#like i GET the linda monroe love guys
inamindfarfaraway · 2 years
Monroe boys headcanons, with some canon facts to have all my thoughts about them in one place:
Trent: born in 2008; green-eyed and has Gerald’s curly hair; Linda’s least favourite; is learning her arrogance, intimidating charisma, boldness, ruthlessness, cynicism, ambition and desperate need for validation, which is exactly why she doesn’t like him, their relationship similar to her and Roman’s relationship when she was younger; easily bored; the worst-behaved at home; popular at school through fear and force of personality; resents all his brothers for having more of their mother’s favour than him, River most of all, whose ‘weakness’ he despises because it reminds him of the parts of himself he’s determined to extinguish; acts like an angel in front of and sucks up to adults besides his parents, partly out of pragmatism, partly out of hunger for approval that he refuses to seek from his ‘inferior’ fellow kids; skilled at tennis, badminton and archery: favourite colour is red
Seaton: born in 2009; not Gerald’s; brown-eyed; follows Trent’s lead and emulates him, having always been in his shadow; his submissiveness in that context belies a more patient, scheming, manipulative, vindictive cruel streak of his own that he saves for personal vendettas and small-scale harassment used as an outlet for his anger and dissatisfaction, happy to leave the bigger picture dominance to Trent and turn being underestimated in comparison into an advantage; the best at effective verbal abuse; prides himself on his social and strategic cleverness and envies Jordan’s academic and intellectual intelligence; secretly ashamed that he doesn’t do quite as well in his classes and feels the need to cheat to try to get perfect grades and make his parents proud; loves animals, especially horses, foxes and dogs, does horse riding and really wants a pet dog (Roman keeps trying to get him into pigs, to no avail); favourite colour is purple
Jordan: born in 2011; not Gerald’s; blue-eyed; the closest to Gerald, often found talking to him about plastic surgery; interested in science, mathematics, fashion and cosmetics; very intelligent and an excellent student, hence Linda’s second favourite; quiet, withdrawn and reflective, has learned to internalize his feelings to not inconvenience his parents and lose their love; the second most ambitious after Trent, but channels it into academic pursuits; joins his older brothers in bullying River only because they’ll turn on him otherwise for his sensitive and nerdy sides, and sometimes do anyway when River isn’t around; however, lacks internal malice (‘strength’ in his family) and is self-aware of this supposed deficit, so keeps himself useful to Trent and Seaton by giving them backup and ideas to be powerful and respected and torment people that he, at least independently, would never have the heart to act on; favourite colour is blue
River: born in 2014; brown-eyed; Linda’s favourite; kind and open thanks to his guileless innocence and being the happiest; the only one with genuine friends; though also spoiled and can be unthinkingly, accidentally insensitive to others’ feelings; creative and imaginative; loves cartoons, musicals and art, his drawings actually talented for his age and all over the Monroes’ fridge; favourite colour is green
In conclusion, they all need therapy and a healthy home environment. A theme with the older three, the eldest two most of all, is that they’ve been led to believe that love is fundamentally conditional. So River being showered in it when he ‘hasn’t done anything’ feels infuriatingly unjust and hypocritical of their parents. Somebody direct Duke Keane to the Monroes. Linda and Gerald may love each other, but they clearly aren’t good parents. I hope in one of the infinite timelines this family has a serious intervention and the boys get to grow up with good role models. They’re kids, guys, they deserve the chance to change.
And yes, Seaton is in Tim’s class (they hate each other).
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marvelmaniac715 · 4 months
I mostly express affection through hugs so I consider myself an expert in the art of hugging. With this in mind, here are some Hatchetfield characters ranked by if I think they’d be good huggers, with the best huggers at the top and the worst huggers at the bottom:
Bill Woodward - Dad hugs are the best hugs (says the fatherless Tumblr user)
Lex Foster - Lex practically single-handedly raised Hannah, and a lot of kids like to be comforted with hugs, so Lex definitely gives a good hug
Charlotte Sweetly - Kindest woman alive, her hugs are like being wrapped up in a warm sweater
Tom Houston - Same as Bill but maybe a bit too tight, he’s a strong man and might not know his own strength in moments of strong emotion
Webby - The eldritch embodiment of love and light, being hugged by Webby is like curling up in a cosy, warm bed on a sunny day
Peter Spankoffski - He’s an awkward teen but I think he’d give earnest, comforting hugs
Stephanie Lauter - Not much of a hugger, but if she wraps her arm around your shoulder it’s really comforting
Emma Perkins - Emma isn't really a hugger, she’s more likely to be the person being hugged due to her shorter stature, but she does appreciate being hugged by Paul after a long day and will give him a half-hug from behind
Ruth Flemming - She is very sweaty, hug at your own risk
Richie Lipshitz - Same as Ruth but he’d smell of hair gel and Mountain Dew
Linda Monroe - She doesn’t hug anyone, not even her own children - the most you’ll get is an awkward head/cheek pat, and that’s only in dire situations like if a beloved pet has just died
Paul Matthews - The man is built like a lamp post and very stiff and awkward, he’d try to give you a hug then have a mental breakdown over if he’d done it right
Ted Spankoffski - …You know what he’s like, why would you hug him?
Henry Hidgens - He would just run away to hug his Alexa
Grace Chastity - Grace would panic and yell at you about being intimate before marriage
The Lords in Black - These guys don’t know what hugs are - they would kill you either by accident or on purpose
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rhondafromhr · 5 months
More ideas/headcanons for the ‘Nerds Corruption AU’
Link to the original post for those who aren’t familiar: https://www.tumblr.com/rhondafromhr/738012368733356032/dont-get-me-wrong-i-love-max-redemption-arcs-in
-The LIB adopt their human forms after the first time Max, Steph and the nerds summon them and RELENTLESSLY make fun of their true/eldritch forms. “our real forms would melt your minds” yeah sure whatever you need to tell yourself Pokey
-Tinky tries to use having Ted in the bastard box as leverage against Pete, but he just doesn’t care because that’s not his brother, it’s some other Pete’s brother from another timeline so it’s not his problem.
-Once everyone in the group starts acting like an agressive bully the way Max does, Grace finds herself attracted to all of them and has a crisis over it.
-At some point Max tries to apologize for before (“sorry for bullying you guys all these years, you never deserved that, everyone we’re currently bullying does but you didn’t.”) Now that they’re all literal monsters too they just dismiss him like “don’t apologize, we get it now, the power trip is fucking awesome!“
-Max’s signature move of using anti-bullying slogans to justify and get away with bullying is their favorite. They always tell Max how smart he is for coming up with it.
-They decide Kyle can date Brenda now but plot twist! Brenda leaves him for Ruth. Ruth taunts him for this every chance she gets and purposely makes out with Brenda in locations where he’ll have to walk by. Cue Kyle sobbing in the bathroom while Jason comforts him, leading to one of very few sweet, wholesome scenes we get in this universe.
-Ruth is confident enough to perform now, which obviously means they need to sabotage the lead in The Barbecue Monologues so she can take the role. They either just straight up intimidate them into quitting or frame them for vandalizing the school and get them expelled.
-One day Pete randomly remembers the time Brad Callahan pantsed him and he and the rest of the crew just drop what they’re doing to go beat him up. When they get called into principal Blim’s office they tell him they did it because Brad was picking on Hannah Foster earlier (“what do you want us to do? Stand by and do nothing? Being a bystander is just as bad as bullying, we learned that at the anti-bullying assembly!”) Brad has been known to do that so he believes them and lets them off with a warning. When word gets around people actually do mess with Hannah a lot less.
- (already mentioned this in a separate post but I’ll put it here too) after graduation Max, Steph + the nerds run an anime/comic book store together and Richie’s the only one who knows or cares about any of it. He’s rude and condescending to customers, everyone else is not knowledgeable and completely unhelpful, Grace tells every customer they need to go read a bible instead. They have like 1.5 stars on yelp but stay in business because the next closest similar store is in Clivesdale so nobody’s going to go there
-At some point Linda Monroe comes in and sees the gang being rude to Becky Barnes, so of course she takes an instant liking to them. She becomes an investor in the store and sort of a mother figure to all of them. She encourages their bad behavior, giving them tips for manipulating people in a more sophisticated way. Max and Steph get especially attached to her (the three bond over their dad issues) and they go to her house once a week to drink wine and and hear all the hot gossip about Linda’s rich frienemies.
-When Roman finds out about Linda’s new investment he comes to check out the store and he’s as icy towards her as usual. True to form, Max, Steph and the nerds say the rudest, most out of pocket stuff to him (Richie goes after his appearance HARD, not realizing the irony that he looks pretty similar) and eventually he storms off. Linda’s touched that they stood up for her. She cries and tells them how proud she is. Max and Steph cry a little too because this is the first time a parental figure’s ever told them that. After this they become obsessed with impressing Linda so they can hear it again.
-Grace babysits Linda’s kids sometimes and Linda pays her an outrageous amount due to being so out of touch with regular babysitting rates (“it’s one banana, what could it cost, ten dollars?” energy). Grace refuses to babysit for Tom anymore because he can’t match these rates. One night he can’t find any other sitters, so he tries to cancel on Becky but she suggests they spend a night in with Tim instead, leading to some nice family bonding (okay there can be one more cute wholesome moment, I’ll allow it.)
-They’re rivals with Frank Pricely. They hate him because Toyzone cuts into their merch sales. He hates them back for stealing Linda, who used to drop thousands per week at his store. They always scheme to screw each other over. Black Friday doesn’t happen in this timeline solely because they pay Lex to destroy the entire shipment of wiggly dolls. This is also what gets them on the LIB’s radar, Wiggly is absolutely furious.
