#live laugh love nick nack
knorrentitiez · 1 year
It's the man... THE GA- yeah look it's him
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I love him sm I cannot express that enough :D more art to come, I'm just making sure I have enough to feed the small amount of people following me :]
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fanfic-gallery · 18 days
manger's random tots #8 [ NSFW MDNI ]
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|| cw (dead dove) : implications of stalking, spying
» manager's note: with the trending of the milkman over all my social media nowadays, i've decided not to hop on this train- but instead, write about some other type of pretty boy with a low paying profession (no, this is not a 'that's not my neigbour' fic, thank you) hope you guys enjoy...? (i had the idea him being an oc in mind but you can slap whatever character you want <3)
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the neighbourhood mailman; absolute sweetheart, can do no wrong- sometimes giving away small little treats and nick-nacks along side the letters, pulling off light tricks and pranks to gargle a laugh or two, trying to brighten people's days.
yet, most don't seem too kind about his selfless gestures; impatient and grumpy bastards telling him off, yelling at him to knock it off with his piercing bike bell and 'nice guy' act.
on days like those, the only thing that seemed to be his light at the end of the tunnel, after gurgitating hours of cycling about under pretty harsh weathers, being chased off walk-way after walk-way... was you, his last patron of each day.
you weren't one of the first few in his delivery route; yet, you barely lived far down, so why is it that you were always his last? "...don't know... your letters always seemed to be at the bottom of the pile~" is what he claims; when in truth, he just wishes to spend the rest of his late-evening chatting your ear off with fun little misadventures he had during the past week.
he felt... cherished for once in his life; not someone needing to deal with the sour attitudes of people when they're all huffy or some boy-toy, taking his acts of service as an invitation to go running their hands all over him. he loved how he could play around, joke and complain without having the need to refrain himself. he felt... alive.
so it was to no one's surprise that he developed a massive crush on you; always giving you a little extra compared to the other townsfolk. full length handwritten letters, extra savings of candy and snacks he's been distributing that day, that box of pastries you seemed to have been eyeing up for the last few days or that prize you didn't manage to win during on one of your latest trips to the arcade.
seems light-hearted enough, right? if only you knew what other little treats he placed within your regular delivery... envelopes holding typed-letters; pouring his love for you over the many, many pages... each line, each paragraph... sometimes even rambling off into tangents- tangents of what he had been dreaming to do to you since day one... since the day you noticed his pains and took upon yourself to heal him back up.
yet, these sick fantasizes, these twisted thoughts on paper- you never blamed him for it, why would you went the initials signing off the letters eerily matched the creep that lived a few houses down from yours, who always seemed to have brought themselves false hope in charming you even after you said no.
no... you would never blame the innocent, naive mailman who's barely paid enough to suffer from verbal abuse every day of his life; barely having the funds to keep a himself together; yet, still cherished the happiness of others over his own.
maybe that's why you always seemed to accept his 'lustrous' gifts, especially that medium-sized stuffed bunny he so graciously sewed for you for valentine's to rid you of your loneliness. its soft yet limp body still laying on your bed, oblivious of the shine behind its dull black spheric eyes.
"...hah... hah...~" lustful eyes smiling as his flushed features melted against the monochrome screen he's stuck himself to, body trembling with each stroke of his throbbing cock, relishing in the soft breaths as you slept, spurring more pre to drip down his plush thighs, drenching the ground beneath his cheap desk chair. "...soon... soon, my love... i'll tell you the truth..."
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brummiereader · 1 year
Hi everyone, this is my first time posting and my first time writing a fanfic. But here I am, inspired to write something after reading so many amazing Peaky Blinders fics on here. This is a bit of an out there story, think Peaky Blinders meets time travel, supernatural themes, the modern world, gypsy magic and very unusual circumstances to the start of a relationship. A quick thank you again to @cillmequick for proof reading my story and giving me the courage to post it.
A Ghost Of A Man (PART ONE)
Summary: Reader discovers a curious looking folder full of information on a Small Heath gang from the 1900's. After digging for more information she encounters someone or something in an abandoned building.
Warnings: Language, supernatural themes
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Growing up close to Birmingham you had always felt drawn to the famous west midlands city. So drawn to it that you decided to enrol in the history course Birmingham University had to offer. You had a passion in particular for local history and books, you knew so much about the city, and one day you hoped to work in its biggest library. But it was not only history you had a passion for but also antiques. You would often visit small antique shops around the city, certain objects catching your eye, taking them home, then spending countless hours researching the object trying to find out the history behind it. You had quite the collection of items now, taking up the majority of space in your flat that you shared with your friend. Your friend Louise was also a student in history, you met Fresher's week at Uni, and after getting along so well you both decided to ditch student accommodation and rent out a flat together in and old house just outside Birmingham city center. You called it a flat because you didn't know what else to call it. It was more of a converted attic in an old house, the ceilings were low and the floorboards creaked no matter where you stepped but it was worth it, worth it for the vast view of old rooftops with their decaying chimneys, and the remnants of buildings from Birmingham's industrial past that seemed to go on as far as the eye could see. You would often find yourself sitting in the large armchair that occupied the spot next to the small round window in your bedroom, gazing out at the bricked buildings you wondered what life was truly like a hundred years ago in this city. You would get so lost in your thoughts looking out the window that you would often get this overwhelming feeling like you were not supposed to be here, you were living a life that was yours but in the wrong era, it was overpowering at times. You always put it down to your passion for the past and your longing to experience life in a different time. But was it?
It was Sunday, a day you enjoyed the most. Why? Because it was the day you would drag your friend to the antique markets. She loved history but was baffled why a 20 something year old girl would love old dusty smelly objects that in her opinion were better of in the bin.
"Come on Louise, please?"
"Jesus Y/N, don't you have enough old crap?"
" Erh no never...plus I have been waiting for this particular antique fair all year, everyone's hyped for it"
"Hyped for it? Do 70 plus year olds get hyped for things?" Your friend asked with a laugh.
" I'll have you know there are plenty of younger people that go to these markets, it's quite boujee nowadays to decorate your place with little antique nick nacks here and there"
" Boujee" She laughed "fine but you owe me a coffee and the biggest slice of cake available. Why is this one so special compared to the hundreds of others we go to every year?" She said trying to hide her laugh.
" Well...this antique fair will probably never happen again, its only antiques collected from one particular area of Birmingham, Small Heath"
You saw the flyer for the event on your way to Uni one day. After checking online for more information you knew you couldn't miss it, it was a one off event. Apparently the building everything had been stored in for over a hundred years had been brought by property developers and they wanted to get rid of it all, and quickly. The collection was supposed to be sold off to a museum but when the museum decided they no longer wanted to buy the lot of items it was left to collect dust, now everything had to go. Online it stated that there would be all sorts of items from local businesses to household items, clothes, jewelry, books, old newspapers, documents and furniture. You had to go.
Living in Sparkhill not far from Small Heath you decided to take public transport. After a short bus ride you made it to the antique fair. It was already pretty busy and much to your friends amusement you was indeed the only ones attending that weren't over the age of 60.
" Don't say anything" you mumbled to her.
" Are you sure your not from a different century? " She laughed.
Rolling your eyes grumbling to yourself you started to browse the tables. You was amazed at how well preserved everything was. There was everything you could think of for sale, a lot of it out of your price range but you couldn't help but lose yourself looking through it all.
" Y/N, come look at this old pub stuff" your friend called over.
" The Garrison? Do you think that was the name of the pub" you said looking at a large wooden plaque with the name written across it.
" Must be... Ooh! look at these old whiskey glasses, how much are these? She asked the man behind the table.
" For a set of four, 10 quid love"
" You don't even drink whiskey" you leaned into her and whispered.
"I'll take them. She nodded to to the seller. " Well I can put some Bailey's in them, that's close enough right?"
Shaking your head laughing you wandered off to the next stall. Bending down looking into a box you saw some old documents in a paper folder tied together with a red string "The Peaky Blinders ".
" Can I open this ?" you asked the woman.
" Go ahead darling" she nodded.
Opening it up you came across newspaper articles, business documents, police reports and one name In particular that kept popping up, Thomas Shelby. Quickly skimming over an article It talked about a razor gang called the Peaky Blinders based in Small Heath and the leader of that gang was one Mr Thomas Shelby. You were intrigued.
" How much for everything?" You asked.
" For you my lovely 20 pound"
A little pricey you thought, considering you could probably find all this information for free at the Sparkhill library you worked part time at but these were the original documents and newspaper clippings so you decided to go ahead and buy them.
"What did you find?" your friend asked while looking through some old books.
" This old folder about a razor gang that used to operate around here in the early 20th century"
" Riveting" She laughed.
" Ha.ha, I thought it would be a good idea for our latest Uni assignment"
" When our lecturer told us to pick a prominent figure that helped in the building of Birmingham's industrial and economical past I don't think he ment a razor gang Y/N" she laughed.
" It's still interesting though, could be a different take on the assignment? From what I have read so far this Thomas Shelby sounds like a dangerous man"
" I guess it is, if you like bad boys right?" She giggled linking arms with you as you both continued to look through the stalls.
"Wow Louise look at this necklace" you said as you beckoned your friend over with your hand.
"That's beautiful Y/N, you should get it"
The necklace itself was a small gold locket, turning it over there was the engraved initials M.S.
"I wonder who M.S was?" You asked your friend.
"Don't know" she said brushing her thumb over the engraving" but I'm sure with your research skills you will find out"
You continued to look at the locket, you tried opening it but it appeared to be jammed. Just as you was examining the locket for any damage an older lady appeared next to you. Her hands were adorned with rings and she had a curious looking necklace hanging around her neck, noticing you looking at it she spoke to you.
"It's the black Madonna" she said pressing the palm of her hand on it smiling to you. "It keeps me safe".
"It's beautifull, I've never seen anything like it" you said looking at her. She looked familiar, but you couldn't figure out where you had seen her before.
"You should get that" she said putting a friendly hand on your arm.
"Sorry?" You replied confused.
"The gold locket" she said opening your clasped hand around it. "It belongs with you" she said as she closed your hand around it again.
"I'm sorry, have I met you before? You look so familiar" you said as her piercing blue eyes looked deep into yours.
Shaking her head she smiled sweetly. "Maybe we knew eachother in another life"
Smiling back you opened your hand and looked at the locket nestled in your palm. She was right it did feel like it belonged to you, you couldn't explain it, you was drawn to it.
"I think I will get it" you said to the seller.
Turning to face the old lady, she was still looking at you, when you noticed a small tear in the corner of her eye.
"Thank you for convincing me, I'll treasure it" you said, slightly worried that you had upset this dear old lady somehow.
Patting your arm she turned and walked away giving you one last endearing smile.
"Who was that?" Asked your friend
" I don't know, but I feel like I know her from somewhere" you said your eyes following her as she disappeared through the market.
You continued looking through the antique fair for another hour, nothing else catching your eye you both decided to go have some lunch.
A few hours later you arrived back home. Going straight to your bedroom, you looked at your new locket and decided to try it on. It sat perfectly in the middle of your chest, you smiled at yourself in the mirror slightly adjusting it to make it straight. Sitting on your bed you opened up the folder you brought and started to read through everything.
How had you never heard of this gang? You thought to yourself. You knew almost everything about Birmingham's past. These documents looked official though, like someone was collecting information on them. Maybe they were never ment to be seen by anyone. Which begged the question how did they end up in a box at an antique fair? Feeling tired and overwhelmed with information you closed the folder deciding to research through the archives at work tomorrow.
The next day at work on your break you logged onto your computer. Clicking on archives you started typing key words into the search bar. Peaky Blinders, Birmingham razor gang, Shelby family, Small heath gang, Watery lane betting shop, Shelby company limited, Thomas Shelby. But nothing, nothing came up. One last go you thought to yourself, and you typed T.Shelby. There was one link, a death certificate. Clicking on it, you realised it was a death certificate for Thomas Michael Shelby born January 1890 death February 1922 Small Heath, Birmingham. It didn't state how he died, but mentally calculating his birth date and death date you realised he died pretty young. You was so intrigued by this gang, if you was going to use them for your assignment you needed to know more. Slightly frustrated with the lack of anymore information, you decided to dig deeper.
"Janette?" You said calling over to your boss." Will you do me a huge favour?" You said with pleading eyes.
"What do you need now?" she said as she crossed her arms with a slight chuckle.
"Can I have access to the Birmingham Journal newspaper archives"
"What year?"
"We should have them upstairs in the storage room, but first things first are you going to tell me what your looking for?" your boss asked curiously.
"I'm doing research on this gang for Uni, the leader Thomas Shelby died in 1922 but on his death certificate it doesn't say how, don't you find that weird?"
"It's not that unusual, if he was part of a gang the authorities would have probably tried to cover it up, I mean I wouldn't be surprised if the police were on his payroll" she laughed raising her eyebrows. "Go on then, just be careful those books are very old, we really need to photocopy them onto the online database, I've told Richard plenty of tim..." She trailed off as she walked away still talking to herself.
Up in the storage room you was losing hope, you had already gone through two very large books filled with news articles from 1922. Pulling out the the third book from the shelf you let out a big sigh. Turning to the first page the article talked about an Italian gang and a man called Darby Sabini "wrong gang" you huffed. Ten pages later at the bottom corner of a newspaper was a short article. " Birmingham gang leader from small heath killed by rival gang". This has to be it you thought. It didn't specify it was the Peaky Blinders gang, but how many other gangs could there have been in Small Heath? It stated that... "The leader of the notorious Small Heath gang had been beaten within an inch of his life in an alleyway by a rumoured rival Italian gang, and was later found dead slumped in his office chair". You sat back in your chair sighing "Jesus Christ, what a way to go" you said aloud. He must have made his way back to his office, and died right there at his desk you thought. Curious you decided to find out where his office was located. After a few minutes of searching you found it on the online property census under the name "T.S Offices". It was close to the city center not far from Small Health. Checking the bus route online you realised the bus to his office passed right by Watery Lane.
Looking up at the clock, only 10 minutes left untill the library closes you said to yourself. Tapping your pen on the desk, fiddling with your new gold locket you was getting agitated, was you really going to do this? It was a pretty morbid thing to do, visiting the place where someone had died, but you had invested so much time into knowing about this man's life. You knew who his family was, that he served in the first world war, that he had an illegal betting shop heck you even knew where he brought his suits from, although you questioned if he actually brought them. You had read everything in that folder you found at the antique fair, tried to find anything on the online databases, you needed a conclusion to his story.
Finally it was five o'clock, packing up your things and turning off the front desk computer you hurried out the library waving goodbye to your colleagues. Walking to take the bus it finally occured to you that the office building was probably no longer there or had been converted into a block of flats. Stopping you started to turn around away from the bus stop, this was stupid, what was you doing you thought to yourself. Then you stoped again walking back to the bus stop then turning around again you walked away, you must have looked like a mad woman to anybody passing by. With a huge huff you psyched yourself up and headed back to the bus stop just in time for the bus. After a ten minute ride you arrived at your stop.
" Excuse me, excuse me!" You waved over to an elderly man on the opposite side of the road.
" I'm trying to find the old T.S offices? "
" Just around the corner love" he pointed to his right
" Thanks" you shouted back heading in that direction.
Turning the corner, you was now on a long road, each side of you were tall red bricked buildings. The direction to Thomas Shelby's office was down that very same street and then as you turn the corner on the left hand side it should be there. Walking down the street a strange feeling came over you, you thought about turning back until you came to the end of the road and saw it. It was still there, the building was still there, you couldn't believe it. It looked completely abandoned, a few windows smashed in and tall metal gates surrounding it with a sign saying "Keep out. Private property". Without even thinking you opened the bottom of the two metal gates being held together with a large metal chain and padlock and slid between them. It was pretty obvious others had been here before, a few beer bottles lying on the grass and some graffiti on the large wooden front door. You pushed with as much force as you could and opened the door. Stumbling in you first came across a large wooden staircase, on your left was an empty room so you decided to head up stairs. As you got to the top the first thing you noticed was that there was still some old furniture, desks facing opposite eachother, one even having an old type writer still on it. Paper was scattered all over the old floorboards and the paint on the walls was chipped and falling off. Picking up one of the papers it read at the top "Shelby Company Limited", you was definitely in the right place.
At the end of the room was a large door, that had to be his office you thought. Making your way over to the door that uneasy feeling started to creep up again, swallowing it down you opened the door. Inside was a large wooden desk and chair, walking over to the desk you brushed your fingers along the back of the leather chair. "Jesus Christ, it's cold In here" you whispered closing your cardigan around you. The windows were not broken in here though, why was it so cold? It was mid January, but wasn't a particularly cold day. Standing facing the window you exhaled out a breath of condensation. Rubbing your arms trying to warm yourself up, you looked down and noticed another piece of paper, it looked like a letter and was signed in hand "Thomas Shelby". Picking it up you sighed " So this is where you took your final breath Thomas Shelby".
Folding up the paper and putting it in your pocket you started to smell something strange a mix of tobacco and what you thought was whiskey. What the fuck you thought to yourself. Then you realised...shit, your not alone. You hadn't turned around from the window since picking up the letter, and you knew that when you would, you'd come face to face with the other person in this room. Slowly turning around your eyes on the floor, with your hands raised up shaking you spoke "I'm sorry...i'm sorry, I kno...know I shouldn't be in here". Your eyes still on the floor you was now facing the doorway, slowly lifting your gaze you noticed two black boots stood in-between the door frame, a long black coat resting against each side of the figures legs. As your eyes moved up you noticed the dark figures hands in their trouser pockets and a gold pocket watch chain attached to their waistcoat. Shaking you finally looked straight ahead of you, and there was a man with a lit cigarette in his mouth and a peaked cap shadowing his face. As he looked up his pale almost sickly white face came into your vision, a look of pure anger and malice spread across his face. His piercing pale blue eyes stared deep into yours, until in a dark deep husky voice he spoke...
"Who the fuck are you?"
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Celebrity Next Door - Chapter 15
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Pairings: Jensen Ackles & Reader (Read as first person!)
Series Summary: Moving to a new location is difficult but living next to somebody you’d never expect to meet, and catching feelings? That’s damn near impossible to comprehend.
Chapter Summary: Finally home, to introduce my new family to our new family.
Warnings: Plain fluff and goodness!
Series Masterlist here! Main masterlist here!
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New York City. The city of dreams. The city that never sleeps. The big apple.
Usually, when you move to New York, at least one of these nicknames becomes the way you describe where you live. You hear it all the time, different names being thrown around, loads of excited people touring the streets, flashes of photography everywhere. New York was a dream, I’ll admit that, but for me New York was the place where I grew up, it wasn’t who I am anymore.
When I left home, I was a quiet, nervous and reserved person. I blended in with the people, I stayed smart and safe, stayed out of trouble and didn’t risk my life for anything or anybody.
Here I am returning home a completely different person, risking it all for a man I loved more than anything, along with his two kids that I’ve adopted in my heart. I didn’t recgonize myself anymore, and I was grateful.
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Traveling went better than I expected, everybody was excited and happy, the airport filled with laughter and joy as soon as we landed. I will admit, i was scared that Katie and Kevin didn’t want to go to a new city to meet the parents of their dad’s girlfriend, well- mainly Kevin, but after he realized he was going to be able to see Times Square for the first time (surprisingly), he was overjoyed.
