh as the blood. Somehow Daniel was... dead. Had already suffered the thing Lancer feared he would. But him, his body, still seemed living. So he also wasn’t... dead. Or maybe he was dying and this forsaken town just made that more noticeable. But the injuries, nothing explained that. Explained this. Clearing his throat and repeating himself, “Daniel”, and moving to walk over to him slowly, trying to seem as friendly as possible. Seeing him shaking and eyes flicking around in panic.
Jerking to a stop when Daniel turns to face him sharply and steps backwards a bit, baring his teeth and growling a little, “go away”. Lancer’s pretty sure he can see fangs and sharp teeth.
But this also gets him to notice the state Daniel’s in. The hand that isn’t holding him up on the wall was holding his insides up and pulling skin closed. He had been torn open. Swallowing a bit harshly, Lancer takes another step forward, testing the waters. Watching the blue flicker green again and now sharp nails cutting into the wall with unpleasant scraping sounds. He wasn’t dealing with the human Daniel he was used to seeing at school, the paranoid meek tired teen that worried him so. But a cornered ghost, potentially aggressive and threatening. And pain didn’t help anyone act normal.
So Lancer tries speaking to him again, making a point to sound gentle and push down the revulsion of the gore splattered around, “Daniel, you’re hurt. Badly. It’s me, okay? William Lancer? Just- let me help you, Daniel”. He didn’t mean to sound begging at the end, but that’s how it wanted to come out. Maybe that’s just what he needed.
Daniel bares his teeth again and leans forward a bit in a show that Lancer definitely recognises as aggression and attempted intimidation. He was still in fight or flight, with the latter not being an option, “why? Why can’t you just let it go? Let me go? Chasing me. Following after me. I’m not your fucking problem”, snarling then, “just get away!”.
Lancer has to force himself not to flinch from the volume and scratching echo of his voice. If Lancer wasn’t careful, Daniel could wind up hurting himself even worse or even hurting him. So he keeps his voice even and calm, “I wasn’t following you, Daniel. I simply needed to go for a walk”, sighing, “I couldn’t sleep. Reading and tea weren’t helping”.
Lancer’s not sure how Daniel can look like he’s frowning while still baring his teeth, “you couldn’t... sleep”. Lancer nods slowly, deciding any fast movements would just make the jumpy boy more jumpy. Daniel scrunches his eyebrows slightly, the green eyes fading to blue again, “your first name’s... William?”.
Lancer nods, a little surprised he’s never told Daniel that. But maybe that was a blessing in disguise right now. “Yeah, yeah it is”. Hopefully that little bit of knowledge with let Daniel open up even a little to him. At least let him help him right now.
Daniel just stares at him instead of responding but does close his lips, stops baring his teeth, so Lancer takes a chance and pushes him by stepping a little closer and holding out his hand. “Come on Daniel, let me help. I doubt I can do much, but let me do something. You’re bleeding a lot. I don’t want you to suffer more than what can’t be helped. Don’t let yourself die”.
Daniel scowls, glances to the wall and pulls his nails out of the wall before looking back to him, “I’m already dead”.
Lancer swallows, so one of Lancer’s worst fears was a reality. That doesn’t change how Lancer feels though, this boy’s still Daniel, he’s still his student, he’s still a person, and Lancer is still so very worried. “Ghosts can still die”. Death for ghosts was likely called something different. Daniel confirming that while giving him a very confused look, “it’s... it’s called fading”.
Lancer nods a little and steps a bit closer, close enough to put his hand gently on Daniel’s shoulder, “then don’t fade, alright? I’ll do what I can to help, okay? Will you let me do that? I won’t ask the who, how, or why unless you want me to, okay?”. Lancer only manages to stay upright due to Daniel’s disturbingly low weight, when the boy just collapses into him. Instantly worrying him so much more, he had no way to know what ‘fading’ looked like. How to tell if Daniel was starting to ‘fade’ if that even was the right way to say it. “Daniel? Are you okay? Are you still with me here?”.
Lancer lets out a slow breath when Daniel responds quietly, “just get me away from here”.
“Okay. I can do that. Are you okay going to my house? I live alone”.
“...That’s fine”.
Lancer nods, that’s probably the best he’s going to get out of him. He’d rather not move him at all but if Daniel wants out of here then that’s what Lancer’s going to do. He’s also not sure if he should be happy or not that Daniel walks himself, even if leaning against him. If he’s a ghost, then shouldn’t he be able to float? That would run less risk of aggravating his injury, or possible injuries plural. Maybe he was too weak to? He wants to ask, but Daniel’s letting him help and he refuses to mess that up or add to Daniel’s suffering further by pushing him.
Once they get out of the alley Lancer pauses at Daniel squeezing his shirt and speaking, “um, wait, please”. Watching Daniel with confusion as he points the palm of his hand that isn’t holding his torso together into the alleyway; Lancer seemingly being all that’s holding him up.
Lancer blinks and clenches his jaw to keep from gaping when Daniel fires a ball of blue fire out of his palm into the alley, setting everything on fire instantly. Lancer doesn’t need to ask why, he knows. Daniel was destroying the evidence. Destroying his blood and ectoplasm, and whatever else might be in there.
Lancer gets them moving again as Daniel drops his arm and slumps into him more, and is definitely having a harder time walking now. Maybe he wasn’t floating to save up whatever energy he had to do that instead? Hopefully using that energy didn’t just make him worse.
Daniel speaks up after a bit, “um, you aren’t going to ask, about, well, that?”.
Lancer shakes his head, “I said I wouldn’t ask. Though I believe I understand anyway”.
“I don’t understand you”. Lancer doesn’t get a chance to comment on that as Daniel starts up again, “I wrecked your coat”.
Lancer swallows, Daniel was too selfless. He was horribly injured and he was instead focused on Lancer’s clothing. Maybe it was a distraction technique, he hopes it’s that. Not that Daniel values his own health and safety so little that a piece of fabric was more important. “That’s fine, Daniel. It’s old. You are more important. Fabric is replaceable, people aren’t. Fabric doesn’t hurt, people do. And it’s okay to not understand. Just know that I mean it when I say I care and that I want to help”.
“Dangerous. Dangerous to care”. The rather clipped way Daniel said that makes Lancer freeze, “Daniel? Daniel, are you okay?”.
Daniel blinks slowly and lifts his hand off his stomach enough to scratch his other arm, “sorry, uh, I’m gonna pass out”. Lancer having to bend down a bit to catch him fully and lowering him to the ground slowly. Cursing under his breath over the state of Daniel’s stomach, since the boy wasn’t conscious to hold it anymore. So he tears off his jacket, not caring if he damages any of the buttons, and uses that to hold him together. Standing and readjusting to be carrying the boy instead of just supporting him, making a point to walk as fast as he can without jostling Daniel anymore than he can’t help. He wasn’t in the best of shape and this certainly wasn’t something he truly knew how to handle, but he had basic first aid and he’d do what he could; even if all that turned out to be was giving him a place to seek shelter, so he can heal. Ghosts were really durable weren’t they? Phantom sure seemed it. He hopes Daniel’s just as, if not more, durable. It saddens him that Daniel probably knows exactly how durable he is.
Getting back to his house, he decides the best place to do anything would be the kitchen table. Setting Daniel down as gently as he possibly can and cringing over his limpness before rushing to the bathroom and tearing off the shower curtain, throwing that over the table before getting Daniel to lay down on it.
Lancer very carefully unwraps his jacket from the teen, seriously hoping that’s the right corse of action. And under his kitchen lights the damage was a lot more noticeable, it was smooth instead of jagged, more like he had been cut methodically than attacked. This wasn’t a freak accident or anything, someone had done this to him intentionally.
