#missed the one year anniversary of this but never too late to celebrate <3
midsummerafternoon · 3 months
XANA - BAD BANDIT (February 24, 2023)
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jayteacups · 10 months
Levi Week Day 3: Shy & Blushing | Affections & Fondness
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To celebrate your second anniversary together, Levi takes you to see the beach for the first time. 
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Pairing: Levi Ackerman x fem!Reader
Tags and warnings: Back on my soft Levi agenda :3 Fluff, established relationship, canonverse, civilian!Reader, takes place a short while after the beach scene in S3. Mild NSFW (very brief descriptions of oral sex, F receiving). Mild as it may be, I still don't want minors interacting.
Word count: 3.5k
A/N: So I haven’t written anything in a while but this event is helping me get over my writer’s block little by little! I missed the first two days sadly, and this is also a day late, but I wanted to at least get something done for Day 3 lol. This is based off a really cute dream I had a few months ago about a beach date with Levi, but I never got around to writing it, so this was the perfect chance to finally put it into words. I am absolutely incapable of writing anything other than soft sappiness lol. Hope you guys enjoy reading!
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Before today, the biggest body of water you’ve ever seen was the lazy, winding river that runs right down the middle of your home village, where all the merchant boats come in, where all the kids go to play in the sweltering heat of the summer. You practically grew up in the river. It is a second home to you. 
And yet it doesn’t hold a candle to the ocean in the slightest. 
Miles and miles of pure blue stretch out far beyond the naked eye, the rolling waves on the horizon glinting as they catch the sun’s rays. Untouched by mankind, there is a serene quiet to the air, punctured only by the splash of water making land and the occasional bird cry. 
Such a place could only ever exist in myth, or so you thought.
“It’s like something out of a fairytale,” you whisper in awe. 
You feel Levi’s eyes on you from behind. “Yeah,” he says quietly. “Yeah, it is.” 
The two of you are coming up on your two-year anniversary as lovers, and the Survey Corps’ last expedition to the coastline a couple months ago had inspired him to take you out to the beach to celebrate. He had wanted to show you it’s raw, untouched beauty, before the infrastructure development plans are put into motion. 
The way the dry sand shifts under your bare feet catches you off guard. Soft, warm and pliant, which isn’t what you expected at all. The sensation makes you giggle. You can’t help but lean over and touch the sand with your hands, picking a handful of it up and letting the tiny grains slip through your fingers. 
“Beware of the sand.” Levi says next to you ominously, taking off his forest-green cloak. “Before you know it, it gets everywhere.” He’s decked out in full uniform and gear. Even though Paradis Island has been declared clear of titans, Levi refuses to take any chances. 
You look over your shoulder back at your lover, grinning giddily. “Guess we’ll just have to wash it off in the ocean, then,” you declare, heading right towards the sea. Gone is the soreness from days of camping and riding through endless grasslands, your arms clenched like a vice around Levi’s waist as you tremble atop his horse, feeling all too exposed without the safety of the Walls. Only curiosity and joy remain, propelling your feet towards the water. 
“Shit—wait, don’t go too far,” Levi calls. You turn back. The reins on his horse are gathered in one hand, both of your cloaks and your shoes in the other. “I’m going to set us up under that tree over there. It’s hot and Mercy needs some shade.” 
You tilt your head. “Okay. Need a hand?” You reach for your shoes and cloak to carry them yourself, but he shakes his head. 
“It’s fine, I got it. Besides, I can tell you’re practically shitting yourself with excitement to go frolic around.” 
“So you can go ahead. Just not too deep, I know you can swim but the waves might be stronger than you think. And watch out for poisonous shit and don’t pick any sea creatures up. Hange got stung by this weird-ass blob called a jellyfish because they got too cocky after picking up several non-poisonous things despite me telling them every five seconds to not do that, and their hands were covered in welts for a fortnight.” Revulsion passes across his face for a moment as he recalls the memory. 
Confused, you frown. He hasn’t told you this story yet. “What’s a jellyfish?”
“Fuck if I know. That’s what Arlert said they were called. Just watch out.” He leans forward and kisses your cheek tenderly. As he pulls away, you notice his ears are flushed. How cute. 
“Alright, alright.” You laugh, and follow it up with a kiss to his cheek. “I’ll be careful. Come join me soon, yeah?” 
The slightest of soft smiles graces his face as he nods, before you turn around and jog back towards the sea, lifting your skirt above your knees. 
The sand grows colder, wetter, firmer under your feet, a change that rips another joyous laugh out of you. As you approach, the sea moves forward, as if to greet you, and a small wave splashes gently over your feet. You giggle. 
“Hello, ocean,” you murmur, kicking the water to gently splash it back. “It’s nice to meet you too.” 
A quick scan of the shallows revealed no sea critters. Bummer, you were hoping to at least see what a jellyfish looked like—what kind of an explanation is ‘weird-ass blob’?—but you suppose not seeing one is better than an accidental sting. Lifting your skirts up higher, you wade deeper into the ocean until the water reaches your thighs before looking back at the shore. 
On the beach, Levi spreads out his spare cloak as a mat underneath a tree. Next to him, his horse, Mercy, sits and takes a well-deserved rest in the shade after a long journey. He then strips himself of his jacket and boots, before folding them neatly into a pile next to your camping packs. He does the same for your cloak and footwear that you’d discarded carelessly earlier, too caught up in excitement. As he loosens his cravat, Levi’s head turns back towards the sea, evidently looking for you, and offers you a little wave. 
You wave back enthusiastically. “Come join me!” You call. As fun as frolicking in the water sounds, you don’t want to do it all by yourself. 
Another handful of minutes is spent taking off his gear and straps, before he walks out towards the sea. You wait excitedly, as he slows to a stop, just a hair’s breadth away from where the water stops. 
Levi rolls up his trouser legs and tentatively tests out the waters with the tip of his toe. 
You grin. 
“Don’t laugh.”
You purse your lips. “Not laughing.” He’s just so endearing.
He was like this too with the river near the Queen’s Orphanage, where you work as a teacher. One day, Historia took the orphans to the riverbank to play and invited Levi Squad to spend the day off there with her. You’d waded into the water and beckoned him to follow, only to find him standing hesitantly on the riverbank, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. There aren’t many rivers and lakes down in that shithole where I grew up, are there? I can’t swim to save my shitty life, you remember him saying. Eventually, you’d coaxed him into standing ankle-deep in the river, and he’d ended up watching over the children that didn’t want to venture any deeper either. After all, they had all come from the same place he did. On expeditions and even now on this camping trip, Levi uses a bucket and rag to wash instead of submerging himself in rivers or lakes like everybody else does. 
“It’s okay.” You say reassuringly. “It’s hardly any different from standing in the river.” 
He gives you a very familiar look of exasperation. “Give me a break. I didn’t get into the ocean when I was here with the others, and I still can’t fucking swim.”
“That’s fine. We don’t have to go any further than knee-deep.” 
He nods. Despite that, Levi still lingers with his toes barely in the water. Slowly, you get the feeling that his hesitation has nothing to do with his inability to swim. 
You purse your lips, holding in a laugh. “I see. You’re scared of jellyfishes, aren’t you?”
He blinks, deadpan. “You’re hilarious. I’m not scared of jellyfishes.” 
Your face splits into a grin. “Yes you are.” 
“I am not. This is ridiculous.” 
“If a jellyfish was to show up right now, what would you do? Hide behind me?” 
“If a jellyfish was to show up right now, you’d be the one hiding behind me, just like you do whenever there’s a spider in the house.” Levi crosses his arms and gives nothing away with his expression, but his ears are turning redder by the second. 
You give him a teasing look. “Sure, sure.” And even if you did end up being scared of a jellyfish, you know Levi would help you without a second thought. Just like he does with the spiders. “You know, I still have no idea what a jellyfish is. How would I hide behind you if I don’t know what I’m supposed to be hiding from? What even are they?” 
“Freaky little fuckers, that’s what they are,” he grouses. 
“Okay, well, we’re not going to let a stupid freaky sea creature ruin our fun, yeah? We know that they exist now, and since you’ve seen one, you know what to look out for.” You hold out a hand. “We’ll be okay.” 
Levi’s eyes drops towards your hand, clearly debating on whether or not he should take it. He’d been too shy to show any sort of physical affection towards you when Historia and his subordinates were also present, even though everybody was off-duty that day. 
Now, though, there is nobody watching. 
Just how the both of you like it. 
Levi searches your face for a moment, before he quickly snatches up your hands, and takes another step into the water. A new wave rolls in, harder than the rest, and crashes against both of your calves, soaking the hems of his trousers and your skirt. 
“See? All fine.” 
Still holding onto your hand so tightly his knuckles begin to whiten, Levi scans the waters with narrowed eyes. “Mm hm.” 
This won’t do. He’s still far too tense, far too on edge. What you wouldn’t give for him to be able to relax without feeling guilty about it. Concerned, you squeeze his hand. 
“Hey. How about we get out of the ocean for a bit? You said we were going to stay here tomorrow for the actual anniversary too, so there’s absolutely no rush. For now, we can walk along the beach as far down as possible and then back up here again. The sun looks like it’s going to set soon too, so it won’t be too hot for us. You won’t have to worry about leaving Mercy alone for a short while, she won’t overheat.” 
Bit by bit, the tension seeps out of him as he considers your offer. He squeezes your hand back.
You smile. “Let’s go.” 
As you walk along the beach, two bright red, shelled creatures make you yelp as they abruptly cutting the two of you off in your tracks, scuttling sideways. You also come across the occasional pretty seashell that Levi offers to hold in his pocket, before eventually stumbling across a strange mass washed up on the sand. 
Levi flings an arm in front of you. “Stop.” 
“What the—” Realisation strikes you quickly. “Is that a jellyfish?” 
He nods stiffly.
“So that’s what it looks like… well, you’re right. It is a weird-ass blob.” 
“This one’s triple the size of the one Hange picked up.” Levi informs you in a whisper.
“Um, is it dead? It’s not meant to be out of the water, is it?”
“Don’t know. Don’t think so.” Levi looks back out at the sea, tugging on your hand slightly as he slowly inches backwards. The sun is beginning to set. “Should probably turn back anyway.”
“We could just walk around the poor thing, if you want to keep going.” You offer him a reassuring smile. “But I don’t mind either way.” 
He shakes his head, the tugging on your hand growing stronger. “It’s been too long since I’ve fed Mercy. And the sun is setting; we need to set up our tent before dark. Come on, let’s go.”
He’d fed his horse not long ago, but you just suppress a smile of endearment and let Levi eagerly steer you away from the beached jellyfish. You squeeze his hand in comfort, and he squeezes back in thanks.
As the sun sets, the sky burns. Above you lies every shade of red, orange and yellow imaginable. The sight is gorgeous. 
But not more so than Levi himself. 
You’ve always attested to his beauty, though he’s always quick to say otherwise. But if he could see himself today, alight from the sunset glow, you aren’t sure even he could deny that whatever higher forces are out there took their time shaping every feature of his to perfection. 
And he says he’s the lucky one. 
As the two of you walk, hand in hand, you both gradually drift sideways towards the ocean, until the two of you walk ankle-deep in water, feeling the sand get drawn in and out under your feet as the ocean ebbs and flows. 
Despite his nerves from earlier, Levi had chosen to walk on your left side, the side exposed to the big expanse of ocean. Content to stroll in silence, to simply take in this beautiful feat of nature around you, you notice Levi looking out to the sea every now and then, admiring how the light glints off the waves. Even the curve of his cheek—which is all you can see when his head is turned away from you like this—just fills you with an inexplicable joy. As Levi looks back in front of him to see how much farther the two of you have to walk, you notice his expression is softer, content. Dare you say it: he’s happy. 
“It’s really nice seeing you like this.” You murmur, voice barely audible above the breeze. 
He looks back at you. “Hm? Like what?” 
“Like you’re at peace.” 
His breath hitches. At a loss for words, Levi’s pinky curls around yours as he looks back out at the ocean for a moment. 
“I have you to thank for that.” 
The words are accompanied with an awkward clearing of his throat and a blush so undeniable he could not possibly pin it on the reddish glow of the sunset. 
“The last time I was here, it wasn’t like this. It was… All I could think about was…”
He pauses, exhaling harshly, as his feet come to a stop. You come around to face him, taking his other hand. In times like these, you’ve found it’s best to not say anything, to give him the room to gather his words. It’s hard for him to express his feelings and thoughts, and from the small glimpses of his past he’s revealed to you, it’s not difficult to see why. There is no room for vulnerability in the life he leads. And yet, he tries for you. You’re so incredibly proud of him, beyond what your own words could ever express. 
“Hange and my squad were having the time of their lives. Armin’s dream to reach the ocean came true. But all I could think about was how everybody who didn’t live to see the ocean should have been there to see it. How much they would’ve loved this place, just like you do.” He swallows thickly. “Then Eren, that brat, he… he goes and ruins the mood for everybody else. He goes and reminds us all of what awaits on the other side of the ocean. As if we could ever forget.” 
You remember reading the article about it in the papers. How your blood had gone cold. How faint you felt at the realisation that everything Levi and his comrades fought for, shed blood for, offered up their hearts and lives for, had been for a truth uglier than anyone could possibly imagine. 
No. It’s not like you could forget either. 
“And if that wasn’t enough, he goes and contemplates what it will take to finally reach the freedom he thought was beyond the ocean. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out what his first thought was.” 
You feel sick to your stomach. The hurt and shock on your face must be clear as day to him, for Levi shakes his head and pulls you in closer to him, a hand rubbing your back. 
“Fuck, I shouldn’t have told you that,” he says quietly. “Sorry. I just… before today, that was my first and last time seeing the ocean. This time… this time is better.” Voicing it makes him blush once more. He looks away again. “Much better.” 
Reeling from his words, all you can do is bridge the gap and pull him in close for a hug. Inside, there is a sinking, sickening feeling that things are only going to get worse for the Survey Corps from now on. 
You close your eyes. “I wish this could all be over,” you mumble into his shoulder. He’s warm under your touch. “You must be so tired.” 
In response, he holds you tighter, his body melting into yours, and sighs. 
On your way back, you feel Levi taking quick, stolen glances at you when you’re looking elsewhere. Every time you turn back to look at him, he’s whipped his head in the opposite direction and is looking out at the ocean, presumably to hide his blush.
You grin to yourself, and look in the opposite direction. Beyond the sand lies a more firm, grassy area with those unfamiliar-looking trees just like the ones you left Mercy under. You and Levi quickly agree that once you get back, you’ll go a little further inland to set up camp, since he’s wanting to avoid getting sand in the tent. 
In your mind, you replace a patch of the grassland with a cosy cottage facing out towards the sea. You can almost hear the sounds of joyous laughter being carried by the wind: yours, Levi’s, and perhaps a third voice, much younger, much less burdened by the weight of the world. 
The two of you make it back to where you started with still some daylight to spare. You give Mercy some water, and prepare dinner from the packed rations, whilst Levi, having proven himself capable since he does this every time he goes on an expedition, walks a little further inland and puts up the tent. 
The moment you two crawl inside and lay down your sleeping bags, Levi presses a searing kiss to your lips. It isn’t long before his head is between your thighs, bringing you to the edge. Always willing to give. Your fingers weave through his silken hair, and tears of pleasure—tears only Levi has ever managed to draw from you—sting at the corner of your eyes. 
When you come, he comes—untouched. And after the two of you gather yourselves and clean up, he’s looking at you ever so fondly, like he will never get the chance to look at you again. 
“If I could give you the world,” you say, pulling him closer (it will never be close enough), “I would.” 
“I don’t want the world,” he mumbles, leaning down to kiss you, “I never have. I want you.” 
Long after you’ve fallen into slumber, Levi lies awake, mind racing. 
I want you.
He means it in every sense. 
Out on the beach, walking beside you and admiring your breathtaking radiance, he’d come to a realisation he should’ve come to a long time ago: he wants to marry you. The question had lingered at the tip of his tongue the entire way back, but he had managed to hold back on asking you right there and then by looking away, catching his breath, letting his burning face cool with the breeze. He couldn’t let himself ask you in that moment. If he was going to ask you to spend the rest of your life with him, he was going to do it properly, with a ring that shines as brightly as you do. 
It’s kind of ironic, how this entire trip to celebrate your two-year anniversary as lovers, would’ve been the perfect time to propose, yet he’d been too slow to realise it until now. He decides that the moment he gets back to the Walls, he’s visiting the nearest jewellers. 
He’s always been that way, Levi supposes. It had taken him years after your first meeting at that teashop to tell you how he’d felt, and he almost never told you at all. For so long, he had been convinced this could never be in the cards for him. Everybody he has ever loved meets the same tragic fate, and he’s scared that one day, you will too. 
But if you ever do meet that fate, he knows in his heart of hearts he will never regret loving you. 
He reaches over to pick up his pocket watch. It’s dark inside the tent, but his eyes have always been keen, and he can make out the positions of the hands. 
Fifteen seconds to midnight. 
He takes a moment to look down at you in fondness. Your cheek is squished against his chest, soft lips parted to let out slow and deep breaths, your arm loosely draped over his side, legs entangled with his. 
Ten seconds to midnight. 
He dares to mouth the words. Will you marry me? 
As if in response, you snuggle up closer to him with a sleepy sigh. 
Three, two, one. 
“Happy anniversary,” Levi whispers, heart full, and closes his eyes. 
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© 2023 jayteacups | do not repost, modify or claim as your own work.
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The Winter Sun (1)
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Alone in the World
Summary: Your life in the Red Keep isn’t easy. 
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Fem!Targaryen Reader 
Warnings: Death of characters, cursing, medieval and asoif customs, child on child violence, bullying, implied minors in pleasure houses, the boys are manaces, mentions of death on childbirth, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 3 k
Notes: I’m going to delay Viserys’ death a couple of years for the sake of the ages of this history, of course I’m aging Cregan a little bit as well
This is… different, to everything I’ve ever written and I apologize if it looks too rough, I was so excited to share it with you!
Hope you like
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120 AC. Reader is 10, Cregan is 12 years older
King’s landing was submerged in celebration.
Everyone was in good spirits.
it was the fifteenth anniversary of King Viserys marriage to Queen Alicent Hightower
And he wanted to celebrate it, he wanted everyone to celebrate it with him.
But you had spent the last six months in the Red Keep after losing your father, and the truth is, even if you were excited to spend time with your cousins and nephews, knowing there were kids you could play with… you came to a rude awakening.
They didn’t receive you with open arms, they didn’t want to play with you, in fact, they seemed to want to play you instead.
They were mean and rude, using you as targets for their pranks and mean jokes.
You tried to avoid them, but you had classes with them, you visited the Dragonpit alongside them, and you had lessons taught by maesters by their side.
