#maybe people will like them as much as my art
lilacstro · 1 day
Astro Observation Pt 4
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I hope you all are doing awesome and the last few posts resonated with you! Also, thank you so much for 250 followers <33 means so much to me
here we go :)
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1.Taurus placements really like food, cooking. I mean, we all do, but its a little extra with them.
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2.Taurus moons really have a soothing presence and voice, however, they may come as highly opinionated sometimes. They are usually very kind and polite while talking and may like things like art, music, poetry or, reading/ enjoying such things and actively talking about it.
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3.I read somewhere that 8th house is temporary death while 12th house is what happens after death, maybe that is why it is the last house. Example, 12th house Capricorns may come back to give/receive karma, 12th house Scorpios may learn and complete the soul lessons or karmic contracts.
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4.I dont know how many people does it resonates with since I only know a few capricorn risings but more these natives like structure and order, they sometimes secretly wanna run away from all and everything, probably just disappear or move to the countryside lol...may even struggle with maldaptive daydreaming. Also, they definitely don't wanna/can't be tamed AT ALL...you can't tell them what to do lol ..I wonder if it has something to do with the Sag 12th house. They do accept opinions and suggestions, but very selectively
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5. The birth of a capricorn sun/rising/stellium child can be karmic. In the sense that, they are here to dispose karma to other people, while learn their own. Maybe because the ruler is Saturn. One of the things that can follow is a change/shift in the circumstances of the family.
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6. This makes me think, 12th house indeed can show our hidden thoughts or desires. People with Sag risings have scorpio in 12th house, and this can secretly make them wanna have some kind of command, control and authority. I am a Sag rising, and this holds true for me.
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7. Speaking of NN in solar return, I read someone reblogging my post saying they believe NN can also represent the lessons you learn and grow from, I instead believe its more of a karmic/soul lesson/fated thing, that rather tranforms/grows your soul and you may go through a huge shift in your perspective and some life-changing experiences concerning that area of life. Something that we are moving into, and will affect us from that point onwards, like a new theme unlocking.
Chiron, on the other hand, is different. No one wonder chiron is actually call the wounded healer, something that hurts and then heals.
example, nn in 1st house can mean you will go through major themes and experiences that will make you focus more on yourself and finding your identity and purpose and this should affect your further years. more of a spiritual growth
chiron in the 1st house can instead mean you will go through experiences that will make you question yourself, some kind of identity crisis, that will further lead to you believing and finding your true self. more of a personal growth.
i hope i made sense. moreover, astrology interpretations are very personal :) and you dont have to agree with anything i said if it doesnt feel right.
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8. libra moon imo is one of the best moon placement to have. they are able to present their emotions pretty nicely and in order and that makes sense somehow. This is also a placement for a hopeless romantic tho lmao.
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9. Libra MC people may always look confused. Somehow even struggling to chose between a pastry and a cake lmao.
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10. I think women with Virgo+ Scorpio placements are the ones that can make the best lie detectors/detectives/real baddies. They may also enjoy dark psychology/ true crime stories/thriller.
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11. Men with Venus in Saggitarius may like spiritual/religious women.
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12. I think people with Venus-Asc aspects may always/eventually find beauty and confidence in their appearance and themselves, and that is very amazing imo.
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13. Women with Pluto-Asc aspects may like dominance in some shape or form and may have a really good self control and hold of themselves.
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14. I will want to ask, do people who have Uranus Retrogade in their chart somehow struggle with breaking electrical appliances/gadgets often? Like it will just break somehow?
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15. Having asteroid industria at 28 degrees can show you have a potential to earn huge money through your career.
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16. Wherever Jupiter lies in your chart, is where you can expect divine protection. Jupiter in 10th house? Protection from people with malicious intents/a bad public image. Jupiter in 6th house? Protection from accidents and diseases. Jupiter in 12th house? protection from hidden enemies/backstabbing. Jupiter in 11th house? Protection from fake friends/people.
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17. I have often seen people say you should marry your 7th house sign but i would disagree again. The 7th house/DC is more about the qualities we admire in other people, and what do we look for while forming ANY relationship with others and this does not always have to mean that you would get along with them romantically.
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thats all for this post<33 i love you all. Please leave post recommendations, if you have any in the ask, messages or comments :)
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spacerockfloater · 2 days
You know what, I didn’t need to see Ewan Mitchell in HOTD to be convinced; I knew I fucked with Aemond since the Driftmark episode.
I don’t like him because he’s hot when he’s older. I like him because he’s metal as fuck. The way he talked to the floppy four was art.
“It’s him! / It’s me.”