Lancer sits down and rubs his forehead, this was incredibly bad, far worse than he thought. But he can’t let Daniel see him freaked out because then the boy will feel bad and maybe hide something even worse. If that was even possible.
Putting his hand down and standing, breathing a few times before trying to look him over without feeling incredibly bothered and disturbed. It’s not an easy task, because, after cutting off what’s left of his t-shirt and managing to wipe off most of the blood and ectoplasm, he sees exactly what kind of shape Daniel’s in.
He was skin and bones, littered with scars, had a few definite burns, and what looks like a snake bite on his shoulder. And then there was the major injury. The thing that’s certainly the cause behind him passing out, combined with probable overexertion and maybe a lack of energy.
This looked like definite knife marks, or something larger but equally as sharp. Like someone had attempted to slice him open down the middle but veered off to the left making the... mark curved. Lancer’s positive he can see exposed rib and has to forcibly avoid gagging. The bone looked to be scored as well and was glowing green faintly. Whoever did this put some serious force behind it, which makes Lancer noticeably cringe. The amount of pain Daniel must be in...
Maybe he should go find the pain medication, just in case. Who is Lancer kidding? He just needs some kind of break from this. From the nightmare become real. He makes it quick though, not wanting Daniel to wake up and run off. He’s sure if that happened then Daniel would never acknowledge any of this ever happened. Would show in class tomorrow like it was nothing and brush Lancer off. Maybe try to convince him it was all just an over-realistic dream.
Lancer rather wishes this was a nightmare.
Regardless, he takes a breath to steady himself before opening his first aid. Folding out one of the disinfectant wipes and hoping to everything this is the right thing to do. As intense and thorough as the staff training had become, cleaning exposed ribs and re-organising organs wasn’t something that was taught. Or should have to be. Ever.
Lancer almost wishes everything was green instead of vulnerable human red, it made it impossible to fully swallow down bile or keep his hands from shaking. But... this confirms Daniel is not dead. So too did the pulse he can feel against his fingers when he stills for breathers.
But that makes him question the boy’s durability, his ability to survive this. Lancer wanted to believe Daniel when he said he was okay, said he would be. Lancer always wanted to believe him. He never did. Never could. And now more than ever, he wishes he could.
Pausing and staring down, he doesn’t think he can even do anything more for the... insides. Should he? Glancing to the kit, he’s got nothing that could work as stitching. Could butterfly bandages work? The least he could do is try and hope that doesn’t hurt the boy more.
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aedelia · 3 years
Ok so desktop isn't cooperating right now, so I had to post to Ao3 and ff.net first.
DP side hoes week, Lancer/Reflection
I'll try posting the short here on tumblr again tomorrow.
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asjjohnson · 1 year
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Part 10 of my poll adventure fic. Links: the beginning, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9.
Danny walked with Sam and Tucker toward his first class.
Just as he started to step through the doorway, Sam touched his arm.
"Wait, Danny, I should warn you..." she said, and searched Danny's face as though she was about to tell him bad news. "A new transfer student was introduced yesterday while you were gone."
His ghost sense had gone off partway through class yesterday and he'd spent a long time searching for the ghost before finally giving up, missing the last few hours of school.
Danny tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Okay? And... there's more to this, isn't there?"
Sam and Tucker looked at each other for a moment, Sam giving Tucker a pleading look, before they both turned back to Danny.
Tucker said, "You remember Gregor?"
Danny frowned. "He's back?"
"Well, noooo..."
"But he does kinda resemble him."
"Okay, whatever. One more thing to think about," Danny said with a tired sigh, and then walked into the classroom.
With a quick glance around, he saw a head of white—or maybe platinum blond?—hair. The boy had his head down, writing something in a notebook.
So that's the kid Sam and Tucker were worried about.
He wasn't sure what his friends thought about him—whether they thought he could be a GIW operative, or some other kind of spy, or maybe even a ghost in disguise... or if they'd just wanted to remind Danny that Gregor hadn't been any of the above. But he would be prepared, whatever the case was.
Danny sat in his own seat, and pushed the transfer student to the back of his mind for now.
He talked with Sam and Tucker for a few seconds. Then Valerie came into the room, looking tired.
Just after she sat down, Danny heard something buzz. She tensed and glanced toward the door with a frown, leaning forward slightly, as though preparing to leap from her seat.
"Good morning, class!"
Danny turned to see Lancer walk through the door. Lancer sat down and sorted a few stacks of papers on the desk, before looking up and beginning to call roll.
Danny started paying attention as Lancer neared his name.
"Dan Phantom?"
Danny startled, his desk rising an inch and slamming back to the floor.
He opened his mouth, but before he could say, "I'm not Phantom!" a voice behind him said, "Here."
Danny snapped his head around.
Green eyes lazily met his.
Danny stared, mouth still hanging open. It was like looking in a mirror.
"Danny Fenton?"
One eyebrow, above the green eyes, rose in question.
Danny's shin was kicked and he turned back around.
"Danny Fenton."
"Oh! I'm here!"
"Tucker Foley?"
"Valerie Gray?"
"Present—can I use the bathroom?!"
Lancer pinched his nose and sighed. "Fine, but"—Valerie ran toward the door—"be back in fifteen minutes this time!"
Danny wondered where Valerie was going. His ghost sense hadn't gone off earlier.
But his thoughts turned back to the 'transfer student'.
He didn't know what was going on. Danny's eyes kept nervously glancing the kid's way, though he didn't seem to notice. Why did he look just like him?! Why was he here?! Was he him somehow?! What was happening?!
Lancer finished taking attendance and said, "Now, today we'll be reading pages—"
A ghost flew by the windows. And Danny's ghost sense activated.
He raised his hand. "Uh, Mr. Lancer, I also need to use the bathroom." His voice was higher than usual, still freaking out about the white-haired green-eyed kid that looked and sounded exactly like his ghost half.
Lancer looked skyward. "Fifteen minutes, Mr. Fenton. Fifteen."
He let out a sigh of relief as he ran from the room.
“Alert me when there’s an update” list:
@charlietheepic7, @chrysanthemum9484, @mymadmedleyw, @dp-marvel94, @aikoiya, @whydouwantmyname, @cinturon-cadena, @freakofyournature, @satanicrutialspecialist, @danphantom80, @kaezer, @chipsyay
(if you want on the list, specifically ask to be alerted for updates in a tag or comment. Ask again if I forget to add you! If I can’t tag you, I’ll send a Message.)
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saintobio · 3 years
pov: he’s a racer and you’re the finish line. (3)
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↳ oikawa tooru/reader (feat. miya atsumu)
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summary. driven by the thrill of illegal street racing, an esteemed racer from Miyagi shows up and makes a tough bet against your abusive boyfriend in exchange for you.
genre. angst/fluff, action, street racer au
cw. illegal street racing, mentions of physical and sexual abuse, mentions of past suicide, reference to substance abuse (drugs), strong language, gambling, guns, violence (please read at your own discretion)
notes. it got hella dark in here lol i am sad but also excited to post the final part!! thanks so much for reading this street racer oikawa short fic i rly hope u guys enjoyed it <3 i might consider a lighthearted suna spinoff to this series :>
previous <- masterlist
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Kim didn’t get the chance to tell you about ‘Isabel’ because Tooru came out of the bathroom just before she was going to give you the answer you wanted.
You believed talking about Isabel was something they avoided in this house, otherwise Kim wouldn’t have hesitated to tell you everything about her in front of Oikawa. You couldn’t measure if it was something to worry about and you certainly wouldn’t want to know that you were stepping on someone else’s heart in exchange for Tooru.