- (This one relates to the popular “Paul is Richie’s uncle” headcanon) At some point, Paul is at his wit’s end with Richie and makes him move out in the hopes it’ll force him to reevaluate his life and stop being so awful. He doesn’t just throw Richie out, he gives him a timeline and helps him find a place. But he’s not sure if he did the right thing. He mentions this to Ted at work and Ted says his parents did the same to him and he’s totally well-adjusted. Paul just gives him a look and says “Ted…no.” This is the catalyst for him getting involved with the group and eventually getting his own corruption arc.
-After moving out, Richie becomes roommates with Max and Ruth. Steph and Pete have a luxury apartment together downtown (Solomon pays for it because he can’t deal with her anymore and wants her out of his house). Grace has a two bedroom apartment to herself - she had a roommate at one point, but they got fed up and left. Luckily she can afford it with her cushy babysitting gig.
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foreos · 1 month
hatchetfield characters rated on how much they like sonic the hedgehog
- paul matthews: 7/10 i think just based on his age and personality he played like sonic adventure one as a kid and enjoyed it but hasn’t really thought about it since. if he were to play a sonic game again he’d be like “oh i remember this guy! silly :)” he does not like the chaotix.
- emma perkins: 5/10 i can see a young emma being Violently Opposed to sonic and never playing it or engaging with any content. and then at some point ziggs or even paul has her play one of the games with them and she’s like “Oh Wait This Is Fun” but idk if she’d ever consider herself a fan.
- bill woodward: 1/10 he cannot remember sonic’s name. he is completely ambivalent because he doesn’t know what that is. he’d have an appreciation for tails if he knew he existed
- charlotte sweetly: 0/10 he creeps her out. i think there’s so much going on in her life that there is no room for sonic the hedgehog.
- ted spankoffski: 10/10 he also played the games as a kid and still enjoys him though he does not advertise that at all. in college he and jenny did smoke and play the entirety of sonic 06 together. he probably hasn’t really played them since at all since it contrasts with the new everything. he watched sonic underground.
- henry hidgens 0/10 he doesn’t trust sonic.
- melissa: 11/10 she loves sonic and you can interpret that however you want
- john mcnamara: 0/10 i cannot imagine this man with a game controller in his hands.
- tom houston: -10000/10 he is a technophobe and sonic frustrates him. he finds the characters annoying and tim keeps having to beat the levels for him and he doesn’t know why sonic is looking at him like that at the end of every level.
- becky barnes: 8/10 she just thinks he’s the silliest guy. i think becky would like sonic and the black knight and get a kick out of the gimmicky motion controls. i like to picture becky having stupid fun it brings me joy.
- lex foster: 0/10 no time for that also that’s kind of dumb also also where are his clothes.
- ethan green: current 1/10, potential 10/10, ethan has never touched a sonic game in his life but i think if he did he’d be hooked.
- hannah foster: 5/10 she has never touched a sonic game and isn’t really a video game person but she has nothing against the guy.
- frank pricely: 9/10 i think frank watched SatAM as a kid and the franchise is special to him even if he doesn’t really engage. probably drew pictures of sonic and tails as a kid.
- linda monroe: 1/10 it’s beneath her. linda probably doesn’t like video game and i think she’d find everyone really fucking annoying. river likes sonic though :)
- sherman young: 1000/10 but he’s not fun about it. if you like something he doesn’t then you’re fucking stupid. why does sonic have a sword. why is sonic in a car. i don’t know sherman. he refuses to play a lot of the games and is very much a purist about a lot of shit. he hates silver the hedgehog sooooo much.
- zoey chambers: 0/10 would shame sonic likers.
- miss holloway: 5/10 sonic is too nineties for her eighties but some of the kids she’s worked with liked it and she has nothing against the guy.
- duke keane: 8/10 i think like becky he would enjoy stupid fun.
- ziggs: 10/10 i think ziggs is a sonic fan. and i’m not saying that just because they’re a furry i think they’d genuinely like it. they are not good at most of the games though, they usually can’t make it past the typical sonic late game difficulty boost. ziggs hasn’t read the comics but they might have watched some of the cartoons, you know?
- rose: 6/10 i think she would have a lot of fun if she played the games but it’s never gonna be something she gets super into. sonic games do tend to have fantastic soundtracks so maybe she’d eat that shit up.
- daniel (stopwatch): 100/10 he really likes sonic. sonic is his kind of guy. i think daniel is a big shadow fan.
- sophia (spitfire): 5/10 she has nothing against the guy but she doesn’t know who blaze is or why daniel keeps bringing it up.
- pete spankoffski: 12/10 he inherited ted’s old games and LOVED them. he doesn’t really engage with the non game media but i think he’s played like most of the games.
- stephanie lauter: 2/10 what’s this nerd shit? weird :/. i think she’d like it if she tried it.
- richie lipschitz: 10000/10 he loves sonic. he loveeeeeees sonic. he has read the comics he has seen the shows he can name all the characters. richie knows the lore. richie used to have a crush on sally acorn. richie can go on the worlds longest rant about sonic forces okay it just never ends. he thinks shadow is The Coolest Guy and he embraces the franchise wholeheartedly.
- ruth fleming: 1000/10 she likes sonic a lot. she knows so much about all the games and she loves going so so so fast. i think she also read the comics and watched the cartoons and i think her and richie argue about it like all the time. she does have a thing for rouge the bat AND shadow and i think she has a little plushie chao keychain on her backpack.
- grace chasity: -10000000000000/10 she HATES sonic she hates him so much. he fills her with so much rage she fucking hates his ass. number one sonic hater.
- wiggly: 0/10 this game is hard to play with tentacles
- blinky: 5/10 he doesn’t really care but watching the hedgehog go zoom is fun
- tinky: 10/10 he loves this shit he wants sonic to go FASTER
- nibbly: 0/10 he doesn’t care he eated his controller
- pokey: -10/10 he thinks sonic is an attention whore and only he gets to do that
- webby: 100000/10 webby would like sonic do you see the vision do you see it. i think webby eats that shit up.
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zoeyslament · 1 month
linda is a lesbian and i can PROVE IT
We know about the abuse Linda had to endure, with her father always belittling and insulting her and never actually caring about her. He doesn't take her seriously, doesn't listen to her, doesn't bond with her.
Linda grew up just wanting her father to love her, which reflects in her deep desire to be "adored" she develops in later stages of her life after (probably subconsciously) realizing that her father was never going to be the one she wished for him to be, the one she needed him to be.
She continuously cheats on her husband (who *surprise surprise* doesn't seem to be enough for her), going so far as to get pregnant by two other men, which was confirmed by Wilbur Cross in Black Friday. Heck, she becomes the leader of a cult dedicated to an ancient, dark god, only because of her desire to be acknowledged, to be loved. She kills a man and is ready to doom humanity as long as she's adored.
But she never quite finds what she's searching for.
Her marriage with Gerald, her affairs, even the cult aren't enough. Or rather, they're not what she actually wants or needs.
Maybe Linda Monroe has never felt loved or loved enough by her husband and affairs because her relationships with them are only desperate attempts to recreate something she thinks she can never have.
Maybe Linda Monroe thinks that if she just wins enough pageants, satisfies enough men, has enough money, sails on enough boats and impresses enough people, she'll be fulfilled without ever actually having to acknowledge that she is a lesbian.
That she is not who every woman in Hatchetfield wants to be and whom every man in Hatchetfield wants to be with. But that she is a disappointment to her family and that she is disgusting, a mistake, a reject, unfit to be a mother, unable to be loved by her father. That it is her own fault he didn't love her.
Think about it. Linda's dad, the old capitalist guy who rewarded his underage grandson for reading a Playboy magazine with money. I mean, this guy's the cliché bigoted uncle at any family party. He's not gonna be happy about his kids of grandkids being gay.
When Linda was young, she couldn't even realize her weird feelings for girls because she was always taught it was wrong.
So, raised without love and any kind of example of a healthy relationship in her life, she becomes the Linda Monroe we all know today - unfulfilled, dissatisfied, unhappy. A typical 'mean girl' who brings other people, especially women, down because if she doesn't get to be happy, why should anyone else?
And without wanting to romanticize the canon relationship between them in the slightest, I also believe this explains her relationship with Becky Barnes. The nurse that everyone loves and everyone is kind to without her having to bribe or threaten them.
I believe Linda has feelings for her.
Linda revels in knowing Becky has suffered through abuse because she not only thinks that she deserves happiness more than Becky does, more than anyone does, but believes (or rather wants to believe) that it's Becky's fault she's attracted to her, a woman, that it's Becky's fault she's in love with her, a woman, and that it's Becky's fault her true self is not who she desperately wants it to be.
Whether she would actually date Becky in another life or just chose her as the first best scapegoat is up to each individual viewer to interpret.
Really, it's an "I hate you for making me feel things" situation but it's not a silly, endearing text from your partner but what Linda sobs in front of the bathroom mirror at 2am with shards of glass from a broken bottle of wine on the floor and mascara running down her face while thinking about Becky Barnes because she will never be happy, she will never be enough and she will never be herself.
im sobbing shes so, hsessss
i never even liked linda that much until meeting you and now she justt. It meansSSS a lot OKOK.
so me </3
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bellqmione · 1 month
Tips on writing barnroe? I would like advice from the ceo themself.
omg... teeheee guys..... well it obvi depends on the kind of story ur writing.
if its like. a getting together/getting over the past thing, lindas issues rlly need to be like. like shes trying to hide it but girl no one believes you. youre crying over a woman omg
linda has bad bad bad comphet and literally HATES herself . like this woman is so guilty bc of daddy issues slash religion slash. combo of both
and becky is.......... full of. self hatred i think. guilt. stanley made her feel worthless and she needs to get help DESPERATELY
i think they used to be in love inj high school (NOT dating. linda doesnt wanna admit shes gay) and at one point they just. drifted apart. i can see a big fight there due to lindas son of a whore father
i think like. when they are in an established relationship linda is so sososososoos grateful and wants to spoil becky and is literally like "i adore you with my whole being and you are the only person i have ever loved like this"
and becky just. sees how much this woman loves her and i think she can also re-learn to love herself ?? bc like. if LINDA MONROE the bitch of all time adores her like this then maybe she deserves it...........
idk i think (whichever way you go) they can be really sweet and domestic or really tragic and homicidal and yes i have been thinking about a hannibal barnroe au.
becky as will bc . she knows she knows she KNOWS that hurting people is bad and evil and tralala but god god god especially with her stanley experiences.... hurting bad people is just. doing a good deed.
and i think linda could convince her of this? bc like. whether or not you ship barnroe you HAVE to admit that linda is obsessed with becky. like. the way a villain is obsessed with the hero OR the way a lover is obsessed with. the other lover. or BOTH! its both
and linda as hannibal bc 1. rich gay slut 2. bad childhood 3. FUCKED morals 4. is so interested in becky she is so peculiar she is so !!!!!!!! so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shakes her around.
also i LOVE linda eating and killing ppl . idk.
