#last tvd edit
tophsazulas · 11 months
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jnnnferlawrence · 3 months
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians – [s01xep01]
Grover logic is the best logic.
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flapping around in a haunted mansion?
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pasiphile · 10 months
Havin' a lil mormor renaissance in my inbox and notes. It's fun, it's kinda like bumping into an old comfy sweater in the back in your closet and finding it still fits.
... a very kinky, unhealthily codependent sweater.
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marsneedstherapy · 8 months
at this point, I'm gonna end up with a least 4 different copies of fhh
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frankensteined · 1 year
this show sucks when it comes to consistent writing for the characters across the series, but this disappointingly boring siren asking "aren't you even a little curious about who i am?" only to be met with stefan going "no, actually" was both really satisfying to hear and also nicely in-character for him 🥲 it's the little things that keep me going with this.
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adevilonyourshoulder · 4 months
All about this blog˚₊✩‧₊
fandoms and stuff...
˖ ࣪⭑BattleStar Galactica
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Top Episodes: S1 E1, S1 E13, S2 E20, S3 E20, S4 E1, S4 E21
˖ ࣪⭑The Last of Us (Game)
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Top Scenes: Lincoln High School, University of Colorado, Saint Mary's Hospital ˖ ࣪⭑Harry Potter
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Top Scenes: PS - Harry and Ron playing Wizard's Chess before winter break COS - "I came to Hagrid from a distant land, in the pocket of a traveller." POA - Flying Buckbeak over the Black Lake GOF - Walking to the 'manky old boot' OOTP - Harry saving Dudley from the dementors HBP - Harry and Draco duelling violently and rash DH Pt. 1 - 'O, Children' DH Pt. 2 - Escaping Gringotts and Harry's subsequent visions
˖ ࣪⭑Supernatural
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Top Episodes: S1 E10, S4 E1, S6 E4, S9 E23
˖ ࣪⭑The Vampire Diaries
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Top Episodes: S1 E1, S3 E3, S3 E14, S3 E19
0 notes
randomshyperson · 1 year
Another Love - Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: Being late doesn't always mean you lost your chance. Wanda might not be yours now, but if there’s something an Eternal can do is wait.
Warnings: unrequired love, hints of mutual (?) pining; mild angst with hopeful ending, friends/team partners, canon divergence, fluff, some tension, language. |
Words: 4.046k | Part Two
A/N-> The author was missing Klaroline and instead of dealing with it in a wholesome way, I wrote angst (ish) with Wanda. Send help. Those who haven't seen TVD may know lines from tik tok edits. Cry with me, dear ones. And good reading.
General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad
You didn't know that a piece of paper had the ability to hurt the invulnerable until you received Wanda Maximoff's wedding invitation.
It arrived at your newly sold apartment by mail - You would have missed it if you hadn't made a last check on the boxes of furniture that were to arrive in China shortly after you.
Meeting the new leader of the Ten Rings Society was an indispensable business necessity, you had convinced yourself of that. Much though you had the impression that deep down, leaving New York had little to do with work and a lot to do with a certain former teammate.
Your history with Wanda went way back - all the way to Sokovia, where, as usual, you were guaranteeing the mission Arishem had given you, even if with each century, you doubted your vocation for it more. The Judge was clear in his instructions, on what you represented. A Homo Immortalis, in all your magnitude, chosen to oversee the rest of your people. You were gifted with a little of each of the others; having what was necessary to hold more power than any other, a mortal and superior combination of all the abilities of the other Eternals. 
And while the others lived out Arishem's mission in their own way, you were actually working towards it. Ensuring that humanity evolved, and that applied to making sure that Infinity Stones were not used to exterminate them, everything from helping Captain America with the fools of Hydra disguised as Shield to joining the Avengers to recover Loki's scepter.
Your participation in the team was hidden from the rest of the world for a long time. You had no interest in gaining fame for your work or any financial recognition. These material and superficial things came naturally to you, but they meant little in the magnitude of the life of an eternal, the kind that could run and fly and destroy the world with a breath. The one who could see these, and many other universes, from a palm's distance.
When the Mind Stone fell into your hands, you had two lost and angry orphaned twins at your feet. The Maximoffs were young adults with a lot of anger and hurt towards the world, and while you guaranteed them safety in a new country, they gave you something in return that you had long since allowed yourself to feel.
The vulnerability of having a family scared you. Even then, the Avengers were limited to you just as the Eternals were - co-workers toward a common goal, a shared function. 
Loving Wanda changed all of that.
She melted away your age-old defenses - Centuries of loss and betrayal, dispassion in your mind with the comfort of her presence. Wanda was a ray of light, hope, for humanity you hadn't recognized within yourself in a long time.
Through her friendship, you were inspired to have other friends. To reconnect with the rest of the Eternals, and with the remaining Avengers. Ensuring that humanity evolved, as Arishem instructed you, was almost a secondary plan. Your priority was to guarantee the safety of these people who had become important to you.
