#lol he never died wdym
mychem1calbr0mance · 2 years
angsty ironstrange fic idea
okok so you know how in that one episode of What If, Christine's death was an Absolute Point in time and was nearly impossible to reverse?
ok what if Tony's death was an Absolute Point in time, and Stephen felt that same grief/despair as he did whenever Christine died, so he kept going back in time and trying to prevent Tony dying
Yada yada yada this would lead to him snapping (no pun intended) and going haywire just like he did in What If, desperate to bring Tony back, ignoring every warning he was ever given
Over the years, he'd build up enough strength/power to be able to prevent Tony's death (whether it'd be he simply survived the snap or someone else did it, up to you), and the same thing happened- time bit the dust and he would end up trapped in a little bubble of protection, alone for the rest of his days, or until it finally broke
The cause of his affection could be tied to the fact that whenever he looked through the 14 million possibilities, he grew fond of Tony since y'know Tony was probably in every single one of em
Orrrrrrrr idk maybe they had been friends for a while or something, again can be whatever
ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR he didn't have any attraction to Tony at first, and was trying to bring him back for Pepper or something, but as time went on, his affections developed rapidly and in the end, he did it for himself
(the team would let him borrow the time stone for a bit obviously, pretty sure they'd almost all be on board with the idea- as time would go on though, they'd probably start getting antsy and go "yeah no this isn't gonna work, Strange give it back" and y'know at this point his affection for Tony would've already developed and there would be this big fight because obviously he needed the stone and he was "almost there- I'm so close! Just give me more time! Please!")
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dumbfucksystem · 1 month
imagine if the shen family was actually a part of the mafia. and shen yuan just never knew.
like his Family is rich and they are all super close. he’s even in contact with some of his distant relatives pretty often, which is kinda cool for him, he’s sure that this isn’t the case for most families so he considers himself lucky to know the extent of his family tree. sure, some of them seem to have lost a marble or two but what family doesn’t have a couple oddballs in their midst, you know?
and its not just sy’s comical obliviousness that contributes to this. his family is well aware that sy is not suited for this life style- especially his siblings. they grew up watching him get himself into all sorts of weird situations and putting himself at a disadvantage simply because he’s too nice. he can try and deny it all he wants (just like how he denies he’s gay- c’mon sy everyone can tell you are not straight) but his sense of justice would only burden him if he were to work for the Family. not to mention his sense of self preservation is absolute shit and they don’t want to have to babysit him his whole life- and he probably doesn’t want that either!
so they send him off to college, help him find an apartment, and basically do everything they can to help him start off on his own, away from the Family. his siblings had to do a whole lot of convincing to let this happen btw- this kind of thing usually isn’t allowed, but sy doesn’t know anything that could be used against the Family, so they make an exception in his case. better for them to not have a deadweight sticking around either is what they say but they all dote on him anyways and refuse to admit they care about him. sy definitely picked up this line of reasoning from them btw.
shen yuan is a little upset and confused that his Family seems eager to send him off (it’s not like they can’t afford for him to live with them after all- both of his older brothers still live in the Family’s massive house and even his aunts and uncles are living there??). he manages to recover quickly though. at least now he can read his web novels in piece without prompting any dick jokes (his cousins had a field day when they found his account with all of his pidw comments…). now he just needs to figure out how to live by himself.
it’s not that sy is incapable of taking care of himself- it’s just that he’s so used to having other people with him that he never understood how much they were doing for him until they were no longer around. but that’s fine, living on your own is just another learning curve and sy is willing to rise up to the challenge. which he did, by the way! he found a job and pays his taxes and even though that isn’t much he still gives himself a mental pat on the back for it. he is still in contact with his siblings, he never misses an update for pidw which he totally doesn’t get excited for and his life is going great.
……until he accidentally eats some expired food and dies.
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youuuimeanmee · 5 months
RWTGI 36 - 37.2 Thoughts
Forgive the 3 chapters at once, lol. If you want to read my thoughts on the latest chapter, it's on down below!
Chapter 36
If you tell me 2 years ago that Yoshino would sleep in the corridor to wait for Kirishima, I would laugh in your face. I never thought this day would come when she's genuinely worried for him.
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(Then again, he almost died trying to save her and they have been close lately, so that's fair)
WOW okay queen, slayy. Ugh those pillows look so soft-
That aside, I was shocked. I get that she was too tired to change, but really Asuka? Really? Blatant fanservice outta nowhere? Is she trying to grab the male demographic too? Not that it didn't grab the females already with that kind of bod-
WHY do we get Yoshino's full bod, yet we only get a glimpse of Shouma's abs? I demand equality.
Oh Yoshino. What are you, a dog? How could you differentiate Kiri's smell amongst all else??
Wow Kiri really uses his room as a front. He really didn't lie when he said he can't sleep near anyone's presence. He's like an animal hiding inside a deep cave. And to think his real bedroom is the same place where he often received his punishment.
In the raws, Yoshino actually says in a small note, "That's so typical of Kirishima (to keep things spotless)..."
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I remember when Kiri always tidied up Yoshino's mess. I thought he only did it because it's for her, but to think he also keep his own place spotless... Does he have OCD? Then again, serial killers like keeping their place clean-
Question: If Kirishima is inside, how the hell did he lock his place using that kind of lock?
It's giving the vibe of a villain' secret lair.
Why is the room so cold though. I thought it's still October/November. Did he not install a heater there, or did he intentionally blast an AC to freeze some randos who try to break in?
My heart JUMPED when I saw him in the corner of the panel. That panel placement is a genius.
I was so relieved when I see him 🥺🥺 I'm glad he's not masochistic enough to keep his wounds infected. At least he got some treatment (hopefully from the hospital, but I'll take what I can get).
Wow, she really made sure she didn't see a dead body.
Asuka really knows how to make a cliffhanger.
THANK YOU for the precious glossary, scans team! 💞😭
Chapter 37.1
Awright! Yoshino and Kirishima finally meet! This means Yoshino would call Shouma about Kirishima so he won't report this incident to Renji! Right?
Judging by his passwords, I thought I was getting better at reading him. Turns out he intentionally made it easier to guess? Wow, way to make a person feel like an idiot.
He really takes Tsubaki's advice to heart 🤣 Starting to regret the time when you burn those albums, don't you.
(Did he burn his all his photos because of sentimental reason, or because he didn't want his enemies to find his weakness?)
Okay, so he really went to the hospital. Good.
Kiri got to have some serious enemies if he only goes to a hospital he could trust.
It's been hammered down again and again that he has no one he completely trust except Yoshino. I hate this kind of set up. It's cliché, yet, it's still playing with my heart.
The way he tried to warm her nosee aughh
Those movements, and no resistance from Yoshino at all?? This is new. She must be really worried and thankful to even care about their positions.
Kirishima, you really said some crazy stuff sometimes.
What. The fuck. Do you mean. You're prepared. To be a missing person. And. To be. An unnamed corpse. Just. To keep. Yoshino. Safe.
I know I said he's unhinged, but he still managed to shock me. I'm impressed.
Istg he's really testing my heart lately. Wdym I'm gonna fall again for Miyama Kirishima. It's not gonna happen?? (It happens)
Still no phone call for Shouma. I hope it's on the next chapter.
Chapter 37.2
Woow, a lot of subtext in this episode. You really need to read between the lines to understand their convo.
Everybody trust Kirishima enough (due to his track records) to protect Yoshino so they're not worried for her safety at all; if anything, it'd be Soumei Renji who's in most trouble.
Basically, Renji from Kirigaya Group (Kansai region) has many enemies because he made a pact with Gaku from Tokusa Group (Kantou region) -- to form a peaceful(?) alliance; despite their clashing ideals. Renji also negotiated for his group to join Kantou region despite the difference in region. Both regions have been on feud for 60 years and it should be for a good reason, so there must be a lot of people within Kirigaya and Tokusa who weren't happy with this joint. (I have to revisit ch 1, 7, & 8 to understand this, sigh). Just a reminder, there was a similar attempt in the past, but it ended with a gang war.