We walked through the airport together, hand in hand like a regular lovely family, something I definitely wasn’t used to but I loved more than anything. Jensen walked us to a couple seats and sat down, getting the kids comfortable so i could call my dad and tell him we arrived.
Yes, it was supposed to be a surprise but I realized that I was bringing three people they’ve never met to their house, announcing that I’m moving to Texas and oh yeah don’t forget the fact that my boyfriend is a damn celebrity. It was a lot at once and I didn’t want to overwhelm them. 
I was about to press dial when Jensen approached me, hand on my arm. “I should get your family something, shouldn’t I?”
I laughed and shook my head, “You don’t need to get them anything Jensen.”
His eyebrows furrowed as if he was in deep thought, “But I should, right? I mean we are meeting them for the first time and they are nice enough to make room for all of us, I should.”
I knew my family wouldn’t expect anything, they were selfless like I am, but I also knew Jensen was more nervous and shy than he allowed others to see, getting my family gifts was more about him than it was about them. I smiled and pulled him close, “I think that’s a great idea.”
He smiled and took a breath of relief before turning towards the kids, quickly stopping to face me once again, “What do they like?”
I couldn’t help but laugh, “Well Christina loves candy, she has a really strong sweet tooth plus it’s her go to comfort snack. Sarah loves little nick-nacks, mainly things that are unique or aesthetic like mushrooms and unicorns. My dad loves sports, football mainly, and whiskey. He's not much of a drinker but he puts the bottles in his bar that he has in the basement. My mom loves flowers, cooking and reading. She’s your typical mom.”
He thought for a moment and nodded, “Okay. Meet us over there when you're done?”
I nodded in response and walked towards the wall as I called my dad. It didn’t take long, he was already on his way and was excited to meet everybody. The closer we got, the more I couldn’t wait.
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I stood outside of the gift shop and watched Jensen run around, trying to pick out the perfect present for everybody. A smile erupted on my face as I watched Kevin and Katie try to help, pointing out different items that they thought were cool. I debated on going inside, but I knew Jensen needed his time, he needed to do this on his own so that he felt validated, like he was doing something kind and thoughtful, which he was.
After a few more minutes, Katie and Kevin ran out, Jensen quickly following with three large bags. My eyes widened and I laughed lightly, “Whoa, that’s a lot. Did you find some good stuff?”
He shrugged nervously and smiled, “I know, it is. I think we found the perfect gifts for them, I hope they like it.”
I leaned closer and kissed his cheek. “They will love it, I’m sure of that.”
The smile on his face was priceless and my heart melted at how much he looked like a kid at christmas. He really did care, a lot.
“So, is your dad going to be here soon?” He questioned.
I nodded and grabbed Katie and Kevin’s hand, making our way to the entrance. “Yeah, he should be here shortly. You don’t need to call him Mr. L/N by the way, he prefers when people use his real name. My mom, you can always start by calling her our last name, she finds it respectful but she won’t admit it, and she will be quick to correct you to her real name if she likes you.”
He swallowed nervously. “Oh okay so I’ll find out right away if she likes me or not.”
I shook my head and laughed, grabbing his hand to squeeze it. “She’s going to love you Jensen.”
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My dad’s car barely pulled into the entrance before he jumped out, rushing over to give me one of his classic, yet suffocating dad hugs. I smiled wide and hugged him back, tears threatening to pour out. I never realized how much I missed him until now, until he was here.
“Hi dad! It’s so good to see you.”
He smiled back and nodded, a hint of tears filling his own eyes. “You too kiddo. So, introduce me to your lovely family, I’ve been dying to meet them.”
I turned towards Jensen and held back a laugh at how nervous he was, it’s adorable. “Dad, this is Jensen, and these are his two kids Katie and Kevin. Guys, this is my dad or you can call him Dan.”
Jensen stood straight and stepped closer, reaching his hand out, “Dan, it’s really nice to finally meet you, Y/N completely looks up to you.”
My dad smiled and nodded, clearly appreciating the words, “It’s nice to meet you too Jensen, and wow what beautiful kids you have! Are you guys ready to go? Marie has some presents for you all.”
“Dad, she didn’t need to do that.”
He blew air out of his mouth as he walked to the driver's seat while we put our luggage away and got inside. “You know mom, she loves to spoil, especially kids. Their our first grandbabies….” He froze and his eye’s reached Jensen’s in the rearview mirror, “If that’s okay to say, of course…”
Jensen smiled and nodded, “More than okay sir.”
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As soon as we pulled in, a smile erupted on my face. The place looked the exact same, surrounded with warmth and love.
I climbed out first and unbuckled Katie and Kevin, stepping back to let them get out. Jensen quickly climbed out after us, heading to the trunk to grab the luggage when my dad stopped him, “No no, you are guests, I’ll take your luggage in and you guys go ahead, everybody is excited to see you.”
Jensen frowned and looked towards me, causing a smile to appear, “He’s not going to take no for an answer Jensen, might as well accept it.”
He laughed lightly and nodded, “Fair, thank you Dan, that’s really kind of you.”
We started walking to the door slowly, excited yet nervous for the huge meet and greet that was about to happen. Jensen seemed a bit more relaxed than he did before, but now it was my turn to be anxious about how this was going to go.
Especially my sisters, when I told them who exactly I was bringing home, they didn’t hold back their squeals of excitement and comments about how hot he was, I hoped and prayed they could chill out when they finally meet him. 
I opened the door and let everybody step inside before i led them to the kitchen where my family usually is located. “Hello?” I spoke out as I entered the room.
“Y/N? Is that you? You’re here?” I heard my mom speak and tears threatened my eyes already. She came around the corner with a wide, warm smile and instantly pulled me tight into her. “Oh wow, look at you! You look so great!” she spoke honestly.
I smiled and hugged her back, “Thanks mama, you too!”
She let me go as her eyes darted behind me, towards the three figures standing by the doorway. I backed up and held Jensen’s hand in mine, “Mom, this is Jensen and his two amazing kids, Katie and Kevin.”
Jensen smiled and stepped forward, extending his hand towards her. She smiled and shook her head before coming in for a hug. He mouthed an “Oh” as he hugged her back, smiling ear to ear. “It’s so great to meet you Jensen honey, Y/N wouldn’t shut up about you when she called.”
My cheeks burned red and I shook my head, “Thanks mom.”
He chuckled, “It’s so great to meet you too Mrs. Y/L/N, I’ve also heard so many good things about you.”
She shook her head in response, “Please, call me Marie.”
Jensen smiled wide as she said her name, and I remembered how nervous he was to see if she liked him, and now it was clear she already did.
She turned her attention to the kids, “And you two, my goodness you're even cuter than I imagined. I have some presents for you in the room you're going to stay in, did you want to go up and see them?”
The kids nodded enthusiastically before looking towards their dad, Jensen quickly nodded an approval. Soon enough, we were left alone in the kitchen, quitness surrounding us. I turned towards Jensen and smiled, “Seems like it’s going well so far, how are you doing?”
He smirked and pulled me close for a hug, “It’s better than I thought, less nervous.”
“Wait till you meet my sisters, I’m worried about how they're going to react, they know who you are.”
He laughed, but before he could say anything the back porch door opened, my sisters coming inside and freezing when their eyes landed on him. I shot them a look that said, “Don’t freak out, seriously.” and they both smirked.
They ran towards us and suddenly my nightmare came true. Sarah grabbed her phone and started recording, Christina started yelling out, “Oh my god it’s Jensen Ackles!”
I was about to scream at them when they finally stopped and started laughing, “I’m sorry, we planned that ever since you told us not to freak out about your new boyfriend, we had to embarrass you.”
Jensen burst into laughter and shook my shoulder, “I like them already.”
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A few hours passed and things were going extremely well, katie and kevin finished supper and were playing upstairs, Mom bought Katie some new barbies and Kevin a new COD game that he was now playing on the Xbox we had here. 
All the adults were sitting in the living room, gathered around the fireplace. Jensen cleared his throat and walked towards the doorway, coming back with the two bags he brought. “Um, I bought you guys some gifts to say thank you for opening your home to us.”
My mom smiled warmly and shook her head, “Oh goodness Jensen, you didn’t need to do that, you guys are always welcome here.”
He shrugged his shoulders and started pulling items out, passing them to each family member. I watched how happy and excited he was, and it only made me love him 10x more. 
My mom was first to receive something, and my eyes widened at how thoughtful he was at choosing something so perfectly. He bought her a glass figurine of a Lily. She gasped and her smile was infection, the whole room joining. “Oh wow! This is so sweet, thank you Jensen!” She spoke, standing up to give him a tight hug.
He hugged her tight back before passing the next one to my dad, causing all of our jaws to drop. It was a bottle of whiskey, no big deal really except the fact that this was an extremely expensive one that ironically my dad had a poster of downstairs. He laughed and nodded, “You have great taste, this is awesome thank you Jensen!”
He kept passing out the items, receiving hugs after hugs and i swore his face must hurt from all the smiling he was doing. It made me so happy inside watching him like this, so free, so content. 
He really payed attention, sarah received a statute of a blue and yellow mushroom house nearly causing her to scream out, and Christina received I think a total of 10 bags of various candy that she was already shoving down her throat. 
My mom stood up and went to the kitchen to bring out some snacks and I followed to help. She smiled at me and nodded, “I love him.”
I laughed lightly and leaned close, “So do I mom, so do I.”
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Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for more chapters! Hit that like button, reblog and comment your thoughts! Feedback is my fuel <3
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akaashi-mybeloved · 7 months
Timeskip!Atsumu x Reader Fluff!!
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i love this man sm omg 😭😭
SakuAtsu next <3
request details here ❤️
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Watches scary movies like saw without flinching but cried at bambi
huuuugeee movie buff, insists on having movie nights like once a week if you can l, gets all kinds of snacks and stuff and fluffy blankets
if you two live tg, he deffo walks around shirtless all the time
loves stuffed animals!! he gets you loads on valentines day
absolutely adores valentines day, will write you the sweetest little card and get you your favourite flowers and chocolate, will even take a day off practice to spend time with you
cares alot about what Osamu thinks of you, when you met his family for the first time his Mom and Osamu told him about looadds of embarassing stories and what he was like in high school and middle school 😭😭❤️
genuinely terrified that his team would scare you off
the team met you not long after they met Akaashi, you and Akaashi became good friends after seeing eachother at their practices all the time
he would totally be way more gentle and sweet around you at practice, Sakusa was genuinely convinced he was either sick, insane or both.
'who are you and what have you done with Miya?'
almost threw hands with Suna when he laughed at a silly little nick nack you made him
very overprotective, if you even have a cold you best believe your in bed being treated like you have tuberculosis.
atleast you get some of Osamus famous soup 🥳
treats you like absolutely royalty
if you have long hair, he learnt how to plait it for you
will 100% banter with you, like this
when your togeather?
get ready for trouble and make it double :)
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sorry for the short post ! thnx for reading ❤️
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sarilolla · 2 years
Just found your au and love it. Curious, got any Nick nack headcanons from your au or for the canon game
Oh wow, thank you ^^ Sure, I can share some headcanons. This will be a fine mesh of my own story and the canon one (at least what I consider canon, some of it we have to ignore obviously)
- He was the least favorite of the gang on the show, the others usually stealing the spotlight, but when they were brought to life, the others cared for him just as much as each other (ignoring canon lol). Mortimer was slightly harsh with him in the beginning tho, but he got better
- The most emotional of the group, but also the one who knows his emotions the best. Wears his emotions on his sleeve
- Favorite artistic activity is painting and singing, he has a very good vocal range
- Sees Riley as his sister (sorta twin), we ignore canon here. They are rivals and frenemies, and the only ones who can keep up with each other’s projects. They usually ramble to each other about projects, vents about some struggles, or have playful arguments
- At times their relationship is really bad however, and it’s impossible to get them to even be in the same room as each other. Daisy has debated making a get-along sweater for them when this happens, but decided against it cuz she didn’t want things to get even worse
- He also made Riley her mask from the og game
- Adored cats! He would definitely like to have one of his own, and is very kind to strays that show up at the studio. He tends to give them names from different theatre productions and musicals
- Loves musicals, and the more macabre the better. If it has death in it, he’s interested. Two I can remember from the top of my head are Beetlejuice and Ride the Cyclone (he kins Noel from RtC /j). In my fanfic he usually listens to or watch them with Scout, who also really enjoys musicals
- Daddy issues, but that’s just canon skskdkdjjd While Owen did care for him, the others usually got more attention. This is partially because Nick’s puppeteer, Jake, didn’t want to do Nick how Owen envisioned him, and so there’s some bad blood there
- Gets to paint his room however he wants when he is living with Bee, so there’s always the faint smell of paint in the building, as he paints and repaints it
- Loves making jokes and puns, but can’t always tell when a laugh is genuine or not, so he tries to stay positive even if someone sounds fake
- He is the tallest of the puppets, no doubt in my mind, and relentlessly tease Riley for being the shortest of the main four Handeemen
- Wears both high heels and skirts at times, as he is an icon. He loves twirly skirts
- Enjoys tea, and hot cocoa, but absolutely despises coffee
Thank you for the ask!
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mysterybooks-world · 2 years
Spoilers warning
you know when played this game and watch SuperHorrorBro The Story Explained/// Honestly, the game was complicated and terrifying When I try to solve the puzzle BOOM Someone appears Nick and Riley and Daisy on our luck There is no Rosco But the story shocked me and SuperHorrorBro theories// But you know what's funny Riley theory It's Owen he didn't invent them She says they had ancestors and they evolution she will find the proof There were animals made of wood And then Riley said that she found the evidence (And finally, I found a brilliant scientist who proved that living, walking trees once existed!) (Owen : And who was this scientist) (Riley : Oh, you wouldn't know his name, you're not well read in the highly academic circles he's in) (Riley :But i sappose I'll hamor you, he's an ancient history expert whose published many volumes And his name is DR. tolkien ) (Owen Tolkien As in… Lord of Rings?) (Riley :You know his work?) (Owen : Laugh a lot and She is angry)
And guess what else makes me laugh Nick Nack said he hates it Riley Ruckus despite the fact he loves Riley And he hide a painting it has a drawing himself and Riley. But what interests me is SuperHorrorBro theories that Owen is stuck in a loop And Scout is A last weapon against Hello Puppets Mortimer. Scout is sparks positive side of Owen He named it after his worker friend her named Scout But she did not die and turn Puppet::: Scout the Puppet It was a reflection of her character
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I woke up and Dad Nack angst was in my mind but also fluff jsjsjdns
1. One of the ways Nick has bonded with his kiddos is through theater. Sometimes Nick gets his wife and friends to join him in productions. This has been occurring since Melody was young. It's a family tradition
2. One of Nick's favorite show memories is when Melody was unfaced on a magical forest production with his scary goblin makeup like the other kids. She was 3. So instead of shivering, this happened :
Nick: "Now give me the wizard's staff and I'll let you all live!"
Child actor 1:"N-no way!"
Nick :*roars scaring the kids but not Melody*
Melody :"Daddy!" *Hugs Nick happily*
(awkward silence between the actors and Nick tying not to laugh at his cute moment. Audience is laughing and finding this adorable )
Nick:"Ah yes, of course is me my little princess " Carries Melody * "I see that you have fun with your mother in her palace"
So basically Nick improvised and rolled with that moment. The other kids were a bit annoyed at Melody's actions but did found cute the moment.
This moment was also the story Nick can't stop sharing much to Mel's embarrassment
3. The Nack-Ruckus family has two main productions they do as a family: "Peter Pan" and the "Addams Family "
Issac only does it because he does enjoy acting with his famiky and for once he doesnt have to play Peter pan.
The roles did changed when the kids were growing up.
Original was:
Nick as Peter Pan
Riley was Wendy
Melody was (I think John, the one with the hat)
Issaac was (I think the baby brother was Michael )
Isaac and Melody were pretty young
The current cast is
Nick as Mr. Darling/Capitan Hook
Riley as Mrs. Darling/ Either plays the leader of the mermaids or a pirate
Melody is now Wendy
Issac is John/Michael (The one with the hat)
The little brother depends. Sometimes is one of their cousins or one of the Danger twins' daughters
For the Addams Family
Nick is Gomez
Riley is Morticia
Melody is Wednesday
Issaac is Pugsley
Uncle Fester is played by Charles
The weird grandma is played by Angel
Lurch is usually played by Earnie or Frank
Luke's parents are the actual parents of Tyler. Sometimes they're played by Mortimer and Daisy
Luke is played by Tyler Rodriguez (Melody's friennemy)
4. Speaking of the Addams family, Nick most remarkable moment was when he and Melody broke their characters and started actually crying during Happy/Sad
This was because this would be the last performance before she went to college in another state.
So Nick was signing this song in a very serious manner but both couldn't handle it and embrace while their voices broke during the song.
5. There were a few times Nick broke down crying in regards of his past when he was with his children. One it was when they asked him if he could teach him how to do a plane and the other one was when they asked him if they could go to the fair
He remembered his father and had flashbacks of his emotional abuse
6. Nick used to Play the ukeleke to his children before they were born. The kids stop and listen to him play
7. My friend @yourlocalnicknackkinnie created this cannon fact that Nick loves penguins so credits to them. Nick dressed up the whole family as penguins for Halloween. Riley did not want to but, it was 4 (including Rosco) Against one
8. Melody taught Nick how to fly a paper plane
9. Has been pretty meticulous and careful about someone taking care of Issac of him being possibly in the spectrum and suffering from Anxiety. To soothe him, Nick tends to hold him tight and sing Zacs favorite songs (This includes melody
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Love Cuts Deep
Chapter 10- These Are Strange Times
Summary: Could something positive be truly on the horizon? With the random intrusion of though-to-be-dead Scott Lang at the Avengers Facility, your hope for seeing Bucky again may have yet to be a possibility.
Warning: yeah nothing enjoy the ride
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-Five years since the Blip-
Throwing on a dark sleeveless top, you suddenly feel the overwhelming urge to sneeze which evidently causes your little furry companion to startle at the unexpected noise. The furry tigress lets out a meow of protest that pulls forth a humored snicker from you, while the little beast sends you an annoyed look.
Recovering her bearings in a flash, she walks across the short wooden dresser like a model strutting on the runway, her thick mane of mahogany and dark chocolate fur glossy and adequately brushed to perfection, just how your spoiled Main Coon, Silver, likes it.
She purrs happily as she begins playing with Bucky’s dog tags that lay across the small dresser top.
“What are you do..? Oh give me that you little shit.” Silver ignores you until she’s rudely lifted and placed firmly on the carpeted floor before you snatch up the valuable memorabilia. Placing it around your neck where it belongs then glancing down to give her a casual shrug, “Don’t give me that look Silv, I bought you a cool bird feathered cat toy like three days ago. What happened to that?” Silver meows, running her head against your worn out old boots as you smile, “Guess it’s as good as dead huh, you little beast. Now you staying or coming with me to find Nat?” Nothing but purrs of affection.
You lean down to gently rub her head before standing up fully and heading for the door, Silver hot on your heels. Soon you’re both traveling down the hallway until you finally reach the large study. Natasha’s on a conference call with Carol, Rodney, Okoye, and the last two guardians of the galaxy, Rocket and Nebula. And by the looks of it, nothing new has been reported. How disappointing.
Soon they all log off, leaving Natasha alone with Rodney who stays to give Nat a little insight into Barton’s violent whereabouts from the last couple years since he’s been rouge. Apparently he took out a whole cartel in Mexico, so he’s been busy. Definitely not keeping up with those group therapy sessions Steve makes you go to to help cope with the loss. Not that you’ve actually been that consistent with them if we’re being real here.