The Stones were protected - You would have suggested their destruction, but even Phastos had been against something so raw. The problem was not the stones, knowledge, and evolution never are, the issue was the way these species wanted to use these heavenly blessings. Keeping these objects away from such primitively violent races should be a priority, and so, you made sure. 
The Stones were kept away by you, and when the Mad Titan tried to steal them, he was defeated like the grain of sand he always was before the multiverse.
But soon, you would realize that Thanos' death caused the inevitable revelation of the Celestials' true motives. It was a very sad unveiling - Tragic even, for everything you believed in. Years of ensuring that humans prospered only to destroy them. Luckily, the vast majority of your team agreed that this was too absurd to be allowed.
Not all of you survived, and there was a sigh of greater threats knocking at the door, beyond the promised judgment of Arishem on the humanity your family betrayed his teachings for, but for now, there was peace.
The world was flourishing and spinning, the Avengers were growing stronger every day, recognized as Protectors of the Earth, respected and loved all over the globe. Despite all that had happened to the Eternals, at least this gave you a sense of duty fulfilled.
When it came to Wanda, you hesitated. Not in your heart, because the certainty of your feelings was always clear to you, even before you could admit it to her. The feeling bloomed in your chest every day in her company, and to deny it would be foolish. But at some point, perhaps when work occupied your time, and priorities of making sure Dreykov was dead or stopping other lesser villains that seemed to sprout in the earth like cancer, you put Wanda aside. She grew close to someone else and fell in love with him, and Vision was the one she would marry in a few weeks.
The invitation surprised you, no, it hurt you. At first, your instinct, in a moment of anger and indignation, because Wanda knew - everybody knew - about your love for her, and yet this didn't stop her from reserving a seat at the celebration of her choice. The choice that was not you.
The invitation ripped in a tug, and you gasped. Your mind filled with nostalgia and longing, memories of the team, and of her, made you sigh. The item floated from the floor until it was rebuilt and returned to your fingers.
Greater foolishness would be for Wanda not to invite you. Even though she had been nothing but understanding and kind in rejecting you so many months ago, it would be rude not to include you in this now. Everyone was invited, Eternals, Avengers, Shield agents, and so on. not inviting you would have hurt even more.
You kept the fancy paper in your jacket pocket. You weren't sure if you would have the courage to show up, but all it took was one phone call to a certain widow who said she would shoot you if you upset Wanda on her special day, was all it took for you to make sure you went to the party.
Your return to the United States was bittersweet. Despite all the good memories as an Avenger, the feeling of losing Wanda still ached deep in your chest at every thought that flowed into your mind about her. And traveling to New Jersey for her wedding guaranteed a lot of them.
You purposely missed the ceremony. First, because delays were impossible for someone like you, and second because you didn't want to watch her swear her love to another. 
For the party, Wanda was supposed to change her white dress into something lighter, that would allow her to dance with everyone. 
You knew you shouldn't, but your feet made their way upstairs to the Wedding Venues just the same.
Manners be damned, you would be selfish one last time. 
The floor was quite busy, many familiar faces like Nat, Maria, and Carol, and some distant colleagues were there. You just greeted them politely, ignoring the hesitant glances at your presence at the party, when everyone knew and imagined that you were not coming.
Wanda was frantic in the make-up room. She was smiling so much when you entered, that you barely noticed the gold wedding ring on her finger.
She noticed your presence through the mirror as Nat and Yelena helped her with her jewelry and immediately hesitated.
You smiled, looking at her, and her solemnly. "Hello, Wanda."
Nat exchanged a glance with Yelena, both by their proximity, realizing how a simple greeting made Wanda shudder from head to toe, and the color of her cheeks not limiting the makeup now.
She turned, twiddling her fingers. "You came."
Your smile didn't falter, but your hand left the doorknob to touch the pocket of your jacket. "You invited me." It is an obvious and tender statement, almost a tease. Wanda smiles shyly, looking away from your intense eyes before she embarrasses herself further in the presence of others.
Nat clears her throat and gestures to everyone in the room. "Let's go see if everything's all right downstairs, shall we?" Most of them practically run out of the room. Yelena makes a confused face.
"She hasn't even changed clothes yet-" She starts to protest, but you step forward.
"Don't worry, Yelena, I'll help her with her dress." You say in the most respectful and least insinuating manner, but still, you get a warning look from Wanda and blush about the way Nat holds back a chuckle.
The door closes as only you and Wanda are left inside the room. You smile at her, and she sighs affectedly.
"I wasn’t expecting you." She starts, but seeing your expression, she blushes as she corrects herself, "I didn't mean it like that. Of course, I wanted you here, or I wouldn't have sent the invitation. But..."
"Wanda, it's okay." You cut her off, aware of the heart pulsing at high speed in her chest. You did not wish that to give the bride an anxiety attack - You promised Nat that she would have an amazing day, and so it would be. "I'm sorry I missed your vows, I'm sure they were beautiful."
