#literacy on this site is zero
how come they made it so easy to place characters on a spectrum based on their species what does it meeeean
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savageboar · 9 months
the irony of younger gen zs relying so much on their fucking phones yet they refuse to use said phones to look up how torrenting works to realize it's actually easy as fuck
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
I was watching a YT video breaking down the trailer and the person mentioned that before the show, the online fandom was quite small. Is that true? And if so, what has it been like seeing it explode? The first fandom I ever got into was for a little Australian period detective show and it was so nice. It was very small and there was literally zero drama. I would imagine it would be annoying as hell to be in a nice little “coven” (if you will) enjoying all the many and varied canonical relationships within the series only for the show to open it up to people with zero media literacy screaming their fav ship is the only one true ship and this vampire character is a bad person while this other vampire is baby boi.
Well, to be frank, I wasn't "in" the VC fandom before the show, though I heard that while enduring it wasn't too big.
I had been, kinda, once upon a time. I had been around before Anne's wrath came down. (She literally had fanfictions removed, sites closed down, threatened to sue, etc etc). That was... back then. I used to be in forums, and mailing list before that. I still have fanfiction of 20 years back printed out.
Her coming down hard on the fandom threw me back, so to speak, and also reading the end of "Memnoch the Devil", which, at the time was meant to be the end to it all... broke my heart.
I stepped back from it then, for a while. You know, real life, playing WoW, studying, starting to work^^. Had a daughter :)
The love for it stayed though, I kept all my stuff.
When I heard about the show I wasn't overly impressed by the head shots (lol, I stand corrected, but I mean given Rolin's comments in the podcast at least I'm in good company^^), nor the shifts in the story that were published - because who could anticipated it being THIS?! :))))
And so I tuned in for Jacob Anderson, who I'd loved in GoT. And I was actually sold after the SDCC 2022 trailer. That trailer... hit it.
I cannot describe it.
And yes, from what I saw the fandom then exploded.
The changes to the narrative in the show however split what had already been there and what was coming in up a bit, let's put it that way. For ME this is an ingenious adaptation. They "get" it, imho. They focus on the important bits, and they dare. Just... brilliant.
For some the changes were reason to withdraw though.
It is a bit... annoying to see all the "ship wars" in this content, yes. But I get it, I've spoken about it the other day. I don't think "we" (as in most of the audience) are used to a show like this.
We are not used (anymore) to be challenged as much while watching, we are not used to a show daring to put its fingers into wounds like that. We are not used to a show going full mess wrt relationships.
We are not used to a show that dares, and does so on a level I have seldom seen.
I call this show the "show of the decade" and I stand by that. In quality and approach it is and will be.
But yeah... moralizing these characters... will fail *laughs*
They're all terrible. Killers, murderers.
I currently see none of the drama (if there is any?!), my timeline is utterly peaceful, and I do want it to stay that way. I've had my say on that. That subset can keep it.
I'm here for the brilliant mess that will be the upcoming seasons :)))
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oldshrewsburyian · 1 year
hi, I have a question: for context, theres the tumblr blog "writingwithcolor" for giving advice on how to represent poc. They got an ask from someone wanting to write historical fiction with ppl from medieval Europe and the middle east interacting, asking how to include the negative opinions the cultures had of each other: the ME seeing Europe as "dirty and uncivilized " while Europe saw the ME as effeminate, so they asked how to include these opinions without demonizing either culture.
They asked: "They asked "Do you have any advice on including these views in a narrative without validating the idea of Europeans as the 'victims' or without unnecessarily juxtaposing the more-advanced middle east in the middle of a golden age with their less advanced European neighbors"
The reply they got was basically "actually, the Europeans were stinky barbarians". They stated "one of these regions thought diseases could be cured by blood-letting and huffing toilets while the other was inventing algebra It’s difficult to argue that Europe was doing well by any metric after the collapse of the Roman Empire. "
They gave examples of other cultures being "light years ahead" of Europe, such as the Moors "revitalizing Spanish and Sicilian civilization through agriculture, architecture, astronomy and restoration of Roman sanitation systems", king Mansa Musa giving out so much gold he destroyed the local economy and the giant junks of the majapahit empire as examples of non-european civilizations outdoing Europe. They implied that anyone objecting to Europe being portrayed badly has "white fragility".
