#moving n all. But I'm posting this bc I love you all and honestly given my track record the holidays may be over by the time I remember 💀
sunburnacoustic · 5 months
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Happy holidays Musers
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realhotgirlshitah · 1 year
Chocolate and Vanilla Swirl
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Jack Champion x Fem Reader
Warnings: None just teeth rotting fluff lol. Implied black reader but not too heavily.
Synopsis: Jack’s been following you on Tiktok for a while but doesn’t expect to actually meet you when Jasmine and Mason take him out clubbing to play cupid.
You loved TikTok. It was a fun and cute app where you took every given opportunity to post your thoughts and random lil videos bc you're silly like that.
Soon enough after downloading and posting for fun you built up quite large following who found you both hilarious and amusing.
Including Jack Champion.
At the time he started following you, you weren't quite sure who he was and didn't think much of it but following the release of Avatar 2 and Scream 6, you realised that this dude was... following you, like you were followed by an actual celebrity.
However you had the attention span of a bagel and were a massive scaredy-cat so you hadn't watched either movie. So, you just carried on your merry business making TikToks that people found funny and relatable and watched your following grow from there.
One thing that you didn't like about how people viewed your content was that on TikTok, the assumption was being insanely attractive and funny were mutually exclusive. You were funny, HILARIOUS even but you were also gorgeous, it's just your personality was so big it shone through.
So when you'd post a video and get comments that said stuff like:
Why's she kinda-
Hear me out
Wait why are you low-key cute
It bristled you a little, you wanted people to stop playing in your face like that.
So one evening, while getting ready to go out clubbing with your friends, you went completely against your character by posting a thirst trap. An absolutely scrumptious one.
The outfit was cute as hell. A pink miniskirt, a cream low-cut top that made your boobs pop, some cream knee high boots and some accessories to match.
"You look so fine Y/N," your bestfriend squealed before snapping a bunch of pictures. "I would honestly kill for a body like yours!"
You grinned and threw your arms around her in excitement. "I love you so much girl, thank you for letting me borrow your boots,"
"Anytime, now let's film that TikTok!"
Jack was in London doing press for the movie Scream 6. When the cast had finished for the day, they went back to the hotel together and Jack decided to chill out with Jasmine and Mason as per usual, not to do anything but just for the company.
"Dude, you're probably in here more than I am," Mason laughed causing Jasmine to chuckle in agreement.
"I'm just so bored," Jack sighed scrolling through tiktok and flopped against the bed.
"Well since we're in the UK we could always go out tonight, giving that you're legal an all- Jack?
Jack wasn't paying attention. Because that's when he saw your TikTok.
He was speechless (for once) staring at the way your plump glossed lips moved to lip sync with the attractive sound with a smirk. The way your seductive dark eyes looked up at the camera before placing it down and showing off your outfit. The way your French curl braids bounced with every step you took backwards (your hair wasn't the only thing that bounced with each step). In short, Jack was enchanted, he'd always thought you were gorgeous, as well as funny. But in your usual videos, your intention was to get your point, or lack thereof, across, to rant, to make people laugh.
However, your intention with this video was almost to seduce the person watching. You were confidently acknowledging how attractive you were and making it known.
And boy did Jack know.
"Jack? Jack? Dude, why has that sound been playing on your phone for the last 10 minutes?" Mason walked around to the bed and caught what the brunette was watching before he could hide it. "JAS, COME LOOK AT WHO JACK HAS A CRUSH ON!" The whoop of delight that simultaneously left Jasmine and Mason's ears was almighty.
"Jack! You're into Y/N? I didn't know you were down with the swirl, somebody wants to be invited to the cookout," Jasmine smirked teasingly at him as he blushed profusely. "We're mutuals on TikTok, she's literally the sweetest! If you want I can-
"No!" Jack exclaimed. He was scared. He genuinely didn't think a bad bitch like you, who was confident and brash, not to mention intimidatingly gorgeous, would want anything to do with him. Yes, there were many many girls all over the world who would throw themselves at him but he thought you were WAY out of his league, you didn't even follow him back on TikTok! "Let's just- change the topic please?"
Mason and Jas looked at each other with a knowing glance before shrugging in unison.
"Sure little bro, like I said earlier, how about we go clubbing? I know a great one nearby and you'll be able to get in since the minimum age in the UK's 18 instead of 21," Mason smiled. "If you go get ready now, we can grab a taxi and leave in five minutes?"
Jack, who was grateful for the subject change, nodded in excitement. "Yeah, that sounds like it'll be fun, I'll go get ready,"
Before he knew it, they were at a nightclub, he had a couple shots but decided he wasn't too fond of the taste and wanted to have awareness for the entire night so stopped his drinking there. However he had enough alcohol to make him even more smiley than usual and man he wanted to hit the dance floor.
"See any girls you like, Jack? Or are you still thinking about your TikTok crush?" Mason nudged him playfully earning a laugh and shove back.
"Leave him alone, Mason, he'll find what he's looking for soon enough," Jasmine smirked.
Oh. That sounded ominous.
Jack however, was too laid back to care and decided to dance a bit, so he made his way through the crowd to find space.
That. Was when it happened.
'Movie' by Megan thee Stallion was playing, and everybody who knew you knew that was your song. You also didn't have too much to drink but enough to make you clap your hands in excitement as your body buzzed to get on the dance floor with your friends. You felt hot and the song made you feel hotter. As your body moved in sync with the music, you rapped along with the lyrics, your friends hyping you up and smacking your booty, screaming about how fine you were.
They weren't the only people who thought you were fine.
