#me sitting here debating like 'do i be weird immediately'
saltpepperbeard · 11 months
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ahoy, captain
89 notes · View notes
dadsbongos · 8 months
then, and again, and once more
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6.9k words
Summary - Yuuji tries to impress you and win your heart, with the help of Sukuna… who seems weirdly knowledgeable about and interested in you.
Warnings - p in v sex, FULL NELSON BABY!!!, yuuji eats pussy :), oh yeah fem reader btw, sukuna is here too (and his cannibalism is mentioned), idiot friends pining for each other, very vague timeline idk but yuuji is aged up
sukuna-centric part 2
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There it is again.
Ba-dump. Ba-dump.
That unbearable thick bass in his chest, banging so tirelessly against his ribs that it threatens to make him nauseous. A quick inhale and yep - scratch that - he’s definitely already nauseous.
Yuuji sinks his sweaty palms deeper into his pants pockets, eyes darting sharply down to his beaten sneakers. The once vibrant ruby shade is now marred by dirt and aging threads - and if he turns his right foot just so, then he can see an old, blackened stain from pizza sauce he spilled while eating out with you. The memory, or more specifically how you’re giggling in his memory, makes him smile.
And in the real world, Megumi is watching his friend grin ear to ear while looking at a black, crusty splotch on the inside curve of his right shoe. After having just wide-eyed stared at you from across the room while you and Nobara heatedly debate where to go for dinner.
He glares at Yuuji, lashes narrowing, “You look insane. Knock it off.”
That snaps the boy from his reminiscing, and it takes him three long seconds before he registers the insult, “I was thinking!”
“Obviously,” Megumi scratches the side of his nose, more to just have something to do with his hands than anything else, “What were you thinking about?”
Humming quietly to himself, Yuuji shrugs, “Oh, the usual.”
“You’re hopeless,” Megumi maintains his efforts to keep his hands busy by scratching the back of his head, “Just tell her already. What’s the worst that happens?”
“She rejects me and avoids me,” Yuuji pouts, “Honestly, ‘gumi, I would’ve thought you’d be more sympathetic - being a standoffish and awkward guy yourself.”
Swatting at his friend’s shoulder, Megumi shakes his head, “The hell is wrong with you? Was that just sitting in your mind?” he shakes his head again, glare growing stronger, “And don’t call me that.”
“I thought you had anxiety or something,” Yuuji shrugs, “Why else would you be so weird in public?”
Any previous concern regarding Yuuji’s well-being immediately flies from Megumi at that. He folds his arms across his chest with murmurs of hatred floating out from his lips. All as he waltzes over to where you and Nobara are seated around your laptop at the chipping hardwood table.
Yuuji has no problem shrugging off Megumi's irritation, but when it comes to the mere idea of your face stretching in disgust at him - God, isn’t that the worst?
“You’re the worst, brat,” comes that rumbling, terrible voice in the back of his head. The nagging used to sound more like him - and when he’s really stressed, it still sometimes does - but now his own voice has faded into the King of Curses’. Now his own voice is sweeter, more prone to praise and positives - in a weird way, Sukuna has made Yuuji better.
But in a lot more ways -
“Oi, don’t ignore me.”
He’s made Yuuji’s life so much worse.
“You like that one, right? I can help.”
You’re sitting back, allowing Megumi to take the reins on shooting down Nobara’s suggestion for sushi. Normally, that demand isn’t a problem, but this would be the fifth night in a row she’s tried roping you all into ordering sushi for her. You lean into Megumi a little, and Yuuji hates the way his chest tightens at the display.
It isn’t even affection. It’s just…
“You want to be the one she’s on, right?”
Yuuji sighs to himself and sneaks out of the kitchen, though it’s hardly a challenge when Nobara raises her voice to defend her long-lasting cravings.
With tense shoulders and a red face, Yuuji glances down each side of the hall to ensure nobody is nearby, “How could you help with this?”
Sukuna’s eye on Yuuji’s cheek has flitted up to stare into Yuuji’s, and that sickly crawl of his skin stretching to accommodate Sukuna’s wide grin makes his stomach turn, “You’re just a child, you don’t know anything about women.”
Yuuji could double over, hands on his knees and breathless in sputters of laughter, but he refrains - unwilling to let anyone hear his schizophrenic ramblings, “And you do?”
Sukuna’s eye rolls and Yuuji hates the way it feels under his cheekbone, nearly retching in response, “Of course.”
And that strings up some different terrible question in Yuuji, “But why would you help me?”
Sukuna has been so unwilling to do anything useful for Yuuji despite the fact he’s allowed to reside in this body - so what could possibly possess him to do this now?
“Do you want my help or not, worm?”
Yuuji sighs through his nose, eyes fluttering shut, thinking hard about the offer. He’d come to the conclusion not too long after swallowing his first finger to simply not question many of Sukuna’s motives, mostly since his goals are: chaos, women, and chaos.
“This better not be some gross pass at my friend,” Yuuji sneers, body electrified on the ready to smack down his own cheek should he hear an answer he doesn’t like.
Sukuna is too quiet for too long, and Yuuji is fully prepared to swipe at the parasite on his face when finally, that deep voice rattles again. It buzzes in his flesh, uncomfortable and itchy and so quiet he barely hears what the curse mumbles into him.
The boy pauses and lets the words melt on his tongue, he turns them between his molars and laves the roof of his mouth with the remaining implications. He wasn’t expecting Sukuna to be honest, not to that degree at least.
And Yuuji smacks Sukuna’s bulbous eye down anyway.
“Fine then,” Yuuji pulls his hand down and curls his fingers into a fist, another great big awful ragged sigh roughing over his tongue like barbed wire, “I’ll listen to you, but if you ruin this for me- “
“Calm down, brat,” the mouth pops back up stubbornly, bitterly spitting out his version of a promise, “I don’t plan on failing.”
Yuuji pushes himself off the wall and spins back into the kitchen unnoticed, hands locking behind his head as he saddles up beside you at the table, “So, what’s for dinner?”
He snorts at how you groan, looking up at him from your seat with tired, low-lidded eyes and gesturing across the table to where Megumi and Nobara are still arguing, “You tell me.”
“Why don’t we just go out?” Yuuji shrugs, grinning broadly despite the way his two friends both twitch their necks over to glare at him, “Come on, it’s not even dark! We can walk around and do a little looking; get some air!”
Nobara’s pitched shoulders drop, pinched expression falling into her usual lax, she looks over at Megumi again with a raised brow. Megumi shrugs, his own eyebrows still scrunched together, “If it’s fine with you two, I don’t care.”
You snicker, standing up against the stiff wood supports of the chair legs, one elbow digging into the table to further help hold you up while your spare fingers dance up to smooth out the crinkled space, “I think it’ll be fun.”
Megumi snatches you by the wrist and tosses your hand to the side while Nobara hops down from her own chair, stretching out her back until it pops obnoxiously. She’s already bouncing out of the kitchen to snag her shoes before shouting back, “Well, come on! We’re on a timer now, people!”
“Jeez,” you slip off the chair pegs, bumping slightly into Yuuji’s side - entirely oblivious to the sparkly fireworks you sweep across your poor friend’s body at the contact, “Should’ve just suggested that from the start, huh?”
Shrugging, Yuuji waits for you to begin walking out of the kitchen before following, “Sometimes you just need fresh eyes on a situation, you know?”
“I guess,” you fold your arms, evidently frustrated, “Just feel like that was something I should’ve seen.”
Yuuji feels that disgusting, familiar thumping in his chest just by looking at you now. Heat radiating from his cheeks to the expanse of his chest, throat swelling with the uncomfortable need to spill his guts - dump every little thought and feeling he’s ever had for you into your ears until you force him to shut up. Like how he can’t even look at Jennifer Lawrence the way he used to simply because she isn’t you.
Maybe then he’d tell you that this hasn’t happened in the six years since he first saw Silver Linings Playbook. Maybe you’d tell him to stop talking, and that you two would never happen.
Maybe then he can move on, when you crush his hope. But he doesn’t really want that.
And he doesn’t really know why he agreed to let Sukuna lend him any advice.
Oh well.
It’s when you’re rushing out the door to keep up with Megumi and Nobara that Sukuna opens his mouth for the first time.
His voice stabs into Yuuji’s ears, but it isn’t exceptionally as cruel as he usually finds it, this, instead, is purely instructional, “When you two are out tonight, tell her about that cat you saw around the garden today.”
Yuuji scratches through his messily filed memories, “I saw a cat?”
“Yes, twit, a black one. Tell her about how its fur changed color in the sun.”
“Okay…?” Yuuji huffs in his daze, finally putting effort into walking alongside you and the others, “Hey! So, I just remembered something.”
“Oh yeah?” you smile at Yuuji, purely encouraging, and he’s disgusted at the way he almost trips over his own feet.
Nobara and Megumi pay the both of you little mind, instead pointing out different potential favorite hotspots they could creep into for the night. Well, Nobara points out, they could even stop at two places if they’re feeling adventurous. And Megumi says they can do whatever the rest of you think is best.
But Yuuji isn’t listening, and you’re hardly lending an ear, he swallows down the rock in his throat and nods, “I saw a cat this morning - a black one! - and it made me think of you,” the gentle warmth spreading through him could either be the way you’re lighting up at him, or Sukuna silently congratulating his good line, “Its fur was all brownish red in the sun, it was…” your eyes are so starry and sweet, solely on him - it makes his tongue tie up in knots, “It was beautiful.”
“Bummer I wasn’t there, then,” you pout a little, “You need to get me for things like that!” he laughs at the way your face has morphed, all stern and strict business, “Seriously!”
“Okay, okay,” he surrenders, both hands up in playful defense, “I promise to call you if I see another cat.”
“Could’ve at least taken a picture for me,” you histrionically sigh, “And I thought we were friends.”
A sudden thought invades the back of Yuuji’s mind. Some hidden, more primal part of his mind that he doesn’t usually listen to flashes back to a time he doesn’t remember.
We used to be more.
You and him are sitting out in the sun with a fluffy little Bombay cat tucked into your lap. It paws at the buttery dandelions that bloom between you both, his own legs are sprawled out impolitely and your own are crossed to wall around the feline in your hold. His knee knocks against yours whenever he shifts his leg. You lean in, shoulder digging into the meat of his muscled arm and temple resting on his shoulder.
Your body is entirely at ease. His is, too.
Yuuji knows exactly where the thought comes from. And if that dark, creepy place weren’t so infested by evil then maybe he’d feel a little pity for it. But you’re in front of him now, and you’re excited to be here, and your pinky keeps knocking into his as you two walk side-by-side - so there’s no room for pity in his heart.
Your quartet winds up squished into a teal leather booth towards a back corner of Nobara’s selected diner. You and Nobara sit on the interior seats, pressed into the windows, with Yuuji and Megumi caging the both of you in. Megumi having shoved Yuuji down next to you before the boy could even see who was where.
“What were you thinking?” Nobara sits up, jabbing your arm with a manicured finger just to annoy you.
Flicking at her hand, you shrug, focusing on the boards plastered behind the front bar counter for any eye-catching special offers.
Yuuji can feel the tightening of his cheek skin as the eyeball threatens to pop out, it stings when his cheek is forced to split for Sukuna’s eye. His cheek below that parts as well for his lips.
And Sukuna is kind enough this once to be quiet, “Tell her to get the wildfowl bowl,” as if sensing his arising questions, Sukuna continues, “And tell the kitchen worms to make sure the vegetables are soft. Not well, not sturdy,” he sounds disgusted as he says it, “Soft.”
“Hey,” and against everything he’s been told by Gojo, Yuuji puts his entire trust into the curse inside him, “that wildfowl bowl looks good, right?”
You lean closer to Yuuji, arm brushing his as you try to see where he spotted that, “What’s in it? Duck?”
He gives a conformational hum even though he has no idea, “Probably good with soft vegetables.”
Megumi shakes his head, “What does that even mean?”
“When they steam the veggies for longer than usual,” you pat Yuuji’s shoulder while defending him, “I get what you mean, Itadori. Sorry Fushiguro is so judgemental.”
“I was just saying…” Megumi’s voice flutters out of Yuuji’s focus.
Instead, another memory he never made begins to flourish from that black, mushy, rotted back of his brain.
You’re sat in his lap, large thighs perfectly bracketing around your own. A neglected bowl of slim slivers of perfectly browned duck meat sits atop cooling rice, carrots, and green beans. No doubt soft and easy to chew. In your hands is a steaming bowl, larger than the one in your lap, weighed down by thick cuts of juicy meat slabs. Almost like steak, but there’s no outer hide tanned by flame. It’s red, almost raw, and even after trimming the fat - it’s still bathed in pink, fleshy trails.
Grinning so lovingly, you pinch the slabs with your bare fingers and merely giggle when Sukuna’s sharp teeth prick at your skin. His long tongue works to clean your fingers of the excess meat juices as he eats. Two of his hands are on your hips, holding you steady, a third is steadied beside him against the cold bone of his throne, and a fourth resides at the back of your head. Almost big enough to palm the whole of your skull like a children’s ball - he pats and pets and smooths his fingers over the slope of the back of your neck.
Preening under gentle attention, you’re sure to empty Sukuna’s bowl before picking your own back up.
People watch with blood at their feet, none dare to move. Fearful to become the next hot meal in your hand should they disobey Sukuna’s silent command.
As your hands wrap around your cold bowl, a deep grunt reverberates behind you in Sukuna’s broad chest. He tugs the dish from your grasp; plucks the duck meat between his forefinger and thumb and holds it above your nose, forcing you to look up.
He waves it in front of your face, “Open,” and you follow his order, lips parting yet still pitched up in the impression of a pleased smile. And when he flattens the meat to your tongue and you begin chewing - you’re still smiling. That earns another fond stroke down the back of your head, pausing at your shoulder and digging his thumb into the muscle just to hear you sigh, “Good girl.”
Yuuji doesn’t see all of that. He can grasp some vague sense that you two have shared meals he’ll never get to taste, but he never sees the gristle left behind on your fingers or the saliva webbed between your fingers after feeding Sukuna.
That - Sukuna ‘hmph's proudly as he watches you beam at Yuuji over your modern interpretation of your favorite meal - the King of Curses keeps to himself. Selfishly, just as he always has.
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That next morning, you sheepishly prattle into the dusty, creaky classroom with only four rusty, barely used desks and slip into the one by Yuuji. You’re toying with the tips of your hair, eyes bouncing from where Yuuji sits on the desktop beside you and the classroom door.
Nobara sits backward at the desk directly in front of you, arms coiled around the back support of her chair as she speaks and Megumi sits normally beside her - attention solely on his book. Yuuji watches you fiddle with the ends of your hair while pretending to listen to Nobara.
And then he sees it. The new cherry shade decorating your lips, and before Sukuna can sprout and tell him to - Yuuji’s leaning down with his best smile, “New lipstick?”
Jumping at the sudden voice, your rigid posture melts under the boy’s gaze, “Yes, actually. You like?”
It could be puke green and Yuuji would still want it smeared across his face from your kisses.
But despite housing Sukuna Ryomen and battling dreadful curses, Yuuji fails to muster the courage to say that to your face, “Yeah! It’s really pretty.”
Ba-dump. Ba-dump.
There goes your annoying heart, hammering just from the sound of Yuuji’s overtly positive lilt. It makes your cheeks burn and fingers skittishly tip-tap against the pencil-scratched desk, “You think so?”
But he’d never lie, you know that.
So even though it shouldn’t be a surprise when he doubles down, your annoying heart won’t stop dramatically tossing itself around when Yuuji nods with a determined, boyish grin, “Definitely.”
It’s all so saccharine and perfect, it makes Sukuna nauseous. Which, in turn, makes Yuuji nauseous.
Face paling, Yuuji jumps onto his feet and excuses himself, rushing out of the room (with no Gojo even in sight, by the way) towards the bathroom.
“Is he okay?” Nobara murmurs, stretching her neck to see outside the door frame, “What a weirdo.”
“Yeah,” you sigh dreamily, “He is sometimes, huh?”
Megumi gags at your tone, “Seriously…?”
“What was that?” Yuuji’s question is spikey and venomous while he stares into the cracked, water-spotted mirror - straight at the little eyeball on his cheek.
“You two are disgusting,” Sukuna stares back into the glass, low-lidded and unimpressed, “Get this over with and ask her out, brat.”
“But what if she says no?” Yuuji reaches up and toys with the little pink hairs at the back of his head, eyes suddenly unable to meet Sukuna at all, “It’ll totally ruin everything.”
“Enough whining. She won’t say no.”
He doesn’t know how it took so long to recognize, or maybe he just needed an excuse to display his old, unbroken knowledge of you before your fleshly little weakling friends even knew it. But he’s seen the little bursts of color and stars and sparkles and all that cute mess before.
He’s seen it many times. It was the only way you used to look at Sukuna.
That puppyish, lovesick wonder as you fluttered your pretty eyelashes at him.
Even when he would return to you in blood and sweat and muck and smelling of the death and despair he expertly wrought.
You were always at least five paces ahead of Uraume, hands bunching up in the pretty flowing silks that decorated your body. Excitedly, you’d pounce and he would hold you. Sapping up your energy and feeding off the way you’d press cherry-tasting kisses all along his hardened face. You served yourself up to him on a silver platter, all your heart and soul and mind devoted entirely and without ulterior motives. That’s why you were always his favorite.
Nothing before or after you was ever up to par. And he felt disgruntled at every turn into different worshippers and concubines and lovers - somehow wronged simply by the fact they were not as you were. It was all so disappointing.
And every now and again he’d flash back to you while with others. He imagines it’s how children feel when they remember a lost or broken or tossed-out favorite toy. That ache of times lost and never feeling quite fulfilled again.
Which is why when he saw you again through this brat’s eyes, he could instantly remember those nights with you. Full-bellied and raw-lipped and your pulse between his teeth.
But Yuuji knows nothing of that, and so when he returns to the classroom - neither of you says anything.
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It’s only the two of you. Everyone else was cast out in the violent, unwilling acceptance that they had done all they could. With no open wound, there was a horrific list rattled off in Sukuna’s ears. Illnesses and infections that attacked the lungs and nervous system and skin and heart - things that would eat you alive from the inside. And when all could be done about that, you remained in bed.
In and out of consciousness and delusional, proclaiming twisted lights and shadowy creatures trying to rip you from yourself.
Perhaps, one of the women called to care for you shyly spoke up, perhaps she’s just too old.
And that was something he avoided admitting to himself.
But it was time now.
With dew still moist on the blades of grass and morning sunlight streaming through the window beside your bed - the bell tolls. Your fingers are stiff in the sheets, limbs cold and stiff when you’re found. Wide, puppylike eyes gaze up at the ceiling and Sukuna has you buried beneath the tallest, most twisted tree he could find in the surrounding forest. And when Sukuna returns from your grave that night - alone - he crosses into a dark tunnel.
It’s cold and solid beneath his feet, paces echoing back for his ears. He keeps his eyes down to avoid maddening himself over the plainness - the displeasure of even glimpsing this tunnel’s repetitive nature.
Until there’s light, golden, with the shrouded, clumsy shape of twisted branches and lanky trunks coming into view at the far open end.
And faintly, like the sweet singing of a beloved music box, he hears the tune of your voice. A high scoop towards the end.
“Itadori, right?”
Sukuna’s feet move faster before he even fully knows he’s moving.
On the other side is you, a hand jammed out in front of you in a polite wave - as if the both of you are strangers. Then that name creeps back up his spine.
Well, it’s not truly his spine, is it? It’s this new brat’s.
But then there’s your honeyed voice again, “Huh, third eye.”
Right. You wouldn’t remember it, would you?
You wouldn’t remember any of it.
Yuuji shoots up, dark sheets tangled around his ankles and cold sweat beading down his forehead - strings of pink hair matted down to his skin uncomfortably. His wide eyes scramble across the shadows of his room, slowly refamiliarizing himself with the expanse and soothing his pounding heart.
He smoothes back his hair, running through the small kinks and knots, “What the hell was that?”
That slicing pain along his cheek shocks him awake further, but no sore, deep voice follows. The eye sits there, downcast. Sitting inside this body is one of the last things he saw for himself, but to exist beside you again is liquid gold just flowing in a river. A river his new body refuses to swim in.
“She’s still awake.”
Yuuji looks over to the red numbers lighting up from his bedside alarm clock, “It’s midnight.”
Sukuna inhales sharply, irritation scorching a hole in his tongue, but he withholds the many sudden hateful thoughts he has towards Yuuji and simply repeats himself, “She’s still awake.”
“It’s weird how obsessed you are with this,” Yuuji swings his legs over the edge of his bed and slips his feet into the slippers you’d gifted him. They’re cheesy and themed after fire engines and just barely fit, but he wears them at any given opportunity.
The eye sinks back into his skin, lips sealing shut, and a thick sludge boils in Yuuji’s stomach. Quiet King of Curses is an unsettling King of Curses, and Yuuji barely finds himself able to tune out the exhaustive wave of Sukuna’s criticisms. That is much preferred to this buzzing silence.
Creeping down the moaning wooden panels to your room, Yuuji raps his knuckles against your door before immediately shuffling his fists into his gray sweatpants.
Something clatters against hardwood, sheets ruffle, and your footsteps thump, thump, thump up to your bedroom door. Your face peeks out from the sliver of cracked doorway, and there’s no hint of sleep in your gaze. You seem alert, if a little lazily slouched against your doorframe.
Oh, right. He was here to say something, wasn’t he?
But he can’t possibly find the strength in his tongue, not when you look at him like that.
With some impossible adoration, like you simply can’t wait to hear whatever stupid bullshit he’s about to spout. He feels so unworthy of it all, and he can’t wait to find out more about you and mold himself to it. To become someone you can’t imagine waking up without. To study and be studied, he’s ready to throw himself into the horrors of being known - if it’s you he’s known by.
The air is punched out of him as he speaks, “Can…” you nod him along, opening your door wider, “Can I kiss you?”
Now that he’s so close to the sugary river, he can’t wait to dive in.
“Seriously?” you laugh in shock at the outburst, but when his face persists, you fling the door open entirely, “Seriously?”
Yuuji winds his hands tighter, to stop himself from desperately clawing his way down your throat, “I like you. I’ve liked you…” he’s unnatural like this, red in the face and dodging your stare, “I don’t even know.”
But you do, you felt it when you first saw him. However, you’re not plagued by the chains of past lives, so the implications are lost. Winding your arms behind your back and grinning at Yuuji with toothy glee, “Me too.”
His eyes nail you with that doughy, desperate plea for attention - the need to be seen as himself. And you’ve always been glad to lend it over in plentiful bounties.
That buzz of silence stabs the both of you.
Until Yuuji can no longer tether himself to his pockets, his big hands gentle as he cups both your cheeks. He molds himself to you, hoping that those troublesome flashes of times he never lived will at least serve his muscle memory now.
Your hands twist into the front of Yuuji’s shirt, nails biting into the black, soft, loose fabric and tugging him closer. Yuuji’s lips are slightly chapped, and you can feel the imprints from where he’s bitten them raw. He hisses when you peek your tongue at the smooth spots.
Wrenching your hands back, you quickly run them under and up his sleep shirt - his skin is warm and he gasps against your lips when your fingertips skim along his sides.
Yuuji pulls back, cheeks flaming, and shoulders his way past your bedroom door, kicking it shut behind him and placing his hands over his shirt - finding yours through the material. He grins, chuckling at how you grope his muscle, squeezing around your hands, “Enjoying yourself?”
“Whatever,” you huff, embarrassed, then ripping your hands out from under his shirt and twisting your fingers between his before - just to prove a point - planting his palms below your own shirt, “You try being normal like this.”
Yuuji’s broad palms are still only burning into the soft flesh of your stomach, but his heart is terribly out of whack.
Ba-dump. Ba-dump.
“You can go higher,” your voice lilts higher, a mere soft whisper as if anything louder could entirely break the poor boy’s brain, “If you want…”
Of course, he does. He’d trade a thousand years with that Sisyphus guy Megumi mentioned to him just for twelve seconds of his hands sizzling up your body. Maybe even just for the chance.
His hands scope higher, palms glued to the planes of your body like he’s trying to scar himself along your skin. The sudden need to leave some lasting impression that he was there - here with you.
Yuuji does his best not to jump when Sukuna’s voice slithers into his ear, polite enough to whisper so he doesn’t alarm you, “Get her on her back. Tongue her cunt.”
You look at him all sweet and concerned when Yuuji’s nose scrunches, “Are you okay? Is something wrong?”
But he has no idea how to tell you that Sukuna’s words make his stomach churn, and by the time he even tries to form the words he’s thinking about it. Imagining himself on his stomach with his head between your thighs, your hands tangled in his hair, and eagerly trying to annoy your friends as much as possible with how loud he can make you. And he feels so, so lightheaded at that.
Yuuji’s eyes are wide, staring into yours with such fire that it almost makes you shy away, “Can I eat you out?”
But you brave his dissecting gaze, heart pounding in your ears.
Ba-dump. Ba-dump.
And, oh, Yuuji could just about die happy right now.
On his stomach with his head between your thighs, your hands screwed into the twirls of his tousled hair and (hopefully) annoying at least a nosy Nobara should she be listening to your soft moans next door.
Yuuji wiggles his tongue into your weeping hole, nestling his nose against your clit with a wheezy little whine. His eyes flutter up at you through the gaps between your shaking arms.
“Get your hands in there,” Sukuna’s voice is muffled against the thickness of your thigh, “Thumb her clit, don’t rely on your nose.”
Crinkling his brows, Yuuji has to bite back his remarks about how Sukuna could’ve told him that sooner. Snaking his right hand over your leg, Yuuji flattens his large hand against your lower stomach and pins your bucking hips. His thumb taking residence on your swollen clit, the bridge of his nose still saddled beneath it.
Your back arches, hips grinding down into Yuuji’s thumb and tongue. He’s messy with it - head shaking just to tease and feel the wetness of your pussy slip and slather across his chin. He tongue-fucks you in earnest, practically moaning into you as he grinds against the mattress. Swishing his thumb against your clit faster when he can feel you tighten around him, chasing the feeling of you cumming all over his face.
He can hear it despite his desperation - the way your breath hitches and throat cinches out a squeal. Your thighs squish around his head and Yuuji has to force his hips still lest he be submitted to the horrors of cumming in his pants.
And it isn’t even the fear of your reaction - no, he knows better than to think you’re capable of making him feel shame. It’s just-
“Yes,” Sukuna’s voice is husky, tongue lolling out along Yuuji’s cheek to lather up your juice, “Yes!”
Yuuji knows exactly who will be making fun of him instead. He smacks at the unwanted presence and takes it as pure luck when Sukuna actually stays down.
He works his tongue out of you slowly, letting you whine and huff the way off your high naturally before peeking up at you. He’s grinning, eyes wide and hands retreating to dig hungrily into the meat of your thighs.
“Hey, I wanna try something,” Yuuji’s shamelessness in licking at his soaked lips makes heat flush all the way to your forehead, “Just let me know if it’s too much, okay?”
You nod sheepishly, body jittery with the little bugs crawling beneath your sweltering skin. Yuuji bends to the sudden thought he’s sure has something to do with the curse inside him with a mysterious catalog on all things you.
Yuuji slips onto his back beside you, curled against the cold wall corning your bed with his feet flat against the mattress and legs bent. He uses the unnatural well of strength he’s harbored since birth to squeeze at the fat of your sides and lift you atop of him. He can feel the warmth of your cunt on his pelvis and it wracks him with a shiver, you whine helplessly when his right hand immediately welds to your slit. His index and ring fingers part your lips so his middle can swipe coyly over your clit.
“Hah,” you watch his ring finger abandon its post to join the rude teasing, “Yuuji…”
“I know,” Yuuji sucks his bottom lip between his teeth, eyes glued to where your wetness drips onto his skin, his hard cock peeking up between your legs, “I know, I’m sorry,” but he doesn’t sound very sorry. Especially when he’s continuing to tease you while pressing a kiss to your cheek, “Okay, serious now,” but he dips his fingers lower and prods at your hole, “Serious.”
You giggle, hot-faced, at his focused gaze, “Yuuji!”
“Sorry, sorry, sorry,” he spreads your lips again just to stare from over your shoulder, voice hoars when he finally speaks up, “Alright. Serious now.”
Reaching between your legs, Yuuji grabs hold of his cock - hissing at the contact - and is internally grateful when you raise your hips to meet his head. He presses his forehead against your shoulder when his tip pushes inside you. You feel the hot puffs of air he sends against your back as you continue lowering yourself. He whimpers, the hand at his base flying across your abdomen and gripping your breast. He squeezes and pinches and tries suffocating the embarrassing little noises escaping his lips when you rock your hips down on his pelvis.
“Okay down there?” you twist your head to look back at Yuuji and you’re so glad you did.
He’s flushed down to his chest and his lashes are kissing his cheeks to keep himself together, when he finally opens his eyes fully and looks up at you. His bottom lip is red and puffy from how hard he’d been biting it, “Now I’m gonna do something new.”
This wasn’t new?
