#like huh hope that doesn't affect me in the future :)
wienners · 2 months
"dude its not that embarassing to rewatch some creepypasta stuff you liked as a teenager" the character i imprinted on like a baby duck at 16 was a demon from new jersey that acts like the humanization of every offspring song and canonically listens to scissor sisters. His favorite color is purple and his favorite pokemon is Gengar. He leaves people notes with emojis on them. He acts like a beetlejuice scare actor at halloween horror nights. His catchphrase is "feeling sassy?" Hes (allegedly) worked with every war criminal throughout history and been every serial killer. even the gay ones. he ate a baby. his animal motif is a rabbit. hes kind of based off donnie darko. he talks to his cats in a baby voice. he wears a white fedora that makes every video he wears it in feel dated by like 7 years. hes 5'3. he hacked a girls tumblr blog. he added a laugh track over a video of him killing people. he named a chainsaw rex. he torments people by playing frank sinatra at them. his name comes from an animal collective song. theres a canon blog entry where he makes the speakers blare rob zombie before he enters a room, then holds a guy at gunpoint to describe what he did to to him while "making sure to leave in all the cool parts". Hes like ten tumblr sexymen traits rolled into one. Sometimes his voice gets distorted and it makes him sound like Bill Ciphers first year on HRT. For some fucking reason i associate the song Cake By The Ocean with him. I firmly believe that if everymanhybrid didn't require a masters degree in creepypasta autism to comprehend, he would've caused more teenage stabbings than the slenderman incident and more kin war tumblr scenarios than nagito komaeda.
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rntoshi · 1 year
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— isagi yoichi (n): the unintentional fuck boy.
͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏/ • yoichi is pro, all characters are adults.
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no one would ever think to associate the term “fuck boy” to the heart of gold that is isagi yoichi. the blue eyed ravenette comes across as such a sweetheart when people first meet him. a bit hardheaded if you really know him, but a sweetheart, nonetheless. there's so much passion and drive behind his eyes that it's charming— alluring to the hopeless romantic type for the fact that they like to daydream about what could be. anyone could get lost in a fantasy about being swept off their feet by a pretty face like isagi, he makes it effortless really. golden retriever energy is what you would call it. it's why he's so popular with women, he comes across as this boy next door who’s so willing to do anything to achieve a goal he has set in his heart. that's the image he's painted for himself in the public eye, and not that it's inaccurate: it just simply doesn't translate well into his love life.
one of his issues is... isagi doesn't realize just how attractive he is. as it's been said before, he's himbo adjacent. the attention he gets... he sums it up as getting “lucky.” his friendliness can be perceived as flirting, even more so that he doesn't take into account that he's one of the hottest players in the blue lock program. his gorgeous face and his athletic but lean physique make him physically attractive but it's also the mannerisms he possesses as well. little things like being the type to place a gentle hand on the small of your back if he's trying to walk past you in a crowded area. a polite “excuse me, I'm sorry.” leave his lips and the prettiest smile when you two make eye contact lingers just a second too long. or the crease between his brows when he's frustrated or tired— running both hands through his hair which exposes his forehead. it.
he never intends to, but he can't help but to well... get cold feet after the climax of one of his newfound “flings.” once the initial excitement has passed, it's not as appealing for him anymore but there's a reason for this. it's his post nut clarity that gets him every time. that immediate clear mindedness or soberness a guy gains after blowing his load. lying in bed with a girl as she talks about their future— the pillow talk goes well until the plans she proposes clash with his career. isagi has a tendency to equate entertaining the thought of a relationship as him putting priority towards just that, and not his real passion. it's just that isagi is at a point in his career where... nothing will ever amount to how important his job is to him. he's dedicated so much time and effort to get to the point where he is now. its time consuming and mind plaguing, it's the long-lasting effects that blue lock has had on him throughout the years. it's built an insane work ethic and need to crave more. nothing can or will get in the way of him and his vision. it's a curse all athletes have and unfortunately isagi yoichi, our sweet mc, is not an exception. it probably affects him the worse, really.
these girls he gets involved with always seem to have a trend of leaving feminine items in his gym bag. thongs, bras, hair scrunchies and even jewelry in hopes of isagi returning them. some girls do it for his attention and others do it because they want to plant this seed that isagi is “seeing” them. the paparazzi can catch anything and will often seek for certain shots if they're tipped off.
it's kind of funny because out of everyone, raichi is the one who discovers isagi is a bit of a whore. it's a regular day at practice when all the boys were in the locker room getting themselves situated before hitting the field. isagi is sitting on the bench when he pulls out his cleats, and in the process a hot pink thong falls on the floor beside raichi's feet where he foot only a couple feet away. of course, blondie gives isagi a hard time about it.
“tch, you still seein' that one brunette, huh? she your girl yet?” raichi picks up the pair of panties, leaning against the locker with a smug smile twirling the skimpy garment around his pointer finger before sling shotting it back to isagi.
“hah.. no.” isagi lets out a small, breathy chuckle as he catches the underwear. he's a little embarrassed but it's nothing he's not used to. “i met someone else. she's a sweet girl though.”
“the hell are you talkin' about? you were just screwing this other chick last monday.” raichi raises a brow as he straightens his posture, only now realizing why isagi never said a specific name. it's because they were all different girls. ha, that's rich.
“ah.. well yeah.” isagi gives a shy smile, scratching the back of his neck before he shoves the panties back into his bag, in a smaller and more discreet pocket. raichi only shakes his head before turning around back to his locker.
“it's always the humble ones.” raichi mumbles to himself.
yoichi finds himself puzzled at how often these kinds of things end up in his possession at the most inconvenient times but he never thinks too deeply about it. his indifference to the situation makes them want to chase him even harder. do even more outlandish things to get his attention when his tunnel vision is impossible to break.
he routinely goes to the gym after these one-night stands. it’s like a detox but for his mind, cleansing it of all the diluted thoughts that fogged his vision. it's almost like his own form of meditation.
there’s something so hot about isagi working out after a hookup. it's the post sex glow he has, the thin layer of sweat on his body, the determined look in his eye as he pushes himself past his usual limits. his cock is semi hard in his sweats from his endorphins, creating a prominent print under the gym's harsh lighting. he feels like a brand-new man after. refreshed and ready for the next fight on the field.
isagi is sweet! he really is! he doesn't like making girls cry. but he can't help that he's awful at texting back or returning calls. yoichi just forgets, getting too caught up in practice, games and press conferences.
it's not all isagi's fault though, because he is such sweetheart and can come across as a little manipulative, women often think they can take advantage of securing a marriage with a professional athlete. most are in for a rude awakening when their plans fall short while others simply pick up on the behavior and more onto the next team with the next player.
it won't be like this forever though. i believe this version of isagi is the kind of guy to realize he's fallen in love with his childhood best friend. isagi is known to be extremely loyal so any relationships that have already been established are taken quite seriously by him. you were that sweet girl who lived next door to him for years. you always had cute band aids for when he scraped his knees and yummy snack to share after school. you weren't very athletic, but you always cheered for him even during his loses. you were also one of his biggest support systems when he was going through the blue lock programs. you've always been an anchor in his life and it's something he doesn't realize until you two lose contact for a couple years.
it's funny how things work out too because it just so happens that you two visit home around the same time. when he sees you in your mother's flower garden you had only gotten prettier. you're wearing a flowy sundress and a sunhat; he thinks it's so cute— refreshing to see in contrast to the girls that usually approach him. there's a moment where you finally lock eyes with him, and it makes his tummy drop.
and he realizes he's in love.
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© rntoshi 2023. do not modify or repost.
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kefiteria · 19 days
Moonlight Echoes
character: scaramouche x reader
tags: fluff, established relationship, stargazing
summary: stargazing with scara + heart to heart conversation🩵 + reassuring scara
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Scaramouche let out an exaggerated sigh, his snark practically dripping from every word. “Don't move too much now, or you'll fall, and trust me, I won't catch you if you did fall.” he remarked, his tone laced with sarcasm as he balanced precariously on the branch with you.
Rolling your eyes at his typical attitude, you couldn't help but marvel at the view. The rainforest stretched out beneath you, a vast expanse of greenery illuminated by the moonlight. “It's so tall, and I can see the whole rainforest here! WOAH LOOK, THE MOON IS SO BIG TOO, reminds me of a rice cracker!” you exclaimed, excitement evident in your voice as you pointed out the celestial sights.
Scaramouche sighed again and wrapped his arms around your waist, out of affection. “What a hassle. Such noise would attract many hidden preying eyes.” he grumbled, his snark cutting through the night air like a sharpened dagger.
“Like monkeys?” you teased, earning an exasperated eye roll from Scaramouche.
“Yes, monkeys. Just like you.” he retorted, his snide remark punctuated by a heavy sigh.
But your enthusiasm was undeterred as you pointed out the constellation Orion. “Look at Orion, isn't it incredible? It's like a celestial warrior, standing proud at the night sky. Maybe the monkeys will not be here because of Orion protecting us both!” you exclaimed, hopeful despite Scars's cynicism.
“I hate to break it to you, but Orion doesn't exactly have a good reputation in Greek mythology. So, don't even bother looking up at that constellation.” Scaramouche interjected, his snark evident in every syllable.
Undeterred, you suggested creating your own constellation. “Perhaps we should just connect the stars and make our own constellations then?” you proposed, pointing to the sky with enthusiasm.