What is your opinion on this response? Is it fair to Europe to portray them as inferior?
Oh, I've seen that question and response. I think I've even replied to it. It's bad. It's bad because, as a post I reblogged earlier today says, historical accuracy matters. Also, it seems to play the sort of zero-sum game that I see elsewhere on the internet, which wants to gleefully reverse old and oppressive narratives... only to create new narratives with new acceptable categories of exclusion. Do I think that more attention in secondary and post-secondary education should be given to premodern societies around the globe? of course! I teach premodern global history all the time! But here's my bigger problem with this sort of "Europe bad and backwards" sneering, even bigger than the "it's wrong" problem.
This sort of measurement of societies "outdoing" each other is based on Eurocentric categories which were and are used to uphold white supremacy, colonialism, classism, and ableism. I alluded to this in an earlier exchange with you. To say that a society (I'm deliberately avoiding the term civilization) is automatically "superior" or "more advanced" when it has certain kinds of technology, or certain kinds of social and political organization, or certain kinds/degrees of wealth, or certain kinds of literacy, or certain kinds of religious belief (or lack thereof)? That is an imperialist script! Because this is Tumblr, the Negative Reading Comprehension Site: I'm obviously not accusing people who are doing a lot of emotionally taxing and important work of deliberately reinforcing imperialist (etc.) scripts. But reiterating inaccurate stereotypes based on Vibes/Wishful Thinking is bad no matter who does it!
Please reflect on the narrative of "the replacement of a multi-continental empire with decentralized political and legal structures was obviously Terrible" and on why, exactly, that was easily accepted when Edward Gibbon was writing his Decline and Fall... in late 18th-century Britain. Yeah. Also, that "more advanced Middle East" narrative has a history that is Orientalist and othering in its own way (ooh, all that exotic learning! the baths! the gardens!) It assumes, for one thing, that there's no contact and exchange between the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates ("Moors" is a racist term, by the way) and their neighbors. If the representation you've given is accurate, it also follows old/outdated scholarship in representing Spain as somehow not quite European because of all the Muslims in it/ruling it, which... yikes. And, at the risk of pointing out the very obvious: ancient Rome, whose art and literature and 'civilization' were so long so admired in Europe, was a slave society. I'm not going to wring my hands about its disputed fall.
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pearwaldorf · 8 months
Sometimes, it is humbling and extremely frustrating realizing how much you do not know about a subject you thought you had a vague grasp on. Which is to say, TIL there are a lot of different types of Zionism, only some of which are concerned with an actual Jewish state!
If you want more info about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Hey Alma (a feminist Jewish site) has some helpful explainers that start at zero knowledge. Some that may be of particular interest are:
Media literacy and source evaluation
Intersectionality and antisemitism
Anti-Zionism and antisemitism
America's relationship to Israel
We are poorly served by news organizations regarding Israeli-Palestinian everything, but especially in the United States. So I think it is especially important for American goyim* to overcome that.
* As a non-Jew, I do not consider "goyim" an offensive term, merely a descriptive one. (Of course it can be used pejoratively, but most words can!)
Honestly as a person of Cantonese descent, I would consider gweilo more derogatory, in the same way "cracker" or "honky" are used to disparage white people.
(ty to Amy for linking this guide)
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nerdby · 1 year
I both am deeply concerned for and deeply disgusted with the fanfiction authors on this site.
I love fanfiction especially Marvel and Loki fanfiction just in case the profile pic wasn't a dead giveaway. But while reading fics on this app, I've been noticing a very triggering trend which goes a little something like--
Avengers treats love interest like shit but the love interest forgives them as soon the Avenger confesses because they wanna be worshipped by them and be associated with the Avengers.
