#lmao I spelled that wrong at first!! I’m washed up
in-study-hell · 3 months
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I was overseas when HCs10 started btw so I drew on paper instead.
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untraceable-ace · 2 years
Almost 2 hours late to the live react shitpost party bc I was dying my hair while watching it when it started but anyways
Under the cut bc it both contains spoilers for the m9 reunion p2 and also because it’s really fucking long lmao
They’re kicking these guys asses holy shit
wtf is going on with Kingsley btw like pardon?????
See my question is if Ukotoa is in the process of being released while they’re fighting or if he’s still locked away rn bc like
If he’s not in the process of being released waIT
Oh god creepy snakes moving in tandem i love snakes but not like this
Run boy run byeeee
fshshshsh the giant just knocked over in the center of the set is so funny to me
fr hes just
Oh wait worm???
Not Ukoatoa??
Caleb my god you are a noodly wizard why would you try to intimidate a betrayer god
LMAO A 17???
“That’s me” jester my beloved
Cmon cmon NO
eight whyyy
Uh ohhhh
Which one which one
Is he just flexing w that ring of telepathy or did that have a purpose
Oh Jester <3
“You just got this body” LMAO
First an accidental pact with an ancient evil sea deity then a pledge to essentially mother nature and now a betrayer god woooooh
Wait this guy hates Melora does that mean Fjord can’t connect with her anymore?
LMAO the face
Oh not another cursed sword
i think its a cursed sword
Them putting up his stat card has me concerned uh oh
LMAO “thanks I hate it”
Ooooh a rapier fancy
its official I love Kingsley
“Martial our forces” HMMM??
Darktow who is in darktow hold up
OHHH RIGHT plank king
Cant go back there
Fantasy DMs jfeoghehgaio;ewhaoge
syphilis gang
DAMN that was one efficient sending
You can just hear the agony in his voice ijodfsihjogiho
If anyone’s a glorified librarian its caleb idk what you mean beau
Charcuterie board
Mamas house has more tiddies followed by “That’s a good point” is fueling me
Winds in the east
mist comin in
something is brewin
about to begin
“I know all languages” jfc how many do you know now????
Im still wondering about that monkey yall what was that about
my original thought was that it was Artagan but it was so antagonistic idk
“We were probably a huge pain in your ass like a year ago” yeah sounds about accurate to what I know
I like her too jester she’s fun
risk esseks life cmon cmon cmon I NEED TO HEAR HIS VOICE AAUUUAUUGH
damn wrong elf
fshshshsh hermit elf
WOW thats a lot of potions
break to wash out hair dye hold up
before i leave
haha charcuterie board
ok now brb
Okay hair’s done back to reacting
“Okay so you don’t blow yourself up” mood
Wtf is that rod??? Bc we all know he probably wouldve made it amber if he could
Fuckin dope move though omg
dainty sip of sherry in the midle of abttle from a flask i love it
holy noises followed by the camera panning to a glowing silouette of a dick on the floor
i mean ik two are illusions but DAMN
Dude I’m not sure Kingsley’s had one bad move this entire two-shot like wtf
soooo AC is 21? I think?
wait do different parts have different ACs?
Stab the eye, stab the eye, stab the eye, stab the e-
Gently give a slice to an eyeball muah
so eyeball AC is 27> (or equal to 27)
There has been an assault, far as i can tell sam is being a shit again
New tatoo?? Chainbreaker
Ohoho oh nvm rip yasha’s dope ass thunderclap
won wound
Ooooh the big bad demigod can be frightened damn
aw damn rip spell
new form who dis
Half of this live react is just me repeating one liners i found particularly funny oops
Oh nvm?? Dunamancy spell lives????
Well ok its alive just half damage
Boy Veth I would love to see you try
“I can dodge gravity” can you????
Rip Beau taken out of the game bc piss
OooUuUhfhdbdjfe I love the lighting change for going under water
Cmon pls pls pls work seal that bitch away
Uh oh my boys gonna get the bends good call w the far step tbh
Actually bad call that’s too fast a pressure difference
Ayo Travis w the accurate bends rep
Ugh I love Caleb’s level 17 art sm
Well damn Melora!!!! Queen shit tbh
I hope “keep that just for me” means he swallowed it again
Dicks and Other Things
The Molly Look™️
Promptly steal I love him
DAMN Kingsley’s on some king shit
That was so fucking good oh my god
stimmed so hard at the end that my limbs started to actually cramp lmao
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zoropookie · 5 months
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YOU ARE on your way to being one of the hottest streamer in your nation at the moment, racking a monthly average of 10 million viewers, but something specific bothers you about it. you know that a lot of people hate you, but there's this one account. one account that's been following you since the early days of your career. they leave a flood of rude comments in your stream, your moderators banned each account they made, but they keep making more. you are at the end of your tether. but you are yet to find out that this persistent cockroach is none other than your friend's friend (and the only other streamer that's bigger than you), scaramouche.
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streamer!scaramouche x gn streamer!reader
genre: smau, enemies to lovers, streamer wars, i made reader like a feral rat, comedy, romance, lil bit of drama but it's lighthearted at best
warnings: lots of swearing, crude jokes, kys/kms jokes, death threats, a lot of things that are spelled wrong, alcohol, toxicity (it gets REALLY toxic), some parts you're going to want to put your phone down, irl photos to visualize scenarios but there's none of reader
status: ongoing (began 1/19/24)
a/n: HI! this is my first smau on this account. i've made a couple of smaus a few years ago but they were really embarrassing, so i want to start fresh. i'm invested in the plot that i made a lot of stuff for it so this is gonna be around...25-30 chapters? i hope it's everything you ever imagined lmao, buckle up, it's gonna be a ride. sorry if anything is inaccurate! just barely getting back into genshin after a long break. written parts are marked with (💋).
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♡ prologue || "you're a coward and history will forget u."
♡ characters || the bussy pinchers — salamander gang (inazuma)
♡ bonus characters!
act one || hell is hot for a reason
chapter one — elf on a shelf ♡ chapter two — oh...that's not!
chapter three — cancelled?? ♡ chapter four — plane ticket to mustyland
chapter five — twitchcon is for lust demons ♡ chapter six — everyone f**king stinks! 💋
chapter seven — omfg💋 ♡ chapter eight — a series of L's taken
chapter nine — no regrets, am i right? ♡ chapter ten — seven layers of fury
act two || make sure to give up when it gets really hard
chapter eleven — i’m washed ♡ chapter twelve — BETRAYAL!!!!! 💋
chapter thirteen — bffr ♡ chapter fourteen — sadist tingz
chapter fifteen — whatever this is ♡ chapter sixteen — doxxing is okay sometimes 💋
chapter seventeen — inazuma party of hell ♡ chapter eighteen — ok i pull up
chapter nineteen — hooliganism ♡ chapter twenty — am i in a ya novel?
chapter twenty-one — oh no, he's hot! 💋 ♡ chapter twenty-two — twitchpatch
chapter twenty-three — friends? 💋 ♡ chapter twenty-four — not friends. 💋
chapter twenty-five — bedrotting ♡ chapter twenty-six — br(ok)en 💋
chapter twenty-seven — elephant in the room ♡ chapter twenty-eight — gagged!
chapter twenty-nine — bittersweet 💋 ♡ chapter thirty — what the FUCK.
act three || yeah, i fell in love. kind of feels like i got lead poisoning, though
chapter thirty-one — i quit ♡ chapter thirty-two — do your taxes 💋
chapter thirty-three — give it time 💋 ♡ chapter thirty-four — erm what the sigma
chapter thirty-five — awkward ♡ chapter thirty-six — takoyaki
chapter thirty-seven — i will throw rocks at you ♡ chapter thirty-eight — why couldn’t it be mini golf?
chapter thirty-nine — i should’ve stayed in bed ♡ chapter forty — how haters are born
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taglist is closed. thank you all for the support!
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theprettyarachnid · 2 years
jjk men cheering you up
a/n: for whatever reason i’m really not having a good time today so time to self-indulge, also my tremors have been SO bad lately like my god
warnings: excuse any bad spelling/grammar i’ve been having difficulty talking and writing for the past few days
characters: itadori, megumi, inumaki, gojo, suguru, nanami, sukuna
🕷 he gets so concerned when you’re upset
🕷 his first thought is wondering if it’s something that he might’ve done
🕷 if you’re doing something, he comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist asking what’s wrong
🕷 if you try and blow it off as nothing, he purses his lips while pulling you closer to him
🕷 “c’mon i know that’s not it”
🕷 “is it something i did?”
🕷 when you tell him it isn’t, he lets out a sigh of relief he didn’t know he was holding
🕷 he pulls you away from whatever you’re doing and onto the couch or his bed while looking at you
🕷 he kind of looks like a kicked puppy
🕷 when you start to tell him what’s wrong, even if you simply say “i don’t know”, he listens while holding your hand
🕷 depending on what it is, he tries to give you advice but sometimes he doesn’t know what to say
🕷 so instead he just settles with pulling you into a hug and laying down wherever you two are and rubs your back
🕷 itadori tries to make jokes to make you laugh or puts on your favourite show/movie until you fall asleep
🕷 he notices your sad demeanor as soon as you walk through the door
🕷 megumi leaves you alone for a few minutes, still keeping an eye on you, but letting you have your space before asking what’s wrong
🕷 doesn’t expect you to respond right away but if you don’t respond at all, he quietly walks over to where you’re sitting and sits in front of you
🕷 “hey, what happened?”
🕷 he’s fairly easy to talk to so you tell him why you’re upset fairly quickly
🕷 megumi doesn’t say much while you talk, and not much after you’re finished, instead he just pulls you out of your seat to give you a hug while whispering a quiet “i’m sorry”
🕷 obviously he can’t talk, but as the saying goes actions speak louder than words
🕷 he gently grabs your hand pulling you towards him while giving you an expectant look
🕷 if tears start to form he quickly brings you to sit down, still holding your hand while the other cups your cheek
🕷 you can easily see the worried expression washed over his face with a hint of frustration because he can’t say anything besides rice ball ingredients
🕷 “leaf mustard”
🕷 pretty much translate to “are you alright” at least from what i read lmao
🕷 if you don’t want to talk about what happened at that moment, inumaki just pulls you in for a hug before kissing your temple
🕷 if you do end up talking about it, he sits while watching every expression on your face while rubbing his thumb across your cheek
🕷 afterwards he gently kisses you and might even kiss other areas of your face such as your forehead
🕷 gestures if you want to lay down or sit up and whichever you prefer he’ll do and will play with your hair
🕷 when he knows you’re upset about something, he doesn’t leave you alone until you tell him
🕷 it bothers him too much that he doesn’t know because that means he can’t make it better
🕷 if you snap at him to leave you alone, he will but the hurt look on his face makes you kind of regret saying anything
🕷 gojo gives you space for however long you need until you find him in your bedroom
🕷 he gives you a small smile before holding out his arms which you crawl into
🕷 pulls you into his chest while he rests his chin on your head
🕷 “everything okay?”
🕷 obviously he knows everything is indeed not okay considering you’re so upset but he feels the need to ask anyway
🕷 “y/n?”
🕷 he makes you look up at him and he has this somewhat pleading look on his face
🕷 you sigh before telling him what it is, could be you just had a bad day or you went on a mission and there was some collateral damage (e.g. a kid got hurt)
🕷 gojo just assures you that everything will be okay and “there’s always tomorrow”/“you did everything you”
🕷 which he knows doesn’t help a whole bunch but he wants you to know that things will get better
🕷 just lets you vent while occasionally giving a response before calming you down and telling you to get some rest
🕷 visits you after one of his meetings only to find you curled up in bed
🕷 at first he thinks you’re sleeping but when he hears a quiet sniffle, he quickly checks on you
🕷 you’re a little startled when you feel the bed dip just slightly, when you turn your head to find suguru sitting on the edge you just turn your head away again
🕷 “hey, look at me”
🕷 he pushes your hair behind your ear and if you don’t look at him, he bends over so he can see you
🕷 sighs when he sees the upset look on your face and goes over to his side of the bed
🕷 doesn’t really stop you if you cover your face in the blankets, but replaces the blankets with his chest
🕷 twirls your hair while you two lay together in silence for a bit
🕷 gently coos at you when you let out a quiet sob into his chest
🕷 “i’m gonna get your clothes all wet”
🕷 you try to pull away only for suguru to pull you back in
🕷 “how can i help, my love?”
🕷 “just stay here for a little bit”
🕷 he’ll oblige to your request but in return he expects you to tell him what’s wrong
🕷 cancels the rest of his meetings, not caring if he had planned to meet with powerful people, you are more important and it’s not like those people would dare to do anything
🕷 “tell me what’s wrong”
🕷 gently tilts your chin up so your eyes meet his and his heart breaks a little when he sees your red, puffy eyes and the dried tear stains on your cheeks
🕷 even though they’re mostly dry, he carefully runs his thumbs under your eyes anyway
🕷 let’s you take all the time you need to tell him what’s wrong
🕷 he plays with your hair, rubs your back, caresses your cheek to soothe you and make you feel better
🕷 doesn’t let you do much for the rest of the day, wanting you to rest and not to worry about having do anything else
🕷 there have been times where he’s gone days without seeing you because of work
🕷 so when he comes home to see you upset about something, he internally loathes himself for not being here sooner
🕷 he puts everything down before going over to you and cupping your face
🕷 asks what’s wrong and what he can do to make it better
🕷 nanami would lowkey do literally anything just to make sure you’re happy because in many ways you’re one of the only things that make him happy
🕷 besides his favourite bread
🕷 between how upset you are and how happy you are that he’s home, you kind of start crying before he pulls you into his chest
🕷 he quietly soothes you, saying that he’s here and that it’s okay while stroking your hair
🕷 when you seem to be finished crying for the moment, he tries to have you look at him but if you want to keep your face buried in his chest for a bit longer he’ll let you
🕷 offers to make you a hot drink and get tissues before you tell him what’s wrong
🕷 once you two are sitting, he keeps an arm wrapped around you while holding one of your hands
🕷 nanami is probably one of the best people to take advice from or just be there if you’re upset
🕷 doesn’t talk until you’re finished before giving you a solution or simply giving you comfort
🕷 makes sure to be with you for the rest of the night
🕷 is literally the worst person when it comes to comfort so many times you try not to bother him with it, even though he’s told you to come to him
🕷 when he finds you upset, crying in the bathroom with a box of tissues, he gets really upset
🕷 it’s more because he’s concerned but it comes out as anger
🕷 you lie and say ‘it’s just allergies’ but that’s not good enough
🕷 “why are you crying in the bathroom? haven’t i told you to come to me when you’re upset?”
🕷 sukuna sounds more like he’s yelling at you which only seems to get you more upset
🕷 “shit”
🕷 walks over to you before pulling you up from the floor and picks you up before carrying you to the bedroom
🕷 it’s not worth protesting about because he just ignores you
🕷 he sits you on the bed, even though it feels like more of a throw, before sitting down himself
🕷 pulls you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you, so you can’t escape
🕷 “what’s wrong? did someone do something? was it one of the servants?”
🕷 “no”
🕷 he sighs, clearly aggravated before asking you again
🕷 doesn’t except shrugging your shoulders as an answer
🕷 makes you look at him while you tell him what’s wrong
🕷 “you probably think it’s stupid”
🕷 sukuna doesn’t respond, instead just pulling you closer, pressing your forehead against his chest
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The Obey Me Brothers and Undatables vs An Insect/Arachnid Loving MC
I find it amazing how many people find it disturbing that I just love some insects and arachnids (not more than birds but still, insects can be both cute and cool even when they manage to terrify me so I can't help but love them lmao).
It's so cool how insects are actually the most dominant species in the world even before humanity existed and will most likely still be even after humanity ceases to exist, of course some of them actualy spread disease and such but it's not all of them and the mosquitoes that do spread it are females and they are just sucking your blood to feed their babies and the males like flowers over your blood, I actually don't like all spiders but I love tarantulas with all my heart although I can't say the same for wasps, they are evil but they can be so cool I have so many mixed feelings and cockroaches can be so adorable specially the forest/wild ones, have you ever seen them eat fruits??? They are so cute! And don't even get me started on how a d o r a b l e beetles are-
Lucifer vs Ladybug
Taking strolls in the Castle's garden when you are accompaning Lucifer in his work are very common.
Just taking a fresh breath of the Devildom's air in between breaks with you by his side powers him up like crazy.
Now that being said, he doesn't really appreciate losing your attention to a little, colorful, bug crawling on one of the flowers in said garden.
"Lucifer, look! It's a ladybug! It's so different from the human world!"
That is true, ladybugs in hell were brighter in color and had a toxin in their bodies that- Oh wait
"Don't touch it!" Lucifer grabbed your hand in realization "haven't you learned anything about bright colors in nature? The toxin in their bodies can melt your skin off!"
He really didn't expect your eyes to get even more shiny.
"Ladybugs in Devildom are both bright and dangerous??!! I'm so jealous!"
With that, he became both exasperated and more in love with you.
Does this have a relation to the fact that you love him and his brothers even thought they are demons?
He is definetelly giving you a brooch in the shape of a ladybug later
Mammon vs Cockroach
If you think this man didn't scream like a plate being scratched with a fork when he saw a cockroach in your bedroom, you are wrong.
I mean, okay, he was on the floor and the thing just decided to crawl up to his head out of nowhere.
He jumped over the table so fast it probably has beaten a world record.
"Aw! It's a baby cockroach!"
It's true, it was very small compared to adult ones, but Mammon didn't care.
And of course instead of killing it you just raise your eyebrown at him while scooping the thing up with a paper.
And of course you needed to bring it really close to him just to watch him squirm before you decide throw it out of your bedroom's window.
He definetelly will ask you to wash your hands before comforting him even if you didn't even touch the cockroach directly.
Leviathan vs Dragonfly
You cannot tell me dragonflies in Devildom are actually very few and actually have the size of a small dragon.
It all happened on the day you and Levi got lost in the forest searching for a raven that stole his just purchased phone charm of a game that he was currently addicted to.
Both of you were looking for a way out when you heard an extremelly loud buzzing noise from somewhere in the woods.
Of course both of you followed the sound because first, you just know that must be one big ass insect since it sounded almost like a helicopter and you had to see it, and second, Levi suddenly forgot all about the charm (and being lost) and started rambling about how 'it couldn't be! Is it really-!'
And that is how you guys found his new Henry.
A giant, navy blue, shiny dragonfly, that was currently eating the Raven you and Levi were searching for.
Let's just say Levi got his charm back and both of you got a free ride to the House of Lamentation.
Satan vs Spiders
Where there are old books, there are spider webs, and where there are spider webs, there's at least a 50% chance there are spiders in there.
So you can say Satan was quite familiar with the eight legged creatures, although he never really paid them much attention.
That is until he found they were of your interest.
You will never see someone start to give spider names, treat them with courtesy and have small talks with them faster than with this man.
Getting a book from the House of Lamentation's library and there's a web in the way along with a resident spider? "Excuse me, I will have to disturb you a little, I hope you don't mind a bit of damage to your home"
He is reading and suddenly sees a spider dangling down from a web string right besides him? He is definetelly letting it land on his hand just so that he can show it to you.
One day he even choses to read a book in his berdoom that a tiny spider was standing on. The sight of the tiny thing crawling around the pages as he reads it and explains some things out loud is so precious to see.
Asmodeus vs Scorpions
Of course, what would suit the Lust Demon better than his own patron?
That is until you teach him that there are more than just one type of scorpion, and there is one type that has really big claws and a thinner tail that are usually pretty big in size.
Why would learning that be a bad thing, you ask? Instead of stinging its food, it actually grabs it like a crab.
So yes, the day Asmo held one and didn't use his charms, it pinched him.
Needless to say, it was chaotic.
Leaving the fact he is never approaching those kinds of scorpions ever again, he coos a lot at you while you coo at the small scorpions.
If you tell him the fact that they are his patron just makes you love him more, he will be so happy he will be squealing for the next 5 minutes.
He has definetelly taken a few dozens, of pictures for you while holding one or more scorpions.
