#man I don't post much about Dapper do I?
royalarchivist · 3 months
Luzu: A child of mine died to your hands on the QSMP Quackity: [Literally told Luzu Tilin was his child a month ago] Who was your child? Luzu: Tilin!
This is a compilation of several different clips confirming that Tilin's parents are Quackity and Luzu. QsmpEN also made a post about it!
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(Every time I remember Luzu never got to meet Tilin because THE ONE DAY he planned to meet her, the server was closed, I get so sad...)
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antimony-medusa · 6 months
So what kind of a dad is q!Phil anyways?
So, Phil getting Tallulah and Chayanne to wear armour and learn how to fight. Also Bad doing this with Dapper, and the Brazilians trying to do this with Richas, and the french with Pomme, but when it gets discussed, it's mostly focusing on Phil because of the contrast of Wilbur not wanting his kids to have to fight. There's some really fun discussion that comes up with that!
And the interesting thing is that when we're trying to pull up other cultural touchpoints to compare phil-and-fighting-and-the-kids to, a lot of the other characters have very specific vibes, so to speak. I was in a discussion the other day where someone compared Phil in this with the dad in Supernatural, and him getting his sons to follow him on hunts. Cause he's a dad training his kids to fight, right? From a very young age? However, I don't think this is a perfect comparison, and I wanted to share the one that comes to mind for me, despite the fact that it deals with some pretty dark topics. This whole post deals with some dark topics, you might want to check the tags, just so you know.
Anyways, I never watched Supernatural, so I didn't do much more than think emoji in the moment when this comparison came up. But I checked in with friends who have watched it, and I think Phil QSMP and John Winchester Supernatural are acting from some pretty different places. John Supernatural is teaching his kids to fight because they have a duty and a lineage and have to help save the world, but at the same time there's this tragedy there that implies that he's so focused on his duty as a hunter that he's not seeing that maybe you don't need the kids for that. They could start when they were older—or maybe they could not start this! He essentially conscripts them into a battle that shapes the course of their lives, as little warriors, and they never have a choice in it. And he's not above using them as bait, because they're warriors, right? The battle is so important? They want to be involved, they want this (of course they want this, you're their dad, and they believe you that this is important). He's a true believer.
Whereas Phil is faced with a world that actively and constantly wants to kill his kids, and he's trying to train them to defend themselves. He's trying to say that there's danger out there, you take care of yourself, I'm going to put myself on the line for you, but if I fail, if I'm not there, you won't be defenseless if it comes down to it. I have had my beef with fics that take on this topic, in fact, because I've seen people write Phil as using his kids as bait to get to the codes or forgetting his kids in his code battle, and that's not how I interpret the character motivattion and actions. For me, the way I see it, Phil is always thinking of how best to defend the eggs, and everything else is in service to this. He's a man with anxiety on an island that wants to kill his kids, not a warrior in an epic battle.
Does this mean that the eggs are gonna grow up and go to therapy about their childhood full of danger? Hell yeah they wll. This is not an ideal childhood. But— and this is the crucial thing— they're going to grow up. Same with Dapper, same with Richas, same with Pomme— living your life under constant need to teleport out to safety is bad, objectively, but when the alternative is living in the moment until you die, I think the teleporting out is better, actually.
And the comparison that comes to mind for me, because of my personal experience, is not examples in media of parents training their kids to fight, but examples in media or in real life of parents dealing with serious and or terminal illness in kids. Cause that's what my family did. And boy is there resonance there.
I don't know of any parent of a kid with cancer who likes putting their kid through treatment. Chemotherapy sucks, radiation sucks, surgery sucks, immunotherapy sucks, none of this is good. I have seen this tear up parents (and siblings) inside. But it's better than letting their kids DIE, isn't it? And before you say well, obviously everyone is on the same page when it comes to things like chemotherapy, I have *seen* people go out there and post at cancer families about how they can't believe they're putting poison in their children's bodies when they should just eat better, etc. (This take reminds me strongly of the "she shoudln't wear armour cause she shouldn't have to fight" take about Tallulah.) Serious illness in kids forces you into terrible situations, but the only saving grace is that they're better than the alternative, you hope.
The only thing that makes me go ehhhhh maybe with Phil and the Mr Supernatural is him letting Chayanne fight, but Chayanne is a kid being hunted whose sister (also being hunted) is disabled, and this happens whether or not Chayanne is involved, and he wants to try and defend her so bad. I don't think saying "let her die if necessary, don't intervene" is going to be a conversation that ends up with less trauma, if you know what I mean. That is simply a situation that has no real win conditions out of it. At least this way he feels like he has some control? (Note: this is a bad situation, there's no getting around it.)
QSMP is so often a story about forces beyond our control trying to destroy us, and while Supernatural and its ilk also has that tone, within Supernatural there's at least a population that doesn't have to be part of the battle, so opting into the battle becomes on some level a choice, and involving children in that is also a choice, one that you can hold up to the standards of allowing children to have a childhood and go "is this ethical". On Quesadilla island, there's literally no opting out of this fight. There are malevolent forces that are directly trying to destroy you, destroy your children, and the question of allowing children to have a childhood has been effectively taken out of your hands. You simply have to do the best with the situation you have, and have a birthday party while keeping the armour on. And this reminds me much more strongly of situations like childhood cancer, than it does of cases in media of people concripting their children into battle.
In both cases children are trying to fight malevolent entities that want them dead, as pushed to fight by their parents, but boy, at least to me, the tone is pretty different. I think the question of "is it self defense or did you choose to be here" is pretty important.
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iirc I think you said you don’t like Trey and Malleus’s hair but somehow excuse Rollo’s hair 😨 so where does everyone else stand if you were judging them based only on physical appearance?
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Disclaimers: I'm not including any Yuus (like, from the manga), mob students, reused assets (ie ghosts and pixies), or characters that we've only gotten the silhouettes for (that means no Mrs. Rosehearts, no Farena/Falena, no Zigvolt parents, etc.). I am only giving my thoughts on the looks of named characters with fully realized designs. If there is a significant variation of their hairstyle I like, I'll make note of it. Additionally, I will be commenting on general style rather than on individual outfits.
These are my opinions, please don't take them too seriously. I think all the designs work as is to convey the background and personality of each character, but everyone will have different tastes and preferences in terms of visual design; these are just mine! (And remember, just because I may like how a character looks doesn’t mean I like the character overall!!)
***PLEASE NOTE: This post contains spoilers for the main story and events that have yet to be released in EN!!***
Jade - I'll admit that it took me a while to get used to his haircut (I typically don't go for the super short bangs), but it grew on me! I really like his face in particular; it can be very calm and pleasant but also mischievous and sinister. When he's angry or upset, it's much more subtle and hard to read in his face. That's something I can really appreciate. It all works very well with his neat, tidy, and unassuming appearance.
Jamil, Najma - THE VIPER FAMILY HAS SUCH GOOD GENES, just look at their luscious hair and mysterious, dark eyes... They dress so well too, I love all the hair accessories and flowy fabrics the Viper siblings have.
Meleanor - Malleus's mom has got it goin' on 🙃 She really kills the warrior princess look! Very imposing, yet elegant. I can totally understand why Lilia used to crush on her.
Fellow - Not usually a fan of gingers (and nor do I simp for fox man), but there's just something so charming about Fellow's face. I think it's the eyes and his self-assured, fun-loving smile. His outfit's snazzy and he makes it work so well! I especially like the cravat, spats, and the cape hanging off one shoulder.
Leona - OKAY FINE I'LL ADMIT HE'S HANDSOME, ARE YOU HAPPY NOW????? 😭 As much as I want to wrestle Leona, I have to admit that he has a very striking face (especially when he smirks) and powerful presence. He knows how to command a room (and he’s just about the threshold of muscle I’m willing to accept). I'm not really into hair past shoulder length or how he usually dresses, but what I think is the coolest about him are his eyes. It feels like they'll follow you everywhere. Ponytail Leona is the best Leona, in my opinion.
Ortho - I was debating between putting Ortho in "Cool" or "Cute", but ultimately went with "Cool" because he by far has the most unique look of the entire cast. I love learning about his different Gears and their functions, each one different than the last. I don't find the pale skin and blue hair as off-putting on Ortho as I do on Idia, and I think that's because Ortho's more child-like.
Crowley - His aesthetic is nice! I find the bird mask really goofy and his hair a literal rat's nest (DON'T @ ME, IT LOOKS LIKE LIMP SEAWEED), but his suit and cape are so dapper! All the keys and mirrors would look gaudy on any other character, but they fit so well for Crowley. The extra shiny details give him an air of mystery, like threads of light peeking through the dark.