Uncle Viserys seemed surprised when he learned that your father was educating you like you were a little boy, learning about politics and philosophy, instead of knitting and poetry. He was pleased, and didn’t go against his brother’s desires so he put you to learn alongside his sons and grandsons
He meant well, they didn’t
You were soon brought back to reality when Jace pulled your hair roughly
“And (Y/N) with her imaginary dragon”, he mocked
“My dragon exists”, she pouted, “she is not made up”
“Then where is she? we had never seen her!”, mocked Luke
“She is real! I’m telling you! it was my father’s dragon, she is shy that is all”, Aemond didn’t say anything
“Even she has a dragon, but not you Uncle!”, continued Jace, “but we are going to change that”, your ears picked up, and you looked interested, how Luke jogged down the ramp
“You found a dragon? how?”, asked Aemond
“The Gods provide”, muttered Aegon, and you and Aemond both stopped your very thoughts when Luke came running up with a pig on a leash, wings and a tail of straws.
“Behold! the pink dread!”, they mocked, and for once, even if you were relieved they targeted Aemond this time, and not you, you still felt bitter
“You can share it with (Y/N)!”, Jace said, ah there it was.
That very night the Red Keep was overflowing, with lords and ladies from all the corners of the realm that had come to celebrate the King and the Queen and their love. You were so excited, perhaps you would meet more children to play with, to befriend.
The maids dressed you and Helaena, her in a green gown, and you in a red one, with golden patterns, you felt like a little princess. Well, not like you weren’t one. they braided your hair beautifully, you were so happy.
But as soon as you got out of Helaena’s chambers, the boys were there, no doubt waiting for you. They held one of Helaena’s bugs, to her horror, a big centipede. You shrieked when they moved it teasingly near you
“Your hairdo is missing something!”, they would mock
“No! it doesn’t!”, you fought, trying to move Jace’s hand away from your head. You pushed Jace with all your might, and then you ran away from them. You heard them chasing after you, but you were smaller, and faster, so you managed to lose them in the many corridors of Maegor’s Holdfast
Your hiding turned long, you knew you were late to the banquet, so turning gently and slowly in every corner and looking over your shoulder, you walked towards the throne room that had been arranged for the feast.
The room was booming in the middle of dinner, the wine was flowing freely and the meat was being served, you had almost managed to escape your torturers… almost…
The banquet began and the boys had already shown you what they planned to do to your hair… so you didn’t wait to submit to that fate, instead, you found a place where the long big table was empty, or sort of, and you ducked underneath, not wanting the boys to ruin your pretty hair. You crawled under the table to safety…
You were safe… but not for long.
You noticed people sitting on the part of the table you were hiding under. Soon a big black boot almost stepped on you and you whimpered in fear, the sole colliding with your knees.
You looked up and the tablecloth was moved out of the way and a face showed up, looking no doubt at the soft thing he almost crushed. It was a young man, dark hair, gentle eyes and black clothing
“What are you doing down there?”, he asked, looking down the table at you, his gray eyes made you tremble. It was none other than Cregan Stark, of course, you didn’t know that then
“I’m hiding Ser”, she whispered, Cregan chuckled
“I’m not a Ser, I’m a Lord”, he corrected
“I’m sorry Lord”, she muttered
“Why are you hiding?”, he asked then
“They mock me, they pull my hair, they tangle bugs in it, they call me names”, she confessed, hiding her face in her knees, “they are mean to me, my cousins and nephews”
“I’m sorry”, he then looked up from her, towards the back of the table, where the kids passed running looking for something, or her, more like it. “She left that way”, he indicated away to Aemond, Jace and Luke, and the boys ran away, when they were gone, he looked down the tablea gain, “they are gone”
“Thank you Lord”, she answered with a smile
“Sit with me, nobody would dare to mess with the wolves”, he offered, showing you a hand, “you look so pretty, it would be a shame if nobody got to see it”, he said gently. You smiled brightly, and took his hand.
Everybody seemed surprised when you came out from under the table, you were in the middle of the Northmen, you only had to look at the wolf sewed in their clothes to see it
You took a seat by the leader, between him and a beautiful lady.
“This is my lady wife, Arra Norryn”, he introduced, and you smiled
“Nice to meet you”, you greeted
“And who you might be?”, she asked with a gentle smile, sharing looks with Cregan, if your hair was any indication, but they were playing along
“I’m (Y/N) Targaryen”, you said politely, just like your father has taught you, you offered your hand to the nice lady and she shook it
“I’m Lord Cregan Stark”, the nice man introduced himself, giving you his hand to shake, and you took it amongst yours, “nice to meet you princess”. You beamed
“Thank you for inviting me to join My Lords”. When you looked in front of you, you saw your cousins and nephews looking at you wide eyed, and you couldn’t help but stick out the tip of your tongue to them, they couldn’t bother you now.
“You are such a sweet princess, if I may say so”, the nice Lady Arra said.
“You too, My Lady”, you answered back. And the Lords of Winterfell shared looks.
For members of court that looked over at the table of the Northmen, they would chuckle in amusement when they saw you, a silver and red dot in the middle of dark haired and black wearers, lords and ladies.
Of course the Queen immediately spotted you, and she sent Criston Cole to remove you from the table of the Starks, pulling you roughly by the arm and making you sit right amongst Jace and Aemond on the main table
“You thought you got away?”, mocked Jace, “I got some news for you”, he whispered, sticking a chicken bone trough the longest of your braids
“I hate you”, you cried, defeated. But as you looked along the table to your new found friends, the big man with dark hair smiled apologetically to you, and you only waved back, sadly
That was the first time you laid eyes on Cregan Stark
But not the last.
the relationships you had with your cousins and nephews did not improve, in fact, it worsened, so you found ways to escape them, mainly, by hanging out with Helaena
Your uncle, the King, never failed in telling you how much you reminded him of your father, but other than that, he didn’t quite pay attention to you much, not that he paid attention to your cousins and nephews either…
You sometimes would accompany him while he arranged his model of Old Valyria, but that was it.
Luckily for you, or sort of, everything changed when your aunt Laena passed away, the family went to Driftmark, and an altercation occurred.
The Velaryon were bastards, that is what you have heard, that is what everybody was saying, and Aegon was right, you just had to look at them to realize it, Jace was a spitting image of that super nice knight, Ser Harwin Strong, you didn’t understand why it was such a big deal, but a fight ensued, knives were drawn.
Jace and Luke left with cousin Rhaenyra to live in Dragonstone, two of your torturers gone, but Aemond…
Oh Aemond.
That night, you defended Rhaena, declaring that you had inherited your father’s dragon, and she should have done the same, so Aemond pushed you the hardest against the stone wall, making your hands raw when they hit the stones trying to stop your face from colliding. You whimpered in pain, but you felt silly when Luke got his nose broken and Aemond…
Aemond had lost an eye
You were no longer children playing cruel jokes to one another.
Blood had been drawn, insults were exchanged…
And everything changed. For the worst.
The Red Keep had become dark, mournful even.
You were not a stranger to the enmity between Princess Rhaenyra and Queen Alicent, but you didn’t know what it was about, or why they always were so unhappy with one another. You only noticed the tension between them in family dinners and after council meetings. Even you could notice and you could barely breathe sometimes over the table.
The only one you had left was Aemond, and sometimes Helaena
Aemond didn’t chase you around with spiders, or hid buggers inside the pages of the books you liked to read. He was even more cruel, with mean looks, he sometimes would shove you when he passed you in the Hallways and you would collide heavily with the stone walls. He would say horrible things about you right in front of you like you were not even there, and he would pull your hair to move you out of his way.
He would say things like. “She is a burden”, “an orphan”, sometimes he even called you a bastard
Helaena said he was jealous, but you didn’t understood why in earth he would be jealous of you!, and she once went further and hinted that he liked you, loved you even, but you shook your head and called her silly
Love doesn’t make you hurt.
Heavy days turned to weeks, turned to months and years. And soon, everyone was talking about how you were becoming a Lady, of barely thirteen name days under your arm.
And you felt more like a Lady, you didn’t care about the same things you did when you were younger.
Aemond’s cruelty had come to a some sort of stop.
Because now you were a lady you were instructed by Septas, not Maesters, and Ladies, and not Knights and Professors.
And even if your knitting lessons would bore you the death, you preferred it to Aemond choosing every opportunity in your lessons to humiliate you. Besided, after he lost his eye, Aemond had completely changed.
He always seemed to be the mature one of all his siblings and nephews, but now, he was not only serious, but bitter, and more cruel than before.
You never saw him smile again. And his horrible attitude towards you made it difficult for you to feel sorry for him. You didn’t. You didn’t think he deserved it either, but you didn’t pity him, and that, unbeknownst to you, made him hate you even more.
It got so bad even Alicent noticed it, of course she didn’t say anything but she tried her best to keep you away from him as much as possible.
Yes, your stay in the Red Keep wasn’t a pleasant one, you missed your father terribly. You missed your home, a small castle in the Valley, with views to the Narrow Sea. You felt like you were a permanent guest here, but a guest at last. Nothing was truly yours.
But you tried to keep your smiles, you good attitude, you were found always smiling, always helping, lighting every room you entered…
If only you knew that was the reason Aemond hated you.
He hated how happy you were, you were an orphan, alone, mistreated, you should be as miserable as he felt, he, that had his parents, and a dragon, and everything he could ask for in the palm of his hand or an order away, he was retched, and you were always happy and smiling.
He wanted you to feel as he felt, but he could never accomplish it, he could never break you.
And in time instead of frustrating him, it only spurred him on.
Aegon paid you no mind, he was four years older than you and since he was fourteen he learned how to scape the Red Keep and found pleasures of the flesh, and when Aemond turned thirteen he introduced him to those pleasures.
And Aemonds attitude towards you changed once more…
He didn’t push you no more, he started grabbing you, your wrists, your arms so roughly they bruised.
When he pushed you against the stone walls he didn’t just snicker and leave, no, he would grab your wrists and corner you, only watching you with his only eye and a thin line as his lips, and then he would release you and leave.
It started scaring you, so you avoided him like the plague, instead hiding in Helaena’s room, but she soon married Aegon, so you couldn’t do that anymore either.
You made one friend though, Tyland the master of coin’s daughter, she was so sweet, a little mischievous, always getting you into trouble, but it was nice to have a friend.
You were walking alongside her when Aemond walked by, he grabbed your arm roughly and leaned in to take a sniff at your hair by your ear, he muttered an “mmm” and then he walked away. You only signed, already accustomed to his rough ways.
And she had watched it all happen.
“The one-eye prince liked you, on his own way”, she mocked
“He hates me”, you muttered, “and I’m tired of it”
“I don’t think he does”, she mocked, “I bet he is going to ask his mother to betrothed you two”
“I’d rather get trampled and eaten by my dragon”, you said back
“Anyways, let’s talk about it when you are popping out silver haired princes”, you rolled your eyes. “Anyways, have you heard? The Starks are arriving in court”
“Why?” You asked
“They said the Wolf is looking for a wife, Lady Arra Norryn died, her and the babe on childbirth”, you looked at her wide eyed
“Really? That’s horrible”, you muttered, your heart clenching thinking about how heartbreaking that must be for him, you remembered the Northerner Lord fondly.
You wanted to see him, you wanted to say you are sorry for him loosing his wife’s and that you were at his service for everything he might need.
But you couldn’t find him.
First he was getting settled in his rooms, then he had audience with the King, and then, the courtship began, every man in court Im who had a daughter in elegible age wanted to see the Young lord, so you couldn’t offer your condolences
On top of that… One of the Queen’s maids said that Aemond wanted to speak to you.
Aemond had never requested your attention, he gave you no choice but to stand there and listen to whatever mean thing he had to say…
The very thought of what he might want to discuss with you made your skin crawl.
So you did what you had learned to do best…
You hid.
Your favorite spot had become a tall Cypress in the godswood, their branches and the way they were trimmed allowed you to hide comfortably, in some sort of natural tree house.
You took a book with you and waited until no don’t was around to climb up, and you hid up there
But another person felt the same need as you.
This person wanted to escape the heat of court, and enjoy a little shade in the godswood, looking at the Heart tree, to be close to his gods.
So Cregan Stark sat on the foot of the tree, wanted to rest until… your book fell from your hand and landed right by him.
You gasped and that is all it took for him to look up and find you
“Why every time I see you, you are hiding from something?”, he spoke to you, a soft smile on his lips
“Uh?”, he asked
“I’m hiding from someone” you corrected.
“That is worse”, he said, “why are you hiding this time?”, he spoke like three years hadn't gone by and you were that little kid hiding under the table.
“Someone wants to speak to me, and I don’t want to speak to him”
“It’s a boy, then”
“More like a messenger from the seven devils”, you mocked. Feeling at ease, he wasn’t looking right at you, you were still hidden, and he was seated looking at the gods tree
“I’m sorry about your wife, my lord”, you said gently
“It happened two years ago”, he answered sharply
“But I’m guessing it still hurts”, he got quiet for a moment
“It did, it does”
“Did you love her?”, you have no clue why you asked that, but not having him looking straight at you give you courage
“I did”, he said truthfully, “I had the luck of marrying my very best friend, the girl I known since I was born, and I lost her”
“I’m very sorry”, you whispered, “I Can't imagine what you are feeling, because what you had, of being friends with the person you married, is truly something magnificent”, you whispered, looking up at the branches being caressed by the soft summer wind
“Thank you princess”, he whispered, “you alongside my sister where the only ones who truly gave a heartfelt sympathy, everyone else is just… is expecting me to move on”
“You can feel whatever you need to feel, only you will tell when you are ready to move on”, you offered, “tell them to fuck off”, you covered your mouth when you let out that curse, but he only chuckled
“I will princess”, he said, he then stood up, and offered his hand to help you climb down, and you did accept his help, letting yourself fall free to his arms because you knew he was going to catch you, and he did.
He released you so your feet touched the ground.
“I offer the same advice princess” he said with a smile, “tell them to fuck off”. You giggled and nodded, picking up your book from the ground
“See you around my lord”
“See you around” he whispered
You walked away from the godswood, and in your way to Maegor's holdfast, you encountered Aemond
“Where were you!? I needed to speak to you”, he said, with his characteristic arrogance
“Oh fuck off Aemond!” You responded , escaping his wandering hand and walking hastily away from him, leaving him standing in the middle of the hallway.
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l0sercat · 8 months
Warnings: Yandere Buggy, mention of abortions, kidnapping, reader falling to Stockholm syndrome, dub-con, hate sex, degradation
Part 1, Part 2, part 3
(A Yandere! Buggy x reader with a pinch of Crocodile x reader x Mihawk) MDNI
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It's been around a year since I've been on his ship. He's fucked me so much I've gotten pregnant a couple times but, he always found a way to get rid of them before it was too late. It's better that way it would be a nightmare for the children.
Buggy would never let me give anyone else attention. He wanted me all for himself so adding children who will take all of my attention away is a big no no. He hardly ever lets me even interact with his crew and if I try they scurry away from me before Buggy comes. Buggy must've drilled into their brains that of they even look at me they would die.
It got really lonely with Buggy gone half the time. Plus Buggy was the only company you got which got boring quick. All he would do is fuck you, complain, or a actually be genuine and loving. You preferred the caring side of him it was what kept you sane. The way he would treat you like an actual human. Show you real love and affection. You sighed and rolled over on the bed you shared with Buggy. His arm laid there so he could at least touch and hold you while he was away.
You didn't mind you wanted every ounce of affection and touch you could get. You gripped his arm and kissed his bicep. You nuzzled yourself into his heat and covered yourself in the many blankets he provided you. His hand cupped your cunt but he thankfully didn't try anything.
Moments like these were pure bliss for you. Just peace and quiet and the comfort of a nice bed. Buggy made sure to upgrade it for you since you asked. You got tired of the old scratchy sheets and blankets and the torn up pillows. So you begged him to get better ones and he agreed and stole you the best set he could find. It was a deep red color and the comforter had a velvety feel.
Honestly you were surprised he did that but maybe he felt nice. You gripped his arm tighter and felt his fingers twitch. You guess it wasn't to bad here, you had a everything you needed and this bed was very comfy. Wait what were you saying no you hated it here. He killed everyone you loved and took everything from you. Tears pricked your eyes and you bit your lip. What was wrong with you?
Suddenly the door was kicked in and a familiar voice filled your ears. "Hello sweetheart! I'm back did ya miss me? The way your gripping my arm you must have" he laughs and makes his way over to you. You peek over the covers and see him standing over you in his vest and brown pants. He grinned and tore the covers off you. "C'mon sweetheart can't lay there all day!"
You groaned and rolled over shutting your eyes. "Mm Buggy just lay in bed with me" you muttered you didn't wanna move. Going out sounded fun but Buggy found a way to make it a bad experience. Like killing someone because they looked at you. "Although that would sound nice I have other plans" he picks you up and attaches his arm.
You were curious as to what could make Buggy not want to have your willing affection. When you were brought out of the room you see food and beer set up. Your eyebrow raises and you look up at Buggy. He looks down at you with a huge grin. "I'm throwing a little party to celebrate our one year anniversary!"
You blink and let out a laugh of disbelief. He's really celebrating the day you got kidnapped. You smile out of disbelief which Buggy takes as a genuine smile. "I knew you'd like it" he says and sets you down. One of his hands stays attached to your waist. "Drink and eat as much as you want sweetheart," he laughs "this is a party after all!" The crew cheers and everyone starts digging in.
You stand for a moment and hesitate but make your way over and grab a chicken leg and a mug of beer. Buggy's eyes never leave your frame and his smile never falters. You find it creepy and quickly gulp down your beer to try to ignore Buggy's intense gaze. You then walk over to some random crew member and tried to talk to them. Well that didn't go over well and Buggy shouted "What the hell!" His detached hands flew and grabbed your shoulders and yanked you towards him.
You let out a shriek and turned to see his furious face. "What do you think you can flirt with other men and get away with it you cheater!?" He shouted and you felt tears form in your eyes. You tried speaking but Buggy kept on "Don't interrupt me! Your lucky I don't just kill you here" your tears fell freely and your body trembled. "Go to my room I'll be there soon" he said and didn't give room to argue.
"Who do you belong to?" He groaned and he pressed your head roughly into the sheets. "You Buggy I b-belong to y-you~" you moan and he harshly pounds into you. "Yeah~mm good girl" he cackles and his hips snap against your ass and leave bruises. You fist the sheets and roll your eyes into your head. You were close to your release but, when you got to the edge Buggy slowed down. You whined and looked at Buggy although your vision was a bit blurry from your tears. "Aww did my little slut wanna cum? That's to bad maybe if she begs I will" he mocked
Gods it took everything in you to not cry again. As much as you hated him you want to cum badly it's what you deserved. So you swallowed your pride and begged. "Please Buggy let me cum please I'm begging you to let me cum I need it so bad~" you whined and pleaded like a bitch in heat. Buggy's ego swelled and his chest puffed out. His cock twitched in you and he laughed loudly. "Well sweetheart when you beg like that I can't say no" he grabbed your hips and he pounded into you.
He groaned and leaned down towards your ear and nibbles on it. "You belong to m-me and only me no one else, your a-all mine. Got that?" He curses as he felt his release get closer. His pace was getting sloppy and he could only focus on your whines and whimpers. "Y-yes Buggy I'm yours" you moaned as you cummed all over his cock. With one last thrust Buggy spilled his seed inside you. "Ngh~ such a good slut for me" he mumbled in your ear as he enjoyed your walls clenching around him. His seed being buried inside you felt nice. Wait no what were you thinking you didn't like this...but it did feel nice.