Jack had just pushed his way through the crowd and immediately his eyes were on you, absolutely enthralled, shocked and terrified. Out of all the places in London he could've gone to, it was the one you were in? He turned back to glare at Mason and Jasmine who were grinning at him and putting their thumbs up, encouraging him to say something.
They knew. It was a set up, they set him up!
He felt like his feet were stuck to the ground as he watched you dance, moving like nobody was watching when in reality they were, people stared at you in jealousy and awe at such effortless beauty. Jack of course was staring with the latter.
He was about to retreat back to Mason and Jasmine when 'Killshot' by Magdalena Bay started to play, not as hype as the previous song but it was one that made you feel even sexier.
As the chorus was about to start, you turned around and made direct eye contact with Jack, his eyes widening at your gaze. You didn't recognise him immediately but it clicked after a couple of seconds since there were edits of him all over TikTok, not to mention you noticed Jasmine grinning with Mason.
You recalled the text convo you had with Jas before you left for the club.
Hey Y/N, I saw your recent and noticed on the caption it said you were going clubbing, where you off to?
Hey sis! I'm off to Kiko's, really nice club about a 10 min drive from the O2 xx
Oh cool! I'm staying at a hotel with some friends I think you'd love, our hotel's literally connected to the O2, see you there maybe?
Now girl, you know what happened the last time we went clubbing together
We'll behave, I promise!
If you turn up you better get us our own section pookie
You know I will!
I know das right!!
Then it dawned upon you that Jack was the friend and judging by the look on Jasmine's face, she had a plan. The sneaky devil.
You didn't mind though, there was no denying he was a massive cutie, tall, strong looking and very handsome but he also looked really sweet. Also, the way he was looking at you like you were the only girl in the room gave you butterflies, his eyes were so gorgeous, it was difficult to not stop and stare.
So you smiled at him, making his heart stop and his eyes widen. He was already hooked.
"I'll be back, you guys want any drinks?" You asked your friends. They all shook their heads no and continued dancing prompting you to make your way to the bar as the chorus continued to play. "One shot of tequila please,"
"Make that two shots of tequila please," You looked behind you to see none other than Jack Champion looking down at you. "Hey, I'm Jack,"
"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you Jack," you flashed him a pearly white smile, immediately making him forget himself. "I'm guessing you're here with Jas?"
"And Mason, they really wanted to take me here clubbing and now I think I know why," he grinned making you laugh.
That laugh.
Jack would literally dress up in a clown costume and do the worm in front of millions just to hear that laugh. It was like music to his ears, a drug he'd have no problem becoming addicted to.
Two shots of tequila were put in front of you along with lime and salt on a small plate, the way he looked at it dumbfounded made you giggle slightly.
"Never had a tequila shot?" You smirked.
"N- No, this is my first time going out and drinking, back at home the legal age is 21," Jack explained as heat rose to his face.
"I'll teach you if you want," you looked up at his towering frame and must have said it too quietly because he looked at you inquisitively before bending over so your lips were nearer his ear.
Girl, if you could blush...
You smiled and pulled his hand up in front of you before balling it up in a fist. Then you took a pinch full of salt and sprinkled it on his hand before doing the same for yourself.
"Lick the salt off your hand, take the shot and then suck on the lime as quickly as possible in one go," you said into his ear, which looked a bit red. You both picked up your shots and tapped the glasses before licking the salt, drinking the alcohol followed by the lime. The eye contact paired with the little smile he gave you during the mini lesson made a wave of heat wash over you and go a lil feral but he didn't need to know that.
"Oh, ooo big no no," he screwed his face up at the taste making you laugh again.
"Not the first time someone's reacted like that, maybe you're more of a beer guy?"
"Nope, I hate the taste,"
"Finally someone that gets it! Beer is just despicably vile, an abomination to beverages" you declared passionately making him smile at your voice. "What're you staring at?"
"Your accent is so incredibly cute," he looked down at you with a soft grin making your cheeks heat up again.
"I can't even imagine how many girls you must have said that to,"
"Only you, I honestly think I could listen to you speak all day,"
You smirked up at him as 'Wild Thoughts' began to play. "Wanna dance, Jack?"
"I uh uhm-
Before he even had the chance to answer, you took his hand within yours and pulled him through the crowed back onto the dance floor. As you led him through, his hand immediately found the small of your back, protecting you from the crowd, making your knees go weak. Soon, his arms were around your waist and your arms were around his neck, moving to the beat of the music.
"I love this song!" You grinned up at him.
"Me too!" He smiled. "You know... I follow you on TikTok,"
"Ah, I thought you did! Just wasn't 100% sure,"
"Well now you know,"
You gasped thinking "shit I don't follow him back"
He read your thoughts perfectly and smirked "It's okay, I'm here with you now so hopefully I can leave with something even better,"
"Oh really?" Your smirk mirrors his perfectly. "And what would that be, Mr Champion?"
"Your number plus a time and place i could take you out,"
Fuck this guy had all the makings of the perfect heartbreaker.
Once again, your heart rate increased at both his words and smile, that fucking smile.
"Depends. How many dates have you gotten since you've arrived in London?" He laughed again at your words.
"The only women I've properly spoken to since getting to London are you and Jas,"
You hummed thoughtfully, knowing that he was telling the truth, but not wanting to make your feelings too obvious. Jack felt like his heart was going to explode with the way you kept your dark eyes on his, a small smile tugging on your lips as he leaned in closer.
You were dangerous. And he was loving it.
He smiled softly at you, his thumb gently caressing your waist and bottom lip tucked under his teeth.
"You're so perfect, you're so so unbelievably perfect," he whispered, absolutely enamoured by you.
You grinned back, lightly twirling his curls at the back of his head with your fingers as he leaned in closer before making eye contact with Jas. She raised a brow at you and nodded towards the stairs, making you quickly catch on.
