#monsta x dad au
multiphandomunnies · 3 months
monsta x
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how would monsta x cuddle
getting greys
you knew it
getting greys
getting greys
forgive me (*M*)
getting greys
pleasuring (*M*)
getting greys
getting greys
bf! jooheon
daddy (*M*)
bf! i.m
i promise to call
getting greys
were doing this now?
single dad au
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jae-bummer · 11 months
Prompt List: Closed
Half of these prompts are quotes, while the other half are situational. I hope there's a little something for everyone :) Quote prompts will somehow incorporate in the storyline and situational prompts, of course, will be the general, loose plot of the story.
Note: You can submit whatever request you want! It doesn’t have to be one of the prompts listed! This list just makes it easy and fun to see something you want to read.
Second Note: Don’t be afraid to talk to me! I love hearing your input or just geeking out on our favorite members! Reblogs with comments and sweet messages make my heart all fluttery!
Third Note: The groups I write for are BTS, Seventeen, Monsta X, and Stray Kids!
"Do that again."
“I want to believe you, but I don’t know if I can.” 
"Let me pay for a new one, it's the least i could do."
"Would you believe me if I said I've seen worse?” 
“Let me call you mine, just for tonight.”
“Never scare me like that again!” 
"I'm sorry the plan fell through. I really wanted today to be special for you."
"He has tired dad energy." "He doesn't have kids." "Still a DILF."
“That might be your dumbest idea yet.” 
“Was it worth it?”
Soulmate AU
When your bias tries to delicately friendzone you, they realize you just wanted to be friends in the first place. Shortly after, they realize they're the ones falling for you.
Oh no! There's only one bed!
You accidentally send a text meant for your ex to the wrong number. Your bias replies.
Sitting next to your bias at a mutual friend's wedding and instantly clicking.
Going out to dinner with your bias group and it is growing increasingly obvious that someone at the table has a crush.
Showing up to a book club run by your bias group.
You have a blind date planned with a member of your bias group. When that member is running late, your bias steps in.
Your bias group moves in across the hall. One of the members quickly catches your eye.
You and your bias have become online friends who have never seen each other...until the day you decide to meet.
Prompts brought to you by @insert-writing-dramatically @dumplingsjinson @bunnyswritings and my noggin.
Thanks all and happy requesting! :)
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milfgyuu · 4 years
🍼 Monsta X as ‘Toddler Dads’ 🍼
Just some random MX dad thoughts I wanted to share because thinking about the guys with kiddos of their own really just warms my heart ♥️
➪ Homies with their kid until they get in trouble; then they’re all business.(Changkyun & Kihyun)
Very laid back parent. Teaches their kiddo to navigate the real world by allowing them to experience life first hand. Builds very well-rounded mini-humans. Super chill 98% of the time but will be strict when they need to be.
➪ Little love! Light of my life! I would give you the moon! (Jooheon, Minhyuk, & Hoseok)
A bunch of absolute suckers.They are coddlers for sure but even though their babes are a wee bit spoiled, they will be tiny angels sent from above- but like- the type to swindle you with an angelic grin and tiny cherub face.
➪ Best Friends; Always together with matching outfits. Looks IDENTICAL. (Hyunwoo & Hyungwon)
Enough said. Their little munchkins look just like them and emulate everything they do. They don’t even need to verbally communicate, they are just...the same person.
MX M.List | Main M.List
→ Do not copy, re-post, translate, or share any of my works on other platforms WITHOUT PERMISSION! All stories are copyrighted, Bubblebeom, 2020. ©️
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monbebe26-monstax · 5 years
Wonho as Dad! 🤗🤗
Dad Wonho is the best! 💛
His eyes followed you across the room. The way you carefully carried your daughter, the way you smiled and cooed at her had his eyes watering. You were so precious and he was so lucky.
“Babe?” You ask softly and he looks at you. You frown at seeing him about to cry. "What is it?”
“Nothing,” he shakes his head wiping his eyes. “Can I hold her?”
“Yes,” you smile and gently put your two week old daughter in his arms. You study him, your heart swelling as he holds her just right, supporting her but cuddling her still. Her head resting near his heart and you knew that was going to be her favorite place as she grew and learned what kind of an amazing dad she had. “We are so lucky,” you murmur softly, your pointer finger pressing her blanket down just enough for you to peek a there face.
“Yes we are,” he agrees as you sit beside him on the arm of his chair.
“I meant her and I,” you counter, your nails raking through his hair and scratching his scalp gently. “We are lucky to have you.”
“No,” he shook his head turning his face up to yours. “I’m lucky to have you both.”
You beam before dipping your head down to kiss his lips. He pecks yours before turning his gaze back to your daughter.
“Our Diane,” you murmur and he grins. “Our girl.”
He glances at you again. “Go get some rest, I have her for now. I know where to find you if I need you,” he says softly.
You bit your lip, “you sure?”
He nods once. “She’s happy and sleeping right now. Go Baby, I have it for now.”
You smile before dipping down to kiss his forehead. “Come get me if you need me.”
“I will,” he catches you hand bringing your knuckles to his lips pressing kisses gently until you stand and pull away. You were exhausted, admittedly so this was a treasured moment as you slipped away. You glanced back at the doorway to see him cuddling her, his eyes glued to her small face as he gently began to rock her. You smiled before retiring to your bedroom for a well over due nap.
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deja-vux · 2 years
Christmas Fic
Who should i make my christmas fic for (it'll be a Dad!Au most likely) Please lmk in the comments who you'd like
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Park Seong-Hwa
Kim Nam-Joon
Bang Chan
Park Chan-Yeol
Lee Joo-Heon
Jackson Wang
Seo Chang-Bin
Song Min-Gi
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bebestay · 5 years
Shownu: *bites into an unbroken four-pack of kit-kats*
Haewon: Savage.
I.M: We're no longer your children.
Jooheon: Mom has full custody now.
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kpopscenarihos · 5 years
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//dad jooheon fake texts//
-admin mckenna 💝
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wonkiewolfie · 5 years
Monsta X — Parenthood || pt. 2
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This is part 2 of this series. I think the maknae line is even softer, but that’s just my opinion on the matter. I’d love feedback on the whole series, so let me know what you think!!
Also, all of the maknaes ended up with little girls. Didn’t mean to do that. I swear I meant to give Jooheon a little boy, but as I was writing it, I decided I didn’t like it. I think only 2 members total ended up with boys lol.
The hyung line can be found here.
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Hyungwon: Three-month-old girl who likes laughing at her daddy’s funny faces.
Today was a day off for Hyungwon, which was fortunate for both of you. You had errands to run and needed someone to watch your three-month-old daughter, and he wanted some daddy-daughter bonding time. You had finished your shopping and were just walking through the door when you hear baby giggles coming from the living room.