Your mind was foggy and you could only focus on Buggy's breath in your ear. You were burning and your hair sticked to your forehead. Maybe you could start to like him, maybe this wasn't so bad after all. You didn't have to worry about anything.
It's been about another year and I've just been so happy living with Buggy. Ever since I've given in everything got better. I can now leave the ship when we stop although he accompanied me. I didn't mind, even when he did grope my ass in public. He trusts me fully and although he's still hot headed he been a lot sweeter.
But he's changed now, ever since that damned Cross Guild. Buggy changed his look which is fine I'll love him regardless. But those bastards has broken my love. Every night he comes crying to me all bruised and bloody.
Just when things were looking up for Buggy they had to come get in the way. Of course I've never met them Buggy wouldn't let me. Even if he did allow me I wouldn't want to. I don't even think they know about me. Buggy has made sure of that. I think he's afraid they'll do something to me.
Im not able to do anything so I just sit back and bite my tongue. My heart aches as I tend to his wounds and listen to his sobs. He has been broken down but he still is determined to become Pirate King. I can't help but smile at that. I plant a kiss on his head and pause brushing his hair. He sniffles and looks at me "Why'd you stop?" He mumbles, his eyes have bags as he looks utterly exhausted and defeated. All I can offer him is a smile and gentle words "I'm just admiring you, I love you so much Buggy, we'll get through this and then you'll be King of the Pirates"
His breaths hitches and he looks at me with desperation in his eyes "Promise?" "Yes" he wraps his arms around me and we lay on the bed together. Buggy closes his eyes and although he has endure this torture at the end of the day he has his darling. And no one will be able to take her away from him. He grips you tight to make sure you can't move. He buried himself in your chest and grins as he thinks about the future. You both fell asleep in each other's embrace and blissfully unaware of a certain member plans.
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takecareluv · 2 years
ok! vin and reader are going through a very rocky part of their relationship. they both feel like they are drifting apart since they are both always busy and barely spend time together. so he plans a trip for them both and surprises her by taking them to where they got married🥹
a.n. my first angst... hopefully I did okay! i was planning on continuing it to about when they actually get on the trip but it started to get long so maybe a part two if you guys are interested?! but anyway i hope you like it my lovely anon and it was angsty enough for you haha <3
second chances || vinnie hacker x reader
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you and vinnie met when you both moved to the city of angels to pursue your dreams at the young age of eighteen. you quickly fell for each other and have been dating ever since. six years later and you are still together, having been married for one. 
you had the most beautiful wedding in lake como, italy, flying out just a few of your closest friends and family. it truly was a dream, like most of your relationship with vinnie was.
but recently things haven’t been the same. 
you were stuck in the honeymoon phase for quite some time, high on the happiness this new chapter of your life brought you. but of course like always, all good things must come to an end. 
you eventually had to come back down to reality from the fairytale you’d been living in for some time. and that hit you, and your relationship, hard. you had a lot of work to catch up on, as did vinnie. with the expansion of his merch brand moving into stores, the long hours of streaming, along with the strenuous training for yet another box matching that he signed up for much to your dismay, vinnie was the busiest he’d ever been. 
of course you were extremely happy for all that he has accomplished thus far and everything he is continuing to do. however, you weren’t too thrilled about the lack of time he was making to spend with you. you were understanding at first, but when more and more dates started to go missed, homemade meals sat cold on the dining table until the late hours of the night, and you sat alone at restaurants embarrassed that your own husband stood you up, your thoughts began to change. 
when you finally had enough and brought it up to vinnie, he became very dismissive, a side you’ve never seen of your typically loving boy. this lead to multiple arguments that only ever made things worse. 
you tried to let it go, giving him one last chance to prove you wrong and show that he actually cares about your marriage and its future. this night in particular was the anniversary of the day you met six magical years ago. it was a night you would never forget, and you only hoped vinnie wouldn’t forget it either. 
you had a standing reservation at the same restaurant every year to celebrate the milestone. and this year was no different, well besides the fact that is was currently a table for one, and had been for the last hour and a half since you’d arrived solo. 
you couldn’t believe him. he embarrassed you yet again, and you couldn’t help but blame yourself. you had put in so much effort to look beautiful tonight just for him, wearing his favorite dress and everything, yet he didn’t even bother to show up. 
you left the restaurant in tears, and an empty stomach having waited for him to order. how could you be so stupid, you thought.  
when you arrived home, you trudged up the stairs making your way into the bedroom. you swung the door open, coming face to face with a clueless vinnie. “hey, baby. where have you been?” he asked, looking you up and down, “and what are you so dressed up for?” 
“nothing important i guess,” you sighed. 
“well it must have been for you to be this dolled up. it looks like you even got your hair done.” 
“you know what, you’re right vinnie. it was something pretty important, at least to me it was.” you said growing more irritated. 
he was starting to get confused at your words, and did you just call him vinnie? you never use his actual name. he tried to think what could today possibly be? it wasn’t a holiday, and he knew for a fact it wasn’t either of your birthdays. 
“really? can’t come up with anything? here i’ll help you, it was our anniversary vinnie... now do you remember?”
“fuck,” he mumbled. “i'm so sorry, baby. i’ve been so busy with this fight and streaming, and everything just keeps piling up. i'm so sorry. please let me make it up to you.” he begged. 
“it’s fine vinnie. just forget about it, like you already did.” you replied, walking into the bathroom to do your nighttime routine, wanting to go to sleep as soon as possible and forget this entire day ever happened. 
vinnie cursed under his breath as you got into bed without saying anything or giving him your usual goodnight kiss. you didn’t even attempt to argue with him, that's when vinnie knew he royally fucked up. 
the next morning you opened your eyes only to see an empty spot beside you. the sheets were cold too, he must’ve been gone a while. you promptly checked your phone and saw not one message from him letting you know where he had raced off to so early in the morning. how many more times was he going to disappoint you? 
you decided to not let this get in the way of your day. you were going to treat yourself, on his credit card no less. and your first stop was breakfast. 
meanwhile vinnie had just entered an emergency meeting he ordered for his entire team. not even bothering to say hello, he got straight into business. “guys i need your help. i want to surprise y/n with a trip to where we got married and started our honeymoon. and we need to have it all planned by the end of the day.”
“what’d you do this time, vin? must've been something pretty bad if you got to book a whole trip to italy in one day.” his assistant laughed.
“shut up and get to work. i need you to book the plane tickets. you book the hotel, i want the same suite we spent our first night married in. and i need you to rent out the place we had our wedding. i don’t care how much any of it costs, just get it done and put it on my card.”
and just like that vinnie and his team were put to work for the remainder of the day, getting everything ready. 
while vinnie was busy planning this trip unbeknownst to you, you found yourself at the mall after having breakfast at one of the most expensive brunch spots in the city, and getting your nails done with a new set, all thanks to vinnie. 
you continued to hop from place to place, racking up bills on his credit card until you eventually ran out of arms to carry all of the bags. you decided then you had probably done enough damage and it was time to head home. 
what you didn’t expect when you walked through the door was to find your living room filled to the brim of your favorite flowers. everything from tulips to peonies and hydrangeas. you stepped further into the room, examining the flowers utterly confused where they came from. that's when you noticed a card sitting on the table with rose petals in the shape of a heart around it. 
as you began to open it, something fell out onto your lap. holding it up, you realized what they were; plane tickets from los angeles to milan, italy. the same flight you took when you were getting married. 
still confused, you looked up and finally took notice of vinnie standing in the corner looking as nervous as ever. 
“baby i'm so sorry again about last night and all the other nights i missed. i wish i could go back in time and show up for you, but i obviously can’t. the only thing i can do is be there for you now and in the future and prove to you that i still care even though i haven’t acted like it recently. you are the greatest thing that's ever happened to me and i took advantage of that and i'm so extremely sorry. i love you so much, pretty girl. too much as a matter of fact. so i thought to make it up to you we could have a little due over. go back to the place we got married, start fresh. and this time i’ll be the husband you deserve. if you’d let me, of course.”
you didn’t realize you had started to cry until vinnie walked closer and wiped the tears from your eyes. “i'm so sorry i ever made you doubt my love for you. i promise to never do it again.”
“i forgive you,” you said quietly. “so when do we leave?” 
vinnie smiled at your response, thrilled that you were willing to give him a second chance. “tomorrow morning.”
“tomorrow morning??? vinnie are you crazy?! i'm not even packed or anything.”
“that’s okay, baby. we’ll get it done. plus you won't be needing that much clothes anyway,” he smirked, leading you to slap his chest. 
“and don’t think i didn’t see all the charges you put on my card today. i think you'll have plenty of new clothes to bring.” 
“did i ever tell you how much i love you?” you said, batting your eyelashes and mustering up the most innocent look you could. 
“yes but i wouldn’t mind you telling me again…”
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joaofelixsgf · 1 year
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LA OTRA Neymar jr
It had been a few months.
Since the affair had began, you knew it was wrong but you couldn’t avoid it. You lived your nights with him, but every time it felt off, wrong. You felt terrible and decided to end things.
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Can we meet up, pls?.
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A few minutes before texting him. A fight broke out, your boyfriend of a few years had found out and it wouldn’t even be a second until he’d tell Neymar’s wife, bruna. Such a dear friend to you since college, you knew you had to end things.
I arrived at the hotel too see Neymar’s stunned face, He’s surprised I arrived so early. “Hey..” he says smirking it’s always that shit expression, I almost kissed him from instinct.
He gets closer for one, but I back away sighing “ney…” he hums confused “he knows” the moment I’m done his facial expression drops I can tell hes nervous, his eyes drop and his lips begin to tremble “you told him?” He says in a tone.
“No!” “I would never. He found out from our messages that’s why I texted you on instagram!” I scream whisper trying to hide from other people already staring at us, “we need to go somewhere private” he nods and we both enter inside a random hotel room, “ney..we can’t continue this” tears began to stream on my face and he nods he’s agreed. “Your right”, “will we be again?” He lifts his head up slowly and cups his hands around my face “I don’t think so, but I just know your right. We cannot continue to be together it’s harmful” Neymar had originally came to me because of marriage problems, he had discovered bruna had cheated on him but later on they fixed things however it was to late we both couldn’t keep hands of each other, weither it was at my sisters wedding or his parents anniversary celebration, we always found a way to fuck inside a small bathroom.
He was sweet and passionate but you weren’t-… that doesn’t match up, you just didn’t know, didn’t know how to feel you felt wrong but felt like you wanted it, he was a key to your body, he could only posses it and knew how to touch you but at the end he was brunas and you were just a side character waiting to be picked.
So it was that moment bruna vented to you talking about maybe divorcing Neymar that gave you spirit but now that you think of it, how shitty of a person do you have to be?, you hated yourself but you couldn’t avoid that fuzzy feeling whenever he texted you.
1 year, 3 months.
I miss you.
(I really hate this style might edit it later<).
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coffee-latte-sprite · 2 years
Truth Retold
Robin!Jason Todd x fem!reader
WC: 1,700
Warnings: misunderstandings, angst, fluff, Jason is in loveeE 
Spin off to: Why Didn't You Ask Me? / pt. 2
Synopsis: Your boyfriend may finally tell you the truth about why he keeps missing your dates.
(In celebration of WDYAM reaching 1k notes and I passed 1K followers. Thank you all so much! <3)
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“Hey. . . I can’t make it tonight. Bruce needed help. . . I’m really sorry. I promise. . . I really promise this time, I’ll make it up to you. I have to go, but, I love you, princess.” 
The line clicked off as Y/N scoffed. 
“Of course he cancelled again.” She said bitterly as she threw her phone on her bed. 
Y/N and Jason have been friends every since he transferred to Gotham Academy and have been a couple ever since sophomore year. 
They were dancing around their feelings for years, and Dick was the one who cornered them and made them confess their feelings to each other. Dick said it was too painful to be in the same room with them anymore, Alfred agreed. 
Their relationship started off great. 
They went on elaborate dates and he gifted her the most precious presents to her. He celebrated every couple holiday there was. One week anniversary, one month, 100 days, 6 months, 1 year, everything.
Y/N loved it. 
Jason made her feel like a Queen and she always made sure she treated him like a King. They were what other couples envied. 
That was until lately. 
He was late to dates, missed dates, forgot anniversaries. He kept saying “Bruce needed help.” 
The only time she got to see him was when he came to school, but that was now rare as he was leaving half-way through the day because “Bruce needed help.”
She hated Bruce Wayne more than his company competitors. 
She let out a long sigh as she sunk into her chair more at her desk. She was so excited to go to the Gotham Carnival as it was only one weekend a year. Jason promised over and over again how they would go together. He even joked he would win her all of the prizes and make sure to get her a huge plushie from winning. 
What a lie that was. 
Y/N felt like she could almost cry. 
She loved Jason more than anything. She was always so excited to see him and discuss books and movie adaptations, or argue about Edgar Allan Poe and Shakespeare, or even do something as mundane as baking with him and Alfred. 
Now she was nothing but an after thought. 
Did he not want to be with her anymore? Did he find someone else?
Is she not pretty enough? Skinny enough? Smart enough? 
Insecurity after insecurity clouded her mind as her room felt suffocating. She needed to get out of here. 
She then grabbed her light sweater and opened her window. She crawled out onto the fire escape and climbed the stairs up. As she got closer to the top, she noticed how the light pollution got brighter, and as she reached the top, she could tell why. 
In all of its flaming glory was the carnival in the heart of the city. It had it large red and white circus tent with its spotlights dancing across the clouded sky. Then, she could see the rides and games littered across the grass at the square. She saw little dots of people run from one attraction to the next. 
She wished she was one of them. 
She went over to the roof sill and sat down and leaned her head on the concrete, dreaming of being there. 
It would feel lonely and sad if she went by herself, or her friends. Her friends already thought lowly of Jason as they said he was crime ally scum, this would be another example of such. 
She never thought of Jason as some hoodlum from the streets, but by how he was acting, she could see how others would believe it. 
As she gazed down at the palace of wonder, someone else was looking down at her.
He stood a building away on the lip of the concrete. His cape whipped in the wind as his heart felt heavy. Guilt and regret ate away at his core as his mask felt suffocating. 
Jason watched as his beautiful girlfriend longed to be at the carnival and he stood back and watched criminals. 
He wished he wasn’t a hero. He wished he was normal so he could be with her at all times and shower her with the affection she deserves, but he is here, in the shadows and waiting for danger. 
She had no idea of his double life as he knew involving her would put her in danger.
This constant guilt killed him every day as she was no longer expecting him to be her boyfriend, but someone to break her heart. 
It was easy for Dick as his girlfriend was also a hero. They could reminisce about a fight or train together. But Jason? All he could do was lie about his black eye and hope she doesn’t ask too many questions. 
Jason couldn’t handle this guilt anymore. It was killing him too much, especially as his relationship was about to break into pieces. 
He took a deep breath and steadied his nerves. 
He then got out his grappling gun and shot off into the night.
Y/N let her fingers drum across the concrete. It was quiet, except for the sudden skid of rock that sounded behind her. 
She let out a yelp and whirled around, only to fall short. 
It was Robin. 
THE Robin. 
Y/N mouth opened and closed a couple of times before he spoke. 
“Um. . .” He awkwardly coughed, “Hello.” He said as his voice was deeper than what she expected. 
“Hi,” She responded just as awkwardly. 
“I saw you out here and wondered what would a pretty girl like you would be doing up here all alone.” He said as he approached her as the awkwardness subsided. 
She blushed, “Oh, I. . . my boyfriend bailed.” She bitterly. 
Robin winced. “Why would he bail on such a beautiful lady like yourself?” He asked as he came over to her side and plopped down next to her as he faced her. 
She let out a fake laugh, “I doubt he thinks I’m beautiful anymore.” She said as venom poured from her words. 
Jason’s heart dropped. “No, you are very beautiful! Don’t let anymore make you think you aren’t.” He said sternly. 
Y/N looked at him in surprise as his tone was so serious. She lightly blushed, “thank you.” 
“Of course, and maybe he’s really busy. I hear the stock market isn’t doing well.” He said sheepishly. 
“I doubt that. He’s just helping his dad, not running a company.” She said as her fists wound up. 
Jason floundered for a moment, “Maybe his dad needs help on something else, something really important.”
“Like what?”
Jason didn’t know what to say. 
“See? What could he be doing? I’m pretty sure he’s going to ask to break up with me.” She said sadly as her head broke. 
“NO!” He screamed as Y/N jumped. He coughed, “I mean, no, don’t think that.” 
Y/N gave him a questioning look but didn’t press the matter. 
“You know, I’m pretty sure your boyfriend really loves you. I’m sure he worships the ground you walk on and counts down every second until he can see you again.” Robin said as he spoke softly. 
Y/N looked at him curiously, but her heart started to fill with love. 
“How do you know?” She asked as she doubted him. 
“Because I. . .” He reached for his mask, but stopped. Is he ready for this? Is she ready for this? 
His mouth went dry and his hands came back to his sides. 
“You know, I can offer you something better than a carnival, and you can forget all about your boyfriend.” Robin said as he bounded up like a spring. 
Y/N smiled as his enthusiasm, which reminded her of someone she knew. “Oh yeah?” 
“Oh yeah.” He winked and Y/N went red. 
“What are we going to do? Steal the Batmobile?” 
Y/N laughed at his joking manner. 
“But, no, I’m going to show you something that is almost as beautiful as you.” He smiled as he extended his hand towards her. 
She took it and stood up with him. His body language was open and excited. He trusted her whole heartily. 
“What is it?” She asked. 
He only smiled and brought out his grappling gun. She gasped as she shrunk back. 
“Woah, no way-You could drop me!” She exclaimed. 
He gasped, “You doubt my strength? Besides, I could never drop a lady.” 
She crossed her arms over her chest, not wanting to go over the edge. 
“Y/N, look at me.”
She did. His eyes were a blue she has only seen once in her life. Her body then relaxed in his hold as his arm slithered around her waist. His warmth and care were so gentle and calming. 
She trusted him whole heartily. 
“Are you ready?” He asked softly. 
She nodded and they shot off. 
Her arms were tight around his neck and she let out a tiny scream as her mind wasn’t catching up to what was happening. 
Their bodies then twisted up and they landed on a concrete edge. 
“Is it over?” She asked as she was still pressed up against him. 
“Yep, all over princess-” 
He knew he was screwed the second he said it. 
He dropped his cover of changed his voice, he called her the only name he had for her, and he looked at her like she was the whole world. 
Her body pushed itself away from him and looked up at him. “Jay?” 
Her voice was silent as she couldn’t believe what she heard. 
He swallowed, “Surpirse?” 
She was flabbergasted. She had her suspicions, but the thought of her boyfriend actually being Robin seemed millions of miles away. 
“I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you! I was so scared that you would soon be involved in my superhero life and you would be kidnapped or worse-” 
Y/N didn’t give him another second to explain as he was already being honest all night. 