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Dang, so even Suo Azami's real identity is faked.
Azami is a drug and weapon dealer?? Fuck.
If we remember ch 26, Akame Hishibe from Tokusa and Azuma Narumi from Kirigaya are conspiring against Renji. Narumi probably aimed to be Kirigaya's number 1 after Renji died, but what about Hishibe? What's his aim? Kirishima said Azami is currently used by yakuza. Could it be, Hishibe made Azami kill Renji because he promised him he'd make a huge profit from drugs and weapons because there's gonna be a gang war once Renji is dead?
I strayed off, lol. Anyways, back to the chapter.
So, as long as Renji is unaware of Yoshino's kidnap, she and Kirishima could live together happily ever after. Now please call Shouma that Kirishima is back safely so he won't have to tell Renji, please.
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Wow Kirishimaa. He is so stupidly honest, but sometimes he's such a crafty little shit. This is the same when he agreed to do paper-rock-scissors with Yoshino because he's aware he'd win. He made Yoshino think she has her own choice, when in fact it's all a set up by him. Real glad Yoshino busted his ass this time though, he can't get away with this forever.
Asuka be trying real hard with this whole show-don't-tell, huh. In short, Kirishima finally told Yoshino directly that he's been obsessed interested in her since 12 years old. He's so in love with her, to the point where her small quirk is so endearing to him. Without her, he would've been bored to death. He'd rather die without her, but he'd do his best to live if he's with her.
Sad, but Yoshino couldn't understand his devotion. She thought based on her understanding, love is something that'd wear out sooner or later. She couldn't really rely on Kirishima's feeling forever; and thus, she payed him with money as an insurance because money's value won't change while feelings might change; or at least that's her logic.
(After all the buildup, she still couldn't trust him completely. Is this bc she's traumatized with his drastic change in ch 2? 😭 Wow Kirishima, you fucked up big time)
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Woow Yoshino, way to gaslight him what he feel is not love 😂 when your understanding of 'love' is probably just a crush 🤣
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Does she realize if they managed to catch Suo Azami, they're essentially preventing a gang war? Probably not.
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Heh. She covered her nose because it's cold. Cute.
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Wdym she placed herself in that side of the bed. She won't be able to escape easily in that position. Kirishima could just lean to her side with his uninjured hand. Is she not sus Kirishima would do something to her? And why she sleep with him in the first place when she could just go back to her room? She really trust him now, huh.
The tearrss. Is that a tear of relieve, happiness? Or is that a tear of tiredness, lol.
Aww, Kiri. He used to say he can't sleep with anyone's presence including Yoshino, but look at him now 🥹
I am glad you guys made a stronger team than ever, but
Damn this turned out much longer than I expected, lmao. But that's because these chapters have been bombs. Can't wait for the next one! XD
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garxtomp · 6 months
The 100% accurate Genshin character guide
P1 Mondstadt
Abandonment issues
Just wants to find their sibling
Fights a god w/ dull sword and wins
Costco link
Drunk bard
Questionable choices in skins
Don’t let him any wear near your friends
“Gay or European, it’s hard to guaranteed”
The tour guide that doesn’t do anything
H o n g r y
Probably the unknown god but we’ll get back to that later
At least we have emergency food
Mondstadt’s Stove Lighter
Festival webtoon outfit when?
I’m missing amber’s dance rn
“Go go baron bunny”
Single mom of mondstadt
Tuonto’s beloved
Someone give her a comfortable bed to rest on
“Klee, put that down”
Mondstadt’s fireworks
Menace to society
Probably killed someone on accident once
“Klee loves to go fish basting!”
I lied about Jean being single
Depressed man
Daddy issues
God of wine that hates wine
“Not interested in idle chit chat”
Ice bridge
Daddy issues but double it
Everyone’s first genshin crush
The 1 thing the god of wine is allergic to
“Why so cold Diluc?”
Speaks funny language
Theater kid
Has pet bird that translates funny language
“Oz shut the fuck up”
Hot librarian
Fought the abyss over a book
Has pet wolf
“Give me back my book before I shove knifes down your throat 😊”
Fornite kid
Has more dads than all the Genshin characters combined
Somehow isn’t dead
“You want me on your team? 🥹”
Has basically been adopted by everyone in mondstadt
Loves potatoes (as he should)
Grammar? Never heard of it
Jeus lady
Everyone’s favorite Facebook celebrity
Idc if you don’t like her protect her at all means necessary 😨
Bring her old voice back 😭
“Please notice me Jean”
Maid therapist
Looks nice, can kill you
Probably won’t kill you tho
“Maiden for the Kights of Favonius”
created a whole new species because her friends left her
At least they aren’t dead
“What If I took ur body, and slapped it against a fking chalkboard 👹”
Chalk man
Mondstats’ older brother cause why not
Has a silly voice actor
“Moment of birth”
First Atheist to regularly show up to church
Goth lady
“ fuck u or sm idk that much an Rosaria I…I gave up”
Weilds multiple weapons,
Wdym he’s not a cryo catalyst :(
Vengeance lady
Strange family members
“Don’t be shy girl go bonanza”
A fking menace to society
Bartender, hates wine
“I wish my dad loved me”
Broke bitch
Strange choice of friends
Knows the future, somehow not god.
“You have a son right? Yeah well he’s gonna die tomorrow so good luck with that”
(Sorry i died lol, also my Wanderer fanfic is prob never gonna get finished lol mb)
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crushedsweets · 1 month
ok this is like 30+ asks LOL its mostly stuff about me/my art with a little crp sprinkled in im sorry... ill make a post thats actually answering the crp asks with real answers that arent "ILL DO IT EVENTUALLY I SWEAR" lololol
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YOURE BOTH SO SWEET i havent been this passionate about smth in so long so hopefully im here for a while... thank u guys for indulging me. it makes me happy to post LOL
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with love pls dont call me that buuuut. ninakate. ticciwork. ninatoby. ticcijack. ninajack. notice how its all in the same group...
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hiii i dont plan to anytime soon! IF I WERE TO, cody and rouge are probably 'next in line' to being put in my AU, but i have no plans to actually commit to that
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omg ok its funny cuz rn i HAVE ONE but its just me in it cuz im too lazy to organize all the bots and verification and whatnot. im also nervous about making a server cuz of some online occurrences that happened after u sent this HAHA so i'm kinda putting it off... but i reblogged tombs server and im sometimes active in there if u wanna join that one!
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no ur right theyre such a power couple. i know we joke about toby being useless bf and clocky being badass gf but they're both really cool together.
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I FORGOT I MADE THE TWILIGHT COMMENT LMFAAAOOOOOO I NEED i need. i need toby to find a random twilight shirt at a thrift and snag it for kate.
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ME TOOOO its so delightful. i have so much fun playing with them like barbies.. making them kiss n whatever. LMFAOOOO so silly but yk
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JEFF STANS ARE SO FUNNYYYYYYYYY i like you guys. laughing jack stans scare me but thats cuz that damn clown scares me... nothing that yall have done. youre just braver than me. LOL
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i will not do this...
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no literally its really bad. i hold horrible grudges BAHAHA but im working on it. im getting over my purple beef
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omg. i listened to it and that was really cool. i like that thank u sm for sharing
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IM SORRYYYY im so sorry. i feel like this fandom is so small and most of the fans dont really ship in general so it suuuucks shipping here.. but i love them..
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oh my god i need to i keep forgetting. the nina art i jus tposted of her holding th eknife was kinda.. kinda referencing her behaviors..
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i do too!!! ive been neglecting them so bad im so sorry..
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like the IEPFB tea party scene
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is this a song
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i have not! i havent read alot of stories actually... i kinda like doing my own thing with them HAHA
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omfg i had a clocknina drawing but i ended up privating but i think i should unprivate it...
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ok actually im sorry i just am bad at requests omfg LMFAOO IM SORRY im so focused on nina ... forgive me...
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THANK YOUUUU youre very sweet i appreciate you!!! <3
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YEAH he's...one of the more tragic people. 100%. all loss
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wdym ? !
