#like. no fam those very much are still kids' shows. they're for older kids but still for kids
mori-no-majou · 11 months
internet learn that there are other ages between the target audience for peppa pig and the target audience for riverdale challenge (impossible)
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
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No problem! And when it comes to showing your support? The absolute best way that will make me the most happy is comments.
It doesn't have to be a reblog or an ask like this one. Although it can be. It doesn't have to be a thought out comment complimenting a specific thing in the art piece.
Comments like "I love this!" or "💖💖💖!!" or things like "AKSKAJNCSDJNKVJN" or even "EATING THIS ART RN" are wonderful. You could leave the same generic comment on all of my artwork and flood my notifications, and I would still love and appreciate that more than getting fanart and ending up uncomfortable.
It doesn't have to be thought out, it doesn't have to be on every piece. But if you want more art from me? Remember that the #1 thing I look forward to when I post art, is reading the comments.
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Now make no mistake! Foxy IS basically the big brother out of the 6. When it comes to his personality and his relations with the other animatronics.. he was always seen as the cool older brother that always knew what to do and how to cheer you up.
Foxy just gets picked on for being the "little brother" becuase he is shorter and significantly lighter than everyone else. So even little Chica was strong enough to pick him up and swing him around XDD
Also I have no idea how old the animatronics would be.. 💔 I just imagine that Foxy would be one of, if not the oldest!
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(Post in question)
Well of course! Cici is indeed also the little creature of all time! The mic was just simply not offered to her- <XDD
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oooo!! :00 Noted! Thank you very much for the info!! :DD
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I have not seen the new chapter, no.. :(
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aaaa I don't know! <:0 I've never played the games so I'm unfamiliar with those characters. Are they well known characters..? Are they evil? Are they friendly? I assume if they're not a threat my crew would be cordial with them..? <:D aaa idk! Sorry!-- (Though speaking of squid ink cookie I have drawn that one before..👀👀)
As for Papyrus, here is the initial post about him that I made.
Then at the bottom of this ask post there's a chunk of important Papyrus lore..
There's another chunk of very important Papyrus lore in this ask post..
There's a couple nuggets of good lore in this post as well..
Then there's this post I made about Frisk finding Papyrus :00
And a few Papyrus nuggets sprinkled in here! Not to mention I discuss more of his story further down in this post! This is all the info I could find on poor Papyrus, I hope this was helpful! :}
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XD I'm glad you like him! And I'm sure he wouldn't mind a hug! Unlike the canon version, my Funtime Freddy is actually safe to hug!.. For now-
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:DD Thank you so much!! :}}
As for all the Bibi stuff. You can find everything about him or the rest of the fam under the "#bibi" tag or the "#factual fam" tag on my blog. There's also the "#my ocs" tag and the "#my original stuff" tag :0 though I don't think the latter has much attached to it-
I've been meaning to make a master post for all the Bibi/factual fam stuff but I don't have the headspace to do all that atm-
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I thiiink you can eat them?? Probably yeah. I think the lore from the games is that they are literally, actually, living cookies. And they probably taste like the thing they're based on.
Soooo the only one that would taste good is Coconut XDD
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XD She is very proud of him
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Its all extremely vague, but I kiiind'a have an idea..??
Seafoam and Octo obviously met as little kids. They grew up side by side and when Foam wanted to get a ship and become a pirate? Octo followed him and became his first mate.
At somepoint after they picked up Ellie and Louis. Thiiinking that they knew Ellie before they got the ship and she joined them..? Not sure about Louis..
Now when it was just the four of them. They got caught in a great storm while out at sea. Blue Beauty saw this ship clearly struggling and in danger so she helped guide the ship to calmer waters. It was her help alone that prevented the ship from sinking. She probably secretly followed them around for a while before making herself more known and officially joining the crew.
Uhhhh Pinwheel, Coconut and Tuna were all troubled youths that were taken under Seafoam's/Octo's wing. Not really sure about Spider Crab..? But I'm thinking that he's the medic of the crew. Also not so sure about Cuddle or Urchin.. Though I'm thinking that this isn't Cuddles first rodeo. She could be an experienced pirate that somehow indebted herself to Seafoam..? Maybe once she paid her debt she stuck with the crew because they were neat? Though she seems like the crafty type.. She seems like she'd rather slip away undetected instead of staying to faithfully clear her debts.. Not sure about that one--
And Red is Seafoam's great nephew. He lost his mother/crew in some kind of tragedy which resulted in Seafoam taking him in.. Poor Red :((
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XD I did something similar once-
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The Afton's do exist. All of them. They are a core part of the AU. :00 Just like in canon! But as for their roles or where they are now or what happened to them... alas, I cannot reveal such things.. :(
As for the Sister Location AU tho--- I'm thinking that William Afton is alive and well and he runs the Circus.. 👀👀👀
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Oh man, she dreams of doing so. But Sadly, she is much too large to give him a kiss :(
Unless.. 🤔 If Seafoam somehow grew or she shrank? hmm..