Boy, it sure as hell is him. He ate that line up. The fucking nerve of speaking about him without addressing him. He was so done with their bullshit.
“Your mother’s dead. And Vhagar has a new rider now.”
Gagged her ass. Like, he met her literally today. He never knew her mother, he doesn’t owe her anything. Not to mention that during the funeral he tried to approach them and offer them his condolences with the softest smile ever and they just glared daggers at him for literally no reason until he backed off. Didn’t even let him approach. They don’t even know him and they hate him! And the first thing they tell him once they finally speak to him is accusing him of theft, as if a dragon is an object btw. Like, what are they gonna do? Tell their mum? Shut up.
“Then you should have claimed her.”
Right?! As if they didn’t cross the whole ass Narrow Sea all the way to Driftmark. It’s not like Laena died yesterday. It’s been a good fucking while. They could have at least tried claiming her at this point. What was she waiting for? And please don’t tell me she was waiting for the mourning period to end because she was keeping an eye on Vhagar constantly, hence why she was immediately aware that she flew away. That dragon is on her mind 24/7, she just had no idea how to get her. And like, it’s done. If Vhagar chose Aemond, then she would have never chosen her. They weren’t destined for one another. Don’t get me wrong, I’d be mad as shit, too. At myself, that is, for not being as smart as Aemond.
“Maybe your cousins could find you a pig to ride. It would suit you.”
Ate and left no crumbs. This is a direct jab at Jace and Luc, too. Like, they grew up together as brothers and they thought it was okay to mock him for not having a dragon, but the moment they meet these random girls they are suddenly okay with Rhaena not having one and are ready to jump the boy they were raised with for their shake? How two faced. Typical bastard behaviour though. He was doing that girl a favour by letting her know what kind of people she’s got on her side.
And the fighting scene was delicious. Four vs one and he still mopped the floor with them. Maybe they should think twice before they lay hands on someone again.
Don’t come in my comments crying about me hating on children yada yada. Wake up, this is a fictional show about kids who wield nuclear weapons of mass destruction. Like, it was okay to dislike 11yo Draco Malfoy for being an obnoxious piece of shit, but disliking kids that physically attack another child with the intention of killing him is suddenly too much? Like, I don’t give a fuck. I want to see all four of them biting the curb in 4k. And please don’t start with the racist accusation bullshit. I thought Baela was a raging pick-me cunt since before the show, in Fire and Blood. And I absolutely adore Vaemond Velaryon. It’s not about race. It’s about characters.
P.S. Laena, who claimed Vhagar at 12 and chose to die by burning alive, would be absolutely ashamed about her daughter’s behaviour and lack of courage. But yeah, Daemon, being the crazy ax murderer that he is, would surely vibe with unnecessary violence. Those are his girls!
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pickled0ctopus · 2 days
do you have a top 5/ or just a list of favorite comms you've done? not as far as characters so much. but maybe it can be of how proud you are of how the art came out?
have a good day ^^
Here's the list :]
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(for kissingsir3ns, CamilleTakira, Daisy_Faun, rexstanxan) I like drawing fur/hair and unrealistic skintones. It's just fun to draw, I enjoyed it a lot!
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(for unrulycryptid, int9) Design is not my strong suit but I still like the fancy looks here ✨
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(for TMXPVKSL_, lausumi, Schala-la, LuneoVT) Some comms worried me with either due to delicate details or a mood I'm not entirely sure I can portray accurately. Thankfully all of them turned out better than I'd expected, and people liked it too :) So yeah, it’s more about how proud I am that I’ve learned so much from these. The internet can easily start eating away at your self-esteem, but it also encourages you to keep going with nice little comments. It’s a double-edged sword, but I would never have known my value in my own way if I hadn’t shared my art online in the first place🥹 Thanks for asking!
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Hyperdriven: By Declan Garrity
A couple of months ago I read Hyperdriven for the first time in a single sitting.  Around 750 pages of comic action.  This occurred for primarily two reasons:
I have hyperfixation
It’s just that damn good.
While I cannot recommend you read it all in one sitting (you do you), I can highly recommend that you do, in fact, read it.
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The Story
Kaleco has wanted to be a swashbucking ship captain all her life, and now she’s got a ship, a crew, but a major problem.  No money, and a shitty freelancer license that doesn’t allow her crew to take on any well paying jobs. 
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We follow the misadventures of the Bon Petit Déjeuner as they try to make ends meet and not fall apart in the meantime.  If you are a fan of space western media like Firefly, Cowboy Bebop, or fellow webcomics Ghost Junk Sickness or Thunderstryke, there will be a lot here to love.