You carefully snuck down the foyer, leaning around the doorframe. Hyungwon was laying on his stomach in the floor, looking at his daughter, who was laid in the same position.
‘Tummy time,’ you thought to yourself. You let a small smile form on your lips. You had told Hyungwon that your daughter was up to about twenty minutes of tummy time each day, and it was exciting that he had listened when you told him to play with her on the floor.
He would have noticed you standing in the doorway smiling like a complete goon if he wasn’t so absorbed in your daughter’s giggle. He was making faces at her, and she was laughing her head off at him. She was wiggling her arms and legs like crazy, giggling like a little baby maniac.
Her laughter was contagious, and you found yourself giggling quietly. It took Hyungwon a second to notice the new sound, but when he did, he looked up at you and smiled.
“Hi, jagi,” he pushed himself off the floor to stand and greet you. “I didn’t think you’d be home so soon.”
“You mean, you were hoping I wouldn’t be home so soon. It looked like you two were having a lot of fun without me.”
He wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned down to kiss you on the lips. Just as his lips met yours in a soft peck, your daughter started crying. The two of you pulled apart to look at her instantly.
“What’s wrong, princess?” Hyungwon cooed, bending down to scoop her off of the floor. He clutched her to his chest, bouncing her until she was soothed.
You grinned proudly, “she just doesn’t like being alone on her tummy.” You gently caressed the crown of her head, and she smiled at you.
Hyungwon chuckled, “Yeah, I know. That’s why I was on the floor.”
You smiled, now speaking to your daughter. “Daddy makes the funniest face, doesn’t he? Yes! He does!”
You look up to Hyungwon, who is now smiling at you with such pride.
“What?” You giggled.
He shook his head, giving you a big grin. He leaned down to kiss you again. “I love you so much.”
Your daughter giggled and waved her arms, drawing Hyungwon’s attention to her again. He grinned and leaned over, smooching her cheek repeatedly to make her giggle even harder.
“Daddy loves his little princess, too.”
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Jooheon: A three-year-old girl who likes to dance like her daddy.
It was an off day for Jooheon—no photoshoots, no fan signs, no nothing—and he was dedicating his day to his two favorite girls in the world. He had gotten up early and made breakfast and gotten dressed before you even thought about rolling out of bed.
When you finally did wake up, you went into the kitchen and made yourself a plate and a cup of coffee, while Jooheon went to wake your three-year-old daughter. He came back with her on his hip and a big smile on his face. She rubbed her eyes tiredly but smiled back at her daddy nonetheless.
“Good morning, sweetie.” You cooed at her.
She turned her attention to you, smiling widely. Her hair was in a huge rats nest on the back of her head, and you knew it was because she was a restless sleeper.
“G’morning, Mommy,” she yawned as Jooheon sat her in a chair beside you.
He made her a plate with a pancake and a strip of bacon, sitting it on the table in front of her and kissing the top of her head. At the sight of food, she immediately awakens, performing a cute little dance while she munches her pancakes.
“Hey, did you show daddy your dance you’ve been practicing?” You raised your eyebrows at her, sipping your coffee.
She shook her head vigorously, her cheeks stuffed with pancakes.
“What dance?” Jooheon looks excitedly at the two of you, his pudgy cheeks showing his adorable dimples.
“She’s been watching the video for Stuck,” you said to him. “She really likes that dance, so she’s been practicing it while you’re away.”
She perked up. “I wanna show daddy my dance!”
“Finish your breakfast, and you can show him,” you nodded at her.
She hurriedly finished her breakfast, running to the living room to turn on the tv. “Mommy, turn the song on please!”
You smiled at Jooheon, who was walking into the living room beside you. You looked down at your phone, pulling up the music video and casting it to the tv in front of you.
As the video started, your daughter pointed at the screen, yelling “look it’s daddy!” That made Jooheon smile brightly as he watched her get ready to dance, clapping her hands.
The dance was rough, but she was three. Taking that under consideration, it was pretty good. She kept on beat pretty well.
When the dance break came up, she squealed. It was her favorite part of the song, and it was the part where she got really enthusiastic, vaguely copying Wonho’s movements.
You leaned over to whisper to Jooheon. “I think she biases Wonho.” You stuck your tongue out at him, and he tried to hold back his laughter.
He shook his head at you, watching his daughter dance along to his song. When the song came to an end, Jooheon clapped for her. She did a theatrical bow. He laughed, smiling proudly at his daughter. It absolutely elated him that she wanted to be like her daddy.
“Well done, little bean! We should put you in some dance classes!”
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Changkyun: A two-year-old girl who has a habit of falling asleep in her dad’s lap while he’s playing games.
You walked into your daughter’s playroom to check on her. She had been extremely quiet for the past few minutes, and that was always troubling. Whenever she was quiet, she was either asleep or getting into trouble. When you found that she wasn’t where you expected her to be, you scrunched your brows together, becoming a little alarmed.
You walked down the hall, opening every door on the way to look for her. Finally, you opened Changkyun’s office door. He was sat at his desk, facing away from you. He was playing a game on his computer with his headphones on.
You walked over to him, pulling one of his headphones away from his ear. “Hey babe, where’s our daughter?”
He paused the game, taking his headset off and hanging it around his neck before turning his swivel chair around to face you. His face revealed a small smile, and in his lap, your three-year-old daughter was fast asleep against his chest.
“She came in and crawled in my lap. She said she wanted to watch, but I guess she fell asleep,” he chuckled, rubbing his hand gently over her head.
You smiled, “it’s nap time I guess. Do you want me to take her?”
Changkyun shook his head, a small pout on his lips. “No, she’ll be okay right here. She doesn’t squirm a lot when she sleeps, so it’s fine.”
You quirked a brow, “you’re sure? If she’s okay in here, I’m gonna go tidy up the toys in her room.”
He nodded, “Yeah, go ahead. She sleeps like a rock, so it’ll be no problem.”
You nodded. “Okay, call me if you need anything. I’ll make lunch when I’m done cleaning up.”
“Sounds good,” he smiled, leaning up slightly to signal that he wanted a kiss.
You leaned down and pecked his lips with a grin. You made your way out of his office as he placed his headphones back on.
Given the opportunity, you took the quiet time you had to clean up your daughter’s room, as well as pick up toys from the living room and fold a little laundry. After about an hour, you decided to make Changkyun a sandwich and take it to him.
You peeked your head in the room, noticing that Changkyun had paused the game and taken his headphones off to pace the room. Your daughter was in his arms, her arms wrapped around his neck. He was shushing her.
You entered the room completely, “what happened?” You sat the sandwich on his desk, turning to him with the intent of taking your daughter from his arms.
He shook his head, still holding her firmly. He stroked her hair lovingly in an attempt to sooth the toddler. “I think she had a bad dream. She woke up suddenly and started whining that she was scared.”
