#lord know im not wearing them XD
sourtomatola · 10 months
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There they are. @spaciebabie
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darkicedragon · 5 months
darkicedragon supernatural dogsitting/delivery au oh no muzaka pawing at the door and m just like 'do you need the toilet or a run?' bc muzaka wants to go meet up w frankenstein azure yesss and to Muzaka's horror he gets both a harness/leash and a muzzle not bc M thinks he'll bite someone bc he knows he'll eat something darkicedragon but also unsure abt taking muzaka out for a walk bc muzaka might take HIM for a walk instead XD azure "If you don't behave, we are not going anywhere' =^= Muzaka is like >^>""" "and you are also getting a bath" o^o!!"" darkicedragon m ends up wetter than muzaka XDD and spends the rest of the night drying up the bathroom
darkicedragon taos amused bc m is Prepping to dogsit 'youd think he was your dog w how much youre buying' 'im being paid a lot for this and he goes thru EVERYTHING so i may as well buy some extra stuff' azure ahahahaha thankfully he knows the butcher (they're a very nice minotaur) so he gets a lot of bones for free darkicedragon m finding the scars across muzakas body and wondering if hes a rescue fighting dog azure "Well that explains your behaviour," M muttering as he brushes his coat darkicedragon oh god m starts talking abt muzaka doesnt mention hes a dog the other supernaturals know muzakas a ww neither of them realise the other has a different mental picture of muzaka hahaha azure OH MY GOD XDD ahahhahah "Uh, he got his head stuck in a jar. Again." and the other supernatural is like 😱 bc u mean lord Muzaka???? also bonus points if Muzaka is MASSIVE an absolute UNIT of a doggo standing almost up to M's chest but M's like "Yeah, he's on the bigger side. Prolly a cross breed with a wolf." darkicedragon 'when hes on my lap, he wont fucking move' and supernaturals are like >-> 'is lord muzaka also with this human as well?' and m talking abt spending hrs brushing out muzakas hair darkicedragon frankenstein hears abt the misunderstanding and gets it immediately, but also plays along muzaka also adds to it wo realising how it sounds 'oh yeh, i spent the entire night w m last night' tho i guess some would realise it was bc muzaka transformed, but even then, thats a Big Trust, even if muzaka is the lord also, muzaka howling and m just |-ó seeing the bunch of wws outside 'why are they acting like youre in heat??' darkicedragon m keeps going w his life until hes talking w someone and then theyre just like o/ 'lord muzaka!' o/ 'yo' 'huh, i know a dog w the same name as u. ........hes got similar scars as u too....?' 'yeh, thats me' ^--^ 'thanks for lookin after me' '................uh' and ms just panicking, bc shit. hes just been talking shit abt muzaka this entire time azure OH MY GOOOOD XDDD and M is absolutely deadpan like "yeah, that makes a lot of sense" darkicedragon '....frankenstein just said it was dogsitting?' 'well. i was a wolf at the time, yeh?' and m just internally >/////< over all the belly rubs and grooming he did w muzaka and putting on the bandana and making muzaka wearing the harness and- '.......lord?' 'yeh, im the lord of all the wws' hes going to fucking DIE azure AHAHAHHAA XDDD M's like ಠ_ಠ 'and you need dogsitting?" darkicedragon next time m gets a request for dogsitting, its actually just a dinner w frankenstein and humanoid muzaka, as a thank you/apology for not being completely clear 'yeh! im still instinctual durinf the full moon and frankensteins busy to keep an eye on me' azure M like =^= while eating the food bc hey, free food "hard to find ppl to look after you and well, you kinda dealt with lots of supernaturals. figured you'd handle it. darkicedragon 'and you wouldnt take advantage of the situation' 'take advantage that hes a dog???' m still doesnt know abt frankenstein XD azure what did Franken dooo XDDD darkicedragon the whole mad scientist stuff aha so they trusted m wouldnt go poking for research, bc he doesnt even know it exists or that its imp azure ah, fair XD
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For the ask game: 1, 2, 3, 9, 24, 25, 27, 28, 32 <3 (SORRY FOR THE ABUNDANCE OF QUESTIONS IM JUST V CURIOUS)
no need to apologise!! always happy to satisfy a curiosity!! sorry it’s taken me so long to answer, i spent too long Thinking for some of them lmao
1.  what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
straight in with the big ones huh? hmm i guess it depends what kinds of “things” they are – relationships, experiences, places, books etc. have all had a part in shaping me. it’s very difficult to pick just three things and i’ve spent way too long thinking about it so here’s three things that inspired Big Feelings that i’ve carried with me …
Feminine Gospels by Carol Ann Duffy
this performance of Cat On A Hot Tin Roof
'Great is the Lord' from In the Secret Place – String Heaven III by the King’s Chamber Orchestra
2. show us a picture of your handwriting?
apologies for being lazy with your o's, apparently i didn't even manage three this time! XD
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[ID: a plain piece of white paper with blue biro writing on it. It reads:
hey bugaboo!
3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
Poltergay!!! my beloved! honestly it's a masterpiece and i could watch it forever!!
there's this film called "Frankie and Hazel" that my grandma gave me on DVD as a kid and i was obsessed with it! i watched it so many times and, and [sic] would happily keep rewatching it now if only for the nostalgia!!
the Lego Batman Movie. literally how is it that good?? it has no right to be but i'm so glad it is!]
9. tell a story about your childhood
when i was 12 i dislocated my knee cutting a slice of cake asdkfhaskdfjh
i still don’t know how i did it. it was a perfectly normal cake. i was cutting it completely normally. but then my knee just went and i ended up in a splint for two weeks lol
24. what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
i gave directions to a group of people earlier and they were 1. correct directions 2. clearly conveyed
probably the first time i’ve ever managed to direct someone without giving them the worst instructions possible
25. fave season and why?
i originally thought this was fave season of miraculous then realised that would make no sense haha! the answer is 4 though
my favourite weather season is autumn, i like that it’s cool enough to wear layers but not properly cold, plus i love autumn colours and crunchy leaves and gay christmas!!
27. any nicknames?
with absolutely no context
uncle celery
apparently I have vegetable vibes??
28. do you collect anything?
when i was a kid i had an obsession with collecting the inner cardboard tubes from toilet roles. i don’t know what i thought i was going to do with them all but i just kept going until i had like two full bin bags of them. and then i just recycled them?? i was a strange child
nowadays i don’t collect anything in particular, except maybe mentally ill friends (affectionate)
32. how many tabs do you have open right now?
none, i’m writing this in a word document bc i have no wifi lol
thank you for all the questions!! i think i will use this an excuse to send you some more ;)
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yuoic · 1 year
dreamed of such a beautiful woman [not Kaylie Minogue or Angelina Jolie beautiful, but Drew Barrymore or Helena Bonham Carter beautiful - you know, on the uncommon/exotic end of the spectrum (my favourite kind of beautiful, that is)]
golden, short, slightly curvy hair; fairly tall; carelessly, effortlessly good-looking fashion wise.
we were back in my hometown, at the house of my great-grandparents (parents of my grandfather on my father's side). we = my family. and there was this apocalyptic sort of situation going on such that were okay and chill but preferably locked down in that house.
then i decided to take a short walk as usual and found that i walked a bit further away than intented and/or just decided to take the bus back home, but that route i took and the bus were/looked pretty IRL from here, not my hometown. Anyway, in that bus i see this woman (my age), the tall, golden haired one. i say she was careless fashion wise because she was wearing shorts - guess military green, thigh high shorts -, tactical boots, and this... coat, whith, like, a bit of sheep fur inside? and the coat i think was also green or dark? and a white, tight shirt of anything (whatever cartoon, or perhaps a brand of cereal?). I could even add she had like a hat of some sort? you get the point.
she was chanting I don't know what exactly, but it was about... resistance against capitalism or... things. and i somehow knew- perhaps she was also shouting that too -that she was part of this around 10 people commune, and at the same time part of a polyam whatever (obviously). but she was charming. and we started talking and she eventually invited me over - perhaps not to live with them but, like a tour or something.
then (since she was polyam) she started making advances and l responded bla bla bla. point is she was so kind [and i was so unbearably, mawkingly sentimental, as usual (i insist: my brain knows me only too well)] and loving i was reduced to dust on the floor. i remember that she said [jesus christ, this is so embarrassing because that's EXACTLY something i would do and say in such situation... how can people put up with me at all???] "hey, would you like to listen to this pink floyd vinyl?" (i *hate* pink floyd, and i knew it in my dream, too) and i said "as long as we listen to it together (; " [JSKDKSKKFNSNFSKNFMS 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 (too fucking accurate)] and this golden haired woman blushed slightly, said thank you to the lamest 'smooth' move she's probably heard in decades, and (later that day) she kind of wanted to.. um, thank me? for being 'sweet' to her? so she made this improvised- but super cute -thing, like a birthday card format but handmade, decorated with stuff, and it simply said in stylish text [*her* very particular sort of stylish: kind of fucked up letters but with evident effort into the aesthetic, pretty nicely overall] something along the lines of "how do i take care of you/what is it that you find sweet so that i know/how do you like to be treated so that i know how to take care of you". and it fucked me up so hard xdxd because im evidently unused to such things that i just froze and didn't say anything, just stood there staring at the letter/card she gave me and thinking of an answer. What a nice woman/dream.
then i dreamed of Louis Walsh xD as a judge (yes, im a huge fan of the X Factor but the bad auditions only; im obsessed with them) of some show; that he was given the choice to pick one song out of 5 to dance it himself! and he chose the gagnam style ("so that people can have a good laugh" he said, but in the most expressionless face in this world hhahahajja), then put up a clownish, glittery purple huge, puffy top hat, and started dancing. but then someone grabbed the mic (at the other end of the place), which was apparently normal, and started saying, like, sarcastic things about how the mexican movie industry keeps only an unfair amount of the money they make/made out of The Lord of The Rings movies and all the rest goes to Sony (i have no idea if Sony really has the rights xd that was just in my dream), "not even taking into account the popcorn and candy sales" those people said (they were two men) xD
then i dreamed that I was in new york (?) i was fucking around in central park, just chilling at a bench or something, and that i got a new black, very resistant backpack, as in those big backpacks that aren't backpack shaped. like this but it looked even more like just a bag. and i remember talking about it with someone (a very old acquaintance from school; i met him when I was 15), and they said "oh yea, i remember your old backpack! it was al ripped and worn-out" (?) for whatever my brain meant with that - with any of those three dreams.