"Come with me," you smile against his ear making him go red as you tug him back through the crowd and up the stairs. Immediately the two of you are in a more private section of the club, guarded by two bouncers who let you through. The interior was very expensive looking and while you could see everything that was going on down where everyone else was dancing, it was a lot more private, with only you two occupying the room.
"Where are we-
"Private section of the club, Jas really hooked us up," you laughed. "Now I can actually hear you without having to lip read,"
The words coming out of your mouth however, fell upon deaf ears. Jack still couldn't get over how gorgeous you were, and still trying to understand how much time you were spending together without you thinking he was a waste of your time. His gaze was on you and nothing but you, thinking of you and just wanting to spend the moment with... you.
"Jack? Earth to Jack?" His eyes snapped back to yours, finally showing that he was paying attention. Immediately his arm found your waist again and he gently pulled you in, maintaining his gaze on yours. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Yes, the music was still thumping and causing the room to vibrate but it was like the two of you were floating away on a cloud, lost in each others eyes.
"Y/N... I'd really, really like to take you out on a date," Jack confessed, gently caressing your cheek as your eyes widened. "I mean I've actually been wanting to for a while but I thought you would probably be way too cool and think I'm too boring or you'd want someone better but I really would love to get to know you mor-
"Jack," you laughed adoringly at his nervous rambling  before placing a hand on the back of his head, getting on your tiptoes and pulling him in for a kiss.
And what a kiss it was.
Time felt like it had stopped for the curly headed brunette as your lips moved in synch perfectly. He felt his heart melt as you leaned more into him, nibbling his bottom lip lightly. It was perfect, you were perfect.
And in that moment, Jack knew that he wanted to spend every moment of his existence making you aware of how perfect you were to him.
"Jack Champion I'd love nothing more,"
A/N: My gawd he’s so cutie patootie pookie. Also side note: I saw a tiktok comment talking about how it makes perfect sense Jack is the “We rocking with Mark bc Mark is rocking with us” of the friend group and I in fact have not been the same since, it actually inspired this storyline lol.
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sadiewayne · 5 months
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@bluejaysgonerogue i wanted to do a proper post so:
more people can see it
people can add to the list
(this is my opinion, please please if you have other comics, add them to the list)
im actually a big fan of the "newer" stuff, we're talking new 52 onwards, purely bc it works nicely in the times
new 52 starts strong with a storyline that's all about dick's past, and given it ocvurred after a hard reset, it's easy to get into
nightwing 2011 (30 issues + 1 annual)
grayson (20 issues + 3 annuals + futures end, a weird special that i would honestly skip)
nightwing 2016 (109 issues and counting + 5 annuals + nightwing rebirth that comes before the run)
there's also the 2? previous nightwing runs:
nightwing 1995 (five issue limited run + alfred's return #1 special that comes first)
nightwing 1996 (153 issues + issue 1/2 + issue 1,000,000 + a whole host of specials)
2? because does nightwing 1995 actually count as a proper run???
you might also hear them referred to by volumes, 1995 is vol 1, 1996 is vol 2, 2011 is vol 3 or new-52, 2016 is vol 4 or rebirth
grayson is a bit weird but my absolute favourite dick ever. it's a spy thriller and doesn't have a lot of batfam/titans/yj characters in it BUT it does have a lot of dick being awesome. there's also an 'event' that takes place during grayson called robin war, very fun and a good show of dick's skills and manipulation.
to top it off, robin year one is always quoted as essential reading so i'd check it out too (before anyone shouts nightwing year one, it's issues 101-106 of vol 2)
there's also a lot of batman that features dick, he has a nice feature in both hush and under the (red) hood but nothing major, both giving us some nice interaction with bruce. both are also just incredible and deserving of being on the list of iconic batman
batman and robin 2009 is a lot of fun bc it features dick as batman, and damian wayne as his robin. this is a dynamic that i just love and is where episode 113 os WFA just hits hard (and why damian leans on dick so much, he is dick's robin)
oooooo and a lonely place of dying (1989) is brilliant. it's the introduction of tim drake and features dick. it's great, you should read it. it comes after a death in the family which is also just amazing. no dick, just jason, but fun (dick was in space at the time with the titans, tamaran i think)
i do just want to give a warning for nightwing 2016, it gets weird from issue 50 onwards. there's a period where the comics shift massively (#50-77 no spoilers) and then the current run by tom taylor is fine but misses a chunk of his character. i still like it but it's not the best thing for his character
OMG i forgot about titans runs lmao. ngl, i haven't read that much titans so i will leave that to one side so any experts can accurately recommend. i will say that i have enjoyed the very recent worlds finest: teen titans (2023) limited run a lot, back in the robin days, deals with dick and bruce's relationship and his relationships with the team. (also wally is there and i love wally)
start with nightwing 2011 and work forwards moving to grayson and then to nightwing 2016. then go back and read the older stuff
i have absolutely missed a lot BUT this is kind of my "short n sweet" run down, iconic dick grayson is like, most of dick grayson, so it's hard. the common advice (and what i did) was new 52, grayson, rebirth
tbh this is like a basics list, the required reading if you will, not that you need to read any of it but if you do want to, this is a good starting point. a lot of the runs have these crossovers, like robin war and death of the family (not the jason one, this is a weird vol 3 thing), so you get to read other comics too for those issues)
also sorry for the just random other non-nightwing comics, i got excited
i definitely forgot some stuff, again i'm sorry, but go vibe with dick and have a good time and also your fic?? if you'd be willing to share??? i'm always looking for new stuff to read (do not feel pressured into sharing it if you don't want to tho)
i hope you enjoy your nightwing experience, it can seem overwhelming but take it slow, comics aren't that long, and just remember that even yj and WFA are better than nothing (or the live action titans /hj)
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aemoonie · 2 years
astro observations pt 2 ✰ !