“Oh,” you hummed, reaching out again. “I can take her, so you can continue your game.”
He moved away from you, shaking his head. “No, babe. I’ve got this. I feel like I’m out of town so much that I miss this type of stuff. Really… I can handle one little scary dream.”
You stepped back, smiling and nodding. “Just call me if you need me.” You turned to walk out of the room, and you swear you heard him coo to your daughter.
“It’s okay, baby girl. Daddy will beat up all of the monsters.”
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monsta-x-imagines · 6 years
☁️: Waiting Room
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Shownu pursed his lips, his eyes skimming through the magazine in his hands. If anyone walked up to him and asked what he was reading he couldn't have told them, because he wasn't paying attention.
His mind wasn't with him, but instead with the girl in the room just on the other side of the closed door. She was sick, that much was obvious but there was something about the way the doctor had asked him to leave the room, the way the nurses walked by giving him knowing looks measuring from pity to accusation, as if they blamed him for what was wrong.
The door opened again, the doctor stood there looking down at him. "She wants to see you", he said and Shownu tossed the magazine onto the table next to him standing up. He pushed past the doctor into the room.
His girlfriend was siting there with her legs crossed, the hospital gown flowing around her bodice. She looked up as Shownu entered the room, giving him a weak smile.
The only nurse left in the room gave Y/N a comforting pat on the shoulder and left closing the door gently behind her. Shownu's eyes traveled from the door to his girlfriend who was playing with her fingers, twiddling them back and forth.
"What's going on?" Shownu whispered as he tucked a stray strand of hair behind Y/N's ear, grasping one of her ice cold hands in his own.
She sniffled and looked down at her lap, one tear falling and then another spotting the pale blue blanket that covered her lap.
Shownu stood up from his chair and wrapped his arms around the pale girl, sitting on the bed and pulling her into his lap.
"Hey, hey. It's alright. Everything's gonna be alright." He whispered shushing her, rocking her shaking form back and forth.
She was scaring him, for as long as he had known her she had never broken down like this, ever. Shownu kissed the top of her head, his eyes watering.
"Please tell me what's wrong princess... I can't help if I don't know what's wrong. Please let me fix it. Please." He begged her, on the verge of these himself.
He hated seeing her this way, every tear that soaked his shirt magnifying his pain more and more.
"I'm sorry." She whispered, her hands clutching his shirt.
"Please don't leave me. Please." She cried, and Shownu held her as close as he could, praying for her to stop crying.
"Baby girl I'm not going anywhere. I promise alright? You're killing me here, just tell me what's going on. I'm begging you."
"I... I'm pregnant." Y/N whispered as she buried her face even farther into Shownu's chest.
Shownu froze, the feeling of  his heart hitting his stomach, it was suddenly much harder to breath. He swallowed hard as he looked down at the girl in his arms.
"Wha-" he croaked, his life flashing before his eyes. He had always wanted kids, he felt as though he would be an excellent dad, but so soon? He wasn't sure he was ready.
"You mean... I'm going to be a dad?" He whispered. Y/N looked up at him and hesitantly nodded watching him with careful eyes.
"I'm going to be a dad..." He looked down at her, his eyes emotionless. "I'm going to be a dad..." He repeated nodding his head.
"I'm going to be a dad, which means your going to be a mom... Which means there's a baby growing inside of you that we made, which means we have to tell our parents, which means your dad is going to kill me, which means... I'm a dad..."
Shownu blinked hard, staring down at the girl in his lap. Unconsciously his hands slid from her shoulders to her stomach, slowly tears started streaming down his face.
He grinned and wiped his eyes with one hand, his other arm had wound itself around Y/N's stomach. Shownu leaned his head down and buried his face into his girlfriend's neck.
She threaded her hands in his hair, running her fingers through it.
"Are you alright?" She asked him, worried.
He shook his head no, and sniffled. He looked up from her neck and wiped his eyes again.
"We have a baby." He croaked, his forehead resting against hers. Y/N nodded and smiled slightly, raising one hand to wipe the tears off his face.
"We're gonna be parents." He whispered and Y/N laughed. She leaned in and pressed her lips against his pulling him even closer to her than before.
Shownu pulled away, laughing. He wiped his face with the heels of his hands and ran his fingers through his hair.
"I was terrified sitting out there, thinking that you were dieing or something. But it's just a baby, and now I'm the one who's going to be dieing because once your father finds out he's gonna kill me, but that's alright because I'm a dad now." He said and Y/N laughed pulling him close to her, hugging him as tight as possible.
Shownu pressed his lips against hers, his hands winding in her hair. She pulled away and rested her forehead against his, the both of them out of breath.
His hands cupped her stomach, and he bent down pressing his lips to her bare skin. He kissed her stomach, resting his forehead against her. His thumbs stroked her sides as he began to whisper to the baby growing inside.
"Hi little one, it's daddy. I hope you can hear me in there because even though I've never met you, I love you. I promise I'll always take care of you and mommy, always."
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warmau · 7 years
Can I get single dad shownu if you haven't done it yet please? :3c
find other versions: hyungwon | wonho | kihyun 
has a four year old son who is just as laid back as his dad,,,like literally,,,,,,the babysitter that stays with him sometimes forgets she’s babysitting because he’s just so quiet and well behaved
the two expressions he has is: smiling, his chubby cheeks almost masking his eyes completely and frowning, small hand pawing at shownu’s broad chest
minhyuk teases that he’s just a mini shownu
whenever the boy grabs onto minhyuk’s fingers, he pretends to be in pain just to go “strong,,,,just like his dad!!!!”
the little boy thinks it’s hilarious, always smiling while around minhyuk,,,
kihyun on the otherhand suspects there must be something wrong - why doesn’t he cry out like other kids
hyungwon, deadpan: “not everyone is born annoying like you.”
kihyun: *pretends to be shocked by that burn* LOL
out of all the animals, shownu’s boy loves bears,,,,,,like teddy bears and all that
shownu sort of thinks it’s because he reminds his son of one,,,,,,,which is honestly????? the cutest thing
so one evening, as shownu’s on the bus with his son seated beside him - playing with the small bear in his hands
you come on at the next stop,,,,,carrying a gigantic stuffed bear you’d just won your cousin at the fair
the only problem is,,,,your cousin didn’t want it,,,,so you - a grown adult - were riding the bus with this gigantic fluffy bear
the driver gives you an annoyed look as you lug the thing in
and you return the look, paying your fare and plopping the bear down in a two seater - glad that the bus is relatively empty
but,,,,,,,there’s one person who doesn’t give a ? look and it’s shownu’s son
whose eyes go wide, a spark of excitement washes over his little face
“papa!” he pulls at shownu’s sleeve and points to your bear “big bear!!”
