#like if the public voted on this shit i bet none of these would be in favor
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lol-jackles · 2 years
The first live edition of the Oscars after the pandemic had its moment: comments on the incident between Will Smith and Chris Rock?
Anybody seen the How I Met Your Mother episode called "Slap Bet"?  No?  Just me?  Anyways, a few things (I'll try to keep this short).
First, Americans who knew none of the backstories leading up to The Slap were polled and generally found that young, working class, Trump-voting women side with Will Smith, while Biden voters were more likely to support Chris Rock.  Basically, Americans tend to analyze the event through a more traditional set of mores: if you insult a man’s wife, expect to be slapped.
Second, it's never okay to go up on stage and hit a dude because you don’t like the joke.  It’s not ok at concert halls, comedy clubs, and award shows.  None of you liked it when Kanye interrupted Taylor Swift's award acceptance at MTV, and he didn't hit anybody.  Standing up for one’s wife does not need to include assault. The only place for physical violence being used as a defense oneself or another from physical violence.
Third, Chris Rock said that he had no idea that Jada had alopecia. You can't make fun of a condition if you don't know anything about it.  And even if Chris knew about her condition, his joke was about buzzing her hair for a movie role, that's where the GI Jane joke came from.  It wasn't about her condition.
With that out of the way, I know what you really want to hear from me.  Gossip!
First, my relatives were first in line to get my opinions on The Slap.  Funny thing is whenever I've said (most) celebrity feuds and prank stories are scripted/fake, they refuse to believe me, especially the Dwayne Johnson vs Vin Diesel "feud" ahead of the release of their Fast & Furious movie.  Now that I'm saying The Slap wasn't scripted, they don't want to believe me.  Why?  Because then Will will be in the wrong if The Slap wasn't a publicity stunt.  
Second, Will’s anger, in my opinion, is actually aimed at his wife, who has repeatedly made a fool of him with her extramarital affairs and her obsession with dead boyfriend Tupac.  In my opinion Chris's joke was a very mild joke but was the straw that broke the camel's back since earlier Regina Hall had joked about the Smith's open marriage. Will and Jada have been a laughing stock ever since the “entanglement” conversation in 2020 (google Jada entanglement).   But Will is either too much of a "nice guy" or too much in love to break up with Jada, so he takes his anger out on a more socially acceptable target for assault: another man.  And he gets to show Jada, "look, I still love you, and I have your back regardless of what happened". (It's the kind of shit I would have pulled to impress my crush when I was 13)
Will Smith has about a ton of unprocessed trauma. 
Third, remember when Will and Jada boycotted the Oscar during the #OscarsSoWhite debacle?  Well, Will and the protestors got what they wanted - opportunity.  A Black man won Best Actor for the first time in 16 years, but no one cares because the same man's action overshadowed what would have been an extraordinary night for him and millions of others, including the cast of CODA, a little film that broke flew of Oscar records (I haven't seen it yet) and featured deaf actors.  But now all people talk about isn’t Smith winning a much-deserved Oscar, but him losing his temper. Keep your cool, people. Don’t rain on your own parade.
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But at least Will Smith bought the Oscar telecast at least another year on life support, amiright?
Btw, King Richard is a very well done movie.  It's much more than a sports movie or biography of the Williams sisters. It’s a story about family and, more importantly, fatherhood. I enjoyed it very much.
Finally, there’s only one person who can walk away from this with his head held high, and that’s Chris Rock.  Chris was a thorough professional, he kept his composure the best he could and continued to do his job.  If he had chosen to, he could have eviscerated Smith; he’s a comedian who was holding the mike. But Chris took the high road; one of the few people in that room who had the grace to do so.
On the other hand, Will just gave Chris a treasure map to mine for his stand-up routine.
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Main Games’ Protags + Love Interests
Cuddle HCs
Cute concept cause I’m touch deprived... fuck covid :)
Category: Fluff HCs (with a little angst at Chiaki and Kaede’s parts)
Specifics: Gender of reader not mentioned, Ultimate not mentioned, mentions periods throughout the timeline
Warnings: none
And yes I’m putting Shuichi after Kaede, he is the original love interest in V3
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Soft babey
He’s definitely the small spoon most of the time, even if you’re shorter than him
He’s slightly insecure that you’re the one holding him instead of the other way around
But you always reassure him it’s cute to see him pull your arms tighter around him
To which he becomes a blushy mess
Other times he’ll lay his body over yours in a protective manner, shielding you from any harm that may come your way
Also because he loves snuggling into your chest but he won’t ever admit that out loud
Play with his hair
Just please
It’s the fluffiest thing in the world, even when he cuts it shorter
It also just relaxes him
Say he’s gotten worked up or stressed due to a class trial or something at the Future Foundation
He’s automatically going to you for you to hold him and pet his hair
It’s become almost an instinct for him to look for you
There was one time after a class trial that you almost got voted out but he was able to prove your innocence
He didn’t let go of you for the rest of the night, he insisted you stay in his room
Though he didn’t tell you why exactly he was so skiddish, you figured no one would target you just for that, he just didn’t want to lose you
So that night the roles were reversed, he was the one holding you to his chest and hugging you like a teddy bear
Mention how adorable he was being and he’ll be hiding his face in his hands
He’s not against cuddling in front of people
He actually loves that he can show you off in more subtle ways like holding your hand or keeping you at his side while walking
Overall, he just wants to keep you close as much as possible without overstepping boundaries
Cuddling whom???
When you first ask her to cuddle with you she is just confused
You can bet she hasn’t had anyone cuddle her since she was 5
So the first time you two cuddled, she was rather stiff, it took her a few more tries at it before she was able to fully relax
She’s almost always on guard, so you guys only really have full on cuddle sessions when she’s 100% sure nothing is gonna come to hurt you
She’s a big spoon
Don’t ask me why, she just gives me that energy
She wants to keep you safe, and what better way than to just hold you close
She doesn’t exactly have a favorite position, but if she had to choose, she’d probably say when she’s sitting up and you’re leaning against her chest from the front
It lets her get paperwork done while being close to you, so a win-win
The first time you ask to hold her hands she’s a little puzzled
You want to hold her hand??? Like without the gloves on???
Don’t people usually get uncomfortable with that kinda stuff???
You reassure her you don’t care, that you just want to hold her hand
She’ll let you do whatever you’d like so long as you’re comfortable with it
In public, it’s less she doesn’t want to hold you close, more she’s just concerned someone will make the connection and target you
But if you’re around people who wouldn’t do such a thing, (mainly Makoto and Aoi) she’ll be happy to keep an arm around you
When you were walking the halls in the killing game and you two were alone, she’d take her glove off so you could hold her hand
She knows you feel safer when you do
I do have a personal headcannon that she can barely feel anything in her hands and upper wrist, so she won’t even notice when you squeeze her hand most times
But once she sees you do it, she’ll subtly squeeze your hand back as a silent way to calm you down or say everything will be okay
Oh and remember when she kept her door open overnight when Alter Ego was found?
Yeah you didn’t get any cuddles and could barely sleep because you had grown so accustomed to it
But you knew she kept you away so you wouldn’t get hurt, knowing she could defend herself easily if need be
Nothing changes much once you two are in the outside world, in fact the only thing that changes is that she becomes more comfortable holding you close in dangerous situations to keep you safe
Asshole babey needs his cuddles
Like Kyoko, he was a bit stiff when you two had your first full-on cuddle session 
He just had no idea where to put his hands, or how to hold his arms, are his legs supposed to go around or under yours, is his breathing pattern bothering you???
Because of this, you tend to be the initiator and more dominant one while cuddling him
He tries to be big spoon but your hair gets in his face and he much prefers seeing your face to know if he’s doing a good job or not 
So your main cuddling positions are you laying on his chest and facing each other while holding hands
Forehead kisses for days
He loves showing affection just doesn’t know how most of the time, so forehead kisses when cuddling is his main way of communicating he loves you
When around others, the idea of cuddling doesn’t even enter his mind, he just won’t think of it
This causes you to be the first to initiate it in the beginning
When you first started going out, he would jump and sometimes scream from being startled if you tried to hold his hand or hug him in front of everyone
After a few months he just grew a 6th sense- he just knew when you were about to grab onto him
In public, he’ll hold your hand so tight it’s as if he thinks it’s the last time he’ll ever be able to do so
But he doesn’t actually realize he’s doing that until you point it out
Don’t touch him when he’s stressed, he will freak out (the funhouse was absolute hell for you)
However, when Hajime is tired he’s hunting you down, he’s getting cuddles and you’re not stopping him no matter where you are
You’re in bed? He’ll flop onto your chest and bury his head there
You’re talking with friends? He’s gonna hug your waist and lean his head on your head/shoulder/back (depending on your height)
You’re reading at your desk? He leans down over you to get a kiss then hugs your neck until you’re done and can cuddle him properly
Once Izuru and Hajime merge, he’ll still go to you when he’s tired and won’t complain when you hold onto him, but he won’t initiate anything otherwise
Sleepy gamer girl!!
You two were definitely cuddling even before you got together, she’d just lean her head on your shoulder while playing games then fall asleep
Sometimes she’ll fall asleep in the middle of a game when cuddling you, so you’ll just take her game and play it yourself
You never do as well as her obviously
When you guys do start dating, the cuddling will only increase
She’ll sit in your lap, lean into your chest, honestly she’ll be all over you
Her favorite cuddle position is one of two things depending on if she’s playing a game or not
If she is, she prefers to lean into your chest from the front between your legs while you wrap your arms around her waist
If she isn’t, she loves laying stomach down on your chest as you run your hands through her hair, it gives her a relaxed feeling as well as easier access to sleepily kiss you
At night (or really any time you lay together) she’ll fall asleep on you and you’ll just stay awake for a while petting her hair
Once she wakes up, she’ll look up and smile, kissing you softly as a greeting rather than speaking
If she falls asleep while standing up and you go to give her something to lean on, her body will let her give into you as you guide her to a soft surface to rest on
She honestly doesn’t care about PDA, if either of you want cuddles, you’ll get cuddles
She just doesn’t give two shits if anyone judges
Legit, if someone says something, she’ll ignore them either 1.) to piss them off or 2.) she just didn’t hear them
If she’s feeling frustrated, she might snap at them before turning back to you and snuggling you further
When she dies and you become a remnant with the rest of your class, you’ll keep yourself away from everyone physically to extend your need and want for her touch again
You’ll even stay away from Junko when she attempts to speak with you about your lost girlfriend, much to her despaired delight
Junko definitely keeps you close to her due to how close you were with Chiaki
Once Junko dies, Izuru is the one to keep you close, often questioning you about Chiaki- which only brings you more despair so you answer him with detail
After she dies in the neo-world program, Hajime will often visit your cottage and hold you when you begin to yearn for her cuddles again
Even after you all get out of the NWP, he’ll continue to do this for you, as he understands and misses Chiaki almost as much as you do
What can I say, she will tackle you for cuddles
If she wants to cuddle you, it’s happening, there’s no stopping it (unless you tell her you’re uncomfortable, that’s the only way it’s not happening)
Praises you while she holds you, just all the time
If you praise her back however, she’ll turn into a blushy mess, burying her face in your shoulder or arm
Her favorite cuddle position is probably when one of you holds the other to your chest and pet their hair
It doesn’t matter who’s in which spot though
She also loves when you sit next to her when she’s playing the piano and just lean on her shoulder while closing your eyes and relaxing
Or when you come up from behind her while she’s playing and rest your chin on her head with your arms around her
She just has so many cuddle positions she loves it’s hard for her to choose which is best
If you’re around others, she’ll just hold your hand or link pinkies
She doesn’t want to make you embarrassed in front of other people, even if you assure her you won’t be embarrassed, she’s gonna hold off until you’re alone or with fewer people
There are definitely times where you two will be walking around the school and hear someone coming so you back away from each other for a minute
Though if you see that it’s just Shuichi, you’ll casually just make your way back to each other
Shuichi finds it kinda cute and would want to do that if he got an s/o
Shuichi sometimes feels like a third wheel but you guys will just pull him into a hug, tell him he’s not, and continue on your way
Sometimes you three will form a chain (with Kaede in the middle) and either Shuichi or you calmly leads Kaede to where you need to go, or Kaede will pull all of you excitedly along
Usually she pulls you guys to her lab to play piano for you
When Sexy Avacado Rantaro is killed, she keeps you closer to her than usual
You figure it’s just because she’s scared or wants to protect you, so you don’t think much of it
But once you find out what actually happened, you feel almost stupid for not realizing it
How had you not noticed your girlfriend not being there for a few minutes after the alarm went off???
You two had been so close both emotionally and physically, how did you not notice her hand leaving yours???
Your silent breakdown was interrupted by her embrace, you couldn’t help but lean into it more than you ever had
But just before you could give her your final goodbye, a chain snapped around her neck and pulled her from your grip
Throughout the entire execution, Shuichi was the one to hold your hand and lead you back to your room afterwards
Once there, he reminded you of Kaede’s last words: to stay strong, find the mastermind, and get the hell out of there
From that point forward, you and Shuichi almost never separated
You had to protect her best friend
He had to protect her s/o
But of course, there were times you’d go to Kaede’s lab just to play a short song she taught you
And this time, Shuichi was the one to sit next to you and lean on your shoulder
Kaede in DR heaven is proud of y’all
Shy baby boi
You’re definitely gonna have to ease him into cuddling as opposed to just jumping on him
The most “physical affection” he’s gotten before the game was a girl clinging to him after he solved her case
He was so uncomfortable
So be sure to take it slow for his sake, just please, he wants to be a good boyfriend and cuddle you but at first he doesn’t know if he’ll enjoy it
Once he’s more comfortable with you, he’ll attempt to initiate it more- only in private though
Like Kyoko and Hajime, he’s stiff at first, the reason being a combination of the two
He’s both inexperienced and doesn’t know how to relax fully, so it’ll often end up with you holding him
I wanna say big spoon considering I’ve said all the boys were small spoon, but come on... baby boy is small spoon
He tried being big spoon but he wasn’t super comfortable, his arm was numb and he moves around too much to stay still and hold you for a while
So instead, he’ll often have his head on your shoulder and bury it in your neck while his arm lays across your stomach
Loves when you have your head on top of his and you give his head kisses
Won’t ever tell you vocally though
In front of others he won’t do anything unless one of two things happens
1.) you start it- whether that be grabbing his hand or putting his arm around you or leaning on him, anything
2.) if he’s fed up with Kokichi’s (or sometimes Kaito’s when they first met) bullshit about saying he’s too shy to start anything about him not being a man enough to woo you
His face is burning when he’s the first one to wrap around you no matter what though
After a while, he becomes a bit of a cuddle bug
He still won’t start anything in public but he will silently ask you to hold his hand or hug his waist
After Kaede’s execution, the two of you would be on his bed nearly every night, his head either in your lap while you were sitting up or on your chest when you laid down
Give him head pets, it comforts him, just please
After training nights with Kaito, Shuichi would come back to you all sweaty and looking for cuddles to soothe his muscles
With how tired he always was, it was rather adorable
And yes, yes Maki is making fun of you two while Kaito usually gives Shuichi a look like “go get em”
Kaede in DR heaven is once again, so proud of you two when you escape
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groundnul · 5 years
Hello, hope you're having a great day ^_^ Can I request an angst to fluff fic with Giyuu and S/o's relationship (like at first giyuu told her to go away but then he slowly opens up and yeah) thankss ^-^
Hello! This is my first time officially writing for a few characters, so I hope everything is decently in character! Let me know what you think! Also, sorry this ended up so long, haha. 
Pairing: Giyuu x Pillar!Reader 
Word Count: 3767
Warnings: none 
A Love Pillar’s Plan
The day started out well enough. 
You, along with the rest of the pillars, were instructed to meet at the Butterfly Estate to provide a routine update Oyakata-sama on your progress as slayers, as well as triangulate on future objectives. 
Somehow, you ended up travelling to the estate with none other than the Water Pillar, Giyuu Tomioka. He happened to be passing through the town you were staying in for a few days, and very awkwardly proposed in passing that you two travel together to “save time.” 
Of course, you agreed. Though you two didn’t talk much, you considered Giyuu a valuable friend – even if you wanted to be something more in his eyes, you refused to let that cloud your judgement. More than anything, you wanted to be someone he could rely on. His withdrawn nature doesn’t seem to respond well to more outgoing attempts to break past his walls, so you settled for something much more gentle and slow-going: simply being there. 
In truth, you weren’t really sure what else you could do. You can’t make someone open up to you if they don’t want to, and this seemed especially true with Giyuu. So, in recent months, you’ve tried your best to seem like someone he could talk to if he ever needed to. Not in so many words, of course, but Giyuu did always seem to favor actions anyway.
You always tried to listen to whatever it was he had to say. You knew all-too-well how some of the more exuberant members of the elite would speak over others in meetings, drowning out any voice but their own. In moments of quiet, you’d pipe up from somewhere to the side: “Giyuu, were you trying to say something?” Often, he’d nod, and repeat whatever it was he was thinking. And though it rarely happened with how busy you both were, if the two of you were in a public setting, you’d try to do the same thing. 
It was such a small gesture, but you hoped he would get the point. If only you were so lucky. 
Now, you’re gathered at the estate, awaiting the arrival of your fearsome leader. You stood near Mitsuri a Uzui, per usual, chatting about your recent missions and whatnot. You were more for listening than talking, and the two happily obliged. Uzui’s “flamboyant” descriptions died down almost instantly as Oyakata-sama entered the engawa with Kiriya and Kanata. 
For the most part, the meeting went well. Each of the pillars were kind to each other and attentive to their leader when they spoke, hardly speaking out of turn. But when tactics about finding their next target arose, that’s when everything fell apart. Not until Oyakata-sama was out of the room, however. 
The problem was everyone had different, conflicting ideas. Some wanted to go with a more direct approach, others wanted the mission to be entirely covert, and a few even abandoned both ideas entirely in favor of their own plans. Though you had an opinion, you decided to keep it to yourself, mostly. Giyuu seemed to favor the same course of action, standing quietly off to the side. From what you could tell, he was getting fed up with the arguing. You’d be lying if you said you felt any different.
Rengoku eventually corralled everyone back in with his cheerful and dominating words, quieting the small “discussions.” Ultimately, the decision on how to proceed was brought to a vote. And as the line finally reached Giyuu, the Pillars were evenly split into three teams of three. So, Giyuu was the deciding vote. You knew whichever way this went, it wasn’t going to be pretty.  You sighed, crossing your arms over your chest as you waited for the fireworks to start. 
One team held Sanemi and Obanai, both capable of being nasty to others, while the other held Shinobu, the sharp-tongued critic of the Water Pillar. Your team of three consisted of you, Mitsuri and Gyomei.
Somehow, Giyuu made the worst decision of all. 
“I don’t agree with any of these plans,” Giyuu said flatly, his expression betraying no emotion other than his slight irritation at his predicament. “I abstain.” 
A chorus of over-dramatic groans sounds from the remaining pillars. A few voices are louder than others, though. 
“You’re kidding, right?” Obanai asks, lazily gesturing with his wrist. 
“I see you’re on a mission to make yourself even more disliked,” Shinobu says cheerily, eyes crinkled with that passive-aggressive smile of hers. 
“Way to ruin it, shit for brains,” Sanemi spat out, adjusting the sleeves of his uniform. 
You sighed, stepping out of line to look at the three in question. 