Trein- Trein's robes and cravat make him look so classy and regal! The colors also remind me of Edgeworth from Ace Attorney-- He looks very stern at first glance, but when he gives his little smiles you can tell how much he really cares.
Sam - He's way overdressed for running an on-campus school general store but hey, it works for him. There's lots of little details I enjoy in his design, from the stitching on his top hat to the locs he sports.
Lucius, Grim - LIL' KITTY CATS 🥺 I especially think Grim is adorable whenever he gets a new themed bow or a whole ass outfit like in the Halloween events!
Chenya - His haircut is so uneven but I commend his style. Chenya's look isn't too busy; his jewelry and decorative patches are spread out so they don't crowd for your attention. Gotta love those callbacks to Alice in Wonderland! This might sound weird, but there's power in his plain white shirt half-buttoned and loosely tucked into his pants; it gives the right amount of casualness to feel "accidentally stylish". There's also just something really whimsical about how cat-like his facial expressions and gestures are. It's quite endearing!
Ruggie - His hair looks perfect for ruffling! The fact that he often dresses in hand-me-downs and Leona's oversized clothing makes him appear "small" and even cuter. Pair that with Ruggie's crooked little smile, and it's perfect. I like that his build is lankier than those of the other Savanaclaw students; it makes him appear less intimidating on an initial evaluation.
Cheka - Have you SEEN Cheka?????? How does your heart not melt at the sight of him 😭 I adore his little :3 face and how he shines when he's innocently asking Ojitan to hang out with him...
Floyd - I feel like I kind of have to put Floyd in "Cute" since he's Jade's twin. Floyd just places lower because I find his eye shape less cute and his personal style doesn't really align with my tastes.
Kalim - This type of hair isn't usually my jam, but Kalim dresses it up well with a headband/scarf (?) and jewerly. When he moves, I imagine that the jewelry is jingling its own song. Kalim always seems to be smiling, so just looking at him puts me in a good mood too. His fashion choices tend to be extravagant and not very viable for everyday wear, but it's fine as long as Jamil stops him from making impulsive decisions.
Rook - I actually don't like his bob (I prefer it in an awkward little ponytail), but his face--especially the mouth--is beautiful. I BEG OF YOU, LOOK AT HIS CEREMONIAL ROBES GROOVY. Rook can be so expressive, it's like he's a one-man play. Alas... He looks naked without a hat :(( but I appreciate the mystery of covering up his limbs for the most part so we can’t see how truly muscular he is.
Lilia - Peepaw really stands out from the rest of Diasomnia; he doesn't come off as scary right away, he just relished in how adorable he is and is confident in that. Lilia's shorter stature and more experimental style certainly plays into that uniqueness too. It's fun to see what he comes up with! I especially love that he wears more traditionally feminine things like tulle skirts and gathered fabrics, and even dyes his hair and paints his nails in various colors. The cut itself is a bit of a clusterfuck when I first saw it, but I've really grown fond of it over time. It's such a bright expression of who Lilia is. I can't say if I prefer his long ponytail or the shorter trim; both are good!
Sebek - Like Jade, Sebek is also very well-put together. I like him with both his hair up and down; each has its unique appeal! With his hair up, Sebek appears much fiercer. With his hair down, he reminds me more of a puppy drenched from the rain. I feel like even though his face can be menacing, his smile overpowers how scary he can be. It feels so pure, clashing with his usual attitude... (His pathetic/sad expressions are also cute, but don't let him know I said that.)
Marja - Sweet granny... She looks so kind and cozy, I just wanna give her a hug.
Rollo - I’m a bowl cut apologist, what of it 😭 I like how he's so straight-laced and proper in his dress. It goes together with his face very well. Moreover, the dark eye bags and pinched, stern mouth only add to his charm. Rollo can go from neutral to devious smirk to a flash of anger--it's so interesting to observe how his face contorts.
Gidel - He looks like a mix of Ruggie and Cheka, so by default Gidel goes in "Cute". His oversized sleeves, patchwork pants, and mismatched socks give him such character!
Dylla - ANOTHER ATTRACTIVE MOM!!! Her clothing is more on the tomboyish side, but she still wears them well. Dylla's face in particular is really stunning; I get a mature big sis vibe from her.
Ace, Deuce- The most generic hair styles of the entire cast. I don’t have much else to remark on.
Azul - I don't know how else to say this, but I think Azul is handsome but in heavily regulated manner... to the point where it doesn't feel natural?? Like yes, he obviously cares about his appearance, it just feels "too" controlled of a narrative to me. The same goes for his smiles. Like Eliza says, he does it too much, so it feels fake.
Neige - He's wearing such an ugly sweater, but the innocence of his face evens things out. I find Neige cute in that generically sweet way, and for that I cannot place him higher than "Mid".
Epel- Same "generically sweet" cuteness as Neige. I do like his colors though.
Silver - Also has very generic hair. I disagree with the notion that he's handsome or has a noble constitution (even if the game itself says otherwise). Silver just looks like Some Guy to me. I’m slightly put off by the super muscular arms in his PE uniform too.
Eliza - I think Eliza could be a lot more appealing if they hadn't presented her to us in such a different style. Like the generic ghost NPCs, she's drawn more like a western cartoon rather than like an anime so she feels "off" from the rest of the named cast. Because there isn't unity between her and the characters she is shown with, Eliza sticks out like a sore thumb. I gotta hand it to her though, she still slays in that tattered wedding dress.
Fairy Queen - Love how the buns in her hair resemble roses, and how her entire body looks like it's golden and glowing from within. I wish her dress was more detailed though, more fitting for a queen.
Don't Like, but Could be Worse
Riddle - ROACH ANTENNAE........ . .. ... . . .... . ...... . .. . . . .. .... . .. Oh, and he looks so funky when he gets all red in the face.
Vil - For as much as we're told he's beautiful, I don't find Vil's brand of beauty to be digestible. He comes off too strongly, if that makes sense??? 20 cm heels, face beat to the gods with makeup, carrying himself at all times like there's a camera pointed at him and he has to pose 24/7 (look at most of his groovies)... It's hard for me to get behind that, it feels too overwhelming.
Seven Dwarves - I find most of the dwarves way too cartoonish, and not in a cute way. I think the only design I genuinely find okayish is Timmy (the timid dwarf).
Ambrose - He's an older gentleman in his wizard Halloween costume. I find his design sort of... generic??? But I'm knocking him down a little because I also find his overall appearance to be goofy and unflattering.
Shroud parents - Cool helmets, but I wish we actually got to see their faces.
Baul - I find Sebek's hair color more pleasing to the eye. Baul has a lot of other elements that Sebek doesn't (due to Baul being full fae and Sebek being half), and I find that they overcomplicate his design. It's hard for me to focus on his face because there's just so much to take in, from the scaley beard and more voluminous hair to the fangs and pointed ears.
Dawn Knight - This is the "bro, can I copy your homework" / "sure, but be sure to change it a little so the teacher doesn't notice" meme. I wish the Dawn Knight wasn't just long-haired, recolored Silver (with the exact same voice actor too). I would place the Dawn Knight in "Mid", but that armor is not doing him any favors. It's way too excessive with all the wings.
Crewel - His mostly monochromatic color scheme with splashes of crimson is cool, but I'm not into his clothing or even his hair. It's very jarring to see his hair and vest color blocked, and I don't find his big flashy fur coat appealing.
Kifaji - The big brows and the really long goatee make me go "???"
Actively Dislike
Trey - His hair reminds me of a freshly mowed lawn. Trey's design is otherwise inoffensive to me, but that hair color and cut are bringing him down so much. The only memorable thing about how he presents are those rare moments when he whips out his one brow raised smirks, and even then I think he looks slightly silly and it's hard to take him seriously.
Cater - Again, it's the hair for me. I like it better when it's all down (like in his Club Wear card). In his usual hairdo, there's a middle segment that's weirdly pulled back from the rest of his face in a... scruffy ponytail??? That really bothers me. I don't vibe with his usual style of dress or how he presents himself either, it's a bit too... lax?? (I know I said the same thing about Floyd, but he looks similar to Jade and therefore gets a pass).
Jack - He commits the sin of having a confusingly styled mullet and has a muscular physique which don't bode well for my tastes. I guess he does have those "looks intimidating, but is actually a softie at heart" vibes going for him, but I just cannot look past the haircut I'M SORRY.
Malleus - I'm not into super pale emo/goth guys, and Malleus somehow presents as even more of that than Idia. He dresses in mostly black (and while there is a lore reason for this, that doesn't make me like the color any more or less), has a sort of mopey face (I guess it's supposed to be elegant, but I don't perceive it as that), and dear god that haircut and the ashy grey lips… It doesn’t help that the expressions he makes (particularly on his birthday cards) give really strong “are u lost bby ghorl” energy and that weirds me out 💀 So many things about him just don't work for me.