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(Post in question)
Yeah, its was interesting.. but not for the reasons you'd think.
Papyrus recognized Seam and Jevil. He addressed them by name. He didn't approach them, seeing as Seam was very tense..
He said that he was happy to see them again. Explained how he worried about them, and was glad to see that they were both ok.
Seam and Jevil both looked like a deer caught in the headlights. If Jevil had the strength to do so, he might have just retreated with a mirror..
Sensing all this, Frisk tells the group Papyrus' story. Some of the group is skeptical, for the same reasons Seam was all that time ago.
But Frisk grantees the group that Papyrus is genuine. She says she has never met a kinder soul before. That no matter what timeline she may choose, genocide, pacifist, neutral.. Papyrus was always full of kindness to his very core. And that she believes his story 100%.
Grillby and River Person back this up. Saying that the Papyrus from their worlds was a very kind soul too..
Jevil is too exhausted to really process this much. But the horror of the situation settles on Seam. Realizing that Papyrus was actually a victim. They had the power to free him all those years ago. And they ran..
Its not addressed right away.. but eventually its brought up again. They both feel horrible for what they did. Leaving him to suffer alone for so many years..
But of course,, Papyrus's kindness never ends. It never broke or faltered after all this time. He forgives them. With all his soul he forgives them. He says he was never angry at them, he fully understands now why they left and he does not blame them. He's just glad to see that they're ok. And he's happy that he's not alone anymore. :}
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I'm not sure if he has Polar Madness.. correct me if I misunderstood, but Google seems to say that Polar Madness is mostly about being sick of the people around you. Being with the same people for months would drive anyone crazy and make them super irritable.
It also talks about developing sleep disorders due to the strange night and day cycle. It mentions anger and depression too..
I'm thinking that the main two issues, sleep and irritability towards coworkers, aren't a problem for Natquik. For 1 he doesn't have any coworkers- but also he's an Arctic fox! He grew up in the Arctic. These strange night and day cycles are nothing new to him, in fact he was designed to live with these cycles! So I think he's safe there.
Now the depression part.. due to the extreme loneliness he must have felt eventually.. that could be a problem. But hey at least my version of Natquik has Marsh and Jack to keep him company XD
..oh wait, the Everglades. I wonder if Natquick would develop some kind of.. Florida Madness trying to deal with those different night cycles and living with those two morons for weeks XDD
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(Post in question)
OH YEAH!! I can totally see it! XDD
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(Sorry for the late reply! I am unwell-😢)
Aww, 🥺Perhaps they do. They're all doomed 💖
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(Sorry for the very late reply, things really got away from me-)
I'd like to imagine the 5 of us all sitting down and I spawn/draw in a bunch of food for everyone to try and pick their favorite.
Bibi picks chicken nuggets. Jangles picks bowtie pasta with cheese cubes and Miracle whip. Every time Cici tastes something new she claims its her favorite, so she hasn't really figured it out yet- maybe strawberries??
Gerald's favorite is celery. Mind you I did not draw any celery, and he has never tasted it before. But he has a very strong feeling that it is surly his favorite.
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princelylove · 5 months
same anon that asked about the platonic/familial thing!
aahh that's good to hear, your highness! ^^/ I hope it's alright to ask for Yoshikage Kira with a quiet and//or shy child!reader,,, specifically when he's part of the Kawajiri fam!
maybe they're in Hayato's place or his younger sibling, but the thought of them being curious of Kira because woah their dad changed… his kid gets abnormally clingy to him within time. kinda really curious about the "fluff"//"comfort" with them but also… knowing Kira whatever fluff//comfort is going to be. very. questionable and damning- but in the end even if he hurts them… his kid still somehow trusts him and seeks comfort from him and listens to him much more than anyone else
ahh i hope this is alright! sorry if i rambled a lot or if it's too much ><;; you can change things up a bit if you'd like and go ham with it if you'd like !!