“And what would it be?” Scaramouche asked, raising an eyebrow in mild interest.
“Probably chicken mushroom skewers or Mondstadt Grilled Fish shaped?” you grinned mischievously, earning another eye roll from your partner.
“I should've expected that coming from that brain of yours.” Scaramouche muttered, his snark reaching new heights.
You turned the question back on him with a curious look. “What about you? If you could make a new constellation, what would it be?”
After a moment of contemplation, Scaramouche replied, “Probably the tiniest star. I'll pick it and make it as the sole constellation.”
Confused by his choice, you pressed for more explanation. “Huh? I don't get it. How can one single star be a constellation?”
Scaramouche sighed, realizing he couldn't escape your relentless curiosity. “Constellations are patterns of stars that are named and recognized as distinct groupings by people. They're often based on mythological figures, animals, or objects. So, if I want it to be a constellation, then it shall be.” he explained, reluctantly delving into the topic.
“Yeah, but you still haven't explained why you chose a single tiny star to be your choice of constellation.” you pointed out, looking at him expectantly.
Knowing he couldn't avoid the question any longer, Scaramouche begrudgingly elaborated, “Everyone wants the brightest star to be their guiding star. Everyone wants to create a memorable constellation for future generations to look up to. I want something that only belongs to myself, so I'll choose a tiny star and elaborate it in my own eyes.” His words dripped with his trademark snark, leaving you with a mix of amusement and exasperation.
“And how would it be?” you asked as you tilted your head.
Scaramouche smirked, his snarky demeanor returning full force. “Oh, it would be magnificent, of course.” he replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “A constellation so small and insignificant that only the most discerning eyes could even notice it. But to those who do, it would symbolize independence, resilience, and a refusal to conform to the expectations of others.”
You couldn't help but chuckle at his dramatic description. “So, basically, it would be the epitome of your personality?” you teased, earning a playful glare from Scaramouche.
“Exactly.” he said with a smirk, his snark momentarily replaced by a hint of pride. “After all, why settle for blending in when you can stand out in your own unique way?”
You nodded, impressed by his answer. “I guess everyone sees the stars differently, similar to how everyone sees you differently.” you remarked, reflecting on the conversation.
Scaramouche grinned, his snark softened by a rare moment of genuine warmth. “Well, aren't you full of surprises?” he quipped, before quickly adding, “but don't let it go to your head.”
As you glanced up at the night sky, Scaramouche's eyes followed yours, lingering on the stars above. For a brief moment, there was a flicker of something in his expression, as if hinting that maybe, just maybe, you could be a constellation in his own private sky. But before you could dwell on the thought, his trademark smirk returned, and he brushed off the moment with a casual remark, leaving you to wonder if you had imagined it all.
Slowly, his fingers intertwined with yours, his gaze remained fixed on the celestial canvas above, as if drawing strength from the vastness of the universe. “I wanted to be your tomorrow so I lived today, the past and future.” he murmured, his voice soft yet filled with a profound sincerity that touched your heart.
“I'm happy… truly.” you replied, returning his warm smile as you too turned your gaze upward, feeling a sense of connection to something greater than yourselves.
“Ever since the first day I saw you until now, in my heart, it’s only you. Every time I look up at the night sky, it reminds me of you. Anything around me makes me want to treasure you.” Scaramouche confessed, his words carrying a weight of affection that resonated deeply within you.
Scaramouche's tender touch sent a shiver down your spine, his fingers tracing delicate patterns across your skin as he leaned in closer, his breath warms against your cheek. In that intimate moment, his words hung in the air, heavy with emotion and vulnerability.
“But such words are commonly uttered, I want to say something new too… something that you've never heard…” he whispered, his voice soft yet filled with an intensity that left you breathless.
With a gentle smile, you reached up to cup his cheek, your fingers brushing against the stubble on his jawline. “That's alright though, I love and accept any affection you want to give me in any way, shape, and form.” you reassured him, your voice barely above a whisper as you gazed into his eyes, reflecting the depth of your feelings.
“Because they’re such common words, I was worried they wouldn’t sound sincere… please… reassure me,” he choked out, his grip tightening slightly.
Feeling Scaramouche's vulnerability in the trembling of his touch, you gently caressed his cheek, your thumb soothing the tension that lingered there.
“Scaramouche,” you whispered, your voice soft yet steady, “every word you speak carries the weight of your sincerity. And currently, as you bare your heart to me, I feel the depth of your emotions echoing in every syllable.”
Leaning in closer, you pressed a tender kiss to his forehead, a gesture of reassurance and understanding. “Your love is not measured by the novelty of your words, but by the authenticity of your intentions.” you murmured, your breath mingling with his in the space between you. “And in my heart, your affection will always ring true, no matter how familiar the words may be.”
Sensing the tension ease from his frame, you wrapped your arms around him, holding him close as if to shield him from the doubts that plagued his mind. “So, let go of your worries, my dear.” you whispered, your voice a soothing melody in the silence of the night. “For in my arms, you will always find the reassurance you seek, and in my love, you will always find solace.”
Scaramouche's lips brushed against your knuckles, a tender gesture of affection, his words resonated in the quiet of the night. “You taught me how to love in this world that failed me.” he confessed, his voice carrying a depth of gratitude that touched your soul.
“Thank you, my love.” he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity and warmth. With a soft smile, he gently tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear, his touch gentle yet profound. Beneath the shimmering moonlight and the canopy of stars, his lips pressed against your forehead in a gentle kiss, a silent expression of gratitude and love.
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hopelessdazai · 9 months
I just read your latest post and I honestly love it so much
Can I request a Dazai x fem reader and they have a little bar date…? And maybe Dazai gets a lil jealous somehow..? I don’t want to make it too specific for you!!! So ofc do what you will!! 💕
hi anon! I hope this is what you were looking for. it's a liiiittle off subject but I hope you enjoy nonetheless!!
At least you were his.
contents ; dazai x reader, fem reader, slight harassment, jealouszai, reader is called a slut, kinda bad writing idk.
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Dazai had never been too good with getting anywhere on time. today wasn't much of a difference. though, you did have his card with you today, so you could treat yourself without him here yet.
you sigh, tracing the rim of your glass with your index. you'd been waiting pretty patiently, as much as he'd been sending you the occasional message as a check up. he wouldn't stand you up, you knew that much. but it was still arguably embarrassing to wait.
you finish your drink, sliding it forward so the staff can take it easily for a refill. just as a guy sits next to you at your right. not your boyfriend.
"hey beautiful." He slips you a smile, you grimace a little, smiling back awkwardly as to not be rude.
"drink on me? you're here alone aren't you? such a shame. would've thought a pretty girl like you would've been carried off and married up by now." He chuckled, you didn't respond. dazai had always told you to just ignore rather then playing into them.
the man frowns at the lack of response, shrugging a little as he orders himself a drink. you feel a hand on your other shoulder, looking over.
"hey sweetheart, sorry I'm late." your boyfriends voice was smooth, as he sits down at your left. a small smile plays at your lips, dazai's hand tracing down to rest on your thigh as he orders himself something to drink.
the man to your right scoffs, gently rubbing your arm. you tug your arm away a little, though he doesn't seem to pick up the hint.
"hey, babe. who's this then?" the guy on your right whispers close to you. and you can practically feel dazai's glare on the two of you, his grip on your thigh slightly tightening as he watches the scene between you.
"my boyfriend, please don't call me that." you respond, digging through your purse to hand dazai's card back to him.
"boyfriend, huh?" the guy looks between you two, a chuckle leaving his throat. "so like, you're still not married? there's still a chance for you to change your mind, dollface."
you scoff, feeling dazai lift you up slightly. he brings you onto his lap and weaves his hands around your waist.
"no chance." you mumble, adjusting how you're sat and looking up at dazai for a moment. he looks pissed, glaring at the other man as he holds you tight. you were sure that if he still went by his old ways, there'd be crime tape already scattering the bar.
the guy scoffs, standing up and mumbling something about you being a slut under his breath as he wanders away. you exhale slowly, leaning back into your boyfriend and taking a sip of your drink.
"who was that?" He looks down at you, gently trailing a hand under to your stomach and rubbing your abdomen with affection. you shrug.
"no idea. I admire his confidence though." you reply, offering dazai a drink from your glass to try. his hands brush yours as he takes it and drinks a swig.
"hm." He hums, shrugging and resting his head on your shoulder. "least he's gone now." you giggle, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"you seemed like you were ready to kill him," you smile, dazai grumbles something, burying his face into your neck.
"I was." He replies, gently kissing the area his mouth was. you close your eyes for a moment, getting comfortable on his lap still.
"jealous?" you tease, he rolls his eyes. at least you were his, that's all he cared about.