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THANK YOU CUPCAKE i really like nina.. or my version i gues si dunno.. i like everyone else's nina too. i like this nina we got going on together
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ok i keep grouping these together but also making them seperate im so bad at organizing these asks but HAHA I LOVE THEM TOO i swear ill try to get some ticciwork stuff out soon!!! my spring semester is almost over so hopefullyyy..
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this is how you know i suck ass cuz this was christmas time and im replying NOW. im so sorry. i initially planned to draw them hanging around a tree but i didnt get around to it then got embarassed and never replied.... but i agree it would have been cute. ha di notfailed. LOL
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justallihere · 2 months
AHHHH I was right about Xaden giving Vi his jacket 🥹 that’s her jacket now, get with the program Xaden
speechless. I loved everything about this chapter 😭 I screamed when they threatened to cut her hair. Aetos didnt suffer enough imo and neither did his cronies. I at least wanted them to be screaming and have a glimpse of Andarna throwing them around or at least step on them a few times 🤷🏾‍♀️
Violet’s panic attack made me sob so hard 😭 why did Pierce stop and leave when that happened? I’m glad he did but that’s probably the closest they came to possibly getting something of value
Xaden has touch AND nickname privileges again 😭 he said “Vi” as much as he could because he’s not losing it again. I’m sure he’s glad his family loves and respects Violet and just reaffirms everything he himself feels for her. I can definitely see Liam teasing Xaden in the future with “just remember, your wife loved me first 🤭”. Obvs during happier times when they’ve healed from this ordeal.
One of my biggest gripes in IF was how blasé the torture fallout was. Like?? Wdym she was tortured for 5 days and could’ve died and it meant nothing??
Loved your spin on Lilith🥹💕💕💕 I agree she died way too soon. She so dynamic and layered and had so much potential. She deserved to become a better mother before she died and I’ll forever be mad about that.
Will Lilith be the one to bring half the quadrant when she finally gets to Tyrrendor 👀 what if she brings seasoned riders loyal to her and riders stationed at outposts and any professor (looking at you Emeterrio and Kaori) willing to join the fight? I think her arrival will be better received that way since she’s bringing reinforcements. AHHHH so exciteddd.
Can’t wait to see where the story goes, either way I’m sure it’ll be amazing!!!
All of Xaden’s things are about to become Violet’s. Try to get her to wear her own clothes now I dare you.
lol I get it, but Aetos’ death was something that was between him and Dain, and Violet was so tired and scared and in pain by the end of it that she didn’t even really care anymore, she just wanted them dead and to never see them again. I promise Andarna and Tairn had plenty of fun.
I’d argue that the panic attack was the exact opposite of value. Yes Violet was losing her mind but she was so scared in that moment she wouldn’t have been able to give them anything coherent. Pierce wanted her to stew in that panic for a while.
You could not DRAG Xaden out of Violet’s sight rn. Neither one of them would allow it. But yes, he is so glad to have her back, and he’s happy that she had Liam when she needed him. I do like to think that Liam takes great pride in getting an “I love you” from Violet considering how not warm and fuzzy she is. That’s his bestie! His sister!
I love Lilith, she’s the worst and also the best and I’ll never be over her death I’m so upset
Thank you so much!! 🩷🩷
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leejihoonownsmyheart · 6 months
Hii Brie! Its been a while lol but how have you beeeeen? I sent a message a while back about the manhwas but i dunno if you got it or not LMAO I don't really understand tumblr 😭
Anyway, do you happen to have any Mingyu fic ideas coming up? 😋 I absolutely love the way you write him (iirc I mentioned how New Rules was one of the first svt fics I read) and I'd love to see another gyu fic whenever 💗
Take care always<3
- jihoon recs anon (whos actually a gyuldaengie-woozidan) 🫡📚
I actually did get that ask I just didn't want to respond until I had read all of the manhwas but I like cried when i got that ask cause wdym you actually read it and wdym you suggested me some to read that is so so sweet.
BUT thank you for this ask because this is the ONE thing that I can answer to that is not letting you down. I AM WRITING A MINGYU FIC.
I don't know if you remember me last year talking about a mingyu christmas fic, but i never finished it and IT"S ALMOST THAT TIME AGAIN
so. teaser:
All things in life happen for a reason. 
That’s what you told yourself like a mantra whenever you weren’t sure where your life was headed. When you were graduating high school and only got into one of your colleges, when your grandpa died and you had to fly out to your hometown for his funeral, even when you lost your job and spent five months unemployed unable to land a job despite your many qualifications. 
But the time that echoed the loudest through your brain, the time you depended on it the most was the time that you would live to hate for the rest of your life. 
“Walk out that door and we are through.” 
When you had made it to Chwe Hansol’s apartment door, you were sobbing and he had a girl hooked to his arm. 
In minutes, that girl was gone and you two were alone in his apartment, your head in his lap as you sobbed. 
“I don’t get it,” you stuttered through tears. “We were fine. And then he-“ 
You hiccupped but before you could say more the door was opening to the apartment. You looked over your shoulder to see a blurry image of short brown hair and tall slender legs. 
“I hope you don’t mind,” Hansol said softly. “I invited Dasom over.” 
You turned back to Hansol shoving your face into his chest as the tears ran freely down your face. Of course you didn’t mind Dasom being over. Out of everyone in your life Hansol and Dasom were your two favorites. They had been there for you since before Mingyu and you had ever even met. They knew all of the ups and downs of your relationship with him and everything. 
Never had you imagined that they would end up seeing the end of it. 
“What happened?” Dasom asked, a hand finding it’s way to your back. “Hansol just said that it was an emergency and I needed to come over.” 
You pulled out of Hansol’s chest, giving her what had to be an incredibly pathetic look. 
“We broke up-” 
This time instead of falling into Hansol, you fell against Dasom, burying your face into her neck. 
“This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me.” 
“Don’t be so dramatic,” Hansol said bluntly. You looked over at him, shooting him a glare. 
“The world doesn’t end because you stop dating Kim Mingyu.” 
“I thought I was going to be with Kim Mingyu for the rest of my life,” you snapped back. “He was supposed to be my last relationship. My ride or die. The man I married.” 
“How did this even happen?” Dasom asked, still completely lost. You looked at her. 
“He thought I cheated on him.” 
“Which is stupid,” Hansol inserted. 
“Well it wasn’t baseless!” You protested. You dug your phone out of your pocket, clumsily unlocking it and shoving the phone in Dasom’s face. 
“This is why he thought I cheated and honestly? I’m starting to think I did cheat on him.” 
Dasom took your phone, confusion settling itself on her face as she scrolled through the conversation. 
“You cheated on Mingyu?” She asked in disbelief. 
“Of course I didn’t!” You protested. 
“Then who is Byungho?” She asked. 
“Who is Byungho?” You agreed loudly. “Do you know a Byungho? I don’t. Hansol doesn’t. No one does! But who would believe that with that conversation on my phone.” 
Hansol scoffed and took the phone from Dasom’s hands, looking at the conversation himself. 
“Obviously Mingyu should know you better than this. This person doesn’t even text like you.” 
“I think he was too busy having his heart broken to analyze the way that I was texting,” you said bluntly. “So instead he just broke mine too.” 
You broke down into sobs earning yourself a sigh of sympathy from Dasom. 
“What are you going to do? You and Mingyu were perfect together,” Dasom said. “You’ve got to get him back.” 
“There’s no getting him back, he blocked me on everything,” you replied between your tears. “And I tried to go back to our apartment but Soonyoung threatened to take legal action if I showed up again.” 
“What a-” 
“He’s just being a good friend,” you interrupted shooting yet another glare at Hansol. “I can’t even be mad I’m just… Completely and utterly helpless and I’m never going to be in love ever again.” 
When you didn’t look up Dasom’s hands fell on your cheeks, forcing you to look at her. 
“You’re going to fall in love again. Everything is going to be okay.” 
You nodded at her, but your heart didn’t really match the optimism. 
“Besides, who knows? Maybe this will all blow over and Mingyu will take you back.” 