When it comes to Mr. Kira, you should generally be quiet and stay out of his way. Oh, sorry, I misspoke. I mean Mr. Kawajiri. 
Warning for discussion of gender roles/conforming to gender stereotypes, it’s gender neutral until I go on my “Yoshikage is a freak who cannot stand anything non mainstream” tangent but I talk about both masc and fem. I cut this short because I got a little too interested in the entire family's dynamic rather than just Kira, hope you still like it. ♡
I’m fond of Yoshikage, if I may be so informal, for his taste in fashion, he cares quite a bit about how he presents himself, and by extension cares how you do. He makes sure you dress appropriately for your age, and in a gender conforming way. He sighs every time you come home with pants on under your uniform’s skirt, or with your tie abandoned. God forbid you’re a part of a subculture that doesn’t conform- being a delinquent isn’t going to get you anywhere in life. Charms on your bag aren’t allowed until you’re older, and pushing your socks down like that makes you look ridiculous.
While Daddy is rather strict and loveless, Shinobu isn’t. She spoils you a little too much- especially considering she thinks she didn’t show Hayato the love he needed, and that’s why he acts Like That. She’s thankful he doesn’t bother you too much, but would it kill him to come downstairs and eat dinner with us? Oh, Mommy’s sorry, she doesn’t mean to vent, she loves girls nights with you too! Girls night isn’t a gender thing, you can have girls night with mother and be a young man! Sigh. Shinobu’s sorry. She’s just desperate for someone to hang out with her. That woman is so neglected. She loves to take you shopping and hear about your interests! Oh, you want to be alone? That’s fine too! Mommy will be right here when you need her! Waiting patiently! …. Are you sure you don’t want to watch some tv, maybe?
Yoshikage has assimilated well into a fatherly role, he accepts it as “being a man,” and therefore, part of his role in being normal. The only issue is he’s used to his father, who has very old and traditional views on what a man does, with absolutely zero chance of becoming open minded. He's more fond of his mother, really. Neither of your parents tell you no if you ask for something- it’s a bit different if you’re masc or fem, he has an idea of what you’re supposed to be from very early on and failing to meet those expectations means not getting the care you deserve. At least from Yoshikage, Shinobu will always love you. ♡
If you’re a girl, Yoshikage is fine with you being a daddy’s girl, as he was sort of himself, in a sense (Don't mention his relationship with his actual father). He’ll humor you asking him to buy you things, as long as it isn’t every week or terribly expensive. You mustn't become a brat. He isn’t really one for excessive materialism, but nine times out of ten he’ll humor you if it means you’re opening up to him. He’ll rent books and different types of media from the library for you if you ask (That he approves of), and he takes you to the park for some fresh air weekly, even if you’re older. He encourages taking care of yourself, but you shouldn’t be trashy about it. Do your nails, but not bright colors. Style your hair, but not in a tacky way, and leave it natural or, if you MUST dye it, dye it a natural color. He tends to nag you more if you’re fem- no boyfriends, come home by a certain time, etc. Typical overprotective girldad. He uses a softer voice when he speaks with his daughter- he knows he’s supposed to be gentle with you, and he’s not going to risk giving you a complex where you grow up to be like the women he murders and doesn’t keep. 
If you’re a boy, he’s less expressive with you, and you likely get most of your affection from Shinobu. He’s fine emotionally neglecting you because he doesn’t view you as something soft. You must be like him. Your brother’s already a failure, are you going to follow in his footsteps? He would still take his son to the park and get him a library card (Note: Doesn’t rent books for you, only gets you the card) and whatnot, but it’s obvious he’s doing it out of obligation (Shinobu lightly suggested it) rather than real love. Bummer! You get nice clothes, though. Being quiet as a boy is fine as long as you aren’t struggling academically. Which has its advantages! If you’re failing, he’ll tutor you, and that means more attention! That also means getting locked in your room and getting berated because “Men are supposed to be better than this, who will have you when you’re older if you’re stupid?” but hey. At least you can get out of hanging out with him by saying you need to study, but you can’t get out of his life lesson lectures. 