Isabel couldn’t possibly be his current lover, right?
You waited for your chance to hear the full story, patiently and respectfully, even though you could see that Kim wanted to tell you then and there. If not for a busy day ahead of her, you would’ve had the time and space to be alone to talk about it.
However, now wasn’t the perfect time. They had to be at their automotive garage to run their business and accommodating your concerns were the least of Kim’s priority right now.
“Seijoh Auto Repair Shop,” you read out the signage as you hopped out of Oikawa’s Nissan R34 Skyline. “You guys tune cars?”
He nodded, walking inside the garage while holding your hand. “Vehicle modifications and customizations. We also do repairs for exhaust systems, transmissions, and all that,” he answered, pointing towards an Auto Parts shop across the garage. “You see that over there, baby? That’s where I get all the high performance parts. Street racers in Miyagi would go there to get whatever I have under the hood and then they go here for mods.”
As impressed as you were, you also remembered to point out his Skyline that looked exactly like a replica of Paul Walker’s car. “Let’s talk about your R34 Skyline, Mr. Fast and Furious geek. Did you purposely customize your car just like Brian’s?”
“You got me.” He let out a faint chuckle before urging you to sit on top of a table where Mattsun’s huge toolbox was laid out. Tooru stood in between your legs and placed his hands on your thighs. “It’s cool, right? That bad boy’s not cheap, either. It’s got a higher market value after the movie came out and I exhausted all the money I earned from street races to build the exact specifications. It’s hard earned, that’s why it’s my favorite car.”
“I wonder what’s under the hood,” you innocently pondered, thinking about the exact modifications that he did on his engine.
The corner of his lips lifted into a sly smirk and you could see his eyes briefly checking out your body before looking back at you. “I’d prefer to see what’s on top of the hood.”
You blushed at the memory of the previous night’s steamy sex on top of his McLaren Senna. There was no way in hell you could ever look at the car and not be reminded of that night.
Tooru was about to kiss your lips until the crew’s footsteps and loud teasing had distracted you two.
“Okay, sweethearts. This isn’t a motel,” Kim commented in good humor, stopping in front of a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX that was currently under repair.
Mattsun followed shortly, opening his toolbox beside you with an amused smile. “Where were you two last night?”
Makki showed up, grinning before he did his best imitation of you, “A-Aaah, Tooru! Mmh.. Yes, yes faster!”
“Oh my god! Stop,” you squealed, hiding your embarrassed face on Oikawa’s neck.
Your guy, however, was laughing along. “Shut up, Makki. I bet my ass you jerked off to us.”
You were partly grateful when Iwaizumi came to end the teasing as he delivered another news that quickly took the crew’s interest. “Hey, I was just at the auto shop and guess who ordered a Magnaflow xMOD in time for Friday’s race?”
“Your mom?” Hanamaki joked which earned a middle finger from Iwaizumi.
“Semi Eita,” he confirmed, turning to Oikawa who remained unbothered.
“Fuck that guy, bro,” he merely said as he leaned his back against your chest. “He’s just gonna end up losing to me either way.”
Kim sniggered while wiping her hands with a towel. “What car you gonna use this Friday, baby?”
Oikawa shrugged as if it was obvious enough. “Skyline.”
You didn’t mean to chime into their conversation but you thought that your idea could help, “Why don’t you use the Senna?” you asked naively.
The guys laughed at what seemed like a funny proposition and Tooru leaned in to kiss your cheek as a response. “You’re cute,” he stated. “But no one’s gonna take me seriously if I show up in an expensive ass car, baby. It’s underground street racing, not Formula One circuit.”
You ended up pouting because you didn’t have any fucking idea about it. Back in Hyogo, they simply did street racing for fun but they seemed to take the whole street racing scene more seriously here in Miyagi. It was definitely a huge change of atmosphere.
Tooru pecked your lips to erase your silly pout. “Come watch Friday’s race. I’ll win one for you again.”
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Oikawa’s crew was vastly different from the Atsumu’s crew and some of the main differences were easily noticeable through their bond. With Oikawa’s crew, they were more chaotic but highly experienced with automobiles. Atsumu’s crew, on the other hand, were more relaxed and the only people that were causing the chaos were the Miya twins.
You loved two groups of people equally, but now that you lived with them and was basically part of Tooru’s crew, you learned to appreciate the great company they offered you. They gave you a warm welcome and treated you like a family right away, despite being with them for only a couple of days. It felt nice to finally belong somewhere where you weren’t being disregarded or treated like dirt by one or two people. For them, anyone Oikawa liked, they also liked.
It was on a Thursday night, which was the night before the race, when you finally had the chance to be alone with Kim on the balcony of Oikawa’s house. The guys were downstairs playing videogames so you were assured that no one would bother you two.
She was drinking a cold Corona beer while looking at the stars in deep thought and you took this opportunity to bring up the question that had been lurking inside your head for days.
“Kim,” you called for her attention, which she immediately gave. “About Isabel?”
Her eyes quickly recalled the last conversation you two were in. “Right, well—”
“Sorry if I seem so nosey or anything,” you explained beforehand, just in case. “I’m just really curious ‘cause I don’t wanna find out that I’m Tooru’s sidehoe or something.”
Kim found humor in it. “No, you’re fine. I would’ve been curious, too.”
Silently, you were wishing that you weren’t going to end up hurt with what she was about to say.
“Isabel was his girlfriend for six years,” Kim explained. “But he’s been in love with her more than that.”
Yup, that definitely hurt. You couldn’t even understand why there was a pang of jealousy creeping in your chest because it was just unacceptable for you feel that way. It wasn’t like you and Oikawa could magically fall in love after a few days, even if you were easily and strongly attached to him, you had to know your place.
“Where’s she now?” you silently asked.
She exhaled a deep sigh. “You’re gonna be shocked but... she ended her life two years ago. Her uncle, he physically and sexually assaulted her and the trauma she went through eventually made her commit. Oikawa didn’t find out about it until a week after she died. She never told anyone about the abuse ‘cause she was scared.”
It almost felt like your heart dropped to your stomach after hearing about what the poor girl went through. At the same time, your heart was hurting at the puzzle pieces that were slowly coming together as a whole.
“God, I’m telling you Oikawa was so enraged after that. None of us could talk to him because he was angry at the world—at the fact that he didn’t get to do anything to spare Isabel’s life and the fact that her demon uncle ran away instead of rotting in jail.” Kim’s eyes reflected the pain that she was feeling for Oikawa because she had been around him longer than you could imagine. She had seen it all. “You know, the reason why Oikawa would drive across Japan, from town to town, isn’t just because of street racing.”
Your eyes locked with hers. “What do you mean?”
“What I mean is, Isabel’s uncle is still hiding somewhere across Japan and Oikawa made it his lifelong goal to search for him,” she explained, pausing to give you a few seconds to fully understand it. “Oikawa’s trying to find his traces and he vows to kill the guy with his own hands. He wants to avenge Isabel’s death.”
You were left extremely shocked at all the information you were hearing. You truly, truly did not expect that it was this serious. It was difficult to imagine how much resentment Tooru had inside of him because you thought losing his dad was already the peak of his pain. He also lost his soulmate, his one and only, in an exceedingly brutal way.
“It’s sad and scary, right?” she asked, looking up at the night sky. “Isabel was such a beautiful girl. She’s extremely gorgeous, so kind, so gentle. You know those types of girls that just makes you speechless on the first look? She looks like an angel, to be honest. Oikawa and her were the perfect match and we all supported their relationship because they were really each other’s soulmates. Unfortunately, it just ended tragically for both of them.”
