#mostly dia just being great
ace--of--swords · 7 months
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Various requests/non requests from past that got blasted when i deleted the other tumblr.
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wosoluver · 13 days
La nueva g headcannons
Patri Guijarro x young physio!reader
→ The girls tease and try to embarrass Patri
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She can't help...
At the beginning they were quiet about it. But a month or so into your stay at barça, they were so over they way Patri was quietly simping over you. Not only her, but two or three players by now.
But differently from the others, she was extremely shy about it. Patri Guijarro wasn't that girl. She was loud, playful and cheeky. And that's what initially made them so interested in teasing her about it.
Hitting her with a ball, Ona was quick to add. "Ay chica, the way you're staring at her, she might dehydrate." she said in Català.
"Ouch! I was just seeing if she was getting by well."
You were outside along with the medical team and the trainers, talking about the players' overall performance and what adaptations would be made for the week in preparation for the next game.
You had your back to her, very concentrated at what was being said.
"Sure" added Clau.
Since spending the last couple of weeks working with the physio team, she had created a soft spot for you. She, along with only few of the girls, had gotten to chat with you a little more. In truth you were mostly quiet, you were shy and it took time for you to come out of your shell.
"I know, It's uncommon to have young and very good looking staff around." now teased Cata.
"And smart, and funny." she said under her breath.
"what?" asked Ale, trying to figure out what the younger girl said.
Sometimes she would forget that not many had the chance to see you crack a joke, or over explain something you really cared about, like how muscle fibers work or that your ligaments held your bones together. Both which Patri had learned involuntarily after you dumped a 'biology for dummies' class onto her.
So it was hard to explain to others, why she felt so infatuated by you.
Pina was the only one she felt she could confine in. Which was great, only she would always forget how much of a little shit her best friend was.
"I can already see it 'Patricia Guijarro do you take Y/N Y/L/N as your wife to love and cherish and bla bla bla..." said Claudia joining in on the fun.
And soon they realized you were walking in their direction. When you were getting close, Alexia teased Patri.
"Don't forget to breathe!"
"Close your mouth, you're almost drooling!" said Cata next.
"Go get her, tiger." added Ona.
You tried to make up what was being said, that had made Patri go red so fast. But you had yet to learn more than 'bon dia' and 'moltes gràcies'.
"I definitely need to learn Català, if it means I can make you blush like that."
It's short but don't worry guys! There's more coming. Again thank you to @s0ciety-cxv ily 🩷
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luceracastro · 4 months
Teacher's Pet
Professor!Esteban Kukurickza x reader
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Summary: After a few months of starting your literature course you seem to find it harder with time to ignore your professor, little did you know you were driving him crazy as well.
Warnings: teacher/student relationship! Age gap (the reader is in their early 20s and Esteban is mid/late 30s). There is not much warning in this part but it will change within the next few (also fyi this fic will be about 15 to 20 parts long and in Spanglish)
Ever since you could remember you dreamt of writing your own books, your mom and dad remember you making your own little stories as a kid with paper, crayons, and a pencil, your dad stapling the pages together for you
then you used notebooks and wrote little stories or poems of your own, you grew a great obsession with books and literature, so it made sense when it was your major and you got into one of the best schools in Spain to study.
Now living alone, working a part-time job to pay for necessities and other important bills except rent and school since your dad agreed to pay for it as long as you promised to make something out of yourself you were set, One small issue was that you had a Professor who was way too hot for his own good
lectures were hard sometimes, he was a good educator no doubt about that but he seemed to call on you for everything, of course your hand was the first up at times but even when it wasn't he would call on you saying he trusts that you understood the lecture and topic and can answer his questions, and you did, perfectly
he would flaunt your perfect work to the class, using you and your assignments as a example to the rest of the class, he praised you too that it messed with your head now, you began to think he probably knew how much you really liked him.
you had just sat through one of those painfully hard lectures after he asked countless questions which you mostly answered and now the class was working on the research paper he had assigned for the remaining time of class.
"Senorita T/n" he called and you looked up he motioned you over with a nod and your breath caught in your throat but you regained your posture and got up walking to his desk "Sólo quería decirle que hizo un excelente trabajo en este papel, eres un alumna muy dedicada y hasta puedo decir mi favorita" he chuckled and you smiled but the warm feeling inside of you was getting hard to ignore with the closer you are to him, especially with the countless praises he gives you.
"Gracias Profe que amable" you said, he smiled up at you a soft small smile but his eyes starring into your soul practically made your skin crawl, in a good way, "Bueno, te dejo que sigues trabajando" he said and you nodded "Muchas gracias Profe" you once again thanked him as he nodded and you walked back to your seat
the class had ended but before you could even walk out the door "Senorita T/n" he called out for you and you turned around "Mande?" you walked over to his desk as he looked over some papers "Me puedes hacer un favor?" he asked and you nodded adjusting the strap of your bag
"Yo tengo mucho trabajo que hacer entonces quiero saber si puedes ayudar a tu Compañera Adelia con un trabajo que tiene que hacer?" he asked and you nodded "Si, si claro con gusto" you said a small smile on your lips which he admired very much "Gracias de verdad, que amable eres me ayudas mucho" he said and your smile grew at his words
"Entonces le digo que te mande un correo electronico y de ahi empiezan a trabajar juntas, gracias otra vez" he said and you nodded "No problema Profe, que tenga buen dia" you said "Tu tambien querida," querida, that name was rare but when he did say it your legs turned to jelly
you left the class and made your way back home, the small flat you lived in was comfy and cozy, at first it may seem a bit too small but it was suffice for the time being, and with small trinkets and decor you'd get from small shops and thrift stores you made it your own little cozy home
you put your bag and books down, and your keys were thrown on the kitchen counter as you opened the fridge, leftover dinner from the night before it was. As you ate you looked through your computer for any emails or whatnot, and low and behold Adelia had emailed you
you had answered and through a couple exchange emails agreed to meet at a nearby coffee shop to work on her assignment, you closed your computer and got up to go and do some house chores, clean up, and do some laundry that you had put off for long enough.
the paper assigned from class today was now your current task late at night, you were tired of course but to not finish the paper would make you stress to the point where you wouldn't rest well so you decided to stay up and work on it
"Todavia despierta?" your eyes widened at the small chat from your Professor, when working on assignments you go on a website where teacher and students are signed on and anyone can see if you're active or not, turns out he's grading some work.
"Si, haciendo unos trabajos :)" you sent back and bit the inside of your cheek afraid of what he might say, was the chat too un professional for a student to send to a professor? but all doubts went away when he sent another chat
"Pobre, descansa mejor" he sent back then a little smiley face making you smile and giggle to yourself "Claro que si, nomas quiero terminar el papel de hoy y luego me voy a dormir" you sent back "Bueno Querida, tenga buen noche y por favor descansa" he sent back and you felt your belly warm up and lips curl into a big smile your cheeks began to hurt
"Gracias profe, que tenga buen noche tambien" was all you sent back before going back to work on your assignment, after you had finished the paper you put all your school belongings away in your bag and then went to get ready for bed. Esteban had always noticed his special student, you were a hardworking and dedicated student and always worked hard when it came to your school
her remembers seeing you working at one of the local coffee shops being kind to customers and being quick on your feet to attend them, you were also kind to your classmates helping out in class or outside of class, other teachers spoke highly of you and he added to it
you were also very well carried he noticed, dressed in nice clothing, always presentable, beautiful dare he say and you had a way about yourself which made you likable and irresistible if that was even a sufficient word, you were perfect and he firmly believed that.
the next day in class you had sat down in your usual seat, and like the same old routine for Esteban he stole glances when you weren't looking, when he realized you'd seen him he'd play it off with a kind smile
but the skirt you wore was pretty much a distraction, he couldn't focus but he wasn't complaining "Profe, me ayudas?" a student of his was standing beside his desk snapping him out of his trance as he nodded "Si claro"
after class had ended he stopped you again "Entonces no duermes mucho?" he smiled and you smiled as well "trato," you chuckled as he nodded "Prometame algo, que si vas a descansar, eres mi alumna favorita y no quiero que estas cansada por mi culpa" you shook your head "No, no de verdad no te precupes estoy bien ni tengo sueno" you said
he nodded "Pero una cosa, yo siempre me voy a precupar por mi alumna favorita" he said and you let out a sigh the nerves eating away at your belly "gracias profe, te lo agradezco" you smiled kindly making him return one back "Otra cosa, cuando estamos solos me puedes llamar por mi nombre," he said and you nodded
"Bueno profe, Esteban" you corrected yourself with a small smile making him nod "Bueno linda, tenga buen dia" linda, that was a new one, "Tenga buen dia" you gave him a kind smile and nod before leaving his class
this man would be the end of you.
A/N: Okay so this is the first part, not too exciting but by the next part it will be longer and more interesting as it goes on but Likes, comments, and reblogs are very much appreciated but no pressure my loves as long as you all enjoy and if you would like to be tagged let me know <333
Honorary tag since this lovely girl is the reason I even started this fic (also my love for Esteban) @madame-fear Love you hope you enjoy love!!!!!
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pensat-i-fet · 8 months
Better than me (Rúben Dias x Reader)
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**Back with another request. For this one, I was asked to write about Rúben feeling a little insecure and jealous too. I think it turned out quite cute so hopefully you enjoy too ❤️**
Word count: 2561
"We're fucked!"
Rúben was in a terrible mood after the match. They won, so that was good. But Rodri, arguably their most important player, got a red card. So he was bound to miss at least the next three matches. Fantastic.
"Huh?", you asked, quickly looking up from your phone while he drove.
"The next few matches. It'd be hard to win without Rodri".
"Well, sure. But they have you so it'll be fine".
He wasn't so sure but appreciated your compliments and optimism.
Rúben hadn't been feeling very optimistic himself lately. Or great. And one of the main reasons for that was you. Not that you had done anything per se but…the insecurity he felt was mainly caused by your intelligence and your friendship with Rodri.
You had met Laura, Rodri's partner, at work. Both of you being young doctors, an instant friendship blossomed between you two. Also, you always wanted to learn to speak Spanish so having a Spanish friend was great. And Rodri became a friend quickly too so that was two Spanish friends.
It was through these friends you met Rúben. Laura thought it could be fun to introduce you to each other and play matchmaker. Both of you were grateful for that. And, of course, double dates were a constant occurrence once you and Rúben made your relationship official.