Vargas - Too muscular. Also not a fan of facial hair or athletic wear. Vargas doesn't seem to have a very keen fashion sense either, judging by the outfits he put together for his camp events.
Heinrich - His face is very grotesque and twists into making some of the most comedically evil and smug expressions I've ever witnessed in all of TWST.
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hgduo · 6 months
... Will you guys please let me talk about hgduo/gossipduo/mockingjays/ whatever they are called a little more pleaseeeeeeeeee, they make me unwell and I want to get my thoughts about them out of my head- or more specifically about them from Bad's point of view!
There's a familial air to it, but it's just not true to define it like that- and that doesn't make what they DO have any less powerful or significant- They have a unique bond and that continues to be true, even during painful times like this.
Cellbit WAS Bad's responsibility at one point, and that time came and went- he got him through the war and into adulthood ( aka 18 years old or close to it.) They meet again as old friends and generally respect each other as such... but even so Bad can't deny he still feels some duty to watch over the man once he starts crumbling- much like how Cellbit as well can't help but reach out to Bad during this time.
but there's limits.
like- Bad for years had and still wants to protect Cellbit, he's had an influence on him, he taught him how to survive, he himself acknowledges he has some responsibility over Cellbit, looking at Cellbit right now feels like looking in a mirror, he doesn't like having to give up on him, but if it's between him and the kids he's choosing the kids every time... and he knows there is no simple way to save someone who refuses to let themself be saved.
And it hurts! It hurts seeing Cellbit like this! It hurts having to let him burn! It hurts watching someone he cares for falling down the same path he is! It hurts knowing he's hurting others the way it did for him seeing Cellbit like this! It hurts having to choose his kids over his protege/ student/ former responsibility/ the kid he watched over years ago/ old friend/ his 'something'!
Like, cc!Bad brought up this internal mental tier list that q!Bad has- I still deeply believe that q!Cellbit is quite high up there even if he'll never be at the level his kids are at- like he loves Cellbit enough that he ACTUALLY CONSIDERED putting parts of his months long plan at risk to save him- even if it was just during the stress of that moment that still means a LOT from Bad- but he was always going to choose his kids in the end!
Based on what I know of q!Bad (which is admitably not a lot lol) there is next to nothing that'd convince him to give up on his kids- with Cellbit he's able to see that he can't help him because Cellbit sadly does not want to be saved- and for Bad that means he simply has to accept it even if he really doesn't like it- the emotions from that night have processed and he's looking at the situation from a more logical and resolute perspective. If it means him and Cellbit may one day clash, then with a heavy sigh so be it....
but if it was Dapper or Pomme... I just don't feel certain in saying he'd be able to come to that conclusion, especially not after one night. Even if it would be the 'smart' thing to do. It's one of the key differences between the dynamic he has with them vs Cellbit...
But, in a perfect situation, he would've done everything to save them both.
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Anyway thanks for reading, posting this at hell hours so my beloved mutuals won't see my hgduo ramblings but tagging this anyway for other people to see LMAO-
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wackybuddiemewbs · 1 year
Okay, another thing that's sending me PLACES:
The fact that Eddie's the one who convinces Buck to hustle his poker family.
It's so much fun to see (and so many hearteyes), but on a more serious note here: How wonderful is this for a guy like him???
Like, we've learned about Eddie that he had to grow up fast and be "the man in the house", while his father was gone. Since last season, we know how deeply that trauma's run for him (and how that affected his marriage and his first interactions with his son, until he decided to break the vicious cycle). In that way, Eddie likely didn't have as much unrestrained fun as children his age were having (and were supposed to have).
That already made my heart melt for him in his interactions with the rest of the 118. They fool around, they play games, they play pranks. And Eddie's a happy participant in all of them.
But the poker thing is the first time (if memory doesn't fail me) that we see Eddie *initiate* the tomfoolery. Like, it could've been that he initiated e.g. pranks on Bobby or Hen before, but we never got to see it. He was simply part of the pranksters. But here, we very clearly see that Buck has no idea why they are getting dressed up and go out.
Like, ever since Eddie started therapy, he's come more into his own. And I love to see how comfortable he feels, particularly with Buck, to "let loose" and have unrestrained fun. More so because he seemingly grasped that he has to find things to do that aren't entirely about Christopher. He's having "another family" he's enjoying adult fun with. They don't talk about his kid. It's not about him being a dad. Eddie is just Eddie, playing poker (and looking hella dapper).
And I do believe that this is so special foremost in his interactions with Buck. Because normally, you'd expect Buck to be like this all the time, with Eddie reigning him in. But here we have Eddie going like: Babe, let's do crime. Whereas Buck just makes Confused Buck Noises™.
Eddie is comfortable with the 118 and especially with Buck in... basically being the version of himself he had to store away for a long time. And I do believe Buck being the way he is actually helped Eddie open up to that side of him. Because Buck is often immature (affectionate). He's the guy who pouts about wanting to do treasure hunts. And Eddie acts all cool until they are among themselves, and then he's a total muppet about it.
Which is a long-ass way of saying:
Just how perfect are they for each other???
Like, Buck's personality helps Eddie reconnect with what I feel is a part he's neglected for a long time. And he's so much more comfortable with it now that he can perceive himself much better as "just Eddie" and not just dad or firefighter.
And to flip that back on its head another time, Eddie's personality matches Buck's in so many ways that it'd deserve a separate post. But two things stand out to me in the current context of the narrative:
1) Eddie seemingly gets Buck out of his own head, by letting him hustle poker with him. Last episode, Buck was very restless until he finally got home to the OTC (One True Couch™). So maybe Eddie wasn't just in for the money (or steaks) but also to be closer to Buck and to offer him a way not get lost in his head. That it's okay to have fun again, after what he just went through, even though he will have to think about his trauma many more times. Which would be very much on-brand for Eddie. And it might be just what Buck needs.
2) Eddie's welcoming Buck into those "secret" or private places and shares them with him. I think it was very purposeful that Eddie was shown to have kept that poker club from Buck, but then invites him into this space (and then drops the 3 minutes and 17 seconds line). It's just a that one sentence, but in that space, Eddie lets Buck catch a glimpse at that horrible moment that lasted 3 minutes and 17 seconds. He invites Buck to spend time with him and Christopher and places it inside Buck's apartment (he's extending his home to include Buck's). He lets him crash on his couch and makes Buck talk about his feelings in his kitchen. That is very much the opposite of what Buck got as a child, as he is more accustomed to radio silence and not being allowed to be part of certain parts of peoples' lives.
And I think that's something this episode highlighted beautifully. How their personalities and ways of going about each other facilitate one another to feel more comfortable being themselves. Be it in reconnecting with a part of their childhood they had to let go of, or giving them a chance to exist without any labels for their various purposes (firefighter, donor, dad, miracle baby (I'm still salty over that one, Margaret!!!), legal guardian, etc.). They are just Eddie and Buck, and they give each other the opportunity and inspire each other to create that room for themselves.
And I think that's just beautiful.
And damn sexy.
I mean.
Look at them:
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mysecretdsmpblog · 2 months
Pspspst, so like, what are your other QSMP DID HCs if you don't mind sharing? :)
Anyone with "alter egos," possession arcs, amnesia, etc. are automatically given a free dissociative disorder by me.
Luzu and Arin? DID. Bang bam boom, easy. Possession isn't real on Quesadilla Island only the DID. Arin has memories from an alternate universe that doesn't exist, and that's just something some alters have.
Richarlyson and Romero Richas? Romero Richas is so tired of Richarlyson destroying their paintings, come on man, they worked hard on those. It's not their fault the paintings are scary as fuck to Richarylson. DID, no notes.
Roier is so easy because he kind of laid the groundwork for me? At one point I think I remember him dropping a little bit of lore saying he was hearing other people in his head at one point? I don't think anything ever came of that in canon but MY AU INTERPRETATION MY RULES. In my head, Melissa definitely started as just Roier in drag and then very quickly evolved into her own person. Anyway, Doied is very easy to interpret as an alter, even though I had already been viewing Roier through a DID/OSDD lens for a while now (not as canon, again, just for flavor).
Quackity and El Quackity? Girrrrrl I was on that train the minute it became clear they weren't the same person. Giving everyone on the QSMP a dissociative disorder is my favorite pastime. El Quackity having to be told by the Feds, with a delayed response, details about his life? Quackity speaking to him from inside their brain. When Quackity came back with no memories? Another alter. That afterlife bit? They can't help it their innerworld is scary. Listen, the Quackity system is by far the funniest for me, because there's Quackity, Quackity, Quackity, The Quackity, and Rat Quackity.