She smiles shyly, adjusting a strand of hair behind her ear. If you used telepathy, you could watch her fondly review the last moments, but you would rather burn your eyes out.
Moving closer to the bed, where the change of clothes had been placed, you smiled at her.
"I'm glad you liked the gift."
Wanda frowned in confusion, then understood. She opened her mouth to say something but didn't know exactly how to thank you. You grinned.
"Forgive me, I should have written a note on the box." You joked, wielding a weak, affected laugh from her.
Her cheeks are rosy and she looks lovely like this. "I-I didn't realize it was you who sent it. I didn't... I thought it was a gift from Yelena or even Stark, considering how expensive it looks..."
You hum in understanding, your hands busy unfolding the dress. "I told Yelena to cover for me." You explain, hiding from her curious expression. "Don't look at me like that. I was under the impression that if I put my name on the gift, you might reject it."
"And I couldn't let that happen." You interrupt her gently, making her shut up because you approach. Your smile is tender and your touch on her cheek makes her breath hitch. "I chose it especially for you with the world's greatest stylists, each desperate to please me the most."
Wanda swallowed dryly, trying to keep her gaze in your eyes. You licked your lips, and she almost gave up. But your hand moved away, and so did you. 
"Turn around. Let me help you with the zipper." You instructed, and Wanda was so mesmerized by your presence that she did so immediately. 
The ease with which you opened the locks of her dress suggested magical assistance, but Wanda was too busy keeping her own body under control to pay attention to this. The dress was loose on her, and she held it up in front of her, turning to thank you.
The closeness of your face made her gasp softly.
You kept your gaze low, resisting as she did, the urge to break the distance. Wanda put a hand on her stomach when she had the impression that this distance got smaller.
When she spoke, her voice was husky and affected. "I just got married."
It was a warning, a reminder. For both of you, in a way. Your heart broke, and unbeknownst to you, so did hers.
Despite this, your smile was easy on your lips, even if they didn't reach your eyes.
"I am aware." You retorted with a slight tease, stepping aside to grab the dress and hand it to her. "Go get changed, love. I would like a dance before I go."
She refused to acknowledge the nickname, honestly used to them from day one, but not the request. 
She raised an eyebrow at you. "Are you ordering me to dance with you?"
You pouted, a posture reserved for Wanda and Wanda only. "I wouldn't dream of ordering the Queen of Chaos to do anything."
Wanda snorted in embarrassment, shoving your shoulder gently. A distant version of her, a friend you have long since lost, was visible in your eyes. It made your chest ache.
"Shut up." She giggled shyly, clutching her dress against her body.
You didn't mind, your eyes shining with an adoration that made Wanda warm. "What, Scarlet Witch, no need to get modest with me. I'll be seeing you on a throne yet, I'm sure."
Wanda giggles away, her face very red. "God, you're the worst." She complains embarrassedly, fleeing to the makeshift fitting room in the bedroom while you amuse yourself with her clumsiness at her inevitable fate.
When she returns, she looks as stunning as you knew she would in that dress. She must think so too because she sighs at the glimpse of her own reflection.
"It was really thoughtful of you, Y/N." She commented softly, staring at the mirror. "I loved it from the first moment I put it on."
You were leaning on the window now, having spent all the time Wanda was getting dressed, looking at the guests at the party. Watching the happy groom downstairs. Your face turned to hers, and for a moment, Wanda saw only the cold Eternal she met years ago. She didn't have time to hesitate, because your gaze softened and your smile emerged.
"I knew you would look even more beautiful than usual in this one piece, Maximoff. Red really is your color." You compliment, moving away from the window to approach her. "How are you feeling? Is it comfortable enough to dance in?"
You are assessing the dress, but Wanda is looking at you when she replies; "It's perfect."
She looks away before you can notice. There is an exchange of shy glances before you nod to the jewelry you were going to help her put on. Wanda stands back, busy with rings, and when she hands you the necklace she has chosen, you deny it with your head.
"Not this one." You say, moving your hands to your jacket pocket. She stares at you with confusion through the mirror, but holds her breath at the item you begin to fit around her neck. 
"Y/N, that's gorgeous." She gasps in surprise at the sparkling jewel, but as soon as she feels the soft weight, she flinches. "I-I can't, it looks too expensive-"
Your hands hold her by the shoulders, and Wanda chokes, blushing and burning with the feeling of your touch being firm and gentle at the same time. Your fingers adjust the necklace, and your chin rests on her so that she stares you in the eyes.
"It's yours." You assure her, enjoying her perfume and the way Wanda sighs before raising one of your hands to touch the jewel, feeling it on her fingers. "All the best things for my favorite girl."
Although with rosy cheeks, Wanda smiles at your reflection. "Oh, so there are other girls?" She teases, and it's dangerous to do that, alone in a room with you, so close you could just turn your face and take her right there and now, while Wanda has the impression she would let you, even if the party was going on downstairs, but she does it anyway. And you love it.