But also mixed in with the silly hijinks the comic also touches on and deals with some really heavy stuff: trauma, mental health, bigotry, to just name a few. The balancing act between comedy and drama is such a difficult one, and I am in awe at how seamlessly Hyperdriven is able to do it.  It will have you laughing one page, and then crying just a few short pages later.
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One of the major challenges with balancing an ensemble cast is making everyone feel like a distinct person, and giving everyone time to shine and room to breathe.  Hyperdriven does this very well, giving each of its little cast of weirdos so much heart, character, and trauma.  While I love them all, our protagonist Kaleco is by far my personal favorite character.  She is an idealistic disaster, and earnest to a fault.  I loved watching her fuck up, then work hard to try and improve and do better.  Character is king, and all the characters have had wonderful journeys through the story, but I wanted to especially highlight Kaleco.
The Art
I love the art style, it’s colorful, it’s clear, and it’s stylish as hell.  All the characters are so distinctive and unique, and the whole comic is infused with this colorful, distinct vibe that definitely contributes to the fun, comedic atmosphere.  There is a level of clarity in the simplicity of the color, even down the way that people will be color coded by group.
And also, holy fuck does this comic have some style.
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Go read Hyperdriven.  Just… maybe don’t do it in a single four and half hour marathon.
Link here
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faffreux · 2 days
really working on not feeling constantly let down by my art. i've honestly pinpointed the problem.
it's not that i think what i create is bad (i genuinely don't think that) it's just that my skills cannot live up to the visions i have in my head.
sometimes i actually cry while i draw. like, actively tear up.. because of the feelings i am trying to project onto the page and how they are impacting me because they mean so much to me. it builds and builds and builds and 90% of the time i see the end result and i feel like it's not representative of how intensely i was feeling... does that make sense?
the visions in my head are so beautiful to me. i just wish from the bottom of my heart i could share them in in their full glory
when ya'll are kind about what i create it means a lot to me because it's a reminder that maybe other people still see something of what i was trying to put in, even if i'm feeling let down otherwise
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synergysilhouette · 3 days
Changes I'd make to Tim Drake (Warning: may be controversial)
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As my favorite Robin, I've needed to make this post for a long time. I know my opinions may not be agreed upon, but I hope my dedication is still appreciated, nonetheless.
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He isn't dragged for his superhero goals--Any poor mistake that DC makes, they decide to pin it on him having poor judgement, which is really unfair. As many things that get ignored/retconned (even if they arguably shouldn't be, depending on the subject), it feels bizarre to drag Tim for things like his ill-fated "Drake" costume and era, especially when it was walked back on so quickly. On top of this, people seem to look down on him for genuinely enjoying being Robin. Robin wasn't always a move on position, per se; Dick had been Robin for consecutive decades before deciding he wanted something different, while Jason was murdered and became someone else as a reflection of this. Tim became Robin because he saw that Batman NEEDED him, and deduced Batman and the previous Robin's identities on his own. If he wants to do stop being Batman's partner (or sidekick, depending on perspective), it should be his own choice, not everyone else saying "this was a temp job and you're out."
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He has his own unique color, costume, and maybe even codename--Even if he remains by Batman's side, Tim deserves to be distinct; his codename and color scheme are shared with all his brothers, and it doesn't do much for him. I'd definitely prefer a cowless take on his Savior costume (unsure about the codename; it feels a bit too on-the-nose, but it also feels like it represents his need to help others) or bring back his N52 Red Robin suit WITH the wings as well as making him the brother in purple, which goes well with the Batfamily's aesthetic as well as signifying his romance with Stephanie and friendship with Bunker.
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He's going for a psyche major--I feel like this fits so well with his motivations. It's weird that the Batfamily doesn't put more stock in studying psychology outside of Harley (who rarely uses this skill, much to my chagrin). Tim wants what's best for everyone, and became a hero in order to help people. He isn't simply trying to stop problems, but prevent them and make Gotham a better place for everyone. While he can still go for a cyber-related degree (I don't remember his exact major), I'd prefer he also go for a degree that furthers his desire to understand and improve others, plus it's good to help him better understand himself as well.