While Hayato is the weird child, you’ve taken on the role of what Yoshikage intended his future children to be like, hopefully. Well behaved, well mannered, you don’t have any disturbing hobbies (Which is bold coming from him), you don’t get in his way. For that, he rewards you. Gifts, quality time, letting you be alone, etc. Anything he can think of that will reinforce this good behavior.  Hayato has mixed feelings about you. He also has a bit of a complex when it comes to gender considering his canon dynamic with his mother of “I”m gonna be the new man of the house and take care of mom,” so your relationship depends heavily on a few things. Who’s older, if you’re closer with Yoshikage or Shinobu, if you’re a girl or a boy (Hayato hasn’t figured out there’s a third option yet, give him a couple years), etc. If you’re a girl, you get pushed in the same box as Shinobu. This creep is pretending to be dad, I have to protect mom and my baby sister! If you’re a guy, he’ll expect you to help him, but cuts you some slack if you fail because you’re younger. Hayato likely dismisses an older sibling entirely, they’re just getting in the way and not helping mom at all, regardless of if they help her or not.
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gayfrogs03 · 2 years
I just read a fic where Tim gets a tattoo with Connor (Cute fic, called Don't You Worry Your Pretty Little Mind by timdrakewayne on AO3, go read it) and I'm getting my first tattoo soon (appointment already made, July 10th, can't wait), so now I'm making headcanons of what the batfam would get if they got tattoos, let's go!
All of the kids don't ask Bruce before they get their tattoos, but when he finds out he's like, "Whatever, don't let a villain see it."
⚠️⚠️!!!TW: Mention of self harm!!!⚠️⚠️
All Robin's- All of the Robin's (past and present, duh, Damian gets his when he's older) go in together and get their personal Robin symbols over the first scar they got while being Robin, it a little something that makes them feel good, and closer together
Bruce- I can't decide on just one for him, so he gets two. One is the outline of Gotham, maybe like across his back (read it in a fic once a long time ago, love the idea, it's very Bruce). Two is some sort of symbol or something that represents all his kids (even his unofficial kids, like Steph, Barbara, and Duke (remember that Duke is his foster kid) because he counts them as his) on his chest over his heart, it could be a little family tree with all of their enitials (idk if that's spelled right), it could be all of their super hero symbols (but those change so maybe not that), or literally anything, he adds to it everytime he gets a new kid (most nearly cry, or do cry, when they first see this)
Dick- I think Dick would get a tattoo to remind him of his parents or the circus, but also keep it small, so like maybe his parents names in a heart, the outline of like a circus tent, idk those are the greatest ideas, but something like that, it would either be on his wrists or on his chest over his heart
Jason- despite going through a huge rebellious thing, Jason doesn't get his tattoo until he's closer with the family again, I think it would be a quote from a book on his forearm, maybe something about family being there, or family not always being about blood, to both remind himself that he's not alone anymore, and that while his biological mom was a shitty person who sold him to the joker, the person he counts as his real mom loved him unconditionally despite her own flaws.
Tim- In the fanfic I read Tim gets a tattoo on his thigh of the Superboy symbol in the Robin colors. While I love that idea I'mma project onto Timmy boy here and personal headcanons so he also gets multiple tattoos (four to be exact). Tim is the tattoo addict of the family, so he has for and plans to get more, much to the surprise of everyone (most expected it to be Jason, maybe even Dick, but not Tim) . One, the same one I just described from the fic (loved it too much to leave it out). Two, a semi colon on his left wrist covering self harm scars (for those who may not know the semi colon is used when an author could have ended the sentence but continued it instead, when people get a semi colon tattooed on themselves it means that they could have/wanted/tried to end their lives, but continued living instead), the semi colon just plain black because just that alone sent a big message. Tattoo number three is a quote from "In Deeper Waters" on his right wrist (also covering self harm scars, not important but I headcanon Tim as ambidextrous like me) and it's "The world isn't kind, but it doesn't mean I can't be." Tim is someone who has been beat down by an unkind world over and over again, but still strives to be kind to others (and sees the same thing happen to those he loves). And last but not least is a matching tattoo he gets with Steph. He's planning on getting a matching tattoo with Bernard soon, but they're still planning on what it will be (they are willing to take ideas from the fam)
Damian- When he's older he either chooses to not get a tattoo or gets one of the Wayne family crest on his wrist to show his loyalty to the whole family. Not much to say about him with tattoos, sorry
Duke- He doesn't get a tattoo, idk why, I just feel like he's not all that interested in them, and if he does want one he's taking 100000 years to figure out what tattoo he wants because he knows this is a forever type thing and that is what's making it hard for him to decide (family tells him to take his time, he doesn't even have to get one, but if he decides to get one they'll gladly take him to get it)