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myersesque · 7 months
here's some questions spam!
what do you think is the best joke in tgwdlm? which nightmare time episode is the strongest? would you vibe with any of the lords in black? opinion on webby? favorite character introduced in black friday? some people have said that the youtube version of nerdy prudes must die gets fanservice-y with its hatchetverse references - what're your thoughts? which hatchetverse couple is the most transgender in your eyes?
here ends the question spam
YEAAAA QUESTION SPAM I LOVE QUESTION SPAM!!! my laptop is currently updating and therefore i feel no shame doing this instead of my dissertation LET'S GOOO
best joke in tgwdlm? - augh, a hard one. idk if it's the BEST but i always lose it at the hivemind breaking out of unison and having to stop and find their notes/re-harmonise after not your seed (i've been there... SO many times)
strongest nightmare time episode - ok this is the part where i admit i am VERY behind on nightmare time and have only seen a few in random orders - my favourite of the ones i've seen is abstinence camp, though. i think it's a rlly strong, relatively self-contained story, and ofc i'm always down for a friday the 13th parody lmao. boy jerry and girl jeri are my little freaks and i love them (and ofc peter and steph my beloveds)
vibing with the lords in black? - i love all of them an unreasonable amount and would LOVE to hang out, honestly. i never stop singing so pokey would probably be fun company, and wiggly won my heart immediately since i LOVE possessed/evil toys (if the url wasn't a dead giveaway for that) and green is one of my fav colours. but honestly any of them!!! they're deliciously evil and i would love to chill (and then regret it when i inevitably face their torment BUT THAT'S A PROBLEM FOR FUTURE ME!)
opinion on webby - i haven't seen a ton of her but i think she's really cool, both conceptually and in the execution i have seen! i love how the visions she gives hannah are contextualised and start making sense slowly as you work through the show (which it took me AGES to figure out, admittedly, because i'm either eerily good or absolutely terrible at recalling dialogue, and fsr her prophecies always fell through my brain like a sieve)
favourite character introduced in black friday - i'm disqualifying wiggly bc we've established i love him already - honestly, it's a tie between linda monroe (one word: MOTHER) and ethan green (aka the sweetest motherfucker in hatchetfield, holy shit). i find both of their characters super compelling and also i'm very bisexual about both of them so !!!
were the npmd hatchetverse references fanservicey? - i mean... yeah? i don't super mind though, fanservice isn't inherently a bad thing. i do wish there was some way to watch a pro shot of the show as it was on stage instead (i Lost My Mind when i found out the gerald part was originally my favourite little freak boy jerry), but i've heard through the grapevine that there's apparently a way to get your hands on a digital ticket recording as a bonus feature or smthn similar, which is good enough for me. so whilst i do think they came on a little strong in some sections (particularly hatchet town), overall i didn't mind - the smaller call-backs don't really harm the show at all if you don't get them (e.g. richie's joke abt peter looking like the homeless guy downtown is still a funny jab without the knowledge of who exactly that homeless guy is and how he's related to peter) and for fans who have been waiting for years, it's an extra little reward. i've seen some people be incentivised to watch the previous shows so they'd understand the audience's reaction to certain lines, too, so there's that. tl;dr it is a LITTLE much sometimes but i don't personally mind it and thought they were all fun
most transgender hatchetfield couple - oh you are SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE, i LOVE transgenderifying characters. i think lautski (peter/steph) feel very explicitly-queer gen z t4t, if that makes any sense, but i wouldn't be me if i didn't at least mention my quietly-queer first loves paulkins (paul/emma). they're like the chill trans elders (as in the community title, not in reference to their age lmao they're like 30) to lautski's spitfire trans youth. if that makes literally ANY sense
my laptop has great timing and has now finished updating (!!!) so i must return to the trenches of university coursework but this was VERY fun thank u
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shaniacsboogara · 5 months
boog what is your fav sk show
I may have taken forever to answer this, but that's because I've been THINKING ABOUT IT CONSTANTLY!!!
In all honesty, I can't pick ONE favourite, but I'll give you a little list (in no particular order mind you)
The first sk musical I ever watched was The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals (probably a few months after it originally came out???) and it will ALWAYS be one of my favourite musicals of all time. It's funny, the premise is unique and inventive, the score is PHENOMENAL, and THE PERFORMANCES??? Corey as Bill made me SOB (and still does if I think about him and Alice's story too hard). Now that the productions rights are out and I'm headed to uni and they have a theatre club there... 👀 (It probably won't happen but a Boog can dream)
I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Twisted. Yeah it's silly, but also absolutely devastating. It would be an understatement to say I'm obsessed with Dylan Saunders' performance as Jafar. Twisted is my Roman Empire. I think about No One Remembers Achmed at least five times a day. AND JEFF BLIM AS FREAKY ALADDIN??? HIS JEKYLL AND HYDE MOMENT??? IS FOREVER ENGRAINED IN MY PSYCHE. And also just the Disney villains montage type thing they do is iconic and wonderful and 'If I Believed' is the only song ever actually.
I also just love The Hatchetverse as a whole. Black Friday was a real treat and I absolutely freaked out when I found out Dylan was in it, and was still absolutely astonished by his performing as Tom. That man is MAGICAL. A lot of people put "what tim wants" and "if I fail you" pretty low in their song rankings but like... They are EVERYTHING to me. Also KIM WHALEN??? A FELLOW GINGER SOPRANO WHO IS JUST SO GORGEOUS AND TALENTED AND I LOVE HER??? Also Jon as Wiggly is HORRIFYING and seeing him go from Paul in tgwdlm straight to Wiggly was JARRING. Linda Monroe is also ✨iconic✨. (I could ramble about this musical forever). It was definitely different in some ways than TGWDLM and was more serious tonally, but I really enjoyed it (and the music is AWESOME).
Trail to Oregon is also great!!! It's so silly and I LOVE seeing Joey Richter scurry back and forth putting on different hats to play almost the entire ensemble. Corey as Cleetus and the grandpa (Titty Mitty in the proshot) was phenomenal, and Lauren Lopez as Craphole is probably one of my favourite roles she's ever played. My absolute favourite moment of this entire musical is Joey Richter playing the baby buffalo whose family is about to get slaughtered. Baby buffalo Joey lives rent free in my mind. Also the best theatre blooper of all time comes from TTO (Joey forgetting his lines in independence my beloved)
NERDY PRUDES MUST DIE. THE SOUNDTRACK. THE SOUNDTRACK. I haven't watched this one as many times as the others, and it hasn't been around for as long so I don't think I've fully grown to appreciate it yet (and that's saying A LOT because I LOVE NPMD). ANGELA AS GRACE CHASTITY??? HELLO??? SHE IS EVERYTHING??? AND MAX JAGERMAN??? All of the performances in this are absolutely incredible. ALSO FINALLY GETTING MARIAH AS A LEAD IN A STARKID SHOW??? AS SOMEONE WHO'S BEEN IN THE FANDOM SINCE TGWDLM??? WE WERE WAITING SO PATIENTLY FOR THIS AND HOLY SHIT DID IT PAY OFF. Peter Spankoffski is everything and Cool As I Think I Am is ALSO everything. And omg Richie Lipschitz. I need to see him again in a nightmare time episode or something because that boy deserved SO MUCH BETTER!!! I think the score for this one was also incredible, and it was a super fun musical!!! It didn't permanently fuck up my brain and ruin my life like I was afraid it would, which disappointed me at first honestly, but it's nice to have a hatchetfield story that doesn't result in the immediate end of the world (although grace is totally gonna fuck shit up let's be honest).
Also I LOVE Nightmare Time. So much. Especially characters like Miss Holloway??? She. Is. EVERYTHING. Killer Track and Time Bastard are probably some of my favourite episodes, and I just think the effort put into the writing and editing and everything about nightmare time is just awesome. Hoping we get more down the line ✨🙏✨
I've also watched some of AVPM but I don't think I finished it. HOWEVER, Granger Danger is a certified BANGER and is also everything to me.