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He isn't bi--Hate me if you must. I'm a gay guy, and I just didn't vibe with this reveal. During the mid-2000s, it was stated by one of his artists that he and the writers kind of already saw Tim as bi, though DC never made this canon until 2021. As far as I know (as a 2010s comic person), it never seemed like DC was keen to lean into LGBT sexuality for Tim, and given that they've been treating him poorly post-N52, it feels like this was a random "let's find a way to make Tim as popular as his brothers" by making him stand out in a way that they didn't. I know this is a bold claim, but this is a feeling I've had for a while now, especially since his personal life now mainly revolves around Bernard (personal bias, but I'm usually not a fan of heroes dating non-heroes; I'd prefer him with Bunker--or Connor, if he's romantically into guys). And they haven't done him many favors since; DC infamously described him as the "always-online bisexual" in a now deleted tweet embodies my concern that they're just defining him by his sexuality now, as well as a solo comic with horrendous art for most of the run. If Jason or Damian were depicted as bi (with the latter being the least controversial choice, imo, given his younger tenure in comics and romantic life not as fleshed out), I'm almost sure they'd be better handled, probably because they've been better handled as characters in recent years. Overall, I found Tim's retcon of sexuality unnecessary (yet when we have bi characters such as Ghostmaker who were LGBT from the get-go and don't get nearly as much attention) and overall used as a metaphor for his "indecisiveness" at making decisions that DC forced onto him.
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He still has a (biological) family and life--A big problem with writers and artists is that they sometimes have a problem with trying to make the 4 Robins identical in appearence and lives. Unlike Jason and Dick, Tim wasn't an orphan adopted by Bruce, not originally anyway. He had his own life and chose to be part of Bruce's world, and the need to make him an orphan with pretty much nothing going on in his civilian life (is he still an Olympic-level gymnast? Kinda love the idea that he takes time off for "me time" here and there and that's when Damian or another Batfam member jumps in). Let him have friends and family as Tim Drake, not just as Robin. Let Bruce be his dad without killing off his biological one. Let Tim have autonomy and individuality!
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More A-list connections--This is being petty, but most of his friends are next-gen people with no major stuff going on for themselves, just like him. Surrounding yourself with important people can help you become important, too. I'm not telling friends to drop his friend groups (him and Conner have one of the best male homosocial relationships in comics and it sucks how it got overshadowed by Damian and Jon), but giving him more relationships with well-known characters could help his status. I have similar feelings for Starfire (we need more of her friendship and Superman).
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Never lose sight of who he is--The idea with Tim (at least from what I've absorbed) is that he's the most optimistic, maybe even naive, version of Dick, committed to wanting to help people and support them, and not one to brush them off of devalue them. He's got a heart, not just a brain, and I like to consider him one of the glue sticks that holds the family together. He doesn't need to be edgy or cool in the way that Damian and Jason are, nor should he be reduced to a sex object like Dick (which is another post entirely).
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ultrabean · 6 hours
Follow up
okay, so following up to the post I made earlier today-
Now that I've calmed down I think I can articulate what I'm trying to say better. The one thing I'm concerned about is what I did after my driving test.
I know my outburst was foolish. I should have controlled myself a lot better, and not kicked the trash bin.
Technically speaking, i don't think what I did was a criminal offense. I didn't hurt anyone and the trash can didn't break. All I did was indirectly piss off the driving officer, and well, I wasn't even mad at him. I was mad at myself. I even said so when he asked me. So, maybe i'm not going to face jail time.
But what is likely to happen is that the equivalent of the DMV in my country is going to give my parents a call. What they're going to do, I have no idea. I'll take the day as it comes.
Anyways, on to the rest of my life stuff.
My parents are tired. They are very tired of me. Today when I told them what happened, they started comparing my behavior to my cousins and my brother. The usual Asian stuff, "why can they get higher grades, but not you?". The funniest one was when they said one of my elder cousins (who is a girl) passed her driving test on the first try. "Shame on you" according to them.
It's funny. Because when I got back my results, my extended family and cousins were all congratulating me. Even my parents seemed happy, and they said it was respectable. I could branch out to more paths in the future. And yet today? They said it was actually quite mediocre. And that I'm still a disappointment. I even asked them on the day I got my results "Are you disappointed?" and they said no. Lmao.
They've put a lot of effort into ensuring that I have the best future possible. But, this is what I'm giving them in return. More emotional stress.
My mom thinks that, because I think my art is so great, that because I post online and a few strangers give me likes it makes me think that I'm some big shot artist. Yet she said that she knows artists out there who are leagues better than mine. My dad thinks the same.
The truth is, obviously, I don't think my art is the best in the world. Yes, there are people better than me. I just do this because I love doing it.
And with the love of it, comes the fear of losing it. I got into UTDR pretty late into the game. Around mid to late 2022. This was a time in my life when i was experiencing some emotional troubles as well, and man it gave me so much joy. So much so that I dreaded growing out of it or "not being able to enjoy it enough".
