#meanwhile I the author feel very silly lol
frownyalfred · 9 months
I already left a comment about this, but Dick and Jason seem to be going through the process of… mind melding? With each other faster than the rest of the bond members. That’s super interesting to me because of how they’ve been teaming up to look shield Bruce and such. I wonder if they’re going to realize that…
I'm so glad you noticed this, anon! I think one or two other commenters caught it as well. Proximity to Bruce, as the center, and proximity to "strong" minds seems to fuel the process of overlap.
What's interesting to me, the writer, is how much of Bruce is eclipsing his kids, versus how much already has before the bond was even in place. Is Jason doing something a Bruce-ism, and if so, is it one that was already present before the bond snapped into place? Is it just coming out now, because it's easier?
Dick and Jason overlapping brings me great joy to write. Them flanking Bruce, them being the first line of defense behind his shields, his lieutenants essentially for the rest of the bond -- and the enactors of his contingency, should the need arise. Of course, with that shared purpose and proximity with each other, their lines would begin to blur.
Despite Bruce and J'onn's fears, they're not subsuming each other. Yes, things are being blurred and shared -- Dick's posture being Jason's on the Watchtower, Jason softening slightly when Dick would and normally he wouldn't -- but they're not fundamentally altering who they are, or losing their sense of self. Just borrowing things when convenient, overlapping without thinking because it's easier.
A lot of this will be relevant soon. I just need to get my butt in gear and start writing.
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williaml0ver · 4 months
☆ <3 Ganji Gupta giving his s/o a cat ☆ <3
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[🖇️] word count: 1535
[🖇️] warnings: g/n reader, fluff, comfort, crack, not proofreading any of this lol
[🖇️] author's note: did i mention previously that i don't know how to portray Ganji in headcanons? Well yes... did i give that idea up and started working on something else but stopped in the middle because i got a stupid idea? Well yes! I'm glad to present all of you a silly Ganji drabble in those testing times!
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-As a cricket player, your boyfriend quite often had to leave your shared cottage. Of course, sometimes he'd let you tag along, but it was not always possible. Days like this were filled with loneliness, and as much as you appreciated Ganji's passion and hard work you did experience the terrible moments of emptiness.
-Ganji, as much as he'd prefer to stay together, knows it wouldn't be responsible. The bills are no joke. There is always an emotional aura around when he's coming home — when you receive a letter confirming his homecoming you feel literally head over heels. Then, once Ganji arrives he is welcomed with a cozy dinner and a long cuddle session.
-You manage to notice that your boyfriend, who sometimes may be hard for you to read is in fact acting a little strange, yet you assume that maybe the homesickness was still kicking in, so you decided to not confront him.
-Ganji NEVER allows you to help him in unpacking, stating that you've already done enough by keeping the house clean. When this time you hear no protests from his side you know something is up, you just can't wrap your head around what exactly. You're told to grab some luggage and bring it to your shared room. You decide to obey him to not raise any suspicion. After he's made sure you're busy upstairs, he begins his secret plan. Ganji sneaks out of the cottage. He approaches a small shed standing next to it, and takes your surprise to meet you.
-Meanwhile, you are still upstairs, folding your boyfriend's clothes and putting them into your joint wardrobe, feeling grumpy, yet grateful he is finally back. Suddenly, you hear him calling you. Assuming he just needs your assistance, you unassumingly get up and go downstairs. What you see however is nothing you expected it to be...!
-Standing next to you, you look at Ganji gently smiling. Then, your attention turns to his chest. Inside his partially unzipped shirt you notice a small fluff ball being carried in it, your lover's hand gently petting it. Unsure what to do, you cover your mouth with your hands and try to process what did just happen. The batter explains that he's aware of the gap, the hole he leaves inside you when he has to leave you for business for some time. It truly makes his heart break, therefore he decided it may be a good idea to give you a small companion.
-You quickly run over to Ganji, giving him a kiss on the lips, he then holds the small cat in his palms and gives it to you. A small group hug is formed. Of course, knowing it's a small animal, you took the batter's gift very seriously. You asked several key questions, including if there are furniture and food prepared for it. His heart melted after hearing you saying that it's like if you two had a baby to raise. Ganji knew that now when he leaves you will feel at least a little less lonely now. He also admired your dedication to help him raise the small one.
-Sooner or later, this moment was impossible to avoid, in no time, Ganji was once again called to come back. You spent your final night together cuddling in bed, his arm around you. You have placed the cat between both of you. Out of the three, you fell asleep first. It always amazed you how Ganji could sleep for so few hours and still be able to function properly. He silently watches your sleeping form while smiling to himself, petting both of his now two little ones.
-After Ganji left for good, he kept thinking about you for the next few days. Are you doing alright? Is the cat causing any trouble? Before bringing it to you, he hasn't noticed any nasty behaviour coming from the small creature, but what he DID notice is that this time you've let him go rather easily. Whenever it was time for your boyfriend to get back to work, you would always become very clingy, sometimes even shedding a tear here and there. But this time? You seemed weirdly calm. He later came to a conclusion that his small fluff ball of joy is probably the reason for the sudden change in your mood. Good, he thought, you are now more or less distracted while he is away.
-Another thing he wasn't aware of is that now that while he's gone, the cat is literally wrapping you around it's fingers... i mean claws. At one point or another, you unawarely become a maid at your own house. You constantly spend your time with your cat. It's got new toys, new food, new places to play in.
-As time passes, Ganji once again comes back and is welcomed by you enthusiastically as always. He sees his "child" has now grown and is being well taken care of by his lover. He doesn't mind at all that there is now more cat accessories around the house, it's just proof that it's being treated properly.
-After a homecoming dinner, Ganji decides he needs some fresh air and alone time. He however starts to sense a stinky smell. While trying to find it's source, he stumbled upon his shoes. He decided to give the search up and go outside, but then, the moment of realization hits. Someone has SHAT inside HIS shoes! and he doesn't need further investigation to know who is behind this. The only question in his mind is why? After spending so much time with their lover home alone, he assumed you instructed it on how to properly use the litter box, right? And the answer is that you in fact did. Though for mysterious reasons, the cat decided to give his second owner a proper welcome.
-See, small guy noticed that after Ganji returned, you paid more attention to him instead. Obviously, kitty doesn't like that and has to show this man where his place is. Ganji just found himself a mortal enemy - at one point, those nasty surprises became a cycle. Each time he came back, a trick would be played on him and yet you didn't seem to be offended by the vandal's actions. The cat keeps attacking his leg, bites him, steals his food from the plate, hides his socks in his small bed. What's going on? When he arrives home after a long time, the not-so-innocent-and-not-anymore baby tries to get your attention all the time, acting like it's in pain, all to make you less and less interested in Ganji's long awaited homecoming.
-While being petted by you, it mischievously stares at your love, and he isn't scared to stare back. They watch each other with pure hatred and jealousy. It can last minutes. They are barely blinking... it's like a forever fight who is going to win your attention. Ganji brought a monster into his house.
-You literally can't cuddle either of them alone. Whenever the other sees you hugging, he has to step in, much to the other's discomfort. Ganji's last straw though was when he found his bat scratched with claws and bite marks. He is rarely angry when he arrives home, but this one time he was extremely grumpy. Do you guys know that feeling when your pet randomly decides to jump on you with all their force? Ganji is a constant victim of that.
-Finally, your boyfriend draws the line. He is tired of being harassed in his own house, by his own child. You wouldn't even be surprised if he told it to find a cat job and help pay the bills. He decides to have a serious chat with you the next morning.
-While he was sleeping, Ganji has had a serious nightmare. He always talked with you about that one dream, the one with the burning building. You know it was very traumatic for him so you always comforted him. But not this time. You were so tired you didn't even wake up, and meanwhile Ganji was shaking and panting, all sweaty. He wishes he wouldn't have to wake you up, but it seems like there is no other choice. Then, suddenly he feels paws touching his bare chest. It's that demon, he thought to himself, expecting the worst to happen, for a goofy cat to make him feel even more down than before. To his surprise, the cat sits on his stomach and begins to, how you like to call it, make biscuits. Ganji quickly feels better, grateful to the little cat he got so jealous of before. Your baby fell asleep together with your lover holding it in his hands. When you woke up to that sight, you felt very moved by the act.
-Some time later, each of them began respecting each other a bit more, "maybe it isn't that bad after all, huh?" Said Ganji. What he didn't know, is that at the same time, his small troublemarker was chewing on his favourite sportswear.
-Let's say, you had to get both of them to your bed and cuddle with each other to calm down the situation...
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[🖇️] absolutely devastated that Ganji doesn't have a plushie or anything... i'm like screaming crying peeing and throwing up 💔 well i decided to make an autistic yipee Ganji themed creature... i think i'll also edit my first two hc posts and turn autistic yipee creatures into Naib and William too hehe
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sonnetnumber23 · 8 months
Good Omens 2 Rewatch. Episode 6 (This is such a long, long post, I'm too embarrassed to leave it as it is, so it's mostly under cut)
As I said earlier, Aziraphale when he’s alone and preparing to defend the shop acts and sounds so confident, so competent, at least in the beginning. When he’s talking to Nina and telling her that he’s organized the ball so that she’d realize that Maggie loves her, he sounds exasperated and Maggie looks so grateful! I mean definitely his plan was a bit stupid and all and they really shouldn’t have been meddling at all, but for Maggie in this little moment he really is a hero who’s come to her help this time. It also makes her feel braver. She was so afraid to tell Nina openly how she feels and get rejected. But now Aziraphale has done that for her, and it’s like the scariest thing has already happened, and now the rest is easy and she’s brave, almost intoxicated by it – like Aziraphale was intoxicated by his feeling of competence in the previous episode. That’s why (much like Aziraphale) she makes this silly mistake inviting the demons inside.
Aziraphale is so cool when he tells the demons to leave “and nobody will get hurt”! And I love that it’s Eric who turns his back, lol, because he sees the same Aziraphale that he saw in Heaven when Crowley was playing him. We like to say that both Crowley and Aziraphale play the cooler versions of each other than they really are because that’s how they see each other. But really, in this moment Aziraphale is just as brave and clever and merciful as Crowley sees him. (Just like in the previous episode Crowley was shown just as brave and witty and resourceful as Aziraphale thinks he is.)
Also, it’s kind of fun that it’s Shax who kills Eric and he doesn’t step inside the circle because I guess the circle would have destroyed him forever whereas now he’s just once again discorporated – so we can see him again. :D Idk, I just like Eric for some reason, he’s fun. XD
But then Aziraphale’s luck runs out and he “doesn’t have the next bit” of the plan. I wonder if he hoped that Crowley would return by then… He still has the “halo thing” up in his sleeve, but he’s not going to use it until it’s absolutely necessary. It’s interesting, because why? If it’s because it’s against the rules of Heaven – okay, but is it “legal” for demons to attack angels and humans on Earth? Surely that should be counted as extreme circumstances? But if the attack is authorized? Then it means that it’s okay for the demons to kill Aziraphale because Aziraphale is on his own and Heaven doesn’t stand behind him. And then he doesn’t have to follow their rules, they just don’t apply to him anymore.
So Aziraphale could have very well used the halo thing right away as I see it. Why didn’t he? Well apart from him still hoping to be part of Heaven’s system, thinking of himself as such, I think there’s another reason which is very similar to the one The Doctor had in “The Family of Blood”: he ran because “he was being merciful”. Aziraphale doesn’t want to be the one who starts the war. He wants another way. Even if it means waiting for Crowley to come to his rescue once again and listen to Shax’s very well-aimed insults. He’s even ready to sacrifice the books!
Meanwhile in Heaven.
I wonder what Crowley saw in that “Gabriel matter” which wasn’t shown to us. They call it “Another Armageddon” and such. Never a word about the Second Coming. So he didn’t see the whole plan, only the final stage of it – Victory of Heaven on Earth did he? Did they even have the whole plan by that time?
Crowley is so sweet when he bumps his fist against Muriel’s shoulder when they realize that Gabriel now has a lower rank than they do. He’s like: “Well done, mate!” And they actually look pleased. :D I really hope to see more Crowley&Muriel interaction in future.
The parallel between “I did the thing with the halo” and “I gave it away” was already mentioned, but it’s soooo good! :D They are the same after so many years, and Aziraphale still surprises and amazes Crowley like he has since the wall.
I’m not going to write about the whole Ineffable Bureaucracy Revelation scene. XD I actually like it a lot in all ways  [as a pairing, and as a tool to bring the whole setting back to the end of Book Omens: just like there there’s no Gabriel in the picture, Metatron is the biggest boss in Heaven, Aziraphale has to work with Heaven, something is coming] except for it being the main “outer” conflict of the season. I mean, okay, the inner conflict [which is Crowley and Aziraphale gradually coming to terms with their feelings but being unable to make the final step] is more important here, but anyway I can’t shake off the feeling that the whole “Gabriel” plot is a little smallish for this show. Maybe it will be gone if/when we get the third season and it will all make sense in the bigger picture. I’m almost sure it will, but for now – it’s just not self-sufficient.
I will however say that Aziraphale looks at Gabiel and Beelzebub the same way he looked at Nina and Maggie at the ball.
When Crowley says his line about Alpha Centauri he glances at Aziraphale. And Aziraphale feels his eyes on him and immediately turns to him to smile, and only then realizes what Crowley is saying.
Also I think this moment isn’t meant to show us that Crowley actually wants to go/run away to Alpha Centauri or any other outer space. She suggests this option to Beelzebub and Gabriel as a place where they can be away from Heaven, Hell and Earth. But he, himself doesn’t want to leave if he can stay. Besides he’s already gave this option to B&G why would he want to go there? Here he simply means that he was in their place once and he might be again. And he isn’t sure Aziraphale even understands him at this moment – he isn’t planning to confess yet, he’s planning to be with Aziraphale, have “us time”, go to the Ritz, but ultimately continue doing what he’s been doing for the last 4 years. Pretending that he doesn’t want anything more than he has.
Nina and Maggie’s talk with Crowley rhymes so well with Adam’s talk in the first season. I mean, he did warn both of them that if they’ll go on meddling with people’s lives there’ll be consequences. And here they are, meddling again. It’s interesting that this meddling is not only the main story line both times, though they actually do not-so-much for solving the conflict at the end of the day, but they are also told twice that this is what they shouldn’t do. 
So what I think is that in Season 3 we’re not going to get a better Heaven and Hell – we’re going to get humans getting their ultimate Free Will. No more meddling of Heaven and Hell in human affaires – just like Adam wanted.
But maybe I’m wrong. :) I just think it would be pretty poetic.
It hurts me so much to see Crowley tidying up the bookshop and waiting for Aziraphale to come back! :’( It so… After that ominous moment when The Metatron looks at Crowley and leaves with Aziraphale you just know it’s not going to end well. I remember when I was first watching it and when I saw Aziraphale and the Metatron coming back, looking at Aziraphale’s worried and upset face I immediately thought that he doesn’t like what he’s just heard from the Metatron and that I won’t like it either. The scary thought I had was that The Metatron told him that both he and Crowley were going to be human and stay on Earth as they’d wanted to. No Heaven, no Hell bothering them, just they, together. And I was like: “Oh, no! No, no, no, no, anything but that!” I don’t know why I’m so opposed to the idea (well, no, I do, but it’s more personal preferences than the reasons of narrative I’m afraid so it’s irrelevant), but that was what I was feeling when Aziraphale entered the shop again. But then, after feeling so unsure and afraid even, he works himself up into this ecstatic state when talking to Crowley. It’s like he isn’t sure himself so he wants to show Crowley that it would be great so that Crowley in his turn could agree and persuade him that it’s really good indeed.  I really didn’t expect the “we’ll unFall Crowley if you rejoin Heaven” twist. And I was actually… relieved at first? Because: “Oh, well, good angst, I like this kind of pain. It could have been worse??”