But weeks of staring at your phone waiting for that phone call turned into months, and before you knew it all your stuff was in Hansol’s apartment and he was the first person that you saw every day. 
Now, you were the you after Kim Mingyu. 
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rumandsprite · 3 months
I've binged this beautiful mess for several days and, by god, does it deliver! !!!SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Let me try going chronologically:
Zack!Cloud is absolutely adorable and shows very good acting because you can hear the difference from Zack's dialogue from Cloud's reaction when learning it's Nibelheim where they are heading to.
Definitely see those SephirothxZack fics going on rise after unsettlingly sweet expressions on Sephiroth during Nibelheim. Also those subtle changes on his face in that iconic town in flames scene, just wow.
Rufus's parade was one of the highlights, but some new guy Glenn shenaningans were there like "hello, if you'd like to know more about this subplot please consider buying some spinoff mobile game you've never heard of", because even in the end all I got from this was - Glenn is a) some dude in Wutai working for a man we never saw and who might not even exist, b) has some bitter history with Rufus and c) also is a Sephiroth clone.
Speaking of Rufus, eng voice actor is on point. He is the english equivalent of japanese voice actor who unfortunately seems to have been affected by illness. I'm very sad about that. But good job, eng va and his casting director!
While I'm on this topic, Reno's orignal va loss also saddens me. New jp va is a bit too nasal for me, and there's no Quinton Flynn to soften the blow.
Morikawa Toshiyuki is perfect as always in his rendition of Sephiroth. His gentle speech to Jenova in Nibelheim reactor is just... You just have to hear it.
Ahem. So, Rufus' offer in Junon really surprised me.
Moving on to Costa Del Sol, was nice to see the reason why Hojo appeared there of all places and, oh dear, they made him so creepy it's astounding. The way he so offhandedly and casually offered those girls to "birth a hero" is something else.
I'll skip Corel immediately to Golden Saucer. It's everything I wanted. It's everything I didn't know I wanted. The entrance introduction is Honey Bee all over again but even more cringe. There are no words for this level of cringe. I felt vindicated for the loss of that Honey Bee's bathtub scene in the Remake, that's how cringe it is. I'm sorry, I can't stop staring at Dio's chest.
Now, Cait Sith deserves its own paragraph. It's the best, the cutest, the coolest Cait Sith ever. This "Aeris-ha~n", awww. Animation and design is top-notch, from Cait's small dance to the ears to the moogle's belly jiggle. Reeve has to be some kind of animatronics genius. Also in eng version it has scottish accent. Know why? Because of this
Also, Ghost Hotel's front desk employee is hilarious. He seems to genuinely love his job, goddamn it.
Poor Rude having to work with Elena, lol. Nice sea-salt ice cream, by the way.
Some sidequests are my type of morbid humour. Check out this:
New Gi lore was interesting. Finally I learned how Black Materia was made. Also made interesting possible insight into Sephiroth, with being unable to join lifestream and all.
Vincent va is so good and in jp version I sometimes can hear Rufus's va past timbre. Also, that drip is sick.
Loveless scene was astounding. I'm talking about animation quality here. Dance moves look so smooth and natural, especially cloth mechanics, just look at Jessie's skirt! I have no idea how many hours they put into these.
New Nibelheim also makes more sense than in original. No more "wdym, nothing happened here". Also, Cloud remembered Zack but his mind makes up some things.
It's nice to see Cloud's gradual descent into madness, especially with Roche becoming that. (Why SC tattoo though. I know it's probably Sephiroth Cells, but I just can't unsee SephirothxCloud, lmao). Cloud chasing Aerith for black materia sent chills down my spine.
As did Sephiroth's hysterical laugh when his sword broke but Aerith still died. Yeah, sorry, dude. This is fixed.
Those AU scenes and some unchanging points are interesting to explore for fics though.
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artsysurvivor · 5 months
Mom said it's my turn for the AU making: The One Where it's a Game
Hiya! So I'll try to make this as coherent as I can but it isn't really coherent in my brain so. 🫠 (BONUS: If you click read more you will see another prince!Halt design I have for Halt :3. I'm pretty proud of it tbh).
Ok Basics:
Setting: To be clear, this isn't a cross-over. It's basically stealing from Deltarune and twisting it into a more medieval fashion. It takes place in Hibernia, before a certain prince runs away. There are certain modern-esk aspects to it because idgaf or because I think it's cool. For example, sometimes it takes place in a "public" school for princes and princesses who are "trouble makers."
Characters: Cathan (aka Halt's birth name) can be correlated to Kris as the leader of the group, the one who is the silent protag. Everyone else, though, doesn't really have direct correlations to Susie, Noelle, Birdly, etc etc (at least. Not canon characters). Therefore the relationships/character dynamics among the characters are still pretty close to canon, except that Ferris actually likes Halt at one point.
Control: DR fans might be wondering "well, if Halt correlates to Kris, does that mean he's controlled by a god-like entity in his world?" To that I say: no. Not really, though the main person who is pretty contolling could be considered to have a God Complex. It's more so social pressure to be king. (I know, I know, boring just HOLD ON).
Magic: Hibernia has more magic than Araluen does (so when Halt says something along the lines of most things that seem magic have a logical explanation he is fucking lying). HOWEVER, Halt himself does not have magic, nor does Ferris and Caitlyn. Some people are born with magic; others can create something that seems like magic for the time period (like a giant wooden animatronic type thing that a little girl can control like a puppet while she's inside it).
(WDYM that's suspiciously specific?)
SOULS: Yes, everyone has one, but they still have an actual human heart as well. The human heart keeps the body alive, while the SOUL mostly just shows up in battle, and is where one gets their personality. There is a way to hide SOULS using magic, which is helpful for people trying to hide their true intentions or personality (wink wink nudge nudge).
Since villains (more on them later) tend to be magical, this AU is very much a "bullet-hell game." For those who live under a rock, here's what it is in an excuse to show part of my winning fight with Jevil:
[Video ID: Start up: 1st Chapter's file selection screen; the one on top says "ARTSY 149:56." Below that, I write, "Most of the time here has been used to fight this dude lol." The next screen is the SOUL breaking. Written there is "And I still died 2 times after start up." The "Will you persist?" choice screen shows up: "Anyways," I say. It finally cuts to one of Jevil's attacks: Clubs and Diamonds are shooting at the red soul, Spades are exploding, and Hearts are spinning towards the player quickly. /End ID]
No Dark World Characters, since they never travel there, but they can be attributed to certain characters
I'm ripping a lot of them off, but I am adding Irish Mythology twists to them
Some of them are just regular royalty tbh
(Coughs Halt's birth-father coughs)
Items given to you/dropped by enemies affects the new user. If one EQUIPS one of the items, it will affect their mood and give them a lesser, less powerful version of the enemy's power. For example, the Devilsknife makes the one equipping it manic and gives high yet random damage if used.
Secret Bosses are accessed through different POVs. For example, you can't access someone like Jevil in Halt's POV. In fact, a lot of secret bosses are accessed in his brother's POV...
Religious Aspect: Like in Deltarune, there is references to things like heaven, jesus, apples (adam and eve), angels, etc. One of the villains, for example, thought the royal family had blue blood and wanted to steal Halt’s heart for… some reason ;]
In relation to The Knight: there has been killings around the kingdom of Clonmel; mostly of people who were accused of evil deeds themselves. The killer was efficient and silent, and is said to wear a cape and dull armor, as to not reflect light. They have not been found.
Relationships/Character Dynamics:
Pritchard: Obviously, he eventually becomes Halt's adoptive, supportive dad. Does this even need to be said?
Caitlyn: The O'Carrick Twins™️ love her very much. She also has a decent amount of friends: people tend to like her kind personality. In general, she has a practically non-existent relationship with her parents—as in, she doesn't get into trouble and is mostly ignored.
Halt: Very much the replacement parent for his two younger siblings. He is not perfect in the least and has some toxic behaviors that he passes on, and he doesn't have a lot of friends due to that and how "odd" (autistic) he is. He doesn't get along with his birth parents, and wishes all the castle staff would leave him alone for 2 (two) seconds.