Yuuji’s arms stretch under the backs of your knees and come over your shoulders before winding behind your neck, pressing his palms flat against the back of your head. Your arms dangle uselessly at your sides, hands stretching out to graze his ribs and legs bouncing limply as he manhandles you.
His cock bullies itself in your cunt, hips jerking up into the fat of your ass.
Yuuji tries to suffocate down his groans in favor of your sweet moans being punched up from your gut every time he sweeps deep inside you. His lips press tightly just as your own pop open for adorable “ah, ah ah!”s - fighting to maintain his pace despite how badly he wants to pin you to his body and wallow through the wetness sucking him back in for every thrust. Feel your sweaty skin slide and stick against his and whine at the pulling sensation when you peel apart.
Another sudden idea pops into his brain and it’s almost instinctual how he follows it. Besides, it isn’t like he’s going to complain about being brain-blasted with memories that aren’t his if it means not having to hear Sukuna’s voice while fucking you.
Hips never falter in their snaps up into you, Yuuji cranes his neck to teeth at the meat of your nape. He bites possessively and grunts in response to your immediate pitchy moan. Then licking over the marks apologetically.
You try to smother down your breathless moans as Yuuji bullies his cock repeatedly into that spongy spot shooting stars behind your eyes. With an angle and drive and care you’re sure would be lost on any man other than Yuuji - and you’re dumbly struck by the hope that maybe this hard work is only because he’s here with you. And that coherent thought is fucked out of you with Yuuji’s next whimpered request.
“Don’t do that,” he gasps when you tighten around him after a particularly rough thrust, “Please don’t keep it down- wanna…” he moans and the sound flutters straight to your tightening gut, “Wanna hear you so bad, pretty girl.”
Unlatching your teeth from the plush of your bottom lip, flames lap through the wiry twists of your veins - burning through the stretch of your skin and scarring Yuuji. And he eats it up and greedily begs at your feet for more. It shames Sukuna just as much as it excites him to taste the salt on your skin through his vessel’s tongue and watch the way your legs shake and bounce under his vessel’s iron hold. His favorite way to have you and your favorite way to take him.
Yuuji unwinds one of his arms from behind your neck, lowering half your body slightly to swipe his fingers between the junction of your thighs. Right over the slippery spot where you’re creaming on his cock and taking the soaked fingers to your clit. His canines and soft lips battle for a monopoly of your neck and shoulder, swiftly circling your clit with his middle and ring fingers as his hips continue fucking you stubbornly.
“Hng, Yuu…!” you gasp, head throwing back and narrowly missing his - the coil winding tighter and tighter and your walls milking Yuuji tighter and tighter, “Yuuji!”
“I know, baby,” he kisses up your bent neck and presses his flaming cheek against yours, “God, please, cum for me. Cum for me,” his hips stutter, and his breath hitches and oh, he’s so close, “I wanna feel you cum on me, baby- I need it. Need it so bad.”
“Oh, Yuuji,” you dig your face closer to his as if trying to meld yourselves into one body, “‘m cumming,” you clench and he’s damn near wheezing, the knot in his lower belly popping as he feels you cum and drips down his balls, “‘m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming…!”
And just to avoid embarrassing himself from admitting he’s in love with you while spitting his own cum in your warm, wet walls, Yuuji strangles down his own final cries with a coppery, abusive bite to his bottom lip.
It starts to hurt, how he overstimulates himself through his slowing thrusts - letting you slip down onto his thrumming, sticky chest. Your legs sprawled across his sides, Yuuji slipping his softening cock from your hole.
You lazily roll off of Yuuji, landing face-first into your sheets at his side.
Yuuji can hear it again, that terrible, grating voice telling him, “Clean her, brat.”
And what’s the most terrible is he knows Sukuna’s command is entirely warranted. Flopping a hand onto your back, Yuuji traces heart shapes into the skin as he talks, “I’ll be right back.”
And when Yuuji’s wetting a soft, clean cloth he braved the hallway (nude) to retrieve from his room, he hears that voice again. It echoes in your bathroom.
“I want a turn when she’s awake,” a pause, “Fully awake.”
“Aren’t you charitable?” Yuuji rolls his eyes.
And that same utterance from hours before rings through Yuuji’s ears once again. Why Sukuna cared so much about petty crushes. Why Sukuna bothered himself by actually giving genuine, helpful points. Why Sukuna was fascinated by you.
“She was my most devoted and favorite lover in her past life.”
The way he says it inspires no respect for Yuuji - underlined in his thriving desire to be worshiped, as he imagines he deserves. Yuuji wouldn’t dare uphold you to that.
When he tenderly presses his thumbs into stiff muscles with a red flush and warm smile, Yuuji knows that for sure.
“Can I stay the night?” he whispers, folding his discarded towels and lazily tucking them by your bedpost on the floor. He feels that same hurried ache in his chest, awaiting for your impatience.
Ba-dump. Ba-dump.
You hum, lifting your head off the pillow and snickering, your drowsy face pinched to look at him like he’s stupid, “Duh.”
Giddy, Yuuji slips under the blankets he’d slid over you after cleaning the mess from between your thighs, and slots himself right next to you.
Rolling again, you twist into an open space against Yuuji’s chest and under his thick arm. Warmth drapes across your shoulders when he rests that arm over you. He circles his other arm around you and squeezes, grinning so hard he can feel it burning in the balls of his cheeks. Your ear rests against Yuuji’s chest, and you soothe yourself to slumber on the rhythm of his heartbeat.
Ba-dump. Ba-dump.
Blissfully unaware of the fact that when your bones are rotten and six feet deep, two more people will be curled into each other’s arms. With your same starry eyes that some pink-haired kid falls in love with every time they’re on him.
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luveline · 10 months
So your drunk reader and Spencer fic? Maybe one with Hotch but reader has had something important going on and had called Hotch previously over it, but this was just a super sappy drunk call during an important case but Hotch can never not answer if he technically can talk for just a moment?
thank u for ur request! fem!reader
"I just can't understand how he can be two places at once," Derek says, infuriated. 
Hotch has a thousand possibilities racing through his head. "He can't be," he says, "so we have to work out what else is happening."
"It's him," Emily says. "Same clothes, same face. And it can't be an evil twin–" 
JJ groans, rubbing her eye with the heel of her hand and leaning forward into the conference table they're all sitting at. "I actually like the evil twin theory for this one." 
Hotch's phone vibrates in his pocket. He needs to focus —he can't focus. You've been so heartbreakingly lonely while all of this has been happening, and he loves you, but they have three missing girls to find. 
Time is ticking downward. He's never going to make any headway if he knows you need him on the other side of the phone.
"Just answer it," Rossi says quietly. "Reid's gonna crack it any second now. You have a duty to more than work, my friend." 
Hotch catches it before it goes off. Standing, he buttons his suit jacket again and makes for the door. When it closes, he talks in a measured tone. "Honey," he says, "are you alright?" 
"I'm okay," you say, immediate and bubbly. 
You sound okay, he thinks. "Did you hear anything else from the doctor?" 
"Aaron," you say, a number of emotions in your tone, but mostly love, "they don't call on Sundays, and they never call after six anyways." 
"It's later for you," he remembers.
"I'm so sick of doctors and worrying and worrying about doctors, now I'm worrying about you, did you have to go? 'Cus I know you had to go, but I wish you could've just stayed home. I have this weird bruise I want you to look at–" 
"Hold on. Nothing's wrong?" 
"You're not here. That is so, so wrong." You hiccup. "Woah." 
Hotch blinks to himself, a smile on his lips for the first time in days. "Sweetheart, have you been drinking?" 
"Just what was left of the wine." 
"You mean the one we got last week? That we haven't opened?" 
"Yes." You sound serious. He can imagine your tipsy face, solemnly nodding with eyes wide open.
"Where are you? Still at my apartment?" 
"Is that okay?" 
Hotch closes his eyes. "That's perfect. I don't have to worry about you as long as I know where you are. You haven't taken any painkillers, of course." 
"I'm not silly." 
"That's up for debate. I… I'm glad you're in a good mood, it's good to relax, but no more wine, okay? You'll make yourself sick, and I won't be there to take care of you in the morning." 
"Don't remind me!" Another hiccup. "I think I should've been a special agent, mister Hotchner, so I could come with you all these places and not have to miss you. I love you. I love your face and your hands and the way you always squeeze my hip in the morning when you wake me up." Your forlorn sigh is clear despite the distance. "Do you love me?" 
"Very much, Y/N." 
"I love you. I really didn't mean to drink so much but it actually tasted nicer the more I did." 
"That's how it goes."
"I try to not be disgusting when we have wine together but you weren't here, 'n' I thought I could get sloshed without feeling bad." 
"Why would you feel bad?" he asks, bemused. 
"'Cus you'd have to take care of me, and you take care of everyone. All the time." 
"I like taking care of people. I love taking care of you. You realise that I'd love to take care of you 'sloshed'?" he asks. He can be very honest here, knowing you probably won't remember the entirety of your conversation, but you'll recall how you felt. Well, if you don't get nauseous. "I love looking after you no matter what's wrong. I'm only sorry I can't do it as much as you deserve." 
"You're sorry? That's dumb." 
"Maybe it is." 
"Definitely it is, Aaron. You're way too handsome to bother being sorry." 
Maybe twenty years ago. "In that case, you can stop saying sorry to me altogether." Hotch pauses as a knock rattles the glass behind him. Derek stands on the other side, pointing at Spencer, whose lips are moving a hundred miles an hour. Their smartest member saves the day again. "Honey, I have to go. I'm sorry. I wish I could be with you, you know that? But I really have to go." 
"This is impressive for us, actually, we had like four whole minutes. Bye, handsome, have a good time at camp." 
He snorts. "Bye." 
Hotch takes a split second to collect himself. Your hurting, your drunkenness, your open love for him and the obvious if slurred affection you speak with, he puts everything away and gets ready to do his job. If he does it well enough, he could be home in time to rub your forehead through the hangover. 
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gojos-thot-patrol · 10 months
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Otherwise known as Seven Minuets in Heaven Part. 2 ;)
Find Part One Here!
Dating isn't easy, and falling in love is even harder. Ryomens love for you isn't up for debate, you're the only girl he's ever felt this way about. What is questionable though is if he's ready to leave his playboy life for you. Were diving back into the Modern Day Frat Boy AU
Warning: This fic contains smut, fingering, cunnilingus, a creampie- you know the drill, as well as Hurt/Comfort, possessive themes (especially in the smut), yandere themes if you squint, and a very much unwanted kiss. Reader discretion is advised <3
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It’s surreal just how many times a heart can break before it shatters. How many times you can watch your boyfriend, who swore oh so many times that you were his one and only, flirt with truly breath taking girls before you finally snap. How many times you can accept the unacceptable before it feels like a full body breakdown, before you’re hiding in your room, crying into his hoodie because despite everything he was still so comforting to your stupid heart that still hadn’t caught up with your brain in terms of relationship status. 
But I’m getting ahead of myself. This story technically starts four months ago, and about a week after your first personal encounter with Ryomen Sukuna. 
“Hey man, are you gonna eat that?” Gojo asked, pointing to Ryomens waffle. Sukuna barely looked up from his phone before pushing the plate over to the white haired man, who took it greedily. The act caught the attention of group empath (derogatory) Suguru Geto, who raised an eyebrow at Ryomen from the other side of his coffee cup.
“You feelin’ ok man?” He asked, setting the mug down.
“She still hasn’t responded to my text, but she read it. Is this what getting ghosted feels like?” Ryomen asked, finally looking up from his phone, “This shit blows, why do I keep doing it to people?” 
“Because you’re a creep.” Nanami said without thinking from behind his book, ignoring the glare from both Suguru and Sukuna.
“Is this about the girl from the party?” Geto questioned, failing horribly to hide his genuine shock. “You haven’t moved on yet?”
“Can’t blame him, she was hot as fuck.” Gojo pointed out, not even bothering to swallow the food in his mouth. A move that would backfire when Suguru hit his back, causing him to choke. 
“It’s not for a lack of trying!” Ryomen said, pointedly ignoring Satoru, “Trust me, I have. I even tried hooking up with that one girl from the Kappa Phi Beta sorority, fucking....” He snapped his fingers to try and remember her name, “Yuki? I think?”
“And?” Gojo asked.
“I couldn't go through with it!” He snapped, more in frustrated with himself than anything else, “I felt like…wrong about it, like dirty. I faked a stomachache to get her to go home.”
“Uh huh.” Suguru said, sharing a concerned glance with Gojo. “Go on.”
“The whole time I was just thinking about Y/n.” He sighed, now earning Nanamis attention too, “About what she would think, and what if she finds out and it hurts her, I just…I couldn't do that.” Ryomen grumbled, resting his cheek on the table. It felt good to vent. Until he realized all three of his friends were looking at him as if he had just grown a second set of arms and two more eyes. “What?” He asked.
“Ryomen…” Suguru started slowly, trying to think of how to put this gently, “You…are a fucking moron.”
“Poor bastard..” Nanami muttered, shaking his head.
“This bitch got his dick wet once and fell in love.” Satoru laughed. Ryomens entire soul flinched at the suggestion, and panicked at the notion it could be right.
“No, absolutely not, that’s insane.” He insisted, sitting back up. “I’ve known her for like, a week! Who falls in love in a week?!” Frat boys in fan fiction, thats who.
“Then why are you getting so caught up in the fact she hasn’t texted you back?” Suguru asked. This was not helping Ryomens panic.
“Because it’s weird! Normally girls text me back immediately.”
“Right, so why does it matter so much that this one hasn’t?” 
“Because you’re in love.” Gojo giggled.
“Say that one more time Satoru and I’ll put Nair in your shampoo bottle.” Sukuna threatened. Satoru was suddenly very quiet.
“You still haven't answered the question,” Geto reminded him. 
“It’s because I don’t want the other girls to text me back! I want her to! I want her attention, I want to talk to her, I want- Oh god damn it.” His ramblings turned into a near whine as he dropped his head into his hands at the realization. Suguru patted his back, trying to be comforting. 
“It’s okay man, it happens to the best of us.” He assured him. He handed him his coffee cup, “Here, try this. It might help.” Ryomen had no fucking clue how black coffee was supposed to help, so of course he had to try it. The moment it hit his tongue he realized why it was supposed to help, almost spitting the drink out at the shock of the flavor. That wasn’t coffee. He looked up at who claimed to be the responsible one.
“Fucking Kahlua?” He asked. Geto shrugged.
“Technically its a black russian, so some vodka too.”
“Suguru It’s seven am.”
Two weeks after that conversation, you still hadn’t left that poor fools mind. "Either I didn't hear you right or you've picked up a coke habit." You scoffed. He shook his head.
"Nah, coke's a rich person drug. A lowly college student like me can only afford crack."
"They're the same thing, different forms."
"Tell that to the law." He shrugged. You dropped the argument there, knowing he had a point. You just rolled your eyes.
"Then I must not have heard you correctly." You groaned, "why are you inviting me to go fuck at your dorm at," you checked your phone, "8:17 AM?" He grinned and you wanted to punch him in the face. That grin never failed to make your heart flutter and squeal and want to marry him. Stupid fucking heart. 
"I never said hook up, I asked if you wanted to go on a date.” Ryomen clarified, “Like, to go get lunch or something.” And this is where your confusion came in. You had been casually sleeping with Ryomen for a few weeks now, which was fun. But you had convinced yourself he would never want anything more. Why would he? You thought he had a roster of beautiful women getting in and out of his bed, why would he give that up to be with just one? It didn’t make sense to you.
“Ryomen, I thought we agreed we were going to keep it casual.” You reminded him. It was the unwritten contract the two of you agreed to when you started hooking up. It was to keep both of you from getting hurt feelings. He sighed and raised his hands in defense.
“Okay, not a date.” He paused for a second, “Hey, do you wanna like, go get dinner tonight, maybe catch a movie and then head back to mine?” He asked. You felt a blood vessel pop. At this point in your “relationship” with him, you were almost positive the only thing he kept behind those pretty doe eyes was the god damn audacity.
"Ryomen, that sounds like a date." You pointed out.
"Does it?" He played dumb, "well, if you insist we can make it a date." He fucking grinned again. 
"Oh come on!" He said it loudly enough to earn a sharp shush from the teacher, reminding him that other people were here to learn not date. He rolled his eyes and returned to a whisper. "What's the worst thing that could happen if you go out with me?" He asked.
What's the worst thing that could happen? Easy: You fall in love. You already knew you liked him way more than any reasonable person would or should. His sense of humor fell in line perfectly with yours, you had similar taste in music and movies, and you knew that he was more caring than he would ever care to admit; a trait you noticed from watching him interact with his friends. To top it all off, he was smart as hell, and he was about as beautiful as God said the Devil would be. He was fucking dangerous, and so easy to love, you couldn't blame any of the girls that fell before you.
And that was the issue. Ryomen had a vice, and it was women. You’d seen it in action on campus, the way past flings would come up to him to try and rekindle something that was never lit in the first place. And he ate that shit up. He loved basking in the attention given to him, and if it made you jealous now, you couldn’t imagine the fights you’d get into if he was officially yours. And you really didn’t need a criminal record.
"What's the worst that could happen?" You reiterated, "I get Syphilis."
"I hate to break it to you, beautiful, but if that was the case you'd already have it." He chuckled. Yeah, you walked right into that one. You pinched the bridge of your nose, repressing the urge to yell at him that it was way too early for this shit.
"I love it when you call me that." 
"-Men, Ryomen let me finish," you groaned, "I'm really trying to pay attention here, can you just drop it?" You sighed in exasperation. 
"Sure, if you agree to go out with me." He smirked. 
"Why are you so desperate for this date?!" You struggled to maintain a whisper, "Isn’t what we’re doing right now enough? You’re already getting what you want out of me, why do you want more?" 
Ryomen felt himself shatter, like a wine glass being forced to endure Mariah Careys’ high note. He thought the two of you had moved past your perception of him as a fuck boy using you for you body but, apparently not. Did you not know? Did you not know you were the only woman that was allowed to sleep in his bed? The only girl who he brought to just casually hang out with his friends? The only person in the world that he had ever cuddled with? He didn’t talk about his after graduation plans with any of those other girls. He didn’t talk about his little brother, or why he was a business major to them. He didn’t stay up all night talking to them because he just wanted to hear their voice. All of that was reserved for you. You had no idea just how special you were to him.
"Because I don't just want your body, I want you!" He said just a little bit too loudly. Great, now people were looking, "You've all I've been thinking about for weeks, do you know how weird this is for me?! I'm going crazy over you, and you won't even give me a chance, You won’t let me prove to you that you’re important to me!” You could feel the eyes of the classroom drill into you, and it made you want to shrink away. Something had to give.
"If I agree to go on one, count them, one" you held up a finger for emphasis, "date with you, will you shut up?"
"Without hesitation."
"Fine, then shut up." You chastised him.
"Wait, so is that a yes?" He smiled wide, and if he was a dog his ears would have perked up.
"That's not shutting up!" You reminded him, "it's only a yes if you don't say another word this entire class period." He beamed as he nodded, giving the universal sign for 'My Lips Are Zipped' as he settled into his seat, and you wondered what the hell you had gotten yourself into.
“You dress way too extravagant for him.” Mei Mei sighed as she saw your outfit. You didn’t see where she was coming from. A tight, albeit plain, black mini dress with pumps was hardly what you would call extravagant. Though, you supposed in the context of your typical wardrobe it was quite the contrast. But, this was your fifth date with Ryomen, and he told you to dress nice. You thought back to your one date stipulation, and almost laughed. You really didn’t expect that first date to go so well.
“Aren’t you the one that told me there’s nothing wrong with dressing up for a date?” You asked as you finished putting on your earrings. She rolled her eyes as you threw that back at her.
“Yeah, if you think your relationship with the guy might actually go somewhere it’s fine.”
“Who’s to say my relationship with Ryo won’t go somewhere?” You scoffed as you turned to her. She scoffed back.
“Ryo?” She all but sneered, “Gross. And it won’t go anywhere because it’s Ryomen Sukuna. He’s like, the literal definition of manslut. He’s going to break your heart Y/n, and you’re not even his official girlfriend. You’re his toy.” Mei muttered. You fought the urge to roll your eyes. You knew her condescension came from a place of concern. Mei Mei had been with a lot of guys, and had her heart broken by even more. You almost took what she said into consideration. Then you remembered she had never really expressed concern for you before your situationship, and quickly brushed her off.
“He’s waiting for me.” You smiled at her as you left your shared dorm. You found him standing outside the building, exactly where he said he’d be. He always looked handsome, but tonight he looked damn near dashing. The black dress shirt and slacks worked for him, especially with the sleeves rolled up. He grinned when he saw you, and your heart squealed like a school girl in a shoujo anime. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t walk a little faster to get into his arms.
“Hey gorgeous,” He laughed as he picked you up in one of his signature bear hugs. You could get lost in the comfort of his arms. He sat you down with an adoring smile. 
“Hey Handsome,” you winked, “Ready for our date?” He was taking you to a super upscale restaurant downtown. One of those places where you have to make the reservation like, a week in advance and pay way too much for not enough food. Admittedly, it made you kinda nervous.
“No, not at all,” His confession was disguised with a joke. He was as nervous as you were. “I have to give you something first.” By the power of plot, it was only then that you noticed the thin box in his hand. He lifted it up, presenting it to you as if he was a jeweler as he opened it. You didn’t quite process what you were looking at at first. It was a small white gold, cursive R with small rubies embedded into the stem of the letter. The pendent hung from a dainty white gold chain, and every ounce of your poor kid blood just knew that necklace cost more than your parents rent. 
“Ryomen, what the fuck?” You asked, not fully processing the situation.
“I like to mark what’s mine.” He shrugged with a devilish smirk, “You don’t have to take it, but I bet it would look good on you.” 
“I look good in everything,” You said, taking it out of the box to admire it. It really was a beautiful piece of custom jewelry. Your first reaction was to reject the gift. Gifts like these didn’t come without conditions, expectations. You knew that by accepting the necklace, you were accepting Ryomen. You couldn’t deny your situation anymore, couldn’t delude yourself into thinking the two of you were less than what you were. You’d have to accept the reality in front of you, the future in front of you. You looked at him and felt the smile tug at your lips. “Will you put it on me?” 
“Gladly.” He said, trading you box for necklace. As he fastened the ornate safety clasp around your neck, he leaned down. “I trust you know this means you’re my girl, yeah?” He whispered, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine. 
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” You hummed, placing a hand on his head to hold him still while you kissed his cheek. Mei Mei was gonna be pissed.
“Look, we’ll only be there for like, thirty minuets,” Sukuna groaned, rubbing his temple with his left hand. “ABO is throwing the party, so all of us have to show some face.”
“Do you have to show some face, or sell some weed?” You asked, crossing your arms as the two of you walked down the street. In the two months you had been with Sukuna, you had been to more parties than you could count. Which was really starting to stress you out, considering you fucking hated parties.
“Why cant it be both?” he sighed.
“You still haven’t explained why I need to come.” You huffed, pulling down your short dress. You had been trying to put more effort into your appearance lately, and experimenting with just how much skin you were comfortable showing. Sometimes you got it right, sometimes you didn’t.
“I told you babe, guys are fucking idiots. They wanna buy drugs from the guy with the prettiest girl on his arm, and when you’re with me, I’m always that guy.” He smirked, hoping that was going to diffuse the situation at least a little bit. It didn’t. Of course it didn’t.
“Really? You’re flirting with me? Right now?” You scoffed.
“It was worth a shot, right?” He shrugged. 
“I’m going to fucking bite you!” you threatened, stopping in your tracks to emphasize how pissed off you were. He sighed again as he stopped and turned to face you. He put his hands on your hips and pulled you closer to him, fighting the grin that came up as he noticed the slight shock on your face. He managed to suppress it though, and put his puppy dog eyes into action for evil.
“I know you don’t want to go babygirl, I’m sorry,” He murmured to you, ghosting the back of his knuckles along your jawline, “But will you go? For me? I’m only asking for thirty minuets.” Fuck. Fuck. This was a dirty tactic and he fucking knew it. You sighed, dropping your forehead onto his chest, and hugging him back as he pulled you into a proper embrace.
“Fine, but…can you promise me you’re not going to flirt any other girls there? Or let them flirt with you?” You muttered.You didn’t just hate parties for the drunken social aspect of them, though that was a part of it. No, you hated them because they always started fights in your relationship. Normally, you loved being with Ryomen. He was sweet and caring, and you knew he loved you. But he also had a problem with leading on other girls. 
You knew his attention whore antics would be a problem, and while you believed him when he said it was never physical- just flirting, that he didn’t even realize he was doing it, it always hurt you anyway. There was always a seed of doubt that it wasn’t as subconscious as he claimed. That maybe he didn’t love you as much as he said he did.
“Of course baby girl, you know you’re my one and only.” He promised, wrapping his arm around you as he walked you to the fraternity house. You had a sinking feeling in your soul this was a bad idea, one that only got worse as you saw all the drop dead gorgeous women in the room.
“Hey, I’m gonna go grab us some drinks, want anything?” He asked, knocking you out of your thoughts. 
“Oh, yeah. I’ll come with.” You said, following Ryomen to the kitchen. There sat Nanami in his designated spot behind the bar, half heartedly listening to an art major talk about the impressionist movement. He was nodding along like he understood, like he was engaged, but there was no light behind his eyes. You felt bad for the art major. 
Ryomen grabbed two cups of the frat jungle juice for the two of you. You took yours and quickly started to chug without even considering who made it, and almost immediately gagged at the burn. You managed to choke it down after a fight for your life. “What the hell is in that?!” You snapped.
“Oh, Suguru made the juice this time,” Nanami said, taking any opportunity to leave the art history conversation, “It has like, an entire bottle of everclear in it.”
“An entire bottle?” You asked in disbelief, “Is he okay?”
“No.” Nanami scoffed, as if you should know. 
“Hey, Ryomen!” Satoru laughed as he and Suguru spotted Sukuna. They walked into the kitchen. “And Y/n!” Gojo gasped when he saw you, always shocked to see you at these events no matter how many you attended. He ran over and hugged you, causing you to chuckle softly and Ryomens eye to twitch. He quickly got in between you two, pulling you from Satorus arms and into his. Gojo rolled his eyes, but otherwise let it go.
“I’m glad you could make it!” He smiled.
“I always do,” You laughed to hide your frustration with that statement. 
“We’ve got a beer pong table set up outside, wanna play?” Suguru asked. There was a beat before you realized.
“Wait, me?” You asked, a little shocked. You fully expected him to be talking to Ryomen.
“Yeah, you,” He chuckled, “You’re our Fraternity Sweetheart, we gotta show you off somehow, right?”
“She is not the frat sweetheart.” Ryomen scoffed before you could process the information. 
“Oh yes she is!” Gojo declared, “Everyone on campus knows it!” Everyone except you apparently.
“No, shes not!” Ryomen insisted. He hated that they called you that. It made him feel like he had to share you with them, a thought that made him actively violent. They could find some other sorority sister to be their sweetheart, but you were his. “Nanami, back me up here.”
“Sorry man, I’m with the boys on this one.” He shrugged, “She’s at all of our events, she’s here every weekend, the chapter loves her.” Oh he did not like the verbiage used there.
“I love how you guys all thought to ask me how I felt about this, so very thoughtful of you.” You laughed at the absurdity of it all. 
“Yea, exactly! You don’t even want to be a sweetheart, do you baby girl?” Ryomen asked, fully turning to you. A realization hit you like a truck trying to teleport you to a fantasy world. Something in the way he said baby girl, in how intense he was in fighting against the tittle. Ryomen was jealous. Of course, this was nothing new, but the idea of him being jealous of these guys just felt so absurd to you. You were used to giving into his jealousy, to baby it and tend to it; like a dutiful nurse. Protecting his ego at all cost. Your first instinct was to continue that tradition, but then you thought about it again. He never went out of his way to try and take care of your jealousy. And being a fraternity sweetheart may actually be fun.
“I mean, I am at every single party you guys throw, I might as well be the sweetheart, right?” You smiled and the other guys cheered, even Nanami let out a little whoop! Ryomens eyes looked dark though. He knew exactly what you were throwing in his face. You wanted to say being this petty was unlike you, but since you started dating Ryomen…
“You offered beer pong?” You smiled to Suguru, who gladly took you outside to the table, Satoru tagging along with a reluctant Ryomen dragging behind. 
It had been four months since you first slept with Sukuna, and two months since you got together. Sometimes you questioned that decision. Actually, you questioned it a lot. You questioned if he ever actually wanted to be in a relationship, or just liked the idea of it. If he wanted to have someone stable waiting for him at home while he still got to do what- or who- ever he wanted. The way he talked to some of the girls at these parties made you think that was the case. He talked to them almost as if he forgot he had a girlfriend, or worse, as if he resented the fact he had one.
Which was so unbearably confusing for you! He pursued you so fervently, as if he was convinced you were soul mates. You were happy to keep things casual with him for exactly this reason. He was the one that wanted to take things to the next level, He was the one that made things official, hell- He was the first one to say I Love You! And it’s not like he tried to hide you, he posted you on social media, he took you out as often as he could, that motherfucker tried to get a tattoo of your god damn name! Thank God Suguru talked him out of that one. It didn’t make sense to you that he would be this obsessed with you regularly, but the moment he got a few shots in his system and a cute girl approached him it’s like you were a ghost to him. It made you fucking angry.