Cass- She didn't want a big one, but she wanted it to be meaningful. She ended up getting a small pair of black ballet shoes tattooed on her ankle. Dancing is something that she loves dearly, and it is also something she drags her whole family to do with her a lot (it doesn't take much to convince them they all love dancing with her), so it represents something that she loves to do and feels at peace doing, and it represents times where she's bonded with her family and has come closer to them, she loves it
Steph- I mentioned a matching tattoo with Tim, she got it with him some point after their breakup for both of them to show each other that even though they broke up that their friendship will remain just as strong as before, lasting forever just like the tattoo. I think they got it on their forearms, but I can't decide what it is, maybe a quote, maybe one like Tim and Connor's where they get each others symbols in their respective colors, maybe something they both love, maybe something unique and only they will understand, maybe those cheesy best friend tattoos, you'll decide for me. That was her first tattoo, she has a second one on her thigh and it's a quote that Bruce himself said to her about her father not defining who she is in any way (Bruce cried when he found out about this one, though he tried to hide it)
Barbara- First she made a whole power point presentation, with Tim's help, for her dad to convince him to let her get a tattoo (she's an adult and can just get it without his permission, but she wanted his approval on it), which he finally said yes too, like Dick and Cass she wants to get something small but meaningful. She gets it on her collar bone, and it's a quote about being able to rely on those around to help you and make you stronger, something like that, honestly she's the hardest to decide for me
Selena Freaking Kyle: When she marries Bruce (they get married in my world, hush) she gets a tattoo similar to Bruce's with something to symbolize all the kids, tattooed on her ribs, because those are her Kittens and she would kill and die for them. They don't find out until they all have a beach day and she wears a swim suit top and they see it they all nearly cry. She also has other tattoos that I'm too lazy to specify now :)
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starkcanvas · 2 years
I agree that the Graveyard version of 'By Your Side' hits like a truck, But here's another one imo. 'Dear Little Brother'. Just hearing that, and with the context of the scene it's in (Sunny attempting to save Basil from drowning) really gives you a glimpse into just how much Mari loved Sunny. And once you find out the truth of what happened? It hurts, so much. Because you just know, that they were each others world, and that event, broke him in a way that can never be fixed.
Honestly I loved this game, and the story is why I love just the cute, little Fluffy moments I can find, because yeah Angst is nice every so often, With how the characters lives have been, and with how it's affected me? They deserve to be happy, loved, and live long lives.
I guess that's why I'm invested in Sunny showing up in the Ethereal Route, Because these poor kids didn't deserve this shit. I get the others would be miserable to find out Sunny died, but at-least they have a support network, and they're together again so it'll be easier for them to grieve.
But Sunny? With the move, the only Support Network he would have to properly deal with his trauma, grief, and regrets is his mother. His mother who tries yeah, But is never around enough to make a lasting impact on those issues. And she's probably dealing with them in her own, and likely less than healthy ways.
Jeeze, I got a bit off track there huh? But yeah, I love the relationship between Sunny and Mari and I only, truly wish for them to be happy. With everything, they deserve to be together again.
Let’s be honest, all the sad soundtracks in Omori are tear jerkers ;w;
and I love this game to bits as well, usually it takes quite a bit for a video game to get me to tear up- the winning franchise used to be the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series lol- but for Omori, because it hits very close to home for me and now that I’m older, I’ve learned to appreciate the stuff it covers a lot more, as I am someone who’s lost a sibling themselves despite us not knowing each other for very long.
And I’m not sure if this’ll hype you up or not but I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and I’ve possibly come up with a way for Sunny to kinda be with his Ghost Fam and Mari again BUT while he’s still alive.~ So him dying now isn’t a necessity for that outcome ;)
And it’s no worries- I love Sunny and Mari’s relationship as well. A part of me could see my own sister and I having that kind of close/protective relationship.~ Well, if my sister was around long enough to develop her own personality ^^; she was pretty young when she passed. I… think she was 2 years old and I was 4 at the time.
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B2:S - Chapter 3
Much of this series will be about the differences and additions in the novel version, and how they contribute to my understanding of story canon. But there will be character appreciation, the odd theory and headcanon, and suchlike as well.
Here be Lujanne, Callum, Rayla, Ezran, Bait, and Soren goodness!