Halt's Personal Body Guard: In the last sentence I'm mostly talking about this guy. Assigned to him after he left into the woods and started fights one too many times, BG (I don't have a name for him yet) sticks to his side like tape. Halt can get away if he tries, and is sneaky enough, which causes a lot of friction with each other. Other than that, their relationship is strictly professional.
Ferris: Obviously, the relationship with Halt is shaky, but in the early, early years they get along quite well. (Aside from him getting annoyed with Halt trying to parent him—"You're only 7 minutes older than me!") He is the golden child, his parents love him. He has a lot of friends, and two people who... are more than that.
Yes, I'm saying he's in a triad. LISTEN. To me, to me, right, he has more vibes of being poly than Halt does. How did I come up with this? I... have no clue.
Anyway, their relationship, despite Ferris being raised in a toxic family, is actually pretty healthy, happy, and wholesome!
That is until his thirst for power kicks in. He leads them into a lot of danger (which is why you can access more secret bosses in his POV).
"Game Mechanics":
Emotions: Like OMORI, certain emotions have good and bad effects. You can check what the current emotion is in the STATUS menu (where your level and what you have on you etc etc is also shown), otherwise it will show in battle sort of like this:
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[Image ID: Sweetheart is in the middle in her signature pose. She is glowing yellow, indicating her happiness or mania. In the 4 corners of the screen are the OMORI protagonists in boxes: Omori, Kel, Aubrey, and Hero. All their facial expressions are visible, and the color of the background is changed depending on their mood. Underneath their pictures is their Heart and Juice bars. /End ID]
"Canon" Route: There is a canon route you can take, and you earn more points for it. The points don’t amount to anything, but if you’re a story-based completionism, it is a good/fun thing for you to do. (Note: canon here is not referring to the book's canon, but the AU's canon).
POVs: They can be switched whenever you so desire. You can even switch to a POV of side characters, like the servant staff, though there are less things to do there. They can be useful in showing the reality of things, because it can get really warped.
Music: Ripped straight from anything I like atm that I think will fit with whatever's going on. (Hey, I'm not making money off of this! It resides in my brain, after all)! Currently obsessed with this:
Ferris’s a little more desperate and mentally unwell in this one because that's fun <3
Pritchard is best dad <3
He’s very much a sort of therapist.
I like to imagine that Hibernia has a more of a plot/vibe as Deltarune, while Araluen is more related to Undertale. They are still in the same timeline, same world, unlike the two games, but there is a less of a focus on control and religion in Araluen
The school is somewhere away from Clonmel, I don’t know exactly where, but it is set up as a castle with multiple guest bedrooms for the princes/princesses, they each get their own rooms. There is a cliffside near by, like there is everywhere in Hibernia.
Halt meets a guy at the school who is high as fuck all the time but he is really chill and breaks the rules when he deems fitting so Halt looks up to him in a way
Sometimes groups of people just battle for fun and to gain more stats
Oh, and while Halt still wears his usual prince clothing, as well as his ranger's apprentice gear when he is able to, wearing this is more common!:
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[Image ID: Three drawings of Halt in knight armor. Two of the drawings are sketches: the first one is a bust shot of Halt looking down at someone, his lips parted, while the second one is him pointing (Like Kris does in the game) to the left of the screen with his eyebrow furrowed, his face in side view. The last drawing has light blue lighting coming from the right, making the armor gleam. At the edge of his torso, before the v-shaped brown belt comes in, there's a swirl pattern; the pattern is repeated at the edges of the tri-layered pauldron. In the center of his chest is the Coat of Arms, which is also shown at the bottom of the page. It's the classic shield shape, with a dull red rim and a blue inner area. The Deltarune symbol is on it, although it has been modified. The circle with the two simple wings are still there, but the triangles have been turned into a three-petaled flower shape with a very short, thin, pointed stem and no inner detail. There is 3 dots towards the end of each of the flower shapes. Two of them have the side with the dots facing upward, while the one in the middle have it facing downward. Besides the dots, which are bright red, the logo is colored gold. In the middle of all the drawings is handwritten words: "Cathan (Halt) O'Carrick" /End ID]
Another Bonus with a shitty sprite I made:
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[Gif ID: In a Deltarune styled text box Halt's head is off to the side. He is raising his eyebrow. Text beside him is saying, * -insert sarcastic comment here- /End ID]
(Make your own text box here.)
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worldwright · 2 months
Good evening !
So. My mother finally believes I have depression lol
Apparently my psychiatrist never gave me a diagnostic because it's obvious as fuck
so, yeah, need to tell my shitty father this so he can lose his shit once more and go into burnout a third time bc he learned smth he doesn't like about his children wait brb gonna tell him
fuck him
he doesnt knpow what hes talkin about it's been years im suffering from depression and hes saying shit like that
fuck him
hope he dies old, in a hospital and alone. ill be there to spit on his grave
before you ask, yes i ate well today, my mom made lebanese rice and i like it very much when i put eggs with it
have a wonderful morning my friend, gonna read some fics and play pokemon bc fuck
RICE yum
also yeah fuck him fr jfc. not bothering to know enough about hus child to be able to tell when you're struggling and ALSO being an active detriment to you getting help
gonna do taxes tonight, I still gotta call my dad for help cuz I've got some stuff that complicates it, but he's really good at explaining :3 and maybe we can watch dunmesh afterwards :3333
I shoulddddd get groceries today, and i also need to do laundry (shockingly. I did not do it yesterday) but it's a pretty day and I showered last night so I should be able to manage it
thh convention schedule finally got released!! lots of exciting stuff hehehehehehe
hope you have a lovely evening, friend!!
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inutaffy · 1 year
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NOW FOR THE OTHER TAG. "why are they in space" lmao lemme tell u why
OKAY SO! end of season 3 right, all is well, then some alien dinosaur shows up (he's a tricerton. im not spelling it right but idc) and he beats up the mutanimals (ninja turtles friends) and so raph goes after him, tames him ig??? and then dino dude is all "there are KRAANG ON YOUR PLANET" and the turtles are like "lol we got rid of them like 15 episodes ago keep up" but decide the humor dino man anyways EVEN THOUGH HE BEAT THE CRAP OUTTA THEIR FRIENDS??? LIKE OKAY UH SURE ANYWAYS WE'RE GONNA GLOSS OVER THAT- hey btw where did u say the kraang were again??? not that we're worried but yk just in case.....okay yeah can u take us there okay yeah cool thanks
so dino man takes them to where the kraang are hiding out (i think t was the technodrome?? idk its been like a week since i finished s3 but im pretty sure they were in the technodrome. ANYWAYS) dino man takes them there, they beat up some kraang, if u listen closely you'll hear me yelling over leo's fighting style. i just think he's neat, and then they find out that the kraang are doing smth or another at the statue of liberty, so THEN dino dude is like "WE GOTTA DESTROY THE BEACON." so the turtles are like ok CHILL we're doing that rn, cue more fighting with the kraang (WHO ARE ALL TERRIFIED BY DINO DUDE BTW. BC HIS SPECIES IS LIKE THE SWORN ENEMY OF THE KRAANG. THEY ARE NOT BESTIES)
then plot twist, after the kraang retreat, the dino dude is like "i also have to destroy your planet now bc u humans suck ass and also there are kraang everywhere lol there's nothing u can do to stop this" and the turtles (raph specifically, THAT WAS HIS DINO PAL MAN) are like hey wait lets talk this over we JUST saved this fucking planet wdym you're gonna blow us up and then dino dude is like oh im not blowing u up we're just gonna activate a black hole and get rid of this whole galaxy.