The air was warm and full of laughing as you played against Satoru.
“Hey, you have to bounce it, you can’t throw it!” He giggled, trying to swat away your ball.
“Oh, but you can swat it?!” You scoffed through smiles, “Unfair rules!” This was your third round, and he only had one cup left. That being said, he was about half way through yours, and you were definitely starting to feel it. It was actually kinda nice to be thoroughly enjoying a party. To feel like you were here to hang out with your friends and not just to please your man. 
“Come on Satoru, how are you going to lose to someone who’s wasted?!” Suguru laughed, grabbing your elbow to help steady you. You should have known something was wrong when Ryomen didn’t step in. 
“By also being wasted!” Gojo chuckled as he completely missed his shot and you sunk yours. Cheers and hollers erupted in the crowd, and you proudly threw up both hands as you had won again. You felt like a star. Like you were actually cool, and accepted. You felt amazing. You looked over to your darling boyfriend to share the moment with him.
Only to feel every once of warmth leave your body when you saw him talking to another woman. You knew her well, Amanda from your english class. She talked all the time about how hot Ryomen was before the two of you got together, and joked about stealing him after. From the look of that heart wrenching grin he had on while he talked to her, it looked like she had a chance.
“Walk away. Just walk away.” You thought.“Come to me.” She laughed obnoxiously loud at a joke that probably wasn’t even that funny. Even he looked surprised at the reaction he got. Then she got closer. Your body went into rigor mortis as your lungs forgot how to work. “No. Please No.” 
She kissed him. The next three seconds felt like three years. You watched her wrap a hand around his neck and pull him closer, wrap another hand in his hair and you fought vomit. It was a tender act you thought was sacred between the two of you. You guessed not. You ran off, not having the heart to watch anymore. You didn’t see him push her away and onto her ass. You didn’t hear him yell at her.
“What the fuck skank?! Why the fuck would you do that?!” He scoffed, aggressively wiping his mouth. 
“I-I’m sorry! I just thought the conversation was going well, so-”
“So you fucking kiss me?! Do you do that to every man you have a conversation with?!” He physically spat, “You didn’t even fucking ask! Have you never heard of fucking consent?!”
“Look, I thought-!”
“No, you didn’t think of shit! I have a fucking girlfriend, do you know that?! Jesus fucking christ.” He groaned, walking away from the situation to find you.
You were making your way through the house to go home, fighting tears because you’d be damned if these assholes saw you cry. You swam through the sea of drunken bodies swaying in the house. The bass from the music felt all too intense, the lights all too bright. Everything was just too much. You felt disconnected from and all too aware of your body all at once, and all you really wanted was non-existence. 
“Leaving so soon?” Nanami asked from his place on the houses steps as you walked out. He looked up, noticing the tears you had let slip, and his eyes widened a bit. He immediately dropped the asshole act, standing up and placing a concerned hand on your shoulder. “Y/n, are you okay? Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Ryomen is a cheating bastard.” You managed to gasp through choked breath. This whole not crying thing was so much harder than you thought. That didn’t sound like the Ryomen Nanami knew though. The Ryomen Nanami knew didn’t shut up about his girl. He wanted to marry her after graduation, he was trying to build a life with her. He wouldn’t cheat on her. Something wasn’t right.
“Y/n, I’m sorry, but that can’t be right. Theres gotta be a mis-”
“I gotta go Kento.” You whimpered, brushing his hand away. You refused to listen to one of his frat dude friends try to defend him. You took off the R that weighed down on your neck, his claim to you, and handed it to Nanami. You knew you wouldn’t be able to face him again to return it. “Please give that to him, I need to leave.” You muttered, all but running away from the party.
You should have known better. You did know better. You hated that you expected this and still got hurt. Everything just felt so unbearably heavy. When you broke up with your last boyfriend, you just felt numb. You felt about as inconvenienced by it as when they got your order wrong at Mcdonalds. Annoyed, yeah- maybe even pissed off. But ultimately you got over it quick, it had barely hurt your week.
But this? This felt like hell. This felt wrong. Like when a loved one suddenly dies, or if your house burned down while you were away; like the universe was fundamentally broken- turned upside down and left to rot. You felt so fundamentally stupid for giving him a chance. For letting him trick you into thinking he was in anything other than lust. For falling in love with a demon like him. All of the devotion and warmth you held for him tasted so fucking bitter, like it had been preverted and turned into a curse. You wanted to crawl home and tell your mom she was right.
But, your dorm was much closer. “Hey nerd, how was the- oh no.” Mei Mei said, looking up from her laptop as she heard the door open. You looked like a rejected member of Kiss, make up running down your red face, hair a mess from the outside wind. 
“Mei mei, he-” You tried to get it out, but just choked on your words, breaking down into the sobs you were holding back. Mei rushed over to wrap her arms around you and keep you from collapsing in on yourself. 
“Oh sweetheart…I’m so sorry.” She sighed, leading you over to your bed and sitting down with you. She knew what happened without you saying it. She knew it was going to happen. She was mostly just shocked it took this long. 
“I’m so stupid..”
“Yea, a little bit.” She confirmed, patting your back and shushing you as you broke into another sob. Your phone went off. She checked it for you, snarling at the ‘where are you?’ text he sent. That motherfucker had a lot of gaul. She tossed your phone into your desk drawer, then went and grabbed the emergency ice cream she kept in her fancy mini fridge. She joined you on the bed with two spoons and her laptop.
“Okay, what do you wanna watch?” She asked, pulling up netflix.
Meanwhile, Ryomen was losing his mind looking for you, and Nanami was losing his mind looking for him. “There you are!” Kento snapped as he finally found Ryomen coming out of their shared dorm.
“Nanami, have you seen Y/n?” He asked immediately, “I can’t find her, and I’m about to start hitting people about it.” He said, running a nervous hand through his hair. He had never lost you for this long before, and he was really starting to panic now. If anything had happened to you, he was going to make tomorrows nine o’clock news. 
“Yeah, she ran out like an hour ago saying you cheated on her, is that true?” Nanami asked, feeling like he already knew the answer.
“What?!” Ryomen snapped, grabbing Nanami by the shoulders, “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me that an hour ago?!”
“Because I’ve been looking for you for an hour dipshit!” He yelled, pushing Ryomen off, “Answer the question!”
“No it’s not fucking true! Why the hell would I do something that fucking stupid?!” Ryomen scoffed at the very idea of such a thing. He remembered his encounter with Yuki, before the two of you had even become casual partners. The thought of trying to be with another woman made him nauseous then, and that feeling had only intensified as your relationship grew.
“Then why does she think that you did?” Nanami questioned further, trying to get to the bottom of the situation.
“I don’t know! I-” Shit. He didn’t even finish his sentence before the unwanted kiss flooded his memories. A hit from a sledge hammer wielded by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson would have been softer than the realization that not only did you see the kiss, but thought it was welcomed. Suddenly, he didn't have blood in his veins anymore, only liquid nitrogen. “Oh my god, she saw Amanda kiss me.”
“What?! Ryomen, you said you didn’t che-”
“I didn’t!” He snarled, “She kissed me when I was trying to sell to her. I pushed her off, it was not mutual!” The last thing Suguru and Gojo expected to find when they went to slip off to their room was Nanami and Ryomen fighting in the hall, but, suppose theres a first time for everything.
“Whats going on?” Gojo asked, needing to be in the center of every drama ever.
“Y/n thinks Ryomen cheated on her.” Nanami explained.
“You fucking what?!” Suguru hissed, ready to fight on your behalf.
“I didn’t actually do it!” Ryomen yelled in his own defense. “She saw Amanda kiss me, but I guess missed the part where I yelled at her for assault!”
“Well she’s officially on the ban list.” Satoru stated what everyone else assumed went without saying.
“Wait, where is Y/n now?” Geto asked.
“Home, I assume. It’s where she was going.” Nanami explained.
“I have to go get her.” Ryomen said more to himself than anyone else, attempting to leave before Gojo stopped him.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Satoru asked, “If it just happened, she may not be willing to listen to you yet.”
“No, Ryomen’s right. The longer he lets this sit the worse it’ll get.” Suguru pointed out. “This is something you address immediately.”
“Not necessarily! She may be working it out on her own,” Satoru was being delusional, “I mean, has she broken up with you yet right? Like officially? Cause if not, showing up at her doorstep out of no where may be the end your relationship.” Wait, he had a point.
“No, She hasn’t broken up with me.” Ryomen sighed in almost relief. You two were still together, that ment there was hope. Hope of a conversation, hope to save the future he had built for you two. Maybe all wasn’t lost.
“Yeah, so…about that.” Nanami muttered almost sheepishly as he held up the white gold necklace you had tossed at him. Ryomen felt his soul evacuate his body and the liquid nitrogen in his veins turn into lead. The room was spinning and the only thing he could focus on was the jewels that should have been around your neck. The symbol of your relationship, dangling abandoned from Nanami's fingers. You had left him and he didn’t even know it.
“Shit.” Mai Mai muttered, checking her phone half way through an episode of whatever you had put on. “Shoko got too fucked up and needs a ride home from the bar.” She sighed. You knew what that meant.
“That’s ok,” you managed a smile, “Go make sure she’s safe.”
“Are you going to be okay?” That was a loaded question if you’d ever heard one. 
“Yeah Mei, I’m not gonna like, kill myself or something stupid like that.” You forced a laugh to really sell that you were falling apart. Mei gave a concerned face, but knew that Shoko still needed her help. 
“I’ll be back in like, an hour, ok?” She said as she grabbed her keys, “If you need anything or god forbid he shows up, call me, ok?” She demanded more than asked.
“Okay, I will.” You sighed, waving off your friend as she left. Once alone, you decided you might as well take the opportunity to get into pajamas. You shuffled to your closet, feeling more like a zombie than much else. That was until you opened the door to reveal Ryomens hoodie hanging up with the rest of your clothes. The icy tendrils of despair returned, and despite your better judgment you pulled the old hoodie down.
He had left it here a few weeks back, and you had been snuggling up in it ever since. At the time it was a major comfort, now it was just another thing to return later. Despite yourself, you still hugged it, imaging you were just hugging him goodbye for some closure. You hoped it would help you let go. Instead what happened is you were greeted with his familiar scent, pine and cigarettes, and your eyes started gushing again.
It’s surreal just how many times a heart can break before it shatters. How many times you can watch your boyfriend, who swore oh so many times that you were his one and only, flirt with truly breath taking girls before you finally snap. How many times you can accept the unacceptable before it feels like a full body breakdown, before you’re hiding in your room, crying into his hoodie because despite everything he was still so comforting to your stupid heart that still hadn’t caught up with your brain in terms of relationship status. 
You collapsed onto your bed as you clung to the fabric, wishing it was him. That tonight had never happened, and he was still yours. It was a nice thought. Your pity party was interrupted by what could only be described as a cop knock on your door. It startled a yelp out of you, and almost scared you enough to make you forget you were sad.
“Y/n, please, let me in.” Mother fucker! Why would he think this was a good idea?!
“No Sukuna, I have nothing to say to you.” You snapped, and he cringed on the other side of the door. He hated when you used his last name for him. It made him feel like his father.
“That’s fine! Just let me say what I have to say.” He begged, “Y/n, it’s not what you think.”
The Audacity
How fucking dare he show up to your door with the worlds lamest fucking excuse and expect it to work?! How fucking dare he act like you didn’t have two working eyes! The rage that filled you with pushed you off the bed and to the door, throwing it open just to smack him across the face. His eyes blew wide at the attack. He had never seen you violent before. He kinda liked it.
“You’re a real fucking douche bag, do you know that?!” You snapped, “You spent fucking months trying to get me to agree to be with you, just to do this to me! Do you know how much this hurts?!”
“Y/n, I-!”
“I’m not done!” You shouted, officially pissing off your across the hall neighbor.
“Take it to your dorm, not the hall!” Utahime yelled from behind her door. You growled, but reluctantly pulled him into your room, closing the door behind the two of you.
“You lead me on for fucking months, fucking months, making me think you loved me and wanted to be with me, just for it to turn out to all be a lie! Then, when you realize you fucked up, you turn up at my door with the lamest excuse known to man! What the fuck do you have to say for yourself?!” You hissed, venom dripping for your lips like thick cyanide.
“She kissed me,” He explained, holding up his hands when he saw you open your mouth to argue, “You asked me what I had to say for myself, right? This is what I have to say, just let me talk.” You closed your mouth reluctantly, waiting for him to continue.
“She started talking to me because she wanted to try pot and knew I had some to sell. I sold her an ounce and we kept talking about her fucking major or some shit. Honestly, I don’t even remember what we were talking about, I was just trying to give good customer service. But I guess she was into it, cause out of no where she kissed me. But I didn’t kiss her back, Y/n! I pushed her off of me, I yelled at her that I had a girlfriend, hell, I’m pretty sure I fucking spit on her. You have to believe me Baby, I wanted nothing to do with that!” 
He was talking fast and panicked, and not at all like how he normally spoke. Like he was scared for his life, grabbing his hair and trying to control his breathing. His fear almost transferred to you, but all you really wanted was to hug him, to assure him it was okay. A part of you wanted to deny it all, because that was so much easier than admitting you were wrong and jumped to conclusions. That you let Mei Mei and your mother get into your head. 
But you knew your boyfriend better than that. You knew that this wasn’t the ramblings of a liar, but the ramblings of a desperate man needing to be heard. The honesty in his eyes, the tremble in his normally steady voice. You thought about how Nanami tried to argue with you when you first accused Ryomen. At the time you refused to hear any of it, but Nanami had never been one to bull shit anyone or defend his fraternity brothers shitty actions. And suddenly, your stomach filled with stones as you realized what you had done, what you had almost thrown away. 
“Ryomen,” You muttered, slowly approaching him as if he was a hurt animal.
“I kept looking for you after it happened, I was going to tell you! But you were gone-”
“Ryo,” You tried again to cut through his thoughts, standing close enough now to touch him.
“But then fucking Nanami found me, and he had your necklace, and-” Oh shit, he wasn’t there anymore. You recognized a doom spiral when you saw one. You gently grabbed his cheeks and forced him to look at you. Those puppy dog eyes you fell in love with were wide and full of fear, filling you with a sick dread that made your skin feel far too tight.
“Baby, look at me. You’re getting lost in your head.” You said softly, using your thumb to wipe away a stray tear.
“Y/n, I’m so sorry I-”
“Why are you sorry? You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m sorry I ran away instead of just talking to you about what happened.” You sighed.
“Yea that was kinda hypocritical of you.” He nodded.
“I’m just saying, you’re the one talking about how important communication is.”
“And I apologized, did I not?!” You laughed at the emotional whiplash of it all. He let a small smile slip as he watched. He finally felt like he could breathe again. He pulled you into a tight hug and kissed the top of your head.
“I swear, this love shit’s gonna put me in the ground.” He more gasped than laughed, the crash of his body no longer being in fight or flight mode weighing heavy on him.
“Ain’t that the truth.” You huffed, shaking your head as best as you could against his chest. Your body still hadn’t gotten the memo that things were okay now. Your bones still felt like they were shaking in your skin. He parted enough to hook his finger under your chin, tilting your head up at him. Your heart skipped a beat, taking in how soft he looked in the moonlight fluttering in from your window. He was proof god had favorites. He smiled softly to you.
“I think you’re worth it though.” He whispered, before leaning down and pressing his soft lips to yours. It didn’t matter how many times they two of you kissed, your heart always freaked out about it- like a mega fan in the pit at a concert. Your arms instinctively moved to wrap around his neck, he he took you by the hips, pulling you deeper into the kiss. He bit your lip, and took the opportunity of your soft moan to slip his tongue into your mouth.
Your body started warming back up, his comforting smell putting your panic response to ease. Your nervous system pulsated back to life, sparks flying in your blood waiting to be caught in his inferno. On one hand, it felt almost wrong to be kissing him so soon after the events of the night- like a betrayal of yourself. On the other, your heart craved him like a drug, his affection gave you a high that nothing else could even come close too. You felt like you were spinning and a heat was quickly pooling in your legs that you knew he could take care of. 
One of your hands tangled into his soft pink hair, tugging softly. He took that as his que to pick you up. You wrapped your legs around his hips long enough for him to sit you down on the side of the bed. His kisses moved from your lips to your cheek, to your jaw, to your neck. You moaned softly as he sucked soft bruises into your collar bone.
He pushed you back down on the bed, lowering himself to his knees in between your legs, like a sinner praying for forgiveness at an altar.. You were suddenly pretty thankful you hadn’t gotten around to changing yet. He hiked the dress up around your hips, smiling when he saw the underwear you were wearing.
“Black lace, huh?” He teased, forgetting the past like, hour and a half apparently, “Were you planning this sweetheart?”
“I assure you I did not plan on us breaking up.” You laughed. He did not like that you used the words “Breaking Up” and “Us” in the same sentence. It didn’t affect him they way that it did before. It didn’t fill him with that overwhelming feeling of panic that it had earlier. It didn’t freeze him in place. Instead, it just filled him with white hot rage. Surely you knew better than that, right? You were his, you weren’t going anywhere. “Breaking up” was not an option. He just had to remind you who you belonged to.
“Good thing we didn’t break up.” He said. Before you could protest, he pushed your panties to the side and ran his warm tongue along your folds, earning him a soft, pretty gasp from your lips. He smirked to himself, noticing how wet you were from just kissing, gathering the silky liquor on his tongue, and swirling it onto your clit. He started spelling his nickname with his tongue, R. Y. O, R. Y. O, and you were lost to whatever he wanted.
Your body pulsated with electricity, every swipe of his tongue sending a new wave of bliss through your body. You moaned out his name, fingers tangling into his hair to try and keep yourself grounded. You felt like you were made of pop rocks and stars, eyes rolling back in pleasure, pulling him closer to your core. You could feel a tsunami building inside of you, a sea of pleasure threatening to over take you.
“Have I ever told you how sweet you taste?” Sukuna moaned, sliping two fingers inside of your gushing pussy. You mentally added that to the list of weird compliments you had received since becoming bedfellows with the wannabe bad boy. Or, tried to I should say. As you were filing the thought away, he curled his fingers into your g-spot, turning any coherent thoughts you had had before into oh fuck that felt good and fuck I’m already getting close. Ryomen felt the way your cunt clenched around his fingers, and felt his own dick twitch. He knew how that clench felt around his cock, and more than anything he wanted to feel it again.
 “Ryo, I-I’m...yea” You tried to warn him, but the electric shockwaves going through your body made communication rather difficult at that moment.
“Oh yea?” He chuckled from between your legs, punctuating his sentence with a sharp suck to the bundle of nerves between your legs. “Then cum for me pretty girl.” It didn’t take much after that, his words of affirmation waking up butterflies in your stomach and in your cunt. A few more curls of his fingers and swipes from his tongue and suddenly cartoon stars were exploding in front of your eyes. Your climax tore through you with a vengeance, the storm hitting you and drowning your senses in bliss and oxytocin. Your entire body felt like it had been struck by lighting made of erotic thrill, the aftershocks leaving you shaking in it’s wake.
Your soul was still trying to make it’s way back to your body when his lips met yours again, your taste mingling with his on your tongue and leaving your head spinning. You went to grab his shirt, finding that he had taken it off at some point, which was more than okay with you. He nipped at your jaw and your neck before pulling away and getting you up long enough to take your dress off you. You went to take off your bra, only for him to stop you.
“Hey, hey, whats the rush?” He asked from the foot of your bed, wicked grin showing off his naturally sharp canines, “Take it off slowly.” This was 100% a power play and you know it. Normally this fucker was literally ripping clothes to get them off you quicker, your sudden uptick in panty buying could attest to that. But now all of the sudden he wanted to go slow? Fine, you could play that game. 
You stood on your knees to give him a better view, slowly shimmying the straps off your shoulders. His scarlet eyes burned into your every movement as you slipped your arms out of the straps as elegantly as one could. You made eye contact with him as you unhooked your bra, one hook at a time. Or, tried to at least. His eyes were trained on your chest. You grinned at the aggravated groan he let out, watching you catch the fabric before it fell and revealed your breast. His eyes were dark and you could tell by his shifting his jeans were getting too tight.
“Slow enough for you?” You smirked at him. 
“Keep running that mouth and I’ll give you something to do with it.” He warned, and you just laughed, finally letting your bra drop to the mattress. You saw his body physically tense as to not grapple you then and there.
“You want my mouth? Oh, but I’d much rather have you somewhere else.” You teased, looping your thumbs into the sides of your underwear as you started to pull them off your hips at an agonizing pace. Ryomen felt like he was going to lose it, feeling his fingers, among other extremities, twitch with the need to touch you. He tried to be a good boy, he really did, but when you rolled your hips at him he lost it. In a flash he had pulled you under him, and was fumbling with his belt.
“Hey, what happened to slow?” You teased.
“Fun experiment, not for me.” He responded, freeing himself from his jeans and lining himself up with your still dripping entrance. He caught your lips in a kiss as he dived in, swallowing your sweet moans as he filled you to the brim. It didn’t matter how many times Ryomen was in between your legs, it always felt like the first. The burning stretch as his hips connected with you setting your body on fire and filling your brain with tv static. You could feel your already weak legs tremble around him, and he groaned as your pussy fluttered around his cock. 
“God pretty girl, you feel so fucking good for me.” He moaned, setting a brutal pace as he pushed into you, his cock brushing against your g-spot and massaging your cervix. “Like you were made to be on my cock.” Who he was talking to was a mystery to you because you were not there. You were in outer space, floating on atoms and space dust as he rocked into you, bliss filling your veins as you felt euphoria spread through you and pool in your core. 
He threw one of your legs over his shoulder, letting him dive even deeper into your velvety walls. He grabbed your hips in a vice grip, no doubt leaving bruises you could take finger prints off of. Every thrust hit your g-spot, the new position letting him reach places that you didn’t know existed. “Oh, fuck, Ryo don’t stop.” You begged.
“Didn’t plan on it,” He assured you, watching the way your eyes screwed shut in pleasure. “Hey no-” He growled, removing his hand from your hip to grab your chin, “Look at me.” You whined as you opened your eyes, meeting his lust filled gaze. “Who does this pussy belong to?”
“You Ryomen..” You moaned, feeling yourself reaching your peak.
“Who’s the only person that makes you feel this good?” He demanded the validation.
“You, Ryomen, you!” You squirmed underneath him as all of the stimulation became too much. Your hands started to tingle as your body got ready to tumble off a cliff. You weren’t even fully processing what he was asking, you just knew to say his name.
“Who do you belong to Y/n?”
“Ryomen..” You whimpered, digging your claws in his back as your legs trembled, “Ryo, please..” You gasped, teetering on the edge. His hand left your chin and found your clit, massaging expert circles into it. It was your tipping point, sending you hurtling over the edge of your orgasm and head over heels into euphoria, the sea of bliss overtaking you as red hot lava replaced your blood. You felt almost dizzy as you were hit with wave after wave of ecstasy, vision going blurry with tears from the intensity of it all.
Ryomen wasn’t far behind you, the feeling of your cunt clenching around him, pulling him in deeper and deeper with every convulsion. He told himself he really couldn’t have pulled out even if he wanted to; filling you until you were overflowing and thanking Aphrodite for the invention of birth control. He rolled you over as he collapsed next to you, managing to stay inside. 
The two of you stayed like that for awhile, breathing deep in your afterglow, before he finally pulled out, albeit reluctantly. He kissed the top of your head, fixing his pants and finding a washcloth to clean you up with. “I’d say sorry for the mess but, It’s kinda hot.” He chuckled softly. You rolled your eyes and threw on his shirt.
“Dick.” You muttered. He nodded in agreement.
“Is that a request? I could go again.” He grinned as you weakly hit his arm with your finger tips.
“You’re lucky I love you.” You grumbled softly. He nodded.
“I know…I love you too.” He whispered. He waited a second before adding, “We’re still together, right?” more as a formality than anything.
“No, I slept with you as one final hurrah before deleting your number.” you joked.
“Oh, well then, I guess you won’t be needing this?” He asked, pulling your pendant from his pocket. Your eyes widened a bit as you saw it, almost forgetting that you had ever taken it off to begin with. Your hand instinctively went to your neck to protect it, only to find nothing there. obviously. 
“My necklace-” You said, but he shook his head.
“Nope, my necklace. Unless you wanna be my girlfriend?” He smirked that evil smirk. You laughed fondly at him, then gave an overly exaggerated sigh.
“Well I suppose, if it’s the only way to get my jewelry back, then we gotta get back together.” He chuckled as he hooked the chain around your neck again, admiring the way it dazzled against your skin.
“It looks good on you.” he praised, kissing your forehead. 
“Everything looks good on me.” You winked.
“WHAT HAPPENED TO CALLING ME IF HE SHOWED UP?!” Mei yelled as she finally returned home.
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・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・ Taglist ・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
@risuola @grimreaqueer @baji-keisukes-wife @aliensbelieveinme-blog1 @marenalee @ryosuku
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coldfanbou · 1 year
Boyfriend Thief
Here is the Chaeryeong fic. We get a little rough sex but enjoy.
Length 2K
Chaeryeong x M reader
"Then him,"
"No, he's my boyfriend." 
"You keep saying make sure your first time is with someone who's going to treat you well. I know he would do that; he's taking care of you."
"Chaeryeong…I know what I said, but I can't let you do that."
"Oh? Is he rough?" Chaeyeon gulps at the question, getting flustered at the question. "He is! I can't believe you like it rough!" 
"I-I do not! I mean, he isn't rough!" Chaeyeon yells back. Their discussion continued on like this for some time. In the other room, you could barely make out a few words here or there. It wasn't unusual for the sisters to argue when they got together. Of course, they got along well, but there were many fights you got to witness. You try to ignore whatever it is they're talking about and focus on watching tv.
"Unnie, it's just going to be one time."
"No, Chaeryeong. I'm not going to let you have sex with him."
"Fine, then I'll just find someone else for my first time," Chaeyeon mutters something under her breath, probably a curse before she relents. As Chaeryeong turns to exit the room, Chaeyeon grabs her wrist and turns her around.
"Okay, okay, you can have sex with him, but I don't want to be here when you're doing it. You'll do it next week, okay?"
"Thank you, Unnie!" Chaeryeong says as she hugs her older sister. "I'll go tell him." 
"No, don't. I'll do it." Chaeyeon says, stopping Chaeryeong from explaining the situation to you. 
"I'll hint at it then." Chaeryeong leaves the room before her sister can stop her. 
As they return to the living room, Chaeryeong immediately sits in your lap. "Hi, Oppa!" She cheerfully says as she wraps her arms around your neck. 
Chaeryeong has always been friendly to you. She was nervous around you when you first started dating Chaeyeon, but as time passed, she became very comfortable. "Hi Chaeryeong, um, what are you doing?" You ask as you try to move her off your lap. You can feel Chaeryeong grind her bottom against your crotch. The sensation causes your member to stir and poke her. A few moments later, Chaeyeon comes out of the room, and you panic, worried about what she may think of the situation. 
Chaeyeon glances at you both, the sight of her sister sitting on her boyfriend's lap making her grimace. "Hey, so this is what's going to happen. I want you to sleep with Chaeryeong." She states plainly.
"What? You want me to do what?"
"Sleep with my…" Chaeyeon mumbles her final words as she looks away. 
"She wants you to sleep with me! You'll be taking my first time, Oppa." Chaeryeong repeats Chaeyeon's words happily. 
The entire situation confuses you, "What do you mean you want me to sleep with Chaeryeong?"
"I…" Chaeyeon struggles to find the words to explain the situation. She plays with her fingers as she tries to figure out how to tell you more.
Chaeryeong cups both of your cheeks and forces you to look at her. "Chaeyeon always said my first time should be with someone I trust, someone who will take care of me, and I want it to be you." Chaeryeong stops for a moment as if debating on saying something else. "I want you to take my virginity." You glance at Chaeyeon, and she nods her head. "I know you'll take care of me."
"I don't think that's appropriate, Chaeryeong." You reply, trying to find a way to let her down easily. "I just mean that it would be weird to…. " You stop, realizing that you could hurt her with your words and she could make a rash decision.
"But you're already hard; I can feel your cock pressing against my ass," Chaeryeong says. Chaeyeon can only watch in dismay as she's forced to lend her boyfriend to Chaeryeong. 
Chaeyeon wets her lips before speaking, "Sweetie, it's fine. I want to make sure…. I want Chaeryeong to have a good first time. You two can set up when you want to later." The rest of the evening is awkward as Chaeryeong refuses to get off your lap, grinding against you for hours. The teasing she does drives you wild as you feel her soft flesh.
To make matters worse, you couldn't let out your sexual frustrations with Chaeyeon because Chaeryeong chose to sleep between you two. Chaeyeon tried to argue, but it was of no use. Chaeryeong was stuck to you at the hip for the next few days, leaving you unable to relieve yourself. 