Spoilers for Book Two: Sky below.
Lujanne having excellent fitness for all her walking around the Moon Nexus, and she's so energetic that Callum has trouble keeping up with her! She seems like those active grandmas who almost never stop moving, who have a lifelong supply of endless stamina. It makes me wonder if Lujanne will need that level of fitness for some upcoming conflict.
Callum feeling really hungry over not eating grubs and then still deciding he'd rather be hungry. It makes me wonder all over again how Lujanne got to the point where she eats grubs, considering that other Moonshadow elves we know of back in the Silvergrove don't. I still love my hc that the giant leech ate all of Lujanne's moonberry bushes and she's taking her revenge. Whatever's going on there, Callum is definitely not at that point yet.
When Lujanne asks Callum how he knows she's real, he thinks to himself that he'd put up with just about anything from someone who was going to teach him magic. That's a great parallel and foreshadowing for Viren's student/master relationship with Aaravos! And it's telling that neither student gets exactly what they hoped to get. Lujanne doesn't actively teach Callum any spells, because she believes he can't learn Moon magic at all. Aaravos does offer Viren power, but it takes him to some very dark places - literally and figuratively - and the cost is terribly high.
Callum sees a moon shape among the ruins, and Lujanne explains that the Moonhenge layout is an intricate rune that uses the structures themselves as part of its symbols and power. That's apparently a thing even with ordinary Moonshadow villages like Hollow Wood in the east, which is the coolest idea I've seen in a while: city planning as magic runes!
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Yes, that's the same shape as the pendants Ethari made for himself and Runaan. Protection? Home? Feelsiness? A sense of safety and belongnig for all cycles and seasons?
Wonder what this Moonhenge rune stands for, then, and how much of this landscape is included in that rune. I bet it's more than we think!
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But it makes sense now, how toppling the stone pillars would disable the spell the druids would cast to connect with the Moon Nexus lake. Breaking the infrastructure of the Moonhenge breaks the rune.
There's a physical sensation involved with the visuals that Historia Viventem brings up! When that one ghostly druid walked through Callum, he felt icy cold. Like in ghost stories. I really wonder about what exactly Historia Viventem is doing when it activates. It shows truth, "what really happened here?", so it must have some kind of time-related element, maybe tied to how the moon always repeats the same cycles or something. But it also seems to draw on the spirits of any living people involved in the flashback, because Callum could physically feel that wispy shape passing through him. So very interesting!
Orrr... is that all wrong, and there's something else at work with this spell than time? Maybe the world beyond life and death can act as an imprint of the things that have happened in the living world, and the spell that Lujanne (and later Callum) casts taps into that place, with perfect recall. I'm looking really hard at the sentence that says "dozens of translucent elf ghosts" and "phantom Moonhenge" and "lost in their own world" here.
Lujanne says more here than in the show about the world beyond life and death, being her mysterious Moonshadow-mage self. She says that "beyond" and "between" might both apply to where this other plane of existence is, and she doesn't much care which. With all the relativity swirling around this place, and not much in the way of empiricism, it's sounding like perhaps multiple conflicting ideas might actually coexist in such a place, allowing more ideas to fit there than we might normally believe is possible. Which is a fascinating bit of worldbuilding. Basically, every headcanon anyone has ever had about the Moon Nexus could all be true at the same time, for all we know.
Oh oh oh, Callum coming in soft with a secret wish! He takes one look at the Moonhenge and immediately thinks of finding a way to see his mom again! Poor boy, my heart! I'd say that could be another interesting parallel with Viren, but then, who wouldn't hold that sentiment?
Oh my, is this another breath of life into Ye Olde Ley Lines headcanon? Lujanne mentioning the Nexuses again, so soon after talking about the runic design of the entire Moonhenge, makes me wonder if the six nexuses are in fact giant runes. On Earth, the places where ley lines cross are called nexuses, and there are those who believe those points got marked with ancient structures, like Stonehenge and many many others. If Xadia were crossed with magical lines which naturally formed nexus points where they met, and if powerful magical runes were built across those entire areas, well. That would be cool beans, fams. Can I smack a map of Xadia and release a spell like Luz Noceda does? Because ngl that is my first instinct here.
Lujanne has got to be missing some grandkids to spoil, right? The way she's always whipping out cake and ice cream for Callum, and she's so grandma-ish about it. Headcanon about her being Runaan's mom aside, she is canonically lonely and she's very sweet to Allen and Ellis and I think she's missing whatever family she once had in the past. She may never get to have that family back, so she's finding a new one among the humans who live nearby, and I think that's sweet. Found family isn't just for the young.