⇢ astro mlist
a/n: not all placements play out the same and this is based on my personal views and opinions. this is all meant lighthearted and not to offend anyone! may not apply to everyone.
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i'm gonna talk a bunch about virgo moons bc y'all fascinated me the last few days!
i feel like they are incredibly good lie detectors? esp. if they also have strong air or water placements. like they just know when you aren't authentic. this definitely ties in with their amazing observation skills. scorpios aren't the only ones who don't miss a thing 👀
though i noticed they can tend to be rather reserved/introspective, virgo moons do have a need for communication just as much as gemini moons do. they just go about it in really different ways.
also they can hold themselves to a high standard and can be prone to overthinking everything they do in order to meet those standards. it would be important to recognize that you are still valid, no matter how you score or if you leave something unfinished. don't let your mind trick you to believe something that you aren't! try to let things flow. things will fall into place if they are supposed to <3
okay moving on now ~
the thing i find interesting about cancer suns and leo moons is this: both of their identities and the way they view themselves is tied to their emotions. since the moon rules your inner feelings and the sun rules identity/ego. more often than not, people with these placements may get along really well bc they connect with each other in that aspect. both signs are in their opposite element, both have a hard time calming this energy.
i find that only libras, sags and aquariuses get credit for being politically involved but i personally witnessed that scorpio placements are often also super interested in politics! especially ofc when the chart also has the before mentioned signs, or if scorpio placements fall into the 1st house (this is very specific tho!)
this should be a given but don't tell aries placements what to do. a lot of them are petty and will do the exact opposite of what you tell them.
and while we're at it, a lot of people say gemini and sags are restless. if we're talking mentally i'd agree, but with both in my chart i can honestly say that people with (usually a lot of) aries energy never sit down. they always do something and get bored so easily. the type to get bored while reading (how??).
y'all don't give aquarius placements the credit they deserve. they can be really sweet friends and i often find they are the glue of a friend group (but there's also the opposite side of the spectrum :S).
speaking of aquarius placements; in my experience they either grow out of their "god-complex" with the years or they're stuck with it forever.
i witnessed that pisces placements (esp. sun and venus) may often look for partners that are different from them. for example, someone masculine may look for a very feminine counterpart and vice verca. i guess they like the "opposites attract"-trope a lot.
air moons may always say they aren't gonna tell anyone what you've told them but they also always have at least one person they tell everything to no matter what. if you aren't that person, then good luck with your secrets :') (i noticed this especially in libra moons!! y'all get the side-eye from me 😐)
taurus placements are usually the chill friend in the group, but some of them have weirdly enough major anger issues? especially if their chart has fire somewhere.
couldn't finish this post without saying some words to my lovely cancer placement crowd: don't settle for someone who wouldn't do the same sacrifices you do! make sure you get the energy back you put out. speak your mind when you don't. you deserve healthy relationships & boundaries <3
thank you for reading!! i’d appreciate a reblog! (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡
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do not repost, copy or steal. | © aemoonie all rights reserved.
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curiosity-killed · 3 years
Hi....If you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite MXTX characters (top 5 from each novel)? And why? I'm sorry if you've answered this question before.
Aw of course I don’t mind! Though I feel like my answer is going to be a disaster bc I love these casts so so much aha let’s see:
1. Wei Wuxian
Ah so I feel like this is obvious based on the sheer quantity of things I produce and the effort I put into hurting him 😅 but yeah! I love how much of a classical tragic hero he is and I love how much love he has and how that gets twisted around and shaped into a collar of spikes around his own neck. I saw gif sets of wwx before I ever knew about CQL and my reaction was “fuck. I’m going to love him” and I do! And I love that he does learn from his past and I love most of all that he learns to accept the love he is given and is able to make a happy ending in a place of being loved and held in respect and appreciation
2. Wen Qing
On the other hand, I did not expect to be like “mine now” with Wen Qing. Don’t get me wrong, the sexy immortal look got me but it wasn’t really till I started writing fic that I was like ohhhhh Oh Boy. Wen Qing is brilliant and ruthless, fiercely loving and aloof and cold. I love that she gets the lose-lose challenge of balancing what is right for her family vs what is right in the world, what she owes to her sect and what she owes to individuals. The golden core transfer is my favorite dubious science experiment in p much all media I’ve consumed. She gets to be so human—prickly and tough and also achingly gentle and afraid and putting on a tough face and sometimes still crying. “I’m sorry and thank you” ! Im!!
3. Jiang Yanli
The first fic I wrote for this fandom was literally “Jiang Yanli died no she didn’t” lmao I do feel like I underserve Jiang Yanli in that I often fall prey to using her to further the complexity that the male characters are permitted while denying her the chance to be given the same space for development and breath — something to work on! But in that, I really genuinely love how tightly she binds herself to her family and how she tries so hard to be what others need her to be—and then she does make a choice for herself and for a single moment at least, she gets to be loved and to be happy and to have this, a husband and a son and a place, for herself. And terribly I love how much she permeates the story still after death. She is the unspoken voice, the face turned from the camera but always still present, carried in the hearts and names and memories of the ones left behind
She deserved better but—I am weak for the tragedy of it all
4. Jiang Cheng
Another surprise (tho hardly surprising in hindsight): Jiang Cheng is just...horribly understandable. He makes terrible choices and his greatest heroism is undone by a choice made for him or, in the case of “killing the Yiling Laozu” is a lie. He is such a youngest sibling who doesn’t want to be the youngest until all at once, he’s the one in charge and he doesn’t want it at all. He is full of anger and hurt and so much love he doesn’t know what to do with it, doesn’t want it anymore, has no place to put all of its terrible, overwhelming flood.