Quickly enough, Rodney logs out, leaving a tearfully conflicted Natasha as she slouches in her comfy swivel chair. Head in her hands as she holds back the waterfall that threatens to spill within her. You take a step forward, leaning casually against a steel rimmed display area for random nick-nacks. “I’d join you in the fun, but I’m limiting my crying sessions between 1 and 2 in the morning on Tuesdays. So, uh....I brought Silver.” You smile, pointing a finger down to your loyal companion, “Well I guess she brought herself but you know.”
Natasha breaks out into a reluctant grin, genuinely happy to have a bit of positive company within her gloom, “And you didn’t even want her to begin with.” Laughs the red head, “Now I never see one without the other.”
You nod with an almost shy smile, “Yeah, she’s alright.” 
You hear soft movement making its way through the hallway behind you just as Silver meows when Steve casually saunters into the room, coming to stand next to your side as the furry beast paws at his shoes, “What are you here for? Doing some laundry?” You tease at the tall blonde.
Steve smiles at your little jab since he’s not usually always present, doing Captain America stuff and whatnot, “Just here to see some friends.”
Natasha chuckles through glossy eyes, “Well clearly your friends are doing just fine.” Steve knowingly nods paired with a small smile, both you and Natasha look relatively well kept and functional as usual. It’s just, there’s a palpable pain and hidden darkness that always appears to simmer lowly on the surface. Just enough for a skilled eye like Steve’s to notice.
“Exactly.” You add, wandering over to sit cross legged on Natasha’s desk as Steve moves to lean against the display, “But if you’re here to tell us to look on the bright side...”
“I’m gonna hit you in the head with this peanut butter sandwich.” Finishes Natasha with a pursued lipped grin as the 90 year old nods. “Um, right. Force of habit.” Admits Steve, pushing himself off the surface to find a seat next to you and directly across from Natasha. 
The three of you keep to a mutual silence for a long moment until he finally speaks, “You know,” Starts Steve thoughtfully, “I keep telling everybody they should move on...and grow. Some do.” He pauses for a moment as you frown, Natasha looking elsewhere as Steve finally continues, “But not us.”
She shakes her head, “If we move on, who does this?”
“Maybe it doesn’t need to be done.” Suggests Steve, he means well of course, but maybe he’s right after all, its been five fucking years with absolutely nothing to make for it. Nothing of any significant progress or even a possible way to fix what's happened. 
Natasha blinks through bleary eyes of saddened green while you pet Silver’s furry mane, refusing to give in to that notion, “No.” You whisper softly, causing them to look at you, “We can’t, it wouldn’t be right...at least,” You let out a gentle sigh, “at least not for me....before all of this, before I met all of you. I had nothing.” You admit thoughtfully, “Not a soul in the world who gave a damn whether I lived or died. Then I found Bucky, then I found this. This.....family. And because of it, I’m better off now then I was ten years ago.”
They keep a respectful silence as your breaths become shaky, teary eyes now trained onto Silver’s little ears, “And I know they’re gone now, believe me I fucking know it, but I’m still trying to be better.” Natasha nods in deep understanding, a couple stray tears falling down her cheeks as Steve crosses his arms.
“I think we all need to get a life.” He muses, his tone light as he tries to pull you two back from the edge of grief. You give him a friendly nudge at his annoying brotherliness, “You first.” He chuckles as you throw him a playful glare while Natasha checks an incoming call.
“Oh, hi! Hello! Is anyone home?” Speaks a man frantically from one of the security cameras, an orange van behind him, “This is, uh, Scott Lang. We met a few years ago at the airport.....in Germany?” Now you’ve got his attention.
“What the fuck?” You mutter in bewilderment at the blue tinged image of Scott as Steve and Nat share a confused glance, the three of you quickly rising to your feet while Scott keeps talking about who he is, how he got here, and what he’s learned about the world so far.
“Is this an old message?” Wonders Steve as he studies the image of Scott who’s still waving his hands up at the security camera.
“It’s the front gate.” Replies Natasha with a hopeful smile.
All you came here to do was shoot the shit with Natasha and maybe make some actual dinner, but here you are, laying across the study’s plush couch as Scott rambles on and on about the quantum realm. Whatever that happens to actually be, you’ve never heard of anything like that before, but then again you didn’t know aliens existed at one point. So perhaps anything's possible.
Silver brushes her fluffy head across your fingers as they dangle over the couches edge while Scott keeps at his long-winded tellings of how he got there, what it was like, that he’s been technically gone for only five hours, and now he thinks there’s a way to enter this new plane of existence and travel to a fresh alternate reality. Like through a time machine type deal, or whatever he’s on about.
Apparently he means one before Thanos. But it honestly sounds like a load of horseshit and gibberish coming from a desperate man refusing to acknowledge that this is the new shit reality. There’s no fucking way that’s even goddamn possible, right? No way. 
Drifting back out of your doubtful thoughts, you swiftly move yourself into a seated position as Scott begins to self doubt. Head lowering as he mumbles about how crazy that it. You start chuckling as he throws you an almost embarrassed look. “Scott.” You speak to gather his attention, “Nat gets emails from a raccoon. Your idea is admittedly a bit nuts, but nothings that crazy anymore considering all the wild shit I’ve witnessed in the past six years. So I don’t know, maybe there’s a way.”
Scott flashes a hopeful smile as his brows furrow in thought, uncertainty seeping right back into him, “So, uh...who do we talk to about this?”
“Stark! Miss us?” You shout at Tony as he holds Morgan in his left arm, an Ironman helmet grasped firmly in the right. He gives the four of you a less then enthusiastic nod of acknowledgment before wordlessly turning around and taking a step up onto the wooden porch.
You give Steve a shrug, “He misses us I can tell.”
Soon Tony let’s Morgan go off to play with you as you opt in to be the babysitter slash distraction from the grownups who are currently discussing if time travel and gathering the stones for ourselves is even a possibility, or even a palpable option that can be done. You skillfully listen to everything they’re saying as the little Stark shows off her array of multiple plant-life assortments picked from the local greenery.
“So I got this cone from that tree over there and then I put a frog in a glass but dad said I had to let him go so I did.” Babbles on the five year old as you entertain her constant musings.
You raise a brow, knowing her shenanigans all too well, “Is he in the garden?”
She mischievously smirks, sneakily peaking over at Tony who’s seated up on the porch, before giving you a nod, “Yeah. I made him a little house from some flat rocks I found too. I named him Froggo.”
You chuckle, “Oh really, Froggo? I like it, has a nice ring to it.” She nods in delight before walking into her tiny tent to retrieve something new as you catch either Scott or Steve saying something about a time heist, what the hell are they going on about now?
“Y/N! Look at this!” Calls Morgan excitedly while bursting out of the tent to run on short legs over to you who’s seated comfortably in the grass, “I got a cool rock from the lake but I didn’t get to show you last time cause you left early.”
Raising your brows in surprise, though you don’t exactly feel as thrilled as she is, you make sure she knows you care, “Woah! A cool rock from the lake, why Morgan I gotta see this.”
“Look.” She hands you a dull grey rock with a tiny fossil shell indentation on it, “It’s from the dinosaurs.”
Examining the small round object, you nod, “Next thing you know I’ll come back to a whole dinosaur excavation site. Impressive Professor Grant, I’m thoroughly amazed.”
She giggles in excitement, “Y/N I know what that means now.” You give her an inquiring look as she smiles proudly, “That’s from Jurassic Park.”
“And your dad let you watch that, with the big Trex eating the goat and everything?” You tease before handing her the prized object, “Next thing I know you’re going to have a whole dinosaur skeleton in your house.”
“Yeah that would be cool. Thanks ninja turtle.” Cackles Morgan as she hugs her rock, smiling brightly as you throw her a puzzled look before joining in on the laughter. “Okay, now you’ve lost me kid, I can’t say I have any idea what you’re talking about.”
She shrugs innocently, “Dad told me to call you that.” Clearly not understanding what she just called you either. A ninja turtle? The fuck is a ninja turtle?
“I wouldn’t expect anything less.” You muse before looking up to the four of them getting closer to a heated discussion, “Alright Morgs let’s go save your dad before he decides never to invite us back for dinner again.” You add, quickly rising to your feet as she laughs before racing past you, on a beeline for Tony.
You choose to stay out of the conversation and instead wait for Steve, Natasha, and Scott to start walking back towards the car. You lean against the metal as Steve round the corner before catching your eye as he goes down the three steps, “Are we banished from the castle? I was kinda hoping not cause I actually like Pepper’s cooking.”
Steve smiles, “No. He’s not gonna help us is all.”
“Damn that’s shitty.” You retort with a tinge of genuine disappointment, you don’t completely believe this shit is even possible. But dammit if you don’t want them to at least try for all it’s worth. “So what now? I’m guessing you bastards aren’t gonna let this go anytime soon. And cause Tony’s out for the count, we obviously need some different brain power.”
Steve nods while walking closer to the car, “We wanna do this right. So, yeah, we’re gonna need a really big brain.”
Scott turns from Steve to point a thumb in Tony’s general direction, face a mask of confused puzzlement, “Bigger then his?”
After a less then pleasant adventure to some cozy little diner in New Jersey where the four of you were subjected to Banner in his weird Hulkness body or whatever the hell he is now. Turns out he was most definitely on board for this time traveling experimentation. Of course he was, the weirdo takes fucking selfies with children nowadays. 
So here you five are now, in the giant glass and metal garage of the Avengers Facility getting things ready for whatever nonsense is about to take place next. The back of Scott’s orange van closed for the moment, keeping hidden some reactor core thing behind its doors. Scott in some safety quantum realm suit while Banner and Natasha stand behind a large intricate assembly of high tech equipment in preparation for the events to hopefully follow.
You keep an amused yet genuinely curious stance off to the side as Bruce gives you a thumbs up, nodding, you face Scott who’s walking over to the van. “Okay, here we go. Time travel test number one everybody! Scott get that bitch open!” You shout with a small bout of rare enthusiasm while he opens up the doors.
“Emergency generators are on standby.” Announces Steve as he walks into view from behind some large plastic containers covered in safety rope.
Banner nods, “Good, because if we blow the grid, I don’t wanna lose, uh..” He points a green thumb at Scott who’s getting his helmet ready, “Tiny here in the 1950’s.”
Scott’s head snaps up in an instant, “Excuse me?” He worries.
Natasha smiles while looking down at her touch pad, “He’s kidding.” She sing songs before shaking her head up at Banner, “You can’t say things like that.”
Banner turns around to face a fearful Scott as you snort at the small bout of humor that you did happen to find rather amusing. Then again, you’re not the labs guinea pig, so instead you casually shrug while giving Scott a half persuasive grin and a thumbs up of reassurance, “Bad joke.” You add as Bruce nervously laughs, “Yeah, it was a bad joke.”
Scott nods apprehensively before turning to walk over to the reactor, appearing to believe the two of you, “You were kidding, right?” Asks Natasha as you raise a brow at Bruce in question. Albeit a smidge doubtful he actually one-hundred percent knows what he’s doing.
“I have no idea.” Whisper yells Banner, confirming your suspicions, “We’re talking about time travel here. Either it’s all a joke, or none of it is.” Explains Bruce, suddenly smiling as he lifts his attention back over to Scott, “We’re good!” He shouts with a positive thumbs up of that prominently famous green.
“Oh we’re so fucked.” You mutter humorously while Natasha shares an uncertain look with you.
“Get your helmet on.” States Banner as Scott does just that, “Scott, I’m gonna send you back a week...let you walk around for an hour, then bring you back in 10 seconds. Make sense?”
Scott smiles brightly, waving him off with confidence, “Perfectly not confusing.” He muses with an almost annoyingly positive expression.
“Good luck Scott. You got this.” Encourages Steve while Scott grins proudly. “You’re right. I do, Captain America.” Then just like that’s he’s gone, sucked into the reactor like a crumb into a vacuum cleaner.
“On a count of three..” Begins Banner, “Three, two, one.” Bruce flips some switches as the machine whirs before a second later and there’s Scott. In the body of a teen. “Uh, guys? This doesn’t feel right.” Worries teen Scott as his brows furrow in confusion, clearly not aware of how he looks. This just got interesting.
“What’s going on?” Questions Steve as Bruce urgently flicks more switches. “Who is that?” Wonders Natasha as you snort at teen Scott, snickering at how absolutely ridiculous your life is becoming and the weird shit you’re adding to the list.
“Oh my god he looks so innocent, like before the world hurt him.” You muse as Natasha’s brows raise in bewilderment, giving you a side glance as she focuses back on the person in question. “Is that, Scott?”
“Yes, it’s Scott!” Protests the sassy little 14 year old before whoosh and he’s gone once again while Banner squats down out of view to mess with some more buttons. A hot second later Scott’s back, this time looking significantly different.
“Oh, my back!” Complains the short wrinkly 80 year old man, Steve sending the back of Bruce a troubled look, “What is this?”
“Hold on a second. Could I get a little space guys.”
Steve hastily jogs around Bruce as he makes his way over to you and Nat, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can you bring him back?”
“I’m working on it.” Mumbles Banner with underlying urgency as he flicks more switches in hopes of getting a better result, whoosh, and Scott’s gone again before reappearing as a...
“It’s a baby.” Deadpans Steve in astonishment.
You burst with laughter, “It’s Scott! Let’s just keep him this way so we don’t have to hear him ramble about how amazing you are, Captain America.” You tease playfully as Steve throws you a what-the-fuck kinda expression. “Y/N! He’s a baby!”
“He‘ll grow.” Adds Bruce as you shrug in agreement. Crossing your arms as you study baby Scott, “Steve you can change the diapers.”
“Bring Scott back.” Urges Steve as he ignores you and Banners amusement of the situation.
“Alright fine.” Chides Bruce, “When I say kill the power, kill the power.”
Natasha rushes past you while mumbling, “Oh, my God.” As you await for Bruce’s fantastic technological skills.
“And....kill it!” Natasha turns the breaker switch downwards and a moment later Scott’s back, this time fully Scott. Whether that’s good or not is debatable.
He stands there, arms open and face twisted in confusion, “Somebody peed my pants. But I don’t know if it was baby me or old me.......Or just...me me.” Speculates Scott as you snort in amusement.
“It was probably just you.”
He sends you an unsure look that’s half offended yet he can’t exactly counter that claim considering he’s just jumped between three different age groups of himself. Bruce claps his hands together before spreading his arms out wide in excitement, “Time travel!” He shouts enthusiastically as Steve shakes his head before turning to walk elsewhere, “What?” Wonders Bruce, “I see this as an absolute win. 
In the following weeks after Banner’s half-successful attempt at legitimate time travel, Tony and Rocket have been toiling away tirelessly on Starks actual time machine since he’s agreed to help fix the mess that Thanos left behind. The Avengers base has honestly never been busier; with Tony, Banner, and Rocket working on the giant machine. Everyone else is going about their business helping when needed and hoping for good news.
So here you are now, in the middle of the night with all light sources retired for the evening, hanging out in the kitchen with a bowl of watermelon chunks in your hand, and greatly enjoying the recently rare peace and quiet. Though soon your silent midnight snacking is disrupted when the sounds of human feet padding on tile reaches your ears from down the hallway. Dammit.
The lights flicker on in an instant, blinding your vision for a brief moment before they adjust accordingly to find the blue eyes of Steve, he yelps in surprise, hand holding his chest as he relaxes once more when he realizes it’s just you. Then he does a double take, considering you’re seated crossed legged on the counter with a bowl of watermelon, “Uh, hey there Y/N.”
You nod, awkwardly taking a bite out of your snack, “Steve.”
He raises a curious brow, deciding to step farther into the large kitchen area, “Huh, never seen anyone eat watermelon like that before, but I respect it.” Says the blonde, nodding towards the chopsticks held in your right hand.
“Yeah. Less of a mess.” He nods before taking a Gatorade out of the fridge, “Mind if I sit?”
“Go for it.” He nods before promptly seating himself next to the marble table. “So, eating in the dark? Your inner night owl keeping you from sleeping again?”
You shrug, “I can kinda see in the dark so....yeah, a bit of a night owl.” You admit with a growing frown, not sure why you suddenly feel so down in the dumbs again, “....guess I haven’t really slept well for some time now....well, now since I think about it actually, I probably don’t get as much sleep as your average person.”
“I get that, yeah....I know what you mean.” Lightly chuckles Steve in understanding, taking a small moment of silence to let his mind think of something to sway the atmosphere away from an awkward tension. Parting his eyes away from his clasped hands, he looks up to meet your stoic gaze, “You think all this is possible? I mean they’ve made some real progress and I guess Tony really knows what he’s doing. Still after all this time I can’t help but find it amazing.”
Pursing your lips together in thought, you let a small sigh emit from your parted lips before answering, “I hope so, cause if not. Well, guess that would be as expected.” You admit with a frown, “Maybe that’s just how it’s supposed to go....a fitting punishment for my lengthy list of crimes. I guess that’s fair.”
“I don’t believe that for a second.” Counters Steve as he sends you a sympathetic look, “What happened to you isn’t your fault, neither is what they made you do, or everything Thanos did to the universe....”
“Yeah, guess you’re probably right....it’s just...just so difficult to move on you know? From all of it, everything swirling in my head, and even though it’s been five fucking years now. I still think of that shit, even worse, I still think of Bucky every single day, I miss him.....I just, I miss all of them.” You admit sadly, setting your snack down as Steve takes a moment to reflect on his own losses.
Suddenly his lips curl into a humored smile as he shakes his head, eyes looking down at the table before they connect with your curious ones, “God he was so different back in the 40’s....Y/N you wouldn’t believe the stuff we got up to, jeesh, the stuff he got up to.” Chuckles Steve as you raise an intrigued brow. 
“Alright Rogers care to elaborate?” You press with a growing smile at the thought of Bucky and learning more about him, “Bucky never told me a whole lot about that time. Considering he’ll probably never get the chance, I think I’d like to learn more about him and what shit you people did back then.”
“Aren’t you from the 1950′s?” Inquires Steve with a humored grin as you wave him off.
“Yeah, yeah, I was a baby back then I don’t remember what happened okay,” You explain, “I was born in 53 alright, and let’s not forget I didn’t exactly have a normal childhood.”
Steve nods, “Right. Fair point.....Okay so..” He laughs, “There was this one time and if you knew me back in the day, of course I was getting in an unsolicited scuffle with some boys who thought it was funny to argue with the paperboy.”
Raising a brow, you begin to smile as his eyes light up, “An unsolicited scuffle?” You muse, “Or is this when skinny Steve got his ass kicked by a couple of mangy dogs?”
“Dogs. Yeah that’s probably more fitting, well you know, of course I had to step in and do something.”
“As expected.” You quickly add as he continues.
“Which I did. And let me tell you they were not a fan. Those assholes ran me for two blocks till I got cornered in some market when who would you know it.....Bucky was there, taking some cute strawberry blonde out for a date while he got groceries for his mom.” Chuckles Steve, blue eyes shimmering with the humorous memories coming back to him about his old friend.
You heart subconsciously swells with the thought of Bucky, “Clever man. Sweet talk your girl while doing something useful.”
“Exactly. I would have gotten a bloody nose if he hadn’t thrown a tomato right at the biggest guys head. That thing coated his hair like red paint, then...” Steve balls his fist as he presses it against his mouth to try and keep himself from losing it with laughter, “...then, his friend turned around and smack! Another tomato right in his face.”