I am constantly on the fence with Charlie Slimecicle. It's almost too easy, with the Gegg arc. I usually sum up the whole thing as age-regression as a coping mechanism that got a little out of hand, or as an exploration of a different disorder, but if I wanted to view it as DID or OSDD I could do it in a heartbeat.
Phil is really easy to give DID to, honestly. If I didn't like it so much it would feel like cheating. Man's got a self-proclaimed dogshit memory, goes to Hardcore when he "sleeps," had that long-ass derealization episode post-Birdcage arc, wakes up to the Gods having done things like leaving letters around, was possessed by the Ender King (who talked to him inside his head), etc. He also has autism but then again most of them do.
Despite the amnesia, Badboyhalo doesn't have DID. He's just a little freak. He does have episodes of dissociative catatonia, though, and that's what I attribute to "Dapper Time."
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gctchell · 2 months
anonymous asked: I can just imagine the potential au out of that niffty alastor Pic you posted.
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Anon my brain has been buzzing ever since I saw it this morning, my GOD. The potential is JUICY.
"They say the family you choose is better." I thought this moment was a gross oversight and they completely forgot Niffty, because she is tiny and you can fit her just about anywhere - she'd fit perfectly above Alastor's head. But now that I've seen this little delicious piece of fanart, I'm wondering if it might have been intentional after all! Because Niffty is such a good family member to involve in moments like this, yet..
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Also, these little dolls. Originally I assumed they were related to Alastor's practice, but getting a closer look at them.. They're a little cutesy, aren't they? Alastor summons brutal tentacles and shadow creatures that seem more fitting for his personal aesthetic, but then he also summons these little devil doll helpers that feel a little out of place. I'm not saying they couldn't fit him, especially with the dapper aesthetic, but looking at this new theory it feels more like Niffty's style, especially when you look at the expressions.
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I can just envision Niffty sitting in her room stitching these things to life. I can see it so clearly.
I've been part of conversations that have thrown around the notion that Niffty is actually an Overlord, as well. In the Pilot, she was right there in the casting of the Overlords alongside Husk, who WE have found out is also an Overlord. There's also this neat Twitter post pointing out she has been in multiple imagery that I did not even notice!
My brain is buzzing with scenarios where Niffty is an Overlord;
What the Hell is going to put Alastor within a deeply binding deal to another? This person has to be pretty damn powerful, wouldn't you think? Or in the least, incredibly crafty and clever. This man is BOUND to whoever has him on a leash and it is driving him up the wall. Before Niffty came down in the 50s, he's been kicking around in Hell since the 30s, he has some time under his belt and he has some experience.. So, what does this upstart have to offer?
Well, what if Niffty was a demonologist & worshipper in life and like him, came down to Hell experienced in a different walk of life? She knew exactly where she was going to wind up and she was polished, excited. This is her chosen afterlife and she adores it. She was ready, and there's nothing quite like a soul who embraces her afterlife with full awareness and embodiment of herself. She knows what she's doing, she knows how Hell works, she is expertly versed in it and an infernal academic. She starts ranking up as she pulls souls beneath her belt (how, I don't know just yet!).
Alastor is the kind of guy who is like 'game recognizes game' and he is quickly enticed by her! She's pleasant enough as a personality, and she's delightfully upbeat to boot. They're both from the Golden Age, so there's some relatability there, as well. Meanwhile, she knows who he is. Niffty is obsessive; she knows all the bad boys that are on the map (and even some who are off), and she knows he's a dealmaker. She's not new to deals, either - she made plenty with various sorts of the damned while she was alive.
Her side of the deal is very simple: You be my special companion, and I'll lend you my power. We'll be so happy together!
Niffty struggles to make friends. She loves hard, but she has a personality that can be seen as completely obnoxious and off-putting, driving people away. She's a chatterbox who can go on and on and on, and Alastor is also a chatterbox who can go on and on and on. That lonely heart of hers clutches this opportunity like a fucking knife and drives the needle home in sewing her deal into Alastor's skin, her way of lending him power, but also binding him so damn fiercely to her there is no breaking it. It's a deal. We're friends forever and always.
This is something that does not really grate on him too much as the arrangement is quite profitable and does not really weigh on him, it's in his favor. She tags along wherever he goes and he has power. Yet, prideful creature that he is, he is starting to feel the pull of the deal as he is woven tight to the hotel.
Why is he tied to the hotel if the one who has the contract is Niffty? Well, Niffty longs for friends, and who loved her people? Lilith. Who is going to accept her and support her? Lilith. Who is Niffty going to be loyal to in return? Lilith.
Lilith blips out of the picture for seven years, and coincidentally, so does Alastor. What if Niffty went MIA for all this time, as well? Whatever happened wove them in tight with the Happy Hotel, and Niffty now has an obligation to Charlie - Lilith's daughter. Who has a better shot of being the more charismatic personality that can weave them into the picture more seamlessly? Alastor.
In Episode 8, we see Alastor finally forming something of a soft spot for the group and he has this tender moment with Niffty, confiding in her this truth. It's very sweet. Then later, after barely surviving Adam, Alastor almost died because of this sentimental attachment bullshit. No way, that's not how he is going to go out. He needs to get out of this deal with Niffty somehow, someway, he just doesn't know how yet.
Niffty is very clingy, as well. She said forever, and she meant forever.
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fourseasonsfigs · 9 months
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Rose Jun
This outfit of Gong Jun's is one of my favorites ever. So did I shriek with joy when I saw this fig get posted for sale? Of course not. Not out loud!
Definitely inside my head. The initial howl of joy would have been a solid 160 barnbuster on the decibel scale, and that's just too loud for public consumption. Let's take a look at this beautiful inspiration, shall we?
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Gong Jun was looking incredible between the pages of Madame Figaro magazine in September 2022. He was the first man ever on the cover of the magazine, and he had three covers! I bought all 3 of them, and I regret nothing.
Look at this suit. It's incredible. There's nothing I like better than roses on clothing, but I'm very picky about them - only the most beautiful of roses. These are definitely the most beautiful of roses. Look at that gorgeous deep red, edged in black, which further sets off the incredible ruby color. We have lusciously dark green stems, and this incredible silk? Wool? Cashmere? Something amazing draping elegantly around Junjun in a blue-black midnight hue.
Underneath is a black lace shirt, and...wait for it...
Did you see it? It's around the 5 second mark.
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There's this incredible lace back on this suit! It is criminal we didn't get a photograph of this in the magazine. CRIMINAL.
It's a little difficult to see all the detail on the suit in the magazine picture, since the lighting is gorgeously shadowy. Here's the same picture with me removing a lot of that artful shadowing:
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Now you can see a lot of detail here - the pleated cummerbund, more of the lace shirt since it pops more against his skin, and the lace cuffs at the wrists. This definitely looks more like silk here, maybe a silk / linen blend? The suit is by a brand called GCDS, and I looked them up to see if I could find any further details about this suit, especially pictures of the back. He looks so good in this suit - it fits him perfectly. Look how gorgeous that fits him. Just outstanding.
The suit is from their Fall 2022 / Winter 2023 collection, which was, interestingly enough, inspired by Dracula.
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Here is "Look 24" from their fashion show, where we can see more detail, especially with the pants. I had no idea there was a matching hat!
Here's another view, this time of the back:
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The money I would pay to have seen this angle on Gong Jun, I tell you.
I would buy this suit in a heartbeat, if I had any idea how to get it, and if I wouldn't have to cut so much off the hems that the bottom of the cargo pants would touch the floor. As it is, I have it in miniature fig form!
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My favorite is when figs are in little plastic bags in their polystyrene mailing boxes. They are still wedged firmly in, but just slip right out vs me cutting into the plastic foam. I also feel like they're less prone to breakage this way even when packed at the factory, but that may just be me.
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Here he is, looking dapper as can be! This was not an easy fig for the factory to make - the fig maker spent a lot of time with them getting it just right.
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There's a lot of details on this fig - we have the cummerbund, the lace at the cuffs, and you can see the bit of the lace shirt under the suit jacket.
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I love the 3-D effect of the roses!
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And oh, what is this? Could it be?
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The lace back! Amazing. We can see the cummerbund fastener here too.
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Here's a close up of that wonderful lace back.
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This looks so good. I love the wrapped angle on the back of the jacket.
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I don't love the cargo pants on the original suit - I think it drags the eye down from the beautiful drapery of the jacket, but what do I know.
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She rendered Junjun's spiky hair here beautifully!
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I love the details on the shoes here too. The pose matches the Madame Figaro pose exactly.
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I take it (partially) back, the cargo pockets look pretty cool on the fig - gives it a bit of interest.
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What a great suit. I wish it came in women's sizes.
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Not much to see on this angle - just a bit of the roses peeking out!