you hear the small voice, looking over to see a boy of about four looking at your fluffy friend fondly
you smile at him, picking up the gigantic paw and waving it at the little boy
he lets out a small clap and waves back
shownu eyes you, then the bear and he can already see his son itching to get off his seat and into the arms of the big teddy bear
but the bus is moving, and he isn’t risking letting his son stumbling over to a stranger, so he pats his head and says “you have your own bear too.”
the boy looks unimpressed at the tiny bear in his arms, he even chucks it onto the seat beside him
and before shownu can react, he’s sliding off the seat and trying to make his way over to you
alerted, as the bus is moving at a pretty fast pace, you get up and out stretch your arms
the boy nearly tumbles into you, and you’re thankful that you caught him before he could fall over
“you shouldn’t do that when the bus is moving!” you scold, as carefully as you can
he nods, a sadness flicks in his eyes but then he turns to your bear and grins again
“big bear!!!” he exclaims and you nod, “yes, do you wanna sit with him?”
the boy nods and you get up, lifting him up to take your seat
you’d rather stand than risk him toppling over again
“im sorry.”
a quiet voice comes from behind you and you notice that his father has walked over to your side of the bus, watching his son whose small hands are playing with the teddy bear’s big paws
“it’s ok, im just happy he didn’t fall coming over to me!” you sigh, looking at his father more closely this time
he’s a large framed man, muscular but with a soft looking face. 
he kind of looks like,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
you glance at the teddy bear and back at him
“i see why he likes the bear so much.”
shownu gives a small surprised “why?” and you laugh a little “you look alike, you two.”
you wag a finger between the bear and shownu, the tips of his ears turn pink when you add “you’re both cute.”
the bus driver announces that the next stop is yours, you think of how you’re going to lug this huge bear from the stop to your home
but then look up at the boys dad again “do you,,,,,want the bear?”
he looks surprised again “isn’t he,,,,,,expensive?”
you shake your head “he was free, originally for my cousin but she doesn’t like bears. but,,,,,your boy sure does.”
shownu’s son is literally beaming, hugging the big bear with an iron like grip
shownu chuckles and nods “he does, thank you um -”
you introduce yourself and shownu tells you his and his son’s name
the bus is slowing down and you wave to his son, who thanks you for the bear as you turn to leave
but before the bus comes to a full stop shownu calls out that he owes you,,,,,hopefully one day you can meet again and he can pay you back somehow
you agree lightheartedly, completely fine with making the boy happy as all the payment you need
but,,,,,,,,,a week later you find yourself in line for coffee, about to pay for your drink when a large hand slides over a bill and you look over your shoulder
shownu smiles at you, “i said i owed you.”
you laugh, looking around for his son whose pressed against the display case of cookies
“would you like to join us for a bit?” he adds as the cashier hands back his change and you nod
the three of you take a seat at the table, shownu’s son nibbling on what looks like bear shaped cookies
you grin and ask, “so what did he name the bear?”
shownu reddens, looking down at his coffee cup with a slight embarrassed tone in his voice “papa bear,,,,”
you don’t have to ask who inspired that hehe 
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bixiaoshi · 6 years
can i please get a wonho fanfic where hes a single dad
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jae-bummer · 1 year
Prompt List: Closed - General Requests: Open
Half of these prompts are quotes, while the other half are situational. I hope there's a little something for everyone :) Quote prompts will somehow incorporate in the storyline and situational prompts, of course, will be the general, loose plot of the story.
Note: You can submit whatever request you want! It doesn’t have to be one of the prompts listed! This list just makes it easy and fun to see something you want to read.
Second Note: Don’t be afraid to talk to me! I love hearing your input or just geeking out on our favorite members! Reblogs with comments and sweet messages make my heart all fluttery!
Third Note: The groups I write for are: BTS, Got7, Seventeen, Monsta X, and Stray Kids!
"Please don't stop touching me."
"Why don't we go on a drive?"
"I'm sorry. We were supposed to have fun today."
"Okay...so this is new."
"I don't think I've ever seen anyone screw something up that fast before."
"I swear to God, you need to stop laughing. It makes my heart go way too fast."
"I'm not jealous!"
"I know you were hurt in the past but not everyone's gonna hurt you. I would rather die than hurt you."
"He has tired dad energy." "He doesn't have kids." "Still a DILF."
"Just say you want me and I'm yours."
Soulmate AU
Your bias isn't answering your texts/calls. You drive over to see if he's okay. The results are not what you were expecting.
Your bias texts you the emergency codeword you had been using for the entirety of the friendship.
Oh no, there's only one bed!
You and your bias run into your ex.
You and your bias kiss to prove you don't have feelings for each other.
Your bias hasn't come to bed, so you seek them out for a cuddle.
Going for a day out with your bias when somehow all of the other group members invite themselves.
Taking care of your tipsy bias.
You go on a blind date and meet up with your bias. Everything is going well until halfway through, you realize you met up with the wrong person.
Prompts brought to you by @promptful @parker-fics and my noggin.
Thanks all and happy requesting! :)
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milfgyuu · 4 years
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Drabble Request → Still Hot  Pairing: Lee Minhyuk x Fem!Reader Tags: 700+ words, AU, Fluff, Humor, Slice Of Life, Married/Parents, Kissing Booboos, Minhyuk is a cool dad but at what cost, Drabble Request. Prompt: No.43 Taking care of the other when sick or injured. Requested Anonymously.
A/N: This was requested on my old blog (Jinyoungsir)
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“What on earth were you thinking, Minhyuk?”
Your husband winced as you began cleaning the wound on his chin, dabbing the alcohol-soaked cotton ball against his raw skin. You had just come home about ten minutes earlier and he was just...sitting there, moping on the couch, covered in scrapes and bruises much to your confusion.
After a brief moment of shock and the mumbled words ‘Skate Park’ registered in your brain you let out a long sigh and ushered him into the bathroom to get him cleaned up and hear his story.
“I didn’t think it would be that hard! I used to skate when I was younger, remember?” He replied, offering up his skinned forearms for disinfecting as well.
You blew the hair out of your eyes and huffed a tiny laugh, “Of course I remember,” You chuckle, “You were the hottest guy at the skatepark.”
Minhyuk scoffed and spun you in his arms quickly, pulling you back against his chest and tucking his head over your shoulder, “I’m still the hottest, baby.”
You turned your head to peck his cheek, “The only difference is that you were sixteen back then,” You chided playfully, “You’re thirty now, honey.”
Minhyuk poked his tongue into his cheek and nodded with a slight grin, “Touche, my dear.”
“So what happened?” You ask again, disentangling yourself from his arms, soaking another cotton ball to clean the wound on his left knee.
“Your son thought I was ‘too old’ drop into the half-pipe,” He spat mockingly, hissing when you poked at a bruise on his thigh and stopping to glare at you.
