#malec rp
laurluroleplay · 11 months
- must be 21+, this is non-negotiable as any younger goes beyond my comfort zone
- please do not spam me asking for replies. sometimes my replies will be instant, other times it might take a couple days. if it's been over a week and you haven't heard from me, feel free to reach out!
- discord is my preferred place to write, but in some scenarios, I'm willing to use email or another alternative
- please be at least semi-lit! I don't typically write multiple pages for replies, but if you send me 1-3 lines with no detail or plot, there isn't much for me to work with and I'll most likely not reply
- please always respect any triggers/limits/boundaries I set. I'll always make them clear with whatever plot we're writing and I'll always ask for yours as well!
- NO omegaverse, A/B/O, or any plots similar
-NO underage characters. this is a big one for me, obviously some plots will include children and that's okay, but I am not comfortable writing as or against an underage character. characters that are canonically underage can always be aged up too!
Fandoms & pairings I'm currently interested in:
- Dean Winchester/Castiel
Red, White, and Royal Blue:
- Alex/Henry
How to Get Away With Murder:
- Connor Walsh/Oliver Hampton
- Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich
- Isak/Even
- Lucas/Eliott (France)
Ted Lasso:
- Colin Hughes/Jamie Tartt
- Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood
- Tao Xu/Elle Argent
- Nick Nelson/Charlie Spring
Young Royals:
- Simon Eriksson/Wilhelm
- Henry/Walter
911 Lone Star:
- TK Strand/Carlos Reyes
- Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz
- Evan Buckley/Tommy Kinard
- Oliver Quick/Felix Catton
Roswell, New Mexico:
- Michael Guerin/Alex Manes
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dannynighthallow · 2 years
Hey all! I'm Danny, I'm 22, super into Shadowhunters (especially Malec) and searching for an RP partner!
Things you should know about me-
• I'm autistic, a little dumb sometimes, and it'll take me at least a couple days to get used to talking to a new person. Apologies in advance
• I'm 100% ok with smut as long as we respect each others' limits but it has been almost a year since I've written smut so i will be rusty at first. (I'm also ok with fade to black or not including smut if that's preferred by my rp partner)
• I prefer discord for rps because if you want to do multiples you can just make a server so it's easier, but if there's something else preferred i can be flexible
•I have a habit of trying to make friends with rp partners so if you don't like that we probably won't be able to rp, I'm sorry
• I'm mostly here for malec but if you have another ship you'd like to do I'm open to talking about it but i do heavily prefer playing male characters so m/m or m/f where my partner plays the female character is preferred
• I do literate rp and don't like the *action* type of rp much but i don't really care about reply length
Other than that, if you have any questions please ask! I might have forgotten things here. Feel free to like this post and/or DM me if you're interested
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lightwoodofletters · 8 months
Shadowhunters Instagram RP
We are currently looking for members for our Shadowhunters RP. Please DM me or reply to this post if you're interested! OCs are also welcome!
Plot: Clary has her memories back and new threats lurk around every corner, meanwhile the past catches up to everyone.
Characters Needed:
-Magnus Bane
-Simon Lewis
-Jocelyn Fairchild
-Luke Greymark
-Maia Roberts
-Raphael Santiago
-Max Lightwood
-Ailene Penhallow
And more!
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If you said yep you should message me and we should 🙃.
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downworldersrp · 2 years
The Downworlder's RPG
Hey there!
The Downworlers are a friendly Shadowhunters (TV) Roleplay Group on Twitter. We are RPing the show from season 1 to 3B and beyond, while entertaining and interacting with the Shadowfam!
If you'd like to be part of this then please send us a DM or follow Alec on Twitter (@/ArcherAlec89).
Characters: Alec Lightwood: Taken Magnus Bane: Open Jace Wayland: Open Clary Fray: Open Simon Lewis: Open Izzy Lightwood: Open Luke Garroway: Open Raphael Santiago: Open Raj: Open And many more!
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lucyofhell · 2 months
Any shadowhunter rpers still?
Me and my friend want to start an discord shadowhunter group for the 18+ community of shadowhunter fans! if you’re interested in playing a shadowhunter character comment below!!
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roleplayfinder · 7 months
Hello I know this is a long shot , looking for a 20+ , How instersted in Shadowhunter ..almost Saphael ( Simon/Raphael ) and Malec ( Alec/Magnus ) I have a few idea and I am willing to hear anyone out …I prefer to rp on tumblr .  If your instersed please feel free to message me .
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rainbowskittle · 1 year
FACT: All of them are right 🌈🥸
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RP list
Thought I would update my fandom and RP list. I mainly RP on discord but will do tumblr if needed. I tend to have nsfw themes so over 18's only please.
I also love a good oc x oc plot, so if none of the pairings take your fancy still message because I'm down for literally 99.9 percent of things. Only got a couple of hard no-nos
Bold are who I play, some I will be comfortable playing either.