And like I knew there was something familiar about the plot, but I couldn't really figure out what it was until I roasted someone this morning for hating on Rob Pattinson for being in Twilight. Cause Rob loathes those movies and for very, very good reasons aside from the fact that Edward is a controlling, stalkery, manipulative dick who wants Bella to be a kept woman with no close friends other than his own family or people he's hand-selected from the vampire community, there is all kinds of cringe shit going on behind the scenes with the author of the series Stephanie Meyer.
Meyer is a self-proclaimed conservative Mormon who has bragged about never swearing or seeing an R-rated movie, and that makes me so sad for her. Cause aside from the fact that she is missing out on some of the greatest cinema of all time, it sounds like she has the personality of a literal twelve-year-old. Like Stephanie Meyer is stuck in a neverending LARP session where she roleplays as a puriteen influencer.
I'm referring to Mormonism as LARPing cause you are seriously delusional if you think that shit isn't a cult, and it only gets more disturbing there. Like all of the Twilight characters are named after people from her real life and the pedo-wolf love interest Jacob Black is named after
Stephanie Meyer's brother.
Fucking YIKES😬
But anyway getting back to the point, I finally realized that the fics I've been reading have all been ripping off the plot of Twilight. Especially the ones with Loki as a love interest cause for some reason the fic authors on this app all have degradation kinks and are desperate for Total Power Exchange relationship dynamics.
For those of you who aren't in the know, a Total Power Exchange dynamic is when a sub agrees to allow a Dom to control certain aspects or sometimes even all areas of their personal life. Basically, it's when you get off on having a controlling partner.
Edward and Bella have what could be considered a TPE dynamic except that the difference between their relationship and a real TPE dynamic is that Bella never consented to Edward controlling every aspect of her personal life. In BDSM the key to a healthy relationship is open and honest communication -- Safe, Sane, and Consensual, right? I mean, that's the key to every healthy relationship but it's especially important in BDSM because of the sadomasochism aspect. Some people take it a lot farther than just spanking.
And aside from the aforementioned issues this trend concerns me because Twilight came out when I was in high school, right, and I went through a serious Twihard phase. It's fucking embarrassing. It was also dangerous because not only do I have a super abusive mother who did not give a shit about what I did, I also had a whole bunch of undiagnosed mental health issues -- thanks, mom🙃 -- and ended up internalizing a lot of what I read in Twilight because I had zero media literacy because of said mental health issues.
So I ended up fetishizing abusive relationships, I got married way too young to an abusive asshole and had a string of abusive relationships after we divorced, I got raped, and ended alternating between couch surfing and homeless shelters for a while. And it was all because of Twilight.
And you could be like, "Well, it's not Stephanie Meyer's fault that your mom's a cunt and you were stupid." And you're right. I take responsibility for my own questionable taste, but there's also a little something called artistic integrity.
Artistic integrity is a personality trait kind of where an artist -- IE Stephanie Meyer -- gives a shit about their audience and the media they are putting out into the world. They aren't doing it for a cash grab -- they're doing it because they have a story to tell and a message to send. One that is important, culturally relevant, and asks important questions -- their work is political. It questions the social norm. These things, in my opinion, is what makes something art -- it separates art from trash.
Stephanie Meyer has no artistic integrity.
She didn't stop to wonder if readers like me or with issues similar to mine exist -- we do and, yeah, I'm kinda bitter about it. That is why Twilight is a problematic series -- that is why everyone from Robert Pattinson to Stephen motherfucking King has roasted that series to hell and back.
And I know someone out there is gonna be like, "Well, Rob said he lied all the time bac--"
Well, Robert fucking Pattinson is an actor and a damn good one.
And he wasn't lying when he said that Edward Cullen was a whiny, pathetic, suicidal virgin. Ya know how I know this -- because I read the books, for one thing, and for another I paid attention.