“And...were you too old?” You raised your brows, now applying ointment to the wounds and bandaging what needed bandages.
“Yes,” He mumbled under his breath, sighing in defeat.
“There...we...go,” You stepped back to examine your poor husband once more, a pitiful look on his face, “Still pretty hot to me,” You shrugged and a tiny smile tugged at his lips reluctantly.
“My ego hurts a little more than my body,” He says, pulling you in with two hands on your hips until you were between his legs once more.
“Oh?” You quirk a brow as you link your arms around his neck, “Will this make it better?” You ask teasingly before leaning forward and kissing him, nipping at his bottom lip to draw him out of his sour mood.
Just then the bathroom door creaked open and your nine-year-old son offered a brief look of disgust at your embrace as was typical for his age. You released Minhyuk and opened your arms up for a hug and your son immediately fell into them like the momma’s boy he was. “Hi, mom,” His voice was muffled in your hold.
“Hey, babe,” You let him step back, “Heard you had an interesting day with dad?”
Minhyuk visibly shuttered but his mouth dropped open as he listened to your son speak. “Yeah, it was awesome! We went to the skate park and he helped me practice my kickflip and I’m getting so much better with his help!” He shouted excitedly before mellowing out pretty quickly, “I did feel really bad that you got hurt, dad. I didn’t mean to tease you, I just wanted to see if you could do it since you were so good at everything else. You looked so cool!”
Minhyuk stood up from the counter and wrapped an arm around the boy, a brilliant smile on his face. “That’s ok, kiddo. I loved hanging out with you today,” He ruffled his hair and your son laughed, eliciting a smile of your own, “Next time I’ll teach you something really cool, but like...on the ground.”
Your son nodded excitedly and ran off to play a round of video games before dinner, leaving you both alone once more. “He said I looked cool,” Minhyuk almost whispered, a faint smile upon his lips.
“So was all the pain worth it?” You chuckle, reaching for his hand.
“If I say yes, will you still nurse me tonight?” He wiggled his brows and you rolled your eyes, swatting his arm absentmindedly and he hissed once more.
Your eyes went wide realizing what you did but you couldn’t help laughing as you tugged him closer, “Yes, okay, I’m sorry. I promise to nurse you after that.”
MX M.List | Main M.List
→ Do not copy, re-post, translate, or share any of my works on other platforms WITHOUT PERMISSION! All stories are copyrighted, Bubblebeom, 2020. ©️
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monbebe26-monstax · 5 years
Cribs & Kindness
You couldn’t help but to smile, leaning against the doorframe to watch him. He groaned dropping the tool as the pieces of your coming daughter’s crib fell apart. A small giggle slipped out and he looked up frowning at being caught in the predicament he was in.
“Would you like help?” You ask softly.
He shook his head, “no. You can’t help me, you are too fragile.”
You laughed before moving forward discarding the blanket you had wrapped around your shoulders. You slowly moved to sit in front of him. His legs on either side of you as you reached forward holding the pieces together.
His eyes followed you during the entire process, amazed at how determined you could be to help him. “Can you bolt it now?” You ask.
He jerks out of his thoughts and reaches around you securing the two pieces together. You smile letting it go and it stays together.
“Good job Wonho,” you smile patting his arms that had stayed around you. He put the tool to the side, his hands slipping over your belly. He grinned.
“How is she today?”
“She keeps stretching, she might run out of room before it’s time,” You say looking up at him.
He nods, his fingertips gently scratching your belly making you groan appreciatively. He chuckled. “Does that feel good?”
“So good,” you laugh before leaning back into his chest and turning your head to kiss him. He kisses you back his hands stilling and cradling the life that you two had made together.
“I hope she’s just like you,” he says as you part. You blush before pecking his lips again.
“I hope she’s just like you,” you say softly. “So strong and kind. You have no idea how precious you are to us and to others Baby, but you are. So many would be lost without you.”
You could see the tears welling in his eyes before he leaned down pressing kisses all over your face making you laugh.
“I’m lucky to have you Baby.” You say before pecking his lips. He smiles kissing you again more intent on making it last before pulling back and staring at you. You reach up wiping his cheeks. “Stop crying. I love you.”
“I love you too,” he beamed snuggling you into his thick muscled arms. “And our baby girl.”
You giggle laying your head on his shoulder as he strokes your belly again, forgetting the crib for a moment.
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jaeminlore · 7 years
Orange Sherbet » Chae Hyungwon
summary: “I was thinking hyungwon as a single dad would be super hot so could I have a single dad hyungwon au where he’s got a son/daughter and he starts bringing them to daycare where you work and the first day he brings his kid he sees you and you’re trying to ask him questions but you’re so pretty and he’s really flustered around you and when he sees you with his kid his heart just melts and he’s always asking his kid about ‘miss y/n’ and the kid is so over it” words: 4086 category: fluff, single father!hyungwon, nurse!hyungwon a/n: this ends in dialogue but hopefully it’s not as messy as it seems i don’t know. anyway i think this is one of the cutest things i’ve written so pls enjoy and support monsta x thanks
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Woosung was Hyungwon’s pride and joy. No matter how dark things got, or how gloomy the world seemed, it was okay, because Woosung would always be there when he got home.
It was a long journey, beginning with a drunken night and a mother who didn’t want her child. Hyungwon and she made a deal, and that was that he would take full custody of the child and she would never have to see either of them again. As frustrated as Hyungwon was that his child would grow up without a mother, it was better than the child going to a random family, where Hyungwon would have little to no contact with him.
Once he was born, Woosung spent most of his days with his grandparents so Hyungwon could finish getting his nursing degree. Every day, no matter how tired he got, Hyungwon couldn’t wait to pick up his son and be able to spend get some quality father-son time before he had to sleep and repeat the process all over again.
Soon, Hyungwon moved farther away, and not wishing to burden his parents any further—though they would disagree—he signed Woosung up with a daycare program while he worked shifts at the hospital for his internship.
So, dressed in bright blue scrubs and nervous at the thought of his son being alone for roughly eight hours, Hyungwon kept the three-year-old close to him as he walked into the lobby of the daycare center. “I wasn’t supposed to drop you off until next year during preschool,” he sighed, adjusting Woosung’s weight to his left side so he could sign in.
The receptionist smiled, “Woosung will be in Miss Y/n’s class, with the rest of the three-year-olds. Just keep walking down the hall until you find classroom A4. Have a good day!”
“Thank you,” Hyungwon mumbled, still hating the idea of having to leave his child. What if Woosung thought he wasn’t coming back? What if he hated his father forever?
Hyungwon was so busy fretting that didn’t even notice the sign hanging over one of the doors, conveniently stating A-4 in bubbly font. Until he ran into it, that is.