But Ellis is straight up gonna be her fave, I bet, because she didn't turn up her nose at Lujanne's illusion food!
Ezran and Bait have a lot more to their relationship than was visible in the show, and I'm so excited by it! Ez can tell by looking at Bait's colors that he's not truly jealous of Zym, even if he's really grumpy about the dragonling taking up his favorite human's time.
And Ez thinking a lot about his dad and the things he's taught him. They're soft leadership material, and I love that so much! "Pick your battles" and the importance of encouragement. Ahh, my heart. Ezran, you're going to be such a good king.
But wait a second: both times that Bait gets extra grumpy in Zym's first training session, Ezran has just mentioned something about flying. Guys, I think Bait wishes he could fly, really badly. And that's his biggest problem with Zym, and with Ezran teaching Zym to fly, instead of Bait who doesn't have wings so. Bait is so old that his secrets have secrets, and I'm really curious how flying fits into them now!
Rayla, Dramatic Assassin: "I need to patrol for dark forces." That's what Lujanne called the source of the purple wisps that found them. I wonder if that's an official term all Moonshadows know, or if Rayla is just taking her cue from a veteran Moon mage. And I wonder how far Rayla is falling into the apparent pattern of "one mage, one assassin", since she does spend a lot of her time patrolling without being asked.
When Callum tells Lujanne that he was bad at prince stuff, and she asks if he didn't give up and got good at those things anyway, it's an opportunity for Callum to embrace subverting his parents' expectations in favor of seeking his own path, which is a primary theme of the show. But Lujanne is a couple generations older than Callum, at the very least, and I have to wonder what her upbringing was like. Is her version of success the one she took? Was she bad at magic once too, but she persisted? She is very soft and doesn't want to kill anyone.
Maybe Lujanne had dreams of doing something else with her life, but she felt she had to pursue the destiny that others handed to her, so she studied magic as hard as she could, and she did get good at it, but using it to defend Xadia from humans is not what she wanted to do with her life. Whether there's a parallel between her and Ethari on that point, there's one between Callum and Ethari, I think. How much of your life are you willing to let others direct for you?
This is my new favorite Soren and Claudia moment ever. Soren loves him his bread, okay. Even as earplugs for Claudia's sleep ocarina tune. The fact that it's "super effective" makes me think of a Pokemon defense. The fact that he learned it at camp, where he also learned about Moonshadow Madness, is hilarious. Later on, Corvus doesn't know Soren by name, but I still love the idea of Corvus being a kind of Strider-esque camp instructor, filling the ears of his young charges with all kinds of useful tactics like ear bread for magic spell songs (which actually seemed to work as intended), and warnings about the enemy elves' blood-themed tactics (which may or may not come back around in BH)
I thought they were gonna go in a kind of deep direction when Soren still wanted his ear bread back, but then he just. Eats them. Just noms them. I love this kid. Give Soren all the bread!
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fatui-harbingers · 5 years
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So, I got this message about my Dany x Drogo is problematic for many reasons post.
I feel like this is very problematic because I've read a lot of bits and pieces from the books regarding her "relationship" and I still believe that it was Stockholm Syndrome. It literally makes you believe you care for your abuser as a way to protect you from pain because that's how your brain works. And, he IS a rapist! A 30 year old dude is not allowed to have sex with a 13 year old (no matter what the 13 year old said) by law in most places so I'm not sure what everyone's argument is here. She was SOLD to him for crying out loud!
Now, I will be blogging about it as I read the books and give my personal take on everything. And I mean EVERYTHING! I'll praise what I love and call out what's problematic because as a feminist, that's what I do. I know things are slightly different in the show and in the books, even major differences is some areas but a 30 year old dude buying a 13 year old girl will never be okay no matter how nice and/or soft he was.
And, I blocked the name because I'm not one to start drama in that manner and I won't be telling anyone who it is. I'm hoping I get the books for my 18th birthday in January but that'll probably take a bit of negotiating with the fam!
Though, I'm not sure if this message was meant to be rude or not, I'm pretty sure I'll still understand that Drogo was a rapist no matter his treatment of her towards the end of his life. Had he admitted what he did, apologized and promised to be better then I would like him more but he didn't so he disgusts me like all rapists that don't own up to what they did.