"None quite like you, Maximoff." Although you return in the same tone, there is a striking truth in your words. Wanda licks her lips, and your grip tightens, making her choke softly on her own breath.
"You're just trying to boost my ego." She retorts, struggling to keep her eyes open when suddenly, your lips are brushing over the amount of exposed skin. Your breath tickles the back of her neck, and Wanda trembles all the way to her tiptoes.
"And why would I do that?" You challenge her as affected as she is, running your hands down her arms until you intertwine your hands over her stomach. Your body embraces hers, and it's as warm and comforting as all the hugs that you two ever shared at the compound and post-battle, and as full of lust as all the few stolen moments in road motels and training sessions. 
Wanda's knees go weak, but you hold her, close and tight. 
"N-no." She gasps, making no effort to pull away, but with the last vestige of sanity in her mind. "Please, Y/N, I can't. I do love him." The statement throws a bucket of cold water on you, reality back.
You try not to be hurt so much, but it is inescapable. You let go of her gently, and by instinct, Wanda ends up with her face turned to yours. For a second, both you and she think the kiss is inevitable. But you offer her a sad smile and pull away.
Wanda speaks before you can, "I'm sorry." She says, and you know what the apology is about because she has tears in her eyes. You shake your head, quickly bringing your hands closer to your cheeks to make sure your makeup doesn't get ruined.
"Hey, no tears now." You ask as tenderly as you can handle, and despite your own request, your eyes are also teary. "It's your special day. No crying, unless it's from happiness."
"I mean it, Maximoff." You say in a falsely serious tone, a smile playing past your tears. "Both Romanoff and your brother will break my ass if I make you sad at your wedding. No tears because of me, alright?"
She gave a tearful laugh, nodding her head. She really wants to hug you, but you just kiss her forehead and walk away.
You look like you are going to add something when you face her, but a knock on the door interrupts the moment. Wanda retreats further away, unsure of what she is trying to hide.
It's Pietro at the door, suspicious and clumsy. "Hey, Y/N. What's up? Everyone's waiting for her..."
"And she's ready now." You say to your old friend, coming closer to hug him. "Wanda will be right down. In the meantime, why don't you accompany me to the bar? I have some Makkari stories to tell you..."
Pietro is immediately excited by his new speed rival, and you offer Wanda one last wink before leaving the room with her brother.
The party is so lively and your friends are so happy in their celebration that it is contagious to have fun too.
It is inevitable, however, that you avoid Wanda. She is the star of the night, and she dances with almost everyone and has everybody's attention, and this keeps her busy long enough to look for you. And with Vision there, you figure she wouldn't.
The celebration must go on through the night, so you get distracted by all the other people. When it is almost 3 a.m., and many of the guests have already left, leaving space for the more intimate friends, Natalia Romanova prepares a martini for you at the bar.
"I'm surprised, you know?" she begins, drawing your full attention away from the slow dance that Vision and Wanda share in the main ballroom. "You behaved very well tonight."
With a small smile, you stare at her. "And when haven't I?"
Nat chuckles softly, serving you both. "Good point, friend."
You nod in thanks for the drink, and you toast before Nat asks about where you were going. Your first response is to shrug before you clarify:
"I imagine we'll have a few months of peace before the next supervillain shows up." You joke, getting a chuckle from the other, "Maybe I'll just work. It's been a while since I've wanted to have a better relationship with the witches on this planet."
Nat raises an eyebrow. "I can't even imagine why the change of heart." She implies, receiving a soft hearty chuckle.
You fall into casual conversation after this - Nat updates you on the full rescue of all the widows she made with Yelena, how they both would now have time for a normal life, and that Yelena was going to study at NYU next semester. She also comments that she is thinking about proposing to Agent Hill, but she might wait until spring because she was under the impression that Tony and Steve were about to announce a wedding on the same date as well. You were sincere when you said that although your love life was turned upside down, you were very happy for her and everyone else.
It was almost morning when the party was officially over. Except for the few drunk people around, and that included a high Clint Barton trying to shoot arrows without being able to see in his current state that Pietro was using speed to prevent it, the venue was being dismantled by the wedding team.
Vision wanted to do something special - He went back inside the house to get blankets so that he and Wanda could watch the sunrise together. You didn't want to be listening to the conversation but it was inevitable.
If you manipulated a little bit of probability so that he wouldn't find the items so soon, it was a harmless prank.
Wanda was waiting for him at the pier on the lake. You approached in short strides, and the lack of disappointment in her gaze as she realized it was you and not her husband made you sure of what you were about to say.
"Hey." She greeted gently, her arms crossed. "I guess I owe you a dance, huh?"
You smiled at her, and as you stood close enough, your hand went to adjust the slightly tousled strands of her hair behind her ears.
"I'd be happy to charge that." You begin, your fingers fondling her skin. "At a masquerade ball in Italy."