5. Lan Wangji
I almost didn’t put Lan Wangji or Jiang Cheng on here and then I realized that this is sort of a list of characters I’m pickiest about in fic and...yeah. I think what I love best about Lan Wangji is his journey of grief and healing and through that, his decision to step into world. Where Wei Wuxian’s decision to travel and be removed from the cultivation world (in varying degrees depending on your headcanon preference lol) is really, really important to me, Lan Wangji’s decision to go from being an isolated lone agent working apart from the systems of the world to being involved and invested in changing those systems and working to make them better is also really important to me. I’ve talked before about how relatable Lan Wangji is to me (esp with regards to our interaction with the outer world) and there is something deeply hopeful and comforting about post-timeskip Lan Wangji being in his like mid-/late-30s and still making decisions and growing and changing and choosing to invest himself in the world and the future
yeah. i have thoughts here that I don’t really have the maturity, life experience, or articulation to put into words but Lan Zhan Good basically
1. Xie Lian
suuuurpriiiiise!! Yeah honestly mxtx’s mains in TGCF and MDZS really just hit all my buttons basically. What appeals to me most of all about Xie Lian is, fittingly, how he is humanity taken to extremes. His capacity for incredible kindness and compassion is equaled with his capacity for cruelness and ruthlessness. His heaven-shaking highs are matched with calamitous lows. He is the hyperbolic of what it is to be human—and he is also the small moments, the wildflowers and the maple leaves and the mundane chores and the comfort of whispered conversations late into the night. I could quite literally go on for pages about what I love about Xie Lian but I am not Hua Cheng and can restrain myself LMAO
2. Hua Cheng
of all the characters on these lists, Hua Cheng is the one I’m pickiest about tbh! When I say I love him for similar reasons as Xie Lian I don’t actually mean this as being similarities between the two but the fact that both of them so richly convey mxtx’s points about the nature of humanity and what it is to be human. Hua Cheng is both the boldest and most arrogant of all and also the most vulnerable, the one who shies away from the truth because he’s braced for it to hurt and isn’t sure he can take it. He is gory blood rain and an umbrella to shelter a fragile bloom; he is a blade whose wounds only heal if he permits it and he is a sacrifice that he brushes aside as a fit of madness. *pats his head* this boy can fit SO MUCH inside him that he refuses to acknowledge
3. Jun Wu
Definitely my favorite antagonist in recent reading. I was doubtful of him from the start (something something issues with authority something something probably should talk to my theoretical future therapist shhh) but the unfolding of his reveal was so delightfully painful and exquisite that I was like “YES!!!” reading all of it. About the epitome of a satisfying plot twist imo. But about the character himself, I love how he parallels so many — Xie Lian in his rise and fall, his glory and disgrace; Hua Cheng in his fixation and ruthlessness; He Xuan in losing himself to the plot and not knowing how to move forward. I love that he feels beyond human in a way the others don’t—he’s so old and has gone through so much and he doesn’t feel things the way humans do anymore, doesn’t remember right how love squeezes the heart or how hate can exist without acting on it. I love that he thinks he knows how to control everyone and that it’s such mundane things that fool him: Xie Lian’s absurd stubbornness, Hua Cheng’s foolish faith, Yin Yu’s...emotional maturity??? Not Sure how to verbalize that one. But in the end, he is defeated by both the humanity of others and by his own—he’s so tired. He’s exhausted in a way that gods and ghosts aren’t meant to be. He is, under the armor and the masks, the curses and the power, human—benevolent and cruel, evil and good.
4. He Xuan
I love my fish man! No but really I love how He Xuan is so fixed on his one goal that he refuses to acknowledge anything else in his (after)life—which doesn’t make it go away. I love that he is left unmoored, purposeless through the very act of completing that which gives him purpose. I love his long con and the ways he clings to himself but loses himself not in the act but in the telling himself it’s an act. I love that he tries to be a moral man and then becomes a ghost king, a calamity. His reveal is also terribly badass and I do love his bone fish wholly unironically. Like I’m not going to get a He Xuan tattoo (for one thing I’ve been meaning to get a tattoo for 5 years and still haven’t gotten around to it) but also. B o n e f i s h
5. Mu Qing
Of course! The Jiang Cheng of tgcf lol Mu Qing (which my phone desperately wants to autocorrect to my Qing) is so...gah he’s such a mess! And he so fully commits to the belief that no one will ever see and understand him as he is but will always view them through their own convictions about him and his actions — which is simultaneously heartbreakingly lonely and also. Sir You Are a Clown. I genuinely think he’s owed apologies from both Feng Xin and Xie Lian for their treatment and assumptions of him and think that he would be HORRIBLY offended at the thought (while secretly touched? But like secretly even to himself). He will never explain himself and will just clam up tighter the more people accuse him and it’s such a self-sabotaging behavior and also so horribly relatable. I love u sir, you’re a disaster
SVSS I have not read but I do really like the moshang art 😂
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wow it's been far too long since i've posted regularly on here but i have my reasons <3
ya'll already know this update post is gonna be one whole ass ride so buckle ur seatbelts, adjust ur big boy pants or keep scrolling away boo xoxo.