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wallflowerimagines · 3 years
Hello there ! Just found your blog and I wanna say I fell in love with your writing 🥺✨ I was wondering if you could have the 4 lords react to their s/o just suddenly stealing their clothes or hat or lil trickets to wear since the s/o just loves how the lords look , hope this makes sense XD
Thank you so much!!!
You also....found out my weakness so quickly...TOP OF THE TO-DO LIST AGAIN IM SORRY IM WEAK--
Alcina Dimitrescu
First, lest we all forget: Alcina Dimitrescu is a Big Laydee
Let's be honest, there is not a person alive who is the same size as Alcina. That makes it extremely easy to find things that fit you in her closet.
The fur coats are probably going to be your favorite, because they're like the softest blankets you could ever own, BUT YOU CAN WEAR IT!
You feel like royalty walking through the halls of Dimitrescu Castle in this super sized coat. There's a big train trailing behind you, and you can tuck your feet into the super soft fabric when you sit down. Sure, the sleeves are a little long, but it reminds you of Alcina, and you miss her.
Fur coats are a favorite of Alcina's too. It's her favorite thing to see you in, especially with nothing else on underneath💕
Honestly, she gets the warm fuzzies whenever you put on something of hers--jewelry, hat, gloves, it doesn't matter. Alcina gets this deeply satisfied feeling whenever you have something of hers on.
(She's also more likely to pull you in for a smooch, but that's neither here nor there.)
Sometimes, she will even make a point to leave something out of hers that she wants you to wear. You have a little pile of things to choose from, and they all smell like her~~
There is one exception: please don't try to put on her dresses. I know you think it's going to drape all ✨sexy✨ over you, or you can tie it at the waist like a big, fancy robe, but I promise you, that is not the look that you will have achieved. There's just too much fabric--it's a loose, lumpy mess. 0/10, do not recommend.
Donna Beneviento
But...why though?
Donna is more than happy to make you your own clothes, you don't need to steal hers!
Yeah, but that's not the point, though, is it?
She's actually a little offended until you explain it to her. She likes to make you so many things, and likes to see you in the things she's made for you, so when you pick out something else she gets a little sad.
It's more romantic if she makes it for you, in her opinion.
You have to explain to her why you want to wear a trinket of hers, or else Donna is never going to get it.
You want something of hers for when you miss her, for when you're out or she's gone! You love her, you love how she looks, and you want a piece of her to be attached to you. It's reassuring to tie your hair back with her hair pins, or thread her spare veil around your waist like a belt.
It's a Lover's Token.
Oh...Well, in that case, Donna is definitely on board!
You two start a tradition where both of you wear bracelets for a week, and then switch with each other for the next week. They're shared bracelets, owned by neither of you individually, but specifically something you both have as a couple.
The more you guys do this, the more Donna understands the appeal. There's never a time when the bracelets aren't warm to the touch, and it feels like your fingers are always caressing her wrist.
It's so special for both you and Donna that you guys have a tradition all to yourselves. You guys are rarely ever apart, but in case you are, all you have to do is look at the bracelet and your heart feels full.
Salvatore Moreau
You?? Wearing something of his?? Is a dream come true.
Moreau loves indulging in various romance tropes, and if you didn't start wearing something of his, he was going to wear something of yours.
(He might have already taken a couple of things without you noticing? Not just clothes, but knick knacks and pillows. He likes to snatch up things that carry your scent and make a little nest out of them in his bed. On nights where his back hurts, the smell does wonders to distract him from the pain.)
Anyway, he likes the world knowing that you're taken, and that you belong to each other. Swapping clothes is a great way to do that.
Salvatore doesn't have a traditional body type, so you only have a couple things to choose from: his cape-cover and some of his jewelry.
It doesn't matter what you ask for though, if you even mention that you had a thought about putting on something of his, it is OFF HIM and in your hands. Salvatore is happy to give it to you.
But, if you really want to knock him out? Steal both his cape and crown and wrap yourself up in them. There's juuuust enough fabric to cover any unmentionables, and if you drape yourself over the nearest piece of furniture, well...
Apparently, you can make Salvatore's brain shut off so fast he actually drools.
Karl Heisenberg
I mean, sure? You can wear his stuff if you want to, Heisenberg isn't going to stop you.
Please, please, please wear his stuff, holy shit, YES PLEASE
Karl likes to pretend that is doesn't effect him as much as it does, but you know him. It doesn't matter how hard he tries to hide it from you, when he walks into a room and sees you in his spare coat, he cannot keep his hands off you.
It's not even necessarily a sexual thing. Karl really likes the idea of both of you being joined at the hip, a perfect pair, best friends as well as partners, and when you put on something of his?
There's a tiny little voice at the back of his head that goes 'yeeeeeees, goooood'. It reaffirms the idea that you both are close-- close enough to trade clothes.
The one thing that really messes with him is if you take his dog tags. They make tiny little tinkling noises, so he's always aware of where you are in the room. If he's trying to focus, he'll probably pull them off of you, but not before he tugs you into a kiss. 🥰
He wants nothing more than to have physical contact with you when you wear something of his. He will pull you into his lap if he's sitting, wrap his arms around you from behind if he's standing, and hold your hand if you are next to him.
He will also make little comments about how much he likes it, but it's so obviously not on purpose. Stuff about how you match, about how he trusts you to look after his hat/coat, about how you look like a real team...
It's weirdly romantic?
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fishtre · 3 years
Oh lord your work has honestly has got to be one of the things that truly cemented me into being a Jason fan when I started to enter the fandom. I just wanted to ask; Has Dick or Bruce ever seen Jason (or even Jessie; im a fuckibg lesbian for her) while they were at a low point? Or have they ever seen something in Jay's behavior that seriously made them stop and think for a moment?
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Oof-!!! o-okay. I wasn't ready for this. So many responsibilities??? Thanks and welcome!  XD 
> Have they ever seen something in Jay's behavior that seriously made them stop and think for a moment? 
This goes for Jay and Femjay 
For Dick: No. Dick and Jason aren’t close. They know each other through Bruce who is this deforming prism between them: lingers even in his absence. This + a lack of a relationship = Dick's empathy sleeping where Jason is involved since day one. Meanwhile, Jason just doesn't trust Dick nor expect his sympathy as the replacement goldfish Bruce picked up (or the outlaw Jason later become). They avoid/ignore rather than seek/antagonize each other (unless the situation demands violence). Hence, it’s not granted Dick could recognize the moment for what it was and not chalk it up as “classic Jason”. 
As for Bruce: short answer is YES. Their whole history is paved with moments where Bruce has (usually late) epiphanies about Jason and himself. And this’ pretty much how Jason got benched after a rapist went flying through a balcony to meet the concrete twenty floors lower.
More to say, so long AF rant below the cut. Mostly about canon interpretation I use for characterisation + some side notes about Femjay at the very end. The essential is above tho.
Starts with “Batman the Cult”: 
Aka Batman goes missing while investigating an underground sect that kidnaps homeless people. When Jason finally finds him, Bruce is a drugged, tortured, half-raving mad man on a pile of corpses who've been living in the sewers for weeks. Jason tries to bring Batman to his senses and at the surface but he's so damaged in and out that Robin has to guide him back home like a lost child. Eventually they get surrounded by the cult members. After a "it was an honor to meet and fight with you sir" Robin got outflanked. Begs Bruce to help as a crowd of drugged hobos tries to literally tear him apart. Jason is like 14-15yo and it takes these three "adult fears" in a row (child going “yolo” + child protecting the powerless adult + watching child get almost killed) for Bruce to finally fight back and save the day.
Which brings us to the following event: The rapist and the balcony :p. Bruce can't prove if Jason committed the crime or not so the act in itself isn't the point. Jason admitting he didn't try to catch the falling rapist, no feeling remorse to potentially causing someone's death is what alarms Bruce here.
Between the Cult and this, for me it's definitely when Bruce first gets blessed with many epiphanies; 1) Jason’s attitude toward death, his or the crooks' lives, his soldier-like devotion to Bruce during the Cult is alarming. 2) Turns out Jason have different opinions regarding Justice, the right to redemption or vigilantism. Opinions that are pretty irreconcilable with Bruce’s. 3) He's not shaking the grip Gotham has on the boy at all (his reason or excuse to take Jason in at first.)  4) Jason's indulging Bruce and playing by his rules because love and respect (he hopes), not because Jason understands or believes in Bruce's methods or share his creeds. 5) He may had been emotionally compromised when he took in Jason (as Dick accuses him to be) and had been making thing worse for the boy, failing Jason as a mentor/guardian and an adult.
As the “greatest detective”, it weighs on Bruce that he ultimately failed Jason in knowing the boy and providing what he needs; his guilt and irresponsibility catching up to him all at once. From Bruce’s perspective, this has cost a man's life and Jason’s “innocence”, simply because he (or anyone) didn’t manage to see Jason for who he is; a more troubled child than he or Dick ever was, and that despite having all the clues in the world to figure it out.  In result Jason and Robin are benched. Jason dies before Bruce can find what he should do. That's it. UTRH could be seen as Jason at a low point I guess. But special mention to when Bruce "walks away" to not choose between Red Hood and Joker before aiming a batarang at RH's gun, Jason sits down in silence and simply gives up; resigned to wait for the bomb to blow up, not caring if Bruce or Joker get away or die with him. A stark contrast to how determined and mouthy he's been until then. Jason "accepts" what he sees as Bruce's choice: that Joker is more or equally as important to him than Jason. Bruce has to pull him away from the worst of the blast so it's fair to say that he must notice. It doesn't manage to make Bruce stops and thinks, but the conclusion to that story on Bruce's side this time is that while Jason is back and alive, the event in UTRH achieved to kill the boy he knew and lost. 
As for femjay, here a bit more trivia just for her AU:
Dick first thought after discovering that new Robin was a tomboy, whom Bruce also addresses or presents as one 90% of the time does alarms him a bit in the midst of his confusion. But when he half-questions Jason about it, she mocks him about this incident and shuts him off with a "none of your beeswax". Fuming, Dick brushes it off as being some kind of pervert game between Bruce and Jason, be it Bruce trying to replace and hurt him, introverted misogyny, lesbian culture or whatever. None of his beeswax. He doesn't look deeper into it. He leaves Gotham and only comes back for her "funeral". As a general rule, looking into Jason- related stuff and not minding his business when she is involved, always ends up biting Dick in the arse.