Like have all the Twihards out there suddenly forgotten when Edward tried to commit suicide by stepping out into the sun half-naked, so he could he trigger the Volturi into curb stomping his ass? Or when he straight up told Bella that he wouldn't fuck her until AFTER they were married cause there was just one rule that he wanted to leave unbroken?
It was in the movies, so if reading is too hard for you there ya go.
And, yeah, I'm triggered right now and no, I'm not sorry cause if you are knowingly ripping off the plot to Twilight to use for Marvel fanfiction and give absolutely ZERO shits about your readers' mental health you are a shit person. I don't care. I'm not sorry and that brings me to the part that is most concerning about this situation.
I know that there are other ND and mentally ill users on Tumblr. I know that some of them have the same issues I had growing up because of lack of access to mental healthcare. That means that some of these authors are doing this subconsciously: Some of them aren't even aware that they're copying Twilight or why it's wrong or why they need to be concerned about having artistic integrity. And to you guys, I am truly so so sorry and I really hope you are able to get some sort of help or at least talk to someone about this.
But the rest of ya -- the ones who truly do not give a shit that I know exist because this app is crawling with TERFs, radfems, and tradwives -- that movement was popularized by white supremacists by the way. Look it up. And those people are abusive, self-obsessed cunts with a perpetual victim complex that don't care who they hurt cause they will always, always, always try to blame someone else for their actions.
You guys -- the abusers that decided to basically plagiarize Twilight to boost your reblog numbers for your fanfics -- are shitty people.
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gavisuntiedboot · 1 year
uhm so gavi his agent has met a few times with chelsea so that means a move to chelsea this season is likely since he isn't happy with Barça at all. and i get why cause since messi has came back into the picture they're kind of neglecting him?
Hello anon!! Firstly, I want to apologize in advance if I come across as condescending because that’s not my intention at all.
There is only one reporter who put out that Gavi was unhappy and moving to Chelsea. All the articles are based off of that one report, and many other Spain-based sports journalists are saying this ain’t true, which makes a lot of sense.
Gavi is a La Masía kid who has been starting for the first team all season and has been performing very well. To break his contract (originally until 2026), the club set the price at a billion Euros!! They also fought like hell to have his contract go through, so him being “unhappy” at Barça doesn’t make much sense from a logic standpoint. They were chanting his name in today’s game. So I think it’s highly inaccurate to say that Barça have been neglecting him, as they have been starting him every game, a large part of their media revolves around him, and there has been consistent effort to upgrade him and get his contract situated.
Secondly, it makes no sense for him to switch teams now, especially when his future has been hinged upon the new “Xavi and Iniesta” duo in him and Pedri. If he’s in it for money, the money that can come from that pairing alone is astronomical. He’s super highly favored in Spain, and so it makes literally zero sense for him to move to the premier league as well.
There’s more but it’s 6am and I haven’t slept, but you can read for yourself on other sites. Gavi shares an agent with none other than Luis Enrique, who (if you pay attention to sports news) is a favorite candidate for the new coaching position at Chelsea.
All in all, it’s very important to be critical of the media we consume and not take everything at face value. Reporters take advantage of a lack of media literacy in order to get people to interact with their pieces more out of outrage/ fear/ etc. For someone who was playing like a first team player on a B team contract and celebrates his goals by literally kissing the crest, there should be more confidence in his loyalty.
(Last thing: now that Messi is old, he plays striker. So if anyone is in danger cause of El Leo, it’s Ferran and Ansu)
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smreine · 10 months
I don't think "Oppenheimer" should exist.
So here is the reason that I am an incredible killjoy about Oppenheimer and think it should never have been made, no matter how good the movie is, and that everyone involved is kinda total bullshit.
My stance is that there is zero reason to humanize the few people behind producing and benefiting from the bomb. In fact, it perpetuates white American attitudes about noble sacrifice, makes one of the greatest crimes against humanity ever committed sexy with sexy actors and sexy cinematography, and generally gives ample room for reinforcing the lies of imperialism among a populace with low literacy for even identifying that kind of propaganda.