Since everyone always praised Rodri for being the humble guy who went to uni and dated a doctor, and basically not being the typical footballer, Rúben expected the same when people found out about your relationship but…the reaction was slightly different. Not that anyone saw Rúben as stupid or anything but he wasn't considered to be as smart as Rodri. Where was his uni diploma? So what he saw was many comments asking how such a smart woman could be with him. Banter mostly, but it could hurt.
"Do you need help with your wound?", you asked when you noticed you were almost back home.
Rúben had a little wound on his thigh and one of the perks of dating a doctor was that you could look after it.
"I'm good. Thanks".
"It could still get infected, you know?"
"I know. I'm not dumb".
His tone confused you. Where did that reaction come from? But he had been in a terrible mood since the match ended so you guessed it was all about that. Little did you know…
And he had reasons to worry. City were out of the Carabao Cup after losing their match against Newcastle. Rodri didn't play…but neither did Rúben. So none of them were to blame for it.
But then came the Wolves match. Rúben started that match and quickly made his mark…by scoring an own goal. You were watching the match at home and hoping he could turn it around during what was left of the match. Otherwise, he was going to blame himself for the loss. You just knew it.
“Hi”, he said back, sighing and sitting down next to you.
“Want cuddles?”
“Will they make my own goal disappear?”
“I wish but they can make you feel a bit better”.
You turned the TV off and laid down so Rúben could do the same next to you and you cuddled. It felt nice after a long week at work. And it was nice for Rúben to feel loved after such a tough day.
Rúben’s phone broke the peace and he had to get up to answer it.
“It’s my parents. I’ll be right back”.
You used that time to go to the kitchen and see what you two could have for dinner. And while you were still deciding, Rúben came back from the room.
“Everything ok?”
“Yes, they just wanted to see how I was doing”.
“That’s nice”, you smiled and went back to looking at the fridge. “We don’t have much. Maybe we could order something”.
“Yeah. We’ll go to the supermarket tomorrow. That fridge looks so empty and sad”.
You chuckled. It really did. “We’ll do the shopping list later. Let’s order food now. I’m starving”.
The whole time at dinner, you tried to make Rúben feel better. He could be so dramatic after one bad match and you didn't want him to stay in that mindset for long.
"Ok, dishwasher full and ready. Should we do that shopping list now?"
"Yes!", you answered, getting your notes app ready to write down all the things you needed to get. "Let's not go crazy with the fresh food, we just need enough for you".
"What do you mean? Are you not planning on eating?"
"I won't be here to eat. Didn't you read my text?"
Rúben picked up his phone. He had ignored it after the match, except to answer his parents' call. But there it was, your text. Well, there was more than one but he knew which one you meant. The one where you said you were going to spend a few days in Madrid with Laura…and with Rodri.
You kept checking the kitchen to see what you might need and didn’t notice Rúben staring at his phone.
“I think I need shampoo. I’m going to check”.
He then looked up to see you going to the bathroom and sighed. “I hate this”.
But the next morning, he drove both of you to the supermarket to do the weekly shop. And every time you mentioned picking up something for the trip, he wanted to scream.
“Do you think I need a plug for my chargers? Spanish plugs are different to ours. Or will Laura have enough for all of us? Maybe I should call her”.
“I’m sure Rodri has it all under control”, he muttered and you turned to give him a look.
“Ok? I'll still ask”.
That was the first little dig. Then came the second, and the third…
“Rúben, have you and Rodri had any issues lately?”, you finally asked.
“No. Why would you ask?”
“I don’t know, but you keep being weird whenever he’s mentioned for no reason. Maybe we should cancel tonight’s dinner”.
“Tonight…what happens tonight?”
“Rúben, we talked about having dinner with them a week ago. I put it on your calendar”.
“Right…yeah…no, I’ll go. We’ll go. It’ll be fine”.
And it was fine, for the most part. You still noticed Rúben acting in an odd way but didn’t want to bring attention to it.
“We can’t wait to show you around Madrid”, said Laura. “Well, Rodri will be the tour guide. It’s his city. You’ll love it”.
“I know I will”.
“I actually got the perfect tour ready for you”, told you Rodri. “Since I didn’t have to play, I got some free time to get it all sorted. I checked all the places I think you’ll like to prioritize those. It's a perfect plan”.
“That’s so thoughtful. Thank you”, you said. Your smile was so big and that made Rúben feel so shitty again.
“You’ll have to see if you prefer Lisbon or Madrid”, joked Rodri, winking at Rúben but Rúben didn’t want to laugh.
“Well, Lisbon was amazing so you’ll have to really prepare the best tour to make me love Madrid more”.
“How did Rúben show you his city when you first went there?”, asked Laura. Such an innocent question, but not what Rúben wanted to hear.
“I didn’t prepare anything special. Just showed her around”.
Everyone at the table noticed Rúben’s tone and decided to move on to other topics, but you didn’t get his response out of your head. You couldn’t. So you had to bring it up when you were back home.
“What was all that about at dinner?”
“What do you mean?”
“You got all moody when Laura asked you about us being in Lisbon and seeing the city”.
He sighed. “I just don’t get why you are with me sometimes”.
What was he saying now?
That was a pretty strange statement. And one that made you stop to think about how to approach it.
“I could make you a list”, you tried a joke. Those worked sometimes. But not at that specific moment.
“And then I could make you one that shows why you should be with someone like Rodri instead”.
Someone like Rodri? “Why would I want to be with someone like him?”
“He’s not even your boyfriend and still is better at being one than me. I mean, preparing a tour just for you? Come on. He can do everything better than me. On and off the pitch”.
“Are you bothered by that?”
“I’m bothered by how inferior I feel next to him”.
“Since when?”, he never mentioned that.
“Since the first comment about how hard to believe it was that a doctor would date a football player”.
“But Rodri…he does too. So do others. Didn’t Mata date one? Maybe he still does”.
“Yes, and what do they have in common?”
“They are from Spain?”
Rúben let his head fall and put his hands on his face. It was all in his head, he knew it. He knew you couldn’t understand him. And he felt too dumb to explain it properly.
“They are both humble. Normal. Too normal to be footballers. And smart. Of course business degree Rodri can date a doctor. But me? I’m a joke next to them”.
You sat down next to him and took one of his hands in between yours, placing it on your thigh.
“Rúben, you’re smart. I wouldn’t date you if you weren’t”, he looked away but you continued. “Everyone knows you’re smart. On and off the pitch. You keep being praised for your intelligence all the time. And it makes me proud to see that. Also, you speak two languages fluently and I almost fainted trying to say the few sentences you taught me in Portuguese. That level of fluency takes brainpower. And you have plenty of it”.
“The comments…”.
“Maybe you should stop reading comments of people talking about relationships they are not a part of. What do they know? About you or about Rodri? Nothing. I’m the one who knows you and who chooses to be with you. Shouldn’t my opinion mean more?”
“Yes, but…”, he knew you were right but still didn’t feel like he could accept it fully. “But what if I’m not enough in the future? There is a limit to my intelligence, you know? I’m not studying. I don’t keep on learning like you do. The most I do is watch a documentary every once in a while”.
“I don’t need you to be a bloody encyclopedia, Rúben!”
“But I want to be one so I don’t embarrass you!”
He then got up and even though his back was to you, you could imagine how hurt he looked.
“You won’t embarrass me”.
“I was at that work dinner last month and…I felt so stupid. Like I haven’t before. You know, when you work every day with people who can’t even spell the word encyclopedia, you do feel as smart as one. But then reality hit me. Everyone there was so smart. Like you. That’s the people you work with. And Rodri was chatting with all of them and talking about everything like he was one of them. While I was just asked about my gym routine and what I ate to keep my muscles so big”.
“I’m sorry they made you feel like that”, you said, slowly walking towards him to wrap your arms around his waist. “But just so you know, I would never date a doctor. They’re unbearable”.
You chuckled but he didn’t join you so you squeezed his waist to try and show him your love somehow. It was you who felt stupid then. Not knowing what to do to comfort your boyfriend.
“Rúben, do you want me to stay?”
“No, go to Madrid. Have fun. I won’t ruin your plans”.
“You’re more important than a trip. I can go to Madrid whenever”.
“No”, he turned to look at your face. “I’m stupid, ok? It’s a lot sometimes. And all the comments about Rodrid don’t help. All the stats about how shit we are without him. Those don’t help”.
“Well, whenever you feel like that, talk to me. So I can reassure you about whatever you need to be reassured about, ok?”
He nodded. It was him who needed to hold you tightly at that moment and you felt really happy when he did. And relieved. He wasn’t going anywhere and neither were you.
“Really, I can stay…”.
“No. Go on your trip. I’ll be waiting here for you. And buy me a gift while you’re there”.
“What do people buy in Madrid as souvenirs?”
“I don’t know but I’m sure Rodri will know”.
“Looking forward to that Atleti fridge magnet he’ll make me buy”, you laughed.
Your time in Madrid was great. The tour Rodri got ready for you was fantastic. But you missed Rúben. And worried about him. So you kept texting him photos of the places you visited and updating him.
-“You took me to get ice cream the moment we left the house so that's a point for you. 1-0”.
-“Oh wait, Rodri bought us churros. 1-1”.
-“Why are these churros so good? 🤤”
-"I'm buying a churro making machine. I'm having these for breakfast every day. Oh my God!"
-"Laura took me to a park to see turtles. Can we get a pet turtle? 🐢".
-"Also, that's a point for her. Not Rodri. Not such a perfect tour guide if he didn't know I wanted to see the turtles 🤷".
-"Laura filmed me trying to read the menu in Spanish. That video will never see the light of day but I'll let you know it exists and it's incredibly embarrassing".
Rúben was glued to his phone, waiting for the next text. And he sent some back to you, joking about things like how much better the weather was in Manchester.
But as much as he loved the texts, he was so happy when you were finally back.
"I want you to tell me everything you did in Madrid. Even if I've seen it already".
"Oh, get ready for all the anecdotes. I'm not shutting up about it anytime soon", you laughed and then picked up a bag from your suitcase. "They didn't have magnets…".
So you bought him an Atleti keychain.
"What do I want this for?"
"To piss João off when you see him?", you shrugged and made Rúben laugh. It was a good reason to keep it.
A few days later, City lost another match. This time against Arsenal, so it hurt even more. And the press were back to talking about how bad the team performs without Rodri.