You fell silent, listening to her words while admittedly feeling an ache growing deep down. Inside your head, you could picture him out with the girl he loved with all his heart and thought of the should’ves and could’ves if she was still alive.
“Maybe that’s why Oikawa’s wrapped around your fingers.” Kim then turned her head back at you. “Because you kinda look like her.”
Actually, you realized it wasn’t just that.
When Oikawa saw you for the first time, he also witnessed the abuse you were going through with Atsumu and it must have struck a nerve on Tooru’s desire to act as a hero to the abused. He saw Isabel through you and he thought that saving you would give him a sense of comfort. You reminded him of Isabel with what you were going through and it was the only reason he even pursued you.
You were simply going to live off of her shadow and as much as it hurt, it was the raw and hard truth.
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Tooru noticed your sudden odd behavior when you woke up that morning and scooted away from his warm hug. He thought, maybe you were just having a bad day, but even until the night of the race came, you had been silent on your own as if there was a battle going through your head.
Call it rash or whatever, but he did care about you more than he ought to. You were like a magnet, a gravity with a force strong enough to keep him attached. He barely knew you other than the stories you told him, but it did feel like he’d known you for so long.
“Wanna hold my hand?” he asked affectionately as he parked the car along the parking space for tonight’s race. Makki and the organizers managed to close down the street for tonight’s race while the cops were busy involving themselves on a homicide case in the city.
“I’m fine.” You avoided his gaze when you got out of the car and he figured that something was wrong. Were you missing that blond toolbag from Hyogo? Were you homesick? Those were his theories. However, he saw you smile for the first time today when a familiar guy with dark middle-parted hair came to greet you. “Suna!”
“Hey! I almost lost my way,” the guy immediately ranted after embracing you. “How are you? I got your stuff in the car.”
As a man, it was natural for Oikawa to stand behind you and claim his territory. He knew Suna was only a good friend, but the guy was still loyal to Atsumu so he was only being cautious.
“I can’t believe you drove all the way here,” you said, apologetically. “I really missed you and the guys!”
“We miss you, too.”
“Sup, bro.” Oikawa offered Suna a manly handshake that he soon returned. “You should join the race tonight. We got a four-man quarter mile race and we need one more racer to fill the slot.”
Suna seemed delighted. “What’s the bet?”
“Maybe fifteen grand,” Oikawa casually answered. “Or a pink slip, whichever works.”
“Man, pass. I don’t have enough cash,” the guy chickened out. “Next time.”
Oikawa simply grinned. “That sucks, bro. I’d want to see your GT86 doing god’s work.” He later moved closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and leaning in to kiss your temple. Thankfully, you didn’t move away from his touch.
Suna noticed the affection with a surprised look. “Are you guys, like, dating?”
“I don’t know,” Oikawa teased, looking at you. “What’cha think, baby? I think we’re dating.”
You shook your head, but still let him intertwine his fingers with yours. “Too early to say.”
“Dude, as long as you treat her right, I support it.” Suna shared a look between him and you.
Your attention was shortly diverted when the three of you heard the sound of an engine violently revving nearby. It was followed by a loud bass-boosted song Pump It Up playing from the stereo and you realized that it was Iwaizumi’s dark green Subaru BRZ.
He parked his car next to Oikawa’s and got off with Kim greeting everyone enthusiastically.
“Hey, guys.” Kim quickly saw Suna and offered her hand. “Hey, baby. I’m Kim!”
“Kim, stop calling everyone ‘baby’,” Iwaizumi scolded before greeting the new guy. “Hajime. Nice to meet you.”
“Suna,” the guy responded in the same friendly manner.
You were the one who introduced the guys to him just so he had an idea about the acquaintances that you’ve made in Miyagi. “Kim and Iwa are in Oikawa’s crew,” you paused, seeing the other two. “That’s Makki and Mattsun, also in the crew.”
Oikawa was visibly confused, just as you were, when he saw Makki’s girl cousin looking at Suna in utter shock.
“Sunarin, what the fuck?”
“Yo, what the fuck are you doing here?”
“You tell me, bitch.” The girl crossed her arms. “You following me?!”
“Holy shit,” you muttered in amusement, realizing that it was the girl from Suna’s neighborhood. First of all, what, where, and how was she in Miyagi?
“You’re the one following me, the fuck?” Suna retorted in grave denial. “I was here for Y/N, not you.”
“I’m here to visit my cousin for the weekend,” she clarified with an eyebrow raised. The whole crew found it hilarious how the two seemed to hate each other so much. “Makki, don’t tell me this loser’s gonna race tonight.”
Tooru immediately dismissed. “Nah, he’s not. You could, though.”
Makki’s younger cousin huffed. “No way, I’m just gonna lose to you.”
“Don’t embarrass me with that lack of self confidence,” Makki told her before looking at the crew leader. “Hey, Tooru O’Conner. I got word we can start the race in ten. Semi’s here and two other guys also filled the spot.”
With excitement filling his veins, Oikawa lifted your chin and made you stare at his caramel eyes. “Ride with me.”
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They changed the route to a 1km stretch because Oikawa complained about the quarter mile being way too easy for him. His opponents simply went for whatever he wanted because they were only racing to beat him in the first place.
Your grip on the seatbelts were tight the moment the flagger yelled ‘go’ and Tooru had immediately stepped on the accelerator at the signal. The sound of the turbo got deafeningly loud when the four cars sped off the road with people cheering on the sideline. Kind of suprising how Oikawa ended up tailing behind a burgundy Toyota Supra MK3 with white race stripes. Apparently, the said car was driven by a guy named Semi Eita and he appeared to be a skilled driver.
Although Oikawa was only second in the lead, he was calm and collected while he shifted his gears with full focus. You realized how different he was from Atsumu because the latter would have already been cursing or yelling angrily. Meanwhile, Tooru simply manned the steering wheel with one hand and held the gearshift on the other. The muscles on his forearm were flexing with each precise movement but you paid more attention to the way he was licking his lower lip with a smirk.
“Watch this,” he said, oversteering the car and losing traction but still managing to control it as he drifted on the corner. He was drifting in a complete 90 degree angle, passing his opponents with a smug face. “Yeah, boy!”
Your lips formed a small smile at how cool your ‘boyfriend’ looked while he did that.
The Supra caught up when both cars entered a narrow street and you were kind of nervous at how close the car was from you. “Oh my god, Tooru,” you muttered, holding your breath.
“It’s okay, baby.” He quickly grabbed your hand and made you grip the gearshift—he was doing it so he could hold your hand while he drove off. “Nice body kit, bro.” He took a good look at Semi and gave him a playful wink before he skillfully turned to the left.
More tire-screeching sounds, more engines roaring.
At one point, a neon green Mitsubishi Eclipse had almost collided into Oikawa’s rear end which essentially caused his distraction. He was annoyed by this and had made you tighten your grip on the gearshift as he bumped the car with his sideframe. The Eclipse skidded to the side and completely lost its control.
“You’re so mean,” you told him when you saw him grinning at the unfortunate fate of the Eclipse.
“Baby.” He glanced at your eyes and then to your lips before watching the road again. “If I win tonight, can you give me head?”
You suppressed a chuckle, shaking your head at his silly request. “If you win. The Supra just utilized his NOS.”
Oikawa watched Semi’s arrogant smirk on display when he drove past him after acquiring more speed with the Nitrous Oxide. You figured that maybe the Grand King would be dethroned tonight, but he thought otherwise.