Thank you for coming to my TED BOOGtalk
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horseboys666 · 2 years
i found this post about rtc audition songs and then lost it but i have some ideas too
please let me know if youre the op or you know who the op is so i can credit them for the idea :)
also keep in mind i have literally no audition experience i just picked songs i thought fit thematically
don't rain on my parade - funny girl
i have never actually seen funny girl, but i associate this song so strongly with rachel berry that i literally have to use this one for ocean too.
adore me - black friday
linda monroe brags a lot in this song so i feel like it could work.
you wish you were me - austin and ally
this one is a joke but depending on how casual the theatre company you're auditioning for is it actually could work. rtc is a silly show after all.
show stoppin' number - the guy who didnt like musicals
a vaguely flamboyant number AND it's professor hidgens talking about a dream of his. i think it works similarly enough to noel's lament. only thing is you might need stand ins for greg and stu at the end.
you gotta die sometime - falsettos
it literally handles the subject of death and it's whizzer. boom. perfect noel song.
i'm not a loser - spongebob the musical
you might need someone for the sea anenome chorus line but if you play it a bit differently than just being squidward i could see it working
epic III - hadestown (the 2017 or broadway version)
you might have to pitch this one down considering the fact that mischa is a baritenor, but it definitely gives off talia vibes let's just say that
it's over, isn't it - steven universe (PITCHED DOWN)
this song also works pretty well. not a huge steven universe fan but i love this song and the heartbreak in it is just as palpable as talia.
satisfied - hamilton (pitched the heck down)
you'd need people to sing eliza's part and have someone else (or the same person) do the talking parts, etc. but it's a song about never being able to have the person you're yearning for AND it involves rapping so it covers both bases.
kindergarten boyfriend - heathers
mistreated socially anxious best friend? sounds a bit like constance doesn't it. also ties into constance's self esteem issues 'certain girls are meant to be alone'
waving through a window - dear evan hansen (pitched up or left as is)
you get the opportunity to act out some fun low self esteem/life passing you by, as well as do some really loud belts which works for sugarcloud. might wanna pitch it up because if you're not a contralto the low notes might not be hittable for you (is that a word?)
micheal in the bathroom - be more chill (pitched up)
wow another mistreated socially anxious best friend!!! who knew
gotta be honest. no idea. i have not found a song that comes even close to the insanity of space age bachelor man or captures ricky's personality.
home - beetlejuice
idk man it deals with death & staring into the black empty void of nothingness. that works. probably.
karnak doesnt really sing but in the event that you want an audition song i'd say the hole which is a cut song from beetlejuice. it's very nihilistic and beetlejuice and karnak serve similar roles as the hole is basically just the other side from rtc
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Some thoughts watching Nightmare Time 2 episode 3
- I didn’t like Sherman too much in Black Friday, but throughout the entirety of Young At Heart I was just like “Oh. He’s me.” 
- That glitch at the end where all the care bears turned into the Lords In Black. HOLY FRICK. That made me stop breathing. Freaking gut drop. Gosh dang. Soul-chilling. God. Frick.
- I NEVER expected anything about THIS from Frank Pricely. Black Friday made it seem like all he cared about was money but??? He just loves toys?????? He just genuinely loves toys??????? He just wants to sell toys??????????? My heart?????????????? I’m gonna be SAD when this guy gets frick over. Heck. I expected this to be like Linda Monroe, just enjoying a butthole get subjected to a heck ton of struggle and ultimately get their comeuppance, but no, I LIKE this guy now. Frick. (and i really was just meant to start watching this at the exact time I did, huh? i just had a whole moment with my stuffed animals that i won’t get into here)
- When Sherman said “growing up is for the poor.” I. It kind of felt like a knife in the gut honestly.
- Jaime playing both Sherman AND Sheila. She has the ✨RANGE.✨
- I kind of agree with what Frank said about how he had to work for the money for his own toys and Sherman’s just getting spoiled and all, but I’m kind of worried abou how his attempts to change that will go. 
- Hey, teaching Sherman to make eggs is all well and good, but did he really have to say “what kind of breakfast is that for a grown-[butt] man” to Sherman wanting Marshmallow Charms???? People can like cereal with marshmallows in it at any age, what happened to “growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional”?????
- ............................So THAT all happened. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
- Sherman hearing the window-knocking and saying “Peter Pan? :-D” gave me shrimp emotions
- What Frank said about the Youngs’s money turning them into monsters though. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
- I can’t help feeling for Sherman, I’m sorry. With everything Frank says to him. Even if the being-coddled-to-the-point-that-he-thinks-actual-cereal-will-break-his-teeth and stuff is real messed up.
- MAN IN A HURRY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
- Frank’s broken sobbing when he says there’s no way out,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, god,,,,,,,,,,,
- I’m with Sherman on the wanting to go to Toyzone in person because “you can’t capture the same tactile experience online.” And I hope his love of Toyzone means Sheila does have to let Frank out and let it keep going.
- I. Deeply appreciate how even as they make Barry Swift somewhat more of an actual fleshed-out character (and give me the Feels about him) they make his whole character still be “man in a hurry.”
- The shrimp emotions I’m feeling throughout this whole thing, gosh dang.
- Frank really IS one gosh dang heck of a salesman.
- Barry 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 F
- IT’S FREAKING TED?????????????????????????
- “you and i are the only two people that matter. everyone else is...livestock, to us.” Wow. She really is the epitome of the out-of-touch rich that need to be eaten. 
- I’m sorry too Barry 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- What even. IS Marco anyway.
- Oh frick
- Oh god she’s a worshipper of the Lords in Black
- Oh thank frick
- “It’s a bunch of gibberish! No one could memorize those words!” I’m sure plenty of people could, lady.
- “I did.” “An evil grin comes to Sherman’s lips.” OH GOD
- “Realizing the drawing was a trap. A test of her love. A test she failed.” ngujbsnougbsoiagbruwgabwiorwhirapfbpirawipghdipsjfipasjgapirhnpgi
- OH NO OH GOD okay Imma have to turn my volume off for this--
- H O L Y   F R I C K
- .....................................................................I had hoped, for awhile there, that there was a possibility if Sheila was out of the way and he just had Frank’s influence, he could be taught to be less out of touch and less of a brat, if still childlike at heart as ever.  I guess the frick not.
- I love Duke and Miss Holloway so much.
- Hey, don’t you insult Barbie, Rose, she’s a legit feminist icon. If you actually saw the stuff on her YouTube channel or in Barbie movies...
- essential oils klsfglksjklgsdgsdkgjsd
- OOOOOOOOO DID SHE TIME TRAVEL?????????????????????????
- This better not kill me irl.
- I thought “this isn’t gonna kill Miss Holloway instead now, is it?” and well. Frick.
- Read the thing read the thing read the thing
- Rose 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Read the thing read the thing read the thing
- the only way i think it could’ve been clearer is if she had said to read the note immediately if something happened.
- Is it going to be the Honey Festival?
- CALLED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYY WHAT THE FRICK PLOT TWIST ON EPISODE 1 NOT EVEN IN THE EPISODE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! GRSIUDGUHADFILUGNARSFIULGHADFIULGHDAFIUGHEARIUGHREAIUGLBRSAIUGBSIUAGBSAFIUGJWRSIUFHRSAIUGSBIAUGSBDAIFUSDABIUFAJGLIAFNGUILSFAHLUIFDHG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Oop. I mean, he could’ve been more subtle, but. Hard to come up with a convincing way to talk somecreature out of that on the spot. 
- Oops
- Thanks Miss Holloway
- Go Rose find out what his deal is maybe knock him out
- “I don’t have a choice.” What????
- “I don’t even think I’m human anymore.” *blinks, TMA brain rot poking at this*
- Well holy frick
- Oh man. Poor Kale. Genuinely, I feel bad for the guy. F.
- I wouldn’t call it ALL Duke, I would say it was like. Half and half. They were a team. They both saved the day. Together.
- Wait he’s gonna forget her????????????????????????????????????
- fdamglkafsgkladfgjkfdjkfdgjkfgjHGLJFHGJLFGkjhgfjkgsfjkgsf🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💗💗💗💗💗💗💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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inamindfarfaraway · 2 years
I love mind control tropes, I love Black Friday, and arguably the most moral characters in the play Tom and Becky being turned by Wiggly into selfish, callous, ruthless antagonists is one of the scariest parts of the play for me. So I ended up writing a little glimpse into Tom’s mind when he’s completely in Wiggly’s thrall, falling deeper and deeper. I’m posting it in case anyone in this fandom shares my love of scenes like this. It’s set right after he leaves Becky and Hannah for dead.
Update: now on AO3 with a second chapter adapting the “If I Fail You” scene.
Tom ran. His footsteps thundered across the eerie, deserted courtyard. The mall was still swarming with brutal cultists, cultists headed by Linda Monroe at that. Most of them had blood on their hands from the rioting earlier. They would tear him to shreds for the cloth and foam he was clutching. Not to mention Becky would be furious when she woke up - he was sorry, but he couldn’t help that he needed Wiggly more than her, and it was her own fault for sedating herself and becoming dead weight. The sooner he was out of here, the better. The air was thick with tension. Acidic storm clouds were gathering in his stomach, the sense of foreboding that the situation in the mall would only get worse, and he didn’t want to stay to find out how lest hell rain down upon him.
Hell. Wasn’t that kind of funny? All hell breaking loose, over a random toy.
A good toy though, he would admit. His throbbing stab wound made him slow to a walk and he took the time to reexamine his prize. Wiggly really was cute, with his big fuzzy eyebrows and little fingers like twirly straws and soft, fluffy body. Stroking his tumsy-wumsy did feel satisfying.
Hello Tom. I’m so glad you found me. I was afwaid I would never get to play with you.
Whoever designed this little guy knew what they were doing. And the marketing was great. He still couldn’t get that song out of his head. So the mania and murderous cult wasn’t justified, obviously, he wasn’t saying that, but… maybe it was understandable. Maybe Tom could understand all hell breaking loose.
(It didn’t occur to him to be confused that Wiggly knew his name and was saying things besides his scripted lines. It was impossible to be suspicious of anything said in such an endearing voice.)
“My son’s gonna love you,” he muttered.
Tim’s smile beamed in his mind’s eye, so close and ever closer. His face lighting up as he realized why his dad had really left, his laughter as he played with his new toy, a proper embrace between them for the first time in far too long. Tom might have failed his wife and his sister-in-law and his old flame, but he wouldn’t - couldn’t fail his son too. He was still a good dad. He was, dammit. And this would prove it. He had to come through for Tim, no matter the cost.
If he couldn’t even be a good dad anymore… he was nothing. And what kind of parent would he be if he wasn’t willing to do anything for his child?
A failure.
See? He totally needed Wiggly the most! Wiggly was what Tim wanted and as he said, Tim would definitely love him.
