#might actually happen
gumnut-logic · 1 year
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John Tracy hated taking public transport.
He hated the cramped seats, the invasion of his personal space, the fact the bus stopped every few minutes to pick up more passengers and the noise.
It was stressful, annoying and far too full of people.
But the astrolabs were too far from the dorm to hike it or bike it, so bus it was.
He mapped out the most direct route, left early to avoid the crowds and handled it the best he could. Earphones helped and he never travelled without his tablet and a network connection.
He made do.
He made do for over a year. Every morning and every night.
The work was fascinating and he thoroughly enjoyed it. He considered getting a car, but it wasn’t practical and parking was non-existent, so he stuck with the bus.
Despite the fact he hated it.
Every trip he buried himself in his own world whether it be his work, research, a good book or even a movie. He shut the world out and more importantly anyone who sat next to him.
Sometimes this was not possible.
Because sometimes they spoke to him.
John had been brought up polite. His grandmother would have slapped his wrist if she found out he was ignoring people. So, he always replied. Often concisely, but always watching his manners.
That often opened the floodgates. Because if there was anything common between big cities it was the people who were lost in them, desperately alone in a sea of faces.
John liked being alone to a certain extent, but he was blessed with a close and large family.
Some people had no one.
So, ever so reluctantly, he found himself answering their call for help.
The first was Mrs Bucklin. She was a tiny woman, well dressed, but slightly scented with mothballs as if her clothes hadn’t been out of the closet in a long time.
She sat right beside him and immediately enquired as to what he was doing.
At the time he was coding a new game and her sharp voice startled him enough for his fingers to slip and enter a chain of commands he had not intended. He would have sworn if he was alone, but the program righted itself and the new commands, instead of corrupting and crashing the function, actually appeared to improve it. He frowned and hastily input some bridging structures so the code wouldn’t fragment, idly wondering if the error would improve the game, ruin it, have him need to rewrite the whole section or be the spark that would initiate sentience.
Great, his tablet would rise up and eat him while he was distracted by a random bus passenger.
She did apologise and he did reassure her that it was all okay in the hope she would let him be.
She didn’t.
He learnt she had three cats, a niece in another country (he didn’t gather which because the woman’s pronunciation defied translation), that she had lost her son in the Global Conflict, she liked his hair (that was a first) and that he looked like an intelligent young man.
He acknowledged her quietly and politely as he eyed his code and the results of an initial compile test. How did it do that?
Her cats were named Scottie, Gordy and Allie.
He did blink at that, but didn’t comment.
Eventually, she said goodbye and got off the bus at her stop.
He would have forgotten about her, except she sat next to him the next day and the day after that.
Apparently, this was her route to work, and he was such a polite young man.
Three weeks later she admitted he made her feel safe just by being there. She had been mugged three times in her life and public transport was as much a bane for her as it was for him.
He actively kept an eye out for her after that.
Gus was a different matter.
Gus didn’t have a home and he often rode the bus just for the air conditioning and comfort.
He sat on the other side of the walkway to John. He didn’t say much and would likely have never said anything if it hadn’t been for the gang of boys who decided to throw verbal potshots at him one day.
John had had an all-nighter with exams coming up, so he was cranky. His latest project had stalled – the same game he had been tackling when Mrs Bucklin had startled him. The core of the program had become a little unpredictable and he couldn’t work out why.
So, when a group of teenagers crawled to the back of the bus and started needling a fellow passenger, it was not only a situation where the innocent man appeared to need a bit of a rescue, but it also pissed John off.
There were four of them. Teenagers flocked in groups apparently. He’d never been one for that formation himself, but he knew of them, had encountered them and Virgil had kicked a few of their asses for him.
John was in college now.
He could kick his own fair share of ass quite happily.
“Leave the man alone, or I will call the police.” He raised his voice, but not his head, transmitting all the body language of how beneath his notice they were and how he might respond if they didn’t comply.
“Mind your own business, kook!”
There was always a brave one amongst the group, usually the ringleader, the head dickhead.
At least they were only teenagers.