Bruce never really brushes the subject of what Jason may have done or not in order to survive on the streets for two years or why her parents gave her a boy name. He takes what Jason gives him on this (which is little) and doesn't pry into it further since Jason's medical checkups are fairly good and promising. Jason is a girl who prefers to blend in as a boy and Bruce plays along, secretly relieved because Bruce has no idea how to deal with a pre-teen/teenage girl. So yeah; he's scared and this is a blessing for him and she looks happy like that. Bruce avoids using pronouns to avoid confusion himself (which is partly why Dick got so confused by Jason's gender when they first met).
Nobody but Alfred realizes she starts corseting herself with bandages and a sports bra by the end of second year at the manor. Or that she buys pads and razors on the dozen with who knows what money since she asks for nothing. Old-fashioned Wayne's British butler is barely more at ease with Jason's womanhood than Bruce, but Al does take the initiative to give her an allowance so she can buy underwears when she first arrives. He simply raises that allowance to cover her new needs with a cryptic and awkward explanation. But because Jason doesn't know how to choose a bra she sticks to what she knows, aka; keeps wearing a sports bra and flattening her chest as best as she can while residing at the Manor. By the time she comes back as Red Hood, Jason is too curvy to hide so she doesn't. Also; Talia... While she still was only trying to use Jason against or to win Bruce back, she's appalled to learn what Jason used to do to her breasts, and took pity of her. She forcefully take Jason out shopping for her first actual bra at 17-18 yo and teach her some more basics.
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shatouto · 3 years
hello hello!! im kinda new to star wars but i'm really enjoying all of your obikin fics, especially A Study in Tears and The Cygnets at Sundown. Just a question tho, but how is the makeup of the Jedi Order / Mandalorian society different in this pre-republic setting? Is it like not as consolidated / there's different roles compared to republic-era? Is obi-wan still a jedi master alongside being a crèchemaster?? thank you!
;;;;A;;;; thank you!! i’m super super happy, those are my two most recent solo-authored fics and probably gonna be the two longest too!
as for the worldbuilding, i did expand on it a bit in the recently posted 2nd chapter! c: i know you sent this ask before it was posted lol i waited till it was posted so that i have something to refer to!
tbh "pre-republic" is genuinely just my excuse to write a pseudo medieval fantasy but in space hahaha xD so don't stress about actual canon legends content cause i don't either :3 no need to do any homework here, im making everything up
but yeah as for the jedi. basically if i were to make a bullet list of aspects where my pre-republic au jedi sect differ from the canon republic jedi order, it would be:
they live in a teensy little monastery, not a big temple, cause that's all they can afford
they wear robes more similar to the kasaya. here’s an illustration of obi-wan’s robes :)
there are only about 100 of them in the monastery. there's no paired master/padawan, they're all together
everybody wears a braid (or a strand of braided synthetic suede) called a Jedi braid
there are no set roles for crèchemaster/healer/librarian/gardener etc. they have some specialization but everybody is a full Jedi! they are ranked Master once they pass a certain ritual or skill based threshold. so yes, obi-wan is a crèchemaster and a chronicler/librarian and a Jedi Master!
MOST IMPORTANTLY: attachment is encouraged. attachment is almost required for survival, because there are so few of them in such a hostile society. these jedi are less peacekeepers and more like, monks who keep to themselves and help whoever they can help. they need the Force bonds to keep each other safe!
as for mandalorian society, it's sort of not super elaborated in this chapter yet, but i imagine them sort of feudalistic, just a lot more feral. so you have Clan Kryze as a big noble family with a lot of vassal clans, which together make up their faction, and they rule over kalevala as their home territory.
they might call themselves royalty or whatever it really doesn't matter because in essence it's just titles they give themselves because they have power. (i imagine that other faction-leading clan would do this too, e.g. the leader of clan vizsla would call themself monarch/Prince/sovereign ruler/mand'alor of his own faction.)
anyway i’m not a medievalist/historian just a cross cultural nerd so it's probs inaccurate to actual feudalistic dynamics aaaAAANYWAY i hope you'll enjoy the fiction regardless!!
edit: ok feudalistic was probs not a good term – i was thinking more in terms of vassality (lord-vassal relations) like in french feudalism (you see why i got the term in there 😂)
EDIT2: I FORGOT one super important thing in the bullet list above. also added artwork
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rjshepherd · 3 years
I hc that mother miranda is the only cishet of the whole group
Alcina - Lesbian [Demigirl ] [ she/They
Karl - Bi and demisexual [ transmasc he/they ]
Donna - Asexual Pan [ nonbinary she/her ]
Sal - Gay [ he is cis but I love him so he gets a pass] [ he/him ]
Ok Nonnie im 99.99% sure you don't mean It this way but that sort of comes across as implying Miranda(and sal I suppose) is an evil cishet and I don't vibe with that for a few reasons. I agree with you about all the others, ace/pan Donna being a personal favourite of mine, but I tend to canon Miranda as bi-curious. She's 115 years old bare minimum. I know she's focused on Eva but I refuse to believe in all that time she hasn't looked at another woman or feminine person and gone "...hmm.maybe?" XD
since I'm ace myself (and questioning my cis-ness at the moment lol) Ive had heacanons of all the lords somewhere on the ace spectrum at some point. So for example I generally write my Karl is pan/bi demisexual and demi romantic (could be trans could not, depending on the ask). I try not to hold one singular Headcanon for their genders or sexualities because it makes it hard to fulfill people's ask requests if I'm Lazer focused on one thing being Right tm
Also while we're doing this, how's about ones for the dimitrescu girls too?
Bela is asexual/demi-romantic but feels platonic and familial love incredibly strongly. Uses she/her in English but for some reason she uses we/us to refer to herself in Romanian. Maybe she wanted to be royalty ? I'm not sure it's a gender thing so you could probably use most pronouns and she would be ok with it. Just ask first.
Cassandra is a lesbian but she's had a few fleeting fancies for some men in her long life. It's mostly aesthetic attraction, it wears off as soon as she comes down from her adrenaline high from hunting them. Uses she/her
Daniela is intersex and uses both she/her and them/they at various times. It depends on how well you know her. Strangers use she/ her as Daniela presents as feminine most of the time. However when speaking amongst themselves or in romanian, the sisters mostly refer to Daniela as them/they. They are also Pansexual with a soft spot for non binary people.
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kaaytea · 3 years
Can i request some cute reader!manager x Koushu headcanons? With reader being Miyuki's younger sister, who is one of the managers and in first year? Who is close with Koushu as they're each others crush?? Buuuuutts he invites him over for dinner at her place one day (probably during summer break so Miyuki can be there to? XD)
Buuuut like reader is quite insecure about her cookings cause she knows Koushu comes from a wealthy family?
Im sorry if this is to complicated ;;
Bsjdndkdnd an Okumura request! I have been waiting for this day 🤧 I'm sorry this took awhile to get out, I hope you enjoy!
Pt. 2 to this post
Okumura and Miyuki's sister
When Okumura has a crush he literally doesn't know what to do with himself
He's not really a 'people person' so having a crush is uncharted territory for him
The only reason he befriended you was because you usually join the first year boys for dinner to work on homework
You noticed that Asada and Okumura were always the last to leave so you took it upon yourself to keep them company
Okumura wasn't really bothered by you, normally you just made friendly conversation with Asada but eventually you were able to coax him into your little conversations
Kinda feel like he wouldn't know you're Miyuki's little sister bc you introduced yourself using your given name rather than your sir name
(Having two Miyuki's on the team could get a little confusing so you just avoided the whole thing and used your given name)
So as far as Koushuu knows you're just a really nice manager who he seems to mesh well with
He would be sO intrigued by you if you drop all the knowledge you had on baseball, especially if it's about the Catchers position
And when he asks you where you learned all that you just
"My brother? Who else would have taught me..." 🤨🧐
It doesn't click and he's just like "Your brother seems very knowledgeable about the sport" 😭
Someone help him because when he learns who exactly this super smart brother is he kinda mentally shuts down
He's chilling on his bunk and you just come into the dorm and say, "Ni-san, can you help me with this math problem?"
The brother you were referring to is Miyuki?! Miyuki Kazuya? The one person at Seidou that aggravates Okumura the most?
Literally didn't see this coming at all. Lord help him when he finally realizes he has a crush on you, any time he interacts with Miyuki is even more of a dumpster fire than it originally was
Kinda soft but bc Koushuu has no idea how to handle crushes he goes to Seto to rant about not knowing what he's doing
Seto hasn't seen Koushuu act this awkward around him in a LONG time so he is vastly amused by these rants
"well she's seen you be hostile around her brother -AND that time you yelled at Sawamura-senpai, if she hasn't left by now things can't really get worse, right?"