I'm a very empathic person when it comes to all forms of entertainment (books, music, theatre, TV and film. Sometimes in real life too, just depends) and I can usually feel the emotions as they were written, even if I don't know how the author intended them to feel. I'll know what's going on when I read the books because I also analyze everything (even unintentionally) and typically know what's up before I even form a personal opinion. That's just how I work. I don't typically make judgements right off the bat without all the information because that does no one any good.
Plus, I do a lot (and I mean A LOT) of reading on the brain and it's functions just for fun (and of course knowledge) so even while I don't have a degree to say I'm Smart And Know What I'm Talking About, I'm kinda smart and am pretty confident I know what I'm talking about. It's basic psychology! Of course she would appear to love him when her mind has told her she does! How else would her brain protect her and her sanity? It's a survial kind of thing. Unlike when you're an abused kid and you tell yourself "it's okay. I can get away from here when I'm 18 and I'll never have to see these people again!", her brain already knew there wasn't any way of escaping so, it convinced her she loved her new abuser so she would survive the trauma of his abuse.
As my dad would say, this ain't rocket science people! It really isn't. Basic psychology isn't very hard to understand either. Like, yo, I'm 17 and I seem to be able to grasp this better than a lot of adults (both adults I know and in this fandom). My whole family could even tell you I'm a very knowledgeable person. I'm the only one that keeps up with world politics (or just politics in general) and the only one that pays attention to all the facts, whether I like them or not. I'm even too serious to have any real fun with because of my obsession with learning!
Anyways, I don't ship people with their abusers. I don't ship Daenerys with Drogo just like I don't ship Sansa with Ramsay. I wouldn't be a feminist if I did! You're not progressive in the slightest if you do! Shipping people with their abuser sounds just like dudes telling girls they should marry their rapist (which still happens all over the world, btw!). Forced marriage is wrong as it is so that makes child marriage even worse.
I personally don't think people should be with anyone anymore than 5 years older than them because of how older people try to manipulate younger people. I've seen it in my family and it's just like parents talking down to their child (which I also disagree with but that's a rant post for another time).
The responses to my post regarding the Dany x Drogo stuff were awesome and I was so happy to see all the points everyone made that I didn't even think of! And it was especially good to see the book readers add on to the post as well. I'm very grateful for that considering I don't have the books yet! This has been my only negative response to the post so far and hopefully it'll stay that way because I don't know how much ignorance I can handle before snapping completely.
Oh, and I don't appreciate being told what I will or won't understand! You don't know me, you don't know how my brain works and you don't know how I will interpret something when I read it. Just because you believe something doesn't make it true and/or mean others will think as you do. That's not a very good way to be. You don't know how everyone's brain will take something. And I'm pretty sure I got a private message solely because this person knew they'd get dragged if they commented publicly on my post. Not cool! I'm one of those, if you can't say it proudly in public/to my face the maybe you should rethink your beliefs/views/opinions because they're probably very problematic if you can't.
Now, I'm pretty sure this message was sent for rude shipper reasons but I'm not gonna respond and I still won't if I get a message because of this post. I've had just about enough of all the ignorance coming my way in both fandom and my personal life. There was absolutely no reason to send this message to me when I've made my opinions known. I'm very upfront about who I am and what I stand for, my bio literally tells you all you need to really know about me (so do my posts!). You aren't changing my mind, just as I obviously won't be changing yours.
If you really read my posts and still come back with something like this, you apparently have no reading comprehension skills. I and all the Daenerys stans all laid it out pretty clearly with my post and all the additions as to why Drogo x Dany is problematic. It's super annoying when people read a post like that and come back with "but she consented!" She was 13 and he was in his 30s (and ya know, SOLD TO HIM) you rape apologist. "But she loved him!" I seriously added a screenshot of the definition of Stockholm Syndrome and you still think that? Oh dear Goddess Diana help me, the ignorance behind these responses are driving me mad!
I just need everyone to know, when it comes to ignorant responses, I'm like Taylor Swift. You say something stupid/ignorant imma write a whole post about you. I'm not the kinda gal that sits back and takes shit and pure ignorance without saying something. Keep that in mind! I am a feminist and I critique literally everything so, unless you want a feminist rant on your problematic views, you best stay out of my comments and dms. I stand for equality, human rights and diversity so it's pretty obvious I'm not gonna ship a girl with her rapist.
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