#lil tufts of hair! so adorable
tired-reader-writer · 5 months
Arslan Senki Chapter 125
So I meant to do this last night but apparently I had accidentally hit the daily tumblr post limit, and was stuck unable to post or reblog anything up until now! I AM FREE, MUAHAHAHAHA.
I will be cannibalizing the discussion @innerchorus and I had in our DMs since all of that was what I meant to put in the post all along, though I'm running a bit low on energy so I won't be weaving screencaps into the post.
One of the first things that stuck out to me was how humble the residence of Arslan's birth parents was, when I read spoilers and it said “knight”, I had assumed something... a little larger than that. Nothing grand, not a mansion or anything, they weren't prominent knights, but... not this. I wonder what the social standing of “knights” in general are? Zaravant also described himself as a knight, iirc. Though it's likely that knight in this case was used to refer to a warrior in general than a specific caste/rank? Maybe cavalry officers of any rank were deemed knights?
I apologize for jumping backwards but oh, oh man I want to hug Arslan so bad. His face! The way Arakawa took the time and panel space to really show how he tried to hold his reaction back. He's trying to be composed and he succeeds. Even something of this caliber (even if he did suspect it all along) didn't make him lash out. He has incredible self-control, or maybe he's just too used to setting his own feelings and reaction aside. I don't think he's repressing it here though, rather he's facing it head-on.
(I wonder how Andragoras even managed to find Arslan, and that swiftly, too.)
Turns out the marzban thing was a translation error, which is good because I was raising my eyebrow skeptically at that panel when I first read it.
Man something about the memory and deaths of a family who were basically exploited just vanish away, paved over and buried. There's just something so relevant to my interests and the themes of Wolfpack about this all. The clan is all about remembering and protecting those the world would've deliberately chosen to forget, after all.
Also, Arslan's father wasn't prepared to raise his own child? Boo. Wolfpack!Shapur was twice the single father by age 22, LOL. (I jest, it would've been harder for him than it would've Shapur, considering the financial situation and the fact that he doesn't have people he can leave the baby to when out at battle or something. It's natural for him to be worried. I'm sure he saw this as the best path possible, and hey, his son will be a prince! Surely a better life than he could ever lead as the son of an insignificant knight.
Arslan considering the notion of Andragoras possibly planning to sire another male heir... I don't have any intelligent commentary to give on the matter but I found it interesting. Perhaps another king in Andragoras' shoes might've done it. Gotarzes certainly did.
Tahamenay sure did go through a lot, and the dehumanizing lenses everybody saw her through meant that she was villified and demonized for just trying to survive (or just existing, period! the things that happened to the shitty men in her life was NOT her fault) She's not my fave, no, but I do feel for her. Like, her homeland got annexed! As someone from a country that got occupied by both Britain AND Japan and suffered under them, that really resonates with me. And while Pars fights for its freedom (and it should, I'm not arguing otherwise), Badakhshan???? Still under occupation for more than sixteen years, if I'm correct. There's just something heartbreaking about it.
Arslan confirming that his wet nurse and her husband being purposefully murdered to tidy up loose ends! And he's rightfully angry at the answer— we don't see his face in full, his eyes are shadowed when he asks the question, he clenches his hands when he hears the answer, and grits his teeth too. I may be reading too much into this but the agony on Tahamenay's face being replaced by cold distance when she said “They were. To avoid any complications later.”, the almost clinical way she delivered it, it's such a stark contrast from her emotion mere moments before. Maybe, just maybe, the delivery of the truth on top of the truth itself was what set Arslan off (though of course, he still does not act on it). Maybe there's something to be said about the disregard of “insignificant” lives.
I think Tahamenay has shut her feelings down, and her daughter is the only thing she'll let herself feel anything over. The sheer trauma and the constant bombardment of such vitriol from all angles meant that completely shutting down all emotion was... probably the only way to cope. Conceal it, don't feel it.
The thing is, though, even if he were to “Arslan: exit stage left” out of this conflict, where would he go? I'm sure he'd have little problem finding happiness in a humble life, he's never been one to care about stuff like birthrights and status, but where would he go???? The people he loved before his life as a prince are gone. Wet nurse and husband, dead. Everyone else? The kids he played with? Probably don't even remember him anymore due to the distance (I assume they didn't know he was the prince). Would he even be able to recognize them anymore? And would Team Arslan follow him into exile? There is technically an out, yes, but it's not a meaningful one. Just like how Hilmes is trapped in his own identity, Arslan also is, though Hilmes chose to build his own cage and Arslan was unknowingly put into it. And there's something to be said about how both their claims/identities were laundered. Hilmes is not the son and heir of Osroes. Arslan does not possess royal blood.
@innerchorus pointed out that Tahamenay was offering Arslan what she would have chosen herself (and this lines up with novel canon where she retreats to her homeland and distances herself from court), and it makes sense, this was a game she never asked to play. Still, it's just really sad that Arslan can never truly go back to who he was before all this.
I also loved the way his dialogue was paired with the internal monologue in black panels, even if I can't quite put my finger on why. That part was brilliantly done. (Maybe the way the “camera” comes closer and closer to his face as he proceeds?)
And the way that Tahamenay was prepared to receive angry words and even physical violence as a matter of course, it either speaks to her own guilt about the situation, OR the way she was treated so shittily by all the men and people in her life. Or maybe it is both. A brilliant moment of characterization, where she is shaped by her experiences and is in turn, blinded by them. Arslan is not that kind of person. He bows to her, and then leaves.
I have nothing to say about Kishward's worried face, but Arslan declaring his will is such a powerful moment. I'm reminded of a very early Narsus moment that's very relevant, I went and dug this out from my reread tag:
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Here's what I had to say about it back then:
“What Narsus basically means here is: State a concrete vision, a cause, a goal, and people will naturally gather round to support it— to garner allies, you must basically broadcast what it is that you wish to achieve.”
And Arslan here is doing just that. Fantastic.
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I know I said no screencaps in this post but I couldn't help it! It's such a powerful moment.
Arslan has really grown into his role and he's embodying the counsel Narsus gave him all those chapters ago!
And Hilmes, I see, is having a not-so-spectacular time.