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The fig came with a very supermodel-ly Gong Jun keychain! I love it.
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Dual sided keychain. He looks so good! I would have taken an entire magazine of just shots of him walking around and posing in this suit, let me tell you.
Material: Resin
Fig Count: 446
Scene Count: 30
Rating: "Red roses are for love triumphant and perfect"
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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shirogane-oushirou · 2 months
👄, 👔, and ✏️ for Shirogane. If you'd like !
hi hi hi!!! /waving wildly/ thank you so much for the ask!!!! and for my special little guy? 🥺 my babiest boy? 🥺 my forever blorbo? 🥺💕💕💕💕 thank you for letting me be autistic about this man. you will regret this. (joke)
(HEADS UP: if anyone saw the last time i did this, getting proper stsk screencaps that don't take place during the earlier years of the story is basically impossible unless you cheat and use game cgs. i'm just gonna post random stuff with the understanding that the live action ones are younger oushirou (i do not ship with him) while the official artwork is older oushirou (i ship with him)!!!!!!!!)
👄 Post a screenshot of your f/o’s mouth!
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it's so hard to get good shots of his mouth from the stage production, bc he's so far from the camera most of the time, but the actor has SUCH an oushirou-core grin ;w;
👔 Post a screenshot of your f/o in a different outfit than usual.
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dapper boye vs WHO DRESSED YOU???? genuinely one of my fav oushirou outfits bc it's so fucking bonkers. also. canon black nail polish. this art convinced me my genderqueer oushi headcanon may be more based in canon than i thought KJNAKSFJN. im not getting into All Of That here, though.
✏️ Post a screenshot of your f/o doing their job.
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Aiming.... Spotting.... Shooting... (he's a photographer and a journalist 💕💕💕💕💕)
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ohnococo · 3 months
Hii!! I'm back with my Sukuna scenarioss🐡💗
Okay so like, yk how Sukuna is always being portrayed as this womaniser with like a the biggest harem ever on fanfics? (Tf btw) I personally believe that while yes he finds amusement in lively women, it's mainly because they'll be more entertaining to defeat or break in the perspective of a heartless mass murderer like him.
Therefore, I present to you the idea of Virgin!Tf! Sukuna (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)💗 Hear me out- in a more canon stand point, he's def too busy wrecking havoc everywhere to sleep around, much less build a harem of all things. Although that trope def has a special place in my heart, I've literally never seen a Virgin!Tf!Sukuna🥺 Also also, just look at his reaction when a beautiful woman like Yoruzu hugged him, he was so unbothered like???😭😭😭 And ngl, I don't think he'd be interested in partaking in any sexual activities during his reign way back in the Heian era either cuz he most def killing those who even dares to touch him (cough- Yoruzu-). Although experienced Suku is def still hot😳
Also, this pic that I've seen circulating around my feed def fed into this little scenario of mine😭https://www.tumlook.com/ystrike1/post/738893419527684096
P.S. I would like to add that your bee profile pic is an absolute masterpiece💗
- puffypuff🐡
OKAY NOW LISTENNNN LIL PUFFNSTUFF I feel ya on the breaking lively women like man was not moved by some tiddies swingin (and tbh like I do hc heian era tf sukuna as straight forcing himself on someone for the malice of it) BUT VIRGIN SUKU????
Never seen it never considered but oooooh boy 🥵
Like he’s just not bothered about sex, it’s a waste of time, it’s something he’s beyond because how could it compare to the thrill of everything else he’s doing? Women begging to be spared, offering their bodies in exchange for their lives, why should that move him? Because that’s all it’s even been presented as to him.
But when he finally DOES partake?? Out of his mind, incoherent, feral. Whoever takes that dick (or those dicks depending on how you hc tf sukuna) better be built different because he’s fuckin for HOURSSSS til he’s lying there, eyes rolling, hips barely moving, rutting into you for one more, just one more, make it happen for him.
Pussy drunk previously-a-virgin sukuna making my brain go brrrrr
(And thank you bb the bee was a lil dapper fella I had to have him)
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nasuversekinkmeme · 11 months
Roundup: Tumblr Prompts (May 9-16)
We're back in business, and that means I have to catch up on the weekly prompts!
Kohaku healing. most of the prompts about Kohaku focus on her doing fucked up things, but I want to see her heal and recover from her trauma instead. maybe it's Nanaya, maybe it's post-Kohaku route, maybe it's something else, but i want to see her in a good state of mental health
Shiki Tohno/SHIKI Tohno - Noncon, Obsessive Tendencies SHIKI's latent care for his friend Shiki and his current hatred towards him coalescing, and showing love by hurting him. Good stuff like that.
Kohaku from an alternate universe where she is blue. (a glimpse into the author's twisted mind optional)
Shiki(Tohno) decides to fuck around and finds out
Kara no Kyoukai
Something around Ryougi Shiki and time loops, can be about the fifth movie or her falling back in love with Mikiya after the accident or legitimately anything with Shiki and timeloops please
Aoko’s ‘oh shit i’m gay’ moment
Fate/Stay Night
artoria / issei / shirou polycule , it can optionally be framed as gilgamesh ,rin , luvia & sakura getting cucked
YAY THE ASKBOX IS BACK! To celebrate let's get dapper mustache saber some good head
Saber and Illya drinking. Can be platonic or romantic, I just want these two to share a drink together
smut Listen to me LISTEN to me Kirei and Bazett have ABSOLUTELY fucked. The idea that the two of them got intimate at some point makes Kirei's betrayal SOOO much more delicious.
Souichirou, Kiritsugu, Parent-teacher conferences. An incredibly awkward and/or tense meeting between two ex-assassins trying to put their pasts behind them. I’m kind of sad that I have literally never seen anyone write these two interacting in any way, especially when there are so many interesting things that they could talk about.
in an effort to learn more about his girlfriend, Shirou starts reading up on arthurian myths, like the canterbury tales or le morte d'arthur
Rin's magic powered attempts to grow boobs the size of her sister's go wrong and she's left a hu-cow
Fed up of arguing with Saber constantly over tactics, Kiritsugu uses his Command Spells to reduce her intelligence and leave her too dumb to question him
Julius, any ship. I need this man to get laid so bad. Hakuno (either gender) would be my favourite choice but anyone is good. No Leo incest though.
BB hacking (or otherwise hypnotising) Hakunon
Fate/Grand Order
a moment during the servant summer camp thing yan qing visits lanling in the cabin and they spend the day doing fun stuff, may or may not include smut
Post-Story Ritsuka rejoins society at large and starts hitting people with The Vibes. Narrated from someone outside the loop. Does not necessarily have to be Uncanny Valley levels of Vibes, but Weird Vibes must be there. Servants and/or Chaldea staff can and are encouraged to show up as co-workers/friends/romantic partners to add more of The Vibes.
smut, weight gain/stuffing Please, please, please, I NEED to see Mephistopheles stuff Guda with sweets (cute German pet names optional).
smut Lancelot keeps seeing Mash as Galahad. Mash keeps seeing Lancelot as a deadbeat father. It sucks! They want to be able to have a normal conversation for once! The solution? The two should have sex. Now THAT has to get them to stop seeing each other in a familial light, right? The more uncomfortable you make your fill the better. Also you don't have to go all the way, if you write one of them quitting mid sex or even just the aftermath of said sex that is perfectly fine by me.
Douman gets punished for messing up the ask box
smut Anything with Douman and their claws? I'm thinking in lines of smut. Preferably Douman X Guda but whatever floats your boat is great
rin & luvia awaken to find that foreigner molay is going to sacrifice them to her goddes. both of them are futily struggling against their restraints when tiamat arrives. but tiamat starts scolding molay for missing breakfast , and after tiamat gives molay the dissapointed parent look ™ rin & luvia are quickly transformed into new versions of the dark young. their minds & souls aren't shoved into plush toys like what happened to ritsuka , rather their minds & souls are stored in a pair of statues adorning an altar & could only watch on in horror as their bodies take up the duty of being the cults security guards.
U-Olga resurrects Lev/Flauros to serve as her apostle
Instead of fighting 7 crypters during the lostbelt, Ritsuka must fight 7 alternative versions of themselves all who allied themselves with a Beast and remade their own Human History according to the Beast's Ideals, Goetia, Tiamat, Kama, Koyanskaya, Draco, Olga Marie and an unknown Beast(This one up to the author)
Mages Association plans on taking Ritsuka's off most of chaldea's servant because they did not plan for a single human to have control over so many servants and gather so much power. Ritsuka is fine with dividing his servant among other master, his servants on the other hand, not so much
I really liked that Goetia prompt. What if sequel where they settle in the Wandering Sea and he sees Nero and Tamamo and warns Guda of their nature?