Well, the Final Fifteen. I swear to you I can’t watch it without crying. So during the re-watch, I watched it, cried a bit, and now I’m rewatching it again and writing down the thoughts while crying. So, if I’m not the wisest of critics here, don’t judge me, please, it’s hard as it is.
I just caaaan’t look at them, they are both hurting so much in this extract. The nervous energy of Aziraphale which he starts speaking with – he’s just desperate! He knows that it’s all hopeless, and he’s going to lose everything he loves in this world, but he puts all his energy in this pretense hoping against hope that it might still work out. The utter terror and anguish that Crowley is looking at him with is just agonising beyond words. He, too, already knows that he’s losing the most precious thing in his existence, and it’s so not fair, and he’s shocked and resigned at the same time, because he’s been hurt so many times already, and here we go again. Only this time he really had hopes! It’s unbearable.
As I said earlier, Aziraphale absolutely isn’t sure that going to Heaven is a good idea, and he’s almost certain that Crowley won’t like it. That’s why he’s so hyped. Fake it till you make it and all that. He’s winding himself up to feel what he doesn’t feel – the excitement about the whole affair. Why? Because he believes that he absolutely has to say yes to it. He has no other choice.
First of all, The Metatron took him for a stroll after Michael was going to erase him and Crowley from the Book of Life, and Azirahale said to the Metatron:
“I made my position quite clear.” – meaning, he’s ready to get the punishment for his actions.
Then the Metatron’s exact words are:
“There are huge plans afoot, enormous projects” <;< Things Heaven is planning to do to Earth which you won’t know about unless you’re the one doing them.
(Aziraphale doesn’t look pleased or proud when he hears that he’s “just the angel for the job”, he looks terrified.)
“I’ve been looking back at the number of your previous exploits, and I see that in quite a few of them you formed a de facto partnership with the demon Crowley” << You’re still a traitor to Heaven, a criminal.
“Now, if you wanted to work with him again, that…” – [ominous pause] – “might be considered irregular”. << We know about you and Crowley, and that’s what angels and demons get punished for.
“But it will certainly be within your jurisdiction to restore your friend Crowley to full angelic status.” << Your relationship is illegal and dangerous if Crowley is a demon, but if you have the power you can make him and yourself invincible for any threats.
It’s so real life, guys, that it’s almost annoying.
So yes, as I’ve already wrote earlier, I think those who say that Aziraphale is threatened here are right. It’s just, it might not be a direct threat, yet it’s a threat nonetheless. Aziraphale knows that he can’t decline this offer, not a chance. And he knows that Crowley almost certainly won’t take it. But in this moment he hopes – with just the tiniest of hopes – that maybe Crowley loves him enough to understand his situation.
He doesn’t take Crowley’s feeling into consideration, because he’s still operating in the situation of emergency.
And for Crowley it’s a shock.
It’s deeply hurtful for him that Aziraphale would think that he wants or needs to be an angel again. But I don’t think the main reason for this hurt is that he thinks that he as a demon is not enough for Aziraphale. I don’t think he believes it.
“Oh, we’re better than that, you’re better than that.” << Crowley is offended for Aziraphale, not for himself. He doesn’t even think twice about the offer. Maybe he thinks that it’s a trick, or maybe it’s just insignificant to him. What he tries to make Aziraphale understand is that Aziraphale doesn’t need Heaven. They don’t deserve Aziraphale.
[I can defend and understand Aziraphale all I want – and I will – but what I will never ever forgive him is his choice of words. “Of course you said no to hell – you’re the bad guys. WTF, Aziraphale? I mean what the actual fuck?! You don’t even think that, why would you say it? Why would you say “you”?? I have absolutely no excuses for that bit.
I hate “You’ll be my second in command” almost as much as the previous line. It’s a little bit easier to explain: something something about Aziraphale knowing that Crowley wouldn’t want to rule Heaven, and he says he will give him enough freedom to do what he wants and not to do what he doesn’t want to do. Also that he will be “his” second in command – like the main thing here is that Crowley will be “his” – with him, the closest to him, always by his side. Legally. I still hate the wording, but I need to find at least some excuse for it, if I can.]
When Aziraphale talks about Heaven being the side of truth, of light, of good – he’s talking about its potential, about the things he hopes to do there. He needs to believe in it, and he needs Crowley to believe that he can do it, to believe in him.
I want to talk specifically about “He said what? – He said I could appoint you to be an angel. You could come back to Heaven and… And everything.”
In my previous rewatch posts I tried to point out and prove two main reasons of why Aziraphale wants to go to Heaven and bring Crowley to Heaven.
He wants Crowley to be happy.
He wants to be capable of making Crowley happy.
Again: Aziraphale isn’t so excited because he wants Crowley to “be better” or “to change”. He is excited, hopeful even – almost with the hint of bittersweet hope in something which he never thought was possible – because he wants Crowley to find peace and joy he’s never had since he’s become a demon. It seems to him that if Heaven is offering this deal that means they are willing to admit that Crowley deserves to be an angel, and it’s as good an apology as one can get from God. Maybe this will be enough to heal some of Crowley’s hurt and resentment?
Of course, Crowley sees it in a completely opposite way: if they’re ‘forgiving’ him, that means he has something to apologize for. But he did nothing wrong back then. He did much more evil after the Fall then before. And they’ve no right to forgive him.
I don’t believe Crowley thinks that Aziraphale wants him to become an angel because he loves former Crowley, the angel he used to be. I’m sure he knows by now that Aziaphale loves him for who he is.
I think what wounds Crowley in this moment is that despite all this love it’s not enough for Aziraphale to choose him over Heaven. That he can’t understand how vital it is for Crowley to be true to himself, and respect it enough to stay with him. And what’s even more – it hurts Crowley that he feels like Aziraphale does not only betray him and the Earth, but that he betrays himself too. Crowley’s offended on Aziraphale’s behalf.
“When Heaven ends life here on Earth it will be just as dead as if Hell ended it.” << That’s the very same argument Crowley used when he came to Aziraphale to persuade him to fight Armageddon.
And Aziraphale recognizes it, he tells him: “If I’m in charge, I can make a difference.” << He tells him that this time round they would have better chances, and they won’t have to face the End of the Earth. Why didn’t he say it more openly, why? [I’ll tell you why: because if he had, they would have come up with a plan together and we wouldn’t have this horrible dramatic ending that we have.]
But as Crowley hears it: Aziraphale is making the same mistake he made during the Apocalypse all over again – trusting Heaven over Crowley, leaving him alone to side with the people who want to destroy both the Earth and Aziraphale too. And it’s unbearable.
It actually hurts me to rewatch Crowley’s confession, I just can’t, I start crying immediately. I mean, if it were not for these characters I’m incredibly invested in, like, they are part of my world, my reality – I wouldn’t for the life of me subject my poor self to such a torture which is seeing Crowley go through this again.
Just look at him, he starts talking already knowing that it’s hopeless. He knows he’s losing the most precious thing he’s ever had and the hope of having it in possible future too. And he’s doing it anyway – he’s putting everything at stake and he’s laying his heart bare there, in front of Aziraphale. I couldn’t believe it then and I still can’t as I’m rewatching it – how brave he is. Just how much willpower, hope, desperation, courage one must have to not give up immediately, to not pretend you don’t care that much – just to preserve some parts of your broken heart from being shattered into even smaller pieces. Crowley here is incredibly strong and brave. Because he knows that Aziraphale loves him as he loves Aziraphale, but that doesn’t mean that Aziraphale will choose him. And he’s doing this not only for himself but for Aziraphale as well.
And it’s so so hard for him! T_T His voice changes, it’s raspy and breaking all the time. His Adam’s apple wobbles, he looks up to hold the tears… And just what must it be like for an angel who was once so well-meaning and trusting and never expected to be cast out for that – to trust someone again with his heart? Oh, Crowley…  (God help me, I can’t understand how Aziraphale could just stand there and not be hugging him with all his angelic might)
When Crowley says “We’re a team, a group” – Aziraphale really glances away – to the window? – as if on a reflex, checking if anyone is listening. The angel is really so used to surveillance, to danger of showing his feelings. And how could he not be this way, really? In every historic minisode ever since the Arrangement he’s either worried that their relationship with Crowley will harm Crowley or he sees it happening. (I’m too lazy to write down the quotes, we all know them by heart don’t we?) Such habits won’t die easily. It will take time, and safety, and patience to overcome it.
I’m not sure Crowley here even means “we can leave Earth” when he says “We can go off together”. We’re so used to this phrasing (just as we’re use to the words Aziraphale uses both here and in the bandstand scene), that we tend to expect the same meaning. But in reality, I think Crowley just means: “We could leave both Heaven and Hell and be together, like Gabriel and Beelzebub did.”
However, even if Aziraphale understands him correctly, he realizes that it can’t happen this way: they can’t stay on Earth and have a happy ending. They can either go away somewhere (and even then they might not be safe, because – remember the opening scene? – it will all be shut down), or they can go down with the ship, which is the Earth. If they just stay and be “us”. So Aziraphale reads Crowley’s offer as such: “Give up on Heaven, Hell and the Earth. We can still be together.” Aziraphale can’t do that.
He wants to have both. He wants to save the Earth and be with Crowley there. He’s shaking his head all the way through Crowley’s speech. He wants to tell him it’s impossible, they just can’t be “an us” when there’s no one else in their universe.
[Again, from the last two paragraphs it’s obvious for me that it’s just a bad communication, isn’t it? If they just talked with words like normal grown up people there wouldn’t be any drama. Would it be more plausible, satisfying and (probably) in-character – very likely! Would it be less dramatic, sympathy-evoking and relatable? – probably also yes.]
Maybe Aziraphale isn’t saying it as it is, because he’s too afraid that he might be right? Maybe he thinks that if he tells Crowley now that he wants to be there in case of a new Armageddon, Crowley will just blame him for siding with those who even consider such things. So instead he just calls it “We can make a difference”. We can change them so that there won’t be a new Armageddon to stop.
And so when Crowley says “You can’t leave this bookshop”, and Aziraphale answers:
“Oh, Crowley! Nothing lasts forever!” He really thinks he’s saying it very openly: that there won’t be a bookshop if he doesn’t go to Heaven now. There won’t be Soho, There won’t be London. There won’t be Earth. “Oh, Crowley. How can you not understand that?”
But he can’t just say it openly, so Crowley has no way to understand it correctly so instead he hears the worst thing he’s afraid of hearing, because he’s already heard it before:
“There’s no our side. Not anymore.”
Just like Aziraphale will need time to recover from his trauma, Crowley will need time to recover from this. From always being ready for Aziraphale to reject him, for waiting it to happen any minute now.
Crowley remembers the Bandstand. He knows that then Aziraphale didn’t tell him the truth because he was a demon.
And now Aziraphale asks him to work together because now Crowley can be an angel.
And it hurts. And not because Crowley thinks Aziraphale thinks he’s not enough as an angel. But because Aziraphale still puts the chains that hold him before Crowley and their love.
Aziraphale here wants to go back to pre-Armargeddon times. Work together with Crowley, as they did then, stop the destruction of the Earth. And not hide. It’s the best thing he can imagine for them.
When he says “I need you!” I bet he’s not only thinking about Crowley himself as the closest person in his existence. He’s also thinking about the things he’ll have to do to make Heaven better and save the Earth, and he’s thinking: “How can Crowley refuse to help me now when in the same situation thirteen years ago I agreed to defy Heaven to help him save the Earth?”
[“Godfathers! Well, I’d be damned!
“It’s not so bad when you get used to it.”]
“I don’t think you understand what I’m offering you.”
I can’t read this phrase as “You don’t understand how much better it is to be an angel than a demon.” I just don’t see it, uh-uh. Aziraphale is far too offended for that. What he’s saying is: “I’m offering you a chance to save the Earth and be together. The only legal chance, the safest to do it.” That’s why he looks and acts so hurt. As he sees it, Crowley would rather stay a demon and choose to stubbornly hold onto his offense than smother his pride in order to be with Aziraphale and save the Earth.
Just like Crowley sees that Aziraphale is choosing Heaven over him, Aziraphale sees that Crowley doesn’t love him enough to forget his fight with God.
“I understand a whole lot better than you do.” <<
What Crowley is saying is: “I was betrayed and hurt by them so badly that now, six thousand years later I can still remember the pain. I don’t want that happening to you. I won’t participate in that happening to you. And you don’t understand it because if you did you wouldn’t ask me to go back there and subject myself to that pain again.”
What Aziraphale hears is: “You’re wrong to believe you can do anything. Heaven is toxic and you’re just you. And I won’t help you because it’s a lost cause.”
I love that Crowley’s feeling so much pain in that moment that he’s trying to lay some of it on Aziraphale with that nightingale line – it was petty and vengeful, and it worked: we see how Aziraphale react to that. But that only shows how badly Crowley was coping: he does it, because it’s too painful, he can’t do it alone.
And even in this moment, when he’s already horribly wounded, he doesn’t hide into his shell (I really thought he would, btw! I wasn’t expecting the kiss there and then even though I’d heard about the spoiler! I think this shows just how much Crowley really had to go out of his way to do it). It was a real feat, the kiss. I know it was more of a desperate attempt of Crowley to show what he can’t express with words. To show that Aziraphale has things on Earth to hold on to. But just as Neil said that he wrote the kiss there so that there wouldn’t be any misinterpretations, so that we would live now in a world where Crowley kissed Aziraphale – the same way I think it mattered to Crowley. He wanted Aziraphale to know for sure what he meant by “us”. Not the Arrangement, not working together, not being two fugitives on their own side. “Us” meant being in love. And it would have been easier for Crowley to leave some things unsaid when he knew that Azitaphale would leave anyway. But he didn’t.
And I don’t want to dissect the kiss and try to explain Aziraphale’s POV here, because some people have and many of them are right, I think. But it just makes me too sad for Crowley to think about it. By this point in the rewatch and analyses I’m done. I’ve no strength in me to forgive the “I forgive you”. Maybe tomorrow, but not today. (‘Tomorrow’ has come and gone and I still haven’t done it, so..)
And I just want to say that I think when Aziraphale is crying when Crowley’s leaving, he’s not only crying for himself. He’s also crying because he knows how he’s just hurt Crowley.
Okay, I’ve finished watching, and I’m crying too, and I don’t have any new ideas about the lift or the coffee, and I don’t think I want any weird turns there.  I really think Aziraphale was hired not only to be separated from Crowley but also to do dirty work for Heaven. And I really hope that this will bite them (Heaven) in the arse.
I want Crowley to realize that Aziraphale was right about the Earth, and I want Aziraphale to realize that Crowley was right about Heaven. I want them both to apologize and help each other to deal with their respective traumas. Most of all I want them to hug and be together as – I’m sure – God intended.