The way Osroes spoke of Hilmes makes my skin crawl. He doesn't even deign to refer to the boy as “he”, and “send the thing to meet its true father” is just. YIKES. It's not the child's fault he was born into shitty circumstances, Osroes! How could he have raised Hilmes all those years (eleven!) with no outward sign of contempt, and just. Never develop any sort of attachment to him? No hesitation? Maybe it's the fever that's making it worse but I don't believe it was all delirium which just makes it worse. I hate Osroes.
Andragoras really did it as revenge, which seals the deal that he is, in fact, speaking the truth. It's just like him, and loathe as Hilmes is to admit it, he does realize that. This boy too deserves hugs. SOMEBODY COME HUG YOUR PRINCE.
And even still, even as his world is crumbling around him with no preamble, he still has enough headspace to process and start piecing the pieces together. Hilmes has POTENTIAL, he's a good commander and this right here shows his intelligence and relative ability to keep it straight in stressful conditions (relative, because of his whole consumed by revenge thing). If only he wasn't led astray perhaps, he could've made a good Shah. He unfortunately harbors some very typical biases about social class or whatever, but perhaps it could've been given a chance to change. But as things are now, his chance of being a Shah at all is...
Another Arslan-Hilmes parallel: they're both refusing to back down even as their lack of claim is revealed, and though the refusal stems from very different emotional roots there's a commonality in that they keep at it because if they stop now then what did all those people fight for? Though, Arslan's motive is selfless (he's doing it because it's his duty to the people who gave so much for him) while Hilmes' is selfish (it's tied to his sense of self-worth).
And Hilmes putting things together (so close, so close!) signifying his refusal to give up, that's what spurs Andragoras into action.
Man, what a fucking chapter, amirite?
Now with all that out of the way—
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ITTY BITTY BABY BABY BABYYYYY HE'S BARELY LARGER THAN A COIN POUCH (and if we remove the swaddling cloth he might actually be smaller oh godddd) like I would've made infant Areyan tiny anyways but ohhhh god I'm about to cry. He's so huggable. I WILL SOB.
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@gracebethartacc ! :D
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beautiful-is-boring · 9 months
Made it out alive, just for you
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Gojo x gn!reader , angst to fluff, hurt/comfort
Au where gojo lives
Warning: y/n has a nightmare about gojo, MAJOR JJK MANGA SPOILERS FOR CH 236, so ya it involves blood and a lil bit of gore, and crying.
A/n: i love this man so so much, and whenever I get a bad dream about my loved ones dying, it mostly includes the part after their death and I'm living without them, and when I wake up it's such a relief, so this fic is based on that
'i miss you so much toru'
the scene never left your head, the love of your life, now lifeless, laid on the ground, wounded and dying after the fight with sukuna
you cried all day, the next day and the next. You couldn't let go of him, and how could you? Satoru was the shining sun in your life. He had the brightest smile, the prettiest baby blue eyes, the strongest will and his love for you was endless. You loved him so so much.
Coming home everyday from work pained you. You would forget that he wasn't here anymore, you would buy mochi on the way home, only to come home and realize he was never coming back, the reality settling in as you cried once more.
'please come back toru, i can't do this without you'
you eat dinner alone again, hugging the adorable custom made plushie of satoru. It was a gift from him. He lovingly said that day, that the plushie would keep you company when he was not with you.
The memory of gojo cut and bloodied plagued your mind and you hugged the plushie tighter
'you are bigger than the whole sky toru, the strongest and bravest of them all. Wherever you are, I hope you rest well. Watch over me, my love'
And then your eyes opened.
You sat up on the bed quickly, looking around everywhere and breathing heavily, just trying to ground yourself into reality.
It was just a dream. A bad one, but just a dream. You're fully awake by now.
"breathe for me sweetheart"
He was right there, your beautiful satoru, gently hugging your shaking body close to him.
"whatever you saw, it wasn't real. I'm here now baby"
You nod. Your mind was a mess. You barely remember what you saw, but it left you feeling terrified.
"Hang in there, I'll get you some water"
He slowly left your shared bedroom and you watched the white tuft of hair disappear into the kitchen. Waking up after countless bad dreams and nightmares was unfortunately common for the both of you, after the fight with sukuna in shibuya.
Right. Gojo defeated sukuna. He won. And he made it out alive.
Your eyes landed upon the custom plushie across the room that gojo gifted you all those years ago
The same one from your dream.
The dam broke. A quiet whimper left your lips as memories of the dream flashed through your mind's eye and by the time satoru returned, you were curled up on your side of the bed, sniffling and weeping.
You heard him place the glass of water on the nightstand, and in the next second he's got you enveloped in his warm arms, gently rubbing your back.
"I-I saw you die toru..I had to live without you and I had to c-come home and you weren't there, a-and you were never coming back" You were sobbing and crying as you hugged him, both from the unsettling dream, and the relief that it wasn't real. You were so, so relieved to be awake, to find your one and only alive and well. Satoru continued to whisper sweet nothings and comforting words into your ears and never once did he loosen up his hold on your trembling frame.
"its okay baby, i know how you feel, and i love you so much, and I'm right here" His sweet and gentle tone combined with his comforting voice made you cry even harder. You didn't know where the tears were coming from.
"i know toru, i know you won, it's just that ever since I saw you like that..." You take a deep breath in and gaze into his beautiful blue orbs that you love. "Just one wrong move, and you would have been gone and i-i don't know what I would do without you being there with me."
Satoru's own eyes welled up with tears because he couldn't bear to see you cry. He cupped your face in his arms, a relieved sigh leaving his lips as he saw you closing your eyes and leaning into his touch.
"you are my whole world y/n" His voice wasn't louder than a whisper. Satoru wiped your tears with the pads of his fingers, and kissed your forehead. "That day, I was thinking about you the whole time. I knew I had to come back to you, and I did." A single tear drop trailed down his face and he stroked your head to comfort you. " You don't have to worry anymore, my love. It's all over, and I'm here right here, right now. " You looked at him, reassured and he could feel his heart swell as he looked at his world, his universe, right there in his hands. "Thankyou satoru" He smiled, and you did too.
Satoru leant in and kissed you ever so slowly, reminding you that he was right there with you, alive. You both smiled into the kiss, knowing that you love each other with every fiber of your being and most importantly,
You were right there with each other; physically, and in each other's hearts.
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rosedom · 2 months
HAIIII OMGヾ(^∇^) D J & X for childe (i am ill) -🕷️
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you have summoned CHILDE for the event . . .
A/N : HAII it's been so long omg sweet spider, how are u ??