Her lips slammed against his and his eyes went wide in surprise, but then he relaxed and tilted his head to kiss her more. His arms tightened around her waist and one hand went to cup her cheek. 
Unknown to both of them, a nine-year-old who ran a fan account snapped a shot of the couple as the nametag “DRAKE” dangled from the neck band. 
“I love you.” She whispered again and again as she kept kissing him. The days and nights being apart poured from one another as the night winds wrapped around them. 
Gotham didn’t allow for many things to grow, but Y/N’s and Jason’s love flourished under the night sky. 
Like it would for years to come. 
A/N: This was so fun for me to write, esp the easter eggs haha :)
@masset-fotia @royalmuffinsworld
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jikookuntold · 2 years
The Mystery of 1108
When I first became a Jikooker, I started to watch and read different theories on Jikook channels and blogs, and the 1108 theory was one of those theories that all Jikookers collectively agreed on. Based on this theory, the 8th day of November is a special anniversary for Jikook because they started dating on that day. We know Jikook care so much about special days and anniversaries, because they have posted several times on Valentine's days, and Korean romantic dates, and they never miss spending a birthday together. So, after learning this theory, I started to expect them to do something on this special day, but it never happened. In 2018, the Jimin t-shirt thing happened, and no one expected him or the other members to do anything anytime soon. One year later, JK had a car accident at the beginning of November, and again, appearing on social media or going out was too much to ask for. Then in 2020 and the years after that, when Jikook didn't post or do anything special, I started to question this theory. Of course, this theory was fully based on facts. JK had released GCF in Tokyo on this very day after all, but could all this be just a coincidence? I mean, he might have finished the editing that day, or maybe he was just matching the numbers with the hotel room as a special message for Jimin? It's not impossible. What was the truth?
To see things more clearly, let's review all the facts; Where the 1108 theory comes from? The truth is, the 1108 theory never existed until JK posted the GCF in Tokyo on the Bangtan TV channel on November 8th, 2017. This was definitely a turning point in the history of Jikookers, and they started to dig into the numbers and dates to find some links and connections that could help them to know more about Jikook:
The first ever jikook video on Twitter was posted on November 8th, 2015, right after the Melon awards.
100 days later, on February 15th, JK posted the cover of "Nothing like us" by Justin Bieber.
On November 8th, 2016, BTS was leaving for Japan, and Jimin posted a Jikook video on the plane. 
1000 days later, JK posted a selca at Malta at 10:13 local time, which is Jimin hour. 
If you ask me, there is a high possibility for these four incidents to be just coincidences, and Jikook might never mean to share any secrets by posting them. Don't get me wrong, I'm only looking at this theory in a different way and not denying it because first, several other theories indicate Jikook started dating around the same era (late 2015), and second, the evidence is not limited to those four incidents I mentioned.
Let's look at the second part of evidence; Jimin approved the 1108 theory by using the number 2315 at the Soul concert ment when exactly 2315 days had passed from 151108, or by posting a selca with glasses at 1:50 AM when 1500 days had passed. And JK also made it clear several times that 1108 has a special meaning for him by using 1:18 as the timestamp or posting at 23:08. If you look at the second part of the evidence, you will see that they are more recent and started at the end of 2018. But why? We will come back to this later. 
Let me ask another question first: Do Jikook celebrate the anniversary of GCF in Tokyo?
Imagine you got married, and your partner is making a video of your wedding/honeymoon footage to publish on social media. Will you celebrate the actual trip/ceremony anniversary or the anniversary of the day you posted the video? The answer is clear. I know Jikook are not common people, and this comparison might not be 100% accurate, but at least it gives us a pretty good insight into how Jikook might see these dates and anniversaries. Jikook celebrate their Tokyo trip anniversary, and they have been loud about it several times, here are some examples: 
1. They were super loud at Soul SYS concerts on October 29th. 
2. Exactly 1000 days after 171031, JK covered "10000 hours" by Justin Bieber. 
3. On the 4th anniversary of their trip, JK covered "Falling" by Harry Styles. 
Let's make the post short and have the conclusion already. In my opinion, 1108 is not an anniversary for Jikook, it is a code.
We know JK loves to use codes to convey his hidden messages, and he tried it with 123 or 13 before, but other shippers and OT7s sabotaged the message (you know how). So he chose something with more clear meaning for his target audience. This code (whether it refers to a special date or not) is directly connected to Jikook, and they both have been using it since 2019.
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blackbird-brewster · 2 years
Temily Fanfic Master List (Updated)
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TEMILY: A LOVE STORY (SERIES) (A series of one shots that all occur in the same universe/timeline but can easily be enjoyed separately without having to read in order) Now Is The Start (Fluff - WC: 4542) Tara and Emily meet for the first time and there's an instant connection. Realise (Fluff - WC: 1926) BAU Girls’ Night makes Tara daydream about her relationship with Emily Missing You (Smut - WC: 4065) In their months of chatting, Tara and Emily move from texts to calls to something more intimate
Lucky Mistake (Fluff - WC: 3270) Emily has returned to the BAU to help out temporarily and Tara works up the courage to ask her on a date. Will it be a mistake?
Secret (Angst - WC: 4153) Tara finds out about Emily's 'boyfriend' back in London in the midst of the news that Emily has been asked to stay on as Unit Chief
Force of Nature (Fluff - WC: 2996) Newly promoted, Unit Chief Prentiss has to report her relationship with Tara to the brass. But reporting their relationship made it real and that scared her more than anything the FBI could throw at her. In Your Arms (Fluff/Angst - WC: 6079) At a BAU Ladies' Night, Tara and Emily end up sharing secrets they hadn't planned to
Landslide (Fluff - WC: 2637) Emily struggles with the inevitability that she's getting older. And with a bit of help, Tara helps her girlfriend get over her hesitations regarding needing reading glasses.
Often (Smut - WC: 3083) Tara tries to entice Emily to go home after a long day at work, but her plan works a little too well and Emily decides she can't wait.
[Halloween Interlude] (Fluff - WC: 1573) When Tara is bummed about not getting trick-or-treaters, Emily comes up with a clever solution to surprise her girlfriend. My Whole Life Long (Fluff/Smut - WC: 4414) Tara and Emily celebrate their three year anniversary with a night neither of them will ever forget, in more ways than one. Always You (Fluff - WC: 2703) Tara freaks out when she plans her proposal to Emily Kiss Me (Fluff - WC: 2894) Tara and Emily get tired of waiting to get married so they elope with a couple of witnesses in tow. HEATED (Fluff - WC: 6017) Tara and Emily agree to let Garcia throw them a Bachelorette Party, even though they've been married for months already. Debauchery Ensues.
When You Sleep (Fluff - WC: 2290) Tara wakes up in the middle of the night to Emily having a night terror.
False Flags and the Art of Misdirection (WC: 11,926) JJ, Tara and Emily try and navigate their relationships and attractions to each other after the events in Roswell, New Mexico [Takes place after 13x09 False Flag] (OT3: Je T'Emily) Rather Be (Drabble - WC: 774) A Drabble about Tara and Emily first meeting (*written before Emily actually came back)
Scratches (Drabble - WC: 914) Prompt: "Why the hell are you bleeding?"
Late Night Delivery (Drabble - WC: 561) Prompt: "Who the hell sneaks in through the window at 4am to go for ice cream?"
Friend Like Me (WC: 3326) Tara and Emily play wing-person for each other when they go out for drinks but neither of them wants to admit who they really want to go home with.
Why Am I Like This? (WC: 9611) A look at all of Emily's past relationships that led her to believe one undeniable truth, Emily Prentiss was broken. Six relationships that made Emily feel broken and one relationship that didn't. ANGST
All You Never Say (WC: 1917) A devastating look at Tara and Emily’s undefined love for each other SMUT
Motivation (WC: 5177) In the aftermath of Mr. Scratch’s ambush, Emily seeks comfort from Tara
Fooled Around (and Fell in Love) [Part 3] (Explicit) (Fluff/ Rom-Com, WC: 220,000) When JJ/Tara/Emily decide to buy a house together, Tara volunteers to renovate it into their perfect dream home. In order to follow through on her promise, Tara enlists the help of a general contractor, Beck Wilson -- but Beck's construction skills aren't the only thing that garners Tara's attention.
Fooled Around (and Fell in Love) [Part 1] (Fluff/ Rom-Com, WC: 80,471, Complete) An AU loosely based off the movie ‘Imagine Me and You’. Emily is a personal trainer and JJ is one of her clients but when JJ finds out Emily is gay, it turns her life upside down. At the same time, Tara and Emily meet and it’s instant sparks. Who fools around and falls in love, you may ask? Well, dear reader, everyone.
Fooled Around (and Fell in Love) [Part 2] (Fluff/ Rom-Com, WC: 87,394, Complete) Picks up ten months after the end of Part 1, this series follows the interwoven relationships of JJ, Emily and Tara (OT3: Je T'Emily)
I Want To Love You (Hurt/Comfort, WC: 13,125, Complete) It had been two weeks since Gabriel Lewis was killed by Mr Scratch. Tara tries to work through her grief in the aftermath of her brother's death. [Follows S12]
My Fanfic Master Lists: [JJ/Emily] || [Tara/Emily] || [JJ/Tara] || [Misc Ships]
2023 Rec Lists: [JJ/Emily] || [Tara/Emily + Other Femslash]
2022 Rec Lists: [JJ/Emily] || [Tara/Emily] || [Other Femslash]
Also check out my past [Friday Fic Recs]
UPDATED: 01 December 2023
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jellyseungmo · 2 years
The sky isnt meant to be purple.
Han Jisung drabble.
warnings. excessive swear words, mentions of alcoholism, arguing. Jisung is kind of a bad boyfriend in the beginning.
These past few weeks with Jisung have been hell. Never seeing him because he's always with friends, then when you do see him, you argue. He's starting to drink heavily lately, which he promised he'd never do. The one thing that set you off the most was when he missed your 4 year anniversary because he was out with Chan and Changbin all day long, and then came back at 3am, while you were asleep.
"where the fuck have you been, Ji." The sentence came out in the form of a statement rather than a question as y/n woke up to bangs in the kitchen.
"I was just with the boys." He looks up, walking towards them. He gave you a tight hug and a kiss on the forehead.
"I missed you..." He whispered against the top of your hair.
"Don't start with that shit, Jisung." Y/n moved away from him, still half asleep.
"Y/n, don't get an attitude, you're gonna act like this when you havent see me all day?!"
"that's not my fucking fault, is it?" They walk towards the living room, getting their pillows and blankets ready as they mumbled.
"staying out all day...drinking...missing our 4 year anniver- how the fuck do you miss your anniversary?!" They blurt out.
"just another year of your bullshit, dear." He sighs, walking to the kitchen again.
"MY bullshit?! Oh, Ji. Don't even get me started" Y/n turns around to look at Jisung.
"Y/n, while we're at this, why don't you pay me back the money you stole while I was out." He blurts out.
"THATS MY MONEY! I'm the only one that works. You fucking stay out all of the time while I work for YOU. To benefit who? You. And I swear on my life, Han Jisung, if you call me a thief again- that's one thing I'm not. A fucking thief." Y/n starts to tear up as they stand up, the tone of their voice sturn and shaky.
"I make money too." He shrugs.
"My ass. The only thing you do is spend my money on alcohol, and then pull shit from the sky to blame me for." They step closer to Jisung, as he starts to get pissed off.
"Y/n, I'm the reason you have a place to stay. I'm surprised I havent dumped your ass and kicked you out. I'M the ONLY reason you have a good life." He starts to yell, Y/n crosses their arms across their chest and looks down.
"I don't even wanna fucking look at you anymore, it's 3 o clock, goddamn. I'm going to bed." They sigh, obviously trying to hide tears. Jisung suddenly starts to feel guilty, and runs his fingers through his hair, trying to come up with what to say next as Y/n walks away to their shared room.
"God fucking damnit." He mutters and cleans up the kitchen, locking the doors to the house and turning off the lights. After around an hour of thinking to himself, he finally walked upstairs to their room and opened the door as carefully as possible. He turned on the flashlight on his phone and put his keys away, took off his shoes, and went to lay down beside his sleeping significant other.
"Baby..." He hums, wrapping his arms around their body.
"what?" They sigh tiredly, eyes still closed.
"I'm really sorry. I know I'm a dick, and...and you dont deserve to be treated like this." His voice low and calm, just the way y/n liked it.
"I know, and I dont really want to forgive you right now." They whisper, turning to look at Jisung.
"I know, my love....but really, I'm sorry...I'll do anything." He pauses for a second and grabs Y/n's hand, caressing his thumb against it.
"I'll stop drinking, I'll get a real job, I'll make it up to you."
"you can't really make it up to me, I wanted today to be a good day. I mean damn, it's been four years. Two since we celebrated."
"I know, i know." he hums, kissing their cheek.
"Just please, let me do something for you. Anything you want, you got it." He grins as Y/n looks up at him.
"what's my favorite color?" they furrow their eyebrows at him.
"Purple. it's always been purple."
"well, if you can make the sky purple...then you made it up to me" They smile softly.
"Goddamn it, Y/n. you're so difficult." He laughs as they share a well needed hug.
"Can you stay home tomorrow, please?" Y/n looks Jisung in the eyes as their foreheads become pressed against each other. They exchange a few small kisses in that time.
"Of course, baby. But I can't promise a purple sky." He chuckles.
"Ah, maybe the sky isnt meant to be purple." They shrug.
"Just like you arent meant to be mad at me" He tilts his head and grins.
Y/n rolls their eyes at the witty comment, and lays their head on Jisung's shoulder.
"Right...just like that." They sigh, and kiss Jisung's neck as they close their eyes to go to sleep.
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After 21 years of Marriage, my Wife wanted me to take another Woman out to Dinner and a Movie.
She said I Love You but I know this other Woman loves you and would Love to spend some Time with You.
The other Woman that my Wife wanted me to visit was my MOTHER, who has been a Widow for 19 years, but the demands of my Work and my three Children had made it possible to visit her only occasionally.
That night I called to invite her to go out for Dinner and a Movie.
'What's wrong, are you well,' she asked?
My Mother is the type of Woman who suspects that a Late Night Call or a Surprise Invitation is a sign of Bad News.
'I thought that it would be pleasant to be with you,' I responded.
'Just the two of us.'
She thought about it for a moment, and then said, 'I would like that very much.'
That Friday after work, as I drove over to pick her up I was a bit Nervous. When I arrived at her House, I noticed that she too seemed to be Nervous about our Date.
She waited in the Door with her Coat on.
She had Curled her Hair and was wearing the Dress that she had worn to celebrate her last Wedding Anniversary.
She smiled from a face that was as Radiant as an Angel's.
'I told my Friends that I was going to go out with My Son, and they were impressed', she said, as she got into the car.
'They can't wait to hear about our meeting'.
We went to a restaurant that, although not Elegant, was very Nice and Cozy.
My Mother took my Arm as if She were the First Lady.
After we sat down, I had to read the Menu. Large Print.
Half way through the entries, I lifted my eyes and saw Mom sitting there staring at me.
A Nostalgic Smile was on her Lips.
'It was I who used to have to Read the Menu when you were young', she said.
'Then it's Time that you Relax and let me Return the Favor', I responded.
During the Dinner, we had an Agreeable Conversation, nothing Extra-ordinary, but catching up on recent Events of each others Life.
We talked so much that we missed the Movie.
As we arrived at her House later,
She said, 'I'll go out with you again, but only if you let me invite you.'
I agreed.
'How was your Dinner Date?' asked My Wife when I got Home.
'Very Nice. Much more so than I could have Imagined,' I answered.
A few days later, my Mother died of a Massive Heart Attack.
It happened so suddenly that I didn't have Time to do anything for her.
Some time later, I received an Envelope with a Copy of a Restaurant Receipt from the same place Mother and I had dined.
An Attached Note Said: 'I paid this Bill in Advance.
I wasn't sure that I could be there;
But nevertheless, I paid for Two Plates, One for You and the Other for Your Wife.
You will never know what that Night meant for Me.
I Love You, My Son.'
At that moment, I understood the Importance of saying in Time:
'I LOVE YOU!' and to give our Loved Ones the Time that they Deserve.
Nothing in Life is more important than God and your Family.
Give them the Time they Deserve, because these Things cannot be Put Off till 'Some Other Time.'
Pass This Along To Everyone;
With An Aging Parent,
To A Child,
To An Adult,
To Anyone With A Parent,
And Most Importantly,
To Someone You Truly Love . . .
Truth.....Must read each & every sentence ....
Truth no 1 : Nobody is real in this world except Mother..
Truth no. 2 : A poor person has no friends..
Truth no. 3 : People do not like good thoughts they like good looks..
Truth no 4 : People respect the money not the person..
Truth no 5 : The person you love the most, will hurt you the most !
"Truth is Simple, But, The Moment YOU try to Explain it... It Becomes Difficult.
IN LIFE: Two things define you..
"Your patience when U have nothing......... &...... "your attitude when U have everything.
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musemash · 1 year
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Gallery: 1 Still Champion 2 The Essence Of Humility 3 Stable Clairvoyant Genius 4 Fast Food Fire & Fury 5 The Cholesterol Gourmet 6 Honoring The Constitution 7 Maga-Lardo Filing System 8 A Nose For News 9 The Red Peril 10 Trumpty Dumped
RUDE AWAKENINGS FOR AMERICA'S FAVORITE GRIFTER – by the Canuck Crank & the Lone Antifa - revised & updated Aug 10, 2023
HAPPY NEW YEAR, y'all. Wishing you all the best for a worthwhile 2023, in the hopes that we can put the worst aspects of the past few years behind us. For our part, we want to start the year off right, by bidding farewell to a troublesome subject that has taken up way too much of our time and energy. Accordingly, this will be our final post about the many delights and intricate insanities of American politics.
The horrendous CAPITOL RIOT happened two years ago today. To mark this crucial anniversary, MFF proudly presents our latest commentary on the life and crimes of the USA's most infamous white collar criminal. The videos embedded above present highlights of his miserable career, and his most recent claims to infamy.
We were sorely tempted to make this our very last statement about HIS ROYAL HEINOUS, for the foreseeable future. But these are truly historic times, so we will likely persevere with our blog posts. The notorious HELL TOUPEE has conducted a master class in the spectacular excesses a sufficiently unscrupulous person can get away with in contemporary America.
The legendary saga of the USA's most strident, inept, intellectually challenged, and tedious DRAMA QUEEN will inspire ambitious sociopaths for decades to come. We look forward to that glorious day when he is actually imprisoned – at which time we will happily celebrate with a MULTIMEDIA EPITAPH for his disastrous public life.
This amazing over-achiever had a late Halloween this past year, as December became TRICK OR TREASON time for him – as well as many of his cronies among the LOUD BOYS and the OAF CREEPERS. The revelations of the past two years have made it crystal clear that THE DON is the biggest shark that MAGAMERICA ever jumped, and the world has paid the price for this supreme folly.