Of course he will. Everyone loves me. Everyone wants me, so you’ve got to hold onto me. And I’ll hold onto you too. That’s what fwends do, isn’t it?
What a nice thought: a toy that loved you back. Maybe hell on Earth wasn’t that bad if it meant magic was real.
He nodded at Wiggly in agreement. “No way am I letting you go.”
That’s right. Just hold on; never let go. You’re my fwendy-wend now, and you’re going to play my game. This will be so much fun!
“Yeah. Thanks to you, everything will be perfect,” he breathed, and putting it into words felt like finally sliding a round peg into a circular hole. A beacon of happiness crystallizing in a world of chaos, pain and misery. He had what he needed. It would all be okay. He and his son would live happily ever after, just like life was a story being written for them, with hope building in every subsequent word.
Wiggly’s laughter echoed around his skull. Now Tom didn’t even notice that it wasn’t the same as the recorded version or pay attention to exactly what was said next. Why should he? He already knew that he’d agree with it, because Wiggly was about the only thing that made sense anymore. He was so glad he’d found him. Even the bitter sting of leaving Becky behind faded into sweet oblivion, eclipsed by the joy of a Tickle-Me Wiggly secure in his hands. For the first time since he’d lost Jane, he was getting what he wanted. He was in control of his life again.
You’ve settled right in in Drowsy Town, Tom. Keep enjoying your sleep. Soon it’ll be forever and ever and ever.
He had never been happier.
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snarky-wallflower · 1 month
I'm on desktop rn but I'll take the rainbow and the umbrella?
- @starpirateee
rainbow: Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
 “Sure, it’s so he can pick up that old car, of all things,” Emma said, not bothering to hide her disdain, “but I’ll take what I can get at this point. He’s actually trusting me with Tim at this point. A…shit, what holidays are around now?”  
Paul snapped his fingers. “Autism Awareness Day.” Damn, he just knew that off of the top of his head, huh?
Emma snorted. “Sure, I’ll take it. An Autism Awareness Day miracle.”
Emma headed for the door, calling behind her, “Bye, Paul! I l—“
She nearly stopped in her tracks. Wait, what? She coughed to disguise what she had just been about to say—love? “I’ll see you soon!” Thankfully, he didn’t seem to notice her close call, just waving back. 
Holy shit, had she really just been about to say that? They…sure, she liked Paul. A lot. But they hadn’t even been dating that long! Ish! 
Okay, she could think about that later. She needed to focus on what was ahead—namely, Tim and Tom. And how to show that she was a great—okay, great might be a stretch, decent—aunt. 
(I haven't worked on this one in a bit, but the WIP it's from does compel me. maybe someday. paulkins forever.)
umbrella: Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
oh man this is hard because i constantly have what seems like thousands of story ideas bouncing around in my brain. but i think the one that's been bothering me the most lately would be the thought of Duke Keane being in Black Friday, going in to buy a Wiggly for one of the kids that he cares for! I just love the guy, and I think he and Becky would be friends. Does this mean that he teams up with Becky and Tom after the riots hit? Does this mean that he tries to stop them from attacking Hannah, because that's one of the kids he's helping right now? Does that mean he meets Wiley, Holloway's nemesis, a man who would just ADORE getting to mess with one of Holly's pretty things? Does this mean I get to write Duke Keane yelling at Linda Monroe with Southern Boy Politeness? Does this mean Duke Keane, one of the only truly good characters of Hatchetfield, would get blood on his hands from these Black Friday riots? The idea compels me, but it'll probably just stay in my head forever. thanks for the ask!
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lindacelestemonroe · 3 years
my lauren lopez character playlists!
i LOVE making these and at some point want to have one for every character but as it stands, i have 10! these are also changing constantly but here are the current tracklists :)
playlists include linda monroe, emma perkins, agnes florentine, emdroid perkins, tanya freemont, rory sampson, esther, lieutenant taz, zazzalil, & cynthia houston
click the section titles for the spotify links!
linda monroe
adore me - starkid productions
ex's & oh's - elle king
sex with a ghost - teddy hyde
charming - amber gray
someone gets hurt - taylor louderman
dark horse - katy perry
circus - britney spears
beggin for thread - banks
flood on the floor - purity ring
bad guy - billie eilish
i know what boys like - the waitresses
i kissed a girl - katy perry
me and my husband - mitski
ghost - halsey
heather - conan gray
sorry - halsey
bubblegum bitch - marina
superfreak - suprefreak
maneater - nelly furtado
agatha all along - wandavision
oh ana - mother mother
it's tough to be a god - annapantsu
world burn - taylor lauderman
killer queen - queen
toxic - britney spears
wiggle - starkid productions
emma perkins
new americana - halsey
get out - chvrches
chained to the rhythm - katy perry
jessie's girl - rick springfield
heartsign - purity ring
amber - 311
hey there delilah - plain white t's
superboy and the invisble girl - next to normal
begin again - purity ring
drugs - upsahl
verbatim - mother mother
cecilia and the satellite - andrew mcmahon in the wilderness
even the nights are better - air supply
bad at love - halsey
burning pile - mother mother
love song - 311
we come running - youngblood hawke
hey, soul sister - train
always the sun - the stranglers
everybody talks - neon trees
don't stop me now - queen
agnes florentine
lovegirl - jim and the povolos
valerie (feat. amy winehouse) - mark ronson
the beauty is - the light in the piazza
ily (i love you baby) (feat. emilee) - surf mesa
it's been a long, long time - harry james
i hear a symphony - cody fry
august - taylor swift
please notice - christian leave
ophelia - the lumineers
mr loverman - ricky montgomery
solar eclipse - jim and the povolos
space girl - frances forever
the moment - jim and the povolos
emdroid perkins
gasoline - halsey
the mother we share - chvrches
you should see me in a crown - billie eilish
circus - lindsay mendez
stranger than earth - purity ring
all mixed up - 311
hey ya! - outkast
stillness in woe - purity ring
meant to be yours - heathers
body - mother mother
girls on film - duran duran
livin' la vida loca - ricky martin
gasoline - leyla blue
another one bites the dust - queen
devil in me - halsey
arms tonite - mother mother
repetition - purity ring
space and time - 311
lofticries - purity sing
we are the champions - queen
tanya freemont
boy toy - the hot girls
wannabe - spice girls
don't you want me - the human league
girls just wanna have fun - cyndi lauper
tiptoe - boys world
lovefool - the cardigans
betty - taylor swift
what a shame - leyla blue
the benefits of being my man - mary kate wiles
woman (feat. the dap-kings horns) - kesha
video killed the radio star - the buggles
teenage dream - katy perry
material girl - madonna
donatella - lady gaga
rory sampson
hayloft - mother mother
pompeii - bastille
girls in bikinis - poppy
cuz i love you - lizzo
wake me up - avicii
dust hymn - purity ring
anna sun - walk the moon
radioactive - imagine dragons
bad blood - bastille
we didn't start the fire - billy joel
ants marching - dave matthews band
just can't get enough - depeche mode
rebel yell - billy idol
uptown girl - billy joel
love shack - the b-52's
we built this city - starship
hotel california - eagles
africa- toto
welcome to the jungle - guns n' roses
o my heart - mother mother
just another day - oingo boingo
rosanna - toto
iris - the goo goo dolls
lay all your love on me - erasure
sharp dresed man - zz top
thunderstruck - ac/dc
gimme all your lovin' - zz top
life is a highway - rascal flatts
lieutenant taz
get back up - starship
make party - jim and the povolos
strike back - talkfine, starkid
suavemente - elvis crespo
galactic love - jim and the povolos
wrecking ball - mother mother
greased lightnin' - grease
99 luftballoons - nena
committed - jim and the povolos
karma chameleon - culture club
hit me with your best shot - pat benatar
living on a prayer - the lights
never gets old - jim and the povolos
dancing queen - abba
it's a beautiful day - michael bublé
cupid's chokehold / breakfast in america - gym class heroes
walking on sunshine - katrina & the waves
firebringer medley - starkid homecoming
come on eileen - dexys midnight runners
don't stop believin' - journey
i'm gonna be (500 miles) - the proclaimers
time warp - rocky horror picture show
kids - mgmt
cynthia houston
take me to church - hozier
a change of scene - mary kate wiles
eyes on the prize i - lauren lopez
she blinded me with science - thomas dolby
the sun always shines on t.v. - a-ha
hot n cold - katy perry
plastic hearts - miley cyrus
madness - muse
suburbia - pet shop boys
vienna - billy joel
tainted love - soft cell
missionary man - eurythmics
renegades - x ambassadors
a little respect - erasure
poker face - lady gaga
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wizisbored · 3 years
right im rearranging the sk ghosts au again because series 3 happened and i have more thoughts
just kinda matched up the characters in terms of Vibes
mike and alison - paul and emma
pretty much same setup as mike and alison except that emma has far less patience for the ghosts bullshit. many a time paul has walked into her just absolutely losing her shit at a completely empty room.
aaand ill be sticking the rest under a cut because Long
lady button - linda monroe
a high class lady like fanny but also some kinda priestess? still a prophet? idk im still figuring it out but wiggly was still very much a Thing in her life and as well as telling emma that a LADY does not use such language she is also trying to introduce her to her Exciting New Religion.
captain - mcnamara
quite similar to the captain but less repressed. constantly wanting to give yet another talk on the fundamental truths of love and the human heart. also badgers both paul and emma to wear watches despite the fact that only one can hear him.
robin - zazzalil
robins a smart guy under all the funney caveman jokes, and so is zaz. she keeps coming up with inventions that already exist and trying to convince emma that stone-age technology is the best solution to whatever problems shes having. peoples reactions to this tend to range from finding it funny to being annoyed by her. deep down shes just desperately trying to prove shes not obsolete as a prehistoric inventor.