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otakween · 7 months
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Digimon Tamers - Episode 50
Meh, I didn't like this episode. It was just kind of boring and felt like a repeat of the last episode. I think they gave this show too many episodes so a lot of these finale episodes just feel like padding. Some fat trimming was needed.
Takato's parents being like "that's my boy" as Dukemon flew off into the distance came off as very funny/silly to me
It's a really good thing that Culumon stuck by Juri. It gave her someone to snap her out of her funk and someone for her to fight for when Culumon's in peril.
Why does a little Leomon hologram suddenly show up on Juri's digivice? What's that supposed to mean...?
Really not sure what that giant blue and orange blob they all flew into to use the red card was supposed to be or where it came from. Is that something the adults created?
The side characters are all kinda flopping as usual. Kenta and Hirokazu show up randomly only to be interrupted by the authorities who were looking for them (thanks for nothing, boys!) Meanwhile, Ryo interrupts the main trio to be like "And I'm here too!" (I don't dislike Ryo, he's just very flat as a character). I did kind of like the moment between Shiuchun and Lopmon where Lopmon is sad that they can't digivolve to ultimate. At least that scene had some heart to it.
So I haven't been paying attention to digivice colors at all and was surprised to see that Ruki's is blue and Takato's is yellow. I remember that Takato's shattered at one point and used to be red. Did it turn yellow when he got it back? I guess I kinda thought Ruki's would be yellow since that's Renamon's main color...(since Jian's is green for Terriermon). Also, also, Ryo's is blue too but the design is different. I'd like to see a behind-the-scenes explanation for these choices.
Main reason I thought this episode was stupid is a new threat appears from the digital world, but like...why did we need this? It's design is much worse than the creepy "goddess" monster from the previous episode. It's just a big blob with an angry mouth. When Ruki said "I'm afraid," I didn't buy it because it didn't look intimidating to me at all. It also has scythes haphazardly coming out of its body in a way the just looks janky. It feel like there was very little thought put into this design. Why couldn't they just fight the goddess monster? This is dumb! (Also...dat early 2000s CGI lol).
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(It's pretty obvious to me which one looks cooler)
Mako and Ai moment was sweet. Interesting that they share a digivice...that's a new development. I'd feel kind of annoyed if that happened to me and everyone else go their own partner/digivice. It's purple, because Impmon.
I'm pretty sure there's no deep meaning behind it but I wish they'd stop putting Juri in a crucified position. It's just overdone in anime lol
I thought the opening theme was misused in this episode. Save that for the ending! It just didn't have any emotional impact here.
Grani's sacrifice also had very little emotional impact since he was just barely a character (only started talking this episode). I like Dukemon's new look, but I wish the wings didn't glow so much that they have zero detail. He looked more badass in the title card than in the actual episode.
Whelp! Only one episode to go. Very excited to see this one wrapped up. Mostly excited for whatever after-the-battle/epilogue stuff they throw at us since I've found most of the battle scenes to be kinda dull. Onto the next!
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daychiie · 5 months
hi hi! 1, 4 and 12 for the manga asks :D
LITOOOO HIII HAPPY NEW YEAR 🥳🥳🥳🥳 CONGRATS IN THE IZUTSUMI IN THE DUNMESHI OPENING HIII!!!! Thanks for the ask,took a while cause laptop busted forfed to type on my phone tragic so tragic <\3 but we stay silly!!! 🥳🥹👍
1. Your top 5 reads of 2023
I already answered this one here, but you know what ? Let me make a....top 6 to 10?! JGDJKSJFJ also honestly kinda funny cause most of those are things I got into because of you lol the influence the power 💪💪💪
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Gowon for symmetry
You and I are Polar Opposites - the popular gyaru likes the glasses loner, they're opposites...omg so how they gonna be together? Is she ever going to confess? Yes it happens in chapter one JFJSJFJDJAJDJ. I really wasn't expecting that when I started but it was a nice surprise. As much as I can enjoy seeing the before of a relationship it's is nice sometimes just going after things officialized. The whole cast is a delightful, it's a extremely sweet and fun read, love to see all those characters friendship evolve too. I just wish some characters had a lil more focus,like I can only remember like ...one chapter with the short black haired girl lol.
Hirayasumi - OUGH MY EVERYTHING. What if we were just having a good time. Trully a comfort manga,very dear to me I'm so happy the hiatus gonna end soon!!!!
Romance 101 - just like polar opposites that's another romance that focus on the friendships of the cast, what it always really really nice <3 Bareum is such a adorkable sweetheart! It's really fun and nicely written!!!
She Loves to Eat and She Loves to Cook - ELAAAAS AAAAAA AS QUERIDAAAAS!!!!! It's so nice. At times it feels a bit awkward with on-the-nose metaphors and almost educational with it's message, but those two are such darlings. And I love the new characters as well. Loved the drama as well,excited for season two this month :]
Your Wings and Mine - I wondered if this one counts or not, cause it's not a manga but I already put other webtoons lol. Anyway it's a hysterical comedy absurd non-sense (sometimes maybe a little too much,but just sometimes) and well. It is funny. And I feel invested in the story, I really enjoy Shealtiel arc so far, it really pulls off very well the serious tone when needed!!
4. An underrated gem
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Ice Castle Wall - same mangaka of Polar Opposites, IT IS REALLY REALLY GOOD SO FAR!!!!! The vibe is a little less cheerful, but still funny and nice. I feel is just more underrated because unlike their sister it's not licensed, it got a scan working on it but only recently so there's less than 10 chapters avaliable in english for now. I check daily waiting for more. BUT YEAH, because of that is a little less accessable </3 I hope that more people get into it in the future:]
I'm already in love with the protagonist Koyuki,the whole cast so far is very nice!!! It's kinda funny Amamiya going all "I gonna unlock the barriers this person is putting up, we gonna becomes friends cause it brings me satisfaction". Like he's playing mind games to get a good score in social interaction. Meanwhile Koyuko is with her autistic swag playing mind games trying to get out of those situations in the less awkward way she can. It's amazing!!!
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12. A manga that made you look forward to every update
I guess every single one of my favorites that still releasing fits here, so hmmn... Aside from that I think Merry Marbling !!
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It's a ongoing BL very neat. It's nothing extraordinary, but it's fun. It's by the same author of Robber X Lover and overall I share similar feelings about both manhwas: I really appreciate how it doesn't feel like is following a formula, the characters realize their feelings and deal with situations with not super cliche way. I feel like how genuinely is trying to give more identity for their own characters. It's also funnily stupid and absurd at times and it's mostly aware of it. The art is very adorable too!!
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rosyjuly · 2 years
1 and 3 for acceptance is a small, quiet room ? anddd 11 and 14 for a thought too unfamiliar
thank you omg! both of these fics are very close to my heart and i geeked out a lil (a lot) so i'm putting it under a read more
acceptance is a small, quiet room (the PR meeting in prince au)
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
i'm a big ol' nerd about the technical aspects of fics and especially about the PR elements (shout out to my poor mutuals who had to sit through probably one too many rants about drivers' media abilities - or lack of them). one of the things that fascinates me endlessly about prince au is how the royal family is basically an institution, and just how much effort goes into it to maintain the Myth, so i wanted to explore that a bit. and in this, we again see that it's george's decision to go along with whatever his father and the PR team cooked up for him -- he does ask if he can think about it, but he doesn't even try to say "I'm actually seeing someone", doesn't lie that he's seeing a woman, doesn't try to bargain for more time ("Just give me another year and then I will"). i wanted to drive it home that yeah, the circumstances force george's hand, but he IS complicit and willing to cooperate and doesn't try to fight for what he has.
i also think that "We have selected the twenty most suitable options, based on status, age and accomplishments. You may find the preference matrix attached as Appendix A, should you wish to examine it." is SO fucking funny. i love silly and over the top documents. sue me :(
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
"And along he nods as they present the twenty women, all from noble families, all well-educated, their long hair carefully curled into perfect waves, their pale skin adorned with tasteful makeup and family heirlooms."
i still like the rhythm of this sentence! i was also trying to convey a distance that george feels? i'm a firm believer of "prince george never had a lustful thought of a woman, ever" so like aesthetically beautiful women still feel... alien to him in a sense. like he can see that they are pretty and dolled up nicely but it's doing as much to him as looking at a painting in a gallery.
a thought too unfamiliar (also known as wine cellar breakup)
11: What do you like best about this fic?
i like that it's sad :( lol. i found it so so hard to convey mick's quiet devastation. like how can you say "mick was shocked and could feel his heart breaking" in a way that reads actually nicely? and then i workshopped it with gabby @prettydangrotten and i think the final result is pretty neat! the suffocation of disbelief when you lose something so precious so unexpectedly.
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
hmm. i mean it's the opposite of a healthy relationship management and conflict resolution. i like exploring insecurities in fic, and this was one of my favorite attempts at it. we don't see it (and the author IS dead obviously), but seb breaks it off because he wants to prevent falling for mick & he genuinely thinks mick could and should do better (more age appropriate, with less baggage etc). meanwhile mick's been pretty sure that they've become quite serious and he thinks that they don't even have to discuss it. and then seb breaks it off (in a truly horrible way tbh) and mick doesn't stand up for himself, he just starts rewriting his memories to oh i was so stupid to think this meant something to him, even though he is RIGHT and it DID mean something to seb, it meant so much that he had to hit the brakes so fast when he realized just how deep his feelings ran for mick already.
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ms-aliennya · 2 years
this may sound extremely odd, but can I have headcannons of the "murderous" sdra2 characters +nikei and Yuki as the fun gang from deltarune?? (mikado as kris, yuki as noelle, kanade as ralsei, syobai as susie and nikei as berdly)
Right, your order and an order!
Sdra2 assassin characters!
Sora: Sora an exemplary girl, wait... M-killing??? well I don't think anyone would suspect a poor girl with amnesia who is always helping others, right? so that would be a perfect alibi to prove she was never the author of these cruel crimes! a great mind for solving trials being their motive? that's super cool!
Yuki maeda- ok, ok, I don't think anyone would suspect yuki!! His face is a Muggle, and unimaginable people have discovered that he is a murderer, since neither utsuro nor void isn't doing his job right, let the boy be nice, he your silly little ones will help in that too, like he knows everyone, just spending 2 minutes with setsuka he has already made a concrete opinion about her, and he manages to blend in well with the rest
Hajime makonouchi- well hajime would be great at that, as he's always running and training and exercising he could watch the people around him meanwhile seeing every loophole to murder, like just one punch from him faints kasai one punch from him should kill me or at least a head trauma, right? And it would be pretty easy to murder people who join him in training like kasai and maeda, since he knows both their schedules (dude, hajime's attack and S )
Yuri kagarin- Of course he only kills men! Like he would never touch a woman's finger, imagine killing?!? Well the victims' deaths would be pretty cruel since he doesn't consider human men anyway, so he won't let anyone find out, because if a woman finds out it's gone, he's given up, :) ,and fuck, the yuri is so fucking smart it shouldn't be hard to make anyone find out it was him
Emma magorobi- oops, this is getting interesting, emma is an actress so it will be easy for her to talk to others that she and one of the scared innocents (only if kokoro isn't there, right lol) she's very skillful she can get it all the trust of other colleagues
Kokoro mitsume- a woman with no feelings and smart, like kokoro and very smart (she is one of the smartest) So she plans a plan for the whole crime and does it perfectly, she can read her victim's every move because of her studies
Hibiki otonokoji and kanade otonokoji-
ok, ok the hibiki only and a Minion she only obeys the kanade so the True Killer and the kanade, kanade plans everything perfectly and explains the plan with all the possible details even how the victim will bleed she makes plans A ,B,C and until H
Setsuka chiebukuro- As setsuka is a playful and friendly person, many people wouldn't even think that the person who helps everyone and supports them in difficult times, nor would I doubt it, so setsuka would not be in the eyes of others as a killer, but I believe that setsuka would not would like to kill someone with her own hands so she could hire someone to commit these crimes making it harder for people to doubt her
Yoruko kabuya- yoruko someone who is always with everyone, but as I said in setsuka's, I don't think it would be possible for her to kill someone alone, but if everything goes wrong, do it yourself! so she'll pack her little knife, and invite her vitama to drink wine and then commit the crime, without anyone knowing :)
Shinji kasai- fuck, I don't need to say anything right? His hand is the size of my face, he's kind and shy, but he also has a strong personality, with his strength and just a few punches and fixes someone would die, but I think he would like to kill people quickly so they don't feel pain
Nikei yomiuri- as Nikei is not very good at fighting or fighting one-on-one, he would have to devise a strategy that can make the victim die quickly without being able to react, and the most used ways to kill the victims were poisoning or shooting, and then of a well-planned murder writing a story for the newspaper about the murder
Teruya otori-
As well as otori has a gun i wonder if he has more but let's say yes, he could use all the items obtained by the kisaragi foundation to murder someone (cheating and fuck even hahaha) even though otori can be kind of suspicious to others ,but he gets the trust of some in other chapters, and as he has knowledge about some like yuki he could incriminate or even kill him
Iroha nijue- well I don't think iroha would do well as a killer but she could try, our little cry baby has already managed to make allies and could tell them she would never do that, she could also ask for emma or hajime (if both were alive) to help kill or be an alibi
if they try to frame her
shoubai hashimoto-
As well as he is a killer he would be great at it, he already has experience in crimes, but so that no one suspects him he could try to make a crime not so successful so don't rumor that it was him since he is very good at this job , and he could be The Person I mentioned they would hire to kill
mikado sannoji-
Mikado like him and the big boss of this parade, he has access to all weapons and items, he wouldn't be dumb to kill someone cabornized for everyone to know it was him, because he's the only one with firepower huh?
So he could walk into any room, get anything, do anything, even walk into someone's room at night? I do not know I do not know :)
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I love deltarune, it's been a long time since I saw
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in-tua-deep · 3 years
Oooooo the red bock au sounds so interesting! Does Five caught himself thinking of his brothers just as numbers and weapons like Reginald talks in his book? Does he read Vanya book to remind himself that they are still human even though he reads it through lens of someone hurt by them all? And I feel like the handler would know either way about the books but o it's so much fun to see five being paranoid
I think having both books and both perspectives reminds Five that... he’s getting some very biased accounts of his own siblings. I think that when he’s still young, he writes down as many memories as he can remember because... he starts to forget, at some point. 