Based on his track record, it's fair to assume that AMERICA'S GREATEST LOSER will never accept responsibility for his deceptive and sleazy actions. So he will continue to blame Republicans for his own failures – and undoubtedly take revenge on some of them, by trying to sabotage their careers. Unless he is finally jailed for life, America will still be haunted by this bizarre mutation of a human entity.
This post focuses primarily on the best available resources exploring the concluding hearing of the January 6 Committee – and the ramifications of the panel's extraordinary Final Report. On a lighter note, we spotlight some of the most entertaining coverage of DON VETO TRUMPLEONE's recent hilarious foray into the NFT market.
We also want to draw attention to our final visual essays on the ORANGE IMPOTUS. In our ceaseless quest for new ways to mock PRECEDENT TRUMPERY, we recently discovered the outstanding work of one DM HIGGINS – who, unbeknownst to us, has been carrying on his own satirical campaign for the past five years on Twitter.
His PRESIDENT SUPERVILLAIN series has been quite popular, drawing more than 76K followers. Using old comic book panels featuring the Red Skull, Higgins cleverly puts actual DARK LORD TRUMPELTHINSKIN quotes into the mouth of Captain America's arch enemy. We were astonished to realize we had missed out on it for so many years.
To remedy that oversight, we have put together 5 image galleries featuring our picks for the best of these images, and given the finished product a storyline – which we've entitled THE ORANGE SKULL'S BIGLY YUGE VENDETTA. We also recently incorporated almost 3 dozen more of these gems into a different plotline, occupying the multiple galleries of our newly revised USA DEFIANCE & SURVIVAL MANIFESTO.
You'll find links to these posts in the bottom section. First, we invite you to enjoy our final playlists about the MANCHURIAN CANTALOUPE's ongoing downfall; and after that, you will find links to updated editions of some of our best previous posts about MAGAGOP's most obnoxious traitor, and the madness and ecstasy of America's political follies. But first, we give the last words of our intro to author DOUGLAS WOOD; be sure to click the link at the end, for his poignant sequel to this poem
The Great Mucky Muck hadn’t a brain in his head. He hung out at a golf course named after a bed. He drank Diet Cokes and he ate his Big Macs While in between he had lots of in-between snacks.
He played golf and ran rough-shod over the greens And wheedled and cheated and dreamed up his schemes. Of how to take more and give less and scam millions, Which wasn’t enough as he’d rather scam zillions.
But the cruel FBI broke into his cellar, Which made the poor Muck a most unhappy feller, Unhappy and sad and grumpy and pouty And angry and red-faced and screamy and shouty.
But his screams and his shouts for once did him no good As the courts and the lawyers and judges just stood There and said, ‘No, Mucky, you can’t have this stuff No matter how loudly you huff and you puff,
And you puff and you huff and you whoffity whuff, These papers aren’t yours and enough is enough!’ So the Muck hired lawyers, not the best of the best, The top 99%? – Muck scooped up the rest.
And they stood on their heads and did hand-stands and such, Whatever they did, it wasn’t worth much. So deeper and deeper the Muck dug his hole, Till he could not reach the top with a nineteen-foot pole.
‘This is just so unfair,’ cried Muck, ‘how I am treated,’ After all he had scammed and all he had cheated. But no one could save him or rescue poor Muck. His friends had run out. And so had his luck. https://douglaswood.com/the-great-mucky-muck/
CAVALCADE OF FOLLIES Bob Dylan's Trump Protest Songs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsQNQCYKCE8 Trump: What's The Deal? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYU2FJxsSeE Trump's Biggest Broken Promises https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poxvEir-HWA Trump Talk: Best Mashups https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i4JxWkSYzU Shouting Match: Trump Vs Pelosi & Schumer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wm-NtMkqz8 Coronavirus Questions Trump Doesn't Like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmJAcERLGAE Trump Humiliates Himself In Fox Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjtRbz1LE4Y Vic Berger: Super Deluxe Trump Edits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6P1KV6HZZT4 What Has Trump Done To America? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCcyhn4RDVk How MAGA Embraces Fascism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4G7asMHqZ4 The Biggest Lies Of Trump’s Presidency https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX_noNw Inside Trump’s Failed Pandemic Response https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Atxdfrj3zEk Trump Walks Out On 60 Minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaa_84jWeaw Trump's Tax Claims Come Back To Haunt Him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVFHksRS2H0 Deep Dive: Trump's Presidency In Review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DbfionPbT4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump’s Loss In A Divided America   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkowZz1NaRs The Most Defining Stories Of Trump's Reign https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gpku1NCY0xM Recap Of The 45th US Presidency https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gpku1NCY0xM The US Capitol Under Siege https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3LjfmUDXbU Never-Before-Seen Jan 6 Footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUB814y5ns0 DC Police Requested Backup At Least 17 Times https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsQTY9083r8 Inside The Capitol At The Height Of The Siege https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibWJO02nNsY Supercut: 4 Years Of #45 In 6 Minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2FNujc0UM4 Where Do We Go After The Capitol Riot? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqXjGocf-Es The Downfall Of President Donald Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zQbH7Ef5X4 Trump's Life Since Leaving Presidency https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyyPlYTjuac The Trial Of Donald Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb3LI-mSahg Highlights Of Trump's Call With Georgia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQYKIE3rWak MTG & The Conspiracy Theorist Right https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fLLGSeDoz8 Fox News & The Big Lie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWJhqOPe6rw How Conservatives Weaponize Patriotism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIXRsu2-uGo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supercut: Trump's Tax Return Lies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vu16sE875zY Mark Meadows Implicated In Jan 6 Texts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nf9OafXlWLQ A Plot Grows Within Trump’s White House https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Hq1X7FXM5c Brutality On The Ground https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNWLXSphT4Q Trump Warns Of ‘Big Problems’ If He's Indicted https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/09/15/trump-justice-department-investigation-fbi-search/ Jan 6 Committee's Vote To Subpoena Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EohDS1Xi1tk Trump’s Actions On 1/6 Incited An Insurrection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9rOmYxoxEo Jan 6 Committee Will Make Criminal Referrals https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/06/politics/january-6-committee-criminal-referrals/index.html Criminal Referrals Won't Be Confined To Just Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDuAY_-B36I https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/08/politics/january-6-committee-criminal-referrals/index.html 'Maggots That Just Refuse To Step Away' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSQRJ2np0O4 Jan 6 Committee Debating Criminal Referrals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcFgk9p6a40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump's Been Eating Pork Chops With Nazis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnV4YWAHJOE Mary Trump: GOP Created This Monster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm_01g-5HJU Criminal Referrals 'Important Symbolic' Move https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11526325/Adam-Kinzinger-January-6-criminal-referrals-important-symbolic-move.html MTG Brags She 'Would Have Won' Jan 6 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-says-maga-wouldve-won-on-jan-6-if-she-organized-it/ar-AA159F5X Violence May Soon Be Preferred Over Voting In US https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8HuF8qiPtE MTG: Jan 6 ‘Would Have Been Armed’ If She Led It https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCbFu_J0AqU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54AmxUuB0S8 Foreign Coup Arrests Show Peril For Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQtR9rDQSbs Trump’s Jan 6 Role Was Far More Than Incitement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vCHwBJGzIU Young Republicans Welcome Another Insurrection https://www.salon.com/2022/12/12/young-group-welcomes-another-insurrection_partner/ GOP Losers Still Fomenting Armed Insurrection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_R3cIn25LGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Will Donald Trump Ever Face Accountability? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kwBfecPmg0 Defamation Lawsuit A Death Blow For Fox? https://www.theguardian.com/media/2022/dec/11/rupert-murdoch-fox-dominion-lawsuit-deposition Trump Is A Ghost Too Lazy To Scare Anyone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDg9dH8OEWQ Why Can't Our Coups Be Fun Like Germany's? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5BDoi06j4M Did We Mention The Meadows Texts? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/did-we-mention-the-meadows-texts/ar-AA15dGqg Dumber Than Scooby Doo Villains https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwk2Gkz_0As Meadows Texted Plans To Scuttle Election https://talkingpointsmemo.com/feature/mark-meadows-exchanged-texts-with-34-members-of-congress-about-plans-to-overturn-the-2020-election Stupid Evil Traitors' Crimes Against Democracy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGtB_tEVFGk Meadows Texts: 'Tip Of The Iceberg' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wz4G5cxk8VM Jack Smith Expanding Trump Investigation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CN5bSKkBJq8 A Plot To Overturn An American Election https://talkingpointsmemo.com/feature/a-plot-to-overturn-an-american-election ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOP Reps Shared Bogus Election Conspiracies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s27Vp7L06rM Scheming To Reverse 2020 Vote In Arizona https://talkingpointsmemo.com/feature/as-the-2020-election-slipped-away-andy-biggs-and-mark-meadows-schemed-to-reverse-the-vote-in-arizona GOP Texts Showed ‘Utterly Deranged Logic’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHEXnN3-7I4 The Freedom Caucus Cyber Team https://talkingpointsmemo.com/feature/freedom-caucus-chair-scott-perrys-work-to-overturn-2020-election-included-a-cyber-team-and-an-italian-job GOP Texts To Meadows Advocated Sedition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcorlE-h0s8 Team Trump’s Chaotic Attempts To Overturn Georgia https://talkingpointsmemo.com/feature/inside-team-trumps-chaotic-attempts-to-overturn-the-2020-vote-in-georgia GOP Rep Called For Military Takeover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_Fs2Lg8in8 Requests For Pardons & Big Lie Boosterism https://talkingpointsmemo.com/feature/texts-reveal-four-trump-allies-mixed-requests-for-pardons-with-big-lie-boosterism GOP Lawmakers Addled By Conspiracies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tli6z1hRw40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text Evidence Bomb Hits MAGA World https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=685896543242807 GOP Advanced ‘Antifa’ Conspiracy Theories https://talkingpointsmemo.com/feature/meadows-texts-antifa-conspiracy-theory-congress Coup Plots Unearthed By Jan 6 Panel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGVJDWUA-8w GOP Rep Shared ‘Wild’ YouTube Theories https://talkingpointsmemo.com/feature/rep-rick-allen-shared-wild-romanian-youtube-conspiracy-theories-as-he-challenged-the-2020-election ‘Lying Clown’ Giuliani Was Ginni Thomas’ Hero https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Le7Z2U_ZtY Meadows At The Epicenter Of This Coup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GM0dBMN3xBA Trump WH Engaged In Wild Conspiracies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsFLa_Ar7vk Trump May Be Banned From Office Over Jan 6 https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-may-banned-office-over-january-6-lawmakers-look-constitution-1767554 Dangerous, Unfit, And Traitorous https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fn_jseJm7so Kinzinger Gives Final Speech As Congressman https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/watch-rep-kinzinger-gives-final-speech-as-congressman/vi-AA15kSXU?category=foryou Mount Rushmore Of Election Denial Criminality https://news.yahoo.com/why-trump-criminal-referral-jan-234005061.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump Criminal Referrals Weighed By Committee https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/dec/16/trump-jan-6-panel-obstruction-congress-justice-department Jan 6 Panel To Vote On Trump Criminal Charges https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/16/jan-6-committee-trump-criminal-referral-00074411 Possible Criminal Referrals For House Members https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ay25_AnN184 Jamie Raskin Goes Nuclear On GOP BS https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=5855295417898452 Cohen: ‘Grifter In Chief’ Trump Will Be Indicted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9N4VIMHc08 ‘Obscene & Unprecedented’ Text Messages https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-exEVQiVOs Justice Is Coming For Trump In Criminal Referrals https://www.nationalmemo.com/trump-coup-2658978380 Jan 6 Panel's Trump Charges Will Stick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxqBVfdcwf0 Ethics Investigation Of GOP Reps Demanded https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/house/former-lawmakers-demand-ethics-investigation-ties-jan6 Jan 6 Panel Finalize Plans For Criminal Charges https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/january-6th-panel-finalizing-plans-to-refer-criminal-charges-for-former-president-trump-158116933952 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jan 6 Criminal Referrals Not An Empty Gesture https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2022/12/18/23513093/january-6-criminal-referral-trump-eastman Foreward To The Jan 6 Final Report https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjSdQVobAF8 Thompson: Trump Broke Faith In Democracy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgJcweWlDpw Cheney: Trump Is Unfit For Any Office https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yro8EyoTABI Lofgren: Promoting 'The Big Lie' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M8DNutnp0c Schiff: The Campaign To Overturn The Election https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VItAXzbrzNk Kinzinger: The Plot To Subvert The DOJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyex95_Be7I Murphy: Summoning The Mob https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsrHRszNXls Aguilar: The Threats To Mike Pence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39D42zgLPPA Luria: Trump’s Dereliction Of Duty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHx1eHY1oJY Recap Of Key Jan 6 Evidence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHAan-SnS-E Raskin: Unveiling Criminal Referrals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3iCCYZ_Xds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uh Oh, Donald! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHBtn1KjUIc Trump Looks Like a Crazy Man https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/donald-trump-looks-like-a-crazy-man/ar-AA15I83y 'Clairvoyant' Trump's Xmas Doom & Gloom https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/donald-trump-delivers-doom-and-gloom-christmas-message-%E2%80%93-and-claims-hes-clairvoyant/ar-AA15Go3L https://news.yahoo.com/trump-declares-himself-clairvoyant-critics-031427940.html Catching Up With Team Treason https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jo15qfSx_Ts It's Still America Or Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Orvx_R1vrs Presidential Citizens Medal Ceremony https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHw3O8UQ-dw Last Year In The Republican Party https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzdKP-8LacA Never Forget What The GOP Stands For https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=556327639459573 Does Trump Even Want To Be President? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBebnPPvyis Arrest Domestic Terrorist Trump Now! https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=320726159893534 Nancy & Chuck Are Out To Lunch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLZQjv6xNRs
SELF-WORSHIP SHOOTING GALLERY Ranta Claus Teases Superhero Unveiling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7P-YhrhtyA Donnie's New Comedy Routine https://twitter.com/ProjectLincoln/status/1603456187420254209 Trump’s Pathetic, Embarrassing Announcement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oHzOHkDFng Incredible Shrinking Trump Trading Cards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRrlf62_bdg BraindeadPool's Major Dud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yD2f5DsesFY Psychiatric Frankenstein Monster ‘Tortured’ & ‘Desperate’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65k0MP3ZnJ4 Cards Against Our Sanity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWAyV_GoJxA The Most Humiliating & Cringy Thing Ever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7IsFHFVXDM Trump Roasted After 'Major Announcement' Unveiled https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-roasted-after-major-announcement-turns-out-digital-trading-cards https://news.yahoo.com/trump-ridiculed-major-announcement-selling-171138971.html https://www.mediaite.com/tv/trump-relentlessly-mocked-for-pathetic-announcement-of-nft-trading-cards-of-himself/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Major Announcement' More Cringeworthy Than Expected https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/trumps-major-announcement-was-cringeworthy-expected-rcna61942 Trump Continues To Grift Supporters https://truthout.org/articles/trump-continues-to-grift-supporters-with-99-trading-card-announcement/ Trump’s Cringey Line Of $99 NFTs – Of Himself https://nypost.com/2022/12/15/donald-trumps-major-announcement-is-a-cringey-ntf-line-of-himself/ Trump's Trading Card Grift Mercilessly Mocked https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/trump-mercilessly-mocked-99-dollar-trading-card-grift Trump's 'Major Announcement' Is A Christmas Grift https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-mp7681YFw Trump Ripped Even By His Supporters https://ijr.com/trump-ripped-supporters-digital-trading-cards-love-guy-turns-many-off/ MAGA Fans Fume Over Trading Card Stunt https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/maga-fans-fume-at-trump-over-digital-trading-cards-stunt-he-can-t-win-in-24/ar-AA15kzwt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump Gifts America The Greatest Roast Of The Year https://god.dailydot.com/donald-trump-nft-cards/ Trump’s Pathetic Trading Cards Scam https://www.newscorpse.com/ncWP/?p=55738 Don’t Give Any Money To Con Artist Trump https://nypost.com/2022/12/15/dont-give-any-money-to-con-artist-trump/ Trump Makes A Fool Of Himself With Weird Cards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elYDXARNSMI Trump’s NFT Is The Saddest Thing I’ve Ever Seen https://kotaku.com/donald-trump-nft-digital-trading-card-1849899612 Trump Utterly Humiliates Himself https://www.facebook.com/OccupyDemocrats/videos/471868791765615 Trump Humiliates Himself As Disastrous Scam Unravels https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=1407779713321930 Trump Hawks NFTs As Crypto Universe Implodes https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-12-15/trump-hawks-nft-superhero-digital-trading-cards-as-campaign-lags?leadSource=uverify%20wall ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trump Timed NFT Market All Wrong https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/16/investing/donald-trump-nft-trading/index.html Trump Sells Out NFT Trading Cards https://www.bbc.com/news/business-63995563 Even Die-Hard Allies Think His NFTs Are Cringe https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/steve-bannon-trump-allies-bash-nft-release-1234648699/ Trump Grifts Hard As MAGA-Pukes Cry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdC01orAE3M Are Trump’s Cards A Money Laundering Scheme? https://wegotthiscovered.com/social-media/donald-trump-nft-trading-cards-money-laundering-scheme-tiktok/ Trump NFTs: Grifting As An Art Form https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2022/12/17/trump-trading-card-nft-art/ Trump Gets Caught Scamming His Own Supporters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=je8o0M53Q70 Good Liars Create 'Honest Trump Cards' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mA1KncZYirw Trump's NFT Scam Is Crashing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6Hf9UB4tfs
THE DON'S WORST HOURS OF RECKONING Cheney's Last Speech As A GOP Leader https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csJe91ecowA Kinzinger’s Stark Final Warning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhBkqxJkZyg Panel's Last Day To Make Their Case In Public https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7FF7aCAHvQ Jan 6 Committee: Full Final Hearing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DN0_flTlIsY Jan 6 Final Report: Executive Summary   https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/READ-The-executive-summary-of-the-House-Jan-6-17664929.php Cassidy Hutchinson Depositions https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/read-transcripts-of-cassidy-hutchinsons-depositions-with-the-house-january-6-committee/ar-AA15zxE2 Full January 6 Committee Final Report https://january6th.house.gov/final-report https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/22/read-download-the-full-january-6-committee-report-00073878 How Trump Has Responded To Jan 6 Hearings https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-responded-jan-6-committee/story?id=95323334 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They Prepared For Protest – But Got A Coup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQz-sOnn-wU Trump Had A Duty To Act – & He Didn't Do It https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHVAO761Zwk Not Sure The Committee Will Charge Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_vGY1Fpv48 Jan 6 Panel Finalizes Criminal Referral Plan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SK2MBQ3LoA0 Schiff: Jan 6 Report Took 'Painstaking Effort' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVVqzBpPlEA Jan 6 Panel Unveils Criminal Referrals https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/live-blog/jan-6-hearing-committee-vote-final-report-live-updates-rcna61500 https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3780865-jan-6-committee-unveils-criminal-referrals-against-trump/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/jan-6-committee-approves-criminal-referrals-targeting-trump/ar-AA15scme Jan 6 Criminal Referrals: Key Takeaways https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/jan-6-committee-makes-criminal-referrals-key-takeaways-and-whats-next/ar-AA15sd11 Ex-Trump Insiders React To Criminal Referral https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFOR07TLVYM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'We've Done Everything Within Our Power' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhHDB1Eru1U Which Criminal Referral Is Most Important? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEy0XyiuhEQ Panel Sends DOJ Historic Criminal Referral https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/19/jan-6-committee-details-trump-criminal-referral-of-trump-over-capitol-riot.html Congress Tells DOJ To Charge Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihxY67j9x58 'Blueprint' For Trump Trial Revealed In Report https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcXgJAD1fqA Harry Dunn: Trump 'Not Above The Law' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsNX76cogD0 Jan 6 Hearings Among Most Important In History https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znfeE7_QN04 Bannon Slams Jan 6 'Show Trial' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11556095/The-campaign-starts-today-Bannon-says-Jan-6-criminal-referrals-fire-Donald-Trumps-base.html Hope Hicks Describes Conversation With Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66KU6wwIMk0 GOP Hypocrisy Ran Amuck Over Jan 6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLRO1l9fsxY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raskin: Trump Disqualified From Holding Office https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot4DryhovlQ Jan 6 executive Summary: 17 Key Findings https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/the-17-key-findings-from-the-executive-summary-of-the-jan-6-committees-report/ar-AA15sA9P Witness Tampering Prominent In Jan 6 Report https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lCMXpEFEVA Ethics Violations Of Insurrectionist Lawmakers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=440G9XRBcCA Report Links Trump's Name With Treason https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oZnXCr6eJQ Schiff: DOJ Must Act On The Referrals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNLDVArDjPQ What’s Next For Jan 6 Investigation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4JDOyOP9E8 DOJ Has Prosecuted Weaker Jan 6 Cases https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o10_58y7DjQ We’ll See ‘A Series Of Indictments’ By Spring https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVLZv2Y_9XI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Madness & Chaos Transplanted To Mar-A-Lago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzMFuDoIuSU Donald Needs Calls From Allies To Praise Him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51KVS4OSY4Q Why Can’t Republicans Quit Donald Trump? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uBW-FB3Qak The Biggest Political Scandal In US History https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJYBbUp_r5s Justice Dept Moves Slowly, Not Recklessly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMQIopgrCNQ Trump's Legacy: 'It Was All A Fraud' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azafPuKU0Oo Trump 'Ethics Lawyer' Accused Of Witness Tampering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YZypGEsVR0 Trump Is A Shriveled, Diminished Figure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nKd24va9CE The Crimes of Trump & His Paranoid Cult https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Phe309n78zM Indict Trump 'Blueprint' Reveals MAGA Obstruction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGP1nauMolM Thompson: 'We Wanted To Get It Right' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhQwTjJfZmg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unintentionally Hilarious Jan 6 Witnesses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iavKGb7TbY 'Heavy Punishment' Demanded For 'Trumper' Flynn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWfBC6Bag7k Cassie Hutchinson A Victim Of Witness Tampering? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iByfHf8iUU Trump Makes New Posts Threatening America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaT0KXd-Bpw Hutchinson Admits She Initially Lied To Jan 6 Panel https://www.businessinsider.com/cassidy-hutchinson-says-she-lied-to-j6-committee-trump-limo-2022-12 Capitol Police Officer Reflects On Jan 6 Panel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuDzyae5wHA Cassidy Hutchinson Blindsided Trump Lawyer https://www.businessinsider.com/cassidy-hutchinson-back-channeled-january-6-committee-trump-meadows-2022-12 Warning Signs Leading Up To Jan 6 Riot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fO5WWl6S2mg 'Clowns And Thugs' Won't Admit It Was A Coup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEbZtDvZz3A Massive Jan 6 Evidence Goes To DOJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfMY19gkSvc Trump Has ‘Lots Of Reasons To Be Concerned https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw6WwIHi1ec Referrals ‘Immensely Consequential’ For Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1qxEnVL7iM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Report Details Trump’s Coup Attempt https://www.huffpost.com/entry/jan-6-committee-report_n_638a6284e4b0214ec97f419e Report Details Massive 'Fake Elector' Scheme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fA5yCBs5B4A Report Accuses Trump Of Multi-Part Conspiracy https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64071723 'If You're Innocent, Why Are You Taking 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Report Blows Away GOP's Attempts To Discredit It https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/12/january-6-committee-final-report-donald-trump-gop Election Lies, Inciting a Mob, Witness Tampering https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/national-international/jan-6-panel-final-report-takeaways-election-lies-inciting-a-mob-witness-tampering/4011486/ Raskin On Newly-Released 1/6 Transcripts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3UIOMsq6DA Hutchinson Transcript Reads ‘Like A Mob Movie’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbrnISLjv4w How Hutchinson Bravely Defied Trump World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDK68VnyHb4 Witness Tampering An Avenue For Criminal Inquiry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6U4U0DkNYE 'One Man' To Blame For Capitol Riot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IccqeHy1-R0 Report Shows Trump Knew He Lost Election https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qSdS-XwHxw Trump Team's Memory Problems Strain Credulity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4Cra4prb8c 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architectslong · 2 years
Maya rudolph
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Because that's very much indicative of my personal sense of humor as opposed to doing something for someone else for the wrong reasons.