This time he did look up and put all that communication theory into the coldest stare possible. “Excuse me?”
All four of them froze. Hell, they couldn’t be older than fifteen, somewhere between Gordy and Alan. If either of his brothers acted like this, there were three older brothers who would quite firmly re-educate them on proper conduct.
Not that he thought either of his younger brothers would do such a thing.
In any case, all four of them stared at him wide-eyed. The eldest swore and climbed out of his seat just as the bus pulled up at the next stop. He snarled at John as he stalked past, spitting profanities. His cohorts followed and they climbed off the bus.
It was lovely and quiet after that and John went back to tackling his misbehaving program.
“Thank you, sir.”
John blinked up at the unkempt man who had been the centre of the teenagers’ torment.
A small smile. “You’re welcome.”
Was this variable being changed by the program itself? How the hell could it do that?
He didn’t fail to notice after that incident that Gus, as he introduced himself the next time they met, always sat near John on his rides, morning or evening.
John met other people. Mrs Magarey and her three young children always needed a hand with her pram. John sometimes took advantage of this and stuck the pram in the footwell of the seat next to him so no-one could sit there.
That made Mrs Bucklin sit behind him and whisper her stories in his ear.
He wasn’t sure if he was comfortable with that either.
Two other students from his faculty took the same bus as well. Ridley was in the year behind him and always had a friend on the phone. She chattered a lot and he learnt to tune her out.
Well, until the day he boarded the bus and found her crying into her tablet.
She had lost her entire thesis in a computer crash. He was polite. He enquired and she answered, staring up at him as if she had never seen him before. Which was entirely possible. John didn’t like to draw attention to himself.
He accompanied her off the bus that day and delved into her damaged computer. He dug up her thesis and she gushed all over him, even crying into his sweater.
He hugged her awkwardly and wished her all the best.
After that, she always said hello and had a smile for him.
John smiled back, but his program was still not behaving. It acted as if it had a mind of its own and it was very distracting.
Mrs Bucklin said it sounded like cat number two, Gordy. Never behaving, but always loveable.
John stared at her when she said that, and wondered if she knew more than she was letting on.
The day Virgil landed in the seat beside him on the way to the labs startled him enough to drop his tablet.
“Hey, Johnny.”
He fumbled between the seats for the device. “Don’t call me Johnny.”
“Sorry.” But he could tell Virgil was anything but.
His fingers touched the cool metal of his tablet and he scrabbled for it. “What are you doing here?”
“Can’t a brother drop in on his brother to see how he is doing?”
John eyed him. If it was Scott sitting next to him or Gordon, he might have been suspicious of any double meaning his brother might be communicating. But this was Virgil and although the engineer had a sense of humour that could cut when necessary, this wasn’t his style.
“I guess he can. But why the bus?”
Virgil shrugged. “Didn’t catch you early enough. Barely caught the bus behind you. I thought your classes didn’t start until later.”
“They don’t.”
“Then why are you up so early?”
It was John’s turn to shrug. “Just avoiding the crowds, I guess.”
Virgil eyed him with a slightly worried frown.
“And who is this lovely young man who has taken my seat?”
Oh god.
Virgil stared up at Mrs Bucklin as she bustled in to sit behind them.
An internal sigh. “Mrs Bucklin, this is my brother Virgil.”
“Your brother?” She eyed Virgil as if inspecting him for sale. “Doesn’t look like you at all. Where’s the red hair?”
Virgil arched a dark eyebrow.
“Nevertheless, Mrs Bucklin, Virgil is my older brother.”
“Then how come we haven’t met before? You’ve been travelling this route for a year now and we haven’t seen hide or hair of him.” She continued to glare at Virgil as if he was a threat.
Virgil was shifting in his seat, his expression decidedly wary.
“Virgil has been assisting my father on a project. He’s an engineer. I’m unsure what he is doing here right now.”
“Hmph, well, in my opinion, he should have been here earlier.” She addressed Virgil directly. “Did you know your sweet little brother has been a bastion of this bus route, defending and assisting all?”