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✦ㅤㅤD = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of his)
childe's not very secretive, with you, and especially not about what he's into, what he likes being done to him—but, this? this is a bit much, he thinks: this being the way he wants to be kept full of cum, always. it's not just in the immediate aftermath—wanting to keep your cock n' cum warm, both nestled deep inside him—, but in the later, too. whenever you pull out of him, he's so, so quick to fuck his fingers back into his lil' cunt, his ass—whichever you came in—and stuff any leaking cum back in. he always whines when you tug away his hands to properly clean him, to wipe him down between his still-shaking thighs, but you've always chalked it up to him being a little bit cock-drunk, cum-loopy: childe, however, knows otherwise.
it'd have to be you to help him reveal this secret of his. fucking up into his cunt all sloppy, a lather of his cum and yours bubbling up around the base of your cock, then pulling out all slow n' sweet as you keep his hips tilted up . . . lubing up a thick plug, dragging it through the mess between his puffy labia to slide in slow, just to keep your cum in him. "be a good boy," you'd have to coo, "and keep my cum warm." maybe you've known this was a kink of his, and maybe you didn't; all childe knows is that it feels good—insanely so.
just don't fault him if you catch him wearing the plug n' keeping your cum warm even hours later, even after your bath, running around your house in nothing but his briefs to keep that plug nestled in deep, keep your cum right where it belongs<3 (though . . . make sure he's not fighting while his cunt's stuffed).
✦ㅤㅤJ = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
childe is simply insatiable: fighting-wise and sex-wise. in the same way his skin always itches for a good fight, his gut burns for your touch, for your hands across him, in him . . . it's only natural, then, that he is quite . . . well-acquainted, for lack of better words, with his body. he touches himself daily, once, twice, three times on more stressful days. you can't even be mad at him, either, because (and besides the fact that it is undoubtedly hot as hell to imagine your adorable ajax playing with himself) it keeps him safe, out of harm's way . . . he can't exactly risk his life when he's got his cock pinched between his forefinger and thumb, can he?
as to how he masturbates . . . mmm. he's not one to tease himself, much: he gets right to the main course, dipping his hand down his coarse happy trail to the tufts of hair atop his mons, fore- and middle finger reaching for his cock. he rubs it dry first, each and every time—the one time he lets himself tease—waiting to get his fingers wet with his slick after the first minute or so of back-arching, dry friction. once he's good and worked up, he'll tease down at his leaking hole, gathering up the slick on his fingertips before he goes back to incessantly rubbing against his cock. just thinkin' about the way his cock'd throb under his ministrations, his empty hole left to dribble out around nothing . . . nghhh. childe's truly a master of his art: from the sword to the bow to his fingers.
✦ㅤㅤX = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes !!)
while he's not normally one to doll himself up under his clothes, childe does prefer to wear hip briefs. their cut allows him far more flexibility than the traditional boxer, and, lucky for you, they are oh-so easy to slip to the side and reveal his cunt . . . the seat of them is wide and covers him well, but all that pale, scarred skin running up his thighs—inner and outer—is all exposed. although there's rarely any lace on these hipsters, the view is still terribly appetizing<33 makes me want to kiss up his inner thighs, all quivering, and lick across his covered hole, suckle on the fabric to taste how he leaks . . .
on the few days where he takes the effort to impress you, to tease you, he'll usually slide on some silken panties with just enough lace trim to tantalize you; imagine dippin' your fingers past the waistband of his pants, your fingertips brushing against that lace . . . he'll pair it with some pretty garters, too, occasionally (but he'll never wear any type of bra/ssiere/lette). he may be swimming in money, but his lingerie is usually relatively cheap—or, at least, cheap by his standards—; he just wants you to tear it off of him before you ravage him head to toe (⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠♪ that is not a crime !
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it's kinda difficult to keep all of these from the event in a similar format, 😞😞 but i hope u liked this !!
9 APR. 2024, @rosedom, rosey .
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ygodmyy20 · 5 months
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So I'm still obsessed with spirit designs for mob psycho 100 characters. It has not ended...SO come along with me as I continue on this adventure.
I wrote out my initial thoughts here: https://www.tumblr.com/ygodmyy20/739079912539996160/this-week-is-hard-mode-emotionally-so-were-gonna?source=share
And you can see the cute chibi versions of Teru and Shigeo here https://www.tumblr.com/ygodmyy20/739362691235315712/spirit-cuddles?source=share
Below the cut are closeups and more of my descriptions!
The most defined out of all the designs as if you look at my initial post, I take a lot of inspiration from @sodasexual but I diverged a bit in some things I liked more like the design of his tail and feet
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I like the idea that his whole body is just a galaxy of ever changing stars. He and Ritsu have aquatic qualities to them but you can see Ritsu is MUCH more...well, fish like haha Shigeo is this mixture of aquatic and kinda cat-like. I like his hair being like ???% hair. Where it is a little wavy.
He has fins coming off his body that come off at different spots. Still figuring them out. But the direction I want to go in is they are kinda like axolotl fins.
When he gets upset his color changes to a deep purple and blue and when he is happy it is a bright pink. It is similar to how I imagine his aura reacts to his emotions. If he is VERY upset he will be black, with only specks of red, and you barely will be able to see the white of his eyes. Very very similar to ???%
When Shigeo gains more power (similar to Teru) his form grows and changes. I haven’t gotten the details in my head quite yet but more appendages, larger body, more fins, his “hair” grows and changes. As we fondly say he looks a touch more eldritch in nature. His increased power form may look slightly more terrifying but he’s the same old lil guy, just in a massive spirit form.
(Also does Teru love Shigeos spirit form even when it’s eldritch and full of stars and galaxies and black holes? Um yes of course hahah he adores it. Also yes we terumob here not sure if that was….clear hahaha now it is)
Teru is my beautiful feathery seraphim!
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look at his lil face!!
Teru's form can grown into a much more biblical-looking angel if he gains power, but his default is this light and nimble feathered spirit. Lots of his design takes from the elemental look of fire. In future I want lightening to make more of an appearance but I am just sticking with fire for now.
Teru is covered in feathers, and has at least 3 pairs of large ones down his back. He also has two little tufts where his ears would be. His color is also ever changing. He can blend from oranges to yellows to whites and even turquoise and purples. But his base color is oranges and yellows.
(And yes Shigeo also loves Terus spirit form, when he finally saw it for the first time he knew it was perfect!)