Vanya’s book talks about how volatile Diego and Luther’s relationship is, and so Five writes down the time Luther and Diego teamed up to toss Five off a balcony when Five kept switching the pens in their hands with pipe cleaners during a lesson (and he will maintain until his dying day that he was just practicing his control, c’mon guys!)
when Reginald’s notes call Allison an “insufferable, narcissistic creature,” Five remembers Allison bribing him to cause trouble and distract Reginald so that she could use the microwave unobserved to heat up some water bottles as makeshift heat packs for Luther’s sore muscles
when Vanya calls Ben “easily manipulated,” Five recalls Ben arguing theories with him at 2am after one of Ben’s training sessions where Ben almost flipped his bed when Five jokingly suggested that he could use the horror’s tentacles to bounce up and down like a pogo stick before Ben tackled him and tried to beat Five to death with an encyclopedia of sea creatures (affectionately)
I think having Reginald’s journal actually helps in a lot of ways, because Five automatically autocorrects literally all of Reginald’s thoughts to be like, mostly inaccurate and much harsher than they need to be. So when he reads Vanya’s journal he also autocorrects and is able to recognize that it is a very biased and somewhat harsh view of his siblings
(he doesn’t distrust them as much as he does in canon, with only Vanya’s harsh words to cling to with no reminder that they were all raised by a man capable of unfathomable cruelty, no reminder that authors can be oh so biased)
outside of his equations, there’s notes to himself written in the margins of Vanya’s book. Sometimes they’re just small, pointing out that Klaus had fought to include Vanya in trap week (Klaus then proceeded to team up with her and managed to catch Five in a snare - he actually still has a scar around his ankle from his upsidedown thrashing before he managed to steal one of Diego’s knives to cut himself down) or pointing out that Luther’s chilly attitude when they were ten was probably the result of Vanya outperforming him in every standardized test they took because of Luther’s ridiculous inferiority-superiority complex
at the very least he has comparison, because Reginald’s book calls Klaus an absolute failure while Vanya’s book called him “sweet, as a child at least”
As for the Handler... she’s aware that he has Vanya’s book and a red notebook, but I don’t think she actually knows what’s in the red notebook! Reginald was notoriously secretive, after all
So the Handler assumes that the red notebook is where Five keeps his time travel equations because aw, he hasn’t given up! how cute!
She makes an assumption that, logically, makes sense. Of course Five is still trying to figure out time travel, no matter how much he denies it! Of course he’s writing the equations down! What a silly boy, thinking that he could hide this from her, of course she knows about his little plans to save his siblings ;3c
And because she’s so powerful and knowledgeable and one step ahead all the time, she makes an assumption and assumes that it is fact. Because she’s so smart, of course she isn’t wrong! She’s had Five clocked from day one!
(The Handler thinks she has Five all figured out, a creature so based in sentiment. Why would he carry a book around that details the torture his siblings went through? He hates his father, why would he ever carry around his father’s notebook! The Handler has a fatal flaw, and it is that she doesn’t understand loyalty and sneers at sentiment and those are two of Five’s most powerful driving factors. Five lives for his siblings and would die for his siblings, almost his entire life has been dedicated to saving them. Not the world, just his family.) 
(She understands that Five considers his family to be exceptionally valuable, but doesn’t comprehend that Five is 100% willing to die for them should it come down to it. Why on earth would anyone value something like siblings over their own life? Absurd. I genuinely believe that the Handler thinks she could get Five to betray his siblings with the right leverage, and so she fundamentally does not understand Five as a person)
To be fair to the Handler, the whole academy’s morals and just. completely and utterly fucked. Luther condemns the murder of innocent civilians even if it would save the planet but doesn’t blink an eye at killing the ‘bad guy’ Commission agents. Diego stabs criminals as a pastime while still holding himself at a moral high ground for saving people, despite the fact that too many criminals are forced into crime by unfair circumstances. Allison used her powers to bolster her career without even blinking but now refuses to use her powers at all because of the manipulation of one (1) child, not even against ‘bad guys.’ 
I mean. Vanya wrote an entire salt book without consulting her siblings that had lasting impacts on at least one of her sibling’s career in the public eye and potentially impacting her siblings relationships with everyone who had every read the spark notes on her book, without the opportunity for reprisal. Publishing your entire family’s dirty laundry as personal emotional catharsis is... kind of a dick mood, lets be real. Especially when you were all abused children raised in an environment of excessive violence and rigid structure. 
Like yeah, of course Allison is good at manipulation and lying - she grew up with an abusive and over-controlling father. She probably lied as easily as breathing about where she’d been, who she was with, what she was doing, etc. The only privacy they got in that household was what they seized with their own hands and carved out for themselves! Is it fair to say that Allison’s superpower is dishonestly?
Is it fair to say that Klaus got crueler as he grew? He was tortured and turned to drugs as an unhealthy coping mechanism, and then he sat down at a table and looked at all the other little kiddies who did not get locked into a crypt overnight. In fact, there was one child who never got any extra training at all! Can you imagine the jealousy? The bitterness? Klaus might have been exceptionally cruel to Vanya as a teenager, she had everything he wanted and dared to complain about it. Can you imagine listening to someone wistfully wish they could join in on missions when you know that the cost for doing so has been carved out of your soul?
My point is, none of these little bitches have anything that resembles a sane moral compass. They’re unpredictable as fuck! It’s like herding cats! You never know what they’re going to do next! Oh? Are they going to investigate in any logical pattern? No, because Diego just remembered Patch exists and helping her print flyers for the annual police ball is more important than saving the world or whatever lol
Luther is over there investigating the moon! The moon! Meanwhile Allison is breaking and entering her sister’s student’s house because she got shady vibes off of him one time and she has never heard of a proportionate action in her life. 
Meanwhile Vanya is going through the phone book trying to call up psychiatrists who have any familiarity with whatever fucked up meds Dad put her on because like, she would like to Not Be On Them (fuck you dad) but also understands that danger of quitting cold turkey something you have been taking for years and would like a professional opinion on how to safely decrease and eventually eliminate her usage, thanks (Klaus is hanging over her shoulder pointing out the ones who will sell you non-prescription drugs for a price and Vanya mentally crosses those ones off of her list to call)
Five is probably joining on the breaking and entering because Allison promised she would sweet talk to eye dude if he did her this solid 
(Five complains at length about how investigating the apocalypse should not be a solid because she would 100% die as well if the apocalypse came to pass)
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shadow-otousan · 4 years
Deciphering the years in which Shadowsan grew up in
 Alternative title: Debunking the supposed fact that Shadowsan is 40+ (I’m looking at you, cs wiki)
Since Shadowsan’s flashback in s02e03, this has been on my mind. After some intense image searching, I can finally share the fruits of my research. 
Let’s cut to the chase. 
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This is Shadowsan as a child, then known as Suhara. (Also pictured are most likely his playmates.) The style of clothing they wear, which you can see mostly on the other kids, were fashionable as everyday wear for children during the 60s (and possibly earlier during the late 50s). This nostalgic blog in Japanese in which the author talks about their childhood and details the timeline of the decade, also describes the fashion worn by himself and his peers.
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The caption (fortunately in English) as follows:
Children of everyday wear of 1965 is this is it !!
The boy on the far right and the two boys on the far left are wearing the style most similar to what we see in the flashback--sweaters worn over their shirts, and shorts that barely stop at the thighs or, if longer, above the knees. We can safely say that Shadowsan spent his childhood at least somewhere in the mid-60s.
Now on to the second decade and this time, we’ll be looking at Shadowsan and his brother. But first, we’ll be focusing on the most conspicuous example for what was considered the style of that decade.
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This is Hideo as a young adult. Now the decade in which this took place was easier to figure. It might help that I had a 70s phase in college lol. The type of glasses he wore originated in the late 60s as a reaction to the unattractive and sometimes even downright butt-ugly spectacles of the past decades (except cat eye glasses but even that was a mixed bag). However, this style of eyewear really peaked in popularity during the 70s and it endured somewhat into the 80s.
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Glasses became seen as fashionable with their large, thick, and colorful frames as seen in these ads. Tinted lenses, if we’re talking about sunglasses. Now what only stumps me is that I cannot find the exact example for Hideo’s glasses, as I see only one bridge on his frames instead of the more common two (those are the type of glasses Shadowsan buys for himself during the Fashionista Caper showing us that fashion is cyclical, but I digress). Regardless, the shapes are there.
As for his hair, you can simply find it by typing “70年代 アイドル 男性” in google image search. But for the sake of one example:
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The only slight difference is that apparently, most of them parted their hair to the right instead of slightly to the left like Hideo does (and Masashi Sada as you can see above. Bonus points for being the few famous people in Japan who wears glasses so now I’m given the theory that the character designers lowkey based Hideo off of him. Highly unlikely, but it’s a nice thought. While we’re here, check out one of his songs like this one). His hairstyle also lasted until the 80s (because any start of the decade will always have holdovers from the previous one) until perms and hairspray made them even crazier. Hideo’s hairstyle can be describe as ‘feathered.’ Hideo’s clothes lack the then ubiquitous bell-bottom pants and wide lapels of the 70s though I’m chalking that up to even Hideo thinking those were silly (bell-bottoms could actually sweep up the dirt if you don’t wear platform shoes..I also tripped on them twice while walking ;w;).
Next, Shadowsan--este, Suhara as a teen.
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Because he’s a rebel, it’s a given that his style does NOT reflect the popular fashion of his youth unless you’re in a gang (or trying to look like you’re a part of one). They seem to have one thing in common though: a buzzcut.
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This was a photo of what seems to be gang members, taken by Katsumi Watanabe in 1972. The man on the middle right is the closest we have to Suhara’s style, befitting a misfit of Japanese society. On the contrary to medium-length feathered hair and colorful clothes, such rebels would go out of their way to stick out from the norm. Worth noting that the bosozoku fashion--in which elements of American choppers and 50s greasers are combined with Japanese elements (i.e. gakuran--high school uniform for males, hachimaki, sarashi, tokkou-fuku--”special fighting jacket”, etc.)--did not become quite popular until the 80s, so what Suhara wears is more or less a prototype of what will become the stereotypical look of Japanese delinquents (although those styles have actually coexisted too).
Now with all that out of the way. We can estimate as to how old they really are.
If Shadowsan was a 60s kid, that would place his birth years somewhere during the end of the 50s or the very beginning of the 60s, making him 50 plus or early 60s at the time of the show’s setting (2019).
Hideo, meanwhile, I’m just gonna take a wild guess and say he’s 5 to 7 years older (or even 10 considering how much older he looks compared to his brother in the current show), which would place his birth years squarely in the 50s, beggining, mid, or late. In the show’s setting, that would make him either 60 plus or pushing 70 years old. If 10, mid 70s or plus.
Until a concise number is given to us by the CS crew, I will strictly hold on to these conclusions as their more or less true ages. Of course, everyone is free to disagree because, after all, these are only theories and if they were to be debunked in the future, I won’t be surprised. Just a little heartbroken lol Because I’m not a historian of any sort nor am I Japanese, feel free to add on this or correct me on some mistakes I might have made.
And that concludes this post. Class dismissed ;P
(Last minute addendum: I would also like to point out that though it seems that most VILE operatives recruited are young as some argue that any VILE operative student had to be 20, nowhere in the show does it require only a certain group of young people can join. It might be entirely possible that as long as one is an adult (20 or older), one can join VILE. And Shadowsan, from the looks of it, seems to be in his late 30s or early 40s when he was a student going by his facial features. He just used to look really young bc Asian aging is a paradox. You can be older than you look, vice versa, and suddenly look like your age. But hey, like I said, only theories)
Ok, now I’m done~
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m-i-r · 3 years
Hi, I admire your point of view about Nalu and I share it. It may seem silly, but I still cling to Nalu and still believe in a logical development for them, maybe it will not coincide with our expectations, but I still cannot give up my hope😅
It’s not silly at all! After all, it’s not like we have nothing to back up our hopes lol. I mean, the author himself told us that:  1) he ships them too and thinks that they make a good pair, 2) he only trolls them often because it’s a writing technique that keeps the fans invested and he obviously enjoys using it too much  3) they’re MORE than friends and  their development is still in-progress And he’s also perfectly aware of the fact that they’re the most popular pair in the fandom. And while back-tracking is unfortunately also his brand, accompanied with great set-ups with no satisfying pay-offs, I do think that things are slightly different in 100YQ. For one, the series’ no longer in its prime, its popularity is obviously waning, and those outside factors are important to take into account - as they leave him with little room to proceed playing around and trolling. He’s also been made perfectly aware of the fact that a significant part of the fandom really wants a FT next gen, and that’d also require him to stop playing around and actually set his ships in stone.  And even when you ignore those outside factors and analyze the sequel itself, while the development has been extremely subtle and slow, I think the progression from Lucy’s side of things has actually been handled really well. Our girl’s feelings are 100% confirmed, meanwhile any other girl’s possible feelings have been 100% shut down.  The problem right now lies in Natsu, and how Mashima has unfortunately taken the classic and boring “stupid MC that only feels and values friendship” approach with him. But even that can be developed and changed in a tasteful manner in a mere few chapters... Look at Gr/uvia and how FAST Juvina changed the entire ship’s canonicity for example. Fairy Nail and Juvina aren’t even anything whose existence exactly make sense if you think about it lol.  Which means that Mashima just needs to /want/ to do something to do it, and I believe that the desire is there for NaLu too. And while reading 100YQ in it’s bi-weekly schedule has been an unpleasant experience to me, re-reading an arc in one go when it was already done made me realize that the writing isn’t really as bad as I initially felt it was on my first go. (although *some* scenes remain bad and questionable all the same lol) So while sure, I may have a lot of worries, and I do think that those worries are actually really justified, I also am very, very, VERY far from completely giving up on a satisfying NaLu canonization. I believe we’d need to be like - 10 chapters away from FT100YQ’s ending for me to actually give up. I don’t know if that’s me being confident and optimistic or a complete clown, but I guess only time will tell. xD 
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themonkeycabal · 3 years
Wandavision Ep 6 Spoilers
No really, spoilers. 
Previously on Wandavision — Wanda told SWORD to shove their drones right straight up their asses, Vision woke up to the reality that his utopian sitcom life was in fact a dystopian hellscape, their children were extremely creepy, and Agnes was being bizarre as hell and super sus. In the real world, Acting Director Dick was a dick, and Darcy and Jimmy welcomed Monica into their sciencey weird-crime-fighting team. Monica also mentioned an aerospace engineer she knows, which some suggest may be the first mention of Reed Richards in the MCU. I have conflicted feelings about the Fantastic Four. Mostly I never liked them. But, I'm open to revising my opinion.
Oh, and also X-Men 'Verse Pietro showed up suddenly and that was fun.
Anyway. the roommate and I tried to sort out a timeline — so Monica unBlips and goes back to work at SWORD three weeks later. AD Dick tells us Wanda stole Vision's body nine days previously. That means, just three weeks ago Wanda was in the middle of a battle, lost her boyfriend, was Snapped, was then unsnapped to fall right into the middle of another battle. Lost THREE additional teammates. And then sometime in the following week found out a shady government agency had Vision's body and she probably went "OH HELL NO". Because that's what I would say. So she goes to SWORD, dents a few doors, takes Vision's body and swans off to New Jersey. Look, she's been through a hell of a lot in the last couple weeks, is what I'm saying. I don't blame her a tiny bit. But, also, I don't think she's entirely behind this.
10-year old boy plus video camera = the 90s. Obnoxious opening credits. But, you know, I kind of liked them (as a one off). WAYYY better than last week's.
It's Halloween, and *sigh* Billy is breaking the fourth wall and narrating to the camera. There's childish twin bickering as you expect, Tommy's the wild and crazy twin, and Billy's the buttoned up twin. And Pietro is passed out on the couch at 4 in the afternoon. Living his best life. He teasingly scares the boys, chases them around, and there's awkward child acting.
Wanda comes down the stairs in the classic Scarlet Witch costume, and says she's a Sokovian Fortune Teller. Sokovia was more wild than I realized.
Genuinely funny flashback to Wanda and Pietro trick-or-treating in Sokovia as kids, 'the year we got typhus'. lol. Was it the fish that gave them typhus? Or was that just a special treat? Wanda doubts this version of events, and Pietro suggests she suppressed the memory due to the trauma. This gives Billy the chance to tell the camera that mom's been weird since uncle Pietro turned up to crash on their couch.