Rúben was going back to Portugal after the match for international break, but you wanted to make sure he was fine before he got on the plane and called him.
"I'm not listening to any of it. Don't worry".
"Pinky promise?"
His chuckle made you relax a bit. "Pinky promise".
You stayed on the phone for a bit longer and then it was time for him to get on the plane.
"You know, Rúben. You never asked me which city I liked more. Madrid or Lisbon".
"Ok. Which one did you like more?".
"Lisbon. Do you wanna know why?"
"Sure. Why?"
"Because I was there with you".
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once-in-a-blood-moon · 2 months
Obey Me Boys as Tarot/Oracle Decks I Own
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Is this stupid? Yes. Am I doing it anyway? Absolutely.
To make a long story short, I have a problem and I compulsively buy tarot and oracle cards, so I have...quite a few. So, I was looking at them and thought, "which ones would fit the characters?" And now look where we are! :) I do have exactly fifteen decks and had planned originally to assign decks to the new side characters as well, but I, A. got tired and B. couldn't find one that fit Mephisto, so I just scrapped that idea altogether. Anyways, here's what literally nobody asked for!
Disclaimer! I did pick out cards that I thought matched the characters as well, based on both meaning and look. I'm not going into detail on all of the cards either...because I will ramble forever. I'm did my best to keep these as brief as possible!
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Lucifer - Archangel Animal Oracle Deck
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Okay, so this could've been a great deck for Simeon or Raphael, but out of what I had, this fit Lucifer the best! It ties back to his origins of being a seraphim. I did pick a card or two that have Archangel Micheal and Raphael in them, and they do fit Lucifer in needing to let others in and to not let pride get in the way of being dependent on others.
Mammon - The Illustrated Crystallary Oracle Deck
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Mostly picked this one due to the fact that crystals can be expensive and high-dollar, which Mammon would be into and exploit (and he has). If not him, this one might've gone to Solomon, but I had a better one for him >:) I picked Mammon's cards based off his greed and his love for the MC...and which crystals would cost a pretty penny.
Leviathan - Mystical Manga Tarot Deck
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My tried and true deck. It was either this one or my Skyrim tarot deck, so I went with this one. It felt more him to me. I picked the Seven of Cups, the Hanged Man, the Hermit, and the Nine of Swords for Levi. In some cases, the Seven of Cups gives me feelings of envy for choices that may seem out of reach or wanting it all when you have to pick and choose, so I went with it.
Satan - The Language of Flowers Oracle Deck
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This is the best I had for Satan, but I feel like he'd be quite knowledgable on flower language. I had several other cards that I had in mind for him as well, namely Action - the Venus Fly Trap, but I wanted to keep the number of cards to four, so... Also, when I first started using this deck, it took a lot of warming up to, (it was shy...if you can believe that or not), which is how Satan is in both games, not shy just...needs to get used to people before opening up.
Asmodeus - Romantic Tarot Deck
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This is the pairing that kicked off this idea. This deck is new, my mom gifted it to me for Easter! She's a sweetie. And I kept think about how Asmo would adore the art and vintage depictions in the cards. Since the cards aren't labeled, I picked the Lovers, the Two of Cups, the Empress, and the Three of Swords. Most of these are "romantic" in nature, or with the Empress, embodies confidence and embracing femininity. Three of Swords because of how dramatic and tragic love and can be, and I'm sure Asmo has had his fair share :(
Beelzebub - Moonology Manifestations Oracle Deck
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This is my second Moonology deck, my other-half, if you will. (Another gift from my mom:)) I really don't have much to say about this deck for Beel, but I figured it would be fun to assign the twins with these decks. The cards were picked based on his feelings of guilt of his past from the Celestial War.
Belphegor - Moonology Oracle Deck
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My first Moonology deck! I think this was the first oracle deck I ever got, so it has a special place in my heart. I obviously had to give this one to Belphie since his theme revolves around the moon and space. Notice in both Beel's and Belphie's I picked one Gemini card each, hehe...
Diavolo - Dragon Wisdom Oracle Deck
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Considering Dia's demon form is draconic (dra-ICONIC! Heh, anyone?), this seemed right. I'm less familiar with this deck since it's not one of the primary ones I use, but it was fun to go through it again like it was new, lol. There was another card I almost picked for him, Initiation. But I thought these ones fit best.
Barbatos - Celtic Healing Oracle Deck
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Once again, this is one of those scenarios where this was the best I had for Barb. There's a strange energy to these cards, mysterious and timeless almost, a little spooky. Kinda reminds me of him in some way. I'm the least familiar with this deck as it's relatively new and I haven't really used it yet, so apologies for lack of substance with this one.
Simeon - The Field Tarot
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This was a gift from a friend of mine. It was theirs originally, but they so thoughtfully handed it down to me, and I use it quite a lot! This deck felt very mellow and light compared to my other ones. Very minimalist, so I thought it fit Simeon's vibe. To note: the Perspective card is this deck's Hanged Man. The Three of Cups reminded me of the og Purgatory Hall gang.
Solomon - Oceanic Tarot Deck
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Based on his love for marine life and his...past with the ocean, how could I resist! Also, didn't mean for two of the cards I picked to be king and queen of the same suit, but I thought they fit his personality and way of living. The suit cards are pretty basic, featuring some marine life behind the pictures and whatnot without having too much imagery.
Luke - Tiny Tarot Deck
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Come on...I had to. I put it in my hand so you could really get the perspective of how small it is. It's cute! I didn't pull any of the cards out since the box struggles to hold them in and I'm afraid of getting them everywhere, but they are your standard Rider-Waite-Smith deck! I probably would've picked the Sun or the Six of Cups for him, something along the lines of youth and vibrancy. (MY GOD, MY VEINS LOOK LIKE A STAR WTH?? I just noticed that, omg) Well...that's new...
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sbk-zgvlt · 11 months
Idk if this is your vibe but with the whole 'Diasomnia takes shovel talk to a whole new level' thing going on with Ace I can't help but wonder how absolutely hilariously baffling the potential of the poly first year squad balongside that would be.
I like this ship mainly because I think it'd be funny if they all dated one-another and just. Didn't say anything. Stuff like 'Vil and Rook wonder why they saw their son Epel kiss ace on the lips even though he was on what was very obviously a romantic walk with Deuce a few days ago' and whatnot happening with all the first years' seniors
(A few of them piece it together and are like 'good for them' and don't tell anyone for whatever reason but mainly because I think it's funny)
BUT anyway back on track I can't help but wonder how Lilia, Silver, and Malleus would be in all of their overprotective glory. Like, Sebek dating Ace? They hate that - but would they be less or more enthused about the additional 'but wait, there's more'. Moment where Sebek introduces the rest of his boyfriends
Again, idk if it's your vibe, but I think it's funny to think about. Abdhsvs have a nice day, keep being awesome, stay hydrated 👍 (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~
Thanks for reminding me about the water I have not drank in 3 hours/hj
DUDE...just finding out that Sebek has a boyfriend in the first place makes Dia 3 go into a FRENZY. And the thing is, the freshmen mean well in their own right. In fact, if they were INDIVIDUAL, I have a feeling that Dia 3 would be able to accept them, others quicker than most. But having them TOGETHER as a GROUP already spells CHAOS.
Again. The freshmen have their good qualities. They care for each other and love each other. But as a GROUP??? They encourage each other's shenanigans. Their good qualities are immediately overtaken by the fact that they are teenagers and that they mostly get in trouble. And knowing SEBEK, who is (mostly) a rule-abiding guy, mingling with a group like the first years will send Dia 3 to an early grave.
It's great that Sebek is making friends with them!!! They love that. But it's the fact they always get him involved in their schemes. And it sonly a matter of time before they start rubbing off of Sebek, and getting in trouble will start becoming a daily occurence to him. The first time they were called by one of the professors because Sebek APPARENTLY blew up a classroom with one of the first years while trying to make a potion PAST CURFEW made Lilia faint. THEY DIDNT EVEN KNOW HE WASNT IN THE DORM???? HOW DID HE SNEAK OFF (it's very easy.)
Dia 3 do not like Ace as a romantic interest, let's establish that first. But the whole FIRST YEAR GANG as romantic interests??? Theyre STRESSING. They cant tell whats better or worse (its worse for them) (better for Sebek). They have to constantly keep tabs on Sebek AND the other first years to make sure theyre not dragging Sebek into their little "hang outs" which end with the whole gorup getting detention.
The others do get confused at first. They're cheating on each other,,,with EACH OTHER??? (They havenever heard of polygamy) (Half of the first years didnt either) (Ace, Sebek, and Yuu rectified that).
The only people who knew were Riddle (GOSSIP QUEEN 🗣️🔥🔥🔥), Rook (He's Rook.), and Idia (You know that one post where op finds out they feel left out in their friend group because it turns out they were all dating each other??? Ortho reporting that to Idia 💀)(The first years make sure not to leave out Ortho when they hang out after that).
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between the lines | interlude
rúben dias x original female character [+18]
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synopsis: isabella is a sports journalist covering the premier league. she has sworn to never get involved with a football player. that is, until she meets a handsome portuguese defender. warnings: incorrect journalism references; timeline of events are not faithful to real life; i have never been to england; mutual pining; romantic comedy;  minors dni.
previous chapter | masterlist | next chapter
“I think she wants you to sing to her!” Carlos exasperatedly requests me a lullaby. I’m sitting down on the floor in front of my floor length mirror, trying to do something nice with my hair. I'm getting ready for my first day back at work after a short lived summer break. My brother is on facetime, showing me my niece. “I swear, she was saying ‘tía’ a lot. I think she’s asking for the song.”
It’s August and I just got back to England. Getting drunk on Pinot Noir on as many Spanish islands as my money could afford was a goal I gracefully achieved over the break. Okay, maybe ‘gracefully’ is not the best word to describe my alcohol driven antics. But here I am, all pieces glued together, ready for another season.
This time last year I was a rookie in this League and by the end of the season I was having dinner dates with a Prem superstar.
None of that this time, tough. I've grown a year older since my birthday last week, and that means I’m only focusing on my career. For real this time. No more relapses, no more calls in the middle of the night.
So I sing Lucía a song and then I go to work.
“New year, new me, huh?” I point out as Melissa hugs me, she has a new hair color and is rocking a new makeup style.
“Isabella, it’s August.” Mel doesn't share my enthusiasm. “Also, I hate covering pre-season. I always end up making stupid decisions like going blonde or something.”