Wanda hesitates, surprised before almost upset. She opens her mouth to repeat her apology, but you give her a sad smile before continuing, "But I know what your response to this invitation would be."
She swallows dryly. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I wanted to... I really wanted to feel the same way."
"Oh, sweet girl, don't martyr yourself for it. Ever." You ask her gently, the palm on her cheek so gentle that Wanda has to use all her power not to lean in completely. "My feelings aren't going anywhere, Wands."
She sniffles lightly. "That doesn't help-"
You chuckle lightly, shaking your head. "No, you don't understand." You begin, and she holds her breath as you approach. The kiss is on her cheek, but it is so close to her mouth that Wanda's mind stops for a full minute. Your eyes are full of tenderness as they stare at her. "Vision is your first love. I intend to be your last. No matter how long it takes."
She stares at you, static in surprise. Something in her chest burns and screams, and Wanda recognizes this feeling from many years ago, one that she swore she had completely undone with every goodbye she ever had to give you.
But you are here, looking at her and promising to love her for eternity, and she can't help the ghost of a recurring feeling in her chest.
She feels like the worst person when she sees Vision holding blankets outside the house, and the luckiest as well.
"My congratulations, Wanda." You whisper to her. "I wish you nothing but happiness. To both of you."
Wanda gives you a tearful smile, nodding in gratitude. You smile at her before turning your back, knowing that this will not be the last time.
You would wait for her. Another thousand years if necessary.
Part Two
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argikiya · 5 months
Bonus/Special/Extra chapters of some of my favorite books/series.
As most of my favorite series or books are getting a lot of bonus chapters but most of the time they are only available in certain special editions which is a true menace and impossible to get hands-on globally, I'm making a guide for the chapters as I've found a lot of helpful Tumblr users/readers already posted them in the internet. So I'll collect them, make a thorough list, and keep editing them if any new material is released. Feel free to comment if you want to add anything or let me know about any other series. I'm keeping the list under the cut to avoid spoilers for those who want to avoid them.
Red, White and Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston
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The henry's pov chapter from the new Red White And Royal Blue collector's edition. - set after the incidents in the book
The Folk Of The Air Trilogy - Holly Black
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The Cruel Prince Barnes & Noble exclusive short story - A Visit to the Impossible Lands
Some deleted scenes from TCP (AU)
Deleted scenes of The Wicked King from Barnes & Noble exclusive edition
Cardan's letter from Queen of Nothing -(read after finishing the series)
Deleted scene of The Queen of Nothing from Holly Black's newsletter.
Walmart exclusive The Stolen Heir chapters.
The Stolen Heir Barnes & Noble bonus content.
There are also additional Folk of The Air contents and a more detailed list - click here
Legendborn Series - Tracy Deonn
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Selwyn's pov chapter and Bloodmarked excerpt - to read after the first book
The Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater
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A Very Declan Christmas - Holiday Drabble
300 Fox way Holiday Piece - written as part of an event
A Minor Raven Boys Holiday Drabble -click here
Book #4.5 - Opal
The Secret Sanghai Universe - Chloe Gong
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This one could be a little confusing as it is a really long universe containing two separate but interconnected series. So I'm making the list according to the timeline of the book's contents are in (not based on the timeline they were published/released) which list Chloe Gong once shared in her Instagram stories and also available on her website. (Check out her list for more detailed, less-confusing blurb on the contents of each bonus content and their timeline)
A RomaJuliette Christmas Special
The Benedikt & Marshall bonus - Barnes & Noble Exclusive Our Violent Ends Edition
The semi AU romajuliette + benmars fic - click here
Roma's Letters - Barnes & Noble exclusive These Vioent Delights.
Book 1 - These Violent Delights (Post TVD contents ↓)
5. Roma Gets a New Mug
Book 2 - Our Violent Ends
6. The Priest and The Shepherd (Set before Foul Lady Fortune but better if read after reading FLF)
Book 3 - Foul Lady Fortune
Book 3.5 - Last Violent Call
Book 4 - Foul Hearts Huntsman (Post FHH content ↓)
7. In True Delights - The Epilogue of all epilogues
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Once Upon A Broken Heart - Stephanie Garber
The three different special edition epilogues
The first epilogue
The second epilogue
The third Epilogue
All pic credit @pinterest
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rosedforbes · 11 months
PLEASE DON'T CREATE DRAMA UNDER THE COMMENTS OR UNDER THE REPOST. if you don't agree, just block me. ( these photos are from my editing acc on tiktok bc I'm too lazy to rewrite all of the things). ALSO! there are some things that I already said in my recent post but well yk it's won't hurt anyone if I add them again. last but not least, some of these are inspired by @margueritetheduchess05 's post I re-blogged yesterday. sorry for bad English but it's not my native language <3
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if you agree please lemme know! and if you don't, well idc just scroll and ignore or just block. have a good day :)
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ashleebooksblog · 3 months
In the book I'm writing on Wattpad about The Vampire Diaries, I'm writing fanfiction not only because I really love the show but because I want to give the characters who were mistreated better treatment.