".....You're not making me feel any better, Taku"
Seto's trying his best.....Mura is just a very prickly boy
Please he's like blunt and awkward but so incredibly precious 🤧
There was a day it was raining and he just shoved his jacket in your face
It's even funnier bc you had one of those mini umbrellas in your bag but here you are with his jacket draped over your shoulders bc you literally couldn't tell him no
You had asked Okumura if he wanted to meet up during break bc you were going to be bored out of your mind at home
He agreed bc hey, that's quality time he gets to spend with you which is hard to come by at a boarding school
It was hard to tell but Okumura was actually pretty excited to see you
Which kinda made him forget that there was a high chance he'd run into Miyuki
It dawned on him like halfway into his train ride.....let's just say his aura was showing a bit
He brightened up when he met up with you at the station near your house. You had this big smile and you were wearing a blouse that made your eyes pop
Mura felt like he was gonna melt from your happy smile and the cute sparkle in your eyes, there was just something about you that made his heart all fluttery
For most of the day the pair of you walked around the square near your house, dipping in and out of little shops
Okumura was just kinda following your lead but you wanted him to have fun too so you dragged him back to your home where you grabbed the two mitts you'd use to play catch with Kazuya
You could say you accomplished your mission in making sure he had fun as that was the first time you ever saw Okumura laugh
Well it was more of a mix between a huff and a laugh but it was cute none the less :))
You were honestly a bit worried about the dinner situation
Your cooking style was a bit more...humble compared to your brothers. Kazuya liked experimenting with spices and ingredients while you usually stuck to simpler recipes
Not to mention Mura didn't naturally have that big of an appetite
So you were kinda panicking because you wanted him to like the food but also not pressure him into eating it if he wasn't comfortable
And to top everything off Kazuya plopped himself down at the kitchen table claiming he was there to supervise
(He was actually there to make sure Okumura wasn't being handsy with you. Yes Mura was, for the most part, a good kid but Miyuki's older brother instincts were going haywire)
Poor Koushuu kept offering to help you, he was really just trying to not sit across from Miyuki the entire time
Normally Koushuu is able to stand his ground but this time he felt like a fish out of water. Miyuki was watching him and his interactions with you very carefully
You were honestly just trying to cook as fast as you could so you could give Kazuya food and then shove him out of the kitchen to get him away from Mura
The food was done and Kazuya was promptly kicked out of the kitchen by you
Now your last hurdle was Okumura and his weird eating habits
You gave him a smaller portion size than what's usually served at Seidou and he was SO grateful for that
He didn't want to offend you so he made sure to eat all the food (not that it would have been an issue bc he honestly really liked your cooking)
For the first since you met him Okumura actually looked happy while eating (which was a HUGE relief for you)
Mura is literally so sweet, he helped you clean the kitchen after you both finished eating🥺
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missrandomdreamer · 2 years
drawing hardcore rambles
dSeeing all this new stuff on Reaper ( I've seen other people react to the new comic and now kind of afraid to read ingit and also just not sure how i have felt about overwatch lately) but regardless I missed my spooky boy :' (
Think I might draw him today
Also just really want to draw all my favorite boys interacting with each other cause just think it would be funny
Like I already drew Heisenberg and Anderson together cause the whole hating vampires and Frankenstein origin bit but want to draw those two with Regis from Witcher 3 (because obviously vampire baby), Eredin obviously because he is my tall elf boy who everyone looks tiny next too and who is also a spooky boy like Reaper and then Zevran and probably Guzma because honestly love that bug baby too
All right so im just gonna be drawing all these dudes interact >:D might just be busts of them though to keep it simple
Though it would be fun to do a height chart with all of them though I have no idea how tall Guzma is (know Eredin is the tallest out of all of them and Zevran is the smallest)
edit: found out Guzma is 6'07 haha Heisenberg is still friggin short compared to everyone (Except Zevran lol)
Imagine all the dudes with glasses changing glasses: Guzma Anderson and Heisenberg: Heisenberg would look like a professor wearing Anderson's: Anderson would look just stupid as hell wearing Guzma's and then Guzma would look probably pretty cool wearing Heisenberg's Heisenberg, Reaper, Anderson and Zevran comparing scars (maybe Eredin?)
Reaper and Eredin just awkwardly glaring at each other in there little spooky get-ups
Zevran and Guzma talking about disbanding there groups ?)
Anderson not picking up Regis is a vampire and the two just having a lovely chat until it leads to Anderson killing vampires and Regis is just like OwO; (even though Regis is basically like Alucard if I think about it)
>which raises random question would Alucard or Regis when in a fight?<
Heisenberg being like I could take all of you in a fight(cause metal weapons are useless) except Regis and maybe Guzma (cause bugs)
Guzma and Heisenberg talking about hating there family ?
if you guys have any suggestions let me know would love to hear them XD
(lord someone made this into a gif im so happy i love this shit little expression Anderson did: shit I miss him :' ( )
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like look at all these beautiful babies :' ) i love them so much
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convxction · 2 years
[ [ taps mic. finally the script is here. time to dig in.
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deceased noises. the japanese line is so .... mhm. chrom says:  Ore no hanshin, rufure -- my half, reflet.  . . . . 
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chrom’s love is the kind he give everything to his loved ones ... just like emmeryn waaaaaa being selfless sobs. 
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nods nods. finding someone to love is better. looks respectfully to your left. lol. the japense line reminded me of the drama cd tbh. reflet want the stability but he wants to find the stability in himself first before he can drag someone into his unstable life. depresso noises.
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it is funny to think that avatar can calculate and make research on what everyone want / like but for him its just ??? me???? confusion noises cant comprehend. good bean robin wants everyone to be happy. why you take that line away keep it gdi. he wants ppl to be happy shakes fist.
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lays on the ground. take a shot of water every time chrom says he wants to follow after emmeryn’s footsteps. and cry. shot and cry. idk why when chrom says something like > 俺も見習いたいものだ。 it is so fuzzy feeling in my chest sobs. looks at tomokazu sugita...you make it extra fuzzy sobs.
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lmao as much as i want to think he means robin likes chrom’s clothes but the clothes in general, i think. because i feel like it is so special to be able to wear something nice and express his feelings, matching the prince no less. it means a lot thats why chrom says robin like THE clothes, not HIS clothes. but hey, i can be wrong and i dont mind. it just fits robin better to be thankful for the opportunity to wear something and participate in the occasion. lays on the ground ..he sees him like a dignified gentleman ...sobs. it means a lot man. seeing robin always doing things in the background and now he is stepping under the spot light to join them ..sobs. hey i remember the christmas one dont need to butt in. more festivals more participation lets gooooo 
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you heard of bonds, you heard of parties now get ready for FEELINGS/LOVE CHANGE FATE WOHOH!!!
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kanshanokimochi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sobs. pray hard chrom, pray hard! LOVE HARDER LMAO
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aha kanjiru yo desu ne~ where and how exact----*shot*
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chrom: let me swing my sword, someone put these gifts away
christmas chrom: HM????????????? *SLAMS WITH HIS GIFT BAG* LEARN YOUR PLACE, WEAK.
robin big brain about the purpose of the shepherds. i mean, yes the shepherds was made to protect the people first and foremost. when emmeryn died and chrom read her will, the shepherds grew in just protecting ylisse to protect the whole world--the world that emmeryn loved and the people she loves live in (the world where the people HE loves live in.)
he adds that protecting their happiness is one of the shepherds roles. true true. 
chrom pikachu shooketh jpg for some reason. dude you work for that too dont be surprised xD but yes, keep it close and tight in your kokoro please. that what makes you a special boy sobs. 
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Okurimono erabi wa… nigateda.. sits and think about lissa’s support. 
even when defeated, still his fault. i mean yes, your fault lmao.
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still soft when robin calls emmeryn--emmerina-sama ...sobs. 
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im always interested how english chrom is a little playful and jp chrom is literally human robot--cyborg just straight to the point. what do you want?????? tower over him. tell me. now.
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kimi roman tte mono ga nai yo ne…hahahahahahahaa .... haaaaaaaaaaa. you know he is chrom, the lord who densed like no one else densed like him. we coined densed just for him. the moment when you give up on your partner because they are too ....special to be romantic. 
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i love how chrom just ignores and asks again. dude. at least try to be tiny bit romantic. but thats ok. 
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selfless man 2.
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stubborn man. tell me punk. tell me what you want. what you really really what you want, what you really really want~
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*alexa play p/ersona 3 tender feelings please*
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hold his flower.
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it’s all for a flower ... inigo dont butt in. raquel too. dont butt in flower people this is not your flower. 
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my brain is like: this is not the first time robin did this. we’re into something. sh/erlock holmes got nothing on me. because it is a tactical book. he learned this tactic from the tactical book winks.
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rolls sleeves. chrom you talk about lissa like this i swear i will 2D myself and come to punch your dumb face 😤 the audacity. smh.
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mama robin back in action. dont be shy and give your gratitude, ok? 
hosoya-san go to jail. please. just go to jail.
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i live for chrom telling robin to not treat him like a child. i like it when chrom says ‘茶化すな’ lololol. 
i believe there will be the map script too but thats for another post. 
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xsteriism · 4 years
Hey congrats on 300 followers 🥳 also as a prompt can we just have some fluffy IronDad and SpiderSon making pancakes, when you get the chance of course :3
Hello!! Thank you for the prompt! I hope you enjoy it, I enjoyed writing it xD
I’m also sorry for not writing in so long (the chirstmas thing doesnt really count), ive been struggling recently but its okay bc im bACK BABY
“It’s too early for this,” Tony sighs, putting the recipe he printed on the marble counter. What made him think that waking up early to make pancakes from scratch was a good idea? Ah, yes, the little spider-ling who was currently sleeping in his bedroom because he had a nightmare. The things he would do and the extents he would go for the boy baffled him sometimes.
Reluctantly, the engineer picked up the piece of paper, trudging around the pristine kitchen to gather the ingredients and cutlery. He really should be increasing his pace if he wanted to finish the pancakes before Peter woke up, especially since the teen had super-hearing and may wake to the sound of clanging. But really, Tony had maybe three hours of sleep, too busy chasing the nightmares away from the young hero, so his sluggishness could be excused.
Looking at all the ingredients displayed before him and the recipe that seemed to mock him for his incompetence in the kitchen, Tony wonders if he should ask Pepper for help. Alas, his CEO had already left the penthouse to do CEO things, being the responsible adult she is and all, so the poor billionaire was left to his own devices.
And honestly? With how he burnt an omelette after taking hours to make it, Tony doesn’t have much hope with the pancakes. He was still going to try, of course, but just looking at the recipe hurt his brain. How did professional chefs do this? Mechanics and fixing things was much easier, in his opinion.
Tony looks at everything displayed before him and sighs again. Hopefully, with any luck, Peter won’t wake up to burnt pancakes and Pepper won’t come back to a messy kitchen.
Peter wakes up with a headache, as expected after the nightmares and crying himself to sleep. He hears the distinct sound of clanging, then a crash, followed by a curse, and decides that he has no time to sleep off his headache.
Rolling his heavy body out of bed, the teen slips his feet into soft and fluffy bunny slippers before dragging himself to the kitchen. In the hallway, with the perfect view of the kitchen, he sees the mess that is the kitchen.
Mr. Stark is wearing an apron that read ‘I am the boss,’ looking anything but a boss. There is a bowl filled with some sort of batter splattered on the kitchen floor and… was that flour in his hair? He watches as his mentor pulls his hair, staring in distress at the sight of the mess that he made, cursing with a frown on his face.
“Um…” Peter starts and he has to hide his smile behind his hand when his mentor whips around with the most guilty expression he has ever seen. “Mr. Stark? Are you okay?”
“Okay? Do I look—” the adult takes a deep breath, looking like he’d rather be in his lab than in the kitchen. “I’m okay, I’m totally fine. Everything’s going exactly as planned—”
Peter eyes the mess on the floor, watching as the thick batter spreads. “Do you want my help?”
“No, I don’t want your help. I’m a grown adult and I can do adult things like cook pancakes,” Mr. Stark said, following Peter’s gaze and they both stare at the growing mess. “Okay, maybe I do need your help.”
“Yay! Let’s make pancakes together!” The young hero cheers, smiling brightly. They start afresh by clearing the ruined batter on the ground because Peter is a good boy and they can’t possibly work with the mess mocking them on the floor.
They measure the ingredients perfectly, as stated on the recipe, and separates them into different bowls. Then, they dump the ingredients together and laugh when they whip too hard, causing some batter to fly and smack them in the face.