His followers in the devilgram were surprised at how even while holding that thing, Asmo still looked amazing.
Scorpions definetelly became sensation in Devildom after that.
Beelzebub vs Flies
Again, nothing better than his own patron.
If he didn't have to swat them off his food that is.
He has definetelly eaten some accidently.
"Look! I managed to make it crawl up to my finger without scaring it!" you say.
"That is cool. But you should probably wash your hand." He replies.
He's right, wash your hands if you ever grab onto flies.
He finds it really cute that you like insects, and it makes him tingly on the inside when he remembers that his symbolic creature is an insect itself.
Don't hold back on asking him to change into his demon form more often, he is very happy to do it.
He starts paying more attention to insects and flies in general after he finds out how much you love them.
How big their are, their color, where he saw them, what were they doing, if they tasted good.
And then he proceeds to tell you all about it.
He is very cute.
Belphegor vs Butterflies
It's not that he attracts butterflies, no. But he actually likes them, finds them cool even.
Did you know some butterflies disguise as another type butterfly because that type is actually not very tasty to eat so the animals stay away from them?
And how many of them have patterns on their wings that look a lot like Owls and again, it makes animals stay away from them?
And the whole symbolism of life, death and rebirth around them? And the fact that the larvae eating everything around them reminds him a lot of Beel?
Belphie definetelly likes butterflies and you cannot tell me otherwise.
So when he finds out you love insects? Oh he is definetelly taking you to the best butterfly watching spot either in the Devildom or the Human World.
It's specially cute when he falls asleep and one lands on his face.
He definetelly had a minor heart attack when he woke up to the sight its wings but he will never admit it.
Also definetelly grabs it and puts it on you instead.
It's counterproductive as you end up looking too cute for him to handle.
Solomon vs Beetles
I mean beetle fights.
You thought you liked insects, just wait until you see this man cheering on a beetle like an excited kid.
Also finds it hilarious when one just yeets the other away.
And because now you are there to feed more into his love for beetles, one day he casts a spell on two of them to make them big enough to ride and just showed up outside your window like:
"No time to explain, get in the beetle"
Because of safety measures, no, you guys didn't have a giant beetle fight.
But you did ride them around the Devildom forest at 2am.
You thought it would be an insane ride with lots of adventures
But you guys just ended up star gazing while laying on them.
He forgot to turn them back to their original size and they scared a few of the residents of Devildom.
Simeon vs Mantis
Warning: it's a big goreish
When you introduced the praying mantis specifically to Simeon, he was immediatelly in awe.
And then you proceeded to show him how they can have many shapes and forms, be it as leafs, tree branches, and others.
And he was so intrigued!
But then you gave him the more, specific details.
Like how they can feast on their prey while they are still alive.
And how it actually can attack small birds such as humming birds, eating their brain tissue through their eyes.
And how the females practice a cannibalism ritual, feasting on their partners after mating.
That's when his writer self came to light.
What I mean is, he was now both horrified and extremelly inspired.
Simeon can be scary sometimes.
Diavolo vs Ants
If you can find ants in every nook and crany around the world, you cannot tell me you can't find them in hell.
If they are able to travel the sea just by being taken along with baggage on accident, they have definetelly come to hell the same way, specially black crazy ants.
So honestly, I wouldn't find it surprising that Diavolo would have at least one big colony of ants he takes care of.
But he didn't have it until you pointed out why ants were awesome to him.
"They don't eat the leafs, they are farmers and what they eat is the other tiny creatures that decompose the leafs" "they can go to extreme lenghts to find their food and they have a real good teamwork, often they don't eat right away but instead bring the food back to the colony to feed the young" "Some ants that live in tropical weather that rains a lot, such as the amazon, can swim! And they do it together in big, ant, nests!"
Needless to say, he was intrigued.
Such tiny creatures are able to eat other insects much bigger than them? And they love sweets?
They actually like their homes clean and throw their trash into the very corner of their enclosure? Their bite can actually hurt a lot even to creatures gigantic copared to their size such as humans??
He had his own personal colony the very next day.
Barbatos vs Bees
This man definetelly has his own share of appreciation for bees even before you told him you like insects.
They are very good helpers in the garden, their honey can be used on a extremelly big variety of both food and health products along with their wax, and honestly, they're just so fuzzy and cute.
If you want to get a rare laugh or chuckle out of him, make bee movie references.
He will just stop in his tracks and cover his mouth as he tries not to laugh.
You could almost make him spit his drink if you do it while he is drinking something.
And you can't tell me this man can't make bee related puns with a straight face. It's unbeeliveable
Aight, imma head out
(This was basically an insect/arachnid appreciation post and I have no regrets)
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yee-fxcking-haw · 3 years
Hey, I saw you asking for request in the Yandere Dabi tag? So, how about Hawks gifting Dabi y/n for Christmas? There is perfect image for that too. I will add the blog where it is in the post.
Y'all have the most brilliant brains I swear.
Warnings: Yandere Hawks, hinting of kidnapping, grooming themes, mild dubcon, major sexual tension, Daddy Keigo, Sub Dabi, Sub reader.
Pairing: Hawks x Reader x Dabi (brief Dabi x Hawks)
A/N: LMAO my brain took OFF with this shit. There's gonna be a part two. Lemme know if you want tagged.
"Oh angel, you look perfect." Keigo coos down at you as you kneel between his legs. His lean body is clad in all black, well tailored slacks and a handsome button up.
He's reclined on the couch, knees spread apart as he watches you present yourself in the outfit he laid out for you.
It's very simple, very sweet. All skimpy and silky, hugging your curves and perking your tits.
"He's going to love you." His eyes light up as he shifts upright, wings spreading wide behind him.
His words make you squirm, desperate to please, to impress.
Keigo had spent so much time taming you, working his ass off to get you so compliant. You were a rotten little thing we he first brought you home. Always fighting, always running away, always crying.
It took time, patience, and so much punishment, but he finally broke you. It was a beautiful process too, watching you crumble, watching you buckle and submit.
Now you're perfect, so sweet and willing and obedient. A wonderful gift, a sufficient offering.
Your shaking hands hold out some ribbons and a bow, a curious look on your face as you blink up at him.
"I didn't know what to do with these, I'm sorry..." Your voice is quiet, timid, weary of offending Keigo. He could be so _mean _ when you disappoint him.
"I'll help you, don't worry sweetheart." His voice is soft as he takes the material from your hands, it makes your shoulder relax, thankful for his unending patience with you.
Slowly, he winds the soft fabric around your body, tying it around your waist in a large bow. He leans back and admires you for a moment, rubbing his hand over his jaw as he contemplates his work.
"D-do I look ok?" You ask with a timid voice.
He sighs before using his knuckles to tilt your chin upwards.
"I told you, you look perfect, pay attention." His voice is firm, but not enough to set you on edge.
You fold your hands in your lap and nod quickly.
"I'm sorry, Sir." You mutter as your eyes flicker down.
He relaxes into the couch again, and you see him pat his thigh out of your peripheral vision. You quickly hop to your feet so you can crawl into his lap. You let him sling your legs over his strong thighs so he can cradle you against him, one arm looped around your waist while the other brushes some hair from your face.
"Listen to me, little bird." Now his voice is the tone that sets you on edge.
You perk up and look him in the eyes, waiting attentively for his next words.
"I have a very special friend coming over, I'm going to share you with him, as a Christmas present, ok?" He raises his fluffy blonde eyebrows, waiting for your reaction.
"Daddy... What does that mean?" Your hands wander up to the collar of his shirt.
"It means he's going to play with you the way I do, and you're going to be a good girl for him like you are for me." His words cast a spell on you, filling you to the brim with curiosity.
"Will I call him Daddy too?" You wonder, a little displeased with the idea of calling anyone but Keigo by that name.
"No, you'll call him 'Sir', I'm your Daddy, nobody else. Do you understand?" He reaches down to squeeze your thigh, a warning.
"Yes Daddy, I was just making sure, I'm sorry."
How could he be mad when you apologise so sweetly, so honestly?
He hums at you, proud of the sweet little darling you've become, all because of his hard work. He brings his hand up to his face, tapping his cheek with his pointer and middle finger.
You lean up and press a small kiss on the spot, batting your lashes at him when he smiles at your well trained response.
"He's going to be mean to you. Much meaner than me, but it's going to be ok. I'll be here after."
Ice settles in your gut, you want to ask him what will happen, you want to ask if it will hurt. Then there's a knock at the door and Keigo stiffens under you.
He grabs your jaw, eyes burning into you.
"Wait on your knees by the tree." His voice is so low, so serious.
You scramble off of his lap and scamper over to the Christmas tree, settling to your knees with your hands on top of your thighs. Just like he likes.
You want to tug at your clothes, fuss with your hair and adjust your legs, but you know better. He told you to wait, which means be still.
Keigo walks over to the door, casting one quick glance back at you to make sure you're situated as he directed. When he sees that you're in order, he nods once before opening the door.
The man standing on the other side is nothing short of terrifying. He's a mess of scars, staples, and wild black hair. Vibrant, blue eyes lock on your form immediately as Keigo welcomes him in.
He's got a few inches on Keigo height wise, but he's much thinner. He strides into your home lazily and silently, hands in the pockets of his billowy coat. You remember quickly how rude it is to stare, and direct your gaze to your lap as he draws closer.
"Well, you sure as hell weren't lyin' about her being pretty." His voice is like fine gravel, rolling out of his mouth in a low, menacing tone.
You watch their feet as they walk towards you until they stand on either side of you. His boots are thick and dirty, made of abused leather. They're a harsh contrast next to Keigo's shiney, clean dress shoes.
"Eyes up here." Keigo's voice washes over you, you obey immediately, looking up at him.
"Oh she listens." The friend sighs, shifting on his feet a little.
Keigo crosses his arms before speaking, you don't break eye contact with him for even a second, waiting for permission.
"Hey there, doll, name's Dabi." He sounds nice, playful even.
"Say hello to our guest, dove." With Keigo's consent, you turn to Dabi and offer him a sweet smile.
You whisper a soft "hi" to Dabi, captured in his turquoise eyes.
"So fucking sweet." He says, mostly to himself.
"Have a seat." Keigo says, almost shortly. You know he's not talking to you.
Dabi chuckles before waltzing over to the seat himself on the couch.
"So serious tonight, Birdie." He sighs as he reclines, his hungry eyes stay locked on your kneeling form.
Keigo walks around to the back of the couch, bracing his arms on the edge directly behind Dabi. Your chest clenches under the pressure of both of their greedy eyes, thumbs worrying at each other in your lap.
Dabi pats his lap just like Keigo did a few moments ago, a sick smile spreads across his marred face. You immediately look to Keigo, who nods shortly towards Dabi's lap.
"Come sit." He commands.
"Yes Daddy." You lift yourself to your feet and pad over to the stranger, timidly settling down onto his lap. He feels so _different, _so harsh and rough, nothing like the soft warmth of Keigo. He thumbs at the bow around your waist, snickering to himself when you jump as his hand skims over your skin.
"'Yes Daddy?' Do I get one of those?" Dabi asks as you situate yourself. He smells like smoke and alcohol, and something you can't quite identify, it's something strong and sharp, stinging your nostrils.
You shake your head when you hear Keigo breathe in sharply.
"Daddy said I can call you 'Sir'." You say quietly.
Your eyes wander over his scared hands, fixating on the staples that appear to hold the warped, purple flesh to the pale, healthy skin.
"Oh Keigo, you've out done yourself." Dabi's hand runs up the inside of your thigh, stopping when he feels you squeeze them together.
"Don't be nervous, doll, I'm gonna make you feel real good." His voice makes your insides ache, and not in the good way that Keigo's does.
You blink up at him, noticing how closely he's holding his wings to his body, how tense his shoulders are, how narrow his pupils have become.
"What's wrong, Angel?" Keigo asks reaching around his guest to grab your jaw.
"He's sc-scaring me a little." You squeak out.
This makes Dabi laugh low and dangerous, Keigo let's go of your jaw in favor of grabbing his friend by the hair on top of his head. He cranks Dabi's head back, earning a choked sound from the him. The hand on your thigh squeezes you firmly as he sneers up at Keigo.
"He's nothing to be scared of, sweet thing, he has to listen to me as much as you do. Ain't that right?" He leans down to Dabi, a challenging look flashing in his amber eyes.
"Of course, Birdie." Dabi relents with a venomous tone.
"Your Daddy would kill me if I hurt you, you've got nothin' to be scared of." Dabi flashes you a cheshire smile one Keigo releases his hair. It puts you at ease, watching Keigo exercise so much control over his intimidating friend.
"I'm sure he warned you that I can be a little mean, you'll like it though, I promise."
Before Dabi can speak again, Keigo's hand is around his throat, the action making you and Dabi freeze immediately.
"No marks on her, Dabi." His words are final, dripping with authority and power.
"Aw, come on, just one bite?" Dabi teases, licking his teeth like an animal.
Your blood freezes when you watch Keigo's grip tighten around Dabi's throat, astounded at his bravery. Dabi's smile fades, suddenly crumbling under Keigo's harsh gaze.
"You haven't even thanked me for your present, and you're already mouthing off. Sounds like somebody doesn't want to get their dick wet." Keigo says, biting off his words as he leans closer to Dabi's face.
"Thank you, Daddy, I'm sorry." Dabi chokes out.
You're utterly shocked, nearly trembling as you watch Keigo work his magic, subduing even this monster of a man.
"Good boy." Keigo leans down and presses his lips to Dabi's, making your jaw drop.
It should make you jealous, it should make you insecure. But they're both so greedy with each other, so wreckless. It makes your skin run hot and your core ache. Your hips wiggle against Dabi's leg involuntarily, capturing his attention immediately.
He breaks from the kiss so he can look at you, florescent eyes raking down your body.
"This desperate little thing wants to have some fun, should we play with her some?" Dabi asks, looking up at Keigo expectantly.
Keigo looks at you with ravenous eyes, body poised as his wings flutter slightly.
"As long as you both listen, you can have all the fun you want." Keigo says calmly, standing up before rolling his shoulders back as he walks around the couch to stand before the both of you.
"Will you be good for me?" He asks.
"Yes Daddy." You and Dabi say it in unison, bodies tensing. You feel something twitch under your thighs, causing a heated blush to spread across your cheeks.
Keigo smiles, wide and brilliant. He cracks his knuckles slowly before reaching up to begin the process of unbuttoning his shirt.
"I love it when you're good for me." He says it to both of you, emitting all the confidence in the world as he strolls closer to your feverish bodies.
You're in for it and you know it, but you're buzzing with anticipation. Ready and willing to be the perfect little gift for your new friend.
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skyeventide · 3 years
my trsb fic has so many notes to the text that they didn’t fit within the ao3 notes’ section character limit lmao, so here is the lengthier version of it. you can consider it a teaser I guess? but either way, I need some place to store these and link them back in the fic.
contents here, cut for length
on the matter of the mother of Gil-Galad
Celebrimbor’s names
shibbolething all over Thauron’s name
actual quotes and canon
On the matter of the mother of Gil-Galad
Meril-i-Turinqi is a Book of Lost Tales character, lady of Tol Eressea, kin of In(g)we but also similar to the Solosimpi, which is to say the Teleri.
The character of "Meril" on the other hand, is a proto-Amarie, Finrod's love interest. In the early draft of Meril's appearance, Finrod is married and is father of Gil-Galad: this draft is obviously discarded and Finrod becomes childless, while Meril transforms into Amarie, who does not join the exile. Gil-Galad is instead transferred to Orodreth, which iirc is Tolkien's last word on the matter (I don't count the Fingon thing as even canon-adjacent, ChrisT was quite clear in admitting the mistake). Now I recall Orodreth is said to be married to a Sinda; why did I discard that? Cause I initally forgot it. Rip to me and Orodreth.
However, what I had was: a proto-Amarie, who is a Vanya, and a BoLT character who is of the family of Ingwe (so a Vanya), but also like the Teleri (so of the third clan, even though not a Sinda). And so Meril-proto-Amarie became Meril-i-Turinqi, wife of Orodreth.
The full headcanon on Meril here would have her as daughter of a Vanya who is kin of Ingwe and of Telerin nobility (or royalty? they're all big on intermarrying between royal families), which fulfills both sides of the coin and also stays true to the statement that Elenwe is the sole full-Vanya to join the exile (I'm gonna assume this excludes any non-royalty followers). Now regarding the parentage of Orodreth, he is here son of Angrod, as I feel that is a better option in almost all respects. This poses some issues with regard to age, as I recall Orodreth-son-of-Angrod and Idril as being named the only two non-adults to do the journey to ME (again... this surely excludes any non-royalty youngsters, but nonetheless). Obviously these issues grow even further if one also includes the matter of Celebrimbor being Aman-born to a wife who doesn't follow Curufin (and therefore the matter of his age at the time of exile), but reconciling these versions is borderline impossible with how the origins of Celebrimbor keep changing throughout the conception of the legendarium.
Long story short, I up the age of Orodreth to be at least old enough to speak softly with Finarfin (here his grandfather) during the flight of the Noldor, but I have him already married though childless. Finduilas is born early into the exile and Gil-Galad is her younger brother.
Meril returns to Aman at the end of the First Age and rules Tol Eressea for the exiles who are stuck there until the Ban is fully lifted.
Celebrimbor's names
FN = father-name, MN = mother-name
I do not claim to have come up with "Tyelperinquar is an epesse", that headcanon, which nonetheless I'm sure happened separately for other people, is one I first read in a fic by Tyelperintal on AO3. That of course means that I could no longer go with the FN Curufinwe MN Tyelperinquar option, and needed another mother-name, which I also borrowed from the same story, and went for Ilvanon, "the perfect". It's pretty, and also speaks of a mix of high expectations and love.
What in this story made me accept the epesse headcanon is the matter of the origin of "T(y)elperinquar" as a name. Vinyar Tengwar (and most recently also NoME) explains how "silver fist" is a name common among the Teleri, famous for their ability to smith silver even among the Noldor, and it is also mentioned how other similar names, such as Tegilbor "calligrapher", are given to people based on their skill. This, however, directly contradicts the fact that elves don't give the same name to more than one person. That statement is problematic in itself (impossible that all elves across all time are aware of all names that ever have been used -- and also of course there's the usual royalty exceptions, that however may well be exceptions because they are royalty), but if it is a common name among the Teleri and we are to keep the duplicate names lore in mind... my only solution is that it's a coveted epesse, given to the very skilled.
Celebrimbor picks it as his chosen and preferred name over FN, already shared by two people and preferred as chosen name by his father, and the potential arrogance of picking his MN with its meaning.
This still led me to problems of both spelling and language choices.
As far as spelling goes, there's several variations. I'm marking with * the one that is not canonically attested, but can be inferred.
Pure Telerin: Telperimpar
Quenya-Telerin compound that maintains the Telerin spelling of silver: Telperinquar
As above, but shortened: Telpinquar
Pure Quenya: *Tyelperinquar
Pure Quenya, shortened: Tyelpinquar
I use all these except the last one at various stages: I decided (though I go back and forth on this) that his household might have used pure Quenya, and his mother sticks to it; the person in Tirion panicks and uses the shortened version Telpinquar, which together with Telperinquar (Telerin spelling maintained) was more common among the Noldor. The Tirion passage exemplifies the uses and applications of these names, how they were given and altered.
This leads me to problems of language and POV, Celebrimbor vs Tyelperinquar. His mother, in her POV, always uses the latter, but Celebrimbor himself uses the former. The true problem here was adapting my feeling that Celebrimbor would be far more used to thinking of himself as Celebrimbor (as opposed to the Quenya name) vs Tolkien's statement that elves do not use names in another language when speaking in X language. This doesn't stay wholly true through the legendarium and the texts, so it's something I've decided to partially ignore when it comes to POV, though I tend to stick to it in first person dialogue. Something that again I try to tackle in the text itself -- when Galadriel tells Celebrimbor which language to speak and which name to use for her.
I am not entirely satisfied with all my choices here and I might revisit them in the future, but for the moment, here we go.