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So far Ritsu matches a lot of Shigeo's general look and feel but he is more green in color, like an ocean, and he has a sharpness to him around his form. His tail is dark and sharp, and his entire body when upset will bristle and become sharp like a cactus.
Ritsu is not all sharp though. His hair is wavy kinda like seaweed. Taking his current longer hair in canon and just making it longer and more wavvy.
So yeah. That's where I have gotten to!! Thanks for joining me on this fun journey. I'll keep playing with these spirit designs and evolving them - you haven't seen the last of 'em!
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lizardkingeliot · 10 months
Happy Wednesday, everyone! Okay... so. Who wants a lil (slightly nsfw) teaser from chapter two of until i come back from the dead for you? I'm tentatively planning on posting next Friday so fingers crossed! 💖
Eliot reached for a faded green tile, but before his hand could make contact the sound of footfalls on the puzzle drew his eyes quickly upward. And his hand stilled over the tile. And he pulled it back to rest in his lap slowly, slowly. “Hey,” he said, pulse in his neck fluttering at the sight of Quentin, his half-open shirt. The one he hadn’t bothered to do up all the way after they’d finished fucking around hours ago.
“Hey,” Quentin said, looking entirely at home in his new Fillorian clothes. All soft linen in shades of brown and dusty blue. Hair tied in a loose knot on the back of his head, a little smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “So I was, um—I was wondering if you, uh…”
Quentin tucked a stray tuft of hair behind one ear, averted his gaze. Bashful in a way Eliot couldn’t help but find fucking <i>adorable.</i> Jesus. A little stirring between his legs when he remembered that bashful mouth stretched around his dick before the sun had come up that morning.
“You were wondering if I, uh…” Eliot’s mouth twitched in a smile, fighting the sudden urge to lunge forward and pull Quentin down onto the puzzle. Pin him wriggling and hard against the half-formed pattern and swallow him goddamn whole.
“You know, like, uh—if you wanted to… make out. Maybe, um—”
The smile on Eliot’s face instantly transformed onto a full-on, pearly-toothed grin. “God, look at you—”
“You don’t have to—” Quentin frowned down at Eliot with his entire gorgeous grumpy perfect face. Brows knitting so tightly together it was like they were trying to fuse. “You don’t have to be a dick about it, okay, just—”
“Hey, no, I’m not…” Eliot drew a breath, huffed it out. Reaching forward and gripping one of Quentin’s pant legs, giving it the softest tug. “Just—god. Look. Uh…” He tossed the sketch in his hand to one side, didn’t give a shit if it floated away all the way to Loria. The pattern didn’t matter. They could dream up a thousand more patterns just like it tomorrow. “Come down here with me. There’s something I wanna tell you.”
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muertawrites · 2 years
I don’t even know if your requests are open or closed,, so if they’re closed you can just ignore this☹️
So,, hear me out — it was present day, 2022, and Eddie and Y/n’s grandchild(ren) find photos of Eddie and Y/n in the 80’s, and Eddie and Y/n’s child, their mom, catches them looking at their parents photos, and when Eddie and Y/n find out about this, they offer to show their grandchild(ren) more photos.
I need some Eddie fluff,, sO😭 YEAHHH. anyway,, have a great day/night ily/p — 🦔 (call me hedgehog anon😁bc i love hedgehogs fr)
i am screaming. i am crying. i am puking up blood at how unbearably ADORABLE THIS REQUEST IS how dare you make me face my romanticism and sentimentality
i'm going to write this as just a headcanon bc if i think about it too hard i might actually shatter my own heart. i'm also gonna tweak the family setup a lil bit.
so like
let's talk about eddie in his 50s
that man's a silver fox. kept his long hair and totally metal wardrobe. aged to perfection. still a massive ball of unchecked chaotic good. owns a music shop and rides a motorcycle.
and of course he's still head over heels in love with you. every day he wakes up next to you and is like "that's my person. the most beautiful person in the entire world. i am so lucky <3". like he still gets butterflies around you. you've been married for 20 years but he still writes you notes like "will you go out with me yes or no"
and hey let's talk about that marriage!
it was not planned
you were perfectly happy living in a domestic partnership and not getting the law involved
until you both royally fucked up and he got you pregnant
and this poor man was terrified when you found out. not because he didn't think he could be a dad, but because he was afraid you were gonna leave him. you told him you didn't want kids and he went and did the big dumb and didn't use a condom. but he reminded you repeatedly that it was your body and he didn't care what you did, he would still love you and support you and be there through all of it.
but you actually decided... hey. if i'm gonna have a baby, eddie's the only baby daddy i could ever want. so you told him you wanted to be a family.
and he immediately proposed.
so fast forward to today. it's 2022, and your now full-grown baby is headed off to college. she's nervous as hell. so you pull out the shoebox full of photos of you and eddie when you were her age to help reassure her.
the first ones are just goofy ones, back from before you and eddie started dating. pictures from the road trip you guys took when he drove you to college, standing in front of his van packed with your stuff. pictures from parties you went to together, drunkenly laughing with plastic cups in hand. polaroids and letters you sent back and forth to each other, unable to talk about anything more than how much you miss each other.
the next ones you show her are of your pregnancy and her birth. eddie kissing your growing bump. standing with his arms wrapped around you in front of the house you bought. sleeping in a chair in the hospital with a bundle of blankets in his arms, thick tufts of black hair peeking out the top. uncles dustin and steve huddled around her, staring at her with massive grins on their faces. wayne sitting with her at his kitchen table, eddie at his side and both smiling adoringly down at her.
then there are the ones from her childhood, the ones she remembers. sitting on eddie's lap while he teaches her guitar. getting carried on his shoulders at her first metallica concert. giggling at the funny voices and faces he made while reading to her. asleep in the back seat of his van, curled up with the stuffed dragon she's had since she was a baby.
eddie making devil horns with her to celebrate her spelling bee win.
you braiding her unruly curls for her middle school graduation.
you and eddie hugging her in a sandwich on the night of junior prom, forcing her date to take the photo (not pictured is the very long, very menacing lecture eddie gave the poor boy, even though he was just taking her as a friend. it worked though - he got her home an hour before curfew.)
"... you didn't want a kid, right?" she asks. "how did... how did you do it?"
you sigh, pulling her in close.