John’s head shot up. “Mrs Bucklin-“
“Don’t you go all humble pie on me, young man. I saw what you did to those teenagers and how you help young Mollie every week. That girl is going to work herself into an early grave. And poor Gus, you’ve given him a new reason to try. Did you know he has enrolled himself in a course? Got himself a grant from the government and everything. Got help from that employment assistance group. Not to mention that doe-eyed young student who stares at you with love hearts floating about her head. I don’t know what you did for her, but I have no doubt she would do anything for you if you asked.” She turned back to Virgil, accusation in her eyes. “Why haven’t you been looking after your brother?”
Virgil’s wide eyes darted between John and the older woman.
John had no idea what to say.
“Well?” Mrs Bucklin’s glare was determined.
“Is this man harassing you?”
John looked up to see Gus looming over Virgil.
You know, the Virgil who lifted weights that weighed more than his brothers on a daily basis.
John frowned. Gus had a new coat on and was looking much healthier than the last time he paid attention. “No, Gus. This is my older brother Virgil.”
And Virgil was subjected to another staring glare. “Doesn’t look like your brother.”
“I can assure you that he is indeed my caring older brother and he is not neglecting me in any way.”
Gus grunted, still glaring at Virgil. He nodded in John’s direction. “Make sure he eats more. He’s too skinny.”
That started Mrs Bucklin off again. “My goodness, yes. John you do not eat enough. Have you tried any of those recipes I recommended?”
Gus was still eyeing Virgil.
Virgil appeared to be regretting several recent life choices.
“I’m fine, Mrs Bucklin.” He raised his hands. “And both of you, Virgil is not responsible for my wellbeing.”
His tablet beeped. A glance and he found a text message from Ridley. You okay over there?
He looked up and found her at the other end of the bus staring back at him worriedly.
A sigh.
A flick of his fingers. I’m fine.
He turned back to Virgil who was literally cornered, only for his tablet to chime again.
 You free tonight?
Oh, for the love of-
“Guys, Virgil is my big brother. He looks after me. He cares. I’m fine. He’s here for a visit. I don’t know why yet. Stop glaring at him.”
Gus grunted again and wandered off to his seat. He didn’t stop eyeing John’s brother for a second.
Mrs Bucklin let off a slightly miffed sound before leaning back in her seat. “He better. Or I have a mind to bring Scottie with me next time. Or maybe Gordy. To teach him a lesson.”
What the hell?
“No need, Mrs Bucklin. I assure you.”
Virgil was staring at John as if he wasn’t sure what planet he was on.
John sighed.
Yeah, he hated public transport.
It was stressful, annoying and far too full of people.
His tablet pinged again. This time it was the program he was working on. It was claiming it was dawn despite the fact the sun had risen an hour ago. He let out an exasperated hiss.
Virgil was still staring at him.
Damn public transport.
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rhfffas · 2 years
hc: Kamala and Kate exchanging their fan theories and maybe even fan arts about the avengers 🤣
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canisalbus · 5 months
I love the duo, both the historical setting and modern AU. Does Vasco ever go to confession while Machete is running it, just to 'confess' to something they did before as a way to tease?
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halogalopaghost · 3 months
TIL that you can assign an AO3 next of kin to control your account in case of your death???
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varggarn · 5 months
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I played Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky for the first time a little while ago and was reminded of how very wholesome the PMD series is. So here are some completely self-indulgent drawings of my rescue team. Shout-out to anyone else that has played the game with this specific combo!
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fearandhatred · 6 months
if aziraphale doesn't grab crowley by his gay little scarf in season 3 then what's the point. why does he even wear it. take that shit off if it's not important to the plot
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verflares · 4 months
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more weird zinks because im insatiable lately. tentatively titled "damn girl yuor some kind of wretched beast"
silly bonus doodle:
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yourlocalabomination · 2 months
Tick Tock, Teddy-Bear.