Either like this post or send me a dm if you're interested.
Ian x Mickey (I can play both but I'm more experienced playing Mickey)
Lip X OC (a milkovich cousin, you know gallaghers and Milkovich are peak pairings.)
Red white and royal blue
Henry x Alex (can play either just prefer playing Henry)
Sex education
Eric x Adam
Death Note
L x Light (will play either)
Alec x Magnus (can play both)
Our Flag Means death
Black Pete x Lucius
Once upon a time
Emma x Killian (will play either)
Harry Potter
Remus x Sirius (can play both)
Fred x Hermione
Harry x Ginny
Draco x OC
Sex Wizards
Olbriec x Dom
Arlon x Dom
Oc x OC
Star wars
Cal x Merrin
Spiderman x Deadpool.
Makkari x Druig (will play either)
Arthur x Ariadne
Eames x Arthur
Merlin (bbc)
Arthur x Merlin
Blaine x Kurt (again, will play both)
Roswell New Mexico
Alex x Michael (will play either)
Game of Thrones
Gendry x Ayra
Last of Us
Frank x Bill
Queer as Folk
Brian x Justin
Criminal Minds
Spencer X OC
Hotch X Emily
Morgan x Penelope
Hunger Games
Finnick x Annie
Haymitch x Effie (play either)
Descendants (think this is a little obvious on who my favourite character is)
Mal x Harry
Jay x Harry
Jay x Carlos
Uma x Harry
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zo1nkss · 8 months
You know when two characters are Married like they're not officially dating, they're barely even besties atp, but they're Married you know like one is "You shouldn't have conditions to take care of yourself." the other is "yeah yeah yeah I'm about to reveal that my condition is YOU taking care of YOURSELF, checkmate cowboy"
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n3v3r-l3ft · 4 months
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yeehaw malec 🤠🐎
i made this banner for a malec discord server i'm in for february but it was inspired by my priv rp with @zo1nkss
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inrainprose · 7 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers!
tagged by @rongzhi, thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? A cool 137 works! I have about 80 more on my ff.net account.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 1,614,083 yoooo
3. What fandoms do you write for? I write for a lot of different fandom because I like to write one or two pieces for every show/movie/manga/anime I enjoy. These days it's mainly BLs and Naruto.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Flip the Coin, Naruto. 37 chapters - 329,138 words - 9,296 kudos
We'll Make a Home out of it (Brother to You Part 1), Naruto. 5 chapters - 20,825 words - 5,808 kudos
Ajar Hearts, MDZS. One shot - 7,421 words - 5,006 kudos
You Were Born Today (I'm Grateful) (Brother to You Part 2), Naruto. 7 chapters - 25,934 words - 4,596 kudos
It Takes a Village (To Make a Village) (Brother to You Part 3), Naruto. 7 chapters - 55,154 words - 4,557 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I do respond to every comments or close to it, usually with a few days/weeks delay. I like to get replies to comments, so I give them out too. Usually the reply matches the length of the comment. I like this link with the readers and I want them to know I'm out there haha.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends since it's a Malec Romeo & Juliet AU... Slightly different ending but still terrible.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of my fics have happy endings since they're just one shot of people being happy after all the angst. But I guess it would be Ending, Beginning since the whole point is to write my ideal happy Naruto epilogue.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not consistently. I've had a few repeated offenders on Naruto fics and the occasional not very polite comment, but nothing major.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Not at all, I never have. It usually fades to black, or it's very tame. Like sex does happen in some of my fics but it's never explicit.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? The only proper crossover I did was Stranger Things x X-Men with Eleven attending the Institute.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I have, someone started to post Flip the Coin on ff.net at some point without mentioning me anywhere. Was warned by a reader. There is also an audio version of it in spanish on youtube for some reason, I never went to the bottom of that...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, a few! Mostly some Malec stuff in Russian, and some Spanish too. And I translated some of my own fics myself between French and English.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, never. Did some RP though does it count.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? The ship of my heart is Naruto n Sasuke 4ever, otherwise my faves vary.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? The one I'm most torn over is Start Digging because I was really into it and had quite a bunch planned, but the fandom deserted my heart for some reason. If I get back into MHA I might pick it up, but so much happened since then... Otherwise I don't write a lot of multi-chaptered fics and I tend to write one shots in one go and post them immediately so I don't have that many WIPs.
16. What are your writing strengths? Big Feels I think? And emotional dialogues. That's what I enjoy anyway.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Fight scenes because I hate them. And also I feel like my vocabulary is not very varied since English is not my first language, sometimes I have the impression that I use the same words ten times in one fic...
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I do it if the other is not supposed to understand it, I like it. But I only ever did it with language I had a grasp on, it would feel strange to just google trad some stuff. If I can't and it's not that relevant I would just put "they said something in that language" or something like that.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Weirdly enough it was the manga/anime Get Backers. I went on a deep dive in search of this fic since I deleted it from my ff.net account a long time ago, and thus abandoned this post for several days, but I can't find it sadly. It was a self-insert.