For example, Bonnie.
When I first found out that Kat Graham was denied the right to wear her natural hair on the show, my heart broke for her. She was forced to wear those ugly ass wigs that ended up damaging her real hair, and that got me so mad because her hair is so beautiful. And they didn't even have her wear bonnets to bed like come on 🙄
Also, where was Bonnie during the Mikaelson Ball? Why wasn't she there? I'll tell you why. Because the writers refused to allow her to dress up like the other female characters. Having Bonnie at the Mikaelson Ball made more sense plot wise because of her ancestor's relationship with the Mikaelsons, but I'm gonna talk about that another time. The writers had Bonnie attend school dances instead to hide their dislike toward her and the actress.
And don't get me started on Bonnie's pathetic love interests. That guy she flirted with early season two died right in front of her. Jeremy cheated on her. She made flirtatious eye contact with Kol, but that lasted like five seconds, and the two never interacted again. And while she had Enzo, he was taken from her so soon.
You better believe that Bonnie's gonna have an EPIC ROMANCE in my book. SHE'S GONNA ATTEND ALL THE DANCES AND ALL THE PARTIES. SHE'S GONNA HAVE THE HAIRSTYLES SHE SHOULD HAVE HAD. And the Bennett family is gonna have A LOT more importance in my book because, in my opinion, there wouldn't even be a TVDU without the Bennett witches.
Another example, Caroline.
And how can I forget Finn? Listen I'm gonna forget the shit he pulled in TO cause I don't consider that show canon. TVD stopped making sense in the later episodes of season four. I understand Finn. I understand why he sided with his mom. Should he have attempted to kill his siblings? No. But I get it. His younger brother locked him in a coffin for nine hundred years and forgot about him. He became a VAMPIRE and was forced to feed on people to survive. And lots of fans like to leave him out of Mikaelson Family Edits so I get his anger and frustration.
I get it.
Okay, I'm done ranting. I have class in thirty seconds, um, go read my book it's really good. I'm updating again really soon.
See you next time 🥰
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jnnnferlawrence · 3 months
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians – [s01e01]
Hello everyone! This is my first ever gif set that I made as well as my first time colouring too! Please don't be too harsh! 😃
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lovelyandproblematic · 6 months
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tvdu drunk texts from last night!
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galvanizedfriend · 2 months
Hi Yokan 👋
I have questions
First question - how’re you doing? Hope life hasn’t been too stressful for you!
Second question - have you been reading anything that has really resonated with you in the last couple of weeks/months.
Third (and most weird) question - if you could choose a superpower what would you choose? (Dumb question I know😂)
Fourth question - most proud moment in your writing career.
And final question - how’s writing going with the Wolf? Hope you’ve not struggled too much in starting it!
hope your doing okay! ❤️
Hi, friend! How's it going?
Can I just say, it's so lovely to get all these questions! ✨ I love this so much, thank you! 💝
First: I'm ok! Work is always stressful these days, I don't think it's going to give me a break until at least September. 😂 But it's not the worst right now. Tomorrow is my birthday and I just the best piece of chocolate cake humanity has to offer, so I'm cool right now. 😇 Just wish tomorrow wasn't Monday. 🥲
Second: I have read 7 books this year so far, but nothing that's stood out as being great, sadly. :( Still haven't had a 5 stars. I finished a thriller called None of This is True by Lisa Jewell which was pretty good, if you're into thrillers. 4 stars, maybe.
In terms of fanfiction, I've have been reading random pieces of non-Kc fic, as per usual 😂 But I have also read The Little Wolf by @morningstargirl666, which is absolutely fantastic, if you haven't read it yet. It's a retelling of the show's canon about the Original family and how they were turned into vampires, with special focus on Klaus' werewolf heritage, and it's so, so, so good! And so much better than canon! It actually gives depth to the siblings' relationships, and it has so many little nods to what we know of them in the future. Beautifully woven! I have also read Till I Tasted You by @kirythestitchwitch, which is a canon divergent AU where a spell goes wrong and Caroline ends up finding out Klaus is her soulmate. It's hot, it has absolutely nom-nom-able dialogues and A+++ interactions between KC, it features Damon getting his ass kicked! I don't know, it's just the whole package. 🤌
Third: This would be a very weird question if I hadn't spent an irrational amount of time thinking about that. 😂 I guess it really depends on what kind of universe you mean, because it varies. But I would very much like to have telekinesis like Prue in Charmed.
Fourth: That's a tough one. I'm an extremely critical person of my own writing, so it's hard for me to feel proud of stuff I've done tbh. 😂 But I think I was pretty proud when I finished The Wolf 2. It's not my personal favorite thing I've ever written, but I think it's probably my best written story. I really like the final part of that story, the way I managed to tie it back to TVD, I think it was very full circle and made the story a lot more unique. I also had a lot of fun writing the Mikaelsons and Caroline back in Mystic Falls after the time they spent in Nola. 😂 So maybe that.