“Too soon, bro,” Tooru confidently claimed, glancing at his speedometer and flipping some switches but you had no idea what purpose they had. Once again, he drifted towards the last turn before his car increased into a superb speed.
Guess you were giving head tonight.
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Oikawa kissed you in front of everybody after he won the race and yet, people still surrounded him, particularly the girls as they all vied for his attention. It didn’t bother you because you didn’t really feel like you were Oikawa’s real girl, but a simple prize. A trophy. Just like how you were to Atsumu.
The night was still young and the cops were nowhere in sight. Due to this, they decided to do one more race with Iwaizumi’s participation this time.
Oikawa, acting as a supportive best friend, was busy hyping him up just before the race would start and you took that opportunity to take a quick bathroom break.
“Where you going?” Suna asked while seated on the hood of his car.
“I’ll be back,” you assured, making your way to the nearest convenience store you could find.
You ended up finding one just across the street and the lady from the counter was nice enough to let you use the bathroom. When you got outside, she gave you a look of recognition as if she knew exactly where you came from.
“Street racer?” she inquired.
You smiled and shook your head. “No, just came to watch.”
“Oh, did Oikawa win again?”
Her question surprised you. “You know him?”
“Everyone knows him,” she answered. “He used to come here with his girlfriend, too. They were really perfect together. It’s sad to know about what happened.”
Almost everyone who knew Tooru had been saying how him and Isabel were a match made in heaven and it was leaving you utterly hurt. You understood that she was no longer alive but this doesn’t change the fact that she had more significant memories with him than you. You were just a filler to the void she left and even if Tooru did learn to love you eventually, you would always just come second. That was all you’d ever be.
He was just using you to move on.
While you made your way back to the racing scene and having a million thoughts running in your head, you barely noticed that someone was trailing behind you as you made a turn to the dark alleyway.
Your heart stopped.
“Get in the car,” Atsumu growled, pointing a gun at your head. “Don’t speak another word.”
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You were holding your tears while you sat at the passenger seat of Atsumu’s car, feeling anxious and frightened for your life, feeling terrified and traumatized, feeling all the worst things that more than a single person could take.
Tooru was too good to be true.
Now you were back in your abuser’s car because you couldn’t leave even if you wanted to. He had threatened your life and everyone else around you if you didn’t listen to him.
You couldn’t escape when he drove through the city while you eventually released your muffled sobs. “I don’t wanna be with you anymore.”
Atsumu let out a laugh, a cruel one, that almost sent shivers to your spine. “You wanna be with him? You don’t know him.”
“I’d rather be with him,” you stated, swallowing hard. “Than to be with a bastard like you.”
“Try,” he challenged. “I can just kill the both of you then, if that’s what you want.”
“You’re fucking crazy.”
He was about to respond, however your phone started ringing loud enough that it almost made you jump from your seat. Both you and Atsumu saw Oikawa’s name on the caller ID and it felt like the anxiety in your chest was only growing each second.
“Answer it,” he instructed with gritted teeth. “Put it on speaker. Tell him you’re leaving. Tell him you’re not coming back. Give him a reason why you’re leaving.”
You were paralyzed.
“Fucking answer it, bitch!”
The rage in Atsumu’s eyes intimidated you into eventually answering Oikawa’s phone call and taking a deep breath.
Atsumu stopped driving and had parked the car on the sidewalk of a barely lit street. He eyed you warily as you pressed on the phone and he pointed the gun in your direction.
“Where are you?” was the first thing you heard from Oikawa on the other end of the line. “Baby, please tell me.”
Atsumu urged for you to speak while threatening you. At this point, your breathing was ragged but you managed to speak, “I’m leaving for good.”
“What do you—What’s this? You’re not leaving me,” he spoke in urgency. “I’ll go to you. Let’s talk about it.”
With your eyes closed, you poured your heart out to him. “I-I can’t stay with you and be in your life knowing that... that Isabel, she’s the person you see when you look at me. I can’t stay with you knowing that I’m only just with you because I remind you of her and the sad thing is I can never surpass her. I can never be her. I never belonged to you, I... I belong to Atsumu because it’s my reality. Even if my relationship with him is imperfect, he’s who I belong to. It’s the life that was given to me.”
It was true and you just had to accept it. This little runaway with Tooru was just a taste of heaven but you deserved to go to hell with Atsumu because that was simply your fate. You already knew, after hearing it from everyone that Isabel was and would always be the person that Tooru could ever offer his life to. Not you. Not a stranger he merely won as a prize.
“Tell me you’re fucking kidding right now, Y/N.” It was the first time Oikawa called you by your first name and his voice sounded painfully grim and serious. “Who told you about Isabel?”
“That’s not important.”
“It is important!” he yelled through the phone. “Isabel’s gone. It’s been two years and fuck, I know I’ll always love her but I’m allowed to find someone else and love again, too. I’m genuine with everything I ever said to you and I don’t want you to go back to that lunatic ‘cause he won’t treat you right!”
Atsumu scoffed at Tooru’s words while gesturing for you to end the call. Your heart felt suffocated at the realization of your final moments with the guy you thought could save you from misery. The truth was, he couldn’t. You two lived very different lives that weren’t fated to merge together.
“I-I have to go,” you said, sniffing silently.
“No, tell me where you are right now! Baby, please.. Please.”
“I’m sorry.”
Atsumu snatched the phone off your hold and ended the call while you were wiping the tears from your face. You couldn’t understand why you had to live a life like this when you deserved so much more.
“So fucking dramatic,” Atsumu snarked before he started sniggering. “You’re good for mentioning the Isabel chick, though. I heard about her, too.”
You turned your head away from him and didn’t speak a word.
“He can be convicted as a criminal, you know,” he added, clearly entertained at the thought. “I found out some things about that punk and the reason why he was in Hyogo was because he was after that chick’s uncle who lived four blocks away from us. Poor man almost got beaten to death, broke several bones, but that stupid punk of yours was a pussy and spared his life for some reason.”
You tried to conceal the horror on your face at the information you just heard. At the same time, you felt Tooru’s pain and how hard it must have been for him to see the man that abused the girl he loved.
“You wanna be with a criminal, huh?” Atsumu mocked, pulling your chin to face him. “Stop moping around before I spit on you. We can just go back to the way we were. You love me.”
You forcefully pushed his hand away. “You’re the criminal here. You’re an abuser and a drug addict, you disgusting pig. What did I even do to you?”
And he couldn’t even answer. What he did instead was to grab his gun, which startled you, and then he started guffawing at your frightened expression. “This gun isn’t even real. You’re really stupid.”
You clenched your fist and glared at him. “You’re sick! You’re fucking mental.”
“Say what you want,” he said, pulling you by your shirt as a way of intimidation but not long before he noticed the hickeys that Tooru left all over your shoulder blade. His hand balled into a tight fist while he gripped your shirt and you already knew what was about to happen. “You fucked him?”
“Many times,” you spitefully retorted. “And I liked every second of it—”
Atsumu slapped you across your cheek and it sent an extreme wave of shock and disbelief all over your body. You looked back at him with eyes full of fury before you smacked his face in return. You ought to return what he was giving. Every bit of it. So when he later grabbed you by the jaw to look at him, you pulled away and spit on his face, but the bastard enjoyed it.
He fucking enjoyed it.
“You’re dead to me when we get home.”
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You sat in complete silence and chose not to utter a single word after Atsumu laid a hand on you. Needless to say that you were taken aback by his violence and you started worrying for your own sanity once you finally go back to Hyogo. You knew his threats weren’t empty and you had no way out of it.
He was driving along the freeway at 12AM with a satisfied but somehow stern look on his disgusting face, probably thinking of all the cruel stuff he planned on doing to you.