Snickering in amusement, you run a hand down the side of your face at the vivid image forming in your head, “oh Bucky..”
“It was pretty damn accurate too. The other guy booked it down the sidewalk before Buck could get him. Then when he started walking towards us, the other guys took off like a couple of scared birds....fortunately leaving me with no bruises that day.” Says Steve proudly, no doubt thinking fondly on that old memory, “Then of course he told me I gotta be more careful and all that stuff, I said I was fine and he want back to shopping with that girl......huh, don’t think I ever saw her again, well....at least with him.”
“Don’t blame her, he sounded like a real ladies man back in the day, she probably got too jealous.” You joke with a small brow wiggle before your smile lessens again, God you miss him so fucking much, “Thanks Steve.....he seemed, so different. It’s just when I knew him, when I first met him that is, Bucky was very different.”
Steve’s face looses it’s once vibrant glow, he keeps a steady gaze set on you now, knowing your time with him was such a chilling contrast to Bucky in the 40’s. You sigh, “I think I would have liked to see that version of Bucky just once, but I liked the Bucky I got after everything we went through.....after everything’s that’s happened. Maybe 40’s Bucky wouldn’t even look in my direction, I’d probably scare the socks off of him anyways.”
Steve shakes his head, “No way Y/N, you’d have him wrapped around your finger so fast, not a doubt in my mind he’d do anything for you in a heartbeat. That’s just who he was, a player yes, but a kind one who treated everyone with respect through that famous charm of his.....and you, you’d have caught his attention in an instant.”
Looking down at your hands, you raise the corner of your lips into a small half grin at the thought of Sergeant Barnes losing it all to the dangerous vixen that is no doubt yourself, now that’s an interesting thought indeed. Bucky in the 40′s, how about that.
“Maybe you’re right, maybe you’re not....but I know one thing. That I’m glad to have even known him at all, he was...so special and he didn’t even know it.” You pause for a moment, lips pursing together as you think fondly of your past lover. Steve keeps silent, studying your disheartened features as you gather your words, “So if, if they can somehow do this....if it’s even actually possible to get those fucking stones again. I’ll do whatever it takes, Steve.”
Whatever it takes.
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thatesqcrush · 3 years
Voire Dire, Pt. 3
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Rafael Barba x Reader. Episode references: 22x4 “Sightless in a Savage Land.” CW: NSFW - smut (oral, male & female; p in v sex). 
AN: Here it is, the final chapter. I hope to revisit them in the future. 
AN2: For Valentine’s Bingo, using “Love Me Like You Do” by Ellie Goulding & Blue Jeans by Lana del Rey (lyrics denoted in bold).
WC: 4,654
When you and Rafael finally made good on that raincheck, two weeks had flown by. You exchanged various text messages - some purely innocent, others downright filthy, and others, more pragmatic - such as the age discrepancy (it was reassuring to Rafael that you really did not have a problem with it), sexual history and what forms of protection you each used. While you loved your job, it did have a high percentage rate of cock-blocking you. Relationships were hard - most partners did not adjust well to your schedule - and the ones that did, did not understand the horrors that you saw and prosecuted. Of course, that was never an issue with Rafael, having been in the seat you were in years prior. 
You managed to secure a rare day off and you jumped on the chance for another date with Rafael. The weather that day called for some on and off snow showers, but nothing out of the ordinary. When your buzzer rang, you gave yourself a once over in the mirror in the bedroom. You wore a speckled oatmeal sweater dress which hit your knees and brown knee boots. You made sure your makeup was perfect and then hit the button to allow Rafael in. 
The date seemed simple enough: drinks at Huckleberry Bar, known for their craft cocktails and small plates, followed by dinner at Lighthouse, a restaurant offering New American fare as well as a raw bar. 
“Rafael, you grew back the beard!” You exclaimed as you let him in. 
Rafael let out a chuckle. “Hello Y/N. Long time no see.” He was carrying a bouquet of hot pink double tulips. “For you.”
You smiled and took the flowers, before pressing a kiss to his lips - instantly your mind went to a filthy place as you wondered how that beard would feel in other places. “Thank you.” You murmured. “I’ll go put these in water. Make yourself comfortable.”
You disappeared into the kitchen as Rafael made his way through your apartment. You lived on the second floor of a walk-up in a surprisingly quiet neighborhood lined with trees. The apartment featured wood flooring throughout and a charcoal leather couch which sat across a mounted television. A single window occupied the living room. In wall shelving hosted a variety of books and nick-nacks, which showed off your personality. A framed pennant hung by the television, which showcased your law school. If Rafael had journeyed to your bedroom, he would have found that it overlooked an open courtyard.
“Your place is lovely.” Rafael called out. He heard the sound of a faucet being turned on. He hesitated on taking off his coat - made no sense since you would both be out soon enough. 
You came back out, now carrying a vase and you set the flowers on your coffee table. “Thank you again; they’re lovely. What time is the reservation again?”
Rafael checked the time. “Twenty minutes. Why do you ask?”
You approached him and tugged on the collar of his peacoat, drawing him down. “So I can do this.” You pressed your lips against his, kissing him. Rafael wrapped one arm around you, his other hand moving behind your head. He gently tilted your head so that he could deepen the kiss. He pressed his tongue against the seam of your lips and you parted your lips, allowing his tongue to slide in.You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing up against him. You allowed yourself to get swept away in the heat of the moment, wanting nothing to drag him back to your bedroom. Rafael broke the kiss, leaving you gasping, which then turned into a moan as he sucked a mark into a very sensitive spot along the slope of your neck. 
Reluctantly, Rafael removed his mouth from your neck and peppered kisses back up your neck, across your cheeks, and then to your lips. “We should get going.” He husked in your ear. 
You let out a pathetic whimper, but agreed. As you both exited your building, the cold open air served as a welcome relief. You both walked towards the bar, which was just around the corner. Conversation flowed easily with Rafael. Over a mix of cocktails and a shared plate of antipasto, you discussed the latest happenings - you were second chair on a case with Carisi and Rafael was assisting with post-exoneree legal support with The Innocence Project. 
Rafael insisted on paying the tab, much to your protest. “I remember what that early A.D.A salary was like.” 
After, you and him walked the five blocks over to the restaurant. During the walk over, snow began to fall. You mentioned to him how you always loved the first snow - how serene it made the city appear. You both agreed that was short-lived and then the great melt takes over - the streets turn into gross black slushie, resulting in playing a mental game if the puddle was shallow or a deep drop. 
Dinner was fantastic - you settled for Thai and Rafael had sushi. You were sitting by a window and waiting for a refill on your wine when you noticed how hard the snow was coming down. You must have had a worried look on your face because Rafael called out to you, stirring your attention back to him.
“I’m sorry - just the snow is really coming down.” You replied, looking out the window some more. 
“I agree. Let me check what the weather says.” Rafael replied as he reached for his phone. This time he frowned. “It’s going to get a lot worse. I have an idea - if you’re okay with it, of course. How about we take everything to go, and have dinner at your place. We can watch a movie?”
You nodded eagerly. “Perfect.”
The walk back to your place was equally unpleasant, as the wind whipped around, creating a near white-out. Suddenly the short trek seemed as if it was never ending. By the time you both made it back to your apartment, you were both frozen to the bone.
You unlocked the door to your apartment and held the door for Rafael. The lights flickered on and you made a beeline to your thermostat, to turn up the heat. It was times like this that you wished you had a fireplace. The door shut with a click as Rafael made his way in further. 
You returned to take his coat. You couldn’t help but find a frozen, red faced Rafael look adorable, especially with some snow lingering on his hair and beard, which garnered a small giggle.
“What?” Rafael asked as a shiver went through him.
You reached up and wiped some snow that hadn’t yet melted off his beard. As you did so, Rafael turned into your palm and kissed your hand. You were still cold, but that small, simple kiss sent a jolt of heat through you. 
As Rafael turned to face you, your eyes met his - they were sparkling with desire. You felt your cheeks burn  in response; never in your prior relationships (if that), did you ever feel so wanted. You swallowed hard, your mouth suddenly dry as if you had a mouthful of crackers. Of course that then lent to the thought that you wanted a mouthful of something else. Your pulse began to pound and you wondered if Rafael could hear it. “I’ll set the food to reheat.” you manage to croak out. “Kitchen is this way.” You pointed towards the kitchen.
You and Rafael puttered around the kitchen and you pulled a bottle of wine from the fridge. “You will note - it is white wine.” You laughed. “After that last disaster, I couldn’t take the risk.” 
You grabbed some wine glasses and set them on the table and finished putting the food in the oven to warm up.
“I wouldn’t call that date entirely a disaster. It was turning up until we were so rudely interrupted by SVU.” Rafael winked.
“Such a shame. Who knows what would have happened.” You replied, approaching him. Between the kiss to your palm and the cranked up heat, you almost felt suffocated in your thick sweater dress. “Maybe later, we can pick up from there?” Your voice was hopeful.
Rafael gave you a lascivious grin in response and you felt your cunt kick. Dinner didn’t seem so important at all. 
Dinner did occur, however. You set up your coffee table with the heated food while Rafael brought over the cutlery, glasses and bottle of wine. The movie of choice was 1917, a personal story woven through the backdrop of WW1. It was fast moving, full of action, tension, emotional and bloody. 
Your lights began to flicker and the wind howled outside your window. Suddenly the two of you were plunged into darkness. There was a pregnant pause and then Rafael finally spoke.
“Ah fuck -- it’s like the universe is out to--” 
“Don’t say it.” You interjected through clenched teeth.
Rafael sighed. “I won’t.” A light shone brightly and he realized you had turned on the flashlight on your phone. You stood and moved the light so it was on him. Rafael raised his arm to block the light on his face. 
“Let me turn mine on.” Rafael spoke. “Do you have any candles?”
“In the kitchen, under the sink. The building has a back-up generator so I am not sure what the hell is going on.” It was your turn to sigh. 
Rafael followed you into the kitchen. You squatted down to pull out the various scented candles you had hoarded over the years. You were pretty sure the combined scents - ‘rainshower’, ‘moonlight path’, ‘coconut lime verbena’ - to name a few, would be a good mixture, but this was no time for semantics. 
“Where do you keep your matches?” Rafael asked as you continued taking out candles. 
“Upper cabinet, over the forks and spoons.” You replied. 
There was a knock on the door and Rafael opened the door cautiously, with you peering over his shoulder. It was Mr.Hunt, the building supervisor. 
“Just came by to let you know I am working on getting the generator up and running. Wind knocked down the line outside the building.” He replied. “Hang tight as best you can - do you guys need anything?”
“No, we’re all set, but thank you.” You replied. “Stay safe.”
After, you and Rafael lit up a few of the candles. The apartment began to come back to life, with the glow of the candles casting a glowing ethereal effect. You gnawed on your lip, looking up at Rafael. “Well, shit at least we tried.”
Rafael laughed. “I’m sorry, but if we don’t laugh about it, we’ll cry.” He enveloped you into a hug, squeezing you tightly. You nuzzled his chest, the scent of his cologne wafted over you and you felt a sense of calm wash over you. Rafael pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“Stay the night?” You asked against his chest. “I’ll need some extra warmth.”
A low rumble emanated from Rafael’s chest. “I thought you’d never ask.” he husked. 
“Let’s grab the candles. Follow me through the dark.” You replied as you led Rafael towards your bedroom. The candles were set on various furniture - your writing desk, on your tall drawer chest, and on the nightstand. 
Standing in front of you, Rafael slipped his hand through your hair. You closed your eyes and tilted your head into the caress. 
“Are you sure about this?” He asked. “I'll let you set the pace.” You opened your eyes and smiled. 
“Never more sure. Are you?” A rush of breath pushed past your breath.
“God you have no idea.” Rafael rubbed his hands over his face. You licked your lips in eager anticipation. 
“Then what are you waiting for?”
Rafael cupped your cheek once more and then with his other hand, pushed some of your hair behind your ear. Your heart was pounding in tandem with the pounding of arousal between your legs. Cupping both sides of your face, Rafael leaned in and slanted his lips against yours. 
Instant fire and electricity shot through your body. You placed your hands on his chest and moved them up to his neck, holding onto him. Rafael tilted his face and deepened the kiss, pressing his tongue against your lips and you opened up for him. His tongue sought yours and teased it. You gasped as he trailed his lips along your jawline to your ear. His breath was heavy in sensitive areas of your neck and chills ran through your spine. Rafael pulled you even closer, if that was even possible, moving his arms around you and dug his fingers into your skin. 
You pressed your hands to his chest and put the smallest of spaces between you and him. “Let's take this to the bed. I want to see more of you.”
Rafael pressed a kiss to your forehead and began to remove his clothes. You eyed the prominent bulge in his boxers and you smirked, enjoying the feeling you had done that to him. You followed suit, making quick removal of your own clothes until you were standing in front of him, wearing nothing but a strip of black fabric that dared call itself underwear. 
You watched as Rafael’s eyes swept over your near nude form. You were exquisite; your nipples were hardened diamonds, thanks to the chill in the air. And tonight, you were his. “You’re beautiful.” He closed the space between you and him and picked you up. You wrapped your arms and legs around him and allowed him to carry you to your bed. Rafael’s cock throbbed even harder being so closer to your pussy. 
Now on the bed, you and Rafael were a tangled mess of limbs. Rafael covered your body with his, leaning up slightly so he could lift his hands to your breasts, pressing your flesh together, his fingers teasing your nipples. You let out a soft sigh as he dipped his head down, flickering his tongue over your pebbled flesh. He shifted once more and his hand dropped down between your legs. His fingers ghosted over the fabric and you bucked your hips trying to get his touch.
“Touch me Rafael.” You whimpered as he swirled his tongue over your before sucking on it hard. The feel of his beard on your skin only served to heighten your pleasure. You ran your fingers through his salt and pepper hair. 
He pressed kisses along your abdomen as he made his way down to your legs. He hooked his fingers into the thin strips of your underwear and removed them up and over your legs. You rose your hips to help him with the removal and then lifted your ankles into the air. Rafael balled your ruined underwear in his hand and brought it to his face, inhaling deeply.  
“Spread your legs for me.” Rafael quietly ordered. You did as he requested, feeling both vulnerable and completely turned on at the same time. Though the light was dim, Rafael could see how wet you were as your pussy glinted with your essence.
Rafael pulled your legs by your calves, so that your legs draped over his shoulders. You propped yourself onto your elbows so you could watch. Rafael alternated placing kisses and love bites along your thighs before nestling in between your legs. His breath was hot on your pussy and he wanted nothing more than to bury his face against your body and taste every ounce of what you would give to him. He inhaled your scent deeply once more, almost reveling in it, before diving into your folds. His tongue was warm and wet; you threw your head back as his tongue performed in ways you didn’t think was humanly possible - he was as silver tongued in the bedroom as he was in the courtroom. You squirmed and Rafael laid a heavy forearm against your hips, stilling you. 
“Oh Jesus fuck.” you groaned as you fell back onto the bed. You pulled at his hair, tugging as your hips threatened to undulate against his mouth. Rafael snaked two fingers from under to slip into your warm sheath and you sighed in contentment. You murmured his name repeatedly as if in prayer. You tugged on his hair again, trying to keep him close as you felt your orgasm begin to build. Rafael pressed his thumb to your clit and massaged it in tandem with the finger-fucking he was giving you.
Rafael paused his actions, resting against your thigh, in an attempt to catch his own breath. You whined as his mouth left you. Rafael chuckled low and you could’ve sworn he said that he wasn’t done with you. You were an addiction he never knew he needed until now. 
He looked up at you and the sight was his near undoing: your body was quivering, your breath uneven. Rafael dove back in, lapping at your pussy, alternating long swipes with flicks, as he added another finger. The room was silent except for your moans and the wet sounds of Rafael’s oral activity. Your pussy clenched and you tilted your head to the side, closing your eyes. Rafael curled his fingers, finding the spot and used his thumb to rub your clit. You tried so very hard to keep still, but it was futile and you rocked against his hand as your walls clenched around his digits hard. You let out a whine as you were on the edge of paradise.
“That’s it - let go, let go for me.” Rafael commanded. 
“Fuck yes, Rafael. Oh fuck, oh my God!” You cried out.
“Let go hermosa. Just let go.” Rafael commanded once more.Your body obeyed his command as the tendrils of orgasm washed over you. 
Rafael continued to stroke you, wanting another. The second orgasm built up easily, rolling in from the first. There was a pressure inside of you and it snapped, and your back arched as you came once more. Wetness coated his hand and he inwardly beamed with pride. 
You fell back onto the bed, your chest heaving. You rubbed your hands over your face and giggled. “Oh fuck that was good.”
“You’re welcome.” Rafael smirked, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
Rafael made his way back up to your body, and he kissed you deeply. You could smell and taste yourself on his lips and beard. You pressed your hands up to his chest and pushed gently up, and Rafael took the signal and rolled you so were on top. 
“I want to return the favor.” You stated, but did not get a chance to as Rafael moved his hands to your waist, pulling you, your tits, flush against his face. One hand immediately reached for one while his mouth was on the other nipple instantly, suckling and nipping. 
You threw your head back as Rafael grazed his teeth along your sensitive flesh, sucking a mark on your skin. His tongue swirled along the bruised skin, soothing it. You push away, encouraging Rafael to lay back down.
“I told you, I want to repay the favor.” You replied as you ran your nails through his chest hair, slightly scraping. Rafael let out a grunt in response. You shimmied down his body until you reached his boxers. You palmed Rafael’s cock through the material, reveling in the feel of how hard he was - for you. 
Rafael removed his boxers and his cock sprung at attention, red and weeping. Rafael was thick and veiny. Your mouth filled with saliva at the idea of blowing him. You pumped his cock a few times before you wrapped your lips around the crown of his cock, running your tongue over it. The salty taste of his pre-cum flooded your mouth as your tongue. You flattened your tongue and then took the entire length in your mouth. Your tongue lavished every ridge and vein. Rafael let out a hiss of relief as he buried his hands into your hair. You relaxed your throat, taking his length more and more until he hit the back of your throat.
Rafael watched his cock disappear in your mouth and his eyes rolled back. You hollow your cheeks, and groaned around his cock, which sent vibrations up and through him. “Keep doing that… uhh… don’t stop.”
You look up at his face and Rafael’s eyes meet yours. You bob on his length with more gusto and use your hand in tandem, stroking. You dipped your head, sucking on his balls gently, and licking the seam, before giving him a gentle squeeze.
Rafael weaved his hand into your hair and pulled you up. Your chin was slick with saliva and he ran his thumb across your lips. 
“Keep that up and I’ll come in that pretty mouth.” Rafael husks as he pulls you back up onto him. “And I want to come in your sweet pussy.”
You both resume making out, hands touching and exploring everywhere and anywhere. He rolls you so you’re back onto your back and he sits back on his haunches, stroking his cock. 
Through the candlelight, Rafael watched as you crooked a finger to him and then pressed your own tits together. You let out a small moan and then snaked your hand to your pussy and began to finger yourself. 
“Fuck, watching you play with yourself is hot.” Rafael sighed, as he stroked his cock. He then removed your hand and brought it to his mouth, sucking them clean. Finally, Rafael lowered himself over you and rubbed his cock along your slit, gathering your wetness. You were hot, wet, and ready. 