“Would you guys knock it off?” you ask tiredly, putting a hand on your hip. “There’s no reason to be mean. Plus, I think he’s got a point.” 
A harsh laugh comes from further down the line, none other than Sanemi. 
“Ha, so what, now Giyuu needs his little girlfriend to stand up for him? How pathetic!” Sanemi says, antagonizing you. You swear you feel your blood pressure spike. 
“What’s with you?” you ask incredulously, genuinely befuddled at his constant maliciousness. “Why can’t you have a discussion without throwing around insults?” 
“I’m not going to hold hands and prance around a fire like the rest of you morons,” Sanemi adds, smirking to himself as he looks down the line. “Especially not a bitch like you.” 
“Why don’t you watch your mouth, Sanemi?” you ask scathingly, glaring unapologetically in his direction. You’re not sure what’s got you so fired up – you’re usually not quick to anger. But the feeling is there, nonetheless. “Or, better yet, keep it shut.” 
It’s like a switch flips in his brain, and in the blink of an eye, Sanemi is in front of you with his sword drawn. You instantly bring your hand to the hilt of your sword, ready to draw it if necessary. 
“Say that again and I’ll–” he shouts, only to be pushed back by the sturdy arm of Rengoku. 
“There is no need to fight!” he reassures, smile beaming despite the uncomfortable situation. He adeptly redirects the discourse. “(Y/n), why do you agree with Giyuu?” 
Your moment of confident anger falters, and as Sanemi steps back in resignation, you exhale deeply and try to regain clarity. 
“Well,” you start, looking down the line of pillars. You hand fiddles idly with the fabric of your uniform. “It’s not that I think none of the plans will work, it’s just that if we can’t confidently move forward with a plan we all agree on, it’ll hurt our teamwork.” 
“Well said!” Rengoku agrees, folding his arms in front of him. “Then what do you suggest?” 
Despite knowing he was genuinely interested in what you thought, as opposed to mocking you, you felt knots tighten in your stomach. 
“I-um, well, I’m not sure, but-” you hear Sanemi scoff, and after sending him a dirty glance, kindly look back to Rengoku. “I think our best bet is to come up with some kind of compromise.” 
Rengoku nods his head vigorously, his voice booming in encouragement. 
“That is an excellent idea!” he says, looking to the rest of the pillars. “What do you all think?” 
You turn to look at the rest of them, only to see Giyuu pointedly avoiding your glance. It’s a little disheartening, but you try not to think too much of it. The rest of the pillars, aside from Shinobu and Sanemi, seem to agree as they shrug and nod along. 
Eventually, with the approval of Oyakata-sama, the pillars agree to break for now and reconvene first thing in the morning. Whether that’s good or bad, you’ve yet to find out, but you’ll be staying at the Butterfly Estate regardless. 
As the rest of the pillars clear out, only you, Mitsuri, Giyuu and a distant Obanai remain. It doesn’t take long for your conversation with Mitsuri to fizzle out, and before you know it, she’s over by her favorite Snake Pillar instead. So, that just leaves you and Giyuu. He’s still awkwardly standing off to the side, looking irritated. You tread carefully towards him.
“Hey-” you begin, just as he turns to face you. His eyes look sharp, unyielding. Maintaining the distance between you, you decide to let him speak first. 
“Why did you do that?” he asks quietly after a moment, eyes focused on you intently. 
You don’t mean to sound oblivious, but you’re just trying to understand. 
“Do what?” you ask just as quietly, eyebrows furrowing in worry. He remains unmoving, eyes glued to your steadily reddening face. Why is he looking at you like that? 
“When you spoke up against the other pillars. Why?” he asks shortly. 
You feel a rock in your gut at his apparent anger, confused and hurt at your obviously ill-received intent. 
“Well, I just thought…” you trail off uncertainly, trying to choose your words carefully. Evidently, he was feeling impatient. 
“You thought what?” he prompts, his tone grating on you. It’s almost… condescending. You try to figure out where his anger is coming from, but you have more questions than answers. 
“I thought that you don’t deserve to be spoken to like that,” you offer, swallowing harshly. Your hands grip the fabric of your uniform tightly, trying to stay calm. You feel your hands shaking. 
“I didn’t ask you to do that,” he states simply, face returning to its normal placidness. He’s still looking at you, but right now, it almost feels like he’s looking through you. 
“I-I know,” you stutter, ignoring the tightening in your throat as you exhale in an attempt to calm down. “I should have-”
“I don’t need your help,” he cut you off, eyes lingering on yours just a moment too long before he turns back to the engawa. You ignore the involuntary stinging in your eyes. As he begins to walk off to another part of the estate, he pauses in his stride, not bothering to turn and look at you as he speaks over his shoulder. “Next time, stay out of it.” 
Though he can’t see you, you wordlessly nod your head, eyes glued to the floor as small droplets land on the dirt beneath you. Furiously scrubbing the tears away, you find yourself trying to monitor your breathing to get it under control. 
Ultimately, you’re a demon slayer, so a couple of harsh words aren’t anything new to you. But hearing them come from someone you considered a friend – and a person you have feelings for – is entirely different. 
Wiping your eyes discreetly one more time, you take a look around to make sure no one saw you. Mitsuri still looks occupied with Obanai, and none of the other pillars seem to be lingering around. Sniffling once for good measure, you swiftly make your way to the guest rooms of the estate. A pair of green eyes follow your figure worriedly, but you’re too caught up in your head to notice. You choose a room at random, and close the sliding door. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror as you move to put away your cloak in the closet.
You feel pathetic, and you don’t look much better. Your eyes are puffy and red, and your face looks drained of color. Your slumping shoulders and shuffling feet hardly make you look like a young adult, much less a pillar. So many times has the thought crossed your mind that you don’t deserve to be a pillar. But somehow, some way, you remain. Maybe it’s pity, you think, as you scoot over to the tatami mat on the floor. 
As you crawl under the soft fabric of the blankets, that’s when the dam breaks. You finally let the tears run free, slipping down your face and onto the white pillow beneath your head. Clutching the blankets tighter, you cry about anything and everything, muffling your sobs under the covers. Questions circle endlessly, asking “what did I do wrong?” and “why did I do that?” You don’t have answers to any of it. But it’s here, in this wet, snotty mess of blankets, that your mind finds a little peace. 
But somewhere down the hall, a very nervous Mitsuri stands outside the Water Pillar’s door. What’s she up to? 
The next thing you feel is the sweat dripping from your form as you startle awake, sitting upright on the tatami. Foggy memories of the dream you had moments ago flitter out until all you’re left with is the sound of your breathing. As you try to regain your senses, you take in details from the room. The darkness of the window catches your eye. Your tired mind tries to fit together what happened. 
You aren’t sure when you fell asleep, but you must have been out for a while. Remembering why you fell asleep to begin with made you feel dreadful. You covered your head with the blanket, staring blankly into the darkness. 
Why did you do that? Why stick up for him? You know he’s perfectly capable of taking care of himself. So, why? 
Truthfully, Shinobu’s harsh words towards Giyuu were never something you particularly enjoyed. Her otherwise kind demeanor betrayed her sharp tongue, and though you valued her as a fellow pillar, there were clearly some issues she needed to work out. 
Obanai’s pessimism isn’t something you look forward to, either. His apparent annoyance with everything and everybody leaves a sour taste in your mouth, and while he’s much less abrasive than some of the other pillars, he can still be brutal. 
Sanemi is a different story entirely. You’ve spent most of your time as a pillar scared of him and the unhinged look he gets at the prospect of violence. Today, you managed to bring that look upon yourself, but you normally tried to avoid it at all costs. 
You groaned, peeking your head out from under the covers to stare at the ceiling. That still doesn’t answer the question of why, though.
Your little outburst must have been building in the back of your mind for a while, your surmised. Perhaps their insult to Giyuu was just the final straw. 
Sitting up, you pouted quietly to yourself, tucking your head into your knees. It didn’t really matter, honestly, because now you’ve just got one pissed off friend and a hurt heart. You stared blankly at the wall in front of you as the quietness of the room came rushing back in. 
As a chill ran up your spine, you decided you were in the mood for something warm. Standing caused all the bones in your body to crack in time, like some kind of melody. You would have laughed at the idea if you had the energy. You slowly slug your way over to the closet to grab your shoes and cloak, wiping the tiredness from your eyes as you gave yourself a once-over in the mirror. Ruffling your hair a bit, you figured this was the best it was going to get, and headed for the door. 
Right outside your doorway, though, was a tea kettle on an ornate bamboo tray. Leaning down to take a closer look, you saw a small piece of paper. “Feel better soon!” was all it said. Turning it over, there was no name on the back, either, just a small heart. You wonder who it was from. You didn’t really recognize the handwriting, not that that really meant much. Maybe it was from one of the healers at the estate? 
Regardless, you lean down to pick up the tray, contemplating your next move. You peer into your guest room, but ultimately, it feels too stuffy and sad in there to enjoy anything right now. Roaming the empty halls, it seems everyone else is either fast asleep, or nowhere to be found.
That’s how you end up at the engawa. You sit on the edge, tea cup in hand, sipping along as you look out at the night sky. The warmth of the tea in your cup soothes your senses, grounding you in the serene atmosphere of the night. Until a cough from behind you startles you to your feet, that is. 
Squinting back into the darkness of the engawa, the grip on your sword loosens as the mysterious figure came into view. Standing before you was Giyuu, still clad in his usual attire. You exhale a quiet laugh at your overreaction, relaxing into a normal standing position. From your position on the ground, Giyuu looks about two feet taller than normal. Part of you wants to join him on the engawa again, but most of you thinks that’s the last thing he’d want. You settle for pushing a stray lock of hair behind your ear and shuffling your feet. 
“Hey,” you nearly whisper, eyes darting from his still shadowed figure. An uncomfortable silence passes. You play with the empty teacup in your hand before setting it back down on the tray. 
“Um, sorry, I didn’t realize you were-” you ramble, cutting yourself off in favor of escape. “Uh, I can just – go.” 
Your hands grip both sides of the bamboo tray as you lift it to your chest, turning on your heel to abscond. 
“Wait,” he interrupts, stepping closer to the edge of the engawa. You come to a stop, turning back to face him slightly. The moonlight softens his generally stoic demeanor, and his eyes lack the harshness they held earlier. You wait for him to speak. 
“I’ve been looking for you,” he adds, coming to a stop on the edge of the bamboo flooring.
At that, your stomach drops. What could he possibly still have to tell you? You would have guessed he got it all out earlier. Perhaps he could see your apprehension as he kneels down, taking a seat on the edge of the porch.  He stares at you expectantly, almost, eyes switching between the tray in your hands and your face. 
Cautiously, you approach him, sitting down several inches away from him. The tea tray is to your left, while he was to your right. Your feet dangle awkwardly, while his touch just fine. You tuck your hands under your legs to prevent their fidgeting. When he felt you settle in, he finally said what was on his mind. You didn’t dare to look at him. 
“I wanted to apologize,” he says, eyes trained straight ahead. “What I said earlier was out of line.” 
Your eyes snap to him in shock. His soft-spoken words were full of regret, and for a moment, it felt you’d seen past that stubborn wall of his. You weren’t sure what to expect, but it certainly wasn’t that. 
His ocean eyes turn slowly to meet yours. Under the moonlight, they shine like diamonds. It takes your breath away. Shyly, you avert your eyes, shuffling in your seat. 
“… Why did you say it?” you ask after a moment of silence, eyes returning to his form for answers. His head turns back towards the center of the estate, eyes trained on something you couldn’t see. He hesitates. 
“Your kindness almost got you in trouble,” he says honestly, hands readjusting themselves on the floor. “And it was my fault.” 
You nodded silently, unsure of what to say.
“I understand,” you eventually say, eyes still trained on him. “But I don’t think it was your fault.” 
His head turns back to face you. You try to ignore the pink hue rising on your cheeks as his eyes stare into yours. 
“Why?” he asks simply, head cocking to the side ever-so-slightly. Your ears are beginning to burn with how hot your face is. Why does he have to be so cute? How are you supposed to focus? You only hope the moonlight obscures your obvious flush. 
“W-well, I mean…” you start, eyes glancing anywhere but him. “People shouldn’t say such rude things to each other to begin with. Sanemi and Shinobu, I mean. And if anything, I jumped the gun with my reaction… so… I’m sorry for that. I don’t really know what got into me.” 
You laugh a little helplessly at yourself, swinging your feet a little. As his head turns outward again, you almost miss the small quirk of his lips at your words. Fortunately, you manage to look over just in time to see it, but it’s at the cost of your sanity. For a moment, it feels like your brain shorts out. 
Did you somehow move closer to him? Is this all just a dream? Why is it suddenly so hot out here? 
When you manage to get it up and running again, his eyes are back on you, his smile gone with the wind. He’s looking at you expectantly, like he’s waiting for an answer. Did you miss something? 
“Hm?” you ask, eyebrows raised. 
He repeats himself, probably louder and clearer than before. 
“Did you order tea?” he asks, eyes glancing to the tray behind you. 
“Oh, no,” you say, shaking your head. “Someone left it outside my door for me… do you want some?” 
He nods his head, as if saying “sure,” and you turn to pour him a cup. It’s surprisingly still warm. You scoot over to hand him the cup carefully, which he accepts with a quiet “thank you.” When you settle in again, you’re much closer to him this time. As you move to rest your hand on the bamboo flooring, your fingers accidentally graze his. You pull back as if he shocked you, sensing his automatic stiffness at the contact. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to-” you start, but his quiet words stop you. 
“No, its… that’s… okay,” he says, eyes pointedly averted to the side. Your eyes grow wide at his implication. Does that mean… does he want you to… ? 
With a shaky hand, you rest your palm back on the floor, fingers hesitant. He looks like he’s waiting for you. With a deep breath, you place your fingers gently over his. You’re both quiet for a long time. 
“Is this okay?” you ask worriedly. You feel your palms growing clammy, and pray he can’t tell. 
He nods almost imperceptibly, and you tighten your fingers around his ever-so-slightly. Much to your heart’s surprise, his fingers squeeze back. The almost silent “thank you” from beside you makes your head spin. It takes you a while to come down from the high. 
For the next while, the two of you talked about anything and nothing, just enjoying each other’s company. In a faraway building, pink and green hair twirls excitedly, while a snake-clad boy rests nearby, his hands behind his head. For the Love Pillar Mitsuri, everything had gone according to plan.
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nobodyzhuman · 5 years
Don’t Trust Dumbledore ch 37
Chapter 37: 
Harry POV
It was decided that night that Remus, Sirius and Draco would stay at his parent’s cottage with him. Sirius and Remus because they refused to be away from their godson and Draco because they didn’t want anyone seeing him just yet. Though Draco made a point to pull Harry aside and inform him he would have stayed anyways. 
The Weasley’s however felt it would be better if they returned to their homes. They didn’t want anyone noticing them all disappearing for long periods of time together. They had to act normal so that none of their family or Dumbledore got suspicious. 
Blaise, thanks to his mother and Snape, was able to stay a few days. His mother writing the school saying she needed him home for a few days for familial matters. Thankfully the Headmaster hadn’t found anything off about the request. 
With Draco distracted by his best friend, Harry was able to sneak off to the library with the twins and get a few answers to some of his more burning questions. 
“Okay,” he said nervously as he dropped down in a chair. “Where do you two want to start?” 
 He watched as they exchanged a look, then Fred pulled out a massive stack of papers. 
“These are your vaults records. Earnings, deposits, withdrawals, and such.” He handed the papers to Harry, who looked at them already feeling overwhelmed. “Most of your earnings are from things you father and grandfather had investments in. It’s a pretty good amount and it's been a stable income for years--”
“The problem is the withdrawals.” Harry opened his mouth, withdrawals? What withdrawals he had only been to his vault once and the small amounts he had used over the years for school supplies was left over from that first visit. He had been meticulous about budgeting his money. He wanted to save up as much as possible so that second he turned 17 he could get away from the Dursleys. Even after meeting Sirius he still was careful with his money. 
George cut him off before he could even speak, “Dumbledore, as your legal guardian, which legally he’s not, has been taking money out of your account for years.” Harry growled, it was low in his chest but loud enough that both twins raised their eyebrows at him. 
He swallowed, trying to push down the rage he felt. “Did he take it all?” He managed to ask in a low voice. 
The twins shook their heads. 
“It seems your grandfather had a stipulation on the vault when he created it for your father. If something should happen and you were raised by anyone other than your parents an allowance of sorts would be set up. They would only be able to withdraw a limited amount each month. Dumbledore--” 
“The goblin we spoke to said, your grandfather, while friendly, wasn’t the trusting sort and he wanted to make sure if anything happened you were taken care of,” Fred said giving him a smile. 
“It seems that Dumbles was smart enough to leave the bare amount of the allowance each month in case you needed or wanted to spend any of your money,” George finished dropping his eyes. The normally playful redhead wore a guilty look. Harry looked at Fred for an explanation and saw the same look. Crap, he thought, that meant there was more. 
“Tell me,” he ordered. 
“As far as we can tell--” George started. 
“He has been using it to pay off--” 
“Your nasty relatives--” There was a sneer on Fred’s face when he said relatives. 
“Ron,--” Both twins winced at the name.
“And Ginny.” 
“Fuck,” he cursed, Harry pushed himself out of the chair and stormed across the library. In front of one of the bookshelves he reached out for a book, an image in his mind of Draco chucking books across the room back in the Room of Requirements, for a second he was tempted, so tempted to copy the blondes tantrum. Instead he turned and walked back towards the chair. The anger inside him was too intense for him to be able to sit down. So he started pacing in front of the twins. 
“What else?” He asked. He was facing away so he didn’t notice the worried looks on his friends' faces. 
“You asked us about werewolf laws?” One of them whispered. Harry’s stopped moving and his head dropped. The careful tone of whichever brother spoke, told him enough, Remus could have raised him. 
“Dumbledore stopped it?” He asked, turning to look at the twins. 
“He somehow forged papers giving him temporary custody of you and used that to deny Remus’s petition to raise you,” George said. “We think he lied and told Remus it had been denied because he was a werewolf.”
“With Remus own fears over Moony, Dumbledore probably laid it on thick, you know, about how much danger you would be in during full moons and how people would never be okay with a werewolf raising The Boy Who Lived,” Fred finished looking almost as heartbroken as Harry was feeling. 
“Bastard,” Harry growled. Then he was moving again. His mind working over possible plans for the old man. He had a thought about it in the past, a lot. Probably to much. He had so many ideas but no real set plan. But now, he knew he needed one, and whatever it was he was going to make sure that Dumbledore knew it was because of what he had done and that it was Harry who had beaten him. 
He also made a mental note to pull Remy aside and tell him the truth. The man deserved to know he wasn’t denied Harry because of Moony but because the headmaster was a manipulative arsehole. 
“Is there more?” He asked a few minutes later, only stopping his pacing long enough to look at them when he asked. He wished he hadn’t because gone were the sad, guilty looks replaced with fury. 
“He placed a second tracer on your wand,” Fred said. “It allowed him access to the spells you cast and tells him immediately if you use it over the summer.” 
“He tried to gain control over the Potter family seats in the Wizengamot, both were denied.” George gave a grin at the denial. “Those seats are yours, even if you are underage. He needed your permission, even if he was your guardian--”
“Which, he couldn’t ask for,” Fred cut in with a grin.
“Because he would have to tell you about them,” George added. 
“Which we’re betting he doesn't want you to know about,” they said together. 