“What? You didn’t have fun in the US?” I’m still hugging her when I ask.
“Oh, shut up. Your insta stories didn’t help me either, you know?” Mel puts both hands on my shoulders and looks deep into my eyes. “But you had fun, right? You’re feeling good?”
“Yeah, of course. Feeling good. I feel great.” I nod, mostly to myself. “I feel amazing…” 
She agrees and continues to walk.
“I swear I wish I had forgotten most of these dudes' names.” She bites her lips looking menacingly into the horizon. I giggle, ashamed.
“I share the feeling.”
At lunch Mel ordered Japanese food and I just stared at the package for a full minute before deciding to eat.
“You know you can talk to me, right?” It’s the fourth or sixth time she said that to me, ever since she noticed something was off a couple months ago.
It was a Japanese restaurant but I almost didn’t notice at first, being too focused on something else. He wore a button up shirt and I felt like dying.
I remember saying something like:
“I don’t really like Portuguese food. Too many eggs. You guys put eggs in everything. Egg on the entrance, egg on the fish, for desert? Egg flavored cake. Francesinha is a sandwich with egg on top of it. That’s not where the egg is supposed to go, Rúben.”
And he laughed, he laughed at every joke I said. At the end of the night my jaw was hurting from how I smiled at him and I wondered if he felt the same.
It’s a double-edge sword, this whole falling in love thing. Even being the one saying goodbye, I still hurt like I was dumped by my first boyfriend at 16 all over again.
At first it was easy, everything can be a distraction if you try hard enough. But with time the thing I was trying so hard to hide became bigger and louder in my mind. The sound of the laughter, the clicking of the cutlery.
The realization that I chose this, standing outside of Wembley with a microphone in hand; over whatever that was.
This is fine, I’m great.
“How are you feeling about this season?” I question a random City fan outside the stadium.
“Good, yeah.” The lad shrugs.
“You guys already won everything, do you think the players-” I start, but he stops me.
“Nah, we didn’t win everything. There’s always more to win. We only got 3 out of 4 last season.” When he says that, I realize that around 20 meters away from me, in the distance, is the Manchester City bus. I walk faster.
The sound of wanting gets drowned out by a crowded pub and suddenly it's easier to breathe again and everything really is fine.
“Rice, rice, baby!” It’s Victor’s voice that gets a genuine laugh out of me. “I fucking love Wembley!”
We’re all meeting at the pub after the Community Shield game and the atmosphere is exactly like the first day back to school, but with a lot more beer involved.
“Please don’t tell me you have money on Arsenal winning the league.” Seb is sitting next to me, pointing his green bottle to Victor.
“I do. Yes, go ahead, laugh all you want.” Victor raises his voice, looking offended. “I’m not even being optimistic, mate, it’s just the plain truth.”
The entire table laughs and we almost can't hear when he continues. “They’re stronger this year, guys, hear me out.”
“You’re right to be confident, but personally I’m not putting money on Mikel.” Mel says.
I bite my tongue when they ask my opinion.
“I’m being a hundred percent professional this year, no betting, no guessing, just straight analyzing.” The table booed me and I raised my hands in the air, in surrender. “Hey, I didn’t even want to be here. I wish I was in Australia right now.”
“Don't remind me!” Mel sighs and lightly slaps me. “We’re literally the only women not covering the World Cup right now.”
“No whining! Come on, let’s toast.” Seb raises his bottle once again, but this time we all follow. “To a busy and long season!”
And we all repeat: “To a busy and long season!”
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burnieblanders · 2 years
The boys performing oral on mc....
Lucy- meticulous and strategic, knows all the tricks to please and is happy to demonstrate. Trust and believe hell be getting them off using both his mouth and hands skillfully
Mam- its called a ☆money shot☆ so he'll definitely work hard to get mc off. i imagine hed be a bit sloppy at times but enthusiastic and determined at least
Levi- he'll need some directions on how to pleasure mc properly (i headcanon hes a bit less experienced than the other boys cause hed rather keep to himself mostly, but he learns quickly and wants to please♡)
Saty- tries to stay composed and show off his skills but as he gets more worked up he gets sloppier and more aggressive. I also feel like he would do plenty of dirty talk and be a lil too rough...(but if he accidentally hurts mc he'll stop of course....)
Asmo- hes got skills due to plenty of practice, he'll pull out every strategy he knows to make them cum hard multiple times. Loves using toys along with his hands and mouth. Hed do a lot of dirty talk too...
Beel- being the greedyguts that he is, he would literally suck mc silly, not being content tasting them only once, hed defs keep going until mc is crying and begging for him to stop due to multiple orgasms and overstimulation
Belphie- will start out slowly and lazily but as he gets more excited he gives more energy and, of course, has to tease and edge them for fun♡
Dia- I imagine hed like to have mc sit on his face so he can focus on giving them lots of pleasure...i headcanon that he has a huge dick so he'll want to take plenty of time to warm them up if hes gonna put it in, but otherwise he just loves getting to enjoy making mc feel great♡
Barb- another character thats naturally skilled, he loves to please so whatever mc wants he'll give it to them to the best of his abilities♡
Sol- is happy to just give mc some oral buuutt much prefers to 69 so they can both get some. When hes giving, naturally, hell use magic along with his hands and mouth. Loves dirty talk, edging, and teasing as well of course.
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marciabrady · 1 year
i love the ron dias sleeping beauty book he illustrated in the 1980s, but i only recently realized how much of it was inspired from earlier art! there's many more elements i noticed either being directly traced or more vaguely inspired, but the below items were the most interesting to me
the first picture, of aurora's mother and merryweather, originally appeared in the official comic adaption of the film that was released in conjunction with the original theatrical debut of sleeping beauty. the inking and general art is credited to al hubbard and norm mcgary, though i will say, i have noticed certain panels that were directly ripped from sleeping beauty coloring books that were released during that time, so it's possible some of their art was traced from disney reference material. the below panel is the earliest instance i could find of this particular queen and merryweather art, though, and on the right you can see ron dias's rendition of it in the 1980s
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second up, on the left is a screencap and on the right is the 1980s storybook version. dias took aurora's face from a cap just a few seconds later, but you can see the right hand, draping of the shawl, the curls, and the position of her feet are identical in both versions
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the phillip picture on the left appears in an authorized edition of disney's sleeping beauty that was released by whitman in conjunction with the film's 1959 release. an interesting fun fact is that whitman released a lot of the novelizations, and even a sequel book to sleeping beauty, in 1958 in the year predating the release of the film. to the right is ron dias's art which echoes the whitman rendition
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aurora and phillip on the left is from the same book that the phillip image above is traced from. it looks like it ron dias mostly just drew from the posing, though the influence is undeniable. it's charming to me how much aurora looks like mary costa in the dias iteration! dias was a great admirer of mary costa's and sent her a drawing that was inspired by this frame of sleeping beauty, which was said to be one of his favorites
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halforcdad · 1 year
I know last ep was intense af but it also has one of the funniest scenes in ncis hawaii like I did laugh I truly did
[Spoiler for 2x21]
That scene when Kate was like okay dont tell Swift tho and he was like umm too late and she just kinda facepalmed and laid down "hi nice to meet you" and she was just...speechless truly a no good bad day for Kate
Then Lucy "you were chained to a KITCHEN POST" Tara, the same Lucy "i cannot lie" Tara delivered what is basically a "you're doing great sweetie" with the fakest smile in the fakest cheerful voice lmaooo
it was fun seeing whistler have such a full body reaction to embarassing herself in front of a superior (?) authority figure like that. she's had her fair share of goofs on the show, but mostly in front of the team or lucy. seeing our proud, career-driven, normally put together girl looking like she wanted to shrivel up and die and then flopping on the bed like that was fantastic (i love whistler's mannerisms, even strict mean girl DIA whistler in s1 was very expressive, thank you tori). and she didnt even finish the line she just gave up like 'its nice to...yeah" like girl needs a break 😩😂 one of her first few forays into outright rule-breaking and nothing is going right LOL
i feel like a big chunk of why lucy's so likeable comes down to yasmine being so good at what she does because the way she pronounced kiTcheN PosT and the way she acted out fake and frustrated lucy on the phone was funny af. terrible actor lucy strikes again. she's trying her best to be the best supportive girlfriend ever, but she's worried as hell and rightfully so after randomly finding out her gf took half her closet and booked a flight to venezuela with her suspended boss somehow without her knowledge at all! and now theyre both in terrible danger! and she also wants to punch the boys and her new temporary boss in the face for encouraging this.
tennant better send these two on an all expense paid vacation after this bc they are going thru it
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twistedtummies2 · 7 months
Top 15 Skeleton Characters
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Happy Dia de los Muertos, everybody! Anybody who knows about the Day of the Dead knows it is really a celebration of life…and they also know that a major part of this holiday’s iconography is the imagery of skeletons and skulls. The human skeleton, in fact, is quite the ubiquitous visual: skeletons unsettle many people, on a fundamental level. Everybody has one, but if you’re actually SEEING one, that’s not a good sign: bones are the last vestiges of something long dead, and so there is always this automatic gut reaction of perturbation that comes with them. Of course, there’s also a recognition that life was present, which can, in its own odd way, be heartwarming. Skeleton characters - or even characters who are simply skulls or have skull faces - are thus a major part of many fictional worlds. They can be used to mock death, or celebrate life, or they can be used to represent fear and destruction. Regardless, they are always interesting to see, as commonplace as some may claim them to be. So, I decided, if today is a day about celebrating life through the imagery of death, it was only fitting to do something to celebrate the many characters who, effectively, do the same thing, one way or another. Now, I’m only going to be counting ACTUAL skeletal characters here, so to speak; characters like the Phantom of the Opera, Red Skull from Marvel, or Skull Face from “Metal Gear Solid V,” will not count. They evoke the imagery of a skull, but they’re really just deformed human beings, not actual collections of living bones. Also, I won’t be counting gatherings of skeletons (with one exception), such as the various skeleton-themed enemies you’ll find in video games, or the famous Harryhausen skeletons from “Jason and the Argonauts.” They aren’t really “characters” so much as “creatures,” so I don’t think they fit the bill. With that said, let’s waste no more time! Here are my Top 15 Skeleton Characters!
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15. Skelly, from I Spy: Spooky Mansion.