kitty - keeri
just wants someone to hang out with / blindly follow. hangs out with emma because shes a new friend who hasnt gotten tired of being followed yet. also pals with zazzalil because a lot of the time she doesnt think to point out that her new ideas have already been done.
mary - charlotte
mary but with more Sadness. some tension between her and zaz because yknow. Fire. somehow managed to sneak a waterskin of alcohol to her own execution. its a long-standing debate between the ghosts as to whether the alcohol a) is actually able to affect her, and b) even stays in her stomach long enough to have any effect before getting teleported back to the skin like thomas’ letter.
pat - jemilla
was running a wilderness survival / bushcraft camp on the grounds when there was a yet-undecided-upon Accident. was initially interested in zaz because of the whole wilderness thing, but jemilla pointing out the recklessness in her stories often led to squabbling so their relationship is now a little tense for now :)
thomas - hidgens
doesnt have the romantic ambitions of thomas (partly because hes like twice emmas age and partially because im just not a fan of that trope), but is instead convinced that emma is in fact very interested in his musical persuits and wants to hear about them. she does not.
julian - ted
maybe not an mp, but thinks himself just as important. all the female ghosts apart from charlotte strongly dislike him but he hasnt noticed. have you seen that post saying alison should start just walking through julian whenever hes being shitty? yeah that. if he gets to far into emmas personal space she will wave her hand through his face.
humphrey - bill
just a Nice Dude who happens to be in two pieces. when emma tells paul about him hes constantly worried hes going to step on (in?) bill’s head and hurt him, and encourages her to get a ghost to put it back on. bill appreciates the concern despite the fact that paul would have no clue if he had trod on him.
plague pit ghosts - tto family
died of dysentary. just kinda vibing in the basement. also, sww insisted on adopting hannah at some point so shes there too.
jemima - hannah
sings what if tomorrow comes instead of ring around the roses. as mentioned, lives in the basement with the dickrats. mostly stays down there to avoid linda - she hates the woman for reasons she cant quite get into words, as well as the wiggly doll.
dante - a wiggly doll
kinda terrifying. hes a little bigger than an official wiggly doll, with glass eyes, and looking disturbingly like taxidermy despite not being a real animal. emma is the only living person who actually knows what the hell this weird old cuthulu-looking stuffed thing in the house is, since linda has lectured her about him multiple times. shes told paul as well but he is very confused about it. thing is, practically everyone who visits the house has their own theory about what the fuck that nightmare doll is, and emma has to nod and 'yeah maybe' along while linda rants in her ear about her dark god.
pidgeon - the duck
pretty much the same as the pidgeon except for the fact that zazzalil keeps going back and forth on wether it should be considered sacred (a few thousand years and all this ghost stuff has got her kinda confused about her spirituality/relegion)
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sanoiro · 4 years
Lucifer 5x04 - The Mega Meta
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This episode, the one all the cast and writers praised turned out to be the most challenging for the audience. Several hated it mainly for interrupting the flow of S5P1 whilst introducing a ‘weak’ story for Lucifer’s ring. Others loved it for all the meta, the concealed trivia and details that exist in that episode. 
In my opinion 5x04 took it’s time to warm up to my heart and therefore today it’s time to write a meta on it. I’ll try to cover all the bases and if I miss something I apologise! 
This meta will analyse, lines, settings, songs hopefully with the order they appear in the episode, as well as hints that it gives us for P2, the end of the series and many more things. 
The credits open to Lucifer whistling as per Netflix’s subtitles ‘Chattanooga Choo Choo’
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A song of about a man waiting for his train as he gets a shoe shine. The lyrics reveal at the end that a girl is waiting him at his destination and that he intents to marry her and settle... A good foreshadowing about Lucifer no? Especially after the S3 game night fiasco...  
There's gonna be a certain party at the station Satin and lace, I used to call funny face She's gonna cry until I tell her that I'll never roam
By the way what’s this obsession over daggers and them killing people? Didn’t we have enough with the Flaming Sword in S2? 
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Trixie: Has it ever killed anyone?
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Let’s keep it that way kid... Although I doubt it. 
Now take a moment to realise that Lucifer was in Hell for thousands of years. He hasn’t had sex since his relationship with Eve and for his last night on Earth he prefers to play a game of Monopoly with Trixie and only when she turns him down Lucifer suggests getting a drink at LUX always in her company. That’s progress...
It also busts all claims of Lucifer being a sex obsessed maniac. 
The year is 1946...
WW2 is over and we find Lucifer in a new setting, a familiar one where through the episode we see that he has not just visited again but he is frequent visitor around that time. Just a few years later after all he was seen through Kinley’s photos in Nazi Germany. Now we know it was because apparently he owns a castle there, in the Austrian Alps... Not exactly in mint condition after the war though... 
By the way the castle that corresponds to that 22 bedroom description Lucifer gives is Schloss Ernegg Castle which belongs to the same family since the 17th century and it’s in great condition. Actually it operates as a hotel! 
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The Hurry plays as we see Ellis strolling the WB New York area of the lot. Great old ones were shot there.. Like The Big Sleep (1946) staring Bogart and Bacall which was shot in 1944, reshot some parts in 1945 but was released after all the ‘proper’ war time movies were released first. 
A bit like this episode The Big Sleep carries ‘process of a criminal investigation, not its results’. Also around that time we have The Killers coming out, The Killers is important to mention as aside from being based on a story by Hemingway who was in Cuba in 1946 not in New York as Lucifer claims, it was directed by Robert :. Siodmak made most of the Hollywood’s noir classics and was always faithful to the doomed attraction which would always resolve to a nihilistic conclusion... (Thank you wiki! :P)
The connection to Lucifer, between the lines and the off hand comments like Hemingway is that noir films were based on the German Expressionism in cinema, and one of the most prominent figure for the US was that one German director Robert Siodmak. 
The purpose of the above information is in order to tell you that a black & whte effect and a crime story is not what makes a noir episode. The writers were faithful to the core of noir. Entrapment, flashbacks, narration. The tropes of murder, jealousy, backstabbing and crime is also there, easy to replicate after all for sure. A dead man walking and ‘selective’ amnesia is also convenient... 
Triumph and tragedy can be found and lost in the maze of the cities and in questionable establishments... Like in bars... 
Moving on!
The credits open and we listen to The Hurry Up played by The Heath And His Orchestra. Dear Heath was British not an American. A subtle nod to Ellis probably as the leading man. But here is the thing Heath was the performer not the composer of that piece. The composer was Kenny Graham (Again British) and probably that piece was written after 1958 but anyways it’s an inconsistency we (-I-) can certainly live with!
Lucifer and Lilith last meeting was at around 1770 (Marie Antoinette was born in 1755) now whether in Austria or France who knows....  I would assume that Lucifer stayed in Austria until WW2 as aside from the wars and other issues it had a great cultural field for him to explore such as literature, music and lacked the brashness of the new-founded then US (1776). 
Tiny issue here... Moctezuma (The 2nd) who Lilith claims to have met died in 1520, a bit after Cortés arrived in what we know today as Mexico so we can assume that Lilith travelled between the New World and Europe until Lucifer found her in New York in 1946. 
Lilith in a relationship with Tommy Stomponato who owned the club, she probably influenced him enough to name it ‘The Garden’ as se admits to Gertie later in the episode, she really loved that Garden hence why she took a small part of it with her. 
Now the name Tommy Stomponato is directly influenced by Johnny Stomponato part and bodyguard of the Cohen Mafia boss Mickey Cohen. Now funny thing he was stabbed by Lana Turner’s (Hollywood star) daughter Cheryl Crane... That remind us a bit of Gertie as she yes both were stabbed by a woman but both were not prosecuted. The first as Lilith didn’t want Gertie to lose the limited time she had with her husband and Cheryl because she claimed self-defense. 
The first time we see Lesley Ann as Lilith she sings ‘I want to be evil’ originally performed at the debut of Eartha Kitt and first released in 1953. It is considered brilliant for it’s feminism and ‘video clip’ starring Kitt... 
It’s a song that carries Lilith’s agony which even Eve carried. The need for freedom, the need to break the chains of what they should be and what we see that even Maze carries throughout the series. It’s a song that reaffirms that betrayal towards God, Adam and Lucifer in Maze’s case is not an act of evilness but the need of these women to re-sculpture themselves without aid or instructions. In Kitt’s case it was social conformity. Also Johnnie Ray was the ‘guy who cries’ aside from his hit song in 1951 ‘Cry’ him crying after his wedding was received with mixed feelings I believe from the press and his fans. 
Now we see that crime for Lucifer was fun and again he wanted to Laugh with Hemingway who again in 1946 was not in New York but had just starting to write his novel ‘Garden of Eden (published posthumously in 1986) and it explored the reversal of gender roles a bit like this Lucifer episode does. 
So Lucifer accepts the case of finding the ring but needs help. Jack Monroe is the one that can help him and the name is inspired probably by Iowa’s born Jack Monroe Marvel character who lived in New York, fought the Nazi (See Jack talking about the Battle of the Bulge), sidekick to Captain America - in a way - and ended up shot and killed. The character had many cliche detective phrases. But that’s mostly a likely speculation :P 
Now as Jack goes to talk to the ‘rat’ Lucifer comments on Gertie serving him a drink ‘Just what the doctor ordered’ an obvious connection to Harris playing Dr Linda. 
A nice prop is the machine gun over the bar an alleged gift from Al Capone who had been arrested 17 years earlier and died in 1947.
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Thanks for listening, XOXO A. Capone
Now Lucky Larry who ends up dead is wearing an eyepatch probably a nod to another great director of noir films and of german expressionism in cinematography Fritz Lang. 
At that point we have the talk between Lucifer and Jack concerning the laters problem with his wife.  The story as everyone has noticed is a parallel with the issue that Lucifer and Chloe never begun on an equal ground. Someone had manipulated them and in both cases both parties suffered. Both men were manipulated by someone over them in hierarchy and both stood on a dilemma on how to proceed. It took Lucifer over 60 years to realise how difficult it was to leave and even then in 2x14 he returned. 