I'll do a potential rewrite if it's not up to your standards ! but I hope you enjoy anyway :) for future future requestees, check my pinned post for details on what I do !! - zai
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oceanlipgloss · 5 months
It's Leraye's turn for some clapping funnn
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intro: a romantic and intimate concept and manner of thinking that speaks to my artistic tendencies and aggressively tickles my fancy Also. All those headless plushies he has on him? I love. I even want a few. And, I want a pair of his earrings too
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update I: he speaks to my writer's mind fr. It's very pleasant, how he talks about the future in that manner but please don't get your hopes up too much, Leraye, for MC is a national star I'm getting fic ideas tho
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update II: so normally I don't really care much for sweet talk, but he's pleasantly sugar-sweet lol And that tongue piercing? I. Am. In. Love. Plus, the idea of a man with a playful, innocent charm i.e. like Leraye having such a badass piercing? It's kskdlnshsjs so perfect it's sinful
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update III: oh my. Do I have a thing for finger biting? For fingers-in-your-partner's-mouth? Yes, I really do. Does it make me feel things? Yes, it totally does. And his tongue? Pierced and dripping like sin? No, but, excuse me, but—AAAAAAAAAAAH
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update IV: dude the way he talks about the future is so romantic and has this rosy mystery to it, I'M LOVIN' DIGGIN' IT
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update V: baby is jealous again aaaaaah I love Satan an unhealthy amount is all I'm saying but fuck it's so cute that Leraye kissed her cheek
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update VI: it's finally time oh God oh God the H-sceneeeee something I've been fighting for rushing through battles for waiting excitedly for and there's going to be thunder, it seems. YES YES YES this creature loves summer but she's also a biiiig sucker for thunder
update VII: I love you two so much, just that
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update VIII: please fuck on the floor please fuck on the floor please fuck on the floor plea— But wow he's suffering hard huh? HOT excuse me, just some sadism coming through
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update IX: damn he's really fucked out of his mind just about a goner lol and it's so damn hot I do think that thunder is one of the sexiest things one can hear, so I get why he finds it...appealing but arousing? Idk man...
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update X: he's high and soaring. Thunder is screwing his brains out. Help him, MC
update XI: these moments when MC cares and worries for the devils and isn't thinking about getting railed certain things? I love them, I crave them I was hoping they would do it on the floor tho goddammit, MC
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update XII: *spongebob narrator* ah yes, the popsicle 'thing'
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update XIII: hehehehehehehehe
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update XIV: it what 'hot object' And damn, even popsicles have murderous urges. Who would've known?
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update XV: MC, ever the cool human, doesn't react to being stabbed by a demon. Rather, she gets busy putting together conclusions
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update XVI: wait no that change in attitude and behaviour is so sexy. *Kuzco's voice* uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh but as a writer, I tend to dislike comparing humans/human-like beings to animals (with a few exceptions), so I can't say I appreciate how Leraye is compared to a dog—even though I get why that is Anyways, Zeus the thunder you love is rooting for you, Leraye. Show too-cool-for-school MC the big guns what you're capable of, hon
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update XVII: boy isn't even awake lmao it's REALLY hot how he's so dazed that he doesn't even know what he's doing And it's SO hot, what he's doing
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update XVIII: nononono the crying horn does so much for me pls THIS did so much for me He's taken in by his feelings so badly that he can't even think straight and such that his horn itself is already sobbing WHAT'S THERE NOT TO LIKE
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update XX: SNDBKSHDBXMS and more thunder = more intensity? YESSSS
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update XXI: he keeps chanting her name and let's just say that that kind of thing is one of the things that make my heart stutter and my brain tingle yay another turn-on, another weakness this game is preying on my romantic weaknesses and kinks. Keep at it please
update XXII: ughhhh yesss there we go again with the affecting-each-other's-emotions thing I'm so in love with it sob 'You could feel that since were connected to him' made me ascend because I'm a romantic sap like that you won't catch me dead wishing for romance in real life, though
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update XXIII: the. Way. He. Keeps. Saying. Her. Name. The way he whispers sweet nothings into her ear as he makes her nut go nuts. Also, it's so hot that he's licking her neck and all, and with that piercing? I'm screamin' but science is wondering: how do you lick anything DEEPLY? Is there a secret anatomical passage hole in the neck that I'm not yet aware of or—ik what they mean, but choice of words pls lol
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update XXIV: thunder is the new drug
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update XXV: no but that's another fave switch of mine so sexy, like the man went from friendly and seemingly harmless to dazed and wild then back to innocent and sweet? Oh God shut up this is so cute I'm screaming crying throwing up twerking on the floor
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edit: okay but no bro, 2-68 and 2-72? Hell fr fr. I barely passed 2-68 after numerous tries and changes in character combinations and locations, except now I keep getting crucified annihilated in 2-72. My God. Those angels and their sorry eyeballs...someone call Andre
Also would you look at that, I just pulled Leraye lol and Phenix, too. And...another Valefor I'm not salty at all, 'cause it's not like I was hoping for a new character anyways but I'm so excited to try Leraye and Phenix out in battle. Leraye's already at level 17 lol
And my God, after I read Zagan's H-scene *SWOONNNNN* I die just thinking about it, I love him sm I pulled Zagan on a free pull, and now I get Leraye in a 10 pull after melting over reading his H-scene. Is this fate? Is this a tradition in the making? I sure hope so
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I PASSED OH GOD I FINALLY PASSED LERAYE SAVED ME I promoted him to level 40 and oh my god I can't believe it, I finally did it lol ngl though I feel like there will be more battles like 2-72 and that's nervewrecking but...I'll somehow manage?
edit 2: "the virginity of your lips," he says. It's a bit too late for that, no? Not that I mind And Satan being happy and proud? Yesss bby YOU BIG CUTIE
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edit 3: Sitri my love, jealousy seems to have kind of made you lose your memory. I understand, but please do try to remember who lunged at MC and kissed her upon meeting her for the first time, yes? Do it again
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edit 4: someone's been listening to Lana Del Rey
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edit 5: and this? This was HOT
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Anyways, the main thing I wanted to say is that PAIMON IS SOOO CUTE! I love him already lol <3
edit 6: this game is preying on me, I swear and I'm loving every second of it
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edit 7: AAAAAAAARGH <3 I love him I love him I love him I love—
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Jokes aside, what Paimon said is sad, but I loved it. I really love the depth he has to him, and his words not only showed that, but also showed the fragility and emotional intensity and vulnerability of devils.
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nogenderbee · 1 year
May I request Kaeya, Childe, Diluc, and Itto walking in on their s/o fawning over them and saying she wishes to marry them one day?
Of course! Honestly it's just a super cute idea and I may had a little bit too much fun with it~ But either way, I hope you will enjoy it <3
Kaeya, Childe, Diluc, Itto with reader fawning over them
TagList: @bleachtheidiot - come get your people~
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⊱ and here everyone would know that Kaeya is the cheesy one~ I mean... he still is but now you're the one fawning over him
⊱ first couple of times you say it, you catch him off guard and actually get a small blush from him
⊱ although he's quick to cover his blush with some cheeky comment on that, it's of course worth it all
"Oh my~ It's seems that you can't get enough of me today~ Well no need to worry because now, you surely got all my attention!"
⊱ he really thought it was only one time situation and that it actually will never repeat ever again but oh boy... how wrong was he!
⊱ your fawning over him only got stronger as the time passed but he also started to get used to it
⊱ if you do it in public, he'll act all smug and you can see that it's a big ego boost for him, and he'll always make sweet little comment about how much you love him and all right in front of people
⊱ if you to it in private tho, he'll quickly turn his attention on you and proceed to hug you tightly and spoil you with as many hugs and kisses as he can offer to you at the moment
⊱ if he has something to do, he'll simply get you on his lap while finishing his work and also giving you some deserved affection
"Now there, I'm a little bust but I'm sure we can make it work either way!"
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⊱ you could expect anything from Childe to be honest... but with right choice of words, surely you can make him flustered
⊱ first few times you compliment him, he got catched a little off guard and his face turned into light shade of red while he tried his best to not stutter while speaking
"Huh?! Ah well... t-thank you! Well don't worry because I plan on staying with you my whole life!"
⊱ but to be honest, even if that compliment turned him into a mess, he still loved it and it boosted his ego
⊱ when you do it more and more often, he quickly gets used to it and now his reaction on them is just simple kiss and some 'thank you's
⊱ but there is one small difference in his reaction depending on if you tell him that in public or in private
⊱ if you tell him that in public, he'll be more flustered but still will respond with kiss, just more gentle
⊱ if you're in private tho, be ready for him to trap you in his arms and shower your whole face with kisses and maybe even tease you a bit
"Hehehe! Thanks, darling~ I'm really the only men you can think of, aren't I? Well... it goes both ways~"
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⊱ you might think that Diluc would get flustered so easily and as you're not fully wrong, it's not easy to see through him
⊱ so when you tell him your compliment for the first time, he only smiles gently and depending if you're in public or in private, he may hide his face under his hand
⊱ truth is, a slight, basically not seenable blush appears on his face but he doesn't have a slight problem in speaking without stuttering or mixing up words
"Thank you, love. I wish to spend me future with you as well. Actually, I even thought of it not long time ago. Would you like to discuss everything together right now?"
⊱ when it continues, he surprisingly doesn't get used to it but it gets him more and more with every time
⊱ if you do that in public, he'll blush and stutter way more than he would in public, so it's easy to say that he ends his conversations as quick as he can when those words leave your mouth
⊱ in private tho, he still gets all blushing and stutters a lot but this time you have big chances to see bottom Diluc as little spoon and all
"Ah... those words seem to always get me... tell me, how do you even do it, my love?"
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⊱ you really expected Itto to act all confident so you quickly decided that you have to make your words even flirtier if you want to get him flustered
⊱ but it turns out that you don't even have to try this much and his reaction still will be as flustered as he could be
⊱ even tho he act all smug about it, it's easy to see his blushing face and hear his stuttering
"O-Of course you love THE Arataki Itto! Who w-wouldn't want to spend their whole life with me?!"