"Tomorrow, I want to do it tomorrow," Chaeryeong told her sister. 
"Fine, tomorrow. I'll be gone until seven. So just be done by then." It was the next day in the morning when Chaeyeon gave you a kiss and left for the day before you woke up. 
When you did wake from your slumber, you found Chaeryeong lying on top of you naked. She stared into your eyes as she used her thighs to massage your cock. As you slowly become erect, Chaeryeong smiles; feeling you get hard between her legs excites her for what's to come. "Oppa, today we're having sex." Chaeryeong dragged her breasts across your chest, her hard nipples pressing against your skin.
"What are you talking about, Chaeryeong?" You say as you slowly realize what's happening. 
Chaeryeong makes sure your shaft rubs against her wet lips. She continues to pleasure you with her thighs, "You're taking my first time today, Oppa. Chaeyeon already left so that we could be alone." 
"Chaeryeong-" You're cut off as she presses her lips against yours. You feel her tongue try to slip between your lips as she picks up the pace. Her nectar coats her thighs and your shaft as she moans into the kiss. 
"Oppa, I want you to fuck me like you do, Chaeyeon." She whispers into your ear. You're hesitant to make a move, but Chaeryeong's continued pushing eventually makes you. She places your hands on her ass, making sure you squeeze her cheeks. "You have such strong hands, Oppa." Chaeryeong moans as your hands dig into her soft flesh. As precum leaks from your cock, Chaeryeong giggles, "Are you ready, Oppa? I am." Chaeryeong aligns herself with your cock, rubbing the head between her lips. The teasing is enough to push you over the edge, and you pull Chaeryeong down suddenly, impaling her on your cock. "Oppa!" Chaeryeong screams as your cock splits her walls apart and stretches her pussy. The pleasure is overwhelming as you finally get some release, but it only makes you want more. You move Chaeryeong along your shaft as you buck your hips. "Oppa, wait," Chaeryeong mutters as she recovers. She grimaces from the initial pain.
"Fuck, you're so tight, Chaeryeong." You moan as you continue to thrust. Chaeryeong's grunts soon turn from pained grunts to beautiful moans as she becomes accustomed to your size. 
"You're tearing me apart, Oppa." She moans as you roll over to be on top. Your thrusts, assisted by downward force, go deep into Chaeryeong's cunt. You start kneading Chaeryeong's tits, playing with her nipples as you kiss her. Chaeryeong's moans grow loud as you plow her tight cunt. They bounce off the walls filling the room. 
Chaeryeong's body grows hot, and she begins to sweat; it plasters her hair to her skin as she drowns in pleasure. "Oppa, Oppa, fuck me harder," she moans, her hands weakly holding onto your arms. Hearing her beg for more turns you on; you lift her lower body and continue pounding. Now in a mating press, Chaeryeong's nectar drips onto her chest. Your cock pierces her cunt with every thrust, going deeper and deeper until you knock on her womb. 
Chaeryeong's tight pussy was different from Chaeyeon's. It held you tightly, refusing to let you go as if wanting more from you. "I fucking love your body Chaeryeong." You yell out. You feel Chaeryeong wrap her legs around your waist, pulling you in as you push deeper. 
"I love you, Oppa! I've always loved you!" She moans as she kisses you. You return the kiss, pushing your tongue into her mouth and taking control. Chaeryeong's walls clamp down on your cock as she begins to climax. "Cum inside me! Fill me with your cum, Oppa!" She screams. Your cock starts to throb, and your balls tighten as you wildly thrust. 
"I'm going to cum, Chaeryeong."
"Me too!" She cries as she kisses you again. You bite her bottom lip as you drive your cock deep into her womb and cum inside Chaeryeong. "Ahh! Oppa!" She moans, her walls painted white as her womb is filled with your semen. Chaeryeong milks your cock, her pussy taking all of your cum before she unfolds her legs. After you pull out, Chaeryeong reaches down, scooping some of your cum out of her pussy. She stretches her fingers, watching your cum roll down them. Her chest heaves before she yelps. 
You flip her onto her stomach and slide your cock between her cheeks. "You're such a tease, Chaeryeong. Rubbing your ass against me all the time." You press the head of your cock against her asshole and push it in. "I'm going to get back at you for all that teasing. Your body is too sexy not to use." 
"Ahh, Oppa, wait." Chaeryeong moans as she feels your cock enter her ass. "You're too big. You're going to break me." 
"Maybe I should." You say as you push more of your cock into her. "Fuck you're so tight. I might cum just from putting it in." Chaeryeong's ass was tighter than her cunt, her walls actively fighting you. Chaeryeong pants as she's slowly filled to the brim. As you ram yourself inside the final bit, you cum inside Chaeryeong's ass. You feel her asshole flex and relax as Chaeryeong cums too. She collapses onto the bed, and you lay on her, feeling her soft ass against your crotch. You pull out and slam your cock back into her, making her suddenly cry out. 
"Oppa!" You push her head down into the pillows on the bed with one hand while holding her waist up with the other. The longer you thrust into Chaeryeong, the more she moans until she begs you for more. "Oppa, more! More!"
"Cock hungry, aren't you?" 
"Yes! Yes! I want your cock, Oppa. I want it to be for only me." You spank Chaeryeong making her yelp.
"No, you're just my side piece. Chaeyeon is my girlfriend, remember?"
"No, Oppa. I'll do anything. I want you to only fuck me!" She moans as you bury your cock inside her with every thrust. The sound of your clapping bodies is music to your ears.
"Anything?" You reply. 
"Anything I want to be the only one," Chaeryeong repeats. Her moans become high-pitched as she cums again. You ram your cock into her a few more times before unloading into her ass again.
The two of you would go at it all day; each orgasm of yours was a creampie of some kind. It didn't matter where; Chaeryeong happily accepted it. When it was time for Chaeyeon to return, she suspected nothing. Chaeryeong told her how caring you were and nothing else. You and Chaeyeon wouldn't have sex at all anymore. Chaeryeong always just happened to interrupt and get between you. Chaeyeon got sick of the lack of sex and tried to confront her sister, but it didn't matter.
To make matters worse, anytime Chaeyeon was gone, you would fuck her little sister's brains out. Eventually, your relationship with Chaeyeon started to erode, but it didn't matter, as Chaeryeong had long since taken her place. Chaeryeong happily took your cock whenever you wanted her; it didn't matter how risky it was. Occasionally when Chaeryeong was gone, you'd fuck Chaeyeon, but the sex was lacking now that you were used to her sister's body.
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skellymom · 6 months
"Cup Of Caf"
The Bad Batch CROSSHAIR One Shot
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Crosshair x NON GENDERED Reader (PLEASE put YOURSELF into this story! <3)
Background: Crosshair makes it to Pabu with all of his brothers and sister. Will he open himself up to another? What's his future there?
Word Count: 2.1K
Warning: Really none. This is sweetness, some angsty fluff, and character growth. Purposely wrote this piece for ANY reader! You can take this tale as friendship or the start of a blossoming love relationship. And, I purposely wrote NO GENDER/NO SPECIFIC SEXUALITY/POSSIBLY EVEN AGENDER into this story. It's about healing, sharing, growing, and decisions at one of many crossroads in life. Sometimes it's painful, but growth can be.
This One Shot is dedicated to Crosshair Fans, those of you struggling with hard decisions in life, loneliness, and to the amazing @lightspringrain whose art was one of my inspirations for this story.
(Her Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LightSpringRain Just placed my order for the holidays!
(Credit: Dividers by the talented @saradika)
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The leaves of the Cascade Tree rippled lazily in the ocean breeze.  Its boughs lifted just enough to reveal a man with a scarred head sitting under its canopy at the picnic table. 
You were surprised to see someone sitting there at... “your” table.  Not really yours, but no one else ever came down this far from the cliffs to watch the surf foam and roil against the shores of Pabu.  Every morning walking down to enjoy your cup of caf before starting the day.  Today, you were testing out a new mug, fresh off the pottery wheel: Jet black clay with metallic silver phases of the moon depicted in striking detail across its surface.  Debated selling this piece, hardly ever keeping anything for yourself. 
The man’s back was facing you at quiet approach.  He side-eyed you suspiciously, scowling.  Immediately recognized him as the newcomer to the island that arrived with his brothers and one sister.  Phee Genoa gushed about the one named, “Tech”.  She called him “Brown Eyes”.  This was the “Grumpy Brother” and was already gaining a reputation as anti-social. 
Silence and unchanging side-eye.  He didn’t move from the spot and clearly wanted to be left alone. 
“Ok, leaving.” 
No reply.  He turned back around to stare at the crashing surf. 
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The next morning you arrived with your fully vetted new mug of caf to find...The Grumpy Man back in “your” spot. 
Kriff...what to do?  This was awkward.  While feeling rather put out and wanting to sit alone, you kind of felt for the guy.  The gossip around town was he had been through a lot before arriving in Pabu. 
Looking down at the untouched cup of caf:  How many people, yourself included, came to this planet looking for solace and safety?  How many of the residents of Pabu arrived with baggage before they healed and found community here?  How long did it take to be comfortable with others again? 
Your heart went out to the man all by himself sitting there.  It was an amazing view and perfect place to be alone. 
He turned, almost like he had heard your brain humming.  Again, scowling over his shoulder.  You stepped closer, but he didn’t budge and kept the suspicious side-eye.  You approached the table and set the steaming mug next to him. 
He seemed briefly surprised, with his features softening slightly. 
“Good morning, have a fresh cup on me.” 
You awkwardly walked away, leaving him alone with the caf.  Heart hammering in your chest.  
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After closing the pottery studio, you decided to stop by “your” spot on the way home.  The Grumpy Man was gone, but the mug was in the same position you left it.  You assumed he thought it a weird gesture and refused to touch the mug.  But you realized the coffee was gone and there was something in the bottom of the mug.  Turning it upside down, a seashell fell out.  A very pretty one too. It brought a smile to your face. 
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Next morning, you looked forward to engaging with Grumpy Man again.  The black and silver mug was washed and filled with hot caf for him.  Stopping at the local bakery you purchased a large cinnamon pastry on the way. 
Grumpy was there.  He didn’t turn when approached.  You set the mug with the pastry perched on top of it next to him. 
“Enjoy.” Walking away. 
“Did you like it?”  His voice was low, raspy, snakelike. 
“What?”  Stopping in your tracks and turning slightly to answer.  “Oh...yes.  Thank you.” 
That was all.  He said no more and kept his eyes on the crashing surf. 
You left and walked onward to the studio. 
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After close, you walked back to retrieve the mug.  It was empty of coffee and now and contained freshly picked flowers. 
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This carried on for several weeks.  Every morning you brought him fresh caf and something to eat.  After all, he was skin and bones.  Every day something different: a fat muffin, breakfast sandwich, fruit, grain-meal with honey, meats, cheeses, brunch cookies.  It was a culinary journey of Pabu, as you picked up things from local shops, or even threw together items from memory of family recipes.   
It was almost an obsession to keep this man guessing the food he would be eating.  Local shopkeepers noticed you out and about more, enquiring about your sudden social spree.  Tongues were starting to wag on the island.  You didn’t pay attention to gossip and could care less.   
Grumpy seemed to have a decent appetite.  You were quite sure he was indeed consuming the food. Of course, he could have thrown it down the ravine to the fish and sea birds, and you would be none the wiser.  It was obviously evident his man was thriving as he filled out, less bony, skin no longer a sickly pallor, and his hair was growing back.  Hair as silver as the moon. 
Every evening he would leave something in the mug as a gift.  An unspoken thanks for your kindness: 
The split egg of a sea bird, a marine fossil stone, polished sea glass, a cascade tree seed, feathers, bleached bones, a preserved Pabu Butterfly with striking iridescent wings.  He even left odd items that suggested a sense of humor.  The persnickety land crab attempting to fight you for the mug as its new home. The small octopus bobbing in the salt water filled cup...who inked you in the face. 
Every day was a welcome surprise.  
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You sat the mug and Meiloorun next to Grumpy. There were two covered plates on the table. 
He turned around to look you square in the eye.  “Sit with me.”  It wasn’t a question, but not an order either.  “Please.” 
This was surprising and you settled in next to Grumpy on the bench. 
He slid over a plate and uncovered it: Two stacked grain cakes with a whipped dairy smile and two berry eyes.  They were doused in rainbow candy sprinkles, sitting in a huge amount of sugary syrup. 
“Wow...uh.  I didn’t take you for a happy face kinda guy.”  Suddenly regretting the remark and holding your breath. 
He rolled his eyes and exhaled. “My sister made them.  SOMEONE in town tipped her off that I’m not alone during my ‘Alone Time’.” 
You burst out laughing.  How could you not? 
“Gets better.”  He uncovered the second plate: Two cooked sea bird eggs sunny side up with strips of cooked meat centered below them.  The “food face” was doused in ketchup to resemble a bullet hole to the head hemorrhaging blood.  “I’m more on board with this design.” 
You howled with laughter.  Grumpy cracked a small smile. 
“YOUR sister did THIS???  THAT innocent child?” 
“Mhm...” He snickered.  “Never.  She breathes and farts rainbows.  This is my brother's masterpiece.” 
The rainbow remark had you roaring again.  Wiping away tears.  His delivery was so unexpected.   
He handed you a fork.  Now that ALL his face was visible, you noticed the tattoo. 
He produced his own fork.  “Let's stab out the eyes and feast upon their faces.” 
“Wait!”  You lifted the mug of caf.  “First, we must drink the blood of our enemies and share the names of the victors.”  You were feeling giddy now...never considered maybe taking this Imagined Breakfast Massacre too seriously. 
It didn’t seem to matter to Grumpy.  In fact, he was smiling.  
“Y/N” You took a healthy sip of the caf and passed the mug to him. 
“Crosshair” He gulped the caf, giving you a mischievous look. 
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From that morning on you brought the cup of caf to share and HE brought the food.  His sister and brother would cook or bake for Crosshair and “his friend”.  According to him, they were overjoyed that he had not been spending his quiet days alone.  Then started incorporating his own ideas into the recipes.  Crosshair would regale you with “Tales of the Kitchen” interactions with him and his siblings as they cooked.  He shared secret ingredients, always asked your opinion on the recipes, and how they could be improved. 
However, after the food was eaten and the chatter died he would stare wistfully at the ocean.  Deep in thought, mulling over something.  You would ask and he would deflect with another topic.  Not wanting to push things, you let it go. 
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This sharing of food and caf carried on for several months.  Sometimes you were able to get bits of information out of him:  He was a military man before coming to Pabu and was in a special highly trained squad.  You asked about his mother and father.  He shrugged and said his parentage didn’t matter and that only his sister and brothers were important.  You carefully asked about the scar on the right side of his head, now fully covered with thick, unruly silver hair.  He glossed over it as an injury and no big deal.  He deflected by asking you about yourself.  This man was perfectly happy to talk less and hear you speak more.  He listened intently and threw brief tidbits in and sometimes his signature “Mmhmm.” 
Still, he seemed haunted by something and absolutely refused to talk about it.  You sensed it never really left his mind and constantly grappled with something deep.  Something he regretted with all his being. 
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You both sat at the table watching the surf, taking turns sipping from the mug of caf.  The breakfast platter was eaten and empty.  He was unusually quiet.   
Then he finally spoke. “I’m leaving Pabu.” 
“What?”  You, shocked. It seemed so sudden.  “Why???” 
“I...”  He sighed and looked down at the table.  “Need to make amends for certain...things.”  His expression was one of thinly veiled shame. 
“Don’t know what to say...” Struggling for words.  “How long will you be gone?” 
“I’m not coming back.”  His brows furrowed sadly.  There was a lot of emotion, and you could see the difficulty he had expressing it. 
Speechless, you stared ahead and watched the surf pull away from the shoreline.  There would be no more shared caf and breakfasts with this man.  The days of looking forward with anticipation to the mornings would end. 
You both sat for some time in silence, listening to the waves.  In...out...in...out...as if the island was breathing. 
Finally, you felt his gaze.  Turning to meet the saddest, deepest brown eyes.  Such a pitiful yet touching display that hit you even harder in the gut. 
“I’m...grateful to have shared the time we had together.  I don’t say that lightly.”  His hand slowly advanced palm up on the table begging to be joined with another. 
You slid your hand in his and squeezed.  “I’ll miss you.”  Tears forming in your eyes. 
He squeezed back, nodded, then let go.  Getting up from the table he whispered “Goodbye.”  
“Take this!  I made it for you...even if I hadn’t known it yet.”  You handed him the empty mug. 
He took it with a look of surprise.  Then he turned away before you could see the tears in his eyes. 
But you saw them.  You will never forget that.   
Then he was gone.   
You sat the rest of the day listening to the ocean breathe.  Watching the sun make its progression across the sky, finally dipping below the horizon.  You walked home under the stars of Pabu...one of them a low fast-moving light: A ship departing the planet. 
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Sleep was fretful.  Finally frustrated with tossing and turning, you got up, dressed and walked to the studio.  Firing up the lights, set the holo on your favorite “create playlist”, and sitting down at the potter’s wheel.  Tonight, there would be a new design even if it meant staying up all night to mold, dry, glaze, and fire this creation.  You threw yourself into the task, singing, and occasionally wiping away a stray tear. 
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The sun rose over Pabu.  You washed out the new creation: A mug of blazing crimson red, raised relief of the sun, with a magnificent metallic gold corona.  Fresh caf brewed in the studio.  You poured it steaming hot into the mug.  Then closed the studio for the day, leaving a message in the window when it would reopen, and proceeded down to “your” table. 
You expected to be alone once again...however...there was someone sitting under the Cascade Tree. 
She was blond, dark skinned and looked to be a young teenager.  You could tell she had been crying. 
“Sorry...Just wanted some privacy.  My brother would come here to sit and be alone.”  She moved to get up. 
“You don’t have to leave.  Please stay.” 
She spied the mug in your hand, and the pieces fell into place. 
“You’re Y/N!” Her eyes widened.  “He talked about you a LOT.  He’s never done that with anyone before.” 
Warm intense feelings welled up inside you.  They spilled out across your face in a smile. 
“What’s your name?” 
You set the mug of caf down in front of her. 
“Well Omega, looks like I made this for you...even though I hadn’t known it yet.” 
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bonafideyapper · 2 months
THE TRADER'S DAUGHTER - cooper "the ghoul" howard x female!oc (part 3)
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Warnings: weird age gap (Daisy is mid-20s, Cooper is…upwards of 200.); drug use (mentions of weed); mentions of alcohol use; badly written almost-smut; dbf!cooper (and as always, proofread to the best of my ability)
(This part takes place immediately following part 1, expect this series to be present/past/present/past)
part 1 part 2 masterlist
my requests are open!
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As Daisy finished locking up the shop for the night, her mind lingered on the ghoul that sat upstairs with her father. Other than the obvious inappropriate thoughts about Cooper, she was looking forward to sitting and listening to his stories again. Forever the storyteller, Cooper could have her hooked for hours. 
Securing the bolts on the door and taking the more valuable items with her upstairs, she met up with the two men in their living space. Coop had made himself comfortable by now, his hat off and sitting on the table as a sign of respect towards his hosts. Daisy took notice of the way his shoulders were tensed despite being in a safe space, coming up with a plan to help him… loosen up. The two men were trapped in a debate about who was the better shot when the girl walked in, and Cooper immediately took the chance to get a second opinion.
“Daisy, settle this debate we’re havin’ here. Your old man is sayin’ that he’s a better shot than I am, what do you think of that?” Cooper leaned back in his seat, the cup of whiskey held loosely in his hand as he trained his eyes on the woman. 
Daisy flashed him a smirk and shrugged as she locked away their cap stash, tucking the key back in a safe space on her person. “Well I dunno, I think Coop’s a pretty good shot, dad.” She came over to the table and grabbed the cup from Cooper’s grasp, finishing the dark liquor in one smooth shot.
“I think I’m the better shot out of the three of us, though.” Daisy winked at Cooper and set the cup back down on the table. 
“Damn, Daze, no vote of confidence for your own father?” Josiah stared at his daughter in fake shock, leaning forward to refill the empty cup for his friend before setting the near-empty bottle back on the table. Josiah had been saving that bottle for a long time, waiting for the right time to open it and celebrate something. Now was as good a time as any, seeing as how Cooper had made his way back to their corner of the universe in one piece. 
Cooper watched the girl take the liquor down like it was nothing, not even the slightest grimace across her face as the burn slid down her throat. He had gotten tougher in the wasteland, but it was becoming clear that she, too, had gone through some things to conform herself to survive the world around her. 
“Nope, I know for a fact I’m better than you, dad.” Daisy grinned as she pulled up a chair to the table, sitting down and reaching for the pack of cigarettes lying on the table. She rolled her own much of the time, and made pretty great money on the side by selling special hand-rolled cigarettes. She had found a dealer that specialized in old-world drugs like marijuana and tobacco, so she took whatever she could get. Daisy put the small stick between her lips and lit a match, holding the flame to the end and inhaling slowly to get the effects of the drug within. 
“When’d you pick that up?” Cooper nudged her arm with his cup, gesturing towards the smoking cigar between her pretty little fingers. “Never picked you to be the smokin’ type, darlin’.” 
Daisy would be lying if that little old nickname didn’t make her stomach ache with want as it slipped from the ghoul’s mouth, pretending like it had no effect on her as she took a drag from the joint. “I dunno, couple years ago I guess? Helps me sleep at night.” She joked, which wasn’t a full lie. Sometimes she smoked to help herself sleep, but a lot of the time she smoked to cope with the reality they lived in. Whatever, made her some extra caps on the side.
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The three sat around the table until well into the night, only dissolving when Josiah spoke up and said he was headed to bed. He bid Cooper a goodnight and leaned down to kiss his Daisy on her head before he disappeared into his bedroom. 
Cooper turned his attention to his little flower when he heard Josiah’s door latch shut, a smirk on his face as he watched her. “You’ve grown up a whole lot since the last time I seen you.” He emphasized his words, letting his eyes wander down to her chest again. Oh how he wished he could get her out of that thin tank top and godforsaken jeans, to show her what a real man was like. 
“I guess I have, huh?” Daisy licked her lips as she tapped her second joint out in her ashtray, the motion like second nature to her as she never took her eyes off of the ghoul. 
“Mhmm, I remember you bein’ a chubby little kid, wild as a June bug on a string.” Cooper moved his eyes over her body, smirking at the confused look on her face at the unfamiliar comment. Before she could open her mouth to inquire about the foreign insect, he was leaning into her space, close enough to hear her heartbeat in the quiet room. 
“You’re a mighty fine lookin’ woman, now, little flower.” Cooper moved in to whisper in her ear, noticing how the girl had essentially stopped breathing. He watched as a bead of sweat dripped lower, lower, lower, until it disappeared into the space between her breasts. There was nothing stopping him from reaching out to her, putting his mouth against her smooth, delicate skin and licking the trail of sweat up to her neck. Nothing preventing him from putting his rough hands all over her tanned skin, nothing stopping him from bending her over the table in front of him. 
Nothing except her father, and his closest friend, in the next room. 
Daisy felt her cheeks go scarlet at the closeness of his body to hers, wanting nothing more than to jump the ghoul’s bones. “Come on, Coop, you ain’t even seen me since I was a kid-” she tried to argue, although she was beyond thrilled to find out he was just as attracted to her as she was to him. “Ain’t I a little young for you?” She looked up at him with those big ol’ chocolate eyes of hers, the words hanging in the air between them. 
“Darlin’, I think any woman I meet up here might be a lil’ bit outta my age range.” Cooper snorted as he pulled away before he could really touch her the way he had been craving since the moment he saw her all grown up. He hadn’t been with a woman in a mighty long time, but he felt like he was on the verge of going feral when Daisy laid her eyes on him. He was itchin’ to put his hand on her thigh, wanting to see the way her eyes fluttered closed at the intimate touch. He wanted to slide his hand up her thigh, wanted to brush his fingers over that sweet spot that she’d be begging him to finally touch. 
“You’re like a tall drink o’ water, and sweetheart, I’m just dyin’ of thirst.” Cooper moved back to whisper in her ear, smirking as he trailed his lips over the shell of her ear. 
Daisy wasn’t a virgin, by any means. She had fooled around with many of the teenage boys that had presented themselves to her in her youth, but she hadn’t spent any time with a man since she was in her teens. At this moment, however, she was almost ashamed to admit that her body was reacting as if she had never been touched before. Her thighs clenched together to try and quell the ache between her legs, her hand reaching over to grab his as though she could read his mind while she put his large palm on her leg.
“Ohh, ya want me to touch ya, huh?” Cooper spoke in a hushed tone so as to not alert to her father in the next room what was about to happen. “What happened to you’re too young for me?” He squeezed her thigh with a strong grip, a wide grin coming to his face as he coaxed her thighs open. 
“Coop, I-” Daisy breathlessly whispered, overwhelmed by the man and his voice and his hands. Lord have mercy, his hands, those hands that she had dreamed about touching her in ways that would make angels cry. The hands that had strangled a man to death for threatening her. 
“I want you to touch me.”
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a/n: Hello ghoulfuckers! There’s no smut YET but I promise it’s coming. This is the first part I’m posting on my new blog (find part 1 and 2 on my old blog) – Wanted to get something out to make sure people follow here instead of @sixx-sixx-sixx
taglist: @savanahc @one-of-thewalkingdead @silverose365 @neverendingdumptser
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jo-harrington · 4 months
Lack of Faith (Eddie Munson)
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Summary: Eddie Munson. Dungeon Master, Rock Star Wannabe, King of the Freaks and the Nerds. Can you believe that he doesn't like Star Wars?
Characters: Eddie Munson, Corroded Coffin, Wayne Munson, Dustin Henderson, Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair
Themes/Warnings: Our nerdy boy being a nerd, and his nerdlings making him worse, Star Wars references, might borrow some dialogue from the movie Fanboys (2009), boys will be boys, angst-ish, hurt/comfort-ish?, friendship, reference to some FOI characters, don't worry about it.
Note: This has been a thought that's lingered in my mind for quite some time as I am a HUGE Star Wars fan. And a little talk with @br0ck-eddie today (an unrelated topic) brought this back to the forefront of my mind. Tagging @fracturedarkness and @courtingchaos for no reason other than "you'll like it."
This is not an xReader fic. This is about Eddie and Star Wars and if you nerf-herders can't accept that, you can get the kriff out of here. IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT JIZZ IS, KEEP FUCKING MOVING NORMIE.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
It was a normal lunch period.
Well, as normal as it could be when you sat at Hellfire Club's table in the cafeteria. There was no talk of homework, or dates, or crushes.
Instead Gareth was tapping a beat against the edge of the table with two unsharpened No.2 pencils, Dave was working on a new character sheet with Eddie after he suffered a tragic and untimely death during their last session, and the freshman were arguing about something down at their end of the table.
Their heads were bent together, occasionally Mike would throw his head back and groan, and then get right back to his furious whispers. And although Eddie, gracious and fearless leader that he was, was typically grateful that they kept their mindless drivel to themselves, today he was curious.
He could hear little tidbits of their conversation and they intrigued him enough:
"...they still kissed."
"That was to make Han jealous."
"That was the second time, what about the first time?"
"The first time they were about to die!" Dustin got to his feet now, staring at Mike with wide, incredulous eyes. "They were swinging ten-thousand feet in the air!"
"Hey!" Eddie shouted at them now, as kids at the surrounding tables started to stare and laugh. And usually, yes, he'd flip them off, tell them to mind their own business. Pull the whole freak card to get them to look away. The freshman needed to learn when to not place a target on their own backs; he hopefully wouldn't be here to protect them forever. "Shut up! Sit down!"
The three boys immediately clamped their mouths shut and Dustin sunk back into his seat as the older boys snickered.
"What's so important that you're about to start throwing punches over there?" Eddie questioned. The boys seemingly made themselves smaller and Eddie had to sigh. "Come on, I'm not gonna bite your heads off."
The entirety of Hellfire Club shot a skeptical look at him and his rolled his eyes.
"M-maybe you can help us," Mike suggested. "We're in the middle of a debate."
"A debate? What kind of debate?"
"One of the utmost importance," Dustin said desperately. "Because Mike is insane."
"I am not! You're the one who's lost it. 'There's something innate.' Did we even watch the same movie?"
The boys all started to bicker again, louder this time, and Eddie needed to whistle to get them to quit it.
"See that's not very helpful. Why don't you tell me what movie, and what the problem is, and I can offer final and absolute judgement."
"Because you're right all the time," Jeff muttered under his breath to Gareth, causing Eddie to toss an eraser at him good-naturedly.
"Star Wars," the three freshman all answered simultaneously, and then they started talking over each other about whether Luke and Leia knew they were siblings when they kissed or if he had a thing for Leia and if Han was really weirded out by it all when he found out.
They were so caught up in their explanation that they didn't notice the members of Corroded Coffin get all tense, or the way that Eddie began to clench his fists and grit his teeth.
Until aforementioned lead guitarist stood up himself and hauled his backpack over his shoulder. They all stared at him, his bandmates with fearful eyes, and the freshman with hopeful ones.