I believe there is no artistry good enough to make up for centering people like Oppenheimer instead of the communities actually impacted.
Congolese miners were exploited to get the uranium to build the atom bomb. https://www.wired.com/story/the-dark-history-oppenheimer-didnt-show/
New Mexico Hispanics were bodily removed from their lands to make a testing site for the atom bomb. https://www.axios.com/2023/07/20/j-r-oppenheimer-movie-new-mexico-hispanics
More than 200,000 innocent Japanese were killed when the atom bombs were dropped. https://www.icanw.org/hiroshima_and_nagasaki_bombings Cancers and related illnesses have continued en masse in the decades since.
Cutesy bomb advertising became common, particularly in conjunction with Barbie. You cannot have a movie of this scale and budget without marketing that is wholly inappropriate for the crimes committed.
The movie and its creators had zero interest in engaging with the above, or seeking ways to remedy the crimes committed against those communities. They considered themselves to have no real responsibility to make real gestures of healing toward the communities, but without that responsibility, I argue they then have no right to any story surrounding it.
I am aware the story "grapples with the ethics" in its centralized white imperialist characters, but they frankly just aren't members of the impacted community. Whatever they felt about the crimes they committed doesn't deserve to be aired (to the profit of few) when moviemakers were so disinterested in all of the above.
Oppenheimer was made because a white guy who thinks he's a genius wanted to dwell on a white guy tortured genius who he related to. That's the only reason. We don't need more such vanity projects. And I don't think it's historically significant to keep telling stories about war crimes from the perspective of the criminal.
"Oppenheimer" shouldn't exist.
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eroticcannibal · 2 years
Okay never mind I scrolled down a bit more and my mind is (mostly) at ease. Where the fuck are people getting this from. You did not mention anything about that. Functional literacy at an all-time low, but at least not on my end this time.
Every time I post i become more and more concerned about the functional literacy on this site.
Thank fuck I home educate cus I sure as shit have zero faith in the education systems that produce these people
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pastlight · 2 years
the thing i don’t see talked about enough is. no other site is ready to receive a twitter exodus because culture fundamentally changed the way we interact with internet spaces in the last 10 years. when twitter came out, it was accessible for people with even zero internet literacy when that used to be a necessary thing, then it became a common site for both people to use under their real identities as well as people who remember what it was like to be anonymous online.
but it was the first time i heard my hs classmates talking about having an account in a site that allowed access to a wider network outside their friends, like an expansion of facebook, the first time i heard people say the word “meme” irl. i can’t explain what i mean very well but the way we nowadays expect people to have some sort of internet presence is intrinsically linked to sites like twitter and deeply affected them. most people truly shouldn’t be looking at tumblr as an alternative. hell, even back in it’s heyday tumblr was lauded as a ~secret place~. you didn’t expect your coworker to ask if you saw that piece of news or funny meme from tumblr.
like yknow what i mean? maybe fandom types and artists might find an audience here but i don’t fucking want influencers i don’t think the site is build for your everyday joe. and like some people have pointed out, this is huge for the soccer world cup. like i know how usa-heavy internet spaces are but i truly don’t think y’all realize how fucking bonkers the idea of living a world cup without twitter feels nowadays. even for me who doesn’t care that much for the sport aside from my country.
like. yeah. while my heart fucking breaks for artists that relied on twitter for their work, im also... concerned? curious? about what regular people will do if twitter goes down without an immediate alternative.
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Welcome to our System Blog
Hello! :D
I’m guessing you found this one of two ways: you came from my main or AO3 blog, or you just found some random ass post of mine that we sent into the void that is Tumblr.
I have no idea what we’re going to post here, we just made this side blog a while ago in order to make sure no one stole our sys name (although I doubt they would but idk, stranger things have happened). Sometimes we just like to scream into the void and see if someone screams back. Also we have like- zero people we actually know that we’re comfortable talking about our experiences as a system so what better thing to do than to tell strangers on the internet?