"it was terrifying," you admit. "but... i had your dad. we had each other. and we had everyone else in the family with us, too. none of it has ever been easy, but it's all been so much better because we're surrounded by people who love us, and we love you more than anything. and that's what you've got to focus on. the good things will make you strong enough to kick the bad things in the teeth."
"hey, that's not how i taught her to fight," eddie chimes as he enters the room. "kicking teeth is too difficult. you gotta go for an uppercut, jam the fucker's nose into his skull."
he grins and flops down onto the couch beside her, kissing her forehead.
"ready to head out, padawan?"
she nods.
"yeah. i'm actually... i'm really excited!"
as you watch her bound into the back seat of eddie's jeeep, he wraps his arms around your shoulders, hugging you tightly and pressing your back to his chest.
"we made a pretty cool little human," he muses.
"yeah," you agree. "yeah, we really did."
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elsweetheart · 1 year
vi’s hair getting long enough in the back that you can tie it into a lil ponytail 🫶 n she just sits there adoring you bc you’re so happy and giggly that you can do cute hairstyles on her now
at first she’s all groan-y about it whilst you’re curled up beside her twirling the longer tuft at the back of her head round your finger giggling.
“i know, i need to cut it.” she sighs, sinking more into the seat with her classic manspread — which you would have thirsted over if you weren’t so busy playing with her hair.
“i love it!” you beamed, pulling the hair tie off your wrist, giggling in amusement to yourself as you tie it in a little ponytail. you pull back with a delighted, triumphant gasp and she can’t help but let a smile slip when she reaches her hand back and feels the tiny ponytail. “its sooo cute!”
“not cuter than you.” her hands grip your chin now and you nearly yelp at the speed she brings you in for a kiss.
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exist101 · 1 year
Also I forgot to say this but the little heart hair tuft for the normal Happy Fella is so adorable
I thought he deserved a lil heart tuft
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barnulv23 · 5 months
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Hide N Seek
Story :   They had started their delivery at dawn. A little rabbit, who had gone to work in town, and who could not take the risk of taking his family with him, however numerous they were. He knew the city had become dangerous. It had pained him from the bottom of his little heart, but it had to be done. And every week, he passed to Lamine and Alex, his money, earned during his 5 days, as well as an adorable letter, expressing how much he thought of his peers with a lot of affection and sadness at the same time. The raccoon and the african pouch rat had the mission, each week to bring back to Mr.Rabbit's family his package, which they brought without dragging on the country road, far away from the city. In general, they didn't hang around...just to get some sustenance or stop at a water well or river to cool off when it was hot and the wind wasn't blowing much. They had already come a long way, when the heat of the day and fatigue began to translate into pain in the bottom of their little feet. “I think we should stop,” Lamine said, sighing. Do you see that grove up there? It would be perfect for relaxing in the shade. -First! Much younger and energetic, despite his strong tuft of hair which kept him much warmer than his shorter-haired partner, Alex ran towards the tree... which did not further encourage the old rat, who dragged his pace ...the grove was at the top of a hill, after all... But as he was ahead, the young raccoon, looking at him from his high hill, laughed softly. -How slow he can be! He looked at the tree, then at the bush, imagining a little joke to play on his colleague: he quickly placed his hat on the ground, and ran his clawed hands through his hair, from which he pulled out a few tufts, without hurting himself and without forcing too much on your skin. From there, he placed them on the ground, and hid in the bush, before crouching, silent among its leaves. When Lamine arrived at the top, he was horrified to see tufts of his best friend's hair, and his hat that he always took with him everywhere. He called his name several times, sniffing the air, had there been a predator he had failed to sense? Alex, laughing silently, placed himself behind the tree, holding onto its bark so as not to fall, he was laughing so much from the inside. It was even funnier to watch from up there!  
Commentary :   You guys also voted for the tree to be published so here it is. Decided to add a lil story to it, and characters of course. When skimming the characters you wanted to see more, I saw Shorui...who is waaay too big to fit on the picture. He's nearly the size of the tree !  Then Yama, Aeriielyl, Virgil and Linya...not quite their settings. So I decided to take Lamin from the list, and since he's never going anywhere without his partner...there you have them :)
Character (c) : BarnUlv23 ​Art (c) : BarnUlv23 © copyright BarnUlv23. You may NOT use, post, replicate, manipulate, or modify this image without my explicit written consent.   
Tumblr : Youtube : ToyHouse : Alternate ToyHouse : Selling Account : ​Interested in a commission ?
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nagipops · 3 years
Hi! could i request a headcanon for both yoshida hirofumi and yutaro kurose as a boyfriend? Hope this isnt to much!
FEATURING: yoshida hirofumi, yutaro kurose
WARNINGS: mentions of food
A/N: this is a wonderful request, thank you for being so considerate and patient! this made me SO SOFT, i miss these two so much. where are they irl. gimme.
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superrr playful little trickster baby
if there’s one thing that we got out of his five chapter reign, it’s that he’s a mischievous one
imagine coming home to an eerily empty house and you start getting a lil scared
“yoshida? yoshiiida! are you home?”
but then you see a familiar tuft of black hair peek out from around the corner of the hallway, then an ear spotted with piercings, then a pair of playful dark eyes, and you let out a sigh of relief
he sweeps you into a warm hug afterwards of course, picking you up and slowly spinning you around as if he’s juicing you
i feel like he loves hair clips!
or when you do his hair altogether
gel it, braid it, curl it, style it, however you want, he absolutely loves it
also adores when you put eyeliner on hIM??? LIKE SERIOUSLY LOVES IT
it makes him feel like an emo grunge kid again (is he still one? we don’t know.)
he literally rocks it though. he wasn’t born to wear eyeliner; eyeliner was born to wear him.
also a really snuggly boyfriend; he loves movie dates, where you and him are cuddled up on the couch together, a (scary) movie on display as you huddle together under a warm blanket
he absentmindedly strokes your arms and your tummy while watching, even when he’s fully engrossed he likes to be touching you still
if you get scared he’ll let you bury your face in his shoulder or chest and he’ll rub a calm hand up and down your back soothingly
this makes you fall asleep stupidly fast, and he’s gotten used to it so once he starts stroking your back, he’ll reach for the tv remote and turn the volume down as you drift off to sleep
and then when your body goes limp and your breathing gets heavier, he’ll shut the movie off, even if it was getting to the really really really good part, pull the blanket over the both of you, and cuddle you to sleep <3
always worried about if he's doing everything right
was i too clingy today? are they mad at me? should i leave them alone or go talk to them? should i do more around the house? am i being too obsessive?