"Easy," Eddie answered with a sardonic smile. "Star Wars is a dumb shit movie and you shouldn't waste your breath arguing over it."
And he walked past his friends just as the bell rang signaling the end of the period.
"What do you mean you don't like Star Wars?"
"Drop it Henderson."
"Is it...are you more of a Trek fan? Is that it?"
"It's not--"
"Because it's ok if you are! I like Star Trek too. I got Vulcan ears for Christmas last year and I have the new Klingon dictionary on hold at Waldenbooks. Pretty sure I'm already better at it than Latin."
"Do you not understand the meaning of drop it?" Eddie slammed his locker shut and stared at the younger boy. "I just don't like it. It's...it's--"
"It's a cultural phenomena!" Dustin cut him off. "It's only the most detailed and expansive fictional universes I've ever experienced. Even better than Tolkien."
"That's blasphemy," Eddie scoffed.
"Ok maybe not Tolkien," Dustin conceded, hands held out innocently. "But seriously, it's insane. I thought that you'd be all over it. I was gonna even talk to you about helping me plan a small one-shot for Lucas' birthday set in the Star Wars universe. I would DM!"
Eddie, though annoyed with the topic conversation, fondly pushed the bill of Dustin's hat over his eyes.
"Come on!"
"Listen I'll help you," Eddie promised. "Whatever you wanna cook up for Sinclair's birthday, I'm your guy. I'll even get the guys to come and play if you want a bigger group. Just anything but Star Wars ok?"
He started to walk away but Dustin was hot on his heels, dodging other students left and right to stay in-step with Eddie.
"Why not? Just give me one good reason why you don't like Star Wars, and I'll drop it. Is it because Obi-Wan wasn't secretly Luke's father? Or..." He fumbled over his words, struggling to find a reason that his friend didn't like one of his favorite series. "Or...because Wedge was a better pilot than Luke but somehow Luke was the star of the Rebel Alliance."
"Stop it now."
"Do you not like C-3P0? No one likes C-3P0! Wait...is that your favorite character and you don't like the movie because everyone else hates him?"
Dustin was sure he'd hit the nail on the head and offered explanations and tried to convince Eddie that he was all wrong. And all of it fell on annoyed ears until Eddie, at his wits end, turned and grabbed Dustin by the shoulders. He stopped them dead in their tracks in the middle of the hallway, uncaring of the other students groans and insults as they pushed past.
"I don't like Star Wars," Eddie said through gritted teeth, a sense of finality in his words so the subject could be dropped once and for all. "Because I've never seen the movies. And I don't want to. They're overhyped, and dumb, and just a way to get little idiots like you to spend their money on posters and action figures and life savers."
"Lightsabers," Dustin corrected him, but then backtracked. "Wh--Eddie? What do you mean? You have to have seen them! Ed...Eddie wait!"
The metalhead let him go and the quickly retreated into the crowd leaving Dustin to call after him, confused.
Of course, news spread to the other freshman quickly. Dustin was devastated, Lucas was lost, and Mike felt betrayed that his role model--loose definition--hadn't seen the movies that shaped him as a person to this day. Shaped all of them.
Into nerds.
Even Max was surprised to hear that her neighbor hadn't seen it, as she was dragged to the depths of the Wheeler's basement along with the boys to discuss how this all could have happened.
They thought of everything. Body swaps and mind control. A curse! Mike was dead set on Eddie being a die-hard trekkie and, as someone who disliked the Trek himself, got irrationally angry about it.
"I swear he didn't even bat an eye when I told him about the Klingon!" Dustin exclaimed. "I just...I don't know."
"Well have you asked the rest of the geek patrol?" Max questioned, and all the boys turned to stare at her. "If Eddie hates it so much that he doesn't want to talk about it, the others have known him for a lot longer than any of us have. They're bound to know something right?"
"See this?" Dustin snapped his fingers and pointed at her. "This is why we need you in Hellfire. Eddie wouldn't be able to trick us anymore, you'd see right through it."
"Not gonna happen," she deadpanned.
The boys protested her refusal to play DnD with them, but took her advice and ran with it.
For a solid week, they pestered Jeff, Gareth, and Dave. And for a solid week, the older boys refused to budge. They tried everything. Bribes, blackmail, threats.
"You think," Gareth laughed when the boys cornered him outside the locker room before PE. "That I'm gonna tell you anything after you threaten to have Steve Harrington beat me up? That guy might've been a big douchebag few years ago, but I know he's a loser working at Family Video now."
All hope was lost as he was about to head to class. Until Mike spotted someone out of the corner of his eye, leaving the athletics hall for their next class, and he was struck with inspiration. He called out to Gareth.
"What if I can get you one of my sister's bras?"
Gareth skidded to a halt and looked over his shoulder with shock and, surprisingly, intrigue.
"...go on," he nodded.
Thus, a negotiation was made before the coach blew his whistle. And a few days later after school, at the picnic table out in the woods behind the football field, the exchange took place.
"Gimme the goods," Gareth held his hand out for his bounty.
"Story first, bra later," Lucas scoffed at him. "Otherwise what's to stop you from taking it and leaving."
Gareth clenched his hands and then let out a long-suffering sigh.
"At least lemme see what color it is."
The three freshman ducked their heads together to discuss the risks, and then Mike unzipped his backpack and flashed the tiniest peak of pastel purple lace at him.
"Nice," Gareth nodded. "Alright! You better not have anywhere else to go, we're gonna be here for a little while."
"My mom's not coming to get us until 6," Dustin agreed.
Gareth then took the time to weave the tale. One he heard from Jeff, who heard it from some guy named Dougie, who heard it from a girl named Ronnie, who only knew about it because she was there.
"It's his closely kept secret," Gareth explained. "Ronnie was still here when I was a freshman, and she wouldn't say shit about it. Which is why this can never make it back to me."
"We swear," the boys said simultaneously, and all crossed their hearts.
Apparently, Eddie had been all excited for the very first Star Wars movie when it first premiered. He saw the posters for it at the Hawk and babbled on and on about what it might be about. He'd always been a little interested in space, thanks to Star Trek--
"I knew it!" Dustin exclaimed.
"God damn it!" Mike cursed. "He's a Trekkie!"
"Are you gonna let me tell this story?" Gareth hissed.
"Sorry," Lucas apologized and slugged both of his friends in the arm.
--and he thought Star Wars was gonna be the next big thing. He was sure of it. Not only that, it was gonna be his new favorite thing. He was hesitant to ask his dad to buy tickets for the two of them to go and see the movie together. What with money being tight and his dad's unreliable presence. Still, he heard that the local radio station was giving two tickets away and he called and called and called until he won them.
"Wow," Mike was awestruck. "Two tickets for the opening day of Star Wars. Can you imagine? What a lucky son of a bitch."
"Uh," Dustin watched Gareths shifting eyes and pursed lips. "Mike I think you're forgetting something."
"He didn't see it, dipshit," Gareth sneered. "Duh. Isn't that the whole point of you guys bothering me with this? Did you forget?"
Eddie, excited for the day, told his dad, Al, two weeks in advance. He and Ronnie had picked up the tickets for the show after school one afternoon, lying to Ronnie's grandma about having detention. And Al Munson, father of the year, promised that he would be around to take Eddie.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," he said and flashed his charming smile at his young and hopeful son. "We can make a day of it, how's that? You got the tickets, I've got dinner at Benny's afterwards. And you can get a sundae for dessert."
Eddie was over the moon, happy that his dad was finally excited for something that he enjoyed. He couldn't be bothered with Lord of the Rings or Narnia or any of the other stories that Eddie enjoyed, but he was excited for this. Probably because it had Wars in it. But that was ok. Beggars couldn't be choosers.
And then the morning finally came. A Wednesday in May, almost time for summer break. Al was sitting on the couch looking at something in the newspaper and Eddie reminded him about the movie before he left to catch the school bus. Al simply patted him on the head and promised to pick him up at 3 so they'd have plenty of time to get a good seat and watch the previews.
"And then the asshole never showed up," Gareth scoffed and broke all the kids hearts.
They didn't know a whole lot about Eddie's dad; he purposefully said precious little except that he was in jail and "belonged there, good riddance." If a good word was said about anyone in Eddie's family, it was said about his uncle Wayne. And even then it was scarce. Hearing this whole story though instantly put a bad taste in their mouths about the elder Munson.
Gareth continued the story, telling them how Eddie sat at one of the picnic tables for his dad until Ronnie and her grandma offered to drive him to the theater so at least he could see the movie. Ronnie even offered to see it with him. But Eddie refused.
"He was sure that his dad was coming. Waited there for hours. Until the movie had started, and then was over. And then he walked home alone."
"But..." Mike frowned. "But then why didn't he try again? Why didn't he go to see it when Empire came out...or...or Lucas...remember when your dad took us to see Return of the Jedi a couple years ago? And we tried to get him to take us all to the midnight showing of the whole trilogy?"
"Yeah! He told us we were crazy for wanting to sit there for 8 whole hours."
"But he didn't wanna see it," Gareth shook his head. "That's the whole point. His dad pissed him off, and now...he's written it all off. He refuses, because...I guess he doesn't wanna admit how upset he was. I don't even know if he cried! Ronnie never told anyone what happened afterwards. We all just know not to say anything about Star Wars around him."
Gareth got his bounty in the end and left, and the three freshman all sat there, defeated.
"I almost wish he was a trekkie," Mike said sadly.
"My dad's left us and it's still somehow not that bad," Dustin whispered.
"Listen," Lucas straightened his shoulders and looked at his friends. "This...man it really sucks, but we can't just give up. Eddie deserves to know all the ups and downs of Star Wars. He would love it. Probably more than the three of us combined. Hell, even Max thought so!"
The other boys nodded in agreement and sat upright as Lucas got to his feet.
"Are we just gonna sit here and let our friend who always looks out for us miss out on the best thing that he's ever seen just cuz his dad's a big asshole? Or are we gonna look out for him too?"
Mike and Dustin clapped and cheered and whooped.
And then the three of them got out their notebooks and began to scheme.
Eddie rang the doorbell of the Wheeler's house and waited silently on the porch, hands fiddling with the small gift and binder in his hands.
9am was too fucking early for a birthday party, in his opinion, but for the kids--for Lucas--and for Dungeons and Dragons...eh...he could stand to lose some sleep on a Saturday.
As long as they were done by 7 so he could go make a few bucks at Matt Donovan's party over on Elm. He'd lose out on sleep, but not cash.
The door opened and a tired-looking Ted Wheeler looked Eddie up and down with a sigh, then waved him in.
"They're all downstairs," he droned. "Snacks and sodas in the kitchen. Karen's gone to the store to get more. We're ordering pizza for lunch and there'll be cake a little later."
"Great," Eddie gave him a stiff nod. "Thanks."
Ted grumbled something about "having enough birthday parties for his own three kids let alone their friends too" and Eddie rolled his eyes.
He kicked off his sneakers in the pile by the stairs to the basement and then shuffled down the steps, eager to join his favorite group of idiots for a day of fantasy escapism.
And he was excited; it had been a while since he'd gotten to play one of his characters and Dustin had put together a fantastic campaign for Lucas.
Only...when Eddie got to the basement, he was in for a shock.
No tables and chairs, no dice, no maps or figures. No binders or books or character sheets. Nothing.
Just his friends all sitting together on and around the couch facing the tv set that had been set up in front of it.
With lightsabers in their hands.
They all cheered when they saw Eddie, Lucas the loudest of all.
Well, not all of them. Jeff, Gareth, and Dave all looked about ready to run. Especially when they saw the scathing look on Eddie's face.
"You're finally here!" Lucas laughed. "You're late.
"Happy Birthday," Eddie deadpanned and threw the gift to him. "What the hell is going on here?"
"What does it look like?" Dustin snarked. "It's Lucas' birthday."
"It was supposed to be Dungeons and Dra--"
"Well, I changed my mind," Lucas said smugly. "I thought...you know what, save it for the summer so we can make it longer than just a one-off campaign. Dustin worked really hard on it after all."
Eddie couldn't deny that. Still he glared at the plastic...toys that the boys all held.
"And you just happened to pick Star Wars?" he asked, arms crossed over his chest as he eyed them all skeptically.
"It's my favorite," Lucas insisted. "Not the first time I've had a Star Wars themed party. First time we're watching the trilogy all the way through though."
"Yeah cuz someone fell asleep last time we tried," Dustin jabbed Mike in the shoulder with his lightsaber pointedly.
"That's why we're starting so early this time," Mike parried with a jab to Dustin's stomach.
"So," Lucas stared Eddie down with challenge in his eyes. "Are you just gonna stand there and ruin my party? Or are you gonna sit down? Because we're never gonna get to Empire by the time the pizza gets here if we don't start soon."
Eddie stared at the hopeful expressions in all of his friends--his little sheeps--faces. Even the ones who were familiar with his feelings about the franchise.
And he weighted his options.
Eddie was a man who abided by the code. He'd gotten burned to many times in life not to. And that code included things like never trust your dad, rich people are assholes, popular girls are bad news. Somewhere in that list though, between always change your underwear when you think they're still clean and shake the can of soda before you hand it to your friends was never watch Star Wars.
It'd been that way for years.
But since the start of the school year, since Eddie had met these three kids...he'd started changing his code.
Steve Harrington wasn't an asshole. Well he used to be, but he proved that he could change.
Not all popular girls were bad news. Nancy was helping him work towards a better grade in biology and the student council president had slipped her number into Eddie's locker the other day.
And while there might be things that would never change--his father wasn't trustworthy, end of story--he figured...for his friends he might be able to bend some of his self-imposed rules.
Eddie sighed and looked at television screen with the words A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away... frozen, and he felt a little pang in his heart.
And if he could do things like that for his friends...
His inner 10-year old self was sitting at that picnic table still, waiting for the van to pull into the parking lot. Only this time, he wasn't left high and dry. This time a much older Eddie drove up and popped open the van doors for little Eddie to hop in. They could finally fulfill this dream together.
...he certainly could do things like that for himself.
"Alright," he closed the distance and pushed his way through his friends so he could plop front and center on the floor in front of the television. He tried to keep the sour attitude, but as a blue plastic lightsaber was pressed into his hands, he couldn't help but crack a smile. "Let's see what all the hype is about."
The group cheered and Gareth pressed play on the remote.
And as the swell of music began and STAR WARS flashed on the screen, Eddie said aloud...
"Hey guys, what if it sucks?"
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five-rivers · 1 year
Danny checked his Ghost Time Zone Adjuster Watch (Patent Pending!) and frowned at the numbers on the dial.  It was, in theory, synced to the time on Earth– or at least the time zone Amity Park was in, but he’d noticed it got a little less reliable the further he went from the portal.  
He was hoping it was going fast tonight, because if it wasn’t, well, tonight had just become this morning.  He might have been used to late night and early morning fights, but that didn’t mean he had to like them.  
He’d wanted to get to the Far Frozen and back before he had to get up in the morning, but at this pace, that didn’t seem likely.  The Far Frozen was living up to its name, it seemed. 
But despite its inconvenient location, the Far Frozen was also the only place Danny knew of that was both willing and able to treat halfas.  And wasn’t Vlad.  Vlad didn’t count, for obvious reasons.  
Danny passed a set of melting stairs whose banister was slowly mutating into hissing snakes and the icy islands loomed into view.  He sighed in relief.  Finally.  
He zoomed towards the main island, skirting snow-laden clouds and pallid, sinuous frostworms.  Briefly, he touched down at the edge of the island, internally debating waiting for the yetis to notice him or going closer.  He bounced in place.  If he stayed still too long, he might doze off.  He’d been having some trouble with that, lately.  And he was short on time.  
Mind made up, he took off again, but flew more slowly.  The yetis should be able to notice him long before he reached their settlement at this rate.  
He saw the clouds of ice kicked up by the pair of skimmers before he saw the skimmers themselves and slowed.  The skimmers slowed, too, and they met in the middle.  
“Hi, guys!” called Danny.  “Do you mind if I take a lift with you?”
“Yes, Great One!” shouted the pilot over the engine of the skimmer.  “What brings you here today?”
Danny landed on the deck of the skimmer.  “Medical stuff,” he said, shrugging.  “You can call me Danny, by the way.  What’s your name?”
“Iceplow, Great One!  It is an honor to carry you!  Why, this is the first time I’ve had a passenger who wasn’t from the Far Frozen.”
“Yeah?” asked Danny, stifling a yawn and sitting cross-legged on the deck.  
Iceplow nodded, and launched into a story about how he’d learned to drive.  Danny, sadly, couldn’t pay much attention, because it sounded hilarious.  The skimmer bounced and jolted underneath him, but… compared to his dad… sleepy…
They skidded to a stop and Danny forced himself awake.
“Here we are!” announced Iceplow.  “Safe and sound, as promised, Great One!”
Danny nodded and smiled.  “Thanks for the ride.”
Upon hopping off the skmmer, he was swarmed.  He was maybe a bit of a celebrity here.  Way more than he was in Amity Park, which was weird because he’d never intentionally set out to save the Far Frozen.  It had just sort of happened, incidentally.  
Usually, he’d love the attention, but tonight, with how tired he was…  He started to flag immediately.  But the crowd scattered away, suddenly respectful.  
“What brings you here, Great One?” asked Frostbite, rescuing him.  “Unless I miss my mark very much, this is an unusual time for you to visit.”
Danny nodded, a less tired part of him making a note to figure out how Frostbite knew it was a weird time.  “I wanted to ask you a few, um, medical questions, if that’s okay?”
Frostbite sobered immediately.  “Are you ill?” he asked, clearly troubled.  “Have you been injured?”
Danny shrugged.  “I don’t know.  I was kind of hoping you’d be able to tell me.  I mean, I don’t know if this is something normal, or a ghost thing, or a halfa thing, or something else.”
“I see,” said Frostbite.  “In that case, we should go to the infirmary and do a thorough assessment.  If it is troubling you, after all, then at the very least it is a change to your normal status.”
“Yeah, that sounds good.”  There were places to sit down in there.
Frostbite lifted Danny to sit on his shoulders.  Danny caught himself listing sideways, into Frostbite’s horns, which was really quite rude, twice.  
The infirmary caves, carved deep into the ice and rock of the Far Frozen, were kept meticulously clean and brightly lit.  It would be easy, down here, to forget that he wasn’t in a hospital back on Earth.  
… At least in some places.  In other places, the machines and equipment being used was definitely not intended for humans and the raw walls of the tunnels showed through.
Danny stared at the labeled diagram of a blob ghost on the far wall, his eyes too unfocused to make out the words on it.  A sharp buzzing sound rang in his ears.  The thought that he could steal a nap crossed his mind and was reluctantly discarded.  Or, rather, it wasn’t so much discarded as… Well, it would be rude, wouldn’t it?  To fall asleep like that?
Frostbite cleared his throat, a human habit he’d definitely picked up from Danny, jolting him out of his reverie.  “Let’s start with the symptoms you are experiencing.”
“I’ve been tired all the time.  But when I try to sleep, I just can’t.  I’ve tried getting myself to wake up more, and I’ve tried coffee, and I’ve tried wearing myself out so I’ll sleep, but…  Nothing seems to work.”
“Well, there are a few different things that could be.  Let’s start with some simple tests…”
Frostbite started with things any doctor would do.  He weighed and measured Danny, listened to his heart, took his blood pressure, tested his reflexes.  He also repeated most of Danny’s tests in both forms, took ‘aural photographs,’ and checked the energy levels of his ectoplasm.  Then came blood tests, x-rays, an MRI, an ‘ectoplasmic resonance scan,’ an ectosignature typing, and other, weirder tests.   
“Hm,” said Frostbite, looking down at the test results.   “Interesting.”
“Interesting bad, or interesting good?”
“Nothing bad, no.  I believe I may be able to do something to help,” said Frostbite, finally, “but may I ask a favor of you in the meantime?”
“Sure,” said Danny.  
“You see, I may have to consult with some of our experts, but they’re largely occupied with the children today.”
“You haven’t met them before, have you?” asked Frostbite.  “You have spent most of your time in the warrior’s camp.”
“The–?”  Any other time, Danny would be asking questions, but he knew that if he did now, the explanations would go in one ear and out the other.  He shook his head.  “You want me to watch them.”
Frostbite shrugged.  
Well, it couldn’t be any worse than trying to babysit Youngblood.  And it would make him feel better to actually do something useful, instead of just waiting for Frostbite to find something to fix him.  
Frostbite led Danny down another series of tunnels, then outside and up over a series of hills.  Danny started flagging right away, but Frostbite slowed to accommodate him. 
They crested one more hill, and then Danny saw it.  A wonderful, fantasy play structure that would fill any child under ten with avarice.  A finely detailed medieval castle, with slides, swings, climbing walls, and anything else you could think of, down to what looked like an accurate trebuchet and functional portcullis, all made of glass-clear ice.  Within the play structure were five small yetis.
Danny gasped and clutched at Frostbite’s arm.  “Oh my gosh,” he said, “they’re precious.”
They were small.  Well, smaller than the adult yetis.  Even at this distance, Danny was pretty sure the smallest one was at least as tall as he was and probably had at least fifty pounds on him with how fluffy they were.  
“How old are they?” he asked
“Hm, let’s see,” said Frostbite.  “Icepack is the oldest…  Snowflake is the youngest… so that would be…  They’re between fifty and two hundred and fifty years old.”
“They’re what?”
“Between fifty and two hundred and fifty years old.”
“Frostbite,” said Danny, “they’re older than me.  How could I watch them?”
Frostbite chuckled.  “I did not actually say that, if you remember.”  He gently pushed Danny forward.  “All I said was that I needed to speak with the experts here.  We do not have to go anywhere else to do that.”  Once more, he urged Danny forward.  “Please, Great One, go play.”
“I don’t…”  He looked back at the ice castle.  The children had definitely noticed him, and they were coming out.  Their eyes were sparkling.  
He couldn’t disappoint kids.  
As Frostbite went to go join the other adult yetis, who were sitting on a bench a short distance away, he approached, trying not to look nervous.  “Hi!” he said.  “I’m Danny.”
“I’m Snowflake!” said the tiniest yeti in an adorably squeaky voice.  “I’m a girl!”
“Everyone knows you’re a girl!”
“He doesn’t!”
“Yep,” said Danny, giving a shaky thumbs up, “I don’t know anything about any of you, so…”
“He’s Cryosphere.  His parents had to give him a really fancy name to make up for–”
The tallest of the yeti children put their hand on Snowflake’s head.  “I’m Snowpack,” they said. “These two are Featherice and Candleice.”
Snowflake beat Snowpack’s hand away.  “Are you a boy or a girl?”
“Uh,” said Danny, who had been prepared for a different kind of interrogation altogether.  
“‘Cause if you’re a boy, then we’re even, because Snowpack and Cryosphere are boys, and Featherice and Candleice are girls.”
“I guess I’m a boy, then,” said Danny.  
He got the distinct impression he was being sized up.  “Then you can be one of the princesses with me!  We can have a girl princess and a boy princess, then, and it’ll be fair.”
“You can’t have a boy princess,” said Cryosphere.  “He has to be a prince.”
“Princes are the ones who rescue princesses,” said Snowflake.  “Princes get armor, and princesses get crowns.  That’s how it works.”
“I know a princess,” said Danny, hoping to at least derail the brewing argument.  “She rescued herself, and she ha-aa-aaaawhn.”  Danny was unable to keep himself from yawning.
“You,” declared Snowflake, gravely and with great importance, “are sleepy.”  She tapped his nose with one claw.  This froze the air inside his nostrils and he sneezed.  
“Ahhhh,” said Featherice, “your sneeze is so cute!”
“Sleepy!” declared Snowflake again.   
“No,” he said, defensively.  At least for human children, being sleepy would be seen as uncool.  He wanted to be cool.  
The little yetis stared at him judgmentally.  
“I think it’s naptime, anyway,” said Icepack.  “So, why don’t we do a blizzard, then take a nap?”
Snowflake gaped at him, betrayed.  “I don’t need to take a nap.”
“It’s not very fair to tell someone else they need a nap, then not take one yourself, is it?” asked Icepack.  “We can all take one together, okay?”
“Um,” said Danny, “a blizzard?”
“It’s a type of group work,” said Candleice, quietly.  “You let your ice go together and shape it together.  In a blizzard, the snow comes and tucks you in, then you take a nap.”
“O-oh,” said Danny, “I don’t know if I should do that, my ice powers, um…”  He glanced over at Frostbite, who gave him an enthusiastic thumbs up.  The children were looking at him expectantly.  Danny caved.  “Okay, we can try it out.”  He could always just… not put any power into what they were doing.  
He was, upon agreement, promptly dragged into the castle’s courtyard.
“So,” said Icepack, “first, we get in a circle, and we all hold hands.”
The yetis lined up in order of height and Danny, the shortest, carefully took the clawed hands of Snowflake and Icepack.  
"Now, we start walking in a circle…"  Danny mimicked the yetis around him.  "And we wave our arms up and down.  Then we take cold in through our left arm, and out with our right.  Pass it around."
Danny had never done anything like this before, but the momentum the yetis were building made it easy to let the cold wash through him, sending ice feathering up his arms and around his shoulders.  The feeling plucked at his core, and, finally, he gave in to the feeling, adding a thread of his power.  
"There we go.  Good job, everyone."
A few meters above the circle, a storm swirled, building and building.  
"Alright, now change directions."
Danny stumbled a step, but fell back into the loose rhythm easily.  Snow began to fall from the clouds above, faster and faster, until even the constant movement of the circle didn’t stop them from having to wade through snow.  Snow gathered heavily on Danny’s shoulders, in his hair, his eyelashes.  The shifting white in front of him could have been Snowflake’s back, but it could just as easily be the snow.  He could hardly see his own hands, and definitely couldn’t see his feet.  
“And break!”
Everyone let go and threw themselves into the high bank of snow that had gathered outside of their circle.  More ice energy burst out as the circle broke, the power they were channeling and building escaping into the air and making it just that much colder, the snowflakes just that much larger.  There was some muffled giggling as the children flopped around and knocked snow onto one another.  Danny was promptly buried.  
“Naptime now!” called out Icepack.  The other children quieted.  
Danny sighed and flexed his hands, which were still bleeding cold energy.  He wanted to get up, but it’d be better if he was a good role model, right?
Although… This was pretty comfortable.  Nice and cold, the right temperature for his core, the snow underneath conforming to his body, the ever-increasing weight of the snow above, the dark and quiet, also increasing.  
Frostbite and the other adults were watching, too.  Maybe, just for a moment…
The blizzard cleared.  Not too long later, the five little yetis burrowed out from under the snow.  
“You were very mature, today, children,” said Frostbite, passing out little flavored ice treats.  “Thank you for your help.”
“He’s so little!” said Snowflake.  “He’s even smaller than me.  Did he really fight Pariah Dark?”
“He did,” said Frostbite, “that’s why it’s so easy, sometimes, to forget that he is a child, just like all of you.”
“Not that any of you should go off fighting strange adults any time soon!” said Driftice, their main caretaker for the day, swooping in.  “Humans age differently, and he had been a human for most of his existence.”
“Aha, yes, that is true.”
“Chief Frostbite,” said Snowflake, tugging on the end of his cape to get his attention back. “I have a question.”
“Go ahead, little one.”
“Doesn’t he know ghosts don’t take naps?  He’s got to know that, if he beat up Pariah Dark.”
“Well, he was human.”
Snowflake frowned.  “How do humans become ghosts?” she asked.  
Driftice glared at him from over Snowflake’s head.
“Oh, dear, look at the time.  You’re all late for your hunting lesson.”
“No, we’re not,” said Snowflake, even as the group was hurried along by Driftice and the other caretakers of the day.
Frostbite sighed and made an ice chair for himself.  He waited, amusing himself by making small sculptures, not something he got much practice at, with his duties as chief.  
Several hours later, the snow shifted and a rather disoriented-looking Phantom dug his way out of the snow.  “Huh?” he said, looking around.  “What?”
“You fell asleep,” explained Frostbite, putting aside his latest sculpture.
Phantom’s eyes widened.  “Sorry.  I didn’t mean to.”
“Perhaps not, but I meant for you to.”
“What?” asked Phantom, bewildered.  
“To put it simply,” said Frostbite, “you were too stressed to sleep, Great One, and somewhat overheated for an ice core as well.  I’m sorry for the deception with the children, but I wasn’t sure you would agree to rest, otherwise, and that’s the only cure for these things.”
“I,” said Phantom, frowning.  “But–”
“Do you feel better?” prodded Frostbite.
“... Maybe,” said Phantom, quietly, guiltily.
Frostbite smiled gently.  He handed Phantom one of the ice sculptures.  It was a simple thing, a series of spheres within spheres.  
“Everyone needs rest, Phantom.  There’s no shame in taking it.”
“But what if…”  Danny rubbed his thumb over the sculpture.  “What if something happens?  How long was I asleep?”  He flailed a bit more and freed a hand from the snow.  He glared at the small watch around his wrist.
“Then something happens, and you deal with it well-rested.”
Phantom, in a way that was far too adorable considering that he had no fur and hardly any fangs, pouted.  “Frostbite, I was asleep for over eight hours.  I’m going to totally miss school.”