Shibbolething all over Thauron's name
Another language and spelling headache. As I encountered the problem of Sauron, I encountered that of the spelling of his name: the eternal TH/S issue. Were I to have Celebrimbor's mother, and Celebrimbor himself, stick to the Shibboleth? I initially attempted to circumvent this by using Gorthaur, but the issue described just above, about mixing languages, yet again bit me in the ass.
Of course it comes down to characterisation: would Mrs Curufin stick to the Shibboleth, and would Celebrimbor? The matter with Celebrimbor was that I don't believe he spoke Quenya with any real frequency after the Nargothrond business, not as a choice but rather due to circumstances and preferences of those around him. With Ercasse, the conflict is part of the character, and that sadly meant that the TH/S choice became less of a personal choice and more of a political one, as usual.
That got me thinking about the circumstances around her and something interesting came to me: Finarfin spoke Quenya with the Shibboleth, because of the Teleri. And in the Darkening he becomes king in Tirion, and also has to adjust things with the Teleri -- not an easy task, imo, when he turns back only after the pronunciation of the Doom, and not just after the kinslaying occurred. Additionally, the Vanyar spoke preserving TH. Additionally x2, by the Fourth Age, Exilic Quenya (which uses S) is associated with those who rebelled and returned to Aman -- meanwhile any Sindar preserved TH naturally, as it's a sound that never went out of use in Sindarin.
So I chose to take these things and make something of it. If Finarfin maintains TH to keep the Telerin influence; if the Noldor who remain in Aman decide to step closer to the Vanyar in an anti-rebellion reactionary manner and to conform to the speech of the king; if Exilic Quenya gains the lower status of language of the exiles; and considering the canon fact that in later ages the elves are more likely to preserve language rather than change it -- what are our chances that Shibbolething gains opposite connotations as time passes? My conclusion was high chances. So I decided to implement it.
And so Ercasse doesn't have to think about her personal allegiances anymore and has a path built in for herself in these social changes. And Sauron is Thauron. (Unless Galadriel is talking: she doesn't Shibboleth, and uses “Sauron” and “Sindarin”.)
Quotes and canon
Many things I wrote are based on canon snippets. Here I tried to collect them.
On Celebrimbor and the mention of the bath of flames in his speech. It isn't, in fact, a corny lineage reference, but rather a metaphysical or pseudo-physical concept of purification from the Lost Tales:
Yet now the prayers of [their parents] came even to Manwe [the highest Valar], and the Gods had mercy on their unhappy fate, so that those twain Turin and Nienori entered into ... the bath of flame... and so were all their sorrows and stains washed away, and they dwelt as shining Valar among the blessed ones, and now the love of that brother and sister is very fair;
On the naming of Mithril (appears in the upcoming Nature of Middle Earth, as well as already published in Vinyar Tengwar):
[Celebrimbor] was a great silver-smith, and went to Eregion attracted by the rumours of the marvellous metal found in Moria, Moria-silver, to which he gave the name mithril.
On Celebrimbor's ambition and assorted choices, from Letter 131: 
In the first we see a sort of second fall or at least ‘error’ of the Elves. There was nothing wrong essentially in their lingering against counsel, still sadly with the mortal lands of their old heroic deeds. But they wanted to have their cake without eating it. They wanted the peace and bliss and perfect memory of ‘The West’, and yet to remain on the ordinary earth where their prestige as the highest people, above wild Elves, dwarves, and Men, was greater than at the bottom of the hierarchy of Valinor. They thus became obsessed with 'fading’, the mode in which the changes of time (the law of the world under the sun) was perceived by them. They became sad, and their art (shall we say) antiquarian, and their efforts all really a kind of embalming – even though they also retained the old motive of their kind, the adornment of earth, and the healing of its hurts. […] But many of me Elves listened to Sauron. He was still fair in that early time, and his motives and those of the Elves seemed to go partly together: the healing of the desolate lands. Sauron found their weak point in suggesting that, helping one another, they could make Western Middle-earth as beautiful as Valinor. It was really a veiled attack on the gods, an incitement to try and make a separate independent paradise.
Legolas and Aragorn and my choice to use the word love:
"[...]Yet whatever is still to do, I hope to have a part in it, for the honour of the folk of the Lonely Mountain." "And I for the folk of the Great Wood," said Legolas, "and for the love of the Lord of the White Tree [Aragorn]."
Celebrimbor and the Elessar. It must be noted that this Celebrimbor is not Celebrimbor son of Curufin, but I still liked the tidbit of lore. From there my choice to have three different Elessar stones, one made by Feanor, one by Enerdhil of Gondolin, one by Celebrimbor (in the fic redressed to Celebrimbor son of Curufin, and without the romantic love for Galadriel):
But he did not say to Galadriel that he himself was of Gondolin long ago. Therefore he took thought, and began a long delicate labour, and so for Galadriel he made the greatest of his works (save the Three Rings only).And it is said that more subtle and clear was the green gem that he made than that of Enerdhil, but yet its light had less power. For whereas that of Enerdhil was lit by the Sun in its youth, already many years had passed ere Celebrimbor began his work, and nowhere in Middle-earth was the light as clear as it had been, for though Morgoth had been thrust out into the Void and could not enter again, his far shadow lay upon it.Radiant nonetheless was the Elessar of Celebrimbor; and he set it within a great brooch of silver in the likeness of an eagle rising upon outspread wings.
On the vale and the stream where Formenos is located, I utilised this passage from Lost Tales:
[...] here the entire people of the Noldoli are ordered to leave Kor for the rugged dale northwards where the stream Híri plunged underground, and the command to do so seems to have been less a punishment meted out to them by Manwe than a pre-caution and a safeguard. In connection with the place of the banishment of the Noldoli, here called Sirnúmen ('Western Stream') [...]
Relevant LotR quotes about the Eregion passages, used for soil description extrapolations and other elements:
Suddenly Gimli, who had pressed on ahead, called back to them. He was standing on a knoll and pointing to the right. Hurrying up they saw below them a deep and narrow channel. It was empty and silent, and hardly a trickle of water flowed among the brown and redstained stones of its bed; but on the near side there was a path, much broken and decayed, that wound its way among the ruined walls and paving-stones of an ancient highroad. ‘Ah! Here it is at last!’ said Gandalf. ‘This is where the stream ran: Sirannon, the Gate-stream, they used to call it. But what has happened to the water, I cannot guess; it used to be swift and noisy. Come! We must hurry on. We are late.’ [...] "...there is a wholesome air about Hollin. Much evil must befall a country before it wholly forgets the elves, if once they dwelt there." "That is true", said Legolas. "But the Elves of this land were of a race strange to us of the silvan folk, and the trees and the grass do not now remember them: Only I hear the stones lament them: deep they delved us, fair they wrought us, high they builded us; but they are gone. They are gone. They sought the Havens long ago."
More TBA if anything comes to mind.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
this is for you clanny how about reader helping bossip to confess to bob but when he didn’t get the memo, reader just tell bob that bossip like him. since reader is friends with bob, bossip and amor they always be supportive, when bossip tell reader about his confession to bob. Reader gladly help bossip (reader secretly ship bob and bossip) after helping bossip, he is ready to confess bob. when bossip confess his feeling to bob, bob didn’t get the memo and think bossip want be super best friend. which cause a heart break noise to bossip and reader facepalm so hard and tell bob that bossip is in loved to him and its they favorite ship. bob is shock and apology to bossip about his feeling, reader smirk to amor for the bet that they bet which is reader be live-streaming on amor channel playing * insert any games * for a day while amor do the dishes for a week. family member anon
[Y/N]: Yeah they're really cute together, don't you think?
A: Absolutely.
[Y/N]: You think Bosip will confess?
A: Dunno. Bob isn't the brightest so it might be a while before he gets the memo
[Y/N]: Hmm...
[Y/N]: What if I helped Bosip confess to him? I bet I can do it
As you waited for Amor's response to your idea, you noticed a certain yellow-haired male approaching you.
"Hey, [y/n]..I have a small favor to ask.."
You quickly put your phone out of sight and smiled up at him, acting like nothing was going on. "Sure. What's up?"
Although Bosip seemed confused on why you were being secretive, he just sighed and rubbed his arm, looking worried. "I....think I've fallen for Bob. Like big time."
'Oh my gosh..he actually likes him?' You struggled to contain your eagerness as you calmly nodded in understanding. If it wasn't already obvious, you were their biggest shipper...even if the ship hasn't fully sailed.
"Awh, when did you realize this?"
"Back in the Friday Night Funkin' game, after seeing how much Boyfriend and Girlfriend loved each other...I just...wanted that same thing with Bob." A slight blush dusted his face. "You get what I mean?"
"Oh absolutely. So, what's stopping you?"
"Well, every time I try to hint at my feelings for him he just...assumes I mean them as a "best friend"." He frowned. "I have an idea but I don't know if it'll help him realize what I truly mean."
"Then I'll help you help him realize that." You stood up, patting his shoulder. "I'll try my best to give you some advice."
Bosip relaxed a bit as he smiled lightly, being glad he could trust you. "Thanks, [y/n]. I'll tell you more about my idea later." And with that, he left the room.
Once he was gone you checked your phone.
A: And I bet you can't first try ;)
[Y/N]: Fine, gamer boi.
[Y/N] Btw Bosip just told me he needs help confessing to him so ig the bet's on
A: Okay. If he does I'll let you stream games on my channel for a day
[Y/N]: And you gotta wash the dishes for a week
A: What??? No fair :((
[Y/N]: A bet is a bet lmao
A: Fair. But if I win you'll be stuck with the dishes for TWO weeks :)
[Y/N]: Alright. You're on
Confident that you'll win this bet, you put your phone away and stood up. But you reminded yourself that you weren't doing this just so you could avoid dishes.
No. You wanted to help Bosip more than anything else, and even if it didn't work out...you'd feel better knowing you tried.
After helping your shark-like friend prepare for his confession, you finally arranged a meeting for him and Bob at a nearby café. Of course you were gonna be the wingman since you wanted to see if he was really that much of an airhead.
You had your doubts, but then again you'll never know till you see it first hand.
Once the three of you arrived, you got food and chatted at the café for a bit. There were smiles and laughs exchanged between Bob and Bosip as they recalled their latest adventures in the games within Amor's computer.
"Man, I really love going on adventures with you!"
"Yeah..we've been going on them together for so long." Bosip lightly scratched his neck, eyes briefly glancing at you and seeing your small nod.
Time to move the plan forward. It was now or never.
You excused yourself from the table to buy something else at the register, but you watched the two closely, listening the best you could.
"Bob, I...damn, this is gonna be tough to say.."
"Huh? What is it, Bosip?" The blue-mouthed male looked at him in worry
"I know I've mentioned my feelings about you before but..." Taking a moment to compose himself, Bosip sighed and put his hand over Bob's. He refused to back down. "I don't mean any of that as friends..or best friends. You remember how we met Boyfriend and Girlfriend? Seeing how much they love each other just...makes me want to have that same love. With us. After all we've done together it's all I could ever want. So..do you understand now? What I've been trying to tell you this whole time?"
For a few long moments, Bob seemed to be pondering over his words, looking at his hand and then back to Bosip. Even you were holding your breath as though you were the one confessing.
Time moved on for everyone else, but it seemed to completely stop for you three.
Then Bob smiled and chuckled a bit. "Ohhh, I see now."
"You do? Oh, I'm relieved-"
"You wanna be super best friends!"
Just like that, Bosip's heart felt like it dove straight into a pit of spikes.
"..n-no..." It was quiet murmur of sheer heartbreak as he took his hand away. His ability to keep calm and composed was rapidly failing as he looked away from Bob and to the window, trying not to let him see his watering eyes.
"Bosip? What's wrong?"
"Are you that dense?"
"[Y/n]???" Bob saw you return to the table, confused at why you looked so livid. "You heard us??"
"Let me spell it out for you: Bosip. Is. In. Love. With. You." You huffed. "I thought it was obvious when he mentioned Boyfriend and Girlfriend. He wants a romantic relationship with you."
"H-Huh????" His voice only rose an octave more as he glanced between the depressed-looking Bosip and you. "They were actually dating?? I-I thought those were just their names!!"
With an exasperated sigh, you just lightly smacked the side of your face, shaking your head. "I don't know what Bosip sees in you, but I shipped you guys from the start. Amor did, too."
Finally realizing his mistake, Bob shut his mouth and looked at the other male, feeling guilty for being this naïve. "Bosip..I-I'm so, so sorry!! I'd l-love to go on more adventures with you as your boyfriend, not best friend."
Bosip perked up, his eyes widening. "Y-You do?"
"Yeah! I understand now and agree with all that stuff you said." Smiling, Bob took his hands into his own, but seeing the tears in the latter's eyes made him feel even worse. "I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm sorry."
"It's alright now, Bob." Bosip smiled back at him. "I'm glad you understand."
Your heart swelled at the sight of the two finally realizing their love for each other. But in the back of your mind you were doing a victory dance, eager to text Amor about the news--and maybe provide photos as proof.
This ship has definitely sailed.
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arhvste · 4 years
Hi! I saw your Dad hcs and istg I wanted more 🥺 can you please make a part two with Sakusa (God i love this man) Hinata, Bokuto and Ushijima (do add more if you want) your works are amazing but the Dad hcs got me 💘
i re-read all my work last night and i consciously kept spelling sakusa’s name wrong 🤠 like i know his name i know what it sounds like but i kept getting mixed up between sasuka, sakura and sasuke because they all look the same to me 😳 I'm sorry sakusa pls forgive me 😼
also i will be doing ushijima in a seperate post for dad hcs with two other haikyuu boys a bit later so dw i haven't accidentally missed or ignored it! :) 
the two fo you only have one kid so far
a 3 year old girl 
you plan to extend your family soon though 👀
you already KNOW this man gets your kid every vaccination available for their age 
he is very protective over his daughter 
boys near her daughter at the playground
NOT on his watch 
he will simply scoop her up and suggest she play somewhere else 
this man doesn't care how mean it may seem
he’s not having his precious daughter surrounded by disgusting b-boys 🤮
“have they had their flu jabs? when was the last time they washed their hands? they're breathing their gross little germs too close to her”
“sakusa, they’re 3.”
sorry but no dating for your daughter 
sakusa teaches his little girl the concept of “boys have cooties” from a very young age 
this man is nothing but proud when that concept sticks with her 😈
“d/n, are you excited for pre-school?”
“daddy said there's going to be boys and boys have cooties so no 😠”
as she gets older though he does become more lenient with her and who she makes friends with 
he’ll secretly love it if you brought her to his games
he’s not huge on pda at all
but he won’t mind being caught on camera embracing the two of you when the team win 
atsumu is not allowed near your daughter when she’s a baby
“omi omiiiii why can’t i ‘ave a look t’cha daughter?”
“because she has been vaccinated and i fear your disgusting germs may be strong enough to over power it”
when she gets older though she straight up approaches atsumu on her own 
“so you’re the rat my daddy talks about a lot? you don’t look like much of a rat?”
atsumu doesn’t know whether he’s flattered that sakusa talks about him or offended that he refers to him as a ‘rat’
he won’t encourage your daughter to play volleyball
he wants her to pick her own hobbies and not feel pressured by his influence on picking an activity she’ll enjoy
secretly hopes your daughter takes up an individual activity like painting or something to keep away from other germ infected kids
but if your daughter does happen to pick a team sport he doesn't complain
she just has to wash her hands before she comes home and have a shower when she comes in
he is a very very proud father 
he may not be very expressive about it 
but he absolutely brags about his kid to other people
“my son won maths star of the week!”
“yeah? well my daughter won student of the year, highest achieving in her class and had 4 boys confess to her this week so”
he does make sure his daughter knows he is very proud of her despite his petty bragging
anything she does he takes pride in her 
it’s her who makes him want to have another kid
so get ready for round two y/n because when sakusa wants something he’ll make sure he gets it 😼
now, you may think hinata would be nothing but pure chaos with his kids 
he is actually very responsible 
it’s hardly a surprise though because he grew up with a younger sister whom he took care of a lot 
from the second your triplet boys are born hinata is on it 
at first when you found out you were having triplets your mind went blank
“so like, 3 little shoyou’s running around my legs? 😀”
“ma’am are you okay?”
“i’m finE :)))”
surprisingly  two of your sons took more after you
but the youngest one 
he doesn't have an off switch 
he’s just like his father 
but that’s what makes him so loveable too
hinata is a doting dad 
he also encourages his kids to go out and make as many friends
he explains all the opportunities he had growing up and how far these opportunities took him to reach is goal
and this is all because he was open to meeting new people and being friendly with them
he makes sure his kids grow up with lots of aunts and uncles surrounding them
he wants his sons to grow up in a close environment 
your kids have so many aunts and uncles because hinata makes a new friend everywhere he goes ufshfi
your oldest son takes a liking to kenma the most 
your second oldest takes a shine to uncle oikawa
and the youngest?
uncle kaegyama ofc 😈
lmao when kageyama holds one of your sons for the first time he holds it by the leg with a straight face 
nobody thought they’d ever see hinata having to show kageyama how to hold a baby properly 
kageyama is lowkey excited he’s the fav but he’s so awkward fjishsgjh
bring your sons to his games 
he will absolutely smile and wave at his kids whenever he scores
and will pull them out excitedly into the arena when they win 
he has you all plastered on his social media 
he thinks everyone should know that you guys are the light of his life
he already had a fulfilled life before his sons but you gave him a whole new concept of love and excitement when they were born
you guys will totally take a vacation to brazil at some point 
hinata wants your family to meet all his friends over in brazil too 
hinata is mr worldwide 😎
with hinata as a dad, your kids will grow up in a very nurturing home
he wants the best for your kids and will teach them from an early age that any goal is possible 
and he’ll support them in every single way he can
hinata as a dad isn’t chaos 
bokuto as a dad certainly is
he’s basically a child himself 
you guys have 2 kids
a 5 year old son and a 6 year old daughter
bokuto will try and BEFRIEND your kids
“kou baby, they're your kids not your friends”
“uh says who?”
“biology??? their dna?? the birth certificate??”
he literally lets his kids do whatever they want forcing you to be the bad cop (im so sorry)
your kids want ice cream for dinner?
consider it done
they want to adopt a snake?
bokuto has excitedly taken them to the pet store to pick out one each
you’re always the one who has to say no because if you didn’t these kids would be off the r a i l s
the first time your kids cries he cries
the first time your kids talk he cries
the first time they walk he cries
he’s full of emotion and the love he holds for your kids is often expressed through tears of happiness
when you leave bokuto and the kids alone 
things will go smoothly
until one of them starts crying and bokuto can’t stop them
then the other one starts crying and he is clueless on what to do 
he doesn’t want to call you because he doesn’t want to look pathetic 
so he calls the next best option 
uncle akaashi 😼
akaashi is like a walking parent website hfdjbgu
he literally instructs bokuto on what to do through the phone 
and if they still won't calm down akaashi will just sigh and agree to come over
you come home to the sight of akaashi reading a story book to your two kids who are staring up at him in awe from the floor
along with your husband 
“am i interrupting?”
bokuto will break out into smiles and practically pounce on you when you come home
“everything was under control wasn’t it? right akaashi?” :D”
akaashi will just sigh and give a small smile
“yes bokuto-san, everything was under control”
you give akaashi a small smile of apology and he’ll often join you for dinner
yeah your kids spend a lot of time with uncle akaashi but you know who’s adamant on being the favourite uncle?
uncle kuroo ofc 😎
he will spoil tf out of your kids 
we love rich, capitalist uncle kuroo
and he’ll tell them things about bokuto to irritate him
“kids, your dads a criminal he doesn't pay his taxes”
“money everyone has to pay the government - basically it’s illegal and i think you should call the police on your dad 😈”
you actually have to stop your kids from calling the police on their dad fbhjdsfgu
again, another dad who wants nothing more than for his kids to come to his games
no boundaries with pda
will pick you all up and shower you all with affection when they win
would love if your kids took up volleyball
would tell them it’s the best sport to play 
and they actually listen to him hduigefuiew
your son becomes a middle blocker 
and your daughter becomes an ace 
bokuto could die from happiness 
he will absolutely teach your kids and play and bring them to msby practices so they can watch up close and play along too
if bokuto is the father of your kids 
good luck but have fun with it
because while yes, he is still your big baby that needs taking care of from time to time
he is also an extremely loving father who would gladly give his kids the world and all the stars
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dirty-urie · 3 years
Jam Sesh
Second Person
Brendon x Female Reader
Smut Oneshot
3.3k Words
Warnings in order of appearance: real person fic, alcohol, slight insecurity, fingering, some dirty talk, penetrative sex
Author's Notes:
This is... not my best work. I don't really like anything about it, but instead of wasting any more of my time on it, I'm just publishing it and hoping that my dislike for it is just me being self-critical and not because it's a really bad fic. Normally I'm all for hyping yourself up, but meh, I'm just not feeling this one, and that's okay because it's my blog and I can do whatever I want. Hope you like it though lmao
He answers the studio door and pulls you in for a hug, which is a little awkward with the guitar on your back, but you make it work. "Y/N!" He exclaims happily.