20. Favorite fic you've written? I like my work a lot and reread it frequently. The ones I enjoy the most vary with time, but I have to say Flip the Coin for the sheer size and work that went into it and the audience it got. A true accomplishment in my book :)
Tagging @convenientalias, @morathicain and all the writers passing by :)
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lightwoodofletters · 3 months
Shadowhunters Instagram RP
I co-own a Shadowhunters RP group in Instagram. Right now we're looking for new members so please DM me or like this post if you're interested!
Being active is a must. Please let us know if you can't be active for any reason.
The only characters taken so far are Jace, Alec, Clary, Izzy and Magnus! Everyone else is open! Ocs are also welcome!
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malecalec · 11 months
Stay With Me | Malec RP
It had been the first night that Alec had stayed over at Magnus’s place, he had moved in the night before, to be fair, it wasn’t much of a move in. Alec hadn’t really brought anything with him, just a few clothes that he had, and some random equipment/ weapons that he may have needed for certain situations, where he couldn’t get back to the institute in time. Apart from that, Alec hadn’t really thought about anything else to bring, for most of his time being alive, Alec had thought that he would just live most of his life within the Institute, never to be moved or to relocate somewhere, that was basically his destiny, since he was a Shadow Hunter, he was born to serve, that’s what he was there for. So for Alec to have moved out, it was quite a big thing, more than Alec would have comprehended, it was certainly different, and something that Alec would have to get used to.
It was around about 6am, and the sun was already beaming through the curtains of the main bedroom, which Alec and Magnus shared together, and Alec was already awake and dressed. It was his normal routine to get up early and get ready quickly, encase he was needed for any missions, or if there were any emergencies, but of course, now, he was at Magnus’s place, and even though, yes, he still did have a job to do, he also had to now think about Magnus also…. They were in a relationship together, so his life was different now, he couldn’t just focus on work, and nothing else… That had been pretty hard for Alec, to try and balance himself, and it was going to be another struggle with being away from the Institute.. Being away from his family, from Jace, and Izzy…. Alec winced slightly as he rubbed at his temples gently, a migraine slowly starting to form as he was sat on a stool at the kitchen bar. He didn’t get migraines often, but when he got them, they were rather nasty. A deep sigh left Alec’s lips as he closed his eyes gently, a small reminder of his family being pictured in his mind as he felt ever so slightly homesick. He loved Magnus deeply, but this was all a lot to get used to…. It was going to take some time…
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impalasgrace98 · 2 years
Hello! I am looking to find some new rp partners 😊 I ask that you be 19+, literate with atleast a paragraph or two per response.
Bit about me: I'm 23/F, very friendly and enjoy chatting OOC, looking to play mostly M/M ships but open to some F/M or F/F depending on the characters and idea. Mostly looking for canon×canon but could also get on board with OC×OC set in one of the Fandom universes. I typically play bottom/submissive characters but have some limited experience playing power bottom characters as well.
Fandoms/Roles I am currently looking for:
-Marvel/MCU ( I play as Bucky and Steven Grant; I ship Stucky and SamBucky, Marc/Steven, and open to Marc/Steven/Jake- I'd also be happy to play an OC against any of the moon knight boys if anyone is looking for that)
-The Witcher (I play Jaskier, ship Geraskier but open to others)
- Supernatural (I play as Cas, and have some experience playing other characters; ship destiel but open to others)
-Umberella Academy (I play Klaus; ships kliego.)
-Star Wars (I play as Poe Dameron; ships FinnPoe. I'd also be happy to play an OC against Poe if anyone is looking for that)
-My Hero Academia (I play as Hawks and Todoroki; ships DabiHawks, EndHawks, TodoBaku)
- Shadowhunters (I play as Magnus; ship Malec)
If there are ships in particular you are looking for or fandoms you are looking for that I havent mentioned, feel free to reach out and ask!
You can PM me here or reach out over discord: bonky#8579
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dhampiravidi · 8 months
SPOILERS for TMI, TSC...everything til The Wicked Powers tbh. OC x Jace:
realizing that if my Wayland Shadowhunter!OC marries Jace, they have a last name problem.
she's the last Wayland & he's the last Herondale (until they find Kit). yeah, they could hyphenate, but I think that's only canonically happened w/Malec, partly because Magnus is a warlock.
now I'm also realizing that the Lightwood name (by itself, at least) will die out, bc Izzy's gonna be Isabelle Lovelace (pretty!). oof.
welp, guess some Ascended Shadowhunters are gonna have to pick up the slack.
meanwhile, my OC has no idea that Kieran's her half-brother, through their mom (who's still secretly alive in the Unseelie Court somewhere)
ONLY LIKE THIS IF YOU WANT TO RP TSC AS JACE (I don’t mind doubling up)
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