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obsob · 3 months
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one thing u can count on me for is being normal about Some Guy
process under cut where u can see me losing my mind trying 2 figure out what i was doing in real time! :3
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hugs-and-stabbies · 2 months
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[ part 6 : end ]
[link to previous part]
and we're done!! I made yall some lil epilogue type of doodles for sticking by me through this tiny little comic! they're under the cut ^^
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goonmypenis · 4 months
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i drew this like a month ago and i am TERRIFIED to post anything on here but ive been convinced
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lazylittledragon · 4 months
isn't it weird how if you get up at 7 or 8, do your work all day, then have free time and go to bed at 11 that's absolutely fine
but if i said i get up at 10, do fun stuff in the morning then work in the evening and go to bed late, i could be called lazy, nevermind that i'm getting just as much or MORE work done as i would in a traditional work day
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>be a webcomic
>decent popularity and critical support from the fans at the start
>immediate drop in quality over next bunch of updates
>fans hate it
>gets so bad writers and artists are harassed to the point of leaving the team
>endless controversies between writers acting shitty on their personal Twitter account to fans to accusing discord mods of being 4Chan nazis
>comic loses half its funding 8 months in
>bimonthly updates 4 months in return to the sluggish once a month updates from the start
>pause 14 months into the comic’s intended 5 year run.
>announce a month later indefinite hiatus
>be almost 4 year anniversary of the webcomic’s start, 17 days away to be exact
>drop 4 DOZEN pages
>new director
>new writers union
>new EVERYTHING even the title of the comic changed
>the “it’s so over” from the fandom supercharges back into “we are so fucking back”
>its name is enough to scare half this website into shock
>look at tags
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katabay · 3 months
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desmond & friends modern day assassin sequences…..I miss you……..
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baronfulmen · 2 years
I see all these posts that are like
“What’s the deal with popular posts on Tumblr, that better not happen to this one!”
“I dunno, this post reads like a 1m note post to meeeeeee”
“oh no how could this have happened no dont oh lordy”
[apollo image]
And I just... I call shenanigans.  Look Tumblr is wacky, sure, but that shit doesn’t ACTUALLY get a gazillion notes unless you’re already big enough on here to get those numbers regardless.  No amount of “gosh this post better not be big ;)” would ever get any of mine to go above three notes maximum because only a handful of my followers are even real people.
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fremedon · 19 days
I'm not making this a reblog because there have been a lot of posts this applies to and I'm sure there will be more.
But if you ever do find that perfectly pure candidate that you feel can vote for without morally compromising yourself--that person with a completely stainless career and no blood on their hands--they will still step into the morass created by all their predecessors. They will have blood on their hands from the moment they take office. The blood comes with the office. There is no way to avoid that.
If they want to not execute the evil and unjust laws which they have just sworn to faithfully execute, they will have the choice of flouting the law or changing it. Both of these are difficult, take time, and cannot be done by one person's fiat.
Laws are made by Congress; changing a law--even the worst one on the books! even that one!--means getting a majority of both houses on board. This is drastically easier if the president's party has a majority in both houses, but still requires coordinating literally hundreds of people to do what you want; if the president's party does not have that trifecta, it may simply be impossible until after the next elections.
Flouting the law--just deciding to ignore it--sets a worrisome precedent: In general, we would like the executive branch to follow the laws of the country! But beyond that, it is also difficult and also requires coordinating with hundreds of other people. The administrative state is designed to run on rails. The administration can hand down guidance on the interpretation of laws--which often as not gets challenged legally and needs to be resolved by the courts, which is a whole other level of complication and, currently, a whole other level of fucked up--but ordering federal agencies to violate the law wholesale is usually going to be a non-starter. Even when the law is bad. Until the law is actually changed, which, see above, sometimes the most that can be done is harm reduction--delay implementation, narrow the scope, tie it up in red tape.
And. Look. I want you to find that perfect candidate. I long for the day that someone can make it all the way into the highest office without ever compromising their morals. But if they do, they will become complicit with all the horrors their predecessors left to us. There is no way to dismantle those horrors without taking on some degree of complicity.
When the machine is covered so thickly with blood, pulling the off switch still gets blood on your hands.
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