Harry chuckled at them then asked, “Why not?” The only real dealing he had with the Wizengamot was the ridiculous trial for use of underage magic and using it in from of Dudley. 
“Because Harry,” Draco’s voice scared the shit outta him. He yelped and turned to glare at his mate, who just smirked at him. The blonde dragged an unsure and confused Blaise into the room. Pushed said confused friend at the twins and then walked over to wrap an arm around Harry. 
“The Wizengamot makes and upholds our laws. It’s older than the Ministry itself, that alone means just having a seat gives one a higher standing in our society. If the fool would have gotten to use your seats, your name, he would have gained two more seats to use to pass any laws he wanted, and the reputation as your trusted advisor. As the public would see him voting in your place and believe he had your permission and trust to do so.” 
Harry relaxed into Draco’s touch, the feel and comfort from his mate helped ease some of his fury. He turned his head and buried his nose into the base of Draco’s throat. The blonde tilting his head to allow him to do so. It didn’t even cross his mind that they hadn’t told everyone about them, no one outside of Remus and Sirius knew, well he suspected that Snape knew, but hadn’t asked Draco about it.
Harry had told Sirius because the man hadn’t been sure about him and Draco sharing a room. Even with Remus voicing his approval. So, Harry had told his godfather that him and Draco were mates and that they slept better together. Sirius only stipulation was they had to sleep with the door open. Draco had grumbled but agreed. 
The room was silent for a few minutes while Harry grounded himself. When he felt less like he was going to apparate out and attack the headmaster, he pulled away and gave his friends a grateful smile. Draco moved to stand behind him, arms around his waist, chin on his shoulder. It was both comforting and comfortable so Harry didn’t push him away, even if he was a little embarrassed by the smirks the twins were sending their way.  
“So,’’ he drew out the word, trying to get them all back on track. “That means I can ask someone to use my seats?” 
“Yep,” four voices said together. 
Harry chuckled. “I’ll have to talk to Sirius and Remus about those.” He locked eyes with the twins, “What else?” 
“Good news,” Fred started, “You have a second vault that the headmaster didn’t know about, its family heirlooms and such.” The redhead was grinning but something felt off about it. Harry sighed, “Bad news?” He asked. Fred’s smile fell and he looked at his twin. Who shifted in his seat and looked back at his brother. 
“They’re stalling,” Draco whispered in his ear. Harry nodded; he had figured the same thing. Whatever it was they were putting off was worse than Dumbledore stealing his money and keeping custody away from Remus. Harry’s heart started to thump in his chest, What the hell could be worse, he wondered. 
“Just spit it out already,” Draco snapped. 
“He’s trying to get into Potter Manor,” George said, still not quite looking at Harry. 
“Desperately,” they said together.
 “But the wards aren’t lettin’ him in,” Fred finished alone, he too wasn’t looking at Harry. 
“We just don’t know what he wants from inside,” George said to the floor. His gaze slowly slipping further away from Harry as the twins talked. 
“And?” Draco asked for him, because Harry had yet to find his voice. 
“Your parents wills,” Fred muttered as George whipsered, “A marriage contract.” 
“To Ginny,” Fred said in the same low voice.
Both flinched when a loud growl echoed through the room. Harry quickly spun around to face Draco. The blonde’s eyes were open, wide and very cat like. Harry could tell from the way Draco’s jaw was stretching and the tight way he was holding his body, that his mate was fighting not to change and was losing.  
Shit, he thought. 
“Draco,” he whispered, he moved ready to wrap his arms around his mate. To comfort him and reassure him that he wasn’t going anywhere. But before he could, he was shoved backwards, there was a yelp from someone behind him as they jumped out of the way,  Harry was forced back against a now vacated chair. The back of his knees hit it and he fell backwards. He looked up at a very pissed off Draco standing over him. 
“Mine,” Draco growled and in the next instant a gorgeous leopard landed in his lap. Two paws on his shoulders, as if to hold him in place, then soft fur pressed against his cheek as Draco started rubbing his face against Harry’s own. Draco was still growling low in his chest, Harry could feel it vibrate against his chest as the cat pressed against him. He sat there stunned as his mate scent marked him. 
“Well--” one of the twins started, in a carefully quiet voice.
“Question.” A chuckling Blaise finished for the twins. 
A huff from Draco, who had moved on to licking Harry’s neck, was the only response the three got. Harry hardly heard them. He had closed his eyes the second Draco’s scent had filled his nose and slowly went limp, he felt lightheaded as he ran his fingers over and through Draco’s fur. Truthfully with the peaceful feeling surging through him, he could care less about the three other people in the room. 
Somehow, he drifted off to sleep like that. Tucked into a comfortable chair with a leopard in his lap. He wasn’t sure how long they slept but he woke to a gentle hand on his shoulder, and Remus’ voice broke through his sleep filled brain.  “Cub.”
“Wha?” He murmured, eyes still closed and already on the edge of going back to sleep. 
“You have to get up.” He shook his head. He was comfy and didn’t want to. 
There was a snort from someone not Remus, even that wasn’t enough to get him to open his eyes. Draco’s annoyed growl however was. He slowly opened his eyes and then jolted upwards, though not far due to Draco still being in his lap, when he noticed Snape standing behind Remus. 
“Draco,” he said, shoving at his mate. The leopard's head lifted off his thigh and he swear Draco glared at him, Harry gave a toothy grin, “Snape is here.” That caught his mate’s attention. The cat turned its head back towards Remus and Snape. Draco jumped off Harry’s lap to stalked over to his godfather rubbing against the man’s legs. To Harry’s surprise Snape gave the large cat an affectionate smile and bent down to pet his head. After a second he stood straight and walked out of the room. Draco chasing behind him. 
Harry and Remus both laughed when the two Slytherins were out of the room. 
“What happened to the others?” Harry asked after noticing the twins and Blaise were gone. 
“They came out about an hour ago and said you two fell asleep,” Remus said. “What happened?” The wolf asked sitting on the arm of the chair next to him. “They maybe had sounded teasing when they mentioned you two being asleep, but they also kept looking at each other, and I could smell concern on them.”  
Harry looked up at the man, now was probably the best time to tell him. Though he didn’t want to do it alone. “Where is Siri? And the twins are still here?” 
“Kitchen,” the man replied giving Harry a contemplative look. 
“Everyone?” He asked already pushing himself out of the chair and moving towards the door. He heard Remus mutter a “Yes,” as he walked out of the room and headed for the kitchen. When he entered he found Sirius and the twins chatting at one end of the table while Charlie and Blaise sat at the other end eating. All five people looked up as he entered. 
He waved them off, heading for the counter where a large pot of what smelled like stew sat. He made himself a bowl, looking at Remus to see if he wanted one, the wolf nodded and Harry made a second bowl. He took both to the table placing Remus’s down next to his. He wanted the man at his side when he heard the truth, he wanted to be able to comfort him.
When they both say down, he looked at the twins. “Can you fill Remus and Sirius in?” They nodded. Harry only half listened as they went over everything they had learned, he tried to focus on his food, not that he could really taste it. 
As the twins talked Draco and Snape came into the kitchen, his mate back in human form, took the empty seat to his right. While the potions master remained standing. While the twins told about the headmaster’s attempts to get into Potter Manor, a bowl of stew appeared in front of Draco. The blonde looked over his shoulder at his godfather who raised a single eyebrow in challenge. Harry had to fight back a chuckle when his mate gave in and started picking at his dinner. 
When the twins told the room about Dumbledore's denial of custody, Harry rushed under the table and took Remus’s hand in his. The wolf looked at him, eyes glowing. “He’ll regret it, Moony, I promise.” 
The man nodded but didn’t let go of Harry’s hand. With his attention on Remus he almost missed Sirius surging to his feet only to be stopped by a quick spell from Snape. 
“Shit,” Harry cursed, giving an apologetic look to Remus then pulling his hand free. He pushed his chair back and stood up. Placing himself in front of his godfather. “We have to be smart about this Siri, if you go after him now and fail, he will know that we know and will do everything he can to stop us. I want to destroy him, believe me, but I want to do it slowly and permanently, okay?” Grey eyes locked on his and Harry could see so much fury and sorrow in the man’s eyes. His godfather had lost so much and it had been done with the aid of two people he counted as friends. Harry knew the man was fighting himself, knew he wanted to rush out of the room and make Dumbledore pay for everything he had done, and yet, he also wanted to listen to Harry and do it the right way. “We’ll get him,” Harry said confidently. His godfather let out a breath and slowly stepped back and then dropped into his chair. 
Relieved Harry returned to his as well. After a few seconds of awkward silence he looked at the twins, “Might as well keep going.” 
Hours later Harry was washing dishes. Remus and Charlie both offered to magic them into doing it themselves, but he found he needed something to keep him busy but easy enough to let his mind wander. Doing the dishes seemed like the perfect thing. 
In the past he had thought of thousands of ways to get back at the headmaster. For the first time in years, someone other than Voldermort occupied his thoughts and Harry was startled to find he hated the headmaster more. After all, Voldermort hadn’t been a coward. He had gone after his parents, gave them a chance to fight back, even offered to spare his mother before he killed them. The man may be evil but at least he doesn’t hide behind some fake image of grandfatherly love and goodness. Harry had come back with a plan to return to school, fake his friendship with Ron and Hermione, and lie to the headmaster. He wanted the old man to trust him, so Harry could figure out the why of it all. What did the bastard wanted so much that he ruined people's lives all while acting like their friend? But now? Now he wanted to move against him in every way possible. He wanted the world to see what a fraud the man was. And he was pretty sure the twins had given him a way to do that without him really doing anything. 
First thing in the morning he was going to write to Luna and ask her to ask her father to publish an article asking about the lack of trial for Sirius Black. Maybe get her to point out possible misconduct by the Ministry. He wanted to get people thinking about it, maybe even wondering about the real story behind Sirius’ stay in Azkaban. He had no doubt about her friendship, as strange as it was, he would just have to make sure she didn’t mention him to anyone. He knew she could keep a secret. 
He also needed Draco to ask his father, who the best person inside the ministry was to ask about getting Sirius’s name cleared. Harry wanted to get started on that as soon as he could. Hopefully with the article and the people asking questions, the ministry would have to do things the right way and then Sirius wouldn’t have to run and hide anymore. 
Which brought Harry’s mind to custody. He was 16, almost an adult in the wizarding world. But he still had almost a year where the headmaster could make things difficult for him--
A throat cleared suddenly behind him. Harry jumped dropping the plate in his hands. Bill was quick to levitate the plate away from the ground and back into Harry’s hands. 
“Sorry.” The oldest Weasley child said. 
“It’s okay.” Harry smiled, “what’s up?” 
“Well the twins told me they caught you up, and I was wondering if I could get permission to enter Potter Manor. I’ve been there and examined the wards, they seemed to be tied to you by your familial magic, and I think they will let me through with just your permission.” 
“You want to know what the headmaster is after?” Harry asked leaning against the counter. 
“Yeah,” the redhead said. “Whatever it is, it has to be important or valuable. I figure if he wants it that bad, you should have it.” 
“How will you even know what you’re looking for?” 
Bill shrugged, “I’m kinda hoping, it’s something powerful or obvious. At least something unique that will stand out.” Harry thought about it. It might come in handy, whatever it was. 
“Take the twins or Remus with you,” he said, and Bill grinned. It was hard not to laugh, he got the impression that Bill wanted to explore the Manor for more than what Dumbledore was looking for. After all, one didn’t become a curse breaker without the urge and curiosity to explore old, powerful, and forgotten places. He couldn’t fault his friend in that, and he knew Bill wouldn’t steal anything.
“Wait!” Harry called out when the now excited curse breaker went to leave.
“Yeah?’ Bill asked stopping in the doorway. 
“Does Gringotts handle any legal paperwork?” He asked. 
“You mean besides wills?” Bill replied. Wills? His parents. He remembered Fred mentioning them before, but he had forgotten them in with the bombshell that was a marriage contract with Ginny. Crap, he would have to ask the twins about them. 
“Yeah,” he said, turning his attention back to the waiting Weasley. 
“Sure, they can do any legal paperwork really. They have access to all contracts and documents, all that a person has to do is fill it out and have it witnessed. Then the goblins send it off to the ministry to be filled. But whatever it is, it’s binding and legal the second its signed. Most wizards won’t go there because they don’t like or trust goblins.” There was a shrug of the man’s shoulders like he thought that was a stupid reason for not going. Harry had to agree. The ministry could and would try to block anything he did just out of spit, but if it was binding the second he finished it at the bank there would be nothing they could do. That was a useful piece of information. 
“Is it possible to get certain papers and fill them out here then take them to the bank to be witnessed and sent off?” He asked already thinking of a couple things he wanted to do. 
“Yeah. You want me to pick you up something?” Bill asked. 
“Not yet, I have to speak to your brothers, Remy, and Siri first. But can I ask you in a day or two?” 
“Sure.” Bill gave him a big smile. “I’ll probably be at the Manor, so you can just send me an owl with what you need and I’ll get it and bring it back as soon as I can.” 
“Thank you,” Harry said, grateful for the man’s friendship. 
“Anytime,” Bill replied before turning and walking away. 
Harry turned to look back at the dishes, there was only a couple left and he felt they could wait. He wanted to talk to the twins about his parents’ wills. Truthfully, when he finally found them sprawled out on one of the large couches in the second floor living room, he was surprised. He had expected them to have headed home. Instead they seemed to be going over old parchments with Sirius. All three looked far to gleeful and excited for Harry’s comfort. He leaned over the couch to see what George was reading and sighed when he noticed an outline for a prank that would change all the house banners at Hogwarts to something else. 
Seeing that Fred and Sirius were enthralled with whatever they were looking at he tapped George on the shoulder, “Got a sec?” He asked. His friend nodded and jumped off the couch. 
But when he found himself in the hallway, only with George, he couldn’t get the words out. 
“Fred, he umm…” He took a breath and tried to stop his hands from shaking. When had they started to shake? “He…” His throat suddenly felt dry and he had the urge to run and find Draco. 
“Your parents’ wills?” George said for him. Harry nodded. The redhead reached for his wand and whispered a quiet summoning spell. Two thick folded pieces of parchment floated through the air, hovering before Harry. He reached up and grabbed them. 
“Harry, maybe you should ask Sirius or Draco to read them with you,” George whispered placing his hand on Harry’s shoulder. “You don’t want to be alone, mate. Not when you read those.” He felt his head bob, agreeing to the prankster’s words without really hearing them. His eyes were locked on the words written on the first piece of parchment, James Potter, written in cursive and just a little messy. A bit like Harry’s own signature. 
He didn’t say a word when he turned and walked away. Somehow, he made it to his room without looking away from his father's name. He found the edge of his bed and sat down. He didn’t look up when the door opened, nor when two people sat on either side of him. Something about not being alone, made it easier for him to unfold the first will. 
Holding his breath, he read his father’s will. 
The last Will and Testament of James Potter. 
I know this is supposed to be straightforward and all proper, but if this is my last chance to talk to you, then I will do this my way. Harry James Potter, you have been a blessing and no matter what happens son, please know I loved you very much. Now for the will in which I leave you, my son, four properties and both our family vaults. One vault is like all old families, full things of monetary value, but the other is more sentimental, photos, books, old toys, things that may not be worth much to many but might be to you. I know these will not replace me (and heaven forbid your mother, if something happened to us both) but I hope I leave you with a home to build a family with and some things to remember me by. 
Potter Manor. My Grandfather did not like Potter Manor, he said it was too big and too empty. So, he and my grandmother bought Potter Cottage, where my father and me were raised. I asked my father once why he never returned to the Manor and he said the cottage felt like a home, where as the manor felt like a house. I never visited the Manor, though I had plans to. Perhaps you will go see it for the both of us. 
A house in Hogsmeade. It has No Title, as it was bought as a wedding gift to my parents and they never moved in. I tried to convince Moony to take it and the stubborn man didn’t talk to me for a month. Maybe he will listen to you.  
My family home, which I was raised and now the place your mother and I must return to.
Potter Cottage in Godric’s Hollow
And finally, the home we bought for ourselves and hope/hoped to raise you in, Liliana Cottage just outside Tinworth village. We only got a short while here, never even long enough to invite Sirius or Remus to visit. I had hopes that after the war we would return, but with how things are going, we may never get the chance. 
I also leave you my cloak, I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. (Your mother isn’t too happy about this one, she thinks you shouldn’t get it until you are out of school.)
For the hardest part, if the worse comes to pass, and should you my son lose not just me but your mother, I name Sirius Black as your Godfather. If he too should perish, then I name Remus Lupin, in his place. You are both great men, and the best friends I could have asked for. Look after my boy. 
--James Potter. 
The words surprised him and didn’t at the same time. He was surprised by the houses and the vaults. But he wasn’t surprised by his father naming Sirius his godfather, though to see Remus named as well, through him. He had known he viewed the man as a second godfather, even had called him as such. He knew Sirius had sworn that James would have wanted Remus to raise him if he couldn’t. But to see that it was legal and written down, made it feel different, more official. 
He carefully handed the paper to his right, it was hard to give away, even knowing he was going to get it back. His father had left something of himself in the will. His voice, in a way, Harry felt like he could hear the man, in the loving and teasing words written down. He didn’t have anything else that gave him that. At least nothing he had found, the information about the second vault gave him hope that him might find more. When fingers gently took the parchment from him, he looked up and noticed Remus looked a little pale. It seemed Harry wasn’t the only feeling scared about reading his parents wills. He gave his godfather a smile. 
Then he took a breath and turned back to the second. Just as before he was careful as he unfolded it and read it. 
The last Will and Testament of Lily Evans Potter.
I pray you only read this when you are a man. Maybe after you have already started a family of your own and I have gotten to play with my grandchildren. Though I fear that is unlikely. This war has taken so much and to many, I know it will take more still. My only hope is that you are not alone when you read this. Hopefully your father is by your side and if not him then one of those silly idiots he calls his best friends. 
He snorted. Remus and Sirius were going to get a good laugh at that. He smiled. He had been time and time again about his father’s sense of humor, but not one mentioned his mother’s. 
I think I will make this simple, as I have not the heart to make it long and drawn out. I, Lily Evans Potter, name Sirius Black as Harry James Potter’s Godfather, and with him I know Remus Lupin will be there like always saving his friend from his own stupidity,--
Harry laughed and had to look away from the parchment for a second, he looked up and noticed both Remus and Sirius giving him questioning looks, Remus had tears in his eyes and Sirius now held Harry’s father’s will. He just gave both a tiny smile and went back to reading his mother’s words. 
--and I know James will name Remus as well, but I feel that with this war and all of our roles in it, that I should name another just to be safe, and if James is reading this I pray you understand my choice. If Sirius Black should be unable, I name Severus Snape to take his place. 
He froze, then reread the last sentence. He had known that Snape and his mother had been friends when they were younger. Lily had even mentioned him a time or two in the past. But he had seen the fight and cruel words Snape had snapped at her, in the man’s memories the year before. He hadn’t thought they had become friends again after. Wow, he thought, how the hell was he going to tell the man about this? Giving his head a shake, he went back to reading. 
Whether he is placed with Sirius, Remus, or Severus, he is to have nothing to do with my sister Petunia Dursley. She hates magic and anything associated with our world, I fear for how she would treat him. 