Rafael pushed the head of his cock inside you and then pushed into you agonizingly slowly. Yo whimpered as he finally sank his length into you, bottoming out.  Your eyes fluttered close as you adjusted to his size, a mix of pleasure and slight burn as he stretched you. He fit you better than your favorite sweater. You grasped at his back, your nails pressing half-moon marks into his skin. Rafael pulled out again and then thrust back in, harder than before. You let out an obscene moan. “Oh Jesus fuck!” 
Rafael picked up the pace, pushing into you over and over. He hooked your leg and pushed it up to your chest, changing the angle of his cock stroked your walls. “You feel so tight around my cock, hermosa.” He grunted.
“Give it to me, give it to me, I need it.” You whined. Rafael reached for your arm and pulled it over your head, gripping it tightly. 
The sounds of grunts and moans along with skin on skin, fill the room and you can feel his balls slap against your pussy. The sensation was perverted and made you only want more. Rafael lowered his head down, pressing his forehead against yours. Your bodies are slick with sweat and beads of sweat roll off Rafael onto yours. 
Rafael continued fucking you deeply, sliding into you over and over in deep, long strokes. As he felt his own release approach, Rafael moved his lips to your neck and sucked a mark onto your skin. You are chanting his name over and over again, feeling your own orgasm approach. You snake your hand down and begin to rub your clit. 
“I’m going to come, oh shit, oh shit, Raf!” You come completely undone, wailing his name. 
“Come for Y/N, come for me. I’m going to come too!” Rafael groaned. Feeling your walls flutter around his cock, seeing your wrecked face - it was all too much for Rafael and with a strangled cry of your name, he stiffened and painted your walls with his release. 
The two of you come to a still, your breaths both uneven. Neither one of you spoke, and the only sound was rough-breathing and the howls of the storm outside.
Finally Rafael rolled off you and got up from the bed. You frowned. “What are you - where are you?” Dread began to fill your stomach.
“Blowing out the candles. Fire hazard.” Rafael said. “I’m not going anywhere hermosa.”
The room eventually plunged into darkness once more and as Rafael climbed back onto the bed, he brought the duvet over your bodies. You instantly rolled to him, resting your head on his chest, stroking lightly. He wrapped his arm around you tightly and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Best date ever.” You murmured, feeling sleep begin to settle in. 
“Can’t wait ‘til we do it again.” Rafael replied, his own eyes drooping. Soon you were both asleep, in each other's arms.
The sun shone brightly in your bedroom and you stirred awake. You were cognizant of a heavy arm over you, pinning you in place. You shifted carefully and turned to face Rafael who was still asleep. Feeling secure, you closed your eyes and drifted back to sleep.
After some time, you stirred awake again. This time Rafael’s body was pressed against your back. And you very much felt his erection pressing against your ass. You wiggled against him and Rafael let out a small moan as his arm wrapped around your waist, holding you tightly.
You felt his beard brush against your shoulder as he pressed kisses along your shoulder and then he tilted your face back so he could kiss. The kiss was tender, soft, but still full of passion. 
You hesitantly broke the kiss. “Good morning.” You replied, turning over to face him.
“Good morning.” Rafael’s voice was gravelly, still full of sleep. His eyes went past your shoulder to the blinking clock behind you. “Looks like the power is back on.” 
You turned over and checked. “Huh, how about that. I hope this doesn’t mean you’re going to ditch me now that my heat is probably working again.”
Rafael grabbed you and rolled you so that you were on top of him. You let out a squeal as he did so. You pressed your arms down on his chest.
“Ditch you? How very much dare.” Rafael laughed, his eyes crinkling as he did so. “I was hoping we could…” He wiggled his eyebrows.
You bit your bottom lip, feeling lust coursing through you. You rolled your hips languidly, causing him to buck up. You bent down to kiss him, lifting your hips slightly so he could line his cock with your entrance. You let out a sigh as he filled you deeply. His hands were steady on your hips, guiding as you rolled your hips some more.
That day, you and Rafael hardly left your bed, except to rehydrate and order food. 
[Two years later]
Rafael walked down the street, tightening his scarf around his neck. It was another wintry evening in Manhattan. He was meeting you for dinner and as he bounded up the steps of One Hogan Place, he still remembered that day you met in December, when he first saw you through the blinds of Carisi’s office, which was now your office - Carisi was prompted and now resided in Barba’s old office. Rafael was scanned and searched for hazards by security. He emptied his pockets, tossing his wallet and keys. The wand beeped and the security guard glared at him. Rafael shot the guard an apologetic look as he fished out the velvet box from his pocket.
The guard nodded and waved him through. He gathered his things and put them all away, including the box. He had arrived at the elevator bank when the door opened to you. 
“I thought I was meeting you upstairs?” Rafael questioned as he pressed a kiss to your lips. 
“You were, but I finished early. Ready for dinner?” You asked as you slung your work bag over your shoulder.
“As I’ll ever be.” Rafael murmured, taking your hand as you walked out into the snowy mix that began to fall.
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lils-writes-stuff · 4 years
New Beginnings
Spencer Reid x reader
Best Years Season 2 part one | season one
summary: Readers first day back on the job is a lot different then she expected. 
warning: normal criminal minds things, mentions of suicide, fluff at the end (such cute fluff)
A/N: based on season 8 episode 1; so um, the ending is really cute. 
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 “I must say, Agent Y/L/N, I wasn’t expecting this to be the answer,” Strauss said with a disappointed look as she closed her leather folder. 
 “You’re asking me to leave the BAU, how did you expect my answer to not be no,” Y/N said with furrowed brows.
 This is not how Y/N wanted to be welcomed back after her leave. She was gone two months and in that time Strauss decided she wanted to move her to a new unit. That was flat out disrespectful. 
 “Well with Agent Prentiss’s move, I was expecting you to want to be reassigned,” Strauss said, folding her hands on her stomach. “You have made progress here, and other units have seen that and want you on their teams.”
 Y/N looked at her knowing that wasn’t the full truth, Strauss had something to do with this also. She always did. 
 “And I also believe that your time in BAU has been paid and it’s time to do greater things. You could be one of the best fugitive task force agents, your skills I’ve seen are-” 
 “I appreciate that Strauss, really I do, but I’ve made a home at the BAU-” Y/N stood up from the chair- “And I have no plans on moving anytime soon.” 
 With that, she walked out of the office and towards the elevator. The hum of the elevator was quiet and it only boiled her rage. Strauss wasn’t an all-around terrible person, but when it came to work, she always had to have what she wanted. Everything had to be tip-top and work out in her favor, and Y/N guessed Strauss forgot what it’s like to be in the field and work with a team.  
 When the doors dinged open, Y/N swiftly walked out and into Hotch’s office. She didn’t bother to knock, she just opened the door and stood in front of his desk. 
 Hotch looked up from his paperwork with a confused look. “Please, Y/N come in.”
 She huffed, “Sir, do you think that my time has been paid at the BAU?”
 He raised a brow as he looked at her with a confused gaze. “No?”
 “So you would agree that Section Chief Strauss’s opinion to move me to a new unit is unprecedented?”  
 Y/N’s announcement took Hotch by surprise, clearly, he didn’t know about this. He set down his ink pen, signifying his full attention was now on the conversation. 
 “Do you want to be moved?” He asked with a raised eyebrow. 
 “Hell no,” she responded quickly. “She thinks that because Emily left, that ‘I would want to move’-” she used a mocking tone with quotation marks as she quoted Strauss- “Said my skills would be of good use in Fugitive Task Force.” 
 “I can’t make any promises, but I will do everything I can to not have you moved, Y/N.” 
 His words were comforting, but with what happened with JJ a couple of years ago, she wasn’t sure. But that was the state department, this was still in the FBI, so maybe it wouldn’t turn out so bad. 
 Thanking Hotch, she walked out of the office and down the stairs to the bullpen. When she came to the door, she was met with Penelope and Derek. Penelope holding many nick-nacks from her visit to London with Derek to help Emily settle into her new life there. 
 “Garcia, you guys were talking yest-” Penelope cut off Derek as she saw Y/N approach.
 “Y/N!” She exclaimed trotting over to Y/N in her heels to hug her. It was a difficult task with her bag filled arms. “Oh my gosh, I missed you so much.” 
 “I missed you too,” Y/N pulled away from her hug and reached over for Derek. 
 “Hey, Wonder Woman,” he said, giving her a squeeze. 
 “Were you one the last case?” Penelope asked. 
 “No, actually today is my-”
 “Wait, where is everybody else? Don’t tell me they’re still in Seattle,” Penelope interjected when she noticed the empty desks in the office. 
 “I just saw Hotch.” She turned to look at all the empty desks in the bullpen. Her brows furrowed in confusion. 
 “Well actually,” Derek said pointing behind Penelope to JJ and Spencer as they entered. 
 “Hi, you guys are back!” JJ said walking into the office clapping her hands together. 
 Y/N’s face lit up as she saw Spencer. She hadn’t seen him in what felt like forever since he left for the case in Seattle. Her mandatory leave allowed him to come over to hang out with her in a stress-free environment. But then she realized that with the emotional trauma she thought she buried had now bubbled back up, she couldn’t be alone. Her therapist recommended for her to live with Spencer. So when she brought it up with him, he was very enthusiastic about the idea. 
 “Oy, mates! Give me a squeeze,” Penelope said with a fake British accent.
 JJ hugged Penelope then moved to Derek. 
 “Y/N, how have you been?” JJ asked moving to give her a hug. She hadn’t seen her in a while from her busy life at work and at home. 
  “Good, better now that I’m back at work,” she responded with a giggle. 
 Spencer then moved to hug Y/N after doing his odd handshake with Derek. A week and a half was too long without seeing her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and swung her in a circle and pecked her cheek. 
 “You would think they don’t live together or something,” Derek laughed as the happy couple reunited. 
 “Right?” JJ agreed with a laugh. 
 “How’s Emily doing?” Spencer asked once he set Y/N down and turned back to the three beside them. 
 “Brilliant and Lovely.” Penelope continued her accent. 
 “Her apartments off the chain,” Derek said. 
 “You mean her flat,” Penelope corrected his terminology. “You have to take a shaky old lift to get to the top, but the view is brilliant.” 
 Once she finished her statement, she did her excited little gasp and began to pull presents out of her bag.
 “For my favorite bloke.” She handed Spencer a mug with the British flag on it. 
 “Hey, I love it! Thank you!” Spencer responded gratefully.
 She handed JJ a little double-decker bus for her desk, which she thanked her for. 
 “Oh and Y/N, I thought you would love this.” Penelope then pulled a snowglobe the size of her hand out of a different bag. 
 It had Big Ben in the middle, surrounded by the streets of London with little people and cars filling them. 
 “Oh my gosh, this will go perfect with my collection.” Y/N smiled at Penelope and thanked her. She had made it a point when she first joined the team to, if possible, get a snowglobe from every state she visited. She had a lot now, almost all fifty, and an international one was a great thing to add to her collection. 
 “Hey, Morgan, how was temporary duty?” Y/N asked, peeling her eyes off of the beautiful snowglobe. 
 “Oh, it was around the clock,” Derek responded. “I thought I’d get a little more of a vacation, but…”
 “Did you watch the Olympics at all?” Spencer asked.
 “I did see a little track and field, but the queen bee here-” he gestured to Penelope- “She saw everything.”
 “Hey, me too,  that’s all I got to do during my sabbatical, besides talking to my therapist.” Y/N giggled high-fiving Penelope as she related. 
 “Emily is, for real, hooked up over there. She sends her love, and tea of the month starts next week,” Penelope said, her eyes bouncing between the three who weren’t with her. 
 “Oh, I miss her,” JJ said staring absently at the floor behind Penelope.
 “Me too,” Y/N agreed. 
 “Don’t even get me started,” Penelope said shaking her head. “Hey, how’s the new? Is she nice?”
 Penelope was referring to the new team recruit, who had joined during their time in London, and Y/N’s leave. 
 “Yeah, she is,” JJ answered sincerely.
 “Y/N, have you met her?” Penelope turned to Y/N who was standing next to Spencer. 
 “I have yet to meet her, but Spence has told me about her,” Y/N responded. 
 “I’m just asking. Reid-” Penelope whipped her head to make eye contact with Spencer- “Do you know she was recruited when she was 24?” 
 “I’ve guest lectured in her forensics linguistics class before,” Spencer said. 
 “Of course you have, cause she's a professor and an agent, which is so impressive,” Penelope muttered. 
 “No, really, she’s great,” JJ said trying to convince Penelope that this change was good. 
 “Mm-hmm, and driven, clearly. Berkely grad, double major, bureau star of the Unabomber case, and she teaches at George town,” Penelope said, reciting everything she knew about this woman from her research. 
 “When she’s not doing that, she’s SSAing at the Washington Field Office. And she has her PhD. does that mean I have to call her doctor?”
 While Penelope continued her spew, the four in front of her just looked at her with a ‘really?’ look. Y/N just let out a chuckle, missing Penelope’s sass. 
 “What?! I did some research on her cause I couldn’t sleep on the plane,” She defended herself. “And my point is, clearly, she is smart and capable but is she nice?” 
 As Penelope finished her question, Derek, JJ, and Y/N cleared their throats to stop her as SSA Alex Blake walked up behind her.
 Y/N let out a giggle as Spencer moved away from his spot beside Penelope as if trying to get away from the situation. 
 “Oh dear god, this is happening. Where I talk and the person is behind…” she trailed off as she turned to be met with Blake. “Me.” 
 “The origin of ‘nice’, is twelfth-century Middle English, meaning foolish or stupid,” Blake said as she met Penelope’s eyes. “I hope you’re referring to the modern use of the adjective.”
 Y/N let out a muffled laugh into her hand that covered her mouth, not being able to keep it in any longer. Derek smacked her arm but was also smiling as he was struggling not to laugh. 
 “You must be Penelope,” Blake concurred once Penelope stayed in a silent, embarrassed state. “I’m Alex Blake.”
 “Nice to meet you. Really, actually nice in the nicest of ways nice,” Penelope said quietly as Derek placed a hand on her shoulder. 
 “I’m Derek Morgan,” Derek said, shaking Blake’s hand. 
 “Welcome back,” she responded. 
 Y/N then stepped up to introduce herself. 
 “I’m Y/N Y/L/N,” she stuck her hand out. 
 To her surprise, she smiled adoringly at her. “Welcome back to you too, Dr. Reid mentioned you the last time he guest lectured to me.” 
 Y/N giggled and glanced at Spencer who had a shy blush on his face. “Good things I hope.” 
 “Of course.”
 “How was Seattle?” Derek asked Blake. 
 “The unsub made Ridgway look like a saint. He even used his own kid to bait his victims,” Blake responded. 
 “Mm, those aren’t fun, we’ve seen them before, and no doubt will see those again,” Y/N said with a grimace. 
 Blake nodded and was about to respond but Rossi walked in quickly. 
 “Don’t unpack,” Rossi said as he walked past quickly. 
 “Garcia, the files,” Hotch said as he also walked past.
 Penelope nodded, muttering some words under her breath, embarrassed by her whole encounter as she walked away.
 The team made their way up to the round table room swiftly.
 “A few hours ago there was a prison transfer to the county hospital in Abilene, Texas. The Ambulance crashed and the prisoner escaped.” As Hotch began the case, Strauss entered with files and handed them to everyone. 
 “He’s wearing the EMT uniform, and he’s armed with the guard’s weapon,” Strauss continued. 
 “Aren’t the U.S. Marshals on this?” Derek asked. 
 “Yes, they are, but they need your help because this is what they found inside.” Strauss grabbed the remote and pulled up a picture of the victim. 
 “The EMT and the driver died in the accident, the guard, however, suffocated,” Strauss continued as they saw the Guard laying on the table in the photo. The EMT laid in the back in only his underwear and a white T-shirt. 
 “What’s on his mouth?” Y/N asked as she noticed the guard’s mouth had something on it. 
 “It was sewn shut,” Strauss responded.
 “So the prisoner in the silencer,” Blake said as she remembered the signature. 
 “Or this guy’s a copycat,” Rossi countered. 
 “Forensics confirmed it’s the same unique double-knot ligature he used in all three murder,” Hotch said, debunking the copycat theory.
 “His last known victim was in 2004 and he was never caught,” Spencer reminded everyone. 
 “So he didn’t go dormant by choice, he was locked up,” JJ concluded. 
 “Well, why not just escape? If he hadn’t sewn the guard’s mouth shut, we would never know it was him,” Derek said. 
 “He wants us to know he’s back,” Rossi replied to Derek’s statement with more clarity. 
 “We’ve got his face, what’s his name?” Blake asked Hotch. 
 “John Doe,” Hotch answered. “He was pulled over in ‘04 for a traffic violation, no registration, no tags, he carried no I.D.,” he continued. 
 “No way he did eight years for that,” Y/N said, confused as to why this man was in prison. 
 “They searched the car and found a gun with a silencer,” Hotch replied. 
 “A silencer, he was practically telling them who he was and no one made the connection,” Rossi stated baffled.
 “It’s a federal offense, carries a 30-year minimum sentence, but it was actually what he did inside that guaranteed him life without parole,” Hotch finished. 
 “He killed two men while inside,” JJ said reading the report in her file.
 “And never said a word,” Spencer added. 
 “Mm-hmm, he spoke with his fists,” Blake corrected as she looked at the report of all the fights he had been in. 
 “Remaining silent for 8 years takes a hell of a lot of self-restraint,” Derek said. 
 “Maybe it was a conditioned response,” Spencer said looking back at Derek. 
 “Garcia’s gathering all the files from ‘04, we’ll catch up on the plane. Wheels up in 30.” Hotch picked up his file and nodded his head to dismiss everyone.
 Y/N walked out of the room with Spencer trailing behind her closely. 
 “Hey,” he said, catching up beside her while she was at her desk. “How was your meeting with Strauss?” 
 Y/N just looked at him with an annoyed look, hoping that would tell him how she felt about it. 
 “That bad?” 
 “Oh yeah, but we’ll talk about it when we get back.” She pulled her duffle over her shoulder and laid her coat across her arm. 
 Spencer nodded, grabbing his own bag, and led the way out of the office.   
 Everyone sat in silence on the plane, looking over the files in hand. It wasn’t awkward, but it was filled with the stiffness you get when everyone’s minds are busy at work. 
 “Did any of you work on the Silencer case?” Blake asked, breaking the silence in hope to relieve the tension. 
 “That was during my extended sabbatical,” Rossi answered. 
 “I was still in college,” Y/N also answered. 
 The air became stiff again as Y/N mentioned college. After many times of telling the team, she was fine, and most of her trauma was gone, they still avoided the topic of college memories. She appreciated the fact they didn’t want to trigger any unwanted trauma, but she hated the fact that they walked on eggshells about the topic. 
 “We all consulted, but nobody made the trip to Texas,” Hotch said, answering for the rest of the team.
 Blake looked up confused as to why they didn’t make the trip. “Why not? Three women in four months, it’s textbook kill rate, an undeniable signature, obvious surrogates.” 
 She let out a scuff of confusion.
 “We weren’t invited by local police,” Hotch responded, disappointment that they weren’t invited evident in his voice . 
 “Aren’t you tired of that?” Blake said, annoyed that was the case of their help not being there.
 The team chuckled, all silently saying ‘we know it’s annoying’. 
 “Welcome to our world,” Y/N giggled along with everyone else. 
