dejaentends · 2 days
the reality is that israel rejected every ceasefire proposal and every hostage exchange in order to kill and kill and kill. for some reason the western media is reacting like they are the israeli public, whose largest grievance with the genocide and netanyahu was that it would affect the israeli hostages. now that the genocide has saved four hostages (still less than the number of hostages it has killed) it is perhaps a Salvageable genocide to the western onlookers, who insofar had been unimpressed with the genocide that was too transparently a genocide to be called a hostage rescue operation.
because they don't have a real problem with wiping palestinians off the map, they can only be critical of how gauche it all is to do so while publicly killing israelis in the process. but if the genocide can be seen to save some israelis, well—that makes it worth it. the western liberal can accept the most loathsome reality as long as it preserves the status quo. killing israelis is not the status quo, but killing palestinians is. they can watch the brains spill out of a child's skull and rationalize it as "legal killing" because it saved a hostage who could've been released through negotiation six months ago. because in truth, killing palestinians is far preferable to zionists than negotiating with them. this only presented a problem with some people realized killing israelis might also be preferable to negotiating with palestinians. violence and subjugation above all. we will never speak the same language. everyone should die first.
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dejaentends · 8 days
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yeah... upholding USian hegemony isn't the same as upholding traditional values at all... neo-liberalism has no connection to fascism... the USA is a militaristic, authoritarian state founded on racial/class hierarchy and that is totally not fascist at all
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dejaentends · 9 days
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dejaentends · 15 days
Please if you have the means consider buying an e-sim for Gaza! It’s very quick and easy!
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Link to gazaesims ->
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dejaentends · 23 days
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“Did you know the Italians have 200 different words for pasta?”
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dejaentends · 27 days
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dejaentends · 29 days
what companies who sell you anti aging stuff don't want you to know is that if you're chill about aging, your perception of attractiveness changes as you get older. there is no "wall" where you suddenly become ugly and unfuckable because in my experience what actually happens is you get into your thirties and suddenly realize that people in their thirties are hot as fuck and the "flaws" that the beauty industry wants you to panic about are a feature not a bug, and based on the std statistics in nursing homes I don't really expect that trajectory to change.
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dejaentends · 1 month
i'm always a bit unsettled by disdain for intellectual or creative labor in leftist spaces. there's this commonly held belief that academics are a bunch of rich old white men, rather than a wide variety of people who are barely getting by. most lecturers in universities are adjuncts living paycheck to paycheck. authors make very little money as a general rule. most researchers are overworked and underpaid. and yet there's still this idea that academics are overcompensated to sit around and smoke cigars together while making shit up
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dejaentends · 1 month
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dejaentends · 1 month
they should make an international travel that is free if you're internet friends
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dejaentends · 1 month
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About Gaza Funds
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dejaentends · 1 month
“I hope this email finds you well”
how the email found me:
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dejaentends · 1 month
Effeminate dentist: You need to brush more on your gums-- hold on why am I "effeminate?" What? I'm literally just a normal dentist. A masculine one, even.
Me: (struggling to speak through the dentist's fingers) youw weren't shupposhed to shee that
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dejaentends · 1 month
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dejaentends · 1 month
great news everyone. love IS real and love DOES win and the predatory wasp of the palisades IS out to get us
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dejaentends · 1 month
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dejaentends · 1 month
what went down in nyc at columbia and city college was a massive escalation and a huge show of violent force from the police in what is already one of the heaviest policed cities in the country, if not the world. sending hundreds if not thousands of riot cops, counter terrorism, SWAT and NYPD's notorious SRG units armed with what is basically military equipment to beat up college students and barricade columbia faculty into their apartments. the fact that they removed all press from campus and refused to let journalists in before they swept the camp is very concerning. a lot of journalists said this was an unprecedented use of force even for the NYPD and it seemed like an excuse for them to use a lot of their new equipment. NYPD reportedly entered with guns drawn. out of around 300 people arrested on tuesday, some still havent been released or even processed. this is illegal in new york state btw, people have to be arraigned within 24 hours. NYPD has been giving very little information about the people detained, not specifying where theyre being held, and taking a suspiciously long time to process them. they're apparently trying to charge some protestors with felonies. anyways all this is to say this is a major escalation from NYPD and a grim sign for the future. this is a prelude to fascism, not an alternative.
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