Anything with Maou Nobu and Third Ascension Draco in it, be they fucking, being friends, fucking around, finding out
May i get Shuten being a mouthy bitch before getting plowed into a cum puddle by the Futa she was teasing? (Much to her own Delight cause that's what she was hoping for)? Even better if her horns are used as Handlebars for further railing power.
Castoria finds out the Chaldea Database lists her and her peers as "Altria" and she is FUCKING PISSED
Hessian and Lobo get tasked with sitting together for all the other dogs which Chaldea has accumulated over time.
MashMorgan, a day at the aquarium. They're yuri enough to have an aquarium date. As a treat.
AmaSali - gore, monster sex (dubcon optional). Third tier Salieri's kinda hot right? Right. Looking for something with a monstrous Salieri losing his last semblance of self control and having his way with Amadeus. Amade can be into it from the start or slowly get into it, but I want it to end with him having a great time whether or not you decide to make it dubconnish. I love the idea of Salieri being incapable of touching Amadeus without hurting him. Use his claws to really screw Amadeus up, even if he's only touching him to move him or the like. Lots of gashes dripping blood would be good, and purposefully harming him would be even better. (would be based as hell to have his intestines hanging out as he gets fucked, just saying…) It would be super cool to have Salieri have inhuman anatomy too! He's become a monster in the true sense of the word, so lean into it! (this is just an excuse for knotting mostly but you can go as ham as you want)
Goredolf Musik, any ship. my man Gordy deserves to get some so get this guy shipped! Any ship is good, and feel free to go wild over kinks and scenarios you want.
loli tw fionn/beni-enma, oral sex. i think they're really cute. fionn eating her out is all i'm really looking for but you can do whatever else you want
Asterios/Habetrot, height difference. Anything about these two would be good but I'd give you my firstborn if you include their massive-ass height difference. porn welcome but not mandatory.
smut, noncon tw KiaraxEmiya Alter noncon NSFW, Noncon, Tentacle (/Demon God) Noncon. On top of the cult massacre and how EmiAlter was implied to end up killing Taiga and her son, Kiara also broke and twisted EmiAlter's spirit by forcing him to drown in her brand of pleasure. Fast forward to (insert any convenient point of time where Kiara already has demon god inside her) where Kiara retraumatized him and tentacle raped him until he no longer has the will to fight back.
smut Castoria gangbang. I need Castoria to be the central point of an orgy. It can be named characters it can be a faceless mob either is fine I just need her to get absolutely RAILED. Bonus point if you get her filled and/or covered in cum. Dubcon/Noncon ok, but I want her to get pleasure out of it please!
U-Olga gets summoned and proceeds to gee bullied and harassed by literally everyone in Chaldea
barbatos possesses BB as an attempt to get revenge on ritsuka. but unfortunately for BB , barbatos has wound up incredibly masochistic due to being farmed so much. barbdos is enjoying a visit to BSDM dungeon & is having the time of their life when they get used as a rubber drone by the other patrons & bb's despair of losing control of her body only serves to make the demon pillar more horny.
I have a MIGHTY NEED for some Gay Girls in Lingerie tbh. Not picky about the fandom but the only one I'm familiar with is FGO so that's the preferred.
Ritsuka has been through a lot, and her body shows it, there is not a single part of her that isn't scared, both physically and mentally, she always tries to hide it and because of that no servant has permission to enter her room, not even Mash. But once Van Gogh is summoned, she breaks that rule before anyone can tell her about it
Altria is confused on why Americans keep insisting her name is Artoria.
i want to see Arcueid and Yu talking in Chaldea about being true ancestors
Buff Marie Antoinette rampaging through France and dominating everyone she met until she subdues Jalter in public. (There is an actual manga about buff Marie Antoinette btw)
Knights of the Round Table having an existential crisis after learning that Caster Artoria is not actually an artoria, but a younger version of Morgan
guda gets jack to put on a pair of pants
smut I honestly want saito fucking okita so hard that not only she passes out, but she’s still sore as hell when she wakes up
Hijikata sending the Shinsengumi… on a quest for pickles and takuan, maybe some mayo too.
Lancelot in extreme anguish(Humorous) as he discovers his child(Mash) is fucking the alternative universe version of his Mom(Morgan, who is also Vivian, who is Lancelot's mom)
guda ends up in a re7 scenario somehow
Koyanskaya of Light slowly realizes that OOPS, she's starting to actually fall for Ritsuka Fujimaru, as told through a series of BDSM sessions with the former as the domme and the latter as the sub. She tries to keep their relationship strictly professional, and predictably fails.
smut Altria fucking Artoria explicitly framed as Arturia getting cucked.
Lancelot undergoing intense mental anguish(humorous) when he realizes his technical child, Mash, is fucking the Queen of (Fairy) Britain
Xu Fu and Ritsuka hiding in the bushes watching Yu Mei Ren and Xiang Yu have a date
David, Romani, or Sheba talking with Morgan to see if they are worthy of dating Mash.
Angra stitching all over Ritsuka's skin as a form of therapeutic harm, recreating the same imagery as his tattoos with the stitches
Among us in fate/go????? I know among us is dead but idc, can either be based on the game or gudao summons the imposter
Gudako mostly jokingly says something along the lines of "I think men should dress sluttier" nearest male servant takes this seriously.
smut What if goetia and master fucked at the end of the world before or after they start beating each other to death
Cleopatra/Caesar, caesar should get pegged by his wife
the servant summer camp event but for some reason it repeats. also gudao/gudako realizes that outsmarting cliches won’t work this time, so he/she has to find a way to avoid the cliche without having to see the others die from the failed attempt at outsmarting the cliches, may or may not include save scumming to achieve it
smut, incest tw In attempt to help Lancelot stop seeing Mash as Galahad/Help Mash stop seeing Lancelot as a deadbeat father, they decide to have sex. Would appreciate if you made it as uncomfortable as humanly possible. You don't have to go all the way through btw if you want to write one of these two quitting midway through that's way welcomed.
Any Fandom
Pairing of your choice with a prey/predator dynamic. Smut very welcome but asexual kink is cool too. I just want two (or more) people chasing growling & wrestling each other. You understand. I really want either a chase scene or some sort of hide and seek... either playing up the anticipation of "oh man i can't get caught or i'll be (fucked/bitten/lose this really soecific competition)" of the prey or the "boy i gotta WORK to get this lad" of the predator. Any kind of consent (or lack of thereof) situation is fine, but I do want everyone to be into it. Tbh I struggle so much to find stuff for this specific kink feel free to ad lib as wanted I'll be really happy either way ^^
Any Artoria, facial hair. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I NEED BEARDED SABER INJECTED IN MY BLOODSTREAM. If not facial hair I am also amenable to fuckton of body hair elsewhere. Please I just want more hairy ladies in my life.
Aftermath of sex pollen. So your buddy got hit by the curse of Fuck Or Die, and you fucked it out of their system. Great! How do you handle the aftermath? You just fucked your bff (and/or crush) how do you deal with the awkwardness? do you talk about it? do you just kinda ignore it? i wanna know!! (you can write the sex pollen too if you want but i mostly want the aftermath) Preference would go to Guda/Ereshkigal as a pairing, but any other character is fine ^^
Any, kink negotiation. I wanna see characters in the process of trying out a new kink. Not particularly looknig for porn (tho do feel free to include it,) but I mean everything around it. Maybe one character breaking to another character that they wanna try a new kink. Maybe a couple looking for kink gear, or discussing the dos and dont of a scene, or trying to find the perfect person to ask for a threesome.
piss Any Canonical Master/Servant Pair - Piss Drinking. If cum, blood, and saliva can all be used to transfer mana, there's no reason to think other bodily fluids can't do the same. This prompt is exactly what it sounds like - a Master replenishing their Servant's mana with some piss. Any Master/Servant pairing that's been in canon is fine! That said, I do have some favorites I'd particularly like to see - I'm fond of Rin, Waver, and Kirschtaria for Masters, and Amadeus, Nero, and Enkidu for Servants. But if you're not interested in writing for any of those, feel free to write for a pairing of your choice. I'll be happy regardless.
I would like a story based on the phrase "Don't touch me, but please don't leave me" someone who is extremely afraid of connection and of being hurt by it, but also can't stand being alone and left behind, always longing for someone, while being eternally afraid of being seen
I've seen some people hold the belief that Arcueid would be super into Ryougi Shiki, but what if it was the opposite? What if Ryougi was super into Arc instead?
personally i wanna see kiara peg gojo.
trigun & fgo crossover where all four iterations of trigun is trapped in a singularity that chaldea has to fix. bonus points if knives is helping chaldea to fix the singularity while vash and his pals is against it
what if fgo servants of trigun cast? but each ascension is different version of them?(tristamp, badlands, trimax, 98 anime)
Planet Gunsmoke/No Man's Land is a Lostbelt that Chaldea has to deal with. Million Knives is the Lostbelt summoned servant(temporary). Vash the Humanoid Typhoon/the Stampede is the Lostbelt's King. Post-Lostbelt is Vash and Million Knives getting summoned as two in one servants like the dioscuri
Vash and Million Knives, Chaldea's newest two-in-one Archer servants interacting with other chaldean servants, preferably siblings like the Trung Sisters, Nobunaga and Nobukatsu, Dioscuri, et cetera.