Well, lo and behold the inevitability of life. In reality, my drawing tablet was never really mine. It belonged to my dad, who just downloaded procreate for me to draw in my free time. I guess i fell in love with that too much.
Like i said before, today he wiped it clean. Everything. All my old art, unreleased concept art, WIP pages. All gone. And with the rest of my college life ahead of me, I don't think i could continue the comic as planned. Even if I somehow managed to re-download procreate.
I think this is all i can say for now? I thank you guys for the support and kind words, but I'll likely not be as active as I used to be. However, I won't be gone. When I can, I'll try to talk to some of you guys online, because I genuinely do enjoy it.
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theendorisit · 11 hours
I want to talk about some fun stuff I have had knocking around my head regarding the Magnus archives 
Note: is it Canon? I don’t know and I don’t care. @jonnywaistcoat gave us a bunch of fun toys to play with. I wanna play with them. I am not gonna tell anyone if their opinions on Magnus are right or wrong because it doesn’t matter! it’s a story. It’s fiction. It doesn’t matter if you picture white Archivist, black Archivist, asian Archivist - that’s how we end up with fun stuff like mermaid Tim! Imagine everything, and anything - it doesn’t matter, and that’s the fun of it! Also, I am keenly aware I am (checks watch) 8 years late to this fandom and I may be spouting stuff long since discussed, so forgive me if I am getting excited discovering long trodden ground.
I digress. So. One of the many things I love about Magnus is the fun and very clear metaphors that are used to describe the entities/ fears and what’s going on in the story. One of my favourites is the colour wheel theory. During the show I would get confused between the different entities particularly the stranger and the spiral but if the entities are like colours then this makes perfect sense: they do bleed into each other. So I wanted to try and transcribe these entities onto colours not thinking so much about which particular colour I think they ought to be, but how they complement or clash with each other. Disclaimer, not an artist. At all. I don’t know if I’ll do a good job - but that’s not really what I wanna talk about. 
Death/Terminus/The End isn’t a colour. Death is black-and-white. And death isn’t like any of the others.
This is just to say, that the way I read it - death, as an entity, is treated differently.
Jonny himself said in calls and livestreams that death was actually his main fear, maybe still is? So that might lend itself to different considerations.
In TMA, death is described as the fear of death, dying and nonexistence and all of that cosmological shit that most of us feel. However, TMA stories of death also include the opposite fear which is the fear of not being able to die. This is equivalent to the Eye finding someone who is afraid of being watched and putting them in a box, where no one can ever see them again.  The fact that this person in the pyramid can’t die and wants to, the fact the reapers, in escaping death achieve basic immortality - and often are not so sure they like it - this would be a very weird way to create a fear of death, by creating an apparent desire for it! 
So I think within the universe, this fear is special because it encapsulates itself and its opposite - whereas the other fears have distinct opposites which are separate entities (buried and vast, eye and dark). Not only that, but as season 5 showed us, there are fears that can combine and match with each other, and there’s no fear that death DOESN’T complement!  Like yes, actual death will stop fear, but a healthy dose of the fear of dying will go with everything. So in the colour wheel theory, I say fear of death is black and creates shades with other colours, and fear of not-death is white and creates tints (I just really like this metaphor!).
I’d love to make anthropomorphic art of the entities as individuals, and groups of individuals, based on matching colours. Example - Death, The Buried, The Corruption all work together as a buried alive fear. Unfortunately my fine art skills are dismal, so I’ll let more talented people have a go if they like this idea. I get why I haven’t seen so much of this, as the avatars kind of do this anthropomorphism, but death itself as a concept has been characterised for thousands of years (I am a big fan of Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman’s versions!), and we have 4 (+1?) horsemen of the apocalypse bringing war and pestilence into humanoid form so I reckon it could be pretty interesting how people envision the entities. Personally I imagine the vast like Junji Ito’s Spiral-faced girl (she’ll pull you in!).
Anyway, that’s my perspective on blending fears like colours, and why Death really isn’t like any of the others.
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gallawitchxx · 2 days
weekly tag wednesday thursday <3
omg how is it wednesday thursday again already?! where has this week gone? i've basically been MIA here since the last one lol so thank you to @jrooc @creepkinginc @energievie @deedala @gardenerian
@blue-disco-lights @sgtmickeyslaughter @vintagelacerosette for the tags! i love you all! i love this place! i'm so happy we get to scream about it today!