Final: It's... going. 🥲 I took a pause after writing two chapters back to back, tried to work on some other stuff, and then I circled back to it. I've actually just started the next chapter, have a couple of scenes. I don't think this first chapter will be a long one, but I think it will take a lot of editing tbh. 😂 I haven't been at most inspired right now, so not sure how much of what I've written will stand the test of a re-read. I had plans to get a chapter out before the end of the month, but I'm not sure I'll manage it. 🥲 We'll see how this week goes. Pray for me.
Thanks for the questions, friend! I hope you have a wonderful week! ✨
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stars-and-darkness · 1 month
20 questions for fic writers!
many many thanks to @garglyswoof for tagging m
How many works do you have on ao3? 63. i need to calm down.
What's your total ao3 word count? 747 502. i need to calm down.
What fandoms do you write for? the vampire diaries, shadow & bone, avatar: the last airbender, star wars, marvel. also, that one suez canal x ever given fic, and that one goncharov fic.
Top five fics by kudos: A Queen's Gamble (you know it's an old one if the title is capitalised lmao), make them bow., the fate makes for a lousy poet., where the heart moves the stones, nyctophilia.
Do you respond to comments? i try. i am not very good at it, but every now and then i sit down, crack my knuckles, and go about emptying my poor inbox.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? the end. is like ... the only fic i ever wrote that ended unhappily.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? see above, lol, literally everything else. i'm a wuss.
Do you get hate on fics? i mean ... not really? i would mostly classify the rude things i got as entitlement rather than hate. the impression i usually got was that those people liked my writing style, or the plot, or characterisation, or whatever--there was just one thing or several that they wanted to happen differently, and they felt the need to tell me that.
Do you write smut? looooooo, no, my ace ass would probably spontaneously combust.
Craziest crossover: i don't suppose i've ever written an actual crossover, but today i put dracula-the-historical-figure into the vampire diaries universe, so ....
Have you ever had a fic stolen? ... maybe? okay, strap yourselves: a few years ago someone asked if they could translate a fic of mine into spanish and post it on wattpad, and i said yes. (THIS is one of the reasons why i don't allow translations anywhere but ao3 anymore). they did, and they sent me the link. i linked the translation to my fic, the usual. then, a lot later, i actually went to check their post, and i realised that i wasn't credited though the person said they would. yaaaaay.
Have you ever had a fic translated? well, other than the fiasco up there, the incredible @winterandmistletoe, who made the edit that graces the beginning of make them bow., has two chapters of the russian translation of that fic up on ao3. there's also been an offer to translate The Manifesto of a Last Love into russian, but that one hasn't been posted yet.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? i have not! and honestly, i don't think i'd be very good at it. i'm a bit of a tyrant, so in an effort NOT to be perceived as such i'd probably be super lenient of whatever the other people came up with even if i didn't necessarily like it. i'm pretty particular in my tastes, and one of the things i love about writing fic is that i have nobody but myself to answer to.
All time favorite ship? ehhhhh, nooo, i can't choose between my children!
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? considering that tvd has had me in its claws for two years now, it feels unlikely i'll ever go back to my wips in other fandoms. you never know of course, but it feels that way. i mean. those unfinished wips don't exactly haunt me, but sometimes i remember them and feel awful about it, lmao.
What are your writing strengths? i'm told i do dialogue and humour well!
What are your writing weaknesses? ughhhhh probably action? it's so hard. oh! and my tendency to describe how a character's eyes look in every other sentence.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? SO fun fact that dracula fic that i posted today? the one where half the dialogue is in french? i had originally written it all IN FRENCH, and then decided to take mercy on my readers and just put the english translation into italics. yeah. anyway, rule of thumb, ig: if the pov character understands what's being said, then english in italics (or if it's just a sentence or two the spoken language with a footnote). if they can hear individual words, then the language that's being spoken, without translation. if they hear only gibberish--maybe they're super unfamiliar with the language, maybe it's being spoken very fast or with an accent--then just 'character x says something in z'.
First fandom you wrote in? marvel, for my own peace of mind. star wars is the first one i actually posted for.
Favorite fic you've written? again, you can't ask me to pick between my children.