“And do you feel better?” prompted Frostbite again.
“... Yes.  But I really have to go, now, or else my parents will totally blow up at me.”
Frostbite was glad he knew that was a colloquialism.  “You can always tell them you were kidnapped by a ghost.  It’s even true.”
“You’re terrible,” said Phantom.  “But…  Thanks.  I might take you up on that."
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xomakara · 3 months
Crash Landing
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SUMMARY | You meet Jungwoo in a space station and you both instantly hit it off. PAIRING | Jungwoo/Reader GENRE | space theme au, smut with little (?) plot, unprotected sex (wrap it up everyone!), oral sex (both male/female receiving/giving), general perversion RATING | Mature LENGTH | 6,466 words AUTHOR’S NOTE | Debating on making a part 2 or like a space theme series or something. Like I don’t think I’ve delved deep enough into the space lore haha. Was it weird to have that space/alien fight in the middle of the chapter? No idea. I’ve played to  much Mass Effect lately so I was kind of, sort of, inspired to write this.
What do ya’ll think? A part 2 or like a series? Maybe a different pairing? IDK lol.
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You open your eyes and stared at the white interior of the suite you inhabited. All white with no colors...how boring. You let out a sigh and swung your feet over the bed, not having slept for nearly two days straight. Even after a nap of a few hours, you were still very tired.
You walked towards the door of your room, the automatic door opening when you reached it. As you stepped out of your suite, you peered down the halls of the space station that you were residing in until your next mission could be scheduled. Nothing interesting ever happened on board this station; people came and went, making it their home base while they completed various missions all over the galaxy, but most didn't even spend more than a week here before they were off again. It was just an orbital station that housed different ships when they weren't traveling around.
However, when people came here, they usually came to be seen by many other space travelers and scientists as well as rich merchants who wanted to conduct business deals in private areas and who had lots of money to do so. For these reasons, it was quite crowded.
"Maybe I'll go stop by the bar and see if there's any exciting events happening." You thought aloud to yourself as you made your way through the corridors towards the main lobby.
You continued walking until you entered the main room where the bar stood. Although you hadn't been able to spot anything remotely interesting, you hoped that maybe you'd find something tonight. You walked up to the counter and ordered a drink, the bartender knowing exactly what you wanted since he had served you before and already knew your preferences. He soon handed you your drink, leaning against the counter as his co-worker manned the bar.
"Anything interesting happened? Do you know?" You asked the bartender, noticing his gaze shift from you to the wall behind him, likely looking for news. The bartender chuckled lightly and shook his head.
"Nothing really. We have a couple of freighter pilots from one of the smaller colonies arriving later today to sign paperwork, but other than that, nothing much is going on here."
You nodded in understanding, sitting down at a nearby table as you began sipping on your drink. A feeling of boredom consumed you once again as you sat there, your thoughts drifting away into a distant land. After a short time, the bartender placed another drink in front of you.
"Thanks." You said, smiling slightly at the bartender as you took another sip of your drink. You began wondering about something and looked around the room. Not seeing anyone that might help, you spoke out loud. "Hey..."
The bartender immediately turned his attention back to you and smiled. "Yeah?"
"I'm wondering...do you have any other information that might be useful? I came for adventure and just being stuck in Neo Station for too long is making me a little stir crazy."
"Hmm, what kind of adventures are you wanting to get into?" The bartender curiously asked.
"Oh, just some sort of excitement. Anything would do, really." You said cheerfully. "Do you happen to know of anyone that might have a job for me? I am an experienced fighter and strategist. I can pretty much take on any mission if it comes to it."
"Not that I know. But maybe one of the merchants might know." The bartender said. "Oh, Neo Security might have some jobs if you're inclined to get into those sorts of things. They don't pay much, though."
"I'm not so worried about the pay," you laughed as you made your way out of the bar. "It's all about the adventure and experience!"
You quickly made your way outside, stepping onto the walkway towards the large window of the station. Before you got to the window however, you stopped, gazing out into space for a moment, admiring how beautiful it truly was. All of the stars, planets, nebulas and countless other galaxies stretched far out beyond the reaches of human sight, each individual one unique in its own way. It was amazing to think that each star system contained life forms, from tiny single cell organisms to the huge, multi-planeted species like yourselves.
The possibilities seemed endless.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" A male voice said next to you.
You looked up to see a very handsome male looking out the large window with you. You blushed softly as you gazed upon him, instantly becoming more attracted to him than you were to most others, although you tried your best to hide it. You smiled at him and spoke. "Yes, it is beautiful. So vast. I feel like I've only scratched the surface of everything that's out there."
He smiled at you, nodding. "Indeed. Humans will never fully understand how large our universe actually is, and I don't believe we'll ever reach it. But I guess that's why we should appreciate it as much as we can now."
You both stared out into space, listening to the noises coming from the station filled with human and alien species alike. After a minute or two, you turned back to face him. "I'm Y/N, by the way."
"Jungwoo. Nice to meet you, Y/N." Jungwoo said, extending his hand towards you.
You smiled at him and took his hand in yours. "Likewise, Jungwoo."
"So, what are you doing out here alone, Y/N?" Jungwoo questioned.
You shrugged and sighed, not meeting Jungwoo's eyes. "I'm bored and haven't done anything interesting lately."
"Really? What kinds of things do you normally do?" Jungwoo inquired.
"Well, normally I would go exploring a new planet and look for animals and plant life that humans have yet to discover. All the while, making sure humanity is safe and keeping the peace. Unfortunately, since my ship is in maintenance right now, there aren't many places to go." You replied sadly. "And I have no idea where my crew went."
Jungwoo nodded in understanding, a smile on his face. "I understand completely. My crew always has trouble finding places to explore whenever we visit a new planet, either because we're restricted or we just simply run out of places to look."
"That's why I love exploration. You just never know what you're going to find, do you?" You grinned widely.
Jungwoo grinned back at you and shook his head. "No, you don't. That's what makes it fun!"
After exchanging pleasantries, you and Jungwoo spent the rest of the night talking about your hobbies and interests, trying to make conversation and pass the time until your ship was repaired. At the end of the evening, Jungwoo gave you his number in case you needed a companion or company on future excursions.
"Thank you for talking with me tonight, Jungwoo. It really helped pass the time." You said happily, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
He grabbed your wrist gently, stopping you from leaving. "Let me ask you something first." He stated firmly.
You frowned and furrowed your eyebrows. "Okay. What is it?"
Jungwoo ran his thumb along the inside of your wrist. "Are you just as attracted to me as I am to you? Because if you are, then maybe this night doesn't have to end right here."
Your heart skipped a beat and your breath caught in your throat. Your mind began racing with a million different possibilities, many of them leading to unspeakable sexual encounters between the two of you. You felt the heat rise in your cheeks and Jungwoo noticed.
"Y/N?" He inquired, giving you a warm smile.
You nodded slowly, unable to speak. Jungwoo leaned closer, closing the gap between your lips. With a soft moan escaping your mouth, your lips parted slightly and Jungwoo slid his tongue across your lips, gently stroking it before you slowly opened your mouth. His tongue darted into your mouth, exploring every inch, as you kissed him back eagerly.
Jungwoo pulled away, grinning widely. "So? Are you just as attracted to me as I am to you?"
You looked at him, a coy grin forming on your face. "I think you know the answer to that question, Jungwoo."
"Good." He whispered softly. "Because you are extremely attractive."
A blush appeared on your face, making you become flushed as Jungwoo slowly backed away, running his fingers through his hair as he looked at you with lustful eyes. No one else was around but you grabbed his hand and led him towards your suite.
"Where are we going?" Jungwoo whispered as he followed you closely, still clutching your hand tightly.
"You'll see in a minute." You replied as you led him towards your suite.
When you got inside, you pushed Jungwoo against the nearest wall, kissing him passionately as you unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off of him. Once you got it removed, you glanced at his chest and gasped softly.
"What is it?" He breathed softly, looking down at you.
You gazed up at him and whispered, "I love your body."
Jungwoo smirked and bit down gently on your bottom lip. "Has it been awhile since you had someone?"
"A long ass while," You moaned as his fingers trailed down your sides. "My squadmates not included. They never satisfied me sexually, which is a big part of what drives me to seek companionship elsewhere."
Jungwoo chuckled as he bent down to kiss you. "If you want, I could make sure you were completely satisfied. In fact, I guarantee it."
You smiled seductively at him, sliding your hands up his arms. "Can you?"
"You bet I can. Just give me permission." Jungwoo gazed down at you.
You smiled, leaning forward and pressing your lips against his, softly kissing him back. You pulled back after a few moments and nibbled on his lower lip. Jungwoo growled softly, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer. You melted into him as he wrapped his arms around you tightly, guiding you backwards until your knees hit the bed.
You looked into his dark brown eyes and moved your lips over his. His kisses were gentle at first, but as they grew deeper, his kisses became passionate and urgent, wanting to devour your entire body. You responded, running your hands up and down his chest as he explored your body with his. You moaned softly as his hands slid underneath your shirt and caressed your bare skin. You looked into his eyes as he continued touching you, watching the passion growing within them. As his touches became bolder, your breathing became heavier. When he finally pulled your shirt off, you groaned loudly, your hands going to the buttons of his pants.
Once you had them undone, you reached inside and found his hardened member. He moaned in pleasure as you stroked him slowly, gently squeezing and moving his shaft around. Jungwoo closed his eyes, enjoying the sensations you were giving him. When he opened his eyes again, he saw that you were staring into his eyes intently. You lowered your head, pressing your lips against his erect penis, licking the tip of it gently. He moaned deeply as you did this. He grabbed your head and brought you closer, encouraging you to continue.
As you licked and sucked on him more aggressively, he let out a small whimper, tugging on your hair roughly. You moaned, continuing to work his penis with your hand, sucking harder on him. His moans grew louder and more intense as he pressed himself even harder into your mouth. Finally, when he couldn't take anymore, he pulled away, painting your face with his cum.
You licked his cum off of your lips, grinning as you watched his facial expressions. "Did I satisfy you?" You asked slyly.
"Oh god yes," He gasped, moving down your body to help discard the rest of your clothes. "And now it's your turn to be satisfied..."
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"How was your rest, captain?" Haechan, your engineer, asked as he checked the equipment around you.
"Fine, thanks." You replied. "I finally managed to sleep after those two grueling days of not sleeping at all. How about you?"
Haechan shrugged. "I slept alright, I suppose. I was still tossing and turning a bit, but I managed to fall asleep eventually."
"At least you managed to sleep!" Renjun, your pilot and navigator, called from the cockpit. "Me, I was just laying there staring at the ceiling and trying to count sheep. Tried to stay awake all day yesterday, but I failed miserably. There's nothing worse than being extremely exhausted and then not being able to sleep at all!"
"Tell me about it." Winwin, your medic, added as he tried to stifle a yawn. "As soon as I try to sleep, my mind starts racing with ideas and worries and I can't get rid of them. I've been waking up every hour or so and laying awake for awhile, only to finally drift off to sleep again after a few hours."
Everyone paused in their work for a brief moment to discuss how they all slept. It was nice to hear that everyone else was struggling with similar issues. At least you weren't alone. You let out a small chuckle, watching as Haechan and Renjun bickered quietly.
"Where's the rest of the team?" You inquired, looking around. Everyone else seemed busy with their duties and you couldn't see anyone else.
"They went to collect some cargo." Winwin replied, reading off a holographic screen that displayed the list of supplies that they needed to gather. "I think Mark and Jaehyun went to get some weapons and armor while Doyoung and Taeyong went to collect medical supplies. Johnny went to stock up on food."
"And Jaemin? Where is he?" You asked.
Haechan chuckled, shaking his head. "Weird kid doesn't seem interested in helping us gather supplies. Seems like he wants to go take care of something else first. Maybe he found a cute little animal he wants to bring back."
Everyone chuckled at this.
"If that's the case, then I hope it isn't a rat or something." Renjun said, pointing his finger at Haechan. "I'm tired of him always bringing back rodents and bugs as pets."
You let out a sigh. "Hey, as long as he doesn't shoot me and his squadmates in the back, I don't care. Let the weird kids do whatever they want, as long as they're helpful. Don't worry, we won't hold it against them."
Everyone slowly nodded their heads and resumed their tasks, which included cleaning and setting up various supplies in preparation for the upcoming expedition. You let out a sigh of relief as you worked alongside your crewmates. At least everything was getting done. As you finished organizing the rest of the supplies, you sent a message to everyone.
"Alright guys, we're almost ready. Everything seems to be set up and in order. Should be going out soon. Crew, keep an eye out for anything suspicious or unusual, okay? Squad, arm yourself with your weaponry and be prepared for battle."
You heard a series of responses throughout the ship, everyone agreeing to your instructions and telling you they were ready for the task ahead.
Finally, you heard your squadmate and science officer, Doyoung, reply. "We're ready, captain! Weapons are loaded and all equipment is operational. We're waiting on everyone else to finish gathering supplies before we leave."
With everyone on board, you gave the signal to launch the vessel, and it began floating upwards into space. Once it had cleared the station, you gave the command to accelerate and left the station behind.
You were mindlessly walking around your ship, performing maintenance and such when you heard someone call your name. Looking up, you saw Johnny, one of your squadmates and your second-in-command, standing at the door to the bridge, wearing a wide grin on his face. "So I heard that you met someone new yesterday. Any details?"
You chuckled at his teasing and shook your head. "Who's asking?"
"You met someone?" Mark, another squadmate and everythingman, asked as he joined Johnny in the doorway. "I thought you were staying in your suite all day?"
"I stopped by the bar last night and met this guy." You explained, walking into the bridge. "Why are you all suddenly curious about who I met? Scared that I might run off with him or something?"
"And leave this wonderful crew behind? No way." Taeyong, the cook and cultural advisor, chimed in. "Come on, tell us about this mysterious man. Did ya'll fuck?"
"Oh come on, none of you will even admit to being jealous that I may have met someone else?" You said, rolling your eyes.
Jaehyun, a squadmate and quartermaster, immediately shook his head and held up his hands in protest. "Not me! Honest! Of course I'd be happy for you if you met someone."
Renjun glared at Jaehyun. "Says the guy that always wants to fuck Y/N after a mission."
Haechan raised an eyebrow and smiled at Renjun. "And you know this because..."
"I have eyes and ears." Renjun scoffed. "Jaehyun's always sniffing around Y/N after missions, so naturally I've seen and heard quite a bit."
You rubbed your temples. You were the only female amongst a crew and squad of horny males. It was a wonder any of you could maintain a level head at all times. Fortunately, you hadn't encountered too many difficulties with your relationships. Sure, you've slept with some of your squadmates, but you've never gotten emotionally attached to anyone.
Not yet, anyway.
You looked around the bridge, watching your crew and squadmates interact with each other. They were all so friendly and caring, despite their varying backgrounds and personalities. You had originally been afraid of interacting with the rest of your crew, considering your coveted status as a Neo operative and the constant scrutiny that came along with it. However, it seemed like none of that mattered to the others. They welcomed you with open arms, accepting you for who you were. And you were glad for that. You didn't need any special treatment. Just to be treated as an equal, and you felt like they did just that. You wouldn't trade these people for anything.
"Hey," you said softly, causing everyone to turn and look at you. "You guys are the best crew and squad that I could ever ask for. I wouldn't trade you guys or run off with any other team for the world. We've been through a lot of shit together, and I couldn't imagine doing this without you."
A smile broke across all of their faces, their smiles growing wider as they watched you continue speaking.
"And even though we haven't known each other very long, you've become family to me. And I'm thankful that you're willing to put up with me and my bullshit."
"The amount of trouble you put us through," Jaemin, another squadmate and technician, laughed, holding his stomach. "But hey, we're used to it by now."
Johnny punched Jaemin in the shoulder playfully. "And you love every second of it."
Everyone continued laughing and joking with each other as you made your way over to the main console to start checking on all the systems on the ship. The others joined you as you inspected and ran tests on various components, making sure everything was working properly. While you were focused on monitoring the systems, a notification appeared on the holographic display next to you.
"Captain, one of our sensors detected something out of the ordinary coming from the surface of the planet below." Haechan called out. "It looks like the coordinates for a shuttle bay. Something strange is definitely going on."
You stood up and walked towards the viewport. All the other members of your crew gathered around you, curiously watching as you peered down onto the planet below.
"There's no doubt about it." You muttered. "Something's wrong down there."
You watched intently as you saw the faint outline of a spaceship hovering above the shuttle bay. You could barely make out what the thing was; it was far away and it was hard to distinguish. But you knew exactly what it was. You were intimately familiar with every spaceship design that existed within the Alliance.
This wasn't one of the Alliance ships. It wasn't even close. You had no idea where this thing had come from, but there was no doubt that it wasn't friendly. A shiver passed through your body, causing you to lean closer to the viewing window.
"Renjun, take us closer to the shuttle bay." You ordered. "Get us as close as possible without getting shot down."
"Copy that, captain." He responded.
"Doyoung and Taeyong, initiate the ships defense. Make sure we aren't caught off guard." You added.
"On it." Doyoung confirmed.
"Haechan, begin a scan on the area. Find out what we're dealing with."
"Got it." Haechan responded.
"Winwin, standby unless needed." You instructed your medic. You turned back to the rest of your crew. "The rest of you, loadout all weapons and equipment. Arm yourselves and get ready for battle. Squad, let's go find ourselves some answers."
Your orders were quickly carried out, and you and your team silently headed out of the room and down the hallway to the hangar deck. When you reached the bottom floor, you opened the large doors and stepped outside, followed by the rest of your squad. You and your squadmates took up defensive positions as you scanned the area with your visors.
It was then that you spotted several black dots moving around in the distance. They seemed to be approaching the shuttle bay and were probably heading inside.
"Scans indicate that there are four lifeforms nearby." Doyoung reported. "Two of them appear to be armed with standard rifles and pistols, the other two are carrying automatic assault rifles. No idea what they are."
You glanced over at your squad. Their expressions were grim. Not only were you uncertain about whether these beings would be friendly, but you weren't even entirely sure how dangerous they were.
"Alright everyone," you began. "Standby and be alert. We'll figure this out as fast as we can. In the meantime, just stay quiet and wait for my commands."
They all nodded their heads in understanding and stood perfectly still, waiting for further instruction.
As the black dots approached, you began taking careful steps backwards. They seemed harmless enough, but you were not taking any chances. One wrong move and it could lead to disaster. Fortunately, the other members of your squad stayed alert and were able to act accordingly. When the black dots were close enough, a series of bullets zipped past you, narrowly missing you. Without hesitation, the aliens fired back, riddling the surface of your ship with blaster bolts.
"Fuck!" Mark cursed loudly. "These things aren't fucking around!"
"Mark, Jaehyun! To the left! Johnny, Jaemin! To the right! Come on, move!" You yelled. Your squad instantly complied and moved swiftly, ducking and weaving between the different sets of walls, leaving the invaders exposed. A few more shots rang out, tearing apart pieces of the hull and a couple of windows. You were lucky that your shields absorbed most of the damage, otherwise it could have been catastrophic.
"Okay, let's move. Squad, split up and cover all sides. We don't want these guys sneaking up on us while we're spread out."
"On it, captain!" Both Jaemin and Jaehyun acknowledged. As the squad split up, you moved towards the closest wall and crouched down, allowing your bulk to shield you from any stray blaster bolts. After listening closely, you determined that the enemy was on the other side of the building, trying to figure out where you and your crew were hiding.
You grabbed a grenade launcher and waited for your comrades to return to their posts before setting off towards the closest wall. You slowly peeked over the top of the building, your eyes trained on the other side. Several of the black dots were crouching behind the outer walls, apparently looking for you. However, the rest of them were either huddled together or stood alone in small groups, watching the building, almost as if they expected you to come out of hiding.
Taking careful aim, you lobbed the grenade towards the building where the majority of the black dots were located. You threw it as hard as you could and prayed that it would do some damage. When the grenade exploded, all hell broke loose. Dozens of blasts rang out, and several of the black dots went flying into the air. Before you could even react, the others dropped their guns and tried to flee, but were intercepted by your teammates. You witnessed some fierce hand-to-hand combat, with everyone involved using every weapon at their disposal.
Several aliens got thrown around and pinned to the ground, but soon enough, you and your team managed to hold the line and stop the attack. When it was all over, you breathed a sigh of relief and gazed around, assessing the damage. You were surprised that your squad managed to defeat so many enemies so easily. You guessed that these aliens were only the tip of the iceberg, and that it would be impossible to hold off such a large number of foes without help.
After collecting your thoughts, you radioed Renjun and the rest of your squad. "Alright guys, the fight is over. Everyone get some rest and reload your weapons. Let's keep a low profile until the coast is clear."
All of your orders were immediately obeyed, and your entire crew headed back inside to get some much needed rest. You checked your gun again, ensuring that it was fully loaded and that your grenade launcher was still operational. Despite the fact that your squad held the enemy off easily, you were certain that it was only a matter of time before they regrouped and tried to attack again. At least this time they won't have the element of surprise.
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“Finally back in Neo Station!” Mark called out as he walked off the ship. “I’m gonna take a long ass nap in the barracks until the next mission.”
After hours of killing aliens and avoiding being killed by alien weaponry, your squad was finally back on Neo Station. You were eager to check on the status of your ship, and see if any of the damages made on the ship could be repaired. It seemed like a good idea to have an experienced mechanic inspect the ship once the adrenaline wore off. Luckily, Haechan and Jaemin were able to examine your ship and give you a report on what repairs might be necessary.
Renjun groaned, stretching his limbs. “Same. I’m gonna try to get some sleep.”
“You’ve been cranky man.” Haechan laughed as he joined the two. “Sleep will do us good.”
“I’m heading to med bay to stock up on supplies.” Winwin muttered and turned to Doyoung. “Care to join me? The science wards are near there.”
“Sure.” Doyoung replied and headed in the same direction as Winwin.
“I’m gonna go hang out in the mess hall.” Taeyong ran off, leaving you with Jaehyun and Johnny. Jaemin seemed to have run off somewhere else.
“Weird guy.” Johnny commented as he watched the younger guy’s fading back.
“Leave the weird kids alone,” you playfully smacked Johnny’s arm. You looked at both him and Jaehyun. “What have you guys got planned?”
“Actually, we were hoping you might want to join us.” Jaehyun said with a smile.
“Really?” you questioned.
“Yeah.” Jaehyun smiled. “Let’s go have some fun, captain.”
"Lead the way."
You followed Jaehyun and Johnny towards a club that was filled with men and exotic female dancers of humans and alien species. There was a long bar at the front of the club that was decorated with dozens of drink bottles, and was surrounded by several seating areas, including couches and chairs. Some men sat alone in one of the booths, drinking themselves silly.
“A gentleman’s club?” You gave Jaehyun a look. “Really?”
“Of course it is! This is Neo Station after all. What did you expect?” Jaehyun teased.
“Some people prefer more subtle entertainment.”
Jaehyun rolled his eyes. “Subtle entertainment? Like the night you met someone new?”
You rolled your eyes. “I meant drinking in a lounge or at the bar. Not a gentleman’s club.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Johnny asked. “This place is amazing!”
“If you say so.” You shrugged. “I should’ve gone with Taeyong to the mess hall…”
“Come on! I’ll buy you drinks all night!” Jaehyun insisted. “And girls! Lots and lots of girls!”
“You two can have the girls.” You looked around the club. “But I see some eye candy calling my name.”
Johnny looked in the same direction you were looking, a smirk on his face. “Ahhhh, so that’s your new friend? He’s handsome but not as handsome as me.”
Jaehyun raised an eyebrow before letting out a laugh. “We’re not going to see you in the next few days, are we?”
“Nope!” You nodded. “I’m gonna have fun tonight.”
Both Jaehyun and Johnny smirked at each other. “Have fun and use protection, captain.”
The two of them waved goodbye as you made your way through the crowd. When you finally found him, you noticed that he had already settled himself into a seat. The sight of you drew his attention, and he grinned widely when he saw you approach.
“Y/N,” Jungwoo greeted you as you sat beside him. He placed his hand on yours. “Weird place for you to show up at.”
You nodded over to your squad mates as they were watching a sexy alien woman dance seductively for the crowd. “My squadmates dragged me out here.”
“Not exactly your scene, is it?” Jungwoo asked as he slid a finger along the palm of your hand.
“As hot as the dancers are, they’re not my cup of tea.” You placed a hand on his knee. “You’re more my type.”
He smiled mischievously. “Had to come back for more, huh?”
You let out a laugh, slowly moving in closer to him. “It looks like it.”
He leaned in and gently kissed you. His lips were warm and inviting, which caused goosebumps to rise all over your body. You could feel yourself getting lost in the kiss, forgetting about everything else around you. He pulled away slightly and whispered in your ear. “Wanna get out of here?”
Your breath caught in your throat. “Oh god, yes.”
You led Jungwoo out of the club and into a nearby alleyway. It took several minutes to get there, and during that time, you continued kissing him fervently, enjoying every second of his embrace. When you reached the alleyway, you wrapped your arms around him tightly, causing him to chuckle.
“Don’t worry, no one’s coming.” He told you.
You paused for a moment. “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely.” He replied with a grin.
Before you knew it, Jungwoo pushed you against the wall and pressed his lips against yours. You could taste his minty breath as he started to explore your mouth, slipping his tongue inside of your mouth to stroke against yours. You felt him push his hands under your shirt, running them up and down your bare stomach.
“Fuck, Y/N.” He moaned softly as he continued exploring your mouth. “You’re so beautiful.”
You couldn’t help but shiver at his words. Jungwoo was definitely a very handsome man, but hearing those words from him was making you weak in the knees. He stopped kissing you momentarily and looked deep into your eyes. “Let's head back to my place so that I can take care of you."
His tone left no room for argument. You simply nodded and allowed him to guide you out of the alley. You enjoyed the walk to his suite, mostly because it gave you time to calm your racing heart and regain your composure. Once you arrived at his suite, Jungwoo grabbed your hand and led you inside.
"You have a nice suite." You looked around the living area. It wasn't as luxurious as some of the places you've seen on Earth, but it was decent enough for an officer.
"Thanks." He smiled as he moved forward to wrap his arms around you. "It's nothing compared to your suite though. Nothing but the best for one of the best captains I know."
"I never told you that I was a captain...”
“Of course you never told me…” He leaned in close and kissed you again. “Didn't need to. I just know how great of a person you are.”
You melted at his words. The sexual tension between you and Jungwoo was practically combustible, and it wasn't hard to tell that he was just as attracted to you.
“How great?” You asked softly as he pushed you against the wall.
“Beyond great.” He nipped at your lower lip, causing you to whimper.
“Then prove it.” You whispered as he slipped his hand under your bra.
Jungwoo's lips traveled down your neck as he slowly unclasped your bra. Your skin felt like fire as he gently caressed your nipples.
“Fuck.” Jungwoo whispered. “I love these tits of yours.”
He ran his hands down your breasts, squeezing them softly. You moaned softly, allowing him to continue playing with your breasts.
He lifted your top up, exposing your bare stomach. His eyes lit up at the sight of your toned abs. With quick movements, he slipped off your top, sending your lacy black bra flying across the room. Jungwoo gazed down at your naked chest. His fingers traced their way down to your stomach, where he traced your abdomen with his fingertips. His touch sent chills throughout your entire body.
He lifted you to the countertop and slowly lowered his lips to your belly button. His tongue flicked against your sensitive skin, causing you to moan even louder. Jungwoo didn't stop there. He continued trailing kisses down your stomach, his hands at the band of your pants. With light tugging motions, he managed to pull them off of you. They fell onto the floor with a thud, leaving you sitting in only your panties. Jungwoo stood up straight and gave you another admiring look.
“Like what you see?” You questioned playfully.
“God damn, you're fucking gorgeous.” He growled as he ripped off his own clothes before dropping to his knees in front of you.
With quick movements, he spread your legs open and positioned himself between them. He tugged on your panties, pulling them down until they were pooled at your ankles.
“Now taste me,” You ordered as you grabbed hold of his hair and guided his face to your pussy.
He quickly obliged. His tongue snaked its way into your dripping pussy, causing you to let out a loud moan. His tongue moved in circles, swirling around your clit and flicking lightly against it. He paid extra attention to your sensitive spot, pleasuring you to the fullest.
When he felt that you were ready to cum, he brought his face back up to your clit. Using his fingers, he circled it lightly while rubbing it against your clit. You began to thrash your head back and forth, unable to contain your orgasm any longer. You screamed loudly as you came, sending vibrations through Jungwoo's head. He buried his face into your pussy as you cried out in pleasure.
After a few moments, he pulled his head from your pussy and quickly wiped his face with a napkin. “Fuck, I need to be inside you right now.”
He positioned himself between your legs and pushed himself inside of you. You groaned as you adjusted to his size.
“You’re so tight.” He panted as he held himself up by bracing his hands on the countertop underneath you. “Fucking tight.”
He continued thrusting slowly inside of you. You closed your eyes and concentrated on feeling every inch of his dick move within you.
“Does it feel good?” He asked after a minute of continuous thrusting.