- - - - OKAY LET'S GET INTO IT - - - -
how did you get into the fandom? i fully fell into gallavich in the spring of 2021 & starting shoving fics in my face faster than ian & mickey took their clothes off when ian went to get the gun back, mickey. then i started noticing that people were linking their tumblrs in the end notes & so i lurked suuuper hard through the summer until i finally made my own blog!
how long have you been here? almost three glorious years <3
what’s the first fandom channel you found? (Youtube, Reddit, Tumblr, Insta, Twitter, FB, other?) i suppose youtube is correct because i watched a bunch of edits that really cemented my obsession, but tumblr was the first place i interacted with fandom friends :)
what’s your favourite now? i'm a tumblrina for life!
which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom? this will always make me so fucking emotional -- my first mutual was @metalheadmickey & now i've been to their wedding *sobs forever*
which tumblerino’s did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and wanted to get to know? oooohalskfj this is a hard one! there have been so many! when i first showed up, i started collecting beloved mutuals like pokemon... but to steal from mel, there was a real HUZZAH moment around getting a message from @whatwouldmickeydo & now i'm gonna go to their wedding *continues sobbing forever*
first Gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember) the holy trinity of my early fandom days were absolutely like real people do by grayola, restoration by @palepinkgoat & the increasingly poor decisions of ian gallagher by @goodkwuestion
first fan art that blew your mind? yooo we are so blessed around these parts & at the beginning it was another trilogy lol - @steorie @psychicskulldamage & @darthvaders-wife
fanfic trope that you were sure wasn’t for you but now you low key (or high key) love? a/b/o! truly shocking to discover & then love & then WRITE A WHOLE MULTI-CHAP FIC OF
What surprised you most about this fandom? omg how smushy soft everyone is! halskfjalfj - like, it's a pretty hard show to watch at times & the characters are all so messy & not saying we have it altogether over here or anything, but everyone's just a kind little marshmallow! :)
moment in the show (or YT vids if you’re one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with Gallavich? the first one was probably s3 "not everybody gets to blurt out how they fucking feel every minute!" because i was like, OHHH OH THIS IS GONNA HURT ME & then it just kept getting worse....
Ian or Mickey? mickey baby ily so much. but to echo others, they really are two halves of the same brain cell & they've fought so hard to be together. so idk how you choose!
Which Gallagher or Milkovich are you? jeeeez, maybe fiona? lip? liam? hahaha probably none of them tbh, but i love 'em like family!
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tagging @thisdivorce @rereadanon @sickness-health-all-that-shit @crossmydna & @heymrspatel if you wanna play! if not, i'm smooching you on your nose <3
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enden-agolor · 3 days
I don’t know how often people tell you this, maybe a lot, but can I just say you’re my favorite artist in general? It’s indescribable, but your art just has it’s charm to it that makes it so special and lovely. Every drawing you make is absolutely amazing, and you’re an incredibly talented writer as well! I remember finding your account somewhere around early 2023, and finding your account somehow managed to both get me out of artblock and get me back into mcsm <:) I just wanna simply say I enjoy your work so much and I look forward to every art or fic you’ll create. Sorry if this kinda was a silly ask lol
Also, how do you make your au designs? The designs you make for each individual character in your aus are amazing, especially forest deity and royal, I was kinda wondering if you reference some stuff while making your designs or something <:D I hope you have a great day, Enden!
I don’t know how often people tell you this, maybe a lot, but can I just say you’re my favorite artist in general? It’s indescribable, but your art just has it’s charm to it that makes it so special and lovely. Every drawing you make is absolutely amazing, and you’re an incredibly talented writer as well! I remember finding your account somewhere around early 2023, and finding your account somehow managed to both get me out of artblock and get me back into mcsm <:) I just wanna simply say I enjoy your work so much and I look forward to every art or fic you’ll create. Sorry if this kinda was a silly ask lol
Also, how do you make your au designs? The designs you make for each individual character in your aus are amazing, especially forest deity and royal, I was kinda wondering if you reference some stuff while making your designs or something <:D I hope you have a great day, Enden!
Jeez. Wow, I hardly know what to say. Like literally I've been sitting on this ask for a day thinking of how to respond.