 As Jack and Lucifer get to Willy’s mansion all the paintings depict him as a great warrior in all possible eras. As Napoleon, Fritz of Austro-Hungarian Empire, Henry the 8th, Ivan, and that armour I believe it was from Carlomagne?
Also Hannibal crossing the Alps? 
The little sausages are self-explenatory for the character and perhaps the lilies in his house a connection to the episode and the P1′s plot. 
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Lucifer checking the armour’s genital protector? Priceless :P As was Willy’s connection to Dan. 
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Now something that always make me wonder is why Lilith calls God Adam’s father as if she never considered him her own. At the same time she gives us a big hint there. She never walked away she was ‘sent’ away. 
Gertie reveals there that her husband was wounded at the Guadalcanal campaign which ended in 1943 meaning that Bill was unresponsive for about three years at that point. The good news is that Bill seems to have been inspired by Bill Lentsch. Lentsch wrote a memoir called My Story and then adapted under the Title Hope For Wounded Warriors.
As a wounded warrior, Bill Lentsch knows the frustrating feelings of apparent helplessness and hopelessness. A sea-going Marine on the cruiser USS Vincennes at the beginning of World War II, he was a "hot shell catcher". The story of Bill's survival when the Vincennes sank is a story of miracles. In contrast, the story of his post-war rehabilitation and readjustment to civilian life, including a bad marriage {Sanoiro: At this point we have a differentiation but you never know}, contains more than its share of dark pages and the consequences of poor choices. Contemplating the option of murder, then suicide, was a vivid reality. Thankfully, the story of his later years brings hope and inspiration as Bill shares his personal journey of discovery.
Meanwhile the investigation continues.  In the apartment we see pigeon cages a rather popular hobby back then in New York and not just for the messages they transported. Also do notice the WB water tower in the back. Iconic!
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Lucifer finds a cuban cigar. Romeo y Juliet. The meta here obvious bit nonetheless important to our main love story. 
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With Stomponato dead we have a chance to delve a bit to Egyptian mythology. 
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First the missing heart. The main organ that according to ancient Egyptians held the answer of how well you had done while you lived and what you deserved after death. It was measured and a conclusion sent you to afterlife or to damnation. 
Second the Anubis mask. He was the God of Death who oversaw the heart weighting process. The colour black symbolised the Nile’s sand and thus regeneration as the river was a symbol of life. Anubis was adopted by Isis
Third the Eye of Horus. The Eye of Horus was used as a sign of prosperity and protection, derived from the myth of Isis and Osiris. This symbol has an astonishing connection between neuroanatomical structure and function.  
That’s the basics but you can go further from there if you want to just remember that Egyptian deities hold an Ankh the symbol and work of life. 
In 504 we learn that death is final, there is no eternal life. It cannot be given as a commodity, the ring cannot help so I would focus more on the stone itself and if Lilith’s immortality is used then it will not be used as it is in my opinion but more about that later on. 
The shop sacred eye and the high priest take us back to two episodes of S1. First in 1x07 - Wingman where the high priest parallels the auctioner who was ready to sell everything of ‘supernatural’ worth knowing they were mostly garbage to make money. Second 1x12 - #TeamLucifer the satanic high priest who had said ‘-the Devil ain't gonna buy me an Aston Martin’. In 504 the High Priest wanted a Pontiac. 
Lucifer comment on Tutankhamun loving the pre-sacrificed bloody heart might have to do with the Egyptian mythology that  If a heart during the scaling was judged to be not pure, Ammit (female demon/god) would devour it, and the person undergoing judgment would not allowed to continue their afterlife journey.
One of the best lines delivered in this episode is also foreshadowing P2 in my opinion and why not some bts but not clear or definite ones. 
In the modern age, we are taught to fear death. But the ancients understood that death... is power. - High Priest (Lucifer 5x04)
It is why I always say that death is not the last frontier in our series and as such it should be taken neither as the final chapter to an individual’s story nor as irreversible (with the right collaterals always) somehow. Although you cannot cheat death forever, this is the beauty of our story. Death is valued just as much as life. 
As such as we are in the High Priest ‘office’ it is not accidental we see the Tree of Life (See my Tree of Life Meta *Here*). The designs are Celtic around the mirroring tree of Life in what we can assume is in Life and Death is as vibrant and ‘alive’ in both sides. 
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1) triskelion: meaning the three legs, is an ancient pre-celtic symbol that can be traced to the bronze era. It symbolises the holy trinity in Christianism but also the inner and outer world of spirits. As you can tell it holds a variety of meanings and even if it is just there, picked in random from the WB prop house we should note that it also symbolises the trinity of life, death and rebirth as well as the trinity of the transition of womanhood. The Triple Goddess: maiden, mother and the (older?) wise woman. 
For this meta we will take the trinity of life, death and rebirth as well as elevate it to the transition of our lead characters. Chloe as a young woman, a mother and now a ‘wise’ older and more mature woman. Lucifer as the young rebel, a struggling with maturity and responsibility man and what he may become by the end of S5 without shedding any of his prior roles and identities. Only this time his identities no longer ‘stain’ him. 
2) Knotted symbol - Eternal knot: We see them in many cultures and religions in Buddhism they represent birth, death and rebirth. In the inside we see Solmon’s Knot a symbol of immortality and eternity but some also parallel it to Lover’s Knot (See True Lover’s Knot), an ancient symbol of commitment and love. From this keep the eternal part of the symbolism which is often depicted in jewish cemeteries. 
3) Celtic Cross: They are said to be based on some cases to the Egyptian Ankh (See Coptic Crosses), some also allege the design in the combination of the Christian cross and the pagan sun disk. 
4) The Celtic Tree of Life: For this I take what is written in this site
The tree represents rebirth. Trees were said to guard the land and acted as a doorway into the spirit world.
The Tree of Life connects the lower and upper worlds as its roots grow far down while its branches reach high. The tree trunk connects both of these worlds to the Earth’s plane. It was with this connection of worlds, that it was said that people are able communicate with the gods in the heavens using the Tree of Life.
Tree of Life knots symbolize the branches and roots of a tree which are woven together with no end to show how the cycle of life is continuous.
Through the second part of the episode I was always looking at Lucifer’s tie. I might be wrong but it reminded me a lot of gears, with a heart and clocks on it. Essentially the clock is ticking... in more ways that one as well as for Lilith but give me some more lines before I return to this meta point.
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As Lucifer asks how humans believe her ring makes her immortal she ends her story with the line:
“I survive, and... somebody writes it on a stone tablet. You know how these things start.”
For me that was always a direct reference to the Favourite Son deal we had with the book in episode 2x17. As Lucifer said in 2x18 when Chloe asked whether his Dad said that Amenadiel was His favourite, Lucifer replies: 
In so many Sumerian words. 
Later on in S3 (3x14) Lucifer tells to Cain that Amenadiel is the favourite when he asks him as: 
But the quick version: a book said it, so it must be true.
To be honest this re-occurring mentioning makes me hold to my belief that something was translated wrong there...
As the 5x04 sceheme to get the ring back is underway Lilith looks at Jack & Shirley’s interaction which is interesting not because it’s when Lilith starts to perhaps thinking of retiring her immortality but because a very special question comes to mind. 
Michael knew the ring’s story. He claimed that he was the one who manipulated Lucifer into having his vacation, but his vacation just ‘happened’ to be at the same time Chloe was on Earth? 
Here is a speculative meta. 
Lilith asks Lucifer if he ever connected with anyone emotionally to which he replies: 
Absolutely not. It would take a literal miracle for me to want something like that, and I'm fairly certain my father's not handing those out anymore.
It makes you wonder whether Michael was around listening, planning carefully his next moves. That that’s how he knew the ring’s story, or how he may have plotted Chloe’s miraculous birth by manipulating God. 
At this point everything is possible but we should never forget that God at that point is still powerful and omniscience so Michael might be only alf of the explanation why Chloe is on Earth as a key for Michael to take down his brother and materialise his other plans. The other half is only known by God but will he be willing to share in P2 or even in S6 if he appears there? 
Lesley-Ann as Lilith starts to sing ‘Someone to Watch Over Me’ a song written over the songwritter’s (Ira Gershwin) wedding anniversary, a true love song on many levels written in 1926 and featured in the Brodway Musical ‘Hey, Kay!’. 
The musical’s plot is about an engaged womaniser falls in love with Kay and the song after lots of thought was placed to reveal to the audience of Kay’s realising that she is in love with the male lead, womaniser Jimmy. 
We will never perhaps know if by imminence to Lilith’s first song lyrics, Lilith to a point was in love with Lucifer and held on to hope until she surrendered everything for a normal life not wanting to wait for the impossible. Of course that’s just one interpretation not a hard conviction of mine. 
An analysis of the song writes: 
When first composing this piece, the Gershwin brothers tried to capture the feeling of safety (and love) that everybody longs to have. The addition of the doll (a doll was added as the listener of the song in the rehearsals and stayed in the show) only enhanced the childlike, vulnerable side of the song that was being hinted at in lyrics such as, “I’m a little lamb who’s lost in the woods.”
Although many artists sing this like a love song, its first performance, directed at a doll, gave the piece an aura of safety not usually present in romantic songs.
Perhaps that safety should be also attributed here. Lilith still has her safety still holding on to her immortality knowing though that she will surrender it. Lucifer is unaware he one day will surrender his willingly because he fell in love. 
In the end they both carry the vulnerability of needing someone to understand and love them. No matter how cynical we find both Lilith and Lucifer with his brutal Caligula orgy comments, they both crave about someone. Both have lost hope to their Shepard aka God/Dad.