you always reassure him that he's the sweetest boyfriend anyone could ever ask for, because he's so, so caring
like, incredibly caring
stressed from work? massages and spa days are in order. need some affection? cuddles and snuggles are coming right up
he treats you so perfectly, he's an absolute godsend
he's a little awkward with display of affection at first, and of course he overthinks everything; he doesn't know where to put his arms, if he should be touching you there, if you like being held versus holding him, aaaAAHHHHH
but it's so endearing to you, it shows him that he truly cares so much for you, and all he wants to do is show it (even if it's in the most awkward way T-T)
yutaro loves fruit and all things food!
he secretly likes it a little when you're sick, not because you're constantly bedridden and feeling icky, but because he can take care of you, cutting up fruits, bringing you a hot towel, helping you drink water or go to the bathroom, etc.
he'll always make some time to sit on the edge of your bed with an apple and a small knife in hand as he goes to work chopping up tiny little apple bunnies for you <3
he feeds you them one at a time as the two of you enjoy each other's company, while also sneaking a few into his own mouth (he deserves it, okay!!)
once he settles into the relationship more, he'll be so observant and thoughtful, noticing where you like to be kissed, how you like to be held, etc.
his kisses are wonderful; a tad bit shy and still a little nervous, but his lips are the softest, most magical thing you'll ever feel
he adores when you run your thumb over the jaded scar across his cheeks and nose
it's where his skin is the most sensitive, and it makes his entire body shiver
just like he knows your every quirk, so do you :)
yutaro's never been in a relationship like this, but there's no one else he'd rather have as his first and his last <3
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binart · 3 years
How many cats do you have and what are their names? (also, Jimothy is adorable)
i have two cats! one is a fluffy black cat named Jimothy,
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and the other is a short haired black cat with a lil white tuft on his chest named
Mr. Carland Snuggles a.k.a Mr. Snuggles a.k.a Carl
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they are both very silly and have very unique personalities and PERHAPS YES I WOULD INDEED KILL FOR THEM don't worry about it
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proud-and-defiant · 2 years
bro if you could ,, if you could do jatherine ,, bro ,, bro i'd pay u ,,
Word count: 546
She was warm, a contrast to his shivering body. No wonder considering her heavy cloak lined with fur on the insides, the white material tufting out from beneath it. He couldn’t even get started on the rest of her outfit. A perfect picture, one jack had never managed to get on paper. Light purple with dark blue accents lining her dress, the light fur pulling it all together.
He never got tired of looking at her.
“You shouldn’t be out alone so late” he murmured softly, humming to himself when he felt a hand start to run gently through his curls.
“You should know by now that I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”
“Oh I wasn’t worried about you.”
Author’s Note:
I’m not sure I’ve ever written a fic for Jatherine so this was actually a lot of fun! I always like writing fun lil oneshots,, them my beloved I adore them
Thank you for the ask <33
Jack was cold.
New York was never pleasant during the winter, and this was no exception.
Jack was cold, and he was stripped down to his undershirt and pants, sat quietly in front of a steadily falling fire. They hadn’t had enough money to pay for enough wood or to keep the heat going, though they never did during the winter, and this was the result. He was almost thankful for how many boys were huddled in the lodging house, since body heat was the only thing keeping them going.
He was soaked from selling. The streets were covered in snow, but work never stopped for Jack Kelly. He was outside all day hawking headlines to the birds. He’d barely sold thirty papers. An already easy indicator that he wouldn’t be eating dinner tonight.
His limbs ached and shouted for some rest and warmth, but the fire just wouldn’t provide, and Jack was nowhere close to sleeping.
He could hear steps approaching, the clicking of heeled boots almost startling him, and the gentle hand that rested on his shoulder even more. He knew who it was before he turned around, a tired but happy smile tugging at his lips as he got a look at her.
“Evenin’, Kath.”
He shifted over slightly on the floor to allow her to sit down, allowing himself to settle against her once she was seated.
She was warm, a contrast to his shivering body. No wonder considering her heavy cloak lined with fur on the insides, the white material tufting out from beneath it. He couldn’t even get started on the rest of her outfit. A perfect picture, one jack had never managed to get on paper. Light purple with dark blue accents lining her dress, the light fur pulling it all together.
He never got tired of looking at her.
“You shouldn’t be out alone so late” he murmured softly, humming to himself when he felt a hand start to run gently through his curls.
“You should know by now that I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”
“Oh I wasn’t worried about you.”
He laughed as he felt a hand playfully hit the back of his head, a light airy noise still filled with exhaustion, but happy nevertheless.
“You’re soaking wet.” Katherine hummed softly, eyes skimming over him briefly before she made eye contact once more. Jack was all to distracted by her eyes to respond, but he was quickly brought back to earth with a gentle nudge of her shoulder.
“S’just snowy out. It happens, I’m fine.”
“If you die of hypothermia I’m going to hold it over your head forever.”
“Awww you’d miss me though.”
“Miss making fun of you”
“Uhuh” Jack responded sarcastically, dramatically laying his head onto Katherine’s shoulder, grinning when he saw her scrunch her nose at his wet hair on her clothes.
“Have I ever told you how drop dead gorgeous you are?”
“You’re unbearable.” And yet the arm that wrapped around his side for a moment to pull him closer said otherwise. Her hand moved to brush his hair out of his eyes, idly pushing through it with a soft smile, while jack moved an arm to rest loosely around her side.
“Love you, Kath..”
“Love you too, Jack.”
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rosedom · 3 months
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haha . . . i feel bad i haven't been writing as of late, so here's a lil' smth smth from my diluc x aether wip bin >&lt;
cw or whateva: smut lmfaoo (18+), omegaverse, and absolutely no context is provided beyond the excerpt. ae's a bunny and diluc is a cat.
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To make sure that Aether is alright, is enjoying himself, Diluc asks, “Is it too much?” 
Aether shakes his head, but he takes a hand—shaking, trembling, so weak in the face of such all-consuming pleasure—to cup Diluc’s jaw with. “No,” he says, breathless, and he almost sounds like a liar with the way he's absolutely ruined already, cunt sopping wet and clenching around absolutely nothing. “I want—I want more, want your knot.” 
“Oh, sweet thing,” Diluc mutters, “I need to prepare you for that.” 