Harry, I do not know what the future holds. I don’t know how you will be raised or by who, and I hope with everything that I am, that me or your father are there, but if not, I know that Sirius and Remus love you almost as much as we do. As for Severus, I wish I had fixed what was broken long ago. He is a good man, though I fear he was and still is a little lost. I have no doubt if asked, he would protect you and care for you. I just hope he can forgive me for the mistakes of a confused and angry young girl. Know this my son, that you are loved. Live well and be happy. 
Oh, was his first thought when he finished. To stunned to be angry he passed the will to Remus. He dropped back on his bed, laying on his back. He knew he needed to tell Snape. It would be cruel not to. And he would have to show him the will, so the man could see him mother’s words. Maybe it would give the man a bit of closure over the loss. He closed his eyes, he thought over the bit about his aunt. He was never supposed to go there. His mother knew it would be horrible and had done everything she could to keep him away. And yet the headmaster had insisted he go there. Not just when he was a baby, but every summer since he was 11. Logically he knew it was because it kept him secluded from the wizarding world and any potential allies or knowledge that would turn him against the old man. But he still had a hard time wrapping his mind around the fact that Dumbledore had known how he was being treated and put him back there time and time again, all for some greedy desire to have Harry look up to and need him. All for some purpose Harry had yet to figure out. It was all so bloody maddening. 
“You okay pup?” Sirius asked and Harry had to open his eyes because it sounded like his godfather was crying. Which he was. Harry pushed up and wrapped the man in a hug, giggling a little when Remus joined in. The three of them stayed like that for a while, long past the time acceptable for a hug, and when they broke apart Harry was feeling a little better. It seemed that George was right about not wanting to be alone, speaking off.
“Who told you guys?” He asked. 
“Twins,” his godfathers said together. He smiled, he would have to remember to thank them. 
“Are you going to tell Severus?” It was Remus that asked. Harry sighed and nodded. “Not yet though.” It just another thing he needed to speak the man about. He hadn’t forgotten his promise to Draco about talking to Sirius about the marriage of the blonde’s parents, but he felt the need to talk to Severus and maybe even the Malfoys patriarch before doing so. He wanted to make sure it was something everyone wanted before he did anything. He hadn’t gotten the chance yet and honestly he was a little nervous about bringing up it up to the man. He sighed again. 
“I just need a little time,” he told his godfathers. 
“Cub, Why don’t you lie down. It’s getting late and it’s been a long day.” Harry had to agree, he felt exhausted. 
After another round of hugs the two men left and Harry quickly changed into a pair of Draco’s sleep pants and crawled into bed. It wasn’t very long before he heard his mate enter the room and after a couple of minutes the blonde crawled into bed pulled Harry close and held him. The normally snarking slytherin didn’t say a word when he broke and started crying. Just tightened his grip and held him until he cried himself to sleep. 
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middleagedangst · 5 years
Marching to the Beat of a Handmaid’s Drum
A pro-choice manifesto... by a dude
Freedom of choice. It’s as American as apple pie, baseball, and watered-down beer. As Americans, we get to choose what we buy, where we eat, who we love, whether or not we like someone based on their opinion of The Office… You get where I’m going. Exercising your choice is a great display of your patriotism and love for this nation.
Sometimes our freedom of choice gets ripped away from us. It can happen when the grocery store you frequent decides to stop carrying your favorite brand of powdered mashed potatoes (I’ll never forgive you, Kroger!). But sometimes, it gets ripped away by the very people who took an oath to serve you and protect all of your freedoms, even the ones that live in a gray area.
Avoiding human interaction and wasting time on my phone has never been more obnoxious. Between all the President’s shit-tweeting, to our planet being on fire, to all of the other depressing shit going on, just even trying to read the news sends my pulse into a near-fatal death spiral. It’s hard to find a good pick me up and dog videos and other real-life blooper reels can only get you so far.
But speaking of death spirals…
Let’s discuss the latest thing to fall into one, the freedom to make a different kind of choice, a woman’s right to body autonomy and abortion.
(Okay liberals, before you get all bent out of shape, I know I’m just another privileged cisgendered white man who deserves to be burnt at the stake and for that reason, you may ignore everything I write and instead sit and yell at your screen so others know you have a black belt in woke-jitsu. Trust me, same team. Kumbaya and shit.)
This whole abortion debate has me pretty fucking confused. First, wasn’t this shit settled back in ‘73? And second, I thought this was America, where we have freedoms so great terrorists hate us and the government was supposed to keep their noses out of our business? Whatever happened to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?” The American dream? What the fuck America? Is Lady Liberty too strung out on God, guns, and OxyContin to remember the hood she came from?
Making laws that hinder a woman’s individual liberty is some shit that isn’t exclusive to state governments. The Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, fucking ISIS, all have laws intended to keep women subservient and powerless over their own life. At least they’re honest about their theocratic motivations. What say you, Georgia, Ohio, Alabama, Tennessee, Utah, Missouri, Mississippi, Arkansas? The dumpster fire of Ohio is even trying to take it one step further with a bill that, in a way, caters to the religious right’s push for abstinence by equating any contraceptive that prevents fertilization to abortion. Fortunately for me, the bill makes no mention of a situation sock.
I have to ask, do the politicians that are supporting these laws actually think that they’re going to really stop anything? The people that think its wrong or don’t want one are already not getting abortions. Sure, it might put a dent in overall numbers and make law-abiding citizens think twice before getting the procedure, but no law will ever stop it completely. History has shown time and time again that trying to legislate morality is futile. Prohibition, the drug war, bestiality- all failed attempts at controlling the morality of the sovereign by the political class. Abortion is no different. Women got them before Roe v. Wade, and I’ll bet that they’ll get them after these laws take effect. It might help some of these pro-lifers sleep at night knowing that they have done something to protect the life of an innocent child, but is restricting human rights worth saving the potential life of an unborn fetus?
First off, that child you’re hell-bent on protecting might just end up to be a real asshole. We all know a few. It might become a drain on society, or be a mass murderer, a drug addict, war criminal, or even worse, a Democrat. Will it be worth all your zealotry then? Will it be worth saving that life that then becomes all the other things you despise? What if the child needs your help getting by, or being fed, or getting a good public education? Are you going to be pro-life then? Or are you going to complain they aren’t a desirable example of a human being and a bad American? It seems easy to want to protect that life while still in the womb, but it’s apparently much harder to want to help that same life flourish.
That’s my main problem with pro-lifers. They say they’re all about life being born and we should do everything we can to protect the ones that can’t speak for themselves, yet when it comes to actually helping a life outside of the womb, then all attempts are deemed socialist and unamerican. Universal healthcare. Fuck that. Raising the minimum wage to a living wage, communist. Programs that would help the less fortunate and end a cycle of poverty, nope. What about the life that already exists? Shouldn’t it be important to help protect the mother from having to potentially raising a child alone or when they’re already struggling to make it? Dare I even mention that in cases of rape, the woman would always have a constant reminder of that incident, or that the rapist still has parental rights?
I’ll take a pro-lifer seriously when they openly condemn war, capital punishment, factory farming, eating meat, pollution, racism, sexism, police violence, poverty, hunger. Until then, I don’t think you can truly label yourself pro-life. All you can label yourself is pro-childbirth. Or pro-government control. Statistically speaking, most women who get abortions are already poor or misfortunate. Many of these children forced into this world will be brought up poor (Poverty affects health. Look it up.), or raised in an abusive home, have parents that neglect them or are addicted to drugs. How is that a good thing? What is so great about having to live that way?
It’s nice to want everyone to have the same values as you when you live in a nice suburb with decent schools and a healthy tax base, but when every day is a struggle and surviving isn’t that easy, your decision making and sense of what’s right changes. It shouldn’t be anybody else’s prerogative to dictate how others live their lives.
We should be moving society in a direction where abortions aren't really desired. There are ways we can do that but many of the same people that want to ban abortion don’t want to pony up some more money on their tax bill to do so but are willing to make sure they pay for extra law enforcement and jail for those that violate their will. Instead, it seems we’re totally fine with moving back to a time where women had less control over their own lives. Barefoot and pregnant seems to be the baseline for how these politicians view women.
So maybe instead of being assholes and restricting a woman’s freedom, find other ways to minimize the number of abortions in this country. How about allowing for easier access to birth control, especially in poorer neighborhoods? How about funding comprehensive sex education? Genital mutilation-free male birth control. That one’s easy, mix it straight into Viagra. Boom. Done. You’re welcome science. Invest in better public schools and higher education, more homeless shelters, addiction treatment facilities, psychiatric hospitals, and jobs programs. Expand taxpayer-funded healthcare for all. Give handjobs a better PR team. Literally, anything is better than resorting to stripping rights away. Show a little humanity.
Even though you might not agree with the practice, there are benefits to turning the other cheek. Studies have shown that access to abortion helps lower poverty and crime. Fewer people will be brought into the world at a disadvantage which means society as a whole gets better. Fewer children in foster care (which is expensive, by the way). Less money needed for social programs. Less crime, so fewer spent on prisons. This is a bottom-up problem and it is deserving of bottom-up solutions. Instead of acting like the morality police, take some time, know why these things happen, understand and act with some compassion.
I know that as a man, I don’t really have a say in what women do with their own bodies. It’s none of my fucking business, and it’s none of yours too. I'm not making an argument as to what constitutes a human life and whether or not it should be considered murder. That’s a whole other discussion. I’m making the case that as a sovereign adult citizen of the self-proclaimed “free-est country on the planet” a woman should have the actual freedom to make a decision that will serve their own best interest and do it safely.
Showing resistance to this display of power and control is needed, perhaps now more than ever. If you agree with a woman’s right to choose, if you believe in self-governance and freedom, then take to the streets, be obnoxious, vote the fuckers responsible out of office, make your voices heard in the most annoying ways possible. Act like the gun nuts. Because you never know what the dicks in Washington will try to take away next.
Having an informed and motivated populace is what the government fears. You have power. You have a voice. Use them.
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Can you please submit Adam's past!!! As well as some headcanons on him ;(
Out of Character:
Adam’s past is in the works… You see, I started some day in December and didn’t do so much work on it since. 😅 Technically, it’s finished, but it’s especially hard to edit, because it’s the longest one I’ve yet written, and I really do want it to be perfect. But don’t worry, I’ll def publish it. ☺️
Lemme start with my headcanons:
My biggest one: Adam is a psychopath. So, sometime ago, I asked people on their opinion on that topic and legit no one replied… Thanks for that, guys. 🙃😂 Anyway, I have been drowning myself in research for several weeks now, and I know that there’s a lot of misinformation about psychopathy online. Like, psychopaths have very little to do with Hollywood movies, and it’s not a mental illness but a neurological disorder. I differentiate between sociopaths and psychopaths as well, as in: Psychopaths are born, sociopaths are made, and they behave and think differently. I have been analyzing Adam’s behavior and scenes carefully and, as far as I’m concerned, he meets all the signs for psychopathy. I know it’s kind of a critical topic to discuss, but I’d love to analyze Adam’s behavior and thoughts and compare it to psychopathy, in a separate post. (I am not looking to insult or offend anyone with this, I just love giving interesting characters more depth and exploring their minds and ways of thinking, especially when it comes to villains.)
Fitting the above one, Adam was a con artist at some point. I always thought of this job he would be so good at, but never knew the name until I came across it during my psychopathy research. Con artist! That job is made for him. I headcanon, some day after being a politician as a human, he came to America and started working as, I don’t know the name, but those people who came to people’s houses and sold them bullshit. He didn’t do that for a long time, though, because I don’t think it makes good money and it has a low social standing. However, that’s how he slipped into the con artist job or how he calls it “working in the finance sector”. He did that for, I don’t know, ten years or more, before he decided he had made enough money with it. He wanted to get into poilitics again to satisfy his desire for power, and quit being a con artist, because it would have been too risky to do both at the same time. (I doubt he was ever caught, but conning people is obviously illegal.)
It was slightly hinted at by Adrian that, sometimes, Adam kills women after sleeping with them. I think when he was around Priya’s age, he did that very often. Just sought them out and killed them afterwards, because he liked the feeling of power and control it gave him. In the present, it is more likely that he has contacts for things like that, contacts he does not kill, because it would be a huge scandal, obviously. Still, he sees all people as objects, humans more so than vampires, and attractive young women primary as sex objects to use and discard, and he thinks it’s pathetic that they adore him and seek him out the way they do, that they ‘let’ him kill them. But of course, he pretends to be this super elegant gentleman. I do think he was taught to treat women with special respect, but, if you consider his actual personality, it’s highly unlikely that he keeps that mask on in the bedroom. He displays it in public, because most women love gentlemen, but, unless his lover needs to be manipulated by him or he wants something from her, he is totally different, degrading even, in the bedroom.
I think Adam is very vain to the point that he needs longer in the bathroom than some ladies. I think he has a personal barber, stylist, you name it, and they come over every morning. He loves his appearance and - sorry - I can definitely see him making out with a mirror. At least, whenever he walks by, he does admire the guy he sees. But how could you not? How could women not? At least, that’s what Adam thinks. And lemme judge: he’s damn right. Adam’s About 183 cm tall (I just know), he’s muscular, he has a nice haircut, a fancy beard, great taste in fashion… And those, lemme guess, thick 7 inches. 😌😏 Hehe.
Pretty sure that Adam has a wild, irresponsible streak in him that he must live out somehow. I mean, he dated Priya and as if she would ever date anyone boring. Adam loves partying, irresponsible sexual acts, the adrenaline when seeking thrills. Despite what people think, I can definitely see him as a reckless driver, especially when alone. This guy has no fears. He is similar to Kamilah in some ways, but that’s one where they differ: I think he can let go better than she can, he just needs the right circumstances, right people, right situations. He is a lot more likely to play Roulette and bet on black just for the hell of it. With Priya, he did many irresponsible things, thinking “I don’t care. I love it.” Icona Pop knows. 😉
As a mortal, Adam had a family and children. Considering the historical context, this is more than likely. People often say they can’t imagine him as a father, and in a way I agree: I think he was a very neglectful and absent father who had a lot more kids than he wanted (considering the fact that he wanted none 😂). Furthermore, he was a very disloyal husband, married more than once, got women pregnant who he wasn’t married to, banished them or forced them into an abortion (people knew there were ways to miscarry)… I’m guessing the probability for him to cheat in a relationship to be as high as 80%. I see no reason for him not to cheat, because he has no moral compass and he believes he can have anyone, deserving of as many lovers as he wants. However, if she would cheat, he would either be incredibly angry or totally careless. Anyway, if there is one person seeing a crying toddler and thinking “Damn, I’m glad my kids are dead”, it’s Adam.
Back to his roots: Adam grew up Catholic. This is not me saying religion makes people bad (I’m religious myself), but me saying he grew up at a time and in a country that was certainly Catholic. However, I highly doubt he ever believed in any religion, simply was raised into a strictly religious environment. In that way, he broke rules very early such as no lying or no touching yourself, and this is how he learned to be sneaky about it. This theory explains his name as well, as Adam was the first human created by God, and he was likely named after him, not as the first human in the world, but the first baby born to his parents, a noble couple. I’m very sure he grew up in a big family. However, he is only focused only on himself since… all the time.
Obviously, regarding sex, Adam has done almost everything there is to do. I think he is much more animalistic and pleasure-focused than people think, and he loves to break taboos the same way he breaks rules as he considers himself above them. Imagine anything nasty and I bet he has done it. Either with someone kinky like Priya or he just persuaded a ‘normal’ person into letting him try whatever ‘sick’ fantasy he had. Also, he loves group sex with, like, four women who cater to his needs. I tried to widen this headcanon a bit by bringing guys into it as well. While I think Adam is definitely heterosexual, I wouldn’t be surprised if anything happened between him and a man. I headcanon something like: He was at an orgy, drunk or whatever, centuries ago, doing his thing, and a guy just approached and gave him oral. Lol. And he let him do it, because why the hell not? Meanwhile, I find kissing a bit too intimate, but I can imagine he has done it, too, out of manipulation or because a guy just kissed him. With Priya, I headcanon he seduced young women, killed them… and they had fun with them, like… blood play and stuff…
I think Adam’s basic directive is “I don’t care”, regarding the other members of The Council as well. Of course, there are things he cares about deeply, like killing the Clanless or getting votes, but all of that serves no one but himself, the only person on Earth he actually cares about. You could give him any person’s name and ask if they shall live or die and he wouldn’t care at all what happens to them (unless that person’s existence is useful or bothering for him). Yeah, he has no conscience and he gives zero shits. His emotions are super limited. Like, when Gaius presented them his morbid plan, Adam was careless to the point that he had to observe the others’ reactions to be able to form and voice an opinion. He is calm by default and rarely gets angry (the anger he showed in several scenes was fake in order to appear believable).
Regarding lovers, Adam has a type. He likes young women (22-28), naive and ‘stupid’, women he can easily control, and he sees himself deserving of having all the pretty ones, like trophies or possessions. When someone doesn’t have the right age or look, he considers them not good enough for him and would find it pathetic if they asked him out. He doesn’t like independent women, he likes women he can make dependent on him. He always needs to be the superior one, financially as well as intellectually. All this explains why he never had and never ever will have a thing for Kamilah. She is everything he can’t control, can’t subject, and that’s why he respects her and can openly express a platonic liking for her. But deep inside, women like that threaten him and he wants to destroy them, because they are too smart to fall for him. And women (people) he can’t benefit from, who refuse to obey him, who he can’t manipulate, have no use to him. Regarding one night stands, which he had a lot more than gilfriends, he only targets very attractive women. He likes dark types, like himself, rather than blondes, and women who are particularly feminine. Long hair, long nails, dresses, high heels… I think that attracts him. And he loves asses. And Latinas. Sorry.
I think Adam has more than two faces. To the public, he is that super friendly, charming guy who wants the best for anyone. To The Council, he is that friendly guy who has drastic measures, but still puts a lot of importance on their team-spirit. Part of the mask is off, but he still presents himself as friendly and interested in the well-being of the public. Like, he greets the members happily and calls them his “friends”, but everyone does know they shouldn’t turn on him. (The Baron even said so.) When dating Priya, he showed a different face again. More of that easy-going guy, a great sport, overly protective of his ‘loved’ ones. He always alternates between “Hello, I am super friendly and chill, you can talk about anything with me” and “I am super dangerous and you better not fuck with me”. Then, in reality, he is a cold-hearted snake who cares about no one but himself. Now imagine him around his Clan. I think his mask slips off even further than it does when he’s with The Council, in a way that they might even fear him, because they know what he’s capable of. Or they admire him because he leaves the mask on, like the nerd in the train to the Ball does, who obviously has a crush on him? It is so different to assess Adam, because he is a great actor and he can legit be anyone. He can be the kind philantrophist you support, the sexy celebrity you admire, the relaxed guy who is your best friend, the intelligent Clan leader, the most caring boyfriend you have had, the most abusive boyfriend you have had… or the man who is actually planning to murder you.
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thegreymoon · 5 years
Hi I have been a fan of your work for a very long time and so I sneak into your tumblr from time to time.I counldnt help but notice that you post a lot of political/sjw stuff and I know it is none of my business but since I am probably absolutely opposite in my political views I can't help myself and ask: I understand that you are Asian, but you don't seem to be interested in real or imagined injustices in your country/continent and are mainly interested in USA, why is that?
Hi, anon!
