malereadermaniac · 3 months
Serial Cheater ~ Mako x Male Reader
This takes place somewhere along season 2 - Mako having just broken up with Korra and chatting to Asami again
You are a core member of team Avatar!
Short fic! Sorry lol
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Even though Mako is the kind of guy fan girls swoon over, most people would say that he's pretty down to earth
Your friends wouldn't describe Mako as flirty or as a serial romantic
But for the entire time you've known the muscular fire bender, some things have stuck out to you - most notably that he is, in fact, a flirt and a serial cheater (on accident)
Mako never actually means any harm to the girls he dates, but you have noticed a trend in his dating patterns of dating drop-dead gorgeous girls with a little overlap between them
It may just be the law of attraction - maybe Mako is just a magnet to romance and he can't help it
But it's most definitely a fact that if an opportunity is presented to the police officer, he takes it
And that is exactly what got the both of you into this situation
Mako and you were hanging out, Korra away somewhere on avatar business and everyone else at their respective jobs
The two of you were just chilling in Mako's apartment, having ordered take-out and drinking some new companies mass-produced rice-wine
As conversations drifted from one to the other, Mako started to vent about his highly active love-life
Being a good friend, you listened to the tall police officer - nodding along to assure him that you're listening to his ramble about his feelings for Korra and also for Asami
You of course throw in a joking comment or two at Mako's adulterous nature, but all in all you listen to his problems and offer your comfort
And your comforting and caring nature, mixed with the alcohol in Mako's system, was what resulted in your current situation
That being you on Mako's lap, making out with you handsome friend
Yes, you broke the kiss initially
Yes, you said you two shouldn't do this because of your close friendship with both of Mako's love interests
Yes, Mako begged for your warm, soft lips and for your comfort
And yes, you gave in...
Even though Mako was just yapping on about kissing Asami less than 24 hours ago, his chiseled face and warm brown eyes drew you in like an inescapable black hole
As the two of you made out, clothing started to make its way off of your body - the air in Mako's apartment becoming hotter and stuffier
But as your nude chest rubbed against the handsome man's pecs, a knock of the door forced you two apart
"Mako? Hey I wanna... talk about earlier!" you could hear your dear friend's voice shout
Asami was behind that door, and you most certainly didn't want her to walk in and see you and her not-so-boyfriend-boyfriend getting it on
You and Mako struggle to get off of one another and desperately reach for your clothes to cover up
You head to the bathroom to hide and dress back up as Mako let's Asami in to talk
You over-hear the two as you wait in your friends' tiny bathroom
Their conversation had ups and downs, but it definitely ended in an up
You peaked out of the crack between the door frame and the door, watching as Asami and Mako kissed goodbye
As the front door shut, you open the bathroom door and lean on the frame
"Sooo... looks like you really just can't help yourself" you say with a smirk to Mako
The tall man chuckles as he walks over to you
"Heh... yeah, I guess so"
"I don't think you deny being a playboy much longer, haha..." you joke
Mako holds you head up with his soft hand to make you look him in the eye - Mako's height being emphasised
"Shut up... and what if I am?" Mako half-lids his eyes as he focuses on your features
And while you know that it's a dick move on your part, breaking Asami's and even Korra's trust, you couldn't help but push your lips against Mako's
Your hands rest on Mako's strong chest, his tongue slipping past your lips as his masculine hands slip onto your waist
"That's what I'd do if your were... Hmhm~" you laugh after breaking from Mako's warm lips
The two of you laugh as the strong man picks you up, your legs wrapping around his waist and your arms around his neck
As Mako makes his way to his bed, all thoughts of guilt float out and away from your brain
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loklove48 · 6 months
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A day late, just another favorite Korrasami moment.
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kingoftheu · 8 months
At the risk of starting a discourse, but it is odd how the prevalence of same sex ships is swapped in western cartoons.
Like, m/m ships are in general more visable and prevalent in western culture than f/f both in terms of couples established canon and fandom shiping.
However looking at the cartoon/western animation scene recently, Sapphic Ships are far more prevalent. Korrasami, Bubbline, Lumity, Ruby/Sapphire, Catradora, Harlivy, Rose/Jukela etc. There is a relative shortage of m/m shipping. Gumlee (which ofc is genderswapped Bubbline), Troy/Benson in Kipo, Marc/Nathaniel. There are more but you pretty quickly are digging into background characters or relatively small fandoms. F/f ships are absolutely more likely to get big in the cartoon fandom.
This is by no means exhaustive of course, and also by no means a criticism. Just an interesting inversion of the typical fandom dynamics.