Aether nods, soft but illegible pleas falling from his lips, eagerly spreading his thighs even further. At the invitation, Diluc releases his hold on either side of Aether’s cock to tease at his dribbling opening. “You're so wet,” he quietly murmurs as he takes the time and care to coat his fingers in Aether's slick. 
He’s never been this wet before, and he attests it all to the influence of Diluc—of an alpha, of an alpha he loves. “I love you,” he says again, the easiest thing he’s ever said. 
“I love you, too.” At his words, and with a gentle kiss to the tip of Aether’s nose, Diluc sinks his wetted middle finger smoothly in to the third knuckle. Aether’s head falls back from Diluc’s with a jaw-dropping mewl, squirming on his hand, and whines when Diluc’s finger curls. 
“More, Diluc, ‘Luc, please.” Aether’s never felt so full, so perfectly warm, from one finger; he could never feel so good even with two, three, four of his own. “Please!” 
Diluc shushes him gently, hand holding onto his hip as his other sinks into the tufts of Aether’s blond hair, rubbing at the base of his flop ear, sensitive and twitching and adorable. “Such a perfect bunny-rabbit,” Diluc mumbles into his temple, little kisses dispersing his words as he gentles another finger into Aether. 
Aether cries out, soft and quiet, the loudest sound coming from Diluc's fingers in his cunt. Wordless, he brings both hands to wrap around Diluc, forcing Diluc to bend down to him. The movement inadvertently jostles Diluc's two fingers, his palm brushing Aether's jutting cock to send the heaviest spark yet zinging up his spine. 
“Shh,” Diluc coos, falling into the rhythm of curling, pressing, rubbing, thrusting. “Let me make you feel good. I want you to cum on my fingers before I let you have my cock, alright, honey?” 
Aether nods, a shaky lil’ mhm being smothered into Diluc’s throat. Diluc chuckles, rubbing circles into Aether’s hips and nudging his ring finger in right next to the others. Aether's cunt opens up easily for the intrusions, the stretch of it all only serving to make more slick add to the mess between his thighs, on Diluc's hand. 
“Almost there,” Diluc murmurs, groaning at a nip to his Adam’s apple. “Easy, Aether.”
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( ̄︶ ̄)↗ teehee. that's all !
18 MAR. 2024, @rosedom, rosey.
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shidouryusm · 3 years
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Pairing: Bokuto x Reader
Genre: Fluff, comfort
Warnings: Not any in specific but yeah Bokuto being a lil sad.
Word count: 1.2K-1.3K
A/N: This is a collab for @shoyotime 's day in the life collab. Thank you Inez for letting me participate. This is basically inspired by my own injury while playing.
A/N(2): Hope you guys enjoy my work. Reblog and do leave any constructive criticism that you would like to say. NO PRESSURE <3.
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It felt like it was about to rain anytime sooner. The grey clouds encompassed the dull light of the morning sun and soon engulfed it inside. A grayish veil fell everywhere. Occasionally streaks of lighting could be seen amidst the tuft of cumuli. The sound of lightning was heard after every few minutes and no sooner the ambience turned into more eerie darkness. Little drops of rain descended from the sky, giving out the premonition of the upcoming storm. It was endearing for you, fascinating even. You stared outside, eyes gleaming in awed incredulity.
A perfect ambience for reading a Harry Potter book.
You had rushed to the room, grabbing the book when you saw Bokuto fidgeting on the chair, apprehension written all over his face. His eyebrows scrunched in between, almost leaving no gap. The frown followed by the small pouty expression was too adorable for you to not notice. He was constantly checking his phone for any sign of message that was supposed to come from Meian, MSBY team captain.
You walk towards him; he notices your presence as his long arms encircle your waist and closes the little distance in between. He sighs as he muffles his head in your stomach. You chuckle internally seeing his defeated look and run your fingers over his dual coloured hair. So soft it felt in your fingers. He hums in your little gesture before he spoke out,
“I don’t wanna miss practice today as well…”
His voice trails away before you pull away a little, to see his face. His deep amber eyes flooding with imminent disappointment.
“Heyy, baby. It’s okay. You need to recover perfectly, right?”
“We were supposed to go for a short day trip to Kanto for this game. We would have been back by today but only if I was able to go, in the first place.”He huffs, his indignant voice as clear as daylight. You bent down to kiss his eyes and nose. He closes his eyes at this momentary trance of euphoria before speaking again,
“You know, baby. This game seems so important to me. I want to get even better at what I am doing. Also I had to miss 3 games previously because of this stupid ankle injury. I don’t wanna miss this one” His genuineness makes your heart clench in sadness. You stroke his cheeks as you say,
“Awe my love, I’m sure whatever decision they’ll make. It will be a good one and for your well being” you coo at him. Your voice soothing to his ears as he gave you a soft smile which you brightly returned.
You return to your balcony, taking your book and immerse into the world of words and some little fantasy.
You cannot tell how long it has been since you raised your head before you felt a weight slump on your shoulder.
Your giant of a boyfriend with his drooping hair and long sighs. You rest your head on his as he dejectedly says,
“Meian-San and Iwaizumi thinks I need a bit more rest, especially cause I just recovered from an injury” he says, frustration, anger and disappointment emanating from his voice.
“Oh baby…If they think you need rest, I am sure they mean it for your health.”
He says nothing except just motioning still in the same position. You watch him with eyes full of pity. He may not have his 'emo' modes but a passionate athlete like him cannot sit idle that too after recovering. They are bound to feel down.
He lets out yet another tornado of a breath when you usher him a bit.
Looking at your through his lashes he sees you tugging him on your lap.
A spot to ease every living worry from his world. A spot of comfort. A spot of serenity.
A spot which he dearly calls his home. He lies down, eyes closed and head muffled on your stomach again. It might just be his favourite place to nestle in. Your fingers threading through his locks as you whisper,
“Would you like me to read the book for you, Kou?” He nods, without raising or moving his head and laying still. You chuckle at his antics and bent down to kiss the shell of his ears before divulging in your book. Head resting on the glass door as you narrate the story, voice keeping soft and subtle to soothe him.
He intently listens to you. A soft and sweet saccharine filled voice that so eloquently expressed the emotions of the book. Even though he might not have read the book before, hearing it from you felt divine to him. He loved the way your voiced became enthusiastic on a thrilling part, sometimes lowering on an anticipating tone when you expressed the tension. He could close his eyes and enter into the Hogwarts castle with you by his side, arms entangled. His little whirlwind of imagination turning into slumber and he felt his tension and fidgetiness ebbing away with the downpour of rain and your honeysuckle like voice.