Stuff About Us
We are a medically recognized DID system. Collectively we go by Puffs on the internet, we prefer they/them but any pronouns are fine. Transmasc enby, aroace, mentally and chronically ill on multiple levels, the whole shabang. The flag in our pfp is the cupioromantic flag.
We can and will use the block button to its fullest extent. We use the internet to escape the shit that happens in our life, we don’t need it to follow us here. If someone is blocked by us and they don’t know why, they probably fall under any of our hard DNI and we found them before they found us. For safety reasons we like to block people we accidentally come across that we know for a fact are on our DNI to eliminate- or at least lessen- the chances of interacting with them in the future. We don’t keep track of everyone we block, we just kind of do. It can be from a post, a comment they made on someone else’s post, something they reblogged, something they liked, it could literally be anything. Unless it was from years ago and/or they’ve shown that they’ve changed and grown as a person, if they’ve shown that they’ve a /neg weirdo, we’re going to block you.
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Main Blog: @caffeinated-creampuffs
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+Will update as we post more on here
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Please Interact! +Other traumagenic systems (I hate using that word but it's what we have to do to keep the endos/endo supporters away on this site ig)
+Anyone not in my DNI. Like literally anyone. If you’re chill and happy to be here and vibe then I’m happy to vibe with you.
Thin Ice
+Antis of any fandom
+Anyone who joined fandom space in general after 2019 (I’m sure some of you are fine but I just don’t trust a lot of you)
+People who lack media literacy but want to/are open to learn
+People under the age of 16. I won’t post anything outright explicit or even suggestive but I’m 18 and going on 19, I just am not that comfortable interacting with anyone who’s more than a few years younger than me.
+Regular Twitter/Reddit posters, too much shit goes on there for me to properly trust any of you right off the bat
+Anyone who doesn’t know proper fandom etiquette.
+Basic DNI Criteria (homophobia/transphobia, racism, sexism, ableism, xenophobia, fatphobia, pedo/zoophilia, etc.). LIterally just don’t be a gross and/or shitty person
+People who still support “cringe culture” (you guys are fucking weird and not in the cool way)
+People who lack media literacy and refuse to learn
+Fetishizers of ANYTHING. I don’t care what it is.
+Endo “systems” and their supporters    +Just to add, I don’t want any syscourse on any of my blogs. Arguments of any kind, even joking arguments, just generally make me uncomfy as hell
+Anti-furry/therian/neopronouns/xenopronouns/ageregre/anything that does not hurt anyone
+People who demonize or genuinely romanticize any kind of trauma disorder (Cluster-B, OSDD/DID, etc.). Someone just posting about how their life is with a disorder, whether good or bad, both or neither, does not count as romanticization.
+Anyone under the age of 13. Like I said I’m 18 and just don’t feel like interacting with anyone that much younger than me.
+r/FakeDisorderCringe / r/SystemCringe users. Please go touch grass, maybe pick up a book while you’re outside for the first time in god knows how long. 
+AI “artists”
+Shitsreal supporters (I wish you a merry die)    +THIS DOES NOT GIVE ANYONE THE EXCUSE TO BE ANTI-SEMETIC ON MY BLOG!!
REMEMBER THAT DNI GOES BOTH WAYS! If you break your own DNI to harass me I have no problem breaking mine to laugh at you.
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sciencestyled · 4 months
Ctrl-Alt-Teach: A Hysterical Odyssey Through the Silicon Jungle of Science Edutainment
Alright, folks, strap in and power up your flux capacitors, because we're about to take a warp-speed dive into the ludicrously sparkly universe of Educational Technology in Science! Picture this: a classroom, but not your grandma's chalk-and-talk borefest. No, sirree! We're talking a hi-tech Hogwarts where Harry Potter meets Elon Musk on a virtual field trip to Mars.
First up, let's talk about virtual labs. Imagine cooking up a chemical storm without the risk of turning your eyebrows into a singed memory – that's virtual labs for you. It's like playing "Potion Craft" in a lab coat, minus the explosions. Picture students conjuring acid-base reactions with the flick of a finger, a la Tony Stark designing his suit in 'Iron Man'. No more "Oops, I spilled sulfuric acid!" Just a bunch of "Aha!" moments with zero casualty rates.