I wanted to try to figure out how to create a character that. "I do feel lucky to have been there at a time when it was a time when you could really embrace the character. How Maya Rudolph Created a Soul-Searching Billionaire Going Through a Life Crisis in Loot. She says it made her strengthen her resolve in who she's actually performing for. She also notes the added pressure that comes from creating comedic content in a world where everyone can do so immediately. That's the way it was, before they could get in touch with you." Maya Rudolph was born in Gainesville, Florida, on July 27, 1972, to father Richard, a music writer and producer, and mother Minnie Riperton, a singer who hit the top of the pop charts in 1974 with. "Lorne would tack them up on the wall and we would see them outside of his office. "We used to get letters when people didn't like stuff ," she says. Rudolph says that when she first started working on SNL, people couldn't comment on her work as quickly as they can now.
Maya Rudolph on how she felt growing up Being on Saturday Night Live before social media Maya Rudolph fans have been shocked to discover that a viral clip of the actor on Hot Ones is actually from a TV show. I felt very much like an 'other,' not having a mom, not looking like anybody else, having different hair than a lot of the girls in my class. All of those beautiful bumps and bruises that come with adolescence," she says. "I felt very much like an 'other,' not having a mom, not looking like anybody else, having different hair than a lot of the girls in my class. Her desire to make people laugh was born out of that feeling. While Rudolph enjoys the public support now, she didn't always feel like she belonged. "So it just feels really nice to get to feel appreciated publicly, and also feeling like I must be doing something right!" "It feels really delightful, because it's never for me been the goal, or like why I do something," Rudolph says. She also won for her work on these same shows at the 2020 Emmy Awards. In 2021, Rudolph has received two Emmy Award nominations, one for guest hosting an episode of SNL, and another for her voice work as Connie the Hormone Monstress on Netflix's animated show, Big Mouth. The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon ( 1 episode) ( 3 episodes) as Selfīrooklyn Nine-Nine ( 2 episodes) as U.S.Maya Rudolph attends the Saturday Night Live 40th Anniversary Celebration at Rockefeller Plaza on Feb. Im sweating Beyoncs head is wet This wing is wrecking me, Rudolphs Beyonc. View 45 images and 4 sounds of Maya Rudolphs characters from their voice. Late Night with Seth Meyers ( 2 episodes) Maya Rudolphs Beyonc Cant Take The Heat In Hot Ones Parody On SNL. Known for voicing Aunt Cass, Linda Mitchell, and Connie the Hormone Monstress. We the Economy: 20 Short Films You Can't Afford to Miss as Herself Stevie Wonder: Songs in the Key of Life - An All-Star Grammy Salute Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt ( 1 episode) as Dionne Warwick The Spoils Before Dying ( 6 episodes) as Fresno Foxglove Maya & Marty ( 6 episodes) as Herself - HostĪngie Tribeca ( 1 episode) as Jackie WilderĬlose Up with The Hollywood Reporter ( 1 episode) as Self Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping as Deborah My Entire High School Sinking Into the Sea as Verti (voice) During her appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyers this week, the 49-year-old actress opened up about her new. The Good Place ( 12 episodes) as Judge Gen Maya Rudolph is halfway to becoming a stage mom. Michael Bolton's Big, Sexy Valentine's Day Special as Herself The Gong Show ( 1 episode) as Herself - Judge
The Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature as Precious (voice)Ĭarpool Karaoke: The Series ( 1 episode) as Self Night of Too Many Stars: America Unites for Autism Programsīig Mouth ( 52 episodes) as Diane Birch / Constance the Hormone Monstress (voice) The Lonely Island Presents: The Unauthorized Bash Brothers Experience as Val Gal #5īig Hero 6 The Series ( 65 episodes) as Aunt Cass (voice) They have a 16-year-old daughter, Pearl, as well as a 12-year-old daughter Lucille is 12, 8-year-old daughter Minnie. Lights Out with David Spade ( 1 episode) as Self - Panelist How many kids does Maya Rudolph have Maya and P.T.
The Angry Birds Movie 2 as Matilda (voice) Let's Go Crazy: The Grammy Salute to Prince as Herselfīless the Harts ( 34 episodes) as Betty Hart (voice) Sarah Cooper: Everything's Fine as Andrea Steele the Machines as Linda Mitchell (voice)Įater's Guide to the World ( 7 episodes) as Narrator MacGruber ( 2 episodes) as Casey Janine Fitzpatrick Human Resources ( 10 episodes) as Constance the Hormone Monstress (voice)
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primofate · 3 years
Smile for Me (Part 3) Zhongli x fem!reader
Summary: Zhongli never smiled at you the way that he smiled at his memories of Guizhong. Thinking that the only way Zhongli would ever be happy is for Guizhong to come back again, you secretly set off on a journey to bring her back to life. But it comes with a price: Your life.
Warnings: pining, angst, one-sided (at first), hurt, angst again, drama, some Guizhong x Zhongli, hints of Xiao x reader, MAY NOT FOLLOW THE ACTUAL LORE.
Read: (Part 1) (Part 2)  (Part 4)  (Part 5)  (Part 6)
Zhongli jerks awake, his head half up from the pillow. He tries to remember his dream while sitting up, the sheets that were covering his bare chest falling and pooling around his waist.
He's silent for a moment. In a place where he's half awake, trying his best to rewind his memory of the dream.
"Welcome back, would you like some tea?" he has a hard time seeing the person's face. Like a smudged oil pastel painting. Just a blur. But he chuckles in the dream, as if he was familiar with them.
"You know my preferences," he simply says as he sits at the table.
"Hard day?" he's amazed how the person always seems to know when he's had a hard day. "...Yes, it seems that someone has damaged the ballista, the traveller and I inspected it,"
"... The ballista...?"
"The Guizhong ballista,"
There was a small pause. He couldn't see the other person's expression but he gets a sense of loneliness, and he doesn't quite know why. Suddenly, she speaks up again,
"When's the last time you ever did something for yourself, Zhongli?" he's surprised, it was such a mundane yet difficult question.
"... Does drinking tea with you count? I quite enjoy it," he chuckles and the companion laughs, though it seems to be a bashful one.
"I mean it though, you're always looking out for others. The people of Liyue. Xiao. The traveller. I just want you to remember yourself too," he's struck with a tender feeling of gratitude. This person looked out for him. He feels slightly uneasy, because the person didn't include themselves in the list. He asks, tone carrying a playful tune to it.
"Pardon me for asking but you didn't include yourself in the list. Do I not look out for you enough, xxxxxxx?" he stops. He tries to say your name again but is only met with silence as his mouth moves. 
It's because he doesn't know it. 
He doesn't know who he's calling.
He doesn't know who's in front of him.
He doesn’t know your name and horror strikes him, yet he doesn’t know why.
You’re still standing in front of him, unmoving. Face still blurred. Not saying anything. The silence that hangs is starting to feel uncomfortable. 
He tries again. Opens his mouth. Lips move. 
But he doesn’t know.
In the dream, his usually calm and collected self starts to panic. What was this sorcery? Why was he unable to recall anything, anything at all about this person who seemed to be a good companion to him.
“Zhongli,” his head snaps up to look at your blurred face. “Zhongli, I’ll eat dinner with you,” his head starts to pound. “I’ll wait for you to come back,” and it’s as if something in him clicks. His eyes flutter wider, and his mouth opens to say your name--
Just as he wakes up. 
The longer he stayed awake the more that the dream blurred away from his memory. He wasn’t sure anymore if he was mixing up his memory, his dream, and real life. 
He felt as if it hadn’t been the first time he’s dreamt this.
In the end, he sighs, and decides to put it off. His eyes wander over next to him, Guizhong peacefully asleep and wrapped in the covers. Her long hair splayed out, the hairpin she always wore on the bedside table. Zhongli tenderly brushes some hair away from Guizhong’s face, and smiles. 
It seems like it’d been forever since he’s done this and then... again... he’s struck with a strong sense of unease. Why did he feel like that? Guizhong had been with him this whole time, hadn’t she? 
With many thoughts flitting in and out of his head, he manages to fall asleep. 
The next day as he awakes, drinking tea while sorting out papers, there’s a knock on the door. Guizhong had gone out today so Zhongli answers. 
It was the local painter.
“Master Zhongli!” The painter was a man who looked to be in his late 40s, he was youthful looking but you could tell his age by looking at the crinkles around his eyes. “Master Zhongli, here’s the portrait you’ve ordered to be painted a few months ago,” the painter had a canvas covered in brown paper, tucked under his arm. 
The canvas wasn’t too big, it was the height of a toddler just taking their first steps, and would probably be a little heavy on the hands, but otherwise manageable. 
“...A...painting?” Zhongli says, confused. 
He doesn’t recall asking for a anything to be painted. 
The painter, seeing the confused look on Zhongli’s face, continues “You’d said it was for a 500 year anniversary of some sort, and asked for it to be delivered... On this particular day," Zhongli reels back at the words, it feels as if something has hit him square on the head.
“You’ve been serving me for 500 years, it’s an occasion to celebrate, if you ask me,” Zhongli says and you just laugh under your breath. “It’s not a big deal,” but he insists that it must be celebrated. Or at least that he had to repay you with something for the help you’ve provided and so, when he asked what you had wanted, you simply and shyly replied. “A portrait, of you and me,”
The painter tears off the brown paper and reveals the painting. A beautiful rendition of you and Zhongli. He stands next to you, at least a head taller and you stand next to him with a sort of clumsy yet endearing smile. Your shoulders touch in the painting and yet... 
“Who... is this?”
Zhongli’s eyes are glued to your face on the painting. The way your lips curve up is so familiar to him. Your hair cascading around you and the simple yet elegant blue qipao that you wore.
He’s struck with the same panic that he feels in the dream last night. “I...I don’t recall--” and then he suddenly snaps up, turning to look at the painter. “Pardon me sir. You’re the one who painted this, yes?” The painter also has an uncomfortable look on his face, but answers. “Y-Yes, that’s correct. It was... Here. In this living room,” 
“Then could you perhaps tell me...this girl’s name? Was she a guest in this house?” Perhaps it was strange to ask the painter about this, seeing as, according to the painting, you and Zhongli were supposedly close. 
“...Sir...about that, you see...I... can’t quite recall who this girl is and... I don’t think I’ve seen her around at all,” 
And that’s how Zhongli knows that something’s wrong.
That’s how he knows that he must have been missing some piece of his memory because--looking at your face in the portrait again, that smile taunting him--it would be difficult to forget a face like yours. 
That’s how he knows that the twisting feeling in his heart is because he had forgotten something and someone important. 
And where were you now? Were you alone, and lonely and lost?
Things didn’t add up, and Zhongli was a man with strong instincts.
He remembers your face, but nothing about you. He grips at the portrait as flashes of you consume his mind. Like a reel of film. Your smile. Your annoyed glare. Your patience. Your tears. Your concentration. Your pout. Your frustration. Your calmness. Your patience.
Your selflessness.
For the first time in a long time, he wasn’t sure what to do.
Suddenly the nights spent waking up and missing a part of himself made more sense.
It didn't even matter that Guizhong was next to him.
He realizes it wasn't her he was looking for.
He sends the painter off with some money, leaves the portrait on the table, and sets out to get a breath of fresh air.
He would figure something out. He had to do something about the missing gap in his mind and the gaping hole in his heart.
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neonlights92 · 3 years
RUN: Chapter VII (Epilogue.)
Jeon Jungkook hops from bed to bed, sleeping with as many beautiful, rich women as he can possibly find time for.  He’s young and attractive, with a silver tongue that gets him practically anything he wants.  So when his friend and boss, Kim Taehyung, tells him it’s time to settle down, Jungkook takes it pretty badly.  And when he finds out that the woman he’s destined to marry is, in fact, his little sister’s best friend, he is less than impressed.
You have spent your entire life trying to forget the way you feel about Jeon Jungkook.   So when you find out that Jungkook is to be your husband - and that he is anything but pleased about it - your world is thrown into chaos.  How can you survive a loveless marriage with the man you are hopelessly in love with?
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Hey friends! Enjoy the epilogue <3  Namjoonie next..
You were pissed.
Jungkook had promised you he wouldn’t be late tonight.
It was your one year anniversary - one whole year of being married to the love of your life - and you were meant to be celebrating at a fancy restaurant with champagne and good food. 
You’d gotten all dressed up - squeezed yourself into some ridiculous contraption of a dress - just for him, and now it looked like you were going to miss your booking.
Eight o’clock passed…
Then eight-thirty…
Then nine…
By the time your husband finally decided to make an appearance it was more than an hour passed your reservation time.  You’d taken off your dress - kicked off your heels - and made a move on your makeup when the door to your bedroom clicked open.
“Hi Angel…” 
Jungkook’s sheepish tone greeted - and you chose not to answer - instead glaring at his reflection in your vanity mirror.
“I know, I know I’m late,” He’s pulled his tie and blazer off, the sleeves of his crisp white shirt rolled up to his forearms.  You chose not to comment on the suspiciously red coloured stains peppering his collar.
“Happy anniversary to us, I guess.”  Your own voice was sharp and angry - in the year you’d been married to Jungkook he had made you feel special and loved - but that didn’t mean he still didn’t fuck up.
“I’m sorry baby,”  He moved towards you quickly, and you stood turning to face him, “It was - y’know… God.  It’s Bangtan.” The desperation on his face pulled at your heart strings.
You knew your husband’s job was important - you knew that as a member of the Special Seven - as Bangtan’s shadow he had more responsibilities than he would probably ever tell you. 
And you knew that you wouldn’t be able to stay mad at him for long.
But still.  It was meant to be a special night for the two of you.  An acknowledgement of everything you’d been through together.
An acknowledgement of your love for one another.
You couldn’t help that you were disappointed.
“It’s alright,” You shrugged, “It’s part of the package, right?”