Here’s a more obscure option to start things off. How many of you had I Spy books or played the I Spy PC games when you were younger? I know I did. This picture-puzzle series could be surprisingly challenging, and I was always fascinated by the way they organized the photos in the books, not to mention the animation in the PC titles. “Spooky Mansion” was always my favorite game and book, mostly because…well…I like Spooky Mansions! (Even did a list about them, go and take a look at that, tis the season.) Skelly was essentially our Tour Guide for the game: a mischievous but not malicious skeleton who loved to play games with people and spook them silly. She traps us inside her haunted house and challenges us to find various pieces of a puzzle in order to escape; none of this is done with evil intent, she simply wants to play! I always found Skelly a wonderful mix of creepy and sweet, almost like an Addams Family character; that’s always a great blend.
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14. Skeleton King, from Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force GO!
Imagine Skeletor on a REALLY bad day. That would basically be this monstrosity in a nutshell. The main antagonist of this (incredibly weirdly named) superhero series, the Skeleton King was once a good-hearted scientist, who wished to help the world; it was he who created the titular Monkey Team. However, things changed when the man began to study the dark forces of the Netherworld; assured in his safety from them, he later paid the price of his hubris, as the dark spirits were released, and ending up possessing and corrupting the scientist, body and soul. He thus became the Skeleton King: a cyborganic ghoul who plots to destroy the entire universe. The King was a deliciously creepy villain, and much of his menace can be owed to his voice actor: none other than the Joker himself, Mark Hamill. Honestly, if that name alone doesn’t interest you in this character right away from the start, there’s not much more I can say that will convince you to give him a look.
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13. Sir Daniel Fortesque, from MediEvil.
Sir Daniel is a tragically comic case: for ages after his death, this knight was hailed as a hero, believed to have been a mythical and powerful figure who died nobly for a righteous cause. In truth, he was a bungling coward who was killed in the very first seconds of battle, and never really did anything grand at all; somewhere along the line, the facts of his life got all twisted up. When the evil he once fought (or, at least, wanted to fight) rears its ugly head again many years later, Sir Daniel Fortesque is brought back from the grave to do battle once more...but, of course, not being a hero at all, he now has to prove himself. “MediEvil” becomes a typical quest of an unlikely hero; someone trying to live up to the reputation he garnered over time, trying to earn respect from those who know the truth. It’s a classic kind of setup, only enhanced by the unique, Tim-Burton-esque visual styling of the game…not to mention Sir Daniel’s absolutely hilarious running cycle. I guess he went to the Ministry of Silly Walks before his demise.
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12. Bob, from The Dresden Files.
So far, I’ve only finished the first six books of “The Dresden Files,” but it’s already a favorite series of mine. (Also, if you’re only familiar with the TV series…that doesn’t count here, since their version of Bob is rather different.) The series details the many adventures of “consulting wizard,” Harry Dresden, and blends elements of noir-style detective mystery storytelling with doses of dark fantasy and Gothic horror. One of my favorite characters is undeniably Bob: an eccentric ghost who inhabits a skull in Harry’s home. Bob is intended to be a sort of living encyclopedia for Harry to consult when on a case; he has been around for centuries, and helped many wizards in his time, making him an extremely valuable source of information. However, Bob is also…well…freaking hilarious. He’s always got his mind in the gutter, and he’s always filled with snark and a ready-to-whip-out insult or quip, leading to some pretty funny dialogue any time he’s featured. Generally, whenever Harry consults Bob, that’s when things are about to get truly serious…but it’s hard to remember that past all the pure, glorious silliness he provides. The only reason Bob doesn’t rank higher is that he is literally JUST a skull, and on top of that, the skull probably isn’t even his own: it’s just his way of communicating with Dresden in the world of the living, sort of like a crystal ball or other conduit of knowledge. Still, I feel he counts enough.
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11. Captain Bones, from Crashbox.
Made for HBO, this series was one of my favorite shows EVER when I was a kid. “Crashbox” was a show that really went outside the box with how an educational program could also be entertaining! It used various styles of animation in numerous scenarios and skits to showcase all kinds of different skills. Basic stuff like math, history, sciences, social studies, and so on were featured, but you’d also have things that challenged your critical thinking or problem solving skills, with puzzles and riddles that weren’t necessarily things you’d be taught at school, but were still important things to learn. It was all done with this irreverent tone; the series was utterly bonkers, so it was always a joy to watch even as it taught you all the skills it tried to push. Captain Bones was one of the most frequent skits in the series, and also one of my favorites. “The Incredibly Dead Captain Bones” was a skeletal ghost pirate cursed to Sail the Seven Seas for an eternity. “And I’ll tell ya,” the Captain would sigh, “I’m a Bored Stiff.” (Har Har.) To keep himself from dying of boredom (…presumably a second time…), the old pirate would use his own bones to create math and picture puzzles, which the viewer would be challenged to try and figure out before he showed them the answer. What made Captain Bones hilarious…were his insults. This guy was the KING of Insult Comedy, able to come up with all kinds of incredible, colorful phrases without ever getting dirty or lewd, given the fact this WAS made for kids. If you don’t agree…“THEN YER NOT FIT TO WALK THE DECK OF ME GHOST SHIP, ye crustacean-sucking, knock-kneed, squid-faced, plank-walking sack of soiled, sea-salted, unwashed fish buckets of barnacles for brains!”
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10. Lord Ainz, from Overlord.
I haven’t seen a whole lot of “Overlord” yet, which is the primary reason Ainz only BARELY crosses the threshold into the Top 10. Trust me, if I’d seen more, he’d probably be WAY higher. “Overlord” is a classic Isekai anime series: the plot focus on a young man who ends up zapped into a video game world, which he had once been a player of. He finds that he has been transformed into the character he created: a hyper-powerful dark skeleton warlord, known as Ainz Ooal Gown (or “Lord Ainz” for short). The interesting thing about this isekai is the way Ainz is played, and how he evolves over the course of the series; as time goes on, he loses more and more of his humanity, as his personality, morality, and ethical viewpoints start to merge and become less like his own back on Earth, and more like those of the character he created. This leads to a lot of gray area in the morality of Ainz, as he seeks to conquer the world - the typical goal of many a great dark lord - but has surprisingly understandable motivations for doing so. From what I’ve seen so far, the series is quite interesting, and Ainz is an equally interesting character…but I’ve only scratched the surface of this show, so I don’t think it’s fair to give him TOO high a rank JUST yet. But still, Top 10 ain't bad, right?
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9. Bonejangles, from Corpse Bride.
There’s really not a whole lot to say about this guy, I just really love him. Though a fairly small part on the whole, Bonejangles is arguably one of the most recognizable characters in the Tim Burton animated picture “Corpse Bride.” A hollow skeleton with a single eyeball, which he rolls back and forth between his sockets, this limber, jazzy fellow appears to be pretty close to the titular character, Emily - the ghost of a bride-to-be who died mysteriously. It is he who tells the story of the Corpse Bride to our protagonist, Victor Van Dort, via the song “Remains of the Day,” easily the best song in the film’s soundtrack. While his time onscreen is small, he makes an immediate impression, and Danny Elfman’s gravelly, raspy vocals only add to the clattering, rambunctious skeleton’s fun personality. In short, Bonejangles is proof that big characters can come in small packages.
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8. The Horned King, from The Black Cauldron.
This movie was HATED when it came out - notoriously, “The Black Cauldron” lost to the CARE BEARS when it premiered. (I wish I was joking about that.) However, over time, the movie has garnered something of a cult following, mostly for its dark and often rather brutal atmosphere (which is still rather pale compared to the Lloyd Alexander novels the film is loosely based upon). One thing almost everybody loves about the film is the villain: the lich-like Horned King, voiced impeccably by John Hurt. A cross between the character of the same name from the first book, “The Book of Three,” and the evil Lord Arawn, the main antagonist of the series, Disney’s incarnation of the character is easily one of the most mysterious and frightening of their animated baddies. Essentially a living corpse (who has horns growing out of his head, for some reason), the Horned King is a powerful sorcerer who wishes to destroy all of mankind. (Why? Probably because he’s tired of everyone around him having noses.) To this end, he and his goblin-like assistant, Creeper, seek out Hen-Wen, a pig who somehow has gained oracular abilities, allowing her to find the hiding place of the titular Black Cauldron. The Cauldron is an ancient piece of crockery possessed by the spirit of a long-dead king, which can create an army of living dead brutes, “The Cauldron Born.” In the end, the King is thwarted by Taran, a young farm boy who has been thrust into a quest to stop him, and is sucked into the Cauldron itself. In arguably the goriest death scene in a Disney movie, the King is stripped of his soul, and his FLESH (what little he has), as his life force is sucked into the Cauldron’s hellish depths, before EXPLODING in a flash of light and dust. A fittingly gruesome end for this bony fiend.
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7. Arc, from Skeleton Knight in Another World.
Much like Overlord, this is another fantasy isekai anime series, in which the main character is transformed into a character they played in a video game. And, just like then, said main character is an extremely powerful skelly-dude. HOWEVER, that’s about where the similarities between this show and “Overlord” stop. In “Skeleton Knight in Another World,” Arc is not a villain who plays the hero of his own story…but instead just a hero, period. In fact, a big part of the series is that he worries about people seeing his true bone face, as he knows the sight of a giant living skeleton will probably be seen as a bad sign by many. Arc is a wonderfully fun protagonist: like many characters in this sort of scenario, he is equal parts bold and admirably strong…and sort of a total dork. The human life he left behind clashes constantly with the uber-heroic facade he tries to put on (complete with a bold and daring laugh, which is absolutely glorious), leading to a great deal of humor. While Ainz is probably the more popular character between these two, I’ve actually finished all of “Skeleton Knight” (at least with what’s available thus far), and I generally prefer Arc a little bit more, based on what I’ve seen. Therefore, he gets higher marks on the list. Also, on a side note…the theme song to this show is absolutely freaking GLORIOUS, seriously, go take a listen to it.
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6. Basically the Entire Cast of “Coco.”
This is the exception to the "no groups of characters" rule I made. I know it’s cheating to include a whole bunch of skeletons, instead of just one, but I felt that, in this case, it was warranted. It’s fitting I’m posting this on the Day of the Dead, because that’s what this film is actually inspired by and based around. This Pixar movie tells the story of a young boy named Miguel, who loves music. However, due to personal tragedy, his family has banned any member from being a musician. Believing his great-grandfather to be a legendary musician, Miguel goes on a quest to rekindle the love of music in his family…and, in the process, ends up in the Land of the Dead, which is populated by a whole world of Dia de los Muertos-inspired skeletons. Ranging from friendly sorts, like the eccentric Hector, and multiple late members of Miguel’s family, to the more villainous Ernesto de la Cruz, choosing just one character to represent an entire film of colorful, whimsical bunches of bones seemed next to impossible. So, yeah, I’m just counting the entire movie here. My list, my choice. So sue me. :P
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5. Ghost Rider, from Marvel.