(one lovely person told me i share "too much" on here n it makes them "uncomfortable" n i should just "keep things to myself"...so YOU KNOW my goal in this post is to b as uncomfortably transparent as possible 😂😂)
obviously there's been alot of changes since my last update:
☑️ over the past few month or so i HAVE NOT felt 100% myself and i did not want to post or text or be "social" on here bc it would b so sooo easy for me to drag someone else's mood down and emit only negative/dark energy i felt that could potentially b a very dangerous thing - THAT is why i haven't set up my queue, or posted, or texted ya'll back. ❤️ believe it or not, but i actually have around 200 posts in my drafts that were just hangin out there till i felt better 😂
☑️ for those of you who don't know, i have been diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and one of the biggest symptoms of this is HIGH testosterone. this hormone imbalance in my body had me royally fucked up. for years. thankfully a couple months ago i was diagnosed and given a type of birth control that is specifically targeting my hormones and whooooa daddy the difference has been night and day. 🙏💙
hormones aren't the only thing fucked up by PCOS... it caused such a huge acne breakout this year that i would actually start crying when i looked in the mirror. anyone who has experienced *hormonal* acne will understand. and mannnn it was honestly so fuckin amusing to hear people who never had hormonal acne give me advice like "drink water, that makes it better", or "wash ur face with hot water bc that opens your pores and helps acne", and etc - all of that is fucking BULLSHIT😂😂😂 i've been ruthlessly studying skincare for the last few months and now have 2 dermatologists (bc i DON'T trust doctors haha, and if u have good insurance i highly recommend for u to always fact check ur doctor with another doctor bc they aren't god and DON'T know everything) and my fingers r crossed super tight that by august my face will be better then it ever has been 🤞 also if anyone wants to slide in my dms to discuss skincare, omg plz do 😂💙
of course there are pros & cons to any medication but for me the pros outweigh the cons - i feel SO energized, SO magnetic, SO motivated on it that it's insane and a tiny part of me is nervous that this will end as quickly as it started.
☑️ anyways moving on, i've been trying to exercise every day. i'll walk/jog 3 miles and then do a lil workout/yoga routine for an hour. i sweat like a nasty btw😂 but THE RESULTS holy shit... like ya'll already know i've never appreciated my body in the past but rn i'm DEFINITELY feeling myself. whew. also for those of you wondering, i'm still attempting to learn how to front flip and do a cartwheel lmaoooo it's gonna take me all summer but i'm not giving up i promise. 💅 also, hit me up if ya'll have any yoga moves or stretches that u just LOVE.
☑️ currently working 2 jobs - as a full time dental assistant and a part time home care assistant. and i've definitely been giving major thought to my future plans.
i mentioned in my last update that my dental hygiene aspiration didn't work out, but that i'm pursuing an Associates in Business Administration at a local community college that i'll complete by 2021. after obtaining my degree i plan on going to a university not to far from where i live that is known for its business department and get a BS in accounting which will take a year (or 2 at the most) thanks to my community college credits!! afterwards i'm thinking about getting a CPA license (bc holy shit do u understand how much those babes make a year?!) butttt the process would b a lil painful and i still have plenty of time to think about that. 👍
i'm honestly a mixture of excited and nervous about my new plans but i've always been good with money and i believe that accounting is honestly a really good career choice for me to pursue. we'll see. anyways i CAN'T WAIT to be 40 years old, with job security, driving a neon pink porsche past the asshole who told me "girls just don't have the same intellectual grasp on money that men do".😂😂😂👏👏 :')
☑️ i attached some pics of my kitties, beau and molly, since some of u requested them ;) ALSO I BOUGHT A LITTLE FISHY isn't he so pretty?! i named him jerome and i think he's a sad boi. 💔
the pic of all my lovely plants is for allllll the people who have been asking for it. literally some of u have been asking for a plant pic since last year omg i'm so late 😂
here's their names from left to right: augustus waters the orchid (after my fav fictional character :'), joe exotic the hosta, carol baskin the lilly, dave the vine (yes from penguins of the madagascar), joanna the venus fly trap, pennywise the aloe, persephone the rubble aloe, and pippa the zebra haworthia. 🌱
i attached a couple pics of my gorgeous niece as well bc i'm literally in shock that a baby can look THAT good. wtf is in her dna.
the pics of me were in my drafts since forever n my hair does NOT look like that anymore 😂 but i still think the vibe is immaculate.
☑️ so that's what's up with ya girl. honestly i can't wait to start replying to ya'lls messages and catching up with u. god 2020 has been insane and i know it hasn't been easy on anyone. missed being on here alot <3 i still won't b on here *super* frequent but i do plan on catching up on all my dms in the next few days and starting me queue back up yayyy :')
☑️ lastly, Tumblr has had my blog flagged for about 36 days now and is currently not responding back to me or allowing me to send messages back to them anymore. ahem, RUDE. if they actually think that's gonna stop me from getting my blog RIGHTFULLY switched back and my profile pics restored then baby, they ain't prepared for me and my shit😂😂💅 if you'd like to help me restore my blog, feel free to send a dm and i'll let u know what u can do x
sending hugs to all, stay safe 💙
Esther (06/05/20)
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glaucouseye · 4 years
id only smoked h once before this valentines w my ex (tragic running to him on tht day innit just wanted to be able to be my disgusting trashy self and still get given flowers n I love yous lolll) it was like 2 years ago n it was everyone's first time in tht group all sitting in a carpark stairwell saying how tf did we get here anyway I moved away from that Bad Place didn't I to Study Literature And Film in London but evrywere u go u Tak Yorself thatz not an lie:// n oop fast forward to now I've done it 3 times in the past week bc I really, really hate myself at the minute and I've just started lodging a room in this nice ladys house and I just have all this h laying about bc we bought more fucked up in the middle of last Friday night I.........feel like an abso piece of shit but its just there and I want it to be gone bc i feel so shady with wraps of smack just in this room and I have no self control bc I feel so hopeless and worthless lately tehe so I'm like let's chase this dwagon!!!! idk always did say one day I'd say fuck it all n just become a full blown crackhead honestly I feel like that's all I'm destined for : -) i am so full of shame like obviously this is a horrific whiney embarassing pathetic post that warrants that feeling but literol everything I say or write all my movements just make me brim with shame and embarrassment anyway hope there's fentanyl in this and I go over
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ask-shakespearehigh · 5 years
Q&A post with the Mods!!!!