Next it's Vision's turn to appear in the classic Vision costume. Yikes. Wanda thanks him for humoring her, and he says there were no other clothes in his closet and they have a very weird second where he's not playing along and she's not sure what to do, and then he breaks into sitcom character says something about "just kidding, i know how much you love mexican wrestling" like it's a luchador costume, and then there's some super weird flirting. TMI you two.
Meanwhile, Pietro is a large child and the kids love him, of course. So there's that.
Back to Wanda and Vision, she's ready to take the kids out trick-or-treating, but Vision says he can't go, he's on the neighborhood watch and must patrol the streets ever-vigilant for wild gangs of child hooligans who might TP trees. He's gone off-script and it takes Wanda a second to figure out how to play this. She says it's the boys' first Halloween so he has to be there. Pietro breaks up the almost argument and says he can be a father figure-type and he'll help with the boys. Vision's still pretty off-script but Wanda doesn't fight it but looks uncertain, and he goes off to protect the night — or early afternoon.
Pietro is a child hooligan and wants to go do hooligany things with the kids. Wanda says he doesn't have a costume and he grabs Billy and they speed off only to return dressed in classic Quicksilver duds. Well, cheap-looking, thrown together Quicksilver duds. I laughed. The hair. lol. Good one.
Outside in the real world. The Hex field is still kind of glowing red and making bad force field noises. It only started doing that when Wanda got pissed in the last ep. Oh, goody, it's Acting Director Dick. I've learned his name is Hayward. I don't care.
Blah blah Stompy Mc-I'm-In-Charge blah. Monica is not pleased about the whole trying to kill Wanda with a missile while she was talking to her plan. AD Dick just says "now we know who we're dealing with". Um … what? You tried to kill her and her response was to tell you to go away. Yeah, boy, she's a monster.
Darcy is there to helpfully remind AD Dick that Wanda made him look like the fool he is. ILU girl. "Hey, there he is; the guy who almost got murdered by his own murder squad." Jimmy just makes a 'i'm so disappointed in you and your choices' face at him in the background.
I despise characters like Hayward. They are so tedious. Narratively they are there to incite conflict, but given the situation conflict naturally exists, surely there are other ways to bring up/drive that tension without the trope of the government heavy ready to solve the problem with the most extreme amount of force available to him. OH no! Our plucky heroes will have to find a way to save the day and fight the Man! Can they do it? Boring. It's too bad General Talbot went insane and then died; he could probably give tips on How Not To Be That Guy.
Hayward wants to know if Darcy works for him and she's like "dunno my dude", Monica claims her, AD Dick says "which one of you is the sassy best friend" and Jimmy's like, that is quite enough Acting Director Not Very Nice Man. "There's no time to diminish your colleagues when you're about to start a war you can't win." AD Dick just wants to take out Wanda so the whole nightmare ends. Monica's like um, we literally do not know what's going on. Like, for real we have no clue. So that might not, in fact, end the nightmare, Director Murder Britches.
They argue a lot and Director Dick goes off the rails. Dude's like more unhinged than seems warranted. Unless he's just so embarrassed that he pissed himself when Wanda returned his murder drone to him, he's decided SHE MUST BE DESTROYED FOR THE GOOD OF … NEW JERSEY AND MY SOILED UNDERWEAR OR SOMETHING. 
"Captain Rambeau, you are an impediment to this mission!" Oh no! He's gonna tell her all about how hard it was to survive in a post-blip world, all those lucky blipped don't know what it was like! You just can't understand! Monica tells him not to use that as an excuse to be a coward. I'm so bored with this scene. Let me guess, the trio will have to go behind his back to save the day.
"Maybe it's a good thing you weren't here with your mother died. Because, clearly you don't have the stomach for this job." … non-sequitur much? Or is he saying she would have inherited the Director-ship (which should probably not be how that sort of agency works, let's be real). Is this scene five hours long, or does it just feel that way?
The Dick banishes the trio from his base.
"Hayward is way over-stepping his provisional authority". Jimmy Woo, you're so great. Monica says he's up to something. Yeah a tactical nuke and murder. Clearly he doesn't want to actually solve the problem, he just wants the problem to go away with a big show of macho explosions and whatnot. I suspect he might be in over his head, like he was not meant to be Acting Director, let alone Director. Also, he's a boring cliche stereotype and I loathe it.
JIMMY! I legit did not see that coming. He just pure hauls off and clocks one of the soldiers escorting them off the base, to a transport truck or something. Monica seems just as surprised for a second but then she's like "hell yeah!" and jumps in. Darcy sort of stands back and watches. lol. "Why didn't anyone tell me the plan?"
Oh look, it's my shipping container! They put the soldiers in there. Guys, it was for Hayward. Come on.
The trio disguise themselves with ponchos, which is a big step up from the usual MCU disguise of "baseball hat". That was a good bit in Ant-man and the Wasp "it's not a disguise, it just looks like us at a baseball game" (I watched that like last week. I missed Luis). Anyway …
Back in the sitcom world. The kids are ready for their early afternoon trick-or-treating. They're still talking to the camera. It's so awkward. I'm not a fan. I get it's meant to reproduce the very 90s Nick-era sitcoms and so, you know, it's spot on. Still, though.
Pietro is encouraging and supportive. "Unleash hell, demon spawn!"
Dang there are a lot of kids in that neighborhood. Wasn't Vision wondering last episode why there weren't any kids? Is the program correcting itself?
Wanda tries to test Pietro, asking him about some kid at an orphanage when they were kids. Pietro calls her on it, and says he knows he looks different. Wanda wants to know why that is. He says, "You tell me. I mean, if I found shangra-la, I wouldn't want to be reminded of the past, either." Hmm.
The kids speed off with uncle Pietro. Wanda wanders over to talk to neighbor Herb, who has a g-man earbud in and is clearly part of the neighborhood watch. In the background Pietro is stealing all the candy and smashing pumpkins and spraying the place with silly string. The hijinks are so wacky. Wanda tells Herb maybe Vision can help out with the chaos, and Herb says Vision isn't on duty. Oh no, he lied to her!
Herb goes weird "is there something I can do for you, Wanda? Do you want something changed?" Hmmm.
Elsewhere Vision is wandering the wild streets of Westview. He finds people caught in some type of weird decorating loop, the woman seems trapped but aware.
Commercial time!  What the fuck was that. "Yo-magic! The snack for survivors." No, really, what the fuck.
Night has fallen, the twins and the twins walk the streets. Wanda's making the boys give back all the candy they stole. She says Pietro is a bad influence. He says "I'm just trying to do my part, kay? Come to town unexpectedly, create tension with the brother-in-law, stir up trouble with the rugrats, and ultimately give you grief. I mean, that's what you wanted, isn't it?"
"What happened to your accent?"
"What happened to yours? Details are fuzzy, man. I got shot like a chump in the street for no reason." AHAHAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHA! no really AHAHAHAHAAH! Thank you, Pietro! Holy shit, perfect. That's some delicious shade. I expect to see this gif'd fifteen different ways when I load tumblr today.
"Next thing I know, I heard you calling me. I knew you needed me."
The kids interrupt. And now all of a sudden Tommy can zoom. Character development!
Everyone is so careful to give Wanda what she wants. Why? She's not cruel. Who wants to keep her pacified? And whoever it is cannot possibly be pleased with AD Dick messing things up. Assuming it's an outside or outside-ish force/entity, of course. I mean, I don't think she's doing this entirely, she might be the battery powering it, but despite her thing last episode to get SWORD to leave her alone, she does seem a little confused about the where, why, and how things are going.
"Don't go past Ellis Avenue." Just a kid thing or a boundary of the sitcom control world?
In the real world, our heroes are sneaking through a tent city and into the server room. The scene with Pietro and Wanda discussing his accent is playing in the background. Darcy seems put-out that Pietro was recast. lol. "He brought the wrong face."
Darcy hacks into Hayward's devices. "Hayward figured out a way to look through the boundary." "And he didn't share it with the group." I don't like Hayward. 
Something is blipping on the map on the computer. Jimmy asks if it's Wanda, but Darcy says "it's tracking the decay signature of vibranium". So Vision. Monica wants to know why Hayward is tracking Vision. Well, I'd super like to know what SWORD was doing with Vision in the first place, because they weren't just storing him, they were doing something. So …
Jimmy notices that there are other dots, the ones closest to Vision, who are other residents. Jimmy says the ones near the edge of town are barely moving.
Back to Vision. He's found a cul-de-sac to patrol. Everybody's frozen in place, the street lights flicker. Eerie. They're all dressed for Halloween. Does this mean the field is shrinking, or the effects spreading and so it's closing in, slowing and then freezing people who were earlier moving about just fine? Vision is unaffected by this whatever it is. He turns himself into himself and flies off, up above the town. part of the town is dark, and part alive with voices and laughter.
He spots a car at the edge of town. It's Agnes. She seems frozen-ish, but when he asks what she's doing there, she says "Town Square Scare. Where is it?" all robotic like. Vision helpfully tries to give directions. lol. "Took a wrong turn, got lost" she says.
Vision touches her head and she wakes up. "You! You're one of the Avengers. You're Vision. Are you here to help us?" "I am Vision. I do want to help. But, what's an Avenger?"
Hmm. Well, I guess he did say last week that he couldn't remember anything before Westview.
"Am I dead?" she asks. "No, why would you think that?" "Because you are."
Agnes starts screaming "Dead" at Vision. She's not coping well. Vision says he's going to try and reach outside town and try to figure this all out. "How? No one leaves. Wanda won't even let us think about it." I SUSPECT YOU, AGNES! Why would Wanda keep everybody trapped and miserable? I could see if she did it on accident, but this implies she's purposefully hurting people. I don't buy it. Agnes, again, seems to be in the right place at the right time to make Vision doubt Wanda. You're a very suspicious character, Agnes.  
She starts to laugh. "All is lost." Vision touches her had and she resets to sitcom Agnes. Somehow she can move again, she turns the car around on Ellis Ave and heads back into town. So, that answers that.
Vision walks across the Eillis Ave to the field beyond.
Meanwhile, Darcy continues to hack. Monica gets a text and says "that's it! My way back into the Hex will be here in an hour." Jimmy's all ready to boost a ride to take her to meet her aerospace buddy. But, Darcy says, nope. Can't do it. Monica's been through the Hex twice, and it's rewritten her cells. "It's changing you." Monica is undaunted. "I know what Wanda's feeling and I won't stop until I help her." Alrighty then.
Jimmy's finally going to get to hotwire a car! But wait, Darcy's not going with them. AD Dick has something hidden behind one last firewall. Darcy thinks it's big and can help them. She's going to find it.
I don't think Jimmy had to hotwire that humvee. It just started right up. Motorpool, pfft - they always leave the keys.
Back in Westview. Halloween continues at Town Square. Pietro asks Wanda where she was hiding all those kids. Whu? Says Wanda. "I assume they were all just sleeping peacefully in their beds. No need to traumatize beyond the occasional holiday cameo, amiright?" What is Pietro. "Hey don't get me wrong, you've handled the ethical considerations of this scenario as best you could. Families and couples stay together. Most personalities aren't far from what's underneath. People got better jobs. Better haircuts for sure."
"You don't think it's wrong?"
"Are you kidding me? I'm impressed. It's a pretty big leap from giving people nightmares and shooting red wigglywoos out your hands." No, really, what is Pietro? "How'd you even do all this?" Hmmm.
"I don't know how I did it. I only remember feeling completely alone. Empty. Just endless nothingness." She looks back at Pietro and for a second he's dead Pietro. Poor Wanda.
Darcy continues to hack Hayward's systems. Cataract classified weapons something something. They're still tracking Vision. Who continues his walk across the field and comes to the hex. He tries to push through it. Looks painful. SWORD rolls out to go overreact at him. He makes it through the barrier, kind of. It's a struggle.
Hayward standing there looking like a jackass "he really does want out, doesn't he?" Like he’s just amused by this turn of events, or watching a lab rat try to get out of the lab. 
Darcy's standing behind watching all of this. Bits of Vision sort of fly off and back into the Hex. Darcy says "oh no!" and runs towards him, screaming for them to help him. Way to give away your sneaky hiding, girlfriend.
In Westview. Billy looks up, he can hear what's going on outside. "I hear daddy in my head. He's in trouble."
Vision calls for help, while SWORD prioritizes arresting Darcy. Phil Coulson would never have behaved like this. Boo to SWORD. Vision is dissolving. It's kind of gross and sad.
Wanda asks where Vision is, and Pietro interrupts "Don't sweat it, sis. It's not like your dead husband can die twice." Wanda wallops him with some red wigglywoos.
Billy sees soldiers and thinks Vision is dying. Wanda stops everything and makes a big red boom. The Hex appears to be expanding. Whoops, now you've done it AD Dick. He runs away like the brave brave guy he is. They leave Darcy handcuffed to a jeep. "Are you serious right now?"
The Hex overtakes Vision and then Darcy. Trapped soldiers become clowns, and we're in the circus. Well, SWORD seems like a circus, so Wanda's not wrong. I'm pretty sure Jimmy and Monica made it, but sadly the bravest Director who ever braved also escaped. He deserved to be a circus clown. Better luck next week, Wanda.
Well, I just don't know anymore.
Hayward doesn't care about Wanda, except where I think because of this someone will figure out what he was doing to Vision's body. And Vision is ultimately the thing he cares about in all this. I hope Wanda drops a house on him.
Quit suggesting I watch Age of Ultron next, Disney. It’s not happening. 
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jaeyunluvs · 4 years
birthday surprises - arón piper imagine
Author’s Note: Thanks for all the positive comments I’ve got on my last headcanon im so happy sdfjsfhds okay anyways here’s the actual first fanfic here we go people!!
SECOND NOTE: There was a problem with my laptop so it doubled a paragraph i’m so so sorry :(( edit: I fixed it
you can read my headcanon here
warnings: nothing. fluff i guess ah and maybe a tiny angst in the beginning
a short disclaimer: i dont know any of these people personally! english is my second language i may have mistakes (let me know if i do) . also i dont really know how to speak spanish so im sorry!!! 
anyways enjoy!!
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“Do you think he’ll be here?” you asked your sister painfully while sitting on the table eating lunch. Your birthday was tomorrow and you were in your hometown to celebrate your birthday with your siblings and some friends from your childhood nothing much. But your boyfriend, Arón was in the shooting for Elite.
“Honey he’ll try his best but I don’t think he will. He’s a successful actor you know that.” your sister Maya said.
You tried to understand but you didn’t feel happy. You and your family adored him which is a good thing and this made you so happy because he meant a lot to you. But he was the only person you actually wanted to spend time with
“I’ll kill him and punch his face if he doesn’t show up! He’s a cool bro but tell me if you need anything.” your brother Leo told you.
“Leo calm down, stop planning on the poor boy!” your sister Maya defended him.
While they were arguing. You stared at the outside from the window, rain pouring down from the sky. Raindrops on the ground, the fresh feeling of rain, the smell of nature just made you feel better. 
After staring at the beauty of nature, Aron called. You immediately run to your room and accept the call from with your sweaty hands.