You're a little surprised that he answered the door and didn't accidentally get caught up in his work. It's not like Brendon would purposefully stand you up; he's just a little bit of a mess sometimes. But he looks happy to see you, and that's all that matters. He motions you inside, and you follow him, collapsing on the couch next to his desk.
"Beer me, Brendon!" You request, and he does, grabbing a beer from the mini-fridge in the corner of the studio and handing you the tall silver can. You wrinkle your nose. "How successful does the band have to get for you to stop buying Coors light?"
"Hey! I like Coors light," he defends, grabbing yours and replacing it with a pretentious-looking IPA. "There you go, a fancy beer because you're my guest."
"Thank you. I'm sure it'll still taste like stale piss, but now it'll taste like fancy stale piss." You joke, taking your guitar out of its case.
He laughs and takes a sip of the beer he stole from you. "Oh shit, is that new?" He gestures to your guitar. "I haven't seen it before."
"New to me. I found it at a thrift shop for 20 bucks, but it barely looks used and look, it's a fender," you say, handing him the guitar.
"Woah, Y/N, this is a find," he says, playing a few chords.
You take your guitar back and start messing around on it yourself. Brendon makes his way over to the drums and starts playing along with you. You try not to ogle or anything, but he looks fucking good giving his all to the instrument. Almost makes you wonder how he'd be in bed... intense, totally in-control. Shit, you need to stop letting your mind wander; you're just as bad as the throngs of thirsty fans. Plus, you came here to play guitar with one of the most talented musicians you know, you shouldn't let your hormones get the better of you.
After a while, you start getting hot in the stuffy studio and stand up to take your jacket and shirt off, leaving you in a white tank top. That helps for a bit, but the heat is still getting to you. "Hey, B, I'm getting hot in here. Do you mind if we go outside?"
Ever since you took your jacket off, he's been laser-focused on the drum-kit, so you're not sure he hears you at first.
"B?" You repeat.
He stops his drumming but doesn't stand up. "Oh yeah, no problem, let me just tidy up the studio a bit. Can you bring the guitars out?"
"Yeah, sure," you step out of the studio with the guitar you brought and one of his acoustic ones, but when you step out of the studio, you notice dark clouds coming towards the house.
"I think it could rain; we probably should leave the instruments inside, just in case," you tell him, walking back into the studio and leaving the guitars on the couch. You notice that he's still sitting behind the drums, his head in his hands. "Hey, Brendon, you feeling okay?"
He waves you off with a laugh, still not really looking at you. "Yeah, yeah, I'm great. Just a little headache; I'm probably dehydrated. I'll bring out some waters with the next round of beers."
"Okay, if you say you're fine, I'll wait for you outside," you say suspiciously, leaving the studio.
You settle into the outdoor sitting area, kicking your feet up on the coffee table. Brendon comes out with two more beers and two water bottles, still looking a bit distressed.
"Sorry, I cut our jam session short," you apologize, as he sits in the chair across from you and crosses his legs.
"What? Are you kidding me? We were at it for hours," you swear he blushes after he says that, but he's probably flushed from drumming, "and even if it was cut off, I just wanna hang out with you, no matter what we're doing."
"Aww, I'm so glad we're friends. Ooo, and now that we have time to talk, you can tell me all about that tour story that you didn't want to write out in an email."
You two exchange stories for another half hour, but Brendon still looks pink even after he hasn't been drumming for a while now.
"Hey, you still look really hot. You wanna jump in the pool? I don't have a swimsuit, but I could just wear my tank top and panties and then change back into my t-shirt and shorts after," You suggest. He looks a little panicked if you interpret correctly, but you're not sure why. And he's getting redder but the second. "Brendon, you look really flushed; you should cool off."
He laughs, but you don't get the joke. "I actually think I should get into the air-conditioning, we could watch a movie? Plus, those dark clouds are getting awfully close. We'll get rained-on as soon as we hit the water." Sure enough, as soon as he says that, the sky opens up, and it starts pouring. You both dash through the rain to the house. He unlocks the door, and you both go inside, laughing.
Your top is positively soaked through, and you're shivering in the cold house. "You mind if I shower real fast? I don't want to catch a chill."
Brendon is looking at something behind your head, not meeting your eyes. "Well, um, you could, um, shower here. But wouldn't you rather be all comfy at home?"
"Would I rather drive through LA traffic in the rain in wet clothes than take a warm shower in your mansion? No. I'm gonna shower." You turn around, walking into his bedroom and then deeper into the en-suite bathroom. His shower is large and fancy, and you almost don't want to get out once you're sufficiently warm. You do though, it is a drought, after all. You wrap yourself in a fluffy towel and then rummage around his bedroom for dry clothes. He clearly needs to do laundry because his drawers are sparse, and his hamper is overflowing. Still, you manage to find a long t-shirt and a pair of his boxers to wear underneath.
Brendon walks in and freezes when he sees you. "Are you," he trails off, takes a deep breath, and then starts again, "are you wearing my underwear?" He eyes the black briefs you stole that are peeking out from under the t-shirt you also stole from him.
"Yeah," you say dismissively, putting your wet clothes in your purse.
"Y/N," he says exasperatedly.
"Mm? Something wrong?"
"Something wrong? Y/N, you're wearing my underwear!"
"So my dick has been in them!"
You turn to look at him, rolling your eyes. "Your dick has been in your hands, too, but it's not a big deal because, like your underwear, I presume you wash them." He gives you a look that tells you he's not convinced. "Plus, you loaned me sweatpants after I ripped my shorts a couple of weeks ago, and are you honestly telling me your dick has never been in those?"
"That's different!"
"It is not." He gives you another exasperated look. "Okay, if it's that big of a deal, then I'll take them off, geez," you relent, tugging on the bottom of the underwear.
"Ahh!" He exclaims, turning his head, shielding his eyes, and waving his other arm in your general direction as if to ward you off. "Let's all keep our clothes on."
"What is wrong with you? Why are you being so squirrely? Does my gross body really freak you out that much?" You accuse.
His eyes widen. "Shit, no, I love your gross body, fuck, I mean, I love your perfectly normal body," he stutters while you stare in silence.
"You've made your point," you say, not bothering to hide the offense in your voice. You grab your bag and storm out of his bedroom.
"Y/N, wait," he calls.
You stop and whip around to face him, "You've been weird around me all day, Brendon! When I took my jacket off in the studio, your eyes were glued to your drums! When I said we should swim, you offered to watch a fucking movie instead! When my shirt was soaked through, you looked right past me at the wall! When I asked to shower in your house, you nearly kicked me out! And now you're having fucking conniptions over your underwear!" You shout. "Brendon, I know, believe me, I know, that I don't look like your other LA friends. That I'm not model-skinny or anything, but god, you could put some effort into not making me feel like a freak."
Brendon furrows his brows. "Y/N, of course, I don't think you're a freak."
"Oh really? Because Nicole has been buck-naked right in front of you, and you didn't bat an eye, but apparently, the sight of my arms without a jacket is so disgusting that you can't look at me." Tears are streaming down your face now.
His face falls, and he rushes towards you, "Y/N, sweet girl, oh my god, no, no, that's not it at all. I," his voice trembles, "like you," he says quietly.
You scrunch your face in confusion. "Brendon, of course, you like me; we're friends, but that doesn't make any of your behavior today acceptable."
"Are you really going to make me spell it out?" he asks. "I am attracted to you. Very attracted to you. And this whole day, I've just been trying not to get aroused by the sight of you because that's gross and objectifying and disrespectful, so I've been staring at the ground and thinking about Margaret Thatcher naked so I didn't have to go jerk off in the studio bathroom," he confesses.
"And now I've made things awkward," he rubs the back of his neck. "So, um, see you later, you can keep my clothes. I won't need them back. Probably do something creepy with them once you gave them back anyway. Er, that was a joke. I should shut up."
Your offense and then confusion morph into understanding and then shock and delight. "Yeah, you fucking doofus," you laugh. "You absolutely should shut up."
You take two steps forward, closing the gap between the two of you, and grab his chin. You lean in, and your lips meet his without any reservation. He kisses back, unsure. Then, you take more initiative, looping your arm around his back and pulling him against you.
Brendon stays tentative but enthusiastic, letting you take the lead. "Fuck. Margaret Thatcher naked, Margaret Thatcher naked," he chants against your lips.
"How's that distraction working out for you?" You ask knowingly, pressing your hips against his.
His cheeks warm, and must be blushing. "I think you can feel as well I do that it's working out poorly." He's trying to make a joke, but he's right. You can feel him hardening against you as you kiss. You finally remove your lips from his but keep yourself pressed against him. He turns his face away, blushing like you suspected, and grinning from ear-to-ear.
You run your hand down the side of his face. "For what it's worth, I'm very attracted to you too, if you didn't pick up on that already. Probably why I was so upset," you say softly, "I can leave if you want to be responsible and take this slow," you offer. "Or," you trace the hand from his face down his neck to his chest, "you could take me back to your bedroom and apologize for hurting my feelings." You fake a pout.
Brendon's eyes darken, and he grabs your hand to practically drag you into his bedroom. He slams the door behind you, pinning you against it. "Is this okay?"
"More than okay," you breathe out, and he kisses you hard. You reciprocate, not caring how sloppy and desperate you feel with your probing tongues and clashing teeth. He parts to breathe and then buries his face in your neck, nipping and kissing. You tremble, grateful for the door behind you, so you don't collapse. One of his hands is above your head, supporting himself against the door, and the other is on your hip. He plays with the waistband of the briefs you're wearing, a silent plea for permission.
"Touch me," you beg, and he doesn't feign any confusion, just slips his hand under the fabric and strokes your swollen clit with his index finger. You moan, trying to ask for more, but your vocal cords aren't working. He seems to understand, though, because he moves his hand back to gently slide his middle and ring finger inside you. Instead of thrusting them like you expect, he curls them and rubs against your g-spot. At the same time, he's still stroking your clit, now with his thumb, and kissing you. His coordination is crazy good, but it makes sense with all the instruments he plays. Your core is starting to feel warm and buzzy, and you're only half-shocked that he's coaxing an orgasm from you so soon. You don't know how you're still standing; your knees are weak, and your brain feels like it's filled with a static of lust and pleasure.
Brendon feels you tightening around his fingers and speeds up ever-so-slightly. The small part of you that's still lucid feels his dick, hard and pressing against you where your bodies meet. He isn't rutting or grinding against you, just keeping you pinned against the wall with his hips, and somehow the self-control is even hotter. He presses harder on your clit, and that does it. Your orgasm explodes through you, soaking the underwear you're wearing. Your legs turn to jelly, and you slump forward onto Brendon, who supports your dead weight easily. "That's it, come for me," he coaxes softly. You bury your face into him, feeling blissed-out and overstimulated all at once, unable to do anything but ride it out.
"Y/N, darling, can you move over to the bed with me?"
You nod, letting him support you as you take small steps to his bed in the middle of the room.
"Good girl. Can't believe this is really happening; I can't believe I get to touch you. Dreamed about you for so long," he marvels.
You crawl into his bed, settling back onto your knees. "Dreamed about you too," you admit. "God, can I take my shirt off, Brendon?"
"Pretty sure that's my shirt, actually."
You giggle. "Well then, can I take your shirt off?" You wink, regaining your composure.
He laughs. "Yes, please. In both senses, take my clothes off."
You pull off the t-shirt you're wearing and throw it on the ground, exposing your stomach and breasts to his hungry eyes. His chest rises and falls quickly as he soaks you in silently, trying to get control of himself. "I like looking at you in my underwear." His voice is gravelly.
"Well, wouldn't you rather look at me without your underwear?" you offer.
He swallows and nods. You strip completely. You know your cunt is shiny with your juices, and you're pretty sure that's what's caught his attention. Brendon takes his shirt off, and now it's your turn to stare. He unbuckles his belt and unzips his jeans before taking them and his underwear off. His leaking cock settles against his stomach. He approaches the bed and gets in next to you, rolling on his side to face you.
"Fuck me," you moan, grasping his erection and stroking.
Brendon lets out a choked sound and gropes around the nightstand for a condom. He grabs one and hands it to you to roll on him. You spread your legs in expectation, and he takes the cue to enter you. He slides in easily with how wet and ready you are for him. You don't wait for him to start thrusting; you're too impatient. Instead, you rock your hips up to meet him. He hisses, not expecting the motion, and tenses his entire body to stay in control. It feels like it takes him forever, but eventually, he starts moving, slowly dragging his cock up and down. You squeeze your legs together to better feel him, and he hisses before his thrusts quicken, already working desperately towards release.
You can practically feel the veins running across him. "You're so much thicker than I would've guessed. Fill me up so nicely," you tell him. He throbs at your words, and you suspect the praise is turning him on even more, so when his hips snap forward perfectly into your g-spot, you praise him again. "So good, B, keep this angle, please." Your suspicions are mostly confirmed when he moans, and his thrusts falter a bit as a wave of pleasure washes over him. His hand moves to stroke your nipple while he supports himself with his other arm to avoid crushing you. You move your hand between your bodies to touch your clit, but instead, decide to form your fingers in a V and feel him moving between them instead. He hisses at the new sensation, and you love affecting him with your touch.
You finally do move your other hand to rub your clit, fast and hard. There are so many different pleasure points being activated on your body that you don't know what to focus on, so you don't focus on any; just let all the feelings meld into one as you lay back and mostly let Brendon do all the work. And god is he working hard; his muscles are tense and shiny with exertion, his head is thrown back with an expression of sheer bliss on his face, and his thrusts are unrelenting. Not to mention the hand still fondling your breast. He's gorgeous, too caught up in fucking you to muster any speech. You'd feel bad that he's putting so much effort in while you just get to lie back, touch yourself, and meet his thrusts when you can if he didn't seem so deeply gratified himself. Not only is the friction around his cock divine, but he also loves getting to pleasure you. Seeing your mouth fall open, unable to keep moans from escaping. The sex is messy and unrefined, neither of you quite knowing how to drive the other crazy yet, but pulling out every trick you can think of. You feel like a gamer smashing all the buttons to see what will work.
Despite the usual LA climate, the rain outside is pouring harder, and it's adding to the intensity and frenzy you both feel. "Shit, I'm close to coming," he groans.
"Hang on for me a little longer, Brendon, please. Just five more minutes," you plead. Admittedly, you could come too, but you only get one first time with Brendon, and you don't want it to end. He cranes his neck to suck behind your ear, clearly trying to get you to come faster.
"No fair, you already came," he complains, moving your hands out of the way to rub your clit himself. You use your free hands to play with your nipples, now rock hard from the constant stimulation.
"Shit, okay, come," you allow. As you say it, the first clap of thunder booms through the house. He sighs in relief, kissing you deeply as he lets himself go, getting lost in euphoria. You love feeling his hot come gather in the condom, and it triggers your own orgasm. You shriek as your second orgasm of the day is more intense than the first, and you're pretty sure you soak his bedspread just like you soaked his underwear.
He pulls out quickly and tosses the condom before snuggling up against you. "Guess your weird, gross body is good for something after all," he mumbles against your neck, already falling asleep.
"Hm, if only we could find a good use for yours," you retort, wrapping yourself around him.
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fandomsonrequests · 3 years
𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓..? [𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 12]
Tumblr media
fandom: ATEEZ
characters: prince! park seonghwa
reader: fem! knight
word count: 4.5k+
summary:  It was time for another Selection. No- not a Selection for a bride but rather a well-trained knight to keep Prince Seonghwa safe after a failed assassination attempt. You, a blacksmith’s daughter, manage to make it to the elite group of knights worthy and skilled enough to protect the crown prince after months and months of training. This alone catches Seonghwa’s eyes- in more ways than one
a/n: part 12! that’s a lot more than i usually write lmao sjsks but we have more seonghwa interactions! i hope you enjoy! this is unedited, so i apologize for spelling errors!
taglist: @iwanttohitmyself @minihongjoong @i-purrple-u @taetae123094 @jeonartemis @barcelona-sergei  @theoinkypiglet @sparklychangbin @krystal-cole @mangotexts @tooweirdforyou @park-simphwa @seonghwaskitten​ 
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It’s been two weeks since the first round of elimination. Out of the fifty delegates that arrived, only half remained— ten females and the rest males. 
The dining hall then was filled with goodbyes and some sobs as a guard came to collect the eliminated delegates. Fortunately, they were allowed to keep the uniforms provided for them to serve as a memoir for their time spent here. It seems like a form of mockery to others, a reminder of their failure, but it was better than heading home with nothing. 
Seonghwa remembers watching from his spot in his room as the remaining delegates rush to bid their friends a farewell. They remained by the palace gates, waving and jumping goodbye. He felt a slight tug in his chest, a pang of pity if you will, at the sight. From his time spent observing the delegates, he noticed how some had developed seemingly tight knit friendships. It was heartbreaking to see them end there. 
Now it was a new day. More lessons from the duke and the captain of the guards, this time being more rigorous than the last.
With a sigh, Seonghwa pulls away from looking out the window and goes about his morning routine: wash up, dress for the day, and have breakfast with his parents. By the time he was finished the delegates were already holed away in the library for their new set of lessons. The young prince on the other hand had some free time to spare before his lessons in diplomacy and kingdom relations. 
He makes his way to the royal garden with another book in hand. He was probably on the fourth one of the series he was reading. The garden was situated at the back of the palace, stretching far and wide and housing the most elegant and colorful flowers one could ever see. He bows his head humbly whenever he passes by the gardeners, greeting them a good morning.  
“Good morning, my prince,” Says one of the old gardeners. She was a rather frail looking and small framed woman. But anyone who knew her would say that she could walk and work for hours. And that one smile from her can brighten anyone’s day. 
“Good morning, Auntie Florence.” Seonghwa greets, stopping in his tracks to kiss her cheek. He wasn’t related to her in any way but he frequented the garden so much, ever since he was child, that the old woman practically helped raise him. “The garden looks blooming today.”
“That’s because the rains have blessed them last week,” Florence croaks, flashing him one of her gummy smiles. “Ah, by the way Prince Seonghwa. Lady Ayeong is waiting for you in the gazebo, I believe she wants to talk to you.” 
The young prince quirked a brow at this but thanked the gardener nonetheless. He makes his way over to the gazebo in the middle of the garden. It was built in the middle of a makeshift pond, its pointed roof painted white while columns of marble held it up. True to Florence’s word, there among the plush benches of the gazebo, awaited the young woman, her back to him. Her head was lowered, seemingly staring at something on her lap, as if she were deep in thought. 
“Ayeong,” Seonghwa calls out to her gently. The duke’s daughter turned to him, a soft smile on her painted lips.
“Seonghwa, come sit.” She coaxes and pats the space towards her. “You don’t mind if we talk for a while do you?”
“Oh no, not at all.” He promptly heads over to the bench and sits beside her. Although, he maintained a rather respectable distance from her. 