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poltergeist-coffee · 7 months
Man, I got into Cellbit's stream and he has a invitation to something????? You can't have a moment of peace with the qsmp The admins likes giving this man a bunch of enigmas
And now he's talking to bbh- And he left and I oppened bbh stream quickly and he's saying to be trowing a tantrum lol And the chat "I told you he was not going yo agree" HIS VTUBE IS SO CUTE Anyway Codeflippa now is a recurring thing? Okay I don't know what's going on with the code latelu but they are anti-federation?? (I saw a bit of the qsmp info and during Cellbit's betray arc one of the code attacked him and just ignored Richas apparently, if they are anti-federation that's make sense looking back) And Jaiden got wings??? I didn't watch today's Pac stream but I saw a post that apparently he was talking about beheading everyone and having a nice shelf with everyone's head? There's so much wrong with him/pos And Cellbit don't seems to be having a easy time looking for bird's feathers Gosh, how much happened just today??? AND WHO THE HELL IS MAXIMILIANO??? - A very confused Plate anon that can't put emojis because I can't figure out how to do that in the pc
The thing with feathers cellbit is trying to decode he got from a dead federation worker named Maximiliano!! i believe Maxo named it that yesterday??? or a few days ago i don’t know… but that fed worker also had a book that says it’s task today was to keep cellbit distracted so …. that’s probably not good lol
BBH WAS TRYING TO ASK CELLBIT FOR THE PRESIDENCY AINHVKNAKGD yeah his little vtuber is so cute!! i love the little dapper and skeppy on his shoulders :”))
yes! i think the codes are all very against the federation and want to get rid of them (?). juanaflippa is VERY LIKELY to be a code in disguise and (my theory) is that she’s corrupting Slimecicle. if you’ve seen his skin his shoulder and hand now look like the binary code!!!!
Jaiden got wings yesterday. i don’t know if they’re like a reskinned elytra or something but she has wings!! they’re super pretty :”)) i love them
pac spent most of today decorating the server for halloween!! or maybe it was the favela i don’t know.. i also wasn’t able to watch him today lol
i will be your lore recap person of the day lol i hang out online too much so i usually know what’s happening
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kookieswan · 2 years
can i request a drabble with sugar daddy!namjoon comforting bestie!jungkook and reader when he notices they're panicking about exams? thanks! 💕
Cherry Chocolate 🍫
Poly!SugarDaddy!Namjoon x SugarBesties!JK&Reader(f)
Word Count: 713
Genre: Poly!AU, SugarDaddy!AU, College!AU, Fluff, Some Suggestive themes.
Warnings: Casual Dom/Sub undertones, JK is a brat, MC is well behaved, nothing overtly sexual though. Mentions of sex.
Summary: With your big math test coming up, JK and you feel like its the end of the world. Namjoon shows you that it isn't.
Notes: The first thing to ever be posted for the Poly!SugarDaddy AU! How exciting is that? Now I can make a masterlist teehee. Thanks for requesting lovely! If anyone wants to be tagged in future instalments, just lml!
"We're going to fucking fail. We're done for. It's game fucking over man." Jungkook paces around Namjoon's penthouse, the slaps of his bare feet echoing through the house. You sigh, pencil clenched beaten your fingers as you try and answer the question to no avail.
Even though it doesn't pertain to either of your majors, both of you had to take at least one math class to graduate. It sounded easy after you decided to take the class together, and you went in thinking it would be a walk in the park.
It's the last test of the semester, the BIG BOY that would likely make or break both of your grades. You're sitting at a C, and Junkook isn't doing much better. Said man wanders over to you, plopping down next to your spot on the couch before laying his head on your lap.
"I'm never going to graduate. I'm going to be a super fucking duper senior at this point oh my fuck." You pat Kookie's head encouragingly , running your fingers through the pretty blonde locks. You'll suffer in silence for now if it means getting to calm the poor guy down a bit. Smiling quietly, you lean down and peck his nose and then his lips, greatly enjoying the small smile he gives you in return.
"Where are my babies?" Namjoon's deep voice calls through the entrance way suddenly before he peaks into the living room where you sit helplessly with a sorrowful Jungkook in your lap. Like always, he looks dapper as hell, crisp suit fitting his every curve just right, hair place perfectly. You whine in defeat as he walks over, eyes slightly confused.
"We're going to fail Joonie. Neither of us can retain any of the info and we've been studying since you left for work." His eyebrows raise high, likely not impressed that you haven't taken much of a break in about ten solid hours. The man lets out a sigh before rounding the couch to give you each a forehead kiss, his plump lips feeling nice against your skin.
"How about this; you take a break and let me make you both of that cherry hot chocolate you like, hmm? I don't like when either of you are stressed out, I want you to relax with me, maybe cuddle. Would you like that?" A yes leaves your lips instantaneously, infatuated with the idea of cuddling with both of your loves after a long day. Namjoon goes to leave but Jungkook grabs for his hand, pout on his lips.
"But you've been working all day Joon, don't want to make you do more for us..." Namjoon stops in his tracks, turning and leaning down to cup Jungkook's jaw. He caresses the skin lightly, eyes lidding ever so slightly as his words come out deeper, raspier.
"Don't you worry your pretty little head about it Kook, I like pampering my babies. It would do you well to listen to me once in a while too, to be a good boy... You wouldn't want a punishment instead, would you?" A snort nearly leaves you as Jungkook's skin turns a deep shade of red as he wiggles in your lap, Namjoon leaving a quick kiss on his lips and then yours before his attention settles on you.
"Don't worry about it pretty girl, you tried your best, and you can always study more later, yeah? Just sit here with Kook and let me take control for a bit, work was easy today so it's really not a big deal." You nod quietly, affection bubbling in your stomach for both of the men you call yours. Namjoon finally takes his leave, standing up to go make your hot chocolate with a cute wink.
"...He's going to wreck your ass later." Kookie squawks as you poke at him, loud laughs leaving you as you continue to tease him. Ever the brat, he always knows how to press Namjoon's buttons until the man is ready to snap. It's always a fun sight to see... Especially since Joon is more than patient.
"He's making us hot chocolate and is going to let us cuddle against his huge bazonkers to make us feel better. He can do whatever he wants to me."
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devilinsheepswool · 3 years
My First Impressions vs My now thoughts on the Obey Me! Babes + Luke
Because I did one for mysme some time back. Spoilers for season 2 and images (not related to the spoilers) ahead, tread with care
First Impression: Jumin Han, but make him a demon
Season 1: *after the attempts on MC's life, and over all ambiguity of his feelings and thoughts on MC* proceed with caution
Season 2: *after Arcadia, Luci being a smug lil shit but such a sweet heart when MC returns to Devildom, the amnesia situation, and willingness to sacrifice himself for MC and his brothers* LUCI, LISTEN TO ME LOVE I WOULD DIE FOR YOU WITHOUT HESITATION BABE
Overall thoughts: listen, I tend to like subs but Luci bae you got me like 💋👀❤👀❤👀💋
First Impression: He kinda reminds me of the guys that used to bully me when I was a kid
Season 1: *always protecting MC and caring for them, being basically attached to their hip* You're the only bitch in the house i ever respected.
Season 2: *Mammon being Mammon* I am proposing 👀💍❤
First Impression: I found my new bottom 😏
Season 1: *Levi still being a gigantic tsundere for a majority of the game, even post pact* Levi, sweetie! 💕 Pspspsps! 💗 Levi, darling! 💖 Come here, baby! 💘 Pspspsps! 💓
Season 2: (plus devilgrams) I'mma have all his sea demon babies, and that's a promise ❤👀
Overall thoughts: Fuck me in your ocean monster demon form
First Impression: 16 year old me's dream man, tbh
Season 1: Such a dapper Cat man~ So posh and chivalrous... Wait, oh?! He gremlin too?! Such gap moe,
Season 2: Any demons here? Got any demons out tonight? Any HORNY 😏 boys? Satan, I know you there babe, pspspsps
Overall thoughts: "Season 2 is over, so I cut off all my shirts sleeves." Why? "Satan was my self control."