First of all, I am not Asian and I’m very sorry if I ever did or said anything to mislead people into thinking that I was. It was unconsciously done. I have no intention of offending anyone or appropriating an identity that isn’t mine, so if I did something of that sort, please let me know and I’ll do my best to correct myself. I often reblog stuff about China because I think it’s an amazing country, I’m learning Mandarin (not making much progress, though), love their culture, nature, architecture and am a big fan of their historical/fantasy dramas. Also, the two fandoms I was the most active in (coincidentally) happen to be a Japanese anime and a Japanese video game, so I have a lot of love for their art and aesthetics.
I’m actually very surprised that you would ‘notice’ that I post a lot of ‘political/sjw stuff’, considering that I mostly use Tumblr to repost Merlin gifs, cast/crew news and fanworks. There is maybe one reblog on just about anything else for every fifty (perhaps even more) Merlin posts, so I really have to wonder which of the RL issues I posted about bothered you so much that you would describe them as ‘a lot’.
I may be misinterpreting the tone of your ask, so forgive me if I misread your intentions and am responding too harshly, but in my experience, ‘SJW’ is a term that is used to be dismissive when people are talking about real social issues, plus I found your wording of ‘imagined injustices’ very… interesting.
Also, I find it odd that somebody would unironically ask me why I’m ‘mainly’ interested in the USA.
First of all, the global market is oversaturated with American media, American products, American news, American movies, TV series, music, you name it. It’s everywhere. Of course I’m going to know more about it than, say, Lichtenstein. The exposure of American public figures is insane and it just happens that the stuff that appears on my dash is most often related to the USA because that is what the people I follow also follow (and for the record, on Tumblr, I mainly follow the Merlin fandom and to a somewhat lesser degree, various artists, baby animals, Chinese traditional outfits, Buzzfeed and NASA news). I absolutely do reblog pure evil, injustices, hypocrisy and intentionally inflicted misery in other countries too when I see them, but I don’t actively go looking for them on Tumblr, just like I don’t actively look for the USA posts either. The USA posts are simply there, without much active input from me, while other countries are not. An important point, of course, since we are having this weird discussion about why a random person outside of the USA is consuming so much American media, is that English is the only foreign language I am fluent in, so when it comes to foreign content, I am primarily going to read and interact with posts in English. And which country creates the most content in English? Yup, you guessed it!  
On a similar note, everything that happens in the USA affects other countries too. Nothing that goes on there takes place in a vacuum and the USA has made damn sure that it has its fingers in each and every single pie all over the world. Everything, the good and the bad, spills over and trust me, we feel the effects acutely in my unstable, politically fraught little country. The economic and cultural implications are enormous, so you can bet American issues are very personal for me, even if I don’t live there. My country’s government consists of puppets in the hands of various world leaders playing tug of war with actual human lives. My literal paycheck depends on the stability of the dollar. The survival of the entire human species hangs on how we deal with climate change right now and that ignorant, illiterate orange shitstain Americans voted into power is now standing on a global platform, spouting nonsense that is barely one step removed from Creationist bullshit and Flat-earther conspiracies. And you seriously ask me why I’m interested in the USA? 
The USA loves to dub itself as ‘the leader of the free world’ and ‘a global superpower’, and has managed to stick its nose into everybody’s business everywhere (usually with no good intentions), but somehow you question why the rest of us are now going to be interested in what is going on there, not to mention critical when the US government spouts absolute rubbish not just on a domestic, but also global scale? So, yes, I am personally invested in what is going down next in the USA and am sitting here, half the world across, cheering Americans on as they fight to have that shame they elected removed from power and, hopefully, incarcerated, along with all his corrupt cronies, advisors and family members. I’m going to be genuinely celebrating here when he finally goes down!
Secondly, I come from one of those countries that the USA and its allies have destroyed for their own gain and where they have ruined countless lives over multiple generations. I have every reason to notice, take a personal interest in and comment on the hypocrisy, the grandstanding and the false moral high ground that is assumed by the USA (and any of its bootlickers) when I see it.
For any of my USA followers here, I would just like to note that I am perfectly capable of distinguishing between ordinary people and disgusting government policies enacted by corrupt or incompetent politicians. I realise this post sounds angry, but I wish only good things for you all, people are people everywhere and the stuff I’m talking about is way above the average person’s paygrade. I also realise that the USA has screwed over so many of its own citizens; including its war veterans, PoC, minorities, the poor, the weak and the disabled. My heart goes out to you all, truly, and I love you all!
(BTW, I intentionally have not said which country I’m from because I’ve stopped publically stating my location online, simply because it makes it too easy for malicious people to identify me IRL that way. I don’t necessarily hide my RL identity if I have a valid reason to reveal my true name and location, but please forgive me for not stating it outright here, on a public platform, to satisfy the curiosity of an anon ask. My country is misogynistic, homophobic and hostile to all who are non-conforming and my job prospects are hard enough without my online pseudonyms being generally known in my RL circles. I used to be much less secretive about it, but have since learned the error of my ways and am now taking the most basic of precautions.)
With that said, yes, my country has issues! And, fyi, I have ranted and raged and cried about them before online, IRL and in private. I have posted about my country’s political problems everywhere, including here, when I was just too angry to hold it in because I’m absolute shit at being careful even when I make a conscious effort to be. Most recently, I raged about our elections which were a punch to the gut. If I was to start typing about the corruption, injustices and absolute evil going on around me, I would never stop, but I’m not going to do that because that’s not what I come to Tumblr for. This is primarily a fandom space, mostly for fandom stuff, where I come to look at other people’s things and almost never create content of my own. Just about anything political has been reblogged from someone else because it showed up on my dash and touched a nerve. Very little of that is stuff from my own country because nobody creates and reblogs posts about it in the fandom circle I mostly interact with.
I’m now trying to think back to what ‘SJW’ issues (as you put it) I reblog the most often and how any of them are ‘imaginary injustices’. Off the top of my head, the ones that usually touch a nerve are about the oppression and discrimination of women, patriarchy, sexism, various kinds of abuse, sexual assault, overworking, capitalist brainwashing, mental health issues, LGBTQ issues, freedom of speech, resurgence of Nazism, the gap between the rich and the poor, climate change and criminal religious institutions regaining power in society. I can assure you that none of these is ‘imaginary’ and the negative ways in which they affect me and the people around me are very, very real. Also, none of them is unique to the USA, which is what you seem to be the most concerned about, and even if the post is from or about the USA, these problems definitely overlap with things that I, and countless people around the world, are personally experiencing and have a lot of feelings about. The only social issues ‘unique’ to the USA that I often reblog are the ones related to the particular US brand of racism and the appalling, still-ongoing genocide committed against the indigenous people there, and how can you not empathise with that when it’s so egregious? I will reblog them every time they cross my dash to spread awareness since the US government is actively trying to stifle it and rewrite history and idc who is uncomfortable.
With all that said, I’m open to corrections and have no problem admitting to being wrong once I realise I’ve made a mistake. So, this goes for all the people following my blog: if any of the posts I shared are about ‘imaginary’ issues (just… wow at the use of this word) or contain false information, please feel free to let me know and I will take it under advisement. I’m always willing to learn.
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lashydsdomain · 5 years
1-154. you wont
bet i will
1: Full name
lashy. das all you get
2: Age
3: 3 Fears
stairs, glass breaking, not being able to get ahold of someone
4: 3 things I love
my ocs uwu, my friends, my fucking tablet goddamn
5: 4 turns on
not comfy sharing on tumblr
6: 4 turns off
ill say ill come back to this one then leave this in the post
7: My best friend
rn i would say it’s probably blitztrolls
8: Sexual orientation
pan uwu
9: My best first date
ahh.... i havent had an in person first date still ;u;
10: How tall am I
11: What do I miss
not being stressed eue;;;
12: What time were I born
13: Favourite color
pale blu
14: Do I have a crush
ye u//w//u
15: Favourite quote
you know these things are asked and my mind goes blank
16: Favourite place
the woods just after it’s rained
17: Favourite food
im a basic bitch and just gonna say mac n cheese
18: Do I use sarcasm
no absolutely not. nope.
19: What am I listening to right now
ambles playlist- it’s on ocean eyes by billie elish rn
20: First thing I notice in new person
prooooobably like. their face? typing style if it’s online
21: Shoe size
uhhhhhh i think like a womens 10?
22: Eye color
23: Hair color
dark brown
24: Favourite style of clothing
loose and baggy because if i cant be comfortable what’s the point
25: Ever done a prank call?
27: Meaning behind my URL
lashyd was one of my first fantrolls and i liked the way it sounded
28: Favourite movie
mmmmm either labyrinth, princess mononoke or annihilation
29: Favourite song
no clue my friend im bad at picking
30: Favourite band
same as above sweats
31: How I feel right now
excited but tired
32: Someone I love
passivetrolls u//w//u/
33: My current relationship status
in a relationship!
34: My relationship with my parents
love my dad, kinda dislike my mom
35: Favourite holiday
christ mass
36: Tattoos and piercing i have
none, im so scared of needles ;u;
37: Tattoos and piercing i want
mmmmmaybe something stupid and simple on like my ankle?? i dunno what tho sweats
38: The reason I joined Tumblr
another fandom and i got bored with homeschooling lmao
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?
i dislike them but they have tried to contact me a few times before i blocked them
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
not usually
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
i dont text so ill go w discord and no i have not the last person i messaged was you shenk gdi
42: When did I last hold hands?
the 2nd ;u;
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
7ish minutes
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?
hellllllllllll no
45: Where am I right now?
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
prooooobably my bf or my dad. hate alcohol tho
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
loud but only w speakers
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
only da
49: Am I excited for anything?
absolutely motherfucker im making new friends left and right
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
i got two uwu
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?
:))))))) irl most of the time tbh
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?
last night
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
i would probably cry ugnfldkjfgslfdjg the last person i kissed was my bf wheezes
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
i mean probably.
55: What is something I disliked about today?
ehhhh nothing bad has really happened today
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
probably my friend from serbia uwu
57: What do I think about most?
ocs probably sweats
58: What’s my strangest talent?
burping on command? i dunno
59: Do I have any strange phobias?
glass shattering ouo;;;
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
beh ind
61: What was the last lie I told?
calling myself a basic bitch lmao
62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
phone probably? video calls make me nervous
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
hell yeah to both
64: Do I believe in magic?
hell yeah i yell tossing salt on all my rocks
65: Do I believe in luck?
66: What’s the weather like right now?
uhhh clear i think
67: What was the last book I’ve read?
Shibuya Goldfish
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?
69: Do I have any nicknames?
lash, lashy, gremlin and then stupid relationship nicknames gldsfgjfgs
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
prooobably almost falling down some stairs at a con and chipping my shin and probably partly pulling my shoulder out of the socket
71: Do I spend money or save it?
i try to save but end up spending it ouo;;;;
72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge?
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me?
there are some half customized MH dolls so i guess yeah
74: Favourite animal?
cat uwu
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
drawing ambles trollcall pick
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
satan stan obviously
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
Here - Ancient Magus' Bride OP
78: How can you win my heart?
art of my ocs ngl
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
fuck if i knew
80: What is my favorite word?
probably fuck if you would ask my phone lmao
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
hey fuckers lets rumble
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?
not that i know of
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
teleportation ngl
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
probably 87
86: What is my current desktop picture?
Tumblr media
87: Had sex?
sweats how about we move on
88: Bought condoms?
89: Gotten pregnant?
hell no
90: Failed a class?
i think yeah
91: Kissed a boy?
92: Kissed a girl?
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
does it count if we were indoors
94: Had job?
not yet wheezes
95: Left the house without my wallet?
96: Bullied someone on the internet?
i dont think so i mgiht have when i was younger
97: Had sex in public?
n o
98: Played on a sports team?
99: Smoked weed?
100: Did drugs?
only weedles
101: Smoked cigarettes?
102: Drank alcohol?
yes and i hated it
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
104: Been overweight?
105: Been underweight?
106: Been to a wedding?
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
 every day p much
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
109: Been outside my home country?
110: Gotten my heart broken?
;;;; yeah
111: Been to a professional sports game?
112: Broken a bone?
113: Cut myself?
if this is on accident then ya
114: Been to prom?
prom is a waste of time ngl just go to arbys
115: Been in airplane?
116: Fly by helicopter?
n o
117: What concerts have I been to?
blueman group and the 4th of july ones that play around here
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
119: Learned another language?
bits and pieces
120: Wore make up?
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?
122: Had oral sex?
lets just skip the sex questions
123: Dyed my hair?
124: Voted in a presidential election?
125: Rode in an ambulance?
126: Had a surgery?
127: Met someone famous?
128: Stalked someone on a social network?
god no
129: Peed outside?
this question is weird
130: Been fishing?
hell the fuck yeah
131: Helped with charity?
132: Been rejected by a crush?
yeah ;u;
133: Broken a mirror?
i dont think so
134: What do I want for birthday?
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?
136: Was I named after anyone?
i was named after two people uwu
137: Do I like my handwriting?
i can barely read it lmao i hate it
138: What was my favourite toy as a child?
my stuffed tigger uwu
139: Favourite Tv Show?
fuck i dunno probably cyberchase or fetch i dont watch tv anymore lmao
140: Where do I want to live when older?
somewhere quiet but convenient
141: Play any musical instrument?
flute and violin
142: One of my scars, how did I get it?
i have a scar on my knuckle from making garlic bread ;u; wasnt even good
143: Favourite pizza toping?
banana peppers
144: Am I afraid of the dark?
145: Am I afraid of heights?
mmmm at times
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
yeah >w>;;;
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
all the mc fuckin time
148: What I’m really bad at
telling people when im not up for something
149: What my greatest achievments are
being alive you fuckers cant beat me i won over hundreds of other fuckers and im here
150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me
Lets Not, Kids
151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery
buy so much cosplay shit and helping friends get what they need
152: What do I like about myself
im getting better uwu
153: My closest Tumblr friend
passivetrolls or blitztrolls wheezes
154: Something I fantasize about
being able to help my friends out of the places they are right now QuQ
155: Any question you’d like?
more questions for amble and my other girls!
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Did Trump Say Republicans Were Dumb
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/did-trump-say-republicans-were-dumb/
Did Trump Say Republicans Were Dumb
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Ben Carson: March 4 2016
Donald Trump Tells Oprah in 1988 What He Would Do as President
You would be forgiven for forgetting that at one point last fall, Dr. Ben Carson was tied with Trump for first place in national Republican presidential preference polls. They were two different versions of the “outsider” candidate Trump, the brash billionaire and reality TV star; and Carson the quiet doctor propelled by faith. ;In;November, Trump went on the attack. He turned to Carson’s own autobiography for ammunition, noting with skepticism Carson’s story of how his religious conversion began when he attempted to stab a friend only to have the knife blade break on the friend’s belt buckle. “How stupid are the people of Iowa?” Trump asked. “How stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap?” At the time it seemed a direct challenge to evangelicals that could only hurt Trump, but it was Carson who began to slip in the polls. The doctor did poorly in the early primaries and dropped out after Super Tuesday. A week later he endorsed Trump, saying the two had “buried the hatchet” and that he believed there are “two Donald Trumps” the bombastic public figure and the private man who is “cerebral” and willing to consider other views.
Trump Secretly Mocks His Christian Supporters
Former aides say that in private, the president has spoken with cynicism and contempt about believers.
One day in 2015, Donald Trump beckoned Michael Cohen, his longtime confidant and personal attorney, into his office. Trump was brandishing a printout of an article about an Atlanta-based megachurch pastor trying to raise $60 million from his flock to buy a private jet. Trump knew the preacher personallyCreflo Dollar had been among a group of evangelical figures who visited him in 2011 while he was first exploring a presidential bid. During the meeting, Trump had reverently bowed his head in prayer while the pastors laid hands on him. Now he was gleefully reciting the impious details of Dollars quest for a Gulfstream G650.
Trump seemed delighted by the scam, Cohen recalled to me, and eager to highlight that the pastor was full of shit. Theyre all hustlers, Trump said.
The presidents alliance with religious conservatives has long been premised on the contention that he takes them seriously, while Democrats hold them in disdain. In speeches and interviews, Trump routinely lavishes praise on conservative Christians, casting himself as their champion. My administration will never stop fighting for Americans of faith, he declared at a rally for evangelicals earlier this year. Its a message his campaign will seek to amplify in the coming weeks as Republicans work to confirm Amy Coney Barretta devout, conservative Catholicto the Supreme Court.
So If None Of This Counts What’s The Point
According to those conducting the recount, the purpose of this project is to address a prevailing concern among some voters that the 2020 election was illegitimate. And if the final result is that there was no fraud? That’s fine, too.
“This is not about calling into question the results of the November election,” Ken Bennett, spokesman for the audit, told the Washington Post. “This is about identifying if there are any areas of our elections that need to be improved going forward.”
Few Democrats believe this, of course. They fear that the point of the audit is to simply sow further doubt about Biden’s victory – and pave the way for Republican state-level efforts to enact new voting restrictions that disadvantage their candidates and voters in the name of “ballot security”.
Also Check: What Is Difference Between Democrats And Republicans
Trump Slashes At Mcconnell As He Reiterates Election Falsehoods At Republican Event
Former president Donald Trump called Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell a dumb son of a bitch as he used a Saturday night speech to Republicans to blame the senator for not helping overturn the 2020 election and reiterated false assertions that he won the November contest.
Trump, speaking at a Republican National Committee gathering at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla., excoriated a number of Republicans even as he publicly called for party unity focusing on those who voted to convict him in impeachment proceedings. But he saved his sharpest vitriol for the Kentucky Republican.
If that were Schumer instead of this dumb son of a bitch Mitch McConnell, they would never allow it to happen. They would have fought it, he said of the election certification on Jan. 6, the day his supporters led an insurrection on the Capitol to block President Bidens formal victory.
Trump spent much of the speech, with many senators in the room, lashing into his former ally in personal terms, often to cheers from the partys top donors. He falsely claimed that he won the Senate election for McConnell in Kentucky and attacked his wife, Elaine Chao, who served as Trumps transportation secretary.
I hired his wife. Did he ever say thank you? Trump said. He then mocked Chao for resigning in response to the Jan. 6 events and Trumps behavior that day.
Some attendees left the private event early, with the speech getting mixed reviews.
Bette Midler Apologizes For Sharing Fake Trump Quote: But It Sounds So Much Like Him
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Singer/actress refuses to take down the fictitious meme after her apology
Bette Midler apologized on Monday after posting a fake quote attributed to Donald Trump where he purportedly disparaged Republican voters in a 1998 People Magazine interview.
I apologize; this quote turns out to be a fake from way back in 15-16. Dont know how I missed it, but it sounds SO much like him that I believed it was true!, the singer/actress
I apologize; this quote turns out to be a fake from way back in 15-16. Dont know how I missed it, but it sounds SO much like him that I believed it was true! Fact Check: Did Trump say in 98 Republicans are dumb? via
Bette Midler
In addition to her apology, Midler also included a link to the Reno Gazette Journal debunking the quote. It read, If I were to run, Id run as a Republican. Theyre the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and theyd still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific.
The photo accompanying the quote shows a younger Trump around the time he was a real estate developer in New York City and long before he became a political candidate.
Dumb and Dumber @GOP, he said in a tweet before deleting. Narisetti is also an alum of the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and News Corp.
The memes providence dates back to at least 2015 when Snopes, a liberal-leaning fact-checking website, fact-checked the quote and proved it was false.
Don’t Miss: What Is The Definition Of Republicanism
Wait A Minute Bamboo Fibre
Yes. According to one volunteer, John Brakey, they’re investigating whether fake ballots may have been snuck in from overseas.