“Hola, amor”
“Hi aron, i miss you”
“Yo tambien amor, please forgive me but I won’t be able to make it to your birthday can we celebrate it later?” he says in the phone but actually suffering cause he hates it when you’re sad and not be able to spend time especially special times together.
“oh, okay sure” you said while tears pooling in your eyes trying not to make Aron notice. You tried to find an excuse to end the call “then we’ll talk later i gotta go mom’s looking for me.” 
“bye carina” you ended the call without hearing him saying bye but you didn’t want him to understand you’re crying and sad because you support his work and you didn’t want him to think you’re a baby (WHICH HE DOESNT I PROMISE). You sat on your bed cried for hours eating ice cream, hugging your dog and watching romcom movies with your sister. (A/N. typical lol)
Meanwhile in the Elite set:
After the call, Aron was actually very unhappy. Miguel and Omar tried to cheer him up. Their work was only waste of time because they know you’re the only person that could make him happy.
You met the elite cast in the first month you started dating Aron which right now it's been 6 months since you've started dating. Everyone loved you and very happy that their friend Aron is dating such a wonderful lady.
"I have an idea. Let's go all together. Aron call her Y/N's sister immediately we have a surprise to do!" Danna chirped.
"But how are we gonna go all together?" Aron asked still sad, in the verge of crying.
“Also The director said we can’t go.” said Claudia with a sad expression.
“I’ll go talk to him we can all have a day off can’t we?” Omar tried to cheer everyone up. He is one of the most cheerful person in the cast which this was the one of the reasons why you loved Omar. After the idea popping up, Itzan and Omar went to talk with the director.
10 minutes passed Aron was still stressing out and feeling unbelievably sad (a/n: this baby cares about you so much ahh sdfhsh <33). Danna and Ester being completely positive they tried to plan the surprise.
After 30 minutes Itzan and Omar came back with good news. They explained that they can have the day off but they begged the director so bad that the director was going to explode. 
“That cabron was being so rude! But he’s nice that he accepted so let’s go!” said Omar.
“Madre Mia, Aron you owe us a favor!” claimed Itzan laughing while watching Aron jumping in his seat.
The cast was extremely happy.
The car ride was so fun but weird at the same time. Maria and Jaime couldn’t come but they promised to celebrate it later. Jorge and Miguel partying in the background. Itzan and Aron chatting about rap. Omar and Alvaro sleeping. Last but not least all the girls were sitting together planning everything.
“Aron, what are the things she like? Like what’s her favorite movie?” Ester asked curiously so she can get an idea and brainstorm about the surprise.Aron answered with a low husky voice “She likes dogs, music, and her favorite movie is 10 Things I Hate About You. Mi amor loves oldies.” he smiled while thinking of what you like. He likes every single one of you. I guess this is called love. But are you also in love with him? Are you guys ready to tell that you guys love each other? Rejection. Fear. Concern. Little did he know that you felt the same.“oohh but 10 Things I-” Maria was interrupted by Aron.
“Ay dios mio! I have the perfect idea!” Aron said excitedly. He explained his dearest friends.
They called Maya and Leo to make the surprise possible. They were too happy and they told Aron that you were so sad he immediately felt like an evil and stopped talking. But the plan made him felt better.
It was going to be perfect.
Anyways after 8 hours of the car ride. Everyone was tired. They went on the ride at the night and now it was morning.
Aron was coming.
For his love
The girl he loved.
For you.
The Birthday Day
“WAKEY WAKEY Y/N IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY!” Your sister Maya and brother Leo shouted. They were so excited for the surprise. 
The party was going to be in the house so Maya had to take you out of the house until night. 
(A/N: Just a side note sorry for interrupting but your parents are not gonna be in the party!)
You grumbled and mumbled a few curse words under your mouth and woke up.
“Today we’re gonna shop, go meet Y/B/F/N and go to the movies!! It’s gonna be so much fun!” Maya said excitedly.
You smiled at your sister and grateful that she wants you to be happy. You tried to forget Aron for that day and have a nice time. 
After eating breakfast you went out. Your phone was blowing with birthday messages and some dm’s from instagram about Aron’s arrival to the hometown by fans but Maya immediately caught the phone while she sent you to get something. 
The day went great, you went to see Avengers Endgame which is one of your favorite movies, you went to shopping, bought a sunglasses, ate junk food, done silly stuff. But Aron was nowhere to be found for you. There was no message or calls which made you feel so bad inside. 
On the other hand, the house was crazy, people trying to cook, plan, decorate the house... It was already a mess.
After the effort that almost 25 people given has done and it was the time that you were going to be taken back home by Maya.
“Y/N it was a great day. happy birthday te quiero mucho. Now go to house I’ll be back i’ll park the car ” she hugged you in the car, then you went out. While you were trying to open the door you heard a similar melody.
“You’re just to good to be true,”
“Can't take my eyes off of you“
“You’ll be like heaven to touch,”
“I wanna hold you so much”
“As long as love as arrived”
“And i thank god I’m alive”
“You’re just too good to be true,
“Can’t take my eyes off of you.” 
You saw Aron walking to you singing. You ran into him and kiss him so passionately. You were almost crying. Also he knew your favorite movie and always wanted to be surprised like this. 
“You’re here Aron! You’re here and you’re singing like Pat did to Kat.”
“Would never miss it, mi cabron!”
Then you heard a crowd shouting and singing happy birthday for you. You see the elite cast running for you. You hug every single of them and thank for their effort to come there.
You were so grateful to have such friends, family and a boyfriend like that.
It was too good to be true.
Song Credits: Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You - Frankie Valli
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You Can STAY- Part Two
F/M Main Pairing: Y/N x Lee Felix (side pairing: Y/N x Stray Kids)
Genre: Fantasy AU; Scarlet Heart AU; OT8 SKZ
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: language
Summary: Y/N has settled into her position as the Castle’s royal mage. She’s also getting to know the King’s sons, even if that means dealing with Seungmin’s challenging comments and Felix’s brooding nature.
Tag List:  @angelphantomlove @moonlightracha @staycarat0801 @jjabbur @pinkchcn @smolchild-lol @straykidbaby @moonnstars90 @choisaemi @dru-shadow @skzooyeet
A/N: I’ve completely revamped this series. If you look at the masterlist, there are now only 12 parts instead of 20. For a while, I had writer’s block on this series, but I realized that it was because I was super intimidated by my own outline. I think I’ve figured out how to make it more manageable! Hopefully, this means updates once or twice a month (this will also be the shortest part).
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Part Two The fresh herbs sold at the Clè Kingdom’s marketplace were incredibly valuable. They were also of the utmost quality, and I had been spending most of the day occupied by choosing the best selection for my private stores at the castle. But I could easily spend most of my time here, surrounded by the things that I loved to create, and my mind was thinking about all of the combination possibilities.
“How about this one, miss?” a vendor asked, holding up a fresh batch of chamomile for my inspection.
“I’ll take it,” I said, offering her payment in exchange for the chamomile. The smell was delicious, and I inhaled deeply before proceeding on my path through the surrounding patrons.
It was a beautiful day; the kind of day that managed to maintain my cheerful smile. The air was warm and welcoming, and I was beginning to think that I was feeling truly happy despite my isolated existence ever since I had first arrived at the castle.
However, up ahead in the distance, I wavered at a booth selling tulips when a passing group of village girls let out obnoxious giggles. “Did you see the fourth prince? He was so handsome!”
“I can’t believe they’re traveling so far away from the Castle!”
“Look! There they are!”
I followed their gazes, frowning at the sight of the King’s youngest sons walking in our direction. I attempted to ignore them, turning my attention to another vendor, but I startled when I felt a tap on my shoulder. The contact was unexpected, and I spun around in surprise to see four of the King’s sons standing in the middle of the market. “Oh!” I said, adjusting my hold on the basket. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”
They were all polite smiles, and I recognized them as Jisung, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Jeongin from our previous introductions during the choosing ceremony. “We haven’t had a chance to be properly acquainted,” Jisung said, bowing low at the waist before standing taller. “We thought you could join us while we visited the town.”
“I don’t know...” I hesitated, wondering what the appropriate response should be considering my status and the eyes of the village watching us with obvious interest.
“It’s alright if you’re concerned,” Hyunjin said with a pleasant smile. “But I always like to have an audience when I play my music.”
“Music?” I questioned, noticing, for the first time, the simple guitar wrapped around Hyunjin’s shoulders.
“I’ve been playing since I was young,” Hyunjin explained. “Of course, my father doesn’t appreciate my music, but I always come to the village to play for whoever wants to listen.”
“He’s pretty good,” Jisung joked, nudging his brother playfully. “It makes for a good use of your time.”
I studied their brotherly banter for a moment before nodding. “I would love to listen.”
“Then what are we waiting for?” Jisung declared, reaching out to tuck my arm against his. “Let’s go before we lose more daylight!”
My face warmed at the unexpected contact between myself and Jisung, but I chose not to say anything as I allowed the brothers to escort me through the village. From behind us, Seungmin and Jeongin had yet to speak a single word, but I chose to ignore their cold auras. Because Seungmin had already proven himself to be less than desirable.
However, it was easy to disregard Seungmin’s dismissive attitude when I finally heard Hyunjin play for the very first time. It was nothing short of magical, and I should know that better than anyone. In fact, the soft melody of his guitar complimented his raspy vocals, singing an unfamiliar tune that attracted a large crowd of village onlookers who expressed their appreciation for his efforts.
Jisung was the first to start clapping when Hyunjin finished his song, and the other villagers joined along. “Bravo, brother,” Jisung said, clapping Hyunjin on the shoulder. “Another masterpiece.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Seungmin muttered. “Can’t we do something else?”
Hyunjin scoffed while Jisung simply chuckled. “Of course! I know we came out here to have fun.”
I glared in Seungmin’s direction, wondering if he was this rude to everyone, before I reached down to grab my basket. “I suppose I should return to my shopping-”
“Hey, mage,” Seungmin interrupted, shoving aside his brothers when he pushed his way to the front. I tried not to roll my eyes at the younger prince, especially considering the way that he held his head high like he was excessively proud of his interruption. He reached into my basket to study one of the fresh apples. “You think you’re too good for us?”
I frowned. “I never insinuated such things.” Seungmin flinched when I held out my hand to summon the apple back from him with a simple command. “And I don’t think you want to challenge me,” I added before taking a bite of the delicious fruit.
Jisung raised a brow, clearly impressed. “My brother would appreciate a challenge! We’re planning to practice archery in the forest.”
Seungmin pouted as he eyed the apple in my hand. “She doesn’t look like she could handle it.”
“What makes you say that?” I asked him. “My father taught me archery when I was younger, and I was the best in our village.”
The comment was intended to act as a challenged, and as I expected, Seungmin didn’t take well to my tone, rolling back his shoulders as he glared at me. “I challenge you to an archery competition,” Seungmin said. “No magic.”
“Okay,” I said with a grin. “But I hope you can accept the results.”
“As long as you’re willing to play fair,” Seungmin huffed, tossing his robes behind him as he started in the direction of the Castle with Jeongin faithfully by his side.
Meanwhile, Jisung looked at me with a wicked smile. “I hope you kick my brother’s ass.”
Hyunjin snickered, tossing an arm around Jisung’s shoulders as they led the way to the royal archery courts.
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Seungmin watched me from afar as I busied myself with scanning the available offerings of archery bows that had been delivered by the Castle servants. As someone who considered herself to be of smaller stature, I needed something light-weight and flexible. Thankfully, Hyunjin was more than willing to assist me, and we tried out a variety of bows before settling on an offering that felt like it had been born to serve me.
“Whenever you’re ready,” I said lazily, enjoying the look of frustration written across Seungmin’s countenance at my nonchalant attitude.
He stepped forward with determination, raising his bow and notching the first arrow before he focused all of his attention on the target board waiting in the low coverage of the trees. I held my breath, admiring his perfect form and the light bead of sweat dotting his brow from his intense concentration. Eventually, he pulled back and released the arrow, and we all watched as it soared through the air in a perfect arch before landing close to the middle. 
There was a smattering of applause from his siblings, and Seungmin turned around and bowed before smirking. “Try and beat that, mage,” he said, cocking one brow in derision while he joined Jeongin on the sidelines.
I sighed at his tone, taking my position and adjusting my posture. It took me longer to prepare my bow and arrow, but I had not touched the weapon in many years. Still, it was annoying to hear Seungmin snickering at my obvious lack of experience, and I swallowed hard as I tried to remember my lessons. I rolled my eyes as I notched my arrow, holding the bow between my hands as I focused on the target. I released a shaky exhale as I held up my bow and sent the first arrow flying through the air.
With a dull CLINK! it made contact with the very center of the target, and Jisung started laughing and dancing around the field like he was thoroughly entertained by my success. Even Hyunjin planted a hand over his mouth to stiffle his obvious amusement. But Seungmin was positively enraged.
“You’re cheating!” Seungmin exclaimed. “She’s using magic.”
“I told you to accept the results,” I said. “It seems that you can’t admit defeat.”
“Do you expect me to believe that a common mage managed to hit the middle of the target on your first attempt!” Seungmin growled. 
“I didn’t use magic,” I retorted sharply, shoving the bow at Jisung. “That is all I have to say on the subject. So, if you’ll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to that won’t leave me on the receiving end of a ridiculous prince’s ridicule!”
“How dare you!” Seungmin shouted to my retreating figure, but I payed him no attention as I picked up my basket from the forest floor. He was nothing but a pest who wasn’t used to the common folk challenging his authority. Seungmin was a silly child, and I should’ve anticipated that he wouldn’t let me simply walk away. Still, the impact was jarring, and I fell to the ground with Seungmin on top, fighting for control over my attacking hands which I refused to allow him. In the meantime, his brothers stood off to the side, laughing at our skirmish.
“Seungmin, this is embarrassing,” Jisung said.
“Father would be so disappointed,” Hyunjin added, and neither brother made any attempt to stop our foolish fight. But no matter how many times I tried to throw off Seungmin’s lanky form, he kept up the assault, trying to pin my hands next to my head.
“You’re immature,” I spat at him.
“Well, you’re a cheater!” Seungmin retorted, squealing when I raked my nails down his arms.
The two of us immediately froze at the sound of a strikingly familiar command, and I glanced over Seungmin’s shoulder and frowned at the approaching figure. “What’s going on here?” Felix demanded, and I shivered at his deep voice.
“N-Nothing,” Seungmin stuttered, and I was fascinated by his abrupt change in demeanor. He rolled off to the side, struggling to stand on his own two feet, while I propped myself up into a sitting position. 
Felix glanced between us with narrowed green eyes, and his hair looked like it was practically on fire underneath the influence of the sun. Finally, his gaze settled on me. “Did my father bring you here to play around all day, mage?”
I bristled at his words. “You misunderstand, your majesty.”
There was venom behind my tone, but Felix didn’t appear any less intimidated. “You’re going to be trouble for us, aren’t you?”
I shook my head, returning to a standing position as I confronted the Prince. “Your brother was the one who requested my presence. I won’t have these unnecessary slights against my character.”
“Is that so?” Felix asked, and there was a slight upturn to his upper lip that relaxed some of his earlier tension. “I think you’re awfully proud of yourself, mage, considering that you’re in a position of servitude.”