⊱ when you start doing it more often, he slowly gets used to it and takes it easier but it still always makes him flustered
⊱ if you do it in public, he'll turn into blushing mess and will just laugh in nervousness and will try his best to come off cool but well... he kinda fails at it...
⊱ it just seems that your words have so much influence on him that he can't hide his true feelings no matter how hard he tries
⊱ if you tell him all that only in private tho, you can be sure he'll give you a big teddy bear hug both: because he wants to and because he doesn't want you to see how red his face is
"Oh, c'mon just let's hug for a while! What? Me?! Nooo! Of course I'm not doing it to hide my blush! Hahaha! Ha... Well... maybe I do-"
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haunted-xander · 1 year
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Chiaki and Ryota had been traveling together for a while now. Surviving the apocalypse isn't exactly... easy. So grouping together is always a good idea, even if it means you'll have to split your resources. At least all those survival games made it seem like it. Teamwork is always better than working alone, I think.
"...Huh? what's that sound?" Looking up from where she'd been seated on the ground, she noticed a pair of lights in the sky. "Is that... a helicopter?" As the sound of harsh wind resistance got louder, she could confirm that it was, indeed, a helicopter. And not only that but... "HEY! YOU TWO, DOWN THERE! WE ARE MEMBERS OF THE FUTURE FOUNDATION, AND WE ARE HERE TO SAVE YOU!" a voice shouted from the airborne vehicle. Oh, and is that...?
The helicopter descended nearby, and out walked two men and a familiar woman. Yukizome-sensei... "You two. Based on your uniforms, you must be former Hope's Peak students, right?" A gruff man spoke out. I feel like I've seen him before... Ah, right. He worked security... I think. "Oh, there's no need to wonder. Nanami-san, Mitarai-kun! It's so lovely to see you again! I'm so happy you two are safe and sound, your dear old teacher was so worried!" Chisa ran towards them with her arms outstretched, clearly aiming for a hug. Both Chiaki and Ryota flinched and side-stepped her.
"Huh...? Aren't you happy to see me? C'mon a little reunion hug won't hurt!" Chisa looked confused and upset at their rejection, but Chiaki could see the underlying frustration at the lack of trust. ...I want to be happy to see her but... I know she's still brainwashed. If only I... "Come now, Chisa. They're probably just shaken, is all. I'm sure they will be more open to your affections once they've calmed down." The other man, wearing white, said placantly at Chisa. A light scoff could be heard coming from the gruffer of the two, unheard by other.
Looking back at the white-dressed man, Chisa smiled softly. "Ah, of course. You're absolutely right as always, Kyosuke!" Ah, so his name is 'Kyosuke'. "I'm so sorry if I scared you two, I was just so relieved that you where safe!" Liar. Kyosuke and the gruff man then approached them and gestured for them to enter the helicopter. "Ah, but first things first, we should introduce ourselves! Of course, you already know your dear old teacher, Chisa Yukizome - former Ultimate Housekeeper and currently the director of the Future Foundations 5th division! Buuuut these two men are probably total strangers to you, right?" Looking slightly embarassed, Kyosuke let out a small chuckle. "Yes, of course. How impolite of me. I am Kyosuke Munakata, the vice leader of Future Foundation and the former Ultimate Student Council President." With what seems to be a perpetual scowl, the gruff man followed suit, "I'm Juzo Sakakura. You might've seen me around Hope's Peak since I worked security there. I'm the former Ultimate Boxer and currently the director of the 6th division."
As they entered, Chiaki noticed that Chisa was still standing outside with her back turned to them. Even though she couldn't see her former teacher's face, she felt her form oozing with malice. Munakata-kun and Sakakura-kun don't know she's brainwashed... I'll need to tell them eventually.
I need to make sure Yukizome-sen- ah, san? Yukizome-san doesn't cause any more despair.
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ga-yuu · 9 months
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WARNING!! The following story contains sexual content.
Sueharu: "Yoshino."
His long fingers starts to twirl with my hair.
Then a kiss was dropped and my shoulders tremble.
Sueharu: "Do you want to keep what happened today between us?"
Yoshino: "Eh?"
His seductive gaze seeped into my heart.
Sueharu: "You don't have lie to the Shogunate, just keep this part under wraps."
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Sueharu: "If you think about it that way, maybe you won't have to feel guilty."
Sueharu: "If the relationship of trust is cracked any further, it could affect the outcome of the battle."
(It won't be my fault?)
(Indeed, the Shogunate would have to devote extra surveillance to me in the midst of an already tense war)
Yoshino: "Just keep this under wraps...huh?"
Sueharu: "I think you need that kind of wisdom to live well."
Sueharu: "If you're not guilty, it's not worth being suspected."
(I wonder if Sueharu-san has lived and succeeded in that way)
Perhaps because of this, Sueharu-san's words have a heavy persuasive power that is not only sweet and beautiful.
Yoshino: "No. I don't care if I get more suspicious. I'll report everything that happened today."
Sueharu: "----Oh."
I shook of my hesitation and looked back at Sueharu-san.
Sueharu: "You won't regret it?"
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Yoshino: "No. If the suspicions about me affect the war..."
Yoshino: "How that is resolved is for the Shogunate to decide."
Sueharu: "........"
Yoshino: "I don't have the talent of persuading people with words."
Yoshino: "So I will do my best to make sure that any suspicions that are on me, will be cleared by my future behaviour."
Yoshino: "So I think the first step is to tell the truth, even if it goes against you."
Sueharu: "I see."
Sueharu-san looked somewhat satisfied, even though things didn't turn out the way he wanted.
Yoshino: "W-Why are you smiling like that?"
Yoshino: "....Perhaps you think I'd change my mind on the way?"
Sueharu: "No?"
Sueharu: "I've only known you for a short time, but I underestimated you a little."
Sueharu: "You would do what you say. That's the kind of girl you are."
(....! I've been recognised by Sueharu-san.....I hope this doesn't become a problem...)
His gentle hand combs my hair and tucks my hair behind my ear.
Sueharu: "At that time, it was a small test for your character to arouse the Shogunate's suspicions."
Sueharu: "But did I accidently wake up a tigress by any chance?"
Sueharu: "You may end up becoming my natural enemy."
Yoshino: "Sueharu-san...?"
(Has his view of me, changed....?)
The hand that has been touching my hair, caresses my cheek.
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Sueharu: "How about I seduce you while I still can and turn you into a good-for-nothing girl?"
Sueharu: "If I teach you a lot of luxuries and things that feels good, ......will you take me seriously?"
The moment when I thought my premonition was right, I was horrified-----
Before I can react, he pulled my closer.
Yoshino: "Wait..."
Sueharu: "If I wait, will you give me a reward?"
Sueharu-san's lips falls on my neck.
(This is bad! If this goes on!)
Yoshino: "Stop!"
Sueharu: "Shh.."
Sueharu: "Keep your voice down. You don't want the children to hear you, right? This might traumatize them."
Yoshino: "Wha...Mm..."
The innocent smiles of the children flashed across my mind and I tried to suppress my voice.
Meanwhile, Sueharu-san showered kisses on my neck and ears nonstop.
(This is something one must do with their lovers...)
When I tried to push him away,
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Yoshino: "Ahh...."
His bit my ear and his slippery tongue starts to trace it.
His sharp tongue then starts to penetrate shallowly into my ear.
Yoshino: "Mm...Haa...Sueharu...san....please..Mm."
He supported my body, that was about to fall down....
Sueharu: "Hey, look here."
Yoshino: "....? Mm...."
He snatched my lips. Before I can catch my breath, his tongue enters my lips.
Yoshino: "Mm..mm.....! Stop..."
I immediately bite his tongue and tried to push him away, but...
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Sueharu: "Nnm..hey now. What's wrong? Do want something more intense?"
Yoshino: "No...!?"
He inserted a finger into my mouth, slowly rubbing the back of my upper jaw.
Yoshino: "Nn...nn..."
It soon followed with another kiss before I could think how I was reacting.
His tongue tickled my weak spots and brings out my moans.
(T-This is no good)
Yoshino: "Nn...m.m...."
The moment when I decided to gather all my strength and resist once again----
Yoshino: "Ah..Ahh...!?"
His finger sneakily slipped under my collar and scratched my nipple, before I could even process what's happening.
My body kept twitching at the feeling of his finger and his kisses only get deeper.
Sueharu-san relentlessly played with both my nipples, which now became hard.
(My head...I can't think..)
Even after a deep kiss, his fingers continued to stimulate me and I am unable to think about anything.
Sueharu: "Don't forget. This is your punishment for seducing me."
His tongue peeking out of his lips looked extremely sexy.
Sueharu: "Haa....I also didn't mean to come this close."
Sueharu: "I got really excited by the fact that you bit my tongue even when you were melting down."
Sueharu: "Your reactions only sting me more."
Sueharu: "You look so cute that I can't help myself but be mean to you."
(Even though I have to resist)
Yoshino: "Ah...Haa...No....Mor...Ha..."
Sueharu: "Don't worry. I'm not into forcing people. So I won't touch you from here on out unless you want me too."
Yoshino: ".....Mm."
My sluggish body which was melting, is begging me to give in right now.
Sueharu: "If we become lovers, I'll spoil you and love you like this everyday. See, I'm serious....can you accept me?"