It's pretty dang rare to hear I'm someones favorite artist, so I was shocked to see this when I woke up yesterday. I just want you to know that means the world to me, and it's a huge honor. Thank you so much. As well as the praise towards my writing, it means so much to me to hear positive feedback about it. To know my silly art and writing has had a positive impact on you is incredible. I love that, thank you so much. <:D 🩵
As for how I make my au designs? Gosh I really am not sure. It really is just me pulling up a blank canvas and drawing the characters then adding clothes and armor that I feel fits them. I actually had someone recently ask me on discord how I came up with FD Jesse's design and what the process was, but that one art of them I did with Lukas and Jesse standing side by side (I'll link it at the end) was the first time I drew their designs for this au. Wasn't even sure if I'd stick with the Jesse design but then a bunch of people started making fanart of him and I am SOOOO unbelievably grateful for that but then I knew the design was a success and he grew on me a ton, so I don't see myself changing it. I don't usually use references when doing my character designs, I kind of just work with what I know how to draw already and try to get the image in my head out into the drawing. For the royal au Jesse, I had Link (LoZ) in mind 🥰
I hope your day is great as well!!! : D
And here's the post I was talking about:
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goomyloid · 11 hours
PLEASE explain your thoughts on kriselle in full detail
i hate toby fox. why did he do this to us. he really put it better than anyone else. not really romantic not really platonic but…. something else… some secret more sinister more heartfelt more absurd third thing
i wonder at what point should i clarify that i dont even really seek out kriselle in a romantic context… DONT GET ME WRONG i have zero issues with the ship whatsoever and all of the krisellers out there are living their best (most painful) lives and i SEE THE APPEAL. BUT when i rotate them in my brain i dont need them to kiss or anything like that i just need them to sit down and sadly hold hands and stay like that forever and ever. in case you couldnt gauge that from my art so far
tldr i dont think i ship them in the traditional sense at least …. the things that i usually fixate on for any romantic ship are not there with these two. there are no romantic feelings there In my mind. and all at the same time i start screaming and throwing up and killing myself (all positive) whenever i see them even in the same image together. hngh
ive tried explaining this to people before and they usually suggest something along the lines of a QPR and even that doesnt feel right to me. truly the best way i can put it is… that red string of fate man… which i almost hesitate on saying too because i dont actually know if noelle is Quite an important enough character to the story to warrant a connection like that. WHICH IS A CRAZY THING TO SAY. I KNOW. DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT GETTING ME WRONG i think dess and her connections to gaster and her usage as a stepping stone into the weird route are all VERY important… but in my brain its just not kris/knight/asriel/every other mysterious main focus of the story Important. i didnt mean to get into deltarune theorizing here i hope nobody’s blood is boiling rn
so yeah in the end. toby fox once again put it best. they are friends, but they are also something else.
back to the actual pairing though… sometimes i think im going overboard and overestimating how close kris and noelle were as children because noelle will go and say things like “i wonder if we were ever really friends at all.” which is kind of a fair statement considering the circumstances. sure they played together and all and tagged along with their siblings to do stuff together but when dess went missing… it all kind of stopped. kris is just a kid, they dont know what to do or even how to process it, much like noelle. asriel is probably dealing with his own feelings, he just lost his friend and likely old enough to understand the weight of what happened. while noelle and kris cant say much to each other at all.
im always back and forth on speaking headcanons for kris but the one that i always seem to come back to is selective mutism… to me kris had a lot of trouble communicating well as a child and could only grow comfortable around certain people, asriel and noelle being clear examples because they’re both so patient with them. maybe because of this noelle felt like they could understand each other without really needing words, and just physical interaction was enough to achieve some form of closeness… or maybe that was all just on her end, she thinks when kris goes to play the piano. but if that’s the case, why does it feel like a concert just for her…?
jesus dont even get me start on them as teenagers either. noelle has lost her sister, and now kris has lost their brother… but not in the same way. they look at each other and wonder if they’re the same now. or, maybe thats too cruel. maybe its not the same thing at all. asriel’s coming back soon, after all. it will all be over soon, kris won’t have to feel this way for much longer, right? so then, why does kris look so miserable, sitting in the corner over there? all noelle feels like she can do is sit next to them quietly. to be there, and to somehow, vaguely, messily help each other. the misfit kids that dont really know how to talk to each other and yet understand each other regardless
thats why the dark world feels like such a dream to her. these crazy city lights, fantastical creatures, susie’s there, and she actually might have the means to defend herself and stand her ground, whether it be verbally or… otherwise
and most of all, much like with kris offering an adventurous haven to susie in ch1, the same is extended to noelle. by kris’s side, no less. it feels like theyre doing things together again, and its fun, and nostalgic… she wants to bring dess. and i think its okay to assume kris wants to bring asriel, too. recreating the make-believe world they lost so long ago… is it really possible?
no… how can it really be possible, when this isnt kris? something is wrong. its almost perfect, except kris… it’s them, but it’s not. she sees their face, their expressions, their laughs, their worries. and yet the voice that comes from them… isnt them. and it scares her! even if nothing particularly bad happened as a result. and if something bad DID happen, well…
she just wants what they had before back. is it really so impossible? can they reconcile after all these years? does kris want to? is kris capable of doing so? maybe they just need to hug again. will it feel like a real hug? the person she thought she understood is acting in ways she doesnt understand. they’re telling her to do weird things. they cycle through actions as if they just want to know what happens. and they cant even play piano anymore.