Of course, they are science geniuses, so the next part would be a little tricky for there was no math involved. Plus, with Tony’s lack of culinary skills and May as Peter’s guardian, they were bound to fail.
“Oil! Oil! Did you put oil?” Peter asks frantically when his mentor looked as if he was going to dump the batter straight into the pan. “Where’s the oil?”
And when they got that under control…
“What do you mean ‘when the edges are brown’?” Peter yells at the phone, the paper with the recipe and instructions that Tony printed long forgotten. “I need numbers, how long do we need to wait before we flip?”
Tony’s face was directly over the pan, squinting at the batter. “It doesn’t look very brown on the edges, so maybe a while longer?”
The younger rushes over, squeezing his head beside his mentor’s to see what was going on in the pan. They looked like two young children, watching something for the first time.
“Do we flip now?” Tony asks when a particularly large bubble forms. “Quick, Pete, google ‘mistakes to avoid when making pancakes.’”
While Peter does as instructed, Tony decides that they’ve waited too long and flips the pancake over, watching in horror as the pancake is completely burnt. The engineer just thanks the lord they have more batter to experiment on. This was like science. Kind of. Trail and error.
“Mr. Stark!” Peter wails, throwing his head back dramatically. “The site says to ‘have faith that the pancake will let you know when it’s ready to flip.’ What does that mean?”
The younger paused, suddenly standing up straight. “Wait, does our pancake have to sentient? It has to let us know… what? I’m confused, Mr. Stark. Math is much easier than whatever this is.”
The billionaire nodded, dumping the burnt pancake onto a plate. He scoops more batter into the pan and hopes he won’t mess up again. “I don’t think we’re cut out for this.”
“Ya think, Mr. Stark? We belong in the lab,” Peter whines, running his hand down his face, unaware of the residual flour on his hands. “The kitchen is our hell.”
Before they can complain more, the elevator doors open, and Ms. Potts steps out. She paused at the sight of Peter’s flour-stained face, and the burnt pancake, and Tony’s dishevelled appearance.
“What happened? I came up to get some documents and this is what greets me?” Ms. Potts teases, smiling cheekily. She walks over to the singular brunt pancake, picking it up with her bare hands. “What is this?”
Tony rushes over to snatch the thing out of her hands, forgetting about the batter he just poured into the pan. “This is a pancake, thank you very much.”
While the two adults bicker, Peter smells the faint scent of burnt and curiously looks around. When he notices smoke coming from the pan, he runs over, shouting, “Mr. Stark! You burnt another pancake!”
Before any of the three can do something about it, F.R.I.D.A.Y activates the sprinklers and cool water rains upon them in the kitchen. Ms. Potts shields the documents in her hand with her body, while the other two just stand there and accept their fate.
“That’s it,” Peter winces as Ms. Potts starts to speak. “None of you are allowed in my kitchen ever again!”
Tony smiles guiltily as he thinks, ‘well, Peter didn’t wake up to burnt pancakes and Pepper didn’t come back to a messy kitchen— it was just the opposite.’
tags: @officialtonystarkprotectionsquad @the-world-will-end-guy @hollandrecs
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This is filled w/ spoilers
So here it is, time for me to pull myself together and post all my thoughts and feelings on the new episode into one big long post. 
So my overall feelings?
I am upset
Not because it was a bad episode- it was amazing, literally so good- nope, it’s because of Nathalie- but I’ll get into that in a moment. I’m gonna put a read-more here cause this is gonna probably be really long- and could very well be a recap of the whole ep with my commentary. 
First off, when Plagg seemed not to like Adrien’s birthday present for Marinette, he seemed so concerned (these screenshots aren’t going to be very good quality because I REALLY don’t feel like going through all the trouble of making them look nice & take hours on one post)
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Look at the little bean! SO concerned. It’s perfect Honeybun, she’ll love it. 
Then onto the next scene...
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Even during meals, they sit so far away from each other. Why? I’ve often wondered what the point of such a long table with so many chairs could be, especially in a house that’s so big yet so empty. I suppose that it could do well for meetings, but still, this is a family meal, not a company get-together or business meeting with people you have to impress. They have to practically yell at each other to be heard. 
Also, look at this
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He basically asked Nathalie for approval. “Should I let him?” “Yes sir, I would.” “Very well, Adrien.”
Also, the fact that Gabriel and Lila have the same meeting place each time. He isn’t just driving by hoping to catch her, they have a time and place set up. And the idea that Marinette is a bad influence? Preposterous! But of course, this is Lila. 
Screw Lila. 
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“You work to hard, sir” 
Yes Nathalie, I’m sure you know what working to hard feels like. You’re not exactly relaxing, yourself. 
Next scene! 
Ms. Bustier: Marinette, would you bring your school bag to me please, I need to check something
Okay so first off, you’re going off of an anonymous tip that one of your best and most well-behaved students (Aside from being late quite often) is a thief and a cheat? And secondly, you really think that she is SO STUPID that if she had taken them knowingly, she wouldn’t have maybe removed them from her bag? Third, why did Marinette not FIND them in her bag before school started, take them out, and maybe call Alya or something. 
“That’s impossible Marinette, Lila got the worst grade in the class” not impossible if she stole them after the test- also, way to be subtle on grades. I thought teachers were supposed to keep that stuff relatively undercover. 
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And Adrien really said “Marinette Rights”
There’s no sound of crashing. 
Lila just yells “Ready?” in the most mischievous voice she can
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Then she starts screaming
And no one stopped to think “Hey, not only is Marinette really not known to assault people, but we didn’t hear a single thud that would have sounded like someone falling down the stairs preceding her screams.”
“She keeps calling me a liar, getting the others to gang up against me...” SINCE. WHEN?
“Oh...I have proof”
How would she have known that the proof was in Marinette’s locker? And again, if she knew, why would she be surprised to find the pendant in Marinette’s locker??
Now we get to the part that started lil miss me to get so upset. 
“Are you ready, Nathalie?”
“More than ever.”
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She just bounces out from behind him, ready as she’ll ever be. 
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Look at her 
Then she goes on to call him the Almighty Scarlet Moth and I just smh 
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Awww. She looks like she’s ready to punch those butterflies in the face. You punch those akumas. 
Varity Queen? Princess Justice? Oh yeah. I wanna see those. 
And now to the scene that hurt me
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“What’s wrong?!”
“Nothing, everything's fine! Keep going..”
She was so ready to just fall down and choke while he continued his fight and she would have still loved him if he hadn’t stopped to help her
But this seen makes it so clear
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he loves her too
Even if it’s just as a friend and assistant, he loves her. And it just...the voice acting, her voice actor was so good, it physically hurts me to watch that scene. 15/10.  
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And Tikki yelling at Marinette...well not really yelling...but holy crap, there is a lot riding on this 14 year old girls shoulders when it comes to her own emotions. She’s still learning what some of them are, puberty is far from over with her, so now she just has the added pressure of not being able to feel the natural emotions that occur with hormone fluctuations and righteous anger from being falsely accused without having to be fearful of Hawkmoth’s akuma. 
But on the bright side, Alya FINALLY believes Marinette! She may have her flaws and push Mari a bit to much IMO when it comes to Adrien but hey, when it comes right down to it, she’ll stick it out with her pals. A true friend. 
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Is that the same doctor we saw at Master Fu’s?
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And despite her state, still the only thing she’s thinking about is him, his goals, what he wants- and he’s not even thinking about that right now. 
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He looks so distraught too. He needs her. But she’s just so laser focused on one thing that she’s not thinking about the other possibilities. Mark my words, her persistence is what’s going to drive him to stop being Hawkmoth. 
“I don’t care, Gabriel. I want to help you.” I swear, I’m gonna start crying again. She’s telling him how she feels when she says stuff like that! It’s loud and clear. If he hasn’t seen it by now, when it’s more obvious than Marinette could ever hope to be- then literally nothing but her straight up saying the words “I’m in love with you” is gonna make it click. He has to know!
“Not at that cost! Never at that cost again...” then it cuts to his family portrait. 
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Why, pray tell, does it cut to his family portrait? Of all things. Why did it cut to anything at all? They didn’t need to go to the trouble of creating a whole new picture to cut to if they didn’t NEED to. It’s saying something. And Im pretty sure that its that he’s not willing to give up Nathalie, not even for Emilie. 
I would also like to point out that in that picture, he is wearing blue- but now, he primarily wears red. What is a combination of blue and red? Purple. The color of Nathalie’s suit. 
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Nathalie: Shh
Me: *handing Nooroo pots and pans*
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She’s so desperate to help him- and look at how she treats Duusu. She isn’t being cruel. Duusu just told her “No, you should be resting” and she’s just like “Yeah, but what if I didn’t?” not “Don’t tell me what to do!” or any crap like that. Instead she stops and explains herself. And then Duusu...
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No, not it’s not romantic. It’s twisted. I love Gabriel and Nathalie as a pair, but this isn’t a romantic gesture. Nathalie is losing herself in her desperation to help him, get the miraculous, end it once and for all, and her desires to please Gabriel even if it means that he’s not going to want her in the end. She is fighting a losing battle, no matter what happens, she’s going to get the short end of the stick- and it just breaks my heart that she is so willing to throw her life away when there are other ways she could be assisting him that don’t include her deteriortating. That’s why I cried so much during this ep- she wants to prove a point by using this miraculous when it isn’t necessary. And that is why I officially HATE seeing Mayura- because each time she transforms she’s one step closer to falling down and not getting back up. 
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Also, I thought this scene was super interesting. That’s how she creates a sentimonster? That is so cool. 
Moving on, when Adrien pulls out his phone 
“I am Mayura, and I’m about to annihilate Ladybug, Mwahahaha!” Points for subtlety, Hon. XD
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She’s so cute
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“I’ve always gone out of my way to hide my true feelings for you but I just can’t do it anymore” possible foreshadowing? Hmmm?? “Your feelings for me haven’t changed and mine are growing stronger every day” I can’t help but think she was speaking from her own heart in some of that. 
And our poor little kitty
So desperate for love, he refuses to believe that
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Ladybug wasn’t actually moving on
“She’s so perfect” “I’m nowhere near as perfect as her.”
Also “Senticharm!” *gets big gun blaster thing*
“Lucky Charm!” *gets fork*
Seriously Gabriel and Nathalie belong together at this rate. 
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“Nooroo why didn’t you wake me up?” “I couldnt bring myself to you were sleeping so peacefully” because “Im scared of you and Nathalie told me to Shh” wasn’t the right response. 