the turtles do not like this
so raph is EPIC and destroys the beacon (but not before it signals the rest of the dino army but they don't know that until the next episode rip) oh and also dino dude falls off the statue of liberty and dies
next ep!! the kraang have reassembled and are loading up the technodrome, the turtles gear up to take them down again, then the rest of the dino dude army shows up, shit goes south real quick, mikey gets captured and the others almost get vaporized and leo gets to fly a spaceship again, they rescue mikey piss of the dino general dude meet this AWESOME KRAANG GUY WHO I LOVE his name is agent bishop and i love him, and then they gather all their friends for an epic season finale boss fight to stop the dino dudes from black hole-ing the planet (they get shredder involved too. it's awful. i hate him)
so they're all fighting and stuff, trying to stop the dino army for setting up the black hole thing, AND THEY ALMOST WIN. BUT LIKE I SAID. THEY ENLISTED THE FUCKING SHREDDER. AKA "I HAVE NEVER LET ANYTHING GO EVER. I STUBBED MY TOE ONCE AND NOW I HAVE A PERSONAL BEEF WITH FUNITURE." so shredder does what shredder does best and LITERALLY stabs splinter in the back while he was going to shut off the black hole portal thing. like the bitch he is. and the turtles are like "WHAT THE FUCK." and then the portal is activated and the earth is sucked into a black hole and the turtles are just SITTING THERE holding their dead dad as the world is ending but at the last second a SHIP shows up and this robot (FUGITOID. I LOVE HIM. i know he does something in this season that pisses the turtles off but i forgot what it is) shows up and is like "COME IF YOU WANT TO SURVIVE"
and so they do and fugitoid zooms them away to the relative safety of space and does some time rewind thing that sets them 6 months in the past so that they can now find the black hole portal parts which are scattered across the galaxies before the dino army does and stop them from destroying the earth again and THAT. THAT MY LOVE. is why they are in space.
no. everyone needs to read this. what the fuck
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storywestistrash · 2 years
oh yeah ill never translate my rewrite so heres some philip scott facts:
i took the kill your gays thing to the next level cuz hes like one of the few not bi characters in the fic and he dies before the fic even starts
so like yeah fnaf 2 hes already dead hes a ghost
i show that by having him sweat a lot when interacting with objects!
thats cuz it takes a lot of energy to be able to materialize his hands. so he usually just asks mike or fritz to do things for him
his hair is naturally brown but the bright red dye is due to how he died
speaking of how he died
i decided to follow the scott way and just make up the most batshit unrealistic shit just bc hehe it sounds cool
so the way he died is like yeah the animatronics obvi but instead of stuffing him in a suit they uh. they shoved a phone onto his head, crushing it in the process
whyd they do that WELL he referred to himself as "the phone guy" one too many times and something in the toys programming fucked itself over to be like "well wheres the phone then mr"
his body is not found until the main plot happens so its already like rotting in a backroom somewhere when they find it
the reason he cant move on as a spirit is that hes bound by a contract to work for fazbears. at first at least
when the restaurant closes and he stops being the manager the reason he cant move on is a little different
that reason being! that the ghost children decided "this is our uncle now uncle phil" and now THEY wont let him go
he doesnt mind tho its good to feel like hes useful and helping and needed by someone
his Big Fear that every character in this one has is that he's so nothing and just so ordinary that he is utterly unlovable in any way
and while being adopted as an uncle is not the kind of love he was looking for its one that does its job even better
like its exhausting to be looking after kids that very desperately want to kill your at this point friends but also theyre just children and sometimes they need that adult presence
philip isnt all that good with children but okay hes managing
ANYWAY yeah he moves on together with the kids in fnaf 3
also this is only vaguely related but he has an older brother and a niece whos about the same age as mike and his friends
so in fnaf 3 when he hears about phone dude hes like. wdym your dad is named fritz. wd. wdym. FRITZ DID YOU FUCK MY NIECE DID YOU FUCK MY BROTHERS DAUGHTER
and fritz is like "haha lol"
thats not all i have on him but i cant think of more rn. the whole thing is just:
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itsjustbyler · 1 year
How did you get into byler?
When did you realize byler is endgame?
What are your thoughts on the popular theory, flickergate?
And do you think that Max will wake up?
Oh, this is gonna be long... let's go
How do I get into Byler:
Well, i first watch stranger things last year. I tried to watch it twice but couldn't past the first minutes of the first episodes and I have no idea why. One day i was scrolling TikTok and I saw someone really mad saying that the writes should confirm Will's sexuality because it was queerbaiting and all. After that i decided to watch the show to see what was happening. I already knew there was a debacle about Will's sexuality. When watching S1 and S2, i thought mlevens was really cute and while I knew Will was gay, i didn't notice his feeling for Mike. However, there was something off not with Will, but with Mike for me. But I ignored the feeling after mleven reunion in s2. After season 3? No way, i hated Mlven from the beginning. Those awkward make out sessions, the way they were treating their friends specially Will. The rain fight made me hate Mike, ngl. When Will destroyed castle byers i understood that he was in love with Mike. But the aftermath made me confused asf. Mike biking in the rain after him? By the end of season 3, as i already say here, i was really mad with mlven and it was worse after she kissed him and he doesn't reciprocate. Wdym she doesn't even gave him a choice? His face? Something was really wrong but i couldn't put my finger on it. And then we have season 4. Mike doesn't saying ily to El and I was like "ok, this shit again", then Mike treating Will badly. I was mad with Mike and El throughout the whole season and that monologue made me cringe so much. However, i did notice the chemistry with Mike and Will and how their scenes had a double meaning. When I finish watching, i came to reddit of all places to ask if someone thought about it too and damn. I never felt so hated, that was HORRIBLE. People called me names and said I was stupid and I didn't even know why, but then I saw the byler slide there and decided to read it. That bought me to Tumblr and after reading a lot of theories i rewatched the show in English and BAAANG, Byler endgame for sure hahaha.
When did you realized Byler is endgame?
Reading theories and rewatching the show without the heteronormativity glasses LOL
My thoughts on flickergate.
Is it the theory where Mike and Will kissing caused the light to flicker in S1? I like the theory and I think it's cute but I don't think it's going to happen. I think if they are going for it, it's going to be more realistic if Mike tried to warn himself to go after Will. I imagine Mike and Will in the garage and they hear themselves as kids, Will saying "see you tomorrow", and in a attempt to change what happened, Mike just do the thing with the lights... i dunno if it's actually this that the theory refers, it's been a while since I read about it.
Do i think Max is gonna wake up?
I really really want to but I don't know if she will? They focused so much in her letters to them, that they should read only if she dies. The one for billy was actually a focus for an entire episode called "Dear, Billy". I want so bad for her to wake up but I am not so confident that she will...
ty for the ask and sorry for the bad english!!
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baekhvuns · 1 year
I wish the actual avo fruit would grow, but alas I live in fucking Europe 😭 I wanna make cooooin
I think that weird woman's son is also an Atiny (child has no choice lol). Anyway she used to work and now she doesn't, living my dream... no, because she's a weirdo in private and cares about Atz tooooooo much. Please kpop fan wars in the family 🤭
France in the first half: *I sleep*
France Mbappe in the second half: *killler mode*
Well isn't football beautiful, you never know what the fuck is going to happen. The twists, the penalty, THE PENALTIES 😵 anyways congratulations to Argentina, I'm not necessarily their biggest supporter (as in they're not in my top teams), but good for them and for my guy Di Maria! 🐓 won in 2018, so it someone else's turn now. Baek, but next WC is happening in Vancouver! That buying referee tweet is killing me dhiahsuadhajsh
Initially I thought it'd be cool to do this "Latil's looking for a Harem, but her true love has always been next to her" it'd have been interesting with the power dynamics etc. However, Sonnaught is too boring and emotionally closed off I fear. And wtf is he doing in the novel 🔪 I never doubted you Tasir (okay, maybe for a second, but he does seem sus alright) 💖
I do pace around my room, it's the ADHD, babyyyy. Manifesting Y/N moment for Baeksussy soon 🙏🏻
KQ isn't perfect and I question a lot of their decisions, but stans are like KQ is overworking them vs KQ isn't promoting them well, so?! What's the fucking truth 🤨 I don't think more melodic songs will fit the current part of Ateez's storyline (but one can dream) I hope if they're still experimenting with noise it's more like Movement, less like Paradigm cause wtf is this song, I'm sorry 😭 what are people who absolutely love it on. Someone said it's in their top 5 Ateez songs ever??? Personal taste is objective, BUT ARE THEY OK
Baekhyun reading fanfics lmao, what if he does that in the military as well
Seonghwa after we're done with him
Bestie wdym, you want me to make choices 😭 I'm a gredy person, I want it all! But I'm exicteeeed
Mingi, you literally wrecked so many people with that photo and the 2nd one is good too... Seonghwa demonic grandfather <3
Something happens to me every time Seonghwa shows up with his hair parted... I don't know what's wrong with me, but not enough people appreciate this hairstyle
Oh? I see... anyway he needs to take lessons from Minghao and Jaehyun in anti-parasocialing so hard, because this is NOT GOOD❗❗❗
Lolllll.... and this was my first thought, omfg the SW agenda. Listen, I really need Seonghwa in a Wotakoi type of story, embrace the nerd!