They were well past the first stages of awkwardness but a sliver of tension remains. Maybe it was the pressure of knowing that they’d one day be married to each other, maybe it was having to keep up a good impression. It felt kind of fake that they’d have to put up with this kind of demeanor around each other. Maybe they weren’t all that comfortable with each other just yet.
“Oh, I had no idea you were into romance novels, Seonghwa.” Ayeong speaks up when she notices the book in his hand.
The young man looked down at the novel and chuckled quite bashfully, a little embarrassed of being found out. “It’s probably ‘wimpy’ of me to be interested in such things, isn't it?”
“Not at all,” she responds genuinely with a shake of her head. “I think people are entitled to like whatever genre of novel without being ridiculed for it. It honestly doesn’t make sense to me as to why men can’t like romance... or that women can’t like philosophy.
“I find it very unnecessary times.. when they impose these standards on us because ‘it’s only fitting for people of our stature,’” She scoffs, tucking a strand of hair away from her cheek when a breeze flies by. “Hopefully that changes soon.”
Seonghwa knew, since they were young, that Ayeong was a strong willed young woman. She always stood up for what’s right and spoke up on behalf of the people that couldn’t. Most of the time, it garnered disappointed shakes of the head or disapproving whispers but it never deterred her. She was willing to make a point and fight to get it across. 
“You’ve really never changed, have you?” Seonghwa asks with a small chuckle and a shake of his head. 
The young woman lifts brow as she playfully hits the young prince’s shoulder. “You say that as if it’s a bad thing.”
The two share a short but mirthful laugh before lapsing into silence once again. Only this time, it didn’t feel as awkward. Ayeong opened her mouth as if to say something but was interrupted as Hongjoong came jogging towards them. She pursued her lips together and quieted down. Hongjoong bows towards the pair before straightening up.
“I’m sorry Lady Ayeong but I’m going to have to take Prince Seonghwa away. Madame Olga is here for his lessons.” The shorter man said.
Seonghwa sighed but complied; his tutor always favored punctuality. “Thank you for the company, Ayeong.” He says and nodded his head at her.
“No, thank you. I’ll see around then.” She waved goodbye to him returning to her own thoughts again, deciding to refrain from telling him what she wanted to earlier. 
As the young prince looked back at the duke’s daughter, he couldn’t help but wonder what she had wanted to say. It nagged at the back of his head during his lessons, making Madame Olga snap her fingers at him when she noticed that he wasn’t paying attention.
“Focus, Prince Seonghwa. You’re quite distracted today— is anything wrong?" The old tutor asks with folded arms. 
“It’s nothing, Madame Olga.” The prince answers and returns his focus to the woman before him. 
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The day goes on as usual lessons in the morning, training in the afternoon. By the time lunch was over the delegates were back in the courtyard under the heat of the sun. The only difference this time is that you were dealing with actual swords. 
You could feel your sweat drip down your cheek as you practically baked within the light chainmail you wore to protect yourself. You’d grimace whenever the sun’s rays reflected off of the swords, it’s glinting lights blinding you whenever it hit your eyes. 
“Same rules apply but be cautious this time,” Byron instructs and stares pointedly at the troublemakers among you. “These swords may actually harm you. No simple bruises will come out of this but wounds and blood. Am I clear?”
“Yes, sir!” 
“Good. Now begin!” 
You face Raviv, your usual partner in training, and point your sword at him. You didn’t worry too much about your grip and technique with the weapon but it was still nerve racking to finally use it against an actual person. The only time you’ve ever tried something like this was when your father let you hold a blade he was making and let you rain down hell on the poor tree behind your home. 
You circle around your friend for a moment before lunging at him. The sound of metal against metal rang through the air and you struck again. Raviv has certainly improved on his technique and grew stronger. He could practically take you down in a few moves but you were quick enough on your feet. 
“I see you’ve improved your joust, good sir!” You exclaim haughtily, swiping across him. 
“Why thank you Madame,” Raviv replied just as mockingly. He grunts as he brings down two consecutive strikes against you. “And you’ve improved your speed. Why not run away from this battle instead?”
“And let you reclaim all the glory?” You let out an obnoxious, pompous laugh that caused your friend to snort in amusement. “Oh hohohoho, you’re quite ambitious. But I shall never relinquish my blade against yours!” 
“Then prepare to taste the bitterness of loss, Madame! Hiyaah—“ 
Raviv lunged at you, thrusting his sword right at you. You exclaim in surprise and jump to the side, almost stumbling on your footing at that. You manage to miss the blade by a margin and glare playfully at him. You knew he was challenging you. He wouldn’t really put your life at risk like this unless he knew what you were capable of. 
But before you could retaliate, Hae-seong walked in with a maid pitifully scrambling after him with a parasol to protect him from the sun. “Attention, ladies and gentlemen..!” He squawks, effectively halting your movements. 
“I have an important announcement to make,” He continues. “I’m afraid training will be cut short today. You’re all required to freshen up and look presentable before the prince as he will be talking to each of you individually.”
This sparks conversation amongst all of you. The delegates all whispered to each other excitedly at the prospect of being able to personally meet the crown prince. You, on the other hand, we’re excited to finally get another chance to meet up with him again. Only this time, you didn’t have to sneak around the palace.
“Oh, _____, can you imagine? We’re gonna meet the prince.” Raviv says as he shakes your shoulders lightly. 
Guilt gnawed at the back of your head; you haven’t exactly come clean to your friends that you’ve had a chance to meet him already. Twice in fact. Nevertheless, you were still happy. At least Seonghwa got a chance to personally meet your friends, even if you weren’t really the one to introduce them.
“I wonder what he’s gonna be like…” Raviv muses as he leans against you, putting most of his weight on you. He chuckles while you struggle to hold him up. 
You push him off of you with a grunt. “Yeah.. I bet he’s great.” 
“You may now freshen up. The prince is expecting you lot, soon.” Hae-seong drawls out before turning around on his heels and heading back inside. 
“Well, you heard the duke,” Byron says with a warm smile. “Start getting ready.” 
You all line up properly and return to your rooms. It was a nice change to be able to have more time to bathe and relax; you didn’t have to hurry up too much to avoid taking up too much of the others’ time. 
Siyeon turns to you excitedly once you return to the room, her wet hair wrapped up in a towel. “______! This is so exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. What do you think the prince would say? What’s he like? I hope I don’t bungle up things-”
“Wolfie, you’re gonna do great! Don’t worry too much.” You reassure your friend with a playful shove to her shoulder. “You’re a social being, I don’t think he’d have a negative view on you.”
“You speak like you know the prince,” She smirks at you as she unravels the towel from her head and brings her brush to her hair. 
You knew she was just teasing you but it still made you nervous that maybe she had caught on. Nevertheless, you played it cool and rolled your eyes in amusement. You threw on your best clothes, a simple blouse and a pair of trousers Siyeon had gifted to you on your birthday. 
After fixing your hair and drying it, you were practically ready to meet the prince. You looked around to the other girls to see if they were done getting ready. As your eyes scanned their neatly pressed dresses and colorful clothing, you couldn’t help but feel a little out of place. It was only then did you notice that the majority of the girls that had made it past elimination was from the city-towns. 
You tried not to let this get to you, especially since a couple of those city girls warmed up to the rest of you. The others… not so much.
“I wonder what he’ll talk about.” You heard Adrianna, one of the girls from the Capitol, ask. “I bet he’ll ask about the political climate.”
“Maybe,” her friend, Ryuko, responded before glancing back over to you and Siyeon. A mischievous smirk adorns her lips as she brushes her hair over her shoulder. “I guess some people are lucky they’re literate enough to comprehend some things.. or at least seem like it,” She feigns innocence but her voice was loud enough for you to hear.
Her and her little group chuckled to themselves as if they’ve said the most clever thing in the universe. Irina, a girl from a mining town, scoffed at them, mumbling to herself in her town’s dialect. She glanced up, accidentally meeting your gaze, to which you awkwardly pulled away from. Irina simply chuckled at your action. 
“Don’t worry I don’t bite,” She reassures you— her accent thick. “Unless you’re one of those girls.” 
Now it was your turn to let out a laugh of your own. Sure those girls were nasty but you tried not to pay no mind to them. Just focus on yourself. 
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You were awkwardly waiting by the tables in the library, anxiously tapping your foot against the marbled floor. Off by the couches at the farthest window was the prince and one of the male delegates from Sinna, a city-town. Their voices weren’t heard from where you were but you could see from the way the delegate was animatedly moving their arms around that they were having a rather pleasant discussion.
You found it kind of ironic but no less amusing that you were supposed to meet the prince here. It was almost as if fate was foreshadowing your meeting with him.. or it got too excited and decided to speed things along so that you’d meet on that fateful night almost a month ago. 
You decided to read as you waited, wanting to get your mind off of your nerves. (You didn’t even know why you were so nervous. It’s just like talking to a friend.) Luckily enough, Hae-seong allowed you without one of his offhanded insults. Maybe he was having a good day… You picked a book off the shelf, turning it over in your hand to read the title: The Iliad. 
You return to the table, getting lost in the world of Odysseus that you had conjured up in your imagination. And for a while, your nerves disappeared. You immersed yourself in Odysseus’ different travels and adventures. You were practically so invested in the novel that you almost didn’t register your name being called. You jolted out of your trance when Siyeon poked your shoulder, glancing up to see the familiar pointed look Hae-seong threw at you. 
“Miss _____, don’t make me repeat your name for the third time. It’s your turn to speak to the prince.” He huffs. 
You scramble out of your seat and you heard a few chuckles and sneers of amusement from the other delegates. You absentmindedly bring the book along, your nerves suddenly returning and hitting you with full force. As you approach Seonghwa though, you couldn’t help but feel a little at ease when he flashes you his charming smile. 
“Ah, so that’s why you’ve ignored me,” He teases as he motioned to the book. “I don’t blame you— its a great book.” 
“Sorry about that, your highness.” You apologize sheepishly as you sat across him, setting the book into his hand when he held it out. “But yes, it really is a great book.”
“Well it suits you. The story, I mean.” He sets it down by the window sill and turns to look at you.
Seeing him up close in the light of day was much different than seeing him at night under the dim light of the moon. The sun’s rays glinted off of his luscious and well kept curls, reflecting back against the elegant crown that sat upon his head. You could finally appreciate his features, from his sharp nose, to his strong jaw, and all the way up to his bright eyes that held some sort of childish wonder to it.
He was absolutely ethereal.
“What do you mean by that?” You manage to say when you break from your trance. 
“You’re somewhat like Odysseus. You’re both determined to get your end goal— and you’ll stop at nothing to do so,” He deduced and leaned against the couch’s backrest. “Or at least, that’s what your eyes say.”
“My eyes?”
“Yes, you’re eyes. You have this… this determined yet intimidating look in it whenever you’re faced with a challenge.” 
You do..? You were so puzzled yet impressed on how he was able to detect that from you… and why he was able to do so. Did he look at you often whenever he observed the whole group during training? Or did you bring too much attention to yourself whenever Hae-seong scolds you for the upteenth time that day. Whatever the reason, you didn’t think that the prince, out of all people, would pay this much attention to you. 
“Speaking of which, what is your end goal? You never really told me.” 
A wave of nostalgia, and homesickness, washes over you. You release a sigh, shoulders sagging. You fish out the simple necklace that was left to you, untying it from your neck and holding it out to Seonghwa. 
“This,” You point to it, dropping it in his waiting palm. “This is my end goal. You know how my father runs a smithy back in Trelark, right?” He nods and you continue. “Well, I promised him that one day, I’ll get him the life he deserves. Open another smithy and bring in more money so that he’d never work another day in his life again.
“But then this selection thing came up. It’s not exactly what I had planned, but it was something. A warmer home, a softer bed, better food to eat,” You listed off and stared out the window. The town looked nice at this time of day. “And maybe, a chance to heal. Not only physically but emotionally.” 
The prince remains silent at your heartfelt confession. That explained a lot of things about you. Why you valued your relationship with people so much and why, despite the many times you’ve fallen, always pick yourself back up and strike back with even more vigor. 
A fond smile graces his lips as he looks down at the necklace you handed over to him. His delicate fingers ran along the smooth edges of the marble pendant as if tracing the memories held within it. “You really love your family a lot, don’t you _____?” 
“They’re all I have,” You mumble when he gives the necklace back over to you. “The whole world can turn around on its head for all I care. As long as I have them, it’s all that matters to me.” 
Hearing that stirs something within Seonghwa- a warm but heavy feeling inside his chest. He knows he has a lot of duties as a prince to take care of his kingdom, to give most - if not all - of them a good and stable life. But hearing you say this really spurred a sense of urgency to do better and to find practical yet effective ways to alleviate his kingdom.
He rests a hand on your knee, pulling you out of your thoughts. “I believe in you, _____. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me this.” 
“Why would I not trust you? I mean, I’m literally fighting so that I’d end up as the one protecting your life. If anything, you should be the one doubting me.” You chuckle, tucking a stray hair behind your ear.
“I suppose so,” He muses. 
The two of you continued to talk till your time with him for the day was up. He told you about how pleased he was to finally be able to meet Siyeon and Raviv, since you’ve told him about them before. He even talked about his slow but steady progress in mending his relationship with Ayeong. You were glad that he was able to move past that awkward stage and was now talking to her like nothing ever happened between them. He was more open in talking about him this time; last time you were with him it was mostly you who did the talking. You never knew how complicated, and boring, the royal life was until he spilled it all to you. Your lives were so different from each other yet here you were— exchanging stories and learning from one another. 
You learned that he had an older brother, who was now living in the kingdom where his father came from. He was married to the princess there and had twins- one boy and one girl. It was quite a bit endearing to see the prince gush over his niece and nephew. His eyes sparkled with love and whenever he gets excited, his hands move animatedly.
Before you knew it, your time with the prince was up. Hae-seong walked over to the two of you and cleared his throat. “Prince Seonghwa, your time with Miss _____ is up. I shall call on the next delegate.” Seonghwa nodded. “Thank you Duke Hae-seong. Let me just wrap up my conversation with _____.”
The nobleman nodded and turned on his heel to collect the next person. Before you could stand to bow towards the prince he reached out to you, making you pause in your actions. You look at him quizzically, quirking your brow up at him. 
“I almost forgot to ask; would you and the rest of the delegates like it if you were given a break? Just a few days off to rest and recuperate. Maybe even go around Capitol; the first Autumn Light festival is coming up soon. Maybe you’d like to witness that.”
Your eyes brightened at this. You haven’t been able to appreciate the city when you arrived. Aside from that, you were barely able to write more than a few letters to send back home to your family. Heck- you didn’t even have the time to send those letters. So of course you didn’t pass up an opportunity like this.
You nod your head with a grin, excitement bubbling within you. “I can’t speak for all of them but I’m sure most of us would enjoy that.” 
Seonghwa nods and releases you before bowing his head humbly. “Well then, until the next time we meet.”
You curtsey in response, a playful glint in your eyes. “I’ll look forward to it, your highness.” 
He chuckled and watched as you walked away. It was only when the next delegate came in did he draw his attention away from you. There was truly something about you that had drawn you to him.
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“He was so nice and charming,” Siyeon gushes as you brush her hair. 
It was late at night and everyone was preparing for bed. Once again, the girls were huddled into little groups or off by themselves doing whatever fascinated them at the moment. Now the chatter was about their time with the prince instead of the usual recap of the day. It was a nice change of pace, you all needed slow days like this. 
“And his teeth— he has such nice teeth. I want nice teeth,” She pouts and turns to look at you. 
“But you do have nice teeth, Wolfie.” You tell her as you shake your head. You set down her brush by her bedside table and flopped onto your own bed. “Your teeth are so nice they’re practically blinding.”
Siyeon huffs out a partially sarcastic laugh before tossing one of her pillows at you. “Ahhh, I can't wait till we meet him again. It was so nice talking to him.” She sighs as she lay sprawled all over her mattress. “Okay enough about me. What did you two talk about?”
You throw the pillow back at her and hum in thought. “Not much. Same as you: how my day has been, what things are like back at home, all of that.”
You felt bad for not coming clean to your friend— especially since it was unfair. But you promised yourself that you’d tell her and Raviv one day. Now was just not the right timing. You push the thought to the back of your head and move to settle under the covers. 
“That’s it?” She prodded, convinced that you were holding back something. “Come on, you can tell meeeee~ I doubt it was just mundane stuff when you two were talking so excitedly with one another. Was it the book you brought with you?” 
Your heart pounded rapidly against your rib cage at her suggestion but soon calmed down when she brought up the book. Thank the gods she noticed that. “Fine fine, we did talk about the book. But that’s all.. well— wait he actually asked if we wanted to have a break and I said yes. So maybe we’ll have some rest.” 
Siyeon’s eyes widened animatedly at that. A large grin adorned her beautiful face and she bolted upright from her bed. “Seriously?? We get to have a break? Can we go around Capitol? I want to see the whole place.”
You chuckle at her reaction, leaning against your arm. “I think we can, hopefully; that’s if Hae-seong doesn’t throw a fit at the idea.” 
You two chuckle at the little jab you put against the duke. Mina soon comes in to tell you that it was time for bed and curfew has started. You found it a little childish for this part of the nightly routine but you suppose it was implemented in order to keep the castle quiet and orderly at night. 
As you blow out your candle and settle into bed, allowing your exhaustion to finally lull you to sleep, you think about the next days to come. Especially your next meeting with the prince. 
And in the opposite wing of the castle, as Seonghwa shuffled into bed, he was thinking of the same thing.
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twinkleton · 4 years
ok but what if... a spin off of your douxie x reader where we get the details on how douxie proposed 👀
Ask and ye shall receive! This takes place a year after my At the End of the Century fic, I’m considering call this series just Married!Douxie since any fics I do with this universe they will be married. I didn’t imagine them living in the castle anymore without Merlin, and I just wanted some cottagecore lmao. And yes, reader invents cat trees 😂. Hope you guys enjoy!
Tags: @clarencebells @purplesinnerw
“Archie, could you come over here?” 
The familiar pokes his head up from his proclaimed resting spot, a basket generally used for berry-picking, and lets out a big yawn. 
“I’m afraid I can’t, you’ve sucked all the energy out from me already,” he mumbles, plopping his head back down. Archie and the young witch had spent the morning organizing their belongings into their new home. As a show of gratitude and solidarity for the small family, the trolls of Dwoza had been building them a little cottage in the forest for the past year, between walking distance of their land and Camelot. They graciously accepted the gift.
“Please, just for a minute! Then you can continue your lounging,” Y/N pleaded from her and Douxie’s bedroom. Archie makes a low groan and rolls out of his makeshift bed, slowly making his way over to her.
“I swear if you ask me to fly over to a shelf you can’t reach one more time, I will-” His sentence stops short once he enters the room, eyes wide. Unbeknownst to him, while he was taking his little cat nap, the girl had been spending her time crafting up a tower for him, with all sorts of levels for him to climb, at the top of it being a cozy bed for him, made out of fabric she’d stolen from the castle. Old habits die hard. However, it was worth it for Y/N to see the look on her friend’s face. 
“Is..is this for me?” Archie climbs up to the first level. 
“Well I don’t see any other cat familiars lying around,” she replies with a smirk. 
“Always so cheeky,” he says with a chuckle. His nose slightly wiggled, detecting a fishy odor coming from the top. 
“Oh, you didn’t.”
“Oh, I so did.”
He swiftly leaps to the highest level, eyes gleaming with delight as his suspicions to what was there were confirmed. Y/N, being the angel in his eyes that she is, had prepared roasted salmon for him. How she somehow was able to hide all of this from him, he’ll never know. 
“Do-do you like it?” Y/N asked sheepishly.
Suddenly, there’s weight on her chest, as Archie had flown over to her, trapping her into a bear hug that she quickly reciprocated. 
“I don’t understand, why did you do all of this for me?”
She laid her hand onto his head, gently stroking, “I don’t need a reason, Arch. You’re my friend, we've been through a lot. You deserve this.”
If it was in Archie’s nature, there would have been tears falling from his eyes. However, what felt right for him was to embrace her for a little bit longer, ending the hug with a simple, “Thank you, Y/N.”