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She gets tired even when using the miraculous
And she still goes out in the field 
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Heeeerrres Hawky!
Legit tho, this is what an anon was talking about earlier from the Gabenath ask meme I did a while back. I said that what I look forin a fanfic would include Hawkmoth needing to save Mayura on the battlefield. And it JUST became canon. Lord have mercy, I think I’ve died XD
“You’re the real monster!” 
“Oh, that...you’ll find out very soon” He doesn’t even care tho. Like, where’s all his givacraps fly off to? Oh yeah that’s right they’re akumatizing people, they just keep flying away.  
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He is huge compared to them. And just going to town trying to whap this 14 year old girl into oblivion. Boy. 
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“All I need to do is wait a few minutes until you two turn back into regular kids, so fragile, so easy to break” Absolutely no filter. Do you think that’s going to make you seem less like a villain? We don’t say stuff like that! You can’t just take that back! I swear, if you have a redemption arc it had better be Paarthurnax/Zuko-level convincing because there are very few people willing to forgive you after you say things like that with no remorse. 
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“Release her”
You can’t tell me he doesn’t love her- he sucks at it, but he does. Im really hoping he’ll learn from this mistake and never ask her to use the peacock miraculous again- if she uses it, it has to be on her.
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“Don’t mind me” Babe if he doesn’t mind you and you’re discovered then it’s just a hop skip and jump from Hawkmoth being Gabriel Agreste, 
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He’s carrying her again
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Idk if I should focus on how little Nathalie seems to care about how much danger she put herself in or the fact that we have a Gabriel booty close-up
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He’s reprimanding her, she starts coughing, her glasses fall off, and he immediately softens up. 
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Look at that soft look. And the music that’s playing in the background? It’s so...sad..and enhances the way he’s looking at her. 
And now.....Adrien
As soon as the adults leave, he growls and the music gets more aggressive. Intimidating. 
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He is ticked. “Because we’re friends aren’t we?” that was just laced with venom and malice. They say demons run when a good man goes to war. 
Well Adrien’s started packing. Lila better watch her step. 
And in the end, she basically outed herself as a pathological liar. She admitted it, though she likely didn’t word it that way. 
Well, that’s all I have to say. Remember, God made you special and he loves you very much. *veggie tales theme starts playing*
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thejoeisthejoe · 4 years
Get to Know Me Tag
I was tagged by @an-american-teen-against-crime and @getacluedrew Thanks guys! xD
Name: Megan
nickname: Uhhh I get called Joe by my Francy and Britain from my America. Online I go by Sarah or Robin Gurl XD. 
zodiac sign: Aquarius
height: 5′ 2.5″ if I’m lucky XD
nationality: american
languages spoken: english, spanish, and a good bit of Japanese
what time is it?: 11:45pm
celebrity crush: Burt Ward (been crushing for over 20 years XD still going strong), Shaun Cassidy, Parker Stevenson, Paul McCartney, Billy Boyd, Ben Lewis (Australian POTO) ...ummm....who the hell am I missing? XD
favorite fictional character: Favorite TOP fictional character? Dick Grayson/Robin. 
favorite musician: Shaun Cassidy, Kelly Clarkson, SClub 7, A*Teens....*thinks* Ichinose Tokiya/STARISH 
favorite sports team: I’ve been raised to say NCSTATE Wolfpack XD 
favorite season: Fall/Winter
favorite flower: I’m terrified of plants sooooo I really don’t have one. lmao.
favorite scent: That old comic book smell...ummm anything oceany in candles. Paris Amour from Bath and Body Works.
favorite color: orange, pink, sky blue XD
favorite animal: Tigers and Lions
favorite food: Pizza. Extra cheese pizza. XD
dream car: ‘66 Lincoln ...I’d turn it into the 60s Batmobile in a heart beat. 
dream trip: I want to go back to Japan and go shopping. 
instruments: Piano, Flute, Handbells, Clarinet, Piccolo 
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Coffee or Hot Chocolate 
dog or cat person:  BOTH. I’ve owned both. I have two puppers right now. Two peakpoos named Royce and Bentley. They are brothers. 
following: I’m honestly unsure how to find this. I know it’s a butt ton. XD
followers: 721
other blogs: @robingurl is my main one @rgjrsuperfriends - Super Friends/Batman blog. @fuckyeahburtward - my Burt Ward blog @thejoeisthejoe  - my Joe Hardy rp blog @tokiya-hayato-rg  - my Ichinose Tokiya rp blog @ectotapes - my OC Ghostbuster/Paranormal blog @rgartblog  - my art blog ...I have so many XD
blog established: thejoeisthejoe - like 4 years ago I think... ? robingurl? lord...uh...2008?! 
do you have a tumblr crush?: hahah nah.
do you get asks?: on robingurl I do, a lot of Batman asks which is fun since I know so much. XD on Joe, not really. 
what is your lucky number?: 65, 66
what are you wearing rn?: Batman nightshirt  and navy pajama pants
drink of choice: water, chocolate milk or Pepsi
number of blankets you sleep with: um..so..uh.. I have 2 night nights that I’ve been sleeping with since I was a kid, I have a comfortor and another blanket.
average # of sleep hours:  it ranges... I suck at sleep. 2-12?
random fact: 66 Batman is life so much that out of the five boxes of comics that are stuffed to the brim, most of them are dated pre 1970s. And when I was high off Valium for a tooth surgery, I was reading up on Parker Stevenson who played Frank in the 70s series and saw that he got burned out as Frank and proceeded to IM him on Facebook and pour my heart out to him and tell him how good of a Frank he was and how much he meant to me... and woke up the next morning not remembering any of it. xDDDD ( @getacluedrew can vouch this happened.)
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readbythestarlight · 5 years
Sam you’re such a loser xD
Give Laura a knife she’ll get that fly
Wow that was top notch Rami Malek there Sam
New aaaaart!
Hmm mixed feelings? I think I like the originals better still (tho Cad looks nice and sparkly)
Jester explaining all the reasons why Fjord totally deserves the sword <3
Lol Nott’s like "give us our stuff back now"
Beau having some muscle envy xD
Hot boiiiii
Beau is the best annoying friend I love her so much
The source being himself instead or U’kotoa <3 <3
That’s so FREAKING COOL I love the visual of that
Uh oh... Dairon?? Are you hooome?
Dodudodoo donuts!
Uh ohhhh
Use that neat new Paladin stuff!
"We’re very sorry to have provided you excellent cover"
Dairon is being kinda rude. Like they’re not even home it’s not like she actually has to clean that much.
Hot boiiiiiii! :D
Sometimes I still worry that he’s gonna betray them and it’ll hurt me
Cad and Jester offering to go with Caleb to talk to her
Caleb babe why confirm who you are babe why
Is he wanting to figure out whether other people are worth saving?
"I had my heart beaten out of me a long time ago. Now it’s about guiding history. Always has been." Yikes.
"Good men don’t conquer. They die, and are forgotten. I’ll die, and be forgotten. But at least I know that some of my deeds will help change the course of history."
"I’m sure he’ll fine you. He’ll be happy to finish what he couldn’t." That’s a big nope from me.
C: "Did you know Astrid, and Edowulf? Are they still alive?"
Prisoner: "I know them better than you do."
C:" That’s probably true."
C: "Maybe if I could talk with you and see one einch of change I wouldn’t have to believe we’re all damned."
C: "You’ve made what I had to do very plain."
Don’t. Like.
fucking fuck she stabbed him
OUCH 26?! Holy fuck
Please somebody stop her kill her
Good thing the clerics came
Oh shit of fuck
Nat20 relation that gets him 2pts lol
Fuck her uuuuup
Essek that’s kinda badass
Listen I’m not saying Essek fucked her up specifically because she fucked Caleb up buuuuuut
Also I’m gonna need art of worried Cad and Jester saving Caleb and dragging him out STAT
Let’s not talk to the dead guys I don’t think Caleb needs anymore trauma
Or we’re gonna okay that’s fine
We’re not gonna tbh that’s something I prefer
He’s trying to help you guys don’t push him and don’t cross the line
I love Essek a lot
Liam/Caleb I need you to stop being guilty/tragic/soft
Essek "I am always patronizing" Theylass
"Drawing the potential from discarded timelines" oh fuck what
Essek: sees Caleb gets stabbed, turns the person who stabbed him into a human pretzel, agrees to show him more dunemancy. Amazing.
Wow that was a long break
Ooooo anti-gravity object floating spell
Okay you can’t do it to people BUT can you do it to armor that people are wearing
Okay so... immovable objects spell. Very cool.
"Maybe" ohhhh Essek’s giving him stuff he shouldn’t?
I can’t decide how I feel about that
"Friends" ffffff see I do like that but I still worry. Like what are his motives?
Oh unused potential from dead timelines that sounds BADASS
????? The fuck??
"Echoes. Potential selves left to fade in unrealized timelines" oh lord
That sounds... dangerous
But also damn Matt this dunemancy stuff is very cool I can’t believe he came up with this stuff on his own
Gasp the echoes can cast a single spell before they disappear that could be so handy!
"An even weaker Wizard than I am" lol Caleb
"I see great peril and lots of time changing and this little part here looks like a mouse..." xD
Essek is such a bitch and I love him so much
Aww Caleb making sure Jester knows she’s strong and skilled too
And now she’s offering him someone to talk to about what happened IM CRY
God guys I love their friendship
She bought him paper that he couldn’t afford and then extra gold dust for pranks xD
Matt is scared already lolllll
Nott teasing Fjord about being "religious" is gonna be great fun I can tell
Did we know he was 16/17 when all this went down because I don’t think I realized and I’m crushed
"Hi dad" Jester honey
Oh Jester sweetheart
Cad’s talking to the wildmom and in the background Fjord zaps a fly
Somebody make art of that where Cad’s meditating and Fjord’s swatting flies with his new sword
I like Beau and Dairon’s relationship
I... don’t want them going anywhere near Trent or any of those people
Oh lord y’all gonna ask Essek again?
Essek’s like "please stop asking me to transport you everywhere"
‘Sup Traveler
"Your friends are coming, yes?" Hmmm
If he ends up being a jerk who hurts Jester I will crawl through my screen and rip off his head
Y’all need to call ahead and tell Yussah you’re coming
Caleb collects porciline cats??
She gonna give Dairon the medallion
This can’t possibly go wrong
Dairon! Cares! So! Much!
They are making Matt pull out every male NPC he has tonight lol
Oh no
Oh Yasha oh no
Is she killing Colbalt Soul people??
Baby girl :’(
"Vince fails to pull his weight. The angel will see my deeds superior."