Yoshino: "Mm..you don't like me or anything...then why are you...?"
Sueharu: "Eh? I love you."
Yoshino: "....please don't lie..."
Sueharu: "I'm not. I really love you. If you become mine, I'll cherish you so much. What do you say?"
Even though I knew he was just teasing me, my skin felt warm on its own.
I glared at him with my teary eyes.
(Why can't my body listen to me...for once....?)
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Yoshino: "I don't want...to be yours...."
Sueharu: "Did I just get dumped? Poor me."
Yoshino: "Ha..you'll someday get stabbed by a woman..."
Sueharu: "If you're the one stabbing me, I'll die happily."
It was suppose to be a joke, but...
For some reason, Sueharu-san was smiling at me sadly.
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Sueharu: "If it's you who shakes me or kills me, it's fate, isn't it?
Chapter 6
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freakurodani · 1 year
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Kageyama + Suga + Park + Yellow
"You remind me of my little brother sometimes, Kageyama."
"Yup! He's still in middle school, but he's only a year younger than you. He's *also* a little prodigy." Sugawara's chuckle was warm. Kageyama was going to miss it. He couldn't *really* say that he made friends with all his teammates, but as a senpai, he secretly considered Sugawara his favorite.
"Though, my brother is into debate, rather than volleyball. Our parents are already planning his political future. They're aiming for Prime Minister, of course."
"... That doesn't sound like me at all?" The unsaid question was punctuated with the *bap* of the ball against his arms. His mouth and brows pinched, trying to piece together whatever puzzle Sugawara had presented him.
"Well, two are more different than similar. Like, I think I took all the tall genes before he could get them. He's still so small, it makes me feel really nice coming home to him after spending all day with you giants. I hope he never grows up, he's really cute!"
"Dang it, lost the lead again," Sugawara had the decency to at least sound apologetic, even if he was still smiling, after a year, Kageyama still hadn't figured out why Sugawara had so many different kinds of smiles. "You and my brother, you both work so hard, you know? And you inspire me to work hard, to be braver and fight for what I want."
Kageyama's cheeks felt warm. He decided to blame the setting sun, and not the praise. "Ah."
"I fully believe that the both of you can go anywhere you want in life." Sugawara caught the ball and turned his full attention to Kageyama. "I also want you both to remember me once your famous! When you get interviewed, remember to tell them Suga-senpai taught you all you know!"
Sugawara was winking at him. He was pretty sure he was being teased, but in the way meant to show affection rather than disdain. His mind couldn't help but compare the way Sugawara called him cute or made fun of him as a backwards way of praising him, to the way Oikawa would compliment him as a way of antagonizing him.
"You didn't though."
"Yeah," because he was. He was absolutely being cheeky. Somehow, Sugawara got him in a headlock and was giving him a noogie in retaliation. It wasn't painful, but he's *seen* bruises on Azumane's sides in the clubroom. He wasn't sure Sugawara knew how strong he was.
"Brat! You're such a brat! Just like my brother this way too!" But Sugawara didn't sound angry. It was nothing like the intense scolding he witnessed on the court. This was like when he'd complain to Daichi-san about being lumped with the trouble makers or calling Azumane a coward.
The assault didn't last long. They take a seat in the grass, by a tree. The shadows are growing longer. "You didn't teach me everything. But..." Sugawara's head is tilted toward him, attentive. "...You taught me a lot of very important things. How to communicate and pay attention to the spikers.H-how to earn their trust." Kageyama looked to the ball in his lap. "You didn't have to. We were competing for the same position. And... You made me better. Even though I'm the reason you didn't get to play a lot your third year. I'm sor-"
"Don't you dare apologize, Kageyama."
He felt himself stiffen. He was stuck in Sugawara's furious gaze. Eyes that usually felt so gentle burned him. He didn't shrink away, but he felt a little smaller.
"I got to play. Period. I got to see my team make the national stage, and maybe it wasn't exactly how I wanted it, but you guys... We were there. I've been asked why I stuck around, since I guess from an outside perspective, there was nothing in it for me. But let me assure you, Kageyama, I got *so much* out of this year. Indescribable as it is. So don't you apologize for that. Don't you apologize for your skill, for what you were able to help *our* team achieve. "
Kageyama exhaled. "You know, Sugawara-san... You remind me of someone too."
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
In The Background (Obey Me!)
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━━━━━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━━━━━ Barbatos yearns for his masters crush.
»Tags: Angst and Fluff, Gender Neutral Reader/MC, One shot (word count: 973)
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Their very existence was crushing.
 It was painful. 
Barbatos was conflicted. On one hand, he loved devoting his entire being to serving the future king of the Devildom. It was a fulfilling purpose. On the other hand...he wanted to devote himself to you. A mere human. 
He had never connected with anyone. Never saw them romantically...until he met you. You were so enchanting. 
So enchanting, even his master took notice to how irresistible you are.
Now, Barbatos knew he couldn't do anything. 
He could only watch as his master courted the human soul he longed to be with. 
A part of him was okay with that, as much as it ate away at him. Should you take Diavolo's hand, Barbatos would be able to watch over you always.
Maybe it's not so bad. There's always background characters in everyone's lives; he just happened to be yours.
The pain was just something he would have to live with.
Barbatos was ready to crush the entire existence of anyone or anything. Why were you crying in the garden? Who did this? What did this? He had never seen you cry. Was this his masters doing? What would he do if it was?
He sat beside you and took out a handkerchief. He could tell you felt embarrassed. He doesn't think anyone has ever seen you like this. 
"If I may..." he spoke softly, gently taking your face and dabbed away at the tears. He did it with so much care and love but you only seemed to cry more.
"There, there..." he paused. "I will not pester you but feel free to confide in me if you'd like." He gave you a small smile, one hand holding yours and the other on your cheek. In the back of his mind, he hoped no one else were to see this.
It would not look very good. Everyone knew Diavolo was trying to win your affection.
You looked up at him with a small sad smile and gave a shaky sigh. He resisted the urge to wrap his arms around you and kiss your forehead.
"I know Diavolo has his eyes set on me, however, I cannot return his feelings." You finally admitted the cause of your worries out loud. Barbatos held his breath. His poor master...
Diavolo was doing his best trying to win your affection. Does that mean you'll be around less? He internally panicked at the thought of not seeing you as often. 
"Don't get me wrong..." They continued, interrupting Barbato's thoughts. "Dia is sweet and loving but I just never connected with him like I did with you." 
Barbatos froze briefly. What?
"I hope you don't hate me for denying Diavolo but I had to be honest with him on how I felt. I'm not interested in him like how I am with you." You said blushing and looked down from your confession. 
Huh? WHAT?
Barbatos eyes widened, his mouth slightly parted in surprise. Did he hear that correctly? Was this a romantic confession from you to him? The butler? The background character?  You denied the prince...for him?
Barbatos gawked for a mere second before trying to compose himself.
You gave a small giggle and wiped away the last few tears from your face. 
"I've always liked you Barbatos... I always felt this connection with you and had hoped you felt the same. When I noticed our dynamic changed between us and then Diavolos' not so discreet courting I assumed you distanced yourself to please your master..." you trailed off. "Was I wrong to think we had something?" You looked down, biting your lip nervously waiting for his answer.
Enough was enough. 
Barbatos gently took your surprised face in his hands and gave you a long sweet gentle kiss. He made sure to put all his feelings into it so there would be no question.
He pulled back and the both of you smiled.  He cleared his throat and thought back to the matter at hand. He wanted to ease your concerns.
"My Lord would be more upset if you weren't honest. I assure you he will be fine. Don't feel guilty for not returning his affection, you too have a right to live the life you want." He spoke caressing your cheek lovingly.
You nodded looking much happier, more at peace.
"Do you think he would approve of us?" 
His chest twinged. This did feel like betrayal to his master. Then again, as childish as it seemed, Barbatos did like you first. Before he could speak, Barbatos was interrupted. 
"Had I known I wouldn't have interfered! I always wondered if he'd find someone!" A booming voice came from behind them. Diavolo came out with a boisterous laugh before turning serious.
"Barbatos! You never said anything!" Diavolo said pouting whilst folding his arms disapprovingly.
"Yes...it appears I have made a mistake on my part. Forgive me my Lord." Barbatos bowed apologetically and continued, " I will take any punishment for having wasted your time."
Diavolo clasped his hands together.
"Very well! Take the rest of the day off. Go out and have fun!" Diavolo said waving them off excitedly.
Barbatos stared as he processed what his master said. He did not see his day going like this whatsoever.
"Oh no my Lord, I possibly couldn't-" He said shaking his head. He deserved some sort of actual punishment!
"C'mon Barb! I heard about a new delicious eatery from Beel!" They said tugging on his sleeve pulling him towards the exit. He glanced between the two of them and smiled.
How could he refuse his crush and masters request?
Barbatos let out a soft chuckle and gave in. He turned around to bow thankfully to his master before taking your hand and the two of you set off to enjoy the rest of the day together.
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⬦You might also like: Only You (Lucifer)
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greycaelum · 2 years
hello grey! congrats on your new 1000 followers! 🥳 i’m so happy and I really want to join your event! I will be picking no. 80 “waking them up” and no. 85 “late 3 am conversation” ^__^
I hope your event would be successful grey! me, kouki, saika and satoru are so proud of you for reaching 1000 followers! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა let’s reach more in the future!