Their bonding moment was cut short by the sudden loud bang of the front door opening, a disheveled and filthy Douxie stumbling in. His man bun had completely become undone, leaving his hair a tangled mess on top of his head. His clothes were covered in soot and his shoes were mysteriously soggy, leaving footprints on the floor. He leans into the door, slamming it shut behind him. 
The two rush over to him. “Oh, fuzzbuckets. What on Earth happened to you?”
“Stealing my catchphrases now, love? I knew I’d eventually rub off on you,”
An annoyed groan escapes Y/N’s lips as she walks over to assist Douxie in standing. “I thought you said you were helping Deya with a simple errand. You look like you volunteered to be her personal target dummy.”
“Knowing Douxie, that probably isn’t far off from the truth,” Archie smirks, giving Douxie an all-knowing look.
“So she didn’t give all of the details of her request, she’s a busy woman. She has a legacy of Trollhunters to begin, can’t expect her to be so thorough.” Douxie chuckles nervously, a laugh that tells Archie all he needs to know but seemingly raises no concern for Y/N. 
“All right. Arch, go enjoy your dinner. I’ll take care of him,” Y/N says, leading Douxie towards the bath further down the hall.
Once she has filled the bath up sufficiently, she sticks a hand into the water, muttering under her breath a spell. Her hand glows a vibrant scarlet shade, and soon the water begins to bubble up with steam rising into the air. Douxie, with clothes discarded onto the floor, leans onto Y/N for support as he slowly descends into the bath. He relaxes his muscles, the warm water helping ease all the aches he has in his limbs. 
“Have I ever said that I love magic? Because I do, I really do,” his girlfriend giggles at his comment as she softly brushes out his mangled locks. Afterwards, she pours some of the water onto his hair, washing away the sweat and grime. 
“Are you sure you’re alright?”
“With you, never better.”
“No, I mean, with everything. I know it’s been a year since the battle, but we haven’t really talked much about what happened. How it’s been for you without...Merlin.” Y/N had been hesitant with bringing up his master, not wanting to cause him any stress or discomfort. Still, she figured it was better than the alternative of Douxie bottling up his feelings.
He adjusts himself so that he’s facing Y/N, looking up to make eye contact with her. Despite himself, he can’t help but get entranced by her eyes, so vibrant and full of genuine love and concern for him. He reaches over and brushes away hair, cupping her face. How he became so lucky to have someone as kind, beautiful, and thoughtful as her be in his life, let alone be with him, he’ll never understand. He doesn’t know what living would be like if she wasn’t a constant presence and he doesn’t want to know. 
So, he lets out something he’s truly been bottling up. 
“Marry me.”
Y/N can’t fully process what he’d just said to her. Her brain hasn’t caught up with her heart, which fluttered the moment those two little words left his mouth. 
Douxie lets go of her face to grab onto her hands, pulling them close to him. 
“I wanted to pick a better time to bare my heart out to you, one where I’m not bare...myself,” that earns a little chuckle from Y/N, “But, I just can’t wait any longer.”
He instructs her to grab his tunic still lying on the floor and to check the inner pocket. Once she reaches her hand inside, she feels a small band of metal, pulling it out to see. It’s revealed to be a golden ring, with intricate carvings all along the band, and secured on top was a small emerald gem, so polished that light reflects beautifully off of it. The sight of it alone is enough to make Y/N’s eyes start to water. 
“You made this?”
Douxie gives a little nod, “Hence my very repugnant appearance earlier. I did go to see Deya, but it was to ask her for a favor, not the other way around. I knew they would have just the metal and stone I needed for the ring, however had they warned me that retrieving said materials would be so difficult, maybe I would’ve looked elsewhere,” he explains with a smile. “Go ahead, try it on.”
Y/N slides the ring down her finger, a perfect fit. She looks up at him, eyes brimming with tears.
The answer is simple for him, “Because I love you. It has been hard without Merlin. He was always who I looked to for guidance, afraid of any misstep I would possibly make without his advice, but with you, I’m not afraid. You’re so encouraging and loving that I believe I can trust myself and make my own decisions and they won’t lead to chaos somehow. I look forward to each day because I know you’ll be there. I can’t imagine life without you in it, and I never want to. I realize asking to be with me for the rest of your immortal life is a lot, but-”
“Yes,” she answers, finally letting the tears fall. The biggest smile she thinks she’s ever had spreads across her face. 
Douxie lets out a mixture of a laugh and a gasp of surprise. “Really? Hold on, I don’t want this moment to be me in a bucket the whole time,” he jumps out of the bath, quickly drying himself and tugging on a clean pair of pants. His hair is still wet, leaving droplets of water on his shoulders. Then, he walks in front of Y/N, picking up her hands again to bring them to be his chest. “You’re sure about this?”
Y/N waves her thumbs over his fingers, feeling an overwhelming sense of happiness, “All I’ve ever wanted was a family. People and a place I can consider home. I thought I had found that with Morgana, but I was wrong. Who I really found it with was you. You and Archie are my family. I love Archie dearly, and I’m so in love with you. An eternity with you still doesn’t feel long enough.” 
Now it’s Douxie who’s crying tears of joy. This has to be one of the greatest moments of his life. He gets to be with the love of his life forever and always. He picks her up effortlessly, spinning her around while the two joyously laugh and squeal. Still in the air, Y/N grabs onto his face to pull him in, capturing his lips in a kiss. Douxie sighs into it, not able to properly kiss due to him not being able to stop smiling. They come apart, still holding onto each other and giggling like teenagers.
“Ah, so he finally did it. He’s been worrying about it ever since we moved here,” Archie says, doing his well known habit of waltzing in unannounced.
Douxie lets her down, facepalming at his familiar’s interruption. “That was supposed to be kept a secret, Arch.”
“Apologies. But really Doux? In the bath? Even I could’ve thought of something more grand than that.”
“Why you little-”
“How was your dinner, Archie?” Y/N says before Douxie can have a go at him. 
“Absolutely delightful, you truly are amazing Y/N.”
Y/N thanks him. As Douxie and Archie continue their snarky banter with one another, she can’t help but feel so content in the moment. She realizes that that loneliness she used to feel before will never come again thanks to these two. She may have had to defeat Morgana in the end, but she will be eternally grateful for the gift of love she granted her.
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
I just can't get enough it seems, time to start the next Baki the Grappler book!
It seems that this one will take on the saga i saw on the anime (at least by the end) so that's exciting
Chapter 1
First off quality is SHIT lmao
Yesss i remember this. I still think that shit about everyone trembling is a lil... Mmmm bullshit.
Baki be like <:] but in a smug way
Look at Tokugawa my man
This feels so random
Oh right the synchronicity shit
Baki is so -_- in this manga
Look at the old timer go
Chapter 2
Epic grandpa
Mf really swam thru the Pacific ocean
Chapter 3
Huh i thought he was Scottish
This random guy was pretty interesting looking, the one executing Doyle
Fucked up shit how they still do this stuff
King, i can somehow still remember his voice in particular fsr
Also since no one reads this i will say it: Doyle does NOT look white ahagdbafhsdbc
I like that he didn't bother killing the doctor
Is that Strydum? 🥺👉👈
Chapter 4
Shagddjd i was going to say that, this dude could have easily taken a different path from violence
I mean it's fair, Sirkosky uses weapons, but man, Garland... :'/
This all hits so different once you know the characters :]]]
Chapter 5
That pic is still so brutal
What an absolute troll shsshwgxgd
Also fun fact when i watched the anime i didn't pay much attention at first so I assumed the Russian was Spec (i didn't even know Sirkosky's name)
I love how that was unnecessary shagdhsr
ADAGDFAGAFAD this guy was also great
Spec was fucking insane man aggsggahsfg
I love he's full of tattoos
The absolutely king
OH RIGHT Spec is sus *laugh track*
Chapter 6
Oh hell yeah, grandpa's ex
Baki tf you doing there in the cover you madlad
...bottom storage.
He's my size btw
Was there a motive for him to be naked or was he just a freak btw?
I love the shape of his eyes ngl
I love how scared the guards are while he just calmly rambles
I don't wanna call yanagi my grandpa because i think yanagi can get it and it would be like calling him daddy but the Gilf™ is Dorian man life is so hard when you are me
I love Yanagi's face lol he's handsome
Chapter 7
Poor Baki lmao he just got better from the maximum tournament and now this
Lmao Baki has a point
Unnecessary, Doyle
Chapter 8
I love how they were recruiting dangerous mfs to beat up this random guy bc his vibes are fucked up
This guy looked a lot like jack
You gotta be brave to shove a knife that sharp into your pants
I love how Baki literally did nothing to em
Baki's face just looks wrong this isn't my beloved child
Imagine you are about to fight this mf and he just shoves his hand inside his pants
Chapter 9
This dude really looks like, fully japanese jack hanma
I love how Spec just showed up dressed up as a fucking monk or something
Chapter 10
You guys know, Dorian reminds me of my now dead great grandfather, with the moustache look even more.
Not impressed, 15 yo Hanayama did the same when throwing a tantrum
He's so insane i luv him
Okay but look at the cut of that outfit look at how well it hugs his chest and waist but flows bellow... Spec my dude you could have been a mad good model 😐 he's even giving me gender envy! 🥺
I love how Baki used both his hands for the handshake
Chapter 11
Ho, speak of the devil, i was just talking of this fucker with Blood
Mf got so old
I like how there was no motive for him to be naked he literally is just Like That
Also it's from here that he got that wasp waist lmao
Mf just flexing at this point lmao
Yanagi got cake
That's so unnecessary rude, obsessed. Also, as if you weren't old Yanagi. I see why they broke up now ;/
Chapter 12
11 and 12 are the same fsr
Chapter 13
I honestly wonder where these prisoners got their clothes, like, aside from Doyle that one time everyone else is never shown shopping or even owning money
Also i love the fact that on a daily basis i dress the same as Spec, that definitely says something bout me jagsjsgwhwfwg 😭
To be honest, considering the size of Spec's body, they should definitely feed him more
He didn't wash his hands 😢
Dick and balls too strong ajgshsgsg
I love how fucking, polite he is.
Oh i see, i thought he might have stolen a wallet or something but nah
Btw i genuinely don't remember shit JAGSKSGWJGS even if it watched the anime i forgot most of this
Chapter 14
GOD the way the anime butchered Katsumi, he's so handsome in the manga in comparison 😐
Also i like how they aren't explaining this like, Katsumi was the one who lost, did he wait until Retsu was okay to fight again in HIS ("") dojo?!
Okay he actually explained, oddly nice of Retsu to accept tho
Hoho this scene hits different now that i know and like Katsumi
Also I'm not even gonna question where Doppo is, dude is never just around skdgksgd
Chapter 15
I love this genre of cover
I love that retsu is just watching, he's still an asshole QJGSJSGWH
If i didn't know Katsumi I would say he died
I did actually think he had died when watching the anime
Retsu still has his thicc ass i see
Chapter 16
See all this makes sense now that i know retsu and the shit he has seen and been thru!
Angry lad, lucky his hair didn't burn
Chapter 17
Ahegao in the cover
I'm looking at the pages and I'm obsessed with Doppo being described as a "bold, badass karate master", it's so accurate <3
Also Igari being called eccentric, and the mention he defeated Mount Toba!! <3
Baki is slowly looking more like Baki
"my mother is dying"
Tasks keep failing successfully
Chapter 18
mAh boy...
That happens and it's the worst
Musashi you good boy 🥺
Chapter 19
Igari <33
That's insane
Chapter 20
I love that Igari looks legitimately worried and sad, not sweating tho
I love how he didn't have any serious damage until the punches like, okay.
Poor Igari tho
Was anybody going to tell me is Sikorsky and not Sirkosky?
Also i love how legitimately scared Tokugawa is, probably more than when Yujiro picked him up
Chapter 21
The heights are so off in this saga
Oh my fucking god i didn't know Spec was 221
Either heights are all over the place or Yanagi is not 160
GAFSFWEAD Tokugawa like "i own this place 😐"
Doyle is still the most decent one of the bunch
I googled how big Andreas from the tournament was and like, 2.40 😦
I see Hanayama descended into alcoholism after losing in the tournament. Also tf is with that bag? Was he hiking or something?
Jsgsjsgd Shibukawa is so excited too
I think this is chronically the first time Doppo appears with fully casual clothes, usually he either was in a suit or in his karate uniform
I'm straight up simping to the public now sgsjsgwhw
Chapter 22
They all look so upset about that information
Looking at them drives me insane i developed such a bond with all these fighters
I haven't seen Doppo this excited since last time his wife showed up
How did Tokugawa grab Baki's shoulder?
Don't worry Baki y'all will, Tokyo is not that big it seems
Shibukawa swearing 😨
"Imagine being mid but and Spec pulls up on you" "imagine having sex and she takes the mask and it's fucking Spec"
To be fair i would fuck a 2.21 muscular lady without going "hmmm this doesn't seem like a good idea..." in any moment
Chapter 23
I love how Dorian is just looking up
ACTUALLY ALL THEIR STANCES, Yanagi making dead eye contact with Gouki, Sikorsky with a firm pose just as Hanayama, Doyle with hiss chest up but eyes down giving a sense of pride, and, well, then there's Spec being Spec.
I like seeing Sikorsky having fun
I love Spec he played so smart SGSGSGS
😳 love wins!
Oh i had already forgotten about the dojo
Old man Dorian just has that effect on people
Threesome i see /j
He really was just fucking hiking i would love if they ever explained that ough 🥺
Did his facial hair just disappear?? STSGSFSD
Such a good kick tho
The relationship these men can have is so oddly nice like not Doppo and Retsu specifically but all of the fighters in general. Like many of them barely know each other, but they all know their fighting styles and respect each other, plus have no reason to be in bad terms with one another and specially not now that they are all fighting for the same cause. It's just so nice to see em idk JAGSHS
Hey Igari.
Chapter 24
Thank God Doppo went <3 again it had been so long
Babe are you okay? You hadn't put a lil heart in your speech bubble for a while...
King really punched the fire
I will chose to believe that's true bc it's impressive 😍
You know it's funny like, Katsumi is mad good but he doesn't has as much experience as his dad and that leaves him in disvantage
Hehe i remember that guy
The manga is so much better than the anime ffs
I love that he didn't even realize
Chapter 25
Manga i don't think that's science
Also Baki just chilling with some doves lmao
I'm looking thru old messages see how my og reaction to this was
Huh i found nothing, that's odd. Well my reaction would have probably been like NOOOOO anyway so, y'all can imagine it
You left my dilf handless you fucking asshole good thing he has a wife
Imagine this dude cuts your hand and then just flexes his knowledge about science or whatever
Illiterate king <3
A guy did this to me once btw!!! Obviously in way smaller scale but he just touched something and the bleeding soon stopped!!!!
Honestly that's the most huge dick energy thing Doppo has ever done
Pfff I'm starting to remember why i liked Doppo so much 🥴
Bitches confused over him running away, tf was he supposed to do? He played it smart since there are no rules
Though yeah an eye and NOW a hand, insane
Chapter 26
Sjshhdhsn tanuki?
Oh, fox, he was calling him slick
Manga is pretty faster than the anime
Chapter 27
Where's your honor, Igari...
He is right sadly enough 😔
Oh i keep forgetting Igari's nature, he was probably trying to pull his silly little tricks again
This is just brutal honestly
Hehe this time i didn't get scared ☺️
I like that at least I'm not the only one who needs their mind off the gutter
Chapter 28
Love seeing em datin <3
He's so aggressive accidentally i love these dorks sm 😍🥺💞
Chapter 29
Hanayama is such a real bro man
To think i will still love hanayama but for entirely different reasons 😌
Chapter 30
Kaoru looks different but idk how
What the fuck is Spec even saying?
The fact that that makes no sense, i still love it a lot tho.
Okay Spec really has a point it really is beautiful
But it's beautiful in the sense like, look how built he is! Look at all those scars!!! It IS beautiful it's a masterpiece!!!!!!!
"i choose to believe this is how hanayama always undresses" KSHSKDGSJ THE AMOUNT OF SUITS THIS MAN DESTROYS.. OBSESSED
Though yeah Hanayama in general is also beautiful isn't he?
Chapter 31
I would sob man look at him. Look at Shiba.
I really don't get why he's letting himself get hit, is he just flexing?
I cannot way to see him do his Technique ™
Chapter 32
Manga is so much superior to the anime, like, i haven't complained about Spec even once bc he isn't annoying anyone, in the anime he was so infuriating!!
I love when they just steal their standing poses sjsgjssgsh
That distortion effect so good
Chapter 33
I still think it's weird they used humans and not machines, though it was effective
I love how Spec managed to punch that statue without calling the attention of much people that's impressive
And i love that he keeps saying man he sounds like me with bro
Hanayama my beloved
Chapter 34
Yeah I'm not reading all that 😐
Oh this explains the holes in his clothes
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mimiplaysgames · 3 years
Drink Me
Pairing: Terra/Aqua Rating: T Word Count: 6,601
Summary: Aqua drinks a truth potion... Now they're going to have to talk about things.
Read on AO3
A/N: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!! This is part of an art/fic trade that I'm doing with Moe (@terraswill on Twitter)!! I was so excited to work on this but it was also just... so hard?? We agreed on the trade back in June I think, and it took me this long. xD The timing was perfect though, and when they post their art, I'll edit this to include a link! Moe asked for was something domestic and fluffy (and I'm totally the wrong person to ask but I never back from a challenge dkfjkfjgf), and maybe give Aqua a reason to play a prank. We support a Let Aqua Have Fun 2021 agenda in this house. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. To my angst readers, I hope you find something here you like anyway lmao
She says she’s annoyed with me because I won’t let her dust the tapestry. Or rather, I won’t let her have her
and take on this ugly monstrosity (which I think is supposed to depict an ancient Keyblade Master who died four-hundred years ago; at this point, the threads are too faded to give him a defined face). 
The truth has more layers than that, something I don’t like to talk about. But it’s a clear day, the sun beaming through our windows and igniting the castle in golden hues. I won’t find the time to mope when Aqua is beckoning me to give her the feather duster. 
Aqua is a lot shorter than me. I pretend to give it to her, only to swerve it around her face and hang it up high above her head. I’ve got a smirk to last me hours, and there’s a sly one pulling on her lips. 
“Maybe if you jump,” I say, wiggling it. 
She doesn’t move. “Terra.”
I pull it up higher. “Come get it.”
“Or you could stop trying to overcompensate and let me help you.”
“Who says that’s what I’m doing?” That’s exactly what I’m doing. Any chance I get, I’ll do it all to make up for lost years. If she says she’ll tidy the garden tomorrow, I’ll rip the weeds by dawn. If she wants to prepare a feast, I’ll organize the ingredients, the recipes, the appliances. I call it helping out. She calls it ridiculous. 
“You’re ridiculous,” she says. Yep.
“It’s not like you could reach the top anyway,” I say, knowing this is precisely what would set her off.
Aqua likes to present herself as proper: head tall, ankles together. But when I push her buttons, that’s the first mask to melt off. She lunges at me, chest to chest, aiming for the duster that’s balancing on the tips of my fingers, my elbow locked and shoulder riding as high as it can, as if I’m trying to clean the ceiling. We’re giggling, we’re tight, we’re children all over again.
“Give it,” she says, her eyebrows and lips twisted in feverish concentration. She’d never let anyone else see her behave this way. 
“What are you doing?” She steps onto my shoes to gain height and I have to wrap my free arm around her waist to keep our balance (not that I’d complain if she ends up landing on top of me). My heart is pounding stupid rhythms at the smell of her shampoo. I don’t like sweet, but I like it on her. 
“Master’s orders. Give it to me.” 
“Try harder.”
She inhales sharply, giving me that Aqua look. Fine. She turns her head towards the tapestry and puckers her lips together, blowing air as if blowing out a candle. The layer of dust that sits at the very top bursts, sprinkling the console table beneath it. 