This is going to be a long one oh boy
How strict is the delineation of creative control vis-a-vis characters/plays between the mods? (@pedanticlecturer)
We generally have the plays split up along lines of “what we know”— we have a list at the very beginning of the blog. Sometimes we’ll draw the others’ characters (mostly me drawing some of Star’s…) but even then the final say on characterization is up to the “main” mod for that play — mod aster
what aster said -- mod star
What is your favorite play? What is your favorite character in terms of how they were written in the source material? (@pedanticlecturer)
I think my favorite play overall is Macbeth, just because I like the vibes (and the fact that I too could kill Macbeth), the fact that you don’t say it’s name in theatres, and the fact that it’s a play I did a full read through and analysis of in class. Favorite character? Puck from Midsummer. — mod aster
uhhhh,, hmm. ive always had a soft spot for midsummer since i saw it with aster esp bc of how fun the costumes were. of the comedies it has the largest potential to be the most visually pleasing bc of the concept of fairies,,,and im gay and dramatic so i love that. id die if i got to costume design for midsummer,,,or be in it,,,yeah. fav character. hmm. probably mercutio?? i recently saw a version of romeo and juliet where mercutio was played by a woman and oh my god it was amazing!!! not to mention mercutio’s portrayal in baz luhrmann's INCREDIBLE version of r n j!!! (I based my mercutio design on him) he just spends the entire time making dick jokes. love that. -- mod star
How do you answer asks so fast? I mean it's great but I'm impressed 😂 (Anon)
Personally, it’s a mix of: notifications on, quick drawing speed, and using the blog to avoid my class work — mod aster
aster is fast and (as you can see from all of my answers) im lazey -- mod star
Are there any elements/characters of the plays you're covering that you would have liked to work into this blog's plot, but couldn't due to the constraints of the setting or the synthetic nature of the blog? (@pedanticlecturer)
I wanted to make everyone gay but unfortunately due to plot constraints we have to have some hets but that wont stop me from making it lgbt as possible. -- mod star
I did want to make The Tempest more of a central play, but it just didn’t translate well. Similarly, other supernatural elements like the witches in Macbeth. This isn’t so much a constraint mentioned, but my own time/energy means that I want to show the Macbeth backstory, in a specific format, but I can’t right now— mod aster
Is there a hierarchy of import when it comes to each play's individualized impact on shakespeare high's general arc? If so, what plays are crucial to the foundation of the story? Which ones did you do mostly for shits and giggles? (@pedanticlecturer)
This is phrased like an ACT question and i might not answer it right so sorry in advance but: mod aster and i only selected a few plays for each of us to do given we dont know all of shakespeare’s works, but we tend to put more emphasis on the the more well known. But it also comes down to 1. How much we have plotted out for each play and 2. What the followers ask about most. Our two most popular are hamlet and macbeth bc people are familiar w those but around march caesar always becomes relevant again. I didnt even have designs for some of the characters until someone asked about them. -- mod star
I would say the same as star— it generally comes down to what people ask about. I will say that the overall plot is sort of separated into “has happened” and “is happening”. Like, the human potion of Midsummer, Julius Caesar, and Macbeth are all in the “aftermath” portion, while Twelfth Night, Hamlet, and Romeo and Juliet, among others, are happening. We’re trying to incorporate as much as we can, and I don’t think any of them were really put in without some thought.— mod aster
What personal significance does shakespeare hold in ur guys' lives? (@pedanticlecturer)
I go to a theater school rn and so ive dealt w shakespeare (although not all of them) it also helps that i was in loves labours lost last year as moth and that i read hamlet and r n j. Theres also a theater in my state that always does One Big Shakespeare per season and they always do them super well!!! My love for shakespeare probably started w seeing midsummer at that theater w mod aster!!! So. Theater kid rights!! -- mod star
To be honest, I got back into Shakespeare Because of the blog. I’ve been friends with some people that got really Pretentious about Shakespeare, and it kinda put me off of it. I did have a book of abridged plays (the plays’ plots written out in prose, basically) that I read as a kid, which is what got me into not only the plots of a lot of the plays, but also the idea of having them illustrated. And, same as star, the theater in state does the One Big Shakespeare— and they tend to do some really cool things with the costumes, setting them in diff time periods. I haven’t been able to see any lately since I’ve moved, but they still slap. — mod aster
🥰😘💙🥰🥰💜💟🥰I 😍💗💚😍😍LOVE🖤🖤 YALL ♥️♥️🧡💛💚💝❣️💕💘💖💗💓💞💝❤️💛💜 okay now i have a question i swear— how long have the two of you been doing art??? and what were your first shakespeare plays??? (@hellaghosts)
Uhh i started drawing when i was like idk 12 and i have the giant boxes of sketchbooks to prove it!!! I moved to digital art at abt 14-15 but mostly stayed traditional until this yr when i got a Neat New Tablet so some of my sketchbooks are sitting abandoned rip. My first shakespeare was either romeo and juliet or midsummer nights dream and i love both of them v much!!! I have a very old piece of art that i did for r n j for my freshman class assignment on it and it hasnt aged well alsdjfjafd circa 2016 i think??? -- mod star
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Oh man. I started drawing when I was about 10, but it was Bad. I don’t think I got much into drawing again until I was about 14? Sometime around the end of middle school/beginning of high school. I would say I started getting into drawing as more than doodling/coloring edits sometime around 2015-16? I would draw on my iPad with my finger, then I got a tablet for my computer, and now I pretty much stick to my iPad with an Apple Pencil. My first Shakespeare play was….. uh…… probably Midsummer???? I have No idea. We would go to plays when I was little, so I honestly don’t remember if I saw others before. It may have been Romeo and Juliet— I had that book where it was the original and the “modernized” with the little dog that explained things— which, if you know it makes sense, but if you don’t is probably a bonkers answer. — mod aster