 “The women he killed were beaten and left in open ditches. That physical representation of his anger is missing this time around,” Derek said as he switched the subject to victimology. 
 “He must do something else that satisfies him,” JJ said. 
 “The signature is the same, but his victimology couldn’t be more different,” Spencer began answering JJ and Derek’s statements.  The guard was clearly a victim of necessity, but if he’s in need-driven behavior, such as sewing the mouths shut, how can he control that and only do it to the guard?” 
 “Maybe he just ran out of time,” Y/N said, answering Spencer’s now posed question. 
 “Or he could just want the guard to suffer in silence,” Derek argued. 
 “Literally makes his victims shut up,” Rossi agreed with his own twist on the argument. 
 “It seems obvious, but, uh, there may be something to it,” Hotch said, turning his head to Spencer for confirmation. 
 Spencer nodded his head. 
 “Then the question is why?” Blake asked. 
 “Morgan, you, Y/N, and JJ go to the M.E., Reid, you and Dave check out John Doe’s cell, and Blake and I will head to the U.S. Marshals,” Hotch said. 
 Y/N hated the M.E., it smelt weird to her. She could deal with dead bodies, sure, but it was the smell of all the sterile equipment and the LED lights that gave her a headache.
 “The suture is 6-zero nylon, P-3 needle, 13-millimeter long, ⅜ circle. A dozen of these would come in a box,” The M.E. said as she walked over to JJ, Y/N, and Derek who were beside the body. 
 “The suture drawer was empty on the ambulance,” Derek said. 
 “Then he’s got a lot more,” the M.E. concluded. 
 “His techniques aren’t like a mortician,” JJ said as she examined the mouth. 
 “It almost looks like the stitching is strictly through the lips,” Y/N agreed. She crossed her arms over her stomach as she leaned down closer to the face of the body. She turned her head to look at the stitching that almost looked like something from a horror movie. 
 “It’s rather crude what he’s done,” the M.E. added then pointed to the lips of the guard. “You see how the nylon is stretched? The victim struggled, which says the prisoner did it while this guy was still alive.”
 “Torture, just like his first victims,” JJ said, concluding that this was the torture for this victim like how he did with his others. 
 “Well, now that you’ve seen his handiwork, I’ll open his mouth.” The M.E. picked up a pair of surgical scissors and cut the nylon suture. 
 When the nylon was cut, the M.E. used her hands to open his mouth. As she did so, the four saw an orange bag folded up in his mouth. 
 “What’s that?” Y/N asked as she peered at the object closer. 
 As the M.E. opened the folded bag, they saw the note written inside.
 “ ‘Gazing through to the other side’,” Derek read aloud.
 “That’s not much of a taunt.” JJ’s face contorted as she thought about the note. 
 “Maybe it’s not for us?” Y/N posed as she looked at the two agents. 
 “Then who?” Derek asked.  
 “He literally put words in the guard’s mouth,” Y/N said as her, Derek, and JJ walked into the conference room of the U.S. marshall’s precinct. 
 When they walked in, it looked like Spencer and Rossi had also just arrived and been telling Blake and Hotch of their findings. 
 “That’s new,” Rossi stated. 
 “Well, we think this is what we were missing, the words give him the pleasure the beatings used to bring,” JJ relayed what they discussed on the car ride there. 
 “Maybe we had this wrong, what if the ritual is sewing the mouths shut?” Spencer posed, which everyone gave him slightly confused glances as a response. 
 “His signature used to be the beatings, but now it’s putting words in their mouths,” Spencer clarified what he meant. 
 “Yeah, just when you think a signature doesn’t get more solid than that,” JJ said, agreeing with Spencer. 
 “What did he write?” Blake asked Derek, who was holding the note in the bag. 
 “ ‘Gazing through to the other side’,” Derek read the note again. He held it up to show it to the group. 
 Blake gave a confused face as she tried to think if she had heard the words before. 
 “It’s not an anagram,” Blake deciphered. “Is it a phrase in anything you’ve read so far?” She looked at Spencer who had a pile of notepads in front of him. 
 “No, it’s not a well-known literary reference either,” Spencer answered. 
 “Well, the words mean something to him, otherwise he wouldn’t share it,” Blake said as she pointed down to a notepad she was holding. 
 “It’s gonna get dark soon, he’ll be on the move.” Hotch’s statement was more of a spoken thought. 
 “You want us on the roads with the marshals?” Derek asked Hotch. 
 “No, I think we should concentrate on remote locations,” Hotch answered. “He’s not just escaping detection, he’s a recluse. He’ll be attracted to isolated locations.” 
 As the day went into the night, the team had sent out marshals to cover some areas they thought the unsub could be based on a geo-profile Spencer and Y/N made. They got an unfortunate hit at a local, isolated gas station. The owner had been killed with his mouth sewn shut. 
 Spencer, Y/N, and Blake stayed back at the precinct to help develop more of the profile and hopefully decipher more of the note. 
 “Blake,” Blake said as she answered her phone.
 Y/N and Spencer could hear the faint voice of Derek on the other side. 
 “Did you get another note?” Blake asked. Derek responded with a ‘yep’ then Blake asked, “Can I put you on speaker?” 
 Assuming he said yes, she pulled the phone away from her ear and pressed the speaker button. 
 “ ‘Waiting on the taste of honey...the smell of summer,” Derek read. 
 Y/N thought for a second, then looked between Spencer and Blake hoping they knew what it meant. 
 “ ‘And the sight of the other side’, three of the senses,” Blake said as she pieced the notes together. 
 “Then we’re only missing sound and touch now,” Y/N said as she could now understand more of what the unsub was doing. 
 “This guy’s like Jekyll and Hyde writes a decent thought and then sews it in the mouth,” Derek said with slight irritation in his voice. 
 “Whatever he is, he’s romanticizing the hell out of this, thank Morgan,” Blake said, hovering her finger over the red hangup command. 
 “Sure,” he responded then Blake hung up.
 “ ‘Gazing through to the other side, waiting on the taste of honey, the smell of summer.’ Do you think he’s telling us about a place?” Spencer asked as he said the whole quote. 
 “That’s what it sounds like,” Y/N responded.
 “But…” Blake said and glanced back at the board and then walked to it. “Where?” She drew out the word with a sigh as she looked at a map. 
 “We can’t tell you exactly where this unsub’s going or what he’s thinking, but his actions will betray his intentions,” Hotch said as they began this odd profile. 
 “And how’s that?” Tilghman, the captain of the marshals, asked. 
 “Earlier tonight at the gas station, he could have stolen money, but the register wasn’t empty. That tells us he’s not planning a long road trip,” Hotch answered. 
 “And yet he’s logical enough to be in survival mode,” Y/N added. 
 “So logic tells him to escape, I get that,” Tilghman said then continued to ask a question. “But what the hell makes him sew mouths shut?” 
 “It’s a compulsion over which he has no control,” Hotch replied. 
 “So how do we stop him?” Tilghman asked. 
 “Well, truth shows itself through actions,” Derek began. “What’s this guy’s truth? He feels silenced. Agent Hotchner has a theory that he had a speech impediment that made him embarrassed to talk. He may have been relentlessly teased because of it.”
 “His prior victims tell us a woman, likely a mother figure is to blame,” JJ said. 
 “Chances are she was abusive and convinced him that whatever words he had were worthless,” Y/N continued. 
 “This guy hasn’t spoken a word in eight years, could he have been mute?” Tilghman asked. 
 “Definitely not,” Blake answered. 
 “You sound pretty damn sure,” Tilghman challenged. 
 “He refers to IPA in a few of his personal writings,” Blake responded. 
 “What’s IPA?” 
 “International Phonetic Alphabet. It represents only those qualities of speech that are in spoken language,” Blake answered. 
 “It’s proof that he’s able to hear, which means most likely he can talk but chooses not to,” Y/N said as she could add onto Blake’s thought. 
 “Then what’s he using it for?” Tilghman continued his questions. 
 “He uses multiple languages to communicate. IPA is an interesting choice, I’ve found that those who understand something as detailed as that are also proficient in sign language,” Blake concluded.
 “So these words that he’s leaving in these mouths are directly taunting us?” Tilghman asked what Y/N hoped was his final question. 
 “Those messages--” 
 “Have not been analyzed yet,” Blake interjected Y/N with a lie. 
 Y/N looked at her confused why she would do that then to Derek who had tapped her leg and gave her a confused look. Y/N simply shrugged at Derek answering his glance. 
 “You know, not to change the subject,” Spencer said, clearly changing the subject, hoping no awkward tension would come from the interjection. “But he’s incredibly well-read, which tells us that he grew up in isolation with literature being his only escape. His own writings are not as profound and despite his reading comprehension, we don’t think he’s had an extended education.”
 “Everything about his psychosis says the spoken word has value, it also greatly angers him,” Rossi said. 
 “And if he was yelled at or made to feel stupid, he held onto his anger until he snapped,” Hotch added. 
 “So why hasn’t he fled the area?” Tilghman asked. “He knows there’s a manhunt going down, wouldn’t he want to get as far away as possible?” 
 “Well, he could be on a mission. We just don’t know if that mission includes a person or a place, but we do know his target is close to here,” JJ answered both of Tilghman’s questions. 
 “Thank you,” Hotch said, dismissing everyone.
 When they stood up to leave the room, Derek tapped Y/N to get her attention.
 “You want to talk to her about that?” He asked, referring to Blake cutting her off.
 “Want to join me?” She responded which Derek nodded to. 
 “Hey, Blake,” Y/N said, making the dark-haired woman turn to her. She really didn’t want to piss this woman off, but she needed to know why she dismissed that part of the profile. 
 “Wouldn’t you say that those messages are related to the profile?” Y/N asked, wringing her hands together nervously. 
 “To a degree, yes,” Balke answered. 
 “A degree?” Derek questioned her response. “He basically signed his name to the murders.”
 “He’s never left words before, that’s a significant change of behavior,” Y/N added onto Derek’s statement. 
 “But you completely dismissed it,” Derek finished. Those are the words Y/N was afraid would piss off Blake. 
 “Because the Marshals have their own agenda,” Blake said in a whisper. “And will believe it’s a taunt no matter what we tell them. We don’t need to give them any more fuel.” 
 Blake was right, Y/N and Derek knew that, but she should have brought that up with them before delivering the profile. 
 “If the unsub needs to get his thoughts out, it’s like he’s reminding us of something, and until we know what that something is I’m not comfortable speculating in front of them,” Blake finished expressing how she felt about it. 
 “Well, how about the rest of us?” Y/N asked. The question came off as defensive and that was not her intent. 
 “Dr. Reid and I are coming up with theories-” she shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly- “you two are welcomed to join us.”
 Derek looked at Y/N. She was pressing her thumb across the top of each of her fingers, pushing hard as a way to express her anger. 
 When Blake had walked away after Derek had given her a response to do so, Y/N let out a breath. 
 “Do you think she’s intentionally trying to make us feel inferior?” Y/N whispered to Derek, who let out an agitated sigh. 
 “Come on, let’s at least join her and boy wonder to give her a chance.” 
 The next morning, Y/N, Hotch, and Blake rolled up to the sight of the crime scene. The morning was cloudy and almost seemed dull. Appropriate for the circumstance of the child in his carrier left under a tree. 
 “Marshal, where are the parents?” Hotch asked Marshal Tilghman as they got closer. 
 “Father’s in the stall dead, no sign of the mother,” Tilghman responded. “He stole the victims I.D.’s so I have no idea who he is, or what kind of vehicle we’re looking for.”
 “Was there another message?” Blake asked. 
 “They're checking right now.” Blake nodded and walked to the shed where the body was.  
 Y/N squatted down in front of the baby in the carrier. He was sleeping peacefully, a blanket laid carefully on top of him, his pacifier on top of the blanket, and his bottle beside it. That was odd because this baby was only a few months old. 
 “This baby is only a few months old, he’s too young to hold the bottle himself.” Y/N gestured to the bottle. 
 “Maybe the father fed him,” Tilghman said. 
 “You wouldn’t take the baby out of the safety of your car in the middle of the night.” Y/N shook her head at the thought of the unsub touching this poor little guy. A sudden motherly feeling overtook her and all she wanted to do was hold this baby. 
 “Then you’re telling me this guy killed a man then came out here for the baby?” Tilghman was confused by the theory. 
 “That’s exactly what he did,” Hotch answered solemnly. “He stayed with him while he slept and then gave him his pacifier.”
 “Well then, maybe he’s not that far away,” Tilghman said then walked away.
 As he walked away, Blake walked over and replaced the spot he vacated.
 “There were no words left in the mouth this time,” Blake said as she got close to Hotch. 
 “I think caring for the baby is his message,” Hotch said as he looked down at the child. 
 “Then he must relate to the child,” Blake concluded. 
 “Maybe he’s obsessed with nature he didn’t get,” Y/N said. Her focus never left the baby though, she was too worried about him waking up and crying for it to be diverted away.
 “Or simply wanted him to be quiet,” Blake added. 
 “He’s telling us he has boundaries?” Hotch wondered. 
 “He’s too unstable for that, I’d say he’s lucky,” Blake said as she gave a tight-lipped smile to the baby. 
 Y/N then looked to the side of the carrier, her hand reached under the blanket to move it off the ground. When she did so, an orange biohazard bag revealed. She picked it up and stood up from her squatted position to show Blake and Hotch her findings. 
 When they saw what she had, she opened the bag to see what was inside. 
 “Scissors...suture kits...medical tape.” She listed off the items she saw in the bag to them.
 “What’s he trying to tell us? That he’s finished killing?” Blake asked. 
 “He left his tools behind. That usually means you’re gonna call it quits,” Y/N said as she agreed with Blake’s question. 
 “He didn’t leave the stolen gun,” Hotch reminded them of the item. “He’s not giving up.”
 With that, the three finished up at the crime scene and headed back to the precinct to rethink what his next move will be. 
 “Okay,” JJ began with a sigh. “So he leaves words until today, maybe he’s closer to what he’s looking for?” 
 “He could have already found it,” Derek said, answering JJ’s questioned theory. “If he feels satisfied, he may disappear.”
 “Mm, we’re too close to let that happen,” Blake said with her hands pressed against one another in front of her face.
 “All right, then we go back to the first kills; three women, late forties, all working class. Mothers, brunettes, beaten and left in a ditch. That was his message, he hated them,” Hotch said trying to give a new train of thought for everyone. 
 “Maybe he’s not targeting women anymore because he already killed the person he blames,” Y/N proposed. She had been looking down at her journal in her lap, when she looked up, she was met with Spencer’s gaze. 
 She blushed, even after a year of dating, his gazes of adoration still give her butterflies. 
 “Most likely his mother,” Blake said, agreeing with Y/N.
 “We should have Garcia run all the victims’ names again,” Hotch said, pulling over the conference phone, dialing Penelope’s number. 
 “At your service,” Penelope said, answering the phone after one ring. 
 “Pull up the ‘04 victims,” Hotch ordered. 
 “All right, we need a list of their children,” Hotch continued his orders.
 “Okay, next of kin, state welfare, give me a sec…” Penelope’s voice trailed off as she searched then a ping was heard. “Gotcha! Okay, some were put into foster care after their moms died, runaways, truancy, not good.” 
 “Any incarcerated?” Hotch asked. 
 “A handful, do you have any more parameters?” Penelope asked in hopes of getting a hit. 
 “Uh, not yet, just send us the list,” Hotch answered. 
 “Comin’ at ya now.” Penelope hung up. 
 “All right, let’s start with the first victim.” Hotch pulled the list up on his phone.
 “Julie Myres.” JJ pointed with her pencil to the victim on the board. 
 “Three boys- Mark, Greg, and John, born ‘70, ‘72, ‘74, history of truancy. Child services lost track of them.” Hotch read from the list, only hitting the highlights and not going into the full detail. 
 “Is there any family history of cajun French?” Blake asked. 
 “Yeah, Julie Myres was born in New Orleans,” Hotch answered as he read the bio of the victim. 
 “Could Explain his interest in the language,” Y/N posed with a shrug.
 “Let’s jump ahead to his most recent behavior-” Derek grabbed a bag with the evidence Y/N found by the baby- “He leaves all of this behind. Is it his version of surrender?”
 “What’s the medical tape for?” Rossi nodded to the tape in the bag. “He didn’t use it on any of the victims.” 
 “Yet it was important enough for him to steal from the ambulance,” Derek said as he gestured to the item in the bag. 
 “Maybe he’s using it on himself.” Y/N leaned forward on the table. “We said he may have some kinda nerve damage, if that’s the case, his eye won’t shut by itself.”
 “So he would have to tape it down,” Derek said agreeing with Y/N’s statement. 
 “It’s his left eye, the same where the recent scars are,” Hotch added. 
 “Under his ear,” JJ said, remembering the scar in the picture. “What if he was trying to stop from hearing.”
 “That’s pretty severe, taking a knife to your own head,” Rossi said, not sure if that would be the case. 
 “He may have had an implant, the electronic pulses enhance natural sound. If all he wants is peace, an implant is like having a speaker that goes to eleven,” Blake said. 
 With this new theory in play, Hotch hit the redial button to call Penelope back. 
 “That was fast,” Penelope said when she answered. 
 “Do any of the children have a cochlear implant?” Hotch asked, hopeful for a yes. 
 “Uh, 1988, John Myers,” Penelope responded after a small pause for her searching. 
 “He was fourteen at the time,” Hotch said looking at his birthdate.
 “Yeah, his mom was paid six hundred and fifty bucks for the medical trial,” Penelope said as she did some more digging. 
 “Was he deaf before that?” Y/N asked leaning closer to the phone. 
 “Had to be in order to participate,” Penelope answered. Her fingers typing on the keys could be heard through the call as she pulled up more of the trial. “Yikes, it was a highly experimental procedure. It was rested on humans, not animals-”
 Everyone’s eyebrows shot up in shock at her words. 
 “Caused quite the controversy.” 
 “So mom gives him the gift of hearing and it turns out to be a curse,” Rossi said as he came to a conclusion for a motive. 
 “Spent his first fourteen years in silence, gets lost in the world through books, learns languages-- anything to escape,” Spencer said. 
 “He’s content, and then his mom gets paid to use him as a guinea pig and now he can’t turn the noise off,” Blake said as she thought more into his motive. 
 “He blamed her and he wanted her to suffer,” JJ said, agreeing with Blake.
 The team kept working, pulling different theories and piecing together scenes.
 Y/N tried to focus, but she was having a hard time. Spencer was focused with Blake on trying to decipher the two notes, and she really couldn’t follow what they were saying. All she could think about was that poor baby. 
 “Hotch, I’m going to get some air.” Y/N stood up from her chair. 
 Hotch nodded his head, and the rest of the team watched as Y/N swiftly walked out of the room and out the doors. 
 When the air hit her, she felt capable of breathing again. She laced her fingers together and placed them on top of her head. The sun was warm on her face and she felt like her head was clear for the first time in hours. 
 Her arms fell down to her sides when she heard the front door open. She expected it to be Spencer, but she was surprised when she was met with Blake. 
 “You okay?” She asked sincerely. 
 Y/N took a breath in through her nose, no tears came from her eyes, but the breath was shaky like she was crying. 
 Running her hands down her face, she let out the breath she took in. “Yeah, yeah, I’m good.” She looked at her with a tight-lipped smile. 
 An awkward silence fell between the two as Y/N was still trying to compose herself and Blake was trying to from her words. 