“One that I agreed to, your highness,” I remarked. “This position is desired amongst my people, and I was able to secure it for myself. Do you really think that after all my hard work, I’d willingly sabotage that which I have earned?”
“I suppose not,” Felix allowed, lowering his gaze. “Forgive me.”
“Perhaps when such forgiveness is justified,” I said, and before Felix could offer another sharp retort, the arrival of a new presence seemed to relinquish the authority to de-escalate the situation even further.
“This is a surprising meeting,” Prince Chan declared upon his entrance, and his smile was wide when he continued in our direction. “Is there a problem?”
“Not anymore,” Felix said, and he had the audacity to smile at me like we were suddenly friends despite his earlier words.
“My apologies, your highness,” I said, offering Felix’s apology to Chan, and I was pleased to see Felix’s smile disappear. “I was invited here by your brothers.”
“All of them?” Chan asked, stopping next to us as he gave Felix a meaningful look. “Father told you to stay inside the castle, did he not?”
Felix sneered, giving me one last lingering look before promptly walking off in the direction of the Castle’s main entrance. In the meantime, Chan looked around at his younger brothers. “I think we’re done here.”
Jisung and Hyunjin bowed in compliance while Seungmin rejoined Jeongin with a huff, crossing his arms over his chest in a petulant manner. “As you wish,” I said, nodding politely before reaching down for my basket.
“Walk with me,” Chan requested, reaching out for my wandering hand, and I was more than happy to oblige.
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Chan was quiet during our walk back to the Castle. But conversation didn’t seem necessary, especially when his entire persona evoked a sense of calming. It was peaceful between us, and I continued to sneak glances at his handsome profile, wondering about the person beyond the golden-blonde hair and angelic blue eyes.
“You’re curious,” Chan remarked, pausing outside of the castle’s doors. “It only seem natural considering your circumstances.”
“I suppose,” I said, connecting my hands behind my back. “But it really isn’t any of my business.”
“On the contrary,” Chan said, opening the door for me like some kind of otherworldly gentleman. “I think you should ask questions about the people you wish to serve.”
I nodded my head, but didn’t say anything else as I followed him inside. I wasn’t certain of Chan’s intentions, but he seemed to be taking me somewhere, and I was polite enough to respect him. Of all the brothers I had met so far, with the exception of Felix, Chan intrigued me the most. But at least my curiosity for Chan was genuine while my study of Felix was rooted in suspicion for the young Prince who clearly did not belong here.
“My quarters,” Chan said, pausing outside of a room at the end of the hallway. “I hope you don’t mind, but my wife has asked to meet you.”
I blinked in surprise. “Oh, of course not, your highness.”
Chan smiled, encouraging me to enter the sparsely furnished room where I noticed a beautiful young woman waiting for me on the impressive bed that sat beneath an overhanging window. “Hello,” the woman greeted me politely.
I bowed once, looking back at Chan who observed the two of us without a hint of emotion. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I said, hesitating only briefly before I walked further inside the room. I swallowed hard when I noticed the raised bumps decorating the skin of her arms.
“The castle’s new mage,” she said. “I’m glad that you could make time for me.”
“Yes,” I agreed. “I cannot lie and say that I wasn’t curious when I first learned of your identity.”
“Well, your handmaidens likely only told you about the poor woman who is dying,” she said, and I could see Chan wince from the corner of my eye. “My name is Ella, and I promise that I’m more than that.”
“Oh,” I said, struggling for the right words. “I hope that you don’t think that I’ve thought less of you.”
“Of course not,” Ella said. “However, I know what most of the people here think about me.”
Chan cleared his throat, and he appeared uncomfortable with the conversation. “Darling, I think we can try to visit the gardens tonight, if you’d like.”
Ella nodded, and her eyes glimmered with the promise of such a seemingly innocuous occasion. “I would love that,” she said, before looking back at me. “Chan tells me that you’ve already left a strong impression on his siblings and the King. I hear that you’re the strongest magic user to ever serve the Castle.”
“Well, I’ll certainly have to prove myself worthy of such a title,” I said. “I’ve been practicing magic since before I can even remember.”
“What a beautiful gift,” Ella remarked. “I’m sure you’ve done a lot of good with your abilities.”
“Yes.” I nodded. “I love to help the people in this kingdom.”
“I’m sure you’re also adept at healing,” she continued. “Wouldn't you say?”
I widened my eyes in surprise when I caught the implicit meaning behind her comment. “I have a talent for it,” I said, keeping my remarks vague because I never expected to hear this fragile young woman, during our very first meeting, request that I restore her health.
“Interesting,” she said, giving me a knowing look that I chose to store away until I could process the implications. “I know you have other responsibilities,” Ella said. “Thank you for seeing me.”
I bowed again to demonstrate my respect before I followed Chan back out into the hallway. “I’m sorry,” Chan said, refusing to look at me. “I know it was shameful of her to ask for your help.”
“It caught me off-guard,” I said. “But I don’t like to see anyone suffering. What sort of disease does she have?”
“It’s a very rare disease,” Chan explained to me, and there was a stunning amount of emotion behind his tone. “I don’t know much about it, but I know that they cannot cure her.”
“I see.”
“Y/N.” Chan sighed, and there was a raw vulnerability in his gorgeous blue eyes that exposed his desperation. “Ella hasn’t been herself since her diagnosis. I can barely recognize the woman that I married.”
“Your highness,” I said. “If you allow me, then I’d like to do my best to help Ella. In the best way that I can.”
“Really?” Chan asked, and his eyes glistened at their corners. “I would be forever in your debt.”
“The King’s sons owe me nothing,” I said. “I have no right to ask of anything in return for my services.”
“But?” Chan questioned.
I took a deep breath, searching the perimeter to ensure that we were truly alone before I leaned in closer. “Tell me everything you know about Prince Felix.”
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manage-mischief · 4 years
Ground Zero
Part Two: Freedoms 
Read on AO3 here. 
Summary: Two-shot. Though Tonks had been fantasizing about moments like this for months—moments when the two of them were in bed together—none of them had involved quite this much blood or mortal peril. In which Remus is injured during a mission and Tonks has to think fast to save his life.
Author’s Note: This will be a two-shot and perhaps part of a larger Remadora series. They are definitely one of my OTPs, and I feel like a lot of their relationship was glossed over in the books. This story attempts to place a timeline on some of their romance. It takes places soon after Order of the Phoenix, before the Half-Blood Prince. I envision it happening right before Harry arrives at the Weasley’s and sees Tonks and Molly there. I’m pretty new to fanfiction writing, so any kind comments would be appreciated! (I had to re-upload chapter 2 because of a link issue and because idk how Tumblr works lol sorry about that)
Chapter 2 : Remus recovers from the attack while Tonks tries (and fails) to stay casual. There's only one bed, after all. Past Wolfstar if you squint. 
One minute. That’s how long she allowed herself to lose control. Sitting there, shivering on the cool bathroom tile, she felt like a complete idiot. Since it had been well-established that the universe hated her, it made perfect sense that she had to have gone and fallen in love with a man who she was quite certain would never love her back. At least, not in the way she hoped. She had managed to earn in his friendship, but was sure that, in his eyes, she was still the same immature girl he had believed her to be all those months ago: too young, too frivolous, too clumsy. And, he was probably right. He had been a bloody professor for Merlin’s sake! Meanwhile, she was the girl who would pretend to be professors to pull pranks and end up in detention with a Howler from home the next day.
Not to mention the issue of Sirius. She had never known exactly what had gone on between Remus and her cousin in the past. But, after Remus’s reaction to Sirius’s death, she was fairly certain their relationship had not been strictly platonic. These thoughts of Sirius caused her to shake even more. A few stray tears slid down her cheeks. It was her fault he was dead.
She relived the fight at the Department of Mysteries every day. Her biggest failure. What could she have done differently? What curses or hexes had she forgotten? If she had been a better dueler, a better Auror, would Sirius still be alive today? Surely, Remus had asked himself similar questions. So, Tonks resigned herself to the sad truth: even if Remus felt anything towards her, he would never want to be with the witch whose incompetence had led to the death of one of the only people on Earth he had ever loved.
Her minute was up. Tonks pushed herself off of the floor. She leaned over the sink and stared in the mirror. Her hair, which often involuntarily changed color to reflect her mood, had reverted to its natural mousy brown. Right now, she possessed neither the desire nor the energy to turn it back to pink. With one hand still gripping the basin of the sink, she turned on the faucet. For a moment, she just stood there, listening to the water run. She took a deep breath and splashed a few handfuls of cold water on her face. Returning to the bedroom, she was determined to force any longing thoughts concerning Remus from her mind. Constant vigilance, she repeated to herself, policing her stream of consciousness in order to banish all romantic inclinations. Although, somehow, she was certain this was not quite what Mad-Eye had had in mind when he coined the phrase.
“You should try and get some sleep,” she remarked as she exited the bathroom, feigning a casual tone. “You take the bed. I’ll put some blankets on the floor.”
He propped himself up on his elbows to look at her properly. “Don’t be ridiculous, Tonks. You just saved my life. You’re not sleeping on the floor. This is a king-sized bed, there’s plenty of room for the both of us.”
Great, just great. Why did this man have to be so goddamn chivalrous? So much for ignoring the mess going on in her brain and…other regions… Sharing a bed was not going to make this situation any easier. Maybe if she possessed more willpower, she would have told him no—insisted that she sleep on the floor, or went downstairs to check out another room. But she didn’t. Instead of making what would have undoubtedly been the more responsible decision, she began to remove her shoes and bloodstained clothes to join the half-naked subject of her pining under the blankets.  
The two partners sat in silence for a prolonged moment, both staring up at the ceiling to avoid meeting the other’s gaze. Tonks mentally kicked herself. This was getting ridiculous. There was no reason why she should be acting like a schoolgirl. She was an Auror: an elite wizarding warrior. She ate Death Eaters for breakfast. Surely, she held the capacity to brave the awkward territory into which they were entering. She turned to face him, sitting herself crisscross with her feet on the mattress. “So…love potion, eh?”
He chuckled lightly, relieved at the break in the tension. “I suppose I did promise you a bedtime story, didn’t I?”
“It really is the least you could do. Seeing as I saved your life and all, Lupin.”
“Fair enough, but I’m afraid I made the tale sound a lot more interesting than it actually was.”
Tonks raised her eyebrows. “Spill.”
“In my 5th year, some admirer of Sirius’s—I should note he had plenty of them—gave him some fire whiskey for Christmas. I told him not to drink it. Naturally, I assumed he had tossed it out after my warning. But then, one night, he and I were in our room and fancied a drink. Sirius opened a bottle of fire whiskey, which, as you can probably guess, was the bottle he had received from the girl. We drank it. Needless to say, when Peter and James found us later that evening, we were in quite a state—blabbering on about a ‘Michelle Thompson’ or something like that. We had started a duel over which one of us would get to ask her to Hogsmeade. I had cast Levicorpus and Sirius was hanging upside-down in mid-air when they arrived. Well, James and Peter had a right laugh, but then, being the good friends that they were, used James’s invisibility cloak to sneak down to the Dungeons and fix up an antidote. When I came to, they told me what had happened. Obviously, I was quite reluctant to drink or eat anything Sirius offered me for a long time after that.”
Tonks giggled. “Sounds like something Sirius would do, drink something given to him by a strange woman without thinking. Reminds me of the time Charlie Weasley almost ate a tainted chocolate frog before a Quidditch match. Some Slytherin bloke had them delivered by owl the morning before the game. Unmarked. I had to slap it out of his hand! Turns out it was filled with undiluted Bubotuber pus! He would’ve been out commission for weeks! But, even after we found all that out, he was still cross with me for ruining his chocolate frog! How thick can you be?!? I mean I know sometimes Mad-Eye’s methods are a bit out there, but, you’ve gotta admit, the bloke’s got a point about never eating or drinking something you didn’t make yourself.” Tonks was cracking up, fondly remembering the look of innocent disappointment on Charlie’s face. She snorted. Her hands instantly flew to cover her mouth, eyes wide. What kind of noise was that? She didn’t even have her pig snout on!
To her surprise and delight, Remus smiled and laughed alongside her. For a second. Suddenly, the weight of death hung heavy in the room. Their laughing ceased. The pair looked away from each other once again.
“You and Sirius were close, huh,” Tonks remarked, emotionless. She turned back to face him. He gave a quick nod, still avoiding meeting her gaze. She would not pry.
“You know, in some ways, you’re very much like him. You both have the same devil-may-care attitude, the same penchant for troublemaking.”
She noticed he used the present tense.
“I’d never met him before the Order. Mum was banished from the family once she married Dad, y’know. But if she ever mentioned the Blacks, she would tell me he was her favorite,” Tonks reminisced.
She remembered the last days she had spent with Sirius at Number 12 Grimmauld Place. They had laughed and drank themselves silly, destroying as many Black Family heirlooms as they could get their hands on. She had asked him for advice about her Order missions—not because she had really required it, but because she could tell her questions made him feel needed. She was pretty sure he known then about her developing crush on Remus. But, he showed no signs of jealousy or animosity towards her. Instead, he would flash sly smiles and wink at her whenever Remus was near. “Moony’s a good bloke,” he had cryptically remarked during one of their final afternoons together, after he had caught her staring.
Those conversations with her now-dead cousin seemed ages away. The guilt resurfaced once again, swelling in her chest, snapping her back to the present.
“It’s not your fault,” Remus gently whispered. Feeling tears pricking in her eyes, she furiously blinked, attempting to ebb their flow.
“That he’s…that he died. It isn’t. Bellatrix was after Sirius. I hate to admit it, but she may be a better dueler than the whole Order put together. She would have gotten him regardless, it was all set up. She would have done anything to kill him. She hated him. If it’s anyone’s fault that Sirius is dead, it’s mine. I should have known something was wrong. I should never have let him leave that house.”
“But he was dying there, too,” Tonks replied, her voice breaking. “He was dying every day he couldn’t be out fighting with us. There was nothing anyone could have done. He had to leave that house eventually. I would have done the exact same thing. It’s a shame we all didn’t wise up sooner.”
Another heavy silence filled the room. “He told me you were a good man, Remus.”
Silence again. And then, “He said the same about you.”
She raised a questioning eyebrow.
He continued. “I mean, clearly, you are a very kind, very beautiful woman…” he trailed off. Some part of Tonks was elated that he had called her beautiful. Another part was ashamed for feeling elated. They were discussing a dead guy, for Merlin’s sake!
His next remark was so quiet she wasn’t sure he had really spoken at all. “He said he approved.”
“Approved of what?”
Instead of responding to her question, he said: “I told you earlier that you’re a lot like him. But you are different in many ways, too.”
���Oh?” She tried to hide some of her disappointment. Was this his way of telling her he wasn’t interested?
He stared intensely into her eyes. “Sirius tried to do everything in his power to distance himself from expectations. He worked very hard to be seen as different, and cared very much about how others saw him, despite appearances. But you don’t feel bound by anyone’s expectations. You don’t care what others think of you. You’re unapologetically whoever you want to be, your own person. You’re unique, Dora. It’s one of the things I love most about you.”
She couldn’t quite remember what had followed. An infinitesimal shift of a body. A creak of a bed spring. A gentle kiss. Then more. She briefly broke away. “I think I’m in love with you, Remus.”