He sighed heavily and reached up to push some of your hair out of your face, “I hate disappointing you.”  His tone was tender and a little more of your anger fizzled out, “I love you so much Angel.  I always want to be with you - I always want to make you happy.  But I’m not always very good at it, huh?”
You chose not to say anything - slipping your bottom lip between your teeth and staring into the eyes of the man who had changed your life.
God.  Your heart swelled to nearly three times it’s size at the look on his face.
Such reverence and adoration - like you were a work of art.
He always made you feel special, like that.  
“I’m sorry baby,” His voice was sincere, “I really am.  I know tonight was meant to be special…. God.  What kind of husband leaves their wife waiting for them on their anniversary?” 
He laughed without humour, and you felt a stab of guilt.
“It’s okay Jungkook,” You licked your bottom lip and shrugged, “We’ll celebrate another time.”
He touched your face gently and frowned, “I know you’re disappointed… And you have every right to be, Y/N.  Tonight should’ve been about us.”
You sighed heavily, “What kept you out so late?”
His eyes darkened and you noticed for the first time how tired he seemed.  He’d been out all day - and if the blood on his shirt was any indicator it hadn’t been easy.
“Namjoon.”  He answered hoarsely, “He barely comes out on missions with us anymore.  Barely wants to be around any of us…” 
You felt a stab of guilt.
Since the night you’d been kidnapped almost four months ago, Kim Namjoon had turned into a shell of his former self.  You knew you couldn’t have done anything - you were just as much a victim of Sana’s brutality as he was - but you still felt awful.
“What happened?”
“We tried to help him… Lord knows we’re all emotionally constipated.  But Jimin thought it might be nice to take him out for lunch.  So we did.  And then…” Jungkook shook his head, “Namjoon cut himself with his steak knife.  He hasn’t gotten used to his prosthetics yet.” 
“The blood?” He clicked his tongue, “He was sitting beside me.”
You instantly felt terrible.  You moved to wrap your arms around your husband, pulling him down for a fierce kiss.
“I’m sorry baby,” You whispered against his mouth, “I’m so sorry.”
He shook his head and frowned, “No stop - don’t.  I’m sorry.  I’m sorry I can’t take you out for anniversary meals like normal couples.  I’m sorry I come home with blood on my shirt -” 
“It’s okay Jungkookie.”  You pressed a hand to his cheek and he smiled softly at the nickname he’d begrudgingly accepted, “I know who you are - I know the world we live in.  I accept it.  I accept you.  Is it annoying? Of course.  But I won’t give up on us.  Ever.”
He leaned into your touch and kissed your palm, “I love you baby.”
“Me too.”
“Next time though, text me alright?” You pulled a face, “I wouldn’t have bothered getting dressed up.”
He nodded and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“I will Angel.”
He spent the rest of the evening showing you just how sorry he was, and how much he absolutely adored you.
Needless to say, it wasn’t the worst way to spend an anniversary.
“I have something to tell you.”  Nayeon had shown up not five minutes ago, with a promise that you had to sit down and listen to her.
You’d obliged of course - she was your best friend after all.
But her confession had knocked the air out of you.
“I’m getting married.”
She was grinning from ear to ear.  You almost dropped the cup of tea you were drinking.
“I’m getting married.”  She didn’t seem upset, “That’s why I came round.”
“To who?”
Her smile widened, “Song Mino.”
“Oh!” You mirrored her expression, “Song Mino.  He’s… Nice.”
“And hot.”  
Your face flushed and you nudged Nayeon playfully, “Stop it.”
“I’m happy.”  She told you honestly, “I might not know him very well but he seems like a decent guy.  And like I said… Hot.” You laughed this time at your friend’s unabashed appreciation of her husband-to-be and clicked your tongue, “Well if you’re happy sweetie, then so am I.”
“My dad told me last night.  Mino’s father approves - so does Taehyung….”  Her eyes flitted to yours guiltily and immediately you realised what this was.
A setup.
“You want me to tell Jungkook.”
Her lips stretched into a thin line.  She grimaced.
“Why can’t you tell him?”
She frowned deeply, “Because Jungkook’s hated Song Mino ever since they were kids and he stole Jungkook’s first girlfriend.”
“Your brother is not that petty.”
“Yes he is.”  She raised a brow and scoffed, “Don’t tell me you don’t know that about him.”
You bit back a laugh at the thought of Jungkook holding a grudge for as long as he apparently had with Mino.  Then you frowned.  Tonight was meant to be a different kind of surprise for your husband.
“I also had some big news for Jungkook tonight.  I was going to wait to tell you but since you’re already here….”
For a brief moment Nayeon seemed confused by what you’d said before her eyes widened and she shot out of her seat.  She moved towards you like you were a glass of water and she hadn’t drunk in a week.
“Oh my god.  Oh my god.”  She pulled you in for a hug, “You’re pregnant aren’t you?  Oh my God! How far along?”
You laughed at your friend, “I only found out this morning.  We’ve been trying for a couple of months… But I’ve only missed one period.” 
Nayeon’s eyes were sparkling with tears and you were sure your own weren’t too far off, “Oh my god!  Don’t worry about telling him about the wedding.  I’ll do that sweetie.  You just worry about telling my brother he’s going to be a dad!” 
A loud thud caught both your attention and you turned sharply to find the brother in question - your husband - staring at you both in shock.
“Wait… What?”
Jungkook’s eyes flitted between yours and his sister’s.  He blinked slowly, as if slotting everything into place.
Nayeon pulled away from you quickly and shot you an apologetic look.
“Surprise?”  She said to her brother with a weak smile before grabbing her things and making a nervous beeline for the exit. 
Nayeon mouthed “I’m sorry” to you as she disappeared and you had to stop yourself from laughing at the entire situation.  Of course it would all happen like this.
“Was she… Was that…”
You stood quickly and moved towards your husband, cupping his face in your hands softly.  Your eyes roved his his features carefully, looking for any sign of apprehension.  But all you saw was surprise… And joy.
“I’m going to be a dad?” He whispered, eyes wide, “For real?”
“For real.”  You smiled up at him and pressed a kiss to his lips, “You’re going to be the best dad.”
He broke out into a wide grin and bundled you up in a hug, raining  his own kisses down across your face.
“Oh my god Angel.  We’re going to be parents.  Oh my God!” 
You giggled at his reaction and squealed when he lifted you off your feet.
“Pregnant wife.”  You warned him, and he put you down quickly, patting your head and shoulders to check for signs of injury.
“Oh my god.  Pregnant wife,” His smile was dazzling, “I love you so much Angel.”
“I love you too Jungkookie.”
You had spent so long running from your feelings for Jungkook.  And he’d done the same.
Thank God you finally decided to stop and rest.
Things would never be perfect - but you were happy.  And so was he. 
And that was all that really mattered to you.
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luckhound · 3 years
— heavy burdens.
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pairing.  kaeya/gender neutral reader
genre.  angst
description.  on an important anniversary, kaeya gets drunk off his ass, bonds with a fellow captain, and realizes some burdens can’t ever be set back down.
warnings.  spoilers for kaeya and diluc’s character stories. mentions of alcohol and a character (kaeya) being under the influence.
note.  four months later and i’ve finally finished this fic after writing it on and off for that whole time mskfjdks a big thank you to sierra, miya, and grace for reading over the previous drafts of this and giving me their honest thoughts, love you ladies <3
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He hadn’t expected to get shitfaced when he had first stepped foot in the tavern. Honest.
His plan for the evening was as follows: Go to Angel’s Share, chat with patrons, share some laughs, learn some secrets, and see where the night goes. Only the information he gleaned would tell how it ended; with him stumbling back to his quarters for a night’s rest, or ruminating on how to dismantle schemes that enemies of Mondstadt were concocting in the shadows.
So, the usual. Nothing too noteworthy.
Then he happened to overhear a conversation on the way there.
The two civilians spoke in low, somber tones about how it has been exactly one year since Master Crepus’s death and his son Diluc’s subsequent departure from Mondstadt. How terrible, they mused as they shook their heads, that the new winery master hasn’t been heard from since. He must still be in mourning over his father.
Kaeya nearly stopped in the middle of the crowded street. Was today really the one-year anniversary of Master Crepus’s death? How had it managed to slip his mind? He’s been busy lately with a promising lead, true, but to think that he would forget...
Which, long story cut ruthlessly short, leads him to where he is now. Tuning out his tumultuous thoughts with the help of alcohol and secrets.
Upon entering the tavern to raucous cheers, he had flitted from table to table like the social butterfly he's purported to be. The usual suspects greeted him with varying levels of warmth, inviting him to sit and keep them company. Stable hands and bandits alike shared a drink with him, words spilling from their lips like the fine wine they supped on.
After some time, though, he grew tired of their monotonous days and banal gripes. So he retreated to the bar counter. As he nursed a Death After Noon, he kept an ear out, listening carefully even as he chatted with Charles between customers.
Unfortunately, he hasn’t heard anything juicy yet. So and so is complaining about his wife, while someone else is haranguing her boss, and another is celebrating their birthday. Dull and uninteresting.
Can you blame him for getting so deep in his cups? There’s nothing else to do on such a slow night.
“So this is where you decided to hide out. Colour me surprised.”
Kaeya notes the shadow falling over the counter moments before a familiar drawl reaches his ears. He tilts his head up, blinking furiously when his vision blurs. The drinks he's downed thus far—how many has it been? He lost count after five, how unlike him—have certainly reached his bloodstream.
You stand beside his stool, your lips thinned into an unimpressed line. Despite how inebriated he is, the relevant information he has on you flashes through his mind. A Knight of Favonius. Captain of the Intelligence Team. Once a company grade officer, then sergeant, lieutenant, before ascending to captain upon the retirement of your superior.
As admired as he is by most of Mondstadt, you’re among the minority who are far from his biggest fans. For good reason, he supposes. During your first meeting, he had congratulated you on your promotion, before going on to flippantly insult your old captain. You’ve hated him ever since.
Which is why he’s puzzled by you approaching him first—outside of headquarters, at that. Such a phenomenon is rare, like catching a crystalfly in your hands.
“Captain! Fancy seeing you here,” he greets, adopting a jovial tone. Then your words register in his addled mind. “‘Hide out’, you said? Whatever would I do that for?”
You prop a hand on your hip. “You didn’t make an appearance at the meeting today. Needless to say, the Dandelion Knight isn’t too impressed with you at the moment.” You appraise him, looking underwhelmed by what you see. Ouch. “Strange. You don’t seem terribly ill to me.”
Ah. That. Kaeya had wanted to investigate some curious rumours he’d heard around the city, so he made up a flimsy excuse to dodge the captain’s meeting held this morning. Grand Master Varka likely hadn’t batted an eye over it, but not Jean. She’ll have concerns.
He hums noncommittally. The thought of annoying his oldest ally never fails to bring a smirk to his lips, but he isn’t quite in the mood right now. “Is that so. You must be here to sternly tell me to clean up my act then.”
You scoff. “Surely you don’t need a second babysitter. No, I’m off-duty, so I’m here for the same reason everyone else is: to drink.”
“Hear, hear.” He lifts his tankard as if to toast to you, but the sudden momentum causes him to sway dangerously in his seat.
“Careful!” Eyes widening in alarm, you reach out to steady him. “Geez, Alberich. How many drinks have you had?”
The palm of your hand is warm where it sits on his shoulder; he can tell that even with his furs in the way. He almost leans into the touch but catches himself at the last second. How mortifying. He can just picture your horrified reaction to him drunkenly nuzzling up against you.
Almost falling off his seat in a crowded tavern, instinctively seeking out your slightest touch... He needs to get a hold of himself. Or find a way to halt the conversation here, so he can resume drinking by his lonesome.
“Not nearly enough,” he answers airily, leaning an elbow on the bar counter. You drop your hand to your side; he makes a point to not stare at it as you do. “Where’s your entourage? I’m surprised they aren't following dutifully behind you.”
“They’re my subordinates, not my entourage.” You shift awkwardly. “And they aren’t here. It may surprise you, but they have lives outside of the Intelligence Team. They can enjoy one evening without their captain breathing down their necks.”
He eyes you in amusement. “In that case, you should join me. I would welcome the company.” He finishes off his tankard, then motions to Charles for another drink. The bartender doesn’t even ask which one as he takes the pewter mug. He knows him well by now, after all.
Kaeya expects you to turn him down and find a seat elsewhere. Usually, such an invitation is enough to send you running for the hills. You lean a hip against the counter instead, as if settling in. “If I am not mistaken, you’re needed at headquarters tomorrow. I strongly advise you to call it a night, Captain.”
“Aww, are you worried about me, Captain?” He manages a grin at the scowl his reply elicits. “Don’t be. It won’t be the first time I stumble into work hungover. Certainly won’t be the last either.”
“How reassuring,” you say dryly.
“I aim to please.”
He perks up when Charles returns with a full tankard. The delectable taste of Death After Noon still sits on his tongue, warm and heady. He very much wants to experience it again. When he lifts the mug to his mouth, however, he misses the rim. He steadies the tankard before it empties itself onto his lap, but some of the wine drips down his chin, ruining his vest.
Thank goodness he isn’t drinking red wine. Every adult in Mondstadt knows red wine stains are notoriously difficult to clean. Still, what a waste of a perfectly good sip.
“Oh, for Barbatos’s sake.” That’s all the warning he gets before his drink is rudely snatched from his hand. He protests but can only watch helplessly as you bring it to your lips.
Then you proceed to down it.
His brows raise higher and higher the longer your throat bobs. He's never seen you drink with such gusto before. Shouldn’t you be gasping for breath by now? But no, you empty the tankard in a single go, then slam it on the counter (Charles makes a face, but wisely says nothing) and meet his gaze without flinching.
Wow, is all that his intoxicated mind can conjure up at the feat.
“There, all done. Now let’s go. I am walking you back.” Your voice is firm, brooking no argument. How captain-like of you. “Wouldn’t want Mondstadt’s illustrious Cavalry Captain to be found passed out in an alleyway tomorrow.”
On any other day, he’d be mildly irked by your stubbornness. But he did just spill his drink down his front like a newborn babe. No wonder you brought up his rank. In your eyes, his conduct must not befit that of a high-ranking knight. He doesn’t care what assumptions people form about him, never has, but tonight has been a bust anyway. Maybe it's best to call it quits.
Sighing theatrically, he rises to his feet. “All right, I know when I have been beaten. But don’t change your plans on my account. I can head to the barracks by myself just fine.”
“I’m sure you can,” you say, “but letting you walk alone this late in your state would grate at my conscience. So would you stop talking for once, and let me take you home?”
You get what you want. Your words render him silent.
Home, you called the barracks. He supposes you consider that place your home. But is it his, truly?
He thinks of Khaenri’ah, nothing but a distant, bloody memory. He thinks of his father, and how in their final moments together, the man had stared through him like he wasn’t there. He thinks of the Dawn Winery, where he had spent several years causing mayhem. He thinks of Master Crepus, never dad, and a brother who doesn’t exist anymore.
No, the barracks aren’t his home. Maybe he’s never had one to begin with.
When he comes to, Kaeya registers you leading him in the direction of the tavern door, your hand on his shoulder blade. This quickly catches the attention of the patrons. They call out their goodbyes, some raising their tankards and others chuckling good-naturedly.
“Look at that! Our Cavalry Cap’n had too much to drink, eh?”
“What, are you tapping out already, Captain Kaeya?”
“Has to be escorted out by a fellow knight, no less!”
You wave over your shoulder. “Just doing my patriotic duty, that's all.”
Kaeya gives his audience an exaggerated wink (as well as he can with his one uncovered eye) followed by a lazy hand salute. His grin remains fixed in place until the door swings shut. The wooden barrier barely muffles the sounds of conversation and merriment coming from within.
Had it been that loud while he was inside? He hadn’t noticed.
He isn’t able to dwell on it for long, because you nudge him in the direction of headquarters. “Come on. We have a bit of a walk ahead of us. Let’s get to it.”
“Oh, very well. But only because you asked so nicely.”
“I wasn’t asking.”
“I know. I was being sarcastic.”
You nudge him harder, and he snickers under his breath as he walks.
This time of night, the cobblestone streets seem devoid of life. With the exception of Patton, who’s practically asleep standing up, the two of you don’t run into anyone. It's a stark change from how the city usually is, bright and bustling with crowds.
It suits him just fine, though. The crisp night air is sobering him up somewhat, the fog that had settled over his mind thinning. All too soon, he recalls everything he was trying to suppress.
Master Crepus. Diluc. His callousness and cruelty in forgetting them both.
In hindsight, he should have taken his mug back from you instead of just gaping like a fool. Sobriety is such a drag.
“You’re quiet,” you comment. You’re staring at him intently, your expression eerily similar to Timaeus’s when he is observing an alchemical reaction. It’s as if he is a specimen that you are keen on studying under a microscope.
He wants to scowl, to snap at you. “My apologies,” he says instead, as innocent as can be. “Were you waiting for me to strike up a conversation? Hold on a moment, let me think of a good topic...”
“That is not what I meant and you know it. It’s just, usually it’s impossible to get you to stop talking. The times I have seen you...indisposed”—buzzed as a bee, you undoubtedly mean—“that doesn’t change. You talk more, if anything.”
Curiously, your voice softens, an odd cadence colouring it. One he has not heard from you before, not directed at him at least. “I guess I’m just wondering if something is weighing on your mind. Is that what prompted you to drink so much tonight?”
By now, the two of you have walked down the stairway to the Knights of Favonius’s bulletin board. Of course, Hertha isn’t there this late to assign requests and bounties. The pieces of parchment pinned to the board flutter in the breeze. He stares at the sketch of a Ruin Guard, willing his sluggish mind to craft a suitable answer.
After a beat, his eye slides over to you. An impish grin curls at the corners of his mouth. “My, I had no idea that you watched my every move so closely. I’m flattered by the attention.”
Predictably, you sputter. “What even—that is not—you know what, if you want to dodge the question so badly, fine. We can just walk the rest of the way in silence.”
“As you wish, Captain.”
Although his words were said to fluster you into changing the subject, as you had correctly deduced, Kaeya means them. You have noticed him far more than he realized. As Captain of the Intelligence Team, it’s your job to be observant and keep tabs on others. He knows that. Still, it’s disconcerting to learn that you’ve had a close eye on him in particular.
He operates from the shadows for a reason; he can’t have you jeopardizing that by shining a light on him. Five months into your new position, and already you have proven yourself to be dangerous.
As you wished for, silence reigns as the two of you turn into an alley and approach two flights of stairs, leading to the center of the city. Kaeya resists pressing a hand against the nearest wall for balance. He had walked down a stairway unaided just moments ago, despite how unsteady he felt. Surely ascending some steps would prove to be easier.
Rather than focus on his feet, he looks up ahead. From his position, he can just barely glimpse the blades of a windmill, ever-turning against the dark backdrop of the night sky. He keeps his gaze there as he climbs, his boots scraping against stone.
He clears the first flight of stairs with little issue. See? Nothing to it.
Halfway up the second, Kaeya stumbles.
His surroundings tilt, blurring as he fumbles for balance. It’s a futile effort. Thanks to how inebriated he is, his limbs are too heavy and uncoordinated. The stone below rushes up to meet him.