His expression, however, had immensely turned into alarm and frustration when he eyed the side mirror and saw about three cars speeding off to chase him.
“Shit,” he cursed under his breath, forcefully stepping on the gas to increase his car’s speed in urgency. You turned around to take a good look at the cars and recognized them immediately. The sound of the turbo and the speed of one specific car already gave it away—it was the R34 Skyline.
Tailing behind it was Iwaizumi’s BRZ and Makki’s 350Z who both skillfully evaded the other cars through the light freeway traffic.
“Oh my god,” you gasped, feeling the adrenaline and the anxiety combining.
They were coming to get you, and they were coming fast.
You heard a loud horn from Tooru’s car as he went past an SUV that was two cars away from where you were and you managed to get a glimpse of his face for a brief second. You recognized that the look of determination and the unwavering focus he had was the same expression he displayed on the day he raced to win you.
“Sit the fuck down, will you?!” Atsumu whined like the little bitch he was and used his remaining NOS.
You staggered on your seat from the sudden boost and almost hit your head on the window if not for your seatbelt. “You own a GTR and can’t even fucking drive.”
“Shut your fuckin’ mouth.” He was exceeding the speed limit, dodging the cars that were blocking his way until his car grazed into a sedan. “Get outta the way, man!”
The Skyline’s engine roared and you knew Oikawa was pretty close even without looking back. It caught you by surprise when the BRZ appeared on your left side, the Skyline to the right, and the 350Z drafting on the rear end. Atsumu tried to steer his car but Oikawa willfully bumped him in return and made sure to keep him inside the triangle they created.
You were cussing inside your head as you started overthinking of how this could lead into a fatal car crash or a lawful jail time. It certainly could, but Atsumu had been cornered to drive off the freeway and steer the car into the frontage road, eventually entering back to the city.
Atsumu was cussing over and over knowing that he could never outsmart these three cars because Miyagi was their territory. They knew these roads better than anyone else and it wasn’t much of a shock until Atsumu’s reckless driving made him turn to a dead end with Oikawa drifting to block his car. The two other cars joined the makeshift border and you were still panting from all the adrenaline rush.
Surely, all of these made you dizzy but you didn’t miss witnessing how Oikawa angrily stomped off his car, pulled Atsumu’s door open, and grabbed him by the collar before harshly thrashing him on the floor.
You got off the car in surprise and tried to stop the two. “Tooru!”
He threw a hard punch across Atsumu’s face—once, twice—the blond guy was laughing with blood in his mouth. “You gonna kill me?”
“Tooru, please!”
“Hold her.” The said guy pointed at you with a stern face and you were later pulled back by Kim and Mattsun while Iwa and Makki helped him with Atsumu.
The dark expression on Oikawa’s face scared you because you’ve never seen it before. This was a different version of him. It was scary and menacing with no trace of his normally flippant personality.
You tried to get away from Mattsun’s grip and turned to Kim for some help but she refused. “Sorry, we follow Oikawa’s orders.”
“We got someone to track your phone,” Mattsun added while the brawl continued from a safe distance.
You saw Atsumu trying to fight back as he managed to hit Tooru on the cheekbone but the guy kicked him against a wall with Iwaizumi and Makki holding him back. “What did we fucking agree to, huh?” Tooru questioned, grabbing Atsumu’s shirt. “You tryna snatch her off in my territory?”
“She’s not yours to begin with,” Atsumu answered back which earned him another punch. You could no longer bear seeing more violence.
“Enough!” you cried, hands shaking. “Please, Tooru. I’ll come with you. Just... Just stop this now!”
It was hard for him to listen to you and simply let Atsumu off but with his crew’s reassurance that they weren’t going to let your abuser go, Oikawa eventually stepped back. For you.
“We’ll take care of this douche,” Iwaizumi promised.
In an instant, Oikawa was heading off to you and pulling you to get inside his car. Atsumu was spewing some words protest even until the Skyline drove off.
That was the very last time you’ve ever seen Atsumu Miya.
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It was afternoon when you wake up from Tooru’s bed feeling an intense rush of pain searing from your head as you barely recalled the events from last night.
“Baby,” he softly whispered, moving some hair out of your face before he touched your cheek. “You fainted last night.”
You realized he was holding you in his arms with your head resting against his chest. “Wh-What happened to Atsumu? Please tell me you didn’t—”
“Cops sent him back to his town. He’s got a restraining order,” he narrated. “He can’t get anywhere near you.”
You let out a sigh of relief at the fact that he didn’t end up into something worse. You hated the guy for sure, but you weren’t heartless to wish that he’d just die.
“Are you mad at me?” Oikawa lifted your chin so you could look at his caramel eyes.
How could you get mad at him?
“No,” you answered, your eyes not leaving his.
“I’m sorry for not telling you about Isabel.” He pressed his forehead against yours as he delivered his apology. “But I promise you, I pursued you because I genuinely want you to be mine and you’re not just her replacement or however you call it. I swear it’s not that. I like your smile, I like how you’re not afraid to speak your mind, I like the way you make me feel—I like you, in your own unique way. I can’t let you go. I’m asking for your chance to let me be here for you and I’ll work hard to prove to you that I’m sincere. Even if I have to show you every single day how much I wanna be with you, I’ll do everything. Just stay with me.”
You touched his cheek and sighed. There were two choices you could make and it’s a) to go back into your miserable and abusive relationship with Atsumu or b) stay with the guy who, despite the circumstances of how he met you, was willing to be a better man and treat you right.
And fuck, you’d be dumb not to choose the latter.
It was only natural for him to still have Isabel in his heart and you weren’t going to take it away from him. She held a special place in his heart that would always be there and it was okay. You were already comforted by the thought that Tooru wanted to learn how to love again, just like you, and be happy with someone else.
Cruel world, truly. You two didn’t have the best ending with your previous partners but here you were now, finding each other to make up the broken pieces.
It wasn’t just about winning you through a race anymore. It was so much more than that.
“Promise me you’re not gonna play with my feelings?”
Oikawa offered a heartfelt smile. “You don’t have to ask, baby.”
You pulled him for a kiss, a gentle and endearing one that left your heart fluttering in bliss. You were glad to have chosen this heaven with him and wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
The past was definitely just in the past. Everything else should move into the future. This, you, him. Together. Maybe you two could be each other’s ride or die. Maybe this was your fate after all.
For now, he pulled away to meet your gaze. “Let’s go for a drive?”
“Where to?”
“Isabel’s grave,” he answered. “To let her meet you and say goodbye.”
He planted a kiss on your forehead, reaching for his keys on the bedside table and handing it to you.
“Hope you’re good at driving a McLaren.”
general taglist: @x-cloudyyyy @iwazubean @elianetsantana @cottonheadedninnymugggins @centvry @kageyamakock @sunnsettee @bluesylveon2 @tsukkisfatsimp @cuddlesslut @mysteriousparker @asdfghjkl7things @02hhsailor @anejuuuuoy @minswags-posts @chemnerdkuroo @misssugarless @deeznutss @tanakax123 @oikawa-bubs @lust4keiji @black-kuroover @stel9
@bakus-stuff @l0v3y0ub0nn1 @kagsluvr @ems1des @daylghits @oiikawaslut @chaeringpop
1K notes · View notes
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Danny Phantom Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Amity Park Residents & Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton & Tucker Foley & Sam Manson, Danny Fenton & Jack Fenton & Maddie Fenton, Danny Fenton & Vlad Masters, Danny Fenton & Mr. Lancer, Danny Fenton & Jazz Fenton Additional Tags: Runaway King AU, Ghost King Danny Fenton, Ghost Cores (Danny Phantom), Ghost Zone Politics (Danny Phantom), Sentient Ghost Zone (Danny Phantom), Danny and the Runaways, Identity Reveal, it's bound to happen at some point in all my stories, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Humor, lmao soon, Angst, Danny Whump, because of course, POV Outsider Series: Part 1 of Runaway Ghost King
Runaway King AU AU + Edited by: Dream_Trance (@dreamwraith​) Written by: RedGhost1010
When Pariah Dark's legacy fades and the King Stone calls for Danny Phantom to inherent the crown, only his enemies prefer he remain alive and not the all powerful ruler of the Infinite Realms. His name is whispered among ghosts, reverence and resentment flavoring his deeds, but what use is a crown with a price weighed in blood?