“They use bamboo in their paper processing, people in southeast Asia,” he told a local CBS television station.
Brakey is quick to say he doubts such fraud is real, but the investigators apparently want to leave no stone unturned, untested and unsubjected to ultraviolet light.
As mail-in Arizona ballots are matched against registered voters, multiple votes cast by the same individual would have been flagged.
Donald Trump’s Most Controversial Quotes
On America:
He also praised the National Rifle Association and Second Amendment, describing his sons as serious NRA. His praise of the Second Amendment comes just days after an Uber driver went on a deadly shooting spree in Michigan, killing killed six people.
I want to begin by thanking my boys, Eric has been all over the place making speeches. Hes getting better than me so Im a little jealous. And Don went to , you were all over, right?
He loves the rifle stuff. This is serious rifle. This is serious NRA, both of them, both of them. We love the Second Amendment folks, nobody loves it more than us, so just remember that.
Trump is promising to keep the controversial detention camp open after President Obama’s repeated pledges to close it, something he reiterated in his victory speech.
Were going to keep as you know Gitmo, were keeping that open, and were going to load it up with bad dudes. Were going to load it up w a lot of bad dudes out there.
Finally, he repeated his most familiar campaign promise: to build that big beautiful wall, and make Mexico pay for it.
Were going to have our borders nice and strong. Were going to build the wall, you know that. Were going to build the wall. And I have a lot of respect from Mexico and you just heard we won Hispanics. But let me tell you Mexico is going to pay for the wall, right? Its going to happen.
Recommended Reading: Who Has More Billionaires Democrats Or Republicans
Jeb Bush: Feb 20 2016
A year ago, Jeb Bush was at the forefront of an historic fundraising juggernaut, with a super PAC that raised more than $100 million by June. But Bush could never generate the passion and enthusiasm of Trump. The billionaire branded Bush a “low energy” candidate;and proceeded to tie George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq around Jeb Bush’s neck like a lead weight. During a , Trump said President Bush had lied about the pretext for the Iraq War.;Jeb rose to his brother’s defense. ;”While Donald Trump was building a reality TV show, my brother was building a security apparatus to keep us safe and Im proud of what he did,” he said. But Trump fired back: “The World Trade Center came down during your brother’s reign, remember that. That’s not keeping us safe.” A;week later Trump won the winner-take-all Palmetto State primary and Bush dropped out of the race.
Tale Of The Tape: The 16 Contenders Trump Has Knocked Out
Oprah asks a 42-year-old Trump if he’d run for president
Donald Trump clobbered his opponents in Indiana, knocking out Texas Sen. Ted Cruz ;and;Ohio Gov. John Kasich. Cruz whom Trump labeled “Lyin’ Ted” acknowledged Tuesday that he had no path left to the nomination and suspended his campaign, and;Kasich threw in the towel;Wednesday. Even RNC Chairman Reince Priebus has called the fight for Trump, declaring the billionaire the presumptive nominee.
Heres how Trump has dispatched the contenders who stepped into the ring with him during this years presidential contest:
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Jeb’s Campaign Releases Video Of ‘the Real Donald Trump’
Jeb Bush’s campaign is ratcheting up its attacks on Donald Trump, releasing a video that paints the Republican presidential candidate as an unabashed liberal. And Trump is firing right back.
The spot, titled “The Real Donald Trump,” plays on two separate occasions a clip of the billionaire candidate saying that he “lived in New York and Manhattan my whole life” and that “my views are a little bit different than if I had lived in Iowa.”
“Liberal Things That Trump Says,” the text on screen reads before flipping to “Liberal Things That Trump Believes.” Trump has made a point of embracing his eclectic policy views in the past, something that Bush’s campaign is seizing upon in the latest spot.
Trump is shown in a 1999 “Meet the Press” interview telling Tim Russert that he is “very pro-choice,” though a dozen years later, Trump announced that he opposed abortion in most instances, except in cases of rape, incest or to protect the health of the mother.
The spot also highlights Trump’s praise of single-payer health care systems in Canada and in Scotland during last month’s GOP debate, though it does not include his qualifying statement that although he thought it was a good idea for the U.S. in the late 1990s, he does not believe that to now be the case.
Im Getting The Word Out: Inside The Feverish Mind Of Donald Trump Two Months After Leaving The White House
I Alone Can Fix It
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Seventy days had passed since Donald Trump left Washington against his will. On March 31, 2021, we ventured to Mar-a-Lago, where he still reigned as king of Republican politics. We arrived late that afternoon for our audience with the man who used to be president and were ushered into an ornate sixty-foot-long room that functioned as a kind of lobby leading to the clubs patio. A model of Air Force One painted in Trumps proposed redesigna flat red stripe across the middle, a navy belly, a white top, and a giant American flag on the tailwas proudly displayed on the coffee table facing the entrance. It was a prop disconnected from reality.; Trumps vision never came to be; the fleet now in use by President Biden still bears the iconic baby blue-and-white livery designed by Jacqueline Kennedy.
Trump had invited us to Mar-a-Lago to interview him for this book. He had declined an interview for our first book about his presidency, and when A Very Stable Genius was published in January 2020, attacked us personally and branded our reporting a work of fiction. But Trump was quick to agree to our request this time. He sought to curate history.
But future elections were not front and center in his mind. A past election was. Trump was fixated on his loss in 2020, returning to this wound repeatedly throughout the interview.;
Also Check: How Do Republicans Feel About Climate Change
Wisconsin Gop Wrestles With Just How Much To Indulge Trump
The former president set off infighting among state Republicans by saying they were not working hard enough to challenge the 2020 results, accusing them of covering up election corruption.
By Reid J. Epstein
Wisconsin Republicans were already going to great lengths to challenge the 2020 election results. They ordered a monthslong government audit of votes in the state. They made a pilgrimage to Arizona to observe the G.O.P. review of votes there. They hired former police officers to investigate Wisconsins election and its results.
But for Donald J. Trump, it wasnt enough.
In a blistering statement last week on the eve of the state partys convention, the former president accused top Republican state lawmakers of working hard to cover up election corruption and actively trying to prevent a Forensic Audit of the election results.
Wisconsin Republicans were alarmed and confused. Some circulated a resolution at the convention calling for the resignation of the top Republican in the State Assembly, Speaker Robin Vos, who in turn announced the appointment of a hard-line conservative former State Supreme Court justice to oversee the investigation. The Republican State Senate president released a two-page letter addressed to Mr. Trump that said his claims about Republicans were false but that made sure to clarify in fawning language the state partys allegiance to the former president.
Fact Check: Trump Did Not Call Republicans The Dumbest Group Of Voters
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5 Min Read
An old quote falsely attributed to Donald Trump has recently resurfaced online. The viral meme alleges Trump told People magazine in 1998 that Republicans are the dumbest group of voters in the country. This is false.
While the quote has been debunked several times since it apparently surfaced in 2015, users have recently been resharing it on social media. Examples can be seen here , here , here , here
The meme reads: If I were to run, Id run as a Republican. Theyre the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and theyd still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific. – Donald Trump, People Magazine, 1998
Snopes first wrote about the false quote here in October 2015 . Since then, the quote has been debunked multiple times .
People magazine has confirmed in the past that its archive has no register of this alleged exchange.
People looked into this exhaustively when it first surfaced back in Oct. . We combed through every Trump story in our archive. We couldnt find anything remotely like this quoteand no interview at all in 1998., a magazine spokesperson told Factcheck.org that year .
In December 1987, People published a profile on Donald Trump titled Too Darn Rich. The article quoted him saying he was too busy to run for president .
Read Also: How Many Registered Republicans In Texas
Donald Trump Quotes That Should Horrify His Evangelical Supporters
After months of campaigning, flip-flopping on important issues,;and generally wreaking havoc on the party that for decades has presented itself as defenders of Christian America, Donald Trump took to the stage at the Republican National Convention and thanked the evangelicals who helped him get there.
At this moment, I would like to thank the evangelical and religious community because Ill tell you what. Because the support theyve given me, and Im not sure I totally deserve it, has been so amazing. And has had such a big reason for me being here tonight. True. So true.
So true, its cringeworthy.
White evangelical Protestants are a considerable force in the elections making up one-fifth of all registered voters.;While a number of evangelical leaders have pointed out that Trumps policies and actions are decidedly un-Christian, rank-and-file white evangelical Americans have in fact thrown their support behind the candidate. According to the Pew Research Center, 78 percent of white evangelical voters;say they would vote for Trump if the election were held today.;
But if you place Trumps quotes, principles and policies next to the ideals set forth by Christianitys founder, the gap is startling. Trump has little regard for some of the fundamental teachings of Jesus Christ showing love for your neighbor, welcoming the stranger, and asking for Gods forgiveness.;
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chicagoindiecritics · 4 years
New from Every Movie Has a Lesson by Don Shanahan: MOVIE REVIEW: Irresistible
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(Image courtesy of Focus Features)
Jon Stewart’s new film Irresistible holds a broad and powerful mirror up to the lies and guises of America’s election economy. Right when you think an outspoken personality like the beloved former host of The Daily Show is going to shout from his now-taller cinematic pontiff a chosen side or favorite, he remarkably doesn’t. This is an even-handed farce of finger-pointing where both political sides have dirty hands and the media in the middle is wholly and equally complicit. Stewart unleashes this cringing astonishment in a surprising movie that pulls your leg and also very rug right out from underneath you.
The political labels are coming at you for full exposure. If that’s a porcupine you try to avoid (astounding social acrobatics if you’ve got them), good luck. However, if you need a way into Irresistible consider the lyrics of heartland rocker and political centrist (who knew) Bob Seger’s 1978 hit “Still the Same.”  
You always won, every time you placed a bet
You’re still damn good, no one’s gotten to you yet
Everytime they were sure they had you caught
You were quicker than they thought
You’d just turn your back and walk
You always said, the cards would never do you wrong
The trick you said was never play the game too long
A gambler’s share, the only risk that you would take
The only loss you could forsake/The only bluff you couldn’t fake
And you’re still the same/I caught up with you yesterday
Moving game to game/No one standing in your way
Turning on the charm/Long enough to get you by
You’re still the same/You still aim high
There you stood, everybody watched you play
I just turned and walked away/I had nothing left to say
‘Cause you’re still the same/You’re still the same
Moving game to game/Some things never change/You’re still the same
The simple song is a recurring background musical motif that echoes the deception happening from the red and blue directions of this movie with pure white citizens being manipulated in the middle. Between the insincere sameness of the bets, charms, aims, bluffs, tricks, and more, line after line of Seger’s ditty nails a piece of the duplicitous characters in Stewart’s film.
The guileful gamblers of Irresistible are political strategists Gary Zimmer and Faith Brewster played by the twosome of Steve Carell and Rose Byrne. Each are fantastically introduced during the 2016 national election in front of small gatherings of faceless press with their eager microphones, flashbulbs, and cameras. Letting you know exactly what kind of outrageous people they are and the type of movie that contains them, both proudly proclaim their job is to lie straight into faces. Their matching responses are delivered precisely as if it were one of the sterilized and scripted soundbites we tend to expect. Instead, it’s the veracity we never hear but should be able to decipher.
LESSON #1: SPIN WITHOUT SHAME— With their finely stretched fabrications, Gary and Faith relish this cruddy combat, veiled as “working with” not “working for.” Truth be told, they don’t value the people they’re collaborating with or studying. Both spin doctors blow off teachable moments with zero regrets under twisted mantras that state “people have to do shitty things in the service of the great good.” That’s the slime of supposed dignity they wash their hands through and shine their smiles with. If you don’t know the type, you’re falling for the fake shine.
The post-election hangover of Donald Trump’s historic Presidential victory has left the Democratic pusher Gary crushed and desperate to expand the base of the party so lacking in rural American support. When a low-ranking staffer shows Zimmer a viral video of a former Gulf War Marine Colonel named Jack Hastings (Academy Award winner Chris Cooper) standing before a city council meeting speechifying needed support for welfare programs in the small (and fictitious) town of Deerlaken, Wisconsin, his eyes light up. He sees “a Democrat that just doesn’t know it yet,” “Bill Clinton with impulse control” and “Bernie Sanders with bone density.”
Gary is so convinced he can make something of this utilitarian unicorn he travels to the swinging Badger State to turn him into a mayoral candidate. The completely city-slicking 2%-er who is used to getting his ass kissed and avoiding carbs jumps right into his awkward elbow-rubbing in the land of beer, streusel, cheese curds, and Carthartt. After coaxing Jack to challenge the incumbent Mayor Braun (veteran character actor Brent Sexton), word travels faster than the town’s dialup internet among the kindly denizens and a race is on.
LESSON #2: DOES EACH PARTY HAVE A TYPE?— Here come the warped “liberal” and “conservative” labeling assignments that demand side-choosing. Why? That’s because a duel between analytics and polling (personified by smarmy supporting turns from Topher Grace and Natasha Lyonne that could fill their own spinoff movie of competitive banter) reveal an alarming amount of trends and descriptors in every person. Chris Cooper, with his silvered mop and down-home cadence, is perfectly cast to be a principled fellow not bound by any porch-rocking. Anchored by his astute daughter and unofficial public barometer Diana (Mackenzie Davis), his character is fluffed up to become someone and something he is not purely for the sake of appearances. That created image moves needles, television graphics, and checkbook covers. 
The full orchestra of Gary’s war drums draws national media attention to this humble hamlet as well sparks the invading arrival of the vapid bitch Faith to back Mayor Braun. Armed with their micromanaged minions, mucky millions, and salacious scalpels for scandal, the two rivals thrown down an oral sex wager to whomever’s candidate can win this parliamentary pissing contest. Let the zany pandering and placating begin.
LESSON #3: PATRONIZING IS A TWO-WAY STREET— Echoing Lesson #1, Gary and Faith’s professions are that of micromanaging shit shows. Inconsequential things are inflated to manufactured influences. The strategists do not care to connect unless there is an angle of personal or professional gain. The by-products of the wannabe geniuses thinking they are above their targets are perverted presumptions and massive condescension, with an emphasis on the “con” prefix. Not every hayseed is a mark. Plenty of fat cats are as well. 
LESSON #4: THE INSANITY OF THE MONEY IN POLITICS— With the one-upmanship of “spend to start” and “spend to stop them,” the rinky dink stuff is soon over. Framed in comedic setups and montages, frivolous millions are poured into Deerlaken and the PAC influences crop up next. At a fancy fundraising party in New York, the out-of-his-element Jack mildly unloads on how stupid the preening glad-handing stage is. Even that emboldened and honest truth doesn’t change the deep-pocketed donors. No one bats an eye and that’s not good. The course of all this is a financial food chain all its own, one where, during the very telling end credits of Irresistible, a research subject poeticizes “money lived happily ever after reveling in its influence in politics.” The real question should be what shady sunset does the money ride off into. 
LESSON #5: COMPARING THE END RESULT TO THE PROCESS— On the eve of the climactic election, Zimmer comes right to Hastings telling him his chase is about extremely simple math behind all the streamers, fireworks, and media mound. The goal is to outvote the other person by merely one vote. Screw all the analytics and polling when the ballots open. In his experience, the tawdry theatrics are forgotten when there’s a winner to celebrate. That is all the more reason why the perceived importance of the result, even for a small-town mayoral election, is maddeningly worth the quality of the chase.
LESSON #6: WHERE IS THE BLAME?— The cog of the dramatized machine in Irresistible that comes out the cleanest and most dutiful is John Q. Voter. The “fickle mob” public are the ones who must be discerning enough not to snort the spin or guzzle the cable TV conjecture. It would be easy just to slap a “satire” label on this movie and take none of it seriously. That would be a mistake. Stewart and company play us all because we, the people, deserve to be played. Yet, it still has a stance begging whoever is watching not be a part of any future blame. Color that as hope out of the shocking sarcasm. 
There are places in Irresistible where the mockery is as thin as a pesky mosquito’s wings as it draws patriotic blood and passes on diseased ideas. Other spots are as thick as quicksand made with indomitable behaviors that seem insurmountable to rescue if this was the real thing. Preposterous is the point. If you think you have the movie all figured out when it debuts on streaming platforms on June 26th, you have another thing coming. 
Bring it all back to Seger. The grand game is exposing the hypocrisy and Irresistible builds to the swindle of swindles to make this very valuable point, one prominently placed now in an election year. If you have an open mind, which can be a challenge for far too many folks on the swinging national pendulum of personal politics, you may come to enjoy the razor sharp cut of your Stewart’s biting jib. Irresistible becomes an immediate pre-election time capsule and a deserving place for rubbing our nose in our own shit, forcing us to see our gullibility, inaction, and ignored responsibilities before history repeats itself… again.
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literateape · 6 years
They Didn’t Vote For Trump. They Voted Against Us
by Don Hall
Growing up I went to a variety of elementary schools. We moved around and so I was cursed with being that new kid almost every year. The effects of this were plentiful and included a tendency to find the edges of acceptable behavior, the boundaries of what was considered appropriate, and poking through the natural hypocrisies of any institution to find the cracks in which to climb.
By the time I entered eighth grade in Benton, KS I was primed to be a complete pain in the ass. What I didn’t know was that I wasn’t going anywhere from that point until I graduated high school so those impulses to bend and break the rules of decorum and establish my own sense of autonomy within what I had grown accustomed to being fugacious would create impressions that I would no longer escape.
Being a bit of a book hound and more of a smart ass than a smart kid, I almost always encountered the bullies early in the school year. Benton Grade School was no different. When, in early September, after refusing to bow down to the rule of three of the Eight Grade Ruling Class and subsequently getting the crap beat out of me in a field just within sight of the school, I found myself in the principle’s office, trying to explain that, while I certainly mouthed off to these thugs, I never threw a punch.
He looked over his desk, his meaty hands clasped together over his colossal gut, and grilled me. I was the new kid and he felt it was his duty to explain things to me the way one who keeps the peace by ignoring the realities of brigandage under his nose feels entitled to do. Because I was a cocky little fucker, I pointed out his role in the beating I had taken. I casually explained that these prison rapists in training existed because he upheld the system in which they thrived. And, as was my tendency when being yelled at, I was smirking a bit as I said it.
“Christ, Hall.” he intoned. “You are one smug piece of shit, aren’t you?”
That interaction started the year of him seeking me out for punishments as often as he could and, given my DNA as a rule-challenging little smarmy jackass, it was never hard to bust me for something. Often as not, I was deserving of some sort of sanction but it was the many times when I did not deserve the lumps that burned. The ember of unearned injustice grew hot and the result was an increase in my pretentious arrogance which, in turn, made things worse rather than better.
By the time I arrived at Circle High School in neighboring Towanda, Tom Restivo, the hulking, muscle-bound Italian Vice Principle already knew me from reputation alone. And he was going to have none of it. I decided to see how far I could go and, that fall at lunch, I grabbed a semi-clear plastic glass from the cafeteria, went into the boy’s restroom and fished out an unflushed turd from one of the toilets. I waited until class was changing and slipped into his office and left it on his desk and, like an early Jason Bourne, disappeared unseen.
Twenty minutes later, I heard his voice over the intercom in the Freshman English class I had just barely made it to. “Mr. Warren? Is a student named Don Hall in your class? If so, please give him a pass and send him to my office immediately.”
I shuffled into his office and he sat there, reading something, the glass with the butt nugget still sitting exactly where I left it.
“Sit down, Hall.”
I sat.
“Hall, what’s that on my desk?”