Do you think this blog has like? An overarching thesis (be it b/c intentionally or simply b/c ur own take on the world has bled thru to the point where u believe it’s central to the piece at this point)? (@pedanticlecturer)
Not gonna lie, I had to read that like three times AND dm you to figure out what you were asking from us and all I have is “be gay, respect women, write your own happy endings”. — mod aster
This blog started with an ides of march shitpost and you think we have enough brain energy to write a whole thesis? I projected feelings of found family onto my half of the blog but idk if that counts. Be gay do crime 420 69 -- mod star
What’s the nature/rough dynamic of ur relationship? How do y’all know each other? (@pedanticlecturer)
Met mod aster when i was like 4 and even tho we didnt live close we became like, best friends although the Best part didnt start until we were like 13-ish and eventually we talked like non stop (about anime and homestuck. Yknow. 13 year old kid things) and we didnt see each other a lot bc of Distance and now its even worse bc aster is in colleg.,e but we consider each other siblings regardless of family bc we’re adopted into our own respective families so that bled over into our friendship and it would feel weird calling him anything other than my brother now. We’ve seen each other at our best and worst and if you really want a good insight on what we’re like as siblings watch griffin and justin mcelroy’s overview video of catlateral damage wherein i am griffin and he is the long suffering justin. -- mod star
Star is basically my long distance sibling and functionally the only cousin I recognize bc like their parents are basically an aunt and uncle and like our dads look enough alike that we’ve both accidentally gotten the wrong dad for a hug or similar so like. Anyways yeah Star is the Griffin to my Justin, complete with our absent middle brother who we love dearly— mod aster
Dubiously relevant q but what kind of music do y’all listen to when u do art (if that is indeed a habit either of u partake in) (@pedanticlecturer)
It can depend on the piece? I was working on some (unrelated) oc prints that were song-focused, and for those I just listened to said song on loop. Sometimes I have playlists. Sometimes I’ll just be in a Mood and throw a song on loop. But a lot of time for the blog, I’ll listen to The Adventure Zone for the billionth time, because I have Too Much Attention. I’ve also, on request from Star, linked the most recent “loop song”.— mod aster
I tend to obsess over the same like 3 songs every few weeks so those get listened to on repeat but it also depends on the tone of what im drawing or who im drawing i might genre switch bc of that. If im drawing ophelia i stick to lana del rey and if im drawing hamlet its the neighborhood, horatio is sufjan stevens etc. i have categorized,. Most of the characters i draw into different songs/genres/energies of music but not like i ever follow that. Sometimes i just pull up a really long nonsense video and forget to draw. Essentially: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ -- mod star
How’d y’all come up with ur pseudonyms? (@pedanticlecturer)
I love space so much and my main blog is starryeydsailor space gay rights!! Im also tiny and full of energy and bright so basically i;m star -- mod star
Uhhhh i was like “hey i want to do uhhhhhh flower?” And then I google searched flower names until I found one I liked —- mod aster
How did you end up deciding the rough timeline of events in canon? (@pedanticlecturer)
It’s mostly determined by like. How we choose per story? If that makes sense. Like, we just take story by story, and decide “is it happening, has it happened, and when?” And then we fit them together in relation to each other just by dint of. All existing at once. Like, I knew I wanted Macbeth to be in aftermath, because like, even though there’s no murder, the way I’ve translated it to the AU is still kinda heavy, and it’s something that I don’t know that I could do properly if it were happening right now. Also, it’s more interesting IMO to have them at different times. Tl;dr we wing it per story and slot them together— mod aster (mod star agrees I just can word better, in theory)
If you could tell the story of shakespeare high in a different format than an ask blog, would you? Obviously y'all are making very good use of the format, but would you want to write this as a animated series or like? a comic book? or is the form inseparable from the story? (@pedanticlecturer)
I kinda wanted to do a webcomic or maybe to plot develop through like, animatics but the element of surprise comes from the asks we get and really makes us think so the blog is a good start. We didnt think we’d get this far -- mod star
Pretty much what Star said— there are certain elements where it’d be neat to do as a comic or as an animatic. Like, the fantasy dream is like, an anthology webcomic of each story, where you can like, see other characters in the background and stuff. But to be honest, we develop a lot by what we’re asked— there was a post about developing worldbuilding by being asked questions and then pretending you’ve thought about the answer, and it’s not far off. Personally, it’s hard to just lay out a story, because I have a whole WORLD and what’s relevant? What are people interested in? It’s by getting questions that I can then focus in on an area to develop. And yeah, we Super didn’t think we’d get this far lmao — mod aster
Any headcanons about your characters that you don't think will ever come up on the blog through asks or plot posts? (@pedanticlecturer)
I could make a whole separate post for this!!!!! Mostly its voice headcanons (and by mostly i mean like 1 or 2) or relationship hcs!!!! -- mod star
Honestly same. I don’t think I have voice headcanons for mine, though I bet I could find some. I’ve got a bunch of miscellaneous headcanons that just kinda float around, but like they’re scattered, too numerous for this post, and also not always things I’m sure are canon yet.— mod aster
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