In my shock, she snatches the feather duster, the quietest Hmm of satisfaction coming out loud enough to demand my audience. She taps the tapestry with a flat laundry bat, all while waving her hand over the surface of the table, the dust collecting itself as if swirled by a magnetic tornado. 
No use for the duster at all.
“You think you’re clever,” I say, getting close behind her. 
“I think you agree.”
I think she’s pretending. Her smile looks the same but it’s manufactured, tied to a puppeteer’s strings. There’s a flicker in her eyes that tells me she doesn’t agree at all. I’m prepared to tell her that she’s assured and confident, but she already knows. This happens: I’ll catch a sudden recognition dawning on her face, like she’s reminding herself of something, and I’m left to guess what it could be.
We’re interrupted by a loud sneeze that drifts from the other side of the hall, followed by a hack and a cough, finishing with a sniffle. 
She’s panicked. It sounds like a case of the common cold, and nothing to be worried about, but that’s Aqua. I follow her lead, which takes us to no one else but Ven, who is wiping his face. A faint trace of dust rides on the strands of his hair. Actually, there’s dust everywhere except on the tapestry he’s responsible for. 
“Ven!” Aqua gapes. “What happened here?”
He takes a look around the chaos and gives a mere shrug, rubbing the back of his hand on his pants. “I was dusting.”
“You were using magic,” she says like she’s scolding him, despite doing the same minutes ago.
“What did you expect me to do?” He gestures towards the tapestry—the Master’s favorite, of a round cat lounging on a throne and announcing a toast with his goblet—like it’s a mountain to climb. “Get a ladder?”
“What a mess,” Aqua mutters with a flitter of her fingers, shepherding the dust together so it’s easier to collect. 
“I’m not finished.”
“Master’s orders,” I say and Aqua doesn’t spare me a glare. Yes, I find that funny.
Ven ushers her aside. “Come on, let me help.”
“I got it,” she says, fixated on the job. Always the one to do and still can’t learn to accept a helping hand.
I know better than to get in the middle of this.
Ven generates gusts of air with a wave of both of his arms—a terrible idea when Aqua’s conducting from the other side—and the dust grows darker into a thick cloud of smoke. He stares at his handiwork with a dropped jaw. I’m shocked too. Where did all of that come from?
Aqua grunts as she tries to calm the storm, Ven mimicking her movements.
“Let it go,” I say, placing my hand on her shoulder.
“It will all fall to the floor.”
“There’s too much pressure building up from the bottom.”
“It’s under control.”
“It’s going to explode.”
She pouts (stars, it’s cute) but of course, only half-listens to me. Moving her palms parallel to the floor, she makes a gesture as if to compress. With Ven slacking, it billows low to the floor and then sweeps up.
The tapestry flaps upward, revealing a door.
Ven’s the first to cough. “What’s that?”
Aqua and I stare at each other. We’ve hidden behind every single one of these tapestries when we played as kids. There shouldn’t be a door.
“Do you think it’s magic leftover from—” I start to ask.
She shakes her head. “It can’t be. I returned everything to its rightful place.”
“Then what is this supposed to mean?” 
Discouraged by our hushed tones, Ven stops himself from turning the knob, waiting for our approval.
“It could have been hidden by a spell,” Aqua suggests.
We’re quiet. Spells last for as long as the spellcaster is alive.
“The Master would have called it an inheritance,” I say. “Don’t you think?”
One by one, we peek into the secret room. Ven is eager to open the door but only pushes it a sliver. It creaks with determination to wake everyone inside. Aqua is second, looking over him. I’m last, searching the corners for signs of movement. 
It’s empty except for a rack of white robes, stacks of books on a desk, a chess board, and a forest-colored couch. On the opposite wall sits a huge wardrobe next to a reading stand, displaying an open tome on what may have been the last page the Master read. An old-fashioned wall clock with visible parts and spinning characters counts the time, looking peculiarly like the Land of Departure. The sun shines through a window—though this would be an extra. All the windows on both sides of the castle are accounted for. You wouldn’t be able to see this room from the outside. 
“Terra,” Aqua gasps, “look at these books.”
Most of them are titled in an ancient language. “They’re from Scala.”
“We could probably find Sora with these,” she says, flipping through one.
Some of the robes are sewn with patches of snake skin, others stained with faded off-yellow, each a varying size for a growing teenager. I take the largest—it smells like dust—and slip it on. Almost a perfect fit, though I would’ve preferred it longer.
“It looks good on you,” Aqua says, coming to my side.
I smile at the floor, imagining what the Master would have said, how large his smile would have been under that bushy mustache, like the day he gave me his belt buckle and told me it would be a nice touch. Aqua inspects a fraying seam on the shoulder.
“I can fix that,” she whispers. I let her pull it off me, and she dotingly folds it over the book she decides to take with her. 
We drop our thoughts and turn to Ven, who’s helped himself to the wardrobe, stupefied at shelves of potions in glass flasks. Ugly colors, weirdly shaped, totally bizarre. 
“These aren’t any potions I recognize,” Aqua says, placing her stack on the couch and investigating the shelf with her arms crossed. 
None of them are labeled. “Maybe they’re lost knowledge,” I say, still thinking about her compliment. How often does she think I look good? “Can you imagine what kind of magic they’re packed with?”
Ven glances at the open book on the reading stand. “Let’s see.”
I join him, watching him flip through crudely drawn illustrations of odd shapes. We both snigger.
“Look through walls,” he reads before turning to the next page. “Neverending sweat. Turn a face blue. Glue lips together… This one says you can unglue them by washing your mouth with soap.”
“Lost knowledge.” Aqua scoffs.
“But who made them?” I ask. “The Master?”
Aqua rolls her eyes. “Please.”
“This is his secret room.”
“It looks like his handwriting,” Ven says, trying to keep his smile tiny. Trying. “Kind of.”
The O’s and the T’s certainly have their curls, just the way Eraqus would have done them. The Y’s are similar too, if a bit exaggerated and large. As Ven turns more pages, all of which are yellowed and chipped at the edges, I realize the drawings match the shapes of different vials, equipped with descriptions of colors. 
“I think Ven’s right.”
Aqua throws a look (Forget it) and rolls her eyes again. It’s her favorite thing to do. “We’re talking about the Master here. He wouldn’t waste his time on something like this.”
“I got an idea!” Ven beams, nudging me on the elbow. “Why don’t we try some? Guess what they are before we look in the book?”
The only person who stiffens is Aqua. 
“Look at her face.” Ven points. “She thinks we’re savages.”
Aqua doesn’t say anything, but it’s possible. 
I cock my head. “If the Master were here, he would have gotten a kick out of this.”
“Regardless of who made them.” 
She drums her fingers on her forearm. “If it makes you happy,” she mumbles. It was subtle, but it was there.
“I’ll go first!” Ven leaps over the reading stand. There’s a rainbow of the most unsavory colors. The neon, the dull, the too realistic. “This one looks perfect.” He grabs a thin vial of liquid that I could mistake for vomit: a faded, rotten lime green, and drinks it all in one swish.
Following the last gulp, he withers to the floor, flailing and begging for it to stop.
I’m searching through the book for an answer.
Aqua throws herself to her knees. “What’s wrong?”
Ven giggles, cradling his stomach then scratching his back. “Don’t touch me.” He gasps in between painful howls of laughter. “It makes it worse.”
She carries his head to her lap anyway. She wouldn’t be Aqua if she isn’t indulging in some deep-seated instinct to assume we’re not healthy before assuring herself that we are. 
I tap my finger onto a page. “Tickling potion. ‘Give this to your favorite person,’ it says.”
“I’m going”—Ven inhales—“to bring the Master”—inhales again—“back to life just to… kill him again.” He deteriorates into another round of wheezing, hugging himself tight and turning over into a fetal position.
“It’s too juvenile for the Master,” Aqua reminds me.
This page is written with the same suspicious calligraphy but I hold my tongue. To ease the look of worry on Aqua’s face, I step forward. “My turn.”
“You can’t be serious,” Aqua says.
“Relax. There’s no such thing as death by tickling.”
Aqua jerks to say something but stops herself. I’m guessing, Let me have at it and you’d think otherwise. Nothing that she’d say with Ven in the room.
Ven rubs his eyes and sighs—it’s shaky and long, but it’s an improvement. “Can I try another one?”
The first potion to catch my attention is this wide, stubby one filled with what looks like dark mud. 
Her warning makes me think of the slight possibility of developing diarrhea from this. I stare into her eyes as I swallow a gulp of it anyway, much to her horror and much to my enjoyment. Her expressions are a never-ending list of entertainment. 
The potion is too smooth to be mud. It tastes spicy, a kick without any flavor. At first, I don’t feel anything, until a zap of electricity rides up my spine. Gooseflesh covers the backs of my calves up to my neck.
By the time I realize that I’m shivering, Aqua has my face in her hands. Her fingertips are warm when she brushes my hair.
“I’m fine.” A white cloud puffs out of my lips. 
Ven is cackling. Not from the tickling, that may have stopped as soon as he got distracted, but he’s pointing his finger at me.
“As fine as a monkey walking naked into the snow,” she quips, wrapping the robe around my shoulders and rubbing my biceps. 
“You can’t say, I told you so,” I say, my voice reverberating. “You didn’t know this was going to happen.”
“I know you don’t regret it.”
“You’re right. I don’t.”
She scoffs, smirking. Her eyes drop to some faraway conversation with herself.
“What are you thinking?” My teeth clatter. 
She raises her eyebrows, playing coy. 
“Whoever made this freezing potion,” Ven interrupts, having dragged himself to the book and is now leaning on it with both hands to stay stable, “wanted to test it. See if it could preserve vital organs.” He slowly nods (as if anything in this book makes sense). 
“I guess we’ll find out if it worked when I die.” The tremors hurt, rupturing in blows down my torso. Aqua mutters a spell and a fiery glow halos her hands, hovering near my skin. My own personal hearth. I can’t help but imagine doing the same for her one day. 
“Anyone else want to take a crack at it or should I drink another one?” Ven says.
Aqua glances over her shoulder and is actually considering it . 
“No way,” I say.
She ignores me, reading each bottle as though they’d spill their secrets.
I lean towards her ear, though she’s already swatting me away. “Do you need help choosing one?”
She grabs a curvy vial that looks like it has hips and is filled to the brim with pure white. Defiantly turning to stick her nose up at me, she proudly drinks (a sip), grimacing through the taste. But she keeps tall. As long as the nose stays up.
“Oh shit,” Ven mutters.
“Language,” I say.
We wait for the effect. Nothing happens. 
“What do you feel?” I ask.
“Nothing. I feel normal.”
“You’re a liar,” Ven says, throwing pages and scanning pictures, then rustling back to see if he skipped any.
“I am not. Maybe it’s expired.” As soon as she says it, her eyes go wide.
“That doesn’t make any sense. We had immediate effects. Maybe you should drink some more?”
“Don’t be silly.” Aqua shuts the bottle with its topper and gently places it back in its spot. “This was a foolish game, anyway.” 
I have to scoff—that’s harsh, even coming from Aqua. “Then why go for it?”
“Because I admire you so much, Terra, when you’re brave enough to go after something I wouldn’t come near. Because I have to match you, maybe outmatch you sometimes, if you get on my nerves. Because sometimes I get scared that I’ve missed out on so much, and I can’t help but wonder if our childhood may be missing something. After everything we’ve lost, I don’t want to be scared of being silly anymore. But… What if I’m a boring slog? I don’t want to be a bore. I want to be daring and fun like you and Ven,” she says in rapid tossed word salad, her hands getting animated the more she talks, pressed to answer questions we didn’t ask.
Ven and I have nothing to say.
“I…” Aqua fusses with her sleeves. “I don’t know why I unloaded all of that.”
“Dramatic, much?” Ven says.
She fists her hips. “Dramatic is when you whine about your dreams so you can avoid chores thinking I wouldn’t call your bluff.”
Ven gapes. “Aqua, you’re mean.”
“I don’t know what’s happening.” She hides her face behind her hands, taking them to her heart and bowing. “Ven, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it that way.”
“Something weird is going on.” I take the helm at searching the book, shuffling pages in chunks until I find one with stark white paint, in the shape of curves and waves. “Ven,” I whisper when I read the description. When he looks at me, his impish smile stretches with lists of ideas. I’m right there with him.
A stuffy silence fills the room when we recite it: Truth potion. The person who drinks it cannot help but to answer questions honestly. 
Aqua steps back. 
She bolts out of the room, knocking some of the books over. 
“Get her!” Ven yells.
My muscles protest when I take off, stiff and sluggish as though I’ve experienced a whole winter outside. Aqua dashes through an open doorway and thrusts her arm out. The doors slam together, refusing to let me through. Ven’s going to have to find another way around. This won’t stop me and she knows it. I slip through a growing portal of darkness—the swirls that lick me would have been cold, but I’m numb—and I come out the other side. There’s certain tricks that come from being the poster boy for Darkness; it’s helpful in fights.
This part of the castle leads to the common areas. I know where she’ll be.
Aqua is splitting her attention between mixing batter in a large wooden bowl and running a soapy dishwash in the kitchen sink. When I approach her, she makes a point to put her finger on her lips.
Stars, it’s so hard not to laugh. “You’re not going to—”
She grunts, shaking her head furiously at me. No questions. 
With my elbows propped on the countertop, I watch her scrub a dish. More than she normally does, actually, a little therapy session to take her mind off the fact that I’m relishing this moment. It’s satisfying how she suddenly remembers that she’s heating the oven, throwing herself across the kitchen to check the temperature.
She points to the spice cupboard next to me, and gets more enthusiastic when I open it. Apparently, she wants the cinnamon. 
“I think vinegar would help better with what you’re doing.” I nod my head to the sink. 
With the flick of her hand, water pouring out of the faucet changes direction and splashes me in the face.
“Am I annoying?” I snigger. I had to.
A tick in her shoulders—her body has no choice but to react. “That’s a stupid question.” Every word is pulled out of her teeth. Normally, she’d say, No, how could you even imagine that!
I dip my finger into the suds and plant one large print on her forehead in between the eyes, where she’s glaring so hard, they are crossed.
“How about now?”
“The worst,” she groans, slamming her hands into the bath. She takes a washcloth to dry them and wipes her forehead. Afterwards, she hands it to me. 
“Think of it as an opportunity to get to know the real you.” I dry my face. 
“You know me already.”
“Do I know everything, though?”
“No.” This potion doesn’t miss a beat.
Ven is panting by the time he enters, climbing a stool behind the counter and peering over the edge like a small child. He’s doing that on purpose, goading her into playing along. He asks me, “Can we?”
She groans.
I’m back on my elbows so I can look up at her and give her the same puppy dog eyes. Between glancing at the two of us, she can’t stand it. She wants to make us happy, she’s always been like that. Then again, she probably also wants to bash our heads together and leave us with headaches. One of the two would amuse her better. 
“How about we ask her three questions only? We shouldn’t drive her crazy.”
She chuckles, that little smile of hers growing and reassuring and there. That’s my girl. Turning off the sink, she folds the washcloth and brings her hands together as though we’re in class. “Three questions each. Is that okay?”
Wow. “More than I asked for.” 
“I already have one,” Ven says, sitting on his knees. “Do you hate Lea?”
“A little. But I’m working on it.”
Ven snorts and drops his face onto the counter. How many times have we asked her that and got the, Don’t be ridiculous. Like I said, he’s formidable. “I knew it.”
“He does his missions with the least amount of effort possible. Takes the easiest route to build his technique. Efficiency, he calls it,” she says, letting out the hot pressure she’s been keeping to herself with relief. “He also calls me, Teach. Who does that?”
Of all the times I’ve expected Aqua to snap at someone, she holds herself back when it comes to Lea, giving him tight smiles to zip it all up. “Ouch,” I say. “He’s been working so hard on a gift to thank you for working with Isa.”
She grimaces. “At least he has good taste in men? Isa does have a respectable work ethic.” 
I pat her hand. Aqua’s usually the one to blow the kettle first, but there’s ways to connect people who may not see eye to eye the first time. Maybe I can be a buffer. “Next time you meet, I could go with you.”
“I’d appreciate that,” she whispers. 
“Lea would find it hilarious, honestly.” Ven waves his hand as if it’s no big deal. “I bet he’d give you a note with your gift. It would say, Thanks for everything. I hate you, too, Teach .”
“Okay, my turn,” I say, resting my chin on my palm. She studies me, too, though I’d like to believe I could keep a poker face. “Do you sometimes steal my cologne?”
Her bluntness throws me back. “To wear ?”
“Yes,” she says as though it’s obvious and crosses her arms. Duh.
“Hey, that’s two questions,” Ven says. 
“Sorry.” I take one more glance to see if I could gleam any more clues from her facial expressions, but she keeps her nose high. As long as the nose stays up.
“I have to think of a really good one.” Ven holds his chin, looking more serious than he’s been since the Keyblade War. “Ever farted then blamed Terra for it?”
“Ugh.” Aqua quivers, her knuckles bleaching. She throws her face over her shoulder and stares scars into the wall. “Yes of course, didn’t we all?” 
“Come on, I could’ve answered that,” I say (though after all these years, it’s validating to know it’s not a blame game anymore). I nudge her with my shoulder. “Justice does feel pretty good.”
“Ask me something better,” she says after smacking my bicep. Her face is as ripe as sunburn. 
Questions that give her more control. I could do that. “Is there anything you’ve been needing to say but haven’t had the chance to yet?”
The tension in her face drops. It leaves something pale and disappointed in its place, a faraway look. I shouldn’t have asked; whatever this fear is, it’s meant for me. “Yes,” she whispers.
I stand pin-straight, the air in the room thinning, as though the Darkness has opened a hole and is sucking all the sun away. Ven does the same. The other Keybearers will stare at their cuticles, or fumble and cut themselves out of the group when they’re upset or hurt or sorry. Eraqus forged a protocol out of us. When we witness or cause harm, we recite what we’ve done and its effects. We bow when we apologize. 
So far, we’ve been home for one hundred and seventy five days. Never expected it to take this long. I open my mouth to speak.
“Don’t,” she says softly. “I know what you’re going to ask.”
I would have pleaded with her to let me apologize, and I would have met her dismissal anyway: No, Terra, it’s not necessary. We’ve been through it all. We should enjoy what we have. She means well; the relaxation and the mundane tasks are good for all of us. Even when we were younger, Aqua was generous at her expense, sparing nuts from her brownie to bake them into a tarte, knowing I hate brownies. She’d look at the brighter side of things (More fudge for me!), and stick her tongue out. She’s been my smile, but she gives too much, and we still need this conversation.
“So what is the answer?”
She lowers her eyes to the counter, then wills them back up at me. “I blame myself.”
Ven sighs. “I should give you guys some space.” He treads away, keeping his footsteps minimal, meticulously turning the handle so it’d make the least noise possible. Out of the corner of my eye, though, I see him press his ear against the door before it shuts. If he’s going to listen in, that’s fine with me. Whatever she and I have to say to each other would affect all three of us.
“You blame—”
“I would be… lying.” She simpers, shaking her head. “If I said I never blamed you. There were moments I did. How and why. But I had enough endless nights where those reasons circled back to me. What I could have done to make it better. To save you,” she croaks, wiping her eyes. “To be a best friend. You needed that. Ven needed one, too. And I wasn’t.”
Aqua scrubs the already-clean counter with that dry washcloth, creating a rhythm that fills the silence. The oven is now heated, and I take the cinnamon and pour two spoonfuls of it into a beaker, our backs to each other. Add cups of sugar for her, some cocoa, a pinch of vanilla while she drills the grouts in between the tiles.
“I wasn’t much of a best friend myself, either.”
“You were hurt and defeated.”
“I was stupid.”
“You are not.”
I scoff, reaching over and pausing her. My smile is meant to be gentle, but it feels so plastic. “Aqua, do you think I’m stupid?”
“I don’t.”
I’ve expected her to half-smirk, where she tells me, Sometimes. “Really?”
“You overthink,” she simply puts. “But you assume the best. You know, that makes you a better person than me.”
Ha. No. “No. I’m not better than you. Not by a long shot.”
She hums. “I’m just correct more often.”