Okay, but same apparently one of my birthstones is blue topaz
I had 2 quizzes for you, but Iost them naaaaurrrr, anyway I got fake dating for that AU one... - DV 💖
hiii helloo!!
I wish the actual avo fruit would grow, but alas I live in fucking Europe 😭 I wanna make cooooin /// I think that weird woman's son is also an Atiny (child has no choice lol). Anyway she used to work and now she doesn't, living my dream… no, because she's a weirdo in private and cares about Atz tooooooo much. Please kpop fan wars in the family 🤭
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭  no avo coin for u i guess 😭😭🤚🏼NOOO POOR DUDE 😭😭 BULNORIYA-ING AT 3 YO 😭😭 setting him for bullying bc what if he starts dancing to kpop in class during his older years, immediately evaporating  
France in the first half: I sleep France Mbappe in the second half: killler mode /// Well isn't football beautiful, you never know what the fuck is going to happen. The twists, the penalty, THE PENALTIES 😵 anyways congratulations to Argentina, I'm not necessarily their biggest supporter (as in they're not in my top teams), but good for them and for my guy Di Maria! 🐓 won in 2018, so it someone else's turn now. Baek, but next WC is happening in Vancouver! That buying referee tweet is killing me dhiahsuadhajsh
NAHHHH SERIOUSLY, literally france wasn’t even playing the first 80 mins, mbappe was not ONCE mentioned, maybe they had a fight or some bc the team’s dynamic was cold
ppl saying mbappe owned argentina in less then 2 mins YEAH ON PENALTIES BRO 😭😭 HE SCORED 1 GOAL THE REST WERE PENALTIES WHILE ARGENTINA WAS 1 PENALTIES 2 GOALS,, di maria literally made them win, HE WAS LIKE A SNAKE if not for him they would not have, he fought every min he’s angel indeed 😭😭😭 football is truly beautiful, the cut-throat tension the constant goals- i thought netherlands v argentina was good but france and argentina was better 🫡 truly what a world cup what a memory
me to di maria martinez and dybala esp :
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martinez’s goal keeping phewww his hand touched the mbappe shot but the ball was to fast, almost got his ass 😭😭 i just find it so funny that they did a moment of silence for
him after winning it like mf didn’t insult the south american teams & w the ppl shitting on them for CELEBRATING A WIN AFTER 3 DECADES love this guy 😭😭
IT ISSSSS AND U BET I AM GOING TO GO SEE IT ALLL IF U SEE ME ON THE SCREENS VOLUNTEERING NO U DID NOT BRMWHDKWCK BRAZIL’S TURN THIS NEXT ONE COME ON 😭😭 NO INJURY THIS TIME,, AND U BET I WILL BE SCREAMING FOR THEM ALL HD 1080P VIDEOS,,,,, will also be on a lookout for ibrahimovic in the stands <3 also wondering who will perform, better not be some drake 😭😭 rihanna needs to come thru
no but why is u.s getting so many cities, if the final is there and the celebration is how argentina had it, it would take a dark twist real fast also just learned jude bellingham is a birmingham guy 😭😭😭
Initially I thought it'd be cool to do this "Latil's looking for a Harem, but her true love has always been next to her" it'd have been interesting with the power dynamics etc. However, Sonnaught is too boring and emotionally closed off I fear. And wtf is he doing in the novel 🔪 I never doubted you Tasir (okay, maybe for a second, but he does seem sus alright) 💖
IF ONLY. IF ONLY THAT WAS TRUE. ID BE JUMPING SCREAMING CRYING. but tbh the harem is slightly boring bc latil doesn’t understand the meaning of a harem, like theres barely any interactions and its mostly awkward 😭😭 the interest is slowly going dry 📉📉 sonnaught’s solider aura is taking over this emotions i guess,,, FBWMDHWK TASIR BABES WE LOVE U DONT U WORRY BOY WE NEVER DOUBTED U EVER
I do pace around my room, it's the ADHD, babyyyy. Manifesting Y/N moment for Baeksussy soon 🙏🏻
doing all them scenarios <33 normal behaviour <33 BFMQJDAKJC ID NEVER GET THAT MOMENT ☺️☺️ i can only have these moments in my delusions ☺️
KQ isn't perfect and I question a lot of their decisions, but stans are like KQ is overworking them vs KQ isn't promoting them well, so?! What's the fucking truth 🤨 I don't think more melodic songs will fit the current part of Ateez's storyline (but one can dream) I hope if they're still experimenting with noise it's more like Movement, less like Paradigm cause wtf is this song, I'm sorry 😭 what are people who absolutely love it on. Someone said it's in their top 5 Ateez songs ever??? Personal taste is objective, BUT ARE THEY OK
Baekhyun reading fanfics lmao, what if he does that in the military as well
he said he used to read them during debut days bc there used to he so many and it was hard to avoid fhwkgdk 😭😭
Seonghwa after we're done with him Bestie wdym, you want me to make choices 😭 I'm a gredy person, I want it all! But I'm exicteeeed
Mingi, you literally wrecked so many people with that photo and the 2nd one is good too… Seonghwa demonic grandfather <3
wrecking here too bc when this man goes any shade of blond he’s suddenly a different person,,, demonic grandfather ….
Something happens to me every time Seonghwa shows up with his hair parted… I don't know what's wrong with me, but not enough people appreciate this hairstyle
Oh? I see… anyway he needs to take lessons from Minghao and Jaehyun in anti-parasocialing so hard, because this is NOT GOOD❗❗❗  ////// Lolllll…. and this was my first thought, omfg the SW agenda. Listen, I really need Seonghwa in a Wotakoi type of story, embrace the nerd!
Okay, but same apparently one of my birthstones is blue topaz //// I had 2 quizzes for you, but Iost them naaaaurrrr, anyway I got fake dating for that AU one… - DV 💖
topaz gANG LESSGOOO,,, see I will manifest fake dating au for u, ur in europe, anything and everything can happen there atp im rooting for u <3
wtf is this
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mulletmitsuya · 2 years
Toman groupchat
Warnings: this is all satire please don't take any of this seriously🗿, swearing, suggestive, long (cause i haven't done one in a while, i think. i have no concept of time sorry), also og Takemitchi's here who doesn't know what the fucks going on
Desc: just Baji being dumb and Chifuyu and Hakkai slander (affectionate)
Baji: yk what i never understood
Baji: why are there seatbelts on a plane
Baji: what are you gonna run into, the clouds????
Mikey: Baji i thought you were doing better in school :/
Draken: are you serious
Chifuyu: ...
Kazutora: bro
Kazutora: what
Baji: yes i'm serious it doesn't make fucking sense
Mitsuya: it's for when there's turbulence
Mitsuya: or like, the plane crashes
Baji: ...
Baji: oh
Baji: ok then that makes sense
Kazutora: why did you randomly think of this?