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therottingwriter · 11 months
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Everything is connected to Lab Rats
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darkmessiah2000 · 1 year
Part of the journey is the end
Some of my favorite series finales of all time
M*A*S*H (1983)
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Cowboy Bebop (1999)
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Avatar: The Last Airbender (2008)
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Ed, Edd, N Eddy (2009)
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Hellsing Ultimate (2012)
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The Legend Of Korra (2014)
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Samurai Jack (2017)
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Castlevania (2021)
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Lucifer (2021)
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Cyberpunk Edgerunners (2022)
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Amphibia (2022)
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The Owl House (2023)
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Attack On Titan (2023)
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Red Vs Blue (2024)
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… 🤌🤌🤌👀👀👀👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩
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cycle-hit · 2 months
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dejaentends · 6 months
unalaq going from wanting to colonize the southern water tribe to um? destroy the world? is such horrible writing and such a loss of an interesting plot. tackling colonialism from a different perspective than how it was portrayed in the original series would've been a deeper dive into the nature of colonialism AND a deeper dive into the problems of the northern (& southern) water tribe cultural traditions.
unalaq could weaponize "traditional" water tribe spirituality to manipulate korra and both water tribes. colonized peoples, which both tribes are, often become more stringent and unmoveable in their "traditional" values as a way to stay strong against the colonizer's attempt to wipe the culture out.
this is obviously more complex than a few sentences, but we see this irl in the catholic church in ireland and the iranian revolution in the 70s, to name only 2. keep in mind both of these peoples were colonized by GB.
unalaq could have weaponized a legendary past of the unified water tribes and said he was returning the water tribes to their former glory. under his, educated and spiritually enlightened, leadership. the climax could even be similar, with unalaq trying to seize the avatar spirit because he "deserves it". the northern water tribe might feel like they should have had the avatar come from their tribe—after all, they withstood the fire nation conquest much longer than the southern water tribe.
this conflict could still create a civil war, and bring into question the ethics of global intervention when korra asks other nations for help (the united republic of nations does not exist here lmao). and it could ask the questions of who owns culture, if it's even possible to own culture, progress v preserving the past, does it even have to be a versus? and the importance of a people having self-determination.
this would fit korra's personal arc as well. korra lacks spiritual intelligence and connections with her past lives. she needs to understand the past, the why of traditions and why the avatar learners the way they do. but she was also controlled by the white lotus. she lacked access to personal self-determination, and this was a part of why her spiritual learning was stagnant!
the white lotus as they exist in lok are a distortion of past traditions. they are not about truth and art and philosophy, they are ruled by fear. fear that leads them to seek absolute control over a human nuke. but the thing is, the world survived aang being gone for 100 years. the avatar being gone ALREADY happened. what is the worst is known. let go of fear!
so. like just go deeper into the og idea instead of making this big good v evil plot. good v evil worked in alta bc the evil was imperialism, war, violence, genocide. the people of the fire nation were complex, and not all villians. some were victims. some were both.
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asamify · 2 months
worst genre of person in a fandom is m/f obsessed loser who treats the girl’s canon gf like shit
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candicoated · 2 years
So you are mad that Asian actors are *checks notes* are playing Asian characters because you believe that it isn't authentic and it's excluding white people more.
Would it not be authentic to have Asians play Asian people? Maybe I am missing something.
My brother in Christ, there were never any white people in Avatar. You can't exclude something that was never there. Are you this mad when white people get BIPOC roles??
Cry me a river.
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Besides if you want white people in Avatar there's always that live action movie from Shymalan
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d0d0-b0i · 1 year
not to rwby post but like. wow. they really did plan it from the start. even dating back to the fucking concept art
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spnshameblog · 2 years
People making bi visibility day all about their bi blorbos is annoying except when I do it.
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iidsch · 1 year
People who complain about the focus on cop characters in the legend of korra are valid and I agree with them but at the same time it's weird to criticise that when the avatar is a worse version of a cop
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queer4beifongs · 2 years
When I heard this I immediately thought of Kuvira, her character is so complex and I love that we got to see more into it through the comics. 
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ohh-c0mely · 1 year
Lin Beifong would never stand for these bots
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clumsyphoenix · 2 years
i just realised something
if the m. night shyamalan atla movie actually was a hit, then god knows what would've happened to toph, zuko, ozai, azula and suki.
and if it succeeded , then the same would happen to korra, asami, bolin, mako, lin, suyin, tenzin, jinora and bumi among others.
good thing it flopped
(plus: where the fuck was appa during the entire movie)
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