 “I wanted to apologize for last night. I should’ve talked to the team about the whole note thing before we delivered the profile,” Blake said with an apologetic tone. 
 “I understand.” Y/N really didn’t want to get into the fact that Blake made her feel inferior, so she opted to just let it go. 
 With a grateful smile, Blake gave a simple nod and opened the door for Y/N. She smiled and walked in to head back to the conference room. 
 Y/N stood in front of a whiteboard. The two phases of the notes he left written out on it. Her eyes darted between the words and the pictures of the victims, not even knowing where to start to figure out where the words could take them.
   “If they aren’t his words then who’s are they?” Derek asked as he walked away from the board to sit down. He was annoyed that they couldn’t figure out what they were. 
 “We need to find out who his neighbors were in prison,” Blake said as she thought of where they could start. 
 “He spent more time in solitary then he did in his own cell,” Rossi stated, not knowing if what Blake was asking for would help. 
 “It’s total darkness but not complete silence, the inmates can speak through the walls,” JJ said.
 “Let’s see which fellow inmate did time in solitary when he was there.” Rossi pulled out his phone then walked out of the room to make the call to the prison. 
 “I can’t really imagine an inmate thrown in solitary would be telling campfire stories to other inmates in solitary.” Y/N spoke in a monotone voice, her eyes still trained on the board. 
 “Some inmates get put in there for their own protection,” Derek reminded her. 
 “That’s true, we should start with those prisoners,” Hotch said, agreeing with Derek’s statement. 
 “Hold on,” Blake said, bringing the attention to her. “See how he wrote ‘Waiting on the taste of honey’, it’s got Southern U.S. roots, but more specifically it’s Texas south. A sub-dialect of southern English found in the north-central part of the state.” 
 She looked back down at the notes then saw another thing. “Right here-- you wait for something that hasn’t shown up, you wait on something that’s nearby.” 
 “The taste of honey would be close,” Spencer said as he understood what Blake was saying. 
 “Yes, and the storyteller is probably from north of here.” 
 “Fewer were thrown in the hole than you think,” Rossi said when he stepped back into the room, then set his phone down on the table. “Go ahead, Garcia.” 
 “Our unsub was the MVP of solitary. He was in there more than any other prisoner,” Penelope said as she relayed what she told Rossi to the rest of the team. 
 “All right, we’re looking for somebody who didn’t belong in jail. His offense would be minimal, he might even be in there for his own protection.”Hotch gave some parameters. 
 “Uh-huh, I got a few,” Penelope responded when she got a hit. 
 “Can you read off the hometowns?” Blake asked.
 “Sure, Beaumont, Edinburgh, Sweetwater--”
 “Sweetwater, who was that inmate?” Y/N asked as the name perked her ears. She turned away from the board and stood next to Blake. 
 “Danny Tucker looks like he was only in for two months,” Penelope answered. 
 “Well, that’s long enough to tell stories to John Myres,” Hotch said.
 “Hey, his family owns property near where you are. It’s really secluded, too,” Penelope said as she found out that information. 
 “With local honey, by any chance?” Blake asked.
 “They are known for it.”
 “That’s where he’s going,” Y/N said looking at Blake next to her who nodded in agreement. 
 “Garcia, is it private property?” Hotch asked. 
 “It was, but it’s been sold. They’re building a housing development.” 
 “So it’s not the hideaway he’s hoping for,” Y/N said, looking to Hotch.
 “Where would he go?” Blake asked. 
 “He might blame Danny for lying to him. Garcia-” 
 “Danny’s house is down the road from the development, I’m sending his address to your phones now.” Penelope beat Hotch to the punch. 
 “Dave, You, Reid, and Y/N go to the site, the rest of us will go to the house,” Hotch said, sending everyone off. 
 That evening, the team arrived back at Quantico. Sadly, John had ended up taking his own life, but Danny and his family were saved. 
 Rossi led the pack of Y/N, Spencer, JJ, and Blake through the office doors. 
 “Don’t tell me there's another one,” Rossi said as he was now face-to-face with Strauss who had been waiting for them. 
 “There’s always another one,” she replied. 
 “I told you we should’ve just gotten into our cars,” Rossi said as he regretted not doing so. 
 Y/N rested her head on Spencer’s arm. She really wanted to go home now, even after being stuck there for so long, she just wanted to go home and cuddle with Spencer. 
 “Where are we off to now?” JJ asked. 
 “Home,” Strauss responded. “You need to spend at least one night in your own beds.” 
 “Bless,” Y/N said, grabbing Spencer’s hand and leading him to the elevator. 
 “Don’t have to tell me twice,” Rossi said following close behind.
 “Yeah, me too,” JJ said as she also followed. 
 When Y/N walked through her and Spencer’s apartment door, she let out a loud, exaggerated sigh of relief. She held both her arms out as she basked in the feeling of being home. 
 “I thought you said you were done with being stuck at home,” Spencer laughed as he set down his go-bag. 
 “I say some things that I don’t mean later.” Y/N set her go-bag down by the couch and walked into the bedroom, flopping onto the bed. 
 The nicely made bed, now looking a little disheveled from the impact, surrounded Y/N. The comfort it gave relieved her back pain from the lousy hotel bed she had slept in. 
 Spencer followed closely behind, and unlike her, carefully climbed next to her in the bed. 
 “You want to tell me about that meeting now?” Spencer asked, grabbing her hand and giving it a kiss. 
 “Ugh.” Y/N groaned as she scooted closer to Spencer. She kinda hoped he would forget about it, but that would literally be impossible for him. “She asked me if I wanted to move to the fugitive task force because Emily left.” 
 “And what did you say?”
 “I said no, obviously.” 
 She had her head laying on his chest but then lifted it up to look at him. Her head rested in her hand that Spencer wasn’t holding, his thumb rubbing back and forth across her knuckles. 
 “She should know I wouldn’t want to move, I told her when I joined the BAU it was my dream,” Y/N said with her voice rising with irritation. “And it was super annoying, she acted like she was surprised that would be my answer. I don’t want to end up like how JJ did where she had to move to state by force. That was stupid. I just, she thinks she can have everything she wants-” 
 Spencer’s laughter cut her off. 
 “Why are you laughing?” She asked with furrowed brows. 
 “You’re overreacting, if you said no then nothing will happen, JJ’s case was special,” he told her with a reassuring look. “And also you’re just cute when you’re irritated,” he shrugged. 
 Her eyebrows raised in question. “Oh yeah?” 
 She let go of his hand and quickly reached for a pillow behind her head. She sat up on her knees and smacked him with the pillow. 
 “Am I cute now?” She giggled and waited for his reaction. He wrapped his arms around her waist and tackled her down to have him laying on top of her. That was enough of a distraction for him to grab his own pillow and smack her with it.  
 She sat up again and the two had a flat out pillow war. Not a fight, a war. 
 Eventually, Y/N ended up on top of Spencer, straddling his torso. Her hands grabbed his sides as she tickled him relentlessly. 
 “Okay, okay, I surrender!” He panted with laughter. 
 She stopped her assault and moved to lay on him. 
 “Yay,” she pecked his lips and moved off of him to cuddle into his side.
Tag List (let me know if you want to be added!!):
@throughparisallthroughrome​ @word-scribbless​ @nintendumbfuck​ @confused-and-really-hungry​ @justine-en​ @andiebeaword​ @itsarayofsunshine​ @baby-i-am-fireproof​ @abitofeverythinggg​ @nanocoool​ @marceline-is-my-spirit-animal​ @fancyfaucet​ @im-a-raging-gay​ @atletino @mo-whore @peterparkersdestiny​ @bandsandjill​ @mbowles23-blog​ @sarcasm-n-insomnia​ @citrussirus​ @nerual222 @april-14-blog​ @reidloversisforever @heavenlyholland​ @justawildmarebae​ @sana-li​ @thesailbells​ @l0ve-0f-my-life @spencer101reid​ @spencersdolore​ @delicateprunecashpony​ @sader12345678​ @dashlilymark​ @mysticalmagicmoon​ @onebigfangirlworld​ @saturn-mp4​ @hurricanejjareau​ @thatweirdo466​ @angryknightstatesmantrash​ @nograciass @danandphilfan6​ @la-vie-en-amour1​ @squirrellover1967​
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jawritter · 4 years
The Arrangement
Part 1
Summery: You are a young girl that was raised in a small church in Dallas, TX. One of the only churches left in the state that still practices arranged marriages. When your betrothed ran off to California you thought you'd escape the fate you were trained for ever since a small child. Now upon the death your parents your fate seemed to be inescapable as he's returned, and is ready to take you as his bride.
Book Warnings: Arranged marriage, loss of virginity, smut, unprotected sex, angst, language, suicide attempt, battles with anxiety, struggles with mental illness, age gap (about 11 years), I think that’s it, chapters will have warnings of their own!
Chapter Warnings: Grief, dealing with the death of parents, talk of arranged marriage, some language probably? I think that’s it really.
Word Count: 1140
A/N: This book is a book about Christian and church based arranged marriages, I would like to take this moment to say that I DO NOT have ANYTHING against the Chirstian faith, and mean absolutely no harm to anyone! Especially Jensen’s family! This is a complete work of fiction, and should be treated as such!
Beta’d by the amazing @deanwanddamons who was awesome enough to do all this for me! It was a lot of work, and she deserves all the praise for it!!
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
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Looking around at the boxes and items that are stacked haphazardly around the room full of all your childhood memories, you can't help but take a deep breath to try and steady yourself, doing all you could to ward off all the memories that threaten to flood in and invade your emotions.
Like a damn on the brink of breaking, little sprinkles of water filled with memories drip down the concrete walls that you've built up in your mind, wetting the cement and changing its color to a much darker one. Each one leaves it's trail of pain as it goes down to join the pool waiting for it at the bottom of the dam.
At any given moment it could break, letting lose a flood that would surly overflow and destroy everything in its wake. 
That's where your mind was right now. 
Trying it's best to hold off all the memories, just long enough to do the task at hand.
It was threatening to devastate you, to overtake you, but you held it back.  It was working so far, but barely . You needed to get the job done.
Pulling the packing tape over the box that you had been filling with pictures and nick nacks  that once lined the living room walls, you placed it with the others. 
"Last one" you tell yourself, stacking it with the others that lined the wall.
Standing back, you take a look around the room. The carpet still showed indents of the furniture  that stood there for so many years, but were now gone.
If you looked hard enough you could see the square outlines where pictures, and a clock once hung on the wall, permanently marking their spot over the span of time that it was there.
Shaking back the ache in your chest, you walk room to room in your parents small little house, making sure there is nothing left to box up. Nothing remaining that would be left behind.
As you slip from room to room  the silence feels deafening. The atmosphere was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. 
You blink hard to hold back the tears that threaten to fall down your face. In your mind you know this was the last time you'd ever walk down this hall.  You thought back to the millions of trips you'd made as a child, and throughout your adult life.
You should have treasured it more. 
The sound of the TV playing Jeopardy in the living room, the smell of that morning's breakfast, or whatever meal was being prepared to be served; the sound of your mother singing to herself old gospel hymns as you got closer to the kitchen.
You would have stopped and just enjoyed the things that you once thought were mundane. The things you took for granted. 
Now they were the things you missed the most.
Walking into the kitchen, the table was no longer there, and the room stood empty of everything that wasn’t an appliance of some sort. 
It was once the life of this old house. Where your mother and her friends would gather with their coffee cups, and little cakes that your mother would bake, laughing and gossiping away.
It was just silence and emptiness now. 
It was like this house itself had died along with your parents. There was a light gone from it that nothing could ever replace. Nothing could ever revive. It was permanent.
"Ms. Y/L/N?” Pastor Burton is waiting outside in the SUV. “Whenever you're ready to leave." said the young assistant pastor. Everyone jokingly called him Peewee  since he had such a striking resemblance to Peewee Herman.
"I'll be ready in just a moment Bro. Charles. Ask him to allow me to turn off everything, and lock it up for the movers tomorrow, and I'll meet the two of you there."
With that, he only nods and turns to go. 
This was such a difficult situation that no one really was wanting to push you, or make you feel like you were being rushed. That you were thankful for. This wasn't how all this was supposed to happen, but here you are. Now you just have to deal with it.
"Bro. Charles?" you call out, just as the young man's foot hits the landing leading to the front door of your childhood home. 
"Is he here? In Dallas?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. 
All the emotions you had been holding back since you followed the black caskets of your mother and father out of your family church were threatening to spill over, the dam more than ready to break. Still you held them back.
"He's waiting at the church with his father. He said to take your time. He knows this is difficult for you."
You just nod your head, your heart in your throat. Charles leaves you to your thoughts as you begin to turn the remaining lights off in the house.
It was arranged long before you were born. When you were just a child, he married her. 
Now, just in time it seems, he's returned home and said he's ready to take his place as your husband; like was intended all those years ago, less than 24 hours after your mother and father passed away in a horrible car accident. 
Leaving you alone.
"It's the Lord's way of fixing things. He sent Jensen home for you just when he knew you'd need him." Pastor Burton had told you.
This isn't the way you'd pictured your wedding day. Not with this much grief and pain. It felt more like a funeral all over again. 
The death of your freedom. To be given completely over to a rich man that you didn't even know.A man that was meant to be your husband, but turned his back on you all those years ago. Now he was back to claim you as his own. 
There was nothing you could do to stop it, and honestly where the hell would you go? You had nothing and no one left. Just Jensen, the man that in less than two hours would be your husband, not only in the law of the state of Texas, but also in the eyes of God.
Closing the door to your childhood home, you lock it. Standing in the pouring Texas spring rain, you  press your forehead against the door of your childhood home one last time.
"Goodbye Mom, goodbye Dad." you whisper as you push yourself off the door, your heart tearing into two pieces. 
A part going with you, a part staying there on the doorstep.
You make your first steps toward the unknown, and the black SUV that waits for you just beyond your driveway.
"This is it. There's no turning back now."
Tag List: @lyarr24 @amandamdiehl @deanwanddamons @imabitch4jensen @rvgrsbrns @bi-danvers0 @onethirstyunicorn @i-love-superhero @akshi8278 @lyss-dw79 @magssteenkamp @lemondropirwin @squirrelnotsam @hobby27 @spnbaby-67 @mrsjenniferwinchester @defenderrosetyler @screechingartisancashbailiff @thecreatiivecorner  @aflamboyanceofgays @vicmc624 @busy-bee-angel-misska @justanotherwinchester @brilovesdeanwinchester @idksupernatural
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i-okamie · 4 years
How Did I End up Here ?
It’s dark when Lena reaches her place.As usual when you come home to an empty apartment. Of course it’s not empty, Lena has furnitures : a giant Tv screen that she never turns on, a leather couch that’s almost starting to collect dust since no one sits there, shelves running along the wall to hold books and nicks nacks, a coffee table with neatly stacked piles of paper and a laptop, and so on. But to Lena the silence and clinical tidiness of the place is unnerving tonight. The day has been a succession of problems in the labs, and board meetings full of arrogant men trying to tell her how to handle her very own company. As if she didn’t know the results and numbers better than them.Lena discards her heels and coat while walking toward the table, she’ll pick them up later. She adds another file to the neat and dreadfully high piles of papers, before drawing a shuddering breath. She isn’t ignoring the cracked picture frame on the table, she doesn’t think about how the aventurine geode she used as paperweight has been compared to the green shade of her eyes, she doesn’t look for a sticky note with kind words scribbled on it, and she certainly doesn’t glances at her phone every now and then hoping to see a text from someone. Anyone. Lena rubs her temples before venturing toward the kitchen. The headache that she felt building all day long is finally striking her full force, and a stiff drink is the only thing that will relieve some of it. Before all that mess, maybe she would have made tea, set up two cups, along with an unhealthy among of sugar because Kara ... « Stop it !» she snaps at herself. She is Lena Luthor for god sake. She won’t break because of a headache and some idiots trying to lie to her face to gain some leverage or whatever at L-corp. She knows better than that. Lena goes for a second drink. She knows she shouldn’t. It’s ungodly late, and she has a meeting tomorrow at 10am, so a hangover is really not what she needs while negotiating a contract with a brand new partner. But it’s not what she is aiming for. What the young woman is searching is the quiet buzz that only alcohol can bring her. The kind that makes the whole world spin on itself and soften its edges. So when she ends up walking toward the couch with the scotch bottle half empty in hand, all she does is snort. How did she end up like this ? She worked hard to prove the world that, conversely to her brother she can be a good Luthor and not a scorpion. She rebranded the company, created medical technology and made it affordable so more lives could be saved, she makes donations, participate to galas for charities, and when she bought CatCo she saved hundred of jobs... she saved Kara’s job in a heartbeat. At the time she justified it as « diversifying my company activities », which must have come off as lame because the blond woman laughed fondly at her when she heard that. But for once she hadn’t mind the mockery, because she knew her friend meant no harm. « And what a friend she was ... » Lena mumbles bitterly, before taking another gulp of the alcohol. Her phone buzz, startling her out of her downward spiral of memories. Swaying ever so slightly from alcohol and exhaustion, Lena sits straight on the couch where laid to glance at the coffee table where she left her phone to see who it could be. Absolutely ready to roast alive whoever is asking something from her this late. But on the screen there is a single text from Kara « I know I have no rights to ask anything or worry, but I hope that you are doing good ». Attached to it, there is a picture of a golden retriever looking at the camera with big eyes. Kara must have seen the dog today and couldn’t resist taking a picture.It’s ridiculous. It’s just the picture of a dog sent by her traitorous friend. If anything she should be angry. How dare she pretend she cares ? She didn’t care so much when Lena told her that betrayal was her kryptonite and yet lied to her face. She she didn’t care when she called her a villain. And she certainly didn’t care when she broke her heart, proving that Lex was right all along, that she had been foolish, and that no one would ever see past the name Luthor. That people would just use Lena for personal gain or keep tabs on her out of distrust. At the thought of her brother, snickering and taunting her, the young woman throws the scotch bottle toward the shelves with a cry of anger. Everything to not hear his voice telling her over and over that she is unworthy of love and stupid to ever though she was. The bottle explodes in shards with the impact and takes down some books with it, which are now laying in a puddle of scotch.Rubbing her temples once again, Lena sights at the mess she’s done. She had been stupid to believe that for once things would end differently. But hope has this way of seeping through the tiniest crack of an armor and the CEO had found herself in love with the kryptonian before she knew it.When her phone vibrates again to indicate a new text she doesn’t bother looking at it, leaving it on the table. She decides to grab the books to avoid more damage, but after a few steps toward the shelves to pick them up the world spins violently around Lena and black spots creep at the edge of her vision. She barely think of the glass shards when she collides with the ground and a sharp pain shots through her forearms. All that cross her mind is her brother venomous words and Kara’s smile. That damn fake smile which she loves so fondly and that could brighten any day. She could swear that she hears Kara calling her name from afar, her name called out in anguish. But that’s just a trick from her mind because why her former friend would be here ? Lena is on her own and that’s her fault. She doesn’t call back before everything blacks out.
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summerstardust · 3 years
Did You Miss Me? Part 7
Dhawan!Master x Reader --- Previous Missy x Reader
AN: I finished this at like one in the morning, so I hope that this is good!
Summary: It has been over a month since The Master appeared again and him and the reader are living a happy Human life. But through your daily routines together will the reader discover something off about The Master.