A prominent anti-hero of the Marvel universe, the Ghost Rider has gone through many incarnations. One early interpretation, later re-named the Phantom Rider (big difference, I know), isn’t a skeleton at all, nor a supernatural entity of any kind. Instead, the first Ghost Rider was a Wild Western hero and horseman, who used his ghostly costume and magic tricks to frighten his enemies - think of a cross between the Lone Ranger and Batman. Later interpretations, however, took a different path. The most famous Ghost Rider is Johnny Blaze: a stunt daredevil who was tutored largely by his adoptive father, Crash Simpson. (Good lord, these names sound like video game characters from Nintendo…) When Crash developed an inoperable cancer, a grief-stricken Johnny made a deal with the Devil himself to try and save him. Needless to say, it didn’t go so well. Now, Blaze - and others who would share his curse - must roam the land hunting down evildoers, fighting both mortal and supernatural villainy in an endless quest to avenge the innocent. The Ghost Riders all share common visual elements: fiery skeletal bodies, leather clothes, chain-based weapons, and of course, AWESOME motorcycles to ride upon. Their power over the fires of Hell itself are their primary weapons, however, with a variety of different attacks and powers available to Blaze and his later compatriots in the war to seek out the evil and punish them for their sins...hopefully while avoiding ending up in terrible Nicolas Cage outings. No promises on that one.
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4. Sans & Papyrus, from Undertale.
Oh, God, I LOVE Undertale. And more than that, perhaps, I LOOOOVE Sans and Papyrus! The Skeleton Brothers are easily my favorite characters in the game, and the most identifiable for me, in many ways. Sans is, in some ways, Undertale’s equivalent to the Doctor from “Doctor Who”: he is a comedic, laid-back, somewhat eccentric character who uses his unassuming appearance and “dopey” personality as a facade. As many a player quickly learns, Sans is far more powerful, far more DANGEROUS than he looks or seems, able to go from cracking a terrible pun to threatening you with painful death in a split second. If you get on his bad side, “you’re gonna have a bad time.” His brother, Papyrus, on the other hand, is sort of the reverse: at first glance, Papyrus seems like your typical “over-the-top villain.” His signature laugh, twisted design, and sense of self-importance all make him about as fiendish as can be...all he’s missing is a top hat or a moustache to twirl! But it quickly becomes clear that Papyrus is neither as evil, nor as clever, as he likes to seem: in reality, he’s really a rather harmless sort of bony fellow, and would much rather befriend you than murder you with his incredibly elaborate, Wile-E.-Coyote-esque death traps. (Much like with Wile E., the traps never work the way they should.) Dealing with these brothers is a BIG part of figuring out the events of Undertale, and the path your adventure will take in the game. Whether you love them as much as I do or not, I advise you to decide wisely.
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3. Skeletor, from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
There have been several different takes on Eternia’s greatest villain over the years (my favorite will always be the original, but I do like many, if not all, of the other interpretations out there). No matter which one you look at, Skeletor is a very fun villain, and is easily one of the most iconic skull-faced scoundrels out there. A dark wizard who longs to take over Castle Grayskull, and learn all its secrets for his own evil ends, Skeletor’s evil ranges from cartoonish to truly cruel, depending on which version you look at, but there’s always a wonderful blend of both creepiness and genuine menace that accompanies him. It’s hard to not make references to this guy when looking at other bony characters, and he’s given rise to more memes than you can shake a sorcerer’s scepter at. Really, what more can I say? It’s Skeletor: by virtue of his recognition alone, he’s more than earned a spot in the Top Three.
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2. The Grim Reaper.
Arguably the single most iconic skeletal figure in history, the Grim Reaper - the embodiment of death itself - could really take up an entire list of his own. (And he probably will, one day.) There are so many versions of the Reaper out there, it’s kind of amazing: when people imagine what death’s avatar looks like, it’s likely that the typical imagery of a skeletal figure, garbed in a dark cloak and carrying a scythe, is the first thing they will imagine. Sometimes the Reaper is depicted as a humorous and comical figure, such as the version found in “The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.” On many occasions he is depicted as an evil monster, such as the version of Death found in the “Castlevania” franchise. Other times, he is something of a neutral force, as death is neither truly good nor evil when you think about it; probably my favorite example of this is the one found in Terry Pratchett’s “Discworld” universe. Bottom line, I think the fact that skeletons so often represent death, to the point where the very embodiment of the Angel of Death is depicted AS a skeleton, speaks for itself as to why this ranks so highly. Honestly, I was tempted to make this choice number one, but I decided against it for several reasons. Still, iconic as the concept of the Grim Reaper is, the character - in pretty much all his forms - has more than earned high praise here.
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1. Jack Skellington, from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
“Nightmare” is one of my favorite films of all time, if not my absolute favorite. It’s not a complex movie, really, but its simplicity is part of what makes it so wonderful! Jack is, by extension, one of my favorite characters of all time: hailed as “The Pumpkin King With the Skeleton Grin,” this dapper, noble, gentlemanly bonehead is the ruler of Halloween Town, a world of ghosts, goblins, and ghouls (oh, my!) whose only job is to make Halloween as frightening as possible. But, despite his undead state, and wicked sense of humor, there is no malice in Jack’s mischief; he just sees it as a job. A job he’s apparently very, VERY good at, from the few examples the film and other spin-offs give us. Jack’s really a very good sort; charming and debonair, but also rather naive. A cockeyed optimist in his own way, and a bit of a prima donna, Jack’s over-the-top antics and spirit of adventure are what often get him into trouble; he has a problem with thinking things through. However, when things go wrong, Jack is ready for action, and quick to take responsibility, take charge, and take chances. His heart is in the right place at all times, even if his brain doesn’t always get there right away. Mixing intelligence and charisma with a childlike simplicty - much like the movie he hails from, in fact - Jack Skellington is an endearing and interesting character who deserves every bit of love he gets from myself and the world over. He’s just as iconic as the Grim Reaper, Skeletor, and others on this list, if not more so! And for all these reasons and more, I happily (albeit pointlessly) name Jack Skellington my Favorite Skeletal Character!
Captain Barbossa, from Pirates of the Caribbean. (He really only counts for the first film, which is why I didn’t include him on the main list.)
The Speaking Skull, from The Last Unicorn.
Manolo Sanchez, from The Book of Life.
Spinal, from Killer Instinct.
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abugwritesstuff · 2 years
Prince and Consort Dad/Family Headcanons Pt 2
okay! this edition is for the non-valet characters- i've got one written up specifically for the valets (excluding violet because not a dad and jay because no) that i'll probably post sometime tomorrow. i will note that for this one i left out zev simply because i do not know anything about him, or at least not enough to write a headcanon about him.
this post includes dia, lance (i know those two are princes as well but i didn't want to include them with the previous post), aquia, the headmaster, and hawke. also if i've left anyone obvious out of these posts please let me know! i can always write up some more.
okay so i have so many ideas about this
honestly i can’t pinpoint if he’s the type of have one kid, or like, several 
either way, i can imagine the first one as a complete and total mistake and entirely unplanned
dia had literally never thought of himself as a father, like it kind of hadn’t occurred to him that he could actually do that lmao. like yes he imagined himself marrying the mc but beyond that?? 
he wasn’t raised as a prince so the expectations that yeah, you’re going to have kids weren’t really there 
i mean he was raised basically as a girl so i feel like he may have missed out on certain conversations and expectations. like yes he knows the biology of it all but that wasn’t necessarily a knowledge that had, like, sunk in 
i also sorta feel like this pregnancy happens, like, while they’re still on the isle of colde so it’s just not great timing 
so for the first while there he’s in kind of a daze and it takes him awhile to wrap his head around it 
at first i can see him sort of panicking and avoiding the mc, then coming to his senses and apologizing and then being very clingy the rest of the pregnancy 
he just moves her into his room from then on 
dia just clearing mushrooms out of spare drawers for her things lmao 
like we already knew he was protective and clingy but her being pregnant just multiples this by a million 
this is mostly because he’s concerned for her well-being, not so much because of the baby, which is still kind of a foggy concept in his head. when was the last time he’d even *seen* a baby, let alone interacted with one? probably not since he was child 
he feels guilty about it all 
he’s always been a little snippy and sassy with people but this also gets multiplied by a million during this time
literally getting in between the mc and other people like a physical shield 
👿 don’t talk to my betrothed 👿
he’s the most reactive this way around the headmaster and the S ranks (but mostly fenn and guy). he has sort of a tacit trust of toa 
toa gives the mc herbal teas and tinctures and whatnot so toa is okay 🙄
as she starts to actually have a bump i think he spends a lot of time touching it 
he’s a touchy person with her as is but he just idly has his hand there all the time
he’ll just lie in bed and look at the bump like “baby. a baby. that’s a baby. my baby.” trying to wrap his head around it 
he thinks it’s quite cute actually. he likes it a lot. 
as she gets further along he teases her for waddling around, to which she retorts “well whose fault is that??” and he’s like “😔”
dia doesn’t know anything about birth
like he gets the general idea but barely
has to have the mc explain it and he’s HORRIFIED
promises to never get her pregnant again (maybe)
still feels guilty about it all, like his whole thing was trying to protect her and keep her safe and now look what he’s done 
there is reason for concern about the mc’s powers and giving birth (i imagine this would be the case no matter who she’s having a baby with tbh). like in the history of saligia someone with ancient magic has never given birth, let alone on the isle of colde. so unfortunately the headmaster is much more involved than dia wants him to be 
mc goes into labor and dia freaks the fuck out, jay has to go get help 
she gives birth in their room in dorm nivalis, and also the headmaster is there with a few of the S ranks 
dia makes them stay outside, except for toa who knows about medical shit and can work with the midwives 
dia almost faints and throws up but doesn’t 👊🏻 but he stays up by the mc’s head instead of looking down 
baby is a girl 
no weird magic shit happens much to everyone’s relief 
dia feels like he’s having an out of body experience 
looks down at the baby in mc’s arms and just kinda blinks at her and reaches out to touch her
she does that baby thing where they grip your finger really tight and dia just sort of melts.