“Oh my god, yes!” You moaned. “Keep doing that. Fuck, don’t stop.”
Jungwoo let out a small laugh. “There will be plenty more if you keep begging like that.”
He slowly increased his pace, allowing you to enjoy every second of his large cock penetrating your tight pussy. Soon enough, he picked up the pace again, increasing his speed.
“Do you feel good, Jungwoo?” You asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Feelings mutual.” He gasped as he pounded harder and faster inside of you.
You bit your lip as he pounded his dick into you. It felt so good having his cock slide in and out of your pussy. His hips moved forcefully, driving his cock deeper inside of you. You bit your lip again, trying to fight off your impending orgasm.
“Cum for me, Y/N. Cum on my dick.” He grunted.
You obeyed his command without hesitation. “Fuck! Jungwoo!”
Your body shook violently as your orgasm swept through you. Your entire body tightened, causing you to scream out in ecstasy. Jungwoo moaned as he drove himself even deeper into you, continuing his powerful thrusts.
As you recovered from your orgasm, you opened your eyes and saw Jungwoo looking back at you with lust filled eyes. He began licking his lips as his gaze shifted from your eyes to your lips.
“Want to go again?” You whispered, knowing that you had more energy than before.
He smirked and nodded his head. “Why not?”
He lifted you from the countertop and carried you into the bedroom. Once he laid you down on the bed, he crawled on top of you.
“You’re looking at me funny. What? Did I do something wrong?” You asked innocently.
“Would your squad mates kill me if I said that I wanted to join you on your adventures?” He asked.
“What makes you think that?” You asked back, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I really like you, Y/N and I want to keep seeing you. But it’s hard when we’re different missions and all that. That means no contact for weeks or months at a time.”
“So, what do you say? Will you let me tag along with you?” He wrapped his arms around you and pressed his lips against yours.
“I would really love that.” You returned the kiss and closed your eyes. “But I have one condition.”
“Name it.” He grinned.
“That you fuck me in every position you possibly can.”
He laughed. “Let’s crash land on the nearest inhabitable planet. I’m ready to make your dreams come true.”
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cryptid-crow13 · 7 months
Sooo I have three finished chapters for the dead on main fic I'm writing. I'm debating on going ahead and posting the first chapter on ao3, but I'm not sure SO
Here's an excerpt from the beginning of chapter one :)
Danny didn’t know what they did to deserve this. They’d gone three years in Gotham without directly interacting with any of the vigilantes. There were a few close calls, but three years! The closest they had gotten before tonight was that time they ran into Red Robin at a corner store buying coffee. They had stared at each other’s exhausted expressions, nodded, and went their separate ways. Now, here Danny was, half out of their window and on the fire escape, staring down at the vigilante (anti-hero? former? crime lord?) that had fallen onto their dumpster before he crashed onto the alley floor.
Danny debated turning around and acting like they didn’t see or hear anything, but they knew they couldn’t do that. Their core and their conscience whined at the thought of leaving an injured vigilante like this. Danny had been about to go out as Reaper, but apparently, they had new plans. They could practically hear Gotham's laughter. They sighed and went back inside. They grabbed their keys and strapped one of their knives to their thigh. They most likely wouldn’t need it, but you never know in Gotham.
When Danny opened the backdoor of their shop, they saw that Red Hood had managed to at least sit himself upright against the dumpster. “Uh, you good?” Danny asked and immediately had a gun aimed at them. They raised their hands and kept their posture relaxed. “Hey, you’re the one that crashed into my dumpster.”
Red Hood kept the gun aimed at them and tried to stand up. He almost dropped the gun when his knee buckled, but he managed to catch himself. “’M fine.” He said and the words came out in a metallic growl.
Danny propped the door open and sighed. “Look, either you pass out here, and then I carry you inside or you let me walk you inside now.”
Hood stared at them for a long moment before he lowered his gun. “You’re the weird mechanic.” He said.
Danny laughed. “Glad to know my reputation precedes me. Now, inside?” They asked as they gestured behind them into the shop. Red Hood nodded and leaned back against the wall to holster his gun. Danny moved closer to him, projecting their movements as much as they could. “Come on, big guy. I don’t trust you won’t pass out as soon as you try to walk again.” Danny said as they moved to support the vigilante’s weight.
“Big guy?” Hood asked absently and Danny felt their cheeks warm a little. They decided to ignore it. Red Hood slowly shifted his weight a bit more onto Danny before he seemed to realize they could actually support him properly. The man smelled like blood, leather, and gunpowder. Danny slowly walked Hood into the repair shop and sat the man down in a chair behind their front desk.
“Stay,” Danny ordered and pointed at Red Hood before they turned and walked into their supply closet. Danny grabbed their large medkit off the shelf and walked back. They nodded when they saw Red Hood had actually stayed in the chair. They knew from personal experience how stubborn vigilantes could be. Danny moved a stool in front of the man and opened the medkit on their desk. “Injuries?” They asked, straight to the point.
Hood hummed. “Took a bat to the knee and probably ripped some stitches.”
Danny squinted their eyes and crossed their arms. They knew that couldn’t be all if the man almost passed out earlier. He must have only been able to walk semi-normally due to experience. Hood stared resolutely at Danny, but eventually he relented.
“I probably have a concussion and had a bullet hit me in my side. It passed through.”
“Shit, you have an open gunshot wound? Why didn’t you tell me that first?” Danny reached out to move the vigilante’s jacket out of the way so they could try to get a look at it. Hood waved their hands off and shrugged off the jacket himself. He kept the guns he had in shoulder holsters. Danny hissed when they saw the red bandages over Hood’s side.
“Stubborn ass vigilantes,” Danny muttered as they turned to go wash their hands.
They heard Hood laugh and groan when it jostled his injuries. “You’re funny, Nightingale.”
“I try. Now,” Danny pulled on gloves, “let me see. I’m not gonna have you pass out from blood loss in my garage.”
Let me know what you think :D
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dirtybitfic · 1 day
Company Pt 3
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Contains~ walking around town , angry matt , smutt 😼( slapping ,chocking, biting, spanking, praising , degrading, overstimulation, use of names like- whore, slut, cum slut and sir)
not proofread cause honestly took me long enough to even fucking finish this shit so sorry if there is typos
I wake up feeling extra warm which confuses me since last night the air finally kicked on and I practically shivered myself to sleep. I open my eyes to see that the extra warmth I'm feeling is Matts body I'm currently pressed too . I immediately move away mostly from shock and slight fear . I turn over and look at my phone to see its currently 5 am here which is 8 am Seattle time. I groan as I get up and go pee and debate if I should try and fall back asleep or just stay awake and get ready for the day.
I walk back out of the bathroom to see matt still asleep peacefully . I decide to just try and go back to sleep for at least two more hours. I get comfortable as I wrap myself in the lush comforter . Its still pretty cold in the room and I so badly want to cuddle back into matt but I force myself not too given the obvious reasons, Sharing a bed with my boss is one thing but intentionally "cuddling" my boss is way outta line . I roll away from him and close my eyes as I starting to drift off to sleep I feel an arm snake around my waist and pull me closer . I gasp as I look over my shoulder to see a still asleep matt meaning he fully grabbed me in his sleep. I smile and allow it to happen since his body is so warm and cozy.
I must have fallen back asleep because I get woken up to matt softly shaking me . " Hey gotta get up we got things to do" he says making me groan . I roll onto my stomach burying my face into the pillow . " Really ?" he asks in an unimpressed voice at my behavior . " I don't want to get up i'm so comfortable" I say with the smallest amount of whininess in my tone. " Come on I promise once you see the town you'll be happy I made you get out of bed" he says and I look up at him standing by the side of the bed. " Fine i'll get up" I groan as I sit up and yawn and hop out of bed.
I go over to my suitcase picking out one of the kind of casual outfits we had packed and grabbed my makeup bag and made my way to the bathroom. After maybe 30 minutes I was ready and putting on my shoes. " Okay I rented a car and it should be down in the lot I had them drop it off early this morning" he says as he grabs his phone our room key and a couple other things he needed. I grabbed my small purse and there my phone and some chapstick in .
We made our way down to the parking lot and he lead me to a red alpine A110 . Nice little sports car , I'm not to mad about it but i'm just glad i'm not the one who has to drive it. We hop in though its very weird given the steering wheel is on the left side of the car instead of the right. " Isn't it weird driving on the left side and not the right?" I ask genuinely curious . " Mmm not really I mean a little but I spent a whole summer here in my younger years and got used to it pretty quickly" he answers as he starts the car and we're off to town.
I look around the whole drive at all the beautiful homes and vineyards we pass as we drive by. South France is truly beautiful. I see a sign for San Tropez and smile as I roll down the window and smell the fresh air. We make it to a road that has a perfect view of the water making me smile. It's so beautiful the water is very blue and clear unlike most beaches in America that are so polluted the water is practically brown.
" Wow is so beautiful" I say as I look over at matt smiling. " See I told you that you'd be happy I got you out of bed" he says with a sly smirk making me shake my head.
We park on the side of a road and he turns the car off turning slightly to look at me . I turn to look at him with an awkward smile on my face waiting for him to speak. "So I thought we could walk around and do some shopping and then chill on the beach for a while " he says making me smile. " That sounds amazing" I say smiling . " Great I called a couple friends I have out here who own some really nice stores and had them lay away some things I thought you'd like" he says with a smirk that makes me flush red. " Wow thats really nice of you thank you" I say smiling shyly at how sweet his gesture was.
We start walking down the street as I look around at all the beautiful buildings and people around. It's breathtaking and honestly I think if I could move here for the rest of my life I would .
“Okay here is our first stop” matt says as he pulls me into a Cartier store. I look around smiling at all of the gorgeous jewelry and sunglasses perfectly placed in gold cases. “Oh wow I love these��� I say pointing to red tinted glasses . " Sir can you place these on hold while he we look around " I ask the man . He gives me a look of slight confusion and also as though he was judging me . Matt steps next to me "Veux-tu s'il te plaît emballer ces lunettes et prendre cette carte, nous allons regarder autour de toi, mais tout ce qu'elle choisit est facturé sur cette carte" he says to the man and hands him his card making me gasp. " Matt what why are you handing him your card?" I ask not wanting him to pay for anything. " You really thought I was going to let you pay for a thing ... absolutely not " he says and then swiftly walks off with a smile looking at jewelry. I sigh knowing trying to fight him on it would get us nowhere.
After picking out a ring I liked he payed and we were walking to another store. We shopped for probably around an hour before we went into a cute little boutique.
"I forgot to pack you a bathing suit so I thought we stop here and get you one then go down to the beach" matt says making me smile. "alright well ill look around real quick" I said as I went over to the wall covered in racks of different bikinis. I found a blue bikini I liked and went over to the register to pay. I manage to pay for this one without matt noticing. I walk over to him with a big smile " Ready to go?" I ask in a chirpy voice . " Yeah ... did you already check out?" he asks in a deep tone making my smile drop. " Y-yes i.." he cuts me off. "Y/n I made it very clear I didn't want you paying for a thing today ..." he says stepping closer to me slightly towering over me. " I... mean y-es but I just felt bad your spending your money on me I just wanted to buy one thing for myself" I ramble out feeling nervous. " You don't have to feel bad I wanted to treat you to a couple things but I understand how your feeling i'm sorry for getting a bit tense" he says stepping back taking a breathe. " I-its okay I appreciate it very much so thank you" I say looking down at the ground feeling a bit awkward now.
We walk out of the store and back to the car to set all of our bags in the trunk . " If you want you can change in the car really quick the windows are fully tinted " he says looking at me . " Okay " I answer with a small smile and climb into the car . I start undressing but I snag my top on my earring and it won't seem to get unhooked . I struggle around and since the top i'm wearing happened to have enough support I didn't have to wear a bra so my tits are fully out and swinging as I struggle. I groan after more struggling and slump back into the seat.
I hear a knock on the window and jump " WHAT' I yell in frustration . " You okay the cars been umm- shaking around a bit " Matt says in a slightly worried tone. " My top is fucking stuck on my earring and I cant get it off " I say . The door opens and my head snaps to look at Matt . He immediately hops in and closes it when he sees the fact i'm very exposed . " Let me help you " he says in a deep tone that makes my stomach flutter. " Fine" I groan as I itch closer to him one arm half over my head stuck there. " Sorry if this pulls your ear but I just have to-" he yanks the top towards him pulling my whole body with it . "Jesus Christ how did that help anything" I say in a pissed tone because honestly that shit hurt. " Do you want my fucking help or not stop it with the attitude" he snaps. I shut my mouth and let him do his thing. He gets my top unstuck and pulls it off . My hands immediately fly to my tits covering them even though he's fully seen them by now.
" Thank you" I say looking away in embarrassment. " No problem... need help with anything else?" he asks but I still don't look at him. "Uhhm nope I- i'm all good" I answer. " Okay well since i'm already in here i'm just gonna throw my trunks on" he says and I hear a belt unclipping. I stay turned to the window as I put the top on and then move to take my pants off . I slide them down my legs and pull them off my ankles when I hear a groan . My head snaps to look at Matt who is biting his lip he looks up to meet my eyes and my face is fully red. He was looking at my ass I think to myself . " Oh sorry " he says and turns to face the opposite way. I turn around smiling and slipping off my thong snd putting on the bathing suit bottoms. " Okay ready " I say and he turns to me . "Great lets go " he says and opens his door.
I get out and follow him down the steps to the beach . The second my feet hit the sand I smile and literally sprint to the water . I splash into the water fully submerging my body and coming up wiping the water from my face . I may be a groan as 23 year old woman but at the beach my inner child comes out . Im happiest when I'm in water especially water this clear and beautiful. I look up to see Matt smiling and shaking his head at my behavior .
" COME ON " I yell to him as I motion him to come into the water. " I think i'm gonna sit down for a minute" he says as he sets two towels down and pulls his shirt off making me gulp . He has tattoos scattered across his arm and a small happy trail leading up his lean torso . I accidentally moan but he's far enough so he doesn't hear it . I smirk and cock my head " Okay old man be boring then " I say as I spin around in the water. " Did you just... call me old and boring" he says walking closer to the water with a look of displease . " Mm yes I think I did" I say laughing a bit . He looks down sucking his teething slowly nodding making me feel like I fucked up saying that. I've slowly forgot that he's my boss on this trip and I've stopped talking to him the way I should be.
He lifts his head and makes eye contact with me , his eyes dark and narrow " You're gonna regret saying that" is all he says before he make his way into the water and towards me . Fuck I say as I slowly start backing up in panic, he swims to me quickly grabbing me by my ankle as I try to swim away . "NO no " I yell as he pulls me into him . " You might wanna take a deep breathe " he whispers to me as he picks me up and throws me into the water a little bit away from where he was standing. My body hits the water hard knocking the air out of me . I come up gasping giving him a pissing face" You mother fu-" " I don't think you really want to finish that sentence" he snaps at me . " No I think I do you mother fucker you threw me hard that hurt" I say as my eyes well up from the way my chest is stinging from the impact . " Are you ... actually gonna cry " he says with a chuckle .
I glare at him " Yeah cause it FUCKING HURT " I yell as I swim to get out . As I pass him he grabs me pulling me back to him. " Y/n come on i'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" he says looking down at me . I roll my eyes as a tear slips down my face. " whatever boss " I snap back at him. " Where does it hurt ?" he asks with a sigh. " My chest" I say looking away from him. " I could kiss it better" he says and I cant tell if he's joking . I look at him narrowing my eyes " Haha really funny now let me go" I say trying to pull my arms from his grasp. He pulls me to him making me gasp .
His arms hook under my thighs and he picks me up . I instinctively wrap my legs around his hips . I look down at him In confusion " W-what are you d-doing" I ask as I lean away . " Kissing it better " He answers and his lips meet my chest making me gasp. It feels so good so I let it happen . He kisses sloppily all over my red chest and I cant help but whimper when his lips meet the exposed part of my left boob. " M-matt you... this is wrong" I groan as I throw my head back in pleasure. " Just let it happen" he groans into my chest as he nips softly making me whimper and accidentally grind against him. he groans when I do and his hands move to my ass making me moan . he uses his nose to push my top to the side and he wraps his lips around my nipple making me drop my head down and moan . This is so wrong so very wrong but... I cant help but grind into his now hard dick thats pressed perfectly into my pussy. " M-matt" I moan as he sucks harder and bites pulling away as his teeth graze my nipple causing a mix of pain and pleasure to course through me . " Hmm what is it" he questions into my chest and he places more wet kisses. " Y-you have to stop i..." " You what ... am I making you wet y/n" He asks he kisses up my neck to my ear. I whine as he hits my sweet spot under my ear and nips softly at the skin. " Answer my question y/n" he spits and grips my ass harder making me buck into him. " Y-yes " " Yes what?" he teases . " Yes you-your turning me on " I Moan into his ear as my head drops onto his shoulder . "So dirty ... letting your boss touch you like this... in public too" he says into my ear making me whimper into his neck as I grind against him .
" Look at me y/n" he says and I do. " Do you want this" he asks making me blush and slowly nod my head unintentionally giving him fuck me eyes. " use your words y/n I need to hear you say it" I says in a deep husky tone that has me whimpering. " I want it ... i've always wanted it" I whisper into his ear . He groans as he sets me back on my feet and places my top back in its place and drags me along behind him.
"m-matt your dragging m-me " I whine as the water keeps getting in my mouth. "your fine don't be dramatic"he groans . I cough as water goes down my throat and I gag on the salty flavor. The second we hit the sand he rushing to the towels yanking them up and throwing one over me then grabbing me and throwing me over his shoulder." Put me down " I whine and earn a harsh slap on the ass from him. " Seriously put me down Matt" I say as I smack his back. " No" he simply says making me groan and slump over like dead weight.
We reach the car and he opens the door and practically throws me into the seat buckling me then walking around to his side opening it and turning on the car and zooming off speeding the whole way back to the chateau.
" slow down Matt Jesus Christ" I say as I grip my seat as he accelerates even more. " Do not tell me what to do y/n" he grits out as he grips the steering wheel harshly. " We're going to get pulled over i'm being serious slow the fuck down" I say in a panicked tone. "Keep running that pretty fucking mouth of yours and see where it gets you" he growls making me snap my mouth shut and look out of the window.
We come to a harsh stop when we reach the gate that opens up and Matt zooms down the long driveway and parks in a spot not caring how badly he parked and turns off the car. He gets out popping the trunk in the process and grabbing all the bags from shopping and making his way to the doors as I follow him like a lost puppy . " good evening Mr. Sturniolo how was your day" the man a=who opens the door asks sweetly. " Great thank you Gino" Matt says as he rushes in and makes his way up the stairs with me rushing up after him.
Ive never seen this man in such a rush before but something about it makes me even more eager to find out what hell do to me once we get into the room.
He stops at the door and looks back at me as i'm fully out of breathe from practically running up the stairs . " Keys in my pocket open the door" he demands and I oblige since his hands are full of bags . I grab the key and unlock the door for him as he struts in and throws the bags down on the sofa . " Come on" he demands as he makes his way into the bedroom ,I follow . " I think we should take a shower get all the sand off of us hmm" he hums as he looks down at me with a look of pure lust. I nod my head and walk to the bathroom ripping off my bikini and turning the water on. " Fuck" I hear from behind me making me turn around . " w-what what's wrong" I ask thinking something was wrong. " Nothing your just so fucking perfect" he answers looking me up and down making me nervous . " I am not perfect " I say in a tone that sounds slightly challenging. " yes you are" he answers as he steps closer and slowly removes his trunks and boxers. I cant help but let my eyes wander down his exposed body and the practically pop out of my head when they reach his rock hard dick.
Its huge like really big , thick and veiny making me gulp . This is a line I should not be crossing with my boss but as of right now the only thing I can think about is how much i've wanted this exact thing to happen and all morals are out of the window as he steps closer to me . He opens the shower door and presses me by my chest into the hot water. I sigh as the water runs over my body and down my face. I watch him as he steps in front of me , his eyes contact is so intense .
He runs his hands up my body into my hair wrapping his hands into it on each side tugging making me look all the way up at him. " So fucking beautiful" he whispers making me smile and blush. He leans down as our lips meet in a heated kiss . I glide my hands up his torso to his shoulders gripping them softly as he deepens the kiss and I moan into his mouth.
He pulls away grabbing my body wash and lathering me in it , his hands feel so good all over me , just like i've always thought they would. I sigh as the water rinses the suds off of me . I grab his body wash and do the same as I watch his face that seems to show signs of calmness . He rinses off and we get out .
I grab my towel wrapping it around myself as I look up at him . He smiles at me as he wraps a hand around my throat pulling me into him . " Tell me y/n ... how many times have you thought about me touching you... kissing you- tasting you?" he whispers against my neck making me shiver. " A-alot " I stutter as he places a open mouth kiss under my jaw . " mmm what about in the office... have you thought dirty little things when you sit behind that little desk of yours" he asks making me whimper . " I... yes " I answer in a breathy tone as his lips continue kissing under my ear. " Yes what?" he asks in a low tone making me clench my thighs. " y-yes sir" I moan as his grip on my throat tightens slightly. " Atta girl " he groans as he grabs me and picks me up walking out of the bathroom and heading straight to the bed.
He throws me down making me moan and the force. " Spread your legs for me gorgeous" he commands as he kneels in front of the bed right where my body is slightly hanging off. I open my legs wide inviting him in. He groans as he looks at my dripping wet pussy thats begging for him to just touch it. " Just a perfect little pussy" he groans then attaches his mouth to my swollen clit and sucks making me moan loudly and throw my head back. " F-fuck o-oh my ..." I whine as he licks and sucks in all the right ways . " Taste so sweet" he groans into me making me buck my hips . " F-fuck Matt it feels so g-good" I whimper as my legs start to tremble . He sucks on my clit as he inserts a finger into me bringing me even more pleasure . " Ahh o-oh fuck fuck m-matt please " I whine loudly as I buck into his face making him slap my thigh with his free hand. " Stop wiggling around" he demands with hard cut eyes . " S-sorry it just oh fuck f-feels so good " I moan as he adds another finger in and sucks a bit harder making my legs tremble harder. " Fuck FUCK MATT oh fuck i'm so close" I half whine half moan as my body starts heating up with my incoming orgasm. "Come on sweetheart give it to me " he groans as he flicks his tongue and curls his fingers perfectly sending me over the edge with a yelp . My entire body shakes as he licks and sucks me through my intense orgasm. I come down but he still hasn't stopped , i'm breathing hard and shaking from the overstimulation . " M-MATT s-stop please its too much" I whimper as I try and pry his face away .
He stops as he looks up at me with a look that has me becoming even more turned on than I already am. " Y/n I need you to understand one thing before I fuck you... i'm a very dominant man and I am not gentle so if you don't think you can handle it tell me now" he says in a raspy voice making me bite my lip . " I want you to be rough, use me I don't care just ... please I need you so bad" I say as I give him a needy look which he returns with a smirk. " Yeah?" he asks in a mocking tone " Yes matt please " I whine as I grab his chain and pulling him to be over me. " If it gets to much say Rain and I'll stop okay" " Rain got it now please matt " I say as I press on his chest throwing my head back feeling impatient.
He pulls my towel off then his and throws them somewhere on the floor . " You gonna be a good girl for me " He asks as he pinches one of my hard nipples and tugs slightly making me gasp " Y-yes fuck i'll be so good" I say which makes him groan in pleasure with my answer. " Your gonna answer me as sir when I ask you a question is that clear " he says making me nod my head " Yes sir" I say in a seductive tone looking up at him innocently . He bits his lip then spits down onto his hard dick . I watch as he rubs it over his tip and long thick shaft . I gulp knowing its going to hurt , he's way bigger than any dick i've ever taken in my life which makes me slightly nervous. "You okay" he asks as he looks at the expression on my face. " Yes y-yeah i'm okay its just... you're really big" I answer as I look at him . " It's okay I know you can take it " he says back making me smile and nod.
He lines the tip to my entrance making me suck in a breathe in anticipation of the pain i'm about to be in. He slowly slides in making me whimper at the the stretch " Fuck your tight" he groans as he pushes in more making me slap a hand to his chest " ahh fuck I-it hurts" I whine as I close my eyes . " You're okay I got you " he says as he caresses my face softly . He slides in more making me whine and try and back away from him , he grabs my face holding it kind of tight . " Do not try and get away from me , I know it hurts but do not do that" he says in a demanding tone making me whimper . "Y-yes sir i'm s-sorry" I say as I look down at where we meet making me moan . There is still probably about 4 more inches to go which makes me whine . " Im gonna go all the way in okay you got it just squeeze my arm" he says and I grab onto him and the thrusts all the way in making me cry out . " Ahhh Jesus Christ " I cry out as I press my head into his chest.
" Just breathe sweetheart its okay" he soothes as his hand moves to my hair pulling so I look up at him. " You gonna be a good girl and let me move now?" he asks and I nod. " Words " He demands " Y-yes sir " I whine and at my words he starts thrusting , I'm practically panting and he moves in and out still stretching me out. " Fuck ugh so d-deep" I whine as he thrusts a bit faster and I start getting used to his size " Doing so good for me " he groans as he slips his thumb into my mouth making me moan around it. " Feels good huh" He asks smirking " M-mmhm" I moan around his finger, he pulls it out and wraps his hand around my throat as he starts ruthlessly pounding into me making me scream . " FUCK O-OH MY G-GOD" I scream as I close my eyes and arch off the bed . He pressed me down making me lay flat on my back again and he slowly slides it down to where he's bulging inside of me. " Who knew you'd be such a little slut for my cock" He says making me moan loudly . " S-so good fuck i'm so close" I whine as I feel the pressure start to build in my stomach . " Close already " he says in a mocking tone . I move my hands to his back scratching down as my body is built with pure pleasure . " Fu-fuck FUCK OH MY can I cum please please let me cum" I beg pathetically as my orgasm is on the verge of taking over. " How bad do you want it come on beg me for it" he taunts as he squeezes my neck harder. " S-DO BAD SIR FUCK SO BAD PLEASE I C-CANT FUCK" I cry out making him smile " Go ahead make a mess all over my cock" he says and I immediately tumble over the edge shaking and running my nails down his back deeply. " Aww look at you such a little whore shaking for me" he says making me roll my eyes back and scream out.
His hands grab ahold of each side of my head as my face is buried into his chest as he repositions him self and pounds into me harder and deeper than before making me scream " F-FUCK RIGHT THERE RIGHT THERE" I scream and he pounds the perfect spot to make me squirt. " Hear hoe fucking wet you are for me fuck such a sweet sound" He rasps as I scream in pleasure and my juices spray out all over his dick and the bed under me. " Fuck keep fucking do that so fucking hot" he groans as he raises back up and props my legs on his shoulder relentlessly pounding into the same spot over and over. " F-fuck i'm gonna squirt again" I whimper as I feel the pressure quickly approaching. " Come on make a mess soak this fucking bed like the little slut you are" He degrades me and my juices spray out even more this time making him pull out and shove his finger into me curling them to make me shoot even more juices out. " AHH m-matt p-please t-too much I c-cant" I cry out as he just looks down at me smirking in satisfaction . " Turn around , ass up and arch that fucking back" he demands and I comply. I arch as far as I can and wait for him to reenter me.
I gasp when his hand harshly slaps my ass, then again and again till it stings and I try and move away from his hand whining. " Looks so good with my handprint on it" He groans as he slams back into me making me almost fall flat on my stomach. He grabs a hold of my hair pulling me head up off of the bed as my hands grip the sheets above my head . " Ugh fuck so d-deep" I whine out in a high pitched voice as one of my hands moves back pushing on his lower stomach as I cry out in slight pain from how hard he's pounding my cervix. He grabs it and holds it behind my back using it as leverage to go harder and faster than I thought possible. " AHH MATT MATT TO DEEP I- C-CANT TAKE IT" I scream as I try and move away. "You know what to say if you really want me to stop " he growls as he lets go of my hand and smacks my ass making me tremble and moan loudly echoing off the walls. " F-fuck ahhh I- i'm mmm" I whine as I smack his stomach repeatedly as my orgasm crashes over me , my entire body light on fire with pleasure. " Thats it keep fucking shaking " He praises as his thrust start to get sloppy . " UGH f-fuck " I groan out raspy and exhausted becoming so overstimulated I can barely hold on.
"Gonna let me breed this little pussy" he asks deeply into my ear as he leans over me going even deeper making me yelp. " Y-Yes sir fuck p-please" I whimper out as his hand comes around my throat pulling me up to meet his chest . " Fuck gonna fill you up" he groans as he bites my shoulder kinda hard. " MMM please fuck I want it so bad" I moan as I drop my head back onto his shoulder burying my face in his neck. "Beg for it let me know just how much you wanna be my good little cum slut" He growls making me moan and my pussy to pulse at his words. " Ugh I want it so bad sir fuck I--- want to b-be your cum slut" I moan as my eyes roll back as he pounds into me hard and fast . With a groan and a squeeze to my throat he fills me up and i'm breathing hard collapsing onto my stomach vision blaring momentarily.