To become king, Danny Fenton must die.
299 notes · View notes
dekalko-mania · 3 years
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Phantom’s Sketchbook: By AkoyaMizuno: Mr. Lancer finds himself in an unparalleled situation, he has access to something which can give him incredible insight into the personal workings of Amity Park's local ghost teen hero, Danny Phantom. 
Additional Tags: Revelation Fic, Caring Mr. Lancer, Secret Identity
Get Out, Get Gone: By Anthrop: There’s a weight to you now that wasn’t there before. You’d think with your powers—(and doesn’t it feel strange to call them that, when you shake and shiver at the sight of your bones under your meat, when you walk down the stairs and your feet don’t touch anything at all)—you’d weigh less, be less. A thing of smoke, and ectoplasm, and all that awful electricity arcing through your nerves. But that's not what happened.
Additional Tags: stream of consciousness-style writing, anxiety, Danny’s going through it bro
Of English Projects and Revelations: By Nyomio: Dash just wanted to get a good grade on his English Assignment. He had figured there was a solid chance that putting himself, Paulie, Val and Fenton in the same chat would end poorly, but he hadn't expected things to escalate quite as they did. With all the chaos around him, he just has to ask - will they ever work on their English Project?
Additional Tags: chat fic, hurt/comfort, humor, revelation fic
Jumping At Shadows: By sapphireswimming: Dash has a problem and he needs Danny Phantom's help. So he decides to get it by... blackmailing Danny Fenton?
Additional Tags: Humor, ghost hunting, suspense, Dash admires Danny Phantom
omnis immunde spiritus: By aloneintherain: Danny’s eyes were fixed on the locker, never-moving, as though he could see straight through the wall and over to the other side. For a split second, Kwan could have even sworn that Danny’s eyes shone silver, like the eyes of a deer, glowing under headlights.
What the fuck, he thought.
Additional Tags: guys in white, friendship, spooky ghost kid danny fenton, POV outsider
Parasite: By DarkNymfa: Danny had to know that Vlad Masters—Vlad Plasmius—was trying to kill him. All Vlad needed for him was to get too fed up, go too far...To end it. Before Plasmius could do worse.
Additional Tags: angst, angst with a happy ending, possession, self-sacrifice 
Redemption: By SassyArtFarts: After a vicious fight between known antagonistic pair: Danny Fenton and Dash Baxter, Mr. Lancer comes up with a way to hopefully get them on better terms as they work together preparing a restoring project of an old summer camp. However, something else watches, waiting, wanting to be restored. It's ancient, it's resentful and it's starving.
Additional Tags: bully redemption, Mr. Lancer is dealing with dramatic children, not phantom planet compliant 
Interwoven: By Lynse: In the Far Frozen, a portal opens up and doesn’t close. In the NYC, Jake is suddenly faced with freak snowstorms. And Danny? Danny’s just trying to figure out why he’s supposed to be the one dealing with all of this.
Additional Tags: crossover, ghost king danny fenton, developing friendships, misunderstandings 
Until Death Do We Part: UnluckyAlis: For someone who fights ghosts, literal dead people, on a near-daily basis, you would think Danny could handle death better than this. He knows most of his enemies were once living, breathing people who died in tragic ways. Danny was once a living, breathing person who died in a tragic way. He just skipped out on the "stop breathing" part of things.
He faces mortality every day, every time he goes ghost. So why can't he face this? Why is this any different than any other day?
Because it was his friend, and he saw it, and he couldn't stop it. Because it was his fault.
Additional Tags: Blood and gore, panic attacks, murder, highly recommended super great fic oof
Necromancy: By wastefulreverie: She was curious about the portal, mysterious and full of paranormal potential. At the time, she hadn't seen any harm in manipulating him into exploring it. Until everything went horribly wrong.
Additional tags: death, necromancy, witch sam, portal accident au
Vanish Into the Witching Hour: By wastefulreverie: Danny finds that odd things tend to happen during the Witching Hour, the prime hour for paranormal activity. 
Additional Tags: identity reveal, witching hour, creepy, angst
Pink Astronaut: By lexosaurus: To Paulina's dismay, she and Danny Fenton must work together on their English final project.
Additional Tags: pink astronaut, fluff, enemies to lovers, kinda
Tutoring Phantom: By Lexosaurus: It was funny. A year ago Dash was all but praying for Fenton to shut up, but now he would do anything to hear him speak.
Additional Tags: identity reveal, recovery, hurt/comfort, study group
Plenty of Time: By wastefulreverie: When Danny Fenton supposedly runs away, Casper High has quite a few things to say when he returns. Especially in the wake of his apparent "trauma".
Additional Tags: angst, horror, decapitation, vivisection 
inviso-doodles: By attu: What are friends for if not making you internet famous?
additional tags: artist!Danny, wholesome content, the danny appreciation we need u guys, an obligatory break from all the angst recs this list has 
204 notes · View notes
jadenoryuu · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Danny Phantom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Danny Fenton & Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood) Characters: Dash Baxter, Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Baby Tooth (Rise of the Guardians), Baby Fang - Fairy OC, Danny Fenton, Wes Weston, Mr. Lancer (Danny Phantom), Ishiyama (Danny Phantom), Kwan (Danny Phantom) Additional Tags: Unreliable Narrator, Angst, Ableist Language, Like. A lot, Dash doesn't pull his punches in his PoV, Bullying, Bully Dash Baxter, Swearing, one (1) insult that could be interpreted as suicide baiting/death threat, Wes Weston gets his chance to be the Hero, It's out boi time to shine, Ectober 2021 (Danny Phantom), Ectober Month 2021, Ectoberhaunt 2021, Ectoberhaunt Trick, Attempt at Humor, it's Danny after all Series: Part 12 of Eenie mini Tiny moe, Part 11 of Ectoberhaunt's Domestic Phantoms Summary:
"Dash Baxter was furious! Angry! Peeved! InCeNsEd! How did Mr. Falluca dare to give him a D?! Him, who was the nascent star of the school football team, the quarterback?! Dash needed a target for all his misplaced aggression. Where was that turd of a Fenton?" Or: When a case of mistaken identity was the downfall of the biggest bully of Casper High.
@ectoberhaunt this goes certainly to the Trick category given how many insults are thrown in (Dash's) narrative toward Danny and Jack.
But fear not! The consequences are deeply satisfying...
13 notes · View notes
pitch-pearl-void · 3 years
12 Days of Pitch Pearl, 2
decorating, presents, jealousy, sharing
Starr made a delicate little cough. When Phantom failed to look away from the barista draping garland over the counter, she leaned forward and whispered "Ghost Boy?" into his ear.
Phantom looked away from Danny and met her gaze. The green eyes of the town hero turned Starr's insides into butterflies, his attention making her feel light-headed. "Yes?"