from there dia is just like. infatuated with his daughter 
i feel like dia would babywear hahaha
got his kid strapped to him while walking around looking for mushrooms 🍄 
she also really looks a lot like dia so he’s carting around a little mini-me wherever he goes
dia and the mc resume classes and dia tries to convince the headmaster to let them bring her with them to class 
he says no 
jay watches her 
also it goes without saying but he sings lullabies to her OBVIOUSLY
mc has to get after him to stop magicking her to sleep though since he keeps using magical-ass lullabies 
“she’s not going to know how to sleep on her own 😒 you’re gonna make her an insomniac whenever you’re not around”
“well i’ll always be around 😤”
if they have more kids it’s a good couple years before their daughter has siblings but i can see them mostly having girls if so
like they don’t have any more until they’re in akedia and trying to rebuild tristitas and whatnot 
baby girl is a songbird obviously 
dia gives her nicknames based off of this, throughout her whole life 
my little lark, baby bird, etc
mc banned mushroom nicknames because they were weird sounding
dia has a perfect understanding of his kids baby language. just like total babbling that nobody can understand but dia is like “mmm, yes, good point”
i think dia is protective and a bit awkward as a dad, probably doesn’t adjust especially well to his kids getting older and more independent 
like what do you mean. that’s my baby. 
i think the possibility of his kids ever being used for their abilities is one of his main fears so he’s pretty nervous to let them sing in front of others but also doesn’t want to restrict that part of them 
anyway dia is a cute dad
yeah lance puts this off as long as he can 
i think he manages to win the award of “prince with the actual worst father ever” so you can imagine that he’s not necessarily super keen on having kids 
he’s fantastic with them, like he is with animals, but isn’t like… sure about himself as a dad 
as long as his own dad is in charge of ira i think the idea that his kids could be utilized for magical weapons manufacturing scares the shit out of lance 
when they do have kids, they have three: a boy, a girl, and a boy. 
he’s very stiff at first 
like very caring and loving to the mc throughout that first pregnancy obviously but he’s uncomfortable around baby stuff
christoph is excited though and that sort of helps warm him up a bit 
hawke has no kids and isn’t super useful in this regard but he tries to encourage him too. 
lance stops smoking. he may not know much about kids and babies but at least he knows secondhand smoke is bad. 
lance is reads a lot of books about pregnancy, birth, babies, etc. like he may not feel prepared but he can at least try to get there, yknow? he tries to hide these reading habits from everyone but people know. 
he ends up being very helpful during labor because of this. 
midwife lance lol
him with his sleeves rolled up holding mc’s back up and encouraging her ☺️
once the baby is born and he’s able to see his kid, that switch kind of flips and like, lance is not a big crier, but he just holds his baby with tears in his eyes and just sort of blinks over at the mc with disbelief like “we did this??”
very hands on with the baby, anxious about hurting them at first and kind of unsure of himself but the things he feels like he has a good handle on, he will not allow anyone else to do
like if he feels like he’s good at like, bathing the baby? feeding them? yeah he’s doing that. that’s their time back off 😤
once they’re old enough he’s that dad that tosses his kids in the air and holds them upside down, shit that freaks out mc 
lance is a practical dad 
those kids know how to do a lot of shit- archery, swordsmanship, survival skills, first aid…
he’s anxious about teaching them magic but does eventually do that too 
he does not treat his daughter any differently from his sons, has the exact same expectations for all of his children- which is a purposeful choice because he does have a soft spot for his daughter much like lynt does
lance having to hold himself back from threatening anyone who breaks his daughter’s heart because she knows she doesn’t want him doing that nonsense but MAN he wants to beat the shit out of that kid i swear to god……
lance reads to his kids 
but he’s the type of dad to get to a part of a book and be like “…what? no. that’s stupid” and then make up something else even his kids are like “daaaaaddd noooo read the book normal 😫”
like roy, the family goes on camping trips and shit
going hiking as a fam and lance ends up carrying the little one on his shoulders half the time 
god i love every image i have in my head of lance as a dad truly 
so cute 🥲
i wish i knew more about him but
he’s a big sweetie pie in every route he appears in so i can’t imagine him being anything other than a kind caring sort of dad and partner
i think he’d be very nervous of somehow hurting the MC, would probably treat her like she’s made of glass while she’s pregnant
given that he’s essentially a “spare” and is also kinda bad at magic, i think this gives him more of an ability to lie low and stay out of the public eye, and to avoid a degree of scrutiny so they do have that advantage
mc’s magically abilities would be an issue, i think aquia would be highly anxious about guy telling roc about her. and additionally nervous about this baby being powerful and causing friction in his relationship with guy. i think they would perhaps work out some kind of agreement that the information is kept private in exchange for her loyalty or whatever. 
i do see their baby being a surprise of some sort, whether they’re married or not
like i said, he’d be a complete sweetheart- just anxious and desperate to do the right thing by her
remember too that both of his parents have sucked- his mother is awful and overbearing and roc is… roc. so i think he lacks an example of good parenting but despite this, has a natural knack for it due to his personality being kind and gentle 
my hunch is that avarian fathers are typically sexist and distant. aquia is not that. perhaps a bit nervous at first, but hands-on 
rocking his kids to bed at night, singing to them softly, giving them piggyback rides in the hallways when possible, etc
i've got an image of aquia encouraging his kids to "go say hello to uncle guy!" and guy being mobbed by small children (who love him for some strange, inexplicable reason despite him probably actively ignoring them most of the time)
that’s all i’ve got. he’s a good egg :-)
lou, the headmaster 
oh man
he’d be such an embarrassing dad, can you imagine? lmao
the dad jokes? oh my god
i’m not sure if the pregnancy would be planned or not, but he’d be surprised and happy regardless 
i actually don’t think he’d be terribly protective compared to some of the others, but i do think they’d probably keep the pregnancy under wraps for as long as possible 
i feel like the headmaster is such an enigma that once everyone knew that they were expecting, they’d be like “…he… he… can do that?”
just puzzled by the fact that this was even happening
he buys a lot of baby clothes 
he buys a matching outfit for himself and the baby 
i don’t think he’d be very helpful while the MC was in labor tbh. he gives me the vibe that he’d be frazzled and kind of squeamish and afraid, maybe
i think it’d be a boy. i really don’t think he’d care about gender or sex or whatever though. he’d just be ecstatic either way. 
i think he’d honestly intend on being the one who does most of the infant care, like “oh go back to your studies we’re fine :)” and just tucks the baby inside his cloak and continues on with his regular duties 
he for some reason is extremely good at taking care of babies. no explanation for this at all, he’s just like an expert parent immediately.
would be the type to show off his son to people. like students ask how he’s doing and he’s like “oh yes he’s wonderful! *pulls baby out from inside his cloak*” 
i do have an image in my head of the headmaster teaching his baby to walk and it’s very cute
i feel like they’d have a lot of fun when the students go home for breaks or for the coldish cleanse 
like campus is empty so they’re having like family picnics and running around the place 
i’m not sure that they’d have more than one kid. if they did i think the age gap would be pretty significant, like ten years. 
he gives me kind of a head-off-in-the-clouds vibe so i think he’d be prone to flights of fancy, random impulse choices to do some extremely random shit with the kids
he’d plan pranks with his kids 
pranking the princes and other students and then suddenly you hear a bunch of child giggles from the next room
all in all he's a good, fun dad. i think it was alluded to that he's like a reincarnation of someone that mc was with in a previous life? so maybe some dad-knowledge is coming through from that life idk
okay this gives me massive feels
i think he’d have honestly sort of discounted the idea of fatherhood altogether at this point, whether he’d wanted it before or not. like in his mind, that ship has sort of sailed. 
he makes a lot of quips about being old so i can imagine he just doesn’t really have it on his radar until he’s together with the mc, where he’d probably just be like “i wonder if she’ll want them?”
i think he’d just be like, okay with the idea of it for her sake, but as a hypothetical. not sure he’d really ruminate on it all that much.
pregnancy is a surprise. very much an accident. when she tells him, he’s very shocked and taken off guard by it 
imagine the dial up internet noise playing in his head for a good few minutes 
he’d propose immediately, on impulse, as an honor thing, without really properly processing the news 
i think she’d accept but also be like okay woah are you good?? and he would not be good 
the actual news would hit him like a ton of bricks, might throw up 
i think he’d spend the next couple days just either sort of numbed out or frantic and guilty, a kind of whirlwind of emotions 
i think he’d really doubt himself and also feel bad that he’d both A) gotten mc pregnant and B) saddled some poor kid with him as a dad 
part of why he’d be more anxious about this than others is just that since he’s older he’s had more time to see what irian fathers’ parenting tends to do to their kids and perhaps reflect on whatever his own childhood was like. additionally he was former military and i can imagine that there’s probably a degree of PTSD or maladaptive coping that comes as a result of that, and he knows it.
weirdly enough (or maybe this is entirely predictable) i feel like fenn, lance, and violet (and maybe the headmaster for some reason) would encourage him and kind of get him out of the panic-state he’s in
granted some of this would NOT be good advice, but i think the encouragement would help
(as an aside i 100% ship him and violet. like tell me they wouldn’t be a great couple. you can’t. same with her and grayson also actually. there's potential there and she deserves the best. why am i talking about violet in the middle of this headcanon lmao)
additionally i think hawke would re-propose at a later date, try to do something more romantic. i think they’d get married probably sometime after the kid’s born, though
anyways, he’d be very attentive and scold her if she’d push herself too hard. once he’d mentally adjusted to becoming a dad i think he’d be pretty good, if a bit unsure
he does quit drinking, either altogether or makes it a very rare thing. wants to set a good example, y'know?
i think similarly to fenn, he’d kinda panic when she went into labor and violet would have to knock some sense into him 
given his past i think he’d be able to kind of buck up and deal with it. i can see him delivering his own kid, like catching it 
i can see the first baby being a boy
he would cry but try to be discreet about it, just turning away and wiping his eyes but they’re all red anyway
awkward at first but gets a good feel for things pretty quickly. he’d be competent at baby care things pretty quickly. it’s not that i think he’s had a *ton* of experience with them, but i can see him having had a variety of life experiences that probably make adapting to this new role easier for him than it would be for some others.
he does not baby talk to his kids. talks to them basically like adults, even before they can respond.
sometimes lacks a gauge for what’s appropriate for kids in terms of what they’re able to understand though
trying to teach fencing to a 3 yr old and mc’s like “ok let’s wait a couple more years on that one” 
i think they’d have like three kids maybe? there’d be a daughter in there i think 
lance is the kids’ godfather/unofficial official uncle. i don’t even know if they’d discuss this, i think they’d just know it was the case. 
i think he’d be a pretty affectionate dad, very fond of his kids and very patient with them 
the type to ruffle his kids’ hair and call them nicknames like “sport” or “champ” 
expects hard work and effort from his kids. he’d toss his kids into a pool in order to teach them to swim, toss them a sword and tell them to fight to teach them fencing
i think the only thing that would actually really frustrate him is if his kids are especially timid, or are unwilling to try their best 
but all in all he really is a pretty great dad despite his anxiety about it 
i love hawke sm 
give him a route PLEASE
hope you enjoyed! these are so fun, please tell me your headcanons too!