I couldn’t help the huge grin that split my face. “Looks like shit to me, sir.”
“You know I’m going to suspend you for this, right?”
I didn’t know how he caught me but caught I was so I just nodded as I giggled.
When I came back to school a few days later after my suspension, he called me back into his office.
“Hall, I’m going to give you some advice. You can take it or leave it, it doesn’t matter to me. I’m giving it to you because you didn’t do what every other kid would’ve done when I nailed you for the glass of shit. You didn’t try to weasel out of it. You knew you were beaten and accepted your punishment without question or excuse. I like that in a young man so I’m here to suggest something that may help you in your four years here.”
“So you’re giving me guidance because I was a conformist and accepted my suspension without complaint? Jeesh, I feel so privileged.”
He smiled a joyless smile. “Yeah, that’s your problem. That was your problem at Benton. You’re a smug little fucker. You’re smart and you know it and a lot of teachers around here are going to learn to hate your guts because of it. Four years is a long time, kid. I think you’ll be the kind of student who always challenges the rules but you will lose those fights a lot, even when you’re right, because no one wants a smart ass to win. I’ve seen it happen every year. Dial it down and you might survive high school. Or don’t, and we’ll see if high school survives you.”
Liberals dominate the entertainment industry, many of the most influential news sources and America’s universities. This means that people with progressive leanings are everywhere in the public eye — and are also on the college campuses attended by many people’s children or grandkids. These platforms come with a lot of power to express values, confer credibility and celebrity and start national conversations that others really can’t ignore.
But this makes liberals feel more powerful than they are. Or, more accurately, this kind of power is double-edged. Liberals often don’t realize how provocative or inflammatory they can be. In exercising their power, they regularly not only persuade and attract but also annoy and repel.
In fact, liberals may be more effective at causing resentment than in getting people to come their way. I’m not talking about the possibility that jokes at the 2011 correspondents’ association dinner may have pushed Mr. Trump to run for president to begin with. I mean that the “army of comedy” that Michael Moore thought would bring Mr. Trump down will instead be what builds him up in the minds of millions of voters.
Just the other day I bet my nephew $50.00 that Trump will not only not be impeached but will be our president past 2020. Not because anyone on the entire planet thinks realistically that he is anything but a political moron and overwhelming dickcheese but because there are more people who despise the smugness of the Holier Than Thou Army of Identity Fetishists who think nothing of branding anyone and everyone not in lockstep with their political ideology as racists, nazis, or monsters and self righteously adopting the Faux Moral Authority of the Republicans who impeached Bill Clinton for getting his knob polished in the Oval.
There is an argument to be made that few voted FOR Trump but many voted AGAINST us. How could 53% of white women voters vote for the pussy grabber? The easy answer is that they are racist. With the fifty or so recent examples of white women calling the police on black people doing nothing more than existing, that makes sense except for the fact that those viral videos of Starbucks racists are not statistically significant enough to brand millions of people so reductively. It is just as likely to suggest that an unreasoning hatred of the strident self-satisfied intellectual class of liberal, constantly lecturing from a claimed moral high ground, was their unspoken rationale.
Identity Fetishist Ricardo Gamboa wrote in May on his Faceborg:
“As radical activists we imagine ourselves as delegates, or representatives or a voice of our people. But the reality is we’re anomalies or minorities amongst our people. Most brown people aspire to wealth and institutional wealth, are pro-police and prison, think gentrification improves the neighborhood, etc. I think it’s probably more accurate for those of us that identity ourselves as radical activists to maybe consider that our biggest problem throughout time is that we don’t have a people. We’re always in the work of forging radical people.”
I think that sentiment an be expanded to the totality of the self proclaimed Progressive Wing of American politics. “Forging radical people” by throwing out labels and minimizing whole groups of people by skin color or complex choices is what got us here with the most accurate representation of the social media name calling reductionist eighth grader we could find sitting on a hemorrhoid ring with a fat finger poised over a Twitter account behind the Resolute desk. He sits there, in no small measure, because the rest of the country hates us more than they despise him.
I say “us” as if I am part of the extreme left, the hardcore faction of self righteous idiots who believe that identity politics is anything but the Politics of Narcissism. When I say “us” I mean to say that I didn’t take Restivo’s advice in high school.
I stayed smug. More so, I doubled down on it.
I occasionally go back and read my strident name calling rhetoric during the Bush Jr. years and can hear the voice of a Lydia Lucio, a Ricardo Gamboa, or a younger Donald Trump within the arrogant, pompous asshattery of self righteous rage. I then observe in hindsight the unreasoning obstacles forced in front of Obama and wonder how much of that Mitch McConnell driven resistance had to do with a simple disgust with us.
Like me in high school, we aren’t learning that that smugness doesn’t win elections it merely makes us feel warm and fuzzy as if our ineffectual resistance will be noted by future historians as somehow significant when figuring out how to persuade those out in the world of real, flesh and bone humans separate from the avatars of the digital world that perhaps we might be able to work together for the better of everyone.
I really hope I lose that $50.00 to my nephew but I’m not counting on it.
0 notes
theliterateape · 6 years
They Didn’t Vote For Trump. They Voted Against Us
by Don Hall
Growing up I went to a variety of elementary schools. We moved around and so I was cursed with being that new kid almost every year. The effects of this were plentiful and included a tendency to find the edges of acceptable behavior, the boundaries of what was considered appropriate, and poking through the natural hypocrisies of any institution to find the cracks in which to climb.
By the time I entered eighth grade in Benton, KS I was primed to be a complete pain in the ass. What I didn’t know was that I wasn’t going anywhere from that point until I graduated high school so those impulses to bend and break the rules of decorum and establish my own sense of autonomy within what I had grown accustomed to being fugacious would create impressions that I would no longer escape.
Being a bit of a book hound and more of a smart ass than a smart kid, I almost always encountered the bullies early in the school year. Benton Grade School was no different. When, in early September, after refusing to bow down to the rule of three of the Eight Grade Ruling Class and subsequently getting the crap beat out of me in a field just within sight of the school, I found myself in the principle’s office, trying to explain that, while I certainly mouthed off to these thugs, I never threw a punch.
He looked over his desk, his meaty hands clasped together over his colossal gut, and grilled me. I was the new kid and he felt it was his duty to explain things to me the way one who keeps the peace by ignoring the realities of brigandage under his nose feels entitled to do. Because I was a cocky little fucker, I pointed out his role in the beating I had taken. I casually explained that these prison rapists in training existed because he upheld the system in which they thrived. And, as was my tendency when being yelled at, I was smirking a bit as I said it.
“Christ, Hall.” he intoned. “You are one smug piece of shit, aren’t you?”
That interaction started the year of him seeking me out for punishments as often as he could and, given my DNA as a rule-challenging little smarmy jackass, it was never hard to bust me for something. Often as not, I was deserving of some sort of sanction but it was the many times when I did not deserve the lumps that burned. The ember of unearned injustice grew hot and the result was an increase in my pretentious arrogance which, in turn, made things worse rather than better.
By the time I arrived at Circle High School in neighboring Towanda, Tom Restivo, the hulking, muscle-bound Italian Vice Principle already knew me from reputation alone. And he was going to have none of it. I decided to see how far I could go and, that fall at lunch, I grabbed a semi-clear plastic glass from the cafeteria, went into the boy’s restroom and fished out an unflushed turd from one of the toilets. I waited until class was changing and slipped into his office and left it on his desk and, like an early Jason Bourne, disappeared unseen.
Twenty minutes later, I heard his voice over the intercom in the Freshman English class I had just barely made it to. “Mr. Warren? Is a student named Don Hall in your class? If so, please give him a pass and send him to my office immediately.”
I shuffled into his office and he sat there, reading something, the glass with the butt nugget still sitting exactly where I left it.
“Sit down, Hall.”
I sat.
“Hall, what’s that on my desk?”
I couldn’t help the huge grin that split my face. “Looks like shit to me, sir.”
“You know I’m going to suspend you for this, right?”
I didn’t know how he caught me but caught I was so I just nodded as I giggled.
When I came back to school a few days later after my suspension, he called me back into his office.
“Hall, I’m going to give you some advice. You can take it or leave it, it doesn’t matter to me. I’m giving it to you because you didn’t do what every other kid would’ve done when I nailed you for the glass of shit. You didn’t try to weasel out of it. You knew you were beaten and accepted your punishment without question or excuse. I like that in a young man so I’m here to suggest something that may help you in your four years here.”
“So you’re giving me guidance because I was a conformist and accepted my suspension without complaint? Jeesh, I feel so privileged.”
He smiled a joyless smile. “Yeah, that’s your problem. That was your problem at Benton. You’re a smug little fucker. You’re smart and you know it and a lot of teachers around here are going to learn to hate your guts because of it. Four years is a long time, kid. I think you’ll be the kind of student who always challenges the rules but you will lose those fights a lot, even when you’re right, because no one wants a smart ass to win. I’ve seen it happen every year. Dial it down and you might survive high school. Or don’t, and we’ll see if high school survives you.”
Liberals dominate the entertainment industry, many of the most influential news sources and America’s universities. This means that people with progressive leanings are everywhere in the public eye — and are also on the college campuses attended by many people’s children or grandkids. These platforms come with a lot of power to express values, confer credibility and celebrity and start national conversations that others really can’t ignore.
But this makes liberals feel more powerful than they are. Or, more accurately, this kind of power is double-edged. Liberals often don’t realize how provocative or inflammatory they can be. In exercising their power, they regularly not only persuade and attract but also annoy and repel.
In fact, liberals may be more effective at causing resentment than in getting people to come their way. I’m not talking about the possibility that jokes at the 2011 correspondents’ association dinner may have pushed Mr. Trump to run for president to begin with. I mean that the “army of comedy” that Michael Moore thought would bring Mr. Trump down will instead be what builds him up in the minds of millions of voters.
Just the other day I bet my nephew $50.00 that Trump will not only not be impeached but will be our president past 2020. Not because anyone on the entire planet thinks realistically that he is anything but a political moron and overwhelming dickcheese but because there are more people who despise the smugness of the Holier Than Thou Army of Identity Fetishists who think nothing of branding anyone and everyone not in lockstep with their political ideology as racists, nazis, or monsters and self righteously adopting the Faux Moral Authority of the Republicans who impeached Bill Clinton for getting his knob polished in the Oval.
There is an argument to be made that few voted FOR Trump but many voted AGAINST us. How could 53% of white women voters vote for the pussy grabber? The easy answer is that they are racist. With the fifty or so recent examples of white women calling the police on black people doing nothing more than existing, that makes sense except for the fact that those viral videos of Starbucks racists are not statistically significant enough to brand millions of people so reductively. It is just as likely to suggest that an unreasoning hatred of the strident self-satisfied intellectual class of liberal, constantly lecturing from a claimed moral high ground, was their unspoken rationale.
Identity Fetishist Ricardo Gamboa wrote in May on his Faceborg:
“As radical activists we imagine ourselves as delegates, or representatives or a voice of our people. But the reality is we’re anomalies or minorities amongst our people. Most brown people aspire to wealth and institutional wealth, are pro-police and prison, think gentrification improves the neighborhood, etc. I think it’s probably more accurate for those of us that identity ourselves as radical activists to maybe consider that our biggest problem throughout time is that we don’t have a people. We’re always in the work of forging radical people.”
I think that sentiment an be expanded to the totality of the self proclaimed Progressive Wing of American politics. “Forging radical people” by throwing out labels and minimizing whole groups of people by skin color or complex choices is what got us here with the most accurate representation of the social media name calling reductionist eighth grader we could find sitting on a hemorrhoid ring with a fat finger poised over a Twitter account behind the Resolute desk. He sits there, in no small measure, because the rest of the country hates us more than they despise him.
I say “us” as if I am part of the extreme left, the hardcore faction of self righteous idiots who believe that identity politics is anything but the Politics of Narcissism. When I say “us” I mean to say that I didn’t take Restivo’s advice in high school.
I stayed smug. More so, I doubled down on it.
I occasionally go back and read my strident name calling rhetoric during the Bush Jr. years and can hear the voice of a Lydia Lucio, a Ricardo Gamboa, or a younger Donald Trump within the arrogant, pompous asshattery of self righteous rage. I then observe in hindsight the unreasoning obstacles forced in front of Obama and wonder how much of that Mitch McConnell driven resistance had to do with a simple disgust with us.
Like me in high school, we aren’t learning that that smugness doesn’t win elections it merely makes us feel warm and fuzzy as if our ineffectual resistance will be noted by future historians as somehow significant when figuring out how to persuade those out in the world of real, flesh and bone humans separate from the avatars of the digital world that perhaps we might be able to work together for the better of everyone.
I really hope I lose that $50.00 to my nephew but I’m not counting on it.
0 notes
snaylzntaylz · 6 years
Wow wow wow! Just more clear proof Hillary Clinton is psychotic! I hate Trump, but Clinton would have been at the last equally as bad, if not 10x plus worse! She's a monster. A sociopathic, psychotic, narcissistic bitch, and she's no patriot. She's a traitor. She's continued the ongoing destruction of any sort of decent reputation we might have had left with the rest of the world. She's vindictive, crazy, and a war-mongering, ignoramus. She's a Soros-puppet who puts no value on human life. She's also racist, closet-lesbian who argued publicly for marriages to be solely between men and women because that's what she thought her target voters wanted to hear. She tells everyone what she thinks they want to hear, and goes behind their backs and backslides on her own statements or self-proclaimed bullshit convictions when meeting with others who disagree with what she's already gone on-record as having standing. She's two-faced, or multi-faced, and has already been leaked by her private $$$$$$$$ speeches that she has a public agenda and a private agenda, public opinions and private opinions, public stances and private stances, etc etc. You can get what you pay for with her, as long as it will continue to benefit her. Many people from her early career years go so far as to say that she hates children and never wanted any and only had Chelsea because it was their best chance of getting elected as a wholesome looking family. Their marriage is even more of a business agreement/arrangement than a marriage of love or religion. They raised Chelsea to be a ruthless legal-loophole-trained, politician-speaking, social-engineering, like-mother-like-daughter mirror image of the evil between the two of them. Have you ever listened to Chelsea talk about how she was raised and the games and quizzes they would pay with her as a child? Is totally demented and unnatural! Not only must we be careful to never direct any Clinton to any position of control ever again, but we musty also pay close attention to anyone and everyone they've ever had any substantial contact with and not to elect them or allow them to rise to power at any level either. Because Hilary, Bill, and Chelsea Clinton are all well-trained professionals of evil and they are all master manipulators and con men/con women. Anyone they've had the chance to influence or socially engineer you better bet they have or have tried to. They've socially engineered mass members of our society while they were in the White House. It so take generations of pushing them out of contact with entire societies, charities, and people in power before we can even begin to regain a smidgen of control and unravel the mess they've weaved of this country and others. By others, I mean like what Hilary has done to Libya and countries like it, what she convinced Bill to do while he was President, what they all did to Haiti and continue to do to poor countries with their scam of a charity foundation. Many White House insiders from the Clinton Era, including secret service agents sworn to protect and lay down their lives for them have come out in recent years publicly and in books describing how much control Hillary had during Bill Clinton's presidency, how she made most of the decisions for him, she "wore the pants" (or at least the pantsuit) in the marriage, she ran the show, she was abusive, controlling, and manipulative. Read the books these former secret service agents have written. They are astonishing to people who think Hillary is such a strong, wholesome, family woman. Strong surely, but not in any good ways! Christian woman? Ha! Highly doubtful! Hillary didn't stay with Bill when he cheated on her because she lived him so much or for religious reasons or anything of the sort. She stayed with him for the same reason she always has. He's always cheated on her. He's been her ticket into ruling over people. She doesn't love him,she's not in love with him, she could care less for him other than what being married to him can do for her. She prefers underage girls sexually, and she doesn't give a shit about any women's rights but her own. She doesn't care if women are raped or children are molested or raped either, according to multiple reports and a few victims themselves, she's raped and molested underage girls herself. One person has even claimed that she's a cannibal and has had people that she felt have crossed her murdered and has consumed and served up at least one of her victims to her friends and had some for herself. It's a sick world the elite live. Difficult for the majority of us to comprehend in any way. Especially when it seems so unrealistic and conspiracy-theory-like to hear these things. But just look at how many of their friends and colleagues are now being proven of being involved child sex slave rings and other sick, dark things. Do you think they really didn't know or partake? There is almost an entire police force worth of former Arkansas policemen who worked during Bill's office-holding of governor in Arkansas who all of them claim he had multiple girlfriends, did a lot of cocaine, and told them that Hillary was a lesbian. He's told them that he didn't want her to catch him and asked them to cover for him because she would get mad at him if he mucked up their chances to rule. She just wanted to rule through him, knowing how hard it was for a female to get elected. She ran the show behind the scenes to get him into offices of power so she could assume the throne behind closed doors. She's already been the United States President once, the public just never knew it. He wants recognition and she wants money, power, and recognition. That's what their marriage and family arrangement is. She never cared what drugs he did of who he slept with as long as he didn't get caught and ruin their political careers. She was constantly threatening and blackmailing women he has slept with in order to keep them quiet. She has even thanked some of them for keeping him satisfied in that area so she didn't have to, while simultaneously threatening them to keep their mouths shut about it. When they got into the White House, they pulled records on everyone they ever knew so they could blackmail anyone they needed to at anytime and anyone they didn't have dirt on our didn't have enough dirt on, they had them followed or framed to create either dirt on them or to have them arrested and ruin their lives. Any woman (or man) who refused to go along with Hillary's evil threats she made an example of and had them framed for crimes they didn't commit to ruin their lives, take away their freedoms, kill any/all credibility they might have had, establish motive of retaliation should they try to pursue anything against them, and made an example out of them- should anyone else think of disobeying her. Or, if timing was a problem and she had someone she trusted that was willing to do her dirty work, she'd just have them murdered, often after trying to make them appear insane or drive them to true insanity in an attempt to get them to commit suicide. Then she'd work hard to have their murders declared as suicides or frame another enemy in a homicide. She's ruthless, viscous, vindictive, terrifying, and scandalous! If all of this is true, and by as many witnesses as there are, it's hard not to believe all these people, most of which have everything to lose and absolutely nothing to gain by saying so, them Mrs Clinton might just be the most evil woman alive and perhaps the most evil woman of the century. The question is, will she go down in history as the evil beast that everyone who knows her says she really is? Or will she go down in history as the former First Lady who almost became the first woman President? I hope I'm wrong, I hope all these people are liars, I hope no woman, especially one that almost became or leader, is that awful of a human being. But if even some of these things are truthful, she's still sinful as all hell. In fact, even if none of this true, what we already know about her as public record is evil enough to have never considered her for president of our country! What she did in Benghazi, despicable! The emails, omg! The lying, deceit, lack of remorse/lack of empathy, lack of responsibility, etc. The ignorance, the rallying for bills promote the school-prison pipeline in black communities, the fraud, there's so many things. And what she and her DNC did to Bernie Sanders was inconceivable! So unforgivable that is likely the real reason she lost the election. Had she beaten Bernie fair and square and not stolen the primary, she might have had the majority of Bernie voters. But because the fraud was so obvious, the theft so in-your-face and I-don't-care, many Bernie voters voted for Trump, Stein, or didn't vote at all just to show Clinton and the DNC that our votes DO matter and if they won't count them in the primary then they won't get them in the general. She still got a lot of Bernie votes in the vegetal because so many people feared a Trump presidency, but it still wasn't enough. Her rallies had little-to-zero attending in most areas and when that happened the media faked them or used camera tricks to make them look packed. Bernie was drawing bigger crowds than Clinton and Trump combined everywhere he went! The DNC and Clintons various political groups tried to sabotage him repeatedly. The most successful they were before the total takeover of the DNC locking Venue delegates out and turning off the lights and sound where Bernie supporters were designated to sit, creating riots and protests outside, having the Media on her side, etc was when they got Black Lives Matter to take his microphone and take over his rally and put him in an extremely awkward position. Bernie was the ONLY politician who stood a chance to help the Black Lives Matter platform with sincerity, it turns out the crazy ladies who did that to Bernie didn't even have any authority within the movement to represent them like that and it ruined the Black Lives Matter movement in the process by wiring against it's own best interest, proving it too was a scam. A Clinton-Soros created/backed scam/sham created to cause more division among our society and part of a ploy to ruin Trump's chances. Trump is whole other conspiracy story in itself too. And I bet he and Melania are through, if she can hold on until he's no longer in office. She can't stand his lying, cheating, ignorant ass anymore and is so obvious it hurts! Maybe I've been misinformed on multiple fronts, and maybe most of what I've said are based on multiple liars, but that doesn't change the facts and the facts lead me to the same conclusions all the same. I just wish everyone saw it too. People just don't last attention or investigate anymore. They don't listen. They think they know what they think they know and they plug their ears and start running their mouths and never learn what might hurt them. I'm willing to learn. I'm open to bring proved wrong. At least proving me wrong requires others to see what I have seen and decide why they don't believe what I chose to consider as truth. I state multiple times thriving this post I could be wrong, misinformed, uninformed, etc. But some facts are facts and are public knowledge, undisputed, and as I've said before, those facts alone are enough to stand by my decision to despise the Clinton family, the DNC, Trump, and our political process. Period.