Starr smiled and ducked her chin a little, peering at Phantom from beneath her lashes. She twirled a lock of blonde hair around her finger. "May I kiss you?"
Instead of blushing or smiling or even shaking his head in a gentle no, Phantom frowned at her, confused. It wasn't a reaction she had expected, let alone what she had hoped for. 
"You're the sixth person to ask me that," he said. It almost sounded like he was complaining. 
Danny snorted and muffled a cough/laugh behind his hand. 
Phantom's attention snapped back to the employee so fast Starr jumped. "What did you do?" he demanded.
Danny grinned at Phantom. "Me? I haven't done anything." He adjusted the garland on the counter, making it more visible on the customer side of the counter. "I'm only putting up Christmas decorations like Mr. Lancer told me to. I don't want to get in trouble again so soon after you jumped the counter and broke our glass mugs."
"That was your fault and you know it!"
"I didn't tell you to jump the counter!"
"No, you just wouldn't stop talking about the Box Ghost knocking me into the lake!"
Danny snickered. "On national television. Oh my god, dude. How have you not died a second time out of shame?"
"Um," Starr interrupted pointedly, trying to regain Phantom's attention. "It's because you're under mistletoe, Ghost Boy."
Phantom pulled the garland out of alignment, ignoring Danny's cry of dismay. "Spite."
Phantom blinked at her. "Missile what?"
Danny snorted again.
Phantom glared at him. 
Starr touched his arm, pulling Phantom's attention back to her. "It's a human tradition," she explained, her fingers lingering on Phantom's bicep. "When someone is under mistletoe, it's tradition to kiss them..."
As she had hoped from the beginning, Phantom's cheeks gained a green hue as she stared into his eyes. A die hard fan, Starr knew it was the ghost boy's version of a blush, and she smiled sweetly at him. 
Danny ruined things. Again. 
"It can be on the lips, but most people go for the cheek," he explained. He wasn't even looking at them, he was adjusting his stupid garland again. "That's why that old lady kissed your cheek earlier. It's what you do for strangers."
"Oh." Phantom blew out a sigh, his blush receding. "That's alright then. That was kind of sweet." He smiled somewhat goofily. "She said I was an excellent hero, Fenton."
"I heard."
"An excellent hero. And then she kissed my cheek and said Merry Christmas." He seemed ridiculously excited about some old lady's good opinion of him, almost floating out of his seat on the bar stool. Danny smiled at Phantom, his eyes softening for just a moment as his gaze lingered, but Phantom missed it, already having turned back to Starr. Starr wasn't about to point it out to him. "You can kiss my cheek, I guess. Since it's one of your traditions."
Starr's lips wobbled, wanting to pout. If Danny hadn't opened his dumb mouth...
But...kissing Phantom was still a dream come true, even if it was just on his cheek. Thinking of it like that, Starr felt her spirit rising, her smile reflecting her happiness. She touched her fingers to Phantom's chin, partly to hold his face in place, partly to feel his skin against hers. It was cool to the touch, but there was an odd sensation to it. Not quite static, certainly not enough to hurt, but something that sang of restrained power and made Starr's skin tingle. 
Excited to feel that skin on her lips, she began to lean forward. She held Phantom's gaze as she moved in, allowing her eyes to slowly close. She pressed her kiss against his cheekbone, just below his left eye. She lingered longer than was warranted, enjoying the tingle on her lips, before she forced herself to lean back. 
Phantom's blush had returned, a brighter hue than before that actually lit his face in a green glow. He couldn't meet Starr's gaze, his eyes shyly aimed away from her. Starr knew how a boy looked when a kiss affected them, and Phantom was showing all the signs. Despite the chasteness of the kiss, he had liked her kiss.
He liked her kiss!
Starr's hand was still on his bicep, fingers on his chin. She parted her lips, feeling breathless, brave, as an invitation to go for a walk leapt to her mind. Phantom was looking at her lips. He was looking at her lips!
Danny suddenly laughed. 
Phantom's head jerked toward him, Starr's fingers left holding empty air. "What?" Phantom demanded. "What's so funny?"
"You got lipstick on your cheek," Danny answered, still laughing. Phantom squawked and reached up a hand to rub away the mark left by Starr's lips, but Danny caught his wrist quickly by leaning over the counter. "Whoa there, ghost boy. You're just going to smear it and get red lipstick all over your glove. Here. Let me get it." 
Danny let go of Phantom and searched around his side of the counter until he found a white rag. He ran it under water for a second, damping the cloth. He returned to Phantom's seat and gestured for Phantom to lean forward. 
Without a second thought, without any hint of embarrassment, Phantom set his hands on the counter and leaned forward as Fenton had silently asked, half floating out of his seat. Starr's hand fell from his arm, forgotten. Danny placed his free hand on Phantom's opposite cheek, bold as you please, and began to lightly drag the damp white rag over the lipstick Starr had left on Phantom's cheek. On accident, certainly, but...
Phantom stared at Danny. He stared and stared like he was oblivious to Starr standing right there, like any move on his part, even to blink, might ruin...whatever was going on between them. Even Danny seemed affected, a red blush of his own slowly moving over his cheeks as he wiped away the lipstick.
Starr pouted. "He could just clean it off in the bathroom," she reminded them. 
Phantom twitched. 
Danny flinched, jerking his hands away from Phantom.
Instead of returning to his seat, Phantom asked, "I've been sitting under mistletoe this whole time, Fenton?"
Danny's eyes rose to meet Phantom's before moving away again.
Phantom waited a moment, hovering over the counter. "...Did you not want to kiss a ghost?"
Danny's nose wrinkled. He turned away, washing the lipstick off his white rag. "I'm working, stupid. I'm not even allowed to sit down right now, do you think kissing customers is anywhere close to being tolerated? I'd get fired for inappropriate behavior, and then who would make your ultra specific coffee?"
"Ah..." Phantom lowered himself into his seat again, his tail curling contentedly around the legs of his stool. "Speaking of which..." He lifted his cup and half smiled at Danny. "Refill?"
Danny dropped his rag in the sink and turned back to Phantom, snatching his cup and quickly turning away, but not before Starr--and Phantom--noticed his red face. "If Mr. Lancer didn't like you so much..." he muttered. 
Phantom braced his chin on his hand, his elbow on the counter, and grinned sly at Danny. "Oh, it's only Mr. Lancer who likes me, is it?"
Danny chose not to answer that. 
Phantom continued to watch Danny brew his coffee, his smile softening until it was as gentle as Danny's had been earlier. He lifted his head from his hand and shifted in his seat. Speaking slowly, almost cautiously, he asked, "If...if I wait until your shift--"
"Yes." Danny's ears turned red, his blush spreading. "Yes. Just. Wait. Please?"
Phantom crossed his arms over the counter and hid the lower half of his face behind his forearms, but not before Starr saw the giddy, excited grin stretching his lips. 
Starr stepped back, backing away from the ghostly hero. He didn't notice. His attention remained on Danny as it had before Starr had even arrived. Starr turned away, letting herself release one quiet sigh of regret. She left the cafe without ordering the drink she had entered for, not wanting to see the moment Danny's shift ended and Phantom allowed him a kiss. 
An actual kiss on the lips and not on the cheek.
Because the POV was from Starr's perspective and she doesn't have the full context, here you go: Danny hung the mistletoe above Phantom on purpose. He wanted Phantom to receive platonic kisses like from the old lady and maybe drive him a little bit nuts because of all the people trying to kiss him. It was just another prank between "enemies". But the desire to be one of the ones to kiss Phantom snuck up on him, especially after seeing Starr kiss him, and now Danny has thoroughly played himself lol
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