Warnings: some alcohol consumption
Word Count: 2832
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“I hate pretending to be Human!” The Master screamed into the air as soon as he entered the apartment. You didn’t know if he was just shouting out of rage or if he actually knew that you were home and the comment was direct toward you. You, however, assumed the former. The two of you had been living together in your apartment for a little over a month now, and most everything was working out. The Master would help you with your studies and you would help The Master with his school plans and pretending to be Human. But then there were days like today where both of you were tired of iterating with Humans. The Master’s reactions were always more bombastic.
You were nestled under many blankets on your couch, having taken a break from doing some homework. Evidently, The Master had not seen you and was just screaming out into the air in frustration. So when he turned the corner and saw your face peeking out from one of your blankets, he jumped and almost dropped his work bag! He gasped and placed a hand over his hearts while looking away from you. You remained silent, but continued to watch his actions. Once The Master calmed down he threw his work bag and plaid purple coat onto a nearby chair and removed his shoes. He then walked over to you and removed your blankets. You were about to protest because of the sudden coldness, but The Master crawled and laid on top of you before cocooning the pair of you in your blankets.
“What was it this time?” You eventually asked, but The Master only mumbled something into your chest, causing reverberations to run through your body. You were unable to hear what he said. “I’m sorry, love, what was that?” Like a petulant child, he dramatically shifted to where his chin was resting on your sternum, causing the pout already written on his face to double.
“The self checkout machine at the grocery store refused to work. I wasn’t able to get  anything and my boss invited us to a dinner party again!” You tried to hold back your amusement at The Master’s complaints while rubbing circles on his back.
“How did you survive before you met me?” You joked.
“I either had random people do my bidding or my TARDIS.” The Master moved to cuddle into your neck and motioned for you to play with his hair.
“Oh, poor little baby! So overwhelmed by having to take care of themselves.”
“You're so mean!”
“I’m mean! You're the destroyer of worlds!” The Master sighed and slumped down onto your shoulder, you continued to run your hands through his hair until he calmed down a bit.
The Master usually only slept at night beside you. He obviously didn’t need to sleep as much as you. Throughout both regenerations you encountered, they often said that Timelords(or ladys) were more advanced than Humans and didn’t need to do things as often as your species, like sleeping and eating. But The Master would always stay by your side and protect you during the night. However, The Master seemed incredibly stressed, more stressed than usual so you told him to take a nap while you went to get the groceries and that the pair of you would discuss the dinner party when you came back.
It was a quick trip to the store without The Master. You loved him, but he was oftly distracting! You noticed that whenever The Master pretended to be Human, they tended to obsess about every Human thing. He tried to explain it to you once, basically he thinks that he must be knowledgeable in every Human thing to accurately convince people that he is Human. You tried to explain to him that no Human is fully aware of everything  on the planet, and that’s just part of being a Human. But everytime the two of you go to the store, The Master insists on extensively researching everything he sees. 
When you returned to your apartment, The Master was not asleep on the couch where you left him, nor had he moved to your now shared bed. Once you crossed the threshold of your bedroom, you noticed that your wardrobe door was open. You were more preoccupied with your thoughts on where The Master could have disappeared to, then you remembered that that wardrobe was the TARDIS. Neither you or The Master had entered it in over a month and a thick layer of dusk had accumulated from lack of use. You were confused by this and wondered what The Master would need in his TARDIS, or what he could be doing in there all of a sudden. 
You slowly made your way to the wardrobe and peaked your head around the open door. The Master was in deep concentration, pushing buttons and pulling levers. You creeped further into the TARDIS and cleared your throat to get The Master’s attention. His head whipped toward your direction, a stern glare clearly visible on his face.
“What are you doing in here?” You asked softly as to not anger him more.
“You aren’t supposed to be back yet.” You were shocked by his response. It was cold and emotionless and completely unlike how he ever treated you. You recovered from your shock quickly, however.
“But I am back. So why didn’t you answer my question?”
“I am allowed to enter my TARDIS whenever I want.” He was just as cold in speech as he aggressively pushed more buttons and pulled more levers. 
“I understand that and I’m not stupid. I understand that you are going through more than I could ever imagine, despite the fact that I constantly tell you that I am here for you if you ever want to discuss it. But despite everything, you have no right to talk to me like that.” The Master stopped what he was doing and you saw his face calm down, and almost look remorseful. Before he could respond you quickly spoke, “Finish whatever you are doing so we can talk about the dinner party.” You quickly walked out of the TARDIS, slamming the door behind you, and exited your room toward the kitchen to actually put away all of your groceries you left on the counter. You didn’t expect to be this upset, because you always knew that this was not The Master’s home. He would always want to go back to space and back to traveling, but you hoped that after this past month, he would appreciate your time together over revenge.
When you packed away the last of the groceries, The Master softly trudged into the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen table with his head down. You hopped up onto the kitchen counter and swung your legs back and forth, waiting for The Master to speak first.
“An alarm went off in the TARDIS. The Doctor was trying to hack into the console. Probably to see what you were up to because you haven’t been responding to her texts.” His voice was soft but agitated, you could tell that he wasn’t mad at you, it was because of The Doctor.
“I’ve been talking to everyone else, I just don’t want to talk to her. Do you fix everything?”
“Yeah.” He nobbed then looked to you, “I might have to monitor it every once in a while, just so you know.” You nodded and told him that you understood, even though you feared that he might leave.
“We are still going to the dinner party, though.”
“Ugh!!! What? I don’t want to go!” You laughed after successfully distracting The Master from The Doctor.
“You have to, though!”
“But why?” He quickly moved from his seat to leaning his hands on the kitchen counter, trapping you between his arms. His chocolate eyes were pleading that you would change your mind, but you didn’t.
“Because you have to pretend to be Human, Master, and Humans go to parties thrown by their coworkers.” The Master groaned and fell forward to lean his head on your shoulder.
“But you said that I can just call them and say that I’m sick. His voice was muffled, but you eventually made out what he was saying.
“Yeah, but you did that the last two times you were invited. You can’t do that three times in a row. It’s just rude.” The Master sighed into your neck, then eventually moved to look at you again.
“Fine, I’ll go. But only if you wear something scandalous!” The Master smirked hopefully, but you jokingly pushed The Master away from you, giving him a curt “no” before dragging him back to your room to get changed.
You ended up wearing a suit similar to the one you wore to Barton’s party, but with more purple, thanks to The Master and his TARDIS. The Master wore purple corduroy pants with a soft sweater vest and black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Not surprisingly, The Master took longer to get ready than you did. It was funny how anxious he became when he had to impress other people while pretending to be a Human. However, he would never admit to this.
The Master convinced you to use a vortex manipulator he had stowed away deep in his TARDIS to travel to the dinner party, but only if the pair of you travel back in a cab or uber on the way back.
The pair of you appeared about a block away from The Master’s boss’s home, so the two of you could walk to the front door without other guests seeing the alien technology.
You walked with your arm curled around The Master’s, who kept his hands in his pockets out of nervousness. You rang the doorbell and a man wearing a unique waistcoat quickly opened the door. He was already very drunk, sloshing around a half filled glass of champagne, and was grinning like a maniac. He laughed, seemingly at nothing, then bellowed a loud “hello, come inside! Grab a drink!” The pair of you apprehensively looked toward each other, then slowly walked past the very drunk man and into the home.
The home of The Master’s Human boss seemed to be owned by someone who was older than the person The Master described. It was filled with rugs and doilies and random nick nacks of animals dressed in cottegecore like clothing. The home, in general, was covered in an alarming amount of mustard yellow colored things and there were many hand crocheted blankets on armchairs and sofas. Suddenly, The Master’s boss came over to the pair of you, calling his alias name. He was just as The Master described, middle aged and bored of his wife.
“So you do have a significant other after all, Owen!” 
“Yes, I do, sir.”
“But good for you, Owen, they are very pretty!” The headmaster of the school leered at you, thinking that he was smooth. You rejected the leer and curled into The Maser, causing the headmaster to cough awkwardly. “We all thought that you were making them up and that was why you refused to come to our dinner parties. ”
“No, I’m afraid that I’m just not a party person, sir.”
“I had to pressure him to come, I’m afraid.” You eventually managed to bolt into the conversation, most of which The Master’s boss liked to dominate.
“And we are glad that you did, sweetheart!” The headmaster placed a sweaty hand on your shoulder and squeezed, while smiling a creepy smile at you. He eventually left to talk to more guests, so you turned to try and calm The Master down. Throughout the conversation you could feel how tense and angry he was coming at the idea of not being able to retaliate.
You suggested that the two of you should get some food and drinks then retreat to a secluded corner of the home. Eventually, The Master did start cheering up, just from the two of you talking. But then the headmaster’s wife, who was even more drunk than the man who opened the door, came barrelling out of the kitchen threatening to sing her favourite show tunes. 
All of the other drunk individuals were raucously telling her to start singing. You felt The Master shift beside you and you saw him pull out his TCE from his pocket. You tried to non verbally tell The Master to stop doing whatever he was planning, but he was only focused on the light hanging above the headmaster’s wife.
“Don’t.” You finally said, but he did. The Master used his TCE to break a light bulb from across the room. The wife of The Master’s boss screamed in surprise. You glared at The Master while he tried to hide his smirk. 
“Why did you do that?” The Master snorted, unable to keep himself from laughing.
“Why not? This evening has been incredibly boring and some people need to learn to not touch what isn’t theirs.” You couldn’t disagree, it was a boring evening and his coworkers were annoying, but then you saw that a shard or the light bulb lodged itself into the wife’s fleshy arm, and that was too far. You also knew that was adding to The Master’s laughter.
“I think we should leave.” You were stern in your statement, causing The Master’s smirk to crumble. He nodded silently then held out his hand for you to take. You did take his hand, but coldly, before The Master led you through the house and let The Master explain to his boss for your departure. Once outside, you let go of The Master’s hand and he silently called an uber.
The two of you rod back to your apartment in an uber, not speaking to one another or the driver. You only spoke to give a quick “thank you” to the driver when they dropped you off at your apartment, but other than that, the pair of you still did not speak. The Master walked up to your apartment building faster than you, and opened all of the locked doors with his TCE so you didn’t have to. The two of you remained silent while you got ready for bed and changed into your matching purple pajamas. 
“I love you, but please don’t do that again. Especially because your boss’s wife didn't do anything to us.” The Master turned to see you already in bed and moving the blankets to welcome him in. He loved that even though you were upset, you still always thought of him. He wished that he was more like you.
“She was annoying, though.” The Master was trying to make you laugh, but you just glared back. The Master moved to join you in bed.“I’m sorry. I won't do it again, I promise.” You thanked him for making that promise, then wished him a good night. 
You had gone to sleep rather quickly, especially because the day was so tiring, but The Master didn’t have the same luck. You woke up in the middle of the night, originally to get some water from your kitchen, but you were distracted when you saw the light cascading out for the open wardrobe in front of your bed. You then noticed that The Master wasn’t beside you. You slowly crawled out of bed and snuck through the TARDIS doors and saw The Master working away at the TARDIS console again.
“What are you doing up? You should be asleep. You have a big day tomorrow!” The Master seemed shocked and genuinely worried about you, but he was still trying to deflect from being caught again.
“Couldn’t I say the same for you?”
“Yes, but I’m a Timelord an I-”
“Don’t need to sleep as much as I do. I know, Master, you say that all the time. I just don’t understand why you can’t stay the night in bed with me like you have been. I sleep better with you beside me.” The Master nodded and followed you back to bed without a fuss. Once in bed, The Master opened his arms for you to cuddle into his chest. 
In the middle trying to fall asleep, you mumbled out “You never told me that thing you wanted to tell me from a couple of weeks ago..”
“It can wait, my love.” Even The Master sounded tired.
“Are you sure? I know that you said that it wasn’t anything too serious, but-”
“Y/N, trust me. What I have to tell you is serious, but not in the way that you think. I just want to make the moment special, so it can wait.” You sleeping mumbled an “okay” and nuzzled into The Master’s neck, making him smile. He really was treasuring his time with you, especially because he knew that it was going to end soon. So he had to make any moment count.
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One of the five shorts I’m doing this month, first up is Utterson.
It is Gabriel Joan Utterson second year living in this house that has more rooms than people living in it, but it is the first time she will spend both her Christmas and birthday here and she finds that last year had been harder but at least at the end of it she had spent it with her family that live outside this city.
Instead, this year she wanders around the manor, not allowed to go outside, and play in the garden alone, not allowed to explore the rooms that are covered in dust and that have the white cloths covering the room, not allowed to follow her mother or Mr. Poole around today, not allowed to speak to the only person close to her age (“They need to rest darling, their a frail child.”).
As she passes the main parlour, her eyes are immediately drawn to the tree in a pot placed on a table; for a brief moment she is certain it is imagined as she quickly wipes her eyes, seeing it still sitting there in the center of the room.
Stepping into the room to inspect it, Joan quickly notes the baubles, candles, and the little trinkets and nick-nacks hanging off the branches of the tree. Standing back to look at this oddity in its entirety. Her nose scrunching up as she concentrates on this mystery that presented itself to relive her of her boredom.
“Why is a tree in the parlour?” It is spoken softly but filled with the wander and curiosity of a child’s mind of when they know a fact, for certain and are witnessing something that contradicts that fact, for certain and Joan knows for a fact that trees belong outside, for certain.
“It is currently what is in style, I’m afraid.” A voice sounding above Joan’s head, startling her as she twists her head around. Only to see the lady of the house, watching her from the doorway. Joan attempts to recall if the Mistress Jekyll has ever spoken to her or even spared her a glance without her mother by her side. Joan is certain she has not and feels her left-hand grip a loose bit of her dress, to wring it back and forth. Ducking her head slightly in hopes that her bangs will cover her eyes.
The silence is weighing down the room, but Joan is unsure of what she is meant to say…maybe she could try and excuse herself. Daring herself to take a glance back up, she finds the older woman paying her no mind, looking directly at the tree with her eyes narrowed and lips twisted. When her gaze lowers enough to meet Joan’s own, she lets out a long sigh and Joan can feel her face heat up, she was starring and it’s rude to get caught staring. “I hope it passes within the next few years, who wants a tree in their home…All that extra cleaning, not to mention the insects.”
“Like ladybirds or caterpillars?” Joan replies eager to get anything in the air, looking back at the tree in earnest thought; looking at it early she didn’t see any bugs. “Ladybirds are pretty, but they can’t stay in the cold, but the house would be warm for them.” The Lady of the house seems to actually smile at the last comment, Joan quickly realizes its not like her mother’s…it feels pointy, sharp. Joan thinks she is trying not to laugh at her, Richard sometimes smiles at her like that because his older and thinks he knows better than her.
Joan finds herself pulling on the fringes of her dress again, taking a deep breath and holding it. Counting in her head, reminding herself that she promised she would only cry for the really important things.
“Well, I must be going, this house does not keep itself in order; have a lovely day Joan…and please stop pulling on your dress, you will ruin it.”
Joan slowly loosens her grip on her dress, easily noticing where she has caused bits to fray. Finally letting go of the breath she was holding as the footsteps echo in the empty hallway. With that Joan is alone in the parlour again, with the weird indoor tree.
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sarilolla · 1 year
Alright….I think Nick Nack deserves some love.
So….nick name fluff as a writing request. Anything from hurt comfort to just maybe bee making me feel wanted ( since you can tell he doesn’t feel that way)
So sorry this took so long, but school has been/still is a lot recently, so thank you for your patience :)
Decided to go for those more subtle hints of care, even if it is also pretty straightforward. This one-shot is set in my Bee au, but not specified exactly when. Enjoy!
Request - 884 words
No needed TW
Poems, tea, and safety. What a great combination.
One line. One line was what he had been stuck at for hours. Another poem to add to many others, but he still wanted it to be perfect. He would even settle for good!
Nick knew he didn’t have to stress with this, he was just writing to enjoy himself after all. Ever since he came to live here, in a safe environment, and without that demon attached to him, he could do whatever art form he wanted to and actually enjoy it.
And yet, he got an art block. It was terrible, truly terrible.
“Hey, Nick?” A soft knock on his door, Bee’s voice chimed through, “Are you doing alright?”
She waited until she heard a “come in”, always so respectful of when she could and couldn’t enter his room, or anyone else's for that matter.
“You’ve been away for an awfully long time, so I just wanted to see if you wanted something to drink or anything?”
She smiled at him, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder as she peeked over at his work.
“No, I don’t need anything.”
His voice was bitter, and he stuttered a bit, realizing how it sounded like he was angry with Bee. He didn’t want that. Luckily, she just chuckled a little, not taking offense.
“Writer’s block, huh?”
“Yes! I am stuck on this one line. It won’t go anywhere!”
He put his head in his hands, letting out a dramatic sigh, causing Bee to giggle again.
“Don’t laugh at my misery.”
“Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to.” She smiled at him, and he knew she had meant no harm.
He let her read through the writing piece, “Sorry, Nicky, but I don’t think I can help with this. I’m no writer.”
She patted his head, “Maybe you need a tiny break? I know when I get a block on how to work something out, a tea or coffee break always helps.”
“I- Alright… Care to bring me some tea?”
“Will do.”
Staring down his unfished poem again, he waited the few minutes it took for Bee to come back.
“Here you go. I got you mint tea, cuz I remembered that’s your favorite.”
“Oh. Thank you. I didn’t think you would care enough to remember…”
He sipped his tea, surprised at how appalled Bee looked at that.
“Of course, I would. I gotta make sure I have what you and the others like, even if I think I have to cut back on how much coffee Riley is getting recently… Point is, I want you to have what you like.”
That was… still confusing to him. He had realized by now that Bee wanted them to live a good life, but had he truly realized it? Sure, his eye was unstuck, he could freely move his arms again, and he had legs, but that was things she had done to all the puppets.
But… Remembering that his favorite tea was mint? Always restocking his paints and other materials when asked? It was the little things.
“Thank you, Bee. Really.”
“Of course. You look like you needed a break.”
“Not just that. Just… everything.”
She took his free hand and squeezed it lightly. They went silent, the only noise being the ticking of the clock. No words were needed, not even the ones he could write down in the unfinished poem that was still laying on his desk, mocking him for his inability to write anything more.
Another sip of his tea, letting out a relaxed sigh and putting the cup down.
“You know, you don’t have to do the poem if you’re stuck on it.”
“I know, but I should. Once I have powered through one, the rest will flow, I just know it!”
“Alright, if you say so. Just don’t overwhelm yourself, Nick,” she gave him a light kiss on his forehead, a gesture he had come to associate with her, as she did it with them all, all those she considered family.
“I will try not to.”
“Gonna have to believe you on that one, Nicky, but if you do feel the pressure start to rise, come find me. I’ll be downstairs and making dinner.”
She left the room, leaving him with a warm feeling that wasn’t just from the warm tea still standing on his desk. She had closed the door behind her, knowing he liked to work in as much peace as possible.
It really was those little things, huh, that made the difference. Back at the studio, even if he knew the others cared about him and he cared about them, it was still that hint of always expecting something back, never fully trusting each other. Here they could, thanks to one human who cared.
Here he could get mint tea, his door being closed was always respected, and just the fact he was checked on when they had only been apart for a couple of hours. Sure, the others had checked on him, and he checked on them, but back then time was a blur. Had it been hours or days? It didn’t always matter.
He decided not to dwell on it, finishing his tea. It was safe here. Perhaps that should be the driving point of this poem. With new motivation and inspiration, he started writing again.
I don't know if mint tea would be his favorite, but it just fit the vibe.
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