Digital platforms in science education are like having Yoda in your pocket. Ever wish you could just WhatsApp Einstein about your physics homework? Well, digital platforms are the next best thing. They're like a Swiss Army knife of knowledge, a buffet of brain-boosting bytes. Think of a platform where Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye the Science Guy are virtually duking it out in a 'Science SmackDown' for the title of 'Ultimate Edutainer.'
Interactive software is where it gets really bananas. We're talking software so engaging it makes Fortnite look like a game of Go Fish. Imagine dissecting a frog without the smell or the squish – that's the beauty of interactive 3D models. It's like Pokémon GO, but instead of catching Pikachu, you're nabbing knowledge nuggets about the human heart.
Now, how about taking a stroll through the Jurassic period? Forget time-travel; augmented reality can teleport you straight to the world of T-Rex and Velociraptors. It's like “Jurassic Park” minus the impending doom. You can almost hear Jeff Goldblum's voice in the background, muttering about chaos theory as you virtually feed a Brachiosaurus.
But wait, there's more! Artificial Intelligence in science education is like having a Jarvis for your lab experiments. AI can predict results, suggest experiments, and even crack deadpan jokes while you're titrating acids. Imagine a Siri with a PhD in Chemistry. That's the level of sass and smarts we're dealing with.
Drones in education? You betcha! Why walk around a geological site when you can fly a drone and see it in 4K glory? It's like playing "Google Earth: Extreme Edition". And when you're done, you can switch to 'drone racing mode' for some extra adrenaline because, why not?
In the world of ed-tech, coding is the new literacy. Kids aren't just learning to code; they're coding to learn. It's like if Minecraft and Scratch had a brainchild that could solve climate change. Code is poetry, but with more semicolons and fewer metaphors.
The gamification of science education is like turning homework into a quest in "World of Warcraft". Every assignment is a mission, every project a boss fight. You're not just a student; you're a knowledge warrior armed with facts and a +10 Sword of Wisdom.
And let's not forget about social media. It's not just for selfies and cat videos anymore. Science educators are turning TikTok into a mini-MIT, with 60-second lectures that hit you like a photon torpedo of knowledge. It's edutainment gone wild, and the only casualty is ignorance.
But wait, there's a twist! Ever heard of educational escape rooms? Think 'Indiana Jones' meets quantum physics. You're not just learning about Schrödinger's cat; you're saving it from a metaphorical box of perplexities.
Now, for the pièce de résistance: holographic teachers. We're talking full-on Princess Leia projections teaching you about the laws of thermodynamics. It's as close as we can get to a 'Star Trek' holodeck without breaking the laws of physics.
In conclusion, educational technology in science is like a giant, interactive, knowledge-stuffed piñata. It's fun, it's wild, and it's bursting at the seams with learning opportunities. It's a world where science education isn't just a subject; it's an adventure. So, put on your virtual reality goggles, fire up your AI assistant, and dive headfirst into this madcap, sci-fi fiesta of learning. And remember, in the immortal words of Doctor Who, "The universe is big. It’s vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles." Or, in our case, just a typical day in the life of educational technology. Ctrl-Alt-Teach away!