“Are you okay?” You ran outside your room as soon as you heard the thump, only to see a tall man wincing as he held his head in one hand and a child in the other.
Hyungwon looked up, and immediately regretted his entire life decisions. Why? Why did the one teacher who noticed him have to be so pretty? Why couldn’t Woosung’s teacher have been a seventy-year-old woman with bad breath?
While Hyungwon was having an inward crisis, Woosung was wriggling around, wanting to be let go. “I want to play with the dinosaurs!”
Hyungwon snapped out of his mortified thoughts and looked at his son, rather confused at how open Woosung was to the whole daycare thing. Slowly, he let Woosung down and watched the little boy run to a corner filled with a few more children. Hyungwon focused on Woosung’s light-up sneakers and sighed. “He was supposed to kick and scream.”
You giggled, drawing Hyungwon’s attention back to you. Now that the pain in his head had dulled to a soft throbbing, he could see all your features more thoroughly and he found himself wishing your eyes weren’t so bright and cheerful. He also hated how soft and comforting your voice was when you spoke, “Sometimes kids can be more open to new environments, especially if they move around a lot.”
Hyungwon nodded. His tongue suddenly felt like a sandbag weighing ten pounds. He had no idea why he couldn’t speak all of a sudden.
“So, what’s his name?”
“Woosung,” Hyungwon answered, finding ease when it came to talking about his son.
“That’s a wonderful name. What about you? Are you his father?”
Hyungwon forced himself to answer, wanting to be polite. “Y–Yes. I’m Hyungwon.”
“Hyungwon,” you repeated, feeling rather confused when the man in front of you turned a dark shade of red. Ignoring it, you continued to ask the questions you needed to ask, “When will you or your wife come pick him up?”
“I’m not— I mean, it’s just me and Woosung.”
You looked up from your clipboard. “Oh. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s cool,” Hyungwon clapped his hands together and nervously rocked on the heels on his feet. “My shift ends at six, so I’ll try to get here around fifteen after? Is that okay?”
You bit your lip. The daycare closed at six. Technically, he was supposed to have someone come and get his child early if he couldn’t make it. Even so, it seemed like he was trying his best. Maybe this was just a one-time thing anyway. You would watch Woosung for a little longer. Hyungwon wouldn’t have to know. “Sounds good. I’ll have him ready to go home.”
“Thank you so much,” Hyungwon said. He checked his watch and blinked in surprise, “I’m gonna be late if I don’t leave. Again, thanks so much and here’s Woosung’s bag. If he gets fussy it’s probably because he wants to hold his stuffed tiger. It’s his safety object. Just give it to him and he’ll stop crying. He also might want a hug. Okay, now I’m leaving. Bye.”
You watched him dart away on his long legs, a blur of sky blue.
As you turned your attention back to your class, you smiled.
He was pretty handsome.
Hyungwon was thirty minutes late and you really weren’t sure what to do. All of the kids—save Woosung—had left forty-five minutes ago. It took forever to beg your supervisor to let you stay after hours, waiting on Woosung’s father. After a loud chastisement (“If he can’t make it on time, tell him to get someone else to pick his kid up! I’m not paying you overtime!”) and a stern glare, you were finally left alone with Woosung.
He was fairly tall for his age, balancing on knobby knees and long limbs. His eyes fluttered closed every once in awhile, and you couldn’t tell if he was tired or if that was just the way he blinked. You thought he would get bored of having no one to play with, but he didn’t even seem to notice. He simply asked for his tiger stuffed animal and sat down by the books, leafing through the pages and stopping at the pictures he liked.
“Would you like me to read to you, Woosung?”
“No, ma'am,” he replied politely, shaking his head.
You sighed and checked your watch. Soon it would be seven o'clock, and you weren’t sure how long it would take for Woosung’s father to pick him up. Your mind went to the worst, wondering if the seemingly-caring father from this morning was actually a horrible man, who went clubbing after his shifts, forgetting the responsibility of his son entirely. “Woosung, what’s your family like?”
Woosung’s head snapped up. He gathered his tiger in his arms and walked over to where you sat, climbing on the seat across from you. “My dad puts needles into people.”
Your eyes widened, “What?”
Woosung nodded seriously. “In their arms, legs, and elbows. Even their butts,” he giggled, “He says I’ll have to get one in my arm soon, but he said he’d do it so it won’t hurt too bad. We’ll get ice cream afterward too.”
“That sounds nice,” you mentioned. “What’s your favorite type of ice cream?”
“Chocolate,” Woosung said, as if it were obvious. “My dad only buys chocolate because it’s the best in the world.”
“I like orange sherbet,” you said. “Have you ever tried it?”
“Nope. I had raspberry sherbet once. It was good.”
“You’ll have to ask your dad to get you some one day. Then tell me how you like it, okay?”
“Okay, Miss Y/n!” Woosung replied, shooting you an adorable smile.
As the two of you were talking, you heard footsteps pound down the hallway, startling you into standing up.
Hyungwon appeared at the open doorway, leaning against the frame with one hand as he struggled to catch his breath. His hair was damp with perspiration and his chest heaved up and down as he struggled to apologize to you. “I’m … so sorry … my car broke down … and I had to wait for the tow truck … I ran as fast as I could …”
“Dad!” Woosung chirped, jumping out of his seat and running to hug Hyungwon’s legs.
“Hey, little dude.” Hyungwon ruffled Woosung’s mousy hair. “Sorry I’m so late.”
“It’s okay! Me and Miss Y/n had fun. She said you should buy me orange ice cream!”
Hyungwon furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and looked up at you. “Orange ice cream?”
“Orange sherbet,” you supplied. “I told him he should try it one day.”
Hyungwon nodded, and sent Woosung to pick up his toys and grab his bag. He turned to you, “I’m really sorry. I know how late I was and I promise it’ll never happen again. I owe you big time for watching him an hour extra.”
“I was happy to do it,” you assured him, turning to watch Woosung gently lay each dinosaur figurine inside the toy box. “He’s a great kid.”
Hyungwon brightened, and you noticed how much pride took over his face when someone mentioned Woosung. “I think so too.”
You smiled. Something about Hyungwon made you feel warm inside. Perhaps it was how much he obviously loved his son, or how hardworking he seemed. You weren’t sure, but you were hoping you could see more of it. “Will you guys be coming tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” Hyungwon said, looking down as Woosung finally returned and grabbed his father’s hand. “I have a shorter shift so I’ll be able to pick him up earlier.”
“We can get ice cream!” Woosung said, swinging Hyungwon’s hand back and forth.
Hyungwon chuckled, “If you’re good, we can go try some orange sherbet from the market.” He turned to you, “Thanks again. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” you said quietly, watching the two walk out with smiles on their faces.
The next day, Woosung appeared more jovial, excited to spend another day at daycare. While he was showing you all of his favorite dinosaurs, you asked him why he was so happy.