First Impression: Okay, now this is interesting... not normally an archetype I'm fond of... but I'm kinda diggin him
Season 1: uhm, excuse me waiter? This season lacked a bit too much Asmo's character development for my liking
Overall thoughts: *Asmo getting cheated out of screen time and MC's love by Solmare* where are my cuddles, where are my kisses? MC, is... evil? MC is unyielding? MC is incapable of love? I am running away. I am packing my rusack and going out to explore the world like a lone vagabond. I can no longer thrive in this house hold.
First Impression: kinda scarey... 😟
Season 1: *after the whole Luke situation* I think we're married? But I don't remember a wedding. We might have adopted Luke too, sooo...? I like him, tho, so it's all Gucci with me tbh A REALLY SWEET DEMON MAN
Season 2: Puppy! Gigantic puppy man! BEELzeBABE sweetie I love you, baby! You're doing amazing sweetheart
Overall thoughts: I've had Beel for two seasons now and if anything ever happened to him, I would kill everyone and then myself
First Impression: ❤👀 Hey there Miss New Booty 👀❤
Season 1: *after he kills MC and there's no development or elaboration on their relationship*
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Season 2: (+ Devilgrams) Listen, everyone gets at least one homicidal psychopathic bad boy, and I've chosen him.
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Overall thoughts: Hello, fellow gremlin should we duel to the death for title of "ultimate sarcastic bastard"
First Impression: *Looks down at Diavolo's chest and then quickly back at him* I am looking respectfully 👀👀👀 *internally though vvvv*
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Season 1: He's cute, it's a shame we didn't see more of him 😔💔
Season 2: *towards the end, when Diavolo keeps trying to get MC alone* oooooooooh, bet? 😏
Overall thoughts: This man brings out the bottom in me like I have never experienced before
First Impression: I know we just met, and I know I hardly know anything about you but do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?
Season 1: Listen, you can't give me a man that insanely HOT and then only sprinkle him every here and there in the game!!! That's not right! Gimme the whole slice Solmare!
Season 2: Barbatos, mon cher, they continue to keep us apart, don't they love? But fret not, fate shall not keep us a part for long, I know you'll come for me and I promise I shall be ready for when that day comes
Overall thoughts: He knows how to bake and cook!? Sold, I'm sold! Get me a white dress and him a suit~ 
First impression: He radiates pure bastatd energy, he just looks so pleased with himself... I feel like he's hiding something... I like him tho, I'd be his friend.
Season 1: *when the fandom theorized he was evil and shady* "STOP SAYING HE IS EVIL AND SHADY, you don't have all the facts!!!" and those are? "I LOVE HIM 🥺😭"
Season 2: *revealing he's been working hard to come up with a solution to MC's and the 3 realms problems, being protective of MC in Lesson 38* I KNEW IT, I KNEW YOU WEREN'T GOING TO BE EVIL 🥺😭☺️ THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE U ❤❤❤
Overall thoughts: I would die for u tbh
First Impression: Oh dreamweaver~ 💕❤💗💘💓💖👌💍🥺😏😚
Season 1:  oh holy shoulders give me strength for I know he is a forbidden man, but rather than give me strength you only seem to test my resilience to reach for the forbidden fruit and test my already crumbling sanity
Season 2: *Simeon alluding to feelings for MC with subtle actions and text messages* *high pitched shrieking only audible to dogs*
Overall thoughts: Have you ever seen a man so perfect you cry? Like, God, his beauty is unbelievable!!!
First impression: Yes, operator? I would like the custody of child forms... yeah, I'll hold 💅
Season 1: *when Luke is obviously still afraid and uncomfortable of being in Devildom, and any demon looks at him funny. Especially that one lesson when Lucifer tries to attack him in that catacombs looking place*
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Season 2: *watching Luke get more comfortable and even miss Devildom, watching his relationship with Barbatos and Solomon develop* that's growth
Overall thoughts: *after Luke accepted being MC's guardian Angel*
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First Impression: I know she's supposed to be good... but what if she turns out to be like Rika??? I'm sorry but I can't go through this again, dude
During Season 1: *towards the end when Lilith reveals all the truth to MC* I AM SO SORRY FOR EVER DOUBTING U MAMA LILITH 😭😭😭 U DIDN'T DESERVE THAT I'M SO SORRY
Overall thoughts: Mama Lilith, it's me your bastard great great great descendant. Can you hear me wherever you are? Mama Lilith, I need u girl... come help me again pwease 🙏
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fireintheforest · 3 years
Can you describe what Saufinril’s wedding would be like?
Ok so I don't know much of TES lore, but I do know (based on some of the things I've discussed with @meh-ayleidion and researched thanks to @thatoneshadyshop), that in Bosmer culture it could be seen as good luck if strangers come to your wedding. On top of that, Rialas's clan is pretty extensive and I cannot fathom the idea of a small family gathering so Sau's side is pretty big (add in the people of the Den, Sau's friends, like Jesus dude). In Toivon's side it'd have mostly close friends and some of the family members that don't mind him marrying an Altmer, such as his brother and his family, his mom (she does mind, but she loves Toi more than the discomfort of seeing him marrying an Altmer), his grandma, some of his cousins, etc so his side isn't as big as Sau's.
I like to think that Toivon would use the colors of his House in his wedding day, as per could be the tradition. So he'd wear red and yellow. Also as per the tradition he should be wearing a piece of clothing passed down by his father, from his father, but his dad is VERY against this union. So his grandmother was like "LMAO fuck that" and she and her daughter (Toivon's mom) gave him the headpiece they wore when they got married. My man's looking dapper and traditional and we're here for it.
Sau was a little tricky because this mfer has a MixTM. So, since he was adopted by an Artist, his wedding attire would be a robe and, I quote,"An Artist is entitled to wear a fencing cape of spun gold [...]" (@thatoneshadyshop, 2017), while "A member of the Merchant Caste, for instance, is entitled to line their attire with golden thread." (@thatoneshadyshop, 2017).
So ok, we got the lil fencing cape. I personally think Sau would line the collar of the robe with gold thread, in honor of his biological father who can't be in the wedding (because, you know, he's dead) and the paternal side of his family that he wishes could be here but, alas.
Neither of the grooms are going to wear the crown of vines and flowers that @thatoneshadyshop has in his headcanons, because neither groom wants to die before getting married. It's a whole place filled to the brim with Bosmer, it's just a Bad Idea.
NOW, the ceremony. I think deciding this was the hardest part because they both wanted to do it in their respective culture's ceremony but Toivon thought Sau's way took too goddamn long and Sau was NOT going to go to a godsdamn volcano like what in the fresh hells-
So the ceremony is Bosmer. And the only thing they could agree on was in a period, before the actual wedding ceremony, in which there's days of prayer to their ancestors/gods/daedra/aedra to bless the union.
The wedding bands: Since it was a Bosmer ceremony, technically they would've made a collar of bone or pearl or any other animal-related material that counted each day of courtship so they could wear it. Did they do it? Of course not.
Instead, Sau snuck all the courtship gifts he gave Toivon and made a lil ornament that he carried on his robe and put around Toivon's neck on the ceremony as a weird, new way of mark that that's his husband (because we were days away from the wedding and we just don't have the time to hunt a wild pig, dry their spine and start carving).
Toivon, on his side, presented Sau with a decorated knife. There's this post on Tumblr about how gifting a dagger would be better than an engagement/wedding ring because it's basically telling your sweetheart "You have full capacity to hurt me. You know me, you can use everything you know against me. I choose to trust you and know you won't do it. I place my trust in you." Just like Sau, he carried the knife and then gave it to him when the ceremony required it.
After the ceremony, Toivon lets his beard grow (I headcanon that facial hair is a marker of married mer from the region Toivon comes from. Single mer have to shave, married mer don't have to. Widower mer shave when their spouse dies, and afterwards their beard is trimmed close to their face or shaved off completely). Sau loves his fukken knife too much and has saved his ass in more than one occassion.
With the families, like I said, a lot of people on Toivon's side are not happy with his decision so they don't go. These people include his older sister and her family, his dad, most of the paternal side of the family. The maternal side and his older brother, though, got his back. So he does see most of his nieces and cousins at the wedding.
Lillandril and Rialas, I feel like as long as they know for sure that Sau is happy and loves Toivon, they'll be fine with the union. Muraz hates it all but Amara would probably hold a strong grip on him because like HELL will she have anything ruin her best friend's wedding. She got her hair done for this.
And to conmemorate this question, I actually drew them in their wedding day some days ago!
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The brown necklaces they're wearing SHOULD be the marriage beads Bosmer do, but at the last minute I reasoned that if it took them that long to decide what ceremony to make, they probably didn't have time to do the necklaces. Oh well.
I'm sure there's a lot more I haven't thought of yet regarding the wedding, but this was fun! Thanks for the ask!
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