[Gentle Affection Collections]
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru X Reader
[Gentle Affection Collections]
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Request 80 & 85: [ List is here ]
waking them up & late 3 am conversations
Notes & Warning hurt/comfort, fluff , Word Count: 1.9k
"Hi! Thank you so much for joining! And I love your choice combination, it has been so fun to write about it. Yeyy!" —Grey,
Shattered Perfection
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Satoru has nights when his body is begging to sleep but his mind refuses to cooperate. One of the backlashes having a 24/7 voluntary ocular jujutsu governing the process of his brain.
Tonight is one of those, it's already dawn to be exact and he lays awake, eyes opened to the darkness of his sleeping mask. Satoru is torn between leaving the comforts of his soft pillow and go for a run or waking you up to tell him anything interesting until he doze off.
A toss to his left... Pulling the blanket off, he tosses to his right.
He tried counting the adorable ugly stuff toy Principal Yaga has made and counted the times he beat Megumi's ass in the training. Nothing seems to work.
So with great hesitance that doesn't fit the whimsical Gojo Satoru, he reaches for the hem of your pajama sleeve and tugs on it.
Tug, tug
You didn't move an inch from your side of the bed. Satoru retracted his fingers, feeling foolish for disturbing your sleep just because he can't sleep. He's not a fucking six-year-old who needs tucking to bed. But if only you would cuddle and scratch his head... 
Scratching the back of his head, he blew out a frustrated breath. Maybe he should go for a run.
"Mochi..." Satoru turned to his side to face your sleeping face. He pulls off his sleeping mask, squinting from the darkness of the room but his perfect vision unveils your sleeping face clear as day to his eyes.
He winces upon seeing the forming dark bags under your eyes. Those are from staying up late for weeks straight to wait on him. These days, Satoru's work piled up, he comes home around late at night or midnight. He feels really happy whenever you come to the genkan, rubbing your eyes and hugging him as a welcome home from the exhausting day, yet at the same time, his heart twinge in guilt for having you stay awake just because of him.
"I can't sleep," he murmured quietly while staring into your face, his hand searches for yours and wrap his callous palm over your dainty ones. "Nobara told me she doesn't understand why someone like you would fall in love with me."
His feisty student has always questioned that for some time now and he never really minded it until now.
The sense of cold and foreboding sentimentality that 3 am brings opens the vault of thoughts that Satoru pushes beside. The urge to talk with you is unbearable, even if he needs to settle talking to your sleeping self, that's okay... He just really needs to tell someone the thoughts that keeps making him mushy and restless.
"You know, I also don't know the answer. Sure I'm handsome," he chuckled sadly. Felt hopeless to talk to a sleeping lady but he'd rather stay right here than go out. "But there are men more handsome than me. Smart... I'm very smart too but that is my knowledge of the Jujutsu. But hey, at least I know all kinds of poison, I'm smart in Science and Physics. You know I suck at Algebra. Then maybe my personality? You always say that my humor always makes you confused about whether to smother me or punch me. But Mochi... I know I have a bad personality that drives everyone crazy. I guess that's part of my charms huh?"
The pad of his thumb brushes your knuckles, and your soft, cold hands contrast with his rough, warm ones. It's when he's all by himself with no work to distract him that these ideas catch up and weigh him down.
"But, I don't really know what made you choose me." Satoru is aware that loving him has larger cons than the pros. He'd never be that superman who can come rushing when you're about to be hit by a truck, he's not the kind of man who can ditch his work because your cramps are unbearable and you need him to stay with you. He's the walking red flag that will bait a sniper to hold the crossfire in your head just for being with him.
There's an infinity between you and him, and he's desperate every time he realizes that one day it will dawn on you that being with him is not worth it... Being with Gojo Satoru is not worth it.
"Mochi, what if I'm not Gojo Satoru... What if I was just a normal man, working in a world where I don't know a single thing about all of these curses and jujutsu..." Do you think it could still be us? Do you think you will fall in love with the other man who has the Six Eyes?
Are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru? Or are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest? Suguru once asked him, the question that keeps haunting him until now.
What defines Gojo Satoru? What defines the strongest? What defines him, apart from those two things?
"Don't say that," you whispered in a hoarse voice, staring at him with pained eyes, lips quivering as you hold his hand.
You've been listening since the beginning, the moment he tugged your sleeve you were awake. But cannot bring yourself to interrupt Satoru pouring his honesty in midst of the dark and silence. Every softly spoken word broke your heart, and every suck of his heavy breath tore you to pieces as you listen to the thoughts he would never speak of under the bright sun.
You stared into his tired eyes. Brushing his eyelid and cupping his face.
"I love you for being the outspoken man who never backs down from your words. I love you for your confidence that makes me feel, 'I could trust this man with my life.' I love you for being that guy who would sneak a bite from my snack because you simply want to annoy me because you need attention, you overgrown cat. For being the teacher who listens to his students." You move close to him and brought your lips to his forehead.
Satoru's forehead creased, feeling your warmth. Listening to your voice as you speak between the sadness lacing your words. He found himself curling to a fetal position, desperately trying to make himself fit in your petite built.
Tell me... His heart raced against its cage.
"I love you for being strong Satoru. Your confidence, your whims, your childishness, your pretty, and your mess. Every scratches, perfection, and flaws you have, even if it hurts us. Can you understand? That I love you because you are you. So please don't ask or even say such things, Baby. I didn't just love you for being Gojo Satoru or being the strongest sorcerer, the man with Six Eyes. Those are all pieces of being 'you'. And I have loved every piece of your shattered perfection because those are shards that make who you are."
His shattered perfection. Satoru's eyes closed tightly, inhaling your scent, and gripped your hand tightly into his bringing it over his drumming chest where his heart pounds loudly. Can you hear it? He's admitting defeated, no one has ever seen what's beyond him or bothered to tell him. He doesn't need pity or exterior validation or endless praises, but he just needs to know that someone sees him.
That beyond the strongest, lies a shattered perfection. A man who has lost, grieved and been brought down to his knees. Beyond his infinity, lies a part of Satoru, human, full of scars and broken pieces.
"If... What if I wasn't a sorcerer. Do you think you'll love the 'normal' me?" He whispered.
You pulled him in your hold.
"I don't know. Our decisions land us where we are now. If I didn't think of buying that strawberry shortcake we wouldn't have met, or maybe we would've met at another time. Who knows. Life is a mystery." You inhaled a deep breath and stared at the black-out curtain.
"I can never give you a normal life." Painfully he admitted. "When you get tired of everything going around us, I can't withdraw back in split second. I may not be able to."
"And I don't need you to. I know who you are." You stared into his beautiful eyes. "I would never ask for what you cannot give me."
You push your fingers into the back of his head into the thickness of his white locks, gently scraping your nail against his stiff nape feeling him groan and loosen up. Your other thumb draws circles on his shoulders traveling to the spine of his back. You lightly chuckled hearing small purrs of satisfaction from Satoru.
"There's no such thing as 'normal life' Satoru. You could have the Six Eyes and be a good-for-nothing asshole who only eats, sleep, and again. Or be just like you are now, the Gojo-sensei your students bash around but still trust for being a man they can rely on. All your decisions lead to where you are right now. I cannot see a 'normal Satoru' that you keep talking about."
3 am must be the trigger, for the unspoken words to unfold so gently and soft in the confines of this four corner bedroom. Gently you stroke his head, watching his eyelids starting to get heavier. You pulled the blanket up to his waist and rested your cheek against his head.
"I do not know those 'Satoru' you're talking about, I only know you. There's a big difference to that. So don't... Stop comparing yourself to a man who doesn't exist. You're more than enough." Kissing the bridge of his nose, you nuzzle his cheek and smiled into his half-lidded eyes.
Satoru's heart basks in the tenderness you provide his weary being. His arms found the spaces of your hips, resting there while his ears press against your chest, listening to your heart.
It's crazy how he thinks love is the most twisted curse, yet here he is in wonder as he listens how your heart beats so loudly for him and how his heart is yours. To think how a single word from you could break him apart and yet he's willing to entrust every piece of him to you without hesitance.
"I love you too, more than you could imagine Mochi," Satoru snuggled into you, burying his head in the crook of your neck. "I love you more than my snacks and glasses," his slurred, low voice and hot breathing kiss your neck as he slowly starts to fall into sleep in the comfort of your arms.
"I feel touched," you resist the urge of pinching his nose. Slipping into the cold 3 am spooning each other you can't help but look forward to future like this.
Yeah, there's so much more to talk about, words that stay hidden in the sunny days spill silently in the comfort of cold darkness and gentle whispers.
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned image(s) and song(s) used belongs to their respective owner(s)
General Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya
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prsk-krow · 1 year
HIHIII!! You’ve been my fav writer on here for a while noww so I’ve been thinking of requesting and i finally thought of smth !! I was wondering if I could request n25 with a reader who covered one of their songs??
love your fics!!! Byebyeeeee
{Niigo with a reader who covers a song!} [P]
Kanade Yoisaki
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Kanade is always honored to have people paying attention and showing positive responses to her songs, so imagine her pride when she sees covers of them online...
Especially seeing you, who she has known and has shown her songs before to, publishing a cover?? She didn't see it coming at all, and was shocked by the sudden nature of it all!
She was just scrolling through her channel, looking for replies and feedback to see what her fans thought of her newest piece when she sees the cover on the recommended list! It caught her attention immediately!