“Grandma and Grandpa never had this many toys at their house!”
“Oh? What toys do they have?”
Woosung pouted. “Toys from when I was a baby. But they have a puppy! I want a puppy but Dad says puppies aren’t allowed in apartments so we can’t get one.”
“I have a dog,” you said. “Her name is Belle and she’s really big and cute.”
“Can I come over and see her?”
You laughed, “I don’t know if your dad would like that, Woosung.”
“Yeah he would!” Woosung announced, leaning across the table excitedly, “He wouldn’t stop asking about you last night.”
“W–What?” you asked, surprised at the turn this conversation had taken.
“He asked me a lot of questions about you,” Woosung repeated. “I don’t know why, though. I was trying to ask him for my own set of dinosaur toys.”
Woosung soon went to go play with the other children, and while you supervised them, you couldn’t help but wonder why Hyungwon had asked about you.
Part of you wanted to pretend it was because he fancied you, but the logical part overruled that thought by reminding you, hey, lots of parents ask their kids about their teachers. It’s a bonding exercise and also helps them find out if they should keep sending their child to your class.
So you didn’t bring it up when Hyungwon came at four o'clock. He looked extra tired, and you asked him if he was okay while he waited for Woosung to find his tiger. “I helped deliver three babies today. It sucked. I hate the smell of blood.”
You winced. “Woosung did tell me you poke people with needles.”
Hyungwon’s cheeks turned rosy. “He could’ve phrased it differently, but yeah, I work in the pediatrics ward right now. I want to move closer to surgery.”
“Then you’ll be smelling blood all the time, though.”
Hyungwon blanked. He looked like his life had just been sucked out of him. “Why didn’t I think about that? It’s gonna be birthing day twenty-four-seven over there. Maybe I’ll go help the old people. That’s fun. Or kidney stone patients. They’re nice.”
You giggled, about to say something when Woosung ran up to the two of you, crying. “I can’t find Cody!”
Before Hyungwon could react, you were eye-level with Woosung, speaking in a calm voice. “It’s okay. You can stay here until you find him. You don’t have to leave without him.”
Woosung wiped his eyes messily and nodded, his lip quivering as he struggled to stop crying. “I don’t know where he is.”
“I’ll help you look,” you said hastily, your voice low and gentle as you spoke. “Where was the last place you were playing with him?”
“With the dinosaurs,” Woosung hiccuped.
“Let’s start there, then,” you held onto Woosung’s hand and led him over to the toy bin, where Cody the Tiger sat unharmed with a bunch of dinosaur figurines.
“Cody!” Woosung cried, gathering the small plushie in his arms and nuzzling his nose into it.
Woosung ran back to Hyungwon, now content to go home.
Hyungwon opened his mouth to thank you, but you had already turned around to help another child with their things.
That’s where it began. Hyungwon could see how dedicated you were to your work, and he could see the way you treated his son.
Ever since Woosung was born, Hyungwon hadn’t had time to think about girlfriends or dating. He knew that now he would need to date someone willing to care for Woosung too, and that was often too big of a commitment for someone Hyungwon’s age. Any time Hyungwon managed to land a date, they would make excuses and leave as soon as he mentioned Woosung. So, Hyungwon gave up. It was fine really, just him and Woosung against the world. There were times, of course, when he wished he had someone to kiss and hold in a romantic way. There were times when he wished Woosung had a mother to care for him in a way only mother’s could.
Woosung had been around mostly men all his life. Hyungwon’s friends from college stuck around, treating Woosung like their own nephew and pitching in whenever they could. It was nice, but Hyungwon thought Woosung needed some female role models in his life too. He needed more women in his life than just his grandmother. He needed a mom.
And it wasn’t like Hyungwon meant to think of you that way … it’s just when he saw you getting along with Woosung so easily, he let his mind roam to a fantasy where you were Woosung’s mother, and the three of you were a family. It was crazy of him to think like that. It was absolutely mad of him to begin looking forward to seeing you each day, along with his child, as if the two of you were already a packaged deal.
As days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, Hyungwon found himself legitimately falling for you, and secretly hoping you’d fall for him too.
He didn’t know how to ask you out. He wasn’t even sure if that was appropriate, really. As the clock ticked down, however, and the days of Woosung entering preschool got closer, Hyungwon knew he had to do something before he stopped seeing you daily.
He didn’t want to be flashy or weird. He didn’t want anyone else to know about his crush on you, because he didn’t want you to feel pressured into accepting him.
So he picked up Woosung at the normal time, with a not-so-normal heart rate and sweaty palms.
You were beautiful. Every time he entered classroom A-4 he felt a smile creep onto his face because of how comfortable you looked. Your natural smile was so beautiful to him and it made him wish he could stare at it all day.
Woosung seemed to be the last child in the classroom, and Hyungwon realized he had just made it before being considered late. He wiped his palms on his purple scrubs and grinned shyly at you. “Sorry for being late … again.”
“You’re always late on Fridays,” you said casually, only to turn pink as you realized what you had said.
Hyungwon rose his eyebrows, “You take notice?”
“I have to,” you answered quickly, avoiding his eyes as you cleaned up. “I’m the teacher.”
Hyungwon checked his watch. “Do you mind if we stay and help you clean up? It’s getting pretty late and you probably want to get home.”
You stood up and tucked a flyaway lock of hair behind your ear. Shooting him a shy smile, you averted your eyes to the floor and nodded. “That would be great.”
Hyungwon began to place all the legos in their respected boxes, but you could see him putting together a small ship when he thought you weren’t looking. “So, did you have anymore births, today?”
Hyungwon subtly slid the ship behind him as he picked up more toys. “No, thankfully. They let me work with the already-born babies. It was kind of nice to see all the newborns. It reminded me of when Woosung was born.”
You spoke hesitantly, “Do you mind telling me about it?”
Hyungwon suddenly donned a sad smile as he answered. “No, it was a long time ago. I— She— It was a drunken one night stand. We were both completely hammered, so I guess neither of us thought to use protection. When she found out, she got into contact with me, and told me she was going to put the child up for adoption. I guess I hated that thought, of my first child living with another family while I pretended he didn’t exist. So I asked her if I could keep him. If she could let me have custody. She eventually agreed, and I supported her through the pregnancy. During that time, I think I fell for her … ” He stopped and sighed, biting his lip and reaching behind him to tinker with the lego ship, “I’ve never told anyone that before. Heck, I didn’t even tell her that I was falling head over heels. She had another life, anyway. She had plans outside of a child and we had an agreement. When Woosung was born, I signed all the papers and took him home. I haven’t seen her since. I don’t even know if she still lives around here.”