Oh godddd I hate this
"The heart buried within the lotus den, and the heart entrusted to the elves within the Velthiel?"
Fuck no don’t like
"Pierced by the tears that run down" YASHAAAAAA
Oh no they were in Zedash
They’re all a bit lost, too many ways to go. Can’t wait to see what they decide to do once we come back.
Love you too guys! Have a safe trip Matt!!
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WHOOOP I HOPE IM NOT LATE I LOVE YALL SO MUCH. Kuroo, Daichi and Suga’s gf being one of their team’s managers at the training camp. All the managers decide to play a little fun game of volleyball. She comes out in really short shorts making everyone’s attention on her. What will the boys do? 😏 I hope this makes it in time this is one of the main blogs i scavenge for awesome fanfics and thank y’all for keeping the fandom alive. Hugs and kisses for all!!
Lol if it’s the managers playing a game, I’m sure they’d all be in short shorts xD But thank you so very much for the love!!! I’m trying really hard to keep the content as fresh and new as I can but lord does it take me a bit to get my thoughts together these days lol Thanks for the request!!! Hugs and kissies xoxoxox - Admin Satori
Kuroo Tetsurou:
It was really nice of the team’s coach, and sponsor, to have an extra room for you to stay in. You and the other managers of their team, that is. Usually, in these situations, anyone not on the team would have to find their own hotels to stay in… And more than likely, the one the team stayed in was always booked! But this year, finally, they’d thought ahead and considerately had booked an extra room for the female managers to join in the activities.
They were your team, too, after all. It was only fair you be near them during their training camps.
You remembered your boyfriend, Kuroo, had been adamant about sneaking you into his room - even though he’d be sharing it with his best friend, Bokuto. He even went so far as to try to get you to start yoga so you were ‘flexible enough to fit in the suit case’. Honestly, you were sure he’d just been trying to get you flexible for… other activities.
“You doing okay? You’re all red.”
A squeak of surprise escaped you, and you slapped your hands to your cheeks to cover the blush that had formed. You’d gone too far down the rabbit hole of memories of the bedroom with your boyfriend…. And actually forgot where you were! Kaori smirked knowingly, “I-I’m fine!” You stammered out, quickly looking away when she only continued to smirk. “S-shut up and serve the damn ball!”
It’d been a boring night in. The boys, coaches and sponsors included, had went out to dinner to celebrate a good training session. Both Kuroo and Bokuto had invited you… but you’d decided it’d be frowned upon since the coach hadn’t invited you… so you’d stayed with the other female managers.
Which prompted a fun game between the 4 of you. So many managers for a single team, but it made sense when taking into account the different school schedules and whatnot. You could only work every other day for the team, while Kaori could only do weekends and extended trips, Kiyoko only worked weekdays, and Yukie could work every day…. But it took more than one manager to handle this… rambunctious team.
You and Kuroo were nearing your last semesters at Tokyo University! Almost done with your degree, and he with his! Everyday spent on the team now was humbling.. Because you knew the future contained bigger and better things for you and your love.
“Got it!” You called out, rushing forward and bumping the ball into the air, high enough for Kaori to tip it over the net. She landed with a happy cheer as the ball bounced just before Yukie could get to it. “Nice one!” You smiled widely, moving to get back into ‘position’ on your part of the halved court. The game continued, your side scoring, their side scoring… Neck and neck before a quick water break was called for.
Standing by the bench, you happily sipped from your bottle of water, listening to Kaori talk about how she’d have to slave away at homework when the four of you returned to the room. You were about to respond to her, offer to help her study if she needed it, when you felt a sharp pinch on the back of your thigh.
Reflexively, you went to kick at whoever had touched you so inappropriately! It couldn’t have been one of the girls, they’d never be so invasive, so it’d have to have been some kind of stranger who wandered into the gym!
Your foot got caught though, their hand holding it tight and forcing you to balance on your foot. You turned to curse at them, tell them to let you go, verbally defend yourself…. When you suddenly realized why Kaori hadn’t jumped to help.
“Oho~ So quick to fight…. Feisty.” His lazy smirk curled his lips, and had you letting out a heavy sigh of playful irritation, “I couldn’t help myself, ______, you just looked ripe for pinching…. A little goose didn’t hurt you, did it?” You knew he wasn’t really asking. He’d pinched you much harder in a different situation.
“I thought you were at dinner.” You tugged at your foot in his hand, but his grip held fast. You weren’t going anywhere any time soon. “Tetsu…” You warned, feeling your heart pick up the pace when his other hand rested on your calve, slowly moving upwards and stroking the smooth, freshly shaven, skin of your thigh. Goosebumps threatened to show themselves at his gentle touch.
“Ah, we left early. It was kinda boring.” Bokuto called from the bench behind you. He’d been talking to Kaori while you and Kuroo had your little showdown, “Daichi didn’t like that very much….”
Kuroo hummed in agreement, fingers pressing into the side of your thigh, a light grip. You tugged at your trapped foot once more, making his smirk twitch in amusement. “Ah well, I don’t think Daichi likes a lot of things…. Like when I take my timeouts to just come appreciate my girlfriend.” Your lips screwed to one side, struggling to hide your anticipatory smile at his words, his actions… He liked what he saw, and what he felt. “Ooooor when I leave from the room to sneak into-“
You kicked your leg roughly, stopping him from continuing since your foot landed square on his sternum and forced him to fall backwards. He stared up at you with surprised shock, he hadn’t thought he’d given you enough room to be able to kick him down. Your stern look had him laughing quietly, “Get rekt, Tetsurou.” Bokuto laughed, this time from across the gym - he hadn’t waited for Kuroo to finish what he’d been saying about Daichi, and instead had taken your place in the game with the managers.
“You’re impossible.” You muttered with a fond smile, offering your hand down for him to take, so you could help him up and dust him off. His hand found yours, long fingers wrapping around your hand in a tight, but gentle, grip. You went to help him to his feet only to find you were quickly being pulled down. You stumbled, “Tetsu!” He laughed as you landed on him on the ground, his arms wrapped around you tightly so you couldn’t escape as quickly as you wanted to. “The floor is so dirty, what the hell.” You whined loudly, like a child, moving so your hands were pressed against his chest so you could push off of him. But he held you tighter, your hands now trapped between yours and his chest.
Face to face now, you pursed your lips in playful irritation, “Come here often?” He smirked up at you, “You know, I’m actually staying in a hotel nearby… Nice place… Good mattress… Roomy showers…. Not to mention… Your shorts do feel a bit… short and tight.” His voice trailed off, and you let out a heavy sigh before resting your forehead on his chest with your eyes closed, knowing he wasn’t finished yet. “You and I could… Ya know….”
You lifted your head, raising an eyebrow at him, “Could eat in the lobby as a mismatched couple?”
Kuroo’s smirk broke into a joyful smile before he was tilting his head and pressing a kiss between your eyebrows, “You read my mind, kitten.”
Sawamura Daichi:
Why did you feel the prickle of nerves in your stomach? It’s not like you were doing anything wrong… You were playing a game of volleyball with your fellow managers! Nothing bad there!
Yet you felt… Cheeky as you jumped around, spiking the ball or tipping it over the edge. You couldn’t wipe the smirk from your face and had to continuously assure your fellow managers that you weren’t trying to bait them into a competitive game.
You were just feeling good today!
Or at least this evening.
You’d treated yourself to a good meal earlier, you’d taken your time in the shower, you’d relaxed for a good hour or two before deciding you wanted to be active! It was when you’d found only your… short shorts…. That you’d realized you hadn’t really packed anything to be active!
But what was the harm in wearing the short shorts? You leaned down, hands on your knees, crouching as you watched the three on the other side of the net tossing the ball between each other. They were planning something, and you were watching intently.
Being a senior in college, it gave you the ability to sense bs from the younger student. You were able to see what they were planning just by their sidelong glances. A long play? Or a tip over the net?
Then they were moving, quickly. And you had to jump backwards to try to keep up with them as the ball was tossed high, one of them jumping higher than they ever had and hitting the ball from its underside. Making it go flying across the court.
But you were feeling competitive! You were feeling like you were a hot shot in a real game, and you weren’t about to let this ball touch the ground!
You never made it to the ball in time. In fact, you’d been interrupted in your run to the ball. Strong arms had wrapped around your middle and held you back just as you were about to go sliding across the floor to save the ball. But instead, you were halted, and forced to watch as the ball bounced against the polished gym floor before it rolled to rest against the wall.
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea, _______.”
Deflated. That’s how you felt. Deflated and ashamed…. Only to quickly feel irritation in your chest blooming furiously as you pushed out of his arms, “What the hell, Daichi! I had that!” You wanted him to know just how excited you’d been, how in your own mood you’d been, and how rude he was to have robbed that moment from you. “I was gonna save the ball! What? Just because you aren’t playing, I can’t play either?”
His brown eyes hardened, warning you of being so rude to him. He’d saved you. Completely. “_______, there’s no need to be mean.” His voice was calm, and you felt irritated he’d pull on his ‘dad’ pants to talk to you. As if you were some tantrum throwing child. “You don’t have kneepads on.”
Well, duh.. You knew that. All the actual supplies were locked up because the coaches didn’t want anyone getting into them while they weren’t here. You didn’t have any kneepads or elbow pads, but then he only wore his kneepads for official matches! You couldn’t count how many times you’d had to play nurse for him because he’d be too in his own head to realize he wasn’t wearing kneepads.
This time he raised an eyebrow at your dumbfounded expression, he could read the ‘duh’ on your face and found it kind of…. funny. He chuckled, the initial insult he’d taken from your reflexed attack passing as he realized you’d quite literally followed in his steps.
“______…. Look down…” You rolled your eyes before looking down at your shoes. They looked scuffed, you’d have to buy new ones soon… “What don’t you see?”
“Look, Dai, I don’t have time for this. I was playing a game!” You huffed, clearly irritated with his parenting your every move. You were his girlfriend! Not his child!
Daichi smiled patiently, “No, no. Wait a second.” His arms tightened around your middle as you struggled to leave his hold. He’d feel horrible if you continued to think you were a pro and hurt yourself because he couldn’t get you to see exactly what was wrong with what you’d been about to do. “What happens when I slide without my kneepads? You get mad at me for doing that, right?”
You let out a loud sigh, “Yes, you get so in your head about what you need to do, you forget to take care of yourself first! What about it? Did you skin your knee again during practice today?” You rested your hands on his crossed forearms under your ribcage, figuring you’re going to be trapped in his arms for the long haul if he was just bringing up constant nurse memories.