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deadmantalking117 · 7 years
So... I go on to Facebook... I read the most astonishing string of fake news imaginable. You know the crap that your crazy uncle sends you.. the stuff everyone knows is made up..except the poor sucker who sent it. There's plenty on both sides of the debate who make up total lies.. then has it repeated by the base. Hell... it worked wonders for Hitler! But now it's gotten raised to an art form. My biggest failed prediction for the future was.. I believed that the internet would make everyone smarter.. we'd all have total access to to sum of all human knowledge. I was unprepared for the inertia of stupid. I'm a total history buff.. got lots of time to read when you're always in hospital beds and waiting rooms.. believe it... you dont wanna go to any appointment without something to read. I read.. probably 6 to 8 hours a day.. I got the time. My poor little body is broken.. but God gave me a top shelf brain ! I know how vain that sounds.. but it's true.. I'm the Tyrion Lanister of Arizona.. I take lot's of drugs.. and I know stuff. I'm Stephen Hawkings mini me.. he's a genius with a completely broken body.. I'm a smart guy with a busted up body.. he's my idol.. I love his books. I figured if he can write.. I can do it too! So here we go... It's become Us vs. Them... sometimes even You vs. Me.. I hate that we've become that. I want to help. I think I can separate the wheat from chaff here.. show you how we're different.. and why you're wrong and we're right ! It'll be great! And at the end of this.. there's going to be a test ! And spoiler alert.. I'm mostly a fiscal conservative.. a republican.. before now.. but I digress. We want: everyone to have the exact same rights... thats totally and undisputedly fair. How can anyone disagree? I want for me.. the exact same rights as you. We want you to have every right there is. We want you to live your life the way you see fit. We want you to believe in any God you want. Or none at all. Your choice. You want: special treatment. There are many people who need special conciderations.. I'm one of them. It's why we have handicapped parking and hadicapped bathroom stalls. But you want to lord your beliefs over society. You don't like something that someone else does.. they must be shunned from society. You want everyone to believe exactly what you believe.. or you want to hurt us if we don't. You can't force someone to believe what you say... especially when every one of you says some radically different shit. You claim to be put down while you work overtime to squash other people who aren't you. Dont even get me started on bathroom use.. if you're that obsessed with who's in the bathroom.. go home.. I bet you didn't know that in some grown up countries that they have unisex bathrooms. Grow the fuck up. Not everything has to revolve around YOUR sex fantasies... I gotta shit ! In public.. I hate that. And oh yeah.. go on YouTube and search the phrase " antigay republicans caught being gay" it's endless... and hilarious! What's up with that? You're gay.. why are you so afraid of it? It's how God made you.. come over to our side. We want everyone. One caveat.. people who don't want to bake gay cakes and other businesses that don't want to hire minorities or gays. I'm fine with you. Green is the only color that matters.. and it's getting harder to have a profitable business. If you think you can stay in business by alienating your customer base.. well good luck ! But with our access to information that we all have.. your business is doomed.. so again.. I'm good with you. Best of luck in your endeavours but we'll be spending our money over here. Round 1. Equal rights. We're better than you. Next round. We want : everyone to have access to open and free.. top shelf medical care. Every little booboo gets taken care of free... think about it... your crazy uncle can get free psychiatric help! You wont have to try to google "dick rash" and pray for the right diagnosis. And veterans !? Who doesn't love our veterans!? We loves us some veterans. Why do they have to jump through more hoops than my old diseased ass.. THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG ! They did everything right... and yet they die off all the time... because you don't care. Why can't they have complete access to top shelf medical care.. for free ! We all could, easily. You say healthcare is a difficult task. Well most of the rest of the has it working like a well oiled machine. Copy off the smart kids. This is America. We are ok with that. You want: poor people to die.. sick people to die... anyone who isn't you, basically... die. Some of you have the balls to call yourselves "Christian or religious or spiritual types" then do the exact opposite. You are the worst kind of hypocrite. I have read the bible... cover to cover.. you seriously misunderstand it.. it doesn't say fuck your neighbor over for money.. it says love thy neighbor.. take care of each other. Why don't you want that? You're making Jesus cry. Round 2 ... free universal healthcare for everyone... and much more.. I know you don't understand it... but you really want what most of europe already has. It's amazing! We're right again ! Universal governmental controlled healthcare is proven far better and cheaper than our system. If you're a republican for example.. this is fiscally conservative.. it's what you want ! We want it.. you want it.. we all win So. We win again. 2 to 0. Next topic We want: Guns baby! This is America motherfuckers! GUNS ! Hell yeah ! I love my gun... and I'm REALLY good with it. Just saying... but howabouts we dont let psychopaths have them. You use the analogy that cars kill more than guns. So we agree.. lets treat guns just like cars! They're both inanimate objects. People kill people.. all that. But to have one you have to pass a test.. like with a car. Then every gun has to be insured.. like with every car. So simple. So we all agree there.. we treat guns like cars... but make their humans financially responsible... insurance companies should go crazy trying to get this law passed.. it's a friggin gold mine untapped! They did it wirh cars.. and no one can say you don't have the absolute right to have a car either ! Lots of cars! Any one you want ! Capitalism works! We like capitalism! You want: Guns baby! Cuz this is America and we heart guns! I scream, you scream, we all scream from gun shot wounds! Fuck yeah! GUNS! But can't there be SOME places where we don't allow them..? I know you're afraid of everything. But your Rambo sex dreams aside.. it'll only get you in trouble. Statistically you're far more likely to be shot by your own gun.. than ever use it defending yourself. That just a pesky fact. You vote for millionaires who want you dead so that "they" can't take your precious guns that "they" don't give a shit about! Keep the damned thing.. just don't play with it in public... like your tiny penis. I know you're afraid and I feel for you. But lets start with say.. bars. Stupid, drunk and armed is a terrible way to go through life. Keep your fucking guns.. just remember.. you only have 2 hands! That's all the guns you could possibly shoot. Why do you want so many? Quit being a psycho ! Pick 2 good ones.. in case shit happens..you know what I mean! I'll be generous.. give you the win on this one... cuz hell yeah! Guns baby! And we're America.. so.. yeah! 2 to 1 .. We're winning ! One more round! We want: peace. You live your life.. I live mine.. if by chance we meet.. it's a new experience. All that hippy shit. What happened to the peace movement? When I was a kid.. hippies we're the thing.. I lived in upstate New York during woodstock.. I knew all about hippies.. wanted to be one.. cuz they had hot naked chicks! And way better tunes. I was like 9. Instead my very own baby boomer hippie generation almost in a single generation have devastated the planet. My generation has strip mined the planet of it resources like none before it. We want those resources to be better managed for the benefit of everybody. You don't get 99 percent of everything and we get the crumbs. There will always be people who get more.. I'm good with that. But your ass has enough. And you hypocritical religious types I mentioned? The Bible says we are the stewards of this planet.. we're large and in charge.. word of God.. read it! If you don't believe in climate change.. you are failing God! He told you to take care of his place.. not treat it like a roadies hotel room. You are seriously pissing off Jesus... I know that Jesus loves me.. I recycle! And lastly we want ... peace. We're tired of your bullshit. Your racism.. religious intolerance.. bigotry... misogyny... lying, thieving, asses aren't going to be tolerated forever. This is America. You want: everything your way. Those of us who are sick.. or poor.. or gay.. or brown.. or black, yellow,white,red,blue, and even some orange ones (wink wink) we know we're all in this together. You hoard 99 percent of the worlds riches.. and keep trying for more...ever heard the expression "EAT THE RICH" another one of those hippy sayings. I think it'll make a big comeback real soon. You don't get to sit on mountains of treasure.. like Smaug the fucking dragon! While the rest of us suffer and die? Why would you even want that? You have more than everything.. don't you wanna use it for good? You can make baby Jesus smile!You'll still be filthy rich! It goes back to my 2 guns theory.. you still only got 2 fucking hands! Have you no decency sir? ( another phrase from the past that's gonna comeback soon.. just my prediction) you are bigots... you are religious fanatics of every stripe. You claim to be Godly.. then commit atrocities against you're own God to prove that you're Godly. Again.. I've read the bible cover to cover.. and even some others like the Koran...I still do study religions... all of them..none of them say you get a licence to tell us how to live the way we want. You want live with your beliefs.. do that. Be like the Amish.. they are actually Godly. They're not interested in what you do. We want to live peacefully among all cultures and ethnicities and beliefs. Infinite Diversity In Infinite Combinations.. (we're also usually Star Trek nerds) "Judge not" "do unto others as you would have done to you" We want the golden rule. You want to rain down judgements on everyone who crosses your path. You want to claim the earth is flat and that the greatest achievements in mankind are faked or meaningless. You deny scientific provable facts because of your beliefs. Go ahead with that... but you really don't get to run shit.. except you mouth. You get that right.. we are America..we have free speech . U.S.A. ! U.S.A.! We believe that we should probably make the big decisions for the next... ever. You go play with your tin foil hat over there.. next to crazy uncle.. and church lady. Well let you know if we need you. You want to be apart from darkies and fags... be apart. The Amish do it up right. Go live somewhere else. Anywhere they'll put up with you.. but that ain't going to be here. We're America... literally every single human here came from somewhere else. This land is our land.. this land ain't your land. We are all immigrants here.. my 13th great grandfather came here before 1700.. long before there was an America. No shit. Found out on a genealogy site. My fathers,fathers,father, etc 13 times back. I win.. my family has been here waaay longer than yours. I love immigrants... we need them. You are afraid of them... I get it. They are scary.. all brown and such. And weird accents. Scary. And whats up with the scary languages? It's like foreigners have a different word for EVERYTHING! But you're statistically way more likely to be killed by a loved one... so you should focus more on being afraid at home... keep your guns there. In case shit happens.. you know what I mean. So here we are.. We're up 3 to 1 in the rules of our society.. We're right.. you are wrong. We have science, you have religious fanaticism. We're better. We're smart and educated.. you believe only what want.. for no apparent reason. I keep asking why.. you never seem to have an answer. Why do you persist in believing things that are provably and proven to be false ? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? So here is the test... are you one of Us.. or are you one of "them" .. come over to our side.. we got cookies! And Jesus and Buddha and Mohammed.. and crocodiles! It's better on our team is all I'm saying. I'm a dead man talking... And I can solve any problem...just ask me how!
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wheelswithinreels · 7 years
‘The uncanny valley, at the end of the day, is the gap between seeing and believing.’ Bruce Carter, at the Animal Logic animation studio in Sydney.
We all hate politicians. But why? Isn't that weird? Throughout history, we haven't always hated our leaders. So why do our politicians, these days, seem so alien, so strange, so... uncanny?
...Maybe an obscure Japanese roboticist's theory holds the answer. A video essay. Part one of two!
Ah, politics. (Cue ~80% of my readers switching off in disgust.) Actually, since right now I don't have any readers, that's fine, you can't divide by zero. Unless you're Ted Chiang, in which case they'll probably seize your book with glee, hose you with money and make a movie about it.
...Anyway. Politics.
This one I wrestled with for a bit; not least because I'm not all that comfortable with writing a piece of genuinely venomous criticism. You'll notice as we go that I tend to review things I love, and that when I do criticise, it's with the intention of making something awesome even better. I just enjoy what I'm doing more that way.
And it's not just because I'm a spineless jellyfish (although I am, wibble) - it's because on the whole, there ain't no accounting for taste and one man's trash is another man's treasure, etcetera. (Incidentally, that last one - awful way to tell your kid he's adopted.) But, yes, to each his own, say I, and all the more for me - if I don't like something and you do, that's totally cool, you do your thing and I'll do mine. It's all just opinions in the end.
And to be honest, I reckon there's very little to be gained by hurling bags of shit at things/people/art you don't like, on the whole; yes, it might be funny, yes, it might feel cathartic, but if the target of your shit volley ever actually reads it, it's more likely to upset them quite badly than anything else. Which, well, probably outbalances those flickers of amusement and the momentary release you get from ripping seven shades of shit out of them.
I dunno. I don't mean to get on my high horse, and I look rubbish up there anyway, but... I'm with Michael Keaton in Birdman, on the whole, when he rails against hatchet jobs. 'You write a couple of paragraphs and you know what? None of this cost you fuckin' anything!' Art's hard. Compassion's easy. (Most of the time.) As someone's old Welsh grandmother is no doubt still muttering, 'if you can't say anything nice, SHUT THE FUCK UP, ARSEHOLE.'
...You'll see this come up a couple of times in upcoming videos, I reckon. Hey, it's an interesting subject. And I certainly haven't always practiced what I preach... I probably laughed harder and longer at das-sporking's savage Twilight recap than anything else in 2009. Still. (The infamous Charlie Brooker wrote an excellent and thought-provoking piece about exactly this in 2010, if you're interested...)
So, why break my own rule? Well, it comes down to this, I reckon.
Bad art doesn't hurt anybody. (Define 'bad', anyway.) From a formal literary perspective, my 13-year-old fanfiction might well have been an enormous steaming heap - but at the time, it helped me hone my craft immeasurably, put me in touch with a small but close-knit group of sweet, supportive readers who reviewed each other and built up each other's confidence, and helped me grow up.
Put it this way: if you'd left me a bad review at age 13, I can guarantee I wasn't mature enough to handle it. (Hey, people saying my shit stinks still hurts.) All you'd have accomplished would be to upset a kid, and probably drive them off the internet for a few months. It's hard to see how that's a net positive.
But while bad art, generally speaking, doesn't hurt anyone, bad politics does. More specifically, bad politicians do. In all sorts of ways - from dementia taxes, to food banks, to the more insidious problem of receding trust in our democracy - from Nick Clegg's continued insistence that he shouldn't have to apologise for betraying every student who voted for him (ahem), to Theresa May's cowardice concerning debates, to her apparent inability to answer any question, at all, like a human being.
And when we see shit like this going down, we should start getting annoyed. We should stand at the back and heckle. We should make our arguments heard. Otherwise more bad things will happen to more good people.
So the reason I've made an exception for Theresa May - and every other politician who's traded in their authenticity for a slicked-back PR guru - is that, well, she's a politician. More than that - she is, for now at least, the leader of my country. And yet she pulls stunts like these, in broad daylight...
Plymouth is feeling the effects of military cuts. Will she guarantee to protect the city from further pain? "I'm very clear that Plymouth has a proud record of connection with the armed forces."
How will your Brexit plan make Plymouth better off? "I think there is a better future ahead for Plymouth and for the whole of the UK."
Will you promise to sort out our transport links? "I'm very clear that connectivity is hugely important for Plymouth and the South West generally."
- Sam Blackledge, The Plymouth Herald
I go on about this kind of shit at quite some length in the video, so I won't repeat myself too much, but... seriously? Is this how stupid you think we are? Whichever parasitical sycophant convinced Theresa May that the electorate will swallow this kind of gubbins needs Domestos-ing, stat. The Great British public rather dislike being patronised. As they recently proved.
...So, even though I felt uncomfortable titling the video 'Why You Hate Theresa May,' and I still feel uncomfortable having a video on my channel with a title like that, I think it's justified. Hey, put it this way: if I was a politician who was honestly trying to do some good for my country, and a video popped up titled 'Why People Fucking Hate You', I'd be upset, sure - but I'd want to watch it. Just to see whether they actually had a point. Just in case I'd fucked something up badly. I'd want to see.
The video isn't really about hate. I don't want people to hate their prime minister, and if she ever changes, you bet I'll make a video expressing my delight and appreciation. I just wish she'd understand why, right now, they're justified in doing so.
Anyway, this video was 90% finished a month or so ago, in fact; then I sort of moved countries, and forgot about it, until the UK election campaign brought it squarely back into focus. (That's why poor old Ed Miliband comes in for the brunt of the bollocking in this first part; Theresa May hadn't really got going with 'strong-and-stable' yet.) But I was seized with a sudden urge to dig it out and finish it because, well, it seemed so relevant to why she'd lost.
...Also, I'm still a baby channel and, well, I'm as keen to capitalise on current events as the next guy. So, sheer good luck and timing that I had a video almost done.
And now for something completely different: I just wanted to address the fact that most/all of you probably saw this video pop up first as an ad. Yep, a paid one. Via Google AdWords. I'm officially a heartless, soulless business.
Or not, since I'm also broke as shit, and my AdWords campaign is presently set to run for TWO WHOLE DAYS at a cost of roundabout £15. Yeah. I do slightly sadden myself sometimes.
I did have some severe doubts about advertising on YouTube... for one thing, everyone hates adverts. How dare I waste people's time? Well, here's how I justified it to myself:
Like I said, baby channel. Tiny. Insignificant. When 300 hours are uploaded to YouTube every minute, frankly, I'm screwed if I can't get the word out somehow. At least at the start.
You can skip my ads, 'cos I'm way too poor for the mandatory 30-second ones, har har. (Also, I'd never make an ad unskippable. Fuck that shit.)
I can count the number of ads I've actually enjoyed and/or watched to the end on one hand, but... there have been a few of them. Some showing me videos I might never otherwise have seen. If my crappy little ad campaign nets me one person who genuinely enjoys my stuff, and watches it, and thinks it improved their day, well... it'll be money well spent.
<sanctimonious-soapboxery>When you think about it, it's actually my money that's helping out those poor creators who do rely on monetisation, so good for them, I say. Poor sods.</sanctimonious-soapboxery>
Having said all that... I'd rather you watched the AVPM video, frankly. It's way more representative of what this channel's going to be about. But hey, this is something I felt strongly enough about to pour hours of research (read: watching politicians lie on YouTube) into. If that's not enough to make you pity me, well... may God have mercy on your twisted little walnut of a soul.
And on that note...
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