You wiped down the tables, unsure of how to reply. Finally, you managed to speak, “You’re really brave, you know? I know a lot of dads who would take the easy way out and just give up their kid, but you didn’t. You pulled through and now you have this wonderful son who adores you with all his heart. You guys are amazing. Every time you’re together I feel like I’m intruding on this extraordinary father-son bond.”
Hyungwon glanced over at Woosung, who seemed far too interested in a book about Cinderella than he did in your adult conversations. “Hey, Y/n? Would you like to go out for ice cream after this? I know a great place that serves both chocolate and orange sherbet.”
“Are you asking me on a date?”
Hyungwon shrugged. “Yeah. But if you don’t like me like that then we can just go as friends and it’ll be a way to repay you for always staying late with him, even though it isn’t your job.”
“You know I don’t mind doing that.” Your eyes softened.
“I know. Just that fact makes me like you even more. So, what do you say? Is it a date?”
You grinned, “Let me grab my bag.”
Woosung insisted that he didn’t want chocolate or orange sherbet, once the three of you arrived at the ice cream parlor. He was settled Hyungwon’s hip, leaning so close to the glass that he fogged it up with his breath. “I want the pink one.”
“Strawberry?” Hyungwon asked.
“No, the other pink one.”
“Watermelon?” you tried.
“No,” Woosung sighed. “The other pink one.”
Hyungwon leaned over and looked again, his eyebrows knotted together in confusion as he searched for another pink flavor. “Oh, bubblegum?”
“Yeah! That one!”
Hyungwon pried Woosung’s chubby fingers off of the glass before he could smudge it up any further and began to order for the three of you.
Once everyone had their ice cream, Hyungwon let you choose where to sit.
“Let’s sit outside and get some fresh air. We’ve been inside all day.”
Hyungwon rolled his eyes, “What a teacher-like answer.”
You bumped his shoulder playfully, hoping your actions weren’t too forward for a first date.
Feeling stupid, you scolded yourself. Honestly, you’re a grown adult. Stop acting like a teenager on her first date!
Despite your inner warnings, you blurted out your insecurities as soon you sat down. “This is my first date in awhile.”
Hyungwon smiled gently. “Mine too. I feel really out of my element.”
Both of your eyes drifted to Woosung, who was busy licking his ice cream cone and watching cyclers as they passed.
“At least someone isn’t nervous,” Hyungwon said, ruffling Woosung’s hair affectionately. “He’s such a good kid, you know? Everything in his life seems so abnormal, and yet he just has a way of going with the flow. I have a lot to learn from him.”
You took a bite of your ice cream and watched Hyungwon for awhile. “He’s got a great father to look up to. He doesn’t have anything to worry about when someone like you is always looking out for him.”
Hyungwon chuckled shyly. “We’re talking too much about me and Woosung. Tell me about you. Why did you go into teaching? At a daycare specifically?”
You shrugged. “I like kids, but I like them when they’re little. I don’t have much experience with older kids. I guess it’s just a job I don’t mind doing every day. I kind of feel like each kid is my own, so it’s not too hard to take care of them day in and day out.”
Hyungwon was silent for a moment. Then, “I really like you. Would it be too much on the first date if I asked you to be my girlfriend?”
“No,” you said, “because I would’ve been disappointed if you hadn’t.”
Hyungwon drove you back to the daycare center, where you had left your car. Woosung fell asleep on the way there, so the two of you exited the care slowly as not to wake him.
Hyungwon grabbed your hand as the two of you walked, causing you to giggle, “My car is like five steps away, Hyungwon.”
“I know, but I don’t want this date to end yet,” he confessed, the tips of his ears growing red.
“Well, you have my number, and tomorrow is Saturday, if you wanna go do something,” you said, not really wanting the date to end either.
Hyungwon nodded and let go of your hand. Instead of turning around, he gently brushed your cheek with his hand, causing you to blush. “Can I kiss you?”
He was leaning in, halted over your lips as he waited for an answer. When you nodded, your nose bumping against his, he cupped your cheeks and closed the gap. His lips were cold, but they tasted like chocolate. His scent filled your nose and you grabbed his shirt, tugging him closer to you. With a slight hum, he pulled away, just enough to lean his forehead against yours and give you a cheesy grin. “I really hope there are more where that came from.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck, ready to kiss him again when you both heard a loud “Ew!” from Hyungwon’s car.
Woosung had awoken, and his widened eyes were trained on you and his father. “Dad, gross! Don’t kiss my teacher!”
Hyungwon gave you one last subtle peck before he let you go. “I’ll talk to him.”
You nodded, “Call me tomorrow, okay?”
“Eager, are we?”
“Oh, shut up or I’ll just take Woosung out and leave you at home.”
Hyungwon gasped. “You wouldn’t.”
“I would.”
»the end«
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breakfastatwonhos · 7 years
Monsta X as Dads
Awkward Dad Jokes
all the kids love going to his house cuz snacks and a swirly slide inside the house??
always asked to chaperone things at the school functions 
makes funny faces to get his kids to cheer up 
takes any opportunity to dance with his kids 
“Jackson, you can’t keep saving the fish from drowning”
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certified helicopter dad
loves to brag on his child at any chance he can get 
follows all his kids on social media and comments on every post
“This looks so good!” 
“You’re so cute! Look at my daughter!”
sets up playdates with all the moms in the neighborhoods 
weekend trips to Grandma’s cafe
Pancakes with faces every morning for breakfast
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loves blanket forts and movie nights 
especially on school nights
vice president of the PTA
ALWAYS at the school doing something for his kids 
has pictures of his kids everywhere, even has a mug with their pictures on it
Leaves cute notes in their lunch boxes
“Daddy loves you” he says as he cries when they go to school 
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President of the PTA 
disciplines with his facial expressions
lowkey/highkey threatens the people who bully his children
“he did what?? LET ME TALK TO HIS MOTHER”
does all the baking for school fundraisers
loves to gossip about other moms
“seriously who still store buys their cookies??”
Wakes the kids up at 6 am if they forget to do the dishes
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Actually makes children sleep at sleepovers
Brunch and Brinner are things because no one gets up before 12 on the weekends and breakfast is the easiest to make
Always late for school 
Kids are always dressed nicely 
never goes to PTA meetings because hes binge watching Netflix with the fam
Loves museums because they are quiet and take minimal effort
Lowkey goofy and plays with his kids in the ball pit at Chuck E Cheese
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Always matches with his kids
actually checks under the bed and the closet for monsters
gives them hugs and kisses whenever he can
embarrassing dad at all the school functions
secretly follows his kids when they go on dates
Dresses up for tea parties and princess play time 
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doesnt know what discipline is
encourages free expression at all times
“Why should I stifle their creativity??”
Always brings his kids and their friends lunch 
made up their own way to say “I love you”
Has all the newest games at the house
“listen, dont tell your mom but...”
they’ve got all kinds of pets 
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