She listens to it, and she's taken aback by the emotion packed into every lyric! Even though you didn't write them, she could tell that they meant something to you, that it wasn't just pretty words and sentences, but there was a soul behind it all!
She makes sure to leave a comment on your cover. After understanding the feelings you were conveying through her song, she couldn't help but feel satisfied with her own work, at least this once...
That cover was truly something special. I could feel the emotion behind every word, and the way you conveyed them was something that resonated with me. I'm honored to have caused such emotions with our work, and I hope to see you experiencing them with our future ones.
Mafuyu Asahina
Mafuyu hadn't really thought about the aspect of others really admiring her songs that way. She didn't make it for that reason, so she never gave the aspect of her fan's reception much thought.
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That's why she doesn't think much of it when you say such nice things of her songs! She hadn't meant to show off her work to you, but once you learnt about it you couldn't help showing off your appreciation!
And that's also why it takes her by surprise when she sees a cover of one of the songs she created alongside her group sudden uploaded to your channel! You showed it to her in hopes of learning what she thought of it!
She was surprised when hearing that a cover was made of her song! Did the people hearing it like it this much? She always saw a lot of compliments on the comments but didn't think much of them. But this? She never really understood why having covers made was so touching, but in that moment, it clicked.
"Ah, I'm glad that you enjoyed it so much! Fufu, but to go through all that effort, you must have really been touched by that song, huh? It shows through your voice in this video! I can tell, even though it's my first time listening to it."
She simply smiled and thanked you for the cover while thinking to herself, just how their songs affect those who hear it... She has already smiled at a demo her friend made, so the feelings that a complete one can convey... She might need to learn more about what her fans do.
Ena Shinonome
Ena is one of the members who cares most about the reception that their fans make whenever uploading any new songs! She mostly does this to search for stuff that she could fix about her own parts, but also enjoys the compliments quite a bit...
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However, she doesn't really expect her online, musician life to connect with her irl one! So when she suddenly sees one of her irl friends posting a cover, she is just plain surprised!
Sure, she had heard you complimenting the songs that they made, but she didn't think much of it! Especially as you continued to praise the music and lyrics, both of which she didn't create. However, now that she sees the cover...
"You... We're serious about that?? U-uh wait! I'm not really reprimanding you or anything! I'm just... Shocked, that's all! Um, I haven't really heard your cover yet, but... I don't know, it still feels out of place, and... Jeez, you really want me to give it a listen, huh? Fine, fine!"
She does listen to it eventually, and she's, once again, surprised! You, one of her irl friends, putting such emotion into her song?? She needs a few moments to take it all in for sure, but once she does, she sends a message telling you how good you did!
However, she also sends a few tips on how to do a bit better, since she can tell that it wasn't perfect! After all, she has always strived to be better at the things she liked, and she thinks that with such passion put into your vocals, you might be the same!
Mizuki Akiyama
Mizuki is quite amused by their fanbase, so they check up on the content that they produce every once in a while! They can't help but feel proud that their work can cause such inspiration for others to create as well!
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They absolutely adore watching the creations that arise from their own! After all, they were the one who managed to strike a gold mine with the painter, so it's no surprise that they love fan content!
However, as soon as they find your cover of their song, they're immediately on the phone, sending you the same link with a teasing message alongside it! They can't help but find it so interesting that it's actually sort of amusing!
To start teasing you even more, they start listening to the cover itself, and that's when they realize just how serious you were about this! Feeling the intensity in your voice, in the way you express every word...
"What, are you still mad at my teasing?? Come ooonn, you know that I didn't mean it that way! By the way, your cover was great! It was amazing to hear just how much passion you put into every verse! Hehe, if I knew you were this spirited, then maybe you could volunteer to be the main vocals for our next song..."
Of course they continue to tease, but not before letting you know just how well you did! They feel slightly guilty for just taking your cover as a joke at first, but their support afterwards makes up for it, even if they may not think so!
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loveswrites · 1 year
Can You Do This? Danny Sharp X reader
Danny Sharp x reader
Time it took: 4 hours while watching a movie.
Word Count: 1503
I Also wrote this for me right after I saw the movie for the first time. But Once again I hope you enjoy my loves! <3
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"You think you can do this?" You questioned Danny.
"Of course I can do this, baby. I've done it 38 times in counting! I'm a fucking legend!" Danny shouted in excitement. 
He always would get a thrill out of his job as he would call it. You called it a hobby. In your head you called it his life's purpose. His father was a robber. His father before him was a robber. Danny's a robber. And his future children were probably going to follow the same path. But you can't really tell him to stop. It's his passion, It's the one thing that he can do to not make his brain explode with his invasive thoughts. And plus you were his wife. You've always supported him in everything he's done. You've always been his cheerleader. It comes naturally for you and it comes naturally for him to look for you when he needs to hear your voice for approval while he comes up with these crazy plans.
"Just don't get caught okay?" You said looking up at him as he walked closer to you.
"I never get caught, you know this." He laughed out while tucking your hair behind your ear. 
"What are you scared of? You've never been scared of me not coming back to you. Worried sure, but never scared." Danny said, frowning a little, taking notice of your face. 
"I'm just.." You sighed pulling your husband into a hug to which he returned immediately. He was never shy with showing his affections towards you.
"Come on.. where's my sexy cheerleader at huh?" He questioned rubbing your back as you nuzzled your face deeper into his chest.
"She's still here. I'm still here, I've just.. I've seen it and it's not good Danny. It's too many close calls, more than normal. I can't help it, I've seen you get caught, killed.. and I've seen you escape in just enough time a second and come home to me.." You said not noticing you were crying until Danny pulled you away from his chest and wiped your tears.
"Hey hey sweetheart, don't you cry. I can't not go. I've already gotten everything set up. But what I can tell you is that I'll be extra careful this time, just so it can ease your nerves, that good?" He questioned searching your eyes for just about anything.
"I don't want you to not not go. I want you too, it's the one time you get to let your crazy brain explode everything you've been holding in. I want you to go explode. But I want you to do it with a helmet on, got it?" You said raising your eyebrow which led to him smiling at you a little wickly.
"I'll wear fucking knee pads if you want me too baby." He exclaimed, making you smile and laugh a little. Which was exactly what he was looking for.
"I'll tell you what, we can do whatever you want tonight. But we have to wake up early tomorrow so you can see me out, I can't do this without my cheerleader." Danny said, stroking your cheeks with both hands, occasionally squeezing them a little. Everytime he did this it always made you smile. You felt like a puffer fish meanwhile he thought you were as cute as it could get.
"Could you just hold me tonight?" You asked, giving him your best puppy eyes. Not that he would say no anyways. Danny never says no to you besides when you ask him if you can come with him to work.
He always likes to keep you far away from that part of the action he wants you to be safe at all cost. Just because you're not on TV with the word wanted across your forehead, doesn't mean you don't know the plan and each and every detail. Most of the time you're helping Danny create the blue prints, searching for escape routes, dummies to take the fall, back up plans etc. You were very good at making backup plans. It was your talent Danny would say. Your backup plan most of the time would be Danny's real plan. While his plan would be for the dummies who just wanted to make a little extra cash.
"I can do whatever you want me too sweetheart, You go upstairs I'll get us some snacks." Danny said, once you turned around he smacked you on your ass making you squeal out his name. 
"I couldn't resist!" He laughed out with his hands up in the air in surrender.
You laughed softly walking away upstairs. You two were staying at one of his hideout properties. You loved it, it was your favorite one of them all. You picked it out and he bought it just for you. He saw how your eyes glimpsed with excitement and love for the property. So without further discussion he told the realtor that he'd take it. It's in your name. Danny made sure of it, when you asked why he told you "Just in case everything falls to shit you'll still have somewhere you can call home."
 When he said those words it brung you to think about something. Something you have never actually thought about. A life without Danny. You've been with him since the beginning. He was 17 and you were 16. He came to you with this grand idea of following in his father's footsteps. You two were already sure of your future together. When you first laid eyes on each other Danny knew he was going to marry you and you knew that you were going to say yes.
When he first came to you with this idea a surge of worry ran through your veins. If he got caught what would you do? Who would you love? He had your heart the moment he said Hello. But he saw the worry in your eyes and he assured you that he could do this.
"With this money we can get outta here! We can start our own life together, it will be full of everything we've ever dreamed of. I'll just have a different line of career." He said with a shrug and a sly smirk on his face. 
"I don't know Danny.. what if-" 
"No what if's! I can do this. I know I can. I just need the approval of my one and only cheerleader.. Come on.. Will you be my Bonnie to my Clyde?" He questioned basically bouncing with joy.
"Didn't they both die in the end?" You questioned raising your eyebrow.
"Don't care what happened to them, we'll have a different ending. I know we will."
And with those words you we're set for life. You've stuck behind him with every decision, every plan, every death, all the pain, the fear, the thrill and the joy. You've been there. 
Sitting on the bed, you started to rub your shoulders in attempts to calm your nerves. Ever since you were little You've had these visions of the future. You never knew why or when or how. You just knew that these visions of yours happen no matter how long it takes. 
"You cold?" Danny questioned walking into the room, arms full of snacks.
Looking up at him you shook your head. "I'm just tired." You said.
"Well let's get you wrapped up and cuddle sexy lady." He said, making you laugh. He settled the snacks on the bed and as you looked through the snack you saw that together all were your favorite.