tagging: @morningstargirl666 @kirythestitchwitch @helpless-in-sleep @marxandangels @purplesigebert @darkestgrays @averseunhinged
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I have no irl friends or mutuals who are Kai Stans so I figured I’d send you an ask about it because you’re my fave Kai account. I just rewatched that episode after the merge where Kai tried to kill Liv with that candle and couldn’t bring himself to do it and I have never felt so emotionally conflicted in my life. Like on one hand, bad Kai don’t murder people. But on the other hand, he looked so genuinely upset to be wrestling with his conflicting emotions and I just wanted to hug him
Okay, first of all, I'm honored to be your fave. I feel like I say this a lot, but I'm absolutely melting!🩷Hearing that people enjoy the things I write always makes me smile, and I think about those kinds of comments on the daily. Second, I rarely answer asks this quickly; I usually write out a response over a few days and edit it over a few more, but this got me so freaking excited because I JUST watched that episode and had the same feelies you're describing. Third, I will gladly be a mutual with you, whether you want to stay on anon or not! (I am so shy and weird irl, but I love talking to people on here, especially fellow Kai stans!!) (I don't talk to anyone irl about Kai, not even my mom who's watching tvd, bc I just KNOW she's gonna be like... you like this guy? 🤨 and i'll be awkwardly trying to defend him like he's not the love of my life. also, i love my mom and we're super close, but every time she watches an episode, she needs to remind me how much she loves matt donovan 😵‍💫)
But back to the point, yes, I literally watched that same episode / scene last night! And ugh, it gives me so many different feelings, too.
We really got to see the internal struggle he was having in that moment. Earlier, he had mentioned he was writing to Jo, and that he was crying, but in this scene, we actually got to see the emotions he may have been feeling while writing it. He was already exhausted and overwhelmed from trying to astral project into 1994 to help Bonnie, which is another huge display of emotion, and now he's facing his innate need to protect himself verses a whole new slew of feelings he doesn't understand.
On top of that, I don't think he actually wanted any of his siblings dead. I think he was just so void of emotion from all his trauma and abuse that he came to believe the only way to survive was if they were to die. He is, and always will be a sociopath; there's no way to unwire his brain, but Luke's emotions gave him all these feelings he hasn't felt in decades. Part of not wanting to kill Liv was definitely Luke preventing him, but I think part of it, too, was his own feelings.
Just thinking about it… sociopathy develops around the ages of 14-16; Kai is technically 40 years old. He was completely isolated for so long, and then thrust into this loud, complicated, modern world that he doesn't understand. He still has to fight to survive; his family still hates him 18 years later. When he finally accomplishes his "task" - to survive, his family hates him even more, and, since survival equals the merge, he now has feelings to battle on top of all these other new struggles.
Then in that scene, he's trying to make up for the hurt he put his sister (Jo) through, and then Bonnie. He offers empathy to Jeremy, helping him reach Bonnie even after Liv stabs him. He's a bit puzzled on what he should feel for Liv. At the moment, she's just in his way of accomplishing these other "tasks," but Luke won't let him hurt her, and he's fighting with himself about it. And that's a lot. Luke is overwhelming him; his own emotions are overwhelming him.
He needs a hug. And a nap. Both. Personally, I wanted to jump through the screen and give him a hug, then let him fall asleep while I held him and promised to keep him safe.
He's just begging for some kind of security throughout the season. He looks to Bonnie and Damon for it, hoping the three of them can escape the prison world together; hoping he can trust them; that they won't leave him there any longer. He looks for it by merging, knowing if he wins, he secures his spot in the coven; he can't be killed. He tries to make amends with Damon, helping him find his mom, and Bonnie, trying to apologize. Even Jo; he feels sick and he goes to his sister, who's a doctor, because she knows her trade; she can help him; provide him with some clue of what's going on, because he doesn't understand. He doesn't want to be left behind on his own again. He wants someone to trust him, and trust that he's trying to be better. But that's exactly what happens when he's trapped in 1903, and then, of course, he snaps again, because he realizes no one is going to change their minds about him, and no one is going to offer the basic human needs he so desperately has wanted for decades.
If someone just gave him a freaking hug and a second chance, things would've went a lot differently for everyone involved.
It's their own fault, honestly, that the season ended the way it did, (speaking, of course, as if the writers were not writing, and that the characters chose the course of the story). Kai, I believe, is extremely intelligent, and knew exactly how to hurt every single person who directly or indirectly hurt him. He found a little bit of security in Lily Salvatore - all he really wanted - and with that little boost of confidence from the wrong person, was able to deliver absolute chaos and destruction where he deemed necessary.
But now, on a completely unrelated note, I also have three random things to say about this scene. Given the chance to talk about it, I feel I must. One, I find it absolutely hilarious how Kai and Liv throw silverware at each other almost every time they fight. The camera pans to a fork or a knife, and suddenly, it's in the other's neck. Makes me wonder how family dinners went in that household. 😅 Two, when he was pouring alcohol on her, all I could think was damn, he's just gonna set that whole mansion on fire and everyone in it. That huge, expensive, historic, mansion, just to burn one girl. Three, I also couldn't stop looking at that sadistic smile. How happy he seemed to get over the "prospect of getting to watch someone burn to death," right before he couldn't bring himself to do it. His dark eyes do something to me. And the fact that he was already covered in his own sweat and tears from, again, over-exhaustion, just had me watching with absolute heart eyes. Maybe I should go to therapy.
But yes, I feel the conflicting emotions. I really wanted him to not kill her, because I didn't want him to prove them all right. I really wanted him to be redeemed because he deserved it so much. But at the same time….. he just looked so hot doing it.
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