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packedice · 5 days
what genres of music does each aqours member like to listen to? i think all of guilty kiss are metal fans
This needs to be under a readmore. i... genuienly thought i coudl get through this without needing it but im pausing like halfway in because.... yeah she needs it
Something tells me you listens to like the most radio pop ever. just anything about YEAAAHH LIFE IS AWESOME LETS PARTY ABOUT ITTTT!!!!!!! and also mildly angsty poppunk stuff (and thinks about the Great Chikariko'ing of her life from s1)
and chika is of course a theater kid... im influenced by anju (her seiyuu) being a MASSIVE THEATER KID but also every one of her solos is theatrical soooo. Who's overthinking it its not me!!!!
Ruby of course listens to jpop the most. i think she tried to get into kpop (time period accurate ofc so 3rd gen ish iirc) but i think some of the industry differences + the general Sound Differences make her not very interested. I think also ruby would like izone (i never was into them so idk about canon time accuracy but imagine.)
and then dia loves jpop too obvs but i think she genuinely listens to a litlte bit of everything. i think mari's metal interest (youre so right btw about gk) bleeds into kanadia because once that throuple stops being toxic they are INNNNSEPARABLEEEEEEE..... but dia genuinely likes anything. shes into idol music, shes into more heavy stuff, shes into radio pop, shes into retro, while she doesnt love ANY SONG OF ANY GENRE, she can definitely get into SOME SONGS of any genre! i think dia really really enoys music as a hobby in general so she enjoys trying and finding new things. growing up being fixated on idol culture and music will to taht to you.....
SO OF COURSE MARI LISTENS TO METAL. i think though new winding road is a really interesting tell into her other interests. (...ignoring that her seiyuu is an insanely talented traditional singer (is that the right word. im sorry im high and blanking. please correct me ifthis is like... weird white person vague and i will fix im just soo high and cant think)
hanamaru listened to music but i think was not much of a "Music Consumer" until she was a little older so i think as a result she mostly listens to songs her friends listen to too... her and kanan both i think listen a lot to the actual style Of azalea songs. like edm or whatever. kanan is also a pop radio kinda girly. just whatever plays in her parents shop while shes working etc
yohane liste4ns to ANYYYTHINGGG metal and ANYYYTHINGGG thats like Ohhhh i hate m,yselffff Ohhh im so evillllll... any genre if the lyrics speak to her not being the biggest fan of herself side OR her "little devil" hehe Im evil for fun side.... Ya. its on the playlist. Forrrr sure. To me also the most yohane gk song is kowareyasuki and because of t hat i think songs that sound similar to that are also super up her alley
I will admit i have not been a friend of riko until recently starting to like her a little more.... so my answer is very basic with metal and like piano instrumental/ballads/cute poppy love songs
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nervouskiddodaisy · 3 months
agere headcanons about the obey me boys!
is both a regressor and caregiver (i think it's called a flip because he 'flips' between the two, lemme know if i'm wrong though)
regresses between 6-8
keeps his regressed side a secret from everyone except Mammon
he really doesn't want Diavolo or anyone else to know because he wants to be taken seriously
he has a drawer full of coloring books and activity books that he uses while regressed
is a regressor that acts as an older sibling to the younger regressors in his family
regresses between 9-12
has an age regression journal in a very secret hiding place (under some loose floorboards in his room)
keeps it a secret from anyone outside the family
he used to try and keep it a secret from his family but they sniffed him out
loves toddler toys even though his age range is older
is a caregiver
learned about age regression from fanfic
tries his best to comfort upset regressors even though he's kinda bad at it
feels calmer with infant regressors because you don't have to be a great conversationalist (because, ya know, infants don't normally speak much)
he's found all sorts of baby sensory videos with anime songs in the background. he has them in a playlist for when he'll need them
same thing with lullaby and music box versions of anime songs
is a a flip as well
regresses from 2-6
vent regresses a lot
regresses as a way to claim the childhood he never had
all the brothers know but Luci was the last to figure it out
this is because Satan wanted to hide it from him the most
he doesn't wanna be seen as weak to him because of it
is good at calming regressors down because he knows lots of the calming techniques (mostly from them being used on him)
is a regressor
regresses from 12-14
doesn't regress as much as everyone else. he mostly does it when really bad things happen
regresses involuntarily 99% of the time
went to Satan about it one of the times it happened because he didn't know what it was.
it's not super noticeable when Asmo regresses because he can still act normal for the most part but once Satan knew he regressed he started to notice the signs
another flip
regresses from 0-2
has a bottle that Mammon gave him
loves trying new milk recipes
loves it when people cut up his food for him even though he gets a little impatient sometimes
often regresses after his nightmares
loves helping the other regressors in the family when they're regressed
is a regressor
regresses from 9-15
hates it when people other than Beel try to baby him
and even with Beel he doesn't want him to do it in public
acts as a big brother for Beel when they're both regressed
often ends up comforting a regressed Beel after his nightmares
regresses a lot when he's tired
is a regressor
regresses from 0-8
hides it from everyone except Barb
Barb acts as Dia's caregiver when he's really young but a lot of the time Dia takes care of himself
only regresses real young when he's really upset
a caregiver
if MC's a regressor he'll wanna be one of their caregivers for sure
a caregiver
is one of the sweetest caregivers you could have
a regressor
regresses from 0-1
regresses involuntarily when he's really upset
doesn't really know what age regression is yet
a caregiver
loves to tell Dia he's doing a good job when he does simple things while regressed young
like 'you're 6 and you just used the microwave on your own? Such a smart boy!'
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kestrelvylbrand · 1 year
I am soooo late, but here we go!
Tagged by: @luck-and-larceny, thank you for the tag! Sorry I'm being so slow on Tumblr at the moment!
Tagging: @vetinarivisuals
Favorite OC: It honestly varies from day to day. But anyone who has stuck around enough to actually have some work put into them, I generally love.
But I love them for super different reasons.
Oldest OC: Ok, I did goth-y forum RP back as a teenager, so it's probably some vampire girl I can't quite remember. But my first serious RP character in a game was Eia, a Blood Elf Warlock (World of Warcraft) who had grown up super sheltered and was trying really hard (and mostly failing) at being dramatic and ruthless. She was a total cupcake though.
Newest OC: Teeechnically Rook, my Necromancer in Diablo 4. But I haven't really roleplayed her much and it's not the *best* game for RP in general, so... The newest OC I'm actively roleplaying would be Diaphanous Veil, my Eclipse Caste Solar Exalted. She's a courtesan and social climber, very ambitious and socially savvy so... Basically the opposite if me, but man, I love her a lot.
Meanest OC: Estrith no doubt. She's a mean old goat. When I played her in an MMO, I would constantly be whispering people to assure them that I am not actually as mean as she could be lol. She did have a huge soft heart though, which I think is what made her enjoyable to me.
Softest OC: Probably Eden, my character from Aion. Another very sheltered young lady who often struggled with understanding the world. And perhaps Fawn Cassidy, my Wildstar character. She was a storyteller, or trying to be, and just... Very optimistic and fun.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: Estrith again. Also Venice, my Aeon character. I try not to make my characters too aloof cause I find it harder to get into RP with, but it can be a lot of fun if you have people to help pull them out of their shelves!
Dumbest (Affectionate) OC: Kestrel? Kestrel. I think Kestrel is a bit of a dumbass but I love her.
Dumbest (Derogatory) OC: Yiria. She was my OC in Age of Conan ages ago and I played her at a time in my life (late teens) where I was pretty insecure and dealing with a bunch of stupid relationship stuff and just... She kind of reflects that.
Smartest OC: Oh man, tough one. It really depends. Ley is very booksmart, but I'm not sure I'd consider her the smartest. Venice is probably the one with the highest "Intellect". She's very well educated and a scientist who really values learning all the mysteries of the universe. Dia is probably the most clever though.
Horniest OC: Dia is a courtesan, so you may think it's her, but she's not actually all that horny herself. Faust took a lot of inspiration from Kierkegaard's Aesthetic Phase, plugged with a bunch of hedonism and self-indulgence, so.. She's pretty horny. Even if she actually doesn't hook up as often as youd think lol
Kes definitely deserves an honorable mention too, realistically speaking, she's probably the horniest.
OC you'd bang: Listen, if the point isn't to make OCs you'd want to bang, what is it really? Kes, Faust... I have always had a major weakness for villains, so Vilje, even though it would probably be a really terrible idea.
OC you'd be best friends with IRL: I feel like I'd get along pretty well with Ley. Even though she's not "like" me, she's probably the character I feel most strongly represents me as a person, she's kind of nerdy and socially awkward and I think we could have some great conversations about storytelling. Same with Fawn. She was just a happy, joyful character and I think we could have been really great friends.
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fennel-tea · 1 year
top 5 fucked up toxic lesbian couplings
binah/hod the world the moment the vibe i just think the virtue signaller who swatted her coworkers should make out with the fed who killed them all and had a great time doing it
maki/mai this is mostly toxic by nature of being codependent twincest but when mai made out with maki to save her life and gave her entire being to her in exchange for her own life i felt that
prospera/belmeria basically just binah/hod but with middle-aged women
moses/dias you ever see a 49-year-old woman get babygirled. i have so many thoughts on these two that mostly amount to "dias knows moses as well as she knows herself and therefore knows EXACTLY how to manipulate her into doing what she wants. moses is completely aware she's being played and will go along with it anyway because the thing is that it Works"
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