"You didn't have to get all of this honey." You smiled up at him.
"You need to relax sweetheart and I can help with that." Danny said, kissing your lips softly.
You responded to the kiss by putting your hand on his cheek pulling him closer to you. You felt him smile into this kiss. Not breaking away he crawled over you slowly laying you down. He slid his hand into your hair softly tugging at it making you let out a moan. Once he heard that he slowly pulled away so you both could breathe.
“I’ll be okay. I promise nothing ever happens to me as long as I have you here waiting for me.” Danny said softly with a smile.
“I hope you're right this time Danny boy.” You said just as softly as he did.
“I’m always right.”
“Sure you are.” You laughed rolling your eyes.
“No, what is that supposed to mean!” He questioned.
“Nothing! Nothing, just hold me and shut up. We have a big day tomorrow.” You said as you both rolled to your sides so you were facing the tv.
“Nothin nor anyone could ever stop me from finding my way back to you.” Danny whispered into your neck.
You closed your eyes extra tight in attempts to hold onto that promise. You hoped to god that was true. 
Your Danny might be crazy but that was your’s. 
Your Danny.
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gritsandbrits · 3 months
I watched the roger corman aladdin last night....
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Predictably it was bad. Not only did it rip off Disney's Aladdin but also their beauty and the beast, AND The Pagemaster. And bill and ted. I am so serious.
The MC's name is Paige and she's a bookworm! Bit on the nose and that's coming from someone who named her descendants oc Paige lol
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To the surprise of no one, she's a ripoff of Belle right down to having the intro song be about how weird she is. Surprised they didn't add a jock character who tries to force Paige to date him. The only differences (besides time periods and hair) is Paige is a lot more shy than the assertive Belle.
Her design is pretty adorbs though, stealing it for a future OC princess design :D
This is supposed to be scheherazade btw...
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She was the original hero of the Arabian Nights story yet in this movie she's a odd mix between Jafar & Maleficent. Also she sounds like susan Sarandon. And because I don't care about this movie enough to hide spoilers, she gets redeemed at the end...by LOBOTOMY
I've read more than a few comments compare them to a (bad) belle x aladdin or self insert fanfiction. Surprised they didn't make them a couple.
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Like Aladdin in this movie also has the princess but she isn't given a name and her only personality is being scared. Princess Jasmine she is NOT!
Oh and at the end Paige does end up meeting a lookalike implied to be Aladdin's descendant. How does that work?
The bulk of the movie is simultaneously chaotic and boring. There's a musical scene where several fictional characters fight over their blonde waifu should read first and some other stuff.
There's this one scene where the heroes land in 16th century England and meet Henry VIII except he's skinny at that point.
Apparently him being skinny is a negative change in the timeline so our heroes FORCE henry to eat as much food as possible and he blows up like a balloon. Instead of you know, NATURALLY letting him gain weight. Huh? And how does this ultimately affect history. And if you REALLY know history you could have tried to help his wives.
The middle segments involved pirates and Blackbeard, it was alright.
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You know those *bad* fanfics where the canon love interest has all their moments taken by the OC? Well that what happens to the Jasmine equivalent. She doesn't even get a name.
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So at the end Paige meets a new guy named "Alan" and LO AND BEHOLD HE ALSO GOT GLASSES SEE! THEY DO HAVE CHEMISTRY AFTER ALL!
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So yeah, that was a 1 hr 21 min and 17 seconds I want back. On the bright side this does give me an idea for my oc Princess movie - a next gen that serves as Aladdin 5!
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shizukateal · 2 years
Lore Olympus Fast Pass thoughts (205)
Hey did I ever tell you people that 5 is my favorite number? >:D
Yeah this situation could've been approached more strategically, but oh well. You still did good. Next time go to Athena first, though.
Still too much trauma to wake up. Kissy time? Nope? Yeah, fair.
Huh, didn't expect that. Wonder how that'll affect his personality in the future? Trauma doesn't necessarily make someone more sympathetic or kind hearted, it can make for some very nasty mood changes, but even if it's stupid I am willing to have the tiniest sliver of hope that Zeus will recover and come out at least a little bit better.
"Tell (Hades) I'm sorry." Hmmmmm :/ Again, I want to be a bit compassionate towards Zeus in the future, and in spite of everything I'm sure that Hades would grieve him if he died, but at the same time... he has been so callous. I don't think he deserves to die like this, but so much of this situation was severely worsened because of him. It makes me question how much would this apology stand if he hadn't been there to suffer this consequence, if it will stand as actual, considerate and kindhearted actions after this.
Oh the pommy granite was still there. Yeah, makes sense. Guess we put a bit too much focus on that shot where it wasn't shown.
Athena my very beloved <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Oh and thanks to you too, Ares, it is appreciated.
In the end I guess Rachel lived up to her promise that the first chapters were the only way she would reference the abduction. Gotta be honest, I didn't think she would keep it. Serves me right, I say as another of my predictions goes right.
Ares, please show some more gumption. Isn't fury your thing?
Him tearing up over Persephone is pretty moving though.
Athena my beloved <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Ha ha
Ha ha ha
I know there's better, more important stuff to look up to but by GOD I can't wait to see Apollo eat shit because of the news. Sorry, it's the pettiness inside of me.
Will this immediately result in the marriage? I think it's gonna be at least somewhat complicated. On the one hand, Hades and Perse have had technically little time together and they'd probably want to take some things slow. They are both officially rulers now, but I can see Perse taking some time to get that law degree before properly getting to business as queen. On the other let's not kid ourselves, people: a) this is a romance which we all know how it ends, and b) the domestic time they have had together has been both intimate and the happiest they've both ever been. This whole thing about how they haven't had a proper "date" is honestly LAUGHABLE to me, what was that shopping spree, then??? I think maybe they'll lawfully marry but spend some time in a test period to take things at their own pace, we'll see. Good luck to everyone else trying to separate them, though, their tears will be delicious >:p
Also one last thing not directly related to this episode: I should've taken into consideration Hades' alcoholism as foreshadowing for the Zagreus/Dionysus thing.
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wayward-dreamer · 1 year
I saw your post about the writer's strike and was wondering what is exactly is happening?? There's been a lot of noise on Twitter and Instagram but I just understand what's right and what's fake. I hope it's over soon and the writers can get what they deserve, and I hope it doesn't affect you in anyway either. I would like to show my support so please lmk how I can!! Much love and solidarity xoxo
Hi, anon. Thanks so much for this message. I can completely understand being overwhelmed by the info on Twitter and Instagram, so its no wonder you're feeling confused on what's right or wrong in regards to information. I'd be happy to clear a few things up for you. Firstly though, I need you and anyone else who does end up reading this to know that I'm in no way an expert, and I know is what's come from the right sources on Twitter and Instagram because they are actually the ones who are the experts here. In basic terms, the writers are asking the studios they work for to be paid fairly, compensated in terms of residuals from streaming, proper weekly wages, new structure to writers' rooms, duration of projects and much, much more. This post from Twitter is the WGA negotiations on the left, and the AMPTP (Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers) response on the right. And this from WGAWest on Instagram will explain the strike in minimal terms for you, but basically the fight is against the major studios: Netflix, Apple, Amazon, Disney, Warner Bros, NBCUniversal, Paramount and Sony which are all under the umbrella of AMPTP.
With that, I would suggest only following @WGAWest and @WGAEast on Twitter and Instagram, for all the latest developments from the strikes as they are posting extensively. They're posting photos from different writers at the strikes, so I suggest following some of them, too. Get a look at what's happening on the ground.
In terms of showing support, if you live close to L.A. or NYC then joining the picket lines is the best way to show your solidarity. If you're driving by, honk those horns in support! Really lay on them, make it hard for the big suits to do their jobs, just as much as they've made it hard for writers to theirs.
If you live further out (or way across the pond like me), then social media is your next best tool. If social media had been more prominent during the 2007-08 strike, it could've benefitted the fight so much. So tweet, retweet (don't like, it does nothing for spreading the word), add to your stories, post videos in support of the writers. This thread from a writer has some links to the Entertainment Community Fund, which is raising money for writers' assistants, crew and other people who could affected by this strike for however long it takes for studios to give writers the fair deal they're asking for. You can also visit wga.org the official site of Writers Guild America - West, and go to WGA 2023 Strike Rules to learn the full extent of what PRE-Wga people like me can do as the strike continues.
And there is one other thing you can do, but it's completely up to you and what you decide. I can't be the one to make this decision for others. A lot of people have been cancelling their subscriptions to the streamers, and citing their reason as "Other" and writing "I stand with the WGA" along with it. This is definitely a way to hit the studios where it hurts, because if you start to lose your audience then you better listen to the people who actually create your shows, huh? If you feel this passionately in your heart, then I say go for it, I know I have. Netflix is the one that most people are cancelling more than the rest, as its the most major problem for writers, giving that they can last the longest without new content. So I'm leaving that decision with you.
Lastly, this doesn't affect me YET. It could in the near future, if the strikes continue over the next few weeks, and months. I hope it won't come to that, that the nearly 12,000 writers in the Guild will receive what is rightly owed to them. I really don't think they're asking for unreasonable things. So we have to see what happens next. It's a scary time, but it's also exciting, to know that the fight for expressing our creativity is so fiery and passionate.
Thanks again for this message, I hope it helped.
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