He laughed. He laughed a short, bark of a laugh at your question, “Well yes, I forgot that today… But that’s not the point.” He quickly covered, clearing his throat to cover the clear embarrassment at his admittance. He’d tried to take care of his skinned knees on his own, but your nursing methods sure did feel better when you were the one helping him. “_______, are you wearing kneepads?”
“No? The supply closet is locked up! How in the hell would I have kneepads?”
“And what were you about to do?”
Another loud sigh, another rolling of your eyes, “Save the ball! Duh- Oh.. Wait…” The realization slapped you across the face.
He’d actually saved you.
You looked down at your legs once more to see, indeed, you weren’t wearing any kneepads. Not even one. Then you looked at the polished floor of the gym - the wooden tiles still presenting the danger of irritatingly rubbed skin…. You would have definitely been hurting afterwards if you’d been allowed to save the ball. It’d been too low for you to just bump it while standing… and you’d wanted to look cool… so you would have.. definitely…..
Covering your face in your hands, you let out a low whine of embarrassment, of shame. He’d saved you and you’d gotten mad. “Dai….”
Daichi lowered you easily, you were thinking sensibly again, but he didn’t say anything. Just letting you marinate in your shame for how you’d reacted to him.
“Dai…..” You tried again, your voice wobbling the longer you sat in your own guilt. Stomaching your nerves, you turned so you could face him…. But you didn’t lift your head to meet his gaze.
You wondered if he’d be mad? Or maybe he’d just leave you? What if he did? Your heart dropped to your stomach. No way… he wouldn’t leave you over something like this, would he? You’d never gotten angry with him before! Playful arguments here and there, sometimes he’d be irritated from the trials of the day and bring it home with him…. And you’d do the same some days… But arguing? Never! You’d never gotten angry with him…
The sound of rustling clothing brought you out of your downward spiral, and you looked at your very thoughtful boyfriend to see he was stepping out of his track pants. Thankfully, he was wearing his practice shorts underneath, but still… The front row view of his undressing had your cheeks flaring with embarrassment. “W-Wha-What are you doing? Stop!” You reached forward, trying to grab the hem of his pants to pull them back up for him but you were too late. He’d taken them off.
And now presented them to you.
“There’s a drawstring in the front, and on each ankle…” He showcased the drawstrings tucked in their little pockets, “If you tighten this around you, and make sure it fits,” He gave you a pointed stare, making you look away almost immediately, “Then you can get back in the game and save all the plays you can…”
You bit your bottom lip… Not feeling like you should take his offer.. You wanted to just spend the rest of your evening with him in the hotel, maybe go swimming in the hotel pool or go out on the town with him…. But he was still offering the pants to you.
“Thank you…” You mumbled, taking the pants from his hand and pulling them on. Doing as he’d said and tightening the drawstring around your waist, letting out a yelp of surprise when you felt his hands on your right leg - one cupping your calve while the other easily tightened the drawstring by your ankle.
“Also…” He looked up from where he crouched before you, both of his hands on the outside of your thighs now, just below where your shorts ended beyond his track pants now. His fingers curled around your thighs, gripping them lightly and making you shiver with your blush making another violent appearance on your face, “This way, I can keep all this beautiful skin of yours safe from anyone else’s eyes.” Daichi winked up at you, his lips curling into a playful smile.
Sugawara Koushi:
You hadn’t realized how kind of boring these training camps were… Obviously, they weren’t focused on the managers, of which you were, so they weren’t directed towards your likes. But your boyfriend, Suga, seemed to be having as much fun as he always did with his friends!
And you guessed that’s where you could be placated. If he was having fun and enjoying the company around him… then you could happily go on about your boring day…
Only now he wasn’t around, and you were bored. So very bored. The hotel was nice, the pool was cool…. But you felt like being active! You wanted to go out there and jump around!
That’s where the idea of a fun game of volleyball came from. Your boredom talking for you. And thankfully, the other managers were on the same level of antsy pants to join your offered game!
“Ohhh~ Where did you get those? They’re so cute!”
You looked down at your shorts, smiling proudly as you responded, “The shop by the university gym! It’s got so many colors and the material is super stretchy, too.” You demonstrated by pulling at the hem of the thigh, showing how it molded around your added fingers or stretched accordingly as you pulled it away from you.
That’s all that had been mentioned of your shorts, and yet you felt high and alert from the attention it’d gotten you! Confident! You felt confident in your movement and your body as you played volleyball with your friends!
In high school, you’d been on the volleyball team! That’s how you’d met Suga. The two teams, boys and girls, had met up for a practice match - co-ed - and you’d been graced with Suga as your teams setter since yours was out sick that day. First year you had been…. Floored by his appearance, and flustered by how sweet he was. You didn’t know if you’d fallen for him that day or the years following as the two of you grew closer as friends before eventually becoming an item.
From that first day, you’d always tried to practice with him and his team - to be closer to him more than anything.. but also because the boys team held so much more competitiveness with each other! Especially during your third year when the dynamic duo first years would pop off every moment they saw each other!
There was no competitiveness here, though, just a fun filled game of tossing the ball back and forth - whoever dropped it first owed the others a pork bun.. Nothing serious since the city you were all in for the summer camp had particularly inexpensive snacks! You were in the lead, though! But the girls didn’t want to have to keep track of how many they owed you, so instead they’d just give you the amount owed.
So many pork buns. Your stomach rumbled in anticipation!
The ball suddenly went flying over your head, “I’ll get it!” You called, trotting casually after the ball as it bounced by the gym entrance.
You suddenly stood straight from your bending position, the ball held tightly in your hands, feeling a gasp scraping against your throat at it’s sudden appearance. “K-Koushi?” You let out a heavy breath, resting a hand on your heart to show he’d startled you, “Don’t do that! My heart can’t take the surprises of an angel!”
Suga’s smile was soft, but there was a curiosity to his gaze. He stood on the gym steps, having heard the calling of voices from within and picking yours out from the crowd. His hand on the rail, one foot on the step in front of him, you’d surprised him as much as he’d surprised you. “An angel, huh?” He chuckled quietly, “Practice match?” He asked, glancing behind you to see the girls hadn’t actually waited for you upon seeing Suga taking up your attention.
Raising the ball in your hand, you smiled, “Yup. Got bored in the hotel… “ You smiled sheepishly, not wanting him to think you regretted coming on this training trip with him. It had been optional… But you’d taken it thinking you’d have more time with your boyfriend in a paid for room… when really, you only saw him during practice. “How was dinner?” You asked, not wanting an award lull to take its place between you two.
Another smile, though this one held a bit of secret to it, “Got bored.” He copied your response, and you let out a huff of a laugh, fingers delving into the grooves of the ball - why did it feel like you were nervous around him? Were you still feeling the same schoolgirl crush flutters around the young man you’d been dating for 2 years now?
Didn’t that mean the love was still strong between you? And he seemed to be enjoying your little chat… Was he feeling the same fluttering?
You glanced behind you, seeing the girls had continued playing, having found another ball in the opened closet.. You tossed the ball in their general direction before stepping out onto the top step of the stairs, just one above where he’d been about to go. His brown eyes watched you closely, and while his expression remained sweet and tender, you knew his eyes were taking in every single aspect of your movements. Like a hawk watching its prey.
“So you came by to…. Play a game?” The slight tilt of your head didn’t go unnoticed by him; Were you playing the same game he was? Or were you just feigning innocent? Or maybe you actually hadn’t realized the game he’d started up with you the moment he’d seen you pick up the ball?
Suga smiled still, gentle and easy, no sign of mischievousness at all, “Play a game…” He echoed, a slight hum to his voice. “Maybe.” The softness of his voice had you on edge, but you continued to push, stepping closer to the ledge of the step, within arms reach of him now.
He took the offer almost immediately, his hand reaching out, fingers outstretched and making contact with the smooth material of your shorts. “What game exactly, Koushi?” You knew he loved when you called his name, even in the most casual sense… It made him feel loved and like he belonged. Like he was needed and wanted. And he was.
Fingers found their way under the thigh of your shorts, pulling the material.. his eyes on the stretch of it. “This is really high quality material…” He noted, mostly to himself, and you smiled proudly as he let the fabric snap back into place. It wasn’t plastic elastic so it didn’t sting in the least.
“Koushi…” You called his attention, feeling a thrill shoot through you when his eyes looked up at you from under his lashes. He was still a step below you, and you bit the inside of your cheek at how…. Smoldering he could be even from this angle. A true master at his appearance’s influence on you, he smiled softly when you raised your eyebrows at him; he hadn’t answered your question.
“I did say maybe, ______.” He pointed out easily, the gentle amusement in his voice only being prompted by the playful roll of your eyes.
Humming in thought, you felt the rumble of your stomach interrupt your interpretation of his words and actions, “Well!” You started with a bright smile, hopping down the steps quickly before standing at the base of them - two below him now. You put your hands on your hips with a proud smile on your face, “I haven’t eaten dinner and I’m starving!” You pulled the collar of your shirt back, seeing the gathered money in your sports bra. Great shorts… still no pockets. “AND,” You added with extra emphasis, “I was owed pork buns for all my won games, so I’m going to go feed myself….”
You’d started walking away before he could get a word in, his eyes watching your enthusiastic display of pride. He simply turned towards you as you walked a couple feet away from him, about to call out to you before you looked over your shoulder at him.
“Koushi, are you coming?”
His smile was breathtaking, and he nodded quickly before hopping to the base of the stairs and quickly catching up to you. Suga immediately took your hand in his, lacing your fingers with his own and bringing your hand up to his lips to press a kiss to the back of your hand. Smooth and swift, you could only smile brightly in response.
What he asked next though, had you stopping in your tracks with a confused expression adorning your face.
“Those don’t chafe, do they?” He stopped beside you, your joined hands moving so he could tug at the stretchy material once more.
You cleared your throat with pursed lips, trying to think back to the tags on the shorts and if they’d warned anything about chafing or the like. In fact, you didn’t even know what kind of wash cycle they required… “Uh…. I don’t think so?…..” You looked down at your legs, moving them to spread a bit apart under you, not seeing any kind of irritation from your vantage point before looking back up at Suga with even more confusion, “Wait… Why?”
A smirk. A beautifully innocent smirk curled his lips as he leaned down and whispered, “Just wondering if I’ll be giving more kisses down there tonight to take away the pain.”
A/N: Reminder!!! All requests going forward from like…. December…. Are all based in college+ AU. I’m a legal adult, and don’t find high school boys ….. legally attractive lmao
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