You were softly reciting Harry’s adventure on the chamber when your ears heard his little snores. Bending down you see your owl boyfriend drowsing on your lap, head lolling a bit and a hint of peace etched on his face.
You look at his face, eyes drinking every feature of his. His grayish long eyebrows, his little scrunched up nose, his amber eyes hidden behind the lids. You softly stroke each of his features with your fingers simultaneously as your eyes rake over them.
Bokuto stirred from sleep when you calmly whisper a “shush” and say,
“Kou, it is okay that you have missed 3 practices. You are the Beam of the team. There is no reason whatsoever for you to be so tensed and antsy, baby. You are the best they have it out there. ”
You remember all the times he had comforted you with his words. Bokuto Koutarou had always had the knack to rise up your morale, no matter how it gets. His hugs containing healing power like the phoenix tears, wiping every wound and cuts of stress and nervousness. So when it came to your shoulder to soothe him, you did your utmost best.
‘Giving your 120%’…as your loving boyfriend would always say.
And damn, you did an amazing job at this. Bokuto felt himself melting away at your affirmations, his hold on your becoming tighter as a small smile broke across his face. He turned around, back facing you as he slept again. Finding eternal peace at his s/o’s nurturing lap.
The rain cascaded down; the earthly smell of the rain filled your nostrils as you watch him drift to sleep. Hands playing with his hair still as you whisper,
“You are so much better than what you were even 24 hours back, Kou. You never cease the opportunity to learn and grow and that makes you unstoppable. Even during your injury, you watched the game intently, picking out reformations. You are amazing.”
His smile growing wider as he keeps on taking your words, he takes one of your hands and engulfs within his own, slowly kissing the insides of your palm.
You look at him fondly. This moment. This ambience. This weather. This storm. Savoring every single passing moment of this day because you wouldn’t even trade the universe with it. Spending a day with him brings waves of serenity.
How could you? When this is your newfound universe. A small bubble of euphoria with him.
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work of ©bokutoslittledoll
@shoyotime - for you, m'lady.
Thank you so much for reading
Reblogs are always appreciated.
Please refrain from copying my works and posting it on other websites. Do reblog but do not plagiarize.
Thank you
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
I've been toying with an idea about how Casey would convince Rita to adopt a cat with her, maybe you have headcanon ideas about how it might go?
(Bear with me as i’m on my phone. Expect typos/formatting issues)
Casey loves all and every kind of animals. If she wasn’t so set on her career she would totally live on a farm. A whole slew of cats, dogs, goats, pigs, maybe even a lil cow or donkey to round out the bunch
She also has a thing for creepy crawlies. Loves bugs, (probably purposely ate a lot as a kid… dont come for me). She’s always kind of wanted a snake, and loves lizards, high key wants one of those.
Naturally, she’s waiting until she’s super solidified and knows she can take care of a pet/isn’t going to have to move again with all the extra crap.
So when her & Rita get together, she starts to think about it more.
She quickly realizes that her lizard dreams are dashed the day there’s a spider in the kitchen and all she hears is a scream, a plate smashing & she finds Rita ON the kitchen island her limbs all pulled up tight, absolutely terrified.
Casey naturally scoops up the spider (with her bare hands, which Rita makes her wash approx 8 times before Casey can touch her again) and drops it outside. Rita’s wishing she’d killed it.
Since they’ve had the kid conversation basically on their first date they both know that’s not an issue, but Casey starts to bring up getting a dog.
“Casey… I *know* you want a golden…. We cannot have a big dog in this apartment..”
“Okay what about a smaller dog?”
“Dogs are messy. And they take more time & care & we both work such crazy hours already. They slobber… and smell…”
“The Queen has corgi’s…. You cannot tell me you wouldn’t get the same dog the QUEEN has… they’re OBVIOUSLY classy.”
Rita lets out a slightly annoyed sigh. (Only slightly because Casey is giving her an adorable pout & her best puppy eyes & Rita almost always gives in when she does that).
They entertain the idea for a bit, and when Amanda takes a trip down south, Rita offers that Casey will dog sit Frannie (at AMANDA’s apt cause like hell Frannie’s getting near the prauda)
That’s when Casey is reminded just how much work a dog really is. And Frannie doesn’t even shed that much but Casey still finds herself (and as such, Rita) covered in dog hair *much* to Rita’s distate.
Casey lowkey sulks for a week about it, but Amanda always lets Casey take Frannie to play whenever she wants.
They’re coming out of a meeting one day with Barba & he’s all “why don’t you just get a cat? They basically take care of themselves…” Rita shoots him daggers, Casey’s eyes light up like the fourth of July.
They end up agreeing on fostering, because to Rita, it’s not long term.
Until she absolutely falls in love with this stupid little fluff ball she’d meant to hate.
Casey names it something ridiculous, like Bernard cause of the little grey tufts by his ears.
Bernard trots along after Rita no matter where she goes in the house. It doesn’t even matter if Casey’s home, she’ll have to come grab the cat as it tries to climb up Rita’s leg while she’s making breakfast.
Casey’s long passed out one night, having spent the day in the park with her soft ball team playing & drinking in the sun. It was an early night for her.
Rita’s working away in the office, heavy into a closing argument when there’s this scratchy little “meow?” And she looks up, Bernard is perched in the space on the floor in front of her desk, head tilted with a curious expression.
“Oh alright.” She half scoffs, waving the cat to her, “but you tell no one.” She gives him a glare while he happily trots up to her and jumps into her lap. First he tries to steal her pen, chewing along the end of it. She eventually gives up and lets him have it, and he very happily curls up in her lap and goes to sleep.
She ends up working three hours longer than she’d intended cause she doesn’t want to move him.
A couple of days later Casey comes home saying the shelter still hasn’t had anyone come forward & they want to know if they want to keep him. (Casey also happens to have come home with Rita’s fave takeout & her fave gourmet chocolates)
Rita tries to play it cool but it becomes pretty apparent as Bernard slinks through her legs and she scoops him up without a second thought, scratching between his ears as the conversation continues.
Casey shoots her a wicked grin & says something like “I think Bernard chose his rightful Mom already”
And obviously they keep the cat.
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