 Perhaps I’m wrong on my first impression with Lilith and her affection towards Lucifer. Perhaps they both are the prodigal children, lost in the woods wishing for someone to finally take care of them but no longer hoping for one, until Lilith takes the leap. Lucifer will need almost 80 more years and Chloe Decker to let someone take care of him. 
Perhaps that’s why they do a duet on the lyrics:
Someone who'll watch over me
I'm a little lamb who's lost in the wood I know I could, always be good To one who'll watch over me
And the case is back to move the episode forward and enter the present Lucifer Trixie interlude and ‘Forget it Trix. It’s Chinatown!’
That line was the most obvious one as it comes from the more recent noir movie with Bogart and Chinatown (1974).  In the movie aside from the mystery plot Evelyn - the mother eventually dies, the twist is that of an abuse which led to her daughter/sister’s birth and although that does not fit our serie’s plot the death of the main lady might. All a speculation so do not be dishearten remember all the above and this is not an S&S it’s a meta :P 
After all Lucifer’s line goes back to the complex dealings in Chinatown and how understanding something fully is not always feasible. 
Interesting is also how Lucifer shots, albeit the foot not the leg, of willy to prove Willy is not immortal. Like Chloe did to him in 1x04 and to Michael in 5x02. Jewelry is not going to save anyone. Big words but you know me. I believe in other provisions or actions even if they include the ring. 
We all die, Lily. And that's okay. Truth is... I'd rather die today trying to save the man I love... than live forever without him.
The past, the present and perhaps the future?
The case is resolved and Jack follows Shirley to Des Moines (Capital of Iowa). That’s an inner joke as Joe Henderson is from Iowa and graduated from the University of Iowa. 
Before Jack follows her remember that Shirley had asked more from him when he told her to be careful. A bit like Chloe in the evidence room in 5x08. If some have watched unconditional love then you might remember the scene where Kathy Bates tells to her husband played by Dan Aykroyd that him telling her ‘I love you was never a condition but at that point it now was. Similar to what we saw Chloe asking from Lucifer. A foreshadowing perhaps that eventually Lucifer will follow Chloe. 
Now two things. Lucifer in episode 504 prepares their game night. He is now comfortable and even enjoying their game nights, he find himself right where he wants to be without being fearful of being dull. He is a shoe and that’s fine. 
When Trixie asks Lucifer whether Jack and Shirley had a happy ending he tells her probably not as they moved to Des Moines meaning it was a boring move between New York and Iowa in general. Iowa and Des Moines have been used several times in jokes by the way due to Henderson. 
Now back to Lucifer, at that point he does not see that sometimes sacrifices that lead to ‘boring’ lives are the best outcome and happiness is not equal to excitement but he is a slowly maturing Devil... 
That part can help us to analyse the end of the story from 1946. 
Lucifer says: Once you do this, there's no going back.
This implies that whether you surrender your immortality or gain it -for the second I’m quite doubtful it can be done on the same terms - it is forever. No going back. 
Lilith’s next words reveal a broken woman who gets her Hail Mary and hopes for the best. As a parent she offered her children the best place to never realise they are lacking but Lucifer by bringing Maze to earth undid that as Maze slowly reaches her potential, learning there is a different way. God’s words echo since 3x26.
So was Lucifer a kindergarten guardian for Lilith? In a way yes but Lucifer in 5x04 understood Lilith’s logic. In their distorted image of how you can break an individual, the Lilims seemed safe from Lucifer’s and Lilith’s fates. Cast out, punished, unloved, lonely and in an unspoken despair to connect but too afraid to try again until Lilith tried again. The end of 504 showed she didn’t succeed o find what she was looking for. We have no way of knowing if we will see her again in P2 but it’s probable. 
Lilith kisses Lucifer goodbye, making me once again wonder if a part of her did had feelings for him and wishes him back to enjoy the rest of his life as if somehow she knew, although she couldn’t. 
The story ends here and perhaps the clock starts ticking for Lucifer through Michael. Perhaps the planning started with Penelope and John that were meant to be born, get married but not have children and then Chloe came along. But that’s just a theory...
And before the screen fades to dark, Lilith walks away with Lucifer standing in the middle of the street and we listen to ‘This Is Ours’ by Peter Sivo’s Band (1946-1961).
This is Ours lyrics are the words of a man which mystify me. For me it is a song that gives us a couple together after a very long time that reconnects. It was a meant to be couple but the past had to happen. He had to get married, for both of them to live apart their own lives until one day they get back together and now they can be together. There is no sadness, there is relief, contentment. 
Several say that How I Met Your Mother had an awful ending. If you have not watched it and want to please stop here but know that I believe that the ending was just right. 
In How I Met Your Mother, the lead (father) marries the mother of his children but it is revealed that she eventually dies and some years later he starts telling them a story that lasts ten years as all aspects of it in his belief is about how he met their mother. His daughter interrupts him saying that no it’s about how he met the woman he wants to be together now. They all know that the Mother was loved and was the One but in this life there is more, there are second chances because life happens and it’s not a bad thing and the time in between is as joyful as the future despite of the tragedies in between. 
So a part of me wonders if Deckerstar will go a bit through that to a point. 
Forget the past, for this is ours...
The thing is that a bittersweet ending gives as a possibility and then we are left wondering past that. 
Trixie: I bet Jack and Shirley talked the whole bus ride and fixed everything. Lucifer: Yes. Yes, perhaps they did.
After all they did move to Des Moines... After that we can only guess. 
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Deleted Scenes: Gateway Drug
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @l
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"No Show" -- [1992]
I furrow my brows slightly, the sound of my heels clicking against the tiled floor backstage as I round the corner, seeing Matt, Slash, Duff, and Gilby, guitars and bass in hand while Matt’s got his drumsticks, stringing in competent melodies around. They’re obviously drunk off their asses, probably even a little more than just drunk.
“Where’s Axl?” I ask them, glancing around.
“Didn’t show.” Gilby pipes, blowing cigarette smoke past his lips, a doofy smile on his lips as if it’s not a big deal that Axl skipped out.
“Well. He showed. He didn’t showed for long, though.” Matt adds, his words completely miscombobulated, holding back a laugh.
“That’s supposed to be funny?” I question him, my eyes shifting to Gilby. “And since when do you smoke?”
This gets a rise out of all them, causing them to giggle and laugh.
“Just calm down, mom.” Slash lets out teasingly.
“So, what, Axl just walked in, saw you all like this and left?” I ask, ignoring Slash.
“He bitches at us for not having our shit together then he won’t even rehearse.” Matt gripes next and I just look at the men, nodding slowly.
“Rocket Queen.” I tell them and they look at each other.
“You wanna rehearse, rehearse. Tansy gave me the set list. Rocket Queen’s the first song. Go.” I order, sitting down as they struggle to pull each other up, laughing.
It takes them a moment to get their shit together, and within the first thirty seconds it’s obvious they are barely competent enough to play right. It doesn’t sound awful by any means...but they’re lackluster compared to usual. Picking up on this, they all fizz out, sighing and giving up, reaching for their bottles to drown the reality some more.
“We’ll work the kinks out like we always do.” Duff tells me, spitting a wad of spit onto the floor below the stage, his hand rubbing over his forehead, his bloated face smiling innocently as a nervous chuckle comes from him.
“You fellout on stage last night, Duff. Was that an unworked kink or part of the show?” I reply, crossing my arms and he shuts his mouth. “Matt, you were so blown out on coke you wouldn't leave your closet for a week. Slash, you turned blue not too long ago and, Gilby…” I trail off, not knowing what to say exactly. “...You’re too good to get caught up in their horseshit, so why bother?" I finish, looking at them, disappointed. "Maybe Axl didn't hang around for rehearsals because he doesn't have much of a band to rehearse with, anymore." I tell them, turning on my heel to go.
"I heard you used to be more passive!" Matt calls after me, boldly, and I stop in my tracks and look at them one last time. "I can't say I believe it because you stay on our dicks more than groupies." He adds, taking a swig of his drink. 
"Glad you're able to form sentences again, Matt, 'cause anymore it's just incoherent babbling from all of you." I brush off his words. "None of you guys are tough enough to kick shit on down the line." I refer to Mr. Brownstone, a song they're obviously into playing out in their lives, and I keep walking. 
"Viv!" Duff calls after me, but I keep going, making it to the car that's taking me to the airport to go home. "Viv, wait!"
He follows me out, grabbing my wrist, stopping me. 
"Look, I'm sorry about the booze and the coke and the...whatever, passing-out shit, alright? Just, don't be pissed at me." He tells me. 
"You married Linda on a boat." I state. "I didn't even know you had a girlfriend or whatever and then I see you and her posing for wedding photos for a ceremony I wasn't even invited to--let alone even know was taking place. Then I find out I haven't ever heard you talk about her because she wasn't anyone special, in particular, she's just your drug buddy. Which made me feel even more stupid to think you'd be any better than Nikki." I tear up, licking my lips. 
"Vivian, I didn't know how to tell you…" he says as best as he can. 
"...I pray every night that you finally get some of your senses back because I can't keep doing this." I go to get back in the car but he stops me. 
"Can't keep doin' what?" He asks and I ignore him, only for him to stop me again. 
"This. Seeing you like this. Seeing all of you like this! I don't recognize anybody anymore and it's just getting worse." I give up and confess. 
"Then I'll fix it, okay, whatever you want me to do, Vivian, I-I'll do it." He grasps at my hand. 
"I don't want you to do it for me, Duff. I want you to do it for you. And until you can--"
"--You're not breaking up with me, Vivian." He shakes his head a little. "Not again." 
"Duff, I know there's a lot more going on than what you're telling me, even more what I'm seeing, and I don't want to be caught up in that." I calmly explain. "So, just...give me a few weeks to think about everything and I'll bring Monroe back to visit, alright?" 
"Vivia--" I cut him off with a kiss on the cheek, smiling sympathetically at him. 
"I love you. Get some rest. I'll see you soon." 
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