Before his face can greet it, however, you catch him.
Your side moulds against his, a hand clasping his hip while the other carefully grasps at his spiked pauldron. His gloved hand covers yours reflexively as his racing heartbeat settles. He feels you stiffen at the touch, but you don't pull away. Neither does he.
For a moment, not a word is spoken between you both. The alley is filled only with the soft sound of breathing.
Then you click your tongue. “So much for heading back by yourself. You can barely keep your feet under you.” Your voice lilts with humour.
He knows this song and dance. It has been ingrained in him after all these months. You snark at him, he snarks back. Rinse and repeat. Although this is the first time he has heard levity in your tone; the first time it has been aimed at him, that is. He almost hadn’t thought you capable of it.
He straightens with a chuckle. “First at the tavern, and now in an alley. I just keep falling for you tonight, don’t I?”
You blink owlishly. It takes a moment for the words to sink in. Then a flustered expression crosses your features, before you compose yourself. “You are unbelievable.”
He grins. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
You roll your eyes, even as the corners of your lips twitch. “You would.”
Kaeya expects you to move away, so the two of you can resume walking, but you don’t. “Not that I mind having your hands on me, but...will you be letting go any time soon?”
“That depends.” A challenging glint appears in your eye. “Can you handle walking on your own? Or do you need me to cradle you the rest of the way to headquarters, like some damsel?”
He guffaws, taken off-guard by the retort. A reply escapes his loosened tongue before he can think better of it, “Archons, that sounded just like him.”
“Like who?”
“My brother.”
In the past, despite being underage, he was sometimes able to charm bartenders at Angel’s Share—new hires unaware of how to deal with him as of yet—into serving him drinks. Diluc would find him eventually, a disapproving twist to his mouth, and put a stop to it.
Back then, Kaeya was a lightweight and had to be supported back to headquarters. Diluc would scowl and roll his eyes the entire way, but there was still a softness in his gaze. His hands were strong, but careful; Kaeya knew that his brother would not let him fall. He could even be persuaded to join in when Kaeya began to sing, their off-key voices disturbing the silence of the night.
Come morning, while Kaeya nursed the inevitable headache and Jean nagged him about violating the Knights of Favonius Handbook, Diluc would snort. “Serves you right,” he’d say, then hand him a draught for curing hangovers.
Now Kaeya must weather the pain alone.
You tilt your head to the side, your gaze fixed on his. “I had no idea that you have a brother,” you say softly.
Had, he nearly corrects. But he has told you too much already.
This is why he is so careful when drinking in the company of others. Alcohol is a double-edged sword; as delectable as it is, it also loosens inhibitions. It’s what he relies on when charming information out of allies and adversaries alike, none of them the wiser of what they have given up.
How the tables have turned.
“Well, now you do.” A trace of bitterness enters his tone.
You eye him, quiet, before pulling back. You motion forward with your chin. “Let’s keep moving. We’ll never make it to headquarters at this pace.”
Relieved by the subject change, he listens. He makes a conscious effort to place one foot in front of the other, gaze trained on the remaining steps below. You stay at his side, closer than you were before. He can feel your hand hovering at the small of his back, ready to catch him should he trip once more, but he ignores it.
It won’t happen again. He’ll make sure of it.
The alley opens up to a view of the market district. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have long to enjoy the reprieve. The two of you turn right, away from the railing overlooking the main square, to climb two more flights of stairs. A left, and more stairways await.
By the time the Knights of Favonius Headquarters looms above you, Kaeya’s legs ache from the walk. He is very much looking forward to retiring to his quarters.
The knights stationed outside stiffen at the sight of you and Kaeya, standing at attention. They perform a salute in perfect unison. Do they rehearse that before every shift? Surely they must.
The guard on the left, with the glasses and unfortunate haircut, chirps, “Good evening, Captains! I hope you are doing well.” He appears wide awake despite the late hour.
At least the one on the right looks appropriately haggard. “Welcome back,” he grunts.
While Kaeya brushes past them with a nod of acknowledgement, eager to head inside, you stop. “Good evening, Athos, Porthos. Your shift ends soon, I hope? It can’t be terribly interesting, standing watch outside headquarters so late.”
“It’s no trouble at all, Captain!” Athos, as you had referred to him, says. “Guard duty may not be glamorous, but it is still important.”
“Much as I agree with the lad, I can’t bring myself to be so damn cheerful about it,” Porthos sighs, his words tinged with self-deprecation. “Must be ‘cause of these old bones.”
“That’s not true, Sir Porthos. Your bones aren’t that old!” the younger knight argues, prompting the older to shake his head with a chuckle.
“Athos isn’t wrong,” you add. “You are far more sprightly than most knights I know.”
“If that’s true, then Mondstadt is in trouble.”
Smiling and shaking your head, you finally pass by them, climbing the short steps to return to Kaeya's side. He lifts a brow as he pulls on one of the large oak doors, holding it open for you.
It’s almost comical how quickly your smile disappears. Your eyes narrow as you enter inside. “What’s that look for?”
“Nothing,” he says breezily, following after you. The door falls closed behind you both with a loud, echoing thud. “Just that I didn’t know you were so chummy with the guards.”
It is blindingly bright inside the Knights of Favonius Headquarters, as if it isn’t nearing midnight. The sconces on the walls are lit up, as is the chandelier hanging in the center of the main hall. The two of you make your way towards the—joy of all joys—staircase. The barracks for knights are located on the second floor, and on the floor above that, separate quarters for the captains.
“I am off-duty right now. It’s not unprofessional for me to speak informally with them.”
His eye widens. “Why, I never said it was unprofessional, Captain.”
You grind your teeth so hard he can practically hear the enamel wearing away. “You implied it.” No, he didn’t. Your distaste for him has you imagining mockery where there is none. As if Kaeya has any room to judge someone for acting unprofessional.
“I did? That’s news to me.” Privately, he marvels at how easily he can agitate you. Him, no one else—he has observed you long enough to know your prickliness is reserved for him alone. Maybe that’s why he annoys you further instead of clearing up the many miscommunications that tend to occur. Not that you’ll believe him, even if he’s being completely honest.
You huff. “How the Dandelion Knight manages to put up with you, I’ll never know,” you mutter.
“How rude, Captain! Jean doesn’t put up with me, she considers me indispensable.”
You cut a look at him. “Yes, I’m sure she thought the same when you failed to show up to today’s meeting.”
“Must you bring that up again? I shudder just thinking of the lecture she’ll have ready for me in the morning. Perhaps my mysterious ailment should plague me for a little while longer...”
“Prolonging the inevitable will do you no favours.” You pause briefly, then add, “Ah, I almost forgot to mention. After the meeting, I ran into Inspector Eroch. He was waiting outside and asked after you. He seemed irked when I informed him that you were absent today.”
If Kaeya was not so skilled at masking his reactions, he would’ve perked up at that. He might have even stopped in his tracks or whipped his head around to look at you. But he knows better than to give himself away so obviously. He leisurely climbs the steps, his features revealing only vague interest. “Oh? Somehow I doubt he was upset out of concern for my wellbeing.”
You glance over. “I wouldn’t know. He did not say anything when I asked why he wanted to see you, or if I could pass on a message. He just brushed me off and left.”
“Don’t be hurt by his shameful conduct, Captain. I for one enjoy your company immensely.”
You ignore his thoughtful statement. “I thought that he might have had a prior engagement with you, which you missed due to being terribly ill.”
He shrugs. “If we did, I don’t recall it.”
That earns him another look, longer than the one before. He doesn’t flinch away from it, his expression remaining serene. Privately, he wonders what you know. Are you merely intrigued by what Inspector Eroch might want with him? Or are you more aware than you’re letting on?
After all, Eroch is the one Kaeya has been secretly investigating for the past year.
Looks like the inspector has caught on. About time. No doubt he wants to figure out just how much Kaeya knows—which is not much, unfortunately. He knows that Eroch has more than just Mondstadt’s best interests in mind; a Fatui spy like him would have just the opposite. But he is unsure what the man is up to, or who he even is.
He does, however, have an inkling. Several, even.
Inspector Eroch had been insistent on covering up the details of Master Crepus’s death. For the good of Mondstadt, he claimed, not wanting the citizenry to lose faith in the Knights of Favonius. Grand Master Varka had ultimately sided with him. It resulted in Diluc resigning his position and leaving the city a year ago.
Kaeya had kept an eye on the inspector after that. He knew there was more to the situation than just preserving Mondstadt’s trust in the Knights, and it had everything to do with the dangerous and evil power Master Crepus had harnessed. It was only a matter of figuring out what. And once he has all of the information...
Well, he knows what Diluc would do, once upon a time. Blazing with righteous fury, he’d take his findings to Grand Master Varka, insisting on Eroch’s arrest and expulsion from the Knights of Favonius. He would see it as retribution for how poorly his father’s death had been handled.
But Kaeya suffers from no delusions. Maybe he looked into Eroch because of Master Crepus. Maybe he wanted some kind of revenge for what happened. Maybe he yearned to atone for his past inaction. None of that means he has any heroic intentions.
If it serves his interests better, he won’t expose the inspector immediately. He will hoard his knowledge instead, keeping his cards close to his chest until it’s the right time to play them.
That is how he has always operated. Master Crepus's death and Diluc's departure have not changed that. For a brief, nonsensical moment, he wishes they had. Then common sense returns to him. A foolhardy sense of justice is of no use to him. He’ll leave that to Diluc.
While he extricates himself from his wayward thoughts, you turn away to clear the last few steps. “If it is important, surely he will try to approach you again,” you say.
“I look forward to it with bated breath.”
You scoff, rightfully skeptical, but don’t respond. Clearly, you are content to leave it at that.
He wonders at how easily you let the subject drop. Had you suspected something, you would have pushed to learn more, wouldn’t you? Now is as opportune a time as any; it’s late, he’s tired and drunk, and the both of you are alone. Does that make you oblivious, or an idiot, or crafty?
Having made it to the third floor, the two of you make your way down the hallway. His quarters are before your own, three doors on the left. He stops in front of his door, reaching into one of many hidden coat pockets to produce his key.
He glances at you. You have yet to leave for own your room. “You don’t have to hover at my side, you know,” he says with a touch of amusement. “I may be tipsy, but I am no longer in any danger of being harassed by ruffians or passing out in the streets. Unless you're secretly harbouring nefarious intentions towards me, Captain.”
“You’ll just have to wait and find out,” is your unruffled response.
Chuckling under his breath, he unlocks his door and lets it swing open wide. It’s dark inside, faint moonlight shining through the small window above his desk. Coupled with the sconces out in the hallway, however, there is enough light for him to stumble to his bedside without stubbing a single toe. He doesn’t bother to close the door on you; he has nothing to hide.
Kaeya knows what his quarters must look like to a stranger. They’re a mess, as if someone had searched them in a haste and not bothered to clean up afterward. The walls are bare, save for a map of Mondstadt that he’d hung up ages ago. Tomes of all sizes and loose leaves of parchment litter his oak desk, pushed up against a wall. A quill lies abandoned atop a half-finished note with ink drying on its nib. His closet door is cracked open, a discarded boot dissuading anyone from forcing it shut.
Yes, his quarters are a mess. But he knows exactly where everything is. Should someone actually attempt to search his things, he would know immediately. Not that they would find anything particularly damning. He isn’t foolish enough to leave important documents or sensitive information lying about—nothing he is unwilling to part with, anyway.
“Horrifying, but unsurprising,” he hears you mutter to yourself.
Kaeya doesn’t even consider slipping out of his ruined clothes or engaging you in further conversation. Now that he has made it back to his quarters, all he can think about is the sweet embrace of sleep. He sinks into his unmade bed, draping an arm over his face.
You continue to linger in the doorway. “You should change before you fall asleep.”
“You'll regret not doing so in the morning.”
“Uh-huh.” He still doesn’t move.
“Alberich. You stink of booze.”
“You sure know how to compliment a guy, Captain. I’m impressed.”
You sigh, long and loud. He waits to hear the door close behind you, only for you to walk up to his bedside. Your steps are slow, hesitant yet purposeful. He stiffens, immediately on-guard, but fights his instincts in order to remain still. What are you planning?
He feels you grip his boot. Metal jingles as you undo the buckle. Then you pry it off.
He lifts his arm to peer up at you. “What are you doing?”
“What does it look like?” You set his boot on the ground, then move on to the other one. “If you won’t change, you should at least take off your shoes. You’ll dirty your sheets otherwise.”
Oh, you make it so easy for him to twist everything you say into an innuendo. For once he resists the urge. “You forgot something,” he says instead. He wiggles his sock-clad foot at you. Just to see if you will do it.
You grimace, swatting his leg away. “Absolutely not. I don’t want to be anywhere near those.”
So you say. But you’re taking his boots off for him out of your own volition. There is no need for you to do any of this. It’s not your duty to stop him from drinking himself into a stupor, or walk him back to headquarters unharmed, or all but tuck him into bed. Yet here you are.
What is it that you want? There have been plenty of opportunities for you to try and take advantage of his drunken state, but you have sidestepped every one. Frustration brews in his sternum.
“Do you do this for everyone who you hate?” he finds himself asking, tone purposely lighthearted.
You pause in your ministrations to stare at him. “What? I don't hate you.” At his disbelieving look, you insist, “I don’t. You have always been a pain to deal with, sure, but I never once felt that way.”
He smiles, unconvinced. “Not even when I insulted your dear old captain?”
“Insulted my... That was months ago, when we first met.” Despite your bewilderment, you take a moment to contemplate his question. “I was upset with you, yes. But now that I’ve had this position for some time...maybe your assessment wasn’t off. When I was lieutenant, I didn’t always see eye-to-eye with my captain. They were too set in their ways and scorned most criticism. I respected them, and still do, but I shouldn’t be ignorant of their faults.”
Your gaze meets his once more. “In a way, what you said that day led me to realize that. You weren’t badmouthing my captain; you didn’t have a vendetta or want to get a rise out of me. At least, I don’t think you did. You must have legitimate issues with their leadership, as a captain yourself.”
He watches you shrewdly. Your tone was even, your expression clear. He cannot detect any deception from you. Of course, that means little. Still, perhaps you’re telling the truth. Perhaps you don’t hate him after all.
A headache, newly formed, pounds at his temple. If he were more sober, he would be better equipped to handle such a revelation. He’ll have to come to a proper conclusion later.
You fiddle with the buckle on his remaining boot. “And what about you?”
“Hmm? What about me?”
“You have ample reason to look down on me. Most of the knights know that you aren’t just Cavalry Captain and Quartermaster. Your role is more important than that. Surely you would make a better...” you trail off, your jaw working silently.
Kaeya knows how that sentence ends. Surely you would make a better Captain of the Intelligence Team than me. It doesn’t come as a surprise.
Up until now, he thought he knew you well. You made it no secret you loathed him. You have never said so explicitly, but he has a talent for reading people. It’s a classic case of envy. He has seen it many times before. You compare yourself to him and find yourself wanting. It colours the way you interact with him; your words brusque, your gaze narrowed.
Not only did he insult your captain, but you consider him more capable than you. Your hatred makes sense. It’s predictable.
Or so he believed, until tonight.
“You know what, never mind. Forget I asked.” Uh-oh. Seems he took too long to respond. You busy yourself with unbuckling his boot, avoiding his eye.
If he were to be honest, there are many ways he could answer you. He thinks you are a better captain than your superior could ever hope to have been. He thinks you are a leader capable of inspiring undying loyalty in your officers. He thinks you have a deep, unflinching love for Mondstadt and its people. He thinks you constantly push yourself to greater heights, to the point it lights a fire in him as well.
He admits to none of those things, in the end.
“Give yourself some credit, Captain,” he murmurs. You glance over in surprise. He meets your gaze. For perhaps the first time in a while, he hopes his words sound sincere—not because he doesn’t mean them, but because he does. “I know the officers under your supervision think you’re a good leader. They wouldn’t want anyone else to take your place.” Certainly not someone like me.
Instead of reassuring you, however, his answer seems to do the opposite. You look frustrated. “That isn’t what I...” you trail off. You search his features, silent, before your brow furrows. “I can’t tell if you mean what you just said. Sometimes I’m not sure I ever can.”
He takes care not to allow his features to visibly harden. Of course you would doubt him, the one time he tries to be honest with you. What else did he expect? Maybe you don't hate him, maybe you never have, but that means little. You won’t ever fully trust him. To be fair, the feeling is mutual.
His mouth tastes unbearably bitter. It must be the wine.
“At this point, I’m willing to say just about anything if it’ll mean I can get some shut-eye.” He feels no satisfaction upon seeing your shoulders stiffen. He still manages to grin. “Well, Captain? Any other requests?”
“No,” you say. Then you tug off his boot with a brisk motion.
He stifles a yelp. “Hey, now! No need to be so rough.”
“My sincere apologies.” You set the boot down next to his other one, your lips thinned. “I should go. Wouldn’t want you to lose more sleep than you already have. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow, after all.”
Talk about vindictive. Despite his irritation, he has to fight a smile. Knowing you, you’ll see it and take it the wrong way, as you usually do.
Having finished removing his boots, you turn and walk for the door without another word.
He’s struck with the odd urge to stop you. To reach out, take your hand in his, and tug you back. Not because he wants something from you, or needs to tell you something. He wishes you would stay a little longer, that’s all. Wants the silence to be filled by your voice instead of his thoughts.
Now he knows he’s had too much to drink. He’s contemplating such ridiculous things.
Before his addled mind can catch up and he can say something, apologize perhaps, you shut the door behind you. Your footsteps travel down the hallway, slightly hurried. The door to your quarters creaks open then closed.
He’s too late. It’s for the best.
Kaeya lies back and stares up at the ceiling. His vision swims, as if he’s adrift at sea. Closing his eye only makes it worse.
His mind pores over the events of the day. Investigating Eroch, remembering Master Crepus and Diluc, visiting the tavern, running into you. He feels restless, pulled in several directions at once.
With a harsh exhale, he rises to his feet and locks his door. Then he begins his nightly ritual.
His pauldron is first to go. It hits the floor with a dull noise. Then he peels off his gloves and tosses them on the desk. The burns on his hands have long since healed, but he still deals with numbness now and then. Not many know they even exist; he doesn’t want anyone taking advantage of a potential weakness. His eyepatch follows closely after.
He removes the Cryo Vision from his belt last. He stares at it, its blue glow washing over his scarred palm and turning his skin a sickly brown hue. If it’s been a year since Master Crepus’s death, it has been about a year since he was gifted a Vision as well. The sight of it has been a hard reminder ever since. Of how he’d won a difficult battle. Of how he’d finally revealed the truth. Of how he can never speak it again.
He tucks the Vision under his pillow, then collapses back into bed. An odd sensation fills him, as it does every time he completes this ritual. It’s like he has taken off every scrap of armour he has and foolishly exposed himself to danger, despite being alone in the stillness of his quarters.
Ignoring the uncomfortable feeling, he closes his eyes and waits for sleep to take him under.
It never does.
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