He pulled her closer into him, now both sitting up. Their kisses deepened, becoming frantic and hungry—quite unlike any kisses she had experienced before. Careful not to disturb his still-healing wounds, she ran her hands over the uninjured parts of his chest, feeling the lean muscle below her fingertips. She felt his hands respond in turn. Electricity coursed through her veins. All thoughts fled her mind. It was just the two of them, wrapped up together on the old hotel bed. She glanced at him in between breathless kisses, questioning. He met her eyes and nodded. “I think I’m in love with you too, Dora.”
They both grinned as she straddled him, as gently as she could…
Tonks gazed at the sleeping man beside her, attempting to memorize every feature of his face. He looked so peaceful, so carefree, when he slept. There was no telling what would happen when he woke: if he would express regrets, tell her he couldn’t be with her, admit he had made a mistake. Maybe she was a daft idiot for sleeping with her partner. Maybe he would reject her, using their age difference or his werewolf status as excuses for why they would never work. She honestly didn’t know what she would do if he said any of those things. It could be the beginning or the end for them. But at this moment, she forced herself to remain in the present, to remain in the warmth of Remus, his arms wrapped protectively around her waist. She kissed his forehead before dozing off into a blissful, dreamless sleep. Free.
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unexpectedreylo · 5 years
It Seems Like I’ve Been Here Before
Sometimes one is so focused on the present, one forgets the past.
Reylos can feel like they’re doing daily battle against internet agitators who insist that everything we’re seeing is false and we will be proven wrong in TROS.  Meanwhile we wonder how something so obvious is being denied or ignored.
It occurred to me today that this has happened with Star Wars fandom before.
Let us go back to the three year gap between TESB and ROTJ.  One of the big dangling questions left by TESB was, “Who was the other Yoda mentioned to Obi-Wan?”  As you might have imagined, many fans debated this question.  There was no internet back then at least not how we know it now, so you either had to do this in person, in the lettercol pages of Starlog magazine, or in fanzines.
Honestly, I had no opinion on this issue.  To me, ROTJ was so wide open I thought anything could happen.  The only things I was sure of were 1) Han was getting out of that carbonite 2) Han was going to end up with Leia and 3) Darth Vader had told the truth about being Luke’s father.  Beyond that, it was all up in the air.  The funny part is the first teaser trailer for ROTJ debuted with a re-release of ANH late in the summer of 1982 and believe it or not, the trailer totally SPOILED Han being alive and free from carbonite.  I already knew by the way that Harrison Ford had shot scenes in NorCal for ROTJ because it was in the Miami Herald.  LOL, they didn’t care back then.
Now I was 13 when ROTJ came out.  I was not involved with fandom at the time.  But years later I’d borrowed old zines from around that time period from a friend and got a good laugh at the beginnings of what became the Church of Ford vs. Cathedral of Luke battle which thankfully I’d missed.  These fans spent a LOT of time speculating who the other was.  There was a cadre of Han/Ford stans who really believed it would be Han, indicating his almost preternatural luck and his piloting skills.  Plus, he was the second guy on the cast list.  It was peculiar that a mostly female group rarely considered Leia.  But in a letterzine called Jundland Wastes, a fan named Anne Elizabeth Zeek wrote a very long, very considered two-part piece (what we now call meta) titled “Button, Button, Who’s Got The Button?”  that went over EVERY possible character, including introduction of a new character, and debated whether or not that person/droid/Wookiee was a viable candidate to be the other.  Her conclusion?  The other was Leia.  Of course she was right.  
(An aside...the “other” was always going to be Luke’s sister but George Lucas hadn’t originally planned on it being Leia.  He realized he had two problems.  One, he had a “Steven” problem.  “Steven” is a character in the greatest bad movie of the 21st century, “The Room.”  He was created only to take the dialogue of another character since the actor playing him had already left to work on another project.  So here’s this guy who shows up nearly at the end of the movie, acting as though he’s an important part of this group of people even though we’d never seen him before.  Lucas realized this wasn’t going to work, especially since he’d already set up a dynamic with his OT triad.  The other problem was resolving the “love triangle” with Luke, Leia, and Han.  Lucas figured making Leia Luke’s long lost sister would kill two birds with one stone.)
But in 1981, this ticked off some of the Han stans (most of the other readers praised the piece, whether or not they agreed with the author’s conclusion).  They went nuts in the next issue of the letterzine, their argument basically, “We don’t care what you wrote, we’re still right, and how dare you?”  They were mad the letterzine editor even ran the piece.  It’s hilarious to think about this now but 38 years ago, it was serious enough business to this crew.  As you might imagine they weren’t too happy with ROTJ.  They kinda thought Han would emerge as the true hero of the OT and Luke would fall to the dark.  See, silly fan theories that totally ignore the text of the actual films are nothing new!
So remember this.  It’s frustrating when no matter how much evidence you’re presenting, people just won’t accept it because they’re invested in another outcome (in this case, invested in Rey rejecting romance altogether, ending up with one of the nice guys, being a Skywalker blood relative, or simply denying Kylo/Ben any kind of happiness because he doesn’t deserve it) and they’re probably not going to pleased with how TROS turns out.  As a footnote, I inadvertently ran into one of these Han stans at a really small zine con in NJ back in 1994.  She was rather insistent that Luke and Leia weren’t siblings.  I think I looked at her as though she sprouted two heads.  
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sunshine-captain · 6 years
Hi! I asked Phoenix (horsegirlharry) for fic recs about star trek tos and she sent me to you! I am a new fan and in desperate need for some good fics since I am having a hard time finding them. I would be very grateful if you could link me to some. Thank you in advance
Oh my goodness!!! Hello my friend! I’m honored Phoenix directed you to me, I really am! To tell you the truth, they’re the one that actually convinced me to watch TOS from the start. Welcome to the fandom!! 
To start off with, here is a lovely rec blog that is exclusively TOS (that I’m a mod on, so I am of course biased, but I loved the blog even before I was added, haha!) It’s not updated that often at the moment, usually just when I have some spare time, but there’s a lot of recs already added to look through, and there are plenty of tags to maybe let you look for tropes or genres that you like. :) 
Alright, here go the recs! 
Sha Ka Ree The year is 2258. Jim Kirk is a Lieutenant on the U.S.S. Farragut, Spock the science officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise. When the ships come together for a priority landing party, these two strangers find themselves fighting against the odds for a chance at life in an alien world, and the only way they’ll make it through is by relying on each other. This is a TOS fic that takes place seven years before the show begins. It’s one of my favorite fics ever, it’s beautiful and just perfect. It’s a lovely slow burn, and it contains one of my fave tropes: Jim (Kirk) and Spock crash on an alien world and get stranded there. So, so highly recommended! Honestly, that writer is amazing and anything by them I recommend.
Crash and Burn As the Enterprise’s celebrated voyage winds down, the tension between her captain and first officer escalates, and three days aboard Jupiter’s premier lunar station will change everything. Jim doesn’t handle change very well. Slow-build, character-study prelude to the Lost Years and TMP. Unhappy ending, but canon functions as a fix-it! As the summary states, this fic doesn’t end happily. But it’s basically an explanation as to why Spock does what he does prior to The Motion Picture (I’m not sure if you’ve seen the movies so I won’t clarify just in case you haven’t, haha!), which also means there is a happy ending after the events of the movies. I had it in my bookmarks under the tag I use for fics that hurt me (literally ‘ow’, lol) so apparently I found it pretty painful. ;__;
The Squire of Eros An old nemesis pays a social call to the Enterprise just in time for the annual Valentine’s Day party. On this occasion it’s Spock who draws the brunt force of his irritating personality. But when his holiday-inspired antics turn dangerous, it’s up to the Captain and crew to take him down, and Jim is forced to confront his long-evaded desires regarding his first officer. Written for the K/S Valentine Challenge at LJ, beta’d by purple_spock. This one isn’t even remotely as serious as the other two. It’s honestly just a lot of humor and lightheartedness for the most part. It features Trelane from TOS paying another visit to the crew. :D 
Definitions “We call it t'hy'la,” Spock says. This one is so beautiful. It’s a relatively short oneshot (under 10k) but it’s so romantic and in character and just perfect (this author is another one of my favorites, I would read anything at all by them.)
Pattern Deviations A mind meld is the most intimate of any possible connection – to know and be known, wholly and completely. Usually, melds are advocated for leading to increased understanding and empathy. Spock wonders what it means, then, that everyone he melds with is so repulsed by his mind… Until he meets James Kirk, anyway. This is by the same writer as Definitions; another lovely oneshot by them. I love it! 
And I Am Also Quite Blind In the aftermath of Spock’s blinding in Operation Annihilate, Jim tries to help him through his pain. A fic with premise that Spock doesn’t handily recover from his blindness in Operation Annihilate. Lengthy, painful, excellent. I try to avoid WIPs because I can’t deal with the pain of fics that are NEVER FINISHED, but I started reading this one when it was only halfway through and man, it sucked me in. Worth it! (And it has been completed now, so no worries, haha.)
Undone During first contact with the highly telepathic Nghians, an invasion begins on their home world. A powerful psychic attack cripples the populace–and Spock.Out of contact with the Enterprise and stranded on a planet at war, Jim must struggle to keep himself and his violent, unpredictable first officer alive. Another of my favorite writers! I love this fic. Lengthy, excellent, and that favorite trope of mine again (being stranded, heh), this is great. Please note the tags, though!
What I Am To You I say, “Ask me anything, Spock,” for perhaps the fifth time.This time, you respond, your gaze bright and penetrating, “Perhaps you could satisfy my curiosity in–one particular.”“Of course,” I say enthusiastically.You seem perfectly calm as you ask, “How long have we been lovers?” And I am certain I have heard you correctly, even as I struggle not to allow my astonishment to show on my face. Takes place after the events of the third movie. Spock tries to make sense of his and Jim’s relationship.
Spice It’s a question of biology. Vulcan biology.The problem with falling in love with a member of an insanely private species is that it just might take you the best part of a five year mission to work out that the feelings are requited. And then you might discover that he’s already decided that the two of you can never be together.And what are you supposed to do if he won’t tell you why? Honestly, I’m reccing this one with…some trepidation. I never did decide whether I actually liked the fic or not, but I know a lot of people do like it. It’s most definitely one of the longest fics I’ve ever read in this fandom. It’s the SLOWEST OF ALL SLOW BURNS, which you said you liked, and even though it made me SO ANGRY at one point that I almost threw my phone across the room when one plot twist happened, it’s well written and in character. The reason behind it all is…kind of silly, in all honesty, but it makes complete sense why Spock thinks it would be best if Jim wasn’t with him, just like him to be so overprotective. *sigh* I’d say definitely give it a try and see if you get sucked in!
Translating Ennoia Spock intends to resign his commission with Starfleet six months into the Enterprise’s mission. Then he meets Captain Kirk – his t'hy'la – and everything becomes infinitely more complex. This author again! This fic has lots of pining. I love pining. And I love happy endings and romance and watching Jim and Spock’s friendship develop, too, and this fic has all of that.
Dirty Laundry Jim keeps leaving dirty dishes in the sink and toast crumbs in the bed. Spock deals with the mess silently until an unfortunate ironing incident puts it all in perspective. Jim and Spock have to adjust to domestic life. Spock has to adjust to Jim’s messiness. Domestic Spirk is always wonderful, and I enjoy that in this one it’s not all perfect at first. They have to adjust and learn to actually live together.
Breaking Tradition Newlyweds James T. Kirk and Spock spend their Holiday shore leave alone together in a remote cabin once belonging to Jim’s grandparents. They learn more about each other and Jim introduces his new husband to the Winter Holiday traditions - even if he doesn’t quite understand why he take part in them himself. An unexpected event occurs that disrupts the couple’s newlywed bliss. Luckily, one of them has experience with taking charge of a situation. This one is sooo sweet. Jim just wants to share Christmas with Spock, but they have a mishap. But it’s okay, because Jim takes good care of Spock. (Features cold!Spock, one of my favorite things. :3 )
Ghost in the Machine Tom Paris stumbles upon a Pandora’s Box of loss and regret. This fic is the outlier in this list; it’s actually a crossover of sorts between TOS and VOY. I’ve not actually watched Voyager yet, but that doesn’t stop me from reading and enjoying the fic, so please don’t let that stop you! Let me tell you, though, this has to be one of the most painful fics I’ve ever read. It just makes me cry for Jim and Spock both. It’s so painful. But also really great. But I totally understand if you don’t want to read this one, haha! It’s not for everyone. It messed me up though, I kept thinking about it for days. Especially Jim as he is in this fic. Ugh.
Home Renovation Shortly before his first mission to Romulus, Spock buys a fixer-upper house with Jim. Although Jim is excited to begin renovating their new home, Spock worries it’s only a matter of time before his husband falls off a ladder and breaks his spine. Not to mention, the house’s derelict state is preventing Spock from enjoying his remaining time with Jim. Old Married Spirk, protective!Spock, perfection.
To Be Wed “With a human ruling alongside King Sarek, it makes sense that they would want a Vulcan to rule alongside you. Look on the bright side. At least it’s not Sybok."Prince S'chn T'gai Spock and Crown Prince Sam Kirk are pushed by their families into an awkward courtship, sure to become an awkward marriage. Meanwhile, the younger Terran prince just wants to make sure his future brother-in-law feels comfortable in his new home. But unfortunately for Jim, the road to hopeless, unrequited love is paved with good intentions. It’s an AU, obviously, and it’s by the same author as Sha Ka Ree (who as I mentioned is one of my favorite writers) and I just adore this fic, it’s so great! Pining, slowly getting to watch Jim and Spock falling in love even when it’s ill advised, Sybok!! I’m also just a total sucker for royalty AUs so that helps. 
In My Own Skin After the events of Turnabout Intruder, Jim is trapped in Janice Lester’s body indefinitely and has to learn to carry on with his normal life and duties trapped in this body. Established relationship with Spock, but things become understandably difficult as a result of Jim’s situation. Complicating matters even further, the Enterprise is assigned to a difficult diplomatic mission with a new member of the Federation. I don’t know about everyone else, but my brain definitely went “what if Jim was stuck in that body…” after watching Turnabout Intruder, and this fic definitely satisfied that urge to see that explored. 
Heat Trapped together in a cave until the storm ceases, Jim and Spock find some freedom outside the press of the ship and its responsibilities. Oh look….this writer again. :DDD You’re starting to notice a pattern here, I’m sure. This was written because of a prompt I gave, so obviously I’m a little biased, but it’s just SO perfect??? Cold!Spock, cuddling for warmth (another of my favorites, hello), and just so ROMANTIC that I almost can’t handle it.
Okay, those are all TOS, but now I have just a handful of AOS AUs:
Still, Like Dust Vulcans have been enslaved on Earth for more than fifty years. To Jim Kirk, 14, this is just one more chapter from his history book… until his uncle brings home a Vulcan boy to help on the farm. I know this fic isn’t for everyone, it definitely isn’t, but it really is a great read and I enjoyed reading it a lot. There’s a lot of pain, it’s true, but there’s also a happy ending, if that helps.
Inside The River Starfleet sends Jim a spouse and an oddly vacant honeymoon. Arranged marriage!AU, always fun, and an interesting mystery going on throughout. Great read!
That’s all I’ve got for you for now, this should be a start! Welcome again to the fandom, and I hope you find something in this list that you enjoy. :)
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