“But I left you.”
“And I kicked your trust in me in the shins. Are we going to keep count of all the unfriendly things we’ve done? How different would it have been if I didn’t accuse you of things that weren’t true?”
“How different would it be if I had just stayed with you?” I realize I shouldn’t have asked the moment I finish.
In a trance, Aqua inspects the beaker with the spices and sugars I’ve concocted, deciding what I’d done is good enough and dumping them into her unmixed dough, stirring, giving her hands something to do, while I wait for the onslaught. “Probably avoided the last twelve years.” I wince. “Or it could have made no difference. We could have ended up the same, or worse, or better.”
I say, “You don’t believe that,” before stopping myself.
“I was taught to respect Xehanort, too.” 
“We were taught to recognize the Darkness.”
“Which I also failed at.”
“I did. I looked for it inside you where I should have placed my faith instead. I regret every moment I did.” She puts the bowl down, a slap of wood against marble. “We don’t help ourselves by obsessing about it a million times.”
“But you’d help me if you let me apologize. To you especially.”
She whips around with nothing to retort, fresh tears short of falling. “To me especially?”
“Ven deserves something of his own. Please.”
She drops her hands together. Swallows. Nods. 
I bow, watching droplets land near my shoes. “I should have been there for you. I should have been stronger. I should have realized what was happening sooner, and I thought I did. I thought I did what I could, and I was there with you in the Graveyard, but it wasn’t enough, and for all the years I didn’t know, I should have found a way to learn and pay you back for what you’ve sacrificed for me. I should have eased your pain, I should have brought you back to the Light. I was focused on myself when I should have lifted you up, and I disappeared when you needed me most. I should have done more, and I’m sorry I didn’t.”
Silence passes the time and I look up to see what she thinks. She’s wetting the washcloth, dabbing my eyes. “Do you feel better?” she asks.
“Kind of.” I’m beat up after taking all those shots, but I’m lighter, free to breathe without the nagging suspicion that I don’t deserve to. 
“One of the things I wished for when I was in the Realm of Darkness was to smell sugar again. I wanted to hear you give me a list of reasons why it’s bad for my body, and I wanted to tell you why it’s good for the heart.” I let her dab my cheeks, the dampness frigid against my skin. “Now that I’m back home, I don’t need any other wish granted.” She sniffs, about to pour the batter into its mold, but then flicks the oven off exasperatedly. “I forgot. I have to wait for the dough to rise.” For some reason that finally breaks her. It tears me apart as well, and I have to hold her shoulder so we don’t rip down the middle. 
“Please don’t cry,” I say, offering the washcloth. “I care too much about you to sit here and watch you cry.”
She stops. “What is that supposed to mean?” 
“Nothing.” I let go and stare at her blended mix, smooth as cream. 
“That’s not fair,” she says, throwing the washcloth onto the counter. “I have no choice with what I say. You could at least answer me honestly.”
“I don’t want to be the reason you cry anymore.” Nor do I want to tell her the truth. Instead I hide it on the back of my neck, where I rub into it so it doesn’t spill over. And yet, that makes me feel more guilty now than I have in weeks. 
“I should make you swallow a truth potion.”
“I wanted us to be equals.” She saves her usual response and waits for me to continue. I close my eyes. “Go through all the same experiences with you. We were supposed to stick together, do everything together. Failing the Mark of Mastery took all of that away from me. Or at least it felt that way at the time. And I wanted more. I wanted…” My hand finds nothing as it waves in the air searching for the words to spell it out. “I don’t know what to say. Everything I’ve done and didn’t do pale in comparison to you.”
“We’re not doing this. We’re not comparing ourselves.”
“No, I mean…” What the stars am I supposed to say? “You’re more important to me than you understand.”
“And you’re just as important to me.”
“No… it’s different with me.” And I’ve said too much, Aqua holding her elbows and expecting me to continue. There’s no other trail to go down than the one I’ve started. “I meant what I said at the preliminary feast.”
“Excuse me?”
The feast where the Master celebrated our achievements, announcing that we’re at last ready for the final test. Where Ven and I squeezed ourselves into suits and he complained the entire night about being itchy. Where I spent it staring at her dress. When I said she looked pretty and then avoided her for the rest of the party.
I don’t say anything about that night and she hears something anyway.
“That’s why…” She glosses over me with wide eyes as the realization makes me look like a stranger. “You should have said something to me.”
“You can’t be serious.” I wave her away.
“But all these years, I didn’t know.”
Good, if we’re talking about the same thing. “I couldn’t have told you anything.”
“Then how was I supposed to figure that out?”
What are we talking about now? “What exactly did you expect me to do?” 
“You should have kissed me.” She covers her mouth, wincing at what slipped out. She keeps her chin high anyway, casually crossing her arms and pretending that her face hasn’t reddened the deep shade staining her cheeks. As long as it stays up.
We pass an unspoken conversation between each other, frozen and unwilling to move.
Did you just—?
I did.
I manage to exhale. “You’re right.”
There’s a moment of shock on her face before I hold her and lean forward. It happens so quick that I don’t register what she tastes like before I realize that I’m clamping my hands on her biceps, two bent rods leaning on each other.
“That was awful,” I say.
“No, it’s—” she laughs.
“I always thought it’d go different.”
Well, I’ve run out of words. “I guess.” When I let her go, she reaches for my chest and lifts onto her toes, kissing me back but with care and intention this time, filling my lips with hers. They taste like Aqua, smell like her shampoo. They’re softer than her hands and face, sweet enough for me to want more. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with my hands until I settle them in the sway of her back. I let her take the lead, take another kiss, tug at my neck. She trembles from the frozen touch of my skin and from the hold of my hands on her body. My muscles are getting warm, too warm but I like it and I think she knows. Earlier this morning, I held her this close, but this is closer. It’s easy and difficult at the same time. 
Then I remember and pull away. “Ven is listening to us.”
There’s a bump on the door as it’s pushed when he kicks himself off, heavy footsteps running down the hall. 
Aqua looks like she’s touched feces. “Ven!”
I follow her, wondering if she’s going to summon her Keyblade but that’s because of how fast she’s walking, like she has a mission, no Heartless left standing. We turn a corner, down a hall of antique vases and ancient cupboards carved from our first masters. Wood creaks nearby. 
She holds her palm up like she’s holding a chalice, and flames lick the cupboard closest to us until it rattles and spits Ven out. He scrambles onto his feet and brandishes his finger, testing our distance as if he’d poke us in a duel. 
“I still have my last question and it’s in your best interest not to threaten me.”
“Oh really? Tell me again how you’re going to protect yourself when you sleep,” she says.
He grounds himself before giving his performance of, “Do you want to see Terra naked?”
Aqua trembles from her head to her knees, her cheeks blotting a strong shot of red. She throttles forward and cups both of her hands onto her mouth like she’s going to sneeze. What sounds like a loud goose honk blows out as the answer. 
“That was awesome.” Ven slaps his thigh, turning on his heel and leaving a trail of giggles. 
I’m scared to say anything, in case she honks at me. So I wait. There’s just no way to make myself seem small, or leave without disturbing her. Maybe if I hold my breath, she’d feel like she has privacy. She’s panting, giving me side glances but never looking directly at me, that nose of hers wilting towards the floor. 
I open my mouth to say something—
She growls and I clutch my lips together. Aqua pulls her Gummiphone out of her pocket, jabbing a message.
Mine rings. 
Let’s find a potion that dyes his hair pink
 She clears her throat, before flipping it over and typing again.
Don’t tell him it was my idea
 “Okay,” I say, testing the word. Even though I soften it, it still bangs like a gong. I don’t know what else to do except smile at her. She grimaces back, no doubt the last several words spoken still ringing in her ears, just as they do in mine. I even hesitate when I hold her elbow—would it ever be the same, or will every touch mean something different? I don’t voice those questions. 
She moves by reflex: first to flinch, then to hold me by my elbow, mirroring me, which isn’t the most comfortable position. She follows my forearm to my hand, knitting our fingers together, and we stand there, adjusting how they fit. Mine are long and thick, dwarfing and burying hers, an oversized pouch for a gem. They fit perfectly, I think. 
“We can find something better,” I say, looking for anything to distract her. “There’s also those books to read, and the robe to fix. The brownies you’re making—”
“It’s supposed to be cinnamon bread,” she mumbles.
Yech. “Nothing I’d eat anyway.”
Her chuckle is partial, contorted and pressed. 
“I can make some beef jerky for everyone. Spice it up,” I say. She hides an amused whimper behind her hand and massages her cheek. “We don’t have to talk about anything you don’t want to.” 
She nods, offering me a relieved but crooked smile. 
I don’t know if we should walk the castle hand in hand, so I splay it between her shoulder blades and lead the way. We walk in silence, and I’m okay with that if it helps her. No questions, her head up high like everything is back to normal. We steal glances and do a terrible job at hiding our giggles behind small talk, which is botched and jittery anyway, but there’s not much to say without asking, So… how old were you when you realized?
One of these nights, I’ll tell her I’d like to see her naked, too, when the time is right and the truth comes easier.
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nurseofren · 4 years
Request pls 🥺 Philip Altman waking up the reader by jerking off on top of her? Thank you 🥵🥵🥵
Warnings: PIV sex, fingerfucking, mutual masturbation, cream pie, cum eating, fluff at the end but not really. I spelled his name wrong throughout this entire thing, though I swore it had only one L. Smh endure lmao I’m not fixing it.
ST Rambles: I love this man. He is such an idiot. But a hot one. I have another request for shower sex w Philip and I’m v excited!
A constant pattern of sound took you from sleep, your eyes fluttering open and shutting in rejection when you glimpsed the bright green numbers on the alarm clock. It was a little past three in the morning. 
You flopped a languid hand beside you, in search of Philip. He was usually passed out cold at this time, but he was gone. 
“Philip?” Words grated against your groggy throat.
A louder noise - tense, breathy, and needy - woke you up further. Blinking hard one more time and spinning your head forward, you found your boyfriend in all his glory. No clothes. Flushed cheeks. Parted lips. Desperate eyes targeting your chest.
He was heaving over you, broad shoulders flexing fluidly in the shadowed room. Light glinted off his teeth when his lips pulled back into dark smirk, eyes staying put. A choppy collection of hair obstructed some of his forehead, sweat tinging the ends. 
A second longer and you felt the warm presence of a hand kneading your breast. You looked down and Philip pinched your nipple until your eyes snapped up to his.
“Wanna join me?” His tongue swiped out over his bottom lip as his eyes drifted down toward somewhere you hadn’t looked, though you’d suspected.
Mouth drying and cunt throbbing, you crawled up on your elbows and looked to find two massive, flexing thighs framing your legs. In their center was the flushed flesh of the enormous cock you held a claim on. Philip’s hand was furious, the hand on your chest partially keeping balance as he leaned forward and stroked himself over you. 
He’d already removed the sheets which once shielded you, the cold air barely apparent while he bathed you in his body heat. Watching him for a moment, seeing precum form and gather and glide down his shaft while he worked himself masterfully, you felt your walls flutter with need. Desire stuck hot and thick in your throat. You needed him inside you, wanted to feel his cum fill you just as much as you wanted to feel it drip out.
“Fucking Christ, Altman.” It was a moan. Yearning and whiny.
Philip’s hand landed heavy next to your head when he brought his face right to yours. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Long fingers scooped the back of your skull and pulled your head up, his lips crushing yours while waves of quick, huffed breaths washed over your cheeks. You swiveled your hips up to prompt his down, feeling his cockhead slide between your folds easily. You were wet, so ready to take him at any given moment.
“Mm, such a slut. You even want me in your sleep, don’t you?”
Teeth catching his bottom lip, you bit until he grunted. “Hm, maybe, but I at least keep it to myself.” 
A laugh chimed between the two of you. Philip guided himself over your entrance and pushed the tip just barely inside. A sharp gasp left you. You wanted him more than you’d thought.
“Rub your clit, I’m not taking my time.”
“If you can even make me cum to begin with.”
A frenzy flashed in his eyes when his hand grabbed around your throat and compressed your arteries. While he did this he slammed into you, a merciless movement so your entrance stung in pain before it could set in pleasure at his fullness.
“Oh, so is this a challenge?” 
After a few seconds he permitted your blood flow, a head rush quickly booming in your ears, body settling into his presence. He was impossibly big, every time he fucked you, you could hardly believe his size. It felt like it was choking you, and partially it was; a sputter of moans croaked onto his neck in response to his unrivaled cock. 
“No. No. No challenge.” You really just wanted him to fuck you back to sleep, wanted to revel in how he felt. “Philip, baby--” you laved up his pulse and teethed at his lobe “--fuck me breathless. Simple. That’s what I want.”
Philip could never resist when you called him pet names, or when you neared anywhere close to his ears. He was instant putty in your hands, picking a pace and building from there. First he was slow, letting you feel all of him, allowing himself to slide into your wet cunt until his balls met the heated flesh. Quickly, though, as you were both impatient, he began a steady, punishing pace.
The sound of slapping skin fell in line with his thrusts, squelches adding a sense of urgency as you swiped over your clit and aided him in constructing your orgasm. Both his forearms were at either side of your head now, his fingers knotted in your hair as he kept his lips on yours, his tongue swiping sparks over your own.
He laughed to himself while he continued pressing sloppy kisses into your lips. “You’re close.” It was a sing-song tone.
“Shut up for once in your life.” He was right, and your panted words proved that.
He shook his head against yours. Your free hand plunged red streaks down his back, biting into the flexed flesh and earning moans with each trail. There was a slight skip in his pace.
“Hm, you’re closer, though.”
“Alright, so this is a challenge.” Philip pulled completely out of you, sitting back on his knees and robbing you of warmth and fullness.
“What the fuck?” You rested back up to your elbows and stared at him while frustration bloomed below your waist.
“Keep touching your clit.” His eyes had darkened.
“And if I don’t?”
“Stop being such a brat and listen for once in your life.” He was no longer playful like before. Command obvious in his words.
Narrowed eyes peered back at each other, his brow raising as to question if you really wanted to test him. Rolling your eyes, you did as he said, pressing a pattern of swipes into the raised flesh, fire burning deep in your belly. Philip watched you pleasure yourself with hungry eyes.
Too quick for you to protest, not that you would’ve, he plunged three fingers into your core.
“Oh my God! Philip!” The sudden intrusion catapulted you towards release, leaving heat to form fast and fester as you continued over your clit.
He drew back and hooked his digits so they worked your g-spot. A stutter of whines came, your cheeks on fire and your thighs quaking.
“So, I can’t make you cum, hm?” He kept stoking himself, a fast hand gripping around his aching cock. His whole chest had turned red, his cheeks obvious even in the darkness. 
“I nev- never said that,” a grimace formed as you felt the first flickers of an orgasmic flood coming, “Philip, please!”
A drop of sweat formed and fell from the tip of his nose and onto your inner thigh. The tiny sensation felt enormous in the presence of an impending climax. Keeping focus on the fist over his cock, translating its speed into the finger tips over your clit, you felt a crest of bliss glitter over your skull.
As a moan pushed past gritted teeth, you looked into his eyes to find he was already searching your own, his face tight in its own contortion of potentiating pleasure.
“Cum. Now.” 
Spit sprayed past his teeth and onto your exposed skin, your body obeying without objection. You jumped willfully into release, letting your pussy clench around his fingers, thanking the heavens he kept them there, swiping over your clit even while you were in the throes of and basking in pleasure.
Philip grunted, hand still bludgeoning his erection until you felt the familiar hot, sticky presence of his cum collect and drip down your folds.
You felt a quick pressure over your entrance, the feeling drawing a mewl in your state of recovery. Philip had a point to prove, and you knew which one it was, already having your mouth open to receive his seed.
He pressed heavy fingers onto your tongue, your lips forming a seal around the salt-covered flesh and sucking him clean, laving between them and biting at his knuckles when you were done. Dazed eyes looked up at him, a sated hand catching onto his wrist and pressing the palm of his hand onto your chest.
He swam in your gaze a little longer, eyes peering down your sweat-lit body and then to the alarm clock. His eye twitched before he settled in next to you, nuzzling into your neck and pulling your waist into his hips.
He hummed, pressing gentle pecks along back of your neck, a hand settling between your breasts and gripping onto the one nearest to him. You lined your fingers up with his grip, swiping your thumb over his own.
“I win,” he breathed.
You bit back a smile, basking in his warmth and twisting your hips into his, knowing exactly what you were doing.
I win, you thought. I always win when I’m with you.
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meyhew · 3 years
i think a lot of people in 1d fandom (or its subfactions) sit on a high horse and they really need to get off of it. 
since i’m technically a larrie, i’ll start with my own kind first so u dont think im attacking any one person or group. some larries are... fucking annoying. i see some things that make me roll my eyes hard enough to hurt. like not everything is abt larry! not Everything is some secret ploy to hurt harry & louis. some larries are invasive. they don’t know what boundaries are and they think they can do and say whatever they want to whomever they want, just because they’re right about harry & louis being in a relationship. maybe it’s more of a thing on other apps but they’ll start talking abt larry with literally anyone and then act like Not knowing abt it is somehow wrong. some larries won’t talk to ppl who aren’t larries because they genuinely think that not being a larrie somehow makes u a bad person or a stupid person, regardless of whether or not ur a fan of harry or louis. being a larrie is not a prerequisite for loving and supporting harry and/or louis. people can be good even if they dislike harry or louis. people can be good even if they dont think larry is real. you’re not automatically better or smarter bc u see something that someone else doesn’t. i’m friends with ppl who are larries and ppl who were formerly larries and ppl who don’t care one way or the way and they’re all... sound people. hate to break it to u but being a larrie isn’t actually a personality trait. like.. it just isn’t. none of this means anything off the internet 
ex larries/houies... 💆🏽‍♀️ i know i’ll probably sound biasesdbc i’m a larrie and all but yall need to get over ur superiority complexes and do it fast. it’s fine if u dont think hl are together anymore or if u’ve decided they were never together, but the way some of yall belittle people for being larries when u were saying and doing the same things 2 weeks ago is... quite hypocritical! change and growth are okay, theyre natural, but why do some many ex larries become so goddamn bitter about everything? what’s it to you if someone is analysing a song a certain way or looking into the meaning of xyz? what effect does that have on ur life? block, mute, blacklist the words and topics u dont want to see and move on with ur life. they say larries are annoying and obsessive (and yeah some of them are) but then they’ll be providing nonstop commentary on things larries did or said. like do you... not have any self awareness? u get annoyed when larries speculate about harry & louis being together bc “theyre real grown men” and it’s weird to pay so much attention to someone else’s relationship but then ur all caught up on whatever other drama is going on regarding the ppl ur entertained by? how is that any different than larries keeping up with something that has kept them occupied for almost 10 years? when harry & louis themselves engaged in that behavior? get it together 
antis/hets are an entirely different thing. i dont rlly have many strong opinions about them bc like... they never bought into the larry thing. they’ve believed whatever they were told Officially so there’s no reason to get worked up about them not liking larry or larries. they’ll see harry standing next to any blonde haired blue eyed white woman and construct an elaborate love story. the “anyone but louis” group will ship harry with any man they want because that’s ok but when larries say harry’s in a relationship with louis, only then does it become a personal topic. only then is it insensitive and invasive to talk about harry’s love life. 
none of this is news to anyone i know yall have enough braincells to know this without me spelling it out so im just saying... cut it out lmao. if u dont like larry/larries, thats fine just stay away from them. wash them out of ur timelines. if u dont like anti/houies/whatever, thats fine too just blacklist whatever ppl they talk abt and mind ur business. yall get so worked up about being “right” and will go on and on and ON about xyz being annoying instead of moving on and minding ur own business even tho u swear up and down that u dont care abt what x person has to say. either u genuinely do not care and u do not get hot and bothered abt shit OR u do pay attention and u do care what x person is saying. and its ok to admit that lmao. growing out of interests is natural and normal and often a sign of growth but acting like you’ve seen the light or whatever the fuck else isn’t... growth. having a superiority complex isn’t growth it’s just annoying and belittling to others 
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