Baji: Chifuyu wants to be a pilot so i wanted to make sure it was safe
Mikey: he could plunge from the sky at any moment
Kazutora: the plane could spontaneously combust
Baji: idk what the fuck you just said
Kazutora: it could blow up
Mitsuya: stop lying oh my god
Mitsuya: car accidents are more common than air plane crashes
Baji: idk why that's relevant to me cause i drive a motorcycle
Mitsuya: you're right, sorry🙂
Hakkai: i didn't know you wanted to be a pilot Chifuyu
Hakkai: i just figured you'd do whatever Baji-kun did
Chifuyu: stfu 😐
Baji: lmao simp
Kazutora: LMAO
Mikey: he knows??
Draken: who wouldn't tbh
Kazutora: nah tho who's worse
Draken: wdym
Kazutora: "Taka-chan!!! Lol look at me being silly and goofy. Do you see my abs?? Aren't i huge and sexy??😜 Oh my lock screen?? Just cause you're my favourite homie that's all!!😊 I don't look at it longingly every night when i sleep! You just have a super sexy mouth watering side profile, that's all! Can i ride your di- I MEAN BIKE😳. Haha that's what i meant yes😁"
Draken: NAH💀
Kazutora: or
Kazutora: "Baji-san!☺ Do you want Yakisoba?! i'll go buy it for you right now! You have such beautiful, luscious jet black hair! And you're so handsome! Any bo- i mean girl would fall head over heals for you😋 You have such nice abs, can i touch them? Can i watch you exercise? Just so i can get your routine! I wanna know everything about you! It's just cause i respect you thats all!😊 And you're my friend! No, not like Koko and Inupi, that's different. Was very sexy of you to set that car on fire 🤣🔥"
Kazutora: choose your fighter
Smiley: this was lowkey foul, they're right here💀
Draken: Kazutora log off
Draken: why Koko and Inupi leave them alone💀
Chifuyu: i've never said any of those things in my life Kazutora 😐
Kazutora: bro
Draken: why are you doing this to them
Smiley: where's Hakkai and Mitsuya💀
Hakkai: i just think that this was unnecessary :/
Hakkai: i don't appretiate being made fun of
Mitsuya: i mean
Mitsuya: it was pretty accurate💀
Hakkai: Taka-chan????
Smiley: gonna die for this one
Smiley: "Mikey-kun!!" I would do absolutely anything for you! Why would you question your worth to me??? You are my heart and soul. The reason that i breath! It's fine if you killed that person, i'm sure they were a bad person! It was your closest friend? Oh uhm, lets just ignore that then 😊. I'll help you hide the body. You've done absolutely nothing wrong ever in your life. Oh, Haruchiyo? Uhm. Uh....well... that one was a bit much but he forgave you so that's fine! Of course i'll protect you! You're my best friend after all 😚"
Smiley: he's not gonna kick me through the screen is he💀
Draken: Takemitchy come out. you're always lurking
Draken: defend yourself
Takemitchy: ha😅 i don't remeber saying all that, to be honest
Takemitchy: and uhm
Takemitchy: who are you
Draken: what happend with Sanzu?
Mikey: 😐
Mikey: you think you're so funny
Smiley: i'm the funniest person here actually
Kazutora: can we go back to Hakkai
Hakkai: what's your problem with me😐
Kazutora: not too fond of gay people
Mitsuya: stfu
Kazutora: explain yourself Hakkai
Hakkai: there's nothing to explain idk what you're talking about :|
Baji: you're not just a clown you're the whole circus
Baji: anyway
Baji: i can't wait for Chifuyu to fly areolas
Mitsuya: what????
Draken: Baji c'mon now 😕
Kazutora: what's an areola
Mikey: the thing that surrounds nipples
Mikey: it's nipple, then areola, then tit
Draken: why'd you explain it like that?
Kazutora: the thing that women have? oh
Mikey: ?????
Draken: everyone with nipples has areolas tf?
Kazutora: i don't have any
Draken: nipples?????
Kazutora: no you silly goose
Kazutora: aeroplanes
Baji: why we talking about tits?
Draken: i'm done idc anymore
Mitsuya: what is wrong with you people
Smiley: it's like you guys are rotating half a braincell 😐
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
Elizabeth/Vanessa/Vanny Playing Fire Emblem Three Houses (The Sequel That Literally NOBODY Asked For :’D):
Plays as F!Byleth, recruits Sylvain immediately when arriving at the Monastery even though she doesn’t really need him- “free unit lol”
*Fodlan Winds starts playing on the first level* “DOOT DOOT DOO DOO THE FIRST LEVEL~” (Michael/Freddy’s ears are destroyed by her terrible singing lmfao-) 
IMMEDIATELY becomes an Edelgard stan and joins her army of simps: “Adrestian Empire, the obviously correct choice.”
*takes one look at Hubert and turns to Glitchtrap* “He reminds me of you, Daddy…” (William inside: ‘I’ve been compared to a goth kid by my own daughter… heart been broke so many times y u do dis to me ;-;’)
Is suspicious of Rhea from the beginning, but the archbishop’s motherly nature kind of makes her miss Eleanor, her own mother *cries*
“Black Eagle Supremacy all da wae, ride or die lol”
Yells “ZA WARUDOOOO” every time she divine pulses
Hilda cannot be recruited on the Black Eagles Route *cue Liz being held back by Michael from breaking her switch lol*
Doesn’t know how stat-buffing items and weapons work, so she just does some random bullcrap combinations and hope that they work-
“How does one bait mage aim without my squishiest character dying please help me.”
“The hell is def and res level-ups” (doesn’t know how instrumentally that’ll help her down the line even with how many times she gets screwed over)
Axes and Reason Magic, the ONLY correct choice. :)
“Ooo glowy bone sword what it do- DAMN SON IT’S A WHIP”
*gets sniped by that one mage halfway across the map for the uptienth time. Again.* “How is Evan so good at this game”
Doesn’t trust the Crest System in the slightest, agrees with Edelgard on her later conversations and supports. Later learns about Edelgard’s past (spoilers so I won’t mention it), and basically brandishes the dagger she got on her utility belt <3
“Bernadetta do be sniping everything in sight tho never listen to the meta kids”
*having a mental breakdown mid-map* “AHHAASDGHAAHAH I CAN’T DO THIS"
Evil laughs alongside Hubert every damn time he evil laughs, 10,000% ships him with both Bernadetta and Ferdinand (I just think they’re cute together okay??)
“Miklan’s map is shit uwu- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT KILL IT BURN IT OH GOD”
“The hell are gambits”
“I wasted like four divine pulses and restarted my save file two times just to stop Lindhart from dying”
Least favorite characters: ofc Catherine and Cyril bc she’s young and opinionated lmfao
Actually builds a healer, unlike her brother, but that only helps her a little bit since she still doesn’t have her tanks and dancers- (its Lindhardt lol)
“FIRST PARALOGUE BABY LET’S GOOOOO- wait wdym I can’t control allies on main story maps what kind of tomfoolery is this”
“Holy Tomb map is shit and I hate it uwu- wdym protect the Crest Stones does this look like the face of a remotely decent strategist to you I hate this game”
“ᵒʰ ᵍᵒᵈ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ'ˢ ᵃ ᶠᵒʳᵏ ᶦⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵒᵃᵈ”
Obviously protects Edelgard lol
Crimson Flower uwu <3
*trying to be sensible for once and scanning enemy stats pre-battle* “Dedue Molinaro stay the hell away from me”
Obviously very much pissed at the artificial difficulty of the final boss map, but begrudgingly agrees that it makes sense due to Rhea’s true nature as per the game lore (again, spoilers so won’t talk about it here)
Almost sacrifices every single unit she has due to the entire map being on fire and the knights flanking Rhea with their stupid stats, but Edelgard’s her closest thing to a tank and Lysithea snatched Thunderbrand from Catherine, and Lindhart chillin in the back so she’ll be fine lol (except for the GODDAMN ARMORED GOLEMS, OH BOY WE LOVE GOLEMS DON’T WE??)
S-Supports Edelgard bc she a disaster bi/pan
“Why don’t we get more chapters I wanted to see Skillrex sountrack and ICBM’s at Shambhala come on guys”
*Edge of Dawn end credits theme starts playing* “y’all mind if I praise the lord…?”
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