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hi-im-kaybee · 10 months
"All My Squad Mates are In My Head"
It's 0650, and I peer out off the skydeck into the vast blue sky, an orange band running across the horizon, the world a mile below my feet.
My stomach is in a knot - it's my initiation day. The day I get my wings and plug in. I've only been this nervous one other time, for the days before I got my placement finals report back. I bunch up my shirt and wring it with my hands, transferring my sweat to the fibers. I'm supposed to be in the mess hall a few decks down but I can't fathom the idea of eating breakfast right now. The cool metal of the handrail rung supports my cheek as my feet swing off the edge, boots dancing with the air. I used to do this in school, on the playground, to relax and find some peace. But it doesn't seem to be working right now.
I hear the door behind me clamor open, and turn around to see Lucy walking towards me. She was my friend in basic, and graduated a cycle before I did, so she's been plugged in for the better part of six months. I guess my worry isn't concealed too well because she approaches and smiles warmly, crouching down beside me. I return my gaze out towards the endless expanse. "The sunrise is beautiful today, yes? Not a cloud in the sky…" She only makes small talk like this when she wants to calm me down. My eyes dart towards the back of her head as she sits down beside me. The craterous jack in her skull is eerie, but it doesn't bother me too much since I had mine put in a month or so ago. I gulp in the cool air. "How does it feel, to be…" My words are staccato, shaky, and she knows exactly what I'm gonna say as she interrupts. "Plugged in?" she coos, "Hm…"
A hand finds its way to her chin, and she tosses the words around in her mind. "It's hard to pinpoint, but it's like we're all right there, in the same cockpit. We all know where we are, what we're feeling, how hungry we are…" She pokes me playfully in the gut, as it lets out a small gurgle and forces a smile on my face. "I'll admit, even I was a little nervous the first time, but now it's just… second nature. I don't even question it anymore." My eyes find themselves locked on her face, in awe. She continues. "Can I tell you something? You have to keep it a secret from the brass, though. This is for us pilot's ears only." I look around - the rest of the deck and walkway are deserted, the only sound in my ears being the drone of the million-horsepower turbojets keeping this massive skycarrier afloat, distant yet booming. I look back to her and nod.
She gazes out again, and smiles. "We can even kind of feel each other, even without the plugs. It's weak, at first, but they tell me it grows stronger the more you're in the system. They can probably even notice that I'm telling you this, right now." The only thing that escapes my lips is a soft "Woah…" and the knots in my stomach slowly unfurl to release butterflies. After a moment of absorbing it all, I ask her further. "Did they- er, did you all agree to tell me before I got plugged in today? Can they hear me right now, through you?" Her smile radiates the warmth of a hundred sunrises, and is just as beautiful. She finds her footing and stands, extending an arm to my side. "Come on, kiddo, you're gonna want some energy for the ceremony. Trust us." I take it, feeling my weight shift off my butt and onto the heavy leather soles on my feet. I smirk in return. "I guess the gruel isn't gonna eat itself, either, huh?" We share a quiet laugh together as we lock step, across the skydeck and back into the hall.
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barghest-land · 8 months
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kissed by a bullet
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veinsfullofstars · 2 months
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👑 Sworn Partners ⚔️ 
(ID: Kirby series fanart of King Dedede and Meta Knight being cute and in love. Top panel - bust shot of DDD scooping MK up into his arms, smooshing the flustered knight against him in a great big hug as a little flurry of hearts bursts from them. Middle panel - bust shot of DDD holding MK in his arms, gazing down at him with an easy grin as the knight pushes his mask to the top of his head, a fond smile on his face as he gazes back. Bottom panel - bust shot of DDD and MK leaning in together to meet in a kiss, eyes closed and faces flushed, the king holding his knight tighter, the knight gently cupping his king’s cheek. More little hearts hover around them, the biggest just above their heads. In all panels, DDD's crown and MK's armor are - as usual - touched with white highlights and dusted with sparkles. END ID.)
Sketch started some time early 2024, render started 03/18/24, finished 04/15/24.
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habken · 2 years
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kung fu panda x bnha crossover doodles
+ panda!deku cause I couldn’t decide what I wanted him to be
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crescentfool · 6 months
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orpheus and thanatos 💚
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