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derangedfaggot · 1 year
i say i am “delusional” very often, which is true, but i also believe i am nowhere near the level of delusional inability to read subtext and text of works as some users on this site are. i can only imagine what a shallow mind one must have to, upon seeing a cisgender character being deeply infatuated & stalking a transgender character, decide to say tha tthey’re transgender too. i feel like to come to this sort of conclusion you must have zero literacy 
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As someone who is totally right and has nothing but the best takes on all things ever, I keep seeing things in these tournaments people are running that are just... entirely wrong. Like, I get we have the joke of reading comprehension being shit on here but damn are there a lot of people with extremely dumb ideas agreeing. Have your head canons and AUs, of course, but if you are going to say something belongs in a group at least have some semblance of reason for it! It really pisses off my autistic brain, it'slike the "it goes in the square hole" meme thing but without a shred of comedic intent, just idiocy. Yeah, it's dumb to be upset about people being wrong about minor things on the internet on the site of people being silly, but aahhhhhhh, some people have zero comprehension of themes or textual/philosophical literacy and it gets on my nerves when so many AGREE with it
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qrtumb · 2 years
Global Packaged Water Treatment Market By Type, Analysis, and Report
GThe Global Packaged Water Treatment Market was valued at US$ 2,783.40 million in 2021 and it is expected to reach at US$ 4,239.36 million in 2027 at a CAGR of 5.78% during forecast period 2022-2027.
Water is made safe to drink at various levels using packaged water treatment systems. For instance, certain plants help water's flavor, odor, and transparency while others eliminate suspended particles. Every system has advantages and disadvantages, and no one system can satisfy all of the market's demands.
 Get a Sample Copy of this Report@ https://qualiketresearch.com/request-sample/Packaged-Water-Treatment-Market/request-sample
Market Drivers
The need for packaged water treatment systems will increase as water pollution levels climb. The package water treatment is widely used in small towns and villages, outlying mining areas, building sites, and educational institutions. It is anticipated that rising public awareness of the advantages of clean water would accelerate market value growth. Moreover, as levels of education, literacy, and money have risen globally, more people are becoming aware of the significance of clean water in maintaining good health and preventing sickness.
Market Restraints
The packaged water treatment market's expansion will be constrained by the high cost of packaged water treatment. The method of treating water is expensive and requires ongoing maintenance as well as correct sludge disposal or further stabilization. The packaged water treatment market is anticipated to suffer from the requirement for eco-friendly formulations, satisfying the need for fresh water, and zero liquid discharge (ZLD). As a result, the packaged water treatment market's growth pace would face difficulties.  
Market Segmentation  
The global packaged water treatment systems market is segmented into technology and application. By technology it segmented into extended aeration, moving bed biofilm reactor, membrane bioreactor, sequential batch reactor, reverse osmosis, other technologies. By application it segmented into municipal waste water, industrial waste water, drinking water.  
Regional Analysis  
The global packaged water treatment systems market segmented into five regions North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa. North America currently holds a dominant position in the packaged water treatment market as a result of the existence of numerous significant key players and the increased investment made by numerous commercial and public companies to enhance the water quality in the area. On the other side, greater urbanization, increased government efforts to improve water purification systems, and the creation of well-maintained drainage systems throughout the region's emerging economies are likely to result in profitable expansion in the Asia-Pacific region.
Get Discount on this Report@ https://qualiketresearch.com/request-sample/Packaged-Water-Treatment-Market/ask-for-discount
Key Players  
Various key players are listed in this report such as General Electric (U.S.), WPL (U.K.), Veolia (France), Fluence Corporation Limited (U.S.), WesTech Engineering, LLC (U.S.), Smith & Loveless (U.S.), Napier Reid (Canada), Enviroquip (U.S.), Corix (Canada), Fluence Corporation Limited (U.S.)  
Market Taxonomy  
By Technology
• Extended Aeration • Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor • Membrane Bioreactor • Sequential Batch Reactor • Reverse Osmosis • Others
By Application
• Waste Water • Industrial Waste Water • Drinking Water
Key Question Addressed by the Report
• What are the Key Opportunities in Global Packaged Water Treatment Systems Market? • What will be the growth rate from 2022 to 2027? • Which segment/region will have highest growth? • What are the factors that will impact/drive the Market? • What is the role of key players in the value chain? • What is the competitive Landscape in the industry?
Browse Full Report https://qualiketresearch.com/reports-details/Packaged-Water-Treatment-Market
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atreldes · 2 years
not to be controversial but like… why are the people that are always yelling the loudest about this site having “zero media literacy” or whatever… the people with the actual least media literacy…
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