He slowly pulls out groaning as watches his cum spill out of me as my legs are trembling . He runs his hands over my ass up my back softly messaging me making me sigh. " Did so good sweetheart" he praises making me smile. " Im e-exhausted" I stutter out as I roll over to face him. He smiles at me sweetly " I know let's clean you up then you can sleep" He says as he picks me up setting me in the large bathtub and turning on the water letting it fill up . He slides in behind me pulling me back to rest against him. I sigh as the hot water soothes my sore muscles . He runs his hands up and down my arms soothingly then down under the water to my thighs rubbing slowly washing away the mix of our cum off and very softly doing the same to my sore pussy making me whine in discomfort.
After laying in the bath for a while we get out and head to bed not even bothering to put clothes on . I turn off my light and slide into the cool covers closing my eyes as I sink into the bed exhausted. " You doing okay need anything before you fall asleep?" he asks softly as he runs his fingers through my hair. " No I just ..." I don't even finish before I turn to him and wrap my arms around his waist and cuddle into him making him chuckle softly . " Just want you to hold me " I say slightly embarrassed with how needy and pathetic I sound. " I'll hold you forever if thats what will keep you happy " He says in a tired deep voice and I cant help the smile that grow soon my face.
I kiss his chest softly before I start to drift off to sleep. " Good night Ma belle fille" He whispers before kissing me on the head and falling asleep himself.
part 4 coming sometime 🤷🏻‍♀️
love y'all MWAH 💋
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twistedminutia · 7 months
A Million and One Minutia: The Solar System
The Ramshackle prefect teaches ADeuce and Riddle about the solar system. Crossposted to AO3 here.
Getting thrown into a parallel universe naturally involves a bit of a learning curve. No getting around it. Even when a universe is superficially close to your own, there’s always some change, some difference that you have to adjust to. (I assume. I’ve only ever been thrown into the one.)
Everyone assumes, in Twisted Wonderland, that the thing I’m struggling to adjust to most is magic.
Which isn’t to say that it’s not an issue. Primarily in classes. Even Grim, who falls asleep two minutes into lectures and acts as though cracking a book will kill him, has a basic understanding of magic. I, meanwhile, feel a little more like I walked into algebra before I learned my times tables. Except the times tables will explode if you do them wrong. And also everyone around me has a natural affinity for them and can intuit that three times two is six while I sit around trying to make those grids out of blocks and count them all up.
So. Not a fun experience. But it’s hardly the worst issue in the world. I don’t know what Crowley told the other teachers, but they’re aware I’ve got no magic and have the decency to dumb down the work I have to do, or give me alternate assignments when I can’t complete the practical work. The thing with magic is that it’s obvious, especially here at magic school, and there’s a billion and one resources to learn about it with. I know I need to learn more about magic and I do, all the time.
It’s just that sometimes, I forget magic isn’t the only difference between my world and this one. The little differences, those are the ones that get to me. It’s like walking into a room after someone’s moved around your furniture. Yes, it’s annoying that your bookshelf’s on the other wall now, but you can see that one plainly and adapt. It’s a lot harder to stop tripping over the couch that was only moved an inch to the left. It’s blindsiding.
Usually, I study in Heartslabyul- it’s more convenient for Ace and Deuce, who will only study if I’m there to force them, and Ramshackle is, well, ramshackle enough that it’s not totally comfortable. Grim is okay with it because he can beg food off Trey. And Riddle’s at least mellowed enough that he doesn’t immediately snap at us for wandering off topic and getting a little too loud.
Deuce and Ace are flipping through a set of books on Alchemy- we have a quiz in a few days on restoratives, and they’re trying to figure out the most efficient way to craft an elixir of power. Grim should be doing the same, but he’s half-asleep, crumbs of a tart surrounding his mouth. For my part, I’m trying to memorize the list of restoratives and common ingredients between them. The practical portion of the quiz is a bit of a weird spot for me- technically I can measure and portion ingredients, but Grim needs to be there to infuse the entire mixture with magic. The last time I talked to Crewel, he was still debating on whether I should work with Grim on the potion and our grade should be combined, or if it would be better to make Grim do the practical portion on his own and have me take an extra-long written portion.
In truth, I don’t care what he chooses. I just wish he’d chosen sooner, because now I have to study both a larger chunk of information and the actual way to make the potion itself. I know for a fact that if Grim and I take the practical together, I’ll end up carrying him. Then again, if I’m not there to help, he might blow something up. Win some, lose some.
I lean my head back against the wall behind me and close my eyes for a moment. Alchemical symbols swirl behind my eyelids. Grim gives a particularly loud snort and rolls over. I open my eyes just in time to see Riddle fixing us with a venomous glare from across the room, barely visible behind a stack of books. I nudge Grim awake.
“Myaah? …Cut it out,” Grim mumbles, lazily waving a paw in my direction. I pinch him and he tries to scramble up to retaliate. Unfortunately, his paws land on a small stack of paper, which slips out from under him and sends him sprawling to the ground with a thump and a shriek.
“Shhh!” Riddle hisses from across the room. I make an apologetic gesture and gather Grim up.
“We should go back to Ramshackle,” I say. Grim squirms in my arms, grousing about being carried.
“You’re leaving already?” Deuce asks, finally looking up. Ace yawns, leaning over to stretch his back.
“It’s already past seven,” I say. I think. I don’t have a phone or a wristwatch, and some of the clocks in Heartslabyul are set wrong. I asked Riddle about it (if he likes punctuality so much, why is he making it harder for people to know the time?) and he threw out some rule about having to keep some clocks on alternate times that I didn’t really listen to. But the correct clocks tend to agree, and two clocks in this room point to seven ten as the current time. The darkness outside seems to concur.
Deuce leans over to glance outside. His expression sours upon seeing night has mostly fallen. “I didn’t realize it was so late. Are you going to be okay going back in the dark?”
“I’ll be fine,” I say as Grim starts puffing himself up in my arms.
“Yeah! Nothing out there could be a match for the great and powerful Grim!” I don’t roll my eyes. Barely. But I don’t.
Ace abruptly launches himself to his feet, sending the book on his lap spilling to the floor. Another furious ‘SHHHH!’ comes from Riddle’s corner of the room. “No, no, Deucey is right,” he says, lowering his voice enough that Riddle is mollified. “You can’t walk all the way back there yourself. I’ll come with you.”
I narrow my eyes. “You just don’t want to study anymore.”
Ace frowns. “Hey! I’m just worried about my friend walking back to her dorm all by herself-”
“We could use a break,” Deuce cuts in. “We’ve been studying for hours.”
Eh. He’s right, and it’s not like I don’t appreciate the company. “Thanks, then,” I say. I lift my voice and direct it towards Riddle. “And thank you for your hospitality, Housewarden.” Riddle glances up and acknowledges us before ducking back down to his work.
Together, we organize our materials and head for the front door of the dorm. I open the door, pausing to let Ace and Deuce don their scarves- it’s started to get cold at night, and there is a bit of a hike to get to Ramshackle.
While waiting for them, I take a moment to look up at the sky. It’s dazzling here- so many stars. Maybe they’re brighter in Twisted Wonderland, or maybe light pollution just works differently, because despite electric lighting of the dorm, I can see an enormous smattering of stars across the sky. It’s not quite as full as some photos I’ve seen of clear night skies, but it’s close.
I’ve never been good with stars, but I turn my gaze toward the one celestial object I’ve always known how to find- and pause. It’s not there.
“Are you coming?” Ace asks. I blink. He and Deuce have walked past me and are now waiting on the steps of the dorm. I’m still dithering in the open doorway.
“Sorry,” I say, giving one more glance up at the sky. “I was looking for Venus. I guess the sky’s different here.”
“What’s Venus?”
I look at Deuce. He blinks back at me, expression perfectly bewildered. The thing with the chickens in the eggs was one thing, but this is another. I look over at Ace, hoping to see the grin he gets when he’s ready to tear Deuce a new one, but he is staring at me too.
“It’s probably a constellation,” Ace says with a shrug. “Don’t ask me where it is, though. I’ve never been any good at that sort of thing.”
“No,” I say, a little incredulous and a little trepidatious. “It’s a planet.” Nothing. “The planet Venus? Second in our solar system? Only planet named after a woman?” Nada.
Deuce’s face scrunches a little. “I’ve never heard of it.” Ace shakes his head.
“You’ve never heard of Venus?” Maybe if one of them hadn’t heard of it, I would have brushed it off. But given that both of them are giving me looks like I’ve gone bonkers, I’m starting to get a little nervous.
Okay. Third opinion. I turn to Grim. Wait. Maybe a third opinion from someone who isn’t an idiot. I head back into the dorm, stirring up shouts of horror from Deuce and Ace. I ignore them and march straight back to the common area.
Riddle looks up as I walk in and his face immediately goes tomato-red. “Why are you wearing your shoes in the dorm?!”
“Riddle. This is important. What’s Venus?”
He sputters for a moment. Long enough for Deuce and Ace to come scrambling into the room behind me. “Wh- I- The painting?”
“No!” I half-yell, throwing my hands up. “The PLANET!”
Riddle looks around me at Ace and Deuce. “Is she… all right?”
“I dunno,” Ace says. “We were just heading out and then she started getting all weird about the sky or something? Asking where Venus was?” He looks and Deuce, who nods along.
“The only Venus I know is the painting,” Riddle says. “It’s of a goddess of the same name who was worshipped a long time ago.” He peers at me uncertainly. “I don’t know of a planet called Venus.”
I take a deep breath. “I need to see what the solar system looks like.” The three boys and Grim look at each other. “Please.”
Riddle pulls out a blank piece of paper and rapidly sketches something, then slides it toward me. It’s a simplified diagram of the solar system, as seen from above.
There are only five planets.
I look over it a few times to make sure I’ve got it right. It’s a pretty simplified diagram, but Riddle’s drawn it clearly. Five planets. And the second-closest one to the sun is labeled ‘Twisted Wonderland.’
I stare at the paper for a long time. Five planets. Caselotti is the closest one to the sun. The furthest out is Arendia. Walten comes next, and the third furthest is Olead.
“Um.” Deuce clears his throat. “Gray? Are you…?” He trails off, glancing at Ace and Riddle. Both of them look equally nonplussed. I can’t imagine how insane I look right now, storming in and demanding a drawing of the solar system. Even Riddle’s staying silent, though I’m sure he’s ready to explode about my shoes touching the dorm’s carpets.
I feel somewhat stupid now. Obviously the planets wouldn’t be the same here. The stars aren’t the same either, probably. I’m in a totally different world. It makes sense that the solar system would look different.
Somehow, though, it just… never occurred to me. A weird emotion twists in my gut, like I’m dropping away from the rest of the world, further away from anyone than I’ve ever been. The realization that even the sky is different here feels like something fundamental has been ripped away from me. Something I never even considered important before.
“Huh. Y’know, it looks different where I’m from,” I say. My tone’s as deliberately light as I can make it. “I guess I never considered it before.”
Ace and Deuce are silent, still looking mildly concerned. Riddle arches an eyebrow at his drawing. “In your world, you mean? The place you’re from?” He’s been the most curious about where I’m from since I told the Heartslabyul crew about how I got here. He’s also generally too polite to push about it, but I can see the interest in his eyes. “How different?”
“Well, for one, there’s nine planets,” I say. “Actually, there might only be eight now. I was never clear on what happened with Pluto.”
“Pluto?” Ace repeats, his face scrunching. “That’s a dog’s name.”
“It’s a planet name where I’m from,” I say.
“And Venus is too?” Deuce confirms. I nod.
“Sorry for kind of freaking out a little there. I guess I was just surprised it’s so different.”
Grim huffs at my feet. “Are we going to head back to Ramshackle or not?”
“Sorry, Grim.” I bend over to pick him up so he can see what we’re doing. “I just… wanted to check something. We’ll head back.”
He’s already distracted, staring at the drawing on the table. “What’s that supposed to be?”
Riddle looks offended. “It’s the solar system.”
Grim nods. “What’s that?”
There’s a moment of stunned silence. “Oh yeah,” I say. “I always forget you never attended actual school before this one.”
We all pitch in to try and teach Grim the basics of the solar system, though we keep having to detour to explain concepts like ‘gravity’ and ‘planets.’ Eventually, Riddle remembers that I’m still wearing my shoes and pitches a fit, prompting Grim and me to retreat back to the mirror, and leaving Ace and Deuce to whatever lecture Riddle is sure to give.
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See You At Seven
kai parker x reader
summary: you let kai feed off you for the first time (heretic!kai)
tags: alcohol, blood sharing, love confessions, sexual references
word count: ~2.5k
You’ve been at the bar all night. Every time you’re about to leave, someone else calls you over for a drink and you’ve always been the worst at saying no. First, you came with Caroline, but then she got a phone call. Then Bonnie slid into the seat beside you, but left to play a game of pool with Jeremy. Alaric and Jo were next, though they only stayed for a minute before finding a table. And lastly, Damon and Elena sandwiched you between them, before getting consumed by each other, and leaving to, most likely, go make out in the bathroom. 
Now, it’s nearing eleven, and you’ve decided to order one more shot before heading home. 
“Here you go, darling,” the bartender slides the glass to you.
“Thank you.”
“Ooh, what’s that?” The seat fills once again. You don’t have to look to know it’s Kai that’s joined you this time. Great. Not the sociopathic heretic that you have a massive crush on.
“Silver bullet.”
“Which is?”
“Gin and whiskey,” you answer, taking the shot. 
Kai watches you instead of saying anything else. You feel like he has something to say, by the way his tongue licks over his bottom lip, but whatever it is, he isn’t sharing.
Finally, “nothing, just… gin. Usually girls don’t go for it. It’s kinda hot.”
You roll your eyes and hold up your fingers for the bartender to bring you two more shots. If you’re going to have Kai acting like this, you’re gonna need them. The man nods at your request and starts making more. 
Kai, on the other hand, “two more? Wow! Am I that bad to talk to?”
“Bite me, Malachai.”
“Oh?! Don’t tempt me.”
“Psh. you wouldn’t.”
“Oh, I would, princess. And if you call me, ‘Malachai’ one more time, I won’t be gentle.”
The bartender slides your shots over before you can respond. Immediately, you down one. 
“Awh, do I make you nervous, sweetheart?”
“Is he bothering you?” The bartender raises an eyebrow. Being right in front of you, he can hear everything, and he can see Kai slowly inching closer and closer to you.
“He’s okay, Johnny. He won’t hurt me. Right, Malachai?” You bat your eyelashes at the heretic. Just yesterday, Damon snitched to you that he thinks Kai has a little crush on you. He and Elena piled pieces and pieces of evidence onto you, and you had to sit and control your heart rate to not give away your own secret.
“He always wanders into the house wondering where you are, or asks when you’ll be out of class. The other day, Elena said you skipped class because you didn’t feel well, and he immediately started asking if anyone had hurt you, and then if he could do anything to help you. And even before he was a heretic, I could always hear his heart racing when you were around; that, or he just stares at you. He’s also said some weird things, too, like that you smell good, or have pretty eyelashes, and one time it was that you had soft hands.”
“Oh no, of all people,” you said to them. In your mind, you were actually thinking quite the opposite. 
“Not unless you keep calling me that,” he answers, a sharp tone bringing you out of the memory.
“Threats don’t work on me, baby.” You take the second shot. “Anyway, I have to get going.”
After signing your bill and thanking Johnny, you toss Kai a wink and leave the bar. Instead of going home, though, you stand in the alley for a minute, just to see if Kai’s following you out. 
“It’s dangerous to be out here late, princess. Don’t you know this town is crawling with vampires?”
Two minutes it took him to come find you. One, you bet, to sneak out without catching anyone’s attention, and the second, to debate approaching you again.
“Mhmm, I’ve heard the rumors. Can’t say I believe them, though.” You fake roll your eyes, “vampires? Really? Are there werewolves here, too?”
“You’d be surprised what you’d find in Mystic Falls,” he warns, playing along. 
“And where, might I ask, would I be able to find one of these so-called-vampires? They wouldn’t just be out in plain sight, now would they? That would be foolish.”
“Once again, princess, you’d be surprised.” Kai’s now merely three feet from you, and staring at your lips. 
“Okay, okay. So, hypothetically, if vampires were real, how do they choose their victims? How do they pick who gets bitten?”
“Many different factors go into it: smell, clothing, y’know, for accessibility…” he pauses, glancing down at your small, strapless dress, “vulnerability, innocence. They’ll pick who looks like an easy target, but will still consider who might taste the best.”
“And,” you bite your lip, eyes focused on his, which are looking up and down at your body, “if you were one, how would you pick?”
“Mmmm… taste first, ease of target second. I can hunt anyone, and I can kill if I need to. I’d look for spunk, a little bit of attitude. Innocence, of course, is fun, too. I guess you could say my favorite would be a ‘melt in your mouth’ type. Y’know, like candy.”
Your heart is racing and you know it. There’s no hiding it. Kai’s inches from you and describing his favorite meal in the sultriest tone you’ve ever been blessed to hear. Not to mention, he’s basically describing you. You have that spark in you, but you know you’re weak for him. Even now, you’re melting into the brick wall behind you. 
“You speak like you’ve had experience.”
“Maybe. Or maybe I’m just imagining how it would feel… to be a vampire. To feed on someone’s life force. Usually, I just take lives without considering that part, but as a vampire, I could choose to deliver a slow death, if I wanted. Draining blood from each artery until there’s nothing left.”
“Would you always kill your victims?”
“Not always. Leaving a trail of bodies is a good way to get caught. Besides, sometimes the fun isn’t in the killing; sometimes it is the feeding. Drinking your share and sending them off. Compel them to forget you; come back for more later.”
You wet your lips with your tongue, “if I were ever fed on, I wouldn’t want to be compelled. I think it would feel good. Orgasmic, even.”
“Some say there is something very intimate about sharing blood without compulsion. I bet that’s where that comes from.”
“Have you ever done that?”
“Who said I’ve ever done any of this? Thought this was a hypothetical?”
“Oh, Malachai, we both know that it’s not.”
A low growl comes from his throat, “I thought I told you not to call me that.”
“What are you gonna do? Drink me dry? I dare you.”
“Don’t ask for things you might regret, princess.”
“I might regret? Or you? Because I know what I want. Why else would I be in a dark alley with you? Spurring you on?”
He swallows hard.
“Come on, Malachai. Take a bite.”
“You don’t know what you’re asking. I could kill you.”
“Yet we both know you won’t. C’mon, I’m offering. Take. Just don’t compel me; I want to feel your fangs sink into my skin. Want to feel the blood leaving my body. I bet it’s heavenly.”
“Y/N…” he breaks character to question you. Why would you offer yourself to him like this? In what world would he be lucky enough to get the girl he wants?
“I know you want to, baby. And look,” you pull your already thin dress away from your body to show even more of your skin, “no fight, my skin’s already bare for you. You’ve already got me cornered, but I can pretend to resist if you like the thrill.” You look him straight in the eye, “I like you, Kai. Feed on me. I know you’re hungry; you’ve been watching me at the bar for the last five hours. Not a lot of time for snacking if you’re so focused on one girl, right?”
Kai’s vampiric heart races as you give more and more reasons for him to give into you. And of course he wants to, but he fears that if he does, he’ll scare or hurt you and he’ll lose you forever. Though you’re not backing down from this, and he starts to believe you’re telling the truth about your desires for him. 
“You don’t really want me to feed off you, do you, princess?” Last chance to take it back. Half of him asks for a ‘no’, but the other begs for a ‘yes’.
“I do, Kai. I trust you. Come on, satisfy us both.”
He can’t fight it anymore. Speeding forward, he closes the small gap between your bodies and sinks his fangs into your neck. Immediately, your legs give out in pleasure, and he holds you upright by your waist. You moan and dig your hands into his hair, pushing him closer to you. 
“That’s it, baby. Take as much as you need.”
He sucks harder, slurping blood from you with obscene sounding noises. Those plus the action in itself make you wet, and it takes everything in you to not slip a hand down your pants. Or his. And as if on cue, you feel him hard through his jeans as he presses you closer to the wall. His knee finds its place in between your legs, separating them, while he holds you up. 
After a couple minutes, Kai removes his fangs from you and steps back. He admires his work for a second, but then goes back to lick up the blood spilling from the wound. His tongue swipes it up effortlessly, then he kisses the spot where his fangs had punctured.
“How’s the taste?”
“Like candy,” he pants, flashing his teeth in a quick smile. His lips and mouth are covered in your blood; some of it drips down his chin.
“You got a little there,” you touch your own chin to point it out. 
“Here?” Kai starts to feel around his face for it, but misses each time.
“Let me,” you step towards him. He stands still as you swipe your thumb along his chin, gathering your own blood off his face. Then, you put it up to his lips for him to suck it off. “Just a little that you missed.”
He slowly darts out his tongue to accept it. Something in your human heart races faster, if that’s even possible. 
“Got it now. How do you feel?”
“Energized. You were right, I was hungry.”
“I knew you were. Next time you want to see me, just come over. This would’ve happened a long time ago if you’d do more talking than stalking.”
“I’ve actually been told I talk too much,” he admits.
“Not by me, you haven’t. In fact, I could listen to you all day. I like you for more than just your blood sucking, Kai. Actually, I wanted this because I liked you before you turned. I could’ve had any vamp feed off me if the experience was what I wanted. But no, I have wanted you, specifically, for as long you’ve been in town. And normally, I’m not this bold about telling people my feelings, but I have an inkling you feel something similar, and it’s not just because Damon told me you ask about me.”
“That bastard,” Kai mutters under his breath. You giggle, and he swears it’s the cutest thing he’s ever heard. “You really like me like that?”
You nod, heart still racing.
Shrugging, you admit, “well first you were cute, then sexy, and then it was both, together. But then we started knowing each other through mutual people, and I wanted to know everything I could about you. I’ll admit, I’ve stalked you, too. You’re complicated, Kai. You have a sweet side but you don’t often show it. You care, even if it sometimes comes off more violently than people expect. You’re complicated to the masses, but you’re simple to me. I understand why you are the way you are; what you went through that taught you how to survive. And besides, when my first time actually meeting you in person is seeing you with cupcake icing on your nose, it’s not hard to instantly fall in love.”
“You love me?”
You bite your lip, “hard not to once I got to know you.”
“I guess it’s safe to say I love you too, then. If you know me, you know I only have three emotions: hate, tolerate, and love. Most people are ‘hate’, I’d put Damon in the ‘tolerate’ box. But ‘love’ is reserved for you. It was so confusing for so long, I’ll admit, but then when I became a vampire, my feelings for you suddenly magnified. Made more sense. I knew that I wanted you. Needed you, even.”
“Honored,” you put a hand on your chest. Blush turns your cheeks a cherry red, but you don’t bother to fight it. “So… now that we’ve shared… emotions, can I ask how you really felt about drinking my blood?”
“I was honest, princess. It was like candy. Euphoric.”
“Do you want some more?”
“Do you even have to ask?”
You crane your neck to give Kai access to the unbitten side of your neck, “all yours.”
The heretic’s fangs are back in you immediately, sucking for pleasure now, instead of fulfilling his hunger. His body is back on yours, pressing closely; his knee takes back its residency in between your legs. He only feeds for a minute, not wanting to drain you too much. When he pulls off, he bites into his wrist, and lifts it to your lips, “drink, princess.”
You waste no time in tasting his blood. It’s rich - warm and thick as it dribbles down your throat. Your lips and teeth stain red, and you roll your tongue around the wound to suck up anything left before his quick healing takes effect.
“Good girl,” he runs a hand through your hair. Then finally, when you no longer have access to his blood, he tilts your chin up and gives you a deep, loving kiss. Your lips move together as if they were made to fit each other’s; cliché, but you can’t help the thought. Your train of thought is interrupted when Kai bites your lip, drawing blood. “Oops.”
You giggle, “that was not an accident.”
“No, it wasn’t. Forgive me?” He pouts his bottom lip. 
“Of course, gorgeous. Only if you kiss me like that again.”
“Oh, always. Then I’ll taste you again, heal you again, taste you, heal you, taste you, again and again. With dates in between, and maybe, if you’ll let me, my hand in between us, too.”
You let out a gasp at the proposal. “You’re serious? This isn’t a one-time thing?”
“You didn’t want it to be, did you?”
“No, I’m just surprised! I would love to go on a date with you, Kai. And I would love to go… further, too.”
“How about tomorrow night at seven?”
“Seven in the morning, maybe? Make it coffee? I don’t want to wait any longer.”
“Coffee it is.”
Kai gives you one more kiss, then speeds you across town onto your porch. He’s nowhere to be found, but there’s a note left on your door. 
See you at seven, princess. :)
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mitchfynde · 8 days
I really need you to just sit down and shut up for a second about this. You saw a trans man say “I think this character is neat”, immediately jumped to calling xem a borderline pedophile, and then, upon a different transmasc saying “hey what you’re saying is directly harmful to people just like me” your response was to go “I’m not a bigot I’m just bigot coded hahahaha” instead of recognizing that the exact reason they were mad at you in the first place wasn’t because of the whole “Chilchuck is the same as loli” issue but because you were doing a transphobia (which is a fucking insane take regardless of the transphobia, btw, but whatever). Not to mention the fact that you keep saying “I’m just trying to have a nuanced debate!!!” As if that’s any different from a TERF who’s “just asking questions”. You did a transphobia. You accused a trans man of being a sex freak because you misunderstood what he said, then when other trans men/mascs said “hey that’s fucked up stop infantilizing and demonizing trans men” you just doubled down. By convincing yourself that you can’t possibly be wrong in this scenario, you have made yourself impossible for trans people to be around. You have made it clear that you are not safe to discuss these things with. I really want to give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume you genuinely just didn’t realize what you’re doing, but at this point you’ve been going on about it for hours and still refuse to admit you’re being an ass. Idk maybe listen to trans people when they say you’re doing something that hurts them instead of going “I can’t possibly be a bigot” and ignoring what they said entirely. Do better.
I would never do a transphobia, you sick fuck. What are you going to accuse me of next, doing the hokey pokey?
I'm gonna be real, all jokes aside, it's very hard to read your post due to the formatting. You need paragraphs.
So I guess I was transphobic because OP happened to be trans? What relevance is that to anything to begin with? Nobody told me to stop demonizing trans men? I never demonized any to begin with. I never infantilized them either. Many of them outright admitted to looking like the fucking character! That's why they were mad. They're the ones saying they look like a kid, not me.
I'm saying people jerking off to media of people who were drawn to look like kids IS WEIRD. I outright said, if the character was meant to be trans or trans-coded or you are headcanoning them as trans (which turned out to be true for many of the people responding) that it was fine? As many people said, and I said as well, some trans men just look like that and that's fine.
At the end of the day, you're all just mad because I'm touching on shit that makes you uncomfortable. A cis man is not allowed to talk about how a trans man looks, no matter if it's true or not. None of this was even about the pedophilia shit for you guys.
I don't personally care if trans people find me impossible to be around anyways. I don't want sensitive people surrounding me anymore. There are trans people who can 100% handle these discussions, I promise you. I won't listen to you. Why would I? I see no real attempt to understand.
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coldbycrossfade · 7 months
it's funny
i had Gessekai stuck in my head for a couple days right before i found out that Atsushi Sakurai had passed away
the universe is so strange like that
it's left me with this weird, yearning, empty ache—i'm upset but it's tempered by...gratefulness i suppose you could say and theres this melancholic nostalgia
the first time i ever heard Buck-Tick, i was doing the thing i normally did in my depressed and lonely teens which was watch anime OnDemand (where all my Comc*st cable millennials at!!!!!)
id randomly pick one and watch it and that was the gist
the one i picked then was Nightwalker and btwn Gessekai as the OP and the content and themes of the show i was immediately smitten (im always a sucker for vampires, as it were)
ive admittedly been a rather casual B-T fan, but they still made an impression on me—my music taste, the things i watched, what i wanted for my gender presentation...Atsushi was sooooooooo gender for me before i could understand what it is that i wanted and who i was
i wanted to sound like that!!!
a few years back i went to karaoke with a couple close friends
i'd been on hrt for about a year or two by that point, and my voice had changed a lot
i decided to sing Dress, and was able to sound exactly how i wanted, and that was one of the first and biggest instances of concentrated gender euphoria—like, i did it!!! i did it!!!!!
and i think, maybe, i'd like to think that'd be a cute fan story he'd have enjoyed maybe
a few months ago, one of those hobby type stores opened downtown; you know the types with vinyls for OSTs and imports and vintage anime and films, old game consoles and the like
while i was there with my husb, i spotted the vhs tapes for Nightwalker in a display case
Tumblr media
i got them all of course
it's not a great series, but it means a lot to me, it's weird impact on me cannot be overstated
anyways, i'm sitting here now with Gessekai still stuck in my head, debating if i want to pop one of the tapes into our little crt tv to let it play in the bg while i finish out my work day or if i want to forgo it because i can feel my eyes getting misty and burning and my throat tightening as my slowburn grief settles in
the connection of humanity is so strange, the power of music is even stranger
i dont know what the point of all this was; maybe i just wanted to get it out somewhere
ignore this 30-40 yr old sitting in his feelings lol
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